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No. 167361
Thread #1
>>93507Thread #2
>>131172Thread #3
>>151227Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
Glorified camwhore who pretends to be into gaming and anime to get Patreon bucks, JNig wannabe, ~thicc~ cosplayer. Wears the same Zero Suit Samus spandex suit to nearly every con.
The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Samus costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned">claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money >does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $4k per month on Patreon>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guestLast thread:
>dropped out of wearing her Camilla cosplay to EVO because of "sunburns/heat stroke", but was photographed going to parties>got invited to be a booth babe at Super Toy Con, but didn't bother to show up until the second day>"It's one of my favorite games, I've never beaten it, but I watch walkthroughs all the time">defended her friend Vamplette begging for car repair money>got shaded by multiple Vegas-area cosplayers about her fakeness>despite claiming to not care about the Farm, showed up multiple times to throw tantrums – and got banned every time>did an interview with a literally who in which she proved she knows jack shit about Metroid (despite being "famous" for her Samus cosplay) and claimed to be friends with JNigWe ended the last thread on a high note, with multiple pictures of her poorly-made Chun-li cosplay being posted.
No. 167379
File: 1471793812330.png (283.49 KB, 344x481, Charlotte_portrait.png)

>>167205>>167323I'm laughing too hard at that basic ass walmart bra. That costume looks fucking terrible. Does anyone have a full-body picture of Charlotte for reference?
No. 167380
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>>167361Should add to the OP that she also got vaguely called out by the FGC people who didn't want her to guest at EVO.
No. 167413
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urgh, the armour on her hip looks nothing like Camilla's… The black and purple bit belongs to Camilla's boots, not the golden armour. And don't even get me started on Moochlette's sorry excuse of a Charlotte cosplay. How can you fuck up that bad when you can see their 3d battle models in the game whenever you want? I know! Because neither of them played the damn game.
Hey Momo, if you really want to cosplay a character from Fates, I'm sure you could pull this one off like a champ.
No. 167414
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Post more pics vampy, I wanna see how bad you fucked up the collar.
No. 167434
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No. 167545
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Did moochlette gain weight? She looks really bad in the preview pics posted. Momo's waist is just non existant at this point without a corset, holy shit.
No. 167549
>>167545I like how the top photo is but off but you can still tell she has a fupa hanging over her panties.
Also lol that she didn't even use a separating zipper on the vest. That vest is like an example of every newbie mistake.
No. 167566
>>167414When I saw her in person I was confused because she just didn't look fully like who she was supposed to be. The wig was especially throwing me off, I didn't think she was that character at first. She was also extremely rude when I tried to get around her, and just didn't seem to have ANY interest in anyone but herself and Moomoo.
On the other hand, moomoo was actually quite nice and sweet when I talked to her, same with Gabby. They both genuinely looked like they were having a good time, but the people around them not so much. Might have been the heat, but the other cosplayers in that full armor looked like they were having a real bad time.
No. 167587
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>>167431idk if she did piss the Corrin cosplayer off,but she did annoy the Ryouma cosplayer in her "mommy and lobster daddy" pic on insta. Kek.
No. 167607
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So are the rumors that they aren't friends with Gabby anymore a load of bs? Causeeee this says otherwise? Also look how disgusting that comments is lololol
No. 167653
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I bet we'll see more of Nana in selfies with these two toxic parasites in the near future.
No. 167658
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>>167607Alright, I've only played the SFs before Juri was even a thing, but doesn't that character have totally different hair?
No. 167662
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>>167658It's one of her alt costumes from 5
No. 167678
>>167607>Being completely OOC for chun li because she has no fucking idea of the character lore in SF and probably thinks Chun Li is a cute airhead bimbothis bitch though
and God moochy's wig is so ratty. And the flabby cammy with the tacky ass tattoo. Fuck these people.
No. 167721
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>>167718everyone saying those cosplayers wanted nothing to do with her are just projecting their own Mariah hate onto others. I don't like her either but lets not make shit up when there's real issues to discuss.
No. 167750
File: 1471918901883.png (75.56 KB, 720x478, Screenshot_2016-08-22-20-16-02…)

?????? Lol, wasn't her favorite cosplayer Jessica? And then it was that French Canadian chick who made the giant spider costume from Monster Mosume? (WHICH, by the way, Mariah was apparently supposed to make a cosplay for, she posted pics in a bra a few months ago and never finished it) I guess whichever one wants to pay attention to her is her new favorite cosplayer. So fake.
No. 167780
>>167678>>167690she probably sees those fan arts of Chun doing her "yatta!" pose and is like "OK THAT'S CHUN'S CHARACTER!" and doesn't bother to look up anything else. that's why she did a bunch of kawaii quirky poses for her last Chun cosplay and now she's doing it again.
>>167607Chun and Cammy are Juri's enemies. Why would Chun want Cammy and Juri to get along?
oh wait it's because she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about.
It's amazing that she still thinks her whole gamur gurrl schtick is unique and will get her a lot of followers when pretty much every girl now plays or has played video games. There's plenty of girls in competitive scenes too. Mariah ain't shit without her fake ass personality.
No. 167816
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She commissioned the coat and the gun. And she's going to get a TON of attention for this cosplay because she's fat and a whore. When she did NO work at all. I'm over this stupid community. They keep glorifying no-talent losers like Mariah while there's chicks out there busting their ass making Pharah from scratch.
No. 167819
>>167816I doubt she bought the kit, that's too much work for her lazy ass. I'm sure it was fully put together.
To be honest I'd rather see her commission stuff than act like she's some great creator with her shit stuff she makes. At least she'll hopefully give credit to the makers and get them some attention (unless she's just ordering mass produced shit on AliExpress like her suits).
As far as I know most actual cosplayers either don't know who she is or don't care for her. She's just getting attention from thirsty neck beards and other fatties who feel better about themselves because of her.
No. 167825
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Serious question, why would you cosplay a character with visible stomach if your body looked like this? Maybe it's my Aspergers but I genuinely can't even fathom why anyone in the history of cosplay would say "yeah girl, show off that muffin top!"
No. 167829
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>>167825that leg armour looks horrendous, how does someone fuck up foam that badly.
No. 167831
>>167816Cosplay is just camwhoring at this point. Its why I've given up on the community as well.
Every now and then I fine a talented cosplayer that puts so much work and energy into what they do and they don't get anywhere near the recognition as cunts like moomoo. It seriously makes you depressed if you're active in the community, even if you're just doing it because you love it, not for the $$$$.
No. 167834
>>167825Huh, I thought Vamplette was more talented than this. is Mariah's laziness rubbing off on her?
Also, I though nanabear was supposed to be considered one of the more talented cosplayers in the community too, why is she hanging out with these 2?
No. 167846
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>>167844Just in case anybody is wondering who these cosplayers are with 300-400k likes on Facebook and start asking for screencaps I'll post the queen in my honest opinion. Unconfirmed wether she makes her own cosplays I'm sure the team she cosplays with helps eachother out individually, but Mariah will never reach this status she will never be this girl.
No. 167850
>>167844>>167847I agree with you on pretty much every point, but I don't think anyone really thinks she's single-handedly destroying cosplay, she's more of a symptom that the US community is going to shit.
Anons might also be getting salty because she's so obviously fake and passionless about it. She doesn't give a shit about cosplaying and it really shows in everything she does.
No. 167855
>>167850And although I may see some points to your argument I also have reason to believe that the thread itself was just started by some very salty people who have a personal vendetta against her. There are hundreds of wannabe cosplayers who pull the same shit and are just as disgusting, what makes her so special? Why not have a thread about ALL the snowflake cosplayers in America?
I mean it is humorous watching her act like she's making a difference, when in reality she's just another girl who uses sexuality to promote popularity in a largely male based community. Most females cosplayers who have no talent wouldn't even have a career if they didn't have neckbeards who fantasize about their video game Waifus. She's just another talentless girl like all the others who have these patreons and Boudoir sets and even pornography. I don't see why anyone would waste their breath on this one bottom feeder chick. Even if this thread did "destroy her" and she quit cosplay it wouldn't change a damn thing in the so called community.
No. 167863
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>>167825She looks fucking nothing like the original design. How did she think this is ok?
No. 167865
>>167863omg, she didn't even try with that leg armour.
Also whats with Momo and her friends not knowing how to style wig bangs? Its literally the easiest thing to do.
No. 167878
>>167850It's more that momo perpetuates an on going problem in the cosplay community, there are more and more lecherous assholes coming to cons to hit on cosplayers because there are hundreds just like Mariah that continue to glorify cosplay as a fetish and that cosplaying women all pose in panties or do budior shoots
She defends the perverts on her page and acts like it's completely ok to treat all cosplayers like sexual objects when it's a fucking hobby meant for people to go out and be themselves not for horny assholes to come in giggle and take candid ass shots, up skirts or inappropriately hit on girls and ask for their numbers! Momo is not single handedly bringing cosplay down that's not why I hate her, I hate her because she's a rude pig who is only kind to those that further her interests and continually markets cosplay to perverts and makes it hard for vegas cosplayers to be taken seriously.
She makes it seem like all vegas cosplayers are sluts. She wants to do crappy cam whore shots let her! But fucking a leave the word cosplay out of it.
No. 167935
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>>167934Seriously is, you see what her "art" looks like? A 1st grader does a better job no wonder she started flashing her ass like momo
No. 167939
>>167935The only one that looks good is Mew since the original Pokémon are so easy to draw. Fucking sad.
>>167863What… The fuck is this armor? Girl, that looks like you slapped some foam together and didn't try.
>>167825The delusions have to be strong. When you're cosplaying a character showing that much skin, wouldn't most people plan ahead to tone the fuck up?
No. 167978
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>>167939Literally looks nothing like Charlotte the only thing that is passable is the neck piece the pauldrons are way off everything is flat as fuck
And what is it with moochlette and her posing? She never and I mean it she never never never even tried to get into character she just makes the dumb zoo lander look and uses MySpace angles to hide her crooked nose much like momokunt used them to hide her weight gain.
No. 167982
>>167978I agree with the anon that said Moochlette spent all her time on the neck piece and the axe. The difference of quality between those two pieces and the rest is insane.
If she just managed her time correctly and wasn't lazy she'd probably have a decent cosplay. Better than Moomoo's travesty at least.
No. 168003
>>167361>>167982I was actually gonna suggest the theory that Vamp made hers purposely shitty so for once Momo would look better standing next to her. Because even though Moomoo's looks half assed I feel like Vamp's is one step away from one of those joke cardboard Gundam cosplays with that awful fucking armor.
>>167878>>167850Agreed. I gotta question why the fuck Moomoo has to finish her cosplay last minute in the hotel room when she doesn't have a job. Like if she's gonna call cosplay and Patreon her living then live up to it. If she devoted even 20 hours a week, equivalent to a part time job, then she should be way better than her current skill level. And on top of that there's no reason she should be finishing shit last minute in her room.
People hate her because she's so fucking lazy. Just straight out, she has no job and quit her job to cosplay and she has basically nothing to show for it except for a couple half assed budoir shoots and a bunch of thirsty neckbeard followers. It's fucking principle at this point. If you're going to sell yourself as a professional cosplayer then fucking act like one. If she ever wants to be asked to guest for one she should start actually spending time at the conventions rather than rolling in hungover well into the afternoon, and also she should actually put the time and effort into her cosplays that they deserve. Especially considering again, she has no fucking job and isn't in school.
No. 168055
>>168003Didn't someone say Vamplette literally made those leg pieces in the hotel? Maybe she'd dumb herself down a bit, but I don't think to the point where she is a literal joke. Chances are MooMoo is just rubbing off of her.
At least Mooch still a job, what's Moo's excuse?
No. 168100
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Is it just me or is her left butt-cheek really wobbly lookin? It looks like they weren't paying attention while shooping.
No. 168125
>>168100"Oh it's Wednesday and I don't have a job I'm so bored what can I do for internet attention? Oh yah drop a tacky photo I took a month ago for my Patrons because everyone needs to notice me!"
Keep it classy, Mariah.
No. 168130
>>168100On her Facebook she said it was so popular that at least five people requested that picture as a poster! Wow! Five! Lmao!
Anyways she's going to a Seattle con in her Samus suit and it will be amazing because she's gonna get a rude wake up call. She's not going to know anyone there and no one is going to know who the fuck she is :) I'm just waiting for those sob story Facebook posts "I'll never go to PAX again it's not the same as before I was so miserable"
No. 168210
File: 1472081903017.jpeg (154.28 KB, 750x1076, image.jpeg)

