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No. 1827733
This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1813705>>>/snow/1799203>>>/snow/1794365>>>/snow/1769272>>>/snow/1742308>>>/snow/1718961>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1827735
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>>1827725>>1827729I wouldn't be ever surprised if was with her parent's help. Then again, if is the same studio that made Twilight, of course they would like to make another threesome movie.
Also I like how she shows her "movie" as progressive because she was going to make sure her movie wasn't going to have any horrible white person.
Yet she saw Mulan! THERE ARE NO WHITE PEOPLE IN THERE! In either the animated or live action version.
No. 1827787
>>1827768They just bought the movie rights. No guarantee there is actually going to be a movie until news goes out that the movie is in production. A lot can go wrong between optioning the book and starting movie production. Most of the books that get movie deals never make it to a movie.
Anyway, I hope the movie does get made but it's absoultey nothing like the book – I mean Legend of the Seeker vs Sword of Truth differences – just so it pisses her off.
No. 1827795
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>>1827787I cannot wait to make her add a white character to see her mental diarrea, when there are writings about white people being in China at the same time age she based the book on. Of course she made a joke about adding Robespierre because "he found a way to step into China" so the movie can have the "white person token", but you would expect from someone that know about China history about the etnias and all.
(Racebait) No. 1828036
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>>1827916I mean, I cannot recall if the mecha thing is also based on Pacific Rim, but the dual pilot would have been better in that way than… If she made the pilots ride the mecha like this.
>In her defense, I haven't read the book. No. 1828050
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Are the "aidens" in the room with us right now?
No. 1828079
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I made a small collage of just a few of every woman who thinks slapping they/them on their bios make them suddenly not women, while they dress and act like typical women do… what exactly do they gain from being TINOs? I'm also disappointed that a lot of them are black women doing this nonsense too
No. 1828097
>>1828091I'd like to ask them what they think a man is.
Jesus christ, even the agps at least buy womens clothing, lol.
No. 1828102
>>1828079I like how some of the girls say they're "breaking gender stereotypes".
No, dressing like a girl as a girl isn't revolutionary, even if you claim you're not a girl.
No. 1828115
>>1828114Well, I think the "serious" ones often have severe body image issues. That also is the same for mtfs, which is why you see a lot of mtfs that look like nerdy incels. They decided to transition because they said "I'm bad at being a woman/man, so I'll be the opposite gender'.
But the zero effort fakebois who look exactly like women? They're probably just in it for the attention.
No. 1828131
>>1828106I remember Pacific Rim and you're right, the pilots have a stand up for to control the mecha and could be anybody with a strong connection for the other. That's why you could see brothers, a Russian couple and even Five Chinese pilots using their mind to control the mecha.
But that's a big missing chance for her book.
No. 1828162
>>1828091I'll answer this in tif language:
A tif is basically just as "moidy" as a basic moid on the inside, or so they think. They would think no other non-tif woman is just as moid as them.
No. 1828210
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>celebrating 14 years post op!
and with such pain in her eyes.
No. 1828220
>>1828155Don't forget, the ancient society hates women to a comical level, even tho as one review mentioned, the sheer amount of women becoming those robo fighter concubines (and dying) would have been a huge disruption for the male/female balance of their society.
Also her motivation at the start of the book is her sister dying as one of those concubines, but is apparently never mentioned again. So much for caring so much about another woman she wanted to change the system.
No. 1828224
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How about you try "serving cunt" by cleaning your fucking room.
No. 1828248
>>1828163According to this sauce
>>1827768 it "blew up on booktok" and won some YA awards so some of the #kweer zoomers fell for it I guess. Can't wait for the movie to be yet another bland girl power movie though where actually the mc is only powerful because she happened to be born special, like live action Mulan.
No. 1828297
>>1828163IIRC she also sells a butterfly pin that have both "male and female wings" (yin-yang). There goes the "China was open for non binary people too".
>>1828280Don't you remember? "Better have a live daughter than a dead son"? How about you love your kid wherever their sexuality is? Or you rather have a "straight" daughter than a gay son?
No. 1828443
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They'll literally add transmasc to anything they do. But cos they're chronically online it makes sense for them all to have tech neck
No. 1828517
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Not sure if this is exactly the right thread but is anyone else noticing the mass fujofication/tranification/enbification of underground/goth musicians by fujoshi oriented tifs that are clearly straight moids with children and wives?
I got into this style of music in the early 00s (yeah I’m old) and back then no one went on deranged tinfoils about how blixa bargeld, nick cave, Peter Murphy ect were secretly gay or moodboarded them as TiF goals; now you cannot googling any of these musicians without running into some weird fanfic level shit. It was just accepted back then that these were straight men who were artsy/weird and that’s it. I will never understand the thought process of “I’m attracted to artsy twinks with skinny jeans that make music and write poetry instead of watching football” to trying to skin walk them by via trooning out. I can sort of follow the thought process of selfhating lesbians who think they would just be better off as men, but not this. Especially since the mindset of twink artsy moids are 95% or more (based on my personal experience) identical to your regular frat bro football moids, have the same type of behaviors in their sex lives (Tiny Tim, David Bowie, Marilyn Manson). But I guess you actually have to get offline, touch grass and interact with real humans to known these things.
No. 1828525
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>>1828517There is a thread in /m/ about it, how some characters and singers are called trans because they don't fit a common narrative.
I think if Bill Kaulitz had this style in this age, TIFs would claim "he's a trans man".
No. 1828574
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>When tifs try to talk like tims.
No. 1828750
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>>1828715>religious Christians and Muslims aren't the one's trooning their gay or feminine kids en-masse.That's exactly what some of them are doing though?
No. 1828764
>>1828210I was about to say that the tattoos were a clever way to cover the surgery scars, but then I saw the gigantic troon symbol arm tattoo. What the fuck is even the point? Why put so much effort into "passing," when you still want to be visually distinguishable as trans for the asspats? Trans people were so much more tolerable back when "stealth" in public was the goal. The ideology was still
toxic and predicated on stereotypes, but at least when "old school" trannies said they just wanted to be treated like everyone else, it was believable. If anything, they wanted to be treated like everyone else too much, to the point of hating themselves for being gay and wanting to LARP as straight members of the opposite sex.
And yeah, like many "trutrans," this one passes in a vaccuum: a still image absent of other people. But in real life, this TiF is probably 5'6" with a frog voice like the rest. And regardless of whether they "pass" or not, the problem is with the ideology. If transition made people perfectly passable, there would still be the issue of why people want to transition, which basically boils down to fetishes, stereotypes, mental illness, and internalized homophobia.
No. 1828792
>>1828750Iran also uses its pre-Islamic history to justify imperialism. In terms of allies, Iran has a relationship with Communist North Korea, Christian Armenia, and Putin's Russia. Iran's decision to allow troons to transition was influenced by one specific tranny who bugged Khomeini(when he was in his 80's and senile) to approve it during a conversation. Khomeini's cult of personality still remains strong, making it difficult to change these rulings
>Maryam Khatoon Molkara was born in the suburbs of Tehran as Fereydoon. She was tortured and bullied for her feminine behavior as a boy in the early days of her life. The harshest form of retaliation towards her identity came from her own mother. She moved to Tehran and started working in a saloon. Those were the days when Iran was ruled by the Shah.>Maryam wanted a religious solution to her gender issue. In 1975 she started writing letters to Ayatollah Khomeini, who was living in exile in Iraq. She knew she was a woman, she knew she was living in the wrong body and she knew she could fix this. She went to Paris in 1978 to meet Ayatollah Khomeini in person (who was visiting France) as she couldn’t travel to Iraq because of the travel ban for Iranians at the time. She wanted to make him aware of the concept of transgenderism and have his verdict on sex reassignment within Islam. But the journey was not fruitful as she couldn’t meet him.>Maryam was working in television as a man when Islamic revolution took place in Iran. She was immediately fired by authorities and was arrested for being feminine. While in police custody, she was forcibly injected with male hormones, as prescribed by a prison doctor. Maryam shouted, but no one listened to her. Maryam had links with religious clerics in Iran and a well-known cleric, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, came to bail her out as soon as he learned of what she was going through in prison. This incident made her stronger and convinced of her decision. Maryam wanted to undergo sex reassignment surgery, but she knew that it was by now no longer possible as Islamic revolution didn’t contemplate this possibility. But she had hope, as the country was under Islamic Sharia and Imam Khomeini was now in Iran and he was the head of state.>One fine morning, she crossed all barriers at Khomeini’s residence in Tehran and reached inside his house. Holding the Quran in her hands, she shouted “I AM A WOMAN, I AM A WOMAN.” Security officials got confused by the band wrapped around her chest, which they thought was an explosive belt. She removed it to reveal her female breasts underneath. The female security staff in the house rushed towards her to cover her with a veil as soon as they saw her female chest exposed.>She told her entire story to everyone in the room, all of her years of struggle. Ahmad, son of Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in the room listening to all this, was moved to tears. He took her to meet the Ayatollah in his compound. Ayatollah knew of Maryam as she had been trying to approach him for years. A team of government doctors was summoned and the issue was immediately discussed by experts. The discussion included the difference between hermaphrodites and transsexuals. Khomeini hadn’t heard much about the various gender conditions until then.>Maryam left Khomeini’s house victoriously. She had a letter in her hand addressed to the Chief Prosecutor and the head of Medical Ethics giving a fatwa (a religious authorization) for her and for all those like her to have their gender surgically reassigned. That one daring step by Maryam changed the dynamics and made history in Shia Islam. The fatwa is available in Imam Khomeini’s Tahrir al-Wasilah (Volume 4), a book written as a commentary on a traditional theological text, and as a guide for Muslims.and that's why Iran allows gay men(and women) to transition wish instead of some TIM, it would have been a lesbian who harassed Khomeni and convinced the senile old man that somehow lesbian relationships aren't Harem, I think he'd buy it
No. 1828803
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>>1828210She doesn't even look more muscular than a woman working out, make it a slightly chubby woman and they're nearly identical, apart from one having had her breasts removed
No. 1828864
>>1828858One of the old school troons, who happen to be homosexual TIF too, trooned because of mental illness found in common trannies and not because of homophobia. Reason:
>>1828162So much for muh old skool troons, this doesnt apply to TIFs.
No. 1829030
>>1829016I used to believe in Trans right until the tucute/truscum was begun and suddenly if you don't fit any society stuff? Trans. You're a tomboy? Trans. TIMs started to take women places and TIFs started to be more homophobic and aggressive with gay man, something that a straight woman would be seem as horrible if she dared to do the same.
This is more for trans vent, but like
>>1828858 said, is crazy how all changed since 2015.
No. 1829038
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Retarded pick me girl tif on tiktok makes fun of detransitioners and then turns around to complain about people "spreading hate about the pwoor trwannies"
No. 1829075
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>>1829038samefag she has a lot of other retarded content like this too. She also supports the transitioning of minors and had a video sperging about the killing of her "trans brothers and sisters". Was banko brown killed specifically for being a black tif lmao? Tif in question allegedly threatened a security guard And she was stealing shit. Not trying to racebait. tiktok page of the troon that made this response video: No. 1829081
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someone on twitter tweeted that a lot of women will become tifs and won’t even try changing how they look and the quote tweets are hilarious
No. 1829083
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Genuinely sad and disgusting
No. 1829086
>>182908323?! I'm literally a decade older and look way better. I worry about the testosterone boost from PCOS making me age harsher, but evidently I'm doing ok.
>Lives in PortlandYeah, that tracks.
(no1currs, not your personal blog) No. 1829105
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>>1829081>almost 9k quotesWhat happened with "don't feed the troll", TIFs?
No. 1829127
>>1829112they’re calling OP a
terf for saying women in the quotes. you can look on the accounts and see them claiming to not be women but men or non binary
No. 1829129
>>1829127I can kinda understanding a delusional girl who thinks that she'd be happier as a boy and gets surgery. I don't think it's a good idea, but I understand it.
But why do girls that look exactly like stereotypical pretty girls think they're boys? They're not even bothering to transition. Heck, they're going out of their way to be as feminine as possible.
No. 1829141
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…..I wish girls would just admit to being bisexual/
No. 1829143
>>1829134I'd like to ask them a simple question.
"Why don't you go on tinder and flirt with straight women? I'm sure they'll date you since you're a man"
No. 1829152
>>1829143They would whine you that straight girls only seek for penis havers or just not admit they are bisexual.
>>1829144A radfem tweet is always a good opportunity to show their delusions.
No. 1829155
>>1829152Is there a connection between transgenderism and narcissms?
Cause both tifs and tims seem to love any excuse ot post their ugly mugs everywhere.
No. 1829186
>>1828760when it comes to troon-on-troon violence, whoever has the more annoying and retarded position wins. so here, the hero of the day is the girl waving her tits around while daring anyone to challenge how #
valid she is
No. 1829187
>>1829186I don't get why they say they're femboys.
Guys who like femobys like them cause tehy're guys who dress like women.
They probably won't be happy with actual women, no matter their pronouns.
No. 1829206
>>1829131I stopped interacting with genderspecials both online and on the internet, and I spend my money and free time pursuing hobbies that aren’t infested with troons and their handmaidens.
If you’re dead set on going to anime conventions, there will definitely be troons for the next few years (until the trend dies down) because nerd culture attracts a bunch of socially maladapted weirdoes - who would’ve thought?! but there are also plenty of normies and cryptoTERFs that also like anime. The genderspecials just happen to be a loud, annoying minority. Just try to focus on making friends with the people who don’t wear pronoun pins.
No. 1829267
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So I don't know where else to post this but It fits better here then any other thread, so when I was younger, I used to read this book series 'Alanna the Lioness' which was about a young noble girl disguising herself as a boy to train for knighthood. The story meant a lot to me, Recently, out of nostalgia, I looked it up only to find out that the creator now claims that Alanna is gender-fluid, which is untrue to the story. Alanna's femaleness is an essential part of her character, as it affects the plot. Despite taking on a male identity, she still faces abuse and bullying from others who see her as a small, weak boy and can't match men's physical strength, so she has to rely on her superior skill and wit, setting it apart from other YA female fantasy where women easily defeat scores of male soldiers without challenge. The realistic portrayal of Alanna's character made her far more relatable and its insulting to see the author besmirch her work to appease a handful of insecure enbys and TIFs.
No. 1829269
>>1829141I had a friend that said the exact same thing to me. She prefers being called “daddy” over “mommy” and could never articulate why she didn’t like being called “mommy” .
It probably has to do with the connotations associated being called “handsome” vs “pretty.
No. 1829331
>>1828915Thought the same listening to the "welcome to paradise" podcast as they recently had on a tif (host used they/them but was obvious from the voice and mannerisms). It's incredible how clockable tifs and tims are via audio only.
>>1829267What a shame. I quite liked that series when I was young. I don't understand why everyone feels the need to troon out characters (and real historical figures) who take on male roles out of necessity. It's not being nonbinary, it's being female in a hostile environment
No. 1829335
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If I had a dollar for every ftn who didn't even remotely do antying male….
No. 1829391
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>>1829375>>1829377>The likesNormies will save us
No. 1829397
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More like
>from a woman who knew what a soap is
>to a woman who still knows what a soap is but won't use it because moids almost shit themselves at the thought of having some proper hygiene, and so shall she.
Of course, according to her recent posts, she's also officially a tif now and started T. Expected because she objectifies herself to the point of seeing her own self and body as a mere porn category.
No. 1829446
>>1829391It's quite telling that normies shit on thems and tifs, and not on tims kek
Tifs will always stay low in normie(male, patriarchal) hierarchy because everyone see them as women. How dumb they are not to see this.
No. 1829475
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>>1829463Eh, I reckon it's cause these girls are way more likely to run into a TIF than a TIMs. The spots where young normie girls hang out ain't gonna be the same as the ones where TIMs hang out.
No. 1829503
>>1829469yes, for anything with my name or face attached i am friendly. don't want my life to be ruined because someone took a video of me "being a karen
terf" or something nor do i want to deal with retarded online fights. it's much easier and honestly safer to pretend to be cool with them and then come vent in places like this.
No. 1829577
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>>1829267There are so many stories about women trying to place themselves in a patriarchy world and these people have to ruin it with "they're TIFs". No, they're still women, you dense.
Pic related: she spends the whole time being a "prince" to defend her kingdom, but marries another prince and become in a queen.
No. 1829601
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>>1829397She used to look like Ashley Tisdale. Sometimes I wonder if the ones who started out really pretty are subconsciously trying to make themselves less appealing to scrotes so they can avoid being objectified and infantilized. Or maybe she's just an NLOG and felt that she looked too "normal."
No. 1829621
>>1829613Lol reminds me of when I was spreading
terf propaganda while having mogai shit in my bio. It's especially easy with them cause they're all dumb.
No. 1829775
>>1829613NTA, while taking tranny money
is based, maintaining "friendships" while in those circles is cowardly. If you can't speak openly to your friends and have healthy discussions about things you civilly disagree on, it's not a true friendship. Not saying you necessarily do this, but I know a lot of people who swear they're just doing these things to enjoy fandom nerd shit. But it does come off as cowardly behaviour if you're still capitulating to trannies by playing the pronoun game and discussing or retweeting/reblogging their posts.
No. 1829819
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No. 1829822
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No. 1829827
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No. 1829934
>>1829866All my TiF friends are online so keeping up a low effort friendship is favorable than outing myself as a
terf. But I agree that you shouldn't pursue irl friendships with TiFs, it'll always be lackluster and not a real friendship.
No. 1830089
>>1829827The hijab quite literally defines your gender because it is only for women. It maintains that a woman's body is a desired object, and the woman's fault if a moid desires her. In muslim countries there are women who wish to be men solely to be treated less shit because of all the things in the religion about women
(things which made me become exmuslim) so I wonder why this girl is genderspecial but also Muslim, wouldn't it be easier mentally to leave the religion. But you can also be ostracised for it
(the quran says you must kill apostates) so is it like a weird cope, or a way to feel like an extra special unicorn minority to white twitter users, or something? Sorry for sperg
No. 1830092
>>1829613You sound based
and hot tbh but it makes me a bit sad to think that even some of the bolder cryptos feel like they should post pro troon shit to keep the peace. If you make money from commissions though I understand why you'd do it. I never had a large following but I tend to say I don't care what pronouns people use for me but never repost pro troon stuff.
>>1829621What kind of propaganda is best to spread?
No. 1830164
>>1830033Gay men already let them know they aren't welcome. Other than the infamous gay sex party ftm post and all of the (rightful) troon hate on ask gay bros it seems to be working.
I wish lesbians were able to do the same to troons. Being socialised to coddle men will be the death of us.
No. 1830180
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The #mlmmonday hashtag on twitter is like a goldmine. It's got less cocks then an eunuch meeting.
I doubt any self respecting gay man actually calls himself mlm.
No. 1830185
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I doubt anyone is scared of you.
No. 1830289
>>1830185"Muh eyeliner so sharp it slays the patriarchy" type beat
Sorry Becky but makeup=girl rethoric is more of a troon thing than a normal people thing, so no we aren't scared
No. 1830366
>>1830309Tell them you’re a tif and drawing ftm characters is
No. 1830384
>>1830366NTA but I'm seconding this. You hear straight TIFs say all the time how they
totes love transmen but can only date "cis" men because muh dysphoria.
No. 1830405
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The classic trans pizza face
No. 1830425
>>1829214Bipolar isn't a personality disorder at all. It's a mood disorder. There are impulsive manic episodes, but I don't think it contributes to trannyism like BPD does. I think it's as likely for a tranny to have bipolar as it is for a normie to have bipolar.
I do believe more women are diagnosed bipolar, but I'm not sure.
No. 1830427
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The comments are nothing but unsung praise about how good it looks but in what world does that shit look good? It looks like someone sewn a tube of bologna to her crotch.
No. 1830437
>>1830405Since TIMs think catcalling and misogyny is validatingTM and gives them euphoria, I wonder if TIFs feel the same way about zits…
A friend told me that TIFs have a weird tendency to be unhygienic af, so it's likely
No. 1830444
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>>1830441Was gonna try to find that one pic where those reddit troon mods on that couch looking rancid but i found picrel instead and thought, "man he looks inbred". Now I'm wondering if there may be a correlation between being inbred and being trans. Saging for tinfoil
No. 1830445
>>1830427Imagine it being normal to think "your vagina is the problem,
that is the solution".
No. 1830454
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>>1830442Now that I think about it, why don’t they ever get flaccid dicks? Like Michelangelo’s David. It seems less awkward to walk around with and would probably look sightly less disgusting, right? I mean, there’s no way those girls are actually fucking women or moids with those flesh tubes, those things always look like they will explode in a Tarantino way if someone touches it.
No. 1830508
I get "sir'd" a lot by boomers and randos on the street. I have a mullet and a flat chest and I wear a lot of baggy shirts with jeans. It especially happens if I have a beanie or a dad cap on.
It got me thinking that TiFs probably get called "sir" frequently by old people who think women have to wear makeup and high heels with long hair. It probably makes them feel like they pass, when in reality they just look like women with short hair.
>>1829704I was getting self conscious about my mullet looking at this thread, but I'm glad to know that there's other GC women who think that they look cool.
No. 1830524
>>1829999Jc these women had to have been lobotomized before being sold into sexual slavery cause there's no reason why a woman would put herself in this situation. A woman tries to transition into a man, insert herself into gay porn, and is then brutalized? And she keeps doing it? I just don't get how someone can be so mentally damaged and it hurts to see there are women who fall that far.
>>1830164>Being socialised to coddle men will be the death of us.Always has been.
No. 1830573
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>>1830185that username tho. "iIuvBoyz" It's giving "boy-crazy straight girl"
No. 1830577
>>1830560Not all have this device installed, most keep a pure flesh rot dog. There's also an option for a permanent bone implant.
Anyway from what I've seen "sex" with a rot dog usually involves wrapping it into some sort of tape and then inserting the cold (bad circulation, also why they usually look so white and gross) and wobbly (it's literally just skin and fat tissue, so it feels sort of like a breast I imagine) into the partner and moving it around until both are satisfied with the larp.
Rot dogs are usually completely numb, but it's possible to get some sensation from the flayed clitoris that may or not be buried in the stem.
Also, since these are TiFs they don't have a clue about how penises work and get these giant beer can type things installed and unlike a real penis that grows and shrinks, they are always the same size, so I imagine they get in the way of daily life quite a lot.
No. 1830585
>>1830309I just take the money and run since it's whatever (more brownie points) but you can say it
triggers you, you're uncomfortable because sob story, etc. It works because even lots and lots troons do this so you'll fly under the radar. I don't want to reveal all of the tricks of the trade here (troons read this thread kek, hi i'm in your walls and taking your money btw) but you can get away with a lot, there is always a way out of doing a troon drawing.
>>1830092It's honestly the money, but some troons have caught onto the tactic of being "trans" but not posting pro-trans stuff so I do it to keep the peace. This is how you stay green on shinigami eyes for years kek.
>>1829775I can't disagree actually, I'm not creepshow art so it doesn't actually feel very good to be two-faced, but at the same time I don't want to be thrown out.
No. 1830637
>>1830185Do TIFs know the average cis man can beat their ass?
>>1830455this tbh a lot of them have names like stinky or roach so it makes sense.
No. 1830863
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The absolute state of terminally online TiFs, at this point I think I still prefer the hyperfeminine ones who put zero effort into looking vaguely androgynous, at least they don't go through this kind of extreme self-harm.
No. 1830883
File: 1684578689232.jpg (45.82 KB, 872x322, wtf.jpg)

