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No. 2025097[Reply]

Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped

Previous threads:
>>1951101 #7
>>1689594 #6
>>1432730 #5
>>1191646 #4
>>1059519 #3
>>1005098 #2
>>720482 #1

Notable photoshop cows:
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No. 2095716

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Nta but I zoomed in on her stomach because of those lines (that are probably caused by wearing tight pants I guess?), and I also wondered what was happening with her belly button at first. So I don't really think it's that much of a nitpick.

No. 2095775

That? Or the fact that due to her weight the belly button is eating her piercing? Not one to normally pick on ones weight, but if she is going to flaunt it like this for attention, it's fair game in my book.

No. 2096000

Idk but I wish these newfags would fuck off. Kinda defeats the purpose of the thread to play devils advocate with every obvious shop thot that gets posted.

No. 2096040

Why don’t you fuck off then nobody forced you to be on the lolcow photoshop thread

No. 2096041

Her gut just hangs over her hip bones just like skirby lol

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No. 2069705[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 2095548

She's just got more than a few screws loose, even the spring's coming out.

No. 2095912

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Injecting this infighting into my veins

No. 2095913

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sage for doublepost but kek at this replytroon calling the tif who drew the theyfab rape "malebrained" while drawing something gross and reactionary for male attention is very female behavior actually

No. 2096290

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the artist in picrel you posted is such an attention-seeking tard too

No. 2096303

That Playhouse Disney art style…

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No. 2095050[Reply]

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.
>Dana tries to prove her sobriety by taking a drug test >>>/snow/2074250 , more drug shenanigans >>>/snow/2074263 >>>/snow/2074338
>claims people are showing up at her house >>>/snow/2074277
>admits to using AI to generate her "educational" video scripts >>>/snow/2074528
>defends the decision to not change her daughter's last name that she shares with a serial rapist Matthew Hare >>>/snow/2074641
>claims to be friends with Blackbear >>>/snow/2075309 >>>/snow/2075380
>photo from her wedding resurfaces >>>/snow/2075825
>the dental surgery happens >>>/snow/2075876 >>>/snow/2075877
>TikTok response to her saying the n-word >>>/snow/2075980
>Eli responds to the shitstorm for the first time >>>/snow/2076850
>mother of he year Dana keeps getting wasted Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)

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No. 2076941[Reply]

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Names of X’s investors are revealed >>2028853
>Musk sexually harasses Taylor Swift after she endorses Kamala >>2032438
>Azealia Banks defends Taylor Swift against Musk >>2033097
>Errol Musk “exposes” his son on a podcast >>2036000
>Musk attends a Trump rally >>2042640
>More Musk cringe at a Trump rally >>2051551
>Musk galvanizes male MAGA voters >>2053683
>Musk publicly flirts with his ex, Grimes >>2054029
>Errol Musk praises his son for embracing Apartheid family heritage >>2063091
>Musk spends Thanksgiving with one of his baby mamas, Shivon Zilis >>2069394
>Musk declares war on his own fanboys >>2071527
>Musk double downs on his support for Indian immigration >>2071530
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1203 posts and 249 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2095089

Autistic women have astrology whilst autistic men have race science

No. 2095091

kek even Toe Hoegan knows this nigga tweakin

No. 2095107

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If someone creates the new thread before I do can you please use my edit(picrel)

No. 2095115

honest to god hope would he would choose another recreational drug or just stick to weed for this exact reason

No. 2095282

I like to imagine him being gored by a bison (in game) or like beheaded in one of those cartel videos (in game). Or like forced to fuck a pig on national tv like that Black Mirror episode.

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No. 2056156[Reply]

Tophia "Tophiachu" Syldell is a 30 year old homeless tiktoker based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She lives with her family, and gained notiriaty on tiktok for being cringe and then turning out to be a serious cow who thinks that tiktok will save her family from homelessness. Fans of her compare her to Chrischan in terms of mental stability and competience. Some of her greatest hits include animal abuse, cringe tiktok duets thirsting over asian men, watching "asian teen porn", and being homeless.

