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No. 276054
last thread:
>>45564first thread:
>>59715this is where we post cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
for those who don't know, fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention (either as transmen or biological males, usually the former). these girls are not really transgender because they experience little or no gender dysphoria and usually don't transition, although some of them take hormones and later regret it.
starting off with the cringiest fakeboi of the new year, milo stewart! you can catch a glimpse of her insanity here: No. 276055
and somehow i managed to fuck up the thread number by copying it from /pt/, oops
here is the real first thread
>>26392 No. 276095
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No. 276143
but if we're going to talk about names, apparently her real name is nady.
No. 276410
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what about ya webbs edgy forever squinting bois Poetbastard and N0cturnalprince? If you dig their instagrams it's clear they're girls, I don't think they're on T as well, just our usual fakebois with horrible editing skills. I don't think they've ever adressed their gender? The only thing I found is "Why would you call someone a ‘’girl’’ when they obviously present as a ‘’boy’’?" from Xia's tumblr. So yeah
links No. 276421
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Since this thread includes transtrenders, does Justin Dennis belong here? He's probably one of the cringiest transtrenders right after Milo despite being amab.
No. 276424
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>>276421This is him before the tranny makeover. He is actually really fucking cute and would be so much more likeable if he dropped the cringey feminist shit and lived as an effeminate man.
God, why are so many attractive people crazy?
No. 276451
>>276439Skip to 5:38 in this video. They're now teaching this horse shit in university courses.
Our future generations are going to be so fucked if no one stops these idiots.
No. 276466
>>276443>>276446They'd probably have more luck with bisexual women but for some reason most of them only chase after lesbians.
Plus Riley isn't even trans, he has said he has no dysphoria and no desire to take hormones or have surgery. No fucking shit lesbians won't sleep with you.
No. 276469
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Time to post this girl (no milk, just cringe). I don't know her personally but we have friends in common on fb. She also has a "nonbinary trans boyfriend" and they are in a polyromantic asexual relationship.
A few days ago she had a job interview, went there with what looked like a sharpied on beard and then complained about muh transphobia when they didn't hire her (she's deleted the picture sadly).
No. 276481
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>>276434This was fun and I'm not sorry.
No. 276492
>>276410Damnnn, if those two are actually girls then I'm really jelly of their androgyny because it'd be great for crossplay.
t. 5'2" loli bitch
No. 276525
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This is someone I'm in similar social circles with but don't know very personally. I do know they're a hypochondriac with a medical phobia, so top surgery and HRT trigger them. They're asexual but have sex with their girlfriend (but only if their girlfriend will RP as some male dungeons and dragons character they're in love with).
So mostly cringey as opposed to milky; there have been meltdowns about how awful it is to be misgendered because 'he's trying his best' and one time they flipped out because someone said their hair cut reminded them of some female anime character.
No. 276607
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Here is a fakeboi I posted in the last thread right before it died.
I wonder if anybody ever called her out? It's so fucking obvious this is a girl lmao
No. 276793
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>>276770it really is
that photo just reeks of ritsuka from loveless and some self-fulfilled fetish dream where she's the perfect femme ukeboi some hunk wants to fuck silly
No. 276798
>>276477Omg I loosely followed their crew for a while a last year but when I went to check up on them again after a few months suddenly Emerson & bugbae weren't associating anymore.
Is there any caps of what happened? I know Emerson can be really cringe too.
No. 276867
>>276477oh please "Emerson" is a fakeboi too
what are the details of the rape thing?
No. 276877
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what? how are you nonbinary? you literally fit into the female binary so well.
No. 276890
>>276421>>276424>>276433>>276432This dude is a fucking loon and legit thinks he's a lesbian. He also thinks lesbians are
transphobic if they don't want his boy body and limp dick. fucking asshole
No. 276894
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>>276877because it's cool
No. 276909
>>276893Agree with other anon about missing when lesbians weren't all fucking ftm's
I wouldn't date an mtf because I don't like the male structure !!
I wouldn't date an ftm because I don't want to be with someone who identifies with what it means to be a man!
I like androgynous women who still giggle and are soft and dainty even if they have a shorter haircut and don't wear dresses.
Doesn't mean you have to completely disregard your womanhood and honestly a lot of these fakebois seem to have internalized misogyny ??
Like what the fuck is so wrong with being a woman that you're crying about being called one?
Why would you give up your gender one day at random because everyone else is and trade your natural body to be hairy with some clitdick for the rest of your life?
The whole thing just disgusts me really, especially since a lot of the ones I see on IG were really attractive women beforehand.
People who are truly trans go through the process and move on with their lives, they don't hashtag it constantly for validation and attention.
Idk why it irks me so much but it just really, really does.
Every mtf I've ever met hasn't been like that at all.
No. 276911
these men are just as sexist and perverted as your avg dude. they exploit this. these men are just dudes with fetishes anyways. that people are comparing this bullshit to actual issues like schizophrenia, depression, whatever else, is so, so insulting to those with actual disorders.
No. 276913
Ok I'm genderqueer and I use all pronouns from she/her, he/him to they/them.
I don't bitch about being called the wrong thing. You can tell the days I'm machuline or feminine or nothing at all. But I hate this whole idea of people parading it on the internet like it's such a big deal. It's a daily thing and if someone mis-genders you, so what? Don't get butt hurt and pissed. Gently and kindly correct them but don't add stuff like "don't assume my gender" that's just rude. Be mature about it. And if the person thinks you are opposite of what you are wanting then maybe look in the damn mirror and fix your appearance. Dont wear a skirt when you want to be adressed as a man. I hate these brats acting so entitled. I'm fed up and so are my trans friends. I have buddy who I showed pics to and he's disgusted at these fakebois, as a trans man himself he was in shock to see these girls acting like this. He didn't understand why they would dress like a girl and want male pronouns. He felt insulted and told me this gives a bad name to the tens community
No. 277003
>>276913You're still a fakeboi even if you're not as edgy about it. "Genderqueer" is a made-up identity.
Three years from now you will have moved on to living full time as the girl you are, just like all of the others.
No. 277048
>>277042autoandrophilia = being sexually aroused by the thought of being male. the male form of this is called autogynophilia. Some people with aap/agp are trans and experience dysphoria but usually not.
I feel like a lot of the Tumblr ftms who present themselves like flaming faggots have aap, since effeminate gay men are fetishized on that site. Too much anime can fuck with your mind.
No. 277070
>>277048it's fucking hilarious because this makes so much sense with my cousin's friends that are super weebs(more into anime than me at least) and stay on Tumblr 24/7 complaining about shit that really doesn't matter
saging for blogging
No. 277116
>>277095>>277100>>277113So the way to
trigger a terf is to call them a terf. Kek.
No. 277153
>>277127it doesn't work because ppl can't understand it's not trans-hate thread. It's transtrend-hate. shit like
>>277066 makes turds like
>>277082 spawn. It's inevitable. If ppl just left their ideology out of this, that would be great. Because fakebois and transtrending has very little in common with actual transexuality and that's pretty much the point of this thread
No. 277248
>>277246Yea, idk, its very hard to tell if they are actually dudes or not, if they are trans, I think they pass REALLY well.
I didn't get any trans vibes from them, maybe I don't see it? I'm just a gay dude, I dont hang out around tranies so idk?
as for Xia's terminology he uses, it could just be he's really gay, and english isn't his first language.
No. 277298
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>>277296check the tits on xia in this one
No. 277301
>>276424>He is actually really fucking cuteFor other gay men. He sends my queer-dar off the charts. I would be able to tell there's something up with his sexuality. He has the look.
He'd do better with long hair and going the androgyny route. He'll never look 'normal' one gender or the other.
No. 277310
>>277298>>277300Okay, you got me convinced. Very clearly not biologically male in these shots. They must be a few years old.
What about the person on the left in
No. 277318
>>277311Continuing on my point early. Idc if these people are trans or whatever, but why the need to hide that?
my theory is they have a bunch of oogling rabid yaoi fangirls who like them and if they learned they were trans, its a deal breaker for their fans.
No. 277352
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both Haru and Xia look like girls crossdressing here.
You can see how much they contour and wear heavy makeup on their instagrams, they also squint their eyes to look more masculine seme style. Not to mention the lack of any trace of adam's apple.
They try hard to pass and actually look quite good. It's obvious they are not cis tho, at least for me.
I think maybe n0cturnal is taking T, he looks way more like an actual man, but idk about Xia. He still has pics wearing long hair wigs and dresses, maybe he's transtrending or still doesn't have his shit figured out completely.
>>277318I think you are right, the same case is with Geheichou. He's pandering to fangirls like crazy, taking pics of his underwear or stomach, telling stories how his classmates thought he was a girl 'cause he jokingly wore a dress!!! haha!! he!! a girl!! omg!! So yeah, learning they're fakebois or trans would cause a drop in thirst hence the drop in their following
No. 277369
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no.. a lady that looks like a lady..
No. 277398
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i'm interested in fairy kei but there are soooo many fakebois. if you don't want to be misgendered why the fuck would you wear the least masculine fashion ever? i'd be interested in to see an actual male pull of this fashion, but 99% of the "guys" are fake as fuck. ugh.
No. 277408
>>277352I only noticed from what I could see in Video, both have man voice, so they are on T. so its in still photos it's more obvious that they are trans.
Xia looks trans, the other guy? I'm not so sure.
No. 277413
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>>277398what is it about fairy kei that attracts these people?
No. 277644
>>276607>>276770The reason they are so skinny is because they are FEMALE
Seriously, even the skinniest gay twink won't have a body like that, or how they do in yaoi manga. They won't have hourglass waists or small shoulders because they are MEN.
There have been years now of these girls fetishizing gays in yaoi and now they are trying to live it out even more, beyond just RP or cosplay.
There are fakebois trying to date gay men using this shit now.
No. 277655
>>277652I mean "this trans bullshit" has been going on for centuries upon centuries it's not going to stop any time soon whether you like it or not. It's part of human biology/sexuality/psychology. Though I agree the whole tumblr movement has escalated it to dangerous and incredibly unhealthy degrees where people feel entitled to have sex with others simply because they think/pretend that they're trans and anyone who refuses their sexual advances is transphobic in their eyes and the sjw movement backs that up because of the fear of being branded as transphobic as well. It's really frightening and that's just the tip of the ice berg. Lots of these fakebois are really fucking delusional and don't experience any form of dysphoria and aren't trans at all. Especially the ones who claim to be genderqueer/non-binary/some other bullshit and it leads to loads of mental problems that go unchecked because of the constant hugbox they find themselves in that tells them it's all okay.
>Inb4 all trans ppl are delusional and unhealthyI mean that's really up to a psychiatrist to say and before anyone is allowed to go on T/E they have to go through extensive evaluation which is why a lot of fakebois avoid therapist visits like the plague because deep down they know they'd get told to fuck off
sage for rant
No. 277725
>>277714I have two trans coworkers. One of them I gladly talk to at work, and the other one just a few sentences here and there since we rarely cross paths. They are both mtf and are dating each other. I was afraid at first because the way trans folk from Tumblr talk is really extreme, but I've been lucky that the few trans people I talk to are always really cool and barely talk about being trans unless it's good news about surgery or a milestone on the estrogen or whatever.
They just talk about games and their normal interests. I would probably have a trans person as a friend if they acted normally and we got along really well, I don't really care what's in between their legs because it doesn't concern me.
Never met male to female though, I feel like those are rarer.
Also some kid in grade 12 at the school I used to attend committed suicide somehow about a day or two ago (they found him/her? dead at a local smoke spot in the forest near the school). The rumour is his parents weren't supportive of him wanting to transition and I guess was probably mentally ill because he just gave himself to the cold Canadian winter.
I feel like a lot of trans folk need some sort of therapy, just in case.
No. 277739
>>277714A friend-of-friends is supposedly ftm, insists on being called a "prince" (no, it's not Lainey) and doesn't want HRT because body hair is icky. She's mostly harmless and I don't want to cause drama so I pretend to respect "their" pronouns but honestly I roll my eyes at so much of what she says and does. I expect her to grow out of it eventually but she's already 26 so maybe she'll be special forever, idk.
I've only personally met one mtf and he was apparently post-op. I didn't check though obviously. At first I even thought he was just a tall ugly biological woman but then the voice gave him away. He was nice enough for like five minutes but soon revealed himself to be a sexual predator ("It's okay because we're both girls teehee!"), online stalker and huge drama queen. He was booted from the group but continued harassing several members for months afterwards, calling them transphobic and threatening violence. As annoying as fakebois are, mtfs really creep me out.
No. 277764
>>277647Gay guy here. I'm taken, but I can tell you these fakeboi's piss me off.
"I can imagine how annoying it would be for a gay man to have some aap fakeboi begging him to fuck her pussy."
I don't want to imagine that. But I'm sure its happened.
I used to really be into femmy/andorgynous guys who cosplayed. But not anymore, because of all these GIRLS who want to look like uke's from the gay chinese cartoons.
For what its worth I don't hate them cause they are trans or whatever, its the ones who don't disclose that piss me off. It's infuriating.
No. 277792
>>277714Actually all my F2M friends are lovely, it's the M2Fs that are insane in my experience.
There are some friends of friends who act like this but there's no way I'd even bother to getting to know them, why would anyone? They're horrible based on the few minutes I had to suffer from them.
No. 277801
>>277714I knew one person in middle school and high school who transitioned from female to male. They were not cringey at all, they were actually one of the chillest people I have ever met. The only thing unusual about them that I didn't really notice until after word broke out that they were trans was that even though they dressed and looked like a typical girl, they had the personality of a man (and talked like one too).
After graduating he pretty much fell off the face of the Earth and no one knew until someone discovered his new Facebook account. I respect him and his decision to transition because he was really cool and I'm glad he's comfortable with himself now.
>>277764I agree with you about disclosing the fact that they're trans but
only if the transguy in question is trying to date you or have sex with you. Otherwise, what does it matter if they were born a different gender and don't feel like sharing that with other people? It seems like most normal trans people would prefer to blend in and not talk about their genital reconstruction, as they should.
No. 277842
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>>276054I often wonder why fakebois hate body hair? And they often think that they are superior, even when they are not.
She dates a genderneutral girl, which dresses like a girl. She claims to be gay, even though she is dating a girl.
On her tumblr are a lot of photos under the tag ftm. And it's either just me, or is she still looking extremly female on all the photos, she didn't edit? I always wonder what all the other ftm think about fakebois.
(And it kind of baffles me: why do they wear fairy kei, when they don't wanna be misgendered? And even when they aren't wearing fairy kei, they still prefer girly clothes. How can you hate being female so much, when you prefer dressing and acting like a girl?)
No. 277911
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>>277714I used to work with one, I felt like a complete retard when I found out, I thought she was just a tiny, very slender guy with a lesbo haircut and a weird voice. I thought she was just some tiny feminine twink and then another co-worker told me about going to high school with her when she was just a lesbo. Ngl, I'm pretty uncomfortable with all that but I'd already talked to her a few times and wasn't going to suddenly give her the cold shoulder because I found out. She was alright, mostly talked about work stuff, blah blah blah, so I friended her on FB and holy fucking shit was an obnoxious person.
Every single day was post after post after post about nothing but tranny shit. News articles about trans stuff, how kids should be recognized for being trans, how parents shouldn't try to raise their kid in a way that brainwashes them to 'conforming to social and gender constructs', LGBT pride pictures and articles, crazy tumblr reposts about how every movie or tv show that comes out has harmed trannies in some way, theories about what tv characters are actually trans/demi/biromantic, constant whining posts about just how hard life is for her as a trans man, reposting other trannies instagram pictures and how hot they are, how cis people make every second of her life a constant struggle, and constant pictures of her making out with her girlfriend. I have never hated someone online as much as this person and just defriended her. She seemed alright IRL but holy shit what an annoying drama queen, her whole existence was just about
me me me and I couldn't take it.
The only other was a girl I went to high school with a few years ago that was such a sweetheart, started dating a girl that basically looked just like her but fat, and every week changed what she was. She was bisexual, she was biromantic, oh wait make that nonbinary, nevermind she's finally figured out she's demisexual, complete with her new preferred pronouns, and so on. Defriended her because of the constant whining ('I like to wear a button up shirt and a tie and everybody keeps asking me about it waaaaah they don't automatically understand I'm genderfluid waaaahhhh') and her girlfriend getting engaged after two months of dating when they both lived at home and she wrote ridiculously long posts about their tru wuv and how she would simply die without her and their five week anniversary! six week anniversary! six and a half week anniversary! you are the light of my life and my soul blah blah blah. One of those people that couldn't wait to be asked if they were gay just so they could get on their high horse. 'I honestly find this pretty
triggering' Want to know what
my triggers are? Your non-stop bullshit.
Sorry, I know this was rambling but God how I wanted to get this out.
No. 277919
>>277911tbh i've noticed this amongst more than a few trans people that i know.
it sounds really cruel but i honestly think there are men (and women) who decide to transition because they think they'll somehow 'do better' as the opposite sex.
one of the guys i used to go to school with was basically a walking stereotype of /r9k/ MRA meme-spewing politically-incorrect incels for the three years that I knew him. he was always going on about how women had it so much better than men because we were coddled by society and could get sex whenever we wanted. nearly a decade afterwards, he's on hormone therapy, growing his hair out, and wants to be referred to as 'she'. he's also already married but his wife is autistic and doesn't seem to mind. He sure does like talking about all his hardship and struggle on FB, though.
i've also known a guy who decided to go trans because his court-appointed therapist told him to. seems she thought that it would help him cope with the PTSD that arose out of encountering sexual trauma at an early age. that lasted a few years and then he decided to give it up. after all the hormones, his body's never going to be the same again, and he also had adopted a lot of mannerisms (like using a high, cutesy voice) that had prevented him from becoming employed or led to him being harassed before.
it's strange to me that people can go 'trans' like it's a teenager's 'goth phase' or something.
No. 277931
>>277919They have serious issues, I know people are incredibly dramatic online and talk themselves up, but every one of these people I've seen are incredibly immature and attention seeking to an extreme, or loudly proclaim all of their issues like crippling depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and tons of other really terrible mental health issues…and apparently that has nothing to do with their gender issues.
I think they're running away from themselves, they just want to become a completely different person so they can pretend they don't have these issues. The old co-worker went on constantly about their depression, crippling social anxiety, insecurity, etc. and the other girl seemed to be constantly trying to figure out who she was and find herself as long as she was unique and special and the center of attention on top of whining about how socially awkward she was and didn't ever fit in. I think they're just very unhappy people and are running away from their problems or claiming that their only problem is needing to transition, but then afterwards all those mental issues are still there and they've just ruined their lives. Most people would rather just look away and let them do it instead of telling them the ugly truth that this isn't going to magically solve everything.
With guys transitioning there seems to be so much self-hatred and jealousy and need to become someone they see will automatically get love and adoration and affection, when in reality (this is cruel to say, I know) they've just turned themselves into a freak.
No. 277958
>>277714Yeah, I have one transtrender friend (ftm or genderqueer. Oh no wait, excuse me - she's now a "demiboy"). I've bumped her down to "friend of a friend" status though because I'm pretty sick of her bullshit.
She posts on Facebook every other week about feeling suicidal, dysphoric, wanting to kill herself because of the dysphoria, etc. She wears lolita sometimes but claims it doesn't
trigger her dysphoria because she feels like "a boy in drag" while wearing it.
I finally commented on her wall the other day to say "If you're feeling dysphoric and suicidal, why don't you go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist?" and she came back with "ABLOOBLOOBLOO therapy is too expensive!!!" but then later she posted "Can someone take pictures of me and my squad all day at [local anime con]? I will pay you and pay for your con badge, food, etc." I guess taking pictures in your weeb gear is more important than therapy?
She hasn't posted anything about wanting to kill herself since then but a few days ago she posted on Facebook "message me if you want to see my naughty photos ;) ;)" and after a few hours she followed it up with "how come nobody messaged me to see my nudes???" so maybe she's decided she needs to try a different attention seeking tactic.
No. 278354
>>276032 new here lol, I dunno if I can quote an old post but this one captured my attention, Geheichou, this fakeboi is getting me sick, saying everywhere that he's male when you are not male until you go on T, he's lying everywhere about being cis, he's pretending to be a cutie anime cis boi, idk, just a fujoshi who wants his fangirls attention, what do u think?
Did u know Geheichou?
No. 278442
>>277899>they can just shave it off if it bothers them.This. Just fucking shave it like you shave your legs. Or use some hair removal powder. Plenty of cis men shave their chest and stomach hair.
It's retarded how these fakebois in their early 20's are pissed that T turns them into men rather than hairless pre-pubescent boys. Delusion at its finest.
No. 278457
>>278354>>278355It's me who mentioned Gehe. I also posted him in the old thread right before it got moved
Gehe's ex said that he's been taking T but I'm not sure if I believe it, mainly because he's the same as always. No changes. There was an interview with Gehe, where he was introduced as Julia, his voice was clearly feminine and he had no jawline of course lol. It's on yt.
If he's not a fakeboi and truly trans, I still find him
problematic because he's lying to his fangirls for thirst, attention and money. He's too deep in the shitpit now to come out, just as you anons said, with lying about being cute uke anime cis boi and being hella defensive about it.
I don't really know how he is now, I stopped following him when I realized he'd been lying. So if someone has got some fresh milk on him, I'm all ears
No. 278489
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>>278458sage for irrelevant but i got really excited for a second thinking you were talking about this jack frost until i realized there was that terrible pixar or whatever twink jack frost
No. 278511
>>278489my respects to Megami Tensei's Jack Frost.
a lot of people is cosplaying Jack Frost when the film was bad, same with Hiro Hamada, Big Hero 6 wasn't even good for me…
No. 278582
>>278523yes he is, do you think that there is a kind of trend of fujoshis who wants to be a boy to have a BL story?
It's pretty weird the high number of otaku-fujo-transboy.
No. 278585
>>278512Did you read what happened with the girl called Dina?
I read it on 4chan on the past event and I was like: omg…… poor girl…
No. 278598
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All started with this, Gehe saying that Dina was saying everywhere that he was a girl.
But this it's not true, I'm gong to paste here too what the anon said on 4chan to defend Dina. Who is obviously innocent, Geheichou knows it and he didn't apologise yet.
No. 278600
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>>278598The anon said:
Geheichou's tweet is from 5 Jun of 2016 as you see.
So if someone said it, it must be before, obviously.
As you see on my screen capture, she started to have this kinds of problems on Dec 2015.
This information is public, you can go to her Facebook, scroll down and see this post and a few more about the same person starting to spread fake info about her.
This person keep on it a few months more and it's not crazy to think that the hack was real, it's not like if her didn't have this problems before and there just a few months from when Gehe tweet that bullshit to when all this started.
So yes, she's innocent.
No. 278601
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>>278598>>278600Anon also posted that there was a lot of people licking Geheichou's ass.
No. 278602
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>>278598>>278600>>278601Anon also posted:
Even Gehe called Dina retarded. And all Gehe's crew called her terrible stuff too.
No. 278829
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No. 279087
>>277747>>277931>>277792Sage for no contribution but I just wanted to throw in that not all mtf trans people are crazy.
I know this one girl that's mtf and she's so sweet and lovely and shy. She just wants to be a girl and not bring tons of attention to herself. I knew her pre-coming out and she already acted in a very stereotypically feminine way even as a boy so when she came out it wasn't a surprise at all.
On the other hand I know a ftm person who is the epitome of Tumblr, had a cocktail of mental illnesses as well as autism and basically if you piss him off or say anything against him, regardless of topic, you can't argue with him you're being transphobic if you don't agree with him. As far as I know he's not a trender but I just wanted to say that all kinds of people can be crazy assholes and that not all mtf people are creepy
No. 279089
File: 1490680577967.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-24-23-21-29…)

