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No. 937206

Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.

Previous Thread: >>920554

The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s dying dad) by squatting in his apartment, stealing his belongings and leeching off his social security until he died. The gruesome twosome was soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent
>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom government poverty home, which ultimately drove Luna’s mother to relapse and go to inpatient
>Ebil dad’s apartment caught on fire, Luna took the opportunity to garner more uwu points by spreading ashes on her face

Current Saga:
>living in a boarding house with lurch and pumpkin
>has a new friend she goes to the methadone clinic with
>"sober" but still inhales benzos like oxygen
>publicly sharing her "lifting" hauls now
>she vapes now

>is very vague about whats wrong with her, claims an infection in her spine >>932621
>nurse calls her out for being a stinky bitch and not changing >>933045
>lurch replying to ethots while luna wastes away in the hospital, only visiting her a few times total >>933101
>complains about the food, reminiscent of when she didn't like outpatient because they only served her one personal size pizza >>933155
>lurch goes to the bronx daily for the clinic but the hospital in the bronx is "too far away" for him to visit her >>933176
>most antibiotics are done at home, but because luna is junkie has to stay in the hospital until june 14 >>933784
>gets a midline IV because her veins are bad >>933814
>takes her second shower in a month >>934002
>eyes not wonky off the benzos, but just you wait >>934072
>wants to draw with her expensive copics but idiot lurch only brought her shades of blue >>934138
>thank god the awful bridge piercing closed up when she had to take it out >>934205
>ramping up for her future opiate abuse >>934209
>complains about her roommate because she hates any mentally ill person besides herself >>934253
>dad has happily cut her off, good for him >>934254
>lurch caught texting a mystery person about how he's "stuck in the hospital" >>934301, >>934302
>full body shot drops, still looking large as ever >>934317
>needs to use the biggest size blood pressure cuff >>934419
>posts photo where arm is bigger than both of her boobs AND her head >>934548
>gets more of her disgusting sugar >>934626
>another full body shot drops >>934627
>doesn't mind lurch putting his disgusting shoes on her bed because "he has a rod in his leg" >>934662
>ate two packs of creme savers in one day >>934688
>"dainty" hip shelf photo >>934860
>selling "content" while in the hospital >>934897, >>935010
>daily walk around the unit >>934901
>mean physical therapist yells at her >>935088
>could it be your craving my lunanuggies >>935133
>gets referred to weight loss doctor >>935255
>luna says "some weird dude" sits next to her, how DARE a janitor take a rest from his job and sit on a public bench at his place of work >>935596, >>935597
>going home today >>935746
>says fuck you to the hospital that saved her life and nursed her smelly ass the whole time >>935757
>jumpscare lurch >>935773
>doctors deny her the sweet sweet opiates, making her big mad >>935827
>takes a cringe picture in the methadone clinic, exposing a poor nurse to her snapchat >>935874
>goals in life, includes pain management when shes literally already on methadone >>936056
>shows off lurchs singular viagra, ew >>936281
>lurch insults her weight >>936355
>return of the wonky eye, "sober life" >>936411
>hilarious lurch reaction that hits too close to home >>936455
>luna calls birth control "hormone medication", and she lost the bottle >>936519
>wahhhh i got more attention in the hospital >>936544
>begs evil dad to replace/refurbish her phone and whines about "pain management" >>936561
>gonna bleach her hair soon, her mom is suicidal but she only cares about herself, wants to go on disability, and is going to steal more things >>936682
>may have some expensive medical bills to pay, but likely its just that medicare hasn't gone through yet >>936779
>wants to go on ozempic >>936810
>oops, i shaved my eyebrows off >>936812
>a follower lets her know ozempic costs 1000 dollars, no easy fix for you tunes >>936872
>traumacore hospital edition >>36877
>she complains about the boarding house and the "stench" of other people in it like her shit don't stink >>936894
>thin brow era starts >>937138
>starting outpatient for the third (?) time, lurch is going to the same one >>936988
>rehab/clinic friend steals stuff for her and elder lurch, including ensure and diabetic socks >>937146

https://angelhair1996.tumblr.com/ (inactive)
https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

No. 937208

No. 937242

File: 1720136399441.jpeg (Spoiler Image,275.01 KB, 827x1236, IMG_8471.jpeg)

What the hell does Lurch mean by this and why is he responding to himself from almost a month ago.

No. 937246

legitimately what is wrong with him!? maybe he was hacked? but i also wouldn't be surprised if he tweeted that and then forgot and replied to himself kek

No. 937247

Tuna found all his comments and he had to pretend he was hacked while she was in the hospital and it DeFinEtLy wasnt him actually posting? lmao

No. 937251

I’m pretty sure Lurch is insulting whoever looks at this porn account or maybe whoever runs the account? Who knows with this brain dead junkie honestly.

No. 937253

wow you speak fluent lurchian. i think this is the answer.

No. 937254

That's how I interpreted it. He's talking about whoever posts the panels.

No. 937261


It looks to me like he's revisited it and agreed with his former comment he made again, proceeding to back himself up with a second comment of "Yeah fuck u mf"

The conclusion I draw from this is he clearly has way too much fucking time on his hands. That's not news I know but boy, does it bring it to light just how much time to do nothing he has (for now)

No. 937263

Is this his way of bookmarking porn, saying stupid aggressive shit, so if luna finds it in his history he can just says he was telling the haters off?

No. 937264

Given his blatant cringe worthy slime creeping on Ethots, I feel he's not quite capable of this kind of sophisticated pre planning, but I like your tinfoil nonnie

No. 937269

its really not that hard to understand. hes saying anyone who jerks off to this shit is a loser faggot
problem is, is fucking commenting in the first place so hes telling on himself lmao

No. 937275

Exactly. He seems to be offended by this kind of porn.

No. 937278

tbh i hate all porn but i’d take this over the disgusting, depressing, grimy “content” he and luna are producing. this is such a weird take for someone who has “porn” of themselves floating around. i truly wish i could bleach theirs out of my brain.

No. 937280

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No. 937283

Peak trashy behavior buying loosies, probably from another junkie in line at the clinic. And just throwing them into her bag to add tobacco flakes to the grime in there

No. 937285

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No. 937286

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No. 937287

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No. 937288

>a relaxing day
tuna this is your every day. you don't do anything else ever. every day is a relaxing day when you have no job and no responsibilities and just sit on your fat ass eating cheesecake and smoothies and getting high all day.

No. 937289

I don’t think those Febreeze plug ins are gonna do much to help mask the scent of two unwashed junkies, a dirty cat box and juice cartons filled with piss.

No. 937292

Holy shit, the sheer amount of stuff she has.

No. 937293

Magic dumpster makes a comeback! Kek

No. 937294

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No. 937296

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wtf is this

No. 937297

Genuinely thought this was AI generated for a second.

No. 937300

She felt hot while clearly zoinked out of her mind and hauling her tube titties up with an arm

No. 937301

"feelin it" feeling what fucking smacked outta ya head?

No. 937304

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No. 937308

Just came here to post this…new entire Luna face dropped…somehow a more xanned out filter than what she actually looks like

No. 937309

“lookin cute”?? It just looks like a bunch of clutter all piled up. Wtf is with that doll arm. And how hasn’t she been popped for shoplifting? All that skin care junk she has and then those raggedy ass toothbrushes. Why not steal some of those Luna? And you know they haven’t been to a dentist in years and years. Her purse is fucking dirty and nasty looking too. It’s all just gross. Putting stuff on shelves isn’t cleaning. Getting plug ins isn’t cleaning. But then she just gets high as fuck and doesn’t care. She needs to get a grip.

No. 937310

literally jumpscared me when i scrolled by this on instagram. genuinely hard to believe someone (cracked out or not) can look at this and feel hot. she can only fit half of her body into the selfie frame

No. 937311

Cyclops Boob

No. 937312

It's just insane, like what does posting a photo of this do when we and anyone who follows her ig knows what she actually looks like? Absolutely no one believes she has a snatched dorito chin jawline.

No. 937313

Why has she put "lol @ my purse contents", this isn't lol funny, not in a self deprecating way nor in any other way. Is that plushie fucking burnt? And what the hell is that hideous cherub item? At first I thought it was an ash tray but it isn't, I know she's into cherub shit but why cart this junk around? Did she just lift it? Why would you have this stupid thing in your purse, if she sets the bag down too hard it'll smash into bits and just blend in with all the other dirt at the bottom.
This bitch

No. 937314

.. she’s doing skincare with makeup on ??

No. 937315

why is there a random wash cloth behind the dirty keychain plushy?

No. 937316

im 98 percent sure the makeup is a filter but i also wouldn't put it past her to do that

No. 937318

The smashed bristles on both nasty toothbrushes. They're both gonna have receeding gums from the excessive force applied when brushing (among other obvious issues like lack of floss).

No. 937321


that is definitely a filter, if you zoom in the eyeliner and lashes stand out and look different than the rest of the photo.
there's also many many pictures of her in several previous threads of her doing face masks with caked goopy makeup around her hairline and nostrils and corners of her mouth

No. 937329

I was wondering this exact thing. Maybe it’s her sweat hanky

No. 937333

Maybe that's where they keep their crack pipe so it doesn't bang around and break. Lurch has tuna keep it in her belongings so he's not one to ever be busted with paraphernalia

No. 937334

that’s just her excuse to show off the purse contents. the cherub thing is most likely stolen from a grave. the random virgin mary stuff she has is either stolen from graves, or people’s home shrines.

No. 937340

Yeah there's no way Our Lightup Lady >>937010 came from anywhere else but a grave.

No. 937345

Crack pipe? I know she's tried it but she's a heroin addict not a crack head (not WK don't even go there)
There's 0 evidence she's on crack, anon. Maybe she should use a little here and there, she might cry about her weight less. But the pin point pupils floating eye track marks gaping holes in her arms hospital visit and literally everything else say heroin addict. Luna isn't a crack head.
It's common for junkies to use both crack and heroin this is true but with her, where do you get this idea? Maybe 20 threads or so back…. This girl does not have a classic crack cocaine suppressed appetite. Hate when Anons act like crack and smack are the same thing. Come on you're smarter than that.

No. 937346

Definitely dont think smack and crack are the same thing lmao. I dont think anyone here does. And the crack comment was a (half) joke, she's admitted trying crack in the past. Settle down nonny

No. 937347

You're right, I now see your angle, my apologies anon, settling down!

No. 937351

What that plushie dipped in a fucking mud puddle? Fucking ew.

No. 937352

It wouldn't surprise me if this is a dropped child's item, possibly dropped from a stroller in the rain

No. 937354

okay but why does she keep displaying that doll arm like that kek

No. 937355

Can some skincare nona explain what is going on here? Like I can't imagine slathering this much shit on your face (most of it being just hydration stuff?) does much good to your skin. Does she think more product = better skin? She's genuinely lucky as fuck not to get horrible breakouts rotting all day in her filthy sheets eating sweets and applying skincare on with her dirty hands, also while wearing makeup.

No. 937357

If she used all these products regularly it'd be pointless, but I don't think she does. I think she's a klepto and this is the only flex she has. Sure her life sucks in every way, but her fake beauty routine is more complex and expensive than most women, somehow this makes some of her followers on IG jealous. There are a lot of redundant products, leads me to think she's randomly selecting shit from her hoarder shelf and most of it expires before she finishes using it.
She does get constant pimples and breakouts though, she applies thick cakey makeup and filters to hide it. She had sores around her mouth corners for months.

No. 937360

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No. 937361

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No. 937362

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No. 937363

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No. 937364

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No. 937365

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No. 937366

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No. 937367

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No. 937368

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No. 937369

Holy FUCKING SHIT she's going to go over any day now this is the most smacked out I think she's ever been Infront of us at least since her earlier days shooting it. How is she even sober enough to take the picture she looks a state, wow.
She's relapsing so bad.
Where the hell is she getting this kind of money too, heroin is so expensive. Surely the nudes don't pull in that much and as the Ex-Lurches friend anon said in the last thread Lurch doesn't actually deal. Maybe he lifts expensive shit and resells it himself, while she just acts the klepto in the background.

Whatever the case it never ceases to amaze me that they can afford to fritter away money on smack to the extent she gets into this state of being high every time (much less that she then posts it on the internet like there's nothing wrong with it kek)

No. 937370

>thought this was food
Top kek… do you often have random food smeared across your stomach?
This looks like the jumbled shelf at the thrift store of random, gross, half-used products that no one ever buys. And she thinks it's cute?

No. 937372

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Some guy called Clive, who has a private account, reposted that image and Lurch replied to that guy.

No. 937374

I feel it's unlikely they are still doing heroin? granted I don't live in New York, but H is becoming rarer and rarer in north america. fentanyl, hydromorphone, and xylazine are all cheaper and easier for IV substance users to access (at least in my city)

No. 937375

That's correct. I live in NYC, and what's still referred to as 'heroin' by some people is more referred to as 'fent,' by actual users of it. It's fentanyl, illicitly produced in Chinese labs and stuff. No one is under the impression that they're using heroin. That's been for the past 9 years or so in NYC.

No. 937381

File: 1720278338015.jpeg (219.86 KB, 820x765, 96C8196A-0057-486E-8804-965AE8…)

>thought this was food or something

No. 937394

Never realized it before but her placement of the eye pads is hilarious. Does she not realize the pads are supposed to follow the contour of her eyes up to the outer corner and not just sit on her cheek bones? Or is she so fucked up she has trouble placing them correctly? It's unfortunate (and weird) that skin care is very much connected to using for her. Think about it when you apply your moisturizer.

No. 937396

Yeah, it's like she's moisturizing the top of her cheeks. It's never occurred to her that they're actually on backwards and the large part is supposed to be on the crow's feet area of her eyes. How has she never realized that? Doesn't even get the parts of the under eye that wrinkle.

No. 937406

she doesn't seem as fucked up in these compared to some of selfies where she seemed close to nodding off in her first thread tbh, as if whatever she's currently taking may not be as strong.. that or she has a much higher tolerance now.
ngl tho, I miss seeing her actual paraphernalia and junkie blog shit. She used to be more interesting. now she legit does absolutely nothing all the time.

No. 937408

To be honest you're right, I think what it is is I've not seen her in this state for a while so it's been throwing me off a bit, after she was looking so much more normal (for her) in the hospital, then she returns to the hovel and proceeds to relapse on account of "Muh chronic pain" "UWU the hospital didn't wean me off of Oxy it's their fault" it's a noticeable contrast.
But she definitely looked more out of it in the earlier years yeah, and she was so milky then, I'm inclined to agree

No. 937409

It's Vicky Shingles patented "sleepy fox eyes"

No. 937459

her skincare selection is.. interesting. she seems to be quite fond of additives. most of the actives in her routine are hyaluronic acid and niacinamide. the HA one is a bit confusing as it's most effective on damp, clean skin and she doesn't quite exemplify personal hygiene on the regular. niacinamide is usually for skin discoloration, think dark spots or redness, so those filters + her makeup application are likely hiding more than we see. i don't understand why she needs both a serum and moisturizer with HA but she does a lot of dumb shit. she overkills it, i couldn't imagine over moisturizing on top of actives, that could very likely irritate the skin further paired with an inactive lifestyle and poor nutrition + hygiene + addiction. she's probably stealing more products in attempt to reverse what is a skin barrier compromise as she overuses ingredients developed to be used minimally. generally her product lineup isn't terrible but it is futile without further changes to her overall health. a 15 step routine also just isn't necessary for healthy skin, she's just too accustomed to overconsumption(sage your shit)

No. 937461

Yeah there's a simple explanation that you've over looked in your desperation to sperg: she's a retard that doesn't have a clue what she's doing or why she's doing it. She steals products she sees other retards sperging about so she feels included. She does 0 research and if you asked her what any of her beloved slimes do for her skin she wouldn't know. She just likes smearing crap on her face because it gives her a sense of control over her rapidly deteriorating youth. Also write "sage" in the email field if you arent bringing any milk and try not to bore us again with your reddit caliber analysis.

No. 937468

KEK two lines into the sperg wall you replied to and I was about to come say the same shit. She has no clue what to use how to use it or how much/why. She just steals stuff to have it and slathers on skin stuff hoping in her terminally softened brain that it will make her hot one day

No. 937469

disregard, that anon doesn’t know what they’re talking about either. hyaluronic acid isn’t an active, it’s a humectant and is often used in products with niacinamide for this reason.

No. 937471

exactly. shes a dirty junkie whose fried her brain to hell and back. it doesnt take a reddit tier analysis to know she doesnt know what shes doing. remember doesnt take a baths nor shower.
but I gotta say this probably one of her grosser habits, its like putting lipstick on a pig lmao…she already smells like satan's armpit, just knowing shes sitting for hours on that filthy bed with her lard ass slathering this shit thinking she looks sexy must make her smell worse.

No. 937472

Just a heads up: drugs don't actually ruin your brain long-term at all. Sure, while you're high, your decision making and perspective is altered, but that's all. Even your opiate tolerance can go back to completely normal. There may be some change in pain perception and reward pathways but can be unchanged, too.

No. 937473

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No. 937474

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No. 937475

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No. 937476

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No. 937477

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No. 937478

long-term benzo abuse will absolutely cause brain damage over time

No. 937479

That's true. They used to be prescribed for long-term use, but now the prescribing recc's have changed for them. Many ppl used to get long term prescriptions for them, and I guess those ppl are just brain damaged now. Haven't heard about all the lawsuits from the brain damaged ppl tho.

No. 937480

you better go back to school, anon. that's only true of some drugs. tolerance has nothing to do with brain damage anyway. opioids specifically can cause tbi and permanent neurological changes.

No. 937481

I said you can have some changes to reward pathways and pain perception, but it varies. That's neurological. And they do not cause TBI's! You mean from injury while you're high and/or leading a rough lifestyle?

No. 937482

dumb junkie detected

No. 937485

post proof or shut up. theres a reason why drugs ruin families. and alcohol is a drug. drug addicts can only obtain shit tier jobs because they obliterated higher level thinking required for better jobs. while I bet tuna has always been a shit person, shes objectively gotten worse over the course of years due to drugs.
the human body and brain can do some repairs to itself (and thats really a testament to resilient our bodies are…adapting to things, survivability, tolerance, etc) but that doesnt erase years of damage.

No. 937486

File: 1720365578318.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1179x2116, IMG_0839.jpeg)


here, i googled it for you. enjoy your brain rot denial. hope you’re not lurch.


No. 937495

>she thinks the lack of oxygen from heroin slowing down breathing and blood pressure doesn't cause TBI
druggie wk detected

No. 937502

why are people itt calling hypoxic brain injuries TBIs? they’re both brain injuries obviously but they’re not the same. but anons saying drugs can cause permanent brain damage are otherwise right. it’s hard to have sympathy for luna ruining her own brain though—she literally wanted to get addicted to heroin for the aesthetic.

No. 937511

Idk what's up with Tuna threads that the junkies always come and try to justify their own drug abuse as if anyone here cares kek if you need to tell the world you are better than a cow, you are definitely not better than her

No. 937522

I swear every cow thread has these people. Junkie thread - junkies, weeb thread - weebs, etc.

No. 937530

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No. 937531


Looks like she found his bloated corpse after one OD too many. What a gross picture.

No. 937532

Ugh, the way the cigarette sits kek. High as hell.
His face is so red. His circulation must be absolutely fucked.

No. 937533

this is why lurch hates her taking pics especially without his consent (she did it to the janitor guy at the hospital too).
like literally tuna what lmao
imagine this happening literally 24/7 while she sits on her fat ass

No. 937537

It's fakeboi. She always does this shit.

No. 937540

Holy HELL, The hoarde pile in the background.
And also, low key thought she was gonna say rip, lurch has passed. Why post such a weird pic lmao.

No. 937541

what a worthless, gross existence.

No. 937543

Every picture I have ever seen of this man has made me burst out laughing. He's like a celebrity to me

No. 937547

everywhere they have lived there is always an enormous pile of their clothes in the background. i wonder if pumpkin has peed on it and they've yet to notice.

No. 937554

You know it reeks in their hovel

No. 937561

One of the biggest mysteries for me is how their laundry gets done because I can't imagine Luna doing laundry. So the pile of clothes doesn't surprise me at all. I just wish I knew if that's dirty laundry to be washed or if they just always wear stuff from that pile without washing it. So many questions. I think that's Lurch's though since I don't see pink, so it seems like they keep their clothes in separate piles.

No. 937563

Oh I can answer that, she doesn't! She wears unwashed clothes untill they fall apart then she gets more via begging or stealing.

No. 937564

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No. 937565

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No. 937566

is that lurch in the front seat? why does he look like a faceless horror?

No. 937567

inb4 he starts a fire falling asleep with a lit cig like that

No. 937574

I am genuinely worried and frightened for the driver.
He's not in the front seat but he's leaning forward towards the driver. I'll bet he's arguing with her about something and tuna thinks she's hot shit because her "man" likes to raise his voice to people minding their own business, and she's mentally stunted.

No. 937578

Lol is that the Van to the methadone clinic

No. 937579

maybe he's trying to chat/flirt lol

No. 937582

this picture reminds me of my 600lb life when they have to shove the fatty on the floor in the back of a minivan because they cant fit in regular car seats

No. 937586

What is happening toward the back of her hair here? It's like a botched attempt at half-assed back combing. Not to mention those same ol' long ass engorged-tick-in-a-funhouse-mirror titties. For something so perpetually on display they're so pasty white.

No. 937587

The back of her hair is simply a rats nest because she lays in bed all the time and then probably doesn't brush it out regularly. Her boobs are so sloppy. She just let's them flail around off her 300lb frame, it's not giving what she thinks it is.

No. 937588

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No. 937589

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No. 937591

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No. 937592

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No. 937593

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No. 937594

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No. 937595

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No. 937597

I dunno, I feel like this bitch is gonna die soon.

No. 937608

And she wears the new clothes unwashed out of the bag or unwashed right from whatever thrift store she stole them from.

No. 937609

I think I made this exact post 20 threads ago

No. 937612

At this point even if she achieved the skinny tumblr 2014 thinspo blog weight of her dreams she would have some of the saddest breasts I’ve ever seen on a young woman. Like her body looks similar to an 89 year old woman I took care of for work.

No. 937613

So has she started that outpatient program yet? It’s just a matter of time until she complains about the “evil” staff that expect her to follow rules and not have her tits and gut out during group therapy

No. 937614

I really don't understand lurch and luna. they obviously dont have sex and its effecting them lmfao

No. 937616

She would have so much loose skin if she lost a significant amount of weight. She's either going to be hugely, uncomfortably fat, or just less fat but saggy. She's let herself get too far gone, she'll never get her old body back.

No. 937626

File: 1720496727090.png (316.75 KB, 1080x1551, 1654954670540.png)

Bringing back this "poem" she wrote about their past sex life

No. 937628

Thanks for the throwback. I'm cackling thru the secondhand embarrassment. It's so bad.

No. 937631

File: 1720497730650.jpeg (70.06 KB, 661x500, 1661419836655.jpeg)

bringing this meme back

No. 937633

she would make a killing on wattpad

No. 937634

Kek, beat me to it anon.

No. 937635

how can she have so many hair products but still have matted, damaged and tangled hair??
girl we heard you the first time no one's buying your sock tit pics

No. 937636

Do you remember when this was posted?

No. 937638

What is that dark spot peeking out under her shirt? A big mole?

No. 937639

are these the big bad self harm relapse cuts she was going on about recently

No. 937640

Weren't there a couple of other chief memes too?
Nta but >>>/snow/149777

No. 937643

At first I couldn' tell if she's lying on her back or side

No. 937644

Go a few posts up nonna it's a bruise. She posted about it saying she didn't know how she got it and thought it was food…. absolutely topkek

No. 937647

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No. 937648

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No. 937649

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No. 937650

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No. 937651

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No. 937652

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No. 937654

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No. 937655

Anon I can see your profile pic, don't get blocked.
Screenshot in 22s
Screenshot in 1 min

There's been a few other pics recently that had zero reacts/likes/etc but no timestamp. I know she doesn't get a ton of interaction but usually fakeboi or someone will react.
I'm not saying Tuna has the capacity to lurk/self post, but a Tuna obsessed summerfag? Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious.

No. 937656

kek one of her piece of shit rings turned her finger green

No. 937657

it’s 10 am on a tuesday. get a fucking job, bitch!
this is sus, but it might be a lurker with post alerts turned on?

No. 937658

Would be so funny if tuna would post 90% of the stuff here

No. 937660

I wish we could have a poll about what drugs everyone thinks she's on. In >>937589 her pupils look pinned but in >>937591 they're clearly not. Maybe it really is just benzos, but she's been abusing them forever. Something changed when she got back from the hospital.

No. 937661

thats the filter tuna is using kek

No. 937662

her pupils will always be pinned because she takes methadone

No. 937663

Does she have a cyst or blister near her butt crack, too? Or is it another "bruise"?

No. 937665

i've posted a screenshots seconds after she posted before, only because they happen to pop up when i open my app. not saying she's not self posting but it happens, she posts a lot some days

No. 937666

No, anon. Methadone doesn't make pupils pinned in the same way that heroin/fent does. If you've ever seen that happen then the dose was much too high.

