File: 1565540010259.jpg (1.38 MB, 4000x3000, 1564356514268.jpg)

No. 689217
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/657873Instagram: [private]
tumblr: [deleted] [inactive] [deleted] [active]
>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun and funeralhome420 (to name but a few)>23 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun>Started dating her 35 year old boyfriend (hereby known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”>has a following of impressionable young girls who she has convinced to “help” her during this “tough time” in her life>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>”I’m not trying to be Courtney Love!”>Tries to be exactly like Courtney Love>Bleats about harm reduction while being the antithesis of harm reduction/seemingly having no grasp of the concept whatsoever >Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lot the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Always “short on rent” or otherwise in need of donations >Overdosed on heroin twice in less than 12 months, even that didn't encourage her to get clean>RIP ROGER (aka Lurch’s dad)>Tuna and Lurch couldn’t pay rent because all their money came from Roger’s social security so the e-begging ramped up to 100>EVICTED from Roger’s house>Tuna and Lurch “temporarily” move in with Luna’s mother, who is an (ex) addict>Brings along moldy, nasty stuffed animals and complains about not being able to move her other belongings (claims she lost 90% of them when she got EVICTED)>Continuously tries e-begging along with selling nudes and shitty art in lieu of getting a job>Her “abusive” dad continues to buy her useless shit from Amazon>Posts pictures of her and Lurch looting graves like it’s no big deal>Claims to be homeless for bonus sympathy points in spite of living with her mother >Luna and Chief have made themselves at home in her mom's one-bedroom poverty home and seem to have no intention of leaving.>Still milking her ex-gf's suicide for struggle points.>Seems to be gaining weight rapidly- some farmers speculate that she may be on methadone.>Still abusing benzos and posting pill porn, probably hooked at this point>Still sending begging messages to facebook "friends" >>>/pt/607983>Still buying cheap shit on Amazon and asking facebook "friends" to buy her stuff>Still churning out sloppy drawings, has recently produced some particularly mediocre poetry>Still taking pictures of her filthy plastic crap, filthy grave-goods, filthy clothes, filthy nails, and filthy face>Still complaining about how horrible her life is, failing to understand that she brought most of it on herself>Rodger is interred in a filthy box in Luna's mom's poverty home>Got a pancake voucher >>>/pt/612955LATEST MILK (or lack thereof):
>Was banned from FB and called out in a nail shaming group>Has lived with her mom for over a year now>Her dad's apartment caught on fire; Luna spread ashes on her face for maximum sympathy points>Has started to brag about starving herself>"Found" a bra in a dumpster>Started posting nudes againWill 2019 bring change for Luna? The (filthy) cards say "no".
>>>/pt/558885twenty one
>>>/pt/574429twenty two
>>>/pt/591749twenty three
>>>/pt/619612twenty four
>>>/pt/657873(learn2update) No. 689350
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No. 689353
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No. 689355
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No. 689366
>>689350>>689351>>689352>>689353I feel like she looks a lot better here. It looks like she used beauty filters from Snow on her eyes, and it looks like she pulled her waist in.
At least she's sober enough to care about editing her pictures and looking somewhat presentable?
No. 689454
>>689434sorry, just wanted to chip in with some nurse anon medical stuff;
Herpes simplex and HPV are different, most people carry the herpes simplex virus dormant and it is often passed down from parent to child, you tend to get flare ups when run down and it's mostly seen as oral herpes, although you can transfer it with oral/genital contact too. HPV affects about 70% of the population, there are many different strains of HPV and they can be dormant until there is some issue with your immune system but the symptoms (if there are any symptom) is warts rather than cold sores. Blistex is not usually used for warts, herpes simplex is not HPV and does not cause cancer in the same way some HPV strains do.
Luna's immune system will be completely fucked, addicts are usually covered in sores and warts tbh, I would be surprised if she didn't have some infections like hep c I've never seen Luna have a pregnancy scare actually which is unusual for addicts, she must be fairly on the ball with birth control?
(derailing) No. 689501
File: 1565640652668.jpg (268.96 KB, 705x2209, skfs;dlfks;ld.jpg)

She graduated high school over 5 years ago. When will she ever let it go?
No. 689502
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No. 689596
File: 1565674051850.jpg (54.5 KB, 1280x800, they-said-i-could-be-anything-…)

>>689564>She sounds like every failure that got told they were smart and talented and could do anything.Those "they told me I could be anything I wanted so I became [fill in the blank]" memes are funny tbh. Nothing else to add atm.
No. 689616
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No. 689632
>>689564that is one of the only things that makes me feel genuinely bad for her. Growing up with the "gifted kid" treatment, you never learn to try, or to cope with being a novice at a hobby, or really how to handle yourself at all in the world especially if were 'gifted' in anything other than STEM you get lied to for 13 years and then dumped into world where the skills they claimed were going to make you rich by 20 are worthless under capitalism. Its no excuse to rob graves or rip off single moms but it is a legitimately traumatic event that a lot of people are never able to mentally move past. Id say it's pretty much her only
valid complaint in, one of the few things that was done to her that she didnt just do to herself.
No. 689672
>>689616She's looking significantly less dirty? Is she actually making money off sex work, or did she use her dad's CC to order these pajamas and took the pictures the second they arrived?
I hope it's the former, it looks like she shooped her last set so maybe she's starting to have enough clarity to care about herself.
No. 690333
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No. 690334
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No. 690344
>>690333You go about that by going to school and not being a drug addict in need of a shower.
Sorry, but is she manic or just deluded high right now?
No. 690424
Judging from her post about tutoring, I'm imagining her CV (what there is of it) would just be one long run-on sentence.
>>690391No, there isn't and yes, she did. It's just some weird fantasy some anons have for this bitch because reasons I will never understand.
No. 690567
>>690414How about none of the above?
Just a uwu "cute" "aesthetic" post. Im sure…
No. 691776
File: 1566298463643.jpeg (271.63 KB, 828x958, 2651210D-8902-4963-9110-95DDAF…)

Saw this on Reddit and thought of Luna immediately
No. 691787
>>691776I didn't actually believe this was a thing until now holy shit i cant believe people do that its not like you could even sell that shit. To what end would you rob trinkets off a grave?
Whenever she talks about a job she sounds like a kid talking about "when I grow up" instead of a grown dopehead with no marketable skills or work history
No. 691872
>>691776This is why it's probably best to just leave flowers. It's sad that's what it's come to.
You know when people put flowers and candles in the areas where someone died in a car accident? There are people who try to report that to the police as trespassing and fire hazards. Some people are just profoundly fucked up and have no concept of empathy or grief.
No. 692066
File: 1566363338472.jpg (262.58 KB, 720x1116, yikes.jpg)

Her makeup is so bad.
No. 692110
>>691787>To what end would you rob trinkets off a grave? In Lunas case: because she thinks she's entitled to those things. She thinks she deserves little cherubs and especially toys off kids graves more than the dead, because she thinks they're cute and it's ~her aesthetic~.
She's so fucking disgusting. She's robbed her friends, her family and she's robbing dead people and children. No matter how many cherubs surround her, she's going to hell.
No. 692336
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No. 692408
>>692405I'm guessing Fetlife. The supply and demand in kink circles when it comes to femdom/malesub means in a lot of cases you can make a quick $50 by taking your shirt off and cursing at some sad wanker for 3 minutes until he cums.
I don't think shes that smart though, shes probably peddling tit pics to old men who dont know how to use pornhub
No. 692469
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No. 692612
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I read this as “needs to end” thinking Luna was going to try and get clean from benzos but it’s actually just a typo
No. 692891
>>692861Decorations on graves aren't for the dead.
If someone walked onto your property and stole shit off of your porch, it would be the same exact thing.
And what does 1991 have to do with anything?
No. 692896
>>692891I’m assuming if someone has an item on their porch, like a chair or potted plant, they use it and furthermore it’s on their property. They don’t see stuff they leave on graves, and neither do the dead people they leave it for and as far as I am aware a graveyard is a public venue.
I just picked a year from the 90s at random, when everyone bought large amounts of decorative things.
No. 692944
>>692612Just what every astronaut needs in their space suit: a shit ton of Xanax! Good thinking, Luna.
>>692896So if your car is parked at a public venue, it's up for grabs. Good to know! You do realize that those trinkets still belong to the people who put them there right? An item placed or dropped in public still has an owner and if you take it, you're a thief.
No. 693155
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KF pic dump.
No. 693160
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No. 693161
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No. 693165
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No. 693166
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No. 693167
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No. 693168
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No. 693580
File: 1566691568581.png (1.77 MB, 723x2125, lurch.png)

No. 693638
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No. 693669
I don't understand what she means by the whole "waaah BPD sux" variation followed by "I don't even know Who I Really Am™️ and it's getting old" thing, which she has posted numerous times on both Tumblr and facebook. I guess in her head she thinks she's one of those people who are just so unique that they don't just have one style and personality, they have multiple; like those Facebook tier drawings that go around every so often with usually overweight, hot topic, cringey Wicca type alt girls that has a pink UwU character and a black "goth" character with a caption like "mY TwO pErSonAliTiEs!!"
But she has literally no variation whatsoever. You can guarantee a few things about how Tuna is going to dress, look and act throughout the day, every day. Pastel UwU clothing, cheap Amazon fast fashion, angels, kawaii plastic junk, pennywise level cake makeup, embarrassing herself being desperate for attention, pictures of piles of art books for "inspiration" but only ever drawing the same girl with drugs/cigarettes/pills and abusing her copic markers coloring it like a 5 year old, ill-fitting slip dress/baby doll/skirt trying hard to be like those cute heroin chic girls in the 90s (but is obese and 5'9" with rashes from fat sweat and not washing, bc actual heroin addicts aren't cute).
She's even said from close to day one online basically "the heroin addict chic aesthetic from the 90s is so cool I love it". She bizarrely and questionably modeled not only her style, but her entire life around it. She's never, in all of the incredible amount of things she's posted online at this point on different accounts, expressed having even one other side to her personality. And as has been mentioned here numerous times, was sooo about being her heroin addicted, scheming self that she willingly cheated, lied and stole from her friends lol and then sits and posts "waAah no one checks up on me anymore", and "I don't even know who I really am". Where is the question for her, exactly?
No. 693888
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She used to be so pretty. Such a fucking waste of life if you think about it
No. 693902
File: 1566731207618.jpg (268.92 KB, 960x640, 2114871_560739_101507258546833…)

>>693891What? Her face is perfectly fine and always has been. Her horrible make up skills is what ruins her look.
No. 693905
File: 1566733651143.jpg (168.05 KB, 768x1024, 5045939519_56d7fd4bb2_b.jpg)

>>693888This pic I found on an old Flickr account pre-Lurch, also with her old username, skwisgaarskwigelf, looks like a different person, she looks so normal… Her bio reads: "I like music and stuff like Dethklok, Megadeth, Nirvana, The Velvet Underground, Dead Kennedys, Dio, Slayer, The Stooges, David Bowie, The New York Dolls…
and I play bass.
that's it."
No. 693939
>>693669Forcing an empty identity in search of a sense of self is actually really common in people like her
Also, speaking of her alledged BPD, the DBT she hasnt mentioned in like a year was just some bullshit off Amazon she didnt get it from a hospital or actual therapist (if she did it would be an ugly spiral workbook hospitals dont pay for pretty expensive full color covers on their DBT materials especially if ur on public health services)
Also why is everybody so surprised that Luna looked better/fresher-faced as a teenager. For a dope addict shes actually aged quite well.
Also I.dont think she ever thinks of Tai other then for pity points on the death anniversary. Lurch is her entire world, there isnt room for anything or anybody else. Its mad depressing too that she doesnt even have any other junkie friends.
No. 693951
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No. 693953
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No. 693956
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No. 693961
>>693939I agree. It's not even milk to post old photos of her. Many addicts looked like normal people before drugs. That's nothing new.
>>693580He truly is unbearable to look at.
>>693638How much you want to bet that she brings that up any time her mom asks her to pay rent?
No. 693963
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Our prodigy has blessed us with another poem 1/?
No. 693973
>>693967I really wonder what the fuck she sees in that walking corpse. Obviously the drugs and as an borderliner she needs someone to cling and project her ideals on.
But she writes things like "you teach me the world" and I really wonder what they talk about. Is there anything of substance in their relationship, how can she learn anything from a person that looks disgusted and disgusting in every picture
>>693580? There's not one picture in which I think that he's affected towards her
No. 693999
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saw this while scrolling through fb
No. 694001
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No. 694009
>>693967so the dead homeless man is no longer her ~real father uwu~?
>>693973What did she see in Roger except for his money? She used to complain that he was screaming at her or something…
No. 694080
File: 1566766628298.jpg (59.67 KB, 750x644, 1498338793916.jpg)

>>689413She talked about herpes as a STI before, 2 years ago
>>414137. Also pic related, she was searching for a sex work website for 2 years at least.
No. 694164
File: 1566775994908.jpg (444.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190825-170006_Fac…)

copied from KF
>Rare cow crossover in the Abby & Will cringe group, regarding a thread for people wanting to join the Lil' Lunchbox Cringe group. Gagged.
No. 694185
>>693967Aaaand there it is. He's the only guy that's ever paid attention to her so she just latched onto him.
Luna, if you ever want to actually try and get better, dump him.
No. 694945
>>694782Name one thing she is actually good at lmao.
Serious answer, I'd imagine it's because of tumblr. She cbfed getting a cane or something (or did and then hocked it) so mental illness wins. And it fits her ~so broken uwu~ aesthetic better
No. 695259
File: 1567090050420.png (804.98 KB, 929x863, tnn.png)

Nobody says that, Tuna. It is the opposite, you're too old to be playing "troubled teen".
No. 695481
File: 1567185952094.png (2.12 MB, 1312x2560, Screenshot_20190830-132522.png)

