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No. 887951
>>885671Image Credit:
>>886057The Basics:
>Luna is a 26 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”>Claims to have overdosed 5+ times>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder>Started dating her (now) 43 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her >Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet how vile it is to do so>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being pennilessHistorical Milk:
>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lost the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s dying dad) by squatting in his apartment, stealing his belongings and leeching off his social security until he died. They were soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom government poverty home, which ultimately drove her mother to relapse and go to inpatient>Ebil dad’s apartment caught on fire, Luna took the opportunity to garner more uwu points by spreading ashes on her faceSex Worker Saga:
>Embarked on a “sex work” career, taking filthy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money, looking more and more like an actual corpse in every photo>Sells premade videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829>One anon leaks a “commission” video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, then takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Her dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off, one of her lowest points to date >>758647>SEX WORK CAREER IS OVER >>760386>“Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turns up after being sent the dad video, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her sex work twitter account >>761016>Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037>Returns to sex work >>805775 , >>810203 >A year later, anon drops “Lurch gyrating Luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” videos that they bought but didn’t leak at the time >>811491 , >>811554Eviction/Sobriety Saga:
>LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600 , >>810637 >Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker >>811724 >Electricity gets disconnected and Luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as her “landlord” despite admitting on Facebook that they’re not there legally >>813209 , >>813354>EVIL TOXIC MUM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MUM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340>The apartment door lock breaks, Luna and Lurch build sad little barricades (the most notable being the busted pink gaming chair, RIP, gone too soon) >>816475 , >>815981>The cops pay them a visit and find drugs, drug paraphernalia and a knife >>813338>Charges are filed against Lurch >>819990 , >>822424 , >>824442>As a result, Lurch now has to submit drug tests on the regular, and Luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos) >>821718 , >>822657 , >>823499 , >>823823 , >>824260>Luna keeps claiming to be sober despite still taking fucking Xanax >>824858 , >>825465 , >>827008 , >>825462>”Abusive” dad relapses and is allegedly “dying” >>825466 , >>825993 , >>826190 >Meanwhile, Luna says it’s a “slap in the face” that her mother dares to be high around her >>826257>Freaks out incessantly on Reddit about her and Lurch’s stimulus checks as it’s clearly their own income>Luna and Lurch are attacked by their neighbour’s pitbulls (totally not while stealing or anything) >>831109Assault Saga:
>Luna claims to have been raped by a stranger in her building, anons bicker over whether she’s telling the truth or not >>840784 , >>840941>Reports the rape to the police who take the allegation seriously >>841832>Police then pivot to not entirely believing her rape story, suspect her of submitting a falsified statement >>843957>Luna gets admitted to the psych ward, calls it the “worst day of her life” but doesn’t explain why, still manages to post unsettling selfies featuring EKG stickers >>846413 , >>846458>One theory is that she lost her shit when she took all of her Klonopin and the doctor wouldn’t give her more >>847120Recent Milk:
>While waiting for the eviction/Airbnb milk to start flowing, one anon surfaces a photo of Tuna from her tumblr zine heyday, farmers marvel at her unfortunate butternut pumpkin fat distribution >>885686>AIRBNB IS CANCELLED, WE ARE LITERALLY GOING TO BE HOMELESS (possibly because the owner did his research, possibly because it was booked by ebil dad ergo breaching Airbnb TOS) >>885700>Some retard keeps insisting on cowtipping, DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE LIVESTOCK >>885736>HAPPY EVICTION DAY! Tuna is conspicuously silent, probably because she thinks the court will grant a stay on the eviction and buy them more time. Meanwhile, Lurch makes himself useful as always by sperging about baseball on Reddit >>885963>Court record is updated, farmers are confused as to what the outcome is, blessed NYClawfag anon explains it for the rest of us speds >>885980 , >>885990>Tuna finally breaks her silence to let everyone know that she performed the momentous task of going to Dollar Tree, because priorities >>885993>Anon shares a poetic mental image with us >>886038>Another anon is inspired by the aforementioned mental image, the result is a masterpiece the earns the top prize of being selected for the thread pic >>886057>Instead of helping secure accommodation for himself and his brave struggling BPD bbydoll kween Lurch is thirsting over a Ukrainian white supremacist on Instagram, lending further credence to previous pondering about his political leanings >>886079 , >>886080 , >>886088>Some high quality art from Luna “I only have a sharpie I put my other art stuff in storage” Slater >>886134 , >>886135>Tuna confirms they’re still at the squat but finally packing >>886197>In a dazzling display of multitasking fortitude, Tuna still finds time to post nasty nudes on Reddit while preparing for imminent homelessness >>886269 , >>886271>Luna posts from Hell’s Kitchen, leading to speculation that she is en route to ebil dad’s apartment >>886324>Who needs purpose in life when you’re about to be homeless but have a 45 dollar highlighter in hand? >>886356>Cue the unsolicited advice on how Luna can turn her life around >>886395>Rejoice! The gruesome twosome have finally found their “new home” >>886493>Having to waddle more than 2 meters on her anti-Haitian lower extremities to get to a store apparently constitutes “a bad area” to Tuna (little does she know this is about to become the least of her worries in light of recent developments regarding her host) >>886554 >The autists over at the other farms manage to track down said “new home” >>886707>The listing stipulates “no pets” and “no smoking”, this is definitely going to end well for two sentient chimneys and their stolen cat >>886711>The ad for the room they’re staying in >>886837>More autistic sleuthing from the other farms unearths the real estate listing for the property >>886849>Lurch spergs about his ebil Democrat-voting mother, once again pointing towards his political leanings >>887029>Tuna’s calf fakeboi indulges in some ass-licking/advice that Tuna will no doubt disregard >>887224>More complaining about the very very scary and dangerous neighbourhood that will require her moving her disaster trunks for more than 30 seconds to get to her beloved Dollar Tree >>887292>Lurch claims the cat has PTSD (pretty sure that’s not possible but if it is, it definitely wouldn’t be because it was snatched up from its loving home by two rancid junkies who neglect it) >>887349>More fucking cowtipping and entitled cow whining about things not being to her liking >>887405>circusmusicintensifies.gif >>887428>Baby’s first steps outside the new hovel, probably the Airbnb communal area >>887476>MERRY MILKMAS! Absolutely based nona discovers that her family member stayed at the very same Airbnb, blesses us with screenshots of her Q&A with said family member >>887617 , >>887620 , >>887629 , >>887646 , >>887634 , >>887637 , >>887644 , >>887645>Sledgehammer-wielding Airbnb owner (who allegedly likes to talk a lot and encourages the guests to socialise with him over drinks) claims to have been a politician/diplomat in his home country (Honduras) and runs a real estate agent apprenticeship program >>887654 , >>887655 , >>887658>The revelation that Airbnb-kun is from South America and purportedly threw up a few red flags while oversharing may be an indication of what’s to come if Tuna and her retarded smoke shop statue try to fuck around and find out (inb4 Gustavo Fring saga) >>887683SOCIAL MEDIA:
Instagram: [deleted] [ed tumblr] [active]
Twitter: [sw twitter]
>>>/pt/882448 No. 887954
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Luna reminds me of the MORE TOASTIES guy
No. 887959
>>887955Eagerly awaiting the milk on this
I’m betting it involves them taking over the porch as their personal smoking area (including weed). I doubt it relates to the cat.
They were probably asked to not smoke weed or cigarettes on the porch - which to both of them would be UNACCEPTABLE.
How long have they been there now… a week?
No. 888012
>>887891You are retarded. Luna has not killed every single vein, and if any are actually totally dead, it would be her past favourite spots only. There are still plenty of veins for her to use, especially if she did cut back, which I suspect is her version of “sober”, the ones she used less frequently would’ve had time to heal up which they most definitely do. She never even learned how to shoot up properly, likely never rotated veins or even tried many others because she’s too fat to even see/reach them, hence why she went to muscling into her thighs so quickly. She’s lazy, stupid and impatient. Once the few easy spots became to overused, she figured muscling was the easiest way.
Anyway, I’m thinking the air bnb owner is not down with the weed on the porch and showed up, saw it happening, and had a word.
No. 888035
I'm awful-poetic-image anon, and I really feel that with cursed-art-anon and funny-thread-recap anon, we came together anonymously for a beautiful cow collaboration on Luna Thread 41. It's nice to know among the cat spergs, recovery fan fics, newfags and fakebois, there are actual dairy farmers. Appreciate you ladies!
>>888009Not a NY anon but in general, once you qualify (SNAP, medical, etc), it's an annual verification to see if you are still eligible for benefits. If you get a job or something that disqualifies you, it is up to the person to report that, or some people just stop using the benefits. If you use benefits you weren't entitled to, you must pay them back. For obese, worthless stains on society like Luna, they'll make sure they never use the social safety net to climb into functioning society so that's not an issue. Eviction, Temporary living arrangements, homelessness etc are not disqualifiers, in fact it'll make her look even more unstable and therefore more of a
victim of the evil system so gibs delicate and fragile waif Luna housing, food and the good drugs so she doesn't get the Big Sad.
>>887997 said, in low income areas there will be a bodega or market, usually run by minorities, who will buy your food stamps (EBT Card) for cash. They ring it up as if you were purchasing food, and give you part of the money in cash. It is illegal and often used for substances, but there are people who use that system to buy personal hygiene items, feminine products, pet food or pay bills. But a fridge-sized, stinky, white junkie in clown makeup just looks like she'll bring the heat so I could see local places & dealers rejecting her. She's definitely not worth the trouble, where she lived before, housing with other mentally ill addicts, she probably didn't stand out as much in the neighborhood.
No. 888037
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No. 888053
>>888037She is such an absolute failure. She accomplished nothing in her life. Not because the world is cruel or she has had no chances. Just because she is too lazy.
I mean even her idols like Courtney have achieved something, built something that lasts like their music.
No. 888081
>>888072>>888067I am a recovering drug addict who used to abuse Adderall and meth. Now I do xannies and smoke weed all the time and only really do Adderall and coke on weekends nowadays.But even though I smoke weed all the time and I love benzos I still manage to hold down a job. So I wouldn't be surprised if Luna is doing the same. Everyone follows a lolcow because they relate to them in some way. I am similar to Luna in the sense that I'm an addict and abuse benzodiazepines and weed. So I have more knowledge than the average farmer and understand her addiction and thought processes a little bit better. And all I'm saying is that she might still be looking for a job! She hasn't been posting much so we don't know for sure and she might, in fact, be looking for a job right now while doing her skincare routine.
I need to do my hair, makeup, drink coffee and take a bunch of xannies before I am able to do anything witj my day!
(blog) No. 888087
>>888081Anon youre playing with fire with abusing benzos. One day you'll wake up, go to your job and find yourself in interdose withdrawal. Stick with weed
Unless you think you're bulletproof like luna and can provide truckloads of benzos for the rest of your life.
No. 888090
>>888037 >>888050 She's so pathetic. She'll never know how good it feels to do fulfilling work and buy yourself shit with money you earned while using your brain instead of flashing your tits.
>>888059 There is no way in hell she's applying for shit,
>>888078 This. It's so annoying.
>>888081 Can we please stop with the weird blogposting and fanfic? This is the milkiest era in years. BPDfags pls stfu.
No. 888097
>>888081She has been supposedly “looking” for a job since Alltard fired her ass. Which has resulted in nothing. The least she could do would be to apply for a
valid ID or an SSN now that she has some form of legitimate residence. She’s not you,
nonny. She does not get up in the morning and motivate herself to pay her living expenses or even her drug habit. She has said herself recently that working is beneath her if it’s not creative and to her tastes and on her own schedule. If she wanted one, she would have had it about 600 sheet masks ago.
No. 888098
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Milk from the other farms.
No. 888103
>>888098> Plumbing issues in an airbnb> slumlordtell me you're disconnected from reality without telling me you're disconnected from reality
do you think this airbnb man signed up for social services getting involved when he put his apartment up for tourists to rent
No. 888106
I want to say I apologise for doing some contractfagging. According to airbnb ( ), the host should be fine cancelling if there's something acute that causes them to have to do internal maintenance. Shouldn't be anything the police needs to get involved in, as Tuna should get a refund.
> If a Host has to cancel for unavoidable reasons, we’ll work with them and help their guests find another place to stay, without the Host incurring cancellation fees. These situations include:> Valid reasons beyond the Host’s control, such as emergency repairs (like a gas leak or a burst pipe) or serious personal illness that prevents hostingAll Airbnb demands is that the host may have to post proof of needing to get the work done. As all this is, presumably, in the contract you sign when agreeing to an Airbnb terms and conditions, there shouldn't really be jack shit the police needs to get involves with. Sidenote, the page also mentions these fun things that allows hosts to cancel with no fees:
