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No. 2058104
>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**
Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/2041204>>>/snow/2016968>>>/snow/1997877 >>>/snow/1984807>>>/snow/1972401>>>/snow/1956070>>>/snow/1941555>>>/snow/1929301>>>/snow/1914147 >>>/snow/1897269>>>/snow/1879653>>>/snow/1856992>>>/snow/1840484>>>/snow/1827733>>>/snow/1813705>>>/snow/1799203>>>/snow/1794365>>>/snow/1769272>>>/snow/1742308>>>/snow/1718961>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 2058141
File: 1731982837770.jpeg (77.41 KB, 557x1024, 87DA9C04-FAA5-4902-89C7-DAC93A…)

>>2058129You’re telling me, I used to have the biggest girl crush. She was so cute and pretty to me before the transition. 2007 was peak for me, loved her style. Seeing her now is so sad and her voice is just idk how to even describe the feelings I felt whenever she officially came out with top surgery and getting on t. The voice was really tough to listen to and her eyes evoked a deep sadness in me. I’m not too convinced of the “trans joy” tbh, she always looks so depressed and miserable now
(blog) No. 2058148
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(sage your shit)
No. 2058181
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yeah you're probably not as stealth as you think
No. 2058316
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oh brother
No. 2058317
>>2058316No no, I'm okay with this. See how the scrotes like it when
they have to be tolerant to trannies.
No. 2058332
>>2058316>>2058318Mens issues suck and are completely self induced suffering.
It's male depression, loneliness and the 4b movement. All things that could go away if we solved womens issues first. You're right anons, men don't need a day.
No. 2058351
>>2058318>>2058332Fun fact is that while is important to do an awareness about depression, certain cancers and all, they're the ones who tell themselves to "man up" and not whine or be a fag. They want a day but then they do not take it seriously.
And well, I would rather seeing TIF reclaiming that day than TIMs reclaiming the 8M.
No. 2058410
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>>2058141sorry you got banned for blogging. i feel the same. ellen page was beautiful, strong, and stylish. now she looks depressed and sickly all the time. i believe it's the fault of moids who preyed on her. she wanted to become something they could never lust after again. however, she also broke the hearts of many women who also crushed on her. i always sympathize with ftms even when they're annoying and cringe because i feel it's almost always a result of wanting to cocoon yourself away from predatory men.
with all the shitty TIM poetry floating around the threads i was inspired to write something on ellen page lol. i mourn her.
(this isn't the thread for posting your poetry) No. 2058420
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lol of course the grauniad turned off comments on this one
No. 2058559
>>2058348Seconding that this needs to be the next threadpic but someone should edit the hairline so it's receding
>>2058420>Ezra No surprise there. But for real, a lot of the time tit chopping is the end goal for TIFs and this is coming from personal experience as well. They aren't bothered about bottom surgery/mutilation (fortunately) and a lot even stop taking T or never begin. Tit chopping is the number one procedure for them with loads of false meaning attached, trans is heavily based around curating aesthetics and the tit chop aesthetic is everywhere
No. 2058560
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No. 2058617
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Holy shit! The comments are hilarious. She thinks that the boys at school meant her. I bet she was like any other art/drama kid at school. They truly believe that people see them as males.
No. 2058677
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No. 2058717
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Oh well, I guess it’s one way to cope about this kind of predicament. Guess she couldn’t handle the guilt and regret of wasting away a decade of her life getting groomed and following through terrible choices. The shame and guilt would eat her alive.
No. 2058730
File: 1732126434264.png (244.33 KB, 1080x639, Screenshot_20241120-131303.png)

its like they almost get it
No. 2058783
>>2058732Nona, this shouldn’t make you sad. This TiF is upset because she can’t opt out of womanhood.
This means she believes all women who DON’T identify as men
want to be treated as “walking vaginas”
She’s not mad about misogyny, she’s mad she couldn’t successfully exempt herself, and she thinks she’s too cool to be treated like a normal stupid girl
No. 2058822
>>2058560>wahhh wahh le feminine pooner roommatemeanwhile OP
>long hair>gay ass face piercings>twee little peace sign >dainty hands>all lowercase feminine typing style>epic 12 y/o boy shirt she found by typing "older brother core" into depopIt's over, kek. I hope her friend finds out that this freak is on reddit calling her gf a pooner and fantasizing about throwing her out of a moving car.
No. 2058994
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>>548731After years and years I finally have an update on “Zander”.
No. 2059057
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>>2059056Idk who Tyler is, I’m talking about this person.
>>>/g/435416 It’s clearly the same woman, look at the ears and earrings if you’re face blind
No. 2059061
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>>2059057Picrel, her curated hovel
No. 2059062
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>>2059061And “art” smeared on her walls
No. 2059063
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>>2059062The way she talks about herself
>I was the up and coming gay socialite of the moment by the way do you know I do drugs No. 2059086
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>>2059057I can't actually tell if your picrel and the Zander TIF are the same person. They do look very similar but are there any more pics of Zander?
No. 2059088
>>2059086That’s the exact same person. The face is identical, like copy paste, in
>>2059063 and
>>2059086How can you not see it…? Kek
No. 2059089
>>2059057that’s tyler
>>2059056yes tyler is a
terf who blasts roids not a TIF
No. 2059091
>>2059089(to be clear, she once was a TIF (zander) but is
now a
terf who blasts roids)
No. 2059118
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I love watching trannies dogpile anyone attempting to help them, “how dare you imply I refer to my heccun valid boypussi as a dick! I am a proud wom- I mean femboy!!1!”
No. 2059137
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>>2059124Tyler/cator99 socially transitioned and is on T. Even if she privately identifies as a butch dyke, I don't really see how that differentiates her from anyone else in this thread if she's socially going by a male name, male pronouns, and taking hrt in order to weightlift better. She's constantly nit picking and mocking other women with anorexia/binge/purge tendencies. The only radfem-ish thing about her is that she talks mad shit about her troonmates and other random trannies she's encountered through customer service work. If she's not a fakeboi, I have a bridge to sell you. Thread tax is one of her stimulant rants.
No. 2059141
>>2059057I knew her as a girl named Zoey who loved anime and called herself a raver. What a wild ride her life has been. It’s one bad decision after another and her brain is fucking fried if she thinks she’s a
TERF. I don’t feel bad for her at all she’s such a two-faced person who’s all bark and no bite.
No. 2059263
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"Oh I can be a bear too?"
Girl, you're going to get osteoporosis and fertility issues too.
No. 2059272
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>>2059086This is crazy, I found this and I'm pretty convinced Zander and Tyler are the same person. I always thought she was the classic body dysmorphic ultra-butch feinberg-style FTM stereotype from before trans hit the mainstream, never would have guessed she used to be the trendiest trender to ever trend. She must be so embarrassed by this phase now.
No. 2059284
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No. 2059290
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Found an alt account she hasn't deleted. She posted a hospital bracelet with her full name on it.
Also re picrel, guess she's not actually a lesbian?
No. 2059296
>>2059165Very decora inspired (it was 2010/2011) and same haircut as the gun pic from here.
>>2059284 She also had thin 2000s glasses which suited her face and most of piercings she currently has were from that phase.
No. 2059298
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>He identifies as a pansexual, polyamorous trans boy
Also hasn't Tyler been implying she was an impoverished delinquent teenager who dropped out of high school? Is that a larp too?
No. 2059300
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from fakeboi thread #5
No. 2059317
>>2059298I was in a half-decent group home at the time, never impoverished.
Of course I think my 18 year old self was embarassing and beyond lost in the bullshit, but it is what it is. Just glad to see you ladies are still having your fun.
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No. 2059361
>>2059347>>2059341It's amazing how some of them
never quite understand that you can't magically reshape yourself with words, even after they 'detransition' and adopt like 3 terfy opinions. Being critical of troons is good but she did not graduate from whatever caused her to troon out in the first place.
>claiming to be a butch dyke Does she believe she can just negate parts of herself she doesn't like by claiming the opposite? It's pure troon logic, everyone feels iffy about some of their facets or actions in the past but doesn't blatantly lie like this. Just get off T and own the fact you're boy-crazy and weirdly obsessed with the idea of becoming one kek
No. 2059371
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>>2059361The obsession with faggot aesthetics is hilarious, her weird post she made about ~infiltrating the normie faggot circle of brohood~ is so fucking eye-rolling. She acts like she's too good to mingle with the theythem greasy ravers when she was literally a theythem greasy raver yaoi addicted woman herself. She's so annoying kek.
No. 2059380
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Girl you want to fuck your dad?
>>2059371Honestly it’s like the same as Kalvin Garra and Blaire white where they say “I’m not like one of the other trannies, I’m the cool tranny” it’s pickmeism.
No. 2059397
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>>2059371Kek she privated (on tumblr that means you have to have a tumblr account to view it) her blog just now. Fuck whoever cowtipped though.
No. 2059400
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>>2059397It's difficult to avoid, too many tumblrinas in here.
No. 2059405
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>>2059290Looks like she was identifying like a gay trans man, aka, into men. I cannot believe she has all of tumblr buying into her “butch dyke” lesbian LARP now. It’s clear as day she’s obsessed with men even today, she basically only associates with dudes and on her blog even admits she doesn’t hang out much with lesbians.
No. 2059417
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whiteglove is balding
No. 2059420
>>2059371>I'm not into D&D, doctor who, knitwear, or witchy art markets…..D&D and Doctor Who are cringe but still more dignified than her going at clubs to feed off the spectacle of male homosexuality. I just know she was staring at them with googly, expectant eyes, so happy to be 'one of the bros'. Even her examples of party games are annoying, 'rizzing' people for fun happens in about any group of regular party-goers, but she thinks that mentioning gay men makes it look extra alluring because of her own fag hag bias.
>theythem greasy raver yaoi addicted woman herselfKEK right
No. 2059421
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>>2059417White glove and Tyler should be friends.
No. 2059423
>>2059332>boundaryless inappropriate relationships with menShe really thinks men operate like an indie coming of age movie about sad people from the Midwest. If a tif passes so well that a moid can't clock her, and then tried to act like this, they would immediately kill her because they're afraid people will think they're gay and don't want it to get around
>>2059417Rogue Internet Man is probably doing back flips about this kek
No. 2059434
>>2059413Yeah I think she probably lurks and posts here regularly, I get farmer vibes from her. She's known about lcf at least since 2016 when she was posted as Zander the first time, and god knows she loves to chat shit about gendies. Might be why her reply here was pretty levelheaded, she knows sperging out can only make her look worse.
>>2059397She must have lost the access info to private her old instagram or she would have done so by now.
No. 2059438
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>>2059434Yeah, she did come by earlier in the thread to tell us about her past living situation. She has known about KF for a long time. I recall her screeching about it on Facebook cause her friend had a thread. I wonder if that’s what changed her opinions on trannies and woke culture? It seems like she’s got a lot of self-loathing for the person she turned herself into or at least her past affiliations with such people. This has been such a wild 24hrs I tell you.
No. 2059450
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>>2059449most of them are weebs and they think they look like this
No. 2059462
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>>2059461Samefag, wait, nvm the Zander is in parenthesis. I change my guarantee: Taylor must have been her enby name before the gay trans pooner shit.
No. 2059469
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>>2059380>Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug. After its discovery in 1975, its first uses were in veterinary medicine to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis.The mom knows her daughter is having a parasite that makes her think she's a man.
No. 2059472
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>>2059450>How they think they look like irl>How they really look like irlDoesn't help neither that the real moid was sick already.
No. 2059474
File: 1732297352043.png (953.74 KB, 755x2111, medium.png)

Today on: Missing the point on these characters.
>It is under the guise of “Ping” that Mulan is able to be herself, excel, and save China.
She did it to save her father first. If she didn't save Chang, he would have killed her right there for being a woman in the army.
>Jim Hawkins’s narrative, similar to many of these characters, is of a rebellious outcast who is “a stranger” to his mother. His father abandoned his family, leaving Jim without a father figure.
His daddy issues didn't make him a TIF.
No. 2059475
File: 1732297575763.png (192.55 KB, 828x1792, IMG_0434.png)

>>2059462that format on hospital bands typically means “(preferred name) legal name”, so “(zander) taylor” means preferred name zander, legal name taylor
No. 2059491
File: 1732301861533.jpeg (359.95 KB, 1284x1801, IMG_7657.jpeg)

> sorry lesbians this is a guy
> oc in picrel looks female in every sense of the word
fucking kek
No. 2059538
>>2059530If by that you mean what does she gain from pretending to be a super butch lesbian on tumblr despite being obsessed with men and dick, it's the exact same thing she gained by doing this shit here
>>2059298and reeing against lolcow's bullying of her dogshit junkie-tier makeup and presentation: attention.
No. 2059620
File: 1732328365393.jpg (53.44 KB, 603x409, what.JPG)

Apparently she doesn't think of herself as butch, but as a "twink" "suckpig." It's interesting to see her take offense at being compared to lesbian archetypes while venerating all the nastiest aspects of gay male culture. I think anons upthread are right, she seems straight. I armchair that she claims to be a lesbian because she knows that's the only way her tumblr sphere will accept a "detransitioned" women who still is on T and pretending to be a man. She'd get dragged for invading gay male spaces if anyone knew she liked dick
>>2059290 , so she has to LARP as a lesbo to avoid scrutiny.
No. 2059670
File: 1732337709577.jpg (Spoiler Image,836.57 KB, 1694x2000, bafkreied3r6vb6i3wg66x4zrx7yt3…)

Spoiler for chest and cut scars, but this must be the first time ever I have seen chest scars that healed so clean. Or are we used to see horrid scars?
No. 2059678
>>2059675Keeping the nipples almost always involves completely removing them and grafting them back on the chest in a different place. In America at least, it's cheaper to just get rid of the nipples completely.
I've also seen some extremely online nonbinary women like gray folie who think that having no nipples makes them somehow more nonbinary, because both sexes are expected to have nipples …I guess??
No. 2059694
>>2059670Makes me realise I've never seen a normally healed tit chop before
>>2059687She might've also had smaller breasts, I imagine that'd make the surgery less intensive?
>>2059692Yeah I was gonna say her arm looks worse than her chest somehow
No. 2059708
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No. 2059716
File: 1732360692244.jpeg (49.42 KB, 564x562, he him trans man.jpeg)

I saw the most disturbing thing ever. Not sure about the rules. But I also do not want to share it. But it is one of the accounts posting #shtwt on X. This one is not for the lulz so I refuse to share it.
They are a 17 year old TiF. They have videos and pictures of EXTREME self harm. I am not talking about edgy teens cutting deep gashes showing bones type of things.
They literally cut off flesh tissue. Fried it in a pan and claimed to have eaten it. I am not making this up.
Regardless. I noticed that more than half of these girls are fem presenting goth? TiFs.(integrate newfag)
No. 2059796
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>”ermm…fellow doods, what do you say when someone misgenders you? I don’t want to say something that makes them realise I’m a trans guy!”
No. 2059799
File: 1732384080803.png (52.6 KB, 1011x261, moid.png)

>>2059796You forgot to post the bio.
And I have heard from metal moids that they take it humorous when people mistake them for women due their long hair. What do you expect them to do? Punch the poor person while yelling "I'm a he/him"?
No. 2059801
File: 1732384615658.png (598.93 KB, 640x960, rEu49zf.png)

>>2059796sage for blogpost, but one of friend's boyfriend who used to be really into goth fashion, was thin and had long black hair(sorta like picrel) would occasionally get called mam a few times, but people would instantly realise they made a mistake when they looked at his face more closely or heard his voice and I assume that's the most common experience for men when they get "misgendered", cause they are actually men with identifiable features
No. 2059803
>>2059799They always describe themselves as 'guy' in their bios.
Some i have seen "I'm silly guy" and "I'm just a guy on the web".
You cant call yourself "guy" in a more female coded way.
No. 2059806
File: 1732385817216.jpg (112.37 KB, 550x948, gnc.jpg)

>kawiwi maid outfits
>"stop fetishizing me for being gnc!!"
No. 2059819
>>2059675As well as cost, it's also a longer healing time. It's basically no time at all compared to the rest of your life, but these TiFs are too young and impatient to think in the long term. Gotta get those selfies on social media asap!
>>2059670She has so many self-harm scars on her arm too… including a vertical one.
No. 2059830
This the one you're talking about? Posts were removed though.
(this is an imageboard ) No. 2059843
File: 1732394832165.webp (18.44 KB, 600x600, 1000009303.webp)

>>2059803>i'm just a silly little guy!!>>2059796lol as if men get regularly misgendered. a guy with long hair would just have to look at the person before they realize it's a dude
>>2059830Anyone reading this, do NOT scroll through that Twitter account unless you want to see extreme self-harm. Like Coldness in my Heart levels. It's a 17yo girl with her leg spilt open and she ate her own flesh. Kids shouldn't have access to social media.
No. 2059875
>>2059826Moids fragile masculinity: Using soap or body stuff because that's something gay men wear unless is an all-in-one product.
Tifs fragile masculinity: being called a woman even if she does nothing to pass as a man.
No. 2059880
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They were deleted except for one that could be animal meat on a fork but she claims it is hers. I looked at her media page, she has some pictures of dark purple scars too. She also says this, replying to someone asking if you don't want people to look up to you why do you post it.
No. 2059929
File: 1732418223295.png (1.31 MB, 810x1012, Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 7.10.…)

the roid induced baggy eyes behind the giant black face tattoo… I feel so bad for her. @stupidd.dogg on instagram, she's 23. the tattoo artist, also a tif, was marketing face tats with "the world is ending, get a face tattoo" with reduced pricing… it's all too much
No. 2059940
File: 1732426589049.jpg (73.5 KB, 600x408, 98776.JPG)

formula for a cator99 post, as seen in
>>2059063>mention partying with faggots>talk about how all the Big Name Faggots Love you>bring up drugs>write it all in a faux-nonchalant no-punctuation way to make sure everyone knows this is just like a normal day for you like who cares yawn No. 2059974
File: 1732439491407.jpeg (Spoiler Image,261.21 KB, 740x1280, IMG_0246.jpeg)

