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No. 1952769[Reply]

Varg Vikernes:
>Actual murderer killed someone by stabbing them over 20 times
>Used to spend time on yt sperging about neo nazi crap in his car until his channel got banned
>Now spergs on twitter instead
>Says blonde/blue eyes are superior, refined sugar is superior and what have you
>Shelters his 7 kids from the outside world
>Kids live in a squalor and have to shit in a bucket with no doors
>Called one of his daughters a "teenage mistake"
>Thinks autism isn't a disability but a nordic pure race trait
>Aged like milk under the sun

>Married a neo nazi murderer at 19
>Basically Varg lite
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No. 2018329

>modern people
Marie you might not like it but you’re one of those modern people. You’re literally Twitter obsessed.

No. 2018364

She wishes she was Amish or North Sentinelese so bad kek.

No. 2018392

>So tru mrs biznach

No. 2018440

imagine being a twitter addicted loser saying retarded shit like this instead of taking care of your kids, house and land

No. 2018617

she's projecting so hard here lol
Her life is more boring than the average suburban mother.

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No. 1662298[Reply]

Alice Glass is a 34-year-old singer/songwriter formerly of Crystal Castles, now tries to have a solo career with her own unsuccessful tumblr-esque uwu traumacore Nicole Dollanganger aesthetic music. She is constantly picking fights with other artists online and accuses everyone of copying her.

>gained notoriety as the frontwoman of the band Crystal Castles, which was pretty popular among the underground alternative/electronic/emo scene around 2006-2013

>in 2014, she left CC after accusing her former bandmate Ethan Kath of sexual abuse. since then, she has tried to launch her own career, but has almost nothing to show for it
>releases very little music and is mostly known for her internet presence and aesthetics
>her debut album came out in 2022 after 8 years of no music, featuring 3edgy5me badly produced traumacore songs and tumblr tier photoshoots, "creepy" guro bloody doll aesthetics with fake guts and cockroaches
>openly inspired by tumblr traumacore, called her tour "trauma bond" and talks about wanting her abuse to be reclaimed into an aesthetic in interviews
>started hanging out with the hyperpop crowd: Dorian Electra, Lulo from heav3n, sophie, various drag queens and promptly abandoned her original punky style and adopted her hyperpop friends aesthetics/sound
>horribly shoops pictures >>1469523
>sperged on twitter about MGK copying underground artists and got media attention to promote her album
>picked one-sided fight with grimes in 2015 and accused grimes of stealing Kill v Maim from an idea alice came up with then brought up same copying allegations in 2022 >>1661735 >>1661442
>posted an email of grimes telling her off for saying she copied her and then on the very next story went like "grimes didn't copy me and i apologize". thinks she is going to be suicided by elon musk >>1661543
>tried to cancel mark jacobs for nPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2018171

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No. 2018172

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No. 2018262

So he owns alice's business and thats why she is kissing his ass on instagram.(sage your shit)

No. 2018295

He controls everything—Instagram, Twitter, anything that could be a social media, he's probably controlling. Paige's comment doesn't sound normal to me either. To be honest, I don't think they even followed each other before the comment. I believe on the same day she commented, they started following each other. It's just weird.

No. 2019275

i've thought about this post a few times over the past few weeks and genuinely would not be surprised if it was jupiter replying

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No. 1502155[Reply]

Post your favourite e-begging cringe for cows who aren't significant enough to have their own thread.

Picrel, 24 year old scrote LARPing as a MTF claiming that this is Literal Abuse because his Mom asked him to do chores and get a job, apparently this is cause for e-beggary.
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No. 2016851

I was actually just thinking about her earlier and how she was always begging for money. She's STILL at it? I'm not one to look down on people who genuinely need the money, but what the hell has she even been doing these past few years? Get some scholarships or something, get a job.

No. 2018256

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So, this girl Pwouted on Tumblr let her rabbit die, and of course it's her followers bill to cover. As a long-time rabbit owner, I'm tired of these adults getting rabbits as pets and neglecting them. Did an entire generation of parents not give their kids the whole "A pet is a big responsibility." lecture growing up? What possesses people that can't even afford to feed themselves to own a fucking rabbit, or any living animal? You spend every waking moment online and you can't google what a rabbit is supposed to eat? Apologies if the screenshot is shit, I was trying to grab stuff before she deletes more. I'm genuinely baffled.

