File: 1487614493278.png (144.48 KB, 750x908, IMG_1617.PNG)

No. 254820
Old thread hit limit
>20 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Gets by acting like a lost soul online>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!" >tries to be exactly like courtney love>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles Tumblr : angelhair1996
Insta: howl1996
No. 254867
File: 1487617718717.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1619.PNG)

Lol ok so your boyfriend stole her neighbor's decorations for you
No. 254869
File: 1487617790150.png (Spoiler Image,83.25 KB, 744x660, IMG_1608.PNG)

lol she did not answer those obv but she also left the pic up with that nasty infected track mark
No. 254919
File: 1487622397231.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1624.PNG)

I don't see "school girl" in this at all maybe if she had pig tails but she looks more like she's going for a Scottish cosplay look which is confusing.
She has so many other LG things to wear like pink things that sayDaddy's girl etc
Idk maybe if she was wearing a collared shirt but she doesn't look like come ddlg school girl she's going for. She's also haggard af lol.
No. 254939
File: 1487625421240.png (1.86 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170218-193125.png)

I laughed way too hard when I read that, "eating disorder joke that hurt me." Line
No. 254976
File: 1487629740665.png (375.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-20-09-43-35…)

Lunee replied to this complaining that nothing was her size. How would you afford it anyway when you got no food monies Luna?? (Also cows colliding woo)
No. 254994
>>254939I see in Tuna's pro-pic Sea Monster got her some extra special weeds for V-Day.
No. 255011
File: 1487633318054.jpg (91.45 KB, 960x960, 16711914_1319196361492355_9081…)

>>254998The shitty flowers she is holding.
No. 255056
File: 1487637225509.png (282.43 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1627.PNG)

Writing poetry about her ex bf she never met and she finally admits it in this poem
No. 255057
File: 1487637373061.png (244.99 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1628.PNG)

No. 255066
File: 1487639155329.jpg (187.74 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1536.JPG)

ewww look at that hitachi
No. 255144
File: 1487646935125.jpg (1.86 MB, 1432x2304, Screenshot_20170220-191409.jpg)

Don't forget the blood and dirt
No. 255172
>>255144thank you for the workout motivation
No. 255517
File: 1487704616368.png (746.38 KB, 718x1006, Capture _2017-02-21-11-41-33.p…)

She should stop with that hospital robe looking thing and those ugly ass brown socks that look like some kind of medical compression socks.
No. 255640
File: 1487719082525.jpg (104.92 KB, 1500x1500, 69766_model_1.jpg)

>>255144>>255517Oh god, it kind of does…
No. 255690
File: 1487726467288.jpg (127.79 KB, 750x748, image.jpg)

>>254919looks like she deleted it now but fuck that looks disgusting…
she left this one up where is obvious lurch just shot her up in her hand. she's getting sloppy
No. 255703
>>255691This is beautiful lmao
I honestly feel the need to send her bandaids and cottons and isopropyl alcohol and a box of clean needles but she is thankless scum so I'm not gonna do that..
No. 255765
File: 1487734235503.png (112.59 KB, 750x735, IMG_1649.PNG)

I know she changed her sheets like a month ago but if anyone wants to reminisce I found some other boring nymphet thing and she's got the same sheets and they're so much nicer omg she does NOT know how to do laundry. How was it done before she dedicated her life to that ugly old man and his heroin.
No. 255815
File: 1487740998622.jpg (733.61 KB, 4000x3000, heroin_not_even_once.jpg)

the dirty sheets saga never fails to make me feel like i need to log off and take ten showers, so i felt compelled to make this
No. 255882
>>255581Same. I think if a Japanese girl was wearing this, anons would be saying the outfit is cute. It's just because it's Luna (and of course, the outfit needs to be washed).
>>254919Ugh her "fiancé" is probably loving this seeing as he was hitting on a literal child on Facebook a couple weeks back. And that wound on her arm looks awful…Are they using some kind of giant needles or something…? I mean, I've never used drugs, but I've had my blood drawn like pretty much everyone and never had a giant bloody gash afterward…
No. 255925
>>255780I don't understand this. It must vary state to state, but I live in the US, and the CVS I frequent will give you insulin needles for cheap cheap cheap. My boyfriend thought he could suck the glycol solution out of a vape pen, so he bought a pack of 10.
Does this vary? Also, I realize that they can refuse to sell for whatever reason, so maybe Luna has burned a bridge with pharmacy stores that give that shit out like candy…
No. 256030
File: 1487788484414.png (115.29 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1654.PNG)

I don't even want to look at the prices she thinks people will pay for her garbage
No. 256047
File: 1487791706965.jpg (121.41 KB, 1382x672, trash.JPG)

>>256030the one on the bottom is also 85 $
No. 256111
File: 1487800053161.jpg (146.72 KB, 1080x1278, tumblr_olsiuqa2ng1w3kwovo1_128…)

Did she wiped her asscrack with the front of this skirt before wearing it or what.
No. 256196
>>256120Just because it's huge or detailed doesn't mean it's good.
Her paintings are not good, yes, but if someone buys them for that price, what's wrong with that? Plus, she does have her own style, which is great. She just doesn't know what she's doing, really.
No. 256304
File: 1487820900241.png (598.47 KB, 713x704, Img_737529020.png)

Okay, so she admits that she goes out and walks (to get her drugs) everyday, but then her cotton-eyed-Joe knee starts hurting when she goes to fill out job applications or…….?
I like how she uses her bad knee excuse for things she is too lazy to do.
No. 256366
File: 1487824280107.png (931.88 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3787.PNG)

No. 256370
>>256111Sorry if this has been discussed: is she wearing Uggs? I have a pair that look identical to those and they cost like $150
there is no way in hell she just found those in her size
these are the ones I have (except I bought them a 3-4 years ago so idk if they're EXACTLY the same): No. 256389
>>256370I think she said she got (or was given?) "$150 boots for free".
Im sure she stole them from sonewhere/someone. Unless she sucked them out of that poor old Pat lady.
No. 256394
>>256380She's "bound to him"? I mean…. Not really… She could leave him and get clean at any time. She has her father who would help her get on her feet. And if she
actually thinks she loves him, once she got clean she would realize that Ew, it was all drugs and what a piece of shit if actually is.
>>256366Why does Lurch often wear only one glove….? Does he think its cool or does he not wanna show off his nasty trackmarked hand?
No. 256396
>>256394Maybe he wears the glove for when hes walking around and has the opportunity to steal out of someone's car doesnt wanna risk leaving fingerprints on the car door handle.
Anyway, it looks shady and dumb as fuck.
No. 256398
>>256394Lol lurch probably wears the glove to steal cars and steal shit without fingerprints bc I'm so sure he has a long and colorful arrest record at his age and sketchiness.
I wonder where they get the money to keep them both not sick every day, several times a day. They must do something, bc even though they live in NY, and it's cheaper there, it's still a pretty penny.
No. 256576
>>256111that bendy box next to her right
No. 256605
>>256385>>256389thanks for the information. That's so ridiculous; if you're that poor, you obviously aren't in the position to own $150 boots. How… selfish of her.
>>256398I wouldn't be surprised if he regularly robbed cars and houses (in addition to the begging online).
No. 256656
File: 1487884508879.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4397.PNG)

No. 256673
>>256656Luna please for the love of god invest in a tooth brush and some laundry detergent
Hell you can even wash your clothes in the fucking sink with a bar of soap if you're too broke for laundry, ffs anything is better than just wearing your clothes until they're a mosaic of stains and holes…
No. 256685
File: 1487887821428.jpg (99.99 KB, 1080x1201, tumblr_olufl7z2Y61w3kwovo1_128…)

Cool, another gaping track mark on her hand. Nice, so aesthetic.
No. 256686
File: 1487887972911.jpg (166.6 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_olufmlo3pJ1w3kwovo1_128…)

Check her stained towel. Probably where she wipes off her shittily done liquid eyeliner. I hope. Could be shit stains too, I guess.
No. 256689
File: 1487888280902.png (160.08 KB, 706x1123, imedgyihaveabaddad.png)

This is about her dad, she said so in a post before this one. Ummm…is this the same dad who she goes and smokes weed with, goes out to dinner with, and gets xanax and money from…?
No. 256691
File: 1487888401749.png (33.94 KB, 700x338, peter.png)

Losing interest in Chief Tuna? Talking about peter alot lately.
No. 256695
File: 1487888462968.jpg (13.36 KB, 224x216, mcfucking kill yourself.jpg)

>>256656>mmmmmm disgusting teeth>horribly applied lipstick>caked on foundation>blob of highlighter on nose>raccoon-esque eyelinerFUCKING ~ A E S T H E T I C ~
No. 256698
>>256689sorry samefagging but I'm actually dying at this hahaha
>my dads anger is a grenade with the pin pulledsounds like a 13 year old who just learned what a metaphor is
No. 256715
File: 1487889242045.png (62.77 KB, 750x529, IMG_1667.PNG)

tfw a poem could be about your actual Dad or your boyfriend
(I know lurch wasn't around her whole life but it was still a hilarious thought)
No. 256716
>>256656Oh my fucking god. How do someone's teeth get that color and why do they look kinda see-through……?
Is that really plaque stuck between them?!?!? It fucking looks like bread caked in there or something. Can't believe she posted that Haha. I guess she forgot to edit her teeth in that pic.
No. 256743
>>256396>>256398Makes me think of Marv from Home Alone when he made that tape glove so he could steal change out of the charity bucks. Sounds like something Lurch would do honestly.
>>256656It's like she asks her self, "How can I make myself look as fucking disgusting as possible?" and then takes a pic to document her success.
No. 256746
File: 1487893208017.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

i think i found her hair inspo
No. 256823
No. 257132
File: 1487967302541.jpg (137.75 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_olw8msBD9O1w3kwovo1_128…)

Is that a hairy armpit I see? I guess I shouldnt expect it to be shaved. Ew that dress is all bally and old looking and im pretty sure there's a chunk of dried food on it. And lol is she sitting in the mud?
No. 257164
File: 1487971001045.png (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1674.PNG)

Spoilered cuz it's a photo of her floor
No. 257171
File: 1487972121144.jpg (177.45 KB, 794x960, 364a1b3f-4bb8-44ac-a7c9-f9ba88…)

shes had hairy armpits for a while
No. 257173
File: 1487972218375.png (1002.61 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_2017-02-24-13-30-20…)

