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No. 403302
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420
>previously also known as howl1996, junkhun and funeralhome420 >21 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Gets by acting like a lost soul online>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!" >tries to be exactly like courtney love>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles>sqandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year >visible arm infections>Lurch deleted facebook after "tessa" came forward with him attempting to seduce hem but still uses messenger according to last update>always "short on rent" or otherwise in need of donations newest milk:
>OD'd on heroin>has been wearing the same grey dress for over a month >joined a druggie facebook group>considering selling her lewds on Extra Lunch Money>Gave up on outpatient therapy after she couldn't leech anymore.>selling crappy notebook pages of "art" for $25 a pop.>possibly been disowned by her father??PREVIOUS THREADS
>>394258 No. 403307
>>403290Some anons seem reluctant to accept that cows have any form of illness or mental illness for whatever reason. It's fucking weird; it's as if people think you need to be a good person to have a condition. It's particularly dumb given that some conditions are the reason why people exhibit cow behavior to begun with.
>>403296Yeah, PCOS isn't period-dependent. That said, there are some suspicious blood stains in Luna's apartment that look like leaks (though they could possibly be explained by shooting up). Though since she does have PCOS, painful periods are one of those things she actually has grounds to complain about. Apparently they're often excruciating beyond belief with the condition.
No. 403390
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DOC = Drug of choice. To all the crazy cynics out there who didn't believe Tuna did crack.
No. 403396
>>403307>>403313I have PCOS as well, but usually can't even feel my periods (basically go numb down there). I also don't have the weight issue, although I get 2 random chin hairs I have to pluck and still get acne (although skincare keeps it at bay). Symptoms really depend on the person.
>>403296When I'm not on the birth control pill, I get periods up to 2 times per month or not at all for 4 or 5 months. It's definitely a sign of PCOS, although not necessarily for everyone. PCOS just means that you have cysts on your ovaries and can be diagnosed by a doctor using ultrasounds.
No. 403398
>>403313PCOS isn't really an illness, rather a common condition. Approximately 10% of women have PCOS, many just have lighter forms where it's not inherently noticeable, and thus never get diagnosed.
The only reason I was diagnosed is because one of my cysts grew large and I thought I had appendicitis so rushed to the E.R.
I get what you are saying though. It seems an abnormal amount of farmers think there is some correlation between PCOS and being a cow or that it is some dreadful disease. Probably 10% of cows have PCOS, as in the general population.
No. 403405
Okay, we get it, Luna had PCOS. Move on.
>>403390I'm fucking positive Luna only dislikes crack because it's not as ~aesthetic as heroin. She's basically said that she sees as a poor people drug, but the few tweaker posts we've got from her have been her saying how scared she is that she likes it so much.
No. 403406
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luna pls
No. 403433
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on a post in her drug group talking about "craving drugs that aren't your drug of choice"
No. 403455
>>403433this was literally posted like 9 posts up
comeon guy
No. 403533
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the areola returns
No. 403574
>>403533"reading threads making fun of my breasts for sagging"
Is this proof she reads here?
No. 403583
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>>403574definitely proof anon. i'm surprised she even admitted she reads through them. i thought she said she was too sensitive?
No. 403584
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No. 403585
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No. 403586
>>403584Wow, she's actually thanking somebody while using their name!
But "haven't eaten a meal in days" my ass. Can't believe she still uses that line interspersed with fast food pics.
No. 403605
>>403591I know this is supposed to be a rhetorical question but:
Opiate drugs themselves cause hair loss. They also cause junkfood cravings; contrary to popular belief, they tend to make you gain weight rather than lose it. Tuna's chubby but most likely malnourished, since all she eats is crap. Plenty of nutritional deficiencies lead to accelerated hair loss.
She's also bleached the everloving shit out of her hair and it's probably breaking all over the place.
Lurch is unhealthy as possible and probably shedding hair all over the damn place too.
Cleaning never occurs to either of them.
No. 403640
>>403620I too have noticed the dark hairs everywhere.
I've decided Lurch is a trichotillomaniac and sports the bum hat to hide his bald spots.
No. 403690
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>>403584lol she posted this the day before she posted that?
Why can't she ever act like she eats cuz she's hungry like most humans?
No. 403692
>>403687instagram does not recognize it as a breast
>>403690sorry for being petty but
>i hasn't had one in yearsugh
No. 403711
>>403533Anons: Tuna totally doesn't read her threads guiz!!! she said 3 years ago on her tumblr that she doesn't read about herself so that must still be true! It's a coincidence that she reacts to our posts sometimes!
>Tuna: I didn't used to until reading threads making fun of my breasts for sagging.I. Fucking. Knew. It.
No. 403735
>>403533Larger breasts are expected to sag, and it's completely normal. Luna's weight loss, lack of muscle, and possibly not wearing proper bras are the reasons why hers are saggier than they should be. And with how young she is, it's kinda sad.
One of the main reasons why I dislike Luna is the fact that there are very simple solutions within her reach to fix her life but she never follows through. The DBT groups were a good step but I wasn't surprised when she decided to stop going after she realized it wasn't a fun Girl, Interrupted LARP group.
Luna, if you're reading this, try doing pushups. You do nothing all day and if you're sad about your tits, then you should do something about it.
sage for rant and mentioning her boobs, it always seems to derail the thread
No. 403737
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No. 403738
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She's knocking more and more $ off her art I hope she realizes it's not work more than the materials that went into it.
No. 403767
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Take off her head and that is literally a selfie of a 60 year old grandmother
No. 403770
>>403757>>403744Her lips look like that because she bites them or something, they're probably dried and chapped and she bites off the dry bits, pulls them too far and fucks them up.
There's something fundamentally wrong with her lips, it's not makeup application. Her top lip looks worse, she probably bites/picks it more than the bottom. She also bites her nails too, so it's not inconceivable to think she bites her lips.
No. 403805
>>403584>>403775I was wondering when someone would notice this. I'm not really sure why she put the lid in there to begin with…?
>>403690Maybe she grew up under the impression that junk food and candy aren't "real" foods. It's still bizarre as fuck that she would lie about not eating for days, and then take photos of her food and put it online (especially stuff that most people don't find necessary to photograph), or talk about shit like "I'm going to Dunkin Donuts" etc.
>>Somebody should send this girl an affordable/healthy cookbook. I doubt she'd ever touch it, but learning healthy cooking would help Luna with her weight, hair/skin/nails, and maybe - just maybe - turn Luna into a new age health nut and get her away from thinking polluting her body with drugs is cool. No. 403810
File: 1498771465228.jpg (400.63 KB, 2048x2048, 7DA5445B-EA4B-4BFB-82FD-C93BE4…)

Such a fucking brat. I'm familiar with those books and they can be a bit off putting but there's solid skills in there…
If her mom is actually doing that, she's so lucky she cares. But she just shit talks her probably cuz they talked and her mom didn't give her any money.
No. 403844
>>403805no one should send her anything, shes the scum of the earth.
>>40373850 bucks less than 175? still $100 too expensive for what it is. also what kind of entitlement is it for her to expect her friends to be able to blow over $100 on her crappy pastel puke paintings every month? she never even tries to promote her art to new people.
No. 403852
>>403711It made me a bit sad to read that part. Something that she can't control and was fine with before became ugly and made her insecure because of comments online.
Ofc she has tons of problems that are her own fault, but gravity isn't one of them. It makes me question a lot of the nitpicking that happens across all cows and snowflakes.
No. 403858
>>403857you sound
No. 403859
>>403858you sound
triggered that i sound
triggered ooooooo
No. 403870
>>403865There are many things worse than being fat. Like being a person who hates fat people. Lol
Sage for nonsense and inb4
>whatever, you morbidly obese cow No. 403874
>>403857Not a part of the nitpickers squad, but we're on a gossips imageboard and the nitpicking is pretty much the "rule" here (ex: Onision don't have control on his "skin condition",should we stop mocking his ugly mug?)
I know, sometimes it's just dumb attacks and crazy theories but…it's kind a part of a "game" and that's not going to change any time soon.
Maybe lolcow isn't the right place for you? (not a reproach)
sage for OT (and bad english)
No. 403879
>>403874The difference there and with many other cows is that they're narcs who believe that they're extremely handsome/beautiful when they're not. Luna knows that she's a fatty watty with cellulite and stretch marks and seems to accept it. Her fucked up body isn't related to her cowish nature (aside from her current foray into sex work, but even then she chose extralunchmoney because of her 'unique' look).
There's also a good and bad way to go about nitpicking, imo. For every person laughing at Momo's dimpled ass, there are ten anons going 'ewwwwww look at _____'s potato nose i'd kms if i had it' or 'omg she needs surgery on her chin' and other ridiculous overreactions to normal photos/facial features that seem like they're made by young teens who want to make themselves feel more attractive.
No. 403884
>>403874i understand that it's kind of the name of the game on this website but it just gets repetitive and boring after a while hearing people say the same things over and over again about her looks when 1) she really couldn't change it unless she had a ton of money (but we all know that'd just go to drugs) 2) like
>>403879 and
>>403866 said, she knows she's unattractive so there's no point in pointing out her bad physical qualities when everyone, including herself, gets it. and 3) most of the things that are being pointed out and mocked are normal and a lot of the people who post on this thread probably have the same things (like stretch marks. even if you aren't fat you can get those lol)
No. 403905
>>403879>>403884ok guys well done but people will still talk about her body even if it is pointless nitpicking. i think because shes an awful person it almost encourages it
also luna thinks shes a babe even with her cellulite etc
No. 403914
>>403910everything i've seen her not post about has been fake organic shit (annie's mac and cheese in the background or those 'organic' noodles), so she has some sort of semblance of a rich palette behind the scenes. she just posts the junk.
she's literally a spoiled rotten brat with expensive new york taste.
No. 403919
>>403857>>403866Unfortunately we have a lot of people who started out on PULL 1.0 and migrated here when it closed, they're here to be bitches, not to watch/observe lolcows in the spirit of say, pixyteri on /cgl/s old days.
>>403903>If she thought she was that bad looking, she wouldn't post as many selfies as she does.This is such a dumb argument. People who are secure in themselves do not need to post any selfies online, let alone ten every day with compliment fishing captions. It's not a sign of being confident, it's a sign of being insecure and needing outside validation. There are a ton of studies that show the more engagement a person has with social media, the less secure and confident they tend to be in themselves.
No. 403971
>>403943That original post (>>403830) seemed really weird to me. Reminded me of a poem that Tuna would write.
I highly doubt she shoots up in public parks.
No. 403995
>>403830>he's always ODing >she shoots up in public parks Do you have the wrong thread or something? No evidence of any of that and you know she would have made some bullshit poetry out of that.
There was a story once of when she first finished high school (already dating lurch) and she had a summer job and she wrote on her drug blog how she was so dopesick at "work" (it seemed to be some community office that she might have done filing for, not actual hard work) that Matthew had to send a friend to shoot her up.
But yes please show us where she talks about shooting up in a park alone while she reads The Bell Jar or something.
No. 403997
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No. 404015
>>4040021. That's Matthew's dad Roger, who lives with them
2. Wtf does that have to do with her shooting up in the park?
No. 404033
>>404032r u fucking dense. its in the first thread many times. u didnt fucking look
ban urself
No. 404040
>>404002I feel like you're confused, which is fair Luna can be all over the place and cryptic. Her father in law type guy had hella health issues last year which was her main excuse for most of her e-begging when it was at its height. From my understanding he has some drinking issues and he and Lurch get in a lot of fights, but he's not a crackhead and it's not nice (I know this isn't a place where people come to be nice) to call sick old men gross.
And maybe she shot up in the park but I'm not sure she even knew how to fix herself last year. There's a park around their neighborhood that she and Lurch used to sneak around and fuck at before they lived together. I believe she was there with track marks but the majority of her shooting up always has and will take place in her bed.
Sorry for this maybe pointless blog post about past where when and why's of the tuna chronicles.
No. 404042
>>404041Thanks for bringing Luna to public attention. She's a beautiful trainwreck and one of the best threads on this site. :')
What do you think of her developments since making the first thread?
No. 404052
>>404015>>404025Oh. It was a post that I saw when I clicked her blog once.
>>404040>that reply #Thanks for the clarification, I dont know anything about her or any of the side characters besides a few posts i've skimmed here and those tumblr posts from earlier 2016. I wouldn't be mean to any of them. I think they could really use some kindness. I just find a lack of hygiene to be repulsive due to my own personal germaphobia, i can't even expand and pics in the thread because my skin crawls and shudders and it makes me really nauseous just to see a stained shirt, its my problem. I'm sure she's just a sweet woman whose addiction has her spiraling downward with no way to get into a good rehab place. If they could get enough money for a facility program and keep a sober companion a few years, I think they could have a chance to get better and take care of Roger before he dies.
No. 404067
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>>403302Im really late for this, so sorry in advance but jesus cocksucking christ.
Whoever picked the OP image, chapeau my friend, chapeau.
In that pic she looks like one of those sex dolls…
wait, no… I have to take it back. She looks like a cheap, dirty, overused sex doll.
Unused sex dolls actually look better….
No. 404078
>>403567top fucking jesus cocksucking christ kek
thanks for the laugh anon
laugh you
No. 404081
>>403651that's actually super fascinating.
Go on medfagging (as long as it is connected to Tuna/Lurch)
No. 404092
>>403879I dont agree with you at all and Im confused so many else anons do.
Tuna seems to have some moments of clarities where she knows how she looks and has insecurities but then again she posts these ugly and unflattering pictures all over her social media accounts. Who does that? Who would do that rotting that deep in insecurities?
She might know her flaws
kind of but at the same time She is prancing around like she is the Venus of Milo while being the most dirty and filthy junkie that Ive ever come across.
So I think this nitpicking could easily stop, if Tuna wouldnt rub her nasty looks into everyones face.
No. 404098
>>403870Jesus christ, I'm taking the bait. There's not much worse than slowly killing yourself because you have no restraint or self discipline. Fat isn't cute or squishy, it's ugly, severely unhealthy and overall unnecessary.
>>404016Didn't she list her looks as one of her top strengths in that DBT exercise? Why are so many people finding it hard to accept that she absolutely adores herself. Every single aspect of her life is highly coveted to Luna, from the way she looks down to the drugs she does all the way to the relationships she keeps/doesn't keep.
She thinks she's beautiful - she got a fucking polaroid and wasted all the free film she got with it on selfies. All her art work are weird alter-ego self portraits. She has a bloody shrine dedicated to herself with said polaroids & portraits. She's got her own name & me tattooed on herself.
No. 404101
to anyone still thinking she doesnt think she is the shit:
>>>/snow/165073>but I actually think I look beautiful in this dress so fuck youshe has no insecurities.
No. 404103
wait wut, I don't go on /pt/ for a day an suddenly everyone's convinced that Luna isn't a narcissist with an inflated ego because she found ONE Flaw in her saggy tits? and we should be "nice" to her because "she can't change it"???
The fuck happened to this thread man…
>>404098This is 100% spot on tbh, I don't need to add any more.
No. 404153
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>>404052>I'm sure she's just a sweet woman whose addiction has her spiraling downward with no way to get into a good rehab place. >If they could get enough money for a facility program and keep a sober companion a few years, I think they could have a chance to get better and take care of Roger before he dies.Nigga u wot?? Seriously, read through at least one of her threads before virtue signaling. She is NOT a "sweet woman." She talks shit about everyone once they stop giving her money or ass pats. She claims her dad is the absolute worst and yet brags when he buys her a new grandma bra or when they smoke weed together. She HAS been to rehab, but dropped it once she realized it wasn't a cool place to hang out with druggies.
Sage for rant and non-thread related pic.
No. 404154
>>403711all that post does is prove she read abt herself in the past, presumably when someone sent a link to the threads to howl
she doesnt read here anymore, dumbass
No. 404159
>>404154>she doesnt read here anymoreas little we can confirm she
does read here, as little you can confirm she does
not, cockhead
But mentioning it so recently I think she does.
No. 404164
>>404092>>404098Why don't you guys understand that people who are narcissistic actually hate themselves? I thought everyone on here would understand this considering we have a thread on king narccuck onion.
People who overshare on social media are not secure. It is not a sign of confidence, it's a sign of needing attention. Deep down, luna knows she's shit, and that's why she posts so much. She doesn't have any internal self worth and relies entirely on people giving her compliments to feel good.
I don't understand the argument
>She wouldn't post so much if she didn't like herself!No one who likes themselves posts on social media as much as luna does. It's been shown over and over again that the most confident and happy people don't even have social media.
No. 404181
>>404052>no way to get into a good rehab place. If they could get enough money for a facility program what am I even reading?
You clearly have missed out her recent mental healthcare vacation where she was driven to the facility with a car all for herself.
she blew it up as soon as she realized it's work and not 24/7 ass-patting.
No. 404182
>>404164what about
>Im so beautiful uwu No. 404187
>>404182It's trendy to be ~body posi~ and have massive self confidence even if you're conventionally ugly right now. Especially if you're not conventionally attractive, actually. It's the in thing with the group she wants to be part of. I don't see how you guys don't get that she's working that angle hard. She wants to be seen a martyr and a hero for defying unconventional beauty standards and seeing worth in herself when society doesn't.
She doesn't actually believe any of that shit. Like, no one in the body positive movement does thinking about it actually. It's full of people who know they're ugly, and use the movement as a vehicle to get praise and attention.
No. 404192
>>404103>wait wut, I don't go on /pt/ for a day an suddenly everyone's convinced that Luna isn't a narcissist with an inflated ego because she found ONE Flaw in her saggy tits? and we should be "nice" to her because "she can't change it"??? The fuck happened to this thread man…
Way to completely misinterpret what everyone said and drag it to its most ridiculous conclusion.
>>404187This, every fatty/uggo on tumblr takes selfies pointing out their flaws and talking about how they look beautiful and fierce in their clothes or whatever. It's all a lie, of course. It's just trendy to pretend that you like your flaws and nasty body.
No. 404237
>>404032she has a "me" tattoo as well as a tarot card inspired "luna" tattoo.
they do seem vain but to be fair, she did get them years ago, before she turned into the grimy junkie she is today. at the time she got them (i've been following her since like 2011-2012), they seemed really clever to me. i can't really recall her scamming people for money and whatnot at that point. she was just a young girl who mentioned her abusive mother and stuff and i think most people just thought of the tattoos like "oh she's got such amazing self confidence! i'm inspired!"
but years later here we are, and they just come off as blatant vanity.
No. 404259
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No. 404268
Medfag speculation: there's a phenomenon in temporal lobe epileptics called Gastaut-Geschwind syndrome. It's defined as
- hyperreligiosity (check: she's not 'religious' per se but obsessed with religious symbolism and language),
- hypergraphia (possible),
- reduced sex life (ya), and
- circumstantial speech (yeah, she rambles).
Now, you can have temporal lobe epilepsy with only absence seizures, which are hard to distinguish from nodding off, besides, sea creature is out of it half the time so wouldn't notice anyway. Plus, the shitload of benzos she's taking might actually inhibit seizures. She might have had seizures she only registered as emotional changes, and started to self medicate with benzos,
Sage for speculation.
No. 404270
File: 1498851107944.png (1.06 MB, 1231x774, luna2.png)

