File: 1494004033740.jpg (341.59 KB, 1080x1349, IMG_2711.JPG)
No. 305217
>21 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Gets by acting like a lost soul online>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!" >tries to be exactly like courtney love>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles>sqandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year newest milk:
>visible arm infections>showing off her birthday loot and fast food while simultaneously begging people to buy her shitty art>Lurch deleted facebook after "tessa" came forward with him attempting to seduce hem but still uses messenger according to last update>short on rent>publicly advertising her tumblr which is full of heroin posts in the "like" section No. 305219
Forgot to tag the last thread:
>>292881 No. 305325
File: 1494013840331.png (45.62 KB, 750x404, IMG_2713.PNG)
No. 305340
File: 1494014890734.jpg (24.23 KB, 275x214, 1490932723315.jpg)
>>305334>maybe Gop is trying to eliminate cancer like you Yikes, anon. Luna's a garbage person but there's nothing good about this if it gets passed.
Sage for off topic but damn. Get some empathy.
No. 305399
>>305334If the GOP wants to eradicate cancer they can start with themselves. Freeloading, virtue-signaling scumbags.
No. 305417
>>305416A lot of people who didn't vote are acting like this. Even smugfuck Canadians who don't have a dog in the race.
All this election did was prove how people try to out-victim each other.
No. 305550
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No. 305553
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No. 305554
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No. 305558
>>305555Nope she just claims (but has never photographed, not like it's something to show off, but TuNA would obv) she dislocates her knees and shoulders on the daily.
Don't give her any ideas, she's not smart enough to be aware of EDS..
No. 305584
File: 1494034389836.png (1.26 MB, 1072x1592, 20170505_193231.png)
No. 305728
>>305553lmao screaming at your mother because she won't give you dope money. Also ROGER was the one to come and check on her, confirmed Lurch hasn't been home for a while.
Facebook anons, were the other comments on that post lulzy?
No. 305758
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No. 305768
File: 1494053401235.png (350.07 KB, 543x633, uhh.png)
>>305767I thought the old one was auto-saging? You can post in a thread regardless of how many replies are in them, it doesn't work like that.
Anyway, I just went to check her Tumblr, she reblogged this.. What happened to not glamorizing addiction Tuna? Pretty sure calling some dying of heroin addiction "perfect" is hypocritical as fuck.
No. 305770
File: 1494053527437.png (31.31 KB, 534x699, uhh.png)
>>305768me again, I didn't see anybody post these. They're from today I think.
No. 305776
File: 1494053988701.png (972.4 KB, 518x1727, tumblr.png)
Sorry if any of this has been posted before, I didn't see it. The cactus post was RIGHT in the middle of her "breakdown", all this bitch needs is attention for her BPD to magically go away
No. 305787
File: 1494054948583.jpg (735.04 KB, 810x1662, Screenshot_20170506-171323.jpg)
Tuna's really feeling this 'Girl Interrupted, crazy broken girl' aesthetic this month. They must be struggling for the drug money.
No. 305789
>>305770she's been posting today about that bpd statistic and how that scares her and she's thinking of suicide more often, etc. but shouldn't that be motivation for her to try to get better? she's obviously very mentally ill and i used to believe that she had bpd but now i just think she's an unstable, spoiled girl who is too lazy to help herself. major depression can literally make you delusional in the way you view yourself and the world and it's easy to convince yourself that you have more mental illnesses than you really do, especially if you're luna and you constantly crave everyone's attention and pity. the heroin and crack don't help at all. she's just a mess and she needs to get herself help. didn't she post something saying she made an appointment? what happened to that? she's a pathetic and grimy person but her entire life and existence doesn't have to be like this and it's pretty sad to see her run whatever potential she ever had as a person into the ground
sage for drunk rant lol
No. 305792
>>305787lmao I love the "I HAVE AN INVISIBLE EATING DISORDER" bullshit she's pulling now.
Hard to eat when your body rejects everything but heroin during withdrawal, eh?
No. 305799
>>305791The whole point of a EDNOS diagnosis is it's a legitimate mental illness.
Not being psychically able to eat because you throw up anything you do, due to withdrawal, then binge eating when you're high isn't a mental disorder.
No. 305803
File: 1494056226668.png (2.13 MB, 1414x1110, image.png)
kek if she sucks in any harder she might pass out. the back of her hand looks grim
No. 305811
>>305810If she showed any real motivation to change, people would give a shit. But she doesn't want to change, she just wants to cry on tumblr/IG until someone sends her some drug money.
Look at Chey, people here aren't heartless bitches to Chey because she made an effort to change and she isn't actively scamming fucking cancer patients.
sage for reeee, but Luna is a fucking monster. Just because she cries sometimes doesn't make her a good person.
No. 305814
>>305811>>305810Mental illnesses (regardless of their legitimacy or not) are not an excuse to just be a scummy person. They aren't an excuse to justify poor behaviours.
As someone with mental illness it infuriates me when people use their diagnoses as such. If you're actively working to be better, usually most people (even on lolcow) will be fairly forgiving, even if you slip into old habits.
Luna just rolls around in her filth hovel like a troll waiting for Lurch to bring her next hit of whatever. Scamming people for money or emotional support on whatever is her tragedy de jour. Many commenters actually do want to see her get better, but for that to happen she needs to get sober and probably leave Lurch, which we all know will happen when hell freezes over.
No. 305818
>>305814I used to believe that Luna's BPD was diagnosed by a doctor. The way she's suddenly picked up EDNOS and started running with it makes me disbelieve every single "diagnosis" she's ever said he has.
I don't think she has any real disorders, other than special snowflake-ism. WebMD is her doctor
No. 305828
File: 1494061109405.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9869.PNG)
Another thing to add to her list of "uwu I'm sick let me be a pos because of it~" illnesses
No. 305843
>>305767lol oh the irony
you're the idiot. the old thread is auto-saging, retard.
No. 305852
File: 1494068804776.png (277.29 KB, 533x685, tumblr.png)
she's STILL whining on tumblr, she's spammed these in like the last couple hours. What time is it where Luna is?
No. 305853
File: 1494068930394.png (1.71 MB, 534x1872, tumblr.png)
>>305852Pictures connected to the top post
No. 305860
File: 1494069660099.jpg (11.26 KB, 305x260, hahahahahahaha.jpg)
samefagging but lmao I just looked up what a TEC-9 is. It's a fucking semi-automatic way-OTT gun that nobody in their right mind would keep under their pillow or near their bed.
No. 305898
File: 1494077061505.png (174.76 KB, 750x1029, IMG_2719.PNG)
>can't pee
Ok girl, I believe you would have a UTI cuz you literally live in such filth it would crawl up your urethra… but you can pee with a UTI it's true that it's harder, just drops of pee but also its like pissing razor blades so you know she'd be complaininh about that
But another reminder, opiates make it near impossible to pee.
No. 305907
File: 1494080460666.png (166.91 KB, 750x1000, IMG_2720.PNG)
She's getting almost too annoying to hate-follow..
No. 305954
>>305860The TEC-9 was also one of the two main weapons used by Dylan Klebold in the Columbine shooting and she has a pretty big obsession with that shit.
That particular model is notorious for jamming at random times and because of that, it's severely unreliable.
I doubt her dad had one, she's just looking for cool kid points and is trying way too hard for it; especially when that model has a really bad rap in the firearms community.
No. 306069
>>305810She won't be the first one to have died. A munchie died earlier this year after making a name for her fake illnesses/comas and faking whole personalities online for attention.
Luna is a spoiled rich girl. Yes, she's mentally ill, but that's a small fraction of her problems considering this entire thing started out as "Muh broken girl aesthetic" and now she's hooked. Begging and scamming for cash, dating her mom's old drug dealer, she's just overall scummy. I don't think rehab would help her because she'd be right back at it.
I don't want her to die because I don't wish death on her. Do I think she's going to die soon because of her actions? If Lurch goes first, yes.
That's how some of us think. She's going to die from infection, overdose, hoard catching on fire, something that's a product of her behavior and lifestyle. It's inevitable and we're all just watching the spiral to see if she hits rock bottom before she goes out.
No. 306097
>>305977>set up for failure from the beginningNah.
She was in college. She had decent friends. She went out and did fun, normal shit with them. The minute dope addict Lurch showed interest in her she latched on hard because she wanted to be ~cool~ and turn herself into a druggie Courtney Love.
Its her fault. She shouldn't have been so obsessed with drug aesthetic. She deserves everything that's happening to her.
No. 306158
>>306142most definitely. but again, she wasnt on heroin when she was dating lurch at first and i remember her talking about having to "beg" him to shoot her up.
i've been following luna for a long time, and she dabbled in drugs but it always seemed weird to me that she kind of went from 0 to 100 as far as opiates go. i have plenty of friends who are/were struggling with opiate addiction and i struggle with it as well, and from my experience it usually starts with a couple norcos, then builds up to percocets, then stuff like oxy 30s, and only after tolerance is too high is heroin turned to. i dont remember luna going through all of those stages at all and i have a feeling she just skipped all the middle stuff to go straight to heroin which (to me, at least) shows she wanted this for the aesthetic and because heroin sounds cooler than pills. that could also explain why the pics she posted on her drug blog of lurch shooting her up were baby shots.
No. 306243
>>305818youre right, she definitely wouldve included it in her blog posts where she just listed off her illnesses. she's mentioned an eating disorder tons but never a diagnosis.
it pisses me off that she feels comfortable whining for takeout because shes "starving" and "hasnt eaten in days" then broadcast she specifically doesnt eat for days to lose weight apparently and has for years. which one is is tuna? should people pay for your food because youre so poor, or should they pity you because you choose not to eat and youre still big? pick one.
No. 306248
Damn is Lurch still missing? Wonder where he's at. Jail? Someone else's drug den? At a chicks house who isn't "sex repulsed"?
I really don't think hes around, she would have posted a selfie with him by now. I bet in this post
>>305758 she's referring to her cat or stuffed animal as "babe". Kek.
And she hasn't mentioned him "calming her down" during her "mental episodes " aka shooting her up.
No. 306336
File: 1494135426995.png (542.93 KB, 572x826, maybe lurch.png)
>>306322I'm pretty sure this isn't Lurch in the background
>>304457. The bag of bones looks like Roger to me.
We haven't seen/heard about Lurch in days, and it's conveniently lined up with Luna going through the worst withdrawal she's ever had. She hasn't mentioned Lurch being there, or any stories involving him, only that she ~~looves~~ him.
>>306248 said, Lurch hasn't been there to calm her down, she's been relying on Roger to look after her (>>305553).
It's only a theory, but the fact she's not taken any creeper shots of him with the cats, or nodded out on their bed, it says to me she can't. She took a load of photos of him for their anniversary, and pretty much hasn't mentioned him since. I just did a quick skim of the last thread and I think it's been like 6 days since she even mentioned him. Pic related btw, from her tumblr. Last reference of (maybe?) him.
Maybe she's just angry because she's not married yet, and ignoring him? It was her 21st recently and maybe she feels betrayed by Lurch for not committing yet.
No. 306338
File: 1494135580659.png (131.58 KB, 512x540, weird.png)
And I don't want to start any more conspiracy theories, but does anybody else think Luna might have a password protected blog?
She posted some original images of text on pastel-bullshit-tumblr-violet or something, it looks like a screenshot from a different blog, it's not the exact same colour as her current blog. It looks like a crosspost.
No. 306346
File: 1494136013840.png (97.49 KB, 624x150, omg.png)
>>306341my bad, thanks anon. I thought it might have been a bit too tin-foil to be true.
No. 306392
File: 1494147807534.png (195.95 KB, 749x1185, IMG_8554.PNG)
there he is!!
No. 306398
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No. 306399
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No. 306406
>>306404I think you're kind of reaching there anon, heaps of people don't have their lock screen as their partner or them and their partner together.
Pets are common, plenty of people just leave it stock because who the fuck cares, or any number of things.
I doubt it's got anything to do with her opinion of her partner.
No. 306435
>>306404I hardly ever come across couples who aren't obnoxious teenagers who do this. I'd never do it no matter how perfect my relationship is.
No. 306437
>>306398>>306399She is so obsessed with blaming everything on mental illness, its fucking pathetic.
>>306392No? There who is? Def not Lurch..
No. 306505
File: 1494165017448.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.75 KB, 350x347, 13254255.jpg)
>>306495weird how she's wearing the shirt anon posted about here
>>306336 but still no sight of Lurch…
No. 306530
>>305789She is exactly that she's just extremely lazy otherwise she'd take her shit seriously and get professional help. But she gets by on this act and doesn't have to confront herself, so she'll never get better.
