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No. 1997877
>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**
Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1984807>>>/snow/1972401>>>/snow/1956070>>>/snow/1941555>>>/snow/1929301>>>/snow/1914147 >>>/snow/1897269>>>/snow/1879653>>>/snow/1856992>>>/snow/1840484>>>/snow/1827733>>>/snow/1813705>>>/snow/1799203>>>/snow/1794365>>>/snow/1769272>>>/snow/1742308>>>/snow/1718961>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564(please wait until the old thread reaches 1200 posts) No. 1997890
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I know exactly what this shit is. When they're young children, they don't have internalized misogyny. As soon as they're old enough to NLOG, that's when the troonery begins.
No. 1997895
>>1997890it's insane that these people are allowed to troon out when they can't even think critically enough to see the obvious phenomenon described here: a young woman uncomfortable with the fact that women, as a sex-based class, are subjugated and treated as objects existing solely for male desires and reproduction, and not as three-dimensional human beings.
what she is describing is a near universal experience for women. going from being a young girl, a child that has mostly not yet been forced to endure the intense sexualization, objectification, and imposed societal limits of her older counterparts, to pubescent and post-puberty, and experiencing the jarring shift in the way you are perceived and treated. many women describe being uncomfortable with the term "woman" as a teenager and in early adulthood because of the negative connotations the patriarchy has imbued the term with. but clearly she is so speshulllll she has somehow transcended biology and become a man.
No. 1997947
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on a post about detransitioning. bleak.
No. 1997962
>>1997890This is the TiF equivalent to those TiMs who are obsessed with guns and joined the military at 17. Honestly though, it's a mistake to transition even if you
were gnc as a child. Gender non-conformity, fetishes, autism, internalized misogyny, body dysmorphia– they're
all bad reasons to permanently modify a person's body.
No. 1997993
File: 1716782967319.jpg (222.74 KB, 1080x1258, Screenshot_20240527_092855_Chr…) course she chose the 'nonbinary' route. It's both sad and weird. Sad for obvious reasons, she's young, the world sucks and so does the moid she's with. But weird because… does it suddenly make a woman 'non-woman' if you hate the way we're treated, and the way we're seen as a mere piece of meat instead of real human beings with thoughts and feelings? The rest of us aren't sitting out there, begging for more sexualisation. Someone needs to tell her that it's okay to feel uncomfortable due to uncomfortable things.
No. 1998019
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>a lesbian expressing her feelings during a time where she didn't even know lesbianism was a possibility
>"omg she's so twanss"
Troons and their obsession with conversion therapy… either troon out a homosexual, or force them into a heterosexual relationship to not be 'transphobic bigot.' Seriously fuck these people. Lesbians just can't catch a break. It's bleak how she was neither accepted during her times, nor is she accepted now by these homophobic fuckers taking up all the space in the community that was made by us and for us.
No. 1998042
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what gets me with the retard in the op pic is taht she makes a gazillion comics about how she loves being trans and it's the best thing ever and she's totally living her best life as a 5ft2'trans man
but if you look at her blog she constantly posts about depression and substance abuse, picrel
so much trans joy uwu
No. 1998074
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fujotif moment(posted in multiple threads, not milk, unsaged)
No. 1998119
>>1998111>Why do they all look like thatBecause they haven't done anything physically taxing (like running) since like 2013 probably.
>and have that art style?Because everyone involved with Steven Universe should go on trial for domestic terrorism.
No. 1998143
>>1998137"Towelboys" are just people who stand on the sidelines and act as servants to athletes. It's not an age-specific thing. Not every use of the word "boy" or "girl" is meant to conjure up the idea of a ten-year-old.
When it comes to TiMs, you could argue that there are pedophilic elements to their obsession with being "girls." However, I think with troons of both sexes, there's a prevailing obsession with youth and sense of arrested development. TiFs in particular don't like the idea of being "men," because it implies responsibility and rugged individuality. They prefer the idea of being "boys," which in their mind is about being carefree and rowdy. Not to mention that as woken, TiFs are still partial to things that are cute, "boy" has a cuter sound to it that "guy." I find it unsettling and maladjusted, but it's usually not "pedophilic" with TiFs, because they're female and pedophilia is extremely rare in women. TL;DR: it's weird and creepy when TiFs call themselves "boys," but it's an overstatement to describe it as pedophilia.
No. 1998159
>>1998143Tayrt Although I agree with everything else you said this statement
>Towelboys" are just people who stand on the sidelines and act as servants to athletes. It's not an age-specific thing. Is completely false the tif drew the towelboy specifying its based in ancient Rome and not current time where the meaning of towelboys is different. considering how pedophilic roman culture was in general its highly naive to think it was just a label meaning the same as today
No. 1998241
File: 1716879555930.jpg (270.26 KB, 1004x1383, Screenshot_20240528_122644_Chr…)>believes and insists she's a moid>only had other troons and spicy straights as her friends before>suddenly gets to meet actual normie moids>"I don't know what it is but I'm just not clicking with them"Kek I wonder why
No. 1998243
File: 1716880049289.jpg (548.08 KB, 1080x2046, Screenshot_20240528_123123_Chr…)>links homosexual attraction to predatory behaviour or something gross (despite being straight but thinking otherwise) >"I'm sick of being constantly exposed to the rhetoric of women being infinitely superior to men in regards to attractiveness"This is so retarded I almost feel embarrassed on her behalf. Why are spicy straights like this? Also, women ARE infinitely superior to men in regards to attractiveness. The average woman puts more effort into her appearance than 90% of the moids do, hell some moids don't even know how to shower properly.
No. 1998272
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>>1998243As expected, not a single tif is telling her to stop being weird about women and those who like women, and are instead agreeing with her.
No. 1998301
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>>1998243Her post history kek.
No. 1998307
>>1998243Okay but
>"I've considered staying a woman just for male attention"I thought this was a life threatening condition where you absolutely NEED to transition or else you'll blow your brains out? Kek she's just outed herself as a bitter pickme from every possible direction.
No. 1998374
>>1998318Or she’s one of those TIFs who insists that men can wear nail polish, dresses, have long hair, etc. and it doesn’t make them any less manly (never mind that they themselves are not men, just women LARPing as men). There’s a whole community for this, the FTMfemininity subreddit. I don’t understand why these girls are so insistent that men can do “feminine” things and still be men, yet they can’t accept that women can not wear makeup, not shave, have short hair, like video games and sports and cars, date women, etc. and still be women. Oh wait yes I can - it’s because their internalized misogyny runs incredibly deeply.
No. 1998583
>>1998576I feel like such a place would get airraided and invaded by scrotes with military weapons on a weekly basis, but I am ready to move there immediately as are most bi leaning women on the earth right now.
>>1998243Two sentences in and she's frustrated with her attraction to men because it doesn't make her spicy enough, the rest is just trans pretzel logic about why her being a woman attracted to men is unique and difficult somehow
No. 1998707
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No. 1998709
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>>1998707Real reason she's wearing a hijab: because she wants as many marginalised identities as possible even if they contradict each other
No. 1998935
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tifs seething over male hatred might be my new favorite genre
No. 1999235
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>>1998042>>1997877Her self-insert looks like a teenage Dr Eggman.
No. 1999281
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Anthony Trantano.
No. 1999712
>>1999205They seethe because they know damn well they're not included in that category. I'm 99% convinced that all of the caping TIFs do for men is because they so desperately want to be one of the scary duderino bros that shitty normie women don't like. They take T, chop off their tits, wear baseball caps backwards, use surfer slang, wear wifebeaters while drinking alcoholic beer and shitting on other women, they even get gangrenous fake dicks that split open along the seams, but it's still not enough to be seen as a threat. And that makes them very, very sad.
>>1999281Completely dead inside. That hairline is going to be a nightmare when being a troon isn't trendy any more.
No. 1999748
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>>1999281Portrait of Drake back there
No. 1999777
>>1999712>it's still not enough to be seen as a threatThe average woman is more threatening than a tif will ever be. They troon out because they think being a woman is "beneath" them but they're some of the weakest and shallowest people I've ever seen.
>>1999748No anon look closer
>Drack No. 1999855
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>>1998760Sorta related, this NLOG wearing a hijab because she knows she would be sentenced to death in her country, but let's make is because she's NB.
No. 2000364
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A lot to unpack here, but a Chicago TIF with a massive savior complex by the name of Wing Yun Schreiber got caught participating in blackface leading the "community" to turn on her and try to eat her alive.
A little background on her: wealthy half Chinese, half Jewish girl with overly supportive parents, extremely religious upbringing. Suddenly decided she's a man and crowdfunded her top surgery, is in a longterm poly relationship with a black "queer" man and a black "queer" woman. Runs a religious charity that provides free clothing for trans people and so she can give herself asspats for all the "good she does".
No. 2000367
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>>2000364Unfortunately she's proceeded to delete everything, so I can't find her instagram anymore or the photo that started this whole thing. It's just funny to me how she built up this life as a "trans man" virtue signaling that she was pro Palestine and aligning herself with BLM only for this to happen. Her photography page is still up, but it's not milky.
No. 2000384
>>1999855kek nonnies I shared this with my
terf bestie who's from a muslim country on Discord and she only replied with
>"From Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men, and he said: “Throw them out of your houses.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 5885)" No. 2000562
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I normally don't check these threads but I found a personal lolcow months ago. What strikes me about this one is that normally the stereotypical "gay man" TIFs are 13-30 at most, but this one is perimenopausal and late 40s, but does so much of the typical "mentally ill" twitterfag speak. She mostly posts OC content and Lord of the Rings fic on AO3 but some works are autobiographical; She has the typical autoandrophilia narratives of claiming to have identified as a gay boy since she was a child in the 80s (, but somehow didn't know what transgender was until late-20s, and didn't bother "socially transitioning" until 30s. She also wrote a "fix-it fic" about her own life where her mother's IRL gay male friend adopts her at age 17 and has straight sex with her despite being a whole-ass female ( She's also a Jewish convert but unlike other TIFs, she's pro-Israel and claims to want to move there if Trump is re-elected. This is something I'd expect from a teenager, no someone old enough to be my mom.
No. 2000592
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>>2000591samefag, forgot to add screenshot
No. 2000743
>>2000701She claims her mother is an
abusive meth addict, which I can kind of believe since shit childhoods lead to troonery constantly. I don't believe the claim that she called herself a gay boy as a 4 year old in the 80s and was beaten over
that, though.
No. 2000755
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>>2000753Anon can you post screenshots or something? Because it seems like non-ao3 users can't access this.
No. 2000804
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>>2000755not them but kek ao3 requires invites again?
i'll post them
this is her entire catalogue
No. 2000806
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stop flood detecting me
No. 2000808
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No. 2000809
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No. 2000810
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No. 2000811
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here's.. something else she wrote
No. 2000821
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No. 2000827
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This person has been on my radar for a week now. I can't look away>refers to herself as "the gash" and exclusively uses we when referring to herself>self proclaimed taino, korean, hapa, hawaiian, sephardi, 2spirit lesbian faggot>cenobitegender, 25 years old, it/its pronouns>refers to white people as "white meat" No. 2000837
>>2000821These tags
>>2000824 along with
>Sauron is wreaking havoc with a meth labTolkien is rolling over in his grave
No. 2000863
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>>2000827No way kek. I used to be friends with her in 2020-2021 on twitter but lost track of her after I stopped using both it and tumblr.
If I remember correctly, she's dating another fully white TIF who claims to be some percentage of indigenous or another, while she herself is a million race mixes (according to herself) but predominantly korean. Her parents are rich and she ran away to larp extreme poverty with her white trash gf within a year of knowing each other. They both claim to have schizophrenia and DID.
Thanks for providing her new url. It's funny to see she's still a chronically unemployed junkie who e-begs every other day for junk food money while malding about white people.
No. 2000865
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nonny I need more milk on her, she's acting like a 13yo who discovered mental illness and social justice for the first time and it's killing me
No. 2000878
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>>2000827>WE’RE RIVETNah you got a screw loose.
No. 2000879
>>2000865Yeah, it's been some time so I might be missing or misremembering some details.
>Used to sell kindergarten fingerpaint level "art" for upwards of $30>Makes shitty scream/glitch/techno/whatever the fuck music and puts zero effort into it whatsoever>Changes DID system every other year, alters included. When I met her HLVRAI was the big thing among trannies and she suddenly had a benrey alter who fronted most of the time and who apparently simply doesn't exist anymore. >Met her girlfriend "diesel" on twitter and started dating within two weeks>Met IRL when diesel "fled" canada and went to NY (I don't remember if NY or NJ specifically) and kept moving around together couch surfing along the way. >Got called out online by some other munchie roommates because of how disgusting they were, didn't clean the apartment, wash the dishes, and had nasty sex in common areas like the kitchen and living room, didn't clean up after.>The callout included information on her poverty larping, she still had her rich parents' credit card around to use whenever she wanted.This is around the time I lost track of them both, but diesel herself is a whole other cow on her own right. I remember she used to date another canadian TIF much younger than her whom she called out on twitter for "financial abuse" because she kept telling diesel to stop wasting her money on drugs and other useless shit/go for cheaper alternatives kek.
No. 2000887
>>2000863>the driver of this fucking bus shut the door on me. On my hand. Knocked the phone out of my fucking hand.Wow she's so scary and strong, even a bus driver could bully her. She really thinks that typing in all caps and using swear words would shiver anyone's timbers. Not surprised to know she grew up rich, she does sound extremely sheltered and detached from real problems. It's always people born with a golden spoon who want to feel like they're being persecuted.
>>2000880Nta but honestly, I have the same problem with her. Resorting to writing or creating 'muh trauma art' only results in more fap material for those who fantasise about doing that to someone. She's neither helping herself nor anyone else, and she's grown enough to know better. Ngl I'm kind of doubtful about people in general who scream 'it's my coping mechanism!!' after posting weird shit online, I've come across more pathological liars who use it as an excuse to dodge any criticism than actual sexual abuse survivors who genuinely mean it. I'm obviously not going to put her into the former category, but I just can't blindly believe that she belongs to the latter group either. Whatever is the case, she should seek help instead of airing it out on ao3.
No. 2000888
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>>2000879now THIS is some bona fide bots of new york-grade dyke drama! respect to these tifs for pulling it off
No. 2000896
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>>2000562Oh,her. She's a known cow in the Tolkien fandom. She's been a blight on the fandom for years, she was the very first person I muted when ao3 introduced the mute function. Picrel is her current profile.
People have asked her to stop shitting up the Silmarillion tag with AI slop and fics that have nothing to do with canon anymore - all human OCs in a modern setting. Predictably, she says this is targeted harrasment.
No. 2000924
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>>2000827Whoever cowtipped, she may be a rich kid but she's actually not white. Anyway, I doubt there's a single taíno word in whatever she just typed kek.
No. 2000930
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>>2000827the absolute comedy of her typing up all this edgelord shit and then tamely listing "TME" like a good little handmaiden so all the resident troids know they can shit on her for "transmisogyny" aka having an opinion while operating a vagina
No. 2000935
>>2000830actually it's very milky to write bullshit like this intermingled with LOTR and star wars fanfic on ao3
lots of people here are survivors of CSA and haven't done anything like that lol
No. 2000939
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>>2000930i fixed it. i know her type
No. 2000951
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>>2000922Her fandom drama is really something. She has longstanding beef with Spiced_Wine, a bnf who's also a massve cow (at least to canonpurists like me). Spiced also writes totally AU OOC garbage, about a Gary Stu with purple eyes who's the son of Sauron, but she's kinda well known in the fandom because she's been there since 2006 and has written like five million words.
Spiced and verhalen have been at each other's throuat since 2020 because verhalen wrote a fc in which Spiced's OC died, and then Spiced accused her of stealing muh OC or sth, and then verhalen accused Spiced of making fun of her OC's looks, and they've been regularly posting callouts about each other since.
verhalen actually has a page cataloguing her drama that's one hell of a ride. yes, both of these women are well over 40.
No. 2000976
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>>2000961ayrt and i know, this is the kind of shit that would have spawned hilarity on fandom_wank back in the day. they're also both on some snapewife-level "i'm soulbonded to my OC" shit. Spiced uses a fucking pendulum to talk to her magical gary stu.
(picrel; top is verhalen, bottom is spiced)
my fave part d that they both write self-indulgent muh OC slop that has absolutely 0 to do with the silmarillion anymore, and they're both convinced the other is a terrible writer.
>>2000963she also admittedly likes older men and accused others of kinkshaming her for it lol
No. 2000995
File: 1717534148518.png (895.98 KB, 2480x1242, Capture d’écran 2024-06-04 à…)

