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No. 187286
Taylor threads aren't banned anymore. Let's have a Taylor thread so the anons in the jvlogger thread will stop whining.
Youtube: No. 187296
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>>187292Jvlogger thread
>omg stop talking about Taylor so much you spergsNew Taylor thread
>omg why does this thread exist>>187294Admin said in the recent live chat that he regretted banning certain threads including Taylor's and that they are not banned anymore(the only ones still banned are ana-chan threads I believe). It's just that no one has made the effort to make one yet.
No. 187304
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No. 187364
That picture reminds me of Kota's recent shooping style
>>187313Meh, most threads here become repetitive at some point
No. 187421
>>187296Wait, has old admin taken back the throne or????
What was the reason for unbanning it? Because time and time again these threads fail to have quality content and are always the same rinse-&-repeat dribble, just like the Ana threads. The only time it was entertaining was during the sperg-chan meltdown, and that's only in retrospect.
No. 187481
>>187462same here.
I also really like her new haircut but it has been already said.
>>187477I really hope that she contacted for actually helping her and being some kind of older sister for her. I don't see her trying to get Venus into the Jvlog squad.
No. 187543
>>187484>>187537I get why people disliked Venus before, but given her age and the situation with her mother, it's really no wonder the girl is kind of stunted and socially awkward. She has a lot of growing up to do, and I think having someone like Taylor around would be good for her, as she's never had real friends before because of her mother's antics. Manaki is all she has.
Do any of the anons here actually dislike Taylor? I never quite understood the obsession with her needing her own threads. She seems nice, she's pretty cute outside the unflattering make up she wears, and she seems incredibly milk-less. What makes her a snow-flake? Do most anons casually like her or dislike her at this point?
No. 187551
>>187549Honestly, I felt like it read more like a bitter 25-30 year old who feels like they don't deserve the chance she didn't have.
There is nothing immature about making money modeling in a specific genre. Though, Venus and Dakota are both immature otherwise, yes.
No. 187567
>>187540Um? No, she stated it in her vlog did you not watch?
typical taylor sperg not looking at the facts and hating for no reason smfh
No. 187580
>>187558I vaguely remember that in one of her videos she mentioned how lost she was when first arrived to Japan, and implyied that she was doing things where she didn't feel like herself; in other words, her agency (not sure if her current one or another agency) made her go for the kawaii route, when she didn't actually enjoyed that. In her last video, the closet tour one, she is separating the clothes she won't wear anymore and takes some shirts and says "these are old Conomi shirts, japanese style uniform, that I will never wear again".
Oh, and in the closet video she also says that this season she wants to change a bit her style and wear more fitting and femenine clothes, so I'm really curious to see that.
No. 187596
Do people think that? Risa and Yui Kanno are both 29/30 Japanese fucking models. Asia doesnt give a shit if you have a baby face, slim body and have a 'look'.
No. 187612
>>187603Lol no anon
I actually go outside and have mates thanks
>>187611I think it all depends on luck anon tbh.
No. 187638
>>187410>>187459Then Dakota's threads should be shut down for the exact same reasons.
>>187463You fuck off, new admin agreed with it too, it's not like the live chat was just some thing for the old admin to jerk off at uselessly. They both talked about the changes being made to the board. Why are you so mad Taylor has a thread when it just makes it very simple and easy for you to ignore her?
No. 187645
>>187632No, it's a house. In this video at 12:50, she spends several minutes discussing the details of taking out the garbage, how her neighbors will harass her if she doesn't do it right, and how much easier it was before living in an apartment.
Not to mention the style of windows on this place make it pretty obvious it's a house, at least to me. And there's a window in the bathroom which apartments don't usually have.
No. 187648
>>187632>>187645She actually outright says "the number one thing that's annoying about living in a house in Japan: the garbage".
It's a house.
No. 187659
>>187543Kiki and this retard
>>187520who probably is a newfag who complains about everything but now that they wanna shittalk TERRIBLE TAYTAY and everyone thinks they're a retard for it they're parroting what they've been told in the past.
No. 187912
>>187905Wtf this is clearly a vendetta thread or something… why are you so interested in her bf, no one here would say those things.
>Her bf's family is rich
>I heard her bf is a control freak and beats Taylor. Seriously where? Only someone who really hates her in real life would say something like that.
No. 187918
>Then Dakota's threads should be shut down for the exact same reasons.From all the threads you had to mention Dakota's? Lol Kiki is that you?
Taylor and Dakota are criticized/liked for totally different reasons.
No. 187922
>>187917Dakota has expired milk? How can you even consider it expired when it all happened YEARS ago? It's so far past expired the cow died and got beaten so badly it turned to dust. She doesn't interact with her crazy family so they are a separate thing. Literally the only thing people have to talk about in Dakota threads is her infrequent shoops, and bringing up dumb shit she did years ago and how disappointed they are she didn't do better.
Taylor is the same, dumb shit that happened years ago. Kooter's threads obviously aren't going anywhere, Taylor's can stay too.
>>187918>herp derp ur kiki lul top kek No. 187925
>>187922You are acting like sperg chan now.
So according to your logic, if Dakota has a thread then Taylor can have one too? …The fuck?
Taylor was discussed in Jvloggers thread and no one really complained if the discussion was interesting or relevant.
No. 187926
>>187922Just answer:
Where did you exactly
hear those things about her bf?
>his family is rich>actor>control freak who beats Taylor You talk like if you knew a lot and obviously you don't know a shit, jelly anon.
No. 187928
>>187927It's ok anon you can have it don't cry. Anyway that's not important, you didn't mention where you
heard those things about her bf.
No. 187936
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So this is who Taylor is. I can see why Kiki is jealous kek. She's like Dakota, so Kiki can channel all her extra jealous over koti's sucess in to Taylor as well. A cute weeb in Japan.
Don't worry, Kiki! At least you're an lolcow and not a snowflake!
No. 187939
Wow this thread exploded.
>>187629I'm watching this thread for the same reason. I can't wait for Kaka posts to be labelled, and how far back it goes into the Taylor threads.
No. 187944
>>187629already happened. we're getting people bringing up dakota and she was NEVER mentioned in the jvlogger thread.
>if taylor can't have a thread neither should dakota!how fucking transparent can you be? this is exactly how the taylor thread was when sperg-chan was around.
>>187912actually it's kiki. it's beyond bizarre. this one anon is weirdly obsessed with defending the existence of this thread. they keep responding to everyone who doesn't see the point so clearly they want to justify it. and how do they do it? by bringing up dakota and COMPARING her to taylor. sound familiar? now they're making up rumors that taylor's boyfriend beats her based on nothing. it's literally kiki again lmao. what a fucking mess. oh well can't wait for her to be exposed again.
No. 187945
>>187912it was confirmed in her blog that she quickly deleted
her bf is chinese and is trouble
No. 187949
convenient lel
No. 187962
>>187664Your response has nothing to do with what I actually said, retard. I took issue with you assuming you know anything about how he feels and making up autismo conspiracies just to have shit to talk about. "Taylor isn't allowed to make videos because her boyfriend doesn't like it" is literally making shit up. Yet you can only defend yourself by pretending I said shit about OH NO HIS PRIVACY. Go the fuck back to tumblr, downsy.
No. 188082
>>187945>>187984So this thread has been up for a few hours and the sperging has already started.
Go away Kaka, you haggard wench. Nobody buys your bullshit anymore.
No. 188174
>>187962I didn't claim anything, but rather simply pointed it out as a possibility.
1. She stated he doesn't feel comfortable being on camera.
2. She stated he doesn't feel comfortable around her during the vlogs/videoing.
If you actually read what I said, I said "I wonder if he doesn't want her vlogging his PERSONAL PROPERTY/BELONGINGS". It says no where in what I wrote that he asked/demanded her to stop vlogging altogether. This ( personal belonging ) has to do with privacy you dumb cunt.
I don't understand how Onision, Jvloggers,kaka,koots threads are aloud to speculate or state possibilities/scenarios, but to even do a subtle one in Taylor's thread makes people crap their pants.
On a complete other note : Taylor's new video was really lovely. I like her cooking videos as their interesting and simple for people to try.
No. 188196
>>187945>it was confirmed in her blog that she quickly deleted her bf is chinese and is trouble. Do you think she would say in a blog something like her bf is trouble etc? No one saw that, no one discussed that before, only you and it's now evidence is gone, yeah how convenient.
or are you talking about that video with Sharla where they talked about bfs and stuff? She never said extreme shit like that and she never mentioned where is he from.
Also, you first said I HEARD:
>Yeah I heard he was a 10/10 and an actor in Japan his parents are also $$$rich
>I heard her bf is a total control freak and beats taylor, thats why she never shows her tit bc thats where he hits her and no one can seeSo decide, did you hear that from someone or somewhere or you actually saw it in her blog she "deleted"?
No. 188585
>>188295Supposed to but it has yet to happen. We're supposed to be like, patient or some shit.
>>187950That or they just like to watch her steady decline. Essentially what the Ashley threads are now, just less morbid.
No. 189047
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she really did not… defend her boyfriend against the person implying he was hurting her self esteem. and she has before she defended sharla in the comments. i really think he hates that she does youtube videos. she didn't used to do them so much before and he probably liked that she was a dolly model. now she's not a model and he has to deal with her not paying attention to him to do videos which he probably finds stupid. man dismissive boyfriends suck.
No. 189056
>>189047tbh this makes me a little uncomfortable to read… But still I can't figure jack shit from such a short comment. Guess I might be projecting.
Really hope she's not on the shit end of something though.
No. 189062
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>>189056it gets better.
WHEN has she ever been this hard on herself. she works her fucking ass off making videos every single day, buying all that equipment, buying $1k drones, buying vlogging books, vlogging agendas, hosting fan events, and suddenly she calls what she does mediocre??? the shift is definitely real. even her fans are commenting about how she's acting different in this video. i wouldn't be surprised if after this she ~coincidentally goes on to talk about how wonderful and supportive her bf is.
honestly there's a reason they say that any couple who wants to get married needs to live with each other to pass the test. most couples find that they can't stand to be around each other all the time figuring out how to schedule chores, keep the house together, and manage expenses. how the fuck is he gonna complain about hearing her talk 24/7 they fucking live together. i wonder how the shaylor sleepover is gonna go…
No. 189070
>>189064EXACTLY. they're already fighting that early into their move. it's like. it's not gonna get better. most youtubers in relationships will always have their partners do a cameo or collab with them or at least let them share their fucking name. elbow-san refuses to be anything but elbow-san. she's recording all the time and he has to stay put or hide to avoid appearing in the shot. he probably has rooms he's forbidding her to film in. that's bound to cause tension between them. he really just does not like what she does and that's fucking fine but they're living together and she has to endure it and she's starting to feel bad about what she does. she was bummed when she filmed the video, and was still bummed enough hours later to not defend her boyfriend when someone implied he was affecting her self-esteem.
if he gets sick of hearing taylor talk the whole day imagine how he's gonna act when sharla stays over for 3 days? what is taylor gonna do? send home sharla and never have a sleepover again?
No. 189281
>>189273bruh it takes me a minimum of 4 days to even make a fanvideo it takes time to make videos. that's why youtubers upload videos once a week because it takes up time. you have to plan the day, film all day and pick the right camera angles, upload the footage to your computer, go through all the footage to start cropping, editing, adding transitions, fixing the colors, fixing the brightness, adding transitions, converting the video, making an edit for the video thumbnail, uploading the video, captioning the video, properly tagging and adding links to the video, cross posting the link to different social media platforms, and finally engaging with fans. venus takes days editing her videos. dakota took 3 weeks just to edit one. taylor does that every day. and she's not making brony level videos either. if you don't like her that's fine but to say it's easy to do what she does daily is a lie.
No. 189284
>>189280No she said that he probably already closed the video because she talks too much implying he isn't interested, and she said in the comments that he has to hear her talk all day and that he doesn't wanna keep hearing her talk by watching the video. It just wasn't… cute. If my friend told me their boyfriend did that i'd be annoyed..
The video felt lazy like she was discouraged but did it anyway to please the fans. but we'll have to see her next video to know more so whatever. I personally don't see the self-deprecating thing as a style choice because she's been consitently passionate about confidence, positivity and motivation.
No. 189289
>>189277Onision ? that you ?
So by your standards, he's a piece of shit if he doesn't watch her videos, he is also a crappy boyfriend if he doesn't like them… Because couples have to share everything in common. Or else he doesn't deserve her if he doesn't love everything she does. LOGIC
No. 189290
>>189284Sorry, I left out "before". She has said something just like this about him before in a past video.
Her youtube comment didn't mean he hates listening to her, it meant he doesn't need to watch parts of her videos where she's going on about something because those 2 have already talked about it. You know, in person, probably while she was filming what we don't get to see until later on.
Yall are assuming a lot about this guy with absolutely zero facts. Dude has been cool with her talking to a camera constantly for however long they've been together, and he even bought a drone. Only an idiot would move in with her and expect that to change.