> Proof that a guest intends to break house rules, have an unauthorized party, or otherwise violate our Party and Events Policy> The guest makes it clear they’ll likely break one of the Host’s house rules, like bringing a pet or smoking> The listing doesn’t fit the needs of the guests—for example, if it’s not suitable for families or petsIf the listing states this is a non-pet, non-smoking place, I see Luna's broken all three. Although idk what the fuck Instant Booking is, so it may be all irrelevant in this case. Fun times.
No. 888113
>>888059look, Tuna doesn’t even have the basic forms of identification needed to get a job. and because she documents every moment of her waking life we know that shes made zero attempts to acquire them
so much for “as soon as we move im getting a job!!!!1111!1!1!one”
No. 888117
>>888106Instant Book just means a guest can book the room and get the room code etc. without the landlord having to approve them. I don’t think Rudis’s listings are Instant Book, but I can’t tell.
if this were all above board, having to change Airbnbs would be a minor inconvenience, but should be completely free for her. she wouldn’t be calling dude a slumlord. she’s lying, as usual.
No. 888121
>>888098Weird that she mentions a “bank check receipt”, I wonder if she paid him outside of airBNB? Sounds like she paid w a cashiers check or something.
And yes - he isn’t going to give you any refund until he can assess the damages. God knows what that room looks like after a week. I don’t think the plumbing excuse is legit. I think he is just booting them out as fast as he can.
No. 888125
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She's spent the last 48 hours trying to find a new place? kek. And ohhh noezzzz she's gonna wuin his weputation. What joke.
No. 888134
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she deleted her “uWu im getting kicked out mean old slumlord” bullshit / story / comments.
No. 888135
>>888081Sucks to be you rn, nonna. You're going to start having seizures pretty soon if you don't get some help. Benzo abuse fucks your brain, it happened to a former friend of mine. Good luck with your shitty addiction that you
know you need to kick, but won't. Luna is only different in the fact that, like other wise nonitas have stated, she feels that working a legitimate job is beneath her and depends on her dad who still enables her…lucky for Luna. Oh, btw, I know that if you fuck with the government benefits system and they catch you earning legit income without reporting it when you have been receiving benefits during that time, like food stamps/TANF they will absolutely dock your pay or come after your income in some way. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they have already fucked themselves and can't qualify for government benefits anymore.
No. 888144
>>888143she might get away with just needing to write it down but her ID is expired and any job at a reputable place would probably ask her to get a new one. honestly, how is she surviving right now without a
valid ID, SS card, and birth certificate? how did she even do her taxes?
No. 888153
>>888108This also was the most fantastical bit for me. “My lawyer” “my social worker” kek Luna
>>888116You’re probably right but in my canon, Sister Sledge the landlord sabotaged his own pipes as a plausible cover to get these two scumbags out of his property ASAP even if that means displacing the other tenants and losing rent on that particular property for the month
No. 888155
>>888035Bless you, poetic-image anon, I’m OP and posts like yours are one of the reasons why Tuna is my favourite cow to follow, the farmers itt really have a way with words. Not even the blogging and catsperging can ruin it for me.
>>888153I’m fucking BUSTING to know exactly what happened. I mean we can deduce that it was them breaching TOS by sheer virtue of the fact that they exist but I really want to know exactly what transpired between them and the (possibly roaring, furious psychopath) Honduran. Part of me is expecting Tuna to go full sperg because we all know how much she is a retarded blabbermouth but part of me thinks she’ll sit on this “muh plumbing” spiel for as long as possible in order to milk sympathy and shekels from whoever is enough of a sped to still believe that she’s a struggling, hustling mento illness kween and not just a lazy, lying, thieving, entitled sack of shit
No. 888157
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No. 888175
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Luna and Lurch
No. 888176
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>>888157My sides,
nonnie. You are extremely talented ily
No. 888178
>>888156 >>888173 Nah you're correct. Unless NY has some weird "you don't need ID for medicaid or picking up prescriptions or going to court" law, she's full of shit. Most things don't require your actual social security card, a lot of times you can just give the number, so I could easily see her not having lost that, or not having a copy of her birth certificate. But you need a
valid/current copy of an ID (and need to know your social security number) to apply for any government benefits in my state and the other 2 states I've lived in. Not an NYfag but I'm standing by what I said–homegirl has an ID, but her BPD marriage fantasy doesn't mesh with that and it's a convenient excuse for never having a job or getting off her ass except when she uses it to doctor shop.
No. 888208
>>888197Whenever junkies make huge claims about all the insane amounts of drugs they do, they're lying. If they say they're functional and clean, they're lying. If their lips are moving or their fingers are typing, they're lying.
I genuinely hope this is some idiot larping for negative attention or it's the "recovering addict" from yesterday back for more. The amount of addicts that come to this thread thinking they're in any way better than Tuna and easter island head is so fucking pathetic.
No. 888210
>>888197You’re just a sad addicted loser. Also the more often you try to convince other people - especially on a forum like this - that your life is great the less believable it appears. Maybe even to yourself? Get some help or shut up
nonnie. Maybe open your own thread
No. 888227
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>>888213Ntayrt, but you sound like the newfag. An imageboard is a type of forum.
(derailing) No. 888232
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Luna lying again. There's no way she took 4 showers kek Nothing will ever be good enough for her
No. 888236
>>888197Junkies fuck off. You are not wanted here.
>>888227Using wiki to try and prove a point is hilarious.
No. 888247
>>888232imo/tinfoil she’s trying to scam her money back by saying the place is uninhabitable therefore he owes her/she can’t pay
that shit will not fly
No. 888259
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Major trouble in paradise
No. 888264
>>888259KEK I know it’s been said but Tuna really is always doing exactly what we expect her to be doing. Literally every single event in her life is an excuse to complain and beg because uwu perpetual
victim. If she thinks Sledgehammer-kun, who works in real estate and has probably broken his fair share of kneecaps, is going to take kindly to her slandering him and interfering with one of his revenue streams, hooooo gurl. Buckle up ladies, dis gon b gud
No. 888265
>>888259Why do retarded addicts always do this, I’ve even seen this IRL, thinking they are the
victim and always right, that they can somehow afford a lawyer and “take down” any establishment that kicks them out for doing drugs in said space… or thinks that CPS is evil and they can get their children back because they’re perfect parents in every way despite living homeless on the streets. Shit like this doesn’t happen to normal people Luna, you’ve brought this upon yourself for smoking and probably trashing this AirBNB.
No. 888266
>>888259is she implying the plumbing issue is fake but also complained about cold showers? it’s like she just spills words randomly out of her mouth
also kek to anyone who pulled the plug too soon and said we wouldn’t get any tea during the homeless saga
No. 888267
>>888259Quick tuna and Matthew schumacher! Take the AC unit out of the window and barricade the door so you can't be kicked out of that terrible horrible awful dangerous room!!
She is reaching so painfully hard to try and make herself a
victim. She sounds retarded and pathetic. Never forget you're renting from him because you had to be evicted from your mom's apartment (after getting her removed in the first place) because you were squatting because both you and Matthew schumacher are both losers
No. 888276
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No. 888280
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Goes to the restroom just to take crusty selfies
No. 888281
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The comment was someone calling her gorgeous
No. 888288
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>>888283Are you sure,
Nonny? Are you sure you’re sure? Are you certain?
No. 888291
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>>888259Her commentary in the comments.
No. 888293
>>888259>airbnb is legit disgusting. taking advantage of people having trouble renting
>refuses to work>is with a man who doesn't have a legal source of income>spent the past several years squatting in place she wasn't legally living in in the first place>wrecked the place>got kicked out of her residence before that because she didn't bother paying rent>wrecked that place tooAnyone willing to rent out to Luna is a slumlord, saint, or moron.
She made her bed and now she's crying that she's a
victim because she has to sleep in it, while simultaneously refusing to take any action that would fix her situation (i.e. getting a job). It's wild.
No. 888297
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>>888291Forgot to include the other comment nona
No. 888300
>>888297Sometimes I wish cowtipping wasn’t against the rules because I know Mr. Airbnb would not take kindly to these comments about him.
May Pumpkin escape and those two shitlords get kicked out.
No. 888302
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don’t cowtip
i’ve been lurking to see if hes posted anything about them but so far, nothing
No. 888303
>>888302If he has any buisness sense at all then you wont see any drama.
>>888297Kek. Imagine hipsters holding two jobs on vacation only to see two gross retards, one with a giant crackhead face and his lazy eyed girlfriend hanging out 24/7 on the porch smoking pot, high as a kite on several drugs fucking around with exercise equipment while they hear pitiful meowing somewhere inside the house
No. 888314
>>888309Don't think it's a scam on senor sledge's part. I mean there were rules that they've obviously broken(no pets, no smoking, etc.)
She violated terms, she's out, he's not trying to be confrontational with them. But tuna and her garbage golem have a huge
victim complex without ever actually being victimized, fucking junkies.
No. 888315
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From kf. A screenshot of tuna's recent snap.
No. 888318
>>888259> being threatened to leaveSo is the Landlord telling them to get out, or is she pulling a hissyfit and threatening to walk out? She's referenced a plumbing issue, but it looks like
>>888297 there's more guests staying there. I wonder if she complained about something (water pressure, heat) and demanded refunds, pissing off the Landlord to the point where he would rather her just leave ASAP.
No. 888319
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this literally made me lick my lips with anticipation lmao
No. 888320
>>888315Yeah that definitely doesn’t count as proof of anything you fucking troglodyte.
This is AirBNB not a real residence you don’t have your name on anything ugh so fucking stupid!
No. 888327
>>888325in short, yes.
you can use mail to establish residency but it has to be a specific type of correspondence. squatters know this rule and they use it lol
thats why you should never let anyone send shit to your house under their name
No. 888329
>>888322Nope. I absolutely think they were going to try it.Luna and Lurch think they are not just:Kurt&Courtney,Sid&Nancy, Clarence&Alabama BUT also very hip,ear to the underground, l33t,DEEEEEP,intelligent and superior to others.
Luna knows more about drugs than a Merck index.Forget ACTUAL landlords with experience and lawyers on retainer specifically for squatting rights…15-20mins skimming old Reddit threads,videos made by the same muppets who try send bills back to the utility companies, monetize birth certificate for billions and teach 'Sovereign Citizen' classes… Boom! A packages sent to them, a payment of a month's rent and refusal to move =18mths free rent!
No. 888330
>>888329exfuckingactly you nailed it.
god i hate these people
No. 888333
>>888331correct. i just didnt want to say what type of correspondence and help these grifters in any way lol
anyway, theyre fucked
No. 888336
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this is from a few days ago but lmao at “an adjustment”. what do you mean, is the air too pure for your smokey lungs, Tuna?
No. 888338
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No. 888339
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No. 888340
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No. 888342
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No. 888343
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No. 888352
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No. 888353
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>>888352Milk incoming!!
>>888319100% sure that girl is a farmer egging her for milk kek
No. 888363
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>>888319It took them 12 days to ruin it kek. Whatever you think Tuna is doing she’s doing, even the video recording detail is correct. Nonnies making predictions in this thread don’t miss.
No. 888364
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No. 888365
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No. 888366
>>888360I doubt something came up that they said, he probably just realized that they're junkie degens who have nothing going on and stay all day holed up in the room he's letting them rent.
All while shooting up, smoking skunk weed from the saddest looking joints I've ever seen rolled, and having a living/breathing animal who they probably never told him about pisses, shits, and yowls all day from having to be stuck in a room with junkies.
No. 888367
>>888352>worked my ass offkek, sure thing, she, well, put make-up on her face, did face masks and complained, if she calls that working her ass off, she will never find a new flat anywhere near where she lives now. Honestly, I don't know much about the housing market in the USA, but what I can say out of my experience in my country, you won't even get a new flat if you are only temporary unemployed without pets and without being a drug addict, except for towns no one wants to live in. Hope that airbnb guy stays out of the drama and just removes them, I've never seen someone so picky and full of herself while really having no opportunists besides people helping or being homeless.
No. 888377
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he changed his profile pic to
>>888276must be special to them seeing as it's probably the last time he was attracted to her
No. 888381
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>>888339Her spacers make me feel extremely ill with the caked on ear cheese
No. 888388
File: 1660782903254.jpeg (734.26 KB, 1170x2100, 037D729C-FD5A-4757-A76B-722E56…)