No. 695697
File: 1567258108129.jpeg (9.04 KB, 170x284, images.jpeg)

>>695690skwisgaar skwigelf, it's a character from the show metalocalypse
No. 695719
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Cursed image
No. 695728
File: 1567277750280.jpeg (138.78 KB, 750x773, 3DEE74DC-E0BE-48ED-AA51-4A24D3…)

No. 696075
File: 1567398928774.png (124.58 KB, 1164x736, sjklsdfhsak.png)

No. 696076
File: 1567399510401.png (89.39 KB, 1196x436, Screen Shot.png)

No. 696077
File: 1567399576277.png (1.77 MB, 2108x2080, screencapture-heavenlykitten19…)

>shit i want from amazon lol
u mean shit you'll get from amazon on your daddy's credit card? ftfy luna
No. 696078
File: 1567399770447.jpg (145.09 KB, 640x852, tumblr_875f607a128abc79fc58ef0…)

>this shit ain’t even age regression or dumbass ddlg it’s “i think it’s cute and i never quit sucking my thumb and it’s the same thing and comforts me while my insomnia murdered my brain”
"dumbass ddlg" she used to be openly ddlg and constantly bought/wore shit that said "daddy's girl" and referred to lurch as daddy so im not sure why she's acting all holier than thou now
No. 696082
File: 1567400770215.jpg (181.94 KB, 1080x1340, IMG_20190902_070620.jpg)

>>696075comments on the post
No. 696083
File: 1567401114303.png (85.63 KB, 303x181, LFHhF5Z.png)

the drool….
No. 696084
File: 1567401198231.jpg (636.38 KB, 1080x1725, IMG_20190902_071402.jpg)

No. 696146
>>696126I have googled 'Luna Schumacher' and nothing about this Luna comes up, so this could really help her find a job if she wanted too…
Unless she would also have to provide her previous last name, as some anons have stated in the past. Can anyone clarify?
No. 696152
>>696075if luna hates these sites so much then why is she apart of abbey brown hate groups too?
if she really wanted people to trust her she'd stop scamming them but that'll never happen
No. 696157
>>696146Sometimes they ask if you’ve ever been known by a different name, I never fill it out though and I’ve never had an issue. And that is for engineering jobs so Luna should not have an issue with the jobs she is qualified for. She just doesn’t want to put effort into the steps it will take
. It’s maybe $20 for a marriage license in NY and whatever it costs for the justice of peace. Some will even take a good bottle of wine. So no excuses there because she has plenty of money for crap. It’s got to be a delusional Lurch holding out for something better to come along because I think Luna would jump at the chance to marry him.
No. 696180
File: 1567446718622.jpg (46.5 KB, 728x453, lfknanfmlksgg.jpg)

No. 696208
>>696180"Yes, Officer, these are people reposting things that I put online under my real name on public accounts."
lol, harassment
No. 696223
>>696199She is never going back to school again. Most likely in 2015 she went to college for about two weeks and the reason she quit was because she shared a room with a roommate and she couldn't smoke weed next to him. She "urgently needs it to calm down from her fear/pain", it was worded something like that.
It's down somewhere in either an old thread here or on KF, can't remember.
Imagine quitting your only future perspective, coming from a household of drugs and madness, because you're not able to smoke weed in your room. It's atrocious.
No. 696254
>>696180that person replies to all of lunas posts with asslicking comments and luna pays them dust kek
if what we're doing is harassment then lock luna up too cause shes doing the same thing to abby brown
No. 696280
File: 1567473505372.jpeg (504.51 KB, 1239x1508, D6E2E242-4EEB-44D8-9FD1-1D5C65…)

goddamn she’s so unfortunate looking. and why’s she wearing such a huge bra size? it’s drooping halfway down her torso
No. 696292
File: 1567475815010.png (1.24 MB, 1257x649, sldkfsdjfsdkjf.png)

No. 696362
File: 1567494960289.png (821.65 KB, 1019x749, 1.png)

From KF.
No. 696363
File: 1567494988959.png (488.03 KB, 975x632, tumblr1.1.png)

No. 696364
File: 1567495027292.png (300.76 KB, 975x423, tumblr2.1.png)

No. 696378
File: 1567501104465.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, B5D41290-E360-4B96-B6D6-DDCE25…)

No. 697367
>>697173i believe this is the correct timeline
She met lurch when she was like 14 because he was her mom's dealer. Lurch was allegedly attracted to her then and always hoped to see her when he went over.
She dated Tai sometime during high school, they broke up during high school. Her grandma died and she got the money some time near the end of high school, maybe shortly after graduation. She couldn't afford to go to the college she wanted so she probably didn't get the money too much sooner before then. She started dating lurch right around that time also because they got together just before she turned 18. Tai died a few years into the Luna/Lurch fairytale romance.
So it's more likely that the heroin use is more related to her grandma's death, not Tai's.
No. 697612
File: 1567693748474.jpg (130.03 KB, 720x1047, lunar cycle.jpg)

Tai posted this when they were both 18. Doubt they still talked.
No. 698426
File: 1567887528223.png (1.49 MB, 970x1160, tumblr4.png)

Pic dump from KF.
No. 698427
File: 1567887567837.png (447.03 KB, 970x614, tumblr2.png)

No. 698428
File: 1567887726496.jpg (96.2 KB, 500x666, tumblr3.2.jpg)

>>696084In full size glory.
No. 698433
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No. 698434
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No. 698435
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No. 699746
>>698434WTF, so she does in fact own some form of lip care. That old, ancient tube of blistex.
Still though, looks like her lips are gonna fall off her face tho.
No. 700293
File: 1568121022153.png (35.12 KB, 813x353, hep.png)

"The virus can be spread through: food or drink prepared by an infected person using eating utensils that have been handled by an infected person sharing a cigarette or smoking equipment (such as bongs) with an infected person"
There is no way she doesn't have it. I wonder if "my dad has Hep C" will be used against him still if she ever does get herself checked out.
No. 701299
>>700293Your quote refers to hepatitis A (fecal-oral route transmission), not hepatitis C (bloodborne transmission).
Either way, can’t rule out hepatitis C since it’s a common in IV drug abusers, especially if they share needles. I can’t fathom how she’s okay with her non-contributory existence.
No. 701693
>>701692Shes not ballsy enough to life anything to get her more than community service. I think it has to be theft over 1000 or something like that before you actually go to jail. She was a teenager type shoplifter, she stole used test pallets from Sephora and knick-knacks from tourist stands. Hospital would be more likely, especially since she abuses seroquel and benzos so severely and mixes them with dope.
TBH if I were her mom I probably wouldn't even Narcan her, id just let the trash take itself to the curb.
No. 701795
>>701653pfffttt what wake up call? She'd be onto a new junkie dick by the end of the day.
>>701685I've never really thought about this question and now I feel stupid. How would we know? I guess someone might get curious and search up an obit at some point after the fact.
No. 701806
>>701652>as we are hearing less and lessShe seems to post frequently in FB groups. She even bragged about being a mod for a popular one.
She just ditched Tumblr and Insta really because ~the forums are making fun of her~. That's not to say she's doing well health wise.
No. 702387
>>702354Jail would just be another excuse "I cant work EVEN MORE now because nobody will hire me with my record". Plus nobody goes to jail and turns their shit around, you go to jail and come out knowing better tips and tricks to not get busted the next time. Change requires remorse, which she is incapable of.
Her absence IS really weird, because the internet is her life. It is her only portal to a world outside of her bedroom. Also shes not dead she reblogged some aesthetic pics about 2 days ago
No. 702505
File: 1568404455931.png (9.01 MB, 1242x2688, 453DE86B-63E5-4057-8196-B18820…)

Facebook Anon here again, she's posting in our group selling nudes with recycled photos and the most minimal effort of calling men 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞.
No. 705473
File: 1568739028312.png (947.04 KB, 1440x1854, Screenshot_2019-09-17-09-48-52…)

>>705124Her ironic mini bio now reads like a badly made lolcow thread, this is depressing.
No. 705481
File: 1568739825392.png (242.63 KB, 720x973, Capture _2019-09-16-08-39-50.p…)

No. 705483
File: 1568739903691.png (71.81 KB, 719x432, Capture _2019-09-17-13-00-07.p…)

…also in depserate need of useless objects amd flannels and somehow owns 3749 lingerie but no cat
No. 705494
File: 1568741193643.png (271.37 KB, 720x1196, Capture _2019-09-17-13-23-42.p…)

andd we cant forget pristine nails for when your ailing cat with no food or litter is passing away. these were all posted within one day of each other
No. 705504
File: 1568742862673.png (472.89 KB, 1312x1638, Screenshot_20190917-135216~2.p…)

No. 705515
>blue lipstick for that freshly OD'ed look[song related]
Someone over on KF pointed out that she hasn't wished Daniel Johnston RIP.
>>705483What shoes has she been wearing and where to wear them out? Or does she still trot out in bedroom slippers?
No. 705626
>>705504Why didn't this selfish sack of useless bother to offer something in return for cat food and litter?
"My cat will starve and I have nothing to give, but if you buy me these nails I will send nudes for as long as you live."
She doesn't deserve that cat.
No. 705942
File: 1568779646832.jpeg (498.84 KB, 750x1334, DB69E19A-F509-4736-B93C-97FE9D…)

I’m confused
No. 705943
File: 1568779667709.png (250.68 KB, 750x1334, EA66BDE6-E6B0-4B4E-B8BD-97C85B…)

No. 706202
File: 1568832529135.png (18.21 KB, 712x292, dskfsdklfsdkfdf.png)

woe is luna
No. 706203
File: 1568832565248.png (477.34 KB, 682x964, kjhhjkjhkjhkj.png)

No. 706693
>>706596If she can't afford to take care of the cat, then she should give it up to a shelter. That cat would at least be in better hands before it dies. Also, if that cat was truly starving and needed litter, she wouldn't be asking for people to buy her stuff too. The cat would be her main priority. Note that she offered nudes and drawings if people bought
her things and not the cat.
No. 707065
File: 1568997644085.jpg (208.26 KB, 720x1276, Tweets 1.jpg)

Found some tweets I didn't see in thread #13. I always wondered why someone who claims to suffer from insomnia always drinks coffee… Iced coffee
>>434426 No. 707253
File: 1569030572497.png (744.02 KB, 720x1024, Screenshot_2019-09-20-21-48-13…)

No. 707257
File: 1569031174391.png (2.18 MB, 1762x768, meow.png)

No. 707275
>>707257This fucking bitch was literally just begging for money to buy food and litter for an old, sick cat
>>705481 and she gets a fucking kitten?
>look who i metSo I wonder who she stole it from.
No. 707280
File: 1569034012444.png (22.06 KB, 698x392, personal.png)

No. 707316
File: 1569039137763.jpg (727.23 KB, 1080x1605, 20190920_231130.jpg)

>>707257>>707262According to this, the kitten belongs to someone else.
No. 707558
File: 1569095331299.jpg (145.37 KB, 640x853, tumblr_58251c468bf40bdad21a8c5…)

No. 707572
File: 1569098507447.jpeg (313.07 KB, 750x1005, 1CC2B8FF-24EE-4A7C-BFA9-BD8223…)

No. 707573
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No. 707575
File: 1569099604085.jpg (160.62 KB, 640x852, mark.jpg)

You could eat a bowl of cereal out of that track mark
No. 707608
>>707558>>707572Holy shit she looks like a preschooler's unfinished clay project.
>>707573They're standing in front of a rather nice place. I'm assuming they're going shopping into people's cars again. Has she mentioned her dad at all lately? She uses his credit card but I can't recall her making a peep about her parental ATM.
No. 707711
File: 1569115918864.png (342.82 KB, 1312x2121, Screenshot_20190921-212812~2.p…)

No. 707712
File: 1569115975153.png (324.32 KB, 1312x1766, Screenshot_20190921-212825~2.p…)

No. 707721
>>707712this is how u can tell shes never been poor in her life. You but the big pink industrial thing of powdered soap for 20 bucks and a bottle of peroxide. Soap cleans body/clothing (shit lasts YEARS even if you go HAM with it) and peroxide cleans teeth. 25 bucks, there's your hygiene and all of it can be done in a public bathroom. Steal toilette paper from public bathrooms- it doubles as pads
And of course shed want the body wash with the microplastic beads that hurt the ocean
No. 707808
>>707572>>707558jesus god she looks terrible
>>70771140 fucking things lmao buy your own toothbrush they cost like 50 cents
No. 707887
>>707711>toothpaste>pads >soap>shampoo>cleaning suppliesMentioned in the same vein as
>hair bleach>fake nails>lipstick>face masks>new straightenerhow out of touch do you have to be to put it like this? is it the entitlement talking or the drugs? she'd look better begging for a lump sum of money
No. 707931
File: 1569145149286.jpg (125.88 KB, 637x583, 20181216_112058.jpg)

>>707575>>707558Jesus fucking christ, she doesn't even look human anymore. How is she still alive?
No. 707935
File: 1569146446598.png (7 MB, 1125x2436, 0649E2A4-182A-4DC1-A9BA-E16136…)