>Donald Slydell (60)
>Tophia's "father", heavily debated because Mamachu was allegedly pregnant when they met, but Tophia claims he is her father
>bipolar, twitter full of schizotweets and porn tweets where he believes he owns a bank (attempt to grift)
>mentally unstable and placed green crosses all over the former chu household
>neighbor claims that he set fires inside of the apartment
>missing multiple teeth and believes that he's teething like a baby
>would flirt with teen girls and young women on his own tiktok lives, in the family home
>currently in jail (as of 2024)
>arrested in 2004 for battery
>arrested in 2022 for attempted kidnapping
>issued warrant in january 2023 for his arrest for failure to appear in court for the attempted kidnapping
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No. 2062280


so post then. you're not contributing with this either.

No. 2077490

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I don't mean to necro an old thread but in lieu of the possible TikTok ban, Tophiachu has seemed to make a rednote account and is already acting racist. I'm not caught up on the tophia lore but uh, calling Mandarin "Japanese" seems kinda racist to me.

No. 2082708

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Tophiajak(shitty fan art/sage your shit)

No. 2094946

No. 2095096

I hate scrolling past this fucking thumbnail. She looks like a partially melted wax statue of Andre the Giant.

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No. 791123[Reply]

For years there have been people on Youtube who comment and upload their torturous hate for monkeys, particularly baby macaques. Some make their disturbing comments on any type of monkey videos, others reupload innocent/caged/injured/stressed monkeys from usually Asian sources. There's evidence some of these people use baby monkeys as a substitute for pedophiliac thoughts/Hurtcore (torture porn of children), and have displays of mental illness for being so open and believing their hate is only natural.

The purpose of this thread is to display info of this matter so that lolcow will become aware this is happening. Post any screenshots you can. Generally nothing can be done to get these people arrested, despite some using their real names, since the reposted videos were filmed in Asian countries and do not display human-on-animal abuse. There are some advocates like Joanna Flores (https://www.macaques-plight.com) who try to take action in getting monkeyhate channels removed. If you do find conclusive evidence of pedophilia or zoosadism please report the authorities closest to the criminal, and report actual animal abuse videos to Youtube.

Some links to users with videos or playlists on their channel:
Peter Ridell - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgPSRDgdu6zJDU8HPDkBNcg
Solita Skidmark - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi2_Appl1EGMCDzNrv1Op_Q
No Ads To Watch Monkeys - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfNVCpppY21JNc5QTVfEmQ
cp pc - Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2057493

i'm sorry anon, i should have spoilered it. fortunately the cat is happy and safe now.

No. 2094859

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Holly got yelled at by random brits
necro but I just thought it was funny

No. 2094863

They just hate kids. The woman in that article talked about hating human babies and pregnant women on telegram. It's not uncommon for women to just hate children, it's how you get news articles about moms torturing their kids to death for being "demonic"

No. 2094975

good she deserves to have her life be as miserable as she made it for those poor animals, fucking pig

No. 2096033

>It's not uncommon for women to just hate children, it's how you get news articles about moms torturing their kids to death for being "demonic"
Are you the moid who was posting on the tradwife thread?

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No. 1643629[Reply]

Blaire White | Robbie White #4 - Ganz Schnell, Pull The Ladder Up Edition

>Soon to be 27-year-old edgelord troon, never grew out of his anti-SJW phase from 4 years ago that most of his friends from back then have abandoned
>Got his fame from bashing causes such as feminism and Black Lives Matter on YT and sucking /pol/ chaser dick
>Constantly makes fun of other people for being fat/ugly despite looking like a male neanderthal and having his weight constantly fluctuate
>Once claimed he has never been rejected by anyone in his life and can get any guy he wants but has a fat, balding alcoholic fiance
>Is incredibly dull and braindead, seemingly has no interests or talents other than talking shit which is why his content is so shit
>Circlejerks retarded, uneducated opinions with other cows like shoe0nhead and Kalvin Garrah
>Apparently has a drinking problem

Updates from the Past 2 Years
>Sided with J-Star during dramageddon and called James Charles a predator
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No. 2095849

I'm not too much in the know with all of Trumps dirty dealings but hearing this, not surprised he'll do anything to brown nose Trump and ignore his controversial or gross behavior because of his popularity with the YT Conservatives/MAGA crowd. I also wasn't aware that he stopped associating with Shane Dawson, I wonder if he stopped associating with ShoeOnHead as well, I remember they use to be fairly (YouTube) close. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up getting jealous of her for all the attention she gets just being a woman who has a lot of simps.

