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File: 1706451013861.jpg (244.48 KB, 720x1429, melted.jpg)

No. 927314

Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.

Previous Thread: >>920554

The Basics:
>Luna is a 27 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 43 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s dying dad) by squatting in his apartment, stealing his belongings and leeching off his social security until he died. The gruesome twosome was soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent
>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom government poverty home, which ultimately drove Luna’s mother to relapse and go to inpatient
>Ebil dad’s apartment caught on fire, Luna took the opportunity to garner more uwu points by spreading ashes on her face

Current Saga:
>living in a boarding house with lurch and pumpkin
>has a new friend she goes to the methadone clinic with
>"sober" but still inhales benzos like oxygen
>publicly sharing her "lifting" hauls now
>she vapes now

Latest Milk:
>shows off her no less than gargantuan size on snapchat at group >>920562
>someone called her "kinda chunky" in group and she whines on instagram >>921299, >>921321, >>921382, >>921436
>off her gourd makeup + filter free selfies are posted >>921465
>pumpkin, retaliating against the awful life luna gives her, attacks her and scratches her face >>921639, >>921644
>playing bass again at group >>921977
>throwback photos of lurch >>922340, >>922341, >>922342, >>922343, >>922344
>gets a microwave and tv, shows off a new shot of the hovel >>922506
>pretends shes not stealing on instagram >>922749, >>922754
>another full body shot drops >>922969, >>922970
>more bass playing occurs >>923282, lore about lurchs nail/foot fetish dropped in comments >>923303
>continues makes vaping her whole personality and shows off her dirty mouthpiece >>923297
>obsession with creme savers begins >>923482
>eats 2400 calories in creme savers in 2 days >>923758
>goes on a date night with lurch to the movies looking like this >>924254, >>924264
>finally gets an ID, a marriage or job to follow? >>924602
>mom in hospital saga begins >>924789
>first time admitting its a lifting haul on tumblr >>925367, then tries to claim its a "gift from bestie" on insta >>925411
>claims mom has head injury, is delusional, and locked out of her apartment >>925529
>starts posting on shoplifting reddit >>925701, >>925702
>more on tuna mom >>925738
>someone points out that her story about her mom sounds suspiciously a lot like a story luna once told about her dad >>925787
>first photo of "sober bestie" appears, she has a beer >>926083
>steals clorox wipes >>926087
>her once a year change of bedding >>926153
>she hopes to get a benzo script soon >>926365
>tuna mom is suddenly fine and going to buy her bleach >>926677
>oh no, she ruined her hair! >926719, >>926728
>new hair dropped >>926767
>reveals how she shoplifts on reddit >>926906
>bleaches hair again >>927075, >>927076
>final results >>927081, >>927085, >>927086

https://angelhair1996.tumblr.com/ [inactive]
https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

No. 927315

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No. 927316

No. 927319

The way she's mugging for the camera.. does she think her hair looks good?

No. 927320

File: 1706463212928.jpg (3.09 MB, 4096x3072, MTXX_PT20240122_231506279.jpg)

Of course, meanwhile she had posted these on ig but quickly deleted because it shows the real color and how badly compromised her hair is. The ends look ready to melt off

No. 927322

Is her forehead in the left pic what her skin looks like without filters? It’s horrific

No. 927324

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No. 927328

Yeah, you wouldn't know because even when she claims a pic is unfiltered, the tell is that she's covered in freckles, so if you dont see them then its filtered to hell and back. It's not meth scabs, mostly.

No. 927329

Is this really the color she's going to just leave her hair? She should have used heat while processing that bleach

No. 927330

She cannot be happy with this. There's at LEAST 2 more rounds bleached needed.

No. 927341

She could have at least put the bleach on the dark patch first to sort of even it out.

No. 927349

I don´t get why she didn´t target the darker parts only?! You don´t have to have many brain cells to know how bleach works and the longer it sits it does the thing.

No. 927369

I’m crying. If she had just taken the time to watch a few videos on YouTube or wasn’t a total tard this wouldn’t look like this. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out “hey, my mid lengths are way darker than my roots or ends, I should do something about that”.

Like… use a color remover to remove the box dye? I mean they sell them at Sally’s. Then she could have started with a cleaner slate.

Or she could have just applied bleach to the darkest parts of her hair first, saving her ends from melting off. Instead she just slapped it on with her hands, with too much developer and no sectioning, and when she saw her hair was like chewed gum, decided to process again. And then, even though the majority of her hair is reddish orange, she probably used wella t-18 , a violet based toner, which only worked on her hot roots.

She’s going to lose about 10-12inches of length because of her dumb fuckery.

No. 927425

Bleach not working after a certain amount of time is a thing- bleach is only usable for up to like 30-40 mins after mixing it because it'll stop working.

No. 927436

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No. 927437

Show an unfiltered, natural light pic toona!

No. 927441

So she really out there looking like Cousin Itt, huh?

No. 927444

Not sure if real hair or fried it all and now it's a party city wig.

No. 927453

Speaking of wigs, I'll never understand why she never wears one especially when she wanted to be blonde so bad for so long. An Amazon wig with ebil dad bucks would look a hell of a lot better than this (and literally every other time she's ever colored her hair by herself). At least the color would be even kek.

No. 927454

More brass than a marching band.

No. 927461

>I forgot how long my hair is
Is she getting more retarded or does she have dementia?
She hasn't had a haircut in 2 years. How do you 'forget' you havent had a haircut in years? Has she lost all sense of object permanence and thinks if she cuts her hair it will never get longer?

I bet she forgot why she had to cut her hair last time too kek. Just keep bleaching Tuna, you'll get the right color eventually! She's stuck in a loop and will keep repeating herself until Lurch or ebil dad dies.

No. 927473

The self-obsession and narcissism maybe? It has to be HER hair, not some fake stuff. It's pretty fucking stupid that then she'll filter herself into oblivion but cows gonna cow kek.

No. 927480

Has she stayed on the low because of how ugly her hair is now? Surely she's not still zonked out on mama tunas xanax

No. 927505

File: 1706781328760.png (187.73 KB, 1578x740, Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 10.55…)

>>927425 That´s an old myth anon. I hope you´re not a hairdresser.
>>927480 maybe she tried to bleach again and is now bald kek

No. 927509

Bleach works for as long as it stays wet, but you know Tuna didn’t put it under a shower cap or anything to keep it from drying out, so I guess the effect is the same. It probably dried out in some parts and not others as she was applying it, so that will not have helped the patchiness.
I really thought that someone who is as fixated on appearance as Luna would have put more emphasis on getting this right - even if she’s too broke for a salon to do it or to get the right products (though she could probably steal something more appropriate than what she used), the application and care is not there. I guess it’s just another manifestation of her sloppiness.

No. 927551

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You’re more like a black hole, tuna

No. 927552

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No. 927553

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No. 927554

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No. 927555

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No. 927558

File: 1706834952531.webm (1.39 MB, 716x1430, XRecorder_01022024_161935.webm)

No. 927567

So is lurch finally out of the picture!? Haven't seen his ugly mug lately or even heard it mentioned. Wonder if the ugly fuck finally had enough of her kek

No. 927571

Her wearing her fake LV and Chanel sweater as if it’ll cancel out everything else about her that makes her crusty.

No. 927575

Tripophobia but with stars

No. 927578

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No. 927579

I guess I never noticed how much weight she gained my god. The dark around her face suited her much better, she looks so washed out.

No. 927580

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No. 927582

God, Luna in motion is always so uncanny. It's like she's learning how to pilot a human body for the first time. Her hand movements are so weird and mechanical.

No. 927583

That's not how bleach works my nonnie. EVEN IF STILL WET, the bleach loses majority of its bleaching power about 50 mins after mixing- meaning no, bleach is not powerful enough to lift your hair color after around 30-40 mins. I hope yall don't kill your hair, because leaving that inactive bleach on your hair after 30 mins is what's frying yall.

No. 927584

Fuck, I forgot to sage my last reply. I'll take my ban.(unsaged derailing, you can delete and repost if you forget to sage. you could've saged your double post too)

No. 927601

File: 1706903468734.jpeg (751.54 KB, 1290x1665, IMG_5548.jpeg)

looks like she’s found a new filter they gives her a comically sharp heart shaped face

No. 927603

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No. 927607


hair still looks wet. that can't be good lol

No. 927615


No. 927616

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No. 927617

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No. 927618

i mean…she must feel perfectly fine if shes comfortable posting photos of her face kek? what?

No. 927620

kek the overdrawn crusty lips and eyelashes coming off, in addition to being filtered to fuck

No. 927624

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No. 927626

mUh sKiNcArE but she can't even wash all her eye makeup off

No. 927631

She just got the little plush and its already filthy enough to visually see next to the new bigger plush. Vile nasty bitch. She needs to scrounge for change and go to the fucking laundromat to wash her sheets/clothes.

No. 927634

Those dead eyes. She's burning through the last of the braincells pretty fast.

No. 927639

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No. 927640

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No. 927641

Her hair looks permanently damp lately, either because it is because of how fried it is making it super porous and basically unable to dry after washing, or because shes loading it with oils/serums to try to hide how fried it is. There is really nothing left at this point than to embrace a Big Chop and start again but she would never do that. It really is retarded to keep hair that is so obviously chemically damaged stuck to your head. If she wasn’t so hideous a cute little pixie cut could do a world of good.

No. 927642

Yeah. Too bad you and lurch refuse to get jobs so you can get your own actual apartment with heat. You're the one choosing the shitty government housing. Imagine how cold you'd be if you were actually out on the streets instead lol!

No. 927643

Wait, you mean a life where you spent the last 10 years fucked up out of your gourd will age you terribly? You don't say… I hope she's still about when she hits the big 30.

No. 927647

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No. 927649

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No. 927651

i hate her piercings so much(sage your shit)

No. 927654

When you need to steal stuffed animals because your stolen cat won't even snuggle up to you for warmth

No. 927658

File: 1706985455716.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1290x2098, IMG_3376.jpeg)

Keekkkk a rare fake from the 90s. Ok tuna

No. 927660

Her shitty jewelry is leaving a black grimey ring around her wrist.

No. 927661

Her giant meaty mitts always look like a man off screen pawing at her face.

No. 927664

Kekk the most luxury jewelry leaving a grimy green ring around her dainty wrist

No. 927666

I see her meaty ham hocks must have already busted out of one of the three bracelets kek

No. 927670

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No. 927671

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No. 927672

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(no milk no sage)

No. 927673

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No. 927677

She can't afford laundry detergent or soap but she can afford sugary drinks, fake nails, bleach, etc. Priorities.

No. 927681

Her hair is obviously wet in this picture I work at a hair salon there's no such thing as porous hair lol certainly not as a result of bleaching..
Obviously she isn't fully bleach blonde but I like how it turned out it just look like balayage (I work at a hair salon) it honestly makes it look more natural. I'm glad she went back to lighter hair, it just suits her more!(no1currs)

No. 927683

Whoa did you say you work at a hair salon?
Her hair is a sad mess, why are you joking.

No. 927684

Are you sure you work at a hair salon? Her hair looks yellow and orange, not blonde or bayalage- bayalage would mean one end either lighter or darker than the other, not giant orange splotches in the middle surrounded by yellow piss hair.im scares if you are a hair dresser, and you bet your ass hair can retain water when badly damaged by bleach BECAUSE ITS DRY AND BECOMES POROUS(unsaged retardation, no1currs)

No. 927685

What happened with lurch? Has she mentioned why he's no longer with her

No. 927686

File: 1707094137511.jpeg (618.51 KB, 1290x1366, IMG_5577.jpeg)

well that’s definitely something

No. 927687

File: 1707095888589.jpg (2.94 MB, 4096x3072, 1000015639.jpg)

Don't be shy anon, post both

No. 927689

Is there any proof he isn't beyond no pictures? Maybe she's just feeling herself (only) now that she's BLONDE.

No. 927690


No. 927691

I'm….fucking….wheezing…the eyebrows, the eyeliner, the greasy yet fried hair. Crackhead confidence.

No. 927692

File: 1707100265356.jpeg (744.35 KB, 1290x1333, IMG_5578.jpeg)

she hasn’t made these facial expressions since her crack days

maybe she’s doing crack again to lose weight

No. 927694

This was a literal jumpscare when I seen them on insta earlier. These have got to be some of the WORSE selfies she's ever posted and that says alot. There's no way she's that bad at eyebrows. I feel like she's trolling with her ugliness. It's the worse she ever looked. And can you imagine without a filter? Oh my

No. 927695

she’s always had horrendous eyebrows. even back in the hipsville days. she just doesn’t seem to understand how they’re supposed to be shaped

No. 927697

so Yaniv

No. 927699

that bra is FILTHY

No. 927700

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No. 927701

imagine being near 30 and feeling like your followers owe you likes

No. 927702

Silent agreement tuna

No. 927703

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No. 927704

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No. 927705

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No. 927706

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No. 927707

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No. 927708

A completely different face in every picture.
Also she needs to go back to no eyebrows is these are the best she can do.

No. 927712

File: 1707132739852.jpg (1.05 MB, 1076x2104, Screenshot_20240205_033409_Sam…)

No. 927713

Could it be bc you're high off your ass despite being "sober", you look like a Muppet reject and you're making a fool of yourself with these pics. Even your followers are embarrassed for you.

No. 927714

You look stupid and you ruined your hair, again. 27 years old and your only goal is to look cute/pretty. Now have that goal and be Tuna. Jfc the hilarity.

No. 927715

seeing her with blonde-ish hair is a pretty big wake up about how BAD she looks and how much she has aged since she had her icy blonde hair last. i think she was expecting to look the same as she used to (which was still a jump scare, however marginally better) and ended up looking the same but with weird copper hair and bleached roots.

No. 927716

File: 1707147085295.jpeg (195.69 KB, 1024x1020, 19_TPB_Costume_ShellyJohnsonS1…)

Idk this pictrue makes me so sad bc she reminds me so much of Shelley Johnson from Twin Peaks with this hair honestly she could be so pretty if she got better at doing her makeup btw I am not a "whiteknight" I know Luna from a group and I jst want her to get better shes rly nice in person(bait)

No. 927717

tuna does not look like her at all. are you high, why are comparing a crackhead beached whale to her?(responding to bait)

No. 927718

I know that big tits are one of the few things that (most) fat girls have going for them, but in Tuna’s case her tits are flabby and unappealing - like the rest of her. And putting them on show along with that horrific makeup, horrible hair color (seriously, it looked better before the bleaching. fiasco) and troon-esque smirk makes for a sleep paralysis demon level image.

No. 927721

She should get bangs again. Covering half her face would make her 50% prettier

No. 927722

I wish she'd show the back.

No. 927724

bpd in a picture

No. 927725

for how poor and desperate she always says she is…why not turn to the oldest profession. shes literally in NY, close enough to the city to make it work. but shes too fat and won’t bother with basic hygiene so she just looks like a crackwhore

tuna, you feel ugly because you ARE ugly

No. 927727

She did already, it's literally an on and off saga documented in the threads. Lurk moar

No. 927730

sHe WaS rApEd!

No. 927744

I suspect she´s not posting about it but I feel like she does some small jobs like that sometimes if you know what I mean

No. 927762

She thinks she's above working in the food industry so of course she'd never be a prostitute. Daddy and Mommy pay for her useless wants and she boosts whatever else she wants. The only reason why she even sends nudes online is for the male validation she gets from it. She believes if someone buys a nude, then she must be sexy. She's too much of a spoiled brat to ever be a hooker.

No. 927763

We'd never hear the end of it if she was an irl sex worker. The pity party would be ridiculous

No. 927766

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No. 927767

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No. 927777

File: 1707263761171.jpg (220.4 KB, 720x1294, VideoCapture_20240206-155702.j…)

No. 927778

File: 1707263790914.jpg (275.76 KB, 720x1294, VideoCapture_20240206-155722.j…)

No. 927781

File: 1707266003425.webm (4.37 MB, 720x1446, XRecorder_06022024_160408_1.we…)

No. 927782

File: 1707270897380.jpg (566.14 KB, 1080x1216, Screenshot_20240206_175637_Sam…)

No. 927783

she’s gonna have to steal a new eyebrow pencil in a lighter shade

No. 927784

Looks like a cheap brassy wig.

No. 927790

oh my it's just straw now

No. 927796

it looks like oily straw hope it doesn´t catch fire

No. 927811

File: 1707366319817.jpg (261.82 KB, 1080x971, 1000015733.jpg)

Ahh, the desaturation used to hide how fucking yellow her hair is.

No. 927818

Kek at the Nonna earlier that said they were a hairdresser and this looks "so bayalage" it looks like a piss stained halo on straw-(learn to sage)

No. 927820

It already happened when she had that one client who viciously attacked her. Or didn't pay her. Or called her fat. I forget what the final story was.