>>2000986that's not actually that big of a deal in that specific fandom (silmarillion characters drop like flies in canon) and especially not for spiced who likes over-the-top angst where everyone gets killed and raped 10000 times (and gets reborn anyway bc her OCs have god powers).
oh and to bring this back on topic, verhalen LOVES waxing on about how anyone who dislkes her is a
terf ableist bigot. (tl;dr so zoom in to read).
No. 2001008
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>>2000995>verhalen LOVES waxing on about how anyone who dislkes her is a terf ableist bigot. (tl;dr so zoom in to read).I skimmed her Livejournal or whatever and she's technically not even trans, she mentioned not being able to access "care" and isn't on hormones. She just "lived as a man" (read: is a GNC woman with stubble from PCOS), I thought transgender meant something. It's no surprise she complains that men won't date her because she doesn't have a penis like a typical incel and spergs out even when other TRAs don't kiss her ass in the exact way she wants. No. 2001011
File: 1717535631904.webp (10.75 KB, 1300x270, Hu695e.webp)

>>2001008Samefag but this whole "dispute" is a mess. She spergs out because some they/them makes a conversion therapy joke ("a potion to turn people pansexual") in response to her whining about gay men not wanting to date her, but that joke would be okay if it was about a different kind of conversion therapy ("genitalia attraction potion"). Yet trans wonder why LGBs want nothing to do with them.
No. 2001013
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>>2000863>>2000924Funny to see her posted here. She's mutuals with one of my personal cows, so I've looked through her socials a few times.
I don't believe that she's actually native. I'm pretty sure she's Korean and Puerto Rican, and that her mom is pretty white compared to most Puerto Ricans. She didn't start claiming to be indigenous until soon after she started e-begging, and even then, she says she's "reclaiming" the identity. No fucking way she's fluent in Taino. She doesn't even know spanish. And I think she claims to be Hawaiian only because she went once, thought it was cool, and realized she could pass as native hawaiian.
As for the Jewish thing, I've seen her discussing conversion with some of her mutuals. She's not ethnically Jewish whatsoever, but she still talks shit about "goyim."
Last pic: She is circled. Her mom and dad are standing to her left, and her gf is sitting by her.
No. 2001020
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>>2001013>>2001013her entire friend group are white people larping as indigenous. this one had a breakdown over anon calling him out. feel bad for anyone who supports this, must be blind. especially the people in notes.
No. 2001065
File: 1717547025422.jpg (3.85 MB, 2435x4920, incineratedcollage.jpg)

>>2000865NTA but here's a bunch of mildly entertaining posts she's made. Not gonna post pics from when she was underage, but she started identifying as genderfluid pretty much immediately after doing her first crossplay (cecil from welcome to night vale).
>quite a few violent fantasies directed towards users, people she knows irl, white people, cops, and joe biden>reblogging a post that unironically says that being trans is a choice (but in a trans-positive way)>describing playing hollow knight and the combat as "EXTREMELY PUNISHING" as part of her gory sadism larp>all-caps crytyping>complaining about her doctors thinking she's a munchie>"my parents are withholding money from me in order to make me dependent on them">lots of strange posting about judaism>claiming that she's actually a very valid jew because she hears jewish mythology spirit voices>is trying to reclaim blood libel>acting like regular subscription payments and optional expenditures are sudden emergencies No. 2001076
>>2001065Ultimate kek at her trying to tell someone else that they look like a plucked chicken while she looks the way she does. She somehow manages to look scrawny and obese at the same time, her hair is horrifically damaged from all the cheap box dye she uses, and her mastectomy is horrifically botched. I wonder if the draining/compression garment from the surgery is what caused that painful-looking chest acne.
It's so bizarre that she's LARPing as indigenous when she's already a ~
POC~ by being Korean (and potentially also Puerto Rican). If she's going to try speaking another language for internet clout, maybe it should be one her actual family members might know. I get that she's probably just another suburban girl without strong connections to her heritage either way, but it's just so mystifying to see a non-white person being a pretendian. The Jewish stuff is weird for the same reason; normally, that's a white girl move. If you're Asian, you can convert to Islam or Buddhism (which have more capital in social justice circles) without being accused of appropriation. For all of her professed hatred of the huwite girls, she sure did follow their playback to a T even when she didn't have to.
No. 2001090
File: 1717554540174.png (549.7 KB, 1000x2153, 44rRMt.png)

>>2001008>>2001011the way she always manages to get into disputes is insane. here's another incident where she burned bridges with a community she modded:
>community is a yearly fandom event>mods decide on the year's challenge topics, one of which is "two truths and a lie">once topics have been decided, verhalen comes in complaining that "two truths and a lie" is bad bc it could cause controversy somehow>other mods just go "oh well that's no big deal">she insists it could be used to spread terf rhetoric (?) and also personally oppresses her bc as a jew she isn't allowed to lie (??)>other mod goes "oh well should have said so before we finalized the topics">her whiny ass gets removed from the mod team>she makes a bunch of public posts declaring that the community is antisemitic and that every single mod is banned from interacting with her unless they apologise personallyevery single interaction she has ends with something like this. someone makes a minor faux pas and she makes a bunch of public callouts about how they're a bigot and an abuser.
No. 2001129
>>2001123the post you replied to is not from the taino larp tiffany, therd's two separate convos going on. the tumblr cow who calls people white meat and larps as taino is a 20 something asian whose username is incinerated.
the ao3/dreamwidth fandom cow is a different person, she's a 40+ yo jewish convert fakeboi called verhalen. summary here
>>2000562 No. 2001155
>>2001123LARPing as a marginalized identity you don't belong to
is acting like a white kid kek. It's something people do when they're boring, sheltered suburbanites who want to appear unique. But it's probably better to just focus on developing a decent personality and interests than it is to agonize over how unspecial your comfortable, middle-class upbringing makes you. The obsession with being special and as oppressed as possible has driven a lot of lefty women online completely insane, and it makes me sad that so many grown-ass adults are still so hung up on being unique that they end up all being the same as each other. They're
all neurodivergent kweer punks with septum piercings and canes now, an amorphous mass of online conformity dressed up to look like it's subversive.
No. 2001157
>>2001150Some newfag rushed to make a shit OP anyway. might even be the cowtipper
>>>/snow/2001139>>2001102right, nothing says social media brainrot like claiming abuse and making a bunch of public callout posts every time you have a minor disagreement
No. 2001183
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>>2000827Whoever cowtipped is a fag. Anyways, gash has posted new artwork and some sort of poetry i guess
No. 2001201
File: 1717579236222.jpeg (1.43 MB, 3464x2993, 9AEB93DD-C6BC-4102-9D7B-7549CC…)

Imagine getting a permanent tattoo representing a sexuality you’re not part of
No. 2001215
File: 1717583463239.jpg (77.65 KB, 1080x589, Gunkjunk.jpg)

>>2001157I think whoever cowtipped and made the thread is the same one that mentioned being in a Discord server where someone was harassed by her over and only had her let up once they mentioned they were part black. The messages disappeared but they had the same all lowercase style too.
She changed URLs. The gimp obsession is interesting. She's trying really hard to project that leather gay fantasy.
No. 2001228
>>2000896She has a link to her statement on AI on her 100 something chapter ai fic. Not sure if it's worth much entertainment, half of it is talking about AI fics and how they shouldn't be banned rather than AI art.
I know this is an imageboard, but I'm retarded and can't figure out how to fit it all in one screenshot, so here's a link. No. 2001245
File: 1717591436256.png (986.48 KB, 800x2827, IMG_4099.png)

>>2001228Here you go. It's worth reading the opening paragraph in small font.
I'm a little disappointed she edited it and toned it down because it used to be literally "if you don't approve of my spamming your fandom tags with AI slop you literally want poor disabled trans jewish little ME to KEEL OVER and DIE irl".
No. 2001249
File: 1717593250226.png (1.5 MB, 1061x841, and this is the after.png)

this is just tragic
No. 2001256
>>2001249kek her onceler slay in the third pic.
agree with
>>2001250 tho, she doesnt look half as fucked by t physically as a lot of the tifs here, she just has bad teeth.
No. 2001257
>>2001245Kek, everytime I reread it I realize something new to giggle about.
Now I'm really curious about the original.
What type of timeline do we live in where the word "Blorbo" and A.H. himself are mentioned in the same paragraph?
No. 2001259
File: 1717595083563.png (2.13 MB, 675x2791, unseasoned.png)

the big scary threats and pictures of raw meat vs the absolute most plain meal at the end made me fucking kek
No. 2001268
>>2001065This is the funniest thing I've read all day. I guess she NEEDS to get high if she lives with her parents and they still have photos up where she's thin and looks ten times more confident and cool than she does now. Went from being someone the family could be proud of to LARPing as a cartoon bully.
Also no wonder her parents RESTRICT FOOD she's twice the size of both of them together. At this rate she's going to accuse them of imprisoning her in her room because she's too fat to fit through a door. She's got to be the saving grace of all the other family members her age. No matter how shit they're doing at school or how little they're earning they can just point out that they're not Cousin Jabba who goes around New York in a gimp mask and pretends to be Jewish so her Internet friends give her money.
No. 2001272
File: 1717596589821.png (2.53 MB, 950x950, lSRFYz.png)