Here she’s saying he knew about the issue prior to them moving in
No. 888397
>>888388> i worked my ass off to find this placeFor those that still think Luna can turn her life around.
This is what she considers hard work.
No. 888399
>>888366I agree, I don't feel like anything specific happened, just that they didn't pass the vibe check (who knew chain-smoking weed on the porch might be a bad idea). There's nothing about these two that indicates they ever plan to leave, nor that they'll care for the room. He probably figured out pretty fast that they have no prospects and no ambition to do anything but sit in the room all day making it dirty and smelly.
Seriously, if she's so committed to being grimy and sketchy she needs to settle for a motel. Why won't she do that? Normal people don't want her around and won't tolerate her lifestyle. She's wasting everyone's time even trying AirBNBs.
No. 888403
File: 1660789951265.jpg (65.58 KB, 524x400, Hoevel template.jpg)

I was inspired envisioning the coming milk and the coming housing saga, needs more cheap skincare in the hoard but my autism is required elsewhere to make this a true masterpiece
No. 888407
>>888339I fucking hate that thing she does with her tongue, it makes her look even worse. Also, her skin just looks greasy. Clearly using too many products and probably not the right ones for her skin.
Lol, but I love how Luna thinks having a shitty skincare routine makes her clean. Ya know, slathering on lots of product isn't a substitute for bathing and actually being clean.
No. 888414
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poor luna! uwu honestly she doesn’t seem too bothered by whatever’s going on
No. 888416
>>888407Luna’s shopping addiction is not discussed as much here.
imo she’s gotten really into skincare because it’s something you can buy (steal). working out and eating healthy requires effort and discipline, she wants to find elusive “beauty” on a dollar tree shelf and not by putting in any genuine effort towards self improvement.
by purchasing these face masks, creams, tumblr aesthetic shein dresses, fake nails, she gets a nice hit of cheap!cheap! dopamine to her underdeveloped junkie brain rather than having to expend any energy or better herself.
No. 888417
>he only talks to Matthew>he called me moments ago Which is it tuna? Keep your stories straight. The shit you're posting isn't making sense kek. Maybe the videos will clear it up. Maybe dude really is a slumlord lolz
Also the situation you created for yourselves has nothing to do with him. You really fucked yourself over.
No. 888419
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>>888339Originally noticed this on her insta but she's got another gnarly bruise on the inside of her wrist
No. 888477
>>888475I live in her general area… there are not a ton around and they cost that a week (they usually have the weekly/monthly rate on their sign). She’d have to go to some grimy areas in the Bronx to find a cheaper one, but it would still be at least $1500/mo (probably more).
They are not going to find shit in Westchester/nyc, ESPECIALLY without jobs.
No. 888478
>>888477Yeah by "lowering standards" I was including getting out of the NYC area but do appreciate the extra info
nonnie. Guessing the cheap motels exist in New Jersey which is much easier to get to from New York than most interstate travel in the US because of the public transit system. Will stop with the derail about shit Tuna will never do though.
No. 888510
>>888416Yeah I wanna say something, press on nails are reusable. Have we EVER seen her reuse a set ever?? They can be reused 3 times, more if you buy a little circle file and file off the glue which is super easy even if you’re as blind as Luna.
Just a total waste of money when she can reuse expensive Etsy sets more than once (I’ve seen the exact ones she has on Etsy before and they aren’t at all as cheap as the kiss sets. Yet they disappear into the void.)
No. 888511
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No. 888514
>>888511Kek at her trying to look sad to gain sympathy. I hope this lady says no so they can finally be homeless and truly have something to complain about. This is all your fault, you are not a fucking
No. 888532
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Yeah he seems real concerned. He's been posting about baseball for the last two hours
No. 888540
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>>888511 was posted right after the screenshot was taken then he was also replying to this girl right afterwards
No. 888541
>>888539Oh, I think a living-with-ebil-dad-after-getting-dumped arc sounds super milky. She’s terminally online, so she’s sure to document whatever happens. It would be interesting to see what happens to her when she’s separated from Lurch.
I’m sure it’s too funny to be true but shit that would be hilarious.
No. 888542
>>888540And looks like he was tweeting away after that too. This @mschumacher82 guy sure seems more concerned about baseball than he does the living situation of him and his junkie girlfriend.
>>888541I guess it depends on how strict ebil dad is but it could get interesting. I can only imagine the kinds of shady characters she would be bringing around daddy dearest while she tries to fill the lurch void
No. 888562
>>888555> living this junkie lifestyle with only lurch around probably has her at a point where she cannot have a conversation. she probably talks about herself and drugs. they're very much the kind of junkies with no subtlety who tell everyone their whole life story and hint around their drug useLuna is like spiritually 45 years old. Boring, self-absorbed and out of touch. I don’t think she could make a
friend her age anymore, let alone nab a new man. When did that happen? She wasn’t always like that.
No. 888564
>>888562Lol, wut? Most 45 year olds have way richer social and spiritual lives than her. I’ve worked in senior living facilities where the residents are living it up, compared to her. Hell, they’re often widowed and dating, even.
Luna is a junkie. She’s in a different league. She isn’t spiritually 18 or 118. She has no social or spiritual life, the drugs have replaced all that.
No. 888571
>>888569i chock it up to these people having not read all 40 threads. she’s a lost cause. let’s just watch the milk flow (slowly) and stop talking about ways she
might get “better” (she won’t) - you don’t have to see the good in everyone. some people don’t have any good in them.
No. 888573
>>888571You’re so right. People should look up the term „
toxic positivity“ though it might destroy their view of life
No. 888577
>>888575It's always the same with those posters, too. They confuse 'partner' and therapist', pretend Luna's only problem is Lurch and give zero thought to who might deserve a grave-robbing perpetual
victim junkie in their lives.
No. 888584
>>888575 re: neglecting Roger, I forget–was Luna's name on the lease when they got evicted? Like, does she now have TWO evictions on her record, a sickly cat,
and no regular income? Some LLs will overlook an eviction (esp after COVID led to a lot of lost homes and evictions once the moratorium was lifted), but that's only if you paid up and settled things instead of just getting kicked out. If she's got the eviction from Roger's house under her name, she's fucked now that she has a second one.
No. 888595
>>888584>Luna's name on the lease when they got evicted? Neither Lurch or Luna were on the lease when they got evicted. There are letters from her old landlord informing the household of a rent increase, addressed solely to Roger. She tried to garner pity from the landlord by negotiating cheaper rent because of her circumstances, the landlord kicked her out asap. I don't think they even paid 1 month rent without Roger.
They had a nurse write a letter explaining that Roger had died, thinking that would allow them to live there rent free for a while.
>>485614All of it is in thread 16 and 17 I think, but I'm too lazy to dig further.
No. 888596
>>888592def not. they stored juice boxes on the window sill to keep them “refrigerated” during the winter kek
(as seen in the video where their fellow crackhead broke the glass window in the old squat)
No. 888610
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new place to stay maybe.
what is happening to her lips
No. 888611
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No. 888617
>>888610Why do you care how much it costs? It’s not your money anyway, it’s your dad’s.
>>888611This possibly gives a little more insight into the jobs she’s applying for, especially if they’re all degree-required creative jobs. She should be ringing up Dollar Tree or the local corner store, not trying to be an intern at a design firm or freelance writer lol. What kinds of places do you think she’s trying to be hired at, nonnies?
No. 888620
>>888611She quite literally has had everything she's had up until now handed to her lol
She has not gotten a place to live through her own hard work, they were places handed to her by relatives, all of her clothes and ugly kawaii belongings were handed to her by her followers and "friend's mom."
I think she sees people just with places of their own and jobs and happy relationships and her way of coping is "waaah that was all handed to them and not me and i deserve it more because i was bullied waaah"
No. 888621
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The junkie with a $45 highlighter and a shopping addiction has been more broke than anyone else ever
No. 888624
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>>888622This you? If so, are you inbred?
No. 888628
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No. 888632
>>888621woman that never had to work a single day in her life, always found someone taking care of her bullshit, never been homeless, gets psychological and medical help for free, can live in an airbnb while "looking" for another flat, will be taken out to eat by her dad. Yes, her life is so fucking bad. She will never understand that no one will ever hire her because she has nothing to show for, no working history, an internet history that tells someone everything about her and I still don't believe she applied for a single job that might be suited for her level of competence.
>>888628well, she is more privileged than I am then, I never had 10,000 $ in the bank, guess she spent that all on drugs and dollar tree stuff.
No. 888641
>>888640Back in like 2018 my friend started getting DMs from Luna asking for money from more privileged people in more ~fortunate situations~
My friend worked at a grocery store for (at the time) $8.25 an hour
No screen shots because that friend and I no longer talk but I’ll never forget it. And how many anons had her slip into their DMs? So many in the first few threads
No. 888643
She deleted
>>888611 and caption and comment on
>>888610Congratulations cowtipper, you're drying up the milk.
No. 888644
>>888641I remember the FB post calling her out for scamming and so many people had screenshots of her spamming them with begs for money every single day. Even people who she had never spoken to had to deal with her in their DMs. She took a girl's last two dollars cause she "needed" it more than that person did after the person's cat died. Tuna was like, "Damn that's sad… got any money?" The milk was so good during that time.
>>888643I really hate fucking cowtippers, man. They have to be doing this shit to dry up the milk on purpose. There is no way they don't know that she'll disappear afterwards.
No. 888649
>>888624andddd this is why i left out a lot of the shit my family member said and ended up finding out about what’s currently going on
i probably would have ended up doxxing myself and the milk would be even drier by now. well done
No. 888660
>>888610Caption and comments have been deleted
>>888611Post has been deleted
No. 888665
>>888454>>888444well we definitely know it isn't anything from lurch…
>>888640iirc there's been a study recently that shows people are a lot more reckless with money they feel they 'came upon by chance' or didn't in some way earn (so… charity/panhandling money), which i think partly explains (of course, most of it is just drugs) how junkies manage to raise impressive amounts they just blow on drugs then struggle to get the bare minimum if/when they manage to get jobs. this is in no way to white knight her, her condition is entirely her own fault, but her uncertain junkie living conditions definitely contribute a lot to make her feel like she's "poor" despite how much everything she has and buys costs. friends with jobs might earn a lot less than she spends, but they have a relatively steady income she doesn't get. she's a horrible human being for getting herself in this situation, but a lot of her current horribleness is probably a result of the shit she got herself into
No. 888671
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Lurch was been going back and forth with this girl for at least an hour. Weren't they getting kicked out of the airb&b today?
No. 888679
>>888628Not Tuna acting like she didn’t piss all her money away bc muh college tuition, kek. Wonder why she didn’t mention the part where she chose to drop out after one week? I sure wish I had $15k to just throw away. Fuck that cowtipper but also fuck Luna for acting like it was life circumstances and not her piss poor decision making that led to losing her inheritance. I see it’s now down to 50k in total, we know that ain’t true girl. You think junkies would be better at lying since they do it constantly. Tfw you threw away your fully funded head start in life for
>>888671 lmfao.
No. 888684
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Reposting because I fucked up the link:
>>>/snow/203016This is the first mention I could find about her inheritance. No proof, just a couple anons reporting their memory of such. No mention of a house yet. Like with the "$1 million inheritance", it could be a combination of Luna lying and anons misremembering shit that the house became a part of her lore.
I did also find when she was being very brazen about wanting her dad to die so she could inherit his apartment…that was like, thread 8 or something
There's good stuff in the archives, picrel
No. 888685
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Also from the Luna milk vault…someone should make an updated "birthday selfie!" timeline, it would be……….well, astonishing, probably
No. 888690
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No. 888693
>>888688drugs and grooming will destroy a persons brain, luna had no real sense of self as a teenager which is normal and since your brain doesn’t stop developing til you’re 25, she absolutely fucking fried it with any drug she could get her grimy hands on. lurch further isolated her by using the classic ~it’s us against the world babe~ abuse tactic, introduced her to heroin and now she’s a junkie who’s existence is only consuming and being a miserable, perpetual
victim. lots and lots of women, myself included were given drugs and groomed and eventually it got so bad i did anything to get out of that situation. luna enjoys being coddled and filthy and high, she’s also delusional and has bpd. to say she was doomed from the start is not only inaccurate, it enables her and like the other anons have mentioned, she squandered thousands of dollars and property. for lurch, for drugs. drug addicts are fucking stupid and wastes of life until they get clean, and even then there’s always relapse and switching drugs to fill the void. she’s hopeless and deserves every bad thing that’s happened to her because she gladly welcomed it. she likes being a
victim, she likes thinking lurch “chose” her when he could have had his pick of the litter so to speak, and she enjoys the fantasy world she’s built around her that she’s this hardened tragic soul who can’t catch a break, she’ll never admit she had and still has the privilege to climb out of the hole she dug herself.
No. 888705
>>888694i thought she inherited her grandma house that she lost when she was younger because she didnt pay (or her mom) taxes or something like that
>>888698and she wanted Lurch to stay with her and it wasnt allowed, so she left because she couldn’t live without her Moai.
No. 888713
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>>888680She’s still there. Courtesy of the other farms.
Documenting Luna seems to be a collaborative effort between the two farms, kek No. 888722
>>888716someone that’s supposed to know Luna explain it all in the first threads, you can go back and found it by yourself and i’m pretty sure she was living with her mom in all those years, she used to complain about her on tumblr.
I cant recall if Luna said that her mom lost the house or if the anon did.
No. 888743
>>888737 kek
nonnie, I think we can at least eliminate income taxes from the possibilities.
No. 888762
>>888759at least we got confirmation that she definitely squandered at least 50k. it's no house but still hilarious she thought that would help her case, make her look less privileged than all the other privileged people.
it's not the advantages, tuna, it's how you use them. you had every chance, every opportunity to make your life better, and you threw it away for your boomer groomer '''fiance''' of nearly a decade
No. 888771
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>>888714but did you see her tattoo
No. 888778
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Didn't catch it in time but she posted this on reddit about an hour ago.
No. 888795
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you're not cursed you have just made thoughtless decisions that have brought you to this point and you need to do some serious self reflection kek
No. 888798
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No. 888805
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No. 888826
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>>888756It's on thread #2
No. 888843
>>888826it's very tumblr and
toxic but i like her old poem in this pic, certainly better than her later literary work (diary entries, haiti thighs, conceived on the steps of a clinic, etc)
No. 888868
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>skin good
>zero likes
shes literally a mfin caveman
No. 888874
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>>888869This brand of bait makes me want to scream. Here’s your “that girl” influencer
No. 888877
>>888874Serving council housed and violent realness
>>888868This obsession with skincare is unreasonably hilarious to me, her posing is the icing on the cake, and the way she pushes her lips out to make them seem less like a white woman papercut is topkek
No. 888886
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No. 888888
>>888874yummy pores, facial hair and pimples
yes Tuna you're a gorgeous hot sexy beautiful itty bitty tiny princess
No. 888890
>>888864It was dumbassery then too, but at least in the past cow-tippers used to suck up to her to get info, and it usually worked. She started getting wise to it after the Tess fiasco, but it wasn't too bad cause she still can't resist responding to people who are gassing her up even if she suspects them of being a mole.
Nowadays she does still overshare, but it's paltry compared to before the constant tipping. If people are gonna be creepy and abrasive, she'll get even quieter.
No. 888898
>>888860God I wish you fanfic anons would just fuck off already. "an epiphany" indeed. Have you read any of the threads up to this point?
>>888869At least this bait is funny (and, well, bait)
>>888892I feel like fakeboi is doing the tipping. She couldn't win with snitching or ass kissing so now she's trying to stop the milk.
No. 888899
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>>888898I dont think she really acknowledges fakeboi's existence tbh. Picrel, fakeboi is a socially retarded creep who desperately throws herself at Tuna and I've never once seen a response.
No. 888900
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>>888869gonna get bingo soon thank u
No. 888906
>>888869Luna could totes become a runway model, she has the height, just needs a face transplant, gastric bypass, bbl for her saggy ass, breast implants, liposuction, and sagging skin surgery and then she could totes become the next bella hadid, omg! She just needs to get started by getting a job at McDonald's, it's so totes omg easy! She would get endless compliments as a burger flipper, it would boost her confidence and I can totally see her getting scouted if she just saved money for all these surgeries! yas queen!
No. 888907
File: 1661114204446.png (364.71 KB, 1440x2168, Screenshot_20220821-133528.png)