"I've lost some weight" LOL
No. 168262
>>168210Hers looks like mine (except mines a bright blue). I found that mannequin on Walmart. $115 (for a large).
No idea where she bought it from but if it was for $230, she was robbed.
No. 168276
>>168100Gross. They missed a spot with the blur tool. Her thigh is so thick and massive it makes her legs incredibly short. Her body type is just so gross and unfortunate. This isn't even THICC at this point…
>>168210Lost weight? Momo plz. We all have eyes and can see that you've been gaining.
No. 168283
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She wasn't in charge she just helped out apparently
No. 168284
>>168274I don't have proof, this was what she stated before it began. She may have just said it, misspoke, or exaggerated.
>>168283I can't say if she is just trying to lessen her involvement or if this is true and she was only helping, but the dab compition was her idea.
No. 168480
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What a mess.
No. 168544
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Oh no…
No. 168545
>>168544omg these comments…
So cute I wouldn't even be mad if she cheated on me in my own bed with the neighbor
so pretty i would get down on two knees rather then one to marry you
Life is perfect, all done.
this is why the world is worth saving for
And you still never fail to impress me with your work. Love everything you do momo
… I really dont want to live on this planet anymore D: rip humanity
No. 168547
>>168544HAHAH I was just gonna post this.
I like how she makes it seem like she made the costume herself. Wasn't this commissioned?
No. 168555
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>>168544Just want everyone to know that even the commissions she orders are lazy and half-assed.
No. 168557
>>168544That poor wig bunched up on her shelf.
She didn't mentioned anything about having this commissioned in her image post did she? She'll probably milk it for people thinking SHE made it until someone calls her out on it.
That tongue thing is getting annoying. Miley Cyrus does it in every picture.
No. 168561
>>168544LOOOOOOOOOL She's claiming she made those new leggings herself but in the old costume she was wearing lululemons with ONE shitty ass stripe painted down them. Holy fuck her fans just buy every lie she feeds them eh?
Jacket and gun were commissioned, she bought those boots from a shoe store obviously and it looks like she bought the leggings too. Only thing she made was the backpack and I don't even know if she made that.
No. 168562
>>168544You know, all things considered, this cosplay isn't that bad on her.
With the big coat, everyone looks big in Mei, so it's actually a pretty flattering costume for her.
Ya we know she didn't make it, and she posted a picture making a really stupid face and the tank looks like shit, but I'd rather see this than a spandex suit stretched over her ever growing ass
No. 168590
>>168567She spent $400 on this piece of shit?
At least her $4k a month is going to something cosplay related, I guess.
No. 168592
>>168557isn't that wig her samus one? no wonder it's so ratty and gross…
>>168562same tbh. at least it covers up her lardy ass and keeps her flab contained.
>>168576>Fabric: pu No. 168599
>>168480I'm still so fucking aggravated over how she clearly has no fucking idea what Chun Li is like as a character and then pulls stupid fucking poses like this.
And couldn't she photoshop that costume to look better, you can see the puckering seams a mile away.
>>168572It does. If she paid like $400 for this, she got ripped off.
No. 168611
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Don't know why Momo is <3-ing BardockObama after this post in which one of her fans had to point out about her so called amazing cosplay status to bring it to her attention with a retweet. Which comes in as a previous anon said earlier that he unfollowed her just recently so now we know why.
When unfunny meme trash fuckbois who usually worship these girls begin to see the light there's hope after all. Bet that won't stop Momo from trying to get his attention though.
No. 168654
File: 1472224232403.png (233.06 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Fucking fake as fuuuuuuuuckkkkk. Bad save Mariah haha. We see through your shit you special snowflake you.
No. 168657
>>168654'All I saw was that someone said I was an amazing cosplayer'
I love when she slips and lets us into her psyche like that cause it's all she cares about. it's like if you tweeted 'momo is an amazing cosplayer if you think amazing cosplay is made my someone with parkinsons' she'd retweet it and say thanks
No. 168689
>>168645SwimsuitSuccubus commented on Momo's hypocrisy as well but them Momo backtracked saying it was a "misunderstanding" and that she "didn't see bardock's comment"
I didn't screencap SwimsuitSuccubus's comment but if you check mariah's twitter you can see her @ SS and Kay bullshitting her way out of their call outs.
No. 168720
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No. 168733
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>>168721if you keep calling them disgusting what do you expect them to do lol. damned if she does damned if she doesn't.
what's the big deal with her dimply thighs lol. i mean fine if you think she's gross/fat but regarding the dimples i feel like you have to be fairly, well, young to find offense in something like that and call it disgusting. especially when victoria's secret models have that too it's not about weight. it just seems really immature. it's like going on and on and on about someone's acne.
cows are cows but the contradictory obsession with her body is very zzzzzz. she's got enough bad qualities to go on about no need to get petty about her body.
No. 168736
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>>168733last one. like imo i just don't see how it's shocking.
No. 168737
>>168736>>168733it's because she's lying about it???
Someone might have a perfectly fine eye color but if they wear contacts and constantly talk about how much they love their eye color then people are gonna call out that shit.
She goes on and on about how she's happy to be 'thicc' and 'body positive' but she literally lies about her body at ANY opportunity. it's one thing about the thighs since AVERAGE photo editing smooths that out but if she's so 'body positive' then why does she constantly try to hide and lie about her body? Moomoo is a cow because of her blatant lying so bringing up her lying about the body shes so 'proud' of is a fair topic to tackle. (also tbh most cosplayers are smart enough to wear dance tights)
No. 168746
>>168737>if she's so 'body positive' then why does she constantly try to hide and lie about her body? it's a process, buddy. i think she's genuinely trying? idk she's obviously a wildly insecure fatty and idk if i can find someone cow-worthy over something so common lol. that sort of shit goes way deep into instagram girls and the kardashians it's not particularly shocking or interesting? idt it makes her a bad person. i mean even the eye color comparison it's like, does that sound like an important or interesting issue? how can you get mad about something like that and feel the need to "expose" them. seems trivial. i sound v whiteknighty but it's not rlly about her as a person it just seems so backwards regardless of the person to obsess over their body in a negative way.
but anyway my main ? is how people can go off about her cottage cheese thighs. that's just what bodies look like. hell, yours probably look like that too.
No. 168752
>>168721>Wears a waist cincher>Picks the most flattering angles and poses to look more thin>Photoshops the fuck out of everything, including cottage cheese ass and thighsHer "body positivity" is a sad joke.
>>168746Get the fuck out momo.
No. 168754
File: 1472252563894.jpg (9.33 KB, 332x251, 1 eww.jpg)

so anon is implying mariah's fat ass cottage cheese thighs are 'normal'? i'm pretty sure you're from america than because there's nothing normal or not ugly about her cottage thighs.
sure, everyone has a bit of cellulite but when you get as overweight as mariah and your legs are starting to droop with fat and resemble cottage cheese than yes, to normal weight people it looks kind of disgusting.
even the pics you posted look better than mariah/this pic
No. 168755
>>168754then *
also how is it petty to point out how shitty she's treating her body? that's not positive at all mariah
No. 168766
>>168763i was out lol. see it's this kind of passion i find childish and odd.
>>168754>than yes, to normal weight people it looks kind of disgustingit doesn't stop it from being backwards. i don't live in america lol i live in amsterdam. you don't have to be american to be mature(?) enough to not go off passionately about how disgusting dimply thighs are. i mean, is it the texture? is it her habits? it's such a knee-jerk reaction i don't see how it's even important enough to angrily argue w/ me about it i'm just having a chill dicsussion i'm not forcing you to think differently lol. it's just such circa 2003 12 year old on 4chan thinking. this is a discussion board i just figured there's more productive shit we could be talking about other than acting disgusted over cottage cheese legs like it's something unique to her lol it's boring.
No. 168776
>>168772lord i know i hate her cosplay family act. as if it's about anything other than business and attention in the community in general? but she's so all around obnoxious and loud it's worse with her. i feel like all "sexy" cosplayers fall into the same pathology as her and jnig. people who actually give a shit about their craft are focused on, you know, working on their craft. it sucke they never get the same attention.
(see this is the kind of shit that makes her a cow not dimply thighs lol. all i'm saying.)
No. 168780
>>168776I know I make a lot of valid points like these yet they go unnoticed because a lot of people like to focus on how fat/photoshopped she looks in all of her new cosplays lol.
But the point is, if the cosplay community was one big family a lot of people would've caught her fake personality by now and snubbed her. Problem is there's thousands of wanna be Jessica Nigris out there, and there's new ones everyday (after all she's only been cosplaying for a year) and some people are just as delusional as her when it comes to follower counts, and ride her ass and act all "omg I love you you're so gorgeous" because they hope her followers will follow them.
No. 168804
>>168797If momo didnt photoshop she would never have gotten popular though???
Yes you can be body positive and be insecure but NO you can NOT be body positive and then blatantly LIE about your body. She does EVERYTHING she can to lie about her body. Whether it be photoshopping ,myspace angles, or contorting her body to hide her ACTUAL shape.
If anything the photoshop and corsetting and everything she does to hide her body comes from her shit personality and love of lying. She's lazy so instead of actually working to get the body she wants she BLATANTLY lies about it and uses 'body positivity' to try and block people who comment on what she actually looks like.
If she didnt photoshop she'd basically have to be a better person and if she was a better person she wouldnt have a lolcow thread and no one would give a singular fuck about her.
No. 168811
>>168804exactly she's not just cosplaying she's cosplaying while trying to be a sexual icon to her neckbeard fanboys. that's why costume quality comes second and why she wears a waist trainer and photoshops her thighs. she's not gonna be desirable/marketable/successful without it. her fans want a thicc sexy photoshopped cosplayer with a small waist so that's what she's gonna do. she's like a pin-up cosplayer. which is fine but she's a shitty manipulative cow. she's a fat jnig.
>>168804>If anything the photoshop and corsetting and everything she does to hide her body comes from her shit personality and love of lying. She's lazy so instead of actually working to get the body she wants she BLATANTLY lies about it and uses 'body positivity' to try and block people who comment on what she actually looks like. eh idk imo it's not that deep. i mean everyone lies about their bodies and even if you're a mean person it's still gonna come from insecurity especially when you're just plain fat. that's just? normal. i don't think anyone is naive enough in 2016 to not be aware of photoshop and that everyone smooths their skin to some extent. and no one is obtuse enough to
not understand the logic/psychology in smoothing your skin unless you're purposefully trying to be a dick. there's a reason almost all photo editing apps have the option to smooth your skin. there isn't some crazy deceit in standard beauty photoshopping bc that's just 2016.
>>168807exactly but that doesn't mean it's necessary lol. it derails and is just childish behavior in general. maybe if people didn't go on back and forth over a single photo of her fat ass but like, they do. and regarding her faux body positivity, if mariah took off the waist trainer and stopped smoothing her thighs while insisting she loves her body and is happy with it and thinks she's sexy, not only is she gonna lose her fans but people in this thread will say she has no waist, that her thighs are gross, and that she's a delusional feminist who thinks they're attractive and relevant. and would go on to say that she'd look better with a waist trainer lol. this isn't a situation where anyone will be satisfied with her body. i can understand the logic behind it but it's just cheap.
mariah is basically another jnig who lies about being a legitimate cosplayer when they only care about the validation that comes from being sexually desirable to fanboys. she's done a lot of awful things and proven herself to be a lying, manipulative, obnoxious and desperate piece of shit. but if her thread isn't interesting without calling her dimply ass disgusting every time an unphotoshopped photo comes out, then maybe her big tits aren't full of as much milk as people would like to think. it doesn't
always have to be about her body just because it
can be.
No. 168854
File: 1472285791619.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.9 KB, 640x698, image.jpeg)

I hate to say this but momo at least covers up her brown eye unlike Chelhellbunny. It's all over Instagram. Puke
Still momo supports this kind of cosplay
No. 168889
>>168811holy shit annon its the internet. Of all places to complain about people criticizing…just wtf. She put herself out there, no shit people would criticize her.
Hell in real life if you get enough fame and you look like a dumb ass and a sell out, people give you flack about it socially but even worse. Look at Miley Cyrus for instance. The same with the Kardashians. People judge you or drag you so you shouldn't be surprised if people are talking shit over the internet, of all fucking places, on an annon board. Sorry its not much of a HUGBOX here
No. 168936
File: 1472321156905.jpeg (Spoiler Image,67.98 KB, 599x337, image.jpeg)

No. 168999
>>168920Again, there you go complaining about a woman using her sexuality. If it makes you so upset, how do you even function online?
Kayy has talent and if i had a body like that i'd show it off too. Momo could be so much better if she stopped brown nosing popular cosplayees and learn how to construct costumes like them.
No. 169087
>>168999>Again, there you go complaining about a woman using her sexuality. If it makes you so upset, how do you even function online?It's because these sluts make cosplay all about sexuality and turn a hobby focusing on craft and fan tributes to a fetish. It is a real problem because now we have normies funding whores like momo for 4,5k a month thinking she's a "professional cosplayer" and "professional cosplayers" are nothing but dress-up dolls to cater to the male eye. She's just a sex worker and she, among with JNig and others, act as a role model to younger female cosplayers. Showing that this is what they're supposed to do in order to become popular (because popularity and fame are the only things that matter) and make money selling their bodies to men is just shit. Instead of focusing on their talent and making better costumes they just slap on a lingerie set and a wig and call it a "boudoir shoot" to make a quick buck.
I don't really give a fuck if it's slut shaming or any other tumblrina term, they're ruining the hobby and the respectability of the whole female gender. If she was just what she is - a sex worker and a camgirl - nobody would probably have a problem with her exploiting her sexuality. But the fact that she's using cosplay, a hobby that is NOT sexual, as an easy cover to appear more "innocent" with her agenda and to reach a wider audience with popular characters is where the line is crossed. It's not fucking about being upset for women using their sexuality, it's about these skanky hoes sexualizing something for monetary gains and ruining the hobby for everyone else.
No. 169097
>>169087Lol, psycho radical feminist alert.
Cosplay isn't ruined for women or anyone because of the retarded bullshit "reasons" you just shit out. Plenty of women do non-sexual cosplays and are respected and well regarded in the community, get jobs in theater or taking commissions and making costumes for big bucks, win contests with actual cash prizes and become extremely famous with paid guest invites to cons.
pizoobie, lady lemon cosplay, elizabeth rage, vensyprops, amiehabit, Enji Knight, Panterona Cosplay, Li Kovacs and way more than that are all successful cosplayers with huge followings, all more well known than Momo or Kayy who don't do any boudoir stuff.
You're full of shit.
No. 169105
>>169101This. Li is the only one to reach monetary success without taking off her clothes and that's because Nintendo is a family-friendly company and she was one of the first western cosplayers to actually put an effort into her costumes. Also
>Pizoobie: skimpy cosplays of popular characters>Lady Lemon cosplay: skimpy costumes of popular characters>Elizabeth Rage: skimpy costumes of popular characters>amiehabit: subpar craftsmanship and some skimpy costumes>Enji Knight: sexy costumes and genderbents of popular characters>Panterona cosplay: skimpy costumes of popular charactersAnon come back when you got examples of female cosplayers who get 4,5k on patreon and make other costumes than LoL worbla bikinis, sexy superhero women and don't take selfies with a headset and their tits hanging out.
No. 169111
>>169103You're the retard since Li has been cosplaying since 1998 (18~ years)
There's also IchigoKitty that has been cosplaying since 2002 (14~ years)
Even Kamui who taught Jessica and Yaya most of what they know about armor making has a significantly smaller following than they do. (10~ years)
>>169109cant tell if sarcasm or not but I'm really hoping it is.
No. 169117
>>169105Those types of cosplayers don't need patreon because they get paid to guest at cons and charge out the ass for costume commissions.
It's really retarded how so many of you see fans jerking off as "success" and think 4k on patreon as the only source of income momo has makes her a threat to talented cosplayers being recognized.
Momo is a nobody who has no impact on the cosplay community.
No. 169156
>>169151Lol youve been the one bitching paragraph after paragraph about how mariah is being "unjustly" name called or some bullshit. holy shit you really have time in your hands and you seriously give too much fuck about her.
Why all the whiteknights all of a sudden?
No. 169280
>>169151Why are you so upset that we're shitting on someone on an imageboard devoted to shitting on people?
The fatshaming/slutshaming may be petty, but endlessly whining about it every time someone does it isn't going to change anything. Considering being "thicc" and wearing skimpy cosplays are big parts of Mariah's identity, of course people are going to discuss and/or shame her for it.
No. 169629
File: 1472512013948.jpg (83.13 KB, 675x1200, CrD6VGaUEAAxAYD.jpg)

almost puked
so gross…. WHY???
No. 169665
>>169663It's now at 223, $4,375.
Noticing a pattern with how she releases skimpy outfit, boudoir or bikini shots, the money increases within a few days. It's dropped quite a lot lately so maybe she needs the extra cash.
No. 169690
File: 1472530667751.png (50.48 KB, 720x188, Screenshot_2016-08-29-22-13-06…)

How tacky.
No. 169696
>>169690So what really happened was that they were just going in the same direction as her.
Momo seems like the type of girl who thinks that anyone who is remotely nice to them obviously wants her bod.
No. 169715
File: 1472540974086.png (358.23 KB, 566x843, ptmoo.png)

>>169713This isn't the first time she's done a pose reminiscent of PT…
No. 169726
>>169629I like how she's pulling at the string like that to avoid visible jellyrolls and jutting her hip to fake a more defined waist at that angle. She knows her fat girl tricks.
>>169712afaik she doesn't do nudes, just lingerie pics. There are nudes of her but they were posted on her tumblr.
No. 169901
File: 1472585181069.png (49.77 KB, 617x340, sofullofshitmomo.png)

