File: 1446848520584.jpg (1.57 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1446848393228.jpg)

No. 55086
>>55077"I have no way to listen to music"
Yet has an iPhone 6
No. 55100
>>55077Luna just uses benzos like xanax and shit. she's mentioned that she can see herself using heroine one day, but doesn't right now.
She recently moved in with her 30-something year old boyfriend and his dad/parents (who was a past heroine addict now on methadone), both use and sell xanax.
No. 55114
>>55100she uses benzos and dope (heroin) if you can't read nor see the track marks on her arms.
And both of them use heroin.
No. 55130
>>55125so like why do people think heroin is cool and makes you a ~damaged special snowflake angelbabyfuck~ or whatever
doing drugs doesn't make you cool. just sad. been addicted to heroin myself. it's not anything to be fucking proud of.
No. 55146
File: 1446859530045.png (2.7 MB, 1310x2119, Screenshot_2015-11-06-17-22-49…)

>Beauty Progress
Your heroin addiction is what caused you to lose weight. Not an eating disorder
No. 55188
File: 1446879322147.jpg (58.62 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nwzfohP4O11u313u4o1_500…)

>>55114That's a track mark?
No. 55219
>>55196newfag detected by the large amounts of butthurt
It's honestly just obnoxious because most of us used chan boards for years so we are almost all old fags/been here a decent amount of time and then come a bunch of annoying people self posting/posting retarded vendettas/not even attempting to understand how a chan board works
No. 55228
>>55227If it didn't mean much then it wouldn't have been so easy to sniff you out
lurk more
No. 55395
>>55188Honestly looks like a cigarette burn or some kind of bruise (purposely put there). That would be more like an abscess at that size. Tracks aren't really that noticeable unless you're using a barbed rig or missing a vein.
Heroin also doesn't usually cause weight loss. In fact opiates tend to cause weight gain and bloat.
No. 55934
>>55905LMAO this fucking newfag heard the phrase lurk moar the first time on this thread
>>55228>>55291and is now using it incorrectly to seem not like a newfag. top fucking kek
No. 56244
>>56215huh? I'm saying the person in the top post
>>55905 <- this one
copied the other two posts. (not saying the bottom two posts are the newgfags)
No. 59675
>>55096has anyone noticed that since this thread has been made about a girl called luna, "luna eden" has now changed her name again?
try hard much, clearly trying to be the biggest snowflake
No. 127713
File: 1462408431093.png (52.06 KB, 594x776, lc.png)

'I don't eat anything so I lose weight, but give me money because so I can buy some food.'
It's also curious that she omits her addiction from a begging post despite speaking about it almost proudly at all other times.
No. 127724
>>127713Why can't the 2 adult men she lives with spend a little money on food?
>>127723Where I live it's the same deal with the Health Department. If you have no income you can get tested, get your exam and birth control all for free.
No. 133929
File: 1464128839995.png (413.03 KB, 368x598, ....png)

No. 134050
Still begging for money and gifts from strangers lol
No. 134193
>>134160Asking people for stuff has been a thing for her for a while. She's spoken about an older woman who has cancer that occasionally spoils her with huge shopping trips, she begs her e-friends for care packages, and one of her only IRL friends recently took her shopping too. She even got the nerve to angry a couple months ago when she got "barely any donations." Being poor doesn't make you entitled to receiving items benign as make-up and clothes.
She constantly posts about her addiction but mysteriously omits her habit from her donation posts.
No. 134196
File: 1464209158828.png (1.2 MB, 976x608, Untitled.png)

her fiance is a visual nightmare
No. 135231
File: 1464474194245.jpg (96.54 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o7uc32kSZL1u313u4o1_500…)

"Beautiful Junkie"
No. 135433
File: 1464539646506.png (36.1 KB, 634x446, Untitled.png)

The train of begging posts grows longer. And she keeps emphasizing how the donations she's getting aren't enough No. 135646
>>135433holy shit never expected to see someone who I knew on this site
Her name is luna since she was born on a lunar eclipse, I stopped hanging with her once she was involved with another heroin junkie who has an ED page!! No. 136048
File: 1464725000233.jpg (70.13 KB, 540x640, tumblr_o824qreajX1u313u4o1_540…)

No. 136371
File: 1464806870754.jpeg (130.63 KB, 768x898, image.jpeg)

Worse than Ginger Bronson
No. 136379
File: 1464807857177.jpg (96.85 KB, 500x652, ew.jpg)

her skin, hair, lips, and teeth are all the same shade of washed out and it's hella disconcerting. it ages her so much and does no favours for her wide spaced fish eyes.
No. 136801
File: 1464919254816.jpg (75.41 KB, 540x675, tumblr_o8689t0nTT1u313u4o1_540…)

what a cute pic
No. 136809
>>136459>>136401She lives in NY so don't they have landlords to fix basic necessities like a stove/shower? Unless she's at fault for it?
>>136804Her cat is adorable. Didn't she have two? I'm really concerned about them since if one gets sick and needs medical attention, her begging for donations (which she doesn't aways get, won't help in time. I hate when people get pets and think all they need to do is feed them. No you need a emergency medical fund
No. 137066
File: 1465000169935.png (68.49 KB, 522x204, gfyt.png)

No. 137420
>>137066Her face actually scares me.
Looks like some kind of halloween mask
No. 137445
>>137405Luna Slater is her actual name
She was born on a lunar eclipse hence her name
No. 137510
File: 1465154768859.jpg (53.74 KB, 400x528, fuckin_yikes.jpg)

is it just me or does she look high as fuck??
No. 137520
File: 1465156290471.jpg (119.8 KB, 540x701, tumblr_o8bb92kEvu1u313u4o1_540…)

No. 137528
File: 1465157434560.png (82.19 KB, 543x1026, jfoijfaw.png)

>>137520The caption for this picture:
>I need to tone my hair either grey or lavender blonde idk which yet but one daySo she has money for hair dye but not for the laundry list of causes on her e-begging posts. Sounds legit.
No. 137666
>>55077I would do things a shit ton differently if I was in her position. Groceries = chinese food and pizza for a night, or as she posted on her blog when she gets food stamps she buys a super sugary fruit juice that the love of her life drinks in two days. No wonder why she's whining.
I've seen stories about how single mothers feed their two kids on less than whats she's asking.
Also her town, mamaroneck, has a food pantry, she can't be that dense to not go to it if she is really in need
No. 137689
>>137528Having known many addicts in the past (and being one myself a long time ago,) she is not asking for money for groceries. She's looking to score. The desperation, the excuses, the "just $40" schtick. It all rubs me the wrong way.
She's using people's donations to help buy her and her lowlife boyfriend's heroin.
Girl, if you're reading this: please leave that place. Please get off the dope. That guy isn't helping you, and you'd be much happier on your own and clean. I promise.
No. 139588
File: 1465849724329.jpg (120.57 KB, 540x675, tumblr_o8q81vw5Qc1u313u4o1_540…)

"Thank you tumblr for our icecream." Soooo… this is what she is using donations for? Fucking cow.
No. 139677
File: 1465872319977.jpg (226.82 KB, 540x720, tumblr_o8q8f3m9vQ1u313u4o1_540…)

She always takes pictures in front of this house and I can't help but wonder how weird it would be if I were the homeowner watch two scrubs take selfies next to my garden.
>>139588Jfc she doesn't even have the sense to cover her tracks when she buys shit like this and is instead open about throwing everyone's money away on fucking icecream.
No. 139697
>>139588That's at least $5 right there. I'm sure she got one for her starving father in law too /s
That's a loaf of bread or in her case an order of Chinese food. All her poverty claims make me so angry
No. 139944
File: 1465945894595.jpg (515.14 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

Apologies ahead of time for the size of the screenshot but she loves ginger Bronson ofc what a joke
No. 139984
>>139944Of course she does
>>stop telling poor people they can’t get a little treat everposted: 14 June 2016 @ 13:53
tags: I literally got one dollar ice cream?
That chocotaco sure as hell ain't one dollar. Its at least 2.50 and since you live in a fancy town probably 3. Those cones are 2 aren't me so you spent at least 5
Wonder if she knows about this now or if a follower complained?
No. 140179
File: 1466026129407.jpg (138.72 KB, 540x674, tumblr_o8u0mzpjyM1u313u4o1_540…)

Wow, now it's actually really fucking obvious she was shooting… just look at her arm in this pic
No. 140208
File: 1466029441347.jpg (107.99 KB, 540x675, tumblr_o8u1rfLZat1u313u4o1_540…)

Can you buy pizza with foodstamps in NY?
No. 140256
File: 1466036235432.jpg (191 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_o8u64cryCc1u313u4o1_128…)

No. 140294
File: 1466043673965.png (1.94 MB, 1135x901, ew.png)

Her dirty clothes make me nauseous.
No. 140296
File: 1466043826197.png (663.93 KB, 926x554, 09997.png)

She went outside, in 40 degree weather, in this.
No. 140604
File: 1466098434934.png (24.6 KB, 612x274, luna.png)

luna posted these 2 minutes apart, she must have been reeeeeeally torn up… i know it's not anything major but it just infuriates me how false she is, and she gets away with it because she's a ~sickly angel drug addict~ and the insincerity is killing me.
No. 140971
File: 1466111338971.png (515.23 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-16-16-11-08…)

No. 141131
Ugh i hate people
but love how she wants money for a memorial fund but not for her ill cats
No. 147416
She is begging for money again because she can't afford to pay the rent. What the fuck were her fiance and his father doing before she moved in?? Fucking two grown men living in a decrepit apartment, no water, no stove, no shower. Basically squatting in a slum. And after all of the pics of her obvious bloody trackmarks, her pizza and icecream, her freshly dyed hair, she still begs and begs for money, at least every other day. This girl has no fucking boundaries, asking for funds for her grandma's memorial, who has already been dead for 5 years. I can just smell the bullshit from every fucking post, fucking junkie slob
No. 147527
File: 1466736946132.png (92.02 KB, 536x366, Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 7.52…)

>>55077can't drug use cause seizures?? i hope they get actual help soon…
No. 147545
>>147527Tonic clonic and grand mal are the same thing just two different terms.
And yes heroin withdrawal, aka no heroin in 12+ hours can cause this type of seizure
No. 147972
>>147713>>One of those weeks where i’ve completely lost the will and desire to eatOh please spare me $20 so I can get food.
And she has an infected scratch since she can't afford to use soap and water
No. 148091
>>148015"i don't advocate addiction. this is my blog for me to talk about my own addiction. I do not advise anyone to use heroin. I am an advocate for harm reduction and education."
sounds a lot like some bullshit pro ana "i don't support eds!!!" type thing
No. 148113
File: 1466901157919.png (531.65 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

"Dope over food." "Give me money for food."
No. 148167
File: 1466921134484.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_2016-06-26-08-00-25…)

>>148113They also have money for two Iphones (one in the background, one that photo has been taken with).
Like how much of a piece of shit do you have to be, my super expensive phone would be the first thing I would sell if I was "starving"
No. 148171
File: 1466921583917.jpg (391.79 KB, 1280x1707, 9ea9bf43-9296-4ae3-9be4-4aa7ad…)

>>148167They even own a fucking Ipad like are you kidding me
No. 148180
>>148113That post about how she cops in the bronx, now we know what that $40 cab ride goes towards.
I'm genuinely disgusted by this side blog, its so tumblr
No. 148182
File: 1466925516054.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.47 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_o8d4zdTO4Y1uqg8tpo1_128…)

>>148176>>148175Not to mention her "cat scratch" that is infected is probably her injection point.
No. 148293
File: 1466946904111.jpeg (482.41 KB, 640x1094, image.jpeg)

No. 148318
File: 1466953414794.jpg (28.46 KB, 560x330, ew.jpg)

>>148015Reading this and seeing how gross and filthy she and her house are make me think of that meth head couple from Breaking Bad.
No. 148323
>>148015what a shitty human being. not sure if i feel sorry for all the people who followed her main blog and fell for her shit though. her constant begging and fishy stories made it more and more obvious that she was mostly after drug money.
so here's the real story according to her junkie blog…
>her bf has been a heroin addict for 15+ years (not surprising, just look at him)>after they started dating, she begged him to share his dope with her because of her "chronic pain" and denies that he can be blamed for her becoming an addict because it was "her decision">makes sense though because she also claims both her parents were addicts and that she's always been obsessed with junkie films and yt videos of people shooting up etc., so i guess she couldn't wait to finally live that ~romantic junkie life~>she now needs 4 bags a day>she's very proud of her "hustle" and "turning nothing into money" and even admits that she's lied to people/strangers in order to make them give her money (the people who have donated or sent her "care packages" will surely be happy to hear that…) No. 148348
File: 1466959909952.png (686.28 KB, 1080x1645, Screenshot_2016-06-26-18-50-09…)