No. 927833

File: 1707407941778.png (947.54 KB, 1008x1122, 1000000433.png)

cp bump

No. 927834

File: 1707410063192.jpg (284.64 KB, 1080x1518, l1.jpg)

No. 927835

File: 1707410091102.jpg (303.07 KB, 1080x1493, l2.jpg)

No. 927851

>>927835 Dang she is so fucking wide.
>>927834 The dirt on his pants disgusting

No. 927861

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No. 927862

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No. 927863

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No. 927864

File: 1707424177306.jpg (754.57 KB, 1079x1206, Screenshot_20240208_123130_Sam…)

No. 927869

She looks like one of those older women who have to ride a scooter thru the grocery store because their legs can't support the weight of their body

No. 927873

Kek!!! She goes out of her way to look like such a blob

No. 927877

That was tinfoil that it was a cLiEnT. She'd be crowing about being a real sw like her heroes if she really was one. It would add to her glamorous sob story.

No. 927891

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No. 927892

File: 1707508249582.jpg (429.17 KB, 1080x1834, l2.jpg)

No. 927896

File: 1707512005026.jpg (176.26 KB, 720x1429, VideoCapture_20240209-125503.j…)

No. 927897

can you spoiler this next time so its not on the front page

No. 927899

There isn’t a reason for it to be spoiled? should every picture of this crusty bitch be spoiled to protect your delicate sensibilities?

No. 927903

I will always look at a filtered pic of her now and only see this >>927686

No. 927909

Décolletage longer than my entire ass.

No. 927914

meh. you can pick any pic as they all are heavily (lol) filtered.

No. 927917

She's pretty cute though, I wish I can have her.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 927942

File: 1707560246709.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1179x1854, IMG_2785.jpeg)

Delusional to think she is either.

No. 927943

I want to bang Luna Slater so hard(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 927951

Typical tall girl woes. Tuna, your height is probably the last thing that turns people off from you, just saying. And also Lurch is taller than her so unless she wants to be a cute waif to a tall baddie, then what's her problem lol

No. 927952

topkek at her wanting to be dainty and tiny and uwu sanrio but she´s a big ass smelly heifer

No. 927982

File: 1707634843449.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1290x2128, IMG_3539.jpeg)

The fucking shit on her finger… she must be so sticky all the time

No. 927990

Poop hands

No. 927993

File: 1707677921940.jpeg (311.55 KB, 750x1072, 1742BDBD-A50B-4A65-AABE-2286D2…)

Do I see warping on the mirror behind her? KEK

No. 927994

her left leg omg

No. 927995

Jesus Christ, she’s as pale as the wall.

No. 927996

She is at least twice this wide.

No. 927997

This is the most transparent she's been lmao. She's begging for people to think she's hot because she took a piece of clothing she doesn't need from the psych hospital because that's all she cares about, being hot in the psych ward. Imagine killing yourself only for some giant idiot to put on your clothes and beg for people to call them attractive online because that's their biggest problem lmao

No. 927998

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No. 927999

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No. 928001

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No. 928002

get rid of the garbage

No. 928008

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No. 928009

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No. 928010

She doesn't want answers, she wants gifts.

No. 928011

Losing weight would be even harder for you if you were short, Tuna

No. 928038

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No. 928041

This. I do wonder why mom/ dad haven't bought her one yet so she's having to resort to online begging but w/e

No. 928043

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No. 928044

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No. 928050

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No. 928051

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No. 928052

File: 1707772510040.jpeg (445.19 KB, 1150x2048, IMG_9194.jpeg)

does it look like she whitened the plushies in this photo?

No. 928053


It’s so depressing that she keeps calling Lurch her husband when we all know it’s never going to happen.

No. 928054

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No. 928058

She looks like a porcelain doll in this
I'm envious of her plushie collection
Aww pumpkin making art with her mom?
She doesn't have an ID she can't actually get married she said it many times but hopefully one day they will

No. 928061

Is she too busy to find an eyebrow tutorial on YouTube?

No. 928066

omg that's terrible Luna. If we send you cash and gifts it will go to your super bff, right?

Been quite the whirlwind for her and her latest target.

No. 928067

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No. 928069

>charming and easy to talk to
Alot of shitty, manipulative drug addicts are. He's not great or special kek

No. 928070

she doesn't deserve markers of that quality. >>928067
charming? the few times I've heard him speak he sounds like a typical ny junkie low life

No. 928072

File: 1707795988386.jpg (239.77 KB, 720x1600, VideoCapture_20240212-194824.j…)

No. 928073

What’s the point of using whitening strips when she has a thick layer or tartar and grime on her teeth? Is the whitening the tartar build up I’m confused.

No. 928081

Wonder whose script that is that she's covering the name. What's the point of covering her name if it's hers?

No. 928082

What does she think she has "ptsd" from?

No. 928083

Evil dad? Cotton eye joe?

No. 928087

Lurch is gross and probably smells like stale sweat and sebum but he at least looks better kept than she does (usually, I also saw the recent photo of him with shit all over his pants). He at least isn't sticking acrylics to his fingers and getting poop all over them or turning his hair into wet spaghetti.

No. 928097

This shit is so annoying, say something nice about Luna and you're baiting ffs(are you lost?)

No. 928106

I’ll believe it’s actually hers and she’s covering her address.

No. 928107

wouldn't you have ptsd at night if you woke up in a stupor only to roll over and see lurch there?

No. 928110

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No. 928111

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No. 928113

She doesn't even have collar bones anymore

No. 928116

File: 1707880049121.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1472, luna.png)

No. 928121


Frasier? Please. She struggles to keep up with Nick at Night, what is she watching that for.

No. 928126

File: 1707915211874.gif (1004.3 KB, 498x420, uncle-leo-seinfeld.gif)

No. 928134

That banana sword tattoo.

No. 928138

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No. 928139

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No. 928140

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No. 928141

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No. 928143

what amazing advice. don't worry OP, you can turn out just like luna!

No. 928145

no makeup+grimy teeth+watching filters do their work.

No. 928156

kek anyone who enables her grimy lifestyle and gives her whatever she wants is always "amazing" to her, just like all those mental health professionals she's seen have been so kind and understanding until they refuse to feed her drug addictions and just like matthew is the greatest man on earth until he makes her feel like shit and causes her to lock herself in the bathroom so she can weep and eat ice cream

No. 928158

File: 1708009552323.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1290x2011, IMG_5716.jpeg)

oh man her hair is fuuuuucked

No. 928206

the sherpa jackets she wears make her look extra wide and circular

No. 928236

File: 1708039290571.jpeg (147.42 KB, 785x1093, IMG_3823.jpeg)

You are pathetic

This is giving fat welfare mom waiting for food stamps

No. 928238

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No. 928239

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No. 928242

Bitch you look like you're outside in a raggedy robe. It's not cute. Imagine reposting a picture that "got no likes" because you're aiming for pity likes the 2nd time around. At almost 30 years old.

No. 928244

All of the white hair on the bottom is snapping off. You can see huge chunks missing.

No. 928245

I hope she bleaches her entire head again to even our the orange. She should be using a flat iron on 450 daily to make it shiny.

No. 928283

It's giving linebacker in drag vibes. She's huge.

No. 928294

i keep forgetting how fat she is tbh

No. 928349

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No. 928353

I've never seen her eat anything that's not takeout or prepackaged shit, only strawberries like 10 threads ago kek. Between her shit diet, shit hygiene and long term drug use how has she not gotten any type of illness yet?

No. 928354

Im sure she's got all sorts of deficiencys and issues brewing inside her body but she's always fucked up on something so she's blind to it and doesn't realize there's something wrong

No. 928364

They don't carry fresh fruits and veggies at CVS, especially not when she can steal her 500th bottle of hair oil.

No. 928365

they absolutely do, at least in snack packs, in the grab and go section where she’s previously taken sandwiches but like you said, it doesn’t have the same “ooh, shiny” appeal as more ineffective skincare she can take that’s ~*sew pretty*~

No. 928366

File: 1708186873400.jpeg (761.35 KB, 750x1294, 8169A979-FA2F-44F7-917A-4D347A…)

It is such a lowlife degenerate thing to brag about the shit you steal, like it is some sort of accomplishment. Pathetic. At least she stole some fruit, what a skinny queen!!! Guess her EBT ran out for the month? Fat pig probably spent all her government bux already on deli sandwiches and cookies kek

When do you think the last time she ate a vegetable was?

No. 928374

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No. 928378

I don’t understand why she doesn’t steal an eyebrow pencil that matches her hair…

No. 928382

Jfc she has roots showing already…

No. 928384

Olaplex? Good, now she can bleach that sad piss yellow/orange mess of hair again. Hopefully she uses strong enough developer and heat this time to actually process it correctly

No. 928388

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No. 928389

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No. 928390

Seriously looking like a man here, wtf.

No. 928391

it's funny that she thinks this makes her sound glamorous and based

No. 928394

when will these retarded SWers realize they’re the only ones being degraded in these transactions?

No. 928396

The lack of self awareness, she's in a 1 room apartment that is 90% bed getting a man who has enough money to waste on a SWer off and she thinks he's being degraded

No. 928445

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No. 928452

The orange patch looks almost like it's intentional like a gen z tiktok trend. I'm not a white knight I just think it looks kinda cool with how it's in the middle of her hair

No. 928477

Wonder if the "man" is actually a farmer kek
She looks massive even though i know she tries hard to look smaller. I'd pay to see just how HUGE she actually is. Maybe she should just embrace it and make money off being the large Marge Amazonian she is.

No. 928524

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No. 928525

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No. 928526

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No. 928528

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No. 928529

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No. 928530

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No. 928543

It’s like she picks a new face for the day and takes a hundred pictures of it. I guess today she’s decided that her hair looks better as dehydrated piss yellow than the desaturated grey from yesterday.

No. 928544

File: 1708333335974.jpeg (227.83 KB, 720x1436, 609308FF-19F8-47F8-9240-7122D9…)

Late but I thought this was a pic of Kanadajin3 at first. Fucking jumpscare.

No. 928546

ugh probably the kiwis at it again

No. 928549

File: 1708347671997.jpg (170.81 KB, 1080x525, Screenshot_20240219_070212_Sam…)

She reminds me of the cowardly lion with her damaged hair all sprawled out on her puffy robe like that

No. 928552

Jesus Christ how big is she now if she’s looking at this picture wishing her body looked like this?

No. 928555

File: 1708361346484.jpg (76.12 KB, 374x590, Screenshot_20240219_084919_Sam…)

The retard tongue, the juice/dirt ring around the mouth and the rejecting bridge…… wow

No. 928556

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No. 928557

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No. 928559

what the actual fuck is this kek

No. 928560

File: 1708367108420.jpeg (678.52 KB, 1640x2360, IMG_0060.jpeg)

Long time lurker - never posted so sorry if this isn’t correct. I couldn’t help myself, I had to make this.

No. 928562

I love this. The pupils should be more opposite imo, but I still love it.

No. 928564

This is exactly what happens when you base your self worth on petty likes from people who feel obligated to do so except that number of people is dwindling and dwindling

No. 928599

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No. 928601

File: 1708405255762.jpeg (411.37 KB, 1125x1785, 1571283378759.jpeg)

>i was so much thinner and hotter

No. 928605

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No. 928606

File: 1708425953357.jpg (102.18 KB, 1080x396, Screenshot_20240220_024634_Red…)

No. 928609

what is going on with the boob here

No. 928612

Tuna, you're 27. Piss or get off the pot..

No. 928613

Papa Tuna told her to get a job kek

No. 928615

KEK did he get a big credit card bill and get mad? Realise she's been stealing from him when she visits? Absolute evil dad.

No. 928628

spillage from a too-small bra

No. 928645

Omg, anon. "Retard tongue" had me howling, but in all seriousness, it annoys me so much when she does that thing with her tongue. Her whole face is weird and gross, but the lip area is something else.

No. 928646

Nice, anon. The teeny-tiny pupils are…chef's kiss

No. 928651

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No. 928652

She steals more skincare and fake nails in a week than most women buy in a year

No. 928653

Ha! Omg she hurt her teeth overusing whitening strips on her rotting teeth! Fucktard, your teeth aren't sensitive, they're rotten.

No. 928654

Kek hydroxycut

No. 928655

Why would she show off the orajel? Lmfaoooo. And I'm cackling at the tide pen, as if she ever does laundry. And that afrin will fuck up her nose. She's entertaining in such a sad way.

No. 928656

why put it on the sidewalk???(newfaggotry)

No. 928658

Bc she's oscar the grouch and lives in a trashcan.

No. 928662

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No. 928663

File: 1708497996192.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1214, ig.png)

No. 928664

And here's definitive proof that she doesn't shower or really use mirrors, how can you forget such a big tattoo on such a visible part of you? It would literally stare at you every time you wash yourself?

No. 928673

Definitive proof you don't have any tattoos. Also, she is constantly looking at herself in the viewfinder.

No. 928693

File: 1708543214773.jpeg (505.73 KB, 828x756, DB5E6602-DE58-4780-A13E-9C0C3B…)

she used to be so pretty this shit is sad lmao(baiting)

No. 928696

File: 1708545008135.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1290x2178, IMG_3640.jpeg)

No. 928698

Why is there a bandaid on his jacket? And why the pin? Gay Lurch era? Signaling what year he likes his girlfriends to born in? Lmfao

No. 928699

kek i didnt notice the bandaid before you pointed it out, it's probably covering a rip in the jacket

No. 928701

Handsome dude where?!?! His scraggly, hairy lip is disgusting and that's not even the worse part about him.

No. 928702

He's more handsome than my boyfriend because I don't even have one. I'm almost like a fucking femcel I have BPD and severe attachment and intimacy issues resulting from my trauma and could only dream of keeping a bf for 10 years, sometimes it makes me wanna kill myself, I'm literally jealous of their relationship wtf I'm same age as Luna and I'll never be with anyone for 10 years most likely.(stop it, get some help. also no1curr)

No. 928703

File: 1708554488980.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1179x1517, IMG_2900.jpeg)

Didn’t grab the earlier version that claimed this was a gift from her mom kek.

No. 928704

File: 1708555182923.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1290x2076, IMG_3641.jpeg)

Kek I saw the earlier post, she said her mom thrifted it for her.

Speaking of mama tuna..

No. 928707

It's obviously re-up day. Tuna only gives a shit about her mother when she's gaining something from her.

No. 928708

Does anyone remember when Luna said her mom's life was over? Ig they're bffs now.

No. 928714

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No. 928715

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No. 928716

Oh the one who has no time left? That is beyond help, said to a social worker actively helping mom?

No. 928719

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No. 928722

Ah, I see. She couldn't steal the fake ugly prada bag so that's why she ran to mama tuna and "loves her" today. She's such a scummy human

No. 928740

All their shit is stolen so connect the dots kek.
Yeah, she has done that a few times. If I remember right, it was part of her excuse for squatting in moms section 8

No. 928743

topkek at the fake behind the counter

No. 928745

She is such a piece of shit for stealing from charity shops. She says she only steals from sally ann but I doubt that’s where she draws the line.
And what is the point in lying to your followers who got you the bag and for what? On reddit her mom got her the bag because she couldn’t steal it, on Instagram/tumblr lurch got her the bag for an early birthday gift and on Snapchat she got herself the bag. She’s just a pathological liar

No. 928750

this is nitpick imo, stealing from thrift stores isn't a huge deal. They get so many donations a day that they throw loads of it away in the dumpsters out back. Sales floor garments cycle through and eventually get thrown out too. Charity shops aren't losing anything from theft.

And before anyone says shes wasting her money on drugs - yeah??? That's what drug addicts do and they still deserve clothing and food at the very least.(whiteknighting newfag)

No. 928753

Unsaged bait, no junkie needs so many clothes every day, especially one who does fuck all all day and doesn’t wash them. She should keep stealing food tho just because it’s milky to see her anorexia LARP when everything she steals is fatty and sugary.

No. 928760

That anon and sage for blog, but I have a bunch and I only ever forget about ones on my back, because I do not actively see them almost ever.
She's going on about wanting a sleeve, she's obsessed with herself and her image, she always wants new ones, I just do not see how she would forget something as big and visible as that.

No. 928762

File: 1708623328496.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1290x2073, IMG_3649.jpeg)

No. 928763

What happened to the fancy gloves Lurch supposedly got her for Christmas? Haven’t seen her wearing them once.

No. 928765

that is a big bitch

No. 928767

the cans of tuna beside her kek

No. 928768

kek what's with the Dreamworks eyebrows

No. 928769

I'm baffled how someone with no job can be that size

No. 928770

I'm surprised she hasn't gotten some nasty skin disease yet from not washing the used clothing she steals.

No. 928771

File: 1708628580306.jpeg (812.85 KB, 1290x1684, IMG_3652.jpeg)

Her lies don’t even make sense

No. 928774

>gays and lesbians for clinton and gore
isn't lurch a hardcore right winger? did she just pin it on him and in his drugged out state he didn't notice wtf. also this is an actual jumpscare.

No. 928777

File: 1708635782324.jpg (182.11 KB, 1440x944, 1000016052.jpg)

No. 928779

she's gonna be so pissed when his only advice is to eat healthier foods and get off her lazy ass

No. 928780

File: 1708636313433.jpeg (593.58 KB, 828x1426, IMG_1352.jpeg)

I’m shocked by how visibly filthy she is and how she’ll post it with no care

No. 928782

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No. 928783

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No. 928784

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No. 928785

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No. 928786

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No. 928787

This made me realize how much her aesthetic's changed. Imo the biggest problem Luna has is that she doesn't dress like a cute/indie punk rock girl anymore. She just looks like a regular old drug addict, I genuinely admired her before she's changed her style in like 2021/2022.

