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No. 1718961
This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1718985
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when an adorable girl is taller than you and her clothes fit better
No. 1718997
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mass tranny death soon, ftm edition
No. 1719175
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Imagine telling people that your name is 'Floor Hurlbert' with a straight face
No. 1719184
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not once did she think how dystopian this sounds
No. 1719206
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>>1718976you mean like this
No. 1719229
>>1719136Is this real? It looks like a meme a farmer knocked up in <10 minutes. May as well call it "rent boy" with the look she's going for there. Good grief.
>>1719175FTD: Female to Dilbert.
>>1719184Who's gonna tell her that men will still sexualise, fetishise and sexually assault her? Moids don't work like that, honey. They are actual demons.
No. 1719235
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Oh so you admit displays of masculinity are to make women uncomfortable?
No. 1719241
>>1719137I always had her clocked as a lesbian with extreme internalized homophobia who hated the intense pressure to perform femininity by marketing execs. Even after she wasn’t closeted she always came across as really ashamed of (or at least insecure about) being gay. I can see why she felt like trooning out would make her feel more accepted, she got love bombed for that in a way she never did for coming out as lesbian.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she did it during the pandemic, a shit ton of people did all of a sudden due to the anxiety and excess of free time to be spent getting brainwashed on the internet.
No. 1719264
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>>1719241 I forgot all the sexual harassment and assault. Picrel: get that she’s a cringey TIF manlet now but she’s an obvious case of a transition that was fueled by trauma and self-loathing. Can’t help but pity her.
No. 1719267
>>1719237As entertaining as it can be in the beginning, you’re better off just slowly distancing yourself from them because eventually they do start excluding you.I had a similar issue last year when the majority of my friend group started trooning out and those who didn’t enabled their delusions.
Thankfully I retained one friend who while she’s not terfy entirely, she doesn’t care about gender politics and pointed it out to me how we were both now being excluded because they seek out other TiFs instead.
This is really prevalent in fandom/art spaces where everyone is some form of enbie/genderqueer/bigender or whatever dumb legit they label themselves and I fear of more female spaces becoming scarce or difficult to find since just bringing up the idea of a female only space causes scandal.
No. 1719298
>>1718997I've taught Jr high kids and the average Gen Z kid is about as technically literate as my boomer auntie. The playschool level of computer settings the average phone has means these kids barely know how to use a desktop to write papers, let alone shit like DNS and troubleshoot VPNs. The only way they're getting on the dark web is if a bunch of AGP groomer software moids walk them through it step by step via discord.
>>1719237You can try and gently peak or inform anyone in the group that doesn't sound super enthusiastic, anon, but saving the TIFs is going to be a waste of your time. If you can't find any fellow terfs in hiding it may be time to close the door for your own well-being.
No. 1719302
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>>1719229I couldn’t believe it was real either, but it is! Beyond satire
No. 1719315
>>1719237I had to give up some of my TIF friends because the gender stuff just consumed them to the point where they became completely unbearable. Finding
TERF friends has proven impossible for me though because I am afraid of coming out about it (and also because the understandably paranoid radfem group where I live wouldn't accept me). I'm at a point where I am just content with being around other women who are at least not fixated on gender. I think it's best and more emotionally healthy to focus more on forming stronger relationships with women who are at least not obsessed with gender. Trying to be friends on the basis of being a radfem makes the process significantly difficult unless you're brave enough to be out about it.
No. 1719388
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>>1719237>. It makes me feel depressed that I have no terf friends because years ago only weirdos accepted me.Literally me I also didn't want to be friends with homophobes so now I'm surrounded by people that form their opinions based on tiktok and viral tweets.
I swear I could have ghost written your post. Something happening today that made me want to yell to the internet talk to anyone that would lend me their time. I feel very fortunate to have different websites and communities where I could rant to my heart's content.
I don't want to say "ditch your friends" but talking to them about gender topics in any opposing way will be borderline impossible, it depends on their personalities and how militant/much of an activist they are, you could always give it a go but some people will just cut you out before you finish explaining your view points. Your friendship was built on something different but if you don't want to be too accomodating to the gender brain rot that's more than understandable.
I really wish there was a proper place I could lead my friends to to peak them or at least make them question the dominant narrative but I feel like regardless of the topic that's impossible nowadays, there is no middle ground. There's no way in hell that I will link them to lolcow, kiwifarms, or crystalcafe but on the other hand there's no point in waiting around for them to peak it will most likely NOT happen. This whole topic is stupid and I hate the fact that people lose their friends or loved ones over it especially the dumb as fuck enbie shit.
No. 1719404
>>1719295Honestly, you're right. I just rushed through my work and got out of there as fast as I could before I reacted in anger. I never stopped to think about filing a complaint. It took a lot for me to get to the point where I felt comfortable exposing part of my scar and to hear her so casually call it gross genuinely hurt me. I guess the "all bodies are beautiful" thing only applies to schlubby, unwashed troons.
>>1719302I feel bad for her ex-wife. She had to post a request on instagram for people to stop asking questions/making assumptions about her gender identity and sexuality after Ellen came out (lesbian card revoked! your mentally ill ex now LARPs as a Victorian boy with tuberculosis) and now she's got this waste of paper being published that's gonna drag things up all over again and no doubt contains information about their marriage that she doesn't want in the public domain.
No. 1719451
>>1719237Find a normie social group to join, like a hiking club, and make normal friends. I’ve been through what you’re going through and unfortunately there’s just no way to gently talk people out of the gender cult without getting cancelled for being a meanie
No. 1719509
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>>1719505samefag, i think this was part of it. Read this conversation and then ask yourself why she trooned. What was the one way to escape, in her mind?
No. 1719514
>>1719302Hmm this looks incredibly like she is choosing to look on her past of sexual assault and disrespect from the terrible men in the entertainment industry as page - er rent boy instead, as if that is any better. The wordplay of Page is now a Boy is like the 10th thing this title brings to mind.
>>1719505That's so bizarre to scrub those gifs, the rewriting of the past the media do or enforce is so creepy.
>>1719509Her face of hurt and disappointment. That guy (who is she talking to?) just saying he disregards her sexuality and would leer at her regardless.
No. 1719529
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spotted on knitting. Wonder why there aren’t any knitting tims
No. 1719551
>>1719404What kind of social inept retard call someone else scar gross in their face.
>>1719505The whole Page shit really hurt like you wouldn't believe. I never really cared about celebrities but she was my first and only platonic crush. I clearly remember feeling sad when there were rumors about she dating a guy and then relief and happiness when she came out.
No. 1719577
>>1719551Nothing of value was lost with Ellen. She worked with Woody Allen.
>>1719235I want these TIFs to be around actual men showing off their scars kek. The men will have got them all from fights or sports, while hers is just self harm.
No. 1719629
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>>1719235said cool scars next to actual men
No. 1719774
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>>1719529There are crocheting ones at least, and if you're wondering what they chorchet, well, it's exactly what you'd expect. Text says "female penis".
No. 1719822
>>1719235Even "tough guys" don't tend to show off pure surgery scars because all they prove is that you "were weak and needed help". It would have to be some kind of dumb story like "look at this scar I got because I jumped out the third floor window to impress my mates" not "look at my knee surgery scar".
Surgery scars on christmas cards is ridiculous "here are my cutesy hip replacement scars - love grandma". Your family doesn't want to see you sick or hurt because it's not fun or cute to them, it's only hurtful and traumatizing. Even worse when it's a vanity surgery done on an underage person because they are mentally ill - that IS sick.
No. 1719832
>>1719302I consider Ellen Page a lost cause for now. Now the good thing is this will be more proof for the future of case studying troonism. Will she admit she did it to avoid more sexual harassment from men, or will she avoid talking about it completely even though there's proof of it and her discomfort around it all on the internet? Will she acknowledge homophobia was part of it?
And isn't it fascinating that only 2 years after coming out she's already trying to monetize her transness and sold the book publishing rights for $3 million. She's feeling the need to "correct the past" the way all trans people do by insisting everything negative they ever felt was because they were trans all along! Retroactively if we take her words for it, anything positive and uplifting she's ever said about being a lesbian was all a lie, and that's a very shitty thing to lie about. Unfortunately for her this book makes it even more hard and embarrassing to detransition if she ever comes to her senses. Maybe when she sees that MTFs demand that lesbians sleep with them and how they call her a
terf if she disagrees she'll start to figure it out.
It would be fun and interesting to read and debunk her book.
No. 1719846
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Testosterone and its physical consequences
No. 1719867
>>1719846Gotta love how they make absolutely zero effort to hide their disdain for GNC people;
especially GNC women. If you dress like this, you are supposed to be seen as male. No woman would dress in something comfortable and functional. Women dress like bimbos and there is no room to think outside the box. Makes me wanna a-log.
No. 1719880
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>>1719874Elliot Page in a trans friendly reboot of Richie Rich where he learns to overcome the forces of capitalism by spending his fortune on dark web puberty blockers and hormones for children.
No. 1720020
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>>1719184Is this Kate Leth? Reminder that this happened lmao.
No. 1720069
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>>1720020yes it's kate "i'm queer but can't actually bring myself to have sex with women because they're just ToO PrEtTy!" leth
No. 1720296
>>1720264A simple google would've sufficed too, newfag. Integrate or go back.
>>1720269Probably Noelle Stevenson. I think she's gonna hit a point in her life where she's feeling lost, given that she basically trooned out because of the unhealthy poly relationship she's in. I think the high from chasing troon status symbols (coming out, hormones, surgery, legal name change, etc) will fade and she'll probably try going back to what she had before that; but just call herself "agender" or whatever to keep her TRA fans happy. She'll no doubt see it as a chance to get more attention too, via posting navel-gazing webcomics about it like what she's done with her transition so far. I don't know much about Kate Leth, but given that bat shit insane TikTok combined with the affair with a married man who died of cancer and the fact she's faking same-sex attraction to fit in with the kweer crowd makes her unpredictable, IMO. She might actually 41% if she continues to force a square peg into a round hole with this "I'm not a woman and I'm so queer" shit.
No. 1720315
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Some vintage troonery. Depressing.
No. 1720616
>>1719846Meanwhile when you are gnc chad, grandma calling you her favorite granddaughter is a nice compliment that brightens your day! But I bet instead she went to her room for 40 minutes to make this tiktok and ruined the mood of the gathering while the cousins talked shit on their weed walk.
>>1720588Literally no these women completely uproot their lives because life as a "butch" straight woman is so unthinkable to so many.
No. 1720625
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I have a suspicion that fakeboi-ism is tied with the (seemingly?) sudden demand of politeness and honesty thrust upon girls around 2015. Before, it was common to see both boys and girls like things such as Filthy Frank and offensive memes. I distinctly remember being a zoomer kid hearing about kids talk about him on the bus to and from school. After that, I rarely saw girls "act out of line" lest they be cancelled or openly share content that can be considered troublesome. There were no overly-confident girls sharing their self ships and calling others faggots, retards, etc. Being confident about being the Female sex was never easy before, but now it's almost a joke.
There's fakebois on Twitter and Tiktok who casually say shit like Fujoshi are these insane white girls who should've been aborted because they're evil fetishists who may as well be worse than Hitler. Meanwhile they can't even explain what a "Fujoshi" is or have seen one themselves. As much as lolcow has Fujoshi battles it's far worse in fakeboi circles if a particularly angry one gets riled up about it.
They just regurgitate what they hear because they've never had much of an identity to begin with. A fakeboi I know who's a few years younger than me admitted that she never "connected" with her birthname. I believe it's because being forced to be polite and silent during your teenage years, while you see boys saying the vilest shit without any of the same social shame, kills any sense of pride and identity you would develop if you weren't forced into being like that if you don't know any better. Most girls don't because many, many hear that feminism is bad and should be avoided when they're young. Few fakebois born post-2004ish that I know of say they're a feminist.
During the years I had a fakeboi identity crisis, I was jealous of boys who browsed 4chan and could tolerate being on that website. They were free to speak their mind. But I never admitted this to anyone or myself until finding anonymous, Female-friendly websites lest the people online who I considered some of my most treasured friends say I should've been aborted if I wanted to be so vile as to say retarded, hateful shit as an "anon." In the depths of social fakeboi-ism there's a huge fear culture that kills a child's sense of identity, though maybe that's just me.
No. 1720652
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>>1720628I'm same anon as
>>1720625That sounds correct. There was a split within fakeboi-dom recently that I believe was an unsaid "rebellion" against the "SJW attitude". Fakebois know relish in appearing as edgy as possible with greasy hair and not caring that they're fat. The more "blue hair and pronouns bossy thin girl" stereotype isn't seen much with younger zoomers. It'll take several years but this trend will come and pass. It would be surprising if there haven't been some heated scuffles between the two I'm just not deep enough in the Discord mastectomy showcase pit to witness.
>>1720632Bisexual women who've dated at least one woman are often called dykes anyway even by people who know them well. Straight women are called that by strangers. The label should be shared with experiences, not labels on your social media.
No. 1721017
>>1720625Tbh I get where you're coming from, though I feel like it's mostly an online culture thing. In the early 2000s, there wasn't that much of a difference between male and female dominated online spaces. Even on sites like DeviantArt and, which were predominantly frequented by women, people would openly talk about going on 4chan, link to ED articles, use edgy language etc etc. Then, around the early 2010s, there was a shift that hit most of the female-dominated fandom spaces and turned them into the SJW-like communities that we have today. (Though I actually feel like it calmed down a bit since then and the peak was around 2014/2015)
I do feel bad for young girls that are going online now and immediatly get hit with tranny shit, drama about language, pro/anti shipping discourse and what not. Early internet culture wasn't perfect either but I would still prefer it over what we have today.
No. 1721117
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Wake up besties new sexuality lore just dropped: being attracted to women but make it spicy. Again.
No. 1721136
>>1720020this is bleak. and why is she so proudly & publicly posting about it. not an ounce of shame or respect for her ""boyfriend""'s wife and children, fucking narcissist
>>1721002NTA but I think most women (even those who are happily feminine) would agree that what is considered "feminine" is tied to some extent to men's expectations of women, beauty standards, etc. and for that reason, stereotypically feminine women are definitely scrutinized/criticized as well (or sometimes just outright mocked, because people shit on anything feminine for any reason, even the scrotes who want tradwives). anyway, ofc butch lesbians don't force themselves, but the belief that all lesbians are masculine and all tomboys are lesbians is annoying.
No. 1721233
>>1721103I think it's pretty accurate. Some gay men kinda did it to themselves with their behaviour (before anyone calls me a homophobe, google "bugchasers") which is
sorta a parallel to the butches were doing ok mentally (as well as you can be before trooning out) only to cash in their chips and get that sweet, sweet attention from coming out. They don't even care about throwing the rest of us under the bus when they parrot transmed talking points that imply all GNC people are troons. The others are
victims of a homophobic society that doesn't care enough to intervene. It's hard as a butch seeing my GNC friends go through with it, especially when they know it's fucked up but they're cracking under the weight of the misogyny and lesbophobia and there's not a single thing I can say to soothe them because I've had those thoughts myself. It's brutal.
>>1721117>women and non-binary peopleSo it's being attracted to women and mentally ill women then.
>>1721136AYRT, I didn't mean to imply fem straight women don't get shit. I know it's brutal for them with ever shifting goalposts (ie: being skinny used to be the ideal body for a woman but now it's the insta baddy with a huge ass and bolt-ons) and men being… well, men. I agree it's dumb to assume lesbians must be GNC and any GNC woman is gay. I have quite a few GNC straight and bi friends and it's ridiculous how people seem to never fully buy they're into dudes. I think when it comes to younger millenials and zoomers it's mostly their own doing though. This is what happens when you try to force everyone into a box and say that only X people can dress like Y and call themselves Z.
No. 1721279
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what too much yaoi does to a mfer
No. 1721322
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>>1721290>Do they have to manually pump it up every timeliterally yes, they gotta do the ball squeeze pump every time
No. 1721336
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>>1721322Medical image of the "neophallus" being created during surgery. They use arm flesh and the head just looks like a deformed mushroom no matter what
No. 1721342
>>1721006There are videos of a trans surgeon answering a young tifs question about if breasts can grow back after surgery, and he said yes. These children are being groomed and lied to about their own bodies, there is no way they can consent to any trans medical intervention. They think men actually grow normal looking boobs on estrogen as well when they just get a tiny bit of moob fat and then they all get implants.