>>148334What a fucking bitch
No. 148358
File: 1466962691673.jpg (59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o3j7t4aYaP1uqg8tpo1_500…)

"Been putting empty bags in here for three days wow I'm a fucking junkie lmao"
No. 148359
File: 1466962814528.png (871.61 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-26-12-45-22…)

No. 148361
File: 1466963262186.png (587.16 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-26-12-49-54…)

No. 148370
I thought the vape and 420 side of Tumblr was bad. When the fuck did heroin come back in style? Kurt Cobain's been dead for over twenty years, children. Find a new idol.
>>148293I'm usually more sympathetic towards addicts but 'no chance of recovery'? So you're just going to rot your arm out and beg for other people to fund your habit until someone finds you OD'd? Grow up, bitch.
No. 148374
File: 1466964509885.png (64.66 KB, 798x315, Screenshot_2016-06-26-13-11-48…)

No. 148385
File: 1466966334051.png (96.32 KB, 798x391, Screenshot_2016-06-26-13-24-53…)

Last one guys, sorry for spamming.
No. 148518
>>148493true anon.
It's pretty depressing to have followed Luna for a while and watch her go from a teenager with artistic potential to a self pitying junkie regressing through ~bbygirl~ aesthetic. She simultaneously uses the excuse that addiction was her conscious choice, but also constantly asserts that addicts can't be blamed for their decisions. What a waste of time.
No. 148527
>>148487yeah, other cows at least make an effort to come up with believable lies when they're scamming people online. it would have been shitty enough if this bitch had just kept her addiction secret while e-begging for money, but no, she needs to brag about it on her edgy junkie blog…
this is what some random person on tumblr sent her: course she's all like "omg, best thing ever" but i'm sure that in reality, she was probably pissed because it wasn't drug money…
No. 148555
File: 1466997283543.png (48.78 KB, 516x192, Screen Shot 2016-06-26 at 8.12…)

>>55077"I have my main blog with way more followers, and you all are way more supportive and kind than them."
No. 149310
File: 1467230377558.png (27.52 KB, 691x425, Untitled.png)

"medication".. suuuuuure.
No. 149323
>>149310meanwhile on her other blog:
>in a bad depression. I’d die without my medicine right here ?✨ junkhead life ?>junkhead life a bitch. she's no better than the cows pretending to have cancer and scamming their followers out of money for treatment. and it's not like she has munchhausen or believes her own delusions. she knows exactly what she's doing, and she's proud of it.
No. 149325
>>148559OT but no, it won't. There are plenty of drug blogs on Tumblr, just look at the "nodsquad" and the "tweaker nation" tags.
But yeah, she's a total cunt and treating everyone who donates to her like shit - see
>>148555. Junkies will do anything including lying to innocent people for drugs, and in her case, will brag about it.
No. 149376
File: 1467248314654.jpg (346.1 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o9jlh1Q5Iy1u313u4o1_128…)

>>149336isn't it obvious to other people what she's doing? I wonder if she's losing a lot of followers for the games shes playing.
She looks nice here though, she looks 1000% without the crusty white lip look.
No. 149446
>>148793She tried to be edgy by dating a girl for a while, their relationship was a mess. She really rocked the retro look for a while with vintage clothing etc. Some pics here writings: tried real hard to fit in with the cool older kids and it just didn't work. I'm unsure who still talks to her because of there heroin, its just not something you want associated with you. Once she hit the tumblr girl aesthetic when she was with creeper she changed and heroin kills your social life unless your friends are into it
No. 149592
File: 1467313460206.jpg (85.95 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o5wej9F1401uqg8tpo1_500…)

Forgot to sage my last post so I deleted.
I'm fairly new to this cow, I've skimmed this thread a few times but not paid proper attention/lurked her for myself and holy shit I'm disgusted after having a look through her tumblr.
I'm sure this has been said before but she's living in absolute filth, if her blankets look like pic related then I genuinely believe her kitchen is stacked with plates covered in rotten food & there's old takeaway boxes lying all over her house.
She's also really quite chunky for a typical heroin user, so I'm guessing she clearly doesn't starve as much as she makes out in her pity me send me money posts and hasn't been an addict for too long.
Why hasn't tumblr done anything about these drug communities? They're all young girls from the posts I've seen, glamourising it all. I get they can't delete every blog ever but jesus, make a start
No. 149594
File: 1467314147452.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.72 KB, 640x1136, my eyes.jpg)

Browsing through her blog and i found this. Help.
There's also a video of her getting dickslapped for some reason No. 149598
File: 1467314570374.jpg (259.85 KB, 640x1136, 7404fdc1-ddfb-4d46-8bc7-21e3ef…)

>>149594Well, at least sea creatures dick looks decent
No. 149605
File: 1467315857648.jpg (7.36 KB, 259x194, download.jpg)

She's trying to be Courtney Love. Seen it before in the 90s. She's so outdated. Barrettes in her bleached hair, Daniel Johnson tat, heroin, contrived sexual promiscuity, "bio dad", rip off CL lyrics, list of things she feels she has in common with CL
>>148293 They grow out of it.
No. 149616
File: 1467317645132.jpg (19.7 KB, 537x174, zhhbzhbbhh.JPG)

No. 149773
File: 1467393589468.jpg (322.21 KB, 1280x960, 13aed91a-45e0-4e9d-a797-2fa243…)

>>1497686 months? Holy fuck
I would fuck him as often as I could, I mean look at this sexy beast!
No. 149777
File: 1467393946315.png (267.43 KB, 1080x1490, Screenshot_2016-07-01-19-23-57…)

Of course she calls her bf daddy, who would have thought
No. 149794
File: 1467399553775.jpeg (32.62 KB, 400x266, image.jpeg)

>>149777I just threw up in my mouth
This is the worst thread.
No. 149807
>>149777>11 inchesWhat
And jesus f christ that's some next level shit writing
No. 149826
>>149775yeah he as another tattoo of some other band logo i think nirvana on his other arm
>>149773I see why she calls him daddy with those socks
No. 149834
File: 1467413187352.png (307.51 KB, 783x925, Screenshot_2016-07-01-17-49-58…)

No. 149835
File: 1467413359282.png (783.54 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-26-13-20-08…)

Old pic from when she first moved in with her crusty-ass fiancee
No. 149879
File: 1467429801918.png (82.52 KB, 1340x406, Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 8.22…)

>>149855i am curious about this considering how self-righteous she is about her lifestyle. does she have any old blogs up still?
No. 149885
>>149834jesus fucking christ.
So what if it doesn't flood? Still gonna ask for donations?
This thread is so depressing. Like I feel terrible for her but I simultaneously am disgusted by her begging for money. Does anyone know if she has tried to get a job?
No. 150014
File: 1467475852820.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1082x1500, image.jpeg)

>I need money for medication!
>heroin is my medication
(Posted within an hour of each other, I hope the poor assholes donating to her realize they're just paying for her drugs)
No. 150031
>>150017I-is that brown thing that looks like a clump of hair a piece of cotton?
I'll never understand people who inject, I do drugs but that's where I draw the line. Shit is not pure and who hell knows what the fuck it's cut with, what besides heroin will be running directly into your bloodstream. And if that's the cotton she used… well, seems like a one way ticket to general infection.
No. 150188
>>150031It looks like it's been used already. Unfortunately, I doubt she finds a new piece every time she wants to inject.
>>150183>>150186It's supposed to filter out what isn't water soluble.
No. 150193
>>150031Yeah, it's crazy, injecting who TF knows what into your veins. Besides whatever it's cut with, it's contaminated with all sorts of bacteria, fungi, etc. etc. Some of them end up with destroyed heart valves because that shit collects on the valve & vegetates.
Plus here in the US a lot of heroin is mixed with fentanyl bc the Mexican cartels have learned how to make it and it's super cheap & flooding the market. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiod that's like 100x more potent than heroin. Just a tiny amount will make you stop breathing and kill you. It's what killed Prince.
No. 150246
File: 1467540752074.png (73.31 KB, 537x308, image.png)

she's now using her bf's dad's medical condition to beg for money again. i'm not even sure i believe it's true in the first place, she seems to make up or exaggerate most of her (self-inflicted) problems to have new reasons for why she needs people to donate money again.
but i've always wondered what the dad's role in this whole thing is. i think he's an alcoholic? i've never seen her mention him being a heroin addict, but considering they share an apartment that looks like this
>>149835 i wouldn't be surprised. either way, their living situation is weird and confusing.
but even if this guy actually does have heart problems, fuck them. she complains about her bf having to spend 25-30 on medication for his dad when they both easily spend several times that amount on drugs A DAY.
No. 151175
File: 1467766199545.png (20.37 KB, 736x620, wcp.png)

look like the luna "callout" blog witchycrankypoo is active again. I wonder what her reaction will be, if any.
No. 151176
File: 1467766226118.png (30.48 KB, 738x518, wcp2.png)

No. 151498
Judging from her Instagram account, she's either whoring herself out or shoplifting on top of panhandling.
There's no way she can afford expensive cosmetic products, copic markers, marijuana, expensive cigarettes and alcohol, prescription drugs and an $80-a-day smack addiction with no employment. No. 151548
>>55077>>151500please, type normally
you edgefuck
No. 151818
File: 1467811610174.png (16.33 KB, 794x185, Screenshot_2016-07-06-08-30-59…)

Wow, congratulations.
No. 151819
File: 1467811725389.png (57.78 KB, 776x229, Screenshot_2016-07-06-08-33-07…)

No. 151820
File: 1467811963280.png (201.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-06-15-31-23…)

kek i love this person
No. 151907
File: 1467833350596.png (34.74 KB, 486x576, Untitled.png)

I'm sure shifting to maximum overdrive: capslock edition™ will definitely get people to donate.
No. 151908
File: 1467833464985.png (32.83 KB, 490x534, Untitled2.png)

>my brain flashes back
I think that's called "remembering"
No. 151967
File: 1467853875376.png (95.32 KB, 1058x390, Captura de pantalla 2016-07-06…)

They were obviously looking for dope
she trying to gain simphaty points makes me sick
No. 152116
>>152109Pretty sure you hit the nail on the head.
I don't think they even ever leave the house unless they're trying to score or are already high off their asses.
No. 152348
File: 1467955786638.png (847.99 KB, 1080x878, Screenshot_2016-07-08-07-26-29…)

How can someone who has been shooting heroin for two years now be so chubby?
I really don't get it
No. 152349
File: 1467955870150.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_2016-07-08-07-27-29…)

Also her face is slowly catching up with her heroin use
>>152186Soon she's going to ask for donations for that
No. 152378
File: 1467962382687.jpeg (68.4 KB, 742x596, image.jpeg)

Her skin is so loose it looks like she's tucking an ill fitted shirt into her pants.
No. 152379
>>152348That roll in the pic from the right, ew
she reminds me of peppa pig smh
No. 152380
File: 1467963335545.jpeg (546.91 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Who wore it best?
No. 152481
File: 1468002321266.png (49.85 KB, 798x251, Screenshot_2016-07-08-13-26-33…)

Lie after lie after fucking lie.
No. 152489
stop fucking lying, holy shit.
No. 152709
File: 1468009076298.png (271.38 KB, 792x992, Screenshot_2016-07-08-15-21-50…)

No. 152720
>>152709>>151967Hmmm, I wonder why he had problems with the cops two days in a row?
But yeah, of course he got arrested for "protesting"
No. 152751
>>152709her 'medicine'
She hasn't complained about PCOS until she wasn't getting money for food
No. 152756
>>152735She latches onto anything she can to get those donations. She knows how to get people who have never seen her junkie blog and who are too nice for their own good to feel sorry for her. It's all so ridiculously obvious now that I've her shooting up and bragging about her hustle.
>>149776A marriage license costs money and they want heroin more than that lol.
>>149592Silly anon doing laundry costs money too and they need those quarters for heroin. Besides when she's high I guess she doesn't notice that she lives in filth.
No. 152759
File: 1468016684975.png (1.68 MB, 1280x1707, 6c68787c-19a1-414d-8cc9-d5449d…)

Bf looks almost alright in this pic
No. 152760
>>152744>>152746That's my hometown, haven't heard shit about a protest.
she should have went with Manhattan because there actually was one there yesterday.
No. 152761
File: 1468016814752.jpg (Spoiler Image,409.09 KB, 1280x960, 388c47c4-2a7c-41be-91a9-9e3925…)