Once again returns a Momo's cosplay community spirit post that reeks of such bullshit & lies I don't even know where to begin.
No. 169906
File: 1472587069178.png (192.6 KB, 720x756, Screenshot_2016-08-30-13-55-45…)

No. 169907
File: 1472587124875.png (201.14 KB, 720x847, Screenshot_2016-08-30-13-56-00…)

No. 169910
>>169907Wtf it's not rare really ??
Stop talking shit Momo
No. 169924
File: 1472591558198.png (42.52 KB, 720x230, Screenshot_2016-08-30-15-10-04…)

This is interesting I just took this screenshot she just stated it about an hour ago, wonder if it's about Mariahs little rant?
No. 169927
File: 1472592619030.jpeg (212.48 KB, 750x924, image.jpeg)

You can see the boning of her waist trainer/corset. Her awkwardly posing hands and hammy arms just make the whole thing look off
No. 169987
File: 1472608028808.jpeg (66.57 KB, 750x445, image.jpeg)

No. 169988
File: 1472608097776.jpeg (47.16 KB, 750x257, image.jpeg)

Also Tasha replied with this
No. 170009
File: 1472616161031.png (258.5 KB, 504x635, booty.png)

No. 170029
>>169906>>169907Lmao and then after that she does a "shoutout" to the rooster teeth community because of all of the "professional call of duty" guys who suddenly follow her will rt it, hoping that @roosterteeth will actually notice her and retweet it. She is all about the big number accounts even if she knows nothing about things like call of duty she still wants them to notice her it's so fuckingggg anoyyyingggg
I found it hilarious when she name dropped vampybitme and ivydoomkitty on Twitter and they didn't even respond or acknowledge her lol. She is alllll about numbers so this statement smells like horseshit
No. 170038
>>169901>>169906>>169907Honestly in my experience the people who post supercilious "community positive" bullshit like this are the worst hypocrites. Including moomoo. She's constantly namedropping and riding the dick of the relevant community members in hopes of getting a share of their fame.
I also like how she's saying "You're not gonna make me like you with how popular you are" when she herself constantly flaunts the amount of money she's getting from her patreon as some kind of an indicator of how likable she is. Never forget that the cheap aliexpress suit has gotten her more attention than you jelly bitches will ever get [sic]!
No. 170050
File: 1472633663452.png (59.14 KB, 281x386, 01.png)

She's down to 218 patrons, $4,280. I know it usually takes a dive at the end of the month, but is it usually this huge of a difference? She was almost at 5k just a couple weeks ago.
No. 170056
File: 1472639771019.jpg (34.21 KB, 720x245, IMG_20160831_043001.jpg)

So this screencap is a part of a conversation where that Krissy girl is tryna act like people are using her to get to Mariah, (as if Mariah actually has that much influence lol) and it makes me cringe how openly dishonest she is. What happens if Jessica sees this shit or watches that interview where she said she's friends with her?
Also, you know how's she's terrible for butting her nose into "cosfamous" people's conversations because she tries so embarrassingly hard to be noticed by them? I noticed she is now trying to butt into conversations with Ashley Oshley, probably because Ryan talks to her. The desperation is so sad.
She also mentioned she's now gonna cosplay Cammy. LOL.
No. 170080
File: 1472655747540.jpeg (280.87 KB, 1264x1264, image.jpeg)

She had "busy" month so she didn't even send out her August patreon rewards which explains the huge dip. The fact that she is now trying to cosplay Cammy and Misato its like she's trying to get back at Gabrielle cook and Steff Von shweetz.
We will see how desperate she and moochlette get. Moochlettes ego seriously has gone through the roof lately. These two are so horrible.
No. 170083
>>170056Lol I hope the same anon who warned Jess about momo the first time (or any of JNigs' friends) relays this. SO tacky. Like she realizes there will be people who try to pick up convos with Jess and go 'oh yeah I also love your friend momo' and Jess would just be like 'lolwat who????'
It's amazing how she thinks certain people won't fact check at all.
No. 170086
File: 1472656766144.png (49.51 KB, 581x191, Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 10.1…)

No. 170088
>>170086I was JUST about to post this!!!
omg Momo is fucked.
No. 170092
>>170091My bad, i thought she was still following her
No. 170095
>>170086Kelly Jean and Abipop (both snowflakes too) @ing jnig to make sure it wasn't about them too.
This is pure gold.
No. 170295
>>170097I know right? They all use her for exposure. Makes me feel partly bad for Jnig tbh.
Someone needs to tag momo in the replies.
No. 170303
File: 1472660371551.png (115.47 KB, 630x347, Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 11.1…)

No. 170311
File: 1472661558890.jpg (45.75 KB, 375x436, 1436161175909.jpg)

>mfw watching the drama unfold
good luck moomoo
No. 170348
>>170009She needs to learn to play her angles better. Her nose is big and crooked and it takes up her entire face in forward shots like this.
At least MooMoo knows hoe to do the simplest of Myspace angles to look thinner.
No. 170350
>>170086First time ever I am rooting for Jnig.
Fuck MoMo for doing that shit, its fucking distasteful in any community.
No. 170368
File: 1472680652665.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.35 KB, 476x726, image.jpeg)

Chun li pic btws
No. 170371
i am so done.
No. 170379
File: 1472683410948.png (234.32 KB, 587x391, tryingsohardyetnotgettingveryf…)

She just retweeted Nigri lmao she'll never learn will she?
No. 170393
>>170368Mooooooo that Photoshop can't fix that tummy this time around. Also Tasha just posted an all natural pic with no editing and went on this epic rant about how people lie about their appearances all the time and there's so much photoshop but if you don't like something about yourself or you wanna be happy go out and work for it don't just use editing tools. It's funny how everyone's calling her out now.
You're a name dropping, lying, insecure skank. How about get off your phone and actually go to the gym. And better yet, get out of this community.
No. 170405
File: 1472690970388.jpeg (60.53 KB, 747x407, image.jpeg)

Why is she including gabby in her tweet complimenting the other girls lol. Fake as fucckkkkkk
No. 170417
>>170414I'm worried for Tasha because if Mariah does enough stalking she will for sure go on the attack and send her whiteknights after her, then again I'm sure she is a big girl and she can handle herself.
Not everything is about everyone else, that rant might not have even had anything to DO with Mariah, but when you're as narcissistic as Mariah is she will assume everyone is talking about her.
No. 170438
File: 1472700400068.jpeg (125.99 KB, 750x751, image.jpeg)

More drama
No. 170439
File: 1472700602484.jpeg (45.96 KB, 750x417, image.jpeg)

No. 170442
File: 1472701372074.gif (1.99 MB, 500x280, tumblr_nvkg40HQ1Y1tfn6k7o1_500…)

>>170439This is absolutely delicious. Lol
No. 170457
>>170399That's hilarious. Holly's too smart to go anywhere near that train wreck though.
>>170438I'm half tempted to believe it was momo who sent that ask in the first place. This seems like her trying to prove how much of a 'good friend' she is without having to name drop cause that's TOTES not how SHE is u gaiz
No. 170478
File: 1472715435875.jpg (95.99 KB, 588x391, screenshot.99.jpg)

No. 170513
File: 1472733491310.png (323.74 KB, 614x848, 07ceb95b1af599163ba4f338de586c…)

Even StarExorcist is sick of her shit. It is a really shitty thing to post art when you have a lot of followers with nothing regarding the person who made it.
No. 170524
>>170513Meh, maybe when you have a lot of followers you should avoid these things in order to avoid drama, but Tumblr artists are a real pain in the ass when they cry and bitch because "Waaaah somebody reposted my
art (aka shitty doodle most of times) without asking me even though they wrote credits!!! I'm so
triggered and I will call them out!!!! I'm an artist!!!" It's the internet, if you don't want your "art" to be posted anywhere but your personal page, don't post it and just show it to your family and friends. Momo was indeed wrong here, not giving any credit despite that's a public twitter page and not a private, small followed one, but those "artists" can be huge babies sometimes.
No. 170532
File: 1472741359469.jpeg (70.81 KB, 608x772, image.jpeg)

last night she got back up to at least4.6 k with 238 patrons. That a huge dip overnight
No. 170583
File: 1472755161038.jpeg (391.27 KB, 1125x1934, image.jpeg)

No. 170584
File: 1472755329945.jpeg (356.52 KB, 1125x1877, image.jpeg)

No. 170585
File: 1472755453453.jpeg (344.33 KB, 1125x1920, image.jpeg)

No. 170593
File: 1472756764519.jpeg (131.9 KB, 640x892, image.jpeg)

Momo and her group are childish as shit, this tacoroach is a fucking leach and you know she's just sucking on momos teet, because momo has promoted her fanart, gabby makes good points here.
No. 170595
File: 1472757127720.jpeg (67.14 KB, 640x473, image.jpeg)

Gee, look who's at PAX and shit talking on Twitter to gabbyc after a long flight.
No wonder Gabby isn't buying that shit. Wonder if momo paid for the plane ticket too, we know she did for Moochlette.
No. 170603
File: 1472758310646.jpeg (387.09 KB, 1125x1933, image.jpeg)

No. 170609
File: 1472759048269.jpeg (379.17 KB, 1125x1910, image.jpeg)

No. 170610
File: 1472759224132.jpeg (335.91 KB, 1125x1915, image.jpeg)

No. 170636
>>170624Dang I actually liked tacoroach's art. Never buying from her again.
>>170618Who momo?
No. 170669
>>170636Why out of pity? her art is as basic as she is.
>>170624This. I'll never understand where this whole vague tweeting stigma came from since everyone does it. I feel like most of the time it's not directed at a specific person but a general way of behavior. It's the kind of thing where if you get pissy cause you think someone's vague tweeting about you, surprise surprise, you're probs in the wrong. There are the times when it's directly talking shit about someone but most of the time people just salty.
No. 170681
File: 1472778605141.jpeg (183.54 KB, 750x1133, image.jpeg)

Came across this forgotten gem and got a hearty chuckle, old as mamos crusty Samus suit but just a reminder she doesn't even like the boudoir shoots and donates to local cosplayers!!
No. 170689
If you loved cosplay, like you claim, then you wouldn't give a shit that no one buys your prints or doesn't give you money through Patreon. You would just. Fucking. Cosplay. And enjoy it.
The fact you want to lie and say you do the sexy photoshoots because you have to is such a crock of shit! And further proof she just wants to cosplay for the neckbeard bucks.
Why do people legit like her? IDGI!
No. 170713
File: 1472790577614.png (1.47 MB, 1080x835, momoandtaco.png)

Well well look who's rooming together at PAX.
No. 170714
>>170713Oh damn,
>>170595 called it. No wonder she was sucking so hard on moomoo's teat.
No. 170732
File: 1472802627424.jpeg (36.35 KB, 604x328, image.jpeg)

really momo? Going all the way up there and don't even bother to arrange a photographer before the fucking event?
No. 170745
File: 1472814603423.jpg (42.28 KB, 720x479, FB_IMG_1472814223596.jpg)

>>170009Honestly like her as a person, just seems to make horrible choices. This picture right here, why did she think this was worth sharing. The way it makes her face look is unflattering.
No. 170769
>>170732What a professional cosplayer kek
>>170713why are either of them posting ootd selfies as if they're wearing anything sensible. Also I would murder moomoo if she took and posted a picture of me sleeping. (also shout out to taco being an actual retard and sleeping in her glasses)
No. 170856
File: 1472858819512.png (806.65 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>170851why moochletye never smiles in her "proffessional" shoots
No. 170859
>>170856That's disgusting
I'm baffled that there is a fetish for teeth like this in Japan
No. 170870
File: 1472867163815.jpg (146.96 KB, 1200x900, CrYFmXMUkAAarvy.jpg)

I'm actually surprised that since she cosplays all the basic bitch characters that everyone else milks until no tomorrow, that she hasn't actually done a Tifa costume. Then I realized, she can't because she would have to show her tummy.
My best friend who is an LA based cosplayer would roast her alive if she decided to do her full costume with a corset, the one with full coverage. Then we both cringed about how she would probably turn it into a boudoir set.
Thing is, she's just not cute enough in the face to pull off a Tifa or even D.Va. she has sloth like features and her face is so round and she uses way too much makeup.
Her D.Va looks like shit. Lol. Maybe learn to countour so your nose looks smaller and upturned? And putting false lashes and eyeliner on every single fucking cosplay shows you have no clue about the fact that each cosplay you do requires different makeup effects.
And I wonder who made the gun because it certainly wasn't her.
No. 170872
File: 1472867456442.jpg (196.43 KB, 900x1200, CrY1SX3UsAIit0h.jpg)

>>170870I was ranting about how she will sluttify Tifa and then started ranting about D.Va lol might as well post the diva pic. The lighting is so horrible on her face she looks like a legit potato lmao.
She gets that same bunching in her crotch area when she wears her Samus suit. Because the fabric easily slides over a waist trainer it kind of bunches and clings to the bare skin on either the top or the bottom of the corset when she walks and I guess she doesn't realize she has to smooth it out again.
Body positivity my ass.
No. 170915
>>170912Chun li
Samus of course
No. 171000
File: 1472920142969.jpeg (193.21 KB, 1000x750, image.jpeg)

What's wrong with her face in this one? Everyone else's looks normal?
No. 171002
File: 1472920571246.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 171039
File: 1472934132568.gif (145.74 KB, 200x200, chun-li_victory2.gif~c200.gif)

>>167690In Third Strike when Chun-Li wins she cutely jumps up and down and cries happily, and flashes a V sign with her fingers. Not that really matters because I doubt the girl cosplaying her would know the character either way, but she can be cute and bubbly so it's not entirely out of character so a cosplayer to do that.
No. 171114
File: 1472957484479.jpg (148.02 KB, 900x1200, CrdvHtdUIAA_nAu.jpg)

Second thread was derailed by religion, fourth thread is being derailed by what a video game characters personality is like. A fucking fictional character.
On a side note, here's moomoo looking a lot better than she normally does. Is this photoshopped or? Those corset lines tho.
No. 171194
>>171114How is it being 'derailed' looking and posing like the character is something a cosplayer is SUPPOSED to do (especially someone who doesnt even make her own shit). You can argue about body-size or skintone or whatever but at the VERY LEAST you should be able to pose like the character.
Anyway I think this is just a good picture from whoever took it mixed with a lucky angle. since she still looks like a tied up sausage in this
>>170871 No. 171225
File: 1473008714184.png (115.1 KB, 400x500, main.png)

>>171216>Properly stylednot in a million years is that wig 'properly styled'
No. 171285
File: 1473031748439.jpg (775.3 KB, 1263x695, 219b86aa4fb6b4d7ce1fcce3b221d6…)

She looks so short and fat, no surprise there.
No. 171286
It's so gross how she's latching onto Ray and Tina cause it's obviously just for their popularity. Does she have any 'friends' that she CANT gain something from?
>>171285wow she's literally the same size from the side as that chick is from on. SO sad.
No. 171296
File: 1473035744687.png (242.17 KB, 424x448, image.png)