Found everything about this extremely creepy.
No. 1830887
>>1830883Holy shit. Used to be groomers would sneak around and DM their
victims, not post that shit publicly. You should report her, nona. Probably won't achieve anything, but it's worth a shot. It's genuinely concerning. The fact she opens with "I'm not trying to be creepy" is a red flag too, IMO. If you're not being a creep, you don't need to state that because you would know you're not.
No. 1830942
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>cure transphobia, not trans people
Yeah, fuck mentally ill people. Let's send the sane ones to re-education camps.
No. 1830950
>>1830871>curvyIn twitter it means fat in general for fatties to feel "sexy" (read:deluding having a fit, hourglass body)
but kek
No. 1830995
>>1830953I think that's only for the really experimental surgeries involving organ transplantation. Though I actually haven't heard of a penis transplant or a uterus transplant on a trans person besides the one that killed Lili Elbe a hundred years ago, I've only heard of them in modern times on people who had those organs to begin with and lost them to cancer or injury.
Arm sausages and stinkditches are made of the person's own tissue horribly rearranged. The body would treat it as a serious wound and try to heal it but wouldn't treat it as a foreign invader and attack it as far as I know.
No. 1831102
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>>1829397>>1829601did something happen to her neck or does she just do that retarded hunch pose intentionally?
No. 1831154
>>1831088The part I don't get is why vagina and pregnancy are gross and dysphoria causing when she/her is used but sexy and validating when he/him is used
A lot of tif art is straight as hell breeding kink art; why is that not activating their terrible dysphoria just because a single pronoun is changed?
No. 1831247
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kino incoming
No. 1831293
File: 1684634227582.jpeg (168.68 KB, 1284x1448, IMG_4165.jpeg)

why do so many tifs do this shit with their typing
No. 1831323
File: 1684640818161.jpeg (238.62 KB, 2048x1206, FwgCdSAXsAAl0xI.jpeg)

There are straight fans of Zelda. News at 9…
No. 1831339
>>1831323Link has important shit to do, if he was a girl he wouldn’t give a fuck and just fulfill his duties while also having fun and making friends, because unlike the average TiF, Link has self-esteem and a purpose in life other than trying to be a NLOG girl.
It’s just so funny when TiFs make tranny headcanons, they always pick characters like Link, Snufkin, Kaeya and so on, characters that are calm, that can get shit done and that even though they haven’t had a perfect life, they keep going and try to do their best to enjoy life. Literally the opposite of the average TiF that wouldn’t be able to graduate from highschool or go to college because “muh anxiety and muh dysphoworia because I can’t wear pink shirts because you woman when you pink and you man when you blue”.
No. 1831349
>>1831339Like some characters in c-dramas. The ones that have a dandy, carefree and would rather use art than a weapon? Is obviously a TIF! This man is a strong character but also is calm and cold headed? TIF in disguise!
We already saw in Mulan to see how a "TIF" would behave in a "man world", girls. They would get killed for trying to disguise themselves as men! Even in a lore!
Or watch The romance of the Tiger and The rose so you can find a strong female character from a world where woman do rule a sect and a city.
No. 1831355
>>1830863so grim, shes a natural blonde under that pissy peroxide according to the colour of her pubebeard and has genuinely cute facial features but is just drowning in fat, shitty tattoos, and gender. she literally could have been stacy
>normal men>implyingbut i think these girls get so caught up in the delusion they really think theyre protecting themselves from all straight men and will be left alone with their pick of harmless tame bishie faggot husbandos (which… kek)
>>1831254ugh, this is so true and such a reality check.
No. 1831360
File: 1684648297494.jpeg (39.97 KB, 500x443, A6D2BE5D-A19A-4566-9ACC-E035E9…)