Some NSFW incoming
No. 152768
File: 1468017145193.png (18.41 KB, 786x162, Screenshot_2016-07-08-17-34-25…)

Old post from her junk blog 1/2
No. 152771
File: 1468017171605.png (47.01 KB, 798x306, Screenshot_2016-07-08-17-34-34…)

No. 152777
File: 1468017387384.png (108 KB, 796x365, Screenshot_2016-07-08-17-34-05…)

Shooting up at her old job
No. 152780
>>152777I really don't understand her being so goddamn proud on being a filthy, scamming junkie. Like wuu~ your pedophile boyfriend saved you from heroin withdrawal by shooting you up in your jobs bathroom, so cool!!11!
Very Courtney!!!1
No. 152783
File: 1468017991392.png (886.43 KB, 797x1081, Screenshot_2016-07-08-17-46-03…)

No. 152787
>>149777LOL this girl wants to be some super fucked up drug addict with daddy issues so bad
>pussy lips interjected between lines>"i love ur big areola">daddy, daddy, daddy>ur age feels so goodbabby's first dd/lg roleplay
>>140256>concealer lips and copper eyeshadowhow to look sicker than you actually are 101
>>149605really hit the nail on the head here. just another Courtney Love wannabe. someone should introduce her to Soren and Ginger Bronson so they can all fawn about damaged girls together
No. 152817
File: 1468025066446.jpeg (59.06 KB, 380x286, image.jpeg)

This thread is NSFL.
No. 152832
>>55077What the fuck is cripple punk
>>>(reminds me to get back into the cripple punk movement). Also
No. 152855
>>152770this thread has gone too far lmao
i'm actually gagging a bit.
No. 153252
>>152759just the typical lying, freeloading, scheming junkie bernie supporters that have no concept of reality due to being in a constant haze of drugs and withdrawals.
i wonder if her boyfriend is just with her because she was young and easy to corrupt? he seems like the type to pimp her out for money. i'm sure begging for money on her tumblr wasn't solely her idea. i'm sure if she doesn't contribute to the junkie traphouse in some way (sucking his dick and fucking him doesnt pay for heroin) then she'd be out of there, replaced with a younger girl who can beg and scam better.
i'd like to see these two meet a wall where they can't get any more heroin- it would be like animals going stir crazy wild. i can only imagine the reasons/excuses she would come up with then for tumblr to send her money or drugs.
i wonder how they met? has anyone found any trace of her parents on the internet? she looks like she's going downhill quick in terms of physical appearance- which is quite a shame, because she does have a pretty face.
No. 153256
File: 1468130500315.jpg (343.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-09-22-53-05…)

>>153252Meanwhile, on her main blog, she's whinging about getting teary because it hurts so bad in her uterus.
No. 153257
File: 1468131111594.png (170.06 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>153252Found it for you anon. Their love story <3
Also her parents are apparently both drug addicts or something. She has a picture with her mom somewhere on her blog and she talked about her dad giving her make up, weed, and an iPad in a few posts or something.
No. 153270
>>153257Oh god, he really is a pedophile.
I was kinda hoping that they met in a situation where he didn't possibly have know her age
No. 153280
File: 1468135850841.png (278.6 KB, 1080x1239, Screenshot_2016-07-10-09-24-57…)

No. 153281
File: 1468135940459.png (87.89 KB, 1080x441, Screenshot_2016-07-10-09-31-30…)

How ironic
No. 153285
>>153279>>153284So she was 17 and he was 32…
>>153280This is pretty fucked considering he's nothing but a gross, aging junkie with no future. She has to beg for money online on a nearly daily basis, sure seems like he really "did everything for you" Luna.
No. 153288
>>153257thank you, anon. if he was coming over to see her mom he was probably selling her mother drugs. classy! apparently she's still in contact with her parents, so i assume they approve of this older man with their young daughter. they had to have known about his prior drug use and addiction also… which makes this all so much worse. white trash america.
somebody on tumblr needs to link her drug blog under one of her posts with a caption that says, like, "wanna see where your donations REALLY go?" but then she'd flip and change all her URLs. Or appeal to the tumblr community for acceptance for her fucked up life and behaviors and scamming (the junkie/pedo community on there will make tons of excuses for her i'm sure)
wonder what she'll do if her junkie old man boyfriend dies from overdose or something? what is she gonna do? shack up with another older junkie and continue the cycle until she's dead or crawling on the street half dead begging strangers for change so she can get her fix?
what a sad life, i do feel sorry for her. being groomed and manipulated by an older man using drugs and sex.
No. 153294
File: 1468140956516.jpg (363 KB, 1280x1707, 0f7ba326-8354-4ccb-8052-7496e5…)

No. 153295
File: 1468141044433.png (88.29 KB, 419x579, Capture _2016-07-10-03-57-08.p…)

No. 153988
>>153987 Yeah, her tumblr is gone. I was not even five minutes on it and poof! Gone!
Her other one is still there tho.
No. 154062
File: 1468283065187.png (400.32 KB, 552x562, Untitled.png)

cherb1996 is her current URL
No. 154099
>>154065Exfriend here and no I didn't link her. Other anon stop being a little butch and let us have fun with our cows. If you don't like the site get off of it.
Luna is like Ash in a way, begging for donations but unlike Ash buying food she buys drugs
No. 154113
File: 1468297322308.jpg (44.87 KB, 518x205, addicted.jpg)

When I was a dumb teen I still had enough sense to run from an addict twice my age. She's acting like being a heroin addict is some kind of romantic destiny. That's pretty sad and pathetic but she got what she wanted…
No. 154152
File: 1468303128293.jpg (3.2 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1468302992554.jpg)

She used to be pretty cute. I numbered them so you can see how much she changes and what she turned into after she met him.
No. 154157
>>154113Wow so she literally chose to be a piece of shit junkie on purpose just because some blog made it look cool.
When she does of an OD or gets Hepatitis it will be a blessing. There's literally no reason for her to not just drop dead. She's good for nothing.
No. 154177
File: 1468308090038.png (220.7 KB, 432x501, 1442277727319.png)

>>154054You're a piece of shit. Kill yourself.
No. 154231
>>154007oh my god, is she trolling? this is all so gross. it also makes her relationship even more creepy. so basically… her bf was her mum's drug buddy and used to come over to their house to shoot heroin and share needles with her mum. and then he hit it off with her underage daughter who couldn't wait to become a junkie herself and live the tragic tumblr dream. wow.
i have absolutely zero sympathy for her. she clearly had other options but she chose this life and she's proud of it, and yet she strategically keeps up this fake persona on her main blog to scam her followers. why would someone literally waste their life for THIS? i just don't get it.
No. 155359
File: 1468462007664.jpg (80.91 KB, 526x355, dope.jpg)

>>153926He's controlling her usage and since she's addicted that means he has control over her.
No. 155363
File: 1468464333666.jpg (106.58 KB, 1080x1248, 12357472_1709406785958122_1944…)

i'm gonna dump some lulzy pictures from her instagram
No. 155400
File: 1468467705315.jpg (107.35 KB, 750x937, 13266824_1600577300255622_1664…)

>>155388why are you on lolcow if not to be catty?
No. 155406
>>155365Does she have heterochromia?
>>155404threw up in my mouth
No. 155536
File: 1468478628039.jpeg (286.13 KB, 1242x1614, image.jpeg)

The amount of disgusting in this photo…..It's almost like a warped "find the hidden images" game.
No. 155554
>>155536is that a bloody straw wrapper? bloody tissue? the fuck?
luna pls clean. do it for the kitty.
No. 156470
File: 1468790234276.png (12.01 KB, 539x165, 84354.png)

Hasn't something like this happened before?
I wonder what she's going to do when he actually does die from some drug-related condition.
No. 156615
>>155387how does someone take the time to put on a full face of makeup like this
and then be all 'pluck my eyebrows?? naaahhh they look fine'
No. 156660
>>156625I'm sure his are just drug-induced or from withdrawal. Googling "heroin seizures" brings up a lot of interesting shit.
There are a lot of things that can cause non-epileptic seizures though, such as stress, alcohol, brain injuries, etc.
No. 156713
File: 1468829069453.jpg (627.25 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_oaf9wusnnW1u313u4o5_128…)

oh the irony.
on her main blog:
> klonopin is the one medicine i ever took that actually helped
> I AM MENTALLY ILL AND I NEED TO BE MEDICATED. that is not something I should be ashamed of.
> today, I feel happy. today, I feel confident. and today, I feel like my future is going to start improving.
on her heroin blog:
> syringe pic
> the only medicine that works.
no girl, a heroin addiction does not count as medicating your mental illness. i hate her self-righteous tone whenever she talks about that shit. nobody has a problem with you taking legit medication for legit conditions. yeah, i get it, the medical system sucks when you're poor but the only reason you have problems getting your ACTUAL meds is because you spend all your money on heroin or sell them to your fucking parents for heroin money. so shut the fuck up.
i also find her shrine-like arrangements of kitschy decorations super disturbing considering they always include that white round box that she keeps her drugs in (as shown several times on her other blog).
No. 156731
File: 1468835395878.jpg (228.65 KB, 996x748, dirtybear.jpg)

Here's a recent comparison between her main blog and junkie blog. All her stuffed animals and bedding look so grimy it makes me want to wash my hands after looking at her pics.
No. 156738
File: 1468838741611.png (58.4 KB, 300x300, profile_picture_by_rick_and_mo…)

>>55077So what you guys gonna do about it? She's around and you prolly won't make her change no matter what you do.
Reveal the way she's conning people, sure. <3
But you're basically acting like you've never seen a junkie before.
No. 156755
>>156738the problem i have with her is that she lies to her followers to get them to send her money and gifts (which they still do) by complaining about her hard life and purposely concealing the fact that her and her bf are heroin addicts. and - this is the part that really makes a difference for me - at the same time she runs a blog where she brags about her addiction. she doesn't just keep it secret on her main blog because she feels bad and doesn't want to talk about it, no. she LOVES it, and how edgy it makes her, but she knows that most people wouldn't understand this (for obvious reasons) and wouldn't keep giving her money. and it's almost as if she enjoys posting that innocent cutesy teddy bear pic to her main blog, knowing she also took a pic of that same bear showing off her super edgy heroin for her ~secret blog~.
sure, in a way, this is still pretty standard junkie behavior: scamming, stealing, lying, bullshit, denial… but that doesn't make it less shitty, just like kadee's bullshit is not magically ok because it's a result of her extreme munchhausen's and makes total sense in that context. to be fair though, kadee is actually funny. this girl here is just disgusting.
No. 156759
>>156713I'm a bit
triggered by all the dirt in this photo. I wanna go clean my desk now, but I also want to get to work on time. How soon before she contracts some terrible infection from needle drug use + all the filth in her home.
>>156731Poor bear! Stuffed animals are machine washable. They have to be because they're meant for children, who get into all sorts of dirty. Please wash your animals. (source: has stuffed animals. and cats. and asthma.)
No. 156860
>>153252Honestly, this guy is gross af too. But, I think a lot of it is her. He's been a hardcore addict for 15+ years. I highly doubt he knew what tumblr was or that you could get money just begging on tumblr.
She's been on tumblr for a long time and begging for money because you're too much of a failure to take care of yourself is a long standing tumblr tradition. When she decided to become an addict because it's so ~*~dreamy~*~ she realized her chance right away and began begging like everyone else.
They're both skeezy af. But it wasn't like she was ten when they got together. He probably liked her (as she said) and was just a lonely druggie. And she saw her chance of being able to live the Kurt and Courtney lifestyle that she latched onto him. She's old enough to know what she is doing. She's what? Nineteen? Twenty? They've been together for two years, so she was seventeen or eighteen when they got together. She's old enough to know the consequences and know what she is doing is wrong.
I honestly don't think the blame is all on him. He's drugged out of his mind (has there even been a picture of him where he isn't all sorts of fucked up?) She even mentioned he can't get it up most of the time (being a drug addiction that long and all). I think she's just as manipulative as any other addict.
She's using him to live her drug fantasies out. She was clean when they got together. She's gross af. And it seems stupid af to act like she's some innocent kid who got roped into this.
No. 156870
File: 1468870374578.jpg (40.61 KB, 544x100, YHgdzOL.jpg)

No. 156871
File: 1468870519455.jpg (33.56 KB, 552x127, CR3WOBf.jpg)