>Blaire’s sided with people who say trans women aren’t real women and supported anti trans and gay bills before, doubt this will change anything

Yeah you're probably right. He seems to never leave his house much these days so he doesn't have to interact with the public all that much so things like public restrooms, sports, having kids, and traveling are things he doesn't have to think about. I wonder if he'd have a different tune if he had to work a regular job.

Also imagine if Robbie actually had kids and still go with the ban of "transing" out your kids when he's like a walking billboard of why the idea exists in the first place, it'd be pretty funny in a ironic way.

No. 2095852

When you put it all together like that, damn his future is looking pretty bleak. No one knows if YouTube will be around forever and the only thing that people care to hear him about are his contrarian words on trans and once society wakes up and is done validating the ideology, he'll have nothing to talk about, at least nothing the audience he panders to will care about. He better have savings because he'll need it when that time comes. Though I see him trying to get into real estate if all else fails.

No. 2095994

>I wonder if he stopped associating with ShoeOnHead as well, I remember they use to be fairly (YouTube) close.
I've wondered this forever. I don't think they've publicly interacted for years now. I'm not sure if he commented on her breakup with skepdick on Twitter but I can't remember them being involved with each other after that point in time. Robbie used to have tons of YouTube friends: wiggy and skeptic, Shane, Jaclyn Glenn, that eden the doll tranny, those other trannies she went to vidcon with like Theryn Meyer, and assorted annoying skeptics like Chris Ray gun. I dont think a single one of them still associates with him these days except Jaclyn, I think Robbie was in her wedding a few years ago and they still talk. Oh to be a fly on the wall and know how he killed off all those friendships.

No. 2096023

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I think you’ve got it reversed, there’s a bunch of rumors that Jaclyn and Blaire are no longer friends whereas Blaire still follows Shoe and Shoe follows Blaire back. The rumors that Jaclyn and Blaire aren’t friends anymore makes way more sense as Blaire’s only gotten more conservative, bigoted, and religious while Jaclyn is a liberal antitheist (then again Jaclyn fucks with Paul and Morgan so who knows where her standard lies). Shoe’s largely gone down a similar path with Eudaimonia (her new tradcath Trumpie husband). I think maybe Blaire unliked Shoe’s marriage/baby announcement but then again my memory is shit. Not to mention Blaire is hanging with Jesse Lee Peterson who Jaclyn infamously debated years ago (look up her Atheist VS Preacher video) and who has such brilliant takes as “racism, homophobia, sexism, and white supremacy do not exist” so Jaclyn has likely fucked off if for no other reason than to save her own ass even though her platform has been dead ever since euphoric antitheism stopped being popular

No. 2096223

Yeah all those people you mentioned, I remember when he was associated with them as well. I know that him and Andy Warski stopped talking years ago and Andy's last comment about him was that he doesn't "pass" IRL (he didn't outright say this but he said he "doesn't look like he does in his videos" so it's pretty self-explanatory). Another anon mentioned Shane and how he more than likely doesn't talk to him anymore because of his failed return to mainstream YouTube. EdenTheDoll, they both had a falling out back in like 2022 iirc and I speculate it's just a vanity thing as Blaire probably doesn't like being around other trannies who "pass". I know with Theryn Meyer, his association with Contrapoints might have something to do with it since Contrapoints has a hateboner for Blaire and with Theryn being a writer for his channel and their past hookup when the two met, that probably complicated things kek.

It seems like Blaire just purged most of his old anti-sjw friends to cater and try to befriend YouTube conservative channels.

