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No. 1856992

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

Old threads by order of recency:

No. 1857092

does anyone have the tif chart? types of tifs?

No. 1857096

File: 1688318235277.png (367.04 KB, 2720x2720, A1F36080-7924-4CE6-BC3F-315785…)

This one?

No. 1857098

yes, thank you.

No. 1857114

Chaotic enby will invariably either date the rare lesbian neutral enby or the weirdest looking MtF you've ever seen.

No. 1857115

Shed a tear every time for how immaculate this image is

No. 1857133

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No. 1857235

This one is bad

No. 1857240

I don't know man, I've met a Bentley before

No. 1857341

Sageblog, but YouTube recommended to me an art haul with a TIF and the way she acts is quite obvious she's young and autistic to use male pronouns on herself.

No. 1857355

File: 1688364540431.jpg (154.12 KB, 1280x1006, 2022-06-18 17-29-15.JPG)

I have this one but I think it was made by a bitter true trans tif because it refers to one of the girls as "he"

No. 1857358

File: 1688364982646.jpg (747.54 KB, 1080x1180, Screenshot_2023-07-03-09-01-42…)

Armchairing rn, but I think this tif has a sexual trauma. Like why would she draw every character lusting after her? Poor girl. Sometimes you look at the stuff tifs draw and can immediately say what pushed them into troonhood.

No. 1857359

File: 1688365081241.jpg (1.28 MB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_2023-07-03-09-19-39…)

Nevermind, she just wanted attention

No. 1857368

I think it's pretty accurate. I've met at least 4 of them in art school

No. 1857394

I find it very hard not to a-log about the artist and her persecution fetish, so I'm just going to say I find it very amusing how feminine she drew Buck Angel, kek.

No. 1857401

Put down the fucking phone girl. That's every single one of your problems solved.

No. 1857438

Right? She's making this huge deal out of it and because of what? Someone on Twitter was mean. "b-b-but I'm 16 and twans and gay" oh fuck off. I was getting gaybashed at 16 because I'm an actual homosexual. You're a straight girl who can identify out of "oppression" whenever you want. Also, why does the army of twitter nazis have erections? I just can't stop looking at them and wanting to know what on earth was going through her head when she drew that.

No. 1857458

nope, it's good. don't be bitter

No. 1857473

The "what about me" theme and the art style made me think in that infamous TIM that believes he's a Trans Latina woman antifa and communist.

No. 1857498

Kek almost everyone on her drawing has an erection (to show that everyone who opposes trannies secretly wants to fuck them I guess).

No. 1857556

Any info on Kalvin detransing? Some people posted in here already detransed and I didn't see it being mentioned.(read the rules)

No. 1857570

thats some subtle racism of the black kid filming with his phone, good thing the noose restrained her from drawing him saying "Worldstar"

No. 1857578


It's either sexual trauma or wishful thinking. I'm going for the latter.

No. 1857585

Genuine question: how is it racist? I'm not trying to bait, I just thought she was hypocritically satirising other zoomers for being tech addicts. Definitely a token character though.

Agreed. People in this thread jump to assuming CSA a lot when it's just TIFs being mentally ill and borderline coomers. Women that have been through the trauma of SA tend to create art that is genuinely unnerving. Not dumb "woe is me" shit where Uncle Sam is literally stabbing them, kek.

No. 1857680

What's it called when someone is a cross between Maxwell and Manslaughter? yes, i know someone like this

No. 1857688

File: 1688423695582.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1823, IMG_4968.jpeg)

wear a pad sis jfc

No. 1857770

maxslaughter? slaughterwell? manwell? take your pick

No. 1857774

File: 1688432039460.jpeg (232.6 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_6440.jpeg)

>I now know I’m a boy
>anyway I’ll be hacking off my tits in less than a month now

No. 1857775

File: 1688432120330.jpeg (218.83 KB, 1125x1023, IMG_6439.jpeg)

Also the response from someone asking how to figure out your gender
>just smile and bee urself

No. 1857777

File: 1688432207149.png (242.57 KB, 598x579, yorkecell on Twitter.png)

Now people are calling Woodstock as TIF when the character has always been a male bird.

No. 1857802

For a lot of these recent transitioners especially they/thems it feels like they don't really care about being men and it's more about not having boobs and not being adults.

No. 1857807

And most of them act exactly like TIMs being "girly girls" when women have their own personality. Is always a "the grass is always greener on the other side" situation, except boys are not "smol and soft ukes" like they portrait. They can be rude and strong af and wouldn't care about yourself.

No. 1857818

Uh okay then

No. 1857848

A facebook boomer art with a cutesy animeish zoomer style
So dramatic.

No. 1857872

Yeah originally he was supposed to be Snoopy's female secretary but changed to a male and named Woodstock. It's not even the same character, but of course TRAs will cling to any semblance of legit twans history. It doesn't exist, Tiffany. Modern trannyism/kweer culture is a recent construct no matter how hard you claim "he/him lesbians" and whatnot truly existed before tumblr.

No. 1857897

"But in Norway and Finland is a fe-" not the same character!

No. 1857904

Finnish doesn't have gendered pronouns so if the writer didn't include a storyline where the bird's sex is deliberately stated it wouldn't necessarily even be revealed. He's named Kaustinen in the Finnish version btw.

No. 1857917

wdym? all the mean people are white and she obviously added the black kid to show that she cares about racism because right after ""trans rights"" are restricted, it will be those of black people(according to her).

how does any of this relate to gender..? she'll understand if she's a boy or a girl depending on her core values and hobbies? this is getting increasingly stupid

No. 1857946

Maybe off topic, but does anyone else enjoy watching blood gush out of you on your heaviest day while taking a shower? It's cool seeing so much blood, watching the water turn shades of red and pink, but feeling no pain from an injury. Idk why TiFs want to turn menstruation blood into something manly, a moid only sees that much gushing blood when he's getting killed or killing.

No. 1857985

Kek I thought I was the only one

No. 1858007

>>1857358 boo fucking hoo. They always act like they're being rounded in a concentration camp just one day from their execution date while they have access to the internet and are able draw the whiniest "vent art" or the most ridiculous navel-gazing "gender identity journey comics" presumably from the comfort of their residence
>>1857946 if only it didn't come with clumps and whole bits of uterine lining at the heaviest days

No. 1858026

"So you're actually grooming kids"
"Yes :)"

No. 1858041

Just wait 'til she has the titchop. She's not dysphoric to start with and clearly is perfectly happy to dress like most other slightly alt zoomer girls. I should feel bad about her impending meltdown but… meh. Fuck around and find out.

No. 1858046

>a boy
>nonbinary he/they

the jokes write themselves

No. 1858098

File: 1688489413416.jpg (215.8 KB, 1080x1043, Screenshot_20230704_124941.jpg)

I know is ragebait but come on… Is a fucking BIRD!

No. 1858105

>That much text in what is effectivelly a political cartoon
>Weirdly sexual imagery
Troon Ben Garrison maybe even worse because at least when Ben draws identifiable real people he just writes their names on their arms instead of writing a whole blurb to explain exactly why they are being included and what his opinion on them is

She forgot to include and explanatory blurb for uncle Sam the mysterious old guy with the top hat and a cross on his vest stabbing her on the back. How am I gonna be able to interpret his role in the cartoon without a blurb telling me her opinion on him??

No. 1858239

Is the redhead with the flashlight supposed to be Rowling?

No. 1858245

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To any browsing ftms:
Respect yourself, pull your head out of your ass, and stop letting actual predators fuck just because you feel validated by them pretending they see you as anything other than a woman

No. 1858272

lul he's not wrong. A lot of them have low self esteem and are looking for someone to validate them. FTMs stay losing

No. 1858337

>Woodstock with top surgery scars
It's a bird. They don't even have mammary glands to begin with.

No. 1858343

Amazing, it's got all the melodrama of teenage vent art, but all the confused symbolism of a political cartoon. It's appropriate that the blood is pouring out of her phone. It basically implies that it's all paranoid delusions she's getting from reading online fearmongering. This is not what people are like in real life. The reality is that most people don't give a shit either way.

No. 1858513

No. 1858580

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same energy (all twitter users should kill themselves)(alogging)

No. 1858601

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No. 1858721

File: 1688578616862.png (271.72 KB, 634x527, KEK1.png)

This always reminds me of pic related

No. 1858730

girlypop that boy is with you only because you’re a woman, God the internalized misogyny, the fuck happened in that generation of women

No. 1858741

Why do they switch to "himself" like mid way?

No. 1858757

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No. 1858765

Usually I ignore these threads but scrolling past and saw the image pic of no1curr combined with "thread #36" made me laugh my ass off. Well done.

No. 1858780

Imagine getting a double mastectomy having little to no understanding of the procedure

No. 1858786


>but we’re not mutilating ourselves stop saying that!

No. 1858916

Weirder than that, shes talking about the tape she binds her chest with so she hasn't had surgery she just ripped her nipple off with some tape by herself

No. 1859015

"trans tape" is just KT tape but rebranded as a strapless form of chest binding marketed towards tiffanies. surprise surprise doesn't do shit and shouldn't be used as a compressor on the chest to begin with. it's even more harmful than normal binding

No. 1859047

What gang? Also that second person looks like a mother judging by the toddler in her profile pic

No. 1859083

i like to act hyper-aggressive and argumentative with tifs online, while also talking about how awesome women are. i love to talk about how women are better than men when a tif is sperging about some video game character in a discord server i'm in. i love to make a tif back down from a fight in the comment section, while loudly displaying my femaleness. i feel like it's an extra slap in the face to their highly insecure brains. am i a jerk?(not your personal blog)

No. 1859114

Why the fuck would you tape your nipples

No. 1859165

File: 1688632605940.jpeg (509.87 KB, 1242x1208, IMG_2082.jpeg)

Stumbled upon a random old Reddit post and this exchange made me kek. Imagine complaining about gay men being “v-phobic”.

No. 1859195


Ripped her nipple off with tape? Are her nipples made of paper?

No. 1859202

File: 1688646485138.png (191.29 KB, 1307x781, Screen Shot 2023-07-06 at 14.2…)

bet that will go well kek

No. 1859205

it was a fb post about wanting a gang of women to get together with to be feral with

No. 1859206

Its really does just come down to "I don't wanna wear make up or shave my legs so I must larp being a man to justify me not performing those tasks anymore"

No. 1859250

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What does this even mean?

No. 1859251

That plus never really befriending a gay dude. Does she really think gay guys entertain hetero bullshit when they're looking for a hookup lmao

No. 1859258

>does a bunch of stereotypical shit because she's a straight woman who has no idea what gay men are like
>trying to be some hypersexual party boy trope
>I hope my introduction to "gay sex" will be gentle
I wonder if straight men cruise gay spaces to find delusional TIFs to manipulate and abuse.

No. 1859259

No. 1859276

It’s probably a reference to that TikTok joke that goes “My pronouns are ‘he’ but not ‘him’, because I’ll never be him.” Him being some man they look up to.

No. 1859285

all true, I've heard sveral detrans ftmtf admit they let guys do whatever to them just for "gay" validation. all those guys knew what they were doing.

No. 1859286

I hope somenona is bookmarking and updating us on girls like her, I wanna see the future trainwreck

No. 1859287

because everytime we try to warn trannies about the risks of these procedures, how srs surgeons are often dangerous narcs who don't care about their well-being, we are brushed off as radicals, TERF nazis (or whatever buzzword is trendy and hip).

Then a week later they vent about their complications then proceed to get gaslit by the T cult on how its not a big deal.

No. 1859292

There's a lot of excuses in that Homophobia.

No. 1859296

Fuck off back to tiktok

No. 1859363

This isn’t a surprise at all. considering the fact that the vast majority of TIFs are victims of CSA and/or SA and coupled with the fact that they’ve usually be groomed with porn and gross fetishes online, you’ve got hypersexual traumatized women looking to self harm and also engaging in their gross yaoi mpreg fanfics. Moids don’t care so long as they get laid

No. 1859374

>has impregnation fetish
>uses makeup to fake facial hair
>wears skirts

why are they like this

No. 1859378

when was this one made? you get cancelled for transphobia and misandry on tiktok if you make the slightest reference to men oppressing women

No. 1859384

During the mastectomy they usually have to cut the nipple off (due to how much skin needs to be removed), they then sew it on top of the newly flat chest. Sometimes the stitching doesn't take and it just falls off.

No. 1859385

You can do all that as a str8 woman. Probably shouldn't do some of it, but you could.

No. 1859397

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This woman is 31

No. 1859398

Looks special needs. hard to be too judgemental.

No. 1859399

Midlife crisis

No. 1859443

Keep up the good work nona

No. 1859445

I'm just a gay lil guy! I'm gonna do all the things that I want to as a woman while ignoring the expectations society and my boyfriend. That means I'm a boi!!!
Can retardation of this level even be helped

No. 1859533

begone tranny janny(take it to meta)

No. 1859548

>>1859202 retardation aside, the whole things sounds extremely girly no moid speak like this not even the average woman kek. Good for her breaking up, though, but larping as a moid and adding more of them in her life will only make it worse.

No. 1859576

Anecdotally, I've heard about straight guys going to gay bars to try to pick up fag hags even before gaydens really started making a nuisance of themselves off tumblr. Would not at all surprise me if the exact same dudes pretend to be gay now to pick up delusional tifs

No. 1859587

Speech bubbles are copypasted but okay

No. 1859589

But those fag hags know they are straight women and not tiffanies

No. 1859624

This sounds like a troll tbh.

No. 1859790

That's an actual male.

No. 1859793

File: 1688747596943.png (170.7 KB, 1435x711, Screenshot 35.png)

>This sounds like a troll tbh.
You'd think so, but I looked up her account and looks to be genuine.

No. 1859817

That’s honestly one of the reasons it reminds me so much of anorexia. The same kind of thing taken out in a different way.

No. 1859818

I literally cannot believe we’ve circled back around to this level of homophobia.

No. 1859819

Can we stop this? The term should be reserved for people 45 and up.

No. 1859847

Thats a shortcut way to tell actual males. Actual females popularized the meme "call me she, but i'll never be her"

No. 1859913

This girl should've been sent this screenshot >>1859165 LMAO

No. 1859915

I was about to say the same thing. Like where does anon live that 31 is the middle of a person's life? Medieval France?

No. 1859917

No. 1859940

These all sound so fake

No. 1860011

based nonna

No. 1860027

Slight rant. Been watching random discussions and videos and stuff about women in media cos I've been looking into the topic and even in random normie non political ones, the tranny shit is so pervasive. Like its an involuntary knee jerk reaction, someone just has to interrupt it, or interrupting themselves even, with the "tranz rightz btw! Being a wahmen is more than your characteristics! But also, trans identified women are definitely not women!" The non trans ones will add "but as a lowly 'cis' person I am not trying to assert my opinion, I'm relaying this message for my tranny overlords." But it's saddest when it's an aiden bending over backwards for troids because the troids would never, ever do the same for them. Apart from the feeling of being picked as the ultimate nlog handmaiden, what do they even gain from that? Damn, handm-Aidens.

No. 1860040

It's too young for midlife but too old for quarter life. Third of life crisis?

No. 1860062

All tifs are constantly in a life crisis until they 41%

No. 1860070

File: 1688791933730.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 1170x2004, 62401388-394C-4767-B932-C03C12…)

Sounds like internalized misogyny to me

No. 1860073

what the fuck is zoomer fashion? this fucking dweeb with broccoli hair and smeared eyeliner freckles and eyebrows drawn on in magic marker

No. 1860086

the uneven fake eyebrows and hideous drawn on freckles really sell that you're trans"masc", aiden

No. 1860097

>i want to be unreadable
with the broccoli hair and tryhard shit-flecked makeup everyone is gonna clock you as a genderspecial girl from a mile away lmao

No. 1860098

>nonbinary as hell
>100% a boy

make that make sense(learn to sage)

No. 1860117

Its true zoomers imitate lolita and rockstar wigs by having split color hair but that green/green combo kek

No. 1860118

I do that with tims, they seethe to equal intensity. No, you aren't.

No. 1860141

Just hit me that this group loves gender reveals as much as new moms, just for themselves instead of a child because they see themselves as the child

No. 1860161

So she wants to be an uke?

No. 1860195

On the surface level timmy troids would play inclusive but behind their backs they see them as another annoying attention seeking womanoid because they dont even see themselves as women in the first place, and are probably trannymaxxing incels.

No. 1860201

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No. 1860263

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No. 1860313

It's almost always just a woman who just doesn't want to be sexualised by creeps for being feminine, so she attempts to circumvent it in some way with a deep voice or zipper tits, sometimes even by spooning out the vag. I will always have a hard time to not feel bad for these girls after knowing one who dressed masc for years, got the ultimate surgery and started wearing dresses immediately after it. Ofc most also seem to enjoy being quirky and have big nlog vibes but there's so much pain behind it too.

No. 1860330

Trying to become Deku?

No. 1860351

>I'd be so pretty as a girl but I myself am stopping myself from this
Poor you!

No. 1860410

That's not dysphoria, it's an unchecked ego, kek.

No. 1860433

>It's almost always just a woman who just doesn't want to be sexualised by creeps for being feminine, so she attempts to circumvent it in some way with a deep voice or zipper tits, sometimes even by spooning out the vag.
They don't understand men sexualize everything about women. There is some moid right now who lied his way into tif/nb discords so he could get pics of their chests after their mastectomies so he could jerk off to them.

No. 1860524

Not trying to defend TiFs but at least the majority of moids (the straighties) won't sexualise them since they won't be recognised as women anymore. There will always be a pair of creeps though, it's sad you can't escape the sexualisation panopticum if you're alive.

No. 1860575

someone needs to make a version for lesbians and post it on a lesbian subreddit then watch the seethe. something like:

Broke up with my first ever bf as a cis women after 10y of relationship,
today I finally assumed I'm a lesbian and it feels awesome
I finally assumed what I am: a gay little butch. No need to fake being a feminine lady anymore. No need to shave my legs while I think they look better with hair, no need to wear make-up to please my bf, no need to wear feminine outfit, no need to have sex as a straight women anymore… I can finally be myself!
I'm so happy. Starting today I'm going to be the little dominant butch I wanted to be since so long. I'm going to enjoy my 20s as a lesbian. I'm going to wear male outfit I actually like, I'm going to cut my hair, I'm going to flirt with women, I'm going to stop watching porn (was forced to imitate porn in my relationship) because that's what I fucking like omg!
I'm so excited and scared at the same time. I hope flirting with women won't be a disastrous experience, I hope I'll found someone who loves me the way I am, I hope my introduction to "lesbian sex"
will be gentle…
I'm not used to this community, but starting today I am with you all girls

No. 1860576

>if you're alive
bold of you to assume death is an escape

No. 1860593

>an enby twink, have a deep voice and be able to express my feminity without an uncomfortable feeling

All these words to say she wants to be a tomboy.

No. 1860595

>but at least the majority of moids (the straighties) won't sexualise them since they won't be recognised as women anymore.
moids will sexualize a chicken sandwich, there is nothing a woman can do to opt out of being sexualized or sexually harassed

No. 1860614

Why would that make them seethe?(Sage goes in the email field)

No. 1860623

This post doesn't really make any sense, gonna be honest.

No. 1860647

kek also she's often wearing revealing outfits, there's nothing confusing and unreadable about her body (and face) to other people

>at least the majority of moids (the straighties) won't sexualise them since they won't be recognised as women anymore
uh maybe that would be true if most TIFs looked like buck angel but they don't, and we all know short hair and baggy clothes won't protect women

this, hopefully some of them would realize how ridiculous it is to convince yourself that you're a man just to stop shaving jfc

No. 1860724

Who the hell is genuinely recognizing them as men, anon? Without their pronoun pins, they're just chicks with pixie cuts and loose clothes as far as anyone else can tell.

No. 1860726

Oh hey, it's broccoli-chan again. Honestly, I love TiFs like this, not only because they're fun to ridicule, but also because they male trutrans TiFs seethe.

No. 1860840

even if you're dead, honestly

No. 1860948


anecdotally pedophilic gays who used to hunt impressionable twinks are now chasing after tifs who look like literal 12 year old boys.

No. 1860987

File: 1688922578644.png (683.04 KB, 1129x1251, Screen Shot 2023-07-09 at 19.0…)

another one, cool makeup bro

No. 1861013

This isn't milk, but your trutrans cope is.

No. 1861056

File: 1688930668645.jpg (Spoiler Image,258.5 KB, 1034x1505, smoocheys on Twitter.jpg)

Used to feel bad for tifs mutilating their bodies, but when women suffer from FGM and get bullied into labiaplasties and tiffanies pull shit like this, I think they actually deserve what's coming for them

No. 1861067

What woman would even say that about her genitals unless a moid told her

No. 1861180

I'm talking more about the Buck Angel types who can pass as male to a normie. But she did porn and sexualised herself though
A very self-hating straight as a ruler TIF with huge porn brainrot (where she got the idea of a "perfect vagina") would.

No. 1861247

I feel the same also with TIMs telling to FGM victims "God I wish that were me" or something when FGM victims tell them that identifying as man didn't save them as kids.

And in all seriousness, what is a "perfect vagina" anyway?

No. 1861252

>what is a "perfect vagina" anyway
Since porn is made for moids by moids it represents what moids like the most and that'd be a vagina which resembles the vagina of a prepubescent girl. Think pink, bald, tight, etc. Moids are pedos and that's a well known fact.

No. 1861255

File: 1688948902647.png (39.6 KB, 603x380, Milan on Twitter.png)

>Porn drawing of a TIF
>"Is this the opposite of Futa"?
>"Do not even use that! Is harmful even for TIMs".

Imagine being so triggered and asking to someone to "educate themselves" over fvcking porn and fetishes.(you can say "fuck" on here)

No. 1861542

Tims happily call themselves trap and futa. Handmaidens and handm-Aidens who defend tims are blissfully unaware how pornsick they are and don't need to be defended, they should defend themselves against tims instead

No. 1862010

File: 1689047574327.jpg (26.67 KB, 500x500, 7g87a84w0fl61.jpg)

Went through the top posts of all time on r/ftm and most of them are just sad but this made me kek. Imagine being this retarded


No. 1862026

Their gross roidclits aren't even big enough to penetrate a vagina kek

No. 1862219

Aidens and Tiffanies have no problem in calling themselves "faggot" or "fruity", but God forbid you call them "cuntboy" or "boypussy". >>1861056 is right.

No. 1862229

File: 1689089061733.png (303.07 KB, 584x601, tatts.png)

instantly clocked

No. 1862287

>"know theyself" in Greek
The jokes write themselves.

No. 1862423

File: 1689104672066.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20230711_153808_Twi…)

Can they leave gnc women alone. jesus christ

No. 1862442

How is this a phase??? Is this person saying the moment she did those sexed up magazine shots she was doomed to always be "sexy" if she was going to be an adult woman? Even though she came out after and said that THOSE pictures weren't her and were her being pressured into being and acting sexy as a woman and meanwhile THIS and the clothes she wore at the start of her career were more her style. How the fuck anyone who claims to be progressive about gender decides THIS is the phase is beyond me.
I hope she doesn't pull an Ellen Page and tif out from the pressure (Ellen is a femme who wanted to wear flats FFS). Women literally can't wear anything except pornier and pornier clothing as time goes on and even the most basic clothing is becoming "GNC" now. And of course GNC = get out you're not a woman anymore

No. 1862519

At least the tattoo is not in r/grssk

No. 1862523

File: 1689115048775.jpg (383.63 KB, 1080x2024, Screenshot_20230711_183830.jpg)

I was expecting a TIM for the lesbo but is an Aiden. Of course she's all about htr.