>>2001259love how she has to ake it out on a piece of steak bc you know that irl her fat themlet ass is waddling away from the slightest hint of confrontation
>>2001257the original was even more dramatic than that, she took an offhand joke someone made about wanting to send aifags to jail and wrote about a billion paragraphs about how veryone who's agaisnt ai wants her to get murdered by cops.
this is the shit she posts in the silmarillon tags in ao3 btw. they're all supposed to be tolkien elves but three of them are reborn as human OCs wth no memories. they're a poly incestuous relationship too, the humans are elf guy's father and uncles.
No. 2001275
>>2001272You know shadiversity and his whole thing about "Uhm actually AI art takes a lot of work to tweak in photoshop, therefore I am a professional artist!!!"?
This is his long-lost TIF twin, slightly tweaked.
I'm begging you nonnas, someone find the original statement and post it for me I'm far too lazy
No. 2001287
File: 1717598841970.png (958.01 KB, 2880x1100, Capture d’écran 2024-06-05 à…)

>>2001275the og statement is no longer available, it was hosted on the same page she just edited it.
also she mentions and links to the fandom drama in every page on her site, she really revels in it.
btw the old guy is based on count dooku but she left the star wars fandom bc it was
toxic absuive and mean uwu.
also she self-inserts as the kit harrington guy and chose jon as her irl name kek. said guy is also fëanor reincarnated.
fëanor is the greatest elf to have ever lived in tolkien's myhtos. this bitch has issues.
No. 2001296
File: 1717600065381.png (117.04 KB, 292x469, Screenshot 2024-06-05 10.04.49…)

>>2001065the funny thing is, I found her senior photo from high school (graduated in 2017) and she went to a private high school costing over $50k a year (Pingree School in MA). The School of the Visual Arts college is similarly expensive
No. 2001305
File: 1717601100086.png (5.31 MB, 1643x1654, no way.png)

>>2001296And these are the things she draws. What a waste of money.
No. 2001312
File: 1717601861800.jpg (77.96 KB, 828x409, tumblr_734bf8f408116a45ddb48ef…)

>>2001309samefag, just leaving her poetry page on here for you nonnies, some of these "poems" are… definitely something No. 2001314
>>2001309reminds me of good ol' rcdart, her parents put her through an expensive arts high school then calarts and she just kept getting worse while being extremely proud of her ugly low effort art
>>2001313i don't think anyone who walks aroud in a gimp mask in public is comfortable with themselves
No. 2001389
>>2001383This particular tif calls herself Jon (bc of the GoT character )and Soren is her OC.
But I'm convinced they like the name bc they see Kierkegaard as some tragic twink ideal. Most of them probably never read him but saw some tumblr posts about his sadboi life and went "omg hes so me coded uwu"
No. 2001427
File: 1717624511580.jpg (65.32 KB, 675x1000, MV5BMjAzODcxNjg5NF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>2001383A lot of girls who were into
Warrior Cats and other animal fantasy series as kids later became TIFs, so my guess would be that the Sorens are naming themselves after the protagonist from
Guardians of Ga'Hoole by Kathryn Lasky
No. 2001429
File: 1717625022219.png (239.74 KB, 1646x584, soren.png)

>>2001427It's also the name of a lot of other fictional characters
No. 2001440
>>2001090I saw that and it made no sense, the Snowflake team handled it well but this was somehow against her religion? Even though she wasn't even born into a Jewish family and was raised on this custom, she converted.
>>2001245>>2001272I hate the "I need to make AI art because I'm disabled" argument. With all the issues AI has why would you argue in favor of it when you just Photoshop celebs to look like your OCs? I get that it would be cruel to say she shouldn't make art at all because of EDS and arthritis, but I don't understand how she can type and use a mouse for editing but not draw with a mouse like a lot of 40+ artists? Or is because of "muh spoons"?
No. 2001447
File: 1717627524654.png (247.25 KB, 580x777, Screenshot 2024-06-05.png)

She got terminated kek. This is her new blog.
No. 2001501
>>2000830>>2000935I highly doubt she was actually abused, at least anywhere near as much as she claims she was. Guatentee she made all that shit up, either because she wants people to feel sorry for her and thinks it'll deflect criticism or she has a fetish for that shit.
It just strongly comes off as horseshit. I doubt "uncle Anthony" and similar character actually existed.
No. 2001566
>>2001464imo there's literally just two tif personality types
> i'm Plague! rat/ratself it/its goth/gothself! neuropunk genderFuCK! fuck u if u don lik me! terfs i kill u>uwu im a rad tiny smol autism frog goblin bean and i love all my awesome queer pals! trans gals and dudes are so rad! uwuyou can see them both in this thread above my post kek
No. 2001572
>>2001566This is just like girls on deviantART trying to be edgy or cute. Nothing has changed
>>2001561Being feminine would only be GNC if you were actually a man
No. 2001578
>>2001157I would believe it. A lot of these tumblr-brained retards actually
want to have a LC thread. They think it's a good way to get pity because obviously people talking about you online is so
traumatic kek. The retarded gimp tif, Miss Cheung, is not interesting enough for her own thread and if anything not getting a thread of her own would piss her off.
>>2001076>It's so bizarre that she's LARPing as indigenousAFAIK most e-beggars choose either (or if they're really stupid, all) indigenous, disabled, or jewish to maximize the reach of their grifts. She says she's indigenous for the same reason she uses a cane and wears poorly made fetish gear on the bus: attention. To these sorts of people, collecting identities is a way to maximize the amount of attention they get from random people that otherwise wouldn't look at them.
>Hmm, nobody looks at me because I'm an ugly girl….>I know! I'll wear fetish gear in public so people will HAVE to stare!! Now I'll get the attention I want!! No. 2001583
>>2001579I was trying to be funny, I didn't mean it literally (also I'll do it again), And to all of you on this thread, I'm not trying to bait or get reactions, I'm just a dude who loves being himself, I don't hold any hate in my heart for any of you on this thread, I'd gladly get to know y'all and see where you're coming from so you can see where I'm coming from too, I want y'all to be safe, okay, and sane, so no arguing for tonight, my rumbling is over, so I'll just let y'all be for now, but I will be back sometime, and I will try to be less aggressive and weird (also yeah, if I become a lolcow, I'll be one that people hopefully remember for the right reasons)
(ban evading) No. 2001609
>>>/ot/1991983good luck on the peaking nonna
No. 2001661
>>2001501I'm willing to buy that she's a CSA
victim and was abused by a past boyfriend, if you ask 99% of detransitioners they're going to tell you abuse and undiagnosed autism was the cause of trooning. It's common for these things to stunt someone mentally, so it would explain why she acts like a zoomer drama queen despite being middle aged and hitting menopause. But she's very attention-seeking with how she airs it all out in public, so I can't buy the other details. I can believe that she developed autoandrophilia from being obsessed with her mom's gay friend (powerlevel but my mom had gay friends that were like "my uncles" when I was a kid), but not she identified as a gay boy when she was a toddler. I can buy that her father is a pedo, but not that he was a closet case with a gay lover that he fucked in front of her (!?). She admits to being a "soulbonder" with "headmates", so I really think her real experiences are fused with fiction and doesn't know the difference anymore.
No. 2001859
File: 1717732552912.png (1.2 MB, 800x3852, IMG_4116.png)

>>2001661she seems genuinely unhinged about yhis anthony guy, she made him into one of her polyamorous trans ex-elf OCs and writes fic where he fucks her self-insert in the incest polycule.
but given her masssive persecution complex and tendency to turn ebery little thing into years-long dramu, i doubt she experienced half of what she claims. she's a paranoid mess and self-avowed weed addict (picrel). not exactly ol' reliable.
No. 2001917
>>2001344KEK same, for some reason I completely lost my shit at the very same thing
>>2001583Spamming about being just a lil smol dood uwu won't make you "a lolcow people will remember". Also
>>2001588 is funny because that's so true kek. If Tiffany here was a true and honest man she would've already started spamming gore like TIMs always do when they get mad at this site
>>2001600How many blogs does one person need? I know these people are chronically online, but damn
>>2001610Kudos to you nona, honest. Like
>>2001618 said, it takes courage to go against the grain and question what you've been told to believe (especially if you've spent a lot of time with people who strongly advocate for gender ideology). I hope talking about it here (or somewhere else) helps you
No. 2002039
File: 1717783266677.png (59.68 KB, 930x486, 06_08_24_00_00_chrome (2).png)

Today Daily fail reported Audrey Hale writing about her 'imaginary penis' and saying unhinged shit like making her plushies fuck each other. While I don't take their words as gospel, other news articles are reporting similar things. It's so weird that I'm having trouble summarizing's funny that the weird rant image DF posted was apparently by Hunter Schafer? That's probably why the other news outlets didn't include it, lol. No. 2002061
File: 1717784962171.png (398.27 KB, 657x832, dailyfail.PNG)

>>2002039>It's funny that the weird rant image DF posted was apparently by Hunter Schafer?Yeah that's Honter's schizo rant, I don't understand how they could mistake it for Hale's. Fucking joke of a publication.
No. 2002063
>>2002061really hated that when this posted on twitter you had hordes of libfems insisting it was raw, gritty feminist analyst. whenever i see it i get
triggered all over again
No. 2002108
>>2001429Kek I know a TIF named Soren after the Fire Emblem character
The character is a twinky long-haired mage with a tragic backstory and a lot of homoerotic scenes with the game's beefcake MC
No. 2002121
>>2002102It was mentioned here
>>2001578 but basically most TIFs function on the "I need attention through identity" bullshit. For the past 5-6 years, converting to Judaism was a typical gendie story point. To them, because Judaism is a born-into religion and conversion is difficult, they take that as a challenge to "become" that identity in the same way they "become" the opposite sex. Before, saying that you were disabled or Native-American was all the rage because it was easy to lie about and those identities also offer pity points, but when more and more people started to identify as that a lot of the more attention-starved gendies began to look for a "new" identity that was more exclusive, so they settled on Judaism. It's an added benefit that now, besides just "transphobia," ableism, and racism, they can say anyone questioning them or "boolying them" is
also an anti-Semite. For a lot of these types, they're in a race to see who can be the biggest
>>2002106>>2002114It's actually the opposite, because right now gendies are trying to tie Pride month to Zionism and the war in Palestine, so to be a "Jewish"
I put this in quotes because I don't think any of these "converts" actually consider themselves Jewish besides in the sense that they want to look exotic, foreign, or different from the norm person that doesn't support the Israeli state is a free ticket to positive attention on Twitter and Tumblr, they claim to be Jewish anti-Zionists. They're basically adding two new "identities" in one move, the Jewish label and the anti-Zionist label. Hopefully that makes sense, it's hard to try and explain the way crazies think in a clear way.
No. 2002219
File: 1717812080360.png (700.6 KB, 735x4707, tealdeer.png)

>>2002121You beat me to it. Judaism was cool in leftist circles because some sects are pro-choice, tolerate gays, and gendies love that there's "8 genders" (translation: terms that describe intersex conditions), but after Oct 7th it's now cool to be an "anti-Zionist Jew" even though converts have no stake in this topic.
Side note, but IDK if anyone saw verhalen/flameandsong's post about converting to Judaism, but she's an exception because she's a rare pro-Israel TIF convert and wants to move there if Trump is re-elected. Good luck with that I guess.
No. 2002411
File: 1717860453836.png (145.25 KB, 530x1256, Screenshot.png)

This makes me angry not only because the moid is facing no consequences, but because his victims would rather to shut up to avoid being "misgendered" than saving other tifs.
No. 2002422
>>2002411The timmy targets tifs specifically? Maybe he knows what handmaidens they are which is so unfortunate, and sadly here she is proving him right by defending his tranny identity in the same breath as saying he's a rapist.
And no tiffany it's not twansphobic that people don't take you seriously when they assume it's a biological woman that raped you, it's homophobia that they don't think a biological woman raped by another biological woman is as deserving of support. They only take it "seriously", in a social way and clearly rarely in a legal way, when a dick is involved. Or is it twansphobic to not call it a
barbie wand (BARF)?
No. 2002444
File: 1717870598660.mp4 (915.02 KB, 576x1024, percystarz_2024-06-08-21-15-29…)