No. 257174
File: 1487972305428.png (75.15 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2017-02-24-13-33-23…)

No. 257175
File: 1487972363807.png (16.16 KB, 1080x324, Screenshot_2017-02-24-13-33-33…)

No. 257199
File: 1487975651400.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1675.PNG)

No. 257206
File: 1487976097677.png (2.07 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-24-16-40-07…)

Omg pl… Please Luna, for fucks sake, wash your fucking face.
No. 257252
File: 1487980004410.jpg (206.76 KB, 1200x1258, PicsArt_02-24-05.45.32.jpg)

Another cute pic
No. 257258
>>257199PLEASE. SOMEONE KILL ME. but I think her hair looks cute in this pic -_-
>>257206But ok Ew she is nasty as fuck. Her bumpy nose makes me want to send her some apricot face scrub.
No. 257261
File: 1487980435500.png (1.56 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-24-17-51-03…)

Those lips
No. 257298
>>257206Oh my………
She likes the way this looks…?
She is so crusty sticky dirty chalky flaky and hairy looking…..
Im floored at how fucking disgusting she is. I knew she was nasty but this close up pic is a whole other level. Yikes….
No. 257524
File: 1487997961973.jpeg (158.85 KB, 750x1287, image.jpeg)

Found this along with a bunch of heroin pics in her likes & hadnt seen it posted yet.
No. 257575
>>257543Get over it tbh. It looks like a convenient crack plate.
Sage for OT
No. 257749
>>257206She looks like she sleeps in full makeup and just reapplies on top of it. That face has not seen warm water or a wash cloth in months
Also is that a booger on her septum ring? Barf
No. 257831
>>257755>>257543they probably did it for aesthetic and thats why theres also "cutie" type lighters and they took a picture. luna cant be the only aesthetic drug blogger, considering her entire personality is copy catting, and it would make sense she would follow as many of those blogs as she could find.
just wait for tuna to start posting her own cutsie drug layouts again
No. 257898
File: 1488050349470.png (43.49 KB, 873x726, 4654335647654645.png)

>>254820all i could find for chief areola's arrest record prob more but here. hope this is him idk his birthday but assumed this was him
No. 258525
File: 1488107207287.png (Spoiler Image,677.12 KB, 625x656, Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 3.04…)

i don't think a single photo has ever made me feel so strongly motivated to go take a hot shower and exfoliate
No. 258691
File: 1488135627750.jpg (9.31 KB, 316x268, holywater.jpg)

>>258525at first it was her lips that
triggered my, but those fucking pores!!
No. 258719
>>258618>>258564Has she always caked her makeup on like that?
I was thinking maybe it was the crack… She just spazzticly does her makeup over and over while getting high. That's what I always did but atleast I had a boyfriend who would let me know to chill with the makeup. Why doesn't chief let her know that she looks disgusting…?
No. 258724
File: 1488139576407.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1632, Screenshot_2017-02-26-09-27-04…)

her fucking eyeliner omg
No. 258726
File: 1488139649008.png (972.68 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_2017-02-26-09-26-47…)

No. 258889
File: 1488151799515.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1684.PNG)

That highlighter on her face is doing her no favors if anything it shows how dull and filthy her hair is
No. 258914
File: 1488154709334.png (303.99 KB, 707x683, Screenshot_2017-02-26-18-17-12…)

lol tf
No. 258941
File: 1488157961722.png (47.08 KB, 720x440, Capture _2017-02-26-19-11-32.p…)

No. 258943
File: 1488157993839.png (24.17 KB, 712x266, Capture _2017-02-26-19-11-55.p…)

No. 258968
>>258525Thank god this is spoilered because I am beyond
triggered . Since she's stealing crappy wet n wild foundation she should really go ahead and invest in an exfoliating wash or a clay mask ffs those are the worst pores I've ever seen. Need several long showers after seeing this.
No. 259107
>>258889God dude what a piece of shit
She can't even handle people trying to empathize with her because she's so ~speshul and different~
Her face looks like it's fucking melting off
No. 259205
Let's not ruin this again
No. 259725
>>258525that's black fucking lip hair
bitch needs to bleach em instead of shaving em
No. 259739
File: 1488221734478.png (840.43 KB, 718x1042, Capture _2017-02-27-12-54-05.p…)

Tuna.. There are yellow stains All Over that top… Can't you see them??
No. 259817
File: 1488230449889.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_2017-02-27-09-43-22…)

she got those pants less than a yr ago and everytime she nentions them she mentions how big they are on her
No. 259818
File: 1488230499229.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1675, Screenshot_2017-02-27-09-46-52…)

No. 259828
File: 1488231425819.jpg (Spoiler Image,182.75 KB, 498x800, 14281745671_f9f5582004_c.jpg)

Saw this doll and it reminded me of her
No. 259842
>>259828I'm so
triggered right now.
No. 259875
File: 1488237249240.png (994.59 KB, 709x992, granny_chic.png)

This dress does her saggy tits no favors. And look at her mirror it looks like its full of flicked boogers and popped zit pus.
No. 259980
File: 1488250717611.png (113.86 KB, 1080x798, Screenshot_2017-02-27-18-54-15…)

No. 259982
File: 1488250792830.png (521.72 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_2017-02-27-18-54-32…)

toopoor is her own mess but doesnt tuna realize she posts pics of her 150 dollar shoes and expensive makeup? she literally just posted a picture with her grimey "no fun" hat
No. 259984
File: 1488250841967.png (194.18 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2017-02-27-18-55-12…)

her best friend using her most used argument against her lol
No. 259986
File: 1488250973422.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1671, Screenshot_2017-02-27-19-01-13…)

the hat she doesnt even wear on her head. also naming a picture where your slouching forward as "laid back" lmao
she also changed her insta username to match her new drug blogs.
No. 260464
File: 1488307829069.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1714.PNG)

>fell asleep
It's pronounced 'nodded out' and you know it, Tuna salad.
No. 260525
File: 1488311105512.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1715.PNG)

One thing I don't think we've mentioned is that this bitch actually sucks her thumb which is just a whole other level of nasty..
No. 260530
File: 1488311296727.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1716.PNG)

She seems to specifically trims her bangs just enough to cover her eye brows which I think may be v horrifying as you can peep in this pic
No. 260550
File: 1488313853582.png (Spoiler Image,113.12 KB, 750x1255, IMG_1719.PNG)

I should just not zoom in on her it's damaging my mental health
No. 260551
File: 1488313961437.png (Spoiler Image,99.81 KB, 750x1251, IMG_1720.PNG)

I can't stop why it's like staring at a car crash..
No. 260677
File: 1488320781768.png (533.46 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-28-16-15-45…)

One of her likes, lmfao, what kind of fucking points are these even???
No. 260758
File: 1488325840536.png (2.02 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-28-17-48-01…)

No. 260773
>>260758Looks like some kind of junkie phantom emerging from the woods at night in a shitty horror movie.
What the fuck is up with her hair….?
No. 260846
>>260799She's dyed it a few times so 'that's like washing it' says Tuna
I love the painting she did with the gray bubbles/bath water she had no idea how funny that is I'm sure
No. 260852
File: 1488331721436.png (105.52 KB, 596x794, IMG_1725.PNG)

Someone should make creepypasta about her my god so spooky I bet she glows in the dark with glowing stench lines radiating off her like her paintings
No. 260941
>>260911Dude check out her thread on here she's got some milk
But that is so funny if that's what she's doing and I 100% believe it
God she's so bad, like, you wanna throw rotten tomatoes at her during at Marx brothers film
No. 260944
>>260911I hope she doesn't see this and pursues this cuz it's 100% plausible and Layla calls her out or some shit
Bite my tongue but ~when cows collide~
>title of the cow version of wrestlemania No. 260961
File: 1488339501215.png (163.58 KB, 749x1145, IMG_1730.PNG)

just pretending this is toopooh's response to Tunafish
No. 261040
>>260963Lol ive been following her for awhile and I dont recall any. Though maybe watch for some soon since it seems like a toopoor thing to do.
I hate to say that if I had to choose sides between Tuna and this TooPooh chick id have to pick Luna yikesssss!
No. 261267
>>261061We never mention this but both her parents are probably real sad she's an addict like them but honestly they can't really say anything about it if what Luna says is true about them..
also she never speaks about her mom or tries to visit her and the last thing we heard about her was that she got clean but also she has no money for Luna to squeeze of her so she doesn't hang with her mom that she's "loved so much" in the past.. I don't think she's seen her mom for 2 years
No. 261491
File: 1488397525213.jpg (24.44 KB, 394x101, dicklord.jpg)

sorry for samefag
but holy fuck if this is really lurch, he is a piece of shit and even luna deserves better.
No. 261529
File: 1488400790949.jpg (260.98 KB, 668x904, lurch2.jpg)

i can vividly imagine how he caught luna exactly the same way - "look at my ENORMOUS cock and my wealth and my drugs and you're the love of my life!"
No. 261567
File: 1488402631698.png (29.32 KB, 300x100, mybeautifulsexydopeprincess2.p…)

No. 261765 think I've found something that looks like luna in 10 years
& look at that lurch tattoo
No. 261802
>>261529Nutty bar! I wonder where he's trying to go with this…? Does he actually think he'd go thru all this trouble to hookup with a girl?
I bet Tuna was "sitting right next to him when he wrote that" and it was "just a joke". Like last time. She's so pathetic. I doubt they have an open relationship, tuna would think that's edgy and would have at least mentioned it by now.
No. 261809
>>261529Omg Matthew is sleezy
What did you say to prompt this OP?
No. 261818
>>261812For real my god he is so far gone y'all seen videos of him via Luna he's always mumbling incoherent shit he's being living this way 20+ years he must be so whacked out fucking catfish him I don't think this is tipping it the cow cuz we're just fucking with Matthew, harmless milking, right?
But please someone check out this guy irl it's such a fucking whack job just pretend to be one of those people from "Humans of New York" lmao
Sage for being wingnutty, it's that time of night !
No. 261897
File: 1488436163783.jpg (562.54 KB, 1504x1356, fucktard.jpg)

