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No. 953811

Previous Thread: >>949775
The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 10 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s dying dad) by squatting in his apartment, stealing his belongings and leeching off his social security until he died. The gruesome twosome was soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent
>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom government poverty home, which ultimately drove Luna’s mother to relapse and go to inpatient
>Ebil dad’s apartment caught on fire, Luna took the opportunity to garner more uwu points by spreading ashes on her face

Current Saga:
>living in a boarding house with lurch and pumpkin
>has a new friend she goes to the methadone clinic with
>"sober" but still inhales benzos like oxygen
>publicly sharing her "lifting" hauls now
>she vapes now
>was in hospital for 2 months
>secret reddit was found
>publicly back on fent

Latest Milk:
>posts her cigarette stained window >>949895
>lurch posts her "art" >>950022
>bleached her hair >>950383
>upping her lamictal, complaining with another girl how she can't get benzos >>950508
>complaining about sexwork >>950577
>talks about her dad and his past, how he wants to cut her off >>950602, >>950603, >>950605
>starts beefing with aunt on facebook >>950631, >>950954, >>951277, >>951278, >>951559
>more insight on where shes living and how the conditions are >>950673
>bothering her cat >>950818, >>950824
>cats lip looks fucked up, people leave comments about it >>950861, >>950862
>complaining about prescriptions >>951250
>how am i supposed to eat this pizza without my drink!? >>951395
>claims she brings her cat to the vet >>951736
>lurch liking thots and lying about his past again >>951864
>nasty pic of lurchs eye >>952075
>doesn't understand she's depressed because of her lifestyle >>952175
>found new sweater "left on a bench" >>952318
>wears the bench sweater for 5 days straight >>952538
>fakeboi tells her to read up on soren >>952621
>gets scammed by a man, sending him content first >>952649, >>952650
>on the day of her (later we find out) arrest she posts this >>952722, roach also spotted in the corner >>952752
>friend sends her a shein package >>952807
>body pic uploaded >>95284
>complains about friends abandoning her because shes poor and a fent addict, not because shes a scammer and a thief >>952955
>will luna hit it off with one of the 20+ men who added her on facebook? >>953085, >>953086
>new reddit account found but nothing posted it to it yet >>953121
>girl look how orange you look >>953156, >>953157, >>953158
>nasty coomer in her comments >>953194
>new facebook account found but she doesn't seem to be using it >>953344
>eagle eyed anon finds her new active reddit and she mentions an arrest >>953690
>arrest record found >>953705, >>953706, she has court this month
>key posts and comments from the account compiled >>953718

https://angelhair1996.tumblr.com/ (inactive)
https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]
https://www.reddit.com/user/edgeofhell82 (inactive)
https://www.reddit.com/user/funeral1996 (inactive)

No. 953813

No. 953816

Love the pic OP

No. 953820

Throwback for those asking, when Luna was on judge Judy's mentorship. 2014. Her bits are on 2:00 and 4:40
(The irony of Judy saying she doesnt have to worry about Luna looking at her nails, when it's all she does now.)

No. 953821

At 4:40, Ms. Luna 'I can do big things' Slater. Oh, she's….big, for sure!

No. 953822

She seems so uncomfortable in her skin here. Her body language is a constant apology for simply daring to exist & take up space.

No. 953823

All of the other girls in the video are dressed very professionally and well-groomed but Luna dresses and looks like an actual sped. Frumpy dress, hair a mess.

No. 953824

File: 1740943545322.jpeg (Spoiler Image,689.77 KB, 1179x1366, IMG_3152.jpeg)

wanted to see what lurch was posting while tuba got arrested. he was tweeting foot girls the day after it happened.

No. 953825

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No. 953826

Does she have a big overbite or something? Why does she look like she's going 'Derrr…what?' sticking her front teeth out when she turns to the side?

No. 953827

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No. 953828

Her crazy overbite always makes her look like a Simpsons character

No. 953829

Was she a special ed child? Lurch went after a slow teenager?? He's even more of a creep than I thought, ew. Easier for him to groom her I guess, disgusting.

No. 953830

If they really sent the wrong size, it would be an easy fix. But did you order a size too small because you don't want to come to terms with the fact you have massive feet? What does she wear? Size 11?

No. 953831

If they're only "half a size" too small it's not a big deal. After she wears the boots for a while, they're going to become looser. 1st world problems lol.

No. 953832

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The young women in this video seem so fresh, dedicated and intelligent. It makes Tuna seem like a special needs case they feature to show the program is inclusive.

No. 953834

Sage for blogposting but I've been following this cow since 2014 and still forget just how deep her regular speaking voice is (which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if she wasn't such a retarded sped of 0% substance). If I was a 5'9/5'10, wide set woman like her I'd lean into becoming physically strong and muscular (especially with that wide, strong-shouldered + upper back football player build). She's clearly not meant to be rail thin but also doesn't have to be this fat, unhealthy, and overall lazy either. Too bad her BPDemons are still disillusioned enough to think she can achieve the tall, model-like waif look if she just "tries hard enough" by starving, etc (even though we've seen her at her "thinnest" from stims/crack years ago). I wiwh she'd consider her weird, left-field interest in baseball and strive to be more like an idealized version of them at least kek.(blogging)

No. 953835

Yes, she’s mentioned before her overbite was (is?) so bad she would drool.

No. 953837

File: 1740953708347.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.52 KB, 750x1334, request__diabetty_by_psych0ske…)

>>Her crazy overbite always makes her look like a Simpsons character<<

No. 953838

Seen this before but it's so fucking sad watching it and knowing how her life has turned out

No. 953844

NONA i spit my water out when I saw this top kek! Not far off from reality tbh

No. 953845

great title and picture, excellent new thread, but one thing I hope someone remembers to update next time: Luna and Lurch have been together for more than ten years now, not eight
(vomit forever)

No. 953848

Luna is fat but imo not necessarily strong shouldered. In photos where she had a lower weight she looked pear shaped.