No. 189291
>>189277If she has visited PULL and here for years (which may or may not be true) I could see her self esteem taking a hit since at least on PULL the stuff people have been saying has gotten nastier and more personal in the last few months and isn't confined to just her section anymore.
Also I thought she and her boyfriend had been living together this whole time. it certainly seemed like it before.
No. 189294
>>189290again, couples change once they actually start living together. they go through a lot of stress once they have to share responsibilities and bills instead of going out on dates. some couples get sick of each other. they're different circumstances. there's been a study that a big percentage of couples who ended in divorce didn't live together beforw getting married.
it's like, he could tolerate her vlogging on dates. but maybe he didn't realize how much time she dedicated to it and it's starting to annoy him. it's just weird that she would randomly be so insecure about what she's doing when she's been doing it for years.
>>189292he's not evil for not liking what she does. it's just likely he's making her feel bad about something she likes doing(and something she gave up modelling for and basically the only thing ahe has in her life) when he should just dump her if he's getting sick of tolerating it. tbh i see him viewing what she does are a hobby than a career. if i had a boyfriend who spent 24 hours filming himself playing video games i'd be annoyed because i don't take something like that seriously. but… that's why i don't have a boyfriend like that.
vlogging is the only thing taylor does and she's happy doing it. if she doesn't vlog what is she gonna do? she has no family in japan and she doesn't like modeling. she'd get a "real" job and tbh just be miserable. i hope that's not the case with him.
No. 189298
>>189294"Vlogging is all she has" She has him, she has family, she has Rosie, She has friends and other fucking hobbies. Could we stop acting like "Vlogging" is all she has … She has more then anyone here probably has. She lives a pretty spoiled fantastic life of shopping,traveling,modelling, eating out and being idolized for basically nothing but being pretty. She can easily anytime return to modelling.
It wont kill her to slow down or do a little less vloggs. Its hard for anyone who puts their job first to find love. I don't blame her boyfriend for maybe wanting more of her attention and love, sheesh, I'd be pretty upset if my significant other wouldn't even bend a little for me despite I do for them.
Its a fair trade imo, he tolerates her vlogging occasionally around him while they're out on dates and she does maybe only a couple vloggs a week so she can spend more time with him. If she can't handle that, then I sorry but she's a selfish cunt.
And again, she isn't Venus, whom actually only had Youtube and nothing else for most of her life. Lets stop trying to make everything a pity fest for Tay when she doesn't get her way.
No. 189301
>>189294They don't really "change". It's just different living with someone as opposed to hanging out with them or sleeping over at their place every now and again.
It's not just limited to "couples" either. It happens when people are best friends and then start sharing an apartment/dorm room.
It's an adjustment period. The old saying "You never really know someone until you live with them" is around for a reason.
You find out thing you've never known about people and you have to adapt. Some things she will change, some things he will change, etc.
Very rarely (if at all) do people move in together and everything works out from the beginning
No. 189377
>>189316There's a couple of sane people in here, but only a couple.
Clearly anons were just waiting for anything small to happen so they could create their own milk out of thin air. Also it's funny how they bitched before about "that one anon obsessed with Taylor's boyfriend" and now they're all coming up with some crazy conspiracies about him based on absolutely nothing.
No. 189382
>>189381That's why he hasn't posted a video today!
Omg, poor girl indeed…
Will Sharla do anything to help her?
No. 189439
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When the upper and lower lip is overdrawn this is all I see now.
No. 189467
>>188983i know right. halloween is in 4 days and god knows shes not gonna save it for next year
so wasteful and spoiled
No. 189576
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>>189518Yeah no. Here's what her flat looked like. There's no space for two bed rooms. (Old location was posted in the old jvlogger thread)
No. 189582
>>189576Totally not creepy at all
>>189580Go back to pull
No. 189586
>>189518That was her bedroom since the beginning, there's no second bedroom there. He probably had his own apartment, or simply slept on the couch or floor when Sharla was there.
>>189580No actually many in PULL criticize everything about her, literally, even how she treats Rosie lol.
No. 189591
>>189580are you reading the same thread I'm reading?
We're discussing TayTay's fillers and boyfriend, don't like don't read!!!
No. 189592
>>189576Dude seriously, she and her bf lived in a 2LDK in that building. Find the floor plan yourself. They had two bedrooms. The one she filmed in was the guestroom.
>>189580WTF are you on about. PULL hates her and nitpicks her every move in addition to flat out making up lies about her.
actually you would fit right in there.
No. 189640
>>189449Gotta love how people keep shitting on Sharla and pushing "Sharla wants to be like Taylor". Maybe is Taylor who wants the popularity, the friends, the connections and the social skills Sharla has. Then we have the issue of Sharla staying on Taylor's house, what is the big deal?, is not like she is forcing herself into her house, Taylor is more than OK to have her, because they are friends or because she can take advantage of her, whatever it is, Taylor will always have the last word.
Maybe Sharla likes some things about Taylor and Taylor likes some things about Sharla, is perfectly normal and human.
No. 189660
>>189658I feel like that dog is going to be dead in a few years. She's pretty young and already looks like an older poodle with a yucky flat coat (seems like Taylor never brushes her out though, she'd look better if she did).
Toy and miniature poodles are very popular in Japan though. A salon I worked for had a Japanese groomer and she had a big book of all the crazy styles they do on poodles there.
No. 189669
>>189656Man, I hate Sharla so much. She sounds like she is in slowmo. And all the cussing and man… The "so good u guyz"… This drives me insane.
And I do think it's not cool to go and stay at a freind's house if she just moved in with her boyfriend. I mean, Taylor could have invited her but she should politely refuse.
No. 189691
>>189669That is Sharla's personality, you like it or not.
The thing I don't like she does, and maybe this is a cultural thing… she is the only one walking around without socks. I'm not going to say she has sweaty or dirty feet but walking barefoot all over the house after coming from the street and the jumping in Taylor's bed… I can't help to shake my head but like I said maybe is a cultural thing.
No. 189730
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>>189640Oh yeah I hate it when people say Sharla is copying Taylor too! I mean like, where do they even get that idea?!!?!
No. 189743
>>189708Poodles fade as they get older or they can get bleached by the sun, especially red poodles like Rosie. I wouldn't say it's anything to be concerned about healthwise. Taylor could definitely make more of an effort to take care of her coat by brushing her out more but unless she wants to invest in color shampoos for the dog it's not really a big deal.
Sage for dog sperging.
No. 189771
How Casey feels about people who imitate his style: who imitate his style:
-Sharla(who's copying Taylor but-)
No. 189837
>>189658That's basically it.
People buy toy poodles for the image of cuteness, they don't want a dog that looks big and old. They want videos or pics to take, and likes from strangers.
It's not because they care about animals. I don't know how old this poodle is, but they aren't around for long and always have health issues. They're meant to be a disposable accessory and that's why it's awful to promote.
No. 189839
>>189656I wish they wouldn't be so disruptive in public places like stores. It felt like they were getting in people's way.
Poor Rosie already getting surgery for the second time
No. 189874
>>189839It's part of the acting like teenagers thing. It's not funny because of their age and how it's making people around them uncomfortable.
The whole rant about "I don't know how to garbage at 30 and I'm white and I don't know Japanese lol" was bad enough.
>>189855Hong Kong
No. 189877
>>189839Agreed. I really don't think any of these chicks care about being disruptive or getting in anyone's way.
Like in one of Taylor's videos with her mom, she was slowly walking backwards across a crosswalk in Shinjuku and paying attention to her camera… I was kind of second-hand annoyed for everyone else trying to cross, haha.
No. 189879
>>189874Eh. I'll give her a pass on the garbage issue for now. Garbage in Japan is really a pain in the ass. It's the combination of the separating of everything, the different days for each item (which are subject to change periodically) and the schedule is totally different depending on your neighborhood.
I'll be giving her the side eye if she doesn't memorize it soon, but I think that she deserves a grace period of a week at least.
No. 190027
>>190015she also said it was her first time vacuuming an entire house LMAO.
i mean yeah she did her apartment which was smaller but i guess she never did chores growing up? must've had housekeepers…
in the US/canada though garbage is pretty easy, it's once a week (usually trash and recycling alternates biweekly) and they're not nearly as strict as Japan, probably most people don't even bother to sort correctly, unfortunately.
No. 190032
>>190027Some people in Canada don't even do recycling, and honestly no neighbour fucking cares enough to even scream out their window at you.
Geez, she must of had it real rough growing up.. Eating all night,doing no chores and got to join into any sport/hobby she wanted to. Don't forget starting college an drop out to become a weeb in Japan ..
No. 190065
>>189656Ugh, I knew it, she is changing her style. I liked what she was doing up until now, it at least felt genuine even if some people thought she was boring. Now she's acting obnoxious, making faces and being sarcastic, basically like every other annoying girl on the internet. What a turn off.
And her attitude change definitely made that little Rosie skit seem super fake. I mean she cried with worry over Rosie's life the last time she had surgery. Sure the second time doesn't feel as bad, but it was like she barely cared.
No. 190118
>>189639>By the way I was actually surprised at that. They're treating her like she's an evil cult leader or some shit.Yeah she's evil and Rosie knows it.
So please rosie barf twice if you need help. Poop in her bed if she sold her soul to the devil.
No. 190144
>>190138>vacuuming an entire housethat's what i said.
her parents house is like way bigger, mcmansion size. idk why you guys are acting like she
obviously has done heaps of housework her whole life when it's clear that either her parents or hired help did it.
i mean it's not even that uncommon to have maids so it's not that big a deal even…
No. 190147
>>190144except it isn't lmao. you sound as autist as the people trying to imply her boyfriend was abusive because she said he didn't watch her videos. she likes housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, home decor working out, etc which is all manual labor. she's actually very home oriented. her apartment was spotless. you're insistent on trying to squeeze taylor into the spoiled lazy rich girl trope when it's ironically one of the most out of character cliche's.
>i mean it's not even that uncommon to have maids so it's not that big a deal even…it is uncommon. and unnecessary. they're not the kardashians. have you actually met someone above middle class? you sound like someone with a very limited range of acquaintances. "way bigger, mcmansion size" lmao
No. 190181
>>190147Not that anon but I'm Canadian and know a ton of people with maids but they only come every week.
It feels like Taylor threads are the only ones you can't make stupid speculations about without being attacked by (mostly) that one obvious samefag Taylor whiteknight.
No. 190196
>>190181So you think it's ok to have a thread full of conspiracy shit posts? Lolcow was never like this. It's not normal and whatever threads you're reading that have unregulated conspiracy-Chans running amuck is not indicative of the sites normal posting behavior.
And grow a pair: just because others aren't willing to drink the cool-aid or debunk your stupid conspiracies, it doesn't mean you're being ~attacked~.
No. 190201
>>190196I thought the abusive boyfriend was a fun theory.
The vacuum one shouldn't have even gotten so many replies. There is this one bitter poorfag on the threads that is annoying as fuck but just because they
trigger samefag whiteknight to bomb the thread.
No. 190205
>>190147actually i grew up with a live in nanny but once i became an adult and moved out i, you know, started adulting. even then though i had chores such as vacuuming from a young age just so i would 'build character' so i do think it's weird taylor never vacuumed her big ass house when she was young.
i probably sound like i dislike taylor but i actually like her. i just think she's lazy and spoiled.
lets be real, she doesn't do the housewife thing as great as you think. she may like it but they eat out a lot so she really doesn't cook -that- much, she's essentially stopped working out…. i'll give you the home decor thing but yeah.
plenty of people do the things she does (and more) while working full time jobs. they've also done so since a young age, not almost thirty. she's spoiled. i like her, but come on. she really is the spoiled lazy rich girl trope tbh.
No. 190207
>>190144So I guess your autism leads you to believe that all opinions opposing yours must agree.
I simply said that she said she never vacuumed a space that large.
And it's pretty subjective to think it's not uncommon to have maids, as it is to think that everyone cleans their own space plus that of others/communal spaces often.
>>190205Again, stfu about your subjective experiences. Personal blog, hide your power level for fucks sake, etc., etc.
No. 190210
>>190207Not that person but why are you so mad?
Taylor is that you?
No. 190214
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>>190210Hi Kiki.
Strong language is not always an indication of one's temperment/mood. Stop being
No. 190221
>>190211Her dog looks like a turd that's dried up.
I feel sorry for it, in Hong Kong it seemed she got her washed and brushed out often, now that dog is lucky to get a bath in her own house. I guess now that it's old and ugly it's not worth the trouble huh Tay?
No. 190245
>>190231The pumpkin video was fun, Sharla did a better job with her pumpkin than Taylor but she was so insecure with the knife, it was scary.
The vlog is usual Taylor stuff, not very interesting or entertaining.