Here's a fake boi who also claims to be Sasori from Naruto. Lmao
No. 279196
Lying about being cis to pamper his fangirls.
OH MY GOD. So Transphobic.
No. 279225
>>277714One of my closest friends since highschool is going down this path. It's depressing because we both clicked due to being kind of weird and doing our own thing, being our own kind of women etc. To see her say "oh I'm not really a girl!" because of all this is such a punch in the gut.
Sometimes I think "maybe I'm just being selfish because she's kind of the only close female friend I have" but she has SO many issues that are obviously behind this. It's clear that she thinks running away from her problems by becoming a different person is going to fix everything. It's heartbreaking.
No. 279242
>>279089Trash is right
This is hardly even a cosplay jfc
No. 279245
>>278829Where is "his" dick?
>>277048 No. 279257
>>278852>>278829All these scrawny little Tumblr bitches think the fact that they have no hips and no ass makes them pass as boys but they have no idea how retarded they look to anyone who isn't an oblivious 13-year-old.
Maybe I've been interested in cosplay for too long but it's gotten way too easy for me to clock a fakeboi. Gehe's tiny little shoulders, girlish face, and small rib cage were an instant giveaway and I'm surprised so many people fell for it. Even skinny faggots like Frank Wolf are that not petite, they still have masculine proportions and their faces look distinctly male despite their soft features.
No. 279260
File: 1490715024128.jpg (840.92 KB, 838x1200, lc2.jpg)

And when you point it out, you're transphobic and a hater.
No. 279273
>>278426>>277888Well I'm bad at telling stories but I'll try my best.
So when I first met this girl I thought she was a lesbian. Short with short hair, obviously feminine. But nope, she was apparently a transman. Went to the only tranny clinic in the country, was supported to get on T. And she wasn't just a transman, but a "I'm not like the other transmen", transman. Would constantly talk about how other trannies were fakeboys, but she was legit trans. And by talk I mean screech in the loudest, most insufferable way. She also cried constantly about everything. The smallest problem made her burst into tears. Real manly lol.
She was also totes a gay man and fetishised asian men to the point it got very uncomfortable. And my friend group has a lot of asians since we group together. She forced herself on my viet friend and tried to make out with him just because he is asian. And then she fell in love with a filipino christian guy in our group.
She could not grasp the fact that he wasn't interested in her. One, because he is straight. Two, because he is a part of a very religious sect where being tranny or gay is a no no. Even when we straight up told her why, she just thought it was because he wanted to save himself for marriage and thats why he didn't want to date her.
Then Idk how, but she finally realised that he wasn't interested in a tranny, and detransitioned and got baptised in his sect to try to win him over. Went from dressing like a boy and talking about sjw shit, to dressing in long skirts and acting modest. This happened overnight, and was even weirder than her being a tranny.
He still isn't interested in her tho, and I wonder if she will retransition if she ever realises she has no chance dating him.
No. 279292
so much for being actual trans.
No. 279312
>>279273If she felt like she should detransition just for a boy then she's full of shit about being a true tranny. I read on Susan's that only like 5% of trannies detransition and that's usually because they don't pass or they can't deal with the discrimination, not because "lol this cute azn boy would like me better if I was a girl".
Was she a crossplayer by any chance? I noticed a lot of Tumblr fakebois decide to be trans after they get into crossplay, because they get their ass kissed by other fujos.
No. 279321
File: 1490722423722.png (286.83 KB, 1242x1114, IMG_4432.PNG)

>butch trans dykes are valid
i thought this was a joke or some sort of satire. but, nope. completely serious.
No. 279443
>>279363Nah the guy in that pic is 100x more attractive than blubbery TJ, but I can see the slight resemblance.
saged for ot.
No. 279498
File: 1490734454992.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1502, Screenshot_2017-03-28-22-46-03…)

Saw a thread about this wonderful person on Kiwifarms a while back. Admitted to sucking their dog off. Posts furry porn and guro on her tumblr. On T but talks about regretting it. Crossdresses but totes a boy so it doesn't cause dysphoria. And is kin with a billion animals
No. 279539
>>277714The first time I was really really into a girl they ended up coming out as ftm trans a little while after they graduated. It sort of made sense, they were very much butch before. I did find it interesting that they chose a name that pertained to their interests… I feel like I see this on tumblr a lot - people naming their new selves after characters they like, be it anime, video games, bands, etc.
Two of my best friends from high school also ended up what I would consider "transtrenders". One of them is genuinely exactly the same as before, dresses and acts the same way, does their make-up the exact same way, but is really offended when they are not referred to as a boy. They have also turned their tumblr into a piss-fetish furry porn blog.
The other is some sort of genderqueer persona, I am not sure.
I myself teetered off into "genderqueer identity" territory for a while… idk, in some sense, tumblr is sort of like a cult - people must adapt if they want to stay and fit in. So, quite literally, all the people I know who still are active in their niche on tumblr have adapted to fit into the culture - new names, new identities, new ideologies.
No. 279628
>>279257Idk how people for geheichou's act either. Have you heard their voice? Its very feminine sounding. I doubt gehe is on T.
Guarantee you there is some hillarious dirt on gehe out there
No. 279670
>>279087Not all twanz people are crazy but honestly I come from a scientific background (dad is a biologist, mom is a doctor) and the criminal NON SCIENCE of the "born in the wrong body" is just something I just can't get past.
Like, I grew up with a guy who is now MTF and he's not a shitty person but though he passes well he's just not And I kind of resent that I have to treat him like we had similar childhoods when we didn't at all.
Like idk what I'm trying to say here, it just feels creepy sometimes when my childhood friend follows me to the bathroom and tries to copy me when I fix my makeup and wants to have "girly sleepovers" even though we're 26.
On top of that, I told him I had my period once and he went into a big sulk and told me later that I made him dysphoric. I swear, he's gotten more and more dysphoric the longer he's been "out". It doesn't seem to have helped :\
Sage for rant
No. 279905
I don't know what it is about weeb cosplay girls, my brothers used to befriend or date them and they'd always magically pretend to be bishie gay guys sooner or later like clockwork.
>>277246Don't know what you're talking about- they sound and look exactly like women who have been injecting testosterone. There's something very telling about a 'male' voice when it has had a natural female puberty for so long before taking male levels of androgens.
>>276607>>277298>>278602They're always the biggest fucking self-absorbed caricatures of fujoshits. + Sure-fire way to tell a ftm trannytrender is if they have male/he/boy tacked everywhere on their profiles, and don't have any shirtless pictures. And to check how assblasted they get when called a girl, whereas an actual male would find it funny, flattering, or at worst ignore it.
No. 279910
File: 1490786440311.png (226.38 KB, 300x394, gehe.png)

>>279909Gehe at Cons, fans photos, lol
No. 279921
>>279670The whole "don't mention female body biological functions it makes me dysphoric :(" shit pisses me off so much, especially when non-trans people validate it. It makes it so clear they're (at least partially) delusional. Don't mention this one fact of life because it makes them sad to be reminded of reality? That's some Pixyteri "don't call me a white girl" shit.
If some aspects of your body make you uncomfortable, that's a you problem. You can't silence everyone around you from talking about their own lives because that bursts your bubble and hurts your feelings.
No. 279927
>>279922I was replying to
>>279670, who's apparently childhood friends with the guy. I don't talk about my period with strangers but my close friends and family know that when I mention cramps, I'm talking about my uterus. Plus I've heard people say that it's transphobic to have a tampon accidentally (!) fall out of your purse around a MTF person because that might
trigger their dysphoria.
For the majority of women, periods are a fact of life. I don't believe we should be telling everyone the gory details but we should definitely not let these men dictate what we're allowed to talk about because being reminded of the reality of their bodies makes them have a sad.
No. 279946
>>279921Same, because I've seen this happen in regards to educating teenagers and adults about complications and problems that can happen with periods which pose health risks and for me someones health comes before another persons feelings.
>>279922Grow up.
No. 279965
>>279921They're so pathetic (and sexist too, mind you.) They don't like hearing about real women and their biologies, like menstruation and getting pregnant. It actually makes me laugh how
triggered they are.
No. 279973
>>279905Ah I see. Well im not as well versed in tranny voices so I'll take your word for it.
>>277352Now that you pointed out the squinting thing i cant unsee it. Is it like the the ftm fujoshi calling card?
Like fedoras and neck bearss on mras? And hornrimmed glasses on female sjw's?
No. 280151
File: 1490822225277.jpg (32.85 KB, 553x344, Capture.JPG)

Bigbucky aka I practically only cosplay girls BUT DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A GIRL
No. 280256
>>279948wow this is a blast from the past
Maddie is from my hometown, i remember at one point they were trans-kenny from South Park
No. 280310
>>279670The more the trans movement pushes, the more women are agreeing with you. But god forbid you say
anything, or you're just a TERF. I'm all for trans people having rights, they deserve the same respect any human being does. But I'm not going to bend over backwards, or accept things I'm flat out not comfortable with, JUST because someone is trans. I've had people disagree with me on the internet and serious pull the "as a transwomen…." as their opening argument, as if that makes their words more valid than mine.
I only know one reasonable MtF, and I actually feel bad about the things I used to say about her. She passes really well and doesn't fetishes women the way a lot of them seem to, which is nice.
No. 280331
>>279670You sound like a really shitty friend.
I'm not sure what the point of saying you come from a "scientific background" is considering that gender dysphoria is fully proven with scientific evidence but yeah, alright.
Why not just admit that you hate change and can't get used to it? Because that's what it sounds like.
No. 280617
File: 1490868839059.png (672.89 KB, 508x633, binder.png)

Am I the only one who see a binder in this photo? No. 280981 Formerly known as Jessi Slaughter, claims to be a transgender, wants to transition to male, but wants to keep her boobs?
Dresses like a female, but claims to be a male.
it's all a bit fucked up.
Plenty of bad milk on her about her accusing dahvie vanity of raping her, and the whole "you done goofed" bullshit, she's also renowned for going on chaturbate for money, there's people asking her on her tumblr, by all means, rip this bitch apart, i can't stand her and i'd love to see her shitty little world burn.
PS, she's also a massive munchie.

No. 280999
>>280995Yes, THAT Jessi Slaughter.
>>280981What is this medical condition she claims she has that " Due to my medical issues I cannot walk or stand for very long so I need it in order to go places like the museum of the grocery store."
No. 281009
File: 1490909183404.png (739.32 KB, 588x582, criedwolves.png)

How about criedwolves/Oliver? Personally I think he's a cutie, but he seems to have jumped on the MUA bandwagon so there's a lot more feminine makeup on his IG than there used to be. I think he's been on T for a while now but I don't remember if there was any milk on him from the last threads. No. 281026
File: 1490910062365.jpg (107.77 KB, 640x640, 83406879df6cfd770f0ab983d3ec2c…)

>>281009I'm not a fakeboi and even I'm kind of jealous of his looks tbh, he pulls off both feminine and masculine well even though he's pretty plain otherwise. Here's him cosplaying a girl.
No. 281027
>>280999she claims to have fibromyalgia, I honestly believe she's just gotten fat and is still a compulsive liar.
She's also got bpd, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression, which i feel like is just her being an attention seeking bitch.
>>280995Yes, this is the jessi slaughter from the myspace era, and yes, she got fat and fucked up.
>>281007 thank you for the laugh, anon.

No. 281049
>>281024I'll see if I can find it on her tumblr where she's admitting to using chaturbate it "#Im having a month long period" lmao okay then, let me guess, endometriosis can go on her list of munchie illnesses.

