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No. 468770
Old thread is locked and I can't see a new one so here goes.
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420
>previously also known as howl1996, junkhun and funeralhome420 >21 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Gets by acting like a lost soul online>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!" >tries to be exactly like courtney love>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles>sqandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year >visible arm infections>Lurch deleted facebook after "tessa" came forward with him attempting to seduce hem but still uses messenger according to last update>always "short on rent" or otherwise in need of donations >overdosed on heroin, didn't encourage her to get cleannewest milk:
>Anons revealed e-begging PMs.>Lurch has been convicted, no jail time, but revealed he had a license. >>468155>Shilling her artwork hardcore and buying junk food. >Animal crossing shitposting.PREVIOUS THREADS
>>452611 No. 468857
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It appears she has a new, or at least more active, Tumblr. No. 468899
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No. 468900
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No. 468901
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No. 468902
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No. 468904
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No. 468916
>>468901>>468902But yet, she still has to stand sideways to make it appear she' thin kek
We all know you're a wide bitch, Tuna, stop pretending.
No. 468922
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sage but I love finding chief lookalikes
No. 468945
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No. 468946
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No. 468949
>>468946kek… "buy me things because I need to spend all my moneys on heroin!!!!"
she makes me sick the way she just openly asks for things.
No. 468989
>>468944I think it was a story she made up. She never even had it, let alone dropped it. Otherwise she would have posted pics of it.
Or maybe she had some and immediately sold/traded it for dope.
No. 469036
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I went on her YouTube to find her Room Tour video again I saw from before she was with lurch but unfortunately she took it down.i did see these at home teeth pulling videos in her likes and I started gagging at the thought of her and lurch doing this to themselves.
No. 469049
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No. 469051
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No. 469059
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No. 469060
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No. 469061
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No. 469063
>>469060You always look dumb, Tuna.
>>469061You barely even liked him, you whiny little bitch.
>>469049These motherfuckers are always in bed. Get your lazy asses up and do something with your lives.
A person can only attend so many pity parties a day.
No. 469078
>>469059Considering this country is experiencing a heroin epidemic seeing shit like this is important.
Not surprised to see luna missing the point
No. 469086
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>>469078It's a bummer, because I empathize with it in a similar way to Luna, but I don't do heroin or other opiates. Why are these people filming? Clearly these people are experiencing a rush, but shouldn't you try and coax them out of that nod and be more supportive? I'm not saying shoot them up with narcan or call the police, ask them questions and direct traffic away from them … if you have the time. Clearly these people did. Are these people absolved of criticism for being that high on the job? No. It's shameful. In that moment, we need to unite to help people. Even if they were to snarkily wave you away (in the way they slowly could) you could at least exercised some duty towards your fellow man in a time like this. Those women weren't as usually deterrent like other addicts I've seen and wouldn't confront or comfort. It seems like a safe bet to at least make sure they're okay without a camera rolling. They're clearly going to lose their jobs if they haven't already.
I get why people would laugh. I just lost someone important and have been the process of losing someone for 5+ years due to heroin abuse. Wagging your finger or laughing at them does nothing but selfishly vindicate yourself. Sage for off topic bullshit
No. 469135
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No. 469139
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No. 469140
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No. 469141
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No. 469142
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No. 469161
>>469086Youre kind anon, especially for thinking these people need help (which they do.) But unfortunately the people filming this arent the type of people who are looking to help addicts. However despite it being kinda nasty to post the video it has value. It shows heroin is here, its in our shopping centers - our gas station attendants are using it.
Im sorry for your loss, ive had a few myself
No. 469183
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Wasn't his music garbage Tuna?
No. 469198
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wow guys, ~only~ $25 for this masterpiece !
No. 469424
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No. 469425
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No. 469428
>>469059OT but those women are lucky nobody robbed them or took whatever they wanted from the store.
It's fucking scary and should be taken seriously, but Tuna doesn't care about stopping addiction, she just doesn't want to see people laughing at folks like her who indulge their addictions. Tuna's probably pissed at the notion that no job will tolerate her getting high in peace.
No. 469431
>>469424Tinfoil tard incoming.
Could this mean she was taken off her Dad's insurance? Forgive me if it doesn't work like that, non-american here and I don't understand health insurance.
I know she automatically gets taken off at 26, but could her Dad have done it earlier out of spite? She is an adult living independently of both her parents, and she was on her Dad's as a dependant right? Quick googling says that its possible to do, but I don't know specifics.
I swear a couple anons said ~3 threads ago that mental health support isn't
that inaccessible to poor people in the US. I'm assuming you have to
apply for gov assistance with medical bills and its not automatically deducted? Or that's her bill before insurance deductions?
Seems crazy to me that this could be legit. She's only not been getting pills for maybe 2-3 months? How come they can afford Lurch's Xanax still? His script was mentioned in last thread iirc.
No. 469442
>>469431It's possible they sent her the bill, and she's expected to forward the bill to her insurance company to actually get the claim covered. If she owes anything in addition, the insurance company would send her the updated bill. Not able to tell from that picture alone tbh.
I'd believe it if Tuna was just posting the bill for attention and that's not what she actually owes.
>source: once had a routine gyno exam and STD test billed to me for ~$4k before I realized they didn't send it to my insurance and I had to do it myselfEither way, there's assistance and payment plans for situations like that, and $1k isn't actually hard to pay off and NOTHING compared to crippling medical debt most other people face.
No. 469473
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No. 469475
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No. 469476
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No. 469522
>>469481it has been discussed a lot of times before: shit diet (most sugar or fast food) and sugar cravings. also losing weight due to dope isnt super common. some gain some use. gain is apparently more common in those who mix with other drugs.
>>469514>isnt actually heroinwhat else would it be?
No. 469528
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No. 469530
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No. 469535
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No. 469536
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No. 469537
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No. 469543
>>469530Bitch, why not just get some pastel Crayola markers. Youre not good enough for copics.
She obv does know how to use/take care of them since she asks for/gets new ones so often.
No. 469580
>>469536kek lurking definitely confirmed
nobody needs to know you irl tuna, you're insufferable and morally bankrupt enough on the internet alone to let us know that you're a waste of space in real life as well
No. 469581
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No. 469582
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No. 469583
youre shaped like an 18 wheeler
No. 469585
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No. 469587
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No. 469588
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why does she keep calling herself a floof? you sound retarded, tuna. no one else calls you that.
No. 469617
>>469605I have some from 4 years ago that still work perfectly fine. And yes, I do use them.
Also they are refillable and she uses the same 6 shades for everything so she could just buy the inks and that would literally last her forever.
No. 469621
>>469530I don't get this bitch or her brown-nosing enablers. They can
clearly see that she's buying luxury items but buy her things the moment she screams "broke".
No. 469635
>>469606And she already qualifies for food stamps.
Where I live, anyone who qualifies for food stamps is required to apply for Medicaid if they do not already have insurance.
No. 469636
>>469538Very few opioid pills can be IV or IM injected because of the fillers. Dilaudid (hydromorphone) can be injected and has a superior rush to heroin but lasts a very short time and is extremely expensive.
Sage for former drug addict fagging.
No. 469667
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my first time seeing Tuna in the wild
No. 469686
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>>469587Why the fuck does she think someone on facebook is going to magically gift her $200 markers? That's a lot of money! People want to spend that much on a loved one, not some strung-out weirdo from facebook. Maybe if you mended things with your dad, you could snake your way into getting him to buy them for you, Tuna.
No. 469715
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No. 469716
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No. 469717
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No. 469718
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No. 469731
>>469716For once I agree with her.
>>469718Because you spammed her inbox with begs and whining, most likely.
>>469720Seeing the messages that she sent to others did it for me.
No. 469743
>>469732He also told random facebook hoes he owned a boat, would take them travelling on vacation, he's a involved in selling property, and would fuck them all night long. P sure that Lurch is a compulsive liar.
He's spent too much time around Tuna, he thinks the only thing ladies want is money. If it was true and he has a sick rich relative, wouldn't surprise me if his Grandma cut him out of the will because of his decade-long heroin addiction. Luna's grandma cut her mum out of the will for similar reasons.
No. 469805
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>>469588Another version, the caption is even better. It's hard? Well sucks to be you, Luna. Fuck you.
She should be glad her art is selling at all
No. 469824
>>469805You know what else is hard, Luna? Working two jobs. Going to school in the morning and working at night every day is hard. Taking care of your sick family is hard. Working every day to make your life less shitty while useless drug addict fucks like you play animal crossing and whine about markers every goddamn day is fucking hard.
Every time I feel an ounce of sympathy for Luna she proves that she deserves none of it. Get fucked.
No. 469831
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>>469811>>469805**YOU CAN REFILL THE MARKERS
A refill bottle of ink costs about the same as buying a marker (non usfag so the copic prices are higher than normal) but you can refill a Copic sketch 11ish times and a Copic ciao pen 20ish times. You can even buy replacement nibs for when your tips get too dirty from ink transfers, she just can't save money worth a damn.
Sage for art sperging but if she really was this dedicated to her "art" she would save and buy a refill of the colour(s) she uses the most. one marker could be used through a whole year with one refill specially with how small her works are and how patchy she colours.
No. 469882
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she bought heroin today most likely
No. 469883
>>469870You really think Tuna would take the time to re-fill markers? C'mon, she is way too lazy for that.
And anyways its more ~*~aesthetic~*~ to have all the copic markers laying around as possible, even if they are dry and destroyed. I doubt she ever throws them away.
No. 469892
>>469716Why are her lips the texture of dry ballsack?
Does she think this picture is sexy?
No. 469893
>>469870I wanna doubt it since she went to art school and its absurd that shes been browsing art supplies and NEVER seen a listing for ink refills, its more like what anon downbelow said that shes lazy
>>469883I know its cause shes a lazy drug addled blob who would rather hoard than be efficient but I have been reading these threads for too long and I had yet to see anyone mention refills at anypoint, when its another testimony to how lazy this twat is.
No. 469914
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No. 469915
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No. 469916
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No. 469975
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No. 469976
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more junk food. i'm curious to know when the last time she ate a veggie was
No. 469977
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No. 469979
>>469977neither of them works, how the fuck do they afford a place with that high of rent? my guy and i work two jobs each and can barely get by.
also??? tuna get over it–at least you have a roof over your head and food in your fucking stomach. i'm shocked your landlord hasn't kicked your skeevey asses out of there yet.
No. 469992
>>469979Roger pays the rent with his retirement. Most of his money goes on rent at best, worst case scenario he's dipping into savings to look after these scumbags.
I still reckon Lurch might have bummed SSI with his leg, but there's no proof so the assumption is they have no income. I don't think Luna has SSI, she seems less workshy than Lurch. She was begging her old boss to hire her in the summer, I wonder how many texts she sent.
No. 469994
>>469979It's the family member that pays her rent.
That's why whenever there's an anon here that shows up to whiteknight whenever tuna bitches about not having money I scoff. It's a joke. If she were as poor as she makes herself out to be then she'd be homeless by now.
She maybe doesn't get the SPENDING money she wants, hence why she begs for shit, but her living situation is completely covered for her without having to work. In one of the highest priced rent areas in the country.
She could be living better than any of us here. Yet being a dirty, drug addict w/ money troubles is more ~aesthetic~ and why should she get her shit together if she can glide by so easily now and still pretend like she has it bad? Pft.
No. 470006
>>469976When I quickly scrolled past that I thought she had photographed herself holding a belt between her teeth.
Cannot unsee.
No. 470062
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>tfw you really want those markers
No. 470074
>>468945>copic markers Doesn't she get new ones from ""friends"" all the time? Or are they a different brand of high quality markers?
>tattooHow can anyone even buy that for her? Even if they PayPal her and tell her it's for the tattoo she'll 100% spend it on drugs. Does she expect someone to take her to a tattoo shop and sit with her?
No. 470085
>>470074Disregard my first question. Finally read through the rest of the thread.
Sage for posting before reading entire thread.
No. 470160
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Is it really impossible to OD in xanax? Is she trying to say he was on some thing else like her precious heroin?
No. 470182
>>470168>>470172Too poor's thread in /snow/ covers this but still, not Luna related so skip if you don't curr.
Toxicology results take about 2 weeks, so nobody knows what killed lil peep yet. We might never know, his mother might not share the information. People started screaming about laced Xanax pretty much the moment he died with very little evidence, because one of his groupies was bragging online about 'giving him pills that made him pass out'.
All of peeps friends are fucking trash who tried to start witch hunts to deflect from the fact they killed him. ODing takes hours, whatever the drug combination that caused, they still had a LOT of time to act, but instead chose to Snapchat it and act hardcore by 'watching him die in their arms.'
Lacing Xanax with fent sounds stupid to me. Its more likely he died either from Xanax and alcohol like anon said, or he was doing heroin that night too.
No. 470241
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but glorifying heroin is ok?
No. 470269
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the acid finally appears. i'm surprised she had enough self control to hold on to it this long and not take it
No. 470270
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No. 470271
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No. 470280
>>470269>>470278Is it even real? Lol. Wonder what took her so long to post a pic.
Looks like she couldn't pawn it off for dope instead.
Hope its real and she posts some milky bullshit.
No. 470286
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No. 470287
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girl. please, eat something green. besides that pickle.
No. 470332
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No. 470333
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No. 470346
>>470332Why did she post this???
>>470333Why is she sitting on the ground in the city??????
No. 470348
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No. 470376
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bullshit? how ungrateful. her dad paid for junk food, a plush, and who knows how many clothes she ended up getting. she's insufferable
No. 470378
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No. 470379
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No. 470393
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No. 470402
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No. 470407
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>>470402I wonder if this is just a coincidence or a continuation of her new found love for lil peep lol
No. 470430
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No. 470515
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No. 470525
>>470515To be fair one of the biggest lessons I learned growing up poor is that it's not worth pawning off expensive items unless it means life or death. You don't get much money for them and they're almost impossible to get back/re-buy. She'll never be that desperate though as much as she makes it seems like she's on the edge. She'll always have daddy and his Manhattan apartment to fall back on.
Also her saying food stamps sucks is extremely ungrateful. The system isn't perfect but the government is giving you free money for food. She just thinks they suck because you can't buy heroin with them. If she knew what real poverty was like instead of her self imposed squalor she wouldn't be so quick to spit in the face of welfare.
No. 470528
>>470515Can't this bitch just fall down a flight of stairs already.
She's as ungrateful as Moomoo.
No. 470569
>>470160Yes, you can overdose on Xanax. The reversal agent or antidote for a benzodiazepine overdose is flumazenil.
It’s fine if Tuna’s idiocy is self-contained in a dirty little apartment, but it becomes so irresponsible and dangerous when she spreads misinformation. But I guess you have to pretty stupid to believe anything she says
No. 470647
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she posted a video of the banging
No. 470648
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No. 470649
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No. 470651
>>470515>food stamps suckUh. She can buy any food item with them, so at least she's not limited to just fresh fruits and vegetables. She can buy boxes of fruit roll ups, coffee, pizza, even doughnuts - stuff that she likes to show off after complaining about how poor and starving she is.
Also, they're set up on a debit card so all she has to do is swipe it and put in her pin. Maybe it sucks because she doesn't get $500 and she can't use it at Dunkin Donuts.
No. 470657
>>470648Fuck you. You're a fucking con artist. Nobody cares that you're ~poor. 99% of the population has less money than they want and they don't lie, cheat and steal for their drug money.
>>470649Fuck you again. The hardest thing in your life is having to pretend to be human for an hour? Oh no. Most people can be bought gifts without fucking complaining. You're instantly rewarded by your dad spending hundreds of dollars on you, but you still feel like you need asspats for ~overcoming anxiety? Fuck you.
I'm sorry I don't see 'being bought clothes and food' as the clear torture it is.
I s2g this bitch makes me fucking raaage. Christmas is the worst for real poor people, but Tunas just a toddler and its Christmas every day for her.
No. 470747
>>470402She does not have nearly enough tattoos to justify hand tattoos. Hands and face are last places to tattoo… you have to earn them. Hand tattoos when your arms aren't covered looks so stupid and goes against literally all traditions in tattoo culture… Anyways she needs to focus on finding a job before tattooing anything that can effect her being hired
But why would this brat ever respect something as old as tattoo culture? And why would she ever find a job when she has her dad to leech off of?
/tattoo sperging
No. 470755
>>470747anyone can get hand tattoos, chode, the issue here is that tuna's are poorly done as well as the rest of her tattoos.
tattoo/piercing elitists are some of the most annoying people.
No. 470758
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No. 470769
>>470758called it last thread lmao
>>466912 >>470767lol pic related, first she had the Down Syndrome eyes, now she's got a Down Syndrome tongue too.
No. 470789
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No. 470802
>>470789Why is she outside with a stuffed animal and eating a banana-
Oh. Right. Acid.
No. 470822
File: 1512154853965.png (1.05 MB, 715x921, Capture _2017-12-01-12-58-35.p…)