poor girl, it already starts to show
No. 404293
>>404267exactly what i was getting ready to post.
fast food is very much a luxury if you're someone whose struggling financially. the money she keeps spending on trash could pull in a treasure trove of groceries at aldi's or dollar general or something.
No. 404320
>>404293yeah she's got that new "buying groceries is too expensive" mentality, when a $5 big mac could easily be cans of beans, a bag of frozen broccoli, and some brown rice that would last her at least a week. even a bag of potatoes is cheap, you just have to put in effort to cook them.
my dad never cooked and thought he was saving money by eating exclusively fast food, but between family members that's $30 every meal, every day. versus $100 on groceries every couple weeks.
and it's not like she doesn't have the free time to learn how to cook.
she's just lazy and used to being treated to taco bell and red barron pizzas.
you can tell she isn't used to being ~poor~ because she thinks $25 for a skater skirt when you can easily find one for $3.90 at forever 21.
No. 404343
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>someone buy me this I NEED it
>buy my $1000 paintings I'm STARVING
which is it girl?
She's so insufferable.
No. 404359
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>>404164confidence and happiness =/= self-worth, she thinks she's hot shit even if she does the shallow "lmao I hate myself" crap. She thinks she's a perfect ~broken princess, and all her problems are because of other people. (OTHER THAN HER BOOBS, seriously she's only ever "hated" one part of herself)
She's poorfag because her "mother stole thousands off her" she's hungry because "the food banks give stale cereal" she's not talented because "nobody appreciates her art"
She thinks she's pretty much perfect, and having one thing about herself she doesn't like won't convince me that Tuna is a ~dark twisted individual full of self-hate. She clearly doesn't fit that image, and she's trying to make herself appear like that but it's 100% fake. Pic related, it's a call-out post from one of her old friends, seeing as people in here seem too newfag to know Luna's ways.
There are people here who've known Luna for 3+ years, but clearly the newfag armchair psychologists know her better.
No. 404364
>>404359samefag to point out Chey's sage wisdom
>It's just given them an excuse to never self-crit beyond "lmao I hate myself I want to die I'm the worst" How come it's nitpicking if we call Tuna's tits sad, but it's deep self-hatred if Tuna does it? She has 1 million more serious things on her plate, why focus on something so shallow if she's able to self-criticize?
No. 404371
>>404368She uses her Mom's foodstamp card, their own foodstamp card, AND takes food from her local church.
She gets 3x the amount of food people in her situation get, and she still whines and e-begs for more. Now I see why she's fat.
No. 404376
File: 1498863293315.jpg (334.31 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_osdqzpfWXX1w3kwovo2_128…)

>bury me in this slip #me (from her tumblr)
She about looks ready for burial, tbh.
Darker lipstick is better, but I can't place what's wrong… It's like her face is melting? Her face is starting to age as fast as her body? I dunno, this does not look like a picture of a 21 y-o to me.
No. 404410
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>>404407this place is just as bad as tumblr
No. 404425
>>404410last I checked we banned people for ~muh mental illness blogposts and namefagging, it's kinda hard to get coddled on an imageboard when everyone's anon and you don't have an identity. Some of the posts in /g/ are a bit cringey, but it's nothing compared to Tumblr. Plus we don't encourage that behaviour by dumbly donating money to drug addicts.
50% of the people here regularly use tumblr anyway, it's not like websites are mutually exclusive. They're very different beasts, and there's no point comparing
>>404259I'm too stupid to work out how to scroll thru Tuna's previous likes on Tumblr, but that Draco Malfoy crap reeks of bullshit to me. She liked some autismo essay about "what it'd be like dating draco as a non-slytherin" yesterday, it sounds like she made this up after reading it. I've never heard her make a reference to ~Draco or Harry Potter before now, I guess she's trying to fit in with the nerd side of Tumblr.
No. 404440
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Poor Pat fucking gets her everytime. I wonder what @rlyblonde really thinks about all that. I wonder if either of them have been to her home. Her friend is on social media she must see what goes on. And her mom just gives and gives to Luna.
No. 404446
File: 1498867367635.png (153.35 KB, 720x480, Screenshot_2017-05-19-00-14-15…)

>>404440is pat actually rlyblondes mom? i thought pat was the cancer survior that luna met at her old job. pic related
No. 404447
>>404446Same Surname as far as I can tell, so potentially related?
I can't find any reference of Pat on Rlyblondes social media but who talks about their mum on Instagram lol
No. 404459
>>404440Lol this is the first time I've looked at Pat's Daughter's social media, does Luna keep namedropping her because she's jealous of her ~talent and friends?
She's a photographer and writer who's had some success and has friends who enjoy her company. It seems like she's everything Tuna wishes she was.
Have we ever seen rlyblonde respond, other than that obligatory "like" on that post? She might be fully aware of how fucked up Luna's life is, and just pities her from afar.
>>404446off-topic as shit, but I just read something about how rlyblonde had to sell like 1000 girl scout cookies before her parents got her first camera. Pat bought Luna $1000 worth of college supplies just because? I'd be fucking raging haard if my mom was spoiling some random addict while I had to work for my gifts.
No. 404460
>>404359>>404364>How come it's nitpicking if we call Tuna's tits sad, but it's deep self-hatred if Tuna does it? Well, I see it as nitpicking because it's not funny, boring and over talked about. We all know she has saggy tits, it doesn't need to be pointed out every time a new pic is posted. and I've always thought and said she hated herself before the tit thing, it's not that people are suddenly jumping to this conclusion now, it just started a discussion about it.
You can be vain without actually liking yourself, as well. I agree that she's hella vain.
>She has 1 million more serious things on her plate, why focus on something so shallow if she's able to self-criticize?She is mentally ill and on tons of drugs all day long? Focusing on something shallow is doable in that kind of state. Plus she gets asspats for being cyberbullied by a mean forum lol. If she genuinely confronted the fact that she completely and utterly fucked up her life, that everything is her fault and she really just sucks as a person inside and out, she'd probably have a massive breakdown. She just numbs all of these feelings with drugs.
Actually, maybe you're right then. She does think she's hot shit most of the time but it's because any internal self criticism is quieted by the amount of drugs she takes.
No. 404470
File: 1498869305999.jpg (49.34 KB, 604x403, IMG_5074.JPG)

>>404447>>404450yes, Carina Allen aka rlyblonde is Patricia Allen's daughter. Carina/rlyblonde has been friends with Luna since high school, and if you go on her facebook she has a shit ton of photos with and of Luna from 2011 - current day.
pic is of Luna from 2011 off of Carina's facebook
No. 404477
File: 1498869837090.jpg (79.92 KB, 960x640, 72408_10200832940527879_201864…)

>>404470Huh… What happened? They were friends in 2011, but now nothing? The last pic of Tuna on her fb looks to be around 2013.
Rlyblonde seems really outgoing, I couldn't see her hanging out with present-day heroin-goblin Luna.
>>404475imo the drugs are starting to have long-term effects now. She could have bounced back before, but I think the 4 years of nearly daily heroin use is starting to cause her permanent problems.
No. 404480
File: 1498869925566.jpg (225.58 KB, 1174x1768, IMG_5075.JPG)

>>404470she used to have what seems like an interesting life with a lot of friends. i know we all hate luna, but i feel a kind of sad nostalgia for her looking at Carina's pics of her. if i were her, i would miss that
No. 404487
File: 1498870333553.png (110.47 KB, 750x913, IMG_3676.PNG)

>>404477She posted that they hung out a few times I think they spent New Years together? This is a photo of them together
No. 404489
>>404480It doesn't surprise me that her social life suddenly died after she got with Lurch.
Luna turned 18 in 2014, got with Lurch, and suddenly lost all of her social life and friends. I don't think that's a coincidence, party girls don't really want to hang out with a thieving heroin addict and their 35 year old boyfriend.
No. 404492
File: 1498870370199.png (238.86 KB, 749x1102, IMG_3674.PNG)

And here she is supporting her overpriced trash.,
No. 404493
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No. 404495
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On pat's FB l
No. 404497
File: 1498871350160.png (123.28 KB, 750x910, IMG_3684.PNG)

Photo dump of Vintage Tuna
No. 404498
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No. 404499
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No. 404500
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No. 404501
File: 1498871406182.png (126.93 KB, 750x988, IMG_3680.PNG)