No. 1862678

98% of the replys are ultimately saying she's gonna end up trooning out because she's not dressed feminine enough…unironically the person who made this tweet liked a tweet that said " even allies lowkey act like trans people are naively attached to gender norms, too lost in the sauce to understand that boys can wear makeup and girls can play with trucks "…. doesn't this person see the hypocrisy in saying this shit and then liking this tweet …

No. 1862784

File: 1689150703088.jpg (414.39 KB, 1080x1909, Screenshot_20230712_103059_com…)

Lord help these girls

No. 1862791

How does this pedophile looking girl think she's comparable to yaoi semes

No. 1862792

I think we should encourage tif to occupy male spaces. Men dont give a shit about trannies bc it doesnt affect them, but I bet if they actually got indtruded on by girls claiming to be true and honest men they would feel differently. Men only care if something happens to them. I think we need to promote the usage of penis-haver, trans men are men, a penis doesnt make a man, pushing for a tif as man of the year, ask directors why they are being transphobic and not hiring tifs etc

No. 1862797

I don't get it, baggy clothes have been her shtick since she became popular, in fact her only "phase" would be the "I'm 19 now so I have to look sexy" which she already dropped.

No. 1862798

Damn what are those?!

No. 1862841

The issue is that men are a threat to women and may react violently… a tif in men's bathrooms is basically a woman alone among (potentially) several men in their spaces and that's actually dangerous anon.

No. 1862843

Being open about their underage gay porn addiction eventually leading them to transition isn't the flex they think it is, but I appreciate the honesty for peaking reasons kek

Would actually like to see statistics on how many troons, both male and female, have/had a porn addiction of some kind at an early age. It seems very common for both groups and I think it would be useful for people to know trans is often a result of porn addictions even if not every addict becomes trans.

No. 1862852

I agree. I remember looking for anime related journal articles when I was younger and a handful of them from the mid 2000s were navel gazing shit about the authors (tims IIRC) trooning out because of their obsession with playing visual novels.

Now that I think about it, most academic journos I’ve seen associated with the transgender movement are just the authors talking about themselves to validate the actions of themself and their friends.(Sage goes in the email field)

No. 1862872

>>If the wolf in sheep's clothing so easily dominates the sheep, why don't the sheep in wolves clothing simply go dominate the wolves?
Hope this analogy helps

No. 1862920

Getting a vulnerable tif alone in a cis moid space is actually dangerous like the nonas above said but
>penis-haver, trans men are men, a penis doesnt make a man, pushing for a tif as man of the year, ask directors why they are being transphobic and not hiring tifs etc
Based. Tifs always complain about "invisibility" on their reddit/tumblr spaces yet do nothing to make themselves actually visible (or if they do, they're always pandering to tims saying "transwomen have it worse we should celebrate girldick havers")

No. 1862953

The point is to make men feel uncomfortable and intruded on, tifs dont actually have to go into the bathrooms, just get them to whine and nag men about their rights to mens spaces.

No. 1862954

The only thing this bitch is breaking is a mf mirror from looking in it.

No. 1862968

File: 1689180077130.gif (1.24 MB, 257x200, 1505826510612.gif)

>men feeling uncomfortable

Unless is a fetish for them, is quite hard to make men feel uncomfortable in the way you mention. TIF might be annoying as fuck and all, but I don't want them to be in danger by doing that stupid shit.

No. 1863001

In a perfect world it would work, but men sincerely don’t care about the feelings of women, even if they are trans-identified. Men see these women as female, they laugh at the idea of girls trying to play at being men. I’ve used men’s restrooms before when the women’s line was too long, and most of them are like “that’s weird”, then go about their business. They truly don’t care. The only ones I’ve seen care at all are gay men when TiFs try to invade their spaces, but gay men aren’t usually the ones calling the shots in politics and things like that, so their opinions also don’t matter to the mainstream.

No. 1863024

Men literally use corrective rape on ftms and lesbians. Please don’t be so naive as to think men are physically afraid of women in any way whatsoever.

No. 1863033

I saw that and porn addiction aside, it's so sad and stupid that they don't realize yaoi is a fantasy made by and for women. They don't like it because it's "relatable mlm content", they like it because it's hot male characters with the thoughts and feelings of a woman.

No. 1863062

Men don't care about women's opinions. They only see other men as equal, and only a fellow male's opinion will annoy him.

No. 1863141

And then they have the nerve to say "yaoi was made by cis women for fetish us".

No. 1863144

Again, my point isnt to make men listen to tifs, its to make them fed up with trannyism that they dont experience themselves like we do, due to female trannies not intruding at all. And men absolutely hate women in their spaces, just look at how extremely angry men get when women play video games and how they rally together to push women out. Men would absolutely get mad and seethe if they suddently were called penis havers and told to make space for ftms.

No. 1863166

>celebrity switches up their outfits
>omgggg its a new phase you guys, and a tranny one at that!
Imagine being so invested in someone that you think their clothing is sending you secret messages, and the clothing is just baggy 2000s skater chick. Celebrifags stay losing

No. 1863262

File: 1689206437900.png (26.79 KB, 559x193, archon_of_flesh.png)

All these words to call herself "straight tomboy".

No. 1863513

File: 1689221706977.png (39.64 KB, 754x510, pornsick.PNG)

Personal cow of mine, trooned out semi-recently after her best friend (also FTM) died in a mass shooting. She tweets so obsessively and manically but also tries to convince herself what an intellectual she is, while also tweeting shit like picrel.

No. 1863530

FTM and mass shooting? Is it the POS who shot up a school in Tennessee?

No. 1863535

Most of them are socially inept irl and way too absorbed in their fictional media of choice, so I don't think they see the disconnect that how their favorite male characters behave isn't how actual moids who are not speaking from a script written by a woman behave

No. 1863539

kek no, the TiF was a victim of the LA club shooting.

No. 1863541

Is like Paris syndrome, but with moids.

No. 1863555

sorry if this has been posted before but does anyone know who this tif is? I can't find their tiktok or anything?
you can tell they're FTM because of the eyes. it's so easy to tell, even if they're roided out tf been on testosterone forever, can still see the woman's soul in their eyes.

No. 1863652

The more dumb shit she spews the less I'm convinced she's actually having sex, she's especially not attracted to women at all.

No. 1863662

File: 1689251544474.jpg (155.16 KB, 971x736, Untitled.jpg)

closest that tifs get to being male is thinking they're sexy and people want to fuck them even when they look repulsive

No. 1863678

Milo Stewart is still a thing? I thought she faded away in like 2017.

No. 1863680

She looks like the titan that ate eren's mom

No. 1863689

She looks like the most stereotypical autistic girl ever. Autistic people really do become victims to the trans cult easily and think they can become sexy and wanted by going that route after being bullied most of their childhood

No. 1863694

File: 1689259548703.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.89 KB, 1407x1318, F05LWeEagAEbq5B.jpg)

You dont say

No. 1863697

File: 1689260947785.png (Spoiler Image,3.44 MB, 2230x1556, babygirl.png)

ftm dogfucker sonny (emily) quincy(Spoiler NSFW)

No. 1863699

File: 1689261123487.jpeg (628.65 KB, 1170x1067, IMG_0139.jpeg)


Maybe because I’m an old head, but I remembered when sex toy ads were more discreet and it felt like there was some sensuality to them because of how they were marketed.

Nothing about pic related is sensual. Enbies and OF models have really taken the appeal away.

No. 1863707

This…feels like it could have it's own thread.

No. 1863712

woah what a throwback. she was like one of the pioneers of what the TQ movement is today

No. 1863720

File: 1689266379222.jpg (556.43 KB, 1080x1831, trandelion.jpg)

can anyone decipher what the fuck this means? how are dandelions "inherently transsexual"?? the art is made by a TIF obviously, but this is more delusional than usual TIF art imo

No. 1863722

they are all an invasive weed that gets a chokehold on native plant life and ultimately kills them all until only the weeds remain

No. 1863723

Is this milo?? Hoooooly shit kek

No. 1863728

She looks strung out and special, holy shit how could she look better 5 years ago and she still looked terrible then

No. 1863729

She's a straight woman, of course she's not going to have sex with women. She just call herself "gay" to feed her delusions while having sex with moids.

No. 1863730

they identify with a nuisance that destroys any place it touches? Sounds about right.

No. 1863736

Damn, I actually thought I heard she had detransitioned. Idk why, but I could never hate her even though she was always obnoxious in her videos.

No. 1863758

>calling tifs tomboys one moment, calls them "so girlish its so contradicting" the next. wtf.

No. 1863778

Aiden, are you not bored of trying to trip us up yet? It doesn't matter what that anon, or any other anons, call TIFs because, at the end of the day, they are all biological females running away from the truth. All troons are cringe, so they all get laughed at in equal measure.

No. 1863780

Not an aiden myself (am just a boring woman in troon words), but lots of us have just recently peaked. I'm trying to understand the rationale which groups of girls are the tomboys memed to troon and which are the girly girls sucked in to rogd because one clearly has more basis than the other.

No. 1863791

Fair enough. Sorry I called you a troon, quite a few hateread this thread and every once in a while they'll try to prove how they're true and honest boys. Honestly, there's not really any clear-cut types of troons, there's all sorts of reasons that contribute: autism, the feeling that being straight is "boring" and being a "queer" is cool, internalised homophobia, internalised misogyny, trauma, body issues, etc etc etc. As a rule of thumb, it's usually the lesbian/bisexuals who lean more towards women who troon out to try and escape genuine distress; especially if they're GNC. Typically it's the straight girls who get meme'd into ROGD, but some straight up admit they have no dysphoria. Those are the girls who troon out because they think being straight is boring. Sorry again if I came off like a bitch, not all of us are dumbasses like me. Don't worry if it's all a little confusing, we've all been newly peaked and it definitely takes some time to learn about this stuff.

No. 1863794

That's right. We are all human after all. Even some of us get frustrated for being mistaken for a tif the same way troons delusionally do when others identify them as their birth sex.

No. 1863862

File: 1689284269478.gif (4.84 MB, 640x508, IMG_2112.gif)

Don’t put the blame on meeee

No. 1863915

File: 1689291605432.jpg (178.21 KB, 1080x844, Screenshot_20230714_003205_Ope…)

>anime aimed at young girls that has a comedic cross dressing situation
>mc actually likes dressing in suits, like a lot of other women
>omg she's a tranny like meeee????

I'm actually confused how the very people who cry "destroy gender" are the people who believe skirts for girls and pants for boys harder than ANYONE except maybe religious conservatives. As cringe as Ouran is, leave women in suits alone. also Haruhi being able to kiss a girl cos of her cross dressing, and her reaction being happy not disgusted, pleasantly surprised 12 year old me who was already so used to seeing lgb in shows be a joke, fuck off with the tranny headcanons

No. 1863924

>this too shall pass tattoo

She was also very hated for it in like the 2010s, but yeah in the 2020s people like her are the standard for genderspecials. Complete 180. I havent thought about her since I first saw her in 2015 or something but this really made me think how pervasive this shit has become that people like milo are "accepted" now

I think the last sentence isn't related to the weed and more related to the "annoying and unkillable" thing. I'm inherently special and you boring cissies don't understand! They sure do love crying about killable they are though so which is it?

No. 1863932

Plantsperg but the transsexual thing is probably just referring to how dandelions are made up of hundreds of male and female flowers that will bloom sequentially which has nothing to do with being a tranny shockingly

No. 1863954

I interpreted it as “they physically change into something visually different but still ~*~beautiful~*~” or whatever. Everything can be a trans allegory when you’re into an egocentric cult like that, I guess.

No. 1863987

Well apparently Ouran is becoming talked about on tiktok. Of course the gendies on there are gonna salivate over a masculine dressing girl as twans. One of the gender cult's missions is to gentrify any gnc person or concept and insist it's totally about troons.

No. 1864021

File: 1689306000034.jpg (142.29 KB, 723x1439, c4d23dc94c57867f1190edf13a9ce2…)

Avril Lavigne was literally wearing ties and baggy clothes like this twenty years ago ffs. Is she an egg now, too?

No. 1864070

Milo is looking rough. Wtf happened.

Thank you for posting the worst thing I've seen all week. I hate it here.

No. 1864122

File: 1689333058087.jpeg (213.64 KB, 1170x1782, Fy2-36dWAAMkCZx.jpeg)

Nonas even though I hate this misogynistic trad girl picrel, something she implied about tit chopping is meant to de-sexualize broken women.

A tif i know is a chaste religious churchgirl/nun/"Madonna" before being a tif (from madonna-whore complex, she do having a huuuge one about it) that because of extreme chastity she decided to troon. And she still has conservative beliefs about sex as in the stereotypical "wait until marriage" kind.

Excluded the first pic for obvious reasons, this is the second one

No. 1864131

File: 1689334700854.png (Spoiler Image,485.27 KB, 453x689, 654654456465465.png)

Woman covered in self-harm scars get vagina-preserving meat sausage surgery. Legit horror level mutilation of a mental patient

No. 1864134

File: 1689334777506.png (Spoiler Image,717.07 KB, 678x588, 876888676878767.png)

No. 1864140

Wtf is the point
Women are getting spooned for emergencies like uterine cancer and this freak wants to keep her vag on top of getting a phallo? Is this… what "nonbinary" surgery entails?

No. 1864143

>Self harm scars covering arm
>Hysterectomy scar
>Fat removal scars
>Large necrodildo attached to skin
>Huge scarred rectangle on leg

No. 1864147

Why are ftm surgeries so like… gorey compared to mtf version

No. 1864150

This is terrifying

No. 1864152

At this point I don’t understand what TiFs want anymore with their surgeries, or how doctors can see someone like >>1864131 and be fine with doing more medical procedures on them. It just looks like an extreme level of self harm

No. 1864154

Both are quite horrifying, specially the rot pocket one, the difference in that the rot pocket doesn’t need extra tissue like the rot dog, so TiMs just chop their balls and dicks or invert them.

No. 1864155

To add to this I saw some Reddit posts with a TIF that is working on getting surgeries to desex their appearance - removing their nipples, getting a hysterectomy and having surgery on their crotch to remove everything except for their urethra opening. Kind of wish I took a screencap to remember who it was but all these surgeries are turning into Frankenstein shit that serves no purpose

No. 1864163

Kind of off-topic but there's a character in the horror movie American Mary that requests a similar procedure to be done on her because she doesn't want to be objectified by men.

No. 1864168

>these surgeries are turning into Frankenstein shit that serves no purpose
That's what they've always been.

No. 1864179

So she'll never again experience solo sexual pleasure…

No. 1864194

I don’t think she wants to anon

No. 1864234

Damn Shakira was right, hips really don't lie…

No. 1864235

Oye, So she wants to vastly increase her chances of early onset dementia(sage your shit)

No. 1864262

I got this and all the comments are "oh so me!", "I can relate" and "I knew I was transmasc when…". Girls, don't. Just… don't.

No. 1864264

Nonnie, you're talking with kids born in the '00, of course they haven't learn nothing about Avril Lavigne's tomboy phase.

No. 1864398

>desex their appearance
that's the purpose nona. maybe she was extremely sexually traumatised and wants to remove every reminder of that. to be a completely sexless being, unable to be sexually traumatised further (although she can still be penetrated, just not in the vagina and not resulting in an unwanted pregnancy).
not just your ordinary self-harm scars but quite deep self-harm scars.
and it looks like the site of the skin graft was covered in scars too. she's got a scarred neophallus now.

No. 1864479

so does it just hang there? it can’t get hard or anything, right? what the fuck is the point

No. 1864512

do tifs not know how uncanny it is to have a flesh toob just slapped onto their vag? setting aside that all bottom surgery is unfortunate mutilation, what purpose do these do? they can't get erect, can't shoot semen, can't use it for sex or get any pleasure out of it. is it just for the aesthetics? oh wait lemme guess because it's "affirming".

she smart enough to not have her vagina permanently sealed shut but stupid for everything else

No. 1864520

This looks like a cheap dildo that's barely even attached to her body. Who is this though?

No. 1864524

I’m wondering about the structural integrity of it. Is it only attached from the scars? Could you just kinda twist and rip it off?

No. 1864530

Some of them get testicle implants that you squeeze to inflate the neophallus. I wish I was kidding. Imagine your partner having to do that before sex, what a mood killer.

No. 1864533

Yeah if it's just pasted onto the mons pubis, any movement could make it… come loose, couldn't it? Especially if they try to penetrate with the gross thing but it seems most tifs are bottoms - and really, really want you to know about it. I was watching this insta reel of someone making good points about how LGB tops/bottoms are stereotyped as masculine/feminine and dom/sub, basically stereotyped as str8, and some str8 Tiffany commented omg you're totally right I'm a trans boi and it's sooo annoying to be stereotyped as an icky girl just cos I as a female like to bottom for males!!! Like shut up sis

No. 1864537

We can stop using the argument "poor tif sure is sexually traumatized and that's why she tries to desex her appearance" just no, damn, if she really wanted to desex her appearance they wouldn't choose to take T, put on a meat tube, grow a beard, put he/him in their bio, if they really wanted that they would just leave their crotch like a mannequin and try to look really androgynous. Sexual abuse is not a pretext for all the mess these women make to themselves, (a lot of women go through the same thing but we were smarter to deal with it) I can understand the hate that trauma creates but I just don't feel any kind of empty anymore for these women (fuck sage?)(okay but sage your shit)

No. 1864548

Would you say the same about women in porn? Just because there are a few women doing it because they can (empowerment/fetish/etc), doesn’t mean it isn’t a predatory system that targets the vulnerable. That’s why other women insist on remaining sympathetic, even if they made the choice it doesn’t mean they were in their right minds when they made it or that they weren’t taken advantage of. That said you don’t have to be sympathetic or welcoming, you can make your own choices.

No. 1864549

so like does it stand or do u forcepush it kek

No. 1864553

There was nothing on their account bio about trauma, they identified as male in their early teens, went on T and had their surgeries and now they want to be trans xegender or whatever word they used.

No. 1864570

the rectangle scar is where they took skin to make the frankendong(sage your shit)

No. 1864617

I think it goes beyond androgyny for them, they want to avoid being the object of attraction of an average straight moid (the majority of males) and an average straight moid probably won't be attracted to what looks like a man, a hairy, masculine scrote. That's why they need testosterone and beards.
And androgynous women are the object of attraction of some men, plus androgynous males can be read as "fags" and thus get in danger too. So they choose the gender that isn't sexualised the most and that is male (it's still sexualised by fringe groups like male homos but it's done discreetly and in their subcommunities only instead of literally everywhere.)
Also, that's not how you sage.

No. 1864638

This is so sad.. genital mutilation to this degree truly has no benefit and the people who do these kinds of surgeries are monsters.

No. 1864639

>fat removal scars
What are those?

No. 1864641

Inversion is a lot less complex than adding on an entirely new appendage that serves no purpose and is actually completely incapable of function. On top of that, you cannot transfer blood vessels,which the groin contains hundreds of. There is no way to have healthy blood supply to the fake organ, and they couldn't get the skin tissue from anyone else or donated from fresh bodies or whatever other morbid thing because it would rot off much faster unless they took immunosuppressants forever. This is butchering, they can't even 'live' for long without rotting off. Taking advantage of someone so mentally unhappy that they want a fake, non-validating, kind of crude approximation of an appendage that causes extreme trauma to their body with no payout is exploitation. They don't even try to advance it either, they sew a fleshsock under the mons and sends them on their way with a giant divot in their limb.

No. 1864646

What kind of psychopath surgeon would agree to do this? It's not even real surgery, it serves no purpose. This is experimental Frankenstein shit.

No. 1864647

File: 1689385917861.jpg (111.38 KB, 1170x1111, 1681189780436.jpg)

Maybe I'm sheltered but Jesus Christ, those are some of the worst SH scars I've ever seen. How craven and money-grubbing does a "surgeon" have to be to perform an experimental cosmetic surgery on someone so demonstrably mentally ill? The crotch-corndog isn't even the same color as the rest of her skin, so you know it's not getting proper circulation. Eugh.

No. 1864660

Someone who wants easy money.

No. 1864685

File: 1689392139865.png (1.11 MB, 1198x966, mentoillness.png)


No. 1864687

i know it's tongue in cheek but jeez

No. 1864691

im being charitable and assuming she didn't depict children engaging in sexual acts and theyre in fact meant to be adults bc jesus christ–

No. 1864693

They…are definitely meant to be children, the size of the monster versus the child and the general composition is even similar to pedo art that celebrities/rich people have on their walls so it's definitely meant to read that way
>You know what to do
Call the cops? Check your harddrive?

No. 1864696

File: 1689393252326.jpg (Spoiler Image,230.34 KB, 828x1792, FYvHlb7X0AEG6yg.jpg)

It reminds me very much of picrel. Imagine going to a therapist because you are mentally ill and you self harm and the "diagnosis" they come up with today is that you are in the wrong body, therefore self harm and to cure you, you need to self harm a little bit more and put a lump of meat onto your body. They won't even wait for your scars to be faded, no, it has to go fast, because it's easy money

I've seen way too many self harm scars in my life and these are worse than most. She seems to have an unlucky way of how her wounds heal and/or never has taken proper care of any of the wounds. I wonder how you get so far on the back of the arms.
It really feels like they are just cash cows doctors can exploit until they die or they truly believe that with these surgeries they can "save" the life of the patient, but I guess cash cow, for doctors, therapists and pharmaceutical companies.

No. 1864703

File: 1689394070200.png (12.11 KB, 101x93, Screenshot 2023-07-15 120926.p…)

She doesnt belong in hell
Why do I feel bad even in a drawing with a tra agenda

No. 1864735

OT, They call the surgery where they take all the vaginal insides out & sew it up (vaginectomy) “Jack-o-lanterning”…

No. 1864744

File: 1689401938590.png (83.54 KB, 961x426, Screenshot 2023-07-15 142049.p…)

Its an attack on us because she knows we would be seeing this

No. 1864746

File: 1689402673828.jpg (507.09 KB, 1080x1066, Screenshot_2023-07-15-09-02-15…)

Irl kikomi? Tif got so deep into troon cult she went full circle

No. 1864748

I know these are always such blackpills, but this one hits really hard. You can see all the self harm and how someone made her into their personal science experiment. Just dark and completely tragic.

No. 1864749

What gets me about these scarred tifs (and for some truly strange reason, it's always tifs who are covered in self-harm scars instead of tims, curious, makes you think, etc) is that the scars are always so fresh. Even thick keloid scars will become less angry-red and more faded in only a few yers. These scars are definitely less than 2 years old. Active self-harm to that degree usually is a counterindicator to elective surgeries. unless it's a literally life-saving skin-tube installation, I guess.

No. 1864751

File: 1689405430796.jpeg (80.76 KB, 1201x310, IMG_3754.jpeg)

This has been happening a lot lately, girls calling themselves "afab transfems" and claiming to be intersex in order to use that label

No. 1864754

The tranny cult is going insane and I'm here for it

No. 1864761

>if she really wanted to desex her appearance they wouldn't choose to take T, put on a meat tube, grow a beard, put he/him in their bio, if they really wanted that they would just leave their crotch like a mannequin and try to look really androgynous.
Not every TIF has been SA'd, but sexual violence and just plain objectification can fuck with your head in weird ways, idk why you're so confused about their behaviour not being logical bc illogical reactions to trauma are very common in general, see >>1864548

No. 1864772

>desex her appearance they wouldn't choose to take T
These were once the people who came to the logical conclusion that they are only 2 genders (before the insanity) and knew that you can't keep the cake and eat it at the same time

No. 1864775

It's the 4chan mentality where tims are sporadically appearing in every board. She sure is a chanfag

No. 1864817

Wow that’s so punk, what a protest
It sure scared me and your power over me being a bigot, art sis

No. 1864824

Last time I checked, at least in my country, if you want treatment for self-harm scars (and that paid by health insurance), you have to proof that they are old and you didn't relapse in recent time. So they mostly improve/treat your scars if they are nearly colourless. While when you are trans, you need two reports from a therapist and are good to go with every further step to destroy your body. And with some applications to your health insurance, most of it will be paid. I just don't understand the idea that someone who hates their body isn't mentally ill. If you self-harm there is something wrong with your brain and the cure isn't more self-harm, it's therapy, hard work and changing what is wrong with your brain.