Thanks for the info anon, that does show that maybe Blaire and Shoe still talk but more than likely behind the scenes. You'd think they would've seen each other IRL though don't you think? With Jaclyn I can't lie, I never cared for her and hardly kept with her but I can see her not wanting to associate with Blaire for political reasons since Jaclyn is not a conservative and more than likely doesn't want to be around hardcore conservatives

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No. 2094754[Reply]

A thread for both older and newer cows from indie bands including indie punk rock, alternative rock, grunge and so on, who do stupid things but don't deserve their separate threads. That refers to singers and musicians with unhealthy need of attention, claiming to be "punk" and independent despite being ex models or actors and coming from priviledged backgrounds, guilty of using nepotism to further their careers, reworking old genres, copying older bands or characterized by rude and nonsensical behaviour.

Previous threads

Examples of indie cows discussed previously:

Glume/Viola Harlow/Molly Marlette - serial grifter, plastic surgery addict, liar, suspected by many to be a munchie. Claims to be a child star with Judy Garland tier backstory, fed amphetamines by her mother to „work more” >>1873254, >>2050666
>Got kicked out of Italians Do It Better deal, asks fans for 19k dollars cause the label „left her with nothing”, refuses to get a job.
>Lies about being one of final 3 chosen to play Hannah Montana >>2050666, >>2050670 and playing Shirley Temple on Broadway to „support her poor family”, claims she was pretty much a family breadwinner at 6 years old. Actually child voice actor with maybe 5 computer game credits >>1872242, >>1873316
>Randomly flips between dancing, jumping around and then suddenly using wheelchair, always talking about 1000 super rare illnessess. Hard to say how much of that is true, some people believe her and some suspect munchie arc.
>Begs for money but somehow can afford expensive ass apartments (also during her „stuck in Paris” phase), Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2095101

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What's more unhinged is that Glume seems to be pretending to be her parents and commenting on the post… like this is so pathetic but at least it's entertaining

No. 2095126

Wait, who is this? Who is this Brittany girl to her?
If that's her dad WKing her in comments for real and claiming she's close with her family… is this man aware of stories she tells about her mother in press? She doesn't paint a bright picture of him either cause it would mean her father did nothing to stop abuse and feeding child with drugs. could be Glume impersonating him

No. 2095133

might be time to give this glume character her own dedicated thread

No. 2095140

Iirc one of Glume's million Gofundmes was for this girl so I guess they were friends/almost dated or something. I wonder if any of the money actually went to her or if Glume used it to buy more useless shit.

No. 2095178

Reading between the lines I think they were friends, Glume used her as a t.A.t.U style promotion and she is the 'inspiration' for the song Brittany. It seems like they lived in LA together and tried to be stars, somehow. This is such classic drama between millenial scenesters. Love the reveal of Glume's real age too - 37. How many people are dogpiling on telling her cuck husband to wake up kek…I'd feel bad for him but at a certain level he must benefit from this treatment. Like he probably doesn't have to work beyond just getting her propped up for a wheelchair photoset every quarter as they do another GoFundMe.

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No. 2050490[Reply]

A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.

Notable Figures:

>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman. Was in a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy before she threw him under the bus. Currently MIA after running from her involvement in the Rosa call as well as the FCK.

>LioConvoy: A fat and smelly, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. Was Peaches biggest meatrider before she turned on him. Had a Discord server called "The Senate" where he would drag people in to verbally berate them, until it imploded.
>Omnia: Kai's Ex. Has an actual life outside the internet, but can't help but run back to it. Made claims against Kai being abusive and took his cat, along with collecting money for items that probably weren't stolen. Not as active in making videos and mainly posts on Twitter.
>Kai/Zae: Volitile manchild that goes off on tirades at any perceived slights, but has recently stepped back from the ACC. Admitts to beating Omnia and tries to say it was mutual.
>JustARobot: Autistic grifter sexpest. Has said multiple times that he's stepping back from the ACC, only to come crawling back because none of his other videos get nearly as much traction.

Others in the community include: PonderSprocket (well respected, but also has a weird dynamic with her teenage fanbase), HitenMitsuru (pretentious vtuber wannabe, loud and uses big words to sound smart, but cracks when the slightest bit of energy is returned back to her.), NezzieMonster (suicide baits and just like Hiten, can dish it out but can't take it.)