No. 404508
She went from that to this
>>404376 in under 4 years…
Her eyes look so hollow now. That's the first thing I notice with Vintage Tuna, the life in her eyes that was gradually extinguished by Lurch and the drug den.
No. 404514
>>404497i dont want to bring back "nitpick tit" chat again but like what… Luna is UNDER 18 in this picture and still has a tit flap?
I mean it IS nitpicking in this picture, she looks nice otherwise, it's just weird to see that they've always been like that? Even before all the tats, heroin, and dramatic weight loss.
I guess she was just born with really bad genes, I feel sorry for the Luna in this picture knowing what she'll become - this teenager deserved better.
No. 404521
Little Tuna looked so much better, holy fuck. Her drugs really made her gross looking..
And this
>>404501 deadass looks like something from NYLON magazine.
R.I.P. Little Tuna.
No. 404529
>>404501i'm rustled
her complexion really isn't bad. her freckles are nice. at most, all she needs is maybe a simple winged liner and a lip color that actually compliments her skintone.
No. 404550
>>404376Does she think her roots look good?? I don't believe she's 'too poor' to buy bleach cuz she buys whatever she wants it seems and bleach is cheap
They look so fucking nasty.
No. 404560
>>404538>>404533Okay this is getting ridiculous.
There is only one female Pat on Luna's friends list.
Do you people think there are two different Pats BOTH giving her shit? Rlyblonde's mother and another Pat (the cancer patient)?
No, it's rlyblondes mother. There's only 1 Pat. She has Relay for Life in her facebook likes. She had cancer. Can we please stop being retarded?
No. 404570
>>404564like I said here
>>404542 ,
>>404446 was written on her drug blog back when she though she was being sneaky so it's likely that she was trying to distance herself from their personal relationship
No. 404626
>>404470Luna, you used to look soOOo pretty.
Dark hair looked so nice on her…
No. 404645
File: 1498881720116.png (910.35 KB, 1105x748, gross.png)

>>404560we will never stop being retarded. just like luna.
check out those dirty socks in the corner, and the weird drool stain on her skirt. her pictures are like i-spy but for disgusting shit hidden in the background. there's always something gross.
No. 404646
>>404363Because they weren't born in the 90s or were too young to remember it.
>>404371And bitches when she doesn't get gourmet free food. The personal pizza was too small, the cereal was going stale, etc.
>>404440>being friends with a scummy beggar druggie>letting your mom spend her money on said druggie>letting your mom waste her time driving said druggie aroundMy rage levels are rising. This is why Luna is such a little shit, she's spoiled and being enabled. All she has to do is whine on insta/FB and people come running with food and money for her.
No. 404776
>>404766You cryhard newfags are here in fucking droves today aren't you?
She was no prize prelurch and has had plenty of opportunities away from him
He didn't introduce her to drugs or get her started on them and he sure as shit didn't wreck her
This ugly cow soiled herself and continues to do so
You guys are acting like such enabling retards I'm convinced you're a troll
You've obviously not learned any form of accountability if you went through that and can still think Luna is some poor angel
Why tf is lolcow suddenly such a dirty hug box
No. 404845
>>404757I thought that too at first (i've been following her since she was like 16, unfollowed for a while, then when i refollowed came back to grimy heroin luna). It's because her hair is longer and she's gotten thinner. That's really it. Everything else from her youth looks so much better. The light in her eyes, the freckles, the friendships, the cute babydoll dresses… She just looked happier…. I mean sure she was chunky and her hair was always mangled, but she was happy and that's much more important IMO.
I followed her at first because she was quirky and outgoing, i envied her life to an extent because she had masses of friends, and she'd go to shows and have group outings to mcdonald's and stuff. She was really kind when posting and answering messages as well.
Drugs and manipulative men really fuck you up.
No. 404888
File: 1498920079169.png (1.44 MB, 994x894, Unstitled.png)

>>404501wow little tuna was so cute and pretty… what happened?
oh right… heroin chic aesthetic happened.
No. 404898
>>404888This could honestly be used as an anti drug poster it doesn't even seem like a meme it's 100% scary real.
I wonder what she would do if she found this floating around Tumblr or FB
No. 404948
File: 1498931619594.png (963.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-01-12-52-09…)

they both look so grimy. i just want to hose them down ugh
No. 404953
>>404776A lot of people only know things about post-junkie Luna and think that it was the drugs that turned her into a bad person. Can't really blame them; the vast majority of pre-Luna discussion/posts consist of pictures of her and her friends, her upbringing, and her short-lived college career. How are they going to know that she was a cunt prior to getting hooked?
>>404791There hasn't been much whiteknighting, just people who are annoyed by young teens making the same tumblr-style 'ewwwwwww!???' type comments over and over again about shit we've already covered a billion times.
>>404898>I wonder what she would do if she found this floating around Tumblr or FBShe'd use it to martyr herself ofc. It's a pretty powerful visual tool, though.
>>404931Doubt she's desperate enough yet (let alone actually starving)
No. 404959
>>404956It seems like she was fucked up before the drugs, and that the drugs just removed any shred of humanity she had (as opiate addiction is wont to do).
Something that really strikes me about Luna is that she's completely vacuous. There's nothing going on behind the eyes that isn't related to aesthetic. She barely even seems like a real human being. This was true even before she got hooked on drugs and probably a big factor in why she chose to use. It doesn't seem like she was a
bad person prior to heroin (though iirc in someone mentioned that she was super manipulative and self-focused even before the drugs), but she's certainly always been very, very, very, very shallow.
No. 404961
File: 1498934172374.jpg (49.29 KB, 400x400, 1144053.jpg)

>>404948We call glasses like Lurch's "pirikiikarit" in Finland, which translates roughly to speed goggles. They are usually worn by drunks and narcs that steal beer from small groceries. I feel like pic attached is Lurch in cartoon form.
Sage for OT
No. 404980
File: 1498938457209.png (804.51 KB, 720x1062, Screenshot_2017-07-01-14-45-33…)

>>404931you were right, she's back at her dad's, smoking weed as usual
No. 404989
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>>404948I just realized who he reminds me of, no joke– H.P. Lovecraft. So I guess Lurch really is some sort of eldritch abomination or something.
No. 405043
File: 1498944187821.png (137.27 KB, 750x1084, IMG_3699.PNG)

Fuck her for romanticizing a dead person she never met and their mental illness that killed him wtf
I mean I know she does this with layne and Kurt cobain but it's even grosser that it's a dead family member she never met for some reason.
No. 405051
>>405043he looked cute
how does she know he had bpd tho
No. 405062
>>405043BPD didn't exist until the DSM-III in 1980. Worse, it was seen as a subset of schizophrenia for a long time and there is no way someone with BPD could have become a practicing psychiatrist.
Calling bullshit on this.
No. 405067
File: 1498945457099.png (615.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-01-16-43-08…)

i mean…i'm glad she's bathing but she should have at least showered first so she's not stewing in her own filth. yuck
No. 405074
>>404027He has lived in the house with Lurch before luna moved in to mooch. He just has health problems from old age and has declined after his last hospital trip. Lurch probably won't let him move to a nursing home as then his medicaid money would be reduced.
He is 100% an innocent bystander and is not the one going to get them drugs
No. 405118
>>405104Do not tip the cow.
Plus, with the number of homeless people already out there, do you really think the social services would remove an elderly man from his own home?
No. 405124
>>405118>Do not tip the cow. Calling in a tip about a potentially neglected dependent in a needle-littered heroin den is as much 'cow tipping' as notifying the IRS and CPS about Onision.
>Plus, with the number of homeless people already out there, do you really think the social services would remove an elderly man from his own home?If the conditions are bad enough, yes, they can easily arrange for the elderly person to be placed in a home with adequate care. It happens all the time. There is a department in SS dedicated specifically to elder abuse and neglect with their own resources. They don't have anything to do with the homeless.
No. 405130
>>405078if you aren't going to find out what everyone is talking about, don't respond.
anyway, I'm glad she and her dad made up so she could go leech some more shit off him. /s
>>405043calling bullshit on both the job and the condition. this is Tuna trying to color in the lines for herself - he was like me + this savior figure (psych)
No. 405137
>>405127That's a huge aspect of BPD.
From her posting Luna never came off as BPD to me, but the heroin could have pacified her, and an account from a friend of her's seemed to fit the bill. tbqh I wouldn't be surprised if almost every cow featured on this website has a cluster B personality disorder of some sort. Normal people don't do the crazy, attention-seeking shit that cows do.
No. 405139
>>405127It's like, the main aspect of BPD. Hence the "Borderline personality" it means you're on the borderline of having a real personality.
I think it's a big reason why she comes off as so shallow, why she appropriates aspects of other people's lives and stories so easily - she doesn't know how to be her own person without just cobbling bits together from other people.
No. 405174
>>405139That's not true. It was originally called borderline because the symptoms "border between psychosis and neurosis".
Sage for contributing to derailment
No. 405184
>>404980>EVIIIL DAD>HE SHOUTS AT HER>SOOO EVILGod fucking dammit Luna, what happened to the "i'm terrified of him, I want this to all be over"
She's a waste of fucking space, all the sympathy and advice she gets is wasted on her. Someone took the time out to tell her how to get a restraining order on him and she ignored it knowing she was full of shit, and going to go back to his next week
>>>/pt/402202 No. 405213
File: 1498958341391.png (240.85 KB, 750x1103, IMG_3710.PNG)

Double ew, the caption.
No. 405247
>>405241Ok can we shut up about little tuna now. There are like 10 posts all saying ~aw she used to be so cute~.
Yep, your post was pointless. We all realize that Tuna looked way better before she fucked herself up with drugs.
No. 405308
>>405271>>405275Is this the grandfather that would have been married to the Jewish Nazi-runaway Grandmother? Because something's not adding up to me. Is she ~Jewish on her Mother's side or Father's side?
>if Luna's parents had her at 20, and her grandparents had her parents at 20 as well,Assuming this were the case, her Dad would have been born in the mid 1970s, and her Grandfather in the mid-1950s. That would place this photo in the 70s-80s which is reasonable given how it looks.
However, If her grandfather was born in the 50s, and her grandmother
was alive long enough to have memories of the war that's a hell of an age gap. maybe I'm getting them mixed up and her maternal grandparents are older or something.
No. 405312
>>405297nah color photography was common in the 60's & 70's, i don't doubt that luna having a colored photo of her grandpa when he was young is possible. i have colored pictures of my grandfather from the 60's too and he wasn't necessarily made of money.
>>405308 i think luna's beloved war escaper, black panther grandma was on her mom's side.
No. 405318
>>404922no. anymore of this "boohoo im so sad for that purincessu" and Im gonna puke all over lolcow.
you can think that you can feel that, but it has nothing to do in this thread. if youre so sad, go to her IG, go to her FB, go to her depop, buy a painting and hope she doesnt OD. idk. I dont even care. as long as you dont write about your mimimi in this thread.
No. 405321
>>405067Am I the only one who is grossed out by how her toes look like a little hand?
Ive actually never noticed it. I know it's nitpicking, it's nothing actuallay but it weirds me out so much right now.
No. 405335
>>405321lol she's got long monkey toes, tbh so do I (it's not massively uncommon), but they do look weird. That's why I don't take pictures of my feet and put them all over IG…
I was more grossed out by the specs of grime all down her right leg, there's no way they're scratches, they look like dark splodges of mud.
No. 405478
File: 1499002473173.png (170.74 KB, 712x1078, IMG_3714.PNG)

lol why tho
No. 405482
File: 1499002736445.png (224.38 KB, 750x1105, IMG_3715.PNG)

lol why the receipt photo? To nest in s photo of a couple xanax (blue footballs tho which she never seems to have)?
No. 405502
>>405494I wrote an autismo essay about this like a month ago
>>>/snow/328018 but tl;dr
>IMO, she doesn't want people thinking that she's able to buy herself things. She specifies where she got everything to make 100% sure nobody thinks she got it with her own money, because ~she doesn't have any money to spend on food, and needs your donations, also buy a painting.
>lies about where she got some things. I refuse to believe someone keeps buying her shit at Dunkin' Donuts. She's going there to waste her own money and she made up grand stories about Samaritans so that her dumbass userbase don't know she's spending her own money on dumb shit. No. 405508
File: 1499007277236.png (129.54 KB, 750x465, IMG_1145.PNG)

>>405482This comment under the receipt picture… I laughed for a good 10 minutes. Anorexia?? Oh Tuna is definitely eating plenty.
No. 405539
File: 1499011321259.png (593.34 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20170702-120009~2.p…)

I feel nauseated.
No. 405544
File: 1499012105339.png (867.01 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3717.PNG)

Ew god these are gonna be sooo filthy imagine her wiping her ass with those during a withdrawal and never ever washing her hands.. I'm gonna puke
No. 405548
File: 1499012318018.png (173.35 KB, 750x1059, IMG_3718.PNG)

>for when I'm having a panic attack
And you need to take 20 mg of xanax?? That's literally what drug abuse is why does she try to hide it. She loves being an addict.
No. 405558
>>405544Holy fuck her nail bed
triggers me
No. 405561
>>405558its like she's hacking off her cuticles because she knows nail technicians remove them, but she has NO idea how to take them off properly.
Her hands are making me clutch at my nails every time I see them, they look so fucking painful
No. 405565
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I know it's the 3rd pic but they're sooo fuckin cringy!!
No. 405671
File: 1499025364317.png (273.43 KB, 750x1077, IMG_3729.PNG)

Tuna wears a bra! Hell must have frozen over too.
No. 405672
File: 1499025443429.png (244.92 KB, 750x1104, IMG_3728.PNG)

Ok I'm not one of the anons who normally says this but omg he is NOT real/alive. So scary!! People hit on him? Is it possible he's just really really unphotogenic? I don't think so.
No. 405678
>>405671Bitch you wear short night gowns outside, shut up with this "uwu muh confidence so loooow" bullshit.
>>405565Why are her nails so wonky (?) I wish I could swipe a swab under her nails to check what germs and bugs does she hide there
No. 405693
>>405672wtf is wrong with her skin? Did she forgot to blend her foundation? What even.
I think Tuna should abstain from makeup all together, that would be such an improvement from smearing it like an insane drugged up clown.
No. 405715
File: 1499035450445.gif (2.11 MB, 480x358, giphy.gif)