No. 953849

Watching this with the sound off is even more bizarre. What are her fast, weird movements? Is she autistic? THIS is what lurch was interested in?????????????

No. 953850

Woah, that does look really weird w/ the volume off. She looks like she's giving an apology and is just so very sorry.
I don't notice signs of autism in her. It's possible to go undiagnosed when it's the mildest (level 1). If she were diagnosed w/ it, you know we'd hear about it daily.

No. 953851

Kek she always wanted petite to her name and she got it, be careful what you wish for

No. 953854

For some reason I've always gotten autistic vibes from Lurch, like old man autism

No. 953857

her little shifty eye head movement at the end always gets a laugh out of me

No. 953858

Is her cat dead yet? It sucks that the poor cat has to be with these people.

No. 953860

everything about lurch's personality can be ascribed to his status as a filthy old coomer junkie

No. 953861

It's always so jarring seeing her standing next to someone that isn't Lurch. She's a big person, like holy shit.

No. 953862

How did she get $500 out of a magic ATM and not take Pumpkin to the vet yet, fucking bullshit. unprofessional bullshit.

No. 953864

You expect a 50 year old heroin addict to act any other way?

No. 953866

no nona didn’t you read?? she’s gotta give it away to people on the street bc she’s so selfless and caring

No. 953871

What’s up with anons trying to diagnose Tuna and Lurch as autistic itt? They’re retarded junkies and Tuna is extra awkward because she’s 2 meter long and wide

No. 953875

anon its linked in OP

No. 953877

I'm dumb. Thank you.

No. 953881

depressing how she hasnt changed but just got worse. looking like shes tweaking/very insecure. brain was fried years ago leaving her a giant insecure barely thinking mess.
I don't think they get out much and spend too much online looking at mental illness bullshit. ive noticed people naive to the effects drugs and alcohol (especially long term) have on people are more likely to armchair.

No. 953882

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No. 953883

File: 1741035076687.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1290x2290, IMG_3074.jpeg)

looks like they’ve already got a stain on them

No. 953884

Seems ppl are maybe using 'autistic' as a catch-all word for off/weird.
She even had stains on her dress in that Her Honor interview! Can she not eat w/out spilling on herself?

No. 953885

I was the one who said Lurch gives me autistic vibes but I wasn't referring to his scummy behaviour at all, it's everything else that gives me that impression but nvm it was just a passing comment it's not that serious(no1currs)

No. 953886

i think people are mistaking lurches stimulant abuse for a neurodivergency

No. 953888

I originally asked about tuna because what is going on with her in the video? It looks like she can't make eye contact and is moving oddly. Or is she just that awkward/was it the start of her heavy drug use? My comment was simply asking a question about her ffs

No. 953889

I see what you mean. I don't think she was using hard drugs yet. What I see is just someone so deeply insecure that it's really striking to watch.

No. 953890

she abused benzos and weed at the time already. was probably high.

No. 953891

Being awkward and having a hard time making eye contact doesn't necessarily make you autistic. Not everything is autism.

No. 953896

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With all the filters she thinks she looks like a high class Russian escort but she actually looks like a bloated junkie prostitute dragged out of the Hudson after a week.

I was playing Bitlife (I know) and this bitch would not leave me alone. It was so perfect. Her name, the sunglasses, the fact she died at 60 from an OD.

I can't even sage, is there a glitch rn?(derailing, unsaged)

No. 953901

I'm shocked she would wear platform shoes

No. 953912

The red bra makes a comeback!

No. 953913

Those a Uggs? Barely platform shoes, more like slippers?

No. 953942

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She keeps this filter on even when she’s not taking a picture of her face. It’s like she can’t bare to accidentally see herself without the filter on

No. 953949

her hair is so patchy looking

No. 953953

Yeah, and some of it looks actually purple, and some not. It's funny that she thinks her hair is some kind of accomplishment. Most ppl have hair. It grows if you let it.

No. 953955

her hair by her face straight up look like cobwebs

No. 953958

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Same shit different day. “No makeup except for the makeup I’m wearing here here and here”

No. 953959

Is this the Ddlg, 'Daddy, I fink I wet my diapey' face that she's doing here? The eyebrows look…great. And, no makeup here, except for the makeup and the strong filter erasing all her freckles & giving her facial surgery.

No. 953964

i love her drug induced delusion that she’s gonna somehow become a beauty influencer.

No. 953965

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The extra layer of petroleum + the filter/light + her hair being pulled back is giving renaissance or dutch painting vibes. Sorry, nonas & Peter Paul Rubens.

No. 953978

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Nah, she hasn't been lucky enough to find the magical dumpster that gives her Uggs in her size. These are just ugly knockoffs from amazon, definetly platforms, and the reviews say they're hard to walk in because the sole doesn't bend whatsoever. So imagine this behemoth clomping thru the streets of New York, already can't walk right because she's high and too busy staring at her reflection, and then in too-small shoes that don't bend. Kek

No. 954013

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No. 954014

Does she mean this post is to try to make her feel hot? Like, for validation?….
Also, Luna, how's that ketamine therapy going that you totally are gonna qualify for, and that GLP-1 weight loss med you also totally will qualify for?

No. 954016

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No. 954017

Yes lol, Tuna is very open about posting pictures because she wants validation. One of the big cow moments in her career was when Roger died and in the midst of her supposed depression she posted selfies asking people to compliment her because she was “sad”. This was a man she insisted she viewed as her ‘real’ dad, kek.

