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No. 1984807
>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this /ot/ gender ideology general thread:
>>>/ot/1941872This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**
Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1972401>>>/snow/1956070>>>/snow/1941555>>>/snow/1929301>>>/snow/1914147 >>>/snow/1897269>>>/snow/1879653>>>/snow/1856992>>>/snow/1840484>>>/snow/1827733>>>/snow/1813705>>>/snow/1799203>>>/snow/1794365>>>/snow/1769272>>>/snow/1742308>>>/snow/1718961>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1984823
File: 1712893532147.png (148.74 KB, 1080x547, 1000008974.png)

is there truly anything more TIF than coming out at your grandpa's funeral?
No. 1984901
>>1984773She looks absolutely dead inside. There's no chance she believes she's a man, she's doing this for the attention and as a socially acceptable means of self harm. Can't get taken seriously by society as an anorexic middle-class white girl after all.
>>1984823Not even the tabloids use her new pronouns kek.
No. 1984914
>>1984904I think is a nlog thing.
Butterflies, fireflies, ladybugs = girly
Scarabs, ants, mantis, etc = boyish therefore if I like those I have boyish tastes and I'm definitely a boy!!1
No. 1984928
>>1984545(unsaged bc op post is on previous thread)
>"as an Asian person at 168cm i'm taller than most cis men in my third world country" feels like she's doing nothing but brag about her privilegeHowever this is more or less a genetic thing; not about money or wealth or status, height is partially genetic and partially environmental. The body grows in different ways for each individual, provided malnourishment is not present during developmental stages.
Nona, how does this even sound like flaunting privilege? Teach me
No. 1984947
>>1984904It's an nlog thing where they buy so hard into misogynistic stereotypes that they try acting like some weird retarded view of a little boy to try and look masculine
and only end up more obviously female. So yes, TIF typical autism.
No. 1985081
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>>1985011This. There was even a commercial in Tumblr that shows a girl being told to not being interested in boy stuff (astronomy, animals, etc) to suddenly show her in HS and more interested in "girly stuff" (make up). The commercial was aimed so more girls or women can be interested in STEM.
Granted, kids do change their interests and all, but ironically the same commercial rather than tell her "stop liking boyish stuff", would have told her "oh he's an egg".
No. 1985090
>>1984807Kek great choice of thread pic OP, well done
>>1984823Genuinely don't know enough about him to comment but isn't Affleck fairly well liked among TIFs? I wonder what he thinks of this
No. 1985393
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Of course the white racefaking TIF named herself after an anime character serial killer. I'm just surprised she hasn't tried to give herself a name to match one of the ethnicities she falsely claims to be, or even keep her original "Sarah" to play into the Jewish LARP. Not to mention she could easier play into the MTF LARP by saying that Sarah is what she legally changed her name to or something. Of course she hasn't the brain cells to think any of these things through, though.
No. 1985435
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>>1984904I think ground zero for this started with the Animal Crossing frog chair or it's like the Ikea shark thing with troons.
No. 1985454
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No. 1985521
kek why is one of the get ready with me steps putting on hormone gel. the way in which they insert their troonery into everything still continues to amaze me.
>>1985454kek, is this person implying that the disclaimers and negative side effects of hormones are lies created by evil doctors?
No. 1985527
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imagine taking steroids for 4 months hoping to change your appearance but the only thing that happens is your skin gets inflamed and you develop painful cystic acne everywhere.
No. 1985603
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The porno tif showed up on my explore. The forced expression and voice throughout the whole thing kek
No. 1985626
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anyone know about this artist? she was hired by new blood to draw normal art for the games, and her art is technically very good, but she's obsessed with drawing hideous tranny porn. i can only imagine how much new blood regrets hiring her bc she draws so much cringe porn not only of her fandoms but of the games themselves. but they're probably too pussy to fire her for being unprofessional because twansphobia
No. 1985628
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>>1985626drawing porn of and also transifying characters from new blood games despite not being a dev lol
No. 1985677
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I wonder why
No. 1985684
>>1985677Mezzo piano is a pastel kei fashion brand, no moid would wear that unless it's one of those art hoe ones that seem to be exclusive to Japanese fashion circles. I sometimes wonder what the fuck makes these retards think they're male because their interests, fashion sense, and general aesthetic taste are the furthest from what one would consider typically male.
I mean, it's obvious that they don't want to be referred to as female, but it's still so… Not self aware. Just like those Asian tifs who call themselves male names and cry and throw up about being referred to as male but then post pictures of themselves and turn out to be lolita fashion-obsessed, long-haired little girls with no masculine features at all. Internalised misogyny is rotting their brains real time.
No. 1985691
>>1985603I just feel bad for her because she’s clearly a
victim surrounding herself with enablers desu.
No. 1985726
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She's really trying to make puberty blockers look appealing to kids. This bitch knows that every girl hate periods (especially when they just began getting it) and decided to use 'no periods yayy' to lure them in, while claiming blockers are some magical potion shit that's 'temporary' and can be reversed anytime.
No. 1985788
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>>1985626>who doesn't need transitionMore like "who doesn't want to detrans in the future".
(sage your shit) No. 1985905
Here is a TIF that's mildly popular in the Persona community. Her face pisses me off. She's from the San Diego area and goes to a lot of conventions in SoCal.
No. 1985914
>>1985910A lot of bitches are super racist here, most were 4chan users before coming here.
Frankly I'm tired
(bait) No. 1985953
>>1985950Maybe reading this will help a little bit.
>>1972952She's not a troll or anything. She genuinely believes she's a TIM because she has PCOS or whatever. She claims to be schizophrenic many times on her page, which may honestly check out.
No. 1986044
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No. 1986102
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No. 1986131
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Some furry tif got caught in a monkey torture telegram
No. 1986138
>>1986131It's almost always the furry tifs doing the most degenerate shit ever. Wasn't there also a furry tif who was arrested for cp mentioned in the previous thread? Maybe, doing stuff like this or being into it plays a part in these retards thinking that they're moids because… Well, we all know how moids are and how often they commit crimes, but being a terrible person wouldn't make these women grow dick and balls. They're still women, just delusional and disgusting.
>>1986133The fact that there's cows behind her and she enjoys watching animal abuse is disturbing. I hope those poor cows are safe.
No. 1986196
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>>1986131>monkey torture telegramAnd furries claim to "love animals." They don't give a rat's ass about animals, they just get off on Sonic porn and mascot costumes.
No. 1986210
>>1986131i remember some lady in the south (usa) went to prison for distributing horrific monkey abuse tapes. sadly that is not just a moid hobby
>>1986132>>1986138the monkey stuff seems to be a proxy for children. they aren't into general animal abuse but monkeys specifically because they resemble human babies/children. extremely dark
No. 1986437
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>>1986131She tried defending herself lol
No. 1986451
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>says she is 'NPD, BPD, schizoaffective, alcoholic'
>has a nsfw account
>still a preschool teacher
Coming across her just made me want to homeschool my future kids and I don't even want any fucking kids.
No. 1986462
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>>1986451>kittyy777 regressionAnd she's a 26yo woman…
No. 1986604
>>1986568>Even if your ridiculous statement that our grandmothers are getting to monkey torture videos was true There have been many caught though. One had a playlist filled with distressed babies too.
> it still wouldn't come close to the amount of harm males are doing and have done through out historyI mean yeah no shit. But acknowledging some women do awful stuff doesn't mean we're equating them to men.
(derailing) No. 1986615
>>1986577We're super off topic at this point, but people in Anglophone countries really don't have to deal with pests and sanitation issues as much as those in developing nations. I can see why women, who already have a much lower threshold for feeling disgust, might sometimes develop a pathological hatred of animals they consider vermin. Not to mention that people living in urban areas don't have to see the unsavory process of butchering animals for meat, whereas people in rural areas are desensitized to it. So if you deal with more vermin on a regular basis in addition to being desensitized to violence against animals
and you're slightly psychopathic, I cam see why you might get sucked into horrible shit like the monkey abuse community. I'm glad they arrested some of the scumfucks responsible.
No. 1986616
File: 1713458695767.png (149.48 KB, 389x660, trueandme1.png)

Here's a webtoon called "True And Me", made by a TIF.
>Did you ever wonder what would happen if your True Self jumped right out of the mirror and got mixed up in your life? I sure did and this comic is what came of it! Oh also it’s a trans story, please enjoy! <3I guess it's some kind of biography/self-insert story. In a Q&A episode she said that other characters in the comic are depictions of her IRL friends (a woman, a man and another tif iirc)
in the latest episode she got a titchop (breast reduction actually because a proper titchop is unavailable to her for some reason) and had a reasonable thought shine through. No. 1986629
File: 1713461932298.png (620 KB, 1040x902, those hips don't lie.PNG)

>>1986619Even her true self has child birthing hips. The irony.
No. 1986635
man is when t shirt and cargo pants
No. 1986650
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>>1986568>I'm starting to believe that this monkey torture thing is an anti female conspiracyHow is acknowledging that there's also awful women in this world an anti female conspiracy? I swear people like you are so tiring and make us look schizo. There's nothing moids don't use an excuse, they love to cope and blame others for everything they do, doesn't mean we need to close our eyes and avoid discussing these issues because they supposedly use it as one of their excuses. Delusion is a realm moids live in because they're fucking pathetic, but women know the reality. I'd love to live in an perfect world with perfect people too, but unfortunately we don't, and there is women who harm people, women who harm animals and women who harm other women. They don't exist in the same amount as moids, but they do exist. And rather than feeling targeted by things we aren't even guilty of just because someone who does it has the same body parts as us, I'd rather we discuss it like, you know, how mature adults do. Because when we say we support women, we don't include the tiny minority of monsters but the majority of us who still struggle with basic human rights in a world 'crafted' (ruined actually) by men.
>>1986617Kek she either saw mario or pringles logo and said 'yep, I want to be that'
No. 1986683
File: 1713480110668.jpeg (Spoiler Image,797.1 KB, 1514x2048, body horror.jpeg)

spoiler for extreme self harm(I'm serious, be warned) but I found this tif on twitter with some of the worst scars I've seen, her entire profile is filled to the brim with her mutilating her own body. No. 1986687
File: 1713480343944.jpeg (Spoiler Image,860.09 KB, 1415x2048, another one.jpeg)

>>1986683Some of the open wounds she has shown are so deep I'm intrigued as to how she deals with them, if she's constantly going to the doctor to get stitches how and why are they letting her go? Wouldn't they put her at some type of ward?
No. 1986754
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>>1986683>>1986687Jfc is Wade Wilson her transition goal?
No. 1986768
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>>1986683>>1986687I can't imagine the day she has chest removal and rather than take care of the scars, she makes them worse.
No. 1986801
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>>1986795Considering how many photos of her arms and legs are there, I bet she would post her chest scars, given the chance too. And I bet she wouldn't let them heal properly so it can be more noticeable.
This is why TRAs shouldn't ask for free/more accessible gender reaffirmation surgeries. People like OP isn't fit for one.
No. 1986806
File: 1713506298855.jpg (209.92 KB, 529x834, LIvHewson.jpg)

Picrel, trans joy my ass. Becoming a new pet peeve that I just see gendie shit pop up in random places when I'm trying to avoid it.
>>1986683Can any of this even be called healed? I have no doubt she
purposefully reopens them too
No. 1986832
>>1986683Her scars look so odd. Is the darkness and texture due to rubbing them while they heal and they’ve become calloused or something? Not to be too gross or OT but they don’t resemble other SH scars I’ve seen
or done to myself. Even coldnessinmyheart didn’t have those dark scars
No. 1986869
File: 1713529734726.jpg (201.2 KB, 1310x1638, GFrKb_IWwAAO6_r.jpg)

These people are so desperate to be bullied. I can't think of any other reason to post a picture like this. It's like going out of your way and manufacturing disgust and hate towards yourself. Same with the smug vides where they act like a cartoon character. They know is envokes hate in people because it's fucking uncanny and it makes them feel good.
No. 1986875
>>1986869If modern western society has a problem it's
too little shame. Seriously, we need to get over the notion that an individual's choice is always legit and deserving of acceptance, especially if it's some weird sex shit ppl feel the need to flaunt publicly.
No. 1986894
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No. 1986899
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No. 1986901
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No. 1986944
>>1986901just how?
I get that you have to be deeply disturbed to take hormones but how do you wake up at 60 thinking that you don't like being a woman anymore? It's not gonna give you a second life and most likely at that age is dangerous, just why?
No. 1986949
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>>1986806Considering the coloring and the texture, it won't heal like having a smooth and clean skin. And I wouldn't be surprised if she relapses every time.
>>1986805Gotcha, but I bet they would post her chest scars and destroy them.
No. 1987006
>>1986869jesse singal described the modern tranny as nothing more than a "deeply unwell exhibitionist" and i have to agree
>>1986901why did this make me tear up? this old woman needs family or friends in her life. jesus
No. 1987014
>>1986952No, imo theyre obviously very badly healed but they are largely healed, the pictures are filtered/cooled to make the colour more intense and purple. She definitely fucks with them (you can see evidence of pulled sutures around some
i cant imagine how technically difficult it would be to suture her, the skin looks so friable), but also this is just how you start healing when your skin has been scarred and scarred again.
It probably does restrict her movement the way severe burns do. I'd bet there's no significant nerve damage though. She'd need grafts to get any sort of semblance of normal skin texture, but it's not like they could take grafts from her. Seriously insane level of disfigurement, it's hard enough to try to grow up and larp as a normie when you have visible self harm scars within the "norrmal" range, she will never be able to live normally in society with this level of mutilation. Really sad
No. 1987023
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The comments are what you would expect. They’re cannibalizing her lmao No. 1987028
i've once accidentally cut myself down to fascia and it's hard to explain but it kind of feels like there was a string under my scar/skin attached to the ends of the scar, like a bit too tight elastic band sewn on a fabric or something that keeps pulling the fabric? it's gotten better with time, but stretching the skin/limb used to be very painful because the scar kept pulling so it was hard to move, i can't imagine how her skin feels like since it's filled with deep scars.
No. 1987032
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>>1986683She just posted this
No. 1987034
>>1986832it's also a temperature thing, especially if it's very cold scars can turn into a darker violet. And, like nonna
>>1986839 wrote, she probably filters her pictures. Still, probably the worst sh scars I've seen so far and I've seen way too many.
No. 1987148
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No. 1987170
File: 1713577195184.jpg (Spoiler Image,705.12 KB, 1080x3780, Hmm.jpg)

