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No. 1966502
Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.
Milk from the last thread (#47:
Ivy Wolk gets called a rapist on twitter:
>>1941200Anna and Pariah the Doll attend a Pornhub “party”:
>>1943070Anna says that selfies are worse than porn, Fat Jack agrees:
>>1944349TrueAnon make a Jan 6th boardgame:
>>1949841Discussion over the possibility of Dasha being cast in the MYORAR movie:
>>1955981Anna and Dasha are paid to promote organic cigarettes:
>>1958677Ivy Wolk is pretty much just doing porn after racking up medical debt:
>>1961532Claire Penis and other trans influencers named in a troon’s suicide note:
>>1962650Rspod subreddit is obsessed with Taylor Swift:
>>1963456The scene is predictably cringe at the premiere of a troon movie:
>>1963674Kanye is going on TAFS:
>>1964441Anna has a meltdown over a lack of Armenian solidarity in response to a slightly critical review:
>>1965937Previous Threads:
Thread #1:
>>>/snow/949693Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1002060Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1020452Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1030945Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1031222Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1045687Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1061969Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1079281Thread #9:
>>>/snow/1097567Thread #10:
>>>/snow/1110930Thread #11:
>>>/snow/1122110Thread #12:
>>>/snow/1133005Thread #13:
>>>/snow/1147474Thread #14:
>>>/snow/1152451Thread #15:
>>>/snow/1163464Thread #16:
>>>/snow/1178548Thread #17:
>>>/snow/1207734Thread #18:
>>>/snow/1233341Thread #19:
>>>/snow/1257839Thread #20:
>>>/snow/1287716Thread #21:
>>>/snow/1351160Thread #22:
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>>>/snow/1398791Thread #25:
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>>>/snow/1562748Thread #30:
>>>/snow/1585072Thread #31:
>>>/snow/1606357Thread #32:
>>>/snow/1613908Thread #33:
>>>/snow/1626640Thread #34:
>>>/snow/1649198Thread #35:
>>>/snow/1669967Thread #36:
>>>/snow/1694368Thread #37:
>>>/snow/1719534Thread #38:
>>>/snow/1736212Thread #39:
>>>/snow/1757525Thread #40:
>>>/snow/1775571Thread #41:
>>>/snow/1807147Thread #42:
>>>/snow/1837624Thread #43
>>>/snow/1853758Thread #44:
>>>/snow/1878929Thread #45:
>>>/snow/1893432Thread #46:
>>>/snow/1902153 No. 1966504
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No. 1966510
File: 1708053210642.webm (1.76 MB, 720x720, dasha.webm)

No. 1966603
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How much has this been shooped? Looks uncanny
No. 1966663
File: 1708104320004.jpg (282.93 KB, 512x910, 20240216_122452.jpg)

why r all dimes squ podcasters 40 years old? expired milk
No. 1966719
File: 1708114493114.png (4.04 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7334.png)

>>1966603Totally shopped. if anything she’s put on weight. Hopefully, as that would help the hair thinning problem.
She darkened her hair and it looks better but no idea why she did that greasy strand combover the other day.. it looks worse than a slightly thinner hairline.
No. 1966738
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>>1966510Another still from the video. Her selfies will never be trusted again
No. 1966763
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>>1966663More importantly, where is Anna's torso
No. 1966782
>>1966766The thumbnail tricked me, I had to check if Tim Dillon lost a bunch of weight (nope, he’s still obese).
>>1966781They’re on topic somewhat they just don’t come up much. Not very milky
No. 1966818
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>"some of the mystique"
>thought she'd have guest list
No. 1966830
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>>1966510pure scandinavian phenotype
No. 1966891
File: 1708159011003.png (374.63 KB, 535x1022, hvkhvkhv.png)

Still absolutely seething.. Something I was going to put in the last thread, I don't get why they're so upset at big outlets like WaPo writing about this. I was very surprised serious fashion writers would even give this adhoc amateur shit show the slightest attention.
Given that the whole thing was barely above what you'd see a fourth year fashion major put on I'd have thought they'd be overjoyed that proper fashion writers had even heard of them and their little clique.
Anyway, how many times have A+D 'walked' at a 'fashion show' and it not been a debacle for them with people laughing at them. Just thinking back to that first one they did way back in the begging.
No. 1966943
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>>1966931agree with everything but out of interest i'll mention that dasha's apartment is neither big nor expensive for new york, studios in midtown east start in the low $2,000s, considered a bargain by new york standards and well below average rent in manhattan which is closer to $5000 these days. her area is kind of depressing to walk around and is choked with fumes from the FDR, altho she gets good light and i love her casement windows. not trying to "ackshually" you, just pushing back on the idea that dasha's living some unattainably glam nyc lifestyle, she and anna both rent so modestly compared to their income that it's always made me doubt the patreon numbers tbh.
>>1966892>high praise from Vogueshow me one line from the Vogue article that constitutes high praise, the article barely mentioned the clothes and heavily implied that Elena Velez is making the unwise choice to dig her heels in with this goofy scene and "make a statement" instead of making beautiful clothing.
>>1966891if Anna thinks that's insulting she must not have seen her friend Elena call her "post-beauty" in Vogue lmao
No. 1966964
File: 1708181045025.png (44.28 KB, 1045x260, why.png)

>>1966845Podcasting with cancelled nazi Sam Hyde and giving shoutouts to Nick Fuentes. Is it safe to assume she's given up on her acting career?
No. 1966968
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Dasha did a shoot for that $80 porn magazine
No. 1966997
File: 1708187659443.jpeg (Spoiler Image,213.79 KB, 750x397, IMG_6641.jpeg)

She’s already done porn
No. 1967021
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It's great how often things like this happen to her online
No. 1967049
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>>1967022She posted this on her stories after the wapo article dropped, still seems a bit salty
No. 1967146
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"czarina', Anna would love that, the rest of the criticism would just wash over her. All she cares about is having her various 'identities' validated to activate the narc supply endorphins.
No. 1967280
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a tranny wants to talk about what it's like to be normal and to be a woman
No. 1967376
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lol i had suspected amber was still getting paid while she was away from the show but i wouldn't have thought they were still paying virgil.
No. 1967387
Did the Kanye TAFs appearance actually happen?
>>1967376There's a rumor that Bri still has to pay him. Virgil wasn't a founding member of chapo so I'd doubt he's been on the payroll since he officially left. He was getting paid for the months he went awol after Bernie lost though.
No. 1967572
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Dasha is writing a book ig. I suppose anons were right and her acting dreams are really dead, she’ll be an autheur now.
No. 1967575
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>>1967572this sounds more like short fiction vs. a book but yeah this is as good an admission from Dasha that Hollywood regards her as shit on her shoe as we'll get. remember before she was an "actress" she was a "poet" in her LA low-rent prostitute days, pivoting back to writing after 10 years of trying for something more glamorous is pretty funny. here's hoping her fiction is half as good as her choke me daddy tumblr poems
No. 1967586
File: 1708355681625.jpeg (138.47 KB, 1357x758, IMG_3412.jpeg)

>>1967575these are… her poems? i thought you put picrel as a parody. this is instagram poetry tier.
No. 1967590
File: 1708356303331.png (2.36 MB, 1136x1426, dasha poetry 2.png)

>>1967586yah these are dasha's actual poems, she used to do little readings in LA and self-published a poetry zine called "feeling worse about the same" or something similar. the one in picrelated became one of her character in "softness of bodies" poems, it's funny to hear her read this stuff out loud like it's deep when it's literally rupi kaur tier only instead of hitting you over the head with "i'm sooo deep" it's "i'm sooo sexy and sexually available, would you have sex with me? i'd have sex with me." autoerotic poetry
No. 1967625
File: 1708366143196.jpg (533.01 KB, 1358x2048, F9pxZ5VWsAAfHuZ.jpg)

We know who you are and what you're doing, troon. We've been tracking you for quite some time. And we're going to do something about it you won't forget, just watch.
No. 1967740
File: 1708386474123.png (224.32 KB, 1542x1144, writtenwhenshewas33.png)

>>1967695>>1967708Much as a novel by Dasha would be morbidly interesting the writing is an "erotic short story" hidden away in the no agency $80 porn magazine. Anna's already "published" her own "erotic fiction" as those who have kept up with these threads will recall. the website it was on doesn't work anymore.
No. 1968009
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What did she mean by this?
No. 1968111
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>>1967740ew what even is that? i thought dasha was the self-infantalizing one, it doesn’t suit anna at all
No. 1968134
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from reddit mod and head of the red scare unofficial discord, tsehany/genuine-girl-666 No. 1968214
File: 1708484583593.gif (Spoiler Image,3.03 MB, 640x640, chtorrr-reddit[1].gif)

>>1968134Someone called her out in the main sub but she deleted it. One of the other mods made fun of her in the spin off sub and she demodded him. Honestly, good for her if she can make money off it. She says in her replies that someone offered $25K but I think it's just a matter of time before the admins find out and demod and ban her. It's quite obvious that the twitter account is her. Admins watch the sub and many of the mods and more active users like hawks, especially that fatty possible troon admin Chtorrr (see gif). Reddit admins will especially be on top of this because she said she deletes pro-trans discourse lol.
>>1968181I've seen her pic and she's actually cute. Doesn't look like a troon at all. I agree with her that she's a retarded girl because she's involved with that milady bs.
No. 1968339
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>>1968252Uhh how is Miss Polachek connected to these people?
No. 1968373
>>1968286come on, it’s fucking hilarious how the same tired shit gets resurrected over and over
drunken canal is misshapes reboot, Anna is trying to be Camille Paglia Junior, Caroline Calloway is blonde-ish Julia Allison, etc., etc.
No. 1968451
>>1968286Laughing at objectively ugly midwits that act hot and intelligent is entertaining. Simple as.
Also your cultural references imply that you are older yourself, which makes you equally (if not more) pathetic being here at all.
No. 1968547
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Lapuff panicking about the stalking rumors.
No. 1968765
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(no context unsaged)
No. 1968768
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>>1968684DSGG posted something
No. 1968794
>>1968684Eveything related to "lapuff" is just cows from GCs trying to gas up someone who literally never came up before in these threads and is just some internal meme of theirs. They spammed that shit until the thread was locked the first, last, and only time it came up.
>>1968547>>1968768no1curr, stop trying to make fetch happen and scurry back to your twitter bubble
No. 1968814
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Tsehany, third from left
No. 1968837
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>>1966972Has Felix Biederman ever had a gf? I've seen countless pictures of Matt and Will with their women but can't recall Felix posting a baeshot. Makes me think the rumors about him dating teen girls have some truth to them.
No. 1969003
>>1968111is this supposed to be fat anna…?
jesus christ those two are so disordered
No. 1969043
>>1968953is anyones on the right? they're all degenerate pornsick coomers and you're deluding yourself if you fall for any of the LARPs they switch out on a biannual basis. the closest you'd get out of all these cows is varg and see his thread at how fake his lifestyle is
No. 1969146
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No. 1969233
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>>1968765>>1968814I suppose Tsehany is just as much a facetuner as the rest of the subculture
>>1969189I believe Caroline Calloway's scam tard meetups have attractive people attending
No. 1969270
File: 1708714712127.png (1.04 MB, 855x717, elena velez.png)