This is pathetic because she has an opportunity literally right there in front of her and you know she didnt even bother to apply for that job.
Also, she looks dumb as fuck carrying around a stuffed animal in public.
No. 470825
>>470822In some photos at first glance she looks like a drugged out Olsen twin especially with the trashy fur coat.
Honestly though who would hire her she’s been out of the workforce for years now. Probably won’t get a recommendation from past jobs because you know she stole from them. It doesn’t look good to not only look like an obvious druggie but also be out of work for years as as a young adult when every other 20 something in New York has more enthusiasm,experience, and capability.
No. 470826
>>470822really amazing junkie outfit here
ive never taken acid but i thought it was supposed to make you see things and stuff like that? shes just eating fruit and walking round downtown being normal
No. 470839
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>>470822why does she think it's cute to walk around with a stuffed animal like that? she just looks fucking crazy, especially with those glasses and outfit. she looks like a depressed 40 year old woman who just got out of a divorce who's on her way to pick up her xanax. jesus christ, luna
No. 470840
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>>470822Nice to see she's cosplaying as her idol!
No. 470843
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No. 470844
>>470826Tripping as depicted in the movies is ott to make it visually interesting for the viewer - most of what happens when you actually trip is emotional, not visual. Nine times out of ten when it is visual it's just superimposed on things that you can already see ie walls breathing, plants growing etc. and you know it's not real so it's not scary. Closed eyes give full visuals but they're mostly abstract shapes and colours. It's really rare to have a full blown hallucination of something that doesn't exist that you believe is really real. Perfectly possible to walk around and act convincingly normal.
>>470839I imagine the glasses are to hide her pupils. We're probably in for some close up shots of her dinner plate eyes though because aesthetic.
No. 470856
>>470852Have you ever /done/ acid? It doesn't incapacitate you.
>>470844 has it right. By the time you're a brain fried retardo who can't move/talk/is speaking incoherently, you've taken ridiculously too much acid.
No. 470857
>>470758Her tongue is as wrinkly as her upper lip which is as wrinkly as an old man's ballsack.
>>470822>>470843Who the hell brings a stuffed animal outside. This bitch needs to grow the hell up already ffs how old is she.
No. 470880
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No. 470899
>>470893I’m not trying to be off topic but I’ve tried several different “forms” (liquid, tab, pyramids). Each form had its own unique experience regardless of how much I took.
And that’s as much as I care to be off topic.
No. 470947
File: 1512170161166.png (2.51 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-01-17-13-53…)

video of luna and lurch babbling while feeding a squirrel chocolate. idk how to capture/download vids on my phone sorry guys
No. 470948
>>470844it's dosage dependent anyways, at the 1mg range you can definitely have a full blown hallucination, but the avg dose is 100ug, which is still very strong if you've gotten accurately dosed tabs but the visuals are limited to saturation of colors, breathing and slight morphing
>>470873the average tab is meant to be 100ug and 200ug is VERY strong. like theres no way she'd be able to walk around & post coherently. unfortunately the average street tab is dosed at around 50ug depending where you live. you can still feel 50ug tho. if you need 2 tabs to feel anythig you got bunk tabs
anyways you'd think on lsd you'd be a bit too distracted to care about instagram but noope. wtf
>>470899yeah bc every trip is different and unique not because the molecule is different lol
No. 470949
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No. 470980
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>>470954>>470857Cuz tripping! That tiger is alive!
>>470860Not boring cuz tripping!
No. 470982
>>470947They were feeding the squirrel Lindor truffles which aren't exactly cheap. Good to know the bitch is "starving" but she can afford to feed expensive chocolate to an animal. ~*~Lulz~*~
And holy fuck, Tunas voice is fucking annoying!!! I would wanna punch that bitch in the face if I had to listen to her talk/whine all damn day.
No. 470998
File: 1512176166521.jpeg (288.19 KB, 640x747, 68AAB15A-A99D-4DC6-AA2B-201BC7…)

she changed her profile picture to this? why would you be proud of that anyway lol. probably trying to ~stick it to tha hatersz~
No. 471033
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No. 471050
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Momma Tuna
No. 471060
>>471050yeah, insane trip, sure tuna
isnt it weird her mum meeting up with lurch??
No. 471068
>>471050Tuna deadass looks like a geriatric in this picture, oh my god.
Also, according to the anons here, if she
was tripping "insanely hard", she wouldn't be functioning out in public, right?
No. 471069
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No. 471070
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No. 471071
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No. 471103
>>470956I know plenty of people who have walked around on way more than 2 hits of acid.
My bf did 10 hits and was still able to walk around.
No. 471111
>>470980>>471099I'm not the dumb anon who keeps suggesting you're literally incapacitated by acid, but like… Damn dude. Sage for ruralfaggotry, but the city doesn't seem like a nice place to trip. There are normal people out there who don't understand why you're being weird, cops and security who are gonna move you along, everything's dirty, and you can't wander through the woods and shit. Maybe I just 'don't get it' and its a NYC thing, but still, doesn't sound like 'the funnest day ever.'
It seems really fucking sad just wandering around the streets tripping? I thought shed be using this for extra ~art creativity like she said, but she didn't? She wasted her trip.
Also I dunno about everyone else, but I'm starting to get annoyed with all the drug blogs. Nobody cares how many drugs you or your bf did.
>>471079Agreed. I thought Luna's mother was a recovered addict who wouldn't visit Luna because she didn't want to relapse into a druggie lifestyle? Why is Luna meeting up with her (for the FIRST time since her outpatient therapy in the SUMMER) tripping balls? This makes NO sense.
Three theories:
1. Luna's lying about the acid a la 17 year old white girl - "this stuff is sooo strong we're tripping soo hard lol aren't I so cool!!!!'
2. Luna's a fucking douchebag turning up wasted to receive Christmas presents from her recovered addict mother, who instantly saw she was wasted. I can't see her stroking Tunas hair or some dumb bs if this was the case, seeing as they don't speak because of Luna's drug addiction.
3. Luna's mums relapsed and started doing drugs again. She didn't do the acid because it was 4 tabs, 2 each, but its a possibility shes back on the heroin/crack. This ones really sad and I hope its not true. If shes using again, she could have called lurch and Luna out randomly so she can cop off Lurch, her old dealer.
No. 471113
>>471111nice quads
Option #2 is the most likely scenario to me. I’m pretty sure Luna just showed up to see her mom in the first time in forever completely fucking trashed.
No. 471132
>>471130 No, I think she means he sucked her soul out and she his.
See thread photo for evidence of this.
No. 471140
>>470947>>470999You're welcome.
Lurch has the weirdest voice. I didn't thought both of them would sound so
normal No. 471142
>>471140I remember her voice from an older video, I think it matches her somehow. But wow, I could never imagine lurch's. It's like I just heard a mythical creature for the 1st time.
Also ot asf but what did you use to record your screen?
No. 471148
>>471140Does anyone else think Lurch sounds kind of like Yumi’s husband?
Idk why but I imagined Lurch would have a very slow, low voice.
No. 471165
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No. 471167
>>471165Seriously what did her ~evil Dad do to get absolutely no thanks for anything, but her Mom gets love? Luna claims her mother stole thousands of dollars from her, and in shitty poetry "the only family member she ever loved was her Grandma", but still lovebombs her mom occasionally. Is it just because she gives her things without the lecture unlike her Dad?
I wonder what she mooched, it's sad that Tuna has a negative impact on ANYBODY's life she enters.
No. 471171
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No. 471172
>>471111right, it's not that she wouldn't be capable of being in public, it's that being in public like that (on the streets of nyc) is not a great setting for a trip.
also can you count? there were 5 hits.
No. 471179
>>471167Her mom most likely bought her things and that's why she's lovebombing her. Something expensive while her dad got her things from the thrift store? Maybe that's why she's not lovebombing him.
That and she's a cunt.
No. 471198
>>471108Wouldn’t you be if you hadn’t seen your daughter in months and your old drug deal ran off with her. She must think about if Luna’s ever OD-ed.
>>471140Wow he sounds younger. I almost expected him to have a raspy voice of something tbh from how he looks.
>>471165What a flip flopy bitch I though she hated her because she stole money from her.
No. 471214
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No. 471254
>>471140Hearing Lurch and Tuna talking.. holy shit.
That's now I imagined either one of them sounding, especially Lurch.
No. 471318
File: 1512272051739.jpg (482.35 KB, 1080x1968, hypocrisy.jpg)