No. 2002465
>>2002219Being Jewish gives you ultimate
victim points by adding anti-Semitism and the Holocaust into your arsenal to whip out as a shield at any time, nevermind the fact that these ugly American TiFs are just converts and have no historical, cultural, or ethnic ties to the Jewish people. Literally white cultural appropriation. It's not surprising the TiFs are now becoming Muslim to collect on the fresh
victim points there. They love "foreign" religions but these religions have the same backwards views on gays and women as the "white" Christianity they hate so much, but Christians aren't oppressed so there's no reason to convert to Christianity. I bet they would in a heartbeat if one day Christians were getting sent to the gulags.
No. 2002481
>>2002465jews can also claim to be
POC while just being white. and if you say this you'll be accused of being a racist. which you aren't lol. i'll probably be banned for calling jews white since i have in the past, but they are.
(derailing) No. 2002517
File: 1717882808029.jpeg (422.86 KB, 827x1512, IMG_4121.jpeg)

the milk on verhalen is unending.
her alters (the elves in ger head) told her to write troon porn fic about herself fucking them
and then she got mad at people writing fakebois inaccurately or something so she wrote a whole ass "guide about FtM erotica" No. 2002559
File: 1717893507955.png (6.29 MB, 2048x1462, gotta kms fast.png)

the shirt, the cosplay, and the "gay" flag… alocal pride spotting. they're telling on themselves
No. 2002560
>>2002559Hello fellow Peg
nonny. I was kind of surprised we have people like that here. The tims in maid outfits were gross too
No. 2002561
>>2002465I hate white Muslim converts so much. They're also the westernized "liberal" types who downplay what Islamic funamentalists do too. I've never known a Muslim TIF but I used to know a TIF+TIM couple where the TIM decided to become Muslim and took a photo of himself wearing the American flag as a hijab.
>>2002481I have a Jewish family and I never understood the
POC argument. You can ethnically Jewish and white, it doesn't cancel out the white part. If you convert to Judaism that doesn't change your race, the conversion process (that none of them bother with) is just slowly integrating into a culture. I always saw the conversion trend as a politically correct form of transracialism.
(derailing) No. 2002580
>>2002411is this a
victim of Eli Erlick? Or are there other TIMs abusing multiple TIFs too?
No. 2002610
File: 1717911129186.jpg (39.3 KB, 768x768, wlv3gtydocpa1.jpg)

>>2002559>Doomed toxic yaoi survivor Girl you didn't survive shit if you're out there acting like that. She's both straight and straight-up embarrassing. I can't even tell tifs to go outside and touch grass anymore, because then the rest of us would have to look at stuff like this on the daily basis.
No. 2002613
>>2002602>>2002605I can't deal with summerfags like you anymore who don't even know how to sage. A random anon on an imageboard can't change shit, you don't know her, her background, or even that her family automatically participates in this shit solely due to being jewish. Yes, genital mutilation and child abuse is wrong, has always been wrong, and is something that needs to be stopped rather than excused in the name of religion or tradition, but this fucking thread is not a place for that and your ass needs to stick with just lurking if you aren't going to integrate properly. And you know who's encouraging children to hyper focus on their bodies and make decisions based on that during these times? Trans ideology, puberty blockers aren't harmless, cross sex hormones aren't harmless, and getting things like 'top surgery' at the age as young as 12 isn't harmless, all of that falls under child abuse and you could've very much talked about this instead if you're so passionate about helping children. However, you probably aren't. You're more interested in arguing and infights, your 'don't harm children' only comes up when you can target someone in this board, you aren't making any of the changes you want that other anon to make. So, in all honesty, shut the fuck up. If you're that one lurking tif who loves to embarrass herself, I hope you go bald the next time you get your crusty fingers on your crusty keyboard to type shit on here.
No. 2002644
File: 1717926531593.jpg (199.45 KB, 680x886, aita.jpg)

Can you imagine being a 50 year old married gay man and having to deal with this a teenage girl doing this shit
>Cassie has long hair and wears a great deal of makeup and this did not change after the announcement, but Cassie began adding in a mustache and small goatee which were applied with makeup.
>The first uncomfortable part was that anytime there was any reference to sex, Cassie would loudly huff and sigh and at one point rush out of the room
>The word "f*t" started flowing out of Cassie's mouth non-stop. Cassie repeatedly talked about how every aspect of himself proved how he was such a "f*t" and had always been one. Cassie brought up his love of fashion and boy bands as examples of this.
>Ask Cassie had more wine he kept on changing the subject back to his boy bands. We are grown ups with interesting lives and none of us are interested in boy bands. Anytime the conversation strayed from fashion or boy bands Cassie hijacked it back as he got more drunk.
No. 2002667
>>2002644And on that fateful day, everyone except the uncle peaked. Good job Cassie! Keep on being yourself!
Something tells me that the dad is blaming his brother because he's sick of his daughter's NLOGism and wants to outsource the coddling to someone else. Assuming that this is real and not a work of fiction like everything else on Reddit, it's a great look into the tiny friendless minds of TIFs, who think they can delusionmaxx their way into living out a fanfiction plot. Reminds me of the gay party TIF story on Reddit where the TIF managed to freak out a whole party of gay men.
No. 2002679
>>2002644I wish we could kick TIMs out of our groups the same way gay scrotes tell TIFs to fuck off when they're out of line.
>>2002669Where I live it's only women who convert, always for the sake of a disgusting man.
>>2001383Like Aiden, it's a name that's romanticized, because it just has a sound that straight girls tend to like/find cool for a boy. It's one of these special-but-not-crazy names you want to give to your OC husbando.
No. 2002719
File: 1717949703268.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_0223.png)

when ur (lesbian) ex becomes a 'drag king' … lmao(integrate newfag)
No. 2002727
File: 1717951883151.mp4 (10.49 MB, 720x1280, 1000054705.mp4)

I didn't see this posted so apologies if I missed it. This is Gottmik, a ftm drag queen on Rupauls drag race doing a top surgery look. I'm not usually to grossed out by tifs showing off their scars, just uncomfortable, but this was just nasty.
No. 2002734
>>2002727Gottmik is interesting to me bc you'd think dressing up as a woman/femininely would
trigger their dysphoria…hmm
No. 2002790
File: 1717964222695.jpg (226.07 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20240610_013756_Chr…)

When I saw the subreddit name, I just knew it was going to filled with tifs and gay-to-tim phenotypes. The posts didn't disappoint kek.
No. 2002817
File: 1717971083117.png (585.42 KB, 906x826, IMG_3987.png)

I'm shocked
No. 2002822
>>2002817>timsgetting positions in critically acclaimed (i'm not saying that makes them good) movies and films. have more or less convinced people lesbians like dick. stealing female scholarships, raping women in female only spaces, clearing in female sports.
>tifsgetting lured into gang bangs and beaten up by males
very progressive
No. 2002839
>>2002559Kek another Peg
>>2002560I'm unfortunately not surprised. The local con has been full of these retards with ebay Haikyuu cosplays and "he/him" on their badges for years.
No. 2002843
File: 1717978620820.jpeg (504.24 KB, 828x1427, IMG_4162.jpeg)

>>2002558it's just as tl;dr as the rest of her output with long autistically detailed descriptions of everyine's tit scars and body hair
and every. single. time her self-insert cries about gay men not wanting to fuck tifs. every time
No. 2002848
Can we stop
>>2002790 anyways why are tifs incapable of understanding that a real man wouldn’t post something like this. In what universe would some moid post a said soft anime boy? It’s like they’ve never socialized with moids despite claiming to be one
No. 2002854
>>2002724no exaggeration i had to be around a tif a few days ago at a party for a mutual friend. nothing about her screamed man, just a quirky girl with dyed hair but she would not stop calling herself a faggot. i also knew another tif who kept calling herself faggot despite never having sex with another man and only being with women. im 100% willing to believe this reddit story. it is insane how many spicy straight girls i knew who threw the word faggot around like its nothing, yet if you said the word tranny you would be called a literal nazi
terf who literally is in favor of genocide
No. 2002869
File: 1717984237511.jpg (34.84 KB, 567x562, consider_the_following.jpg)

Penile microbiota is naturally infested with fecal anaerobes in virgin males. Penises are dirty from birth:
>A study conducted among 40 South Korean boys aged 3 months to 9 years and 11 months found that the smegma was colonized by bacteria, including uropathogens (34). Comparison of the prevalence of the most frequently bacteria isolated from glans with vs. without smegma showed a wide variation, differing by 1.6–5.7 times (Escherichia coli: 27.3 vs. 4.8%, Enterococcus avium: 22.7 vs. 9.5%, and Enterococcus faecalis: 18.2 vs. 28.6%) (34).
Seasonal BV happens to women dumb enough to care about muh mutilation to actually bareback anteaters:
>Lately, there has been considerable discussion regarding the genital microbiota of couples (41, 70, 71, 106) and recognition that BV-associated bacteria may be sexually transmitted between partners (70–72, 106–109). The penis of sexually-experienced and inexperienced men can be a reservoir of BV-associated bacteria (25, 40, 41, 53, 57, 70–73) and other bacterial pathogens (3, 4), which are often reduced by male circumcision (40, 41, 57).
That's not counting all the horrors beyond human comprehension that live in your seminal plasma and directly promote the transmission of STDs, which is why faggots have more of them. Your hideous scrotal pustules also serve as a long term storage of Zika, flu, COVID and god knows what else, staying pozzed for months and years after you're "healthy" because your worthless meat has no immune system. You are, by every definition, a walking latrine pit.
If it's any consolation, trimming your revolting congenital skin tag only serves to improve things marginally - your septic tank of a urogenital tract is still naturally a biohazard. Happy malding before it's deleted, cock flaps.(derailing)
No. 2002891
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Let's not feed the zoo animal and focus on tifs being cringe. Here, you can see a tiffany discover that there's something called heterosexual male in this world. The comments under are both pathetic and funny. No. 2002894
File: 1717988396167.jpg (605.96 KB, 1080x1238, Picsart_24-06-10_08-22-13-916.…)

>>2002891Also imagine unironically typing 'this comment contains in it enough validation to last me months' over a greasy moid whose entire profile is filled with talking about fucking women. He loves to post on r/bigdickproblems and if that doesn't scream small dick energy then idk what does kek, that subreddit is literally wattpad and ao3 for insecure moids.
No. 2002896
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>>2002891Prison lesbians and yaoi-larping lesbians who trooned out together are lowkey my favourite form of entertainment, they're so autistic and they make sure to let everyone know it.
No. 2002912
File: 1717992227999.jpeg (77.15 KB, 828x509, IMG_4176.jpeg)

it really is a cult. they're proseltyzing.
also love how we went from telling women to liberate themselves from shit relationships ith moids from telling them to hate themselves and get into drugs. liberal feminism win!
No. 2002914
File: 1717992431528.png (458.48 KB, 419x1080, 1000027846.png)

>White woman editing pics to hell and back to look ambiguously Asian
>Made up mental illness ("DID")
>Gender transition fueled by yaoi
Also kek at OP placing emphasis on liking Dramatical Murder because of "the PG anime" while posting suggestive cosplay pictures of the protagonist who canonically takes it up the ass.
No. 2002917
File: 1717992796863.jpeg (122.42 KB, 1200x675, BEBCD664-3AD6-4D07-B52B-6F3AA2…)

>>2001600I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
No. 2002936
File: 1717995716157.jpg (403.95 KB, 828x831, tumblr_72cce3bdca41d7d01b542b0…)

>>2002914flashbacks to my polyamorous ex who trooned out to live n larp DMMD yaoi with her military ftm gf
No. 2002939
File: 1717997101258.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1440, photo-collage.png.png)

>>2002914She's so fucking bad at ps it's making me cackle, especially because you can tell that she isn't even self-aware enough to know it and genuinely believes that nobody's going to question her pics because they're blurry/mid-motion.
No. 2002943
File: 1717998499253.jpg (163.63 KB, 1080x1390, Screenshot_20240610_110314_Chr…)