>>1721019>if anyone asks my pronouns online I say I don’t care or they can use whatever they want.To me if anyone asks for pronouns it's a sign they are not mentally capable of understanding that the world doesn't revolve around their specific rigid made up gender roles. It's like a kid talking about santa as if he were real. I understand they'll have a mental breakdown if I say it like it really is and I don't want to have to deal with that, so I avoid it by doing the same as you and saying they can use "whatever you think is appropriate" because that's how pronouns actually work kek
No. 1721361
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Transed at 13, double-mastectomy at 15. These doctors who massacre healthy girls need to burn.
No. 1721373
i sincerely don't understand how the parent(s) signed off on this, if only because of how big of a financial drain it is
No. 1721376
>>1721346If any nonas here are medfags, there are other areas that basically turned out to be fraud laden fiascos (amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's and serotonin hypothesis of depression). Many people built decades worth of careers on fundamentally false premises, so I wouldn't expect anyone involved to just admit they were wrong. Keep this in mind when seeking medical treatment that isn't immediately life saving.
Also, keep in mind that doctors aren't scientists or researchers, even though they think they are. Their job is to apply science, not question it - and yet they will ignore data that argues against their preferred treatments. It's not that they can't be trusted because of some crunchy granola hippy shit, they can't be trusted because they fundamentally don't follow any scientific principles.
No. 1721388
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>>1721361And she blames herself. Sometimes I do feel sorry for these girls. At 13, you should not be able to make such drastic life-altering decisions that will impact you until you die. All the adults SHOULD be blamed ffs
No. 1721789
sage for insane blogpost.
nonnies help me. I keep having thoughts of transitioning. I have a very feminine body with curves and all (which I hate) and very masculine personality and interests. tbf I don't hate my body in and of itself but I hate when men look at it. I've struggled with my weight all my life too and I've had body dysmorphia since the moment I've hit puberty. I've also almost been molested by my cousin and my brain kept that trauma hidden until a few years ago. despite that I've been in a long term relationship with a man for many years and I've finally gotten to the point that I can enjoy sex with him as a woman, but for ages I had to disassociate during it by pretending I was a man in my head or role-playing one of the male characters from our ttrpg sessions (yeah I know it's extremely cringe and I'm glad I stopped) (yeah I'm also a fujo if that wasn't obvious). I've peaked years ago and I've never bought into the sjw craze first, and the tranny mania later. even though I didn't have the words for it yet, I was never convinced by their arguments on gender, especially the nonbinary thing. despite that, I've always had the desire to become a man, and getting into cosplay really exacerbated that. I used to get so mad I couldn't pass as a man because of my very obvious curves. I've desisted early on in my wishes cause I know surgery can only do so much and my body type can't be changed (hell, even my cis brother looks like a tif because of his shape). I know all about the dangers of hormones and surgery and I make fun of trannies all the time and I know it's hard as hell to transition in my country and I would probably lose the man of my life if I did something like that but sometimes the desire comes back. I want to drink the Kool aid myself, I want to believe that women can truly become men and fit in with my peers online cause they seem to have so much fun on the surface. I don't want to be grossed out every time I see a character I like drawn with mastectomy scars. I want to make friends with people online without being scared of them finding out I have terfy views. I don't want to be constantly sexualized. I want to have male friends that don't say they want to fuck me just because i already have a boyfriend. i want to be respected and taken seriously in my family just like my deadbeat brother is for only virtue of being born xy. sorry for the very long rant. I lurk here all the time in hopes it will make me renounce these desires completely but I keep having intrusive thoughts about it. idk what to do, it's hard. can you suggest ways to love myself more as I am? or just share your experiences, if you have gone through something similar. thank you for letting me open up
No. 1721842
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>>1721789I still have dysphoria too, from being a gnc lesbian. What dissuaded me is realizing that what I want to look like is totally impossible. I will never ever be a real man. I’ll never pass since I’m all of 5’4, I’ll never have a functional penis, I’ll never find straight women or even lesbians who want to date me after testosterone and surgery. i’ll only be able to date other broken tifs. If you focus on what’s actually achievable you’ll realize transitioning is totally stupid since it doesn’t work anyway. I feel a lot less dysphoria now than I used to as a teenager now that I see it as what it is, an impossible fantasy. If I could magically become the ideal man I have in my head I would have done it as a teenager,, but I’ve made peace with myself now. What also helped me was I started lifting weights and bulking up a little to be the best version of myself as a female. I found female role models who I could see myself living like. I believe in you nonna!
No. 1721865
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I know it has been a couple of months but I really wanted to share this. A peruvian fakeboi was smart enough to go to Harvard but wasn't smart enough to not go to Bali on her Honeymoon and with a weed grinder in her suitcase. She was arrested and died while on custody. I know her death was tragic but it kinda bothered me when my sjw university classmates bombarded everyone about how the world is against trans people and they shouldn't have been detained in the first place (despite the weed grinder and Indonesia's zero tolerance policy against drugs)
No. 1721959
>>1721789Working out helped me a lot. I started with yoga, followed 30 days of yoga with Adrienne and then started working out more seriously with dumbbells. Now I feel so much better with myself. Before I hated my breasts and now I love them. They don't hurt anymore. I stopped wearing a bra too. Reading and speaking with detrans women helped a lot too. /detrans on Reddit is a good place to start. Men are still men but now I hate them, not myself.
I hope it gets better for you nonna.
No. 1722043
>>1721789I highly recommend looking into detrans content. There are lots of them on youtube that can help you not make their mistakes.
The trans happiness is an illusion, they all suffer from a cluster of mental illnesses that transition didn't cure (and usually made worse). The problem isn't you - it's the people (men) around you. Fixing yourself doesn't do anything to stop them, becasue you were never the problem.
No. 1722063
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If I had to see this shit, so do you. For bonus points, she draws zoo and guro shit.
No. 1722073
>>1722070NAYRT but as a butch who struggles with thoughts of trooning out, I would advise against talking about this with a therapist unless you
really trust them. I got slapped with "gender dysphoria" diagnosis when I discussed my feelings (even though I said it stems from lesbophobia and misogyny) and I was told to try "living as a man" to see if it helps. Talking about these feelings is good, don't get me wrong. But most therapists will automatically encourage you to troon out since the research on these feelings is completely one-sided in favour of trannyism and a lot of medical professionals fear getting called transphobic if they don't enable your transition. Best of luck, nona.
No. 1722160
>>1722144Truscum: believe dysphoria is the only reason to transition. The name was created by the "tucutes", they usually prefer "transmedicalists" or things that make them sound rooted in reality instead of confirming delusions.
Tucute: modern trans agenda, if you want to be trans you just are. Dysphoria as unnecessary to being trans is their only real belief to allow anyone to transition. Usually only human genders (mtf, ftm, enby)
Mogai:includes the non human genders and weird other shit like catself pronouns. Not necessarily actual transitioners and is mostly filled with furries and the really weird enbys inventing very "special" genders for themselves
No. 1722190
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Why can't they just accept that they are women attracted to women.
No. 1722201
>>1722197she is talking about
>>1721865 but forgot to properly reply
No. 1722308
>>1722063Her profile pic alone screams fakeboi. These types of women are always the same in these circles
They use self inserts or their favorite characters for their strange degenerate kinks that either involves gore, self harm, or rape. The worst ones that fall into horrorcow artist territory usually love bestiality,vomit/scat, or shot/loli . The ones who use being trans as a way to peddle their shota art are especially suspect. Like that mtf "Aggy"
No. 1722424
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I always look forward to their responses hoping that they something that isn’t sexist and misogynistic
No. 1722478
>>1722474"i'm okay with people hating women as long as
I am not women!"
No. 1722495
>>1722424I feel bad for these girls mothers because the way they speak about motherhood like it's this icky, disgusting thing really pisses me off. Imagine carrying a child for nine months and then nurturing them for years and years only for them to grow up and say shit like this.
>>1722428Pretty sure like 9/10 women have had that moment of "fuck me, I wish I wasn't a woman" due to sexism. It's near enough a universal experience.
No. 1722650
>>1722620It’s amazing how social media activists went from saying “clothes have no gender!” To “actually I don’t want to be a mother therefore I am not a woman” and no one bats an eye
Fucking regressive
No. 1722876
>>1722870How come it’s not a thing in Japan? I think it’s more than just that fandom environment got so
toxic because everything was politicised and being a woman/girl became boring
No. 1722877
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Damn if you do damn if you don’t. It’ll be really funny if it’s another gendie woman telling her that. I get what she’s saying and why it’s annoying her
No. 1722922
>>1722910I agree with you
nonnie just trying to point out the differences between here and there. Also forgot to add the fact that you have to be 18 to transition and that Japanese school dress codes are pretty strict although a lot of schools offer the option to wear pants. A woman is not allowed to wear a male uniform in certain schools, and can't really pull the other shit that American teenage fakeboi's do when it comes to school fashion.
No. 1723001
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Her whole reason for becoming a man is because she wants to date women. This one is sad. She was a masc lesbian for a bit but liked wearing masculine clothes too much, i don’t get the connection or her leap in logic
No. 1723048
>>1722870>>1722876Yaoi wasn't an issue until it became all locked up with social justice shit in the Tumblr era. I'm an extreme oldfag and back in the early days of the internet everybody knew Yaoi was written by women for women. Yes there were plenty of younger girls going "ew yuck no women in my precious yaoi" but they generally dropped that as they moved out of being teenagers and there were plenty of normal straight and lesbian adult women who read it. This was back in the day when fanfiction was more popular than fanart and women liked slash for the same reasons.
The problem is on Tumblr you had braindead children equating yaoi with girlxgirl porn made by moids and equating the two in terms of being fetishization. Women and girls started getting attacked by each other for being "fetishizes" and liking a genre that "stereotyped gay men" even though bl/slash/yaoi never has characters actually acting like gay moids.
It was also the same time all the cultural appropriation stuff started blowing up. Subcultures that gleefully wore kimonos to conventions and all named themselves shit like "sakurachan" weren't just cringey anymore, they were committing hate crimes for liking things that weren't "for" them. That mindset got mixed up with the purity policing of porn girls liked and somehow we ended up with The only acceptable way to continue publically enjoying yaoi was to prove you were a gay man so it wasn't "fetishizing" it was content about yourself. And now the train's gone so far off the rails nobody even realizing the genre was originally for/about women at all.
Fujos have always been cringey and yaoi has had shitty tropes forever but it's not responsible for girls trooning out, at least not at the start. The culture of constantly critisizing girls for anything they liked and the purity spiral of misapprehended SJW language backed girls who liked yaoi into an idealogical corner so being a troon was the only "okay" reason to like it. And now troons use it as one of their fake "here's your sign" conversion tools.
No. 1723049
>>1723042Holy shit, small world. Same thing happened with my cousin. Notably, she grew up in an extremely religious household. Like they were homeschooled and not allowed to watch Harry Potter or That's So Raven (because they contained witches and psychics) type of religious. Her mom and both of her sisters got pregnant before age 20. So I'm not shocked she trooned out to escape what womanhood meant in that environment.
I don't think she's on hormones (at least it doesn't sound or look like it) and she recently has taken down all stuff related to transition on her social media so I hope she's detransing. Good luck to you and your cousin. It's so sad to watch someone you love struggle with self hatred
No. 1723076
>>1723048To be honest, I don't see the point you're trying to make. Yoai isn't fetishistic because the men don't actually act like gay men? With this logic, yuri isn't fetishistic either because the women don't actually act like gay women.
I've never got the sentiment of hanging on to fujo fanfics for dear life when we could instead promote the consumption of material that women can actually relate to instead of dissociating with two men. Especially lesbians, who seemingly wouldn't want to read about men but end up doing so, possibly for it being woman-for-woman material.
(derailing) No. 1723102
>>1723076ntayrt, I think the point anon is trying to make is just that there was suddenly a massive stigma around girls liking yaoi unless they trooned out in some way.
>we could instead promote the consumption of material that women can actually relate to instead of dissociating with two men.Young girls are incredibly insecure abut their own bodies (for many different reasons) and when you see any male x female ship… the female is cute, hot or beautiful, she's desirable in ways you as a hormonal kid can't ever be. One portion of girls project themselves onto her and thinks it's fine - but a smaller but not insignificant portion can't do that, and only see a female "better" than herself get the hot male of the story she's attracted to. It does nothing but fuel thier insecurity and remind them of beauty standards of women. And that's the majority of girls that only read yaoi.
>Especially lesbians, who seemingly wouldn't want to read about menI heard a lesbian get asked about this and her reply was that because porn is made by men for men, including the lesbian porn, all she saw was two straight women who clearly didn't want to be there awkwardly going at it. Both lesbian and straight porn made by men is typically very degrading to women, and as a woman who loved women it hurt too much to see those women get treated like shit. The only thing left was to watch gay male porn, so that's typically what lesbians watch.
No. 1723142
>>1723102Honestly, I see where you're coming from. I can understand the need to not compare yourself to a woman, fictional or not, that seems to be way out of a league you could never achieve. I also think that's inevitable with a genre (anime) that only really promotes one kind of style and body shape.
Moreover, I'm sure yoai could cause the same issues. With the female/male one, the act of relating to a woman with virtually no flaws made young girls insecure. But on the other hand, I feel inadvertently projecting oneself into male/male ships can cause the same insecurity, especially since the reader is
not a man. I feel this might explain some of the TiFs we see, but I obviously can't say with confidence.
In regards to the lesbians' conundrum, that is truly bleak and I do feel for them because I've also gotten frustrated with the lack of solely female porn that hasn't been done by a man for male consumption. Evidently however – in regards to drawn porn anyway – this is the result of not enough women producing content solely for themselves in my opinion. If everyone, even lesbians, are producing and consuming male-featured fics or porn or whatever it may be, there's ends up nothing for lesbians or other SSA women to be adequately satisfied.
I hope this isn't too long and I hope I'm making sense!
No. 1723153
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No. 1723173
>>1723165The insecurity issue is not an excuse either, I really fucking hate myself and hate how I look yet I still enjoy M/F content almost exclusively. Yaoi doesn’t do much for me, I don’t get the emotional catharsis because I can’t relate to the emotions of TWO guys fucking because I am a woman. Is it hot? Kinda yeah. It’s two dicks rubbing on each other. Do I get the emotional romantic raw feelings? No and that makes it worthless to me.
I’m not even very sure Fujos actually get as much romantic feels or whatever from yaoi as they say they do.
M/F pairings don’t have as much pornographic fanart or smut fics as yaoi shit does. Maybe it’s just bullshit they tell themselves to not feel like it’s a fetish.
No. 1723175
>>1723076yaoi isn't fetishistic because I don't care how men feel
>>1723165Trying to force women to create 'pro-woman' art or else be considered a pick me is an ovarit tier opinion
No. 1723197
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Every time I come into this thread and see a bunch of retarded infighting about fujoshis, I want to blow my fucking brains out. Just… the sheer amount of time you autists waste on seething over this shit. Baffling.
It's not milk, for god's sake. You guys are never going to agree about this shit, so just give it a rest already.
No. 1723199
>>1723165How dare they write things they enjoy instead of writing shit for the sake of representation! The audacity. I hate when people don't exclusively make things I want them to make!
>>1723187Women aren't allowed to have fetishes or be aroused by things. TIL having a sexuality is for moids.
No. 1723210
>>1723197Nta but yaoi sperg brought it up initially
>>1723048 . Don’t mention it as a point if you don’t want anons to give their own opinion. Also, the SJW stuff is not the case because non SJW moids troon out and it’s not to be more PC but to fit a fantasy, while girls who troon out do it for the same reason too, to live a fantasy like in the yaoi media they enjoy as we’ve seen in these threads with the common thread of romanticising a homosexual men like in the media they consume.
No. 1723225
>>1723175>yaoi isn't fetishistic because I don't care how men feelBased
Drawing yaoi is inherently pro-women
No. 1723267
>>1719388+! to a fellow person who wishes she had
terf friends. I totally get whee you both are coming from, especially with how back in the day "weirdos" were the only one who accepted me as well in terms of being really nerdy but trans fuckery has poisoned the nerd/anime/etc communities the worst and you can't go for too long without seeing retarded gender crap pop up even when you try to avoid it, especially if you're into certain fandoms where gender retards tend to flock to like moths to a lamp.
> don't want to say "ditch your friends" but talking to them about gender topics in any opposing way will be borderline impossibleI second this advice. If your friends aren't completely engulfed gender fuckery and you're able to talk to them without the topic coming up, try to hang on to them if you want to. I was in a situation like this with 3 of my friends and in the end I couldn't maintain the friendships. It didn't help that all 3 of them identified as "nonbinary" and were loud handmaidens. One of them wanted to get top surgery and I tried to remain silent about it but in my head I knew she was gonna make a big mistake doing that to herself. And they'd all talk about it and I would just remain quiet and hoping the subject would change.
But it all came to a stop when I retweeted the #LetWomenSpeak event a few weeks ago and they came at me saying I was being "transphobic" and that the TRAs that assaulted the women there were just "defending themselves" (are you shitting me?). Short story short, we're no longer friends and I've been pretty much on my own now.
No. 1723290

