Hi Shayna, we just want you to get better, learn some decency, fix your puss and rash scoured pussy and to start sleeping on a real bed!
The Story So FarPreviously had a stoner blog known as shay-gnar and switched over to sex work when it became popular. (while still having minor followers
>>>/snow/548764 )
!! ⦁ Recently changed her handles to Dolly Mattel, after watching RPDR for a week.
⦁ Definitely lurks the threads about her
⦁ Below average looking
problematic tumblr / camwhore.
⦁ Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
Claims to be a CSA and rape survivor and uses dd/lg and rape fantasies to work through her trauma.⦁ Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to it because she's a porn star, even though she supposedly makes 55k a year
Uses drama as a way to market her content⦁ Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex and films it.
⦁ Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
⦁ Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
⦁ Has made numerous racist jokes, including calling a jewish person "baby hitler", and making a parody of Trump's "grab me by the pussy" claiming it to be satire.
⦁ Starts drama and throws a pity party when people call her on her shit saying every one is jealous of her "bomb ass porn"
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