>>1967049Puking up alt right Twitter memes is media literacy? Women are chthonic longhouse beasts, buy my clothes modeled by repulsive troons lol. It's the same contempt for the female audience shown by any luxury brand, so edgy
No. 1969277
>>1966892vogue doesn't write negative coverage of shows ever, because the people they review are also often their primary advertisers.
rachel tajishan's opinion does in fact carry more weight in the industry lol
No. 1969357
>>1969277this, clearly that anon can't read between the lines bc the Vogue article was as non-enthused and skeptical as it gets. the writer treated the scene as the sideshow it is and didn't even really dignify it with a review since Elena Velez was outspoken about this season being "not a commercial season, more of a world-building exercise" - which honestly makes it sound like her label is in trouble. like girl it's your Fall collection - wdym it's not a commercial season? she's talking like it's resort or some throwaway season. and there's only 7 looks, did funding fall thru?
Vogue also would never trash one of its own CFDA winner darlings, although Elena seems like she's well on her way to falling out with that crowd with her edgelord antics. curious where her career is going, i actually like that someone is breaking with the standard politics of the Vogue/LVMH/Kering set, but Elena doesn't seem smart or visionary enough to be a viable alternative. i also wonder if she's secured some "alternative funding" since running afoul of Anna/Vogue can easily kill a designer's career
No. 1969374
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Maze of quote tweets around this not really anything new, unsurprisingly as lurking maybe even posting on here
No. 1969517
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No. 1969831
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No. 1969876
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>>1969831Imagine being so ugly you have to simp for this. Her trooncaths should say a rosary for her
No. 1969982
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No. 1970094
>>1968902Anna reads/retweets way too much race science stuff for it to be pure ironic pandering.
I would bet $1000 Anna believes in her heart that black people are lower IQ than her.
No. 1970098
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A couple pages from Dirtbag
No. 1970099
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No. 1970104
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>>1970098Smash cut from Bernie "winning" NH to the post-Super Tuesday malaise, and then it's on to the Afterword.
No. 1970162
File: 1708955008515.png (1.06 MB, 828x1792, IMG_2438.png)

dasha posting nika on her story is not the crossover i expected to see this morning
No. 1970176
>>1970162all these hetero women demeaning themselves for moid attention fight to insult eachother b/c it's a coping strategy. be demeaned and disrespected by moids you're with and take out that resentment on other women b/c your thirst for male approval isn't abated by being surrounded by literal trash.
there's zero solidarity amongst these right wing grifter women. that will def. serve them well
No. 1970184
>>1970098The chapos were always smarter than the average cow for putting the money first and never airing out their dirty laundry
>>1970104This isn't unreadable but it is embarrassing
No. 1970209
File: 1708965055989.png (393.43 KB, 474x889, Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 01-49…)

I take it Kaitlyn Philips isn't repping Dasha anymore (also anna?), she's always RTing lib stuff, but since october she's being tweeting a lot of pro Palestine and getting very angry about the israel situation. I can't imagine she could remain friends with anna and dasha given how they've been behaved during the whole thing.
I'd thought for a while now they'd parted ways, then I noticed even she couldn't help mocking the elena velez disaster show.
It's been pretty grim watching a fake jew like anna take such joy and callousness over what's happening in Gaza, seemingly feels it's her 'duty' as part of her pretend jew larp. She's been positively gleeful over the guy that set himself on fire yesterday.
Especially on behalf of people who would laugh in her face at her claims of being jewish, as someone on the RS sub posted, she wouldn't qualify as jewish even under the third reich's racial laws, much less qualify for 'right of return' by the israeli government.
>Anna reads/retweets way too much race science stuff for it to be pure ironic pandering.Her entire interest in race science is based purely in her desire to bolster her own insane ethno identity claims. She's quite happy to indulge a bunch of head caliper wielding 19th century race phrenologists so long as they validate her delusional claims of being a "MENA-Armenian-Assyrian-…" etc. Even if said race scientists class her as subhuman, the narc supply is activated.
Victim/identity larping seems to be the driving force behind everything in anna's life and thinking, it is spectacularly bizarre and sad.
She seems to have real problem with being a normal unremarkable suburban white American woman, which she is.
No. 1970231
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>>1970227nta but her likes are full of tweets mocking it. as though her, dasha, and all their right wing friends aren't constantly confessing to being mentally ill self-destructive addicts.
No. 1970237
File: 1708971069345.png (739.48 KB, 1338x763, jewlarping.png)

left Kaitlyn Philips' timeline, right from anna's like tab.
No. 1970286
File: 1708984021492.png (86.46 KB, 676x830, sfdsfgsdfdsfdsfsa.png)

>Noticed this creepy british guy has managed to force his way into the scene. He is constantly following Anna around, white knighting her, attacking her enemies on twitter. Literally every time Anna gets into an argument with someone he's there reply guying like mad.Every time I see him he's wk'ing Anna desperate for her attention, v. creepy. He's not even in NY, he's just some posho British guy.
The whole 'dimes' crew absolutely vicious about this Aaron Bushnell guy like sharks with blood in the water. Anna loving it, liking it all, remember that next time she's playing the 'harmless smol bean' routine again, reveling in a person's agonizing death.
No. 1970296
>>1970162why is she posting this stuff implying being a slut with an onlyfans and drug addiction is bad, while purposefully wanting to come off as an uwu coquette pill addict herself, and also doing this
>>>/snow/1970293 herself?
No. 1970310
File: 1708989812406.jpeg (704.08 KB, 750x855, IMG_6660.jpeg)

>>1970302I bet her biggest twitter simp asked for it. Too bad he looks like an unwashed sex offender
No. 1970330
>>1970178>Sami quadroonNgl
nonnie, I never heard this one before and it made me kek
No. 1970372
>>1970310He gained some weight back too. He’s not as skinny as this anymore (I live in Chicago).
>>1970316She claims her ancestry is a tiny bit Jewish (she still wouldn’t be genetically Jewish through her maternal line).
>>1683474 see here to learn about her Jewish fetish. She just wants to believe she’s (what race scientists claim) a high iq ashkenazim, bc she will never produce proof of her supposed intelligence otherwise.
No. 1970374
>>1970372Also, another one:
>>1611180Anna was obsessed with race, even before her RW turn. She’s a true “ethnonarcissist” like everyone she claims to hate
No. 1970459
>>1970209>anna's fw she finds out the nazis wouldn't have put her to death for being jewish:-(
>anna's fw she finds out the nazis would have put her to death for being retarded:-D
File: 1709058648954.png (253.17 KB, 598x522, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 18-11…)

Funny juxtaposition of Anna and the gang spending he last 24 hours relentlesly posting gloating, cruel mirth over Aaron Bushnell, one of them's dog has died, so they interrupted their mocking of a dead man to post sincere mournful RIPs. No. 1970549
>>1970547If she actually could qualify for "aliyaah" then she already would have done so by now. It would be her dream come true to finally be part of a very special identity 'oppressed minority'. Not a normie suburban white American (who she resents and looks down on), and she would make sure everyone knows about it all the time.
Same with how you know she can't speak Russian, because if she could she would be doing so all the time to let you know.
No. 1970556
>>1970549 Israel is not a greatest country to live in? Not everyone wants to go there? Shitty weather, very extremely ugly infrastructure (do you like beige concrete?), ultra orthodox exert more and more influence on society, laws ect and make life more and more miserable for everyone else, insanely high taxes to support them and their 8+ kids because they don’t work (this demographic is predicted to make up 1/3 of isreali society in 15-20 years), real estate in cities insanely expensive, every couple of years Palestinians fire rockets at you, stabbing people more like yearly occurrence, absolutely retarded government, ect. Only falush mura are crying bitter tears to be let in because they are literally living in the third world, actually many educated Israelis have been leaving for the last 10-15 years because they don’t want to pay insane taxes.
(derailing) No. 1970616
File: 1709073324781.png (28.08 KB, 598x296, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 22-24…)

>>1970372It's amazing how she now feels totally comfortable describing herself as a 'mischling' (half jewish). I've watched her over the years slowly get more confidant to claim to be more and more jewish as bit by bit no one calls her out on it so she takes it a step further up until this point.
I don't get why a real jewish person doesn't call her out on it, it would devastate her if done in public. The time she got on Eric Weinstein's podcast, and claimed to have "epigenetic trauma' from the holocaust", was a real coup for her, once she got away with that she was always going to go full tilt with it.
She once claimed in IG to be a quote: "survivor of the holocaust and the Armenian genocide", in some pious self pitying narc drivel post. You almost have to admire the chutzpah…
No. 1970641
File: 1709082288902.jpg (228.15 KB, 536x993, 20240227_200706.jpg)

ivy web3 ad
No. 1970854
File: 1709148088528.jpeg (338.77 KB, 1117x1162, IMG_7767.jpeg)

>>1970616Her maternal grandfather is the Jewish person in her family lineage.
At the end of the days this is all about Anna wanting to pretend for her half Ashkenazi kid that they have a modern Jewish household. But like many people, her culture/ethnicity is different than her child’s. She’s not going to find fulfillment Shaun Kinging as Jewish when she herself had an Armenia father and Russian mother. Not sure when she will figure that out, maybe never cuz of all that alcohol
No. 1970857
>>1970854Doublepost but it goes without saying too that Anna wants her kid to be indisputably Jewish, hence the self inflation of her Jewish heritage and willingness to ignore the hardline of her absent maternal inheritance. But now her kid is exactly where her mom was and a lot of more-than-cultural Jews won’t accept him either.
She needs to do a pilgrimage to Glendale and get an Armenian tutor
No. 1970942
>>1970937It’s not skull measuring, matrilineal heritage is a pretty big part of Judaism outside of Reform Jews. It would/will come up for her son in Jewish spaces like Hebrew school and a lot of Jews with only Jewish fathers do feel ostracized by others, even when they share that they were raised Jewish and that their families experienced the Holocaust. It is what it is. But I agree that if she wants to Dolezal, sure. Why not.
Because the bigger loss is she put Eli ahead of finding a compatible husband and marriage. She even compromised on the dual parent household, that she herself once grew up in. Her monthly drunk sad posts don’t lead me to believe it was worth it, but she handpicked this life, family, and outsider status. L.
No. 1971156
File: 1709227351457.png (17.07 KB, 598x214, Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 17-13…)

>>1971150Remember Chloe Mackey posting this a while back… Girl literally no one is in your comical potato man husband's DMs trust me.
>>1971134The contrast is very funny, normally they're choked in this nihilistic detached "why do you care, are you some kind of liberal?!" attitude to everything. Now they've been having ongoing tantrums and meltdowns since October over people not being sufficiently pro Israel. This Aaron Bushnell thing just the latest iteration.
No. 1971262
File: 1709251489306.jpg (420.45 KB, 1536x2048, Fl_YrW1XgAEmcry.jpg)

>>1971257Form a queue…
If you go through Chloe Mackey's old IG posts back from when she was a big 'tumbler influencer' to now you can almost pinpoint the exact time she got with him and stopped looking after herself and put on a ton of weight. She must have like zero self esteem.
No. 1971576
File: 1709337453301.jpeg (496.76 KB, 1179x2023, IMG_9001.jpeg)

Ghosthardvvare died but someone took over the blackscare feed and it’s still updating. What happened there?
No. 1971600
>>1971576If a sub has no active mods (inactivity defined as being either suspended or not having done anything with your account for one month), you can make a request to admins on a dedicated request sub to become a mod on the sub in question.
Although looking at r/blackscare in particular, it appears there was a second lurker mod under u/ghostHardvvare who granted mod status to u/Fun_Appointment_9658 who runs it now.
No. 1971882
File: 1709438077301.jpeg (80.52 KB, 1170x501, IMG_7909.jpeg)

A comment on something Anna said on this week’s pod (from the subreddit)
No. 1971965
File: 1709465541019.jpg (453.35 KB, 1648x2522, linkedin.jpg)

>>1971750I had not heard that Kaitlyn Phillips was working with No Agency let alone running it.
According to linkedin and some articles the (co?)founder and managing partner is Alexander Tsebelis; the other listed Partner is Chloe Mackey, and they're married.
No. 1971976
File: 1709466953234.jpg (584.68 KB, 2742x1500, articles.jpg)