No. 1864834

File: 1689426051761.jpg (169.2 KB, 1080x885, IMG_20230715_160002.jpg)

I feel like some of these girls are starting to grow up and want to go back to normal but don't want to lose the special nlog status

No. 1864840

>the username

No. 1864940

TRAs: We don't know where do conservative people think we are going to brainwash their children! We just want to live in peace!

Also TRAs: this pic.

Granted, it might be satire but the least you want to do is giving more (real) reasons to not trusting your collective.

No. 1864944

Some of these edgelords seem honest in their satan worshipping and pro-cp stances honestly, but at the same time they want to rile people up because they're edgy provokers larping as free minded thinkers at heart.

No. 1864958

File: 1689441856005.png (85.9 KB, 925x449, Screenshot 2023-07-16 012601.p…)

Found this

No. 1864964


>seething over a 10 yr old girl getting a haircut

What the fuck

No. 1864969

>refers to a 10 year old girl as masculine looking.
Fucked in the brain.

No. 1864970

File: 1689442901025.png (135.39 KB, 916x711, Screenshot 2023-07-16 014330.p…)

samefag, this is not the end yet. What phenomenon is this?

No. 1864973

Its just showing how both tifs and tims do it because misogyny. The tims hate women for the same reason! It's never men that make them irrationally jealous seething

No. 1864977

Tims get jealous of women for being women. But though for tifs this kind of behavior is not much talked about, like they get jealous of select women who are suppossedly more masculine with them it messes their delusional logic.

No. 1864981

The fuck is intersexism, are troons just mad that intersex people continue to not wanna be lumped in with them? Because no yeah, as the intersex people should

No. 1864984

You hear it, anons! Haircuts are only for men only! Besides, she's a 10 years old, grown the fuck up!

I look more like my dad than my mom. If that TIF see me IRL and starts to cry, I wouldn't help but laugh about it.

No. 1864986

File: 1689444599632.jpg (135.24 KB, 1039x316, the-fuck.jpg)

I thought she was 15-16, but 19.

No. 1864993

>I think short haired girls are more masculine than me, what do I do wahhh
You grow the fuck up. At 10, she's more mature than you.

No. 1864996

I'm also jealous of butch women, but in a way that I'm happy for them cos they're exactly my type and I wanna be like that too?

I thought intersexism was discrimination against intersex. So her saying that it's coming FROM other intereex >>1864751 sounds like they don't want her worming her way into their group, and she's crying about it

No. 1865011

I worked with a TIF who expressed envy at my masculine features and told me that I "emasculated" her because sometimes people would call me "sir" before realising I'm female. It's really fucking creepy and very hard to put up with in a professional setting, as my usual response would be "fuck off, tranny". Other butches I know also deal with this, either at work or in their extended friend group. It's like the TIFs feel screwed over by God that us lowly cis bitches got blessed with a good jawline, height, broad shoulders, etc as they feel that they, as true and honest men, deserve these features more. Either that or women like myself are "eggs" and should just troon out already.

No. 1865016

>more like my dad than my mom
But nona do you mean phenotypical traits or that the fact your dad is male?

No. 1865053

you are blessed with gigachad features, mogging TIFs is your birthright

No. 1865134

The TIMs will certainly dislike that. I can already see this coming:
I hope it'll peak the TIFs who expected their "trans sisters" to be supportive (kek).

No. 1865158

File: 1689463612786.jpg (101.81 KB, 1080x1087, 3d4558203078f17e13140ddd654bfb…)

More like I share more features from my father than my mother. Something this TIF would wish (Saw her pic and she's quite feminine looking).

No. 1865198

>I’m stealth irl

No. 1865219

This is unironically the next stage of trooning. There are so many FTMs that get their meds and surgeries but once they realize it’s not their cure-all they still want to identify with female culture (like the ones calling themselves trans butch) or move into a non-gender/xeno identities to separate themselves from the cis heterosexual. End-stage NLOGism.

No. 1865389

4chan troons definitely do be accusing ALL and ANY tifs being TERFs and "feminist wimmins"

No. 1865399

>Either that or women like myself are "eggs" and should just troon out already.
There is though a subset of TIFs who would oppose this want to gatekeep the tranny clinics only because they dont want to wish it on anyone except themselves, and this can accidentally pass off as being an "ally" to gender criticalism. In the end it is ultimate self serving Machiavellianism.

No. 1865431

File: 1689494768056.jpg (162.12 KB, 720x1001, Tumblr_l_57154419272205.jpg)

from homoidiotic on Tumblr, a blog that posts "historic" scans from trans themed magazines. it's interesting to see that boomer and gen x TIFs loved using gay slurs just as much as zoomer "mlms". that blog is a treasure trove of cringe btw

No. 1865433

File: 1689494820535.jpg (129.12 KB, 1080x639, Screenshot_20230716_025018_Tum…)

also kek at this admission

No. 1865586

It’s interesting to see that side of the transgender movement in contrast to the troons who want everyone to troon out. I just hate how extreme the latter are because sometimes I see points I agree with (like societal gender constructs being harmful to women because men, women treated like shit because of their weight or gncness or neurodivergency) and then it turns out the person saying it is a sheltered upper-middle class woman identifying as a man that’s eviscerated their body and completely out of touch with reality

No. 1865725

File: 1689528776002.png (2.35 MB, 2034x1132, Screenshot 2023-07-16 at 18.31…)

This girl got top surgery and then continues to dress in the most feminine fashion. It's so bizarre, now none of her clothes fit properly. It's funny to me how every basic alt girl is now "nonbinary" because they don't like pink or something. Girl you are more feminine than your average normie.

No. 1865732

File: 1689529227178.png (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 1136x1134, Screenshot 2023-07-16 at 18.23…)

Here's a picture of her before. She clearly has no dysphoria. It also seems like she decided on it on a whim. She got the surgery in October 2022 and first mentioned being nonbinary in June 2022. She'll definitely regret it, it's funny but sad

No. 1865767

Twitter report came back with "it doesn't break any rule, have you thought in just block them?".

Are you telling me that homophobia is ok when trannies do it, Twitter?

No. 1865915

I don't get why themlets don't just go for a reduction. she can still do the nonbinary grift but atleast the clothes she'd wear wouldn't look so off

No. 1865938

File: 1689544439208.jpg (152.96 KB, 1327x696, 20230716_165440.jpg)

I'm confused on what's being said here. did it take looking at TiMs for her to realize the internalized misogyny or???

No. 1865949

File: 1689546046701.png (21.07 KB, 1017x203, fandomsecrets.png)

How much do you want to bet this was written by a tif (in fandom secret about how now most of M/M fanfics are trans inclusive even if one has a vagina)

No. 1865955

File: 1689546415413.png (710.94 KB, 700x467, 5Gtq8gd.png)

No. 1865959

Oh noes! Het porn aka THE WORST THING EVER!!! God TIFs and fujos are both so fucking insufferable.

No. 1865972

File: 1689547692718.png (1.24 MB, 993x772, lol.png)

Tifs try not to be sexist challenge
Literally kek at this woman associating men with anger issues and hair and women with emotions and high pitched voices

No. 1865973

apparently seeing AGPs be AGPs makes TIFs virtue signal about being "proud to be women" kek

No. 1865978

This looks like an eight year old made it

No. 1865980

She's not wrong, though. It's annoying to have to filter out troon tags for literally every single ship on AO3 (including straight ones.) I don't want to read about PIV, it's not sexy to me. It's not unreasonable to be annoyed when it crops up untagged. Also she mentions f/f fics, and OP might not even be a troon. Why are you sperging about fujoshis?

No. 1865987

>less emotions
>more anger

No. 1865989

>She's not wrong, though.
Don't care fujo, no one's sperging but you. There's a reason you fujos only come in here to periodically defend TIFs kek(fujo sperg)

No. 1865995

File: 1689548945017.png (1.75 MB, 1414x738, tif.png)

She definitely draws herself like one. Tifs have an 8 year old's understanding of men me thinks

No. 1865999

NTA. How is that anon defending TiFs? >>1865955 reads to me like the person is sick of troon headcanons in literally every corner of fandoms. Anons here say the exact same thing all the time (aside from the bit where the OP tried to avoid TERF accusations by saying ~its totally fine when they're canon trans~).

No. 1866000

Who wants acne? Aren’t the men these tifs try to emulate mostly kpop guys?

No. 1866006

Anger isn't an emotion nona, because emotions are icky and stupid and vapid just like girls are, meanwhile anger is an honorary non emotion because males are allowed it. It's very progressive and brave, you see.

No. 1866010

File: 1689549862322.jpg (32.17 KB, 640x254, tumblr_834826981c8199b1ef7a6c8…)

Tifs come in two flavors
the ones who want to be pretty UwU softboys like their oppas and then

2. the ones who actually want to become picrel and embed all the worst parts of moids

No. 1866017

I don't care about "troon headcanons" but the psychology behind trooning itself. The person who wrote >>1865955 is likely a TIF herself who hates being reminded or her own (female) genatalia when reading gay porn and is speaking out against it. That's why she is defending TIFs. That's why most fujos are TIFs and vice versa. They are straight women who hate being heterosexual and overreact to vaginas in muh pure gay fanfic for the same reason.

No. 1866039

kek this is a reach. even if it's often true you have no idea if it is in this case, and in a vaccuum the original image doesn't read as being written by a TIF, much less the other nona's comment. why argue over this? it's completely irrelevant, not to mention OT.

No. 1866042

Straight women would rather see cock than vagina. That's not self-hating, that's literally just being heterosexual. You're using the same logic AGPs do when they say that looking at lesbian porn means that they hate having a dick. How terminally online have people gotten that the simple act of being attracted to the opposite sex equals being trans and not just being straight. The fuck??

No. 1866046

Unironically she looks like she has the Downs.

No. 1866060

and then return to point one when the moids they want to be so much aren't the kind of "men" they aimed to.

No. 1866065

It's self-hating when you hate being female to the point that you get triggered by seeing/reading about female body parts (what TIFs call "dysphoria"), this is the TIF thread, most fujos are TIF and vice versa. And yes, there is a phenomenon of being so straight they want to become a man, troondom is often intense heterosexuality to the point of wanting to "become" the opposite sex as well as be with them, hence the phenomenon of "gay trans men" becoming so prevalent. Stop acting like this isn't a thing

No. 1866069

Also, these women hate being heterosexual so they'd rather be called "gay trans men" like they would rather read about "gay men" in their written-by-women-for-women fanfics instead of straight relationships

No. 1866078

>How terminally online have people gotten that the simple act of being attracted to the opposite sex equals being trans and not just being straight.

No one said that being attracted to the opposite sex equals being a tranny, jfl. These women genuinely hate themselves comorbid. See>>1866065

No. 1866091

this is a edited pic of a tim timeline

No. 1866093

>they would rather read about "gay men" in their written-by-women-for-women fanfics instead of straight relationships
Implying straight relationships aren't fucking horrible and miserable for women. How is chaining yourself to a useless prick scrote any less self-hating than being a cat lazy who looks at gay cartoons? Let's be real, marrying a scrote is only slightly less self-destructive than trooning out. They both permanently ruin your life and destroy your finances.

No. 1866096

These idiots dont realize how transphobic they are, eating themselves kek

No. 1866104

>Implying straight relationships aren't fucking horrible and miserable for women.
That's obvious, but the solution to that isn't trooning out or writing fanfics about gay moid relationships lmao

No. 1866116

File: 1689556434348.jpg (39.79 KB, 736x413, FCZ-U2UWYAUghuY.jpg)

>again with the fujo hate
>all heterosexual woman is a future troon
>all woman is a troon (unsaged derailing)

No. 1866124

No one said any of that. Atp you're just fujos trying to deny the link between straight women writing/reading yaoi and trooning out to become "gay trans men". Aka being in denial of reality.

No. 1866166

You refuse to accept that it isn't an absolute though.

No. 1866230

File: 1689561328588.jpg (87.33 KB, 801x928, 5623853849677-1.jpg)

No. 1866269

No this was commissioned by a TIF.

No. 1866297

Nonichka I love this pic it's amazing

No. 1866353

This reminds me of the female coomers with a fetish for crossdressing males. Maybe this one wanted to become a crossdressing male like the TiFs who want to "be the yaoi"

No. 1866366

was it commed? i thought she just posted that. funny that lacryboy regrets drawing that now because it blew up and attracted the worst people to her art

No. 1866390

Ever since that retarded "skirt go spinny" post it's been popular for TIFs to say they realized they're not women when they noticed AGPs fetishizing, um I mean finding joy in, all the female rites they found oppressive. It's a particularly self-unaware brand of TIF virtue signalling.

No. 1866437

>But did you know that some women have to watch father son rape porn to cope (sage your shit)

No. 1866438

It's all basic cutesy TIF art…and then a fucking jumpscare cake

No. 1866442

The classic, its been almost half a decade

No. 1866443

Sheesh i forgot, thought the original was from 4chan

No. 1866462

They absolutely do. I remember an interview with some drag queens stating that women would approach them and ask them to have sex with them in drag. They would turn them down because they were obviously gay. I don't doubt that these particular brand of fag hags would call themselves "feminine trans men" to try to SJW guilt their way into some poor drag queen's panties lol.

No. 1866515

File: 1689596860289.jpg (42.47 KB, 441x735, tim_curry_as_dr__frank_n_furte…)

sage for OT but I can somewhat see the appeal of that fetish, not in a "spicy straight" way, but rather in the contrast of pure maleness in feminine attire. My go-to example is Tim Curry as Frank N Furter. With his deep voice, large head and frame, in feminine attire and make-up, it's just something I find kind of hot.

No. 1866554


Same. I find big, buff, hairy bearded guys in a frilly dress to be kinda hot. I think because their choice of female-style clothing has the effect to underline even more how manly they are.

No. 1866580

I don’t understand the hate for this post. If you like to read f/f smut are you really ok with one of the characters being portrayed as mtf with a dick?

No. 1866591

It's because OP is most likely a troon and some anons just can't bear to admit that a broken clock is still right twice a day.

No. 1866708

File: 1689610809351.jpg (56.71 KB, 474x700, 1344293.jpg)

Why dont i see any tifs seethe over this?

No. 1866721

They better not start saying Kristen is akshully a masc enby uwu or a he/him lesbian. But they did start saying it when Billie Eilish dressed as a skater boy so…

No. 1866739

Kristen is too boomer for them

No. 1866744

Strange zero tifs are trying to copy this

No. 1866746

Because she's ugly.

No. 1866749

Samefag, I dropped those 2 tags

No. 1866758

I don't personally agree with you but to gendies, ugly/not fuckable = male!!!

No. 1866784

I want to say it's because she's a lesbian that doesn't hate herself and seems more confident in herself and that's TIFs' kryptonite. But also it could be that they still associate her with her Twilight days and hating Twilight was baby's first nlogism.

No. 1866794

I thought the original post was fine, could have been a TiF or a handmaiden, who cares. The reply >>1865949 is what real TiF lunacy looks like - PiV is suddenly not straight but gay sex when both people declare he/him pronouns beforehand! They have to be honest with themselves and if they don't want to admit it's basically M/F, they need to create a separate M/FtM category, but it's not M/M. I also hate it when they don't tag their shit correctly.

No. 1866829

I feel like jerma is a tif staple. I don't meet many men who give a fuck about him outside of the memes.

No. 1866835

Agreed, it's a red flag. Has anyone else noticed that TIFs seem to be really into streamers? And not in a normal, casual way either. I've always wondered if the parasocial relationship is to make up for their lack of connections IRL. Or maybe they're just creeps, idk.

No. 1866843

does it really matter lol? lacryboy also had the "beware of the pipeline" art blow up as a meme and it was initally made as a male feminization thing of one of her OCs. yet it got misinterpreted as an MtF transition timeline when it was getting reposted everywhere. then again she does draw cuntboy/dickgirl fetish content. can't be too surprised TiFs and TiMs are drawn to the art

No. 1866919

Why are TiFs so obsessed with that Jerma guy? I’ve hopped on a few of his streams and none of them were funny. Besides he’s kinda ugly.

No. 1866940

>Why are TiFs so obsessed with that Jerma guy?
its cause he's a short and cause he a strong fujo fanbase and where there are fujoshis there are bound fakebois.

No. 1866942

TIFs tend to be into streamers while TIMs tend to be the streamers

No. 1866946

What does that have to do with literally anything anyone said? The discussion was about troon headcanons in slashfic, get a fucking grip.

No. 1866965

Can you please stop getting triggered and overreacting and being defensive every time someone makes a lighthearted joke fujoanon? Its really fucking annoying

No. 1867050

fujosperging should be a bannable offense, both pro and anti

No. 1867056

File: 1689638585593.png (178 KB, 598x699, Space Creature.png)


Self-harm glorification!

No. 1867057

File: 1689638666059.jpeg (184.37 KB, 1722x1190, F1PipLjaAAIiWDW.jpeg)

If they're meant for fiction, fine. But seeing the "omg I wish mine will look like that!" make me think there should be more control about the cons of breast removal.

No. 1867123

And the thing is, if what they're attracted to is the patterns, tattoos and scarification exist and also have a self harm angle that tifs would like because needles are involved, so glorifying tit removal is needless. Like you could go get these tatted on you right now. But I guess that's not special enough.

No. 1867131

>there should be more control about the cons of breast removal.
Mastectomies are being shilled right now not just to TIFs, "enbies" and butch women but also to breast cancer patients and potential breast cancer havers and as "breast reductions" for women with big boobs. The negative effects are rarely if ever talked about because it would be "insensitive" in the same way talking about the horror of troon surgeries is "insensitive"

No. 1867141

The pickmes and the misogynists in the comments are having a field day with this one

No. 1867156

She doesn't have gender dysphoria because it doesn't exist kek

No. 1867223

is that the scrotum or a vagina

No. 1867226

File: 1689658959339.png (132.02 KB, 400x400, tumblr_8cde8fefa1a782e817d4491…)

Agree but it's probably not going to happen because God wants us all to suffer

No. 1867227

No. 1867229

But if you just got an underboob tattoo or scarification then you'd still have your icky boobs, meaning you'd be just a slutty woman with a boob tattoo and not a speshul enby / cool dude!

No. 1867453

>but also to breast cancer patients and potential breast cancer havers and as "breast reductions" for women with big boobs

Yes, but at least they're made by professional gynecologists surgeons that they do know how to minimizing the damage. The TIF surgeons are like Dr Nick Rivera.

No. 1867560

File: 1689715653626.png (118.12 KB, 731x551, tomboy.png)

>still uses they pronouns for tomboy chick.
kek tomboy supremacy when?

No. 1867561

>They're the real asshole by being offended I called a girl with short hair a man because I'm mentally ill, not me!

No. 1867588

>”oh god, shut up”
You shut up

No. 1867590

File: 1689720796899.jpg (268.06 KB, 1280x1084, 8777682361.jpg)

Reading crap like this makes it so painfully obvious that it's just a rebellion against mom and dad. It all sounds so painfully privileged and immature

No. 1867595

Wow this is so gender fucky, a Cure shirt and pants? With Shoe? A belt and a necklace at the same time is too much. Leon Kennedy and The Rock?

No. 1867596

The cringe is almost unbearable

No. 1867597

why they hate middle aged women so much? while wearing the most middle aged white woman outfit possible

No. 1867599

It seems to be for the shittiest reasons, like making Kyle Broflovski a TIF because of all Cartman’s “sandy vagina” jokes.

No. 1867605

File: 1689721865531.jpeg (65.47 KB, 363x768, 9BAB91A3-5AE7-4AF8-8075-2487A3…)

This is like the most overused 90s tomboy outfit design in existence

No. 1867609

this has so many layers of cringe to it kek

No. 1867614

Why is she so obsessed with herself and cataloguing others' reactions to her when she probably just looked like a normal tomboy. Who has the time or energy to care about shit like this?

No. 1867617

Girls with low self-esteem

No. 1867626

Went to school with her. She's definitely one of those really privileged TIFs from a rich family and went to Art Center, one of the most expensive art colleges around. I've noticed this trend where I live of really rich Asian women who troon out and who seem way less grounded in reality than even other troons.

No. 1867635

If you ignore all the gendershit, I can imagine this being a cute outfit. 90s-style wide-leg jeans and wolfcuts are trendy right now. I miss when women could just be chic and GNC instead of obsessing over the gender stereotypes they've arbitrarily assigned to clothes.

No. 1867639

>Art Center
Holy shit, >>1865995 is the work of an AC alumnus? They used to have the best illustration program in the country. I truly thought it was one of the few places in Burgerland that still had actual standards. What the fuck happened?

No. 1867643

They got greedy and started to lower their acceptance standards. The acceptance rate is now 76%. Also, on another note, last I saw, Hikaru does actually go around in public wearing that dumb sprout on her head all the time.

No. 1867646

It's the internalized misogyny, nona. They'd all shit on younger women too if it was as socially acceptable for them as it was for men.
Also can someone explain how tifs manage to act narcissistic while having self-esteem issues and no spine? Is it a "I feel like I'm the worst so I always act like I'm the best" type of thing?

No. 1867652

Tomboy and alternative styles are pleagued by trannies. Having one of those styles back in the day automatically made you cool and hot, nowadays it'll convince anyone who looks at you that you're a pronouns in bio type of freak

No. 1867678

someone really needs to start a compilation of these type of posts because when you view them all together it's so clear that for most women trooning is a mix between alt lifestyle/aesthetic fashion choice/extreme body modification. unironically it'd make useful peak material for normies

No. 1867717

>Also can someone explain how tifs manage to act narcissistic while having self-esteem issues and no spine?