Also sorry2say no sympathy for people aware they have a mental illness and fuck around with drugs. Like motherfucker no shit you want to die what did you think would happen - you're a dumb bitch who wanted to be lazy and edgy and you're getting what you deserve. You literally chose this life fuck right off.
No. 306541
>>306535Sage for mental illness fag-
I have mixed state bipolar and they give it to bipolar people too. I refused it after also doing tons of research, a lot of those drugs do way more harm than good and don't have long term research or show little to no difference over placebo besides the ridiculous side effects.
If Luna is taking it first of all it's known for weight gain so she's fucked. If she wasn't an idiot she'd shut off her electronics before trying to sleep and maybe take valerian root to sleep, bc taking seroquel for sleep and "mood stabilization" is overkill. But she'd rather cry insomnia? I don't get it. Also don't get how if she's being prescribed things her psychiatrist isn't giving her hell for being on heroin, etc.
She's going to continue aging prematurely and gaining weight and she'll watch everyone dissapear. No idea why this girl has a following bc her "art" is awful and there's no way she could handle a professional practice. She won't die bc she's too spoilt and self absorbed, she's just in for a long cringey road of trying to prove how disordered she is until no one is left.
No. 306567
File: 1494173098282.png (11 KB, 535x374, aa.png)
>"nobody text me back when I need attention, I'll post about it on tumblr!"
>no notes
No. 306581
>>306535I agree it's way overkill and a very bad idea to be used for sleep issues, but my friend has had a lot of sleeping problems and was prescribed this too.
He doesn't react well enough to benzos so his doctor prescribed him a number of different antipsychotics to try.
I would personally rather take the sleep issues, but still, apparently it's a thing.
No. 306597
File: 1494175198405.png (11.23 KB, 143x57, omg.png)
>>306593the two chunks missing from her top lip, on either side, really freak me out. Especially now I've seen photos of her when she was younger and she didn't have it.
What the fuck caused that shit? One anon ages ago said it looks like she's putting fishhooks either side of her mouth and pulling on them, and it's all I can see lmao. Obviously that's not the case but I can't see how it can just be dehydration and dry skin, maybe she's a chronic lip-biter? Maybe she literally tore chunks out without noticing.
No. 306615
>>306581Wow really?
Benzos mess with REM cycles and shouldn't be taken for sleep, it makes the sleep you do get really low quality. Weird that your friend wasn't given sonata or something first, but maybe there's more going on idk. But seroquel is really, really powerful and should only be given out to people having legit delusions. A lot of docs are pushed to sell certain meds so maybe that had something to do with it. I was asked to try a drug that almost killed me bc my psychiatrist worked with that company.
Psychiatrists often over prescribe and antipsychotics can cause long term damage. My only point is that no way should she be given this, it has crazy sedative SIDE effects but she will end up like Charlotte Charms.
No. 306668
>>306567They probably didnt reply because they knew there would be incoming "uwu im starving im short on rent etc" texts.
I sure as fuck wouldnt reply to her either.
No. 306670
>>306597Maybe it got fucked up/burnt/dry from smoking a hot crack pipe? She hasn't been able to smoke so it started healing? Anyways it was fucking weird looking..
Maybe she just has it tucked in behind her bottom lip in this pic? Kek
No. 306688
>>306615Are you in the US? Here it's becoming more popular for seroquel to be prescribed very low dosage (like 25mg or sometimes even half of that) for severe insomnia but it's off label and still kinda controversial because of all the reasons you said. Its an intense drug that's getting more common.
Sage for my autism blogging
No. 306774
>>306739really? diffrent seroquel anon here, my psychiatrist has prescribed me 50 mg to sleep (and to make my SSRI stronger), but high doses like 300 mg are prescribed for schizophrenia and psychotic episodes lol
sage for psychiatric off topic
No. 306793
>>306758I think she said she "uses a friends account". But im sure her dad buys it for her. She just has to lie so she doesn't appear spoiled and not poor.
>>306784She's done this in the past too. Ive always assumed it was just a habit/slip-up, but she's the kind of person to mention "fiancé" whenever possible.
No. 306795
>>306739>>306774400mg xr/15mg dexedrine spansules golden ratio anon here.
You're fine. Luna however is going to fuck her brain up so hard.
A bong hit can fuck your day up.
No. 306796
File: 1494194585702.png (52.56 KB, 713x469, Capture _2017-05-07-17-00-36.p…)
Looks like she's still going, which proves she's still dopesick/still hasn't scored.
No. 306896
File: 1494201755199.png (180.82 KB, 720x608, nicetrytuna.png)
Nah, this proves nothing Looney.
I wouldn't be surprised if she used a text message generator to make this. But if its real- even she thinks his face is to ugly to use as his contact photo kek.
No. 306925
>>305922if you want to justify luna's behavior we can shut lolcow farm down, because your argumentation would turn every thread on this page because you can justify anything with upcoming, family issues, post trauma and mental illness.
the problem isnt that luna is mentally ill, the issue is that she is not taking any responsebility and furthermore lies and e-begs for drug money than whines for hours and days because she is dopesick.
also either dont take it personal or ask a farmhand to open up a thread for you, so we can laugh about you specifically.
No. 306944
>>306535 >>306541
>>306581 >>306586
>>306615 >>306739
>>306774i dont know why im so annoyed by the whole seroquel discussion when it is absolutely clear that she Lurch bought that shit off the street.
also ive also gotten seroquel for sleeping issues and have needed up to 150 mg to fall asleep in the beginning. ive also know other people that've gotten it just for sleeping issues. i had literally no side effects and even less than with other antipsychotic medication (for sleeping issues).
No. 306954
>>306923>>306935it also doesnt fit his long monologue-style messages from the whole tessa incident
maybe they had a fight and he left and didnt come back until now?
>>303915>>303814she posted a lot about people yelling in the last time and her "mental breakdowns" seem to pike.
either that or he has only enough money for himself and doesnt want to deal with dope-sick luna or it's really about the psych eval tomorrow so she cant beg dope from him or he ODed somewhere/is dead and she doesnt now.
No. 307030
File: 1494212860203.png (454.75 KB, 1080x1710, Screenshot_2017-05-07-20-06-36…)
No. 307098
File: 1494217094096.png (34.15 KB, 750x482, IMG_2736.PNG)
No you're not Tuna Shits
No. 307243
File: 1494249228048.png (116.19 KB, 640x902, IMG_4193.PNG)
so i'm guessing lurch IS there
No. 307247
File: 1494249618211.png (9.57 KB, 519x213, literallyshaking.png)
I'm sure that's it Tuna, I can't think of any other reasons.
No. 307248
>>307243Unless she made up the story. Its weird that she hasn't posted an ugly, creepy pic of him lately. Maybe he has a nasty infection or cut his hair and hes extra ugly now kek. Or he came back the night before her psych exal because hes done doing dope for the day and he cab get high again once she leaves. If she's even still going.
Gotta go finagle some drugs outta the psych doctor right Tuna!?
No. 307250
>>307247Why would she be so nervous about it?
Do you think tuna can do anything by herself? I see her being a stupid babbling mess going into a doctor appointment by herself. Probably wants her dad there so he can check her into the appointment for her and tell her what she's supposed to do next. How pathetic.
No. 307269
File: 1494253383135.png (914.11 KB, 711x1001, yikes.png)
Didnt even bother to brush her hair. Maybe she thinks it adds to her ~crazy girl~ aesthetic.
No. 307271
File: 1494253470851.png (35.41 KB, 749x305, IMG_2740.PNG)
>>307247She posted this on her FB and Pat responded like she's taking her or something
>insert tuna crying over cab money she didn't need No. 307273
>>307271Yup. Tunas 21 and can't do shit alone Haha. She's going for a fucking psych eval… She acts like she's going to find out the results of a biopsy or something jfc.
It'll be interesting to see if she goes home and posts later about being ~full of love~ and cleaning her apartment.
No. 307303
>>307275I definitely feel like this is the case. He also had her on antibiotics not too long ago. Wah wah, her evil dad is giving her the health care she actually needs and now she can't be mentally ill for the aesthetic! :"(
>>307269How does someone so young already have such harsh lines around their mouth? Yikes.
>>307271Pat why didn't you tell this scumbag to brush her hair? I bet she smells like rot, too. I feel so bad for Pat but Tuna does not need any more enablers.
No. 307335
File: 1494262088071.png (191.54 KB, 750x1092, IMG_2741.PNG)
I can't wait to hear what bullshit this psych eval is. Especially if her piss is clean, lol I still don't think anyone would believe she's not an addict.
No. 307336
File: 1494262159710.png (200.71 KB, 749x1088, IMG_2742.PNG)
No. 307348
File: 1494263202470.jpg (8.28 KB, 200x214, 54564646.jpg)
>>307269Ugh, her hand is freaking me out. Looks like a waterlogged corpse hand.
No. 307358
File: 1494264933035.png (2.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0736.PNG)
Guess Lurch was running drugs the past few days? Or it's a lie and the e-begging will commence soon.
No. 307367
>>307358Glad she got robbed; lay off the dope, Luna SmackArms.
Also her therapy will just be a waste of resources if she doesn't get help for drugs first which she won't so her quest for mental health is moot. Junkies depress me.
No. 307403
>>307399By giving Narcan to users, I mean giving it away as a precaution, like a junkie Epipen. Though since Lurch is an old pro he probably knows what to do.
Blog post: When my boyfriend was young, like 15, some older druggie took him under his wing. He was like fucking thirty, way too old to be hanging out with fucking high schoolers. One time he overdosed and made my boyfriend shoot him up with salt water, I think, and that allegedly can help do reverse an OD. I hate how addicts prey on kids like that, shape them to be just like them. Maybe that's how they got into it originally and are just continuing to perpetuate the cycle. I am curious about how Lurch started using. Probably the same song and dance as most of them.
No. 307410
>>307358Lmao he nodded out on a train with $500 cash on him? That's actually pretty funny.
He probably lied to Tuna about it tho. He kept the cash (if he ever even had it) for himself/drugs and then told her he was robbed and "Welp, better get some cash from evil dad and how convenient you just went to the psych evaluation he wanted you to go to, so he better give you the money"
No. 307421
File: 1494270418153.png (182.97 KB, 338x279, 9876543.png)
>>307401wow, wtf. why would someone sell this?
Luna, be careful.
>>307410yeah, seems like a common junkie excuse.
No. 307452
File: 1494271279769.png (141.94 KB, 750x1120, IMG_2743.PNG)
It begins…again.
No. 307465
>>307452>>307358this didn't really happen. she just wants free money.
proof of police report or it's a transparent ploy for cash.
No. 307473
>>307465lol fucking this have none of you dealt with addicts, besides what else would that 500 be for if it did exist it's all drug money she's a dumb kid who CHOSE this life for the aesthetic
Real question why does anyone give her empathy she had things in life people would kill for and threw it all away to look a type of way on the internet
No. 307524
File: 1494275571087.png (788.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-08-15-32-13…)
how pathetic
No. 307528
>>307513i remember them losing a 100 dollar note that was in lurch's slipper?
also as much as i think luna is a scamming lazy filth wizard, i hope something good comes of her mental health appointment. she deserves better than lurch even though she was so fucking dumb in her past.
No. 307535
>>307336Minus the lips she looks cute here
Idk if I believe he was robbed. He probably spent it on drugs and just doesn't want to share them with her.
No. 307548
File: 1494276481997.gif (551 KB, 320x320, b93088d0-f50d-0132-f117-0ed547…)
>>307524god i laughed way to hard about this
this is beyond any kind of reason.
it's like those little attention whore freaks who cry in front of a camera and then completely stop to fix the focus or the view and then continue on full-blown bawling.
please moar of this, little tuna
No. 307570
>>307562Let's keep their respective ages in mind. If anything,her Mom's drug dealer snatched away her daughter. How long was it that Matthew had a 'crush' on her? Since she was thirteen? He's stunted as fuck, but that does not paint a pretty picture. He probably ian't aware enough to know he was grooming her, but predators tend to go for kids from broken home. At least her mom was a junkie and her dad likely went along with it to a certain point, even if he's different now. Hell,maybe that's what her 'he wasn't fucking there' poem was about; Her recovering addict dad trying to distance himself from someone who enabled him.
Sage for straight up speculation.
No. 307580
>>307570All the info we have about their relationship comes from Luna. It's what she chose you to hear.
Also, your post relies on generalized observations on age disparity, mine relies on particular observations of those two people.
No. 307592
fixed it for you, anon.