I think it's all of the above. Tuna, in my tinfoil, was using less heroin/fentanyl pre-hospital saga. Maybe she really was making some improvements addiction-wise as fakeboi sperged.
Since getting out of hospital she's now using more street smack/fent again (mostly cause "Muh chronic pain, muh suddenly revoked oxy") as well as a methadone script as well as benzo's.
This mish mash is how she gets so easily high, these drugs all play off of eachother and make the next one effect her more potently, cue "floating eye"

It always baffles me a bit how she, with her existing damage to her veins, and her weight, even finds reliable veins to continue to shoot into. This is the one thing that makes me think she might not be using it all that much as it's got to be hard to find one for her. Then I remember , as I've said before though she could be using a femoral vein, which tends to be easy to continue to hit once correctly located, in which case, DVT saga when?

No. 937670

perhaps she’s swapped over to snorting over injecting. imo the bruises and injection sites look botched as fuck.

No. 937671

Spot on about everything. And my guess is probably skin popping or IMing.

No. 937673

>Not to mention those same ol' long ass engorged-tick-in-a-funhouse-mirror titties.
nonna I can't unsee this kek

No. 937677

The caption is apt, she really does look like the Michelin Man about to meet a pin.
Semi related but I was going through the old thread with the areola poem, and holy fuck she has blown up. She was chubby 8 years ago but her and Lurch looked rail thin compared to now. Going from that thread back to this one feels like looking at autistic inflation porn, like she's going to turn into a balloon or a blueberry next.
I guess this is why she always has random flecks of stuff on her neck and chest, she smears skincare goop all over her face, nods off in the filthy plushie pile before it has a chance to sink in, and the lint that's stuck to her face gets transferred to other parts of her body as she moves around.

No. 937682

File: 1720571353216.png (68.49 KB, 522x204, 1465000169935.png)

Fuuuck. She looked her ROUGHEST in high school? Thats sad…

No. 937684

She looks rougher now, she just didn’t have filters and facetune back then

No. 937686

I'd kill to see a candid picture of her

No. 937688

Imagine seeing her in the wild, like the nonny that spotted lurch that one day. In my head I know she's bigger than a car, but I'd still be shocked to actually see it. And her normal, unposed, unfiltered face. Probably mouth agape, lumbering down the street in boot liners.

No. 937690

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No. 937692

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No. 937693

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No. 937694

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No. 937695

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No. 937696

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No. 937697

Tuna. It's not ratio. It's perspective. The ass (that looks like it has a red melanoma spot btw) is closer to the camera than the rest of the body because you're angling it like that to make the upper half look smaller lol. And is her tewwible chronic infection pain gone now since she's doing all these poses? Or will it come back at her convenience?

No. 937698

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No. 937699

i really don’t think she has washed her hair since she left the hospital >>934002

No. 937707

I know we hate to say it but I honestly think people buy. This vaping into the camera shit she keeps doing has such suggestive undertones and is such a specific thing to keep making it can only have been some scrote with a smoking fetish originally requested it.
That's just my tinfoil though, but I honestly think people do buy, however infrequently, because other than klepto-hauls and candid shots of The Chief, this shit is all she posts. Surely she's not just posting it into a clientless void again and again with no actual business?

No. 937708

Probably unknowingly sells to farmers or people weirdly obsessed with her, like fakeboi.

No. 937710

Realistically yeah probably. I'd love to know how much it actually brings in. It's obvious the only thing they actually spend any money on (aside the apparent rent, idk though I always wonder if ebil dad still has anything to do with that side, despite the lack of contact I mean he still pays for her fuckin phone at her age) is drugs and takeout (because everything else is lifted) those things alone aren't cheap to buy consistently though and i want to know how much she brings in off of this and if Lurch brings anything whatsoever in.

Maybe some nonna can be a saint and find this shit out at some point.

No. 937712

Say what you will about her looks, but she's always had the kind of face that would start looking good in mid 20s. Lots of baby fat. I think she genuinely could be very pretty if she wasn't an aesthetically handicapped obese junkie. The haircut and eyeliner aren't doing her any favors in this photo either, but she's never had a flattering haircut anyway.

No. 937713

she looked at best okay in the earlier threads, she looks a lot worse now but back then her makeup actually wasn't that bad, imo i think her hair looked nice (rarely) when she styled it and when it didn't look matted. her style at the time wasn't bad either but still average for tumblr, i don't really look at the older threads anymore but the comparison pics from 8 years ago vs now are always so shocking. she must've stolen a lot of sugary shit for her to have gotten to this weight

No. 937715

Yeah she would have, as everyone knows junkies love sugar but methadone in particular is bad for sugar cravings and it slows the metabolism too so that's a recipe for a chunky cow disaster. Not too sure about how benzo's dictate weight gain but I can't imagine taking multiple downers atop opiates while lifting sugary foods helped. She was always gonna get fat, she was pretty big when the threads very first began, although she's at her largest today.

No. 937717

File: 1720609114357.jpeg (31.74 KB, 400x400, 1BDD8CE5-FDA1-4497-A438-C4A750…)

youre not fooling anyone with the filters. this must be crackhead confidence or something because I don't think she understands how cringe this is

No. 937718

She clearly has an eating disorder. No one stays that fat on heroin (back in the day, don't think she's using heroin rn) unless food is another addiction.

No. 937720

Her eating disorder is eating a pound of sugar a day and not moving from her bed.

No. 937723

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IMO she was always okay looking at best and bloated corpse at worst. She was never going to be eye candy and Thats okay it's not a bad thing to be mid kek I think her peak was when she was 21 in 2017 at least she knew how to take better pictures but even then normal pictures showed how she was always flabby and moon faced

No. 937724

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No. 937725

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No. 937729


And thats extremely disordered eating. She's got an ED, but not the cutesy little waif disorder she likes larping.

No. 937730

she's got the type of ED that gets you a show on TLC

No. 937731

Is it an eating disorder or disordered eating?

No. 937732

Luna was an ugly duckling girl imo. She peaked at like 19, before that she was an awkward fat artfag type. She lost her puppy fat around the same time she started taking heroin, but it quickly returned. 18-20 she "peaked" but even at her peak, she was only attractive to lesbians who thought they could fix her, or creepy old dudes who watch addict porn because the girls being so trashy/high is part of the appeal. She had guys sending her money masturbating over the fact she was ruining her own life. Now her life is ruined those guys don't care, there's countless other teenagers at the beginning of their addiction arc they can send money to instead.

If Tumblr didn't encourage people to idolise criminals and degenerates, Luna would not have an inflated sense of beauty and worth. She was making thousands of dollars a month just for existing and showing drugged out thirst traps.

No. 937733

Idk I always found that phase really disgusting looking. Her makeup now is more gloopy, but back then, it looked cracked and more crusty. The clothes she wore all washed her out, too. I always thought it was kind of funny this was her at her "thinnest" too. Even more chubby girls I know simply don't get as big as Luna's "thinnest". I also couldn't stand the way her bangs covered her eyebrows and looked so greasy. I actually think the fact Luna wears dark colors now is a bit of an improvement and at least she looks sweaty instead of dry, dry dry.

No. 937735

possibly. and i’m sure she does get some buyers for whatever reason. but i don’t think this is necessarily proof of that. she used to show off her vapes all the time, and plenty of people post “vape content” who aren’t making money off it. she just thinks it’s cool and aesthetic. who knows though.
>Maybe some nonna can be a saint and find this shit out at some point.
don’t tip the cow.

No. 937736

i feel like she was kind of ok looking at 21.. in her tumblr arthoe phase, she was better with her eye makeup (still shit and cakey tho) and her wandering eye was also not as obvious but her shit personality fucked that up real quick
(or she knew how to pose and edit her pictures back then)

No. 937741

She's beyond disordered eating, she's a whole sugar addict.

No. 937747

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No. 937752

holy fuck i forgot about her concealer lip look, myspace flashbacks. but when she was really high she was more likely to post unflattering selfies but knew to keep it low because she was still scamming people on tumblr. now she has no one to scam so she posts herself smacked out as much as she wants kek
some of her looks in her first thread on /snow/ were nice, almost cute, hate that i'm saying that but it's in comparison to now. she leaned more into the hipster/grunge fashion that suited her. she looked better even though she was living the "junkhead life" as she called it, she was always fat but she's beyond massive now. or engorged tick in a funhouse mirror like that one nona said kek

No. 937757

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No. 937759

>hiding double chin
>ham hock arms
>lumpy hips and thighs
>stained tank top

No. 937762

Another unflattering body shot?! She HAS to be high as fuck. Pre hospital body shots were a rarity.

No. 937765

Weighing in on the fashion discussion here (i know it's somewhat a reach to call it that but she did look better years ago style wise) it's because she has no style now. She could still adopt a more flattering alternative look at her current weight, but no, because she'd have to go into stores, put effort in and try on clothes and then actually pay for them to find a good look for her current self, and she's too lazy. She clearly has lost all sense of style it's not like she even tries lifting anything cute from the thrift she lifts from. She's gradually giving up on herself I think.

Even that horrific chunky doll necklace she had in the early threads if Anons recall (kek) was better than the tired mom grey look she just posted.

No. 937769

Nona she gave up several years ago.

No. 937777

Yeah, even around thread 30 she still had a somewhat cutesy style, once she dyed her hair brown she started to look so boring clothing wise.

No. 937781

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No. 937783

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No. 937786

Ah Looney, how is it that you’ve been dealing with molds (and living with one!) for years and STILL act bewildered by their most basic behaviors?

No. 937787

it's almost like these moids don't value your time or body and are just looking to get off

No. 937789

If you had a minimum wage job you could buy Chinese knockoff sanrio shit too

No. 937790

why doesn't she just set up an onlyfans if she wants to be a ~sexworker~ so badly. we saw her get a new ID a couple threads ago so thats not an excuse anymore for her. then she could just link whatever serious coomers she has there and she could make money every month off it. even shayna has been smart enough to do that.

No. 937794

it’s amazing! one of the many benefits of having a job. you should try it! you fat useless retarded fucking waste of space.

No. 937797

Because that requires effort…
Which is the same reason she won’t get a job…
Or lose weight…
Or get sober…
Or really do anything with her life

No. 937800

how does this bitch not understand men

No. 937802

I don't think she's given up on her style specifically, I think she's giving it the same low amount of attention as always, it's just harder now. She's alienated the friends and followers who used to buy stuff for her, she doubled in size, she moved so she may not be as close to the stores she likes, and she's probably a known shoplifter in the area. If all of this was at play for her several years ago, she wouldn't have made a bigger effort either

No. 937805

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I forgot that Lurch was on Shameless.(sage your shit)

No. 937806

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No. 937807

she has a "lazy day" every day.

No. 937810

Her focus seems to have shifted from shein clothes to general plastic shit. She used to post Shein wish lists or hauls on Tumblr constantly. Almost everything she begged for were clothes that she "really needed". Maybe she's gotten too fat for the cute stuff. Although changing how you dress is definitely a part of growing up.

No. 937811

bc they think you're cheap luna. moids are fucking disgusting and are just looking for someone to get them off, they don't want to pay you and they don't see a point in paying someone who posts free nudes to their story. also how does getting annoying snapchat messages from moids make you hate your body?? sorry they didn't give you the validation you crave, you're pushing 400lbs there's really not much to compliment below the neck kek

No. 937812

I think she meant that she hates her body BUT gets „compliments“ aka million messages because all the boiis think she’s hot-> everyone is thinking she is actually hot and sexy = „uwu so I have body dismorphia bc in reality I am the hottest“. AND that people are exploitative = she’s the victim.

She’s cherry picking and doesn’t understand that catching dick is no flex. Men will fuck literally anything

No. 937821

i think she just doesn't care about her style anymore. in the past she tried to cultivate a certain image by writing poetry, making art, pretending to read popular drug culture books, constantly posting clothes and accessories she wanted, etc. but she rarely does any of that now. she's abandoned all of the interests she once had and hasn't replaced them with anything else because all she cares about is feeding her numerous addictions.

No. 937830

yeah thats also how i interrupted it. "i feel so fat/ugly but everyone thinks im soooo sexy they keep asking me for pictures"

No. 937831

>all she cares about is feeding her numerous addictions.
Imo the cheap clothes and accessories were very much an addiction for her. Maybe she can't afford to shop online anymore?

No. 937842

daddy cut her off and she used to use his debit/credit card for amazon purchases… i remember she made a whole ass side blog for it and then an anon discovered it

No. 937845

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No. 937855

she posts the same tit pics 10x a day, everyday jfc

No. 937861

Doesn't she ever post stuff for her followers any more? She is so incredibly boring now my word! I used to find checking her thread exciting. Now it's like being in some weird time warp where I can't escape her faceless tit pic-ception and there's just nothing else.

No. 937865

We had a month long hospital saga and then she went completely off the rails and started posting a lot more unflattering pictures of her body than before. If this isn't entertaining to you maybe take a break?

No. 937867

I’ve followed Luna since she was skwisgaarskwigelf on Tumblr and I honestly can’t believe that this is still her life. I have zero experience with drugs and am genuinely wondering, doesn’t she get bored of just eating fistfuls of pills every day? What does she actually do all day? I can’t imagine how bored she must be, no matter how much she tries to deny it. Then again, we’re talking about someone who has literally not been sober for more than 24 hours since she was like, 18. Obviously as an addict, she needs drugs to survive/function and it’s not “fun” anymore but like….when is she going to realise that she has thrown her life away for some Easter Island head swamp monster who doesn’t love her? The level of delusion, far too much.

Even at this point, I think many people would genuinely root for her and be happy to see her get clean. She’s apparently overdosed a buttload of times (the number keeps changing, wasn’t it 9 the last time?) and that isn’t enough to scare her? Even just for a little bit?

She is fundamentally broken. Saged for pointless rant.

No. 937868

Please fuck off with the white knighting. Literally the only people left who haven't recognised that she is a soulless sack of shit is fakeboi, that pink chick and apparently you.
How is it possible to follow this thread at all and be so completely clueless and naive about junkies, jfc.

No. 937870

The hospital saga wasn't enough to scare her wherein she had a significant enough infection in/around her spine of all places serious enough to warrant weeks of IV antibiotics. She doesn't give a shit so nor should you nonnie.

No. 937875

Anon who posted pointless rant here. I’m not stupid enough to think she’ll ever change. But it’s so depressing. I just can’t wrap my head around how boring and unfulfilling her life is.

No. 937878

nta but i didn’t think you were whiteknighting or being weird. luna’s been on my radar for a long time too, and even having dealt with a different set of mental illness and addiction issues myself, knowing the language and having empathy for anyone else who’s suffering, i find her situation to be totally baffling. sometimes infuriating. she’s not suffering at all, she just plays it up for pity. she talks about want want want—shitty amazon plastic trinkets, nice apartment to herself—but she obviously wants to live this life more. she’s had advantages some of us could only dream of, yet she chooses this life at every turn—bitching about it all the while. her eViL dad and daddy government keep her from ever truly hitting rock bottom (despite how much this looks like rock bottom to outsiders—it could be so much worse for her), yet she is the most ungrateful person i’ve ever seen in my life. her thread is currently boring and i’m sick of seeing her flabby, grimy nudes, but i still can’t stop watching this slow-motion trainwreck. it’s equal parts funny and horrifying.

No. 937885

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No. 937886

>I never had that besides as a kid.
I'm amazed at her lack of self awareness when she writes things like this
>Boohoo my life is so hard, the only time I've had nice things is when I was a child and not expected to look after myself.
Crazy how that works, adults are expected to work to provide for themselves.

The only reason she even had this desk in the first place was because she convinced a trust fund retard to be her ATM for 2 weeks. She doesn't even show any appreciation to Allison(?), who would have continued to give Luna gifts if Luna hadn't decided to demand real payslips from her instead of gift cards and items she couldn't exchange for drugs.

No. 937887

I believe anons can empathise without whiteknighting lol, I'm fascinated by her but ive never considered reaching out or giving her money, unlike Fakeboi whiteknights. I root for the majority of lolcows and hope their lives improve, but I'm not going to help them achieve it nor hold my breath waiting for them to improve.

When she was younger and her brain wasn't fried from benzos, she was better at manipulation and she convinced a lot of people she was seriously vulnerable and in need of help. If you've never known addicts, their tactics, or the learned-helplessness amongst them, it's extremely easy to whiteknight someone like Luna when she was 18
>Young girl born to addicts, doomed from the start
>Groomed by mothers dealer
>Deadbeat dad who won't step in
>Only stable element of her life (grandma) is gone
It's only after years of dealing with addicts do you realise the majority of their stories are bullshit. Basically nothing Luna claims about her life is true. Now she's 28, there are videos out there proving exactly who she is. She's not a scared little girl trying to navigate the world: she's a sociopathic moocher who would stab her own mom in the back if it benefitted her. Her complete lack of empathy for people in similar situations to herself has always been the biggest red flag. Even when she was back at Rogers house rearranging the furniture at 4am, while simultaneously ranting about how her crack head neighbors deserved to be evicted, for being dirty crack heads.

No. 937889

…yeah tuna honey? this pic is depressing as fuck.

No. 937891

>she’s not suffering at all
I see this a lot about cows online. Would you want to live her life? Truly, would you want to hang around your one room shit hole with junkie neighbors, basically only existing to take selfies, eat, do drugs and sleep? Her life seems easy, especially to people struggling with things that Luna takes for granted like having somewhere to live, parents etc. But her life is empty. She has no future, nothing to work towards, no meaningful relationships. Almost everything that makes your life worth living Luna doesn't have. Of course she's depressed, everyone would be in her body and mind. She's fucking miserable and there is very little chance she will ever have the power to amount to anything, no matter how many chances she's gotten or is yet to get.

No. 937893

If this were me, this picture would make me want to cry for entirely different reasons. Looking like an zonked out, overweight grandma who took too much of her anti-anxiety medication with her wine would be an incredibly embarrassing thing to post - especially if I were in my 20s at the time.

No. 937894

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No. 937895

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No. 937896

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No. 937897

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No. 937898

>Luna hadn't decided to demand real payslips from her instead of gift cards and items she couldn't exchange for drugs.

Is that why their business stopped? I thought Alison just realized selling plantpot socks made literally 0 money and her parents told her to quit it

No. 937901

How high must she be to think she looks god in THAT picture????? We made so much fun of her when she posted that picture, due to tsht being the closest we had for a candid in years. She looked só ginormic

No. 937902

What I can’t wrap my head around is how for someone who is so obsessed with skincare products and blogs about her monthly bath and yearly laundry like they’re luxuries, never ever fucking bathes. Make it make sense.(sage your shit)

No. 937903

Nta but Luna can take a bath, then try to get a job, and an education or training. She has "the power to amount to anything" but she doesn't want to acknowledge it or use it.

No. 937905


Who does she think she's fooling? They will never be that perky tuna kek show people what you actually look like

No. 937906

it fucking kills me that she doesn’t know how to put on under eye patches

No. 937908

How does she expect these things to happen without either of them working? Maybe she’s banking on her dad dying and leaving a good amount of money. Didn’t she say before she will get his condo when he dies? (Not that she would be able to even pay the basic fees)

No. 937910

if his place is rent controlled, she could inherit it i think. we’ve all had this discussion before and i think we came to the conclusion that she’ll prob find a way to fuck it up and lose the place.

No. 937911

She kinda reminds me of Penelope Garcia from criminal minds here, if Garcia was found dead and embalmed in someone's attic after a serious battle with depression…

No. 937912

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No. 937914

Lol Jesus Christ, this is like Chantal saying she's jealous of Amberlynn. The bar is in hell

No. 937917

> Would you want to live her life?
No, I wouldn’t but it’s obvious she does. As >>937878 said, Luna revels in the picture she has painted of herself and the misery she’s “enduring” with her one true love.
> Future
> Career/Goals
> Meaningful relationships
None of the things you’ve mentioned are things she wants, all she wants is for her circumstances to improve a bit so she can continue to do exactly what she does now a bit more comfortable. When has she taken any steps to improve anything about herself? Even when it comes to things she seems to really want and all they require is a quick Google search? Luna will never change or learn, and perhaps all she’ll ever achieve is being a cautionary tale.

No. 937918

Don't do Garcia dirty like that, anon. Garcia has actual life and social skills and attracts beautiful men instead of druggie corpse groomers.

No. 937919

I know Nona, I said she reminded me of Garcia IF Garcia was a literal embalmed corpse but on second thoughts, I think that's much too good a comparison for Tuba and I take it back.

No. 937921

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No. 937922

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No. 937923

File: 1720985033676.jpeg (17.02 KB, 218x283, IMG_9105.jpeg)

This is so depressing

No. 937924

I hope that in a silent, seething moment of spite, Luna’s father took her out of his will and left explicit instruction for his apartment to not go to her

No. 937926

doesn’t it just go back into the nyc housing lottery? she doesn’t live there.
her literal only hobby, the only thing she does all day every day besides drugs, thousands of dollars worth of stolen beauty products at this point, and she still looks like this. hahahahahah sucks to suck, ugly!
thanks for understanding what i meant, anon. anyone else would be suffering in her situation (if they let it get that bad to begin with—it would have to be an active choice though), but she revels in it.

No. 937927

He lives in a Mitchell Lama apt. There’s super strict rules for her to be able to get it if he dies, she’d have to have lived there for 2 recent years (and prove it) and also qualify for the apartment income and credit wise. Otherwise it goes back into the pool.

No. 937961

Like wtf is she doing all this skin/hair care and teeth whitening for? She’s not going anywhere or seeing anyone. And she still looks a mess. White strips won’t fix years of not seeing a dentist and brushing with a disgusting, bristle-fucked toothbrush.

No. 937962

Last time she tried white strips she hurt her teeth and had to steal orajel

No. 937964

as if white strips are going to help her dead tooth that's a completely different shade of brown than the rest of her teeth

No. 937965

She needs to shoplift a lint roller

No. 937976

Because she thinks she's a model.

No. 938006

Well besides the fact that she is vain and materialistic,I think it gives her a false sense of accomplishment as well. Her doing her makeup and skincare is probably the most “productive” she is all day.

No. 938042

Tuna gone radio silent again?….

Wonder what the cause is this time.

No. 938052

It's always when she gets access to more drugs than usual

No. 938059

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No. 938060

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No. 938066

holy beached whale batman! i don't know why she bothers wearing black clothes, it does nothing for her figure and the cat hair/lint/general filth coating is so jarring against such a dark colour. shoplift some grey clothes tuna jfc

No. 938068

Going to her follow up for a hospitalization from an infection caused by filth looking filthy and unwashed… like she just begs for these things to happen to her. Take a shower Tuba!

No. 938071

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No. 938072

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No. 938073

Low-key suggestive ho-ass ho posing in a hospital waiting room, broad daylight, tits akimbo. Only Lunar Slater.

No. 938076

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No. 938077

We all know what you look like Tuna, and it's not that.
>deadly infection
>some patients come in a month later still in a wheelchair
>pain will come and go in waves for months
Is she setting up for a grift here? It sounds like she's going to fake/play up another hospital visit to beg for cash and pain meds. Tuna on wheels when?

No. 938078

a regular lower lip piercing/labret would look 100x better than this strangely placed vertical labret she has.. wish she'd scrap the ill fitted piercings already, tho they do look like they belong on a junkie which she probably likes

No. 938079

Not to be a pearl clutcher but I can't believe she goes around in public with her tits flopping around like that. Like I get that it's summer and hot as fuck but can't she just wear a normal tank top with a bra?

No. 938081

No, she can’t. Because she thinks her floppy tube sock tits are sexy. Or something.

No. 938083

Maybe she outgrew her bras. She used to wear them more like 50lbs ago

No. 938086

I know there are like 5 filters at work but she looks much better with her nasty hair tied back.

No. 938088

I've made jokes about Tuna on a rascal before but holy shit. Cripplepunk is coming back!

No. 938098

I was thinking the same thing. This woman just went to a follow up appointment after being hospitalized for over a month with a rare spinal infection (most likely caused by using dirty needles - and the doctors know it) with her tits falling out of her shirt and her belly hanging out. How is she not embarrassed. I’m nowhere near being Luna’s size and I would still feel like trailer trash walking in a nice hospital with no bra, tits barely contained by my tank top, and stomach on show. The germs and bacteria she’s bringing in there with her. The litter box is no doubt filthy in their tiny ass room, with the cat all over the bed where they eat. Awful.

No. 938107

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No. 938108

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(check the thread before you post)

No. 938109

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No. 938119

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No. 938120

the cringe I felt through my body, she does this shit in public?
you fucking stole these Luna.

No. 938121

The fuck is she strapped down for? Did she come in via ambulance?

Also dear God those ham hocks.

No. 938125

You know why she's strapped down. There are only 2 reasons. 1) she's so fat they're scared her limbs will fall off the gurney, or 2) threat of self harm or harm to others.
Both believable,but probably the latter. Because she threatens suicide all the time.

No. 938127

holy even her feet are fat wtf they look swollen, her body must be so uncomfortable to live in.

No. 938128

Holy fuck that was quick, back in hospital already?
Also is it just me or does her left foot/ankle look more purple than her right? It could just be the light, and not to medfag but this could even be that deep vein thrombosis saga I called last thread, they might react this way to the threat of pulmonary embolism at her weight depending how bad it looked.

No. 938132

Did she throw herself down the stairs because muh chronic pain and they won't gimme gimme good pain meds and now look what happen to little old me

No. 938139

10/10 she said she wants to die to her pyschiatrist

No. 938140

I thought it was just old track marks giving it the color

No. 938142

What do we think of the bandage around her leg?

No. 938146

She was just posting and whining about being back in the hospital next to some Hello Kitty tier graphics. She got her wish. Cue complain complain complain about how she's in so much pain and nothing the doctors give her is helping.