yeah but you're a hero in addict who glorifies the "heroin chic" lifestyle
No. 471325
>>471318But that was exactly her point. Just like habitual drinkers judge habitual drug users, she as a junkie judges alcoholics. But only to prove alcohol should be considered a drug.
There is literally nothing wrong with that post&explanation. I know it's Luna, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
No. 471363
>>471318I understand
what she's saying, but no drug
abuse (not "use" as she put it) should be tolerated by anyone.
Tuna claims to not be able to afford food, rent, healthcare, and other goodies because of her drug abuse problem. Can't even hold a job or practice personal hygiene. Needless to say, that puts most high-functioning alcoholics who hold jobs and manage to pay bills in a slightly better off league.
It may be shitty to compare addictions, but a lot of people know a heroin addiction is more devastating and that's
why they say that.
No. 471423
>>471325The post makes sense by itself, but Luna's a massive fucking hypocrite. She looks down on alcoholics and crack users for some reason, because they don't have as bad a reputation as heroin?
Tuna doesn't care about the effects of alcoholism on the body. She doesn't empathise with alcoholics, she clearly doesn't care about it except as a tool to try and get people to see heroin like she does - a totally safe drug that people just use for justified reasons like pain management!!! She only takes heroin for her pain, same with lurch! Why do these damn ALCOHOLICS get all the sympathy? Shes just self prescribing medication, while these drunkards are getting WASTED, and they don't even have to go to court for it, unlike Lurch lmao.
I'm unsure why shes so hellbent on alcohol 'being seen as a drug' because everyone knows that. Literally everyone knows that, at least withdrawal-wise, alcohols one of the worst. Alcohol being bad doesn't magically make heroin better tho. Poison is poison, heroin addiction is arguably just as bad as alcoholism. Shitting on alcoholics because its not your drug of choice and you're jealous over how theyre treated better than smackheads in society? Fucking douchey.
No. 471482
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No. 471517
>>471485im pretty sure when he go out of prison she obsessively messaged him about how much she loves party monster and he responded with a heart or something
you know if they were just regularly chattin she'd throw it up all over social media lol
but also saying she loves the movie/book party monster is a little rude (?idk what they appropriate word would be) considering that book and movie came out while he was in jail? about him ending up in prison?
but im so sure thats all she talked about cuz she's an idiot
No. 471532
>>471423lol yeah cute how she doesn't even mention its EQUALLY as bad as all drug abuse "culture"
i mean she thinks heroin should be legal like marijuana shes just so proud
No. 471661
>>471482he killed a guy, left his body in a bathtub to rot for days, cut his off his legs, decapitated him, stuffed his body parts in separate boxes, and threw it in a river (in exchange for heroin). he straight up pissed on people, and into people's drinks on the regular.
but, y'know, he thinks the busted dried up scrawls i shit out are good, so he's totally fine in my book ~uwu~
No. 471696
File: 1512370081868.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171203-234154.png)

For some reason Alig actually follows Tuna and recently tagged her in a post.
No. 471750
A new documentary was released last year which documents his history and his release from prison [video related]. Immediately after his release he quickly immersed himself in technology and social media.
>>471696If he is embracing sobriety, he may be tagging people whom he recognises need help.
But I have watched quite a few video clips of Michael on his webcast since his release, and he did not appear entirely sober (in my humble former party kid opinion).
No. 471787
>>471318I get so fucking sick of her little tantrums about people not accepting her heroin addiction.
>>471325that wasn't her point. she was saying there is a double standard in society where people who would judge a junkie harshly are fine with people getting blackout drunk (which is an incredibly broad generalization, and also wrong; her generation in particular has been turning away from alcohol, for a more accurate generalization) her point was that people should stop judging drug addicts because they accept alcohol abuse. and that's just fucking stupid, for obvious reasons.
No. 472244
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No. 472285
>>472217I agree, it doesn't make sense. Pls give me expensive shampoo that I won't use bc if I shower I will melt ty.
>>472244To be honest I think that this is okay. I mean yeah it might not be the bpd but if she's happy with a piercing that's cool.
No. 472650
>>471482Ew. Only Tuna would idolize a gross, power tripping drug addict/ promoter who dismembered his 'friend' in the bathtub for ten bags of heroin and then went out to party. And tell everyone about it. Repeatedly.
I'm a fucking granny but Michael Alig is, was, and always will be a histrionic cunt.
No. 472698
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No. 472701
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No. 472702
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No. 472704
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>>472703i always cap when there's something worth posting. she's just been posting a lot of animal crossing lately
No. 472717
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No. 472786
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No. 472903
>>472777I noticed that too kek. I don't know how her friends don't call her out - if I knew her I wouldn't hesitate to point out that maybe she should have bought some jars of pasta sauce, or meat and veg to make some, instead of domino's and dunkin donuts last week.
I believe she does eat plain pasta and cereal a lot, but more likely because she's lazy and has no cooking skills than she's poor. As if every time she's bought pens and paints and makeup and clothes, those people don't buy her food and other essentials as well. As if her father or mother wouldn't give send her a couple dollars to go to a superstore a get something proper for dinner.
No. 472905
>pretty commonIt’s still rare enough to be considered rather unique. You don’t meet a whole lot of people with eyes like that on a daily basis. It’s the only actually beautiful or interesting physical feature that Tuna has, but she’s determined to only play up her worst aspects.
Wash your bangs, Tuna!
No. 472921
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Bitch could have made her 'plain noodles' a bit more interesting with 1 fucking garlic clove and some god damn imagination.. For an "artist" she is so terribly uncreative. lol
No. 472922
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Damn when you google her name on img search her heroin needle arm pics pop up on the second row…
No. 472926
File: 1512672706275.png (Spoiler Image,297.61 KB, 1080x1639, IMG_20171207_135049.png)

This is glorious
No. 472933
File: 1512674299236.png (817.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171207-201543.png)

I'll post her latest pics
No. 472934
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No. 472935
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No. 472936
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She looks so fucking dumb in these
No. 472937
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>>472922She looks like Asherbee in that 5th photo. almost all of them are ugly and have her eyes going in different directions.
No. 472938
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No. 472939
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No. 472940
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No. 472942
>>472933>I don't want to hide anymoreYeah your 10000000000000000000000000 selfies prior to this photo were clearly of you hiding.
>>472935>>472936She looks like a retarded fish with her lesbian lover. Seriously, Lurch looks terribly hideous. Let's hope these two never have kids.
>>472938It's like his moai face flattened hers. And yum, nothing like kidding greasy hair.
>>472940More like you being the physical embodiment of vomit, Tuna.
No. 472946
>>472650ya I srsly just nearly puked in my mouth when I read that
> he chopped up a body for h> but he's pretty cool bc he likes my art :)>>472733lainey's house is so filthy and she has children and is supposed to be a productive member of society. i can't even imagine luna's
No. 472964
>>472921Right. I know that being mentally ill makes it difficult to do simple things to take care of yourself, especially cooking. But if she enjoys being creative and doing something rewarding, cooking is a great outlet. She can learn to make virtually anything thanks to the internet. Eating your own food feels great and feeding people you love feels great too. Hell, has Luna ever even made a hot meal for Roger? All I can recall is him sharing his Chinese with her because she was ~starving~.
As silly as it sounds, improving your cooking skill can be helpful way to practice self-care. You learn new things about yourself and what you like or don't like, and you get to eat, which isn't bad.
Anywho, Luna skip takeout and buy some groceries instead, those iced coffees add up, cook for yourself and maybe you'll feel better, maybe stop smoking crack and doing heroin, etc.
No. 472966
>>472939Damn, Lurch is fucking spooky looking. I can't believe Tuna thinks that she's into that.
If she ever gets clean, she'll look back and think, "Ew omg I can't believe I thought he was hot".
No. 472968
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how can a human person be this ugly
No. 472994
>>472976holy shit anon i was trying to figure out why he had this kinda familiar look that unsettled me and that's totally it, he genuinely reminds me of that lady who got a face transplant after she was mauled by a chimp, like he looks so waxy and all the proportions of his face are so off and he's always covering parts of it up
new fave tinfoil is that lurch got an unsuccessful face transplant and that's why he's rarely in tuna's photos (at least consciously) kek
No. 472999
>>470269The pencil-marked paper lol. And you can even see where lines were drawn, erased, and then re-drawn.. For whatever reason.
She also said she only had 4 tabs, but theres 5 here?
Sage for old post and tinfoiling.
No. 473035
File: 1512691479114.png (2.58 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-07-18-02-34…)

whew i missed a lot today. here's the rest of the pics that haven't been posted yet
No. 473036
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No. 473037
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No. 473038
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No. 473039
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No. 473043
>>473035>>473036>>473037>>473039i don't understand
these look just as streaky and shitty as her old ones??? like i genuinely can't see any discernible difference between these new copics and her old ones, they all look like a 6 year old with a heavy hand smashed them into the paper
No. 473057
>>473038Maybe you're sad because you're a piece of shit, Tuna.
I can't believe that a "productive" day for her is posting 10+ pictures on instagram of shitty art and going outside of her crack den for 15 minutes to get dope.
No. 473072
>>472940I read it as “me being the physical embodiment of fail” kek
>>473044I honestly think she uses copics because it makes her feel like she’s the real shit as an artist and not another sad self absorbed druggie drawing the same sloppy shit over and over and posting it on the internet.
I wonder if the day when she starts to do actual shit to get her life straight and actually improve herself will ever come.
No. 473073
>>473035I thought someone's granny was holding up the markers until I zoomed in and noticed that the finger belonged to Tuna….ugh. Bitch needs some lotion.
>>473036Literally looks the same as her old stuff. And kek for the saggy tits!
>>473038I'd be sad too if my art looked like yours, Luna. Also, what the hell is wrong with her face? There are spots all around her mouth and chin.
No. 473080
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No. 473081
File: 1512702032532.jpg (50.27 KB, 320x320, 53210dd0f1c2d1a157002ba4_564d3…)

Holy shit. Google 'copics art' and you'll see how youre supposed to use the markers and how well they blend..
Looking at tunas drawings after that is sad as fuck… Looks like the bitch uses washable crayolas to color.
No. 473115
>>473087Because thats part of the styyylee.
Im sorry, i dont know how or who would buy her drawings. Especially for the prices shes asking which is funny considering she used to ask for more
No. 473248
File: 1512745934270.png (1.02 MB, 1058x1087, Screenshot_20171208-110916.png)

Just a throwback so you can remember how much better she looks when she does something as simple as brushing her hair.
No. 473282
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No. 473389
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No. 473390
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i mean, i guess she's right? they're worse
No. 473429
>>473388yes it is it's been featured on prescription bottles, her tumblrs, her art, her mail. etc.
she will never be able to get a job outside fast food.
No. 473430
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No. 473431
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No. 473432
File: 1512793784919.png (4.16 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-08-22-25-59…)

No. 473437
>>473390Lurch has those eyes going in two different directions just like Tuna.
>>473389Kek! Those retarded how to draw manga books will fuck up her anatomy even more. But ti would explain why her art is so bad.
No. 473481
>>473431All these scribbles and "how to draw: step by step" lines and that's the outcome
Luna reminds me of a child in kindergarten that has been told to draw some pictures to keep them occupied.
>Look auntie, I drew… ✌? four pictures!!!The more "art", the more she can sell of it. Smart girl
No. 473494
File: 1512812980760.jpeg (33.42 KB, 580x358, talktothehandpic-580x358.jpeg)

>>473484I let it slide the first time, and forgive me if I'm retarded, but how are the hands backwards? I didn't get it on the other artwork either, if the palm is facing outwards, the thumbs are on the inside? And she draws hands so basically you can't tell the different between back of the hand and palm? That piece is doing pic related, and its wobbly but its not backwards?
No. 473515
File: 1512821219724.png (1011.84 KB, 785x1140, uhhhh.png)

>>473484Those books are fucking useless. I had them as a kid and beyond maybe first two or free, there is no 'step by step' of anything. They just show you a drawing of a girl with a useless commentary like 'wavy blonde hair fits a princess bishoujo'.
Those books are basically merch for weabs that want to have something to show for their 'i will be a great MANAGAKA in Nihongo someday!!!".
Also, in another book about bishoujo in the series the author calls black women Negroids. Feel that wouldn't fare with Luna well lol.
No. 473561
File: 1512842502212.png (2.44 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-09-11-59-24…)

No. 473571
File: 1512847867972.png (129.12 KB, 409x300, 1508176103200 (1).png)

>>473561It looks like she referenced her own nudes for this.
No. 473604
>>473429Holy fucking shit. What a moron. My respect for her has dropped from -5 to -50
>>473459I think it is just her being a naive moron. People change a lot in 10-20 years. If I recall correctly she's in DBT therapy (or doing the worksheets), and while cleaaaarly it hasn't clicked in her brain yet to actually want to get better, it might in the future. I've seen a lot of people like her grow up sober, stable, and successful. Even though she's an idiot now, there still might be hope.
And she fucked herself over by being stupid enough to use her full name and posting pics of her drug use.
No. 473612
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No. 473619
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No. 473621
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No. 473623
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No. 473683
File: 1512865981766.png (2.29 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-09-18-31-05…)