No. 281202
>>281170looks like a girl to me

No. 281339
a tranny boy (lets remember that a trans man use to be a girl) playing a girl, ohhh the irony hurts my sides. im dying here.
No. 281490
>>281268That's not a proof.
The video where you can read Gehe's birth name is.
Gehe's old photos being a normal girl are.
Old Gehe's cosplay being a 100% female characters are.
No. 281493
>>281268>>281490Did you see Gehe's Marshall Lee cosplay? Why do you think he's wearing Marceline's instrument instead of the Marshall one?
He even has photos with his Marceline cosplay lol
No. 281581
>>281009He's actually a certfied beautician now, he graduated his school recently. So I guess he's just advertaising his skills/uploading looks he does for portfolio.
Ugh I remember him being soooo fakeboi tumblr goals. He had lots of problems with his family, his parents were quite abusive (from what he wrote). They didn't accept him and he posted about them threatening to kick him out from home regularly. Idk if they made up eventually. Seems like it.
Well, about milk, I remember him asking for stuff from his followers. And I see he has his wishlist in bio so I guess he's still a fucking beggar.
A bit of reaching - seeing how well he is now, maybe all the pity parties on his tumblr were just for free stuff people would bombard him with. Because he's oh-so-poor-space-prince. Who knows.
There's something off-putting about him, I don't know. His face pisses me off for some reason.
No. 281686
>>281009>>281026I may be wrong but I'm still convinced the trans thing is a phase for this one. Before the T they made no effort to pass - still dressed like a girl all the time (even in "boymode"), yet still got pissed every time someone misgendered them (a la bigbucky). The only thing they did to "pass" was get a dyke haircut.
Now they're on the lowest dose of T, because obviously they didn't want any major changes in their appearance so they could still dress up like a girl and be a kawaii uke in makeup. I guess actually looking like a 23-year-old man was too icky for them.
Give it a few more years and then we'll see. There's probably going to be a period of denial before the actual detransition, which won't take any effort at all really because almost nothing has changed in their voice or appearance. "He" is just a slightly masculine girl.
No. 281688
>>280981What's wrong, anon? Did you just discover Blood on the Dance Floor and you're mad that you didn't get to sleep with Dahvie Vanity when you were 11?
I'm betting you're like 15 by the tone of your posts.
No. 282372
jesus. is being a butch lesbian or a tomboyish straight girl so horrible? all of these dumb kids are pumping their bodies with hormones doctors dont even know the long term effects of. the people who are enabling this should be ashamed of themselves.
also, its funny how they're all obsessed with like… yuri on ice, like thats an accurate representation of how grown men act. i want to take one of these girls to a bear bar or something
No. 282379
>>277714I have one but she doesn't make a big deal of it and doesn't mind people calling her a 'she', just wants to look masculine. Idk if that counts, but she's cool.
~I'm a lucky girl...whose dream came true
but underneath it all...I'm just like you~
No. 282442
File: 1491092670648.gif (616.07 KB, 500x336, eyerollgif.gif)

>>282372Honestly, i feel this entire trans movement is more anti-gay than anything. ' Oh wait! James is gay? No, no, nevermind. James is actually Jaime and she's a beautiful woman trapped in a man's body. No son of mine is a faggot.'
I'm a tomboy, not butch lesbian because i still love skirts/dresses/makeup. But honestly the loss of the butch lesbian era is sad and definitely being replaced by trans trenders and straight cis girls who think they're not special enough or some bullshit. Sage for blog
Never underestimate ones ability to control the elements. You will be surprised how the tides can turn.
No. 282754
>>281581I knew him irl for a bit, and as far as I can tell none of the abusive home life stuff was true. He was employed by his dad so he never had to actually go out and get a job and a lot of the shit he complained about was them not buying him a whole new wardrobe when he came out and them asking questions because they didn't understand the deal with pronouns.
I don't really interact with him any more but it seems like he's chilled ever since he actually went to school and started doing shit in the real world and not just camwhoring on tungl.
No. 282771
File: 1491161535874.png (851.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170402-153042.png)

Nice piercings, i'm sure she won't regret those when she tries getting a job.
No. 283254
>>282754Most of these Tumblr cunts make shit up for sympathy and asspats. She appears to come from an upper middle class white family who probably spoiled her silly.
Her parents probably wondered why the fuck she thought she was a boy when she's girlier than most cis girls. Just look at her mannerisms in this video
>>282736 . 150% female. Of course retarded drama whores like her consider her family situation "abuse" cause MUH PRONOUNS MOM.
I swear all these spoiled white girls know nothing about real child abuse, it's actually kind of hilarious seeing them kick and scream over their parents telling them the truth. They were being rational when they tried convincing her she isn't a fucking boy.
No. 283381
>>283269she's ruined her body, plain and simple, she's vile.

No. 283438
>>276889Seconded, anon. A lot of LGB folks are complaining about this trans trending erasing lesbians and it's true. If these girls were born 10 years earlier, they'd just be dykes. However we might be a more accepting society now and all that good shit but seriously, gay people are still being treated as second class citizens and it's extremely hard for teenagers especially to accept their homosexuality. It's still not a norm in our society.
It's also really shitty to be a woman. Sure we might be able to support ourselves and everything but we still have to work extra hard to be our own person. We have to grow up with sexual harassment and being objectified all the time, having to be afraid of being raped, always being considered weak and ridiculed etc. Our bodies go through massive changes during puberty, more than the male body does. And now that transgenderism is a trend, of course young girls who are uncomfortable being sexualized, having to deal with their new body and developing sexuality, they take the trans route. Imagine being a kid like this and being told there's a way to get rid of all the unwanted attention and the shame women have to face in the society and get off the hook "easily"? You'd take it without batting an eye. That's the fucking reason all these fakeboys exist. If you're not a woman, you don't have to go through all this bullshit women are expected to. It's so fucking sad that in 2017 we're this backwards.
There's nothing wrong with crossdressing if it gets you off and you like it, but actually assuming an identity of the opposite gender and picking your pronouns and even starting HRT/Surgeries is fucked up.
No. 283554
>>282962I know we're all bitches here but I feel like judging her (them?) for her SH scars is a bit of a low blow. They seem to have healed and she's covered them up well enough for us to assume it was a while ago.
Focus on the piercings and stretchers and obvious 'hiding boobs because I'm ttly a boi' pose instead.
No. 283909
File: 1491284040108.jpg (55.96 KB, 564x415, transcomic.jpg)

>>283606You sound like a tranny
>inb4 catcalling is not the same as rape etcNot saying it is with this comic, just illustrating why you sound like a tranny and think everything as a woman is great when it isnt. Either that or maybe you're /r9k/
No. 283942
>>283606Yeah both genders deal with all of those problems, in very different ways to different extents. You're kidding yourself if you think there aren't gender specific issues within objectification and assault.
>Being a woman is fucking wonderful and should be celebratedThis logic sucks. Celebrate overcoming the statistical odds of humans existing in the first place or something else that's more meaningful than which chromosomes you have. The fucking participatory prizes, man, I swear to god.
No. 283955
File: 1491286981114.jpg (100.87 KB, 500x444, rotten.jpg)

>>283909OT but these comics make me gag.
No. 284006
>>283955>our penis can have a fishy smell>resembles the odor of a cis woman's vaginaOf course vaginas have an odor but it's not fishy? That's one of the smells that would warn you something odd was going on, not one of the smells you'd accept as normal.
I'm usually cool with mtfs but one thing I can't stand is the way they perpetuate sexism, myths and lies about women. I'm sick of people thinking they can't be sexist because they're LGBT+.
It's always "haha fishy vaginas", "the hardest thing about being a girl is makeup and clothes!", "I can only like pink cuz I'm a girl now", "it's ugly to wear jeans and flats, women should try harder", etc etc.
No. 284089
>>283909This comic makes me fucking sick. These thirsty as fuck mtf trannies reversing DECADES of feminist work are the reason why I got so fed up with the transgender movement.
>>283606>Sorry if i sound cringey but you shouldnt complain about being a woman (rape, objectification and sexual harassment have nothing to do with being a woman, it has to do with being a human)holy shit pick up a book will you and get back to leddit
No. 284105
>>283955When I first saw these comics i thought they were satire, because i didnt think someone could be this stupid.
>>284089One of the many reasons i stopped supporting the trans movement.
>>284006Exactly this. One of the things i found with mtf is they honestly think anything that happens to them is what must happen to women because "sex is a social construct and they are biologically women". Ugh.
Saged for ot
No. 284110
>>283955What. The. Fuck… This is sickening.
Hormone therapy and increased estrogen increases risk of yeast infections, so this dumbass is infected and not getting treatment because ~just one of the girls!~
I'm so glad I actually know a couple decent mtfs that are educated and against ciswoman-shaming.
No. 284157
>>284142It's worrying that there seems to be no move from the normal trans people to separate themselves from these misogynists. Why aren't trans people calling this stuff out?
It's not right to expect any group to apologize for things that only bad people do, but it feels suspicious that I have never seen a trans person do it. Feminists often say stupid disclaimers, softening any man hate vibes so that they don't appear threatening. Muslims constantly throw up fb statuses against terrorism, dropping disclaimers into their public interactions out of fear they will be associated with radicals. Black and Asian people have a terrible history of having to assimilate with 'safe' white culture.
I have never once see a out trans person act sensitively about the transgressions (lol) of radical trans. It's probably the same reason as why cis 'allies' don't call it out, because the tumblr hate machine will jump on them immediately even if they are trans themselves.
No. 284166
File: 1491316018735.jpg (165.78 KB, 732x814, tranny hecks.jpg)

>All the tranny apology ITTDefinitely a normal and ok thing to be and not a mental illness guys
>>277655>It's part of human biology/sexuality/psychologyWew
Shine on you crazy fucking diamonds
No. 284183
File: 1491318938769.jpg (71.8 KB, 500x631, IMG_3250.JPG)

>>283927lol this. Oliver is probably only popular because of criedwolves, but there definitely are meme ftm names. It's most embarrassing when they change up the spelling to make it sound more snowflakey.
No. 284184
>>283610For the same reason straight men are turned on by lesbians.
Fujos are definitely more cringey about it though.
No. 284191
>>284157Transsexuals are such a tiny ass minority in society that they can't have a voice like feminists and muslims can. Transtrenders make up the majority of the LGBT community now, and they are literally dangerous against anybody who disagrees with them. Every time a normal tranny tries to open a truscum blog on Tumblr to criticize transtrenders they get harassed and threatened off the website, occasionally doxxed too. It's beyond fucked up.
Blaire White has been doxxed, her family and friends given death threats. Though, that was partially because she criticized BLM but she receives constant harrassment from transtrenders as well. Theryn Meyer is another one who puts up with this despite her being extremely tame and reasonable, even compared to Blaire.
t. somebody who has a couple trans friends who are actually cool people and watches what they have to put up with. when it gets to the point that you have to hide from what was once your own community for your own safety and psychological wellbeing, you know it's bad.
No. 284983
File: 1491408815130.jpg (418.3 KB, 647x884, kill me.jpg)

>>284851I'm convinced that's exactly what they're doing. Like how girls will cosplay male characters and then basically RP gross shit in public/at cons. They're just taking it a step further now.
Pic related, two gross weebs acting out their yaoi fantasies
No. 285017
File: 1491412098449.jpg (63.08 KB, 890x336, are you fucking serious.jpg)

Saging just in case this shouldnt be here (its tumblr but again not sure) but this shit is why i stopped supporting transwomen.
No. 285054
>>284215Even if you disagree with Blaire, she isn't threatening people or sending an army after them or doxxing anyone. In the end, she's actually harmless and should not be receiving death threats, esp her family. I'm so sick of the 'we're on your side, until you disagree with us from the lgbt communities.' They have been taken over by sjws and trans trenders. fuck them
>>284191Yeah, it's sad.
No. 285148
File: 1491422826763.png (440.97 KB, 760x440, what happened.png)

>>285056Because apparently "biology is a social construct and transwomen are biologically women and are even MORE womanly than you so check your privilege uwu" (I seriously wish i was making that up but i keep hearing this whole "biology is not binary" argument shit and its like where is this argument coming from? its even to stupid for tumblr)
No. 285482
This stuff makes me angry to look at, but that's exactly what they want right? So they can be like "see, we ARE oppressed after all! I'm making a big sociopolitical statement wahwahmuh feefees! " but like…. the way I see it, its not the wearing eyeliner and shaving your head and dying your armpit hair that makes me mad, its that while doing it they have this show-offy attitude and make such a big thing of telling us exactly what they're doing and why. To me, it means way more if that is just a natural extension of who you are and you just nonchalantly go about your life while not giving a fuck. I don't care about a guy in a dress or a girl who decides to become a guy, that's awesome, but when they have to label themselves genderfaggot and get different pronouns than everyone else and make such a thing of distancing themseleves from us EVIL SCARY CIS (who are actually pretty bomb, yo), it detracts from their message and their cause and makes it all about them and their ego. I feel like of these people don't even do this sort of thing because they have to or want to, but because the smugness of their ego keeps them from relating to everyone else and being on our level, they think somehow they're so wounded and everyone cares about their sad story and they're the only people who have ever gone through bad stuff and they have it the worst. Its become some sort of pissing contest these days to see who has the hardest life and also who can feel the most sorry for oppressed classes and who is the best at being a good person. We cant even make jokes anymore because some special snowflake fake gay asshole will go out of their way to be offended by something. I am so glad this thing didn't gain more traction in mainstream society, it is still disgustingly common but I had less faith in humanity and assumed people were dumb enough to believe in this. I feel like a lot of the normies I know think this stuff is also bullshit
No. 285524
>>285202Pay no attention to it anon. Most of those kinds of mtf are gay, and if they were ever with a woman you can bet that they had misogynistic ideals.
Womanhood is whatever you experience as a woman, you don't have to look like a plastic blow up doll to be female.
It can help to get some positive role models, look for older women that have careers outside of their looks that appeal to your hobbies/interests.
No. 285701
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>>276913Seriously, plz stop.
No. 285778
File: 1491513795160.png (1.33 MB, 2219x1409, Screenshot_2017-04-06-16-20-52…)