No. 938152

Fatty go boom

No. 938158

Is it around her calf??? I thought it was a thigh at first. I'm always shocked how massive she is when she posts a non-posed/filtered/sucked-in pic.

No. 938159

Nah, the entire foot/lower leg appears to have discoloration, not just certain points as would be the case with track mark scarring. The purple-ish hue would hint to a circulation problem, be that deep vein thrombosis or something less serious, I don't doubt her circulation has taken a hit. The discoloration could also be cellulitis related, which is another illness rife amongst junkies. The leg bandage sitting on the seemingly afflicted leg is causing me to tinfoil allover the place too kek.

Feet are incredibly painful to shoot up into, even just the top of the foot and tend to be a strict last resort as a shot location. Not ruling it out completely but it's unlikely she's got track marks around this area (not impossible though, of course)

No. 938163

Whatever happened, imagine lurch calling an ambulance just to guarantee to get rid of her again for a while so he can get addied out in peace and hang out with tunas "bff" again kek

No. 938169

yeah, tuna, plenty of other things could be ruining your life against you own will jfc

No. 938183

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No. 938185

this filter is legitimately terrifying kek

No. 938186

Thought this was Hamberlynn for a hot second, wow

No. 938187

It is the only filter powerful enough to make her fat moon face appear like it has any dimension of sharpness. It turns her into a blockhead.

No. 938190

love how luna can tell the internet every single time she “buys” a face mask but someone’s like “oh no, what happened?” and she’s like “uh… infection… i guess.” as if that doesn’t scream relapse

No. 938200

Pfp showing

No. 938202

DEADLY infection!!!!!

No. 938204

that’s the filter tuna is using kek

No. 938226

File: 1721322530904.jpg (555.49 KB, 1080x1965, Screenshot_20240718_100752_Sna…)

Thanks babe, but it's the filter name not me

No. 938254

That filter is doing some heavy lifting.

No. 938258

Seatbelt-style straps on a gurney are for safety during transport. She prob came in an ambulance, bc those gurneys are the ones w/ those straps. More secure restraints are used as absolute last resorts, when needed, to prevent self-harm.

No. 938269

shes trying anything for opioids isnt she

No. 938277


I kinda figured they were ambulance straps, but I'm near a level 1 trauma center and they try to get you the hell off the ambulance gurney and onto a hospital gurney/bed with the rails up stat. Just odd she's still strapped up unless the ER was that packed that they can't even roll her beached whaleness onto a hospital one w/rails in the hallway (which if it's Lincoln or Montefiore, well… yeah).

>>938269 She's gotta be. "I'll probably be in pain forever uwu" was definitely her being told by her evil doctor that no, you don't need a scrip for oxycontin/a pony/ozempic/Amazon. And didn't she have a scrip for (I can't remember) that she couldn't fill because she only had cash and the pharmacy told her that wasn't an option? She's spent the past few weeks put of the hospital openly admitting she misses the "likes" and internet attention, more zooted than we've ever seen her on benzos and God knows what else, and Lurch isn't trying to hide what he thinks about her w i d e n e s s. Evil dad barely replaced her phone and we still haven't seen that hair bleach from suicidal eevul mom, now that I think of that. And the hospital has Wi-Fi!

No. 938280

I think most addicts nowadays are well aware that hospitals/docs will not give normal ppl opioid scrips, let alone a documented addict, bc she's on methadone. I still don't believe, really, that she got oxy 5's in the hospital, or that oxy 5's would do anything for her since she's on daily methadone. Also, I don't think Lurch gives a damn, really, whether she's wide or narrow, she provides him w/ a hovel to live in and fawns over him more than anyone else in the world is willing to.
So, you're 'so sick' and really, really sick' now, right Luna? Her lil Sanrio post about 'needing to be so sick right now I need to be sicker! uwu' came true. Celebrate, girl! I bet a bunch of bitching is incoming, bc she's so, so scawed!

No. 938281

To clarify, I think the 'fighting' about her weight was her whining incessantly about needing to lose weight right now, while eating candy and demanding compliments, and him finally telling her to just either do something about it or be quiet. And then she posts it, on purpose, making it look like it might be him insulting her, so that she gets a bunch of pity online and concern.

No. 938285

File: 1721354013029.jpeg (Spoiler Image,668.99 KB, 828x1281, IMG_9363.jpeg)

Luna presumably in the hospital whilst lurch is looking at other women.

No. 938288

She probably doesn’t even care. They can’t possibly actually love each other, hell they aren’t even attracted to each other. Their awkward as fuck, non-sexy video is proof that. Theyre bonded by addiction and the knowledge that they can’t do life on their own.

No. 938300

>I don't think Lurch gives a damn, really, whether she's wide or narrow
Lurch definitely has a type and it's athletic blonde bimbos, he's not sexually attracted to Luna and I'd bet they've not had sex in months. He's a retard who tried to groom an insecure teenager into his version of a perfect woman and failed miserably. Now has to deal with the consequences of being codependent with someone he's not attracted to and has nothing in common with. I don't think he anticipated this outcome 10 years ago when they started dating. But you're right from lurch's perspective there's no reason to dump Luna even if he hates her, hes unlikely to find anyone better and he'd be worse off single. She's also a doormat and he can do whatever he wants.

My speculation is he convinced her that if she's allowed to talk to men online for her 'sex work', he's allowed to talk to other women. If Luna wasn't so extremely autistic she would have found another guy to mooch off by now.

No. 938308

"You don't need a script for Amazon"
Hearty kek, nona

No. 938320

Looks like she's already back home here though? The pillow/plush thing behind her looks like something from the hovel.

No. 938321

I think you're right anon. Looks to me like she had a miscellaneous health scare, got brought in via ambulance, looked at and discharged back to the hovel.
Now just what that miscellaneous health scare is she's not divulging for one of or a combination of the following two reasons:
1: Drug related
2: Embarrassing as fuck

She loves ass pats and it's the only time she doesn't share something these days. I'm dying to know what it is though kek

No. 938322

Bad gas and she thought she was having an appendix attack? Kek

No. 938323

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No. 938324

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No. 938326


w i d e l o a d.

the gomez adams upper lip shading is sending me.

No. 938328

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(random selfies are not milky please sage them)

No. 938335

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No. 938336

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No. 938339

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I guess we are all made in the image of God

No. 938341

>My speculation is he convinced her that if she's allowed to talk to men online for her 'sex work', he's allowed to talk to other women.

I'm convinced her sex work foray is a direct response to how much Lurch sucks. He publicly thirsts over other women and privately cheats on her, and she knows he won't stop, but she's too retarded and codependent to dump him, so she brought herself down to his level so she can tell himself he's not REALLY misbehaving. Plus she's so vain and needs constant validation, and he doesn't really hide that he thinks she's fat and he would prefer to fuck other women, so she's coping by telling herself she must be super sexy if men are willing to give her money to see her tube sock tits.

Lurch may have encouraged her to do it, but I don't think she needed much of a push.

It'd be sad if she weren't such a piece of shit.

No. 938346

their relationship is so loveless, lurch stopped caring about her a long time ago. remember tessa? i can't remember if luna ever mentioned/acknowledged it but it showed how lurch would instantly throw himself at any woman that showed interest in him. i can't imagine the arguments they must have, i vaguely remember her posting about one and then silently deleting it
she's been so unspecific about all her health issues so i'm convinced it's a combination of 1 and 2, she's a chronic overshare-r so it's really unusual. how fucking bad could an infection be enough to have permanent chronic pain??? not that i believe her because she lies constantly, but i really think she's just using this as a cover to use drugs to "self medicate" or some shit.

No. 938350

she said the tessa thing was a "joke" and she was there with lurch reading it the whole time but it was definitely a cope

No. 938351


She literally smashed through the half inch of foundation with an eyebrow pencil she was probably holding like a preschooler does a crayon. And again the rings of neck grime good LORD.

No. 938375

I don't want to be cruel, but I think it is a lack of education and basic understanding that prevents her from talking about her condition. A lot of people who have literacy issues are not going to understand medical conditions even if they're explained auditorily. I've seen uneducated members of the public not understand how serious cancer is because to them they're just "sick" and their understanding is so simplistic that it is basically "go to the doctor and he will fix why I'm sick". They also frequently say things like "the doctors don't know what's wrong with me" and that's often a code word for "lifestyle changes are needed and I can't pronounce what I'm diagnosed with". Unfortunately, it's a huge issue that many people simply have no idea how to understand basic medical terminology and no amount of hospital printouts seems to be able to fix that. I am not sure if Tuna can track with the verbiage that is used to explain her condition and even if she could, she has such memory issues she can't remember how to type it in to Google her medical conditions. I don't think she's intelligent enough to withhold information on purpose, I feel like she would plaster her diagnosis everywhere to garner sympathy if she actually knew what it was.

No. 938376

I don't think that's a correct assessment, personally. She's not the brightest in life decisions, and not a genius, but I don't see any illiteracy in her. Her vocab is fine, she doesn't make grammar mistakes or say blatantly uneducated sounding things, IMO. Her life choices leave plenty to be desired, and sometimes that's from lack of knowing better, but often not. She knows the dangers of drugs, but can't or won't resist them. She finished H.S. and went to a semester of college. Many ppl w/ decent literacy end up learning quite a bit about the biology/chemistry of how drugs work when you're in that group, and being among ppl who are frequent fliers at the ER, they also pick up more medical knowledge than you might expect.
I think it's not wanting to outright admit that drugs caused the infection and recent ambulance ride, or something also embarrassing or 'bad' like that, which could decrease pity and the accompanying donations, even of lil things like someone on Instagram commented saying they're gonna send her a care package.

No. 938377

Just wanted to add onto my last post: some ppl are so hostile towards hard drug users, and especially online. I'm sure she's gotten TONS of hate her way about that. If she admits the infection was from drug use, she transforms instantly from 'hero' pushing thru every day doing 'a great job–you got this!' from tons of lil followers online, to a worthless person deserving of her fate, and getting possible hate msgs. That's a blow her ego couldn't take.

No. 938402

File: 1721439210021.jpeg (145.54 KB, 750x1228, 42D89DCA-E53A-4184-B222-76A2C0…)

I noticed this a while ago but life got in the way so I hadn't posted. She follows a lot of (in)famous junkies on instagram and often says things she doesn't think are public, all you gotta do to catch the comments is ruin your own timeline with druggies. I think this just about sums up what caused the spinal infection- and none of us are surprised.

No. 938413

KEK. nonna pls

No. 938414

Very nice catch, anon. Here's our confirmation. I know we suspected this but I have zero doubt she's referring to the hospital saga with this comment.

Of course she's too lazy to go and get fresh needles FFS. Why am I not surprised.

No. 938417

File: 1721453720990.jpeg (491.35 KB, 1290x1624, IMG_6973.jpeg)

No. 938418

omg kek so we were right all along, her health problems are caused by drugs and obesity. she’s been too embarrassed to admit she’s just a fat dirty junkie.

No. 938420

After looking this condition up, I found that they don't generally tend to script painkillers for it, instead favouring physio and maintaining a healthy weight as ways to cope with it. When they DO script painkillers they tend to go with something called Methocarbamol, because it has a particularly low narcotic/sedative effect. Too bad Toonz. But hey at least she's sooper uwu sanrio sick now right?

No. 938421

Anon, she's a longterm junkie. She'll have absorbed more than enough along the way to know exactly what is going on and how it happened. Agree with >>938376 that she needs it to be uwu soft victim almost died to get all the gimmes.

No. 938422

She's proven right here she knows exactly what the diagnosis is and comprehends it all just fine. She just didn't want us to know that she was sticking herself with probably uncapped, blunt, used needles with old dry blood stuck in the bevel that she had just lying around the hovel and that its exactly that gave her the infection that landed her in hospital to begin with.
I too agree with the Nona who suggested she can't garner more uwu points and gimmes if she admits this.
Luckily thanks to the nonna who sacrificed her feed with the junkie collection that lunar follows we now have confirmation of what we believed to be true anyway.

No. 938424

Is this about her latest little hospital stay? She went in an ambulance for this? Kek. So it was about her back… and not her bulging purple legs and feet? Oh my

No. 938439

They are probably related. If she has bulging disc's, I guarentee she has deep vain thrombosis as well as a pinched cns. It makes me wonder if she's on coumadin.(medfagging)

No. 938459

She probably is because any doctor can clearly see how sedentary she is and how shit her veins are. That would make sense being on a blood thinner.

No. 938460

why would a junkie with very noticeable track marks be on blood thinners.

No. 938461

They most definitely do put them on them, from my experience though they generally need to be diagnosed with something potentially life threatening like DVT to warrant the prescription at all, and they bleed even more when they try shoot up afterwards as you can probably imagine. Grim, but the tinfoil is possible.

No. 938470


spinal stenosis and bulging discs? SO MANY woman over 30 who have gone through pregnancies (or obesity) have these issues! your back hurts? you aren't special! join the club!

No. 938471


herniated discs do not equal dvt. factually untrue. she could have both, because she's obese and extremely sedentary, but regardless one does not equal the other.

No. 938475

okay but that doesn’t land you in the hospital for a month?? or cause an infection?? the month long hospital stay and herniated disk are two completely different things.

No. 938490

Sorry you don't understand anatomy and the disease process, but that's not my problem. Read more.(sage your shit)

No. 938529

aw fakeboi is back

No. 938550

I mean it's because they gave her antibiotics which are usually at home treatment but they dont trust a reeking junkie to follow through and if you dont fully kill a bacteria with a full antibiotics cycle, you risk it just breeding resistance to it. So she stayed in order to be babysat basically.

No. 938575

She needed IV antibiotics, which is a more aggressive treatment than oral antibiotics, because of how serious a spinal infection is. The spinal infection was not caused by a bulging disk, but I’m not sure if the disk issue is a consequence of the infection or an unrelated problem she’s now having.

No. 938578

it’s caused by being a lazy fatso

No. 938638

fyi I'm the snapchat farmer and I've retired.

No. 938655

Thank you for your service, nonna ♥

No. 938670

its ok, most of whats posted on there besides her weird videos is posted on instagram and tumblr too… thank you for your service!! i've tried to add her before but she didn't accept my request.

No. 938671

thnks fr th mmrs

No. 938752

thank you sm for ur work

No. 938843

File: 1721959664022.jpg (25.73 KB, 250x404, 1000009424.jpg)

Lol Tuna has obesity related disorder confirmed

No. 938844

Great! Some more things she can add on to her "I was conceived on the steps of a rehab", and "I tumbled down the bleachers while dancing to cotton eyed joe" story. "I re used needles, almost died and slipped disc's because the hospital wouldn't let me walk the stairs" woe is me.

No. 938845

Indeed. I think the infection from re-used needles and the spinal stenosis (which in turn caused bulging discs) are completely unrelated to one another, but she has more sad stories to add to her roster. She can be even more of the sad, cautionary tale that she wants to be, but she's lacking the redemptive qualities of the ppl she idolizes, like incredible music or art to be remembered by.

No. 938856

I think the spinal stenosis is because she's fat, not the needle. Lel. Imagine being an addict and yet you're still so fat you deal with fat people health issues.

No. 938902

File: 1722019964591.png (1.41 MB, 1079x1538, 1000006437.png)

Revisiting her old threads from when they were actually interesting to read and it's jarring. She's melted over the past few years….I don't think I've ever seen someone look WORSE off heroin compared to when they were in active addiction

No. 938916

She's in active addiction right now. It's clear to see, IMO, from the way her eyes go wall-eyed like that, which is when she's high, probably on a combo of benzos and fent.

No. 938942

why is luna following amberlynn reid's new gf on instagram? is she friends with amber or something? seems so random

No. 938945

She indulges in cow-watching herself here and there

No. 938961

she was a huge abby brown hater back in the day which was always so funny to me. abby’s worst flaws are luna’s best qualities.

No. 938968

She reads lolcow, she even used to comment on Kelly Chompurs on reddit.

No. 939065

Agreed 100%. She's especially quiet right now if it wasn't for the odd whisper here and there in this thread like >>938942 said about her doing a little cow watching herself i would honestly suspect she might be dead. Definitely the least active she's been in a while all around imo (I don't have social media so i don't know if she's posted much but i feel it'd be here if so, so gonna go ahead and assume no)
Relapsing hard post hospital saga.
Wonder how she's gonna look when she finally emerges from this obvious binge.

No. 939169

File: 1722306606605.jpeg (431.17 KB, 750x1078, 1EF0FD4D-6928-43D7-AAC3-0318BA…)

This is her response to a post in the r/nycapartments subreddit…

No. 939170

Bitch doesn't even live in nyc

No. 939172

It's all about Luna in this world! Get used to worshipping queen Luna, everyone. She's super-duper cool, lives in NYC, unlike you (except not) and she's super hardcore, so her tiny apartment is crap, but hey…it's do-able for the queen of grunge. She has absolutely zero perspective or maturity. Less than a child.

No. 939185

TF does she mean no bathroom? There's gotta be a communal one. Or is she shitting on the streets now kek.

No. 939186

She just means it's a shared bathroom. She says it that way to make it sound more dramatic. She's never mentioned that she has a mini fridge and microwave in her room, as seen in a couple of her pics, bc she always has to make things sound as bad as possible.

No. 939190

I did try to google and please forgive my retardation but what is DSS?

No. 939191

Department of Social Services

No. 939198

That's what I seen on Google but I guess I'm confused as to how they help pay (part?) of her rent?

No. 939200

The only thing I can think they could be getting in a situation like theirs is temporary assistance. There are things like one shot deals and emergency assistance but nothing permanent really for rental help.
I’m from her area and helped an autist friend get a subsidized apartment recently. They work though (makes minimum wage but got into a luxury apt through the lottery and pays a reduced rent). It was a lot of paperwork and proving of income and credit. Waiting lists etc. took almost 3 years. If they weren’t so lazy and just got minimum wage jobs, they could be applying for the same lotteries and eventually end up in a nice ass apartment for cheap rent.
The only options available for people with no job were for seniors or the disabled. Maybe lurch was savvy enough to get on SSI disability?

No. 939224

File: 1722408472999.jpg (212.21 KB, 1080x717, Screenshot_2024-07-31-07-36-37…)

Not to shit on this post, but new Yorks welfare focuses a lot of their resources towards at-risk addicts who will be homeless due to their addictions. From what I can tell, you can even temporarily get welfare for being an addict, as long as you comply with rehab/recovery attempts. I don't think Luna obsessively documents her methadone clinic visits for her own amusement. She's jumping through hoops to continue receiving welfare designed for addicts.

It's also why she is housed with other addicts. They don't offer the drug dens to non-addicts (like your autistic friend) because they're scary/dangerous and the only people who accept the placement are literal hobos who have no other option except the streets. It comes under OASAS rather than DSS, but Luna's stupid and probably doesn't know the difference. https://oasas.ny.gov/recovery/connect-permanent-supportive-housing

Luna has given herself brain damage from the drugs so idk if I'm even upset that she can get welfare easily.

No. 939226


>okay but why does she keep displaying that doll arm like that kek

its part of her Courtney Love LARP, "doll parts", etc

No. 939229

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No. 939230

File: 1722433381741.jpeg (860.56 KB, 1179x1300, IMG_6203.jpeg)

Can she not see the stains?

No. 939233

she always thinks her shit is "lost forever" when she puts it down somewhere in her hoard. i wonder how much shit she really has that the second she puts something down it just becomes lost in the abyss.

No. 939236

She only got one like on this selfie… bpd meltdown when?

No. 939237

File: 1722440855917.jpeg (63.97 KB, 750x190, 887BD0FE-FACC-44E5-8675-88D9A5…)

No. 939242

The filth of that shirt makes me gag.

No. 939250

File: 1722450607978.jpg (810.92 KB, 1440x2036, 1000021678.jpg)

She deleted the original because she only got less than 5 likes and of course her narcissism can't have that! She thought this selfie ate so hard and deserved ao much more likes that she had to repost it

No. 939302

File: 1722484154028.jpeg (28.61 KB, 678x452, images - 2024-08-01T004845.340…)

Kek her boobs remind me of breastplate sensei

No. 939358

Absolutely foul. She always looks so musty… I bet she reeks of BO, cigarettes, and Febreeze

No. 939359

No way in hell she shells out for Fabreze. BO, cigarettes and some off brand cucumber melon body spray if anything

No. 939360

No wonder she was pissing and moaning about her pain and going to other doctors to try and get that precious Oxy. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s dabbling back in pills off the street since she’s gotten a taste of the good stuff again.

No. 939363

Iirc she steals fabreeze and lysol wipes. She 100% just wipes her body down with lysol instead of showering. So yeah I'm sure she smells like lysol, terrible BO (since the lysol also kills the good/Normal bacteria off her skin), stale cigarette, rotten tooth breath, sour withdrawal sweat and fabreeze. Putrid. And you know she's nose-blind to it all. She thinks she smells as amazing as she looks. (I forgot about the litterbox smell that clings to her clothes and hair too)

No. 939365

You really think she cleans herself off w/ Lysol wipes? Why wouldn't she use any other kind of wipe she could steal, like makeup or baby wipes? Probably does bathe that way, though, instead of using her gross shared bathtub.
I just googled and found there are cheap, portable attachments that attach to a bath spout and make a shower.
I also can't believe she doesn't wash her clothes. If she insists on avoiding the laundromat, she could put her clothes in a trash bag, set it in the tub, fill bag with water, and wash it in there. Let it air dry in her room and wring out the ends periodically.

No. 939367

> If she insists on avoiding the laundromat, she could put her clothes in a trash bag, set it in the tub, fill bag with water, and wash it in there. Let it air dry in her room and wring out the ends periodically.

Nonnie, honestly that would require more effort that schlepping (or Ubering, because let’s face it she isn’t gonna actually haul her clothes a couple of blocks, not with her poor injured back!) a couple of trash bags full of dirty clothes down to the laundromat and actually CLEANING them. Besides, at this point their clothes are so gross, it’s only the stubborn understains holding them together.

No. 939407

While these aren't the epitome of perky they look quite full, like I know she's put on a shit load of weight, but they don't look at all her usual shape, whilst simultaneously looking bigger than ever, i tinfoil some variant of bra stuffing here, to give the illusion of a more defined tits to waist ratio, unless I'm a retard fooled by the angle. Seems like bra-stuffery though (I suppose at least it looks like she's actually wearing one today!)

No. 939408

She has long saggy sock titties and since she gained tons of weight they're probably more girthy now, and she probably just piled them into a thick push-up bra that she recently discovered in her smelly hoarde pile.
She's gotta be so uncomfortable. She has a shelf of back fat because the bra band is really digging in.

No. 939410

Yeah this is definitely it, also holy shit thank you for pointing that out. Look at the armpit area in >>939229 that bra indent is unreal. Def some push-up bra she either forgot about or recently lifted from a shop (or lifted from a shop, then forgot about until recently kek).

No. 939412

Is that sweat on her tank top under her pit? It can happen to anyone, but if it is happening, you're gonna have to wash your clothes. There are over night antiperspirants that will stop that from happening. She should steal some. Until that day, she shall forever stink.

No. 939437

File: 1722628941126.jpg (1.16 MB, 1079x1702, Screenshot_20240802_150025_Sam…)

The absolute GRIME (and strands of hair) on any area that you zoom in on here. It's disgusting and she's happily showing this shit off

No. 939448

Luna’s life in a single photo: Cheap, tacky, grimy jewelry. On a grimy, chipped, tacky saucer. Sitting atop a nasty, stained, nauseating bedspread. And for her, this is a flex. For this, she dropped out of college and threw away her future. So bleak.

No. 939516

no one wants to see this grimey shit tuna!

No. 939539

That cheap shit looks all tangled up and nasty. And to lose and find so much stuff in a single room just tells me that it’s dirty and full of junk.

No. 939551

Different tastes and all that but you gotta be clinically retarded to think this mismatched plastic shit looks good in your 20s

No. 939585

Almost 30 too! I agree with different tastes but how does this kinderpedo even stay in business with dollar store children’s beads on fishing line? It’s gross and this random pile of plastic beads, hair, dander, dirt and Ali express crap is even grosser.

No. 939588

With correct styling I could see a near 30 year old maybe pulling this off. But never tuna, with her dirty, yellow unstyled mop, "i-did-this-while-nodding-out"makeup, and dirty clothes she yanked from the hoarde and just slopped together.
What's really nasty though is all the yellow/grey/orange/black dirt/bodily fluids/cat pee caked to the beads(how do they even get so fucking gross?)

No. 939606

I mean unless we've seen their store or whatever, there's no telling how much/little they actually sell. Even as someone who's into Sanrio shit, these are all just so ugly and tacky and poorly made. Nothing matches. Ugh.

As for the grime–Luna's running around unwashed and likely sleeping/nodding off in her jewelry. Plastic, especially cheap plastic, is porous. So when she takes it off, it's already sticky with her own sweat, covered in dead skin, and any coat of sealant or anything has long since rubbed off, leading to extra grime accumulating on the beads and charms. So nasty.

No. 939618

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No. 939619

File: 1722860593544.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1179x1873, IMG_6242.jpeg)

No. 939622

The state of that air conditioner grill!! I get the heebie-jeebies imagining what the filter must look like (because you KNOW it’s never been cleaned, let alone changed.) So gross.

No. 939624

File: 1722867023467.jpeg (384.61 KB, 750x1103, 4E792893-7EBA-40C5-B34C-D3F6E0…)

No. 939646

>my mom promised
does she know how absolutely fucking pathetic this sounds? bitch, you’re almost 30! get a fucking job!!!!!