No. 473688
>>473630I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought that.
>>473683>who am iSomeone with a broken arm. The makeup is literally on top of the back of your hand, girl.
No. 473699
>>468770Those being scientific terms doesn't stop the rabid SJWs. The gendertrender SJWs are trying to abolish sex, remember.
Oh, and "niggardly" is a racist word, too.
Sage for rant.
No. 473707
lol I bet it's a lot harder to care about detail when you're nodding off all the time
>>473687so the cherub and 'madonna' or whatever smoking is sold yet has been chilling in her room for months now..
No. 473711
File: 1512873994993.png (3.24 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-09-20-40-06…)

No. 473721
>>473700Her old work is acrylic paint on canvas iirc, her marker drawings have always kinda sucked.
>>473711I love how fucking self centred she is holy shit!!
>Time? Well, that makes me think of myself holding a clock.>Darkness? I'll draw a shitty picture of me standing in a room then just scribble over it in black! GENIUSShe's literally incapable of thinking about anything other than herself.
No. 473726
>>473716I saw a shit pile quite similar on my morning jog today, top kek
she keeps redrawing the same figure/position/face… why doesn't she ever improve
No. 473747
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No. 473767
File: 1512885538065.jpeg (98.93 KB, 640x295, 9E7EE007-E873-454E-95AB-144A3B…)

No. 473774
File: 1512888481582.gif (1.5 MB, 500x280, 1512363824170.gif)

>>473767That was life telling you to change your goddamn sheets, Tuna.
>>473770I hope not cause she didn't change the sheets.
No. 473784
File: 1512890578774.jpeg (2.01 MB, 4032x3024, 87BE8E37-0B45-4B47-BBAB-1912C6…)

>>473767Caption: bby I said my piss was plush, lined with gold.
>bby No. 473852
File: 1512925655970.jpg (1.08 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0169.JPG)

Oops dropped pic
No. 473876
File: 1512935136847.jpg (81.83 KB, 551x650, luna1.jpg)

A few fb screenies incoming.
Imagine trading with her. Imagine receiving something that Luna and Lurch had been sitting on and shooting up on and fucking on. Why does she think anyone would want any of her filthy trash?
No. 473877
File: 1512935165037.jpg (13.8 KB, 553x155, luna2.jpg)

No. 473878
File: 1512935245778.jpg (47.09 KB, 553x444, luna3.jpg)

Does she actually know Nicole or is she just trying to be noticed by her? Maybe they'd be good friends, they have a similar aesthetic except Nicole's isn't caked in shite.
No. 473886
>>473877Her underwear is probably all too crusty to wear
>>473878This is fucking hilarious
She must have been on some crack recently with the 5000 drawings of the same thing and this sort of confidence
No. 473887
File: 1512940284507.png (2.69 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-10-15-10-13…)

No. 473905
File: 1512946564806.png (2.15 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-10-16-52-40…)

she's spamming insta with "~sad pics~". she posted 5 pics in the span of 1-2 minutes
No. 473907
File: 1512946886751.jpg (1.65 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0170.JPG)

Ready for black out tuna?
No. 473925
File: 1512948288592.png (3.05 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-10-17-19-55…)

No. 473938
>>473604> If I recall correctly she's in DBT therapy (or doing the worksheets)nope.
she was in a outpatient DBT therapy program and ditched it after 1-2 weeks although free lunch and transport were included.
she's only copying the worksheets to show them off for extra mental illness pity party points
No. 473954
>>473925Taking a picture of my half naked body and posting it on the internet is literally the last thing I want to do when I have a disassociative episode. I don’t even know if it’s possible to do that.
I don’t understand why she’s pretending all these “uwu mental illnesses~” when she is just a shitty lazy drug addict.
No. 473955
File: 1512952995889.png (3 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-10-18-42-01…)

No. 473958
File: 1512953543909.jpg (781.88 KB, 810x2550, no one cares.jpg)

No. 473959
File: 1512953561375.jpg (363.79 KB, 1080x1501, shut up luna.jpg)

No. 473963
File: 1512953697878.jpg (236.88 KB, 1077x1460, felons.jpg)

No. 473964
File: 1512953716871.jpg (1005.66 KB, 1080x1978, fucking gross.jpg)

No. 473965
>look how skinny you got! you’re HOTNo one has ever said this about you, Luna. Ever.
~soooo disordered uwu~
No. 473968
>>473907press the power button and the volume down button at same time to take a screenshot on android. It's got to be easier than what you're doing.
>>473847I think Luna signs her art, plus this is way too hilarious to be done by her. We dont normally see the signatures nowadays because presumably they're cut off by the instagram preview when anon screenshots with the description.
>>473958>her death from something preventable>cancerFuck off Tuna, if you Grandma wanted to die with dignity at home instead of a hospital that's her choice, cancer is not a preventable death in most cases. Why do you even care? You got the best ride of your life when she died.
The self harm stuff kinda hits the feels tho, but she brings it back with all her ~totes EDNOS bullshit. Throwing up because of drug withdrawal, having terrible diarrhoea because of withdrawal, that's -not- fucking purging. Not eating because you'd rather spend money on drugs is -not- restricting.
No. 473992
File: 1512956444101.jpg (218.19 KB, 1030x713, Screenshot_20171211-013855.jpg)

I haven't checked in on luna in a couple weeks and I wasn't here from her beginning, so forgive me if this stadium story is already known. She just commented on a post in a group I'm in and my first thought was lolcow
No. 474026
File: 1512962935565.png (774.82 KB, 989x3283, luna.png)

there is some boring stuff but i included every thing i could find. might see if she is part of any other groups
No. 474028
>>474026>holy shit i feel bad asking a single friend for help when i am short on my rent and could lose my apartment and asking for help with groceries if i haven't eaten for more than two days and you want people to help you with something thats not even close to something you needThis bitch.
Thank you anon, these screenshots are a goldmine.
No. 474031
File: 1512963777185.png (268.54 KB, 490x500, luna2.png)

>>474028no problemo, lolwcow has kept me entertained many sleepless nights. It's only fair I can give back some how. She seems to post a shit tonne in a public group about Bojack Horseman but it's mostly just about fav characters and shit. a little in a breaking bad and bobs burgers group, tries to advertise commissioned artwork of the shows.
No. 474038
File: 1512965571638.png (2.92 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-10-22-03-02…)

No. 474054
>>473925The fuck are all the nasty yellow patches on her skin…?
Am I the only one noticing that?
No. 474059
>>474026Lol that lurch nodded out, dropped her iphone and broke it.
Also, she gets suboxone? Why has she never posted pics of it? She could be shooting that.. I guarantee all those track marks are not from dope.
No. 474097
>>474092Seems like you're the one who doesn't know shit about anything, anon. Junkies will try to shoot up anything they can, if they think it will get them high. Most people shooting up suboxone (and yes, you can convert the strip into an injectable liquid, it's called dissolving it in water) do it to try to "stretch" their doses. Some of them believe it will get them high. On both accounts, it doesn't really work and most of the time they just give themselves severe opiate withdrawal syndrome because of the naloxone present in the suboxone. There's also the danger of getting a really fucked up skin infection.
It's really rich of you to try to call out other anons when you're ignorant yourself.
No. 474102
>>474026Thanks for that anon!
Also, lurch is definitely not 35, try 5/6 years older. It was cool when she was a teen to have an older bf but now I guess it's too much obvious that he's just a creep lol
No. 474107
>>474102Lol I didn't even notice her lying about Lurch's age, yeah he was born in 1979 so he's 38, he's closer to 40 than he is 35. Lmao totally not self conscious about her shitty relationship.
I wonder if the realisation they're two totally different generations was what set Luna off reminiscing about all her age-appropriate exes not that long ago (before the suicide). I mean he could feasibly be as old as her dad, the age gaps 17 years and 17-yos have children sometimes. Lurch has got to be closer age-wise to Luna's mother and father.
No. 474108
>>474097>>474059>track marksI've not been noticing them as much rn. last two selfies with clear arms
>>472933 >>473038 her arms didn't fucking terrify me. There's definite scarring from her insane pin-athon from like last month, and I think she might have been injecting sub back then. Last thread her hands looked fucking horrible, if she was injecting something not intended to be injectable, it'd explain why it looked so fucked.
No. 474115
>>473876>bought a shirt>has to lose 90lbs to wear it>KIDS largeNo wonder she has endless piles of clothing in her room. She doesn't shop for her size, she just buys whatever catches her eye whether it's plus sized or made for a damn toddler.
>>473877I like how panties were the definite thing to go but bras were an afterthought. Do your fucking laundry, ya nasty fuck!
No. 474116
>>474026She keeps saying how poor she was as a kid and how she's poorer now in the same breath she talks about having an iphone 7s.
It's telling how she DOESN'T mention her dad's living area, or her countless Apple products, or how her and her friends back in the day wore vintage clothes and had enough money to buy drugs.
No. 474117
File: 1512993502445.png (9.42 KB, 481x111, Untitled.png)

>>474054lol is this one about her artwork? I'm assuming she's talking about selling stuff on facebook marketplace, and her apple products are surely worth more than $120?
No. 474192
>>474115She must be really fucking fat. I'm chubby and I can wear a child's large.
>>474031I can't believe she thinks her crayola non-toxic washable marker drawings are worth money.
No. 474224
File: 1513026814922.jpeg (113.37 KB, 640x335, 5B1D9633-CCBE-445B-B3A0-D26B82…)

>>473992notice how she doesn't use a cane though, lol
No. 474391
>>474117I want to say it was when she first posted
>>474031 (or a similar Bojack piece) in that group and someone commented saying they'd pay $20 for it.
She would never sell her Apple products but if she did, she'd probably list them at full price with grease and grime all over them.
No. 474475
File: 1513094099340.png (3.76 MB, 750x1334, 3EC0B41B-74D1-4DF2-A778-B55B7D…)

is her chin even fucking real
No. 474569
>>474475Okay these pictures seriously need a spoiler omg they're so gross.
But wtf even is his skin? It looks like he's started melting.
No. 474595
File: 1513115101268.png (2.66 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-12-15-43-13…)

No. 474606
File: 1513116685434.jpg (100.55 KB, 1000x1000, casper-james-charles-ghost-whi…)

>>474595She is fucking HAUNTING! Why does her face look so stiff?! She's like a James Charles style corpse!
No. 474617
>>474595did she died?
am i alone in thinking its super weird how she has done the same exact makeup makeup look every day for forever? years maybe? its not the drugs, ive known lots of junkies and they switch it up, even the low functioning ones use different lipsticks etc, when they bother to put it on. she's an artist, shes vain, she loves the pampering and the girly stuff. she could mooch some up or shoplift a little somethingif its a money issue, like she does with everything else.
the mind baffles
No. 474772
>>474617I'm starting to wonder if Lurch is not pupettering her corpse to avoid reporting her death to the authorities at this point.
That would be an explanation so much more credible than just Luna looking herself in the mirror and deciding her caked on make up is worth a selfie.
No. 474804
>>469481okay sorry I know these are older posts but I just wanted to clear stuff up. Tuna is 100% on heroin. you can be fat on any drug. I know tons of fat crackheads even. the way a person looks isn't indicative of anything. plus Tuna isn't even as fat as everyone acts like she is. she did lose a ton of weight if you look at her pre-heroin photos. so calm down honestly. I don't like her at all but come on. another reason I know it's heroin is that she's always begging for money. I used to pull the same shit when I was an addict because the sickness drove me to seek money any way I could. plus heroin is much cheaper than pills and TOTALLY fits her ~aesthetic~.
>>469606"no co-pays"… that's not true at all. I have been on Medicaid in NY for YEARS and there's many medications that require co-pays. there's not many and they are very cheap (i.e. $3 co-pay for $2000+ worth of Suboxone).
>>470182overdosing does not take hours,I honestly have no fucking clue where you heard this. Opioids, especially in people who are not dependent, can be lethal in less than 10 minutes. they cause the person to be unable to breathe which quickly starts killing brain cells, which can lead to irreversible damage or more likely death within 15 minutes. benzos are nearly impossible to overdose on alone. it's only when they are mixed that they become dangerous.
No. 474825
File: 1513206170565.png (3.2 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-13-17-01-27…)