No. 307610
File: 1494281337502.png (23.49 KB, 720x131, Capture _2017-05-08-17-02-18.p…)
Okay so he called her and told her, hes not even there in person, probably still isn't. Probably out having fun with that "rent money". Tuna youre stupid as fuck for believing that shit.
But maybe she twisted the story. Instead of losing rent money being robbed from him, it was actually something like him getting ripped off on dope or robbed for drugs or something. Maybe he stole drugs from his boss/dealer now he has to get $500 to him ASAP or hes gonna get the shit beat outta him.
I don't see lurch "crying and freaking out" as she says because he lost rent money.
No. 307622
>>307377Idk if it's the same in America but I pay my rent on the 5th cos that's the day I signed the tenancy, so it rolls over that way.
If I had the time and energy I'd see if all her 'short on rent' posts are at similar times of the month but I highly doubt they are
No. 307633
>>307524>>307527Sage for blogpost, but I also had a bit of a mental meltdown today about finals at uni. When I was sitting in the public bathroom crying my eyes out, I think literally the last thing on my mind was taking a selfie.
I can't believe she actually thinks Lurch was robbed. Luna, wake up girl! He's using you!!
No. 307686
>>307358D U M P H I M
No. 307767
>>307627forgot to include the caption was something like "trying to be happy because theres nothing i can do anyways"
maybe someone donated enough for them to get a hit.
No. 307778
File: 1494297049320.png (152.36 KB, 1080x1134, Screenshot_2017-05-08-19-24-26…)
No. 307782
File: 1494297112032.png (189.72 KB, 1080x1705, Screenshot_2017-05-08-19-24-14…)
No. 307784
File: 1494297190613.png (240.19 KB, 1080x1709, Screenshot_2017-05-08-19-24-31…)
No. 307785
File: 1494297297401.png (164.91 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2017-05-08-19-24-38…)
No. 307789
File: 1494297447045.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_2017-05-08-19-23-11…)
this post included nearly all the selfies posted today including the crying one
No. 307807
>>307778>life or death COME ON
You filthy spoiled tuna fish sandwich.
No. 307809
>>307789Man, she is fuckin retarded.
>my smokey boy is here and hes such a lover boy>I just got robbed I love everybody>I wear slippers with babydoll dresses>if I get evicted my little bubble of life would be popped Uh…okay?
She sounds like she finally scored some dope or something. And its weird that she says if -I- get evicted and not if -we- get evicted.
No. 307810
>>307789Man, she is fuckin retarded.
>my smokey boy is here and hes such a lover boy>I just got robbed I love everybody>I wear slippers with babydoll dresses>if I get evicted my little bubble of life would be popped Uh…okay?
She sounds like she finally scored some dope or something. And its weird that she says if -I- get evicted and not if -we- get evicted.
No. 307826
>>307817This pissed me the fuck off too. First of all she didn't have to deal with the
trauma of being "robbed" that we all know she would never stop talking about because the event DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN TO HER. Secondly, it's not even her place really more like Lurch and his dad let her stay there. She doesn't have a job and doesn't contribute anything to keeping the place so who are you to complain if you lose it whether Lurch was "robbed" or not?
If this is the worst thing that's ever happened to her she is in for a ride soon because the junkie life only gets progressively more desperate and insane.
No. 307828
>>307789Sounds like both of them just bought $500 worth of dope and made up a robbery story to get the money back in donations from some naive folks.
They're quite the pair of cons. Toxic ones.
No. 307851
File: 1494301714323.jpg (396.74 KB, 1200x1053, dumphim.jpg)
>>307524my god luna read between the lines
No. 307879
>>307851Luna won't leave Matthew. That's pretty much impossible. He could try to kill her with a knife and she'd probably forgive him and go back to their filthy bedroom. Maybe if she gets totally clean she will see the light and realize she has to dump him, but I think that's unlikely.
Tbh these two situations are way more likely to happen:
1. He ODs and dies.
Luna is forced to fix her life after a long and depressing grieving process and even probably suicide attempt. Idk why, I just think she'd really try to kill herself if he died.
2. He ditches her for other woman (or women).
I could bet money on number 2 tbh. It'd be hard for him because they've been together for a long time, but we all know he probably doesn't really care about her. Everything in this story is sad.
>>307859She's not a tracer and, repeating what other anons have said before me: she does have artistic talent and potential, her only problem when it comes to art is TUMBLR. Once (or if) she ditches it she can get pretty good. She probably won't ever draw and paint what 90% of this board considers art (read: azn influenced stuff uwu), but that doesn't mean she's not good. She is.
No. 307888
File: 1494305721009.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2084, 20170508_234501.jpg)
Somehow doubt he was robbed.
No. 307896
>>307785lmao this "Trevor Hayes" is the ONLY person who seems to care. He was also featured in the last facebook whine-athon, and he was also sending Luna love on Tumblr too, I think on the "he yells I cry he yells harder" post.
At least her scams don't convince
many people
No. 307905
>>307879I hope this ongoing therapy will help her see the light, somehow.
I just want her to be happy.
No. 308019
>>307785See this is why I don't donate to people on social media because you'll read this or some sob story and then you find out no, this person has a drug habit or debt and just made up something for pity cash.
And why the fuck does Luna think she'll end up homeless? She's already bouncing between the crackden and her dad's swanky apartment where she can steal whatever she wants. She'd just end up there.
No. 308041
>>307524when she cries why does she just smear the makeup all over her entire face instead of using a kleenex.
All I can think is of all that black makeup getting into her pores
No. 308068
File: 1494335609876.png (2.11 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-08-20-28-28…)
This pic is disturbing, who tf takes selfies like this after being robbed? She's delusional.
No. 308096
>>308089It's the same in a bunch of states in America as far as I know, or they sell it at least.
In the ones where you can't get it free, from what I can see you can just get it with a script, which I doubt doctors would have any issues giving out to people, it's a life saving drug with no real abuse potential.
I might be wrong though, I'm Australian, and they just sell it over the counter here, though I think that the pharmacist might need to actually see the person who's overdosing? I'm not sure there, I just read an article that worded it weirdly, does anyone know about that?
No. 308097
>>307399Also, I don't think there's much risk of her overdosing, it's pretty hard to OD unless some dipshit sells you a bunch of fentanyl and calls it Heroin or something stupid, but I don't think anyone intentionally does that because it just kills their clients.
Most addicts that accidentally overdose are ones who've been sober for a while and take their old dose, or in the case where there's strange shit floating around, only take a somewhat reduced amount instead of way way less like they should.
Luna's not exactly sober, so I don't think there's much chance she'd have a massive overdose like that.
No. 308122
>>308068She looks really cute and angelic here, though. I also dig her Cobainesque sweater.
Though yeah, can't see myself shooting selfies in such situation. Though who knows, maybe it's her way of coping and distracting herself.
No. 308129
>>308122lol r u blind? she looks like a fucking haunted doll
>>308097there's been a lot of overdoses in new england within the past couple of years and it's because of fentanyl laced heroin. 3 kids from my graduating class have died within the past year just from overdoses and the city that i'm living in now has a candlelight vigil every week for addicts who have died. heroin's always been a problem in new england but the fentanyl stuff is making addicts drop like flies. i wouldn't be surprised if she overdosed, honestly.
No. 308156
>>308122I never thought Tuna would post here til I read this
>cobainesque All striped shirts are odes to Kurt Cobain?
No. 308157
File: 1494345183737.jpeg (53.91 KB, 800x804, kekkekekekekek.jpeg)
>>308122>cute>angelic>COBAINESQUE>her way of copingshit what is even wrong with you
No. 308323
>>308318Yeah the getting clean/psych eval doesn't make sense to me. She posted a pic from the hospital tho, so idk. Maybe she had to take a scheduled drug test for something. That would explain why she was so nervous, she wasnt sure if the drugs were outta her system or not.
Maybe her dad told her she needed to piss clean or she was getting cut off.
No. 308597
File: 1494370686158.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2093.PNG)
My favourite game is trying to figure if those are trackmarks on her hand or just scabies from the filth she lives in.
No. 308631
>>308597You can't have like "casual scabies" it's a disease that eats at you from the inside out it's awful
Also clean people get scabies all the time
Maybe say "flea bites". Much mire plausible.
No. 308665
File: 1494375328873.jpg (122.33 KB, 952x608, 1485423868163.jpg)
shes got a legit lady beard
No. 308687
File: 1494376538572.png (2.52 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-09-18-38-30…)
No. 308694
File: 1494376825566.jpg (30.17 KB, 465x466, 57485.jpg)
>>308687Those hairy ass legs to go with her beard
>>308665 lol
I don't give a shit if a woman wants to shave or not, but coupled with the fact that Tuna doesn't bathe and cakes her makeup on over all her facial hair, it's just disgusting.
I don't even wanna know the state of her junk. It's probably an overgrown swamp by now.
No. 308699
File: 1494377057439.png (2.26 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-09-19-42-54…)
No. 308731
>>308113have you ever done heroin before?
when people say 'pinned', they really mean pinned. as in, pinpoint. hers are still quite large.
t. drug user
No. 308747
File: 1494380759013.png (203.93 KB, 750x1065, IMG_2785.PNG)
>a recipe for disaster
Holy Fuck the neck stretch does not make her look thin, just frightening.
No. 309438
File: 1494446487890.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0751.PNG)
No. 309444
File: 1494446562905.png (2.88 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0752.PNG)
Lurch reappeared two days ago
No. 309511
>>309438>>309444anon who posted these screenshots - you forgot to crop out your icon.
tinfoil hat these pictures make it seem like Luna's lurking and wants to disprove
>>306248 etc
No. 309547
>>309511>>309516shit, too late. i don't really interact with her though so it's not like i have much to risk.
for some reason my instagram only has my icon down there half of the time so I didnt even think of cropping.
No. 309582
>>309438lmao Lurch finally came back after his week long, $500 drug binge then? Hilarious, she's so goddamn predictable. I knew she'd take a picture of him the moment he came back.
>>309444tinfoil hat I bet that's Lurch messaging his side piece lmao
No. 309610
File: 1494457893914.png (239.03 KB, 1078x1160, Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 7.10…)
a lot of crack posts in luna's likes on tumblr rn (pic related) i genuinely wonder how much crack she does
No. 309625
>>309610ha I was just about to screenshot that image in her most recent likes, tickled me too.
So how's the whole begging for "rent" thing going? Or the whole "therapy" thing? It's easier to just do drugs and pretend your life doesn't suck, I guess.
No. 309884
File: 1494474956119.png (354.99 KB, 749x1063, IMG_2808.PNG)
Tuna the carpet already is filthy to death and has old blood stains also why won't you wipe it off
I wonder what "glass" was on her floor.
Definitely didn't step on a needle that's been used 20 times and your cats have pissed on.
No. 309889
File: 1494475143298.png (151.26 KB, 750x1086, IMG_2809.PNG)
She definitely did drugs multiple times, I'm sure staying high all day. Someone pay her a donation cuz $500 is going into you and Matthew's arms, well hands and feet now.
I wonder if they ever try to shoot up in their necks I could see that being a disaster.
No. 309931
File: 1494478831153.jpg (169.75 KB, 720x720, 65602.original-1058.jpg)
>>309786ive been following luna for years, and to be honest im pretty sure her top lip has always been weird. you can only really see it when she holds her mouth a certain way which is why i think you don't see it as much in her old pictures, plus they're usually low quality or taken from far away. she used to have pics where it showed more, but since she deleted her blog those are long gone. i also think the dry ass matte liquid lipsticks she uses emphasizes it way more. even in pic related you can see it though. i was just thinking about this because back when she was "hipsville" i looked up to her and loved her style, but i specifically remember thinking "she's really pretty but what the fuck is up with her lips"
sage for autistically long post about her lip
No. 309940
File: 1494479963459.jpg (423.44 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oe18org46V1vgit5fo1_128…)
sage for OT but i stumbled upon this picture again.. i'll never get over how nasty and hilarious this pic is lmfao. why would she ever want to share something like this
No. 309956
File: 1494481931573.jpeg (68.8 KB, 1592x928, jPSMHAC.jpeg)
>>309889apparently the needles break off in the neck because you nod off without taking the whole thing out.
pic related
No. 310010
File: 1494489539203.png (445.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-11-02-55-55…)
sage for OT but luna's comment on chey's post made me lol. girl never quits
No. 310078
>>309956This is a pretty extreme example, but yeah, that's not an uncommon thing to happen for people who abuse IV opiates, to find the needle still in their arm.
I think most needles are designed to bend rather than break to avoid this, though obviously rigidity is important too. So you're more likely to just wake up with a needle sticking out of your neck still unless you make an attempt to break it, from my understanding, though I could be wrong.