It makes sense because he doesn't want you there and this is how he gets you out…play stupid games, win stupid prizes
No. 888908
File: 1661114363039.png (554.33 KB, 1439x1468, Screenshot_20220821-133919.png)

get fucked, tuna
No. 888910
>>888907I doubt he lied, Maybe since you probably bitched to him about not having hot enough showers (and probably demanding $ back bc of that) he wanted you out because he couldn't host you "to the best of his abilities" (a legit airbnb reason). So I'm sure it was just you, not the other guests lol
>>888908This will blow up in her face too.
I can't believe how she fucks stuff up forself over and over (Nvm yes I can, it's tuna). Sounds like a lovely place. Too bad it's not permanent or stable. Can't live there forever or squat
No. 888911
>>888860 MC Sledgehammer, lmao nonnita, this is the best one.
>>888869 ngl I just thought this was satire in the same vein as
>>888906 lol
>>888900 I love you anon, truly the energy this cursed AF thread needs right now tbh. Free space should just say "UNSAGED AUTISM"
No. 888924
>>888795I thought I saw a brief flash of self awareness and read "Why can't I do anything right?" kek it's really telling when you consider yourself an inactive agent in your life, and a perpetual
victim. It's this kind of repetitive schtick at her age that convinces me she's stuck in arrested development, probably permanently. imo she has a slim chance of turning it around before her brain just locks into this mode and she turns from a NEET young adult into a drain on society, by choice. Whether voluntary or not, it takes some pure stubbornness to shut your eyes and ears to the reality around you to this extent.
No. 888927
>>888898Not that anon but saying that lurch ditching tuna could be a blessing in disguise for her is hardly fanfic, calm down
>>888910I am disappointed that they get their own bathroom this time ergo less likely to immediately have other guests complain about how putrid they are. I wonder how long it will take us to find the exact place this time
No. 888930
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No. 888931
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No. 888932
>>888908Interesting choice of words. Love to know if Señor Sledge actually gave them more time to get out or if she thinks because she has another place "booked", she's entitled to stay until the place is available.
>>888927Same and they'll muck the next bathroom so badly at the next place within hours of arriving.
No. 888941
>>888938Kek the giant fetish
>>888937Why do anons do this shit, where they message the cow with questions we discuss on here, then come back with just her answers as if we don't know you're choosing to touch the shit?!
No. 888950
>>888937>gorgeous, it’s like the total opposite of this placeUm what? For the filthiest junkie I’ve ever seen, her standards are fucking ridiculous. Señor Sledge’s property is miles better than what she deserves and idk why she cares so much when she already has it looking like a hovel
>>888930 She has zero respect for her own space or for others, yet she can only tolerate being housed in a luxury Airbnb? lmfao oh my god. No job, no income, turned every previous residence into a biohazard, literally has vomit on her shirt as we speak, and expects celebrity treatment. It’s insane to me that she has more than a cardboard box to call home at this point. Fucking junkie luck. At least she’s on track to burn through that settlement immediately.
No. 888951
>>888937Hmm here's my tinfoil hat on
>tuna ends up cashing the settlement money at a paydayloan place, hence her outings pre eviction, the shoplifting spree was probably to pat herself on the back for not blowing through whatever chump change they got>fastforward the week during the eviction>neither her nor matthew have bank accounts>begs dad or mom to use their cards to book a place on the vrbo/airbnb account>payment "processes" >place secured…>or so it seems, muh ebil parents let her know she can't keep charging their cards every month to stay there, or there's not enough in their accounts to afford it>payment declines>Sledgehammer-kun already hates them staying there, and realizes they don't plan on paying rent after Tuna tries to give him money orders to pay for their stay>Coldwatergate ensues with Sledgehammer-kun gives no fucks about their complaints, being a known finesser that fled his home country, he knows the game they're playing and throws it right back at them>what sledgehammer-kun doesn't realize tho is that these idiots will do everything in their power to ruin whatever goodwill he might've had towards them with the combined might of their fried braincells>>888948It's another get rich quick scheme in her mind but, it hilarious she thinks Lurch won't dip if things go south at sledgehammer-kun's and neither will get arrested if they keep escalating shit like this for no reason.
No. 888956
>>888938This made me audibly cackle, Mecha-Tuna
>>888951I’m surprised MC Sledgehammer hasn’t called Hammer Time on their asses already. If Luna wasn’t such a tard I’d think that perhaps they fabricated the whole story for pitybux and as an excuse to find a place more up to Luna’s unreasonably lofty standards
No. 888983
>>888976She didn't pay until April since she only paid around $1600. So they're expecting to be refunded for the days they stayed just because they don't get to continue staying.
I love how she's finally stuck schlepping her shit everywhere. I don't believe for a second that they sued anyone either. She would've posted about it. Plus lawsuits take awhile to pay out and that's IF her former neighbor even had thousands in his bank account. This is all Daddy Tuba money that she's lying about the source of to fit her Evil Dad narrative.
No. 888993
File: 1661175793022.jpg (70.47 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_20220822-062848_Tum…)

comment on
>>888868her obsession with Tuna's skin is getting so unnerving
No. 889000
File: 1661180140138.jpg (146 KB, 1080x1261, Screenshot_20220822-075529_Chr…)

No. 889013
>>888927Your reading comprehension sucks but sure thing, NTA.
>>889000Legit special needs, this one lmao
No. 889053
File: 1661202761181.jpg (166.89 KB, 720x1410, VideoCapture_20220822-141320.j…)

No. 889061
>>889053Reminds me of this picture
>>888288 when you see the makeup missing around her eyes. But it's definitely just her bare skin and lip gloss
No. 889067
>>889000I'm SCReAMING
Also if you miss his "relaxing touches" so much you shouldn't have let your extremely sick father rot away on a bare matress, Matthew Schumacher.
No. 889080
>>889075can you give us any more details (without compromising your identity ofc)? do you mean they’re out
right now? if so, do you know where they are?
No. 889084
File: 1661210840356.jpg (3.24 MB, 972x7718, Screenshot_20220822-192739_Chr…)

Already somewhere else.
No. 889088
File: 1661211678106.jpg (377.95 KB, 916x689, Screenshot_20220822-164210_Sam…)

No. 889089
File: 1661211757592.jpg (443.14 KB, 1080x1557, Screenshot_20220822-164102_Sam…)

Is her tongue too big for her mouth or what?
No. 889095
File: 1661212504748.jpeg (682.99 KB, 828x1190, E8623C65-F82F-4B4C-8FEF-CC2950…)

>>889084she double posted these pics, is she high as fuck? meeting a john here or something?
No. 889096
>>889088>>889093mte. but Luna loooooves having this new excuse to never do anything, ever.
how’s the job search going, girlie?
No. 889098
>>889097I don’t know if it’s necessarily extended-stay just based on the cabinets. I recently stayed in a hotel for a wedding and the room had a kitchenette with stocked cabinets that looked similar to this one. I think it was one step up from the cheapest room option.
It’s probably just a hotel room for them to stay at until the 27th, which is when she claimed they can move into their “new place.” Which also means MC Sledge finally kicked their asses to the curb, kek
No. 889103
File: 1661216255196.jpg (158.43 KB, 720x1411, VideoCapture_20220822-175814.j…)

No. 889104
File: 1661216335608.jpg (2.91 MB, 962x4485, Screenshot_20220822-175945_Sam…)

No. 889108
>>889104These are so ridiculous
"no family 4 u :smiley face:"
"hahahahah! :house crossed out"
However she is right with "all the world will ever se me as is as junkie" and "it's all ur fault"
Also who's the black haired freckled nose piercing saying "i'd die 4 u"
No. 889109
>>889104> ALL THE WORLD WILL EVER SEE ME AS IS A JUNKIE.*A piece of shit junkie, Luna. Also, this could be remedied if you truly wanted.
>>889106She’s deplorable.
No. 889112
File: 1661217171491.jpeg (22.85 KB, 205x246, CCB4AB85-4FD2-40CC-8BBF-9D3A2F…)