No. 928788

imo the first signal that she's changing her style was when she got rid of her bangs, it's genuinely sad imo.I always liked her makeup with pastel lips and bangs….She should be a pastel goth again maybe she will go back since she's changed her hair color I rly hope so1(baiting)

No. 928796

I'm genuinely curious what a weight loss doctor would prescribe luna. She has a grocery list of meds and disorders - but she actually does need to lose weight.

It'd be funny if she goes in for a magic pill and comes out with a referral to a nutritionalist/dietitian. Or the weight loss doctor is one and gives her diet and exercise plans instead.

No. 928797

If she wore gloves then she wouldn't be able to show off her hand tattoos that she contorts herself to fit in every picture.

No. 928798

She probably realied how ugly they are, or her ham hocks don't fit in them anymore.

No. 928802

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No. 928803

File: 1708648664558.webm (4.94 MB, 720x1430, XRecorder_22022024_162641_1_1.…)

No. 928804

She straight up looks like a special ed person with many abcessed teeth. And why does she blink like that, honestly?

No. 928807

Its the eyebrows for me. "\ \"

No. 928812

Luna's a chronic skinwalker and only had aesthetic punk vibes because of her highschool friends. The moment she lost contact with her friends, she lost her sense of style. It just took her a while to get too fat to wear her old clothes. Punk, kinderwhore, playboy bunny bimbo, sanrio age regressor, clowncore, y2k, she's copied every edgy style shes ever seen and all of them have been bad because she's skinwalking another (usually cleaner and slimmer) woman's style.

No. 928814

I stg if this bitch gets gastric on taxpayers dime…

No. 928815

As someone who has worked a bariatric post op unit, she would never have the discipline most programs require. They drug test, nicotine test, require (typically) a 6 month diet with record of a percentage of weight loss during this time, and then a pre op liquid diet beforehand. She would never make it. Not to mention the psych eval most require as well.

No. 928818

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No. 928819

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No. 928826

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No. 928828

>>928826 coincidental correlation between her dad setting boundaries and calling out her shit with her being a SA victim? Didn't she pull this shit last time she claimed sexual assault? wasn't it after her evil dad cut her off financially?

No. 928829

File: 1708682301880.jpg (344.37 KB, 1103x1157, 1000016071.jpg)

The face when ebil dad cuts you off but you know you're about to unpack the pity train until he gives up his credit card again

No. 928831

Tf is a handmate? Am I retarded? (Yes, but)

No. 928832

Bandmate? (Idk either)

No. 928837

nonny you’re actually wrong. i don’t support tuna but following her threads since high school she has shown interest towards punk, and wore punk clothes at some point. she’s a skinwalker, but she knows the band reatards so in the punk category she’s not. second everyone is into sanriocore. i bet you have hello kitty dolls in your room, stop being a pick-me(infighting)

No. 928847

File: 1708703364965.jpeg (1.88 MB, 1290x1775, IMG_6089.jpeg)

No. 928848


Wouldn't be surprised if it was a Bupropion/Naltrexone combination because it's cheap cheap cheap. The fact that this bitch thinks she'll get potentially free or cheap Ozempic sends my sides into fucking orbit, but I also wouldn't be shocked if she has the beetus.

No. 928849

File: 1708703503530.jpg (88.14 KB, 1135x1114, os0kxad3db041.jpg)

Spot the difference.

No. 928854

she's jamming her hand and arm into her sides to attempt the illusion of a waist lol

No. 928856

i think this is the oldest i've seen her look. feels like she used to get away with being large without a too visible double chin but now, oof

No. 928859

her hip area looks so uncomfortable. its like shes wearing an inner tube

No. 928860

She's just becoming Lurch but with a purse

No. 928863

What the hell is going on with her hips? It actually looks like a tumor. She looks like humpty dumpty. Its shocking seeing her fat face without a filter. She could steal some clothes that work better on her body, sheesh.

No. 928864

File: 1708717369714.jpg (1.38 MB, 1079x2086, Lordylord.jpg)

Slightly different pic from instagram. Maybe after she realized her massive forehead was showing

No. 928867

File: 1708719946797.jpg (213.04 KB, 720x1442, VideoCapture_20240223-122753.j…)

No. 928869

Wow, she's gotten so much fatter!

No. 928874

>vagina on vagina, that counts right?
Yes, having sex with another woman counts as sex, you dumb bitch

No. 928877

Luna you have no sexual desire because you detsroyed with heroine and is living with a corpse. You're not asexual just retarded

No. 928888

Unfortunately I'm sure everyone can smell what Tuna is, uh, cookin'

No. 928894

I vaguely remember her claiming that she was raped some time ago by a guy in her apartment block. If so, then this body count doesn't add up.(sage your shit)

No. 928896

Mommy tuna looks like lurch

No. 928897

File: 1708764768935.jpeg (1.26 MB, 3023x2919, IMG_0716.jpeg)

Tuna looks like Homer in drag

No. 928903

She wishes

No. 928906

File: 1708786661100.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1125x2091, 3FA18F71-B895-4A5A-9FD4-971DF0…)

She’s always been a big girl but her fat distribution is so horrible, even when she was a heroin addict she was still obese but at least she was shaped like a human (pic rel from her first thread, 7 years ago) She’s almost 6 foot, right? She’s clearly 200+ in this old pic, she has to be 300 now or at least very close to it.

No. 928927

rape doesn’t count toward your body count retard, and lrn2sage

Luna’s body type is rotting pear

No. 928928

>rape doesn’t count toward your body count retard

Luna has a sloppy body, Genetics aren't kind, but her eating regiment, exercise are especially cruel.

It's strange. She seems to always go wild over comfy clothing. She wears this shit that seems awkward fitting and not comfortable. Definitely prefers whatever "fashion" she likes over what feels comfortable and natural.

No. 928930

She's included a whole story about her handmate or whatever raping her in with her body count, so it's strange that she's included that story but not the other one is my point

No. 928936

Things could be so different for her if she swapped out the contents of her needles with Ozempic.

No. 928947

So at this point, she needs to lose around 100 pounds to look better. Yeah that’s not happening lol and her dumbass is praying for ozempic, shes just gonna gain another 50

No. 928966

yep esp since that shit isnt a magic shot
you have to eat healthy whole foods at a caloric deficit, exercise and take care of yourself to actually lose weight

if shes diabetic, which she most likely is at this point and manages to get her hands on ozempic and manages to lose weight, its going to do more harm than anything. shes going to gain it all back plus some

just go for walks and stop wasting trash, tuna

No. 928975

I guess she’s getting into thrifting now? Or stealing from goodwill. “Completely thrifted outfit” is such a weird thing to say considering every broke person I know thrifts almost all of their clothes. I guess it’s better than her Shein addiction though

No. 928977

I think evil dad cut her cc access and so she cant buy from shein anymore, so the next option is stealing from thrift stores.
What a pathetic existence .

No. 928982

Just confirms the cycle is repeating - wasted too much of Dad's money, he cuts her off, she calls him evil and starts bringing up various traumas.

No. 928984

Because it's "cool" to thrift now and she wants to sound trendy and relevant. She only gets thrift clothes because she feels they're an easy target for her theft.

No. 928986

i think she's into thrifting again because for years people ITT have suggested she get back into it and more of her old style from high school/just after. i do also think it has to do with her dad cutting her off but i also think it has to do with peer pressure from us.

No. 929093

File: 1709071062499.jpeg (722.27 KB, 1179x1611, IMG_2964.jpeg)

No. 929094

No. 929096

File: 1709072379654.jpg (506.66 KB, 932x1869, SmartSelect_20240227_231953_Fi…)

Just let your moms friend or whatever buy you a fucking lint roller already

No. 929104

this is absolutely terrifying wtf filter is she using its so uncanny valley

No. 929106

Lurch looks like a corpse.

No. 929108

File: 1709075896792.png (986.75 KB, 1080x1616, shopliftingmemes.png)

No. 929114

Someone scored, and I don't mean sexually.

No. 929115

Giant worm crawling out of a corpse.

No. 929119

File: 1709082039120.jpg (856.46 KB, 1078x2087, Screenshot_20240227_170228_Red…)

No. 929120

File: 1709082090604.jpg (538.09 KB, 1080x1141, Screenshot_20240227_170206_Red…)

No. 929125

Is that a track mark on his hand??

No. 929126

WHY would she post this!!?!?! Lmao. Dude looks like a bloated corpse and tuna doesn't look much better

No. 929127

File: 1709089522866.jpg (89.12 KB, 720x837, VideoCapture_20240227-170441.j…)

Updated sc avatar

No. 929129

File: 1709089628667.jpg (192.24 KB, 720x1306, VideoCapture_20240227-170433.j…)

No. 929130

File: 1709089659596.jpg (207.57 KB, 720x1454, VideoCapture_20240227-170436.j…)

No. 929132

File: 1709092081121.jpeg (106.48 KB, 828x1225, IMG_3866 Copy.jpeg)

comment section tho

No. 929143

File: 1709108148799.jpeg (783.59 KB, 1200x1225, IMG_7186.jpeg)

This image is giving “gray gardens” movie poster energy, where the woman is wearing a mink coat in front of a decaying mansion, quite poetic if you ask me.

No. 929144

Holy shit, this picture and this comment killed me. It's too funny looking in too many ways, I can't stop laughing at how absurd they both look.

No. 929147

I want a Junji Ito rendition of this.

No. 929153


"It might just kill you"

Lurch is such a creep

No. 929161

File: 1709153666858.jpg (205.86 KB, 720x1438, VideoCapture_20240228-125631.j…)

No. 929162

Laugh all you want stupid dumb bitches is that picture ridiculous?? Maybe. Maybe matt isn't the hottest guy on the block but at the end of the day it is Luna who's been in a relationship for 10 years meanwhile you fucking femcels will die alone chasing emotionally unavailable avoidant dudes, you'll die as side chicks most of you will die as fucking virins(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 929164

File: 1709156496249.jpg (585.35 KB, 1280x1707, 1685560555638.jpeg.jpg)

>>929162(responding to bait)

No. 929205

do you think you'd be able to tell the difference?

No. 929242

File: 1709254183948.jpg (192.07 KB, 720x1450, VideoCapture_20240229-165153.j…)

No. 929305

is it just me or is she starting to look like Lurch the longer she's with him

No. 929308

File: 1709351514555.jpg (242.99 KB, 720x1395, VideoCapture_20240301-195349.j…)

No. 929317

No, it gets mentioned every thread.
It's hard to tell which way it's going. He looks more and more like a middle age lesbian librarian.

No. 929327

I hope some art nonna makes a scale graphic for their looks, kek
Has anyone ever seen her drink water? Most vital skincare step of all.

No. 929386

File: 1709502484549.jpg (206.22 KB, 720x1463, VideoCapture_20240303-135017.j…)

No. 929393

GOOD GOD, The SHIT in her cuticles

No. 929397

Naked juices are ridiculously high in sugar. How is this a good way to start your day? Having a candy bar would probably be a healthier option than this. Lol.(sage your shit)

No. 929407

It literally says on the bottle it's got no added sugar. Naked is only high in sugar because it's made from fruit, should Luna basically stop eating fruit altogether? I'm not a WK but you're seriously nitpicking here. At least she's fucking trying. Better Naked than soda.

No. 929408

it has as much sugar as a mountain dew and no fiber. this absolutely does not count as fruit kek. you sound fat

No. 929412

Sugar intake is still sugar intake whether it's added sugar or natural sugar, if it's high in sugar it's not good for you period. Take a nutrition class sometime. Only thing Tuba is trying to do is tip the scale further.

No. 929413

Tuna is too retarded to understand that just bc "it's jUiCe" does not make it healthy for her fat ass. It has a big ass calorie warning label ON THE FRONT just bc of retards like her.

No. 929417

File: 1709596083813.jpg (66.04 KB, 1080x1080, 1.jpg)

>Better Naked than soda
Lol no and I wish the average person had better food education.(derailing)

No. 929418

File: 1709599625251.jpg (792.9 KB, 1080x1891, Screenshot_20240304_164845_Sam…)

No. 929419

File: 1709599704688.jpg (193.89 KB, 719x1423, VideoCapture_20240304-165039.j…)

No. 929420

You would think she would hide her drug use if shes trying to get approved for weight loss drugs. It’s such an easy google search away from finding her threads and social media. Also, areal ana-chan would understand how it kills your metabolism. Her shit diet+ lethargy+ increased hunger is only going to make her heavier. Such a dumbass.

No. 929421


No. 929422

Are we not going to talk about the different kinds of sugars(derailing)

No. 929423

Sugar = calories. Luna is fat and doesn't need any more calories.

No. 929426

File: 1709650707507.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1290x2170, IMG_3763.jpeg)

No. 929428

yes that's what happens when you wash it

No. 929429

Half of her is always drooping. Her eyebrows and piercings only emphasize it

No. 929437

File: 1709674113844.png (212.56 KB, 1000x1500, bc2d231e3ec30f87275950c690194c…)

for the love of god can she please draw on her eyebrows equally?! How does she manage to fuck them up but consistently?

No. 929440

File: 1709679616556.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1179x1977, IMG_3049.jpeg)

No. 929443

File: 1709681036994.png (467.05 KB, 485x496, wonkee.png)

No. 929444

File: 1709682318324.jpg (207.43 KB, 720x1433, VideoCapture_20240305-154627.j…)

No. 929445

File: 1709682343889.jpg (231.87 KB, 720x1408, VideoCapture_20240305-154623.j…)

No. 929446

File: 1709682368702.jpg (192.69 KB, 720x1436, VideoCapture_20240305-154620.j…)

No. 929447

File: 1709682430534.jpg (866.09 KB, 1079x2226, Screenshot_20240305_154939_Sam…)

No. 929448

You know she's aware her hair is disgusting, that's why she ups the contrast.

No. 929450

It looks like we'll have a poem posted soon

No. 929451

File: 1709685250352.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1179x1218, IMG_2127.jpeg)

She must be zonked out of her mind to not see she gave herself the Disney eyebrow

No. 929452

File: 1709686764670.jpeg (180.07 KB, 828x1201, IMG_2079.jpeg)

She says this but she literally only ever interacts with anyone if 1) she can get something out of it or 2) she has someone to talk about herself to

No. 929456

>ana queen shows off sugar drink, expects praise
>tuna shows off xanax
>complains no one liked her stupid selfies
>all her friends are fake bc no one called her pretty
I am convinced she has killed off brain cells to the point of retardation

No. 929467

luna your friends are all junkies wtf did you expect lmao

No. 929476

Did Luna have a stroke or something? One side of her face looks fucked.

Guessing it will be art first, maybe.

No. 929489

File: 1709742537225.jpeg (780.54 KB, 828x1534, IMG_9457.jpeg)

posting lurchs script

No. 929490

File: 1709742589025.jpeg (454.59 KB, 828x1055, IMG_9458.jpeg)

lots of new plushies? they look too clean

No. 929491

she used filters on the pic, look how blurred it is.

No. 929496


No. 929497

You're a junkie too don't get on your high horse

No. 929501

Now who could this be about? Her irl shoplifting friend, fakeboi or possibly mama tuna?

No. 929510

File: 1709778250234.jpg (98.82 KB, 1080x237, Screenshot_20240306_182636_Ins…)


No. 929511

File: 1709778403682.jpg (120.66 KB, 1080x697, Screenshot_20240306_182747_Ins…)

No. 929512

KEK oh no nonna, good luck! Report back

No. 929513

File: 1709778484722.jpg (371.23 KB, 1080x2176, Screenshot_20240306_182756_Ins…)

I'm not clicking that

No. 929515

File: 1709779126407.jpg (190.09 KB, 720x1425, VideoCapture_20240306-184052.j…)

No. 929516

Its not a complete link in the preview; but be careful, especially if your real name and face is on your profile. They love to lurk here

No. 929517

File: 1709779208162.jpg (191.71 KB, 720x1437, VideoCapture_20240306-184056.j…)

No. 929521

That bridge piercing is disgusting. Is she trying to be left with a nasty scar?

No. 929522

Glasses are literally $10 or even less on websites like zenni optical….but that would require her to put in some low level effort to order them and we know she won't.

No. 929523

File: 1709787678977.jpeg (1012.82 KB, 1290x1904, IMG_3910.jpeg)

not sure what this is about but

No. 929524

IR generic (and that generic is awful) adderall degrade so easily ime. Holding them like this for a photo op is straight up retarded and so is Tuna.

No. 929526

You don’t understand she needs to sit on her fat ass all day and do nothing bc of her ~*trauma*~

No. 929529

I'm surprised she doesn't take them for weight loss kek. Maybe lurch doesn't share.

No. 929534

Maybe don't put your glasses on the floor then demand free repairs when your fat ass stomps on the frame. It looks like she's holding one of the arms together with her fingers but the lenses are otherwise fine

Does instagram encourage charity birthday fundraisers? It's approx 1month before her birthday, I don't think it's a scam she's just got oatmeal for brains. Why Alzheimer's idk, her mom recovered from whatever she had and grandma died of cancer.