>>405702LMAO 10/10
>>405478>>405494Because she thinks she is so beautiful that people are pining over her and buying her shit. She thinks despite her filthy appearance her pretty face is a shining light.
No. 405753
>>405672Huh… Luna mentioned Lurch didn't like showing his teeth, so I assumed he'd lost his front teeth or something, but there's teeth there. Sage for nothing important it's just tripped me out.
Also Luna's lip shape looks really weird in this pic, it's not helping with her whole "looking like a MtF trasgender" thing. For srs, those sunglasses + the overdrawn lip, she looks transgender to me here. (I'm glad she's changed her nose ring to something smaller but HOW HARD IS IT TO KEEP IT STRAIGHT?)
No. 405799
>>405671Holy shit. She even look taller.
>>405672There are some caps in previous threads about Luna complaining because too many girls were too flirty with chief. Also, she always mentions that he was soooooo handsome when he was younger (aka before heroin)
No. 405805
File: 1499047864119.jpg (41.75 KB, 268x418, Ft5wNQC.jpg)

>>405672I know it's been said, but DAMN.
No. 405850
File: 1499054321912.png (55 KB, 750x513, IMG_3731.PNG)

Bet you she begs for money for CCCs in the morning
No. 405852
>>405850oooo she's not done this in months!
>lists withdrawal symptoms as illnessMaybe one day we'll believe it
No. 405869
File: 1499057651157.png (3.59 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_2347.PNG)

im fucking barfing.
her thumbnail looks infected more so than the last set of nails crammed under her cuticle
No. 405875
>>405869I feel like luna is doing this nail thing on purpose. It's okay if you disagree, but I think so.
sage for thought
No. 405888
File: 1499060273734.jpg (218.67 KB, 799x1066, areola.jpg)

This is super rushed but I had to
No. 405893
File: 1499060928545.jpg (241.13 KB, 1162x930, luna noodle.jpg)

>>405869another addition to her collection of tacky shit that attracts dust, cat hairs, lint, etc.
In her cup noodle pic there´s even a piece of chocolate wrapper between the ornaments, lol
>>405888Loving this!!
No. 405906
>>405875I agree with you. Maybe she doesn't have a long-term plan, but if her nail beds get infected then it fits her ~aesthetic.
Sage for tinfoil.
No. 405936
File: 1499067954856.jpg (2.52 MB, 2988x5312, pv3DWqJ.jpg)

>>405672I can't help thinking of this every time i see lurch.
No. 405950
>>405941Originally I thought the only excuse Luna could think of for stealing was she "found" it, but I agree with you now. She's not said she's "found" anything in forever.
It's like someone told her "finding" brand new items wasn't believable so she switched to an even MORE unbelievable excuse lol
No. 405963
>>405869>>405954yeah someone mentioned about it earlier but it seems like she's just hacking off the sides of her fingernails and not actually removing the cuticle…
>>405705i don't think it'll ever return to "normal" because abscesses trap bacteria and other debris in them and usually require opening and draining…
No. 406052
File: 1499101003376.png (196.05 KB, 750x1100, IMG_3734.PNG)

Oh no she's "cleaning" again.
I think it's so funny the way she talks about weed as if it fucks her up sooo much when she smokes weekly at her dads and before lurch got her on heroin she loved smoking weed everyday. Heroin, not even once
No. 406058
>>406052I'm not surprised or anything, but god damn that piece looks so fucking nasty, like you could get a lung fungus from using it.
Hope this bitch discovers rubbing alcohol and kosher salt soon.
No. 406059
This article just popped up on my feed
> is like, the prime candidate for testing this shit. half of me thinks she'd continue using for aesthetic though.
No. 406070
File: 1499104496657.png (619.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-03-12-54-14…)

wistfully thinking about getting a job again. but yeah she's right, it won't happen
No. 406077
File: 1499106860218.png (87.62 KB, 750x534, IMG_3744.PNG)