>>2002914 (found it under her insta profile, here's a link to her insta since her username was too fucking long to type and search for
>likes Dramatical Murder >"I'm vehemently against ANY form of SA/sexualization of it" Her carrd is so confusing, this girl sure doesn't walk the talk. Anyone can say they're against something but if they're salivating over the same type of media they 'vehemently' claim to be against, then it's better to just stay quiet and not publicly embarrass yourself kek. Also, is it me or her carrd sounds like something chatgpt would write? She's trying so hard to look like she actually reads any kind of literature and stuff that isn't yaoi or mainstream works everyone and their grandma has seen.
No. 2002970
File: 1718004073760.png (1.01 MB, 1080x2086, 1000027864.png)

>>2002936Rest assured this TIF is dating another yaoi-brained TIF. Picrel is her "boyfriend" cosplaying Death the Kid from Soul Eater.
No. 2002973
File: 1718004507218.jpg (36.53 KB, 749x418, 1000027866.jpg)

>>2002943Samefag but her carrd absolutely reeks of pseudointellect.
>I find very high value in beautiful things.>I believe all animals should be protected and looked after sincerely.> I have no interest in associating with criminals.>Among those things, I am also strictly against abuse, misogyny, bigotry, and mistreatment of animals.Picrel.
No. 2003026
File: 1718020925791.png (1.16 MB, 1280x759, expectation_vs_reality.png)

>>2002914>>2002939To nobody's surprise, her tagged photos reveals she's a painfully average weeaboo white woman.
No. 2003032
>>2002939Photo manipulation is an evil practice. No greasy fujo should get to look as hot as the first pic, especially when they look like
>>2003026 otherwise.
No. 2003156
>>2003048 I was curious why there was no mention of why Hale chose her former school, I remember a lot of speculation about potential abuse having happened, but it occurred to me that officials might find anything referencing that sort of
victim blame-y. Or possibly distracting from a narrative about the case they preferred. I don't really see the point in releasing some of the manifesto vs none at all when it raises more questions than answers.
Someone else in this thread pointed out that the excerpts read like copycat work as part of her boy larp, and at this point it feels like the most likely explanation. Her lack of social awareness seemed severe, and I've known autistic people to latch on to some pretty bizarre ideas about how to be accepted, especially since she seemed to be SSA.
No. 2003393
File: 1718109315042.jpg (247.41 KB, 1600x1067, audrey hale journal.JPG)

>>2003048>I will be of no use of love for any girl if I don’t have what I need: boy’s body/male genderInternalized homophobia fueled by this backwards ideology.
No. 2003449
>>2003393She needed therapy to learn to accept herself as a gay woman, not vapid internet hugboxes that offer nothing but platitudes. "You're
valid!" and shit like that don't work on people who are mentally ill or actually suffering because it doesn't address anything that is causing that person to suffer. I hate tranny groomers so much because they sell transitioning as the perfect cure for everything when it's just snake oil. Every single tranny is sad and empty inside, they're all living in a state of permanent sunk cost fallacy and they know they're not allowed to question Gender because then they will be ostracized by the cult and they have literally nothing else. Trannies have literally
nothing else, I cannot stress this enough. I know a fair amount of them and they're all empty inside. Anyway, the only way they have to cope with having destroyed their offline lives and bodies is to groom others into the the hellish life they live so they can have more and more vapid validation to keep inflating their gas station air dancer egos which, if not continually filled, will crumble.
No. 2003679
File: 1718190511562.png (238.45 KB, 447x678, Screenshot_1.png)
also this is the first step of realizing that something is stupid, when people around you can't make sense of what you're yapping, except other cult members, then it's probably bullshit
No. 2003786
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No. 2003849
File: 1718230610984.png (820.42 KB, 1080x1657, 1000027971.png)

>>2002914Update on this one: she posted a snippet of a fic she published on AO3. Did some digging and found a slash fic she wrote of Dante from Devil May Cry fucking Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil. You couldn't waterboard this info out of me.
No. 2003943
File: 1718246985795.jpeg (365.1 KB, 1100x1081, IMG_5549.jpeg)

What an unfortunate shape
No. 2004001
>>2003786she needs to get off the internet. sea horse dads are frankly disgusting, the T harms the fetus and they generally give 0 fucks.
but on the other hand many TRA women didn't peak until they had a baby when it all clicked into place and they go
terf No. 2004043
File: 1718283070532.png (196.06 KB, 736x414, 1000018607.png)

most fakeboi post i have ever seen
No. 2004045
>trashy horror, dog poems, cannibalism, religious imageryTIFs are now in the running for MOST annoying TIF. These dumbasses have such and individuality complex for no reason because they're exactly the same as all the other girls who think being a boy is cooler. It's such a weak, retarded mindset.
No. 2004057
>>2004043Moids don't like any of the things she mentioned, kek, maybe being bisexual because moids are the carriers of many STDs, a more accurate list would probably be:
>Cars, sports, always being right even when they're wrong, debating, conflict, being atheists or using religion for their own selfish desires, rape, kids (in a sexual way) porn, their chosen paraphilias that they earn the moment they can use the internet, mindless violence specially if it's against women, family guy. No. 2004060
>>2003750It reads more like she wanted to make a book about a sad boi and those are the things you would see in a movie when the LI is rummaging through his stuff or something like that.
It's just so corny, there's no way this is all she wrote to try and justify the murder of a bunch of toddlers in a fucking religious school kek, now I get why this was all forgotten, and why no one decided to bring it up on social media, she became an extremely underwhelming mass shooter.
That's depressing when you think about it, she really thought she was doing something cool, edgy and that would make her get her own Netflix movie/show/documentary, but in the end she was just a headline that stopped being relevant after a few days.
No. 2004089
File: 1718298170022.png (339.24 KB, 1212x539, fujotif.PNG)

>>2004043kek reminds me of this tif edgelord that gets discussed in the Finn thread. Essentially she wrote a mpreg fantasy book, picrel.
>"the world's first post-apocalyptic Finnish leather fag fantasy book!">outside a safe haven a bunch of men live on a wasteland, drink poison and have children together>a boy grown up in said safe haven gets taken to the wasteland by one of his fathers and has to learn to shoot with a bow and bunch of other shit and find himself a husband>also there is a war between leather gay clans No. 2004108
File: 1718300726086.png (510.42 KB, 2417x798, IMG_2546.png)

“token ftm”
No. 2004196
File: 1718314806462.gif (2.85 MB, 400x268, wtf.gif)

>>2004129delete this nephew
No. 2004234
>>2001065Very late but
>THE PARENTS ARE TRYING TO STARVE US INTO DEPENDENCYShe really is dangling from her parents' credit card
No. 2004244
File: 1718324982780.jpg (275.99 KB, 1080x924, 1000027967.jpg)

>>2004129Here's her AO3, Nona…
No. 2004247
>>2004244>can you feel my trigger hand>trigger hand>trigger h a n dCouldn't even make a devil
trigger reference correctly
No. 2004315
>>2004129Is it your first time posting on this mongolian basket weaving forum or do you just happen to be this autistic? You could've lurked on her socials to find it yourself instead of begging to be spoonfed like a newfag, especially since you aren't even asking for milk, it's just a smut written by a tif and you both somehow
happen to share the exact same taste for whatever reason.
No. 2004388
>>2003449>Trannies have literally nothing elseYeah, and the more you talk to them the more apparent it becomes. When they're surrounded by others who squee about trans being sunsets and beerios with the doods, they can delude themselves into thinking that lopping off their tits will make everything better. When they're surrounded by people who ask questions like 'why do you only date other biological women if you're a gay man' and 'why do you think that surgery will fix your life' they're unable to immerse themselves in the LARP.
This is why mass peaking is such an important part in ending troon shit. If nobody else is willing to play nice with the speds, they're going to find something else to be NLOGs about, without irreversibly fucking up their health for life.
And the grooming is on a whole other level, but it's become so mainstream that they're infesting IRL spaces too, which seems to be backfiring. Seeing balding, tough-as-acrylic-nails trans men online with beards and muscles is a world away from seeing them IRL without angles and filters. Pride is a sea of desperate women pretending as hard as they can that they and the other transmascs and AFAB enbies aren't immediately recognizable as women, while TIMS trawl through the sea of doormats with vaginas to find the ones they're able to browbeat into bed. In that sense it's good that kids and their supportive parents go to Pride, they peak faster.
>>2003679This is hilarious. Way to alienate anyone who's trying to support your delusions, we all know which shirt is made to fit you and no amount of tit surgery and affirmations will change that.
No. 2004743
File: 1718451089110.jpeg (Spoiler Image,385.59 KB, 1920x1920, n69dq1vvesmc1.jpeg)

Found this TIF with a nightmare-inducing top surgery result. It's so bad for once even fellow delusional Reddit TIFs can't coddle her. NSFW warning. No. 2004763
File: 1718456745900.jpeg (663.59 KB, 800x1996, IMG_0448.jpeg)

I was looking at this website that shows you what subreddits a user of another subreddit is most likely to use. If you look at r/mtf all of the top results are subreddits dedicated to leftist politics, polyamory, video games, lesbianism, fetishes, etc. Meanwhile this is what the list for r/ftm looks like. It really says it all. The most disturbing part is how they’re 15 times more likely to post on the MRA sub even though 99% of men think they’re just mutilated wannabes. Take a shot every time a trans man posts about how something they experienced is proof misandry is real and they experience it and then the thing in question is misogyny
No. 2004781
>>2004763so basically they don't have any hobbies and just spend their time navelgazing.
obsessing over your own gender, sexuality and mental illness 24/7 is just plain narcissism.
explains why tifs often seem to have 0 personality besides self-obsession and liking whatever happens to be popular on the internet at the moment.
No. 2005048
File: 1718520922939.jpg (303.71 KB, 1080x1484, Screenshot_20240616_122236_Chr…)>Where are the “look more like a man then a cis man” people?In your fantasy land, completely detached from the reality.
No. 2005115
>>2005048>where are the buff bodybuilder transmasc peopleThey're 5"3 and extremely clockable without filters, can't use them.
>where are the super duper extreme alt peopleBabe, you JUST described them, they're the blue haired overall-wearing dog-collared women with 500 tats that you see everywhere as girl troon rep.
>where are the long haired people that isn't a mulletThey're the transmascs who wear pink frilly dresses and makeup and cry in the bathroom when nobody calls them 'sir', aka the 'hyper feminine femboy people'.
>where are the super short or tall peopleThe super short ones are 99% of TIFs and the super tall ones get chosen to model because they juuuust about manage to reach boy height if the guys are sitting down.
>where are the 'look more like a man than a cis man' peopleThey're in your dreams and imagination, sweetie. Never stop dreaming!
>where's the 'looks like they're named Jerry and works in finance' peopleThey're the TIMs who turn up to their finance job wearing stripper heels and latex bodysuits to set up cameras in the women's bathrooms instead of working. And they go by Mona Cocklsut now, not Jerry.
>I just want a little diversity in how we're representedCompanies pick the same troon type to represent troons because 1) troons are a hivemind who have no originality, so they do all look like that, and 2) picking any of the other tranny phenotypes will be a PR nightmare. Everyone outside the cult already thinks troons are retards, using a woman in a dress with long flowing pink hair as transmasc rep is going to result in a shitstorm of Twitter proportions.
No. 2005301
>>2004850>Just how bad is the state of medical malpractice in India?That's a rhetorical question right
>>2004899Is it literally just a water pump? So not only do they have to inflate it like the world's saddest balloon animal, it's done with stale water. Just get a strapon. A piece of plastic is 10 times more realistic than this thing that troons and doctors are jumping through medical and financial hoops for.
No. 2005315
File: 1718584674729.png (1.42 MB, 1125x1631, sis.png)

literally transjoy, nonas
No. 2005347
>>2005341Men and especially mtf's often have pedo tendencies, girls = cute, desirable, treated nicely and no one gets mad at them, can be taken advantage of, innocent (they're perverted and think innocence equals kinkiness due to their extreme porn intake).
Women are socialised to be the polar opposite of a male (soft, sweet, harmless) and in most aspects are always grounded in reality more than men, less testosterone than a man equals less of a sex drive. All of that combined, they are often more aware (whether that be consciously or subconsciously) that they cannot emulate a man and find it unattractive to see themselves with those traits, and instead the closest to a male they have in common with is a boy. Not to mention that they are most likely consuming porn where they invision themselves as being a submissive, which is not really associated with a man's role in sex. Many ftm's know deep down know they cannot match the natural aggressive and dominant nature of a man.
>>2001065 is a perfect example of what happens when they try to do exactly that, it comes off as a hilarious crude mockery. So why not be a cute, soft boi? I mean they're short, pudgy, physically weak, and also have a high-pitched voice; so why not take transition goals from the closest thing, a prepubescent boy?
No. 2005453
>>2005341Basically what this
>>2005347 Nonny said, but I'd argue that both TIMs and many TIFs have some form of autopedophilia.
No. 2005499
>>2005347>>2005453This plus the cope of their T acne plagues, stench, and other regrettable roid side effects being "boy puberty" and other sentimental transjoy moments to do with experiencing the "boyhood they never got to have" (usually transforms into an ageplaying kink somewhere along the line)
I've also heard similarly a cope from non or pre T-ers where they say they look or sound "prepubescent" when really they mean like women, kek
No. 2005602
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What does this mean
No. 2005610
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>>2005602This feels similar to that other quote that I see popping up everywhere lately. Trannies bringing religion into this is funny because they are really telling on themselves. A religion is all it is honestly
No. 2005613
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noahwaybabe is a straight girl who does "gay" porn (think buck angel) and I found this screenshot of -what I believe to be her- saying THIS. We need to discuss the plastic surgery addiction side of this trans thing
No. 2005624
File: 1718660799374.jpg (435 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2024-06-18-00-44-05…)