>>1987142Looked on her tl because I was morbidly curious and sadly her captions do seem like attention like haha look I cut down to the muscle and it got infected, clean your tools kids! Then cries that people are telling her to stop posting in case she's promoting sh. I hope she got the help she needs regardless, Shitter shows weirdly for me cos I'm on browser and not logged in but it seems the worst of it was last year. She better not get accepted for top surgery after this. Picrel NSFL.
No. 1987184
>>1986869>unlearning shameYou already don't have it if you're walking around looking like this.
>>1986901Honestly, I feel bad for her. Loneliness in old people isn't something uncommon, it's part of the reason why they're vulnerable to cults or suddenly become a lot more religious than they ever used to be just to have someone to talk to. Rabid troons going 'yass king, you're
valid' in her comments probably makes her feel less alone, but unfortunately at the cost of both her mental and physical health. T can also be addicting at this age, it's almost like drugs to them.
>>1987056>stealing a lollypop from a babyOh no a poor wittle babie who photoshops her scars to post online.
No. 1987345
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>>1987184>Oh no a poor wittle babie who photoshops her scars to post you not know what metaphors are.
>>1987062>>1987069shut up you righteous retards. you are not fighting the good fight, you are dunking on the easiest target on this planet. this is some severely mentally ill girl and saying she should just go and off herself or making fun of her suicidal posts isn't some damn public service for anyone. it's pathetically easy and lazy and acting as if you are doing anything special is like acting like you are a criminal mastermind for taking a candy from a baby.
(infighting) No. 1987391
>>1987349Isn't all self harm a cry for help? Aka attention whoring.
I hate to be an empathy retard but if a woman with severe issues feels like the only possible way to ask for help is to do this to her body I can't help but feel bad, the fact that there are people here wishing her death is crazy to me, in all definitions of the words you are a bad person.
No. 1987424
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>>1987345this has nothing to do with ftms or anything related to the topic, shut up already
No. 1987523
File: 1713692622070.jpg (444.46 KB, 1080x1780, IMG_20240421_123904.jpg)

I can't with this bitch she is so retarded, she almost needs her own thread
Imagine spending every second of your life thinking about most unimportant and insignificant shir ever
No. 1987528
File: 1713694144345.jpg (16.81 KB, 642x312, Male-Pattern-Baldness.jpg)

>>1987523>I have a more masculine hairline So picrel, right?
No. 1987545
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No. 1987550
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Some very funny seething from a tif about her ~totally awesome and so real~ phalloplasty
No. 1987558
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>>1987557dropped pic
Point is taking a closer look, even i can't refute the 'stereotypes' for reasons to troon and things. why does this hit a nerve
No. 1987563
>>1987561You know that will never happen, freaky experiments are only done in order to help men have the things they lack that women have, only other tranny scientists would try to figure out how to harvest dicks and balls, but trannies are too busy being corrupt and getting easy validation on discord and Twitter so they don't even try to learn about their bodies and how to modify them without horrid results.
I really doubt this whole thing will last long enough for scientists to actually experiment with dead moids, they will first do anything in their power to try and make a moid give birth first before giving a woman a functional punishment that doesn't look like a stitched up slug covered in filth.
No. 1987565
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Just lovin it…
No. 1987599
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>>1987523she's coping so hard kekkk. I can't wait for her to finally realize what she's done to her body
I'm still salty OP didn't make picrel a threadpic. we all voted for it!! STOP THE COUNT!!!!
No. 1987673
>>1987523>receding hairlineYeah you’re not bald,
No. 1987706
File: 1713738258034.mp4 (16.52 MB, 558x832, Download.mp4)

checking in on a personal cow of mine who i've posted about before but her situation continues to stagnate
>in her late 30s
>white but claims to be native american
>claims to have schizophrenia and DID
>claims to have been sexually abused by her mother, gave a lot of gross detail but it could be like PT claiming her parents molested her with no real evidence
>obsessed with claiming she's a victim of bigotry toward native americans
>"#Mikmaq #TwoSpirit. Negmow/They. Just another homeless L'nu #EmpowertheMarginalized #IndigenousSovereignty"
she's been like this for over a decade. i have to wonder how difficult your life is when you're posting on tiktok asking about water bottles
No. 1987760
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>posting this as a TiF that only has sex with men
No. 1987796
>>1987545Entitled and addicted. No compassion for anyone else, just "me, me me, give MY drugs to ME".
This is just an example of how addicts brains work, they center their life around their drug use, they'll even openly admit nothing and no one else matters to them "I literally do not care if people abuse that system", and they cannot think long-term or see consequences. Not for a second did this person stop to think maybe, just maybe, those drugs aren't coming from an infinite source - that even if they wanted to provide it to everyone in copious amounts that's not even physically possible. They fail to see that those regulations were put in place after people saw the negative impacts drugs had on people like them and how it poisons society at large so everyone suffers. Testosterone is a powerful drug and these girls are addicts.
No. 1987807
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>>1987550Is she a fucking homestuck troll? my fucking sides
No. 1987860
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Ftm I knew of through a mutual friend from years ago. Recently checked up on her to see she became the poster girl of the negative effects of T. She's constantly posting things like "Trans > Cis". Now she walks around with a walker and is just an extremely ugly tiny 30 y/o specimen. Chipped/missing teeth, fat, self harm scars, balding egg head. How euphoric.
No. 1987861
File: 1713789213661.jpg (80.98 KB, 960x1280, 1658285_10202587979915715_6292…)

>>1987860How she looked only 10 years ago. Many ftms are headed for this fate.
No. 1987863
File: 1713789779853.jpg (77.65 KB, 675x1200, ui67uydqycn71.jpg)

>>1987860KEK oh my goodness the tiny hands and goblin expression.
No. 1987872
>>1987550>babydoll there were SCADS of cis gay men biting their lower lips at my phalloplasty cock at the nude beach. One did an honest-to-god double take complete with a jaw drop.Of course, you terfs are going to call this story 'fake' but I can confirm that this indeed took place. I was a crab at that nude beach and saw it happen with my own two eyes that are 5 inches apart because nature just wanted to fuck it up. SCADS of gay men, and yes gay men because bi men are electrocuted outside the beach and straight men are damned to hell before they could even think of entering it, bit their lower lips at the sight like they were holding back a scream after getting kicked in the balls. They were madly in love with the flabby discoloured wart between her legs as her titchop scars glistened in the sun, her pubestach smelled like fresh strawberries and they wondered what shampoo she used, jokes on them she doesn't even bath. They had never seen a girl so not like the other girls before and they couldn't take their eyes off her, she was out there living that wattpad life while the bunch of you, evil fucking terfs, just sat at home with perfect health making fun of her posts because you're jealous. As for that jaw drop guy, he's bob the ex-builder as he's now unemployed. I know this fella. That nude beach is his natural habitat and his jaw is dislocated, so this jaw drop thing was an accident but I'm sure he, too, was in love with this brave and stunning individual.
No. 1987876
File: 1713791043850.png (597.41 KB, 828x477, flatten;scale_webp=auto;jpeg_q…)

>>1987807kek anon i thought so too, was waiting to see the word "chucklefuck"
>>1987860looks like picrel
No. 1987894
Gimme a tif that age like milk in around 4-5 years on T.
No. 1987897
>>1987800Then what's the point of the label keep out of reach from women and children etc like this? Tgels are known to have adversely unwanted effects on women and children, therefore it can be a danger in the metaphorical sense.
No woman want to be a tif unless turn out they are, and due to this testosterone from Tgels should be out of reach from all otherwise women. It's therefore unfair and dangerous.
No. 1987906
>>1987800>>1987897The gel itself can transfer to other people via surfaces the user touches after applying it. The wives, children and roommates of men who use testosterone gel have been known to develop hormonal issues as a result of skin to skin contact
and just sharing a bathroom. It might be safe in controlled situations where the subjects thoroughly wash their hands and wipe down everything they touch, but let’s be honest, the type of people who use T gel generally aren’t the type to be that considerate of others.
No. 1987917
File: 1713799176002.png (81.05 KB, 1012x364, 04_22_24.png)

No. 1987949
File: 1713807426980.png (20.95 KB, 703x198, Screenshot 2024-04-21 213806.p…)

>>1987917Literally this mindset in every mtf troon and every other moid
No. 1987956

>>1987950I thought it was really funny, humor is subjective nona
>>1987861This reminds me of the concept of "femboy" death, except permanent and irreversible because at least with a degenerate moid, he can take off the skirt and wear flannel again and not look like a shrivelled troll from using these drugs. The pity I have for these women is immeasurable, and the one's preaching about testosterone are helping push the knife into these women's guts. May they find their way before it's too late. Peace cannot be found in a Frankensteined body like that.
No. 1987972
File: 1713813311664.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1162, IMG_2651.jpeg)

>>1987860she is literally the bottom left pic. tragic.
No. 1987978
>>1987771i don't feel like i should post her info since she's not particularly milky, just really cringe and sad. feel free to sleuth like
>>1987795 did though
>>1987795i think it's partly trying to cope with their hideous undesirable bodies, and partly due to conservatism being seen as extremely prudish aka bad. liberals want to be as sex-positive and in your face about it as possible, because telling people to calm the fuck down about it or hinting that "sex work" is disgusting and shouldn't exist is being a hude trad. no matter if they're on the far right or far left you can count on americans being fucking weird about sex.
No. 1988022
File: 1713823788959.mp4 (2.41 MB, 1920x1080, v.mp4)

>>1987706here is an old video of her before she started taking hormones
No. 1988080
File: 1713835966067.png (446.75 KB, 598x794, light and joy.png)

"Regrets in 5 years later".
No. 1988090
File: 1713838612523.jpeg (27.43 KB, 738x415, Transitiongoals.jpeg)

>>1987950>>1987951Honestly I found it pretty funny although a bit long, but then again, I like anons shitposting in general. I don't get why it needs to be reported though? It's neither unsaged nor derailing the thread, being unfunny to some people isn't breaking any rules.
>>1987860I can guess who gives her gender envy.
I also used to know her back in the past (unfortunately not through mutual friends but family members…) and she was insufferable even before trooning out. This retard single-handedly managed to be more misogynistic than my own grandpa, so I'm not surprised by this. In a way, I don't feel bad for her because of the bs she used spew on the daily basis. No. 1988100
File: 1713846702470.webp (242.98 KB, 720x404, url.webp)

>>1988090>I can guess who gives her gender envy.George Costanza?
No. 1988138
File: 1713867325705.jpg (380.04 KB, 1079x1843, 1000006220.jpg)

No. 1988174
File: 1713878001733.png (275.88 KB, 769x723, u21inw.png)

No. 1988184
>>1988138>Life-saving surgeryThere is no consistent, solid evidence proving that surgical interventions for gender dysphoria reduce suicidality.
>crazy betittedI hate the way Tumblr users talk sometimes. Was the doctor heckin' shook by your magnum bazonkers?
No. 1988188
File: 1713883469435.png (388.88 KB, 1280x1053, 1712721029826.png)

>>1988177I know a lot of TiF artists who go out of their way to draw the characters as female-looking as possible (and also usually fat) and just add tit scars. Or the latest trend is drawing TiF headcanons with no binder or surgery at all, just tits out, like picrel from /m/. It's basically just rule 63 with he/him pronouns. It's clearly a self-insertion thing. They're insecure about their bodies so they draw their favorite character like themselves to cope.
No. 1988201
who’s gunna tell her..
No. 1988206
File: 1713889335524.jpeg (76.27 KB, 736x736, IMG_3020.jpeg)

>>1984904Some They’re very cute. But I think it started off as “oo i’m so quirky and unconventional !” Type of thing, similar to ray or mouse girls.
Nowadays it can feel very try hard
No. 1988217
>>1988188Kek why is it always Homestuck and the Striders in particular
I hope this trend at least helps some of them accept their bodies and not medicalize
No. 1988234
File: 1713894595860.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1552, HyP4wVi.png)

No. 1988237
File: 1713894941833.png (199.56 KB, 2754x1398, average height of male…)