No. 939652

>something came up
Yeah a drug binge

No. 939657

I like how she's coloring her hair because it's "tied to her confidence", but doesn't do anything about her dirty clothes, dirty body and hair, fuzzy teeth, living in a filthy hoarde, unemployment, lack of activity, etc. That's all okay but God forbid her hair is a slightly darker piss yellow than she wants it to be. She's so out of touch with reality it's embarassing.

No. 939660

i can't wait for her to fry her hair because she always applies bleach to the whole thing. chemical cut incoming…

No. 939679

File: 1722943074434.jpeg (484.08 KB, 1284x1280, IMG_9354.jpeg)

Spotted Luna in the wild consoling some junkie about relapsing

No. 939693

What business kek it's a sperg selling their crap on etsy.
Reminder that Luna's jobs in the past were "charity case for a rich autist" and "painting a mural"
She lost the painting one because she was caught going through people's bags and she lost the other one because she kept trying to squeeze her boss for more money.
So what job do you think she could actually hold down, anon? Speed hump?

No. 939695

>squeeze her boss for money
The details are even funnier. She wanted to get paid on her "commute" for a painters party. She nuked that one and it was practically free gibbs, compared to most jobs.

No. 939701

she doesn't have a job because she is lazy and wants to have everything handed to her without lifting a finger, not because she is incapable of working. she has all the free time in the world and she doesn't even maintain a halfway clean living space or take proper care of her cat.

No. 939702

dont forget her "office job" which im pretty sure she was just a volunteer job filing papers for her town. had lurch come shoot her up at it and then was mysteriously let go lol. couldn't be cuz she nodded out in the bathroom or had an extremely sketchy guy around.

No. 939772

don’t make excuses for her. she doesn’t have a job because she’s lazy, simple as.

No. 939774

File: 1723065442377.jpeg (308.04 KB, 1179x779, IMG_6278.jpeg)

No. 939780

ntayrt, but nobody's making excuses for her or defending her kek, they're making fun of her previous "work" and saying if she couldn't hold that easy shit down, how TF could anyone imagine she'd succeed elsewhere? Agree that she's jobless because she's lazy, but even if she weren't, her BPD, creep-o boyfriend, and wonky-eyed turbo-zooted expression would get her instantly fired anyway.

Oh, so that's her work schedule. God, this is bleak. Imagine bragging about your Nick @ Nite-tier TV-viewing on your shit-tier TV that has no cable because you have to follow junkie den rules.

No. 939781

she lives such a sad sad life for a 28 year old. sitting in her dark hoarder room, face slimed up, tv playing roseanne on repeat while she shovels handfuls of junk food into her mouth and spills even more crumbs all over her bed.

No. 939785

Cackling that this is a big event for her. Damn, will this bitch ever get a life? Does she ever go out and have adventures and have fun? Or seriously just sits in her hovel, slaps on skincare and makeup, and rots away all day every day. Nothing else. How?

No. 939791

So glad she's been able to free up her busy schedule to catch her shows. Nothing better than relaxing after a hard day of over eating junk food, stealing makeup products and stinking up a shared home.
Imagine looking at Fran Drescher on a daily basis and not feeling like shit.

No. 939802

I could not sit in and watch this shit repeatedly from 4pm-11pm every single day I'd lose the plot. She really must be high off her tits on benzo's nodding out on fent to even tolerate it. After shoplifting skin care and using it incorrectly. shovelling sugar into herself during the shows between nodding out and complaining that she's fat later. Some of the problem is her accepting this as her reality and just festering into it this way. I don't suppose she'll change any time soon, though. I stopped hoping years ago.

No. 939804

She has a flat screen tv, so, how does that have an antenna? Does she mean, like, it's non-paid cable or…how does it connect?
How is she not embarrassed to post this online that her days consist of watching 8 hrs per day of crappy old reruns of sitcoms?

No. 939813

They make antenna extensions that plug in to modern tvs.

No. 939814

File: 1723123139134.jpeg (538.68 KB, 750x921, E0E71DF8-6205-44CD-BBE0-E1AA85…)

No. 939843

Is that the antenna attachment thing? On the table in the mid-lower right corner?

No. 939849

not sure what the biggest biohazard here is. The dusted up AC unit coughing up old cigarette smoke back into the room, the mold growing plushies covered in gunk and rotting unwashed foundation, the sicklish stolen cat which might host anything from fleas to worms which come from the neglect, or the absolutely putrid old ass tiki statue who's at this point almost decaying away if he wasnt being kept barely alive to fulfill his purpose of replying to porn accounts on twitter

No. 939858

Why doesn't she get a roku and use her phone as a hot spot? Then she can have all the TV she wants to sit and rot to.

No. 939865

I love how he's never not nodding out. Also lol, he's gotten so fat. Those poor plushies though, jesus. WTF did Kuromi ever do to you, Luna?

No. 939871

My favorite is the proximity of the heater to all the flammable crap. Which will start a house fire first, that or lurch nodding off with a lit cigarette?

No. 939879

I love how whenever she displays him to us he's always nodding out, I lol'd IRL at the end of your comment though anon. Kept alive for his purpose of replying to porn accounts on twitter top fucking kek

No. 939881

File: 1723206040180.jpg (37.87 KB, 570x570, Could-You-Be-More-Dope-Card_39…)

Shes using hallmark cards as junkie wall decor kek. On the left

No. 939917

File: 1723230433286.png (2.64 MB, 750x1334, 0AC0EAF8-BF09-4BDC-A686-EF9694…)

No. 939938

excited for fried hair saga. who remembers when her hair was super uneven because she bleached all of it and gave herself a chemical cut. i think it was 2021?

No. 939939

So glad someone else noticed this and had a chortle. Also it appears they don't have sheets under that manky blanket. Nodding out on a crusty mattress, the last thing you see is the big areola…and "could you be more dope."

No. 939943

Kek I tought she was going to have the help of her mother. This is going to look so shitty but because she is a dumb junkie with a lazy eye she's going to think it will look amazing and it's going to be "omg I finally feel like myself again…. So obssesed with my new hair color!!"

No. 939946

Already patchy with orange streaks lol. Im an idiot for thinking she was going to a salon, why exactly did she need her mom to pay for this? The home bleach kit probably cost less than her weekly expense of Amazon Creme Savers.

No. 939951

I never understand why cows insist upon the box bleach, most notable are Shingles and Tuna for the overkill over the years and they always look better with almost any other colour. But go off, girl. Fry that shit.

No. 939957

Can't wait for the blonde hair to magically make her lose all the extra weight, give her a sense of hygiene, fix her teeth, wash her appropriately sized clothes, improve her makeup skills, style her better and fix her wonky eyes. This is gonna be a huge plus on her self confidence and fill a void that Amazon creme savers just can't.

No. 939958

It's 2024 can they really not cobble together some sort of mobile hotspot situation or at least go torrent some media on a shitty tweaker laptop with McDonald's wifi? It's not like they have anything better to do.

No. 939963

as if tuna could afford even a cheaper local salon, kek. she needed mommy to pay for the $4.99 box bleach because she's broke as fuck from all the amazon creme savers and benzos she devours by the fistful. detestable greasy hamplanet

No. 939966

There isn't a single thing in that room that looks like it belongs to lurch.

No. 939969

I was just thinking how there's been no bleach updates yet and she's probably fucked it up again then upon a second viewing of her "bleach is in pic" saw how much she got inside her ear. Sorry if nitpick but my god that turned my stomach, the skin irritation of getting clumps of bleach in your ears, hope she washed that thick slice of bleach out of her ear pronto. Ugh

No. 939972

I'm sure it's ugly and splotchy. It looks yellow and ugly already in the picture she did post, and hair always looks more white while the bleach is processing. It'll be darker and more yellow after that was rinsed out

No. 939976

FYI Putting a baggie over your hair isn’t a good idea when bleaching if you do not know wtf you’re doing. It keeps the heat generated from the chemicals trapped, damages the fuck out of hair and makes the heat distribution uneven compared to proper foil use and layering of the hair. Besides the heat bag making everything develop unevenly, since her hair is processed already that bag is gonna fry off a good portion of her hair. Shes gonna come out looking like the doll from Rugrats with hot roots and a chemical cut lmfao.

No. 939978

This. Bitch needs to stop doing heroin and start injecting Olaplex lmfao.

No. 939984

File: 1723308795208.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1179x1941, IMG_6326.jpeg)

No. 939985

File: 1723308836053.jpeg (733.18 KB, 1179x1683, IMG_6325.jpeg)

No. 939986

Girl open your eyes, that bleach job is mad blotchy

No. 939991

Ew, the shared communal bathtub.

No. 939992

The fucking top right hand corner of the pic you can see how well kept it is. I thought she did this at her mum's but judging by the state of that tub it's the communal one. Grim.

No. 939994

Thought this was an ultrasound while I was scrolling past and nearly had a heart attack kek

No. 939999

>Bitch needs to stop doing heroin and start injecting Olaplex
This made me chuckle

This is probably the best bleach job she's done in years, just going by this image. Who knows what future pictures will reveal. Seriously though, she must have some strong ass hair, because the fact that she still has any on her head after using box bleach (presumably 40 volume) all over so many times is a miracle.

No. 940001

Holy hepatitis! That nasty communal tub that clearly doesn't drain well. Multiple infections waiting to happen

No. 940011

Whyyyy would you post this holy fuck. This is not *~uwu aesthetic bathwater~*, Tuna, this is a grime-covered tub with chunks of your fucking hair in it, what in the shit? How stung out is she right now, jesus.

No. 940013

File: 1723320683096.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1290x1296, IMG_7865.jpeg)

God she’s dirty. Everything she touches immediately turns to filth.

No. 940022

File: 1723322552839.png (207.15 KB, 634x328, Riverofslime01.png)

Later this evening, in the sewers of Mamaroneck…

No. 940032

Kek nona, but for real, out of all the gross shit we've seen from Tuna over the years, I'm still almost speechless at this one. WTF was going through her head posting that lmao

No. 940039

I tried to stay away but you guys have to see these…….

No. 940042

File: 1723333280247.jpg (182.75 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163813.j…)

If I get banned for posting her selfies, I'm never coming back

No. 940043

File: 1723333304766.jpg (206.95 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163817.j…)

No. 940044

File: 1723333340986.jpg (Spoiler Image,175.76 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163806.j…)

No. 940045

File: 1723333380657.jpg (202.36 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163746.j…)

No. 940046

File: 1723333412545.jpg (207.43 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163750.j…)

No. 940047

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No. 940048

File: 1723333488410.jpg (195.56 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163758.j…)

No. 940049

File: 1723333531290.jpg (225.65 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240810-163821.j…)

No. 940051

Is her entire left tit out, wtf?

No. 940053

thank you snapchat anon!!! welcome back!

No. 940057

Okay so her hair looks like straw now and damaged as fuck, but she's still 300lbs so… what was the point? My thing is frying her hair even worse than it's been isn't making her any less morbidly obese

No. 940060

God bless you for bringing the milk, nonnaschenka. This is objectively the worst her body has ever looked, holy fuck.

No. 940061

Oh she is FEELING her self. Holy shit. >>940044
Is the original of this one a video…? Please tell me it’s not…
You are right honestly. I won’t lie I’m surprised it turned out this well. It looks passable at least. All things considered and how many times she’s bleached her hair. it’s not her worst but definitely not great. She will prob end up lifting some olaplex or some purple shampoo if she’s smart.

No. 940082

File: 1723343866782.jpeg (699.28 KB, 2190x1666, IMG_1349.jpeg)

No. 940091

Obviously Tuna plays everything up to get more painkillers, but I do wonder what kind of long-term pain/damage the spine infection is gonna leave her with as she ages.

Still can't get over how fucking pregnant she looks in these news selfies lol.

No. 940096

An accident she has not said one word about until now? lol

No. 940111

What the FUCK is going on around her nose here. What the hell is that on the septum ring?! Please say it's the ball part of it and not a whole ass booger. Her whole top lip is absolutely encrusted idk if it's melted makeup or what but GIRL. Not to mention that sentient stray titty the other anon pointed out.

On this subject I'm surprised she's still considering this doctor despite their obvious bad reviews and obvious negative junkie bias. It makes me wonder if she's actually feeling a bit more serious about making improvements, because surely she's not expecting to bag a new opiate script out of this apparently narcissistic junkie hating doctor? The fact she's still considering it surprises me a bit (no WK) Saying and doing are two different things and Tuna isn't very good at following through with the latter, so. Besides no matter what I'd bet money that down the line, this is all gonna end with Tuna driving around on a rascal on her klepto hauls, bigger than ever before with a ciggy hanging out her mouth.

No. 940114

An accident she can't talk about publicly yet? What the hell? Kek. Did she jump out in front of a taxi hoping for a paycheck and a rod in her leg like lurchy? Can anyone see if she has any open court cases open right now?

No. 940121

if any smart nona can find her google review account, it'll make my year. Why is she using fake names kek. What's up with the cap though?
>timestamp: in 0 seconds
A scheduled post? How did OP see it before it published, tumblr glitchiness?

I think for full body pics, Luna records herself then takes stills from the videos. Back in her tumblr days she'd make bizarro gifs with the footage.

No. 940123

No open cases, but I couldn't find one when Matthew got bit by a pitbull in 2021-ish either. Maybe she's angling for a settlement from somebody before it reaches court.

No. 940151


30 is coming around the bend fast for her, it might be the slap in the face she needs to try harder to get her shit together. Not everyone gets their shit together by 30 on the dot, but if you're not starting to get genuinely serious about not being such a fuck up at her age the odds of success get increasingly slim.

The best thing she could do to help herself stay on track is dump Lurch, shed her attitude, and throw herself at the mercy of therapy - but this takes effort and being honest with one self. Cows seem to lack this ability - usually to a pathological extent.But I do quietly root for the few that make an earnest and high-quality attempt to change.BPD is way more treatable these days.

No. 940152

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No. 940153

I think it’s her arm magically disappearing because of the filter. Anons are impressed by the hair but don’t forget how heavily filtered it all is. The last six inches of her hair are hanging on for dear life.

No. 940158

Her grimace never looks like a genuine smile, it feels like she read the dictionary definition on what a smile is and tries to replicate it but it just comes off creepy. Just opens her maw and shows her teeth

No. 940160

This supposed accident has gotta be when she suddenly reappeared in hospital strapped to a gurney with some caption akin to "could anything else go wrong" or something like that. Then vague posted some fat and heavily filtered pic about how scary that day was later on in the hovel. Quite why she couldn't talk about it publicly though? Doesn't make sense as usual. Like why mention it at all Luna.

No. 940162

I cannot wait for the cracked out confidence selfies.. she is loving herself! Kek

No. 940164

File: 1723377119842.png (1.02 MB, 1000x667, 1600762144790.png)

even through the filter you can tell it's extremely thin and fried. idk if the home bleach job is the cause of Luna's hair loss but its noticeable if you compare her older pics to now. picrel 3 years ago

No. 940166

nerve damage can cause wonky grimace smiles, I've never seen anybody smile like Luna outside of people who've had something traumatic happen to their face.

No. 940170

I don't think Tuna has any nerve damage (as much as she wishes she did, Muh free pill script, muh uwu sooper sanrio sick) also not saying you are insinuating you believe she has. She's just an awkward fucking autist and I haven't ever seen anyone smile that way either. She doesn't smile with her eyes like most people, that's what makes it so weird, it looks very forced like some kind of strange stock footage image about teeth or something. She gives wikihow vibes with it.

No. 940171

i follow her tumblr and just happened to see it when i opened my app usually i cover the timestamps but i forgot

No. 940174

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No. 940175

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No. 940176

youve clearly never met a junkie to her degree.

No. 940177

I think it's actually a fitted sheet, they just don't fix it whenever it starts to curl up (likely because it's stolen and not the correct size for the bed).

No. 940197

How the fuck do you not realize something is in the fridge for a month. Didn't she say it was only a mini fridge as well?

No. 940201

How is EVERYTHING she owns so grimy?

No. 940206

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No. 940207

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No. 940209

>It makes me wonder if she's actually feeling a bit more serious about making improvements
She always LARPs as if she's making improvements every time she dyes her hair. Just wait a couple of months.

No. 940210

they dont cook or anything and only get their many calories in via macdonalds and stolen candy

No. 940211

that angle looks so uncomfortable? I wonder what this pic looks like in her mind

No. 940214

These look like she got them from the garbage

No. 940215

am I the only one who thinks she looks fine here? perhaps it's because she reminds me of a friend in this picture, but I don't think she looks atrocious

No. 940222

gurl stop craning your neck for a fucking selfie

No. 940227

Maybe she rolled out of the van that delivers her to the methadone clinic. She can't talk about it publicly because it sounds more interesting and mysterious that way. We all know she's gotten boring as shit

No. 940228

A van delivers them to the methadone clinic?! She doesn't even walk there? JFC. Sage for methadone blog but here in the UK people are expected to find their own way to their script, although it is done out of the majority of pharmacies not one clinic, i just assumed she'd walk too though I dunno. That has severed the final connection in my mind that she actually habitually walks anywhere.

Tuna on rascal when, I'm convinced.

No. 940230

She looks weirdly old with her hair so blonde here to me

No. 940234

she actually looks like i did when i had bell’s palsy (half of the face gets paralyzed and doesn’t move when you smile), but they dont strap you to a stretcher and rush you into the ER for that since it’s just a virus that heals with antibiotics iirc. i wonder if something else fucked up with her infection or nerve damage like mentioned and she's staying quiet about it for that reason?(blogging)

No. 940235

Au contraire Nona, junkies are more likely to fall over face first and cause longterm damage from not getting it treated properly.

No. 940236

First time in ages where she looks decent, guess 2 months in the hospital and not locked away in a dirty hoarder room with moldy plushies helped tremendously.

No. 940238

How so exactly? Bc those 'results' first didn't show at all, and now, idk a month later or whatever, she takes a bath bc she dyed her hair and now feels pretty bc of that, and you call that the result of being in the hospital?(learn2reply)

No. 940244

Why does she tye her hair up like this, we all throw our hair back in a pony or bun yeah sure that's fine but to tie it in such a way it looks like a balloon animal dick, and then all that damn skrunk at the front and then to take a selfie girl please you've actually got quite a lot of hair, please find a flattering style of messy bun, this leaning tower of peroxide really irks me. And stop that neck craning shit too.

No. 940254

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No. 940255

She's using a claw clip and lays on her back 99.6% of the time so she puts it on top of her head instead of on the back.

No. 940256

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No. 940257

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No. 940258

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No. 940259

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No. 940260

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No. 940262

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No. 940263

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Her hair is like 6 inches different, can she really not see that….or feel it at least?

No. 940264

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The absolute filth and her fat neck eating her necklace

No. 940266

literally the only thing she did was take her eyebrows off… also jfc did she slime her whole body or did she actually shower for once? crazy

No. 940272

Man it sure is exhausting sitting on your fat ass all day doing nothing with no responsibilities

No. 940278

Your caption says “exhausted”, but your eyes say “benzo’d as fuck”.

No. 940279

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No. 940280

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No. 940281

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No. 940294

It really is astounding how little she does. She doesn’t ever have to make her bed because she doesn't wash her sheets, doesn’t have to do or fold laundry for the same reason, doesn’t have to dishes, doesn’t sweep or clean at all… literally she has nothing. I’d be surprised if she even scoops her cats litter.

No. 940297

how can one person post that many (crusty and unfortunate) selfies in 24h
alone for that she gotta be high

No. 940329

She's most definitely high. Her pupils are practically non existent and she can barely hold her eyelids up, trying to pass it off as exhausted fuck off Luna we're not stupid. Still don't know how this bitch finds a vein. She's boring now but continued vascular damage at her size and a life as outstandingly sedentary as hers is such a recipe for disaster. Uwu sooper sanrio sick really is only around the corner at this rate.

The anon who mentioned how she doesn't even have to do housework put it even more into perspective. Toonz a ticking timebomb out here.

No. 940357

Awww,she's so happy with her hair and posting hundreds of selfies in all kinds of poses. It's nice to see. Would love to get to see the back of her scalp considering she did this herself (I'm pretty sure). Speaking of: a cosmetology school saga would be very fitting since she is basically Luanne from KOTH and that's generally a popular junkie aspiration. Too bad Luna doesn't have any aspirations.

No. 940361

>she is basically Luanne from KOTH
lies. luanne worked, attended community college and then cosmetology school, got her own place and severed contact with her substance abusing mother. i'm not aware of beauty school being a popular life goal for drug addicts but i can't imagine many women being alright with someone in luna's condition touching their hair.

No. 940369

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No. 940372

File: 1723568179503.jpeg (130.56 KB, 545x500, 3F4EE64A-0129-4A14-9181-5E3E1D…)

why does her tongue always peak out when she smiles? is it because she’s retarded or because she’s fat?

No. 940373

This. Plus Luanne was an attractive and sweet person and not a lumbering, greedy, unlikable ham planet.
Jfc you can almost hear the mouth breathing through the damn screen.

No. 940374

Are we really supposed to believe that this woman who's so inept at drawing eyebrows on and never wears false lashes, suddenly is looking like a celebrity, with a face that changes form many times daily, perfectly symmetrically drawn eyebrows, and impeccable professionally applied long lash extensions? Riiiight. Why post photos of someone who, bc of heavy filtering, is not even you anymore? Oh, I guess bc she maker her Cremesaver money off selling ass pics of the Grimace's ass. That pic of her holding her hand in front of her ass recently, looked like an evidence photo, to prove that her ass is fucking enormous. 'See? My ass is 50 times the size of my hand. Now pwease send monies!'

No. 940375

People who have bad teeth often train themselves to pretend that they naturally stick their tongue out when smiling, in such a way that conveniently happens to hide their bad spot–like, say a devitalized tooth, for our dear Luna. I'm sure that's why she's doing that.

No. 940377

File: 1723568618338.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1179x2145, IMG_6365.jpeg)

No words…

No. 940378

The tank top crust is next level.

No. 940380

I like how she uses her hair to cover those linebacker shoulders

No. 940381

those eyebrows do not suit her face to me sadly

No. 940384

Like a ~glowing angel~ of hair bleach and crusting vomit.

No. 940386

Are you the same autist that compared spooky Heather to Peggy Hill?

No. 940390

Is she using a filter or does she edit these photos afterwards? I can't imagine she goes to the trouble. The image quality is so low quality around her face. Is it just because of the lighting? It's so disgusting how you can see stretched out drool between her overdrawn lips.

No. 940397

Why is one boob pulling away from the other lol. Also what the fuck is the pink thing on her right boob that's hanging over the neckline of her shirt? Is that a giant skin tag?

No. 940400

why do her lips always look nasty. she puts on way too much lipgloss. it just completes the grimy look

No. 940402

Her hair here looks like a cosplay wig I had that I put over a chair after a con because I didn't have a stand and it tell and my cat played with it and because I was out for the weekend I found it e days later under my bed

She uses many filters simultaneously

No. 940404

Classic fat girl tactic, covering your body with long hair. Amberlynn Reid does it all the time

No. 940409

Man, this filter… Gives her the illusion of a chin but we can see where it begins to falter just past it. Like all her face fat is just condensed to that one rightmost section of her face. But at first glance you can easily ignore or miss it. Better than the first one she posted though, >>940369 is just truly awful

No. 940418

I thought that's a lace top…oh god

No. 940427

Because she hates her natural small lips and tries to make them look fuller. She also tried to edit them with filters to look fuller.

No. 940446

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No. 940457

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No. 940458

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No. 940459

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No. 940460

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No. 940461

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No. 940462

Her breasts look like two pancakes attached to her neck that are sitting on top of a countertop

No. 940463


How much could she really be making off of nudes for her to be making so many "ads"

Is her Snap full of men that love to see women humiliate themselves?

No. 940465

Poetic and hilarious

No. 940470

Yay! Get ready people from New Rochester for all kinds of germs and grime that will be on the streets now.

No make-up yet thousands of filters. I'd kill for a true candid of her tbh

Fakeboi makes a comeback, doenst she get tired of all this fake sympathy?

No. 940471

Sage for blog but these keychains remind me exactly of my boyfriends old worn ones on his van keys from when he worked on filthy chicken farms driving muddy booted lads around 5 days a week to catch chickens. How did her things end up looking exactly like she drives around the country doing the same fucking thing. Insane.(blogging)

No. 940484

she just looks so white trash no matter what. i know she’s trying to go for ~~sexy baby damp vixen~~ but it just looks like she belongs in a trailer. the pounds of moisturizer on her face doesn’t help, it just looks sweaty.
imagine walking down the street and, through your noise canceling headphones, you hear CLINKCLINKCLINK. you smell something foul. you look behind you and this monstrosity with 800 scum stained key chains on a matted, greasy purse is stomping up to you. truly horrific.
i wonder if she and lurch are infamous in their area. i know one nona had a crypid sighting but i would love to hear what some of their neighbors have to say. they are such a strange pairing im sure its a sight to see in real life.

No. 940502

The way her hair manages to be both dry and greasy at the same time is almost impressive.

No. 940503

it bothers me how her actual eyebrows are so clearly underneath the drawn ones.

No. 940512

File: 1723747197914.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1179x2078, IMG_6384.jpeg)

No. 940520

I guess that's the closest we'll have to an unfiltered pic. We can see her freckles and general crustiness of her skin. Lurch also has that deflated moon texture skin old people get in their late 60's. Too much smoking will do it to ya
Tbh I don't get why she even bothers with sunscreen when she's a chainsmoker kek she's going to look like Lurch in less than a decade from now

No. 940522

She doesn't seem as enthusiastic as she once did while posting about the longevity of their relationship. Perhaps she's accepted there's not gonna be a marriage after all at this point

No. 940524

It's giving "snorted the highlighter"

No. 940527

Wow - I guess I’ve just gotten so accustomed to seeing her filtered-to-hell selfies, this image jarred me!