Are therapist actually starting to do their jobs?
The fact that most TIFs transition due to misogyny and sexual assault while virtually all TIMs transition due to fetishism and degenerate behavior is never missed to me kek.
No. 2060046
>>2059974>17yo>went on testosteronethey say it never happens
>>2060031she was raped at age 7 you retard, the only dumb fuck here is you
No. 2060057
>>2060042all the more reason troonism a plague, it convinced a rape
victim pretending to be a guy would fix her problem when she just gave herself more medical problems for life. I don't care how harsh my comment is.
No. 2060077
>>2060072Are you ESL because messing with someone (teasing them or joking with them) is not the same as messing
around with someone, though the latter can also mean teasing/joking and does not necessarily mean hooking up. She was bantering is what I took from that sentence.
No. 2060082
>>2060077Ngl her whole typing style is wack. Can anyone even say for sure whether she meant
>>2060072 or what you're saying she did? It can mean any of those things, so wouldn't say one interpretation is technically wrong when another anon
>>2059964 also thought the same.
>>2060080>Every troon is bi that is why they get so confused about gender and think it's all fluid and psychosexual.That's not how bisexuality works. At all.
No. 2060085
>>2060082You're clearly just retarded because I'm ESL and even I get that messing with =/= messing
around with. That's like confusing making out with making up. Google is your friend.
>That's not how bisexuality works. At all.Are you lost? It is for gendies. Literally everyone who's claimed "sexuality is just so FLUID and CONFUSING, and about VIBES" is just bi. Let's not pretend most of the kweerdos saying genital preferences are
problematic aren't bi.
No. 2060097
File: 1732466461708.jpeg (411.2 KB, 750x1181, IMG_2642.jpeg)

>>2060080Oh damn she wrote a whole novel about us today. If she had just left it where she did with her reply on here and then continued as usual, she would have looked so much more unbothered lol. Looks like she got caught talking shit about her friend's disaster wedding so that's probably why she's freaking out now.
No. 2060123
File: 1732472449897.jpg (30.63 KB, 601x160, 08088_99.JPG)

>>2059940This is getting weird. Why would you brag about a bunch of gay dudes thinking you're a man and trying to fuck you?
Also, I wonder if she knows that any woman who's into her is into men. Like, if even men think you're a man, any girl you're seeing is into dudes.
No. 2060132
File: 1732475340799.jpeg (453.56 KB, 1170x1437, IMG_2203.jpeg)

>>2060097You should have posted the full post. She lurked the bunker thread on junkochan, which is a whole other level of lurking since she would have had to found that site from the CC bunkers.
No. 2060140
>>2060138This one is extremely sad, yeah. And you raise a good point. How the fuck did so many people assume she was "just trans" and not a
victim of sexual assault? Did anyone
No. 2060155
>>2059843Jesus fuck, you were not kidding with those descriptions of her photos.
The photo she posted of "week-old blood" on her bathroom floor where she also referred to the self-harm as "this day's session" also threw me for a loop.
I hope I never hate myself as much as this chick does. Also hope that someone makes her get help instead of just coddling her and saying it's okay every time she falls back into cutting.
Seriously, this girl needs actual help, my god
No. 2060182
File: 1732483709941.jpg (50.71 KB, 639x733, kljlk_09.JPG)

>>2060159She's liveblogging this thread now, she just posted picrel. Unbothered queen. But fuck the person who cowtipped her for real, i guess it was that ex-friend. organic milk is so much better than whatever this is so congrats for runing it for everyone
No. 2060213
>>2060196Wedding: part 1. Introductions
I dont even know where to start. We pull up and grandma’s taking a break from her oxygen tube to have a cigarette inside. The bride’s toddler-aged niece and nephew are running around screaming and trying to get my attention since half of the attendees are antisocial “ew crotch goblins” type autists. A woman I was acquainted with years ago who has since “transitioned”, writes yaoi webcomics, and inexplicably (or, rather, predictably I suppose) goes by a japanese name, is sitting on the couch wearing a bright pink lolita coord– she makes awkward and anxious conversation with me which I enjoy nonetheless as a result of having memories of strong admiration for her from 15 years ago. She’s quite a bit older than me, and I remember seeing her at the library as a tween and thinking she looked like the coolest person I’d seen in my town, thought maybe she was a lesbian too, and wanted so badly to know who she was that I snuck a look at the computer sign-in sheet just so I could try and guess which name might reasonably belong to her, and repeated the name to myself all the way home, imagining walking up to her and introducing myself one day and what I might do to try and get her to think I’m “cool”. Nowadays she mostly seems stuck in a vicious cycle— posting an eyesore-pastel yaoi drawing on instagram that she clearly put a lot of work into, complaining repeatedly that it’s not getting any engagement, asking people to like and comment, before finally sharing that she’s deleting everything and going on hiatus because she’s depressed that her art isnt getting anywhere, only to resurface in a month, rinse and repeat. Beside her is a barefoot 6 foot 2 woman who shakes my hand vigorously for a solid 20 seconds with a grip that cuts off my circulation. And beside her is a relatively normal looking man who appears to be in his 40s and makes normal– even intelligent– conversation with me. I wonder what he’s doing there– and if he just got roped into it like me. I notice his pokemon belt and think okay so he’s a dweeb but he still comes across as well-adjusted— wtf is the story here? I introduce myself to the grandparents, whose trailer the wedding is being hosted in, and they immediately take a liking to me since I’m such a strapping young lad to the extent that they dont even realize that I’m the one who my mother has referred to as her Daughter multiple times, and continue calling me “he” and asking about my trades aspirations etc (this particular type of enthusiasm towards your career is an interaction you unlock when people think you’re a Normie Male– something I’ve learned very recently)… The bride’s mother is already in tears– Finally, She’s Not My Problem! Thank You God!!– as she holds in her hands a contract for the American bride to sign agreeing to mom’s “No Returns” policy.
Part 2: lord help us
The brides and their 2 bridesmaids– a cousin with white dreads, and one of the tradie lesbians next door– are on the porch out of sight still preparing themselves to walk down the isle, ie, the area from the porch through the kitchen to the living room. I make polite conversation with the officiant, who is in his 80s but comes across as much younger. He talks about being a veteran and the importance of physical activity throughout one’s life so you can enter old age with ease. Minutes later, I’m chatting with grandma again, who is sitting by the window. She tells me about how her lung cancer came back, in between drags of her cigarette. I chat with the kids and do the toddler-interaction equivalent of throwing a ball for a dog. Still playing but also please get as far away from the cigarette zone as possible jesus christ. The smaller of the 2 kids trips over grandma’s oxygen line and I use this opportunity to excuse myself, first to check on her and then to finally pour myself a coffee. The people on the couch are varying degrees of utterly disinterested in their surroundings as things start moving along, the officiant takes his place at the centre of the livingroom wall, standing At Attention, and the children’s mother attempts to corall them into walking down the isle with their aunty– all parties seem hesitant in their participation. Mom starts yelling, threatening to spank them if they don’t listen, the kids scream and cry, and everyone just kind of sits there awkwardly in their silence making quick glances at one another, circulating pointed eye contact. Grandma finally lets out a wheezing cough and says “what’s taking them so long,” which signals a collective exhale followed by the reminder that we’re inhaling fumes, and then the relief of knowing it will all be over soon, and cue the resuming chatter (atop the screaming), as my mom suggests I take the kids for a walk around the trailer to calm them down. Before I can make a bitchy aside about the mom being the one who needs to cool it, the porch door flies open, as the bridesmaids begin to usher in our queens…..
(this is an imageboard) No. 2060214
>>2060207Yeah half of lolcow's dedicated users weren't even aware of the junkerbunkers. You'd have to first be aware of CC in advance to know to go there when LCF is down, and then find the offshoot bunkers from there. Again, seasoned lurker.
>>2060182>>2060196She wasn't cowtipped, the farmer saying she knew Tyler from high school told the wedding haver about the cator99 blog, and when wedding haver confronted Tyler, she knew she had probably been posted about here. Either that or she was already following this thread the whole time, which is also likely.
No. 2060223
>>2060213Why did she post this? This is the kind of thing you tell your friend when they're starving for gossip and you don't have any so you find something to fill in the gap. But why is it narrated at length, for total strangers online? It's not that interesting nor cringeworthy
>>2060217She probably is ashamed of herself, yeah. I don't see any other explanation for this
No. 2060268
File: 1732494823476.jpg (62.14 KB, 580x800, 1386506-ellen-page-a-l-avant-p…)

>>2060257It's depressing as shit ….
No. 2060269
File: 1732494986284.jpg (129.28 KB, 537x768, mento.JPG)

So apparently cator only likes women who look as close to men as possible through hormones and surgery. But don't say they look like men stopppp it's different. normal "low-t" women? Ew. Ewwwwwww. No, she wants the ones with beards, man voices, and no breasts.
No. 2060272
>>2060269She's not butch4butch she's just an NLOG4NLOG.
>they mean feminine and "low T"Bitch women who don't shoot up tranny juice are all naturally "low T" usually, even women with PCOS don't have the testosterone levels of a tranny woman. This entire post is just a cope for being a retarded NLOG for her entire adult life and instead of being normal she just seeks out other NLOGs instead of being threatened by women who aren't so upset at their natural bodies they willingly induce hormonal imbalances or slice their tits off to fit into some retarded social aesthetic movement. She's soooooo trite and annoying.
No. 2060284
>>2060232What's even funnier is that the gay moids she wants to larp as and be besties with are such offline normalfags that they wouldn't know about this unless it became widely known knowledge for some reason; image board culture, lolcows, her hyperqueer past, etc. It clocks her instantly and makes her stand out. A true and honest "faggot" doesn't care about the catty female shit that goes on in these places because he's able to spend his time socialising in ways that tifs and tims only wish they could. Doing drugs and fucking strangers, that is.
It always makes me laugh when trannies of either sex want to larp as completely normalfag-passing members of the opposite sex but their brains are filled with seething and so much internet shit that they cannot keep up the act once something like this comes up. Like all the male trannies that want to play into being normie straight women but always have some kind of forbidden incel knowledge that gets
triggered and forces them to spill their spaghetti in front of their hetero handmaiden friends, and moids who are into them. Nothing gives me schadenfreude like seeing that.
No. 2060340
>>2060097I only lurk but posting just this once to say she's not as discreet as she thinks she is. I always laugh when people that live in big cities for a while pretend like they never met nobody and that nobody knows who they are. Sorry to "hi cow," but hi, cow, your "friend" (frizzy fried blonde hair) talks mad shit about you all the time whenever the chance comes up. Your dirty laundry got spread around after Labour Day weekend and I'm sure you know that's why that certain someone (you know who: brown hair, short, friendly brown eyes) stopped talking to you and blocked you on everything. Really, get it through your thick skull that no matter how many creepy snoop accounts you make to try and keep tabs, it doesn't work because we're smarter than you and we all know what a creepy weird bitch you are. Most of us figured out that you are (and always will be) an annoying social climber with fantasies of grandeur within 10 minutes of meeting you. Here's a heads up: the reason you aren't where you wanna be in life is because you have a shit personality and you're a loser. It's not because of your fake tragic backstory, which gets more unbelievable every time you tell it (and more than once we've sat down and all said aloud the different stories you gave to each of us - which made the lies even more obvious). Nobody gives a fuck about Alberta or what they ~really totally~ did to you out there. Stop acting like your mum is a bitch for wanting you to stop having unprotected sex, and better yet: stop telling people about your lame sex life, we aren't 15 anymore nobody gives a fuck who you have sex with or how you have sex. Nobody wants to hear that. I don't even want to imagine how you sound when you talk about your sex life with your own mother, but I know that I feel bad for her. By the way, nobody gives a fuck that you lived in Chicago! We get it - Toronto is worse than Chicago, Chicago is better than Toronto, Toronto isn't like Chicago. We get it. Stop bringing up Chicago and the USA every 20 minutes and maybe you'd make some real connections instead of trying to stalk your
victim on social media and throwing pity parties for yourself while jumping from person to person to try and climb up the social ladder. We're not stupid: we know a fake person when we see one. Nobody gives a fuck that NYC is "soooo different" from Toronto either, and we all know the reason you really moved back (here's a hint: what happens in NYC doesn't always
stay in NYC). That's part of the reason you're always so miserable and you need to be high all the time: you're always hung up on the past. Life is moving all around you but you're too far up your asshole to notice that. You're a fucking weird loser and that's why people don't look you in the eyes when you talk, not because everyone is secretly autistic like you think. Your "friends" are snakes that told me and a lot of our friends all your "secrets" at the last party in Little Italy before Thanksgiving after we finished drinking that cheap wine you hate so much. You can delete all the shit you want online to save face for your faggy internet buddies, but in real life you can't delete what the fuck you did to her and we all know it. Last time I saw you I smiled and made small talk because I pity you but I think you could tell I wasn't buying whatever the hell you're trying to sell. You're actually so pathetic and I'm so happy you decided to be a dumb bitch and post on LC trying to defend yourself because now I get to go to bed tonight knowing there's a chance you will read this and realize that everyone is on to you and we all know the stupid games you like to play with people. I wanted to say this to you for a few weeks now, but this makes it even sweeter because even though you know who I am, you can't really say shit. You're gonna sound like a psychopath if you try to explain it, and nobody will believe you anyway because everyone (and I really mean everyone) knows what a liar you are.
(hi cow) No. 2060343
>>2060340You should just text her or send her a tumblr anon or something. Enjoyably deranged to do this rather than just keep it in your group chats or give us milk that doesn't come off like a triumphant entry from a 14 yo's burn book. Love the drama but hi cow to you. Bc this is cow behavior.
>no one will believe youHave you ever heard of a screenshot or the power of 2 sentences of expository text? Why are you retarded?
No. 2060350
>>2060349>Closet case stalkerReverse it, and then you have what really happened. She's not a
victim and she's never been a
victim. She has
victims though.
>>2060344I meant to reply to this post:
>>2059317 but got caught up in seeing her live meltdown on Tumblr posted here so I just responded to the one that I did. It's strange when you see someone you know posted on here.
>>2060347I just wanted to get into her head and I think I already have. I'm tired of having to see her and fake a smile when I pass by her on Spadina or at Union. Peace out, I'm going back to lurking.
>>2060343You wouldn't get it but I'll say one last thing so she knows:
>88.1. I won't respond to any more posts because I'm not interested in my friend group imploding or being left out in the cold when I go clubbing. I just wanted to let her know that she's not sneaky.
No. 2060351
>>2060344They definitely know cator99 and are talking to cator99. I also thought at first they were talking to the anon they replied to.
>>2060350Vagueanon, get real and post proof or gtfo.
No. 2060354
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>>2060350>88.1Something to do with the radio station?
No. 2060361
File: 1732515758892.jpeg (435.14 KB, 1125x1327, IMG_4371.jpeg)

>>2060269Never escaping the TIF allegations with clothing = sexuality. All I’m seeing is either a confused teenager or a severely autistic kid. Honestly this is a bunch of word salad and I’m surprised she was able to convince her followers with the lies. It’s like writing a letter to animal crossing villagers so they stay in your town.
No. 2060368
File: 1732517676928.png (633.23 KB, 922x475, picspam1.png)

>>2060351>Post proofI know I said I wouldn't respond again but since everyone is calling me a liar, I'll post what proof I have that I know her. It's going to be a lot of picture spam, but I'll sage all the posts because it's not milk, just proof that I know what's up. It might take me a few minutes to upload it all and to type it out, but since I was called a liar and I'm not busy so I'll show you all up so you can shut up.
She goes by Tyler now, but in the past as we all saw she went by Zander. Her family and friends would call her "Zayn" or "Zane" or whatever for short. Picrel is a a photo of her current Facebook profile.
No. 2060369
File: 1732518012327.png (157.63 KB, 961x308, picspam2.png)

>>2060368>Picspam 2/?Here's a picture of her when she used to play piano for recitals. It was posted by her father. How do I know it's her father? Because she always talks about how her father was a guitar player, and on this guy's FB profile (and LinkedIn) he's listed as a guitar teacher. This is the man that she says is a closeted homosexual. Her father is married to a very nice woman, and he has a lot of kids with his wife so I don't think he's gay. You can also see that "Tyler" liked the status for more proof.
No. 2060372
>>2060370 said, no one doubts you know her, but you're accusing her of something serious by saying
>but in real life you can't delete what the fuck you did to her and we all know itand that accusation is what we want proof of.
No. 2060377
File: 1732518869814.jpg (1.75 MB, 1242x2440, picspam3.jpg)