>>1723279Yeah so many of them were obviously tumblr girls during the 2010s or were into geek culture. If you listen to them talking about why they transitioned it’s straight up “I don’t fit into the mold of ‘woman’ or ‘girl’, I think of myself as a person first” and the “I’m not like the other girls” getting completely torn apart online didn’t help
This video is based on an article which and has this specific quote as to why there are so many artsy/geeky girls into that culture.
Since way more girls are transitioning than boys that’s probably why you don’t see the “conventional transmen” model.
> Most people do not want to be the Weird Girl. It’s far more appealing to be the Queer Enby, or The Trans Boy. But look underneath these labels and see what’s there, the inner quirky, sensitive, artistic, weird girl. Being queer/trans/nonbinary seems like the perfect way to contend with every concern because socially and politically, these gender labels carry massive weight, social prestige, and meaning, that teens and young people are not mature enough to fully understand, but latch onto with fervor. No. 1723301
>>1723298Talking to them is so weird given that they’re middle-upper class and most likely had a feminist phase.
Does it not cross their mind that you don’t need to conform to society’s expectations to womanhood. You don’t have to get married and have children. You can dress how you want. You can go into STEM. I just don’t understand what the fuck they’re on about. If they had gêner dysphoria I would understand where they’re coming from but they just don’t
No. 1723489
>>1723285>Should I also become a gimp and do the worm dance in front of a senior citizen?I don't care what you do. It just amused me that you used something that is one of the criteria for fetishizing a group of people (not caring about their feelings) as proof that you don't fetishize them.
idk, fujos probably are fetishizing gay dudes but it doesn't matter. It's bad for men to fetishize women because it makes them treat women like objects even more than regular moids. Straight women just annoy people when they do it, so I don't see it as big deal.
No. 1723492
>>1723048based i love you nonna
Sorry to stray, but I'm so tired and angry that we are often compared to stupid tifs (I hate how fujos are treated here too), I just want to go back to the time when we could enjoy yaoi without feeling ashamed.
instead of shaming fujoshi women who just want to enjoy their shit why don't we just throw shit at tifs? I no longer want to be in the same bag as them
No. 1723562
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The longer this autistic fujoshi argument gets dragged out, the more suspicious I get that it's a tranny intentionally detailing the thread.
No. 1723566
>>1723530NTA. I don't think you're in a position to tell someone else to touch grass when you just spend
several hours sperging about shipping elitism or whatever the fuck.
No. 1723577
>>1723568It's still really childish to even give a fuck. Anon tipped her hand when she started crying about how pairings she likes aren't as popular. That's the real reason she's chimping out at fujoshis, and all the other shit about women and fetishes is just a false pretense.
I can't believe grown-ass adults genuinely feel bullied over shipping of all things. Good fucking grief, don't you have more important shit to worry about?
No. 1723629
>>1723610It has been said before but there's a class element in transitioning. The more educated, higher income people are more likely to transition due to being in an individualistic, persona-based hugbox where someone who lives in the real world and its accompanied challenges is more likely to see things for what they are. In the real world there is no denying the differences between the sexes, and personality and interests (i.e. what TIFs thinks "makes them men" or "think like a man") have no bearing on how we interact as physical beings. A man can have identical interests to a woman but still lead completely different lives due to the body they exist in, which you can't opt out of however much troons delude themselves that you can.
The fact spoiled, isolated, middle class white people are the main proponents of transgenderism, via their iphones, comfy bedrooms and tiktok accounts, is no coincidence.
No. 1723680
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>>1723290>Sensitive, artistic, quirky, weird girlThis immediately reminded me of picrel, which was written by a GNC autistic woman who wasn't diagnosed until adulthood. This "movement" is preying upon the insecurities of autistic girls and it infuriates me that the world is more accepting of a woman who chops her breasts off than a woman who is autistic. I hate that the systematic trooning of autistic girls is predicated in part on the shitty assumption that autism is "masculine." The only symptoms doctors cared to observe were the ones in men, so of course with those criteria, most of the people diagnosed are male. Meanwhile autistic women struggle sometimes for their whole lives without understanding why they can't just "be normal," and magically understand everyone else's emotions.
I'm so unbelievably thankful I managed to avoid the trans fad. Even to this day, I have no idea how I didn't get sucked into the cult. I was the perfect target: autistic, geeky, tomboyish. I was super into yaoi and slash shipping, I was an avid Tumblr user. Yet I was never affected, somehow. Even when I was a TRA as a teenager, I knew on some level that it was a fad, and that's secretly how I viewed it when my friends started binding and changing their pronouns.
My three closest friends never transitioned, thankfully, and they're the people from my childhood I'm still in touch today. They're all content just being GNC women.
No. 1723803
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Holy fucking shit I want to literally kill men and I would be happy to literally maim them with my own two hands in Minecraft, who fucking cares that IRL disgusting shitdicked bugchasing faggots MIGHT POSSIBLY BE HURT by shit that women enjoy. I don't even like yaoi and I actually do not fucking care and I think anything that angers men we should do more. who fucking cares if it's a fetish, if it makes them more mad they can bitch and whine and moan about it. Why do you care what men think in any capacity, you all should be ashamed.
The average man literally consumes porn that is women being ACTUALLY raped, beaten, degraded and tortured, animals being abused, and the most depraved unmentionable fetishes out there - some the layperson haven't even discovered yet. Women (whose sexuality are ALREADY policed and suppressed in ways men's sexuality IS NOT) can jack off to whatever the fuck they want and it's embarrassing you guys are still arguing about this. LET IT DIE and we can all laugh at fakeboys again Jesus fucking Christ
No. 1723853
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No. 1723860
>>1723680>I'm so unbelievably thankful I managed to avoid the trans fad. Even to this day, I have no idea how I didn't get sucked into the cult. I was the perfect target: autistic, geeky, tomboyish. I was super into yaoi and slash shipping, I was an avid Tumblr user. Yet I was never affected, somehow. Even when I was a TRA as a teenager, I knew on some level that it was a fad, and that's secretly how I viewed it when my friends started binding and changing their pronouns.I could've written this, except for the tumblr thing, since I was always more of a lurker than a user. I too am thankful that I never trooned out, but I suspect that's why I'm also deadly fascinated by tifs. They're like me in so many ways, yet I'm not a troon and never thought I was. I need to know what separates me from them.
No. 1723879
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People like this don't make sense to me. You wanted your parents to believe in sexist stereotypes ?
No. 1723891
>>1721789Late-ass reply but I feel you on the roleplaying thing kek, one of my biggest turn-ons is when Nigel and me roleplay as my (male) dnd character and his boyfriend having sex with each other. However, I just see it as a purely sexual thing that doesn't translate into a desire of becoming a man IRL.
I think what people have to remember is that transitioning will not magically turn them into "real" men, especially not the pretty yaoi versions of men, since these don't even exist in real life. The best case scenario is that you will end up looking like your dad, your family will treat you weirdly (since they obviously know that you used to be a woman) and you will feel out of place when trying to befriend cis guys because you were socialized as a woman. I read so many posts by detrans girls that complained about not having been able to fit in with "the guys" despite passing well, so that they just ended up hanging out with other TIFs instead.
You have to ask yourself, is living as a woman really THAT bad that you would rather be a fake man instead and accept all the health issues and non-reversible body changes that come with medically transitioning?
No. 1723940
>>1723803Honestly, I look down on f*jos but it isn't because I care about men. I think when they revolve their consumption around (two) men, they're ngmi.
What this anon
>>1723800 says is true; I'm sure this is a factor that causes troons.
No. 1723969
>>1723956And? Still doesn't make this statement
>males are [shown as] the only ones with internal worlds, conflicts, desires, or lives worth thinking about.any less true. So many women are revolving their lives, hobbies, and interests around men and I can't fathom how no one sees it. Fapping to yoai isn't the based move you think it is; it goes deeper than that.
No. 1724002
>>1723951YOU ARE COOMER, its like
>>1723965 said, you don't actually objectify men, you just turn men into women cause you hate womanhood
No. 1724020
>>1723969>So many women are revolving their lives, hobbies, and interests around menI'm not a fujoshi. I just think that whining about MALE attracted women centring MALE content is retarded.
Most fujoshi shit is heterosexuality on steroids. It is basically the same as the "dark romance" (rape & abuse filled garbage) straight women & their m/f content is except there is one moid & one pseudo female. There isn't anything new or different about fujos so why are some of you so upset they aren't writing "pro women" things? If these girls weren't writing fujoshi shit they'd be writing about being some italian mafia bosses sex slave. Some of you radfems need to understand that your separatist female centred fantasy will always be unpopular because the majority of the female population isn't into that shit.
No. 1724037
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>>1721174>>1721287Maybe they based the name on Sailor Neptune who has a gnc girlfriend.
No. 1724067
>>1723697His methodology for the studies on babies was garbage too, and no one has been able to replicate his results. It's obvious that he was exercising confirmation bias– he decided before any research that autism is "hyper-masculine" and that babies are born with sex-based differences in psychology (as opposed to being socialized with it, which is the prevailing wisdom). He was just looking to confirm those assumptions, not actually test their veracity, which is how you end up with nonsense like how female babies are more empathetic because in his experiment they spent longer looking at faces (again, this could not be replicated.)
He's done more harm than good. His positive contributions to autism are dwarfed by the damage caused by his blatant neurosexism. Ladybrains and manbrains were proven to be a myth literally decades ago, yet this douchebag (along with a hoarde of trannies) keeps trying to resurrect that misconception.
No. 1724080
>>1724069>fujos are only symptomatic of the problem, not the cause.This. The popularity of Steven Universe among the Tumblr crowd is indicative of the fact that girls want female-centric sci-fi and enjoy shipping the characters in fandoms for those IPs. However, most sci-fi IPs are either a sausage fest or intended for the male gaze to an uncomfortable degree. It's no wonder that girls who start liking sci-fi from a young age get sucked into slash, because their favorite, non-objectified main characters are so often men. Then as they get older, they begin seeking out that sort of thing because it's what they're used to, which is how you end up with slash ships for really minor characters. Like other anons have said, it's a vehicle for women to explore their sexuality without the discomfort of seeing female bodies objectified (though obviously not all women feel that way.)
That issue of discomfort is also why TIFs tend to be fujoshis. The predominant reason women troon out is to escape the male gaze, to be seen as a person and not a female body. They're foolish to think that's how it works, but that's the main reason they do it whether they realize it or not. It's no wonder that women who feel a disconnect with their bodies because of rampant sexualization gravitate towards media where the sexualized female body is absent.
There absolutely is a correlation between fujoshis and FTMs, but the relationship between the two is not causative. Rather, they're two overlapping symptoms of the same problem.
No. 1724086
>>1723800>unironically yes i do hate it.If you actually hate when other women have agency and create whatever things make them happy instead of kow-towing to your interests specifically, you seriously need to grow the fuck up. Maybe stop participating in online fandoms, since they're clearly just pissing you off.
Again, if you're an adult (which you need to be to post here) then it's pathetic that you feel this personally aggrieved by fandom shipping drama. Get a job.
>>1724083NTA but anon wasn't even defending fujoshis? She literally said that most FTMs are fujoshis. Stop accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being a tranny or porn addict, paki-chan.
No. 1724093
>>1724002>>1724007No, it's
you too.
You're also continuing this argument after multiple people have told you to stop. You can't go from replying to someone else calling them a coomer and then immediately cry about how it's not your fault that the argument is still going on.
No. 1724113
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Okay lets back on topic with some actual TIF cringe, imagine being so self hating that your gen-x dad ends up being more progressive then you
No. 1724115
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>>1724113from the same thread
No. 1724129
>>1723951Lmfao how is yaoi "objectifying" men. It's over-humanizing them, literally no real life male has the same complexity as a yaoi character, and it gets even worse when fujos try to write them as more realistic and bro-ish. Fujos don't emerge from their starry eyed yaoi fantasies thinking men are worthless 1 braincell dicks, instead they think all men are noble princes with soft hands or some shit. Yaoi characters are women with dicks, giant hands and dorito chins.
I agree that objectifying men is based, buy yaoi is SO ain't it kek
No. 1724163
>>1724138Not even going to begin to unpack the fact that you just compared retarded gay drawings to sexual violence. Jesus Christ.
I get hating fujoshis, especially for their annoying behavior in fandoms. But everyone is clearly sick to goddamn death of this argument. For the love of Christ, just take it somewhere else, or post milk, or something. Is this fun for you? Is it fun to spend hours on end seething about something as inconsequential as shitty drawings of fags, or people's opinions of them?
No. 1724203
>>1724187Not every woman who thinks cooming to Yaoi is weird is a radfem. I agree that the purity politics are stupid and overly dramatic. But I only seek to shove fujos in a locker; not make them read fucking Dworkin.
>>1724193Self-hating Aiden's have been in this thread since the very start; same with the ones who are closeted and/or too peaked to actually go through with it. They've got pretty good at hiding but every now and then they'll say something completely braindead like that and out themselves kek.
No. 1724233
>>1724115>I need my facial hair>Doesn’t elaborate on why being a masculine woman made her uncomfortable Not all men have facial hair
Their view on gender is legitimately regressive
No. 1724280
>>1724203I think anon is probably a newfag assuming that literally everyone who posts in the TIF and TIM threads is a radfem. Honestly, I
wish that were the case, but it's not. There are plenty of regular cow-watchers and (unfortunately) some trads mixed in.
No. 1724282
File: 1670712555129.jpg (341.49 KB, 853x479, 35223686-649bc3013cb30010495f8…)