No. 940534

On the topic of her crusty keychain, why doesn't she make her own kinderkrap kuromi trinkets. She'd have something to do and crafting is therapeutic. Her dad would probably pay for the "materials" (lol) happy she's doing something other than drugs.

No. 940538

That's a really good idea. It can be so re-invigorating to have something new going on in one's life when trying to move beyond addiction, even just a lil bit trying to move beyond it. She seems to have a large cadre of young women who follow her online, w/ disposable incomes aplenty, who admire her aesthetic for some reason. She could make a lil $, and indulge her interests in being admired, and style, and being childish. Come on, Luna, try it, seriously! Could help more than you even anticipate while thinking about it.

No. 940553

Don't be silly. She can barely roll balls of wax to sell as "ear plugs". Tuna is lazy as fuck and can't do anything besides lay around and wait for her TV shows to come on.

No. 940558

Imagine wasting a decade of your youth on a knockoff junji ito drawing. bleaque.

No. 940560

Nona this is such a good idea for anyone that isn't overcome in laziness, nodding out with Married with Children dimly lighting up her grime cave of a bedroom. You'd think she could be useful with crafts since she likes to draw but there's no way she could sit at any position for a period of time while she fiddles trinkets around with amazon claws stacked on her sausage fingers.

No. 940575

it's so retarded when people in this thread come up with things for luna to do when she has made it abundantly clear by her own admission that she doesn't want to do anything beyond the same few activities. she lives the way she does because she actively chooses to and inventing "why doesn't she" scenarios is pointless because she has zero interest it anything you could possibly come up unless it involves handing her whatever she wants for free with no strings attached and no effort on her part.

No. 940576

shes a tub of lard junkie who only cares about getting high and showing off her pancake tits to the internet because lurch doesnt want any of that.

No. 940621

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No. 940645

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Did tuna ever come out and say that this is what she was in the hospital with, or she just kept saying "infection"? Lmaoo

No. 940648

I’ve been tinfoiling this from the start of her “spine” infection, and I know at least one other nonnie has been too. With her hating the bathroom at the boarding house I could see one of these cysts getting out of control infected. But I do suspect that possibly because of the opiates at the hospital or maybe earlier she is also not sober (from h/fent)

No. 940657

Instead of paying for nudes, someone should pay her to wash her nasty clothes.

No. 940660

That's not the kind of infection that happens from IV drug use. She most likely had an infection that didn't have any kind of skin opening. It could've been osteomyelitis, which is bone infection. The fact that she didn't have surgery to remove dead tissue tells me it maybe wasn't that severe. It hadn't progressed that far, luckily for her. There would be no external lesion to get infected by her surroundings, tho.

No. 940699

I still refuse to believe it wasn't a kidney infection

No. 940700

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It would make sense she had this cyst thing and it got infected and started spreading. It's embarassing (caused by hair and skin buildup, usually in overweight people who sit for long periods of time). It can be chronic (didn't she say it she was going to have "chronic pain"?). They likely would have drained it and put her on antibiotics. When she was sent home l, we seen they sent her home with gauze pads (for where they had to drain it). A kidney infection isn't embarassing and she would have just said that. I think she had this nasty cyst and it abcessed.

No. 940704

She was recently caught in the wild, basically, on Reddit telling someone that 'using dirty needles almost killed me.' That suggest she had an internal infection, like osteomyelitis, which is pretty common for IV drug users, from injecting a bacteria which infects bones. That would also hint why she was saying it was her spine, in particular. That's bone. In recent pics, there's no sign of an external lesion, either, which lines up with osteomyelitis.
Maybe we'll never know for sure, but IV drugs open you up to all kinds of new, serious health problems. I'd bet that they played into her recent hospitalization, rather than just a random occurrence–another reason osteomyelitis is more likely, IMO.

No. 940709

It most definitely was this. If I recall correctly she thought that comment was safe from the public too.

Getting tired of butt cyst tinfoil. I know it's more than one nonnie but pls.
"I used a blunt, dirty old needle I found in my hovel and dumped bacteria into my bloodstream causing a rampant infection because all I care about in this world is getting high" is equally embarrassing to admit to "greasy hamplanet butt cyst"
It was funny at first but now it's about as interesting as the cow it's about, please stop

No. 940710

agreed. the ass cyst theory was funny but it's more likely bone or blood borne illness. my personal tinfoil was Hep C at first but apparently loss of appitite is a symptom which our beloved hamplanet clearly isn't suffering from (see: fistfuls of creme savers). i hope she overshares and tells us what it is soon, megfagging makes the tuna threads so rowdy kek

No. 940716

This. I know there's no milk right now but ass-cyst fanfic nona needs to sit down.

"Want to see more?" See more what? Cat hair, grime-covered kindercrud accessories, and da big areola? Pass.

I don't know what grosses me out more: Her, or the fact that men will fuck/coom to anything, even someone this repulsive.

No. 940744

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It’s funny seeing Lurch respond this in response to immigrants
>stealing and ogling at teenagers
Says the man who groomed his current girlfriend and shot her up with dope.

No. 940749

>Yeah, they come here and steal the stuff I was supposed to steal, and ogle the teenagers I'M trying to groom, the degenerates! I was here first!!1

No. 940750

Kek what a joke of a "man". A child groomer AND a thief along with Tuna.
I don't remember him showing any Biden support. Wasn't he always right wing for the most part? I swear I remember him dick munching Trump and thinking it's weird for such a low life who lives on handouts to be a right winger. Everything he says just reads as a skit. There's no way he holds enough sentience between nodding off to have any political view

No. 940756

This is a person who has so little respect for himself, that he can't even stand his own kind. He thinks ppl like himself are such losers, that he pretends he's not himself. Even to those close to him in his life, he tells lies to about his past & future circumstances, just to boost his image. He doesn't realize how transparent he becomes eventually, when all the little threads of his stories start to unravel, even to ppl who respected him as a friend. And there he'll lie for eternity, unraveling in a pile of his own lies unweaving themselves, shouting louder about all the good things ahead for him, till his voice is just a little mosquito whine, then no longer in earshot at all. As it should be.

No. 940782

>handle business
kek in videos luna has posted over the years lurch is only seen running his mouth when he isn't in any danger of being physically retaliated against, like the female social worker who caught them squatting. i imagine his tough talk disappears when there's a real threat of his fellow moids kicking his shit in.

No. 940805

Slow down there, Chief Crack Eagle. Kek

No. 940820

I remember when he was hiding behind a cop in the doorway of one of their hovels yelling at a guy in the hallway, on the floor, and telling him to "die, diiieee", iirc. It was pathetic and sad. He's a fucking wimp.

No. 940825

and the time he (and Luna?) were yelling at that crackhead through their window and then the guy busted it kek.

No. 940847

Lmaooooooo in his neck of the woods the immigrants are mostly working people and families, (Mamaroneck anon here). Maybe in the city they’re troublesome but I don’t think he goes to the city as much as he used to but idk. The worst thing about the immigrants is they take forever to pay fare at the subway station cause they use cash. 90% are harmless.

No. 940868

Not trying to argue about personal views on immigration, but you need to remember that Lurch and Luna are the lowest of the low. They live in social housing, have no job and their only daily responsibility is showing up at the methadone clinic. It makes sense to me that the immigrants they'd come in contact with are also scum.

No. 940872

Good point. I think the tons of Hispanic immigrants they regularly mingle w/ in the Bronx bring up a lot of emotions for them. Luna & Lurch are in some of that same hard-scrabble luck w/ that group, trying to carve out an existence that sustains them, even if just barely. But, these two dum-dums think the Hispanic ppl don't deserve to be on the same playing field as them bc they're 'born & bred 'Muricans'' or whatever. Who cares, right? But to these two who have absolutely nothing to be proud of, they're grasping at straws. And damn it, they deserve the attention of the gov't and gibs, not these ppl born elsewhere! The Hispanic population in the Bx, from firsthand experience, can be pretty damn wild, and then some who are just all about family and working.

No. 940893

I feel like it's telling they've never befriended a single neighborhood person anywhere they've lived, ever. I hear NY is "unfriendly" but in my experience, especially when living in poverty, the non-crackheads of the neighborhood bump into each other and bond. Like you'll have 8 crazy assholes nearby but then a really nice older guy who's always on his porch keeping watch, a young mom your age down the street who's trying her best and will help you out if you need a ride somewhere, a Mexican family that offers you leftovers after you knocked on their door to hand them a misdelivered package, that kinda shit.

The fact that even their fellow crazies want nothing to do with them literally ever is so telling. Most addicts have one or two friends they use with once in a while. Addiction is an isolating disease, but Lurch and Luna are so repulsive and think they're so amazing, literally no one wants to be around them. Not normal poor folk, not crazy poor folk, not fellow junkies, no one. It's so interesting to me.

No. 940894

she had one "friend" in the boarding house but she talked shit about him for months until he suddenly died and then he was her favorite person ever

No. 940895

Ooooh, I forgot about that. But yeah, aside from BPD obsession/leeching, she literally sees no value in others. What a lonely life, just her and her inanimate boyfriend and rotting sanrio merch and shoddy antenna TV. Bleaque.

No. 940918

she said lil peep was garbage but after he died she started posting about him because his overdose fit her aesthetic. she was obsessed with talking about her ex for a while after she passed away and named a plant after her. she stole from roger, took over his home and turned it into a drug den, and wouldn't even share food with him when he was alive but after he died she milked his death for all that she could. luna doesn't give a shit about people but fixates on them after they die because then she can make their deaths about herself.

No. 940945

i wonder if shes started that PT yet or seen the scary mean "pain management" doctor… i'm sure she will make posts complaining about it when she does

No. 940976

3 days late but this was an underrated musing

this too

No. 940981

I'm actually genuinely wondering if her threads are finally gonna die off. Hear me out before you come at me - I feel like she's gotten to that point where she's comfortable where she is in her addiction, just living on repeat in a zombie state, not really wanting and definitely not trying for change. The methadone clinic are providing her ample methadone to stave off of withdrawal symptoms so she's not gonna do anything wild for dope money any time soon. She doesn't need to. When she does have cash she appears to sometimes use on top of the script, if her wall eyed gaze is anything to go by, while those aforementioned shows she watches i forget the names of dimly light her room in the background and she crams in more creme savers between nodding out.I think she's kinda content in this loop tbh. She doesn't need to ever worry about dope sickness and can still get high, shoplifting to spice it up a little, and posting her tube titties every so often for some cash to repeat this cycle. She will always be a cow, because this is still ridiculous behaviour but will there be milk? You tell me farmers. Addicts can get stuck in these cycles for a very long time, sometimes decades. I hope you anons can see what I'm trying to (and possibly failing to) articulate here (sorry if so nonnitas)

TL;Dr RIP Milk

No. 940988

File: 1724337238656.jpg (598.31 KB, 1080x1739, Screenshot_20240822_092453_Sam…)

Not milky but spotted her in the wild

No. 940992

very accurate. i can see this being the last thread on her. kf will probably keep posting though
just confirms what we all knew

No. 940993

I understand & to a large extent agree w/ your prediction, but I think her personality will continue to….ahem…"shine." She'll still post too much & embarrassingly, online, and still have internal dramas of sorts in between the boring lines of her daily life, and that's enough for me. And probably for this forum. I don't think this thread will end unless she stops over-sharing online, and I don't see that happening anytime very soon. Once she reaches late 30's, I could see her outgrowing that, simply bc she doesn't feel she's so hot she has to share it online, but that's another 10 years.

No. 941018

File: 1724406145202.jpeg (313.67 KB, 1179x1705, IMG_6561.jpeg)

Things that never happened

No. 941019

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No. 941024

We are reaching Luna endgame. She will be like Lori, newest thread was created one year ago and updates are few. Newest milk will only be when her parents die or if Lurch gets arrested or if she goes to the hospital again. But rotting with methadone in a a section 8 hovel while watching Fraiser will be the rest of her life.

No. 941031

b l e a q u e

No. 941056

This is actually very common, dont let your hatred blind you from a normal reaction.

No. 941057

What is normal? Girls giving compliments? Not liking random guys' compliments? Or not believing that Luna was randomly complimented by a woman who she herself was about to compliment?

No. 941141

I guess PT and pain management wasn't aesthetically pleasing enough to share….

No. 941142

File: 1724523496653.jpg (131.45 KB, 1080x555, Screenshot_20240824_111735_Red…)

(sage your shit)

No. 941147

Nta but I'm assuming she meant getting compliments about piercings.

No. 941158

Hm, interesting. Yeah, looking back, I think they meant it's normal to get compliments on piercings from other women & likely that this did, in fact, happen. I suppose, but to me that sounds like the behavior of teenage girls, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over rebellious facial piercings. Like,'did it hurt??' Come on… But I don't think Luna moved beyond her teenage mindset, ever.

No. 941210

File: 1724549470754.jpg (Spoiler Image,475.15 KB, 1080x1979, Screenshot_20240824_182934_Red…)

So posting her reddit comments is not milk now?

No. 941260

File: 1724611811238.jpg (56.8 KB, 1080x1102, IMG_20240825_154336_613.jpg)

Guys I think I may have found a Tuna throwaway account? One where she openly posts about her drug abuse because she thinks nobody is reading? Like, avatar matches, username has a pattern, her post history is all about heroin, methadone, rock bands like hole, switch games, shoplifting and TV shows like sex and the City and fraiser. Typing pattern matches. She also in some comments has mentioned having a partner for 10 years and sometimes she calls him husband, and other times boyfriend, like Tuna. She also mentioned getting drugs on the bronx, where Lurch gets his.

Either Tuna in disguise or a Tuna bff. Check it out for yourselves, comment history really screams Tuna for me.


No. 941262

82 is also the fake year lurch uses for his age and his twitter account

No. 941263

File: 1724612376660.png (Spoiler Image,3.15 MB, 2400x1930, tuna.png)

sorry for the shitty huge collage, but just so you can get my point. there's no way this ISN'T Tuna, right?? a lot of things matches

No. 941264

yep its her. copping in the bronx (8 days ago kek), those whale under eye patches she uses, la roche posay, those too faced glosses she showed off. how did you find this anon? you have a very good eye.

No. 941265

I got lucky! Reddit showed me a random post from the orange is the black subreddit (because I clicked on the subreddit once) I decided to click on it and saw a comment about heroin and noticed the blue eyes blonde avatar and was like "could it be?"

No. 941268

File: 1724613420390.jpeg (431.89 KB, 1205x2490, IMG_1450.jpeg)

i knew this bitch wasnt clean lmfao she hasnt even been tested at her clinic for months

No. 941277

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can anyone find the arrest records?

No. 941310

File: 1724619705180.png (1.53 MB, 2732x2048, lunadisgusting.png)

sorry for shit collage but zoom in to read. the most interesting comments i read thru the entire page. once lurch didn't shit for two months kek. claims she OD'd nine times which we had documented before and then more recently claims 6 times (which is it luna?). wonder if shes OD'd this year too. started out just sniffing fent again but i wonder if more recently she's started shooting up again. reddit is really telling. she's disgusting.

No. 941311

samefag but she admits to doing prostitution and said lurch did it too even long before she met him?

No. 941312

I think so. She admits that lurch has sucked dicks for dope lol

No. 941313

Merry milkmas, everyone. Those comments are the best we've gotten in a while. I love that she busted all her veins and is now snorting fent kek

No. 941314

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No. 941315

hopefully this is the wakeup call for all the delusional anons who come in here feeling sorry for this grotty loser, hoping she "turns her life around" just because they like her rinky dink art and aesthetics. if she's doing fent there's literally no turning back now for her, not that there ever was going to be a second chance anyway but this is just gross. i can smell the stench of addiction through my screen. she is right where she belongs with lurch…she does not want better for herself and i am just counting down the days when the narcan doesn't work in time. this is the hell she wants to live in so it is what it is.

No. 941316

File: 1724623655959.webp (9.05 KB, 108x128, 1083548455953244291.webp)

I know junkies are animals but what kinda degen would let lurch suck their cock I’m speechless

No. 941320

Anyone who's doing 'heroin' right now is doing fent. There's not heroin available at all on the streets of major US cities and hasn't been for about 10 yrs.

No. 941328

Oh my god all this time we've been commenting on how lurch resembles a bloated corpse but really he's just full of shit.

No. 941356

Can someone pls explain to me how in the hell someone with a known drug problem is able to get adderall? Here in Canada you can’t get it without a proper adhd diagnosis..also 30mg 4x a day is INSANE. I don’t believe for a second any doctor would prescribe that

No. 941370

Fuckin' CALLED IT I'm one of the anons who was fucking adamant she was still using, and it wasn't "just benzo's" giving that tell tale, definitely shot up wall eye. I've been insisting it for ages. Can't believe this bitch is still posting pictures of dope on the internet. Get a grip

Also bravo to you anon. Nice find!

No. 941375

File: 1724644388208.jpg (437.2 KB, 1079x903, Screenshot_20240825_154740_Sam…)

Found this little gem. In the comments she says how she snorts it off this book cover.

No. 941377

I kept on wondering how in the hell this ham was finding a vein I assumed she was shooting it into her femoral in her groin, I was throwing DVT tinfoil, but she's snorting it. Isn't that the least effective way to do it? I'm kinda surprised she's not running it on tinfoil but whatever I suppose. It doesn't matter anyway she shouldn't be posting it online. I remember her always going on about harm reduction then she post literal images. Yes Luna that will help people. This cunt

No. 941381

It’s be funny if it was actually her fault from bleaching her hair in the tub and a bunch of hair broke off and clogged it.

No. 941404

I can't believe she was trying to make this bathtub look sanrio uwu aesthetic here >>939984

No. 941435

>my husband shoots up in his hands
that would explain lurch's puffy lobster claws.

No. 941436

I really hope someone reading this is able to find her records. I am not american so I have no idea where to even begin to look kek

No. 941444

sorry for asking to be spooned but does this mean she's snorting fentanyl? doesn't fentanyl kill you?

No. 941445

*spoonfed lol

No. 941447

she's been doing fentanyl for like 8-10 years now there hasn't been heroin on the east coast (and maybe the whole country i dont do drugs and im an east coaster) in years

No. 941448

Yes, she is and yes it does kek she's playing with her luck
She is snorting it because she busted all her veins
Also I LOVE how in her main account she's all I'm sober uwu while in this one she is openly a junkie like she was 10 ish years ago. Why even have the side account then? To play a show for us?

No. 941449

She's ALWAYS been like this. She has her public "for show" account and her hidden account. Back in the beginning during her uwu starving artist phase/hidden junkie account, the look at what my friend got me/hidden stealing account. Now we have uwu sober/hidden fent addict.

No. 941457

Yes, but it's not like fentanyl's main purpose is to kill you. It kills a lot of people because gets you high and is easy to overdose on. Tuna could use it long-term and not die, as long as she doesn't OD. Wonder if she'll nuke the account, as her sober qween act has just been fully and officially debunked

No. 941458

What a revelation this account has been. Really just destroyed any shred of hope i had for her. Which wasn't a whole lot. I wasn't one who thought she'd turn her life around but figured she was at least clean from fent/heroin. Just proving again how untrustworthy her word is and how she probably will never change. It's too late and she has no will to even try.

No. 941480

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No. 941481

>>941404 I know kek, I pointed it out at the time, it's SO gross. You can legit see a chunk of her hair floating in it. Which makes me wonder if she puts her nasty body in that nasty tub instead of showering. She rarely speaks of showering even when she does bathe like at her dad's house, it's always baths. If she doesn't already have hepatitis, bathing in that communal petri dish is a great way to get it.

Arrested for shoplifting "barely anything" lmfao, she really doesn't get that they keep track and bust you once you hit felony theft, does she? Also topkek at her wanting to get on Ozempic/Wegovy. Medicaid will pay for it in some cases so if she starts actually losing weight and cosplaying uwu anorexia, we'll know what really happened lol.

Curious though, where the fuck are they living? At first I thought halfway house because she's on methadone, is cosplaying as a recovered junkie, and it seems like they have house rules (no cable TV, etc.) and don't pay rent, but I don't know of a single halfway house that doesn't do random drug screens and toss out folks who fail them (usually after the third failed test) or break the rules, because there are plenty of other people who need those beds and are serious about getting and staying clean. I'm in the US, but I've never seen what is effectively a halfway house with no rules on sobriety, no end goal/move-out date, and no problem with cohabitating junkie couples. So where/what the fuck kind of institution is she living in? Maybe it's just a grody-ass boarding house that Ebil Dad is paying for? Might explain the bizarre "no you can't install cable television but yes you can snort fent and no you don't need a job" policy. IDK, nonnitas. Thoughts?

No. 941483

File: 1724699045545.png (131.13 KB, 1554x680, Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 2.54.…)

lmao, even the /r/heroin mods don't wanna see her pathetic fent hauls, photo got removed because it's not heroin. (saged because the post was shown in >>941263 before it was taken down.)

I'm fuckin dying at "i was born on methadone and i turned out fine." Girl, no you didn't.

Could be lying or they let her go, that post is 5 months old but in an 11-day-old post from >>941263 she says they just asked her to leave.

No. 941484

UK anon here so hard to have significant input but she's said it's a boarding house before, in this country we used to have them, they housed junkies here too and they looked very much like where shes at. To my knowledge they still exist in the USA and in particular in/around large cities. It can't possibly be some kind of get sober halfway house, you can tell by the state of everything there's no staff there, plus no way have Luna and Lurch ever even been in a sober enough position to get someone to accept them into any kind of help to begin with regarding 'muh sober journey" housing. No, grotty boarding house for sure.

NOW, as to just who/how it's being paid for is anyone's guess. Where they get their money for accommodation has always confused me a little because every penny they get seems to go on dope and takeout.

It always sends me how she has the audacity to complain about things like the amount of cable shows not being enough, or anything for that matter. Bitch you literally do two things with your life, steal and shoot fent. You are owed nothing

No. 941487

>don't pay rent
I think she did say they are charged rent though. Maybe her dad, or Lurch's lawsuit payout pays for it. But there does seem to technically be a rental cost in place

No. 941488

that was at a CVS though. she says she got arrested at a sephora.

No. 941490

File: 1724701842294.jpeg (204.49 KB, 828x380, IMG_1637.jpeg)

She says she pays a little under $600 about a month ago, I’m just wondering where the money comes from. Also didn’t she say the landlord is raising it to $900 somewhere

No. 941492

I feel like maybe she wasn't ACTUALLY arrested. Sometimes they'll just cuff you and put you in the back of the car/make you sit in a security room, and then just release you. Maybe a ticket, maybe just being banned from the store.

No. 941495

For first petty larceny offense, I doubt she would do any time. Just have to pay some court fees and unsupervised probation. Now the second one is when they start getting serious and you’d probably see like 15 days, I guess depending on where you are.

No. 941498

Not just his hands, his PALM. The back of the hands are a common place for junkies to attack first along with the forearms but the palm itself, that's next level desperation shit. It's akin to shooting into a vein in the sole of the foot, makes me shudder just picturing it. Think of how sensitive your palms are to touch, all those nerve endings. If Lurch is willing to shoot into a palm, he's the type that will shoot into his dick, his forehead, anywhere with even the slightest hint of a vein. Ugh, I can't.
And you're absolutely right it will be responsible for his bloated claw hands, his circulation must be in tatters.

In one comment, Luna mentions how he missed a shot In a finger and it's still 'fucked' there's no limit for this statue. I don't think he's the type to give in and start to sniff like her, not by the sound of it

No. 941501

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No. 941502

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No. 941503

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No. 941504

Looks like she schlurped down some saucy chicken wings before heading to her medical appointment in a bra that looks like a nursing bra, cute. I'm surprised she can be as fat and big as she is, complaining about her weight, and still feel comfortable wearing a tight bra in public like that.

No. 941505

random but does luna actually think lurch is younger than he is? he uses the fake year of 1982 and she used it on her new profile. she also in an old poem said he's 14 years older than her. but obviously as we know he was born in 1979 and is 17 years older. does she not realize or does she just go along with his lie to make their relationship seem less creepy? she even once posted a picture of his hospital bracelet showing the year 1979 (sorry been rereading her old threads for funsies).

No. 941509

Yes, she does. Indeed….

No. 941520

she literally says in this post "with DSS": she's getting section 8.

No. 941521

this is why you NEVER trust junkies, they always fucking lie. their brains have been completely overwritten by hard drugs. junkies cant even trust each other for this reason, look at the relationship between tuna and lurch

No. 941528


Bless you anon!

Another way this leans into being Luna's is the Michelle from Full House hate.

One of the most random Lunaisms

No. 941529

i had to include it because i've been reading thru old threads and its so funny that she hates michelle so much

No. 941532

File: 1724725293816.jpeg (1.73 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_1658.jpeg)

Wanted to confirm it was her and confirmed it via her Pokémon selfies, her tumblr post and “secret” Reddit account

No. 941535

I was the anon who thought her milk had dried up, although I'm one of the ones who absolutely never for a moment believed she'd quit dope/fent/heroin, I confess i did believe she'd grown wise to the potential consequences of over sharing online, and had stopped doing it. So in a way I believed she'd changed much like the anons who thought she had stopped street drugs.