It sounds exactly like she's talking about herself lmao
No. 406090
>>406070>once I finally get an office jobThis bitch is so fucking entitled! What the fuck makes her think she's automatically getting an office job? Did she even do that well in school? She couldn't last a MONTH in college, she'd give up on a job instantly. Muh stress and anxiety and cotton-eyed joe knee…
I just can't get over Tuna's life sometimes. She just sits in her drug den telling herself she's gonna have a high-paying job and a posh apartment in the future, but she does NOTHING towards it. She just sits there assuming she'll get it with no effort eventually, like she eventually gets given everything.
No. 406094
>>406077this is so fucking funny, all the play struggle kids complain the loudest, it's the same concept of virtue signaling. like even if you previously thought she was a legit broke person she fucked herself over by posting this, now it's such obvious projection hahaha. honestly why does she do this.
she's only playing dress up as a heroin addict because she knows she always has a safety net. those are the kids that go the hardest, the ones that are so privileged they think nothing really bad is ever going to happen to them. but she's already ruined her appearance and job opportunities, so i don't know where this weird superiority complex for being "poor" comes from? even if her daddy does save her she can't just get a top notch face lift like courtney love. no one cares. she's already so fucked and doesn't know it.
>>406090Yeah but rest assured anon literally none of those things will ever happen. She has no education, resume, has a terrible appearance and attitude, has a record, and will always look like an addict.
she's not getting any younger, i wonder when she'll feel the need to finally drop out of the ridiculous pageant she has turned her life into, stop being a cartoon, and become a functioning human. or at the very least just admit to herself what a fraud she is.
No. 406143
>>406070>>Office jobTry going to college, Luna. Even then:
>>track marks on hands and arms>>tattoos on hands/fingers>>terrible online reputation>>can't even form a coherent sentence in her native language (English)>>zero skillsetsHer entitlement makes me REEEEE
I mean, it's possible for her to get an office job
eventually but she's going to have to make some serious changes.
No. 406148
>>406077Ah, yes, white privilege. Hmmmmm
>>Dad lives in Manhattan>>Supposedly had $500,000+ inheritance and wasted it on drugs>>I'm assuming family paid for college, even though she dropped out (has never mentioned anything about student loans or scholarships)>>Uses dads credit card to buy useless Amazon shit>>Could easily use the money spent on $20 "vintage" Etsy nightgowns or shitty furry slides on new sheets and blankets for the bed>>Could ask dad for money to do laundry instead and wash filthy clothes and stuffed animals>>Could easily use the heroin money on upgrading basically everything>>Not shooting up heroin would save clothes and bedding from blood splotches>>Annies mac & cheese and organic shit in background of "I'm starving" photosYOU ARE SO POOR, LUNA!
No. 406162
>>406154Me! I'm surprised that nobody's posted her before.
>>406157I got a few PMs from fellow farmers, so probably a decent amount.
Also, if you guys look at the comments, a girl who knew Luna is answering questions; I directed her here, but I guess she hasn't posted.
Permalink to her thread: No. 406173
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>>406090…does she know what comes up when you google her name??
No. 406192
>>406181No problem, welcome to lolcow!
>>406182Luna supposedly doesn't come here, but I wonder if it'll get back to her that a bunch of people are gawking at her on reddit. Almost 15k people have viewed the album.
No. 406207
>>406198Honestly this might be best for her. If there is no-one to admire her "aesthetic" then heroin and an older fucked up boyfriend probably won't be
as appealing.
No. 406217
>>406136The vaccine makes it so your bodies immune system destroys the drug as soon as you inject it, which means you can't OD.
It's supposed to be for people who've already gotten past the withdrawal stage of giving up and want to recover, it helps remove the temptation of a relapse or stop relapses being such a huge deal.
I'd inject Luna with it on the sly though, just out of spite.
No. 406236
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Omg where her nail meets her fingers is all black I feel sick
No. 406241
>>406197yikes…you're right.
>>406198she's already aware that she has a bunch of 'fans' following her every move here; if lolcows hasn't deterred her then I doubt a couple one-off posts would. hopefully not.
No. 406260
>>406250>>406070This is supposedly from earlier what could have she collected there since then? She's a filth magnet truly.
I've lived in pretty grimy situations in other times in my life where I couldn't control the common space or kitchen at all but I at least didn't let my bedroom or the bathroom get so gross that it looks like it could be on an episode of a haunted hoarder homes tv show. I'd like to find an old pic where they had a clean home/even just their bed and compare it to now but I don't think it's EVER been clean and I've been following her for more than 5 years. Sage- Blog.
No. 406276
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>>406236So I tried to "undo" her filter on this and I zoomed in that's why it's spoilered. Open at own risk.
No. 406291
>>406276That fucking highlighter whyyyyyyyyyyy
She needed to use LESS, not smear it over her fucking lips!
No. 406380
>>406173I didn't have a hard time finding all this information on her. All I had to do was Google "Luna Slater" and the first result took me to an old /snow/ thread. First thing potential employers would do is probably click on that link and find out more about her current life than perhaps her own mother knows.
>tfw nothing about you comes up when Googling your name but then feel a little weirded out that people out there have the same first and last name as you Sage for no contributions.
No. 406487
>>406473I'm sure nobody said that. She makes that shit up and posts it so people can agree online and validate her.
Because in the way that Tuna behaves, I doubt random strangers would be calling her an angel/calling her pretty/ buying shit for her because she's oohhh soo pooooor.
No. 406501
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Too much rage to comment on this rn.
No. 406502
>>406501the shit. under. her. nails.
I audibly gagged
No. 406503
>>406501Please, Luna. Please stop with those fucking
disgusting nails. They just seem to get worse and worse every time, from the smashed up cuticles to what looks like literal shit under those misshapen press-in monstrosities…they're nauseating.
No. 406538
>>406380I'm legit gonna ask the mods to put this in site info because this must be the three hundredth time I've had to explain this.
Google searches are catered specifically to you and your past search history. If you visit lolcow on the regular and you do a google search, google will bump lolcow and related sites to the top for you. Even if people in the same house as you visits a site it effects your results. It proves nothing unless you do it from a completely random computer.
No. 406553
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looks like someone gave her more "free" stuff. sure luna, totally believable.
>>covering her top lip
No. 406565
>>406538i actually found out about lolcow by googling luna's name 8 months ago. i've been following her since her hipsville days and watched this trainwreck happen. when she deleted her blog and i hadn't seen anything from her in a while i googled her full name and the first thing that popped up was her thread on /snow.
sage for no real contribution but i had never visited this site until i googled her name, it's seriously the first link that appears on google.
No. 406643
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Why is she sooo annoying about this? Does she want heroin to be acceptable like booze? I could understand a lil if she was pushing for medical marijuana but nope
No. 406677
>>406643It's times like this I'm glad I'm not on her friends list. How do people resist the urge to scream at her YOU'RE ON FUCKING HEROIN GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE?
I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure HEROIN has worse effects than alcohol. You only ever hear stoner retards echoing this sentiment, at least they have a point. Heroin isn't better than booze Luna, and the people you knew who died "mixing" alcohol WERE ON OTHER DRUGS.
No. 406694
>>406686I can understand alcohol being worse than prescription meds and weed, but HEROIN anon come on.
Heroins like one of the few drugs where withdrawal is worse than DTs, it's way easier to accidentally kill yourself, and comes with just as many long term health risks as alcohol.
She has a point, but it's hypocritical as fuck that she's making it. She wants people to look down on alcoholics more than they look down on junkies (i.e. her), so she's just being judgy about alcoholism like she is with crack addiction.
No. 406696
>>406694>and comes with just as many long term health risks as alcohol.isn't this purely a result of unregulated production, distribution and unsafe using practices, though? I'm pretty sure heroin is actually quite safe, where as regardless of how well regulated alcohol is it will pretty much always rot your liver.
Totally agree though, Luna needs to get off her high horse, she just wants someone to look down on. she has no one to naturally look down on though because she's the lowest rung of the ladder as a disgusting loser junkie.
And that's not a crack at everyone with addiction problems, before anyone gets offended.
No. 406704
>>406696>isn't this purely a result of unregulated production, distribution and unsafe using practices, though?sage for off topic but yeah, if all heroin addicts were doing hospital-grade morphine, administered by a real medical professional, it would be a relatively safe drug habit.
But that just doesn't happen, there are just so many factors to street heroin that make it a dangerous habit. It's not the heroin that's dangerous per se, it's whatever it's cut with + addicts incorrectly injecting themselves. Even if it was regulated like alcohol and addicts got medical grade heroin, retards like Luna would still give themselves abscesses and diseases by uncleanly injecting it.
No. 406730
>>406704Yeah heroin/morphine isn't particularly dangerous used properly, but those people are addicts. It's important to remember than anyone can become an addict to that shit too.
The point is, you will always chase a greater high. Even with an entirely regulated industry you would get ODs because they will always want more, just like an alcoholic wants one more drink.
No. 406796
>>406782yeah no. that's not how alcohol works. You have to overdo it for a lot of years to be as bad as heroin.
thatswhy alcohol addicts die in their 50s and 60s from livers disease while heroin addicts die from OD in their 20s.
No. 406876
>>406857>>406846my bad, lolcow on iphones is very temperamental when you have stubby fingers like mine.
Going off of my point from earlier though, Luna naturally seems to have an addictive personality. While Lurch definitely helped her heroin addiction grow, I feel like even without him she would have ended up this way; dirty, addicted, and a social mess.
No. 406946
>>406929before Lurch, she was e-dating a heroin addict she was willing to move across the country to be with. Then he went to jail and she chose a closer junkie to cling onto.
If she didn't have Lurch, she'd find another dude to get her heroin. Are dopehags a thing? If so, Luna's defo one lol.
No. 406954
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>same shirt
So she can admit to wearing the same shirt two days in a row but not the same raggedy dress for a month?
No. 406962
>>406955She's perfectly able to stop shooting when she's at her dad's because he provides money. I've seen her kind in and out of rehab before. What they need is being totally cut from the other addicts and they are suddenly doing better.
I really think in a situation where Lurch would go to prison and she would be stuck with her dad, there would be a narrow chance to get her sober holding the fear of ending up in the streets over her head. Her problem is her shitty personality disorder, not drugs. And that's so much harder to fix.
No. 406963
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Sorry my immidiate thought was that she looks like some fucked up donkey when she eats.
>>406959Honestly just rubbing sugar and (coconut, preferably) oil massaged on your lips does wonders and those are like two of her favorite food groups so
No. 406996
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>>406077Luna, you're a bigger oogle than any crustie I've met.
Actually she'd get along with crusties really well. They could all beg their parents for heroin money, neglect their animals, never bathe, panhandle, lift, and squat in a filthy ramshackle.
No. 407183
>>406996honestly i think she's probably jealous of crusties in some twisted insecure way. it seems like it takes crusties less effort to seem "authentic" in their "identity" than it does for tuna, they typically have a lot more friends and mobility than she does, are sometimes good looking underneath all the filth, and don't tend to be fat sourpusses.
i'm not trying to say that crust punks are cool or legit, but i get the sense that luna harbors some kind of stupid bitterness towards them since she's territorial about her junkie loser aesthetic and the only person she has that appreciates it is herself and her cockroach looking ass pedo boyfriend.
No. 407211
>>407182I wonder if he'll wear one of his dumb hats to court kek.
But, I doubt anything will happen when he goes. He'll just ask the judge to keep postponing his sentence until he cant anymore, and then he'll just get a fine/probation.
It'll be interesting to see if Tuna goes with him. Imagine her selfies in the courthouse. It'll be like ~*~junkies big day out~*~
No. 407233
>>407227No, it just drags out the process so he wont have to deal with it until later on. Which is what alot of people do. And like many anons said, hes in New York, its just a possession charge, its doubtful he'll get jail time.
Though, if he gets busted again before he's sentenced he'll get charged with bail jumping which will make everything worse.
No. 407286
>>407183She's bitter because the
'beat up 90's courtney love riot grrrl heroin chic sad bbygirl' tumblr aesthetic died like 5 years ago.
Finding an aesthetic that's up to date and compatible with a junkie e-beggar lifestyle, but at the same time won't risk her losing tons of loyal suckers, is gonna be hard and confusing as fuck.
No. 407298
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She went through hart seroquel script so fast, she was already getting 100mg which is a pretty heavy dose to start and was taking 400mg every night and now she's out she's so dumb she literally doesn't know how to use prescription drugs properly and this problem is completely self caused.
I take 400mg at night to sleep but that's because I've been taking it every night for 3 years and have tolerance. To other people that's incapacitating.
No. 407409
>>407337There's always the risk of tardive dyskinesia when you take seroquel. The longer and larger dose you take the riskier.
It's weird that she's been taking this large a dosage and have not starting ballooning up, tho. Maybe she's lucky, maybe she's lying about it.
There's no high to seroquel. High doses like that to someone not used to it will just make you feel like you're passing out and need to lay down asap. It's not enjoyable at all like ambien sleepiness.
No. 407415
>>407409>High doses like that to someone not used to it will just make you feel like you're passing out and need to lay down asapTBH I think she takes so much because she's not used to being sober. The high might not be great, but it curbs her energy and makes her feel like nodding out even when she's not got H. She abuses all the drugs she's given, no matter how much sense it makes.
I'm treading over old water, but Seroquel is used by heroin addicts to lessen the effects of withdrawal, it's prescribed for opiate addiction sometimes. It's probably better to sleep through withdrawal, and the "downer" effect of it probably reduces the symptoms even when awake.
>It's weird that she's been taking this large a dosage and have not starting ballooning up, tho. Maybe she's lucky, maybe she's lying about it.Luna's weight yo-yos a lot, even now. She's been yo-yo-ing like 60lbs the entire time I've been watching her (beginning of /snow/ threads). Her weird dietary habits probably keep her weight in check.
I don't believe that Luna goes ~3 days without eating uwu~ often like she claims, but she probably doesn't eat much at all on days where she's e-begging. The junk food she shares on Instagram? Pretty sure she only eats that stuff occasionally. She probably doesn't have enough money for food a lot of the time, and binges on sugary things when they get paid. Junkies will choose drugs over food, and unless Pat's dropping off groceries EVERY WEEK I think she probably skips a lot of meals/doesn't eat that many calories a day.
No. 407442
>>407409>>407415seroquel doesnt make you high. it can make you feel relaxed and it makes you fucking tired. but it doesnt make you high.
On very low doses (25-50mg) it's used for sleeping disorders. In BPD cases it's often used to calm the crazy down with 25-100 mg. For schizophrenics it's used with up to 600 mg or something, because schizophrenics dont calm down on that stuff, because their brain is functioning different.
Seroquel just makes you tired and if you manage to stay awake it makes you feel a little weird. I would say it feels similar to weed, only the effect of happiness and bursting laughter that some might have doesnt kick in.
I think there are 2 reasons she is taking so much.
1) her system is full of god-knows-what and therefore there is no real prediction anymore as to how real medication is affecting her, how much it concurs together with all the other stuff, not to ignore her pretty much fucked up brain chemistry and
2) she is partly taking it against withdrawal symptoms.
>>407339sorry to say that anon, but youre addicted. You should get help. 400 mg is nothing a non-schizophrenic person should take long-term…
No. 407444
>>407337learn to use google my friend. higher the dosage and the longer you take it the more severe and more probable are side effects.
No. 407461
>>407442It's what's prescribed to me by a health care specialist aka my psychiatrist so I think I'm doing ok? It would be awful to get off of but I still exist like a regular person and sleep 8 hours a night thanks to seoquel. It did make me gain weight but I have that in control now. I can still do math problems and read books.. I just forget what I'm talking about sometimes
My body is definitely addicted to it I get that but it helps my mental illness and it also has antidepressant properties that help me.
Sage for this boring blog, I'm sorry.,
No. 407464
>>407442Not being sober =/= being high. Being under the influence of seroquel clearly has a noticeable effect on your perception of reality, my point was that Luna can't handle being
sober, not that she's using it to get high.
> it can make you feel relaxed and it makes you fucking tired. but it doesnt make you high.Also you could argue that being relaxed = high, so it's a weird point to make tbh.
No. 407478
>>407461It's your choice, your body and your life, anon. But it's still possible for you to get off of it. You would have to lower the dose over months or 1-2 years under medical supervision. Dont just stop taking them. If you want to deepen the topic, let's move it to the vent thread in OT.
sage for OT
No. 407482
>>407478Moved to OT vent thread
thanks anon
No. 407507
>>407442was on a high dose of seroquel for schizoaffective (ended up going off and trying other antipsychotics) but basically i acted like a narcoleptic. i'd fall asleep in the middle of class without warning or i'd fall asleep during a ten min car ride. i was just constantly asleep and it wasnt a peaceful sleep either it was like dead sleep and i woke up feeling shitty. also like all antipsychotics make you gain weight but sometimes it's not more than 10 lbs or so so maybe between that and heroin thats why tuna's not gaining much weight?
sage for blog.
No. 407519
>>407464No. Seroquel doesn't have a 'noticeable effect on your perception of reality'. I don't know where you get that shit but seriously, it just knock you out cold. There's no high like in benzos, there's no euphoria like in ambien. You take it and either you are sedated if the dosage is mild or you pass out if it's too much. It's supposed to calm you down and turn you in a zombie. But again, it's not the sedation you get on benzos. It's not enjoyable, you feel shitty and slow. Nobody would take that to be high, you don't feel relaxed, ffs.
Source : I've been several years on that shit. Ranging dosage from 25mg to 700mg.
>>407507Some people don't gain weight. It's not the antipsychotic that make you gain weight per se anyway (it does kinda fuck up metabolism thp) but the munchies you get from it. I don't see Luna being able to handle them enough to stay at normal weight if she had it, she's always snacking on shit, it would only be worse with the quietapine generated ravenous hunger.
No. 407554
>>407526>Luna probably hates herself so much that she just can't handle being left alone with her sober self.Thank you anon, this is the exact point I was trying to make.
>>407519>No. Seroquel doesn't have a 'noticeable effect on your perception of reality'… It's supposed to calm you down and turn you in a zombie… You feel shitty and slow.How is that ANY different to the point I was making? It's just different words to say "it changes you, you're not your sober self." Perception of reality = emotions, observations, how you perceive the world. "feeling slow" is a textbook example of your perception on reality being shifted.
Back on topic it fucking sucks that Luna's not done anything fun since her OD. I swear she's been updating less recently, I miss the 10s of selfies a day and the tweaking. Maybe she's trying to lay low because of Lurch's upcoming court date. The thread's fucking languishing in boring shit, DO SOMETHING INTERESTING.
No. 407635
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>>407632She posted about it too? Why private message me??
Pic related
No. 407659
>>407635why doesnt she post these to tumblr or something and then link her shop like shes just asking her facebook friends over and over to buy stuff
50 dollars for some basic colour marker drawing are you kidding me
No. 407682
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This just in, Tuna is still a spoiled brat who hates her dad when she is the most insufferable person and it's impressive he hasn't ghosted your nasty sticky fingered trash embodiment of human being. Ungrateful entitled snot nosed brat.
No. 407693
>>407690Doubt it.
>>407682I hope her dad completely cuts her off at some point.
No. 407696
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Bitch put some shoes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 407699
>>407635I wonder if she knows that her pricing is utter bullshit and that's why she always adds these long, drawn-out explanations for what the money will be funding.
"$125 is reasonable and think of how much you'll be helping Roger!!!"
No. 407754
>>407731tbh I'm pretty sure Lurch is on junkie-disability for his bum leg. Anons have disagreed with me but there's no evidence either way.
They get a lot of money for terminally unemployed addicts, and it sure as shit ain't donations anymore. She mentions Lurch's paydays, which means he's got an income from somewhere. He ain't got a job so it has to be disability.
Either Lurch is on gov assistance, OR Luna's on gov assistance, OR they're even scummier than I thought and have been taking Roger's money.
No. 407764
>>407754I would be genuinely surprised if they
weren't taking Robert's money. He must get disability or social security, right?
No. 407771
>>407768Oh ya he's definitely a drug runner, but Luna's referred to Lurch getting "paid tomorrow" and shit like that, which make it sound like a decent sum was being put into a bank account. I was under the assumption that drug runners get a little bit of cash daily to cover their drug habit?
Also he's "out of work" because nobody wants a drug runner that the police have got eyes on. If I had to guess, his dealer cut him off until the trial is over. Junkies are crazy paranoid and don't want people with heat near them, either out of paranoia they're informants, or paranoia that Lurch's phones been tapped for evidence. Neither of those things happen often, but junkies be crazy. His "boss going to hospital" event was eerily close to his arrest.
No. 407805
>>407769Funniest Luna lie ever.
"my junkie boyfriend works at a jewelry store and his boss likes him so much that he gave him a free ring to give me."
No. 407846
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Am I going crazy or did she post this exact text sometime this week?
No. 407909
>>407846Ah yes, it's
insomnia, not the drugs!
No. 407983
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Self centered garbage person
No. 408003
>>407754It's suuuuuuuuuppper easy to get SNAP benefits. She doesn't work, so she's in.
She can probably even claim homelessness since she's technically living as a guest in someone else's home. When my SO moved in with me their job considered that "homeless" and they got SNAP.
No. 408055
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I like how she thinks its "yuck" that her hair needs to be toned, but doesn't think twice about that nasty shit stained blanket shes laying on.
No. 408089
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Her name is Chey but they should call her Shade.
Sage for drag Dad joke.
No. 408129
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This person commented this exact thing on a few of Tuna's other pictures. You guys think it's a farmer?
No. 408138
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lol what is this sperg on her last 4 photos? What does it mean?
No. 408141
>>408139Wow her bf is the definition of basic
And she's so filtered and that's def not her real hair
Too boring to be a cow though
Also I don't get the idea of someone "wanting to be a cow" like really? For the attention? So sad.
No. 408285
>>408281Wasn't talking about your color honey, I was talking about your weave.
What did those comments mean though? They didn't make sense? Your story is suspicious.
No. 408289
>>408288Learn 2 sage, stop derailing with this self-post tanget. Nobody cares.
Anyway, what's up with Lurch and his last arrest as of late? Luna hasn't posted much about it. Think he's dodging court?
No. 408293
>>408288Oh god, no one fucking cares. If you don't want any drama then stop replying.
>>408292I can't wait for Luna's 9,000 posts "uwu im so scared! Please give me and my poor, persecuted boyfriend money!"
No. 408299
>>408295Covering with the age-old "my friend posted it!" and still posting on here? Hun, you're trying to get attention.
On a completely different note, is there any idea of what would happen if Lurch did get locked up for a bit? I'd imagine the apartment isn't in Luna's name and she doesn't really have much else going for her. Think she'd stay and wait for Lurch or try to find someone else?
(I was going to sage for the first part but the second part is relatively related so…)
No. 408302
>>408299I feel she'd have to move in with her dad. She wouldn't be able to afford rent on her own and is she fuck going to be able to take care of Roger by herself so he'd probably go to a home or something.
Anyone know whats up with her mom? I presume they aren't on too bad terms but there was the whole pissing in a cup incident that they fell out over. Maybe she'd move back in with her if she had to
No. 408307
>>408302It doesn't seem like Tuna's parents are actually as bad as she says they are besides their own respective addiction problems. Her dad seems to want to help her despite her obviously not appreciating it. I haven't followed Tuna long enough to know much about her mother though.
I feel for Roger–being disabled, stuck living in a pig-stye with your heroin addict son and his deadbeat girlfriend.
No. 408353
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Pretty OT, but I just realised what Luna's art reminded me of
No. 408359
>>408351She was in a half way house like 3 years ago when she moved in w lurch and hasn't been in much contact (And when she does talk to her she complains about her)
My theory is her mom is clean now and probably can't handle being around Tuna who makes her out to be a monster cuz she doesn't drugs… remember when Tuna found out her mom did crack?? She flipped her shit and shamed her s bunch for it. Meanwhile.. shes smoking crack.
No. 408363
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Lol this one
No. 408377
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>>403302Oh my god no
Local shelter posted about finding a darling baby Siamese abandoned and then my friend sent me this comment
No. 408388
>>408387i feel like it isn't tipping if you're genuinely worried about an animal's wellbeing, my dude.
mods, got any opinion on this?
No. 408389
>>408388I'm always against tipping but this could save that poor cats life.
However there's also a lady on there who is probably sober and has money (like any money) who said she would be driving over there. Luna can't get her shit together enough to go to a shelter and adopt a cat. Also her and lurch are such obvious broke pieces of shit they probably wouldn't let them adopt idk maybe they'll try to steal one
But the chances of any of that happening seem slim?
No. 408424
>>403302>>408406This place does not do house checks. But they do charge a kitten fee.
I'm wondering if one of Luna's cats has declined so she's planning on getting a new ones just so she has 2, we haven't seen the grey one in a while
No. 408429
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So hungry
No. 408468
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>>408467Sage your posts Aimee. Your boyfriend looks like he smells like hot dog water
No. 408469
>>408460Weren't they owned by Chief before Luna moved in?
>>408468You gotta wonder how many girls who use this website are deranged in their own right. Glass houses and all.
No. 408472
>>408468Lol the hot dog water comment reminds me of foreverkailyn.
Saged for way ot.
No. 408650
>>408406they probably wouldn't even need to do a house check, all they have to do is look at her public pictures on her profile to see that she lives in her own filth with her nasty boyfriend and has track marks all over her body
>>408424i think she was talking about wanting to get a new kitten with matthew months ago. her gray cat's health could be declining, but i'm sure she's just been wanting another cat for the sake of having a kitten.
No. 408661
>>408429I just want to respond to this "oh cool your food stamps came through!!" Just to see what sob story she'd try to crank out of me.
Does Luna ever try to scam money out of you? She's done this to me several times and usually I'm like nah but this time I was like "omg hi I'm broke too, please look at my Etsy !!!!" And she didn't respond.
No. 408670
>>408377can y'all chill?
First off that kitten will be nurtured and fostered for a few weeks or months and then they wont give it to a zoned out stinking junkie girl with abandoned barbie hair that isnt even able to bring a cage with her.
No. 408724
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>>408680Ummm read the past threads. Lurch preyed on all the women on his friendless and a catfish incident cause Tuna to force him to delete his FB
How does one rupture a nerve in their leg? Like without strenuous activity? Needles is all I can think of.
No. 408940
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>>408724as this anon said, lurch used to hit on random chicks on fb all the time and would message random people and talk to them and tell them weird shit.
No. 408974
>>408948ugh i love the picture he sent
he thinks thats the look
No. 408986
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No. 408998
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It's not my fault I want his mammoth cock inside me since you guys are getting all worked up with your estrogen.
No. 409009
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i don't like the way this thread is going
No. 409023
File: 1499669918880.png (Spoiler Image,673.01 KB, 640x1136, E32F8474-06B2-4422-9F1C-05513F…)