>>1828517Sage for autistic goth infodumping and late reply but Blixa actually was quite involved with the gay scene in the 80s and bartended at gay bars. Pic related, it’s him and Wolfgang Muller. Maybe he was doing shit like this for shock value or he just ran into a lot of gay people because both goths and gays frequented the same sex shops to buy leather clothes/chokers/etc. but Nick Cave and Peter Murphy didn’t act like this.
You’re right about artsy twinkish men leading surprisingly heteronormative sex lives behind the scenes though. Straight will literally perform femininity just so that they can convince “art hoes” that they’re not like the other guys
No. 1831363
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the stupidity and lack of self awareness are off the charts
No. 1831381
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bathroom graffiti I saw the other day
No. 1831388
>>1831323Link isn't superficial enough to troon out either way. Food, naps, and saving Hyrule are the only things he cares about.
Also the fetishization of the surgery scars is really getting out of hand. Old school TiFs used to go out of their way to treat the scars or tattoo over them to conceal them as much as possible. But recently I've heard of people ignoring doctors' aftercare advice specifically to make the scars as bad and as obvious as possible, because they basically view it as a fashion statement. They all just want to be "edgy" and "subversive," unlike all those boring lame basic women! That's why they all have the same hideous septum piercing.
God, I do not envy girls who have to be teenagers in the age of TikTok pedophiles, plastic surgeons on Instagram, and trannyshit literally everywhere. Hopefully this nonsense will be over by the time I have a daughter.
No. 1831403
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>>1831401samefag, found it again
No. 1831407
>>1831387top right is a TIF that goes by Cavetown i think she makes indie or bedroom pop or something
>>1831300kek no she’s not, granted I don’t remember the exact milk but some jewish people joke tweet and her saying tranny as a teen resurfaced so she had to come out as a TIF
No. 1831420
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No. 1831468
File: 1684674183229.png (8.48 KB, 892x117, kjvb ksdjfrvb.png)

now, our next game of: stunning & brave or biid!!!!
No. 1831500
>>1831323I thought Link was the most TIMwashed aside from femboys? WTF is this
>>1831300>She's an actual naziNona can u rephrase this? I'm ESL
No. 1831576
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>>1831373"Is the fans that makes female Link sexualized! That's why transphobes are against FTM Link!".
1- There's a female Link called Linkie and she's not sexualized at all.
2 - Is always the yaoi fans that sexualize male Link the most.
No. 1831615
>>1831584e.g. teenage mutant ninja turtles in their original and genderbent forms are already enough to
trigger the trans subreddits. How is their own work not even transphobic kek
No. 1831699
File: 1684695439624.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.28 KB, 700x700, blog.jpg)

>>1831323the artist is trying to say that male fans loves when a male character is genderbend into a woman in coom art but they lose their shit when someone has a trans headcanon because it goes against canon even though their coom art goes against canon too. I know tifs has a fucked up view of how women should be but this isn't a "women behave like this, men behave like that" comic it's a "genderbend coom art vs trans headcanon" comic
No. 1831706
>>1831705Many tifs are
victims of sexual abuse, and their transition is their way of giving themselves the illusion of protection. They don't understand that being ugly doesn't make them any less vulnerable or unsafe
(sage your shit) No. 1831708
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>>1831638Let’s be real here for a moment, Gerard is a baby-faced 5’7 he/they. He practically is an honorary FTM
No. 1831837
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>>1831706Picrel. If someone tells her that calling herself a "skinny soft boi" while sleeping with older "gay men" or "pervert queers" won't help her to deal with her sexual abuse, people would tear that person down.
No. 1831839
File: 1684710113028.png (14.82 KB, 622x411, Skitarii yaoi agenda on Twitte…)

>>1831837samefag: Don't make me tap the "Ancient civilizations were horribly misogynist, of course the would sleep more with other men (while being homophobic) so they can use women only for breeding" sign.
No. 1831965
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>>1831962Samefag: tell me you hate women… You know, forget about it. The way they hate women or being women is not ha-ha funny anymore.
No. 1831972
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>these ideas aren't contradictory
No. 1832013
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>>1831994I doubt it too. I wouldn't be comfortable with a harem of women that are paid to have sex with me because they need the money, less with boys/girls that are paid to have sex with me.
These people should understand why back then "homosexuality" was "good": A mix of misogyny and pedophilia, among other stuff.
No. 1832031
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>>1831965They all seem to be part of a group where notable ones are robos or smth, but i can't pinpoint it. What are all these about tho? Here's one example picrel
No. 1832067
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No. 1832085
>>1832070It's called being retarded kek
Genuinely all of the popular ftm headcanons always confuse me. Link, Scout and characters like Ciel or even Dazai. I know we all know the 'trans ideology perpetuates stereotypes' line but it must be miserable pigeon-holing people all the time.
>My favourite self insert character is twans because they like [hobby]!!People like this have got to be some of the most miserable people on the planet. It must be tiring to be that annoying
No. 1832092
>>1831699Yeah, that's the surface-level premise of the post. But she's also basically implying that her (as you said) equally fetishistic coom art of Linkle is "better" because she's Not Like Other Girls and chopped her tits off. In her eyes, it's more "canonical" and "
valid" to have Linkle hate herself for being female, yet the comment section admonishes it while approving of male-gaze-Linkle. (I'm calling it Linkle instead of female Link for the sake of brevity.)
No. 1832100
>>1831388The obsession with scars is just like how every artist would give their original donut steal OC a gazillion scars, or how fan artists will give characters exaggerated scars and battle wounds even if in canon the character is a 13 year who just scraped his knee. Scars are cool to edgelords because they are unique-ish and can either show how tough or brocken a person is.
>>1831912>>1832091Ezra even had her own thread but it died 3 months ago. I guess She’s annoying enough to be posted ITT but not milky enough for her own.
No. 1832220
>>1831708You'd think in an alt subculture where a lot of males are androgynous, like how black veil brides used to look, people wouldn't do the progressive "you're trans" sexism. But I guess since a watered down version of alt is trendy now, and so a lot of tifs are wannabe emos to stick it to mom
ugh posers, you get this
No. 1832283
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Did anyone notice r/phallo got banned?
No. 1832393
>>1832380Gender is either for languages that have gendered words like spanish and french etc, or a "nicer" way to say sex because english speakers made the mistake of using it both for biology and the act of having sex and then got embarrassed by it kek
Funny thing is asking what gender an attack-helicopter is is normal in gendered languages, because every noun has a gender and it includes attack-helicopters.
What gender is NOT is a separate magical entity from your biology that can be of a different sex than the physical body, and thus that means the sex of your body is invalid and doesn't matter.
No. 1832412
>>1832407 saging for off topic.
that's the issue with the David Reimer experiment. he was given a neovagina and raised as if he was born female yet knew he wasn't and this was evident even before he was told what happened to him as a baby. if he always knew he was male despite this, this allegedly proves him having an innate sense of gender identity that is male. on the other hand, if it was a success and he did continue living on as a girl even after being told the truth, same thing applies. this happened to only one boy. there really is no concrete way to prove everyone having a gender identity based off this alone
No. 1832428
>>1832412Before you can prove that people have a "gender identity", you have to define what that is even supposed to be.
The most basic idea would be that the map of the body in the brain doesn't match the actual body, but that's sex dysphoria and gender doesn't come into it at all. I'm pretty sure people who suffer from this due to some kind of neurological damage do exist, but they're incredibly rare, like, maybe one in one thousand truscum trannies, because obviously nothing in the trans movement reflects that a substantial number of people suffer from this kind of thing. I also don't understand what clothing and behaviour (social transition) would do for that, because the body stays the same. Maybe someone who knows about amputee rehabilitation can chime in; it's the closest thing I can think of (map of body no longer corresponds to actual body - what happens to the psyche?)
Gender in the sense of social roles and expectations is something EXTERNAL to the human body and there are significant differences between cultures and populations, even within the same population over time. The only constants are those determined by sex (women give birth, men are stronger, thus some gender roles evolved over and over).
Gender expression is ALSO something external to the person, because you cannot express gender in the absence of cultural gender norms. Wearing make up is only something feminine in a cultural environment where people are considered feminine for wearing make up. 1700s nobles didn't think they were feminizing themselves when they did their make up and wore clothes that are now associated with femininity.
Consequently how you dress or behave can have no bearing on "gender identity"
So what is this elusive "gender identity"? I think I excluded every possible meaning and there's nothing left. I think the reasonable stance is to say "gender identity does not exist" and all the distress we see is caused by other things.
The studies I saw that supposedly demonstrate the existence of "gender identity" all start with the obviously and totally wrong assumption that "gender expression implies gender identity", and trans rights activist invest substantial money and effort into outlawing research (you need to pass an ethics check by a tranny council to study trannies in many places because they are a protected minority), attacking researchers, systematically lying to researchers about their subjective experiences and life stories, and they hide the results of the studies that are starting to come out that show it's all a sham and transition is unequivocally harmful for people.
This perspective also puts the gender cult up there with the most evil and harmful ideologies in history and I fully support this conclusion too. Nothing I said requires deep knowledge or is too complicated for average people to understand, so I hold medical professionals who participate in this circus in high contempt. A good way to see whether a medical professional or social worker is either an imbecile or a psychopath is to look at whether they transition people.
No. 1832472
File: 1684793258055.png (607.37 KB, 875x642, topsurgery.png)

>>1832099Semi-related but it boggles my mind the most when TiFs edit top surgery scars on really muscular and buff male characters or draw/write them as twans men or "transmasc". I know it's done for self-insert purposes, but headcanoning feminine anime twinks as trans men is at least slightly more believable than hulking muscular male characters kek. Picrel is an example of some One Piece fujo posting edits of Zoro with top surgery scars.
No. 1832480
File: 1684794121561.png (425.5 KB, 907x907, yamato.png)

>>1832472I try to understand the (fetish) representation behind these scars and all, but I cannot stop thinking how do they work in a world where there's no kind of surgery to make that happens. Medieval age? That poor woman would have died for malpractice. In the middle of the jungle or any place where there's no hospital or doctors? The scar would have become septic.
Any "gendie" would say "is magic/let's not use realism/because I say so".
No. 1832489
>>1832480>>1832472It's literally putting self harm scars on fictional characters you kin because want to/have already cut, it's completely fucked that this get away with normalizing this insanity by reframing it as "affirming trans culture" or whatever. It reminds me of that Anon who posted a while ago about how people in her hobby group would post horrific mutilation scars and gaslit her into thinking she is evil and mentally ill for being deeply unsettled and disturbed by seeing that shit.
It's all so nefarious, the perfect breeding ground for abusers and predators.
No. 1832509
>>1832480Mte. Your examples remind me of Attack On Titan and how plenty of fujos there self-insert as Levi and want him to be a trans man (and of course there's also Hange who is "canon nonbinary" according to fujos). As if characters in that universe could possibly have top surgery and whatnot (or have time to be self-absorbed enough to navelgaze about their gender feelings for that matter). Also I'm AYRT and kek, sorry for the slight OT but I just recently caught up with OP and was disappointed but not surprised to realize that a lot of fujos seriously think Yamato is supposed to be "trans man representation". I guess that's yet another example of self-insert and wish fulfillment to them. The character probably appeals to TiFs who think they are breaking gender roles by being as feminine as possible and should still be considered "men" in the eyes of other people)
>>1832489Agreed. Since I like some weeb stuff and lurk fandoms (as insufferable as they are for the most part thanks to gender shit), sometimes it feels like I'm taking crazy pills when I see people glorify self harm scars they draw on their favorite characters. Not to mention the lovebombing these TiFs offer to each other when yet another one of them has top surgery irl and posts pictures of their cut off breasts. It's just sinister.
No. 1832578
File: 1684805056004.jpeg (22.56 KB, 337x450, 2229844.jpeg)

>>1832554Xiran Jay Zhao anyone?
Some feminine enbie retard who wrote novels (which apparently will be made into movies) about ancient China, but with a full-of-shit liberal twist. Saging because i'm not sure about it's contents, but she does brag that China used to be this gay utopia before da evil westerners ruined it…
No. 1832605
File: 1684809189444.jpg (119.06 KB, 732x1104, EDGtvvAWwAAg3Fj.jpg)

>>1832489>It's literally putting self harm scars on fictional characters you kin because want to/have already cut, it's completely fucked that this get away with normalizing this insanity by re framing it as "affirming trans culture" or whatever.This is basically posting self-harm scars but is more socially acceptable for some reason. Also lots of TIFs are clockable from their regular self harm scars alone
No. 1832612
>>1832509I still remember the whole Hange being "genderfluid" started because Isayama was tired of being told "lol you cannot draw women even to save your life". Which honestly breaks my heart because people always seem to ask for more kick-arses women character but as soon as they appear, others have to take the fun and claim "They're trans/genderfluid/agender, sorry, I don't make the rules". Just GTFO with your hc.
And about Yamato, is always because she calls herself as "man", but if she were a TIF, she would cover her boobs, not show them in full view.
No. 1832649
File: 1684814364157.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.32 KB, 1250x423, FwS_kORaMAM6fVC.jpeg)