No. 310115
File: 1494511854125.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1299.PNG)
2 bananas for breakfast every morning? i definitely doubt it..but i guess good on her for finally eating a fruit. 2 bananas is a lot of sugar though
No. 310126
>>310115What a stupid, random thing for her to post. Is she trying to prove that she eats more than just gasstation junk food? And eating 2 bananas every morning kindof goes against her eating disorder/im too poor to eat/I go days without eating aesthetic/sympathy posts.
But oh well, guess she's just high and wants to post about bananas today instead of how she's crying because she loves her cat kek
No. 310143
File: 1494526250000.png (576.15 KB, 914x654, surejan.png)
No. 310325
File: 1494540946217.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0218.PNG)
~*^sO eDGy^*~
No. 310389
>>308895Opiate withdrawal will make you itchy as fuck, even 'lesser' opiates like codeine/prescription painkillers etc
Add that to the natural itchies that you get from healing scabs and I'd bet she goes to town on them
No. 310412
>>310010That's not Chey it's a younger "punk girl" who she's made an impression upon. Girl actually thinks she'll live with Luna when she goes to New York
OT but she also uses the n word for no reason
No. 310418
>>310156I think it's more that it would just be nice to get a compliment like that, no need to try to pretend there's milk somewhere there isn't.
>>310180Is this an actual question? Is sitting on grass really that alien to you?
>>310414Yeah that's definitely true, I hadn't considered that. Though I guess it's less of an issue in areas where needles are pretty accessible.
No. 310423
>>307524>>307527Seems she even put her usual filter on it.
>>310418I think what anon means is that it's an unusual thing for her to be sitting outside in grass. I won't lie, I found it strange for her to do it because she's usually in that filthy kitchen taking pictures of 'possible looks' she'll never wear out because she never really goes anywhere.
Yikes. I've just realized how boring and mundane her life is. She has no irl friends, all she does is shoot up and lounge, go to thrift shops, ebeg, post about Matthew, and lie online.
No. 310557
>>310542Well yeah, a compliment is nice no matter who it's from.
Someone hitting on you is different, but if you honestly get upset that someone just innocently wanted to compliment you, you've got issues.
No. 310628
>>310598He always looks ugly tho like she just thinks he's attractive for some unfortunate reason
But she also thinks she's p cute most the time and we know that aint tru honey
No. 310926
File: 1494590333910.png (503.53 KB, 972x534, I dont get it.png)
>>310829 said, it's an old-ass meme from 2012, according to reverse image search. wishes her life was that aesthetic.
In other news, wtf is Lurch holding in this image and why is this picture "lol" worthy?
No. 310945
>>310926Hes holding some kind of food– I can tell by the crumbs on his shirt. She probably wrote lol because she's high and thinks life is great.
Look at lurches scrawny legs in those sweatpants. Maybe that's what she wrote 'lol' about.
No. 310969
File: 1494595601211.png (156.46 KB, 726x886, IMG_2830.PNG)
Lol someone commented about her second psych appointment today… I'm so sure she's going
No. 310970
File: 1494595680552.png (191.39 KB, 750x1080, IMG_2831.PNG)
Ugh I hate you Tuna. The woman probably thought you were homeless.
No. 310973
File: 1494595849493.png (145.09 KB, 750x800, IMG_2832.PNG)
She asks for everything for free tho….
and just complained about having to pay for a tattoo she wants, Bryce does her hair for free, she gets free things she asks for all the time.
No. 310978
File: 1494596659416.png (2.38 MB, 1440x2082, 20170512_084318.png)
Jesus christ shut the fuck up
No. 310983
>>310978Omg she didn't actually buy it did she? It's still on the shelf? Is she begging for it? EW also who had a "childhood toy store" did she also have a pony?
She shows so many signs of growing up well-to-do/spoiled.
No. 310986
>>310981Read the thread
They're cheap press ons that are probably loaded with blood and dead skin and feces and so many flavors of filth.
No. 310988
File: 1494597553221.png (165.93 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2833.PNG)
>>310978Oh Matthews gets paid "a bit" today lol
No. 311039
File: 1494603534503.png (136.95 KB, 750x1101, IMG_2834.PNG)
No. 311044
>>310973Yeah, at first I thought someone was calling her out for her e-begging
The irony
No. 311061
File: 1494605688085.png (25.14 KB, 532x628, stupidfuckingwhooore.png)
She's whining about things she could easily change if she got off her ass and stopped being a junkie, again…
Most of the problems you listed can be fixed by not taking fucking heroin.
Also "everybody leaves" - am I reaching for thinking that's about Lurch, given the past week?
No. 311063
File: 1494605995229.png (235.13 KB, 403x818, hituna.png)
>>311061samefag, just saw this in her recent likes.
Let me put my tinfoil hat on-
Brat-grrls not THAT popular right? Is that another indicator that Luna reads here? Or is that just Tumblr autism where every fuck-up bands together?
No. 311141
File: 1494610677845.jpg (1.45 MB, 1417x1883, Screenshot_20170512-123624.jpg)
the texture of her skin makes me nauseous
No. 311162
File: 1494611840946.jpeg (639.72 KB, 2709x1527, Tunas face.jpeg)
>>311141lmao someone get her a lint roller for her face, that shit's nasty.
No. 311211
File: 1494613814340.png (1.88 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-13-27-31…)
I guess the spoiled brat got her toy.
No. 311219
>>310978>>pig plush>>Something about it meant so much to meMaybe that it's a teddy bear, you know, like how it says "my first teddy" on its foot.
Also, it's $24.99
Clearly Luna didn't spend
that much time looking at it.
No. 311244
>>311219lol I posted something like this, then deleted it when I assumed that she was talking about the bigger blue bear in the middle, you can't see it's price tag.
>>311211Is it me or is the plush she's holding not even in the original photo? The one she's got looks a lot cheaper than the bears. The bears look really soft, the pig looks like cheap fleece. If she didn't mention a pig plush in the caption, I'd have thought Lurch cheaped out and bought a shittier plush.
>>311234At this point I think Luna lied about the whole thing for donations. For someone who's recently been robbed, she's living pretty cushty atm. Why go to Dunkin Donuts, and shopping when you're ~soooo poor. I think she lied about the old lady buying that drink for her too, TWO people in 2 days taking pity on Luna and making her day? She's full of shit and making up weird fantasies to make herself look more valid.
No. 311250
File: 1494615199218.png (599.53 KB, 548x646, godthatcarpet.png)
Does this spoilt bitch even own a vacuum cleaner?
No. 311253
File: 1494615341204.jpg (939.01 KB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_20170512-135433.jpg)
Is it just me or is it already dirty? Did she wipe her face on its back and ear?
No. 311260
File: 1494615632757.png (669.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-12-13-58-19…)
>>311244>>311219she posted this photo first and was referring to it in the teddy bear photo
No. 311293
>>311281Her wandering around town doped up for hours feeling up the children's toys and leaving without a purchase, that's an image that won't leave me for a while.
Bitch is going stir-crazy being cooped up inside while Lurch is "working", but she's literally got no place to go so she's wandering around like a zombie, "almost crying" at everything.
I don't know if that's more or less pathetic than what she was doing before, sitting at home painting non-functional CRT monitors she picked out the trash.
No. 311305
File: 1494617686730.png (2.39 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-14-33-37…)
No. 311326
I'm pissed off that her stans don't call her out on her shit tbh. What happened to the appointment today? It's nearly 4pm NY-time and there's been no mention of her ~follow up therapy.
I guess she didn't really want to change, big fucking surprise there. Why do therapy when you can just inject heroin into your hands and buy children's toys!
>>311305I've seen Tuna's hairy stumps far too many times. Stop taking pictures of your legs if you're not going to shave, it's fucking disgusting. I know she's hairy af because of her PCOS but
normal people who aren't junkie losers try to trim back some of the excess hair, for the sake of everybody else.
>>311311lol I showed that pic to an ex junkie friend, and they were surprised at how many of them are fresh. They said it kinda looks like she's missing the vein, taking the needle out and trying to hit it again. Maybe the reason her hands are so wrecked is because she's injecting herself now? Maybe Lurch isn't even there to dose her anymore lmao.
No. 311333
File: 1494618683509.jpg (366.46 KB, 961x1280, tumblr_opuuduaMMt1w3kwovo1_128…)
God her hand does look terrible, there are at least 15 recent injection spots. The bruising on some of them indicates they're more recent, AFAIK.
No. 311343
File: 1494618970459.png (963.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-12-14-55-08…)
>>311326she did mentioned going to her appointment, a few times actually. and she posted a pic saying she was in the waiting room
No. 311348
>>311250Am I the only one who thinks it's a cow?
Not Luna, the plushy.
No. 311358
>>311343oh thanks, I'm anon you replied to - don't have access to her IG so didn't see this. She's been crossposting her IG stuff on Tumblr recently (captions and all) so I just assumed the stupid toys were the only thing she did today.
Also she's not wearing tights or pants with that dress, I don't know where she gets the confidence to show off her bare hairy legs like that. The discolored slippers
and unwashed hair are a nice touch, she looks like a hobo lmao.
No. 311361
>>311348It's a pig
But yea the spots are a "stereotype" cow thing
No. 311364
>>311211"Only $27.99" for a fucking stuffed pig when you're 21 and apparently sooo "poor."
I don't even buy clothes that are over $20 and this bitch is out here constantly saying she's poor and yet justifies buying a stupid stuffed animal because it's "only $27.99" goddddd she's the worst
No. 311401
File: 1494621099413.jpg (995.95 KB, 1072x1637, Screenshot_20170512-153025.jpg)
sure tuna
No. 311404
File: 1494621224660.jpg (617.44 KB, 932x1089, Screenshot_20170512-153220.jpg)
Can you imagine how terrible her skin would be if she was more acne prone and it wasn't accustomed to the filth?
No. 311405
File: 1494621228466.jpg (32.02 KB, 479x592, 75756.jpg)
>>311401Ugh, his hair is so greasy looking that you could probably wring it out.
No. 311409
File: 1494621408890.jpg (158.65 KB, 2000x1000, o-JENNA-MARBLES-100-COATS-face…)
Luna reminds me of Jenna Marbles's 100 layers challenge……
No. 311412
File: 1494621425479.png (131.56 KB, 750x1090, IMG_2837.PNG)
Second hand embarrassment
No. 311417
>>311371her feet are just feet. They're big man feet but she can't do anything about it. Maybe wearing socks the right size would make them look less gobliny, but pretty much everyone has weird looking feet anyway. I dunno maybe I'm just being autistic, I find body hair gross regardless of who it's on. I find it grosser when it's on an unwashed junkie tho.
But it distracted me from the nasty ass carpet, with is probably objectively the grossest thing there. I feel bad for the landlord that'll have to clean the crust out of the property when they inevitably get evicted/OD.
>>311401Is he wearing 2 pairs of underwear? and he looks a lot fatter here than he did the last photo she dropped a couple days ago.
No. 311424
File: 1494622381485.png (276.06 KB, 540x960, 1478106356459.png)
>>311418I don't think so anon, she owns quite a few pairs of random slippers. They're a similar-ish colour though.
No. 311429
>>311424samefagging but these are my favourite slippers she owns,
>>221806 they look hilarious. It looks like she's stuffing her feet into children's slippers.
Why DOES she own so many fucking pairs of slippers anyway? All of the broken glass in the carpet they can't be assed to clean up?
No. 311455
>>311417>>They're big man feet but she can't do anything about it.>>I find body hair grossAgreed. She can't do anything about her feet, but she can shave.
>>Is he wearing 2 pairs of underwear? and he looks a lot fatter here than he did the last photo she dropped a couple days ago.>>311407>>Damn, Lurch is a chubber.It's odd, because his legs look so skinny. Could it be constipation build up from not being able to use the bathroom due to heroin? I hear people can go a week or longer without pooping and sometimes need to be hospitalized…
No. 311462
>>311459the anon before didnt dwell about her leg hair, but about her five o'clock shadow and hair down the jaw line.
dont take it personal anon. just shave your moustache and youre fine.
No. 311521
>>311061Luna always leaves out "drop-out," "drug addict," and "unemployable."
For somebody who claims to be self-critical she never touches her real issues and leave a it at the shallow, appearance stuff.