No. 474827
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No. 474829
File: 1513206316051.png (2.68 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-13-17-01-38…)

lol okay luna. growing hair is pretty effortless
No. 474834
>>474595She had the worst fish eyes. Crazy how she'll post anything. I remember how I found her on reddit on r/trashy someone who went to High school with her posted it with backstory.
>>474676>>474570 Ya’ll are going to kill me. I’m laughing so hard.
No. 474870
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No. 474871
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No. 474872
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No. 474906
File: 1513222126149.png (739.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-13-22-24-13…)

she's reblogging her late ex's selfies again
No. 474919
File: 1513224874539.jpeg (3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 50FE4DF7-32D0-43BF-9954-5F1519…)

>>474872Where were these pictures earlier when I finished this?
I call this fan art: Dissociative Love
No. 474934
I shouldn't be too impressed tho, im sure she uses it in place of showering and thinks its okay. And no deodorant is gonna cover up that dope-sick-sweat..
No. 475016
>>474906This is all about Luna. How SHE felt, how great it was for HER. Shes literally incapable of empathy and she's cunty enough to make someone's fucking suicide about herself.
Jesus Luna why don't you just kys if you're soooo sad? Oh right, because its all a fucking lie to get sympathy and donations.
File: 1513279790358.png (2.8 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-14-13-26-04…)

No. 475118
File: 1513290332305.jpeg (217.8 KB, 640x780, 4B45E40E-B189-4BD0-87F3-0B5CC5…)

No. 475120
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No. 475122
File: 1513290551958.jpeg (73.86 KB, 640x658, 37750C64-4531-4C9A-809B-DD4406…)

No. 475147
I hope she gets a nasty infection.
>>475120Get a job and move if you don't like it Tuna, kek
No. 475630
File: 1513395900741.png (2.77 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-15-21-43-57…)

No. 475700
>>475697I like how the dirty piss filled juice carton is so central to her image of him she included that shot in the painting. That means that’s a
regular occurrence for her to have a pissed filled carton on her night stand.
No. 475808
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No. 475809
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No. 475970
File: 1513476944312.jpg (1.09 MB, 1722x2571, IMG_0173.JPG)

Does she seriously not realize how vile that blanket has become? And they still use the pillow cases…..I just made myself gag
No. 476066
>>475808holy shit would it fucking kill her to talk about someone’s death without focusing on how SHE feels the entire time? trust tuna to make anything and everything a pity party for herself.
never ever a single comment about wishing her ex’s actual irl friends and family well. nothing at all. just poor poor me.
No. 476071
File: 1513524789940.png (199.34 KB, 1538x231, Untitled.png)

>>476024>No obit or anything I just spent about 20 minutes looking for this obit, just in case we missed anything obvious, you're right. No obit for her, but you can find like her grandparent's obituaries and stuff? So the family take obits out, there just doesn't appear to be one for Tai. Maybe it's just getting lost because of her multiple names, but I couldn't find anything for Talia/Tai/Tyler Trewhella. "Tyler Trewhella" was mentioned in another family members obit in 2013, but that's hardly useful information.
Maybe Tai asked them not to do an obituary? Maybe they thought it was too sad to announce in the paper? Luna made it sound like the family really didn't want this information getting out. I'm not American, but I'm assuming it's not a legal requirement to write an obit, and you only have to inform the state of the death?
BTW the more I look into Tai, the sadder I get. Googling her name brings up some really interesting stuff, compared to Luna… It's crazy to think they were the same age, Tai seemed so much more independent and motivated, she was living life so much more. Tai had issues and was actually trying to overcome them to become a better person, but ultimately didn't make it.
It's a slap in the face to see this shit contrasted with Tuna, where nothing would be lost if she died. She's not trying at all, and all she cares about is money for that next hit.
Sage for bummed out
No. 476119
>>476117i used to think she was cool with her "style" and "art" and all that shit, bleh. i am ashamed of it now, ngl. at the moment, i just feel sorry for her because she would have been a pretty cool person if only she wasn't so self-centered and willing to ruin her life for aesthetics.
sage fro blogpost~
No. 476123
File: 1513543121578.png (882.78 KB, 1232x614, IMG_4530.PNG)

>>476119you enjoyed her heroin chic style? this is from one of the old threads she literally confesses to romanticizing heroin and how addiction "makes art better". it's so fucking evident how she only started using opiates (h, bc it's cheap) for that aesthetic. fuck her so much. she's all like "im a heroin addict!!" but she's actually addicted to that lifestyle, and has become physically dependent on dope.
or do you just like her art style on its own?
if the former, ew. glad you see clearly now. if the latter, cant relate lol
No. 476249
File: 1513571931463.png (3.37 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-17-22-37-03…)

No. 476269
>>476249>I do my makeup but get high and stay in bed all dayHaha, her and literally every other irresponsible adult baby getting a free ride from their relatives.
I mean yeah it's 'honest' but she still wants asspats and recognition for it all the same.
She might as well draw a picture of herself on the toilet while browsing fb on her phone. Same edgy bullshit we're all supposed to be shocked by bc it's ~so honest~, but it's actually common and not that deep.
No. 476318
>>476269Ikr she wants to be soooo special. Reminds me of the first thread where she posted something on tumblr about how most of ppl on the internet must be falsely diagnosed but she was totally correctly diagnosed at 17 with bpd because bpd is suuuuch a rare illness!!! there cant be this many people on the internet with bpd! it's not like it affects millions of people!
personality disorders rarely get diagnosed under 18 ffs when i was 17 i was still moody and hormonal. does anyone know if she was legit diagnosed by a psychiatrist? i wonder what would happen if she went and got re-assessed. shes wasting her time obsessed over this label when in fact, many bpd symptoms can actually be caused by drug abuse and im pretty sure she hasnt been sober in a while. this was probably mentioned like a billion times sry. but her ridiculous attachment to her "mental illnesses" is so annoying. feeling like you lack an identity is normal w many mental illnesses but holy shit she really has nothing in her life. even how she practicaly admitted her art is only "good" bc of heroin addiction
No. 476332
For any newfags that are wondering why we care about this cow at all, here is the old milk that sealed her fate on all of the judgements we cast on her.'s absolute Gold. And as it seems she is still using, her life probably looks exactly like this currently.
No. 476370
>>476359Anon, it's super common for someone to be misdiagnosed as bipolar instead of BPD. Bipolar symptoms are very similar to BPD and you have to show those symptoms consistently over a period of time to be labeled as BPD over bipolar. It's also common to have both. Tuna is bad enough without people ignorantly speculating about shit they have no knowledge of.
The crazy thing about it is the Tuna we see online is the best version of Tuna meaning in real life I can guarantee you that she is a basket case like all the other BPD sufferers I know. Massive and frequently violent meltdowns, compulsive lying, ridiculous accusations towards anyone and everyone, and her constant love postings of Lurch means that she's probably a complete bitch to him too. The only time she's likely to be stable is when she's high as a kite which fuels her addiction.
No. 476371
>>476359Psychfag here. I will RARELY give my client a personality disorder diagnosis. With medical records digital and able to pull up, unless I am absolutely 100% certain that unless I put a personality disorder on a diagnosis (and am certain that the diagnosis is the most likely explanation), I will not put it down.
Reason being: insurance providers are iffy about covering treatment for a personality disorder as it is more permanent than say, a depressive episode. Secondly, as previously mentioned, medical (including psych) records are digitized and easily accessible by other medical providers. I don't want a doctor to look at someone like a nut case because an individual is more than their diagnosis. Personality disorders carry a lot of stigma. You don't want a client to be wearing the label of a personality disorder; that isn't cool.
Also yeah..personality disorders don't get diagnosed until after 18.
No. 476385
>>476370bipolar symptoms are in no way similar to bpd. two completely different illnesses. the only similarity may be the mood swings however bpd mood swings can last a couple mins or hours, not the case with bipolar. bpds don't experience mania or hypomania. also no well-respected psychiatrist will even diagnose a young teen with bpd. don't tell ppl they have no knowledge of mental illnesses when you're literally gonna go ahead and say that bipolar symptoms are "very similar" to bpd symptoms. ffs this happens so much on here, anons are like "uh actually dont talk about drugs like you know shit, you cant iv suboxone!!" (you can).
also, luna says she does has both bipolar and bpd, see her only junkie bitch tumblr. so she wasn't wrongly diagnosed
No. 476395
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wow, she went out with ppl
No. 476397
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No. 476399
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and it looks like they bought her shoes
No. 476401
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No. 476402
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No. 476403
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No. 476404
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No. 476411
>>476406i dont think any of us can sit here and say if she does or doesnt have an illness but this is correct in a general sense, many psychs want their patients to sober up before diagnosing with bpd as many bpd symptoms can be symptoms of drug abuse. idk why she got diagnosed at the young age of 17
>>476404oh my goddddd. her excuse for never having a job
No. 476413
>>476406>I would even diagnoseObviously I meant to say I
wouldn't even
damn you autocorrect No. 476416
File: 1513635692128.png (16.27 KB, 376x140, IMG_4546.PNG)