No. 156873
File: 1468870879672.jpg (253.96 KB, 499x579, CmYUDGE.jpg)

No. 156877
File: 1468871337624.jpg (120.89 KB, 619x251, VGoi2pI.jpg)

No. 156879
File: 1468871510899.jpg (209.1 KB, 529x437, KevFb1f.jpg)

No. 156881
File: 1468871642778.jpg (145.71 KB, 547x284, l7LzHKg.jpg)

Mini-Screenshot-Spam from the first two pages of her most recent posts.
No. 156952
File: 1468885858835.png (170.29 KB, 700x350, image.png)

-this thread-
No. 157733
File: 1469086439045.jpg (51.22 KB, 500x446, passedoutlol.jpg)

>>156881She's done nothing to actually treat her mental health and chronic pain issues, she's just thrown a heroin addiction on top of all that. Layne Stanley DIED from that "medicine". All the people she idolizes have suffered greatly from their addictions. Her own boyfriend has seizures as a result of using heroin for over a decade. She has all this knowledge laid out in front of her of what her future will look like if she keeps this up.
>>157598She definitely gets a thrill from using and bragging about it, she still thinks addiction is glamorous. Getting arrested could be the best thing that could happen to her right now. It's sad to see someone throw their life away.
No. 157827
File: 1469119336428.jpg (99.88 KB, 540x495, donations3.jpg)

I don't think she takes pleasure in cataloging her life. I think her life is just very boring and her keeping her Tumblrs is a way for her to fill up her days. This is about it: it's just waking up, shooting up dope, stressing about money for more drugs, getting more drugs, doing them and that's pretty much it. Her social interactions are very limited.
Plus she is dependent on her main one for donations so it's in her financial interest to be active.
No. 157859
File: 1469123810412.jpg (126.47 KB, 611x560, money4.jpg)

>>157833 On her main blog at one point she did ask for help to set up some kind of nude selling service. She sells part of her prescribed medication (Xanax and klonopin) and part of her donations (possibly from camming/sending nudes). Keep in mind the nudes is pure speculation but could be very probable. I also suspect she boosts things she shoplifts.
She mentions hustling but also has a 'check day', which I imagine is some kind of check she recieves from the state. She often mentions looking jobs, even goes as far as to have one but quits/gets fired for her 'anxiety attacks'. I strongly suspect these are her being super paranoid because of the drugs and having possible withdrawal.
No. 157892
>>157833Am I the only one who gets irritated as FUCK about girls on tumblr begging for donations and posting the links to their wishlist?
I follow a girl who posted a pic of her with over $200 dollars and then not even an hour later asked people to buy her shit from her wishlist? like what
buy it yourself. jesus christ. Why do people on tumblr expect everything to be handed to them? Luna please get a job. It would probably help you in the long run, not just with money.
No. 157987
File: 1469142969367.jpg (19.41 KB, 350x242, 7f38dd111d9cad3e1b30b75864b787…)

"Smoking hard" is her new thing I guess lmao
No. 158010
File: 1469146651211.png (71.37 KB, 798x282, Screenshot_2016-07-21-19-19-48…)

Damn dude, she is losing her mind.
No. 158011
File: 1469146799195.png (22.15 KB, 798x157, Screenshot_2016-07-21-19-20-17…)

No. 158090
>>158011As appalling as Luna's life is right now, it's about to get a whole lot worse. I suspect she's been flirting with prostitution already (just a hunch) but I'm betting soon she starts hooking for real.
This girl is a delusional fool and a brat, but no one deserves such a dismal existence. I'm legitimately sad for her.
No. 158169
File: 1469206368085.png (636.09 KB, 798x697, Screenshot_2016-07-22-11-57-10…)

No. 158199
>>158195That's how my uncle died. Took speedball at a party, accidentally overdosed and then died because no one wanted to call the cops.
A speedball is super dangerous.
No. 158233
>>55395Idk man I lost alot of weight when I was doing dope… I think it was from not eating and puking every morning…
I never hoenstly got bloated until i got clean.
No. 158245
File: 1469245954308.jpeg (300.04 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

I find her complaining about how addicts are people!!!! to be funny. I'm pretty sure someone else's ignorance wouldn't kill you unless you were in their care. And I'm pretty sure it's your own ignorance killing you. And she has insurance and has the money from selling her meds to get help. But she gets dope instead. What a reach.
She also loves being poor so she can use it as an excuse to do drugs. She simultaneously acts like its her predetermined fate to be an addict blaming being poor, blaming mental illness, blaming her parents and yet she says her boyfriend isn't to blame for her heroin use. She did it to herself! She wanted to try it and begged for it and fell in love!
Dude pick one. Is it your fault or nah?
(Hint: it's your fault)
No. 158608
>>158245"She also loves being poor so she can use it as an excuse to do drugs."
That's just retarded. No one loves being poor because being poor fucking sucks. It sucks especially hard when you have an expensive addiction, like she has. Yes, she flaunts her poorness so she can panhandle more money from stupid tumblrinas -but if she wasn't poor, she wouldn't need to. She'd just be high and artificially happy all the time with no need to find excuses.
Besides, who really cares about the people she scams money from? I'm not saying she isn't manipulative asshole because she is. All addicts are. But you have to be fucking idiot to actually believe someone who has one expensive emergency after another, especially if you know she'd doing drugs. A fool and his money are easily parted.
No. 158612
>>158608I guess I see your point. It was a bad choice of words but she does love to flaunt it. I mostly meant she does have the means to get out of being poor or at least as poor as she tried to make it seem but she doesn't. I understand that addiction is terrible and hard to overcome but I can't feel sorry for someone who chose to give up her future.
You are right though. I don't actually care about them giving her money. Just confused about why anyone would be so enabling of her while she's admitting that she's an addict and glamorizes her "lifestyle." There are so many basic things she could do to make being "poor" not so bad and even save money here and there.
Something as simple as oh… Idk. Learning to cook? She has the Internet to turn to for resources but she doesn't. I can't see how she doesn't at least prefer to stay the way she is if she doesn't love it. She doesn't have to work for anything.
No. 158627
>>158612As a general rule, I agree with you here. There's just this complication. So yeah, there's plenty of stuff she could do to improve her situation, like cooking as you mentioned. It's just that opiates tend to make you really lethargic and apathetic. I mean, we're talking about someone who doesn't bother to put clean underwear on for a lingerie shot.
So, she's either nodding or going through withdrawal and neither of those are very productive states of being. This trainwreck is only going to get worse, unless she actually gets sick of the lifestyle.
I don't feel sorry for her either. No need to feel sorry for manipulative assholes. Opiate addiction is hard to overcome -at least when it has gotten that bad but it's entirely possible. However, you have to really want to quit and she doesn't. Too much in love with grunge-esque drug romantic and heroin itself.
As far as enablers go, I don't know what's going on in their heads. Maybe a mixture of naivete, wanting to feel like a good person and finding her lifestyle appealing in some way?
No. 158805
File: 1469376077202.png (673.01 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

She changed her URL again. She also changed the URL to her junkie heroin blog too.. I can't find it. Pic attatched is a recent tumblr upload… Can anybody give a good guess as to what the fuck this is, really? I don't believe a word that she says/types. This is unlike any kind of "scratch" I've seen before.
No. 158817
>>158805She's always trying to make him seem like a good person when he gets in predicaments.
"Oh he was arrested for going to a black lives matter protest!!"
"He was trying to rescue a homeless cat!!"
No. 158871
>>158856What are the odds that an infected
cat scratch could turn into that? I'm no expert either but I've heard of people giving themselves thigh injections.
No. 158887
File: 1469388637992.jpg (226.67 KB, 600x600, (1).jpg)

>>158874this is how they're supposed to look… RIP.
No. 158889
>>158805mmm i can't tell whether that's necrosis or just dried blood he hsan't cleaned up properly on the right, sexy.
my word these two are so revolting.
No. 158909
>>158871I don't think a cat scratch would end up with a circular access like that. The shape would be more oblong wouldn't it?
>>158896I've used the word glamorize in this thread too but I think she romanticize would be more accurate. Her drug use she glamorizes but her situation and ~struggle~ she's romanticizing. If he dies she'd be one step closer to being Courtney Love.
No. 158991
>>158805Lol that's a fucking abcess if I've ever seen one.
It could be from a cat scratch considering they prob haven't ever changed their cat box so its claws are covered in bacteria but he was prob trying to hit his fem. artery
No. 159472
File: 1469535162722.jpeg (74.72 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

And how exactly is her man taking care of her…
No. 159556
>>159472"I don't want to be independent" aka I'm happy to leech off the poor fools who do not know better & donate to me while I sit around all day "numbing my mouth with hard" etc & have some half-arse DDLG relationship with my increasingly gross, infection-riddled boyfriend.
She often complains on her blog that other girls try to flirt with him (hard to believe) - I do wonder what would happen if he just upped & left but I suppose then he'd have no one to cop for him.
No. 159560
>>159556>She often complains on her blog that other girls try to flirt with him (hard to believe)Some girl
might get flirty for a drug connection but that's it. He has nothing else to offer!
No. 159982
File: 1469589632080.png (3.83 KB, 551x72, suchdepressedartist.png)
>“suffering/stung out” artist stereotype was reserved for men but it matches me, a woman, just the samemy god it's like andrea dworkin's (already questionable) prose on crack. also pic related made me wince because it's all so cringey.
No. 160995
File: 1469666691535.png (519.9 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160727-174016.png)

Wasn't the infection from a "cat scratch "?
No. 161161
File: 1469707024035.png (14.6 KB, 518x219, ughhh.png)

No. 161193
>>161161How is her boyfriend's dad being in the hospital relevant to her money woes? Are they leaching off of him?
Also gauze is SO FUCKING CHEAP. I could scrounge through my couch and probably find enough change to afford gauze.
>implying she'd spend the donated money on gauze instead of drugs No. 161220
>>161193 They live with the dad.
Also, if she passes off heroin as medecine, you are fully right in assuming any kind of medical equipment would qualify as well for drug money.
Her drug tumblr is gone and I have't figured out her new one yet. Does anyone have it?
No. 161254
File: 1469726358237.jpg (155.7 KB, 517x651, more.jpg)

She took a short break from the begging but it's back now. She claims they're getting cut off from food stamps. Add in the father in laws health issues. I know it's a pain to travel a bit to the SSI office but wouldn't that be better than whining about not getting a single dollar off your tumblr friends? That "medicine" she's so fond of does nothing to help her knee issues either.
No. 161312
>>161220It's junkfuck00. It's password protected. Probably because she's afraid of being exposed while begging for money.
>>161254I don't even think going to the SSI office would do them any good. They'd have to have worked and paid taxes to collect money right? My understanding of SSI from the letters they send out is that the taxes they collect from you working will help pay for when you are retired, or unable to work. It doesn't seem like her or her boyfriend have worked enough at all. I hope this doesn't count as blogging but even my mom in law with three kids has gotten her food stamps/ebt cut. I'm not sure why exactly but I'm pretty sure they don't just give you the same amount through out your entire life.
Glad the government isn't enabling her.
No. 162691
File: 1470186156057.png (1.72 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160802-175951.png)

If she was actually starving she would buy more than just a fucking pan dulce and bagels. Why not rice, beans, canned foods? Bitch needs to get a fucking job.
No. 163172
File: 1470354331278.png (946.25 KB, 755x1069, Screenshot_2016-08-04-18-50-29…)

She looks like shit.
No. 163173
File: 1470354756382.png (40.25 KB, 798x322, Screenshot_2016-08-04-18-53-08…)

must be nice eating cake, laying in bed all day everyday in your filthy covers, watching shows on your iPad, shooting heroin and smoking crack, receiving gifts like everyday if your birthday. Stupid ugly cunt, i wouldn't even mind if she OD'd to be fucking honest
No. 163174
>>163172Fucking hell
Even Courtney Love had more class!
No. 163179
>>163173Holy shit & in the tags for the top post of that screenshot she's all "donate if you can", not even a nicety such as "please" in sight. My god, she really is a shameless scumbag.
Also her constant butt-licking of Layne Stayley is ridiculous, as if she thinks she's on par with him. I don't even like Alice In Chains but at least he actually did something productive for a bit instead of lying in his pit ~smoking hard~
No. 163182
File: 1470356799452.png (682.44 KB, 797x946, Screenshot_2016-08-02-14-55-58…)

No. 163187
File: 1470358523523.jpeg (487.67 KB, 1280x1707, image.jpeg)