I'm always a lesbian but i found this based… and hot ngl (not the engineer but the robot, yes and that includes after being "mutilated"/nearly scraped). Am i wrong for expecting more based stuff in a part 2 if Tats continued this part?
No. 1832702
>>1832428Gender as they see it is a label they cling onto as an identity, and then have to defend at any cost, or their whole sense of self feels at stake to them. It doesn’t make sense logically, it’s the ego at work. No matter how much the idea of gender is debunked, they won’t listen, because their egos feel under attack. I don’t know why they have chosen this particular form of identity, or why it matters so much to them, but you can see it to a lesser extent with other identities, eg a left wing person accused of being right wing. By this point all their social circles, reputation, life story, image, is tied into the “gender identity” and it has replaced who they are entirely. That’s why they get so aggressive around “terfs” or anyone they see as an enemy, or threaten suicide, because it’s such a stupid identity in the first place, it’s easily shaken.
No. 1832703
File: 1684824012657.png (57.69 KB, 550x637, sure.PNG)

>>1828760 more of that totally passing transmen who clearly isn't in it for the attention.
No. 1832707
File: 1684825169670.png (179.15 KB, 189x499, Mary_of_Egypt.png)

>>1832480>>1832472Reposting from a previous thread, ancient TIFs did somewhat exist, but all of them were women who presented themselves as men to becomes monks (the eastern orthodox church did not have nuns during this time period)
>After nine years, they saw that the young girl was beardless and they called her ‘Hilarion the Eunuch’ since there were many such [eunuchs] wearing the habit. For her breasts, too, they were not as those of all women. Above all, she was shrunken with ascetic practices and even her menstrual period had stopped because of the deprivation.”Anonymous, 'The Life of Hilarion', trans. James Drescher, “Hilaria,” Three Coptic Legends (Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 1947), pp. 69-82.
>In the case of Hilarion, the author emphasizes that he had stop menstruating and that his breasts were “not as those of all women.” This latter detail is repeated in the story of another trans monk, Anastasius, which explicitly tells us that as a brother was dressing him after his death, the brother “saw that on his chest he had women’s breasts, looking like two shriveled up leaves,” a detail preserved verbatim in both the Syriac and Greek versions of the text.'Life of Anastasius', 7, trans. Susan Ashbrook Harvey and Sebastian P. Brock, Holy Women of the Syrian Orient (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), p. 147.
Picrel Mary of Egypt, one of these women monks
The same lecture also mentioned the important role of eunuchs in byzantine courts(and brothels) often these were castrated orphan boys who would serve the various noble houses in the Byzantine Empire, as their doctors, teachers and record keepers, the Byzantines had learned this "enlightened practice" from the Near Wast, and this horrific and unnecessary shit was presented as progressive and used as evidence for "historical trans identity" that was erased by regressive unenlightened western people
No. 1832727
>>1832711I AM that "always lesbian" anon, unless you're trying to peer through the smallest scope of scrutiny to accuse me of being the "transbian" troon. My point is, trooning out doesn't make you substantially uglier unless one is ugly to begin with.
>finding mutilation hotI don't find the mutilation hot. I find the inherent looks of the robot hot. I'm not the "boohoo she's no longer sexy" kind because most likely reason is I am not a moid.
>>1832705You know my mother doesn't do that to me?
(derailing) No. 1832744
>>1832707>ancient TIFs did somewhat exist, but all of them were women who presented themselves as men to becomes monksNot exactly tifs but yes. Back then there's no such thing as trans. Some women are forced to live as men as the family have no sons/no spare sons they pick the eldest daughter to join in the moidforce.
>>1832727>not the "boohoo she's no longer sexy" kind because most likely reason is I am not a moidAnd then throw in gender stereotypes that not having "1 more mm of chin" makes you a woman.
No. 1832815
>>1832687Yes, I have see them and most of the time they claim "you don't need a surgery to be traaaans" because they know they're more a NLOG than a trans masc or because they don't have the money for a surgery that they know they'll regret.
Still, the fact that TIFs treat breasts like ugly and must be removed even if they're healthy is quite concerning.
No. 1832865
File: 1684856333343.jpg (125.39 KB, 1000x750, 1684808596384166.jpg)

I'll just leave this here for now…
No. 1832882
File: 1684858346697.png (21.69 KB, 782x456, fujotears.png)

>>1832612Kek yeah it's pretty obvious that Isayama just got tired of people asking whether Hange is a man or a woman, said "idc anymore, think what you like" and (western) gendies interpreted that to mean she's "genderfluid". That's one of the many examples of how regressive genderists are in their thinking - they can't wrap their heads around a gender nonconforming female character, ever, so they have to troon them out. If a female character is GNC in any way, they go "ooga booga woman is when pink dress" and decide the character has to be some flavor of gender haver instead. It's so retarded.
As for Yamato, from what I understood she just calls herself a boy because she idolizes Oden, who is a man, and wants to be like him? So it's not like she wants to be a man in general per se. But gendies on Twitter think she's a literal man and get mad if you "misgender" her. There was just recently an OP colorspread featuring only female characters and Yamato was also included (and the effeminate male character Kiku wasn't), which of course made genderists sperg out quite a bit about much twansphobia (picrel).
No. 1832890
File: 1684859470073.jpg (184.08 KB, 1012x1800,…)

I'm referencing this anime character
>>1832853. they claim he's a trans man because he technically came out female but was born and recorded as male.
No. 1832921
File: 1684864250148.jpg (62.12 KB, 1080x991, cringe.jpg)

Least disgusting tif
No. 1832936
>>1832003Because tifs' hated of women stems from insecurity, which stems from seeing other women as competitors and feeling like they're losing against these women.
Valuing yourself allows you to let go of thinking other women are competition, which allows you to start appreciating other women.
No. 1832958
>>1832882>she just calls herself a boy because she idolizes Oden, who is a man, and wants to be like him?Yeah, that's the point of the character. She wants to be like him, she doesn't want to be a man like him.
And since we are talking about animu characters: Sage for blog, but I read the manga of Jigokuraku (Hell's paradise) and I STG some gendies are going insane with two characters who can shape their genders to their own liking even if they're not humans at all.
No. 1832973
File: 1684870734967.jpg (221.63 KB, 1300x1009, exclusive-laverne-cox-left-and…)

>>1832868It's uncanny because all but one of the people in the photo are larping as the opposite sex through a combination of cross dressing and medicalization. Sexual Dimorphism in humans is very real and it really stands out when TiMs and TiFs are side by side. Also we've noticed that taller than normal men and smaller than normal women are more prone to trooning out.
No. 1833109
File: 1684881643824.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.32 KB, 1038x1473, FaOl_VJXgAEGsgh.jpeg)

>>1832975Considering that most of them have as "gay fantasy" to return back to ancient times where "trans people were venerable" or "gay people were ok having (young) gay lovers", I think is a mix of both.
>Masculine urges>Is a comic about a spicy straight couple with a tif saying that is ok to fuck gay people as long she has dildos. No. 1833159
File: 1684885958621.webm (1.29 MB, 576x1024, 2c1c9c4824dbfb92d211bf9e32d2ab…)
Forgive me if this isn't quite on-topic for the FTM thread but I had to share this. Essentially admitting that what was already plainly obvious about why girls and women disproportionately identify as NB/trans is in fact entirely correct, except it isn't because you don't want to think about it. Video linked below if you'd like to ruin your day with the comments section.
No. 1833309
File: 1684902124827.jpg (219.92 KB, 1168x1112, sad.jpg)

I thought this was about weight loss and then I see this autist jumping around in a skirt and caressing her scars. This shit is cringe af but also sad, struggling with your boobs/curves was always a thing but before tranny BS we didn't promote self-harm and delusions like this.
No. 1833323
File: 1684904206395.jpeg (16.64 KB, 282x282, FusMl5eXoAQNjA1.jpeg)

>>1833309>better than your wildest dreamsIf that's a "wild dream", I don't want to imagine a "wild nightmare"… Oh, it will happen years later.
No. 1833341
File: 1684908435551.jpg (150.38 KB, 1080x1150, Screenshot_20230524_083247_com…)

In less than half a year Bella went from any pronouns to they/them.
No. 1833354
File: 1684911152854.jpg (120.04 KB, 758x1061, tumblr_6e627477bf261fd07fc51be…)

Most self aware tif.
No. 1833382
>>1833341>decided to contend as an actress, even though the don't take on that labelSo basically it's ok to openly take spots of a gender you're not if it benefits you? Nonbinary people are allowed to take spots away from the oppressed group that is women, and take it for herself despite her not being that gender?
So then a man could contend as an actress too despite being a cis male? Or is there something fundamentally different between Bella and a male that makes that "not ok" for the male?
Or is there a line and only oppressed groups get to steal spots from other oppressed groups? So it would have to be nonbinary identified male? Or what if the male is a black Jewish disabled man, would that be ok then?
Surely it would also be ok for cis people to enter trans categories despite not being trans, since Bella thinks contending in a gendered group you're not part of is acceptable. Going by the "oppressed people get to do it" it would still allow cis women to take spots in male only categories.
Questions trans people are afraid to answer.
No. 1833401
File: 1684923657255.jpeg (Spoiler Image,14.5 KB, 195x247, 1684814364157~3.jpeg)

>>1833330>Liking tifs makes a woman's taste "moid-tier", even in the way a femme lesbian has eyes on a butch lesbian?Here we go again… liking tifs or butches isn't moid-tier, talking about how picrel is 'hot' when the context of the comic is a robot getting herself butchered is moid-tier. If the anon wanted to say "um akhtually I was saying that a hot girl would still remain hot even if she's a gendie, because I'm not a scrote who thinks her looks suddenly went to waste" then she should've just fucking said that in her original post, why word herself in a way that makes her come across as a moid with a robot guro fetish? Now stop derailing the thread with 'waaaah anon called it moid-tier waah', I won't reply anymore to retards purposely misinterpreting my post and framing me as some lesbianphobic anti-butch dumbass when I have a gf myself.
No. 1833481
>>1832971TiFs and genderists in general are hypocrites and misogynists. This explains why they can't stand JKR for speaking out for women and think it's muh twansphobia, but are okay with literal pedos, rapists etc. content creators. Just look at how many of them stay suspiciously silent about or even openly support e.g. Sophie Labelle, Alok Vaid-Menon etc. still. Of course it's difficult to find shows without creators that aren't shitty in some ways if said creators are moids, but genderists' hypocrisy with JKR vs. pretty much everyone else is ridiculous.
>>1832973Laverne's AGP smirk though
>>1833309I feel like I've seen this pretty much exact scenario on social media thousands of times (= a most likely autistic girl/woman glorifying her self harm in a cutesy way and portraying it as a glow up), and it's insane. Clown world.
>>1833341I'm so sick of these special snowflakes. Just be honest and say you want to win that Emmy, Bella, and stop whining about how "uncomfortable" entering the race makes you feel. It's obvious she doesn't want to be seen as a woman when it comes to facing misogyny, but apparently being a woman is fine when it's convenient (like trying to win an Emmy).
No. 1833557
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No. 1833562
File: 1684943991903.jpg (703.08 KB, 2880x2880, 20230524_165919.jpg)

Idk how to post video. He says
>HE is pregnant with a child, on the street you wouldn't approach this person as a woman, it's a birthing person
>the thing about reality is it exists whether you disagree or not
>saying birthing person doesn't erase women giving birth, it acknowledges other people do it too
>this person has more facial hair than me like you know what I'm saying
There are some people disagreeing in the comments but sadly they're using less than solid arguments like god or asking how long trannies have even been around, two things gendies love to jump on (jumping on rhe latter incorrectly though like "um ancient egypt or something!"). The gendies are sucking up to this guy and defending the video with their lives because a male has validated them and that's what they always dream of.
No. 1833572
File: 1684944910317.jpg (43.58 KB, 453x576, tumblr_inline_pd7ffmYuWR1qgjr3…)

>>1833354>>1833355But they're the ones that do fetish gay men.
No. 1833578
>>1833557You'd think normal people would like to have the least amount of scarring possible. (But normal people would also not have healthy body parts removed.)
Outsourcing their self-harm, but nobody is allowed to question it. Thank you, clown world.
No. 1833585
>>1833578Yeah I had surgery a while ago and the doctor sowed together the different skin layers and then put these sticky tape things inbetween the stitches and across it all to make sure there is absolutely minimal strain on the skin while it heals, so the scar is as small and unnoticeable as possible.
But then again I went to a medical doctor who wants to cure people, not a psycho butcher who rakes in millions by mutilating the mentally ill with minimal effort.
Another retarded thing is that scarification is a legitimate cultural practice, if scars are what you want you can find specialists who give you ones that look however you want them to look.
But those wouldn't be self harm scars (having a butcher mutilate you is self harm too, it's obvious by how these people talk about and show off their injuries), so it would give no clout in fakeboi circles.
No. 1834036
>>1833726Then what is a "trans headcanon" in general?
Either the character troons or that a genderbend version of the character troons to mimic the original??
No. 1834092
>>1833557she doesn't even try to draw herself masculine. and not just "long hair=woman", the face too. i bet this chick isn't even on T kek
>>1833976and yet she draws herself with the face of a loli. weird stuff
No. 1834138
File: 1684992123656.jpg (95.3 KB, 957x837, ok.jpg)