>>408724Could this be the same leg that suffered from a "cat scratch" almost a year ago?
Pic is from the first Luna thread and it doesn't seem like it ever really healed.
No. 409027
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On the topic of Chief, I've been wondering why she's so into him and was attracted to him in the first place. He's just a dirty, ugly, boring, almost middle-aged man, whereas there are tons of younger male junkies who look and act the part of ~tortured artiste~ and would match her aesthetic and desired lifestyle much better. What's the deal? Why Chief? Is he just the first guy who came along who'd shoot her up, and now she just can't be bothered to find someone better?
No. 409032
>>409027Lurch was a rebound from Peter.
Luna was in a long-distance relationship with a ~tortured artiste heroin addict, got dumped, and couldn't stand being alone (and not dating a heroin addict…) so got with Lurch. She was attracted to the fact he was a ~bad boy drug dealer. She was trying for weeks when she was underage jailbait but Lurch LIKE A GENTLEMAN waited until she was 18.
She was attracted to him because he was an older man who could give/get her drugs, nothing more. And now she's "stuck" there because she barely has any friends or life outside of Lurch. I don't think she's really stuck there, but mentally she probably feels it.
I don't think Luna could find better tbh. Lurch gives her a roof over her head, and a needle to abuse. That's all she wants and I doubt many junkies want to date someone as self-absorbed and useless as Luna.
Also kinda off-topic but those screenshots are textbook BPD. I doubt it went down like she says it did, she was probably feeling soft and vulnerable, and Lurch wasn't enabling her ass so he was ATTACKING her like her Dad does.
No. 409038
>>408987if Lurch is your type then have I got news for you:
you would LOVE Easter Island.
No. 409042
>>408724why does she feel the need to mention that it's her last 5 dollars.
The post was meant to be about Matthew in hospital but she still had to throw in the "boo hoo I'm so poor! I need money to buy candy and makeup!!"
No. 409092
>>409042>hey guiz just so you know I'm poor>also I have to go to the ~hospital~ because my boyfriends sick>thats like double pitypoints!>pleeeeaase send me money my paypal is _____lol she's gotten
slightly better at ebegging over the years. Now she doesn't LITERALLY post her paypal email at the end, or get angry when nobody falls for it.
No. 409106
File: 1499703064681.png (647.15 KB, 670x622, 845641648351316835.png)

>>409105I agree. Now the thread is full of armchair psychologist, so-called addiction experts, and even a troll who wanna fuck Lurch (ew)
I miss the ol' Chief Areola memes time (pic related) It was hilarious.
And we're here for the lulz after all.
No. 409114
File: 1499705046696.jpg (187.59 KB, 625x978, Screenshot_2017-07-08-03-36-38…)

>>409106>>408998>>408991Saw this while reading a manga last night and thought it looked a lot like lurch lol
No. 409122
File: 1499707462797.png (140.95 KB, 750x1004, IMG_3849.PNG)

lol Luna why so excited?
No. 409125
File: 1499708093167.png (96.46 KB, 750x526, IMG_3851.PNG)

Lmao whose messaging you about what? Like it's not about giving you money so you don't respond? Why you gotta lie Luna, everyone sees right through you.
No. 409126
>>406139OT but I think this is way overboard. Let's say Tuna gets into a car accident and is taken to the hospital. How the fuck are they going to treat her pain? Aspirin?
Stupid idea IMO.
No. 409130
>>406932Please stop. I've been on benzos for over twenty years because oldfag and that was what they prescribed for PD/agoraphobia back then. Never once even thought about trying heroin. I know some people here are fucking twelve, but think before you type, there are times when you sound like jackasses.
sage for who cares
No. 409133
>>409122This is so fucked up. Heroin is huge in Oregon. My husband used to use all the time and we were going to move there last year, went out for an extended stay. By the end of the second week he told me we had to get out because there was heroin everywhere. It was literally all over the place. You couldn't avoid it.
I expect Luna'll be packing up and moving there shortly.
No. 409139
>>409129How does a sedative treat pain? Please explain the mechanism. I'll shut up after this but those painkillers don't work all that fucking well either and many of them cause liver and heart complications right off the bat. My grandmother nearly died because of these awesome new painkillers.
"Decisions should be made for them" lol whatever bro this thread is hilarious when it comes to drug opinion bullshit, myself included, I'm out.
No. 409140
>>406932Not necessarily. I've been on Benzos off and on since I was 13 (12 years) for panic attacks, social anxiety, etc. and I'm fine. There are also Benzos that give less of that 'floaty feeling' like Ativan. Not to start a discussion about what addiction is or isn't but I think how a drug makes you think and feel and want is completely personal and genetic.
My brother was a Heroin addict who started taking Benzos between his shooting up, like Luna, versus the other way around. He was an addict, he took benzos to keep up whatever feeling he was chasing. Thats inherently different than an anxiety or depression patient taking them for relief of symptoms. Im sure it does happen, there's always that risk but I wouldn't go out there and say that Benzo use is always a gateway.
Plenty of people can also use opiates and not feel a need to abuse.
Sage cause blog/nobody cares probably. I just don't think that things like this should be treated as 'fact'. Addiction is not just one thing that happens to everyone the same.
No. 409145
>>409140Oldfag from up top. Just saying yes, thank you and agreed. On all my medical paperwork it says that I have benzodiazepine dependency. I am physically dependent but I also function–I can work, I can manage my life. The thing that upsets me is that these days, I would never have been given benzos as the first med for my illness, I would have been given something that's less physically addictive and potentially dangerous. In the long term I believe benzos aren't good for you at all, and I'm certainly long term.
If anyone wants to talk about this kind of stuff on the OT board I'd be down.
also fucking saged, sorry for derail and diary entry.
No. 409170
>>409032That makes a lot of sense. It's kind of a shame, though; although he does keep a roof over her head, which is much more than she could hope for (though she'll probably end up homeless at some point anyway), imo she would have kept her tumblr following and suckers who'd donate much longer had she dated somebody who matched her aesthetic and who she could take ~cool~ photo ops with rather than a dirty older man who serves to illustrate how miserable and unglamorous the lifestyle really is. Her relationship with Lurch has caused her to become almost a PSA about what junkie life is like beneath all the staging so many of them do on social media.
>That's all she wants and I doubt many junkies want to date someone as self-absorbed and useless as Luna. Most junkies are useless and self-absorbed. Addiction really does wonders for removing what humanity people had (even if they didn't start out with much).
>>409133>I expect Luna'll be packing up and moving there shortly.Oh god please no, there are more than enough people like her in Oregon. Luckily she's way too lazy to move.
No. 409196
>>408940>>408941Luna MUST know about this shit right!? (I've been around since the first threads but just cant recall if she ever spoke about his messages to other girls or not.)
At this point Lurch must not give a fuck. Surprised he hasn't just kicked Luna to the curb already and found himself a fresh new junkie girlfriend.
No. 409207
>>409196Yes, Luna knows. Lurch sent Tessa a dickpic, someone sent it to Luna, and she freaked. Lurch sent a message to Tessa along the lines of "I hope you're happy bitch" and deleted his facebook profile, but not messenger app…
Always makes me wonder what he's doing when he's "at work" kek
No. 409208
>>409093mostly when reading Luna's posts, i just READ Lurch…
oh my god, it looks exactly like him
>>409139What they do if ex-junkies are in a car accident and have blocked opiate-receptors? Die from shock because of the pain.
Easy as that and no loss. What's the issue.
No. 409209
>>409196>>409207IIRC she claimed that she knew about the messages and brushed it off as a jokey type thing? dat delusion goes far.
I'm guessing he's still with her out of convenience.
No. 409211
>>409196>>409207>>409209Good fucking god, can you just go back to her old threads for fuck sake?
Im pretty sure it's all there.
I think Tuna's reactions wasnt screen shoted or she gave none, but he deleted his facebook profile after that.
And now stfu and read the old threads.
No. 409239
>>409129 said, there are non-opioid painkillers. But the chemical component of opioids that relieves pain is not the same component that causes a high anyway. We already have partial opiate agonists (like Suboxone) that people have been on for years. From what I've read about a vaccine like this, opioids could still be administered with the intended effect of substantial pain relief. With no unwanted side effects (high). Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, this prospect really excites me. Something like this could lead to a whole new class of painkilling drugs for people with chronic pain, allowing them to function without being high at all times.
No. 409266
>>409211>>409224>>409210Her "I was sitting there the whole time! He was joking!" excuse was when Lurch was randomly commenting on porn scam account pictures (like the succulent titty one mentioned in this thread), not when she found out about Tessa. We don't know how she reacted but I can fucking imagine.
Suffice to say, she must have freaked out if Lurch deleted his profile shortly afterwards. I mean most women would freak the fuck out if a random stranger sent them a picture of their boyfriend's cock.
She originally set up his facebook account up for him so she could brag & tag Lurch in cutesy couple posts, then he totally ruined that and she made him delete it lmao. I just love how Luna's in this lovey-dovey dream world where they're perfect soulmates, while Lurch is just out on the prowl for more areolae and running out of excuses not to marry the ho he keeps as a space heater.
No. 409271
>>409266>Areolae I lol'd.
I wonder if they actually barely talk and most of the shit luna posts about him is completely made up. All the pics are she posts of him he looks passed out, what if she's not actually allowed to take and post pics of him haha.
No. 409276
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No. 409321
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No. 409341
>>409275>idk what planet you live on but lol u can def get addicted to suboxoneYes. Subs are a partial opiate agonist, not a complete opiate agonist. This vaccine claims to be a complete agonist, at least immediately following administration.
>>409278I worded that badly. What I mean is that opiates themselves don't relieve pain, but alter the perception of pain. It's possible to alter that perception of pain in other ways, which is why substances like SSRIs cause significant pain relief for some people with some conditions. Ditto with anticonvulsants. Opioids aren't the only drugs that affect norepinephrine and mU receptors, they just happen to be the best at it. If the pleasurable effects of opioids were blocked, there's still therapeutic potential in the "inert" components, like THC vs. CBD.
No. 409350
>>409321Didnt she say she was going to the hospital with him yesterday? And ~*~uwu guiz she's so scawed*~
Has she said anything else about his leg besides saying that he has a "ruptured nerve"?
Lol she wants to stay there overnight with him.. Imagine her twacked ass twitching and taking crazy selfies all damn night kek.
I imagine staying overnight in a hospital would be like a vacation for them– clean bedsheets, air conditioning, room service, cable TV, no dirty needles or cat turds on the floor… Heaven.
No. 409397
>>409278>>409341Can we do a little more chemical fagging?
Because Im confused. I admit I only stumbled through chemics although I had it for my A-level exams, but
if it is possible to isolate the stuff from marijuana that has the positive effect, while taking away the psychoactive effects… I know there are several chemical compounds in the plant itself and they isolated the ones that do good from the ones that just make you feel high…
why wouldnt the same thing be possible for opioid-based painkiller?
Sage sage for retarded chemical fagging in a foreign language (which makes me sound extra retarded)
No. 409402
>>409401highly doubt they did a surgery, however small it was.
what likely happened is they ruptured the gross-ass abscess so it will start to heal itself. that's not a surgery, tuna.
No. 409404
>>409397Ok, opioid fagging/dispensing what little I remember on the matter.
What you're talking about actually exists - it's called loperamide or Imodium, a widespread drug that exerts an effect only on the mu opioid receptors in the myenteric plexus. It cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. On the other hand, if you want an analgesic, you will have to cross the blood-brain barrier. With cannabinoles, you have different affinities and activities acting on different systems, while for an opioid analgesic the same process that gives the addictive rush. From a purely neurochemical perspective, the difference is that for cannabinoids, the addictive-euphoric and the pain-relieving effects take place on different receptors and it's possible to isolate cannabinoids that have no or little psychoactive effects while for opioids, the effect that gives pain relief is exactly the same as that responsible for addiction. Some opioids have a relatively slow absorption or they can be packaged as an extended release pill that keeps it from hitting the opioid receptors hard and fast. This will prevent it from having the addictive rush that causes compulsive redosing and addiction. But any systemically administered opioid that kills pain will also be at least a little addictive and euphoric. Hope that helps.
No. 409416
>>409405Yeah, It seriously looks a little sketchy lmao I've never seen anything like that here and I live pretty close to her. I agree that it could be an urgent care?
I'm surprised she didn't snap any selfies while it was happening.
No. 409428
File: 1499761629266.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0357.PNG)