>>1724274Look at her reaction to the gay guy, lmao.
No. 1724403
File: 1670722220990.jpeg (552.92 KB, 1170x2118, B059F3D0-370E-4FF7-AC86-049E34…)

So she recognizes how absurd it is to say that if she became straight her problems will go away but she’s a they/them
No. 1724535
>>1723680I see myself a lot in your post. I'm also extremely thankful I didn't took the troon bait. When I was a teen I was the tomboy of the class (or even the school) but it didn't got worse than that.
I feel so bad for these girls, I wonder what will they do when they come back to reality and realize the atrocities they did to their bodies.
No. 1724560
File: 1670736746426.png (Spoiler Image,958.56 KB, 1080x1635, 2022-12-11 08-24-56.PNG)

Imagine only paying 60 dollars to have the privilege of drawing this masterpiece on your body
No. 1724572
File: 1670738076822.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.38 KB, 1080x714, 315950399_1438322783360098_770…)

I like the art style, too bad she only draws fat aidens
Also, the bitch is "nonbinary lesbian", wtf does it mean? Does she understand that she is just a homo woman yet still wants to opt out of misogyny? She wants to be allowed to reject "transbians" because she is not akchualy a woman and therefore is allowed to say no? She chopped off her tits but still wants a girlfriend? Nonnas with pdf in female troonology please explain
No. 1724648
File: 1670747778837.png (882.11 KB, 539x923, horse.png)

Yes this is a TIF and not a TIM. She was posted in the MTF thread because she passes, but only as a rapey looking homeless man.
No. 1724653
File: 1670748086974.png (Spoiler Image,912.57 KB, 862x913, ew.png)

>>1724648I looked into her Instagram for more retarded trans takes but there's pictures of her eating worms. This is NSFL I'm serious.
No. 1724662
>>1724648tifs hating on other women in a desperate attempt to separate themselves is tragic, truly tragic
also kek at how tifs always bend over to make troons feel better about themselves while mtfs always shit on ftms the way they shit on other women. How is it different from average interaction between men and women?
No. 1724670
>>1719363Dunno about anyone else but I definitely do this to
terf signal.
terf signals I use
>Say famous troons' current names with an audible question mark like 'Elliot? Right, Eeeelliot Page'>'accidentally' mess pronouns up>toss some light bioessentialisms/biology references as innocent jokes>never say the Fuck JKR litany>never ever compliment troons, only ever give them suggestions or questions like 'you should try X product/color' or 'where did you buy that'So far I've managed to stay stealth in my unfortunately handmaiden-y class friend group
No. 1724768
>>1724209You pinch the other ball
>>1724282Grandma judging on shoes know her shit
No. 1724838
File: 1670773819206.jpeg (200.48 KB, 828x1370, 8337D713-8AB1-4CEC-BD57-F95C35…)

Faghaggotry and its consequences
No. 1724852
>>1724806Never forget when the anti gay pastor burst in the scene and ask her her tribe
>>1724845It's not even face paint it's eye shadow, I'm crying
No. 1724877
File: 1670776553334.jpeg (100.32 KB, 636x636, IMG_2687.jpeg)

bump to hide bad image, dont scroll under
No. 1724904
>>1724838>BottomThat is really girly handwriting.
Also, embarrassing she wants to emulate having micropenis.
No. 1725073
File: 1670790703726.jpeg (222.43 KB, 828x872, C61388FE-3556-489D-B579-EABEA2…)

>>1724648this nasty tranny claims women are more twansphobic than men too. hope moids actually show her some real violent transphobia i don’t give a fuck. & i’m done feeling sympathetic to these degenerate women fuck them all
No. 1725212
File: 1670803658326.png (1.86 MB, 1040x758, judging.png)

>>1724653i'm sorry but as a millennial eating worms is always going to remind me of phil and lil from the rugrats. they were raised by based betty though so i want to assume they'd grow up well
No. 1725226
>>1724572Interesting how if a TIF is into guys, she's "a gay man," but if she's into women, she's a "he/him lesbian." I've seen some thinkpieces on Tumblr lately saying that some TIFs call themselves lesbians because that's the culture they're familiar with and fit into. Duh. They're butch lesbians, of course they don't "fit in" anywhere else. It's almost as though they feel kinship with women because they're
still women.
Also "lesbian" is just the most fashionable thing to call yourself, so of course TIFs are going to shy away from the more "affirming" label of "straight man." Straight men call themselves lesbians, straight women, bisexual women, etc etc. The girl who bullied me in high school and slept exclusively with men is a "lesbian." The word has no meaning anymore. It's just something that's considered hip to be, so people without personalities decide to adopt it as an identity. If the trend was being retarded instead, these people would all be gleefully declaring that they're retards (which they actually are, in fairness.)
No. 1725255
Eh… I personally think the smaller ones can look okay on some people but if it looks good or not also depends on the rest of the person's appearance.
But I will the big septum piercings are just ugly on everyone. Absolutely ugly as sin
>>1725233(learn2sage) No. 1725268
>>1725255Eh… I personally think the smaller ones can look okay on some people but if it looks good or not also depends on the rest of the person's appearance.
But I will say that the big septum piercings are just ugly on everyone. Absolutely ugly as sin
No. 1725348
File: 1670813959750.jpg (561.17 KB, 2291x1080, Screenshot_20221211-215828.jpg)