>>261809my first message was just "i love yachts" and i slowly started to compliment him how handsome he is lol. pic related, he started talking about drugs tho, not me
the thing is: i asked him about a dick pic (god forgive me) and a voice message and he always tells me hes gonna send it once he gets home but he never does, thats what made me suspicious. that selfie is the only picture he sent me so far
but if thats really him i hope luna lurks here and finally dumps his ugly ass. bonus points for "you did more for me than past gfs" and "fuck these american girls" i honestly thought about messaging luna on fb and sending her these screenshots (without mentioning lolcow ofc), but idk
also not very interesting but (pic related) his father really seemed to be in the hospital again. he often mentions "family problems"
will ask him about luna
No. 261912
>>261818He also cant seem to concentrate even a bit on the conversation - always ignores questions and starts talking about his dick. His brain is fried lol
I also thought about "flying to and meeting" him in NY so an anon from ny could watch but idk if thats too much
No. 261944
>>259875My first reaction was that she looked really cute and doll-like. Then I noticed this lump under her breasts, and realized the lump was her breasts. It's a cute dress, but only for a very petite, small-chested girl…
>>261897This guy is absolutely crazy…How long have you been chatting with him anon? Are you in your teen years (18, 19)? Maybe Luna is getting too "old" for this pervert.
No. 262108
>>261897What is this is all some plan between Tuna and Cheif.. Lunas gonna post this big ~uwu I just found out my fiancé is a piece of shit please donate money to me so I can get out of the relationship and move out~
Though she seems to be too dumb and lazy to come up with an ebegging scheme other than needing food or rent money.
No. 262112
>>262021Seriously be like "omg I just noticed, are you engaged? Or is that some old thing?"
Keep it simple, he's real dumb
No. 262140
File: 1488478742214.jpg (96.7 KB, 458x440, m.jpg)

his response to my question if im gonna meet luna too when we meet in ny. i also asked him if he would be up for a threesome lol, but he totally ignored it and even kept talking about "going out and getting laid" like shes not even there. this is so weird to me?
No. 262141
File: 1488478769243.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1759.PNG)

Is this a toopoor look she's pulling now? I really am rooting for that confrontation
No. 262142
>>262140Lmao no sorry doesn't he know what coke dick is???
Have you send him any revealing photos or is he completely talking about it his has
Lmao an eight ball of coke im so sure dope head
No. 262168
File: 1488480830528.jpeg (Spoiler Image,64.01 KB, 568x412, dick.jpeg)

spoiler for obvious reasons. lurch dick incoming
No. 262171
>>262168Yiiiiiikessss its still kinda floppy. Heroin dick. Real loving fiancé, Luna. Hes sending dick pics to a random chick that he seems to be obsessed with. Get the fuck away from him tuna, he sounds like a fucking psycho..
I still don't feel bad for her though, she's a dumb spineless cunt.
No. 262172
>>262171i feel kind of bad for her honestly… it's kind of sad.
lol @ him again talking about of drugs out of the blue: "That's just a semi I'm gonna send you one that's going to punish your pussy!! Once I start drinking and doing coke I'll be able to send you one that'll make you go "wow"!!.. Even though doing coke isn't my favorite drug or DOC drug of choice.. I'll do it anyway.."
No. 262176
>>262172Lol let me find out he bought coke just because he thinks it'll give him a hard dick just so he can send a pic. And wow hes fucking dumb he thinks alcohol will help? He never heard of whiskey dick?
I wonder where Luna is during all this. Is he gonna share the coke with her? Or hide it from her completely?
No. 262186
>>262184Omg stop
Wow this is ridiculous Tuna what are you doing
Maybe she'll take tips from toopoors break up annihilation…
No. 262188
File: 1488483767276.jpeg (288.07 KB, 660x1064, h.jpeg)

i can't. THEY WEREN'T AWARE THAT I AM A BASEBALL AND MATHEMATICAL GENIUS. (so they dont even shoot up that much anymore?)
No. 262209
File: 1488486032733.png (Spoiler Image,673.01 KB, 640x1136, 1469376077202.png)

Here ya go anon.
No. 262240
File: 1488489037147.jpg (277.07 KB, 1022x759, 1482478652138.jpg)

>>262140I feel like this screenshot should be spoilered for vomit inducing reasons. He nasty
No. 262252
File: 1488489906617.jpg (45.77 KB, 681x445, IMG_1761.JPG)

>>262188Can someone please make this meme but with lurch instead????
Could include areola diameter algebra…
No. 262255
File: 1488490145738.jpg (36.8 KB, 641x331, IMG_1762.JPG)

>>262209Eventually more of Tuna's romantizaton is coming true one of em gonna get up like Buddy boy here
No. 262365
>>262360I wish it still existed but when she was posting all her hits n stuff I asked her how she shoots up cuz I 'wanted to try' and she gave me shoddy ass instructions and like "my fiancé always shoots me up" but that wasn't still tru then wished me my best and told me how much better it'll be for me to shoot up!!!
Her ever claiming harm reduction is soo bullshit
No. 262368
File: 1488501412285.png (26.04 KB, 360x206, tuna.png)

>>261897'Tessa', do you have a better quality version on that selfie? I'm curious as to whether this is Tuna possibly standing in front of him while all this happens or whether I'm just reaching really hard.
No. 262429
>>262425i think that they'd have to be at least a tiny bit smart to come up with something like catfishing.
i'm pretty sure lurch is just cheating on her and she's ignoring the truth because she'd rather be with him than alone. it's sad because she deserves more than a much older man who is addicted to heavy drugs, cheats and doesn't love her but yeah..
No. 262431
>>262425i think that they'd have to be at least a tiny bit smart to come up with something like catfishing.
i'm pretty sure lurch is just cheating on her and she's ignoring the truth because she'd rather be with him than alone. it's sad because she deserves more than a much older man who is addicted to heavy drugs, cheats and doesn't love her but yeah..
No. 262525
>>262427The picture is taken from below. His dick is flopped off to his right side.
>What are those Grey and black/white striped bands? Underwear and sweatpants.
>Isn't that his (extremely pointy) bent knee at the top of the pic….?It's his side. His shirt is white and blends in with the white surface behind him because the picture's so bright.
Or the picture is photoshopped and that's the top of the pasted-on body.
>And what the fuck is that pink wrinkly lip-shaped thing at the base of his dick..?Ballsack.
brb puking
No. 262644
>>262483>>262476theres pictures of his dick harder here
>>149594>>152763its on the larger size of average but not a mammoth and attached to a greasy sea creature easter island head pathological junkie liar. let this be over with.
No. 262724
>>262644Thanks for leading me to the gif of him slapping her in the face with his dick n she likes it
Gosh such milky times!
No. 262763
>>254976lol wut.
Isn't tuna a Fatass too though?
Every pic you can tell she's got chunky arms and legs.
It's hilarious she openly complains about clothes not being in her size when she's also going around sayin how they have no money for food. She's starting to lose track of all her lies and now they're openly colliding hope none of her "fans" notice kek
No. 263007
>>262994He did the same with me but then my account was terminated for being fake.
It honestly seems to me that he's trying to get his name around/interact with as many people as possible… Can't fathom why though. Its fucking weird.
He reminds me of a relative of mine who is mentally retarded. Im not even trying to be a bitch, they are just extremely similar.
No. 263021
>>263007(Anon you replied to)no I totally agree actually because I have a cousin who has a mental disorder, schizophrenia I think… not that I think lurch has this specifically but he does the same type of interacting that I've seen with constant messages and praise and seemingly unaware of how they're acting is not ""normal""
It's also weird because before this he was very separated from the social media aspect, all we saw/knew was what Luna shared. As soon as SHE set up the Facebook for him (which is also funny to me considering what's happening now) we get all this weird uncomfortable milk from him. He's like a 12 year old (on drugs) who doesn't understand the internet and is using it for the first time.
No. 263282
File: 1488653165231.png (763.58 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4465.PNG)

*claims to hate TooPoor
*likes her photos
No. 263311
File: 1488658155220.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1800.PNG)

She got a plant that makes cats really sick when they eat it, they're also prone to eating it. I've heard of a cat who died by this plant lol sry Tuna when you wake up in a bed with dead cats
Also, omg what is this clean af shelf????
No. 263324
>>263311Is that a lily?! Cats and dogs can die by only inhaling that shit, not to mention eat it
I hope the cats won't go too close
No. 263330
>>263324I'm sure she doesn't care and will have dead cats in her appartment weeks before she knows
I would never tip a cow.
But I'd do worst. She's a piece of shit, there is no doubt 100% if her cats got sick just let them die and not take them to a vet for help.
She may pretend to with a gofundme but she won't actually save them.
Sry I'm so upset right rn sage
No. 263333
>>263326I always thought her an lurch would put out the most horrifying sex tape ever.
Ok this painting wtf the front of this things panties??
>paints it in a p much documented 45 min >admits she doesn't like it >posts it for sale upwards $100 I used to have a weird fascination with her but now it's like a true disdain and I'm so glad I don't live anywhere near her, she needs to be smacked. Like literally, not heroin.
No. 263334
File: 1488662149325.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1803.PNG)

>>263333Forgot to post the pic I think I'm in a blind rage ?
No. 263579
File: 1488691452868.png (151.5 KB, 750x835, IMG_1829.PNG)

Lol is that a bowl of donuts?
It's safe to say Luna is in no way 'starving' at all
No. 263637
File: 1488706513910.png (206.43 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3271.PNG)

I'm not sure what this is about but…
No. 263830
File: 1488741880830.png (12.14 KB, 541x122, 6857e83bbc2b52aafb218ae5cb2a64…)

>>263727>>263728these were posted 3 hours ago but on fb messenger it says he was last on an hour ago? i can't click his profile anymore though
No. 263889
File: 1488746667520.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1684, Screenshot_2017-03-05-12-38-53…)

>>263633this girl already commented telling her. she comments on a lot of her stuff.
No. 263891
File: 1488746704092.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_2017-03-05-12-41-05…)

No. 263892
File: 1488746774170.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1659, Screenshot_2017-03-03-09-04-59…)