No. 954018

Wth is that next to her, the big brown thing? I like how it's angled to cut off part of her large waistline. Also love her 'Durr…what?' overbite mouth that she thinks is so sexy.
That is the most juvenile way of posting, openly asking for compliments. When will she grow out of the widdle teen girl act?

No. 954020

She's so lucky that she doesn't seem to have gained any fat in her face and hands. If she stuck to posting selfies from the shoulder up, no one would know that she's extremely overweight. She might even be able to take pictures of her tits and face for dope money if she hid her midsection and arms. Like why she gotta tell on herself with all these unflattering pictures? While I can't say for sure, I feel like she could grift for more money if she didn't expose herself as the sloppy obese creature she is.

No. 954035

kek she's leaning against the dresser to dry and hide her back-gut/shelf-ass. Unreal.

No. 954036

her body is definitely proportional to her weight. she’s not like amberlynn where her tiny ass head looks ridiculous on her planet sized body. if luna just worked out she might even look okay with extra pounds on her.

No. 954037

>Luna working out
About as likely as her getting sober or getting a job

No. 954038

Lol. You haven't seen a full body pic of her, she's just decent at angling and posing her pictures. Where's the pink car pic, and she's even bigger now…

No. 954039

i mean yeah if she wasn’t a dirty junkie living in squalor with a gross older man, she might have the motivation to work out, have better hygiene, and look less like a crack whore but i mean… she’s a cow for a reason - nancy spungen vibes except she’s attached to lurch instead of being a groupie

No. 954042

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no, she is actually laying down on her bed and that object is setting next to her on the bed. It is creating sort of an optical illusion.

No. 954046

So fat and still no boobs.

No. 954052

Yes but what is it that's laying next to her and hiding some fat?

No. 954053

I think it may be, like someone else said here, too the corner of a table, and she's laying on her back on her bed, w/ the table next to her. The tabletop looks really weird, but I think it might be a plastic-y table w/ some kind of wood-like fake wood printed pattern, kind of on top of it?

No. 954056

It's a nightstand. She'd on the bed behind it. What I wanna know is if I'm really seeing her show off her nasty tea-bag looking pillow here? >>954013 By her hair? If it's a pillow it actually looks moldy

No. 954061

I can't tell if that's a nasty pillow or some kind of faded floral print or stuffed animal. Bc it looks too purple/pink to be a gross pillow, which usually looks just tan, beige stained.

No. 954065

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No. 954066

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No. 954067

She has dermatitis of some kind & it won't go away w/ aquaphor. Does she rly just think it's a random dry patch, no cause? See a derm for free. And who tf is that? Different person in every pic, & it's never her.

No. 954069

Too poor to get more? There's no way she paid for them. Just steal another pack.

No. 954071

>I got caught stealing so I can't steal for a while.

No. 954077

Luna your skin always looks like shit. I can't believe she's so proud of this patchy-ass blue-and-yellow hair lmao it looks so awful.


topkek at "sugar shovels" but I gotta disagree–her fingers look fat AF and it shows in every fatty's hands. dimples and discoloration around knuckles, phalanges thick as fuck. Her hands look as fat as the rest of her, she just tries to only show the tops of her fingers with really long nails to create the illusion of semi-normal hands. Plus her hands and Lurch's are always swollen from shooting up, which certainly doesn't help.

No. 954079

You're wrong. Her face and hands don't look nearly as obese as she actually is.

No. 954081

one eye is trying to look at the camera, the other is trying to escape

No. 954084

my favorite lunaism/lurchism is how he lies about his age by 3 years and she goes along with it despite every hospital bracelet hes ever had saying 1979… i don't even get why a man would lie about his age by such a small margin. he has a really bad pathological lying problem. and lunas picked it up by association.

No. 954085

Nta, but Its because tuna is so tall. She may be obese class 2, but all that weight is centered on her body. She still absolutely has that unmistakeble fat hand and face look. But she isnt to the "all fat girls look the same in the face" point yet because she would need to be in like obesity class 3 or higher just because she NOT ONLY is tall, but also has a "large frame" so of course her hands and face arent super revealing on her true weight. Shes a freak and she has always somewhat known that. Lmfao

No. 954086

What excuse will she come up w/ when it's her 'summer dry patch'? Bc it's not dry skin, and not likely to go away by slapping petroleum jelly on it.

No. 954087

The fact that you can look at >>954042 or >>953883 and say her hands/fingers don't look obese is wild to me. She wears long skinny nails to create an illusion of thin fingers but I see fatty hands. Everyone's entitled to their opinion though, I'm not trying to bicker with you. I just se fatty hands kek.

What I really want is more info on the outcome of the arrest! I'd kill to see that mugshot, lol. I assume she'll get a slap on the wrist/community service or something but I'm interested to see where the "Tuna's got a record now" saga goes.

No. 954092

So was she actually arrested, taken to jail, booked and released with a court date? Or was she just detained at the store/in the cop car and then released with a ticket/court date? Can you tell by the court record?

No. 954104


She has periorbital / perioral dermatitis. She has had it for ages. Lotions will temp make the crust look less bad but without clindamycin it'll never resolve.

No. 954106

not medfag and truly asking because I’m stunned there hasn’t been a an orbital cellulitis saga that she tries to treat herself or play off and am curious- what makes you say dermatitis over cellulitis? That’s it’s more eczemaish from her description and she’s slapping random irritants on her face 24/7? Her living conditions and hygiene scream cellulitis to me vs her skincare/skinabuse catching up and ngl im shocked she hasn’t gotten a severe infection yet

No. 954113

Ntayrt, but slapping irritants on your face doesn't give you orbital cellulitis, tho. If she had that, it'd be an ever increasing infection that was extremely dangerous. It looks like dermatitis to me bc it's just a little skin rash that persists endlessly, not dangerous, painful, and getting worse and worse till she's in danger of death.