>>285737after all that surgery, how does he still look this shitty w/o makeup?
No. 285948
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One of the boys from my local comm
Such manliness
No. 285949
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More of her. Excuse me I mean him
No. 285957
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The fairy kei community is ripe with fakes
I mean this fugly GIRL is in a skirt
No. 285958
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I mean she is ugly enough to maybe pass as a boy??
No. 285970
>>285202Girl, no! You are fine. In the end, you will ALWAYS be a real woman because of your chromosomes and real vagina those mtfs no matter how money they spend will never have. Please, love yourself. Don't let those men doubt you. Isn't it funny how mtf are still MEN in their mindset of bringing real biological women down? Yeah, they can fuck off.
And esp people like Blaire white who have a following of neckbeards who want to fuck him and say shit like 'why are you better than real women and have a dick? it's not gay, right?'
No. 285975
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>>285778Hahaha omg, he looks like a man in a wig who works on a farm.
No. 285981
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No. 285982
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No. 285983
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One of these is a boy named Christopher
No. 285997
>>285963>they don't want no fishy pussy. kek another butthurt tranny I see
also that whole reply, muh edgy, you auditioning for the role of ebony dark'ness dementia way by any chance? fucking kek
No. 286097
>>277714I know a MtF. Very tall and lanky, very masculine face, terrible hair and skin. Don't know if he's on hormones but he gets his friends to call him his "female name". He also says he has several personalities including a few furries I think?
One time he explained his whole thing to a dude who's very nice but not aware of this kind of internet bullshit and he was just like "so this is roleplay right?", it was pretty funny. Another time we were hanging out and he was here with his friends who were calling him by his fem name. There was a guy who's your typical frat dude type who looked at them with the most puzzled face going "what? what the fuck?" while they tried to ignore it, it was pretty funny too.
He constantly shares stuff from transtrender pages on facebook, mostly screencaps from tumblr. It's all pretty dumb. Other than that he seems chill.
No. 286395
>>286364>>286365in what world is
>>285963 written by a thirty year old? I don't even disagree with what they said, it's just the way they said it was so embarassing that it sounded like it was written by an edgy 12 y/o retard.
The fact that that anon is 30 makes this a lot more embarrassing, actually.
No. 286739
>>286473>filthy >faggot da self projection is real here
"faggot" ;^)
No. 287126
>>277714Ohh, I know plenty. I just run with the worst crowd sometimes.
>Meet a new person when seeing some friends, thinking she's a butch lesbian. Suddenly notice that everyone is talking about her as a guy and uses a male name when addressing her. She looks like a girl and sounds like a girl. I feel like I'm being set up for a prank but apparently she's a transman and not a very convincing one at that>Friend asks me if I know a guy called x, I say no but I know a girl called x. Friend insists that he's a man, shows me his picture. It's the girl I know. I tell her it's a girl, she turns awkward and tells me "he's" a transman. She's not on any HRT and roleplays as a gay animu guy lmao >Meet another person, very very girly, looks very girly, sounds very girly, acts like a stereotypical girl. Find out she's also a "transman", gets triggered whenever anyone misgenders her despite clearly acting and looking like a girl. Calls herself "gay" because she likes men. >One person has always been a girly cis girl, then suddenly decides she's genderfluid, assumes a male name and asks for info to fool doctors into giving her HRT. There are plenty more but these are some examples of the lunatics I've had to deal with. I hate how so many people around them play into their delusions and you feel like you're the only sane person in the room.
No. 287242
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Kagoma aka one of the biggest fake boi there is
No. 287340
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No wonder her boyfriend claimed to be asexual/aromantic to get away from her ass.. She's so full of herself
No. 287387
>>287340You don't get money when people visit via mobile lol
Kagoma is actually typical Tumblr though and made a call out recently when Wen dumped her for being crazy
No. 287400
>>287399as someone in the medical field, yes, it definitely is a condition. the frustrating thing now is we don't know how to handle it. previously when someone showed all the correct conditions we could treat it accordingly. now people are starting to fake it and it's becoming dangerous for us to deal with it.
it's very frustrating. being transgender is a serious problem for anyone who has to deal with it. i genuinely want to help them, just as much as i want to help all my other patients. these transtrenders have made it so much harder to help the actual people in need. they make real transgender people look like a joke. you may or may not like trans people- i think most people however, will agree that it is a real mental disorder that some people possess… just not the highschoolers that are bored and want to hop on a trend.
No. 287435
>>287420Sorry for saging again but does anyone here have an idea what non englisch speakers are want to be called in their native language??
I mean the they/them shit.
Like in German we don't have an equivalent to they/them we only have he/she/it and they/them basically translates to she
I don't have any close trans friends I follow some on social media but all they are speaking English on there
Maybe non-natives can answer me ?
No. 287481
>>287400Riddle me this, Ms. Medical Field: How come transgenderism is a "real thing" but transracialism isn't? How come a man can claim to be a woman or a woman claim to be a man but a white person can't claim to be black? How come otherkin are considered crazy but transgenders aren't? It's all faking things based on genetics and basing your "identity" on an external person's view, i.e. stereotypes and supporting the idea that it's somehow normal to consider yourself to be the opposite gender is feeding into someone's mental illness and only expanding it further.
I used to be hardcore into Trans rights and believed that transitioning was a lifesaver and the only thing to help people with gender dysphoria but then I realized that you can NEVER know what it's to "feel like" the opposite gender. Your feelings are NOT valid. Often with fakebois it's just a ton of internalized misogyny and the belief that because they don't fill a traditional 1950's role of a woman, they can't be women.
No. 287547
>>287399I'm a trans guy who lurks this board because I know a couple popular trans people from Tumblr (not the pastel milk kind, sorry)
I've told them before I feel like people are thinking they're trans based on not liking pink or "feeling like a guy/feeling not like a girl" and it just seems the new rebellious thing and I'm pretty sure in five years it'll die out like scene did.
My clinic ran out of testosterone around Christmas and all I could think about is how T must be the new iPhone. That's as much as people from tumblr touch my world though, they literally only do that shit online and it hardly spreads.
Anyways besides the blogpost my friends are close with the fellowship and know a bit of milk that I'd love to spill but am paranoid to be found here lol
Most of the users have private twitters they've softblocked their tumblr friends on to talk shit and someone has robbed a commissioner for hundreds of dollars.
No. 287552
>>287547Oh I forgot the whole reason I was writing the post
I do consider being trans a sort of mental illness, but I feel like the "treatment" is the transition. Not sure how to explain exactly, but the dysphoria itself is what drives the thought that you're mentally ill home.
I don't understand people like Kagoma who want to look like a girl? Since Kagoma is here (doing exactly the cringey self posting and then replying via blog that everyone does when they get caught here) I wonder what the plans are. Present as a girl forever?
No. 287737
>>287481I hate when people compare transgender with "transracial".
A person has a chance of their sex being either male or female, that's why trans people exist because their brain had the opposite hormones as their body, but your race can only be one, there's no chance of you coming out white or coming out black and race is purely stuff you can see like skin color and face features, while gender is your brain sex which hormones play a huge part on and that's why people have dysphoria, because they have the opposite hormones their brain expects.
No. 287754
>>287731Of course it's stupid, it's very lose lose imo
Go ahead and be rude I prefer talking about this stuff bluntly because normally I have to tiptoe around people's sensitivities
>>287734>implying that people should go the through conversion therapyPeople consider the rest of LGB a mental illness too
No. 287756
>>287731Hormones, top, hysterectomy, phalloplasty etc is all covered here actually
Well hormones are like $60 a vial but I have insurance, everything else gets paid for by OHIP
I waited until I was sure, I didn't make any decisions til I was an adult and I did try to live as a cis girl but it's hard to put into words because how do you describe the colour yellow to someone who isn't able to see it
Just feels wrong and repulsive, I know some lesbians have chest dysphoria so at least they'd know that but transitioning has made my life do a complete 180
If I wasn't transitioning I'd probably be on a lot of meds to cope with dysphoria and mooching off the system or smth while I hid from the world
I know that sounds pretty dramatic but it's a shit time
No. 287807
>>287791Non binary could be such a cool thing but it's ruined by them being like "I don't feel like a girl/guy because sometimes I like pink and sometimes I like trucks" lmao
Instead of not conforming to gender stereotypes they are literally out there labelling themselves as fluid between male and female based on how they feel like dressing or acting
They'll say "Guys can wear makeup, girls don't have to" then present visually masculine on their "boy" days and visually feminine on their "girl" ones
It blows my mind that these kids are literally catering to gender stereotypes while denouncing them
No. 287808
>>287756Mooching off the system feels pretty good, actually. Me and keeks are living it up.
Anyways, I still don't get it. How does transitioning really help the dysphoria if y'all know deep down that you'll never be what you want? And how does it help more than accepting your a.s. would? No one sees trans people as what they want to be seen as, they just see them as trans people. Seems like the high suicide rates among trans people have something to do with that… Trying to cope just makes more sense to me idk, but if you're really contempt, kudos.
No. 287841
>>287808I'm happy with being seen as trans, I know it sounds odd but off Tumblr the rest of the trans population just takes what it can get
We just wanna live as stealth as possible, at least I do
Tried to live the "Ruby Rose" way of just trying to be butch and androgynous, attended therapy, went to support groups
Tried to live vicariously through writing etc
I didn't know anybody else who was trans before I transitioned so I went into it very slowly and after a lot of research
I saw the ED comparison earlier and I feel like it's a fair comparison, but I feel like conversion therapy and staying assigned sex would be like telling someone suffering from anorexia that it'd be better for them and everyone if they just ate sticks of butter every day for the rest of their lives
"You've just got to have body positivity, you'll learn to love the butter"
Yeah it's shit and doesn't make sense but I'd rather say female to trans especially because when you're raised as a woman but you are seen as male it makes you feel like some third gender
Also the fear of catcalling or the anxiety of walking home alone at night never leave, so it's like going from girl to vagina boy anyways lol
No. 287844
>>287842Grow up, seriously
You guys are always derailing with petty shit
No. 287848
>>287841>I saw the ED comparison earlier and I feel like it's a fair comparison, but I feel like conversion therapy and staying assigned sex would be like telling someone suffering from anorexia that it'd be better for them and everyone if they just ate sticks of butter every day for the rest of their livesThat's basically how therapy for anorexics work, they're being fed forcefully and encouraged to have a bigger calorie intake. Because they're unhealthy for not eating and they need to be forced to eat more in order to be cured. Your argument really doesn't work. No mental illness is being treated with "Fine, we'll play into your delusions and support them instead of working to make you mentally stable" other than transgenderism. Whoever heard of alcoholism or a drug addiction being treated with giving them more because they have withdrawals? Or depression being treated with just letting the patient stay in bed doing nothing? A neurological disorder such as ADD or Tourette's syndrome being left untreated because "that's just how they were born like"?
Look into Body integrity identity disorder, a disorder that makes you think you should be disabled instead of able-bodied. How is that any different from gender dysphoria? It's a legitimate mental illness but nobody is helping them to cut off their limbs or losing their eyesight even though the disorder causes them huge distress.
No. 287862
>>287848That's why I said stick of butter specifically, like I said it's lose lose.
If you want to bring up addiction hrt is like sticking a dope addict on methadone, there's no real "cure" for heroin addicts since your brain chemistry is fucked so you shove shit into your body
I understand your point I really do but we're always gonna disagree because you're anti-trans and I'm living what you don't agree with
I'm emotionally involved here, to you it's just a discussion of what is medically reasonable but to me it's the rest of my life
I would have taken a cure if it had been offered, I wanted my life to be easy and I wanted to keep the "trans" hidden (and I did until I was starting hrt) to spare my family (especially the older ones, I'm mid-twenties and my grandparents are obviously going to die soon they don't need the stress) but conversion therapy is just something that only sounds good on paper
No. 287885
>>287870I feel like you're reading what I'm saying and then just disregarding it for no reason
Oh well
It's hard to take people seriously when there's a possibility they're one of the predatory lesbians ITT who get a sour taste when their 18 year old butch dream starts hrt
No. 287897
>>287890Not muh
This is more fun than watching 30 yr old women cry over criedwolves weight gain
No. 288013
>>287862You seem very comfortable where you are, and I hope things continue to work out for you. I sincerely applaud how much thought you have put into this issue, as most of my exposure to "trans" people are people like Riley Dennis and Milo and those other clowns in
>>287791, who are clearly, in my view, autogynophilic/ autoandrophylic fetishists, and not trans as such at all.
If you don't mind my asking, when did you first feel (what age) as if you were trans instead of, say, a butch lesbian?
No. 288055
>>288013When I was a toddler I was confused why guys stood up to piss and I didn't, I even tried to but stuff like that is probably a coincidence and childlike curiosity, it's just funny now looking back
Besides that there was never really anything until puberty because there was never any pressure to wear dresses or pick gendered toys etc as a child, I was given a lot of freedom growing up
Then the dysphoria came, it became obvious there were differences in people who were comfortable with themselves and then me, and I was always like wishing really hard to "wake up as a guy" (Thats just a summary bc I'm not sure how to explain the feeling again, just more of a timeline thing) because I didn't know being trans was a thing lol it was a small town without (out) gay people even so it was never anything I knew about
Despite the entire thing I was constantly trying to be very feminine looking, because I was scared people would find out but at the same time if there was any interaction where I didn't have to show my face (forums, etc) I would just always use male pronouns for myself-the entire time without knowing what gender dysphoria was and it's actually something my mother found out and it became a problem in our family until I hid it even deeper
I don't think I even thought I might be trans until I was at least in my 20s, my doctor diagnosed me with gender dysphoria and I started hrt a few years later
It's actually kind of boring despite what I was experiencing personally, nothing traumatic or weird has happened to me
No. 288059
>>288047That's because when you're ftm you're never going to be in any danger, you have to make it up
Also a lot of them just cut their hair and are androgynous, trans women have to go through an ordeal most days and even with hrt they will usually have masculine voices etc
I find the people who complain loudest are probably going through the least
No. 288060
>>288047>Is their hate towards women that bad?Is yours? How can you be this blind to the fact that trans girls literally do the exact same shit to women (way worse more often than not) and just get their dicks sucked for it.
Afabs are pretty harmless since no one takes them seriously, but as seen in
>>285202 , amabs are a lot shittier
No. 288066
>>288058 and fuck off to /ot/
bye Felicia
No. 288202
>>288094sure thing, Jan
btw learn to sage you faggot :^)
No. 288275
>>288262Who said radfem
Also all the predatory radfem lesbians are literally tumblr based lmao
No. 288287
>>287808The high suicide rate is by far from lack of support, especially the rejection by friends and family members. There's a lot of places that still deny employment too, and being unemployed and financial unstable is a major factor of suicides in general.
I guess you could tie "not being seen as what you want to be seen as" with the social rejection, especially if hormones/surgery aren't available options or if their living situation is hostile and expression/transition would be unsafe, but the thing is, many trans people who have committed suicide passed just fine (obviously this excludes the whole 'I willingly dress up like a fairy ballerina but don't you dare call me a girl' idiots). So it doesn't seem so much to be "I'll never truly be a girl/guy" and much more so about lack of support once the cat's out of the bag, regardless of transition/passing status.
No. 288297
File: 1491806011790.jpg (74.03 KB, 960x915, 13092188_1281001305260837_7460…)

No milk besides bohoo my EDs, full cringe though. Posts new selfies like every single day and all of them have this level of make up and wigs. But don't you dare call her a girl. The nose contouring is my fav part.
No. 289502
File: 1491951700205.jpg (42.82 KB, 400x400, IMG_4761.JPG)

do y'all remember sassymemes?
>said dressing up as a witch for halloween is cultural appropriation
>doctors misgender babies at birth
>will try to ruin your life if you don't refer to her as "they/them"
>used to refer to herself as the "gender police"
>will get mad if you call her sassymemes, even though that used to be her twitter handle before she had to change it because of all the hate
No. 289643
File: 1491965850511.jpg (76.22 KB, 781x960, 17505226_1647234981970799_5785…)

>>289419but she only shops the lighting!!!
No. 290430
>>290429 at this video of Gehe at a CON, it's pretty recent and those movements…
Truly manly. 100% not fake.
No. 290431
>>279909Geheichou seems to wear a bra here.
No. 291463
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>>290618I think he's not on T, he's not masculine, he just has meitu on the phone and photoshop on the PC, just look at the photos where he's with a fan and were meitu hasn't been used.
Geheichou is 0% masculine.
>>291461 No. 291465
>>291463I think the increase of gays are just men coming out. No man born a legit man is going to pretend to be gay, lets be real.
The increase of trannies are just fetishists, people trying to be different or people looking for oppression points.
No. 291466
>>291464Yeah that was basically what I'm guessing too. I wish there were more places where you can have a somewhat civil discussion about this stuff. I think it's honestly kind of interesting from a psychological standpoint since it concern teens and young adults the most.
The amount of people I see with "they/them pronouns uwu" on places like twitter is incredible and ridiculous more then anything.
No. 291467
>half of the people who said they were gay also considered themselves non-cisSo basically straight people who have snowflake syndrome.
Trans ideology is so incredibly sexist I can't believe genderists can't see it. Plus it's often rapey as fuck, like how they get mad at lesbians when a lesbian says she wouldn't date a transwoman or suck their "girl-dick". Lesbian is female homosexual, aka experiences same-sex attraction. Transwoman is not same sex with a cis-woman. "Gender" is bullshit and sexist. So much of the stuff genderists say is similar to what they say in "gay correction". "You must like dick even when you're lesbian!! Or maybe just don't have sex with your partner!!"
Sage for rant.
No. 291470
It's really creepy and I dislike how any discussion gets shut down because you can never ever question anything.
When you're a 15 year old girl who can't come to terms with puberty or even when they have a past that makes them dislike female sexuality it's an easy escape from feeling uncomfortable.
You get people telling you that you don't have to worry about becoming a women because you can be a man or genderqueer instead! Not only that, they'll shower you with affection for being so brave, and you even get to sit on moral highground on any issue afterwards.
So I can see why they flock to this shit like flies. But because it's such a sensitive subject, nobody wants to be the person to sit them down and tell them it's okay to not always be comfortable, and that it's normal.
No. 291643
>>291474Somehow transwomen are the creepiest and worst about this kind of stuff. They're romanticize stuff like periods and cramps and cry when people tell them they'll never have those.
Seriously why is such a huge portion of transwomen raising massive red flags in regards turning everything into a creepy fetish?
No. 291851
>>291463>>290618Gehe is so full of shit, such fujoshi wanna be uke boy faggot.
She's disgusting both inside and out. God damn degenerate bitch wishes she was gay gu.
No. 292139
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Criedwolves, I just see fujos doing yaoi cosplay lol
No. 292141
File: 1492276246456.jpg (171.83 KB, 1080x1920, C9dvPZrVoAEygbI.jpg)

A friend of Gehe did a direct and, wow, what a surprise, Geheichou looks like…
Yes, is the one on the right.
No. 292188
this is why I started hating on male trannies honestly this is why nobody takes the LGBT community seriously because of this bullshit. This is why so many hate exists towards it, because of people like this who just think it's just a fricking trend. At the end of it they end up being girls who want dick.
No. 292215
File: 1492283826838.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, .....jpg)

>YOIwhy am I not suprised, also the hot glue on CW's cosplay is
triggering me
No. 292234
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>>276054Didnt Milo change her name to Quinby for like a week? Anybody know why she changed it back?
No. 292488
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I don't understand this fucking bio
No. 292504
>>292227same, anon. I know a girl who keeps trying to pass herself off as some jrock visual kei whatever boy, it's annoying as fuck but so many people kiss her ass, I have to just hold my tongue or get lynched by the fangirls
but pretty sure she'll drop this shit in a few years
No. 292554
>>292550 what?, r u Gale?
>>292549Gale did it for a cosplay, he also has a pic on insta where you can see some real face hair, despite or being or not being n ass Gale is on T, Gale's voice is not a forced voice
No. 292558
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Moar of Criedwolves, I think that Oliver is the one on the center
No. 292688
>>292554No I'm not, I meant I'm that anon lol
Hmm but I mean in Gale's daily life. I saw Gale and wasn't doing cosplay, it was a normal day in the middle of the week. I'm not sure if what I saw was dry glue or dry as fuck skin tbh but anyways it's nasty. And it's funny how Gale takes pictures with wigs, makeup and clothes to look like a girl and is like 'don't misgender, still a dude'. It's a walking joke that used to complain about elite chans and now is part of the so hated elite chan…
Ayuru is nice, the times I've been with her she's been really nice.
No. 292696
>>292558They are all such beta females I swear
Lemme guess, they all say they are gay males to
No real gay guy is going to buy into their shit. So they are stuck dating other fake bois or staying within that group.
It just these girls really bother me
No. 293004
File: 1492409898509.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1308.PNG)

Meet Tobais. In "his" info it says Trans-male and BOY. No joke
No. 293005
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An attempt was made
No. 293012
File: 1492410606392.jpg (429.62 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1312.JPG)

From the fairy kei group
Creepy AF
No. 293031
File: 1492415134380.png (577.08 KB, 536x539, 1492378189393.png)

>>293005is that a marker beard
No. 293034
>>292710>still calls her a "he"anyway yeah that is not a fucking man and it has never been a fucking man. Yet she still has the balls (pun not intended) to call out someone
>>278598 who called her a woman due to, I don't know, her looking and sounding like a woman and being one?
In addition to that
>>278601 boils my fucking blood, how can she take "compliments" like this with a straight face?
No. 293083
>>293034Geheichou is very rude so if someone lick his ass that way is ok for him.
(sorry but I need to use he/him with him even if he's a fakeboi)
No. 293199
Geheichou's topic on PULL has new comments. was waiting for them!
No. 293361
>>293005I never understood why fakebois put makeup on their lips to make them look like straight lines
they realize that real men have lips, right?
No. 293463
File: 1492470701274.jpg (55.58 KB, 500x504, large.jpg)