>>1719846It boggles my mind to see some zoomers who would legit look 40. This woman not only looks 40 but she sounds like she's 40, her voice is a hoarse.
No. 1725535
File: 1670853458487.jpg (262.81 KB, 1080x1614, 20221118_182928.jpg)

Sometimes I wish TIFs had the level of forwardness as TIMs do, I want them to go to moid spaces and annoy men and make them uncomfortable and weird them out and I want to see them lose their shit over being called the wrong pronouns
No. 1725540
>>1725535This might sound very stupid but what are they worried about? Someone continually ignoring their preferred pronouns?
Like are they worried about getting physically attacked?
No. 1725594
File: 1670860585988.jpg (136.18 KB, 828x1321, FjyLblVXgAABQR-.jpg)

Thats not how that works miss
No. 1725638
>>1725629i don't even get why they're allowed to do this. teens can't drink, smoke, go to war, have sex with adults, drive a car before a certain age
watch movies with too much sex, drugs or violence, stay out past curfew, live alone, work a full time job. yet we think they should be allowed to do this?
No. 1725668
File: 1670866478549.jpeg (472.16 KB, 1538x2048, 7F0065AE-06CB-4C40-9DA4-DA9895…)

Why do these girls go out of their way to look as physically repulsive as possible
No. 1725698
>>1725679Yep. Protective armor. Like how some SA
victims eat to shield themselves from further assault
No. 1725917
>>1723891nonna you get an award for maybe the most adjusted person on this thread. all the fujo sperging and trooning out is a direct result of women having weird sexual fantasies and not realizing they can just have those, and it doesn't mean anything deeper. if a woman wants to imagine herself as a queen or a fucking fairy or a dude while getting off all that means is she's got some weird crossed wires, it's not that she suddenly really is that thing and needs to troon out to enbody it. it's not like the average woman could comprehend the level of moid degeneracy to understand what it's "really" like to be a man anyway, fantasizing about being a man is fantasizing about a fake ideal thing.
my old old school fujo friends have the same philosophy as my granny who still reads cheap fabio romance novels which is it's just a fun fantasy that has nothing to do with real sex or real men. and then they go about the rest of their day being normal women.
No. 1725930
File: 1670886825016.jpg (216.24 KB, 1080x744, IMG_20221213_043340.jpg)>My oldest child (11) has let me know they are transgender>I am very supportive of them>is hormone treatment available to someone so young?And of course, majority of the comments are suggesting her puberty blockers. I really want to get off this fucking planet.
No. 1725937
File: 1670888776037.jpg (612.51 KB, 1080x886, 1.jpg)

Being an ugly woman liking gay ships doesn't make someone a man.. Based doctor kek but it flew over her head
Somehow this one is especially disturbing to me cause i knew of her doll blog back in the day. Now as a whole 32 old woman she's trooning out, isn't it embarassing to her at all?
No. 1725940
File: 1670889028417.jpg (646.17 KB, 1079x1011, 2.jpg)

Her drawings of her and the other tif she's dating and even a drawing about that doctor she made a video on which i find really funny
No. 1725949
>>1725940That doctor interaction, jesus. He sounds like a real asshole, though acting that way is just what happens when you see these TiF types everyday.
Also the artist made sure to draw his bulge? And gave herself that weird thigh-fat spilling out of her thigh-high socks thing? This is not trangenderism this is something else. There is no "man-emulation" here.
No. 1725973
>>1725940>>1725937Lol. Based
terf doctor
No. 1726122
>>1726097NTA but countless people have blogposted here and in the other tranny thread about how their friends IRL have trooned out. Sometimes it's very hard to cut someone out of your life over this sort of thing, especially when it's obvious that they're just going through a retarded phase. Like if one of my long-time friends joined Amway or became a Scientologist, I'd clown on them behind their back about it, but I'd still be their friend because they need
someone sane to stand by them for when they eventually come to their senses.
No. 1726154
>>1725010Shhhh, you shouldn't point out the irony in homosexuals calling trannies mentally ill, that would be
problematic of you sweety
(bait) No. 1726334
File: 1670936272661.png (129.79 KB, 1596x244, hormone blockers.png)

>>1726305Lmao absolute idiots. Blockers ARE hormones.
>transphobes say we push hormones, but actually we all push hormones No. 1726372
>>1726022I’m sorry you’re going through this, I hope your friend at least calms down over the “omg I’m so gay and trans”
>>1726097It’s probably been bothering her for a long time and honestly where else can you get this off your chest?
No. 1726375
>>1725949He’s probably confused about someone transitioning to become a Man yet doesn’t do anything to reduce dysphoria/stays feminine. It probably goes against everything he’s been taught.
Reminds me of doctors or surgeons that are confused by trans lesbians or the ones that want to keep their dicks.
No. 1726392
>>1725940All of these art troons should be forced to watch thehonestyproject's whole catalogue. She goes from detrans nb fuckterfs wokester to a balanced, strong lesbian
terf in a beautiful arc.
No. 1726441
>>1720625I'm a young millennial but i think this anon is onto something. I used to see lots of loud outspoken women online, but some time around the years this anon says this new wave of fake-politeness and passive aggressiveness among female communities online (specially geeky ones like fandoms) took over. The old female-dominated fandom spaces and websites also died off and they were replaced by places like tumblr where your speech was heavily monitored and politized so you didn't "offend anyone" (read: special snowflake-y geeky boys who would join the website, who also were the ones who would harass in anon asks the most) and that's how cancel culture and troon shit kinda kicked off. I remember in my casual fandom shit tumblr feed around prior to 2014 getting posts about how poor men were oppressed cause they couldn't cry uwuwu already, and thinly-veiled troon propaganda using goddamn pokemon memes lmao. Also you didn't see any women anymore telling someone simply to fuck off or shut up without an overly emotionally done walltext trying to prove someone wrong (and proof their anger right?). Like they had to constantly be justifying their own anger and themselves. I miss seeing women just being mean, specially mean to retards who deserve it.
Crazy fucking stuff truly. It's like we've gone back to the 50s and prior where just standing and walking unproperly was seen as unladylike.
No. 1726589
>>1726022I knew someone similar though we weren't friends. Ex classmate tif who made everything about how gay she is as a nonbinary boi. Turns out she and her partner are lesbians who trooned together, plus she's a greasy furry weeb who wants to be an animator. What seemed to spur her on was her "cis" friends enabling her, so simply not giving attention to her tranny sayings, even just pretending not to hear in an airhead way, may make her give up saying those things to your face at least.
You also say you're friends so I hope yours isn't as far gone as the tif I knew, and that and you can continue to be friends over any non troon stuff you have in common.
No. 1726786
File: 1670978349055.jpeg (319.62 KB, 1122x1752, D882B9A6-C236-46D5-BFE1-6AD412…)

Found in an official publication by American Girl. Bleak.
No. 1726829
>>1726786>Parts of your body might make you feel uncomfortable, and you might want to change the way you look. That's totally OK!I know we’ve been over this so many times but can you imagine saying this in any other context where a part of someone’s body makes them “uncomfortable”? Like how ED patients are made “uncomfortable” by normal and healthy amounts of fat on their bodies? How can this possibly be okay to say to children? it’s so upsetting.
As a teen I had a debilitating insecurity about my looks especially my large jaw and would’ve done anything to get jawline shaving like a kpop idol. If I’d been encouraged to do that much less if it had been covered by insurance, I’d probably be fuckin dead by now from plastic surgery complications. And I’d never have accepted that a person’s worth is not stored in the jawline.>>1726798Imo ‘Gender dysphoria’ is only real in the sense of body hatred that’s related to gender stereotypes, i.e. hating your ‘feminine’ characteristics because they make you feel more exposed to, even deserving of misogyny. wanting to have the genitals of the other sex just seems like a paraphilia.
No. 1727097
>>1726829>Parts of your body might make you feel uncomfortable, and you might want to change the way you look. That's totally OK!This is also dangerous because it assumes "cisgender" people don't feel uncomfortable with their body parts.
I know women who feel uncomfortable about their breasts for various reasons, myself included. When I was a preteen I thought I was the only one who didn't like developing boobs, all my other girls classmates seemed to be ecstatic and feeling "grown up" about it and I was dreading everything. If this was today I'd probably be told I wasn't a woman because I was uncomfortable with my breasts
No. 1727101
File: 1671018921389.jpeg (271.38 KB, 1170x723, DBD79FC5-80B4-4C23-859C-5617E8…)

A comment left underneath Demi’s song “eat me”. They’re very stupid
No. 1727105
File: 1671019217014.jpeg (188.89 KB, 1170x897, 37A6EC95-E5BC-4005-A9DB-279DA2…)

Perpetual children
No. 1727106
File: 1671019339017.jpeg (246.64 KB, 1170x877, 05FE5EE5-0382-461E-B7E0-4DF453…)

>>1727105Basically the video had a woman saying “i knew i was a transman and not an enbie because someone asked me if I was born a cis-man would I still transition”
The comments are filled with attention seeking vibes
No. 1727113
>>1727097What fucking teenager ISN'T uncomfortable with their growing body and emerging sexuality? It's literally
abusive and manipulative to say this means the persons body IS wrong and that they simply need to change it or they will kill themselves.
>>1727101>>1727105>>1727106All these girls are saying is that they hate females. Once they grow out of their NLOG phase they'll see how pathetic they were behaving.
No. 1727143
>>1727109The poster sounds like a typical self-diagnoser. However:
I had the gender question when I was young (before trans became a known thing) and I did think I was supposed to be born a boy. I'm fine now but recently found out I'm autistic and it makes a lot of sense.
I can explain but it's blogposty.
When I was young, the girls rejected me for being weird and the boys played with me. When the boys discovered cooties I got rejected from that too. Because I'd always played with boys and the girls made it very clear I wasn't one of them, my retarded child brain assumed I belonged with the boys instead of understanding the girls were being unfair. Once the cootie phase was over teen boys accepted me again, but the teen girls never fully did. (Women are fine with me.)
I suspect the autism-trans connection is often caused by this experience growing up. Getting kicked out of a friend group because of your sex, when you're too young to understand why, is always going to sting. It's not like this is unique to autists, but we lag behind socially and may not be able to figure out the cause as well as normal children, and are much easier to push to the wrong explanation. Many of us aren't tomboys or butch either, which usually gets the safer pushes into sports or lesbianism, which do no permanent damage if they're a bad fit.The autists who get into the trans pipeline have a hard time getting out, and it lets them stay teenagers forever. "When I transition I'll finally feel like a grown up" is probably the logic behind it, but since I was too early for the trans pipeline I don't know how they feel directly (and autistic trannies wouldn't admit it anyway). It's surely easier to talk about a second puberty, say you're waiting for medical treatments, and justify your failures with discrimination instead of admitting to yourself you're disabled and can't live fully as an adult on your own. (Every autist I've seen get evaluated as an adult has been explicitly asked about transness as well, which is disturbing and makes it even easier to slip into the pipeline.)There's also a physical component to autism that isn't talked about as much in context with trans, the sensory side of it. Autists often feel more uncomfortable with things like sweat, hair growth, body odour, and arousal, so puberty is extra hellish. Most relevantly, this can affect sex-specific things like periods, discharge, erections, and ejaculation. PMDD is so common in autistic women that it's a reason to get evaluated, and the only adults I've known who never masturbated once were autistic men. It can be very easy to mistake this general discomfort with your body getting worse during puberty as sex-specific, and come to the (obviously incorrect) conclusion that the other side wouldn't be as uncomfortable.
This general body discomfort can be one of the reasons autists can get fat, since exercise can be so disgusting with the sweat and the breathing and the impact pressures, and we're generally less coordinated so more likely to injure ourselves or be bullied in sports, plus a lot find showering overwhelming and don't want to get dirty enough to have to clean up. Unsurprisingly though, the few autists I've known who questioned if they were trannies stopped feeling that way once they lost weight, and would start feeling that way again if they gained. Gender dysphoria seems like a convenient way to explain general body discomfort that requires no work to fix and gets sympathy instead of mockery. It's depressing because a bit of counselling on how to deal with the discomfort of exercise would be easier and better for them than transitioning, because they'll still be fat and hate their bodies.I've noticed with autists you get either genderspecials or transphobes more intense than typical terfs. It's polarized, like how some will be neat freaks and some will be revolting slobs. Or how some will be obsessive fetishists and some will be effectively asexual. It seems like everything about trannyism is designed to capture autists because of how it's structured and aligns. Or maybe I'm just thinking in black and white again and seeing patterns that don't exist.
No. 1727166
>>1727106Why can’t these people just accept that they are themselves and they can have any combination of interests/styles and still be a man/woman because man and woman describe objective reality not an individuals feelings.
So sad to see people unable to just live, so fixated and wrapped up in gender nonsense because they’ve got nothing more important going on in their lives.
No. 1727479
File: 1671059059385.png (89.9 KB, 648x470, Fi70vMzXgAASko1.png)