>>2060369>Picspam 3/?If you don't believe the guitarist connection, here's a post from 2023 where she divulges that her father is a guitarist. I'm sure she'll scrub this post and probably send herself some anonymous asks to deflect from these being posted here. Probably something about how she's always hated music, or that she doesn't know how to play instruments, etc., or maybe she'll admit it to it. Like this anon
>>2059397 said she's turned off the outside search feature for her blog, but what this anon didn't mention is that she's deleted over 70 posts in the last 3 days. If there are anons interested in her, now is the time to go back and screenshot some of the more important aspects of the cow.
>>2060370I think you seriously underestimate what a toll being posted on here has had on her. Online she projects a tough guy image, but in real life she's not anything like what she projects on the internet. She has real cow potential but you're too lazy to look up what she's done. You haven't even figured out her second Tumblr, which is where all the real milk is. All your whining is why I'm not gonna share it either, but the real sleuths who actually want to talk about a cow will be able to figure it out easily just by going through her reblogs from 2023 like I did.
Dropped my image file, whoops. No. 2060383
>>2060377Dont just tell us that
>the real milkexists retard, post it and stop being a faggot. No one GAF about her literal who family and personal life
No. 2060388
>>2060377Nonaaaa you have to give us the secret tumblr, you'll be a legend.
>>2060377Side note, concerning the "goof guitarist dad" part of your screenshot, I don't know at all if this is what she's implying, but in my experience goof in indigenous canadian slang (at least in the prairies and jail) means pedophile. Is that what she meant?
No. 2060391
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>>2060340>now I get to go to bed tonight knowing there's a chance you will read thisyou know she'll see you being laughed at for your schizo spam too right?
>>2060377>Nonaaaa you have to give us the secret tumblr, you'll be a legend.least obvious samefag ever
No. 2060393
File: 1732520218943.png (2.1 MB, 1280x1361, picspam4.PNG)

>>2060377>Picspam 4/?>>2060374Why would I care about looking cool on an anonymous imageboard? I'm not Rita. I posted a "hi, cow" letter to the person that I don't like expecting to be banned, instead anons started acting like whiny babies, so I dropped some information for the real sleuths that actually want to milk a lolcow. Besides, just like this anon:
>>2060349 said, the real milk is going to be the reaction. I'm milking a cow right now, you could do it too if you weren't so lazy and entitled.
>>2060382You have to see the forest for the trees for once in your life and do your own research. I was gonna post more pictures, but I think I've said enough and I'm tired of getting ganged up on because some anons are impatient or too stupid to search someone's blog.
>>2060384I don't care what you all figure out about her past and her proclivities, I already know it. Besides, how can I "prove" that a conversation happened? Was I supposed to be recording the shit talking sessions? This is the whole reason cows have been so dry lately. Nobody wants to milk, and when milk is brought everyone has something negative to say instead of being happy. Really the biggest milk has to do with this thread. We all know TIFs browse her to self-harm, but I don't think you can imagine how deep that goes. It'll be hilarious when you find what I'm talking about.
>>2060388No, I really believe that she typed it without knowing the connotation. It's not a secret tumblr, it's very obvious who it belongs to, although she hasn't reblogged or interacted with it in a few months. She is not indigenous, although she claims to be.
>>2060391I don't care what anonymous TIFs think about me. That's the difference between her and I. She has been crying for 3 days straight and binging on Smirnoff in her dark smelly bedroom, and I'm getting ready for bed so I can make it to my job in the morning. Expect a big melt down, or a real quiet period. Up to her what she wants to do.
No. 2060395
File: 1732520304333.jpeg (104.56 KB, 1170x624, IMG_2206.jpeg)

>Probably something about how she's always hated music, or that she doesn't know how to play instruments, etc
You were right. She can’t help but be obsessed. There’s no coming back from the lurking.
No. 2060404
>>2060393You still haven't explained
>but in real life you can't delete what the fuck you did to her and we all know itWhat are you saying she did? and what is this 88.1 thing? This cryptic shit is why you're getting flamed.
No. 2060410
>>2060395>>2060377It took her less than 30 minutes to respond to the post, it's almost 3 in the morning where she lives and she's probably spent the entire night scrolling the thread. She'll probably liek here for the next week obsessively checking the thread to make sure no new info was posted.
>>2060405She's definitely posting here right now. She's probably freaking out like that anon said. A few of the posts like
>>2060406 and
>>2060403 seem like her trying to derail. I saw when she first got brought up 3 days ago, there was some suspicious posts that I thought were her too like these ones
>>2059398 trying to detract.
No. 2060418
File: 1732524021524.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x2026, IMG_7451.jpeg)

>>2059444>Her posting style is mostly just emulating gay male shitposters like pjackk on tumblr.Kek did you see this ask and reply too or was just this an organic thought you had? It's funny that she went ahead and told us she thinks Pjackk is a writer that thinks just like her. Also is her ethnicity white/asian mix? Her mother or step mother featured on her dad's FB looks filipino.
No. 2060419
>>2060269>oh, a queerio 'butch4bucth' couple, nice>look inside>it's two TiFs who lust after faggots and watch gay porn togetherEvery time
>>2060393I hope you've archived her sekrit milky alt (if it exists) because it's obvious she'll delete it before another anon finds it on her own
No. 2060423
File: 1732525567178.jpg (537.18 KB, 1242x1692, IMG_7458 2.jpg)

>>2059148Just look through her posts on her blog and it's pretty easy to see what she's all about. She posts non-stop about how everyone she meets wants to fuck her. Picrel is an example of her
Everyone wants to fuck me and be me because I'm beyond beauty and then everyone clapped tier posts. A lot of her posts can be summed up as "women want to be me but I'm better than them always."
>>2059037>sculpts clay shit directly onto the walls of her dilapidated nyc apartment One of the many reasons she got kicked out of her apartment and went back to Canada. You can tell she hates that she wasn't tough enough to make it in NYC, especially when she talks about that one Drag Queen she hangs out with. I recall a post where she called him a washed-up has-been because he stayed in Canada after appearing on Rupauls Drag Race, when I could tell really she was upset at herself for staying in Canada and that she felt like a washed-up has-been.
>>2059124She socially transitioned and says shes a gay transman attracted to other men in public but on her Tumblr she pretends to be a butch lesbian for some reason like this post mentioned
>>2059157 it's all just for her Tumblr. She does not actually identify as a lesbian or a woman outside of social media, which make posts like these
>>2060269 even weirder.
No. 2060425
File: 1732526213295.png (589.9 KB, 986x682, a whole gaggle!.png)

>>2060345>lmao>this whole gaggle.Hm. So this cow was already posting in the thread the other day, she's mentioned us on Tumblr, and we all think she lurks here. Interesting that this post uses the exact same weird word that Zoey likes to use, "gaggle", in a post that's calling anons more unhinged than Zoey. It's almost like Zoey took the post kind of personally and tried to defend herself but her typing quirks gave her away. Wow who would have thought?
(hi cow/tinfoiling) No. 2060428
File: 1732526596814.gif (226.56 KB, 500x272, lady-gaga.gif)

So are you guys gonna continue to shit up the tif thread or is someone gonna bite the bullet and make a cator & friends thread?
No. 2060434
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>>2060431>>2060371>>2060430Yeah cator99 pretty much confirmed on her blog yesterday with some circumstantial proof that all the non-milk sperging about her here in the past couple days is some insane woman who knew her in high school and is obsessed with her now for some reason. I'm guessing the vendettachan never posted the screencaps of this because she's scared of getting exposed. Hope she does tbh, posting pics of people's family members and accusing them of being pedophiles with no evidence is depraved behavior. Also yes this is a repost for organization bc I forgot the picrel.
No. 2060438
>>2060434And we should believe her because? So far she's lied about her identity, lied about her father's identity, lied about her childhood, lied about her life, we've had two anons in the thread show up and call her two-faced, and you still believe that she's telling the truth? Why should we believe her? In fact, why was she on LC to begin with browsing the TIF thread to initially see herself posted? Think about the story you're trying to spin and before you post try to go through all the plot-holes in your mind.
>>2060431Okay we have lots of dead threads, so what if there's a new dead one? It just seems like you're kind of flailing to put out reasons why we shouldn't make a thread about her.
>>2060430Make your lurking less obvious. I respond to a post you made 4 hours ago and you manage to respond to it in less than 10 minutes.
No. 2060443
>>2060434Why are you following her? If you look at how your screenshots are cropped, there should be more space on the right hand side for the "Follow" button not just the head icon. Either you cropped it funny or you follow her.
>>2060440She's probably been awake all night compulsively reading her threads. When someone posted a video of her playing piano, she made a post about it barely 15 minutes after.
No. 2060444
File: 1732528305348.png (Spoiler Image,366.22 KB, 1291x523, weird cropping.png)

>>2060443Samefag to add a picture of what I mean. Yours is on the left and mine is on the right. Every screencap you added together crops off around the same spot to the right hand side, which seems deliberate. If you weren't following her, there would have been more space and a big button that says "Follow" that you wouldn't have been able to crop out. It's just weird that you'd compile a nice docket of all these screenshots, crop out the same spots on each of them, then moralfag about how we posted pictures of family members (which nobody did) and accused them of being pedophiles (which nobody did). What is the point of this post exactly?
(infighting/derailing) No. 2060453
File: 1732529200276.jpg (521.71 KB, 1242x1503, IMG_7466.jpg)

>>2060441>Then who's flying the plane?!Wow your joke is just as lame as the one Zoey posted.
>>2060449What's insane is that there's this much pushback on talking about a TIF in the TIF thread. It's almost like someone doesn't want us talking about her…
No. 2060457
>>2060451What do you think the "?" at the end means? That's a question mark. It's obvious that she was asking a question, and then an anon responded and said that Zoey was not referring to her dad as a pedophile.
>>2060454Again why should we believe Zoey about anything? Why are you trusting a TIF that claims to be a butch lesbian
TERF exclusively on Tumblr?
>>2060456Different anon but I'm starting to think you're all the same one.
No. 2060464
File: 1732531482909.jpg (381.44 KB, 1242x1758, Zoey.jpg)

>>2060459What is there to believe?
So far we have an update about Zoey
>>2058994 then anons asked for updates
>>2059025 which were given
>>2059031 >>2059037 then we have our appearance of the first weird post here
>>2059056 trying to throw us off the trail, with more following up like
>>2059086 yet more updates continue
>>2059063 >>2059062
>>2059061 >>2059057 then we have the first "she's really a
terf not a TIF!" post here
>>2059091 which other anons weren't buying. Then we have the first anon that said she knew her, here
>>2059141 and here
>>2059157 and then even more milky caps were posted
>>2059272 >>2059284 and an old alt account was found and caps were posted
>>2059290 and even an article written from when she was in high school doing her queer troon activism
>>2059298 and then finally! She responds for the first time in the thread here
>>2059317 after blocking external search engines from showing her posts on Tumblr
>>2059397 and the thread affected her that much that she started liveblogging it on her Tumblr page
>>2060132 >>2060097
>>2060182 and anons realized she was a serial lurker
>>2060207 >>2060214
>>2060209 >>2060230 then someone "hi cow"d her again for the 3rd time in the past 4 days and posted pictures from her personal Facebook which she claims is "hard to find"
>>2060368 then posted pictures from her father's FB (who she claims is gay
>>2059380 yet seems to be the most normal nigel ever and has 4+ kids with his wife) of her playing piano
>>2060369 and said that she'd probably deny it, which she did
>>2060395 less than 15 minutes later then suddenly a random WK appears and says that Zoey is so attractive, which is something Zoey talks a lot about
>>2060423 then someone who randomly just happens to follow the annoying TIF tries to moralfag and post "proof" that it was really just a crazy stalker from high school (10+ years ago for Zoey)
>>2060434 and that's the only person that's posted about her on LC ever, then suddenly once her FB is posted and more info comes out on her, suddenly now everyone is so tired of her and just wants to move on and forget.
It's all here in the thread. You just have to scroll up and read. I'm seeing a really cringe TIF that is obsessed with herself and checks in on TIF cringe threads frequently.
No. 2060476
>>2060471>I just want some real milkMe too but this is the TIF thread. It's to laugh at pathetic TIFs and their sad lives, or to post nudes of their botched crotch sausages. It's not exactly the farmers' pick for milkiest thread. Zoey has a sad life. She hates being a TIF but she can't walk back on it now so she roleplays as a radfem butch lesbian on Tumblr while posting obvious lies about herself and her family, and even when confronted with proof of her lies she still continues in them anyway. She talks shit about troons when she's part of the reason pro-troon legislation was passed. She lurks this thread on the regular and for the past weekend she's posted here several times to try and get the heat off her, while blogging about her experiences with the site. Even right now in this thread, there are anons that would prefer to believe the lying cow about an imaginary boogeyman from high school rather than just look for milk themselves, even after abundant sources and caps have been posted.
>maybe the whole point is to derail the threadWe all saw her post in this thread, then post about it on her Tumblr, then we got random white knights that just so happened to be following her on Tumblr trying to moralfag and push Zoey's story. It's pretty obvious that someone is trying to derail this thread, but I don't think it's anons.
No. 2060491
>>2060480>where is the proof she lied about her familyits in the thread but also posts like
>>2060418>i thought portugese people were a type of asian until 6 months agoor like
>if i knew how to play pianoor like
>my dad that had 5+ children is a faggot No. 2060501
>>2060491First example doesn't include anything proven to be a lie, I can't even tell which statement you're calling a lie there. Second example is obviously just an attempt to get you to stop stalking her family on Facebook so who cares. Third is an obvious joke.
>>2060493>>2060497Changing between age 17 and age 27 isn't "lying", retard.
>>2060494Please take your meds.
No. 2060503
File: 1732534714664.png (330.87 KB, 389x656, %22Zander%22 playing piano.png)

>>2060492Her dad's FB is super easy to find, someone already posted a picture of it. In one of the videos he has uploaded of her playing the piano, he tags his wife
I believe it's his wife, since his profile says "married," and the woman he tags in some posts has some photos with him. She posts a lot about her kids so I don't want to post her profile here. It's ironic because she goes and makes up these huge lies about them like "my mother feeds me ivermectin! My father is a homosexual!" (inb4 "PRUUF! PRUUF!" read the fucking thread) but for all accounts and purposes it seems like they're really nice, normal, family-oriented people. The father even tags Zoey as his "son" and in his posts tells her how proud he is of "him." The most bizarre thing is why did she feel the need to lie about the piano thing? In one of the videos her father uploaded, the one seen here
>>2060369 the announcer on stage actually says "Zander Hartman" so we all know it's her. Why lie about something so easily disproved unless she's a delusional psycho?
>>2060498This is what makes it so milky for me. Anons posted 4 or 5 pictures of her and then suddenly she's here defending herself, going on Tumblr to broadcast the situation to her followers, then lurking here and trying to WK herself, all because she doesn't want her ~cool radfem~ online friends to know that she's a TIF and that her whole radfem
terf schtick is make-believe for internet-popularity points.
>>2060501>>2060502>Obvious Tumblr-follower WK is obvious. No. 2060506
>>2060498>She's scared her niche political interest lesbians who follow her will stop being attracted to her kekThis is the part that's so gross. She's a TIF, she's campaigned for troon rights, she worships homosexual males, she hates "low-t women," but she STILL wants to bang radfems so she makes this intricate online persona to use so she can manipulate people that wouldn't like her for her ethics and morals into liking her. She's a scammer and a fraud.
>>2060504"Anons" even went to /meta/ to complain about it there. I don't know why "anons" are so sensitive about this TIF. Maybe it's because so many "anons" are so attracted to her like
>>2060406 No. 2060508
File: 1732535678981.jpg (1.12 MB, 1242x2354, thathappened.jpg)

>>2060507She has dozens of posts of a similar caliber. She is maybe the most narcissistic TIF I've come across in a while. All of her stories are complete bullshit and she writes thousands of characters just to lie. I checked out her blog and I found great hits like picrel that would fit right in on /r/thathappened. This is the first post, but she reblogged it twice more to add more lies and to make herself look even more heroic.
No. 2060509
>>2060503>bitching about being expected to post proof of claims on /snow/Have you considered that maybe this isn't the best place for you to blogpost about someone you don't like for personal reasons no one else cares about?
>>2060504>>2060506>>2060507You should know not to samefag this obviously if you've been here for 7 years. This is just embarrassing.
(multiple post spergout/whiteknighting) No. 2060510
>>2060509I'm one of the anons you're accusing of samefagging and I literally only wrote one post you linked kek, stay whiteknighting.
>>2060508 kek this did not happen.
No. 2060513
File: 1732536527346.jpg (873.69 KB, 1242x2052, IMG_7469.jpg)

>>2060508her stories are crazy works of fiction. she seems to have some sort of neurosis about drag queens, she mentions them a lot. i think it's funny that she called him broke but it's interesting that she's saying she's autistic.
>tbh i think drag is a male narcissism fest anyways and its funny to look back think about how these men get so thrown off when you don't instantly worship them for being misogynistic clown strippers.kind of like how she's so deeply misogynistic that she identifies herself as a radfem butch lesbian online yet she lives her entire waking life as a troon deviant injecting herself with hormones, sucking up to drag queens (who she professes to hate) time and time again to get access to her precious male homos and cocaine-fueled parties. it's like she KNOWS she's a living lie but she doesn't gaf about it because she thinks everyone is too stupid to realize she's living a lie
No. 2060521
File: 1732538315218.jpg (387.65 KB, 1242x1513, Poor Nelson.jpg)