Nope, we're all naive idiots. She's gonna die like this.

No. 941536

File: 1724739933070.jpg (87.68 KB, 1957x252, xyz.jpg)

Yes, plus this in which she discusses the boarding house which is almost identical to what she has shared before >>>/pt/936894

No. 941539

Bitch changes it all the time. Sometimes she's paying just shy of 600 and it's doable, then other comments like here, she's paying a grand, and is broke afterwards.

Which is it Luna?

No. 941540

The lazy eye comment has me cackling

No. 941542

So she was on oxycodone while in the hospital, I’m not au fait with the health care system in America but in my country if you’re a junkie there’s no way they’re giving you oxy or anything like it. Though I’m assuming it might be why they kept her in for so long, if for whatever reason she simply had to have oxy they’d be administering it under supervision, along with the antibiotics because there’s no way she’d take either as directed

No. 941546

Neither, it's all paid for via the state and all she does is reapply. She only ever sees bills when she forgets to. Her and Lurch both are system grifters.

No. 941547

The rent raise was probably a lie to ebeg, but thanks for the answers, nonnas!

I missed the Sephora bit but it's odd we can't find her mugshot/arrest records. Def agree she's in a boarding house and Daddy Dearest and/or DSS pay the rent since neither her nor Lurch work (aside from sex work, topkek @ Lurch sucking cock for money, he truly deserves it).

imagine wearing a silver necklace so grimy it appears black wtf. Truly pity the PTs who are working with her, god knows she smells.

Right? I'd buy "it's $600 and Section 8 pays for most of it." But she ain't paying $1k for a single run-down room that isn't even in NYC. Basically what >>941546 said.

No. 941549

File: 1724764452559.jpeg (50.15 KB, 783x464, AE8A9484-28DD-4738-9ECF-F3C68A…)

>i was born on methadone and i turned out fine

No. 941560

File: 1724775264151.jpg (138.98 KB, 1022x1280, IMG_20240827_131347_321.jpg)

Kek gotta love when call her out on her bullshit

No. 941561

File: 1724777493623.jpeg (146 KB, 828x680, IMG_4544.jpeg)

Damn, she really is such a fucking bitch. The post is deleted so not 100% what it said, but from the other comments it seems like this was a super morbidly obese person who’s essentially housebound asking for help and support. Most people posted words of encouragement or made suggestions about how OP could start helping themselves. Then there’s Tuna chiming in with this.

No. 941563

>i'd rather be that than you
she's well on her way to being both

No. 941566

She complains if her medical team doesn't give her oxy, they're judging her which is why they're withholding oxy, but if they give her oxy, they're dumb and ignoring her addict background. Which is it?

No. 941567

File: 1724778674748.jpg (152.21 KB, 1080x565, Screenshot_20240827_130444.jpg)

>20h ago
sober kween

No. 941569

She had the gall to post this reply at the size she is? What kind of fent is she snorting to forget that she grew to the size of a small car in 3 years? This retarded bitch is going to be twice the size of that morbidly obese poster in another six months.
Poor Tuna, the eternal victim of medical negligence in every situation.

No. 941591

It's funny everyone just went to lurch sucking dick for money, because when I read that he prostitutes, my mind immediatley just went to he took it in the ass for money. He honestly seems like a sissy (or closet gay) and could probably get more money that way which is all he cares about.

No. 941592

i thought up the ass too kek

No. 941594


I fucking hate this cunt; like her obese ass has any room to talk! She doesn’t even have the excuse of being bed bound for doing absolutely fuck all with her life besides lying around out of her mind on whatever drugs she can get her greedy hands on. Luna is my most hated cow.

No. 941606

With a face like his, I think doggy style is the likeliest. Wonder who was on the other end

No. 941608

probably some disgusting homeless. with the recent revelations of luna doing prostitution i definitely think that the "rape" was a john gone wrong type of situation. sorry luna but just because a john doesn't pay you doesn't make it a rape. i can't believe she would even waste police time with that.

No. 941609

> What kind of fent is she snorting to forget that she grew to the size of a small car in 3 years?
KEK. I'd love for 159 days ago Luna to have both of her eyes facing the same direction for once so she could see the absolute unit she's become. She's essentially the failure present day Luna is, but 30 pounds less of a failure. Luna lives solely on handouts. If she ever had to work for anything she has she'd shrivel up and evaporate, resurrect for one last fistful of LifeSaver cremes, then plomp down about 3 stories below whatever ground she was standing on.
As if she hasn't spent her entire online footprint on begging for money, food, electronics, housing, useless knickknacks…

No. 941633

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No. 941637

Girl lol I meant who would want to pay lurch for sex.

No. 941639

File: 1724809546974.jpg (429.03 KB, 1080x2176, Screenshot_20240827_184417_Sam…)

Yup it's gone

Ha, ha, obese junky got her retarded feelings hurt.

No. 941640

File: 1724809625991.jpg (225.37 KB, 720x1464, VideoCapture_20240827-184627.j…)

No. 941643

this just made me hardcore giggle

No. 941644

KEK imagine saying this >>941561 and then crying when someone does the same to you. HAAAA >>941639 fat ugly lumbering retard!

No. 941645

She used to post pictures of herself under the tag “fatana”, why is she so pressed, she knows she’s fat as much as why wants to larp as anorexic.

No. 941647

fat ana??? jesus fucking christ, the cope is strong in this one lmao

No. 941655

Is she back in the hospital?

No. 941656

I thought this but then I thought to myself it may very well be her at the physiotherapists. Imagine the smell of this hot hambeast in that while the poor physio tries to treat her, we all know she very rarely showers (see: rings of dirt around neck rolls) kek

No. 941657

she mentioned needing to get an MRI, and they make you dress like that if you're getting an MRI

No. 941680

>resurrect for one last fistful of LifeSaver cremes
Anon pls I'm dying

No. 941692

fakeboi must be devastated

No. 941707

blisters wuornos wellness check

No. 941725

Naturally, Fakeboi deleted their Tumblr too. When the host dies, so does the parasite.

No. 941740

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No. 941743

Holy shit she actually did it. Does she really have no one else on there but tuna?

No. 941750

File: 1724889010876.jpeg (178.09 KB, 1290x437, IMG_8955.jpeg)

Same pic on Instagram with this caption. Spent 5 hours cleaning her one tiny room. Im sure by cleaning she meant rearranging stolen trinkets and nodding off but on the off chance she did actually scrub some shit down, the crazy thing is 5 hours would barely make a dent in that filthy disgusting room.

No. 941752

If she was in such terrible shape like she claims, medically, bc of back pain, so much so that the doctor said ppl w/ the same problem are often in a wheelchair instead, so he's proud of her for pushing thru (ha!)–then how the hell are we supposed to now believe she spent 5+ hrs cleaning her hovel? Doesn't match up.
Also, her statement about what the doc says implies that ppl in wheelchairs sometimes are there just bc they choose to not push thru, unlike our brave heroine Luna. She should start not pushing thru. instead, and go on a wheelchair saga.

No. 941767

Fakeboi is still there under a different username. Tumblr search her old username and you'll find it, I just checked

No. 941774

Her whole face looks so different here.

No. 941775

I was caught shoplifting at a Sephora years ago and I didn't get arrested but was banned and had to pay a fine.If It was petty I assume they just banned her and fined her and tried to scare her. she really needs a fucking wakeup call and just doesn't seem to get caught

No. 941776

I knew this fat hog was getting high off more than benzos. I love how we all thought the milk was going to dry up.

No. 941778

nah that's not it. i once had one of those, went to the doctor and he told me they were common and would burst on its own, which it did in like 3 days.
this wouldnt warrant tuna a hospital stay(sage your shit)

No. 941784

No. 941786

I hate that this ham larped sobriety. I knew she never quit using but something about her doing that makes me so angry. It's like knowing she's only on the methadone so she can use on top to get more high. Some people who make massive mistakes as junkies use methadone to turn their lives around. It's a gateway to a better life free from the retardation of junkieism and we are lucky it exists tbh. Then there's just this ham abusing it, mocking people who actually HAVE realised their peak stupidity and actually DID use methadone to fix their pathetic lives. GENUINE SOBRIETY is a hard road. One she knows nothing about but likes to pretend she does while sharing pics of fent parcels online. I know she's always done this Reality Vs larp hidden/public accounts bullshit but this time it pissed me off extra.
I've never wanted to a log as hard as I do right now
Sage for sobriety fagging

No. 941792

I think she looks beautiful here honestly

No. 941793

“the plumbings is super old. nobody has a much money.”

this line and Lurch’s prostitution were glazed over way too quick, I only check this thread once a week but we need to revisit some things

No. 941795

And people said we were tinfoiling about her using heroin! It was obvious from those pin-point pupils, wandering eyes and random bruises on convenient parts of her body that it wasn't just benzos. It shows some naivety from certain anons,especially when it was Luna we were speculating about.

Thanks for that Nonny!

No. 941796

Really? I don't actually think she's butt ugly (her brows in the first thread used to jumpscare me) but I've seen some pictures I think she looks pretty in. Not really here though she's making her lips look thin and she's coming off too spiteful looking I don't like it. To each their own tho nonna.

Agreed. I honestly feel like she was only referring to her selling nudes online regarding her own prostitution arc but Lurch I feel did it very much in the flesh. I get the impression he doesn't now, but I bet as a youth he partook in all kinds of debauchery for dope money. It'd be sad if they weren't both cunts.
Perhaps some turbo autist sleuth nonna can find some more info out on it, Tuna may have dropped it somewhere, we know what she's like

This. To me, it couldn't have been more obvious that she was on opiate based drugs and plenty of them, yet some nonnas couldn't see that. Maybe they just hadn't seen it first hand themselves, maybe they just didn't want to believe she had larped sobriety and they'd bought it, whatever the reason there can be no doubt now. Bitch dropped herself in it once again with her chronic oversharing kek

No. 941800

She does look beautiful here, but what we're seeing thru this incredibly strong filter on this photo is not her. Not at all! It's applied long perfect lash extensions on her, re-shaped her entire face dramatically, blurred her skin, color corrected everything including skin and hair, fixed her eyebrows. This is not even a true photo of her. It's an AI creation using her image.
Filters are trained on images of our ideal women. Then, each area it encounters, it alters to more closely fit the ideals of beauty that we hold. Everything is changed, here. You wouldn't recognize her in person. Notice how different she looks in every photo bc of different heavy filters.

No. 941803

File: 1724946620848.jpeg (403.06 KB, 750x866, CCA0E19E-881D-4564-8534-D3F6E7…)

Just a reminder what she looks like without filters… and this picture is a few years old when she was less fat

No. 941805

I'm so glad she quit bangs, she never cut them properly and they always looked like shit.

No. 941806

File: 1724949540933.jpeg (399.78 KB, 750x1113, C467A589-4416-4072-AB57-31429B…)


No. 941809

heavy filter again. don't be fooled. she doesn't suddenly look better, she probably got an AI filter app.

No. 941811

she is literally always using a filter. i doubt she even knows what she actually looks like anymore, she just sees herself with the snapchat light filter at all times.

No. 941820

Kek she looks like someones crusty haggard and greying 18yo cocker spaniel here.
Those foundation lips back then did her absolutely no favours.
She never even really got heroin chic right anyway. Imagine getting addicted to heroin for the aesthetic but then failing to hit the look at all.

No. 941831

File: 1726039684737.png (114.99 KB, 1502x458, Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 10.04…)

welcome back nonnies! looks like someone finally got caught shoplifting

No. 941832

i wouldn’t be shocked if someone cow tipped that boutique she was stealing from and they started tracking everything she took and waited until it reached felony level.


No. 941834

File: 1726042003076.jpg (73.38 KB, 1080x439, Screenshot_20240911_040615.jpg)

fucking kek

No. 941838

Oohhhh this is interesting. I doubt she's going to get much beyond probation for 3-6 mos and a fine. But even that is hilarious. So she deletes all her haul proof from the internet like that will somehow save her. Kek.

No. 941855

File: 1726053068002.jpg (72.4 KB, 1080x531, IMG_20240911_081010_457.jpg)

I've been waiting to post this. She pretty much comfirms what we all knew, that her infection was due to shooting fent

No. 941868

File: 1726055120628.jpg (1.12 MB, 1079x1824, Screenshot_20240910_170542_Sam…)

This doesn't give the vibe she thinks it does kek. This is gross and sad. She's probably too fat to bend to tie her own shoe. Lurchs swollen lobster paws and losing scratch off ticket kek

No. 941878

Oh my god his hands turn white when there’s pressure. I dont think lurch will be in the world much longer

No. 941879

>i thought i was being slick
no matter how many times she fucks herself over through her own actions and poor choices she always believes she's one step ahead of everyone else. she thinks other people are stupid and can't spot her scuzzy behavior from a mile away

No. 941883

File: 1726059947516.jpeg (1002.46 KB, 2585x1721, IMG_1546.jpeg)

kek at her saying shes had no health consequences from doing drugs when in another post she says she got an infection from shooting up…

No. 941887

Junkie talk is so nauseating.

No. 941892

File: 1726062660109.jpeg (57.96 KB, 828x184, IMG_1550.jpeg)

shes such a useless piece of shit wasting government money going to the methadone clinic every day just to continue using

No. 941900

Tuna the Ninja lumbers into the same store 5 days in a row in her stained mildewed clothes, high off her ass, shoves concealer and eyelashes into her coat lining with all the grace of a hippo, hiding from the cameras with her emancipated frame. Nobody sees a thing because Tuna is not at all suspicious.
There was even a commenter on one of her Reddit haul posts who said her CVS was onto her and Tuna was too thick to figure out what that comment meant.
>'No health complications from starting drugs at a young age!!!'
>'Almost died from an infection this year'
>'I miss shooting dope but my veins are dead'
>Tells her OD stories every time she can shoehorn them into the conversation
>Is rapidly approaching elevator weight limit from lying in bed eating shit all day while high
>Walking petri dish who wears the same outfit until it disintegrates under the weight of her filth

No. 941903

File: 1726070357778.png (695.45 KB, 1666x1270, funeral1996.png)

current postings from her other reddit. i guess this one is her "sexwork" account and the other one is just for drugs, music, and tv shows? still applauding the anon who found that account, really good eye. people on the other farms are still denying its her despite lots of proof (ie same products being shown off on her insta/tumblr/snap and the reddit account, spinal infection and her being in the hospital, same rude style of comments).

No. 941906

I feel so out of touch. Luna used to be at the bottom of my reading list, like only if other cows I followed were quiet or boring. Now she's one of the few I read.

Anyway, with this cow, it's hard to know. She makes enemies wherever she goes and she stands out pretty bad on her own.

No. 941913

i think i saw on the other farms a couple of days ago that she said she only steals from CVS too. how fucking pathetic can you be to get caught stealing drugstore makeup? arrested and forced to pay for goddamn maybelline.

No. 941916

she was apparently arrested at sephora according to another post on here. lurk moar.

No. 941920

honey youre too fat to tie your own shoes. not exactly romantic
you have a way with words anon lmao.

No. 941922

She's so bad at "sex work". She needs to pretende she's into it if she wants to get paid

No. 941927

That was me! Messaged them on Facebook cowtipping but she deserves it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 941928

File: 1726082083631.jpeg (752.44 KB, 828x1151, IMG_2492.jpeg)

You know her fatass ate 2 rolls, nodded out and woke up only to eat the other 2.

No. 941929

Yikes not something to brag about.

No. 941945

You idiots have to learn to stop bragging about poop touching. Giving her a way to make herself the victim.

No. 941946

Imagine being excited about cheap, crappy candy. Gross.

No. 941954

but if she did that, how could she get victim points???

No. 941960

Lying about having a pure fentanyl hookup is so cringe. That along with her complaining that methadone doesn't work anymore really highlights the inevitable decline of all heroin addicts.

The shoplifting charge is hilarious, and it's amazing that Lurch just let her do it kek. It's been speculated for years that Lurch walks around with a backpack breaking into open cars, or generally stealing from individuals instead of stores. That method is way less risky but he didn't consider warning Luna.

No. 941961

File: 1726100464423.jpg (74.42 KB, 1125x1200, 457855626_1677683806418582_548…)

Luna is now e-besties with another potential cow (both following each other) whose entire page is about attention whoring over "recovery" from heroin addiction despite visibly being high off their ass in nearly every picture / video of them (very similar behavior to someone we know tsk tsk)

No. 941963

Jesus, I just checked her page and she is even crustier than Tuna. It's been a while since we had a good calf.

No. 941967

Seriously though his hands look fucking awful. So swollen and clearly he has circulation problems. I would imagine he’s still trying to shoot up and can’t find a vein, so he just pokes himself over and over, misses some of shots, then finally gets it into a tiny sketchy ass vein that makes his hand balloon up. Damn, hands that swollen should cause him some concern.

No. 941973


I wish there was a threat about her

No. 941976

Anons always argue it, but lurch is out street hustling and stealing shit. He doesn't really give a shit what she does. Besides, what would stop her if she decides to do something.
"Matthew checking the car isn't damaged" from years ago is on my mind now KEK that was so obvious but she was so proud spinning it that way

No. 941977

File: 1726106905860.png (785.53 KB, 1079x1816, 1000007396.png)

I caught this on one of her videos while the farms was down. Most of the replies were calling Luna a retard

No. 941986

Tuna, it's not relapsing if you never quit.

Remember yourself flexing your store-bought sobriety coins while actively using and topping it with methadone? Lolcow sure does remember.

No. 942005

She's so full of shit. I don't know much about fentanyl by itself, as in my country although it's a growing issue it's still mostly heroin (albeit cut) and a methadone prescription will hold you better than that ever could! Especially at her dose. 90mg is a moderate to high dose and has a half life of 18-24 hours. Not "4-5 hours"
STFU you saggy bap scab. It's just another excuse to continue scoffling down fentanyl like she does everything else. Such an irredeemable leech. "Uwu muh scripts not strong enough"
Then stop taking it. Do your government a favour!

No. 942029

Wow I was not expecting her to have that many followers. Wtf do people find interesting about this, must be the train wreck phenomenon.

No. 942210

File: 1726277525361.jpeg (193.79 KB, 828x371, IMG_1554.jpeg)

so part of their cash goes to lurchs xanax every month. also i wonder whos clean urine shes using… her moms? they talked about using it before in the past.

No. 942215

Can you imagine bringing a bottle of someone else's piss inside your bag together with your kuromi plush keychains and using it to get prescriptions. Junkies are on another level

No. 942220

not a medfag so im uneducated lol, but wouldnt a urine test be able to differentiate between tuna's and tuna's mom's pee due to her mom having gone through menopause? with the different hormone levels and all?

No. 942228

also not a medfag but i assume they're purely looking for drug markers, not trying to analyze the urine sample any other way. otherwise people passing off others' piss as their own wouldn't be a thing.

No. 942229

So lurch sells the xanax?

No. 942231

They do only test for drug markers, nothing else that's absolutely right. She could pass someone else's piss off as her own with ease.

No. 942240

Nope. And men and women can also exchange urine at clinics in my experience too. They usually do a dip stick test and if you nuke it for 30 seconds and tape to your leg a few hours before you will also make the temp strip on the collection cup. I remember it was $5 for a clean urine sample. It’s a business. There is usually somebody that is serious about their own sobriety but needs the cash at the clinic. The other nonnie was right when she said junkies are on a different level.

No. 942241

i’m not defending tunes, because she’s full of shit, but women tend to metabolize methadone faster and clinics do give split doses (usually 75%/25%) as take homes where you take one in the AM and the other in the PM. The half life is loooong but it doesn’t keep you from feeling a little uncomfortable, it keeps you from full blown withdrawal. If you’re taking methadone to actually stay well, not as a free way to get a buzz every day, you could start feeling a little sniffly/sneezy/restless 10 or so hours after dosing. but we know tuna isn’t doing that. I’m surprised she isn’t on 100+ mgs.

i’ve never heard of a clinic issuing benzos. Most clinics will 100% discourage taking benzos with methadone. Mixing benzos and opiates can be dangerous, and methadone clinics are strictly monitored and are extremely for profit businesses. I can’t see a corporation risking their license by giving junkies a pharmaceutical that can cause overdoses/help patients to get high off their dose.

No. 942242

this. Hell you can buy synthetic urine at smoke shops. Its chemical make up is almost discernible from real urine (for drug marker tests, not anything more) and it’s uni-sex. The kits come with a hand warmer so you can slowly warm the urine to 87-92 degrees. Most clinics do a temperature test as soon as you hand them the sample to make sure it’s “fresh” but as long as you keep borrowed urine in a thin container against your skin it’ll usually be the perfect temperature.

No. 942245

I know nona, I've had experience with it myself (ex junkiefag, been commenting since she was in snow) and I personally never had any issues while at the same dose shes on. I totally understand where you're coming from here,I just call bullshit with her 4-5 hours claim.
Sage for blog about own past retardation.(blogging)

No. 942303

File: 1726411676919.jpeg (382.46 KB, 982x1200, IMG_7504.jpeg)

here‘s a reality check… she’s such a catfish

No. 942304

File: 1726411770990.jpeg (174.28 KB, 645x1200, IMG_7503.jpeg)

aand another for good measure

No. 942322

Good lord. The blonde hair is so unflattering on her that even in pictures like this she looks somewhat better

No. 942330

And she's even fatter than this now

No. 942347

Those teeth are a genuine nightmare.

No. 942349

Serving Rocky Dennis here

No. 942377

Always a trainwreck KEK

No. 942379

File: 1726482150288.jpg (407.32 KB, 1080x2049, Screenshot_20240916-131855_Chr…)

Who's gonna tell her just because she had a non-fatal overdose it doesn't mean she died. Not surprisingly she's giving suicidal people bad ideas, she hates everyone except herself.

No. 942382

i see she has still yet to learn the difference between something being "difficult" and something requiring a modicum of effort on her part beyond getting high in her room

No. 942418

we will never stop hearing about the fent overdoses, same as the "born on the steps of a methadone clinic"

No. 942429

Massive kek at the ID comment. Marriage when Tuna?
But she's probably whining about getting a fake ID to scam unsuspecting idiots for drug money. I wonder what the theme of her next grift will be, she's had a lot of exciting things happen lately, like getting a junkie infection, being done for shoplifting, and finding more Creme Savers at the deli. She's going to be milking all that shit for years.

No. 942437

File: 1726523806041.png (171.83 KB, 1504x672, Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 5.55.…)

maybe you weren't sick at the hospital because you weren't able to sniff fent every few hours? and now you're doing it every day?

No. 942438

File: 1726524017199.jpg (135.94 KB, 1125x1790, 458408966_440968038958973_1601…)

Tis' always a treat to check on lurch's socials ever so often

No. 942446

this creepy scumbag hasn’t been sober for 2 years since he was a teenager 40 years ago

No. 942607

everyone knows methadone pills don’t work near as well as wafers or methadose. the methadone isn’t holding because she’s doing fent on the side, so her body isn’t used to her dose anymore, it needs MORE. How dumb can this retard be?

No. 942622

File: 1726643874953.png (9.51 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_1859.png)

or this one. never fails to give me a good belly laugh

No. 942702

File: 1726700512182.jpeg (209.23 KB, 828x869, IMG_1568.jpeg)

still telling stories from her junkhun days. left out the part where the guy had hep c…

No. 942716

Really? Right in front of the hole in the wall? Stay classy tuna.
What even are they talkng about? Was is spitback? Why was she sycking on an old man spit cover cotton ball? Wtf…

No. 942720

soaking up their methadone dose, and then tuna sucked it out of the cotton. my mom went to the methadone clinic and said people would use old cigarette butts also

No. 942859

I visited her town in animal crossing new horizons via a dream address I found in an older thread, and it is very nice and well decorated. If she did it herself it is indeed impressive because it takes effort, and I don't think she would do that nowdays because she's so far gone. I snapped some pictures of her town if someone is interested I can upload them somewhere.

No. 942865

This photo makes her look as if she has a Glasgow smile.

No. 942866

she used to apply herself to projects. even if the result wasn't great she at least put in some effort and tried. now she doesn't even pretend to be interested in art or poetry

No. 942900

post the pics

No. 942927

her only interest in poetry has ever been rehashing her life story though

No. 942972

Well you would hope it's nice and well decorated since she probably sat her ass on it for hours, day in and day out, since, you know, she has no job, responsibilities, or life.

No. 943013

The longer you look at this the more fucked her eyebrows get kek.
This reminds me to muse on this:
She admitted she was aware of her drifting eye in one of her recent Reddit comments when someone enquired as to if others suffered a lazy eye on fent, to which she replied "yes ugh so embarrassing"

But Tuna you still upload pics of that shit? Why? You admit you see it, which must also means she sees these asking-a-permanent-question-punched-on-eyebrows.

Even if she uploads them while high off her big areolas she doesn't delete them after.

She baffles me sometimes

No. 943017

Oh she's not hard to figure out. She equates drugs with being cool. She isn't embarrassed. She's bragging.
Her whole existence is figured out. Be a prescribed opiate addict on various forms of disability until she dies.

No. 943026

>high off her big areolas
i need that anon thank you so fucking much. massive kek

No. 943049

The only notable thing to happen in Luna's life in 2024 so far is a lengthy hospital stay where she laid around complaining (but in a different environment than usual).

It's depressing that she's hit the stage of addiction where she has no personality traits, hobbies, or desires outside of scoring more heroin. We're long past the "doing heroin for the aesthetic, she wants to be cool" days of Luna's past.