No. 954116

Why doesn’t she actually put them under her eye like you’re supposed to? It sucks that she’s had no no one to teach her that, but you will eventually gotta learn whether you do or not. If she is paying for them. She’s wasting her money if she is stealing them, she is wasting her time. It’s not gonna have nearly the effect it’s supposed to.

No. 954117

she has had cellulitis before she tried to edit it out on a medchart sheet but it was still visible

No. 954121

what the hell is above her bridge piercing? makeup caked up into two balls on either side of her bridge?

No. 954122

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No. 954123

What makes her continue to shave off the outer parts of her brows?? Looks hilarious! And why does she look like a little bridge troll, here, w/ her proportions?

No. 954124

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No. 954125

The thick layer of fat around her face is completely consuming any features she once had. I know people say this a lot but she has never looked more like sloth from the goonies >>954122

No. 954128

Sorry I think I wrote it weirdly- I was asking if the irritants/patchy rash are what is making it seem like dermatitis to dr. nona over her living conditions and hygiene being a cause for cellulitis since both are factors, or if she was just going by presentation entirely. it’s just impressive to me when doctors can look at rashes specifically on the spot and gauge what it is, since they can overlap/present so similarly and I’m being autistic lol
oh damn I forgot about that- that when she wanted to brag that she had an eating disorder in her records right? I can’t believe she’s been like this for so long

No. 954130

That's where her old rejected bridge piercing used to be. She got it redone.

No. 954137

Yes she's had cellulitis where she's shot up.

This is the same crust she's had in perpetuity around her mouth.

No. 954148

Holy shit she’s massive. Her arm is giant plus her butt shelf. I’m surprised she uploaded these because she usually contorts herself in strange angles to appear slimmer

No. 954150

Her giant shelf ass makes her think she has a tiny waist and therefore is slim thick kek
jfc the fat hanging over her knee

No. 954153

Cellulitis doesn't really look like a rash so much as red, swollen and puffy.

I have known a few "functional" (more so than Luna, at least) hard drug users over the years who developed eczema-like rashes that cleared up when they quit. Could be that the additional stress on the body causes these issues to flare or could be all the extra toxic shit the drugs are cut with(medfagging)

No. 954155

Is her hair purple on purpose? If so why not the ends?

No. 954156

File: 1741392937753.jpg (497.52 KB, 1079x1502, Screenshot_20250307_161438_Sam…)

Shoes off in a public toilet!!!!!!!

No. 954158

mirror reflection

No. 954159

I think that's just her reflection in the mirror making her fake Uggs look placed not right on her feet. Looks like she's in the methadone clinic bathroom, bc the sign on the wall says 'program' something. Wonder if she got pee tested, since she says she 'never' does, or if she just was peeing/admiring herself. Not that being clean or dirty effects her much, in her case.

No. 954167

Her eye looks kinda fucked. It's drooping, and she's saying it's "just a dry patch"? >>954065 it looks like she got clocked.

No. 954168

Does anyone know why she shaves off the outer parts of her brows, genuinely? Does she think they are 'imperfect' how they grow in? I think the only way she cd think this looks better is the over-confidence from being high. It looks genuinely hilarious. Do ppl not burst into laughter? How can she walk around like that? It looks like she even filled in the inner part, but left the other half totally bare!

No. 954170

it's definitely her being high. she used to do her eyeliner terrible too, just crooked thick smears going nearly to her ears. idk if she genuinely just doesn't care after she comes down and sees how it looks or if she's truly so burnt out that she sees nothing wrong with it.

No. 954172

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This has been her Instagram caption on her last 4 pictures of herself

No. 954177

she's just using purple shampoo or whatever else and the hair is too fucked to hold that pigment consistently in her hair

No. 954185

Jesus she looks about 40

No. 954192

That's mean to 40 year olds.

No. 954197

File: 1741459854276.jpeg (809.31 KB, 1290x1292, IMG_2148.jpeg)

always a trip finding a cows post unintentionally

No. 954198

So weird how she still thinks being a junkie is a 'mood.' You'd think the mystique would be broken her her by now, bc she can see there's nothing beautiful about that lifestyle now. Bc of her BPD, she always tries to act like she's a character in a book, I think, describing her 'lore' & 'quirky' characteristics like it's a character development exercise in English class. Is living in roach infested filth & poverty really that romantic still, to her, or does she just think she can convince others it really is?

No. 954199

Her and TND have a lot more in common than I thought

No. 954200

File: 1741462090589.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1290x2207, IMG_3133.jpeg)

Such skinny hands!

No. 954201

holy shit her feet are like bear paws she’s fucking huge

No. 954203

For only $32 min. or a little more, she could've gotten an actual suede & sheep's wool pair of off brand Uggs on Amazon. I bet she couldn't swing the extra $12. Must suck to be that broke, huh? Wonder if someone paid her in an Amazon gift card for her 'sexy' content.

No. 954206

whoever said shes lucky she has skinny hands must be huge.

No. 954213

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No. 954223

File: 1741476115755.jpg (64.33 KB, 861x1000, 512N2N0BJjL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

Lobster mitts

No. 954224

Sometimes people do that when they regularly fill in the ends, usually to create an arch or to just generally accentuate naturally thin brow tails. Her makeup skills have always been piss poor though, so idk why she does this just to make the most unappealing and wildly uneven brows possible kek.

No. 954225

she says she's unhappy with the shape of them naturally so she shaves them off. why she thinks it looks better idk.