No. 263898
>>263892did this bitch really call high kicking a sport…?
sage for OT
No. 263933
>>263899Oh hey girl wassup !!
Y'all stop it!! I'm a sarcastic piece of shit not a cow
No. 264098
>>264090Yeah welll then lets just get over it cuz it OT
Now someone tell me how much she's selling that awful last painting on depop for omg if people buy her shit for $100 or whatever it's almost equated to toopoors fingernails
No. 264156
>>264147lol yeah i'm sure he will use his enormous amount of money to fly to my country and fuck me up… oh wait
It wouldnt surprise me if hed make luna apologize to him for "reading" his messages like the abusive shit he is
No. 264195
>>264177Hes a piece of shit that belongs in the trash tbh. I assume hes kind of manipulative (talking about his heritage, cars, yachts and even drugs to bait) and tries to lurk women with this shit - and it worked with luna. I also think hes got a really low self esteem despite all of this. It kind of looked like Tessa talking to him really pushed his ego though, but all in all hes just a lazy piece of shit that doesnt get his life together and lives off of other people
Also: his reaction, the last message to Tessa and the deletion of his account shows it was really him and not luna?
No. 264264
File: 1488817750443.jpeg (16.74 KB, 739x241, image.jpeg)

could this be about Tessa?
Sage for extrapolation
No. 264289
File: 1488822874571.png (142.89 KB, 630x795, IMG_3918.PNG)

No. 264406
File: 1488838871829.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_2017-03-06-14-19-47…)

she just posted this but before that nothing. ill post her fb.
No. 264408
File: 1488838969074.png (409.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-06-14-18-44…)

i swear i saw her post "ill always love you" two days ago but if she did is baleeted now.
she made a status about eating annies mac and cheese and shared a bunch of animal photos and videos and tried to promote her depop.
No. 264410
File: 1488839007311.png (210.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-06-14-18-51…)

No. 264412
File: 1488839077676.png (950.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-06-14-19-00…)

No. 264437
>>264410>>264408>im ashamed ive been so meanI know its just lyrics but it sounds to me that Lurch manipulated her into thinking that him trying to hookup with other women is all her fault and she believes him and blames herself.
She apologized to him for him trying to cheat on her? Real nice, have a nice life with that disgusting creep tuna. Or grow a fucking backbone and leave him you pathetic bitch.
No. 264445
File: 1488842112014.png (349.23 KB, 540x764, Screenshot_2017-03-06-13-39-10…)

We all know what medicine is in reference to
No. 264455
File: 1488842553415.jpg (90.93 KB, 540x775, IMG_20170306_151820.jpg)

Pretty sure the "unlovable" is a new addition to her insta description. Think it's fair to assume Lurch is blaming tuna for him fucking up.
No. 264469
>>264455He is definitely blaming her for his bullshit. Hes such a pathetic, weak excuse for a guy. Completely repulsive and disgusting.
But….. Doesn't Luna have anyone in her life that knows what's going on and talks to her about what the fuck is going on? Maybe she's just too stubborn too listen to anyone.
But holy shit… She can't be happy in that relationship. I guess she'd rather be treated like shit by a pedo instead of being alone. Leave him, get help from your dad, and go to therapy to work out whatever you need to.
Cut off contact with Matthew, even though it'll be hard the first few months, especially because he's so manipulative and knows how to get to you to get you to do what he wants you to do. Exactly what my addict ex did to me..
No. 264495
>>264491She might move on from lurch eventually but only to latch onto someone exactly the same. She's dependent, unskilled, uneducated, unwilling to make an effort at anything, and has a personality with less depth than a sheet of paper.
There is no up until she gets off her ass and gets her life together.
No. 265039
File: 1488932500374.png (139.98 KB, 750x1013, IMG_1860.PNG)

She just bought these ? That's like $40 worth of canvas
No. 265118
>>265039they were probably given to her by one of her fans or "friends"
someone commented a couple weeks ago at most that they had art stuff to give her. too lazy to go back and cap.
No. 265557
File: 1489006486663.png (781.48 KB, 1080x1689, Screenshot_2017-03-08-12-53-03…)

No. 265558
File: 1489006568271.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1680, Screenshot_2017-03-08-12-53-14…)

I remember her whining about being sick and having a fever valentines day…….
I'm also pretty sure they were jacking cars, ive never seen that purse before and why arent they on the sidewalk?
No. 265734
>>265725Oh shit my bad I just assumed you meant the most recent one, should've checked the >
#But it does looks like there's still a ring on her hand there. I feel bad for her being stuck to him like she is.
No. 265740
File: 1489019263446.png (813.37 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_2017-03-08-16-26-03…)

still wearing a ring
No. 265898
File: 1489033401785.png (647.38 KB, 1080x790, Screenshot_2017-03-08-20-21-51…)

look at how gnarly they are. did they used to be pink or white?
No. 265989
>>265981Anon stop you're embarrassing yourself the white is the light hitting the fake velvet
She hasn't Luna'd them yet, they look fine
No. 266068
File: 1489067865016.png (163.36 KB, 750x1154, IMG_1880.PNG)

Wtf? Some crack paranoia? Whyy would someone want to hack you, Tuna?
No. 266098
File: 1489073200068.png (32.99 KB, 540x231, Screenshot_2017-03-09-10-24-51…)

That shit is lethal to cats……
No. 266103
>>266098someone literally TOLD HER that plant was poisonous to cats. please tell me someone commented on that saying it can kill her cats..
actually, she posted the specific kind of plant it was when she didn't have to, and she posts so many statuses she could easily google the answer to, she probably knows it's deadly for her cats and is posting that for attention.
No. 266137
>>266098Are you fucking serious bitch??!?! Youre worried about the plant when you fucking were told that cats eat it and it fucking kills them?
This bitch shouldn't have any animals. That poor cat. If she fucking posts an ~uwu I need money for vet bills~ someone please go smack her upside her braindead head.
No. 266139
>>266098I think she's making it up. For attention, because she's mental, or as a setup for asking for (drug) money.
I googled it and it said
>When dogs or cats ingest peace lilies, clinical signs may be seen immediately and include pawing at face (secondary to oral pain), drooling, foaming, and vomiting.If the cat ate it, this would be happening already and im are she'd take pictures and post them so she could get straight to the e-begging.
No. 266152
File: 1489080635133.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1553, Screenshot_2017-03-09-09-29-28…)

posted 3 hrs ago
No. 266155
>>266152She is fucking bonkers. Her face reminds me of an old Chinese man. She knows that plant is deadly to cats but she doesn't care? I hope her address is somewhere in these threads so someone can report her.
Oh and imagine the cat vomit all over her room now that you now she wont clean up. It'll all just sit there and get dry and crusty.
No. 266181
>>266152I see two big chunks were taken out on the leaves. Wtf. She's a terrible cat owner.
Tinfoil theory but what if she's trying to kill the cats or not care about them because they aren't really her cats but lurches and wants to get back at him?
No. 266185
>>266152This photo is deleted now, maybe a cat died.
Someone call animal control or something they might be able to save them and take them away
No. 266187
>>266181I kindof thought the same revenge thing too. Or she wants to get rid of the cats so she can get a new, cuter, more aesthetic one.
And don't put anything past a drug addianytIMe speak from experience that people go psycho on drugs and do crazy shit. And i don't mean people on bathsalts trying to eat other people. Crack and heroin makes people crazy too.
No. 266189
>>266179Thank you anon.
>>266142There's the address man, remember; apt 2 is second floor. Wouldn't want to cause trouble for the poor people living underneath them
No. 266193
File: 1489084934991.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1482, Screenshot_2017-03-09-10-40-28…)

it looks like they finally changed their sheets. i wonder if they plan on washing the old ones or just throwing them in the garbage? or worse, just keep them in a pile somewhere?
No. 266197
>>266193OHGOD. White bedsheets? yikes. She'll probably just ball up the old ones and shove them in a corner.
And ok, start a painting and completely ignore the fact that youre killing your cats.
No. 266263
File: 1489091579219.png (59.56 KB, 540x433, Screenshot_2017-03-09-15-30-10…)

Even Chey told her. I feel like Lunas really lost a lot of her respect tbh
No. 266326
File: 1489096454251.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4513.PNG)

No. 266957
>>266263sage: bc this isnt only about
our dear sow luna….but Youre right on the money. I follow Chey's IG and luna is contstantly commenting on her photos, but Chey doesn't reply like she used to. Her response about the plant is the first time I've seen her acknowlege her in over a month or so…Luna even commented that she wanted to "fuk Chey with a strap-on" so if I were her, i'd wanna keep my distance from that trainwreck seems like she's been trying to emulate Chey for years imo. which is pretty sad to begin with as the girl has dealt with a shitload and tried to help Luna as much as she could. no surprise she wants to cut ties. hell i bet this thread is what woke her up. Again SAGE SAGE SAGE rude mfs
No. 266968
>>266961Completely agreed.
If I knew about this, even without the site I would probably do the same, we looked at those cats situation for so long without doing anything (where we actually could've) but the plant situation is taking it too far.
Let her ruin her own life, but those poor cats don't deserve this.
No. 267057
>>266993thank you fr. i've followed Chey on social media for years & there's not a doubt in my mind that her addiction stemmed from that god awful carwreck (a public post by chey's mom on fb said that she had to be revived twice & was in the ICU for like 2 months last spring) we legitimately all thought she was going to die. not to mention it has to make her uncomfortable for Luna to
constantly be talking about how thin Chey looks on her photos….not everyone wants to be thin. Some people just want to be alive and get as healthy as they can (plus she looks good af lately on her insta) its public: "empty___binch" or somethin like that. yall should really read Luna's comments. anyway sorry I'm just proud of her and wish she would cut this nasty crotchrot witch out of her life completely.
No. 267412
File: 1489213463431.png (343.99 KB, 496x485, Screen Shot 2017-03-11 at 5.08…)

saw this and thought of luna
No. 267548
File: 1489247367904.png (121.29 KB, 749x937, IMG_1900.PNG)

No. 267569
>>267548She posted this photo on her tumblr and her hash tags were
>he still talks to me so sweet >I was gonna say he's the only person I've talked to who has killed someone>but my dad has too lol !Omg
No. 267737
File: 1489273656740.png (221.73 KB, 750x1068, IMG_1908.PNG)

So strange when she posts shut like this about her dad's apartment and belongings "this will be left to me" like he's on his death bed when he's obviously doing ok for himself and I don't think he does heroin everyday like he's not gonna be dead soon and it's far more likely everyday for her to drop dead than a person who doesn't shoot heroin with filthy needles and cottons etc ???? Such denial but like what a little brat?? Also she posted some more pics of stuff she's gonna steal, she's at his apartment like she is every weekend it seems…
No. 267761
File: 1489275393806.png (65.39 KB, 750x296, IMG_0390.PNG)

this explains lurch's transgressions 4 sure
No. 267777
>>267761Why the Fuck put this on FB ??
This is what yr tumblr is for Tuna
No. 267780
>>267761Lmao, she thinks their relationship is great when lurch was JUST online trying to hookup/create a life with some random chick?!?
She's incredibly pathetic!! I cant even believe it.
No. 267781
>>267761Bitch stop trying to be ~uwu edgy~ by saying youre sex repulsed. Heroin destroys your sex drive. Its that simple.
Its like she just picks up trendy buzz words and phrases from Tumblr to use to describe herself.
No. 268066
File: 1489319076314.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170312-124353.png)