In some articles Ashley Smith is credited as the founder or co-founder of No Agency but she doesn't seem to be involved at all anymore. She's a DJ now? So I guess that was PR to make the agency look better? being founded by a model is a better story than being founded by a fat greek pervert, I guess. That, or he took it from her or she quit. I couldn't find details. If someone knows more details feel free to chime in.
Ashley Smith insta: sources: No. 1972115
File: 1709500578385.jpeg (337.47 KB, 1170x1532, IMG_7941.jpeg)

her ex husband was a scrawny lanklet Jewish Canadian big 4 consultant but good for you Sandra. Try it with a male with actual muscle mass and heft and you’ll get why people call you porn brained
No. 1972441
File: 1709590051867.png (1.17 MB, 966x1172, bimboprivate1.png)

Bimbo Ubermensch looking for 'clientele', as she tries to moonlight as a private chef
No. 1972442
File: 1709590086343.png (871.54 KB, 910x1182, bimboprivate2.png)

No. 1972443
File: 1709590249195.png (179.1 KB, 650x1028, bimbo3.png)

an Ubermensch, who would scrub toilets for money
No. 1972478
>>1972441Does she seriously think she can find someone to hire her as a private chef from her deranged horny followers? Her bohemian adventures until she stops playing poor and goes to med school like her parents (or marries another upper middle class man)?
I can’t imagine there’s much modeling in NM either.
No. 1972598
File: 1709622481734.jpeg (37.15 KB, 267x400, IMG_4183.jpeg)

>>1971305 This was him when he was in his early-mid 20s; There has to some kind of story here
No. 1972625
File: 1709632515605.png (2.72 MB, 1008x1442, tsebelis.png)

>>1972598Damn is that really him? He must have hit the drugs a little too hard that year, he doesn't look that thin in any other photos.
This was him at a halloween party in 2015 (the woman is ashley smith) which is the year he graduated NYU according to linkedin so he must be in his mid 20s here too.
No. 1972765
File: 1709669115947.png (133.79 KB, 720x943, Screenshot_20240305-140513~2.p…)

This girl is delusional, you're not a socialite Aimee you're a druggie fuck up
No. 1973034
>>1972892nona do you mean this post?
>>1971370 The single reply boo'ing you was an unsaged retard who literally got a ban. Get thicker skin. Go ahead and post the milk if you got it. she doesn't come up that often so you might need to add context.
No. 1973098
File: 1709744292538.png (482.61 KB, 598x602, Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 16-53…)

>>1972765That reply isn't even aimed at her, it's at one of Anna's hanger oners. It's so pathetic watching Aimee's desperate grovelling attempts to re ingratiate herself with the gang. Aimee, they've made it very clear several times now they don't like anymore, deal with it.
In the last few months she's resorted to desperate slavish pro jewish/israel worship posts since anna/BAP made pro zionism a mandatory part of the clique.
No. 1973530
File: 1709831967210.jpeg (177.13 KB, 1125x1311, GH9MjwrWwAAVfQq_format=jpg&nam…)

>>1972765It appears that homosexual man dropped a delicious tacos dox
No. 1973550
>>1973435Pretty much everyone with morals has been disgusted and saddened by the neocon backed genocide currently taking place in the Middle East. Even the people who are happy about it are generally a bunch of poltards who hate Jews even more than they hate brown people. The Thiel ship has sailed. The two party system isn’t popular anymore, nobody wants to identity as left or right wing anymore because both sides are evil and cringe, everyone is disgusted by politicians and politics in general.
So all that’s left now is nothing but a small group of irrelevant zionist tryhards wanking each other off in a circle. Even their ironic reddit fanboys have jumped ship. So yeah, their movement is dying.
(baiting/derailing) No. 1973653
File: 1709850969069.png (36.26 KB, 1166x279, Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 22-24…)

>>1973637wrong, wrong, and wrong. Her dad is Russian, born in Russia, who's grandparents (possibly great grandparents) were from Armenia, who didn't 'identify' as Armenian, and by Anna's own drunken admissions, didn't even like Armenians.
Her parents didn't 'speak Russian' to her, she can barely speak a word of it, she came to America as an infant and has no memories whatsoever of life in Russia.
She's a normal, middle class, white, suburban, American, from New jersey, who's deep snobbery and narcissism and makes her resent being as such.
The End.
No. 1973656
File: 1709851392753.png (657.53 KB, 1080x1641, Screenshot_20240307-224512-135…)

dasha selling her milady, is she really that strapped for cash?
No. 1973784
>>1973763what's the difference? She was so young she doesn't remember anything
>>1973770The way she said it was also very unnatural. It's obvious she learned the expression just to prove she knows some Russian in case someone asked her
No. 1973852
File: 1709910957600.png (1.65 MB, 1306x1248, Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 10.14…)

Is this Matt Christman? He looks so different. Anyone know what this this surgery treats?
No. 1973885
>>1973656Smart move actually, everything crypto has been melting up in price and it's unsustainable. She's asking for 11 eth, that's like 45K. Milady has always been very very gay.
>>1973852If what he had was a ruptured aneurysm, sometimes a surgeon has to remove a piece of the skull to let the blood drain out.
No. 1973946
File: 1709930532061.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.18 KB, 1098x1216, bimbo GIKwpcCXYAAIBO1.jpg)

bimbo graced us with a nude selfie for IWD. for some reason i find myself liking her now.
No. 1973984
File: 1709941089396.jpeg (856.77 KB, 739x1982, IMG_2045.jpeg)

sometimes i wonder if anyone who knew these people in high school or something ever look them up, imagine you’re like in your 30s with a nice family and kids or whatever, and you come across an old classmate online just to see him being pornhub’s strongest soldier in an incomprehensibly retarded flamewar with his weird replygirl hooker friend
No. 1974029
>>1973656>>1973885>>1973967Samefag but it seems the milady she's selling is owned by noagencynyc. are currently about a third of what she was asking. They seem to have a few Dasha NFTs No. 1974167
File: 1709993098711.jpg (4.63 KB, 329x67, c98.jpg)

>>1974149there are miladys being sold for over 100k
No. 1974289
File: 1710013204313.jpg (2.55 MB, 1182x3407, 1653087494588.jpg)

>>1974251i did some digging in the old threads and it seems she gave it to her agency. i got this image from leftcows #28 if you wanna read more about it.
No. 1974425
>>1974228Yep, they are denigrated as “strivers.”
Then they also hate white women who are product designers or project managers or marketers. “Fake jobs”.
No work is legitimate except for mostly male trade jobs, that none of these critics actually have.
>>1973946She’s a loser and needs to stop. Also her hips look oddly wide here ( compared to her actual photography) and hands/wrists flat. Edited. And even if it isn’t, still an L to post this.
No. 1974582
So 'A' is a Canadian? man and apparently a redscare groupie, aspiring "artist", and married according to her substack basically blames him for divulging her secrets to mommy milkers because she rejected his advances.
(sage your shit) No. 1974614
File: 1710099836582.jpeg (237.07 KB, 1125x1093, IMG_3496.jpeg)

Ironic to post shit like this on a fan sub of these two broads out of all places. The cognitive dissonance of Anna and scarethots acting like the smallest beans while being genuinely horrid is infuriating.
No. 1974661
File: 1710106252210.png (Spoiler Image,166.86 KB, 219x361, BU2.png)

>>1974121When you reply to your own post, no?
>>1974251Maybe sells quicker and at a higher price with her "I love this but unfortunately I'm selling it, please take good care of it uwu" tweet?
>>1973946WTF is going on with her hand (picrel)
>>1974582I doubt even your simps are gonna read that long screed, they just wanna look at your nudes (I have to admit you do have a great bod despite the photoshopping lol).
No. 1974744
>>1974121NTA but I don't think you're ready to post here yet. Lurk more and keep the posting to whatever other imageboard you hail from.
>>1974167"Being sold" as in some retard actually paid that much? I know they deserve to get fucked over for buying into the hype but I feel kinda bad for the latecomers who will end up holding the bag. Milady grifters deserve nothing, but at least we know they'll also lose all of it in some rug pull down the line
No. 1974823
>>1974791Please, nona. They get 90k-140k per MONTH, I'm not gonna be sad they pay taxes or employees or other random expenses. They took in over 1.25 million dollars just in the last year. Regardless of what's getting scraped off that's a ton of money. Everyone pays taxes and everyone has bills, but most people aren't making a yearly salary of $625,000+ through crowdfunding after they split it with their buddy like Nick and Adam are. It's not like they have a label that pays them 10% of the profit margin or something, they're getting the majority of the money.
A minimum wage worker in New York state would have to wage for 20 years full time to earn what one of them collects from patreon in one year.
No. 1974958
>>1974791i'm the anon you were replying to and yeah i know how expensive new york state and city taxes/cost of living is, but it's still kinda cope-y to imply the cows in this thread don't make a shitton of money, more than enough to have purchased apartments in more desirable neighborhoods by now. it's really common for transplants to move to crappy neighborhoods like bushwick, ridgewood or the eastern part of bed stuy, live the scuzzy hipster 3-roommate lifestyle for a few years until their hasidic landlords either jack up the rent so high on their illegally deregulated apartment that they end up back in their hometown, or they do well and upgrade to nicer neighborhoods once they start making $100k, and we're talking abt people who make 3-4x that.
anyway point is, the people in this thread live like dogs compared to their income, yes even in new york city. guess i attribute it to their mental illness/alcoholism/chronic loserdom, and maybe fudged patreon numbers but that's just my personal tinfoil
No. 1975004
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No. 1975014
File: 1710185099989.png (347.03 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_8123.png)

>>1974582Skimmed this. It’s a lot of words, she even created a sea metaphor, to describe feeling isolated in her marriage and being a middling model, ugly duckling syndrome, being attracted to/wanting to fuck two different men during her marriage, one of whom trashed her rep to Mommy Milker’s ugly ass. Hopefully she learned to stop being friends with men.
This screenshot tho, does anyone know who this could be? “One particularly insidious Deep Sea Anglerfish, a female, assumes the guise of a Baba Yaga Witch with various Slavonic monikers.”
No. 1975026
File: 1710185859458.jpg (620.82 KB, 1500x2250, GC9W_t6b0AEhUed.jpg)

>>1975014It's definitely Anna, that was the consensus here when it was first posted.
What's so funny/tragic is that the man she's sad about is this dimes' freakshow specimen… this is what she considers her 'sophisticated intellectual' peer
>I entertained it seeing as you were my ultimate friend and confidante. I certainly did think about this all during the height of lockdowns and my imprisonment when I felt neglected by my husband. You possess a striking handsomeness, albeit not precisely my preferred aesthetic. There's a certain debonair charm about you, a blend of machismo and sophistication. Your vast knowledge of underground music, literature, and cinema is truly impressive, reflecting a poetic sensibilityhahaha
No. 1975034
>>1975014>>1975026god its so cringe when people post their embellished diary entries as some artistic writing, she really does need to learn some
>poetic sensibilityfrom this dude
No. 1975044
>>1975034>>1975026She has a poor understanding of men’s nature and is too trusting. Plus this is the substack equivalent of sending a man a long text paragraph. She would do better to engage only with “vetted” males from friends of IRL friends, coworkers, classmates. Her low self esteem jumps off the screen.
I’m okay to cheer on the spiral if it produces milk but this is all pathetic and embarrassing and never ending. Hopefully she posts more shit about Anna.
No. 1975055
>"You've betrayed my trust by divulging my vulnerabilities to one of the most toxic Wave Courtesans in our Coral Reefs>her mouth is nothing short of a grotesque prolapsed bunghole. I hesitate to even call it a mouth; it's more like a repulsive sewer. She's made up of at least seventy-five percent carboniferous byproduct"Is Monica
>"Deep Sea Anglerfish, Baba Yaga Witch with various Slavonic monikers"Is Anna, she's describing two different people.
No. 1975081
>>1974990are you a cow or one of the aforementioned 23 year old they/thems, otherwise i can't imagine why you're seething so hard over my innocuous comment. anyway i'm not a zoomer or in debt but feel free to elaborate on how blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars on coke, discount Yoox clothes and horsehair mattresses instead of buying a home constitutes sound financial planning
>>1975004lol i've been waiting for Cory's comeback as the tiktok zoomers discover indie sleaze. an it-girl upgrade for adam
No. 1975124
>>1972328It's me, SaltyPickles.
I'd love to see you try. You aren't going to do shit, faggot!
File: 1710200541327.png (1.07 MB, 1115x1913, pariah the doll obese.png)