No. 1727483
>>1727479Wait, I'm lost. At first I assumed that the surgery she's referring to is a mastectomy, but now I'm not sure. On the one hand, it makes no sense that her parents would be for a tit chop if they don't enable her delusions, but on the other, if they're refusing to help her with an non-troon surgery over pronouns after agreeing to it, that's genuinely really shitty.
Is there more context for this, anon?
No. 1727496
File: 1671060399983.png (46.39 KB, 717x405, surg.png)

>>1727486I looked into it and it's not a titchop. She implied in picrel that it's some kind of feeding tube.
No. 1727498
File: 1671060526486.png (36.66 KB, 635x273, so close.png)

God damn it, some of them are so fucking close to getting it. The absolute cognitive dissonance of acknowledging socialization and then doubling-down on still being ~a man trapped in a woman's body~.
No. 1727510
File: 1671061808735.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.95 KB, 749x1213, 16CB77FF-EE36-4B0D-AB55-798165…)

Why do they do this to themselves
No. 1727522
>>1727479>>1727496I don't get what's so crazy about this? It's their money, she's not a child, she's 19 years old and if she has the guts to live outside of her parents' home, then she should have thought about saving some money to pay for some, probably, unavoidable surgery, if it really isn't a troon surgery.
And what about her "partner"? Why can't his/her family help her? That's so dumb.
I get that parents should help their kids as much as possible, but if your kid is an ingrate little shit that surely left your home while acting like an asshat, then you can't just throw your money at him/her.
Plus, she will surely get all of the help she needs from the troon cult, since she talked about her ebil twansfobic parents.
No. 1727534
>>1727511Yeah it's shitty that they reneged on the deal because of some stupid shit she did on Instagram. If she's telling the truth, the agreement was to leave troonshit off of official documents with no consideration given to social media.
However, if she lives with her mother, that means that this TIF isn't paying for her own living expenses (rent, food, utilities, etc.) which can easily add up to a thousand dollars a month. Hormone shots and these bills are literally her only expenses, and you can easily make a thousand dollars in less than a month even if you're just working like thirty hours a week. Like… Crohn's and anorexia suck, but they shouldn't prevent her from doing the bare minimum of working part time, especially when she claims that getting the feeding tube solves the main problems caused by both.
Even if it takes her longer than a month to scrape together a thousand dollars (which, come on, she's a fucking adult) medical bills don't accrue interest or hurt your credit, so it's not like there are any consequences for taking a few months (unless she put the expense on a medical credit card, which I'm going to assume she didn't.) Like… I've been fired from multiple jobs for acting like a literal autist and I still managed to buy a fifteen-hundred dollar computer when I was a senior in high school. This TIF can manage.
>>1727526I'm not crystal clear on how it works, but for whatever reason, doctors strongly encourage people who had cosmetic work done to see that same plastic surgeon about any complications. Doctors "refusing to touch another doctor's work) is a common refrain when it comes to troon surgeries and other cosmetic procedures. Like unless you're literally about to die, they're reluctant to treat you.
>>172753119. An adult.
No. 1727674
>>1727591NTA but how is this an even remotely logical response to what anon said? Like from where I'm standing this exchange went:
>I'm poor and I think this girl has no concept of money>Fuck you anon, get a job?????
No. 1727680
>>1727162You're assuming she told the story accurately. She's about to fish for sympathy and maybe money, you can bet she'd cover up some shit like saying she was glad her transphobic grandma died.
>>1727674Nta but American jobs often cover medical insurance, which the anon said she didn't have.
No. 1727729
File: 1671079014697.jpg (828.72 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20221215_042027_Ins…)

>>1719656Sure jan, the first time he saw this slender feminine woman he
literly thought it's a man. And you look and sound like you're microdosing t so don't get too
exited about anyone helping you with shots.
No. 1727865
File: 1671101286999.jpg (794.31 KB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_2022-12-15-10-41-11…)

Audio: if you don't let me suck your dick, I'm gonna fucking kill myself! Take your fucking pants off!
This pandering bullshit makes impressionable ftms think they can actually grow a dick down there. What is the point! (Double troon moment, this is a mtf)
No. 1727868
>>1727865How did we go from
>rape culture exists and is badto
>blackmailing others to get sex is totes cool No. 1727872
File: 1671102703234.jpg (790.17 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_2022-12-15-11-09-30…)

>>1727865It's a trend apparently
No. 1727989
>>1727777>>1727897This. I don’t really get what
>>1727961 means. The picture looks like a controlling man holding a naive woman.
No. 1728006
>>1727989It's because it no doubt
is a controlling man holding a retarded woman but the pose in and of itself is not a problem. Body language analysts itt atm I guess.
No. 1728057
>>1728051Idk how to post videos here either so here's a summary for those wondering
>tif holds out some pills while audio says "would you like a bonbon">tif mimes her tit speaking, while audio says "yes I would, it tastes great">audio says "no eating in my class" and tif mimes ripping of her tit, and shows mutilated chestDelightful
No. 1728115
File: 1671133542754.jpg (3.15 MB, 4096x3072, InCollage_20221215_122956858.j…)

All ftms are the most infantile consumerist people I've ever seen. The irony of buying cute little pins and stickers with he/him pronouns is lost on them every time
No. 1728251
>>1727534>doctors strongly encourage people who had cosmetic work done to see that same plastic surgeon about any complicationsI think part of the reason for that is that only the original surgeon knows what exactly was done and it's not very straightforward to understand what is going on with cut to pieces infected soft tissue after the fact.
This doubly applies to troon surgeries which are without exception completely experimental with no standard or universal procedures.
You'd think mastectomy would be an exception since that's a fairly well developed surgery, but it actually isn't because good surgeons tend to not want to spend their limited time mutilating children and insane people, so trannies end up with psychopath butchers anyway.
No. 1728288
>>1728051Jesus Christ how bleak
Horror writers are seething with envy. They only wish they could dream up something as despair-inducing.
No. 1728342
File: 1671155360295.jpg (239.97 KB, 1200x1200, 9a308719e487d413cfe031e531989e…)

>>1728319for real, if you look up nonbinary or transgender frog like a million different designs show up on redbubble and sites like it. same with possums and garfield, they pick the most random mascots to incorporate into their identity. any guesses for what the next animal they cling to in 2023 will be nonas?
No. 1728353
File: 1671156690736.jpg (335.85 KB, 1651x2048, comic1.jpg)

incoming comic dump
No. 1728356
File: 1671156791534.jpg (265.36 KB, 1651x2048, comic3.jpg)

>>1728355"i like guys so i wanna be one"
No becca, you're a straight woman
No. 1728397
>>1728307If there was any liability for what they did it might matter, but I have never heard of a successful lawsuit against any butchers. Some of them ghost their patients after botching them and get away with it
>>1728359This is the end result of obsessive navel gazing but complete lack of real introspection or self awareness
No. 1728400
File: 1671160693211.jpg (111.85 KB, 1600x900, maxresdefault.0.jpg)

>>1728319Because chemicals in the water are turning the frickin' frogs gay!
No. 1728533
>>1728357goo goo ga ga giws are piwnk and boyws awe bwue
>>1728400lmao, that’s true
>>1728467oh, of course she is
ber books are nlog fujo slash fanfic, so what to expect
No. 1728547
File: 1671179485818.jpg (79.83 KB, 1024x768, downloadfile-3.jpg)

>>1728319i can already tell what the TiF's next fav animal will be, deep sea fish. i see them butting into marine bio circles on twitter and the like all the time. they like deep sea fish for the same reason they like possums and frogs (creepy quirky animals with sharp teeth/slime/scales are the fakeboi go to, abyssal fish have all of these) and they can make stupid jokes about it (saw one fakeboi make some joke to the effect of "my favorite animal lives under an immense amount of pressure and so do i! my heckin anxiety right?!"). sorry for fishsperg, pic tangentially related
No. 1728552
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>>1728547samefag and saged idk how to edit, my bad. meant to say, pic tangentially related, when will fakebois realize males are parasitic dependents like anglerfish?
No. 1728585
File: 1671185322261.webm (5.98 MB, 576x1024, KDYoRWA9.webm)
>>1728051Here's the video
No. 1728612
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>>1728355every fucking time i s2g
No. 1728627
>>1728565I'm from EE, and am actually somewhat acquainted with a T-right activist FtM, she's pretty well known in those circles, becoming some sort of minor spokesperson on their issues. They don't have much media support, the most you get is some very sappy transition stories by the liberal media, so they aggregate on Tumblr and other blogs (I assume Discord too nowadays, but I'm not with the times). She's also schizophrenic, and almost murdered her little sister and their pets when she was just a child. Even before said little sister shared those stories with me, I suspected she must be very autistic, just the Savant type. So a fitting representative, indeed.
No. 1728677
>>1728359>>1728361Why do they torture themselves so much with this kind of shit? Everyone feels varying levels of masculinity and femininity (or whatever you want to call it, I guess you know what I mean, I just know some nonnas are iffy about those words). The idea that any of that has any deep deep meaning confounds me. Just act how you want and wear what you want, fuck what other people think about it. If being GNC is your thing, you do you. They make all this shit sound so quasi-religious and all it does is just drive them to the brink. Of course there are some struggles you go through figuring out how you see and identify yourself, but they take it to a point I’ve never even seen kids in the past do. Like everyone else said, it’s so self-absorbed, they act like they’re the main characters, the only ones to ever experience these feelings, and everyone around them are just NPCs who are totally 100% comfortable with the status quo. If they actually talked to other people about these things, they’d realize how not alone they are in those feelings, but then I guess they wouldn’t feel so special anymore.
No. 1728701
>>1728690It’s weird. It feels like people these days think you aren’t allowed to have any normal fantasies that you acknowledge during your own time but that you don’t bring out around other people in public. It’s either they 100% jump into them and actually begin fetishizing people (like TiMs and TiFs taking it next level to where it’s all-encompassing) or they think you can’t enjoy any kind of fantasy at all and if you do, the wrong-think police are going to find you and lock you up. It’s not a crime to read erotica if you want, just don’t expect real life to be that way and don’t let it influence how you treat other people, like this
nonnie said. You have to always have a balance between what is fantasy and what’s reality or you start becoming like the people featured in these threads.
No. 1728707
File: 1671204738731.jpg (156.99 KB, 1080x466, Everyone-agrees-enbys-dress-li…)

My woke friends shilled this trans organisation so I checked their twitter, even trans people know enbys dress like shit kek
No. 1728839
>>1728353Literally most girls go through this. This is quintessential female puberty
>>1728355So she came out to her parents as trans then found out about the word later on? I don’t get it
>>1728359Main character syndrome.
Everyone is a normie npc meanwhile im the enlightened masc fem queer and will not be easily defined because im so special
No. 1728855
File: 1671218032798.jpg (361.12 KB, 1200x492, 20221216_125825.jpg)

>>1728467Oh man, Poppy Z Brite. I came across her once when I was looking for horror novel recs and inadvertently stumbled upon her weird pre-yaoi era fujo tif shit. What's funny is what first caught my attention was the little about the author blurb on the listing for the book I was looking at using male pronouns and I was like "Poppy's a man?" then saw the little thumbnail of the author's photo and even in a tiny image that had part of her face covered it was instantly obvious she was a woman. Then googled to confirm she was really a tif and found her blog post about being a gay man trapped in a woman's body that is… honestly the whole thing is milky as hell, but picrel is one of the highlights
(Link for anyone interested in reading all of it
No. 1728874
>>1719529While I don't agree with the subject matter, that is very well done. The color switches are excellent, the pattern flows beautifully, and if she designed the pattern herself, she's a really good fiber artist.
>>1719774Ugly, hideous, and poor craftsmanship. Unless he made that lace himself, I would give this an F if it was turned into me as a project.
No. 1728903
>>1728342Probably axolotls
>>1728867If they come after chinchillas I will riot in the streets. But they probably won't, because chins are too ~girly~. Frogs and possums are slightly gross and therefore "androgynous" in the minds of gendies who feel the need to categorize everything.
No. 1728975
File: 1671228366600.jpeg (Spoiler Image,733.6 KB, 1125x1552, F1587421-2AE5-4362-929D-20EEDF…)

on her way to becoming a registered sex offender
No. 1729000
File: 1671231789091.jpeg (595.48 KB, 1125x1707, 176B37C6-B556-4DF5-85E5-EDB06F…)