>>1984935It plays a big part but there is a genetic limit. Western countries are greatly skewed by large immigrant populations from shorter countries/populations, so the difference in this map is even more extreme. It's really northwestern europeans + balkans, but there are smaller populations in northern east asia and pockets of africa that have good genetic potential for height, and may have already met it but are pulled down by the rest of the population they are placed under.
(derailing) No. 1988262
>>1988201yes we can
>>1988234honestly i hope this pic just makes moids angry. i need more gay men feeling irritated at the way the other gender is moving in on their space
No. 1988317
>>1988080Damn this is sad. She can't even smile, she looks like she's scrunching her face up to stop herself from crying. I don't think you have to wait 5 years for her regret arc nonna.
>>1988138I wish they just admitted that they see surgery the same way they see tattoos and piercings. Once the trans trend dies down they'll probably get horns implanted or tattoo their eyes instead.
No. 1988373
File: 1713931832402.png (350.94 KB, 982x1136, tumblr_m80f3eKmXX1rx15geo1_128…)

>>1988174Is funnier how in the first image is more common, specially because trans artist do not want to draw a female body with the chest scars. Is always a male body with chest scars.
No. 1988386
>>1988378Its no longer a shame if its everywhere. Like the whole point of being gnc as a woman is not and trying not to be a tif in the first place?
Even i have to use fiction/art as an example:
>>1988174By now i see it as no longer just an art style criticism but a deeper explanation of a tif's psyche. The whole point is for a tif to get her body operated and edited to have a male body" even if it's not really the body of an actual male. Being a gnc woman would not garner a tif these wants and thoughts.
No. 1988389
File: 1713942140389.png (11.5 KB, 706x122, newfags.png)

>>1988388Literally took me ten seconds to google this.
No. 1988399
File: 1713946130203.jpg (160.33 KB, 1268x1356, Screen-Shot-2020-06-15-at-5.19…)

someone mentioned there should be a tif tattoo bingo and i thought it would be fun to make. feel free to edit or change stuff if you want
No. 1988472
File: 1713969387526.png (81.09 KB, 660x628, transmasc butch lesbian.png)

wtf does this even mean?
No. 1988478
>>1988472>Edward ElricEvery. Single. Time.
They obsess over male characters that are wildly popular with girls and wonder why nobody sees them as men, kek.
No. 1988483
>>1988478A male character that was also created by a
woman lololol
No. 1988518
File: 1713978517639.jpg (431.33 KB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_20240425-010627_Red…)

No. 1988549
>>1988472>sevFucking kek please tell me she named herself after snape
>>1988376It's a joke on how everything they don't like is an act of violence lmao
No. 1988569
File: 1713987861517.png (265.97 KB, 500x375, tumblr_66cea7349a9b5251970dc48…)

>>1988472a butch lesbian that wants to use he/him pronouns but wants to claim shes a tranny for whatever reason
>born 1997good god this bitch is as old as me and is still slurping the gender sauce. thats sad as fuck
No. 1988570
File: 1713988152498.mp4 (1.81 MB, 408x720, fo7nba.mp4)

I can't tell if she's a porn addict and or just severely irony poisoned
No. 1988573
File: 1713988406365.jpg (49.08 KB, 680x538, GL4dX4zbYAAWYQ0.jpg)

when t turns you obese and not into a handsome yaoi boy
No. 1988604
>>1985726Idk if anyone has posted her information yet, but her username is fuzz99 and apparently she lost her job over these videos including a tiktok of herself doing a thirst trap
bluegh. she whines about her superior being a white privileged male as if she isn't cosplaying as one and she dates women but acts like she would be considered a gay man rather than a normal lesbian. This woman was getting drug through the moid commentary channels in the past 3 months and apparently the kids in her school would shout "i'm glad you asked" at her.
No. 1988623
>>1988604>including a tiktok of herself doing a thirst trapSo not only does she (attempt to) pander to children with her retarded cocomelon-vomit style content regarding drugs, surgery, and other troon shit, she also made a fucking a thirst trap out of all things? She reminds me of discord tims trying to groom kids into trooning out.
>apparently the kids in her school would shout "i'm glad you asked" at herKek based. I'm glad they didn't take her seriously.
No. 1988631
File: 1713998519116.png (55.55 KB, 614x476, Aszabla.png)

>Wants a top surgery
>But also wants a kid
No. 1988639
File: 1714001746388.png (427.72 KB, 1000x1200, Damien.png)

>>1988373>Is always a male body with chest scars.That's a different type of cope where they have unrealistic expectations of what medical transition can actually accomplish. Picrel is a good example, the artist literally just drew a male and the writers made him female. It's the counterpart to the opposite cope, where people draw their husbandos as dumpy TiFs because husband equals attractive, therefore if he's depicted as a dumpy TiF, therefore the dumpy TiF who drew him feels attractive.
No. 1988722
>>1988570>>1988594It doesn't look like she has a big bra cup in first place if the binder doesn't look uncomfortable (sageblog but I used a sport bra to flatten my chest in martial arts and it was uncomfortable after a while of wearing it, like a normal binder would).
I really hope she keeps her chest even for the "porn reasons", a mastectomy is not worthy like
>>1988080 tells you.
No. 1988726
File: 1714021765212.png (197.85 KB, 500x840, hatecrime.png)

>>1988693It's literally this picture. No hate happened. If anything the only thing hateful was cursing us all with her awful videos and trying to groom kids into believing hrt is some magical candy.
No. 1988934
99% chance this tiktoker is dating a bland scrote
No. 1988939
>>1988934That haircut is not giving her any favors, shaving the sides of her head makes her face look super round. TIFs always have this moonfaced look to them but this one is legit worse, tho I still think she looks hot in this one.
(sage because this isn't actual milk)
No. 1988942
>>1988934When you see a weirdly confusing, intricate or contradictory nu-label I can 100% assure it's literally just a bisexual person with pronouns.
>trans masc vogue fem sapphic-aligneda bisexual girl
>Genderfluid gnc queer femme bisexual
>polyamorous kinky a-spec system thingbisexual
>Butchy queer fagdykebisexual
Even if they specify to be a particular sexuality they are functionally bisexual and will date people from both sexes
No. 1989025
File: 1714098053413.jpg (54.76 KB, 640x359, 1000015868.jpg)

>>1989016As far as I know, picrel is the only dialogue that hints at troonery. The character is voiced by a TIF too. Her twitter is J_SonLarock. She looks nothing like the "uwu pretty boy" from the game. I can tell you that.
No. 1989034
File: 1714099544801.jpeg (25.69 KB, 554x554, images (2).jpeg)

>>1989025>J_SonLarockLooked her up and found this. Now I deeply regret my actions as I can literally smell this picture through the screen…
No. 1989046
File: 1714103258726.jpg (688.55 KB, 1080x1746, 1000015883.jpg)

All I can say is…..yikes.
No. 1989049
File: 1714103689430.png (2.26 MB, 1536x1326, 1000015887.png)

Not even 30 yet and she looks older than some moids in their 40s. Testosterone is poison.
No. 1989056
>>1988936But if it was she wouldn't be able to move around would she? I don't know anything about height surgery except that manlets get it and look disproportionate as fuck
>>1989011Her voguing isn't even good. Maybe that's why she felt the need to put some #deep rambling on top kek
No. 1989097
File: 1714121617868.png (2.2 MB, 783x6851, Screenshot 2024-04-20.png)

peak clown world
No. 1989102
File: 1714123851142.png (Spoiler Image,682.37 KB, 1269x816, Untitled.png)

>>1988936You mean the Russian one? No, that's not her. That tif still can't walk yet. I like when she gets all mystical about her "higher purpose" and tries to infuse some meaning into her recovery, which would make sense if this wasn't an elective plastic surgery she chose herself. Also kek all this money and pain and she's still below the average female height.
No. 1989106
File: 1714124641482.png (1.71 MB, 1701x785, 12345678.png)

>>1989102Samefagging to add she looks completely unambiguously female on video because she can't use angles and lightning to make herself look bigger and more masculine than she actually is. I can't imagine she spends her daily life doing anything but taking pictures of herself. This is a person who is fully living a delusion, a pantomime of life.
No. 1989112
File: 1714129504404.png (360.39 KB, 876x1333, 04_26_24.png)

No. 1989115
>>1989049>>1989046>>1989034The spitting image of kingcobrajfs. So hecking
valid, doods.
No. 1989230
File: 1714157999513.jpg (1.14 MB, 1079x2512, 1000015932.jpg)

Kikomi is back at it again. Did you guys know Kikomis were real?
No. 1989245
File: 1714159757111.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1055, 1000015934.png)

>>1989240No kidding. Her Facebook with her legal name kills me because you can not only see that she was never a male, but that she is a "transracial" white girl. She has been seen on Twitter claiming to be everything from Native American to ethnically Jewish and even claiming to be Sub-Saharan African. It's hilarious watching a 22 year old play pretend with her gender and race.
No. 1989266
File: 1714163966121.jpg (18.42 KB, 540x151, tumblr_4836e4f568bc1a97f12dc7a…)

Why are they so embarrassing?
No. 1989284
File: 1714168070229.png (Spoiler Image,536.11 KB, 434x686, 111111111.png)

Probably the most extreme case of rotting frankenpenus I've ever seen (NSFL and very disgusting beware)
No. 1989285
File: 1714168207001.png (Spoiler Image,798.08 KB, 731x890, 1111111111111111111.png)

>>1989284Samefag. NSFL frankenpenus. Yikes.
No. 1989295
File: 1714169570442.gif (568.17 KB, 217x199, 5638543.gif)

>>1989285>>1989284This is just butchery and barbarism.
No. 1989311
File: 1714172720358.jpg (88.04 KB, 1199x403, 20fd3956833ca5590baf7c1d24f690…)

>>1988643This is so funny because the artist didn't even just genderbend that one TIF character, she drew all of the characters as women. No. 1989313
File: 1714173187845.gif (390.53 KB, 357x198, tumblr_n7wljaR3wO1rntub5o2_400…)

>>1989191>>1989097Yeah the Kotetsu one particularly infuriated me, too.
No. 1989363
File: 1714186069559.jpeg (530.9 KB, 1170x1940, IMG_3700.jpeg)

this reel popped up on my instagram and not a single one of the comments seem to realize this is clearly a tif, instead insist in calling “him” gay
>very neatly arranged figures and decorations
>extremely girly audio choice
>name is noah
>”teenage boy”
this is clearly a woman come on
No. 1989378
File: 1714188231352.jpg (100.29 KB, 749x562, ae24ec294d5855213fee286e1fb331…)

>>1989311The team even said "Well, think Damien can be a TIM too? Is not that hard?" to make the fans stop to send hate to Nips, but not avail.
>>1989313Kotetsu didn't even hate himself as kid, he was a kid that wanted to be a hero. Even Nathan is a quite flamboyant gay hero but no one screams he's a TIM, just a flamboyant drag queen hero.
>>1989363These TIFs never have lived with brothers and it's shows. A teenager boy would have a room like picrel, except there would be sports posters, movies posters or even car posters.
No. 1989380
>>1989378>no one screams he's a TIMNo one's that stupid. Male characters made into TIFs have nothing in common with each other, running theme is very arbitrary in this case. Ironically, Astolfo/Felix/Ruka/etc femboy characters were made into TIMs by TIMs themselves, which it is in turn transphobic because
>These TIFs never have lived with brothers and it's shows.Even the ones that does still have the telltale signs.
No. 1989397
>>1989380You made me remember how Pao-Lin considered herself as tomboy and very few people tried to place the "non-binary" label on her. I'm glad T&B didn't aim now (I know it was aimed past year, but I mean the first season), all the headcanons or fanarts would be disastrous.
>>1989387I have only counted one moid into Sanrio characters and he doesn't look like he's a tif.
No. 1989414
File: 1714198708161.jpg (213.51 KB, 906x777, Untitled.jpg)

>>1989049if this ain't the biggest ad for "don't fucking take testosterone" i've ever seen
No. 1989493
>>1989097>You're not allowed to express your emotions as a girl because you're supposed to be gentle, warm and caring even as a toddler>therefore you must be a man because man are allowed to be angry and unhinged Like okay, they believe this, but what is it that they think of those who just never troon out? Do they even think about that? Do they even make a question like
>I'm a tranny, but why isn't she a tranny?Are they trying to imply that other little girls were happy 24/7? Or that they were gentle, calm and caring all of the time? I just want to know because this hyperfixation on themselves has to be another reason why the troon out.
No. 1989505
>>1989493>I'm a tranny, but why isn't she a tranny?I advise you badly not to spiral vulnerable teen girls into these thoughts, these can potentially be predatory and groomer-y. As a matter of fact.
>You're not allowed to express your emotions as a girl because you're supposed to be gentle, warm and caring even as a toddler>therefore you must be a man because man are allowed to be angry and unhinged , this is a fallacy that works wonders on mentally vulnerable young girls, who could as easily adopt the predatory "why isn't she a tranny" mentality if progressed further.
>but what is it that they think of those who just never troon out? Do they even think about that?Not an accurate answer but I'll take it before any troon does: Yes, other girls and women thought about the consequences of being an 'angry girl' in society, but with the basis that requires them to apply that they are female in the equation, which ends up being something a situation they could see themselves in if they were to act that way. Those 'other little girls' simply do not wish to be trannies or have these thoughts, or they might consider how transition works, but as people in the outside world and not those internet freaks, they have better ways for themselves to cope, or in some cases, actually work around female socialization enforced on them. Really, imo if you want a real answer it'll be like what I would think of each of the nonas here, or just a female of a specific age group if asked. Assuming the same train of thought can even be adopted by the ftm troons here. (However ftm troons when in the same position would attempt to destroy their ability to apply themselves as female in any rhetoric or premise.)
No. 1989542
File: 1714236962029.jpeg (297.24 KB, 750x1018, IMG_1739.jpeg)