No. 190291
>>190286not all fillers wear off and the ones that are meant to wear off just basically get absorbed back into the body after a few
monthstaylor never got fillers
>>190289someone already said poodles' coats fade in color after a while. and the dog's coat looks fine. doubt you've never owned a poodle. although now you'll probably just reply about how you're a certified poodle breeder.
No. 190310
>>19021Or, or, and get this… She got fillers and when they start being absorbed she gets some again.
Fillers, fat grafting, botox and/or jaw shaving, whaever. The point is she made her face look weird but if that brings in more jobs and self-esteem good for her.
No. 190431
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>>190328Agreed. Bringing this back from the jvlogger thread because stfu about fillers. If I can look like a bloated cow in candida and then a skinny faced model in selfies without fillers then so can Taylor.
No. 190483
>>190478>2000 Taylor? Wtf are you talking about?
>>190479Confirmed by who?
No. 190492
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>>190246Looks like Sharla went out for revenge.
No. 190494
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Idk much about this efag, but jfc, will people stop with this stupid fucking trend?! What does it accomplish?
Kylie Jenner probably started this autistic trend. I fucking hate it. That's I all really have to contribute so I'll sage.
No. 190496
File: 1477803813699.gif (1021.07 KB, 500x250, what-the-fuck.gif)

>this thread
No. 190517
>>190494shes totes copying kylie!!! what a bitch
first kota now this
No. 190520
>>190479Lol "Confirmed" like her super "violent" "Chinese" boyfriend with a "rich family"? and all the evidence to support your claims mysteriously "disappeared".
Theories are NOT Facts.
No. 190523
>>190478>2000 TaylorWhen she was like 11?
If you are talking about her Hong Kong days I highly doubt you knew she existed in 2010~ so how can you miss that? Stop beating a dead horse.
No. 190529
>>190522Sperg chan squad is trying hard, they are sperging in many threads actually, then they cry in PULL because people here don't support their theories about Taylor.
Jvloggers thread is also a mess, people normally discussed new videos/posts, but then someone/ a group came discussing very old stuff.
No. 190590
>>190585This video is the clear proof of what Sharla is doing for Taylor, helping her to make "friends" and "connections", more valuable than anything Taylor can do for Sharla.
By the way, for someone like Taylor, obsessed with her image, she should learn how to do her lips.
No. 190666
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>>190646Then they should just start a devil's advocate thread if they want to pms and shit up a thread. Although this thread is already shit because no milk.
Why you poor fags so bitter?
No. 190713
>>190589Maybe I'm missing something, but their place doesn't look too gigantic.
>>190654Of course they sell king size beds?! Just google キングサイズベッド 通販 and you'll find tons.
No. 190816
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>>190589Same anon from
>>190585 I was speaking about Taylor's home in the beginning of the vid but Simon/Martina's place seems decent as well.
No. 190821
>>190807Pretty sure she probably got them in a random store in Japan.Those style of glasses are popular atm and you can probably find something similar on ebay/amazon if you search "round glasses" or "korean round glasses"
>>190809>>190804How much more transparent can you get spergy
No. 191119
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A different person
No. 191229
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>>191209Sure. I have some because I love taylor and thought she was gorgeous before, I still like her but I don't understand why she ruined her face :(
No. 191231
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>>191209she was beautiful
No. 191251
>>191124No, I don't think so but anyway the guy clearly doesn't want to get involved. Same with Sharla's bf and other several youtubers in a relationship.
Just think about what can happen if they post more about their private life… Take Kiki's case as an example, she had the urge to post a lot about her private life, anons found his stuff, then really stupid anons messaged him (that was really really stupid) and she had a meltdown. It was a mess, no one wants to see that again.
No. 191252
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>>191229>>191231is* beautiful. are you gonna pretend like you don't know what makeup is? but then again, you're on disability for a reason. your ability to comprehend reality is probably toast.
No. 191262
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>>191258I agree with the fact that the makeup style can change how she looks, but nigga are you honestly going to tell me she hasn't done cheek fillers?
No. 191263
>>191262yes because she was never seen with her face like that again and that happened before this
>>191252 lmao.
No. 191281
>>191273If we're getting technical it looks like a perfectly natural face allergy. The point is that she only looked like this for one day and in videos from way after like this one
>>190522 you can see her face hasn't changed at all. Maybe you should watch some of her videos. There's plenty where she isn't wearing makeup. "But she got temporary fillers!!!" Her face went back to normal within a week lmao. You don't have to be a stan to have eyes. Only an autist would insist on a completely illogical theory that's been debunked hundreds of times.
No. 191290
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>>191284you're insisting she got fillers, i'm insisting she didn't. this is a discussion board.
No. 191305
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>>191283her face from that shoot. there's certainly something
off about it. whether it's allergy or fillers idk.
No. 191307
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existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
nouna damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
not an artificial, mechanical, electronic, synthetic or battery-operated allergy. allergies are biological, thereby natural. it's possible she had a natural face allergy which can vary from mild puffiness to grotesque swelling, and be caused by food, medication or travel.
No. 191315
>>191305Yeah it looks weird but it could be anything.. maybe she had her wisdom teeth taken out, maybe it was an allergy, why plastic surgery is the only answer?
No. 191337
>"…maybe she had her wisdom teeth taken out…" Seriously? Wisdom teeth removal on both sides of her cheeks and buccal packing to control the oozing on
both sides??
Geeeez. I didn't know Taytay is into some punishing dental work, kinda like a
50 Shades Of Dentistry …
"Oh, Denta-kun… check my molars and massage my gums!… Use your drill like you do your root canals!… I've been a very bad bad girl for not flossing!…" ROFLMAO!
No. 191341
>>191337Well yeah. Often when people have wisdom teeth removed, they have both sides done at the same time, especially if they are impacted behind bone and anesthesia is required. Easier to get them all out at once while the patient is under.
But the point anon is trying to make is that there are myriad possible causes for Tay's swollen face at that time. To jump immediately to cosmetic surgery or enhancements is stupid.
No. 191347
>>191303We are just saying there are many other possibilities, fillers are just an option.
Weight gain
Medication side effect
Wisdom teeth removed
Plastic surgery
Temporary fillers
One of the above + bad camera angle.
There's not enough evidence, so believe what you want, just stop sperging.
>>191344If she had temporary fillers and now they are gone, why is it important? what do you want to prove with that fillers discussion?
No. 191379
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>>191305Could this be bulimia cheeks, though?
No. 191391
>>191389Anon is asking if Taylor's swollen cheeks in
>>191305 could be a result of bulimia…the picture is an actual bulimic girl for reference.
No. 191409
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Are we really implying these "cheeks" are natural or caused by natural forces ? I think she did get them done but probably realized how fucking awful they looked and waited for them to go down and never got them again, or does but a lot less then before. She's white and like many white girls hallow cheeks tend to happen especially when thin. She probably just tops it up to keep a semi youthful face, but honestly cheek fillers aren't that big of a thing.
No. 191419
>>191229>I don't understand why she ruined her face :(Yeah, because you are not supposed to ever wash your makeup off, and temporay cheek fillers never wear off
Why are pullfags so invested in her? I get that she's pretty and lives in glorious nippon land and is rich, but seriously, it would be nice to discuss her videos and shit without someone always crying about plastic surgery or cheeks or #daddy'smoney or some other irrelevant shit.
And inb4 >but kota's thread!!1
Her thread with the nasolabial folds and omg chin is getting pretty tired too
No. 191443
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No. 191444
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>>191429I thought so too. Shes been talking more roughly and she was giving sharla an attitude (in one of the halloween videos, sharla saw taylors old pokemon beanie and taylor gave her such sideeye it was damn funny)
No. 191451
>>191446Kylie's lips are massiv and I don't believed for a second that that was just make up.
I still don't think she had lip fillers, they look way too wonky and small for me to believe.
But who cares, honestly.
No. 191476
>>191451Agreed, without makeup her lips are quite small and no different then before.
>>191471I think she was like just a little shorter then the required modelling height because she mentioned something like that in a video, and I believe it was the reason she took to Asia. No western place really wanted her .
No. 191515
>>191427>But stop fucking coming up with these ridiculous excusesOk sperg chan, pulltard, shaved jaw chan, fillers chan, whoever you are, read one more time:
We are just saying there are many other possibilities, fillers are just an option.
There's not enough evidence, so believe what you want, just stop sperging.
And you are just trolling here:
>Probably went to a new doctor. You don't ven know if she got fillers and now you tcome up woth doctor theories.
>I also feel like she's had lip fillers too.Ok What's next? Taylor is made with fillers? She was a man? Her "Chinese" bf is a rich banker AND her doctor?
No. 191521
>>191409Wow, I forgot how obvious it was in that video.
>>191471She's 5'8", but very lanky.
No. 191545
>>191525Those pants don't look like a large, they look like your average baggy boyish pants. Her boy friend must like tight shit or is a tiny man.
TBH I actually like her new found attitude compared to her no personality old self.
No. 191557
>>191524yeah Spergie squad is trying hard
First cheek fillers and now lip fillers too.
Rich and violent Chinese bf in Japan.
Dakota has a thread, Taylor deserves one too.
About Dakota's thread excuse for keeping this thread.. yes I know how annoying the discussions there can get, they keep talking about old shit but not all anons agree with them. I think if she stops doing that to her face, she can gain more positive opinions and support, just an opinion tho.
No. 191563
File: 1478023291980.png (227.18 KB, 387x400, Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 1.57…)

>>191546Oh god, I just visualized that face Sharla makes everytime she thinks something is "soo good".
No. 191566
>>191563Sharla: That's so goood.
Taylor: Goo~d giiirl Sharla gooood giiirl.
ok NO. I don't know what I just put in your minds now.
No. 191582
>>191519Not that anon, but I also had cheek and other fillers. You pay by syringe and it can range from 250-500 per syringe depending on whether there's a discount.
Looks like Taylor asked for one syringe per cheek to top up, which is extreme. My face often swells up just 1-2 days after getting fillers, just like in that video. It starts to normalize after 3 days though. Other parts of the face vary in swelling. Lips for example can be a lot.
No. 191602
>>191515I love this thread because it makes people flip their shit on either end of the spectrum.
People have speculated on crazier shit with other cows, but for whatever reason getting fillers seriously
triggers people in Taylor's thread.
No. 191617
>>191610Nah I've seen some crazy as shit speculated about other cows that people jump on, and even if others disagree it never devolves like it does in Tay's thread.
Its fun to watch this thread.
No. 191618
>>191603No, because fillers are instant and not too painful. You can walk out of the clinic and go back to whatever you were doing.
Same for botox on the masseters, two little pin pricks. The only pain was a week or two of weird soreness.
No. 191670
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>>191569I wasn't picturing her any where near Taylor's face…
No. 191675
>>191618I don't really care about pain, but I do care if it looks natural. I think I'm too use to seeing people who went to far and they look scary.
>>191670Dare I ask where you were ….
No. 191682
>>191640 stay forever salty and paranoid, sperg chan 2.0.
>>191641No thanks, Marina Joyce's case is fucking cancer, and many people here is annoyed to death of those conspiracy theories everywhere.
No. 191725
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No. 191752
>>191727This photo is from her HK era, but please decide, she got her fillers/botox/surgery after she moved to Japan or before that?
She had big cheeks when she was a kid so maybe she gets big cheeks when she gains some weight, body fat distribution differs from person to person.
No. 191767
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>>191750The spergs go hard I wouldn't be suprised if they did.I don't understand why if she got fillers or not matters so much,someone enlighten me
No. 191780
>>191676What exactly is the topic though farmhand
Taylor thread topics are mainly:
-speculation about her boyfriend
-her plastic surgery
-her dog
-her hair
-she used to look so much better before ____
No. 191821
File: 1478050337623.jpg (117.23 KB, 920x620, IMG_9946.JPG)

Here, have some more old pics
No. 191828
>>191283>>191315Guys it was probably a perfectly natural allergy that only effected the lower half of her face but not her eyes or the rest of her body at all.
also she probably had her wisdom teeth removed that day, at the age of 30.
also it was lights and shadows even though everyone else looks normal.
No. 191836
>>191752Like this
>>191409 ?
Yea, sure, she claimed she gained weight but looks actually thinner then her HK days except for her face that randomly bloats and gains weight. Plus what fucking kid 12 and under doesn't have a baby face especially when their fucking fat like she was.
No. 191855
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This entire thread must be a troll
There's no way people are purposely making low quality posts on purpose
No. 191917
>>191828What part of "Plastic surgery is a possibility, so believe what you want" you didn't understand?
Make a timeline if you want.
>>191856Spergies coming from PULL most likely.
No. 193052
>>193012This is cringe, anyone just stumbling onto the video will be like wtf.
Give it a week or two and this "phase" will be over with, like the others before it.
No. 193073
>>193012This quirky "self-awareness" she possesses in this video would be cute except it seems really forced and makes it obvious she lurks. Cmon Tay, if you wanna stick it to the haterz address the fillers.
I do really like her style in this, though. I'm a sucker for contemporary 90s fashion. I just wish she'd drop the weeb makeup and circle lenses.