No. 268086
>>268066Going home?
Please let this be more than heroin chic bullshit posting / lyric posting, Tuna's been so boring.
No. 268091
>>268066>>268086Samefag but I don't think that's Luna/Lurch's bathroom? It's the same bathroom as
>>234780 in her last thread and people didn't think it was her bathroom then either.
Luna's usual bathroom selfies for contrast
>>232102 No. 268118
>>268091It's her dads we already established she's at her dads she already made it "home" aka Lurch's apt and is showing off what she swiped.
Ew her fucking hair tho
No. 268119
File: 1489327228162.jpg (136.44 KB, 395x635, 1684816_tumblr_ltw6igzBPN1qgq3…)

>>268066I wonder how much better (or maybe worse?) she'd look if she let her roots grow out all the way and got rid of that horrible yellow-pink mess. It'd definitely help the state of her hair and would fit better if she's trying to do the toopoor type of style.
pic related
No. 268123
File: 1489327542661.jpg (578.19 KB, 700x960, 1734308_IMG_3763.jpg)

>>268119And this. Besides the obscene amount of bracelets, I think she looks good here. I can't believe she went from this to
>>238164 No. 268178
File: 1489335388423.jpg (126.22 KB, 540x774, IMG_20170312_091501.jpg)

"hundreds of years old" lol yeah okay tuna
Hoping her bringing her little drug box back into pictures like this means she'll start drug blogging again though.
No. 268233
File: 1489344224907.png (302.34 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2017-03-12 at 2.41.…)

anyone know if this is true??
No. 268339
>>268302Maybe she like knows the art is hundreds of years old but like doesn't she understand it's a book? Of xeroxed photos of photos of copies of prints of art that's ~hundreds of years old~
God I don't know i used to think I understood but I don't think I do anymore sage for blog
No. 268384
>>268233lol wat who did her dad kill
and how does she know this guy
No. 268391
>>268384I remember ages ago she posted that he followed her on Instagram once he got out of prison.
I think she posted screenshots of them talking later
No. 268413
File: 1489361222385.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_2017-03-12-16-23-10…)

no wonder her eyebrows are so bad
No. 268414
File: 1489361307278.png (959.25 KB, 1080x1840, Screenshot_2017-03-12-16-24-43…)

she "grabs" stuff
No. 268416
File: 1489361371287.png (126.41 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_2017-03-12-16-22-34…)

still so in love with sea creature. cats still alive and there.
No. 268424
File: 1489362026480.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_2017-03-12-16-39-06…)

why would you post this and how did it get 51 likes
No. 268480
>>268135It looks dyed anon.
>>268149Sweet and wholesome…? I wouldn't say so, but her makeup was 10x better for sure. I personally prefer the blonde hair on her though. If she went blonde, cut down on the makeup and wore a decent bra and less-grannyesque clothes, Luna could look pretty cute.
It's pretty annoying that she goes on about her dad dying though. It makes me really uncomfortable that she visits him and they obviously have a relationship, but she is basically praying for him to die so she can get his apartment/some books..UGhh
No. 268550
File: 1489377640979.png (99.39 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_2017-03-12-20-59-14…)

>>268516I didnt wait for it to load but looks like this
No. 268578
File: 1489382027298.png (254.46 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0430.PNG)

a very bad poem
No. 268625
>>268578- Is also a drug addict herself (by her own choice)
- Is also violent (don't have screencaps but anyone else remember her posting about how her 'BPD' also makes her violent??)
- Wouldn't doubt if tuna ALSO had Hep C
- Maybe not at gunpoint but also ROBS PEOPLE WITHOUT REMORSE
I really hope one day her dad sees all the things she writes about him/ how she portrays him because i'm certain if he did he would cut her out of his life completely. I understand she may hae not had a good relationship with her dad from the beginning but considering she is constantly mooching of off him and he basically if paying her rent/internet/phone bills and giving her drugs (or she steals them from him) she has no right to make points out of some of these things. Jfc tuna
No. 268805
File: 1489424444913.png (105.45 KB, 750x1024, IMG_1921.PNG)

A little late this year but now comes the incessant going on about her birthday like she does every year like a child. She usually gets more gifts etc from family and fans than I get at Xmas and I'm not actively addicted to heroin jeez she's so spoiled it's so fucked cuz she's also living this la di da heroin addict life and it seems like her biggest inconveience is coming up with $100+ everyday for their heroin habits or get sick. She's never been homeless, she's never even been phoneless or without wifi.
Why is she so spoiled tho?
No. 268888
>>256656The thing that really fucks me up about this picture is that there's a bloodstain on the collar of that–whatever it is. Her veins are already so fucked that she's injecting into her neck. She's not long for this world if she's shooting there.
I dated a dude a long time ago who would go to cop in the South Bronx when it was the South Bronx (veryoldfag) and when we would go up the woman selling to us would always, always have a needle hanging off her labia majora. She couldn't shoot anywhere else because she was all scar tissue, all across her hands, her neck, everyplace. It was so fucked up, so gross, and ultimately so sad because I'm sure she's dead as fuck and this girl is headed the same way.
No. 268896
>>257180this is so lol
she's a JUNKIE she literally doesn't care about anything other than being high like talking about her washing her clothes or her face or brushing her teeth is all inconsequential compared to sticking a spike in her arm.
does anyone know if she hooks? her habit is substantial enough that it looks like she'd be right there.
it also looks like she lives in some dank hole, there are always so many addicts in places where the sun never shines, life is depressing, girl needs to move to fucking arizona or some shit.
No. 268909
>I dated a dude a long time ago who would go to cop in the South Bronx when it was the South Bronx (veryoldfag) and when we would go up the woman selling to us would always, always have a needle hanging off her labia majora
No. 268933
>>268888I never noticed that. But im pretty sure its not a blood stain, it looks like she wiped some of her lipstick off on her shirt. (Because its too muck work to go get a tissue to use instead?)
>>268896Thats so strange to me.. When I was using I was getting high all day every day, but I still showered regularly, kept my house clean, washed my clothes regularly, and I made sure I didnt look like a junkie. All the other addicts around me did the same thing….
I understand when an addicts choices leave them homeless and without resources and so they dont look the greatest.. But Tuna has daddy's money, a place to live, no job so she has all the time in the World but still looks the way she does? I think she's trying too hard to fit her junkie grunge aesthetic dream.
No. 268947
>>268933Please stop. It's a fucking bloodstain from shooting in her neck.
>I made sure I didnt look like a junkie. All the other addicts around me did the same thing…. Thank you for storytiem.
No. 268950
>>268909It was so weird because the first time I saw her like that I was appalled and freaked. After the tenth time it was routine and I probably would have been surprised if she hadn't. When you're a junkie you get used to everything.
I consider myself lucky in that I never shot, only snorted or smoked. It was still fuckall hell to get off of.
OT blog, saged
No. 268996
File: 1489438538566.png (173.27 KB, 750x987, IMG_1926.PNG)

Ew it's like laying in a shit/vomit stain????
No. 269009
>>268996I feel so bad for that cat. She's extremely selfish to keep that cat knowing damn well that it's unhealthy. It LOOKS unhealthy. If she's so broke then how is she even taking care of the poor thing? It sure as fuck doesn't look like she even is.
If that cat dies or escapes, it'll be a blessing than living through the nightmare she puts them through.
No. 269050
File: 1489441429556.png (246.54 KB, 750x1240, IMG_1928.PNG)

This mouth though she's so scary
Scary fish lady
Tuna Terror
No. 269183
File: 1489456220415.png (172.59 KB, 750x1236, IMG_1929.PNG)

Wtf bitch
>for the grocery
Yeah not for all those other special occasions you have?
They're so big, girl, how are you gonna walk in them? She's insane. Like crazy bag lady on the street crazy.
No. 269189
>>269187Lmao she could not pull that off
Also why does she lift such shitty make up??
No. 269199
File: 1489457242036.png (2.12 MB, 1440x2236, 20170313_210545.png)

Hiding those hand track marks now. Such an awkward pose.
No. 269213
>>269199She looks so frumpy. And her hair looks like shit.. Its like she doesnt know what to do with it when its clean. It gets all poofy and pyramid-shaped and she thinks it looks cute..
Tuna maybe you can steal a hair straighter or some good hair products nexttime instead of the usual cheap makeup.
No. 269296
File: 1489474618588.png (1.74 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170313-235317.png)

Mentioning her birthday again.
No. 269307
File: 1489477386976.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_2017-03-14-00-41-56…)

No. 269310
File: 1489477634185.png (294.01 KB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_2017-03-14-00-44-44…)

No. 269311
File: 1489477735570.png (222.64 KB, 1080x1077, Screenshot_2017-03-14-00-45-16…)

No. 269496
>>269296The stuff she writes sounds so dumb… Is it just because she IS dumb, or because she's high?
>smells clean>extreme loveLol that she mentions when something smells clean. I'm sure its a rare occurance in her life. And her new "feeling extreme love" phrase is pretty funny.
No. 269670
File: 1489519849680.jpg (17.28 KB, 561x181, NOOOOOOOOOOOOo.jpg)

No. 269709
>>269670OMG his urine is probably so so so vile (compared to other pee, yeah I kno)
No. 269725
>>269670These fucking people, jfc…
If you filthy goons didn't constantly leave food and garbage out in the open this nasty shit wouldn't have even happened. What a gross bitch, why would she even share this
No. 269847
>>269772I have no idea how they're alive at all she posted that they left the window open during the blizzard last night and she woke up with snow in her hair? They're gonna get pneumonia ? Also isn't NYC where the fentenyl heroin is going on? Neither of them have OD'd?
I just don't understand why such awful people have such good luck
Literally they are alive by luck alone, at least I think so
No. 269880
File: 1489531564003.png (138.62 KB, 750x1031, IMG_1945.PNG)