go ahead and post pics of you shooting up with your real name and face but THIS? How stupid can you be??! bruh!! it's like the dumb ass guys who self promo on twitter on their real accounts. I just… can't. How can you be this stupid. How.
No. 476428
>>476411> idk why she got diagnosed at the young age of 17I don't know where you're getting this info, but pic related. She says she got diagnosed at 18, excerpt from
>>474026 ty again facebook anon.
No. 476440
>>476428in first or second thread she wrote 17 on tumblr. im driving so i cant look for it now i 100% remember seeing this, but it may have been a typo or a lie idek. it's the only age i've seen her say she was diagnosed at, never saw that fb post.
whether it's 17 or 18 it's still on the young side especially if she was using at that time.
No. 476445
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>>476397Tuna "loves her" yet has never even mentioned her before. Okay then.
Or maybe this is the "my cool friend gave me this cool ~*~overdose prevention~*~ pin uwu" chick.
Wonder how they met.. Check this chicks hoodie.
No. 476448
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No. 476513
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No. 476591
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>>476513i really hate how she explains the drawing on the drawing like just in case you didnt knows shes a poor (edgy) damaged girl this pic is about medication!
No. 476743
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No. 476744
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No. 476745
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No. 476746
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No. 476747
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No. 476863
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She's being edgy on tumblr lol I wish she would just go back to ridiculous drug blogging
No. 476878
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No. 476879
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No. 476908
>>476878this is funny because luna definitely fits the description.
you dont need to be defined by your disorder, but people like luna are dumb enough to force themselves into the box and then cry about it
No. 476951
>>476849yeah i saw this and was talking about it a few days ago. she claims she was wrongly diagnosed but now she has bipolar?
>>476908she probably does realize it, thats why she's feeling sooo bad kek. i'm sure she hates herself and knows how terrible she really is. that's not to say that she can't work on herself and change, lots of people with cluster b pds can. she just doesn't want to
like theres bound to be someone who hates a group of ppl, especially since bpds are all stigmatized to be very low functioning and abusive. the stigma around npd and aspd is a lot fucking worse lol. people have bad experiences with another person in a group and they stereotype everyone as that person. it sucks but it's human nature to unconciously cast judgments like that. just move on. stop reading that stuff. go on bpd support forums not fucking facebook ffs
No. 476985
>>476960She's stupid enough to advertise her intent to sell on the internet!! Who the fuck does that? Blew my mind completely. She thinks her life now is soo bad, but good luck in prison. How care you be so dumb to write that??!
>>476971not that anon but this says 5 months ago
>>476416 is the date wrong?
No. 477045
>>477042Yeah, now she's pretty (very) boring. We don't even get real milk anymore.
Same thing, all the time.
No. 477191
>>477135How has she not od'd on fentanyl yet?
She obvi gets her shit from sketchy dealers on the street (ie. dope and hand-pressed pills, not pharmaceutically pressed opiates and medical grade morphine injections) probably has no idea fentanyl test kits even exist, and is extremely unsafe with dosing (taking a shot impulsively whenever she feels bad)
How is she alive?
No. 477198
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is my
phone just being weird or is anyone else also seeing this
No. 477204
>>477202pretty sure she od'd on dope, she did too much. not fent.
at least she carries naloxone tho
No. 477224
>>477042But the posts are at least 8, 9 months before the archive was created. When were the screencaps taken?
In some of the others she talks about Valentine's Day and other holidays. I read quite a few, but I would have to go back and find those posts again to calculate.
No. 477230
>>477222I'm in canada and they can do a tox screen when you od (not die) to see what substances you had in you, did they not do that with luna?
If they found fent, she wouldve said something about it. yeah ik it's not thaaat hard not to od if you dose safe, but luna is impulsive and she'll probably get into a fight with lurch and do a big shot out of anger. if she's been getting fent + h this whole time i'm just shocked she's only od'd once, there's no fent hotspots.
>>477223Really? What the fuck… why. Why is she so stupid. Does lurch carry it? bc that's what assumed other anon meany by he revived her
I don't understand why she wouldn't carry it herself, that's so stupid! If it's bc it's expensive (it's free where I live), she could just like… taper down on the dope for a few days to afford it
No. 477254
>>477237I'm currently trying to find the thread when this occurred
In Canada we have this law where if you call an ambulance for an OD, no one on the scene including the victim can get charged for drug possession. do they not have that law in the states?
so, Lurch narcan'd her, and then… didn't take her to the hospital/insist that she goes? what kind of boyfriend is this LOL. sorry for talking about old milk, I just discovered tuna a few months ago
No. 477272
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No. 477273
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No. 477274
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No. 477280
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No. 477281
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No. 477282
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No. 477319
>>477282she reaallllyy needs a haircut, I swear her hair is puffing out like that because of split ends? Her hair always looks greasy or like fucking hay, it's crazy.
Also I spy injection-spot-blood on her shirt, gross.
No. 477368
>>477326yeah which would honestly look good if she started working out and weight lifting, she'd become one of those hot pear shaped fit girls but no
>>477319>>477347it might just be dry and damaged, my hair does the same thing after i dye it and then try to brush it, no moisture. i see the split ends at the bottom but everything else just looks dry
No. 477371
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No. 477375
>>477319Combination of cheap products, home haircuts, heat damage, and boxed dye she stole from CVS.
>>477191Nah I can’t find the post but she was raving on Facebook about getting free/cheap test kits from a pharmacy. Something along the lines of “you guys can tests for fent blah blah be safe my drug using friends uwu”
No. 477397
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No. 477398
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No. 477399
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No. 477400
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No. 477401
>>477319>>477347Personally, I found her to have a good head of hair. Even though it's dyed, it gives off a low maintenance, grunge vibe yet appears soft, silken and fluffy. Her hair is like a lion's mane. It has volume yet she doesn't even have to put in effort to achieve it.
I find her hair admirable. It's the type of hair you can just wake up and simply brush once, perhaps not even once, and it still looks free flowing, soft and feminine. It's not particularly frizzy either.
Big hair like this is better than thin, limp and lifeless hair.
Her best hair was the silvery grey, ashy tones she dyed. It was different and suited her.
Wish I had hair like that.
No. 477402
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5/5 full version on the post she commented about a guy being lazy and his gf should leave him.thats rich
No. 477404
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This bitch is 21? And looks like she’s hitting 50?
No. 477413
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No. 477414
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No. 477415
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No. 477429
>>477405Nope. I stand by what I said. She does have a good head of hair; thick and plentiful.
Thanks for the attempt at coaching my life and trying to encourage me to rethink my perspective, but it wasn't necessary.
To each their own.
No. 477440
>>477429sage your shit next time anon.
She has thick-ish hair, but it's not well kept. The only way I can see someone envying Luna's hair is if they're really unfortunate and have KiKi-tier thinning. A lot of people have thick hair, it's not that uncommon. I mean if she looked after it, it'd be nice. But it's somehow simultaneously dry as fuck from her home bleach jobs, and greasy from her lack of regular bathing. Combined the fact it's not been cut in over 3 years, it's not something I'd envy. Even people with long hair normally get the tips dealt with, the lions mane look is because her hair is tangling so easily and she's not brushing it. She's mentioned how it's taken days to untangle knots from her hair, it's not as soft and cloud-like as it looks, its matted and unkempt. I dunno about you, but to me this looks disgusting in most pics in this thread
>>468902 >>469060 - this one you can literally see her fringe stuck together in strands with grease ew
Her hair looks slightly better in the current photos because it's been cleaned within the last 24 hours, but it's still not great.
For how proud she is about her hair (she regularly brags about how it's "grown" like wtf) it's not even that nice, and it was clearly healthier when she was younger. Plus her current pink dye job is fucking terrible and patchy, you can see blonde bits in her fringe. /nitpick
No. 477444
>>477401It's easy:
Stop washing your hair, bleach the shit out of it, never get your split ends cut and don't brush it and you too can have her "lion mane"
Seriously though, her hair is horribly damaged and dry. Get a grip girl No. 477496
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>>477415She says dying her hair was a "total impulse", nah she ordered the dye which means she'd planned on it for a while. I guess ~*~total impulse~*~ just sounds more edgy and aesthetic.
And its disgusting that she named a vermin that's running around her house and thinks its cute.
No. 477529
>>477496>obviously with hella white conditioner.Lmao that's why her dye looks so bad. There's this thing on the internet about turning neon hair dye into pastel colours if you mix it with conditioner. It doesn't really work and just leaves it looking faded and patchy.
Just fucking buy pastel hair dye, instead of shit that's not suitable. Or just fucking wait, neon colours fade out to pastel anyway.
Fucking cheapskate clearly didn't want to buy enough to cover all her ~fantastic and long hair~ so she bought 1 pot and diluted it - it doesn't look like any was applied to her roots at all. I know lightened hair takes colours better, but her roots are light enough that SOME colour should have stuck. Also means that her hair was sat coated in conditioner for at least 15 minutes while she was dying it, and it STILL looks that dry.
No. 477560
>>477440I don’t even look at her hair and see volume or thickness. It looks matted at the roots and has that appearances of back combing or teasing from the 2000s.
It would be nice if she took care of it, but you’re right in person she’s probably a bigger mess. I mean she said when she ran into her mother she had to let her brush the tabgled dreaded bits out of her hair for her.
No. 477615
>>477375But you cant get fent test kits from a pharmacy, you have to get them online. or if you're lucky, a smoke shop. You sure she said a pharmacy? If she's using test kits she's smarter than I thought tbh
>>477560compared to very flat, volumeless, thin hair, her hair does have volume. i'm talking about that super thin lifeless grandma hair that anorexics get, which is probably what that other anon who loves her hair has
No. 477632
>>477525Despite Lurch being a complete creepy loser who attempts to cheat on her, I do get the impression that he's at least not a complete shit bag to Tuna. He's definitely not a good boyfriend who cares about her health and probably doesn't even care to buy her a Christmas gift but he's probably not cruel to her. Given how unstable Tuna is and all the suicidal meltdowns she has, she's more likely to be the abusive one.
She used to write poems about being a "good girl" and not ruining everything and I get the strong impression she wrote them after being a complete overly dramatic nut job. I've known some people like her and their over the top social media posting about loving their SO always came as a way to smooth things over after treating them like crap. It's all for show.
No. 477650
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No. 477651
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No. 477652
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No. 477692
>>477615Damn I don’t feel like going through all of the old threads to look rn, but I if I’m remembering correctly it was around the time she first ODed and got that stupid medical first responder pin she put if her beanie and the naloxone from some friend she claimed was an EMT. I’m probably wrong and someone an correct me, but moral of the story like someone else sai it doesn’t matter because she wouldn’t test anyway.
I’ll try to look for it. It was around the time she made a bunch of cringey psa’s for her “drug using friends” on Facebook.
No. 477709
>>477684>typing like a tumblr>moaning about bpd snowflake memescome on? like what???
>>477651the bra lines look weird, is she piling on two bras at once or something?
No. 477799
>>477615I must be an exception because my hair isn't as you describe. Why does everyone here think people must have insanely bad hair who simply find some redeemable quality in Luna's hair? It has potential to be really nice, and there's much worse than this. Considering she doesn't put effort into it other than dying it (doesn't brush it) it's pretty good for the lack of care.
She shouldn't have done this recent dye though, her hair is better blonde or silver grey. This pink, it's not great.
btw, i've seen fats with hair equally as bad as You describe, even worse. It's not exclusive to anorexics kek
No. 477801
>>477400So rich coming from luna.
>man doesn't wanna pick up shopping>probably works fulltime>stable married relationshipL E A V E H I M
No. 477805
>>477802Lmao. It’s not healthy and neither is she. Oh man thanks for that line that’s hilarious.
>>477799I think that’s why people think it’s crazy envy it just because it has the “potential to be nice”. Everyone has the potential to have nice hair so that makes no sense to me. To me personally her hair is fried, dry, frizzy, tangles and looks very dirty from the fact that she doesn’t shower. There are thousands of girls on Instagram and YouTube who have the grunge pastel hair that looks way better.
Even if you google for pastel hair no ones hair looks like hers because her’s is wack half ass attempt at achieving that.
No. 477819
>>477799Calm down anachan, severe anorexics usually have very thin hair, nothing was said about whether fat people do or dont.
>>477805god I hate her heroin chic style, so gross
No. 477838
>>477833I'm not anon you're replying to, but imo its somewhere in the middle. The unreliable narrator thing could mean she exaggerates Lurch's 'abusive' actions. The only blog post i remember off the top of my head about Lurch was: her crying because he'd shouted at her for knocking over a drink and leaving it, he screamed THIS IS HOW YOU GET MOULD. That could have been a 2 second exchange she turned into a big thing in her head. He could just be snippy with her sometimes because dopesick, that's hardly abuse.
Lurch is a scumbag who'd definitely cheat on Luna, but seeing as he's giving her free accommodation, not pimping her out, not hurting her, he's doing better than a lot of heroin addicted junkie boyfriends lol. They are codependent as fuck and shouldn't be together, but I don't think lurch is intentionally abusive. I think he's just some strung out horn dog who found himself with a Tuna attached to his side.
No. 477839
>>477838Junkies are always abusive, anon. I think that Luna's abusive too but there's no way that a heroin addicted man in his 40s dating a girl half his age
isn't abusive to her.
No. 477843
>>477839>Junkies are always abusiveI suppose you're right, they probably both treat each other like shit when they're sober and irritable. I still think Luna exaggerates for pity points (/her BPD at play) but I can see them both being abusive.
>man in his 40s dating a girl half his ageI wonder what they even talk about? Is their ONLY bond drugs? I don't see Lurch being into art or makeup. Its depressing to think without the dope, they have nothing in common. I guess they both have a passing interest in baseball…
No. 477896
>>477887She must have forgotten I'm sure
Maybe she'll go see evil dad tomorrow…
No. 477900
>>477899Sorry I burst your bubble, but they are. A person who is addicted to hard drugs will always be abusive because drugs, to them, matter more than any other person. They will lie, cheat and steal to get high. A person who is addicted to heroin cannot be in a functional and healthy relationship. They will be emotionally and often physically abusive.
If you think I’m talking out of my ass, I’m not. I was with a junkie for two years— it was in the second year that he became addicted to heroin. He stole from me and my family. He hit me. He cheated on me with a person who was willing to do drugs with him. When I left him, he crashed my car high as a kite.
I’ve talked to my therapist about this. This is what she told me. Addicts are not capable of healthy relationships. You shouldn’t be defending them.
Sorry for getting OT. It bugs me when people defend junkies.
No. 477903
>>477839>>477838Honestly I’ve wondered that for a long time. Idk because on one hand if lurch was abusive she’d tell it to get pitty and money, but on the other hand that’s all she has and she might need keep up the lie that he’s amazing and saved her life so she doesn’t have to face he fact that she’s stagnating in life.
Then it’s also like he’s was way older than her when they met so by the age dynamic he was already abusive. I’ve always wondered what did she see in him before she started doing drugs I mean.. Wtf does a 20 something have in common with a man nearing his forties unless he’s childish himself.
>>477900I never really considered the idea that all junkies are purposesly abusive to others, but I mean the position their addiction puts them in makes it inevitable to happen at some point. I mean I guess if you’re a person with addiction with no real attachments to people and a steady supply of money or means to get your drug then I guess you could be a junkie that’s non abusive. I don’t think there are any absolutes with people though in situations like addiction so I can’t put them all in one box. Not defending the horrible actions of many people with addictions but everyone isn’t the same.
No. 477913
>>477903One of my exs was dealing with heroin addiction when we dated and I had no idea. He hid it well. He never stole because he had a very lucrative freelance gig as a developer and he was never abusive to me. I agree that lying and stealing constitutes as abuse but addiction isn't so clear cut that every addict is abusive just because they use. Functional addicts exist and if you have to steal because you can't hold down a job, you're way past functional.
I also don't think that Lurch is anything more than occasionally emotionally abusive at worst. We'd never hear the end of it if he was hitting or pimping Luna. Luna has blogged before if he so much as raised his voice at her for things she deserved.
No. 477938
>>477839love it when people have experience with one person with a certain illness or addiction and then they go "All narcissists/sociopaths/bpds/men/junkies are abusive!" to rationalize their own abuse.
people forget that functional addiction is a thing, many addicts hold good jobs and hide their addictions from everyone and don't go running around all fucked up and low functioning like luna. many addicts will never reach such a low point like her, many addicts hide it very well from others. people are different situations are different, no not all junkies are abusive that makes no sense at all. you shouldve said more prone to abuse, more prone to lying and cheating and blah blah
No. 477956
>>477900Sage for being OT and for who the fuck cares but
Your ex sounds exactly like mine. He also crashed my car while he was high af.
And then he kicked me out of his house because I had nothing left too offer him because he helped me lose my job/income just a few weeks earlier.
No. 477962
>>477955This thread is about Luna, not high functioning addicts. Who cares that some random people can manage being drug addicts? Its got nothing to do with the topic. We're talking about Lurch and Luna's shitty abusive, codependent relationship.
Im sorry that you felt attacked by anons statement, but its true in the case of Luna/Lurch.
>>477903>Honestly I’ve wondered that for a long time. Idk because on one hand if lurch was abusive she’d tell it to get pitty and money, but on the other hand that’s all she has and she might need keep up the lie that he’s amazing and saved her life Luna's a lot more coy with her personal life nowadays, but she used to flip-flop between the two on her old blog. When she was sober, shed complain about how Lurch shouts too much and treats her badly, when she was doped up she'd write love letters.
I don't think he hits her or pimps her out or anything, but they're both drug addicts who NEED heroin above all else to not die. Lurch would probably choose heroin over Luna if push came to shove.
No. 477980
>>477945>>477945you all completely misunderstood me, i was saying that lurch and luna ARE NOT functional, but non abusive functional addicts exist. luna and lurch are obviously fucked and i clearly was talking about how unfunctional they are. i was just correcting the anon who said "all junkies are abusive" pls read it again instead of just the first paragraph lol
>>477961i honestly just discovered luna a few months ago that's why i brought this up lol it's just annoying when people start generalizing and categorizing others like this
i know this thread is about luna but i'm really not derailing that much, and we can end it at this
No. 478003
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No. 478004
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No. 478025
>>477998>>477982tf are you 12? telling people they sound
triggered but you literally sound like you forgot to take your xanax
>>478004what the fuck!?? why is she posting this
what is she crying about she probably had $3 in her wallet, another debit card can be get so easily. just taper off the opiates for a few days and get a new phone
No. 478026
>>478003>who the fuck robs people on christmas evePeople who target those trying to buy heroin.
None of this will make them learn.
I suspect Luna will just be fishing for sympathy in a matter of hours and setting up a GoFundMe to replace the phone, wallet, and whatever other arbitrary value we're supposed to believe she was robbed of.
No. 478027
>>478003OF COURSE tuna gets "robbed on Christmas eve". This is her first mention of Christmas in a while.
I think its fishy as fuck. I wouldnt be surprised if she made it up, and the cuts on lurches face are from nodding out into something (or done on purpose, I know an addict who broke his hand so he could go along with a lie involving drugs/money)
Or if it really happened.. Eh, tough luck. Its the risk you take when you go out to score drugs/try to rip off a dealer.
Whatever happened, thanks for the Christmas milk (eggnog?) Tuna. We'll be looking out for the pathetic begging posts. ;)
No. 478030
>>478004>i wanna crylol
>>478006yea most likely
No. 478033
>>478032Oh please.
I doubt they deal with the actual dealer, just his drug runners. If I was drug related, im thinking they owe the dealer money or fucked him over somehow and they were robbed to make a point (although tuna did have a brand new iPhone, right? That could be sold for $$)
Or someone watched them just buy their dope and decided to rob them for that and then just took whatever else because hey.. why not.
No. 478034
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>>478004Is it me or do these pics look more like Lurch after his "seizures"? My phone's kinda shitty, but it doesn't look like Lurch got punched, his eyes/mouth/nose don't look swollen. Just looks that his head is fucked up from falling over.
She mentioned that her iPhone 7 was broken in anons facebook megadump (pic related), what phone was she even using?
Am I an asshole for thinking Luna made this up to get a replacement iPhone 7? That her phones been broken for a few weeks, and she's trying to scam someone charitable out of an iPhone?
>Who steals on Christmas Eve! Someone send me their old iPhone 7 to make up for how evil the world is!! you must have upgraded by now so it's not even a big deal and it's CHRISTMAS. doubt.jpg
No. 478035
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>>478034samefagging but this is the only example I can find of Lurch's seizure injuries - they look kinda similar to me. The bloods been cleaned up in this image so it doesnt look quite as bad, but the cuts are about the same.
No. 478036
>>478004Nah. Not buying it.
How do you get cuts there on the forehead when you have a winter hat pulled down over your eyebrows and sunglasses on.
We all know that hat/sunglasses is part of lurches kewl "going out in public" uniform.
No. 478040
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No. 478041
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No. 478046
>>478040Lol if anybody on her facebook fancies calling her out on her shit it'd make my christmas.
>my only valuable possessionwhat about her iPad? her MacBook? Cheeky bitch is lying about getting robbed over Christmas, then trying to guilt trip and explain how she lost her ~one nice thing~, how low can you sink?
No. 478049
>>478041Im fucking screaming. She's changing her story already? First it was her and Lurch, now it was just Lurch.
>cant access money in the bankWhat money? I thought she was completely broke all the time.
Also, why would Lurch have tunas wallet like she said?
Sloppy scam story, Tunafish.
No. 478050
>>478041>three dudes kicked the shit out of Matthew… They kicked him in the face and ribs. lol no. That is not the face of a man who's had 6 feet kicking him in the face.
>blah blah blah paragraphs overexplaining the exact circumstances She's definitely lying. People who lie have a habit to over-detail what happened because they think more details = more likely it happened, because their story is "well thought out" and they correct any slip-ups before they're called out on them.
Too nitpicky to be true, she's focusing on details too much because it's fabricated. The question asked by her friend "What happened?" didn't need an explanation of why Lurch doesn't look like he got mugged, or why her story changed, or ANYTHING. She over-answered because she's a terrible liar.
>I originally wasn't going to get specific which is why i said I got robbed^Someone telling the truth wouldn't need to justify this, if someone's making an effort to "sell" you a story, it's probably false.
>His face is a lot more swollen nowShe's fully aware that the images of from Lurch having a seizure and is trying to justify why they don't look "bad enough" for being beaten by 3 men. If it was legit, she wouldn't feel the need to say "it's worse than it looks." and she'd have probably taken another picture of his face in worse shape. We know how she LOVES to take terrible pictures of Lurch when he's not looking.
>We can't access the money in the bank until the new debit card comesIf they'd called up their bank's fraud prevention, they wouldn't have been given this answer. Tuna is assuming this is what people have to deal with when they don't have their debit card, but she hasn't lost anything. Like other anon said, the fraud prevention team would have told them to go into a bank on Tuesday or Wednesday to get a temporary card/take money out directly from the account.
Inb4 Lurch doesn't have ID so he can't withdraw money hahahaha
No. 478054
File: 1514161512052.gif (1.9 MB, 350x264, tumblr_o1wdtsRPQD1ql5yr7o1_400…)