>>171285You can see the fat just trying to break free.
No. 171299
File: 1473040028528.jpeg (192.34 KB, 750x895, image.jpeg)

Just look at these stars tho kek, also didn't realize the bottom was also a dude
No. 171300
>>171285lol look how fat her legs are. EW!
THICC my ass
No. 171363
File: 1473061822777.png (1016.87 KB, 720x1012, Screenshot_2016-09-05-01-42-56…)

Man, I know her whiteknights and a lot of her fans peek at this thread because they are always talking about it, we post the most unflattering pics of her and proof of all the fake ass shit she does, and they STILL defend her. Like you can't unsee this, she is FAT. You can even see her double chin lol.
I think most of them are regards because they know she's single. Everyone wants the nudes even tho they're plastered all over the internet anyways, I just don't get it.
Also I've always noticed she takes off her shoes at every con. That's so gross dude. There are thousands of people walking around and you're in barefeet lol.
No. 171408
>>171360She's not 'chubbo' She's fuckin fat. If that's how her stomach looked naturally I could call her chubbers but that's her with a corset on taming her lard tire.
>>171363but you'd think that she'd at least wear shoes for a photoshoot. Either way anytime a cosplay requires heels for me I always carry an extra pair of flats to the con with me. Especially since we're pretty confirmed that she doesnt was her bodysuits from the look of her samus she should know better to talk around in literal dirt without shoes on. Then again I guess from whenever we've seen the bottom of her feet in photoshoots (them being always dirty) she obviously doesnt care about hygiene
No. 171519
>>171363I'm also super short, so not gonna shit on her for looking stubby, but Jesus everything else about her is so disgusting. She is literally the same size from the side as everyone else is from the front. I get body positivity and all that, but it honestly looks like that corset is about to buckle any second now.
How can she look at herself and think she's so great? How can other people look at this and think, "Yep I want to give her money"?
No. 171734
File: 1473165224461.jpg (14.15 KB, 236x353, a896588237cc7b911fa6bc43049758…)

Holy shit so I just put two and two together and didn't realize that she was originally "Twitter" famous for leaking her nudes lol. Before this whole cosplay thing she had about 10k followers and I couldn't figure out why, and it was because she "drunkenly" posted her nudes on her TL. So her life's always been about exposing herself for attention lol. By the way I managed to find this cringeworthy photo of her Bunny Bulma she never posted on Twitter or FaceBook.
No. 171751
File: 1473172681233.png (178.84 KB, 595x842, CrrF_mRWgAAYL1M.png)

Okay so I'm saying this now: If momo doesnt cosplay this new pokemon character she's officially the biggest idiot on the planet. She'd literally be perfect for it and you can tell the character's supposed to be 'thicc'.
I basically thing moomoo is the worst thing but for once I think she'd be absolutely perfect for this and it's simple too with only small details for her to be able to fuck up. Come on moomoo since you still lurk her you should fucking do it.
No. 171772
>>171751>>171767My thoughts too lol, Momo could pull this off easy and it might actually look good but anon, imagine the fucking wig. She would just use her D.VA wig and call it a day.
She is still yet to cut bangs in her Samus wig after almost a year (i think?) she should just commission wigs or something.
No. 171773
>>171724I know one male friend that followed her and muted her so that way he had an easy way to remember her account so whenever he wanted to stare at a fat ass, she was there.
Funny enough that same guy's friend is fucking hounding momo and trying to get on her good side and he's just as much of a cow as she is.
No. 171830
File: 1473201646222.jpeg (216.75 KB, 640x886, image.jpeg)

The only good thing about this photo is Moochlette's axe.
No. 171913
File: 1473226437961.jpeg (71.27 KB, 640x661, image.jpeg)

Lol looks like momo and her fap army does read this thread or someone here is trolling
No. 172000
>>171983She won't admit it but she really is the source for most of the major drama in Vegas cosplay her and moochlette. Before she got "popular" things were pretty chill, Vegas cons weren't big but they were fun, than miss I watched heroes of cosplay and I'm going to be cosfamous showed up and started ruffling feathers, and stalked nigri like crazy, even tagging Nigris private fb account to a picture she posted for the public, who does that shit?
The worst part is that momokunt will never admit that she fucked up or even apologize for this, because it's really everyone else's fault that she's getting dragged for being "popular" she does a good amount of the screwing up by talking shit to her friends and them having them fight her battles for her (I.e tacoroach's)
No. 172004
>>172000Yeah, basically. Before Flat Ass Samus came onto the scene the Vegas cosplay community had finally become drama-free. It was hard as
hell cleaning it up to neutralize all the fuckery but here comes Mariah and Moochlette with their shitty attitudes, undoing all the progress we had made. It's pretty bad when one (well really two now) idiot can mess things up.
No. 172127
>>172010>>172004I think you guys are really on point. Like even the shittier cosplayers in the Vegas scene has some level of respect because they don't treat other people like shit and because they have improved.
Moomoo waltzes in with this huge sense of entitlement and basically expects to be cosfamous because she's fat. Not even gonna say thick just fucking fat. It really rubs people the wrong way especially the people who've been doing it a long time in the Vegas scene that have really earned their place.
>>172005I can second that she hasn't maybe made enemies in the SoCal scene but I definitely know people in there who don't like her. I can't name names because people would know who I am but there are a lot of hardcore Fire Emblem CA cosplayers laughing at her pitiful attempt at Camilla.
No. 172142
>>172127I can back up that SoCal cosplayers hate her, it started with the Seven Deadly Sins gathering, it wasn't a big gathering but basically moomoo demanded to be the main Diane and acted like she was the only good Diane cosplayer. Diane was the most popular character at the gathering and there tons of her, but if you look up pictures of that gathering you will mostly see just moomoo and not the other 9 Diane's.
Moomoo basically hogged most of the group shots and she specifically acted like she, Eric and moochlette were the only three worth paying attention too. A lot of cosplayers were pretty pissed because at gatherings you at least have one huge group photo of all the people that showed up to the gathering.
Not to mention she was just fucking rude to everyone who wasn't a photographer or a videographer. In addition I don't cosplay fire emblem but that group is hardcore, the fact that she admitted to never playing the game and then doing a boudoir of a beloved character only fueled the flames.
No. 172144
File: 1473314128351.png (1.06 MB, 978x641, 7diane.png)

Out of curiosity I poked around for some pics of her as Diane. The difference in her body type from her personally posted pics to her candid pics always make me laugh.
No. 172159
>>172144Oh god, never before have I ever seen a cosplay that needs dancing tights so badly to smoothen out those legs.
Seeing this thread reminds me of a SoCal cosplayer that seems kind of similar to her name Nana Bear/NanaSushiBear? She's done a lot of similar cosplays as Mariah but I can't tell who copied from who. Both of them also seem pretty obsessed with IvyDoomKitty and social justice body positivity crap they shelve to hide their poor craftsmanships.
No. 172186
>>172159Yeah, Moomoo is friends with Nana too so it's not too shocking. I don't get what the fuck is so appealing about cosplay "fame" when you look at the fans.
>>172181Yeah really. Even the shitty, annoying grating pity-party fat Vegas cosplayers from when before Moomoo came around didn't have this many threads on a chan board (and two in particular were pretty fucking awful). This bitch is like herpes.
No. 172211
File: 1473342993660.png (798.03 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

her ass really isn't big at all, this is her un-photoshopped ass from when she cosplayed Diane, with no tights and pube pimples were visible on her bikini line.
No. 172216
>>172176Oh Moomoo, cosplaying Camilla again won't change the fact that you fucked it up spectacularly the first time. I'm also interested in which Lilith she means, but no matter what it's going to be hilarious.
>>172186But anon, it's every cosplayer's dream to have hordes of thirsty betas drooling over your body!
No. 172321
File: 1473371227693.jpg (1.91 MB, 4000x6000, 5 - n70evDe.jpg)

dat hairy ass
No. 172325
>>172321The costume looks so bad up close holy shit.
Also, label sticking out of the cheap Walmart underwear, classsssy.
No. 172332
File: 1473372068693.jpg (524.23 KB, 2000x1463, 1.jpg)

look how dirty and fucked up this looks… ffs momo its a photoshoot
No. 172337
File: 1473372790078.jpeg (66.66 KB, 750x628, image.jpeg)

Ay lmaoo
No. 172357
>>172325Actually I'm pretty sure those are Victoria's Secret panties based on the tag.
But if you're gonna do a boudoir shoot in something that has a really obvious tag like that then seriously just cut that shit off. It looks tacky and bad.
No. 172360
>>167607At least Gabby is super nice and genuine. She doesn't claim to be "professional" like these disgusting hoes
I got to talk to her and that Black Cat at Sabakon for a bit
They seemed nice
That was how I found out it wasn't Momokunt at the booth lmao
No. 172361
File: 1473378164665.png (761.01 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

look at the wrinkles she forgot to shop out lol doesn't look natural at all lol
No. 172367
>>172365That ridiculous
Yeah that other chick was fat but so is momo
how the fuck is she not up momo's standards?
No. 172373
File: 1473379243556.jpg (93.39 KB, 960x640, seven deadly sins meetup 5.jpg)

>>172367Is the Elizabeth the girl you're talking about?
No. 172374
>>172372 She is a fucking hypocrite
Someone made a post about how JNig was annoying and she was quick to jump in and start fights and call everyone toxic to the community
No. 172385
>>172373This picture pisses me off so much purely because you can see what a piece of shit momo and her ex are.
I'm KIND of okay with Ban being in front since it suits his character but Diane's poses are mostly very vertical she's aware of her size and tends to try to seem smaller so she wouldnt be doing a huge open pose like that. The Elizabeth and meliodas should be in the front though. At least moochlette was behind them.
sage 4 salty nanatai fan
No. 172388
>>172385Same I'm a huge fan of 7DS and the fact that the 2 MAIN CHARACTERS are in the back
Thats how all of the photos from that meetup went
And Moomoo won't even post any group photos on her page
Only pictures that focus on her
No. 172399
>>172385>>172388There were other Bans too and many many Diane's , that meet up went south pretty fast. Momo basically called the shots and the only ban shed pose with was Eric, the other Diane's were barely photographed at all by the photographers brought in to shoot this meet up. momo turned this meetup meant to bring fans together into a thing about her and her douchebag friends, she was a complete bitch to anyone who didn't know who she was or worshiped the ground she walked on.
She made A LOT of enemies at ala though she never got called out because she will cause drama and actually get into fights with people, drama is something the cosplay community is trying to get past.
No. 172415
File: 1473386015052.png (136.76 KB, 393x602, Darkstalkers3Lilith.png)

Gonna be reeeal tough to hide a waist trainer under this!
No. 172416
>>172415Samefagging, forgot to mention how terrible the wings are going to look (if she attempts them at all).
I'm calling it, it's just going to be a ~boudoir shoot~ with a party city wig, red lingerie, and a crappy headband.
No. 172431
>>172321the amount of smoothing and airbrushing omg
yeah, body positivie my ass
No. 172439
File: 1473389165232.jpg (382 KB, 1319x905, 111.jpg)

whats that??
No. 172448
File: 1473392220502.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

what this
No. 172452
File: 1473393359458.jpeg (61.88 KB, 640x826, image.jpeg)

The foot
No. 172463
File: 1473395840541.jpg (527.62 KB, 562x694, wat.jpg)

Is that… did she seriously not even shave her pits before doing her sexy photo shoot? I can't. Its one thing to be lazy about making costumes, but too lazy to even shave your armpits? Done.
No. 172464
File: 1473396424226.jpeg (50.92 KB, 750x559, image.jpeg)

Tasha has an online photo edit portfolio, check out who's in there ?
No. 172523
>>172464We all knew Mariahs ass was flat as a pancake and she always uses Photoshop lol.
Nice to have proof but where is the source?
No. 172525
File: 1473425837529.png (90.06 KB, 720x453, Screenshot_2016-09-09-06-53-43…)

A Wicke boudoir shoot how fucking original. Welp, you do look like a middle aged housewife so it would be perfect for you!!!
No. 172540
>>172425What did she delete him for?
>>172455I don't normally notice stuff like that … but yeah, they do. So bad.
>>172525I don't want to see ANY fucking boudoir sets, you whoring piece of fucking garbage.
No. 172580
>>172459I heard she stopped talking to/posting about Mariah after Sabakon?
I wonder what happened?
No. 172603
>>172583She acts like a beat puppy cause she is actually a beat puppy lmao
She made a post about it
No. 172611
File: 1473450733772.jpeg (122.87 KB, 750x952, image.jpeg)

Didn't she have a go fund me to repair her car like a month ago now she's getting tattoos?
No. 172668
File: 1473466388999.png (621.42 KB, 807x507, lonlonmilk.png)

I feel like MooMoo is the paragon of trainwrecks in the cosplay community that you're told about, but they sound almost mythical until you read these threads. She's so deluded about her abilities and wants to constantly be praised for the ugliest topstitching and armor work.
And then there's this ridiculous shit. She claims it is a joke, but I'd be willing to be that she's that retarded. It sucks how insecure cosplayers will look at these posts and think that their only way to popularity is to emulate this sad bitch.
Also, she calls Jnig "Mom" a lot lol. I'm sure Jnig loved being reminded that she's old and haggard to be considered to be someone's mom.
No. 172670
>>172668MooMoo makes a shitty Linkle
Not only is the craftsmanship awful but the cosplay is inaccurate and she is too short
She looks even shorter in that cosplay
No. 172679
File: 1473469424089.jpg (244.72 KB, 840x560, hyrule-warriors-legends-linkle…)

>>172668How do you fuck up this badly?
No. 172682
File: 1473469851678.jpg (84.35 KB, 1024x1024, linkle2.jpg)

>>172668Is this bitch ever going to learn how to style wigs? The amount of cosplays she's done with incorrect or missing bangs is ridiculous.
Speaking of wigs, is that a wig laying on the floor behind her? jfc Mariah, wig heads are dirt cheap, there's no excuse for
No. 172683
>>172668Forgive my sperging, but
>ZeldaC'mon, Moomoo.
No. 172693
File: 1473473235310.jpeg (47.85 KB, 589x402, image.jpeg)

Meant to go with above post
No. 172702
>>172697Cammy is one of Gabby's most famous cosplays
She has done 3 different variations of Cammy
And I don't doubt that she is doing it in spite of her
She loves doing that
She loves claiming that people copy her too so if anyone happens to cosplay the same character after her, they're automatically "copying her" even if they ACTUALLY play the fucking game and love the character
TBH Moomoo is gunna be a shit Cammy
No ass and looks awful as a blonde
Neckbeards don't care though :/
No. 172729
>>172720I wish
Everything she has said, she said in person
She has claimed alot of people copied her
No. 172730
>>172694seriously though, has her excessive partying and shit aged her that much?
Why does she look so old?
No. 172775
File: 1473500622496.jpg (2 KB, 125x122, 1436249893902.jpg)

No. 172882
File: 1473535813120.png (18.21 KB, 610x178, thicc wicke.png)