No. 311541
File: 1494632089975.png (1.86 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-16-51-44…)
Get a job your lazy greasy slob
No. 311573
File: 1494634762439.png (1.34 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-19-18-43…)
No. 311575
File: 1494634824112.png (1.96 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-19-18-28…)
Some pix from instagram
No. 311581
File: 1494635120721.png (1.69 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-19-24-04…)
No. 311584
File: 1494635242151.png (2.14 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-19-24-14…)
No. 311606
>>311584she either needs to learn how to use her highlighter properly or stop using it all together. The white dollops on the inner corner her eyes, and the blob on the tip of her nose ain't contouring shit. There's just random bits of white on her face.
She's changed her outfit at least 4 times today, it's weird as hell. I've never seen someone put in so much effort just sitting there and taking pictures of themself.
No. 311625
File: 1494638309848.png (7.07 KB, 614x169, aaa.png)
No. 311627
File: 1494638781298.png (366.87 KB, 568x454, C5DE9572-DC4A-4FB6-A6BD-1680D6…)
>>311404that dab of purple on the very tip of her nose
No. 311647
File: 1494640924602.png (546.32 KB, 705x845, wtf.png)
Jesus. She is so fucking gross..
No. 311649
File: 1494641152107.png (2.02 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-21-04-17…)
No. 311741
>>311690I hiiighly doubt she actually has PCOS. she never talks about any other symptoms other than pain, and hardly even mentions it at all tbh.
also i can't believe none of her stans have caught on to the obvious drug binges she goes through? she's clearly been tweaking today
No. 311775
>>311719lol if thats a trackmark and not a scar, he's considerably better at shooting up than Luna, there's barely any brusing. The fact Tuna's practically got a hole in her hand now pretty much cements to me that she's injecting herself and making a sloppy mess of it, because noob.
>>311649This might sound a bit retarded but I've never seen her bathroom from this angle. That shower looks pretty unused.
No. 311779
>>311702Corpses mouths hang open until you shut them mechanically or with a stich
~mortician anon
No. 311782
File: 1494652449107.png (74.75 KB, 750x564, IMG_2850.PNG)
You dropped it on your carpet and it broke? Definitely didn't step on it like her iPad her grandfather replaced immediately..
No. 311813
File: 1494655618184.png (188.81 KB, 750x1095, IMG_2851.PNG)
Ya we know you posted them..
No. 312036
>>311782yeah bullshit, DS's are designed for literal children, they're pretty much indestructable. She nodded off and found it in a puddle of spilt piss-juice, or something like that.
I dropped mine pretty much daily, the clamshell design means that they don't break - hell after like 10 years of mine the only problem I had was the shoulder buttons being damaged. I've never seen someone break a fucking DS.
No. 312041
>>311778>>311741lmao who gives people pity points for PCOS? It's an extremely common affliction - it affects like 10% of the population. There are different levels of severity for PCOS, and different people get different symptoms. Just because she hasn't got acne, she could easily have PCOS. If she wanted to make up an illness for pity points, PCOS wouldn't be it. I've
never heard of anybody finding PCOS to be a serious illness, she'd have gone for something else.
There are 4 symptoms of PCOS, with every individual having varying severity.
Cramps- we couldn't know either way but she says she gets them, so lets say she does.
Acne - doesn't get acne but that doesn't rule out PCOS. Even if she DID have acne, none of us would see it under her caked on foundation. Hell I didn't know she had freckles until like last month.
Excess facial hair - I don't wanna
trigger the gorilla-chan in here that spergs out every time someone mentions hair, but Luna
does have a lot of facial hair for a 21 year old. I'm pretty much the same age as her and whilst I do have downy hair on my face, I don't have a full beard going on.
Fertility issues - she's ~sex repulsed so we'd never know.
So she has at least 2 of the 4 main symptoms of a very common disease, which nobody in their right mind would try and use for pity points.
Her BPD on the other hand… That's 100% bullshit for pity points.
No. 312044
File: 1494695575132.png (497.2 KB, 540x807, Screenshot_2017-05-13-13-09-43…)
I'm screeching.
No. 312051
File: 1494696708724.png (1.04 MB, 1440x1419, 20170513_123023.png)
Don't know how to post videos but I forget how chunky she is sometimes. There's no way she could maintain this weight by "going 5 days without a single bit of food"
No. 312055
File: 1494696844084.jpg (731.58 KB, 1415x1394, Screenshot_20170513-123323.jpg)
part 2
No. 312066
>>311521Imo she doesn't throw in being an addict in these public self-berating lists because ultimately, she's soliciting reassurance from others. She wants people to flip her negativity around and call her smart, beautiful, and talented. But no one is going to validate her addiction. They'll suggest she gets help. And I don't think she wants that.
Another possibility is that she doesn't even see using as a bad thing at this point. I mean what kind of glamour is left in her life without ~the magik of drugz~
No. 312074
>>312067yeah, better run tuna before the cake melts from your face.
nah, seriously.. imagine how that video was created.. she went outside, realized it was raining, then she took her phone out fiddled around with it to start a video, checked that she was in the frame and then startet running, while keeping the camera on her face?
like wtf even?
and those legs look horrific
No. 312131
>>312050The symptoms of PCOS are pretty much the same as a hormonal imbalance. The reason its symptoms present is because the cysts mess with your production of female hormones and you overproduce testosterone, along with other random hormones like progesterone. Hormonal imbalance is a group of symptoms, not a cause. Maybe it's not cysts on her ovaries causing it, but she definitely has a hormonal imbalance caused by
something, and PCOS is pretty common - Occam's Razor and all that. Maybe it's just her terrible diet causing it, but I don't think she actually eats THAT badly. She probably binges on sugar until they run out of money, then they live off of basic meals. Eating a lot of sugar can contribute to hormonal imbalance, but pretty sure she'd be a LOT fatter, and pre-diabetic before that became a worry.
Maybe I'm wrong and Tuna's lying to be ~special but why would she choose such a common thing? Having something that literally 1 in 10 people have doesn't make you special. About the same amount of the population have freckles and she doesn't think that's ~special~ or worth mentioning. Hell, blue eyes are apparently less common than PCOS and I've not seen her mention her rare snowflake eyes. She wouldn't get pity for her psychical attributes, but she'd get attention and isn't that the end goal?
If she really wanted pity for having an illness wouldn't she go for literally anything else more serious? Or believable if you guys think acne is absolutely necessary for PCOS? An invisible munchie illness like Fibromyalgia or something. Fibro would actually work better as a lie, seeing as her excuse for taking heroin was ~muh cramps~, which sounds ridiculous and like she's massively over-exaggerating how bad they are (altho I used to know someone who had to be given Tramadol for cramps… didn't have PCOS either, poor girl). A pain disorder like Fibro is a lot more pitiful and people wouldn't judge her as harshly for being on heroin if it's for ~invisible incurable pain~.
And if she made it up wouldn't she mention it ALL THE TIME like she does with her made-up BPD? She might only mention it occasionally because she only gets flare-ups occasionally. I know a couple people with PCOS that don't have extreme symptoms, only occasionally have flare-ups, and you wouldn't know they had it unless they specifically told you (or you caught them on their once-every-three-month periods when they have really bad cramps). Like original PCOS anon said, Luna's lucky.
I know she's a lying junkie but I don't think she's lying about this. Her BPD, EDNOS, "woe-is-me my dad is a criminal and my life is so hard" stuff is all bullshit, but I don't think the PCOS is. She lies about a LOT but that doesn't mean she lies about everything. I didn't bring up the point of "weight gain is common amongst people with PCOS" because she clearly overeats sugary food and has a sedentary lifestyle. "I haven't eaten in 5 days" is a lie, she's fat because she's a slob. You can have PCOS and be a compulsive liar, I don't think they're mutually exclusive.
Sage for off-topic essay and mild blog, but I don't get why it's so hard to believe she has PCOS.
No. 312140
File: 1494704157966.png (898.5 KB, 1093x759, notebook.png)
No. 312141
File: 1494704273865.png (4.93 KB, 471x76, d.png)
also description on the video, sure looks like she's feeling herself today - crack confidence?
No. 312157
>>312131useless spam essay. please kill yourself.
luna probably claims she has pcos because it's an excuse for her being so fat and ugly.
No. 312162
>>312067UGH why is she wearing those slippers outside in the rain?! I'm sure they were filthy before, but now they're wet AND filthy! Just put on some shoes, Tuna! It's not that hard!
I can't believe Tuna turned me into an angry slipper anon, but it drives me crazy.
No. 312166
>>311358>where she gets that confidence Heroin gives you confidence or at least a lack of care
Used to wear the skimpiest outfits when I was an addic
No. 312196
File: 1494708316741.png (7.4 KB, 661x188, uhhh.png)
No. 312216
>>312067She's doing the same twitching she did in her last video. Only this time WHILE RUNNING. Wtf. Crack must make her wanna do dumb vids.
Imagine how out of breath this cow was after that brief jog kek.
No. 312236
File: 1494711836406.png (113.32 KB, 1242x603, IMG_2305.PNG)
No. 312263
File: 1494714563120.jpg (380.72 KB, 2048x2048, 473D92EE-6D08-4DB0-9E05-795474…)
Sry for the weird edit but lmao you're so pathetic Tuna
No. 312345
File: 1494723909510.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2864.PNG)
She had to post about this again. $80 is standard and you're not special. You obv don't care for your tattoo artist if you don't want to pay him for his work..
No. 312379
>>312358i have one about the size and width of a dollar on my arm and it cost me $120, then $30 for a tip (they fit me in on a day they were usually closed bc i wasn't from there)
that tattoo easily looks like it would be $80, and they're probably keeping it at that because they don't think she'll tip them. usually tweakers don't.
No. 312386
File: 1494730723176.png (79.64 KB, 708x323, Capture _2017-05-13-21-46-14.p…)
Omg this is her caption for a pic of that stuffed animal.
No. 312417
File: 1494732731402.png (373.63 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170513-202618.png)
No. 312418
File: 1494732739313.png (219.11 KB, 750x1239, IMG_2868.PNG)
Holy shit she does not care anymore
No. 312419
File: 1494732748126.png (364.17 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170513-202621.png)
No. 312428
>>312419This is the level of cringe I'd expect from somebody who is 13 years old and just started Facebook.
Luna it's not Facebook doing ya wrong, it's the fact you gave up so early in life.
No. 312450
>>312345HAHAHAHA. i live in a major city for tattoos, and typically any good artist with a name charges 200-250 an hour. The idea of charging 80 for a tattoo is p funny.
also tf is she trying to get tattooed for when that could be drugs. but then again she sees a psychiatrist for expensive meds when she fucks it up by being on drugs so its like she just loves wasting money/her life.
No. 312457
>>312236When do all these women children on tumblr grow up and realize they need to take care of themselves to attract people that will treat them better and not abandon them.
Like yeah bitch what do you do? Are you going to keep whining to strangers online like you're 12 or get your shit together and not turn every little thing into a catastrophe so that your anxiety is constantly
TRIGGERED Who is she waiting to save her from herself why is this a trendy aesthetic
No. 312575
File: 1494760476328.png (354.92 KB, 531x762, lmaowow.png)
lol, someone took the bait in the notes.
No. 312641
File: 1494770498563.png (171.08 KB, 748x1122, IMG_2146.PNG)
Cool burner phone tuna
No. 312644
>>312641She let him use her brand new rose gold iphone? Im gonna die laughing if she's crying later because he got "mugged" again and they took the iphone when in reality he pawns it for drugs kek.
Watch out tuna, he might be trying to set you up by using your phone to create proof of drug use/dealing because he wants you arrested (she lurks here, so something for her to think about when she's paranoid on crack later;)
No. 312703
>>312698All bought by stepdaddy <3
I don't have a iPhone 7 or a iPad and a MacBook but do have wifi but struggling to pay for and other bills while she lays on her fat ass, shoving needles into her skin incorrectly, leeching off people and her step dad or whoever paying for that crap unemployed while you, me and other people here have to get up, work, go learn something in order to get that. Sometimes I wish that people like luna would just die off slowly. I wish lurch never give her phone back.
Sage for anger and ranting
No. 312706
>>312703i feel you too anon.
to be honest, lurch is probably going to sell her phone or 'lose it' somehow. it seems like their relationship is crumbling, so i wonder how much longer they'll be together.
No. 312709
>>312706samefagging bc this was my post, but i needed to add to it.
as someone who as been in an emotionally manipulative relationship that slowly turned abusive, it definitely seems like lurch exhibits the signs of a possible abuser, y'know aside from him dating a girl who is young enough to be his daughter.
from what i've collected, she doesn't actually ever go to the dealer herself. it's almost always lurch who does the drug-related errands–this could be because he knows she's addicted and that she'll stay if he keeps supplying the drugs. i'm not excusing her behavior because she's genuinely a shitty person it seems, but it also seems like she's been conditioned to be needy, partly by her upbringing and partly by lurch.
sage for blogpost.
