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No. 2001139

DID faker and native larper. she claims be a sephardi-taino-hawaiian-happa 2 spirit lesbian cenobitegender, 25 years old, calls whites "white meat", hates "TPOC" black user named ambrose/vampyrofcolor, is white passing, and friend group are a bunch of indigenous larpers. apparently has 400+ followers by being violent against whites. danger to society if you ask me

tumblr (https://incinerated.tumblr.com/)

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>>>/meta/2000863(shit thread)

No. 2001179

fuck whoever cowtipped. why did you do that.

No. 2001212

>makes a point to mention whoever the fuck ambrose is despite not even figuring into the milk
lmfao you cowtipping faggot.

No. 2001298

Her new usernane is gimp4gimp

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