No. 193074
>>193012I liked that vlog. She's a bit cringy sometimes, but I have to admit that I liked how she addressed the money thing. I mean, yeah she admitted she lurks this site (or PULL, or both) addressing that topic, but at least she tried to make it in a funny way and didn't play the victim card ("waaah the hate sites say I'm a rich gurl that spends daddy's money waaah bullieees!!1!").
I don't find her "new" personality sassy, just a bit sarcastic, like any adult.
No. 193125
>>193012"spending sharla's money"
lol what, people would think its the other way around
No. 193152
>>193150Yeah this is way more likely than her lurking here or PULL
BTW, PULL's being hilariously salty about a this. They are also certain she's talking exclusively to them and calling her bitchy and whining about her not being able to take "constructive criticism". It's great.
No. 193156
>>193052You're like one of the people on PULL hate-masturbating to her vids.
You honestly seem sexually aroused by your dislike of her.
No. 193188
>>193169I thought it was because she "copied" Kotex. I'm not really sure, as I never read anything of substance, but that's what spergies have been on about for forever despite her having her own different style these days and Kotex falling into obscurity.
I think it's mostly poor fag hate and Kiki, but the two aren't mutually exclusive.
No. 193252
>>193235Okay sperg
>>193012Taylor's new personality makes me feel so awkward. It feels forced, more forced than her kawaii doll act surprisingly.
No. 193257
>>193012no matters whose money it is, i'm still jelly sometimes lol
she buys whatever the fuck she wants. good for her i guess
No. 193267
>>193257Meh Im not really jelly because I shop as much as her too tbf. I dont pay rent, I work two jobs + grant money from university so I just buy whatever I want.
Tay and me would be besties tbh I understand her greed and obsession with buying shit. Im the same.
>>193299lol no.
was the lipstick colour satire though.
No. 193307
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No. 193392
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Not super interesting but guess who commented on Simon and Martina's most recent vid? They did a segment in it about how they deal with mean comments.
No. 193406
>>193398I don't think she's ever really lurked PULL. It's more likely someone told her about the "exposing" and she found it creepy that a bunch of strangers were nitpicking her life.
Elbow-san came from the youtube comments afaik. PULL was calling him "Tripod-san".
No. 193554
>>193543Well, thats the main problem with Taylor threads. Theres a large number of whiteknights that just squat in here. Things farmers would normally rag on other cows for, even if its something small that we're not even making that big of a deal about, it gets shouted down instantly.
The weird thing is you don't see so many whiteknights in other threads, which makes me think most of them are farmers. So, you're here to shit on other people, but for some reason you stop being a petty drama-mongering bitch just for Taylor?
No. 193572
>>193543>I like Taylor and all,but would you say the same shit if Kim or sharla did it? No, actually I don't care, this is not because we are talking about Taylor, Sharla or Kim. I don't like nitpicking or extreme conspiracy theories in general, I think anons are just impatient and come up with silly discussions and nitpick on small details instead of waiting for something more interesting to happen.
>>193554>The weird thing is you don't see so many whiteknights in other threads, which makes me think most of them are farmers. So, you're here to shit on other people, but for some reason you stop being a petty drama-mongering bitch just for Taylor?This was sperg chan logic, but ok.
Not every anon here is the same, just take that into consideration.
No. 193631
>>193536You think it's a weeb quality to think acting like a retard in public is embarrassing/rude?
Why are you on lolcow if you get pissy when people judge youtubers, anon?
No. 193655
pot calling the kettle black
No. 193656
pot calling the kettle black
No. 194002
>>193990What time?I don't see anything unless you're talking about that white thing,it's probably because she shifted her camera.Also arms wobble sometimes….it's normal lol.
>>193997He's not comfortable being on camera and she just wants to respect his privacy which I completely understand.
No. 194017
>>193988I just checked pull, couldn't even get through all of it. I don't understand what they're so mad about. Just a bunch of "She's boring!"
okay you're still writing legit paragraphs about her and watching her videos though.
No. 194022
File: 1478367127806.png (463.59 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2016-11-05-03-21-37…)

>>194017Pulltards make fake accounts on YT pretending to be a very upset and disappointed fan, they comment things like "the Taylor we love isn't like this" then post screenshots of their own fake YT and IG accounts in PULL, their saltiness is fun to watch.
No. 194030
File: 1478368580160.png (698.03 KB, 720x1113, Screenshot_2016-11-05-11-36-55…)

Aw sweet pulltard here on duty, letting the world know she looked different, YEARS ago, because according to their logic people shouldn't change through the years, her offended "fans" from PULL deserve an apology.
No. 194055
>>194017fuck it's been a very long time since my last visit on PULL but why are these people so mad?? They act like it's just all against them, to make them mad and salty woow They act like they get forced on a daily basis jesus christ.
At this point I hope that taylor continues with her current mood and "sassy" attitude until these PULL idiots explode.
No. 194093
>>194081because english isn't their native language. and judging by their constant kpop stanning i'd say they're indonesian/malaysian and like 13-17. probably unironically use the xD face on their private facebook. making fun of taylor's face implying they don't all look like shit themselves lmao. i mean i think it really does have to come from jealousy/insecurity. you'd have to be trying
very hard to fulfill a personal vendetta to convince yourself she actually looks bad in this
>>194030 photo lmao
No. 194100
>>194093This actually makes perfect sense.
They're not retards. Just foreign children jealous of a pretty white girl and all her money. I mean the insults they throw are pathetic and cringey. I can't imagine any of them coming home from a steady job to engage in the "discussions" they've got going on there.
No. 194121
>>194093>>194100I don't think so. Don't Southeast Asians openly fawn over white celebs and models and admit they're jealous?
The posters on PULL sound like POC SJWs from America.
No. 194122
>>194104Oh god, this made me crack up. I forgot about those shitty Neopets.
Some have slipped up and posted pictures of themselves. Not all are "foreigners" some of them are white girls from Florida … ( which isn't any better though ). A lot of the Taylor commenters seem to be from HK though. They were talking about creeping her meet up when she went back to HK.
No. 194273
>>194208here's the thing though: People DO change? No one is obligated to like that. Also if these people are SOOOO knowledgeable about what she needs to do to 'make it' then why are they a bunch of whiny nobodies? Also even if there were good suggestions? Why wade through an ocean of shit to find a piece of candy?
>arguments about taylor's current stateOh yeah she's got it so rough moving in with her boyfriend, doing what she wants with her life, still getting work when she wants to do it, and generally seeming really happy. Oof yeah a bunch of people who have nothing better to do that nitpick her who has never done anything worthy of calling it milk totally have a say in where she is in her life.
No. 194282
>>194200That's because for whatever reason some anons here strongly dislike that site, it's best to not just take their opinion as fact and to judge the site just for yourself.
Pull isn't all that different from lolcow both sites have comments that are either just constructive criticism, useless nitpicking, whiteknighting, sperg hating, etc.
No. 194303
>>194121Agreed it's POC SJWs and ugly weebs.
>>194030Is she actually saying she's ugly here lmao. I guarantee no one on PULL is even close to as attractive as any of Taylor's ugly weeb friends let alone Taylor.
No. 194306
>>194254Taylor's personality discussions on PULL are hilarious, now they say she s depressed and that's why she's acting sassy lol
>>194282Many anons here strongly dislike PULL because they are convinced what they do is necessary and that they are doing some kind of social justice and saving girls by exposing evidence of photoshop, plastic surgery and the "lies" of other famous girls on the internet when they are actually just bitching and spreading rumours and conspiracy theories everywhere but justify them saying it's
constructive criticism LOL
No. 194412
>>194306I didn't mind Pull but now its just gone to complete shit even more after the mods and owner switched. I don't get how " sugar daddy" is more likely then just " well off boyfriend" to them. They're so fucking salty that to them it must be the worse case scenario for everything Tay related. "she's depressed" "she abuses her dog" "permanently fucked her face up" "defo a sugar daddy" "multiple sugar daddies" "selfish" "super vain" …
>>194361Even if wrong about Koots situation the theory made more sense and was more believable for her to have a SD then Taylor. Koot's isn't getting any job and doesn't work outside of that. Taylor occasionally models,does sponsors,acting and Youtube yet they're hell bent on her having one.
No. 194831
>>194030are you implying taylor hasn't had surgery? lol
she has but that doesn't mean she aint cute
No. 194912
>>194831unless you have 100% proof take it somewhere else. Shitting up this thread that she ~might~ have had something done is boring.
Give us proof before saying shit like this. Annoying.
No. 195034
File: 1478545782085.png (202.7 KB, 720x1012, Screenshot_2016-11-07-12-34-15…)

SarahSenpai's comments on PULL (one of the sperg chan's accounts on PULL)
No. 195035
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No. 195037
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No. 195039
>>195037What the fuck is wrong with sperg-chan? I've never really looked into their posts too much but this is just crazy and obsessive. I wish we would just ban Taylor's thread again just to annoy them, to be honest, kek
(But seriously, this is a scary. This person clearly has an unhealthy obsession and probably needs help in some way or another).
No. 195041
>>195039Yep and this shit was allowed to go on for awhile. This freak also obsessively harassed people over pm who disagreed with them. They were only banned when they started getting nasty with other posters. And the retarded thread they made was allowed to remain. In fact it's still there.
That is the depth of PULL's hatred. They actually sided with Kaka.
No. 195044
>>195042I would guess it's because Taylor managed to get a quite big following because of her channel and kind of "replaced" Kota, since she does pretty much nothing anymore.
But who knows, I don't get it either.
No. 195052
>>1949681. nothing wrong with a Scorpio
2. caring about astrology in 2016 kek
3. All this video proves is that Taylor is a very loving girlfriend towards her boyfriend
4. >possibly Trans - first of all KEK second of all, in the 0.1% chance he could be, whats wrong with that?
No. 195056
>>195054yes because being born in November 100% makes you a shitty person
grow up
No. 195071
>>195059Yeah, it doesn't matter really.
Sage because diary: one of my friends was a catalogue model (in the US) and made a lot of money and years later she still has savings from it. Could it be that Taylor just saved her money well while working as a model?
It's not impossible, I think.
But sorry, that doesn't really contribute. I just don't think she's dependent on her boyfriend.
No. 195113
>>195058>>195103nice bait
nice try
No. 195407
>>194968Yo I can't even hate on her dude
She's the lesser of all evils, and even bought a child and his baby sister clothing and toys.
No. 195501
>>195479if her agency wanted to control her so much i feel like they would have a part in the vlogs, like their name/logo etc. I mean if they went through so much effort to change her they would want their name to be branded on her. I still dont know the same of her agency. Shes not some big brand name celebrity so I really dont see them putting effort into something like that outside of photo shoots or promotional stuff.
It seems outside of Photo shoots Taylor can do whatever she wants (like you said the hair will be controlled, along with body/weight etc) they probs dont really care as long as shes not going extreme like filming drug abuse or something like that. She maybe had to ask them before she started vlogging seriously?
idk, just my 2 cents.
No. 195513
>>195481i know its old to compare her and dakota but you can really see which one is the actual model? Its ridiculous how amazing Taylor's posing is in comparison to koots old popteen shoots??? idk.
Idk i like Taylors new 'idgaf' stage? I love how before people were like 'omg shes so fake acting happy all the time' but now that shes being sassy and having more fun the same people are like 'oh we're FINALLY getting to her with our mean comments' i'll never get what those of yall are thinking.
sage for taylor stanning
No. 195590
>>195513I instantly compared her to Koot's lolita shoots.. Soo much prettier and better at posing then Koots is.
I hope Kaka is foaming at the mouth seeing this.
No. 195604
>>195513She is not being 'sassy'. The way she is talking/acting simply comes of as rude, especially if you're no longer a teenager.
A few days ago people were speculating if her boyfriend is not good for her, because she seemed down or insecure about what she is doing, but has she ever said anything nice about him?! Only telling him off about keeping his underwear laying around etc. It's definetly not easy living with somebody, who is making daily videos for a living, but her attitude on top of that, must be exhausting.
No. 195664
>>195604>The way she is talking/acting simply comes of as rudeAnd here you are, talking shit and making theories about everything related to her lol
You are just
So why dont you take off that "offended fan" mask and deal with it? Sassy Taylor is natural, no one is positive and bright sided all the fucking time.
No. 195712
>>195706I actually really liked seeing her real skin! I have a soft spot for Youtubers who show themselves with absolutely no makeup, spots and messy hair and all.
Anyway I'm loving this sassy Taylor. It's refreshing to watch imo
No. 195716
>>195667I don't know what the hell she was thinking when she did that… she also thought Taylor was lolcow's admin, I'm pretty sure girl, if that were the case, Jvloggers thread or the whole site would have disappeared long time ago.
An anon pointed out "SarahSenpai" could be for B4by (kittyphina) a kota clone, they see clones as some kind of threat, but most of those girls genuinely like Dakota…
No. 195725
>>195722Yeah, well, I remember admin confirmed it with PULL admin, she also had some other accounts for downvoting stuff..