No. 954226

Sometimes on her pics, it looks like she then fills in the inner part that still has hair, but doesn't fill in the outer part at all. Is that just the filter doing that, thinking that's her whole eyebrow? Would a filter do that…?

No. 954228

File: 1741476724362.jpg (1.41 MB, 2880x2880, 20250308_233018.jpg)

She reminds me of Genie Wiley.

No. 954229

If it's freshly shaved and the filters are working overtime (as per usual with her), they can definitely appear airbrushed to the point of looking weirdly half-erased. The filters seem to struggle with her "unique" features and she's too vain, dumb, and high to care kek.

No. 954231

This is a starkly chilling physical comparison… I instantly knew which pic was gonna be referenced upon seeing Gene Wiley on the homepage, fuck.

No. 954235

Why does she remind you both of Genie Wiley? I know her story, but the only similarity I see is the t-rex arms and being unkempt.

No. 954238

For me it's mostly in the first pic on the left where they have similar-ish posturing, bob cuts, and dresses, but they also share the same empty-eyed vacancy you'd only see in either a literal feral child or a gormless addict permanently stuck in arrested development.

No. 954239

File: 1741479904518.png (186.57 KB, 1492x740, Screenshot 2025-03-08 at 7.23.…)

in case anyone ever wanted an old school tuna hair tutorial (sarcasm)

No. 954242

File: 1741481787481.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1290x2291, IMG_3141.jpeg)

No. 954243

File: 1741482481180.png (518.02 KB, 971x1111, courtney.png)

you should have included the reference image she replied to

No. 954245

…WHAT!? How can this even be?! Those eyebrows are so off center and hilariously bad. This artiste, here, has to be joking!

No. 954246

kek those brows make her look like a character in a Japanese horror story

No. 954247

File: 1741485209338.jpg (394.58 KB, 1079x2011, Screenshot_20250308_175144_Red…)

No. 954250

why? i think if we're itt we know what courtney love looks like. why would i care to post some teenagers post that luna replied to if you don't even need the context to understand

No. 954251

Maybe bc Courtney loves hair here definitely isn't achieved by "not washing it, bleaching it into damaged oblivion, and violently thrashing your head up and down" like tuna suggests lmaoooooo. All you need is a curling iron/straightner and dry shampoo

No. 954254

So weird seeing her posting on that account after being silent there for 6 months
So her reddit account are: funeral1996, edgeofhell82 and antichrist45. There's probably more out there, if any of you brave souls are up to go around nude selling subs.

No. 954277

I never had any desire to look like Courtney Love, I actually got like a wolf cut lol but it’s definitely not low maintenance I def had a Courtney Love phase in my teens tho(unsaged blogging)

No. 954278

She should feel silly, bc self-harm is usually not done by adults. I wonder how much of it is an emotional manipulation tool used on Lurch & her parents, tho, like 'Don't be mean to Luna–she might cut herself!'

No. 954279

she has such a bad case of arrested development. we all know this but the drug use and her romanticizing of drug addicts and bpd has only stagnated her growth into an actual person.
imagine being almost 30 and openly posting in forums for mostly teenagers about shoplifting, cutting yourself, and bragging about how damaged your hair is. it’s really skeevy.
this shit doesn’t get cuter the old you get. it’s only cute when you’re 22, even then it’s pushing it.

No. 954281

How long before you think she’ll start making the accounts talk to each other?

No. 954302

she's such a liar. she's been "cutting" herself since her very first thread.

No. 954337

yea shes been actively self harming for years like did she forget about the time she "accidentally" stabbed herself…. plus all the other times in the last couple years she "relapsed" on self harm. its one of the few things shes been consistent with, along with being fat, doing drugs, being dirty as fuck, and begging for cheap cheap items online.

No. 954357

I'm surprised she hasn't accidentally replied to herself already.

No. 954362

Interestingly, of all the cows to sockpuppet themselves I don't think Luna does it. I don't recall her having any known sockpuppet accounts she engages with, she doesn't really send herself any hate or praise even on anon. She rambles into the void but she's not making up responses.

No. 954365

she clearly did on tumblr anon asks but that's easy.

No. 954373

File: 1741696523567.jpg (192.35 KB, 1080x2061, 1000009190.jpg)

She really does. This is my first time seeing her sideprofile, she never shows it in her selfies kek

No. 954376

File: 1741702573492.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1290x2289, IMG_3156.jpeg)

No. 954380

Knock-off Uggs are always great for working out in. Breathable and ideal for working up a sweat in.

No. 954381

File: 1741708323925.jpeg (949.6 KB, 1290x1983, IMG_3157.jpeg)

Goddamn she is BIG.

No. 954383

Maybe she was really Lurch all along. She does look just like a Simpsons character.

No. 954384

I feel like those are Lurch's sweatpants, bc she had nothing 'clean' to wear & thinks that's romantic. Where's this amazing waist-to-hip ratio she brags about?

No. 954385

More like fridge block waist to ass-shelf ratio

No. 954386

When you're not sure if she has something in her pocket or if it's just fat.

No. 954391

File: 1741723631159.jpeg (805.88 KB, 1290x1756, IMG_2189.jpeg)

No. 954392

kekkkk was she advertising selling nudes on facebook or something?

No. 954393

'laughing at me for what' and then 'lmao' right after that? Why would she be laughing her ass off bc someone just told her they're not at all interested & just making fun of her? But Luna always writes like that, I guess. Why does she then post this online for everyone to see her humiliation? She thinks ppl will rush in feeling bad w/ $$$, right? Delulu, thy name is Luna.

No. 954394

She probably thinks she really clapped back in this convo and she’ll show the people who laugh at her but more secretly.