looks like a hospital to me guys
No. 409429
>>409404wow, thank you so much, I actually was able to understand it.
>>409424the farmhand warning was about blogposting, not chemical fagging though.
>>409436Well she has to victimize herself and just make it
seem like she's miserable. She can't just come out and admit that she's excited and having fun finally getting out out the house, being seen by real-life strangers, and not to mention the ~*~uwu hospital aesthetic~*~!
No. 409451
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No. 409459
>>409271>All the pics are she posts of him he looks passed out, what if she's not actually allowed to take and post pics of him haha.lmao anon I thought of you when I saw
>>409451The medical staff must be laughing their asses off at the sight of these two.
No. 409463
>>409451>medicine>do they want him to have a seizuretop kek
tuna and lurch must scream junkie.
not that we didnt know that already
No. 409467
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>>409459I think you might be onto something
No. 409474
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>>409463lmao spot on anon
No. 409479
>>409474she is angry that they don't get drugs for free? Kek
Do you think they told them the cat attack story?
No. 409482
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>>409474They wouldn't give him 130mg of methadone because that's comparable to over 480mg of oxycodone, in terms of respiratory depression. A dose that high could kill a fucking horse, and they can't look at him and just say "oh, he's tolerant, he'll be fine." Also, he was probably lying. But sure, it's prejudice.
No. 409486
>>409474"in recovery"
aka they haven't been able to cop since lurch got arrested
I bet his leg has stayed nasty for a while but they were too strung out to care
No. 409489
>>409488If he was using heroin very heavily, that may well be his starting methadone dose (or close to it.) Methadone has a long half life while heroin has a short one, so avoiding withdrawals can take a lot of methadone, initially. Methadone clinics aren't going to leave someone on a high dose though. They'll titrate up until withdrawal subsides, then taper down over time. I'm guessing he started at the clinic around when he got busted, so it's sus af to me that he'd still be taking 130mg. Or that he ever was. Maybe 100. Possibly.
Methadone is said to not get people "high," but I beg to differ. It doesn't give any of the euphoria that heroin does, nor the rush, but it definitely has a body high to it. I've never taken a dose of methadone over 30mg (which is a typical maintenance dose, btw) and got so high off that I couldn't walk straight. Mentally I was nearly clear though. Maybe Lurch likes feeling physically retarded and it takes him 130mg to get there? Who knows.
No. 409490
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No. 409493
>>409490"give me my free drugs or i'll shit on your floor"
does tuna not realize that methadone isn't supposed to get you high? it's literally supposed to be enough to make you functional.
No. 409496
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>>409474Oooo gross tuna strikes again
No. 409498
>>409493She's talking about withdrawal symptoms, the nausea/puking and massive diarrhea, lmao. That's just part of withdrawal though, and I'm sure she had access to a toilet? Like, what's wrong with actually going through withdrawal? Maybe I'm old school, but I withdrew cold turkey 9 times in the process of getting clean, and that's the easiest part of recovery. Take loperamide for the diarrhea and deal w/ it. Granted, I did genuinely want to get sober, and I doubt Luna does, but still. Choices, consequences. Don't shoot heroin if you can't handle the diarrhea when you're without it. Pfffft, junkies these days.
>>409496>Having to poop and puke at the same time because I'm in heroin withdrawal and the staff on the psych ward who are trying to detox me don't care enough to give me more opiates WAAAAHHHH No. 409504
>>409496If I were the nurse I wouldn't fucking care either. When an insane person or an addict is shitting and pissing all over the floor, all they can do is give them a bucket, qurantine them and clean it up after they're done. Nurses are human, plenty of them gag at the smell and sight of shit and vomit, just like everyone else. Just because they clean it up doesn't mean they enjoy doing it.
One time when I was in a&e this junkie was having withdrawals and literally shitting and puking everywhere. The stench was unreal to the point they had to move other patients out of the area, as it was making people sick. The nurses were fucking pissed off and disgusted, of course they couldn't say anything in front of him, but they were bitching about it when they came into my room. The world is not there to entertain and 'ooh' and 'aww' over your projectile shit, Tuna. Stop being a disgusting adult baby.
No. 409505
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Oh yeah that's definitely what it is
No. 409507
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No. 409509
>>409482>Maybe Lurch likes feeling physically retarded and it takes him 130mg to get there?would explain why he is only lying around though. Not that I doubt that he is shooting up heroine extra.
I didnt know it was actually possible nor admirable to abuse methadone.
No. 409511
>>409507>i got on the express by accidentYou mean, you were fare dodging and had to escape before a supervisor caught you, Tuna?
>>409505>it's his titanium rod you guise!sure jan
No. 409512
File: 1499798830933.png (232.32 KB, 749x1030, IMG_3883.PNG)

Spending money to go hang out with your likely grumpy ass bf who doesn't care about your ass at a hospital you hate?
Does she think eventually they'll just hand out drugs to everyone in the room?
Also damn he spent the night? His leg must be really fucked up.
No. 409520
>>409517I think she means he's not getting benzos and will have a seizure from the withdrawal since that's a symptom.
My addict mom used to say the exact same thing every time doctors refused to give her more xanax than she needed "so do you WANT me to have a seizure??"
That's just how I read it tho
No. 409526
>>409525She just wah-wah'd that she had to go home to help "his father" who apparently "can't walk" now??? He should really be in a home, not their second story hell pit.
Sage cuz I don't have the screenshots
No. 409528
>>409520>seizure from the withdrawal No, thats not what she means.
That's the actualy meaning behind it. But she wants to make it sound like he is not a junkie and has an actual seizure disorder, that needs to be treated with "medication" and can be milked for pity bucks.
Go back in the threads, I remember posts where she specifically says his poor ass has a "seizure disorder" and therefore needs to be medicated. that, and the "chronic pain disorder" from his "titanium rod in the leg".
It was
tinfoiled discussed before, that he might have actually been in a car accident, that they actually used a titanium rod for his broken leg and that he probably got opioid-based pain medication for it to cover the pain in the few weeks after, but never gotten off the stuff any more since then.
No. 409543
>>409463My bf and I get suspicious looks and questioning every time we've gone to this type of ER just for being young and looking like metalheads (BUT CLEAN) I'm surprised Luna&Lurch didn't get kicked out immediately, legitimate ailments or not.
No. 409579
>>409467Ha! He even wears his hat and sunglsess to the hospital?!
These two must really be a sight to see in the hospital. I feel bad for the nurses having to deal with them.
They probably smell like crotch rot, nutter butter, stale cigarette smoke and b.o., bitching and moaning that "uwu he needs his seizure meds, GIVE US MORE METHADONE!"
No. 409581
>>409512>>409525When I first read Tunas post, I thought maybe she left because Lurch sent her away to pick up some dope to bring back to the hospital for him.
Sage for speculation
No. 409602
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>>409467are they on the same leg?
No. 409623
>>409620ew it makes me shudder to think about it maybe thats why he always looks miserable lol
some poor nurse had to pop that thing and lunas still talking shit about them
No. 409726
>>409401>>409606Besides the gauze there's a scalpel and possibly a suture set, a bottle of anesthetic (i think), some skin disinfectant, and a NaCl bottle what I assume was used to flush out the gunk.
Yes, it was the abscess being drained.
I wonder if they keep telling the staff too that the rod caused the abscess… because oh man I could totally see them doing that. Luna already thinks they'll just hand out free drugs.
No. 409878
>>409467(medfag here)
They definitely drained the abscess and kept him overnight for iv antibiotics.
I would suspect he shot up in the same place he had the abscess before and a new one formed, over a year is too long for an abscess, his leg would have rotten off.
I doubt Lurch is on Methadone. He probably wanted to go out to score, they didn't want him to leave, he left against medical advice, Luna went with him and waited for him to cop (why tf should she wait outstide of the clinic, it makes no sense. Also Luna could have gotten the Methadone for him with an authorization).
Now we also know Luna quit the DM treatment because they made her withdraw and she didn't want to (of course, when Matthew's next to her at home shooting up).
>>409496also kek at
>It's amazing how much they don't carewhy should they? the people from the psych ward are not responsible for your addiction, you are. Also the way junkies behave in hospitals (stealing opiates, rude behaviour, freaking out other patients etc) doesn't exactly make them beloved patients.
No. 409882
File: 1499884980113.png (947.14 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3906.PNG)

Does she like making her whole life into a lie?
No. 409883
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I want to kick in her hollow skull sometimes, anyone else feel that way??
No. 409893
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How do you fail without actually trying?
No. 409905
>>409883>mental illness isn't responsible for all the goddamn evil in the world!!!!!It's responsible for a lot of it, though. Luna's so fixated on painting addicts and the mentally ill to be nothing but fragile victims crushed by the cruel world while failing to realize that those things are responsible for a good deal of her awful behavior (and the awful behavior of others).
>>409898Huh, her eyes actually look like they have life in them. If she's clean, hopefully she'll take this opportunity to work to improve her situation…but probably not.
No. 409945
File: 1499891057095.png (25.5 KB, 640x288, IMG_9521.PNG)

luna i posted about SELLING my 3ds not giving it away lol
No. 409981
>>409945i thought she already had one. did it "break" i cant remember. im interested in what she wants to pay you for it
>>409956seriously. like how many people do you imagine struggle to pay rent every month whilst owning a iphone macbook tablet etc
No. 410011
File: 1499899777608.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3914.PNG)

More undeserved gifts for tuna "oh this is perfect to keep drugs in!"
No. 410243
File: 1499964255281.png (49.39 KB, 750x428, IMG_3924.PNG)

God this is clearly just for her to complain about rent that she doesn't even pay.
No. 410246
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Due to the 100% contrast filter used I can't figure out what body part this is? Like is that her tit? Sage for being blind?
No. 410255
>>410250what would be the point of suggesting it?
she isn't paying jackshit.
she couldn't leech off her dad.
NY is part of 'the aesthetic'
moving would require effort and motivation and money.
she complains about fucking everything anyway.
No. 410258
>>410250fair enough, but she's not even in the city she's in fucking westchester which is the most yuppie not-hardcore part of the state.
her town is overwhelmingly rich and white, so idk how far that 'aesthetic' takes her
No. 410266
>>410250im sure someone must have mentioned it to her but idk. her and lurch are just stagnant people like it would take effort to move, theyd need a deposit, theyd have to pack etc
i still find it hard to comprehend their finances like the almost 2k a month must come from benefits
No. 410280
>>410266I find it hard to believe they actually pay that much for rent.. Could they be getting government rent assistance.. Where they only have to pay a percentage of the rent? Which im sure would come from Rogers social security or whatever checks.
Neither of them was a job, but they have a $1700 a month apartment, utility bills, and a $100 a day drug habit… But she says she's poor…
No. 410293
>>410280I don't think she could grasp the concept of saving/setting aside money to pay rent. She's so spoilt.
Like how an alcoholic can't keep a liquor cabinet.
No. 410314
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No. 410350
File: 1499982116100.jpg (847.88 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg)

Or this
No. 410357
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No. 410358
File: 1499982460572.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3605.PNG)

accidental spoiler my bad
No. 410374
File: 1499984205441.png (552.83 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3936.PNG)

Lol at that mess of a post up top
No. 410377
File: 1499984649966.png (179.63 KB, 749x1094, IMG_3937.PNG)

The color of her leg and the color of her gray shorts is so similar I thought they were pants
No. 410387
>>410374found a seroquel lol bitch just buy some benadryl
>>410381haha seriously, as if thats some basic element of food
No. 410482
File: 1499994829307.png (172.08 KB, 750x1094, IMG_3939.PNG)

I keep thinking she's using the soap to brush her teeth however next to nothing that's an improvement. Her whole life needs some Dial antibacterial soap.
No. 410604
>>410377>>410482 Every time I see Luna's photos, I get this urge to clean my computer screen…and then I scroll down and what I thought was dirt on my monitor turns out to be some stains on Luna's wall or clothes.
No. 410627
>>410243can anyone from America tell me how she affords this?
does she get help from the government?
her rent is equal to 1533 euros which is extremely high for rent over here.
how can two heroin addicts afford that much?
No. 410666
>>tfw my boyfriend and I work decent paying full time jobs and work in a 2bed/2bath spacious top floor apt and tuna claims to pay the same amount of rent as us, 1500 euroi know the obvious answer is she's lying right???? or are we gonna get a post "some nice lady was KIND enough to RANDOMLY pay my rent so cute" just like all the other shit shifty shit she gets "handed" to her
No. 410684
>>410666>>410677If Roger is getting ssi checks he might also be in section 8 where the government pays for most of the rent and you just pay a small fraction of it.
Depends on who's name the apartment is in and stuff.
No. 410701
File: 1500046255720.png (289.18 KB, 750x1026, IMG_3950.PNG)