>I just wanted to add to my post before, my apartment is disgusting. the landlord visited two days ago and hasn’t committed to fixing ANYTHING. my apartment is clean and has no food out (cos there is no food but anyways) there are roaches every night. when I turn on the light at night I see them scatter everywhere. yesterday I found a smaller one floating dead in the sink. today I found a bigger one floating dead in the sink. I am literally too afraid to go to the bathroom after 8-9pm because of the roaches.
>besides that, I don’t have a working shower. I don’t like to admit to this because it’s humiliating. I haven’t taken an actual shower in months, I wash myself in the sink. my landlord hasn’t committed to fixing this.
The original post is longer but she's been complaining about her landlord not fixing anything and telling her to clean her apartment. I don't blame them for not wanting to step foot in there.
She can try to blame the land lord all she wants but her boyfriends been living there like 10 years and it looks like they trashed the place. Delusional. How long until she gets evicted?
No. 163190
File: 1470359386228.png (611.67 KB, 798x1017, Screenshot_2016-08-04-20-14-20…)

No. 163192
>>163190that's a precious kit kat :(
poor little dude has to live in that filth
No. 163197
>>163187i think she's absolutely squatting in a filthy old building (because trainspotting aesthetic) and her landlord is fictional. the fact that her boyfriend has lived in such awful conditions for 10 years is hard to believe, even though he does look as if he only had two working brain cells and is oblivious to almost everything.
if it is true i feel bad for her father in law, suffering with heart issues and healing from surgery (if any of that even happened of course). nobody convalescing deserves to live like that.
No. 163432
File: 1470443779977.png (2.17 MB, 1439x2432, 20160805_173430.png)

My boyfriends dad is going to the hospital but let me take a fucking selfie like the garbage I am.
No. 163435
>>163432can someone inform this bitch that her father in law isn't her father in law and also the world does not fucking revolve around her?
>>163403according to luna the only people who love her are her boyfriend, mother and "father in law" and two of them are also junkies. the likelihood of an intervention is slim to none unfortunately.
No. 163630
File: 1470503612393.jpg (220.34 KB, 548x987, lunadonationsfraud.jpg)

If I am correct, I think she needs USD 40 per day at the very least for heroin. With her boyfriend being an addict, it adds up to 80. She has talked about 120 being the perfect number on her now password protected junk blog. In it it she also mentioned her father giving her 200 a month as spending money. I didn't get to screenshot that post, sorry.
I took these screenshots of her two Tumblrs. Note the date and the time of the posts. Everyone had guessed it, but when she has no drug money her begging starts. And as everyone also guessed, her mystery sickness is of the withdrawal variety.
No. 163634
File: 1470504559808.jpg (24.55 KB, 362x314, tumblr_obgb5wKhbA1u313u4o1_400…)

I don't understand people who say shit like "I HATE THIS PICTURE UGH" and then still upload it to the internet for everyone to see
No. 163635
File: 1470504811309.jpg (90.62 KB, 500x625, tumblr_obet1e9F1j1u313u4o1_500…)

No. 163654
File: 1470514485036.jpg (143.91 KB, 580x873, daniel_johnston_012.jpg)

>>163648Haha, no, it's the cover art of a Daniel Johnston album. It was popularized by Kurt Cobain after he wore a shirt of it.
No. 163664
File: 1470518185538.png (216.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-08-06-16-14-02…)

c'mon guys, she almost has enough to buy her and her bf a fix. donate if you can pls
No. 163675
>>163664>>I need money for food, to visit him, for medication like heroin and for other things around the house like heroin kits for the kitchen and the bathroom.
>>Roger is an important member of my family and I value his health, but he needs our help right now so if you could send on $80 for us to get high enough to forget he's in the hospital that'd be great.Fixed it!
On a serious note, she's so fucking entitled I can't believe it. The "despite the severity of this situation that I've attempted to emphasize, I haven't even gotten 60 bucks total". Where's the humility? Where's the gratitude? Just "I need money again and if you don't help me out, I'm going to post about how awful you all are despite knowing my situation". People aren't money trees and she pulls this "Gimme gimme gimme" schtick each week.
No. 163677
>>163664"I've only gotten about four small donations…:
YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCKING CUNT. I fucking hate this bitch more and more every day. I want to save her cats and flatten her hovel. I wish she would just get fucking arrested already and have to through horrendous withdrawals.
No. 163683
>>163664What gets me is that she seems so exasperated that she's
only gotten 60 bucks from strangers on the internet. It's like she thinks other peoples wallets should be flowing for her constant tragedies. There's been no talk of her getting a job recently, I'm sure Roger would be appreciative if she did that.
No. 163685
>>163432Jeeze-oh-Pete, her lips are so chapped and gross! And her lipstick just accentuates the nastiness.
But I guess that's no big deal for someone who lives in filth.
No. 163694
>>163677The sad fact is that she probably won't ever get arrested. I'm under the impression that she stays inside the apartment all day while her bf deals and brings back the drugs he buys for her. So the only way she'll possibly get arrested is if the "love of her life" gets arrested first and she has to slither out of her apartment and do something for herself for once.
The fact that she manipulates everyone, even her bf so she can stay safe, and (most importantly) high is even more revolting. Like most addicts I have known in my life at least have a job or get the drugs themselves, they don't put their significant other at risk to buy their shit. Even if he is a drug addict as well.
No. 163715
File: 1470533041947.jpg (96.53 KB, 525x350, addicts.jpg)

Yes she's so open about her addiction that she has a separate password protected junkie blog so she won't get called out by the followers she want donations from.
No. 163739
File: 1470545772834.jpeg (33.37 KB, 400x300, image.jpeg)

>>163715insulting someone for being an addict is blatant ableismThis bitch, I swear to god…
No. 163938
>>163664I wonder if she has ever stopped to think about the total amount of money she has received since people started donating to her. Does she not realise how much money that actually is? They could have made life better for all 3 of them but instead this is the life they choose to live.
I just wish she'd gain a little perspective and then maybe she wouldn't bitch about complete strangers not giving her enough of their hard earned money.
No. 163944
Also she wants to try and break the stigma around junkies being bad people, but she's not really making her case. The reason why drug addicts get a bad rap is because they drain their family and other people around them emotionally/financially/etc. If she really wanted to break the stigma and stereotype she would at least try to be a functional drug addict or at least be nice, maybe take care of themselves a bit, show some responsibility? And not be a manipulative, ungrateful person who is most likely lying about needing money from her followers every week? Also, how about not glamorizing your addiction by posting photos of your needles and set-up?
I'm all for people not being censored and having a journal/diary blog where they can talk about their mental illness(es) publically, but there's a difference between people talking about their eating disorder, anxiety, drug addiction and posting photos of self harm, anorexic girls, and needles full of smack.
sage for double-posting.
No. 164258
File: 1470704939576.png (70.41 KB, 524x414, Untitled-1.png)

why ya lyin'?
No. 164262
>>164258I can't wait for her to go into withdrawal and see her posts get more and more desperate.
Maybe then she'll finally realize drug addiction isn't something she wants to have. And than of course she'll have to go to the hospital and be a burden on the medical system.
No. 164283
>>164258"i haven't gotten a single donation today!!!11!!"
what an absolute piece of shit.
No. 164295
File: 1470725011442.jpg (58.05 KB, 402x500, 1311948270220.jpg)

>>163944She uses her addiction as a shield from criticism. She pretends all of her shittiness stems from her addiction, and of course the addiction isn't
really her fault (obviously her mean ol' boyfriend
made her be a junkie). In reality, she's a scumbag who just happens to think being a dope fiend is glamorous and thus went out of her way to become an addict. Even if she was totally sober and always had been, she'd still be ungrateful, lazy, self-centered trash.
>>163896>smegma encrusted pedophile daddymfw
No. 164383
File: 1470767511066.png (11.99 KB, 505x127, dfgfg.PNG)

upping the ante i see. seems to have "lost" her food stamp card. what unfortunate timing.
No. 164439
File: 1470779125355.jpeg (91.63 KB, 744x573, image.jpeg)

Maybe clean your goddamn sty? (Actually that's p insulting to pigs.) I've heard of people having any infestations but this, if true, is ridiculous & also revolting. Where's the self respect?? I'd be embarrassed to admit this if it was me.
No. 164442
>literally no food, starving>drinking a sugary drinkpick one
Also there are food banks literally in almost every town that has a decent population. If she's really that starved she can get off her ass and walk to one.
But we all know that she has food and has her food stamps, but has no dope money.
No. 164451
File: 1470783379758.png (265.97 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160809-154640.png)

No. 164466
File: 1470788562301.jpg (74.37 KB, 490x535, ugh.jpg)

>I haven't gotten a single donation today. not even a dollar.Does this bitch literally just expect her tumblr followers to fund her junkie lifestyle for the rest of her life? How fucking self-entitled.
No. 164506
>>164465I just want to save her poor cats
Hate her most recent Rodger post. Of course the paramedics took him out not walking. You don't call an ambulance if you're walking also it's liability that they put you on a stretcher/chair but probably couldn't fit one in her gross house
She can take a damn bus. In her area she has 2 mayor hospitals near her both are accessible by. $2.5 bus ride but of course she needs a taxi for her fur coat wearing self.
They're not giving him xanax if it isn't prescribed who cares if he's been taking it for so long. And yes they're right that they wouldn't give anxiety meds and pain meds to a guy with a heart condition
No. 164743
File: 1470879787646.jpg (17.9 KB, 206x366, 9X2jbXq.jpg)

This just on her instagram gotta cover up those track marks
No. 164816
>>164750 It might very much be the case. According to her howl1996 Tumblr, they don't have a working shower so she has to catwash by the kitchen sink. She complains about the managment not doing their job, but I suspect they also have something to do with it: not being home when the supervisier is coming over or them not letting them in since they keep their drugs well out and about.
As in the space next to the bed was littered in needles and other paraphenilia. You know, the kind of place where their pets walk around.
No. 164845
>>164816not from the us, so i'm not sure what it's like there, but don't the tenants have some kind of responsibility to maintain their place to at least some standard? it's one thing if there's no running water or huge cracks in the wall, but can you just let your place go to shit and then expect the landlord to fix everything for free? where i'm from for example, you are liable for the shit you clearly cause yourself, like if your place ends up being moldy and infested because you trash it and never open the windows etc.
i wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot more to this story than just the landlord "refusing to fix things". considering her junkie bf has been living there for 10 years, all of which he's been a junkie (she's bragged about him having "15 years of experience" or some shit), it's fair to say that he's likely been letting this flat rot away for all this time. plus, the place is covered in needles, blood and probably cat shit. if my place looked like that, i probably wouldn't let anyone in either.
a lot of junkies live in filth because the drugs are more important to them, that's just part of addiction. and eventually, their life and surroundings become worse and worse and they just keep doing more drugs to forget about it. i'm sure luna has clear moments here and there where she realizes how shit her life is and then posts about it on tumblr. but i think most of the time, they're just high and don't care and only bring up the state of their flat, which they've clearly caused themselves, for pity points and to get dumb teenagers to donate more drug money via paypal.
No. 164880
>>164258She deleted the updates to this post entirely because too many people were debunking her bullshit. She replaced it with a new one.
I really want her to suffer from dope sickness. I bet her junkfuck blog is littered with whining about how she can't score right now.
No. 165072
>>165021i don't think she even did it because she hasn't posted a picture of proof yet to make her followers feel sorry for her.
also she's going to the emergency room tomorrow so gird your loins for a new e-begging spiel
No. 165073
File: 1471004428717.png (425.92 KB, 479x661, do ur tits hang low.png)

the lady doth protest too much, seriously.
No. 165074
how old is this girl?
No. 165104
>>165073>wearing a rosaryTaaaaacky
Also that dress is super stained and makes me feel dirty
No. 165105
>>165104Everything she owns is stained.
I usually don't like making fun of poor people, but she literally could get a job and be able to change her situation(even if it's illegal). Also I'm sure that where she lives there's a laundromat. It seems like a low-income area. So she just needs a few dollars to be able to wash her clothes.
Also, she's now complaining of shoulder pain and she says she's going to the hospital. Obviously trying to get a painkiller prescription to help her with the withdrawals she's been having because people having been donating to her bullshit cause. She may even sell it on the side to get more money to buy heroin.
No. 165244
File: 1471050734057.png (321.98 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160812-181103.png)