Sry for my shit edit but where is the lie u kno?
>>269858He. Groomed. Her.
No. 269886
>>269880I know he groomed her but prior to that she surely had like 17 years of not sleeping next to bottles of piss and nobody else doing it either.
That or she was raised with her parents pissing in bottles and leaving it around frequently enough to not think it's disgusting now, no matter how much grooming he did.
No. 269910
>>269899Ew. Yes. I cannot fathom how foul that piss punch pouch tasted. I dry heaved the first time i read about it… but its still so gross that she keeps juice in her room over night and doesnt think anything about drinking warm pissy smelling "juice"
Do they only leave the room to score??? Imagine how many piss bottles Lurch secretly has around the room…
No. 269935
>>269929Drinking pee is pretty rock n roll
For gg allin
No. 270053
>>270036I feel bad for Rodger. The stench from tuna and lurches drug den must be horrible. And if they really did leave the window open
>>269847 the apartment must have gotten pretty cold. Were they so fucked up and passed out that they didnt even come to when it got cold..?
No. 270139
>>270064That's probably what he regularly does except there was a blizzard so he had to go with the juice carton
I'm so disturbed that she did not smell the urine before it was to late omg
No. 270239
File: 1489608676632.png (36.42 KB, 272x406, IMG_1956.PNG)

She's so spooky looking, she reminds me of some creepy drawings I do sometimes
Her posture is not helping her tits at all (see: full pic) I bet she never stretches or does anything she must be atrophying like an old person
No. 270318
File: 1489615097333.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_2017-03-15-14-52-21…)

>>270239good posting the full picture dumbass.
she doesnt stand like that all the time, anytime she takes selfies in that place shes leaning over because shes very obviously leaning her phone in the same spot below her.
candids are probably the best representation of her posture.
No. 270348
File: 1489616237895.png (2.02 MB, 1080x1636, Screenshot_2017-03-15-15-16-18…)

No. 270369
>>270318the way she styles her eye makeup is sooo unflattering to her already unfortunate eye shape , like it makes them appear actually saggy as opposed to slightly hooded
why does she keep half hazardly slopping unmeasured amounts of manic panic & conditioner in her porous fried hair ? SPLOTCHY AS HELL
it's hair color basics to not just unevenly stain already damaged blonde hair like that
does she just impulsively cut her own bangs to hide the fact that she can't figure out how to shape her brows ?
girl get it together long hair aint shit if it's not healthy
No. 270551
File: 1489636146622.png (134.37 KB, 750x718, IMG_1978.PNG)

This meme reminded me of Luna but I don't think she knows what systematic oppression is but that's the exact sort of thing she would do, string a bunch of words together she doesn't actually understand.
No. 270869
>>270846I wouldn't call them "rad"as much as impressionable and young lol
N all those nod squad blogs
No. 270897
File: 1489697129623.jpg (503.11 KB, 2048x2048, 66F2BC52-BE1D-401B-BFE4-073BF6…)

She reminds me of Big Edie in Grey Gardens, perfectly content to be in bed constantly etc
No. 271040
File: 1489708720931.png (484.43 KB, 527x592, Screen Shot 2017-03-17 at 10.5…)

guys she's wearing that got awful granny body suit thing from those photos ages ago - you know the photos im talking bout? you just know she bought this from an op shop and didn't wash it before wearing it.
No. 271046
File: 1489709491902.png (151.92 KB, 715x1106, IMG_1990.PNG)

>>271040Proof she's not lost weight since becoming an addict, that thing still doesn't fit her
There's some p gross pics of her in it from back then
Also this photo, her body is the same. She's not thinner at all she just looks more malnourished and has a "gaunt" face she enhances with make up and filters
No. 271047
File: 1489709522229.png (159.96 KB, 750x1219, IMG_1989.PNG)

Same bra and tits too!
No. 271062
File: 1489711253386.png (167.79 KB, 750x1054, IMG_1995.PNG)

She literally repeats herself on like a yearly cycle of the downward spiral that is her life
No. 271063
File: 1489711275991.png (163.51 KB, 750x1072, IMG_1996.PNG)

No. 271084
File: 1489714839133.png (946.07 KB, 1080x1597, Screenshot_2017-03-16-18-21-35…)

sure. mirror.
No. 271086
File: 1489714887995.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1467, Screenshot_2017-03-16-18-21-00…)

No. 271089
File: 1489714981252.png (182.99 KB, 1080x1115, Screenshot_2017-03-16-18-21-05…)

No. 271090
File: 1489715064010.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1684, Screenshot_2017-03-16-18-21-28…)

No. 271091
File: 1489715150249.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1627, Screenshot_2017-03-16-18-21-55…)

No. 271094
File: 1489715455710.gif (1.04 MB, 268x268, 1487876859062.gif)

>>271090Okay????? Why would she think people would care???
No. 271098
File: 1489715803934.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1689, Screenshot_2017-03-16-18-21-13…)

No. 271167
>>271062Asked my friend sitting next to me how old he thought the person in the picture was.
He said 45.
I'm shook fam
No. 271327
File: 1489756259404.png (123.78 KB, 750x726, IMG_2005.PNG)

>>271325Don't zoom in
She posts the weirdest shit I guess whatever thought pops into her big empty drug addled mind is of value to her. Her moms pants? Why does she have her poor mom's pants? And those fucking slippers it's freezing there right now and she's wearing over sized shoes with no socks??
No. 271427
File: 1489770858751.png (242.83 KB, 750x1096, IMG_2008.PNG)

Omg it's a rats nest
No. 271429
File: 1489770999539.png (246.38 KB, 739x1112, IMG_2006.PNG)

I kind of actually like her in this photo minus her hair and lips and eye liner
That caption tho, you know she always posts about "needing help" when she's out of dope. I'm sure Matthew will be home soon and you'll be full of Extreme Love™
No. 271451
File: 1489774296095.png (276.1 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170317-110856.png)

No. 271470
>>271461I know. It's not even subtle.
Imagine what her reaction would be if someone just sent her soap. Not the sparkly fancy type either, just some irish spring or something.
No. 271496
>>271451Lmao this is like the epitome of Tuna's bullshit wtf
Literally why does she think she deserves anything? She never really hates herself, she's obsessed with herself.
No. 271533
File: 1489781452463.png (754.16 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4567.PNG)

No. 271552
File: 1489782601620.png (83.32 KB, 750x902, IMG_2009.PNG)

Someone who posts here also follows this girl and she comes up every time they post a sc of Tuna's insta (yes it took me way too much time to connect these dots)
Any way literally sage cuz she's so boring but I guess she really really wanted to be posted here, I'm sure Tuna doesn't mind sharing her thread so this calf can have her precious moment lol
No. 271566
File: 1489784252816.jpg (111.78 KB, 400x300, 67656.jpg)

>>271184Yeah from that one episode where he loses it and dresses up like Lenore
>Why do you keep calling me Bill? No. 271575
File: 1489784999766.png (340.68 KB, 750x1032, IMG_2011.PNG)

Points for creativity on this one Tuna
No. 271579
File: 1489785092415.png (99.67 KB, 750x791, IMG_2012.PNG)

However yr crazy to think someone is gonna pay 135 actually wait you don't believe that cuz you're willing to haggle lmao I'm so so sure (she just wants cash AND gifts)
No. 271591
File: 1489786651022.jpg (39.01 KB, 561x394, utter cunt.jpg)

This pissed me off so much, how is she so shameless? How can anyone just ASK random people for presents with some stupid sob story?
No. 271606
>>271591Why the fuck is it special cuz yr turning 21???? Why is it important to anyone that it's her birthday
I hope these little girls get caught spending their parents money on a junkie pseudo-adult that's brain washing them into thinking heroin is cute.
No. 271611
>>2715341. That sounds like an UTI
2. Why the fuck would someone post that online?
No. 271627
File: 1489788964494.png (Spoiler Image,121.37 KB, 750x738, IMG_2013.PNG)

>>271612Her family also gets her stuff every year. She's gotten 2 iPads from them cuz she STEPPED ON the first one. She is spoiled. Choosing to live in filth is not what poverty is. Poverty is not necessarily dirty as soap is very affordable and accessible in our society.
Cherry on the nasty cake, spoilered cuz it's the back door to her crotch rot
No. 271661
File: 1489792328313.png (26.65 KB, 513x133, do u liek me.png)

No. 271662
File: 1489792403332.png (29.63 KB, 509x164, advice.png)

No. 271664
File: 1489792540053.png (473.42 KB, 516x546, home.png)

if anyone wants the full photos i can upload them
No. 271665
File: 1489792568088.png (44.92 KB, 511x222, birthday.png)

No. 271682
>>271661>>271662Haaaha. Is she finally figuring out that she's a fucking laughingstock? It sounds like she lurks here.
HI TUNA! Take a shower, use shampoo and a washcloth, put on deodorant! Try not to drink any more swamp creature piss!
No. 271690
File: 1489795593646.png (145.68 KB, 750x1100, IMG_2014.PNG)

Why don't cows understand why they are cows? Like don't wanna be a cow? Don't be one !! Also lmao like this tumblr is new she's just tired of having zero notes/followers
No. 271701
>>271643I feel like she has these things and doesn't use them I mean she probably doesn't have laundry detergent cuz she wouldn't do her laundry but we've seen stuff like soap and toothpaste in her bathroom she just chooses not to use them or uses them so occassionally and not when she should (like when her hand is covered in blood and grime but she wanted to instagram that instead)
She legitimately does not care how filthy she is I think thats a big factory in her being a lolcow
No. 271738
File: 1489802712398.png (168.68 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2017-03-17-19-04-24…)

dear god
No. 271743
>>271738I'm vomiting.
But let me find out she asked one of her lame followers to say something like this because Tuna lurks here and is desperate to make people think that she actually doesn't smell like ass.
No. 271745
File: 1489803300088.png (805.79 KB, 1300x417, 8dd.png)

>>271738Fucking hell, she just gets grosser with each passing day.
No. 272015
>>271664So many different shitty Tumblr aesthetics that don't actually go well all together.
Heroine chic trailer trash, 90s grunge, kawaii princess or sad bbydoll angel?
Pick one, Looner.
No. 272020
>>271701>>272011honestly, i would love to see her meltdown upon being sent boxes and boxes of soap for her birthday instead of the gaudy baubles she "really wants". she'll have to face up to the reality that SO MANY PEOPLE think she's grimy and vile, and not the cute junkie princess she thinks she is.
>>271776if you have to ask for it, it's not a care package, lollllll
No. 272110
File: 1489850118486.jpg (76.87 KB, 561x686, cunt.jpg)