But Wicke is already "thicc" you egotistical moron
No. 172886
>>172541>A lot of these cosplayers just exploit desperate fans and it makes me sick to see that greed come from their art>There is a fine line between exclusivity and extortion. Momo is pushing the latter.That anon really hit the nail on the head. Her "rewards" aren't worth it for the prices she's asking. Who wants to pay $50 for stupid facial expressions and pictures of a thicc girl in lingerie?
Sage for no contribution.
No. 172908
>>172415Did she even say she was going to cosplay that character?
Doe she even know how ugly she looks with short hair?
No. 172915
File: 1473545995590.jpg (90.89 KB, 958x656, tt6Bjti.jpg)

>>172910She really does slather on the makeup, but it makes no difference to how much of a cunt she is inside and out. I mean come on, look how average she looks along with Moochlette. Momo boasts constantly on how she's "thicc" but she literally has no ass, has chunky arms and looks like any other plus size cosplayer. She really needs to get her head out of her own ass and stop using the thicc card when she's actually not.
No. 172923
>>172920Basically her with linkle
She probably only did it to be "the first" to do it
Like she is a special snowflake
No. 173208
>>173204Pretty sure she is screwing alot of people
Even moochlette
No. 173232
File: 1473628557233.jpg (195.19 KB, 1000x1175, image.jpg)

>>173221Screencaps for anyone who can't/doesn't want to watch it.
No. 173240
File: 1473630857982.jpg (23.21 KB, 593x192, 89657546.jpg)

kawaii asian boys will never notice you, moomoo
No. 173244
>>167361I hate this picture so much
Everyone around her are decently if not extremely talented cosplayers
But she has to ruin the picture by putting on a lol so randum XD face because she has no talent or personality
Fuck her
No. 173255
>>173220I'm not sure they ever really were together
I thought it was a publicity stunt thing to get people to faun over them
I think Moomoo just pulled the "girl on girl" card to get the neckbeards horny about her again
No. 173266
File: 1473639152776.png (16.1 KB, 510x171, moomoo.png)

Surprised nobody posted this yet.
>>173262Except for the fact that all of their friends started congratulating them like they really were in a relationship. It's one thing to call your best friend girlfriend and mean it playfully but Mariah was soaking in all the praise of being gay without actually being gay.
No. 173270
She also never corrected people and said that they weren't dating
Also Momo said that her and Collette have had sex (or at least done stuff)
No. 173278
File: 1473643978074.jpg (55.78 KB, 640x960, momo.jpg)

look at that shitty photoshop on the stomach
No. 173293
File: 1473646579365.jpg (144.03 KB, 444x487, momo shooped.jpg)

Did she think nobody would notice?
No. 173294
File: 1473646666953.jpg (92.04 KB, 400x335, Fire-Emblem-Camilla-Cosplay-Wi…)

>>173280Very obnoxious tits.
No. 173296
File: 1473647251976.png (521.45 KB, 689x907, camilla my room model.png)

>>173295Camilla's hair covers one of her eyes.
No. 173319
>>173293tbf, waist trainers can cause that weird shape to happen irl.
although, looking at it again i don't think there would be such an obvious curve. her waist trainers don't give her that much definition.
No. 173320
>>173312So this really shows me how bizarre the cosplay community has become.
Cosplay isn't about making money, or it shouldn't be. The idea is you go to a comic/anime/media convention and dress up as your favorite character(s). The point is to represent your favorite media and have fun. The point is not to make money.
Unless you're one of the girls in this thread who straight up cosplay just to make money, which is sad.
No. 173322
>>173312Don't be fooled by people like MooMoo who are solely in it for the money.
There are far more people in the community that make those expensive costumes and get no money from it. They do it because they enjoy creating the costume and going to cons and meeting people. They put the time into it because its their passion not because they're going to do a strip tease with it for $$$.
Its sad that new comers into the community see people like Moomoo and Jnig and automatically assume Cosplay is only for making money.
No. 173325
>>173293Her hair on the other side looks really blurry/warped too. The hair curl on her right breast also looks warped. It really looks like she went ham on this pic with a distort tool, dragging her proportions around.
Besides that, what the hell are those gloves? Why are they such a bright blue? She couldn't be bothered to get ones that were actually purple or at least somewhat closer in color? Such a half-assed garbage cosplay.
No. 173328
Before Patreon, there were only a good handful of cosplayers worldwide that actually made reasonable money. Yaya Han, Jessica Nigri, and JoEllen Elam aka FireflyPath come to mind. You could get free rides to conventions to be a guest or have sweaty neckbeards buy stuff of your Amazon wishlist, but people didn't really make bank from it. I could be wrong, but I think Patreon was the first opportunity for many cosplayers to get actual cash.
If there's money in cosplay, it's usually not in cosplaying itself, but in things like prop commissions (Volpin) or tutorial books (Kamui), or in exploiting your fanbase, which, as it happens, tends to involve less cosplay as you become more popular, in favor of gratuitous ~sexy~ shots.
No. 173339
File: 1473660124917.png (998.39 KB, 1223x1920, ab1.png)

>>173278I just noticed that Momo mirrored parts of Camilla, like her hair part and cape strap. Wow is she a dumbass, she just looked in the mirror like "Yep! That's accurate!" not realizing she has shit on the wrong side.
No. 173353
>>173312You can't. Unless you're Jessica Nigri who caters to the normies with the lingerie shoots that barely count as cosplay, there's no money to milk from cosplay. That's how it's supposed to be, a hobby. You pay for your hobby yourself.
>>173339I noticed it before and it's such a newbie mistake to make. I can't believe she didn't realize it or even fucking mirror the photos from the shoot.
>>173240She's probably trying to suck up to those asian FE cosplayers (see OP photo).
>>173255Probably yeah. Skanks have been pulling the fake lesbian thing for ages to get male attention.
No. 173370
File: 1473684472947.png (145.56 KB, 720x486, Screenshot_2016-09-12-06-38-42…)

Got bored and Facebook trolled. Oh MooMoo, why even open your mouth at all? Spam thread incoming.
First and second caps are response after a guy who randomly asked her how it feels to know all her fans fap to her. (After she posted her Bunny Bulma ass shot, which, remarkably none of you have spammed with the original unedited version)
Someone came in to defend her and said "she doesnt care if people fap to her as long as they buy her prints and photos"
So she decided to respond with this gem. So, you're saying cosplayers are heartless bitches who just want your money and YOU aren't like that so it makes you special?
No. 173372
File: 1473684606966.png (184.03 KB, 720x719, Screenshot_2016-09-12-06-37-36…)

>>173370And then after some of the guys defending her kept stating she only cares about the money and not about the neck beard she posts this.
But, with proof from a few screenshots in one of the last threads, you claimed in your DeviantArt blog that you wanted to be "cosfamous"? Hmm….
No. 173373
File: 1473684761886.png (173.59 KB, 720x664, Screenshot_2016-09-12-06-40-47…)

>>173372Last one. I swear, she just Googles certain cosplays and when she finds one she likes she claims they're her "favorite cosplayers". Damn girl, isn't this like the fourth person you said was your favorite cosplayer? It's the constant dickriding in the hopes for attention that gets to me. It irks the fuck out of me.
No. 173374
>>173372It would be hilarious to post screenshots of that DeviantArt thing under this
If anyone has one please post it under this comment
No. 173376
>>173374Actually I'm the one who found the blog in the first place, also the one who just posted these screen caps.
Honestly I want to post the unedited Bunny Bulma pic too but I am wondering if it's because its her page, does she have the ability to delete comments from other people or will they stay there?
No. 173391
File: 1473698819388.jpg (118.51 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1473685183708.jpg)

This picture id btw soo bad
I don't mean the quality but the fact the Momo is in front of everybody
Corrin should be in the front and then Ryoma or Xander after that Momo
Maybe the photographer did more than one shot like this so everyone can be in the front once but I doubt that
No. 173392
>>173391I agree with you anon, order should have been Corrin -> older brothers -> Momo & Mooch. Having her farther from the camera would help conceal the less flattering details of her costume, too.
I also can't stand her pose. Why not just have her hand on her hip instead of awkwardly hovering over her stomach?
No. 173393
>>173392Yah her posing bothers me all the time lol. She just stands there with a lazy look on her face and either puts her dukes up like she's gonna fight or she has her hammy arm somehow covering her stomach. She's so cheesy lmao.
>>173391That caked on foundation tho. At least put a colored lipstick on so it doesn't look like you have no color in your face whatsoever :/ her Chub Li is like that to. gold lipstick doesn't look good on her.
No. 173396
File: 1473702584487.jpg (116.27 KB, 720x960, 1471897531552.jpg)

>>173394I'd put my money on the Ryoma.
No. 173428
>>173420Why looking into the future anon, let's wonder who looks more haggard now. They're both two big pieces already, when it comes to haggardness.
I'd say Momo anyway, at least Jnig is almost 30…
No. 173443
>>173436Let's let her have this one since people can ship whoever they want.
We're better off calling her out on her shitty craftsmanship and even shittier attitude.
No. 173444
>>173436>>173440Maybe that anon was trying to say they thought the chemistry in their supports was bad and they wouldn't pose so intimately.
I agree, though, there's enough here to pick at without reaching like that and she definitely should've posed with Corrin and Xander more than Ryoma.
No. 173446
File: 1473718440126.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Cannot afford to even fix her car after texting and driving so she had to beg for people to give her money online. Then goes on vacation, to a con, and now a tattoo. Not even a month later ? Tattoo is even more obnoxious and ugly than the shitty old one, at least those were easy to hide. Just waiting for monocunt and moochlette to get matching tattoos now.
No. 173468
>>173463>>173464Patreon really need to sort out something with these "cosplayers". There are legit artists and creators on there who rely on this income to live well off of & deliver the goods, then you have these assholes doing absolutely nothing productive & spending the cash that's STRICTLY as they say for their WORK on pointless shit.
Shame reporting to them is completely useless these days, Patreon really don't care how you spend the cash as long as the rewards are given on time to the Patrons.
No. 173469
>>173468because patreon supports all art, even the bad shit. as long as people are paying and as long as the creator hands out rewards like they say they will then there's nothing to be done.
Art is subjective anyway.
No. 173477
File: 1473724604122.jpeg (116.66 KB, 750x887, image.jpeg)

No. 173486
>>173468Scams occur everywhere in life. Patrons who can't use their own judgement to work out whether they're getting their money's worth or not are so gullible that if they weren't giving it to Momo they'd be giving it to someone else, and just as stupidly. Unfortunately, it affects the reputation of the Patreon system. But even if there were a check by Patreon she'd pass it; she
is cosplaying, even shittily / lazily.
No. 173504
>>173502It is reaching, definitely. I just highly doubt she actually is interested in any of that stuff, considering she's never mentioned anything about it before.
I don't think it's to attack Tasha or Gabby, but it is weird that she would visit both places that they have in the past month? The timing is just weird.
I honestly think because she's seen everyone talking about it her friends (most likely Moochlette) just wants to go so she's going with them. Probably because like other anons said it will add to her nerd credit.
Like I said she will probably post some bullshit about how she's a fan just to get more attention.
No. 173505
>>173502There were some tweets last month between gabby and Tasha about the del toros exhibit, momo knew nothing of del toros work until she started following people who did and than compared pacific rim to EVa, few days ago gabby posts she's going to universal. Suddenly she's going to universal, you know damn well momo doesn't plan anything.
The only reason she's not bragging like she normally does is because gabby got engaged there and because people are asking her where the money goes and why are the cosplays so bad. Since the nigri name dropping call out, momo had been acting more erratic than usual.
No. 173514
>>173494Bull. Shit. The amount she goes on about whatever 'flavor of the month' she's into? She didnt say shit about Cursed Child and has actively insulted Pacific Rim.
Anyone who thinks she isnt above spending money to spite someone obviously hasnt been paying attention. She'll do anything for attention and fame and let's be real the reason these threads about her were started was because she's a bitch who will do anything if she thinks it'll further herself or are we all choosing to forget about how she literally showed up to tell us how spiteful and jealous we were of the attention her spandex suit was getting her and how she was better than us because she was more 'popular'
No. 173530
File: 1473738421727.jpeg (98.21 KB, 640x736, 1471735919781.jpeg)

Wouldn't shock me if she's banging him or trying really hard to. I mean, she did post this back before the con… he's been a target of her's for a while now.
I'm kind of surprised his standards are so low, but he's not particularly good looking either.
No. 173534
File: 1473739276872.png (759.34 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>173532Yeah they are straight up on a date, what a loser. Is his self esteem that low that he has to settle for that cunt?
No. 173535
File: 1473739358750.png (940.31 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

her white knights must be so proud to be giving her money to go screw around with lobster daddy
No. 173539
File: 1473740010480.png (531.68 KB, 637x603, momo dio.png)

That awkward moment when she totally fucked up the simplest and most famous JoJo meme ever
And like.. if she meant to NOT quote it, then why not go all the way?
Also this is the Ryoma's hat
No. 173546
>>173544He isn't apart of that youtube channel
those guys are from vegas
he is a SoCal cosplayer
No. 173547
>>173534He seems like a decent guy
But a total man slut
He sleeps around so much
I'm not surprised he is adding her on his list of many women
No. 173550
File: 1473740967421.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

this is the look of a guy who's thinking: shut the fuck up I only wish to sleep with you!
No. 173553
File: 1473741238783.png (740.16 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

For comment above
No. 173559
>>173537Also explains
>>173240She's thirsty for that yellow cock
No. 173572
>>173567Not sure if this is a racial thing or they actually know if he wants to be a doctor haha
No offense though
No. 173580
File: 1473744247797.jpeg (104.54 KB, 640x542, image.jpeg)

>>173575Ima leave this gem here lmfao
No. 173598
>>173580Haaaaaa yet more proof that he's only in it for the D. I would be tickled if he knows about this thread/her history and is just doing this to prove how much of an easy slut she is. She's known him for like what? a month now?? Meanwhile she's supposedly 'dating' Moochlette and was being adamant about how ~*together*~ they were and even still has their dating status on FB and yet she's fucking around with this dude.
Every time I think her milk is drying up a new glorious torrent sprays forth.
No. 173652
>>173618Receipts or gtfo. I'm even fine with screenshots of posts (more than 1 tho) but tbh I see this being thrown at every male cosplayer I see get any kind of 'popularity' and half of the time it's totally true but I have seen a lot of 'Max Landis' events
TL;DR of the video
>Max at party w only 1 friend who knows him>someone brings him up not realizing that he IS Max Landis>Girl says he's an asshole>but y tho?>'he totes smacked my ass at Comic Con'>Oh how interesting>Max wasnt AT Comic Con No. 173672
File: 1473789016668.png (101.16 KB, 720x527, Screenshot_2016-09-13-11-48-43…)