The delusion is unreal kek(wrong thread, this post is about mtfs/sage your shit)
No. 1989553
File: 1714238978410.png (416.79 KB, 640x1133, CL1bxRi.png)

>>1989450here's a relevant ftm comic
No. 1989558
File: 1714240170327.jpg (52.49 KB, 536x819, d65b54c8365ef27d1c6e706272f7a8…)

>>1989025>The borzoi paintingAnyway I don't remember the game having voice over when it first came out. Was that added later? It would had to have been, because the game came out in 2017 and "Jason" says she didn't troon out until 2018.
No. 1989559
>>1989556It's a symptom of excess testosterone nona. Happens to body builders too when they take an excess of testosterone/muscle enhancing drugs, their skin begins forming these tears and shit. It's vile. With her, either her body just could not handle the extra shots of testosterone or she took too many. Probably both if I had to guess.
>>1989553Really stretching the suspension of disbelief in this work of fiction!
No. 1989578
File: 1714243031388.jpg (56.1 KB, 826x820, GMHpN60XcAAQrLG.jpg) in twitter makes a long thread to try and explain she's a "lesboy" and I'm left finding out that 1) I still have no idea what a "lesboy" is supossed to be 2) Predictably, she's a heterosexual chick in a heterosexual relationship.
No. 1989582
>>1989580Girl who identifies as "not quite a boy" who is "attracted to women but in a lesbian way" and in a relationship with a troon.
aka, the very definition of heterosexuality with extra steps, and words meaning what they want them to mean.
No. 1989584
File: 1714244605078.jpeg (63.47 KB, 826x824, brYqfg8.jpeg)

>>1989578Every bippie whose boyfriend troons out is the exact same
>if my 6'4" computer programmer boyfriend is a woman, then gender doesn't mean anything at all.>I'm pretty cool and smart, so I'm not a dumb whore like those other women. I'm a cute fun boy because that's the coolest gender to be.>it's kind of edgy and sexy to be a lesbian, though. so I'm a lesbian because that's the coolest sexuality to be.>Would bisexual or pansexual make more sense since I don't identify as a woman and I like men and that's the opposite of being a lesbian? Maybe, but those identities aren't as cool as lesbian is, and if men can be women then gender is fake anyway so nothing about gender means anything anymore.>if my 6'4" computer programmer boyfriend can feel like a sexy woman in a shein skirt, then I can feel like a sexy boy with easier to manage hair. I'm going to get a short haircut now that I'm a boy and a lesbian and stop trying so hard with the hair and makeup! Meanwhile the boyfriend is panicking because his cute little girlfriend started wearing ugly clothes and getting ugly haircuts, and yet another t4t relationship founded on mutual disgust and hatred that they can't express is born until one or the other discovers polyamory and tries to make a break for it.
No. 1989592
>>1989584Girls are prone to infantilzing themselves for their boyfriends?
Plus it's always the normie boyfriends that panick first when their girlfriends stopped being feminine
No. 1989610
File: 1714250389064.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1882, 1000013431.png)

Linking vids isn't working so I hope just a screenshot is enough but this disgusts me so much
No. 1989613
File: 1714250958792.jpg (110.84 KB, 671x552, kekk.jpg)

>>1989578imagine being so retarded your fellow tiffies think so too kek
No. 1989654
File: 1714258583278.jpg (140.28 KB, 828x1472, GLpHGMsWoAA6mV5.jpg)

>>1989629This is her and her score btw
No. 1989660
File: 1714259292656.jpg (175.03 KB, 699x900, F2ieLBMaIAA8nlc.jpg)

>>1989629This nonsense is all happening because troons want to be considered gay no matter what, because gay is the most hip thing to be. They don't want to be bisexual, and they definitely don't want to be straight. TiFs call themselves gay when they fuck men, and lesbians when they fuck women (even when they "identify" as men). Also notice how HSTS TiMs never call themselves "gay" on the basis of their "lived experience as gay men." They want to fuck straight men, so they'd never advertise their past like that. The kind of woman who dates TiFs doesn't see herself as straight, though, so they don't care when their TiF girlfriends make a big fuss about being "male lesbians." Gays don't want to be gay and straights want to be gay, leaving the whole concept devoid of meaning.
No. 1989663
>>1989654wouldve never guessed she was black given the way she draws herself
>>1989661yes. shes dressed up as princess serenity it seems
No. 1989669
File: 1714261249432.png (376.05 KB, 648x689, NemtE2P.png)

>>1989663tbh she seems like a sheltered autistic black girl, mostly they end up fat insecure shonenfag men like picrel.
No. 1989709
File: 1714270254418.jpg (2.12 MB, 1280x5241, 1670696335198.jpg)

>>1989685I don't much about that, but this seems to be very common asian TIFs for some reason, they always draw themselves more white-looking then they actually are.
No. 1989710
File: 1714270659260.jpeg (556.38 KB, 1519x1296, 00e68d4ms5851.jpeg)

>>1989709on the other hand, many white TIFs will depict themselves as ambiguously brown in their self-insert comics.
No. 1989711
File: 1714270684033.jpeg (443.68 KB, 1536x2048, 0a4grh8j3x991.jpeg)

>>1989710and this is her IRL
No. 1989713
>>1989654Just realized I misspelled scrote**
No. 1989714
>>1989710>Adventure Time art stylelmaooo
>>1989711No clue how average this is in ameriland or wherever she's from but that living room looks fancy as fuck, the fact that she makes herself brownish and trooned out tells me this girl has probably never faced any real prejudice in her entire existence so she started farming
victim coins.
No. 1989715
>>1989711Just looks like an average Mexican girl tbh so it's not out there to draw herself as brown, but just how
>>1989712 said it's really funny how she unintentionally looks similar to the Karen she drew.
Do you have more pictures? I wanna see how white she actually is.
No. 1989754
File: 1714287705379.jpg (253.99 KB, 866x1280, 1664287986601.jpg)

>>1989748here's the one who draws herself as more asian looking
No. 1989757
File: 1714287805537.jpg (476.48 KB, 1280x1267, 1666648580037.jpg)

>>1989748here's the swedish one who depicts herself as dark-brown
No. 1989759
File: 1714287957315.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1350, 4qAom5m.png)

>>1989757and her's here IRL
No. 1989767
File: 1714296995768.jpeg (278.7 KB, 828x566, 691DF0F7-7200-4303-B634-90D57C…)

>>1989766I wish this was a joke but it's not, in Finland we actually have these, nonna. She should move here.
Saged for stupidity.
No. 1989769
File: 1714298238104.png (545.78 KB, 600x500, T3j9Ih.png)

>>1988377>>1988639>>1989025Next to Dream Daddy I saw a rare case of separating the concept of enbies from troons, basically. Idk if the game is fully made by gendies and TRAs or just people pandering to woke
>characters are all based on office stationery>1 version of each gender that supposedly works like rule 63 (typical male, female, genderspecial)>troon characters are among the supposedly male or female versions>could be a pretty normal game if not for slapping labels on all the characters and all that gendism what a wasteSeriously, up till this day how do you explain that "rule 63 with he/him pronouns" logic?
No. 1989771
File: 1714299107380.jpg (131.05 KB, 960x960, ericson.jpg)

>>1989757I think that's just an OC. Picrel is her actual self-insert.
No. 1989809
>>1989363i used to have male friends in my teens and their rooms where nothing like that. the cleaner one had anime figures with big boobs/visible underwear and a hitler figurine on desktop. the rest were just a mess and toilet paper everywhere.
it's like they have never met a male in their lives.
No. 1989881
>>1989754Is she shopping for tampons at Claire's? Because most of the packaging I've seen is blue, purple, or green depending on the brand. Imagine having so few actual problems that you're upset that the packaging of
feminine hygiene products is too feminine. Christ, what a spoiled group of people.
No. 1989895
File: 1714330349698.png (57.38 KB, 630x607, nonbinary.png)

>"I know I’m not one but everyone sees nonbinary as woman-lite so…"
>Names all the things women have to deal with
Does she think these stuff wont happen to women in general if they start to identify as non-binary?
No. 1989915
>>1989755SHE WAS WHITE???
I really thought she was asian
No. 1989972
File: 1714346522627.png (1.62 MB, 1903x955, thenerve.png)

>>1989953Even the fabric ones have non-feminine designs that you can pick up. Back in my ol' days the normal menstrual products were just pink.
No. 1989988
>>1989754I don't think it actually looks Asian. Not sure how to get my point across, but I think it has something to do with patterns developed by consumers, an illusion that we perceive. A lot of Asians are/were stylized this way, so that's why we see it, but technically it's an accurate caricature: it's very common to stylize darker values as completely black and lighter values as white, and the face is a vague blob with features that are present in her real face. That said, who's to say she didn't know what connotations said art style will have?
POC larping is common among these types, even if it wasn't purely intentional.
No. 1990006
File: 1714359539528.png (31.36 KB, 1020x239, egg.png)

I'm glad Reddit for once is saying that her "friend" is an ass, not "well, she's right, you're a man".(repost)
No. 1990014
File: 1714361489146.jpg (563.79 KB, 1080x889, Picsart_24-04-29_08-57-12-903.…)

Not sure if she already has being brought up before, but I just got done watching 'Talk to Me' and I couldn't stop cackling at her scenes. She was so clockable. I initially hoped she was just a butch or girl who likes having short hair and shit, but her crocky voice keeps making it obvious that she takes T. Looking up her insta only confirmed it further but I was especially grossed by this post of hers. It was such a cute childhood pic of her on a skateboard, yet she probably believes it's one of the 'signs' that she was always meant to troon out, and then the picture right after is her in a bed after chopping her body parts off. Tragic. I feel bad for her childhood self, I doubt she would've seen it coming.
No. 1990107
File: 1714400803293.jpg (828.75 KB, 1079x1865, Screenshot_20240429_112513.jpg)

TIF found in the punk fashion subreddit, her whole profile is a shitshow
No. 1990183
>>19901608 year olds can actually be quite articulated when talking, I've worked with kids before and I've had full-length discussions and conversations with them.
Of course they're still children with kid intrests but this woman is talking like a two year old with a missing frontal lobe jfc
Video attached is an example of how a kid that age actually talks like, sage for non milk
No. 1990201
File: 1714427083469.png (1.43 MB, 756x2122, Screenshot.png)

Are they aware that this isn't helping their case.
No. 1990232
>>1990201>Fat autistic girl takes T because she wants to become her husbando>Ends up looking like a fat autistic girl but with more body hairHonestly, at least the "trenders" that don't take testosterone aren't fucking up their bodies.
>>1990226They're also rare cases of TiFs growing proper beards instead of gross neck pubes like the first one. They must be on an absurdly high dosage of T or something. I bet the voices are a giveaway, though. You see what looks like a manlet biker, but you hear a frog voice. Must be weird.
No. 1990345
File: 1714467220210.png (252.64 KB, 2500x2500, GMTkYX0WAAAFxfh.png)

>Creates problem>blame others when shit doesn't make sense>feel bad for me :(Of all the NLOGism waves, this is the worst one. Please explain this to me like I'm retarded because I can't seem to read all of this babbling without being even more confused No. 1990390
File: 1714482109812.jpg (126.57 KB, 1104x621, 1000020961.jpg)

>>1990388>If I presented more androgynous/masc>I don't even know what that looks like lolI will post a picture of stone butches so trannies and retards get scared and never come to lolcow.
No. 1990391
>>1990345Tldr: she's bitching about not being referred to by they/them because people will look at her and immediately default to she because she's a woman, but this upsets her because even her allies slip up and don't bother using her personally picked pronouns, this "nonbinary erasure" very first world problems.
All I ever see from nonbinaries are basic women who personally want to go with they/them and being a woman in everything but name because they don't feel like a woman or man, even though that describes 99% of the world
No. 1990394
File: 1714483060246.jpg (Spoiler Image,484.79 KB, 1280x1270, what-the-hell.jpg)

I found this in the reblogs of this one braindead tif that is posted here often. This is absolutely vile. Not to mention, she often posts about how we need to protect poor innocent men from evil evil feminazis so she is an absolute pick me. I guess pedos need to be protected too since they are men.
No. 1990403
>>1990394this doesnt look like sister and brother just messing around with makeup but actual pedo groomer shit
why the fuck would you take pictures of your little brother like that?..his sister is actually using him for her fetish and ideology god i hope their father finds out and removes him from her, i hate moids but i dont want to see children being used like this. fucking vile
No. 1990412
File: 1714489603250.jpg (1.18 MB, 2560x2369, uOH52cDyPZc.jpg)