>>2005616She's still a pickme housewife after all that testosterone. Female socialization is beating her ass
No. 2005635
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>>2005633It does look delicious
No. 2005728
>>2005347I think it's really as simple as "yaoi and
/or kingdom hearts", that's explains 90% of tifs. All the psychology takes a backseat to hot guys having hilariously unrealistic relationships.
It's kind of like AGP but it's way more complex. AGPs are the result of what happens when you goon to anime porn for too long. Tifs can be born from reading too much fanfiction about vamp fucking Raiden or some shit
No. 2005746
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>>2005315she will never be him
No. 2005775
File: 1718715515207.png (7.29 KB, 513x124, woman is barbie dress.png)

>>2005610Reminds me of picrel. Gender is a list of adjectives and random experiences thrown in a blender, god forbid a woman be GNC without waxing poetic about how her hobbies and wardrobe make her a moid.
No. 2005821
>>2003881This shit is probably the most confusing part of troon ideology to me. Mastectomies and hysterectomies are life-saving gender-affirming care and TIFs are fighting off suicidal thoughts every time they menstruate, but at the same time, gender has nothing to do with your body and TIFs that get pregnant intentionally are
valid and the uterus is a male organ if the birthing parent identifies as such.
No. 2005911
File: 1718745546386.jpeg (26.33 KB, 640x480, images (3).jpeg)

>>2005904Looked her up and this was the first image to pop up KEK
No. 2005944
>>2005608Probably due to test being the natural moid steroid which makes it tenfold filthier, kek
In honesty, women in bodybuilding actively try to combat/lessen the side effects while tifs see them as sooper affirming real boy puberty traits that totally make them pass too. So lifestyle, yeah. Definitely with a touch of gender-affirming poor hygiene.
No. 2006564
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>now chappell roan makes me feel left out
No. 2006567
File: 1718943197671.png (930.68 KB, 1167x447, before after.png)

>>2006564Picrel is the before and after pictures that she posted.
No. 2006637
File: 1718973019986.jpeg (735.95 KB, 815x1386, IMG_4309.jpeg)

pictured: totally not a cope about t side effects
No. 2006660
>>2006564i almost feel bad for this TiF. it's extremely obvious that her internalized homophobia was a driver for transitioning and now that being a lesbian is much more widely acceptable, she's realizing that mutilating herself in an attempt to escape homophobia wasn't the right choice
>did i not give myself enough of a chance to live as a woman?>transitioned at 21surely the vastness of womanhood can be fully experienced in four years. eye roll.
No. 2006699
>>2006593Absolutely I have, as well as adjacent coping about mainstream libfem Girl Power stuff managing to pop, like the Barbie Movie and Furiousa. The shine is wearing off the apple for tifs because theyre not seeing a fraction of the celebration that tims do, and women are returning to less toothless forms of feminism in a post Roe world. From their warped perspective, it's like they quit working at a start-up right before it blew up.
The AYRT is a great example of this, and I can't help but wonder if as a young lesbian woman she's really not finding much in common with other "straight men" but because of her backwards ideas on what men and women are allowed to do she accidentally locked herself out of the party.
No. 2006738
>>2006564This is just sad IMO, she's getting a bit of self-awareness. As women keep doing the work to make it less shitty to be born female in this world, I feel like those who trooned out thinking they'd be better off are just going to keep on experiencing that sort of regret. This is a very modern western phenomenon we're watching.
I remember seeing one anon insist it was "a smart choice" to transition to escape misogyny and getting mad that farmers didn't support FtM trooning (all while insisting she wasn't pro-transition). Hope she knows she's co-signing women going through this and even worse regrets than something about a pop singer moving forward.
No. 2006749
>>2006567Her voice and height would probably give her away, but she "passes" decently in still images. I think the reason that HSTS TiFs pass better than their male counterparts is that they rely less heavily on surgery, and they have more realistic expectations. They basically just lift and smear rogaine on their faces for several months and they can pass for short hairy Mexican guys as long as they don't open their mouths or wear a million retarded pins.
>>2006584She probably focused on building up her delts. They make exercise guides specifically for TiFs trying to pass.
No. 2006752
File: 1719002726172.png (119.89 KB, 321x864, Screenshot 2024-06-212.png)

boy is when hair short
No. 2006811
File: 1719018819124.png (118.26 KB, 600x778, caturkura2.png)

NLOG discover the lies behind Stonewall. More news at 9.
No. 2006960
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I don't think men are all that but " tboys " have to be delusional.
No. 2007077
File: 1719094421942.jpeg (568.23 KB, 1139x1432, IMG_4595.jpeg)

My own personal cow is the stereotypical “fakeboi who is into black metal and gore because she thinks it makes her more manly” archetype. Good thing that sexual dimorphism exists… take a guess as to which one is the female lmfao (I know right, reallyyyy difficult)
No. 2007135
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>>2007077>Dress like a neo-naziSuch a manly thing to do!
No. 2007209
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>>2007135>>2007173Kekkk ikr? I’m gonna be honest, this is someone within the black metal scene who has never been open about it so I’ll take my red text if “transvestigating” isn’t allowed but…. This feels like a pretty open and shut case to me. I seriously fail to see how this is anything but a woman attempting to be ‘stealth’. I admit she looks slightly more convincing in certain pics given that she’s anachan but it’s a different story when she’s next to a male
No. 2007310
>>2007209this seems like a woman to me, there's a small chance it could be some androgynous fag who manages to pass better than all mtfs though kek
the face is androgynous which reads more female to me (males rarely have faces that can pass as both sexes ime), the narrower hips + broader shoulders seem like they're caused more by the pose than anything, plus this type of baggy alt clothing is good for hiding your body shape and appearing more androgynous which is why so many troons are attracted to it
(t. former tif) No. 2007387
File: 1719166840526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,428.5 KB, 1365x2048, GQxwEtZbYAAIiCW.jpeg)

Finally a tif/NB with a female body sadly is a furry drawing(non-contribution)
No. 2007402
>>2007375Kek what are you angry about? And who said I was going to post about her? I was just curious and wanted to look her up once or twice.
>>2007398Thanks nonna
No. 2007410
File: 1719169812308.jpg (1.05 MB, 1078x1975,…)

at this point I'm convinced the people dating them are into some twisted humiliation shit
No. 2007445
>>2007438It’s even funnier in motion, this video went viral a while back because people were clowning on the way she walks kek
No. 2007517
>>2007077Just realised that even though tifs love alt stuff, metalhead tif isnt that common? Tinfoil it's because emo and goth reaching tiktok and having commercialised and easily consumable versions now, so it's a soft safe way of "rebellion" for shy nerdy tifs who believe societal norms so extremely that it still shocks them to not wear pink. And also the boybands, which market their members to tweens EXACTLY like mainstream boybands, just in black
I should know, I had a boyband phase and it was with My Chem. Meanwhile metal isn't as commercialised, is very dudebro despite the long hair and makeup, and the "boybands" are mostly old crusty men. Sry for alt scene autism it's just something I noticed.
No. 2007594
File: 1719208951863.mp4 (7.54 MB, 1080x1920, detachable chest.mp4)

I hate how common it is to view women’s bodies like this. Filename is what the thumbnail said. Someone in the comments replied how people don’t understand when she wears both binders and push-up bras…
No. 2007596
File: 1719209367650.mp4 (2.81 MB, 1080x1920, I NEED ALCOHOL NOW TRANSPHOBE.…)

>>2007594Samefag, this is the first video of hers I came across. Her telling the bartender to “keep quiet” is so awkward. Imagine having to slog through a day of bartending and having to deal with this. It’s like the kid that would skip in line and throw a giant fuss. Deadnames and pre transition pics
trigger tifs so badly but here in this case it’s convenient and doesn’t matter just shut up and give me alcohol.
No. 2007627
File: 1719219432248.jpeg (568.45 KB, 1242x614, sigfrid1.jpeg)

>>2007398Sigfrid? As in the nazi keller synth retard? No fucking way
No. 2007638
>>2007517>metalhead tif isnt that common?Depends on what you mean. "I'm a real boy"-tifs with receding hairlines, weak facial hair and army pants aren't that common. But the non-binary hyper feminine (the goth/emo/edgy kind) who make 0 effort to transition or present non-female in anyway is rampant.
Loads more tims (who also make 0 effort to pass) but metalheads are generally nerdy males so that's to be expected. Genuinely pisses me off that the current heavy metal community will happily listen to songs screaming about murder, suicide, war crimes, mutilation, rape, necrophilia, you name it… lyrics specifically meant to provoke and upset. But don't you dare offend a tim by calling him a he/him, that's somehow "too far", omg how could you! There is nothing less metal than being a troon.
No. 2007666
File: 1719230218258.png (284.05 KB, 443x322, Screenshot_1.png) find this weirdly contradictory, like
tims are allowed to talk about their dicks and threaten women with it and engage in dick talking but once a tif is sexualized then it's "poor tif!" "tifs aren't your toy!" "stop chasing tifs!!" "omg is so
problematic talking about tif pussy!!"
Which is it…
No. 2007684
>>2007639Nta but didn't they successfully do it with female rats? Supposedly they managed to produce a healthy litter that even proceeded to continue reproducing
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm a positive lesbian grabbing onto my hopefuel
No. 2007690
>>2007666To be fair that
is a pretty creepy way to talk about another adult in a public space. People rarely hold TiMs accountable for the same behavior because they're psychos who will dox you and threaten to rape your grandma.
No. 2007691
File: 1719234098506.jpg (289.12 KB, 945x2048, GQtmRdTacAAuyzp.jpg)

>>2007666>I hate my body!! I'm gonna take T!!>Still feminine figures with full hips now with obesity and balding egg headAnd today, another life was saved.
(lurk more, repost) No. 2007692
>>2007666Her gf sounds like those weird munchie moms who hype up their retarded sons and she sounds mentally challenged. She indeed uses her "trans bf" as a prop but she's too stupid to realize it, what a sad picture
No. 2007693
>>2007517It's simply because TiFs ate ironically very stereotypically feminine in their interests. They like Carseat Headrest, Sufjan Stevens, and Cavetown: soft boy music you can use for shipping AMVs. Alternatively, they like the kind of sterile, superficial "punk" suburban kids with liberal arts degrees make.
I have a TiF coworker who pretends to be into cars because it's a "boy thing" and it makes me cringe so hard. She can't even name an American muscle car. Why even LARP as the opposite gender stereotype if you don't even like those things? Bizarre
No. 2007705
>>2007636Can you fucking read? She's his niece, not his "daughter".
>>2007703She's probably 4'11'', like most tifs.
No. 2007714
>>2007707I feel like in most cases it's the opposite case. Women who express themselves in a masculine way are teared down and berated in almost every social sphere there is, for me I never had anyone tell me I was beautiful until I grew my hair out and started wearing heavy faces of makeups (as a teenager).
She's desperate for a community and thrilled for any sort of validation but retard doesn't actually analyze why or the bigger implications behind it, she just posts herself crying to a quote written by someone else to continue getting empty love from her hugbox of insecure teenage girls.
No. 2007724
>>2007517because metalhead women aren't fetishized as goth or emo women, and they're stereotyped to be fat, alcoholic, cokeheads, whores, etc. exactly like their male counterparts. unlike punk, metal is extremely male dominated and thus, scary for TIFs, because these men have no problem telling them to fuck off. so if tifannies want to be pickme NLOGS, it's easier to be alt in a goth or emo way.
unless metalheads stop being fucking homos and coomers start spreading "need me big mommy metal gf" or "tomboy metalhead gf uwu", then you won't see many TIFs there.
No. 2007743
File: 1719242702580.jpg (8.32 KB, 236x213, 1000008138.jpg)