No. 929536

Hey it's not a scam I do fundraisers like this every birthday! Once I raised $1000 maybe Luna just cares abput people with Alzheimers. I once did a bday fundraises for breast cancer even tho nobody in my family had it, sometimes ppl can be surprising.My aunt found out she has cervical cancer but it's small enough that she'll almost definitely survive and apparently relatively benign and easy to operate or do a surgery or w/e(blogposting)

No. 929541

>Maybe luna just cares about people
Funniest joke I've heard all year

No. 929543

Doesn't she claim her dad has alz or something?

No. 929544

File: 1709854356457.jpg (203.34 KB, 718x1432, VideoCapture_20240307-153408.j…)

No. 929545

File: 1709854414044.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.34 KB, 720x1438, VideoCapture_20240307-153414.j…)

No. 929546

File: 1709854436915.jpg (225.41 KB, 720x1423, VideoCapture_20240307-153423.j…)

No. 929547

File: 1709854459070.jpg (234.6 KB, 720x1453, VideoCapture_20240307-153431.j…)

No. 929548

File: 1709854527674.jpg (899.47 KB, 1079x2188, Screenshot_20240307_153754_Sam…)

No. 929553

she posted this on Instagram too. just what I needed to see when I opened my feed, tunas cankles in dirty socks.

kek she removed it already, she probably just saw the fundraiser option and thought the money would go to her for her birthday or something

No. 929554

Ma’am, your ass tits are hanging out… it is genuinely depressing to look at them

I think at one point she said that her dad had it, and now recently she has been saying her mom has it. I mean who tf knows? I can’t keep up with her lies. The fundraiser is performative anyway… she doesn’t care about anyone but herself let’s be fr

No. 929555

File: 1709862501819.jpeg (520.58 KB, 750x1078, FAFBF80C-2D07-4E37-8ABA-9CB710…)

Crazy how she still posts shit like this when she is in her late twenties. Get a grip mf

No. 929556

File: 1709862577998.jpeg (775.63 KB, 750x1091, DC095B8F-0201-4A5D-A9B0-D9D36F…)

You know, it is shit but good for her for actually making stuff. I’ll give her that.

No. 929557

Easily over 300 pounds now jfc

No. 929568

kek called it. the hello kitty suicide hotline is win though. Next threadpic needs that.

No. 929572

File: 1709886391158.mp4 (4.53 MB, 836x592, luna.mp4)

No. 929586

Kek as soon as I first saw this I just knew she’d use it to store her drugs. Absolutely disgusting, they’re going to be covered in fluff and hair and god knows what.

No. 929589

Idk how many times she's possibly replaced this plush, but she's posted pics/vids of her pills inside that Rilakkuma zipper for fucking years. Like at least since the beginning of her threads. I can't with this mentally stunted 18 year old with self-inflicted brain damage and memory loss. She's been reliving groundhog day ever since she dropped out of Brookyln College in 2014, so fucking pathetic.

No. 929595

Wow 10 years of this shit. Way to put it in perspective

No. 929597

File: 1709943316880.jpg (225.55 KB, 720x1422, VideoCapture_20240308-161731.j…)


No. 929599

File: 1709945342365.jpeg (468.64 KB, 828x759, IMG_6593.jpeg)

Absolute autism - but I used one of those visual body calculators with her height and the weight of 325lbs. Keep in mind it's not matching the angle of her photo, and the breasts are not the same. Her BMI at the estimated weight is 46.1(autism)

No. 929600

seems pretty accurate to me

No. 929606

Sage for no milk but one thing I absolutely do not understand is why Luna doesn't do uppers to control her weight. She hates her body and wants to larp as ana. Lurch has an Adderall script and they obviously would have access to all kinds of drugs. I'm not saying I want her to get addicted to something else and it's obviously a horrible idea. But there is no way her junkie brain hasn't considered it. Did that one crack experience scare her so much that she'd rather be fat?

No. 929607

Lurch probably sells his script and even if she took it, Adderall (especially instant release) doesn’t work for weight loss for very long and for some people uppers pretty much just make them eat faster. I can’t imagine Luna enjoying any uppers considering she’s a lazy ass who does nothing productive ever.

No. 929608

File: 1709973566068.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1476, doodles.png)

No. 929623

I bet uppers made her weak, fat-encased heart feel like it was about to explode kek

No. 929624

File: 1710025982556.jpeg (586.29 KB, 1179x1603, IMG_3084.jpeg)

No. 929625

File: 1710027119422.jpg (241.84 KB, 720x1460, VideoCapture_20240309-153307.j…)

No. 929626

File: 1710027183171.jpg (239.31 KB, 720x1426, VideoCapture_20240309-153316.j…)

No. 929627

File: 1710027208896.jpg (174.32 KB, 720x1404, VideoCapture_20240309-153337.j…)

No. 929628

File: 1710028431035.webm (910.62 KB, 720x1418, XRecorder_09032024_155233_1.we…)

No. 929630

This reads "desperate grannies in your area ready to gum your knob". Does she try to make it look like she has no teeth? And she doesn't even have her boobs going in her favor, because they look like they belong to a 60 year old mother of 4, and we haven't even really actually seen them (we don't want to).

No. 929632

Spoiler these eyesores for fuck sake.
Shes so predictable. How is lurch not offended that shes always seeking validation from others with the mile long cleavage?

No. 929633

what? we’ve seen them like 20 times (unfortunately)

No. 929634

Lurch fucking hates her and is only with her so he has a place to stay and free food and whatnot. Without Luna he'd be on the street in his 40s like most male junkies. He gives zero shits about her and her sw or crying over her exs or talking to that one dude.

No. 929636

File: 1710034159615.webm (782.95 KB, 720x1438, XRecorder_09032024_172743_1.we…)

No. 929639

Not "natually" since she's gained a ton of weight. They're always in a bra and being held/hoisted up and posed with her arm kek

No. 929640


damn, her face shape is INSANE. is it weight, drugs, or genetics???

No. 929642

I'm going to bet on weight kek. She was lucky with her fat distribution when she was younger and had a skinny(ish) face, but morbidly obese people's faces melt into a shapeless mass once they're out of their 20s. The filter removing her double chins removed most of her regular chin and her mouth is too low as a result, she looks especially retarded in that pic because of filter fuckups.

Funny because the very next post is a video where she doesn't attempt to hide her gigantic chin

No. 929643

Samefagging chin autism but lmao the main difference between this video and >>929628 is she learnt to cover her chin when she's sucking the vape so the filter doesn't glitch and show her real face

No. 929648

File: 1710077205938.jpg (148.36 KB, 720x1428, VideoCapture_20240310-061946.j…)

No. 929649

File: 1710077231299.jpg (286.44 KB, 720x1421, VideoCapture_20240310-061944.j…)

No. 929650

File: 1710077370381.webm (905.85 KB, 720x1436, XRecorder_10032024_061840_1.we…)

No. 929651

File: 1710077478774.jpg (Spoiler Image,639.05 KB, 1080x1787, Screenshot_20240310_063343_Sam…)

No. 929652

File: 1710077530673.jpg (725.82 KB, 1079x2378, Screenshot_20240310_063324_Sam…)

No. 929653

File: 1710077562392.jpg (476.98 KB, 1079x2412, Screenshot_20240310_063305_Sam…)

No. 929654

She really thinks she did something here. To look at this and say "yes this should be uploaded to every platform" the delusions

No. 929655

Christ the ring of black grime in her neck rolls. It looks like she's mid-fall from a great height and her tits are about to WHOOSH and smack her in the face

No. 929659

Love that her takeaway is that her art is "too weird" and that's why people don't like it, not because she won't build any skills or teach herself new things (like how to draw a hand holding a cigarette properly). She only knows how to play one song, and it's cartoon women crying next to extremely obvious symbols like meds and iPhones. You can't be "the art girl" if you won't develop your skill. That doesn't mean she has to go for conventional realism right away, she can play in the space of cartooning as much as she wants. But she doesn't and that's why she should be okay with being "the doodle girl" until she can become more serious.
would love to see her shift into doing Napolean Dynamite-esque portraits of Lurch but he hates her too much to be her model

No. 929662

god I´m so tired of her long ass jugs

No. 929665

what the fuck is all the black shit on her neck? messy pixels from filter fail?

No. 929666

File: 1710106686344.jpeg (524.88 KB, 3072x4096, IMG_0877.jpeg)

Filth. She’s got this all over her body and face

No. 929667

And her filters aren’t strong enough to hide it

No. 929669

Fat bitch tits don't count when they point to the floor and your shoulders even have rolls, Tuba

No. 929671

Lurch tried to cheat online on her with "Tessa", he's in no position to critique her thirst traps
Did she just discover her tits? She's got them out in a lot of photos lately

No. 929682

this might actually be the only good selfie i’ve ever seen her take. decent smile, no shitty makeup, no dead eyed stare.

No. 929683

File: 1710153712084.png (885.14 KB, 1080x2133, reddit.png)

No. 929693

My life is so shit I fucking wish I was Luna Slater at least she doesn't have stay be sober and working to support herself while going through endless emotional drama bullsjhit maybe I should start doing H(touch grass)

No. 929720

Who is paying for the boarding house they stay in? And for how long?

No. 929722

She's probably in the low-mid 200s even fakeboi is allegedly under 300 and shes got a good 50lbs on Luna

No. 929723

File: 1710250991643.jpeg (697.63 KB, 1179x1560, IMG_3096.jpeg)

POV: tuna’s eyelid

No. 929724

she was 230 2 years ago >>865379 and if you look around the threads you can see she was a lot smaller back then. she's gained quite a bit and is probably closer to 300 than not now. you have to remember she's like 5'10.

No. 929725

When will enough be enough? There has been nothing but stale soy milk for years at this point. Shes clean from dope, she's trying to build a life, how long are you going to harass her over who she was at 19? She has BPD and is open about her symptoms and behaves pretty much exactly in line for somebody with her diagnosis. She struggles with hygiene like the vast majority of severely mentally ill people, shes not thin, she struggles with mental health; Is that really enough "milk" to keep this harassment campaign alive? When are you going to let the poor girl live her life without being chained to every past fuck-up and embarrassment? What do you gain from tearing her down? It made sense when she was scamming people for dope money but at this point that was like a decade ago shes made enormous strides to better herself and you are all holding her under a microscope to pick apart her every post to the point that she doesnt even want to share her art/writing with those of us that like it anymore, the obsession is sick at this point let the poor girl heal. I know im going to get banned for WK but IDGAF. Also i barely talk to her other than just generally spreading positivity, so yall can stop assuming every positive interaction she has is with me. Also im about 260 as of my last dr visit last month and we are around the same height/build so id be shocked if she was over 220 tops.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 929730

File: 1710253970924.jpg (574.56 KB, 1280x1704, tumblr_beac818939727d54cce906d…)

No. 929732

If no one posted Luna, you'd have no reason to post yourself. If people stopped posting about Luna, fakeboi dies. Luna threads need to stay open for fakeboi to live. We do this as a social service for fakeboi. She should have some gratitude.

No. 929736

kekkkk 220 at most, good one fakeboi

No. 929740

File: 1710264168737.jpg (58.46 KB, 1080x672, 1679422033061.jpg)

Fakeboi and Luna have so much in common, no wonder they're friends. Sorry, I was looking at Fakeboi's old thread.

No. 929743

Well said,I'm not a WK or even fakeboi.
Anons complain about her not having a job and then continue posting in the very thread that's directly responsible for that. And she's been making enormous strides lately in terms of her addiction, that's also true.
She's not even really an addict anymore, just a severely mentally ill woman.(youre welcome to leave btw)

No. 929746

>There has been nothing but stale soy milk for years
It's only a handful of autists who keep posting the same 4 Luna updates every day. Every time I scroll past this thread it's just ugly selfie, drug picture, drawing, or lurch. She doesn't do anything anymore. How long can nonnas possibly sperg about her piercing or dirty clothes without getting bored?(then hide the thread, stop derailing)

No. 929748

>>She's not even really an addict anymore


No. 929749

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No. 929750

We're waiting for her to get a job kek

No. 929752

This is so uncanny. The contrast of her filter and foundation laden face and the dirty stone color of her skin is disturbing. What is she even doing with her mouth. Nice to see that she's still experimenting with her brows, I guess. Maybe she'll figure them out one day.

No. 929759

She's so old

No. 929760

I wonder if this is something Fakeboi is imitating from Tuna or just putting out there so Tuna will think they have more in common

No. 929762

luna doesn't have a job because she doesn't want one kek. she has a massive sense of entitlement and believes that she is owed everything that she wants without having to put in any effort whatsoever. this is the same person who crams her shoebox apartment full of junk that she steals from stores and shamelessly manipulates people into buying her trinkets, clothes, and makeup. i actually don't care if she spends every second of her existence in a benzo stupor because it's ultimately only her own life that she's ruining but it's ridiculous to pretend that unfair stigma over her past is what's holding luna back when she continues to exhibit the exact same behaviors that she became infamous for years ago, like showing off her pill supply and bragging about her shoplifting hauls. she may be mentally ill but she's also had access to many forms of treatment over the years and ruined most of them by throwing tantrums when they didn't enable her drug addiction by writing her whatever prescription she wanted or dared to serve her food that she didn't like. she's just spoiled.

No. 929764

I wonder if she'd shit this thread up less if she had her own to sperg out in again.
Anyway kek, skinwalkers gonna skinwalk. Pretty sure she copied and pasted this one almost word for word from her idol.

No. 929767

I wonder how the weight loss doctor appointment went, she hasn’t mentioned it at all unless I missed something

No. 929768

Goddamn this thing is ugly. I feel like even tuna herself is embarrassed of this person.

No. 929769

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No. 929771

>health professional gives a more appropriate diagnosis based on reality
>time for a self harm freakout
I hate how cows always want people to treat them the way they see themselves in their delusional fantasy worlds, not how they really are in real life.

No. 929773

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No. 929774

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No. 929775

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No. 929776

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No. 929777

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No. 929778

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No. 929779

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No. 929780

10/10 tuba will bleach her entire head not just her regrowth

No. 929781

I mean… she should. Her hair is still orange and ugly. She needs a stronger developer next time around. Then it'll be platinum in the first go.
Is "starving for days at a time" really anorexia lmao. Anorexia is a constant thing that effects your whole life, not just a couple days at a time when you're feeling fat and sad.

No. 929785

>waiting for my bacon egg and cheese
tfw ur anorexic

No. 929786

whenever she posts this it makes me think it's her adult equivalent of baby food. just, why. you'll get more out of eating the actual fruits plus save money/foodstamps while you're at it? does it wash down the bacon egg and cheese better than water?

No. 929788

File: 1710384796877.jpeg (262.65 KB, 827x1070, IMG_3938.jpeg)

Active use confirmed?

No. 929789

I’m sure ‘starving’ equates to ‘only’ having 3-4 of those family size Naked juices she lifted. You know, the ones that last most people a week or so. It’s like, totally a juice cleanse which like, is totally ana.

No. 929798

Why does lurch always squat instead of sitting, he looks like he’s going to take a shit and wtf is up with the face mask that is never worn correctly?

No. 929799

It's almost like it makes it more difficult to id him. He's past 40, that's middle aged. He should know better at that age than to sit on a New York sidewalk.

No. 929803

What acc is her snapchat?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 929805

nyc streets are absolutely disgusting lmao, even a crackhead like lurch knows better than to put his butt on the shit and piss covered sidewalk.

can’t wait for the inevitable my hair melted off in the shower arc. anything higher than 20 volume, idk if it will survive.

No. 929812

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No. 929813

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No. 929814

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No. 929815

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No. 929817

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No. 929818

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i kinda like this one tbh, better than most of the stuff she does

No. 929819

File: 1710459542200.jpeg (102.63 KB, 828x566, IMG_9531.jpeg)

ozempic saga incoming? maybe shes actually diabetic and will qualify for it for free.

No. 929821

She'll never get it bc she's on non prescribed to her drugs

No. 929822

Shes fucking hilarious. No doctor will ever prescribe weight loss drugs to her.

No. 929824

Nice, stealing from a local shop. This might actually get her caught and put in jail. Undoubtedly she'd get bailed out but I wonder if she'll expect jail to dole out her methadone and 10 mg xanax comfort meds in the meantime.

No. 929825

im surprised she’s not followed and watched like a hawk the second she steps foot in a local store with pricier items.

No. 929828

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No. 929829

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No. 929830

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No. 929831

GG then I guess. Even compound Ozempic is multiple hundreds of dollars a go, unless she’s just gonna lift and pawn shitty costume jewelry to try and pay for it. Either way, seems like the end of the line.

How would she hold up jail?

No. 929832

I know it's constantly pointed out, but holy shit, that wonky eye. How fucking empty-headed do you have to be to think that's postable?

No. 929835

She's been trying to lose weight for how many years now? 8? 10?

No. 929838

Tuba with the ozempic sag saga would actually give me life. But also, she's so pickled at this point that she, like many other fat asses I guess, doesn't understand that it's not a magical drug that will do the work for her. You HAVE TO diet on it, and if you manage to lose weight but you don't change your habits, you're going to 100% regain and then some. That's how all of these miracle drugs work. Look at what happened to people who stopped taking phentermine but didn't change their habits. They tend to gain well over 100lbs back after. She's so fucking lazy she can't even put down the fork, stop drinking all of her calories/sugars, and start taking daily walks. Would make a world of difference

No. 929844

Because you are fat and ugly, Tuba. But clearly you don’t actually think that about yourself or you wouldn’t spend all day every day taking selfies and posting them on the internet

No. 929848

File: 1710507239894.png (74.3 KB, 1080x443, tumblr.png)

No. 929849

Did she actually post this herself? Fucking ultrakek

No. 929852

The pretty face in question.