Yes, this person
>>293461 it's the same as this person, look at the T-Shirt:
No. 293698
>>293694If they've actually transitioned, they're not fakebois.
Fakebois are girls pretending to be boys for attention. Trans men are men who were born female.
No. 293711
>>293694is it that rare? fakebois arent anything to do with being trans its just another thing tumblr has brought us
i think there are a lot of genuine trans ftm i always think they look pretty cute i had a crush on a transboy forever and then they got a bf :( lol sorry blogging
No. 293829
>>293698 ">If they've actually transitioned, they're not fakebois."
What? The're a lot of fakebois who go on T
No. 294137
File: 1492549986329.jpg (28.04 KB, 225x350, 213229.jpg)

>>293482>>293830Pretty sure this is a cosplay of Mike from SNK (but…without the upper lip hair…?). Still fucked either way.
No. 294846
File: 1492646214470.png (207.89 KB, 745x1198, IMG_1327.PNG)

Yes because wearing pink lipstick is so manly. . . That girl with the lipstick only wants to be recognized as a real man
No. 294848
File: 1492646403128.png (128.83 KB, 749x995, IMG_1326.PNG)

Another from this gal, also she recently had a meltdown after someone misgendered her. I'm off to get caps. She also cropped her friend out of her Facebook header because he made a vague joke about her not looking manly. After that she blasted him publicly and posted his private convo with her all over her wall. Even though he apologized. She then went on to say things like he disrespected trans people.
No. 294864
File: 1492648019814.png (185.73 KB, 750x1045, IMG_1333.PNG)

No. 294865
>>294864omg i hate how much they post in the fairy kei community. i;m glad someone else hates this snowflake
>>281738do you know them?
No. 295011
File: 1492669732464.png (192.23 KB, 750x1136, IMG_1371.PNG)

Yes, Sei. Show how mature you are by bitching at this person
No. 295021
File: 1492670601404.png (156.95 KB, 750x921, IMG_1374.PNG)

False eyelashes and winged eyeliner…..really now?
No. 295022
File: 1492670664760.png (194.27 KB, 750x1104, IMG_1373.PNG)

This person is also a homestuck
No. 295038
File: 1492672009095.jpg (134.38 KB, 750x1020, 1492654086284.jpg)

No. 295455
File: 1492729199144.jpg (139.94 KB, 734x600, 1491424522292.jpg)

>>295255this is what happens when you read too much fanfiction and begin to believe that love only exists in anime BL. it's literally warping people's brains.
No. 298317
>>292227People in this thread keep throwing around 'horribly mutilated' and 'permanent damage' and shit but like honestly the worst-case scenario is a transition with complications followed by a detransition with more complications… And then what? They're a 40-year-old woman with facial hair, acne scars, a chain-smoker voice, and a mastectomy? That's not the end of the world. Plenty of people are just ugly, or have fucked up skin, or pcos or breast cancer or some shit.
Maybe I'm a callow optimist but like I fucking hope these kids are at least taking twenty seconds to think 'what can I do if this isn't right for me?'
At least like 80% of them seem to be really hesitant to undergo medical shit. Literally no fucking harm in having a weird experimental art school phase in your twenties where you worship the moon and reject gender and look for Deep Truths in shitty indie films or whatever.
No. 298319
File: 1493079260664.png (2.07 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1423.PNG)

Facebook said I should be friends with a guy named Oliver. I laughed. Hard.
No. 298321
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No. 298328
File: 1493079808828.jpg (513.29 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_1425.JPG)

In the bio it read "trans agender gay dog"
Also a furry
No. 298549
File: 1493108900338.png (1.57 MB, 900x1350, 60100fb09b6a51099a3a3be25ce4c3…)

>>298334>truly elegant womenI know we're hating on transtrenders here but I can't help but imagine this poster as an incel orbiter now. Just imagine getting a message from a sweaty neckbeard reeeing like pic related
No. 299572
>>299529Oh, I know. I've seen some of these girls' goofy bfs on Instagram too. But that is why I put emphasis on the word hot. They want real life Yaoi, but get the dollar store version with irreversible, non-kawaii changes to their body.
>>299566Hot, confident butch lesbians are a dying breed. Getting sick of all these adult women who emulate fictional little Asian boys and animals.
No. 299573
>>299545Oh yeah, the bow tie thing. I had forgotten about that because of how dumb it is. The only men I've ever seen wearing a bow tie in real life were in tuxedos.
It's like they haven't met an actual man in their whole lives, their understanding of masculinity is so bizarre. It's not just on like a pantomime level of exaggeration, it's weirder than that because it's actually incorrect. Tumblr is a hell of a drug.
No. 301069
File: 1493490580222.jpg (106.68 KB, 1050x657, ESIS.jpg)

Can someone tell me if esispadion is a fakeboi? I'm really confused, sometimes "it" looks like a girl and sometimes "it" looks like a male
No. 301073
>>301069I feel like that has to be a woman. Their hairline looks pretty feminine (look at male balding patterns to see what I mean) and those hands are super dainty and slender, men's hands don't look like that, even young/skinny ones.
However, they're more convincing than most fakebois I've seen. I guess she got lucky with androgynous features or something.
No. 301079
File: 1493491850772.jpg (62.48 KB, 750x636, 12960056_222121411496266_77782…)

>>301069typical fakeboi shot.
this is clearly a girl, and she edits her pics to hell and back; she has androgynous features, but PS/facetune helps too. the way she smooths her skin is atracious
No. 301081
File: 1493492141920.jpg (63.47 KB, 477x600, ESIS2.jpg)

>>301073I was thinking the same because in some pictures he/she looks very feminine, buth then in this video the voice sounds like a male voice to me No. 301179
File: 1493502654223.png (532.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-04-29-18-45-14…)

>>301088>>301108>>301119I'm pretty sure she's a girl too, i was just a little bit confused because i asked my boyfriend about the voice in the video and he thinked he was a boy lol someone asked a friend of her if she was a boy or a girl and her friend said "he is a man"
No. 301216
File: 1493505772824.png (Spoiler Image,61.83 KB, 267x182, yr.PNG)

>>301196I think it's the nose
looks like something out of a horror manag
No. 301219
>>301069>>301079>>301179People who doubt this is a woman have once again never met a man in their whole lives.
>>301081This is very forced deepvoice, you can tell during the laugh especially.
No. 301354
>>301246>i dont participate in tumblr gender discussions >But I use a made-up tumblr term like "non-binary">Also I'm a fucking namefagCool
(learn to sage) No. 301358
Please stop replying to a poster who's already been banned
No. 306275
File: 1494126790029.png (192.9 KB, 750x979, IMG_1572.PNG)

Her name is Rope…
Ima let that sink in
No. 314467
File: 1494996833314.jpg (83.82 KB, 821x686, Capture.JPG)

there goes Zell photoshopping herself to hell and back
No. 314589
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, as a fully transitioned FtM myself, and say a lot of the shit in this thread is unwarranted. On the fakeboi front, I agree 100%. Why wouldn't I? They make the rest of us who just want to be a part of society comfortably look like assholes. Some of you sure are pieces of work yourselves, though. You damn sure don't have to support trans people if you don't want to, but you could at least extend those of us who don't want the spotlight and just want normal live the courtesy of not voices your "all trannies are freaks" opinions.
But honestly taking tumblr as an example for all trans people is ridiculous. The fakebois and trenders piss us off too, we're not stupid.
Yeah, yeah, this is lolcow, no one cares, no hugbox etc etc I know I've been here for years.(blog)
No. 318635
File: 1495429012018.png (159.75 KB, 750x1088, IMG_1767.PNG)

More from Rope
No. 318637
File: 1495429181185.png (158.54 KB, 750x1098, IMG_1768.PNG)

No words
No. 318983
>>314875>>314879I find it weird that trans isn't more commonly comparable to just having plastic surgery or even being gay. It's not the same as anorexia; though I'm neither trans nor anorexic they appear to be very different kinds of dysphoria despite both being bodily… being trans doesn't innately lead to death or physical health problems, either.
Sage for obviously not about these transtrenders, I just think you guys look like raging retards when you go full ew sick freaks over a general people's private lifestyle choices that shouldn't effect you in any concrete way whatsoever. Reminds me of Micky flipping shit about how
DUMB religious people are and how they could ~be smart and just google otherwise~
No. 320347
File: 1495596155381.png (774.52 KB, 1608x1194, Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 04.4…)

Jude Karda is drawing her brows now thick & dark, started hrt (a patch on her ass?!?!) and uploaded a photo of her nonexistent butt and people are not asking where’s the dick. Too much polite? I don’t even believe hrt bullshit will last long, she will quit after first pimple pops in. Not to mention shaving.
Those spherical cows on tumblr/ig with bio info indicating their gender/sexuality (he/him, they/nonbinary tumblrfag/spherical idiot), seriously make me squirm. Usually looking at photos/reading blogs you can instantly spot a guy or a girl, just from the content and style of writing itself. But that’s not the case with fakebois… Before all this nonsense it was kinda inappropriate to mention your sexuality, because nobody gives a shit! It’s like telling the world what color was your poop last time — come on, kids this is private! Keep it to yourself.
Pity though I don’t see so much milk from tumblrinas, unlike anorexic lolcows. Is it because they are plain boring outside of the tumblr/ig bubble? Anachans and fakebois are kind of comparable in my opinion, because
a) they often have ED,
b) photoshop,
c) delusional, and the most important one,
c) INFANTILE in the very core.
Does anybody know why are they so fucking immature in their 20s? Government welfare, maybe? But at least anachans are all different at some degree, fuckbois are produced in the same incubator.
I think at some level tumblerfags realise they are not any close to their desired gender, that’s why they shout it so loud, “Can’t uuuuu seeeee I’m a booooooi!!!” Bummer though it’s kind of inappropriate to call them fags, they’re just a bunch of infantile girls.
No. 321743
>>321736Also OP. Forgot to add to this post - Apparently there's some kind of statistic (I'm retarded and don't have any links, sorry in advance) that says non-tranners/fakebois who go through medical transition end up detransitioning after an average of 4 years. So do you think our previous fakeboi cows like criedwolves and spectredeflector, who have been on T about a year, will regret it by 2020?
If anybody can prove me right/wrong that'd be fantastic. I'll keep Googling to see if I can find it.
No. 324224
File: 1496036273778.png (72.98 KB, 226x350, _insert_heart__by_soffiah_d9sm…)

>>324121You need to be 18 to post here, Sofia.
No. 324268
File: 1496044550516.png (358.18 KB, 460x627, tumblr_opurfl7w1b1w2bp8xo4_500…)

>Demonocts is a rather well known fanfic author
>Admittedly, I liked their FFXV stuff
>Start following on Tumblr
>Notice that they get a lot of horny asks
>Demnocts claims to be a CIS MAN (answering questions about how cumming with penis, anal sex etc)
>See people calling them out now and then, resulting in butthurt
>Demnocts has audio posts where they sound like a woman and no doubt about that
>Demnocts has an older, personal blog going back 5 years
>Anons start to dig and question based on the old posts
>Demnocts deletes all posts on old blog
They are pretty harmless but lying about being cis is just ridiculous. They also get a lot of "I have a crush on u hehe" type of asks from horny fangirls.
Demnocts has a "boyfriend" (@ffxv-edits, a transtrender) and fangirls ship them. Yaoi fetish confirmed.
>Demnocts posts a selfie, looks female AF
>Also denies being any part asian despite old blog posts claiming filipino
I think otherwise they are pretty harmless but I wish they never claimed to be cis when they clearly are not. Also, lying about your ethnicity, wtf?
(I've some of the audio posts etc. backed up in case of someone being interested of the milk)
No. 324272
>>324268Ugh, sorry about repeating stuff. I was pretty tired. (sage)
here's an audio post I ripped of their blog. I think they're removed now. No. 325029
File: 1496121139063.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1849.PNG)

No. 325030
File: 1496121186731.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1850.PNG)

No. 325800
File: 1496203783208.jpg (150.06 KB, 1226x694, stef.jpg)

>>325508gee I wish strangers on the internet would donate thousands of dollars to me so I could afford to pay my medical bills. Maybe I should become trans
No. 326076
>>325800What's stopping you from starting a fund, then? You can even raise money for a skateboard if you want.
Not only is this not relevant to the thread, but Stef has been talking about this for a long time.
No. 326568
>>326066Nice job calling someone childish then proceeding to tell said person to get cancer.
They're right anyway it's retarded but I'm fine with it being done this way instead of coming out of tax payers pockets. People willing to donate to something this fucked up can do so and sane people who know you can't change sex don't have to be forced into involvement.
No. 326984
>>326568respond to fire with fire
also, no one is forcing you to donate lol.
No. 328812
File: 1496569537901.png (244.73 KB, 1106x595, Screenshot_2017-06-04-16-43-22…)

need someone who is in or know a lot of people the Sydney cosplay community to verify this, s.o says pretty much everyone know this about Knitemaya, is it true?
No. 329014
>>329011Duh ?
I mean that s.o says this info is well-known among the Sydney cosplay community, even though Knitemaya never reveal anything like these online. Just need someone to verify if what the person said is true
No. 329078
>>329014it probably is, because the person is Knite himself lol
this user has a looong history of advocating him on PULL. I would bet like, idk, 10$ it's Knite
No. 329643
>>329078lol i know just better to have one more thing against "him"
Also seems like Knite has been talking trash about "his' fakeboi friend Geheichou a lot behind Gehe's back a lot
No. 329757
File: 1496702391284.jpg (397.96 KB, 957x845, 8e2ce1230dab02aaf013f5ed78d5b8…)

Anyone know about this person?
No. 329782
>>329757Afaik he's a man, just a kinda feminine one. But I could be wrong.
Also, hello, fellow Finn.
No. 329817
File: 1496710067751.jpg (795.48 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_8658.JPG)

Has anyone seen heyhavoc on instagram? she's obviously a girl but she put "cis male" in her bio which is frankly embarrasing (no cis guy would ever do that.) also can we talk about how every transtrender calls themselves a "prince" of some kind? she gets triggered when people call her a girl even on accident and posts screenshots of herself blocking them.
No. 329842
File: 1496711573886.png (252.6 KB, 460x460, tmp_8578-naoto1925616438.png)

>>329817>also can we talk about how every transtrender calls themselves a "prince" of some kind?whenever they do that it reminds me of naoto calling herself the "detective prince" lol
(saged4 ot weebshit)
No. 329872
File: 1496714562799.jpg (14.08 KB, 480x423, 6746456.jpg)

>>329817>also can we talk about how every transtrender calls themselves a "prince" of some kind? They're just roleplaying their bullshit yaoi fantasies, anon. I swear, most of these people were the middle school weebs we all knew who read BL manga in the middle of class and wore fishnet fingerless gloves.
No. 329929
>>328812>Possibly abusive childhood causing dissociation>"gender dysphoria" starts around puberty when every girl gets disgusted by their body>Marinated in yaoi invoking the autoandrophilic fetish>Also constantly cosplays girl characters and seems to have no problem with ityep tell me again how she's "ttly a guy yall just bigots"
>>329757Unlike these fakebois, you can tell it's an actual man due to the face and body structure. He just slathers on a ton of convenient angles, circle lenses, make up and photoshop.
No. 331216
File: 1496904051645.jpg (31.74 KB, 300x379, knit.jpg)

knite right now
No. 331241
File: 1496908372419.png (309.32 KB, 750x423, thattrollfacetho.png)

>>331216It's not far from the truth
No. 331272
>>331206Lmao finally
I've asked many times before but at least she's been exposed. Also Its quite hilarious that all cows immediately try to get the police involved as soon as they're caught with the shit that they've done/ they're doing.
No. 331451
File: 1496952623931.png (65.05 KB, 640x860, IMG_8692.PNG)

Lol when she posts an obviously shooped picture to "prove" she's a cis man. She has people jumping all over her, praising her and assuring her she's cis. How stupid can these people be?
No. 331579
>>331451What in the fuck is that nipple
How can you be so blind
No. 333931
File: 1497208033506.jpg (540.61 KB, 655x920, lc.jpg)

"Don't misgender me!"
Has been on T for over a year and still looks like a girl. Most of the selfies are extremely shooped and on photos taken by other people her face is usually erased.
How can you wear make-up, jewelery and clothes like this and expect people to call you a man? Even the cosplay choices are really odd for someone, who hates being misgendered.
No. 335668
>>333964timmythick is just an ugly wannabe whiteboy thot
not sure if he's biologically a boy or not though
No. 336787
File: 1497666943124.jpg (86.7 KB, 822x735, Capture.JPG)

How do these fucks expect anyone to take them seriously? and nice photoshop on your eyes there, Zell.
No. 342880
>>276477emerson is so totally a fakeboi lol. she's bipolar and only thinks she's a republican mra right now because she's delusional and has literally copped up to it. just a few years ago she identified as nonbinary and had self diagnosed personality disorders.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 342884
>>276867when raine came to NC to visit emerson purportedly when emerson was "fucked up" on account of being a drug addict raine tried to take advantage of him and have sex with him, and apparently intended to have sex with him while planning the trip. before the incident everyone in the friend group was totally all over raine and defended her against "transphobes" and after this happened they threw her to the curb and called her fake nb. everyone in that friend group is a fakeboi and attention whore, emerson especially for riding the coattails of his dead "best friend". sage for doubleposting and irrelevancy
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 343454
File: 1498758407202.png (1.2 MB, 758x839, 1498757544859.png)

>>276433>>276434>>276481I am not sorry either.
Riley is getting FFS this week apparently, maybe he/she will turn out to be pretty.
No. 343883
File: 1498814206680.jpg (321.39 KB, 1440x1960, PicsArt_06-30-10.06.19.jpg)