>>707572Anyone know what’s going on with the legs?
No. 707937
>>707935she's injecting there?
>>707573surprisingly lurch looks less like a junkie than luna. his arms look clean, no visible marks… why isn't he looking for work again? luna's shit aight, but lurch is actually the laziest pos
No. 707961
>>707937He looks less like a junkie because he isnt trying to look like a junkie, shes still wrapped up in her aesthetic fantasy.
And two of the marks on her leg are deff injection points, i cant tell if others are healed or just discoloration but she also self harms by burning so those marks could be scars.
No. 708036
>>708014Shes constantly flooding her system with painkillers and benzos. It probably never occurred to her to complain about teeth pain when she doesnt feel any.
Rip cottoneyedjoe knee
No. 708040
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No. 708042
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No. 708043
>>708033from having teeth and knowing people with teeth lmfao
>>708036another reason she is dumb AF, dentists are the easiest people in the world to get painkillers from
No. 708044
>>708040I saw the "dis" and assumed she was trying to pull off that cringy typing thing Die Antwoord does and then after the word "sum1" I thought I was having a fucking stroke.
What could 'smirked' and 'hmm s d' be junkie-type for?
No. 708085
>>708040That lower right pic… what the fuck.
She's so fucked up.
I wonder what's going on in her mom's life. We already know she relapsed because of Tuna but there's no way that being around her daughter and her former dealer didn't have major impact on her life.
I wonder what her dad thinks about Luna ruining her mom's life, they must talk about her.
No. 708344
>>708040One of her eyes is already off to rehab and getting a job. The other wants to stay with Tuna.
I guess she likes looking like a corpse with wonky eyes. Shit like this is why employers will never hire you despite how much you pretend to want a job, Tuna.
No. 708396
>>708188Food banks do rather often as well (at least the ones I volunteered at did when we had them), but if I remember right she bitched about the food. Just like the group she attended for a bit.
Luna has access to all the help in the world, she just doesn't want it because it involves effort on her part and isn't covered in stickers and grave dirt and stuffed with xanax.
No. 708422
>>707711>>707712-Most of this shit you can buy at the dollar store. Products in drugstores are always exorbitantly marked up here, I imagine it's the same in the US/New York?
-The only reason she's asking for bleach for the bathroom is to take photos in a bath, but the tub is probably mad filthy, even for Luna standards.
-Teeth whitening strips are like $60-$100 lmao. Why bother when you chainsmoke and don't brush anyway.
-General mention to all the makeup begs: the only reason she does it is for Insta photos, or maybe someone is buying her nudes. Regardless, how does she own/need so much fucking product as someone who doesn't ever go anywhere?
-"new" straightener again is atleast $50 in a drugstore.
-l'oreal cream because it's hEr FaVe but she looks like a bloated corpse pulled from a lake due to her efforts (or lack therof)
and my personal favourite:
>nicer toilet paper i'm sick of thin add nasty toilet paperShe's really wanting someone to front for smooth 4 ply? Who actually gives a fuck about tp quality, let alone ask for the premium on your Facebook begging list while you post this too
>>708040 She had a sick cat a few days ago, she apparently can't afford basic necessities but god forbid this bitch wipes with low tier toilet paper. You get nice stuff when you earn it
Can op update if there were any comments on that post?
No. 708518
>>708085Lol you guys need to stop with this "poor addict mom" shit like, yeah, Luna fucked up a lot and this isn't exactly a nice thing she's doing rn, but come on. Her childhood was obviously unstable as fuck and rather than do any shit to get better her mom just has grown ass drug dealers around her teen daughter then her daughter got groomed and ended up with one of them. Not only that, it was lurch who enabled this heroin addict shit she was determined to do, which, regardless of her own choices and determination is one of the shittiest things you can do to a human being. I've been friends with addicts who won't even let me see their heroin or when they are shooting up cause they know the life ain't great and they are horrified of the possibility that someone else will get into it too. They told me and warned me extensively about predators like lurch who just love to pick up and enable damaged young women to become heroin addicts too. They considered these people like they were murderers, and honestly, they kinda fucking are.
Luna isn't a great person and exhausted her extremely privileged options, but I'm tired of people acting like her objectively terrible family are some kind of saints for putting up with her bullshit. Her bullshit is what they deserve, tbf.
No. 708533
File: 1569268687571.jpg (542.06 KB, 1080x2220, 20190923_145510.jpg)

>>708422Not op, but no one replied.
No. 708579
>>708396>if I remember right she bitched about the foodShe did. She said that people need to donate yummy food and not stale cereals and food that no one likes.
>>708533Good. I hope no one gets her entitled ass a single thing from that list.
No. 708633
File: 1569289220713.png (53.96 KB, 525x453, Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 11.4…)

this is fucking bleak
No. 708643
File: 1569290394634.png (533.51 KB, 711x747, Xu4uR12.png)

she can't afford 50 cent toothbrush or food for her dying cat but can afford a brand new $15 plush No. 709115
File: 1569373080765.jpeg (336.6 KB, 750x1044, EDA6F1E4-03E4-4D90-90B3-A167A9…)

you can tell by the shadow he’s holding something up in the picture. wonder what it was that luna felt the need to crop out for ig
No. 709209
>>707937His arms look clean because he can't use them any longer. He's been injecting into his legs (and I assume elsewhere) for years.
>>707935We've seen tracks on her feet and ankles in the last year or so but nothing like this on her thighs. She's working on an abscess to rival his.
No. 709214
File: 1569388930571.png (247.96 KB, 778x883, Screenshot_2019-09-24-22-17-38…)

Observations on her legs courtesy the other farms.
No. 709740
>>709439in NY if you wind up in the ER they can hold you for 72 hours and usually do if its drug-related because they want to get your insurance to put you in some kind of detox. You also have to see the psychologist before they will let you go. Luna is a manipulative twat there is no way she wouldnt say some "feel bad for me" shit that the psychologist couldnt write down as "suicide risk" and get to bill her insurance for a week in the acute supervision wing.
IDK how it is in other states but here in NY i went in for an eye injury and as soon as they saw on the chart that I had a mental health history they were trying to trick me into saying i was suicidal. Every second there is an empty bed, they are losing money.
No. 710173
File: 1569554375348.png (Spoiler Image,982.14 KB, 1080x898, Screenshot_20190926-211712.png)

This pose looks so uncomfortable
No. 711304
File: 1569730455693.jpeg (341.97 KB, 2048x2048, 9EB3AB37-A64C-4F2A-9461-D8C227…)

>>707968>>707558Old post but this is seriously happening. I’ll keep it short and just say it happened to me. She is going to lose her front teeth in a year or so.
The tops are very clearly turning brown and decaying.
No. 713801
>>713676>>713680Yeah. I mean of course he could be worse but I feel like we don’t even hear the half of it from Luna, and what she has shared sounds like hell. Any picture she’s painted of him being chill and loving is a front. He’s at least verbally/emotionally
abusive and I’m willing to bet he puts pressure on her to beg and whore herself out to make money for them.
Luna wanted this but he plays a huge role in keeping her there I’m sure, he’s not just someone on the sidelines.
No. 713915
>>713905>>713532Eh, she's not the worst. Luckily the internet doesn't come with smell. That's one factor you can't see. For all we're aware it danks of cat piss and musty sex.
Also, the photos aren't HD or seen in 3D. Plus if you browse on your phone, they're lower quality. That kind of stuff looks way worse in person, and hardly shows up on camera unless it's really bad. The fact the stains are that visible and common is why people mention it. Plus how the get there in such quantity. There's a photo of this old purple comforter she had compared to new and it was shocking. On its own, it looked a little dull and run down, but compared to new it was filthy.
Plus how does she get so many stains on herself? Id obvious she doesn't wash anything, but sheesh. Things like stuffed animals get kept by children for years without getting as grimy as hers do.
No. 714231
>>713915She is filthy, she is just not the worst. Her space is uninhabitable by any normal standard but it hasn't reached flop-house levels. There are sheets on the bed and only one bed in the room, which right there is saying a lot.
I assume there is a strong stench of cat piss though, and smoke, and junkie sweat/puke. Especially cat piss, and I believe it will linger long after the passing of the cat (this is her last one?)
No. 714840
File: 1570382599292.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.09 KB, 720x960, ttt.jpg)

A sample of Luna's sexy foot pics that she is offering lucky lucky men. How blessed we are to be given this erotic treasure for free.
No. 714932
File: 1570393233541.jpg (240.36 KB, 620x883, ew.jpg)

some context
No. 715269
>>714840Of course she's so grimy that she'd happily be the "domme" that plagues Twitter shoving their nasty feet into the camera lens and going "Fuck you, pay me now"
It's like the lowest of the lower effort for Luna but at least they use proper hygiene and look presentable.
Bonus dumbass points for accepting Paypal for sex related things. She can have that frozen if someone decides to charge back or report her.
No. 715979
>>715518There's a difference between some girl who looks good and went outside for 5 mins barefoot and someone who looks like a corpse and never left her room and has feet like that. It's past degenerate and into the zone where you might as well be hiring a 60 year old truck stop hooker that's one week from dying of a sexual disease.
>>715974Luna on SA would be hilarious though. She'd fall for every "I'll pay you $50 per meet, once a week. That's a lot of money at the end of the month!" scam.
>>715516Probably thinks she has nothing to lose. No one will hire her already so ruining her real name/identity is nothing. The worst thing that could happen would probably be her clients Googling her and finding all of this.
No. 718771
File: 1571072877044.png (9.05 KB, 999x162, 1.png)

No. 719099
File: 1571160841263.jpeg (Spoiler Image,309.42 KB, 1538x2048, EG73hJ3XUAEr0SM.jpeg)

She posted on tumblr her SW twitter.
No. 719101
>>719099Holy shit, I'm
I'm also shocked that anyone's ass looks grosser than shayna(?)
No. 719115
>>719100$20… to drink her own piss. $20.
I dont know what I ever expected from her but I never thought it would be this low.
No. 719197
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No. 719198
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No. 719199
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No. 719200
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No. 719201
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No. 719202
File: 1571183162342.jpeg (Spoiler Image,631.6 KB, 1536x2046, E4129012-4D1E-4215-9917-808FA9…)

No. 719231
File: 1571187476175.png (179.48 KB, 779x352, Capture.PNG)

>>719100Imagine paying $20 to see Luna suck Chief's hard-on in their filth den.
Apparently she's falling for retweet scams as well. Wonder how long til a Nigerian prince is promising to take her away and marry her.
No. 719247
File: 1571193235534.png (592.57 KB, 701x548, 657567869.PNG)

No. 719290
>>719200Damn, Luna is so stupid. She'll sell her dignity for $20 yet thinks she's too good to work at mcdonalds or Walmart. Fuck a stable paycheck, she's gonna sell sporadic nudes.
She thinks it's more reasonable to drink her own piss and sell videos of it than to get a low paying job.
Delusion level 100.
No. 719302
No way groooooossss hahaha these lewds are simething else
>>719202You can tell her camera is sitting on top of the toilet lid so this is an actual pov of Tuna shitting
No. 719459
File: 1571253818014.png (765.21 KB, 704x1020, asdlkanjdnkadnsd.png)

>>719197>>719198she can't afford a cheap coat or save 10 bucks but she's somehow able to buy a brand new $25 cinnamoroll plushie
>>719456same. she's a fan of shayna and other ddlg weirdos from tumblr
No. 719460
File: 1571253841078.jpg (122.59 KB, 640x480, tumblr_c67b2143757fe2a2c016bff…)

No. 719482
>>719459I may be taking a wild guess, but is the internet friend Emmy (serotoninblue)?
>>>/snow/797728 They followed each other on IG.
No. 719498
>>719407Sex work is an accurate name. It involves a LOT of emotionally, physically demanding work. It also requires sex appeal, which is a learned skill, and Luna is like, so unsexy to almost anyone but a small niche of people who get off to degrading sad junkies.
Luna is way too lazy to do full service prostitution. She never has the gumption to leave her house, there's no way in hell she can manage clients, hygiene, and social interaction.
No. 719509
>>719498That's what the drugs are for though. Save the hygiene of course.
Self perpetuating cycle
No. 719578
File: 1571273841739.jpg (446.14 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20191017-115602_Ins…)

holy shit
No. 719610
>>719578God if she and Lurch weren't such bad people, I'd feel bad for her.
No. 719615
>>719613Is she covering a bruise on her nose or something?
I've never seen someone look more sad, god. This picture needs to be in a PSA.
No. 719624
File: 1571280483379.jpg (492.86 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_b0d22cc1f1ba7d7ffbbc526…)

>>719615Her nose does look pretty swollen near the top of the bridge.
No. 719625
>>719624Tinfoiling, result of her "watch me beat myself" video taken or something else.
She looks blasted.
No. 719626
>>719624(Anon you are responding too)Yeah really Looks like someone hit her or something.
Looks swollen, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me.
No. 719635
File: 1571283378759.jpeg (411.37 KB, 1125x1785, 596326F7-8C1E-479C-9283-4494E2…)

No. 719658
>>719200I wonder if the bj video is new content or something she recorded years ago. I remember some VJ photos in one of the first Luna threads, as well as a movie of Lurch slapping Luna with his dick or something (?).
Either way, this is very sad. Do you guys think that even McDonald's is rejecting her or is she not even trying?
I liked it more when she was selling her art…
I do lowkey hope that Luna and Shayna will do something together, they are into similar uwu bby sex worker aesthetics.
No. 719824
>>719700It's the only type of place that people think would hire her because she has nothing to bring to the table
But realistically she's not even qualified for bottom of the barrel type jobs
No. 719989
File: 1571411271440.webm (610.14 KB, 720x1280, njwUxS2nwmbrF3PQ.webm)
Once againg flashing her big areola.
>dm me for more $$$$
No. 720040
>>719989Her problem is shes trying to sell herself as some hot e-girl instead of embracing the gross angle. She could easily sell dirty socks or some shit, and she gives way too much away for free off the bat.
yall saying she wouldn't be pimp-able should come to NY and see some of the girls walking the streets in the city. Shes not in bad condition for a junkie hooker.
No. 720138
File: 1571452503345.png (7 KB, 702x131, 3.png)

No. 720139
File: 1571452539412.png (190.26 KB, 713x2053, 1.png)

No. 720140
File: 1571452606008.png (223.83 KB, 713x1824, 2.png)

No. 720169
File: 1571461500771.jpg (372.83 KB, 750x1131, IMG_2359.jpg)

