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gender critical and female politics
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No. 1821[Reply]

With the admin's verdict on /2X/ (and pink pill related topics as a whole) announced, where should farmers who want to discuss female politics head to?
The current options seem to be:
>New imageboard
>Migration to other, existing imageboards
>Migration to Reddit
As far as the first option goes, we may be able to create a space on https://8kun.top/ or https://endchan.net/ using their board creation functions. The only downside is that both places are also home to all sorts of unsavory males (virulent racists, pedophiles, pornography junkies, manosphere users, etc).
We could also create our own standalone board/site, though we'd need someone with the proper skills for that. Post any thoughts/suggestions on /2X/ migration here.
450 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 3717

Okay, where are the links then?

No. 3718

if the invite's expired, feel free to ask for a new one in the chat!

No. 3721

No, it's mostly one butthurt anti-gc/pp anon falseflagging like a lunatic.

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No. 1[Reply]

This is a test-board to assess if a female space for politics will be sufficient in giving everybody what they want while removing some tension in /ot/.

This is not currently permanent but, it can be.
If this board works out then I will make it a permanent board next year. For now you all have the choice of posting in the /ot/ thread or making new threads here. It's your choice.

No. 2

/ot/ rules apply for now. If you have rule requests or any complaints then you can post about it here >>>/meta/11760
Don’t make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races. You can discuss policy and government all you like but don't racebait. It is a global rule violation, this isn't /pol/.

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No. 6960[Reply]

A thread for non-specific topics related to radical feminism and pro-women things. Let's vent, talk about our rights, our health, the porn industry, the makeup industry, sexism, misogyny, gender role madness etc. and share our resources and stories.
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No. 24268

I agree. I think a major problem with these conservative women is that their crowd is dedicated to protecting and expanding capitalism more than anything and the result of that type of capitalist expansion is poor desperate women who go into the sex industry. Radical feminists teamed up with the same reagan administration that was imposing neoliberalism domestically and globally, and was fighting a Cold War against countries where porn was illegal and half of scientists were women

to fight porn in the 80s and are surprised that neoliberal global takeover resulted in their own marginalization in feminism in favor or pro sex industry culture rationalizations. Even Lenin said sexual and material relations will change after the revolution and that shows to be true with what happened after the 80s neoliberal counterrevolution won by radfem allies.

No. 24330

I made a tumblr post just saying that wearing a hijab isn’t empowering and a fellow white girl is saying I’m not allowed to comment on the matter since I’m not muslim. Does anyone have a good compilation list/info of the hijab being a misogynistic and oppressive weapon?

No. 24331

Women have to wear it on pain of being stoned or assaulted, what more do you need? But I wouldn’t bother with libfems, they’re retarded

No. 24333

LIB fems? Are LIB fems the ones defending Islam?
Do you just call "lib" whoever disagrees with you?
Marxist radical feminists are not racist, are on the side of Palestine against Zionist liberalism and you're the liberal one.

black women made a gender critical WOC on reddit because we were all banned for discussing or pointing out racism.

They were just dead set, unwilling to hear from a black woman's perspective, to empathize with us.

To call a hijab or Islam oppressive is racist and yes racism affects Women too.

No. 24334

The horror that a woman has customs in place to protect them from sexualization and exploitation, unlike your white patriarchal society.

Do you also support prostitution?
feminism is suppose to be about the well being and advancement of all females not just white females.

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No. 11642[Reply]

>A person who conceals or masks their gender-critical views, especially from friends or within trans-inclusive spaces.

Thread for cryptos to share tips, vent, and talk about why they're crypto and if they're going to stay crypto. Have you managed to peak anyone by being crypto?

Any celebs you suspect of being crypto? picrel she kept her daughter from trooning out by letting her experiment with androgyny. jolie has also actually left the western feminist bubble
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No. 24067

Tbh, I think the best course of action is to just ignore it wholesale. The more they harass you, the more you should just pretend you don't see it. They get bored quickly anyways.

No. 24073

Agree with >>24067 on just ignoring them, they usually get tired after awhile. I'm surprised you even got away with the forced transition explanation because I've seen so many troons shit on detransitioners for simply feeling like they were pressured to transition and didn't use the word forced.

I think saying something like "I don't draw trans content because I'm cis and I don't want to speak over trans people/misrepresent them" also works. This goes for any left-leaning related stuff but as long as you wrap your reasoning in wokespeak (like trauma as you said, making it into a privilege/representation thing, or just asskissing the group in question) they'll accept your explanation.

No. 24077

Some scrote in my husband’s workplace does misogynistic shit like hitting on women while drunk and he’ll get into heated arguments in defense of trans rights. We don’t live in the west but international circles are still full of tranny supporters who simultaneously hate women

No. 24095

I know this is a lot harder in non western countries but can you report him for sexual harassment? Hitting on female staff (while drunk) should get you pretty much immediately fired

No. 24332

"they were bothering transgender people!" oh that's too bad… guess what I'm doing in my free time?