This super manly man has been showing up in my Instagram recommendations forever. The only thing transitioning here is her circumference. Becoming more landwhale with each pic.
She also has a "girlfriend" who is just some beardy dude with bad eyeliner and a dress.
No. 344007
>>343454ew why tf did you give her weird pug eyes. sure that's a somewhat "attractive" person in the shoop but that's not at all how FFS works so don't expect anything like that.
I actually find Riley weirdly attractive as she is (she looks like a hanson brother.. err sister? lol) and am disappointed that she's caving in to the status quo of the trans community and going down the road of mutilating her body. That's just opinion tho.
No. 344013
File: 1498835562654.png (1.2 MB, 758x839, riley edit.png)

>>344007I've fixed it since then since some anons on 4chan told me the same thing about the bug eyes (lol). I'm surprised I didn't notice it before.
If she looked like this, I'd touch her limp dick, no joke.
No. 344034
>>344031Why should I give a fuck that you don't care, you autist? People do PT shoops all the time.
Save your salty tears for someone who gives a shit. :^)
No. 344077
>>343883pic made me look them up on Insta and it's just a treasure trove of cringe. i've never seen an uglier person.
recommend other anons check it out because her hairstyle is enraging
No. 346869
>>346529Riley constantly defends transtrenders by saying you don't need dysphoria to be trans and nothing about her appearance had noticeably changed throughout her YouTube career, so it was a justified assumption for people to make.
I'm also curious and hopeful about the outcome of the surgery. Hopefully the surgeon is good and doesn't make it a hackjob like Gigi Gorgeous' face. Yikes.
No. 347183
File: 1499348535482.jpg (298.27 KB, 601x602, the fuck is this.jpg)

god is dead
No. 347246
>>277000Yes. Im over 25. All of this non binary genderqueer stuff seems like a step back to the '50s. If I was a kid now I would be told to transition to male I was 5'8 in elementry school. But I became super fem looking at around 12. So that means I wouldve been fighting hormones. They are trying to put women back in the kitchen then transwomen will take all the jobs.
Non of these fakebois are encouraged to work. So they are suppose to get a transwoman lesbian and stay at home cause of depression. Its kinda scary.
The transwoman act like princesses but they take all that make up off and go to work when no ones looking. What is quinby doing? Nothing but being a girl.
(blogpost) No. 347299
File: 1499358435722.png (75.97 KB, 750x467, IMG_0146.PNG)

Is there any evidence to suggest whether or not Geheichou is stealth ftm or just a cis girl playing on gay attraction? Their face is looking a bit more masculine than it has in the past (although the more you stare at it, the more girlish it looks).
I ask because I currently have a gay friend who just discovered Gehe and is obsessed with them. I tried explaining that it's a girl for his sake and he told me there's no reason to believe Gehe is not ftm.
It's hard to tell whether or not the slight masculinization is T or the liquify tool in Photoshop(which has become extremely user friendly in the latest versions so it's easy as fuck to make it look convincing even with little photoshopping experience).
No. 347314
>>347299Gehe has her own thread. I'm not sure how to link it, you can find it in the Catalog.
Most evidence says she's a cis girl roleplaying her yaoi fantasy for the interwebz fame. She still uses her name (Julia), her voice is clearly feminine and she looks the same - definitely not on T. Her "more masculine" look comes from shooping, the proof is in her thread - on candids you can see just a short goofy-looking girl. Definitely not some cute bishie she shoops herself to be
She won't address it not to ruin her cis boi facade, you can only draw you own conclusions
No. 347452
>>347299Look at how she used the liquify tool to make that awkward fake ass Adams apple. Sad.
She and all the other fakebois try so hard to be androgynous "men" even though they could get the same amount of attention if they passed themselves off as androgynous girls. With the latter they wouldn't have to conceal anything or worry about potential backlash from being outed.
Unless you have GID that's causing you extreme emotional distress, there is no good reason to go online and pretend you're a boy. Andro girls are just as hot and are practically unicorns nowadays since they all claim to be boys now.
No. 347487
File: 1499379612314.jpg (289.31 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0149.JPG)

No. 347506
>>329817I dont see how this is different to transwomen calling themselves "Goddesses", well ok Goddess is higher up but you get my drift.
No. 347841
>>347799HRT hardly does shit if you've gone through a full male puberty. All it does is shift your fat a bit and give you tiny cone tits. Anything else requires surgery or fat transfers.
The only way HRT will make you look like an actual female is if you started taking it at 11-13 years old.
Riley started at 23 so his/her bone structure is permanently male and the voice can only be changed with speech practice. He/she would have been completely fucked if it weren't for YouTube money to pay for surgeries.
No. 347892
>>347841I'm just comparing to the other videos of grown people who were on HRT, they had a bit more compared to Reily who doesnt even have some fat for tits for being on it for 10 months at least. Or some voice change.
I dont know i think the last video of telling FFC was just a pity party so "we" can believe he was sincere, yet didnt even know he was trans when he started youtube.
No. 347941
>>281026I don't get this shit. My brother's FTM and won't cosplay any woman because he's so dysphoric. How can these fakebois get away with pretending they're trans when they're not even dysphoric?
Sage for minor blogposting.
No. 347964
>>347905I love the name Isaac, but yeah it's definitely not a common 90's or even early 00's name at all. Back then if anyone was named Isaac it would most likely be a middle name with names like James, William, etc. as the first.
They must search baby name websites and look at the popular name list instead of searching names that were popular in their birth year.
No. 348175
File: 1499477757503.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_2017-07-08-03-31-16…)

>fakeboy goes on t
>regrets it
>mental gymnastics to try to justify it instead of admitting to done fucked up
Every time
No. 348201
File: 1499479441745.png (172.58 KB, 742x742, IMG_0150.PNG)

>>348175This person confuses me. They're on T but present completely female otherwise. What's even the point?
Anyway, the solution to the body hair issue is to invest a couple bucks into some hair removal powder. This is what real men have to put up with so ftms should stop crying about it and handle it the way actual men do.
No. 348456
>>348444i think thats what pisses me off the most about the transtrender ftm group… real MTF probably struggle the most as their transition is much more difficult and there are often way more steps they need to go through before being actually female passing…. yet these girls are out here personally making themselves look like a transitioning mtf with the long hair/makeup/overal girly outfits and the masculine features…. like they just want the oppression points despite the fact that many mtf struggle so much mentally due to that fact … ugh
srry for angry rant but im sure we can all agree
No. 348614
>>347485>>347487This has to be really painful to recover from. I can't imagine having that many surgeries on my face at once, so props to Riley being brave enough to go through all that, even though they're still a complete lunatic.
>>347892Most of the voice changes for adult mtfs is done through practice rather than HRT itself. And the lack of noticeable boobage is understandable since Riley was (and is) extremely underweight.
Maybe some of the mtfs you're referring to are within the 18-20 range so they still have a little leeway when it comes to changing their face structure. I've seen a lot of trans people online talking about how 24 is the ultimate cutoff if you ever hope to pass at all, and Riley was just a few months from turning 24.
Or they could be like Blaire White, the tranny JNig, who lied about getting surgical work on her face.
No. 348730
>>348201>that neckbeardugh
she just looks like a typical girl with pcos
needs a haircut and a different wardrobe if she wants to be taken seriously as a man
No. 349526
File: 1499634208972.jpg (481.69 KB, 1056x1552, Screenshot_20170709-170144.jpg)

I hate this chick. She's ugly as shit and has a "woke" style of blogging.
No. 349533
File: 1499634929062.jpg (536.77 KB, 1053x1545, Screenshot_20170709-171237.jpg)

>>349526She also never dresses or acts masculine at all but god forbid you don't use they/them pronouns for her or she'll throw a fit via a whiny caption on one of her Instagram posts.
No. 349545
>>349533These fakebois…. its like they want to wear a gay guys skin. the evolution of fag hags. Liking yaoi as a boring cishet is
problematic so now you can BE the gay. I wonder if they make gay men creeped out like transbians do to lesbians. Because they don't know anything about being a femme gay man. Its like cosplay. Or do they just date other fakebois. Probably. Two girls dating and calling themselves gay men. 2017 is wild.
No. 349588
File: 1499640028763.png (85.21 KB, 1080x640, Screenshot_2017-07-10-00-29-01…)

>>348175On the topic of vegfag/teethingpuppy/cumpuppyyy, why tf would you go on a life changing hormone if you aren't 100% certain?
No. 349589
File: 1499640180765.png (48.87 KB, 1080x648, Screenshot_2017-07-10-00-41-16…)

>>349588"As a girl I wish I was born a girl and thats dysphoria"
No. 349673
File: 1499650373598.jpg (65.22 KB, 960x960, IMG_0155.JPG)

>>349587It made Blaire fat that's for sure, but she's been on it for years. HRT can take a few years to have noticeable effects.
No. 350495
>>349545They mostly date other fakeboys because actual men often scare them. Becoming a fakeboy is a defense mechanism in itself as being a woman makes you vulnerable to uncomfortable male attention such as sexual harassment and now being a cis girl fujo is, like you said, ~
problematic~. So they just date each other to live out their yaoi fantasies. It sucks.
No. 350582
>>349545>I wonder if they make gay men creeped out like transbians do to lesbians.Gay men don't really care from what I've gathered. There's no gay equivalent of a "TERF" (before anyone yells at me over that term, I put it in quotes for a reason).
Lesbians are more outraged at transbians hitting on them because women in general have a long history of being victims of male violence. A stupid teenage girl who claims to be a ~supa ghey femboy uwu~ Isn't going to make grown men feel intimidated.
No. 352172
File: 1500000176227.jpg (764.1 KB, 1039x1230, Screenshot_20170713-223850.jpg)

gayexboyfriend is a typical "femme gay boi" on insta and always throws a tantrum whenever people call her a girl, even though she posts pictures like this. But when you ask her what her gender is she says it's "nobody's business but her own".
No. 352175
Sounds very masculine…who knows though? There could be manipulation in the audio.
No. 352259
>>349589I had to read this 3 times… so she wants to be born male, but a trans girl…?
does she realize that any dmab girl wouldn't want to be dmab…? she should consider herself lucky that she got to skip the dmab part…… That's every trans girl's dream
No. 352260
File: 1500015041695.png (30.47 KB, 540x335, tumblr_inline_oc6so9E6o91t8mml…)

>>352259On Tumblr they call themselves "circumgender" and they even have a flag for it.
No. 352341
>>352172I'll never understand what it is with fakebois who grow a forest under their arms, despite wanting to "crossdress" and be ultra feminine? Pretty much all camp gays and other cis men who crossdress and dress up in drag shave their damn armpits, as well as the rest of their bodies.
It's as if this is their only clue to being a "man" is to have hairy pits, which is kinda gross when they show it off like that.
No. 352514
>>350582>Lesbians are more outraged at transbians hitting on them because women in general have a long history of being victims of male violence. A stupid teenage girl who claims to be a ~supa ghey femboy uwu~ Isn't going to make grown men feel intimidated.This, MTF lesbians are actually extremely aggressive and capable of rape, FTM fakebois can't do shit to gay males and they're afraid of cis men anyway.
>>352497>has been on T for years >gone through surgery>but no dysphoria!what?
No. 352642
File: 1500068817739.png (Spoiler Image,576.28 KB, 476x598, the horror.PNG)

Not sure if this belongs here - but I found the Instagram of a ftm who dresses and acts like a typical fakeboi, although he's obviously been on T for some time and is post-op. It's unclear, but the main reason I had to post it here was for the sheer shock-value.
Be warned - this is what happens when a woman with a BMI of 14 takes male hormones: No. 352679
>>352642what a masculine belly button piercing.
its like these kids don't even make a token attempt at passing lmao
No. 352763
File: 1500078644988.jpg (148.79 KB, 540x675, jfklsjflksj.jpg)

>>352642I think he looks pretty legit. There are plenty of feminine cis men who wear girly clothes, so we shouldn't completely dismiss the idea of feminine trans men who wear girly clothes. with a gangly hairy body like that, I imagine girl clothes don't cause him any dysphoria like they would all these smooth skinned fakebois
No. 352994
File: 1500138505663.jpg (192.5 KB, 960x960, 19761763_237723723408936_14211…)

>>352989Did he mention being born male? Dunno, his bio on ig says "male transgender"..
I went through his entire ig and am still perplexed.
pic related
No. 353322
File: 1500177809972.png (178.32 KB, 729x996, IMG_3645.PNG)

Rope just keeps dishing out the cringe
No. 353567
>>352994Looks like he was a hot girl at one point before fucking up his face and body with anorexia. Good for him not giving a shit though.
>>352989You can see his mastectomy scars in shirtless photos and he also has a very small, feminine build not found in biological men.
No. 354785
File: 1500404466968.jpg (376.09 KB, 1040x1470, Screenshot_20170718-145814.jpg)

I found this one on Instagram. She shoops her face to hell and back so that all her photos make her look like she's a Sims character and cosplays Yuri on Ice, Killing Stalking, and is into Kpop like any other girl who's into ~pretty ghey boiz~
No. 354835
File: 1500409448685.jpg (157.31 KB, 634x541, Screenshot_20170718-150658.jpg)

>>354785She even airbrushed her hands why
No. 363981
>>299529My friend had a girlfriend like that, he actually fucked her straight, she had started taking hormones and everything, but he got her to wear women's underwear in bed and stuff cause he told her it was hot, and eventually she just stopped even pretending. TBH it was a huge relief, she once told me how she wanted to cut off her tits and get a hysterectomy, I
honestly nearly cried when i got home at the idea of some nice cute girl like her utterly fucking her life irreversibly at 18.
No. 363985
File: 1501514780330.png (868.47 KB, 639x638, Ciri dubs.png)

>>299573Has anyone ever even seen a Ftm that acted like a normal dude? Ive never even hear of one that does, at best they act like super effeminate gays, who are themselves kinda acting out stereotypical female traits.
No. 364025
>>363986>arr Irish peopre rook sameno
>>363985I've only seen one, a black yank youtuber whose online handle I can't remember. There's another FtM youtuber from the UK I've seen (Jamie something?) but he straight up acts like a girl. Not even effeminate/gay, literally female like.
I feel like gay men in general are usually very aggressive and in-your-face with their campness and act very different to women, so it's easy to spot.
No. 364536
File: 1501584235886.jpg (54.75 KB, 400x411, IMG_3714.JPG)

>>336787One of zell's less shopped/unfliltered selfies. Totally "half" Japanese. Also I heard that zell's ex broke up with her because they found out she was lying about being hafu, even a couple days back her ex posted an indirect story on IG saying s/t like "be careful who you meet online" bc they hooked up through dumblr
No. 367224
File: 1501972011008.png (1.56 MB, 1794x733, 1501971847433.png)

>>347485>>347487aaaaaaaaand the results are in.
barely anything's changed. now just looks like a slightly androgynous boy. kinda cute though imo.
No. 369004
>>284183isn't this just out of touch normal baby boy names?
God, my brother's sister-in-law is pregnant with a boy and decided to name the thing Kaisen(Kaysen? Kayson?). I've only ever heard it. I actually shit all over it to him and then was a little more polite to his wife. Those names are terrible.
No. 372233
File: 1502712013458.png (6.1 KB, 529x111, fakeboi propaganda.PNG)

There's a growing number of fujoshits who are claiming to be trans and 'mlm' probably because liking yaoi is now problematic and "i can't fetishize gay boys if i'm gay myself!"
No. 372663
>>369004Most of those are popular baby names from recent years. Trans people seem to prefer naming themselves after what's popular in the year they came out as a trans, rather than names that were popular in their birth year.
Seeing names like that, especially if they're butchered into some bizarre snowflake spelling makes me cringe so hard my head spins. If you were born in the early 90's, being named "Bradynn" is going to make you stand out as an obvious tranny, even if you pass.
No. 374206
File: 1502993095061.png (106.26 KB, 750x849, IMG_3670.PNG)

No. 374348
>>374206Might be from top surgery. If they were an A cup before they remove fat from the top and then put the nipple back on. Idk though, that's just what I assumed.
I don't think Oliver is a fakeboi at this point, he's been on T for a year or two.
No. 377197
File: 1503425967091.jpg (464.29 KB, 1113x1920, tumblr_nfxrn0YCQZ1qgj9ilo3_128…)

>>374348Oliver was more than an A cup. Obviously she's shopped the scars out, cuz keyhole is impossible when your tits are over a small B-cup.
No. 377501
>>374375Free?! Well, i guess anyone can just claim they're trans and get free cosmetic surgery. damn
>>374206Just looks like a flat chested girl now
No. 378424
File: 1503557557671.png (160.26 KB, 750x1044, IMG_4267.PNG)

Local Austin fake boy.
No. 378425
File: 1503557606370.png (202.28 KB, 750x733, IMG_4265.PNG)

Austin fake boy crying
No. 378847
File: 1503604451415.jpg (4.76 KB, 150x150, d30m9.jpg)

>>378424>still daddy materialBitch where?
No. 379017
File: 1503618342133.png (837.01 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4280.PNG)

Totally a man
No. 379019
File: 1503618441464.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4279.PNG)

>has no money for T
>has money for shitty cat headphones and Tattoos
>still broke but continues to get new full cosplays every con
Sure Jan
No. 379103
File: 1503623912219.jpg (101.04 KB, 1080x1350, 17932221_260383264427119_42575…)

Can someone help me identify if this person is a fakeboi? I'm seeing some of the telltale signs but I'm still not 100% sure for some reason.>Claims to be totally biologically male guiz>Is 20 but still looks like a little kid>No video footage of this person anywhere to hear their voice>Very little to no third party candid picturesAnd crucially
>Absolutely zero topless pictures below the collar bone No. 379124
>>379103>>Absolutely zero topless pictures below the collar boneAnd that's all you need to answer your question. That an the fact that she has h/male/boy plastered all over her page. Real men don't specify that they are male because they don't have to.
She/it could possibly be a transitioning ftm but either way there is a 0% chance this person is biologically male.
No. 379140
File: 1503626693280.png (92.38 KB, 741x1075, IMG_0226.PNG)