No. 954395

File: 1741730681763.jpeg (542.33 KB, 1290x1186, IMG_2190.jpeg)

constantly trying to cope with the fact her mouth is rotting lol.

No. 954396

ma'am, when your body is your product as a 'tute, you probably want to at least TRY to give people the impression you wash and brush..

No. 954397

The irony! Luna in each pic is like 'new character unlocked,' bc she uses such strong filters. It's not normal for your front tooth to be devitalized & for you to just leave it like that. It's dead. I think being around the methadone clinic ppl all the time, you might start to think having nasty teeth is normal. But it's not. We have access to dentists, and if you floss & brush daily, your teeth will not look rotten. She tries to hide her nastiness behind fake activism.

No. 954399

Tuna. Just because your crest white strips don't work on your brown teeth that you won't floss or regularly brush doesn't mean that other people shouldn't have white, perfect teeth. It's just what they want. She's mad because she can't achieve a decent/cute "look" and style, probably.

No. 954401

Not only is she coping, she’s lying to herself. Luna would give anything to be adored and admired for her beauty. She wants to be the kind of woman who is 'effortlessly' thin and conventionally attractive, but now she’s criticising it? Get real! Anyone who knows anything about her can see she’s starving for attention and validation.

No. 954402

Your teeth aren’t meant to be brown and dead either tuna. When’s the last time she’s seen a dentist I wonder?

No. 954403

Tuna, brush your goddamn teeth. She's so vile, someone at the clinic must have fainted when she opened her mouth and the stench of rot and fossilized tartar wafted out. Tuna could get into a halitosis fight with a hippo and win.

No. 954405

How could she posts this? If this is the one that she chose, what did the deleted ones look like?!!

No. 954409

genuinely, i don't know how she survives everyday. i mean i know how she does (drugs) but goddamn. no degree, no actual job experience, no home, no money, no friends, a cheating z-rate horror movie monster of a boyfriend, sickly cats that don't like her. atp she's a cockroach. the world keeps beating her down and somehow she survives.

No. 954411

File: 1741755865336.jpeg (693.5 KB, 1290x2520, IMG_2196.jpeg)

No. 954413

File: 1741761281153.jpg (95.16 KB, 573x492, 1000033038.jpg)

The audacity of her constantly using the "clean" filter when her septum jewelry is this caked with filth.

No. 954417

Is it normal for your boob crack to reach your clavicle

No. 954419

Is that leftover foundation? What the fuck

No. 954420

It's just bc she has so much extra padding on her body, that the 'cleavage' reaches all the way up there. It's like a foot long!

No. 954422

Probably a mix of foundation and snot

No. 954424

that is fucking disgusting jesus christ tuna.
and what are those black dots on her chin/neck area? blackheads? straight up dirt? they're definitely not freckles…

No. 954425

This is infinitely worse than when she drank her own piss.
I’m going to be sick

No. 954426

File: 1741792022394.png (3.66 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3168.png)

Her entire life is just “feeling hot today” “not feeling hot today”

No. 954428

Showcasing new or old SH on her arm? Also, the redness of her “dry eye patch” is concerning. I wish she would just see someone about it for some topical antibiotics or something, but I also had wished she’d get pumpkin to a vet or take care of her nail fungus too, so..

No. 954429

Omg, what are those black dots?! I hadn't noticed them. Is that black hairs growing in, like stubble, that was shaved?? Or just dirt?

No. 954430

i've noticed for the past couple years shes always had that black residue on her neck and chin its hella nasty but i have no clue what it could be. in the past i thought maybe residue from bandages but she never has any bandages on.

No. 954435

They look like blackheads to me

No. 954436

Same anon here, and I don't think they are, bc they look too long to me, the ones right at her jawbone. They're coming off her skin by a couple mm's, like hairs. Other parts just look like black dots, but some are long. Wd she grow black facial hair? She has bright red pubes & facial hair color can be darker. Ppl w/ PCOS grow facial hair sometimes & maybe that's why she's said she 'needs' to have facial razors on hand (she said for her brows, but maybe for more.)

No. 954439

File: 1741804146496.png (290.4 KB, 627x466, Screenshot 2025-03-12 11.26.51…)

For comparison, here's a medical pic of a woman w/ PCOS who has facial hair growth. See how the pattern matches where Luna's 'black dots' are, right along the jawline but not higher on the chin?

No. 954440

they dont look like hairs tho theyre too irregularly shaped. more like dirt/residue/fibers that sticks to her face because of all the goop she puts on. or maybe blackheads? i remember other addicts in her old threads saying they got these gross black things in their skin when they did drugs because of all the shit its cut with. so maybe that?

No. 954444

Her face looks very strange on this picture

No. 954446

I don't think it's facial hair because it goes far down her neck onto her chest a bit as well. The big one on her chin looks like one of those giant nasty blackheads that you would see on a dirty old man in those blackhead removal videos kek.
Holy fuck she is so grody, between the black dots and the months worth of gunk on her nose ring. Absolutely filthy

No. 954449

It's black gunk from her necklace and blackheads likely caused by her dirty necklace.

No. 954450

File: 1741821913540.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1290x1943, IMG_3173.jpeg)

No. 954451

the hint of black nail under her press on

No. 954452

File: 1741825272291.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1290x1996, IMG_2207.jpeg)

No. 954453

God DAMN those teeth! That's a really old pic, right? Why does it look like her dead roof is also chipped there? No way she got that fixed, bc it's expensive & they wouldn't cosmetically repair a chipped dead tooth.