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No. 4526[Reply]

A place to discuss and vent about pickme or fake self-serving feminist behaviour you have witnessed or experienced, online or IRL, to post cringe screenshots or memes, theories and tinfoils etc.

This is separate from the tradthot general as it’s not just for discussing particular women with particular belief systems, as there are many kinds of pickme out there. However, trad-thottery can still be discussed as it is classified as pickme behaviour.

Pick Me General #1 >>>/2X/627
Handmaiden Thread >>>/ot/398608
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No. 24323

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No. 24324

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No. 24325

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No. 24326

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No. 24328

I have no sympathy.

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No. 21342[Reply]

Thread for when you're at your peak and need to vent, scream or sperg about troons, TRAs, or related topics but don't want to shit up or derail other threads.

In a world where women are shunned for standing up for themselves, banned from using the word "woman", have their prizes and scholarships given to men, get told to shut up and take the girldick, that their same-sex attraction is transphobic, that their kids should have their body parts cut off - it's hard to not go insane.

The fear of getting cancelled, fired or shunned by TRAs and friends around you is weighing heavily on a lot of us, lc is one of few refuges where we are allowed to be honest. So go on, scream into the void about troons all you want.

Previous threads:
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No. 24319

Hate how my liberal friends are always trying to be more middle ground every time an issue with TiMs come up. They also make the same arguments moid defenders use every time a feminist argument crops up, they'd say shit like 'not all of them are like that', I think it is especially hypocritical of them to do so knowing that all of them have no exposure to men at all besides online due to growing up in an all-girls school (not counting male relatives). Two of them are hardcore tranny defenders and are so entrenched in the gender fanaticism that they both pull the 'any pronouns' bullshit yet put no effort into coming off 'genderfluid' or enby at all kek. I'm already out as a TERF to two other friends, who were at least respectful about my beliefs, but if those two gendies ever found out guaranteed they are going to cut me out of their lives and be the petty little rumormongering assholes they are. Though no surprise there since the two who have been the most respectful to me about my views have the most experience with male siblings treating them like garbage while the rest only have their fathers, relatives and friends online to base off of, which, again, does not help their internalized misogyny. Just sick of having to tiptoe around them all the time, sometimes I feel like I don't have any real friends anymore because of all the gender ideology going around. I tire of walking on eggshells

No. 24320

>'any pronouns' bullshit yet put no effort into coming off 'genderfluid' or enby at all kek.
try exclusively calling them he/him or something, they'll either love it or they'll start to feel uncomfortable. talk about girls/women's issues as if they'd have nooo idea about it (since they're NOT women!!1!) and mansplain over them any time a female issue/topic comes up. if they get annoyed and say "we lived in the closet as if we were cis for years, so we still know" cut them out saying that's like saying if a cis person pretend to be trans they know exactly what it feels like to be trans. so they as non-women couldn't possibly understand what it feels like to be a cis woman, spin it around so it makes them sound transphobic if they go against it. maybe even roll your eyes saying "non-women always try to mansplain what being a woman is to us who ARE women…"

No. 24321

samefagging, but I think exaggerating how they're NOT "part of the woman club" might help because all they think about is joining the trans club, not that it also means they can't still be in the woman club and they lose woman privileges. "You only miss it once it's gone" kind of trick.

No. 24322

I appreciate the advice nona, surprisingly, one of those gendie friends is sympathetic towards womens' issues and tends to want to leave TiMs out of it but unfortunately also consults the other gendie friend for advice since she thinks both POVs are valid. At the time I didn't want to butt in because I feared I would have said something incredibly TERFy. The other gendie friend doesn't seem to know how to handle TiMs being arrogant in womens' issues and prefers to be middle ground, opting for staying on the safe side like I said and even going as far as saying 'there are more than two POVs' which is bullshit lmao. It kind of confirmed for me just how unaware that gendie friend is in general to the big picture, also because she's adamantly sex-positive and also downplays the issue of human trafficking. Not worth the friendship imo, I'll out myself as a zoomer and admit I'm graduating soon so I don't think I have to keep rubbing elbows with the two of them anyway.

No. 24327

It's interesting that most TIFs say they experienced female socialization and misogyny but it's absolutely forbidden to imply that TIMs might have received male socialization and male privilege. Another contradiction in the dogma that nobody is allowed to notice or acknowledge.

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No. 18424[Reply]

a thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill feminism, or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though). share your thoughts on why and how it's possible to avoid the blackpilling, or if being blackpilled is the only solution for women.