Long psych sperging ahead.
This is what narcissism is at its core. In short, narcissists lack healthy, stable ego, thus everything about their ego including self-esteem is distorted and disordered, rather than inherently lack of. NPD, BPD, ASPD, etc are considered the most drastic forms of narcissism, borderline, sociopath, and so on issues and they usually require what some psychologists call "true narcissistic/borderline/sociopath/etc" core. Read, "X personality disorder" is a diagnosis for people that completely lack a normal human core trait, such as empathy, or ego.
Most of those who have been diagnosed with literally anything nowadays, not just personality disorders, don't actually have it, and true PDs are extremely rare, and people who genuinely have them become horrorcows before they turn 30. Predominant majority of these girls who often happen to be diagnosed with PDs on top of gender dysphoria (or whatever they check nowadays to give you a tit chop) suffer from mild forms of narcissism, borderline issues, and other things that usually stem from something going wrong during formative years. If you go deeper into learning what CPTSD is, you'll learn that people don't really need terrifying traumas to get their development somehow messed up. Being spoiled as a child is also a form of abuse that disrupts normal development, because at some point a child should be introduced concepts such as "no, you can't have it, here's why, and here's why you should take this reasoning serious". A child that doesn't understand "no" and reasoning behind it will refuse to be told "no", and demand what they want without any consideration of how serious the reason for that "no" is. (It's also a crossover with TIMs: men don't give a fuck if a lesbian says "no" and brings up lesbianism as a reason, for example. Because that reason doesn't matter to the entitled narcissist.) Being neglected for one reason or another leads to a child trying to figure out "life hacks" how to get attention, and that's how you end up with people that mimic cluster B disorders and munchies.
So to answer your question, they don't have "true narcissistic core", instead they still have core human traits, including self-esteem. These traits, however, are just disordered due to neglectful development, and are extremely fragile, because these girls didn't grow up quite literally. Which explains why they're so childlike, not in the "I like ponies and pink" way, but in a way that pretty much borders on LARPing as a child. This is because they are emotionally stunted and repeat scenarios they learned before hitting puberty. Broken, narcissistic (among non-true narcs, like I stated about above) self-esteem is very high indeed, but it is also inherently dependent on validation from external world. More than that, this form of self-esteem issues is addictive, that's why so many of these people rarely snap out of it: it's a cheap source of instant gratification. Negative attention also makes them high, considering that stress itself is addictive. In my opinion, this all is their own, personal moral failing because these issues can be worked through, unlike rare cases of true PDs. They're just too far up their asses at this point.
To add, "fake it 'till you make it" mentality that you asked about doesn't work on these people, so no, it's not that. In healthy people it works as a rewiring mechanism, e.g. if you are a shy person, you may imagine yourself being confident, strive for this imaginary self without fanatism and eventually you will become confident in real life. But it requires a healthy, or at least, healing ego, and realistic goals that depend on internal, stable source of self-worth. You can't win with this strategy when you lack proper internal framework to implement it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1867718

This post is just a long example of why psychology is pseudoscience

No. 1867720

i have never seen anyone use the phrase "true narcissistic core" in my entire life, this is truly tarded psychsperging. some self help ass manifestation mindfulness ass phrasing

No. 1867727

It seems like proposing the notion that only true empathyless psychopaths have personality disorders and everything else doesn't count, however even if you're not a babykilling psycho or whatever you can still cause a lot of harm despite having empathy and ego. And discounting everyone except serial killer tier people from personality disorders defeats the purpose of these terms existing, they are meant to help identify collections of traits in order to treat or deal with the condition.
Lolcow cows are generally a pretty good example of how bpd and narcissism can run riot even without the cows being a menace to society, they are still absolutely toxic to the people they come in contact with

No. 1867762


Tl,dr without the pseudopsychology: some people are assholes.

No. 1867777

>shirt : it looked like something Leon Kennedy would wear
I never thought I'd say this but this is the most woman moment to have ever woman momented

There's definitely a subset of handmaidens who cape hard for MTFs because of a similar fetish too.

I believe there's two types of crossdresser enjoyers. One type (like you) who likes it for the way it highlights them and is a bit similar to women who like fancy rock stars and such, and the second type likes it for the "concealment", intimacy and taboo aspects and is more similar to scrotes who are into traps.

No. 1867790

File: 1689768290508.jpg (108.78 KB, 1080x1102, F1TePmLaEAAx06p.jpg)

Congrats, youve officially reached a level of morbid obesity where I legit cannot tell if youre MTF or FTM
At a certain point of fatness you just become the same shapeless blob creature where no features can be made out

No. 1867792

File: 1689769042287.jpg (6.85 KB, 251x201, 243423423.jpg)

That's a teenage Peter Griffin kek

No. 1867805

File: 1689772941370.jpg (1.88 MB, 2268x4032, human scrotum.jpg)

I didn't even know people could be shaped like this. Truly a horror beyond my comprehension.

No. 1867807

What are you, a scientologist?

No. 1867809

NTA but c'mon now, you don't have to be a Scientologist to know that psychology is mostly bullshit.

No. 1867811

Sorry for blogbost but I want to complain. Every time I open comments under any English speaking video/photo there will be a ton of gross sex jokes in the comments no matter what the original content is about, also this constant glorification of prostitution is retarded. It's like the USA is porn sick beyond salvation and at this point how can any woman in this country may not be a tif.
I know my country is a shithole but at least conservative places are less sex obsessed.

No. 1867812

It's more based in fact than whatever the alternatives are.

No. 1867813

Literally a melted icecream cone

No. 1867818

Ignore all the sperging above; narcissists usually have low-self-esteem or fragile self-esteem, they need a lot more external validation to feel good about themselves than a normal person would, this quest for validation at all costs is the cause of most narc antics.

No. 1867819

Any medfags know wtf is going on here? Is it failed lipo?

No. 1867820

It’s a cute outfit but yeah, it looks like an outfit any grungey or tomboy type would wear. Idk why they assign so much meaning to this shit.

No. 1867829

nta dunno when i wen to psychology classes at uni i realized it was just describing people and situations i know quite exactly. It was just like.. giving names to everything that i saw so i could put it in a category. So when it's things you see in the real world happening exactly like the disorders described and evolving like them as the people age, there are observable truths to psychology in everybody's life. Patterns of behaviour and the reasons for them are always linked.

No. 1867832

all these top scar fashion when their butchers don't even bother to cut a straight line or sew their nipples back

No. 1867843

And a sane surgeon would tell them to take care of the scars so they can heal correctly. These scars looks like if you threw the instructions to trash and the scars got infected.

No. 1867852

>basically M/F
>men gets dramatically turned off by troon scars because they wanted a CUTE GIRLIE and they got a mutilated sad girl
We do need a separate category for troons, for our own good, not for their sake

No. 1867853

Where are the "nipple too low", "lumpy mess because it didn't heal well" and the "a bit of tissue grew back so now there's this pinched flesh" types? They seem to be the most popular.

No. 1867854

Then how is it here and not on the mtf thread?

No. 1867855

Because I literally didnt know if the person is mtf or ftm, can you read

No. 1867857

lipohypertrophy from med injections in the abdominal region? I thought cushings at first but they don’t have stretch marks and the legs look somewhat normal

No. 1867858

>they are still absolutely toxic to the people they come in contact with
That's quite the menace to society.

No. 1867859

Proof this is a tif and not a tim

No. 1867894

It's cause they're straight and Ruby Rose is the full extent and limit of what they will tolerate for "butchness". They still want women to look ~pretty~ even in their own tif fantasies they're pretty because they've internalised the need to look desirable despite somewhat understanding it makes them happier to just not
When you have natural hormones that result in superior fat distribution lessening the likelihood of visceral fat but you decide fuck it I wanna die faster, give me twiggy male legs and arms with the nastiest belly to crush my organs real good

No. 1867914

Sane surgeons won’t work on them. And the slightly less sane and more greedy surgeons would not perform on such an obese person. But these girls obsessed with the titchop go to the willing butchers .

No. 1867958

>Congrats, youve officially reached a level of morbid obesity where I legit cannot tell if youre MTF or FTM
It's true that the fatter a person is the more unisex they look. But in reality when you meet a person like this you have 99 other tells that let you immediately know their sex. The size of their heads and limbs, facial proporions, their voice, their phermones, the way they talk and act.

No. 1867963

>Tifs: "ugh I don't wanna look like a gross female, that's disgusting and embarrassing"
>Also tifs: looks like a sad wrinkly scrotum icecream cone instead
Their mental illness is mirroring other disorders like anorexia where you have girls post a sickly looking body that looks gross to everyone else and the girls going "omg goals, bmi 18 is obesity". It's just SO obviously deeply rooted mental illness to think this looks better than a natural female body, it's insane that people pretend not to see it.

No. 1868053

File: 1689805360477.png (167.94 KB, 1079x917, Screenshot_20230719-182329.png)

nona this is a TIM

No. 1868068

>I only today figured out I shouldn't judge gender by appearance
But you expected her to automatically respect that you're a true and honest male despite her instantly clocking you? The cognitive dissonance

No. 1868073

>there will be a ton of gross sex jokes in the comments no matter what the original content is about
Yeah that shit annoys me to no end. As if they're incapable of paying attention unless they get some sexual thing out of it. Praising a muscular woman? Impossible without sexualising her. Any mildly attractive person or someone with even a mildly curvy or built body, even? "Don't ask me the colour of anything, if you need a dog I can bark" retarded shit. But sadly it makes sense cos most people scroll online when they wanna turn their brains off, and for some people that's horny dumb ape state, and it's in that state they make comments. To keep it on topic with tifs they'll always comment on ither tifs'posts about how hot they are and guys totally wanna fuck them which totally makes them gay. It's all about sexual validation, despite a lot of girls trooning out to avoid being sexualised in the first place?

No. 1868086

I've seen that sort of segmented "two bellies" look on women who've had c-sections, so maybe that? The top stomach also looks like she might have been way fatter previously and has a lot of loose skin now giving it that weird flesh apron/melted ice cream cone look. Idk that's my best guess.
Also, I really wish tifs would stop sticking their tongues out like that in pics. I think they believe they're being sexy for some god forsaken reason, but it just makes them look mentally handicapped

No. 1868102

File: 1689810464098.jpg (128.48 KB, 1059x1059, tumblr_f3c3cb05ddcfacd6148b005…)

based tomboy

No. 1868108

File: 1689811776096.jpeg (400.37 KB, 750x1091, B936748B-3C93-45B7-8075-FBB93D…)

One of my friends from school did this. I saw her again after years apart and she’s FTM now, but on her Reddit she talks about discovering she is autistic, then non-binary, then male but then voidpunk and going through with gender nullification surgery. Who the fuck performs gender nullification?! It’s dystopian. She also dated a tranny while in college before any of this, and has an eating disorder. Go figure.

No. 1868110

File: 1689811845140.jpeg (658.97 KB, 833x1391, IMG_1302.jpeg)

What drives someone to smear makeup and pretend it’s a stash.

The masc style or whatever isn’t as masculine as these people think. Literally no man dresses like that unless they’re trying to be stylish or attract women. I say that as someone that tried to emulate the tomboy style as much as possible (I dont want to say that i grew up as tomboy, I was too sensitive to be one).
It’s pathetic how these people think they have a monopoly over a style, honestly she probably looked like this >>1867590

No. 1868118

File: 1689812719330.jpg (466.26 KB, 1080x999, Screenshot_20230719_234043_Ope…)

I automatically think "woman" every time I see this combo of words now

No. 1868119

>I blitzed all my reproductive organs giving myself premature menopause at age 25
So brave!

No. 1868120

File: 1689813177500.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x1973, 5FC89981-102C-4C3B-AF20-B80DE1…)

“Girldad” you’re an adult

No. 1868121

Why did I think this was Frank iero? Also, nice to know being a tif didn't stop a male from treating her like shit, by convincing her to keep an accidental pregnancy then ditching her

No. 1868122

File: 1689813361783.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1759, 487554BB-5F2A-4849-8A0B-927E44…)

I really wanted her to be straight, it would be like a cherry on top
I wonder where Jo will be in 5 years, she feels influential in the transmasc online scene:

No. 1868123

File: 1689813424676.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1957, 72731DEA-C654-462F-A290-EA0A46…)

Makes sense if you understand what sexuality is. Will we ever recover from this idiocy.

No. 1868124

most "nullos" are fetishist moids, a female one is pretty rare. wonder what's going on in their heads, extreme escapism?

No. 1868141

she looks nothing like frank iero and this feels vaguely selfpost-y

No. 1868142

Delusion ♥

No. 1868195

>I want to look as alien-esque as possible
So wanting to look like an alien is a medical problem that insurance is required to cover the treatment for? What "doctor" in their right mind signs off on hormones and surgery for a patient when they're this delusional and disconnected from reality?

No. 1868199

In anon's defense, her whole point was that the only time you truly can't tell a person's sex is when they're morbidly obese, because the blubber obscures all their secondary sex characteristics (aside from voice and socialization.)

No. 1868204

Must be. Her mom died during Covid so I wouldn’t be surprised if that had something to do with it. The whole thing is pretty sad to me, she’s never really found a male name she liked so she’s gone from Gavin to Alan to A.Last Inital. to nameless and I’m not sure what she goes by now. Doesn’t seem like she really is connected to anything or anyone.

No. 1868261

Really peak comedy how much these straight Tiffanys seethe about lesbians whilst their best attempts to pass as male just make them look like futch (I'm not even going to give them butch because they can't even achieve that level of "masc") lesbians themselves

No. 1868311

On twitter I've seen plenty of people saying "at that point she might as well transition and take T" and it wasn't sarcastic at all. I wish I didn't see that stupidity on my TL.

No. 1868315

Why do mentally ill pieces of shit like this manage to have jobs while others more qualified and decent people can't barely find anything? Anyway, if I were that customer I would have reacted the exact same way, I'm flat enough that people could make weird assumptions about me like this.

No. 1868331

I tried to find the post for the answers, but I only found Neko Atsume posts, so either it got deleted or the person is a big troll.

No. 1868344

This is not meant to be rude to people who work at thrift stores, but anybody with a pulse and basic executive functioning qualifies to work at a thrift store. It also doesn't pay very well. It's like any other retail job, they'll hire anybody. What are you talking about?

The post reads like it's based on a kernel of truth, retold with beefed up details by someone overcompensating of their insane emotional overreaction.

No. 1868347

she would prob nevr tell her doctor this though.

No. 1868369

File: 1689869664303.webm (16.77 MB, 480x854, imfuckingsir.webm)

Nuclear tif tantrum video

No. 1868376

I didn't mean looks like Frank iero as a compliment nona, and no I'm not
her. No matter how bad it gets in life I can always tell myself at least I'm not a tif who got herself tricked by a moid kek

The tif version of that "it's MA'AM" tim

No. 1868377

>how dare you assume my gender, hey lady I'm gonna aggressively gender you back, hey sexy little girl you're a WHORE! Geddit cos females are sexual objects!! Not me though!!!
They always tell on themselves about how shitty their views are on women.
>racial slur cos she's angry
Not only is she dressed like a 10 y.o. boy she's acting like one, at least she's consistent?

No. 1868378

Bitch is a common slur among black moids too, either that or the boondocks is a meme

No. 1868381

The video doesn't work for me, did she really say all that thats in the greentext?

No. 1868384

essentially, yeah

No. 1868389

>but anybody with a pulse and basic executive functioning qualifies to work at a thrift store
My point is that the girl who thought a random customer was a fakeboi doesn't even fulfill these requirements and still somehow managed to get a job in retail, which required communicating with people one a regular basis.

No. 1868395

She looks, sounds and acts like a womanly woman and wants to be seen as a sir… If she acted like that outside of these people's workplace they would have made her regret it.

No. 1868397

something something tranny gets brutally hate crimed something something muh misgenderino!!
ftms irl are funny, they're roiding and so full of this chihuahua rage but the only way they can get people to be scared of them is by shooting up schools kek
Was she trying to misgender the security guard who held her back literally with one arm? Apparently it didn't stick because right after she resorted to racism kek. Typical troonery

No. 1868406

So she entered a business that was running as usual, the person at the desk probably didn’t know she was a gendie and was speaking in a polite way (i.e. calling her “ma’am” I’m guessing), then she lost her shit and sexually harassed the woman who worked there by making aggressive remarks about her body and calling her a “whore”, THEN she screamed at a man who was trying to calmly handle the situation accordingly. I am so happy they got that all on camera. So embarrassing for her.

No. 1868428

I guarantee most of this is fake. I bet the "This is a sports bra, sorry" part was real but the rest is 100% fake.

The confrontation happened as they were going to leave, but then they were heard on the second floor mocking them over the interaction even though they presumably would have left by this point?

Sounds like they were just normally embarrassed from publicly mistaking someone as trans and feel the need to gaslight themselves and the rest of reddit into thinking they were the victim.

No. 1868431

>held her back literally with one arm
Sexual dimorphism is insane, even with the help of artificial testosterone.

No. 1868442

File: 1689882905868.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1964, IMG_4995.jpeg)

Wow so edgy. OP probably shudders when talking to strangers.

No. 1868444

File: 1689883130993.jpg (18.1 KB, 400x374, funnycat.jpg)

Sage for no real milk, But yesterday, I saw my first TIF. I live in a third world country and have seen my fair share of HSTS TIMs, but I had never seen a TIF before. It was wild to see one in real life. The average man in my country stands at 5'5, but she was barely 5'0 tall. She had this bizarre facial hair (which I can't even describe; it was like the spray-on beards that some black American men sometimes have). It was so strange; it was like seeing a mocking parody of men for some art project, but it was genuine. her voice was also just like a little boys as well.

No. 1868447

Lmfao I thought a car speeding by was about to take her out

No. 1868459

Is that girl even on T? I couldn’t tell tbh.

No. 1868461

If I encountered this person I would think they were on drugs, kek. I guess that's technically true if she's on T

No. 1868477

There was an analysis posted of this drawing over at 2X. Makes me wish there was a troon art roasting thread kek

No. 1868483

I can't watch it, i'm cringing to hard. It's giving such young-Karen energy. I wish trans was real so I didn't have to share the female sex with this woman lmao

If I got it right she's trying hard to provoke the man by calling him a sexy lady/girl/etc, and she is actually expecting him to have a meltdown over being misgendered and objectified (because she fears it herself and that's why she trooned out). She doesn't understand normal people aren't in the gender cult and misgendering doesn't affect normal, mentally stable people and is unique to the mentally ill gender cult. At worst it could be provoking if coming from an aggressive man, but she's seen as a harmless small dumpy woman because she is one kek
And then she lands on really softly saying
>you fucking whore
like GIRL I can't lmao she must be autistic, she literally can't not be a literal autist

And then the racial slur as the cherry on top, so now TRA and wokies can't even defend her without looking racist too. Jk, we all know they'll just go "well racism is pretty bad, but HE was being misgendered which is much worse!!!" as usual… then again TRAs coddle the tims, and tims love to attack tifs so you never know when they'll turn their backs on a tif!
The guy saying "nah, she's walking" at the end was perfect

No. 1868491

Do you have a link? I can’t find it. Sorry for spoonfeed.

No. 1868529

Looks like my ex, i can only assume this will be her final form. Thank god I escaped that.

No. 1868530

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I think the message is that trans people are wolves in sheep's clothing out to harm people kek

Remember how nazis had skulls on their uniforms? And how ironically appropriate that was because they were evil and killed innocent people? I literally cannot believe that troons keep representing themselves with predatory animals like sharks and wolves, making art with violent slogans like "kill/punch women" - they're like textbook kids media villains!

I'm gonna art sperg since this is the vent thread anyway: You can tell the artist is bad and/or stupid because they fundamentally do not understand what they're saying with this image (or they're secretly a terf themselves trying to make troons look bad on purpose, which I doubt). You have a GIANT wolf/werewolf which is perhaps THE most classic image of deception there is thanks to the little red riding hood. Not only is it deceptive, because the wolf is typically depicted as a male literally dressing up as a female (grandma) specifically to harm a real girl. So the artist could not have chosen a worse animal to represent trans people. Or for a terf - a more appropriate one.
But werewolves transform - like trans people! So it's a perfect allegory, right? But the artist failed to take into account that werewolves were humans who then transed into monsters that harm and kill innocent people. The harm werewolves do come specifically from being transformed. So again, shit choice to make if you want to make trans people not look like evil predators.
But even outside of that the wolf is GIANT and harming a much smaller and clearly helpless human. It could have been any monster or even a giant human, and it would still be saying that trans people are big, scary, and dangerous.
And of course it's not insignificant that the wolf is literally black in color. Black in art typically represents bad/evil, so to make it black just makes trans people look even more like the villain. And it's even worse for these people who are in the "woke" crowd, because making the darkest black creature be a giant monster is… pretty racist. And the victim is partly brown too, which it didn't have to be as it's clearly an artistic choice. So the artist is choosing to make the victim - or in their eyes the true evil villain - a black/poc human. They literally chose to make the one being murdered have brown skin. While also making sure the true darkest black is associated with the violent perpetrator.
Every choice the artist made works against them and they don't even know it, and that's why they're a shit artist. They wanted to make themselves look edgy and strong to scare women who think differently than them, but all they're doing is making themselves look stupid and violent.

No. 1868539

If she hates womankind, how much does this play into some kind of "intrasexual competition" between tifs and otherwise normie women?

No. 1868544

Nona, each half of the world shares a sex category with criminals, murderers and cringe people.

No. 1868559

Artificial Testosterone: Not even once.

Funny how the image would have gone against "bigots" or "conservatives" but of course they go against terf. Male bigots are usually TIMs.

No. 1868562

File: 1689907519503.png (13.24 KB, 598x118, Twitter.png)

And showing it to Rowling, who said Sirius's lycantropy was a metaphor for those illnesses that carry a stigma, like HIV and AIDS. Way to confirm that trans are insane in the brain.

No. 1868572

Women all around the world were and still are being violently robbed of their urinary and sexual health and their ability to feel pleasure but these fucking donkeys willingly elect to have FGM. I hate the West and its doctors. Maybe if these retards had a single idea on what women must endure in other countries, they would have a better grip on reality.

No. 1868585

I thought that tifs made vent art of thrmselves as violent animals for wishful thinking, like wishing they could be as feared and wild and taken seriously when angry as a wolf or something, because they're really just this >>1868442. Funny bonus though that they're just making themselves look like they wish to be grotesque freaks who go out of their way to harm others.

No. 1868587

If that were the case, terf shouldn't be their only target, but they're afraid to face moids while these men laugh at them.

No. 1868589

>Sirius's lycantropy was a metaphor for those illnesses that carry a stigma, like HIV and AIDS
If that really was her intention and she wasn't pulling another "Dumbledore was secretly gay akshully and wizards pissed themselves instead of using toilets", that metaphor doesn't work either because aids doesn't suddenly make you a monster that hurts others unless you're one of those moids who has a bug spreading fetish. Because of the once a month moon thing it could be a metaphor for periods though kek

No. 1868596

Or maybe they see themselves transitioning to male - a hairy, beastly creature - as transitioning to the human equivalent of a big bad wolf. The male eats the small vulnerable female. Internalized misogyny and divorcing oneself from womanhood by enacting violent misogyny on other women.

No. 1868648

A lot of men with AIDS actually do use it as a weaon, if you follow African news it's common to hear of things like them invading women's rape shelters to rape them again with their AIDS dicks. They want to take it out on everyone else, men always have a victim complex if anything bad happens to them and want to do ~muh revenge~ on innocent people who had nothing to do with the wrongdoing.
The way the AIDS crisis absolutely wiped out the gay population in the 80s/early 90s makes me think there were some predators infecting on purpose too. Take them all down with me mentality.
So with all that there is a stigma the same way we worry about non-murder males since the murdering ones look the same, I did get that vibe while reading/watching about Lupin.
Also she has a pretty gay plotline about Dumbledore being in love with Grindlewald as a major plot point in the Fantastic Beasts movies so she did commit to that idea.

No. 1868662

Harry Potter books were written in the 90s-early 2000s where having HIV/AIDS carried bigger stigma because
>homosexualuty was much more controversial/unacceptable at the time. Britain didn't allow kids' media to 'promote' homosexuality before 2008 so JKR couldn’t really explicitly state in the books that Dumbledore was gay.
>adults at the time had lived through the AIDS epidemic.

Like lycanthripy as a a metaphor for AIDS was pretty damn clear if you were reading the books at the time of publication.

No. 1868723

File: 1689937218351.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x1343, IMG_1084.jpeg)

The combination of extremely feminine facial features and the 70s porno mustache made me literally lol

No. 1868730

Female to iDubbz

No. 1868740

I like JKR but it was probably not an AIDs allegory.