>boys can like pink>boys can wear skirts>boys can wear makeup>boys can be lolitas
>boys can [insert stereotypical female trait here]This ought to be the official slogan of fakebois because you can find it written somewhere it on each and every one of their profiles. Every. Single. One. Without fail.
No. 379175
>>379140One of her facebook posts is like "My favourite thing is to make straight boys question their sexuality lol" and I was just thinking lmao
She posts all over her stuff that she is 100% born male totally and her followers just believe her
No. 379210
>>379182Not reaching, it's the great irony in the whole transwhatever movement. They equate 'female' with femininity which has been defined just as anything perceived as being attributed to being female, but that's completely man-made and self inflicted crap. Female means you have two X chromosomes. It doesn't mean you like dresses and pink. Know what I mean?
They're perpetuating the very "gender" roles they say they're trying to break.
No. 379241
>>379210Oh I definitely agree that they're perpetuating stereotypes just in a weird reverse way. I just wasn't sure if I was overthinking part of it but I guess I wasn't!
I will always think GNC cis people are doing so much more for breaking binaries like the transactivists claim they do.
So often, to claim trans is to agree, very literally, with the normies who told you you're not man/woman enough.
For some trans people it's not that simple but for a lot it really is.
No. 379450
File: 1503674862318.png (579.52 KB, 594x410, makeup.PNG)

>>379230Off-topic but the girl in that video has the worst makeup skills like wtf is this? lmao
No. 380034
File: 1503739196880.jpg (114.71 KB, 720x960, IMG_1083.JPG)

Wow it's actually really disappointing how onifake looks
No. 380035
File: 1503739241004.png (836.36 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1086.PNG)

Profile for comparation
No. 380036
File: 1503739544872.jpg (978.56 KB, 1200x1599, IMG_1091.JPG)

Kawaiii desuuu
Also that's a girl not a trap ?? I went to school with her
No. 380197
>>380034>>380036This is
horrifying Jesus Christ. How old is she? I thought she was like 14-15 from her photoshopped pictures.
No. 380455
>>380222>dozens of hashtags with "boy" in them, i.e. #demonboy #wolfboy #cuteboy #kawaiiboy>if over the age of 18, still calls themself a boy instead of a man>"LOL I totally look like a grill with makeup on, who knew I was so androgynous? XD">has some unusual or oddly spelled first name, +20 points if it's Japanese>is never "straight", must always be gay or at least bi/pan with a preference for men>gets angry/throws a tantrum when somebody "mistakes" them for a girl, even though an actual crossdressing man would take that as a compliment>instantly blocks anyone who questions their real gender, and/or sends their fans to flame them instead of just ignoring it>only friends are girls or other fakebois>is incredibly narcissistic/takes tons of heavily edited selfies and fanservice photos of legs/stomach but never shows nipples>no videos of them speaking, or has videos of them talking extremely quietly or monotone to disguise girl voice>boasts about turning straight men "gay" for them (personally I've yet to see a real man brag about tricking straight men)>often never shows their real hair, it's always short cosplay wigs, which means they probably have long girly hair underneath for their secret offline identity>if they do show their real hair, it's almost always silver, pink or bleach blonde>sometimes excessive and obvious contouring even out of cosplay to make people think they have a manly face (always lolworthy)>Jfashion, meitu, and bishounen cosplay galore No. 380598
>>380034damn she look pretty old. And her smile looks really awkward
>>379103why do fakebois always do that weird thing with their lips ?
No. 381113
>>380222Ever notice how these fakebois always say 'boys can wear pink/tutus/makeup/etc. too!' not because guys actually do that but because they want to still wear all that shit and be called a guy? They point to famous male stars who wore women's clothing or makeup as examples but seem to forget almost all of them did that WHEN THEY WERE PERFORMING. NOT EVERY GOD DAMN DAY, they don't fucking go out shopping for groceries like that.
And then they have so much self-loathing over being born female because that somehow makes them less interesting or whatever that they become FURIOUS if perceived feminine but still wear all this ugly shit that looks like a cupcake took a large dump on them (because boys wear pink frilly tutus too!!!111!). They tend to hate women and god forbid some heterosexual 'ship' comes along in their favorite animu, they'll be ready to murder that fictional person with their rage. They try to cover their asses by pretending they like lesbian girls as much as their yaois but don't actually, they just shove them off to the side as irrelevant so they can have their gays.
They're just totally obsessed with dick. Except not to the point to fucking man up.
Trans guys (the actual ones, not the fakebois) just don't have such a fucking problem with women, at least not that I've see. So it can't be 'oh they hate their body so they hate all women as a result'. The fakebois just have this fucking weird misogyny going on. What the hell is up with THAT?
No. 382017
>>381820>>382008>>381835Admin told us not to talk about radfem/transactivism stuff here or else the thread would be locked. See
>>319117This thread is going well please don't fuck it up.
No. 382298
>>382151What the hell is 'truscum'?
Also how should this be interpreted? It they are oh so male, when why would a lesbian want to fuck them anyway? That makes zero sense… unless, to put it in their words, they are erasing the sexuality or whatever of lesbians and think they also must be attracted to cock…?
No. 382346
>>382151say something like "he would be cute as a butch lesbian" and here they are, fapping to the thought that wE wAnT tO FuCk TheM omggGG
and Ascher didn't even call out the blatant homophobia in this question. >lol isn't it funny<, for someone who wants to be accepted and respected so much. Fuck you even more, you transtrender.
No. 382364
>>382298Either erasing the sexuality of lesbians which is awfully ~
problematic~… or admitting that they are fakebois (i.e. just masculine girls) so it would make sense for lesbians to be attracted to them… either way it doesn't help their argument
No. 382459
File: 1504017155413.png (35.13 KB, 647x432, body she deserves.PNG)

>>382151Honestly I've read through spectredeflector's Tumblr a couple times and I couldn't help but see her as a blatant narcissist. You see a lot of self-absorbed bitches on Tumblr and Insta but she takes it to a whole new level.
Pic related is just one of many small things, from her GoFundMe. The body you deserve? Wtf? Even if I was a huge fan of somebody and they posted that somewhere asking for money I'd raise my eyebrow. It's like she believes her fans OWE her that money because she "deserves" it, not because they're simply donating out of the kindness of their hearts.
No. 382637
>>382576From what I've gathered, there is a huge chunk of trans people (both mtf and ftm) who despise Riley and disagree with him on that, thank God. I'm glad I'm not trans because it must suck to be lumped in with these crazy, self-proclaimed "lesbian" fetishists.
There are a lot of bisexual people, both men and women, who are open to dating trans people yet retards like Riley are all about harassing gays and lesbians. He needs some sense and decency slapped into him. I mean, his own girlfriend (also a retard) is bisexual and that goes right over his head.
No. 382777
File: 1504041992340.png (127.79 KB, 750x1029, IMG_4362.PNG)

>has "Japanese" name dispute being Mexican and fluent in Spanish
>is a real boy
>goes out in public to malls in cosplay
>wants to be called daddy
>doesn't want to cut long girl hair
>no money for HRT but plenty of money for new cosplays every con and tattoos
No. 382784
File: 1504042197392.png (104.25 KB, 750x908, IMG_4364.PNG)

Rory is a real boy guys
Can't you tell?!
He/him pls
No. 382786
File: 1504042260421.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4363.PNG)

Totally male. Do not misgender, you transphobic skum
No. 382798
File: 1504042389847.png (136.15 KB, 750x961, IMG_4365.PNG)

Pink skirt.
No. 382804
File: 1504042971894.gif (486.17 KB, 540x405, 4iaf2591.gif)

>>382151both of these idiots need a serious reality check
lol isn't it funny when you thorw one opressed group under a bus just to appeal to another opressed group
No. 382817
>>382809 almost like male entitlement doesn't disappear when the male in question has a fetish for being seen as a woman. seriously, look up sissy fetish and autogynephilia it explains so much
also to keep it on topic here, why do all of these fakebois dress in shitty amazon knock offs and storenvy stuff? its like they specifically don't want to be read as men ever, to fuel a persecution complex
No. 382871
File: 1504056127979.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.84 KB, 400x533, IMG_0247.JPG)

>>382870And we never forget.
No. 384953
>>382298>attracted to cocks>cocksU mean deformed hormone induced microdick clits? Lol oh god yes how thirsty for fake dick us lesbians truly are
How can people so ugly be this narcisstic kek
No. 385948
File: 1505305570415.png (420.83 KB, 646x783, fakeboibingo.PNG)

Made a fakeboi bingo to help the "is this obvious 20-something girl posing as an anime guy male or not????" babies out and to entertain others. Seriously how do you look at someone like Knitemaya and actually doubt her being female?
No. 389269
File: 1505796962403.png (113.49 KB, 721x1087, IMG_4783.PNG)

Fake boi wants to be called a true man. Has long ass girly hair and reposts this video.
No. 389498
File: 1505849946344.jpg (651.99 KB, 2048x2048, A116C04E-5655-4454-A171-C57307…)

So how about "Oliver" (lol), aka @crypwolf on Instagram / crypticcanine on Tumblr?
Appears to be an obvious wannabe copycat clone of criedwolves, trying to copy his style and using both his first name and an obvious ripoff of his username.
I can't seem to find any obvious signs of being a fakeboi of transtrender, other than the fact that they're clearly an autoandrophile who is most definitely not on T. They call themselves "male" but don't seem to deny they're trans, but they also don't confirm it (other than plastering he/him all over their social media, which is a trenc started by Tumblr trannies).
Thoughts on this person?
No. 389614
File: 1505866031573.png (353.15 KB, 646x783, 1505305570415.png)

>>389498That's definitely a girl
Also holy fuck, the internet is always reminding me time and time again that people have absolutely no shame.
This person is straight up a crywolves clone(even right down to the user name and first name), and I'm sure there's more clones out there trying to profit off their fakeboi train and getting randos to buy shit for them from their wishlist. This shit is so creepy
No. 389621
>>389498've gotta be an utter retard to believe she's male after watching this vid
Her voice makes it so obvious
No. 389725
>>389614Missed Squinted eyes and Narrow chin there fam, you got yourself a bingo.
>>389681I believe these kind of people would've been butch androgynous lesbians before the trans trend.
No. 389775
>>389725>I believe these kind of people would've been butch androgynous lesbians before the trans trend.People (hence: lesbians) in fakeboi threads keep saying this, but they fail to realize these girls are
straight autoandrophiles and without the fakeboi/trans trend going around would be your average Tumblr fujoshis dating regular boys. They probably wouldn't even have short hair or bind. The "butch" appearance is only there because it helps their fakeboi shit. The large majority of them had long hair before they decided they were gonna pretend to be boys.
No. 390594
File: 1506025715819.png (273.98 KB, 914x442, remus.png)

i know this person irl and she's definitely not a dude. claims to be a """pretty boy""" but i've never seen her without makeup, heels, a floral dress & tits pushed up. also bulimic from what i've heard. remus treacy- No. 390602
File: 1506026572617.png (893.28 KB, 934x597, webillgatesnow.png)

No. 390844
File: 1506052409155.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1689.PNG)

theeees bitch
No. 391374
>>390602Riley Dennis is a cringeworthy sack of autogynephilia but this is a fakeboi thread, transwoman thread is in /ot/.
>>389775It's not applicable to all of them but some of them do date girls and present as male to feel their attraction to girls more socially acceptable. It's a coping mechanism for many lesbians in denial.
No. 391850
File: 1506250642673.png (378.46 KB, 813x449, remoose.png)

>"gender dysphoria"
No. 392504
File: 1506370501652.png (234.11 KB, 473x569, remoose attention.png)

yeah we can tell
No. 392966
File: 1506449201881.png (37.18 KB, 727x135, IMG_0386.PNG)

>>389621Yeah her fans are maddeningly retarded. Pic related.
Apparently she deleted all the comments by people mentioning she sounds like a girl so all that's left is idiocy.
No. 398520
File: 1507229782201.png (90.65 KB, 750x776, IMG_0402.PNG)

For some reason lately I've been having a lot of fakeboi accounts show up in my Instagram recommendations. I thought this one was funny. She wants us to believe she is a biological "androgyne" male, along with her very clearly female physique and topless photos with her nipples cropped out. Top kek.
@fabulous_punk on Insta
No. 398528
File: 1507230662648.png (501 KB, 593x469, wtf is this.png)

>>398520ahaha wtf is this? she thinks that makeup looks good?
No. 398529
File: 1507230936744.png (476.89 KB, 496x396, remus wtf.png)

yeah sure that looks like a male
No. 401059
File: 1507578833258.png (643.36 KB, 602x606, Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 2.52…)

Haha this is supposed to be a guy? Are you kidding me?
No. 401098
File: 1507583161994.png (508.74 KB, 490x749, fakeboi.PNG)

Gotta love the ones that stuff. "I'm a trap"
Yeah ok.
No. 401659
>>401493Yes yes. I totally self posted.
I'm not this girl lol. I've just followed her for years before she started heavily going "I'm a trap"
No. 404650
File: 1508178566438.png (588.8 KB, 538x508, remus hair.png)

am fucking crying what the shit is this
>>390594 No. 404651
File: 1508178615247.png (3.31 KB, 279x69, remus caption.png)

and the caption for this
>>404650 No. 405569
File: 1508355447282.png (579.82 KB, 502x560, csmcmaj.PNG)

>>404664Nah, not a dude.
You can also tell because if you scroll through their page they have an unhealthy obsession with traps and being a trap.
No. 407539
File: 1508680177646.jpeg (82.45 KB, 720x710, 813348D6-45B2-47F6-9713-0C86CC…)

Literally every time I see a picture of a cute girl with short hair, she’s either a fakeboi or identifies as some fake meme gender. I’ll never understand why they always feel like they have to identify themselves as anything but a girl. Like, they’d choose identifying as a fucking seahorse and take in all the hate and discrimination that follows as long as they can refer to themselves as something other than just a girl. If this trend keeps going at the rate it’s going then several years down the line, there won’t be such a thing as a teenage or twenty-something girl because they’ll all be trabsboys or memegenders. And it doesn’t appear as though anyone can stop it. The most lawmakers have been able to do is tell them they have to go into the girl’s bathroom instead of the boys’, and that took forever to push through. -sigh-
No. 407594
File: 1508689628282.jpeg (359.68 KB, 750x1004, B7FF9F8A-21C0-4C8C-8BD3-0DEC21…)

No. 407600
File: 1508689837729.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, CA3545C0-BEE5-463C-B45C-08D480…)

No. 407610
>>407539Its because all these girls want to shove themselves in the gay community and just being a cis white girl is no longer the standards for dumblr. You can't just be a supportee and like queer shit, you have to have queer be your lifestyle. And no this isn't the fault of gay men or lesbian women or even trans. It all started when people went from simply calling themselves androgynous (which I much more before) to changing their gender pronoun s completely.
The funniest part is any girl can live a normal as life being androgynous, some straight men find it very cute. But androgynous men are the ones who always have had it rough and I can see why some just rather transition to women. These fakebois have no excuse. Yes maybe society is still a little rough on women dressing in 'boyish' clothes but, if your cute enough no one will say shit.
No. 407662
>>407610A fucking men, especially about androgynous men, and the whole post in geuine.
Gr8 post m8, i r8 it 8 out of 8
No. 408123
File: 1508755219658.png (69.11 KB, 887x571, types_of_fakebois.PNG)