No. 929855

and that's with a beauty filter on kek

No. 929859

File: 1710540475643.jpg (225.62 KB, 1360x1700, DSC03340.jpg)

What the fuck is up with those lips? Look like picrel

No. 929860

Tuba's bizzare lips and retard tongue have got to be bc of her fucked up hillbilly rotten teeth.

No. 929874

Jesus fucking Christ has she ever washed her hands before? Dirt and scum all in those fat folds. How do you get crumbs on the back of your hand?

No. 929885

File: 1710651338413.jpeg (878.34 KB, 1290x1686, IMG_4390.jpeg)

>leftover makeup
skincare queen

No. 929887

Can't tell if she's the size of the bed or just blending in. Probably the prior.

No. 929890

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No. 929891

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No. 929892

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No. 929893

This is so gay but the way she smokes bothers me so much, she just lets it sit in her mouth like she's a child. Just a waste of money.

No. 929894

Same though. She thinks these videos are cool/cute and they're just embarrassing.
I really wonder how huge she looks next to lurch or an average human. She was huge standing next to rlyblonds car years ago, and she's only gotten bigger since then.

No. 929895

lmao wtf is this face? Her lips are so fucking deformed and weird (in addition to being crusty) and the retard tongue just draws attention to them

No. 929897

She is using a filter to make them look bigger. But in reality, it is making her lips look like a monkeys butthole.

No. 929899


>>This is what her lips really look like without the filters:


Umm… that's with a filter, see the pink dot? That's the filter.

No. 929900


This is a better example:

No. 929911

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No. 929912

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No. 929916

I dont know why but my instant thought was
"Did Lurch lose his teeth?"

No. 929922

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I think her lips look like this bc of her buck teeth.

No. 929923

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No. 929924

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No. 929925

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No. 929926

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No. 929927

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No. 929931

She's really playing with a bloody tissue? How incredibly nasty

No. 929932

Even though her situation is pretty much all on her this made me sort of feel for her. Mentally she's stuck at 20. Is there even a coming back from this amount of arrested development?

No. 929938

its nice to see some writing from her that isn't full of misspellings. much better than her shit when she's on fent. still sounds like a 16 year old wrote it but she seems to have a little bit of self awareness. i like how she's still clutching to her preshus ~heroin~ tho, luna will never completely change. still wants to be like courtney to this day. courtneys actually pretty active on social media, surprised we don't see her reblogging more stuff on tumblr?

No. 929942

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No. 929945

Kek is she really self harming again and using it for her """art"""?? Peak 14 year old behavior, she never really matured past that

No. 929946

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No. 929948

it's so little, I'm assuming she's just using heroin again and that was left in her dirty needles. Thankfully it's getting warmer now so we can admire and check her incoming lingerie posts for trackmarks on her arms.

No. 929952

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No. 929953

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No. 929954

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No. 929955

She can't be happy with this hair.

No. 929956

Why do you want to see her relapse so bad? Shes young enough that she could turn her life around completely, why do you take joy in the idea of her failing just because she scammed a few people as a teenager?

No. 929957

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No. 929958

she was scamming people well into her 20's lbr

No. 929959

At the very beginning of her addiction she took on some art commissions that she was unable to fill and couldn't refund the money because she already used t on drugs, and was dishonest when asking for donations like literally every single addicted panhandler on the street asking for "train money" and this was all like almost a decade ago that is how long it has been since there has been legit milk

No. 929962

are you purposely leaving out all the other shitty things she's done in the last few years or have you just not read any of the threads since then

No. 929963

Nta but Luna is almost 30 years old, time is running out.

No. 929964

Other than being plump and not having the cleanest living space (to be expected of somebody with severe mental illness) she really hasn't done much more than be open with her struggles. Her bf is the shitty one, hes the one who pushed her to scam in the first place(wk)

No. 929965

Why do you want to minimize her shitty behavior so hard? She's scammed people using awful lies like Lurch having seizures with his "meds" but it was drug withdrawal. They've both stolen from graves in graveyards, presumably from children's graves as its toys and shit. Not to mention the way she uses her parents and says her moms life is "over" in one breath then loves her the next. Mental illness does NOT excuse being a fucking scumbag junkie sucking every little bit off the government and being a lazy fat sack of lard every day all day.

No. 929968

Do you think, as she is right now, shes mentally sound enough to work a 40 hour a week job? Also splitting on her mom is a pretty normal BPD symptom, and the "stolen from graves" thing was a wild assumption because she posted a selfie in a graveyard. We have mutual IRL friends who swear up and down that it was Lurch who dragged her into the scamming so idk I feel kind of bad for her she had no self esteem and he preyed on her as an adult while she was still a teenager and, according to our mutual friends, changed everything about her(wking)

No. 929974

she wanted this life and she got it. she filmed her mom being removed from the apartment that she got her kicked out of and then continued to squat in afterwards and in doing so also filmed herself being a complete piece of shit to the social workers doing their jobs. she’s not a good person, never was and never will be. she’ll never stop being a cow with threads on lolcow, get over it

No. 929975

Are you Fakeboi?

No. 929976

I will not boo hoo for who she might have BEEN once upon a time. She wanted him to shoot her up, and whether that was her being young and dumb or not, it is moot. Who she is NOW is what matters, and a lot of the time people like her are their addiction. She is in love with her mental illness and addiction to the point that it just IS who she is, there isn't that teenager in there anymore. She is a lowlife through and through NOW. She chooses to do the things she does. Just because she has BPD and an addiction does not make the way she abuses her mother and the awful shitty things she says and does not count. And it's people like you that coddle her that strengthen her victim complex rather than make her have a reality orientation that could POSSIBLY get her on the right track in some way. These threads aren't made to sympathize with her so take it elsewhere.

No. 929986

That blonde to orange line is rough without the high contrast

No. 929990

at some point, you either go to therapy and manage your mental illness or you just shut the fuck up about it. it’s not endearing or sympathetic for a 27 year old woman to still whine about how sad her childhood was.

No. 929996

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No. 929997

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No. 930009

File: 1710875511182.jpeg (764.21 KB, 1290x2110, IMG_4425.jpeg)

Birthday begging for a men’s XXL.

No. 930022

Since when does she listen to black metal?

No. 930024

Tuba is gonna be real sad when that shirt is tight on her and not a dress like she thinks.

No. 930025

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No. 930026

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No. 930028

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No. 930030

The long, poofy, damaged hair just accentuates how big she is. I'm surprised she doesn't cut it shorter, but then again it took alot of hard work (kek) to lay around and let it grow out.

No. 930031

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No. 930033

Damn the eyebrow makeup techniques have stayed exactly the same

No. 930051

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No. 930052

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No. 930053

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No. 930054

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No. 930055

this might be the dumbest thing she has ever said

No. 930057

she is so fucking shameless. i wonder how big her heaping hoard of clothes is now? it's gotta take up at least half of their tiny room and it probably reeks like bo and mildew. fucking disgusting gutter rat she is

No. 930058

This fucking fat, self-indulgent piece of shit; and she wonders why people hate her. She fucking steals stuff she doesn’t need and causes those of us who DON’T steal to have to pay more, but it’s okay because poor, pitiful Luna. She has an ugly soul and I hate her.

No. 930059

Yet she can't be arsed to steal actual laundry soap to wash her clothes.

You know that wet musty smell towels get if you forget to empty your washer fast enough? She probably smells like that.

No. 930060

Oh honey, you need 50vol bleach. Toner isn't going to touch that orange mess.
I hope she gets scabies.

No. 930061

Hours with no update means retard tongue fucked it up even worse. Can't wait to see.

No. 930062

File: 1710976439357.jpg (435.94 KB, 1073x1110, Screenshot_20240320_161533_Goo…)

For an "artist" tunafish can't even be assed to learn color theory.

No. 930065

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No. 930066

Looks like all the toner did was make it murky, and the orange is still there. That's the kind of orange that toner can't fix, tbh.

No. 930067

Looks like those bracelets are cutting off the circulation to her hand, its scary looking. And why does she have the cat in the (shared) bathroom with her kek

No. 930070

I get the feeling the cat might be kept in the bathroom for some reason? Pumpkin pics tend to be in the bathroom and the cat clearly fucking hates her & Lurch. Maybe the cat won't stop pissing on her stuff kek

No. 930072

This is so funny that this >>929956 was posted right before she goes on to steal from the salvation army out of all places LMAO

No. 930074

she has such a warped perception of everything she does. the way she presents this story makes it sound like she thinks her behavior is funny and edgy when in reality she's almost thirty years old and stealing from a used clothing shop before carting everything back to her cluttered room where it will rot alongside all the other junk else she's stolen. imagine being proud that you almost got caught shoplifting by an old lady and escaped consequences by gaslighting her and running away.

No. 930076

KEK is she trying to fish for compliments from here? That one anon who said it wasn't shit.

No. 930077

i thought that post was directed towards this >>929938 anon too! i looked and no one replied to her poem complimenting it on tumblr.

No. 930078

File: 1711041692427.jpeg (529.1 KB, 1290x2205, IMG_4442.jpeg)

she could be talking about these comments on her Instagram

No. 930079

Salvation Army is a horrible organization that refused to house my friend and her family because she wasn't legally married (both parents are disabled) and the only resources they offer for the children were to threaten to adopt them out to a rich family. It doesn't care about poor people, it's a christian missionary project. I don't think its unethical to steal from them(wking/derailing)

No. 930080

It's unethical to steal you twat. Doesn't matter from whom. Feel ashamed.

No. 930081

it isn't unethical to steal from major corporations or people who make their profit unethically (like places that dont pay their workers a living wage).

No. 930083

no one cares about your friends experience or your opinion on them. salvation army is a charity and stealing from charity shops is shitty end of story

No. 930085

Losers and freeloaders can rationalize anything. Jesus christ you suck

No. 930087

Kek how long until she tries to fix it herself with yellow Manic Panic and photo filters?
Tuna has stolen from literally everyone and everywhere. She's stolen from Roger when he was dying and robbed graves to add more trinkets to her collection. She only visits her parents to beg for money and steal whatever substances she can get her unwashed claws on to get high. She scams and steals from anyone she crosses paths with, including her IRL friends who cut contact with her because of how shitty she is, and a bunch of her followers on Tumblr who had lost people to addiction themselves and genuinely wanted to help her. Why do you whiteknighting retards feel the need to pat her bloated ass all the goddamn time?

No. 930090

Don't forget pumpkin! She literally stole someones cat.

No. 930091

Sorry you're poor, or whatever. Sorry your brain is stuck on hating rich people and not thinking about how your selfish loser actions don't affect the rich but hurt the hourly slaves. You must be a loser addict like Tuna. Kek

No. 930099

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No. 930100

Ana Queen Keeps it LOW Cal!!
No one can figure out why she cant lose weight with meals like this??!?

No. 930101

Like who really cares if she steals tbh, unless it's from a small business like the Siren Boutique she stole from. But maybe she should put effort into bettering her life instead of bumming off everyone else and putting her time and effort into stealing from places just so she can expand her hoarde of useless crap.

No. 930107

Meals? That’s her snacks

No. 930109

You're delusional if you think she is going to eat them as snacks. Remember the creme savers?

No. 930112

File: 1711109009216.jpg (92.68 KB, 683x518, Screenshot_20240322_050539_Sam…)

I just don't get the retard tongue action

No. 930113

Judging by the packaging she's stealing from one of those family owned ethnic grocery stores. She's so goddamned repulsive. Wallowing in shit while she complains about smelling like shit.

No. 930114

Those are definitely snacks from a Greek bodega type place, you don’t see these snacks at regular stores like stop n shop or shop rite. I hope a greek/italian grandma catches her and beats her with a rolling pin.

No. 930117

You’re a fucking retard too. Stealing drives up costs for everyone who actually purchases merchandise instead of being a low life thief. THAT’S why you should care.

No. 930119

It s literally in the fucking bible that it is not immoral to steal food if you cannot afford it. Also salvation army is a horrible "charity" who turned away my lesbian friend for being masc-presenting and tried to imply that she would prey on the other women in the shelter if allowed inside. They make millions selling donated clothes that should just be given to the poor and don't even provide an oven at most of their shelters only microwaves but dont allow hot plates so residents laterally can't cook. They also regularly turn away mentally disabled women and aid in the trafficking of children through the adoption system. They force the people in their shelters to stand in the cold with those little red buckets at christmas time ringing bells/do unpaid shifts in their shops. They are a horrible organization. It is no more immoral to steal from there than in wal-mart (whose employees food stamps my taxes pay for because they refuse to pay a living wage). Capitalism is a crumbling failure, there is no longer any reward for respecting it and the people in power arent participating in it honestly so why the fuck should I? Also lifting phases are common for people with BPD, especially when they are trying to replace a high. Shes a pretty textbook example of somebody with her diagnosis and history(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 930120

those marzipan ritter bars slap tho..

No. 930124

They really do!
You should care because the people who have to actually work at these shitty institutions will be the people getting punished because someone like Tuna thinks she's entitled to expensive drug store makeup because she's so ~tortured~. You sound extremely immature. Have some empathy, and don't think about exploiting the exploited just because you think you're too smart to work at a CVS or bodega. You sound like you've never worked a hard day in your life. Late-stage capitalism might be ruining the world but we don't make it any better by fighting among the most marginalized people at the bottom.

No. 930126

Rationalize all you want — you’re still a scumbag. If you don’t like a charity’s practices, don’t donate to them. Still not right to steal from them, simple as. And Fat Tuna damn straight isn’t hurting for food, or anything she’s stealing. Girl needs a job - preferably something that gets her off that lard ass and gets her some exercise.(responding to bait)

No. 930129

the kind of food Luna steals is not the kind of food someone truly starving would steal. she's not jean valjean out here stealing loaves of bread. it's sugary candy and chocolates.

No. 930151

We can all see clearly that she's not starving..

No. 930154

it's retarded to try to justify luna's shoplifting habit. she doesn't shoplift because she's desperately poor and and forced to steal necessary items like sanitary products or toilet paper, she steals because she is a hoarder and believes that she's too special for rules to apply to her so it's alright for her to just slip whatever she wants into her purse. it doesn't go any deeper than that. stealing makeup and candy and clothes you don't need is not an act of survival, it's an act of greed.

No. 930155

B-but Nona, bread is bulky! She complained before about stealing shampoo and stuff that it's big and awkward to steal. She can totally go for higher caloric density stuff, inhale it in a moment and think she's done for the day (before she gets hungry again in an hour) because chocolates are small and easy to pocket.

I have issues with establishments like that too. And almost no issues with someone shoplifting if they need to. What bothers me about Tuna is that she steals unnecessary shit in stores or drugs from her parents and then dares to post her 12th skincare haul for a month in a public subreddit.
I have zero issue with shoplifting almost always. But I am extremely pissed at people who use shoplifting as a way to consoom.
Stealing a vegetable or something won't be even noticed, but if she wanted actual food, she would dumpster dive, this shit just gets thrown out while still ok to eat. But she steals like 60$ cosmetics and jewelry that are a more noticeable dent in shop's revenue and are more likely to get the workers in trouble, when she doesn't need them at all, because she's a braindead consoomer and hoarder.(responding to bait)

No. 930156

Oh, you beat me to it.
She also CLEARLY steals from small business stores and mom and pop shops.
I wouldn't have even minded that much if she stole from like sephora or wherever she goes, to boost that shit and buy herself actual food.
But she just uses it as a quick free way to further her hoard.

No. 930160

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No. 930162

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Wondering what her living situation is if she has to pay rent

No. 930163

If that's her definition of thoroughly cleaned what is her definition of filthy?

No. 930164

HOLY SHIT the massive hoarde of junk to the left of the pic. I'd love to see a picture of the whole room. Also looks like that broom has never been used. It's nasty asf she took that dirty-ass rug off the streets. Imagine it having fleas, lice, bedbugs, carpet beetles, etc. (And she doesn't pay rent she just pretends she does).

No. 930165

>left us
girl shut up, you and the cryptkeeper did that yourself

No. 930167

i'd love to see the whole room too. i wish she was still posting like 5-10 years ago when she posted everything on social media. i miss her unfiltered selfies and shrine pictures. she's kind of reaching dead cow status like abby brown.

No. 930170

Yeah I miss those crazy room pictures and room or desk tour videos like when she had that brief socks-on-plantpots job

No. 930171

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No. 930172

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No. 930175

she makes the poor cat shit and eat in the same spot

No. 930176

God thats so cruel to do to a cat in such a small place. Really hope Luna lurks and cares enough to at least move the water and food across the hoarded room.

No. 930179

this animal neglect makes me so fucking upset. anyways would anyone be interested if i added up the price of every item shes shoplifted this year so far?? i already started a physical list and just her first haul this year was 289.25 ! she frequents CVS, i wonder if she hits the limit at one and ends up in jail.