>>2007410>>2007416>>2007445Not me thinking she was the same TIF from the prior thread that cried over a "Woman" totebag and how she was threaten more for women than moids.
No. 2007776
I can smell the autism, poor girl
No. 2007811
File: 1719255286051.jpeg (311.82 KB, 1125x1864, IMG_8840.jpeg)

>>2007627HOLY FUCK I DID NOT EXPECT TO SEE ANOTHER KELLERFAG IN THE THREAD HAHAHA seriously please tell me I’m not crazy in having my suspicions that this is a tif???
No. 2007829
File: 1719258063467.png (11.96 KB, 850x81, they them npcs.png)

>>2007811I'm not quite sure I see it (mainly because I'm terrible at clocking anyone that isn't a tim) but the idea of nazi, anti tranny Sigfrid being a tif is so goddamn absurd that I want to believe
No. 2007913
>>2007692The "bf" does look retarded. Her eyes move so weird, is it autism?
>>2007627Is this person famous in metal circles? Is he/she in a famous band or something?
No. 2007929
File: 1719274410264.jpeg (210.32 KB, 2048x1116, 5FB4AD07-4E2F-418E-9CFF-C7DE53…)

A tale as old as time
No. 2007937
>>2007913I wouldn't say popular. The guy's really only known in super niche black metal/dungeon synth adjacent circles. iirc he created a subgenre of dungeon synth called kellersynth that had its own small movement before dying off due to tiktok getting to it. He has a bunch of aliases like B.S.o.D.
>>2007924Did he really?
No. 2007944
File: 1719277997348.jpg (20.38 KB, 650x547, dqhiqg5dsob21.jpg)

>>2007932sageblog but I do remember when fujos never take the "I want to be the weak uke in my relationship" more than being cringe in internet. But this is me being an old hag speaking.
No. 2007981
File: 1719286011570.jpeg (114.25 KB, 640x640, IMG_5235.jpeg)

>>2007937Yeah, I remember him posting pics of himself in a wheelchair and everyone photoshopping him into picrel. From what I recall he was very misogynistic and racist in a moidish kind of way, not like how tifs overcompensate to “fit in” but I will admit he kinda looks like a tif in the pictures posted here. I think he’s just a weak girly looking dude. Everyone forgot about him anyway since Keller synth got popular with tiktok posers, idk why anon is posting him here now
No. 2007987
File: 1719287040843.png (12.71 KB, 527x148, 2357.png)

>>2007951Agree. Shame is almost certainly a major component of why straight women turn into TiFs. It's really annoying that women are shaming other women for drawing silly yaoi men while moids run around jerking off what basically amounts to rape and domestic violence on tape. I've seen multiple women on Reddit vent about how their moids were looking at porn while they were in active labor at the hospital! I wish women (including TiFs) would dedicate even a
fraction of the energy they put into shaming fujos into shaming male coomers instead.
I don't understand why TiFs are so aggrieved at the idea of women drawing/writing "mlm." Literally when has a moid ever been harmed by a drawing made by a woman, ever, in the history of humankind?
(continuing the derail) No. 2007989
File: 1719287315416.jpeg (384.17 KB, 1170x779, IMG_0157.jpeg)

>>2007979yes way. check her page if you don't believe me
No. 2007995
File: 1719289030803.jpeg (427.7 KB, 828x1075, IMG_4387.jpeg)

>>2007989incredible just how clockable tif art is. every single time.
No. 2008035
>>2008022agreed. i just can't wrap my head around the fact that these people are somehow making profound decisions about their identity over content which are 99 times out of a hundred basically y/a novels with sex. if you consume yaoi, more power to you, but this is the type of genre fiction that birthed shit like a/b/o or esper/guide. it's pretty stupid to want to take hormones and cut your boobs off over an experience that is written by women who doesn't talk to men, who also read about men from other women who don't talk to men all the way down.
it's like a recursive game of telephone, and at the end is overtly poetic lines about bugs, frogs and skateboarding or some shit.
No. 2008037
>>2007995Seriously. I have managed to correctly identify so many TIFs on Twitter based on art style alone, it's always a mix of the following
-bean mouth and tumblr nose
-weird faces with intentionally ugly characteristics
-oversaturated color pallete
-furry inspired face proportions
-untagged nsfw that completely lacks sensuality, pespective puts too much focus on genitals, extremely defined and large nipple and anus
-overly realistic body hair juxtaposed on cartoon style
-characters either bobba the Hutt levels of fat or ana-chan, if forced to draw regular women then they are oversexualized and portrayed as bimbos/Karens
That's all I can think of rn, feel free to add more kek
No. 2008042
File: 1719300376661.jpeg (182.64 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_4642.jpeg)

>>2007981> weak girly looking dudeThis is a woman nona
No. 2008222
>>2007978Sage blogpost but ever since I started going out to gay clubs/getting involved in the scene and meeting people I've come across quite a few fags who like yaoi, usually they're extra flamboyant and in art school.
The people condemning yaoi are always TIFs and libfems who coincidentally are obsessed with multiple gay ships. I've always found it interesting how you can be obsessed with gay ships, spend countless time drawing and liking fanart, spend hours reading fanfics that are longer than novels, watch shows because of the gay ships, and it's completely fine as long as you call it mlm and not yaoi.
(blog) No. 2008258
File: 1719359584607.jpg (613.36 KB, 1080x2400, 1000008519.jpg)

My personal cow is ready to get the necro sleeve added
No. 2008281
File: 1719363718061.png (257.89 KB, 598x656, kabrupilL.png)

>>2007929Some of the quotes are gold.
No. 2008290
File: 1719366494680.jpg (1.83 MB, 1078x9045, 1000017838.jpg)

For those of you not on shitter, here are some replies (1/2)
No. 2008300
File: 1719368100479.jpeg (1.88 MB, 3736x2920, GQ25UBWXwAAE-4g.jpeg)

>i got them gay t4t dogs in me
Lesbians, they are lesbians.
No. 2008309
>>2008292yaoi alone doesn't make troons though. a lot of it imo is exacerbated by people living pretty much entirely online and creating a persona for themselves separate from irl. i've had friends in their 30s do a similar thing where online they're "so gay for men" and have some kind of deep nebulous gender identity but irl they're just jessica who's 35 and works in the office
>>2008300this shit makes me feel so bad for lesbians as a bi woman
No. 2008315
>>2008309Yaoi makes TIFs trans in a somewhat similar way sissy porn makes TIMs trans (ofc the degeneracy is on a whole new level for the latter), it's not the sole reason but it's definitely a
trigger. They are maladjusted chronically online women who, under different
triggers, would have gotten roped into other sketchy shit (like tradwives or
femcels or saesang kpop fan etc etc), so while yaoi itself is not a "bad" thing (have one open in a different tab as I type kek), fujos should be aware of the brainrot happening among the chronically online and gullible section of their community and crush the roots of such stupid ideas if any of their friends try to bring up such bullshit. Slight blog but
a couple years ago a fujo friend (married with children) tried to garner sympathy from me that she thought she was a guy because she liked yaoi and was assertive aka liked riding her husband. I shut it down hard, but it's much harder to in today's climate. The only time I did that recently was in a private discord server where the fujo wannabes were the super shy and conflict averse types so I dared to sneakily prod them about their beliefs and several of them seemed to at least getting some second thought after some of my questions, so I think it's a behavior pattern worth watching out for.
No. 2008330
>>2008258>Remove my female anatomyYou'll still have female anatomy, just not a uterus.
>and add typical male anatomyA sewed-on sausage made of arm skin is not "typical male anatomy."
No. 2008333
>>2008151How is it grooming when they're only a few years apart in age and Patroclus was subservient to Achilles as a member of his father's court? Who exactly would be grooming who here when the younger guy is the one with power? Even the Greeks couldn't agree on who the "bottom" was (yes, this is an actual thing ancient scholars debated). There are so many better arguments you could make against TiFs appropriating the Iliad without resorting to presentist groomer sperging.
In a subsequent play not written by Homer, Achilles secretly had a baby with the Deidama, the daughter of Lycomedes, and they had a shotgun wedding. Years later in the Iliad proper, he became infatuated with Briseis, claiming he wanted to marry her (which doesn't really jibe with the Deidama story, but whatever.) After Patroclus is killed, Achilles stops caring about Briseis, who was a symbol of his victory in addition to being a love interest. Modern readers forget that as a slave, Briseis is a spoil of war, so Agamemnon taking her is basically like him stealing a medal from Achilles, which is why he orders the Myrmidons to stand down. The fact of the matter is that it's anachronistic to use any kind of sexuality label for ancient cultures, because sex-preference-as-identity is not a concept that existed back then. Achilles' love for Briseis and his love for Patroclus are both important parts of the narrative.
(derailing) No. 2008626
File: 1719455031470.jpeg (377.39 KB, 1423x2048, 1689459965335.jpeg)

>>2008589>>2008614And is always wolves, animals that have a big family relationship. Not like those TIFs that claims everybody and their mom are bigoted.
No. 2008679
>>2008626>>2008614>>2008589Unironically I think having an interest in modern day werewolves is a very feminine thing, so many women and TIFs I know are super into them because of media like Ginger Snaps and used to play pretend as wolves growing up. I think it's similar to the "transboys love bugs while girly girls hated them" thing when boys would be the ones squashing or freaking out about them.
Obviously there's the male/TIM version of werewolf autism but that's more of a sexual thing than a symbolic or animal enthusiast angle.
Deleted to add: there was also a fuck load of werewolves in YA in the 2000s and early 2010s, from the top of my head I can think of at least five different werewolf romances and dramas not including Teen Wolf or Twilight.
No. 2008683
File: 1719479779950.png (Spoiler Image,52.47 KB, 972x515, lol.png)

imagine thinking testosterone transforms your clit into a penis
No. 2008684
>"I relate so much to violent predators who attack and kill women"you don't say?
No. 2008711
this tif on tiktok larps as a femboy and despite clearly being female denies being ftm. not really a big deal bc she's probably making tims seethe but making her whole brand about being a tiny uwu small effeminate boy despite being a grown woman is a little weird
No. 2008818
File: 1719513805666.jpeg (399.65 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5309.jpeg)

>>2007517There is a tif that I occasionally keep track of who’s like that; she once had a mental breakdown over working in a record store. It’s one of those edgelord tifs who constantly says faggot
No. 2008918
>>2008853Sometimes I think about the concept of "passing".
If I saw that TIF irl my first thought wouldn't be "female" but "male" neither
I would think that is, in fact, the perfect TIF example. They tried so hard and failed to fit in that they unvoluntarily created their own subcategory in their own sex. Fucking sad. Of course they're women but if you're blind as shit like me you won't recognize that figure and balding pattern as a woman but will gradually figure out, because it wont say male either to your brain, just a sad pathetic mentally ill human.
No. 2008950
File: 1719539873039.png (Spoiler Image,632.3 KB, 1661x1354, 1677273929857.png)

I think I've only ever posted in the TIF threads once. Well, here's to change. I used to feel bad for this 19-year old TIF in this chatbot discord I'm in, but not anymore; she posted her logs a few days ago, and she's fucking disgusting. I wouldn't consider her a personal lolcow of mine since I don't keep up with her shenanigans. This discord is full of moids and a handful of women(???) and she likes to hang out with the disgusting moids, playing up to their coombrain shit and talking about breeding, pregnancy tests, etc. She also does AI generations of furry "waifus" (fully nude). I could post any number of screencaps of her doing that shit, but I'll let her roleplay logs speak for themselves.
No. 2008975
>>2001600>BARUCH HASHEM.>sefardi (jewish ethnic group/religious tradition) as a nameThe posturing is ridiculous, it's so obviously an attempt to appear as cultured as possible by throwing around non-English words but to anyone who's actually familiar with the language it looks really silly
>>2002096Allows them to pretend their attraction to males is transgressive and badass instead of just heterosexuality
No. 2009089
File: 1719581494542.jpg (596.13 KB, 1620x2160, YZA-fh91qhM.jpg)

I know this is some insane word salad (tenderise each other's gender MY ASS) but it's just funny to me how gendie girls are now making butch to be some sort of a trans thing. I noticed recently that a lot of tifs nowadays finally started to realize that they won't get to be men after all that mutilation, so they resort to the butch label.
No. 2009131
File: 1719592298893.png (Spoiler Image,33.35 KB, 947x275, r.png)

your gay fanfiction obsession is showing (jfc)
No. 2009162
>>2009089doing chores as a couple without thinking about gender roles is transgender now. i think my parents are trans??
seriously, how dysfunctional your upbringing must be to think men and women only do certain chores, assigned by gender.
No. 2009266
File: 1719619851670.png (305.72 KB, 442x589, Chyna.png)