But honestly I think all flakes have at least 1 account there.. maybe ALL of them lurk/comment/downvote there and here.
No. 195785
>>195664I'm simply stating that i find her way of talking rude. Maybe it's because i'm not a native speaker, so it does come across differently to me.
>Sassy Taylor is natural, no one is positive and bright sided all the fucking time.So you think a 180° character change is 'natural'…?
No. 195793
>>195785I don't see it as a 180. More like she toned down the overtly kawaii lifestyle and got into a more comfortable one. I mean just by seeing her vlogs now she seems more calm and open about her life, well the things she can be open about.
Not related to that, but I loved seeing her Lolita shoot vlog. I honestly thought that was the path dakotas YouTube would take instead of the boring "vlogs".
Sage for tay stanning
No. 196246
if anyone's interested, you can see just HOW MANY of the posts bashing taylor were kiki aka sperg-chan all along.'s hilarious to see just how hard she tried to act like different people hating on taylor. obsessive and fucking hilarious. glad this psychotic cunt got exposed.
No. 196293
>>195604I actually feel the same… but i guess thats just how she is?
I think she's a pretty "cool" girlfriend you can hang out with, watch a movie n stuff. Her bf seems pretty chill. Kinda like a simple guy. If i were him i'd be annoyed as heck with her endless filming and shopping sprees :D
No. 196376
wow not everyone likes Taylor and not everyone is Kiki. I don't see why it's so hard to understand.
No. 196460
>>196442never heard of kiki being physically violent though. imo there's no chance of this, she's an all-bark-no-bite person and has said many times she believes people are out to get
her. once even saying that she got into fight mode because a woman called out to her while she walking in the street, turned out she only wanted to ask about her shoes.
No. 196489
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>>196442Yeah, most of what Kiki posted is just stupid jealous sperging but some of it is seriously psychotic.
No. 196506
>>196460tbh it's kind of understandable considering all the shit Kaka went through when she was younger. I think she got fucked up over all that.
>>196442I'm sure some of the other jvloggers read here. One of them should tell her.
No. 196524
>>196463>who cares kaka is not gonna kill her you are so ridiculous wthit doesn't mean things could never escalate. the nature of mental illness is that anything
could happen. there's ups and there's downs. kiki went batshit insane spamming a board with mutilated genitals because people wouldn't let her talk shit on a forum about some girl she's jealous of. that's a disturbed person. the dedication and lengths she's gone to over something so fucking
trivial shows she's psychotic. she's on disability and it's not for her spine. she's on disability because she's mentally ill. that's!! pretty bad!!!
>>196506yeah no doubt some of them do lurk. i'm sure they've told her already that's true.
it's not that i'm implying kiki is gonna take a plane and come and kill taylor and that we all need to call the cops or anything. i just hope taylor's wary.
No. 196543
>>196524well you are right about that, how many posts she created saying the same crazy nonsense amazed me…
but i think taylor really knows about this place and the other jvlogs do too so. . maybe she knows but doesn't care ?? like kaka has not enough money to go there anyway
well but who knows with thay crazy bitch
No. 196572
>>196376How is this related to what I asked?Get a diary.
>>196524Kaka is disturbed I wouldn't be surprised if she pulled some shit on Taytay.
No. 196911
>>196838I think Taylor knows but has a lot of stalkers as it is.
She's probably more worried about neckbeards in Tokyo who might physically go after her if she dared to ride transit, than a psycho in Florida that she'll never see.
No. 197044
File: 1478917845313.jpg (226.03 KB, 720x720, 20161111_202714.jpg)

Above: confirmed Sperg chan
Below: sperg in this thread*
No. 197867
>>197849I get you, I can even understand why people like that behavior. I dunno, I used to give her shit for time lapses and drones every other video, but I'd take that over the unboxing of boxes and rolling around Ikea stuff.
Like when she actually went through what she organized, I like that. I don't even mind bloopers at the end like she did today, but I dunno, maybe I'm just picky.
No. 197957
>>197946Haven't seen the vid yet, but she's always seemed fake to me.
Back in China doing her makeup tutorials with her normal voice… then a major switch (to the point that it took me a while to realize who it was) to ultra desu weeb with a sickeningly high voice, awful weeby dancing, and After Effects galore.
Not really surprised if she's changed again considering she's made changes that extreme before.
No. 198180
>>197833If that's the video with the thumbnail of riding on a cart with "YAAAAASSSS" written all over it I didn't even watch it.
I probably won't watch much until she cycles to another personality (doubt it can be worse than current one).
No. 198333
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I really thought Taylor was above coming onto sites like this or PULL but I guess not?
Maybe Kiki was right about Taylor. Anyways, I've been a Taylor stan this whole time defending her, but I think she rightfully deserves to be on here now.
No. 198338
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No. 198346
>>198333>I've been a Taylor stan this whole timeSure.
>>198344Just laugh, it's fun to watch pullfags burn when sassy Taykor attacks
>>198338 No. 198665
>>198074You can almost tell how hard that anon sperged out.
>>198333Hi Kakaroach <3.
>>198359I'm willing to bet they're spazzing out right now over her latest "sass".
No. 198764
>>198738Oh, pull the stick out of your arse. She's just having a bit of fun.
She only did it once in a spacey area where she wasn't getting in anyone's way.
You sound like a miserable killjoy.
No. 198767
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>>198338I honestly like how she's being woke and able to make fun of herself.
No. 198772
>>198768Yes, but she's not your friend, so pull them skiddies outta your crack, mate.
>>198767Yaaas, the fall look book ! I love fall fashion more then summer/spring, so it should be interesting to see what she puts together.
No. 198995
>>198874I'm not the same anon that told you to pull a stick out of your ass.. I just find complaining about something so trivial as " hiding in a bin full of balls" silly. She cleaned up behind herself and even took her shoes off. It'd be a different story if she left a mess for the staff to clean. As for any "well its gross", well don't cha wash shit before wearing/using it ? hundreds of people touch those items weekly .. Other then that, yes, it was childish.
shrugs>>198930I believe he said he doesn't mind inspiring people, but doesn't like copycats. Maybe Tay is testing her luck or doesn't think he'll take notice.
No. 199056
>>198995Hate to be the person to point it out again, but she's nearly 30! Normal people don't do that shit; little kids would be scolded by their parents for it…
Yes she did not break anything, cleaned up after herself, but still why did she need to do that in the first place, it's not being more happy, carefree or funny!
Just imagine being somewhere with your partner or simply a friend, that acts like that!
What she does is not bad or evil, but it's also not necessary, i simply don't understand why she behaves like that.
No. 199163
>>199098>I agree her hiding in that bin was really stupid. It's embarrassing to watch. It's not cute or funny.I'd do it. #Hidinginabinchallenge
No. 199164
>>199161They see me rollin
They hatin
Patrolling they tryin to catch me Hidin dirty
Tryin to catch me Hidin in a bin dirty
No. 199168
>>199086It's disrespectful.
Plus like others say she's too old to be doing it. If she was a 30yo black person doing that in Japan, I bet they'd call the cops on her.
No. 199181
>>199056Eh, maybe she's like Venus and her demographic is preteens/kids. Her content is very child friendly and has always had that sloppy preteen vibe to it.
>>199095It was a bin of balls … Calm your tits, anon. You act like she was smashing or breaking things. The only thing I frankly agree with is , yes, she is immature, but it's likely just an act for her young audience. ( at least I hope ).
No. 199188
>>199165>>199168i see kiki's back
>like others sayyou mean yourself lmao
No. 199189
me kissing casey's ass=/=sperg
come up with better replies
No. 199206
>>199204because all taylor HAS are stans. there's no milk. just pulltards and kiki who would put in the effort of nitpicking and crying over a 2 second footage of her in ikea that happened over 2 days ago. she could fart and they'd say it's inappropriate for her age and that they "miss the old taylor". you can never win with these retards because they'll find a way to demonize her no matter what because that's all they want is an excuse.
if mods could ban taylor threads once and for all that would be nice. all these threads do is encourage kiki's literal psychotic stalker ass to become more dangerously obsessed with her. let her stay on pull.
No. 199221
>>199190idk where you got the bin from I was talking about video aesthetics
No. 199222
>>199221probably has to do with the fact your original
>>199165 post was replying to this
>>199098 No. 199226
>>199219implying her obsession has miraculously disappeared and implying she can't just switch locations to do the same shit she's always done.
i love making fun of people who are actually trash. i'm gonna sound like such a fucking buzzkill but knowing this place just encourages someone who posted mutilated genitals and is on disability for being fucking psychotic has killed all the fun lmao. like how can anyone actually find it necessary to keep this thread around when the outcome has been so horrific already.
No. 199229
>>199222well clearly that was my mistake that I quoted the wrong post, however was it worth sperging as hard as you did?
My post still stands as legit criticism over the fact she imitates someone who has stated publicly he hates being imitated and discourages it
No. 199304
>>199301If she is getting them done in Tokyo, it's probably at an English-speaking clinic like Plaza or Azabu. They're 50,000-10,000 for 1cc depending on the type of filler and what promotion they're running.
Tbh it would likely be cheaper to have it done in your own country, or if you must go abroad then go to Korea.
No. 199345
So much maturity going on in a board dedicated to shooting the shit and laughing at cows—none here though, unless you consider the users that are trying to act high and mighty over dumb shit.
I've just seen the video and holy fuck, some of you really know how to make mountains out of molehills. Getting in the bin for the video was stupid, but you have no clue what happened afterwards (as in, she could've put them back in the bin). Some of you act like maintaining fixtures/racks/etc. is not part of your retail job. Newsflash: it is you faggots.
>>199333Pretty sure anyone passing by would see the camera and realize a video is being filmed. And her doing that was obviously for the video, as was her charging towards the IKEA. Do you really think she's going to do any of those things on any given day, just cause, no camera?
No. 199354
>>199345even if it's obvious she is shooting a video, it doesn't justify the stupidity of it.
Isn't a vlog supposed to basically be a video about your normal daily life?
No. 199397
>>199301you absolutely do not need to go to Japan to get that procedure done lol
it would be far wiser to have it done in your own country, where the doctors are more familiar with the face shape of your own race and there is no language barrier. it's not something you need to travel for - the results you get will be the same where ever you go, so long as you go to a highly trained professional.
No. 199452
>>199250There was speculation that Kaka was moving before any of this. Is it possible she sperged out before moving because she new she'd have a new address soon to come back with ?
So there is still a possibility she's back ? ( I suspect that she's on Pull though. There is a lot of new members that joined and only comment/bitch on the Tay thread from when I last checked )
No. 199457
>>199333Cool story, so just because you and your friends aren't doing it nobody can? Honestly I'm not even a Taylor stan or anything, but the nitpicking in this thread is incredible. She wasn't disturbing anyone while fooling around, no harm done so who cares?
Some of the anons commenting on here just sound old and bitter, because they'd probably love to have some stupid fun, but won't do it because "society tells me that when I'm over 25 I can't have fun anymore".
No. 199465
>>199354I'm not justifying the stupidity of it, I'm saying she's acting that way for a short "comedy" clip in her video, and it's null to talk about her ~not acting her age~ when she's merely doing it for a skit.
>Isn't a vlog supposed to basically be a video about your normal daily lifeA vlog can be about a lot of things, it's not just documenting your daily life. I'm sure you can tell there are differences between documentaries like "Life" and "Into the Abyss." Is intense music actually playing in the background of events? No. Just because you're telling a story about something doesn't mean it has to be static. It's still an entertainment medium that is being used to communicate one's thoughts/opinions/feelings/life/etc.
No. 199478
>>199465>even if it's obvious she is shooting a video, it doesn't justify the stupidity of it.Damn you are bitter.
Go to her YT channel and complain there, pretty sure she reads and answers comments.
No. 199512
>>199457I'm just trying to say that even i'm a lot younger than her, it would be too childish to me.
Of course she can have fun, but most people above the age of 10, find different ways to amuse themselves…
I don't even think she truely enjoys acting that way, she just thinks it makes her more "quirky"
No. 199764
>>199556Idk wtf you're talking about but it ain't me mate.
>>199512Ok, you're lost in translation or just fucking stupid. She's not doing that to amuse herself, it's for the sake of her video. What can't you understand about that? And you can't just make sweeping assumptions of all people based on your own subjective experience/opinion. You honestly sound like you need to grow up. Turning 20 doesn't automatically grant you the gift of ~maturity~, or your definition of it.
No. 199805
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>>199512>doesn't know how to spell truly>claims to be matureKa ka ka kill yourself my friend
No. 199900
>>199764Really, cause the same person kept calling people mate to be condescending. Sounds kind of familiar.
Drop the fucking subject already. We get it
No. 199918
>>199900Fucking kek. Take an internet break. Mate is used in like every chan, so…..