No. 312712
>>312706Yeah their relationship does seem like its falling apart. Maybe he doesbt even care to shoot her up anymore so that's why she has to do it herself and has been ripping a million holes in her skin. If he does pawn her phone, he'll do it without a second thought and wont feel guilty about it for a second.
He literally doesn't give a shit about her but she still adores him and thinks hes amazing. How embarrassing and pathetic.
No. 312715
>>312712Lurch is basically a SIMP, except he isn't scared of her.
Or how about this:
-Luna benefits Lurch for drugs and money.
-Lurch benefits Luna for pussy and a place to stay when he needs to withdraw.
No. 312717
File: 1494778582230.png (241.27 KB, 750x1236, IMG_2876.PNG)
She actually left the house, went to the store, bought candy, then got home and "forgot"
I'm sure she was just stocking up on sugar to come home and get high and nodded out while eating a candy bar..
No. 312723
>>312719She's not actually flat broke or else she would be acting like it's the end of the world but it looks like she's got her fix etc
~full of love~
>heroin and sugar No. 312735
File: 1494779625620.png (100.73 KB, 750x733, IMG_2877.PNG)
idfk who Ellie is but im sorry you put energy into the embodiment of the word 'scum' and THANK U for calling her out.
Sry for fagging out but she needs to hear this shit.
No. 312750
File: 1494781293604.png (41.33 KB, 750x542, IMG_2878.PNG)
>>312745I think daddy is what she calls her boyfriend. That must get confusing.
No. 312757
File: 1494782316460.png (244 KB, 750x1112, IMG_2879.PNG)
No. 312762
triggered because her therapist was good looking? wow.
>>312735To be fair, this Ellie learned a good lesson. Chronic complainers like Luna aren't looking for help, unless it requires 0 effort on their part.
No. 312780
File: 1494785638851.png (179.74 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2882.PNG)
Geez don't even mention your actual mother?
Also when did her grandma die in the last year??? She's lying her caked filthy face off.
No. 312787
File: 1494786554272.png (51.35 KB, 750x407, IMG_2883.PNG)
Girl you are confident af you post 20 horrifying selfies a day and half of them are captioned "omg I feel cute!"
No. 312856
File: 1494794787674.jpg (547.46 KB, 720x1121, IMG_20170514_164345.jpg)
someone made fanart of her
No. 312905
File: 1494800231665.png (1.98 MB, 1729x1197, Untitled.png)
was this really 4 weeks ago… this is sad as hell cause her skin was pretty good
No. 312922
File: 1494803260684.jpg (126.5 KB, 1078x1369, IMG_20170515_000557.jpg)
Which Lurch body part is this even? Is he hiding something in his underwear?!
No. 312933
File: 1494803921335.jpg (103.55 KB, 904x630, gettyimages-620822194-fb4241fa…)
>>312856This looks nothing like her. Oddly enough, reminds me a bit of Courtney Love, though.
No. 312942
>>312938Maybe when her stepdad/mom's boyfriend was alive, he had a son?
>>312933Couldn't agree more especially the lips? They did make her contour look like shit so they got that down
No. 312950
>>311343"wearing slippers to my psych appointment usually means I want to die"
…isn't this only your 2nd appointment, Luna?
she always has to exaggerate things. she prob had to say that just to sound like she's ~so mentally ill~ and has been in and out of psych programs when we know damn well she went for her first one just the other day
No. 312970
>>312950like when she claimed she ate two bananas every morning
she just likes to try on lifestyles like hats and pretend its a regular thing but she looks like a crazy weirdo liar because theyre never consistent.
No. 312998
File: 1494813608810.png (307.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-14-20-58-16…)
more woe is me bullshit. but hey, glad she realizes she's not a good person. until she gets that crack confidence back anyway
No. 313049
>>312036Mine actually had a problem where it'd just shut down if it was shaken. Even messing with the screen made it immediately shut down if you weren't literally the most careful, delicate person to ever touch a DS
Now it won't even turn on most of the time and when it does I need to let it lay flat on a table so it doesn't turn off. And even then it sometimes turns off anyway because fuck me
It's been what, ten years since the DS came out? It's not far fetched at all that hers would randomly stop working, esp if she bought a used one from her sketchy addict friends
sage for semi blog post
No. 313194
>>313027he's slowly turning into a water corpse because of the drugs.
i wonder what his liver looks like.
No. 313205
>>313194Each time I see his picture I have to stretch my imagination to believe he's alive at all. He's always lying down or reclined, with closed eyes or the sunglasses, nodded off.
It looks like he's been dead for at least a year, and Luna mummified him and is propping him for pictures, putting a cat or something on him or beside him. I cannot unsee that once I thought of it.
No. 313207
>>313027Long term junkies have blown out their veins and must rely on smaller veins when they shoot up. Those smaller veins are harder to hit. The junkie relies on seeing blood when they pull back on the plunger to know when they've hit the vein but many times when dealing with small veins they're partially in or the vein moves and they end up injecting heroin outside the vein. This causes swelling that may never completely heal. Blake Judd ( who is kind of a cow himself ) is a semi-famous death metal musician whose addiction has left him with hands that look like bear paws.
A smooth, clean injection that consists of one poke and it's over doesn't result in swollen limbs and red hand is a sign of careless and sloppy injection habits. Lurch is sloppy as fuck and dirty to boot. Between all the abscesses he's had, his swollen hands ( bet his feet are swollen, too) and the state of Luna's arms and hands, it's safe to conclude that Lurch is not good at shooting up.
No. 313320
File: 1494865236595.png (246.06 KB, 738x1103, IMG_2889.PNG)
Those roots are horrendous my god
No. 313342
File: 1494867403718.png (52.89 KB, 750x486, IMG_2890.PNG)
Her day plans…
Sage for blog but I'm actually disabled and housebound and get more shit done than she does. Gosh I wonder if she even knows what real pain is like when you can't shoot up to relieve it…
No. 313355
>>313315yeah i remember that post, she said all her mom's exes had hep c, (including her father?) but that Lurch doesn't have it. also in the past they would get methadone from an old guy with hep c who would keep a cotton ball in his mouth, drink the methadone at the clinic, the cotton ball would absorb it all and then he'd give the methadone spit cotton ball to Luna and Lurch for them to…i guess suck out that methadone spit? i feel sick typing that i'm sorry lmao
she is absolutely careless with her wellbeing and it's repulsive
No. 313359
>>313342How the fuck can a 21 year old just sit like a lump around the house all day and do nothing besides watch Netflix, sit online and cake on her ugly makeup for selfies.. How lazy and miserable. Wouldn't you want to have a job and a life?
I get one day off work a week and even just laying down and relaxing all day on my day off makes me feel lazy and gross.
No. 313372
File: 1494869061355.png (39.8 KB, 559x468, 1468271081396.png)
>>313366unfortunately….here's the screenshot.
No. 313376
>>313372I have no words for this. If she truly thinks she or Lurch is clean, she's deluded. There's no way she hasn't gotten Hep or HIV or some shit.
If lurch was her mom's drug dealer… did lurch sleep with Luna's mom? Or were they strictly business lol
No. 313402
>>313372Bitch just get on a methadone plan, it's cheaper than your habit (around 300 a month) and if 50mg (no way hep c didn't ingest at least 20mg alone plus what gets left in the cotton) split between your BF and you is enough to keep you well you're tolerance is so low you won't need to move up. You'll be well, it'll help with your "chronic pain" and you could get, I don't know, a job.
I don't even know why Tuna is shooting in her hand, it hurts and the veins are weak and collapse fast. She still has good veins in her arms if she's only been using a year. She just wants to show off her tracks
No. 313427
>>313359Idk anon, I've been severely depressed before for a few years of my life and at times all I could do was sit around my house. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. But I was able to get out of it and even though it's hard some days, I now go to school and have a part time job and friends.
Luna, even though she's mentally ill, can do this too. I know it's been reiterated about twenty times in this thread but if she got clean and broke up with Lurch and moved in with her Dad, got a part time job and returned to art school, she could totally have some semblance of a normal life.
I think it's a mix of her drug addiction and mental illness that keeps her so sedentary. I don't think she's happy with her life, deep down. But every time she realizes that maybe her life isn't going the way it should, she drowns her sorrows in food, drugs, or Netflix. It's sad.
No. 313504
>>313315It is very unlikely that Lurch does not have hep-C. He has been at this too long, is too dirty, and is too sloppy to believe he has engaged in clean needle protocol. He encouraged his girlfriend to suck hep-C infested cotton balls stored in an old man's mouth to get methadone when she was strung out. What are the odds a man who engages in and encourages such activities is meticulous in his needle usage.
Unless Luna goes with Lurch to a clinic, watches them draw his blood and take it away without interference and then is in the room with Lurch when a doctor presents his blood test results and declares him free of any sort of disease, she needs to operate on the premise that he's a source of serious blood-borne disease.
She won't though. She's can't. She's cultivated this persona of a delicate artist girl who depends on her boyfriend/daddy substitute and swans about uselessly until he takes care of her. She's done it long enough that she believes it herself. He could have full-on ebola, bleeding out in her presence, and she'd let him shoot her up.
I also wonder if Luna and Lurch are immunosuppressed due to all the opportunistic infections they seem to contract from needle use and through their cats have developed toxoplasmosis. Half the shit she describes happening to Lurch, if it's true, sounds like toxoplasmosis, especially seizures.
Or they're just lying junkie assholes. Take your pic. But there's an almost non-zero chance Lurch isn't positive for hep-C.
No. 313508
File: 1494878054359.png (219.36 KB, 750x1235, IMG_2898.PNG)
>>312263Did she actuallly just get this new off the internet ????? THIS BRIDGE TROLL
No. 313511
File: 1494878298836.png (183.66 KB, 750x1111, IMG_2899.PNG)
She smoked one cigarette and took 3 photos of it
She never smokes cigs anymore omg she must show it off to upkeep her aesthetic!!!!
No. 313517
>>313511blood stain on her dress, classy af.
Do they ever do laundry or does she just swindle more clothes from the Church whenever they get too bloodied/gunked up to be worn?
No. 313526
File: 1494879092897.jpg (791.43 KB, 960x1280, lmaoartistic.jpg)
okay bitch is definitely cracked up or something, this ~artistic~ image was on her tumblr in the middle of her cigarette porn, and it's insanity is really amusing me. So sad, totally deep. For her to take this and think it's worth sharing? She's losing it, I swear.
No. 313528
File: 1494879177927.png (897.03 KB, 489x930, imgdump.png)
>>313526also she dumped like 6 images in one post, don't know why
No. 313592
>>313585her aesthetic is akin to dollganger dopplegangers who tend to dress in "doll aesthetic" and is pretty loli
but they worship this old victorian or early 1900's style and courtney was kind of like that just google courtney love dress.
No. 313598
>>313594lmao can you imagine her being homeless but still trying to carrying all that hoarded trash/trinkettes around the streets
i can see it perfectly
No. 313609
File: 1494886067414.jpg (97.02 KB, 467x659, 1gi615.jpg)
No. 313629
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Lmao i
No. 313634
File: 1494888304566.png (35.21 KB, 750x392, IMG_2903.PNG)
What harm reduction does she put to use? I wonder how often they get new needles, and when they do I bet it's like a 10 pack they use until they're veins and the needle are too fuckdd to shoot up
No. 313655
>>313402agreed. she should. methadone changed my life. I got on the clinic expecting to just keep using and never truly getting clean. but once I got to around 60/70mg, I didn't feel the urgent need to use anymore. I still get cravings but I haven't used drugs (except weed every once in a while) in almost 3 years.
I don't think she truly wants to get clean tho. she's still too in love with the lifestyle and thinks she's cool for it. she's not tired of it yet, no matter how much she says she is.
No. 313659
>>313520I agree that Lurch is a creep/predator but tbh I don't think he abuses her. the only side of things we've heard is hers, when she makes tumblr posts about him yelling at her.
he's just now leaving the house w/o her. he's probably over the dramatics and the bullshit.
I agree with whoever said that Luna probably doesn't scam much money and that Lurch likely does most of the hustling and providing. I would hate to come home to a whiny self centered brat who's been sitting in bed all day rewatching Stranger Things and waiting for me to come home so she could ingest half my drugs despite not contributing shit.
No. 313680
>>313678well her dad probably got it/pays for it and i cant imagine he'd buy lurch one
i wish she'd post more about them getting married i wanna see her white trash wedding
No. 313689
>>313680I can imagine it-
In a crack house wih asbestos, feral dirty cats, and cans of beer because that's a e s t h e t i c~ and her wedding dress will just be a torn white dirty night gown from the church. Lurch will just wear his normal clothes or even better-run out the wedding ceremony. I doubt he wants to marry her anyway. I think he just needs her for a place to stay from stuff and then get up and leave.