No. 165249
>>165244See? This bitch even gets a social worker for FREE if she would just take her head out of her own ass and think about her future for a second.
Fuck Luna, seriously. I hope your withdrawal is the worst thing on the planet for you and that your drugged up pedophile "love of your life" OD's or gets thrown in jail for the rest of his life.
No. 165443
>>165408I think he's either got some kind of hero complex or just wants to get into those hello kitty granny panties.
Oh why, Luna, why won't you let this complete stranger who says he's a social worker vacuum your carpet?
No. 165506
File: 1471160378281.png (11.6 KB, 525x215, lousy200dollars.png)

I know this is an old post of hers, but here's a mention of that money I mentioned in an earlier post.
I think her dad has always sent her money and probably still does, so she's used to handouts. She probably is so used to getting money for nothing it is self evident she should get donations from strangers.
No. 165588
File: 1471189547406.jpeg (153.42 KB, 741x962, image.jpeg)

Reposting because I fucked up the comment
I just find it so strange that she seems to think she's the only person who has any of these issues, or if she doesn't then she certainly seems to think she's got it the worst. Professional victim.
It's not like people are going to be walking to work or doing outdoor labour in hotter weather is it? /s
No. 165592
>>165549if i remember correctly, she said she didn't do it to recover but because they couldn't get heroin. and they got it from an old man who's on it as part of a recovery program and saves his dose by soaking it up with a piece of cotton in his mouth and then sells it or something. god, i feel gross even typing this.
tbh, i wouldn't be surprised if she jumps on the recovery bandwagon at some point (if she doesn't od and die). addiction recovery is not as hip as ed recovery, but it does give you asspats on tumblr and instagram, and she could set up a gofundme for ~therapy~ and stuff. god, i probably shouldn't give her ideas.
if i had to predict the future, i'd say that at some point her bf will die of an overdose or an infected abscess or whatever, and without him, she'll have no other choice but to get clean. it already shows how desperate she gets when he's in the hospital because no matter how tough she acts, there's no way she's going out to the bronx by herself.
No. 165596
>>165588"that's not just me hating heat, that's literally dangerous"
I see her complain all the time about these "dangerous" situations she's a victim of, how she's afraid for her life. Has she ever stopped to consider that doing IV drugs is a danger to her life? Idk why so many addicts enjoy the drama of toying with their life
No. 165599
>>165596~ But being a smackhead is romantic and getting all sweaty and gross (despite me resembling God knows what due to my lifestyle) is not ~
Nah but seriously I completely agree, the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one. It'll be DANGEROUS when she starts shooting into her femoral artery, gets necrosis and ends up with crotch rot.
No. 165674
File: 1471211432346.png (575.17 KB, 612x570, 259434.png)

>>165666she's not taking issue with hanging out at her evil father's apartment
No. 165706
>>165695I think her mom is as she was friends with her now junkie boyfriend. Her father isn't, I think that's why she hates him tbh, he seems normal and probably was pushing for her to do something with her life aka "being mean" to her.
Honestly I really hope she doesn't get that apartment and her father lives a long healthy life. She'd just trash it and beg people for money to pay taxes and bills on it. She's so awful to her father, she doesn't deserve to leech off his hard work.
No. 165713
File: 1471221237434.jpeg (106.81 KB, 750x740, image.jpeg)

>>165711Sage for double-post.
Thought so.
No. 165746
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No. 165750
File: 1471228865178.png (193.74 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Here's a list of the shit her dad has supposedly done.
I'll admit he sounds verbally abusive but I don't get why she won't just stop talking to him if it's really that bad. He's gotten her things like make up, an iPad, weed, and money. And she's under his insurance. I'm really curious about what he's really like.
I mean, I could list all the shit my parents have done wrong and it could sound abusive as heck too but it's not that bad in reality. Although that hep c story is pretty bad.
No. 165752
>>165750I'm not buying the hep c story. Considering she was an infant when this happened, she probably got the story secondhand from her mother, who sounds like as much of a hot mess as she is.
The fact that she keeps bringing up the story about getting smacked for pretending to be a cat when she was 7 over and over again makes me think she probably doesn't have that much sob story material when it comes to abuse.
No. 165771
>>165768That could play a part, but I remember it took me years to cut my own father off. It's a mix of being under their control (and not even fully consciously realizing the extent of it) and not wanting to lose a parent, which is a very strong primal instinct that is very hard to overcome. My therapist told me that in going no contact with a parent you are forced to mourn the parent you never had, the loss of the parent you SHOULD have had growing up.
Facing that fear directly is something not everybody can do, and it often takes a very long time to work towards. I am proud of myself for doing so, but even though he was an abusive piece of shit with no soul I still miss him.
Abusers aren't abusive 100% of the time, they even have endearing qualities sometimes. That's the part that makes it hard. You cling so strongly to the few good memories you have, trying your best to make them fit the concept of a parent you've always heard about. It makes you look at them and say "See?!? Maybe they're not so bad…they did thing which was actually really nice. They must have goodness in them somewhere, I just need to stick around/help them and more of that goodness will come out." But it's a trap. It's called the abuse cycle. It's a lie and a sham and takes a whole hell of a lot to break it.
Again, not trying to defend her actions. I'd just hate to see this kind of understanding applied elsewhere, as it only fuels the fire that makes it so hard for the abused to find help. But yeah Luna sucks.
No. 165776
>>165771 I think you wrote down why cutting someone off is difficult very well.
And as you said in
>>165765 having an abusive parent does not excuse her present actions as an adult.
I find it frustrating how Luna herself creates all of her problems. She was enrolled in college and whereas I know her poetry and art isn't everyone's cup of tea, I would have been interested in seeing how it would have changed during time at uni. She dropped out in less than a month, she never really gave it a fair shot. She literally left school to do heroin with her boyfriend.
Luna self sabotages and blames the world for it.
No. 165794
File: 1471250668686.png (17.55 KB, 520x92, Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 6.43…)

looolll!! wooww This is just embarrassing to read.. you WISH people would compare your relationship to kurt and courtney!! it's not other people drawing those comparisons, it's you Luna.
No. 165797
File: 1471251556981.png (69.18 KB, 526x293, Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 6.58…)

>>55077for someone who hates people who romanticise addictions/celebrities with addiction, she SURE LOVES ROMANTICISING ADDICTION!!
No. 165819
>>165746oh so it has outdoor space too, on 43rd? i hope he rents and she doesn't inherit shit. though most buildings where tenants own, not rent, have a board of directors. i could see them kicking her out within a month, at the most. and if he does own, an apt on 43rd WITH a balcony is worth 7 figures, unless he leaves her a mountain of $$ too (and she didn't shoot it in her and lurch's arm) she'd lose the apt so fast bc the property tax+maintenance would be a lot.
id watch for it to go into foreclosure, id get the best cash deal for it when she starts going into withdrawal.
No. 165837
File: 1471267144541.png (33.46 KB, 539x127, shitfriendships.png)

>>165829Not sure I'd say it's worse but it definitely adds to the picture of how messed up she is. It's like she has a complete aversion to admiring anyone who hasn't fucked their life with drugs or killed innocent people.
I'm a little offended on behalf of the friends she used to have before she became an addict. Not down for going on killing sprees? Shit friendship then!
No. 165853
>>165819That's all assuming her addiction doesn't kill her first.
>>165837>>I'm a little offended on behalf of the friends she used to have before she became an addict.What about the girl whose dog just died and Luna posted multiple pictures of on her social media claiming she was so sad about the dog dying? She clearly has friends, but wants to paint the picture that her addiction makes her ~* so misunderstood*~ and friendless that she'll throw anyone under the bus for pity pats online.
No. 165856
>>165819That she says she'll get it when he dies makes me think he owns it.
I hope he conceives a hundred more children on a hundred different staircases and she has to fight all of them for that apartment.
No. 165876
>>165856She could be assuming he does or if he is abusive/manipulative like people says he could be lying about it, it would be good leverage to keep her hanging around.
How does a junkie/recent ex junkie afford such a nice apartment in an area like that? I feel like she might be lying too?
No. 165919
File: 1471284155301.png (165.75 KB, 720x1155, Screenshot_2016-08-15-12-59-38…)

oh, 100% the last time she'll ask for money for this matter. okay. sure.
No. 165943
>>165878Yes, that's true re Nyc rent controlled apts, but I doubt that's the case here unless the apt was originally Luna's grandpas. And considering dad was an active addict while she was a kid, unless he did an amazing 180 and became very successful, he wouldn't be able to afford such an apt. Average to rent a 1 bedroom in midtown is $1800-3900.. To buy a nice apt on 43rd? It's in the millions.
Unless he's extremely lucky and got an apt in a nice building via the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. Actually, if he completed some drug program and a case worker filled out the application for him, that scenario is very possible.
No. 165973
File: 1471297061101.png (272.73 KB, 720x1156, Screenshot_2016-08-15-16-35-40…)

>>165919but wait, there's more
No. 165980
File: 1471298228336.png (162.27 KB, 793x501, Screenshot_2016-08-15-16-22-23…)

She is so fucking weird lmao
No. 165981
File: 1471298260762.png (117.03 KB, 798x568, Screenshot_2016-08-15-17-00-28…)

No. 166024
>>165982It's totes okay if he's abusive right?
No. 166048
>>165981Is it just me or is weird how specific this is?
>black people>not other minorities>bisexual people>nobody else in the LGBT communityI'd understand if they were the ones that were mostly ignored by "rich white feminism" but I'd say anti-black racism was called out a lot more than racism against other minorites and transgender people are usually the ones left out of certain branches of feminism.
No. 166085
File: 1471323674313.png (1.81 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160815-215942.png)

It's not even a for sure thing she'd get the apartment.
No. 166091
>>166086~ so Kate Moss heroin chic ~
I thought people got past the whole "look, look, I smoke!" thing when they were about 14.
No. 166100
File: 1471329676473.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-24-11-33-58…)

old pic of when she fell asleep w a lit cig in her hand and woke up w her and her bed on fire.. watch it'll start happening again this winter. double post sorry im going thru my phone
No. 166102
File: 1471329840824.jpg (464.89 KB, 960x1280,…)

lol what a flattering picture let me post this on the internet
No. 166104
File: 1471330053199.png (262.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-19-21-30-13…)

old poetry
No. 166105
File: 1471330201954.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-04-01-36-31…)

>>166104i luv ur big scareolas bb
No. 166106
>>166104Never forget. This ought to be a fucking banner.
>11 inches feels so good, ur age feels so goodLana del Rey who?
No. 166136
The next sylvia plath everyone!
No. 166202
File: 1471363889184.png (361.51 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160816-090955.png)

She also begs on Facebook. Also, she didn't even say anything after she supposedly went to the ER. I thought for sure she'd try to ask people for more money because of it.
No. 166253
>>166136Luna wishes she was even 1/64th as talented as Sylvia
Luna's a washed up 20 year old her ion addict who sits on her ass and reblogs stuff on tumblr all day in her filthy insect-infested room
No. 166254
>>166048It's weird because she's literally a privledged white girl
>>166056I agree with you that she's stealing merely for the sake of stealing and she's being really grimy about it (stealing from your dad? Really?) but there's no reason not to use wrinkle cream in your early 20s.
No. 166281
File: 1471383962735.png (510.77 KB, 798x690, Screenshot_2016-08-16-11-31-51…)

my favorite
No. 166282
File: 1471384003744.png (Spoiler Image,898.46 KB, 798x1125, Screenshot_2016-08-16-11-36-02…)

No. 166288
File: 1471385022995.png (729.61 KB, 798x1009, Screenshot_2016-08-16-17-05-31…)

No. 166373
File: 1471410971839.jpg (29.52 KB, 623x563, 13925232_10153986026459958_556…)

candid pic of luna
No. 166415
File: 1471432284482.gif (27.72 KB, 357x200, 200_s.gif)

>>166104>I get glitter on u sometimes and it stays there for daysConsidering they can't bathe properly this made me feel really ill.
>>166281The baby girl aesthetic she was aiming for here pic related
>>166354That foundation is pooling in her pores. She just slopped it on and didn't bother to blend.
No. 166417
>>166354Please get your eyebrows threaded, wax your upper lip and use a sponge for your foundation :( I'm seriously
triggered by this omg. Also wash yourself before applying makeup PLEASE
No. 166418
File: 1471434618953.png (204.96 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Not really relevant to Luna per say, but this callout blog for her is a nutcase. I'm pretty positive they're the reason she locked her drug blog
No. 166419
File: 1471434820138.png (205.81 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Sorry for samefagging but here's the rest.
No. 166477
File: 1471455170944.png (626.67 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2016-08-17-12-38-35…)