Can We Talk About How Fat Pariah Troon Used To Be, nonnies?
No. 1975206
>>1975086you might be onto something
nonny! Anna lives in Brooklyn, not in the ocean like it says in Bimbo’s story.
No. 1975216
>>1975086Within the underwater metaphor, that’s how she meant oceanography. Someone who studies and is within the scene. Not a literal marine biologist lmao.
I originally thought Defaut Friend (her name is Katya) but she’s friendly with BU. Anna is the best guess. And it doesn’t hurt she’s friends with plastic Monica/mommy milkers.
No. 1975219
File: 1710211823768.png (39.9 KB, 1104x325, bCVXr8z.png)

It's obviously Anna. The "various Slavonic monikers" is her mocking Anna's plethora of 'identities'.
No. 1975250
>>1975084>keeps his private life private Not really. People already know his girlfriend, his family, and can easily track down where he lives
>can throw his weight in other creative avenuesLike what? He hasn't done anything of note besides TAFS and Cum Town
>has a job where he doesn't have to do anything Everybody in this scene also has that. And the sad thing is that its clearly declining. TAFS was pretty much supposed to be Adam's retirement fund but now more and more people are leaving as the Patreon stats indicate that its at least at the same level as when Stav left and its clear he doesn't have personality enough to carry it on his own.
No. 1975268
>>1975084He’s doing well on other aspects but I don’t think his interpersonal relationships are great. He complained about the redhead gf Maya not respecting him on TAFS a couple times, and Nick always used him as a punching bag. This seems to be a theme in his relationships and friendships
>>1975240It was abortion unless the pregnancy was a total joke to boost intrigue in the pod since they said it around when they debuted TAFS. I could see Nick coaxing him to make up a scandalous rumor to boost their numbers
No. 1975271
File: 1710225899262.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1170x1882, IMG_6055.jpeg)

>>1975026 Worth noting he got a lot of that shitty ink in the past two years. He did not look like that at Basel 2022. Mid life crisis.
No. 1975458
>>1975436The only ones out of Anna, Kaschuta, DF, Alexandrovna who play
victim are DF and Anna and the only one of those two who don’t seem externally friendly with bimbo is Anna. Dasha and bimbo are mutuals.
There might be other prominent personalities I am not aware of
No. 1975460
>>1975458DF doesn’t play
victim, Anna does. DF is just spineless.
No. 1975463
File: 1710262994838.jpeg (349.26 KB, 1170x1555, IMG_8150.jpeg)

A tiny bit more context - “showing no regard for gender.”
No. 1975496
File: 1710268672320.png (428.73 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_8152.png)

Leviathan - Anna
Cluster B/
toxic Wave Courtesan - Monica
Dearest former friend/A - Adam
Anglerfish/slavic monikers/
victim complex - idk
No. 1975651
File: 1710295581040.jpeg (112.07 KB, 1170x765, IMG_8163.jpeg)

>>1975639@verymoisturized calls herself Sasha, so that fits. And @alexandrovnaing now @alexandrovna805 is obviously a Slavic username. Both are possibilities for the anglerfish.
No. 1975712
>>1975483Nailed it in the head.
>>1975463Reeks of trying too hard to be fake schizo
No. 1976176
>>1975375I think it is Katya Ungerman aka "Default Friend"
Bimbo Ubermensch is mostly likely referring to Katya as slavic due to her Eastern European background (whether or not she's slavic specifically)
No. 1976181
>>1975496>Cluster B/toxic Wave Courtesan - Monica Any truth to her being a former escort / sex worker?
Zukiman seems to be adamant about seeing "proof" of this claim No. 1976421
>>1976181zukiman is a psycho and spreads lot of bullshit about women on twitter. apart from he himslef being a deranged person and a druggie, he comes from a family where bad behavior is common in his generation, his own brother die of drug overdose & his korean family are extremely embarressed due to his and his brother's behavior. despite this he still refuses to become sober and spends all of his time harassing RW women.
Mommy Milkers was never an escort, she actually comes from a decent family despite her financially poor background. Though she did work as a Bottle service girl which some RW men think is equivilant to sex work.Hence all these bullshit rumors.
No. 1976473
>>1976429Fun fact: Austistic Matt, one of the most miserable & mentally ill people in the scene, would sext Curtis Yarvin pretending to be Ann Manov.
He's a closeted bisexual, most likely due to lack of access to women (prison gay).
He works at Sovereign House, and take orders from the little manlet Nick Adams.
His twitter is: is pushing 40, and spends his time mining teenage content creator pages on TikTok, to copy & paste to his Twitter, in hopes of gaining further engagement.
No. 1976519
>>1976422Yeah so I don’t think it’s her. I’m circling back to thinking the Anglerfish is Alex Kaschuta as she has a substack and that would give an opportunity for plagiarism. Alex was also big on talking to micro accounts and getting them on her podcast, she may have struck up a convo with Bimbo. Bottom feeder bc she can’t make her own content and must feature others. She is one of the few accepted women in the RW sphere, wrt to the gender traitor thing. Merely “a trifle” because she wasn’t close enough to do personal damage, just lift ideas. More known in 2020-2021 before falling off, same as Bimbo.
I agree with others Anna is the Leviathan.
No. 1976574
>>1975530They’re really not, it’s all based in resentment and racism because everybody—literally everybody—in this scene is a total failure to launch.
Also stop leaving an unsaged rely to every single post that catches your eye on here you utter fucking spastic
No. 1976595
>>1975530>>1976574100%- they are self-loathing podcasters mocking people who become doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. As if Anna wouldn’t love if her son became a dentist. they are jealous, it’s apparent when they devalue these jobs as midwit bs or a striver’s empty goals.
that’s why they created their own status alternative, a gay and ineffectual arts and culture clique (that’s devoid of artists). They act like they’re bauhaus or Warhol superstars. It doesn’t matter how much Anna calls herself retarded, she is delusional and lies to herself that she could do all of the above, she just didn’t want to.
No. 1976626
>>1976608>>1976617Autistic Matt (MainstreamViews) has no slav genes.
Fat Autistic Matt is half Jew / half Irish
Interestingly enough, that is the same exact ethnic mix as "Pariah the Doll"
No. 1976638
>>1976595There's no shortage of Russians or Jews (same thing in a lot of cases TBF) in those jobs either, I'm sure plenty of them are racist but they don't seethe like scarethots or chapoids about those uppity Korean project managers who work at Facebook or whatever
>>1976626No offense but there's nothing interesting about that unless you're from cousinfucker county Oklahoma, there are tons of half Jewish/half Italian or Irish people in the northeast and pretty much any metro with a jewish community
No. 1976650
>>1976595Anything to cope with the fact that they're monkeys dancing for pennies while telling themselves they're not "striving" because their aspiration of choice is useless, oversaturated and unsustainable.
Being a podcel/streamcel truly is a moid version of being a proud sexworker looking down on "wage slaves". Sure jimothy, you'll be living off fortnite next year. Just gonna get 50 other aspiring streamcels with 3 viewers to trade follows with you.
No. 1976828
>>1976627Not a lot,she just used to mention the amount of sex she used to have and basically admitting that she is a porn and sex addict.
But she did reveal one thing which most people here don't know.
While a lot of people seems to be aware that she is a divorcee(Bimbo Ubermensch also confirmed the same),only a few are aware that she aborted her child with her ex-husband. She mentioned that the process of abortion was mentally very difficult for her, her mom being in St.Petersburg and unable to help due to visa issues and her husband didn't have enough money to support the child. This was like a few years after she arrived in US, so i think she was like 22-23 at that time.
No. 1976915
File: 1710618905414.jpg (869.15 KB, 1638x2048, botoxed-monster.jpg)

>>1976828what is with these people being total degenerates and wearing gold crosses around their neck?
No. 1977079
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No. 1977144
File: 1710684357871.png (216.84 KB, 598x442, Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 14-04…)

Anna liked this, i wonder if it's finally sunk in just how much of a fool she made of herself with him, or if it's just her narc rejection lashing out. She generally seems to be impervious to embarrassment even when she completely humiliates herself, as she has a habit of doing.
No. 1977272
File: 1710713514579.png (762.63 KB, 1280x1074, selena_milk.png)

seems like i have stumbled upon some new cow, ie milky_selena(selfposting)
No. 1977292
File: 1710720310270.png (49.91 KB, 598x529, blhlhll.png)

No. 1977503
>>1977465wtf is this shit? two minutes in and its opened with a weird tiktok and then acting that matches a porno opening scene ( i guess they do watch it all day)
>>1977501what is antisemetic
No. 1977665
>>1977502>Should have stayed a man where looks don’t matter so much.He did stay a man.
He will never be anything else.
No. 1977815
File: 1710826811106.png (70.51 KB, 1034x515, bimbo's pussy is bald.png)

bimbo bantz. she DGAF.
No. 1977816
File: 1710826855636.jpg (343.38 KB, 1536x2048, bimbo GI-dgJ9WQAA8XMq.jpg)

>>1977815also: she dropped a nice dress selfie earlier.
No. 1977829
>>1977819Bimbo would rather chase a married White man with no carrier prospects or a druggie or alcoholic rather than marrying a non white man with STEM carier. This is the sad state of every
POC in white nationalism circles.
No. 1977884
File: 1710851843629.jpg (255.46 KB, 1440x1800, 1.jpg)

Dasha posted her piece in Noagency's little magazine No Erotica #4. She titled it “Cassandra’s Dream”, it's supposedly fiction but the details are awfully familiar.
small imagedump incoming I will sage
No. 1977885
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No. 1977886
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No. 1977887
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No. 1977890
File: 1710852006405.jpg (382.64 KB, 1440x1800, 5.jpg)

No. 1977891
File: 1710852194532.jpg (Spoiler Image,248.72 KB, 1440x1800, 6.jpg)

got past the instagram filters because it's so blurry but I'll spoiler anyway.
No Agency NY is trashy for running this softcore porno mag shit.
No. 1977892
File: 1710852252714.jpg (374.98 KB, 1440x1800, 7.jpg)

No. 1977919
>>1977912>Exactly what a good Catholic would publish during Easter lol. It's not Easter yet, dummy.
>Is it worth reading the whole thing?That was the whole thing.
No. 1977940
>>1977829you must be a freak moid jealous she won’t fuck you or meet you despite being low self esteem and posting nudes online.
>>1977939Welcome to LCF newfag, which is supposed to be antagonistic toward men.
There’s so many men here, it’s disgusting
No. 1977946
File: 1710860874934.jpg (147.2 KB, 1440x1080, downwardtrendemoji.jpg)