>>407610You're half right because a lot of these are fetishizing gay people, but most of it is because a lot of them straight out hate being female. I refer to this post capped from /g/.
No. 408126
>>4076021) We have a lot of weebs (lbr if you're socially retarded there's hardly anything else to do here but watching anime)
2) Most girl weebs everywhere love yaoi and a lot of them wish they could be kawaii yaoi bois from their precious animus
3) Being trans and genderspecial uwu is very "in" right now, tumblr is finally leaking to irl even here
t. nordic (not Norwegian tho)
No. 408153
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>>407602I was looking through their insta and they don't even seem to be norwegian. It's obvious that this was not written by someone who is fluent in the language.
But unrelated to this person, I do feel like I see a lot of norwegian nonbinary people (girls) online. I think it's as the other anon said, there's nothing else to do here kek.
No. 408198
>>408153oooohh she’s one of
those bahahaha. what do they call this, a norweeaboo? is that even a thing?
No. 408205
>>408123So all ftms who aren’t yaoi-loving fakebois were sexually assaulted and/or are attracted to women? Or am I retarded and read this wrong?
do have an ftm friend that’s bi-leaning straight but also a normalfag who hates anime and stays far away from anything LGBTQ related because she calls it cancerous. I do know that her father severely beat her almost every day for the first 19 years of her life. She swears that has nothing to do with being trans, just that she’s “dysphoric” about mentrual periods and her girl parts.
No. 408244
>>408205>So all ftms who aren’t yaoi-loving fakebois were sexually assaulted and/or are attracted to women? Or am I retarded and read this wrong?Yes. You're both retarded and reading it wrong. The reasons mentioned here are:
>Sexual abuse, internalized misogyny, lesbophobia, pressure from the society, gender stereotypes, no relatable peers from the same gender, sexual frustration, afraid of expressing female sexuality, attention whoring, etc. etc. It's missing the "Daddy issues" FTM though which I think your friend seems to represent.
No. 408653
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Is male
Nice cleavage
No. 408769
>>408733There are some anti-trans gay communities on the internet, I believe DataLounge is one of them. They pretty much chase ftms off the site.
Can’t say much for IRL support groups though. Transbians often dominate lesbian groups so it’s probably the same with gay groups. If you’re gay and need a support system without fakeboi interference, you’re probably better off seeking individual therapy and finding some gay friends to chill and bond with on the side. Individual therapy is better IMO if you can find a therapist who actually cares about you and isn’t an emotionless robot who sits there quietly and nods their head the whole time.
No. 409898
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remus has changed her name & thinks being an ugly dyke qualifies her to call herself "him"
No. 413167
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>>389498Wow such a BOY better respect those he/him pronouns!1!
But seriously fuck anyone who thinks this stupid bitch is actually trans. She just wants straight men to fap to her since “traps aren’t gay!!1” and femboys are the new meme amongst thirsty internet men these days. Notice how they all say “lol I love turning straight guys gay xDD” she’s doing it purely for male attraction. Because she is a slutty straight girl. Smh..
No. 416282
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when your disgustingly bright hair doesn't get you enough attention so you pretend to be nonbinary while exclusively presenting feminine :(
No. 422990
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Rope is at it again. This is supposed to be an alien inspired look…
No. 422991
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Somehow I’m not getting alien from this, I have no clue what to call it
No. 442295
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Girl, no
No. 443508
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The “mlm” tag on Tumblr is 90% cis girls who aren’t transitioning, yet claiming to be gay men. There’s a lot of cringeworthy posts there.
No. 443509
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>>443508No less male for having female anatomy, huh?
No. 446047
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Sausage fingers arnt Kawaii
This is Tommy
100% male
No. 446054
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No. 446396
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No. 446397
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Fakeboi going off on some chick
I have found new milk
No. 446398
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Gotta love the amount of fakebois in fairy kei
No. 446546
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reading this thread made me realize my 14 y/o sister is a fakeboi
what should i do?
No. 446564
>>446546monitor her internet use and block her from accessing tumblr, that should do it
>>443508more like 100%, i've never seen any actual gay guys using that tag. but i think it's interesting how tumblr hates "cishet" people so much, yet the only thing any fujoshi straight cis girl has to do to ~become~ a totally valid uwu gay guy is get a bad haircut and change her name to aeiydun. at least fujos admit to being disgusting fetishists most of the time, fakebois totally lack any self awareness
No. 446570
>>446546i think this may be a phase. lots of young girls nowadays participate in intense fandoms where everyone is shipped with everyone and there's graphic fanart of every character. most of them can't differentiate between wanting to fuck a character and wanting to
be them (especially the fakebois that "identify" as "gay"). most of them grow out of it. if you confront her or try to pry her apart from the stupid little charade, you may push her to be obstinate (because teenagers) and she may cling to this phase out of spite, making it permanent (i know a lot of people who are royally fucked right now because they made a point of doing the extreme opposite of everything they were told as teenagers).
i don't know if you have contact with any but maybe you can introduce her to actual, decent trans people who know what gender dysphoria is and act according to it, and know how painful the transition period/getting yourself accepted as trans is. you can also try to deprogram the tumblr level bullshit about gender she probably stuffed her head with and divert her to reading more serious academic content about it. that way even if she's actually trans she won't be the obnoxious sort which even the LGBT community gives the side-eye.
No. 446941
>>446740This is my biggest problem with it. Make a decision in adulthood, great (people often regret decisions made in their twenties, but you at least are 80-90% rational)
But no way should anyone be making life altering decisions in their teens or even pre-teens. The ones encouraging them are often the type of people that hate all youths and just want to see them suffer.
No. 447155
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Found one on FB. This fatty is TOTALLY a boi, u guys. "He" posts nonstop on FB about DON'T U DARE MISGENDER TRANS PEOPLE!!! "He" and his buddy posted caps from a girl who misgendered "him" and they ripped her apart, threatening to curb stomp her and kick her ass etc. When a few people stepped in and said hey maybe this isn't cool, they went full blown retard like MISGENDERING US IS WHAT GETS US TRANNIES KILLED!!11
Gotta love how fucking hostile these SJWs get even though they love to denounce violence! Guess it's okay if it's them doing it to someone else.
No. 447176
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The "boy" in question who was misgendered lol.
Why do these girls want to present completely feminine and then get pissed when people didn't realize their special snowflake pronouns?? I'm sick of this victim complex these losers have, get a fucking job and life like everyone else and then you won't have so much time to sit on tumblr pretending to be triggered at every little thing.
No. 447180
>>446396>>446397ugly pudgy fake boi as usual. They're always white girls who are bored by being straight, i swear.
Also, why post on a public fashion community and not want opinions? fuck off with that. These snowflakes won't survive long in the real world.
No. 447502
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No. 447622
Have an of you ever seen a fakeboi dating an actual cis guy? Because I swear to god I've never seen them in company of anyone other than girls and other fakebois.
>>447322tbh i think radfem manhating fakebois are more common than womanhating fakebois, or at least i've seen more of the former than the latter
No. 447650
>>447502Holy shit, lol.
There's no self-awareness with these types is there? "Phboia of vagnias??" Good lord, lol. They have no idea how homophobic they sound don't they?
No. 448540
>>276054Oh my lord, the worst transtrender (my new fave word now btw) I've ever known was someone I used to be best friends with in the 6th grade. We were friends for almost a decade and honestly I never burned a bridge so fast. This bitch would always go nuts over weird things. In the 6th grade, she wrote a story for our English class that was about myself and my little sister getting raped and dumped in a ditch, and she even used my family's real first and last names, and read it aloud to the whole class. A few years later, she sucker punched me in the nose in math class when I raised my hand to answer a question she wanted to. Also called a teacher out in class for "favoring me over her" when the fucking teacher was a pedo who tried to assault me multiple times. But for some reason my lonely kid ass stuck around with her for years after that. She fetishized the shit out of any Asian people we went to school with, and dumped me whenever she had a chance to befriend someone "cooler". Loved Tumblr, and after we both worked a job at a kitchen and she got fat and started looking like a boy, came out as "trans asexual femboy" or some shit. Last straw was when I found out she was into literal child porn and said she wished she had a little brother she could "teach to masturbate." I called her out on it and she proceeded to tell everyone she could and posted on her Tumblr blog that I was a homophobe, which seriously hurt my reputation in the town I live in, bc she was a "poor little misunderstood kid". But I still have screenies of her nudes she accidentally sent to me (that were meant for some boy she pegs) so if she ever does shit again I've got that bitch by her fakeboi balls.
No. 448868
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I’ve struck gold
No. 448869
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No. 448870
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No. 448934
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>>448869I don't know what it's cosplaying, but all I can see is a pig.
No. 449216
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i just dont get it when they present very feminine and then get triggered
No. 449351
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Profile reads: Viktor (he/him/it)
Mhmmm kay.
No. 449558
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>>449516they said lesbian, anon, not chicken nugget
No. 456104
>>382151Holy fuck me sideways, I know this titwaffle! So their online persona is like a complete 180 to how they deal with shit IRL.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 459184
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She was so cute too
No. 459780
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Meet Edward. A girl who can’t even do makeup
No. 459896
>>459314Ftms are girls who have had gender dysphoria since childhood and transition to male and stay that way the rest of their lives.
Fakebois were perfectly fine being girls up until they found out they could get more attention pretending to be boys, and usually don't transition, but if they do transition it's because they were pressured into it by internet gatekeepers and they end up regretting it after several years.
>>456104>I know this titwaffle! Tell us more, please anon. Is she as narcissistic offline as she is online?
No. 460239
>>459191Honestly, I think the reason that fakebois wear so many feminine things when trying to be male is because they don't want to be actual boys.
They come in two flavors:
>>448869>>447155>>447176They want to be kawaii anime yaoi uke boys, so they go out of their way to cultivate an androgynous, feminine look to match up with that. There are genres of yaoi that feature a lot of mtf crossdressing. Men in heels, maid outfits, panties, etc. They want to live out this feminized male fantasy.
That's another reason they adopt the "prince" moniker, a king is too masculine, a king is an old man with a Santa beard who starts wars, a prince is a youthful, fresh faced young man in a doublet who can still act like a bishounen (and can still be spoiled like a princess). They want to be feminized or men who are in someway stripped of heavy masculinity.
On the other hand:
>>459184>>449216 I think a lot of this OOT makeup and shit like that, comes from the "value" placed on feminine men/drag queens like Jeffree Star and drag queens. They are "fierce" and "break the rules" and get to "slay"/be beautiful/fabulous and oh-so-queer. They want to be that swishy little gay boy like Kurt on Glee or Jeffree Star because it's all the perks of male-ness without all the icky butch-y shit that can't be kawaii-fied (i.e. cute "boy" fashion including glittery bandages on the nose. It's indicative of a rowdy boy getting scraped up, but feminized to be cute and accessible for dress up) with the added bonus of the yaoi fantasy of being a gay boy.
Thing is, when queens and femmy gays do it, they still tend to have square jaws and other masculine features, so it does have a gender-bending effect that gets noticed, but a girl wearing makeup is still a girl wearing makeup, it will never be as "out there" and attention grabbing, no matter how much you insist you're "totally a boy in a dress with makeup lol" you're still a girl in a dress with makeup who just insists you aren't. You aren't breaking taboos, you're just trying to seem like it.
Sage for OT armchair-ing
No. 460381
>>459896For all the temper shit spouted online…no. Not really.
Ash is on T, I've heard the noticeable difference in the voice, at least but she's quiet as a fucking mouse. Even if misgendered. Always slouching in corners, and barely even memorable.
I remember an incident involving a stunt that always went to females because well…you be racked in the balls a hundred times a night see how you feel. It involved a long grey dress, Ash didn't make a fuss at all. Just quietly asked for something with pants. No explanation other than it'd be more comfortable.
Only hangs out with femmy gays and drag queens and other people liable to fawn over her BS so maybe she threw a fit about it later. Who knows, that place is a cesspit of drama.
But yeah that internet persona is legit just an internet tough guy facade. She's super insecure in person.
No. 460419
>>459780This could look so much better with a light lipstick.
Sometimes I think that many of these fakebois have a potential to be cute and gorgeous girls, but they need some pinterest reabilitation or something, cause as of now most of them are tacky af, even as guys.
No. 460535
>>460239quality post mr. Freud
that "king" bit is so fucking spot on, you could also add how they all call themselves boys instead of men
No. 460784
>>460535Also so many of them seem to trace back to the Homestuck fandom. I have no idea why but there was an explosion of "trans" boys coming from there.
One of my exes included. Who used to be a hard core lesbian but is now marrying a dude while…being a dude?
No. 460801
>>379103 and the replies that followed. She’s a bonafide fakeboi.
No. 460859
Okay so this is my first time seeing this thread and it actually makes me so happy to see other people so done with this type of shit.
Heres links to a quick two who come to my mind. Both friends, both Homestuckers (seriously why do they all love Homestuck), both "gay" (yknow like boys since…they are normal girls..) and both seem to be making less and less effort in keeping up the boy look lol.
Not hugely milky, but feel free to have a look about. Some of the musicallys are cringey as hell too No. 461281
>>460840Dunno I only worked there after the fakeboi shit started. I know she claims to be gay but is "dating" another transtrender.
Also, ironically, has whined about sexy "bikini" patreon cosplayers, while simultaneously posting nude and near nudes. Like it's only okay when SHE does it for attention.
Or she's jealous because she can't do it on patreon with a) no one being interested in a scrawny "guy" nudes or b) outing herself as a woman.
No. 462037
>>460859Posts pictures of boobs
Wants to be labeled as a man
No. 462077
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>>461781yeah I miss those times, now I only know Hikarin and Zeal who cosplay as men but still indentify as girls (I mean there obviously are others, but the two of them are particularly popular and have those animu boi looks fakebois desire). Hikarin seems to sometimes present herself as a guy privately. Don't fakebois know you can do that? You can mess around with your image, be fluid with expressing yourself. That doesn't change your gender.
Years ago it was emo, now it's trans. It's nothing but a trend. It will pass.
No. 462681
>>462340So when are the “actual ftm” going to do something? I haven’t seen any of them doing anything about fakebois other than whining about it on image boards (and a lot of the time those “ftms” turn out to be underage fakebois themselves).
There are a few ftm celebrities I have followed on social media who have gone through the transition process and seem like they legit want to be
men (not uke femboys) but I haven’t heard a peep out of them. Mtfs don’t touch on it either. Blaire and Theryn have said a ton of things about
nonbinary identities being bullshit but say nothing about (ftm)fakebois (Blaire seemingly has stopped talking about trans people in general and now only appears to care about white guilt and white people hate).
This is definitely an issue they should speak out against because within a few years we’re going to see a lot of angry or even suicidal women who regretted their transition. It already happened before the transtrend so imagine what it’s going to be like after the ftm surge.
No. 462774
>>462681The toxic culture on Tumblr essentially prevents that. If you speak out you're a bigot and a hater and will be doxxed and harassed to fuck and back.
They're essentially the other end of the spectrum from gamergate. But, ya know, for a "righteous" cause. Most actual ftm probably don't want the fight because of that.
And really it's no one's fault but the fakebois when they fuck their bodies up and eventually regret it. They're the ones who gamed the system to get what they thought he wanted.
No. 462852
>>462839They have guides on Tumblr for legit gaming the system to get T. Because the system in place is "transphobic" for requiring a bunch of things (like living and presenting as the preferred gender for a year) to make absolutely sure you want to chemically and surgically alter your body for life.
I'm not gonna blame anyone else for them lying to get what they want. Sure some are young but the ones over 18? Fuck 'em. They made the choice. Not the doctors, not the parents, not the actual ftm. Because they wanted more than anything to be something other than a "boring" straight, white girl.
No. 462945
>>462865Yep this. I was shocked and confused after hearing Milo Stewart was on T because she’s a textbook fake, but apparently all she had to do was sign an agreement that she’s okay with the side effects and then walked out the door with a prescription.
Also where are these “guides” for cheating the system that people talk about in these threads? Google brought up nothing.
No. 463112
>>463104If they see a vagina on a man or a penis on a woman they’re gonna know what the birth gender is, anon.
After all the sex organs have been removed their natal sex doesn’t matter, either.
No. 463129
>>463083>Acceptance therapy doesn’t workHow do you think anorexics get help? Should they just keep starving themselves until they die from now on? Or how about someone with BPD who is a terrible person? Should we tell people to just accept any and all abuse from them from now on? Teaching them to change their behavior and accept themselves for who they are would sure as hell help a lot more than forcing everyone else to accept their delusions and making them spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery (or worse, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on their cosmetic surgery).
>Every major psychological organization says transitioning is the best and only option to treat gender dysphoriaAgain, they don't care about anyone's well being, they just care about money. Capitalism 101.
But if you're so against therapy, maybe we should just purge them. Specifically MTFs, they're nothing but a burden.
No. 463133
>>463129>anorexia>bpd>entirely different mental illnesses from gender dysphoria that have no relation to each otherkek, retard
Trans politics were banned from this thread, take it to /ot/
No. 463142
>>463137Gender dysphoria is neither a personality disorder nor an eating disorder you fucking retard.
Different types of mental illnesses require different treatments.
No. 463165
>>462945And now she has stopped T after backtracking on "I am the most asexual trans snowflake." Oh, and apparently she has never had an orgasm.
If she didn't have dysphoria before she started T, she probably does now with the permanent changes it has wrought.
No. 463207
>>463170Anorexia isn’t just about wanting to be thin. It’s far more complicated than that. A lot of the time it has nothing to do with body image and more about self harm/wanting to be in control of something. Also, the symptoms are completely different. Gender dysphoria has nothing to do with food or weight control. Anorexia has nothing to do with gender identity. Getting plastic surgery on your junk has health risks like any type of surgery, but it involves being monitored by a doctor and isn’t nearly as dangerous as having a BMI of 12.
I’m not even sure why you’re bringing BPD into this because BPD has absolutely nothing in common with gender dysphoria other than both being mental illnesses. BPD is a personality disorder, with symptoms and needs that are far different from someone with gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria within itself doesn’t have any disordered personality traits, these people just want to alter their bodies and move on with their lives. Some trans people have PD’s but they’re not treated the same way, just like giving a depressed person antidepressants won’t cure their diabetes.
There are different types and classes of mental illness, and thus different treatments.
We treat schizophrenia with antipsychotics but we don’t give antipsychotics to people with phobias. They get exposure therapy.
And this doesn’t just apply to mental illness, but physical illness as well. Multiple sclerosis and eczema are both autoimmune diseases but that doesn’t mean they’re treated the same way. Even different types of cancer involve different treatments, despite the fact that they’re all cancer.
I feel like I’m talking to a brain-deficient 14-year-old right now.
No. 465255
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>>463170you know i kind of agree with you. i have seen too many cases of transitioning not 'curing' the person at all. being physically male doesn't satisfy them, they need to have some body type they idolize. the issue goes much deeper than gender dysphoria
No. 465322
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Wants to be a "male boudoir cosplay model" while being obviously biologically female. Likes to walk around the convention floor nearly shirtless, then goes on social media rants about "transphobia" when she gets asked by con staff to cover up her cleavage. She's constantly posting pics of her bare tits on social media, getting her posts flagged and taken down, and then going on sjw rants.
No. 465329
File: 1515451271327.png (767.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6186.PNG)

Transtrender "cosplayer" and "makeup artist". She's changed her name and pronouns three times in the time I've been aware of her (under a year). Apparently on testosterone to look more masculine, but then she ruins any masculinity by dying her hair flashy colors and wearing fuckloads of makeup. Throws an absolute bitchfit when she ventures into the real world and people think that she's a girl.
No. 465331
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This fakeboi has apparently legally changed her name/gender. Uses "I'm legally male!" to win arguements. However, she still dresses like a girl 99% of the time. I honestly think she did the name change for attention.
No. 465346
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>>464766She's sew masc guys!
No. 465357
>>465352I beg to differ, knowing multiple trans people in various industries.
Of course none of them dress Fairy Kei or insist on being called Brian while still sporting a full set of D cups.
No. 1734744
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>>1734738weak female detected
No. 1734895
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>>1734738>I love coming back & reading about how fake i amTotally what a secure and confident person does, though it's good that you want to read the truth. And getting her vagina out for a few dollars is totally what a true and honest man does. A Harry Potter fangirl to top it off. Weak female detected indeed.