No. 1868755

>If that really was her intention and she wasn't pulling another "Dumbledore was secretly gay akshully
Not attacking you specifically nona but more so anti-JKR people in general:
Just because you as a literal child didn't notice that the old man who preaches love, dresses in extrememly flamboyant gowns and high heeled boots, has a calm sweet disposition, had a very close "complex" relationship with another young man where they made unbreakable promises to each other was gay all along doesn't mean he wasn't intended to be gay. It's a series for children written during a time being gay wasn't allowed in kids books, he was about as gay as was allowed and was relevant to the story at the time.

Sorry for sperging about it, it just makes me roll my eyes at the level of anti-JKR propaganda troons spread just to make her seem bad and transphobic

No. 1868759

even the dog looks embarrassed

No. 1868779

The fuck is coming out of the fursuit's nose? Tentacles? A nosebleed?

No. 1868781

She's talking in such an unnatural way, almost like she's in a theatre play.
This whole thing is so cringy, was she groping the staff/security?

The remarks were at the black man in the beginning, who misgendered her to death, she was trying to misgender him because as we all know it's LITERALLY MURDER!!!
When all else failed, she remembered that actually she's a transBOY and pretended to be in a COD lobby.

I don't think TRAs will even acknowledge the video. If they ever do they'll just go on and on about how "white queers are racist" but never question how they go around saying "black women are less women than white women, yes I am very intellectual"

No. 1868788

Was expecting her to be hit by a car at the end, revealing this to be a comedy skit and affirming people like this don't actually exist.
And what's with the three backpacks? Larping homelessness too?

No. 1868795

>she wasn't pulling another "Dumbledore was secretly gay akshully
Many people noticed that before she confirmed it, and she confirmed it because a fan asked her if she wasn't imagining things. We're talking about the guy whose very first scene is to strut around the Dursleys' home in golden high heel boots by the way kek.

No. 1868823

I know this is turbo cringe but please bear with me. This video came out 12 years ago so people definitely picked up on the "Dumbledore is gay" thing before JKR said it.

No. 1868832

Sage for dumb question but when ftms get their Frankendick operation and they have to use the pump to get an ‘erection’ how do they deflate it? It’s such a bizarre concept but I can’t find a straight answer

No. 1868852

Female to kurtis conner transition

No. 1868864

Rumour has it the only way to make an Aiden's pp go down is to say "Joanne Kathleen Rowling" three times in quick succession. Depending on the model of penile implant, you either press the frankendick down to deflate it or press on a release valve button located in the "balls".

No. 1868873

>but never question how they go around saying "black women are less women than white women, yes I am very intellectual"

And coming from the same group that claim "trans women of color" are in the lowest pit of privilege, so help them even if you're poor as fuck.

No. 1868937

nobody's thinking this hard about it but you i'm afraid all anyone is going to see "cool trans wolf boi eating an evil terf uwu"

No. 1868939

>>1867590 how much yall wanna bet no one was fucking looking at her, let alone casting all these judgements

No. 1868959

But is it filled with air or something? Like does it make fart sound when deflated kek

No. 1868961

Exactly. I can think of a hundred different furry tifs who think exactly like this. Who can blame them though? When you’re a woman who’s living in a misogynistic society where men are basically worshipped and respected—why wouldn’t women be fantasizing about becoming monsters? When I was a kid I would dream about becoming a dragon and setting male bullies on fire. Hell, if I could magically become a dragon now I would. Women fantasize about control because they have virtually none when it comes to their role in society

No. 1868964

so cringe i have to keep pausing

No. 1868974

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No. 1868976

File: 1689977165095.png (4.13 MB, 1384x2048, IMG_1328.png)

This panel bothered me most because she’s basically parroting what other gendies say online and no other perspective has been offered to these children.

Getting called “ miss, lady etc” is uncomfortable if you’re young and don’t view yourself as a grownup because adults like your mum or teachers get addressed like that. I don’t know if older generations went through that or if it’s just an extension of the Peter Pan syndrome/I am a 25 year old child mentality that’s prevalent today,


No. 1868978

File: 1689977325293.png (3.74 MB, 1550x2048, IMG_1329.png)

I don’t know where to start with the whole “defying yourself by what you’re not”. You can tell that for tall the progressive screeching none of them read shit, women have always been described as the negative of man as in what a woman is not.

No. 1868980

File: 1689977423394.png (3.97 MB, 1412x2047, IMG_1330.png)

I messed up

No. 1868982

File: 1689977560269.png (671.39 KB, 640x836, IMG_1331.png)

The cherry on top
>non-binary is when dress or pants! Ignore that both are considered feminine styles anyway.
> non-binary is more than clothes dude trust me!

No. 1868983

File: 1689977737796.jpg (42.11 KB, 515x343, DxLm1hlWoAARsNb.jpg)

This TIF I used to work with in 2021 or so at Kotaku wrote some awful poetry about what her "gender" meant. Honestly however her entire account is an embarrassing mess for a woman who must be over thirty by now.
>So obviously nonbinary because she's a self hating woman into yaoi.
>Thinks transmascs and enbies are oppressed if they aren't femme enough.
>Finds the concept of girl power threatening.
>Calls herself a lesbian who is attracted to pretty boys and girls.
She's also an extreme narcissist with no self-awareness lol.

No. 1868990

sage for quick blogpost rant/thought, but i'm a lesbian and i don't know if i would ever date a trans man. i just know they'd have this internalized superiority complex over me and that i'd be 'validating' them everytime we'd have sex. plus the idea of eating out a weird micropenis clit / dry vagina sounds not great. but i know a lot of radfems who say they'd date a transman / dysphoric woman on T and they even think it's hot. i really don't get it. am i being an asshole or something? kek

No. 1869003

No. 1869007

Appreciate the beauty of your female body.

No. 1869012

>nonbinary and a lesbian
>lesbian who's also attracted to males
words truly have no meaning anymore

No. 1869013

I haven't seen this show, but just going off the dumb nlog comic, isn't it much more likely the character was saying "I'm not a girl" meaning "I'm not a child, I'm a grown woman"? Of course I can see why a tif- one of the most likely demographics to suffer from Peter Pan syndrome wouldn't pick up on that kek

No. 1869014

I don’t think so nonna. I find some of them attractive but I couldn’t date a TiF because of the mental illness and attention seeking. Even if some of them are cute, their personalities and ideology are usually complete turn-offs.

No. 1869016

whats your problem man

No. 1869018

Don’t worry, I also like watching the blood. Some of us get it.

No. 1869026

It’s just like the comic is saying, she’s not a human being in the first place and the humans have a hard time understanding what she is just like they struggle to understand the setting of the show (like how time works)
Janet is like a personified AI that could also control your house. I’m sure there’s a word like that but I don’t remember it.

No. 1869027

It's actually cause the character is sort of a personification of the information system of the afterlife. Like characters who are personifications of computers or AIs in scifi shows. So the character is saying it because she interprets everything literally. She is not a girl nor a robot cause she is literally just the information system, a computer program. That's literally the joke (it's a comedy show) but of course online non-binaries latched onto that specific form of her catchphrase

No. 1869040

Lol tif kun is mad.women not being insecure about their femininity and natural bodily functions is sooo weird right? But thank god we don't chop off our tits because we want to be a bottom yaoi man right?

No. 1869089

yeah I think the terf shibanon thought a tim made it. Kinda loses the analysis with it being made by a tif.

I mean, I think it's pretty clear that these tifs want desperately to be taken seriously. I think a lot of them don't want to be vulnerable anymore, after having lived lives as females. I don't think it's by accident that a lot of these fakebois start out as attractive women and then turn themselves as ugly as possible in as many ways as possible.

No. 1869099

genderism really does rot a person's brain straight through. they reach a point where they filter EVERYTHING through gender kek

No. 1869121

I call this "gender dysphoria dysphoria" I hypothesize that its the leading cause of nonbinary gendies. They want to be trans more than anything else to be a cool kid, and already have some reason to hate their own femininity. Usually mental illness, they can't possibly stand that people are just being nice to them because theyre a woman and have to go out of their way to invent a reason for being wrong.

No. 1869127

Saged for nonmilk but note how tifs will yell "fag" and call themselves faggots because muh reclaimed slur, but strangely not a siingle tif or tim will call themselves a tranny…

No. 1869137

I'm cis and no, it's fucking gross, I'm sorry. Do you also like looking at your own poop?

No. 1869156

nta but yes

No. 1869172

No. 1869176

>i’m cis
Do you know where you are?

No. 1869184

I'm "cis" too and I do appreciate female bodies even if I'm straight (or cis het like you would call it). How sad you have to be to compare female bodies with poop just because we bleed (like moids looooveee to do).

No. 1869239

It's actually useful to observe your stool to see if it's healthy. If your poo starts looking abnormal it may be a sign that you have something wrong with your digestion.

No. 1869249

It's so annoying when you normies get mad at the fact that women are not plastic dolls. Female humans have body functions, get over it.

No. 1869251

fucking kek nona
I thought the same thing, she looks like kurtis

No. 1869258

>nobody's thinking this hard about it but you i'm afraid all anyone is going to see "cool trans wolf boi eating an evil terf uwu"
The art has been posted several times in multiple threads now because people saw it and laughed at the irony of it. Just because trans people don't see it doesn't mean the rest of us can't laugh at how badly done it is. Of course trans people won't see it themselves when they literally think mutilating children is helping them or that fake boobs = real woman and no boobs = not woman, they're all dumb as fuck. It's like tifs liking frogs, it's fucking hilarious because they sound like them from T even though this irony is fully lost on them. They just keep choosing the worst possible things to represent them.

No. 1869259

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>non binary
>literally two examples, two states of something - what binary actually is, as a concept
also female when dressy, male when frumpy, same old, same old

No. 1869260

Absolutely right nona, idk why people are so grossed out by everything that comes out of their bodies that they can't even look at it. You don't need to admire your poop for like 10 mins, but it's a good health indicator.

No. 1869261

>I can think of a hundred different furry tifs who think exactly like this.
Firstly ew stop associating with furries and get some self respect.
Secondly isn't that part of what makes it so bad tho? This delusion they have that stop them from seeing what they're actually doing and saying. Like "I'll be a giant gross monster that murders women just like men because women suck" is deeply misogynistic (and misandristic at the same time) and they don't even realize it but we all do because it's so obvious.

No. 1869264

Well I for one am NOT an attack helicopter, so I guess that's make me trans

No. 1869281

the autists realize thats doesnt challenge gender norms at all right? lmao i swear this they/them shit is the most autistic and juvenile interpretation of gender norms, its not even close to progressive(sage your shit)

No. 1869284

>worked at Kotaku
Damn, I bet you have some war stories.

What rock did you crawl out from? TIFs and TIMs love saying tranny. They incorporate it into their internet handles and bios all the time. IIRC Cavetown got outed because she referred to herself as a tranny on her tumblr. There's been a whole civil war over it because TIMs say only they can reclaim it because poor widdle males have it worst.

No. 1869291

You see people like this in New York every day but they're often druggies/psychotic, lol. If I didn't know the context I'd just assume it's another druggie having a psychotic episode and try my best to not notice it.

No. 1869292

If the female body is gross like poop why do your beloved scrotes go out of their to rape as many women and girls as possible to the point they even pay for it.

No. 1869303

ultra late response but kristen stewart is bisexual, not lesbian.

No. 1869320

To gendies it's the same thing.

No. 1869329

go back

No. 1869330

you're not 'cis' you're a female (unless you are a tranny male). fuck off

No. 1869331

Wait you mean she's not recreating that retarded photo of kurtis with idubz? She genuinely looks like this??

No. 1869340


No. 1869350

kek nona this is such a blast from the past… thank you

No. 1869351

Because they haven't deal with the damage of being called faggot or fag back in the 80-90's.

No. 1869415

FR, I cut my hair short and all the gendies I know online and irl started asking me what my pronouns are and they/theming me. like they claim to be so deep and accepting of peoples "genders" yet assume that woman with short hair must be not woman.

No. 1869417

looks like the result of rapid weight loss, it can leave people with an "apron", she probably needs a 360o tummy tuck. good for her on losing weight i guess.

No. 1869426

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No. 1869447

Her soft lil ukulele music about being a real boi already outed her tbh

No. 1869451

Your hair doesn't even need to be super short, and it can even be an insanely feminine short haircut no man would ever have and they still they/them you

No. 1869595

Why do all women, even when tifs, still stick to the bottom role?

No. 1869598

I like how she draws herself as lower quality and more awkward than how she draws Janet.

No. 1869602

More likely the tras would defend the moid and turn their backs on the tif this is sad

No. 1869627

Because they dont have a penis? I mean you could use a strap but thats a lot more work and you dont get any sensation personally, plus most moids dont like getting fucked in the ass

No. 1869639

To normal people, yeah. But some TIFs seemed genuinely shocked by the "revelation". Then again, I do wonder if it was just peer pressured lying because clocking another troon is a mortal sin.

No. 1869648

Sadly women have been conditioned to it to such an extent they don't even see that they have other options, see >>1869627 as if PIV is all there is, and as if being the receiver of PIV sex = bottom automatically. Besides, who cares what moids like?

No. 1869652

>as if PIV is all there is
I didn't say PIV is all there is dumbass, I'm saying if they're going to have penetrative sex then usually the man will be the penetrator because he has a penis and a woman doesn't. It doesn't mean they can't use straps so she can fuck the man in the ass, but strap-ons are worthless for women's pleasure and most men don't like getting fucked in the ass.
>as if being the receiver of PIV sex = bottom automatically.
Yes actually. The term "top" means one who penetrates. "Bottom" means the one who is penetrated.
>Besides, who cares what moids like?
I mean, I wouldn't want to have sex with a partner who didn't like what I was doing? And most women don't get anything out of using straps either anyway like I already said.

No. 1869668

It's the work of gay male propaganda that thinks living as a gay man is above being a straight woman. The same gay male propaganda that made sure terms such as "top" and "bottom" also could be applied to women, despite the fact that women don't usually fill their brain with doubts about being "lesser" like gay men do just because they are on the receiving end during sex. The same gay propaganda that mingles with male supremacy and basically sees the world divided in "men" and "non-men" because to them all holes are the same and deserve to be humiliated.

Don't let this mindset get to you. It's one of the most malebrained things to perpetuate. And no it's not just about what happens under the sheets: just see all the "tee hee silly little bottom" memes online. Being a bottom is being a non-man and it's one of the most deviously misogynistic terms ever created. It's just a less devious way to say "being the woman" in a gay relationship and to them "woman" is just a hole to fuck.

It's amazing how tifs think this is better than being straight women but it just shows in which world we live in.

No. 1869670

>gay male propaganda that thinks living as a gay man is above being a straight woman
You mean fujo/TIF propaganda. Gay moids aspire to be straight women, TIFs are the ones who hate being women and anything associated with womanhood.

No. 1869671

>just see all the "tee hee silly little bottom" memes online
NTA but God, I hate those. It's some of the most thinly veiled misogyny I've ever saw.


Shut the fuck up about, fujos. I don't like them either, which is why I don't want fujo derail #34534643 ITT. Gay men do have a superiority complex over women despite also envying and skinwalking us.

No. 1869674

>The same gay male propaganda that made sure terms such as "top" and "bottom" also could be applied to women, despite the fact that women don't usually fill their brain with doubts about being "lesser" like gay men do just because they are on the receiving end during sex.
This sounds like projection of your own beliefs onto neutral terms tbh. Being a bottom (theoretically) has nothing to do with superior/inferior, it just means you're the one who normally gets penetrated during sex. It can apply to straight sex as well as gay sex and lesbian sex. Are you saying straight women who like to be penetrated during sex are somehow inferior? If not, then why is using the term "bottom" to describe that somehow problematic? Because it's a source of commonality between straight women and some gay men? Or is it because gay men popularized the term? Replacing "bottom" with "penetrated" is just exchanging words with the same meanings, I don't see a problem with women using it.

No. 1869689

nona, i think you're being wildly optimistic here. there's always been the idea that gay men receiving (ie bottoming) are inferior/woman-like, and simultaneously there's all these bottom memes that perpetuate the idea that being silly/feminine/submissive equals being a bottom. it's not projection to notice a pattern. don't even get me started on troons like andrea long chu that perpetuate the idea that the asshole is the 'universal female hole'

No. 1869700

I think the metaphorical connection between bottom and 'lesser' couldn't be less clear, even if I don't personally agree with the idea that being penetrated means you're lesser. It's not just the stereotype, the idea is metaphorically encoded into the term because no matter what our brain is going to make the association. IMO bottom and top are retarded words to describe what role people take in a sex act.

No. 1869710

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This is going to happen more and more

No. 1869711

I hope detransitioners get all the money and gender clinics rush to shut down to avoid losing money to their victims and this shit ends

No. 1869713

>IMO bottom and top are retarded words to describe what role people take in a sex act.
The greater vagina consumes the weaker penis is a better way to see it kek

No. 1869725

No I mean the gay men propaganda we had through the 2000s and 2010s.
This is a touchy subject because lolcor is understandably pro-gay, but the fact is that in those years gay men who worked in big media like tv and movies did their best to bleach their history and lifestyle, to make it look better and more glamorous than it is. This created droves of faghags and kickstarted the rise of straight tifs; Tifs are mostly a side effect from this propaganda, and the popularization of yaoi/boy's love is definitely also a sife effect of this deal, but I still believe it's disingenuous to pretend it's all the fault of unrealistic manga for girls because it excludes all tifs that aren't weebs.
I don't think being penetrated means you are lesser. It's also not an exchangeable word because vaginal sex and anal sex are not the same thing.
It's just a common thought among men (including gay ones) that being penetrated is humiliating and emasculating, and their psychosis over this dates back to ancient times. I mean, a trip in the tim threads make it so clear… it's all tied to their misogyny and desire for humiliation.
Women never ever had these insane ideas unless men instilled it into them, because penetrative sex for women usually entails more than just "fucking a hole", the most important part is knowing it can lead to bearing a child, which is a great responsability.
Also "bottom" is a word with many negative connotations in various contexts.
"Bottom of the barrel", "bottom of the food the food chain", "bottom of the list", "I've hit rock bottom" it can go on and on.

No. 1869728

> lolcor
are you swedish or something you keep making this same typo all the time

No. 1869735

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No. 1869738

Female socialization is crazy, you can really tell her "agab" by a drawing. Her fantasy of "intersex" isn't even rooted in the reality of intersex conditions.
This is likely a product of sexual abuse, I hope she finds peace, although in this environment where send mutilation and body negativity is encouraged, it's looking bleak.

No. 1869739

How old is this girl even supposed to be?

No. 1869744

19 her twitter is @FRANKIEFUNHOU5E

No. 1869747

It's been common knowledge for a couple years now that tifs relentlessly attack any detransitioner that goes public or, god forbid, expresses regret from having been groomed into medical transition at a young age when they should've been getting treated for PTSD and/or various other disorders. Content bullying detrans women suffering from their permanently altered bodies when their frontal lobe wasn't even done developing at the time they did it is very popular. If you don't recite the "it didn't work for me but it can for you!" script you either cope with daily death threats and dogpiling from le poor genocided troons or suffer in silence.

No. 1869754

This is just sad. You can really tell when all the gendershit is based in trauma and feeling like having a (female) body makes you a target.

No. 1869775

>you keep making this same typo all the time
nta but that's literally the only "lolcor" in this entire thread, excluding yours and now mine

>sex spectrum
Please show us exactly how this supposed spectrum works, because I for one have never seen the middle where male physically merges into female, and presumable people are walking around being roughly 50% male and female at the same time. It's clearly not intersex people since those are known birth defect mutations only on the supposed extreme ends (aka male and female) that often lead to sterility.
Or perhaps you meant "binary", because that's what sex actually is?

These people have literally meme'd themselves into extreme body hate for no reason. They're wasting all this time doing nothing and hating their bodies when they could be doing anything else.

No. 1869778

>nta but that's literally the only "lolcor" in this entire thread, excluding yours and now mine
i'm not talking about this thread alone dear nta. stay out of our nordic business.

No. 1869780

It's just a lolcow meme afaik. Probably started by swedes.

No. 1869782

Troons seem to think the "spectrum" is like vidrel.

No. 1869787

File: 1690136030206.jpg (443.85 KB, 1080x1806, girl.jpg)

I find these tifs the most irritating. Just straight up lying and being annoying about it. Checked her comments and she keeps replying to moids that she's a man who likes to dress up which is the same old but she went as far as to lie that she uses chestplates or stuffs her bra to make it look like she has breasts as a guy, when really she just has them cause she's a woman. And every cosplay she does is of a girl character.

No. 1869790

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And i didn't even have to scroll far to get to this which she most likely forgot to delete, so much for not being trans or a woman if it wasn't obvious from everything else.

No. 1869796

As a butch it really pisses me off to see women who are happy dressing feminine troon out. You could have a such a comfortable life! You could just delight in the joy of being "normal" (as normal as weebs can be, anyway), but nooo you have to fuck your body up with cross sex hormones and botched surgery because of your internalised misogyny. Pathetic.

No. 1869824

I never believed the TRA whining that terfs are just jealous until I saw this comment. I'm sorry you had to struggle so much as a butch, I did too, but it's not the fault of retards on tiktok. For all of you who claim to have sympathy for TIFs you can't seem to wrap your brains around they fact that they're female and struggling just as much as someone who doesn't have the trans delusion. It feels really victim blamey

No. 1869840

First of all I'm not a radfem, and yes, I am jealous of women who had an opportunity to be seen as normal but actively chose to be freaks (especially when they go on to complain about muh transphobia). That jealousy isn't why I hate troons though, you brainlet. It's a misogynistic, homophobic death cult. Anyone with two braincells to rub together should oppose it. When the fuck did I blame tiktok though? I literally said it's because of their internalised misogyny. And yes, I was a little "victim blamey" because not all TIFs are straight-up victims. I know it's complex and there's a myriad of reasons why women troon out, but some very willingly join this cult because they just can't stand the thought of being female and a "boring" ol' straight. Why are you babying these women? A lot gladly hype up violent TIMs who openly talk about wanting to rape and murder "TERFs", a lot admit to wanting to hurt women themselves. I'm so sick of this "won't somebody please think of the Tiffanies!" shit, you're on /snow/ so you're hardly feminist of the year trying to help these women, are you?

No. 1869857

Alternative viewpoint from another butch: delight in the fact that your natural state makes both TIFs and TIMs seethe. Tims cause you're a woman and tifs cause you're naturally more masculine than most of them will ever be.

(I get what you mean tho, there's always the general lesbian thread for more lesbian focused discussion if this starts to go too off topic(

No. 1869861

It's bizarre that women who were clearly comfortable enough to conform to dressing femininely and wearing makeup, and doing this well practiced and skillfully mind you, can just up and suddenly decide they're trans and go cold turkey no makeup, baggy masculine clothes and claim they were extremely uncomfortable the whole time and are now their "true selves". It's normal to be upset by this and it should be pointed out especially by women who have been GNC and tormented for it their whole lives. I'm not outright masculine or even androgynous but even I can see the retarded behavior of a woman who by all appearances conforms perfectly to the very feminine ideal turn around and claim she was never comfortable with it under the banner of being trans. Like, if you were really never comfortable and as intolerant as you say you are then you wouldn't have been good at it and you'd have been allergic from the start.

No. 1869892

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Not Like Other Fujos

No. 1869896

"been reading porn since 13 years old and now I have a distorted way on how men act IRL, so it seems I'm one of them".

Do they even read what they wrote before to post it?

No. 1869903

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>whose gender expression falls on x position in the sexuality spectrum

No. 1869916

>it never will be like that for me. The way cis males feel
Yeah cis males don't feel the same way your kawaii BL anime boys feel because they are cartoon characters, reminds me of the bleak reddit posts when a TIF tries to do her gaylove for real in a gay men's club and has some nasty bathroom/orgy room sex and gets an std from some horny, desperate, gross scrotes.