I'm so annoyed I actually hate her, this is so rude and entitled.
No. 272141
File: 1489852555085.png (222.2 KB, 749x1136, IMG_2016.PNG)

She's going to see Bryce, countdown til she comes home showered in gifts. I bet she takes Luna shopping.
No. 272235
File: 1489862537024.jpg (50.87 KB, 600x600, barfdoka.jpg)

>>272141>wearing those gross looking shoes in her bed>all that fucking trash in the background>the fact that she's probably going to have everything paid for by her friendREEEEEEE
>>272110>that ugly tumblr choker>the baby necklace????>pretending to be sooooo poor but only begging for actual worthless junk for her birthdayHoly shit Tuna enrages me. She's the most disgusting, entitled brat I think I've ever encountered. God, I hope she gets a slap in the face from reality soon.
No. 272254
>>272239True she always says "thanks WHOEVER sent this" like as if she doesn't know??? If she says anything at all. And all those donations She never sent a single thank you even though it at least SHOWS YR EMAIL it not a little message from the person probably containing their tumblr/insta info
I do wonder if Lurch has groomed her to this point or is this some homegrown shit? She seems to ALWAYS get what she wants to the point that if she doesn't it's the end of the world, and she threatens to kill herself
Idk exactly what's real and what's not it she sure has turned into a nasty person.
No. 272273
File: 1489865709916.png (199.65 KB, 750x845, IMG_2019.PNG)

Lol she bought her all those things WHAT DID I SAY lolwaits to take pics of all her haul before she even posts pics of her and Bryce that were taken earlier
No. 272303
File: 1489868736965.jpg (83.92 KB, 565x693, RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg)

Her begging is triggering me so much, I want to punch her in the throat
No. 272304
File: 1489868761033.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2020.PNG)

>>272302Nvm I looked on her tumblr NICE
No. 272312
File: 1489869132249.jpg (15.47 KB, 561x177, DIE.jpg)

I am seething
No. 272314
>>272310Their apartment.
Junkies would venture in there I bet, Anon.
No. 272341
File: 1489871675566.jpg (86.04 KB, 275x275, 1467998748873.jpg)

>>269670>>271745>>272141Rotten, smelly, pee milk.
Tho she deserves a special place in hell for wearing shoes in bed.
AND for whatever tragic litter her cats have.
No. 272363
>>272342She probably included them on purpose because she needed them for aesthetics.
>>272313>>272273I don't think these things are new, she just wants us to think they are? That one dress has a hole in the seam and I thought I seen her in that black and white pinstripe one before.
And why the fuck does she want new clothes and jewelry? The only place she EVER goes is with Matthew to score dope and you might wanna try blending in when your going to buy drugs instead of wearing gaudy outfits, dumb bitch.
No. 272400
File: 1489874856944.jpg (33.22 KB, 300x100, goMeihuaTemp_mh1489874805315.j…)

No. 272441
File: 1489876890169.png (3.13 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0249.PNG)

She made like a 20 photo post on ig of all the stuff on her wishlist that she "probably won't get" lmao
No. 272442
File: 1489876927661.png (610.42 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0250.PNG)

She invented goth y'all.
No. 272474
>>272110"please don't feel like you have to buy me anything…by the way I'm a size XL…don't feel pressured to get me anything…by the way I love Hello Kitty"
how can she have NO SHAME?!!
No. 272491
>>272372As far as we know, no. When Bryce was told that Luna was talking shit about her, Bryce asked them to fuck off kindly.
We do know that Bryce comes from money and has bought Luna things for years including tattoos and new clothes/make up.
No. 272525
File: 1489880008284.jpg (Spoiler Image,712.19 KB, 2048x2048, 4EBE0693-2BCE-4930-87B4-3186B9…)

>>272509Sry I didn't post a pic lol
She just progressively gets grosser and meaner looking..
No. 272591
File: 1489882101897.png (41.31 KB, 750x418, IMG_2029.PNG)

Bet you that person did it backwards
No. 272616
File: 1489882912929.jpg (713.52 KB, 2048x2048, 3742F760-30FB-4AAA-97E4-D76885…)

Uhhh so I'm home sick really bored and dopey so I made this factual/portrait progression via her snap chat
No. 272618
>>272616**her instagram
Sorry I did say I'm p dopey atm
No. 272729
>>272713Even then I don't think she lost more than 40 lbs back then she was really into her ED too she stopped being all ~body posi~ at the end of high school but now she eats junk constantly like she hasn't had a fresh vegetable in years maybe
Also it is so obvious how dehydrated she is like water's free tuna it's not that bad
No. 272761
File: 1489892485782.png (1.25 MB, 1440x1983, 20170318_205907.png)

>>272360Bitch thinks $40 for used sweatpants is cheap?! She is a huge fucktard.
No. 272942
File: 1489920823155.jpg (50.55 KB, 300x100, goMeihuaTemp_mh1489920694585.j…)

No. 272949
>>272479Nah, her style is unique, in that you don't see many people who look like her other than severely mentally ill, drug addicted, elderly hobo ladies.
No. 272971
File: 1489928876368.png (62.27 KB, 750x483, IMG_2035.PNG)

No. 272973
File: 1489929123112.png (171.38 KB, 750x1074, IMG_2036.PNG)

Definitely posting needles on IG now she slippin
No. 272978
File: 1489930690121.png (87.2 KB, 720x689, IMG_2037.PNG)

>>272971Omg she actually answered
"Computer work" is that what she calle e-begging ???
No. 273082
File: 1489949474991.png (490.15 KB, 512x643, omg.png)

how can someone live like this tho
No. 273130
>>273082I don't know what's
triggering me more. The fact that she's lying in bed wearing those filthy boots or that pigsty of a room. I honestly wish that I could fucking clean that place up myself.
No. 273174
File: 1489960693752.png (259.93 KB, 750x1046, IMG_2042.PNG)

Lmao tuna, thanks for the lulz
No. 273177
File: 1489960858773.png (678.92 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-03-19-17-58-15…)

>>273096No literally they're gone off instagram
No. 273182
>>273174She's too dumb to fill a trash bag, then cries
>10 likeskek
No. 273246
>>261765okay seriously who the hell is this sephora mae chick wtf?? this is a cow if I ever saw one, her fb profile is fucking full of crazy ugly pics, weird and horrible dance vids, trolls and fat-fetishists
saged because oh god why did I click that and has nothing to do with luna
No. 273270
File: 1489969613605.png (195.06 KB, 750x1129, IMG_2044.PNG)

She got this shirt like 2 years ago and has never washed it there's so many stains that could be so many things.
Since her clothes are just littered around in piled etc and they don't wash them you know there's shit stains (no dope>dopesick and definitely no TP) and t shirts used as cum rags and of course EVERYTHING is blood stained
>God I love ur aesthetic, so unique.
No. 273280
>>273270I Spy their cooker spoon! Lol
And that shirt is so fucking disgusting its full of stains, dirt, dust and cat hair. She's fucking nasty oh my god.
No. 273285
File: 1489970878208.png (1.1 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4688.PNG)

Shes such an entitled brat. I could never imagine begging my Facebook friends or Instagram followers for presents. Especially while taking pictures of myself in new clothes with fucking heroin needles right next to me.
How does she live in so much filth? How is her entire apartment so disgusting? She really needs to figure her shit out. She's a filthy, disgusting person, and im torn between wanting to help her or just being grateful that I'm not her.
sorry for soapbox
No. 273339
File: 1489975843846.png (42.55 KB, 750x327, IMG_2048.PNG)

No. 273382
>>273349Seriously my parents don't plan my birthday cuz I'm an adult, that's normal, right???
Her poor mom tho probably all clean and she has this tragedy of a daughter
No. 273383
>>273339>I should quit eating But I thought you were so poor broke you starved all the time any way
She's so thoughtless and dim and dillusional
No. 273395
File: 1489980820017.png (151.84 KB, 750x1180, IMG_2050.PNG)

Hey Tuna this is right up yr alley
No. 273444
File: 1489985177583.jpg (65.09 KB, 720x960, 2.jpg)

No. 273447
File: 1489985237529.jpg (74.5 KB, 720x960, 3.jpg)

No. 273448
File: 1489985285687.jpg (81.35 KB, 720x960, 4.jpg)

all of these are from her Facebook.
She apparently went thrift store shopping
No. 273493
>>273285The cook in me is crying out at the sight of those several translucent half-ziti stuck to the pan. It's like, holy shit, woman, were you so off your gourd stoned that you forgot to put in water before the pasta for a few minutes?!
…Oh, wait. Actually I can see her doing that. Never mind.
Sage for culinary autism.
No. 273575
>>273339her birthday is two weeks away?
why is she making such a big deal of it now?
how old is she going to be?
birthdays really aren't a big deal and the fact that she's an adult I find really immature that she's crying that her parents don't buy her a ton of presents.
No. 273623
File: 1490018676320.png (28.22 KB, 718x267, lolz.png)

Nice that seeing porn makes her "sick" but she's perfectly okay with living in filth.
No. 273740
>>273246According to there are actually groups talking about this girl. I don't think she's on heroin though, just extremely mentally ill.
No. 273755
>>273740We definitely know she's on heroin
Get ur sus ass out of here
No. 273780
File: 1490040618843.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 727x690, nasty.PNG)

>>273753It just goes to a facebook comment section on this pic, spoilered because I don't want to be responsible for your suicide
No. 273933
File: 1490057073610.png (137.81 KB, 640x895, IMG_4301.PNG)

No. 274234
File: 1490109531546.png (110.47 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_2017-03-21-08-11-42…)

incoming fb dump
que begging for money related to this
No. 274235
File: 1490109583899.png (704.83 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_2017-03-21-08-17-12…)

shes so proud of how gross she is
No. 274236
File: 1490109681181.png (174.12 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2017-03-21-08-14-18…)

why not send this in a message? oh right because she needs to appear like a good person. Slade didnt even respond or like it at all
No. 274238
File: 1490109746997.png (104.4 KB, 1080x616, Screenshot_2017-03-21-08-14-47…)

this is a comment on her "progression" pictures
No. 274239
File: 1490109811662.png (301.35 KB, 750x1239, IMG_2081.PNG)

Lmao who is buying this shit????
>this is how I eat and contribute to rent
And buy dope
No. 274240
File: 1490109841314.png (202.63 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2017-03-21-08-15-18…)

someone said they might have a nintendo ds light. I really hope she doesnt get it.
>i want to buy one for fifty bucks but i cant make rent or buy food
No. 274270
File: 1490114463640.jpg (9.22 KB, 238x275, 1468464333666.jpg)