>>478041Man, Luna is attempting to scam for drug money on Christmas Eve. This has got to be an all-time low for her, she could have just continued on her upper middle-class art school major way if she wasn't so busy trying to live up to a stupid aesthetic for Tumblr.
I can just imagine lurch coaching her on the story behind her screen. If her phone is actually missing it was probably because she lost it or fucked it up somehow .
No. 478056
>>478054>If her phone is actually missing it was probably because she lost it or fucked it up somehow.Unless Luna had TWO iPhone 7 Pluses in the last 6 months, it was broken weeks/months ago when Lurch fell over holding it. She literally posted what happened in a BPD facebook group, it was posted in this thread 2 weeks ago lmao
>>474026>>478034 here's the cropped important bit. It's not dated but most of the stuff in that screenshot is from October.
No. 478060
>>478056I should have probably said
>If her phone is actually missing it's because she lost it or fucked it up beyond use.But I figured people would know what I meant.
No. 478075
>>478070I bet her Facebook friends are so tired of seeing her broke crusty ass and lurches long headed face begging up and down their time lines. I wish someone would call her out and drag the fuck outta her but I k ow other people who have friended her just keep her for the lols because I know most people can see through this fucking scam.
I swear I see these same suspect stories on tumblr everyday and it’s the same story of getting robbed and losing their phone and card and the only way to help is with donations and PayPal payments.
No. 478079
>>478075The last straw for me was when she posted some shit like "drug addicts aren't bad people" or some shit like that and I unfriended her
I might refriend her idk
No. 478093
File: 1514185218486.jpg (778.28 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20171225-172804.jpg)

Apparently I'm in a group with her, also she had her phone stolen. Seems more likely that she owed someone money tbh.
No. 478102
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merry christmas farmers!
No. 478103
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No. 478107
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No. 478108
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No. 478114
>>478102That phone is way too clean and nice looking to be Luna's. Everything she owns is permanently filth stained.
>>478108>if it's not mine it's really coincidentalYeah and if it's not yours you've posted this person's name and private info on FB.
No. 478122
>>478103So is her story changing AGAIN?
"Pleez guiz donate money so I can buy my phone back uwu my phone keeps me from killing my poor bpd self its Christmas uwu gimme me money"
No. 478132
>>478131Your right. That would make sense.
He traded it for dope, did it all without Tuna, nodded out a few times, smashed his head on whatever. Made up the story to tuna so she wouldn't start crying about him trading her phone and not sharing the dope.
The dealer gave the phone to whoever to sell on FB for him.
Sage for tinfoil.
No. 478135
So here she says it was three dude
>>478041 but here she says it was two???
>>478103 This seems really fishy to me and for someone who was supposedly repeatedly kicked in the face by multiple dudes his face looks fairly undamaged. Lie or not I don't get why she's making a big deal when daddy will probably get her a new phone anyway.
No. 478136
>>478135I don't think she's doing it for a new phone. I think she's doing it for pity donations which will go towards dope.
Her lies and stories are always sloppy. This shows she hasn't improved in her scamming attempts.
No. 478230
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No. 478241
>>478230>dudes who mugged meJesus tuna. I thought your latest story was that it was just Lurch who got mugged.
I thought you said you have no access to money cuz your debit card was stolen, howd you use "every last cent" to buy a new phone?
And yeah,
>>478237She's making lurch sound like a pussy. Remember when Lurch was threatening to hunt down the people/farmers who were messing with him on FB (or something like that) n saying what a huge, strong guy he is? Extra kek now
No. 478342
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No. 478344
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No. 478418
>>478344You know how when you were a kid, you often stuck your fingers in Bugle chips and pretended they were nails?
Yeah…Luna's nails right now remind me of that.
No. 478534
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No. 478535
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No. 478536
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No. 478551
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No. 478552
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No. 478553
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No. 478554
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No. 478563
File: 1514524514304.png (584.52 KB, 702x771, tunapose.png)

I ran across this on Tumblr and immediately thought of Tunas selfie when she was in therapy in thread 9 kek
Also noticed that Lurch was "robbed" in that thread too. How original.
No. 478574
>>478552>I spent every cent on it>my dad sent it to the wrong addressOoooh you mean
your dad spent every cent on it. Not you, Luna.
No. 478596
>>478574I was itching to point this out, but it seemed too obvious. Of course Luna throws all these histrionics on Facebook to capitalise on the whole "poor girl" aesthetic, when she knew full well all along that daddy would immediately buy her a new phone on next-day delivery.
And then she has the audacity to complain when it goes to the wrong address.
No. 478600
File: 1514558169113.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2084, 20170508_234501.jpg)

This was the last time Lurch "got robbed"… Just 7 months ago.
No. 478644
>>478600…Did Lurch just roll around in the dirt like a dog or something? Because there's no swelling, redness, and that shit around his eye is too perfect to be a newly formed contusion. Plus there is no redness around his eyelid much less the sclera (white of the eye).
They dumb af to think this is anything more than Luna using make up on Lurch.
No. 478827
>>478761Luna was 10 years old in 2006… Phones weren't expensive by then, and what parent
wouldn't want to be able to contact their kid in an emergency? Pretty much everyone Luna's age had a mobile phone as a child, myself included. Hell, the first iPhone came out when Luna was 11, and I see a shittonne of kids with iPhones and iPads nowadays. Although it's doubtful she had a good phone as a child, if her story about being "so poor they had to rent musical instruments from the school" is true.
No. 478848
File: 1514721467942.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, 1505955386874.png)