I am so tired of tif fujo shit creeping into the classic BL and manga community. Even this post had some clearly confused ESL in the comments asking why tifs were so obsessed with yaoi when it originated as porn written by women. Female mangaka used to write male characters because of the obsession with male European child actors during the 70s and current tifs are too gone deaf to realize they’re doing the exact same shit (fetishising cute males) to the extreme.
No. 1729050
>>1729000Honestly I could get behind the OP post if it was exclusively about women who don't troon out. I'm tired of people allowing politics to determine what they should like. Regardless of how you feel about BL, allowing internet social justice to pick your interests for you based on what is or is not
problematic is peak NPC behavior.
No. 1729155
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>>1728319frogs are too cute. i wont let them appropriate one of my fav animals
No. 1729287
File: 1671252114758.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.52 KB, 1250x796, tumblr_d9b693ac70bb0a89cf62cc5…)

>>1718961>>1729155I feel you nonna, since I am a massive bug autist. Hopefully people will at least stop squishing them that way if they like them more though. I'm spoilering not to scare people but this is one of my wallpapers right now.
No. 1729364
>>1729000I've noticed some older fandom people, ex friends and old tumblr guard are all going through this phase for some reason kek. Knew some people who would go up and down saying yaoi was the devil that came out of straight women (but they're different because they're TRANS!), had literal years saying yaoi and BL was the worst crime you could commit against reeeaall gay men, now just as suddenly they're going "happy yaoi christmas!" like nothing happened. Even older millenials are going through this pipeline for some reason. I see the excuse a lot that yaoi and BL have grown as a genre so it's more okay now or whatever. Even like you said in your post, seems like normal BL readers don't seem to like and/or these people either. I would be mad too if someone spent literal years bitching about and calling me hitler for something I liked then out of nowhere wanted to cozy up.
(no infighting pls. I just think this particular switcharoo is funny and sudden for both sides.)
No. 1729407
>>1728565Yes, I am from that region.
>>1728596I’m similar to you, I witnessed fakebois online (sometimes even finding their profiles to have a laugh), had a misadventure to know closer some of them irl and online. In recent weeks I even stumbled upon some in a certain public space.
Never met a TIM aka MTF in my life (thankfully).
I believe I commented something like that in other thread or on another site but I wonder if that’s some reason for “acceptance”, one of the reasons at least: fashion-wise women turn out better in masculine clothing that men do in feminine clothes. People who mostly meet TIFs are more eager to accept them and empathize than if it was some bulky comer TIM with cringe dress and makeup. I know there are a lot of enablers of the latter type too but my point is, some people are so used to perceiving girls as harmless or
victims that they might gladly accept whatever harmful tactics they will use (in this case, trans identity to cover up their real problems).
Not to sperg or blogpost but sometimes I feel like I need to talk about what I noticed myself in these girls I used to know in teenage years, I know no one around me is there to listen, it’s easier to share it anonymously or in some similar spaces to that one. This shit is super damaging and even traumatizing. Maybe I am dramatic but thanks to these few years I feel like I’d like to erase all my memories associated with people who were massively traumatized, sometimes even borderline horny and dumped me when they realized I’m not woke enough and gave me bad memories of keeping up with people using their fake identities on a normal or semi-normal basis.
What’s worse, there are schools in my country who allow this fuckery (attended a school with a TIF where the teachers were using “chosen name” of that girl aka male name + always spoke of her as if she was a man - and yet my country is thought to be homophobic).
No. 1729587
>>1729477>>1729511>>1729514>>1729585I thought she just seemed "proud" of being a lesbian and she's always been one though so I knew it was not a fad for her and she's only ever been with women. That's why it was surprising, despite thinking she shouldn't attach so much of her identity to her sexuality
Well she left our group chat saying she doesn't know if she's a lesbian or "non binary person" anymore and that she's been just happily existing as a lesbian woman until now. And said she'll return some day lol
I'm a little more relieved because non binary usually doesn't mean shit other than being a nuisance to others with pronouns and changing your wardrobe. But still it sucks that people who are already mentally unwell are caught in this shit. So much overthinking for nothing, nothing in reality changes
No. 1729640
File: 1671309129887.jpeg (284.75 KB, 750x670, 695F3240-7566-4469-90AD-5F88C6…)

From r/gay trans guys.
No. 1729657
>>1729640kek, notice she doesn't say the sexuality of the men now "Open to trans men". I bet it's not gay men, it's bisexual/straight coomers who have realized "Oh shit, I found a new fetish".
Just like with TIM porn, I bet most the weirdos watching it, like it because the person has their OG genitals.
Trans woman with penis, trans man with vagina. They aren't watching elbow dick socks or dick holes
No. 1729710
>>1729665>you are a visibly mentally ill womanreminds me of this tif on Hidden Brain 41:45 (there is no transcript to screenshot)
>a trans man named Lysander (kek)>his social interactions changed>"It made me realize how difficult it was to socialize as a male because everyone around me was perceiving me as a threat"the delusion, people are avoiding you because their "oh shit a crazy person, avoid" instinct is kicking in if anything
No. 1729735
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>>1729625Same anon, my friend just sent me this piece of twisted wonderland discourse and apparently while tifs accept yaoi they still hate women that like it? I don't get it, it's like 20 layers of self hatred stacked on each other.
>i hate womenyou Are women and you Are fujoshi too my good sister. That female mc is going to fuck your precious gay yaoiboys.
No. 1729784
>>1729471Nonnie same thing here. One of my closest friends who is a proud very normie gnc lesbian is now going with he/him and a masculine name this was all after she started dating a gendie and another friend also came out as a gendie, both are very chill about it (for now i guess).
Im so annoyed because she was very confident being herself.
It just makes me so sad and angry to see how this vs spread.
No. 1729788
File: 1671326366402.png (54.81 KB, 588x348, lol4.png)

This critter has been a personal cow for a while.
Alcoholic TIF larping as a dirtbag male stereotype. Has a gore/slasher fetish and wants to make a comic based on her gross self-inserts.
Twitter: @easymeatco
Instagram: @hellbraiser
(Sorry for any posting errors, am new to actually posting on imageboards)
No. 1729789
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No. 1729791
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Publicly admitting to sexually assaulting someone lol
No. 1729795
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No. 1729899
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>>1728867>>1728903chinchilla enjoying terfies rise up !!!
No. 1729976
File: 1671360404108.jpg (65.49 KB, 608x425, tumblr1.jpg)

Saw this nice piece today
It has almost 3K likes and it's not much but I'm glad at least somebody understands where fakeboism is coming from
No. 1729977
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Didn't cut the source in case you will want to find it on Tumblr
No. 1729980
File: 1671361291353.jpg (30.37 KB, 514x174, tumblr3.jpg)

I actually feel bad for the fakebois, they are just lost girls who don't know any better
If only they could understand this simple truth
No. 1729990
>>1729976>>1729977Absolutely beautiful comic. For those who couldn't/can't realise this themselves, this needs to be put out there as a think piece for all those women and girls.
I imagine that when the troon high is hitting its end, this trauma will be highlighted.
No. 1730048
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>>1729976I saw this on tumblr the other day, I think people are starting to wake up see this movement for what it really is.
I’m not in the gendie sphere really but so many of my friends are “theys” and I almost feel ashamed of proudly calling myself a women or posting feminist takes on my social media.
I just hope women, girls and feminism in general can bounce back after all this “I’m not a woman, I’m a person” they/she bullshit
I’m really worried
No. 1730060
>>1730048Both sides of the troon coin are rooted in deep misogyny. I used to be part of the alphabet cult, and I believe it’s possible to deprogram this nonsense. It’s going to take a lot of time, but I think it’s starting to happen that people see through it. Fads come and go. Hopefully, that’ll apply to the trans trend too.
My concern is how interconnected mental health and trans issues are. They must be disentangled and the mental illnesses treated. It’s wild that the mentally ill are being sold lifelong medical experiments as treatment, rather than therapy and psychiatry.
No. 1730089
File: 1671384267040.png (1.1 MB, 602x1304, EEC92DCC-980C-4E48-AFDE-73A563…)

The art style is very 4chan to me.
Love the woman is makeup and skirt, misogynists
No. 1730094
>>1729795I really want to know what compels a person to draw genderbent Steven Universe getting her clit bitten off
There's no way the artist actually found this image hot, right?
No. 1730117
>>1730089A lesbian is a woman who is sexually and romantically attracted to another woman, saved the flowchart
This is so ridiculous. And I suspect there has been some mistranslation of "lipstick lesbian" to result in lipstick featuring in this flowchart. The internet has been catastrophic for queer youth's understanding of their own sexuality, and it's entirely due to perverted males trying to incercept people's natural understanding of themselves to try and include the perverts
No. 1730229
File: 1671396564417.jpg (926.01 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221218-105316_Ins…)

Have you guys heard about this TiF? At first I found her little comics fun and adorable about a little tiger with a dissability and autism. Now is about a "gay trans" worm on a string, and introduced themes like trans children, judaism, non verbal autism, deaf people, foster homes, wheelchair users, evil homophobic christian parents and some spanish words and phrases. Her comic is like the wokest most inclusive shitfest I have ever witnessed. She is also obsessed with Paul Dano's the riddler and headcannons him as an autistic trans man.
No. 1730238
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>>1730229The delusion is insane because there’s no way she sees herself as those first two drawings
No. 1730301
>>1730130Nah, comics like
>>1730238 where the tif draws herself like a bishie despite looking like shrek in the same getup IRL are far more fujo tinted
No. 1730345
>>1730337>>1729735Yume on yume violence
Now that I think about it is nothing out of the ordinary
No. 1730428
>>1730413Derived from the japanese word for dream, "yumes" are people who wish to marry anime characters and produce a surpluss of how to draw manga tier art of them (or their self inserts) doing
various things with said anime characters. They have a habit of developing terrible jealous streaks which leads to a lot of infighting. Currently fakebois are mad because they can't self insert as a girl, another set of yumes are mad because they feel cucked by the fMC, and the rest have joined forces with the "mommy step on me" she/they crowd to fight with the aforementioned groups of yumes in the fMC's honor because her existence makes them feel like they have a chance. Very harrowing stuff. Yana is trolling hard.
No. 1730436
>>1730425these words mean nothing to me
>>1730428no idea what you're talking about
No. 1730441
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>>1730436Maybe it's better you don't know…
No. 1730458
>>1730345You dumbasses cope hard all the time. Fakebois can have fujo art foldeds and fics from years before they troon yet fujos in this thread still cope about everything being yumes (something no one even really calls themselves kek) because of the retards who post in the twisted wonderland thread being retarded about feeling the need to justify their love of yaoi as being different and not cringe instead of not giving a fuck, all the while reeing about female characters. Gay yume is fujo
>>>/ot/1449849. For a history on the cringe, checkout the fujo cringe thread in ot.
No. 1730465
>>1730458>>1730452>>1730455You can reply to multiple posts at once unless you're just trying to make yourself look like several different posters.
Fujo is fujo, yume is yume. Whether you self insert as the guy or the girl, you're all deranged and needlessly aggressive towards other women, hence the perpetually unstable community. Let's leave it at that. Won't be seeing you on /ot/ because it's a cesspool.
No. 1730540
>>1730506Truly. Used to be neutral to fujos and sometimes defended them but lc Bl/Yaoi thread fujos came from twitter and definitely act like it. There was a big spergout early this year or last by newfag twitter fujos who came for the twisted wonderland thread who are very autistic.
>>1730465Not really? Multiple posts can just be for explanation, and only two of those posts were to the same person, one was to an entirely different anon kek. You must be an adult to post here and this retarded posting about ‘no true fujo’ has been taking over the threads and is ironically just like the tranny ‘no true trans’ stuff. It’s also no wonder fujos in this and the bl thread always specifically mention they/them nb troons and de-emphasise fakebois. I suspect some are detrans and in denial of bl having any influence on transition, or are just typical twitterfag types who are only willing to shit on nb’s but think ftms are legitimate because ‘at least they are cosplaying something real’. There’s a reason the fujo cringe thread has so many posts kek.
No. 1730619
>>1730337Ah, wasn't the Supernatural fandom the same way? A bunch of fangirls obsessively campaigning for all female love interests to be killed off.
I'm sure some other fandoms are the same. Nothin new under the sun, and all that.
No. 1730645
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>>1730637I take offense to that
No. 1730649
>>1730637They don't need to because they won't. Non-autistics are able to consume media without inserting themselves into it.
>>1730506It's a topic male lurkers and pickmes can't hold their tongues on. They cannot fight the urge to jump at an opportunity to sperg about fujos.
No. 1730661
File: 1671451751459.jpg (322.6 KB, 1729x1238, 1671448763108.jpg)

>>1730645wish you a happy and safe future transition
No. 1730671
>>1730661So many of these annoying inceldoms of peoples all boil down to:
>oh no the thing I'm doing is bad and even if I stop now I still did the bad thing in the past and it will haunt me forever>must find a way to justify why that thing wasn't bad when I did it so I can be free of this guilt>profit???She asked for it, I was actually trans the whole time, it was the child who seduced me, fatphobia is killing more people than obesity, i'm a
victim i'm a
victim i'm a
victim No. 1730722
File: 1671461271120.jpg (1.82 MB, 3266x2048, TDpInI7Xh1HQETM.jpg)