Ew lol.
No. 173676
>>173618>>173634>>173653>>173667>>173670I know him personally irl, and I can say for a fact that this post isn't made up. I joined the cosplay comm a bit after AnimeCal 2014 though so I don't have screens to share.
Also, he lives in SoCal, but the city he lives in isn't as expensive as some others so he's not swimming in money.
No. 173679
>>173676If it is really true Mariah has so many insecurities to be running around with people like that. It's actually really sad.
She tries to act all body positive and confident but her actions prove otherwise. And if someone tries to at least tell her to straighten up she gets offended.
I mean, I guess she is only twenty but shes going to have a lot of regrets later if she keeps hanging around sleazeballs and low lives.
It might be cool now but shes so lazy that she can't even buy good cosplays and go to the gym to keep one of the easiest "careers" she's ever laid out for herself.
I don't even like attacking her to be honest because I just think the whole situation is sad. Go back to school take an easy class or something haha.
No. 173791
File: 1473829641692.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Only 2 pictures from universal? I'm shocked. Also wouldn't be surprised if transformers was the only thing she's actually seen there haha. Surprised this basic bitch didn't post pictures from the minions ride ahahah.
No. 173792
File: 1473829702340.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 173802
>>173791What even is this outfit? Her new hair didn't last long either, looks as bad as before, just more fried.
I'm loving that these are unfiltered candids though, rare to see her legs looking that hammy without it being a candid from a con. Her thighs are massive.
No. 173813
File: 1473838102950.jpg (88.85 KB, 600x963, momokun_CfJrKaOUkAA8x6D.jpg)

Can someone Mega the Chun Li boudoir set tho?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 173852
File: 1473857783550.jpg (204.89 KB, 900x1200, CsSkmb-UkAAKub6.jpg)

Aweh the dumb bitch did go buy a Gryffindor scarf :) even favorited a few tweets about Harry Potter.
Honestly if she went there just to steal the spotlight from Gabby's trip, if she honestly had the balls to fuck up the place where this girl got engaged, she is A-1 bitch material.
Good for you MooMoo, you fucking asshole.
No. 173880
File: 1473865395142.jpeg (62.75 KB, 632x480, image.jpeg)

Awe momokunt was mopey did it not work out with her Asian fuckboy? Guess she has to rely on the backup tool on YouTube that met angry Joe and exploited the shit out of their meeting at LVL up. Tragic.
No. 173891
>>173880Apparently BardockObama did the Twitch stream where he finally called out cosplayers and Twitch streamers like he's promising for months. Anyone have evidence that he went after MooMoo?
I wonder if maybe she's trying to get in with this OverT guy just to make Bardock jealous? Switch out the old streamer for a new one, eh? Not like the dude ever cared about Mariah lol.
No. 173904
File: 1473875177037.jpeg (92.17 KB, 673x480, image.jpeg)

>>173813Her hair makes her look like one of those troll dolls.
No. 173916
>>173898Wow, had no idea he had a girlfriend. They legit went on a date together, would never have guessed he was in a relationship. Wonder how she feels about Moomoo hanging out with her man.
Would also explain why Moo has been relatively quiet about all of it. Probably doesn't want to be TOOOO obvious. But then you have her posing in his cosplays and snapchatting their "dates" because she just can't help but show off her new azn fuck toy.
No. 173944
File: 1473884027083.png (399.68 KB, 534x950, xqume0l.png)

The Samus bikini doesn't even fit right.
No. 173946
>>173931LOL shes doing the walk of shame? No wonder she posted that mopey shit about "having so many thoughts" she slept with the guy hoping he would want to be in a relationship with her. Damn the insecurity tho.
>>173937Overtflow has a girlfriend. But she has been talking about making videos with him and flirting with him online you can see it.
KoreanBBQ is the guy she was wearing the armour from and was at his house learning how to "make armor" apparently she posted Meis shoes on Facebook he was teaching her how to make them.
>>173944A BEACHED WHALE HAS BEEN SPOTTED dayum that hanging tummy tho
No. 173953
File: 1473885180152.jpg (93.64 KB, 1006x893, 70DiMnL.jpg)

Even if it sounds pointless asf, it's worth following her on Snapchat because she seriously thinks she's the sexiest randomlol!!1XD geek gurl on this planet & is so obnoxious to the point it's too cringey to watch her full videos, like the recent Samus clips. Also it's where she posts stuff that she won't post elsewhere, like that walk of shame.
No. 173954
File: 1473885302307.png (164.15 KB, 251x348, 1ca6e8c5696273a147cedffc9c8f20…)

>>173953Bitch so fat she got an extra pair of titties on her tittes.
No. 173957
seriously though these are so unflattering. she looks 50lbs heavier than she does in her carefully angled waist trainer pics.
No. 173960
>>173952>>173953>>173954Oh yeah love me some of that THICC pasty ass I thought she was Arabic? Where's that fake tan at?
She sure has a lot of balls to post this kind of stuff on social media though, I hope some people still watch this thread and see how much of a lie her whole body is lol.
Reminds me of another famous Mariah (Carey) who photoshops everything into oblivion.
But trust me girl, I'm not comparing you to Mariah Carey as a compliment considering she's fat washed up and old so don't even try to twist my words around. You're both just so famous for dat Photoshop :)
Mariah Mallad, the Catfish Queen.
No. 173963
File: 1473886150389.jpg (35.76 KB, 409x407, 1473885180152~2.jpg)

I can't stop cracking up god what an ugly mug.
No. 173964
File: 1473886229957.jpg (33.49 KB, 400x394, v4FZukS.jpg)

>>173961Weird comparison but you're not wrong lol.
No. 173985
File: 1473888934725.png (474.42 KB, 799x524, s2hI1KK.png)

How predictable she'd post a bikini snap to IG, sucking in and holding arms up of course. Her fans are hopeless.
No. 174000
>>173985Just WTF this is one of the most unflattering pics Ive ever seen moomoo in. What made her upload this and why??!! It stung my eyes seeing this in the first page
This is so unattractive- im kind of shocked
No. 174002
>>173985is that awkward crease in her stomach from wearing corsets so much?
she need to start waist training again cause that shit is gone
No. 174022
File: 1473895677686.png (193.27 KB, 720x742, Screenshot_2016-09-14-17-22-00…)

So I was fucking right lol. It is a swimsuit photoshoot.
But the bullshit she wrote to go with the picture on her Facebook…man, I just can't.
I think where she wrote "my neighbour" I think it was meant to say "I never".
Is this her attempt at making us look like assholes because now all of a sudden she's "all natural"? Nah. I ain't buying it. She does this all the time, "changes herself" for like a week and then goes back to the same shit she always does.
No. 174024
>>174022I love how she says ~photo manipulation~
bitch, its shoop.
No. 174046
File: 1473900704516.png (310.97 KB, 720x508, Screenshot_2016-09-14-18-48-09…)

And to go the extra mile to prove that "omgz she totally doesn't Photoshop guys" she went and did a POLAROID SHOOT. Clever girl, but it's under a dock. Where there's heavy shade. And shadows. How about some shots out in the light where there's not light tricks to hide your flaws?
No. 174048
>>174046Its easy to make polaroids look good because of the "effect" it has
And if the photographer is good enough to pose her and make her look "better" without shoop
and like you previously said, the shade helps
I wonder how many photos they couldn't take because they were too awful
No. 174049
>>174046Lolcow: Lol what a dumb bitch claiming she's body positive
Then she proceeds to squeeze her fat sagging tits together and cover her waist and pull the bikini string out of her fat rolls.
No. 174059
File: 1473902308224.png (2.61 MB, 2242x1000, moomootheliarcow.png)

>>174046>>174022'omg u gais pander to me because this is the first time I'm feeling #confident about my tummy showing'
Yeah sure moomoo.
Although I love that she did at least two shoots in the kitty lingerie and a shoot in the bandage swimsuit at AX and those pictures have yet to see the light of day.
No. 174061
>>1740541. Her ego and her "body positive" bullshit. No one would give to flying fuck if she was just some fatty in a cosplay.
2. Someone who's body positive wouldn't wear corsets, use myspace angles, and shoop the fuck out of their photos to hide their flaws. They would present themselves exactly how they are because they're proud of the person they are. They also wouldn't go out of their way to gloat about it constantly either.
No. 174067
>>174056Thank you for responding
I know its her personality that everyone hates (cause lord knows i hate her for that reason)
I just wanted to know because in the past few threads alot of people made fat comments so i just wanted to clarify
TLDR fat person was worried about being fat lmao
No. 174070
>>174068omg thats what i was just thinking
At least Tasha actually posted "unflattering" natural photos of herself
And that makes her more beautiful
No. 174073
>>174067Like if she went around saying that she was a 'big girl' instead of 'thicc' people would care a lot less.
How she acts about her body is more deep seeded in how she is a terrible person in my opinion. She constantly lies to make herself sound better when it's usually a bunch of lies.
Things she's lied about
>Where her patreon money goes (said she spends all of it on cosplay)>Being Friends with Jessica Nigri (JNig doesnt follow her or have her on FB)>Working out (she's consistently gained weight)>Heat Stroke at Anime Expo (when she was obviously hung over from the party the night before)>Blisters and extreme sunburn (when all we got to see was slightly red skin that was picked at to look worse)and now
>Never wearing a two piece before. (she's worn several)People call momo fat and constantly insult her about it because she lies and tries to hide her actual bodyshape as much as she can. It's harder to say 'If she was confident about her body' because you cant even compare it to anything because she's a constant fallacy.
No. 174077
>>174073Honestly I don't know why more people aren't interested in her ex-friends like Gabby, Tasha, and Sierra
They seem so nice and genuine and collectively you get basically the same thing you'd get with moomoo
(besides the lies and fakeness)
No. 174081
>>174079True dat
I'm glad I found them though (through momo's twitter)
No. 174084
>>174056It's incredible how much the waist trainer does to suck her gut in. Would she be using an actual steel-boned corset? People keep saying corset but how would she hide the rope at the back under her skin tight bodysuits? I have corsets and they are very thick, I just cannot imagine wearing one under a latex suit.
Sage cause I want to know what she is wearing so I can get one and use it to cosplay characters with unnaturally tiny waists. Any idea?
No. 174088
File: 1473906586103.jpg (48.23 KB, 600x520, MDExRjU5ODJFMTAzOEFGNUY5NDQ6MT…)

>>174084a waist trainer doesn't necessarily mean a corset. they sell stuff like a corset, minus the stuff in the back so its easier to hide and more comfortable. She probably has something like pic related
No. 174089
File: 1473906619753.jpg (58.22 KB, 1012x1280, waist cincher.jpg)

>>174084its actually a cincher so its a wrap that has hooks in the front
(for example)
She supposedly actually waist trained so her waist is smaller than her hips, but because she gained weight her body doesn't actually look like that
cinchers just hold in the fat and not actually genuinely change your shape
alternatively you could get a underbust corset (to change your waist) and wear a cincher over to cover up the corset
No. 174091
>>174084Anon I bought a waist trainer for that exact same reason and holy shit, don't go cheap, and don't get the 'mesh' ones that are supposed to stop you from over heating, that shit rips in two minutes.
>>174088 's one is better quality than what I have and in the end I just bought a wasp waisted underbust and I wear spanx over it to flatten things out again
No. 174094
>>174084If you want to cosplay characters with crazy tiny waists you would have to corset train. You can tell that hers is a cincher and not a corset because it doesnt actually save her size front to back as you can see in that one D.Va group pic. it just makes her shape from the front not look like a land whale.
>>174089I doubt she ever actually waist trained. even if you look from when she was actually fit she didnt have much waist to hip variation.
No. 174095
>>174084I think it's a corset. Cinchers tend to only smooth out your midsection by pulling everything in, however they do not give you a tiny cinched waist. I really haven't seen a lot of her cosplays from behind so I can't tell if there is any lacing poking out.
This is one that is specifically designed to be worn under clothes: No. 174097
>>174094You're probably right
But considering how big she used to be in middle school i wouldn't be surprised cause when she was fit she did have a better waist to hip ratio than she does now
No. 174109
>>174107All 3 of them did lmao
All 4 of them cut ties with her
No. 174116
>>174101I think she has a lot more friends like Tina Dayton and all of those people but Vamplette is always with her all the time and Gabby and Tasha had a few vague subtweets to say about her that just further drove the point home.
Although I'm not sure why anyone keeps mentioning Gabby and Tasha, as I'm sure they just want to put all this drama behind them lmao. Someone keeps anonymously talking/asking Tasha about Mariah and I think they're just trying to get her to flat out talk shit about her instead of subtweets her but I'm sure that shit gets annoying.
No. 174119
>>174117Sierra aka Thornchan; is fb friends with all of them and even did the same spam posts on ax and ALA forums that got momo and moochlette small promotion though we all know momo gets money from pervs of off 4chan where she was mysteriously posted. Sierra is actually a sweetheart but she tries too hard to network instead of befriending people and tends to hang out with people who can bring her attention. Even if they talk shit about her like momo and moochlette do to her.
That's basically how she ties in there, she was the Elizabeth in the 7 deadly sins photo, the black cat that someone mistook for momo at sabakon, and she tends to suck up to momo because Sierra has low self esteem.
No. 174120
>>174116idk I dont really see her as being 'friends' with Tina. it feels like tina just only gets her 'suck up' face. I would be willing to be good money that Momo talks the biggest shit about Tina since Tina is an actual landwhale (about 3 times the size of momo).
then again Tina is with Ray of ex-AH fame so she's used to cheap attention whores by now.
No. 174124
>>174119Someone in the previous thread said that they're not friends anymore
Honestly Sierra seems to have gotten over that though (or at least I don't see her spam or dickride momo anymore)
No. 174125
>>174117Tasha and Sierra played League and streamed with Mariah a few times
Sierra used to be in Collette and momo's streams all the time.
Poor child tried REALLY hard to be friends with them
She would comment on their posts, stream with them, all this other shit
She basically tried doing what Momo does to Jnig, But i don't think she did it for fame, i think she just tried really hard to make friends, and that makes me sad that someone would want to be friends with mariah that badly
No. 174126
File: 1473913207731.jpg (1.17 MB, 4000x1057, calling momo out.jpg)

>>174107(sorry if its hard to read)
But they all called Moomoo out
They all genuinely like the same things and they all talk on twitter, fb and what not
Basically the 3 of them are all internet friends that cut ties with Moomoo and thats why they've been brought up
Honestly I'd like to hear their sides of the stories because I'm sure they have alot of dirt on Moomoo and Moochlette
No. 174137
>>174134Mostly online
Gabby is the only one that was actually friends with Mariah and Collette
Tasha and Sierra are from CA so they obviously were just online friends (tasha was actually mariah's friend though and sierra was more of an acquaintance)
But it was all still mostly cosplay related though
Gabby went on a few hikes and hungout with mariah a few times but not much (that i know of)
No. 174138
>>174132I just want evidence of Mariah treating her friends/fans like shit without them knowing
So people can see she is two-faced
No. 174139
>>174134Let's be real. It's momo we're talking about. We've WITNESSED how two faced she is.
She probably lied to them about a million things and they started to find out the truth. Simple as that.
>>174138I mean we could easily just show them the tirade she went on in one of the earlier threads where she started off like 'tell me what I can do to be a better cosplayer uwu~' and then ignored all the actual advice people were giving her and quickly turned to 'my spandex suit will get me more notice than you'll ever get ever'
or y'know any of the HUNDREDS of lies she's blatantly told within the past year.
No. 174140
>>174134I don't know if anything sparked it, I just figured everyone got sick of her/ found out the truth about her
Tasha seemed to stop talking to her around AX
I dunno when Gabby cut her ties off with her, it seemed to stop when she hungout with Steff more
I dunno anything about Steff having drama with momo
and sierra made vague posts and stopped dickriding momo after sabakon
No. 174142
>>174119Maybe you should say something to her if thats what you think
You can anonymously send her a message telling her how momo treats her and how she acts and what not
No. 174146
I'm like at a loss for words
No. 174155
File: 1473922611362.jpeg (481.47 KB, 1909x1717, image.jpeg)