No. 720171
File: 1571463501455.png (28.12 KB, 499x144, Screen Shot 2019-10-19 at 4.38…)

what the fuck?
No. 720177
File: 1571465714617.png (30.94 KB, 509x177, Screen Shot 2019-10-19 at 5.15…)

this bitch is so cooked
No. 720178
File: 1571465783737.jpg (102.8 KB, 640x853, tumblr_7e8065eb6824252e15d80ae…)

No. 720193
>>720169Those fuck ups didn't happen in your teen years, they're happening now in your adult years.
>>720178Pretty much like this nasty shit. She looks like a preschooler's first wax project.
>>720171It's her house, Tuna. If she wants to make a full thanksgiving meal at 4am, then she can. If you don't like it, leave. It's that simple. What a whiny cunt.
No. 720201
>>720169I'm wondering if the "fucking you as a teenager" is reference to her bf from waaay back who has his own page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, considering she got her own footnote in the chaper. Which if its what shes hinting at is so far from the truth when her cow "infamy" didnt take off until she was publically sucking on old man cock while boasting about her drug usage? The thing that set off her "
e-fame" were putrid pictures of dirty plushies and needles stuck together, people found out about her skeezy ex AFTER the fact and it only nailed in the coffin that she has never learned a single thing from her negative life experiences and uses it as a crutch to
continue living a miserable life until the inevitable happens and she stops breathing in her sleep from all the xanax she gobbles up nightly.
You cannot be aware that you have made bad decisions in the past, then
carbon copy the exact same decisions now expecting people to root for you because you're "trying your best" at getting a 9-5 while showing extremely public "sex work" posts/ads all accessible within two mouse clicks or the hoards of facebook panhandling….but sure tween luna posts pre-heroin is whats gonna stop future employers.
No. 720203
File: 1571479690195.jpg (65.57 KB, 650x960, tumblr_pzlbdr0DtH1xxzxb4o1_128…)

>everything is bad worse than ever fuckin bad! this was taken before it was bad tho
No. 720210
>>720203your evil mom is likely making that chicken for you, cow. you have no income whatsoever and you're this fat? thank your mom for keeping you fed
WELL fed. just… just look at you
No. 720236
>>720169I'm wondering what she thinks she did as a teenager fucked up her life worse than everything she's done in her adult years? A stranger on the street could look at you and know you're a drug addict and you've fucked yourself over by going online with it too.
You know employers look at you on Facebook right? One FB search of your name and they'll find all your sex work and your drug bragging.
>>720171>mother cooking dinner>IT'S ABUSIVE, I'M PANICKING. GIVE ME $5 FOR DRUGS No. 720241
File: 1571495050341.png (123.53 KB, 412x227, white chicks.png)

>>720178She looks like a man with flour on his face and a cheap wig slapped on his head.
No. 720311
File: 1571520180554.jpg (597.46 KB, 1080x1814, 20191019_172027.jpg)

There's several comparisons of Luna pre-lurch, so I thought I'd do a comparison of lurch, then and now. He hasn't aged well either. This photo makes him look healthy by comparison.
No. 720314
File: 1571520202886.jpg (906.37 KB, 1080x1772, 20191019_172059.jpg)

No. 720348
File: 1571526865298.jpeg (93.54 KB, 640x811, 03C2CF16-08F3-4213-B203-BD910B…)

No. 720358
File: 1571528237980.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1242x1772, C7504A43-275F-4EDF-80F5-849A2C…)

Omg those stains
No. 720359
File: 1571528368970.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1242x1826, F6A2B3AE-FB07-4664-8364-9C0EEC…)

Seriously everything she owns is stained
No. 720360
File: 1571528480370.jpeg (Spoiler Image,431.53 KB, 1242x1741, A7E24DF7-049F-4699-81CF-501A29…)

No. 720397
File: 1571534441767.gif (1.53 MB, 512x512, tumblr_cd5bae819d9a8d2ef549ffb…)

No. 720435
File: 1571539869165.jpeg (110.66 KB, 425x439, B7DF78B8-A962-4934-8EE0-F3478E…)

Girls on another planet
No. 720505
File: 1571553496262.png (3.21 MB, 750x1334, 15BD8BA0-6471-4CEC-8048-CEA0E8…)

Oh honey
No. 720506
>i don't have many regretsoh honey you should
>>720435jesus fucking christ
>>720397The real luna isnt in there anymore
No. 720538
File: 1571559981995.jpg (71.7 KB, 960x540, fallout_4_hancock.jpg)

>>720178She looks like a ghoul
No. 720592
>>720169Does she not realize that she's fucking herself up NOW by posting pictures of drugs and shit? her life isn't ruined because she was an embarrassing teenager, it's ruined because she's an embarrassing adult.
I'm also so curious about how she would cope with having to go to work every day. Has she ever had a job for more than a few days? She's like 23 and I somehow doubt that she'll be able to go from laying in bed high as fuck all day to having to go into work and be productive and talk to people. the only thing i could see her doing is being a cashier
No. 720707
File: 1571608344286.png (1.15 MB, 679x895, luna.png)

No. 720710
File: 1571608563470.png (1.44 MB, 685x901, piic.png)

the track marks on her arm is making me gag
No. 720727
File: 1571612517737.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191020-180142.png)

No. 720738
File: 1571615901264.png (15.96 KB, 691x205, sw.png)

No. 720739
File: 1571615927335.png (500.52 KB, 709x823, ebegging.png)

No. 720742
>>720311>>720314Damn. And to think I thought those two looked awful in the "before" photo… This is such a sad fucking saga.
I do kind of hope Luna's making at least… a little bit of money from her sw stuff? Putting yourself out there when you look like an actual homeless women can't be easy. I honestly envy her confidence.
No. 720749
>>720169>>720177Damn. I know she's skeezy and everything but I honestly feel bad for her. Sometimes when you've dug yourself into such a deep dark hole, and you don't have any positive role models or friends willing to at least encourage you to get out of it… Sometimes it makes more sense to just dive deeper into that void. Inevitably this leads to suicidal ideation and possible suicide attempts. I'm honestly surprised Luna is still alive in her current state, I'd have thought she would have either offed herself or done a 180 and improved her life at this point.
Have any cows ended up killing themselves? Or even attempting?
No. 720761
>>720720I know, was just being stupidly optimistic.
>>720741She really only has one bra, huh.
No. 720765
>>720761The tiny bit of sympathy that I could muster for her, ended when I was read that she was fanboying over someone who murdered someone.
Yeah, I can't be bothered to have much emotion for her nowadays.
There's a laundry list of shit she's done. I do understand how it's easy to want an story where she gets clean and becomes better but I sincerely doubt it at this point.
No. 720796
>>720738>easy ass thing>anyone can do>open their legs and show their tittiesthat's literally all Luna is doing.
Luna, who has done nothing in the past several years other than begging for cash, shooting up and barring out, scamming, begging and deceiving, stealing from gravesites, taking advantage of her elderly FIL
and none of this has even required any effort or even [conniving] thought.
less than a month ago she was asking for whitening strips, good quality toilet paper, l'oreal night cream, a new straightener, fake nails, on top of 30 other useless items in her ultimate demand list
>>707711 >>707712
now she thinks she deserves empathy for being a hard working sexworker because she flopped her sloppy utter out on Twitter and chose to drink piss?
No. 720797
>>720358Those are literally cat piss stains. The stench of her has to be unbearable.
>>720673She got into outpatient at one point and all she did was complain about the free food and leave when during a session the person leading it said something she didn't like.
>>720738It's hard because you're nasty and when guys are paying for nudes, why buy from you when there are better looking girls who have basic hygiene? Hell, Luna only started sex work BECAUSE she thought it was easy.
No. 720799
File: 1571623548884.png (51.78 KB, 689x495, klelkwrnlwr.png)

No. 720800
File: 1571623594685.png (86.22 KB, 695x633, tkmerltkmerwt.png)

No. 720802
>>720800Luna is so incredibly infantilized because that's what she wants to be. She wants to be free of every adult responsibility and just be left to lay in bed smoking weed and doodling all day.
Sounds like even Lurch is getting sick of her shit. Especially now that she can't scam anymore and isn't making money like she used to. If she didn't get them into her mom's apartment I doubt he'd even be with her.
No. 720839
File: 1571633925526.png (7.18 MB, 1242x2208, 10BF6FB7-5179-4231-9D24-AFAEE4…)

luna, please clean your mirror before taking bathroom vids!!!
No. 720846
>>720739She could literally go to a thrift store and get this for $2.
>>720797>why buy from you when there are better looking girls who have basic hygiene?This.
>>720765Taking a person's last two dollars and stealing things from a dying old man are definitely up there on that laundry list.
No. 720863
File: 1571651859507.png (2.11 MB, 750x1334, 80BE6693-817E-4D0B-A4D8-22CA1B…)

No. 720878
>>720799Ugh this BITCH. Wanna be treated like a baby, Luna? last time i checked, babies don't scam people or shoot dope. You are an adult, pick those loose udders up off of the internet and at least go learn something on skillshare, being as all you do is sit online. Also, cuddling up under blankets is very rewarding when you get home from work. Try it some time.
Sorry to sperg a bit she really annoys me. The simplest adult plight is the end of the world to her. She is making no effort to change and thinks that horrifying SW attempt is what constitutes hard work.
No. 720932
>>720911Probably she did something that annoyed him and it escalated. Happens in all relationships.
Well judging from the anon that cow tipped way back and was messaging lurch, he probably said a lot of poorly written, flowery, love shit. I mean reading it is revolting but that was some random over Facebook. He groomed her a long time, as a teenager. She's not the brightest bulb in the box either so she's the kind of person to fall for some guy like lurch whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He wrote her cards, wooed her and actively pursued her.
Add her heroin fetishization and him being her access to fulfill it… Of course.
It's hard to say how he feels about her because as much as she has a long, documented, online presence, he has almost nothing about his life, thoughts or feelings available. As much as we like saying he's using her as a meal ticket, they've been together way too long for that to be the only reason he's around.
There's plenty of ways to get an addict gf who pays the bill than latch on to someone who became a scammer after being together. Basically pick any number of girls off the tenderloin, give them a fix and pimp them out. Heck he could make money sucking dick too. I'm honestly surprised the sex work had come this late in the game. Reading the threads, it seems a lot easier than the scams she ran. Join lurch for a run to the bronx and stand on a street corner till some man pays you 60 for a bj. Luna is in bad shape but she's better looking than most toothless crack heads with no online presence who make bank off sick fucks.
Honestly Im surprised they've been together this long with no physical abuse, break ups or outright cheating being lurch messaging that random. I'm not saying their relationship is healthy, but they've stuck it out a long time without many major issues. It's always been them vs the world.
No. 720983
File: 1571684317467.png (28.23 KB, 703x241, buy my nudes.png)

No. 721011
>>720983>buy my fucking nudesClassy Tuna
Calling it now that she's gonna go hooking soon. Doubt a lot of people want her crusty ass nudes, so what else could be the next step if not offing herself.
No. 721141
>>720932I have a theory that lurch is a passive retarded sea slug with no greater aspirations beyond getting high. Luna provided money via inheritance, scam bucks, a mother to provide basic care/food/shelter (for fucks sake her own bedroom) and a father im sure kicks in money when absolutely needed. He lived rent free with his father forever and can continue doing so with lunas mom. All his brain cells can be allocated to obtaining and distributing dope.
Theyre both lazy, hes like 40 and been a junkie long before luna knowing how to "survive" given rent is paid.
Also he is so fried, incapable of doing much more than whispering sweet nothings via fb chat in his bedroom. Lack of sex drive and any real ambition renders him the weekend at bernies sea creature weve come to know and love in lunas iluvusomuch photos.
No. 721185
File: 1571715572554.png (357.19 KB, 733x760, 1555053901877.png)

No. 721383
>>721185i know it is old hat to mention but Luna is drinking piss and shoving hairbrushes up her ass and trying to do cam shows IN HER MOTHER'S SMALL APARTMENT
She has to listen to her daughter fail at e-whoring around the house and OH MY GOD I JUST SAW THE FRIDGE THIS ISNT EVEN IN HER ROOM
No. 721479
File: 1571789723333.png (391.79 KB, 342x505, Screenshot_10.png)

>>721474THIS. i have been thinking this about the heroin chic look regarding her SW attempts. A softer look could actually bring some business in, as well as editing photo's for the most flattering outcome possible. If she wants people to buy images she needs to put her all into them and her look. Pic related, same style, no bra.
No. 721483
>>721445This is pure awkward cringe. She tries to be sexy, but it comes across weird as fuck. Like bitch, slow down your movements or actually watch some videos on how to be flirtatious or seductive, then try again. But that may be too much effort for her.
>>721446What is she even doing with her tit? It's like she was afraid to touch it, then touched it, but went back to being afraid, rinse and repeat. She should also shave her mustache if she's going to try to be sexy, but we all know that she's too lazy to do that.
No. 721568
>>721446>>721445Luna is so unsexy. She's wobbling around ungracefully with such a lack of rhythm. Her facial expressions are so weird and jerky, she is literally staring transfixed at herself in the camera the entire time. Her dead eyes don't move from the image of herself.
Really gives insight as to what she spends most of her days doing, wobbling around, trying to find the best angle and facial expression that she thinks comes across as "beautiful".
Now that she's lost a bit of weight (she gets off to validation when people say that), she thinks it automatic makes her more sexy. Nope, she is still the graceless, charmless, and gormless lump that she always has been.
She's too xanned out to realize how her behavior and presentation comes across to other people. She just wants to hide in her bedroom and make excuses for why she can't improve her life.
No. 721827
>>721648Not seeing any appreciable weight loss, certainly not enough to warrant any countdown to skinny waif status.
She's always looked lumpy and saggy to me,but usually the same weight range.
No. 721869
>>721827check some of the photos of her from the old threads, there are before and after pics of her body from her pre-heroin days. she was always curvy but her waist definitely looks thinner and her ass has shrunk quite a bit. she is by no means thin and definitely does not look healthy either way, i think lumpy and saggy may just be tuna's body type regardless of what weight she is.
a few threads ago people were commenting how she's still quite fat for a heroin addict, especially when she claims to have lost so much weight from dope and yet still looks huge. so i wonder if this is just another one of tuna's weird weight fluctuations or if she's doing enough heroin to actually wipe out her appetite to the point where she loses weight instead of gaining it. whatever it is she looks mad sickly
No. 721874
>>721869she looks sick to me. her skin has a clammy, pallid appearance. agree that she's lost weight but she seems like she's gotten really bad.
this sounds awful but she should switch to tar and smoke instead, at least she wouldn't have to worry about fent.
No. 722008
>>721869Went back to thread 10 which was 2017, clicked about 5 pics at random
>>394409>>395302>>398418>>398504>>398883She's lost weight since she was a chunky lil teen, sure. SHe has not lost weight recently. If anything, shes put on at 25 lbs since 2017
No. 722009
File: 1571945321803.jpg (93.47 KB, 1148x805, 2019-10-24_15-26-00.jpg)