Ex ana-chan to the surprise of no one. Love the mental gymnastics required for TIFs to explain that they're 100% male on the inside, but they're not a threat like those other males.
No. 1834199
>>1834138If tifs want to argue they're NOT the same threat as cis men then I'm gonna need them to explain exactly why that is.
Is there perhaps something that's not the same about them and cis men? And if transmen have the same danger level as cis women, wouldn't it be fair to assume transwomen then have the same danger level as cis men? You can't have your trans cake and eat it too kek
No. 1834208
File: 1685007142574.gif (27.3 KB, 180x200, hehecat-cat.gif)

>>1832865HOLY KEKARONI. I hope they all got intense dysphoria after seeing it and went home and cried kek
No. 1834234
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No. 1834270
File: 1685023512562.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.34 KB, 1080x1094, Screenshot_2023-05-25-16-59-29…)

What is that with trannies and prostitution? I know futa/shemale is a thing in porn but fugly pudgy fakebois with "packers" and overgrown clits is a thing that is popular solely among tifs themselves.
No. 1834323
File: 1685034561442.jpg (160.22 KB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_2023-05-25-20-03-31…)

she's seriously wondering why it happens to her they're never self aware
No. 1834343
File: 1685037568458.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.91 KB, 1177x1526, Tumblr_l_1170476668468637.jpg)

That's it. I'm leaving this earth. I'm movin'
No. 1834373
File: 1685041402771.jpeg (Spoiler Image,333.66 KB, 1732x2048, FtiT-rDacAEcMPV.jpeg)

>>1834343The more I see these "penises", the more I think these surgeons failed in male anatomy or are not urologists at all. I have seen better drawn penises from hentai artists.
No. 1834376
File: 1685041547067.jpg (85.58 KB, 1080x1073, 341537141_921799815761701_2114…)

>>1834365That's the thing: They know a full mastectomy without their nipples do not resemble a male chest and whatever they place between their legs is not going to work like a real penis will. The one thing they can do is cope and see the half-full glass with "at last, I can look androgyny anyway?".
No. 1834380
>>1834138She pops up on my discovery page all the time and now one of my butch friends is following her.
I hate this shit so much
No. 1834409
>>18343It's not misinformation.
There is no standard phalloplasty and everyone has different surgeries/end results depending on their personal preference, how much money they have, and what butcher they go to.
The given complication rate is also far too low for the surgeries listed. 77% is believable for just stage 1, but urethral hookup alone has an almost 100% complication rate. Stage 3 is done so rarely it's barely worth bringing up in a general conversation about phallo aside from the fact that it exists at all. I've never seen complication rates for it, but anecdotally it rarely works and doesn't do much to improve the functionality because phallos are made from fat tissue. Putting a stick inside a role of fat can't make it feel or perform like a penis.
There's also metoidioplasty that is not mentioned in the post. It's arguably not directly relevant to the picture itself, but it adds to the impression that the person not presenting an accurate picture of the surgery.
I also note the use of the term "neo-urethra", which is tranny terminology. In tranny lingo, "neo" means "not" (neo vagina, neo phallus, neo urethra, etc), while in common language it means "new". This language manipulation is part of tranny tactics. It's like "transmasculine" meaning "woman" and all that. Then there's "natal penis", more tranny terminology. There's no reason to not simply use the word "penis".
You could say that person is clueless about tranny shit, but their name is literally "Aala lies"…
The cherry on top is recommending Exulansic, who is a lolcow munchie who pretends to be all kinds of minorities and does r/iamverysmart videos where she presents medical information she has no understanding of. Kiwifarms has a thread on her if you care to look into it.
My conclusion is that that post was written by a tranny and the shit about complications is just camouflage.
No. 1834459
File: 1685050399906.png (Spoiler Image,227.83 KB, 1390x1137, transpeenus.png)

>>1834270How warped does one's thinking have to be in order to claim that "sex work = taking pride in your body". And conversely, how dumb is it to hear someone point out that sex work IS exploitative and go "oh I see, that person doesn't value their body and must have issues with it"? Also, that ass is certainly fat but am I supposed to feel intimidated and jealous of this fakeboi's pasty white butt cheeks? Is that picture supposed to make me agree with her? So many questions.
>>1834343>>1834389Even if this isn't the finished result, it's still unbelievable these surgeries are allowed to be performed at all. That massive scar on her thigh looks terrible, and for what? A flash tube that has no point at all and is not and will never be anything close to an actual penis anyway?
On a related note I came across this Twitter thread of fakebois talking about their "penises" ie. large clits on T (spoilered because there's drawings of vulvas). At first glance I thought someone had drawn genitals of an intersex person or something, but then I looked again and realized it was just fakebois being delusional about their "dicks".
No. 1834557
>>1834500Every TIF bottom surgery I've seen has had comically tiny balls for some reason
No idea why the surgeons keep making the neophallus a ridiculously huge third leg but can't make a fake ball bigger than a walnut
No. 1834617
File: 1685065782686.jpeg (Spoiler Image,336.09 KB, 1536x2048, Fw_jgfUaEAAwJ2d.jpeg)

>>1834500>>1834556>>1834557>>1834581sage for tinfoil but I guess, since TIMs base their "femininity" on porn tropes, TIFs do the same with gay porn: Big penises because "twinks love big dicks" and such. You would think that they would use a neuron to think that men do have different type of bodies and that mean different sizes of penises when they're not erected.
Picrel: That penis needs some vitamin d.
No. 1834648
File: 1685067870122.webm (7.27 MB, 888x1540, 1685066980.webm)
very manly behaviour
No. 1834676
>>1834584Handmaiden is woke. They seethe and get extra jelly on TIFs. There's the one "handmaidens validating [aiden's] every fart" cope.
Female MRAs foam at the mouth of any woke.
No. 1834770
>>1834617They give them tubes of flesh that big because they can't get erected like penis. The size doesn't change at all. It can only get "hard" if they get the pump in it and even if they do, it still doesn't work like penis because it isn't one.
>>1834648Nonna, that's just a tiktok cover of a kpop song. Men do that all the time. I swear this thread is full of idiots baiting.
No. 1834856
>>1834138>>1834154>>1834381I don’t know the context of this but I thought she was making a validation coomer face. Like when TIMs get gender euphoria boners from being given misogynist and degrading comments by other moids who mistook them for women>>1834647
No. 1834889
>>1834343she got the epstein egg
>>1834373the dog neuticles literally make me nauseated… although because they mutilated her vulva so severely her vaginal entrance looks like a second asshole the way mtf stinkholes do kind of…
No. 1834901
>>1834774she is definitely under 5'11 IRL, but she always wears big platform shoes, not like it helps making her pass
another blogpost, one time she was on her story talking about how she has "passing privilage"??? it's pretty funny how delusional some tifs are>>1834770>Men do that all the timethey don't though… maybe the gay ones, but most men woukld never willingly make a video like this and upload it.
No. 1834906
File: 1685103971557.jpg (24.09 KB, 524x255, 1682462260708.jpg)

>>1834896Maybe she's one of those "I'm not human I'm a godly being" troons with a hermaphrodite fetish
No. 1834964
File: 1685114197471.jpeg (Spoiler Image,276.06 KB, 1214x1601, F36CE9A0-733B-4149-9E0E-C014E1…)

>>1834389picrel from the study linked in the post. why the fuck is it so popular among tifs to get skin grafts for their frankendicks from their tattooed body parts? don’t they realise no moid has a tattooed dick because of how painful it is to get one tattooed?
(reposted because i accidentally clicked post instead of spoiler pic. sorry whoever had to witness this)
No. 1835125
>>1834964I don't think it's just the pain but also that a penis changes in size between erect and flaccid, so what, they're going to tattoo extremely loose saggy skin, or have someone jerk them off inbetween tattoo sets so their dick stays hard? And then it looks like shit when it's either flaccid or erect?
It only works for TiFs because rot dogs have nothing in common with penises.
No. 1835291
File: 1685146094536.jpeg (181.56 KB, 1333x1249, IMG_7375.jpeg)

Why do they always sexualize their dads??
No. 1835350
File: 1685153496741.jpg (351.34 KB, 1547x1819, merlin.jpg)

>>1835311sageblog but my dad was quite young looking at his age. Of course no one would think he was a "twink" but he sure was mistaken as a teen when he was an adult.
But these Aiden probably see someone like Hugh Dancy (picrel) in his young and think "oh Twink goal" and not their male relatives.
No. 1835398
File: 1685160895578.jpg (123.08 KB, 1912x1072, MV5BOTM4MTA2ZGQtMzMyMi00NG.jpg)

>>1835350>>1835378I don't know how much yaoi brainrot someone must suffer from to see Hugh Dancy as anything other than an adult man. He has always looked like a regular lean adult man in his 30's.
No. 1835429
File: 1685168157957.jpg (42.28 KB, 532x800, 2000-David-Copperfield.jpg)

>>1835398He was called the "most beautiful girl / boy" in university, picrel. But we both know that TIFs, specially the ones from 20-30 age range, think they'll stay forever young and handsome until oldness hit them hard.
No. 1835457
File: 1685176382542.jpeg (287 KB, 452x2048, FaqPAzXWIAACf06.jpeg)

17 year old girl who ruined her body, Its really depressing
No. 1835483
>>1835475Actual troons would threaten their docs
for calling trannism a mental illness
No. 1835557
File: 1685196255815.png (53.61 KB, 799x805, topscars.png)

New way of glorification self-harm just dropped
No. 1835564
File: 1685197303540.jpeg (114.86 KB, 1185x1141, A2F72EF4-950B-44E2-A836-B71182…)

Why are TiFs always so obsessed with frogs?
No. 1835571
>>1835564rats and frogs
rats and frogs
rats and frogs
That's all you ever see. You never see centipedes or Tarsiers or some shit.
No. 1835576
File: 1685199206257.png (297.36 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_4378.png)

Trannies and supporting gender stereotypes…name a better combo
No. 1835598
>>1835576>>1835579>>1835588She is a young terminally online girl, speaking for hours about jerma and posting selfies wearing a mask, hiding half of her face. The perfect
victim to be groomed by the gender cult. I feel sorry for her. They are just legs. Hairy female legs aren't masculine, they are just legs. Life must suck for her.
No. 1835602
>>1835598She's 20, not all TIFs are misguided little girls. Yes, she's a prime target as a clearly autistic nerd, but she does have braincells of her own to figure things out with. Not many braincells, granted. But she chose the dumbass route. The route where she smears herself with radioactive testosterone gel in the name of "healthcare", where leg hair makes you a man and Jerma is funny. She's a willing
No. 1835605
>>1835595Gross. Women always had hair, you confused and groomed girly
>>1835557This is like when girls used to romanticize thigh gaps, small wrists and collarbones on ed Tumblr, the only difference is that doctor didnt get paid for starving girls or doing lipo on them to affirm their identity and mental illness, bleak.
No. 1835624
>>1835548Don't make me rant in the Hannigram/MaDancy drawings for sageblog. Hugh is always the "beautiful twink" and Mads the "sugar daddy with all and wrinkles" when they have a 10 years age difference. No wonder why most of the fans of Hannibal think Will looks like twink when now he's… handsome, but he's almost 50 years old.
>>1835557If someone did that with wrist/leg scars, Twitter take it down for "shown content related to or encouraged to self-harm".
No. 1835647
File: 1685208184153.png (158.92 KB, 660x400, Chris-Jericho-list.png)

>>1835642Because breasts = female = "not male enough". Binders cannot be used for more than 8 hours or else you damage your ribs (but they're ok with damage their chest nerves?) and most of them have B cup and beyond, so trying to pass the most androgyny way as possible is hard. Adding also what
>>1835645 said
So the best thing they can do is finding their local butcher, set a gofundme with a "woe is me" story and expect some bad surgery for "gender euphoria".
No. 1835706
>>1835576i have more hair in my fucking arms and hands lmao
my legs were lasered but the patches that weren't burnt it still grows hair more thick and coarse than that
No. 1835721
>>1835557This is especially cursed because gendie artists drawing characters with huge stylised sun ray scars actually got a bunch of troons to refuse treating their wounds properly so they'd get the trendy scars.
Imagine if they actually started triying to fuck up their chest even harder to get crazy huge scars like this.
No. 1835725
>>1835718Sorta relted, but I do remember a tweet about how "cis men" should buy estrogen and "cis women" should buy more testosterone. These people think that these stuff are handled as candy to "normal people" and no gynecologist would give you testosterone unless there's a big imbalance. These girls really think women in general need testosterone in real life?
>>1835721They would complain about the pain they feel trying to move the arms in a position that means moving the armpits and shit. They're so unaware about mastectomy and its risks for their "gender feels".
No. 1835729
File: 1685220986759.jpeg (211.36 KB, 1431x2048, FwepMORWYAEpIcH.jpeg)