Speaking of that one retard, this bitch WILL NOT stop sperging about terfs. Kek, rent free
No. 1990420
>>1990412I honestly haven't seen the first woman with PCOS that actually manages to have a mustache and a beard irl to the point of looking like a moid. They're all women, like, I met a girl once who had actual PCOS that made her grow a beard and it was a bunch of loose pubes here and there, but it was still obvious that she's a woman because having PCOS doesn't change your whole ass bone structure and doesn't give you a frog voice like taking Testosterone on purpose does.
Trannies are so fucking weird.
No. 1990440
File: 1714494271859.png (36.41 KB, 200x200, 1682942614213331.png)

>>1990412she can keep sperging with her hideous orangutan looking ass if it means i have more retarded comics of hers to laugh at
(avatarfagging) No. 1990480
>>1990386>>1990388>>1990389"Here's my long autobiographical comic in an extremely girly art style that explains why I'm an [extremely specific and counterintuitive KUHWEER identity] and not just a run of the mill quirky fangirl."
This is like an entire genre of comic at this point. Fantagraphics could make an anthology of them.
No. 1990492
>>1990412Personally I have a bit of a soft spot for this cow because it seems she actually takes the time to engage with
terf arguments (even if she ends up twisting/misunderstanding them still). I can imagine her detransing down the line once she learns how to take care of herself.
No. 1990514
File: 1714507821838.jpg (44.78 KB, 1080x490, Screenshot_20240501_013849_Chr…)

>>1990394>scramratz >I found this in the reblogs of this one braindead tif that is posted here oftenSo turns out she (
>>1990412 ) is even more vile than I thought. May T and her retarded ideology continues to ruin her life idc I'm happy everytime she cries and tries to copes with this shit.
No. 1990526
>>1990412>REEE if TERFs are feminists why are they mean to stunning and brave twans wimmin?!?Because they're male, and like you said, males oppress women. They don't get to escape accountability just because they've taken horse piss pills.
>TERFs call TiFs traitorsMaybe this was a thing several years ago, but this line of thinking is extremely rare in
TERF spaces, because to call TiFs "traitors" is to assume that they're capable of "switching sides" at all, which we agree they aren't. They're often described as having internalized misogyny, but that's not the same thing as being a male misogynists. Another reason they aren't "traitors," is because they arguably cause more harm to themselves than they do to any other woman.
>Twansphobia against woman with PCOSShow me literally any instance of a woman being kicked out of a bathroom solely over PCOS. They keep trotting out this bizarre argument because they don't leave the house. Women will usually say nothing even when non-passing rapehons enter a bathroom because we understand that bathrooms are an isolated location where it's dangerous to start an argument that could devolve into a fight. Unless you're too old or too mentally ill to give a fuck, you stay in your lane.
>REEE why is chess sex segregatedWhat a retarded, cherry-picked example. Chess tournaments are run by elderly scrotes, they're the ones who decide these things, not TERFs. It's obvious that she chose chess because it's the only "sport" where a person's physique makes no difference.
>Being a TiF is harder than being a woman!1!We can agree on this, because all she's doing is adding new problems on top of the female ones she'll never escape. Congratulations, now in addition to experiencing misogyny, you're chemically dependent on steroids and have butchered your chest. Also, they like the idea of life being "more hard" because they're spoiled suburban kids who want to pretend to be oppressed. They want to experience ~tha struggle~ because it makes them feel special and is a blanket explanation for all of their problems.
>>1990492>engaging with TERF argumentsWhere? All she does is trot out the same strawman TRAs always do. They never bring up the substantive arguments we make, like European countries reversing course on child transition, or there only being two gametes, or what the fuck it even means to "feel" like a woman.
No. 1990548
>>1990492>even if she ends up twisting/misunderstanding them stillKek misunderstanding? She knows what we mean, she just wants to stay a nlog forever. She argues against strawman just so she can have an opportunity to say: uhm ackhually you are dumb/everyone's lying to us about T and surgeries so they can commit trans genocide/jokes on you, I actually want that/T makes me smelly? Peak gender euphoria, I smell like like a teenage boy now (not even kidding about this
>>1984737 ) and 'prove' that she's truly the nlogiest of all, surpassing even other tifs in terms of retardation. She also made fun of detrans women and reduced their issues to 'you just miss your womanly boobs teehee' I highly doubt she's going to detransion. Nothing can be done about her gendie brainrot anymore, unless they legalise lobotomies again.
No. 1990573
File: 1714521046008.png (28.92 KB, 598x233, Screenshot.png)

>Being forced to detransition.
No. 1990602
File: 1714532755897.mp4 (2.71 MB, 360x640, RDT_20240501_000440.mp4)

>>1990589Go on /g/, there are multiple.
To not derail too much here is a video that I found genuinely hard to watch.
No. 1990606
File: 1714533922275.jpeg (Spoiler Image,394.14 KB, 1170x2254, 3A3DD9FD-364E-4735-84BA-B57343…)

I was wasting time on reels and this particular one popped up where this tif was speaking about her arm scar. I think this every time but tifs get their arms mangled in this procedure nonnas. If it wasn’t such a perfectly rectangular scar you would think they’ve had an accident with heavy machinery. Yet when I go to the comments, there’s someone commenting on how it looks so good (WHAT??). Anyways I keep looking through her profile (liamlazore) and watch one in her earlier stages. Picrel, my jaw literally dropped I was so aghast. Imagine giving yourself a wound that looks in place in dante’s inferno because you wanted the opposite set of genitals. This is over…genitalia. It only really speaks of how these tifs have never gone through the brutality of skin complications before because willingly going through a surgery of this magnitude to operate on perfectly healthy body parts is peak mental illness. I know it’s said often but this is such severe bodily trauma.
>>1990388I’m not gonna say much because I’ll alog but this panel exemplifies everything I fucking hate about the non binary label. It’s so vapid, like find me one sentence of substance here. You can’t. What a joke.
>>1990573So dramatic just to sound painfully entitled. These are junkies. People who actually need medication to function don’t talk in this manipulative way.
No. 1990607
>>1990602Nta but even without the gendie cringe, she somehow managed to get negative laughs out of me… like in the future I would laugh a lot less because I watched this video today, that's how much it affected me mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Putting spongebob voice effects while saying some overused retarded babbling doesn't automatically make it funny and I hope she realises that soon, my condolences to her sense of humour.
Also is she a DID faker or something? Something about that name with pronouns under it, reminds me of those 'one of my alters is a dog and goes by fox/foxself' munchies.
No. 1990618
>>1990412>>1990492My personal theory is she has extreme cognitive dissonance right now and is overcompensating. She's really trying to convince herself of these arguments, not the dreaded terves. She says in the third to last panel that her mental health has improved drastically, but continually posts comics about how her transition is making her miserable, greasy, and unable to self-lubricate anymore, and how no one in real life sees her as anything other than an ugly woman:
>>1984614 >>1987523She's doing everything she can to convince herself and others that this is making her happy when it clearly isn't. She lashes out at detransitioners because she knows she's made the same mistake, but instead of facing it she's going to run back into the arms of her fellow cultists who will only tell her what she wants to hear. Kind of sad to watch, but on the other hand, she's such an asshole about it I don't feel that bad.
No. 1990657
>>1990616I mean I wanna gawk cos I find butch women hot (I'm
(derailing) No. 1990792
>>1990689>Tifs see themselves as men and in extension potentially having these male body proportions in the first placeSee
>>1988373 that's why I gave up in trying to find drawings on Twitter, is always like you mention: men with chest scars and a vagina for "extra straight porn".
No. 1991088
File: 1714666982103.png (75.86 KB, 767x579, 1642437529410.png)

>TIF has sex with men and didn't realize she could still get pregnant
>still took testosterone and the baby was exposed to testosterone
>baby girl comes out with likely signs of reduced IQ and autism
No. 1991118
File: 1714675670949.jpg (339.52 KB, 1080x1500, 1000030937.jpg)

I've posted this tif awhile back. Shes a prostitute in Australia that calls herself a he and takes testosterone. She posted begging for donations because no one wants to book her. I scroll down and bitch is charging 700/hour lmao.
No. 1991161
File: 1714684462937.jpeg (226.64 KB, 1125x1217, hmm.jpeg)

this needs to be studied
No. 1991189
>>1991118>>1991119Lmao she lives in Brisbane, food is quite cheap there and balances out the price of the rent. Plus she'd be on Centrelink payments if she was disabled (about $1,116 per fortnight plus any other benefits she could claim) and foodbanks do exist within the city, so she's just a retarded e-begger.
Also can't afford basic food but can afford coffee? Retard.
No. 1991300
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No. 1991350
File: 1714752747813.jpg (594 KB, 1080x1452, Screenshot_20240503_180616_X.j…)

>the more i transition the more mane I add on the tattoo
So the balder you get, the more mane your lion tat gets? Oh the irony, zippertits
No. 1991357
File: 1714753856163.jpg (38.02 KB, 750x444, 47ed9b32c67f8534e7b5d87b7a1b81…)

>>1991352It's from The Lion King, Rafiki draws Simba when he's little and then later paints a mane when Simba grows up
No. 1991363
>>1989744That might part of the problem. She doesn’t want
that clout but prefers to be seen as male/lesbian, something that gives her more status
No. 1991542
File: 1714790078293.jpeg (244.11 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0344.jpeg)

>>1990412Kek if she thinks TERFS are bad I can’t wait until she meets the teen males that she so badly wants to smell like. Seriously, does she not realize how actual males would perceive this comic and roast the shit out of her? TERFs at least have some mercy towards trannies, but moids have absolutely none.
No. 1991565
>>1991564Its an accurate caricature, kudos
No. 1991566
File: 1714798993315.png (10.32 KB, 660x159, retard.PNG)

We are aware. It's literally something that is often discussed on radblr at least, when it comes to taking apart trans ideology. Also what's an implication here? Considering she's changing her body because gender is a spectrum and race is also a spectrum, doesn't that mean she supports transracial people? Lmao. Trannies are really racist, it always shows in their actions.
No. 1991576
File: 1714800354594.png (82.17 KB, 1235x557, M8akdF32g.png)

>>1991566Max levels of projection happening, saying there's no way to logically argue with us while refusing to answer the simple question of how transgenderism is in any way different from transracialism. The genocide
victim larp is such a pathetic diversion tactic, what a loser.
No. 1991581
File: 1714801325469.gif (2.61 MB, 220x274, blackcat.gif)

>>1991565Thanks nonna, I thought you was saying that I drew her too normal at first kek.
>>1991566She really has a knack for coming up with the worst things to say in her defence. I kind of enjoy it at this point, been a while since I've seen someone continuously being this embarrassing in the broad daylight. She never disappoints when it comes to being a disappointment. She's entertaining in a very 'car crash in the middle of the road while you drive by it slowly' way.
No. 1991614
>>1991350Fucking crying at the bad tracing around the shitty blown out lines, it looks like a kid with a ballpoint pen outlined their pencil scribbles. The artist did a great job on the mane, it's the lion equivalent of a mascara'd pube beard.
I wonder how many more phallo stages, revisions, touch ups and refreshers she's going to have.
>>1991542You can always smell them. All the TIFs I've come across in the wild either reek of BO, reek of Axe, or drench themselves in Dior Sauvage For Masculine Men to the point where the BO might have been preferable. Is soap so hard to use?
It's funny that you mentioned teen boys actually, a while back I saw a TIF in a shop getting harrassed by teen moids screaming about how gay they were and how they wanted to fuck 'him'. They kept taking photos and asking for her number. She was in tears by the time a manager intervened and I heard the manager say something along the lines of 'You keep saying that you want a gay boyfriend who doesn't misgender you, I didn't know if you wanted me to stop them or not'. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who's dug their own grave like that, but still, damn.
No. 1991625
File: 1714819495557.png (1.71 MB, 948x2980, 1764866988107.png)

The fujo-to-fakeboi pipeline remains undefeated
No. 1991703
>>1991614>Be me>Smell like Nivea for men deodorant because is cheaper.>TIFs: omg I can feel the euphoria.In all seriousness, she doesn't need to go far. She can go to any anime/comic con to see that moids do not bath at all.
And ouch, that poor girl. That manager was so outline.
>>1991625>"Born to be a gay moid drawn by a woman"Fix'd
No. 1991804
File: 1714862086061.png (975.82 KB, 628x1999, Screenshot.png)

>>1991706she calls out gay moids as well.
No. 1991936
File: 1714917891382.jpg (762.84 KB, 2880x2880, 1000007473.jpg)

Found on reddit. A deeply confused genderspecial "punk" posts her "battlejacket" for asspats. Other users push back on some of the insane neo-sexualities she applies to herself.
No. 1991937
File: 1714917987753.jpg (264.45 KB, 2880x2880, 1000007471.jpg)

>>1991936Turns out she's an FTM (but still somehow desperate to be called lesbian?) who wants a flesh roll stapled to her crotch.
No. 1991939
File: 1714918337609.png (1.39 MB, 1200x913, No_Weenies_Allowed_072.png)