No. 1869920

gender expression and sexuality are not the same thing, this is how you get all the spicy straight transflag oppressed supergays who've never touched the same sex

No. 1869926

>I'm pre everything. Only thing I've done is socially transition, however, no one seems interested. I mean i get it, i dont have a real dick, so thats probably why men, gay men at that, act so mean towards me. "you dont belong here" "this is for men" and all that. I get it. But im nowhere near getting T cus the trans healthcare sucks ass and it takes ages to get it. Chasers and "bisexual" men are the only ones who show slight interest, if any. I dont really want a boyfriend i suppose, i just dont want to be seen as some "fake boy" or something. Telling me im infiltrating gay space. Do we just live like this until we finally pass or what.
Looking back I’m kind of thankful trooning out wasn’t such a big thing in the 2000s, most of us fujos were just faghags with yaoi paddles that grew out of it

No. 1869933

"But what do you mean BL is written mostly by woman?? you're erasing trans men and non-binary af-" It is STILL written by women. Japanese gay men do make their porn too obviously focused for men only (rokudenashi, IE).

I STG the influx of many detrans people in '20 would be quite concerning if that happened back then.

No. 1869939

All of this becomes extra stupid when you remember the target audience of boy's love is teenage girls and women and it's mostly written by women.
Otaku have such a retarded and warped vision of real life, it's laughable.

No. 1869944

So glad this shit wasn’t infected in girls manga circles/clubs during the 00s. Imagine getting experimental surgery and drugs that’ll destroy your endocrine system because of anime or fiction in general. This would be like if someone was so obsessed with Gundam that they want their healthy limbs and head to be robotic and a jet pack back to shoot them up in space. But no this isn’t a mental illness!

No. 1869947

And even more stupid saying how bl is helping to trans men to find their sexuality. Porn addiction is real, and this is one case of it.

No. 1869957

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>In my brain a relationship between two men seemed appealing to me in the sense of wanting it myself. Whereas a relationship between a man and woman just wasn't, like it all
picrel the relationship between two men she desired. Seriously though she trooned out due to her obvious porn addiction, and she doesn't seem to realize how fucked up that is.

No. 1869960

>what is reverse amazon and cowgirl positions

No. 1869982

stay pure nonnie thou shant ask about the tism of the tifs

No. 1869991

i have a personal cow who straight up transitioned bc she was really into reading fanfiction of ted bundy fucking richard ramirez. she even changed her name to ted and bought a yellow beetle. i’m fairly sure that she doesn’t have the intelligence or guts to kill but… still fucking unhinged.

No. 1870011

Though this make the trutrans sect of the tra lobby seethe the most, with troons and their "muh harry benjamin/ im trannier than thou" see a girl whose not even tomboyish but those types who simply dress for comfort they start to crazily seethe that they cis bitches dont deserve the "masculine" features

No. 1870012

Despite the top and bottom, gays dont even want the femboys

No. 1870015

>It's also not an exchangeable word because vaginal sex and anal sex are not the same thing.
So "bottom" should only be used for being penetrated in the ass but not in the vagina? Why? Vaginal and anal aren't the same thing but being penetrated is being penetrated, whether it's in the ass or pussy
>Women never ever had these insane ideas unless men instilled it into them, because penetrative sex for women usually entails more than just "fucking a hole", the most important part is knowing it can lead to bearing a child, which is a great responsability.
Okay but what if you're infertile, on birth control, have an IUD, had your tubes tied, hysterectomy, already pregnant etc? Like lots of women have vaginal sex without the possibility of concieving a child. Trying to separate vaginal and anal by justifying only vaginal by highlighting its unique childmaking potential is not feminist imo, especially since that's what most women are trying to escape from (the implicit link between vaginal sex and pregnancy/motherhood). Wanting to deny this "great responsibility" by equating vaginal and anal as essentially things only done for pleasure could be just these women asserting that they want to divorce vaginal sex from its reproductive potential. At the end of the day, with impregnation taken out of the equation, vaginal and anal are both about getting fucked for pleasure.

No. 1870016

Why the dumpy body lmfao

No. 1870017

Pleasure for the moid only

No. 1870021

Why dont you consider this may be a woman that is secretly extremely uncomfortable with her sex that she had to fool herself out of pathological reasons, such as convincing herself she acts like a agp mtf troon?

No. 1870022

Honestly so sick of this narrative where nerds who have fantasy brainrot associate these fantastical shit with real life. Same with shapeshifters or angels too. "These aliens have asexual reproduction they're enbies" as if fictional bs matters in real life.

No. 1870042

Please can we stop the "bottom" discourse who cares what gay men call their cummies, it's not a word for women even if TIFs try and appropriate it for Totally Real Gay Points, just stop lol

No. 1870045

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No. 1870063

You sound like a tranny who got mad because I used pregnancy in my example because "not all women can get pregnant" (btw I implied pregnancy is the main reason why a vagina is not comparable to a butthole, but I never said it's the only reason).
But no, the vagina is still not just a hole to be "bottoming" with like one would use the asshole. The vagina self lubricates and generally has less complications for preparation. Seeing it as "just another hole" might as well equate it to a tranny's rotting frakenhole because, oh, it's just a hole to have penetratrive sex with. Do you realize how retarded and sexist that sounds? You can absolutely denounce the idea that all women should be mothers and you can live an active sex life without trying to make gay men who do anal the same as straight women (which is part of the gay propaganda I was talking about before). You don't need to cape for them and their bullshit.
I'm not even trying to be feminist, I'm just saying women should get out of the fanfiction mines or the gender mines and completely drop the terms top and bottom because they're rooted in misogyny and maleness.
These tifs love them because they live online and are validated by misogyny. They either hate their vagina or call it a "bonus hole" because they want to dissociate from being female as much as possible. They think being a gay man is peak humanity because the media they consume has declared women are not simply female humans, but lesser beings who can't compare to the groundbreaking femme gay men and "femme presenting people". After all, which tif wants to be someone who "bottoms" but is dragged down by an icky menstruating vagina?
If you were ever a tif or part of a deeply gendie group ask yourself if you really got out of it, because it sounds like your brain is still wired to think all of this crap exists to sexually liberate us instead of degrading us and painting sex as a battle where the top dominates the bottom.

No. 1870077

>I wouldn’t want to do something Nigel doesn’t enjoy
>I’m (inferior faggot) for letting Nigel fuck me
No hope

No. 1870079

The sad thing is that she said she’s pre-everything so it’s quite literally some 100% female looking fujo approaching gay men and expecting them to want to date her because she says she’s a gay man, the guys are telling her no that’s not how things work and she still doesn’t understand

No. 1870084

>You sound like a tranny who got mad because I used pregnancy in my example because "not all women can get pregnant" (btw I implied pregnancy is the main reason why a vagina is not comparable to a butthole, but I never said it's the only reason).
It's a fact that not all (or not even most in this day in age) women can be or want to be pregnant, whether it's because of menopause or natural or artificially imposed infertility. Comparing me pointing that out to trannies trying to shift or change the definition of woman because "not ALL women have ovaries" is disingenuous because I'm not defining women by their ability or desire to get pregnant or not. You chose to use pregnancy as your reason why vaginal sex was a more valid form of sex than anal and you didn't mention any other reasons besides that until now. And the whole "it's natural therefore better" argument is just the naturalistic fallacy. Fucking dying during childbirth is natural but no one ever uses that as the standard for women's health.
>The vagina self lubricates and generally has less complications for preparation.
And your other reason is… that vaginas "naturally" lubricate and expand? This isn't even a biological fact like "females menstruate." It's something extremely variable as women often (not rarely) report dryness, closed-offness (vaginismus), tearing, or more commonly vaginal pain during sex at least once in their lifetime despite being aroused, suggesting that vaginal sex really isn't the perfect, holy grail sex act you think it is. And like this other anon replied, some women (not me) even feel that both vaginal and anal are alike in that they are "pleasure for the moid only." >>1870017 Using lube for vaginal isn't even uncommon for straight women either as natural lubrication is unreliable, especially after menopause.
>Seeing it as "just another hole" might as well equate it to a tranny's rotting frakenhole because, oh, it's just a hole to have penetratrive sex with.
At this point I'm convinced you're either a tradthot obsessed with vaginal sex being "purer" or a more valid form of penetrative sex (because vaginas are naturally wet all the time and women naturally want to get fucked unlike men plus you can make babies!) in contrast to anal sex or a troll. This is heteronormative propaganda that says PIV is the only valid form of straight sex and that only women are able to be penetrated because only women have vaginas (thus defining women - but not men - as fuckable and perpetuating the same misogyny that you were complaining about). Please never act like engaging in anal sex is the same as trannies making their partners fuck their carved out open surgical wounds ever again.
>You can absolutely denounce the idea that all women should be mothers and you can live an active sex life without trying to make gay men who do anal the same as straight women (which is part of the gay propaganda I was talking about before).
You seem to have a problem with the fact that people who are penetrated have a commonality in that and can use language to talk about it because straight women aren't like those gross deviants who have nonreproductive nonvaginal sex.
>Rest of the post is projection and aimless ranting, putting words in my mouth and projecting, more calling me a tranny or accusing me of it etc.
I'm not a TIF nor have I ever been, but I see where they're coming from with the whole "female bottom" shit. Realizing that the vagina doesn't have to be something a woman ever has to use and it's a choice not a natural imperative or destiny is liberating and they're just using language to express that. Not that I would ever call myself a bottom (ever) as I don't associate myself with strict sexual roles, but I also don't like the endless hate around anal sex here and constant veneration of vaginal in comparison as if that isn't the same misogyny (woman = fucked, vagina = made to be fucked because it's natural, women = made to be impregnated because it's natural) TIFs (and feminists) are trying to get away from. The whole "bottom = inferior" idea of yours is pure projection and irony considering the terms you've laid out and your case for vaginal over anal (and thus straight sex over gay sex) essentially boiling down to "cuz it's natural."(derailing)

No. 1870090

I'm not even sure what you are trying to say anymore in your gendie-leaning radfem word salad, cause my point was always that a vagina is not comparable to a butthole and that top/bottom are shitty terms not appliable to anyone who isn't a gay man.
I already said women should not be obliged to become mothers and that they should do as they wish with their life, yet you keep ranting like I'm some kind of trad idiot who wants women to be forced to be mothers.
I explained why I'm not projecting anything when I say top and bottom are demeaning terms but you never cared for those explanations to begin with and just focused on things I never mentioned like gay men being inferior to straight women (I mentioned how ppl like some gay men, especially HSTS, love to go on and on about they're better than stupid women, which happens constantly).
If top and bottom are just simple words to describe the role of someone during sex, why are so many retarded memes tied to them? Why are gay men who bottom injustly stereotyped as catty and childish in their own community? Why are two completely different things (vagina and butthole) exchangeable when they give different types of pleasure and are entirely different organs to begin with? You don't need a goddamn essay for this. You don't need to be homophobic to reject shitty terms like top/bottom to describe your sex life.
Stop constantly misinterpreting me just because I can tell anal is not piv and that gay men have problems, that they employed and employ propaganda to look trendy and appealing (newsflash: many groups of people do this, but pointing out gay men do it too is homophobia?). And remember, they're never going to cape for you like you cape for them.

No. 1870092

>You seem to have a problem with the fact that people who are penetrated have a commonality in that and can use language to talk about it because straight women aren't like those gross deviants who have nonreproductive nonvaginal sex
On a scale from very to extremely, how porn addicted are you? You know you can get help for it instead of just rationalizing your addiction.

No. 1870112

File: 1690207258871.gif (1.97 MB, 615x413, sides.gif)

anon writing an entire essay sperg about how it's totally valid to compare arseholes and vaginas and if you disagree you're a tradthot will never not be funny to me.

No. 1870117

Cant wait until we get harsh age restriction laws on fanfic and manga websites that allow 18+ content.

No. 1870122


The fact that there are multiple people in that thread celebrating this is insane. And she's whining that she can't get a revision on the NHS. No reputable doctor is going to piss away taxpayer's money to fix your Frankenpussy, which is why you had to go to a butcher in Korea to get it Mengele'd in the first place. The NHS wants nothing to do with that shit.

No. 1870176

Link pls

No. 1870211

You're either a delusional TIF or a gay male otherwise you'd know full well that a vagina isn't even slightly comparable to a butthole, what a ridiculous discourse you are having here anon.

No. 1870227

Wtf in the world is this supposed to be???
Nonas how does your vaggies look like in comaprison? (It's not like I'm asking for pics.)

No. 1870233

If you're not a TIF, then why do mods let you get away you TIMMY TIM TROON

No. 1870246

File: 1690228116793.jpg (168.49 KB, 720x1600, Tumblr_l_1301812006826593.jpg)

For one it doesn't have one of it's holes melted shut, two my lips are bigger so it's more hidden. I think my pussy's shy, maybe she's scared I'll treat her like tifs treat theirs?

Picrel's post was too big to add it's caption but it said "Call me faggot cuz i be"

No. 1870248

File: 1690228189098.jpg (2.43 MB, 1200x1800, Tumblr_l_1301838193886210.jpg)

Tifs think they're funny making silly posts about their irreversible self-harm

No. 1870263

Late and sage for blogpost but I have dated a lot of TIFs as a lesbian because every butch woman I was into kept trooning out and I recommend avoiding it. Their emotional baggage is insane, especially when they are actual dysphoric lesbians rather than fujobrained spicy straights larping as bi. They didn't act superior so much as desperately insecure and depressed. And the effects of T are offputting, the mega clit really is unappealing. However a lot of TIF lesbians are also stone/don't want to be touched, so that isn't always an issue depending on your sexual preferences. Either way you're not an asshole kek, some of the most depressingly self-hating misogynistic drivel I ever heard was from hardcore trans men.

No. 1870267

File: 1690229910876.jpeg (79.73 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2149.jpeg)

No. 1870279

File: 1690230966483.jpeg (385.39 KB, 1119x798, IMG_5314.jpeg)

Reminds me of this

No. 1870284

>there are girls out there who fetishize this genre
>that’s far from what I was doing
>it was appealing to me in the sense of wanting it myself
This must be a troll post

No. 1870286

Ignoring how unfunny it is, what’s even the point - she is so fat and her breasts are so tiny she could pass them as moobs

No. 1870351

File: 1690241145750.jpeg (468.96 KB, 1170x1354, IMG_5008.jpeg)

Sis… if it weren’t for that sign you would have been assaulted or worse.

No. 1870367

>other transmen
The username has rad but this sounds like a tif who's trying to say she's the tranniest of them all cos she doesn't feel like a boi you guys she just IS

No. 1870374

I'm trying to understand what happened. She got her vagina and urethra sealed up, and most of her labia minora removed? Where are her piss and period gonna go?

No. 1870378

I’ve seen this term before but thought it was equivalent to a chapstick lesbian or whatever you call the women who are tomboys but not fully butch.

No. 1870383

How does her being attracted to men translate to a life or death situation?

No. 1870384

Wow, are places really starting to do that? I don’t understand why she’d even want to go into a men’s changing room if it’s that scary and obvious she’s a woman. What sounds better? Being potentially harassed or raped in a place with naked men? Or women going about their business around another woman? Even if she’s absurdly hairy or something, most women at the gym won’t give a shit and just want to change as quickly as possible.

No. 1870386

I've heard some lesbians use the terms too, to mean giver and receiver? sry if this is a noob question, I'm not a tiffany I'm just a virgin

No. 1870391

Learn to read and you will no longer feel that way

No. 1870433

The urethra wasn't sealed, it was moved using the labia minora (whatever that means). The uterus, ovaries, and vagina were all removed so no periods

No. 1870442

I was confused about that too. Sounds like she's worried she'll be attacked by straight men for being a uwu gay trans man? Not sure why her being straight specifically would make her a target, men who'd assault her don't care about orientation.

It's a validation thing.

No. 1870480

File: 1690257563514.png (119.83 KB, 948x1030, Screenshot (4755).png)

Looked up Rodrick from Dairy of Wimpy kid on account of Oppenheimer and this was one of the top comments on one of the videos.

No. 1870483

kek what does that even mean.

No. 1870487

He has an attitude or style that’s appealing to the girls consuming that media.(learn to sage)

No. 1870548

File: 1690273152603.webm (5.89 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1690211871557.w…)

the doctors strike again!

No. 1870556

In my 28 years of life, I have not known a single man who talked like that, not even gay men talk like this, its so fundamentally female.

No. 1870558

As of today the trans post is gone and she identifies as female again.

No. 1870563

File: 1690278793194.jpeg (324.2 KB, 1080x1330, wjzvvhq.jpeg)

There are just some-laws that will safeguard minors from being mutilated or having their hormones fucked up, you can destroy your bodies all you want after 18, just leave kids alone.

No. 1870566

If stopping minors from getting mutilated by experimental surgery, stopping groomers and pedos = "trans genocide", then I'm all for it and it sure says a lot about their values.

No. 1870567

If men have those signs it kind of sounds like trans identified women have been there before and either caused or have gotten into trouble. While men in general aren't in danger from one single roided up woman being in there, it's still bad practice to force them to share their space with a woman just because she's delusional. In either direction it's fucked up to pretend a woman is really just a weak man, or that a man is really just a roided up woman.

No. 1870573

File: 1690282398014.gif (1.18 MB, 500x347, 5EK.gif)

>What are you going to do about it?

No. 1870583

File: 1690285754964.gif (2.01 MB, 498x277, IMG_5875.gif)


No. 1870585

because the thing a group of people who were being threatened with genocide would do is post clearly identifiable photos of themselves!

No. 1870592

lol. lmao, even

No. 1870594

Bruh i'm a woman and I say "other men" when referring to moids, out of habit

No. 1870596

Why the fuck is the chest bent in?

No. 1870621

>tif gets pregnant
>female doctor understandably asks her if her parts are still intact and is confused by this freak
>omg how rude of her!!!

No. 1870625

I understand the point of view of "it's weird to ask what's in someone's pants" (since it is), but trannies are pretty much walking (and sadly, talking) experiments. It's like you said: freak, someone who's body is the product of a completely new form of "medical" procedure - it's only normal to ask questions.
Not to mention, aren't we expected to understand them? Don't they demand we do? How are we supposed to if we can't even ask such important questions? They want us to be all supportive and asskissy without letting us even know what we need to support. It's like the whole dilemma of "we can't use the bathrooms of our biological sex but don't you DARE suggest we get a special bathroom for transpeople!" They want their cake and to eat it too, all under the premise of "it's basic human rights!!1!"
It's like even the oldest ones have the mental capacity of pre-teens…
Excuse my long sperging but their hypocrisy just baffles me

No. 1870630

What an exhausting person.

"Matching biological genitalia only" sounds like odd phrasing for a sign.

The cartoonish levels of helplessness and grievance expressed in a lot of the posts in this thread is really troubling. Ugh not to armchair but a lot of these people truly seem like they're genuinely in crisis.

No. 1870631

File: 1690297115109.png (1.76 MB, 1282x1744, Screenshot 2023-07-25 at 10.59…)

this person is insane and a grifter – trying to get followers to invest in domes for neurodivergent offgrid living? wtf?

No. 1870637

>neurodivergent offgrid living
Didn't the Nazis have a similar plan? kek

No. 1870640


Skinwalker Wil Wheaton. Almost identical in terms of smugness and punchability also

No. 1870649

I thought "sex and gender are different" so why would it be wrong for her to admit she's female but "identifies" as a man? they don't care what you personally id as just what your natal sex as far as im concerned. doctors also don't normally work with trans patients on a daily basis so God forbid they ask questions

No. 1870694

>I read R18 materials at age 13 despite all the warnings online and now I'm retarded
Who would have thought…

No. 1870739

Tranch 2: TIF Boogaloo?

No. 1870740

maybe i'm stupid but i don't see what pregnancy and gender has to do about having a hole in your lung and going to see a doctor for that kek. did she just want to dunk on a doctor or what

No. 1870753

File: 1690319374052.gif (1.47 MB, 498x278, princess-bride-you-keep-using-…)


No. 1870883

File: 1690343502590.png (399.96 KB, 394x790, Untitled.png)


sadly very common for them to larp as farmers / homesteaders. pretty bad for the animals too. picrel has killed a bunch of chickens bc she doesn't know how to set up an electric fence that literally plugs in. she should just feed the coyotes, it'd be cheaper.

No. 1870884

File: 1690343843055.png (692.84 KB, 1159x765, Untitled.png)

No. 1870900

Not to be that person but kids are dumb and will ignore warnings to sate their curiousity. If they weren't trying to sneak around and access not age appropriate shit I'd be more worried tbh

No. 1870969

OH PLEASE let her contact TLC to get some more funding for Tranny Ranch: Neurodivergent and losing it. I'd watch it.

No. 1870972

They get off on deceiving people, it makes them feel like they've got the power because they have this "hidden knowledge" that they're really female but tricked the other person into thinking they're male.
By wearing female outfits tifs like this girl is baiting for people to disagree and call her a girl so she can "correct" them and get her panties wet from excitement of performing her rebuttal "no i'm a boy" ritual.

No. 1870975

>maybe i'm stupid but i don't see what pregnancy and gender has to do about having a hole in your lung
if a woman is pregnant it's going to be relevant for every other treatment because there's a shit ton of meds and surgery that will harm the fetus or baby so you can't do it. Testosterone being one of those means that taking it while pregnant is also the sign of a moron not fit to be a parent so if I was a doctor I'd ask questions to sort out if she actually is as stupid as the idiocy she just admitted to. It's like saying "I walk around with my child holding a giant metal pole" and you look outside and see a thunderstorm, it makes you ask "wait you walk around with it in THIS weather? An actual metal pole? With a child? In thunder???"

No. 1870985

I feel bad for the chickens. Fucking asshole should just stick to Stardew Valley.

>working class
This is a nitpick, but I doubt it. The trooning out and farmer LARP just screams bored middle class brat to me.

No. 1870994

>In Becoming a Farmer, I Found Community
>By "Sage Agee"
brb while I break the fourth wall

No. 1871005

File: 1690374556145.png (Spoiler Image,589.24 KB, 551x651, 7989877789987987.png)

Woman has failed phalloplasty that theyre desperately trying to save despite only a sad little sausage with broken stitches is left

No. 1871009

Jfc. The tattoos on that thing as well

No. 1871018

>is a parent
that poor baby.

No. 1871027

you’re dead right. Every troon I know, male or female has been middle class as fuck, they think making fake struggles for themselves makes them cool and interesting

No. 1871032

No wonder the doctor was confused if this idiot was calling themselves transgender but also not female. Poor nurse could have thought this was some Tim convinced he'd gotten himself pregnant no wonder they kept trying to clarify this crazy woman's sex

No. 1871038

The level of mental illness you need to have to do this to your body is absurd. There's no way a non-functional crinkle cut French fry looking flesh lump gives someone "gender euphoria"

No. 1871039

And nowhere a gay man see this and think "oh a good and funcional penis I want to lick". These TIF's homophobia is over 9000 to get… that.

No. 1871067

What do you mean by “failed phalloplasty”? It totally looks like the real thing! Wow! You truly can’t tell the difference between her dick and a dick of a moid!

No. 1871071

this is justa hackjob, the surgeon didnt even try

No. 1871082

how will she pee and how will she do menstruation

No. 1871090

Apparently they had to cut off some necrotic tissue so it got even smaller and lumpier… Just give up, your franken sausage is dead

No. 1871130

File: 1690393859270.jpg (407.18 KB, 1080x2025, 28rqhsh4862.jpg)

100 TiFs entered a women's beauty pagent as a form of protest because they don't allow TiMs to compete. wow women in a women's beauty contest would you look at that

No. 1871131

this isn't the gotcha they think it is lmao

No. 1871158

What do they expect will happen? Somebody will say "oh no, now we have all these true and honest men in our competition, what shall we do?" They can sign up, but none of them will meet the requirements to get any further, just as most normie women who are not the target audience for beauty competitions.