More samples of "someone should tell to them that fantasy=/=reality " for these kind of scars.
No. 1835751
>>1835457This story is a perfect example of why I'm against the current trans stuff. Powerlevel but the biggest difference between her and my childhood is the decade between us. I got to grow up before it went mainstream to tell tomboys that they're really heckin
valid trans boys, she didn't. My heart aches for her and her mom.
No. 1835760
>>1835664Anon there’s a huge side of twitter where people post about their self harm, they post pictures and videos of fresh cuts and i’ve even seen them post tutorial tweets on how to do it safely lol. Twitter isn’t going to do anything about it.
>>1835576This just shows that TIFs know no actual men. I know several men who have little or none leg hair, does that make them women?
No. 1835799
File: 1685232195297.jpg (163.73 KB, 1080x1075, 77llhhqkyloz.jpg)

i won't post pics because it feels wrong but there's 3 ftms in a discord server i'm in who have all posted selfies and they all have the exact same characteristics
>unwashed hair
>dressed like an unfashionable teen "tomboy"
>dirty mirror
>inexplicably wearing makeup
>have some goofy name like "quentin" or "caspian"
>all disabled and jobless. all of them.
No. 1835843
>>1835799TiMs and TiFs are the same, think the grass is greener on the other side and hormones will make them hot (instead of changing their fat slob anti-social habits that made them ugly in the first place)
The only TiMs and TiFs that seem to put in any effort to look decent and well-adjusted are the gays and lesbians, but even then, they still hate themselves.
No. 1835898
File: 1685245736232.jpeg (176.4 KB, 1242x1782, 33CB3093-69C6-465B-90DB-20FF57…)

>>1835576losing it lmao her euphoric man legs have like 2 hairs
No. 1835903
File: 1685246228587.jpg (90.13 KB, 1080x1079, Jesus fuck.jpg)

>>1835898>TF2 pfpeverytime
No. 1835914
>>1835898Losing it too. Has she never seen another girls's legs?
>>1835910Maybe Jerma;s popularity played a part in it. I know he used to be a big TF2 YouTuber.
No. 1835944
File: 1685255877705.jpeg (68.08 KB, 575x767, A1B471DD-E786-4C71-8C21-21CB2B…)

What did she mean by this?
No. 1835994
>>1835944Get away from V you mentally ill discord troons
ps her brother is a troon too
No. 1836006
>>1835576>>1835898Girl, those are an average girl's legs. You will never grow thicker and longer leg hairs than that, you will never have man legs.
I wonder what these girls' reactions are when they look at a man's super thick and curly leg hairs. Are they hit with the sudden realization or just delude themselves even more thinking it's an achievable goal?
No. 1836009
>>1835898My leg hairs are an inch long and super dark this is some weak shit. This has inspired me to never shave my legs again, just to potentially
trigger a TiF's cognitive dissonance someday
No. 1836013
>>1836009Hairy legs
trigger men too. They
trigger weak minded people who believe that women are hairless creatures.
No. 1836112
File: 1685285094539.jpg (63.68 KB, 726x790, down from hell.jpg)

sanest trans kid protector
No. 1836113
>>1836082>the most stable, dysphoric adults should be able to transition.nah. think about this in terms of an eating disorder. someone is functional and "stable" but they hate their weight and it makes them feel dysphoric. is it okay to let them starve or get severe life-altering fat removal surgery? even if they aren't fat at all?
imo only intersex people should be able to do this
No. 1836126
File: 1685286629664.png (15.92 KB, 830x338, oh.png)

>>1836112>>1836114this should provide some answers.
No. 1836138
File: 1685288714888.png (961.17 KB, 2077x1350, 6360C33B-4C9A-47F0-8171-0614BF…)

I think this is proof transitioning doesn’t just appeal to too-online fandom types who want to be jungkook or deku or will graham…. it also appeals to normie girls who want to be harry styles really badly
No. 1836143
>>1836138If I could just go back in time and assassinate harry fucking styles
>implying aging directioners are/were not too-online fandom types but normies because 1D is considered a less nerdy interestNonna, have I got news for you.
No. 1836164
File: 1685295090464.jpg (27.03 KB, 480x286, 22bd9f61d8cc30948705a76792030c…)

>>1836126"single coz crazy"
No. 1836309
>>1836194Ayrt, i was never a directioner i have just historically observed bandom gendies because they’re consistently the most deranged and accidentally up front about being deranged, not to defend kinnie fujos but there’s a lot less cognitive dissonance required to decide “i am going to emulate and name myself after a made up character” vs “i am going to emulate and name myself after a male celebrity i will probably follow on twitter and shell out actual money to meet IRL”, and i remember seeing a lot of pasty Josh and Tylers in 2015 and there’s always been a lot of Gerards but I never encountered many intense 1D fujos, I think I mischaracterized them as “not that online” because I only ever really encountered one far-gone enough to engage in actual skinwalking (a Louis fan) probably because obsession over 1D was common and thus socially palatable IRL and those girls were able to maintain friends with common interests until the recent gendie bubble happened and now EVERYONE’S common interest is “have pronouns in bio” vs. the emo/21pilots ones specifically needing to Not Be Understood By Their Peers as part of their larp & falling down the mlm ftm slippery slope pretty rapidly. I actually went to high school with a Dan from Dan and Phil skinwalker who started testosterone underage and has since detransitioned and a girl who was also skinwalking Miles McKenna but desisted before ever starting medical transition and both of them were cajoling in GSA once about having both almost named themselves after Tyler Joseph while planning a VidCon trip together. I also remember Avery Vernon very ardently skinwalking him or the other one i can’t tell them apart tbh
Sage for anecdotal anthropological fakeboi sperging, but I am curious to know if anyone else ever had any similar run-ins or brushes IRL
No. 1836329
>>1836309>obsession over 1D was common and thus socially palatable IRLThis reminds me of when 1D first got big in very early 2010s, most girls in my class were in love with them so I pretended to as well to fit in. I don't remember any gendie shit but only because I stopped "liking them" within a year when pronouns in bio still wasn't much of a thing. When it was, I'd fallen into emo bandom and saw a lot of TOP and MCR gender specials as you said. MCR in particular has really been attracting the tifs because gerard wears dresses now.
>I never encountered many intense 1D fujosLarry Stylinson (Louis x Harry) conspiracies were really popular. Fanfics, audios where it'd just be a random gay porn audio but with Larry in the title, "proof" threads. She/theys are still convinced Harry is "fruity" but now bc of his new ugly style, since tifs are shallow.
No. 1836331
>>1836329> I pretended to as well to fit in.I did the same thing with Justin Bieber while I secretly liked emo bands.
> MCR in particular has really been attracting the tifs because gerard wears dresses now.I think it's more because transmascs culture heavily borrows from tiktok's alt scene which itself is influenced by emo subculture.
Also the MCR used to wear makeup (even if it was very standard for anyone in their genre to do so) this automatically creates a flock of gendie fanthems.
No. 1836356
File: 1685317099386.png (1.79 MB, 1694x1080, fleming.png)

>>1836342Meanwhile real bi men look like this:
>>1836329>She/theys are still convinced Harry is "fruity" but now bc of his new ugly styleI hate she/theys but Harry himself clearly wants to be seen that way with all these ugly clothes and waving flags at concerts and gay movie roles, guys a prick
No. 1836416
File: 1685324389368.jpg (115.64 KB, 1078x856, Screenshot_20230529_023007_Ope…)

Saw this on the home page kek. Not gonna listen to hours of this shit so I scrolled the comments and it can be summarised as stuff like "I bet the reason more of us ID as trans is because we don't follow society's rules, which means we're quirky and easily realise if we're trans" and "I think gender norms are fixed laws that I don't understand in a similar way I don't understand neurotypical social stuff, that means I'm trans." There's also something to be said about self diagnosers who think they have "the 'tism" cos its trendy on tiktok and normal behaviours are being pathologised.
No. 1836430
>>1834617 that neo-phallus looks like Gasper's cock.
No. 1836435
File: 1685327896162.jpeg (70.65 KB, 1125x721, IMG_4395.jpeg)

Tifs use homophobic slurs more then members of the Westboro Baptist Church did.
No. 1836536
File: 1685348501539.jpeg (185.18 KB, 1170x2088, 4071C00F-C96D-441E-A968-261CAF…)

Wouldn’t she still want to be an enbie if she was male or is this when the gendie logic breaks because it’s all just internalized misogyny
No. 1836539
File: 1685349102415.jpg (178.22 KB, 1200x1800, Tumblr_l_1282631239618664.jpg)

There is something so bleak in tifs' relentless desire to protect and defend male trannies… It's like they don't notice that no male troon ever defends his female counterparts.
No. 1836541
File: 1685350013200.png (28.07 KB, 567x846, pickme.png)

When I'm in a dicksucking contest and my opponent is a transmasc
No. 1836596
File: 1685363150774.jpg (119.35 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20230520_011735.jpg)

>>1836539pic sorta related: Punks would call you "woman" just to piss you off.
No. 1836599
File: 1685363582816.jpg (316.99 KB, 1080x1911, Screenshot_20230528_160432_com…)

Absolutely nothing about you is masc
No. 1836631
>>1836599>Transtape as to conceal breasts>Actually getting more attention on your breasts because it looks like pastiesThey deserve to be bullied and stared at. Plus notice how for them "slutty" refers to wearing women clothes or lingerie, as if that
gasps women are sluts to them. Gross.
No. 1836633
>>1836631Being sexy as a woman is cringe
Being sexy as a man is queer and subversive
No. 1836640
>>1836588Here you go. In brief:
- They would like a cure for autism
- They acknowledge that for parents, having a child turn autistic, is kind of like losing that kid and generally sucks. (By 'turn autistic', I mean autism usually surfaces around 2 or 3 and the child's behavior changes from normal to autistic.)
- They released an ad that portrayed autism as something that will completely ruin parent's lives. Kind of true for parents of non-verbal and low functioning autistics but not for parents of high functioning autists so people got upset about that.
- They don't hire autistic people or have them on the board.
- They seem to spend very little money on helping autists and their families.
The Autism Speaks Controversy, Explained No. 1836645
File: 1685370166515.jpg (44.84 KB, 800x450, sign.jpg)

>>1836617I hate to compare it with mastectomy made for cancer patients because this is a choice made by them, no a life-saving surgery (even if they do whine is a "life-saving surgery"), but they would learn one thing or two about them how the scars limit the movements, nerves damage, no sensitivity even in the nipples, big etc. Hell, even reduction/increase chest surgeries have its risks. I want to ask if they have even read about surgeries risk in general, but I bet they're like picrel.
>>1836639They're. Notice the broccoli hair.
No. 1836695
>>1836541Not sure where the myth that we're mad at TiFs for "becoming the enemy" comes from, because it requires that we consider TiFs men when we don't. I've never seen a
TERF complain about TiFs "abandoning" womanhood, because it's not a thing you can abandon in the first place. You're a woman no matter what
toxic shit you do to your body. Being a turbo NLOG and treating other women like shit isn't "abandoning" anything, it's just a reflection of your own internalized misogyny.
No. 1836697
File: 1685377966551.jpeg (462.86 KB, 2000x2000, FxFEShzaUAAbs__.jpeg)

>>1836683I agree with you. There are horror stories about families with relatives that have a physical and metal disability, pretending it doesn't happens with low-functioning autistic people is asinine.
Picrel: I have also bad news too.
No. 1836706
>>1836541>T-TERFS want me to be raped!A real
TERF would never want a fellow woman to be raped and womanhood isn't something that can be 'abandoned'. MRAs want to be able to rape women as a male right.
No. 1836717
>>1835701What the fuck are you even trying to say?
No one here gives a shit whether you shave your legs or not i can tell you that
No. 1836719
>>1835564Because frogs are so ~boyish~ and not like other girls (girls b like 'eww frogs!')
Nlogs love them. Rats and frogs as another anon said
No. 1836726
>>1836541>MRAs>hurt men who realize that toxic masculinity & the patriarchy hurts them tooPick one
>>1836617Is that why why TiFs always have such a shitty posture after top surgery? In every picture or video where someone shows off their tit chop results they never stand up straight, it always looks like the chest scars are so tight and uncomfortable that they have to hunch over with their shoulders forward
No. 1836727
>>1836717I know that, but we are talking about TIF that thinks that hair in her legs means "she's finally a man" when there are tons of hairless men too.
>>1836716>or is the artist the same degenerate shotafag tif with an amputation fetish that was posted in the artist salt thread?I haven't seen the artist salt thread but I knew I shouldn't have gone to that account.
>>1836724No, but jeans do wonders.
No. 1836733
File: 1685382005554.jpeg (39.01 KB, 920x1212, 20254794_hi.jpeg)

>>1836719NLOGs liking frogs is a pretty recent thing. Plenty of normie girls liked frogs in the early 2000s. Same with rats. I know plenty of normie women who owned mice and rats over the years, because they're intelligent and easy to care for. Too bad both rats and frogs have been taken over by retarded goblincore TiFs in recent years.
No. 1836749
File: 1685383656845.png (525.96 KB, 644x401, pf0Qo.png)

>>1836736>In general a lot of afab non binaries get those weird FAGGOT tattoos and identify as that when they don't have any remotely correlating experience.IE That woman that got tattoo faggot in her belly and looked like picrel
No. 1836759
File: 1685385194523.png (54.39 KB, 603x247, Untitled.png)

>>1836599this is actual gibberish. nonsense words
No. 1836787
File: 1685388286454.jpg (260.15 KB, 2048x1069, PhotoGrid_1685387704992_edit_1…)

This is something a terf would post about a tim. Instead it's a tif proud of her womanly disguise.
No. 1836806
File: 1685391147106.png (187.39 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_4397.png)

So, why do ftms not know anything about real guys?
No. 1836870
File: 1685398101522.png (191.97 KB, 576x828, Screenshot_20230529-190352~2.p…)

>being autistic doesn't make me less trans!!
Yeah whatever girl. It breaks my heart to see so many autistic tomboy/butch girls falling into the tranny cult.
No. 1836877
File: 1685398870292.jpeg (79.21 KB, 941x1131, IMG_4880.jpeg)

How can they draw shit like this and then claim troonism isn’t a mental illness
No. 1836880
File: 1685399394597.jpg (34.5 KB, 600x470, Fa_42OOXEAASGvw.jpg)