>>889108is it the girlfriend who died? idk, nobody Luna draws looks recognizable, they all look like a dirty junkie version of those lame “Love Is…” cartoons anyway
No. 889114
>>889104>no home for you!yeah that’s why most people GET A JOB
>so tired of being tiredfrom doing WHAT all day? drinking your own piss and taking selfies? is your selfie arm tired, Luna? is that what you meant?
this motel looks like shit and it’s still too good for these parasites.
No. 889121
File: 1661218113412.jpg (80.99 KB, 1080x727, IMG_20220822_222909_434.jpg)

>>889104Why did I read the "no home for you" in the soup nazi accent kek
No. 889122
File: 1661218592410.jpg (212.34 KB, 720x1419, VideoCapture_20220822-183717.j…)

No. 889133
File: 1661219887581.jpg (219.11 KB, 590x678, Screenshot_20220822-185540_Chr…)

>>889113yeah anon it's so deep and thought out, this is my favorite part
No. 889142
>>889100>>887951>>889084>>889097>>889098Looks like the Marriot in her town the landlord figures a corporation will have more resources to deal with her come check out time
No. 889143
>>889104Tuba, you WANTED the world to see you as a jUnkIe. You tried your hardest and posted it all over social media and yet you still look like a try hard reaching to have a "jUnkIe aesthetic" whatever that means.
>>889135Anons need to stop telling this grown ass fatty to move in with her old dad. She leeches off him enough. She needs to pick her own dimpled ass up and take care of business, not beg from her dad as she takes handouts from him while trashing him. Anons like to use that fake excuse "ohhh her brain stopped developing when she started dabbling with drugs in her teens" but there's so many former addicts who actually did hard drugs in their early teens who are successful now. There is no excuse for Tuna to not take care of herself.
No. 889146
File: 1661222781501.jpg (413.97 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20220822-224634_Chr…)

>>889142The smallest room goes for around 199$ per night.
No. 889151
>>889142hot damn
nonnie with your weaponized autism
No. 889157
>>889113Agree that these are a big improvement to the mix-n-match pastel sadbby motifs she usually relies on, not sure why other anons got on your ass about it
>>889142>Guess the landlord figures a corporation will have more resources to deal with her come check out timeThe landlord passed her off to the Marriot? She really does have junkie luck if that's the case- this might be the last time she ever stays in decent living quarters that aren't at her dad's or an institution.
No. 889164
>>889146So I was right earlier when I said it looked like a hotel. She said they can move into a new place on the 27th and Sledge was “gonna have to deal with them for 5 or 6 days.” Sounds like he absolutely did
not have to deal with them and finally kicked them out and they’re staying in a hotel until the 27th. There’s no way they will be able to afford $200/night for longer than a few nights so this is def not their long term solution.
No. 889168
File: 1661227947451.jpg (261.03 KB, 1080x1279, 1659361668271.jpg)

Motel saga: check
No. 889180
File: 1661238073784.jpg (77.18 KB, 720x455, Kf fakeboi.jpg)

Some wise advice from fakeboi, just go inpatient Luna! All the Haldol you want!
No. 889219
>>889142She probably thinks they're living it up…
Hey Tuna, during the pandemic shelters utilized hotels/motels for the homeless (including those filthy crackheads) so enjoy!
No. 889224
File: 1661269534972.jpg (792.13 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20220823-114526_Chr…)

No. 889238
File: 1661277585962.jpg (676.29 KB, 1080x2009, Screenshot_20220823-105942_Red…)

Such doom, much sad…oh KoTH!
No. 889239
File: 1661277651603.jpg (198.22 KB, 718x1425, VideoCapture_20220823-105742.j…)

She must really like this one bc she keeps reposting it.
No. 889240
>>889239She looks so smug and punchable. This fat bitch really thinks her selfies are gods gift to the internet.
Who are all of these selfies even for? She’s so terribly boring looking now
No. 889244
one of Rudis’s listings is back on Airbnb so I really doubt the plumbing went out and he put them up in a hotel, as had been suggested by some other anon.’s available starting Thursday. he really just wanted
them gone kek.
No. 889245
>>889244Damn how long 'till she slanders senor sledge online like she said she would?
Also this thread is only 9 days old and already halfway into being locked. What a milky era
No. 889247
>>889246I'm curious about this too, I wonder if he went through whatever process airbnb/hotpads has to remove people, she's been awful quiet about him after lurch was supposed to hold it down for the refund
>>889245It looks significantly lighter, hard to tell if it's because she's actually been washing it slightly more or if she started picking up the bleach again. Looks like shit either way
No. 889269
>>889241Oh that lovely mouth of plaque covered yellow chompers, perfectly complimented by that dead grey front tooth.
Her teeth look like the really bad side of the colour chart on tooth whitening kits.
Besides stale smoke I bet she has that heady, rancid rotting tooth pulp smell.
Filter's cant hide that Luna!
Might as well settle in for a flood of 'my skin' selfies, the lobster claw special showing off that crap tattoo, 'I ♥ this place' pics with Lurch AND….
then one day the inevitable 'I hate this place, they are evil and throwing us out for NOTHING'
No. 889283
>>889278I'm curious where this intel is coming from. I get preserving anonymity but the info about sledge being nice guy until he found out about the last eviction is news to me.
The info you've provided indicates it either came directly from Luna or someone in contact with sledge, or details like that wouldn't be available.
I'm sure Rudis wants to wash his hands of these filthy junkies and remain professional, but I would really love to hear his version of things if the information isn't coming from luna.
No. 889287
>>889281if they keep trying to stay in Airbnbs/private rentals, this WILL keep happening. they’ll be fine in a motel, but there’s no chance they’ll be able to scam or squat there. no matter how they’re paying, the hotel has a credit card on file (who it belongs to is anyone’s guess), and they’ll just keep charging it until these two leeches leave.
I’m dying to know Señor Sledgehammer’s side of the story.
No. 889288
>>889278I understand the concept of anonymity but surely you can be less vague than t. trust me
>>889287Me too nona, I really want to know exactly what went down when he initially told them to leave and then when lurch tried to stay behind and then (assuming what was posted above is true) how MC Sledgehammer called Hammer Time on them when he found out they’d been evicted previously
No. 889293
File: 1661295797596.jpg (159.81 KB, 1080x1350, 299125402_456920032967371_4370…)

Sage for autism or whatever you kids say but I saw this and immediately thought of our queen of squalor
No. 889300
File: 1661298667105.jpg (144.12 KB, 720x1445, VideoCapture_20220823-165135.j…)

No. 889301
>>889243Anon, it's extremely obvious she has incredibly low self esteem. She's not taking pics for vanity reasons but because she's seeking validation from anybody that's willing to lie and tell her she looks soooo gOoD like a Hollywood sTarLet. That's mostly why she's posting those sad nudes on Reddit. For the meager amount of pictures she sells, she's mostly just trying to hear that her and her dinner plate areolas look hawt.
People with high self esteem don't literally beg for validation.
No. 889306
>>889283It's clear that this anon is the one that keeps touching the livestock:
>>889278Remember when we got those few messages anon said was from Tubba Wubba about her new place being much better than the Honest Abe house with no messages from anon showing? That's the same anon trying to overmilk the cow but unable to provide proof since they're afraid they'll lose access.
No. 889314
>>889274Unless she doesn't know it yet. He'd do it on the low. There's already been shady shit. He went to "talk to a lady" (without tuna) about housing. And wants to stay at the air bnb until "they're refunded"… but sent tuna away? You wouldn't be refunded the airbnb until you vacated the property. Derp.
Or maybe sledge-daddy doesn't have a problem with lurch and didn't care if he stayed. So lurch low-key ditched tuna to valiantly stay at the airbnb kek.
No. 889318
File: 1661304254627.jpeg (444.52 KB, 828x1403, 39B53E02-F8CB-4D9D-8071-B7ED9E…)

Fucking kek, Sledgehammer-sama has re-listed the room, I suspect that this is not going to be the last time they encounter a similar situation No. 889319
>>889318My guess is either Rudis told them it was because of plumbing issues that they need to leave to keep the peace, but really just wanted them out for whatever reason (the eviction, the cat, the general junkie smelly shadiness of them), or Luna is lying and saying he kicked them out for plumbing issues unjustly because if she says that he kicked them out because of the eviction, cat, general junkie smelly shadiness, it'll be like… well yeah, why wouldn't he kick you out for that. she just can't stand to not be the
No. 889322
File: 1661305969983.jpg (Spoiler Image,683 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220823-185251_Red…)

She just posted this, but isn't this old?
No. 889323
File: 1661306140287.jpg (721.06 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20220823-185602_Sam…)

No. 889333
>>889331looool anon
the drawing she made is so funny “you don’t make 80x the rent so you can’t live here!” like you don’t have a job or a steady source of income, you aren’t considered and reliable renter. she’s retarded
No. 889335
>>889333The funniest part about that is, in nyc it’s 80x the rent needed when someone else is signing for your lease because you can’t afford it. When you’re signing on your own, it’s 40x the rent. So say the rent is $1,000, you’d need to make 40k a year to rent, or the person signing for you would need to make 80k
She’s literally crying about the requirements for someone else to pay for her shit bc she won’t get a fucking job
No. 889337
File: 1661315226950.jpg (464.87 KB, 1080x1970, Screenshot_20220823-212454_Tum…)

lol her likes are still public on tumblr. the rest are posts about shoplifting and benzos
No. 889338
>>889319Tuna is the most unreliable narrator. I wouldn't doubt she was zonked out of her mind and tried to win some pity points with the guy by "trauma dumping" on him during their first meeting only for him to quickly realize: "Oh hell no are you gonna try that shit with me." cue him within days telling them they need to leave.
As for Lurch, Tuna's a dumbass if she really thinks he's going to valiantly risk squatting for her sake. Didn't he a few months back (or maybe even a year ago) get caught flirting with some other cow on /snow/ who's a stripper? Now there's some "super duper nice lady" he's "in talks with" kek. Either way, Tuna getting cucked arc incoming.
No. 889352
File: 1661337614248.jpeg (333.57 KB, 2048x2048, D19C3A2C-892C-46D8-839A-0935C6…)

>>889300Choose Your Fighter
No. 889355
>>889331Kek That's why I keep coming in that thread even when the milk is dry af. The meme/art/chair-nonnas here are the funniest (still giggling like a tard at the big areolas one)
Love you fellow autists.
No. 889362
>>889357She was born addicted to heroin supposedly but she doesn’t have many characteristics of FAS, maybe a little but if she does they don’t present in a textbook way
What she does have is 1.) an overbite that affects her breathing, speaking, and drooling
2.) Her less talked about cleft upper lip. I went full autism one night and did a ton of research on this specifically and the only answers I came upon were a. she ripped it open she some point in her childhood or b. she has a microform cleft upper lip that her parents didn’t care to take care of
So TLDR her parents never took her to the dentist and she’s ugly
No. 889378
yes, please tell us!
No. 889379
>>889375If you're really real can you confirm if Rudis has actually lurked here/had his lawyer lurk or not?
If he has I wonder how weird it is for him to have an autist fangirl club. I really do love some of the art people have done, skills beyond anything Luna will have lol
No. 889385
File: 1661359149536.gif (1.07 MB, 220x175, cool-foldable-chair.gif)

