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No. 566844[Reply]

Prev threads:

New milk(sorry if I forgot anything big):

Layla and Luke broke up but she's still going to London for work reasons. Apparently Luke cheated(?)

Layla, Aubrie, and Tyler met up for dinner but things ended in a fight, despite Tyler Grosso claiming they were "perfect."
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No. 591842

>one night thing
they never even fucked in the first place, she wishes. she’s just obsessed, marilyn style. at least marilyn and him texted and were “friends”, but he and silverlilcat had no connection at all except for him wearing the shirt she had made. he probably blocked her himself when she started being too obsessive and used layla as an excuse. he couldn’t even bring himself to stick his cock in her groupie vag like he did with chelji and now she’s trying to gain clout off him

No. 591845

Is someone making a new thread?

No. 592049

I made this thread (this is the only TP thread I've made) and i don't want to make the new one because I don't feel like retyping the thread info.

Who's been making them? Come take your job back.

No. 592055

I think most of the original posters left a while ago.
I'll start the new thread but if someone posts one before me goodonya

No. 592075

New Thread:

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No. 572819[Reply]

20 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 31 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/557047

The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.
> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.
> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.
> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.

-Made two videos of her snakes, one of them just doing dumb shit like laundry and one of them eating
-Has been criticized for using eco earth for her snakes substrate but doesn't care because "she thinks it's good"
-Most likely she's keeping her monitor lizard because o may gash guys he's so tame and use to me and the pet shop insists he's CB
-Left her pets again to go mePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 590165

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another header pic idea

No. 590166

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and another one

No. 590175

No. 590188

Ignore last one. >>>/snow/590186

No. 591554

>>590128 Taylor is not intelligent enough to understand what quarantining animals are. Steven Irwin would be offended that she even mentions his name for such ignorance. She's either that uneducated, or that egotistical, but it's probably both. She has never, and probably will never quarantine her animals. I doubt she even had her cats tested for cancers or viruses.

No. 584427[Reply]

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No. 588159

which OP pic? The swing or the shrek collage?

No. 588169

Shrek collage please

No. 588180

No. 588512

The borderline/narc couple is a trope actually. Borderlines are attracted to narcs.

No. 724104

This post here.
I have disliked this woman all year and glad to see a bunch of losers obsessively I hating her, but this one post needs correcting.
You sound like one of the rape culture doesn't exist dudes. No dude, it does, you just don't get out enough.

If you've never met a person who was bullied who then turned to bullying hi nice to meet you. I am a feminine male, I was bullied at home and school until Jr High in which I found out that the meaner I was to people, the more the pack liked me. By my Sohpmore year I had made two boys leave the school permanently and one male teacher have to quit, I was also told for the first time by a boy that I looked like a girl and he would bang me. Nice.

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No. 579777[Reply]

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No. 585805

burping on a live stream is pandering to males?…Am I just really confused about what men are into these days?

No. 585829

wow what the FUCK is with the shoehorned (no pun intended) \m/ with the mega-edgy 2000s spiky wristband oh my god

this bitch really thinks she's some alternative badass rocker emo punk or whatever
but I guess she's not alternative enough to overcome her basic-bitch need to pretend to be an ideal-waistlined smol children's story disney princess lol

No. 585836

am I dumb or is it possible that she was le shy bullied goff girl at first and then became a stacy, since that seems to be what she's saying here

No. 585871

>unironically identifies as sapiosexual
but DAE les stupid tumblr feminists making up fake sexualities to feel oppressed are STUPID and BAD?? Pls like and subscribe for more quality content

No. 588445

bc it's greggy's body type therefore it's the best bodytype uwu
he's the hottest of all because she luvs him

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No. 517712[Reply]

Previous Thread >>440296


Adora BatBrat
Drac Makens
Jake Munro
Jimmy Mercy
Sebastian Columbine

Etc, etc
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No. 581998

That's beyond cringe. She looks like a classic try hard poser. At least she's confident I guess

No. 582005

From where I come from , If a party is themed a certain colour it should be respected , people who are not dressed as it should stay at the door and are not allowed in. if that was the case IBF totally disrespected KDV for showing up as black. That’s like a simple basic rule to follow lol what a farm person

No. 582011

>The skinwalking intensifies
Yeah they both have the same snotty entitled attitude and feel like they're better than everyone because they wear weird shit

No. 582014

Does someone want to make a new thread as this one is gonna hit a limit at some point soonish?

No. 582040

New thread >>582039

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No. 580510[Reply]

Last thread: >>>/snow/469461

Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread: >>260800

previously on:
>Constantly begging for subs and donations on stream
>Anisa's discord chats got leaked (view here >>460537)
>Pearfax Content cop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdc_kJIdaOY
>Anisa warned about coming into the US/being banned - goes anyway
>Anisa is trying to go back to school and come live with idubbbz on a school visa(previously on an idubbbz sponsored youtube visa)
>Anisa talks shit about her only friend's girlfriend on stream
>Got really shitty extensions and took them out in less than a month
>Obsessive over OfflineTV - Especially lilypichu and pokimane. Anisa draws creepy fanart and attempts to copy their style
>Anisa's mom still lurks
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No. 655348

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No. 655406

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No. 655480

new thread link?