>>1836877oh god is that supposed to be kasane teto???
No. 1836896
File: 1685402015492.jpg (300.33 KB, 1060x1800,…)

self aware tif that admit she does it to look like one of her UwU soft kpop boys
No. 1836922
File: 1685404045156.png (4.19 MB, 828x1792, A51AF448-A9CC-49BC-8828-9EA102…)

Wtf is this creature
No. 1836935
>>1836896>my most misunderstood comicThat made me remember certain American-Chinese Aiden doing a comic claiming "ancient China was full of genderfluids" and it took "the hand of white evil people" to separate the stuff by genders, when IRL it was Chinese feminists who asked their own space. Of course someone mentioned to her the real motive and suddenly "
terf found my comic!".
And no, is no Xiran.
No. 1837244
>>1837183>guys 王 is a gender neutral title!!!So it's used for both male and female monkeys, right?
>noooooo it means that all female monkeys trooned out so that I can self insert as sun wu kongEveryday my tolerance for troonery gets lower.
No. 1837300
File: 1685421991944.jpg (471.42 KB, 1127x1600, RCO111_1472266487.JPG)

>>1837283nta but she's claiming that Monkey was born female but transitioned to male upon ascending to the throne. However, Monkey's entire story arc revolves around overcoming pride, wrath, and the need to solve problems through violence. He even challenged heaven itself. Overcoming these traits is pretty exclusive to masculinity.
No. 1837344
>>1836896funny thing is 9/10 girls have thought this about themselves at some point and it's absolutely motivated by feeling ugly, and knowing that boys are uglier so by "boy standards" you'd be pretty and feminine
but for some girls it's the female AGP and they just want to look like what they sexually desire, so males. I don't think they're turned on by themselves the way male AGPs are, but they're still unable to separate that sexual desire from themselves.
i actually wonder how many of these people would be cured if mirrors simply didn't exist and they couldn't hyperfocus on their own appearance.
No. 1837351
File: 1685437127335.png (17.39 KB, 1032x232, te.png)

broccoli-haired zoomies shitting on this tif for not doing proper pushups is really funny to me
No. 1837409
>>1837351These girls are pathetic. They think they're men but can't bear the most beneign male interactions. I bet those boys are still censoring themselves just so she doesn't go crying and tattling to the teachers.
If she told them to fuck off they'd respect her more but terminally online anxiety ridden autists can't even manage that.
No. 1837481
File: 1685463210899.png (63.18 KB, 708x1974, CAPTURE.png)

>>1836806And here are the responses.
No. 1837485
>>1836806I’m so confused
Do these people have guy friends or something? How can you claim to “actually be a man” if you don’t even have guy friends?
You just talk with them? I thought these nlogs would say that talking to men is easier than women.
No. 1837530
File: 1685467719890.png (6.72 KB, 598x242, twitter.png)

From the "heart shape chest scars" comes "The grass is greener on the other side".
No. 1837553
>>1837481As an outsider observer of male friendships, the main difference I notice between a group of female friends and a group of male friends, is that men aren't afraid to hurl the most intense insults towards each other, and no one gets offended and it's all jokes to them. Women are nice to their friends and save their mean jokes for making fun of others. If a woman does say something mean to her friend, she's never joking.
Other than that, women and men discuss the same things (life, politics, relationships, entertainment) and can share the same hobbies.
I doubt these soft nerdy TiFs who crave validation would last a day interacting with normie men if those men treated her like a man.
No. 1837557
File: 1685469736463.jpg (192.38 KB, 901x1600, onglue.jpg)

British TIF glues herself to the floor of a historic building in order to pwn lesbian feminist Kathleen Stock. She is booed and police arrives and remove her to applause, so that Stock can speak. TIF is apparantly proud of this. No. 1837593
File: 1685472558495.jpg (6.03 KB, 241x138, kek.jpg)

>>1837590I'm surprised they weren't laughing at her tbh
No. 1837611
>>1837590That's why they were pushing that british tim who was shanked in the schoolground so hard despite the police pretty much immediately stating it was just britbongs being britbongs. They don't actually have any evidence of genocide, they can't even show stats that kids not transitioning makes them suicide because the stats show kids grow out of dysphoria and are mostly just gay, tomboys, and/or autistic and in an overly gendered or hetero environment.
Their "dead trans kids" is based on the idea that not transing a dysphoric child kills them and also that treating dysphoria is somehow "killing" them because they are technically "eliminating" them from the trans pool but it's the same nonsense the weirdos in the deaf community claim about giving their kids the ability to hear. It's not a genocide if the person is still alive and it's certainly not a genocide if leaving someone alone causes them to take a different direction in life
No. 1837634
File: 1685476304569.jpg (207.37 KB, 1245x1290, IMG_20230530_155241.jpg)

>>1837593"wanna see a magic trick?"
No. 1837766
File: 1685484985816.jpeg (92.96 KB, 750x877, 72A39E55-5E18-42A4-B098-B5A230…)

I can’t find the screenshots right now but this is the same TIF who said that rape wasn’t that bad around two months ago. It’s simultaneously funny and sad to see such a stereotypical TIF try to prove that she’s not like the other TIFs. She gloats about how scrote friends have ~totally accepted her as one of their own~ and talks shit about “AFAB enbies” all the time as if she isn’t one of them. Also thinks that lesbians perpetuate “misandry.” It seems like she’s overcompensating with misogyny because she thinks it will help her pass better.You look like the Ice Age baby if he lived in San Francisco, nobody is buying the truetrans shtick.
No. 1837867
File: 1685491265583.jpeg (350.07 KB, 2048x1536, FxWhpcYaMAAZFkr.jpeg)

>>1837766>Why is she detransitioning she’s so cunt and fab
>I think she's in a lot of pain. She has come so far already, and it hasn't been easy, so I understand why she's hurting.
>Maybe reach out to her if you feel up to it?Run, bro. Run.
No. 1837987
File: 1685499987392.png (265.15 KB, 1170x1512, IMG_4398.png)

I wonder why.
No. 1838038
File: 1685506057816.png (62.33 KB, 554x692, homophobic.PNG)

Least homophobic tif.
No. 1838067
File: 1685510323676.jpg (180.47 KB, 1080x1952, Screenshot_20230531_071844_com…)

Always zero compassion for detrans people who had complications from testosterone
Also, you think youre hot…?
No. 1838127
>>1837766Gotta give it, an enby is not a
full-on transman.
No. 1838136
File: 1685521987043.jpg (733.28 KB, 2598x3464, RIP.jpg)

she's a "boy named Bugs" now
No. 1838172
>>1838038I have never seen TIFs complain about straight women who won't sleep with them they only complain about gay men. Same goes for TIMs while I have seen them complain about straight men they complain waaaaay more about lesbians.
I hate that the trans movement focus so much on pressuring gays and lesbians into having sex with people they aren't attracted to
No. 1838177
File: 1685528717631.png (107.04 KB, 574x332, poshoxfordkids.png)

>>1837557Previous behaviour of this posh little Oxford student TIF, see twitter video link: >be a part of a TRA group that harass others>police come>tell police that SHE is feeling harassed and stressed right now kek>Police goes "okay" and leaves KEK No. 1838226
>>1838224It's YA daycare at this point. As an eastern euro universities here try to at least keep up the illusion that kids are getting a degree that will be a worthy career investment as well as an actual education during which you aquire real knowledge. Western unis, especially burger ones, just go all out on the other provisions and have fun stuff like 1000s of mixers and clubs, which are good for young people, but i literally never hear about the level of education or what people study in there. And that's what they think they're paying for.
Now, my country is absolute hot garbage, but the fact that universities haven't completely turned into an expensive private daycare conglomerate just yet is something i don't feel as ashamed about.
No. 1838249
File: 1685539939021.jpg (36.93 KB, 623x478, is x in the room with us right…)

>>1837557and are these dead trans kids in the room with us right now?
No. 1838286
>>1838274Yeah girls are usually kinder to animals of any type.
No. 1838322
>>1838172Because htsts, despite being delusional in their own right grew up gay and know not everyone is attracted to them.
Straight trans people have the entitlement of regular straight people, so when they transition, they probably don’t understand why gay people aren’t dating them.
No. 1838349
File: 1685550034427.jpg (105.75 KB, 750x729, afSSTFl5aDvF7JBHdwcRfQAD1gZeAX…)

>>1838320Yet you see this drawing and you know is a fucking lie. They're all of that.
No. 1838367
>>1838297Kek there's already a shining example of that, when Ukraine wasn't letting able bodied men leave the country and forcing them to stay and fight, I saw an article about how scared they were they'd be forced to fight that they "had to dress girly to hide" and made themselves out to be
victims for doing so
No. 1838370
File: 1685552293038.jpg (42.75 KB, 674x374, r.jpg)

BLOGPOST INCOMING drama at work i wanted to share
>work at a grocery store that sells cut fruit we prep and package ourselves too
>have TIF and TIM at work
>TIF has anger issues and blows up at everyone all the time but its excused because TIF
>TIM is your average gay nerd to egirl pipeline super sensitive antisocial dweeb
>customer is asking for some fruit bowl so TIM goes to ask TIF for it
>TIF gets mad and yells at him because he asks for the fucking bowl every single shift and he knows we don't make that specific bowl anymore
>TIM gets butthurt and starts asking where TIF's hairnet is and other stupid shit, TIF goes "wheres YOUR hairnet you got all that fucking hair goldilocks"
>they go back and forth some more
>TIM leaves to cry to their manager
>"you can't do that TIF, TIM is really sensitive and stuff.."
>i talk to TIF and tell her she handled that badly and here's how to handle it professionally to cover her ass next time
>but but but but but
>"i know she's (TIM) my people, but i still wanna ask her if she can still fight like a man!!!!"
>mfw friendly fire
>TIM goes to HR and now TIF is close to getting fired
never would I expect the 2 trans workers to be fighting this was so fucking amusing
No. 1838379
>>1838355>hates the royals but likes HarryTf makes him so different? He leeched off taxpayer money for most of his life and probably would've kept on leeching had it not been for his wife. Did these so-called leftists also forget that he killed 25 people in a pointless oil war? Kinda funny the parents threw all that money at their daughter and she still came out retarded though. If I ever have kids I hope they go to trade colleges.
>>1838370I also work with a TIM and a TIF and when I'm bored I bring up sensitive political issues just to watch them argue kek.
No. 1838492
>>1838038>gender is a constructBut sex isn't, even by gendie arguments, so what's her point?
This is so predatory lmao, they're flat out admiting they just want to force gay men to sleep with people they're not attracted to.
No. 1838521
File: 1685567383606.jpg (102.79 KB, 1154x1390, Uiy7x67.jpg)

>>1838067im losing it. im fucking losing it. you just know she's eyefucking her own reflection on the computer screen from behind those transition lenses while looking like this
No. 1838686
File: 1685580789173.jpg (59.51 KB, 540x720, cow town.jpg)

>>1838499SAME OMG. Although the ones at my job are functionally identical; they're both poly spoonie furfag dipshits who only ever talk about consoomer fandom garbage and troonshit. They'd probably just join each other's polycules. Not sure why they even work here, it's blue-collar hard labor, and the TIF was literally complaining about muh seizures and muh chronic pain on her first day of work. The TiM works at the front desk, and regularly "IT'S MA'AM"s at people and/or gets into shouting matches with them. So between the two of them we have a customer service person with zero charisma/people skills, and a munchie who's too uwu fragile to do like half of the shit in the job description. Pretty sure the only reason they haven't been fired yet is because of how short-staffed we are atm.
Bonus: I sneakily erased some ugly furry art the TiF drew on the breakroom whiteboard, and she flipped out and blamed some other random girl, who she now refuses to be scheduled with. Wack.
No. 1838758
>>1838063I honestly dont think they even want to have sex with gay men for real. I think they just see an endless feed of a
different kind of validation besides the basic constraints of feminity and covet it so much they delude themselves into thinking they can force it out of people's mouths. They want attention and validation and compliments in a masculine way and lash out because they aren't being taken seriously. The people who are serious about it don't have to insist upon themselves and generally accept the fact that they're talking to bi dudes on grindr. This collective delusion that they can demand positive validation from gay men is just poorly expressed, but they wouldn't know what to do with a gay man in the first place. They just want to be treated like a cis male and think demanding it will make it so, which is setting themselves up for disappointment.
No. 1838769
>>1836922not the tumblr nose band-aid IRL lmao
>>1836599isn't she just a troll though? all her content seems to be like this, talking about being NB while showing off her ass in feminine clothing. i swear the women who claim to be trans/NB while being hyperfeminine and/or having OF accounts are just trolling for attention and clicks.
No. 1838820
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No. 1838836
File: 1685599511827.png (221.89 KB, 558x559, shit.png)

….people on tiktok have too much free time./
No. 1838847
>>1838820It's flat but since this tif is actually skinny you can tell that removing female breasts doesn't leave a male chest behind cause it's missing pecs and other natural male tissue. It just looks like something is missing.
Also those nipples were made tragic
No. 1838920
File: 1685618674086.jpg (182.77 KB, 1284x1321, FxXiNPWacAA9wat.jpg)

She looks like a 50 year old recovering herein addict.
No. 1838939
File: 1685621993159.jpg (122.2 KB, 828x826, Fxh_sc2WwAEyhv3.jpg)