No. 1871163

How tf you gonna live of the grid when you're social media addicted and require the medical industrial complex for your hormones? Oh wait, they're already cosplaying as men, why not cosplay as anything you want

No. 1871174

If I were in charge of the contest, I'd crown one of the fakebois the winner to piss them off. Hype them up as a beacon of femininity who's very brave to be so public about her ill mental health.

As a prepper, "off grid" has lost nearly all it's meaning. A lot of unwashed scrotes with operator beards think buying a house in a rural area and making their wives grow veggie gardens and keep hens is living off grid despite making no other changes in their lives. It's pretty much a meme now.

No. 1871177

Off grid means too far into the boonies for DoorDash, but close enough to civilization to get Amazon prime

No. 1871200

I thought my country would bend over troon demands like a cuck, but turns out there's a shred of decency left in here. Now do it for women's sports.

No. 1871213

isn't your country under a RW government though?

No. 1871259

It's literally a doctor's job to know. It's like calling your podiatrist a foot fetishist for asking about your feet.

No. 1871262

They think he's cool and probably want to fuck him. That's it.

No. 1871264

>Nothing is as terrifying as using the shower in a men's dressing room
Then don't. Stop prioritizing your delusions over your own safety. Wow, it's almost as though sex segregated spaces exist for a reason.

No. 1871268

Yeah but a lot of places are getting infested by troons. You can buy fruit juice with gendie italianx shit on the package.
Also media outside the country is painting the current government as LITERAL NEO FASCISTS KILLING LGBTQ+ VICTIMS!!!! when in reality is just the same old bullshit (Meloni is at least pro-abortion).

No. 1871269

Samefag, my wording is shit but
>(Meloni is at least pro-abortion)
Is meant to be a positive thing.

No. 1871280

Females entering a beauty pageant, how brave! For this "protest" to make sense they should've entered a male beauty pageant, right? To be on theme with people entering competitions meant for the opposite sex? Oh, but something tells me, they wouldn't be able to stand up to males and would be laughed out of the competition before it's started because nobody cares about tifs kek.

No. 1871283

Pretty sure a hysterectomy is required beforehand.
Depending on the type of surgery, she could go with urethral lengthening but it seems like it's not the case so she probably has a small pee hole behind the meat lump.

No. 1871310

Uhhh yeah, a shitty patriarchal beauty pageant being sabotaged by a bunch of GNC women isn't gonna piss radfems off like they think.

No. 1871311

File: 1690417560194.png (2.48 MB, 2471x1417, IMG_5326.png)

truly clockable by art style alone. It’s hilarious to see their attempts at coping with transphobia; let’s see how actual males do it… oh.

No. 1871345

Super rude!!! Obviously the doctor should know that mpreg babies come out the ass.

No. 1871349

notice how the TIF complains about "bigots" in general (male and female) and doesn't wish them any harm while the TIM only complains about women and actively wants to harm them. truly showing

No. 1871466

They're not targeting radfems in this case and they are well aware of it.
Not that troons would care since to them anyone who dares go againat them at any degree is magically turned into a terf. Beauty pageants that want to avoid the cringe of having an ugly troon win and turn viral for the wrong reasons? Terfs. Matt Walsh? Terfs. Random normies who have no idea? Terfs. Any religious group that adheres to its rules? Terfs. Grandma's swimming club? Terfs. Jk Rowling the milquetoast feminist? Terf. Trad women? Terfs. Any neo nazi group? The biggest terves of all.
It's like they forget that the RF part of TERF means something…

No. 1871497

Terf is just the new 'feminazi'.

No. 1871502

Even the seemingly nicest libfems and troon allies will endorse violence against "terfs". Harrass or threaten a so-called terf and you will never have to face consequences.
When you keep that in mind, the fact that literally anyone and everyone can be called a terf is worrying…

No. 1871649

The thumbnail in combination with the title, kek

No. 1871684

>why does psychology fail us?
>crazy person in thumbnail
Oh, the iron knee. I guess this is how psychfags cope with the fact that their little bit of paper they got in huge debt for is worthless in the real world.

No. 1871685

File: 1690489112844.jpg (47.5 KB, 550x409, muskler.jpg)

It would have looked like this, except with chest scars.

No. 1871715

as hilarious as it would be, you're being too nice that any of them wouldn't get clocked right away even without showing chest scars

No. 1871775

I don't know how I managed to sit through 6 minutes of this dumb bitch complaining that psychology courses were "triggering" for her because her professor uses "people first" language instead of "identity first" langage. College courses delve into sensitive topics all the time. No need to turn it into a rant video.

No. 1871779

I'm not done yet this video pisses me off as a STEM major kek. She was in a college course where ABA therapy was a point of discussion. Instead of taking the opportunity to share her perspective as an autistic individual, in an academic environment where different viewpoints are valuable, she just sent anonymous feedback to her professor and lost her shit when the professor didn't give a fuck about the semantics of identity vs. person first. This alone is very telling for why she didn't thrive in an academic environment.

No. 1871862

File: 1690508267426.jpg (280.11 KB, 1080x1595, 20230727_203820_Twitter.jpg)

A man shoots and kills his girlfriend + unborn child but this is what the headlines are saying

No. 1871865

You're not gonna link that shit?

No. 1871866

Are doctors really this stupid or do they just do this on purpose to try to troll and upset Trans people? Genuine question

No. 1871867

This headline reminds me of the tif with the gross gore art and selfies showing off her pregnancy bump. Wonder how she's doing…

No. 1871875

File: 1690509244722.jpg (1 MB, 1800x1012, 07-27_20_51_19.jpg)

this is Courtney/Camdyn with her boyfriend. Even if she was a Tif it still saddens me that even if they identify out of womanhood, they're still victims of domestic abuse from men. I genuinely feel hurt for her and her baby

No. 1871876

No. 1871902

horribly depressing, this happened not very far from me. i can't even say this is likely to be talked about in terms of "transphobic violence" because even the trans community barely cares about female victims. i feel awful for her and the baby who died, she deserved a life and that's exactly why that misogynistic man took it away.

No. 1871923

File: 1690516877497.jpg (11.81 KB, 355x258, 1550135927970.jpg)

>A woman and her kid died due DV
>"omg all those transphobic comments, I wanna puke!"

Do these people have their priorities right??

No. 1871993

File: 1690531025347.jpg (1.1 MB, 1188x1110, Screenshot_104.jpg)

reposting from 2X. TRAs using the hashtag meant to display misogyny towards women to promote their mediocre art is peak online activism.

No. 1871999

Did Etsy ban terf content while keeping up things like "I tear terves in half and dance over their carcass" shirts or something?!

No. 1872025

Such a waste, in her old videos she was super cute(sage your shit)

No. 1872044

Oh no, looks like her yaoi fairytale romance didn't end up how she expected. They both look like ogres.

No. 1872067

File: 1690546162730.png (173.43 KB, 578x548, Screenshot_106.png)

Pretty much. even detrans content is taken down.

No. 1872068

a woman failed by society in multiple ways dies at the hands of a man she trusted and you focus on how they looked as a couple. fucking really?

No. 1872073

I think they've been doing that for a while now. Not directly TERF content, but this guy was apparently removed from Etsy and he didn't even say anything about trans people. https://nypost.com/2022/10/08/how-trans-activists-got-me-deplatformed-by-paypal-and-etsy/
You probably couldn't get a single "I heart JKR" sticker on Etsy, but a billion "Kill JKR" (and more creatively violent) ones.

No. 1872075

Fuck them for letting items promoting violence against women stay and removing pro-women and de-trans items. I've had an Etsy account for a decade but I won't use them anymore.
Loving the 100% groovy, 100% woman mug btw. Hope she can sell her stuff somewhere else.

No. 1872107

File: 1690552430218.webm (5.55 MB, 480x854, 1683014610691948544_1.webm)

Mom raises son to be genderless so he can choose his own gender for himself

No. 1872113

That poor child is going to grow up so confused

No. 1872116

Remember, Kids, Esty is trash with their terms and conditions and pays a dust to the artists… So let's use it to buy misogynistic merch! Let's see if trannies will cry that they're not earning much money after all this boycott.

No. 1872119

same story as always. men are out there killing women, men, and even the men and women larping as each other. and yet somehow women saying stuff is 100 times worse and more deserving of outrage.

No. 1872121

Kek this got recommended to me too. The first thing that came to mind when I read the thumbnail was "that you have a mental illness?"

No. 1872126

File: 1690556062285.jpeg (191.67 KB, 1170x588, FA2976CF-3285-48C4-9879-C604FA…)

White gendies will tell black tifs they passed as men when they were children or compliment how easily they pass and no one bats eye.
Not only are they sexist beyond belief they’re also extremely racist.

No. 1872144

I swear if I hear another TIF wishing they had PCOS so they could get "free testosterone" I'll scream. Is painful, no one believes in that pain and finding the correct birth control (and a gynecologist that do believe you're in pain) is horrible.

No. 1872155

I just requested deletion for my 8 year old account, it was very easy.

No. 1872168

wow, nice, I knew that their terms and conditions are shit, but I could accept that as I only bought vintage stuff and nothing someone actually made as an artist. Guess those times are over now and I will buy directly from the person if possible.

Is there a way to report items for promoting violence against other humans? I found a nice "fuck terfs" sticker with a bloody knife on it and I think that it promotes violence and therefore shouldn't be on Etsy.

No. 1872172

how arw they gonna expect the normal population to read "pregnant boyfriend" and not get confused? especially considering TiFs are deemed more rare in news over TiMs.

problem with stuff like this is that it's less likely to be recorded as femicide if they're unironically calling her a pregnant man

No. 1872186

>implying any of them actually work out

No. 1872187

I’ve reported something like that before and they didn’t care.

No. 1872209

I get you, nona. Got PCOS myself and it's a nightmare. A TIF I used to work with once heard me discuss PCOS with another woman and said "at least it's validating your gender" because I'm butch and implied that feminine women have it worse than me. Quite frankly, I think I deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for not knocking that bitches teeth out.

No. 1872238

Rejoice because pcos is intersex to these idiots so we're trans in their eyes lol.

No. 1872285

It's interesting how even that young you can tell that is a male child, and that even if he wanted to become a girl no amount of early hormones and surgery will make him 'pass.' Leave the fucking kids alone.

No. 1872323

Considering they use testosterone and steroids, I think a tif would fit.

sageblog but I have PCOS and it wasn't until I got a DEPO that pills didn't seem to work. And then you see them being good "bros" telling to TIM "I would donate my male uterus if I could".

No. 1872404

How is "100% woman" troonphobic in any capacity? I can easily picture a troon buying and enjoying a pin/sticker like that. What a crock of shit, you just know an item that said "100% man" wouldn't get taken down.

No. 1872407

All this proves is that trannies suck shit at art. Probably because they all learned how to draw from furries, anime, and Homestuck.

No. 1872411

Guarantee you the victim gushed online about how ~sooper ghey~ she and her violent abuser boyfriend were.

Over two thirds of intimate partner homicides were perpetrated against female victims. Most female homicide victims were killed by a current or former intimate partner. These are realities you cannot identify out of. Domestic violence is an instrument of systemic misogyny.

No. 1872412

They're probably some sped from Kiwifarms.

No. 1872477

Allegedly, Lena Dunham's pebble-molested sister is now heccin cute and valid transmasc enby.("allegedly". this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 1872546

File: 1690625760023.jpg (62.87 KB, 720x775, F2LZzd2aoAIlm_w.jpg)

Either this is a troll (most likely) or you have some serious cysts and/or tumors down there girl

No. 1872607

File: 1690636248867.jpeg (893.52 KB, 828x1439, IMG_7811.jpeg)

ftm i know thru the cosplay scene

No. 1872620

>i am 5'2"
every single fucking time i swear

No. 1872647

File: 1690642254334.jpg (450.77 KB, 1500x1000, KS-cyrus-grace-comp.jpg)

Uuuuuuuhhhhh no.

No. 1872648

Sameanon. Just want to make it clear this is the first result when you search "Cyrus grace Dunham 2023".

No. 1872649

File: 1690642536316.jpg (14.78 KB, 206x305, p3330198_e_v8_aa.jpg)

No. 1872656

“Even if I am only hired through my own self produced events” this is so embarrassing. Chicks developing gender feewlings via cosplay is so goofy

No. 1872662

Kek does she know what hiring is? You can’t hire yourself, you’d be self-employed.

No. 1872704

File: 1690652993764.jpg (434.97 KB, 1098x841, Untitled.jpg)

grim, sad, pathetic and completely self-absorbed

No. 1872711

File: 1690653475072.jpeg (305.15 KB, 1170x2532, 2DE73103-9FF8-4790-8E94-95E02C…)

Imagine admitting you’re LARPing this hard

No. 1872713

Somehow this just screams CSA.

No. 1872715


Wow, that artwork is sooooo manly. Definitely drawn by a man. Yep.

No. 1872717

do brainrotten fujo larpers like herself even realize heartstopper is not written with gay male audiences in mind (and even if it was gay men still wouldn't give a shit about it) but is rather exclusively marketed towards straight girls? it fucks me up how little self awareness some people have, like are you even a real person

No. 1872719

I really don't understand how this rat faced fuck is so popular. I check the YouTube comments of her shorts from time to time and there's gaydens with screen names likes "wristbleeder" correcting every single instance of misgendering. EVERY last one. Troonfluencer simps are so fucking odd. Wonder how they'll handle the detrans arc when "Ezra" realises rushing into top surgery was a colossally stupid idea.

No. 1872724

I see this clusterfuck style of artwork everywhere in weird corners of the Internet. Super saturated colors, KidPix aesthetic, random symbols used without purpose. It mystifies me. Is it a lack of art education? An obsession with some art aesthetic of the past? The result of burnt out dopamine receptors? Am I just overthinking it?(sage your shit)

No. 1872731

The writer of heartstopper was a woman and its fans are mostly women, so yeah it actually does check out that she likes it. She also said "mlm" so maybe her partner is a tif too.

No. 1872785

it means he's thin and white lmao

No. 1872787

toothpaste flag really ties it all together

No. 1872808

Late but, most doctors are aware of trans stuff but choose to willfully ignore it, even doctors who do 'trans-affirmative' healthcare. They absolutely know what giving testosterone to a woman (or e to a man) is going to do but there is very little to be done when you're treating someone who has intense mental illness like that. There is a practice in medicine of also not telling patients the real severity of what's happening to them and their future outcomes which is shitty but that also plays a part.
While some doctors might buy into gender stuff, the whole thing goes against anything they've learned. Most doctors just treat women taking T as women and treat symptoms that arise from previous literature about women with PCOS or menopause.

No. 1872891

File: 1690673737238.png (294.49 KB, 318x934, reddit2.png)

crossposting from the reddit thread because I realised it would be more fitting here.

No. 1872963

for people like picrel it's just edgy and "cute but fucked up" to put it on pics of self mutilation

No. 1872976

this is by far, the most upsetting thing i've ever seen so far regarding anything trans related.

No. 1873025

Same with Boyfriends. Is not for "queer audience" but for straight women that want to fuck gay men, like the TIF artist do with her self-inserted Mary Sue.

I bet they would be horrified to see Bara art and think "this was not made by a gay man!".

No. 1873027

We're already fed up with troons, MtFs spend a lot of their time ruining male spaces because they have male hobbies. It's kind of cute how none of you seem to be aware of this.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1873030

begone moid

No. 1873031

I'd argue men have an easier time pushing them out than female space do though. ALso female spaces seem to have a high number of both mtfs and ftms.

No. 1873037

Either a TERF sign because timmies are wary, or it forces tifs to associate unwillingly and instinctively it causes cognitive dissonance (like forcing them to accept they are women) Sage for potential armchair, that wasnt my intention

No. 1873042

>my voice is very deep
So you have the croaky kermit voice

>how do I come to terms with the fact that people think moids are predators, it's getting in the way of my yaoi boi larp :(

As a woman did you not know many moids are predators?? These people live in la la land fr. You want to cosplay a male but get sad when people play along and treat you like a potential molester, huh. If anything you should be grateful your family are trying to see you as male instead of simply laughing at you.

No. 1873050


No. 1873051

She is a predator and a groomer. Why is she using they/them pronouns for a child?(why are you not saging?)

No. 1873088

the consequences of that gay faggot pirate show
she doesn’t even try to defend moids and say that they aren’t all pedos and assuming they are sexist like most tifs would do, which is based but she’s still delusional enough to think everyone sees her as a man and she still wants to be a part of the sex everyone (correctly) sees as predators?

No. 1873122

File: 1690726420898.png (524.27 KB, 1000x807, the_wetmouth_of_wythenshawe.pn…)

anyone actually think this TIF who sleeps with stuffed animals is going around spitting on women with the wrong opinions?

No. 1873130

She probably didn't, because the woman she spat on would've at least said something, and we all know that Tiffany here would've used that as fuel to claim she was being attacked or some shit

No. 1873135

Probably did spit and run because that's the cowardly "praxis" these little girls do. Seeing the NHS lanyard makes feel even more relieved I can finally afford private healthcare.

No. 1873157

File: 1690730961461.png (690.26 KB, 604x809, let_women_speak.png)

funnily enough there was a woman who seems to be wearing that shirt with a terf sticker on it sat right behind kellie-jay keen at hyde park today

No. 1873160

So infantile, so aggressive. When will these people grow up?
You can't really read the text on her top here.

No. 1873161

Can't read it but same amount of words, letters and a comma before the last word. Trust in the autism.

No. 1873167

I feel like if this did happen, she'd be charged with assault and would have mentioned the charges.

No. 1873172

UK pigs are horrendous. They'd side with the troon and tell the woman off for wearing an "offensive" t-shirt; might even fine her for it too. I find it funny that troons piss and moan and call this place "TERF Island" when the law so very blatantly sides with them.

No. 1873212

wanna see a horrid horsetooth TIF being blatantly jealous and spiteful while sucking TIMs off ? she's been coddled to the point that she thinks the reason she doesn't belong is her tranniness and interest in dead poets society when she's just unfortunate looking and probably autistic.

No. 1873214

File: 1690738145018.gif (1.18 MB, 399x430, ew.gif)

some gifs

No. 1873220

why is this video allowed? would they be allowed to release a "who's the racist?" "we gathered four non-racists and one person who thinks minorities should die! let's try to figure out which is which! teehee!" or even "whos the TERF"? why is it okay when it's hatred of women?

No. 1873221

File: 1690738337012.gif (1.07 MB, 399x430, ew2.gif)

No. 1873223

some women who do a lot and risk a lot for women don't like the label feminist (eg Posie Parker). just sit back and enjoy the cringe

No. 1873229

why not? i mean third wave feminism is cringe but normies understand it to mean "advocate for women's rights"

No. 1873255

girlbosses and troon contamination probably

No. 1873282

It's already been done and it was hilarious.

No. 1873322

>dead poets society
Oh guessing she's one of those uwu dark academia tif archetypes who likes fictional soft gay male novels like this one and like the secret history, but otherwise only likes books if they're aesthetic images on her Pinterest, probably liked superwholock in its heyday, and dresses like a high school English teacher. Sorry for the autism I just like categorising things and this seems to be a tif category, like Remus Lupron a few threads ago.

No. 1873386

And the first comment she even makes is targeting the most feminine presenting person in the group for her appearance, I haven’t watched it all but at least the comments are on point.

No. 1873390

TERFS at most just avoid them, straight men are much more likely to be violent and kill TIMS yet all they screech about are women

No. 1873396

File: 1690753077377.png (487.5 KB, 592x581, 6475867765767543.png)

No. 1873436

File: 1690757737149.png (Spoiler Image,602.84 KB, 1199x754, ACAB.png)

TIF who's porn stage name is… ACAB???? Is it to be edgy or part of some roleplay? Who knows

No. 1873472

No. 1873547

I feel like she was a radfem and it intimidated her kek, the face she had when she started bitching about JK rowling she had a very 'is this bitch serious' look to me haha.

No. 1873554

i hate those gendies making everything about trans when the conversation was about feminism, it derailed really early on too (also pls sage when you don't post anything new)
she didn't say she liked it but yeah she's definitely from this category

No. 1873559

smashing the patriarchy by calling myself a fag and naming myself ACAB

No. 1873602

did she used to be on terfy adjacent TikTok (possibly Twitter too, she was a gendie tho)? like her name is Lauren or something?

No. 1873608

the terf woman in the middle is Emma Potts and she works with reformation. if you have the @ of the insufferable Emmett tif i would love to cringe some more

No. 1873613

Kek this tif makes me think of that schizo racist tif who had a gender meltdown >>1868369
I’d like to see more of her

No. 1873624

Noticed a serious lack of fashion in this post.

Remember ye olden days when Crash Pad was just women? That lasted like five minutes before they brought in a whole ass straight couple and the rest of the circus. Glad I don't watch porn any more. Also, stating "explicit consent" is a turn-on sounds creepy. It's not the reassurance she thinks that is.

No. 1873660

File: 1690807287550.jpg (416.51 KB, 1080x1582, Screenshot_20230731_144236_com…)

Gay men dont eat pussy. Accept he is bi and move on instead of insisting on this shit

No. 1873672

This video is proof that faggots and faghags are enemies of women.

No. 1873752

the coping larping gayidens is a level of tragic denial I can't even comprehend, I have an easier time understanding the thought process of a rapist than I do a woman who intentionally makes herself look like a man so she can pretend to be a gay man with a bi boyfriend who would have happily fucked her as an ultrafemme woman since gay men love DICK and you have no DICK literally the most important part to a gay man. All men are dick-mad, straight men are obsessed with their own, gay men with their own and their partners. If he is with you he thinks of you as a woman with a pussy since he can find a similar looking man with a DICK if he wanted a boyfriend

Just wow the madness on display with these women is astounding. It's their "gay" moid's fault for humouring them too but they are essentially just embarassing themselves in public with their level 1000 coping

No. 1873757

Also if the moid is actually a fellow TIF, which is also common he is indeed gay…since they are both lesbians.
Imagine dedicating your life to fooling yourself about your sexuality and gender when it's legal to look like and shag whoever you want in your respective country. The epitome of timewasting, moids who watch porn and play videogames all day are achieving more in life than these TIFs are since at least they are completing some games kek

No. 1873810

File: 1690825750580.png (308.86 KB, 1412x1084, dysphoria.PNG)

A collection of dysphoria themed posts that should peak any sane person, if they haven't peaked earlier

No. 1873904

Another tif(non-binary but she is transmasc and shit)projecting onto her child and then getting "inspired" and transitioning in the process. I'm sure a big part of her transition was that her son was getting so much attention and wanted some for herself. As if at the age of 6 the kid could know how to write and express "im not scary, im trans"

I have seen way grosser tifs/nbs in this thread but idk this woman really grossed me out for some reason

No. 1873925

Flashback to the recent vid of a TIF getting beaten by a cop in California because she flipped him off while driving by. Probably not the smartest idea to larp as a manlet and piss off the angriest career moids

No. 1873990

PLEASE send the video

No. 1874004

lmao same i'm even more bothered by the fact this bitch posted herself wearing converse, basic pants, a t-shirt and a hoodie and felt like sharing it to a "fashion" subreddit than trying to call herself a man. the fuck?

No. 1874005

Ntayrt but why do you want to see a woman getting beat.