Man, if she's 21 and can rely her dad to get her a iPhone 7-maybe I should go to my mom and she'll get me one too~ I'm 19 so that counts!!!
No. 313711
File: 1494895328551.png (1.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170515-173840.png)
She sounds bitter af
No. 313721
Weren't Lurch and her not supposed to marry as soon as she turns 21 or something too?
No. 313784
>>313775OOH KEK.
Lurch doesn't look like commitment material I'm not fucking surprised. Hell, I wouldn't want him near my children and grandchildren.
No. 313788
>>313735bets on whether she'll crowdsource the money for her wedding?
but the long running joke about men hating commitment, women being a ball & chain, marriage = death, etc is so tacky and played out. so she is right about that at least, that doesn't necessarily mean she's taking the post personally & something happened with her relationship. I feel the same way.
No. 313831
>>313655Same. I had to go up to 120+ because of how long I used but it saved my life and I credit to being the only reason I'm alive.
Depending on her situation she could even get it for free through government funding. You get free drug counseling and they offer classes, NA meetings, job workshops. She could actively change her situation.
No. 313836
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kinda looks like she has a mark/bruise on her cheek
No. 313837
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maybe she was scratching her skin
No. 313981
>>313511those slippers though.
I wonder what people think when they see her in public.
stained clothes
dirty slippers
bloody track marks all over her arms and hands
smeared on makeup and greasy hair.
I think Luna sees something else when she looks in the mirror
No. 314001
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lmao things that totally happened. Where was your ~amazing boyfriend you love so much~ during your suicide attempt?
No. 314003
File: 1494942215815.png (61.01 KB, 529x759, insanity.png)
plus a load of captions her selfies and shit - all her pictures have been put in the thread before so I just cut all the captions. The one about her new therapist, she posted 3 times in a row on her tumblr.
No. 314044
File: 1494947082234.png (75.24 KB, 230x383, 230px-Crazy_Cat_Lady.png)
>>313981Everytime I see Tuna I think of this character from The Simpsons.
No. 314119
File: 1494956073132.png (1.08 MB, 1030x1096, Screen Shot 2017-05-16 at 1.33…)
what happened to $500 being stolen and her being soooooo worried that she was going to be homeless next month? what a spoiled, manipulative, conniving little girl.
No. 314127
>>314119Ew imagine lurch/both of them repeatedly going into that toystore and leaving without buying anything because they stole it.
Druggies don't pay for anything besides drugs. When I was using with my ex, we found ways to get free gas for the car, ways around actually paying for rent, and then just stole the food/clothes/whatever we wanted. There's no way Lurch is spending money on toys for Tuna when its cash that could be going towards drugs.
No. 314238
>>314172I might be reaching but I'm pretty convinced she reads here.
>>311609>>311649I briefly mentioned that she wasn't wearing her grandma's ring, in a post nobody else even noticed, and she put it back on in the very next photo she posted. She hadn't worn it for like a week before, suddenly the second someone notices it's back.
It sounds conspiri-tard, but it's enough to convince me lol.
No. 314357
File: 1494984225859.png (839.08 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2938.PNG)
Lol who do you hate now?
Daddy for not giving you dope money? I don't think so cuz she takes every moment she can get to bring up her "evil father"
No. 314368
File: 1494984645341.png (483.33 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2939.PNG)
Lmao in her likes what a moron
No. 314407
>>314172I think she definitely lurks. She once posted on Tumblr/FB/wherever that no one checks up on her unless its to make fun of her. Which is lolcow.
And she says that she can't read hate about herself, but she's so obsessed with herself I think she comes here to read what people are saying about her… And there's been more than one "coincidence" where she posts stuff which seem to be a reply to recent stuff from this thread.
No. 314429
>>314365depends on how high the door knob is and how broad the belt. if both works out it's the easiest way since you pass out fast and slowly suffocate/compressing the blood flow to your brain.
Assumed your ass is off the ground, obviously.
No. 314433
>>314397I mean, if she actually did do it then yeah, im sure she ran to text lurch about what she just did, hoping that he'd run back home to her with a bundle of drugs.
I also see her making it up, for attention and ~uwu im so sad~ points.
No. 314446
File: 1494992965968.png (600.67 KB, 720x788, Capture _2017-05-16-22-46-14.p…)
Let me guess.. She's going to see her mom to try and suck some drug money out of her since her dad cut her off. This fucking cunt..
No. 314464
>>314429 said. hide from X Japan died that way back in the day.
No. 314471
>>313023This actually surprisingly would make a lot of sense right now.
Needing her iPhone for "work" when he's never needed t before, the "missing" 500$…
Her being "abandoned".
All signs pointing something is up, and when you throw in a new side girlfriend he wants to impress, these things all seem to fit into that plan.
No. 314474
>>314119Okay now I'm convinced her BF is doing something behind her back now.
Buying her random surprise "gifts" when he comes back to make up for his guilt of knowing he's fucking around and to curb her from even catching onto him by filling her with ideas like "look how sweet he is he buys me gifts randomly"
No. 314512
File: 1495003507015.png (948.48 KB, 1220x612, 53.png)
Is it really that cold in their apt? Lurch is ALWAYS wearing that hat.
No. 314565
>>314563IME junkie dudes just each have their own uniform and his includes the beanie.
They almost all have one or two outfits that they wear to death and will have one item like a hat or a certain pair of sunnies and it's like their fucking security blanket. By former bil was an ice addict and would never go anywhere without one of two skanky stinky caps. They usually go for the early 90's movie bad guy. Kind of similar to how BPD girls nearly always have rainbow hair and facial piercings
No. 314632
>>314558Hey now that you mention it.. Has tuna ever posted a pic of him where the top of his hat-less head wasnt cropped out? Kek. I can't recall one.
Imagine being a 21 year old and your creepy older boyfriend is balding. She's probably embarrassed.
No. 314709
File: 1495040663909.png (673 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2945.PNG)
She's officially reblogging heroin posts!! Milk is coming..
No. 314876
>>314407I half hope she does read here, and when she's scrolling through she see's Kadee's thread & will finally realise that heroin cut with Fentanyl will kill you.
It'd be shitty for two young cows that could've had good lives die in one year from fent-cut heroin
No. 314896
File: 1495056005873.jpg (248.43 KB, 934x960, tumblr_oikgklXH5I1vfv0uno1_128…)
>tfw she will never turn her life around>tfw she will never leave Lurch & get a clean qt3.14 straightedge grunge boyfriend>tfw she will never stop doing drugs or clean her place>tfw she will never post a dozen smiling selfies a day telling us how bright the future looks>tfw she will never make actual beautiful pieces of art with her blobby coloring style that has so much potential>>314749I hope she does and it makes her snap out of it
No. 314915
File: 1495057234400.png (48.21 KB, 750x403, IMG_2946.PNG)
I don't think you can pull off doing heroin during a mental health IOP… they drug test you and will send you to rehab, not let you continue until you're clean cuz that's the biggest issue..
I can barely get away with smoking weed in the outpaitent program I attend
No. 315032
>>315023yes she did.
further discussion about kadee this way
>>314765 No. 315063
File: 1495072013020.jpg (66.9 KB, 1200x675, 1200.jpg)
>>314629I can just imagine Tuna shuffled around a beauty store in her gross slippers while being eyeballed by the employees then running home to bitch on Tumblr about how it's unfair and wrong for rich people to judge and assume poor people are going to steal.
No. 315097
>>314915So I don't get it, how is tuna in an outpatient program..? Do they drug test you before you're accepted? Maybe they tested her that first time she went in after she was clean for that week? Her next drug test she'll fail and then be kicked out/sent to rehab?
Or is the whole therapist thing a lie and she's actually in some rehab or methadone program?
No. 315129
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is she that thirsty for attention that she had to post her facebook status on instagram too? Also, I might be wrong but- didn't luna say that she's never been treated for her supposed 'bpd' but she says she hasn't seen a therapist since 2014??
No. 315178
>>314629We live the same life. I love having to follow a junkie around while they pick up $300 worth of items, steal whatever they can, then buy a 69 cent file.
We would already be ready to follow someone like Luna before she even opened the door.
No. 315253
>>315129>>315189D U M P H I M
No. 315534
File: 1495118879836.jpg (1.37 MB, 1426x2062, Screenshot_20170518-094643.jpg)
Yes, tuna. You look bad because it's hot. That's the reason.
No. 315809
>>315801If it is an addiction program I dont think she'd outright brag about it because for some reason she wont come out and say she's addicted to dope, crack, whatever else. But im sure she'll talk about it constantly and use it for aesthetic, but she'll probably be vague about it and just keep calling it an 'outpatient hospital pprogram'or whatever.
But yeah, im starting to think its some addiction related thing too. How she's doing it while still living with Lurch, I have no idea. Maybe she's not serious about getting clean but just doing it so evil dad wont cut her off anymore. Or its a methadone thing?
No. 315851
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No. 315907
Interested to see if she's gonna go home and get high now, withdraw when Lurch leaves and have some "mental breakdowns".
No. 315930
>>315121If it were drug rehab then it'd probably be inpatient. Most addicts, especially ones with a lifestyle like Luna's, can't overcome their addiction while they're still living in their junkie circumstances. People need holistic full-time treatment that helps them pinpoint the underlying reasons why they started using and change their deeply-ingrained habits.
>>315512Look at her lifestyle- her mental illness and addiction prevent her from functioning on a basic level. She would definitely be admitted to inpatient, though the best one for her would be a special facility for people with combined mental illness + addiction ("complex" something?). The only way somebody can be forcibly admitted in the US is if they're an immediate danger to themselves or others, which she obviously doesn't qualify for, but neither do schizophrenics who've completely lost touch with reality so long as they're able to feed and clothe themselves. Being ineligible for forcible commitment doesn't make somebody ineligible for inpatient or mean that it wouldn't be the best option for them.
>>315544Maybe if she were exposed to a different trendy bandwagon that doesn't glorify addiction then she'd have a chance, but yeah, she's all about image…
>>315575That's standard BPD shit. They don't have their own personality/identity so they steal ones from people they're close to.
>>315924Yeah, if she were trying to kick the habit then she'd be miserable for a long ass time. Possibly even unable to use her phone while she's detoxing. There's no way.
No. 315952
>>315922I was just reading about Suboxone treatment and it seems similar to what tuna describes as her "partial hospitalization program"..
>intake appointment >meeting with a councilor>you haveto be in withdrawals to begin >inpatient rehab not required Wanna bet though that once she gets her sub script she gives it to Lurch to sell for dope money..
No. 315979
>>315952Smart observation and probably correct. There's nothing about her online behavior to suggest she's recovering at all.
There's two options. One, she's selling it via Lurch for good drugs. Or she's using it alongside heroin and other drugs, which some junkies do with methadone as well.
No. 316006
>>315952She used to say that suboxone was too weak for her but it'll do cuz it keeps you from getting high off other opiates.
However, a similar drug, subutex doesn't have the blocker and can be shot Up (I think suboxone can too but it comes in weird strips and subutex is a powder)
No. 316028
>>316006Suboxone is a constant supply tho and they'll give her a benzo script (a small one though) my brother was on suboxone for years and had like a .5 mg xanax script although in the long run none of that did any good.
If you aren't on a high opiate tolerance, suboxone will FUCK u up.
No. 316031
>>316027no, i know that she acts like a tweaker. but we don't have proof that she made it a habit, while we actually do have solid proof that she does heroin. so for now it is just speculation and people are still confused on wether or not she actually continues to do crack.
>>316025i am not talking about all of this drug rehab stuff. i'm talking about how weird it is in general when people create dramatic stories about her life based off of a few things. i don't know how to feel about the idea of her getting drugs from therapy and giving them to lurch to sell and shit, it could be true it could not be true. i just find it ridiculous that people make up really dramatic things like her life is a really bad tv show and they're guessing what the next episode will be.
No. 316037
>>316031why do you keep saying people are basing things off "a few things," she posts dozens of pictures a day and we know she doesn't work or go to school or even visit people, nor does she do laundry or keep her house clean, so I mean, that's a lot of details to build on
plus she overshares like it's her job, she's even told us she can't pee
No. 316039
So much fucking projecting going on, its annoying
No. 316043
>>316037what do those examples have to do with anything? people have literally speculated that lurch makes her prostitute for drugs. i'm talking about THAT shit. they see that she might be withdrawing and they say things like "i bet lurch is making her blow old men for heroin"
it's people that see one thing a make a whole story out of it that i'm talking about.