No. 930180

Even worse is that it's an open top litter box. That tiny room has got to reek.

No. 930184

the fact she 100% threw that rug over a nasty dirty floor.

No. 930186

The chair saga was fun so here's hoping rug saga is next. It's going to look worse every time it shows up.

No. 930187

when will nonnas realize that luna does not care about proper pet care? she herself has admitted that she doesn't want to do anything that requires her getting out of bed (unless it involves her acquiring more items for her hoard). she had two old cats before pumpkin so this is not her first time owning one. if she isn't aware of basic cat knowledge at this point it's because she is not really interested in learning how to care for them.

No. 930188

File: 1711293017946.jpeg (937.66 KB, 2731x1209, IMG_9640.jpeg)

i tracked everything luna has stolen in 2024 so far. at least that she has posted to reddit. mostly from cvs, and a lot of high priced items if you go through the itemized list! the grand total came out to 1833.24 ! i had to estimate salvation army prices, i've been recently and it was very overpriced. i wonder if these different cvs locations can band together and hit her with a charge because over the years in the area shes in she has HAD to have hit the 3k limit. sorry for my autism i just like charts and numbers and wanted to know how much she's stolen recently. barely an essential item to be found too.

No. 930189

that notebook paper is so cute and I appreciate the autism nonnie

No. 930191

That litter box probably smells better than they do.
You're cute, anon. Good on you.

No. 930193

I'm of the tinfoil opinion the snack foods she posts are also lifted, I think also accounting for things that she doesn't post, it's gotta be over 2k

No. 930195

It looks so much worse on her insta, it's covered in dirt and crumbs and you can see a giant light stain that is most certainly piss. That rug was tossed because its disgusting and absolutely stinks. I hate rugs as it is because they're harder to upkeep but omg under the litter box too.

No. 930196

>I hate rugs as it is because they're harder to upkeep
Yea honestly how would she even clean it? It's huge and she barely has cleaning supplies, a carpet cleaner is absolutely unrealistic. It's just gonna get progressively nastier. The old floor looked nasty but at least it could've been maintained. Mop and bucket, cleaning solution and a rag idk.

No. 930199

She 100%, half-assed, shook 12% of the crumbs off the rug, and then doused it in lysol and that's "thoroughly clean" to her.

No. 930210

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No. 930211

Looks bad, as usual.

No. 930214

The over-toned grey ends just makes the orange more obvious. Girl just chop it off and start fresh

No. 930217

Kek hilarious. Are you the chair nonnie by any chance?

No. 930218

All her face piercings emphasize how non symmetrical her face is. She looks like a stroke patient

No. 930219

I can’t stop looking at her wonky eyes, lol. She’s so busted looking.

No. 930222

no. im the rapanon who rapped one of her poems drunk and posted a vocaroo

No. 930223

I know we need to stop mentioning the bridge piercing but the piercing holes just look so gaping and I can only imagine the barbell just flops around freely in there. And that's better than just taking it out? She's probably hoping for the nastiest scar so that it looks "cute". Not on her it wont.

No. 930224


you're my fave anon. tallying, rapping, what can't you do

No. 930225

definitely did not shake the crumbs out. she 100% swatted the crumbs and debris off with her bare hand onto the floor before laying it down on said floor

No. 930228

I cant imagine the smell in her hoarded room

No. 930229

debates on stealing aside, imagine owning this much beauty and self-care shit and still being this fucking UGLY. inside and out. steal a bar of soap and some vegetables, you fat stinky retard

No. 930234

how would "the nastiest scar" on her face be cute? I think she just doesn't wanna admit defeat and take it out, she's so vain I doubt she's actually gunning for a face scar lol

No. 930237

holy shit there's actual cans of tuna in the photo behind her mega kek

No. 930602

Her bridge and her lip piercing were both poorly done. The bridge is rejecting and the lip was misplaced and is crooked.

No. 930606

nona your contributions to this thread brighten my day, ily

No. 930607

File: 1711474839907.png (Spoiler Image,579.73 KB, 573x661, Shuna.png)

can't wait for the next 'sex work' saga!(no shitty fanart in /pt/)

No. 930612

There's people/instagram people that think the bridge piercing scar is "cute". Lame but true.

No. 930614

Oh what the fuck, it's you?!?! That's fantastic. Keep up the good work.

No. 930626

KEK nice catch nona, didn't notice those

No. 930631

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No. 930633

gives some more insight for some of us less drug savvy anons on how awful of a person lurch really is, don't forget he sold people fent laced stuff and they died.(off topic)

No. 930711

Gorgeous girl in some unfortunate circumastances :( I know her in real life she used to be so pretty, Luna you need to ditch that fucking scumbag and go back to school…..Stop wasting ur life like this :((( she used to be so creative and pretty….Then that ugky scumbag happened to her….

No. 930733

Awww they finally got married, how nice. Surprised she didn't post about it or write some poetry or something kek(lurk more)

No. 930757

How did you know her? And she's pushing 30, don't you think she should take some sort of responsibility for her own life at this point? Nobody is holding a gun to her head and making her live with Matthew, they're in a free program now. She could get her own room and leave his ass.

It's cute that you actually believe her, nonnaschenka. She's been calling him her husband on reddit for YEARS. They didn't get married. Marriage is public record and I just checked, no marriage record for Luna Slater and Matthew Schumaker. Don't be so naive girl, she lies like she breathes lol. You're right, if she married him she WOULD be posting about that shit 24/7.

No. 930784

How the fuck did someone miss the obvious sarcasm? And it got redtexted?

No. 930789

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No. 930797

She lies about the weirdest things, her fingers are not smaller than average.

No. 930802

Stealing from Siren Boutique again?

No. 930824

When is she finally going to get caught and spend some time in prison where she belongs. She looks and probably smells like a complete crackhead. How can shopowners see her walk in and not be eyeing her down the whole time she's there?

No. 930827

She needs to reassure the readers that's she's not obese and in fact super skinny
This would be a good arc, I think it would be the only way out for her, being away from her beloved corpse husband and drugs, could maybe snap her to reality. Maybe. Wishful thinking

No. 930829

i don't understand why she isn't afraid of getting caught, arrested, and going through withdrawals on a jail floor if her father decided not to bail her out. lying and crying to get what she wants has worked for her so far but there will come a day where it won't and she'll encounter someone with authority who is completely unmoved by whatever sob story she trots out. gaslighting the old lady who works at salvation army or the cvs clerk who isn't paid enough to give a fuck is a lot different than trying to convince a cop who hates junkies and knows all their tricks that you really were going to pay for all the items they found in your purse.

No. 930831

is she waddling around stealing kid's Easter candy today?

No. 930851

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No. 930852

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No. 930854

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No. 930855

File: 1711981903818.jpg (Spoiler Image,473.19 KB, 1080x796, Screenshot_20240401_073051_Sam…)

what is this, lol

No. 930858

where does she even keep all this skincare/haircare/makeup she steals? she must have a giant heaping box of it on her floor or something. she steals more in a week than most women buy in a year.

No. 930859

Look at all these necessities! Thank goodness she got a new Beanie Baby to cake in filth, her 75 other stuffed animals were feeling ready for a new family member. I hope whoever got fired for the theft losses feels so grateful that Tuna freed them from capitalist enslavement!

No. 930862

She deleted the post after she caught heat for stealing from a local shop lol

No. 930863

Love the graphic kek
If she had any sort of hustle and wasn’t a lazy sack of lard she probably could make decent side money flipping the shit she steals on ebay or fb marketplace… but dealing with USPS would be just too much for our delicate gorl

No. 930865

It vanishes into the general filth of the room as far as I can tell. She's posted NSFL pics of her disgusting makeup before and it all looked very used. The Creme Shop stuff is cute so it'll probably make a reappearance next to some pills and bad poetry but the rest is going to be lost among her mite-infested plushies.
Kek she'd scam everyone who bought from her.

No. 930866

it's the lolcow april fools joke, all the ads lead to cow threads. personally i love it

No. 930869

She also deleted ALL of her shoplifting haul posts on Reddit… wonder what set her off?

No. 930896

File: 1712015439550.jpg (357.65 KB, 1080x1978, Screenshot_20240401_194915_Fir…)

So this is new. I wonder if she got caught or caused some group drama.

No. 930897

We can't see Luna's posts because the community they're in is private, not because she deleted them. Does anyone have a Reddit account and can join the sub?

No. 930923

File: 1712074987342.jpeg (321.8 KB, 1276x1213, IMG_9841.jpeg)

this jumpscared me

No. 930926

Her hair looks so fried and brittle. Like a bale of hay

No. 930933

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No. 930934

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No. 930935

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No. 930936

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No. 930937

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No. 930938

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No. 930940

No. 930949

Why I have the feeling the reason we never see Lurch in a picture without a mask anymore is because he probably lost all his teeth?

No. 930950

Holy shit that's a great theory! I was thinking maybe herpes, because he could kind of hide having no teeth as long as he isn't smiling, right? Or Luna decided he looked better with half his face covered, which I agree with.

No. 930967

Well, if he really lost all or most of his teeth, it would be visible even without him smiling.

No. 930972

I figured it was because he was a criminal and wanted to hide his face. Same reason he wears sunglasses in pictures even when inside

No. 930976

This is why. They aren't boohoo abused starving artists. They are a pair of failed con artists. He's just Gen Xer that tried to be a dealer but was too dumb/addicted.
What has Tuna done to expand her art? Even loony ass PT waddles down to art fairs to try to sell her stuff. IN TEXAS. Tuna goes to her local benzo clinic and back and steals instant gratification items along the way. Because she needs her 500th bottle of face serum and plushie from CVS or she needs to hurt a small local costume jewelry shop. I swear fakebois WKing of her is almost a troll at this point.

No. 930981

I also assumed it was because he knows he's going to end up on lolcow and he thinks this protects him (even though some of us have been unfortunate enough to have seen his meat and veg).
Or it's to deflect kisses from Luna's dead-toothed mouth. The mask rarely goes over his nose so he's got to be nose blind to both of their stenches.

No. 930999

I don't think it's about lolcow specifically, of anything it's to keep people from seeing any defining features when stealing/scamming/slinging. Also he's fucking ugly, maybe he finally noticed.

No. 931008

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No. 931009

wow she really toned down the birthday begging this year

No. 931012

Small ring autism.

The average display ring is a size 7 bc that's the average female ring finger size.

She's wearing those rings on her pinky…

Average female pinky is a 4.

Skinny fingers huh tuna?

No. 931057

Not to wk but her hands are the nicest part of her body at this point.

No. 931077

File: 1712276185983.jpg (346.09 KB, 1440x1920, fakeboi on lunas posts.jpg)

No. 931081


She's done nothing to develop as an artist but frankly Luna hasn't seemed like she enjoys making art in years. Honestly she didn't even seem to care about it by the time she first got posted here. People blew smoke up her ass for her art as a teen though and since she hasn't accomplished anything or had any personal development since then, she still clings onto the artist persona she created online and manages to half ass doodles to post for validation. If she ever got clean she'd have the opportunity to develop her identity as an adult and find a pastime she genuinely enjoys, like how PT got into art.


This year's birthday marks an entire decade she’s been with Lurch. what a ride.


Jfc fakeboi will never overcome the pathological need to give unwanted advice to Luna

No. 931082

is fakeboi a lesbian?

No. 931088

A few years ago she would most definitely be called a lesbian. Given her chosen name I guess she iDeNtiFies as some special little fake trans category

No. 931090

She said she's bi on her blog

No. 931095

what the fuck are you talking about? fakeboi has a longterm boyfriend, how would you ever call her a lesbian? also she's not trans, she's a "radfem" who "detransitioned" (how long she identified as trans for is not known). lurk moar.

No. 931101

Lurk less fakeboi

No. 931107

Someone please make a separate thread for pedoboi and get her retarded ass out of here. It leads to this >>931082 and then >>931095 and it's so fucking retarded

No. 931118

I'm shocked tuba hasn't posted about the earthquake.

No. 931119

She's still trying to figure out if it's from her walking or not.

No. 931123

Kek, my sides.
Haiti Earthquake 2, Electric Boogaloo

No. 931126

Half her belongings were destroyed in the earthquake, send monies, ugly clothes and plushies.
In all honestly she was probably to high to realize anything happened.

No. 931133

Thick thighs take lives

No. 931170

An earthquake, then an eclipse, and still no Tuna?

Tinfoil, but maybe she finally got caught stealing.

No. 931171

Earthquake got 'er. Trapped under her skincare hoarde SOS. Too weak and crippled with her cotton eyed joe knee/hip/whichever.

No. 931173

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No. 931176

Nice arranging, Tuna. Thanks for the clue about how things are going with the doctor shopping.

No. 931186

I like how she likes to keep saying she's sober yet thinks pamphlets on being sober are "comical". She's pathetic and she'll never change. Almost 30 years old and still a complete loser.

No. 931197

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No. 931198

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No. 931199

tuna can't play baseball with him because…? she's too fat to throw a ball? it's too much of a workout to cross the field? her bum knee won't allow it?

No. 931201

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No. 931202

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No. 931203

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No. 931204

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No. 931205

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No. 931207

Why do fatties always pull their leggings up to their ribcage? It doesn’t look good at all especially when the gut is stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey in the leggings.

No. 931209

trying to avoid muffin top, getting moose knuckle instead

No. 931215

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No. 931217

How tf do you play baseball 1 player? Luna's monthly excursion out of her hovel was during a sunny day though so that's nice. I've always found it weird how she documents everything whenever she goes outside.

I wonder what Lurchs appointment was for, that required her to be nearby but not in the room.

No. 931226

File: 1712777996024.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1290x963, IMG_4726.jpeg)

Kek I guess by throwing the ball in the air and catching it by himself. She really couldn’t even play catch with him

No. 931231

I don't think she needs to be there for his appointment, I think she's just tagging along. Since they have to pay for a taxi there regardless (they hardly go by public transport) maybe she comes along to run her own errands in the area e.g shoplifting

No. 931233

Go steal and gobble down some more chocolate bars and naked juice about it then, Tuba. There's many a great reason why you're over 300lbs at this point. The laziness and gluttony will forever keep her a lard ass. Could you imagine living her life? No job, no social life, no income, nothing to take pride in, never having earned anything of vlaue, just rotting in a smelly tiny one room apartment sharing the place where you bathe and shit. I am still trying to fathom how anyone is okay with living a life like her and making NO effort to improve it.

No. 931242

Benzos! She doesn’t have a desire to fix anything as long as she can get her fix

No. 931243

You know you can still laugh about drugs even when sober right ?

No. 931244

File: 1712790033547.jpeg (Spoiler Image,472.05 KB, 1086x1699, IMG_1096.jpeg)

kiwi cross post

No. 931249

love this. reminds me of meatcanyons work.

No. 931250

No shit. But who is laughing at pamphlets about relapse? Derp

No. 931251

Isnt the ratio based off the bone measurement? Not where the fat inflates the hips out…?

No. 931260

yes but there isn't much humor in luna joking about drugs because she is clearly still obsessed with them. it's not funny, it's sad. the way she constantly posts about drug usage indicates she remains heavily fixated on romanticizing her addiction issues. she admits that she hates the way her life is now and deeply misses using heroin. one of the healthiest things she could do for herself is to find a hobby that doesn't involve drugs (including her benzos) or shoplifting but she'd rather sit around and use her abundance of free time to obsess over the past.

No. 931268

Lol no, it's measured over the skin. The point is to include fat deposits in the measurements. Luna is lucky she still has the resemblance of a waist at her weight. Her hands and face don't really look fat either. Good for her! We know she's fat though.

No. 931285

File: 1712935029172.png (104.2 KB, 1080x560, fakeboi.png)

No. 931287

proceeds to upload 20 selfies a day instead

No. 931353

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No. 931356

File: 1713129283540.jpg (101.64 KB, 468x556, Adobe_20240414_171009.jpg)

No. 931359

listen, if the mirrors came with pre-installed filters…

No. 931360

File: 1713134804960.jpg (48.66 KB, 1248x702, hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.…)

she doesn't like taking photos or being picked up because cats don't like being held this way. pumpkin's legs are dangling in the air without support and it is uncomfortable for her, hence her expression. i get that luna's biggest priority when taking selfies is filtering herself and showing off as many of her tattoos and shoplifted accessories as possible but if you're not going to pose in a position that can both flaunt the bracelet you stole from a small business owner and is comfortable for your pet then don't pick her up at all. for someone that claims to love pumpkin so much she sure doesn't seem to care when she's showing visible signs that she is unhappy.

No. 931362

All very true and well explained anon. But please also consider: the cat hates them.
Litterbox next to food and water. Who knows what they feed her and when. The grim living situation.
One day, Pumpkin will escape. We have to believe.

No. 931369

Just more proof she's retarded tbh. Cats learn to withstand this torment when toddlers do it, pumpkins dealing with the worlds largest toddler.

Idk how smoky and pepper were so well trained/obedient but they put up with her shit. Imo Luna's always slightly hated pumpkin for being a feral street cat that scratches her and doesn't accept the same treatment.

No. 931378

File: 1713192678128.jpeg (396.52 KB, 750x1095, DBF84149-F415-4C18-A5C5-A249F3…)

I wonder how she threw out her back when she does nothing all day???