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No. 2094726

synni has deleted or privated all her videos

No. 2094788

Good for her
it’s a good first step towards her gettting a real life

No. 2094906

Ayrt and I get where you're coming from but it's just exhausting how these stories keep popping up every other week for the last few years, it just never seems to stops. We millennials did get it good being taught internet safety, that's for sure. I just wish more parents would smarten up and start instilling internet safety knowledge for their kids so we don't see the continuation of this epidemic. Even if the kid is an unpopular weeb type who you don't think would be up to no good on the internet, they still need to be informed as well if all else to have the knowledge in the back of their of what to look out for. There's no doubt that the YouTuber/Artists who are being creeps need to just stop but we know they won't until they get caught so in the meantime, it's just best to make sure the teen is aware of internet safety protocol.

No. 2095216

Quartelz needs to be cancelled.
This is just like synni and bug/piwi.
This is a wake-up call for quartelz. Cancel her, she will lose her career, then when she becomes grateful enough for things she had she should be allowed back.
If she doesn't get cancelled, she will do worse later, just like Synni.

No. 2095275

>dating a minor at age 20 and meeting with them irl isn't as bad as talking to them about porn when viewing porn at that age is a sign of healthy development anyway
What the fuck are you on? I'm not defending Synni, talking to a minor about sadomasochism is some crazy ass shit, but she never had any intention to date that minor and it's nowhere near as bad as actually dating a minor and bringing them to you irl for god knows what. What the hell?

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No. 2035138[Reply]

empath-chan/seppukugirl is a 25 year old (as of now) r9k attention whore who shoops her body and face beyond recognition.
>started self posting on 4chan as Billy. Still self posts here. There and on tumblr(not found yet) mainly posted self harm and her shit art
>according to screenshots she laughed at her mom dying and allegedly according to her, got groomed by sleepy_seymour
>years later she resurfaces on an orbiter server called Jay's server by the name hvy and makes an of
>selfposts on r9k her comically shooped selfies on 2020, makes fun of ciara's death
>2021 starts going by empathchan and the selfposting r9k campaign starts
>posts nazi,misogynistic,zoophile,edgy shit to appeal to scrotes along with just repeating everything they say about her. Common 4chan girl tactic, for example they call her jewish she calls herself jewish, they say they want to rape her she says she wants to be raped. Τhey threaten her, she posts a fake address and claims that she wants them to come
>somehow art got even worse
>according to screenshots allegedly minors accuse her of being inappropriate with them
>still talks to sleepy seymour
>moids cut her name on themselves including on their dick despite nobody caring about her in any platform. So she might have paid them or asked degen cutters to do it, in order to appear like she is more popular than she is
>screenshots surface where she offers escorting to people on discord if they tip her 100 bucks on of
>gets welfared checked cause she was suicidal, liveposts the whole thing asking her orbiters how to get attention to be attended faster, she tries sitting on a wheelchair, screaming, talks about running around naked or falling to the ground and banging her head. Perhaps inspo for later
>claims to attempt suicide. Resurfaces in korea most likely where she had chin augmentation, also visits la afterwards
>alt reddit found where she has photos of a 3-year-long enduring yeast infection, vaginal cheese included.
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No. 2094473

keeping it real, part of it is that's an old pic and she's had plastic surgery since, but also the filters are strong with this cow

No. 2094498

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its funny because even with the fillers and chin augmentation she still looks haggard af without the shooping/filters, also as outlined she only had her chin moved forward, the rest is shitty fillers. broke bitch

No. 2094500

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like her nose literally looks triangular and bumpy like a raggedy ann doll, it is beyond me why her injector decided to do this

No. 2094566

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I was wondering when she went back to Korea if she's finally going to get some real surgery instead of topping up her shitty filler but it's gonna be hard to tell because she photoshops so much despite having all this work done, unless someone finds her on reddit admitting it again. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are often used there after surgery which makes me think she already got something done but I'm not sure about after filler. PS is also much cheaper in Korea so flying all the way there for filler and skin treatments you can get anywhere that will require another session in 6 months makes little sense, not even from a financial standpoint

No. 2094673

it doesn’t matter how much gubment shekels she uses she will always look like an ugly fake whore. bitch literally had to make scratches on her neck/hands bleed to show everyone that she’s “edG3 GYS I CUT MYSELF”(sage your shit)

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