>>478841>Hella >no short of pretty… okay, considering she does shit all Is this Luna herself or something? I'm tinfoiling hard over the clearly high newfag anon who doesn't know how to sage.
Anyway, Luna was 16 when those pics were taken, a lot of people still have weird teenager puppy fat before they hit adulthood. Altho it seems like puberty was nice to her. her fat distribution is slightly better now. She holds a lot of her weight in her thighs now instead of her torso, so it's less obvious unless she's got her legs showing like
>>478564 But it's not hard to lose weight when you're throwing up and shitting yourself constantly in withdrawal lmao. She's skinnier currently, but she yoyos like a motherfucker. Normally fatter when she has money. This is her a couple months ago, she's just as hammy as in that lookbook imo
No. 478849
>>478848nah just a long time lurker, been reading this thread too long and inherited too many bad mannerisms.
tbh probably correct, angles and all that. the look book angle is unflattering af when yr a ham planet
No. 478855
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>>478848This looks better than everything else I've ever seen her wear
No. 478883
>>478848dat abscess scar in the crook of her elbow
looks like she took a melon baller to her arm
No. 478916
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>>478874>>478880I lived in a pretty rich area so maybe I'm just out of touch, but I'm a few months older than Luna and got my first phone at 10. It was an old hand me down and it didn't do much, but that wasn't the point. Nobody had a phone with a camera or ability to use the internet or anything, it was literally just some old text/call machine. My mom gave it to me so she could call if I was late home from school. Sage for off topic tipsy nostalgia
No. 479260
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No. 479279
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No. 479280
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No. 479281
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this model looks a lot like luna.
No. 479286
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>>479281I can see it on occasion but you might be smoking as much crack as Luna is to compare her to bella hadid on a good day
No. 479301
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this bitch
No. 479306
>>479301She only mentions him when he goes to the hospital or "needs money to get him home from the hospital". Never posts about when he's doing better. If someone I cared about was sick, and got better I'd be happy/relieved and want to post about it… I think most people would?
She just posts about him going to the hospital for pity points. Its fucking sick that she takes pics of him everytime he goes.
>hes gotta get better"Otherwise who would pay our rent!?", amiright?
Tuna is such a selfish bitch.
No. 479321
>>479311Why would cops be there with the ambulance anyways? Is that a common thing?
Ambulances drive past my house all the time and none are ever accompanied by police…
No. 479342
>>479301>he got a cold about a week ago and just kept getting worsethis bitch has just left Roger sick, until he was LITERALLY INCAPABLE OF SEEING A DOCTOR HIMSELF. I thought she "looked after" Roger? If he had a fucking cold as an old man with heart problems, you should have fucking got him help before he literally needed to be carted off in an ambulance.
I s2g this shit makes my blood boil. She was fully aware of Roger's condition and chose not to do anything until he was in serious condition and now he's needs a week in hospital to recover. Fuck her. I guess I should be happy Roger won't be in the drug den for a week, but goddamn.
No. 479345
>>479301is it normal in america to have the police to come over if you call an ambulance?
sage for ignorance
No. 479350
>>479260>this robbery has left me with nothingYeah okay, bitch. How about you sell your iPad and Macbook?
ALSO. How would it cause her to be short on rent!? She said all they got was $10 from Lurch.
I wanna call this dumb bitch out.
No. 479362
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No. 479363
>>479361But she also said she ordered it over her dad's account?
I'm pretty sure she didn't spend any money on her new phone
No. 479397
>>479385If there’s every been argument that the dead act among the living they’re it.
>>479362How is she still taking photos? He Mac or iPad? Like sell one already. I wish people would stop allowing her to steal their money. I wish someone would call her out on her Facebook.
No. 479399
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No. 479400
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No. 479402
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No. 479403
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No. 479404
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No. 479414
>>479402 >my door bell works Ummm
>my USED INSURANCE PHONE Fucking brat geez
No. 479449
>>478004Mmmmkay. Forensic pathologist anon here, although we don't do faces without a set of radiographs - sometimes the immanent superficial injuries can look minor despite vast underlying damage, and vice versa.
My impression is that of two distinct bilateral injuries, both slightly supraorbital, the left side injury consisting of striate marks approx. 5cm above the orbital ridge, the R side injury consisting of a single cut approximately 1cm temporally from the browline. In the initial photos, there appears to be some periorbital bruising that becomes more pronounced by the second set of photos, especially on the right eye. There further seems to be some hard to discern bruising above the medial end of the left orbital ridge and a small bruise of approx. 1.5cm diameter medially frontally, just below the hairline.
The injuries do not seem to have been inflicted with a sharp object, nor do they bear wide area signatures (as they would be common if he had the 'shit kicked out' of him). The striate injury on the right side that did not penetrate the skin but caused subdermal bleeding appears to be the impression of a regularly shaped metal object, my guess would be a street grate or a manhole cover or something similar (not a Noo Yawker, so I don't know what shit looks like there). The source of the periorbital bruising on the left side appears to be an impact to the lateral aspect of the orbital socket, which they should've x-rayed as I'm pretty damn sure it's broken. This gives a relatively consistent possible history of events:
1) Completely drugfucked up, Lurch trips and due to slowed reflexes b/c opioids, he does not use his hands to break his fall. The left lateral aspect hits the ground, the edge of the orbital socket is impacted first, then the edge of his forehead comes into contact with something with a uniform griddle shape, which causes the abrasion.
2) The impact
triggers a seizure in someone already known to be prone to it. Immediately jerking his head into the other direction, he sustains the cut on the other side of his head.
It is almost definitely impossible for this to be any kind of intentional harm. One, no weapon patterns. Two, the injuries are confined to a relatively small part of the skull, whereas injuries are normally fairly uniformly divided and in the case of someone actually getting the shit kicked out of them, you would expect to see lower lateral injuries: broken jaws and all. Three, Lurch is relatively tall, yet the injuries are towards the top of his head, so if these were the products of an assault, they had to come from someone who was significantly taller than he is. Andre the Giant maybe?
Bottom line: bullshit, Luna.
No. 479452
>my used insurance phoneShe's gotta make sure everyone knows she's ~*~poor~*~: she can only afford to get a
USED iPhone 7 plus.
No. 479467
>>479280tbh Luna will probably pawn/sell it for dope money.
idk how the most selfish, shitty, shady people always seem to step in shit when it comes to people helping them out, and just general good luck. my brother is like this and my stepdad used to say "the greasy wheel gets the oil." I guess the more you complain and lie about your "hardships" and the more you beg and connive for money and free shit, the more people say yes instead of no? ugh
No. 479469
>>479303seriously. I feel so bad for him. if there was some way I could make sure Luna wouldn't get her grubby hands on it, I would actually genuinely want to somehow send him a care package or something. it's not fair how he's treated. he should be living the rest of his years out comfortably.
I wish he had a family member who could come kick Lurch and Luna to the curb and then help take care of Roger so he could just live peacefully in a CLEAN apartment with his cats and not have to worry about his $ or bedding being stolen out from under him.
No. 479470
>>479380not weird at all. when there was that video in December of Lurch and Luna feeding squirrels chocolate and we could hear their voices, I felt so weird and surprised. I mean I knew they spoke, they're not mute lmao but hearing it was so odd. plus they sounded way more lucid than I expected
I think the fact that she never posts videos of herself, especially ones where she's speaking, lends to the fact that our brains look at them as fake/not real lmao
No. 479473
>>479449This was interesting to read. Awesome how there's farmers in so many different career fields
>>479469Same, poor guy
No. 479513
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No. 479514
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No. 479515
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No. 479541
>>479525Lol she should start a beauty/fashion/edgy~gurl Youtube channel… It would be entertaining, everyone loves a trainwreck.
Tuna thinks she's hot shit even though she likes to say how ugly or whatever she is.
No. 479585
>>479449A little update, this came to me at work today.
Tuna says Lurch has a 'seizure disorder'. There aren't that many of them, basically they're all either some flavor of epilepsy or PNES (psychogenic non epileptic seizures).
If he has epilepsy, why is he not on a daily antiepileptic (seeing as he had at least one fit a year)? Also, withdrawal lowers the seizure threshold significantly. Heroin and epilepsy don't mix.
If he does have have PNES, then of course drugs are even less of a good idea. Withdrawal tends to
trigger seizures.
Bottom line: bullllshiiiiitttttttt.
No. 479588
>>478004>>478035Are these supposed to be on the same injury? Cause looks like completely different injuries. The first image has two cuts on both his left and right side yet the second images he has the injuries in the middle of his head.
>>479449I completely agree neither of the injuries I've seen appears to of been caused by any kind of weapon. I'm no forensic pathologist but I've never seen these types of wounds inflicted by a seizure, I've seen bloody lips, bruising and maybe minor cuts or scraps but nothing like this.
No. 479613
>>479588>>479585I'm pretty sure they're seizure injuries, or from nodding out, or both like anon above detailed. Some people's seizure
trigger can be pain, so their explanation would make sense.
Heavy drug use can cause you develop seizures though, and that's why he has them, not epilepsy.
No. 479645
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No. 479646
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No. 479647
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No. 479686
>>479590>>479613>>479622>>479629I agree with the seizure theory. Semi-relevant blogpost: My sister was hardcore addicted to opiates and benzos for a few years, and although she never had a prior history of seizures/epilepsy before, she started having them every couple of weeks or months (depending on how heavily she was using at the time). Her face and limbs were always fucked up like Lurch's. Then, practically as soon as she quit and detoxed, her mysterious ~seizure disorder~ magically disappeared, and she couldn't milk it for sympathy and resources anymore.
Whether it's seizures or just getting fucked up and falling or whatever, Lurch didn't get mugged.
No. 479696
File: 1515247013479.png (1.05 MB, 720x1135, slob.png)

2 days ago from Tumblr.
No. 479697
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No. 479708
>>479583>>479583She is because someone found her in a leftbook group who visited here
You guessed it she was learning more about topics to appeal to sjw tears
No. 479718
>>479696She's got those fat Momokun arms.
>>479697Why does this bitch keep touching her damn face in the same spot. Is she trying to get a pimple there? That cat is so not into that selfie.
No. 479735
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No. 479754
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>>479735I can't help but find those fucking butterfly clips ridiculous. I've never seen someone wear them so fucking wrong as well, they're supposed to be used as HAIR CLIPS, not randomly plonked in tangled hair doing nothing at all. How does Tuna fuck up everything she tries?
No. 479772
>>479735That blob of highlighter on the tip of her nose is
triggering me. BLEND, LUNA, BLEND!
No. 479778
>>479766Its definitely just the colors + the yellow background. Most of her pics are are just like gray and nasty or something.
Look at how she put her fake nail on her index finger lol.
Also.. I like how she crawls out of her bedroom and creeps around the apartment for selfies everytime Rodger is in the hospital. Must be so exciting to be high in a different room!
No. 479787
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>>479735Lmao she's the druggie version of Katherine
No. 479808
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No. 479809
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and a blood stain. aesthetic
No. 479834
>>479787how dare you.
>>479735this image opened high-res bc i was on my computer and i was not ready. look at that makeup. look at those nails. yuck. i'll take shooped pics over this any day.
No. 479896
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No. 479918
File: 1515381548255.png (571.75 KB, 717x899, 2cool.png)

I think she just posted this and then immediately deleted it off her Tumblr?
No. 479937
File: 1515399246731.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.41 KB, 640x414, DSL2fdd_d.jpg) this from Leddit, but photographer Ralf Brunner documented a heroin addict's last few years. Luna, this is what you have to look forward to if you want to keep up this sad druggie babydoll aesthetic.
No. 479976
>>4799081) she dilutes her dye with conditioner, and doesn't have enough dye to begin with (so a lot of it might as well be wash out)
2) her hair is damaged from bleaching, causing the color not to hold
3) you can see the fucking disgusting grease all over, especially the bangs where the dye is most removed. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that grease 'washes away' dye. Though I've never let my hair get that disgusting to be able to give you any first hand experience on that one. Gross.
No. 479988
>>479985She's finally started hooking?
Just kidding, but she can't be far off it now.
No. 479996
>>471050New OP pic? Of her looking like a 50 year old.
But crop out her mom.
No. 479997
>>479988>hookingI was gonna say it would hardly be "for free" if she had to have sex with a dude to get the oxy's, but I suddenly remembered pic related from the first thread. She likes to exaggerate about her hustling skills because that makes her hardcore, she might be lying about getting them for free.
I mean re-reading that today, I doubt it's REALLY prostitution that's funding her habit, but it wouldnt surprise me. I think whats happening is this tho - Tuna (read:Lurch) knows isolated people who can't get heroin elsewhere who trade their prescription pills, she rips them off and gives an unfair trade (not as much H as the pills are worth), then they "hustle" the "free" pills they got from the deal for their own personal use. Selling them if they can, for more heroin, but taking them if there are no other options.
Sage for tinfoiling, I'm not a heroin junkie so I don't know the lifestyle like people in this thread, but this is what I'd assume.
No. 479999
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>>479997omg I dropped pic, this thread's near locking and I'm on PC so I'll make a new one now unless anybody else has plans to
No. 480003
>>479997Yeah, I was just joking, I'm more inclined to think she's just lying about getting them totally free or exaggerates like you said. But when I think of Luna ever exchanging sex for drugs I think of it as one of those slow declines you see on Intervention, when at first they just hang out with lonely old men who can give them pills and cash and it escalates from there. I mean Lurch is old enough to have some old man friends kek. Remember that old guy who's methadone/saliva soaked cotton balls she used to buy?
But more likely she's just a bullshitter.