>>2060510Don't bother replying to the obvious WK from Tumblr, it's like this anon
>>2060485 said, we already know the cow lurks here very regularly and she's already been banned for defending herself and trying to post about herself in the 3rd person to defend herself. Just report the posts.
>kek this did not happenMy favourite is when she shares her truly ~edgy~ teenage years on her blog. So far I've she's revealed that she had a warrant for her arrest in her teenage years, all while dating a 30 year old man, but also having 3-day love affairs with lesbians at summer camp, but also she was addicted to Ativan, and then she turned herself into the police. I saw a post earlier just like
>>2060423 where she was talking about how she went to a party and all these 40-year-olds were hitting on her because she's just ~so attractive~, but I can't find the post now so I'm not sure if she's deleting posts right now or not. I think the weirdest lie is still the gay dad thing. Her dad is obviously very supportive of the whole gay trans thing, and they seem to have a genuinely good relationship. Why does she go online and tell everyone that he's secretly a faggot who hates his wife and wants to leave her to be with a man? What does she gain out of that?
No. 2060525
>>2060524>Still calling her TylerMost anons don't call TIFs by their chosen
"gender-affirming" names. If you aren't Zoey she should be paying you serious $$ for being so cringe that you stick around for 5 hours just to try and WK and derail every post. Why is it so serious? What exactly did Zoey do to her friends? At least share some milk if you're just gonna sit in the thread and chimp out for hours.
(hi cowing multiple post spergout vendetta anon) No. 2060528
>>2060434Damn she actually has her followers itt trying to defend her honor
No. 2060529
>>2060506I wonder if she'd still want to bang bisexual moids if she knew what they said about TiFs (things like 'trans men are the worst of both worlds') when trannies aren't in the room.
>low-t womenThat part was jarring. It's one thing to prefer masculine women but reducing androgyny to a matter of hormones is such a troon belief
>>2060526>sugoiest monogatariThanks for the laugh nona
No. 2060532
>>2060525Sped, there are multiple anons ITT and that wasn't whiteknighting in the slightest, you just happen to be cringier than the actual cow. It's hilarious you claimed she was boozing and ripping out all her 3 hairs over this while you were ready to sleep peacefully to go to work in the morning only for
your retarded ass to obsessively hicow all anons who aren't you samefagging kek. Yeah, you're
definitely our prized cow ITT. Hope we get more milk soon.
No. 2060535
>>2059137>She's constantly nit picking and mocking other women with anorexia/binge/purge tendenciesThere are several reblogs on her blog where it's just some random faggot reblogging cute selfies others upload and then insulting their entire outfits and calling them fugly. It's ironic because her sense of style never evolved past 2016. I think she really hates other women.
>>2060188She's implied various times that she's dated several men in the past. Her blog is littered with references to ex nigels. I personally don't believe her lesbian larp. If anything, she only wants to sleep with fellow "high t women" because she's so narcissistic that she just wants to sleep with herself.
>>2060361This is extra crazy because she says "A" is the closet case, but really there's nothing to confirm that at all? If anything it sounds like Zoey was the one creeping on "A."
>>2060532Sped, there are multiple anons ITT. Just because your favourite tumblrina TIF got posted on LC doesn't mean the world will end. She is a TIF and this is the TIF thread.
>>2060531There's a video of her going up on stage with the announcer saying "ZANDER HARTMAN" which was found on her father, NELSON HARTMAN's, Facebook page. Why would she choose her "brother's" name to be her troon name? I'll believe it's Zoey when she's active again on Tumblr.
No. 2060541
>>2060535>Everyone who thinks my vendettachanning is cowish must be a Cator fangirl!Please go to bed, autist vendettachan. You've been shitting up this thread non-stop since yesterday. What happened to your job you had to peacefully sleep for?
>I-If anything, Zoey was the one creeping on me-I MEAN HERKEK you're not slick
No. 2060544
File: 1732540643246.jpeg (176.35 KB, 1242x860, IMG_7478.jpeg)

>>2060541You've been sperging out for hours about this. If you don't like a thread just don't click on it. Why are you here if you don't wanna talk about Tyler? Either post milk or take a break from your screen. It's hard to believe the level of brown nosing that you're on.
Honestly I'm just happy Tyler survived her murder attempt!! Thank God she was able to find the axe to defend herself with. BTW the "huge mansion" has a 90% chance of being a cookie-cutter detached in the suburbs near Vaughn.
No. 2060547
>>2060543It's pretty obvious by what she's posted that she has none, she probably only vaguely knows her irl.
>Boldly claims Zoey is a predator with multiple victims >Goes on spergy rants whenever asked to elaborate, only ever posts irrelevant shit like "proof" she can find her dad's Facebook as if that's what anyone was asking for>Openly admitted she got all this info from fellow gendie vendetta-chans who were friends with cator and doesn't know anything personallyI'm betting it's just some retarded discord drama that will out her as the vendettafag and will likely involve her friends (aka Zoey's ex friends) and blow up in both their faces
No. 2060554
>>2060551I'm still prowling through her blog, but like other nonas are mentioning I think she's online right now and deleting things.
>>2060553I don't think her parents are bad people, but if we believe her life story so far they were very neglectful (letting her troon out so young, letting her date much older men, etc). The issue is that I don't trust any of what she says, so I don't know how much is true and how much is lies. She's obvious very comfortable with lying.
>>2060552Why'd she deny the piano thing then? There's two pictures of videos of her playing the piano, and even a blog post mentioning she was part of a band. But then she lied and said she could never play the piano. And that happened 10 minutes after the OP said "oh she's gonna deny it watch." What was the point of lying like that and doing exactly what the OP said she'd do?
No. 2060555
>>2060551Kek NPD is the one that makes the most sense to NOT include. Narcs can't have NPD, they're normal! And better than you in every conceivable way! And if you say they're wrong you're
>>2060553Incoming Laika Albarn "I'm in a relationship with my dad!" LARP?
No. 2060566
>How is this milk?!??>Tyler is sexy.>PRUUF!!!!>You're all vendettachan!>Where's the milk?!?!?>This is Zoey's high school crush and she's been here for 72 hours straight and all posts about Zoey are really secretly her!!!Ad nauseam.
>>2060562It's called laying the groundwork for an eventual thread dedicated to Zoey. If you retards want to help instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming, you have the blogs and you have the FBs. I'm trying to find her IG now, I already found her brother's but she doesn't follow him at all. I'm wondering if she is really a Tumblr-only person. Part of integrating is to close threads you don't like instead of posting non-stop about how you don't like the thread. Read the room.
(liveblogging looking for milk instead of just finding it and posting it) No. 2060567
>>2060544Kek what even is this story.
>people wanted to murder me at this mansion but I grabbed an axe!!! #tylerwinHow does anyone believe her?
No. 2060572
File: 1732543554259.jpeg (232.56 KB, 1242x553, IMG_7488.jpeg)

>>2060423She is so full of herself the one thing she made sure to tell the tumblrinas is that she was posted in the Sexy Woman thread! She must be a hard core lurker. Creeps me the hell out that TIFs are even in /g/ just watching us talk. Looking at all the obvious posts from her in this thread is bizarre.
Dropped pic No. 2060577
>>2060560Too bad she didn't post the supposed side blog with additional dirt, that thing is probably deleted or scrubbed by now. Between that newfag writing enough to get us interested but getting spooked by aggressive chanspeak and refusing to post and Tyler/Zoey/Taylor/Zander/etc. samefagging with her little Tumblr minions the thread is thoroughly shit up. I'm looking through her archive to see if there's anything interesting she forgot to delete. In case anyone here is new to Tumblr and can't figure out how to grab her archive has some Toronto mutuals that she used to have high interaction with mid 2024 but has slowed down on, they could be leads.
No. 2060582
>>2060566It's called shitting up a thread with your pointless vendettafagging, actually.
>Part of integrating is to close threads you don't like instead of posting non-stop about how you don't like the thread.Good thing I like the thread and the only thing shitting it up is you, which is coincidentally what I was complaining about, not the actual thread. Read the room, sperg-chan. People have been complaining about you in meta since yesterday. But of course you're not integrated enough to know that, just like you're not integrated enough to know you're not supposed to announce which profiles you're lurking through especially when we know the cow is ITT, retarded vendetta newfag.
(report and ignore the sperg) No. 2060585
File: 1732544129836.jpg (774.01 KB, 1440x1440, fattest nose ive ever seen.jpg)

Oh seeing the sweet succulent red text on those whiteknight posts brings me such warmth on this
chilly November morning.
No you fucking fool this isn't the time for touching grass this is the time for archiving. If we work together now we can gather all the milky bits.
No. 2060588
File: 1732544358444.jpg (113.16 KB, 497x753, 87978987076.jpg)

>>2060340> I'm sure you know that's why that certain someone (you know who: brown hair, short, friendly brown eyes) hmm?
No. 2060592
>>2060583Pretty sure this was intentional. Everyone (read: Tyler's tumblr orbiters) was calling her a liar so of course she'd want to post proof. We should all just start collecting milk, she still hasn't deleted a lot of her Tumblr posts and I doubt she'll be able to delete them all on her own quickly. I wish there were others that knew about her past pre-Tyler era so that we could fill in a thread OP for her. She seems milky and 3 or 4 anons have said it'd be good to have a thread for her. For now the TIF thread is fine but if she has cow potential like we think she does, we should work on organizing an OP and general history.
>>2060588Wow. You are a true detective nona I'm proud to share a website with minds like you.
No. 2060598
File: 1732545074860.jpeg (420.24 KB, 1242x1123, IMG_7495.jpeg)

>>2060549>>2060550She does take Adderall. I'm not sure if prescribed or what, since it's easy to buy and she's expressed ease with buying drugs like shrooms and coke in the past. If it is prescribed, then add ADHD to her list of supposed mental calamities.
No. 2060602
File: 1732545900831.jpeg (886.77 KB, 1242x2293, IMG_7499.jpeg)

>>2060521>She went to a party and all these 40 year olds were hitting on herIs it this one? Sorry for gay theme.
No. 2060603
File: 1732546063625.png (726.55 KB, 881x706, raw manimal energy.png)

>>2060601>In Tyler's case she just thinks everyone wants to fuck herWhat? You don't want to fuck the beautiful trans-identified female that larps as a radfem butch lesbian on Tumblr? How could you say that? She was posted on the Women You Want to Fuck thread!!!!
No. 2060609
>>2060588>that hairlineOuch. She needs to go off T before it ruins her skin
>>2060603KEKKKKKKK nona that part had me rolling. How can she write this without pause
>>2060606the one just above
No. 2060610
File: 1732546626651.jpeg (541.06 KB, 1242x1268, IMG_7496.jpeg)

>>2060598Not only does our favorite Butch Lesbian Radfem take adderal, she also sells it on the streets! Apparently she uses Grindr to do this, you know, the gay hookup app for gay male faggots. That totally makes sense. I think she's delusional and thinks gay moids want to fuck her, because she thinks everyone wants to fuck her. Why do the "gay" TIFs always crave faggots' validation? Is it some weird pooner thing that I'm too mentally stable to understand? Just such a trip seeing her lie about how she's totally not attracted to dicks and she's only on Grindr to sell drugs and meet other "High T women." Give me a fucking break.
No. 2060616
File: 1732547264831.png (725.47 KB, 1127x690, her job.png)

>>2060610She's probably selling more than just adderal. Toronto is expensive, and the only thing she does for work is stock grocery store shelves. I can't imagine that pays well. I can't find the exact company she works for, but these are her descriptions of the job. She mentions "planograms" and "relining" a lot, so I assume she's just a lackey doing labour work. Besides selling drugs, she also says she steals quite a bit. I think that the stealing is just another lie though, as I remember a few years ago on Tumblr shoplifting was all the rage and it gave you a lot of "cool" points if you spoke about how you stole.
>>2060615Are we thinking we found our friendly brown-eyed girl?
No. 2060620
>>2060232>she chose to go streissand modeTIFs' retardation never stops surprising me. It would have all blown over in a day if she hadn't come here to WK herself and then post all about us on her Tumblr. What did she think was gonna happen?
>>2060618Her account isn't "private" in the sense we can't see it, I assume that anon meant that she had turned off the external search function. I'm on her blog right now surfing but she doesn't have any interesting posts so far. Maybe their connection happened more privately? The username is OFLLINE.
>>2060619At least you can admit your mistakes and learn from them. Already you're doing much better in life than Zoey is.
No. 2060622
>>2060620Oflline's archive is also available, you go to the url rather than using the main blog view and can at least scroll to load a lot of the posts and then ctrl+f.
No. 2060623
File: 1732548066947.jpeg (516.74 KB, 1125x2241, IMG_4329.jpeg)

>>2060213Here’s the screencap I scooped before it got taken down. Meant to grab more but I was unfortunately too late.
No. 2060625
>>2060624It’s proof that the post is legit,
No. 2060626
File: 1732548331833.jpg (757.09 KB, 1242x2273, IMG_7490.jpg)

>>2060610>Selling addy on the hookup instant STD sex app designed for and by faggot gay moids.If it wasn't obvious before, she isn't very bright.
>>2060616>StealingShe's talked about this a lot. My tinfoil is that IF the arrest warrant story is true, then it probably had to do with either her selling drugs or stealing. I never understood this Western concept where all the rich kids pretend to be poor for no reason. Her family is successful, they're a family of artists, woodworkers, and they obviously had enough money to raise over 4 children. Zoey acts like she's such a "broke bitch" to use her words, but she has an apartment in Toronto, she spent time living in Chicago and in NYC, she's obviously not really a "broke bitch." Anyway, here's an example of her stealing. It's another one of her famous /r/thatHappened stories. It's too long to fit in the screencap, so here's the full text:
"Amazing…… The universe has rewarded me for my righteous deeds by granting me the most joyous grocery shopping experience of my life… I'm uncertain how to describe it, as i dont quite know what happened myself…. but, well, there was a woman causing a ruckus. She was like some sort of looney toons character… running around laughing and smiling… while being chased down by the security guard. She was running absolute circles around the guy, as they went round and round the tills… everyone stopped and wandered over to observe the commotion… every employee had gathered around as well….. And this woman… mischievous and bewildering… her laughter was infectious. You couldn't help but grin at the bizarre event. Even the security guard– despite trying to save face– couldn't help but just start to crack up in bewilderment… however, he did compose himself. Everyone was just kind of giggling and watching this insane game of tag… then he finally grabbed hold of her bag… ah, I suppose she had been shoplifting after all… this is right about when the spell was broken and a lightbulb popped up over my head. I fled into the nearest an isle and shoved as much as I possibly could from my basket into my bag. Went around the store continuing to shove, all to the soundtrack of the woman who was at this point yelling between fits of laughter. By the time I got to the till, they'd managed to get her out of the store… all was quiet for a second, as everyone remarked on the craziness…… and then, right back into the store she comes. Oh no ya dont! The manager just kind of shakes her head in bewilderment and laughs as she calls over the security guard. He chases her out while she just laughs and laughs………… There was a father with an very swagfully-dressed little autistic white boy standing next to me in line. The boy did not care one iota about what was going on around us, and instead just stood reeeeally close to me and examined my groceries with such an intensity… his face right up against them, as they moved down the conveyor belt. I would move away from him and he would move right back to being an inch away, staring intently up at me, then back down at the groceries. Once the guy ahead of me had left, the boy went to the end of the till and put his face up to the metal to examine that as well, but this time poking gently at its different metal parts. He was having what looked like a great time, and the cashier, an older black lady, was quite happy to see him making sure the till was up to par. What do you think– pretty cool huh? I wonder how they build these things… etc. By the time I got out of there, the security and half the staff were hanging out in the entryway, expecting the woman to come running back in… but she was nowhere to be seen."
What do we think nonas? Did this really happen? Did everyone clap at the end?
No. 2060641
Okay, so far I found most of oflline's social media profiles. I'm waiting for the right time to request follow because I'm afraid Zoey might have already preemptively warned some of her friends about new followers. Zoey strikes me as the type of person that needs to be in control at all times.
Also, does anyone know for sure whether her name is Zoey with the Y, or Zoe without it? I'm finding social media profiles relating to Zoe, and I'm not sure if it's our writer of tall tales or not. It'd be weird as fuck if it were her though, because then the added dimension is that she larps being a moid for her family, job, and social life, but is "out" as a butch lesbian to her closest (i.e., online) friends, complete with a feminine name.
>>2060638She grew up in Edson, Alberta. It's a town of about 9000. Sometime before she finished high school, she began going to school in Edmonton. She grew up in a supportive environment and she had kind parents. There are several LGBTQ groups on FB that are based in Edson, it's not a backwards hick town like she portrays it as. It's mostly filled with average run of the mill socially progressive but fiscally conservative Albertans.
>>2060638>so they'd go off on long-winded boring stories (in part due to Adderall abuse kek) about shit like exchanging 4 lines of dialog with a homeless crackhead on the street corner.She's actually wrote several posts that are exactly what you're describing.
(ban evading vendetta sperg who wont stop liveblogging milk search) No. 2060642
File: 1732551810510.jpeg (167.58 KB, 735x691, IMG_4373.jpeg)

She has also mentioned her father is an electrician which are high earners especially in Alberta where oilfield money backs the economy. She’s posted her “family’s house” I think that’s actually a cabin for camping.
No. 2060685
File: 1732557802323.webp (121.22 KB, 1080x1437, feeling-a-little-sultry-with-t…)

Posting some finds from r/FTMfemininity
No. 2060686
File: 1732557849016.webp (539.32 KB, 2208x2944, changed-my-makeup-before-drag-…)

No. 2060688
File: 1732557876859.jpeg (1.1 MB, 720x960, ac9cuvpa7z2e1.jpeg)

No. 2060689
File: 1732557937468.webp (993.03 KB, 2268x4032, ok-look-its-never-too-early-to…)

No. 2060693
File: 1732558733143.gif (963.47 KB, 493x370, garfield_faceplant.gif)

>cow lurking itt
>unmedicated vendetta-poster shitting up the thread and bragging about having milk on a cow yet not posting it, making her DFE and ruining the fun for the last few people that gave a fuck about her
>shit's been going on for three days now
>finally someone makes posts unrelated to cator
>it's pic spam that could be a collage
No. 2060698
File: 1732559737365.jpg (393.01 KB, 1080x1510, 1000032542.jpg)

>>2060697>they just see you as a sexual object. They probably don’t even see you as a real man.Who's gonna tell her…
No. 2060708
File: 1732560598365.jpg (235.51 KB, 749x1290, 1000032546.jpg)