No. 1874026

Just for that or did she do something else?
As much as I hate tifs I also don’t like violent pig moids

No. 1874060

TRAs will probably chant and scream her name at Trans Day of Awareness and blame the evil TERFs for somehow causing this

No. 1874087

File: 1690866929938.jpg (366.08 KB, 1242x1337, Tumblr_l_95672113574684.jpg)

feefees>babies health

No. 1874090

The basic idea revolves around tif-moid couples dumbass

No. 1874117

he body slams her and straddles her and does the usual pig moid thing of trying to kill her while she struggles and screams for help. it’s rough and not, like, satisfying “IT’S SIR/MA’AM” schadenfreude

No. 1874128

Where does a six year old even get the idea that he would be somehow scary, to adults no less, I wonder who told him that?

No. 1874139

File: 1690882201326.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.87 KB, 992x854, IMG_0439.jpeg)

spoiler for nsfw but this one twitter artist noahdeaart pisses me off. tif that used to draw amazing art but now its devolved into only yaoi. they seem to actually think that phalloplasty gives you a perfect penis just with scars. they also draw designs of “custom” arm scars from phalloplasty its so delusional. the nsfw twit is called n0909h and its just full of “phallo penises” cumming

No. 1874142

>too focused on having normal babies
yeah man being born with your brain inside your head is for normies. my kid doesn't have anencephalia he's queering the boundaries of acceptable skull-having! uwu

No. 1874143

Yeah but where's the dick pump that gets it erect though? I love how tifs draw them as males with scars, having zero trace that they were ever "afab".

No. 1874144

File: 1690883115909.jpeg (Spoiler Image,590.33 KB, 1436x2048, IMG_0440.jpeg)

the massive skin graft scar on the arm being so casually depicted is so off putting. do they genuinely think they’ll have a sensation in their fake dicks

No. 1874151

File: 1690884111348.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.18 KB, 1201x1641, F2bEIfPW4AAGky9.jpg)

Failed phalloplasty that went necrotic. Imagine sacrificing your arm skin for this

No. 1874152

has she ever seen a real phalloplasty? They never ever look like this. The arm scars are usually also always around the whole arm, not just a little piece. And I mean, we all know they won't function like that. Just completely delusional.

No. 1874154

It looks like it exploded! I can't even imagine how horrible she must feel.

No. 1874166

I call this natural selection. She did this to herself. And even spent a lot of money on self-mutilation, while some people starve. Call me cruel, but I feel zero compassion.

No. 1874175

do they really think they can ejaculate?

No. 1874177

Is throwing yoghurt on your partner’s face a new queer sex thing? Or is that just infected discharge?

No. 1874178

They're not lesbians more like prison gays. They want to larp their yaoi fantasies but because no fag wants them they settle for each other.

No. 1874186

This. I'm a lesbian, and I've known a t4t gayden couple IRL and the relationship dynamic was completely different to normal lesbian couples. Their relationship revolved around their gender identities. The main goal was preserving The Lie and making it known to the world that they're two faggy gay twinks and not icky GNC lesbos. It's literally all they could talk about it, it was a full-blown obsession. Idk how to phrase this as I'm ESL, but it's like they're lesbians in practice, but not in theory? They do the physical deed, but gaslight each other into thinking it's not what it is.

No. 1874201

calling other women whores won't make you less of a woman, tiffany. enjoy reading this thread and happy peaking!

No. 1874204

we know you idiots exist, unfortunately.

No. 1874205

kek does this moron think sewing a bunch of arm skin in the shape of a crude facsimile of a penis on your crotch magically gives you the ability to produce sperm

No. 1874207

Anon, genuinely what did you expect. Did you buy into the lie that all terfs are secretly trans masc and are jealous of tifs kek. Trans don't exist simply because humans, mammals are incapable of switching sexes. Gender is a patriarchal construct. A FTM is a female woman no matter what operations and chemicals she did to her body.

No. 1874209

The fact that you’re here is a good thing, keep reading the thread and maybe you’ll wake up. The first step of cult deprogramming is anger.

No. 1874210

Trans people as in, mentally ill people who can't accept who they are? Oh no, nobody is denying those people always existed.

No. 1874211

>i want a binder that fits both my species and gender
what is she, a lezard?

No. 1874227

seeing these posted and then >>1874151 this is very funny

also lol at the phallo dicks looking like completely normal penises but with some small cartoony scars on them. it doesn't work like that

No. 1874263

File: 1690900180219.png (Spoiler Image,667.45 KB, 1187x894, classic case of child abuse.pn…)

Yes kek the "stars" section is a horror show. If you can't see from my screenshot yes she has heart shaped nipples that look tattooed on. What type of dysphoria makes you cut off your breasts but then get your nipples in the girliest shape?

No. 1874276

NYpost has an article on this both the acting parents are troons, the bio dad may have been abusive or lied about by the mom who trooned. A real clownshow.

No. 1874279

File: 1690901678932.jpeg (190.21 KB, 749x1183, 8BC36541-0761-4EBA-8304-1F57D5…)


So literally everything that most girls do

I, and a couple other woman I know, wear men’s deodorant cause it doesn’t have aluminum in it, and the ones marketed for women don’t mask the smell as much.

No. 1874299

Both kids are sperm clinic babies iirc

No. 1874301

Another men’s deodorant wearer here. I wear men’s cologne too. I just prefer how they smell, idk why these people get so obsessed with needlessly gendering everything. I mean, I know companies do it but it’s like some forbidden fruit to troons when something is marketed towards the opposite sex.

No. 1874307

are they trying to make indigenous people queer now because they're a minority or what?

No. 1874321

Which ones the tif, since they're both ugly I can't tell and I want to get better at clocking tiffanies

No. 1874327

>neat, randomly placed scars on an otherwise natal male penis, which can ejaculate
They wish kek. The only way they can romanticise the frankendick is by pretending its not one, or by genuinely not knowing what it's really like. Foe the ones who do know, though, I bet that's why they romanticise top surgery way more than bottom because they know its the lesser of two evils.

No. 1874330

indigiqueer sounds like a pokemon

No. 1874336

Im sure theres some autists that identify as pokemons

No. 1874339

It’s kind of terrible that they point out gendered deodorant is stupid, which yeah everyone probably agrees. But then they get gender euphoria from the most universal shit like rolling up pant cuffs and wearing checkered pajama pants…? Why are pullover sweaters and pajama pants gendered?

No. 1874340

Nta but I think it’s the one in front with the tattoos.

No. 1874365

Looking like a charred aubergine

No. 1874391

quite a racist one as well lmao

No. 1874417

File: 1690917128273.jpeg (87.17 KB, 749x638, IMG_2999.jpeg)

Please do not interrupt this sacred holiday with your grooming shit

No. 1874441

well at least she's honest.

No. 1874507


like hymen? not very masc

No. 1874760

Come the fuck on. All the comments are of course the same "as an enby transmasc this is sooo gender affirming!!!" (Because there is nothing as traditionally masculine as crochet lol). And the creator is of course a she/they because short hair equals not a woman I suppose.

No. 1874769

loool and she starts her patterns for men video by saying that clothing doesn't have a gender… those people are thoroughly confused and would be endearing if cancer inducing hormones and mutilation wasn't at the end of the road

No. 1874770

I can't bear the idiocy of this kind of bullshit. Just stop needlessly labeling things and your life will be so much easier.

No. 1874802

Wish I'd taken a picture but when I was thrifting yesterday I came across a "yeet the tests" tshirt. Seems like it would be crusty.

No. 1874807

She has that kpop boy levi ackerman hairstyle too which they all love so much but can't pull off

No. 1874835

File: 1690983157269.jpg (247.5 KB, 1080x1423, Screenshot_20230802_163047_X.j…)

Costa Coffee the UK's biggest coffeeshop brand released a mural showing a character with top surgery scars.

No. 1874839

They gave her an enby haircut and color with lipstick as a cherry on top. Spot on tranny representation.

No. 1874840

The red lips and blue hair kek, this is not a flattering portrayal.

No. 1874848

Never knew the weirdo who made those pooner memes did corporate art as well.

No. 1874850

Makes me think of the ugly ass pooner memes, this feels like a parody with the huge ass lips kek.

No. 1874855

File: 1690987088741.jpeg (891.3 KB, 1354x1237, IMG_5324.jpeg)

God I wish I could plaster this as a sticker on its side.

No. 1874868


I drank costa coffee from gas stations when I was travelling around england and it was fucking vile. Truly the worst coffee I’ve ever tasted.

No. 1874880

File: 1690990961730.jpg (520.24 KB, 936x1773, Screenshot_20230802_164035_Ope…)

It's rare to see a timmy troon stand up for tifs, though tbf he didn't say anything about tifs and just used this to cry about evil meanie bully terfies. Being a tranny is definitely not an illness though! And costa clearly cares about your deep and tragic plight, and not just trying to get money from you!

No. 1874916

Ugh this was me. Vent incoming because the screenshot made me think of a lot of stuff and it feels fitting to put it here than the vent thread, my bad if no1curr though. Thankfully I questioned my parents bs unlike a lot of conservative upbringing tifs but since they never listened and kept forcing me to see myself the way they see women, I really thought trooning could be an escape.

Growing up with traditional strict muslim brown parents they taught me women's worth is based on their appearance and sexual worth to others. On one side my father told me to never think of my appearance or fashion, that would bring my worth and intelligence down cos only stupid silly promiscuous women do that. On the other side my mother told me to always think of my appearance in the way of hiding my sinful growing body, otherwise I'm asking for it and only stupid silly promiscuous women do that. Even sitting with my legs apart on the bus was asking for it. She used such vile moid-like language when I didn't dress and act as instructed, as if punishing me for stepping out of my designated place as a good little brown girl, unlike those slutty bimbo white girls whom we must prove we're better than.

And their way of protecting me from creeps seemed to just protect the creeps, telling me my body is the problem, that preventing rape is all on me as the potential victim, that I might tempt them just by going outside so I'm not allowed to go out alone unless it's for school and work. I went anyway and they were convinced it was to meet males for sex I want to meet women too but they'd disown me if they knew that. And no woman will want to date me once she finds out she has to be my secret. Virgin 4ever let's go. When I moved out of their house they assumed the same thing and insisted I'd bring shame and dishonour to their good name. The males in my family are never judged for their actions, interests or clothing in relation to their sex unless they're being "girly" or something, and they are framed as the good smart ones because they accept their place while I am the bad rebellious naive one for questioning my apparent place. They never ever ever ever ever want to wonder why the fuck I don't want to accept that place. I have wondered why they think like this though and in their third world shit hole country they escaped from, victim blaming, gang rape, religious shaming, so much misogynistic shit is rampant so maybe they've had to accept that in order to survive. Yet, after moving to a western country to raise their kids in a better environment they still want to raise me as if I live there too?

I wished I was white and male and fantasised what I would do, where I would go, how happy I would be. Of course trying to be male irl is never going to work, but when I was like 14 and uninformed, trooning seemed like it could help. Glad I questioned it from the start too though and did learn about what it's really like and how it really is just a fantasy. And I'm glad I know women are much more than what my parents tried to tell me, and that I know being a "good" woman doesn't escape misogyny it still plays into it, and thinking that if you can't be a "good" woman then you must be a man also plays into it. But I still question my actions even now. Do I want a breast reduction or is that my tranny phase calling out to me? Am I actually self conscious in this dress or is this a remnant of how much my parents shamed me? Will my upbringing and tranny phase follow me wherever I go or am I just paranoid? I don't know the answer.

Please don't recommend therapy I'm sick of it and also can't afford it now.(blogpost)

No. 1874980

She's just describing clothes she likes which make her feel good, most of which aren't even really masculine. the fuck

No. 1875005

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There's no fashion to be found in that sub. It's 90% cheap, unflattering and often unironed dresses. Nobody brushes their fucking hair. Here's a random compilation, I tried to avoid cherrypicking but couldn't resist throwing in the brickhon.

No. 1875010

She would be surprised how many men in Tiktok also knit or do crochet. A hobby that is not gendered? not in this trans world!

No. 1875025

needs to affirm their gender that's why. stuff marketed towards men will make them feel more like a man

No. 1875026

The fucking elf ears on top left, KEK.

No. 1875059

there's a peak trans vent thread over in 2X nona

No. 1875071

jewelry, cutesy hairstyles, comfy clothing give her gender euphoria. ftf tranny.

No. 1875087

Your feelings of being angry at misogyny and the double standards applied to women are totally valid. Honestly you should get your feelings out by making some badass feminist artwork or punk rock music.

No. 1875115

Makes me think of when they put out troon shit in the sims and announced it with a sim with zipper tits and the widest hips ever and a big hulking hon sim. I have to believe these are (un)subtle digs that trannies are all too retarded to pick up on.

No. 1875133

File: 1691016199179.jpeg (Spoiler Image,661.78 KB, 1536x2048, 1681502162063.jpeg)

TIFs showing again that they have zero knowledge in man anatomy. These fake phallus would be pale as Hell because there are no veins in there to keep the erection. That's why most of TIFs looks like picrel.

No. 1875145

This shit is sad, it looks like there’s so much pain behind her eyes that’s gotten taken out with complete body degradation from the tats with no rhyme or reason to the neophallus and leg scar.

No. 1875244

Damn, go off sis. I’m not even mad at you for blogposting, clearly you needed to get that off your chest. It’s impossible not to be consumed with anger being raised fundie as a girl.

No. 1875246

I honestly believe this is a trauma response to CSA. They always want to be big stereotypical macho men because it makes them feel safer.

No. 1875265

File: 1691030074618.jpg (736.47 KB, 2300x1965, F2ir0vGXwAgDwub.jpg)

Amanda needed hype for her book so she has come out as a man now.

No. 1875372

This person has been posted before, yet her eyes are always so dead.

No. 1875405

No man says masc
Not even gay men.
Anyone that says masc is automatically girly.

No. 1875467

I'll check that out thank you

Thanks for your supportive words nonas I didn't even realise how much I'd written until I was done, it really does suck to be raised like this as a woman and I'm glad people here won't just shut me down as a twansphobe or whitewashed

No. 1875470

>child and spouse came out as trans
Only a matter of time before she joined too then huh

No. 1875506

File: 1691078347314.webm (1.71 MB, 720x1280, gender-fluid-fem-vs-masc-wthal…)

>fem is wearing a dress and full make up and masc is when wearing hoddie

No. 1875508

Its really depressing that zoomies think not looking like a bimbo sexdoll 24/7 means you are not a real woman.

No. 1875512

It's so weird when someone obscure you've been following ends up I a lolcow thread.
I know her from her asmr channel and I used to watch and it was good i guess. She is not a tif nor does she take that seriously and she uses female pronouns for herself. Just thought to say that since i used to keep up with her. She is a harmless weaboo so posting people like her feels weird.

No. 1875513

That's such a girly hoody, kek. How can they make this shit and still say it's transphobes reinforcing gender stereotypes, though? It's cognitive dissonance like I've never seen before.

No. 1875515

it literally says "he/him [enbyflag]: on her profile.

No. 1875516

She's reinforcing harmful stereotypes that do impact young people. Go listen to some relaxing mouth breathing on YouTube if you don't like your weeb friends being posted.

No. 1875517

Anon it's not that serious , People like her are the types who treat it more like a fashion subculture like emo for example.

Lets post ragebait of actual troon tifs.

No. 1875518

I havent watched her content in months. Watching or following someone does not equal friendship unless you meaning a parasocial one. Idk but thembys like her are harmless really, going after them is low hanging fruit. And i like nail asmr.

No. 1875522

damn you are cringe and have terrible taste people into asmr are sociopaths

No. 1875526

>people into asmr are sociopaths

This is such a retarded statement.

No. 1875539

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NTAYRT but the “Not A TIF” in question being a female who identifies as trans… huh?
> People like her are the types who treat it more like a fashion subculture like emo for example.
Yeah, that’s about 90% of them nowadays, which is a damn shame. Misogyny is so rampant and “woke” now that rather than identifying as gothic or emo because you feel like you’re not like the other girls. The new subculture is claiming you’re not actually a girl: you’re now a transgender he/they. Women are dumb and vapid with their makeup and nails, but they? They’re special and unique, they’re not airheads like women are, they don’t go by the lesser pronoun “she” for lesser people who are actually happy to be objectified and treated as accessories. Because she is “not a woman”, now she feels free to explore her femininity, disassociated from her sex, who clearly are so happy with being oppressed.
Gender fandom is disgusting and it’s both cringe and disgusting that so many people buy into it. Males will never see her as a brother, I hope she gets over her internalized misogyny.

No. 1875555

Is the trans community cult big in latin/hispanic countries? Are they taking over?

No. 1875563

Treating it like a fashion subculture is exactly why it's harmful. Impressionable, often autistic, young girls get involved because it's the hot new thing, and then they're surrounded by shit like glorified top surgery scars and FTM timelines. Things that make them feel like they have to get the surgery and take the hormones to fit in. Do you not understand how social contagion works?

No. 1875564

>Yeah, that’s about 90% of them nowadays
It’s all of them, not “90%” have you ever seen a tranny or enby of any type that unironically has “dysphoria”? And it has always been all about being either a manly man, a boyish boy or a girly girl. There’s no such a thing as a “true trans” because all of them are based on following stereotypes made by the media they all consume which is internalized and then used as an example of what being a man, a boy or a girl means. It all always end up turning into a “well, I’m not a woman because I don’t wear makeup, but I’m not a man because I don’t have short hair, therefore I’m something in between!” Statement. Just go ask to your local trannies and enbies what being a tranny and an enby means and they will all tell you the same bullshit to justify their overconsumption of products, medicines and surgeries, or they will tell you what their families with shitty ideas told them about what being a man or a woman means.

No. 1875569

I'd assume the rich westernized minority would fall victim to it.

No. 1875570

I mean this could've just been like me going out vs me staying home but no you see she's special, when she doesn't have caked on makeup and tits out she's masc now! Being comfortable and gender neutral akshully means you're male, and this is totally progressive and not following stereotypes to a T

No. 1875579

How is someone supposed to wipe their ass with nails like that

No. 1875581

Please don't make me think about that.

No. 1875585

I imagine it depends on the country, but in mine, yes. It's because we copy everything the USA does. Anything that's a trend in the USA will inevitably take over here, it's very embarrassing. Trannies have been a thing here for decades, but it was like impoverished MTF streetwalkers instead of every girl who grew up on Dragonball suddenly slapping he/they in their bios. That is definitely recent. Normally they're the ones who are more middle class and speak English well enough to engage in genderspecial spaces online. It's very similar to how the only Latinos who advocate for "Latinx" are rich academics, but if you ask any blue collar worker about it they'll think you're retarded.

No. 1875646

I meant 90% of TIFs are treating it specifically like a subculture the way emo and gothic used to be, the remaining (and not literal) 10% could be people who got transed over internalized homophobia, raised by troon parents or grifter ones a la Jazz Jennings, a tiny amount who are actually dysphoric (and yet, this doesn’t make them “true trans” or “actual men”, I meant it in the way anorexic women are body dysmorphic despite their body being normal, just pure mental illness).
Yeah, they are; can confirm even poor Latin American countries who only in the recent decade a have started to get wide access to internet and such, you may get asked for your pronouns when hanging out with younger people. You can encounter enby and trans flags in the wild, and people with “please ask for my pronouns!” Pin. American worship at its finest.

No. 1875707

It's the America worship mixed with the misogynistic culture, so trooning out provides an escape from being an icky girl AND has the Burgerland stamp of approval. Retardation at its finest. On the plus side, as soon as troonism implodes in the USA, it's going to go out of fashion everywhere else, too. It's trendy right now and you can become a real male just by getting a haircut and a sports bra, of course everyone's doing it.
I also think that trooning out in conservative countries with rigid gender roles is encouraged because it keeps people (women) 'in their place', aka worshiping men in skirts instead of encouraging themselves and other women to go to university, get better jobs, and become fully independent from scrotes. Ugly self-hating testosterone potatoes are also more than happy to settle for a bottom of the barrel fake-gay moid and shit out yaoi babies just like Jesus said she should.

No. 1875715

This person types like a twelve year old

No. 1875725

>why I drink Starbucks

No. 1875797

>Black with lavender flames
>Fuscia with a lemon on it
These look like things they'd sell at Forever 21 kek

No. 1875798

It's honestly not far off from being a Pooner

No. 1875803

But according to them, it's somehow not a social contagion.

No. 1875825

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No. 1875840

Seeing them romanticise or embrace how people call it mutilation really supports how this is just their emo phase. Yeah this'll really stick it to my mom, religious people, and le evil terfs cos they're all pearl clutching losers unlike me!!! Fitting that a lot of tifs dress like 10 year old emos anyway. Also fitting this tif chose a cow because they don't usually get a say in their slaughter and its usually not done with its wellbeing in mind unless its a mercy kill which, looking at some of the troon surgeries, might actually help some of them out

No. 1875852

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No. 1875855

That's such a feminine way to find out you're a "man"

No. 1875860

I hate the idea of sounding in any way like some sort of prude but it's offputting because they are taking something very personal and intimate and trying to turn it into something hard-core and badass. Its just the reverse of the baeddal shit which was absolutely horrific, half of them had rape accusations and the other half were racist. It's just the glorification of something that otherwise isn't even meant to be glorious, it's the personal decision to alter and amputate healthy organs from your body. It shouldn't need to be blown up to such iconographic proportions constantly. By making it more pronounced and shoehorning it into everything, it's like theyre offputting everyone else in the process. Its just pointless and stupid.

No. 1875881

File: 1691127219270.jpg (270.61 KB, 940x2401, 23-08-04-01-25-22-203_deco_1_1…)

Keking at this. Not all fanfic writers are women, they're just like…all women.

No. 1875885

Playing dress up with your yaoi dolls and make them kiss is such manly activity.

No. 1875886

All these words to say "I'm a woman, but not THIS kind of woman".

No. 1875888

Gosh, dunno if you're from Chile, but there is a MTF there that have done so many shitty stuff (identity fraud, buying cosplay attires to then use the girl's photos, etc) and he's always defended with "but she's a woman now!".

I should post about him in the TIM post.

No. 1875891

>10.7%- cis het women(straight women)
>32.1% cis queer woman(spicy straight women)
>22.5% nonbinary person(straight women)
>9.6% trans queer-man(straight women)
so 74.9% straight women, which seem accurate.

No. 1875893

Lesbians and bisexuals unfortunately lumped with spicy straights.

No. 1875894

always with the cringe religious theming. like we get it, you were raised christian and think trooning is the only way out of tradwife life

No. 1876118

File: 1691169571540.jpeg (1.47 MB, 2035x3464, 1B2A03A2-F344-4CC0-9E71-9028BE…)

r/Transytalk is a goldmine

No. 1876145

>queer in wokeland includes bisexuals
Try again, you mean women. You should count woman:moid ratio to see base rate

No. 1876147

>bruise because im a leftie waaaah
Shut it it happens the same no matter which arm, even if blood is drawn from the hand you use to write, its gonna bruise for some other reason.

I feel bad for her tho, the nurse/lab tech is up to something

No. 1876149

tldr fanfic writing are feminine, tims fail to coop

No. 1876152

>The doctor noticed I was female. I said my true and honest boi name. He continued to notice I was female and I said nothing because of female socialisation. I see the lab technicians. I stick my middle finger up at them.
God, this is so needlessly edgy, kek. Talking about primal rage while being a total pushover. Suddenly, when face-to-face, she goes from a tiger to a kitten. Typical Aiden angst over a completely minor and inconsequential thing.

No. 1876156

When any woman rebuts or even asserts opinion moids from either side tradcon or lib would shit on her, suddenly everybody peak trans

No. 1876157