Taken from KF.
Discount on drinking pee, I guess. It's not the prices that's the problem Tuna, it's you.
No. 722011
>>722008 ^same fagging
>>696362>>720203I'm not here to body shame the bitch. Im just pointing out its not the norm (as I understand)
to gain on smack. But not an expert so…
No. 722033
File: 1571951445245.gif (352.46 KB, 480x270, tumblr_o0m5c5k5Yp1ud1w70o1_500…)

She's a lumpy princess. Her butt is flat as a pancake from sitting on it all day. If she had any muscle she'll look decent but weighed more than the anachan she aspires to be.
No. 722056
File: 1571959159322.jpg (50.91 KB, 714x512, _20191024_191918.JPG)

im not a detective or nuthin but i think he stole that laptop
No. 722090
File: 1571969117352.png (378.24 KB, 699x657, fdsnkfsdlfks.png)

she's pretending like she doesn't buy new stuff with daddy's credit card every week
No. 722091
>>722090It's depressing how much Tuna can get away with. She had thrift stores. I'm sure some places might even give her clothes.
Wish there were more insight to her mom
No. 722104
>>722090>my mom threw away my winter and fall clothesLuna's mom graciously allowed her sack of shit adult daughter move in with her and pay no rent, with the understanding she'd move out in what, a month?, and she's stuck around for nearly a year and a half, being a petulant, filthy brat the entire time, and Luna has the motherfucking audacity to whine because her mom threw out a fraction of Luna's never-washed hoard of hideous clothing.
And that's assuming that Luna is telling the truth, not lying through her rotting teeth to scam her idiot followers.
No. 722255
File: 1572029014699.jpg (81.66 KB, 473x770, 2019-10-25_14-43-34.jpg)

Tuna's doing more "deals" today. This is one of the teasers.
No. 722295
File: 1572044846400.png (Spoiler Image,348.62 KB, 348x489, Screenshot_5.png)

Too tight.
No. 722296
File: 1572044982084.png (Spoiler Image,436.62 KB, 386x507, Screenshot_6.png)

The pit in the arm is horrifying. Didn't think it was that bad until now.
No. 722310
File: 1572050020478.jpg (151.41 KB, 640x848, tumblr_c679bb8495a78349466b0d2…)

yikes yikes yikes. these trackmark lewds posted on her tumblr
No. 722335
File: 1572052375836.png (18.49 KB, 707x303, fet.png)

No. 722350
>>722335Branching out to fetlife too now, i see.
Do any anon's think this business is in any way taking off? i mean she is committing to this. She has not been this consistent since she was scamming and/or trying to punt her doodles out with posting content related to trying to raise dope money. She posts multiple times a day, every day, since making the lewd business Twitter account. That could mean it either really is, or really is not, working out.
No. 722360
File: 1572055266072.png (202.32 KB, 842x602, Screenshot 2019-10-25 at 8.56.…)

New so still pretty sparse. Luna, you are so lazy. Youre on the site, introduce yourself to people, do a basic search of groups, look around.
No. 722389
File: 1572059101544.png (1.31 MB, 1312x1700, Screenshot_20191025-225747~2.p…)

No. 722393
File: 1572059326153.png (882.14 KB, 1312x1945, Screenshot_20191025-225759~2.p…)

$65 fucking sneakers, can't even manage to get by with Payless knock offs bc she'd be able to afford them and grin and bare it until she lands a job (lol) and can get better shoes since, y'know, she's "totally been applying to jobs all day every day for months now you guys". She has to ask for $65 sneakers bc her life is just so hard that she deserves it out of the goodness of your heart UwU
No. 722394
File: 1572059465925.png (1.46 MB, 1312x1778, Screenshot_20191025-225733~2.p…)

Is doing this on her Facebook wall and not tumblr a new low or is that just me.
No. 722395
File: 1572059490099.png (85.79 KB, 1312x679, Screenshot_20191025-225847~2.p…)

No. 722402
File: 1572059983768.png (93.5 KB, 1312x705, Screenshot_20191025-225858~2.p…)

Only comment on it is from Luna herself
Idk why that "or just buy me an Amazon gift card" really infuriates me, I guess bc she could at least put please in that sentence to try and make it a more appealing thing to do for her, or at least to make it less embarrassing for herself. She's just so entitled as a "homeless person" it doesn't occur to her to add things like that
No. 722404
File: 1572060049524.png (804.46 KB, 1086x872, Screenshot_20191025-225655~2.p…)

No. 722405
File: 1572060113186.png (526.15 KB, 679x730, Screenshot_20191025-225719~2.p…)

No. 722406
>>722402She's worn out everyone's kindness and generosity. Most people are happy to help out a friend struggling through a rough time, not support someone over and over while they're flaunting their amazon purchases and drugs.
Just go ask daddy, luna.
No. 722436
>>722402Didn't she say that her mom threw them out?
>>722090 Which is it, Tuna?
No. 722482
>>722402What really gets me is Luna saying "Think about it" does she not see or hear herself and the way shes not even begging but overall demanding people to compensate her for her own chosen demise
and using people like her mom and dad as
continuous escape goats, notice how she would occasionally complain about lurch on her tumblr but overall never directly used him in her ebeggig but her father/mother get constantly mentioned as actual batman villains in her life when they are her
SOLE PROVIDERS from her actually ending up on the streets with her ancient bf.
The disrespect of taking nudes in her mothers bathroom who has let her stay rent free for over a year now while tuna spins lies about shit her moms done just so she has a "reason" to panhandle is disgusting.
She could at any moment enter a free rehab program where people would support her and put her on a track of financial independence as well as just independence all together cause the bitch is an infantalized codependent emotionally stunted mess.
No. 722717
>>722335Luna: I can’t get a job bc of hate threads
Also Luna: Posts abscess covered nudes and photos/rants about drugs constantly under her full real name
No. 722906
File: 1572178299802.jpeg (115.52 KB, 750x569, B5DA43B6-BE38-40F9-8F1D-167EEE…)

Saw Luna in the wild on facebook on a post about Good Samaritan laws.
No. 722907
File: 1572178322356.jpeg (198.76 KB, 750x905, 0D1A2752-4CD8-4678-9151-77D925…)

No. 722937
>>722907Yes Tuna they should have brought your entitled ass to the hospital instead of ya know, helping the next drug addict or
victim of a drug addict. Fucking buy a test kit ya moron. You preach harm reduction but yet you have multiple od’s between the 2 of you. Harm reduction isn’t just having narcon on hand, there’s much more to it and by the looks of your legs you aren’t practicing what you preach. God she is so disgusting.
No. 722972
>>722955That is very true about the Good Samaritan law. A lot of people still don’t know about it unfortunately. They did something that shouldn’t have happened. But she does exaggerate to victimize herself so who knows what is true.
And as far as the ambulance ride goes it could have been a matter of a hysterical Tuna and she could have been a liability. Which I can also see. Remember they also wouldn’t allow them to ride in the ambulance during the time Roger was constantly going to the hospital. It is ultimately up to the ems and if she’s acting crazy they will only want to deal with the patient.
No. 722997
>>722987Absolutely true. I’m sure she isn’t as street smart as she should be. Probably sung like a canary. I wonder how long ago this was. Maybe we will see a Lurch/prison saga soon. And then we will probably see a ramped up pity begging saga.
I am telling you Tuna’s life could keep some junkies clean. Holy crap is her being pathetic.
No. 723177
>>723163Kek, hope so. That said, anybody with enough heroin to store in a briefcase should not need to try punt nudes out on Twitter in desperation. Tinfoil but i call either a tall story on the briefcase, OR he doesn't want to share endless dope with greedy Tuna free of charge as he needs a contribution toward what she is using granted he is still selling fent-cut dope, so she is trying her hand at marketing lewds and videos of her drinking piss and shoving dollar store items up her ring.
Not pleasant, but a simple transaction, high-ho (pun rather intended, sorry) it's off to score we go.
No. 723244
>>722404That's really bad. At least she documents it for us. There's many people worse off than jet that we don't get the chance to gawk at.
There's people littering the streets if New York in the Tenderloin that have less sores.
No. 723263
File: 1572279293143.jpeg (90.79 KB, 780x439, B70089BF-53BC-4D44-9B2D-095210…)

This is what tuna looks like to me. Especially with foundation all over her lips and eyelashes lol
No. 723264
>>723257Absolutely agree. That is one thing that makes me wonder if she is succeeding at this even marginally, even enough to score once solely from her "business". There are way more men who are into the unconventional for lack of a better term than i could have ever anticipated.
And yet, her price list makes me lean toward probably not. There are girls and sissies doing more on cam for less.
Time will surely tell. If not, the old girl will divulge herself-we know she can't help but do just that online.
No. 723284
Wonder if she TOLD the cops that their drugs were in her boyfriend’s (excuse me, fiancé) locked briefcase she couldn’t access. Really interested in if all the ODs/ambulances and now a suspicious briefcase are tipping off the cops to Lurch’s dealings
>>723244OT but The Tenderloin is in San Francisco. No spot in NY called the tenderloin nowadays. A lot of addicts hang out in Times Square for that sweet tourist money…
sage for neighborhoodfagging
No. 723392
>>723287idk, if he really is selling cut shit and has been for as long as he has, there is probably an eye on him already. They probably wouldnt go after them unless
a) Luna dropped a confession of some sort in their lap amidst her pity-grubbing, which she probably did if she confessed to a briefcase being kept on property
b) the state comes down hard on her mother for having 2 illegal tenants and adds drug charges on top of that
NY is a cunt of a state because they actually have the resources to go after small-time shit, especially right out of the city like yonkers/westchester where she lives.
No. 723505
>>723502If my recollection is correct, didn't Luna once say that Lurch was pulled aside and searched in the Bronx one day, a day on which she travelled with him? she fabricated some bullshit as to why, and cried (course she did) and made an ordeal outta it, the takeaway from this though is that Lurch's Junji Ito face must be known to the feds for him to be pulled aside in The Bronx, which is hardly NOT a crowded place. It's where he is on the "known to police" tier list i cannot place an accurate finger on. What do we know of his past prior to Luna? other than those court date screen caps from a while back.
Are/were those his only charges? i'm curious to know his amount of run-ins with the law.
No. 723549
>>723513Those were two different incidents, one he was arrested and once they were stopped. Hes known to police and also has no ID which im pretty sure is illegal on its own.
I doubt this is going to end in some major drug bust (although hed be easy to take down if they are sick of him) bu I have a strong feeling this is going to be the ending of Mamma Tuna's housing.
I assume Luna will then live with her dad and weep over how her 40 year old boyfriend is homeless while no giving a damn about what happens to her mother
No. 723553
>>723551I see what you mean. Given her activity, if it were not recent, surely she would have said something already about it somewhere. It's obviously not from any of the drug blog days or it'd have been mentioned there. Just surprised there wasn't any pity party posts on her own pages about her "fiance" almost dying when trying to defend a homeless kitten or whatever sympathy schtick she uses when Lurch suffers the consequences of his own actions.
Time'll tell, anons.
No. 724243
File: 1572551709514.jpeg (94.36 KB, 640x311, A7914A90-2B43-4651-822C-05E0A8…)

No. 724314
>>724268It's an expensive suggestion.
>>724266 and
>>724263 are better for women with no money.
>>724293Because she's stupid.
No. 724360
>>724314you can get menstrual cups at cut costs from certain charities if youre disadvantaged, she could just google it. Some companies will do promotions where you just have to pay for shipping etc.
Otherwise as a last resort aliexpress has cheap ones. Yes theyre probably full of chemicals but if you boil it regularly its probably not much worse for you than a tampon (which has bleach etc) and is way cheaper.
No. 724915
File: 1572723732227.gif (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 332x332, tumblr_70cb1968c98a4d941be69f0…)

This is the most unsettling thing i've ever seen… from a video for sale on her tumblr
No. 724919
File: 1572724741901.jpg (13.78 KB, 602x83, ejej.JPG)

No. 724933
>>724915It's so depressing to see that photo of her hanging on the wall and see her now.
>>724916Because she doesn't wipe or wash her ass. There's pics she took with literal shit on her ass.
No. 724952
File: 1572733099551.gif (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 332x332, 11068387d762.gif)

No. 724955
File: 1572734429014.png (11.64 KB, 700x222, asdctfvygbuhnjm.png)