I don't think she even cares about the online attention anymore. She only posts on her socials in furtherance of her addiction. Ebegging was profitable for her, ethotting brought in money too. The heroin subreddits/FB groups are to ensure she has dealers in new york. There's no point reading into her motivations or "why" she does anything. Either she's consciously choosing to do something to "hustle" for more drugs, or she's so high that she's lost all sense of self control and she's doing typical shit drug addicts tend to do.

>Be tuna

>Get borderline comatose high and feel sexy
>Take thirstpics with wonky eye
>Don't even notice the wonky eye because you're so blitzed
>Sober up
>Oh shit youre out of drugs
>Did you upload the thirstpics? You're already starting to get dopesick
>Now sober, looking at the pics from the night before with wonky eyes and meat flaps.
>If they're not already uploaded, you decide to upload them anyway because you can't take better ones now that you're in withdrawal. You really need money right now.
By the time she sobers up, she's already worrying about where the next hit is coming from. In her ideal world she would never sober up, sobriety = she failed to score.

Her embarrassment and shame is superceded by the low chance someone will see the pictures and then pay for her next drug session. She hates doing sex work entirely, but she does it to get high. She hates that all her clients treat her like a morbidly obese junkie, but she accepts their abuse so she can continue getting high.

Sorry about the textwall but Luna isn't unique. She was a smug asshole early in her addiction because she thought she was "better" than other addicts and that "it wouldn't happen to her because she's cute, and knows about harm reduction, and talks about her addiction with her therapist." There's no way she thinks like this now. She knows she's the average junkie at the methadone clinic and nobody even bats an eye when she mentions she's an addict.

No. 943069

Tuna Simulator 2024

No. 943073

It's so sad to me that she's one of those addicts that methadone makes no difference to whatsoever. Some people it does but so much of if it can be successful is to do with the environment and hers ain't it for recovery. You're certainly right about her vicious cycle.

Kek why thank you nonnacita I'm glad I could provide

No. 943094

File: 1727023515027.jpg (133.19 KB, 926x1280, IMG_20240922_134420_865.jpg)

Tuna commenting on the picture of one of her calves

No. 943095

I know you mean in the context of Tuna talking to other druggies so I'm not trying to be an ass, but this reads like you think normal ass people should know how methadone works kek

No. 943116

File: 1727045895710.jpg (754.95 KB, 1080x2164, Screenshot_20240922_175320_Sam…)

Wouldn't use a commode or bedlam because of toO mUcH pRiDe, would she have felt more comfortable with a juice carton, perhaps?
Totally okay with being with a man who pisses in jugs and leaves them around the room, but using a bedside commode in a hospital is where she draws the line with her pride.

No. 943119

>saved up her meds
Ahh so that's why lurch came to visit

No. 943154

I used to always think she looked particularly wall eyed post sporadic Lurch hospital visit. This was before she confirmed she was nowhere near sober and never has been since the day she first propped her Junji Ito statue up against her floppy bosom, but I was amongst the suspicious anons who never believed her sobriety larp and was adamant she was using, including in the hospital, my only doubt was how hard it is for her to hit veins, much less with nurses about. Now she's confirmed the snorting though there is absolutely no way he wasn't bringing her fent to sniff in hospital. I'd almost guarantee that.

No. 943167

mUh pRiDe but walks around smelling like a hobo because she never washes her clothes or ass.

No. 943193

File: 1727128492335.png (302.34 KB, 1566x998, Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 5.53.…)

why does she even care when she's not sober herself. she's scared? of a little old junkie just like her?

No. 943194

File: 1727128617221.png (109.72 KB, 1526x460, Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 5.56.…)

just like your boyfriend, i mean fiance, tuna?

No. 943208

just like how she was so mad at the ppl in her mom's old apartment building that were crackheads… when she used to be a crackhead. make it make sense luna.

No. 943215

These junkies and ex-junkies are so arrogant, it's amusing. Luna doesn't seem to realize that most people view her, Lurch, and the homeless junkie at the same level.

No. 943228

How is Luna an ex junkie? Ex junkies view Luna, Lurch and the homeless guy at the same level more than anyone would. She takes the fucking piss and makes a joke out of true sobriety by larping it while being an obvious high irredeemable scab. A real ex junkie has a job a home a life and a vehicle… She's not an ex junkie Kek
Please, pick a different term for her

No. 943229

it's amazing how these two never seem to mind their own business, and instead opt to stick their noses right in. why is that? entitlement?

No. 943240

trashy people love inserting themselves into drama even when it has nothing to do with them and they could easily stay out of it. they find it exciting.

No. 943250

File: 1727187740468.jpeg (211.18 KB, 1170x1612, IMG_6091.jpeg)

Greasy selfie

No. 943251

File: 1727187805854.jpeg (184.35 KB, 1170x1537, IMG_6090.jpeg)

No. 943254

Why the fuck is her right eye socket so much higher than her left?

No. 943269

….other than the human body not having perfect symmetry, I wonder if the filter fucked up somehow

No. 943300

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No. 943301

File: 1727213856412.jpg (Spoiler Image,244.19 KB, 720x1420, VideoCapture_20240924-054515.j…)

No. 943321

effect of drugs in utero

No. 943356

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No. 943357

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No. 943358

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No. 943359

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No. 943361

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No. 943366

File: 1727310663180.png (368.77 KB, 580x580, johnson-and-johnson-band-aid-a…)

do they seriously have nasty ass USED bandaids like picrel stuck to the front of their fridge…?? please somebody tell me i'm seeing things

No. 943371

No those are absolutely bandaids. Or clear tape over gauze or something. There's even dried blood in the center of one. I'm going to fucking hurl

No. 943382

Why is she sharing such an old photo? I'm gonna need proof of life for both the cat AND Lurch kek. In this pic pumpkins still a kitten and Lurch hasn't got bloated balloon hands.

No. 943385

It's not that old, the duvet set she acquired after leaving hospital. That's her gowns from hospital hanging up in the bg too (cos ofc she stole everything not nailed down lol)
Dunno why Lurch doesn't have his fat King Charles hands here.

No. 943416

poor cat

No. 943440

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No. 943441

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No. 943442

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No. 943443

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No. 943444

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No. 943445

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No. 943449

File: 1727392798139.webm (2.05 MB, 720x1448, XRecorder_26092024_161017.webm)

No. 943450

Not sure if magic dumpster or actual trash but holy crap. Shapeless rolls squeezed into that outfit is not a good look.

No. 943453

Funny how it came out of the trash cleaner than any other piece of clothing she owns kek. Should have left it in there, it would’ve lived a better life than it’s about to live
I know she stole it

No. 943454

are those yellow pills klonopin? did she finally get her beloved benzo script from the methadone doc?

No. 943461

How can someone be so crippled by body dysmorphia over their weight and then go out in public looking like this and take a picture of themselves looking like this and share that picture of themselves looking like this online. I don't understand

No. 943462

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No. 943463

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No. 943465

File: 1727405603921.jpeg (21.18 KB, 313x325, A5B27763-EB92-46AA-81BC-0D19AB…)


bonus for the infected cuticles

No. 943466

I knew she was massive but this is actually shocking. She is so lumpy, and how is her hip so pointy? My eyes feel like they're looking at an optical illusion

No. 943467

File: 1727407735248.gif (2.82 MB, 350x196, big-meaty-claws-mr-krabs.gif)

she forgot the usual entire cheesecake, four packs of candy, entire carton of fruit punch, plus this xl coffee-flavored creamer >>943359
her cleavage is longer than her head
this this this this

No. 943479

We can tell she hasn't been back to cvs to steal face shit. Besides that, I am laughing at this blonde confidence era she is in. To be a fly on the wall when she looks into an actual mirror.

No. 943480

Tooney threads are the funniest KEK

No. 943482

File: 1727435475454.jpg (62.22 KB, 1080x480, Screenshot_20240927_060358_Sam…)

Not just fat, but filled with excessive poop too. Gross.

(For context, this was her comment on a post about someone not pooping bc drugs)

No. 943486

does she think the shit just goes away and doesn't accumulate inside of her? matthew perry's colon burst due to his opiate addiction

No. 943489

the pure copium every opioid addict hums to their self when they cant take a shit. they can be some of the angriest addicts at the pharmacy because if withdrawal and unable to shit. can turn any rational human into a monster.
Moona probably cant tell how bad it REALLY is because of how fat she is and barely moves at home.

No. 943490

did she nod off toward the end of her caption?

No. 943494

It's all the poop building up in her body >>943482

No. 943495

My eyebrows are probably flying off my face rn in shock but I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s gonna die of an impacted colon before she ever kills herself w fent, Christ

No. 943497

i feel like she thinks she sounds ""uwu dainty girls don't poop"
i don't understand why she makes up lies about finding clothes in the trash. as if it's better to say she found a piece of clothing in the dumpster and put it straight onto her body (because we all know she doesn't have a washing machine or use a laundromat) than it would be to just say she stole it.
why does she just HAVE to say where it came from at all?

No. 943501

File: 1727452557474.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1290x2365, IMG_9994.jpeg)

because stealing healthy food is boring and not as exciting as stealing candy, clothes, skin & hair products right tuna?

No. 943502

Kek I thought this was a cupful of peas

No. 943503

File: 1727453181338.jpg (37.88 KB, 451x259, Screenshot 2024-09-27 090512.j…)

is this a new story? i don't remember this one

No. 943504

do we think this is the accident she wouldn't talk about that she went to the hospital for right after her hospital stay?

No. 943506

“Too lazy for sneakers” … huh? Is this confirmation that she is too big to put her own shoes on?

No. 943507

Awww, Luna had a vegetable for the first time in a decade

No. 943512

No. 943518

she has a fridge and a microwave. she 100% gets food stamps. fatty could access healthy food if she wanted it.

No. 943523

For a second, I had thought she was speaking French
I would say 100% yes. She said it was an accident she "couldn't talk about yet". I imagine she Peter Griffined it when the van "pulled away with only one of her legs in the car"… threw herself to the ground and rolled the best she could, made a scene until someone called an ambulance for her, all the while yelling she was going to sue. She's quite the pathetic character kek

No. 943528

kek thats the exact scene i have in my head as well

No. 943530

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they might be- they’re only .5mg if they’re picrel and she always brags about needing like 20+mg so I doubt it a bit though

No. 943531

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No. 943532

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No. 943533

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No. 943534

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No. 943535

She doesn't have body dysmorphia kek. She's just forever stuck in 2015 Tumblr bullshit. Fatties would claim recovered anorexia/body dysmorphia because that's the only way they'd get complements.

Poop anons reply was funnier kek but it's filters. It's trying to carve a human shape out of her rolls of fat but its struggling. The pointy hips are the filter trying to add an ass and remove the belly fat. It also completely replaced her face with someone else's kek.

No. 943537

probably trying to get oxy again after getting out of the hospital

No. 943540

File: 1727480580421.jpeg (482.92 KB, 828x1184, IMG_3328.jpeg)

Ah yes, come fight Matt with his shit compacted gut and gimp leg.

No. 943541

>i feel like she thinks she sounds ""uwu dainty girls don't poop"
LMFAO this is so true
Unfortunately the putrid rotten stench and the compressed remains of her absolute slop diet are but building up within, just waiting for their escape through her absolutely massive butt cheeks once she nods off just a little too long and can't get more opiates into her system in time to continously stop her gut from functioning.

No. 943542

File: 1727480644587.jpeg (478.17 KB, 828x1137, IMG_3330.jpeg)

Luna has also returned to Twitter, wonder if tie to keep an eye on lurch and him thirsting after ethot bots.

No. 943545

>beep beep
Is Lori possessing the empty soulless husk of Chief Areola?

No. 943551

A junkie who has probably stolen nearly everything he owns complaining about a theft that didn't even happen… him and Tuna so self unaware it's impressive.

No. 943552

>who felt bad we don't have access to healthy food
>healthy food
Lmao what. Let me find out she was complaining about her weight and after offering her solutions she said it's not her fault she lives off gas station junk food. And so he rinsed out his dirty coffee cup (ew) and offered her the edemame to see if she'd eat it without it being drown in ranch dressing or general Tso sauce kek. I'll bet she didn't eat it. And he didn't feel bad for this heifer, just wanted to call her bluff.

No. 943556

Maybe she'll be able to poop soon. Fiber powers activate!

No. 943565

File: 1727514700154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 3072x3513, a-nurse-is-seen-carrying-a-gig…)

Bragging about not pooping and peeing. Sounds like she's on the spectrum and has toilet aversion.(offtopic picture of a gigantic poop)

No. 943570

I'd hazard a guess it takes her 15 minutes to get up from a toilet. Probably why she won't bathe (can't get up from sitting/lying) and showers are making her lightheaded or something or she's afraid of nodding out and cracking her skull.
She is too lazy to tie her own shoes, her body is completely ruined.

No. 943571


Is her finger infected, cause that looks painful…

And like other nonnas mentioned why is everything so dang crusty

No. 943573


This fat heffer gets food stamps, they can easily travel to areas that accept food stamps and allow her access to healthy food.

People need to stop having pity on hopeless cases

No. 943574

time to steal some metamucil

No. 943580

A lot of people who have had to be on pain meds for a decent duration of time are usually so excited to get off and poop regular again. I guarantee with Tuna's use she has hemorrhoids or rectal tears. So sexy, druggie chic.

No. 943592

oh my God anon you gotta warn a bitch

No. 943596


They probably don’t actually use their food stamps, or at least most of them. I’m guessing they sell them for Fentanyl money.

No. 943602

I’ve been taking 20mg diazepam for the last few weeks and was about to take 30 today and just found out 2mg is the therapeutic dose lmao(unsaged blogpost)

No. 943603

Also I mostly just use Ordinary and Niod skincare cuz my friend works for them and gets me a 70% discount or just lifts shit from her work(unsaged blogpost)

No. 943623

The track marks on his hand…

No. 943649

No one gives a fuck. Learn to integrate and sage your personal blogposting.

I noticed that, too. Agree that Lurch is not long for this world. Not saying he's dying tomorrow, but likely within a decade. Can't decide if Luna will be worse or better off without him. Better if she puts her ego aside and accepts help from her dad, worse if she tries to go it alone, latches onto some other abusive creep, or attempts to cohabitate with her mother again.

No. 943651

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No. 943652

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No. 943654

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Background volume warning. Idk what she's listening to.

No. 943655

Does anyone think she’s actually given that serious thought at all? Like what she’s gonna do when Chief Areola joins the big fent spirit in the sky? I doubt she has, because she’s not exactly a planner kek. I can see her finding him dead one day and freaking out online about it tbh (for asspats and maybe free money ofc)

No. 943664

>almost 1000 calories
just look at how she handled roger’s death.
>gimme gimme gimme

No. 943678

He's never died before, why would she ever expect him to. Roger was dying for months and she was still rattled that he actually died. Lurch can't die, they're going to get married when they get IDs! He would never abandon her by dying. Five years later she will still be complaining
>>Help I lost 80% of my husband and belongings

No. 943681

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Fitting caption

No. 943682

Is this how people vape? Just inhale and immediately exhale over and over? I've never seen anything like it.
Boo hoo poor me I don't have access to healthy food and the psych "feels bad" lmao. She 100% tells herself she's just fat bc she's sad and poor and has no access. Keep gaining tuna.

No. 943683

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No. 943684

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No. 943685

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No. 943687

Cyrus Forester peanut head syndrome

No. 943688

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Does her tongue not fit behind her teeth.

No. 943690

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No. 943691

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No. 943692

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No. 943693

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No. 943694

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No. 943695

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No. 943697

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No. 943698

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No. 943699

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No. 943700

This is sending me into space she’s using an app to make her head smaller right??? Like I know she’s the size of a small planet rn but her little tiny head is killing me

No. 943701

Ho-lee shit. She's high asf to post these. She's as wide as the door with a pinhead now.
Does anyone remember when this shirt was white? And now it's darker than her skin. Gross.

No. 943705

her legs are so fucking gross tuna cover that shit

No. 943706

You know you’re out of control when your miniskirt could also double as a table cloth …

No. 943709

asian filters make peoples heads smaller so maybe, but they should also thin her out by giving her longer legs and dorito chin so idfk kek. Filtered or not jesus christ what a big bitch hogging the communal bathroom to take thirstpics.

No. 943710

she HAS to be pandering to fat fetishists and junkie lovers. there's no other reason to post shit like this.
it's unbelievable that her dirty flabby past self looks comparatively pretty to this giant pasty blob

No. 943714

You can smell the stale sweat radiating from this picture

No. 943719

Nope, that’s not how you vape. She literally never inhales. Anons used to comment the same thing on her old smoking vids. She just wastes money on it for aesthetic I guess. She can’t do anything right

No. 943726

Now we know why the cosmetics are always so filthy - she's laying them out on the floor in the low income housing hallway. No way that ever gets actually cleaned.

No. 943727

God Damn is she massive. Looks like she gained back the hospital weight and then decided to keep packing it on like a grizzly going into hibernation.

No. 943731

Jesus Christ, this at least a WEEK’S worth of shitty snacks, but only for someone not concerned about their weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. Ozempic wouldn’t do Luna any good at all.

No. 943735

lmao nonnita you have no right to be this funny. so accurate.

She is so fuckin' nasty. Bathing in a nasty communal tub, doing a skincare routine in her flophouse's hallway floor, right where her cat is walking after walking in a litter box that likely hasn't been cleaned in months. Jesus Christ. Can you imagine stepping out into the hall and seeing this clownshow slathering her face in goop and picking cat hairs out of it? Wish someone would rescue that poor animal.

Christ alive, she really has gotten huge. I'd kill for a shot of her, Moo, and Shay all in the same picture. Every time they're next to normal people they look insane, I need to see them next to each other lmao. Luna looks so insanely huge here I can hardly believe it. Wider than the goddamn door frame. Like, actual fridge body. Not trying to bone-rattle or anything but she legit seems 10lbs bigger in each full-body selfie she posts. She's always been a chonker, but she looks downright lilliputian in her older pics compared to now.

I've noticed people tend to hit their "default weight" in their 30s. The skinnies who lived on cheetos in their teens and never stopped fatten up, some of the chubsters slim down, some folks stay the same size. Tuba's going to be the size of a houseboat in her middle age at this rate. Out here lookin' like Aunt Marge at the Dursley's dinner table.

No. 943743

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No. 943744

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No. 943745

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No. 943746

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No. 943764

File: 1727654241158.jpg (134.08 KB, 1440x673, 1000023629.jpg)

No access to healthy food, huh? But access to pizza? Which isn't covered by the foodstamps we know you receive? She probably sells her stamps to buy dope so that's why she "doesn't have access" to healthy food. I mean that or she just genuinely spends all of her assistance of junk food. It really can go either way with this fucking ham planet
Also super ironic because she commented this earlier today and now she's scarfing down pizza

No. 943772

she's so embarrassing. even the fake fatty tumblr anorexics at least pretend not to eat. why she's compelled to show us every item she crams into her rotting maw is beyond me.

No. 943775

Pizza isn’t terribly unhealthy compared to other take out foods if you eat a normal portion like 2 maybe 3 slices. I’d bet money she and Lurch have already polished off the whole pizza; somehow I don’t think leftovers ever have a chance to exist around Tuna.

No. 943783

I feel like she thinks she's living some sort of cool "influencer" life when she posts that she went out and got pizza, or candy, etc. When in reality it's pathetic asf, because the only time she leaves her house is to get food or drugs. She has zero friends. No life.

No. 943794

Dude, she's legitimately so fat now. I remember when she used to have slim-ish looking hands and now even her hands are showing her weight.

No. 943796

yeesh, her legs..

No. 943800

still, wtf was she thinking with the flophouse floor cat skincare pics lmao

Right? Like she truly is approaching hambeast territory. Not a hamplanet yet but definitely starting to develop her own gravitational pull. A hammoon, if you will.

If Haiti gets hit with another earthquake, we'll know who to blame I guess.

No. 943802

She absolutely does. When she started her lolcow run, she had a decent tumblr following. She's never accepted that's over.

No. 943810

she shoplifted a harness from cvs so there is no reason why pumpkin should be walking around unleashed. cats get startled over the slightest unfamiliar stimuli and while pumpkin would probably be better off if she were to bolt and make a fresh start somewhere else she could just as easily end up hurt.

No. 943812

I'm dying to know what she looks like in comparison to a normal person. She looks colossal.

No. 943817

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No. 943819

i wonder if this narcissist who supposedly hates herself so much will ever make a doodle that’s not just a wishful self-portrait

No. 943820

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No. 943821

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No. 943824

junkies and malingerers should lose their pain rating privileges

No. 943827


i cannot understand her cleavage

No. 943828

I wonder if the narcissist with 'body dysmorphia' will ever do a self portrait that isn't a smol teenage waif. Artists who have body image problems portray themselves uglier than reality, not prettier.

No. 943834

Her, lurch, and an average sized person all together. I bet she's 3x as big as her tubby boyfriend now.

No. 943835

Thought this was Sagittariusshawty.

No. 943839

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No. 943840

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No. 943841

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No. 943843

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No. 943844

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No. 943845

lol where is she. that tattoo on her finger looks like it's turning green from the ring, kek

No. 943846

poor purple kuromi

No. 943851

Do the bottles say STD! ?
Of course the ana queen is enjoying a full sugar Coca Cola.

No. 943852

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No. 943853

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No. 943854

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No. 943855

> Do the bottles say STD! ?

No. 943860

She’ll steal all sorts of unnecessary cosmetics but won’t get herself a new toothbrush and a cover for it. Her priorities are retarded.
Can’t wait to see her trying to squeeze her thigh sized calves into these.
Oops I’m an idiot. I see it now, thanks anon.

No. 943868

These look so comically out of place, like she stole her dad's gym socks and poorly embroidered them. I'd expect these to be brightly colored and embroidered with a more playful font, like all of Hot Topic's edgy socks. Something about how plain they are is too funny. Wonder if you can even read them properly when they're stretched around one of her ham-hock calves.

No. 943873

See the girl with symbols on her fingers
Almost as wide as the door
Skincare glistening exposed navel
Slathered all over her pores

No. 943877

Do you ever think her mom has an ounce of guilt due to pimping her teen daughter to her drug dealer and making it easier for Tuna having acess to heroin? Like I know Tuna's goal was always become a heroin addict and have a Kurt and Courtney romance with a tall guy but if her mother had put her foot down she could have made more dificult for her to have acess to it. I know her mom is an Uber junkie and would not mother her daughter anyway but she's gotta feel a little bit guilt sometimes, right?

No. 943882

I know Tuna gave up the chance to live with her dad because he wouldn't let Lurch stay with them, but I can't remember if her mom ever had the same ultimatum when she got clean. We know she was trying to help when she thought she was (temporarily) letting Tuna live with her in the Section 8 that she got relegated to the couch, but idr if Lurch was included in that deal.

No. 943915

-no junkie-nodding-off typos
-correct capitalization
-excellent mimicry of Tuna's "writer's voice"
-actually rhymes
-funny as shit

This poem is unironically better than anything Tuna has ever written, kek.

Nah. Her mom is straight-up brain-damaged from all her drug use, a fate Luna is likely destined for as well. If she does feel guilt, it's likely numbed by drugs and resentment for how awful Tuna's been to her any time she tries to help.

Lurch lived there and took over the mom's bed along with Luna, of course he was included in the "deal." The fact that we've yet to see photos of Lurch anywhere near wherever Tuna's mom is currently living (despite the fact we know Tuna's visited her) speaks volumes. I imagine he's banned from the new place and mom put her foot down because she nearly lost Section 8 due to them. Her mom really doesn't seem all there mentally and I doubt she's a fan of Lurch these days. Seems like he's not welcome to join Tuna when she visits dad or mom, but neither want to push him away too hard and lose all contact with Luna as a result, so they just don't let him come over but don't give him any shit or try to convince Luna to leave.

Which leads me to a question for the nonnitas in this thread: What do you think it would take for Luna to leave Lurch? (Him dying doesn't count lol.) We know he's cheated on her online and is always flirting with porn bots on Twitter. Do we think she'd leave if she found out he was having an IRL affair? Do we think she'd leave if he hit her?

Personally, I think she'd leave if he started getting physically violent, but it'd still take a while, like he'd get 5 free beatdowns before she realized it's not gonna change. If he had her in genuine fear of serious, unpredictable bodily harm, I bet she'd go crying back to Evil Dad after a while. Thoughts?

No. 943925

Re: what it would take for Luna to leave Lurch, I think literally the only thing that would make it happen would be someone else who has ever so slightly more to offer her than Lurch does - whether that be money, kindness, looks, stable housing, drugs - to show a romantic interest in her for a sustained period of time, at least long enough for her to make some kind of arrangements to leave.

No. 943932

I don't think the parents ban Lurch from coming over, I think Lurch is the one who can't be bothered to visit them or go with Tuna to see them. he seemed annoyed to have even gone to visit her in the hospital, texting someone that he's stuck there and rubbing his filthy shoes all over her bed sheets. he probably just tells her to bring back pills and/or money when she goes to see either parent.

I also don't think she'd ever leave him. If he has an irl affair, he'll probably tell her it was a joke and she'll believe it, just like the pornbot replies. or she will just make post after post about how fat and ugly she is and how her man doesn't even want her, while also not breaking up with him at all.

If he were beating her, she would also not leave, she would just make posts (again) saying that he's beating her, still not leave, and make gofundmes asking for money to leave him and still not leave.

this is what I think as well. The only way she'll leave Lurch is if someone else swooped in and gave her drugs/attention. that's the only reason she got with Lurch in the first place, she was 18 and all she wanted was drugs and attention.