No. 931379

Feral street cat? She stole him from her neighbors garden didn’t she?

No. 931385

Lmfaoooo. Probably just got a sore muscle walking to that grassy area with lurch a few days ago so he could "play baseball alone" and thinks she "threw out her back" because she never moves and the walk was a shock to her body

No. 931398

File: 1713221713526.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1290x2362, IMG_4788.jpeg)

What great timing

No. 931399

File: 1713227812688.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1290x1871, IMG_4791.jpeg)

Can’t imagine how sticky that ledge is, steal some fucking lysol wipes tuna

No. 931400

Wonder what her excuse would be for the fact that the cat looked completely healthy when she "rescued it from the streets" and how fucking sickly and sad the thing looks now.

No. 931405

It’s so hideous, and what the hell is wrong with its fur? I’ve never seen a cat this greasy, not even Shayna’s

No. 931406

That mangy disease carrier is as walleyed as its owner, match made in filthy tard heaven(cat sperg)

No. 931407

kek, they do say pets look like their owners, or vice versa. Ugly and uglier. Imagine the stench in that tiny room with a putrid toxoplasma incubator that steps in its own shit and treks it everywhere combined two fat unwashed white trash junkies, absolutely fetid(cat sperg)

No. 931411

Oh man Pumpkins fur actually became worse compared to like a year ago. Wtf are they feeding him, if at all.

No. 931412

His fur is like that because he's dehydrated as fuck. Cat fur splits and spikes up like that when the skin underneath is dehydrated, this picture is honestly quite sad

No. 931413

She's a lying sack of shit. You know they didn't bring that cat to the vet.

No. 931422

it can be pretty easy to tweak your back if you never ever exercise

No. 931423

And are fat af.

No. 931447

God forbid Tuna shoplift something for Pumpkin like a cat toy or pet brush.

No. 931461

she did not move five times during the pandemic, wtf? she just got evicted from her mom’s place like a year and a half ago.

No. 931466

mom’s place—AirBnB with weirdo host—other AirBnB—junkie warehouse—current junkie warehouse

No. 931468

I'd have no problem euthanizing pumpkin if it was the only other alternative to the life she's "living" now. The next time your cat has the zoomies think about pumpkin and the fact that she's been confined to various small rooms with two junkies for years.(cat sperg)

No. 931472

Don't you disparage señor sledge.

No. 931477

Sage for non-contribution but Ive been a keen Luna Lurker since the very beginning and comments like this are what keep me invested kek.
I miss the milky Señor Sledge arc

No. 931490

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His name is Dan.

No. 931491

is this from kiwi or are you the cowtipper that got her kicked?? big ups to you for that saga even if its against the rules.

No. 931568

Suddenly I'm more than fine with cowtipping. Lmao

No. 931583

File: 1713714661144.jpeg (136.24 KB, 828x1151, IMG_4084 Copy.jpeg)

A couple selfies from IG this week(scroll up like half a fold nona... this is a repost)

No. 931584

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No. 931585

>>threw my back out

She probably has a kidney infection

No. 931607

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No. 931608

this anon >>931585 called it i bet she has a kidney infection.

No. 931610

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No. 931611

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No. 931612

Like her lazy fatass isn't loving all the attention.

No. 931614

assuming those 2 spots on her lips are where her labret goes, why are they so close together? her piercing holes look painful as fuck

No. 931615

I’ve never seen someone love to brag so much about going to the hospital and showing off their bands. Also I’m not from the states so forgive me but how on earth does she afford the hospital every minute like this? I get insurance is a thing but does it not only cover a portion or do these types of people get it free?

No. 931616

She is on Medicaid, which is a government run insurance for low/no income people. It pays for everything.

No. 931618

The blood on her mouth from her piercing that never healed completely because she's so nasty that it's chronically infected is just beautiful. She probably loves it because the inflammation makes her lip look plumper.

No. 931622

Well as another option, she is fat as fuck so could be gallbladder shitting out from her high fat diet we know she lives on. Though they wouldn't have to do an MRI for that so I guess we wait and see

No. 931624

The second dot is just a displaced scab or some coagulated blood.

No. 931625

Fatty had to walk in a park for a few minutes nearly 2 weeks ago and she's still not recovered. Carrying all that weight around must be hell on the back, but what is she expecting the ER to do? Is going to the ER for muh back pain still a valid method of getting pain pills in the US?

No. 931632

The Phoebe Tickner arc begins

No. 931637

I'm kinda surprised she didn't go heavier on munching in general. It'd fix her up with drugs, online attention and possibly donations or clients for her art.

No. 931638

Well hopefully theyll prescribe some oxy or morphine for her terrible awful pain, eye roll. What does she expect besides asspats.

No. 931648

Why are all of them bloody?! Ew. And also she didn’t have to take out any of her other gaudy ass fake jewelry that she piled on solely for her hospital visit? You just know she’s praying for it to be something serious so she can justify moaning about it nonstop till the cows come home.

No. 931654

Tuna used to call herself a cripplepunk and walked with a cane which she magically doesn’t need anymore. not like she ever walks anywhere. she even looks like Phoebe.

No. 931708

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She’s alleging she could potentially become paralyzed from the waist down so

No. 931710

this is insane? what could possibly be wrong with her? is this some sort of misunderstanding from the doctors where they think its much more serious than it actually is? is all the drug use just finally catching up to her? honestly sad if real lol.

No. 931711

Because tuna is always 100% honest about what they say. Ppft

No. 931712

File: 1713904486234.jpg (175.68 KB, 1079x1112, 1000008485.jpg)

It's some sort of spinal infection according to Luna's comment. A cursory Google search reveals that a risk factor for spinal infections is intravenous drug use: https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Spinal-Infections

No. 931713

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Pic related to the website link posted regarding risk factors

No. 931716

I wonder if she has been injecting and got some sort of sepsis or chronic infection that attacked her spinal fluid, the necrotic piercings don’t help either. As much as tuna is a horrible person I was always hoping she would turn around and live a normal life. This has to be a wake up call.

No. 931717

Wasn't she off injections and only on pills for a while now?

No. 931718

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No. 931719


I have a sneaking suspicion she's making shit up and saying she's going to be paralyzed as a grift. in a few weeks, it'll be back to normal the way it is when one of her parents is wandering the streets confused and she's "so scared" about it.
if she's telling the truth and she's having a health emergency, 100% it's from being a junkie, being dirty/unsanitary, and/or from being obese and eating like shit

No. 931720

I still think it's "just" a kidney infection. If it was anything else you all know she would be posting pictures of her diagnosis.

No. 931722

I think you're both right. The 'sucky hospital' presumably hasn't given her the opiates or diagnosis she's fishing for, so now she has to swindle her followers for cash because kidney infections don't get you a lifetime supply of free heroin.
I'm sure the hospital bracelets will make many appearances. It's going to be like her shitty tattoo that she kept showing in every photo, but filthier.

No. 931724

File: 1713918058860.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1290x2151, IMG_4866.jpeg)

Most definitely

No. 931725

Lurch is gonna party without tuba.

No. 931726

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No. 931727

File: 1713918935584.jpg (221.1 KB, 720x1440, VideoCapture_20240423-173234.j…)

In the hospital with a kidney infection and still drinking soda with her nasty clothes on the table. Look at those bruises om her arm

No. 931728

File: 1713918979547.jpg (242.83 KB, 720x1477, VideoCapture_20240423-173236.j…)

Still using a filter even on her arm

No. 931736

There's obviously something wrong for real, the ER won't keep you for multiple days for lies or anxiety

No. 931738

Damn, I bet she does want to get home. How is she gonna handle not abusing drugs while she in there?

No. 931741

Karma knocking on the door. Who would've thought that being a junkie, dirty obese woman would have health consequences. She's 28 already, the next years won't be easy for her. I wish this would be a wake up call for her, but we know it won't, she never changes.

No. 931743

File: 1713930352688.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1290x1889, IMG_4871.jpeg)

She really wants to get back to the dirty hovel, wonder why. This is probably the first time she’s slept in clean bedding in years

No. 931744

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No. 931748

Since the last time Tuba went to the hospital (or was it rehab then?) Lurch started replying to feet pic porn bots on twitter, how long will it take for her to stay away that he goes to seek replacement for her again? Right now he has just been sperging about muh baseball

No. 931752

I'd believe there's something wrong with her based on how filthy she's consistently been and the fact that IV drug use is a risk factor, but I feel almost certain someone said it could've resulted in paralysis had it continued to be untreated and she took that and ran with it

No. 931755

Too bad for Luna that they only give tylenol to junkie like her.

No. 931756

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No. 931757

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No. 931758

How long until she builds a skincare and crystals altar next to her hospital bed?

No. 931759

The nerve of posting this while she said the girl in the hospital bed next to her is actually dying is just so beyond disgusting, even for her.

No. 931760

they only give tylenol to pretty much everyone. even terminal cancer patients have difficulty being prescribed pain medication. regardless of whether or not they're aware of her addiction issues she's highly unlikely to receive anything stronger than toradol while she's hospitalized even if she's experiencing genuine pain. i realize she has a lengthy history of dramatization and outright lying but considering her hazardous lifestyle over the past several years i don't find it difficult to believe that something actually is wrong this time. it's not the least bit uncommon for longtime drug addicts to develop serious health complications. i'm pretty sure jonny craig had some type of issue with his spine at one point.

No. 931761

Jfc xl hospital socks and they are stretched the fuck out.
So what big deal is going on with Lurch that he only visits her there a few hours? Gotta do his benzos and scroll for sex workers online?

No. 931768

File: 1713969750045.jpeg (483.98 KB, 1989x1236, IMG_0110.jpeg)

so far just tweeting about baseball as of 3 hours ago, i'll keep an eye on the account jic anything milky happens

No. 931770

Minus the ridiculous eyebrows, she looks so much better without all her tacky jewelry hanging out of her face.

No. 931774

File: 1713977252307.jpeg (628.1 KB, 1219x2773, IMG_0117.jpeg)

our emancipated queen

No. 931775

File: 1713977358486.jpeg (363.44 KB, 828x818, IMG_0118.jpeg)

slightly different posting from her tumblr

No. 931777

if only. fat fucking leech.

No. 931784

i just noticed she has 2 hospital bracelets on. she kept the one from the first hospital on after she got to the new hospital. they will most definitely stay on her wrist for sympathy points and grifts for at least a week after she's discharged

No. 931786

So the poor nursing staff has to break their backs to lift all 300+lbs of her to do basic life functions. Like talk about making others suffer because you chose to be a junkie and shoot God knows what into your body, apparently it has consequences, imagine that.
Reposted because I just realized, does she have a fall risk bracelet? Because if not I'm starting to doubt if she's as bad off as she says she is. In all of the hospitals I've worked at, patients with her alleged symptoms would absolutely have abright yellow fall risk bracelet and not be allowed to stand on their own.

No. 931790

Manifesting that bridge piercing closes to where she can’t put it back in + caking make-up over the holes??

No. 931792

Who the fuck does their makeup for selfie photoshoots in the hospital? I know we're talking about Tuna here but damn.

No. 931793

Her vanity knows no bounds and never has.

No. 931794

Man, never thought I'd see the day she has actual consequences for her shit actions. Lurch is probably out cheating on her as we speak

No. 931795


My first thought was a pilonidal cyst at the top of her butt. Don't Google if you're squeamish.

No. 931822

I am honestly shocked she hasn't complained that they're "starving" her in there, with only 3 meals a day, normal portions

No. 931825

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No. 931826

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No. 931827

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No. 931828

My heart goes out to her nurses. First this smelly beast comes in, probably fishing for pain meds. Her attitude is probably insufferable. Then you walk in and get a jump-scare when you discover her after she's done her makeup. Then you have to try not to notice and laugh when she takes these pretend phone selfies over and over and over. Yikes girl

No. 931829

Huge baseball mitts for hands, that’s why lurch is with her!

No. 931830

File: 1714000488094.jpg (104.49 KB, 1440x810, 1000006699.jpg)

Robert Z'dar lives on in Tuna

No. 931831

She's going to love the weight she'll lose by eating like a normal person

No. 931832

wtf is this pig doing?

No. 931833

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No. 931834

Loving that she has to have the largest adult BP cuff there is thanks to her ham hock arms kek

No. 931835

Oh honey, those are XXL socks lol

No. 931836

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No. 931837

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No. 931838

She's just a vain bitch. In hospital with an alleged "spinal infection" yet posing and using things as "props".

No. 931839

Only this pathetic bitch decks herself out in too-small, ugly jewelry for a trip to the ER. How uncomfortable. She must not be bothered too much by the pain because she can't stop taking pictures. No one in that much "pain" is up for taking pictures.
But hey, when that 10mg of oxy "doesn't work" maybe she can beg and cry for a higher dose.
Is she just living in the emergency room? They don't transfer her to her own space?

No. 931840

File: 1714012960489.jpg (408.82 KB, 1080x2014, Screenshot_20240425_033901_Sam…)

Wouldn't surprise me…

No. 931841

God she is just loving every second of this, isn't she?

No. 931842

While I'm sure much of this posting is because she wants the sympathy, she probably is also bored because she only has three hobbies. Poetry, doodling, and posting online. She can't doodle with the hand IVs, and I haven't seen much poetry from her in a while, so she's probably left with just vanity posting. Maybe Lurch can bring her a documentary, lol.
Who the hell wears chunky jewelry to the ER? That's just another thing for nurses and doctors to work around. For someone who "always ends up with hand IVs," she certainly doesn't know how to make a medical professional's job easier.

No. 931843

when tuna brought back the bleached mop my first thought was that we’re getting a revival of tunas milkiest era, time to brace ourselves. low and behold, she has delivered with her heroin junkie induced upper ass infection.

No. 931853

If she has a spinal infection she'd be a lot more fucked up than she is. Like unable to post online. There's a youtuber called Stevie Richards that showed off his recovery from a spinal infection and it took him months to learn to walk again. He was a healthy normal adult unlike Luna.

If Luna presented to the ER unable to walk and screeching about the worst back pain she's ever experienced, then they would have checked for a spine infection but I doubt that's what she has, especially when she hasnt said the typical "omg I nearly died, 2 more hours without treatment and id be dead" spiel every borderline bitch with sepsis uses. Also the antibiotics they use are hellish and make you feel barely alive. The only things the doctors have to go on are "fat woman who won't shut up about back pain and can't/won't stand up" so they're probably eliminating the most life threatening options first and not letting her go until she can walk unassisted.

No. 931854

Samefagging but if she had a fucking abscess on her spine it would be immediate surgery. There wouldn't be any "ooh let's wait and see, keep you in the ER and maybe the abscess will clear up by itself."
She's either too stupid to understand what the doctors are telling her, or she's intentionally exaggerating for pity.

I like this theory anon lol. My headcaon is she's got a gross infected subcutaneous butt cyst she's embarrassed about, so now it's a super serious spinal infection abscess

No. 931858

>>931774 check those eyes, this bitch is high as hell.

No. 931859

I find it incredibly odd that she was made to take out the piercings but not remove the jewlery. Even more odd that here we are 2 days after the MRI, and she hasn't put them back in. No papa tuna visits? I'm shocked.
I'm going to go against the grain, I don't think it's a cyst because they would make her lay on her side so it doesn't burst while on their watch.

And the petty bitch in me is dying at the 4oz shelf stable oj they're giving her. I know they push fluids so she has plenty of water to drink, not that she would. I feel so much pity for the nurses stuck with her ass.

No. 931863

if she has an infection chances are her piercings are all infected so the doctor probably told her to take everything off. also she probably cant put them back on her own with her fat high fingers.

No. 931865

I'd hate to have to try and find a vein on this woman. There's a reason you always end up with a hand IV tuna.

No. 931867

File: 1714055277874.jpg (282.65 KB, 1080x1647, 1000008505.jpg)

Tuba will be in the hospital for potentially a month.

No. 931869

She looks like an engorged tick that is about to burst. I feel bad for the nurses that have to handle her. She’s probably not getting up to use the bathroom…

No. 931870

She can write poetry on her phone or on a notepad. She seems to have brought makeup to fuck around with and take selfies afterwards. The IV should be in her non-dominant hand, so doodling should be possible. Lurch could bring her her Switch. What else does she do at home? I understand that being in a hospital sucks, but as far as entertainment goes I feel like she can do everything that she does at home. She might even be able to shoplift from the cafeteria or something. Am I missing anything that she can't do while in the hospital?

No. 931872

Can’t do drugs in the hospital

No. 931875

>engorged tick
THANK YOU, I was trying to put my finger on what she reminded me of and that’s exactly it. nasty fucking parasite. notice she’s not worried about her job or how she’ll afford this. she’s just mad she can’t shoot up and steal shit.

No. 931877

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No. 931878

If lurch is visiting I guarantee he is bringing her drugs

No. 931879

There’s no way they’re going to let this literal hog take up a bed for an entire month. Also if she had anything serious going on they would have started heavy antibiotics right away like >>931853 anon mentioned.