No. 1977974
>>1977968>Does anyone here know what's the deal with Michelle Ivana is? Her "deal" is to make you mad.
And it's clearly working.
No. 1977978
>>1977972>Dumb Bitch Capital @dumbbitchcap Dumb Bitch Capital is the biggest tryhard in this whole sphere.
She's painfully unfunny, but her humor appeals to Redditors like you, so you begin to have parasocial feelings for her.
No. 1977982
>>1977979>you're accusing people of being redditors while reddit-spacing yourself"Reddit-spacing"
Nice attempt at deflection.
Looks like me calling you a Redditor hit close to home.
(learn2integrate) No. 1978028
>>1977968Michelle Ivana used to be fat till last year, now that she lost a lot of weight, she is trying rile up at many people as possible by posting clickbait/ pickme stuff on Twitter, Instagram clearly is not giving her mental satisfaction.
Checkout her fat photos for miami 2023 swim week.
(sage your shit) No. 1978039
File: 1710878819019.png (602.96 KB, 590x768, ss3.png)

>>1977982Reddit spacing accusations are dumb for long posts but holy shit kek lrn2integrate
>>1977972And you should have posted a screenshot. I don't like the addition of literal insta models to this scene as it risks having them fail up, but it is hilarious to see the hot girl LARPers get mogged. Also post style, lack of screenshot and not knowing how to quote suggests
>>1977968 and
>>1977972 are samefagging, so… yawn, another desperate, hot but boringly unhinged selfposter?
No. 1978058
File: 1710882189412.jpg (190.16 KB, 1080x1350, 228446192_182487007206185_6577…)

not with that attitude!
No. 1978060
File: 1710882538390.jpg (100.26 KB, 1080x1350, 313038404_798530411251116_6212…)

>>1978059i'm not sandra, i'm one of her simps.
(spam) No. 1978074
>>1978039Definitely self poster. This thread has the most of any here.
Unless Michelle picks a fight with someone notable in the scene, we don’t care. Trying to make oldfags and farmers here care about the endless “hot RW e-girl” competitions… we are not men
No. 1978100
>>1978052>Miss Literal Who beauty pageantkek
>>1978074Don't these cows have threads on KF? They should go selfpost there. BU in particular should keep posting naked pictures and humiliating herself, I'm sure something great will come out of it!
No. 1978185
File: 1710910557562.png (322.36 KB, 1079x1120, Screenshot_20240319_064021_Kiw…)

Pushing 40 and still getting trashed like a stupid sorority girl. Bleak.
No. 1978242
File: 1710940114503.jpg (222.7 KB, 1528x1154, mullen.jpg)

>>1978048Better or worse than nick looking like he's in palliative care?
No. 1978251
File: 1710941289671.png (343.28 KB, 924x748, Screenshot Audrey Horne.png)

Look at this shit.Who the hell is interested in hearing anything Audrey Horne writes? Sad state of affairs in DC.
No. 1978261
>>1977884I'm surprised that the image dump anon posted is the whole thing. When I was done reading, I was like… is that it? It's sparse to the point of being dull and devoid of craft. More soft-core porn meets an ad for LA Apparel, which is the same schtick she's been doing for years, with some navel-gazing sentences attached.
>>1978185Does this dumb bitch really not know alcohol's effect on the heart? She downed four drinks in three hours. She wasn't poisoned by anyone but herself.
No. 1978272
File: 1710945083509.jpeg (299.26 KB, 1171x1755, 9346AD5C-159C-4B33-8FBB-11A25E…)

>>1978251This is her substack
No. 1978301
>>1978291they’re only mad about the state of literature because men don’t read or buy books so publishers don’t care about them as an audience anymore
>>1978294I don’t really dislike Audrey but if you’re positioning yourself as a literary scene up-and-comer and you write like WASP mommy blogger, it’s fair game
No. 1978388
File: 1710971460786.png (2.3 MB, 2654x1420, 63728907576890.png)

the BAPthots are shilling a memecoin with Milady hangerons thats already tanking. somehow more cringe than NFT rugging.
No. 1978538
File: 1711019003427.jpeg (213.68 KB, 1179x404, IMG_9384.jpeg)

>>1978447The core group of people discussed does not post online as much so there’s less to screenshot. Matt is posting the most of all of them but it’s brain damaged gibberish ever since his stroke or whatever. I would like a pod recap or someone to go through Ambers book for milk because I’ve been too busy but I can’t really begrudge another farmer for not having time either (I skimmed the book and nothing was really jumping out at me as new information.)
No. 1978545
File: 1711026093125.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1549, IMG_7056.jpeg)

>>1978538I wish she had expanded on this piece and her old charnel house drama days than chapo. It’s the more interesting part of her life and most of her best writing.
(sage your shit) No. 1978564
>>1978401>>1978406From Anna:
Anna Khachiyan
Alexandra / Sasha (@verymoisturized)
Pariah the Troon
Don't remember her name
Phoebe Nir (@allthefrensy) [She dated Matt|@MainstreamViews, and said that he has severe erectile dysfunction]
Mommy Milkers
Catherine (@jardinsecret888)
No. 1978647
File: 1711053398716.jpeg (419.83 KB, 1170x1623, IMG_8425.jpeg)

Anna’s too insecure to pose normally. RFK, Tim Dillon, and Cheryl Hines (RFK’s wife)
No. 1978922
I remember someone posting a transwoman Mike Crumplar was in a relationship with recently
Here's "her" escort ad on Tryst is an imageboard) No. 1978924
>>1978922 trans bimbo dream girl
slavic art hoe
trashy surrealist whore is an imageboard, post caps. No emojis) No. 1978941
File: 1711137095981.jpg (Spoiler Image,285.32 KB, 851x1200, bimbo.jpg)

Bimbo Ubermensch posted nude again shilling crypto
No. 1978955
File: 1711138957257.png (Spoiler Image,660.13 KB, 738x857, Screenshot 2024-03-22 202501.p…)

>>1978950holy fuck you're right
what the fuck hahaha
No. 1979015
>>1979009It’s the proportions Anna fakes in her mirror selfies but BU is actually 5’11.
>>1978941Ew this is definitely a cry for help. She hates herself. The girl is lost
No. 1979026
File: 1711150494752.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.86 KB, 650x650, marqueemoon.jpg)

>>1978401>>1978564The one in the middle between Pariah and Phoebe Nir is Tom Verlaine, such a shame he trooned out
No. 1979053
File: 1711159506027.png (60.35 KB, 607x551, Screenshot_582.png)

>>1979026weird attempt at trolling but ok
>>1979048that person might be a man but they're not tom verlaine, there's no record of him trooning out and he died last year
No. 1979155
File: 1711201881553.jpeg (599.71 KB, 1289x2582, IMG_8632.jpeg)

>>1978924Instagram of the transgirl that's been fucking Mike Crumplar in the ass
No. 1979168
File: 1711205877718.jpeg (502.66 KB, 1290x2408, IMG_8639.jpeg)

>>1978922>>1978924>>1979155Leila is describing Mike Crumplar in the last line: submissive, beta, cuck
File: 1711207751409.jpg (434.71 KB, 1179x1012, doordash.jpg)

Left twitter arguing with disableds about doordash yet again. Menaker even did an entire segment about it on the latest chapo. It's kind of insane that anyone could have ever thought there was even an outside chance that these losers would've been politically ascendant a few years ago.
No. 1979292
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No. 1979935
File: 1711442436647.png (804.24 KB, 939x730, z.png)

Does anyone know where this new pickme girl came from ,suddenly she has more than 2K followers out of nowhere and posts most cringe redpill stuff, orbits the worst people in RW twitter sphere.
No. 1980049
>>1979976I think a couple of posters with good knowledge of this scene have stopped posting here so it feels like there isn't much going on in this thread.
Few things I have noticed:
1) Dasha has peaked, 2023 was the peak Dasha year especially when it comes to twitter fame.2024 Dasha has very little twitter presence.
2)Anna seems to be getting busier with the kid and seems to be loosing interest in this space.
3)There is a rise of twitter e-girls from 2021 but outside of dimes square/red scare they don't have the pull to create a new scene.No New Anna/Dasha equivalent have come up in last 2 years.
4) E-girls who have beef with redscare crowd like Audrey Horne and Bimbo Ubermensch don't have what it takes to create an alternate scene.
5)People like Aimee Terese have become a joke, even people within this scene no longer pay any attention to her.
6)Most important point, there are no <25 Anna/Dasha, so this scene will probably die off in an year or two when these e-girls become too old to influence younger crowd.
No. 1980070
File: 1711485634671.jpg (55.73 KB, 333x500, 9781648210747__16175.jpg)

the actual cover of dasha's ex's book.
>>1980053There's a couple podcasts and substackers trying to be "early rs" cultural critics but they're uninteresting.
No. 1980123
>>1979930exactly nonna. her problem is her obscene internalized self-hatred stemming from years of consuming "dissident" twitter bullshit. if she wasnt mentally ill, she'd go as far away as possible from this scene and find a rich guy to subsidize her instagram backdrops.
>>1980057>>1979976twitter is a dead medium and thiel money went to LA. the big media money aiming to shift "culture" already won so dimes which really created nothing of worth to begin with serves no purpose.
>>1980103the current equivalent is that video format "discussion" table podcast the likes of FreshNFruity host. zoomers watch that way more than washed up audio format garbage like rs/chapo. these types have been discussed in the tradthots thread(RIP)
No. 1980273
>>1980214the right owns the supreme court, most of the lower district courts, the court of appeals, the legislative branch of government, and in 9 months they'll have the presidency too. they own the media: from local news stations to national news, Sinclair has been buying out media entities since the Obama years. and they have online social media companies too. no matter what a retard on twitter tells you, in every sense of the word they "won."
the problem they have now is they still have no cultural power. no one finds conservatives "cool." to win this, the right has seemed to flail around aimlessly, throwing millions at hundreds of efforts across the world. one of these failing efforts was two washed up podcasting hags in the lower east side of NY.
No. 1980738
>>1978447consider the audience: brain-rotted interent leftoids
this shit is entirely on brand
No. 1980987
File: 1711749680239.png (193.58 KB, 1162x870, Screen Shot 2024-03-29 at 5.59…)

melon is siccing his lawyers on Jack Dorsey to wk for bronzeageshawty what a time to be alive folks
No. 1981002
File: 1711753053175.png (356.7 KB, 1054x1247, Screenshot_20240329_174748_Kiw…)

When normal levels of pick me stop working to get the attention of the slimiest men on the planet, you have to ramp it up to genocide.
No. 1981102
File: 1711768450996.jpeg (710.89 KB, 750x995, IMG_6709.jpeg)

>>1981090Big nose brunette
No. 1981103
>>1981096>the other anon’s either baiting or confused, I googled the name in the suit and she looks like your basic Midwestern blonde girl.The girl who's Instagram comes up when you google "Chloe Happe" isn't BronzeAgeShawty
>>1981100>Bronzeageshawty has posted face and she’s ethnicThis anon is correct.
No. 1981134
File: 1711775829579.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1231, IMG_9914.jpeg)