>>2009197>>2009247Even in women that used testosterone for "sport" reasons (picrel), the clit isn't big enough to be a penis, even a micro penis. These girls are so delusional.
No. 2009334
File: 1719637203495.jpg (137 KB, 736x1091, MV5BMGNiMDg1Y2YtZjEwNy00NDE4LT…)

>>2009300>>2009303That's because tifs do not care about bodybuilding or even exercising in general. They think T will make the rest while eating trash food or not taking care of their health. That explains why there are not many muscled tifs.
And sadly Chyna passed away years ago, but there are many divas that I would be happily die between her legs.
No. 2009352
>>2009285It's because they're justifying their enjoyment of a "
problematic" thing. To them, fujoshis and slashers are evil straight girls fetishizing the poor helpless gay men, but it no longer counts as fetishizing if they "become" gay men, or if they liked it because they were supposedly eggs unknowingly expressing their dysphoria. "I was suffering from dysphoria at the time," is a really popular justification for all sorts of different behaviors among troons, from things as harmless as yaoi to the crimes AGPs in jail are serving time for.
No. 2009789
File: 1719753664053.png (1.19 MB, 1514x1241, Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 9.19.…)

No. 2009837
File: 1719764638826.jpg (153.67 KB, 2048x2048, GRNQOTTXcAAczuQ.jpg) on tif violence is so weird
>Not the casual classism!!Ok then remove your tits in a dusty basement
No. 2009843
>>2009839That's the thing that made me chuckle.
Aside the fact that twittards sure are quick to jump at a 14 yo girl's throat just because she called their scars ugly, scars heal almost to not visible if you take care of them properly or if you don't go to a fucking butcher. Their copium is so visible, I hope that this peaks the girl and no one can't tell me that some tifs purposely make their scars heal like shit so they can show off.
No. 2009876
>>2009837Gendies made her apologize: how much of a cunt can you be, on the other hand I hope that this teaches this baby gendie how hateful and hypocrytical the "community" can be.
No. 2009910
File: 1719783462141.png (479.36 KB, 720x988, Screenshot_20240630-173327-446…)

>>2009837When a 14 year old has more mature politics than adult gendies.
No. 2009922
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Scramratz (artist of thread pic) face reveal
No. 2009923
File: 1719785336264.png (1.02 MB, 828x1963, image.png)

idk what’s worse. this person having the mentality of a child and getting top surgery or this person literally is a child and is getting top surgery
No. 2009932
File: 1719786420690.jpeg (771.02 KB, 828x1143, IMG_5749.jpeg)

>>2009923millennial apparently
No. 2009963
>>2009132Very good summary of 'lesbian historians' kek. I would bet she's dating (or has dated) another gendie who takes offense at any perceived feminine behavior because she sees her as a male substitute. That or
she's the one looking for 'gender' validation by acting like a 50s caricature of a man. These wordy butch/femme lesbians/fakebians/troons come across as so insincere in everything they do, it's a little sad.
>>2009923Before the internet
>mom prefers her son over her daughter>daughter is sad >leaves home, makes her own home, may or may not repeat the cycleAfter the internet
>mom prefers her son over her daughter>daughter is sad>daughter gets a tit chop, comes out as male, demands total, constant attention from everyone because maybe then they will care No. 2009981
File: 1719798641971.jpg (303.68 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20240701_070319_Chr…)

Randomly came across a novel on goodreads about two serial killers, rapists, cannibalising-necrophiliacs and I'm so confused after seeing that the author is a tif. When it's terminally online tifs, you can argue that they don't step outside, are detached from the reality and only view moids through their rose-tinted glasses. But she more or less knows the reality and STILL chose to be a nlog, while being a grown adult at that. How can a woman dive into the psyche of moids, write about male violence in length, yet be like 'aight imma troon out'?
Also, Billy is a shit name. It's like tifs automatically get the shittest naming-skills and taste once they change the pronouns in their twitter bio. It seems to be a requirement that you can only troon out if you want to name yourself after a starving victorian child, a fictional/greek character, or a greasy truck driver you met once who was called bob mccain or something.
No. 2009985
>>2009923>we'd get a chance to bond over thisAh yes, her dad's going to have a great time bonding with someone who chopped off her healthy body parts after he got a heart surgery to not fucking die.
>>2009932And she still lives with her parents? I mean, it isn't wrong when you aren't being a burden to your parents but the thing is, she's a burden. And to everyone around her. Her family members can't even do something without her wanting constant attention kek, she wants to be babied so bad over her own self-inflicted misery. I feel for her mom, I doubt her parents actually preferred their son over their daughter (because not all tifs have sad backstories, most of the time they're just retarded) so watching her butcher herself in real time must suck a lot.
No. 2010020
>>2009981Oh I know this author. She gets off on the incest, necrophilia, cannibalism, violence, rape, and everything else I forgot about, that she puts in her books. From the way she wrote her female rape
victim character in Lost Souls, I'd say she trooned out to escape the deep set misogyny that she could clearly see in irl men that she also reflected in her male characters, as the rapist is one of the main characters and he justifies his actions in his own thoughts throughout the book in a pretty realistic way. As for the heavy incest and everything else, she's just the grandmother of fujos today who are into guro and omegaverse. Same shit, different gateway drug.
It sounds like one of those cases where a straight woman tries to jump ship to get the yaoi fantasy experience instead of the misogynistic reality that women have to deal with when dating men
No. 2010021
>>2009996>she fixated on actual serial killersDidn't know that. I thought she was just some nlog trying hard to be as edgy as possible (like quite a lot authors who write under the splatterpunk genre, unfortunately) but after snooping around, I found out that the novel mentioned in
>>2009981 was basically an RPF-in-flimsy-disguise of Jeffrey Dahmer and Dennis Nielsen, where the main
victim is too similar to a real child murdered by Dahmer, his youngest
victim in fact, it's the same child who had escaped once and was caught back by him because the cops refused to believe his words — even this scene is recreated in the novel, plus she writes a lot from the murders' pov about how drool-worthy, beautiful and 'perfect
victim' he was. I can brush off cringey serial killer novels as long as they're fictional, but getting 'inspired' by real crimes and recreating them part-by-part is… yikes, to say the least. Reminds me of The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum, where a poor girl's tragedy was used for the other to earn some pocket cash and good reviews.
No. 2010032
>>2010025>When will tifs realise that there's no 'escape'It might be wishful thinking but have noticed they kinda do lately. A lot of he/him girls i knew removed their pronouns or went to other less masculine labels like they/them "butch". I don't think they will drop the gender stuff anytime soon but it's a fact after somewhat 10 years of widespread troonery some of these women realized that T won't make them men, especially because they can see how it went for other TIFs.
>>2010026>more prone to stdsI think gaydens think it makes them a bit more like the real gay men kek
No. 2010055
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>>2010020>It sounds like one of those cases where a straight woman tries to jump ship to get the yaoi fantasy experience Maybe, dissociating from a female body does that but in her case it looks like it's mostly tied to sex and sex-related self image. Looks like she wants to dominate men, as a 'man'. My tinfoil is that many of these AAP women can't square being female with dominance in a romantic or sexual context and let this fester until they troon out. See for yourself No. 2010084
>>2010080>forcing tifs to be less masculine with that "why not just be a tomboy" schtickWell, being a TiF does not make women more masculine. Having a short haircut and calling yourself a 'he/him butch' doesn't make anyone more masculine. It's not something you can will into reality. TiFs can masculinize themselves with T but in behavior, voice (yes, T lowers it but their speech style is still blatantly female), psychic structure and anxieties (produced by socialization), they are still feminine. Actually many of them are more feminine than average. Masculinity in women is grit, confidence, being comfortable with conflict, a disregard for feminine socialization etc. Many 'tomboys' and normie women possess these qualities, most TiFs don't, and troon out precisely because they can't find it in themselves to develop these qualities without turning to a medicalized identity. Cope
>>2010079They're relatively rare compared to milder cases/ROGD, but yeah, i wish this was more explored. Lou Sullivan is another prime example of this
No. 2010168
File: 1719855261279.png (332.03 KB, 598x508, scars.png)

>>2009837>>2009876Is not the first time it happens, and TIFs will devour themselves for some botched scars. No. 2010183
File: 1719859385122.jpeg (167.25 KB, 828x461, IMG_5757.jpeg)

>> 2009969
> “displeasent”
Reply calling the mom the narcissist kek. These people’s hugboxing knows no limits. Don’t think op will get much smol bean validation out of those “non trans” opinions though
No. 2010210
>>2010055So, she related more to the perpetrators in her novels? I didn't understand how could she write from psycho moids' pov and still troon out (because then she would've definitely known how vile moids are), but if she treated them like her self-inserts then it all makes sense. She didn't want to live out the fantasy of going through the things her characters inflicted onto others (and to be fair, even if she had, it would've been just as insane), she wanted
to be like those characters. Her transition goals was basically the real life killers she obsesses over. I lowkey don't think it's as simple as 'she wanted to be dominant' because she's quite similar to women with hybristophilia, except with the added (extremely common) troon logic 'I want to become who I'm attracted to' that applies to a wide range of both tifs and tims.
I wish there was studies done on people like her so they could figure out some form of treatment for them, instead of just handing them hormones like candies and allowing them to continue their delusions. But then again, it probably won't earn as much money as endorsing trooning out as a solution to all problems and creating lifelong patients.
No. 2010332
>>2010189It is what it is. Anyone
theoretically can troon out but alas, we're seeing the most susceptible group (the extreme ends of gender noncomformity) getting chopped up first.
No. 2010339
File: 1719897735096.mp4 (6.12 MB, 856x1920, lv_0_20240701120118.mp4)

thinking about this song a tif made in a VA discord about "falling in love with a pretty boy" ofc shes obsessed with greek mythology, tifs are never original. shes a wanna be VA who keeps trying to get male parts
No. 2010350
>>2009981Oh she's been talked about in the altcows thread a bit, she's a fujo to tif pipeline
victim but make it vampires, and theybie altcow dorian seems inspired by her
No. 2010390
File: 1719919052216.mp4 (1003.73 KB, 480x854, IkgRcJe.mp4)

No. 2010450
Apologies if this was posted before but Tifs are so fucking delusional and selfish. They only think about themselves and their "Trans identity" until they get the taste of the real world where not everyone would think like them and they turn into the biggest pussy ever.
No. 2010466
File: 1719938237308.mp4 (9.3 MB, 480x854, nNK1Lyy.mp4)

>>2010339>tifs are never original.true
No. 2010603
File: 1719959707117.jpg (852.21 KB, 3464x3046, kdks.jpg)

I've seen this "femboy" tif on Instagram a few times now but never paid her any mind, assuming she was upfront about her tifness. I decided to skim through a few comments and saw this… kek there's no fucking way she's being serious. The funniest part is the fucking retards who actually take what she's saying at face value. "Hormonal imbalance" my ass. I find more and more evidence to support my theory that 90% of people are completely retarded as the days go by. I think the pornsick male coomers who think she has a penis are worse than this tif, though.
No. 2010613
>>2010603men with chromosomal disorders and congenital issues that caused feminization don't tend to have narrow, feminine rib cages. they tend to look like Chrischan judging from case studies.
this looks like a woman with an androgynous face. It could also be a man abusing hip pads and body filters but it's the body filters are working overtime if that's the case.
No. 2010621
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Sorry for doubleposting, forgot the image.
It's fucking ridiculous how anyone could believe this is a male despite all the observable evidence proving otherwise. People are literally ignoring what their eyes are telling them just because a tif claimed it's not true. They are unable of any sort of critical thinking and it's frankly scary.
No. 2010714
File: 1719975226507.jpg (69.03 KB, 851x415, Screenshot_20240703_082128_Chr…)

>>2010712Samefag, her entire song is even more cringe and tf is up with these lyrics?? Also, of course she's a themlet, the nlogest of nlogs.
No. 2010767
File: 1719986820335.jpg (203.52 KB, 1262x533, Lingerie Confidence Boost.jpg)

>>2010746U wot m8?? Um, achksually, lingeres are actually
empowering for vagina havers—it's not always sexual!! It's
you who's the actual pedo for jumping to the conclusion of toddlers wearing empowering clothes to be sexualixation!!!!
No. 2010800
>>2010767After all, it would be terribly embarrassing when the coroner inspects your body to find mismatching undies on your body.
>>2010466This is so cringe.