And you could easily drop it except you want to feel right about something; just stfu already you whiny cunt, and sage your autism.
No. 199930
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>>199864It's actually from my samsung phone you l33t haxx0r
No. 200163
>>195706Oh yes, she's prettier than dakota by a landslide even despite her "big face" (what a stupid thing to bully someone about btw, she does not have a big face, she's tall but even for a tall person her face is pretty small. Dakota has a permanently bloated damaged face that she has to photoshop thinner because she's lazy and tacky.
>>195712She's the exact opposite of dakota lol. I don't even hate dakota, I just hate how she edit herself to be "perfect" when she ends up looking like a wax figure of an alien. It's gross.
No. 200390
>>200300Porker is a little harsh but she looks like that, you can get a pretty good idea watching videos not recorded by her, for example that live stream she did with the game theory guys some days ago.
I think she has lost weight, or at least her face looks different if you watch 5-6 months old videos.
No. 200409
>>200404Ha i a
Ways think the same! She does have a good sense in fashion but somehow fails to combine the pieces very well… considering the fact that she's a model i always wondered why she was so bad at styling.
I love when she wears more "cool" and fitted clothes than those weird chunky sweaters and those tacks chunky grandma dresses with the oversized puffed sleeves.
No. 200438
>>200300Yep reminds me of those vegans who eat nothing but pasta and fatty sugary shit all the time. You can deffo have fat vegans.
Poor sharla, I wouldn't say she's fat more like chunky/overweight but for japan she must stand out a lot.
No. 200785
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Taylor just retweeted this lol
No. 200968
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>>200942just like taylor's chuck e cheese animatronic face. they both look like they belong in five nights at freddy's
No. 201493
>>200083Same anon
>>199940 I'm not Taylor dumb ass.
No. 201790
>>201676No, fucking hilarious idea. I'd love to see Koot's salty as fuck that someone looks closer to her shoops then her.
The Vlogg could be called : Trash vs Class as Koots looks dumpy even more by the day.
No. 202172
>>201895Mira would just go behind her back and be a bitch before correcting Taylor on "buh thats not Japanese enough!" ugh. Id end up punching her.
>>201790Kooter would just stand there giving her evils with that bitch smile she did on get it beauty in korea while Taylor does all the talking on camera. It wouldn't work out. Kaka would be on Line fast as a motherfucker asking Kooter about Tay and they would be catty as fuck.
>>202149Victor… well. I can picture them walking around together talking and Victor would just be a fucking pervert as usual. Shouting and shit in the street.
No. 202176
>>201669Venus has the common sense despite acting like a total thick cunt on camera to stay away from other Jvloggers. Not keen on the girl but glad she isn't involved with them nutters.
>>201868Audrey would probably be throwing her kid around in the video and I can't deal with another pile of "HOW TO GET AN ASIAN MAN" videos or "ASIAN MAN / WHITE WOMAN MARRIAGE" videos because its just weeb shit.
No. 202467
>Kooter would just stand there giving her evils with a bitch smile >Id end up punching Mira.>Audrey would probably be throwing her kid around in the video (wut?) >acting like a total thick cunt on camera >Victor would just be a fucking pervert as usualanon, are you.. angry?
No. 202470
>>202467I dont even know anymore anon
Jvloggers frustrate me hence why i dont watch them anymore
No. 202661
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Screenshot dump incoming 1/4
No. 202662
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No. 202674
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No. 202675
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Seems Taylor's just as guilty for hiding her age as Dakota
No. 202765
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I love how that KIGGU (you?) is pretending to be a fan just to post her age there lol
"K", No profile pic? LOL
Nice try pulltard.
No. 203036
File: 1479922377542.jpg (22.46 KB, 574x313, Screenshot_20161123-173004_1.j…)

Taken from her latest vlog.
What gave her the idea that this eye makeup was cute? It's quite terrifying.
No. 203075
>>203061This is her personal style.
When she gets a job, they usually take care of her makeup, and sometimes they let models keep their own makeup style, Dakota is an example of that.
Use logic.
No. 203078
>>203055Namidabukuro puffy eyes makeup is a trend in Japan.
I hate it, but is a trend.
No. 203080
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>>203055I mean it's a trend in Japan in general. Just like the ugly heavy blush under the eye thing.
But yeah, Taylor is going a bit far with it in the new video and it looks creepy lol.
No. 203097
>>203087Maybe she doesn't care that much anymore.
She is already 28, she has a serious relationship, her yt channel, those are probably her priorities now, she gets at least 100k+ per video, she earns good money.
Last time someone asked her what she was doing in Japan she answered vlogging and shopping (that was a joke, anon).
No. 203098
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>>203085But that's just cus most Japanese girls wear lashes with heavier make up because their lashes are usually short. Taylor is wearing eyeliner too, and eye shadow under, just like this girl. Just much more extreme tbh.
No. 203112
>>203108It is shitty, but what can you do to fix that, anon?
Please, enlighten me.
No. 203150
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>>203120I think so too. I randomly decided to watch some of her old videos last night and I think the makeup she did when she started living in Japan suited her much better, pic related.
No. 203240
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>>203036>>203150I actually think that the puffy undereye thing works for Taylor, despite looking like shit on most white people. I think that it's because she somehow doesn't have (or is good at hiding) undereye darkness.
Cause most white people have some level of undereye darkness, sallowness or eyebags, and that's what makes drawing on aegyo sal look stupid imo. Like extra eye bags on top of the existing ones. But I don't think it looks too bad without eyebags.
I would really like to know if she just naturally has no undereye hollows, or if she does then what the heck she does with her makeup to hide it.
No. 203268
>>203240Jesus fuck, that girl looks like a fucking witch… just missing the mole.
I personally think it makes her eyes look like vags. It probably could suit her if she toned it down a little and didn't over exaggerate them so much.
No. 203280
>>203114>constructive improvement Seriously, Taylor does not read here.
I don't even care about the eye makeup what bothers me is the incorrect foundation shade. She needs either a shade warmer and/or darker.
No. 203333
>>203268Agreed, they look like puffy vaginas, if she didn't highlight them and wore eyeliner she would look so much better.
>>203240Also I believe it is just the structure of her face, she has natural fat under her eyes that makes them look like that so it's kind of redundant for her to add them with makeup and make herself look worse. Unless she had fillers or something, but I think it's just she has a baby face. Look at the amount of fat under her skin and her skull shape compared to himezawa, and they're like the same age?
No. 203465
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Has anybody ever checked the looktay tag? This makeup does not look good on anybody.
No. 203472
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just found this video. she looks EXACTLY like tumblr era Dakota 2011/2012. except more real.
No. 203474
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>>203472She makes a better dakota than dakota does because she actually looks cute.
That must hurt. Poor dakooter.
No. 203528
>>203511Anon, it is just makeup, you can remove that. Why do people have to be ~natural~ all the time? BORING. I never cared about Kota eyes or Taylor eyes, they can look shitty sometimes but it is just MAKEUP.
Embrace your natural beauty MY ASS then no one should wear makeup.
No. 203659
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To be honest I think Taylor is gorgeous without makeup especially, I really wish she'd go natural more often.
No. 203712
>>203697I don't even know your waifu anon kek
This is Tay's thread. If you want to talk about weenoos, she has a thread in /b/.
No. 204024
>>203659Me too, I'd kill to look that pretty naturally with no makeup.
She's acknowledged the comments that say she looks better without make up, but she said she just enjoys wearing it along with her circle lenses, which is fair enough. If she likes the way she looks with it, then why not.
No. 204379
She's made a halloween makeup video while sitting on the other side of the room ( which for obvious reasons people complained ). Taylor ignores all comments asking/suggesting a makeup tutorial despite its the most requested thing. It honestly makes no sense since she has done close ups of her face, and showed what she uses and does on Sharla's face. ( Maybe she feels awkward about showing people her weird process of applying eyelid glue when she's a white girl … who already has double eyelids.. )
No. 204683
>>204680Nice house, but she could have done with out the weird phoney acting.
Am I greedy for hoping this
triggers Kaka.. ?
No. 204686
>here is the spare bedroom aka Sharla's bedroomlol
I really like her house tho. It will def look really nice with some more decoration. A bit jelly of the cozy living room and kitchen area - so nice.
No. 204699
>>204696Wanted to continue from what I last posted but damn, I look at her life and compare her to mine and other jvloggers and it's like two diff worlds. I don't relate with her at all. I feel like other jvloggers try to keep up with her especially Sharla and Kim. Tay has always been rich and gorgeous. She's beautiful even in western standards, she probably has japanese people drop their jaw on her on a daily basis considering how Rachel used to talk about how people used to stop her to tell her she was beautiful and exotic. She's a white model in Japan for godsake, IMO she deserves a millionaire japanese bf who's actually pretty cool. I can see how Kaka and Kota would kill to be her.
Side note: biggest japanese house tour I've ever seen from a vlogger.
No. 204739
>>204736pretty much. they can't stand that someone could be so rich, pretty, kind and talented without having some evil snowflake quality. they've been making fun of her for so long
waiting for her to reveal herself to be a snowflake in some way but nope. ain't happening. i went from finding her boring to genuinely liking her after finding her on lolcow. like imagine how little of a snowflake you have to be lmao.
No. 204746
>>204736This is why I never understood the lolcow rthreads on her. I'm certainly jealous of how rich and pretty she is, but I also like watching her videos because she's a nice and helpful person. I'd love to have a life like she does. But I don't scorn her for it. It inspires me to work harder.
Some people just take their jealously and turn it to hatred
No. 204751
>>204736Yeah, I get being jealous, we all do it, but I myself can't be hatefully jealous of someone like Taylor who is actually such a nice and genuine person.
A person as kind and as harmless as her doesn't really deserve to have people talk so much shit about them and have people nitpick little petty things that they do.
The only reason she's talked about here and on PULL is because she lives in Japan and 'copied Dakota's look' once a few years ago. If she didn't fit into those two categories, she wouldn't have the shit ripped out of her by bitter weebs.
No. 204756
>>204744Lol exactly
Dakota's tour was tacky despite her apartment being nice as it is but obviously she felt threatened. Im surprised she hasn't bitched to Mr. Takawaki to help her get a house and new furniture to flaunt off on her channel, use awfully bright lightning and edit herself into an oblivion with bad arcade animu pop playing in the background like her last pile of shit.
Taylors is nice and Im quite similar to her within taste/cute department. Its a nice mesh of minimalism and cuteness! Its nice to see and fair play to her having a fancy house. This is why I work hard myself to have nice things and do well in life. I do a little bit of modelling myself just for fun so putting pride in yourself, making an effort even when you dont want to is hard enough. Taylor just keeps it nice with her scruffy but fashionable bun, cute quick outfit and just tells everything like it is in her video.
Im not a major Tay fan but I quite like her. She's more genuine than half the other twats in Japan parading on Youtube. If I had what she had lol Id show off too.
No. 204784
>>204736I feel like part of it is also because their stuck in the dark age. ( Where no "living doll" was a good person so all must be evil ) Like some people feel convinced you can't be that pretty/dolly/rich and living in Japan and not evil. Part of me sorta understands it with girls like Dakota,Margo,Kiki,Valeria,Wylona and Berry being such narcs or manipulative people.
So jealousy and denial.
No. 204842
>>204805I forgot how much of a huge weeb she used to be.
I know her style changes a lot but it was a huge change from kawaii princess desu to that 90s little boy style.
No. 204910
>>204907Thing is, the timing (living doll era and post kooter dolly) and her being rich already a model anyway gave her a post to get where she is now tbf.
Saved her starting from scratch
No. 204911
>>204907I've never seen her dancing videos, they're hilarious. I enjoy her current content, though.
Sage because everyone else probably already knows them.
No. 206126
>>205913Jesus, isn't it against their rules or something to try and find out where people live ? and after all that Kaka drama they're going to make it easier for Kaka to stalk/harass her ?
TF is wrong with them. . . They're just as obsessed as Kaka.
No. 206153
>>205913I've been over on PULL because there is actually some discussion/screenshots (not about the address) rather than pure ass kissing like here and nobody there is about or wants to dox her.
That's crazy kiwi-stuff?
No. 206378
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>>206341Different anon here.
They do try..
No. 206407
>>206383Indeed, and she never said anything in the first place about buying the house or where its at. Kinda feel sad for her that people are being so cynical about her having money. There are so many Youtubers that flaunt off how much they have and actually brag, yet Taylor doesn't brag or rub it in and receives hate.
>>206378What video was this on/ what did the original comment say ?
No. 206484
>>206471Funny someone just posted this comment almost verbatim on PULL.
I guess I don't understand why it matters so much where her money comes from.
If had to venture a guess, I'd say like for most adults, it's complicated. It's probably can't be boiled down to only "elderly sugar-daddy" or "spoiled princess" as much as PULL users would like it to be.
She has said that she saved and invested her modeling money. She did a bunch of high end commercial modeling in HK. Also it seems like she and her boyfriend combined their finances like a lot of long term couples do. So really who knows.