>>1981104exactly. stupid bitch thinks facial recognition doesn't exist. posting face and about work-related events, her entire handle and account is based on supporting a white supremacist extremist pederasty and lolicon enjoyer costin alamariu, and most of her own follows and interactions are other people trading nfts by a known racist pedophile who equates black people to gorillas. so she is primarily posting and interacting with the kinds of posts and people no reputable agency or business would ever want to affiliate with. this while living in an employment at will state. she didn't even have plausible deniability. even grimes refused to get anywhere near milady and now melon is supporting this and that's the majority of her interactions and follows. they're not going to win though. companies have been firing people for much less inappropriate social media posts and endorsements for a long time, and they have absolutely every reason not to want an employee running an account that is as much of a glaring red flag as hers. they didn't even have to provide a full reason to fire her, they were right to and none of this stems from unlawful discrimination or retaliation.
No. 1981138
>>1981128Pretty sure every state in the US (except, strangely, Montana) is at-will, but at-will doesn’t give employers the right to fire people for illegal reasons like discrimination, retaliation, or if the firing violates labor laws (which is what this lawsuit alleges).
Not an expert so no idea how likely she is to win but think it’s interesting her lawsuit just asks for her job back, lawyers fees, and $2,000 in damages - seems like a laughably low amount to ask of a massive tech company, wouldn’t even cover her time out of work. Doesn’t seem like she’s looking for a big payday or publicity, but Musks motives could definitely be otherwise.
No. 1981144
File: 1711777073065.jpg (137.18 KB, 1170x1717, GCT6IhJXIAAF9vv.jpg)

for those curious this is bronzeageshawty's DNA test results.
No. 1981284
>>1981282>Would become an aritzia fascist in a second if it meant I never had to be around troons socially ever again.No one's stopping you from no longer going to parties with troons. You're a loser with no active social life with well-adjusted people, so you're relegated to going to parties full of troons. You admitted a lot more about your low social-status than you realize.
You aren't a "based fascist" either. You're just another depressed, ironycel who doesn't get laid.
(infighting) No. 1981285
File: 1711821945212.jpeg (583.23 KB, 3115x1407, FBEA0A32-067D-4990-BD64-74B758…)

>>1981261she's ugly but her side profile is surprisingly okay
>>1981102 compared to the atrocity that is the girl she's with, isabella gadapee aka p8stie's side profile and i don't come just for people's looks but they're both pedophile supporters. the fem norwood 4, fried hair from bleach, premature aging and overall witch skull facial convexity all make it truly hideous.
(phrenology sperg) No. 1981293
>>1981153. Wrongful termination/retaliation suits are borderline impossible to win unless someone in management is on record as saying "we fired them because they're [black/Asian/a woman/pregnant/whatever other protected class]," AND the employee in question has a spotless personnel file. Employees can e.g. fire a woman who was about to take maternity leave for taking it as long as they can claim that the woman was going to be let go for any other reason at all, even if that reason and the evidence for it is sketchy. Pretty doubtful that Elonbux (even if he sticks with it, and he's known for behaving like an impulsive retard) would change that.
It will be entertaining to see it play out, but BronzeAgeRetard here isn't going to be getting her job back.
No. 1981304
File: 1711828856138.jpeg (624.23 KB, 3242x2059, DD844883-3E06-468A-8B3E-2A0A0A…)

>>1981301edited her to give her a nose that more closely fits the beauty standard and she still looks ugly, compared to bella hadid who still looks pretty when edited with a nose that resembles her original one. making it about that is such a cope. but if there's one thing these people have a point about is that physiognomy is real, it's really rare to come across an attractive person in this sphere, so above so below = ugly on the inside, ugly on the outside. good people who aren't lookers still don't resemble witches and often have a friendly soft glow to them.
(nose sperging) No. 1981305
File: 1711829171495.jpeg (17.88 KB, 275x183, IMG_6712.jpeg)

>>1981301They look good in combination with a strong chin. Otherwise you look like a nerd from the side
>>1981304Bella had a nose job, tardo
(nose sperging) No. 1981308
File: 1711829699857.jpeg (155.68 KB, 994x1069, 6D187FE1-111A-43ED-9B9B-D1D418…)

>>1981305you're clearly the retarded one here considering that it states in the post the image is photoshopped to give her old nose back, posting pictures of her at the age of 14 doesnt change that. the point being what makes p8stie ugly isn't just her nose since it suits other people
(nose sperging) No. 1981322
>>1981282“Aritzia fascist”
Jesus Christ is that the state of the discourse, brands? Sams Club fascist. Oscar Meyer fascist.
>>1981128Many jobs have civility and morality clauses….expectations for offline behavior. There’s a reason why most working professionals lock their IGs, and if they’re public, don’t say anything controversial. This was true even before “wokeness.”
No. 1981324
File: 1711831996718.png (124.06 KB, 901x514, dbc.png)

dumb bitch capital 'clarifying' that she is 'not' part of redscare/dimes square scene. Her best friend catherine literally hangs out with Anna all the time.
No. 1981327
File: 1711832449931.png (112.25 KB, 912x701, 254325667.png)

>>1981324Darren Beattie calling out Dumb bitch capital and Mommy Milkers.
No. 1981544
>>1981485nobody cares about them now that they’re openly right wing but not succeeding on right wing terms
if you want to hear people talking about how Alex Jones is based and eugenics is good actually and birth control is really really bad and men are smarter than women, you can find pretty married women with beautiful houses who are doing that, not disheveled permasingle uggos living in shitty apartments
No. 1981625
File: 1711927253485.jpeg (395.79 KB, 828x701, IMG_7125.jpeg)

what is with this bitch and wishing she got groomed, molested or raped as a child?
No. 1981626
File: 1711927450107.jpeg (206.41 KB, 828x647, IMG_7124.jpeg)

>>1981625also seemingly jealous of anybody who did experience sexual abuse as a child and wanting to revel and live vicariously through “getting someone to admit to it” like it isn’t one of the most shameful and embarrassing things you could possibly admit. no one will be indebted to someone prodding this information out of them
No. 1981659
File: 1711939019250.jpeg (431.83 KB, 1284x1155, IMG_2922.jpeg)

this lady has a newborn + a husband who literally just narrowly escaped death, and is devoting enough emotional energy to twitter to be circling back to posts made 12 hours ago so she can argue with strangers. khachiyanesque levels of “be quiet sweetie mommy’s posting”
i dont even necessarily disagree with what she’s been saying btw, but even before all the stroke/baby stuff happened she seemed batty and now she’s just airing random shit out every day on there. marrying this chick after being used to the peace and quiet a normal, offline wife afforded him, it probably hasnt even hit yet that all that privacy is a thing of the past. love the wife of your youth!
No. 1981696
>>1981690she always alludes to becoming famous (lol), saying her online posts will be of importance or interesting to look back on one day. that’s why she’s broadcasting anything she can. she really is under the impression she’s some special one-of-a-kind voice, when in reality, it’s akin to the shit azealia banks posts on instagram when she’s manic.
her self-importance is kinda embarrassing, considering she’ll be in her 20s soon, and nothing she says will be impressive anymore. her whole identity is being a wunderkind, probably planning the whole drug addiction thing that comes after too. she wants the child starlet spiral despite being in 2 episodes of some sitcom nobody watched.
if you pay attention, she’s very calculated
i wonder if her obsession with molestation is because every child star gets touched and in her mind it’s a rite of passage she’ll never have
No. 1981803
>>1981462yeah that's how it works exactly
cry more
(infighting) No. 1981851
File: 1712010316075.png (392.7 KB, 1197x657, Screenshot 2024-04-01 5.20.50 …)

Nonnas is this medgold? Reverse image search doesn't come up with anything. I'm aware that he was "doxxed" as indian but that was never confirmed…
No. 1981870
File: 1712015370830.jpeg (155.8 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_8571.jpeg)

>>1981851That's not him. This is him.
No. 1982005
File: 1712064667985.jpeg (1.72 MB, 3464x2315, 1DEE7DD8-9E73-433B-9864-37B61B…)

>>1981128This took place in Missouri but your point still stands.
>>1981134She is confirmed to be a member of Okhandiar's NFT cult. Everyone who's been following this needs to hit up every journo they can and give them a rundown of Elon banking the lawsuit of a cult member led by an openly racist pedophile.
No. 1982246
>>1982239>Thats why tons of the Italian diaspora could pass for Latinos.Wrong again. Saying something in a definitive tone doesn't make it true. I can tell you spend a lot of time on Reddit based on your tone.
This isn't the Reddit hugbox you're use to. We'll bully you mercilessly if we feel like it.
No. 1982315
>>1982239>borderline non sequiturIt was a
valid question
No. 1982330
File: 1712153857502.jpg (527.69 KB, 1536x2048, mg.jpg)

dumb bitch capital also hung out with medgold in miami. She posted this as a joke. Medgold around same time also posted a photo of DBC.
No. 1982339
>>1982246Nice try projecting reddit speak on other people instead of actually addressing what I said
>>1982239Why is this being labeled racebaiting? I never said it was a good or bad thing either way, Jesus and I'm the one being told this isn't a hugbox
(ban evasion) No. 1982406
File: 1712173080282.png (25.57 KB, 752x307, Screenshot 2024-04-03 203728.p…)

this faggot should stay away from babies
No. 1982423
File: 1712178174905.jpeg (257.63 KB, 1289x1268, IMG_9730.jpeg)

>>1982412What an ugly, bald faggot.
No. 1982696
File: 1712260415213.png (156.91 KB, 372x725, a.png)

Who's the lucky man this time?
No. 1982788
File: 1712289461119.jpeg (373.26 KB, 1170x2080, IMG_5374.jpeg)

No. 1982951
>>1982946Kyle fucks women often but I guess thinks it’s cooler to describe himself as gay
of all the idiots in this scene, he is the single worst writer, which is quite an achievement
No. 1982964
File: 1712343553910.jpeg (90.07 KB, 600x800, IMG_0121.jpeg)

>>1982961>I thought she was a full blown extreme zionist now, shouldn't she hate these guys?Pic related is you.
(infighting) No. 1982965
>>1982960>There was no confirmation it was intercourse. We're all desperately waiting for your eye witness testimony. Let us know when you get to the bottom of the case.
Please keep us posted on when you're in the room the next time Dasha gets her pussy fucked.
If you didn't confirm it, it never happened.
No. 1983069
File: 1712372165523.png (2.47 MB, 1988x1558, Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.46…)

So Peter Vack has a book coming out called Sillyboy I guess, and these -celectual accounts are part of his orbit either run by him or the wider online Dimes Square intelligentsia? Not sure what's real or not here but it all seems very embarrassing and unfunny.
No. 1983094
File: 1712381354940.jpeg (7.63 KB, 200x113, mengenal-rashid-al-haddad-pemb…)

>>1982696Yemeni Adam Friedland. She definitely has a type lol
No. 1983118
>>1982966Never forget that Hasan, Destiny, Keffals, and Vaush were invited to the White House and only were disinvited because of Hasan’s 9/11 takes
Our current “political elites” are incompetent when it comes to choosing influencers to grift through
No. 1983149
File: 1712403554592.png (199.25 KB, 931x736, Screenshot.png)

Marc Andreessen promoting Bimbo Ubermensch's substack. WTF. Why is he doing this? is he going insane?
No. 1983250
File: 1712426055267.png (203.09 KB, 299x609, jgmfg.png)

Mommy Milkers and radfem hitler both thinking about their divorce. radfem hitler must have been a really stupid women to marry a guy she loathes so much. She is literally traumatized by her ex and in laws. Mommy Milker despite being divorced doesn't display same level of mental inbalance.
No. 1983253
File: 1712426492408.png (200.08 KB, 264x469, zz201jf.png)

>>1982737I listened to everything uploaded in the Dimes Square Spy Game collection for far.
99% of it is babble that this guy is recording this on his phone but there's some milk
Matt Donovan faces accusations of gangstalking and weird misconduct from a woman that calls in to a recent episode
The host describes some sort of meeting or gathering outside his recording studio that he avoided. He's retarded so he describes it as democrats and spies but I think it was probably a small group of reporters since Taylor Lorenz was there (?)
my guess is this guy is facing an impending #metoo and is trying to get ahead of it by airing dirty laundry. The problem is that he's framing and describing things like a retard
No. 1983255
File: 1712426757251.jpeg (67.06 KB, 720x1280, 435550804_734996375152680_1090…)