No. 931885

I have literally no experience with hospitals or junkie stuff so pardon me if this is a foolish question, but wouldn't the medical staff be able to tell if she was high on something? Like her heart rate or even behavior/pupils. I wonder what the consequences would be if Lurch got caught bringing god knows what into a hospital

No. 931888

Doesn't need to, I mean she's supplied with sleeping meds and oxy's. In psych, some people get benzos etc.
This is why I'm wondering why she doesn't go full munchie. It's the perfect route for drug-seekers.

No. 931889

File: 1714070298850.jpeg (119.56 KB, 750x443, 6D58D9AD-6E25-4AEC-9AC7-A19ADA…)

She’s been complaining that the drugs aren’t strong enough for her

No. 931894

This has got to be some sort of scam on her end, sure something must have happened to cause her to actually be in the hospital (my personal head canon is that it’s something to do with her gigantic size and sedentary lifestyle, or perhaps a withdrawal causing seizures or something) but she is definitely embellishing the truth or outright lying about what is going on, if she was in as much pain as she claims to be she would not be constantly posting, doing her makeup, taking selfies, etc. Very curious about the actual situation here.

No. 931898

tinfoiling based on post above, but maybe she started up IV use because she wanted to kill herself before her birthday so she could be part of the 27 club (and ended up just active using again, leading to infection)

I got morphine within an hour at the ER for breaking my wrist, there are definitely short term usage

No. 931899

They're not going to keep a medicaid patient in the hospital for days unless there's a real problem, so either she does have a serious issue or she's out soon. I don't understand why it's suspect that a junkie would end up with a serious health issue. They're known for getting nasty infections.

No. 931900

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No. 931901

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No. 931902

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No. 931903

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No. 931904

Anyone can see when she's high but nurses are incredibly busy, as long as she hasn't died they don't care because they have way more important shit to do. There are so many junkies in hospital that the staff can smell them a mile away. If she wasn't there for some legitimate reason, they'd have sent her packing long ago. As for Lurch, who knows? There are cops in hospitals all the time, they're a much bigger threat than overworked nurses and doctors.
I'm sure there's something wrong with her but she's going to blow it out of proportion regardless of how serious it is. We know it's not a serious-serious infection since she's not on every antibiotic known to man, but junkies get so many weird infections that it could literally be anything. 'Over a month' is Tuna speak for 'maybe a couple weeks'. She's definitely setting the stage for a grift, I'm betting on her begging for rent and hospital bills if the hospital continues to deny her free access to drugs.

No. 931905

Why does she have to be so fucking fat though

No. 931906

I'm stanning kidney infection until I see proof otherwise. She's too dirty and untrustworthy to go home. She'll be on IV antibiotics for a week.
She's still so dirty IN the hospital and she's 100% still on drugs.

No. 931909

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No. 931910

File: 1714091410122.jpg (148.68 KB, 1080x624, Screenshot_20240425_172853_Red…)

Tuba's fav reddit group is back.

No. 931911

It never went anywhere.

He looks THRILLED to see her. Probably popped in to charge his phone in between selling drugs, getting high, and fucking around with skinnier junkies.
And I'll bet they told her she could be there till May, which isn't even a week away and that's where she's getting "uwu I'm going to be here for a month" from kek

No. 931914

hope you get your wish, tubby

has she ever been this fat?! jesus fucking christ. trying to decide if she’ll lose weight or get fatter in the hospital. she’s no more sedentary than she is at home, but she’ll be eating healthier than she ever has in her life. it’s gross how much she obviously loves this. imagine your life being this boring. like, no thanks, I’ll take my sobriety and my normie job any day. Luna is great motivation tho (and reverse thinspo)

No. 931915

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No. 931916

Heroin addict who started injecting into her hands within a year of starting IV use, having no useable IV hand veins? Fucking shocker

No. 931918

These plushies should stay away from a hospital by at least a mile. They're an active biohazard. If she's in the ward for infections, she would never be able to actually bring plushies or do her makeup freely. It must not be that serious or her doctors don't give a shit about her, tbh.

I had a stint of spinal infection once and really, posting shit online was the farthest from my mind, not to mention, taking selfies and pity pics of hospital equipment carefully posed. Brushing my hair was never in my mind as well, as I could only lay down and go in and out of sleep just to deal with the pain.
You also probably won't get a ton of pain meds if you're ambulatory, because you can pinch nerves even worse with infection swelling and not even notice that a part of you is now paralyzed.
My bet is at that it's not that serious. Or that I don't know shit about american healthcare system.

No. 931919

“ugh the blue is so not aesthetic!”

No. 931920

There's at least two scars from old track marks visible in this picture.

She's got a script for benzos, doesn't she? We've seen her name on the bottles. It should be fine for Lurch to bring her those.

No. 931922

Considering she’s still there, they definitely suspect something is seriously wrong even if they haven’t pinned down exactly what’s happening yet. She’s clearly actually admitted and not just flopping around the ER. Doctors might be waiting on results from pathology and/or radiology to give a more definitive diagnosis so they can start proper treatment. I do find it weird that she says it’s an infection but it doesn’t appear that she’s on IV antibiotics; I’m pretty sure they normally start a broad spectrum antibiotic and then change it if necessary to target the correct pathogen once pathology gets back to them. Luna is both dumb and an unreliable narrator so it’s hard to figure out what’s going on but considering she’s an obvious junkie and is actually admitted and wasn’t simply pushed out of the ER suggests she’s actually unwell. Hospitals in the US typically have televisions in the rooms where you can see the medications you’ve been prescribed so it’s a little strange she’s not posting that or the whiteboard with treatment plans. IME ER doctors like to drug test so they likely know what’s in her system. Hopefully she wasn’t too retarded to give them an accurate medical history; doctors aren’t the police and they need to know that shit so they can help you.
Typically the hospital pharmacy wants to dispense meds for you. For people with commercial insurance it might be worthwhile to hand over your own meds to have them dispense led you your to maybe save money but that doesn’t apply to Luna. It’s definitely not allowed to simply take your own pills on your own because then they aren’t being charted. If they know she’s on them they’ll be given to her at her prescribed dose.

No. 931925

So I'm guessing she's not telling any of the doctors that her walking corpse brings her drugs with every visit - I'm sure that would have no negative effects being mixed with whatever they're giving her now or the possible bloodtests that they do

No. 931927

Imagine if they ban visitors. Kek

No. 931929

This piece of shit can't even bring her clean clothes
She's been wearing the same clothes since she got in and is not taking showers. Poor nurses

No. 931930

Because he brought what REALLY matters, makeup, plushies and drugs.

Imagine.. you can lay in bed all day, meals are brought to you, you don't have to worry about work, bills, the house, the kids. You can just take a month off. Jfc I might be a bit jealous.

No. 931933

anorexia, not even once

No. 931934

File: 1714143715127.jpeg (Spoiler Image,94.86 KB, 350x196, IMG_6982.jpeg)

I want this image collaged in the next thread pic. She has the body of carl from aqua teen hunger force

No. 931935

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No. 931936

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No. 931937

“Dying of pain”, but she can slap on 100 lbs of makeup and take 1000 selfies. Never change, Tuna.

No. 931938

Tinfoil re: the nature of Tuna’s infection: I’ve been watching videos about the Kensington, Philadelphia area and in the videos they talk about how heroin has been replaced by fentanyl as the drug of choice. But because fentanyl doesn’t give you the “dreamy sensation” of heroin, they mix it with something called xylazene. Problem is xylazene isn’t intended for human consumption (horse tranquilizer, I believe?) and causes issues like bad abscesses, which can manifest anywhere in the body, not just at the injection site. And because this is a new-ish wrinkle, doctors are still struggling/learning how to deal with xylazene’s effects on patients.

Could this possibly be the source of Tuna’s hospital admission?

No. 931939

have a feeling she has a staph infection tbh. It's the most common infection a junkie gets because of hygiene/dirty needles and it's why they'd get her to stay there longer than a few days for daily IVs. I bet you they'll probably keep her there for a few days then probably get her to come back everyday for a 1-3 months for daily IV drips in the infectious inpatient area. If her bed changes to a sort of seating/bed in the background, that'll pretty much confirm it. Even if she had MRSA.

No. 931940

Do you guys believe she has been injecting? I have doubts since there are no track marks and I don't think she can afford heroin anymore.

No. 931941

I would think this all but confirms she is. She claims to have been clean two years or so? (I don’t believe a word this cow says so I don’t really remember) but I don’t think any infection would take that long to manifest.

No. 931944

Underrated comment. Top fucking kek, anon.

No. 931945

imagine walking in on this fucking clown on your night shift hahahaha god. she looks like she’s wearing a fucking skin suit over her fat body.

No. 931946

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No. 931949

Ah yes the telltale swimming eye.. shesfucked up real good.

No. 931950

I kinda doubt she has a systemic staph infection because I don’t think she’s been injecting lately and it has to get into the body from somewhere. She probably does colonize MRSA though and occasionally her crusty face patches look like impetigo but that’s nothing serious enough to be hospitalized for.
I wish she would stop being so tight lipped about whatever is going on. She’s definitely being told more than she’s sharing. Is it’s possible she’s too dumb to understand what her doctors and/or nurses are telling her and that’s why she’s so vague? If they’re really not telling her shit she has every right to ask.

No. 931951

Are the bruises in the crook of her elbow not track marks?

No. 931952

whens the last time she's taken a picture without this filter on? i wonder if she even knows what she looks like without it anymore

No. 931953

“I feel a mess” sounds like she’s saying she shit herself kek. love her platinum blonde bitmoji next to her piss yellow hair.

she’s borderline retarded yes but I also think she’s being vague for a reason. whatever it is is probably gross and embarrassing so she’s staying mum and pretending the big meanie hospital staff is keeping HER in the dark. always the victim, even though I’ll bet anything this is her fault.

No. 931954

Look at her. She's high as fuck right now. She couldn't tell you the day. She's a medicaid case, they are put bottom of the docket unless it's life or death. Look at her. She's feeling fine enough to bitch all day and do her makeup.. she isn't dying. They probably pushed the procedure because I can almost smell her from across the country.

No. 931959

anons have been pointing out her track marks and pinned pupils for ages but people still continue to believe she's not been on smack. she insists she's sober, but that doesn't mean anything

No. 931962

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It’s giving picrel

No. 931963

She definitely looks fucked up but isn’t she on methadone? Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure you have to piss clean (at least from heroin) to get it. Her wonky eye and bad vision always makes her look high but I’m not convinced she’s actively using heroin. It seems like xanax has been her drug of choice for a while but who knows.
Yeah there’s almost no way they told her she might be having “a procedure” and didn’t elaborate further. If it’s a spinal tap or something you’d think she’d want to milk that for attention.
No one thinks she’s dying. The fact that she’s a Medicaid patient who looks like she does and is admitted suggests something is actually wrong. I can’t wait for some aide to force this bitch to bathe!

No. 931964

It's exactly what she always wanted, laying in bed while others feed her and give her drugs.

No. 931965

I said she's high, I didn't say on what. Benzos come in many forms.

No. 931966

Whatevers wrong with her isn't that serious. Otherwise she'd be posting pics of her whiteboard for SERIOUS pity points. She hasn't had anything in ages that she can get legit sympathy for. She's making shit up, once again. She's just a liar with nothing really going on in her life.

No. 931967

This is quite heartwarming. Seriously, not to WK but if Matthew didn't love Luna he wouldn't visit her at the hospital so frequently, maybe even at all…At the end of the day it seems like he really cares about her and their relationship is quite cute…Just because someone's a "junkie" doesn't mean they can't find love. They've been together for 10 years, what does he gain from her exactly? And right now he's being supportive of his sick fiancee..(baiting wk)

No. 931968

Not WKing but if it wasn't at least a bit serious the hospital would have booted her by now.

No. 931969

You literally said “smack” which is slang for heroin…
Exactly. Some anons are acting like she’s simply choosing to stay.
Something is wrong or they suspect something is wrong or she would’ve been discharged by now. I agree that it’s definitely weird she hasn’t posted her whiteboard or anything else aside from selfies.

No. 931971

Luna is very lucky to be in metropolitan ny/c. I think a lot of farmer confusion and speculation comes from not having local ERs that dole out the overnight hospital bed, drugs and IVS for people like luna.

Yeah it's really shitty but having moved to a more rural/republican area I can safely say she'd be treated like shit at our local ERs anything short of an active seizure/medical event.

The benzo situation I'll never understand. Like how she doesn't have painful withdrawals having taken xanax for years and in massive doses. Maybe because she eats them all I'm one go she never developed a physical addiction? Maybe she's that rare 5% that really don't ever get physically addicted? Maybe like everything she grossly exaggerates her consumption and dependence?

No. 931972

They're unemployed and live in squalor in government housing. Would you date someone like that?

No. 931973

Not exactly what I was saying. I agree it may be something that they need to keep an eye on, or something that takes awhile to treat, thus not releasing her. However, it's not a "serious spinal infection", she's not in actual serious pain, and she was not told she was going to be there a whole month. If tuna has actual proof of things, she posts them (All the pictures of rodger and an ambulance, eviction notice papers, etc). Otherwise it's just exaggerations and lies.

No. 931974

These pics make me feel so fucking sick inside, this bitch is high out of her fucking gourd on what >>931938 said, xylazine laced fentanyl. Being on methadone, you absolutely don't have to piss clean, esp if you're not getting take homes, and it's easy as hell to skip a day, get wrecked, and return to the clinic np. Xylazine is now to the epidemic what fent was about 10 years or so ago, infesting everything and springing up wonderful new complications like abscesses in the fuckin arteries/bones, even far away from IV site. The reason she doesn't mention what's wrong is that it would be clear to anyone with half a brain that this is a complication of recent drug use, and she doesn't wanna lose whatever imaginary respect she thinks she still has/shes repeated the "I'm clean" lie so much, she believes it herself and probably doesn't see these occasional forays as a relapse. Unfortunately for her, real life marches and living Ina fantasy land 24/7 doesn't make one immune to consequences, it turns out. But I wanna know what brand tunas magic "hairbrush" lurch brought her is, Ive got some pain could use fixin, just brush that pain right out of my hair til I'm all slack-jawed and wonky eyed, damn!

No. 931977

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No. 931979

You look it too, bitch. Jesus fucking christ.

No. 931980

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I wish they would delouse tuba like Farva in Super Troopers.

No. 931982

What the HELL is this!!??????

No. 931983


Is the filter making her left pupil seem square?

No. 931984

Guessing it’s just the filter but it’s making her face look weird and swollen here

No. 931986

looks like she got the good shit kek. i'm kind of with the anons who think she was shooting up again to get this kind of infection. you don't just get this seriously sick for no reason. probably why shes complaining about oxys not being enough.

No. 931990

My tinfoil is a UTI that got into her kidneys, which explains her 'back pain'. A kidney infection would require hospitalization, but isn't so dire it would prevent Tuna from flopping around taking bloated selfies. She not posting aesthetic uwu pictures of her charts or medications because getting admitted for having crotch rot isn't very sanrio courtney love coquette.
Additionally, she doesn't know what's going on because she is stupid

No. 932041

Idk, I initially thought that too but a kidney infection doesn't feel like actual back pain imo. I don't believe even Tuna would be stupid enough to think that.

No. 932042

Really think on that.

No. 932043

She always wore the same clothes for weeks, when she was able to do laundry and be clean. She won't change overnight.

No. 932044

Personally I don't think Luna has been injecting heroin, or regularly taking street opiates, for years.

My tinfoil is that Lurch's contacts all ditched him when he was on probation YEARS ago and they've struggled to source it since then. Lurch had court drug testing and wouldn't allow Luna to take heroin without him, she had no hookups.

She got heroin behind Lurch's back using FB and Reddit. There was an anon in this thread part of a "heroin bunnies" group or smth. Around this time she was wandering the streets alone barefoot and getting "raped" by men she invited into her home, I always assumed she was hustling heroin for herself while Lurch was gone.

When she went to rehab and Lurch started thirsting on her friends? Personally I think that's when Luna gave up trying to get her own heroin and she was detoxing, hence why Lurch was being cold and distant.

She looks exactly like she did 5 years ago, Luna's completely incapable of looking sober on opiates kek. It's like she's looking into the fabric of reality, her eyes freak me out. She gets it on benzos too, but nowhere near as bad.

No. 932045

Samefagging but I forgot to add, I'm almost 100% sure Lurch hasn't been on heroin for a long time. I think he stopped for himself and she won't.

He's gained a LOT of weight, also seems less sickly and isn't having regular seizures. A lot of their relationship issues probably arise from the fact they're junkies in different stages of addiction. Lurch would/should be dying at this stage (25+ years of addiction) whereas Luna is still chasing it having experienced it for under 10 years.

No. 932046

I don't buy it. They told Tuba but she's just so fucking high that she couldn't listen and fucking forgor

No. 932048

I wonder what Luna will do when Lurch finally kicks the bucket.

No. 932051

Saged bc I can't take a screenshot atm but her most recent insta post says shes getting a biopsy. Any medanons know why they would do this? Is this just to check what kind of bacteria is brewing in the abscess?

No. 932052

Part of me thinks with Lurch out of the picture Luna could recover. But as far as older junkies preying on young girls go Lurch is by far not the worst person to be with and I'm afraid of who she might attach herself to after Lurch.

No. 932053

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No. 932057

lol. someone is on to her.

No. 932058

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doesn’t she get tired of complaining?