No. 724962
File: 1572734970728.png (69.41 KB, 702x451, i'm fucking nice.png)

then move out if it's so bad, luna
No. 725039
File: 1572742900972.png (19.05 KB, 543x280, frtyguhiygtf.png)

has she even looked at her competition on sw twitter? those girls look like professionals compared to the weird hidden camera in a drug den videos she puts out. take a shower and clean up your room and maybe you'll start seeing sells
No. 725058
>>725039Since I'm sure Luna couldn't handle looking here, this is a run down on why she's not earning jackshit.
Anyone can do sex work and if you market yourself just right, it's surprisingly easy. Yes, it takes work and dedication but the easy part comes from how hands off you can be to make money. That's why it's considered "easy money" because you don't even need to leave your house to get it.
The reason why Luna isn't making anything is fairly obvious to anyone but her.
She's not marketing herself. She has what, 10 followers at the most? She doesn't tag any of her posts in any sort of way to attract buyers.
She doesn't follow SW promoters that could get her followers either.
Another huge thing is that she's not on a verified SW site. There are so many that sell videos, pics, even texts/calls. Places where people want to buy. I've rarely ever had someone spend money on me through Twitter which is why SW'ers use Twitter to promote their SW sites instead.
Her grainy horror movie photography is another huge thing. Maybe for some niche grime fetish but she's not appealing to anyone looking to buy pics/vids and she makes any half-assed girl in her messy bedroom look leagues better in comparison, especially in price. Why spend $20 on a video of someone you can smell through your screen when legitimate porn stars sell entire films for $20?
Not going to even touch the fact that she's advertising on Facebook under her real identity but she's already ruined her job chances anyway with her public posts on drug use.
Luna would be better off selling sex on a street curb than trying selling content online.
No. 725188
File: 1572787767507.jpg (171.73 KB, 900x1200, EIaQc4rWoAAti5A.jpg)

>anyone around tonight? dm me if you wanna see more ;)
Her face doesn't even look human in this.
No. 725197
>>724952JFC. Doesn't care about being degraded, obviously, but her thinking this is appealing on any level– even pervy fetish shit– is super exceptional.
Maybe the reason she isn't making money from her "sex work" is because it isn't very sexy. My mind is blown at her thinking this– and also featuring gross dead-eyed heroin junkie loser Matthew!– is going to draw in the payigs.
No. 725252
File: 1572815184248.jpeg (54.46 KB, 748x285, C0EEB2D0-3E95-446A-9EA7-ABE5CA…)

oh god no
No. 725273
File: 1572822943142.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2016, 41F1B019-A1BD-44EB-A7D5-78087C…)

she’s “sex repulsed” and has a high sex drive simultaneously, apparently
No. 725278
>>725273Ahh a big "add"
Girl you highhhh
No. 725324
File: 1572836247577.png (534.78 KB, 720x1043, Screenshot_2019-11-03-21-51-10…)

luna always kisses up to her old friends so she try and funnel money from them.she must be the new victim
No. 725334
File: 1572837880801.jpeg (147.97 KB, 750x1334, FC5A95A3-E33E-4DC6-9BA5-E79728…)

>>725324if you look at the tagged persons page, looks like she was tagged in that before reposting. I think she’s long exhausted her real life resources hence her years of e-begging
No. 725392
>>725058I'm thinking she might not have an ID to use to verify her age on those sites. There's no way she's not aware of their existence after being on the internet as long as she has.
She should just start making dirty niche junkie porn, at least she'd have a clientele to cater to that would adore how fucking disgusting she was.
Luna pls get professional help, or at least some shampoo + soap + makeup remover from dollar tree.
No. 725446
File: 1572872424153.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.38 KB, 854x854, sorry.jpg)

>>725324Some memes write themselvesa.
No. 725485
>>725039Yes Luna, sex work is hard just like all work is hard. That's why it's called "work" and not "play".
It's obvious that SHE thought it was easy money, and is now disillusioned. She's so spoiled she thought she could cruise through life never doing anything but dope.
Well, at least now she's doing something, however badly, so it's progress, I guess?
No. 725609
File: 1572913924270.jpeg (161.17 KB, 1242x702, C1FE6DDF-4B23-489F-B954-5768E8…)

Some “constructive criticism” about her “business”
No. 725634
File: 1572919519469.png (2.04 MB, 2026x1026, doppleganger.png)

>>725614what anon, you can't see it? he's a dead ringer!
No. 725643
>>725634LMFAO what the fuck
>>725188Does she just….not brush her teeth?
No. 725659
File: 1572923956808.jpeg (60.22 KB, 1162x345, 747C9105-1564-45FB-B667-35E6C2…)

Whining about how she can’t find a job and how she needs to find a job before the end of the year while using accounts associated with her name for SW…. idfk how this isn’t common sense
No. 725781
>>725205It's safe to say her whole face is rotting at this point.
Idk if she always had asymmetric teeth but like she'll complete the look once they start popping off. Which will probably be very soon if not happening already.
No. 725835
File: 1572983194072.bmp (294.9 KB, 544x185, Untitled 1.bmp)

No. 726069
>>725835What could she event put on a job application? She has no work history, no volunteer experience to cover that massive time gap between school and now, never went to college, and she can't use her art to get a job working retail.
No one is going to hire her before they even Google her name and realize she's a thieving junkie.
No. 726139
>>725835Honestly, stocking shelves at a liquor store sounds like a really suitable job for Luna. Definitely more suitable than slinging nudes, as she's not very sexy.
It's at least the first step towards being responsible, and tbh I hope she can turn her life around.
No. 726228
File: 1573069306470.png (18.98 KB, 1108x321, fdskfmsklfsklf.png)

it's like she only became a "sex worker" just to complain
No. 726244
File: 1573071934904.jpg (158.82 KB, 720x924, IMG_20191106_181606.jpg)

Tuna liked the first tweet but some of the replies fit her better.
No. 726247
File: 1573072929420.jpg (155.12 KB, 720x1040, IMG_20191106_223639.jpg)

>>726244Also her constant moaning.
>>726228I concur kek.
No. 726279
>>726244Just like Shayna, Luna is an worst off then her as a sex worker, but acting as if any advice she has to offer is worth money, let alone listening too.
As if these sex workers HAVE any advice worth paying for in the first place. I hate how luna and these other bitches act as if their basic advice makes the people asking become super fucking rich.
So fucking funny that Luna is liking shit like that.
No. 726284
>>726251I worked human resources and was the one to input/process background checks. It was my job to compile the info and deliver it to my boss, he had the say in hiring.
It absolutely boggled my mind some of the people hired given what came up on their background checks. Granted it mostly happened for more menial positions. Fun fact: these people didn't last long so the cycle was rinse and repeat.
We all know why lunas not getting hired, she's grimy as fuck and probably doesnt even know what constitutes as acceptable interview attire (even for menial jobs.)
No. 726332
File: 1573085101086.png (478.39 KB, 380x507, Screenshot_13.png)

Dem floppy tiddies
No. 726363
File: 1573092716663.jpg (85.55 KB, 1280x720, 135343.jpg)

>>726332who wore it better
No. 726567
>>726228>>726244She's been a "sex worker" for under a month and all she's done is complain about how hard it is and how she's not making any money. She's far too much like Shayna where instead of just quitting and getting actual work, she'd sooner cling to the $5 someone gave her and bitch about not making more for the next four weeks instead of trying to make content for actual people who know what hygiene is.
Basically any excuse not to get a real job.
No. 727035
File: 1573231889044.jpeg (Spoiler Image,249.85 KB, 1538x2048, EI25QdIXkAMo-Ig.jpeg)

Double chin
No. 727240
File: 1573268914328.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.85 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20191108_220756.jpg)

Good god.. her crotch
No. 727258
>>727241how the fuck does she get ingrowns without even shaving? Could be herp but i reckon it cos she just wears dirty undies and lives in a bacteria feeding ground
also lmfao at her tooth tattoo, she defs got that as a reminder to brush but now hers are going rank rip
No. 727343
File: 1573292277266.jpeg (193.79 KB, 1242x1633, EIe-TmVXkAIzwBh.jpeg)

>>725273Pic dump from KF.
No. 727344
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No. 727345
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No. 727346
File: 1573292707679.jpeg (309.98 KB, 1440x1800, EIfQ-QuXYAAcSix.jpeg)

No. 727347
File: 1573292857452.jpeg (298.73 KB, 1440x1800, EIfQ-SpX0AI9ggP.jpeg)

No. 727349
File: 1573293002861.jpg (303.3 KB, 1080x820, Screenshot_20191104-080542_Chr…)

No. 727354
File: 1573293398285.png (480.41 KB, 635x885, twitter1.png)

No. 727356
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No. 727360
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No. 727362
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No. 727363
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No. 727364
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No. 727366
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No. 727367
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No. 727368
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No. 727369
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No. 727370
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No. 727372
File: 1573295085654.png (1.02 MB, 1031x751, 8.png)

No. 727373
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No. 727378
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No. 727379
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No. 727381
File: 1573296213468.png (476.01 KB, 974x792, tumblr7.png)

No. 727384
>awake to advertising herself several times a day throughout a day>unusually bright eyed>her lips movedthunkful.gif
>tight, fine lines and shapes>coloring within themMeth confirmed.
No. 727391
File: 1573297924242.png (86.22 KB, 321x122, 1573295244088-1-1.png)

>those tight spiral eyes
No. 727395
>>727370She must've gotten inspiration for the monsters from
No. 727469
>>727278Most likely a caries lesion that has reached dentin. It's more visible on other photos too.
Her teeth appear matte white (initial caries) all over and usually covered in plaque. Drug users very often get gumline caries and I guess that this one has probably spread there from palatal side.
No. 727549
>>727381It looks like she shoved a textbook under her shirt.
>>727382Any fool that hired her would fire her within the same week. Can you imagine her even waking up on time? God forbid she becomes a cashier.
>>727479>>727482This. Tuna's an oblivious idiot when it comes to SW. She wants quick drug money fast and thinks showing her flabby tits for free or drinking pee for chump change will get her that.
No. 727551
>>727538Kinda like this.
Drugs affect executive function, physical ability, perception, concentration, mood, thoughts.
Spiral eyes are a common theme with LSD and speed inspired doodles. The tight detail of
>>727521 is tempered by meth. She's captured the lurking paranoia perfectly!
Sage for Visionary Art sperg, even different psychedelics inspire very identifiable characteristics. Humans have been drawing high since ancient man's exploration of psychoactives included artistic expression of the experience.
Related, 20th century psychologists used art drawn by patients to evaluate the effects of their mental illnesses.
No. 727582
>>727559The changes in her art coincide with her new career, and there is no way the Gruesome Twosome got out of bed, let alone got it up, without stimulants.
They exhibit other physical characteristics of speeding, too. Pupil size and focus, increased body temperature, vasoconstriction, and ol' Tuna is practically gurning in
No. 727720
>>727608In nearly all of their recent pics they have shed at least two layers and are holding their limbs away from their bodies. They ain't feeling the chill of no downers.
Their skin is a shade above the usual gray pallor indicting increased blood flow. Stimulants, esp meth and coke, are vasoconstrictors and elevate pulse and heart rate.
>We also haven’t seen Tuna showing off xannies recentlyGood catch. Benzos potentiate the effects of opioids across the board.
>>727653And Lurch is absolutely popping Viagra to perform. Meth and Viagra are popular combination in chem sex circles, practically compulsory. Chem sex porn (portraying the use of drugs and sex) is sought after as it's still very edgy. The act if injecting itself is fetished. Our nascent porn stars may yet find their SW niche to keep them in dope without having to resort to selling themselves in the real world.
No. 728342
File: 1573512175832.png (1.08 MB, 705x1423, slkgfdlkgdlgdfgjdl.png)

No. 728363
>>722402>>722393>>722389>>720739>>722090>>728342It's obvious by the way she deems name-brand, retail clothing as "necessary", "emergency" purchases that she's never actually had to thrift clothing with limited money, other than when she did to feel more like a "vintage grl" on Tumblr five years ago. She's had enough spare money in her lifetime to the point where she thinks "normal" clothing costs $20-$40, when even at large department thrift stores like Goodwill she could get shirts, pants, bras, belts, and shoes all for under $4. A genuinely poor, homeless, hungry, struggling person would not ask for a $65 pair of shoes from Amazon when there are likely shoes of equal quality for an eighth of the price at any of the hundreds of thrift stores in her area.
No. 728636
>>728342>my clothes don't fitHere's a hint: put down the fork
>my clothes have holesStop nodding out with lit cigarette
>my clothes have stainsWashing machines exist, stop bleeding out after shooting up
As if these clothes would keep her warm. Every new thing she buys will have stains and holes too after a while
Also what happened to "my evil mother threw away all my winter clothes"?
No. 728945
File: 1573624263321.png (127.2 KB, 480x815, lmao.png)

She keeps liking baseball related tweets with her nudie account. Last post she made was 4 days ago. SW my ass, just another way to attention whore herself.
No. 728998
>>728874She will never improve.
Idk why anons have these weird ideas that she could change or get a job or whatever. She walked out of rehab because the lunch wasn't good enough lmao
No. 729062
I bring you guys possibly the worst thing in a Luna thread: Pee Drink gross. She drinks her own piss. Doesn’t even try to fake it.
No. 729074
>>729062Why did I click I on this.
The worst thing is how extremely bad the video is in general. Not even the piss part its just badly filmed. The lighting is horrible. She puts the phone away midthru and all you can see is upper arm and hair.
For how much she is charging for these you'd expect at least a little bit of effort… but yeah it's Luna so…
God this is just sad…
No. 729106
>>729067Who gives a shit.
>>729062She drank that like it's an every day drink. The things junkies will do for $20, man. Couldn't she have at least cleaned the mold spots off of the ceiling before recording in the bathroom? Can't even make the video a little bit worth it for the pathetic buyer?
No. 729115
File: 1573673700012.jpeg (Spoiler Image,720.08 KB, 750x5555, A47FB6E3-924C-47D8-9380-328204…)