>>889375Anon, don't let us sit here without any details. We are listening, spill the beans!
No. 889396
>>889390Proof or gtfo. No-one is asking for your driver's license or something. Like
>>889392 said, easy to prove it without posting any of your details. Otherwise it's just too convenient.
No. 889415
>>889412I'll give it a pass, I have seen kek out there. And even with the pet name, cause everyone binge reads Tuna when they are introed, and our names are catchy as fuck.
Sorry you had to feal with them, check your belongings, btw.
No. 889421
>>889420Oh oh oh. Then if they got kicked out together…. where is he?
Again thank you anon! We appreciate the truth.
No. 889425
>>889423I’m glad you did. Personally, I don’t care if you post “proof” because this all sounds extremely plausible and most likely. Pretty much aligns with all her bullshit lies and her sudden silence and deletion of the posts regarding that place.
So they smelled bad you say? How fat does she look? If Matthew is walking by still eyeing the place, Rudis and everybody should be careful. He’s a bitch coward scum bag.
No. 889428
>>889423Do they look really dirty in real life? Did the cops have to ask them to leave? How were they being dicks? Just demanding a refund? Just share what you're comfortable sharing. I appreciate you coming here.
>>889424And whoa! This creepy drug user was just sitting on the steps after he was kicked? Lurch would terrify me.
>>889425I also find it plausible. I find it most telling that Sledge got multiple cow tips per day. The idea of more than one cow tipper with the combined autism of both farms was inevitable. I mean we have the number of days the gaming chair was broken in the apartment.
No. 889430
>>889362Nona, are you
>>>/pt/879930 ? After my comment
>>>/pt/864273 I found
>>>/pt/451657 ! I think it’s safe to say there are a few of us. I’m in charge of the hats
>>>/pt/879933 No. 889442
>>889440Welcome to the party, new
nonnie lol.
No. 889454
>>889446LOL. Thank you for showing up, neighbor
nonny. Don't blame you for not wanting to post anything that could be traced back to you just yet. Would be cool to see a review or something in a couple of days though.
Did they ever leave their rooms?
No. 889459
>>889411Fwiw you’re so correct anon. WoW my ass. Everyone who is believing this shit, go back and read the original post. This is some bored opportunist
>>889366 they are literally just repeating various things we already know or parroting back speculations other anons have made
No. 889466
>>889464Isn't that what
nonnie is saying?
No. 889470
>>889459Stop trying to scare the milk off. Mods would be able to tell if it was a regular farmer or not. Just report it if it chaps your ass so much.
>>889467Exactly. We know for a fact that a cowtipper has been contacting people so senor sledge most likely heard about it from them.
No. 889495
>>889478Nona, did you see my autistic post
>>889430 dedicated to you?
Please, no bully. No. 889500
>>889494Because it gives the cow ammo to say everything here is lies and it makes the thread look stupid and sloppy. There’s proof that Luna herself admitted to getting the cash inheritance but absolutely nothing about a house. There’s actually more evidence to the contrary than anything. If you’re cool with standing by completely unsubstantiated and inaccurate claims, then you’re dumb because it basically defeats the primary purpose of these threads.
Luna squandering her grandmother’s money is true and bad enough, we don’t need to throw in bullshit in a seemingly desperate attempt to make her look worse, which it doesn’t even accomplish anyway. It actually makes us look bad instead. She’s good at making herself look terrible on her own, it’s literally the only thing she succeeds at. My question to you would be, why are you so against it being removed if she’s a piece of shit regardless?
Meanwhile, we have anons here jumping down the throat of a possible source for not immediately providing proof, even though we have a piece of lore, that is questionable at best, highlighted at the top of the thread with nothing to back it up. Makes no sense.
No. 889503
File: 1661392854124.jpg (222.46 KB, 1080x1811, Screenshot_20220824-185820_Tum…)

Tuna finally acknowledged fakeboi! With the same disinterested and almost passive aggressive tone that she uses with everyone who isn't showering her with gifts and money, unless she paid Tuna for this.
No. 889519
File: 1661400905673.gif (4.42 MB, 520x390, Gooble-Gooble .gif)

>>889497Gooble-Gooble>>889498>>889499I was linking her to previous comments to see if she had already mentioned the cleft palate.
Issuing her a membership to our growing cleft palate tinfoil club, if you will.>>889503Luna has acknowledged her a few times and if fakeboi is to be believed Luna was helping her get a job
> I talk to Luna sometimes through DMs and shes nice we have a casual conversation every now and again and she might even be helping me get some temporary work since the company she works for is about helping autistic people […]> […] am possibly going into "business" with Luna while I look for more stable workAll from one of her posts in /snow/
>>>/snow/1398583 No. 889529
File: 1661402731502.jpeg (544.43 KB, 1810x1378, CAA54B8E-338B-4407-9558-5CDFA4…)

Pumpkin just wants to be free. Sorry I know some of you hate cat being talked about all the time but must be awful for it to have to keep moving from place to place and never anywhere suitable.
No. 889534
>>888944NTA but I didn't remember it either until I read
>>888952, for a minute I thought it was the leg injury he's had since she met him and was really confused kek
No. 889560
File: 1661434700977.jpeg (182 KB, 1080x1248, 6CE1DFDF-33EE-41C2-834F-0B3808…)

>>889558Definitely model material. Ot, but she looks even weirder and filthier now than she did back then. By an order of magnitude.
No. 889565
>>889512I want to believe. Thank you for braving our autism to share milk if you are real.
>>889527Your art is crescent fresh! Outside of being hilarious it really highlights how bad Luna is at it when silly doodles for fun are miles above her standard garbage.
No. 889576
File: 1661448789655.jpg (146.73 KB, 1080x630, Screenshot_20220825-103023_Red…)

No. 889577
File: 1661448811673.jpg (436.96 KB, 1080x1536, Screenshot_20220825-103234_Red…)

No. 889580
>>889207No wonder, in the past she mentioned wishing she could be Si
Soren's friend or talk to her (Either of those) cause they both were into the same fucked up abuse gore and child abuse twauma as uwu aesthetic coping mechanism.
Anyway, FYI there are websites that take screenshots of entire webpages.
No. 889586
File: 1661456966600.jpeg (335.13 KB, 1170x564, 38F27CBF-AA74-4417-945C-CCF88A…)

Very off topic but I was just randomly on the airbnb subreddit and saw this post. It obviously isn’t the guy Luna was renting from, but if this is really the airbnb policy on removing guests it might explain why all of his listings were temporarily taken down.
No. 889588
>>889583no its from an earlier thread. luna and lurch pet some dogs on the street lmfao.
No. 889600
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No. 889601
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No. 889602
File: 1661468097851.jpg (425.91 KB, 1080x1829, Screenshot_20220825-155537_Red…)

No. 889603
File: 1661468239049.jpg (290.83 KB, 1031x1920, tumblr_b3c9df49d6e8bafc9b7ccbe…)

No. 889604
File: 1661468325985.jpg (289.93 KB, 1031x1920, tumblr_916bf888e625f6113670a48…)

Slightly different tumbler than snapchat post
No. 889605
File: 1661468347754.jpg (27.31 KB, 540x960, 1492378359343.jpg)

>>889566This milk is 5 years old but I feel like it wasn't discussed enough. Btw this is after braces! I get that dental work is expensive in burgerland or whatever but homegirl looks like a pirate
No. 889610
File: 1661470922576.jpeg (112.15 KB, 700x464, 1476849476041.jpeg)

>>889596Holy shit, god bless the anon who made this kek what a beautiful throwback
>>>/snow/185370 No. 889616
File: 1661472828898.jpg (139.57 KB, 500x667, 1480023019934.jpg)

>>889610For me its this one kekkk
No. 889621
>>889598Nona, I see
>>889613 has already helped you but in case you wanted to learn about post styling, you can do so here:
>>>/meta/2 No. 889625
File: 1661474700373.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 7EE14FE8-56EC-47C3-AD40-1B9919…)

This is my favourite throwback from that thread I just had to find it. This is a real thing she posted and also used those photos.
No. 889627
>>889579sage for sperg rant and i-am-not-a-expert
but I was put on meds last year and the medical system outlines so so so many times that it only works properly if you use the energy it gives you to put in the work yourself. chemicals are just chemicals. they highly recommend therapy alongside
(I can't fucking afford it either tuna none of us can), but at the very least you should be practicing mindfulness and find your own improvement with the bit of help. motivation comes from you, the meds just make it visible and more accessible. GPs warn you over and over that it's a supplement/boost to your self, not something that magically transforms you into energetic-happiness-Superman over night. a depressed piece of shit off meds can very easily become a hedonistic piece of shit on meds.
Tuna'a not looking for meds to improve herself, she's looking o numb her devastatingly meaningless existence. She's looking for a heroin baby life. Meaning is never handed to you willy nilly, it takes critical thinking and boldly staring at your own ethic of work=reward, cause=effect. I would say the best move for her would be inpatient if I didn't already know she'd take home diddlyfuckinsquat from it and waste resources that could be used for someone who actually wants a better life for themselves.
With no will to change, she should just get a sugar/paypig so she can keep rotting in the shit existence she built for herself. She makes it obvious over and over that she wants the fancy clean life but isn't willing to lift a finger and blames it all on the mental illness and uwu twauma. if only someone could just do everything for you, huh? she has no idea what the word accountability means, let ALONE responsibility.
sorry for raging, no cow gets my goat like luna. it's been so many years I'm losing hope in this cow that she can even keep up on insulting messages for a paypig tbh. How she still has a place to live in the middle of mf New York is absolutely beyond me.
No. 889633
File: 1661477956253.jpg (104.37 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20220825-183859_Chr…)

>>889615He's also been much quieter on Twitter
No. 889646
>>889539Some random turns up, drops full cream milk like "they were really smelly" and offers no proof … and some of you go full autist for it. The state of this thread.
>>889545Not that anon but every time the cat comes up it just leads to cat sperging / concern trolling / derailment.
>>889643Assuming evil dad is picking up the tab, I wonder how long this stasis could last. By which I mean I wonder how much heroin he left her before he "went out for a pack of cigarettes".
No. 889650
>>889576Ahhhh, I see the problem here. An SNRI like Cymbalta can take a month or more to really take effect, so no instant gratification.
Plus also, you know, you can’t get fucking bombed out of reality by taking copious amounts of it.
No. 889656
>>889529I read Luna threads to read about Luna, the HUMAN. I'm so sick of the catsperging itt. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, but did you know that Luna is a shitty animal caretaker and is more concerned about herself than Pumpkin?! Can you believe that lard-carving Luna doesn't even buy her TOYS?! I work at a shelter and I will tell you that at least Pumpkin has food and water and a roof over it's head. That's more than can be said for most cats I see. Go start a Gofundme to pay some PETA crazies to covertly rescue the damned cat in a sooper cereal secret ninja operation. Just please, stop discussing the fucking cat.
Sage for frustration sperging and shifting up the thread even worse.
No. 889664
>>889530 and that’s exactly why I fucking said what I said, as we can see once again the thread has devolved into muh poor pumpkin retardation. I’m as itchy for milk as the next farmer but come on. However, I am enjoying the side-annihilating trip down memory lane with
>>889625 and
>>889620 No. 889666
I bring you the saddest milk of all time.
Pause at 02:00 and 04:40 No. 889668
>>889646Thanks for replying to Kekistan anon, i don’t even have the energy
>>889666This is really sad, but also demonstrative of the help that’s been offered to Luna which she threw away and made absolutely no use of
No. 889672
>>889669That's the thing that many anons don't understand or care and it's pretty frustrating because many feel better about themselves watching someone else ruin their life
I get it. Sage for mild blog but I worked for a program that provided assistance to recovering drug addicts and they can be some of the most horrible people, worse than Luna. Being addicted makes you extremely selfish because your brain is rewired to seek the next high, no matter who you hurt along the way. Everyone knows Luna wasn't always this way. She's mentally ill and was predisposed to drug addiction from an early age, compound that with her upbringing and its a recipe for disaster. I guess because of my experiences I'm a little more sympathetic for her but I'm not dumb enough to give her what she wants, she needs to drop lurch and go to a rehab program that provides structure to her life. Anyways yeah blah blah rant over I guess.
No. 889676
>>889670Shut the fuck up please.
>>889666Damn she was twitchy and weird before the drugs.
No. 889678
>>889672I can’t speak for anyone else but Luna’s privilege in spite of her being the product of unfortunate circumstances is what makes her so infuriating to me.
I work with abused and disadvantaged women, many of whom are addicts and former addicts so I understand what you’re saying, nona but it’s hard to have sympathy for her when she continues to put herself in unfortunate situations while she has options many addicts or for her addicts would (sometimes literally) kill for. The position she’s in is entirely of her own making. Even if she were truly sober (ie not using benzos as a substitute for heroin) she’s too fixated on this uwu sad tortured artsy bbydoll persona to cut her losses and take her father up on his offer to house her and whatnot. I mean she even managed to fuck up the opportunity Alltard gave her, she’s never going to change. If/when Matthew hightails it she’s not going to magically snap out of her obsession, she’ll spiral even further into victimhood and no doubt milk it for all it’s worth. I mean she’s still got followers daft enough to offer to help her out, or at very least give her the validation she craves, there’s no incentive for her to change anything.
No. 889681
>>889666"idk i never really had like big like i wanna do big things but i couldn't really do big things, like i'm sure i can. i can do big stuff"
really inspiring words coming from tuna here. she was never able to form a coherent sentence in her life. she was never mean to do big things
No. 889684
File: 1661515602662.jpg (2.12 MB, 1560x2880, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-Pqrz…)