>>274261Lol at the bottom left painting she did with the eyeball rolling back. Def a self portrait. Pic related
No. 274296
>>274239I actually kind of like the one in the middle and the one to the left of it but def not enough to pay for it, especially not when she's charging like, what? Over $100 or something?
Also lol at the whole "please buy a painting I need money" and then the comment about being open to paying $50 for a ds. Girl needs to learn to keep her shit straight at least.
No. 274357
>>274338idk, i'll keep an eye on her follower count now
Maybe I shouldn't have posted this. But I'm actually genuinely interested in her (yeah, I'm pretty weird)
No. 274417
File: 1490129477375.jpg (74.56 KB, 807x1014, IMG_20170321_213939.jpg)

>>274394>>274393That's cool and it's okay, boo
pic fo general reference
No. 274465
File: 1490133668294.png (34.47 KB, 556x314, IMG_4320.PNG)

No. 274467
File: 1490133828715.png (139.06 KB, 637x910, IMG_4323.PNG)

Blaming her hairy, nasty self on PCOS.
No. 274472
File: 1490134186609.png (165.28 KB, 640x986, IMG_4324.PNG)

she looks dead and as if lurch posed her.
No. 274520
File: 1490137520918.png (2.05 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-21-18-01-31…)

No. 274523
File: 1490137618739.png (1.89 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-21-18-01-16…)

Wtf is going on with her face???
No. 274551
File: 1490138767548.png (22.92 KB, 653x490, PicsArt_03-21-06.24.40.png)

No. 274608
File: 1490140855941.png (101.74 KB, 640x996, IMG_4334.PNG)

No. 274609
File: 1490140943296.png (97.33 KB, 640x1001, IMG_4335.PNG)

No. 274618
File: 1490141377944.jpg (36.53 KB, 225x300, IMG_2087.JPG)

>why yes he does No. 274669
File: 1490144500301.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_2017-03-21-18-00-32…)

No. 274672
File: 1490144561515.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.82 KB, 640x480, Face_transplant_patient_Connie…)

>>274608God, everytime I see that face it reminds me of this poor woman.
No. 274738
>>274523Her tits look good here but I'm pretty sure she's pushing them up with her arm
>>274669More sag boob here tho, of course
No. 274823
File: 1490154904515.png (111.4 KB, 628x762, IMG_4342.PNG)

No. 274889
File: 1490160456945.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1825, Screenshot_2017-03-21-21-49-12…)

No. 274921
File: 1490164320418.jpg (68.59 KB, 1024x576, 1482285209010.jpg)

>>274823Out of all of the lingerie that she could have added to her wishlist she added granny ones.
No. 274928
File: 1490165248289.png (212.42 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_2017-03-21-23-45-36…)

No. 274996
>>274928Its so lame how she mentions her birthday whenever she possibly can. And its funny how her posts sometimes have something to do with what we talked about here.. Wasnt there just a discussion about how she lives off juice and soda and probably never drinks water?
Hi Tuna, lurk much?
No. 275025
>>274998most likely culprit is smoke of some sort
also just being dirty and dusty and grimy and never cleaning.
No. 275080
File: 1490200132715.png (127.64 KB, 640x879, IMG_4343.PNG)

No. 275081
File: 1490200188041.png (135.74 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4337.PNG)

even begging for imvu donations
No. 275084
>>272129exactly! a septum piercing isnt the easiest one to make & you have to have a good, experienced piercer make it - the first time i got mine done, it was also done wrong (very similar to how she has it, it was also somewhat my fault because i had friends who had bad experiences in the place i went to) so i REMOVED IT, let it heal & got it remade in a different place, sucked to pay again for it but this time i got it done right by someone who knew what they were doing.
like i am not blaming her that she got it done wrong, i am appealed at how she is ok with how fucking wrong its done
No. 275130
>>274669Literally can't imagine sewing or wearing a belt???? God she's so dumb
At least one thing she could do is hand sew stuff is so easy and she likes doing art stuff etc
But she can't imagine working towards anything besides her shitty art and even then she spends 45 minutes on huge canvases making no real effort
Who are these seriously out of their mins people who buy this shit? It's like TooPoor and her fingernails
No. 275157
File: 1490207958497.png (1.17 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_9941.PNG)

>>275081Her avatar is just as ugly as her
No. 275177
>>275165Reminds me of Anna Nicole towards the end of her life
No. 275283
File: 1490219991249.png (85.87 KB, 1080x786, Screenshot_2017-03-22-14-52-57…)

>short on rent
>buy me 40 dollar used sweat pants and an over priced crappy baby necklace cause uwu so poor and lonely
No. 275504
>>275306She also is obsessed with material posessions and is begging for garbage clothing instead of anything practical it's all for her baby doll junkie aesthetic she will get whatever she is given just as filthy I'm sure.
Also Bryce literally just bought her 4 dresses.
No. 275601
File: 1490241958909.jpg (60.56 KB, 852x480, 005TDN_Jeff_Bridges_011.jpg)

>>275458Hahaha like that movie Tideland.
No. 275675
>>274889inb4 tuna starts begging for 10-15k for a boob job.
her breast tissue is so deflated she's going to need to have all of it removed before she gets implants if she wants to have even remotely perky boobs. sad lyfe.
No. 275767
File: 1490279836912.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4649.PNG)

I know this is old but can we talk about this?!?!
No. 275797
File: 1490283799713.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 750x1334, 1490279836912.png)

Trying to fix Tuna
>>275767 No. 275816
File: 1490285904908.png (167.91 KB, 666x1086, IMG_2117.PNG)

Anyone else think this skirt and it's elastic band are ugly af???
No. 275853
>>275767This is
triggering me. I want to wash her face so fucking badly.
No. 275879
File: 1490290849520.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4672.PNG)

Not even trying to hide her track marks
No. 275886
File: 1490292250483.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9475.PNG)

jesus how the FUCK are we supposed to ignore the pile Tuna
No. 275974
File: 1490301809806.jpg (32.87 KB, 535x466, IMG_20170322_091504.jpg)

>>275886I hate their "decor" so fucking much. The way that flag is pinned to the wall with the Christmas tree lights over it makes me want to kms.
No. 276052
>>276028To post her pic on instagram lol
>>275767And she thinks she looks good? What a self-deception
No. 276064
>>275767What's the point of drawing in your browser if you don't maintain them?
Oh, my bad. Junkie logic. Completely sound.
Kinda want to send her an expoliat wash
>Which she won't use; it'll be another collection to the musty hoard. No. 276135
>>276063 Pure speculation:
It might hurt for her to bend her arm.
No. 276152
File: 1490317517880.png (324.36 KB, 750x1026, IMG_2124.PNG)

This piece is such bad quality she obv made the person look dirty on purpose but the lines and what looks like shit smears lol show she does not care about craftsmanship at all and she actually thinks this is worth $100+
No. 276155
File: 1490317668038.png (92.47 KB, 750x721, IMG_2125.PNG)

What a beautiful subtle burn lmao
No. 276159
>>276152To be fair, I do like her color palette. She's good at that at least. Sometimes she chooses a color that doesn't seem to match at first, but when you look at the whole picture, it does. So yeah, I give you that, Luna.
What bothers me the most isn't the style though. It's the way she only draws the saaaame thing over and over. Dirty looking women who dress/look like her, fit her aesthetic and don't like to shave. As usual, she's trying way too hard to be edgy. I still can't believe someone bought her painting that showed a woman with period stains on her panties. Ughhh.
No. 276172
>>276159Her pallet is fine yeah but anyone can mix paint lol
What bugs me most is her complete lack of honestly effort. This one has really obvious smear marks and without her ugly black outlines, it just all blends together like a pastel mess. She doesn't work with shadows or highlights or proper color contrasting or any sort of skill.
No. 276179
File: 1490320447620.png (904.02 KB, 1080x1166, Screenshot_2017-03-23-18-48-55…)

No. 276180
File: 1490320510524.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1709, Screenshot_2017-03-23-18-49-14…)

No. 276181
File: 1490320588735.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1687, Screenshot_2017-03-23-18-50-05…)

4 of the 6 books she owns and posts every two months i stg
No. 276183
>>276180It sounds really weird and forced that she's saying "you get it, you understand"
When she usually acts as if no one couple possibly understand her cuz she's such a speshul snowflake
Lmao @ her offering a discount (you know it's like $10 off $130 or something) and I'm sure she asks for tons of shipping
And speaking of shipping I wonder if anyone has actually received their art purchases/if she's even mailed them
No. 276187
>>276182She mentions in A caption of a photo it looks like she deleted but she said something like "had him take another pic of me with the ribbon in my hair"
I imagine he might be a little nicer to her when they're both high? probably the only time they like each other even a little
No. 276224
>>275816i actually like this skirt although the waist band is sitting weird on her body.
>>275938that definitely looks like her peace lily.. yikes
No. 276528
File: 1490380259591.png (4.28 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1490380174063.png)

>>275938Definitely the same plant she said she threw out. Yikes.
No. 276619
File: 1490394180428.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2139.PNG)

She posted her first IG story these are gonna be good I know it
Featuring some stupid necklace from her first bday package from an internet stranger
Hold on to yr hats guyz, its tuna season
No. 276636
File: 1490396210893.png (97.59 KB, 750x1197, IMG_2140.PNG)

She posted a picture of the plant !!! Wtf!!! god she is really dumb
No. 276639
File: 1490396460959.png (146.28 KB, 750x1240, IMG_2141.PNG)

She also posted this pic of her cat "cleaning" herself and, correct me if I'm wrong but, my cat's hair isn't all matted and gross like that when she cleans herself??? It's like her cat's saliva is gross and sticky from shit and dehydration
Ugh it's gonna be so sad when they both die which she'll justify cuz they're both older (13 and 17 I believe)
No. 284812
Anyone see the video of her tonight where she's like "ugh i thought i looked cute tonight but this video is telling a different story, good night ya'll" but like.. it seems like she's tweaking the fuck out.. not like all her posts aren't made under substance use but like damn.. a video really proves it.
>>275927 She's literally had like one job only and it was for painting murals for some old lady. Apparently she had went into this lady's person on the job tho and taken money, this came to light around the same time she got off tumblr because her scamming was being brought to light.