>>55077Her boyfriend has another gross infection
No. 166481
File: 1471457486041.png (274.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-17-13-09-43…)

they treat her like shit in hospital cos she's in there every other week w IV drug related issues! nurses are not stupid!! they know whatsup no matter how much u lie thru ur teeth. and obv he's a creep.
No. 166498
File: 1471466006620.png (1.01 MB, 824x1200, Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 4.32…)

#tbt to this gem ……… jesus christ
No. 166552
File: 1471492125862.jpeg (39.31 KB, 750x233, image.jpeg)

No. 166736
File: 1471567648411.png (107.35 KB, 798x516, Screenshot_2016-08-18-19-49-57…)

No. 166767
>nit enoughOh no no no dear, you have MORE than enough nits.
Dat louse-infested junkie aesthetic~~~ Ugh.
No. 166846
>>166104Holy shit, even her poetry is self-centered.
She describes her own hair, eyes, tits, thighs, and areolas.
She describes his dick size and nothing else.
No. 166889
File: 1471629538385.png (440.32 KB, 798x1220, Screenshot_2016-08-19-13-02-58…)

No. 166919
>>166889I don't understand why she takes it upon herself to pay for her bfs medicine and stuff with her bfs dad. Normal people pay their own way. But I know she's actually just getting as many pity points as she can.
I don't know how someone can just beg every day for money, every day with new issues. She doesn't even consider working a job or even working part-time if she still wants to be lazy.
No. 166920
File: 1471640100293.png (345.41 KB, 746x1110, Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 4.54…)

>>166919 you know she begged again on facebook despite saying that she wouldn't do it again?
No. 167127
File: 1471708815199.jpg (82.67 KB, 500x559, tumblr_oc6lhol2zG1u313u4o1_500…)

I know I've said it before but I just can't get over how nasty her bedding is. I don't understand how you can keep uploading pics of that without realizing how filthy it is.
No. 167175
File: 1471730021881.jpeg (108.2 KB, 750x894, image.jpeg)

>>167129Instead of money, some people send positive vibes.
No. 167201
File: 1471736653998.jpg (127.36 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_oc7yxupMUa1u313u4o1_128…)

This nasty bitch should clean the boogers n shit off her mirror before taking selfies. She's so disgusting I almost cant believe it. Maybe she has really bad eyesight and doesn't see all the little bits of grossness?
No. 167341
>>167201I guess I owe Luna and Raven a big "thank you". I've been so
triggered by pics of their filthy living spaces that I've cleaned and scrubbed my own home until it is positively gleaming!
No. 167346
>>167341Same. I've OCD and every time I see a picture of her nasty ass room, it makes my skin crawl.
I guess I can understand overlooking/not caring about all the filth when you're fucked up out of your mind all the time, but doesn't she ever have moments of clarity when she's not high and she takes a good hard look at the stains, the pet hair, the god knows what everywhere?
No. 167442
File: 1471810470952.png (347.62 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-08-21-16-12-27…)

This is a blatant lie. Food stamps don't work like this, they're not like visa gift cards. If you lost your card they would issue a new one connected to your EBT account just like the bank would.
No. 167503
File: 1471834260729.png (358.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-21-21-46-55…)

sleeping medicine doesn't work like it used to… lmfao im dying. wait ur trying to tell me that it's possible to build up a TOLERANCE to DRUGS??? wait that great feeling is fast fleeting?? fuck im fucked better stay on it for the next ten years just in case it starts getting good again i don't want to miss out.
No. 167663
File: 1471894775526.png (560.03 KB, 798x945, Screenshot_2016-08-22-14-27-34…)

She just received a hairbrush, deoderant, and a stupid hello kitty sushi kit, and now she's screaming. Must be a real joy to live with this brat.
No. 167710
>>167663I see nail polish, a scented perfume bar, lip gloss, lip balm, and what looks like three different creams all in that picture. And that's just what I can pick out.
This girl doesn't need presents. She doesn't need any more shit. She needs to get a job, get off heroin, break up with her gross junkie old man boyfriend, move in with her father and CLEAN UP HER LIFE. I'm sorry for a-logging, but it makes me genuinely angry how her life is flushing away like dehydrated piss down a shower drain.
Her "mental illness" isn't an excuse. With proper help and motivation, anyone with a mental illness can live a meaningful and productive life. She chooses not to, and that is entirely her own damn fault.
No. 167752
>>167663How long do you farmers think that bento will stay clean before it's as sad and grimy as everything else on that dusty board? That depressive dead-eyed gray cat and that lipgloss that looks like it was sitting in grandma's dresser drawer for sixty years are
triggering me.
Fffuck I need to dust now
No. 167903
File: 1471975343393.png (118.32 KB, 567x582, Screenshot_2016-08-23-13-03-55…)

People are catching on to you Luna, you dumb little cow.
No. 168043
File: 1472049735958.jpg (103.57 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_oce0qdPwBA1u313u4o1_128…)

Missing patches of hair on your legs when you shave and then posting the pic of it to Tumblr= ~aethetic~
No. 168089
File: 1472064583350.png (61.4 KB, 539x582, sigh.PNG)

when will it end
No. 168090
File: 1472064623263.png (451.52 KB, 533x486, gag.PNG)

the amount of grime on everything is nauseating
No. 168092
File: 1472064654849.png (506.42 KB, 525x510, w.PNG)

No. 168098
>>168097Some naive fools also send her stuff via her amazon wishlist
Also, can someone please teach her how hashtags work?
No. 168144
>>1680891550 rent? Where does she live again? Somewhere around the Bronx? I feel like that is grossly overpriced (or exaggerated) for the squalor she lives in. Maybe someone can give some insight on prices over there, I'm from a different country in a small city, so no reference.
>>168090>>168092Everything is SO FILTHY. Layers of dust/dirt on everything. Look at the Johnson's bottle, ew. It looks like she's never cleaned anything a day in her life. How can she be okay with living in filth and taking pictures of it…
No. 168158
I'm beginning to wonder if she purposely smears dirt on everything because she thinks it's
aesthetic. How is everything so dirty?! You can get cleaning supplies at the dollar store. And if she doesn't want to pay to use/get a washing machine, she can just wash things in the sink (stuffed animals, curtains, clothes, bedding, everything)?
I don't use drugs, so maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't make sense they would make purple bedding brown…?
>>168089If she can't afford food…
>>how's her cat getting fed? I'm guessing it lives off cockroaches, because I can't imagine having an outdoor cat while living in NYC. Poor cat… No. 168163
>>168089omfg, i cannot stand this stupid bitch. "I didn't get a single donation." BITCH you are not supposed to RELY on donations and handouts to survive. you have enough money to fund your $80/day heroin habit. stop prioritizing drugs over your food.
what i think is that she spends "her" money (which she prob gets by selling meds/reselling stolen shit/camwhoring) on drugs and then expects her followers to supplement everything else.
she makes me so angry she is such a disgusting, revolting person
No. 168165
File: 1472074373245.png (1010.69 KB, 786x1189, Screenshot_2016-08-24-16-37-17…)

Looks like she got some food and donations, fucking a
No. 168172
File: 1472075154215.jpg (254.67 KB, 540x771, Screenshot_2016-08-24-12-53-47…)

This is what her bedding looked like barely over a year ago.
No. 168189
>>167663Deo as a gift tho
cracking up here
No. 168248
>>168145Mamaroneck is a cheaper town than its neighboring towns and in one of them a one bedroom is 1500. For her area and in a split home she should be paying 850-1000 a month.
I feel bad for her cats. They can be outdoor as most places around her even if they are short apartments they have a small backyard. Like the one she poses in front of with the roses. They can survive outdoor but she's probably afraid they won't return
No. 168272
File: 1472102345995.jpg (6.33 KB, 235x215, 4qVctVd.jpg)

>>168090hmm, makeup case? I totally thought it'd be her new junk kit. Seems like the perfect size for some needles and spoons
No. 168354
File: 1472145051795.png (1.15 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Sweet track marks, bro
No. 168356
File: 1472145805904.png (162.58 KB, 711x906, Capture _2016-08-25-12-17-15.p…)

Sounds like a setup to ask for more money! Just waiting for the ~uwu we just need security deposit and first months rent gimme lots of money and also need to pay extra cos we bounced the check for the ambulance gimme money cos im a piece of shit???~ posts.
No. 168363
File: 1472146946481.jpg (63.63 KB, 1080x832, tumblr_ocgxvsf1wn1u313u4o1_128…)

Sea creature shooting up in the background is ~*~So aesthetic~*~
No. 168375
File: 1472149167072.png (224.65 KB, 456x810, tumblr_objp02zbib1vy2umbo3_540…)

>This is the message howl1996 sent to me + my answer. It was 07/24/06. So I guess I will don’t have an answer. This day she mades post on her tumblr saying “omg I’m such an horrible person, please forgive me etc.”She’s acting as I’m mad only because she no thanks me after my donations (I really don’t care, I even not contact her to say “hey, I gave you money”… So… It’s ok) but don’t answer to others points. So I really don’t understand why she sent me this. No. 168399
File: 1472157287408.jpeg (202.95 KB, 750x1246, image.jpeg)

>Yes this is so kind give me all your money!!! Whatever you have give it to me because I don't wanna work!!!
Is she saying she spends $20 a day on food? If she is then her $190 in food stamps is going to waste because it only covers like 9-10 days worth of food on her budget.
She's so self absorbed and messed up. Also, if she were really that in need, why not make an Amazon list for some fucking groceries. She can have both stupid shit and real food on her wish lists.
No. 168408
>>168399Is it just me or is 20$ per person an insanely high amount of money for just one day?
Also didn't she just get grocerys gifted by a friend?
>>168165 No. 168437
>>168399hmmm she deleted that tag about losing 35lbs through starving. guess she realized how unrealistic it sounded lolol
news tags:
>#I got five more dollars but anything helps if you can #I dot have enough for groceries this weekend at allSHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPPpp
No. 168442
File: 1472164723816.jpeg (178.74 KB, 749x1087, image.jpeg)

The people who enable her are so fucking stupid.
>Do you think heroin addicts don’t need to eat food, they can just live off heroin? They don’t need to pay rent or bills or buy diapers for their kids? No. 168448
>>168442k but luna is not "starving" tho. literally all the food she buys is LUXURY FOOD because she's a spoiled little girl who doesn't understand poverty. notice how she always asks for MONEY??? if she was that "hungry" she would ask if there's anyone local who could offer anything of substance. she has tons of friends (no matter how much she'd like to pretend otherwise), she can raid her wealthy daddy's fridge, she can go to the nearest community centre or soup kitchen or shelter and be given something to eat.
luna you are a horrible person.
No. 168453
>>168408$20 per person per day is $1800 a month
Plus 1600 for her rent and that's already $3400
$80-100 a day on heroin = $2400-3000
Random cab rides and "hospital bills" and whatever other junk, cat food, litter, bills, hair dye = ????
Like this chicks expenses for the month is almost ten thousand dollars.
No. 168467
>>163190>>168363Don't tell me there are 2 cats living in this shithole…
And HOLY FUCK at that computer. This is so disgusting!
No. 168472
>>168408>>168431Da fuck are they eating that it costs $20 per meal for 3 people?? Even non-junkie, upperclass families don't spend $60 per day on 3 meals!
>>168453I can't imagine she gets this much through donations? Does she pay with all this shit using the "
little spending money" her
abusive dad gives her kek?
>>168356$1550 for a pair of jobless junkies. Where do they get this money? just rent a damned room for half the price and they'll have plenty dime for "food"
No. 168506
File: 1472172240424.png (122.98 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-08-25-20-40-30…)

She can feel every pound that has died
No. 168527
>>168506"Food" at this point is truly synonymous with "smack". She really seems to gradually becoming more & more careless to the point where soon she'll just flat out ask for dope money, probably along with some disclaimer attempting to inspire pity in the saps who already donate & guilt in those who question her - "how dare you, don't you know that's my MEDS for my KNEE #cane #cripplepunk."
Also "every pound that has died", damn girl write us another poem why don't you
No. 168539
>>168165>Sophie came over and brought me a few bags of foodSo just yesterday she got a FEW bags of food and today she needs $60 for food to last the weekend? Btw it looks like she deleted this post, guess it's harder to beg for money to buy groceries when you just got some the day before.
>>168452She's shockingly entitled isn't she? I'd love to know exactly how much money she's gotten from peddling sob stories on tumblr. I'm sure she doesn't even think about all the money that's just been handed to her now that it's been spent.
No. 168543
>>168475She said $20 per day for 1 meal kek
Meaning 3 meals per day would cost $60 everyday for the 3 of them.
No. 168630
File: 1472212391047.jpg (60.33 KB, 500x664, tumblr_o491kyOMgP1ulnqdqo1_500…)

do you guys think she's got good genetics, and that basically if she sorted her life out she could be a pretty, attractive girl?
jfc she's the only junky I know that ought to loose weight in order to look nicer
No. 168633
File: 1472216019431.gif (1.53 MB, 408x408, the-question.gif)