>is attracted to the opposite sex
>i just feel overwhelmed right now i wish i was straight
This entire subreddit is like an insane asylum kek. Also, is it just me or the whole "i used to say that i’m bi but it’s a lie i like the idea of being with a woman cuz that would make me look more masculine" is actually something common among tifs? I remember seeing reddit posts by tifs where they vaguely confessed that, but it's the first time I've seen someone state it so bluntly.
No. 2060718
File: 1732561336438.png (1.31 MB, 1080x824, IMG_4379.png)

Zoey wearing loose pants to hide her birthing hips.
No. 2060721
File: 1732561376707.jpeg (166.49 KB, 732x967, 24074CDF-87B1-424A-8050-13238C…)

>>2060585She was never a looker but damn she really ruined her face with T. Compared to your pic, her face looks like a straight up moid now, and even she says everyone thinks she’s just some dude. How it can be “lesbian” to be exclusively into people who are indistinguishable from men
>>2060269due to hormone abuse and surgery is a type of troon cope I’ll never understand.
No. 2060727
File: 1732561573276.png (222.04 KB, 592x718, screenshot.png)

>>2060714It's not oflline
No. 2060728
File: 1732561642514.jpeg (207.93 KB, 1125x852, IMG_4378.jpeg)

>>2060721After all that she still looks female. Her only saving grace is having the same face as her brother.
No. 2060729
>>2060727Those dms have to be sent while on Adderall, that is such embarrassing behavior.
No. 2060732
File: 1732562409150.jpeg (168.49 KB, 750x993, 45DA8355-220E-44F7-AAA8-C7DB6F…)

>>2060727Some dork ass loser cowtipped this girl too. Vendettafag deserves to hang for what she did to our milk supply.
No. 2060733
>>2060721This is a bit retarded, anon. She just looks like a bald woman on steroids, but a woman nonetheless. Her face has aged a few years because she's aged a few years.
Side note, it looks like she binds and didn't have a mastectomy after all, thankfully.
No. 2060746
>>2060736She's a TIF not a
TERF, learn to read retard.
No. 2060755
File: 1732564332559.jpeg (114.41 KB, 750x733, 24575EE2-3D4D-4459-83D7-5FB9F8…)

Apparently she headcanons both her father and brother as gay despite mentioning her brother’s girlfriend on multiple posts and her father being a married father of 4…. What is going on here??
No. 2060774
File: 1732565847132.jpeg (42.21 KB, 750x406, 922A0595-EC43-4CD2-BA7B-9D8CE1…)

>>2060764>my dad is a gay man my brother is a gay man all my friends are gay men, gay men in the street ask to suck my dick ( >>2060123 and picrel, again) I am a gay ma— oops I mean dyke. Also ignore the post where I said dick is amazing I actually was lying trust me broAnyway picrel was way before she got jacked (which is the only reason her 5’6 ass is ever mistaken for a dude) so she’s lying for sure, and what a weird ass lie for a “lesbian” to fixate on.
No. 2060776
>>2060768Even if that was true, that would still be a more honest and
valid sexuality than whatever tf Zander's got going on kek
No. 2060792
>>2060779>She goes on about how she wants to see people that work out injured, how she's the only one that knows what she's doing at the gym, how she hopes that people new to the gym get hurt and don't come back, etc.She's pathetic in general but this is the most pathetic part about her. Daydreaming about people who are just existing going through car crashes and shit because they aren't as retarded as her, is the ultimate loser behaviour. Then she somehow shoves women into her posts so those retarded wannabe-radfem followers of hers would start their daily circlejerk about how edgy and funny she is, while she constantly talks shit about every single woman in her life. I've never seen someone as insecure and bitter as her.
>>2060780Kek exactly what I was thinking. It's called de/g/enerate for a reason. I feel like since she lurks, she probably posts on there too.
No. 2060817
>>2060813Anachan spotted
>>2060814Seriously. I never understood the tumblr user posting. None of these radblr-adjacent tumblrinas are interesting or funny
(infight bait) No. 2060836
File: 1732572209840.jpg (272.21 KB, 1029x1298, 1000032555.jpg) parents are honestly the worst, imagine dropping a whole human being onto this fucked up planet and then fucking up their life even more by trooning out. They also tend to cause their children hyperfocus on their own gender and then act like it's a coincidence when the child becomes some flavour of gendie in the future. Also, it's kind of funny that this tif is into yaoi and has a gay brother who, according to her, 'thinks I'm totally regular old vanilla cis straight person, and just living my best life' and she seems pissed about this kek.
No. 2060839
File: 1732572375364.jpg (303.74 KB, 761x1393, 1000032557.jpg)

>>2060836The gay brother post I was referring to, just in case anyone's wondering what she actually said
No. 2060848
>>2060826Agreed. She deserves her own thread at this point. Cows have had threads made with a lot less milk
>>2060839He probably keeps her at a distance because he can tell she's a cringe gendie kek
>>2060841She's so tryhard. Every single thing she writes is hard to get through. I keep getting distracted by other things. And it looks like she did write it. >>2060846 it says she reblogged it from herself. Just in case anyone missed this drivel. Which is hilarious
No. 2060853
File: 1732573875906.jpg (20.79 KB, 678x381, itysl_season2_review.jpg)

>>2060851 nonna is this you be honest
No. 2060858
File: 1732574210439.jpeg (557.78 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_4381.jpeg)

>>2060853Maybe it’s more like this
No. 2060866
>>2060851>pussy repellentkek actually many women love silly lesbian fashion, fedoras, face piercings, skinny jeans on skinny androgynous women. Lesbians and tomboys aren't about imitating men as best as they can with T and gay male clothing and she can't comprehend that. She's so AAP it's unreal
>>2060865Radblr seems to be full of personality disordered cows who love feeling like a
victim, she's right at home
No. 2060880
>>2060875Can you make one collage instead of posting each cap separately with a wall of text, the other sperg couldn't be bothered to squeeze spoiled low-fat milk in one post
>>2060869Good riddance
No. 2060883
File: 1732576831691.jpeg (208.03 KB, 761x1280, IMG_0253.jpeg)

TIFs fucks up her skin . It’s crazy how much acne she got from T, I’d stop if my face ever got like that out of my own retardation kek.
No. 2060884
File: 1732577048265.jpeg (166.28 KB, 812x1280, IMG_0257.jpeg)

>>2060883She was so cute before too, someone needs to tell lesbians that they don’t have to conform to bullshit stuff like “fem” and “masc” be who you are, it doesn’t make you less of a woman.
There’s no transgenocide, but there’s butch genocide.
No. 2060887
File: 1732577392154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,145.48 KB, 890x1280, IMG_0259.jpeg)

>>2060885She even got her breasts cut off nonna. And this has happened in the span of one year, it’s crazy.
No. 2060899
File: 1732578983006.jpeg (658.27 KB, 527x1418, IMG_6339.jpeg)

i love it when they write fanfiction about being oppressed
No. 2060911
>>2060907yeah, a woman who is for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from a man. when
>>2060721 was posted in /g/ anons thought she was a gay man. She's assumed male in public. I guess you're one of those retards who gets really intense about the "we can ALWAYS tell!!" thing and isn't willing to admit when a TIF looks like a dude for idk autist reasons. T is a powerful substance so there are plenty of TIFs that pass, and T is the same reason pretty much no TIMs pass. The T has hit them already. Anyway.
No. 2060941
File: 1732587384508.png (2.75 MB, 1274x2315, 098098278164874215827436.png)

I would love to be this delusional, genuinely.
No. 2060965
File: 1732590001124.jpeg (36.3 KB, 600x400, IMG_4383.jpeg)

>>2060964It must be “A” shitting up the thread.
No. 2060966
File: 1732590167783.jpg (51.62 KB, 523x264, i was born with glass bones an…)

>>2060964tinfoil if you want, im just a random internet retard who thinks shes funny, the vendettafag was annoying but i'm not her, i'm just trawling the cows blog for keks. apparently that's illegal now? well anyway pic related she going for a massive combo on made up tragic backstory points apparently
No. 2060967
>>2060965My theory so far is that "A" started this and then alerted 1-2 other people she knows hate this person to the thread. The original vendettaposter seems to have no idea who
>>2060340 is and even liveblogged attempts to find people mentioned in it.
No. 2060971
I forgot we actually know for a fact that "A" tried to get the bride from Cator's wedding post riled up about it (>>2060434) which makes me think she very much could have contacted other people she thought would have a bone to pick.
>>2060969Of course it's organic dislike. That's the clearest thing here.
No. 2060977
>>2060974Shit I meant
>>2060641>>2060975It seems like a pretty likely and reasonable explanation for all the vendettaposting that has occurred here. Why are you so angry that I suggested the idea?
No. 2060979
>>2060977vendettaposting is what the vedettafag was doing earlier– tinfoiling about what her dad's job is, posting random pics of her brother, and posting coded language threats addressed to the cow. (boring and no one cares)
Posting actual caps of embarrassing things she says on her blog to laugh at is not that. I'm not going to respond to you any more because frankly you are annoying. Your options:
>report if you think rules are being broken>post your own milk about other cows if she is not your taste in cow (please by all means!)>if not 1 or 2, then stop shitting up the thread No. 2060983
>>2060964>I suspect it's some ftm from cator99's past.Do we really need to tinfoil about something so obvious. They share the same friend group which consists of TIFs and gendies. Of course vendettachan is also a tranny, I can't wait until larping as le edgy aggro farmer calling people faggots, trannies and retards blows up in her tenderkweer face.
>>2060966>Ban evading vendettafag STILL pretending it's not her when she types in the same unintegrated retarded way as she did before and proudly screencapping the same non-milkFuck off, retard.
>>2060979All you retarded newfags who were lead here by vendettachan need to stop larping as integrated and newfagsplaining the rules to actual farmers. I don't give two shits if there's multiple vendetta-chans: neither the sperging about her dad being an electrician nor the screenshots of years old milkless Tumblr posts followed by spergy walls of tranfiction count as milk. You expect us to believe you're totally not vendettachan yet do the exact same thing kek.
No. 2060987
>>2060983farmhands literally just confirmed i am not the damn vendettaposter. (I was lambasting the damn vendettaposter when they were here being retarded earlier, like christ) use your eyes, sperg. I was posting genuine milk to the point farmhands think she deserves a thread. see
>>2060982genuinely don't know what your problem is but it's suspicious at this point.
(derailing/infighting) No. 2060997
File: 1732594221822.jpg (56.26 KB, 493x332, Tumblr_l_100271062056487.jpg)

Can we at least post caps while arguing
No. 2061009
>>2060991I have been here since before shaymin and farmhands confirmed i and other anons are regulars with long post histories. Sorry your tinfoil didn't work out but it's time to move on.
>>2060997Why do you have Shinigami eyes installed kekkkk who are you
No. 2061030
>>2061014nta at the end of the day if you're attracted to some you're going to want to have sex with them
this might come as a shock to some of you functionally asexual people but it's true and if you're sexually attracted to and aroused by the same sex as you, the rest really doesn't matter as that's unimportant to
homosexuality. that's what it all comes down to. i have no regard for self identification and that's where we fundamentally disagree because i see the rest as all body mods.
No. 2061039
File: 1732610046698.png (282.98 KB, 312x470, example.png)

>>2061012How is a lesbian girl not at least bi for being attracted to a roided tif that looks like picrel for example?? That's delusional
No. 2061045
File: 1732611865612.png (237.64 KB, 592x337, lol.png)

>>2061039>small face hidden under a beard>giant eyes hidden under sunglasses>tiny like a regular woman>majority keep the pussyStraight women are not into roided women with hirsutism. There is nothing straight about liking pussies.
No. 2061068
>>2061063People don't fall in love with one curated screenshot. The fact that she successfully hides her femaleness in one video and in this conversation in one screenshot
>>2061039 doesn't change the fact that she is a woman
>>2061045 . You post assumes that bisexual people are attracted to mythical people who are neither female nor male. Go back. Trans people don't pass because in real life, people have eyes. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but social media and curated pictures are not material reality. People don't fall in love with images or ideas.
No. 2061070
>>2061068I never said she wasn't a woman or ever implied that there is some third gender, learn to read, even as a
terf i can acknowledge that certain troons do pass and all i implied was that if you are attracted to roidpig tifs as a "lesbian" that would be weird and give me bisexual vibes.
(derailing) No. 2061085
File: 1732621728303.png (712.46 KB, 1085x629, 5jf0E5E.png)

>>2061039>>2061045and even rare tif outliers who "pass" still look small and disproportionate standing next to regular men, not just in height but shoulder length and the fucking size of their skulls
(derailing) No. 2061117
>>2061034Farmhands newfaggotry should've been obvious when posts like
>>2060509 >>2060512 got redtexted for "whiteknighting" with zero whiteknighting to be found. Telling a vendettachan sperg to integrate is nowhere near the same as defending a cow.
>inb4 take it to metaI already did and you'll ignore it as usual, just ban me tranny jannies. The tinfoil that you're purposefully killing the site makes so much sense.
>deleting 30+ posts giving us details and milk about cator99 and then saying "just make the thread!" is a weird move to makeWhy are we still pretending any milk at all was deleted? It was just the original vendettachan's long winded spergouts about nothing, like her dad's career. No1currs, someone's dad being an electrician isn't milk and I understand why it was all deleted.
>its probably best to drop cator99 and stop posting about her even if shes fun to mock.Now this is just a
sus thing to say when this thread is already full of hicowing kek, you know this is gonna get you accused of being Tyler.
No. 2061153
>>2061117The first poster was redtexted because they, retardedly, claimed multiple anons were samefagging when it was actually different people (they included one of my posts). They kept accusing others of samefagging for some reason, seemingly with no provocation. That's why they got the schizo redtext. The whiteknighting was because there are cator orbiters literally lurking this thread and sending anons to her mutuals telling them the meanie
terf site is posting pictures of them itt, so it was very suspicious atp.
No. 2061158
>>2061153>seemingly with no provocationThe provocation was shitting up the thread with non-milk. It really doesn't matter if it wasn't the original vendettachan, it's still vendettafagging as
>>2061143 pointed out. Also, they should've only been redtexted for
infighting, not whiteknighting.
>The whiteknighting was because there are cator orbiters literally lurking this thread […] and it was very suspicious Again, still not what whiteknighting is as nobody in those posts defended cator. Mods can ban people on the "suspicion" of whiteknighting but when we rightfully suspect some spergy posters are all the same vendettachan we catch a ban? Not how moderation works. Time to wake up and realize jannies are killing the site. There's been multiple occasions in which they took the worst course of action and took ages to ban the one or two spergs shitting up certain threads only
after it had fully delved into chaos and infighting.
(take it to /meta/) No. 2061163
File: 1732632791523.jpg (219.77 KB, 1080x1313, 1000032567.jpg)

>some trans folk dont wanna dress like the opposite gender
Kek the retarded 'art' was funny enough already but the freudian slip is even funnier. If handmaidens and tifs truly believe they're moids, how come wearing male clothing is dressing like the 'opposite gender'? Even they don't buy their own bullshit.
No. 2061174
>>2061163I don't hate the art itself, the style reminds me of animated MTV shows from the 90s, like Chris Prynoski's Downtown. Stop drawing obese goffick "troons" (OP very obviously made this bitch a he/him to signal
some kind of virtue) and focus on something worthwhile kek
No. 2061191
>>2061159>If that anon is still around she should post about the actual gossip instead of trying to prove she knows Cator99.If vendettachan had any actual milk she would've posted it the first 100 times we asked her to elaborate on her ex friend's milk or her alleged
victims. The reason she spent all her time sperging about nothingburger Facebook posts is because she likely has none (or if she does, it would out her and compromise her gendie friendgroup).
>>2061163>obesity>self harm scars>hyper feminine despite identifying as a yaoiboy Every single time kek.
No. 2061223
>>2061163her tiny fingers are sending me
>>2061198maybe the "husband" is a tif too
No. 2061361
File: 1732654807637.png (1002.57 KB, 1331x841, yourboyneedsahobby.png)

>>2061359the rest of her channel
No. 2061372
>>2061359I don't think there's a single actual man who's read song of achilles.
>>2061361>boy haircuts for my boy hairOh god she's such a stereotype, this one will have a detrans arc within three years, guaranteed.
No. 2061393
File: 1732657970707.png (404.4 KB, 598x593, songofachilles.png)

>>2061359>>2061372If SoA was popular enough between men, this idea would had a green light, but this proves that you're right.
No. 2061403
File: 1732660606937.jpg (201.84 KB, 1080x1025, Screenshot_20241126_163608_Tum…)

>>2061008>>2061001>>2061031Another troon screencap'd it and I saved it to post here kek calm down
No. 2061472
File: 1732673451102.png (1.05 MB, 1073x1753, Screenshot_20241126-180535_(1)…)

>>2061463And this novel is written by a woman. Even in fiction fujos can't contain their intrasexual competition and seething bitterness against other women that they circle back to becoming misogynistic bitches themselves. The fujo to TIF pipeline is no mystery.
(derailing) No. 2061508
>>2061359>>2061361The ancient mythology obsessed, probably from autism, tif is a common spawn. Greek mythology is basically like an anime they're interested in cos they have gay male ships to obsess over, and SoA is like a fanfic about the most popular couple that the whole fandom likes and treats as canon. Also, worm as profile picture and "boy" in her username, could clock her from those alone.
>>2061463But anon, making her an evil bitch rapist so she doesn't end up with the precious gay male couple is giving her agency, didn't you know???
No. 2061520
File: 1732683721313.jpg (32.74 KB, 304x302, 1731422248998.jpg)