No. 954454

as he's passed out in the background lmao girl you changed it yourself

No. 954455

fucked up teeth aside it’s crazy how bad she’s gotten at makeup. Her eyebrows look normal and her eye makeup looks nice. And this was before she discovered face altering filters I’m pretty sure
If I didn’t know who they were I would think it’s a pretty cute picture

No. 954456

The sheer audacity of her to post that teeth rant in earnest when her mouth looks like that. And I guarantee once she falls asleep, he's changing his background back to hide her from the girls he creeps on when he's out prowling the streets. Look through his contacts, Tuna.

No. 954464

How many days since she posted Pumpkin at all? We need a counter like with the chair. That poor cat.

No. 954467

is this pic old? its the nicest shes looked in a while

No. 954469

Yeah if I were tuna I’d wonder why he chose a pic of me when I was much younger, thinner and cleaner. But didn’t she wake up one morning and caught him staring at a baby tuna pic too? What a creep.

No. 954482

The shit on her chin looks like it could be a blackhead but the stuff on her neck look like skin tags or moles. The way they blend into the freckling and sun damage in her cleavage isn't something you'd typically see in a woman under 45

No. 954484

File: 1741885564357.png (48.55 KB, 218x164, Screenshot 2025-03-13 10.03.29…)

Why does she have little butt checks on her top lip? I know some have said it's from her teeth pushing her lip out, but I don't think that'd cause that. I've never seen that on anyone else. So weird.

No. 954487

celebrating something like this after the length of time they’ve been together is genuinely sad, I wish she could see that.

No. 954489

my tinfoil is that she was born with a cleft lip/palate but who knows. shes always had it.

No. 954493

If she were born w/ a cleft palate, we'd have heard about it, I bet. She likes to claim every injury & disability she can, and a cleft palate wd be a genuinely tragic type of not-her-fault condition she'd love to claim. She considers herself disabled & that'd be another great reason to add to her list of why it's all not her fault.

No. 954502

eh it might be embarassing because its a deformity like how shayna kept quiet about her boob job online for years.

No. 954506

File: 1741905873406.jpeg (737.32 KB, 1116x1162, IMG_3259.jpeg)

she looks kind of deformed in this baby picture, but i cant tell if its her hand in front of her face

No. 954507

Wow, her mom definitely now has had the classic facial changes that come w/ extensive tooth loss, like the witch chin that juts forward in a point, the shortened facial height. In more recent pics compared to here, it's so clear.

No. 954508

File: 1741909275410.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1290x2180, IMG_3184.jpeg)

I think that’s her hand in front of her face, in the baby picture here her lips look normal and there’s no scar or anything

No. 954509

File: 1741912367680.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1290x2294, IMG_3186.jpeg)

It’s a video of the fire alarm going off but is that a broom in the corner?! I’m literally shocked.

No. 954510

It's probably just used to pound on the ceiling when the crackheads are wiling out. They have so much shit piled in that room, there's not even a floor to sweep.

No. 954511

kek the broom head is probably the cleanest thing in that room

No. 954522

I guarantee it's to remove the kitty litter Pumpkin tracks out of her litter box from their 3 square feet of open floor space because walking directly through it is uncomfortable on their feet. There's no actual cleaning happening.

No. 954529

you could've told me this was Luna with dyed brown hair and id believe you. thanks to the drug use she now looks exactly like her mum. Bet she's thrilled about that lmao

No. 954530

File: 1741978273709.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1290x2287, IMG_3196.jpeg)

No. 954532

Oh, for her torn meniscus…? Interesting. She never complains of knee pain, specifically. Is it from her Cotton Eye Joe incident, I wonder? Or wear and tear from being fat?

No. 954534

File: 1741984537622.jpeg (841.02 KB, 1290x1857, IMG_3197.jpeg)

No. 954535

File: 1741984707186.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1290x1850, IMG_3198.jpeg)

so funny how she has a way of “finding” something every time she goes out. blown in from the wind, thrown in a dumpster, left on a park bench, etc

No. 954538

That knockoff Tiffany's heart necklace is absolutely disgusting. It's BLACK and rusty looking, when it's supposed to look silver. She is so gross, I will never understand.

No. 954542

she really needs to retire the duckface.

No. 954543

File: 1741994270688.jpg (639.91 KB, 2256x1080, Screenshot_20250314_161532_Sam…)

What in the blackhead, skin tag hell is this nightmare on her gobble?

No. 954546

File: 1741997989670.jpeg (897.72 KB, 1290x2314, IMG_2227.jpeg)

back to e grifting on facebook for more cheap cheap junk

No. 954548

lol as soon as I posted this the page refreshed and a “lovely friend” ordered her new ones

No. 954549

I know these things smell insane

No. 954550

I wonder if that's a male who simps for her for some unknown, bizarre reason, like they don't understand that filters make her into a whole different person, and the person they're seeing in the pics/video literally doesn't exist. Or a female 'lovely friend' who maybe also has a crush on her? I just can't imagine why anyone else would spend $30 on her for nothing in return.

No. 954555

Only thirty dollars for some ear weights from amazon. She should ask for $30 in quarters and some soap so she can go wash laundry or something. She's never done laundry one single time in the history of these threads and I'd bet money on that.

No. 954557

File: 1742006253856.jpeg (291.4 KB, 1290x662, IMG_2228.jpeg)

No. 954558

she surprisingly and disgustingly enough has quite a few male simps on facebook consistently complimenting her and commenting on her posts
a few weeks back she posted she accepted a ton of follower requests / added a ton of randos and the majority are all men.
I really do wonder if they’re “clients” or what I can’t imagine anyone actually paying to see her nudes that can be found on reddit for free. and I can’t imagine luna forming friendships with anyone unless there was some type of monetary benefit

No. 954559

Government health insurance pays for a surgery like this? Idk what she cares about getting her knee fixed for. Pain pills and ass pats? She doesn't walk around or move at all.