>>729062She tried to sweeten the deal by including nudes. NSFL, as you would expect
No. 729133
File: 1573677534297.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.28 KB, 480x2447, nasty hooker shit.jpg)

>>729062She'll start working at a glory hole by next year…
No. 729143
>>729062Why did I click this
I don't think she can sink any lower…. jesus fuck, why doesn't she just off herself. Seriously, her life is so fucking miserable. She's hurting everyone around her and she doesn't want to change anything.
No. 729150
>>729143She'll be full-on hooking soon, no escorting obviously because…well, she's a shame fuck. I can't see anyone paying to take her out somewhere, she'll be either a motel or car girl.
inb4 someone sweeps her off her feet and pulls a pretty woman on her. (jk)
No. 729159
>>729115I don't even know what to say. This is just sad. Kinda makes me wish she managed to get a job so this sad excuse for online sex work maybe wasn't such an option for her.
I had to click out of the video when she started drinking, it's just too much.
>>729134I think there's two reasons she isn't hooking: she's too lazy and she would be unfaithful considering lurch. He obviously doesn't mind the online sex work and even if he wouldn't mind her hooking she herself sets the limit there, I think. For now anyway, christ.
No. 729510
File: 1573732866743.jpg (261.2 KB, 800x450, spongebob.jpg)

> Notice Tuna's thread has been very active lately
> Decide to take a look and catch up
> Tuna has reached the fully degraded white trash junky status
> Surprised? But not surprised?
> She reached rock bottom, and I'm not even sure if i feel sad for her anymore…
No. 729514
File: 1573733887768.png (Spoiler Image,5.95 MB, 1242x2208, E1472E68-40E8-49C0-8D1E-370043…)

thats one lonely tubular titty
No. 729538
File: 1573739537503.jpg (147.54 KB, 720x1066, IMG_20191114_065121.jpg)

She has gum disease, her breathe must be lovely…
No. 729539
File: 1573739604327.png (Spoiler Image,781.22 KB, 800x1217, Screenshot_2019-11-14-05-21-43…)

A good view of her teeth.
No. 729540
File: 1573739832888.png (Spoiler Image,791.14 KB, 800x1212, Screenshot_2019-11-14-05-20-51…)

>>720004You were saying, anon?
No. 729542
File: 1573739915968.png (689.66 KB, 800x1217, Screenshot_2019-11-14-05-22-13…)

No. 729647
>>729538>spoil me and i'll spoilYeah their appetites.
>>729617I give her less than six months. She's already drinking piss before hooking and selling sex tapes of her and Lurch.
No. 729712
>>729617I give it 6 weeks.
This is just so foul. I want to feel bad for Tuna but she put herself in this position and I'm actually a little surprised it took this long before she turned to sex work.
No. 729855
>>729847 said. I made sure to capture the worst of her track marks so we can keep a look out for an infection that might just kill her.
No. 729996
File: 1573853204015.jpg (79.25 KB, 500x704, tumblr_37126a83981d2d31161f000…)

No. 729998
File: 1573853315885.png (20.78 KB, 704x298, internet.png)

No. 729999
File: 1573853368496.png (539.1 KB, 697x651, grave robbing.png)

No. 730047
File: 1573860982895.jpeg (98.14 KB, 750x520, D63C4F78-EB49-4660-A8DB-42A6D1…)

No. 730050
File: 1573861585272.jpeg (338.13 KB, 1238x1548, 594A1996-590A-4293-8073-9599EE…)

>>729996Lmao at the comments.
No. 730058
>>730050she’s such a fucking petulant brat.
>>730047in the piss drinking video she JUST made, she says “time to make daddy proud” but okay
No. 730110
>>730103>>730105Im not even going to try to deny that because you are completely accurate
don't mean to WK not defending her as a person, just pointing out she stole an instagram pose/angle that is horrifically unflattering (probably not even understanding what the purpose of the trick was) and does not know how to dress herself. Even worse she picks out material that will become FILTHY within the first wear. The cat hair on that thing will be able to build a second set.
No. 730159
File: 1573882310065.jpg (148.36 KB, 720x985, IMG_20191116_072551.jpg)

>>730050Her fans are something else.
No. 730162
>>729998>the internet has made my life shitYou did that all by yourself, Luna. You can blame your parents, lack of friends, the internet, random strangers, the police, former employers, you name it, but it will always be your retarded, lazy ass to blame.
>>730159Her dumb fans are the same ones who are always getting scammed by her and part of the reason why she scams others. They deserve it.
No. 730366
also holy fuck he looks like something out of a creepypasta
No. 730407
File: 1574032746912.jpeg (144.73 KB, 828x1297, CCB21A8A-1607-4B05-862A-C86598…)

She’s selling her used underwear now, I can only cringe thinking about how unwashed and gross it is.
No. 730438
File: 1574036511133.jpeg (208 KB, 750x1146, B5A3E610-7A10-4EA3-9B93-189ACE…)

“if u wanna get me a christmas gift..” bitch it’s not even december yet
No. 730456
File: 1574038195508.jpeg (347.37 KB, 750x1084, F6CBE6E4-C552-4EE5-88C4-CCB6DD…)

>>730438I noticed the ridiculous products posted as necessities. I think it’s a little too late for this cream Luna. It’s interesting that her priorities are creams and markers when her teeth are literally going to fall out any day now.
Also using her mother’s Amazon account I see.
No. 730468
>>729998This is crazy. She had a huge tumblr following at one point for being an artsy punk girl, and if she hadn't started doing h to impress her nasty boyfriend she'd probably be able to profit off of that following today. It might've even landed her a real job that she liked.
Luna, you CHOSE to post pictures of yourself doing drugs. You chose to post nudes and associate your real name with everything you do. You chose to share virtually every coherent thought you had online. Why is she blaming "the internet" for this?
No. 730478
>>730471Motivation porn. She thinks buying products meant for organization means she will FINALLY stop being a lazy ass, she's fantasizing about being organized and put together, she just needs this one item. Nevermind a phone app, she needs this item or she can't do it.
Of course, it's just a fantasy. She's not lacking any item, she's lacking discipline and smarts.
I wonder how much money she would have if she didn't buy hundreds of dlars of tacky Amazon crap on a monthly basis.
No. 730599
File: 1574061621783.jpg (392.36 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20191118_021952.jpg)

Her outfit is inside out..
No. 730703
>>730645There are people into hardcore homeless/junkie slappers. They make them barf on dicks and slap them around and shit, it's more sad and funny than it is erotic. Although, I don't doubt there are also some very pathetic, lonely men who are into being humiliated by sending Luna drug money- Lurch being in some of the vids kinda cements that for me, it's an especially ignoble genre of cucking.
I need to go give my brain a clorox bath now.
No. 730740
File: 1574099798814.jpeg (162.67 KB, 750x1062, B8270DA4-5FED-4D95-90CF-5736DE…)

No. 730751
File: 1574100986567.jpg (506.7 KB, 1280x1600, tumblr_0546c7a6494b332da003a93…)

>i told myself last night if i could stop being a depressed asshole and put lashes on it be proud of myself so i did it not very well but done
No. 730754
>>730740The thing is, she hasn’t tried to get a job until recently. Like the last what, 4? years she was a jobless mess after getting caught stealing from people’s purses at her last job. She’s going off about how getting a job iSn’T eAsY gUyS. and yeah, it’s not easy but you e-begged and scammed people for the last 4 years instead of trying to get a job. Now you’re a junkie selling videos of yourself drinking piss under your REAL name and you wonder why you’re having trouble finding a job? People have been telling you to get a job FOR YEARS, Tuna. So shut up about this “Stop being mean guys, I’m trying.”
Also she does know that once you get hired at a job, you actually have to show up, right? I can already picture her making up excuses to call out. “Muh cotton eyed joe knee hurts too much”
No. 730771
>>730740i wonder what jobs she's applying to.
anyway anons are crazy to think she'll ever change. her bratty entitled attitude will follow her until the day she dies. she's always the
No. 730816
The harsh of it is, some people actually cannot work. Some of those people pass to the naked eye as capable. Some have conditions that flair up inconsistently and they cant hold a job due to attendance/availability. Others, while they technically can move their body to put things on a shelf, are not mentally stable enough for a 4 hour shift. It sucks being one of those people, regardless of what your obstacle is. Luna's is addiction.
She made very bad choices at a very young age, guided by grown man who dragged her into addiction. People say she wasn't a scammer before Lurch, so for all we know it was him pulling her strings.
She thinks she's poor since she grew up in the gerrymandering section of her school district while everybody else had millions. She was given like a million dollars at an age where she wasnt responsible enough to handle it and had no adult to explain finances to her (a common thread in her life appears to be a lack of dependable adults). Shes not without blame but I feel more bad for her than anything, its her crusty boyfriend who I think deserves the most hate. She was a child when he began grooming her.
I don't know if it's the drugs, or some sort of mental illness, or whatever it is, but Luna is sick, even if she gave that sickness to herself. She is not healthy enough to work, and especially not well enough to hold down any sort of job for long.
No. 730824
>>730805Dishwasher really is the only thing she's qualified for at this point. However given how ghoulish she looks and how the overwhelming majority of dishwashers are men, she'd probably get passed over for the next slightly less scary weirdo to apply.
>>730816How much somebody feels sorry for Luna, if at all, depends on where they think personal agency begins and ends. She has made a string of bad decisions through her adult life, but factors beyond her control made her the person who would make choices like those.
Either way, yeah there's no way she's getting a job and even if a miracle happens, she's spent so many years eating benzos and watching netflix that she'd wilt at the first hint of stress.
No. 730829
there's a mirror in the KF thread mother of god, her piss is the consistency of egg yolk alright, not just color. can just dehydration make it that bad? because i suspect an actual disease
No. 730832
>>730816no offense but this is stupid as fuck. luna has always been shitty. back when she was "tumblr famous" she was constantly rude and holier than thou to people who were being nice to her. she's always been into petty theft even when she had a million dollar inheritance to blow on anything she wanted. she got fired from a cushy job she liked because she was caught rifling through people's purses. the reason she thinks she's "poor" is because she has always gotten non-necessities whenever she wanted them. now that she actually has to wait a whole 2 days before blowing $30 on plastic shit on amazon from china she thinks she's destitute. she only values people for what they can give her. she's been that way for years.
i understand there is a level of grooming and manipulation because of lurch. everyone is this thread knows that. but there are plenty of people who grow up with terrible parents and no stable dependable adults who don't end up stealing donated bedding from a dying elderly man she was living off of. remember when she posted on facebook about roger's horrific dark, firm bruising all over the back of his body (likely from laying on a thin, sheetless mattress on the floor all day) instead of actually calling someone or taking him to the hospital for help? remember when she allowed a woman with cancer to take her out on shopping sprees and spoil her because she was "poor" (from spending all her money on heroin)? this is a girl who seems to delight in tragedies like people around her dying because she can use it to milk sympathy and money from people so she can buy more plushies and smack. stop enabling her victimhood. she already does a good job of that on her own.
No. 730866
File: 1574130885238.jpg (73.82 KB, 538x734, ok.jpg)

"haven't worn fake lashes in forever"…….wish u wouldn't….definitely applied while she was on smack…
No. 730880
>>730740there are 2 things i can guarantee are happening here:
1. she thinks she’s too good for entry level jobs so she’s applying to things she’s WAY underqualified for. we all know how snobby she is.
2. social media checks. i’ve been higher management in retail for a while now and we ALWAYS do social media checks before scheduling an interview. a lot of retail stores are focused on hiring people that fit their “brand” - but most places are just looking for someone who isn’t a disgusting junkie with videos of them drinking piss widely available on the world wide web. luna doesn’t fit these qualifications.
No. 730882
>>730805dishwashers work hard, I don't see it for her.
putting boxes on shelves, cashier in a really slack place, maybe at best.
No. 730887
>>730829Drug use and dehydration, and she must be super dehydrated because that is a very small amount of piss. Not that I was rooting to see more, yeesh.
Friendly reminder, this was $20.
>>719100 No. 730907
File: 1574150388111.png (256.5 KB, 480x531, Screenshot_2019-11-19-02-54-56…)

Can't even get Lurch to be in the same photo lel. He don't love you Luna
No. 730923
>>730740>on website from the last three weeksSo in nearly a month she's applied for 19 jobs and I bet all of them are ones she's not qualified for and won't pass a drug test for.
Didn't she admit a while back that she thinks retail and service is below her? Not that I'd ever want her handling my food anyway.
No. 730930
>>730882Even to stock shelves, you need to be reliable, show up on time, move fast, take verbal abuse from your manager (because you are never moving fast enough, the faster you move the faster they push you) and its miserable and tedious and mentally taxing and there is no way she would be able to handle it, plus the cotton eye joe knee means she cant do any heavy lifting and you need to be able to pick up boxes and shit.
>>730907From the lighting i think these are either two different days or taken at least a few hours apart.
No. 731029
>>730882the people who insist the “only jobs she could do” are dishwasher, stocking shelves, fast food, etc truly baffle me.
she’s not qualified for ANY job. every job in the world requires you to show up, perform your routine duties to a certain standard, and not smell like cigarettes and cat piss every day.
you’re all overestimating her.
i can see it now — 1 day after working her first full shift she would be so riddled with anxiety (and dope sickness) that she’d never return. she’d go on and on about how her “anxiety is too bad to go back to that job” and how her boss “harasses her by expecting too much” and how “my mental health matters!” typical tumblr-esque older gen Z stuff.
No. 731031
>>731018IMHO it is extra sad, she ruined her life for a man who doesnt love her
>>731029 Exactly. Just because a job doesnt pay a living wage doesnt mean it is an easy job
No. 731033
File: 1574194792276.jpeg (294.47 KB, 1242x1371, 6562073D-E017-4EA8-9AB2-8C9FE5…)

from her instagram. she’s on a whole different plane of existence dawg
No. 731056
>>731033The lights are on, but nobody's home.
She posted another "poem" on Tumblr, she's probably arguing with her mom everyday for making her poor by stealing from her inheritance.
No. 731058
>>731056that and letting Lurch in the house to groom her child are actually like her only
valid complaints
No. 731134
File: 1574210505307.jpeg (624.55 KB, 2048x2048, 2738EB6A-7CF9-4611-8AE1-F0ABF6…)