>>2061470may have been true pre-2020, but now the cpc are literally removing anything to do with same-sex content from the internet and irl No. 2061590
File: 1732701225296.jpg (2.63 MB, 4096x4096, 1000008117.jpg)

I find it funny that the most threatening they're willing to get is this 2015 tumblr "I hope she steps on a lego!" schtick. Female socialization in action kek. Compare that to the things tims say about prominent GCs
>>2061519It's like 3000 years old, no shit
No. 2061609
File: 1732709248868.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1689x1142, twink1.jpeg)

>>2061359>>2061393>>2061463>>2061469>>2061470>>2061508>>2061519>>2061590>>2061597You should all see the movie "Satyricon" from 1969 if you haven't. It is the ultimate TiF fantasy. The boys are portrayed as young beauties. And women are portrayed as jealous old crones.
No. 2061611
File: 1732709339011.jpg (192.26 KB, 1105x1500, 91rg56Z+HQL._SL1500_.jpg)

>>2061609Boy on the left in this DVD cover is what all those "FtFemboys" aspire to be.
No. 2061632
>>2061590nta, but there are myths and history's that predate the greek, about the divine beauty of romance or simple love poetry, one of the oldest historical texts is a war that a father fought to save his daughter from her
abusive husband, "ancient greece", that is the civilisation of most of the greek city-states from 500 bc to the early ad was a uniquely misogynist even for the time period
No. 2061639
>>2061629This made me kek outloud, thanks
No. 2061650
File: 1732717793225.jpeg (8.16 KB, 1280x720, FbqSUQCUIAA91hF.jpeg)

>>2061609I'll stick with my boring manga/anime rather than watch a TIF wet fantasy.
No. 2061859
File: 1732769750550.png (83.31 KB, 768x768, 1732459408580.png)

Today on "under-boob tattoos with extra steps".
No. 2061923
File: 1732791674980.jpg (480.41 KB, 1080x1466, 1732787985379846.jpg)

curb theme starts playing
No. 2061970
File: 1732799428641.jpg (749.3 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20241128_210939.jpg)

>>2061927old milk but you gotta love reddit kek
No. 2062008
File: 1732809664847.jpg (837.16 KB, 1080x3485, 1000008144.jpg)

No one does a better job peaking ftms than mtfs. "It's really dehumanizing to be treated as a walking pussy" sure sounds familiar
No. 2062010
File: 1732809714280.jpg (4.97 MB, 4096x7281, 1000008143.jpg)

>>2062008Delusion in the comments
No. 2062043
>>2062008>Packers are real dicks and it's transphobic to say otherwiseKEK girl it's essentially just a dildo laying in your pants. Ask a dude if he has detachable penis that constantly falls off and drops on to the ground when using bathroom (something that tifs cry about on the daily basis) and see his reaction. Please, for once, interact with an actual moid before claiming to be one. Even those 'other mean twans people' are a mere glimpse of what rest of the world thinks about retards like you, if your own so-called community (coomerunity to be more exact) deep down doesn't take you seriously at all, what do you think goes inside the minds of normal, sane people?
…Well, nevermind, that would require thinking but you only use your brain to cope and coom while drowning in the river of delusion.
No. 2062045
File: 1732815321846.jpeg (122.08 KB, 1280x1111, IMG_0324.jpeg)

Watched the “cooking without a recipe” episode with the Asian TIFs kek. She could not stop speaking about being trans kek, her cereals sucked and she “jokingly” said that not liking them was transphobic kek, this just sums up gender ideology in a nutshell.
No. 2062047
File: 1732815414180.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.14 KB, 250x334, 5175610-f713e5168a20ad228f0d00…)

If I had to see this now so do you all, I'm so sorry and I'm even more sorry if someone saw it before I remembered to spoiler
No. 2062056
>>2062047How can someone willingly do that to themselves? It’s mental illness. You need to be retarded to mangle your bits for a non working sausage that you have to pump for it to even get “hard” and one you most likely feel little to nothing too apart from the faint sensation you get from the buried clit.
I feel grateful for my pussy after seeing this shit kek.
No. 2062066
>>2062047The surgeon really nailed the lunch meat in a sandwich look, that's what you get when you LARP as moids telling women to eat their dick. It sucks to be her but I've seen too many malding Tiffanies screaming about how wonderful phallo is even while theirs is falling apart, infected, giving them kidney issues, and is completely unusable, to feel that much sympathy.
That one Gruffin girlie died from her frankenwurst and she shilled the surgery until her last breath because she loathed women and misery loves company. I feel a bit bad for this TIF with her retarded flesh cone, but you know she's out there advertising phallo from the rooftops to destroy as many other women as possible so she won't have to suffer alone.
>>2062010So many TIFs think they need to get multiple surgeries to get their heckin' sausageridoo to do the yaoi and they end up needing dialysis because they can't even pee at all after the surgery. Getting hard isn't an issue when you're in active kidney failure.
>some cis men can't get people pregnant or squirt ejaculateThe trans community is really not beating those pedo allegations.
>some post phallo men have reported being able to squirt and it coming out looking like precum from their lengthened urethraThat's a combination of piss and pus/general accumulated gunk. It's the equivalent of a TIM explaining that some post-rotdog women have reported being able to menstruate, and it coming out looking like blood from their totally functioning pussy. That's not the same thing as the thing they think it is. It's not even close to being in the same ballpark.
No. 2062067
File: 1732818464763.png (Spoiler Image,913.21 KB, 904x1798, ulnarnerve.png)

>fucking with your ulnar nerve and risking loss of hand mobility so that your roll of arm flesh can act as a funnybone hooked up to your clit
No. 2062166
File: 1732831625590.png (302.96 KB, 518x785, 2024-11-28 23_06_29.png)

>>2061923you gave me hope
nonny and then you took it all alway
No. 2062168
File: 1732831830044.jpeg (293.19 KB, 3000x3000, IMG_6390.jpeg)

>>2062067imagine voluntarily fucking up your ulnar nerve (something that's rly limiting and painful) to end up with picrel attached to your pelvis
>>2062085same and besides the hand function, i can't even imagine having that nerve attached to your clit produces anything pleasurable… frankenstein ass shit
No. 2062176
>>2062166I wonder if she will ever detrans or just kill herself, she doesn't seem happy at all, it's the face of "I fucked up my life, what do I do now" many troons have. The only way out is death or being ostracized by your community which is basically death for these people as they burn so many bridges they are essentially left with nothing to turn back to.
>>2062052Right? I dunno what happened to their "community", when I was trans my group always talked shit about these surgeries and made fun of the retards that decided to pay for these crappy results. They would advise other tifs to not get these surgeries and would share images of the results and the ones that decided to go under the knife anyway were the theme of conversations for weeks, the consensus was basically that's fucking insane and the docs are butchers, now suddenly telling people to do research is "
terf propaganda", it's hard to feel bad for these types, I know I can no longer sympathize.
No. 2062406
>>2062008TIFs tend to hate TIMs privately and refuse to admit they see TIMs as predatory men, and most of them are close to peaking, while having cognitive dissonance.
However, I want to say this is a troll post. Either Reddit TIFs are another level of retarded, or this woman is clearly trying to get a rise out of other TIFs.
>>2062176I see TIFs arguing against phalloplasty to this day and warning each other that mastectomies can get butchered horribly especially if you're a fatty. However, I also see them encouraging each other to get a thing called "meta." I'm not sure what it is specifically, but I know it's a surgery.
No. 2062426
File: 1732867528779.jpeg (Spoiler Image,40.74 KB, 381x177, IMG_2729.jpeg)

>>2062406Meta is metoidioplasty, another horrorshow surgery but no flesh sausage required.
No. 2062486
>>2062445Nta but is she attracted to the whole person, or just her pussy? From the outside, there is no visible difference between that tif and a man.
Imagine this: a cis man says he is a tif/biologically female. A "lesbian" who likes tifs believes him and is attracted to him thinking he's female. Isn't she bi?
No. 2062490
>>2062485Kek i don't think it's that logical or deep, Mishima is a fascist and her AAP fuel, LARPing as a terfy feminist is equally edgy and oh so shocking to her so she combines the two
>>2062047This is the worst frankengenital pic i've ever seen, ever.
No. 2062606
>>2062486Do you dumb retards think that you have sex with your mind?
Even if she looks like that when she opens her leg she has a pussy, no straight woman can be attracted to that. You have a thing called sexual attraction nonna, learn a bit about it before yapping around nonsense.
She wouldn’t be my cup of tea, because despite being bi , I like genitals matching the person, also I just don’t like troons, they expect you to be their validation puppet and they center the whole relationship on themselves.
No. 2062662
File: 1732904985375.jpg (652.75 KB, 1080x2637, Screenshot_20241128_112319_Chr…)

This family sounds based, I'm jealous
No. 2062695
>>2062686I think the Polish classes were an excuse to see if the moid wanted to date her as gay moid, but he's remarking how she's a woman so much, she's the one not getting the hint that he's not into woman.
And if he was "low functioning", he would need a third person to live with, so I bet he's not the one being autistic.
non-related: The NLOG artist fangirling about cute stuff… Totally like a moid would do.
No. 2062696
File: 1732909029439.png (852.93 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_2560.png)

Do you guys remember catholicmars/wednesday/tzvi/judah whoever the fuck she is now? She got called out recently for leeching off a new mother and her TIM boyfriend as well as telling said mother she thinks she is pedophile after being pushy about being around her child. Was curious about where she was now, but holy shit lol.
No. 2062700
File: 1732909217246.png (52.92 KB, 1018x432, KEK.png)

>>2062662>>2062691kek called it. She's also autistic.
No. 2062701
File: 1732909465918.png (53.56 KB, 1022x505, delulu.png)

>>2062700Her delulu is over 9000
No. 2062725
>>2062719>>2062722>I've only ever heard gays say TiffanyKek are you new here? Lurk more, not only did you double post, you also have no idea what you're talking about. Tiffany was something an anon on here invented first because it sounds similar to tif, it did not come from a gay scrote. Moids aren't creative enough retard, they just call tifs gross shit like 'pooners.'
>he definitely doesn't care about the relationship if he treats her so poorlyThat's exactly what I said. What the fuck did you even read in my post if you got THAT out of it? Are you illiterate too on top of being a newfag?
>I wouldn't feel sorry for anyone who behave like this like this is just embarrassingAnd where did you see me feeling sorry for any of them in my entire fucking post?
No. 2062868
File: 1732928467849.jpeg (326.32 KB, 1350x2048, IMG_0912.jpeg)

>>2062720Yes, she was originally known for making incest porn and now spends all her time posing with a rubber penis and poorly photoshopped breasts pretending she’s a little boy whilst constantly bitching about how evil women are to her coomer followers. Cherry on top is that she’s in her thirties.
No. 2062899
File: 1732933805770.jpg (4.39 MB, 4096x8875, 20241129_211203289.jpg)

>>2062752>>2062700Did some digging, the "my autism doesn't affect me socially" thing seems like a lack of self awareness tbh
No. 2062909
File: 1732937424259.png (580.07 KB, 1080x1039, 1732937245444.png)

Saw this tif's comment on the tim thread and snooped on her profile. Bonus: the way she screeches about "muh genocide" and palestine in the same rant.
No. 2062911
File: 1732938375157.png (846.76 KB, 1080x1039, 1732938245199.png)

>>2062909Same anon, and here's the tif's lovely spergout on feminism
No. 2062914
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>>2062909Damn she sucks
>what amounts to white women's tearsIs she implying "cis" = white or?
No. 2062990
File: 1732957429586.jpg (63.4 KB, 960x960, 1000135062.jpg)

>>2062923Buzzfeed staff member who is apparently 35, but aged 10 years on t
No. 2063020
>>2062045Why does testosterone make women so ugly, tired and old?
I mean, even men her age don't look like that. Especially Asian men.
No. 2063024
>>2062909The quintessential white reddit pickme self-flagellation post
>>2062914Translation: I'll cry and then blog about it and then do as I'm told
No. 2063026
>>2061609>>2061611>You should all see the movie "Satyricon" from 1969 if you haven't. It is the ultimate TiF fantasy. The boys are portrayed as young beauties. And women are portrayed as jealous old crones.I wouldn't be surprised if the director was TIF kek.
It's unrealistic how much these women think they're special compared to others.
(multiple unsaged posts) No. 2063101
File: 1732985188902.png (580.66 KB, 1080x1473, SjKtNdZ.png)

>>2063020testosterone does a lot more to women, than estrogen does to men, because testosterone is essentially foreign to the female body. literally newborn baby boys have higher testosterone rates than adult female athletes and so when they start taking testosterone the body has no idea how to respond and this results in drastic consequences including higher rates of postmenopausal symptoms and 95% having pelvic floor dysfunction and about 87% having urinary problems No. 2063119
>>2063101>testosterone is essentially foreign to the female bodyNo. Women is have extremely low levels of testosterone that declines with age. When trannies fuck up that balance like your article demonstrates, they give themselves the weirdest medical problems.
Really wish kids they would stick with experimenting with clothes instead of fucking up their hormones. Theyre going to be a huge burden medically all over the world. This tranny experiment needs to end.
No. 2063140
File: 1732992629158.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1859, Ec7saiv.png)

>tif daydreams of being a male taking estrogen
what the absolute fuck
No. 2063161
>>2063140Sounds like she wants to be able to explore femininity without it having being forced on her throughout her life.
>beautiful man-thingIt also sounds like she's extremely hetero. Why are tifs way more straight than the average straight woman
No. 2063179
File: 1732998150256.jpeg (707.61 KB, 828x1194, IMG_5553.jpeg)

These TiF/NB types (the one with the @ is in the middle picture) are a scourge of NYC. Everywhere to be found in Bushwick. A lot of them are as unsettling looking IRL as they look in pics with the top surgery scars and heavy mustaches with feminine features. I always wonder what their next trend is gonna be….right now none of them can grow their hair longer than chin length, they’ve thrown away their art hoe aesthetic, what’s next?
No. 2063217
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>>2062990It’s kind of hilarious how she looks so female even when besides a short male kek.
No. 2063228
>>2063020As other anons have said, female bodies just aren't designed to be exposed to that much testosterone. The structure of our skin is different, for instance. Additionally, testosterone
is actually pretty hard on male bodies, too, but we don't fully appreciate it because it's normal. Balding is caused by DHT, a type of testosterone.
No. 2063257
>>2063200The “TikTok uniform” is all these fashionably challenged toads ever wear. They’ll beg for $$ for top surgery but can’t buy one fucking item of clothing that isn’t hideous, looking like it was made for tween boys, or that all of their friends aren’t wearing. I’m not exaggerating when I say that meeting this archetype of person or even just seeing them in a group at the gay bar is genuinely surreal. They all act the same, have similar politics, all sound like they spend all day on TikTok. They’re also very rude, condescending, and sarcastic, particularly if you’re like me and are lgbt but dress in the really feminine baddie aesthetic. Funny enough they’re more hostile the more “regular straight girl” I look looool
Glad you brought up the “interpersonal competition” thing, anon. No doubt these self righteous mustache owners are nonstop shit talking each other. Friend groups like this, esp based in weird leftist politics that involve extremist actions like body mutilation, usually end in a really big blowout argument and we already know troons are mentally unstable sooooo
No. 2063429
File: 1733044039228.jpg (524.95 KB, 1080x1978, Screenshot_20241201-005247_Tum…)

no this isn't satire, og is dead serious. though it make me pinch the bridge of my nose and kek a bit
No. 2063490
File: 1733063247531.jpg (118.15 KB, 736x920, 1000009434.jpg)

>>2063429I kek over how "force masc" was made up by tumblr TIFs because of the insane amount of sissy hypno porn and captions on the internet. TIMs making sissy hypno porn will write super sexual fetish crap on a porn screenshot. TIFs making "force masc" will write an artsy poem on an otherwise normal picture of an attractive man or make fanart. It's so gendered lmao
No. 2063645
File: 1733087701487.jpeg (Spoiler Image,171.42 KB, 1170x1598, GaJZ2MKWEAAn2E1.jpeg)

kek i cant get over how feminine tifs bodies are over most actual women i know, how is this even possible?? like 90% of tif "sex workers" on xitter all have this exact same body, along with the botched surgery, its insane. all tifs look like venus of willendorf figurines while tims are all 7 foot tall neanderthal quarterbacks kek(spoiler)
No. 2063674
File: 1733089443773.jpeg (76.82 KB, 720x761, 1730854375274.jpeg)

>>2063436I think they didn't forget the faghags. They're the main target when TIFs start with "I'm a gay man and I feel fetished by them!", even if gay moids do not care about Chinese cartoons at all.
No. 2063784
>>2063697Now that you've mentioned hair, I'm pretty sure
>>2063645 still shaves her arms and legs for some reason, they're completely hairless. Why even bother?
No. 2063836
File: 1733114625257.jpeg (395.01 KB, 1179x1327, rtg7U4p.jpeg)

shit like this makes me think more and more that calling tifs traitors is accurate
No. 2063957
>>2063911They want to be treated like gods who have transcended the 'concept' of gender, can do no wrong, are most special, completely unique despite being exactly like each other, and incredibly brave and strong yet
victims at the same time of every single thing on this planet.
No. 2063965
File: 1733161842300.jpg (117.33 KB, 736x919, 1000009437.jpg)

>>2063140TIFs don't want to actually be men, like the kind of men you see irl. They want to be beautiful androgynous non-men, taken seriously and unburdened by misogyny. But also treated delicately and in female-centric communities and hobby spaces. They want to enjoy all of their feminine hobbies as a man so they can be subversive. They want to be a bishounen or a beautiful male elf or an artsy male YA character. Meanwhile TIM troons try to skinwalk their sisters and classmates.
No. 2063968
File: 1733162318521.jpg (30.35 KB, 387x442, 825f424a695e4fb49d352beba326e0…)