No. 316139
File: 1495170009005.jpg (103.89 KB, 500x371, 1439419994318.jpg)
>>316039I agree. It's super easy to project with addicts too. I'm recovering and people constantly just assume you're on drugs. Tired? "Are you coming down?" Feeling good for once? "Are you high?" Get sick and throw up? "Oh my god, what did you take"
It's annoying. as a once junkie i cant help but roll my eyes out of my head when i read some of the wild speculations made here. sorry for blogging
No. 316140
>>316039>>316031>>316020Go read any other thread on this board. Everyone nitpicks and is always reaching, people will do it regardless and quite frankly she brought this all onto herself. I don't sympathize with spoiled brat junkies, let people nitpick.
I don't speak for others here, but just because someone makes a comment or a joke about her doesn't mean anyone is 'projecting". No one is jealous of her, she's an entertaining cow destroying her own life and it's fun to read while I'm taking a shit so.
No. 316161
>>316057>>316130Tuna is obviously
not a quiet borderline. You obviously don't understand shit about BPD.
No. 316220
>>316139Uh every time Luna gets 'sick' it always includes sweats and shakes, I know you were only using it as a personal example, but its a pretty bad one seeing as she calls all her withdrawals illnesses, and doesn't even go into detail when she's really ill (god knows what those antibiotics were for, it has to be her arm abscess, seeing as she didn't try and get sympathy for it). She might just be coincidentally having the exact same symptoms from a cold or flu but I fucking doubt it.
I still say she does uppers semi regularly and its not total speculation. Go back and read Lurch's catfish messages, he admitted they were using cocaine, which could easily = crack seeing as the tumblr post Luna put up said she didn't enjoy normal cocaine. Bitch tweaks out like once a month in a video, its not really speculation at that point, you can literally see she's on some kind of upper.
Have we had any mirror selfies recently? I dunno, this IS speculation but for some reason I feel like she's been using her iPad for photos.
No. 316279
>>316161>Tuna is obviously not a quiet borderline. You obviously don't understand shit about BPD.absolutely this! thank you!
it's safe to say that you can not diagnose jack shit as long as she isnt clean.
No. 316497
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Literally showing off her track marks at the hospital
No. 316710
File: 1495221388987.jpg (1.49 MB, 1396x2045, Screenshot_20170519-141509.jpg)
Imagine standing this close to Tuna in natural lighting.
No. 316714
File: 1495222033706.jpg (1.14 MB, 1437x2036, Screenshot_20170519-142643.jpg)
What the fuck is wrong with her tongue
No. 316742
File: 1495224486448.jpg (108.21 KB, 1200x990, PicsArt_05-19-03.07.11.jpg)
Lmfao, suuuuuure Tuna!
No. 316748
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No. 316785
>>316714her fucking lips
freckles arent evenly spaced like that
No. 316802
>>316714Hnngh, I'm bored and half-tempeted to ruffle her feathers and leave a comment saying that this picture is ~*
triggering*~ me #and my gag reflex.#
#But I won't because cow-tipping is a no-no.#
No. 316805
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Comment on her goals about wanting to be less anxious…
No. 316838
File: 1495232886389.png (139.2 KB, 719x1035, IMG_2967.PNG)
He was even creepy af looking as a child.
No. 316853
>>316844And not go to sleep… lol ambien is know for its hallucinatory/downer/black out feel when used in larger doses/not actually going to sleep.
Ambien is never ever prescribed for anything but drinking.
No. 316854
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No. 316857
>>316851I think he must have been at least 16 before she was born soooo nope?
I mean what's our count on his age?
No. 316861
File: 1495234472822.jpg (338.95 KB, 2048x1009, ACE02082-60AE-4E22-81FC-037450…)
A couple hours apart? Why? To show you took ambien and xanax intend on taking more asap? She might be blacked out right now maybe she'll post some good milk
No. 316870
File: 1495235242188.png (1.81 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-19-18-05-30…)
What the fuck is the point of this??
No. 316873
>>316854God I wish working my full time job meant I got paid enough to be as off-my-tits high as Luna is in this post
Like 'especially in this hot weather'? The fuck has that got to do with the rest of the post I'm lost
No. 316875
>>316714I fucking told you all. This isn't just heroin confidence. This is ambien confidence. That shit will make you feel like you can do anything, and you will do anything.
Listen up, Luna. The withdrawals from that are hardcore, so buckle up when you run out!
No. 316887
>>316875it's true, I jumped out of my window on Ambien kek
sage for blogpost'n
No. 316918
File: 1495239805762.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2980.PNG)
>>316903Oh nope actually same pills, different xans tho
No. 316941
File: 1495242214982.jpg (32.26 KB, 640x360, IMG_20170509_110936.jpg)
>>316918This is so ugly. She's like, "ooo, look at my pretty candies in my pill case!" What a fucking loser. She's wasting her therapist's time. I hope something bad happens to her and gives her a wakeup call, she's long overdue for one. Sage for edgy.
No. 316942
>>316819honestly it's about time. luna has been leaching off of her for years and bryce needs to start looking after herself. i'm also glad that chey has been calling her behavior out, she really seems like she's turned her life around.
>>316714and this right here is proof that luna is not taking this seriously. if she actually wants to improve her mental health she needs to start taking her scripts properly. therapy isn't going to do anything for her unless she steps up and does the work that they ask her to, which we all know she won't.
No. 316987
>>316918This picture always confused me because I know she has (or at least had) a script for them but if my eye isn't deceiving me those are "Hulk" xanax bars, allegedly 4mg per pill. The thing is I've only ever seen them being sold on the deep web, so what the fuck? Unless Americans in general are so used to benzos that it somehow justifies making such a large mg pressing… Ahh, I don't know.
Anyone else seen or been prescribed these green xannies?
No. 317075
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No. 317088
>>317075she's such a fucking moron, she posts pics of her with 3 ambien on her tongue and is confused as to why she's "dissociating" and phrases it like it's not because she took 3 fucking ambien. i know its bc she's high off her tits but i just wonder if she realizes how stupid she looks to everyone reading it.
>>316967posts like these are what anons are complaining about. y'all can act like its unfounded but this thread is full of speculation which is fine until people like this turn it into fact. we have no clue if her dad has cut her off or if he's involved in any of this. it's likely maybe and it's good to discuss, but it's stupid to state it as a fact.
No. 317090
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No. 317094
File: 1495261914399.png (1.57 MB, 1472x1142, Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 11.3…)
No. 317095
File: 1495261918974.jpg (851.83 KB, 1427x1542, Screenshot_20170520-013125.jpg)
Not fast enough.
No. 317157
>>316714>>316988nah that looks like an infection. candida or glossitis.
knowing the state of her teeth and lips, drug abuse and sucking her thumb (+lack of proper hygiene overall) i would rather go with the infection than just the pills dissolving.
No. 317171
File: 1495277135856.png (48.08 KB, 750x498, IMG_3751.PNG)
>>317170forgot to add pic sorry
No. 317218
File: 1495285781671.png (114.29 KB, 750x879, IMG_2991.PNG)
After posting 10 pics of ambien and talking about how much she loves it…
No. 317220
File: 1495285906826.png (134.62 KB, 750x1097, IMG_2992.PNG)
Girl no that is not what dissociation is that's what ambien does…
No. 317231
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No. 317235
File: 1495286988612.png (110.88 KB, 750x1179, IMG_2993.PNG)
She's at her dads I guess she posted this last night
No. 317238
File: 1495287466233.jpg (144.36 KB, 566x849, IMG_3562.JPG)
>>316838Holy shit, dem teef!!!
No. 317535
>>317531Lol, not to nit-pick, but she wasn't trying to get him a job as a dog walker, he was just creeping on someone else's dog who was tied up outside.
Also, newfags should read up on the old threads and get caught up before commenting, there's lots of juicy milk.
No. 317549
tfw you have similar areola to Luna but after these threads you're not sure if they're actually ugly or if they're only ugly because her personality is ugly
>>317201I thought Anons here were really reaching too before I saw Luna post that pic of Lurch's phone on instagram explaining that he needed her iPhone to listen to music in YouTube, and that was after all of the suspicion about it in this thread. So I'm not totally sure.
No. 317613
File: 1495320700498.jpg (7.69 KB, 267x200, 1483519587132.jpg)
>>317523I forgot all about this pic
No. 317637
File: 1495322695232.png (833.13 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2996.PNG)
A suicide note she texted to her boyfriend? That's nice
No. 317662
File: 1495324781006.jpg (1.15 MB, 1434x2016, Screenshot_20170520-185826.jpg)
9/10 times..
No. 317671
File: 1495325814821.png (169.84 KB, 749x961, IMG_2998.PNG)
That's like $50 in lipstick
>doesn't want more nude colors
>two new nude colors
No. 317682
>>317671bitch all ya need is face wash, shampoo and soap bar, not nyx liquid lipstick shit
everything about her is so ridiculous, like her hierarchy of needs is totally messed up - who needs 5 lipsticks instead of food or cleaning supplies, smh
No. 317692
>>317671Eek, her thumb. The tips of her other fingers look flaky too. What's that, a fungal infection from living in that pigsty? Burnt herself on a crack pipe? Do I even want to know?
>>317662Gave me such a good laugh
No. 317705
File: 1495327878688.jpg (379.99 KB, 2048x2048, B687EA72-E273-4D3F-8863-52E758…)
Is there already a Tuna Pepe? If not I'm gonna make one now.. Actually I challenge you all to make the best Pepe Tuna you can make..
No. 317706
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No. 317712
File: 1495328531923.png (68.1 KB, 877x566, IMG_3434.PNG)
The best I can do
No. 317762
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>>317712I'm embarrassed.. I think I more captured her "aura" aka the many layers of filth and foundation on her face
No. 317775
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sage for blog but look who i ran into! im betting tuna got her pig from a really high-end toystore like the one where i saw this one. there were literally $65 stuffed animals here. i could only imagine gross tuna bumping around and putting her crusty foundation on all the stuffed animals while the employees just stared at her (and yes the pig really was $26.99)
No. 317800
>>317712Before Lurch
>>317762Full Lurched
No. 317857
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Sage for old news, but I noticed this dude's thirsty comments on Tuna's ig so I checked out his profile. It looks like Tuna must have been so high that she hit on him on two separate occasions on the same selfie without noticing kek
No. 317962
>>317712This is great anon!
>>317762This is hilarious omg hahah!
No. 318020
>>317692It's just old dry skin like you'd get on your foot. Hers is probably from never using lotion and irritating her hands with chemicals/heat and never exfoliating anything.
>>317775Having a hard time imagining Tuna wandering the aisles of a high-end toystore simply because I don't want to accept the idea that she does. Why? What could she possibly be doing in a shop like that? I mean they can't chase her out with a broom but she probably looks like like drugged out child predator when she comes in, ready to snatch some customer's kid.
No. 318106
>>318020She's a drugged up idiot, of course she wanders into places where she stands out without noticing. Her misplaced confidence/narcissism means she has no idea she's the dregs of society. She thinks that people are checking her out when they stare because she's
that hot. Little does she know, these people are following her to make sure she's not stealing stuff, not because she's hot shit.
No. 318262
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No. 318294
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i was one of the anons who was skeptical that she lurks but this is basically confirmation that she does. she posted this pic on her blog which is the exact pic posted by
>>305860 No. 318318
>>314896This makes me sad
>>317220Imagine being so selfcentered you take pictures while dissociating
No. 318352
>>318262 'My grandpa is kind of a famous jazz musician. He got nominated for an Emmy.'
No. 318374
>>318294…it's also the very first picture that comes up when you search TEC-9. the anon who posted it 15 days ago only posted it because luna mentioned a TEC-9.
she doesn't lurk.
No. 318389
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ooh good find, tuna
No. 318391
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No. 318428
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All I can think of is Tunafish
No. 318440
>>318388Fuck I'm
Could she seriously not
at least clean around the edges with a q-tip dipped in nail polish remover or something? Like, my god. You'd think she has Parkinson's.
No. 318459
>>318444Lol you can see a speck of grime embedded on her pinkie nail already
Also jfc all her clothing is covered in blood, the end of her sleeve looks nasty
No. 318477
>>318262She misses her mom? Uh, the one she never talks about and bitched that she didnt get a birthday present from..? And kek at how shes bragging about her (obviously) amazing/famous grandpa and that she even tells you his full name and wants you to google it.
She knows Shes a worthless loser so she clings on to her family members' achievements so she can feel like Shes worth something…?