No. 943936

i honestly think it would be more likely that he leaves her if any other woman irl showed any genuine interest in him. i dont think she would ever be the one to leave first

No. 943937

She wouldn't leave even if he started physically assaulting her. She'd use it to feel even more like a victim, romanticize it to herself, and use it as a new excuse as to why she "needs" to get high.
I don't see her leaving him over anything.

No. 943951

the only way she would leave lurch is if a younger, better looking, rich and taller dude started to worship her as a goddess and buy all the shit she wants and move her to an actual place, so he would replace lurch as tuna's favorite person

No. 943975

>pimping out her teen daughter
It's Mama Tuna's fault her kid got groomed by a drug dealer but it wasn't pimping. I hate that I have to defend this junkie but there are addict mothers who actually pimp their daughters out to their dealers, Luna was 17 and had already started seeking out heroin addict boyfriends on the internet. She did not lose her virginity to Lurch. She hooked up with Lurch behind her mom's back and had to move in with Roger & Lurch because Mama Tuna banned him from their apartment after she found out. Is it Mama Tuna's fault that Luna has such a fucked up attitude towards heroin? Sure but it was through extreme neglect, she never pushed heroin on Luna. If Grandma Tuna didn't die, Luna wouldn't have been there in the first place to meet Lurch.
She doesn't like the relationship between Luna and Lurch, but there's nothing she can do about it because she's a doormat. Luna thinks this is because she had a crush on Lurch and resents Luna for stealing her man lmao.

>Do we think she'd leave if she found out he was having an IRL affair?
I think he's already had IRL affairs earlier in the relationship. There was a girl in the Bronx he'd stay with 'when he missed the last train home' and Luna hated her because she was handsy with him.
Added tinfoil: I think she tried to find a new guy 3 years ago but failed and isn't trying anymore. Around thread 30/31 if anybody wants to go back and check. The start of Lurch's court mandated piss tests, and Lunas forced sobriety because he didn't want her getting high without him. She was writing in her journal about wanting couples therapy with lurch (kek), replying to other guy's instagram pics, and the infamous rape happened. Might have been the last sighting of her ex Peter too kek, he was always plan B if something happened to Lurch.

No. 943978

As the anon who asked the question, I actually think this is the most realistic/likely answer. Way to change my view, nonnaschenka. Excellent points. Though I do believe that if he beat her to the point of not being able to take uwu selfies, she'd eventually leave.

Also a great point.

I feel you, but like I said, I think she has a limit. If he fucked up her Sanrio garbage in a fit of rage, broke her phone, and/or left not-uwu-cute bruises but like actual CV damage on her face, I'm willing to bet she'd leave. Maybe not the first time, but I def think she sees herself as stunning face-wise and wouldn't let him go around breaking her face bones.

No. 943981

Are we really doing this again? Luna and Lurch are codependent in a way only junkies can be. She won't leave him because she can't.
When he dies, she'll replace him with the same thing.
How much do you want to bet? Whatever it is, I'd take it.

No. 943994

No shit they're codependent, but yes, I would definitely bet money that if he beat her to the point of broken face bones, especially more than once, she'd eventually leave. Luna is nothing if not extremely sensitive about her looks, she's not gonna let him destroy her face. I'd also bet money that she'd ditch him if a newer, cuter model showed up and swept her off her feet. You're absolutely entitled to your own opinion.

Unrelated to angry nona, how much do we think Luna's making (if anything) from selling ""content""?

No. 944017

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No. 944018

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No. 944019

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Another video of her pretending to vape, not worth the effort to upload.

No. 944020

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No. 944021

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No. 944022

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No. 944023

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No. 944025

ngl this scared me, i thought something happened to pumpkin. i'll accept the replies calling me a retard for caring about someone else's cat but she's the only one i feel sorry for in this shit show since she didn't ask to be brought into such filth

No. 944029

She posted once or twice saying she only makes like 20 bucks every few weeks or something like that, like maybe 40 a month?

No. 944045

kek the cocoa puffs in the bg. our starving ana queen

No. 944062

And a bag of candy on her lap she’s working her way through. And she complains that she’s a behemoth

No. 944077

I see a lot of nonnas have forgotten that she was yearning for another man and not so subtly posting her yearning on her public blog not too many threads ago. All it takes for Luna to leave Lurch is if that who she has history with to decide not to ghost her anymore

No. 944081

My god that's bleak. Not like I was expecting her to make much, but given the amount of humiliating advertising she does, I figured it had to be making her at least $100-$200 for her to keep doing it like this, but it's Tuna we're talking about. Of course she's showing her tits to the world for $40 a month.

I know I said it before, but the brazenness with which she shows off her gullet garbage is so strange to me. At least pretend not to stuff your face if you're gonna cosplay anorexia, lmao.

Exactly. I think people forget Luna's as much of a user as Lurch, he's just a bigger creep.

No. 944096

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No. 944097

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No. 944098

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No. 944099

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No. 944101

Does anyone know what month lurch was born?

No. 944106

>if he beat her to the point of not being able to take uwu selfies, she'd eventually leave.
is it possible she would find bruises and a swollen face aesthetic, though?

No. 944109

im pretty sure april just like luna

No. 944116

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No. 944117

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No. 944120

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No. 944121

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No. 944127

April 28th 1979

No. 944140

Damn imagine drinking your own piss and calling up your father during it and filming all of it, for someone's gross fetish, for 40 bucks.

No. 944143

I think Lurch's advantage comes from being above 70IQ, Luna was speddy before the heroin and the drugs have made her even stupider. Luna would cheat too but she lacks any social skills and only befriends people if she can scam something out of them with zero effort. Kek her most recent "friends" have been Etsy sellers. I legit don't think Luna is capable of maintaining simple friendships, never mind seducing another guy and convincing him to ruin his life for her.

No. 944145

Makes Shayna seem like she has a touch of class in comparison, at least she makes slightly more than 40$ kek

No. 944149

she's been using this filter for so long i can no longer remember what her actual nose looks like

No. 944152

The elastic waistband on those pants is completely maxed out

No. 944159

she always complains about having to deal with these retarded moids yet continues posting "teasers" anyway despite making almost no money off them.
>still play dumb
they're not playing, coomers are all retards

No. 944166

The only reason the heffer has to leave the house is to buy gas station snacks since she gets her drugs delivered

No. 944169

I cannot stop laughing. I'm amazed none of the people she's pissed off in life have ever snapped and called her out for posting constant snack-porn and then following that up with BS ana-chan shit. Per the pro-ana threads, the only bone-rattlers you normally see posting shit like >>944098 are the already skinny ones who make it abundantly clear whatever food is in the photo will be coming out of them the same way it went in, kek. Is she not embarrassed?

No. 944180

Giant sized box too, how much you wanna bet she ate that whole box in like 2 days

No. 944183

Oh you sweet, summer child. She inhaled everything in that photo the day she got it, I can promise you that. You don't end up looking like Luna when thoughts like, "I'll save some of this for tomorrow" occur to you. All she knows how to do is consoom. Street drugs, pills, landfill-bound Chinese-made Sanrio garbage, threadbare thrifted Shein shit, junk food–as long as she's got something to put in her body, on her body, or on display in her bedroom, she's happy. Or what she thinks is happy, anyway.

No. 944186

Ayrt the part you didn't factor into that is that the guy she has history with is also retarded. He's just Luna but skinny with a neenor. Loser drug addict bf who is young has a significant advantage over loser drug addict bf who is elderly, even to normie girls, to a point where some weaker women transition into Jessie from Breaking Bad. If he reappears again like he did the other few times we will immediately see Luna start drifting again

No. 944201

Kek — in comparison to Luna, Shayna is a marketing business woman genius dynamo. Never thought I’d put those last eight words together!

No. 944220

>>944201 Right? Tuna and Shay have both done some degenerate-ass shit, but at least Shayna was making a semi-livable wage from it at one point. Tuna's just out her showing da big areola for $40 a month.

On the other hand, she also isn't making creepy fucking pseudo-pedo porn, so there's that at least.

No. 944223

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No. 944225

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No. 944226

>too old to die young
I want to study Tuna's brain in a lab.

No. 944228

Oh so she's openly using it again on her open sociais. That's a new one

No. 944229

i wonder if luna thinks vacuums are for rich ppl or smth. are crumbs needed for the aesthetic?

No. 944232

fatty is saving them for later

aka xylazine, the thing some of us suspected which caused the mysterious bone infection in her spine, as tranq is known to do. ha!

No. 944234

did she post this on purpose? also she must be shooting again if theres a spoon and needle. i assume it wouldn't be for lurch as his veins must be way worse off than hers since he was using for like 20 years before her.
why is she pretending lurch is completely sober if shes using he is too. its like she forgot shes posting on her not sober account not the sober one. or she thinks people cant see her account history where it shows they obviously use.

No. 944242

I've only ever seen heroin in Luna posts, but that looks like some really bad quality heroin compared to the stuff she used to get.

Luna's veins are worse than Lurch's because Luna ruined all her 'backup veins' in early addiction. She was injecting into her hands for the aesthetic within a year of trying heroin. Also she's never been able to inject herself properly, so once lurch stopped doing it for her she started killing her veins even faster. She has mentioned that she 'muscle pops' heroin into her thigh muscles because she can't find a vein anymore. On her alt reddit she said she only snorts it now because of the scarring to her thighs but I find that hard to believe.

No. 944243

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samefagging but she calls it 'sniffing' like a retard.

No. 944244

>[addict] until he was 40 years old
>lurch born in 1979
Really? Couldn't come up with a more believable lie? Lurch has been sober for 5 years? Why does he still look like a corpse?

No. 944245

Yep! And doing it while chiding others for their drug use, apparently.

Con confirm this shit looks weird. From what I understand, heroin/fentanyl breaks off into little rocks. These look more like little flakes.

As for her shooting, I wouldn't be surprised if she snorts it most of the time to give her veins a break, but if she gets some that's weak or she wants to really treat herself, she shoots up. Just tinfoil though.

No. 944246

What is this? Why does it look like eggshells? Im not an expert but this shit looks weird no matter what it is? Why did she post this lmaoooo

No. 944252

That's the leavings from stepping on a batch.

No. 944253

It’s frankly a miracle that the spine infection is the worst she’s endured to date given how filthy and retarded she is on top of being a junkie (I mean you’d have to be retarded to do heroin to begin with but y’know)

No. 944276

Sorry for being retarded but what do you mean by that?

No. 944278

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No. 944280

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No. 944281

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No. 944284

These eyebrows are a statement

No. 944285

"friday" when she probably has sugary crap like that everyday. also look at those nasolabial folds kek the filters didn't work this time.
what a loser pretending to inject it when she is snorting. I think she's trying to fish for paypigs who like junkie injecting h porn.

No. 944288

Hi sorry I’m a bit new to these forums but what’s her Snapchat? Also why do her eyebrows look like snail trail x

No. 944298

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No. 944317

Lurk more faggot

No. 944320

why would she load up a shot if she wasn't gonna shoot it that would just be wasting it. she also said let me get this perfectly. shes obviously trying to shoot up in the very few and rare places she has left. i'm just excited she's publicly posting drug shit again.

No. 944328

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No. 944343

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Someone grab a fly swatter

No. 944349

whenever i see her up close i just wanna exfoliate her skin so bad and see if her freckles are even real or if the crumbs have taken over everything

No. 944353

She looks so fucking stupid in these. She's gonna go out in public thinking she's hot shit lmaoo
Oh she already did

No. 944375

Wow it’s almost like if this lazy fat fuck got a job she could get all the packages she desires instead of begging people for garbage from China. The fact she thinks she just deserves it and people should feel sorry for her and buy her stuff is wild.
>haven't got a package in a year!
As you shouldn’t have you worthless lard ass

No. 944380

uncle jun core

No. 944381

Damn that lip piercing just keeps wandering…

No. 944386

nta but i know that "stepping on" drugs refers to when dealers cut their supply (idk what they use, i've heard of them adding laxatives but you get the idea) to bulk it up. the drugs move hands many, many times, so by the time they reaches a user they may have been stepped on/cut many times with many different things. i've never heard of leavings before, but maybe it's leftover cutting/non-drug materials that have separated to the bottom of the bag? sorry for a semi-nonanswer but i hope this clarifies a little bit

No. 944391

i know i’ve been in these threads for years saying “just get a job you useless leech” but it occurred to me the other day that they will NEVER get a real job with reportable wages, even something simple like dunkin (remember when she said that was her plan? kek), because that means she will get fewer gibs. right now the government pays for her food, healthcare (including mental health, drug treatment, and transportation to/from appointments), and housing. you know, the main three things the rest of us work for and spend our money on. for me it’s worth it, not only for the sense of accomplishment for funding my own life, but it means i can also buy myself whatever i want, whenever i want. luna will never fill out a job application in her entire life as long as the government keeps footing the bill for everything, even if it means she doesn’t get a disposable income to spend on trinkets and shein garbage herself. she’ll just expect other people to spend their hard-earned money to buy the shein for her.

No. 944400

I'm sorry. shes massive. tuna's life is depressing as hell.

No. 944411

It always gives my brain a little zing to see her this massive and yet remember that on top of borderline having her own gravitational pull, she's also almost 6' tall. She's a huge bitch in every sense.

No. 944414

Not even pretending to be sober anymore huh? Straight posting needles, spoons, and whatever fentanyl/tranq/sheet rock mixture she got from some random on the street. She’s fucking around and she will find out with how mutated the dope is out there these days.

No. 944415

she’s been oohing and ahhing over other active junkies on IG and wants some of the asspats she sees them getting

No. 944424

Can some artnonna do an artwork of Luna doing her skincare of the dirty hallway? Omfg

No. 944426


Is she still going to claim sober on her other socials?

No. 944452

that depends. is anyone going to offer her free tattoos and piercings or packages full of plastic garbage if she pretends to be sober?

No. 944456

what really bothers me about this is shes putting out this message to KT, who is sober and just got out of rehab, in between photos of her fent and a loaded up needle. i hope KT doesn't even have her on snap and cant see this shit cuz can you imagine how triggering that could be for a newly sober addict!? i bet she didn't even dm her with a thank you….

No. 944471

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No. 944494

Her tits are long enough to tuck into the waistband of her pants.

No. 944499

How does Luna convince random people to send her packages for no reason? You'd think a "former" heroin addict wouldn't fall for the scam. She won't thank KT in private and she's now expecting more gifts from her.
If KT is sober and going out of her way to maintain friendships with heroin addicts, she doesn't want to stay sober. I think there's something sus about KT/Circuswannabe. She looks like she's still using, is scamming on Etsy using "mental health" as an excuse for why she can't ship art prints, and on tiktok she's bragged about having unsupervised access to methadone at her workplace… If she lives in new york then she reached out to tuna for a hookup.

No. 944503

I think it's fentanyl nonna

No. 944522

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No. 944523

welp, fatty got her precious weight loss drugs. i can't wait to watch as nothing changes kek

No. 944525

afraid of a potential drug interaction but not afraid of using dirty needles or shoving fentanyl up her nose kek

No. 944528

At most she would lose 3% of her body weight in a year. Im betting shes prediabetic

No. 944555

It’s used for PCOS too. She probably thinks it’s some miracle weight loss pill, she’s not going to make any diet or lifestyle changes because she’s a lazy retard so I doubt it will have much effect on her

No. 944557

circuswannabe isnt kt, kt >>943094
is braininvat from instagram and she also has a tumblr i cant remember. she's an oldschool luna calf/friend. idk who this circuswannabe person really is except luna comments on her page. i don't use tiktok or instagram.

No. 944558

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No. 944598

Why would she be getting an mri for her knee? I don’t recall her ever bitching about knee issues

No. 944599


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 944600

She used to bitch about her cotton eyed joe knee all the time, but iirc she hasn't brought it up in years.

No. 944601

Maybe possibly from >>943503?

No. 944602

a bit early but any threadpic submissions? art nonas please step up!

No. 944603

lol al the cigarette burns on her chest and tits from nodding out while smoking.

No. 944604

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7 days ago.

No. 944615

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No. 944616

mustve been a long day being a lazy piece of shit leech. thank god she has time to relax

No. 944617

Her fucking teeth jesus christ.

No. 944618

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The filter can't save you tuba

No. 944619

I don't know anything about methadone but jfc…she mustve developed a high tolerance. I wonder if the fat helps too.

No. 944629

I will never get over her alleged body dysmorphia and self loathing towards her appearance yet is confident enough to post a minimum of 10 greasy selfies a day.

No. 944633


I know it's mostly the filter but Christ she looks so much better without the tacky ass face piercings

No. 944634

Door looks warped kek fatty

No. 944635

She looks so much better with all her janky piercings taken out. Especially the sagging vertical labret and septic bridge, but at least it seems like she hasn't put the bridge back in.

No. 944636

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Not for long

No. 944644

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Usually I like even pretty big oversized glasses but genuinely what the fuck are these.

No. 944648

Those cover up black eyes very well. They're the new style for beaten housewives

No. 944649

Right. They look stupid and comical, like they're supposed to be for some Halloween costume. It's for sure not giving the vibes she thinks. You'll make yourself look stupid asf while high (also note her newly shaved eyebrows), and think you're hot shit, while looking just stupid.

No. 944657

Her breath has got to be horrendous since she obviously does not floss and never gets a new toothbrush.

No. 944687

maybe that's why lurch constantly wears shades kek

No. 944712

sounds like bullshit to me. No clinic would ever ever ever hand out that much methadone. Most top out at 135 unless you get an ekg every month. even with take homes, which she wouldn’t get because she pisses dirty and hasn’t done anything productive to get them. shes been very clear about how she got her methadone on the street too.

i know she used to get free methadone from a junkie who used to put cotton in his mouth but even then, they’re getting less than 50% of that dose. It would take weeks of getting his dose every day. My sister in law stole two bottles of methadone, at about 250mg together and literally died. it took three doses of narcan to even get her breathing again and she’s been a junkie long before luna.

No. 944738

>tuna saving up old man methadone mouth cotton balls and sucking on them
I want to die

No. 944742

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It's a stupid video of tuba gooning over her gross nails. Not worth the effort to upload.

No. 944744

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No. 944745

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No. 944748

snarking her parasocial online "friend" is so funny

No. 944749

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Kek, not Tuna lurking and posting on a snark subreddit about her little internet buddy she likes sooo much.

No. 944758

Why did tuna make this comment? It's a dig at her "friend"?

No. 944775

Of course she’s fine, she’s the size of a whale and gobbles up pills by the handful so her tolerance is insanely high

No. 944783

she still thinks that her reddit account is a secret kek I was so lucky to find it randomly

how cow-ish is circuswannabee? for her to have a snark subreddit…

No. 944785

kek she used to cry about not having any friends and people only following her to laugh at her and now here she is posting about her bff on a snark reddit. reminds me of when she called that blogger jessica torres fat and said she had pancake tits and was posting in an abby brown hate group, talking about how she'd look so much better in abby's clothes than abby did. she has the same personality as lori when it comes to other women

No. 944789

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No. 944790

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No. 944791

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No. 944792

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No. 944794


I just cannot imagine what this looks like coming out of the flop house.

No. 944806

Dumpy lumpy. I can't get over how stupid she looks, and yet, she thinks she's hot shit. I know she smells like feet, BO, stale smoke and musty clothing. Doused in lysol and body spray to top it off.

No. 944810

>how cow-ish is circuswannabee
Extremely. She deserves her own thread here imo. There's endless milk to get out of her, especially since she's also active on that subreddit and tries to engage seriously with her detractors

No. 944813

Coming out of the flop house waiting on her ride to the methadone clinic, classy as fuck

No. 944820

luna forgets that she's a hulking 300lb beast who has used klonopin and benzos long term, whatever she says isn't "relevant" at all and doesn't apply to most people. just another example of her wanting to brag about her drug use and making everything about herself
she's such a bitch, using her "secret" reddit to talk about her only friend (didn't she buy her all that SHEIN shit too?) i hope her friend lurks kek

No. 944828

no the shein shit is from KT who is a longtime character in lunas life. lurk more. she's been around for years now. different than this circus freak.

No. 944830

thanks for answering my question, i do remember luna had a friend whose mom used to buy shit for her but she hadn't done it in so long i couldn't tell if it was her or not. i do agree the circus chick is a freak though

No. 944832

that was rlyblonde, corrina. i don't think shes been in the picture for awhile. she's the one who took that picture of luna where she was huge in front of a tiny pink car. used to buy her plants and stuff. i think that was when she was squatting in tuna mom home.

No. 944833

circuswannabee really needs a thread on here i wanna read much more about her. if anyone knows her past and can make up a thread in /snow/ i would be really appreciative. i lurked her snark subreddits a bit but couldn't really understand what was going on as a new viewer.

No. 944835

luna can be really confusing since she never really mentions her friends by name just usually says "a friend got me this", idk why she does this but maybe my memory is just really bad. but yeah it was rlyblonde i was thinking about so i appreciate the answer

No. 944859

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No. 944877

circuswannabee?? shocked to see her name here. she absolutely deserves a thread 300%(sage your shit)

No. 944888

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No. 944891

I don’t know why but the way she places her hand on her hip always triggers me

No. 944895

Kek - she thinks posing that way will hide how gargantuan her hips are.

No. 944905

threadpic submissions or nominations please? we are nearing a new thread and i don't wanna come up with something.

No. 944909

It should at least have this. Her face with the loaded shot. "Tuba is back to black." Or something.

No. 944911

Please incorporate her edgeofhell82 username

No. 944929

Are they even hips or does she have some weird lipedema shit going on.. it just doesn’t look right. Her precious waist to hip ratio, please

No. 944958

i think she's using her hand to pull her fat to look like a waist.

No. 944959

The fat is because of the methadone (in a way-hear me out) methadone slows the metabolism while simultaneously increasing sugar cravings. Heroin does the same thing, but because methadone removes the constant appetite destroying dip into dopesickness because it's always there and available at the clinic, it's truly a recipe for hamplanetry.

No. 944962

everyone gains weight in methadone. And methadone causes hyperhydrosis (aka excessive sweating) so i’m sure she smells like a big sack of dirty underwear and onions.

you can take vitadone and other supplements to fight the side effects but she has no self respect so she’ll just get fatter and smellier.

No. 944965

Lol she's a couple binges away from being an actual deathfat. If you look at super-morbidly-obese fatties like Tess Holliday or Anna O'Brien they do the stupid hand on fake waist thing too. It's impressive Luna's managing to keep 2 different vices going strong, she should pick food or heroin kek.

Getting a little fat (like Lurch has) is expected, then there's whatever the hell is going on with Luna. It's more than bad appetite cues and slow metabolism, she uses food for comfort.

No. 944968

r you tw oqeo ouqeitel and i miss you too baby love you too baby miss have a good night baby have fun at the well q to tweak user

technically i.

No. 944972

3% of her body weight in a year? That's like 800lbs, she'll be happy with that.
No don't include it, we don't want to lose the fountain of milk that it provides.

No. 944976

i was thinking the same thing. she'd be more likely to see it and delete if we use it in the threadpic or edition title. i also don't wanna use the pic with the needle in it. maybe the picture of her with the trash skirt ? for edition title i was thinking something simple like back on fent edition. even tho she obviously has been for awhile, we've confirmed it now.

No. 944977

lmao is someone nodding out in this thread?

Use the fucking needle picture wtf? It's the most milk we've had in ages, jesus.

No. 944988

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No. 944989

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No. 944991

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No. 944992

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No. 944993

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No. 944994

> okay honey ill pose for one of your stupid selfies again jesus fucking christ

No. 944995

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No. 944999

tinfoiling here but i’m suspecting she’s lurking here. her reddit confirming she’s still using was exposed, and she almost immediately goes back to posting publicly about her drug use. it seems like she just realized the jig is up and knows we found her secret reddit.

No. 945002

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No. 945016

Venus be in the being thread

No. 945024

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No. 945025

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No. 945026

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Dumb video of her showing off socks

No. 945027

File: 1728758763029.jpg (153.36 KB, 720x1442, VideoCapture_20241012-113858.j…)

Another dumb video of her playing with a baby toy

No. 945031

speak your truth nona

No. 945051

>”bad lighting”
>standing in perfect golden hour light

God she’s so retarded in every way. Just because you’re a disgusting behemoth and you’re not being flattered any by harsh white overexposed lighting doesn’t mean the lighting is bad, Luna.

No. 945053

She's lurked here for a long time. As far as we know, she avoided her threads the first few years. Then she had that fat pedo fakeboi and a few others feeding her drama from here and finally she gave up and started lurking.
lmao I love you anon.

No. 945054

Interesting, that's a Gamestop sticker. Sister worked there, not sure how it is at every location but at the ones where she lives, they turn in lifters quick and don't bother waiting for them to hit the felony amount. If she's started shoplifting from GS she's gonna have a real rough time when she gets caught.

No. 945082

These seem like gifts idk why maybe from that box she recently received

No. 945123

There's no Pokemon socks with price tag from Shein >>944329

No. 945134

price tag also says "Pro Member Price", definitely GameStop and not Shein

No. 945140

File: 1728923715814.webm (Spoiler Image,705.29 KB, 636x802, XRecorder_14102024_091618.webm)

not tuba but this ex junkie talking about injecting into her butt made me think that's what tuba did

No. 945142

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No. 945143

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No. 945144

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No. 945145

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No. 945146

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No. 945147


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 945148

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No. 945149

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The filth

No. 945150

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No. 945151

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No. 945152

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No. 945153

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