>>1838355She has also written a "queer care" manifesto. Not sure if she even knows what that means.>I think queer care is making me hate the woman who raised meWell the TQ movement hates women and mothers, so no surprise there.
No. 1838953
>>1838920If I’m supposed to view Page as a Man (or masc because he/they pronouns) then this article is essentially gassing up a straight man for kissing a woman
No. 1838956
File: 1685625708518.jpg (84.59 KB, 960x959, FwusWYAEqxI7.jpg)

>>1838920Saw this yesterday and honestly it actually kinda reminded me of her.
No. 1838991
>>1838820You know when I first saw the retarded TIF scars trend I thought 'well at least it's only in their art, surely none of them actually want this IRL.'
This looks like shit and she's going to regret it within a few years. This is horrific.
No. 1839005
>>1838357And now these defective specimens are trooning out thinking they'll become catgirls and then an heroing when they don't. TIFs who troon out are a tragedy, moids who troon out are eventually a blessing in disguise.
>>1838499Put an 'Adult human female' sticker on the men's bathroom door
No. 1839029
File: 1685635317204.jpg (23.79 KB, 452x348, 1685211351147.jpg)

>>1838939>I think queer care is making me hate the woman who raised meOf course she's a misogynist.
No. 1839030
File: 1685635636395.jpg (23.79 KB, 452x348, 1685211351147.jpg)

>>1838939>I think queer care is making me hate the woman who raised meOf course she's a misogynist.
No. 1839036
File: 1685637284054.jpg (55.9 KB, 750x478, LOL.jpg)

>tfw even your therapist tells u you're delusional
No. 1839044
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Recently I fell down that bleaker than bleak tranny sex "worker" rabbit hole and found this depressing tif who writes those bleak little articles No. 1839046
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This is her now. Any scrote who is willing to pay to use this poor demented woman has to be locked away.
No. 1839047
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And of course, she has no angst against those moids who abuse her, and blames all of her problems on le ebil terfs/swerfs
No. 1839066
>>1839052>she had great boobs and a pretty faceThat's not the point idiot. She could be ugly, it would still be a tragedy.
>>1839051Being fuckable has no value. Truly. Men's penis are worth nothing.
No. 1839072
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everytime I see this chicks comics, it makes it so bluntly clear she's trooning out due to misogny and homophobia. I don't even follow her yet I keep seeing these on my timeline
>I wouldn't have boobs
there's nothing wrong with boobs and even so there are girls who naturally don't have anything, even a breast reduction is less severe than fully cutting them off
>I wouldn't be forced to wear a dress
Her mom seems like the open minded type so had she'd told her she weren't interested in wearing dresses, im sure she'd be fine with it
>I'd be such a good boyfriend to girls… and if another guy likes me that'd be fine!
shocking women can be bisexual and there are scrotes into tomboys/masc women too!
No. 1839092
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>>1836896some logical responses coming from this thread. she admits its essentially cosmetic but think it's not risky or harmful because at least it makes you feel confident like a hair dye job, even though she can be masculine with her body as is. what does masculinity even mean to her? also I learned from here she doesn't want to be a man and identifies as agender, she wants to transition for a more masculine body and thinks that'll make her look like a pretty boy which is her idealized transition goal
I want to a-log
No. 1839107
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>>1839072>it makes it so bluntly clear she's trooning out due to misogyny and homophobiamaybe misogyny, but its very clean from her comics that she's unbelievably straight
No. 1839117
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>>1839046But even after all her abuse
>>1839047 she'll hate women more than any man. Pathetic.
No. 1839170
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stunning and brave
No. 1839177
File: 1685654063771.jpg (Spoiler Image,288.93 KB, 1440x1800, pregnant woman.jpg)

kek it's actually incredible how she still obviously looks female. the pubes on her chin and botched chest didn't change shit
should've spoiled the last one. my bad nonnies
No. 1839299
>>1839294she could have got pregnant and felt superior without chopping off her boobs though. these women are mostly mentally unwell
>>1839102kek nonna
No. 1839361
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there is nothing androgynous about a full face make up kek. i also hate the achilles worship tifs have. song of achilles was a mistake
No. 1839362
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On a reel about boobs separating when you lie down. Omg I don't have this insecurity like the other girls, because to me being a girl means having body image issues, I must be trans. Also
>bitch boy
>pretty boy
>dangerhair (not in picrel but on profile)
>preschool level tumblr looking art
That's gotta be a bingo
No. 1839468
File: 1685682413266.png (71.98 KB, 252x380, TheSongofAchilles.png)

>>1839424>>1839361I posted this in another thread, but it bears repeating: The Song of Achilles is a book that I find terribly disappointing and genuinely misogynistic. I am baffled by its popularity.
Every woman in the book is either ignored or turned into an massive bitch just to highlight the romantic relationship between Achilles and Patroclus. For example, Iphigenia, who had her own voice in a whole Greek tragedy written about her, is reduced to a mere plot device in this book. Deidamia's portrayal makes me fume, as she's barely even a character in the original myth and her sole purpose was to have a child with Achilles. So in SoA instead of giving her more agency as the author claimed, Miller makes her a rapist, In addition, she is manipulative, mean and blackmails Achilles and lastly Thetis, Achilles' mother, who was incredibly nurturing and protective of him, was turned into an insane, irrational, and vengeful mother.(How do you manage to be more misogynistic than the ancient Greeks)
Patroclus is turned into this pwecious pacifist baby who can't fight, while Achilles is depicted as a strong, masculine fighter who easily slaughters thousands, However, in the original Iliad, Patroclus was actually the one who trained Achilles as he grew older (and possibly raped him), leading to the issue of diluting their bad traits and turning them into saints (compared to the original Iliad) and all female characters portrayed as evil or ignored and forgotten about.
No. 1839515
>>1839170A pregnant woman? Naked? On a cover magazine? Never seen before, so brave.
>>1839468Did we read the same book? Achilles is a massive asshole. I don't understand how anyone could identify themselves to him after reading the book. He is tearing apart the people who care about him to fulfill his muh masculine destiny. He is 101 moid moiding.
No. 1839554
>>1839468>How do you manage to be more misogynistic than the ancient GreeksThats's quite a feat.
Feeling sorry for young women who read stuff like this and internalize it.
No. 1839730
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>>1837557These idiots end up hurting their own cause more than any imagined groups. I'm sure that if they simply boycotted kathleen stock silently, her words would be forgotten about with no impact. However, every time these morons do these massive protests and act like retards or degenerates, regular people end up siding with the "TERFs" without us having to do anything.
No. 1839739
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They say this while having literally the exact same understanding of gender.
No. 1839805
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always funny when the most girlish women act like they gnc or fucking men as gay thing.
No. 1839810
>>1839805Yup, I'm sure every gay dude loves boobs and vaginas.
Why do these women don't understand how sexuality works?
By the way, I've not found a definition of genderfluid that isn't "i wear pants one day and skirts the next"
No. 1839831
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>>1839805and of course, this is what she looks like
No. 1839913
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A self aware tif?
No. 1839996
>>1838370small update if anyone cares
>whatever TIF said was enough to make the TIM cry>when complaining to our manager about the TIM, TIF kept referring to the TIM as an "it">manager said it confused him because he knows she's trans too and he went "well how does [TIF] view themselves then?" >actually sad but TIF found 2 lumps in her chest and went to the hospital >our 2nd manager feels confident she's getting fired Much in 2 days! Wow! I do feel bad for her though with the possibly cancerous lumps. No woman deserves that fear.
No. 1840007
File: 1685755549605.jpeg (42.15 KB, 1000x1000, FxiUgRbWcAIdi-N.jpeg)

I know is for the "pridemonth/demon" meme, but you know no gay man is going to rt that lol.
No. 1840062
File: 1685766144110.png (228.14 KB, 558x446, Capture8.PNG)

another totally masculine fakeboi.
Why do I suspect normie girly girls outnumber actual transitioners now?
No. 1840066
>>1839966They're turbo-NLOGs, basically. AAP TiFs feel like they've "earned" the right to enjoy BL without being "
problematic" by trooning out, because in their eyes it's no longer "fetishizing gay men" if they're supposedly gay men themselves. But they aren't and never will be, not least because BL is written
by women
for women, so enjoying it isn't exactly an indicator of how you're a ~real boy~. Like all NLOGs, they're just looking for an excuse to act morally superior to other women who like the same shit, and I also think that on some level, they envy women who can casually enjoy stupid gay cartoons without feeling the need to cut their boobs off.
No. 1840093
>>1839996Is not anybody's fault that TIF has anger issues in general with everybody, even if the TIM reserve it (eh). If you're working, you have to stay professional, no screaming like that TIF did.
Hope the lumps are not cancerous and can be treatable.
No. 1840147
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TIF on TIF violence.
No. 1840213
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Obligatory milk; picrel is just so funny to me god
>>1840032Don’t give up on us nonna kek
No. 1840228
File: 1685797960626.jpg (64.55 KB, 487x562, retardpng.jpg)

Why are tifs so obsessed with the idea of someone hating them enough to kill them? The only kind of trannies who get killed are gay prostitutes in Brazil. Even Western tims can get some "hate" online, but literally zero people care about tifs, they are just weird tomboys to the general population (yes, she is the prostitute tif posted earlier, she looked like a mtf before transition and now she looks like an incel. Success I guess).
No. 1840258
>>1840228Shes unfortunately much more likely to be sexually assaulted by moids than any twans violence altho it could be argued that a moid could be trying to "fix her" like they do with lesbians.
Its so obvious when they say shit like this they don't actually want to be a fully passing male. They want to be queeeer
No. 1840306
>>1840228Because that helps them to gain more
victim complex. That's why most of them whine about the Trans genocide.
No. 1840322
>>1840066Sorry if this derails a bit but the whole "accusing women of fetishizing gay men" thing is just another US thing? I am from LATAM and at least from what I have noticed, I have not seen tifs accuse fujos of that, although the amount of tif flows around here has increased a lot, that speech is not something they use, they only keep the
victim role and the " transphobia" while ruining the yaoi. I find it curious considering that LATAM tends to copy everything the USA does
(sage your shit) No. 1840374
>>1840228A TIF acquaintance of mine was going on a vacation to London with her parents and she kept saying stuff about how she was "kind of scared" of being attacked or something because it's "
TERF island." I gently said to her that the "TERFs" there are a pretty small subset of people, and that not every British person wanted to hurt her. It seems to me like a weird combination of excitement at the idea of being persecuted, and some actual paranoid delusions reinforced by fearmongering online.
No. 1840380
>>1840147>Anger like I had never felt before in my entire lifeHow sheltered must she be if something this inane causes her to be more angry at this than literally
anything else? You and every other woman in America lost their bodily autonomy last summer, but
this makes you angrier?
No. 1840392
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what even is the point of this?
No. 1840414
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Tifs being non passing again.
No. 1840428
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You know that thing where someone posts about a problem they're having, but the background details are way more wild than whatever they're asking for advice about? Yeah…
No. 1840432
>>1840430aren't they misgendering themselves?
Oh, fuck, I expected tifs to make sense.
No. 1840485
>>1840432Well yeah… I’ve seen them justify the clusterfuck whenever they are asked about it as either
>why are you policing my identity we literally live on a floating rock in space I don’t owe you any explanation don’t you know he/him lesbians have always existed something something qweer historyor
>I am not a woman but I used identify as a lesbian before coming out as trans and I will always feel connected to this label as even if I am a MAN I feel like being assigned female at birth had an impact on me and even if I am a MAN i will always feel a connection to the experiences of womenNow guess who dates the opposite sex, who dates the same sex and who’s more likely to have had top surgery, I’ll give you a cookie.
>>1840433It literally is TIFs identifying as butches, transgender men and lesbians at the same time, I even saw some of them say their gender is lesbian as of late…
>thank u nonna time for me to keep up with the youngstersEverything I have come to know about LGB(TQ2SAARJARYFHSIIJ++)
“identities” has been against my will kek
No. 1841987
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TIF that got stubble tattooed, it still just looks like she's a hairier woman and shaved kek.
No. 1841989
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>I like men
Yeah, I can tell.
No. 1842002
File: 1686085700058.jpg (98.05 KB, 828x862, Fx8ejqGagAMXvtH.jpg)

I thought being hatecrimed as a gay man would be so affirming
No. 1842014
>>1842002Article says 'transphobic' and I even read it just to make sure, but all the attacker yelled was gay-specific slurs, not trans ones… Even the bashing was specified by the psycho to be gay bashing, troons seriously turn every conflict to be about their gendies.
Also wouldn't Page be a "straight man" post-transing? Or is she keeping her gay label in her self-id?
No. 1844251
>>1844189But only the sane and healthy people are getting tranny surgeries and hormone treatments,
nonnie! Being a tranny totally isn’t a way to unnecessarily medicate relatively healthy people that could’ve solved any other deep rooted issues before choosing to troon out!
No. 1848083
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found this on 2x and thought it was funny, though i edited one to stop respecting pronouns
No. 1848088
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the picture of sanity
No. 1853698
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A'right nonas, which one did it this time huh
No. 1853712
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>"S-Stupid TERFS and NAZIS I'm not malding bc of T I still have hair and gets me more moids that all of You!1!">"Nah guys the anons do get at me sometimes! They spam the scary 41 percentage! And tell me Testosterone is going to fuck up my physical and mental health the older I am!! And a lot of them are people from our own community! And all I did was say that pooners and kikemoids are really oppresed guys!!Also kek at her and ppl in the thread saying Tumblr is unironically that bad in antisemitism and transphobia. How do they step outside