I don't know about you guys but I'm legitimately triggered by how fucking fat she is and every time I see a photo of her, I feel the need to shoop it to hell and back.
No. 174156
>>174155Wow you're really good at shooping xD
I need some shooped photos now lmao
No. 174160
File: 1473923566169.png (2.51 MB, 1909x1717, moomoo.png)

>>174155wow you're better at shooping her than her photographers are that's for sure.
No. 174161
>>174155For being the angle master I really don't understand why she picked this arms up pose at all. I mean I guess it makes her boobs look a little nicer but mostly it just makes her look like a fucking linebacker.
I feel like only models can pull off this pose without looking super wide though. Even average skinny girls, especially almost head on to the camera, it's just gonna make them look super wide.
No. 174216
>>174201Welcome to lolcow.
If it's related to Moomoo it's allowed in the thread and if you think any of our theories are crazy you've obviously never been to any of the other threads.
Also someone who is 'popular' on the internet making a 'it's amazing how uninformed people are on the internet' being about a singular lolcow thread is reaching.
>>174214Let's be real it'll probably drop before the end of the month as usual or if anything it proves she's faking her backing again because she hovered around 5k for a few months now and only a couple weeks ago it had dropped down to $4.2k unl
No. 174231
File: 1473957238632.jpg (2.14 MB, 1320x4055, momoposts.jpg)

Since we're getting new people hopping on the Moo Moo Train, I felt like we need a bit of documentation for them. Gathered this little collab from the moment momo came to defend herself in the first thread and showed what a cunt she is.
No. 174263
File: 1473974708081.jpg (12.39 MB, 4000x6000, wow how can i get a wasitline …)

>>174073Thickness is in the eye of the beholder and all that, but even in her unedited photos I'd say she's got a good claim to 'thick'. Being thick is just being a 'big girl' but with a curvier fat distribution.
The hatchet job shopping is out of control though.
No. 174265
>>174231I should also add that her "connections with Funimation" was some worker at Funimation replying to her tweet or some shit like that.
The "I'm doing the boudoir shoots to fund my bigger cosplay projects!" thing just angers me to no end. She hasn't done any of the planned "bigger projects" and the posts are from like… March or April. Instead of the Samus armor, she did a Samus bikini shoot and blew the money on pleasure trips and her friends, but I guess giving money for her friend's car repairs means she's "giving back to the community".
No. 174269
>>174263she doesnt have a 'curvier' fat distrobution though? She's barely got a waist which is why she constantly contorts her body and wears cinchers to make it look like she does, You can see that her stomach is non existant in these
>>174046 . it's sad cause she's not even a pear she's just the sad slutty daughter of the Michelin man.
Either way you're still wrong cause thicc is ABOUT having a smaller waist but juicy hips/ass/thighs. It's basically the look that Nicki minaj is a parody of.
No. 174278
File: 1473979037282.png (1.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160915-153612.png)

This popped up in her snapchat. She's claiming that that Kelton made fanart of the crappy budoir she shot, even though we know from a previous thread that she was cosplaying his design. She implied that he sent it to her as free fanart, when she probably bought it just so she can grasp at more straws.
No. 174284
File: 1473982078785.jpg (85.45 KB, 1146x604, Screenshot_2.jpg)

>>174263that unretouched area on her thigh… how sloppy.
No. 174288
File: 1473982449348.jpg (512.32 KB, 1208x773, What the hell.jpg)

>>174284the more I look, the worse it gets.
Nobody looks good in HD but what is this??
No. 174374
File: 1474017232575.png (155.29 KB, 750x971, IMG_3854.PNG)

Yeah I'm so sure "someone sent you that". hi moomoo
No. 174375
File: 1474017260324.jpeg (242.69 KB, 1125x1371, image.jpeg)

Someone sent this "pick" to her.
No. 174383
>>174375She's so dumb from "someone" to "troll" in 0.1 seconds. I dont even see that as a troll more like "this is what you sell yourself as - you don't look like that"
ty for looking moomoo, get that ass to the gym.
No. 174399
>>174374>>174375I don't understand why she would post this on her social media. It proves that she still lurks here, and it shows her fans what they
could be paying for. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I honestly don't see the logic behind this.
No. 174425
>>174416If she was smart she would have played up to the body positive thing. "I don't care if I don't fit into your perfect ~thique~ image, I still love my body!"
But instead she went for the pity points. Mentioned trolls shooping her and how now she wants to go to gym to get that body, so people will tell her that she's already perfect and to never change.
No. 174434
>>174432Realize these are the same retards who say they love the "natural no make up" look while posting a bitch in a full face of makeup that's just subtle and neutral colors as an example.
Anyway, she posted that pic for all her fans to see as some kind of damage control, before it leaks around and people poke fun. It's the old "make fun of myself first so nobody else can get the satisfaction." she wants people to think that shit like that doesn't bother her.
Also, the neck beards will continue to fund her for shitty half nude pictures. It's nothing new that there are hundreds of better looking talented women than Mariah, that doesn't stop them and their dicks.
No. 174451
>>174446You make a good theory.
Also, Mariah is the chick doucheguys that are T driven and unconcerned with quality describe as "she's meh, but she's got huge tits bro" (which is the only qualifier to being perfect and sexy for their low standard selves concerned with getting off)
Mariah doesn't know who she is.
No. 174452
File: 1474051641448.png (752.32 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 174462
>>174446I don't what is going on inside the mind of somebody dropping $50 a month for a very softcore, shooped-to-fuck photo set, but
>They only like fat/thick girls because they can't get anyone elseIs up there with 'bullies are just jealous'.
No. 174465
>>174446>So I don't know, I'm getting so tired of knocking her down and then she comes in with a joke about it all and then her Patreon goes up 300$. her trying to make a joke about it and how she played off that joke if anything proves to me how insecure she actually is. If she wasnt hurt by it she would have posted another unedited picture with it? Or at least that's what I would do like 'oh no I'm so unattractive sobbu sobbu' and a picture of me relaxed and enjoying myself or
ignore it.
>>174462Well it's like how on average a 7 will get hit on more than a 10 will because they're intimidating a lot of the time. I think it has more to do with the fact that momo encourages that behavior in every way she can. She actively wants to be objectified.
No. 174472
>>174446But luna lanie is disgusting and her implants and photoshop are way worse than nigiri. She's also a confirmed psycho hated even more than momo by the cosplay community because she's a shit cosplayer and huge slut showing her bolt on tits for cash.
Terrible example.
No. 174473
>>174440I'm the anon who shooped her. I'm not one of her friends nor did I send it to her. I'm just legitimately repulsed by how fat and doughy she is and she continues to get fatter under the guise of being ~thicc~. Her reposting my shoop is her own problem.
>>174465Yeah this pretty much. She's desperate for attention and validation and the only way she knows to get either is to shove herself out there as a sexual object for guys to ogle at. Being told she's "hot", "sexy", and "thicc" by neckbeards makes her feel better about herself.
No. 174474
File: 1474055639603.jpeg (150.06 KB, 750x1002, image.jpeg)

Do you think he knows…?
No. 174476
>>174473You did pretty good on the photoshop, can you point out all the shoop fails on the supposed proffessional photog she shoots with?
Her fans are fucking stupid they pay for shooped photos and act like she's naturally perfect, she's a dick to girls but super sweet to guys since they pay her.
No. 174497
>>174479I'm not saying people dont like her face but I dont think people like her body but then people dont KNOW how to like her body because she's constantly hiding it. I dont think momo is ugly but she's not gonna win any modelling spots anytime soon.
>>174486People dont like her because she's a 'Muslim cosplayer' they like her because she's a 'Muslim slut'. It's about the fetish of 'oo look at this girl who is SUPPOSED to have morals but shows off her bodies fapfapfap'. It's why Trisha Paytas is still relevant because between her 'lol i'm naked in this' videos she sneaks in a few 'but lol I love having jesus in my life tho'.
No. 174503
She also used to say she was italian?
Even if she is arabic
Arabic does not mean muslim
I hope she understands that
No. 174507
>>174497Whether the photshopped version or the real thing, I think people do. The exposed midriff kitty cosplay thing does the rounds as a 'the thickness is real' photo, and iirc it wasn't coated in photoshop. I'm not really tryibg to say if she's hot or not, I just never agreed with
>Guys who like heavy girls are lowering their standards because every guy thinks slim is betterPeople like all sorts of different things.
No. 174522
How sad is it that your only purpose in life is being thicc, taking off your clothes for money, and antagonizing a community that is working to become more tolerant and accepting? And she was stupid enough to attach her real name to her online shenanigans, so when she gets
too thick or a cuter, actually thick cosplayer hits the scene, she's going to be in major trouble. I would almost feel bad for her, but she brought this on herself.
>>174515That's if they haven't disowned her already.
No. 174527
>>174522>>174525Her parents baby her, at least her mom does. She's an entitled millenial who will never actually have to pay her own way in life, paying for pleasure trips don't count. Even if the patreon well does run dry there will be some loser who will pick her up and cater to her, the thing about being a suger baby is that there is always a daddy who will baby you.
Seeing that she had severe daddy issues, she probably will find one that acts like father to her.
No. 174529
>> 174513Because she's not. Like my hunch, she has a close relative who is Muslim and she thinks that makes her Muslim by association. I hope she knows it takes faith to belong to a religion… but I doubt it.
>>174525Momo stinks the of kind of child that has been coddled and spoiled her entire life. No doubt this helped contribute to that massive ego.
No. 174530
>>174054To be honest, what bothers me is that there are actually good plus sized cosplayers who know how to create amazing garments and put a lot of effort into creating cosplays that are flattering to their figure.
Moomoo is a sell out and hides her poor skills behind the, "I have boobs and butt and fat is the new sexy" shit that people use when they are extremely insecure about themselves. Unfortunately because she whales around spewing this shit in her shitty cosplays, this is why some people come to think of all plus size cosplayers to be that way, to not try or hide in fear of shaming.
There are plenty of great plus sized cosplayers who can better represent and contribute to the community and don't have to sell themselves out like this, and unfortunately deserve way more credit for their talent.
No. 174561
File: 1474077570389.png (1.52 MB, 906x587,…)

>>174545learn to screencap you walnut
No. 174566
>>174561holy shit those lashes.THEY LOOK TERRIBLE. Why would want to look like you have fake as shit lashes 100% of the time?
Fake lashes to go with fake personaility I guess, godd dame
No. 174576
>>174573in those photos? She ugly as fuck. It's an unflattering angle and camera but yeah she looks objectively horrible in those pictures. Especially if you consider she's 20?
For someone who's 20 she already has really old eyes and you can see wrinkles already starting to develop in the lighting on that second picture with is just really really sad.
Also idk what is is about those lases but it makes her irises look extremely tiny.
No. 174578
>>174576She does look pretty old for 20, yeesh. I didn't realize how young she was. I guess I have low standards for what I consider pretty bc I'm uggo myself lol.
The lashes look legitimately awful. Why wouldn't she try for something at least a tiny bit more natural?? It's like having permanent caterpillars on your eyelids.
No. 174596
>>174561Both her and moochlette need a fucking nosejob
She is so round it hurts
He has no defining features besides a huge nose and a tiny AF upper lip
She has bags, you can tell how much she waxes/tweezes her massive eyebrows and jesus christ does she just look awful
No. 174597
>>174561At first glance I thought these were mug shots
I got really happy lmao
No. 174599
File: 1474089966797.jpg (43.22 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>174598Fuck she just got that face lol
No. 174600
File: 1474090171779.jpg (54.75 KB, 512x512, UxlUTQL0.jpg)

>>174598Fuck she just got that face lol
>>174599It makes it even better when she's Muslim and can't eat pork but is a dead ringer for Miss Piggy
No. 174610
File: 1474093835245.jpeg (59.28 KB, 480x480, image.jpeg)

>>174598>Ducky Mallad>>174601Can we please talk about her avatar…
No. 174627
>>174601Holy shit
>What's worst a quitter or coward>A Quitter because at least the coward is scared but he won't give up!says the person who quit lacrosse…..
No. 174634
File: 1474100522810.jpeg (44.9 KB, 608x297, image.jpeg)

>>174627This q right here.
No. 174635
File: 1474100813548.jpeg (781.54 KB, 2389x2389, image.jpeg)

>>174476I'm not a professional photographer and I was self-taught in Photoshop so please take my opinion with many grains of salt.
I think the most glaring error that her togs keep making is that they make everything super unrealistic and keep focusing on doing "fancy" things with lighting/effects rather than putting a nice, clean shoop out. Look at how much Moomoo is airbrushed in her D. VA set. She's so airbrushed that she looks blurry and literally glows. Her Samus set looks awful and cheap because it's just collages of her slapped on a space background with some Metroids pasted in with their opacity lowered.
Another thing I've noticed is that it seems like a lot of her photos are shooped so much because they weren't good photos in the first place whether it's on her end or the tog's end. The D. VA set comes to mind again. The lighting is adjusted so much with colors and all that I'm 90% sure it's just coverup for a previously awful photo. Also all of those pictures where other farmers have found parts where her hairy butt or arm hairs weren't totally shooped. She should've shaved instead of asking the photographer to try and photoshop her body hair out.
TL;DR: her togs need to go back to the basics and learn how to take good pictures and shoop decently before trying to do "fancy" stuff. And Moomoo needs to learn how to shave.
Sage for a dissertation on Moomoo's badly shooped pictures.
>>174596I tried shooping her nose so it's less potatoesque. While it did help with the overall balance of her face, imo it didn't make her that much prettier. I might've made her nose too small.
No. 174645
>>174573I don't think she's ugly per se, but she's not dead-drop gorgeous or even particularly pretty either. Just a normal face with arabic features (the nose and the eyes).
Addressing the whether she's a real muslim or not debate, I can completely believe she has arabian heritage because of her facial features and hair but she clearly doesn't practice the muslim faith and at least her mother doesn't wear a veil and shares her slutty cosplay photos on her social media. So I don't think she has a case exploiting her presumed islamic faith she has because she obviously doesn't follow the teachings or the lifestyle and is a very secularized, white-bred person in general.
>>174561Ugghh, these look just fake as hell and really distracting. Less is sometimes more, moomoo.
>>174269This. She's not curvy and doesn't have a fortunate fat distribution, she just works the angles and wears a waist cincher while photoshopping the whole mess like this
>>172464 . That image shows well how she's not actually curvy but just fat. Her ass is pretty flat and chunky, even her tits are pretty small, flat and saggy compared to the rest of her size. Just look at this
>>173985 .
No. 174786
>>174762You have a point.
Everyone goes through a period when where they're trying to fit in somewhere. But the lengths Momo tries to go to is fucking sad.
No. 174835
File: 1474172394139.png (205.07 KB, 482x351, DuckyMomo.png)