No. 656142

No. 722545

her head is so fucking big

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No. 572499[Reply]

Previous thread: >>563416

New thread for discussing anti-feminist youtuber June Laporta aka "shoe0nhead" and her obese boyfriend Gregory Fluhrer aka "Armoured Skeptic".

Summary of her past:

>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school

>Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker
>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu"
>Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances.
>Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first lolcow.farm admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on lolcow.farm (2014)
>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.

>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".

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No. 580060

Brittany pointed this out in the stream as well kek

No. 580093

Dw anon I'm 100% with you on this, that was also my immediate thought

No. 580098

From this crock of shit right here it's 100% obvious she has never actually interacted with a TERF.

TERFs don't try to "accept" FtM trans people as trans. They encourage detransition. A lot of them are also detransitioned FtMs or girls who would have gone down the path of transition but changed their mind. They don't accept their transness in a liberal sense, they just see it as a severe consequence of internalized misogyny. They will never refer to (or try to refer to, as June cheekily implies) an FTM person as a man, due to their ideology. It's not some "teehee FTMs are girls so we'll pretend to respect their identities, but not the MtFs because we hate men!" running gag like she makes it out.

The last time I read about libfem vs TERF drama, the go-to insult about how TERFs treat trans men was that "they don't even accept FtMs, they see them as gender traitors!" but now it's "they only pretend to accept FtMs and not MtFs! wow so problematic!!1!"
Which one is it, libfems???

sageing for political ramble, but I'm sick of misogynists virtue-signaling to liberal circles by picking on TERFs, so they can gain progressiveness points by continuing to shit on women and not having to evaluate their own gatekeeping of trans people. Not even defending TERFs from accusations of transphobia because many of them really are pretty transphobic but it's just SO CLEAR none of these people know what a "TERF" actually believes and I wish people would just inform themselves about it first before circlejerking with their echochamber about how right they are.

No. 581067

Not to WK June but weren't the alleged door nudes overlaid perfectly with the "photoshopped" Christmas pic?

No. 581068

New thread is over here >>579777

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No. 338648[Reply]

>Suzy continues to balloon in size and wear sweat pants in public
>She has all but abandoned her main channel in favour of her gaming channel where she continues to suck at Overwatch & blame others for her failures
>She has created a really expensive jewelry line that involved very little effort on her part
>Game Grumps are heavily pushing a cringy "Gay Dad Dating Sim" game they claim they are heavily involved in when it seems like it actually was 99% Vernon and some other non-gg developers

Last thread >>>/snow/282355

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No. 637694

Arin is a lucky guy

No. 639030

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those brows make me kek

No. 651391

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No. 651442

She has the face and look for a esoteric yoga teacher in her forties

No. 1105056

Y’all are so fucking weird. She’s always been a normal weight. Women’s weight fluctuates and she had a thyroid condition. Suzy’s always been gorgeous. When women on lolcow are thin theyre called skeletons, when they’re curvy they’re fat. The rampant misogyny is rough.

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No. 470812[Reply]

Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/457144

Recent Cows:
(yes there are A LOT; IG unless otherwise stated)

bendywarrior (tumblr)
chronically_carmel / queerzebra (tumblr)
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No. 579938

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No. 579986

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Lmao this girl. "Severe neck strain" and wearing a Neck brace from "sleeping wrong" Christ. She also apparently has a nursing degree, and is a huge trump fan.

No. 580008


We are no longer allowed to use these threads. Stop posting.

No. 580018

Is there a new one? I’m having trouble finding it

No. 580029

they're not permitted here at the moment, some of the anons went to r/illnessfakers

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No. 551438[Reply]

Hi Shayna, we just want you to get better, learn some decency, fix your puss and rash scoured pussy and to start sleeping on a real bed!
The Story So Far
Previously had a stoner blog known as shay-gnar and switched over to sex work when it became popular. (while still having minor followers >>>/snow/548764 )
!! ⦁ Recently changed her handles to Dolly Mattel, after watching RPDR for a week.
⦁ Definitely lurks the threads about her
⦁ Below average looking problematic tumblr / camwhore.
⦁ Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
Claims to be a CSA and rape survivor and uses dd/lg and rape fantasies to work through her trauma.
⦁ Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to it because she's a porn star, even though she supposedly makes 55k a year
Uses drama as a way to market her content
⦁ Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex and films it.
⦁ Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
⦁ Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
⦁ Has made numerous racist jokes, including calling a jewish person "baby hitler", and making a parody of Trump's "grab me by the pussy" claiming it to be satire.
⦁ Starts drama and throws a pity party when people call her on her shit saying every one is jealous of her "bomb ass porn"
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No. 576679

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she thinks she's "the trisha paytas of tumblr" when blndsundoll4mj has 3.7 million youtube subscribers. she only has 130k followers. that's like 3% of trisha paytas.

get overrrrr yourselfffff lmao you are just a nobody camgirl doing what you have to to survive, you are not famous at ALL. plus most of your followers came from your stoner blog and you unethically exposed A LOT of them (minors) to the NSFW stuff by not remaking your blog. pretty fuckin shady

No. 576701

oh boy this is RICH coming from the 20 year old who is dating a man at least ten years her senior who wants to punch her in the face

No. 576725

TRUE even if they are there she should NOT be giving them any reason to look at her blog or listen to her

No. 576757

new thread >>>/snow/576753

No. 577966

I'm fucking cackling. God just look at her face

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