No. 206507
>>206471Tbh it's just her life and lifestyle, I don't see her flying economy only to come off as less.. flaunty? It's not like she makes remarks about the "rich" things she does - they're just there.
Although, I do feel that she's kinda hiding behind it all, pretending to live such a happy life with such a great perfect house. She sometimes comes off as a bit too perfectly painted.
No. 206511
>>206471I don't think Taylor owes it to anyone, especially strangers on the internet, to reveal her source of income.
It's really no one's business except hers and the people she's close to/her family.
No. 206513
>>206493so… #daddysmoney again?
Event in HK was sponsored.
Shaylor sleepover event was sponsored.
When models get a work visa, company/agency pays their plane tickets and accommodation.
Her bf has a job, probably a very nice one, maybe his company pays part of the rent (Yes, this is very common)
More than 100k views per video.
Na, it gotta be her dads money.
No. 206535
>>206507The painted image is on purpose so that's okay.
I don't know why she feels the need to specifically show sitting in business class, unless it's still novel to her. I checked a video with a plane and it's not first class or private.
No. 206638
>>206471Goodness, do you write this much of an essay for every rich/well off youtuber ? " How dare she have money" I think its unrealistic to expect her to explain how much she makes and exactly how she makes it. Jesus fuck, and to even expect her to down grade her lifestyle just because it hurts your feefees, your ego.
Simon and Martina are a piss poor example since they're slowing down due to Martina's health. Did you forget everything they had in Korea ? Car,Nice apartment, Cafe, studio and and even a hired on staff .. People like different things, Taylor likes lavish fancy materials while S&M like travel& eating out and to reserve their earnings.
No. 206667
Did you read ~>
>>206378 ?
It's not in the center of the city, and her bf has an income.
No. 206712
>>206693No one thinks all her money is coming from youtube. She has never ONCE claimed that she's able to live comfortably from youtube. It merely helps supplement what she's already saved up.
It's all pretty much there:
When she was still modelling in HK she lived in a model dorm.
She didnt have to pay for rent and in dorms like that a food allowance is usually provided outside of the gigs they get (and back then she was getting major modelling and runway gigs) So it's totally reasonable that she would easily have a shit ton saved up from then.
She probably was also getting an allowance from her parents when she first went off an started as well.
Also when she returned to HK the places she referred to as her 'favorites' are all pretty inexpensive places.
She wouldnt be paying for flights or sponsored events that she's done.
Nor would she be paying for the hotels or meals on her modelling excursions.
I think it's BS that anyone would think Taylor is a role model for 'making it' from youtube since anyone following her would know that she is a part time (successful) model. She gained viewers because she was already living a successful adult life that was interesting to people. She wasnt just some teenager buying babby's first camera and starting vlogging.
Also she doesnt live in the city, after a quick search you can rent sizable 2 floor houses for around $1k USD in places like Saitama where people have guessed she might be living. According to socialblade Taylor possibly earns as much as $14,640.00 a month at the moment. even if she's making half of that she could actually be earning enough to sustain her current lifestyle.
No. 206718
>>206693The comments of her claiming that was long ago imo. This recent comment she even stated that her BF has an income ( meaning he's contributing but not specifying how much ). She is now fully stating that they share incomes by what
>>206378 is saying. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a shared bank account as well. I don't see how its so damn hard for people to believe that she's paying for her own shopping …
1) Investments ( this could be a combination of her modelling in HK and money her father/mother put away for her ) My grandmother put away a couple G's for each of her grand children, and had it in a locked investment till we turned 25. Her father is well off and could have simply been doing this for years for her.
2)Modelling ( she did a lot of gigs and probably did accumulate a pretty decent sum. )
3) Youtube ( Not a accurate statement, but I remember a youtuber saying with his contract 1mil in views a month = 5k. Which isn't bad, but better then what some make. ) Also thats typically what Tay averages around "1mil".
But honestly, its her fucking money and it isn't hurting anyone.. Thats absolute bullshit to say she's "misleading" or is going to be the reason people go to japan and have failed success from false hope she created. A) If people are too fucking stupid to do research before trying to work in another country and fail.. THATS THEIR OWN FAULT ! Not Taylor's B) This is the same as people saying those that get plastic surgery are wrongfully encouraging people to do so…It cost money to get there and to have what others have. A 13-16 year old doesn't have that sort of money, and an adult I'd hope is smart enough to figure shit out for themselves rather that base it off of some random online persona.
No. 206725
>>206718This. All of this.
But at the end of the day, the people who "care" are really just looking for a reason to shit on her. Money is a convenient excuse and can lead to lots of different insults.
I am continuously bewildered by the amount of vitriol directed at a girl whose existence is so benign.
No. 206764
>>206734I don't care about Taylor tbh. But it is unnerving how many long comments here say she is "nice". It's almost like the same person is writing a lot of them.
None of us really know what she is like in real life. She makes money off her image so it's hard to think of her personality (whatever version she is using now) as anything other than a marketing tool.
No. 206769
>>206764I agree, the defensive posts have a lot of personal blog essays.
Apparently it's hard for stans to believe it's possible to not like Kota, Kiki and Taylor. It was like this in the Venus thread as well, where I observed it got derailed.
No. 206791
>>206769>Apparently it's hard for stans to believe it's possible to not like Kota, Kiki and Taylor. It was like this in the Venus thread as well, where I observed it got derailed. Anon, I think the consensus is that Kiki dug her own grave when she accused Taylor and her family of being the admin. Yes it is possible to not like Kiki and Kota. I believe that Taylor has a more likeable personality and works a lot in keeping her fanbase happy but yes, people can dislike her too, it's normal and it is ok to express your opinion if you don't like someone, not everyone likes the same youtubers, I agree with you.
However, when it comes to theories, if a theory is already debunked with logical arguments and explanations, and still you don't agree, try to leave it like that and say "Maybe, time will tell."
Also the behavior of the people defendending Taylor here is very different from the group of people who defend Venus, here people explain things, there fangelics just attack other anons, they are obsessed.
No. 206797
>>206767I don't keep track of all the "dolls" but those that I know of are heavily edited and vile personalities. I also didn't say Taylor was the one true doll, but rather she came closer to the ideal LIFE STYLE and partial looks then the others did. ( via fillers and money ).
I don't know why your panties are so ruffled, I didn't say you or anyone who doesn't like her is jealous. I was saying those ( mostly Pulltards ) who can't find a MAJOR FLAW ( scamming,lies,rude/vile personality, shit loads of shoop ) are grasping at straws by complaining she's evil and misleading by not publishing a income tax form proving her income.
Money isn't evil and it surely doesn't make people evil. If Taylor having money is purely the only reason someone thinks she's evil then,yes, I do tend to wonder if they might be jealous as thats a piss poor reason to hate someone. Even worse is that those Anons were saying it'd be Taylor's fault if they or someone went to Japan and tried to live her lifestyle and failed … How sad one must be to blame others for their own failures and lack of research.
No. 206831
>>206820I know Anon, I know. Just like the arguments about her cheek fillers, I'm just really tired of reading whiney complaints about how much money she has. It's becoming a redundant punch line with every time she uploads a video. I've avoided Pull as it's a redundant factory of shit post, where even if she made a cooking videos they still find away to make it about money.
I love reading criticism and speculation, but I just bare reading the same two comments over and over " cheek fillers" "daddies money" ..
- Sorry for losing my shit ..
No. 208483
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Why would she just leave this in the video? It just gets worse and worse for a second seconds…
No. 208490
>>208483Hmmm. ..
I wouldn't mind knowing what bra she using as it def made a noticeable difference in her tahtahs..
( Maybe I'm just a panty snob .. but in her haul video when she showed her new underwear I cringed hardcore… Christmas underwear … They look like the crappy ones I wear on my period )
No. 208508
>>187286i always thought this girl was like 19 or like 21 tops but i read on videos she's like 28?? it weirds me out but then again she looks really good for a white girl. she honestly still looks like a teen but has a mature style from the few videos ive seen so i'm kind of jealous.
does anyone know how much her house cost? i haven't really known a lot about her but one of the videos i saw was her new house tour and im just.. amazed. how can they afford a house so big in japan? and there's only two of them and a tiny ass dog do they really need a 3 story house? it seems like a bit of an overkill
No. 208650
>>208508 The thing with taylor is that no one knows. A lot of the debate around her is that she lives a lavish life style but doesn't seem to have worked for it as her current jobs wouldn't allow her to live like this.
For me I guess I am annoyed that she is always constantly downplaying her wealth, like how earlier in the thread there was a reply to someone in the youtube comments saying that the house was far away from a train station and that made the house cheaper. Like come on taylor, we all know you live a lavish lifestyle, don't pretend that your house didn't cost an arm and a foot.
No. 208789
>>208650I think it's pretty obvious either her boyfriend/dad/or both are funding her lifestyle.
At the verrrrry least, her dads money just gave her a huge head start in life so she was able to get where she is now.
And it is so stupid when she tries to downplay this new house in the comments saying it's similar to Sharlas size or far from a station. Lmao k. Sharla doesn't have 100 Chanel bags and a modern luxury house.
No. 208834
>>208508I think they're renting and as
>>208789 mentioned, building vertically is pretty common because the lots are so tiny. Still jealous.
I'm also pretty sure she's comparing what they pay now to her former flat in Roppongi which was probably the same if not more just due to the location. So to her the house isn't crazy expensive.
No. 208883
>>208789I think the size of their houses might be comparable, but Sharla's is probably a bit older, a bit more simple, and is in the country side. Taylor's is modern and in a suburb. She couldn't live too far from the city or a convenient station because of her boyfriend's job.
I think she tries to downplay her wealth because it would seem more humble and money creates questions. I don't mind if she does get her money from her family or boyfriend, but she definitely can't pretend she's well off.
No. 216519
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>>216505I'm more shocked by the $1200 backpack from her boyfriend.
No. 216536
>>216527That's really no excuse. It's not that hard to find a cute or unique gift she would like. Money isn't even an argument, she seems like the type of person who would go spastic over soomething handmade or one of a kind.
A teacup is something you get your professor or semi-distant friend that you're like "I saw them drink tea once… I'll get them something tea related???"
No. 216544
>>216536I totally agree with you, anon.
And also (I admit that it's kinda nitpicky but) that cake tho.. I mean compared to what kind of cake Taylor has done for mimei (drew the decorations etc) Sharla's was just a flat normal chocolate cake. As for the money they could have just put their money together and at least give her a decent cake. They got more and better presents from Taylor's boyfriend than they gave her.. I know that I sound like a stan but (warning diary style) this kinda reminds me of my old self. Doing so much for people and never get anything near that back. Taylor needs to see that good friends can't be brought by money
No. 216587
>>216584Also isn't it like really cheep to get a mug like that made? I thought Sharla was meant to be her best friend? I thought she would have spent a bit more on her best friends birthday.
Totally agree though, its super weird how Sharla keeps giving her gifts with pictures of them together..
No. 216596
>>216587It is …
Sharla is confused about what type of creepy girlfriend she is. Its like she wants Taylor to be her boyfriend in a sense. Sleeping over, wearing Taylor's shirts and creating all these creepy gifts to remind Taylor who she belongs to.
No. 216612
>>216587To be honest, some of my close friends and I give each other inexpensive gifts because each of us have different financial situations. I don't think you need to give someone an expensive gift to prove how close you are. And if one of them gave me a mug with a picture we took together I wouldn't think it's that creepy.
I don't think she's a creepy stalker, I just think she has no taste at all. Like we've all known for years that she has trouble dressing herself and has no self control when buying stupid, cheap junk because she thinks it's cute (and that applies to most jvloggers tbh).
No. 216648
>>216595Yeah, even the best parts of her birthday were done by her boyfriend. He planned the limo, the spa and the trip to Lush (where he paid for an item for each girl).
And her 'cake' wasn't even a real cake, Sharla said it was a chocolate brownie??
I know we're all sounding like major Taylor stans right now, but jfc poor Taylor. This girl is the epitome of like, basic white girl who needs to be loved and got stepped on by all her friends. At least her boyfriend seems to really care for her.
No. 216671
>>216648Taylor is in France with her boyfriend right now. Wonder if thats part of the Christmas/birthday gift to Taylor as she's always talked about wanting to go there.
>>216519Its so… Ugly .. and plain. I would never look at something like that and think it costed 1,200.00$..
No. 216699
>>216584Not only that, but she got a cup for herself too. As a part of her friend's birthday gift.
No. 216702
>>216671You make it sound like she wanted to go there in forever while they go there every year, sometimes multiple times. Last visit was in spring I think? They did that look book thing-y, didn't they?
However, it's nice of him to take her and I think living there would suit her much better.
No. 216825
>>216823You don't have to repeat everything that's been said already.
Also like
>>216554 said: "Something unique, something surprising, something funny, something handmade with a little love. Obviously you can't buy her a purse or clothes, she has everything she needs and if not she goes outside and buys it. Sharla cake was hilarious but at least she made it even if took her 2 minutes to make the mix and 2 minutes to put the strawberries."