>>2063937>>2063957>>2063965That's why they feel offended when a woman says "all men", because they don't want to be compared with the common moid that is a misogynist prick. But they also want to be "special men" that can do what a biological man cannot do.
No. 2063971
File: 1733163201212.jpg (124.32 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2024-12-01-16-01-58…)

I honestly can't believe people seriously think this person is male.
She literally have her tits out and is still somehow on of the most popular "femboys" on tiktok.
Her first excuse is "I'm using estrogen". Now it's "they're fake".
Well even if they're fake her body is obviously female.
I don't know how people genuinely think she have dick.
No. 2063973
>>2063862She wants to explore feminity without having disadvantages of being female woman.
Also scrotes get more attention for being le feminine men.
This honestly just shows how much being a woman can suck. I feel bad for next generation of women and girls.
(learn to sage) No. 2063974
File: 1733163854527.jpg (150.72 KB, 720x1095, Screenshot_2024-12-02-18-31-41…)

>>2063972This is her old account. She was even more feminine here. You can literally see her tits and most feminine torso ever through a shirt.
No. 2063975
File: 1733164318653.jpg (95.32 KB, 720x1051, Screenshot_2024-12-02-19-26-50…)

Men will seriously look at this and think "AHH yesss it's absolutely fucking possible for biological male to look like my 2D femboy trap fap material!!"
No. 2063977
File: 1733164589126.jpg (97.62 KB, 720x1204, Screenshot_2024-12-02-19-27-23…)

One girl in her comment section was saying she is using filters (obviously) and scrotes start screaming at her.
Later she pointed out how she is obviously biological female and they called her a jealous ugly hag who is lacking Y chromosome who will never achieve "beautiful femboy aesthetic"
This is ultimate tif dream. I bet she was so happy while reading those comments. Sad.
No. 2063983
File: 1733165370988.jpg (86.18 KB, 720x1146, Screenshot_2024-12-02-19-25-20…)

>>2063980YES. She is constantly hostile to young girls and on her old acc she made a video how all girls who are saying she is using filters "just jealous because she is boy and more feminine than them".
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.
No. 2063985
File: 1733165507464.jpg (102.69 KB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2024-12-02-19-27-37…)

>>2063981Nahh you don't understand femboys absolutely have microscopic waist, big hips and perky tits.
No. 2063988
File: 1733165610090.webm (3 MB, 540x960, 1717808060812.webm)

>"gay son"
>have a tits
>coomers are buying it
No. 2063990
>>2063985This chick reminds me of the other ex femboy who had the same look. I can't remember the name but they had black curly hair, was also an ana chan and was dating their over weight gf at the time. They also had an account where they were completely female with tits out before pretending to be a "real boy" and losing 20 pounds.
>>2063988Is she doing incest larp now? I also can't believe people buy this. Titts out, camel toe with no buldge. She's not even bothering stuffing a sock down there. Knowing she doxes young girls she's jealous of and hides behind the gay flag is so fcking annoying.
No. 2063995
File: 1733166693485.gif (457.96 KB, 480x270, 1000032906.gif)

>>2063988Why is she built like a malnourished medieval peasant? The filters are there, but so is the starvation. Anachan girlies somehow manage to exist in every decade and shove themselves into every trend.
>>2063971>with natural hairSure, why don't you try recording a video outside when it's breezy?
No. 2063997
>>2063987This! I fucking hate these ugly plastic clothes. Temu is a blight on fashion, and it
should be a massive turn-off to see a woman overspend on tacky little outfits she can get for $8 at the thrift (in better quality) or even make herself, but her gooner audience could not give less of a fuck. They don't care what she's wearing. They'd rather she wear nothing at all.
>>2063988Motherless behavior kek…
No. 2064017
File: 1733173302322.jpg (66.62 KB, 550x551, e27a68666099d14e30997ac568e954…)

>>2063999There are some, for example picrel is one of most popular roided fakebois.
But yeah you're right. All fakebois now are either ana girls or obese.
Roided fakebois were more popular in 00s.
No. 2064023
File: 1733173984600.jpg (108.39 KB, 720x1130, Screenshot_2024-12-02-20-17-11…)

Light version of bingus would be indigo white. But at least she is open about being TIF and put a packer in her pants instead of visible camel toe.
No. 2064028
>>2063999A lot of them have actual body dysmorphia, so they're very self conscious about their bodies and exercising in public. They could just exercise alone, but that requires more discipline and self-awareness than they have.
A lot of them are also autistic which leads to low muscle tone which leads to getting bullied in gym class for being weak which leads to fear of exercise.
But most of all, they're internet addicts.
No. 2064042
>>2063862>cis lesbians are ruthless and really goddamn scary!!1!She's just a straight woman using troonshit as a false pretext to be lesbophobic the same way moids stick "white" in front of "woman" to get away with misogynistic remarks. What exactly is her definition of 'scary'? Being in the same Discord server with women who call her husbando ugly? Literally no one is "threatening" her for "being a gay man" in fandom spaces because 1) she isn't one and 2) the likely female-dominant fandoms she's in
love fags.
Also, they really are impossible to please. One moment, they demand to be lumped in with rapists and wife beaters like
>>2063836 then they turn around and cry about how it's not fair that they're being criticized the way moids normally are. They're basically just MRAs, they want to be considered men, and they want men to be immune from criticism. That or they want to be "oppressed" only when it's convenient.
No. 2064055
File: 1733181151021.gif (14.91 KB, 220x220, sad-looking-at-phone.gif)

>>2064039I mean, it works for Archor, who thinks she's a fuckboy because she sleeps with "old gay men". "Yeah, babe, call me 'gay'", the moid says while she's sucking his cock.
No. 2064078
File: 1733186421643.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x1736, IMG_1555.jpeg)

>>2062991Is this that member of the try guys or another ti. Either way she genuinely passes better.
No. 2064093
File: 1733188715866.png (69.58 KB, 809x540, gash retardation.png)

Decided to check up on our old friend, The Gash. She's still doing the retarded gimp leather shit, although, all of her posts about it are squeezed in between donation links for Palestine. She changed her username twice in the last day or two because a bunch of other TIFs came out and anonymously said they all thought she was fucking annoying.
>>2063988Coomers are retarded, so I'm not surprised they're falling for this.
No. 2064096
File: 1733189187672.png (52.86 KB, 533x391, gash.png)

>>2064095They were just calling her "Gash" or "The Gash". Here nonna No. 2064177
>>2063937They want to be treated like TRANS men. Aka some special hybrid species, that can be treated as both men and women depending on their mood.
>>2063862>>2063836Tifs when you include them
>this is actually so triggering for me as a demisexual gay trans boy! I am a man and the girl talk makes me dysphoric!!!Tifs when you don't include them
>I am AFAB! I experienced misogyny too! Grrrr I hate women for treating me like a man!!!Also what's with the lesbiphobic comment at the end? I'm pretty sure the fandom spaces she visits are overtaken by straight girls
like her.
No. 2064278
>>2064177Totally. They want the best of being a moid and the best of being a woman (?) when it suits them. Specially the "special hybrid intersexual" moid.
I can't believe I found this old video of
>>2059921. She sounds like a normal person with her normal voice, I don't get who is she trying to make to believe she's a moid with her "uga uga moid" voice.
No. 2064336
>>2064328NTA but no woman comfortable in her body would take testosterone, retard. If they're on T, then they're trans in some way, shape or form; they're
literally transitioning. Even if they don't call themselves "trans men", they never call themselves "cis women" either. They're usually post-trannies who think they're above gender or some sort of enlightened secret option. Aka more gendie crap.
No. 2064346
>>2064339Why would any of those take testosterone as opposed to roids? You think menopausal women take
TESTOSTERONE? I think you're an actual retard
>>2064344>SometimesYet here you are acting like they all menopausal women take T, especially enough T to look like a TIF and make it ITT. Just take the L and admit you're being a grade A autist.
No. 2064349
>>2064346Kek testosterone occurs naturally in women whether you like it or not, and if its production is inhibited, it can cause physical issues like loss of bone density and mental health issues like depression. It may not cause these issues in
everyone, but it does cause them, and testosterone is a suitable treatment. Feel free to seethe if you're still mad tho
No. 2064433
File: 1733261848547.png (1009.2 KB, 1185x885, C6C85E3E-14FB-4656-BBF2-6CB1CD…)

From “makeup artist” at 18 (left image shows the extent of her “work”) to wannabe piercers apprentice at 22. Kek even piercers won’t hire her
No. 2064441
File: 1733262265567.jpeg (108.89 KB, 750x1092, A5927E00-97A2-441E-84ED-6EA15B…)

>>2064433Her body keeps rejecting the piercings, says she’s gone from 95 to 91 this month. She already pinched a nerve in one eye from a botched piercing, she can barely open it
No. 2064566
File: 1733281219126.jpg (105.65 KB, 820x1101, 22-226971_oh-god-no-meme-meme-…)

>>2064441FTPC: Female to Pin Cushion.
I know USA's healthcare is ass, but holy cow, she needs some antibiotics and remove all those piercings.
No. 2065051
File: 1733398251856.jpg (2.26 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_5580.jpg)

TIF porn star Apollo Moon died at 26
No. 2065057
File: 1733400157851.jpg (125.78 KB, 1270x856, Gd3zMZGXoAA709g.jpg)

>>2065051They don't mention it was an alleged suicide huh
She also said she didn't even enjoy sex anymore. I think her reality just hit her, doing porn destroyed her mental health (despite saying they were all super supportive, so it wasn't just a case of bad people) she can't ever escape having been a porn actress and it's on the internet forever for all to see. Same with being trans, I think regret hit her.
No. 2065266
>>2065259Correct, standard replacements like s
x and prn are still susceptible to the censors. It's the same reason everyone's saying shit like "SA'd" and "graped" now too - the purpose sincerely is not to make light of these things, it's because saying "assault" and "raped" too many times on Tiktok results in a ban. Which is a whole different issue so I digress kek, it's still embarrassing for a news outlet to stoop that low.
No. 2065295
File: 1733441389089.png (32.66 KB, 495x310, PinkNews.png)

>>2065144All in that news is so bad. "She was having a good time in porn", "she made herself known as a
POC In a white-nominated industry", "she wishes all trans love themselves", "family wish they could remember her as a loving person", yadda yadda. I want to say "Whoever did that video should be ashamed", but I know they're not, as long it feeds the "trans rights are human rights" mantra.
No. 2065462
File: 1733493836374.jpg (188.47 KB, 1000x1537, GxPSEil.jpg)

>>2065438I just found this old photo of Ellen and comparing her with
>>2058104 is so sad. There's no such thing as "trans joy" at all, be for sex work or not. If Moon was so miserable in that industry, she could have moved away from it, but she decided to keep the image of influencer for sick people like her.
No. 2065524
File: 1733504953042.gif (232.52 KB, 160x160, 1413164676957.gif)

>>2065463They would complain the "white slave traffic" name and demand to be named "human slave traffic" because they cannot call it "
POC slave traffic"
No. 2065580
File: 1733515640768.jpg (60.86 KB, 700x525, 1000022428.jpg)

>>2065462This "zomg ellen page looks older now" concern trolling circlejerk is getting really stupid. She's not 25 anymore. She's almost 40, wore heavy makeup for years, and has been on heavy psych meds for years. I feel like every time I check this thread it's yet another "wow Ellen Page looks worse in this candid photo at age 37 than she does in this airbrushed and professionally styled official PR photo from a decade ago." She already looked gaunt and soulless as fuck in the months before she trooned out. See picrel. Move on to something else already. I'm so bored of 5 billion "Ellen Page looks different now" posts on this website a day. No one gave a shit about her obviously being extremely unwell until she stopped wearing makeup and heels.
No. 2065590
File: 1733517357430.jpg (973.71 KB, 1564x1564, 1000022614.jpg)

>>2065586>>2065584She literally looks exactly the same but with less makeup and short hair if you compare her current appearance to photos from just a few months before she started T instead of to heavily edited photos from an entire decade ago (such as
>>2065462 which is from 2014).
No. 2065608
>>2065590I agree
nonnie. She just looks tired and probably has been starving herself. I'm actually surprised testosterone did so little for her kek are we sure she ever was on it for more than a few weeks?
No. 2065716
File: 1733548221068.jpg (Spoiler Image,355.74 KB, 1080x955, 737592.jpg)

Sage for old milk, borderline spoonfeeding request and more, but do any of you know where furbypuff went or what happened to her? I have visited her social medias and she hasn't been active since 2021.
No. 2065741
File: 1733559473493.png (902.82 KB, 1080x1292, 1000021192.png)

What does trans masculine non binary mean ? You cut off your boobs and try to appear masculine but you don't want to be called a guy at the same time ?
No. 2065791
>>2063862 they want to be treated like a special version of a man/boy, not like a real moid.
No. 2065924
File: 1733606760905.png (265.07 KB, 720x613, 1000001101.png)

All the replies are girls admitting this is why they trooned out
It's all so tiring
No. 2065953
File: 1733612777242.jpeg (91.51 KB, 620x531, D82BE562-0187-4F9A-A363-C7354C…)

Ftms are such losers
No. 2065985
File: 1733618542689.gif (973.69 KB, 245x230, tumblr_ndwq4mZisn1shsyigo8_250…)

>>2065924>MLM shipOh yeah, The Body Shop/Oriflame otp
It's always funny you know only TIFs use that word, like that toothpaste flag.
No. 2066050
>>2065985Lmao anon I also usually read it as "multi-level-marketing." Honestly, with the way troons try to rope other people into the gender fandom, it basically
is an MLM. Except instead of just losing friends and money, you also lose your tits.
No. 2066107
>>2065741She had some money issues recently and had return to her parents and get a normal job. It seems to me like an attempt to change her career because now she can get more roles as a trans person instead of competing with thousands of other women like her
>>2065948exactly. she looks like an ordinary woman in a t-shirt with short-hair or a tomboy.
No. 2066255
File: 1733690529887.png (433.94 KB, 1079x1280, Screenshot_20241208-154145.png)

what stage of terminal nlog cancer is this
No. 2066260
File: 1733690914065.png (653.89 KB, 1080x821, Screenshot_20241208-154554.png)

>>2066255my name is nlog dark'ness dementia raven Way
No. 2066315
File: 1733703114678.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1179x1918, IMG_5826.jpeg)

I thought being trans had dysphoria about being portrayed as the natal sex kek, these newer generations of TIFs become more retarded than the last.
No. 2066316
>>2066315The concept is so insane and retarded part of me can't help but think she's a crypto
terf trolling troons by pretending she's one of them while clearly being a superior woman, but i know she's just a retarded nlog who doesn't have enough of a personality to be a female presenting female in 2024.
No. 2066329
>>2066315too much anime and porn
>>2066316these types of people aren't that smart
No. 2066330
File: 1733704771379.png (108.96 KB, 549x229, joy.png)

>>2065051i'm so glad all these people are going to start dropping like flies. if not the suicide it'll the health complications from hormones and surgery. thank god
No. 2066365
File: 1733710532074.jpg (109.33 KB, 960x1280, FPNSNdcVQBM4NGD.jpg)

>>2066255im laughing so hard i went on her twitter and she looks like emo null
No. 2066372
File: 1733712133762.jpeg (557.78 KB, 1290x2359, IMG_8132.jpeg)

I know we’ve moved on from cator99 discourse, but I’m surprised nobody mentioned that she got her username from Armin Meiwes (the German cannibal). How edgy….
No. 2066416
>>2066315"I want to present as a feminine woman but I don't want to be one b/c feminine women are dumb vapid boring sluts" many such cases!
Bet she's straight as well.
No. 2066533
File: 1733752283657.jpg (282.34 KB, 1080x966, 1000022807.jpg)

Why are so many ftms insanely sexually naive? This reads like a 13 year old's idea of what adult sex lives are like.
No. 2066540
>>2066372Watching her in real time pretend to not give a fuck evolve into her screeching to her followers about being a
victim was the highlight of my week. All she had to do was pretend not to care but how could she when she posts here?
No. 2066552
File: 1733755673048.jpg (48.59 KB, 860x469, 1000022808.jpg)

Looks like the cator99 vendettachan learned about VPNs.
No. 2066586
File: 1733763900105.jpeg (43.37 KB, 640x468, IMG_0421.jpeg)

Sageing because it isn’t particularly milky, but just funny. For context there’s this story on tiktok about this lady masturbating on an airplane due to taking ambien. Anyway here are some comments and the TIF obviously has to say that she’s a bear of a man kek.
No. 2066587
File: 1733763968732.jpeg (76.58 KB, 499x640, IMG_0422.jpeg)

>>2066586This is her by the way kek, the voice is still feminine but frog like and she has massive hips.
No. 2066645
File: 1733772091257.png (798.55 KB, 657x2134, zifegXL.png)

No. 2066686
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No. 2066687
File: 1733781378011.jpg (546.99 KB, 1079x1421, 1000022799.jpg)

(post context)
No. 2066702
File: 1733784214854.gif (506.77 KB, 500x280, ouch.gif)

>>2066686Girl, they only need to call you "ma'am" or "girl, calm down" so you can break and whine and cry. The violent ones are TIMs.
No. 2066704
File: 1733784287956.jpeg (296.81 KB, 2048x1365, licensed-image.jpeg)

>>2066693Specially when Gerard doesn't look like that anymore.
No. 2066751
File: 1733794352299.png (392.89 KB, 624x593, Screenshot.png)