>>889666If you told me this was fakeboitherottengirl I would've believed you. Jfc, she looks nothing like her filtered selfies.
No. 889689
>>889684That's kinda sad, every girl spoke about what they're doing, why it's good and so forth, tuna managed to spit out one tiny, repetitive sentence that was nothing about why she was there, what she was doing and what she'd learnt.
She had so many opportunities given to her and she pissed them all away.
No. 889690
>>889666She legit seems special needs. The way she moves (her laying on the ground in that one shot), the way she talks, it just seems like something is not okay with her. She was 18 here (?) I remember her mentioning doing benzo's and coke before 18, maybe it's that. Sage 4 ramble
>>889686Topkek nonna
No. 889692
>>889683I think losing ebil dad’s guiltbux is the only thing that
might make her reconsider her life choices. He is her primary enabler. The cat is replaceable. So is Matthew. By sheer virtue of the fact that she’s a woman she could find some other scrote to fill that void. Men are stupid and simple. Matthew is old, fat, hideous, broke and retarded as evidenced by the shit he posts on twitter, he’ll have a much harder time finding someone to mooch off
No. 889694
File: 1661518407885.png (12.08 MB, 2778x1284, C6511491-EA81-4518-8E57-1B5BA8…)

At 4:35 she already had fried ramen hair
No. 889707
File: 1661522656759.webm (17.61 MB, 640x360, Her Honor Mentoring - Class of…)
>>889666Local archive.
>>889684This is why I laugh when nonas come in and try to tell us if she fixed XY&Z she could be a model. It’s tragic to know someone looked their “best” (which wasn’t good by normal standards) when they were at their height of their addiction.
No. 889711
File: 1661524284920.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3172x3397, D860C62A-F176-480D-A9D7-196885…)

These were too funny for me not to attempt to shoddily compile them, she really thinks she’s hot shit kek
No. 889713
File: 1661524519176.jpeg (85.83 KB, 300x441, A6B1A722-5BB6-4E21-A228-84CF31…)

Saged bec nothing new or fascinating but this girl is clearly mentally handicapped. You can call it arrested development, or drugs melting her brain, but she’s clearly retarded so idk why we’re always on about how she could stand a chance in any stupid scenario. She wouldn’t be able to use a reguster let alone anything that took real comprehensive skills.
Also kek has she been living in that garbage bag silk robe ensemble the entire hotel stay? Watching her smile at nothing and pose with highlighters and hairdryers is so fucking weird. Defer back to her mental retardation.
Check out the open punch bucket again, kills me everytime.
No. 889730
File: 1661532019904.jpeg (469.26 KB, 750x869, F1557324-94DE-45BE-9F24-0FEC37…)

looking huge
No. 889739
>>889666>>889669>She has not had a decent role model or responsible adult in her life. It sucks and it's not fairDid you watch the video you posted anon? It's blindingly apparent that the woman mentoring these teenagers is mentoring Luna because of her past. She seems to go out of her way to give Luna special treatment in terms of 1on1 time, and the mentor spends a long time kissing Luna's ass in a promotional video that is nothing to do with her. This program looks like it's for underprivileged girls who need help, everyone else there appreciates having a strong female role model who is teaching them LIFE MANAGEMENT SKILLS, whereas Luna says that it will help her get into a good college. She doesn't give a shit, she's there for the easy extra credit. I can't blame all the adults who tried to help Luna and failed, they fell for the same thing her Whiteknights fall for. Luna has learned helplessness and no matter how much special attention you give her, she isn't going to flower into a decent human being. The Allison hippie girl stuff was under a year ago, she had a "responsible adult" come in and fix her life recently! Luna used her as an easy paycheck, a way to buy more clothing and useless trinkets.
It's not like nobody has ever noticed Luna is a hot mess. She was in therapy from a young age, and Grandma tried to keep her away from drugs as much as possible. It's never been explained why Luna spent her formulative years in Florida before moving across the country to be with grandma, but everything I've seen suggests that she stepped in and did as much as she could to stop Luna becoming a drug addict. And Luna resents her for "killing herself with cancer" for fucks sake.
Her life has been full of people trying to help her and she mooches off every single one.
No. 889747
File: 1661535590538.jpeg (35.69 KB, 640x672, 01A5FC9C-9062-4F27-B129-E4F99E…)

>>889729Seriously, the mentor gives a positive comment and comes up with ‘not just looking at her nails,’ I really believe at this point that she is mildly tarded, on top of everything else wrong with her. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t, but keeping that in mind makes her delusions of great talent and potential that much funnier to me
No. 889767
>>889764Ok but literally, there are adult foster homes that provide people with disabilities a place to live, and with a case worker they determine what the person needs and how much they can do…they help people get simple jobs and learn skills, and they could even facilitate her making art if she wants to.
like you know retard art but still maybe someone would even buy it The goal is not really to get them to a level of normal, just functioning. Residents often have pets and get help from staff to care for them properly.
Unfortunately, she would need to get actually clean to get this help. She was likely retarded before drugs, but if she's on drugs, there is just no way for them to tell what she needs.
No. 889784
>>889713That fruit punch carton is the only inking we've had so far that lurch
might be there. We know he needs his piss jugs. But. Still no actual photo evidence from the cow so I still have to go with he ditched her for now.
No. 889798
File: 1661552019152.jpg (33.61 KB, 300x432, Peter_Callan_gf_luna.jpg)

>>889784Not necessarily, and it's not like we ever see her drinking water, either. Someone should tell her she can put Hello Kitty stickers on a hydroflask, it could probably help her lose some weight.
No. 889805
File: 1661553857715.png (512.54 KB, 797x440, Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 6.44…)

No. 889808
File: 1661556779325.jpg (266.33 KB, 1080x1318, Screenshot_20220826-162822_Ins…)

>>889758This pic always comes to mind when someone starts with the "if she lost weight she could be a model!!!" shit. I still can't believe she posted this, kek.
No. 889809
File: 1661558794323.jpg (188.66 KB, 717x1405, VideoCapture_20220826-170535.j…)

No. 889810
File: 1661558818614.jpg (225.29 KB, 720x1435, VideoCapture_20220826-170532.j…)

No. 889811
File: 1661558848857.jpg (200.82 KB, 720x1416, VideoCapture_20220826-170524.j…)

No. 889825
>>889824Fat underage junkie speds are the only thing the moai could catch a decade ago.
I have to wonder who is willingly shacking up with him right now, because it sure ain't Luna that he's staying with
No. 889857
File: 1661620065500.jpg (49.98 KB, 564x564, 789c15fa937185fb34baf8ce360853…)

so delicate babygirl uwu
No. 889872
>>889871I don't think she's that self aware
No. 889885
File: 1661638888488.jpg (64.92 KB, 500x667, 1472531532818.jpg)

>>889884here ya go. still very special needs-chic
No. 889888
File: 1661641230291.jpg (275.1 KB, 1022x1163, Screenshot_20220828-005510_Gal…)

Milk is dry so here's a throwback to pre Chief Areola times
No. 889891
File: 1661641920281.jpeg (707.78 KB, 750x1093, 18E6FFA1-48CA-44BF-AE9F-237551…)

Seems she’s not at the extended stay anymore.
No. 889892
File: 1661642239933.jpeg (977.46 KB, 750x1189, 61874F95-7F97-4CDA-B482-80955A…)

>>889891These were all part this post (sorry for the jankiness, nonnies. I don’t have a collage maker on my phone)
No. 889904
ok because I have nothing better to do right now:
>>887519 is the last time Lurch appeared in one of her posts (aside from the throw back post, which he didnt interact with)
>>888868 this post but on ig is the last time she made him interact with her there. I personally doubt he does that of his own free will given that sometimes his comments are low effort "nice pic" or literally "blah blah blah"
His posting on Twitter has also gone from bursts of spam posting and having conversations with other people multiple times per day to about 2-4 posts per day, usually a few hours apart.
It's not like there's overwhelming evidence that he's not there, but there are a few behavior changes from both of them in the last few days. It's now been 6 days since she claimed he was going to try to squat in the airbnb. Maybe he'll show up again now that it would be harder for him to find a reason to get out of the house?
No. 889907
File: 1661653769571.jpeg (1.31 MB, 828x1354, 1A28641C-ADEB-4CC0-BF61-20FAD7…)

>>889892she probably feels like shes on another planet cuz shes high (same pics but different caption on her tumblr)
No. 889917
File: 1661658166107.png (2.55 MB, 1440x2344, Screenshot_20220827-203836.png)

I'm so curious where this is…got those ugg sheets from Kohls that I contemplate getting every winter, so it's not bad, probably.
Also that weed is nowhere near ready…hope she doesn't try to harvest early and kill the whole plant
No. 889921
File: 1661664845278.jpg (166.9 KB, 720x1468, VideoCapture_20220827-223439.j…)

No. 889924
>>889921Yeah I think she's alone (for now). Not only because of the previous "i'm staying" instead of "we're" but also no Lurch in the background of the picture, no photo of him in bed with her while they watch KOTH….
"oh but if she was alone she would ne having a bpd meltdown!!" maybe but also she's been quiet and posting less. Maybe she's just too high to care?
No. 889959
>>889867I’ve taken care of dying patients who are absolute pieces of shit, and their families want nothing to do with them. Thats perfectly fine. Hospice will hook them up with a care navigator or govt. appointed POA, so you can keep them out of your life. You are under no obligation to make peace with or to forgive someone who has hurt you.
But, ethically, torturing and stealing small comforts from an actively dying person under your care is terrible and inexcusable. Letting them rot on the floor covered in bugs? No doubt Roger was a piece of shit, but he was dying. Lurch and Luna just wanted him in his apartment so they could keep squatting there using him for pity bux and likely to steal everything the visiting hospice nurse provided for his passing; sheets, pillows, narcotic meds….
No. 889962
File: 1661703711731.jpeg (514.07 KB, 1284x1348, DF5C28C0-DDA6-4F51-B28F-5E3F1B…)