Ummm put it back outside?? WTF
No. 410731
File: 1500055494084.png (181.63 KB, 750x976, IMG_3951.PNG)

Now she has 2 and she named them. She's off her fuckin rocker, right?
No. 410732
>>410701Tuna digging out dirt from some random garden and throwing it in a cleaned takeaway tub…
Yeah, people must think she's batshit crazy everywhere she goes, if I saw that shit I'd be really tripped out.
No. 410733
>>410731samefagging but LMAO SHE UPGRADED THEIR TUB.
Officially put more effort into looking after these snails than she ever has the cats.
No. 410743
>>410721If the snail slithers over a used needle or heroin crumbs, will it get high?
>>410729~quirky~ people
No. 410792
File: 1500063494145.png (118.89 KB, 750x865, IMG_3953.PNG)

No they are tryin to leave cuz yr shit stinks Tunafish
No. 410818
File: 1500068584020.png (134.76 KB, 750x1088, IMG_3954.PNG)

No. 410828
>>409945jesus tapdancing christ, tuna is insufferable.
Was this actually 2 days ago she's written that? Because it only says "today" and the screenshot couldve been made at any time.
No. 410833
>>410818Tuna: the starving fatty.
Look at those pools of chocolate sauce too. Pretty nasty. Total heroin food.
And why does her profile pic say "you are secretariat"?
No. 410834
>>410731>funeral1996no one noticed how she changed her Instagram profile name?
Not important or anything though…
No. 410847
>>410833Lol what is "total heroin food"?
>And why does her profile pic say "you are secretariat"?It's a Bojack Horseman reference.
No. 410848
>>410729I mean, giant african land snails are pretty cool, but buy them from a pet shop. She just found these on the floor outside, and thinks she's saving them by bringing them indoors? No Luna snails live outside.
also, they need a cuttlebone or they'll die. Put them back.
No. 410856
>>410847Heroin food= donughts, candy, ice cream, Chinese take-out, Cheetos, junk food/sweets in general.
Its all I ate when I was an addict and its all Tuna eats, too.
Though, I got skinny as fuck and Tuna is still a heiffer.
No. 410861
>>410847Just agreeing with these anons:
>>410856>>410833Heroin gives you major sugar cravings. I lived on Dr. Pepper when I was an addict. Depending on my financial situation, I'd gain or lose weight, but overall I stayed pretty average size. Luna's food pictures are 100% stereotypical junkie meals.
No. 410867
>>4108182 days before this
>>409882>I cannot afford foodBut you can buy a tub of icecream for dinner??
No. 410969
>>410867~*~ uwu poor people deserve treats too ~*~
Im sure that would be her defense if someone actually called her out on that bullshit. Shes fucking retarded.
No. 411001
>>410770now luna can finally have some junkie friends other than lurch.
two goddamn snails.
No. 411091
File: 1500124779761.jpg (353.65 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170715_145915_293.jpg)

herman and delilah 2017
No. 411104
File: 1500127830033.png (106.73 KB, 750x767, IMG_3956.PNG)

>go to the thrift store for things we NEED
>do laundry
No one asked for this "timeline" which she always shows via pics anyway but I guess that gives her more space to make up lies which seems like her favorite thing to do lately.
No. 411109
>>411104>do laundrySo she's basically confirming they have no way to wash their clothes there and she's probably too good to use a coin wash.
>get a few things we need from the thrift storeAll you buy are granny lingerie for yourself that you wear once and add to the hoard!
No. 411131
>>411127as if being under 60 means you can't die.
it's obvious that tuna's father has had drug and/or alcohol abuse in his lifetime, that shit takes years off.
No. 411167
File: 1500141807321.png (972.98 KB, 902x720, 658498485186.png)

(sorry for the bad quality)
No. 411186
File: 1500147815298.png (228.63 KB, 750x1103, IMG_3960.PNG)

I do not believe that she's doing laundry. And if she is, I think she'd have to run stuff through a few times cuz it's just been sitting in their apartments rotting for however long.
No. 411215
File: 1500154834060.jpg (117.74 KB, 1080x1920, 2017-07-15 21.37.55.jpg)

Im getting the feeling that the laundry and bathing is not something that tuna does by herself. She could also do that if she was at home, right?
Either their bathtub is fucked up for whatever reason or … and thats where I put my money on… her father makes her take a bath as soon as she arrives because she stinks
No. 411216
File: 1500154876270.jpg (266.08 KB, 1080x1920, 2017-07-15 21.37.40.jpg)

and why the fuck is she always binge-watching special victims unit when she is there?
No. 411227
File: 1500157676061.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170716-002557.png)

Translated from Luna to human: her dad bought her nice stuff and she can't say that on social media because that would mean she can't whine about her evil dad.
Or she shoplifted/stole money from her dad.
No. 411247
>>411215So… Does "bathing" to Tuna mean just stewing in plain water? …No soap? How fucking nasty. She probably comes out smelling worse, like regular rancid tuna plus wet-dog smell.
And lol no, I highly doubt she does laundry at her dads house. Shes way too lazy to gather up her dirty shit from her drug den and take it over. And why would she? She doesn't mind wearing fucking disgusting dirty clothes.
No. 411252
>>411247Uh… you don't need to put soap in the water before bathing. Fill the tub up, then wash with soap on a loofah. It's nice to put soap/bath bombs/etc. in the water first, but it's not necessary.
However, at this point, Luna is so grimy that even the best bath wouldn't help.
Saged, obviously.
No. 411267
>>411252For someone as dirty as her, a shower would benefit rather than sitting in her own filth.
No amount of bath bombs can clean that pig.
No. 411270
>>411169>>411225Haha, thanks fellow farmers.
Maybe should I sell that "wonderful art piece" for 125$?
Cause, you know, I'm such a great artist and I'm suffering for my art so much uwu. (blink)
No. 411295
>>411272>>411290Thanks anons, it warms my cold little heart
(sage for my dumb sentimentalism and go back to our beloved cow now)
No. 411407
>>411393ugh thats awful
why does that happen?
No. 411408
File: 1500220318148.jpg (675.06 KB, 2048x1653, 3B50F4C7-7D48-43C5-89BD-564413…)

>going to the thrift store for things we need
No. 411412
File: 1500222158004.png (193.97 KB, 750x1069, IMG_3972.PNG)

Knew she'd put drugs in that box, bet you she takes all those today cuz she has no idea how to use medication. Looks like her dad must hook her up with benzos which is probably the most evil thing he has done cuz mixing them with heroin will probably be what kills her.
No. 411419
>>411416She's taken other things from him on numerous occasions so yeah he's probably noticed
Unless he doesn't take those meds regularly
No. 411429
>>411425She's messsed it up by putting those half smoked joints in there like an animals.
How nice of you to do that to this gift some poor person you've swindled into sending you "all the way from Spain"
No. 411445
>>411393Gross, Anon, same. I didn't question what they were when I was using; guess I had other stuff on my mind. Ingrown hairs? If it's a common thing I really want to know wtf they are. I haven't gotten them since I stopped using, so it seems connected.
>>411412This is A LOT of benzodiazepines. I remember the last batch she got too, and it wasn't that long ago. She's using more than I am, and I'm using them legally for a partial spinal cord injury. The FUCK, Luna. Being dependant on heroin isn't enough for you or something? This bothers me more than the heroin, honestly. The withdrawal from benzos can actually kill you, unlike heroin. Not to mention that using multiple CNS depressants together is dangerous af. Narcan won't bring you back from that shit.
No. 411449
>>411408So, her evil dad bought her
another new purse from Tj Maxx? Pretty evil of him.
She just got a new purse like a month ago from Tj Maxx.
I hope nexttime she says shes poor and starving that someone decks her in the fucking mouth. Shes so pathetic.. Pretending that shes poor. What an insult to actual poor people who don't have evil dads to give them money and new shit every weekend and have their rent and bills paid by someone else.
No. 411523
>>411447I mean, the St. Ives apricot scrub definitely is harsh but for Luna I'm just glad she got something. Maybe the apricots will scrape all that makeup and actually reach her skin.
>>411449Wasn't it a ~~fancy~~ Jessica Simpson bag? It seems to be in the same price range as Betsey Johnson so he paid maybe $40 for it, which may seem like a fortune to her.
Definitely a big slap in the face to actual poor people who would probably be ecstatic with a nice $5 purse from Goodwill.
Sage for no contribution.
No. 411604
>>411598>Her cats are also pretty old I thought, they could have trouble grooming themselves due to their age.Age of the cat shouldn't matter, unless it's been severely mistreated.
My cats around 13yrs old and still can groom itself fine
No. 411617
File: 1500272088696.jpg (176.56 KB, 950x938, Clipboarsd04.jpg)

So back from her evil dad, those are her 9 last posts
>such evil
No. 411619
>>411617St Ives Apricot scrub… while I appreciate her attempt to finally exfoliate this is absolutely terrible for your skin. It's made of crushed walnut and can cause tears in your epidermis, which can lead to infection.
In other words, this shit is going to end up doing more harm than good. With how filthy she typically is, she's going to make her skin worse for sure.
No. 411629
>>411619Don't worry, Anon. I'm pretty sure she has no intentions of using it…she's just going to put stickers on it and photograph it periodically. You'll see it in six months, still unopened and covered in those same stickers plus a layer of grime.
>>411464He probably does, and is trying to "make it up" to her by buying her all these purses, makeup, etc. and giving her money. I dated a girl for a while who would always shit-talk her dad as being "abusive" and "a narcissist." She'd scream at him and throw literal tantrums whenever he'd try to ask her- politely, I might add- about possibly finding a job or coming to visit him, and he'd throw money and gifts at her to try to make her love him. (The twist here is that she turned out to be the abusive narcissist. Ha. Ha ha.)
Sage for blog- just trying to shed some light on the grimy mystery that is our cow.
No. 411656
>>411632sage goes in email…
>>411412what are the green pills
No. 411657
File: 1500297801863.jpg (1.31 MB, 1420x1902, Screenshot_20170717-082128.jpg)

Waiting for her to delete this and beg for money because she hasn't eaten in DAYS
No. 411658
File: 1500297868841.jpg (1.42 MB, 1430x1978, Screenshot_20170717-082331.jpg)

More gifts from evil dad
No. 411663
>>411658…that is bleach I see.
Incoming pictures of Luna burning all her hair off. This'll be good.
Wonder if she'll use that as her next begging excuse.
No. 411673
>>411617just saying, sometimes on payday i head to the drugstore and buy one or two nyx lip products along with other stuff and they're just under 10 euro a pop here. Like on payday I feel pretty dodgy for paying 30 euro for like three lip products. I imagine even her dad would feel weird about spending that much money on something so stupid when he could get her groceries or actual useful bathing products instead.
so surely she lifted these? sage for nothing new and obvious statement that she shoplifts and thinks people dont notice????
No. 411685
>>411681There's no way she can hide it when she's at his house 2 days out of 7. Her Dad also pays for her phone and utilities, she definitely doesn't try to appear okay to her father. She rang him when she OD'd, he's fully aware all her money goes on heroin. He takes her to thrift stores so she'll have something clean to wear in between her weekly laundry runs.
The cosmetics are either used (some anon in the last thread said that thrift stores in America have used cosmetics sometimes) or stolen. I don't see her Dad buying her expensive makeup. The box-bleach? Sure, he probably bought that because her roots look terrible right now, but the $30 of makeup? Nah, she swiped that while he was buying the dye.
No. 411700
File: 1500310495852.jpg (1.02 MB, 1440x1696, Screenshot_20170717-115250.jpg)

Other photo of just lip products has no caption.
No. 411716
>>411700All of her makeup looks used? Like, at least a month old.
look at the L'Oreal foundation, the tube is like half way gone.
Where would she lift used makeup from? Maybe testers at an ulta or something?
No. 411722
>>411720you also probably aim for ash trays when you're smoking and own a vacuum cleaner, unlike Tuna.
Their place is grimy because they're high all the time and don't clean up random spills and mess.
No. 411732
>>411700She JUST got some of these things and they're already caked in filth. She absolutely gives no fucks, all of those tubes are probably rife with bacteria. I'm so astonished that she's not a complete pizza face. Ugh.
Sage for whining because this bitch is gross
No. 411751
her make up doesnt look used because it is old.
it looks used because she never washed her damn hands.
even here
>>411227 posting her "new" make up there is a grimy smear of foundation over everything.
she obviously cements her face with foundation and doesnt wash her hands after, and everything she tocuhed is just full of foundation mixed with the filth she is living in. just like everything she touches.
No. 411756
>>411711Smoking cigarettes indoors can make things VERY grimy. I didn't think of that but yeah, maybe the cats don't like to lick the tar off their fur. I grew up with two indoor chain smokers for parents, and no matter how often I cleaned/dusted, my shit would look like this
>>411657 all the damn time. It's like the tar just attracts every piece of dust. The walls, any white clothing, etc. all turned yellow. And everything I had always stank to the point that people assumed I smoked when I didn't. Smoking indoors is absolutely disgusting.
>>411720Do you have a lot of ventilation or something? If you don't stop, you might start seeing a buildup of nasty on your walls. It sounds like you haven't been doing that for long.
No. 411785
>>411756I know the exact shit you're talking about anon, but usually that's with
really bad chain smokers, who are smoking pretty much 24/7. My friend's parents used to sit in armchairs all day and do nothing but chain smoke with the windows shut, their house looked like what you described. Everything stained with that yellow tarry shit.
However, I don't think Lurch and Tuna smoke THAT much and they have the window open in pictures, so it's not as bad. The grime is because they don't ever clean anything, bleed everywhere, and throw their cigarette butts around. They don't have a vacuum cleaner, they don't have a washing machine, they don't attempt to clean anything ever.
I smoke indoors and as long as you keep the window open and vacuum slightly more often there's no noticeable grime. You should clean your walls with cold water once a year or so to stop build-up of random crap regardless of whether you smoke. Tuna's grime has built up ove