>he looks like me
No. 2066827
>>2066315>>2066416>>2066591I'm not going to act like this type of TIF isn't retarded but to me it feels like the actual motivation is obvious. It's not an NLOG thing as much as they want to be free to be feminine or dress slutty without moids leering at them and treating them like fuckmeat, and they think if they just insist that they're men then that unwanted attention will go away.
>>2066260 shows this exact mindset perfectly. It's honestly sad.
I guess it's good if this type is comfortable enough in their own skin not to chop their tits off or take hormones, but if they make no attempt to look anything but super feminine then they have no right to go crying when people won't play along with their delusion. That's the part where I stop feeling sorry for them.
No. 2066873
File: 1733836506169.jpeg (305.71 KB, 1125x1645, IMG_0041.jpeg)

This reeks of testosterone gel
No. 2066964
File: 1733861492380.png (1.14 MB, 1042x1412, wwwy24.png)

>>2066704He doesn't look like that either, it's an old picture. He lost all the weight when he started performing again. The TIFs have been sperging ever since about how you have to love his 2017 version since it's more achievable to them kek.
No. 2066990
>>2066977Yeah, but it doesn't scratch the surface that much. It's usually a reaction to societal expectations or systemic mistreatment that some girls wrongly assume is intrinsic to femininity, like "I hate pink but all girl clothes are pink, I wish I was a boy because they get cool clothes". Most women realize these things are arbitrary (women are allowed to wear "boy" clothes & still be women) or simply untrue (no actual reason for girl = pink outside of an organizational standpoint), but some of them can't get past this 1ft hurdle and troon out. And it doesn't help! They're
still miserable, because their gender wasn't the problem, it was their view of it. That shit
needs to be in the DSM again.
No. 2067044
File: 1733886365847.jpg (182.97 KB, 1170x2532, fgah2tqza26e1.jpg)

No. 2067054
File: 1733888761882.png (688.69 KB, 694x500, Free.png)

>>2066975>"I never really subscribed to the archetype masculinity growing up, I had no interest in sports or anything like that. There was a time where I was called a girl so often that when I discovered the idea of transgenderism I considered myself to be more of a girl. So I identify with trans people and women a lot because I was a girl to a lot of people growing up."TL;RD He's a They/them NLOM (Not like other moids)
>>2067044>>2067047I wish I would blame anime on this one, but even in yaoi pics/videos the nips are drawn.
No. 2067086
>>2067009AYRT, I would guess sexual abuse at the hands of someone they trust is the biggest driving factor of TIF troonism. Rape is a devastating experience at any age, but rape that occurs in childhood will lead to
very extreme coping mechanisms, like amputating their breasts to rid themselves of any dreadful feminine curves. Take note of how many TIFs get into "sex work" and/or mention sexual abuse in their e-begging posts.
>>2067044This is
so sad. Maybe I'm just not retarded enough to understand, but there is
no feasible scenario in which this would make me happy. Even if I had fucking breast cancer. I have sympathy for the mentally ill but certainly not empathy.
No. 2067194
File: 1733934063524.jpg (233.45 KB, 1536x2048, 1000002841.jpg)

>>2059086Sad that I'm late to the Zander/cator99/Zoey/Taylor/Tyler moment but this is all reminding me of the other
terf-allied ftm queefcafe who also posted thirsttraps on here for anon attention. Queef however was nostalgic and makes fun of having a tumblrina gendie phase instead of shamefully burying it and had a pretty large tiktok audience
(claim with no proof) No. 2067364
File: 1733964755527.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1172x1466, IMG_1019.jpeg)

Convinced anyone attracted to this sort of thing or partaking in it is pedophilic; spoiler for shirtless TIF
No. 2067368
File: 1733966212967.jpeg (167.87 KB, 685x1023, Untitled7_20241211201216.jpeg)

>>2067366Her Instagram is xruruchuu, she’s not interesting beyond typical TIF femboy retardation but the heavy editing she uses does result in some fairly funny (or terrifying) discrepancies
No. 2067374
File: 1733967441058.png (29.39 KB, 627x226, viktor.png)

>Straight women are not into other women.
>Imagine dating a 3dpd rather than a husbando.
No. 2067530
File: 1734028728968.jpg (170.67 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_935e7acb667d102de870f84…)

>>2067239>>2067432I'm a femme lesbian female I don't know any of these people and I've never transed. I usually only look at lolcow if someone on tumblr mentions something. I remembered queefs selfposts that she humblebragged about on tumblr years ago:
>>168671I dont even follow johnnycrass/crator99 I just wanted to see the drama. I know theres 0 milk, hence the sage. All of this is googleable information. Queefs frisk/terezi video skits were fucking hilarious.
No. 2067583
File: 1734044566570.gif (2.38 MB, 640x618, 4mqpw7mobz2e1.gif)

>>2066964Kek he looks like picrel
No. 2067719
File: 1734069737740.jpeg (1003.89 KB, 2316x3088, 2U0rZcs.jpeg)

this was meant to appear tough
No. 2067743
File: 1734076327185.png (323.94 KB, 403x905, Screenshot 2024-12-12 235121.p…)

so sad
No. 2067798
File: 1734092336285.jpg (755.68 KB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20241213_071352_Fir…)

There are people out there who willingly take this schlop to "transition" despite being told it causes severe complications and then this shit happens. I feel bad but then
>front hole
and it's hard for me to sympathize with tranny's who talk about female anatomy like this.
No. 2067902
File: 1734109249941.png (142.83 KB, 1080x480, 1000033189.png)

Why are gendies so desperate
No. 2067912
File: 1734111230837.jpeg (126.6 KB, 828x1104, GepiM7vWEAA4WBY.jpeg)

From /ot/: Moids telling to tifs not fun allowed.
No. 2067961
File: 1734119422335.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1536, Tumblr_l_843493416439374.jpg)

>>2067935>you see a strong female character just existing and they'll immediately draw her with her tits cut offEven more often, you see GNC and gay male characters with zippertits, too. It's like trads and troons are having some kind of retarded contest to see who can reinforce rigid gender stereotypes the hardest. Plus TiFs have this weird tendency to draw all of their weird husbandos trans, too.
No. 2067981
File: 1734123850539.gif (279.9 KB, 220x170, scared.gif)

>>2067743omg this jumpscared me. she looks so much like someone i used to know
>>2067978iirc it all started with some tim getting bottom surgery and posting about it on reddit. he had a blahaj plushie with him to hug while staying in the hospital. i think he detrooned later?
No. 2067985
>>2067961I was in that fandom and I hate that pairing so much for the treatment of female characters. Kotetsu still was grieving to lose his wife and people went full "oh but now I have a new boyfriend, fuck that woman". Not mention also that Kotetsu treat Karina (Blue Rose) like a real person and suddenly she's also a "slut" for being in the middle of the pairing.
I wouldn't be surprised if half of the fandom chopped their tits out for Barnaby or Kotetsu.
No. 2067987
File: 1734124624730.jpg (42.76 KB, 600x600, fposter,small,wall_texture,squ…)

>>2067981It's also because a surfer who lost her arm after being biten by a shark said that men shouldn't compite against women, so tims used the shark as a "fuck you, the shark should have eaten that
I know is not the TIM thread, but Blahaj is just an adorable plush, it doesn't deserve to have such horrid fans.
No. 2068036
>>2067985As someone who's read a shitload of Barnaby/Kotetsu doujins, I can confidently tell you that Tomoe is rarely framed as being "replaced." Kotetsu and Barnaby bonding over their shared experiences of grief (losing a spouse and parents respectively) is such a central component of these DJs and fics, it's like half of what makes Barnaby and Kotetsu interesting. A lot of the stories have flashbacks to when Tomoe was alive (including a DJ that was written a mangaka who later went on to work on the official Tiger and Bunny manga). A lot of people eventually move on to new relationships after being widowed, I don't know what to tell you.
>Kotetsu treat Karina (Blue Rose) like a real person and suddenly she's also a "slut" for being in the middle of the pairing.Where is this mass of people calling Karina a slut? The bigger issue is that she's sixteen and he's thirty five. Honestly, even the age difference between Kotetsu and Barnaby is a little awkward, but at least they're both adults and one isn't old enough to be the other's father.
Are you seriously out here suggesting that it's misogyny to ship Kotetsu with a dude instead of a minor or a dead person? Is that actually the case you're making?
(derailing) No. 2068092
File: 1734149916939.jpg (256.75 KB, 1440x1440, 9bfc51bd17e573a5b98ec02abe0af5…)

All of this is just peak consoomerism. Thousands of dollars for 'top surgery', monthly payments for hormones, then you have to be QuIrKy and go out and buy a blahaj and a whole load of other garbage that makes you part of the in group. Every TIF video is full of shit like funkopops and muh animu figurines and their latest body modifications. They wouldnt have the identity without the ability to consoom.
No. 2068102
File: 1734152941240.png (91.88 KB, 960x808, peggingtest.png)

Straight TIFs are so naive it's sad. He let you put a dildo in him once and that means he's gay for being attracted to your female body?
No. 2068240
>>2068092Trans starter pack
>every social media>sweaters>popular shows everyone has watched>a sporta bra>drawingHoly shit I'm trans?!?!?!?!???!?!
No. 2068362
>>2067432Yeah I know some TIFs who hatelurk lolcow. They're probably also the ones selfposting on /g/ too, because the amount of TIFposting on there in the SSA threads is so fucking strange. I remember this incident where cator99 was posted in the Women You're Ashamed of Fucking thread
>>2067455>in the end they all post and gossip about one another.Peak female behaviour. They will never escape it
>>2067441KEKKKK no wonder anons on here get so
triggered when you come after their precious yaoiz.
No. 2068497
File: 1734263258105.jpeg (315.7 KB, 1125x713, IMG_3811.jpeg)

Not milk but scrolling on tarddit and saw this, had a big kek like hmm wonder why these women with body dysmorphia so extreme they want to be men, would have eating disorders at disproportionately high rates! I keep arguing on tranny posts I know my days are numbered kek
No. 2068761
File: 1734344306257.png (706.3 KB, 1450x594, MbsD0TS.png)

every single time
No. 2068789
>>2068092That's the most feminine ass chart I've ever seen. Literally a girl on tumblr stater pack. They have such a weird, skewed perception of men, where all of them are their 2018 soft boi aesthetic emos. It's probably also a reason why a lot of them are that genre of tumblr mras talking about "soft boy tummies" and "men matter too". They're projecting their fantasies/their characteristics on what might as well be an orangutan.
>>2068497Damn I wonder why… Ftms are VERY active in pro ana communities and have their own mascpo stuff. They have EDs as a result of thinking it will masculinize them, take away their breasts, take away the periods etc. And another fun thing: You'd actually be surprised by the amount of tifs in these communities making fun of their fat sisters and dieting because they don't want to end up like them. They had their own fatspo threads on xitter featuring random fat tiktok tifs.
No. 2068834
File: 1734365873957.jpg (95.82 KB, 735x621, ae0a5bfeea7137fb74dad04cba1580…)

>>2068092Nearly everything in these starterpacks are extremely feminine hobbies dominated by women. Being into fashion / aesthetics, cutesy gay cartoons, and fandoms are as feminine as it gets. I never see TIFs into fucking sports or FIFA or competitive FPS games. These are the same people who will say wearing "boy clothes" gives them gender euphoria and justify trooning out little boys because they want to wear a dress.
>>2068789Wow what could be the reason that FtMs are overrepresented in ED and SH communities especially compared to MtFs
No. 2069100
File: 1734438260499.png (139.72 KB, 1200x675, 1734097681271.png)

>>2069077they ship them, they don't actually play the games, they make vent posts about forcing themselves to have to play said games, i knew a fujotif guy who was obsessed with the resident evil characters, never played any of the games
No. 2069104
File: 1734438981278.jpg (946.87 KB, 1079x2313, 1000005381.jpg)

God dang sis have some respect for yourself. Depressing af.
No. 2069105
File: 1734439878126.png (163.77 KB, 1122x674, 83479928920.png)

>>2069077I'm talking about multiplayer FPS games with teams and a ladder. TF2 is the only one I've seen that's extremely popular with TIFs and maybe Overwatch on Tumblr pre-Covid. But I don't think they even play the games, just ship the characters and draw TIF porn of the male characters.
No. 2069272
File: 1734474026602.png (140.93 KB, 768x1634, urinal cake.png)

>Squatting in front of a urinal with her pants around her ankles
>Wiping with a fucking urinal cake
>Going to Preddit to write a "tutorial" about it
We're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible. How can someone this fucking stupid be expecting to give "informed consent" to life-altering medical procedures?
No. 2069278
>>2069100>guyNona, please.
>obsessed with the resident evil characters, never played any of the gamesI fucking hate people like this. Resident Evil and FF7 blew up on tiktok among tifs in 2022 and it made me so mad. Bring back gatekeeping. TIFs ruin everything with their 'mlm ships'.
No. 2069280
File: 1734475603560.jpg (65.05 KB, 1920x1080, 1000098118.jpg)

>>2069272Wtf, she used the fucking deodorizer to wipe, how retarded can she be? I didn't know it was something that existed until today.
Also, wouldn't be more logical to like, carry toilet paper? I know moids don't wipe and she wants that sweet moid satisfaction I guess, but it's still retarded to not have toilet paper around in places that you already know don't fuckinf have it.
No. 2069298
File: 1734477475244.png (67.12 KB, 640x394, pCIMYHbxYDgh9zc67vEuB0FBlU6Y43…)

>>2069272Did this retard really pick up a urinal cake and wipe with it? The shit that men piss on? Even if it was on top of the urinal, that's disgusting. Also she's just dripping piss all of herself too? Also she just now learned that men aren't supposed to drop their pants lmao? Doesn't every TIF in the world watch South Park?
>LET ER RIPwhy do they all have this cringe Tumblr humor
No. 2069309
File: 1734479459515.jpeg (132.12 KB, 828x279, IMG_8343.jpeg)

>>2069272checked out this person’s profile, and kek of course they’re not even an adult yet, what is a teenage girl doing in public men’s restroom with her ass presumably out for everyone to see?
No. 2069311
>>2069272God I wish this was illegal. this is just beyond my comprehension. I guess it's some of these women are just so desperate and mentally ill that they will use a fake penis mold to pee out of (which seems messy and complicated) but she (If it even is a woman, could also be another tranner trolling) is quite literally recommending that women plop their puss onto a urinal lmao. I bet this is a scrot writing this so he can convince some of these women to embarrass themselves for his entertainment or something.
>>2069309The fact that this person is pretending to be a teenage girl screams gross male fetish. there are tons of accounts of teenage girls who trans and the vast majority of them do not want to be in men's bathrooms. not even the ones who actually kind of passed for male. this has got to be a troll.
>>2069298janitors often complain about women's bathroom being dirtier because they don't just sit their butt on the seat to pee so sometimes the pee just sprays everywhere. yeah. straddling a toilet instead of peeing like a normal woman is just fucking insane. tifs already sound like parodies of themselves, this is just ridiculous.
No. 2069316
>>2069272writing a tutorial on reddit for fucking pissing LMAO. imagine being
so fucking socially inept that not only do you pretend to be a guy, you literally have no fucking clue what youre doing. praying the whole school or whatever finds out about this retard
No. 2069318
>>2069077there's a fair amount of tifs who do trans because they reject anything that's stereotypically feminine on a superficial level. The ones who are very obviously girly like this – basically anyone who would make collage like the ones itt are very young and seem to be part of the cohort that transes because it's trendy. The actual lesbians might be yaoi fans too but they have no actual interest in men. sometimes they date each other.
The kinds of tifs i see on tumblr range from gross exhibitionists LARPing as leather daddies and getting shat on by the gays for it to people quite literally into the most feminine shit ever (visual kei pretty boys). I guess the kind of attention seeking that the leather daddy larpers do is pretty feminine its own way even if they aren't obvious fujos.
No. 2069351
File: 1734494683129.jpg (42.29 KB, 459x466, What-its-a-smoking-Chicken-Fis…)

>>2069309>I need to scare the shit out of chasers.Who is going to tell her that chasers can claim they're "gay men" so they can satisfy her delusion for sex?
No. 2069390
File: 1734515124061.png (220.15 KB, 640x640, kgsD5NJ.png)

this feels like grooming
No. 2069439
File: 1734529106959.jpg (273.84 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20241217_210240_Chr…)

No. 2069451
File: 1734531540451.png (255.14 KB, 1890x926, IMG_0328.png)

>>2069378she's been active for over a year and posts on mostly fandom related subreddits(the mandela catalogue and fallen london), it looks way too sincere
No. 2069474
>>2069272What’s the point of even peeing standing up if you have a vagina, you have to push harder to get a decent stream and you’ll have a big chance of peeing on your leg anyway and the pants you’ve lowered all the way down to the floor kek. This is the most feminine way to pee standing up anyway.
Also how can you say you’re a man and wipe with a damn urinal cake kek and then have the stupidity to tell the internet and to offer guidance. I’m laughing so much.
Some men pee sitting down and they poop sitting down anyway. I will never get in their minds.
No. 2069478
>>2069477Sorry force of habit nonna. I know we pee from the urethra.
Not related but why do we use vagina to indicate the whole thing by the way?
No. 2069507
>>2069478No worries kek common mistake, but it's definitely because moids think the part they can prnetrate is the only one worth naming
>>2069500And if you have a penis, you typically have balls. That doesn't make it "pedantic" to point out men don't piss out of their ballsack. Why are you wking sexist misconceptions about women's anatomy, retard?
(derailing) No. 2069683
File: 1734582817692.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1799, 1000025506.png)

>>2069681Forgot the photo