No. 954560

I'm pretty sure those men were making fun of her…

No. 954562

not really, if you go through her account right now they are all praising her, complimenting her and giving asspats and going as far as telling her her rotten teeth are totally fine, socially acceptable, and “cute”
the facebook post where she posted the screenshots of the guy making fun of her has 40 plus comments of people telling her to “ignore the haters!!” and saying her sex work is super valid!!1!1
she’s been posting more on facebook than any of her other socials and it’s clear it’s because she’s getting the attention and validation she so desperately craves on there

No. 954563

They wouldn't give her any pain meds that would make surgery worth it. She'd be crazy if she doesn't know that atp. Maybe it's to be 'poor widdle me' again? That's a weird choice. And yeah, free gov't insurance covers really just about any & everything.

No. 954567

she straight up goes out and takes people's shit. doesnt seem to matter if its in a store or at a park, she stealing. she cant even use this skill for anything practical since all she steals is dumb materialistic shit for herself. rarely anything for lurch, nothing for pumpkin, nothing for the apartment. she steals like middle schooler. tuna please steal cleaning supplies lmao
she doesnt shower so she has gunk all over her and tons of blackheads.
anon, did you consider some are gassing up an obvious junkie. yes some are deranged enough to have a parasocial relationship with luna, but some people like seeing a train wreck going (like us but we don't interact)

No. 954571

you could've told me this was Luna with dyed brown hair and id believe you. thanks to the drug use she now looks exactly like her mum. Bet she's thrilled about that lmao

No. 954574

We heard you the first time and no one cares. Her mother was much prettier than tuna's ugly ass

No. 954575

also much skinnier, comparing her to her mom in the 90s is way too much of a compliment to her. she looks more like her mom in present day.

No. 954576

she has rabbit front teeth >>954373 covered in gunk and limescale that her lip adheres to. each buttcheek is pulled down by 1 bucktooth. took me a while to figure that one out

No. 954577

File: 1742070763810.jpeg (257.04 KB, 1290x745, IMG_2232.jpeg)

No. 954578

That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Some fent can be cut w/ stuff that gives a crazy dry mouth at times, too. Not always, but some cut used causes that to an extreme.

No. 954579

She uses a filter to try to add volume to her lips, which ends up elongating those lines and cracks.

No. 954580

the mum looks like “this girl might be kind of cute if she wasn’t a junkie”
Luna looks like “what the actual hell, is this Sasquatch in a wig”


No. 954582

File: 1742081367695.png (4.31 MB, 1206x2622, IMG_0627.png)

No. 954583

Oh, honey….no. Please put those things away. I like tits, but you can keep your dirty lumps to yourself. Is she for real? Who likes them being out? Degenerate homeless men?

No. 954585

that is because you center your life around men tuna…. if you had any strong female friendships that you didnt use for monetary gain you might feel a bit better.

No. 954589

That doesn't even look like something someone would decorate their lawn with. It looks like something someone would leave at a grave. Is she stealing from cemeteries again?

Luna sweetie, you are "engaged" to a man who would do the same, but without the degree? Wasn't she only like 16 when her and lurch started seeing eachother?

No. 954590

NGL, more grave-robbing was my first thought when I saw that.

No. 954591

I wonder if she uses the phrases of 'blew in from someone's lawn' and 'found it in a dumpster' as a way to speak in code to other ppl who steal as a hobby, like since she's in those groups on Reddit talking about shoplifting. Forums online use phrases like 'my pet monkey took xyz drugs' instead of themselves to avoid incrimination & it's the same kind of cutesy phrasing that maybe the in-crowd is meant to know what she really means.

No. 954611

did she think the moids who buy her filthy content do it because they like her personality? when you spend your time conversing with disgusting men in exchange for pennies and a brief attention boost it tends to fuck with your self esteem long term

No. 954617

I really like the grey she achives when she put the filter on. Like, the mega bleached is good on her even if it's not GOOD.
Hair aside, I'm still not over how fat she is. Maybe she should just try crack again

No. 954619

My bad I refreshed the page and ended up accidentally posting twice

No. 954622

There's not an 'X' big enough.

No. 954627

thats definitely what shes doing. thats popular on all the lifting subreddits shes in. plus she literally even puts quotes around them sometimes.

No. 954628

File: 1742166910959.jpeg (558.03 KB, 1889x1221, IMG_3284.jpeg)

No. 954629

Why is having jewelry in her ears a necessity, that made her cry when they broke? I can't imagine having my self-esteem be so fragile that not wearing earrings destroys me. Or I need to have men 'like me' bc my cleavage is showing. Or my day is ruined bc a pretty woman dared to exist near me. Same w/ having dark roots throwing her into a tailspin. Doesn't she see how unsustainable and shallow that makes her sense of self?

No. 954631

since her ears are stretched, if you leave the jewelry out too long the hole shrinks and you have to stretch all the way up again. i assume she was just freaking out about having to do that but she could just put different jewelry in, though i can't remember if she actually has different ones or not. im also trying to apply logic to a junkie here so grain of salt

No. 954634

Yeah, she probably doesn't own any jewelery in the right size tho. I remember shoving a tampon in my ear when I lost my jewelery at school kek. Looking for a temporary quirky item to put in your stretched earlobe is very much a fun and junkie friendly activity Tuna, get creative kek. She has soo many useless knick knacks too

No. 954639

She for sure has light pink marble ones that she's showed off semi-recently. What gets me is the fact that she chose $30 ones, said they were "only" $30, when she can just get something basic for under $10 if she really needed it. But I guess it's someone else's money so… Too bad she can't be bothered to try and have someone pay for her dying cats vet visit.

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