>>216776Well, wouldn't you stay a couple of days if you'd have a layover in France? I would.
No. 216827
>>216823I have to agree. If you're not entirely sure what to get someone (in this case because they have so much stuff already!) and you don't just want to give coupons or whatever, cups, tea and Lush are easy presents you can't go wrong with. I also don't have the feeling that the others have even nearly as much money as Taylor.
Btw, going to Canada with a stop-over in France is a huge waste of time, so I guess they really wanted to go. :)
No. 216853
>>216848I would think that Bronwyn wouldn't be broke since she got a tit job and nose job, etc. But her and Kim live in that slummy place putting contact paper over the tile so it at least doesn't look like a shit stain on camera lol
Idk about Sunny but I assume she is just a leech like the rest of these girls. Seems like since Taylor dropped the loli doll look and got into YouTube more seriously all these wannabes flock to her.
No. 216930
>>216858Taylor gave sharla a kylee whatever lip kit along with a ton of other stuff. For just christmas.
Sharla gave her a mug for her birthday.
No. 216944
>>216930She gave her a Kylie Jenner lip kit which is probably around $100
A agenda which I know is $30
A tshirt which knowning where Taylor shops was probably expensive, ball-parking like $50?
The shirtless men with cats book and the Plusheen weekly planner were probably pretty inexpensive but maybe like $15-$20 for both?
So conservative estimate for what Taylor spent $200.
No. 216980
>>216848Sunny is actually pretty average
Bitch boasts about her job as a barista despite graduating with a law degree LOL shit is useless without further education, bitch stupid with Kim Dao
No. 216983
>>216977get yourself someone who loves you enough to know what you want
love yourself ho
No. 217001
>>216996>Why are people acting like the jvloggers are poor as shit beggars?Because the things they buy/do don't reflect back to their lifestyle. They contradict themselves with their actions: "I have no money! That's so expensive! Let's split a meal, can I stay at your place? I don't want to spend money on a hotel" while they buy brand items, get surgery, and live in average/below average conditions.
Do you see the hypocrisy?
No. 217006
>>216982I think Kim and Bii have always tried to network in order to help their own channels and stay in the "popular circle."
>>217001Aside from Taylor, I don't think any of the jvloggers have all that much money. If they had normal budgets and didn't squander their money on pokemon and sailor moon shit, gatcha, and gimmicky cafes every week they could probably have nicer things.
No. 217052
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>>216996Yeah I wonder why they think that
No. 217170
Sage for upcoming blog.
>>216964As other anons have said, it's more the principal of the matter.
This circle jerk of jvloggers document so much shit so it's easy to see how they blow their money. It's always on junk: eating out or buying something for themselves which adds up super fast. It's easy to put two and two together: they are just greedy, both financially and attention-wise. They couldn't even get more decorations for the limo or do something more special in terms of food + drink. They are absolute leeches. It's a shame because taylor does put a lot of effort into doing special things for others, you can see it in her videos, and they obviously don't feel the same way. Although she is an idiot herself for trying to buy friends.
The only thing that must make Taylor feel smugly satisfied is the fact that her boyfriend treated her amazingly and is rich af. I can hear kim bellowing like a banshee about what a waste flying first class is already.
>>217052Pfff guess blowing all that money to fly to korea for plastic surgery wasn't worth maxing out her CCs after all if she still wants to buy shit makeup for her ugly face.
No. 217215
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What happened to Taylor's bust?
No. 217802
come on.
But to retract my whiteknighting a touch, I was thinking anyway about the Lush trip, lunch at the usual vegan place etc. Taylor does seem to put in effort to find new vegan places - like she ordered them that pizza for their party. So they really did put in nil effort, didn't they?
We know you go here and here, so they just go to the same places. Her boyfriend doesn't seem much better.
No. 218023
>>217802You sound so ungrateful. At least she had a birthday party. All of her friends were there, her boyfriend spent a fuck tonne of money on her. Why are you acting like eating at the same restaurant twice is awful? Why would she not want to go to Lush when she obviously loves Lush a lot. Stop it lol.
>>217988Any time she does anything humorous or shows any kind of personality, people don't like it. Stop being so salty, she's just having fun.
No. 218239
>>218238I think using age to push a point weakens your position
however I do agree her behavior is cringy
No. 218262
Come to think of it, none of these jvloggers were friends with Taylor when she was doing the whole dolly trend or w/e right? During that time, no one really knew she came from a loaded family and had rich a bf either. But after she dropped the doll kota-copy trend she became friends with Sharla and Sharla then introduced to her the group. It seems like she became "friends" with every pretty fast… basically over night, especially considering she said she's an introvert. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other jvloggers would easily accept her because of benefits like her bday party. Mimei was the only one who looked kind of out place, but Mimei isn't the type to have a camera glued to her hand in her face 24/7 like the other girls, but I can see people like giant lip Bii or Kim loving it. But at the same time, I don't feel sorry Taylor either, I think she equally wanted the exposure from being Sharla's friend. A long time ago, someone on PULL said their friend was was one of Taylor's roommates when sharing a model apartment in Hong Kong - girl said Taylor was the type to use people and she was desperate to get popular… which is obvious from her constant phase/trend hopping. In the end, I guess all these girls are just as equally self absorbed, selfish, and materialistic lol
No. 218271
>>218262Well someone came here and claimed the exact same thing.
That person turned out to be Kaka.
No. 218276
>>218262>>218265>SomeoneonPULLIf #someoneonPULL said it,
it gotta be real.
>>218271I think that's because Kiki/Sarahsenpai read what someoneonPULL posted about Taylor's roomie too.
No. 218283
>>218234Making fun of other cultures or languages isn't new for her tho. Didn't her brother do some shit targetting asians on a video?
>>218280He's a full on Konger with that accent. I hope he's not too ugly, so that Kaka gets
triggered when an engagement reveal happens.
No. 218300
>>218234because french people aren't oppressed or openly discriminated against for having an accent, to my knowledge. indian people are constantly mocked, degraded and discriminated against for having an indian accent even if they're fluent. not saying it's cute or cool for taylor to be doing her cringey french accent but that's pretty much all it is. cringey and embarrassing. but it's nothing like making fun of an actual marginalized group of people. it's like making fun of a bald person who's just getting old vs making fun of a bald person who's going through chemo. different situations, different circumstances.
>>218283in her defense people have family members who do things they don't agree with all the time
>>218280>>218281what if he's half french tho?
No. 218470
>>218355You've heard him talk, right? He doesn't sound Japanese in the least. Plus, Taylor said he's not Japanese.
I also doubt that he's French, he just has family living in France.
No. 218484
Exact minute or screenshot of the comment.
I think she said she is there visiting family, that's all.
No. 220938
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elbow san
No. 221010
Taylor isn't some VS model or utterly extreme beauty herself. She's basic pretty with out anything, and pretty pretty with editing and filters in Magazine covers. ( anyone would look 100% better in professional magazine edits … I mean look at the wonders pro edits do for Kooters )
No. 221024
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>>221014Not the same anon.
Her new Christmas Vlogg she uploaded today at 7:31 Mark. You'll have to slow it down to catch it as its quick.
>>221015Eh, everyone has a different opinion. I wouldn't give her a second look if she passed me by. To me she's basic pretty which is still above basic, but not "omg pretty" either.
No. 221027
>>220984Maybe? But if she got to know him because of Hong Kong, her old workplace, she couldn't have done much better since HK men tend to look like the skinny Asian nerd stereotype.
He's lucky. Girls really don't pay as much attention to looks as guys as long as he's got other things going on for him.
No. 221028
>>221026Besides hair,eyebrows and lips she pretty much is the exact same. I doubt she changed or aged backwards since the age of like 25…
The only reason this looks fairly different thought is its an unfilter, unedited both by her or professionals and she isn't hiding 50% of her face behind hair.
No. 221112
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>>221071Anon, the whole modelling world is essentially a lie. The woman are beautiful, but they're def not as perfect as professional edits.
Taylor is def not even as pretty as those high pay run way models. She's basic pretty and that's just a little bit better then average with a skinny body.
Don't forget the amazing work a professional editor can do ~
No. 221119
>>221112Agree to disagree.
Taylor's proportions fit her nicely into the golden ratio. She has a very classic beauty when she's not doing hideous make-up.
Those pictures of Koots look like two different people.
No. 221145
>>221112 She's prettier than these girls though (except maybe the girl at 9:11). And this is a TV program about models. So honestly, what is basic pretty? Most models are quite like this in basic clothes. Sure, there are famous models who are on a higher level of modeling and prettier. But it's not a super obvious gap, and I'm sure she's prettier than some of the random girls who are walking for Dior. Taylor is absolutely model material in terms of looks imo.
No. 221148
>>221145Ah, true. I was kinda basing her off top models rather then freshly scouted low rank catalog. But I mean still, models often seem to be basic pretty. ( smidgin above average ). I have I guess snobby standards when it comes to beauty.
Anyways anyways !! Agree to disagree as well.
No. 221176
>>221145Sage for personal blog but slightly relevant.
Used to be signed to Wilhelmina years ago but usually models are categorized into fashion, catalogue and entertainment, many can cross categories. Taylor looses catalogue, not an insult but think catalog as generically pretty so Target ads, Nordstrom small business etc. They need to draw you in and look like something attainable and not offensive to the eyes. They sell the products.
Fashion is where you get into alien unique beauty territory, they're meant to be clothing racks and not detract from the product and let the items sell themselves.
From my experience I've always found the catalogue girls much prettier than the fashion models at the agency
No. 221201
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clearer pic
No. 221267
>>221201he looks like a fugly chubby otaku
>>221195you're forgetting she (1) was already rich before meeting this guy, her family lives in a mansion or s/t (2) was a weeb like last year and moved to a different continent over it, which implies she has some level of an Asian fetish to date this dude and likes Japan (3) does whatever she wants every day of her life. If she didn't like living in Japan she would probably move elsewhere already?
she doesn't look unhappy to me though, maybe bored. Haven't watched her vids in a while.
No. 221361
>>221316>>221354Diff anon, he looks below a 6
chill your wk
No. 221446
>>221436Like that ugly bag he bought her for her birthday… I'm almost willing to say she hasn't paid for any of her luxurious items like her Yeezy shoes and channel bags…. Youtube views she gets don't pay that well.
>>221405Wasn't there a really old photo of her in a school girl uniform with a guy with fluffy hair and everyone speculated it was her BF. This was when she was making stupid dance videos and had a few tour-esq videos for programs.
Taylor said he came from a broke/poor background … and worked his way up. While she had daddy pay her way to where she is .. Such a couple… such goals..
No. 221633
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>>221456There's only one asian dude present, he's always beside her and he's even wearing the same sweater.
No. 221773
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>>221753Anon, it's a joke.
Do you think her dad is not aware of #DaddysMoney rumors? Also, they watch her vlogs and she probably told him about it.
She makes that face every time she talks about #DaddysMoney or other rumors. it's not the first time.
No. 221809
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>>221773Jokes are half-meant true. If it didn't bother her so much and/or wanted to kill the rumor because it's stupid, she could have asked for a different question with a sure straight answer, like Dad do you pay for my expenses in Japan? Her family's reaction in the background could have been the same, laughing at its ridiculousness. Her dad seems really nice. He could have easily said it's not true if it is, and it would sound really genuine. I think her family's reaction was genuine as well whether the rumor is true or not, because who doesn't want a higher limit on their credit card? Of course, that's funny. That's just how I saw it though, not knowing how she jokes about it in her other videos, when she's not with family.
No. 221847
>>221846KEK then she's reading here if she is so
triggered by lolcow comments that she has to keep addressing it
No. 221934
>>221847We have no evidence that Taylor is sponsored by her dad so please stop bringing this up again and again. This was already brought up many times in all of the other threads and we still know as much about it as we did before. All this does is clog up the thread.
If you want to find people who agree with you PULL's Taylor threads are places I recommend for this kind of discussion.
No. 221937
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No. 221940
>>221937Looks like he might be half-asian especially if the curly hair is natural and not a perm.
They are sweet and seem really in love.
Elbow-san has one hell of a baby-face.
No. 221942
>>221937Fuck, that's one lucky dude.
I know we shouldn't judge couples based on each other's attractiveness but I honestly imagined someone younger and less uncle-looking.
>>221940Many full-Koreans have curly hair. I'm sure it's the same with Chinese guys.
No. 221956
>>221937idk but they are kind of cute together. I mean she seems to be happy and he has a pretty girl.
Expected him to be younger.
No. 221989
>>221950He's half asian so he might but I'm gonna guess just has a lot of money, not a big dick.
Her bf is so ugly tho hah. Compared to her at least
No. 222035
>>222014Dude chill out people are allowed to think he's ugly lmao.
They're a cute couple though Taylor makes up for his ugliness