Damn she really applied those falsies halfway up her eyelid
No. 731264
File: 1574241993607.png (113.61 KB, 480x665, lol.png)

This is what she posted before her "photoshoot" inspired by her fake lashes.
No. 731271
>>731264And this is the woman who's currently applying for jobs and can't figure out why she's not getting calls.
I bet she took xanax just to give her the mental energy to fill out applications so you can imagine how nonsensical they are.
No. 731337
>>731333Yes and no.
Lurch dying means Luna
could get better but it also means she could romanticize it and make herself even more of a lazy
victim as it would be an excuse. Just like she did with Roger. She'd just get more drugs and blame her grief. Or she'd find another piece of shit junkie dude to hang out with.
No. 731345
>>731337this sounds most likely i'm afraid. i feel like the only thing that could possibly change her path rn is if her dad suddenly got hella involved with her life, forced luna into rehab and watched her like a hawk once she got out.
or you know, if the law got involved with lurch's dealing and tuna actually went to jail lmao
No. 731356
>>731353I would kill to see some of that poetry
>>731347She was groped at a concert in a crowd not like raped or anything like that
No. 731362
>>731333Anon, you're gonna be disappointed when this happens because Tuna's obsession with heroin started long before Lurch was even in the picture. Both of her parents struggled with addiction while she was a child. There's tons of evidence of that in old threads. She doesn't need him around to shoot up anymore. She's finally capable of being the tragic junkie she's always dreamed of all on her own and will replace him with someone equally as shitty in no time.
Farmers kept saying the same thing about Taylor Dean when she broke up with Johnny and look how well that turned out. TD has never come close to Tuna levels of addiction even in her wildest delusions.
>>731307Agreed. That's just the amount of xanny she needs to even begin to function. Her tolerance is crazy high now and she's already OD'd multiple times even in the last year or two. She's probably OD'd more than she's even admitted online. There's a good chance that she will not make it out of this alive whether Lurch is around or not.
No. 731366
File: 1574278988467.png (902.44 KB, 670x1658, HJ4YP51.png)

No. 731391
>>731366Damn, she's so lucky to find a man who loves cats
No. 731720
File: 1574310850223.png (651.46 KB, 1296x2903, pity party.png)

more regurgitation of the same stories she constantly tells. maybe her mom keeps telling her things are "in the past" because the past is all luna ever talks about.
not defending her mom or whatever but its typical of luna to neglect to mention that if it weren't for her mom right now she'd ACTUALLY be homeless, not the "homeless" larping she's pulling right now. her mom has put the safety of her own housing on the line for over a year now so luna (age 24, no job) and lurch (age 37, no job) can shoot up in her bed while she sleeps on the couch. luna's parents are obviously shitty but she doesn't even afford them the bare minimum of respect for the things they do for her. always the victim.
No. 731958
>>731720this shit again….
half the people i know, including myself, have had
abusive and/or neglectful parents and have somehow put that aside and made a life for themselves.
the past is the past. if you believe your mother doesn’t love you and wants you dead, why are you freeloading in her apartment?
the biggest “fuck you” to a shitty parent is success, despite their neglect.
but luna consistently CHOOSES to dwell on her shitty upbringing. i swear to god, it’s all she talks about.
sometimes you have to accept that your parents ain’t shit and get on with your own success.
but luna chooses the sad girl trope.
No. 731966
>>731298>>731300>>731298sometimes the complete lack of anxiety and worry that xanax gives you makes you feel inspired to suddenly do a bunch of shit you've been putting off. so it's not that it gives you more energy, but your mental barriers to action are gone so if there's something you need to do, you just go for it, sleepy or otherwise. that might be what she means.
>>731029i don't think anyone is under the impression that she could commit to or perform any job for even a day. those ideas are for which poor unsuspecting places might hire her. no one thinks she would or could actually do them consistently.
No. 731986
File: 1574382188161.png (194.66 KB, 450x426, Screenshot_15.png)

>>731958Speaking of which, she just brought it up again.
Luna, a woman who has left her bedroom in order to house you and your wooden betrothed is NOT abusing you. Even if she had at some point, she isn't now. Every day is an act of selflessness for her.
That's also why the "Haven't eaten in days uwu" horse shit washes even less than before. There is no way she does not eat the things her mother buys. I can not imagine what life is like for that woman on a day to day basis, having two adults who are unemployed living in your bedroom, shooting dope and your daughter drinking piss in your bathroom out of your cups while you literally crash on your own couch for the 400th night in a row. Shit just to think about.
No. 731998
File: 1574383755557.jpg (167.87 KB, 1080x442, Screenshot_20191121-164340_Chr…)

this is so much funnier after watching her drink her own piss for money
No. 732074
File: 1574395874906.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1706, 07B28822-536E-4E9D-ABE3-13BBC2…)

No. 732075
File: 1574395957448.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x1593, 6BA43941-0460-4685-9431-030B22…)

No. 732077
File: 1574395996460.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1725, 34A85129-E418-421E-B66A-84C164…)

No. 732081
>>732075This is what your stomach looks like right after giving birth.
Are all of those bruises on her knee from shooting up?
No. 732085
File: 1574397138538.png (768.35 KB, 785x419, whattheshit.PNG)

>>732075y'all seeing this? is that her TITTY? oh my lord
No. 732101
File: 1574400746155.png (2.5 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191121-233056.png)

Christ, the state of her front teeth make me want to screech
No. 732123
File: 1574407100991.jpeg (295.93 KB, 1538x2048, EJ8EcjZXkAEbpRW.jpeg)

>>732085Think that's safe to assume
No. 732149
File: 1574419654754.jpg (98.04 KB, 500x666, tumblr_410df8fd068747701ad0750…)

Posted to her Tumblr 7 hours ago. Alarming pallor about her face, just no color at all.
No. 732152
>>732101What the fuck is happening to her teeth? Is this something that happens to drug users if they're not smoking? Because I thought she only injected.
>>732149She looks half-dead in this. Haven't seen one this bad since that pic where her eyes were looking in two different directions.
No. 732153
>>732101What the fuck is happening to her teeth? Is this something that happens to drug users if they're not smoking? Because I thought she only injected.
>>732149She looks half-dead in this. Haven't seen one this bad since that pic where her eyes were looking in two different directions.
No. 732154
>>732101What the fuck is happening to her teeth? Is this something that happens to drug users if they're not smoking? Because I thought she only injected.
>>732149She looks half-dead in this. Haven't seen one this bad since that pic where her eyes were looking in two different directions.
No. 732192
>>732188Looks like she has squished her boobs into a too-small tube top, thus flattening them. Meanwhile, her stomach is squished into too-small panties, thus her stomach is flowing over the top. Her ~empowered SW sexy pose~ is not helping.
Very flattering, much sexy.
No. 732220
File: 1574443423818.jpeg (77.77 KB, 750x563, B278901F-AD2B-4831-934B-307510…)

No. 732258
File: 1574453902025.png (70.07 KB, 697x649, 8Uur3DP.png)

No. 732259
File: 1574454192151.png (285.97 KB, 696x1420, WZcelQJ.png)

>my "body dysmorphia"
pretty sure she reverse body dysmorphia
No. 732268
File: 1574455641882.png (341.2 KB, 701x663, LvBEmfl.png)

No. 732274
>>732268lemme guess cus it was on some kids grave?
>>732258omg luna you really are a failure like spot on your life is empty you need to get sober, but you never will because you think you're a
victim of your circumstances when really you're just a selfish pos
>>732259yeah idk if it's body dysmorphia if you look like
>>729115 No. 732655
>>732614I can't wait for the sperg this will bring.
I mean, she can't complain much with her scammy character; if anything she should be flattered as unlike her, these stickers look clean and pretty.
No. 732804
File: 1574564801136.jpeg (51.44 KB, 750x519, 2EB57B73-5410-44F7-A491-D23C11…)

>>732614apparently they’re friends, they don’t even follow each other on instagram though, so maybe not
No. 732806
File: 1574564889279.png (1.38 MB, 1916x1016, Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 10.0…)

>>732614She has a whole page dedicated to Luna stickers, in the description of the one picturing Luna in a beanie it says she's a friend of hers. They're honestly quite nice.
No. 732849
>>732841Speed dehydration can make your lips look like that picture too.
Lawl, is she going to pull a Belushi?
No. 732922
File: 1574587790462.jpg (302.8 KB, 1080x742, Screenshot_20191122-105127_Chr…)

>>732075>>732077>>732123Source, tho she's been posting her sexy time sales pics on multiple platforms.
No. 732930
File: 1574589050078.jpg (172.71 KB, 1080x616, IMG_20191121_173831.jpg)

No. 732932
File: 1574590123625.png (674.58 KB, 640x853, 1574150961321.png)

No. 732934
File: 1574590639274.jpg (515.81 KB, 1080x1436, Screenshot_20191122-105146_Chr…)

No. 732939
File: 1574591567169.png (498 KB, 1500x1500, luna n lurchy.png)

Over at KF farmers have been posting their own fan art. Here are a few.
No. 732948
>>732156But it doesn't look like just decalcification. It happens in the enamel itself, not on top of it. Not to that degree at least.
My guess is that's either huge load of plaque (could be hardened calculus) or her teeth chipped off at some point and she used something to glue them back in. Or that she just has some mank in there and doesn't realize that.
>>732154Drug abuse can manifest in mouth even if you were only injecting. Drugs (some more than others) cause dry mouth which causes caries when combined with neglected hygiene.
No. 733001
>>732806Those are lovely and showcase what a pretty girl Luna could be if she got her shit together (yes, I am aware those are directly based on her filtered selphies). I really want to know the whole story behind them. Were they made by a farmer? Or was it a genuine Tuna fan? Since apparently Luna and the sticker girl are not following each other, that seems weird as fuck.
>>732838Someone on KF wrote that she sounds like she is being salty for only getting 15 dollars but to me it reads like she's baffled at getting this much. Could have shown (or faked) her gratitude better tho.
>>732940 or
>>732939for next thread pic please
>>732995 said. Plus even if it was spoiLered, I would not enjoy having to look at this for months. It's vile as fuck.
No. 733010
>>733001agreeing with you on that, i'd really rather have
>>732939 as a thread picture than one that has to be spoiled.
No. 733097
File: 1574622065183.png (683.2 KB, 439x621, Screenshot_37.png)

Tuna artfag here, i'm responsible for uwu daddy floor piss. A powerful piece, it has brought about mixed reactions from farmers every where. I much prefer my boyfriends one, his interpretation of Lurch was hilarious. I agree my one should probably not be the next thread pic-it is fucking gross, kek.
Sage for this feeling a bit bloggy.
No. 733396
File: 1574656601457.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 2268x4032, 20191124_211504.jpg)

Have some more Piss Princess fan art.
No. 733435
File: 1574660161843.png (615.63 KB, 640x1136, D0F7E7B4-FCE6-4668-8D02-184D00…)

According to the kiwi who posted this Luna did not oblige the meme. The OP's got ya covered, fragile one.
Speaking of the OP, I'll post the next one once we decide on an image. If one of the Piss Princess pics proves irresistable, Lurch's wooden visage
>>725634 >>720311 could be pasted over Tuna's naughty bits.
No. 733518
File: 1574676402736.jpg (134.41 KB, 1241x1229, 73240145_2447968652191343_6192…)

The winning drawing could be framed within this pic and overlaid with a choice tumblr post or two as to not be simply a repost of KF content.
No. 733526
File: 1574678197550.jpg (162.84 KB, 750x937, 73029329_1719551164836516_7671…)

>>733518Just realized an anon already expertly used this idea in
>>725446, but Tuna's tuna needs censoring to be used for the OP. Maybe use a Hello Kitty head or cherub from one of her recent drawings?
No. 733556
File: 1574687366337.jpg (92.83 KB, 938x931, Screenshot_20191125-140852_Ope…)

>>733526>>733529Kek at these stars
No. 733569
File: 1574689667841.png (399.75 KB, 800x583, Screenshot_2019-11-25-03-06-42…)

No. 733573
File: 1574693584450.png (Spoiler Image,61.71 KB, 225x225, B2C31C1B-B113-4798-8093-C58580…)

>>732940I dig this one, the art style is just pic related
>>733569Damn, I have more followers and I do not on Twitter except complain. At this point I almost feel sorry for Luna for pissing her life away and not even looking hot doing it
No. 733687
>>733680>>733682Fucking thank you. I'm tired of the shitty Kiwifarms drawings (only a few were decent, the rest are shitty doodles by retarded spergs looking for asspats).
Stop reposting crap like
>>733623. Anyone interested in this crap is free to browse KF
and even kiss some ass while doing that.
No. 733705
>>733526Can someone make
>>725446 OP-safe so we can get the next thread started?
No. 733764
File: 1574733990428.png (Spoiler Image,4.74 MB, 2800x2400, tuna thread.png)

I feel like there's a lot of prime material for the next Tuna thread pic, so maybe we need a bit of a gallery for the thieving heroin queen who wants to play pretend as an innocent uwu poor innocent cherub
No. 734132
>>734130Tolerance, anon
Also, anon who said they’re making the new post- do you still want to do it? Or anyone else? If not I’ll try my hand at it. I’ve been doing the pnp posts but I’m no luna historian, although I think the sex work/pee update is about all that’s happened