>>1983253detransing but keeping mtf clusterbee behavior is very funny
No. 1983268
>>1983263Mommy Milkers married some american guy she met in miami i think then divorced him after receiving green card.
radfem hitler married some american conservative guy who came from money.
None of them were married to british guys.
No. 1983346
File: 1712442475866.jpeg (Spoiler Image,967.3 KB, 3464x2131, FD81E759-6844-4E0D-A97E-9BD53E…)

>>1980987The $EGIRL devs in all their glory, it's crazy to see what elites are funding these days
No. 1983355
File: 1712444651267.jpeg (86.93 KB, 945x2048, IMG_7266.jpeg)

>>1983300This picture is posted in her replies occasionally and people believe it is her. Idk (sorry if not allowed)
No. 1983402
>>1983149He's been licking the balls of braindead rationalists/tpot hacks and calling himself "e/acc" on the trail of beff jezos for a while, she's adjacent enough. Muskrat being a retarded lolcow and protesting BAS getting fired should have taught everyone a lesson - rich powerful dudes in tech are stupid and desperate to be perceived as one of the "cool"
kids". They are not cool kids though, so of course they dun goof constantly
No. 1983506
>>1983404Part of me feels bad for her tbh, she was selfposting on the Cum Town subreddit years ago, and men that are attracted to tits that big are almost always fetishists who see her as a replacement for mommy
>>1983414I tried searching old threads but didn't find it, must've been a screencap. Anyway she tweeted that she was visiting nyc and tagged him asking if he wanted to hang out, and he didn't respond at all. Might've tweeted at him a couple more times asking if he saw it etc.
No. 1983510
>>1983297Her identity was leaked by someone already. Her name is Alicia Tjarksen Same voice as on other recordings and she’s talked about visiting Miami
No. 1983536
>>1983253this whole thing is a bit. guy's a failed/struggling artist from florida. the podcast started out as something where he interviewed people who were actually his friends & has now devolved into a "gossip" podcast that's all name-dropping theater.
the patreon subscription thing is basically like dropping $5 into a hat being passed around the audience of a bad performance. guess that's all podcasts tho
he is married & does not live downtown.
No. 1983737
File: 1712582189549.jpg (579.32 KB, 1080x1788, Screenshot_20240408_140732_Chr…)

Article about Camille Paglia in The Spectator last week mentions RS as 'left-ish' and quotes Jack the perfume nationalist. The author is in the private girls and gays sub and is saying Paglia sent her a nice email about it No. 1983793
File: 1712594288018.png (871.96 KB, 1389x887, schizo 1.png)

should we be concerned?
No. 1983844
File: 1712606884329.jpg (538.57 KB, 1080x1541, Screenshot_2024-04-08-15-03-49…)

Effina Carroll (Fotouh Al Sahlamm), the wife of one of Sam Hyde's fair monkeys, still being a cruel bitch, despite parroting the tradwife troupe.
No. 1983851
File: 1712607862579.png (6.27 MB, 1876x1558, 412.png)

Something about Matt Weinberger's photos feels like ragebait seeing the most annoying-looking people in NY with some Dimes Square overlap in high definition at the various interchangeable publications/clubs/events.
No. 1983878
File: 1712617744785.jpg (583.79 KB, 750x1044, Ann Manov Curtis Yarvin moldbi…)

How did Ann Manov scrub her moldbug Curtis Yarvin entanglement?
>>1983069It's a book that doesn't exist. The account is to parody or promote Dasha's ex's book.
No. 1983901
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>>1983624the alicias i know are white, no idea in what world alicia is considered ethnic, her first and last name are both germanic. the lack of web presence is a result of her deliberately trying her best to cover her tracks after her face was leaked and she predicted her name would follow. to no avail though since here's proof its her on medgold's podcast talking about the terminally online as if she isn't just that, on twitter all day with the likes of her pedophile friend known for posting "epstein did nothing wrong" and sexualizing children aged 11-16. alicia tjarksen also likes pretending to be a member of minority ethnic groups, as well as shilling crypto scams by her friends in this scene who support fetishist pedos just like her. first 12 seconds are her former employer's video, rest is her as rfh
No. 1984015
>>1984003>>1984004She's doing an edgy misogyny bit for internet clout and followers so she can monetize her account in some way. That's all. Every once in a while she says something true (not hard, men are scum) but it's not like she's writing radical feminist theory. The way I've seen her baby radfem followers act completely
betrayed when they find out the "radfem" in radfemhitler isn't sincere is hilarious.
No. 1984037
>>1984015kek her username is radfem
hitler why are they so shocked she's just an edgelord
No. 1984053
>>1984037Exactly. Also sorry I
>>1984015 meant to type "misandry bit" not misogyny bit, hopefully it's clear from context.
No. 1984105
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Not super relevant but I was scrolling Twitter and saw some people talk about Indian Bronson being anti American. I remember a long time ago a nonna had posted the same photo of him here bc he was in her friend’s DMs
No. 1984107
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>>1984105More here including a name
No. 1984150
>>1984068RFH went on a (now deleted) white supremacist podcast called Mommy Bloggers a long time where she talked about having a son. It was run by a 50 something racefem who eventually disappeared from twitter completely. I have no clue if she actually has a son but it's something she pretty consistently talked about from close to the begining at least
She also worked (and probably still does) for a company called Zen Ledger that is related to crypto
No. 1984156
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Is that really him
No. 1984158
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Felix’s twitter is amusing bc he’s always operating in five layers deep irony BUT the moment he sees someone talking about sex, porn or prostitution in a slightly negative way he suddenly becomes deeply serious about defending it with infinite cope
“there are the good sides (people finding out what they actually like).”
You’re a disgusting ugly mong like all the rest of the pathetic men you mock, Felix! lol
No. 1984310
>>1984212he isn't joking around when he occasionally mentions he has HIV
he's also still taking money, gifts, etc. for sex, but thinks he can go confess his sins every week to a Catholic priest and get away with it in God's eyes. laughable.
No. 1984443
File: 1712796767422.jpeg (494.33 KB, 1512x1512, 88F43DC4-BB5A-4504-8873-EFBB8D…)

POV: You're a Dimes Square ho about to become elevated into the indie film stratosphere after a coom-brained world class arthouse director casted you in his latest Cannes bait
I don't think the world is prepared for the ghastly sight of Ivy "The Creature" Wolk writhing across the Croisette.
No. 1984635
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Who is her husband/baby daddy? Someone said a few threads ago that she wasn’t with the phd in math (now working in finance) younger guy anymore…
No. 1984747
>>1984150Samefag. No kid, she admitted to it in a dm with Slumzog (he leaked it in a bunch of GCs). I think she lies about a child for tradwife points.
She works for Boeing, she’s referred to the company several times in her tweets/podcats appearances. She claims she dated the CEOs son but I’m sure now that’s a cover for why she keeps talking about the company because she’s told people in person that she works there. It’s also a way to imply she’s hot which she’s constantly doing even though everyone knows what she looks like.
No. 1984840
>>1984808I thought the same thing. Unsaged anon who keeps saying she's dating spencer and is asian, 99% chance lying to throw people off because she just got doxed. The Asian joke originated when her picture leaked, the quality is bad and to some makes her look like she has an epicanthic fold, scrotes started calling her asian and she went along with it, now retards repeat it. If her dad were Chinese, her last name would be Chinese: Idiots here need to stop false flagging,no one with a brain buys that she's hapa or any bi/multiracial claims. She's a white 29-30 year old midwestern woman of overwhelmingly northwestern european ancestry (with a negligible amount of admixture from anywhere outside of that geographical region) who's an unironic white supremacist, so claiming to be a minority takes the attention off of that.
No. 1984959
>>1984840She’s definitely white, and yes it’s a bad quality picture that makes her eyes look Asian. Can anyone imagine an actual hapa being on a podcast with explicitly racist radfems? Yes many WN moids are ethnic, but they’re men. We don’t see the same behavior from women— even from white obsessed tards/trads like Megha Verma. All RFH clues include terms like hyperborean, she’s even tweeted about “that type of european that looks Asian like bjork.” Her hair is obviously naturally blonde. Shes shared so much about herself (including accurate things) but nothing about having an ethnic grandparent or parent or being mixed.
>>1984747Good to know. I’ve been saying for years she doesn’t have a kid. There’s no way someone with a child could spend hours in Twitter spaces and clubhouse talking. She’s very unwell and attention seeking.
>>1984796Sounds very very fake.
No. 1984962
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This dude is nuts too.
No. 1984964
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No. 1984967
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>>1984963Okay, it seems that since her layoff or maybe right before she was dating an older man for money, which fits with her age gap posts. (Idk how Slumzog stopped talking to her but knows this stuff— it’s possible her friends are leaking info).
No. 1984968
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>>1984966She has hung out with DF too and DF lives in Chicago. She’s such a moid worshipping loser…
No. 1984972
>>1984743She’s not dating Richard. That was a running joke that people played a game of telephone with apparently. I’m pretty sure that man is gay.
She does date some brown guy who pays for her apartment, that much is true. idk if you can call that sugaring but it feels like something in that neighborhood. I believe he lives with her part time bc his business is in Miami but she had to move back to Chicago for work. And she is definitely mixed race, someone from her wignat days doxxed her months ago and confirmed this.
No. 1984981
>>1984975>What makes you say that? People who knew her 10 years ago back when she wasn’t anon have confirmed she is mixed race. You're trying to muddy up the waters to get people off track of her confirmed doxx.
Her name is Alicia Tjarksen. Something that you conveniently leave out, when mentioning that "people who knew her 10 years back confirmed she is mixed race"
No. 1985015
>>1985008>Why does it need to be high definitionBecause we already have higher quality photo of her(her avatar on clubhouse) posted on older threads clearly pointing to her being white.
Either post a new photo of her or STFU.
No. 1985036
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Idk her skin tone is not coming off mixed with East Asian. Her torso isn’t long like Asians (I’m E Asian).
No. 1985040
File: 1712961803274.jpeg (92.38 KB, 1170x537, IMG_9381.jpeg)

>>1985008 NTAYRT but it’s odd to obsess over her being hapa.
Didn’t Mommy Milkers meet her recently and say she was hot & blonde?
& does anyone have photos of her scrote bf?
No. 1985099
File: 1712990761783.jpg (87.15 KB, 714x713, FrNYWZUXsAEY1qJ.jpg)

Was this the only other photo of RFH?
there are so many blondes with the surname Tjarksen
No. 1985785
File: 1713195015412.jpeg (865.08 KB, 3000x3000, sean.jpeg)

>>1985449It was a more entertaining class of cow back then to be sure
No. 1986080
File: 1713292913407.png (800.93 KB, 900x733, hggfhgf.png)

What the hell is happening? That pick-me egirl zinnia got recruited by a software company? So you post racist/misogynist stuff on twitter and get rewarded with a job?
No. 1986082
File: 1713293133958.png (125.11 KB, 897x754, dghgjhgjg.png)

These guys are bold enough to publicly associated themselves with openly racists/misogynist twitter accounts. Sends a clear signal that people running that company are sympathetic to RW extremism.
No. 1986126
File: 1713300702494.png (82.28 KB, 787x382, fds3s222.png)

I am listening to all of this retard's posts and archiving them. I will post more milk later but this is a good starting place
The secret mentioned in the description is that according to Talyor Lorenz, Forever Mag was facing financial difficulties in 2023 and trying to "get out of a bad loan". They then "went down to sovereign house" and as a result started inviting even more midwits to write for them like Lex Friedman.
The second thing referenced is that Angelicism has a little sister (?) who is legally an adult but younger than everyone else in the scene. The cowboy hat guy invited her to some sort of photoshoot that got into metoo territory. This is one of several attempts of "blackmail" in the scene.
No. 1986147
File: 1713305541716.mp4 (Spoiler Image,8.37 MB, 1280x720, yWHeXVqP5Ch6y-ktQejBnALFUFJsoq…)