Yeah she is blasted out of her mind right now. Also gross.
No. 889983
>>889948>>889907>>889961Nonas I'm fairly certain these are all just tomato plants, they look quite similar to weed at earlier stages, and typically people that grow use specific equipment rather than leave it to mother nature and the elements.
Doesn't rlyblond have a garden like this? Her and her mother have been generous financially with Luna in the past, I can see them letting her stay and it would explain the nicer than rental quality bed in
>>889917 No. 889987
>>889983um, no, what kind of special equipment? Indoor growers have lights and shit but if you have the space and the sun outside, might as well grow there…just pay attention and prune it like you would any harvestable plant. Not a big deal.
source: I grow weed in 5 gallon buckets outside in my normal garden no problem, idiot
No. 889989
>>889987Agree - I know some people will plant pot plants near tomato plants or some types of hibiscus to camouflage them a bit, but those are close up shots. It’s pot.
Hope Luna’s host has a medical diagnosis for those plants. It’s illegal to grow otherwise. And you can only have 3 plants growing at a time. If they’re dumb enough to take in Luna though, there’s no telling.
No. 889995
>>889948Lurch has no connections and Alltard doesn't associate with Tuna. Alltard also lived at her parent's house so the weed isn't hers.
>>889989Kek you act like anyone in the state of NY cares about 1 or 2 plants. If the cops had a reason to think the property manager was doing something illegal, they'd have to get a search warrant to even find those plant. And if they had a search warrant, I guarantee a couple of personal plants is the least of their concerns.
Anons, Lurch hasn't gone anywhere and Tuna's dad would never say "you can live her but no Mattie Daddy." She acts like a child but her dad isn't stupid enough to try to keep his adult daughter from her adult bf. If he didn't want to pay for a place, he simply wouldn't offer or would tell her no. And we'd hear about it.
Lurch didn't leave Tuna. They're both equally codependent. Btw anons, Lurch doesn't sell drugs. He doesn't even have the capital to sell drugs. For the last time, he's a MIDDLE MAN. He's just connects the buyer to the seller for a kick down or when a buyer is dumb enough to hand him the cash to make the buy, Lurch just pockets some. He's probably out middle manning. No amount of benzos would keep Tuna calm if Lurch left.
No. 890000
>>889995 That’s not exactly what I meant. Even in states where it’s completely illegal, most cops don’t care about a few plants
if you don’t make it obvious. But enough complaints and they may find the time to rip your plants up and fine you.
It would be extremely stupid to have these plants out in the open if you ran an Airbnb, so it seems to point to her crashing with someone sympathetic to her. And if that’s the case, having Luna (the perpetual druggie blogger with a bunch of speds ready to cowtip ) posting your setup on day one? When she’s likely brought more illegal substances into your house? I would hope this doesn’t cause the host grief. But if they’re stupid enough to let Tuna into their private residence, well…. Tunas probably already ordered a new set of nails with their address, kek.
No. 890004
>>889987Yeah my parents always had pot growing in our backyard when I was growing up, no special equipment, it was just there amongst the beans and tomatoes
>>889995I agree with all of this. Luna is far too unstable to not sperg for the ages in the event that Matthew absconds. Papa Tuna might draw the line at having that semiconscious cairn of excrement under his own roof but he knows that Tuna would lose it if he tried to wield that level of control over her
No. 890013
>>889962 As gross as this is, it's true–because opiates suppress your ability to orgasm, just like they suppress your ability to feel pain, when an addict stops using, they get a rebound effect: they get rebound pain even worse than any they had before using, and the can often "cum at the drop of a hat" as one patient put it as a result of withdrawal causing the (temporary) hyperorgasmic symptoms. She posted about masturbation helping withdrawals somewhat recently, and it's common for addicts to experience a few moments of total withdrawal relief post-orgasm. Some studies suggest this is due to pressure changes in the inner ear due to orgasm.
TL;DR: Any time she can't get dope, she's gonna be chronically masturbating with her grimy-ass nails, ruining that lovely bed while soaking the mattress in junkie sweat. Gag.
>>889983 I'm fairly certain you've never seen, touched, or smoked weed in your life then.
>>889990 Interesting thesis. I still think she could alsojust be keeping a low profile so the poor "nice lady" they were planning on conning into a permanent squat can't find out who they are before dat sweet, sweet 30-day residency kicks in.
She could also just be an idiot who truly believed Tuna's sob stories and felt bad for her, host may be a recovered addict themselves (and if the anons in this thread are any indication, half the people who encounter Tuna develop the bizarre desire to "fix" her). Host may feel for her and has taken her in despite her obvious lack of any ability to function normally, with the hopes of her recovering and getting her shit together while working on the garden in return. But the last time she did garden work, it was for Alltard's business. No idea what the deal is tbh, but those sheets (not comforter) look a little bed-and-breakfast-y, so it's possible this is just another booking that was actually successful, for now.
No. 890014
>>890000Literally no one, including the police, cares about a couple of tiny weed plants. It’s not that deep and it’s not milk.
>>889983Kek you need to be at least 18 years old to post here sheltered
No. 890038
>>890022 OK retard-chan. I'm sorry you don't know how to use google, but I'll go turn in my degree since you clearly know more than I do. It's an incredibly common side-effect of withdrawals. Shutting up now, apologies for the inevitable junkie sperg-out my medfaggery has probably set in motion. My point was that comfy bed is going to be ruined one way or another and I pity the fool who opened their doors for Tuna.
Anyway, Tuna really is suspiciously quiet. It makes sense at a new place where she doesn't wanna fuck shit up, but the fact that we didn't even see a snap of Lurch lurking in the background at the
hotel is pretty sus imo.
No. 890043
>>889999That was just wetness, apperently.
>>890039Idk I want to be optimistic and say he's not with her, but I'm pretty sure she is just not in the pictures and probably stay outside more looking for drugs
No. 890064
>>890038I'm not the other anon, I hardly post here, just lurk, but you're right. Getting your libido back after coming off opioids is really common. Like, it comes back with a vengeance.
It's even in Trainspotting, where he's in the club looking to fuck anything after getting off the skag.
Saged for drug-sperg.
No. 890101
>>890062Have you not seen the pictures?
>>438430 It doesn’t matter how awful he was, if he was. No one deserves this.
You try lying without moving on a thin mattress on the floor for 15 minutes and see how painful it is, let alone for hours while someone plays Nintendo next to you without bothering to take two seconds to help you. Or don’t try it because you might hurt yourself. It appears they didn’t feed him either.
It’s unconfirmed but rumored they contributed to at least one fentanyl death before rapid test strips were widely used. idk how people still write self improvement tips for her when there’s no undoing these things.
No. 890107
>>890101Tuna is the eternal
victim in her mind.
No. 890110
>>890101the way she always eggs people on in the drug subreddits always sickens me. like always comparing her use to theirs, saying she could take soooo much more, pretty much telling them they should OD and it would feel good. she has a complete disconnect from human lives and the value of one. never forget shes one of those sick fucks who watch gore. she probably got off on roger dying. she probably gets off telling people to kill themselves with opiates online. she makes me want to alog so badly. i understand maybe seeing her as a
troubled soul back when she was still a teen but shes a grown woman now and very far gone from saving. we've seen how shes tried to make the deaths of tai, roger, and probably others all about herself. not a soul worth saving.
No. 890120
File: 1661873595851.png (1.35 MB, 1440x2047, Screenshot_20220830-083023.png)

this one looks like an AI generated image of her somehow
No. 890145
File: 1661882639488.jpeg (972.27 KB, 1170x1738, A7246922-3995-4FE7-BB88-7666AA…)

>>890144No, pumpkin is around. Looking as ill as ever, but that’s hardly surprising.
No. 890148
>>890145Well if she had time to take pictures of the cat but not not of her darling fiancee he is not around. Probably coping a place for them to squat, since she's not freaking out
>>890146We all know next thread pic has to be
>>889686 No. 890151
File: 1661895414930.jpg (248.39 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20220830-143557_Ins…)

forcing body positivity but also angling, squeezing her tits together, and likely sucking it in to look as flattering as possible
No. 890153
File: 1661895664501.jpeg (Spoiler Image,571.72 KB, 828x1107, AE741E00-E1F4-451F-8186-5E5089…)

No. 890156
File: 1661896484861.jpeg (465.68 KB, 828x916, 8D56BCAD-6065-4E00-B3E1-B9EAF0…)

caption “hmu4more”
No. 890158
>>890148Seconding that we need
>>889686 as next thread pic. It's too good to waste.
No. 890161
File: 1661898882139.jpg (193.34 KB, 701x1379, VideoCapture_20220830-153414.j…)

Selling same pic on sc
No. 890169
File: 1661905088545.jpg (90.92 KB, 554x1753, Screenshot_20220830-171715_Sam…)

>>890163First thing I saw too
No. 890170
File: 1661905851131.jpg (311.21 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20220830-173153_Red…)

No. 890185
>>890182>>890180Yup, I bet she's wasting the products/not using them to their best potential anyway… I bet she doesn't wait for the product to sink into her skin before applying the next. For example, if her skincare consists of a cleanser, toner, serum and moisturiser. I bet she doesn't let one product sink in before applying the next, they'll all just be being smooshed round her greasy face.
I think I preferred the crusty-foundation-face era.
No. 890203
>>890186you are right, but u know im talking about the average trash mom and not about your mom.
>>890201mombods are something to be proud about when you’re actually a mom, no when you’re 20something rotting up your ass.
No. 890215
File: 1661970440173.png (47.8 KB, 622x622, ce6.png)

>>890211Pic related.
>>890214>>890213Relax you spastic retards.
No. 890223
>>890155 don't insult mothers of three like that, nonnita. Luna looks like a half-melted grandmother of fifteen.
>>890213 this made me bust out laughing. hard agree.
No. 890231
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No. 890235
Iirc, they went to high school together and seemed to be friends for bit after. Kt had a heroin problem followed by all manner of other shit so they probably had that in common. Now their relationship seems to be Tuna and Lurch desperately throwing themselves at kt like a creepy couple at a bar looking for a third.
No. 890237
File: 1661990651332.jpg (119.58 KB, 1080x948, Screenshot_20220831-170226_Tum…)

Nothing definite but it sounds like another Airbnb?
No. 890263
>>890231I think this is probably the most normal she's looked since ages, especially compared to shit like this
>>889808She doesn't look good but better than on her self obsessed nasty selfies full of cheap cheap make-up
No. 890268
File: 1662040377512.jpg (69.36 KB, 720x698, Screenshot_20220901-141515_Ins…)

>>890231stolen from kf, re comments on this pic. seems like lurch is there with her. wonder why she's not taking as many pics of him as she used to
No. 890269
>>890268Because the way we made fun of him (pretty heavily recently) after the recent pics & vids of him at the AirBnB, really damaged Luna's BPD story she tells about her life. She's the star of her own tragic testament-to-my-pain novel/movie, she overcame her terrible parents & childhood with an older, tough, street smart boyfriend that cares for her as she lives a life of luxury shien robes & high end dollar tree skin care, but oh! The tragedy of waifish addiction!
When we pointed out he looks & acts like an old man, rubbing elbows with other boomer, white males on Twitter, and she saw the video of him huffing and puffing, she felt a twinge of uncomfortable shame that people think he's gross, old, balding and FAT, so she'll avoid posting him until it's time for love bombing or she has to prove to the world their "twu junkie luv". He is her favorite person, so she won't be going anywhere. But the occasional glimpses that he's not the "edgy, hot, grunge, heroin daddy bf" and that most people look at him with disgust clashes with the cognitive dissonance that is her life. She will cut back her posts on a topic when she feels hurt or slighted by her followers, which are really just farmers at this point.
No. 890272
File: 1662049577477.jpg (330.11 KB, 1080x1424, IMG_20220901_122625.jpg)

Big moonie
No. 890283
>>890274 This never fails to amuse me lmao.
>>890276 I swear this whale grows by the day.
No. 890288
File: 1662053941931.jpg (186.2 KB, 720x1418, VideoCapture_20220901-103931.j…)

No. 890292
File: 1662054319695.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.82 MB, 1077x5659, Screenshot_20220901_104308.jpg)

Spoiler just bc they're so stupid
No. 890299
>>890272She looke like a my 600 lbs life trainee. What an absolute hambeast
>>890292This is so embarassing. Feel what? All you do all day is smoke weed, take benzos, watch cartoons anf play bad video game. How about you feel a job application for once in your life!
No. 890300
>>890272Holy fuck how does she not put the camera down and workout? Her arms are absolutely massive compared to the rest of her. Luna, you will make more money selling pics if people
enjoy looking at them.
No. 890308
File: 1662067574081.jpeg (41.82 KB, 1000x1000, D5850756-074B-4E2E-B846-5BEA4D…)

>>890306What’s with all these retards lately jfc
No. 890309
>>890306Oh my god this is more embarrassing than Tuna posting it without comment, you are both way too old for this 2014-tumblr-ass-bs. Seek more effective professional help.
>>890288Trying to see if she’s using a washing machine for her clothes horde lately but all her pics are so low res and terrible it’s hard to tell.
No. 890317
>>890311How shockingly presumptuous of you to assume just because we find this cringey we must not have endured any hardship. Get some perspective and get out of your own head, it doesn’t help you
or Luna to wallow in self-pitying Sanrio memes. Please stop blogging before you get yourself banned.
No. 890326
>>890306Why tf are you still here?
>>890310No. It being fucking stupid and useless is what invalidates it.
No. 890327
File: 1662075055793.jpg (93.67 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20220902-002132_Ins…)

Seems Lurch is ok, he's thirsting over one of Luna's friends/associates on Insta
No. 890329
File: 1662075588378.jpeg (508.33 KB, 828x1108, 22326686-1248-46DB-9D1C-130471…)

Pumpkin is really going through it.
No. 890338
Fuck I think I found their place??!!! I'm also the anon who figured out that her father lived in the manhattan plaza. I should work for the fbi
Same bathroom floor, ugg sheets, dog, white furniture etc No. 890342
File: 1662080502640.png (270.37 KB, 1170x2532, 70001AD1-418F-483F-A21D-55BC93…)

>>890338According to the room’s availability (or lack thereof), it looks like they have booked this place until December 15, will be interesting to see how this situation unfolds. May the milk continue to flow.
No. 890344
>>890338Same anon here but I think the room is this one (same house tho) are staying until Thanksgiving
No. 890350
>>890338You found the right place. The bathroom tile is the same as in
>>890288 the shower in the background of
>>890161 the towel holder in
>>890153 and the blanket is the same in
>>890120 . This dumb bitch's narcissism got her caught again.
No. 890356
File: 1662085809152.png (81.27 KB, 483x720, 1662079026716.png)

An anon from the other farms drew this lmao