Choose your fighter
No. 1730742
File: 1671463400857.png (46.56 KB, 637x355, 112.png)

>decide to become pregnant
>have kid, he calls you 'mama', which is probably the first word he's ever said
>this gives you dysphoria
>later cry tears of joy for the fact that your son has been taught to call you "he" for reasons he probably doesn't understand after conditioning him enough
mental illness
No. 1730776
>>1730742 Has any non-trans person ever experienced "gender euphoria?" I legit don't know what it's supposed to mean. Happiness derived from other's validating your delusions? Idk…
>>1730757Right. How does pregnancy not cause dysphoria?
No. 1730787
>>1730776It’s supposed to be the opposite of dysphoria, so instead of being depressed because your body is wrong or the wrong gender you’re happy because you’re doing gender how you want to do it. Obviously this means absolutely nothing as none of the words I used have any proper meaning. It’s just a shorthand for “omg I’m happy because I followed a stereotype!”
It’s hilarious to see a term that was invented on tumblr spread as much as it did
No. 1730788
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No. 1730793
>>1730776I think for TIMs gender euphoria is code for boner, but I think there is an element of fooling/tricking people in euphoria too, and I wonder if they get a rush like people get when they steal or whatever, they know they are actually their birth sex but being referred to as their new tranny gender may generate a rush of "getting away with it"
In this case a woman who has done the womanliest set of acts: marriage to a man, intercourse with a man, carrying and birthing the man's baby, may have a rush at the extremely wrong presumption that she may be able to pass as male and convince people, such as her already long suffering toddler, that she is a man.
I think this is why TIMs are so keen to enter female changing rooms and bathrooms, they live for that rush of "getting away with it"
No. 1730808
File: 1671470885876.jpg (446.28 KB, 1536x2048, Fj9x27JWYAATSjD.jpg)

TIF and MTF couples are a horror show honestly
No. 1730814
>>1730808So many of them are bog-standard
abusive het relationships, but cloaked in a bunch of bullshit that makes it even harder for the woman to identify what's going on because she's "male" and "the oppressor"
God what happened to Mallory Ortberg still makes me so sad. She felt compelled to take her cheating
abusive ""wife's"" last name when they married and still couldn't see what was going on.
No. 1730895
File: 1671477272570.jpg (Spoiler Image,530.52 KB, 896x1489, FkED-1lWIAEF6KV_jpg.jpg)

if i had to see this so do you
No. 1730925
>>1730788you're really not that interesting
>>1730808siblings or dating
No. 1730994
>>1730649>only males and pickmes don't like fujos>all people who dislike my niche weird porn are moids or inferior womenYou have the same NLOG complex as the ftms in the thread
nonnie. Just accept fingering yourself to your chinese comic books is weird and enjoy yourself, you don't need to be misogynistic about other women on the way.
No. 1731160
>>1729899>>1728867>>1728903i will protect the
terf chinchillas at all costs
No. 1731163
File: 1671495200379.jpg (108.39 KB, 1170x1149, 20221220_011234.jpg)

The amount of likes on this gives me hope
No. 1731171
File: 1671495607063.jpeg (175.06 KB, 1170x488, 9460DDE9-6ED0-47E3-BEF3-36B4F6…)

So a straight woman and at best a bisexual woman
No. 1731260
>>1730788>My gender is a feeling of nostalgia for the eightiesYou weren't even fucking born yet. What she's describing is her current personal "aesthetic," not gender Jesus fuck. This is literally just treating rigid gender stereotypes like fashion accessories instead of abolishing that retarded shit entirely. The fact that she associates computers with maleness in particular speaks volumes about how adherent she is to harmful stereotypes.
Gendies act like the reason they can't say this shit to "cis" people is because we "don't get it," but the actual reason is because they want a hugbox where no one thinks critically about anything as long as you sprinkle some genderisms throughout whatever word salad you're spewing.
No. 1731269
>>1730710Over the years, I've seen so many girls go from thirsting after Dave Strider to trooning out as a means of skin walking him. There's a lot of talk about how AGPs literally want to
be their waifu, but the same shit happens with straight Aidens.
Also I've probably mentioned this somewhere before, but literally all of the hardcore Stridercest shippers I had the misfortune of knowing trooned out and became hardcore wokies over the last ten years. Some of them have even turned into "antis" which is fucking hilarious. Like you have degenerates who used to draw and write about a thirteen year old getting raped by his father now turning around and lecturing others about "
abusive" ships. Wack.
No. 1731341
File: 1671817468574.jpeg (362 KB, 828x1047, 3219D518-C758-4D6C-9B4D-1F1B81…)

meant to post days ago but this place was down. the tweet is by a “nonbinary lesbian” & it’s screenshots from a based tiktok of girls realizing that their trans phase was just a trend and their embarrassment once they realized they were just larping No. 1731344
>>1730788i love how she does the anime hair stylized highlight thing that works for straight hair but absolutely not on messy hair. same with the neck shadows, it would be simple with her style but she never even paused and thought about light sources it seems
>>1730895i'm convinced tifs have some kind of humiliation fetish at this point.
>>1731341so creepy that this adult is mad at a teen for having escaped the cult, and even more worryingly she's doing it publicly. madness
No. 1731358
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>>1731341unfortunately her account got banned but bless her based soul. i know more takes like this will become more common in the future, especially with health lawsuits, just sad it has to be at the expense of mentally ill kids
No. 1731372
File: 1671825429185.jpeg (59.14 KB, 818x1109, C29E2269-C098-4C2D-A7D9-9D54D1…)

this is genuinely embarrassing lol
No. 1731459
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Audio is her calling them faggots. At first I thought it must be an MTF, but nope, genderfluid FTM
No. 1731577
>>1731344>>1731341Groomers don’t like when their
victims break free.
No. 1731599
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No. 1731612
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>>1718961Weird self imposed suffering
No. 1731639
>>1731612>one of those female presenting kids>shes not a kid shes 21>but the trend is popular among kidsSo… she knows that being a troon is a trend among children…
>wah fake binderBinders are fake. It's just a size too small sports bra. Why is she wearing a binder to bed? It's like how TIMs wear bras to go to sleep.
No. 1731669
>>1731612>"leftist pro everything and don't you dare to question anyone if they give themself a trans label" vibesThis is what trannies wanted though. They're the ones that pushed the "don't question anyone's identity and always ask for pronouns" shit.
>username is satanicratboyYou know that she's of those crusty tifs. Makes sense with her nlog syndrome, she wants to be the grossest most speshul fakeboi.
No. 1731704
>>1731612Their delusions are just as
valid as hers. NLOGs troon out, and now that a significant number of girls have trooned out, they have to show they aren't like those other troon girls, they're true trans etc, when both are equally as
valid, as in not what they pretend to be.
No. 1731803
>>1731459I knew a girl like this from uni, she tells guys theyre gay and "fruity" for being into her because shEs a mAN. she was a regular fat black girl with huge tits/ass he/they pronouns. i knew that because she would say her name and then her pronouns any time she spoke in class. There are going to be zero gay men who are going to be into her. pure delusion.
its a shame, because she was pretty nice other wise and worked well on group projects but clearly deranged or at least miss guided.
No. 1731924
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>>1718961I know it’s a 4chan greentext but I saw this screencap posted somewhere else and it made me chuckle. Wonder how many TIFs would react with cringe if their parents did something like that or how many are so indoctrinated they would be somehow okay with it (since many are capable of supporting TIMs).
No. 1732173
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Not sure if this TIF has been posted elsewhere already but she's been having a mental breakdown over her boyfriend leaving her because "he prefers other girls" and like… what's not clicking to these people? If you're an overweight hairy FTM you're not going to be attractive to a straight man, or a bi man who prefers girls. She's currently trying to guilt trip everyone (and her bf too I guess) by saying she's chronically ill and she's falling apart and she's replaceable and no one wants to listen to her wahh wahh congrats, you didn't escape misogyny and your bf only used you for pussy and then dipped when you were too ugly in his eyes.
No. 1732176
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The delusion is strong
No. 1732296
>>1731612>Chest pain and difficulty breathing after sleeping in binderI've seen TRAs post PSAs about "proper" binding and such. I could be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure there was some kind of time limit for how long you could wear a binder each day, and also that you shouldn't sleep in them.
Imagine damaging your lungs and ribs in an effort to "look" like a boy that will ultimately fail because you'll still be 5'2" with a moon face and tiny hands.
>SatanicRatBoySo an alt girl who likes rats. I feel bad for all the rats owned by TIFs.
No. 1732304
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autistic TIF experiences bleeding from her phallus, blood in urine (urologist gaslights her it’s “nOrMaL”) but the title of her question is for her LOSS OF SEX DRIVE. JESUS FUCK what is wrong with these morons
No. 1732594
>>1732499>I genuinely dont get how frankendicks workthey don't
>How can you stroke it and get any pleasure from it? they don't
>How do you orgasm from stroking a dead meat sausage thats been sewn onto your pelvis? i'll give you 3 guesses as to what my next answer will be kek
No. 1732954
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So what I'm hearing here is that FTM "bottom" surgery is basically just infibulation with an arm sausage sewn over it. Interesting how modifying a woman's genitals for cosmetic purposes is a crime (in Europe at least) except when troons do it. Like that's exactly how the laws describe FGM– surgical modification of the vulva or vagina for cosmetic reasons.
No. 1732981
>>1732954>>1732960and yet all of these individuals scream about science and medicine and how we must 'believe the science'
in what fucking world is this much rearrangement normal… why are doctors permitted to do this???
No. 1732994
>>1732960>>1732957SRS vaginectomy is actually even more gruesome. There are two main methods- the first is colpocleisis, which is basically de-epithelialisation (removal of the first layer of skin) of the vaginal canal, with the vaginal opening completely sewn shut, allowing the skinned vaginal walls to fuse. The second method is total vaginectomy (I think this is more common?) wherein the entirity of the vaginal wall tissue is removed.
Pretty sure both of these would have to include radical hysterectomy (includes removal of the cervix) with oophorectomy or the postsurgical complications would be insane (as we know, many tifs dont entirely lose their cycles on T, i cant imagine a buildup of endometrium with no exit would be healthy, and additionally ovarian activity regulates discharge- imagine producing discharge in your flayed and fused vagina) but as there are zero surgical standards for SRS id put money on this having been neglected by at least one surgeon.
it's always way more gruesome than youd imagine with these surgeries.
No. 1733013
>>1732501That’s honestly so terrible, I cannot imagine that feels good at all and the potential for infection must be massive. Gross.
>>1732904I see that makes a little more sense but god what a terrible and dramatic surgery, it’s even worse than the neovagina one
No. 1733261
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Posts like picrel really do emphasize how incredibly sheltered most TIFs are. like JESUS FUCK 400+ precious flowers think they wouldn't end up dying or permanently injured if a male ends up fighting them
No. 1733282
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>>1733280do you think someone like picrel has any idea about fighting or the reality of the world
No. 1733304
>>1733303You will never do a mitzvah. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under testosteronejew's unbearable weight atop the flat and stationary earth.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your sacrificial chicken, and make a peaceful offering for Azazel at the Seder. Your Tavistock case manager will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of knowing a "cripplepunk." They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with a Blue Checkmark, and every Rabbi putting a rock on your grave for the rest of eternity will know a member of the LGBTQP+ community is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably small-boned.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Here's a peruta to give to charity!
No. 1733331
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Do your little HRT treats also make you delusional? You don't look like a dude and you never will.
No. 1733366
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WTF does this even mean
No. 1733452
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>>1733331Idk she does look like human shrek
No. 1733801
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bump cp spam
No. 1733823
>>1732499The inner arm is used as a harvest site because in theory it has the correct arrangement of nerve cells to produce a pleasurable sensation. Close your eyes, lightly stroke the inside of your forearm with your fingertips, you'll feel what I'm talking about.
Now imagine that (assuming you're lucky and the nerves actually lived) but on your crotch. This is what their "sexual pleasure" (again, assuming an OPTIMAL outcome) is top kek. Forearm tingles.
No. 1733826
>>1733716>men are generally a lot strongerYes
>and that's why they're more violentNo
No. 1733954
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The utter misogyny this TiF is spouting claiming that women are nastier to other women than to men.
No. 1734051
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>>1733772I remember this used to bother me as well.
No. 1734269
>>1733954She's kind of right though, depending on your luck you could be stuck in a pickme hell your whole life surrounded by women that will gladly backstab each other for crumbs of male attention. Combine that with the fact that she was most likely a huge nlog growing up due to being bullied - I do think her experience is likely to be true kek.
One thing she didn't want to say outloud regarding "people that knew me before transitioning treat me better now that I'm a trans man" is because she's
trans not because she's a
man. Clueless but well meaning normies like her professor that called her annoying when she was a woman will just tiptoe around her and be more kind as to not upset her now that she's trans. It's easier to criticize and shit on a mere "cis" woman than it is a trans person.