>>1991882>>1991879You guys should try the fujo spergout thread in /ot/
No. 1991950
File: 1714922555361.jpeg (205.15 KB, 750x828, IMG_9161.jpeg)

scramratz detransition repression saga continues
No. 1991977
File: 1714928916871.jpg (607.31 KB, 1074x1808, Screenshot_20240505_140750.jpg)

>>1991936I looked her up and holy mother of god
No. 1991988
File: 1714929754246.jpg (479.92 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20240505_141557.jpg)

>>1991977So, something interesting I found is that she's dating a TIM and every post about the relationship is pure gold
No. 1991989
File: 1714929982998.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.81 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_24-05-05_14-24-49-136.…)

>>1991988Also, for supposedly having severe OCD she has disgusting hands
No. 1991994
>>1991977Wtf did I just read?!
>>1991986Must be an autocaninephile.
>>1991988They seem to deserve eachother
No. 1991996
>>1991950Oh I hope she doesn't disappear off the internet when the inevitable detrans comes. I would love to see her
terf out in her dilbert comic style.
No. 1992001
File: 1714935106105.jpg (20.72 KB, 663x346, Kirbys-calling-the-Police-meme…)

>>1991977For the love of Christ please tell me she doesn't have any pets
No. 1992090
>>1991988>How do I get more mean? Become a
terf. He'll be regretting it the moment you tell him YWNBAW.
No. 1992097
File: 1714966573426.jpg (220.46 KB, 720x1329, Troonviking.jpg)

This just in women cannot be warriors, and of they are they're fake boys,have%20secretly%20been%20transgender%20men.
No. 1992121
File: 1714982314440.jpg (71.18 KB, 1024x323, Dilbert-3.1.23-1024x323.jpg)

>>1991950why does her art style remind me of dilbert. i hate it
No. 1992296
File: 1715037026074.mp4 (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, a.mp4)

ppierre is back
No. 1992299
File: 1715037721053.mp4 (2.52 MB, 720x1280, 1000054368.mp4)

Just had these 2 tifs on my Instagram reels. The frog voices are strong. It makes me kek that they think it makes them pass but it only makes them more clockable.
No. 1992301
File: 1715037983577.jpg (108.16 KB, 720x727, IMG_20240507_012432.jpg)

>>19922963 solid years on testondechrome and her voice sounds like the Crazy Frog, that poor young girl
No. 1992355
>>1992348Considering how some other tifs end up sounding/looking after T this isn't even half bad (I mean just look at
No. 1992392
File: 1715085744245.jpg (310.14 KB, 1080x1126, 1715085668219.jpg)

>>1992372Eh, never even implied that they are? I was playing along with that anon because I found it funny that she just posted 'fucking gingers' kek.
No. 1992499
File: 1715124966766.jpeg (321.19 KB, 750x1070, IMG_9200.jpeg)

>"HRT gave me manly hand veins"
>The manly hand veins in question
I guess since she's somewhat fat, this is probably the first time she's seen her veins at all. What she does have is prediabetic acanthosis nigricans (the darkened patches on her finger tips, joints, and around her wrist,) so hopefully the increased risk of heart disease that comes with exogenous testosterone doesn't get her before she can detransition.
No. 1992845
File: 1715233708806.png (711.09 KB, 534x1615, 411145.png)

Here's a new one: genderspecial fatass uses gender woo as a pretext to humblebrag about her body.
No. 1992850
>took photo of her walking past from other side of the street
>somehow managed to also walk past her
>assumed “terf” is an insult
No. 1992854
File: 1715237642653.gif (2.31 MB, 360x420, cat-brain-damage.gif)

>>1992845>I'm nonbinary. I'm pretty open about it. Nobody believes me, though. It's like hearing a schizo say 'I always see a giant octopus with wings living under my kitchen sink and I know it's real. I'm pretty open about it. Nobody believes me, though.' is it really surprising that people won't believe bullshit? Especially the kind of bullshit that even the aforementioned schizo would hesitate to take seriously.
>I'm not a skinny, androgynous waif. So people have decided I'm a woman. Kek she's acting like 'woman' is an insult or a slur. Fat women are women, fat men are men; nobody has decided anything, you are what you are. You were born a woman, exist as a woman, live as a woman, and even whine like a woman who's still in her nlog phase because she wants to feel like she's breaking societal barriers and changing the world by just drawing some shitty lil comics and gobbling down a cheeseburger.
>but my fatness, and blahblahblah, means I don't get to be nonbinaryWho's gonna tell her that almost all her fellow 'nonbinaries' are straight up obese? Just because they've got anime profile pics on twitter doesn't make them 2d cartoon characters irl.
No. 1992861
>>1992850So if you know she is a
terf and you call her a
terf and she clearly identifies as one, then what? This is like telling someone with an orange top that they are wearing an orange top and expecting them to be offended by this revelation, as if it wasn't intentional.
>>1992855I think she was genuinely was wanting to use the situation to become a martyr, but she is too delusional to understand that the main aggressors in this whole discourse are the troons themselves. Her life is not in any risk because somebody thinks she is a woman, but she needed it to be to support the cause and justify her retardation.
No. 1992872
>>1992855idk i think the bag "slogan" is pretty well associated with
terf political leanings. it's an innocuous sentence in itself but we all know what it's a response to. goofy tho to call her a "coward" for not responding to your grunted comment when she could have easily just not heard you. like if a stranger makes a noise at me and i'm not sure what they said but it wasn't urgent sounding i keep walking too. the fuck
No. 1992880
>>1992850I can just picture this scenario. The TIF spots this woman and sees an opportunity for a tiktok story later. She walks up to the lady, anxious and awkward without her TIF friends. As she passes her, visibly shaking, she mumbles "ugh a
terf" into her hoodie. The woman doesn't hear her and says nothing. The TIF immediately looks around, hoping that random strangers were watching and will validate her for being such a brave soul. No one does, but she races home to post on tiktok about how all terfs are cowards.
Actually, she probably says nothing at all. Silently seething, she comes up with this on the way home.
No. 1992929
>>1992878Right, she’s acting like the “
terf” owed her a conversation and was a coward by avoiding it. Maybe she was just busy and didn’t see any benefit to stopping and confronting an attention-seeking troon? A schizo homeless guy in my neighborhood mumbles nonsense at me every time I walk by, is it “cowardly” if I don’t stop and debate him about aliens and ghosts?
No. 1992990
File: 1715277249626.png (24.98 KB, 1422x215, warning terf mention.png)

>>1992855I'm always amused how the terfs are the "dangerous" ones.
No. 1992992
>>1992850>Cis women makes me uncomfortable because they would rather encounter a bear than a man.Oh yeah, a statistic that made moids mad is also hurtful for TRAs.
No. 1992995
File: 1715278168411.jpeg (32.63 KB, 416x403, 1715262644386.jpeg)

>>1992855>karaterf"She attacked me with those
useless self-defense key chains!"
No. 1992996
File: 1715278370729.jpeg (371.09 KB, 1170x1224, CB408160-29D1-4C4C-A86C-822FBC…)

>>1992992What a fucking awful argument. Feeling uncomfortable around women due to personal experience is fine, but pushing tgis rhetoric that they would be any danger in the man v bear argument is retarded. It’s a stupid debate but a man alone in the woods with you will rape, a women in the woods alone with you would be as concerned for her saftey.
The idea that women can cry and get away with anything is derived from the misogynistic view of us being perpetual
victims. Realistically women crying is often seen as hysteria from a normal human. “Karens” for example are widely scrutinised, filmed and mocked.
S/N: why would anyone even want to grope this disgusting ball of sweat?
No. 1992998
File: 1715278754419.jpg (32.84 KB, 680x798, 1297526017213.jpg)

>>1992875Found it, but it would get me banned. So if anyone want to make this version of
>>1992850, here's the blank
No. 1993006
File: 1715280468275.gif (2.05 MB, 550x550, jonesing_to_be_a_lobster.gif)

>>1991164hes transitioning into a lobster
No. 1993026
>>1992850>>1992992Most of the comments are telling her that women do not have privilege nor this is the oppression Olympics, but her answer is just "I'm talking about CIS privilege".
TRA, not once.
No. 1993066
File: 1715298787319.png (15.18 KB, 626x97, achilles.png)

>T4T gay aro trans guy
Of course she would like an abusive prick that raped and abused women.
No. 1993079
File: 1715302067632.jpg (84.52 KB, 1080x485, Screenshot_20240509_204112.jpg)

>>1993056Some of the comments are so damn stupid as well. One even says that she's not generalize women with bears because she knows there are "good cis women" like the moids that didn't take offense of the man vs bear thing.
I tried to report the
terf bag video for sharing information (because you know that woman didn't concent to get a pic of her in TikTok) and there wasn't a violation according to TikTok. Cannot wait it gets censored in USA.
No. 1993090
File: 1715303283261.png (334.42 KB, 680x798, tif.png)

>>19928805 hours in MS paint
No. 1993108
>>1993079If anything, the shit
poc troons get up to heavily slips the radars of white women if the mtf thread has taught me anything.
No. 1993122
>>1993066>I'm a gay manYou are neither of those things
>AchillesWasn't gay. He had a wife and was likely infatuated with Briseis in addition to relationship with Patroclus. Also, Pat was his cousin, which wasn't an issue in ancient Greece, but is very Problematique today. I wonder if all of the teenage SJWs who obsess over Achilles know that their husbando fucked his cousin.
No. 1993126
File: 1715318075572.mp4 (3.98 MB, 576x842, 1000005781.mp4)

those poor children have someone like this as their mother AND she gets the kids drinking the gendie kool-aid? CPS could not be called any faster
No. 1993128
File: 1715318822216.png (1.59 MB, 907x907, tifiliad.png)

>>1993122They're so into Song of Archiles or this bullcrap to ignore the Iliad or Greek myth in general.
No. 1993145
File: 1715325353190.jpeg (459.68 KB, 1080x1432, IMG_5256.jpeg)

Good lord
No. 1993152
File: 1715332917673.jpg (253.11 KB, 1626x1139,…)

>>1992992this dumb bitch is wearing a shirt sporting characters of a known rapist of teenagers
No. 1993162
File: 1715334005177.jpg (177.22 KB, 1046x949, 1000006345.jpg)

No. 1993184
>>1993090Beautiful. This gets my vote for next thread pic.
>>1993145A boy from Idaho with hips like John Boyega.
No. 1993306
File: 1715375618982.mp4 (5.81 MB, VID_110340227_130206_676.mp4)

No. 1993633
File: 1715475826525.jpg (983.99 KB, 2048x1282, tumblr_238c76e8d462d4713f62d96…)

No. 1993641
File: 1715477092474.png (601.51 KB, 754x1326, if ur srsly an animal ur srsly…)

>>1993633This girl is 19 years old and has gotten top surgery
No. 1993655
File: 1715480506254.jpg (102.43 KB, 1269x1161, 1000023699.jpg)

>>1993642It's always this.
No. 1993853
>>1993716I don't do really see it for that comic, but that's exactly what I tought about her self insert in
>>1993633>>1993641This is some high grade autism. The way she frames her sex life like an autistic special interest made me kek
No. 1993898
File: 1715554721197.png (31.1 KB, 1094x188, lolno.png)

>>1992992>she smelled the trans on meShe smelled the what?
No. 1993941
No. 1993953
File: 1715571170780.jpeg (71.24 KB, 998x638, F2tXsoqbkAE03q4.jpeg)

>>1993898A bag that has a definition of what a woman is constitutes as assault now? Omfg.
No. 1994267
File: 1715680230183.jpg (1.01 MB, 2794x3007, 8alai345grv91.jpg)

No. 1994304
File: 1715692977586.jpg (Spoiler Image,314.06 KB, 1080x1918, hereticceramics_ig.jpg)

Sage for old milk but what the actual fuck. Why post this. This girl needs professional help
No. 1994335
File: 1715700340138.jpeg (53.52 KB, 1077x1224, FtKroQpXsAAmq-p.jpeg)

>>1994312Being straight and "cis" is soooooo '90s.
No. 1994417
File: 1715720306530.jpg (141.54 KB, 1671x619, TRUCKIN' AND FUCKIN' ALPHA MAL…)

>>1994409Holy shit, nona. This chick's channel is a bounty of milk. Former polilez turned true and honest male into MANLY things like TRUCKS and FITNESS. Real shit only the broskis understand, not us silly little women. Beautiful, I can't wait to go through this freaks videos.
No. 1994431
> Jojo Siwa is an egg
God why can’t young lesbians be allowed to exist.
No. 1994446
>>1994431She's cringe and groomed to the point where she defends groomers. Perfect
victim for their shitty lil cult.
No. 1994763
File: 1715816771145.jpg (245.28 KB, 964x986, malecaptions…)

masculinization tumblr gets pretty crazy sometimes
No. 1994808
>>1993941the still of this video looks like her face is covered in blood. yeesh
>>1994431im pretty sure jojo siwa is just having that mental breakdown all child stars have where they start rebelling and acting unhinged and embarrassing
No. 1994811
File: 1715831391778.jpg (69.63 KB, 1026x683, 71f.jpg)

>MFW a reptile furry character is drawn with chest scars since is a TIF.
I know furries can draw what they please, but why non-mammals need chest scars in first place?
No. 1994816
File: 1715834581454.jpg (26.52 KB, 470x226, 20240516_062713.jpg)