>>174610>Ducky Mallad>Mallad>MallardMomo is a duck confirmed
No. 174849
File: 1474177055853.png (641.64 KB, 765x1044, arkham harley.png)

>>174805This version is the one she bought
Any photos of her in it?
No. 174850
File: 1474178515636.jpg (116.57 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20160918_005730.jpg)

>>174598 It takes real talent to look like Ducky and Spike from Land before Time
No. 174941
File: 1474225784691.jpg (113.5 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20160918_150453.jpg)

Why does she think duck lips is a cute look?
No. 175013
Its not "flattering" but it also hides the fact that she has no upper lip
Also quirky gamur grill
No. 175017
File: 1474251609307.jpg (119.57 KB, 720x944, _20160918_221456.JPG)

For anyone that missed the whole tweet and pictures. Such a gamer gurl for sure lol
No. 175021
>>175016you can make a new thread on mobile. i've done it before.
>>175018honey, if you think this is bad, you've clearly never seen other threads.
No. 175029
File: 1474254119668.jpg (1.18 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160918_230020.jpg)

>>174561Contributions, farmers.
No. 175058
File: 1474261704180.jpeg (64.36 KB, 640x543, image.jpeg)

>>175054I thought moochlette was her best friend lol
No. 175060
>>175058But David is that chunky Korean dude she's been trying to fuck or has been fucking/attempting to trap into a relationship.
Also, who the hell even rick rolls anymore. How old is this dude?
No. 175062
>>175058the fuckin hearts next to his name
no of course you're not trying to fuck him, momo, of course not.
No. 175271
Moomoo is getting drunk on her 21st birthday live stream
This is a perfect chance to watch her make a huge fool of herself No. 175288
>>175271>getting drunk on her 21st birthday>live [overwatch] streamI think things have gone too far. Somebody this unfortunate needs our help, not our hate.
No. 175291
File: 1474342503004.png (1.47 MB, 1440x2560, 20160919_203012.png)

Sorry forgot the picture
>>175290 No. 175311
File: 1474357667529.jpg (510.47 KB, 1001x1500, 11.jpg)

Oh Momo. This isn't a good look for you.
No. 175332
File: 1474365814198.jpeg (961.06 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpeg)

No. 175409
>>175312the hair tie around her wrist lol
is the photographer blind or is just too beta to tell her she looks like shit? All these small mistakes add up to a huge mess.
No. 175423
File: 1474396641368.jpeg (536.13 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>175312Reminds of the Cowlipha.
No. 175433
File: 1474400297434.jpg (494.5 KB, 1500x1001, 22.jpg)

>>175428Sometimes I can't tell if the awful personality makes it better or worse
No. 175454
>>175439C'mon now. You don't get problems from having that much fat. She isn't
literally obese.
Perfect weight imo.
No. 175457
She's overweight as fuck. No matter what it is to a point where that it threatens her health. especially in that pis she only looks good because of posing. she's lifting her hips and twisting her body as she always is to look like she has bigger hips. She's officially to the point where you can call her fat. If you're a feeder/chubby chaser that's another thing but she's gonna have health issues happening. Especially since she's so young she's just rearin to fuck herself over.
No. 175471
>>175457What's her bf%? What does she actually eat? She doesn't have to use a mobility scooter. It might not be healthy but you don't get heart disease and die just from being reasonably fat.
It's subjective where you draw the lines on /curvy/thick/chubby/fat/whatever, but she's not some bbw fetish model.
No. 175561
She shows up in this Cow Chop video: is she so fucking cringy? Why must she ruin the things I enjoy?
No. 175565
>>175561Holy crap, I was just about to post this. The instant she saw the camera, she pushed through her group of friends to be center stage and spew her cringy insults out of nowhere
Starts at 10:18
>Aleks: Do you guys like chicken nuggets?>Momo: Oh DUDE chicken nuggets are the BEST bro.>Aleks: What's your favorite chicken nugget?>Momo: Um, your mom.>Aleks: My mom? That's not a chicken nugget.>Momo: You're right… your DAD. Oooohhh!Yeah she oooohs her own insult. Meanwhile, a guy in the group is trying to explain his love for McDonald's chicken nuggets but Momo just talks over him lol.
No. 175572
File: 1474431135680.png (120.92 KB, 237x356, ijustwanttobeoneofthebrosmom.p…)

>>175561>>175561SHE'S SO CRINGY. She's such a typical basic bitch that tries to be funny. Also A+ on the guy pretty much fucking ignoring her, and her face when she realizes he gives 0 fucks.
No. 175573
>>175471I didnt say she was morbidly obese. At her age she could easily get diabetes and the such. It's sad since her dad is a bodybuilder and yet she's such a fatass.
'she's not some bbw fetish model'
BUT SHE IS??? That's exactly what she is and what she portrays herself as.
No. 175598
File: 1474443443202.jpeg (255.5 KB, 2001x1888, image.jpeg)

Hey Momo, I know you don't like competition because this chic is better than you as a person, but go fuck yourself. Nice try!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 175602
File: 1474445561269.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.48 KB, 600x896, in a couple of years maybe.jpg)

>>175573Maybe it puts her at a higher risk, but it would not surprise me if the only problems she ends up with are stretch marks.
And there's no way she's a BBW model
No. 175648
>>175561I know she would have no way of knowing this but the guy asking, Aleks, his mother died of cancer when he was young and he hates talking about it.
shouting "yo mom" at people is just distasteful.
No. 175662
File: 1474466380713.png (54.11 KB, 593x555, mmmk.png)

>>175597Didn't take her that long to come into the comment section tbh. She's so thirsty.
No. 175664
>>175561That was worse than anything I could have anticipated. She tries way too hard to be "one of the guys."
>>175662She replied to at least four different comments about her. Shit's embarrassing.
No. 175682
>>175602bbw models arent all obese though? Our good and all holy queen PT was attracting BBW lovers when she was p much the same size momo is now. (maybe smaller since PT only shooped herself yellow and not thinner)
>>175662this reeks of 'lolol i'm trollin u and totally NOT upset that people dont think I'm funny' If she WANTED to be cringey there are way better things she could do. It's not even 'cringe' level it's just disappointment level
No. 175691
>>175674She was saying something along the lines of their star signs and said "are you saying we're compatible?" to which Aleks said in the most terse voice, "Absolutely not" and didn't speak to her again.
She joined his stream and was trying to cozy up to him like how momo is doing in the comments, to use Aleks/Cow Chop's fame to advance their own persona.
No. 175734
File: 1474484708674.jpg (52 KB, 750x937, 14269156_713005428839009_95012…)

wtf is she trying to do with her hands.
No. 175738
File: 1474485228011.jpeg (67.67 KB, 1280x720, image.jpeg)

>>175734No, not my favorite senshi.
No. 175740
File: 1474485659599.png (371.69 KB, 628x459, 2_Mars_Fire_Ignite.png)

>>175734I want to say it's some mangled attempt at this but God only knows
No. 175746
>>175734Christ, would it kill her to style bangs in her wigs? I don't know why this
triggers me so much, but it does.
No. 175759
File: 1474490743891.jpg (19.78 KB, 309x462, mars.jpg)

>>175758It looks weird because its so big and way too high up, when it should be much lower, so it looks like its choking her almost. Although I'm sure this is because she squeezed into a size too small, so it warped the placement.
No. 175767
File: 1474491910845.png (1.47 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160921-150237.png)

>>175756That's definitely the cincher. What's the pink shit all over her underbust though? Is it shoddy photoshop or weird light reflection?
No. 175778
>>175767Its the lighting
Its because the whole shoot had a "red glow" on it and what not
I couldn't even see the cincher until you pointed it out
No. 175779
>>175777Yes she did drop out of school
Who needs an education and a job when you can whore yourself out for 5k a month and live in one of the cheapest cities ever
No. 175781
File: 1474496191368.png (250.24 KB, 311x493, meimoo boudoir.png)

oh good. a character who is completely covered up in thick layers as a boudoir shoot?
She really knows how to ruin too many characters
No. 175806
>>175759I believe one of the China sellers sends the bow on a string basically, that you wear around the neck under the collar. So I'd guess it's that, and she didn't think to adjust it lower and pin it or something. Either that or her boobs caused the collar to sit funny and she moved the bow up to cover that.
TLDR: Momo doesn't know how to properly adjust her bought Chinese costumes to look right.
No. 175809
File: 1474502795739.png (260.86 KB, 492x536, rufurreal.png)

okay I didnt see this until just now and even as a joke this is obnoxious.
Claiming to be the biggest fan of anything is gross imho. Also if she loved it so much how come she's done the ONE basic bitch bulma cosplay that every other female cosplayer has done?
No. 175821
File: 1474504655341.png (280.43 KB, 361x504, sweaty mei.png)

>>175816is this supposed to be a professional photo or a posed cell phone pic? I can't tell
No. 175823
>>175820The worst part is that i can think of plenty of characters who actually have canon "boudoir" outfits or who would still be in character in that setting
It feels weird doing it for a character who wouldn't do that
Like why can't she just do boudoir shoots of characters that actually have outfits (like bunny bulma)
No. 175826
File: 1474505195067.png (222.42 KB, 301x493, irl cancer.png)

At least she knows
No. 175852
File: 1474509121842.jpg (35.81 KB, 352x352, mariah mallad.jpg)

>>175784She used to be alot skinnier in highschool
Just proves how much bigger she has gotten
No. 175861
>>175598admitting to ban evasion, nice.
>>175662I hope she saw the comment I left about how much she sucks.
No. 175868
File: 1474513736793.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3938.PNG)

Her weight fluctuates so oddly becaude she used to be fat then got really skinny and now she's fat again?
No. 175877
File: 1474515979238.png (103.69 KB, 620x826, IMG_3753.PNG)

lol sure you only like Asian men momo sure you do lol thirsty for Davids small dong is what you are.
No. 175884
File: 1474518285125.png (16.65 KB, 576x109, 596c28a948ca13d05a4b80793a7237…)

Yeah sure moomoo, someone definitely said that to you
No. 175891
>>175884Wow…. I have no words for how fucking conceited and vain this is. Has anyone actually said they don't want to cosplay something because she did it "too good"?
Quotes because she can't sew for shit and all her cosplay she's made are awful
No. 175892
>>175891only thing I can think of was someone saying they didn't want to cosplay Samus because they didn't want to be compared to her
Never said she was better, nor was it a compliment
It sucks being compared to other cosplayers for no reason
No. 175906
>>175897At least people asked for their photos (together)
almost nobody asked the 2 Elizabeths for a photo
(I went to the gathering for momo because i used to be one of her neckbeards sadly)
No. 175908
>>175907I'm actually scared to cosplay some characters she has cosplayed just because some people have already claimed i copied her (even though i did the character first?)
Its like I wanna do it because I know I'm ACTUALLY a fan of the character and I can do that character justice but also she has alot of fans that will just shit on anyone saying "momo is better" and just attack anyone
No. 175911
>>175852>>175868If she does lose the weight again, her skin is going to be so loose from so many extreme weight fluctuations. Jesus. No wonder she needs to wear a corset all the time to try to hold everything together.
It's weird though, at this weight her facial proportions don't look so out of whack.
>>175877Classy. Let's fetishize an entire race. This is no better than the gross neckbeards that fetishize only wanting asian women. She's going to have a harder time finding asian guys who are going to overlook the fact that she's so overweight compared to guys of other races, but yeah, okay, keep trying to ride David's dick Mariah. He ain't even cute.
No. 175913
>>175911yeah seriously. she's just doing the female equivalent of "I only like Asian women because they're so submissive and delicate, you know?"
hopefully she doesn't breed with david cuz otherwise they're gonna produce some seriously piggy children.
No. 175994
>>175993Did she seriously call it a "smash down B"? I usually hear other Smashers call it a "down special".
Either way that sounds forced as fuck, like she's trying to show off how much she knows about the game but just comes off sounding like she read the wiki or picked up the terminology from another fan.
No. 175995
>>175994I legit think she just memorized the wikipedia page because that isn't that hard to do
She never once mentioned how she felt about it or "having trouble here" etc. like most people would when talking about a videogame
Even if she did play the game, her attitude and awkwardness is so cringey
No. 175998
I just rewatched that one because they interviewed Gabby and Sierra at Sabakon and it was "recommended"
it just made me cringe comparing her to theirs because she seems so fake
She seems like she is repeating the wiki and trying to act a certain way to make herself seem "natural"
which was so unnatural to me
No. 176000
>>175999What's worse is down smashes (down+A) and down specials (down+B) are different moves. I guess maybe she could've gotten them confused, but no matter which one she was talking about, it points to her not having any clue about basic game controls and mechanics.
Sage for Smash autism.
No. 176003
>>175995>She never once mentioned how she felt about it or "having trouble here"I noticed this too, and she does it with pretty much every game she plays. For example, she mentioned finishing Conquest, but I don't ever remember her talking about frustrating chapters or good strategies/characters she used, things pretty much every FE player mentions when talking about the games.
I've never watched her streams, so I have no idea how good she is at Overwatch or Legend of Zelda, but I'm willing to bet it's more of the same "tee hee I can namedrop lingo/characters/plot points, aren't I so
nerdy and
good at this game" shit.
No. 176009
>>175821She really needs to stop doing that blow-up doll face. It legitimately makes her look like she's retarded.
>>175877>being this hypocritical >>175884>being this fucking smug fucking christ she pisses me off
No. 176023
File: 1474571130117.png (96.29 KB, 1141x227, fat samus comment.png)

I wonder if she is referring to that time a big girl cosplayed Samus because of her and then when she was drunk a few days later laughed about it and called the girl "fat samus" or whatever
what a huge fucking piece of shit momokunt is
No. 176030
File: 1474572346554.jpg (65.83 KB, 720x960, rachael ramen samus.jpg)

>>176025OKAY SO
Some girl names Rachael Ramen was like.. moomoo's number one fan
She ALWAYS shared Momo's stuff and commented on every post
She IDOLIZED Momokunt
She told Mariah that she started maining ZZS in Smash because of her, and she even bought the same bodysuit that Mariah wears and decided to finally cosplay her, because she loves momo and the character.
I was at a party and moomoo was there, super wasted and she was making jokes about this girl. I was pretty buzzed too so i can't remember what she said word for word but she said something along the lines of saying the girl is too fat to be samus. and saying it was pathetic that she wanted to be the character JUST BECAUSE OF MOMO. and she bragged and had a tone of voice that was like "i'm just THAT good" i remember her saying she was the one true samus and then cheered at "THICC SAMUS WOO" or whatever
Basically this sweet little heavy girl cosplayed Samus because of her idol and then her idol shat all over her when she was drunk at a party
TBH I prefer this "rachael" girl over Moomoo
But maybe thats just cause I am a dude thats obsessed with Samus and she actually looks like her, unlike Mariah who can't fucking style a wig for shit