Someone couldn't even keep their kit on in public when they were in college, or at least have it so they weren't filmed, embarrassing
No. 1986344
>>1986080>>1986082she was very thirsty in the bus dev guy's dms to join. thought it was obvious zinniaa_3 is a math-nerd
femcel irl, she has the typical h1b background for startups and her ugly-cope posts aren't controversial enough to cancel them
No. 1986348
>>1986344zinniaa and the guy who hired her are both indian too,
>>1986082 "rw extremism" isn't as intimidating to vc investors when it's done by dravidians it just looks pitiful
No. 1986354
>>1986344>>1986348Her posts and likes are full of anti black stuff so it should be good enough reason for any respectable person/company to keep their distance.The guy hiring her being indian is not surprising as indians themselves openly post racist stuff with little to no pushback on twitter.
Its not that surprising that the indian guys who hired her don't care about her racism,but the fact that they are publicly willing to associate themselves with an Anon racist account is surprising.
No. 1986653
File: 1713470006729.jpeg (180.58 KB, 1170x644, IMG_9662.jpeg)

>>1986414No idea but she looks 43.
Here’s RFH creating new levels of pickmeism— the inverse of having “good pussy”
No. 1986853
File: 1713526256391.png (132.03 KB, 1102x1050, 113k per month.png)

>>1986788I forget what the final straw was but after listening to a lot of audio from Brace I realized he is just a pathological liar (I think it goes beyond radio personality exaggerations and he just makes shit up regularly). No idea how the True Anon show is so popular, it rakes in 113k per month in spite of the Epstein news having died down which was the whole point of the show for years.
No. 1986946
>>1986788I have never seen (heard?) TAFS but anything with the word "butler" is 100% a Brace style joke. please don't fall for that.
>>1986915100%. I think they live in NYC now but same difference. I'm convinced their audience is a result of a cult of personality. sounds impossible because of how vapid they are but but no episode of TrueAnon contains cohesive information, the exception being when they have guests (if then). pointless
No. 1986957
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>>1986080>>1986082>>1986344>>1986348Zinnia is still liking racist posts while affiliated the @joinwarp startup.
No. 1986959
File: 1713545331155.png (178.1 KB, 1074x808, uytuyti.png)

CEO of joinwarp, clearly he knows her racist posting habit.
No. 1986960
File: 1713545461017.png (279.88 KB, 1033x709, rwret.png)

I think this is the guy who hired her in first place,he posts misogynist tweets all the time.Incredible how they aren't getting called out.
No. 1987083
File: 1713563020843.png (797.78 KB, 1226x1228, march 2023.png)

Countdown to Dasha getting too bpd jealous of the Taylor album media cycle and spilling more about this situation.
No. 1987103
>>1987083This is a picture from several years back.
Why are you posting that screenshot as if it's new?
No. 1987299
File: 1713620566793.jpeg (309.01 KB, 1290x1515, IMG_1540.jpeg)

>>1987119Apparently Miles Shore is clearly not dead, and the guy you're replying to was clearly making shit up.
No. 1987372
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No. 1987409
File: 1713647174623.jpeg (256.16 KB, 640x951, A373A47E-E854-4936-A304-246D5C…)

If this isn't proof that Taylor Swift was pilled by Red Scare in 2020-2022 and vibe-shifted into a closet reactionary, I don't know what is. This is about as loud a dogwhistle as it gets. (This dress was from the Gone With The Wind salon with Perfume Jack, too)
No. 1987933
File: 1713802837397.png (184.71 KB, 594x823, redscare.png)

Audrey Horne's redscare bashing continues. There has to be more to this than some random twitter beef with dimes square groupies. Audrey Horne went from being redscare fan to hater in 2022/2023. I think something went wrong IRL for her to be so butthurt about Anna.
No. 1988013
File: 1713822706041.png (71.06 KB, 466x742, kaschuta.png)

Alex kaschuta finally having enough of the misoginy from RW twitter.
Bad new for RW women on twitter is that there are no women respecting racist men for them to live happily ever
No. 1988033
>>1987933what an overwrought and pretentious reply. the correct answer to why red scare sucks is because Anna and Dasha are
toxic cunts who, while amusingly catty obviously shouldn’t be taken seriously on anything important. only a former fan could pearl clutch this hard and give this gay “true believer BETRAYED” energy Audrey is giving. she even types like Anna used to before she figured out how to play it cool while her shallow references to god and sin are Dasha all day. scarethots are cooked for life.
No. 1988070
>>1988013She'll be back in a couple days. Same thing happened with LauSo. Its funny they have a Dworkin aha moment though kek. too bad they never take the next step
> Protecting your children from predation> predationwhy do RW always engage in "law of the jungle" LARPing when everyone knows their flabby asses picked out food from an air conditioned grocery or even worse ordered doordash
No. 1988075
>>1988070The RW moids have the upper hand because their subscriptions and views paid for her lifestyle and two kids. Sure she and her husband have jobs too but they’re living real nice in Romania with the extra cash.
She’s known accounts like 0HP and Covfefe Anon and MedGold and Indian Bronson and all big account misogynists were subhuman for years and years, it’s just that they cyberbullied other women, not her. Who tf cares. Hope the well dries for her and everyone unfollows/unsubs.
No. 1988176
File: 1713878851321.jpeg (126.25 KB, 1170x504, IMG_7217.jpeg)

About Sydney Sweeney.
Hope someone Old Yellers me before I get this embarrassing. Doing ZeroHP’s meme is so cringe and pathetic I almost feel bad for her
No. 1988187
File: 1713883331375.png (36.79 KB, 807x175, 9876543456.png)

When the RW thot began to hate
No. 1988226
>>1988213you can reverse image search it on google.
>Posting her photo reveals who shared itlol so we got someone who she trusts on twitter hating on her in these threads. funny.
She is muslim,so her name would be slightly different from typical indian name but i see your point, too many mathematics programs in Canada.
No. 1988265
File: 1713901848082.png (1.26 MB, 1180x974, anti woke debate club.png)

For only $349, or $2,999 for VIP, you can attend this 2 day festival and hear Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, and Anna do panel talks. Bri, Nathan J Robinson, and Lee Fang are also on the bill.
No. 1988370
File: 1713930937051.jpeg (341.56 KB, 1170x1070, IMG_7678.jpeg)

>>1988265Diana Fleischman is my own mini cow in her own right. Evolutionary psychologist married to Geoffrey Miller @primalpoly of “to be fair, you have to be extremely intelligent to do polyamory” tweet fame - and rumor is also he’s severely bipolar
Had her first kids with him at age 40+ probably with IVF because come on
And they both constantly tweet super creepy shit like this. I wonder if he’s out polyamorously pursuing other women while she takes care of the babies.
No. 1988450
File: 1713962376673.png (174.21 KB, 1236x784, aimee.png)

this is a little sad.
No. 1988520
>>1988516You don't think something as basic as a biological need can't change someone's politics? Many species of male spiders literally let themselves get eaten to procreate. Female scorpions literally allow themselves to get eaten alive by their young.
Something as basic as a change in mindset when you already have your independence assured from a successful career is easy to imagine.
(sage your shit) No. 1988534
>>1988523These bitches never practice what they preach. Mary Harrington, who is speaking in that dumbass event with her, also preaches the trad life, but she spent her youth in some kinda queer collective before settling down to have one child.
These women enjoy all the freedom that feminism gave us, but as soon as they have children and decide they don’t want it anymore, they don’t want the rest of us to have it either.
No. 1988542
File: 1713982192623.png (77.71 KB, 1170x330, mommymilkers.png)

>>1988541Same can be said about Bimbo Ubermensch.Even considering her failed modelling career, the fact that she can't attract someone who is not financially struggling must be humiliating for her. All other models even the failed ones atleast manage to settle down with someone not poor.
>>1884626Hate to agree with mommy milkers but she was right about bimbo.
No. 1988545
>>1988534Isn't Harrington only in this sphere because she's a
TERF and hates the idea that men now have a way supported by the state to intrude on female spaces? These people seemingly just want the mid 2010s high watermark of feminism back
No. 1988577
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>>1988543Wasn't Israel, but still very stupid from allegedly "smart" people
No. 1988579
File: 1713989366578.png (60.58 KB, 872x267, 6754343243.png)

>>1988577And this hot take on sexual dynamics
No. 1988580
>>1988542Lolol forgot about the Bimbo vs MM cat fight.
Ya was impossible for me not to side with MM there. Obviously she made an ass of herself too but I felt like Bimbo was really the one who took it completely below the belt and kind of just seemed to be for no real reason other than an excuse to write more unreadable ESL prose and get praise from the weird racists she snuffles around for headpats from
No. 1988586
>>1988546Marc Andreesen boosted her substack the other day, and both of her parents are UMC doctors. Her brother is a doctor too. She’ll always be fine, if she’s shamefaced enough to ask for $500 here and there
>>1988542She married at 22 to a Canadian 32 to big 4 consultant and immigrated. She should have tried for wealthier, but she doesn’t seem like she’s rushing to get married again.
>>1988545Her views are harmful & reactionary, I wish she was just a
terf. she’s coined “reactionary feminism.” She’s against birth control, advocates for having many kids very young, and she’s anti abortion. She’s batshit too considering how liberal she was when she was younger. In feminist theory circles, she’s known for appropriate progressive language or communist ideas and bait and switching people into conservative ideas (e.g., it’s “liberating” and communitarian for all women to stay at home and not work so they can raise children together as a community). The only one on that panel with sense is Kathleen.
No. 1988593
>>1988586I don’t even know why they bother saying this shit when they don’t even pretend they walk the walk themselves. It’s not even like she changed route and then started evangelizing. The give away is literally that you have the option to do this thing that you say is so based and superior and you just keep on not doing that thing, living the same life as all the middle aged normie liberals you call sterile soy bug men.
The only one of these women that has more than one kid is Kathleen Stock.
No. 1988618
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bronzeageshawty on Charlie Kirk discussing firing. shes going to be a disaster on the stand if the suit doesnt get tossed
No. 1988845
File: 1714063121243.png (95.04 KB, 723x794, aimee.png)

This is how it started.
No. 1988859
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No. 1988860
File: 1714066025336.png (68.83 KB, 900x335, anna.png)

Does Anna really think RW dissidents support harvey weinstein? What a shameful post.
No. 1988862
>>1988845Milkers is going off on her too. Kind of reduced her moral high ground by taking the “you have a go at Catherine because you’re jealous that she’s prettier than you” route.
AT is a nut that kicks about on there with proud ped0s, surely these dumbasses can do better than “you’re jealous cos we’re hotter than you” (which is barely true if not untrue flat out)
No. 1988868
File: 1714066535314.png (62.04 KB, 896x331, dasjfbskja.png)

pick-me fication of Michelle complete.
No. 1988871
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No. 1988886
>>1988868She is a nobody, not a leftcow.
>>1988871God Monica is so fucking stupid and shallow. Pretending like insulting someone’s looks isn’t an attack. Aimee sounds sane while calling out Catherine’s contradictions. Catherine has a completely incomprehensible POV. Racist but pro trans etc etc.
Amazing how they’re all pretending like Catherine is some great beauty LOL
No. 1988895
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No. 1988903
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>>1988900It died off after Monica’s tweets above.
No idea when or why Aimee became a hardcore Zionist
No. 1990248
File: 1714434981524.png (2.08 MB, 1280x720, niccolo soldo.png)

anyone know if this is really niccolo soldo? it's being used in thumbnails for recent podcast appearances.
No. 1990264
File: 1714438708826.jpeg (360.71 KB, 1638x2048, FBA76F3D-A414-485D-82A5-853B70…)

Insane glowup for Pariahchad(whiteknighting)