Saged because i'm not sure if this got posted before
No. 1994892
File: 1715869940312.jpg (198.17 KB, 720x1039, You will never be a man.jpg)

Damn, the tifs on this subreddit are the most pathetic of them all. They really think that acting like a typical 4chan moid makes them pass better KEK. You can believe with all your heart that you are a man, but you will never be one, not in a million years
No. 1994899
File: 1715871587327.png (81.44 KB, 562x319, Screenshots_2024-05-16-09-58-4…)

>>1994892Looks like she lurks these threads regularly
No. 1994911
>>1994893>>1994892Lesbians on this site have been thristing over certain tifs since forever. I think you can catch some of it on /g/. But it's not because there are tifs, it's because they see the woman underneath the pubestache, the this user is being quite delusional since if she lurked her enough, she would know this. Outside this site, lesbians have been known to date tifs that don't pass and literally just look like butches, but they are usually to delusional to understand this too. I hope she reads this post lmao.
>>1994899What exactly is so hard about accepting that you were born a woman? I don't get it at all. Plus, i don't see how lolcow can be a replacement for proper non-affirming therapy and access to anti-depressants.
No. 1994944
File: 1715880384827.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1675826417599.gif)

>>1994892Sorry, vocaloloid. I'll go back to chase any gay moid to reafirm my gender- wait.
No. 1994946
>>1994915Extremely wanted question. It's not even about being a butch woman in 2024 anymore.
>What can't she do / feel as herself>what would be so bad about being exactly herself as a womanIt gets me critically thinking for these lost girls too.
No. 1994963
>>1994956Female socialization is to
not be able to walk around shirtless at all.
>self mutilation is inherently feminineThey literally paid for doctors to do it for them. Girls who self-multilate are already vulnerable in of itself, how much are you trying to add by saying self mutilation is inherently feminine?
>>1994960>>1994962So tifs could "just be a gnc woman"? Then where are THE gnc women? I'm here trying to guess the cause of trooning out for most of these cases it seems like there's a running theme.
No. 1994967
>>1994920No, I found this weird subreddit where tims try to larp as '
femcels' and use our language (like 'moid', etc), and I was so weirded out. Kept lurking and then found this other 4tran subreddit and found the craziest posts ever and just had to show you nonas because I can't believe someone could be this fucking retarded
No. 1995068
File: 1715912825937.jpeg (783.23 KB, 828x1217, IMG_1285.jpeg)

She looks like her own grandpa. A grandpa named Kei
No. 1995096
File: 1715920499000.png (530.65 KB, 597x600, tbo.png)

no women allowed
No. 1995111
>>1995096so this all t-boy (aka all women) picnic is okay, but an all women club or meeting is out of line? ok.
so hypothetically if one were to make a group "t-boy only", is that a workaround to being harassed and called terfs by TIMs?
No. 1995112
File: 1715924058893.png (10.84 MB, 5163x2427, tif.png)

>>1995068Jesus christ she's a mess. From reading her socials, she's super BPD, a "femboy", and keeps cycling through ugly boyfriends to larp as gay with, even admitting to doing heroin in an effort to keep one of them around. These types of tifs are so fascinating to me
No. 1995118
>>1995116Kek I was about to ask this. Aren’t people who aren’t on T but identify as trans still
heckin valid according to them? Literally anyone can show up and claim to be trans and they wouldn’t be able to say anything because otherwise they’re the transphobic ones lmao
No. 1995146
>>1995096Keeping it PG-13 is… yikes
Never beating those grooming allegations
No. 1995160
>>1995112bambie thug in a couple years
No. 1995224
File: 1715958253845.mp4 (2.7 MB, 408x720, Non-binary Tiktok s.mp4)

Imagine your child comes out to you as a they/them bee
No. 1995253
File: 1715967149266.png (230.49 KB, 1200x800, 1000025418.png)

>>1995224I can't imagine having a child and unironically waking her (because let's be honest, it's all teenage girls) like
>sweetie, arson, I made your favorite waffles today, they're gray like your new favorite label. No. 1995258
File: 1715967884145.png (661.91 KB, 1088x758, 1715924058893~2.png)

>>1995112Even satire posts making fun of cringe tiktoks can't compete with her authentic autism.
No. 1995265
File: 1715968488278.png (140.5 KB, 321x322, 16d.png)

>>1995068If I were her mom, I would call the police because a stranger is trying to speak to me.
>>1995116Even saying "nonbinary, but this day my mind decided to go in the most feminine way as posible" wouldn't stop me.
No. 1995272
>>1995117>>1995271copy-pasted from wikipedia:
> Boi (plural: bois) is slang within butch and femme and gay male communities for several sexual or gender identities.[1][2] >The term boi may be used to denote a number of other sexual orientations and possibilities that are not mutually exclusive:[4] A boyish lesbian.[5]
A submissive butch in the BDSM community.[6]
A young trans man, or a trans man who is in the earlier stages of transitioning.[6]
A younger bisexual or gay man who may have effeminate characteristics. The term can also be used by anyone who wishes to distinguish from heterosexual or heteronormative identities.[6][failed verification]
Boi may also refer to someone assigned female at birth, who generally does not identify as, or only partially identifies as feminine, female, a girl, or a woman. Some bois are trans or intersex people.[7] They may be gay or queer.[8] Many trans bois are also genderqueer/nonbinary (in itself a trans/transgender group), or might identify as cis persons or trans men, and yet practice genderfuck in which they do not fit in either masculine or feminine binary gender presentation. Bois may prefer a range of pronouns, including "he", "she", or nonbinary and gender-neutral pronouns such as "they".[9]
No. 1995273
File: 1715970631815.png (551.27 KB, 598x829, scars.png)

>Not only the scars look horrible but the characters have the body of a man, not a woman.
artists learn to draw woman anatomy challenge: impossible
No. 1995275
File: 1715971334184.png (359.59 KB, 598x695, tf.png)

>>1995274The quotes not only have tons of ugly scar chests but this one too. Why that horizontal line??
No. 1995319
File: 1715983154242.jpeg (Spoiler Image,930.51 KB, 1400x1749, River-Runs-Wild-Blog-FTM-Top-S…)

>>1995279>>1995290>>1995294You don't need to look too far. "Mud mask" (spoiler because it looks gross).
No. 1995388
File: 1715992326510.png (114.33 KB, 1194x538, Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 8.23.…)

Anyone here remember "fibrofag" from IG? They're on twitter now and gleefully posting about how after years of testing they FINALLY have been given a single observable "diagnosis" - plaque in their carotid. Fatass literally ate themselves into atherosclerosis and doesn't even understand that all of those "diagnoses" mean the same thing. They're now losing their mind over people bookmarking their laughably stupid posts, and threatening to lodge complaints at their former doctors for "missing their diagnosis."
No. 1995457
File: 1716010787845.jpeg (641.81 KB, 801x1427, IMG_1346.jpeg)

Is… this how she went?
No. 1995469
>>1995272Once again, basically anyone can be that.
>>1995457She really thought this was an appropriate look for a job interview, wow. Talk about retarded.
No. 1995474
>>1995464>pretended to a be normal non-troon womanProbably this, it's like mtf troons 'boymoding'.
The whole premise of troonism would be to pretend to be actual man.
No. 1995478
>>1995303Ironically this one is supposed to
not cut off the nipple stalk.
No. 1995480
>>1995473Agreed, but there is the possibility that she's genuinely that retarded. She's trying to become a man, after all, that level of delusion spreads to all areas of life.
But this does smell like the build up to a grift. Either she dressed like this to claim transphobia when she didn't get the job, or she wore a normal outfit to the interview but knew she was too incompetent to get it, or- IMO the most likely option- there was no interview and she wants to rile up her fellow gendies to get those sweet donations.
>>1995388The word you're looking for is 'she'.
No. 1995510
>>1995457She didn’t want that job.
>>1995480100% a grift.
>People refuse to hire me just because I’m kweer! I’m barely surviving! Pls donate to my top surgery/ testosterone/ ugly tattoo fund here No. 1995612
File: 1716054664988.jpeg (127.89 KB, 686x1022, image0.jpeg)

For some reason Reddit decided I’m interested in r/bald. Usually I just scroll past the balding moid posts or hide them but today I was smacked by this TiF that I’m certain is coping and seeking attention by posting this
Also >the drapery and shelves with trinkets for decoration in the background
No. 1995675
>>1995612Good for her! Balding isn't reversible so this lucky little lady will be able to enjoy her hairline long after she outgrows her intense self hatred.
And she is a little lady. She looks like she's 5"2 on her tippytoes. A perfect height for everyone to admire her manly hairline.
>>1995514This is going to be a result that pops up on a search of her name when she eventually gets a job. This photo and these tags and this caption will be seen by her prospective employers, along with all the other insane shit she's posted. She's either going to be permanently unemployed or get hired by someone who deliberately picks out vulnerable women and keeps tabs on where they live.
No. 1995680
File: 1716066497833.jpg (331.4 KB, 703x1107, IMG_20240518_235317.jpg)

This is the most feminine thing I've seen in my life.
No. 1995835
>>1995680 This is kind of funny to me in the
way that, if I was a surgeon and did gender mutilation surgeries for the $$, kind of setting aside my morals, and a patient of mine handed me this - this display of immaturity and stupidity so profound that there is no way the tit chop was a well-thought-out decision - it would actually give me pause and make me feel guilt. I really wonder how the surgeon felt about it.
No. 1995907
File: 1716130771089.png (811.88 KB, 1427x740, reddit.png)

>>1995680>look her up>she has a four old daughterthat poor child
No. 1995944
>>1995680This makes me so sad for some reason. I guess for the reasons
>>1995835 said, it's such an oddly childish gift to someone who (even if they were a normal doctor) only cares about her as a patient and will likely not be reminiscing about this one surgery out of hundreds in the years to come and certainly isn't going to treasure this strange little doll with its softly bemused smile and detachable breasts. I mean a doll on its own is not a common gift. It's just all so naive, idk.
No. 1995967
>>1995835Yeah as someone who makes cute crafts, there is a lot wrong with
>thinking your surgeon is now your close pal and wants a gift from you>the gift being something this cute and gentle and thoughtful for someone who is a professional butcher engaging in medically unsound and questionable surgeries>Wasting all that time crocheting something that will be going in the bin when she could give it to a fellow TIF who will probably treasure itIt truly does suggest a serious lapse in assessing situations, judgement and understanding of the world (if chopping off your tits and believing you're a man because of some spurious reason wasn't evidence enough of that)
Like what does she think will be the consequence here? If it even gets opened it will be hitting the trash within 2 minutes, reminds me of when people make handcrafted gifts for bands and artists/celebs which either goes straight in the trash or opened by an assistant before trash. Like she is a surgeon fangirl.
No. 1995986
File: 1716154896115.png (9.34 KB, 486x178, kek.PNG)

>>1995967damn I feel so embarrassed for her
No. 1996014
>childish gift >stereotypically female hobby>ijustlovesnails as the usernameTiF moment
troons of both sexes are obsessed with infantilization. they do not want to be an adult woman (or man); they want to remain in a perpetually juvenile state and reject responsibility and the reality of aging. identity politics facilitates this by encouraging them to play into the idea of being a hapless
victim. mastectomies, similarly, are the removal of post-pubescent anatomy. does the average adult man talk about snails, bugs, frogs, etc. as much as TiFs would have you think that is what defines the male experience? of course not. it's what they think little boys are interested in and that isn't even entirely true.
No. 1996024
File: 1716162578790.png (576.63 KB, 1079x1526, 1000023249.png)

TIF with a based dad, and a wild post history.
No. 1996026
>You want a surgery because you don't want to procreate? Won't someone think on your moid's useless opinion??
>You want a surgery because you think you're a man and man do not have uterus? Yeah, let's do it.
No. 1996033
>>1996026nona wdym men don't have uteruses?? That's twansphobic!!!!!
By their retarded logic, these surgeries shouldn't be done because they're not inclusive….
No. 1996130
>>1996024>then he tussled my hair (my birth sex is female)My stepdad tussles my hair all the time, it's a generic sign of affection. What the fuck are gendies smoking?
>>1996088Exactly. If she was further along on his stupid graph he'd probably be ok with it. His misogyny was showing with "normal woman" because of course being GNC makes you this hideous other thing, something that couldn't possibly be a woman. If the dad was "based" he'd just say "no you're female, gtfo". No graph needed.
No. 1996173
File: 1716213738576.jpg (429.53 KB, 1024x1035, Beatrix_Potter_Toads_Tea-party…)

>>1996014Only 5yo boys like bugs as much as TIFs and they usually just kill them. The snails, bugs, frogs, etc. stuff reminds me of Beatrice Potter Peter Rabbit shit kek
No. 1996183
>>1996071kek when troons don't even believe their own lies and they're hellbent on forcing the world to accept their rhetoric
>Jasperis there some sort of tard book that these types exclusively pick names out of? they're always named after the same rocks, trees, or anime characters
No. 1996186
File: 1716217990558.jpg (75.42 KB, 1080x718, Screenshot_20240520_203919_Chr…)

>>1996024>and a wild post historyI was going to check her post history after reading this but saw her description and yep, that's enough brainrot for today. Ban kids from the internet. Forever.
No. 1996239
File: 1716232133727.png (2.4 MB, 1529x1076, Screenshot 2024-05-20 140529.p…)