Previous >>16240

Don't infight and ignore any handmaiden or retard that comes to argue.
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No. 24309

No violence is natural, it's just that we are supposed to like it put of love which would make it feel not bad. If that wasn't the case then billion of women wouldn't be doing what they do. That's why gender is first a biological construct not social. Sitting here knowing tour fate cooked up fro you by your biology is enraging. People wonder why humans are so despicable to someone like this. Nobody not into violence and with a strong ego would ever attempt straight sex as a woman. Violence is not always non consensual. Violence in straight sex is natural and brutal in a very covert brutality way. It is threatening

No. 24310

Here, Cutest things in nature are still rapists like butterflies. Sex is definitely violent in humans, the positions, acts, psychology of it etc. but also seen as the opposite of it which is what makes the receiver of violence not see it as bad. Wanting to please men, empathy, love. It then gets defended cause it's natural. I don't like posting this fact to not give some people satisfaction but

No. 24314

Fellatio is a man violating you with his sex organ. It is not even sex

No. 24315

Why do males prioritize other males to the extent it harms their own self-interests? I'm gonna sound like a sociopath who views women as a resource. I'm not, I'm just trying to get into the brain of males because I don't understand how their logic works.

If there were significantly less males in the world, surviving males would have all their incel daydreams come true. Imagine a society with a 70/30 female/male demographic ratio. Heterosexual women would have no choice but to compete for male attention. Males would naturally become the choosers instead of the chosen. They could have whatever retarded beauty standards they want and women would jump through hoops to fulfill them. Even the most pathetic, ugly male would be almost guaranteed a mate because women just wouldn't have other options.

Crime would decrease. Social unrest would decrease. Women are more productive workers and safer citizens because we're capable of following rules and cooperating. But MRAs, male politicians, incels, etc would do everything possible to prevent that world. Son preference made sense at the dawn of civilization because males have more brute strength for war and labour. But with modern weaponry and technology the strength difference is irrelevant.

What mental illness compels male politicians in the western world to import an unbalanced amount of young male immigrants, to turn a blind eye to femicide and female health issues, to prioritize male survival over female survival, and at the same time cry and shit themselves over the falling birth rates and rising crime rates and muh male loneliness epidemic? It doesn't make sense. I understand that males view women as a resource. I don't understand why males squander that resource and intentionally reduce the resource. It just doesn't make sense. Everything males whine about would be solved by having less males.

TLDR I guess the blackpill part of my rant is is this a cultural or biological impulse? It just doesn't make any sense. Male gorillas fight eachother for control of a group of females. Male animals would be delighted to be 1 male among 10 females. Male humans circlejerk eachother, work together to slaughter all the women, then cry because tfw no gf. Why?

No. 24316

I have an opposite problem, I realized that women have no solidarity and I can't make my piece with that, I just don't understand why I can support other women while they would always side with a man

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No. 4446[Reply]

Post your memes here, or request for others to make a meme for you.
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No. 24176

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No. 24281

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made some TERFinas for you nonnies

No. 24292

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No. 24294

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No. 24295

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No. 22610[Reply]

Post anti-scrote memes here.
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No. 24248

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No. 24249

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No. 24250

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No. 24262

Fucking love this kek

No. 24269

You're actually right, it does imply it more heavily… Because why would they buy it otherwise.

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No. 19663[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125
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No. 24279

Yea I know but I think it's a larp. This reads like a paraphilic scrote rattling off signs that a young child is being abused. Especially the post about the kids sleeping habits and her running around and screaming randomly sounds like it's literally just a man googling symptoms of csa and then adopting his momsona on reddit to farm jerkoff material. I'm ready to believe literally any women or girl in the world when she says she's being abused but when it comes to reddit posts, especially about csa and rape, I always assume it's a fetishist

No. 24282

>Username is Little cup
100% a pedofile male LARPing for jack off material and succeeding at it because of you and ten thousand other pedofilic moids.

No. 24283

It's harder to hunt for prey when they're wary.

No. 24285

Most women certainly don't help by spouting not all men despite this, kek. Tired sentiments like this are empty. If men are the predators these women are the predators assistants by hiding the reality of men and coddling a culture of female generational abuse. Most women don't see men as predators until they're made the prey. Being self absorbed and only caring about yourself to the detriment of others like you is the default state of most women. So what do you do then?

No. 24329

>Most women don't see men as predators until they're made the prey.
That's not true. Every woman is deeply aware that it's All Men because every woman knows to guard her drink at parties, not go to second locations, text her friends about her dates, have someone on call in dangerous neighborhoods, wear earbuds to appear busy so men don't approach her, put on safety shorts when wearing a skirt, order her food under a male name, not leave her friend with a group of males, walk with keys between fingers, we're all taught since we can walk to not go to stranger males for help, but to find an elderly woman or a woman with kids if we get lost. How can all of this mental energy go into basic self-preservation around males and them still not be aware of the threat males pose?
I don't know why you think these bitches don't know that males are their natural predators, they just turn a blind eye 'cuz they want to maintain the status quo because they benefit from it. They've already propped themselves up as the Best Women of the Patriarchy (hence the virtue signalling with "not all men, muh boyfriend isn't like that"). And yes, they are bitches, because this Fair Lady performance is done at your expense. As long as there are lower status women to be sponges to the damage non-desirable males (the majority of males) inflict, they'll pretend that they don't see and don't hear male depravity.

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