>>168630>>do you guys think she's got good genetics, and that basically if she sorted her life out she could be a pretty, attractive girl?>>do you guys think she's got good genetics>>good geneticsSeriously, she's clearly had weight issues before she became a heroin addict so she doesn't have good genetics in the sense that she would have to work incredibly hard to lose that weight considering heroin is struggling to get rid of the rest. Anyone could look attractive at the right weight, with the right diet/workout routine, make-up, hair, clothes etc. unless they've cosmetic abnormalities/disorders working against them tbf.
No. 168647
>>168630lol no
she's not attractive, with or without heroin and with or without excess fat. she's average, and by being a fatty she's below average. she can look decent in some (very few) pics but that's all makeup/lighting/posing. no "good genetics" there.
i always thought she wasn't attractive. on tumblr ppl used to praise her fat ego like "OMG LUNA YOURE SO PRETTY" "i want to be u" i was like nah son. this was before the drugs/heroin. she ain't shit
No. 168659
>>168630>>168630She's wearing a lot of makeup in that picture and it's clearly got filters on it too. I just really think that she's an average-looking girl. Nothing special. If she were clean (in both senses), I still wouldn't look twice in the street.
I think the endless amount of crap she eats isn't helping her weight, in addition to the heroin. My main problem with her is that she looks sticky and like she'd fucking reek if you stood next to her.
No. 168665
File: 1472226888011.png (3.49 MB, 1440x2002, Screenshot_2016-08-26-10-52-35…)

I feel like she was more "cute" looking during this phase of hers. Without those godawful bangs that do her face no favors.
No. 168706
I find Luna cute, even pretty, but I am biased as she looks like the younger, taller version of a very sweet friend of mine.
From my (limited) knowledge about drugs, don't junkies drop weight because they prioritize drugs over food rather than drugs always being an appetite suppresant? If Luna and her boyfriend manage to sustain a 120 per day drug habit, they could easily set money aside for food. But they won't, because food, rent and other utilities aren't important enough in their minds.
As for her boyfriend dumping her, I doubt that will ever happen. Her boyfriend looks like a balding sasquach and is 14 years her senior and looks every year. Whereas Luna's attractiveness is debatable, I do think she could do better than him. Plus Luna has her father that sustains her, therefore him and her e-begging and possible camming also rakes in more drug money from sources he couldn't get a cent from. She cleans very rarely and she shops for groceries, but it seems more than what he does other than getting drugs. Their flat looks like shit for sure, but I'd wager Luna actually is the only one that tidies up there. If you look at old pictures of their room, you'd see it looked even worse (yes, it is possible, as hard it is to believe).
Now, do I believe that he loves her? I wouldn't know, but I doubt that man has any kind of solid moral compass and doubt greatly he waited for her to turn 18 to have sex. I don't think he exactly seeked her out for her age and insecurities, but he didn't reject her either.
No. 168710
File: 1472242484826.jpeg (131.62 KB, 750x1119, image.jpeg)

>>168706Excuse you! He looks like Layne Staley.
No. 168713
File: 1472243453277.jpg (29.73 KB, 250x333, tumblr_ob5bftipJ41u313u4o2_250…)

>>168710Don't do drugs kids
No. 168728
File: 1472248334478.png (344.82 KB, 994x1204, Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 5.51…)

No. 168748
File: 1472251686089.jpg (119.39 KB, 501x729, luna.jpg)

>>168676>>168677I think she could clean up nicely and be pretty if she wanted to. She still thinks the heroin aesthetic is cool so puts on that washed out lipstick and likes taking pics of herself looking high and fucked up.
>>168665Wow, is that her?
Much better than the present day dirty junkie Luna.
No. 168769
File: 1472254711285.jpg (3.19 MB, 2499x2499, pixlr.jpg)

>>168748The bleached hair and concealer lipstick don't do her any favors. Here's her in 2014.
No. 168778
File: 1472256135907.png (937.24 KB, 798x1091, Screenshot_2016-08-26-19-06-02…)

what a whore.
No. 168794
File: 1472260301531.png (83.1 KB, 711x578, Capture _2016-08-26-20-01-17.p…)

Hahaha is this pathetic bitch serious? It almost sounds like she's mocking herself.
No. 168818
>>168769I think she looks better with bleached hair personally (also the green hair here
Granted the huge black eyebrows are way distracting.
No. 168867
still not sure what her new drug blog's url is yet but i did find her "true crime" side blog, just dumping here. lmao at "true crime bitch"
No. 168884
File: 1472301176680.jpg (417.79 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o7snryNKBo1vvivzfo1_128…)

Also, the disgusting layer of trash in her room.
No. 168925
File: 1472316885519.jpg (1.01 MB, 1439x2236, 20160827_115232.jpg)

First off how are they getting approved for an apartment if no one has a job with income in this family of hers? And now she's going to be hardcore begging if they get it because the rent is more than her current (that she always begs others to pay)
No. 168941
File: 1472323351787.png (19.59 KB, 517x48, Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 2.40…)

Also, she's getting married. How much do you wanna bet she's going to beg for money to ~finally wed her tru luv~???
No. 168944
File: 1472323644390.jpg (73.8 KB, 500x588, 3sDsg17.jpg)

mustachio strikes again
No. 169179
File: 1472401912687.png (379.66 KB, 438x1101, Screenshot_2016-08-28-11-26-50…)

i imagine heroin isn't doing you any favors, luna.
guess she's dopesick?
No. 169198
File: 1472404487685.jpeg (382.38 KB, 1242x1991, image.jpeg)

No. 169248
File: 1472411755749.png (390.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-28-14-14-45…)

No. 169286
File: 1472415275072.png (534.71 KB, 480x708, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 4.12…)

>>169248well obv you wouldn't put your filthy needle-infested floor in the background. just because you don't show it doesn't change the fact that your cats are living in it
No. 169287
File: 1472415479663.png (49.12 KB, 644x213, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 4.16…)

going through her blog archives. she disgusts me.
there's another callout blog called lunaisaliar posting stuff from this thread so here's some more screenshots for u to post
No. 169295
File: 1472416835686.png (79.77 KB, 640x440, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 4.39…)

why the fuck would you give a complete stranger $55…….like i wouldn't even give that much to a friend
No. 169304
File: 1472418420007.png (349.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-09-21-12-04…)

yall dump all the old screenshots you can find! i have this old one about her ranting about michelle tanner lmfao
No. 169307
File: 1472418665894.png (185.11 KB, 1040x688, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 2.03…)

hilarious that she still tries to act like she's so against the romanticization of drug addiction when she does it all the fucking time
No. 169311
File: 1472419214391.png (50.61 KB, 570x203, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 5.19…)

apparently lurch gets money on his bday? i'm assuming from the government
No. 169312
File: 1472419432263.jpeg (511.69 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

But Luna, you are dirty and unintelligent and uneducated…
No. 169313
File: 1472419580422.png (448.47 KB, 768x514, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 5.25…)

most identifiable pic she posted w herself, but no one can doubt it's her if they saw the blog and all her shitty etsy trinkets
No. 169315
File: 1472419654524.jpg (120.29 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o0g10a67Pa1uqg8tpo1_500…)

another one
No. 169316
File: 1472419971169.png (405.96 KB, 579x710, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 5.31…)

benzos + dope = overdose you idiot
No. 169324
File: 1472422313750.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1082x1500, image.jpeg)

No. 169336
>>169312So because she's a smart girl who showers occasionally and puts on a pink dress all stereotypes about heroin addicts are invalid? This post is such a rambling mess and half of it is about her style choices like she's making a real point lol. Wonder how she got those custom handmade shoes though.
>>169319She had a few pics with visible injection marks on her IG, I should've saved them.
No. 169350
File: 1472430149195.png (144.86 KB, 1036x616, Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 5.20…)

>>169307im laughing rn i posted this about her talking about how addiction feeds the creative process and as i was looking thru her blog for more shit i find this…. why is she so fucking hypocritical all the time
No. 169362
File: 1472432736293.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>169359I found a few let me post them – this one seems to be a blood spot on her sleeve from a track mark
No. 169363
File: 1472432775588.png (906.89 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

dripping blood?
No. 169365
File: 1472433438188.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

it's hard to see but possibly
No. 169367
File: 1472433499231.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 169371
File: 1472433665462.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

last one before I got bored of scrolling thru her Instagram hahah
No. 169372
File: 1472433691585.png (534.39 KB, 486x608, ls.PNG)

>>169365you can see track marks here
No. 169382
>>169312"I have fancy things, and am clean, stop stereotyping addicts."
"Help I have nothing, no money, our shower is broken, all of my things are filthy and old. Plz send me everything u have."
Ok Luna, which one is it?
No. 169388
>>169312This is the stupidest thing she has ever said. I have no idea how she could possibly think she was making a point here. Or maybe I just don't get it because I'm not "extremely smart" like her.
I honestly have more respect for the filthy people on the streets, because at least they know they're crap.
No. 169399
File: 1472440936143.png (1.17 MB, 705x1032, Capture _2016-08-28-22-20-17.p…)

This grubby ass bitch.
No. 169410
>>169405yes, i remember seeing that pic. no one has gotten into her drug blog since she protected it
but you can find some of her old posts through cached pages or reblogs by other blogs
No. 169414
File: 1472446012483.jpg (516.45 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o7uc32kSZL1u313u4o1_128…)

WHOA MOMMA!! Moustache, beasty ubibrow,hair (pube ?!?) stuck to lipgloss,caked makeup.. SEXXXY! Seriously this gross bitch needs to turn up the brightness of her screen and take a good look before she posts selfies.
No. 169496
File: 1472475951858.jpg (80.24 KB, 577x414, lunashouse.jpg)

TBH, the house she lives in doesn't look like utter shit from the outside tbh. I do feel really bad for her downstairs neighbours tho.
No. 169625
>>169315>>169313It's her filthy bedsheets too
>>169362>>169371all that eye/lip crust ugh
does not pair well with the cakey makeup
>>169367jesus christ that titty
No. 169691
File: 1472531532818.jpg (64.92 KB, 500x667, f15efbde401f6a7f5d64006ba915b9…)

lol back in the funeralhome420 days
No. 170633
File: 1472762538976.jpg (135.71 KB, 1024x1127, IMG_20160901_162504.jpg)

Found some old pics from her twitter! Good stuff. :)
No. 170634
File: 1472762576374.jpg (99.71 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20160901_162609.jpg)

What a romantic way to start the year.
No. 170635
File: 1472762618138.jpg (95.2 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20160901_163709.jpg)

No. 170731
>>170715I bet this is what's happened, it's the beginning of the month and now there's some cash flow. There's a small chance she was arrested or hospitalized but I doubt it.
>>170634It looks like he passed out and she went for that new years pic anyway. Their kissing pictures are so gross to me it temporarily kills my sex drive.
No. 170806
>>168942She won't. Since she's a regular dope user, her tolerance will be able to handle fentanyl. Usually when dope addicts get in too deep and don't get high from regular heroin, they switch to fentanyl because it is a stronger alternative.
My ex roommate used to be a fentanyl addict but was doing heroin for years before that.
No. 171255
File: 1473018684669.png (917.53 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-04-14-45-36…)

i'm jewish, i'm layman satanic, i wear a rosary and have catholic candles and iconography shit all around.. i'm clean, i'm dirty, my parents give me absolutely nothing ever except a pile of xanax and a place to crash when things actually get bad and i'm sick of the dope game. my grandma had a college fund for me and when i dropped out of college and was screaming about how i was never going back, that money was used to keep a roof over my mom and my's head, which equates to my mom stealing thousands of dollars from me. life is tuff.
No. 187555
>>127713I feel like this has something to do with her drug problem. I've known girls who have awful periods similar to this, but never have I heard of both "excruciating" menstrual cycles that are also late and don't come naturally.
Something don't seem right, or it just me?
>>133929 Self portrait?
No. 187564
>>137689This is just so sad to read when you realize she'll probably never get out of there or this lifestyle until she's caught up and dries out in jail…who's to say she won't relapse when she gets out?
My own brother overdosed on heroin and to see people going down his path in such a similar manner hits too close to home.