>Looking through a zine thing that someone in a discord server i'm in posted
>Super whimsical, girly scrapbook full of flowers, watercolor paintings, cheesy love poems and playlists
>flip the page and BOOM TIF poem about her gender retardation
No. 1996244
File: 1716233629918.png (1.09 MB, 741x1079, Screenshot 2024-05-20 143120.p…)

>>1996243It's a big server with like 2000 members so I didn't know anything at all about this person let alone that she was a TiF, I was just scrolling and clicked on her link because the cover caught my eye. I wonder how she'd feel if she knew that she's clockable based off a single drawing she made and nothing else
No. 1996370
File: 1716264966908.jpeg (112.28 KB, 720x1280, 451A4B6D-FADA-4404-AAD3-F3C71F…)

I don’t know if anyones been seeing the bullshit on Twitter lately but theres a ridiculous amount of TIFs screaming transphobia and homophobia all because a teenage girl had (rather appropriately) called a thread full of degenerate pedophilic skinnyfat moids in schoolgirl cosplays and bootyshorts ugly; causing every hysterical fujo larper to lose their mind. There’s a beautiful irony in someone that looks like this wailing about a young lesbian being “homophobic” and “hating on feminine men”
No. 1996403
File: 1716273247631.png (199.92 KB, 492x341, 1349313359164.png)

Just found prime lolcow material randomly in jewtube.>comments in one video how she did exotic dancing and how it was the best experience in her life and totally didn't damage her so decide to check her channel out of curiosity>first video is about her abortion>then a bunch of videos about her stripper experience>then redpill videos>then mental illness videos>then pregnancy videos>then troon out videos>uploads AGP and AAP videos>admits to be AAP>makes tranny pickme videos shitting on other trannies>gets pregnant againWhat the actual fuck.
File: 1716291656818.png (385.04 KB, 990x907, tiaam.png)

This is one the funniest and most unintentionally racist things I've come across, a Jewish TIF who compares her lack of facial hair to the struggles of asian, black and hispanic men
>Hairs decorate my chin, dark and delicate. My mustache is a gentle brush across my upper lip. Sandpaper scratch of stubble on my sideburns and neck.
>I have been on testosterone for 4 years. Testosterone continues to shape the body across the lifespan, but I’m told that after 5 years, the puberty stage is complete. I figure at this point, what I see is what I get, more or less.
>When I first began to contemplate transition, I was 19 years old and still waiting for my mustache. I squinted my eyes at the tiny hairs, sure that any day now, they would multiply and darken. The hairs didn’t come. Something was very wrong.
>Life continued; two years passed. I got my first shot of testosterone. Somewhere along the way, I picked up the idea that I needed to grow a beard. My mustache dream receded.
>It’s a beard moment. My friends have them; the hip guys on the street have them. I was disappointed when my facial hair began growing in slowly, slowly.
>I told my mom about my hirsute aspirations. “A beard?” she said. “I don’t know. We’re not a very hairy family.”
>I look into eyes of my grandfather and great-grandfather, their perfectly smooth faces suspended in gelatin silver. No beards in sight. Just the occasional shadow of stubble in a candid shot of my saba.
>I was extremely embarrassed to grow in my mustache. I couldn’t resist it; I liked the sight of that fuzzy shadow far too much. But who has a mustache like mine? I was afraid to look foolish.
>I think it was Alma who finally put the idea in my head. I’d been looking at white guys’ facial hair, bushy beards in sandy brown. The image of “man” in my mind was dripping with racism. Nice beaner stache, my brother told me, teasing. I don’t think he had any clue how racist that sounded.
>My eyes were opened. Suddenly, mustaches like mine were everywhere. Thin, perfectly formed mustaches crowning the upper lips of brown guys of all varieties. Strolling around the university on a sunny day, I see facial hair like mine on Latino, Asian, Native and Middle Eastern guys.
>My legs are a forest of brown hairs. My arms are smooth, haloed in delicate gold fuzz. My mom touches my arms and says it’s a Sephardic thing. Staring in the mirror, I laugh when I remember that they used to call us Oriental.*
>My people spent 500 years in the place where the Middle East collides with Eastern Europe. It’s a place of varied features, of thick black hair and soft fair locks, where gazes may be the darkest brown or silver-green as a still lake. Complexions come in rich shades of olive, brown and gold. Some men have long, thick beards; some have bushy, carefully groomed mustaches; some have a slender frame of hair at the edges of mouth and face; and some men don’t grow facial hair at all. I have always known this, but somehow in the rush of my American youth culture, I forgot. I have to look outside the mainstream if I want to see a person who resembles myself.
>So I like my little mustache. There’s something slightly counter-cultural about it. I like that it’s a little unusual–and I like who I share it with. I’m not waiting for a white man’s beard anymore.
No. 1996571
>>1996532Depends, some can. I'm south asian and since
pisslam says it's good to grow a beard or something a lot of my family members do, some successful but some growing this horrible ugly pubic bush. Not something to aspire to. But of course it's all a tif can aspire to and kek at this one calling herself so counter culture and woke about racism as a cope for it. They can't do anything without having to frame it as some quirky activist thing.
No. 1996804
File: 1716400325027.jpeg (288.85 KB, 1170x2017, IMG_5330.jpeg)

came across this tif scrolling on the gram, she posts a lot of cringe shit. ticks all the fake boi boxes too,
>uses a cane and other munchie behaviour
>is a “DID system”
>visible self harm scars
>dresses in an attention seeking manner
>often wears a hijab(?)
No. 1996842
>dresses emo>unironed wrinkled pride flags and fairy lightsFunny that they troon out to be nlogs but are all identical to each other
No. 1996918
triggers boomers in the west, these people care about nothing but attention and perceived acts of "rebellion" and it ticks both of those boxes. They don't put any thought into having a coherent worldview and set of political beliefs.
No. 1996954
>>1996907>Or is this cosplay for more oppression points?It's this, for tifs. The bored white girl type who wants to be oppressed in the romantic, counter culture way so they fake being Jewish, and illnesses and disorders and whatever. And now they see another identity to fake with how terrified their woke liberal peers are to criticise Islam, even when western hijabi pickmes try and say forced hijab and honour killings isn't even a thing and those aren't "real" muslims anyway akshully. Also all the weird performative shit white activists are doing about Palestine.
>Is this new age yellow fever but with islam?This for tims cos of how they're turned on by forced submission, and how they think that's all a woman is
No. 1997015
>>1996907It made me remember that girl that drew herself saying "Yeah, I wear a hijab but I'm NB, I'm breaking the rules".
Picrel tifa against tifs
No. 1997028
>>1997016I'm sorry if you had a masculine manly menz man instead of a twink, they would implode too cause now there's so much pressure for ftroonms to conform to
toxic masculinity! It's a lose lose situation. I genuinely wonder what type of content can please them, because unless they can 100% relate to a character it is "a bad representation".
No. 1997054
>>1997028>I genuinely wonder what type of content can please themThat's the thing: You can't please people at all. Even if you write the most safe for work "representation", people are going to try to find fault with something always. In this situation I would just write what I want and do not listen to people that wouldn't even bother to finish or even read the first chapter of my book.
And is funny, they can relate to the villain even if he kills "because he's bad", but a manly man with feminine traits? "Bad representation, bad!"
No. 1997323
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>>1997288kek she doesn't even try. It's so sad because I really like her artstyle and it's rare to see a Mexican trooning out considering the culture.
No. 1997327
File: 1716536124119.jpeg (Spoiler Image,600.2 KB, 1152x2048, GMEHk9ZagAAsnn3.jpeg)

>>1997238Nta but I just looked her up and damn, this bitch is always posing like a retarded child and only refers to herself as a 'boy'… knowing how troons are and that she creates porn, I find it even more disturbing. Porn-brainrot is the worst brainrot. I don't even have much faith in people like her to detransition because they trooned out for the sheer coomery of it all, and they only continue to sink deeper into it day by day. When something is straight up linked to porn addiction, the porn addiction needs to be taken care of if you also want that gone.
>>1997288Kek if she sounds like THAT when she's genuinely trying, I can't even imagine how her voice is when she isn't putting in any effort. She probably sounds like 3 chipmunks in a trenchcoat or something.
No. 1997401
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>>1997016Looked it up, and it really is the most cliche fujo story. You could replace the tif with a hyper-feminised uke or a woman and literally nothing would change
No. 1997513
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this before and after is depressing
No. 1997525
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>>1997513I think I know how she'll look if she wore glasses. Hell, even the hairstyle is same kek.
No. 1997599
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>>1997593yeah you're right
No. 1997620
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>>1991950Detrans arc soon.
No. 1997629
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>>1997557no actually i don’t think she is. she’s just insane.
No. 1997631
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>>1997557another, more normal, selfie
No. 1997634
>>1997620So she went from being a trans man to nonbinary despite her gender euphoria when T made her smell like a pubescent boy? Gosh, how curious.
>>1997624 Definitely, she'll go 'any pronouns' and pretend that she's happy with her male pattern balding and frog voice when she comes off T, and ramble endlessly about how she's actually everygender coolsexual and doesn't regret trooning out at all.
>>1997629The narcissism is off the fucking charts. She sounds like the type of retard who fakes a seizure in a crowded room to make sure she's still the center of attention.
No. 1997640
File: 1716666878684.gif (1.72 MB, 270x480, judgement-cat-cat.gif)

>>1997629>did faker>"this body is a system comprised mostly of kids"Pedos back at it again. I'm convinced that these mfs sometimes do it to interact with kids and make kids trust them because 'they are also kids from the inside and they can't help it, it's their brain's fault' I see no innocent reason to be acting like that, not even 'she just misses her childhood and don't want to grow up' bs. I'm not giving troons the benefit of the doubt.
>>1997631Honestly she still looks like she has fatal alcohol syndrome. Her skull is just.. built like that.
No. 1997643
File: 1716667707159.png (1.04 MB, 1080x2700, Scramratz compile comic 1.png)

>>1997634Apparently she skipped any gendie labels and jumped right to hormones, they really do just hand this shit out to anybody
Picrel is old but i dont think it ever got posted here No. 1997665
>>1997633>it also must be kind of fun because you could have so many personal cows to laugh at that are paying you to yass kween them into suicide.this made me laugh so much queen lmfao i feel like you tapped into a really primordial motivator for the repressed sadistic types who become therapists
>>1997643KEK of course shes a canepilled fribromaxxer, is there any affliction more stereotypically feminine than somatisation of psychological unease
No. 1997719
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Saw a girl use 'cassgender' in her bio so I looked it up and, lo and behold, now there's a new gender for those who apparently don't care about gender kek. Do gendies ever realise that the rest of the world doesn't hyperfixate on 'muh gender identity' like they do? What even made them think feeling like this is something special that requires a term, ugly flag and shit?
No. 1997726
>>1997643I'm almost impressed by how fucking stupid she is. One of the most common-sense things that even the TRAs over at WPATH advocate for is actual screening. Clearly if she arbitrarily decided she was trans one day and was able to pick up drugs without any kind of psych evaluation or reflection on her own identity goals, there's a problem. Troons throw tantrums demanding that HRT be as easy to acquire as ibuprofen, then deny that there's
any way anyone could possibly transition on an impulse and regret it. I'd feel bad for her if she weren't reinforcing the very psyop that caused her own downfall.
No. 1997746
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>>1997643ok this panel made me crack up ngl
No. 1997758
>>1997750Anon, be honest, we need to know. Did you think she said "I'm convinced that these
No. 1997782
>>1997620she's just being an NLOG as usual. no one says this shit about nonbineys, they say this about themselves. but she's so cool and mature because she rejects their cutesy terms.
>show us your they/them cockshe's also fetishizing herself with this ridiculous strawman quote. if moids were sexually harassing her, they would not validate her delusions at the same time. i can feel her excitement writing those quotes, like she's saying 'look how much people care about my gender identity!' but no one does
No. 1997911
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>>1997643lmao this retard. why is it always the short ones?
No. 1997923
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I feel like brujo Ari wants to make both of these characters cis (sorry to use that term kek, like she doesn’t want them to be TiFs anymore. She barely drew the top scars here (made it hard as fuck to see) and drew their hypothetical child.(sage your shit)
No. 1998058
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>>1997923Wait, hold on
I don't know who that artist is but I do have this drawing saved in my pinterest… lol
is it the same artist? certainly looks like the same character
(sage your shit) No. 1998090
nonnie it is the same character
No. 1999290
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Sage for old photo (2021) but she randomly came up on my dash with a #lesbian post so I went through that tag on her blog and lo and behold. The bone charm and the collar—every fucking time, kek. No. 2000053
File: 1717330437789.jpeg (Spoiler Image,280.03 KB, 1920x1439, IMG_5225.jpeg)

Saw someone I follow share her post on their story in which she‘s begging people to give her money for her 'gender affirming top surgery'.
>'ever since I‘ve grown breasts I‘ve felt uncomfortable with them'
>'I’ve been wanting to get rid of them very badly for more than 10 years now'
Decided to have a quick look on their page.
Yeah no, idk, usually I don’t flaunt the body parts I despise for everyone to see but maybe that’s just me(use the new thread)