No. 2018258

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No. 2018260

Is it really this easy to make money? Are there any negative legal implications of doing this?(sage your shit)

No. 2018288

Rabbit bills are incredibly expensive since they’re considered “exotic” in vet offices but that’s something you have to take into account. A lot of vets are now accepting medical credit cards for these type of emergencies too so there’s no excuse.
I don’t understand the mentality that ebegging as a back up plan for anything other than an unexpected death or musical procedures in the thousands.

No. 2017903[Reply]

This user is trying to claim that pose blocking." is a thing while tracing over images that are premade. they posted a tutorial on Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/lambydal/comments/1e0dted/pose_blocking/

and most of us should know that drawing over an image is tracing. I'm not asking for an attack on this person but instead for someone else to step in and teach that this is infact tracing and not original work.

the video I linked has them tracing over a stock image ( please watch from the beginning as the preview image lies to you.)

I just want them to understand this is tracing and not originality like my work has been proven to be.

thanks!(not your personal army)

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No. 1989982[Reply]

"Ethel Cain" and "Hayden Silas Anhedonia" are pseudonyms of Macon Horner, a misogynistic troon, awful musician who rips off nicole dollanganger and lana del rey, and who fetishizes girls getting abused in the church and sex trafficking. he used to be an irrelevant moid DJ called white silas who was involved in the soundclout scene before trooning out and finding his "niche" fetishizing female trauma and skinwalking nicole/lana >>1764675 >>1917800 >>1761141 and he has fanbase in current coquette aesthetic who kiss his ass cause he's a transwoman uwu

>kissed nicole's ass >>1845218 and even got multiple tattoos of her lyrics

>got nicole's ex-boyfriend to work on his shitty music >>1793816 >>1642065 and then surpassed her/denounced her >>1987336 while nicole was rightfully cancelled for her shit, troonthel gets away with it because he is a "transwoman writing about the girlhood he never had" >>1812183
>troon rage about how he thinks radfems secretly want to fuck him and he "won't touch us broads with a 10 foot pole" >>1914239 calls women "nasty slugs/beasts" bc we have "coarse hair on our pussies and assholes" >>1914200
>writes insane tumblr spergouts about "small breedable 12 year old girls" to "own the terfs,"
>namesearches himself all day to argue with teenage radfems >>1586186
>wrote an entire album ripping off lana del rey's old americana/sinister suburbia aesthetic with lyrics about his preacher's daughter alter ego uwu sad girl getting drugged, murdered, and raped, iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2017894

Tbf the Gummo feeling is there

No. 2018000

He looks so much like Onision

No. 2018093

Weird thing to post. That is a small child.

No. 2018094

There was a Norwegian (I think? Some sort of scandi) woman on Tumblr over a decade ago that Ethel copy pasted from, weird black and white videos and entire poses basically xeroxed.

No. 2018158

I’d like to see this anon, if you can find it, but I don’t need any hard proof to believe a troon is skinwalking a woman they loved/hated because they couldn’t be her kek.

Get a load of those meat hooks LOL

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No. 211822[Reply]


>obsession with teens, incest and britney spears

>posts porn that looks as much like cp as possible, i'm talking disgusting, gonzo porn
>"""""sex worker"""""
>awful, rude attitude
>awful, tacky clothes
>smarmy meltdowns every other week
>in that tumblr clique with other degenerates, like prettylittlevictim,tiny doll baby-pig etc
>(and somebody seriously needs to make a thread for them, the milk is flowing thoroughly)
>(oh and himeka probably wants to wear her skin for some reason)
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No. 2017172

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it's defo her. she's wearing the exact same outfit in this pic. it does look like her just from an unflattering angle, ofc all the photos she used to post were from better angles

No. 2017545

How can someone go blind from a suicide attempt?(sage your shit)

No. 2017548

>>2017545 I'm not doubting it happened. I'm just wondering how it could happen.(sage your shit)

No. 2017602

This isn't my area of medfaggotry expertise, but if she damaged certain areas of her brain, probably through oxygen depravation, it can cause blindness/deafness/all sorts of issues. You see it when moids try to kill women by strangling them a lot, unfortunately.

No. 2017676

Thanks. That makes sense, tbf.(sage your shit)

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No. 1411291[Reply]

Creepshow Art is a commentary youtuber with (formerly) 500k subs who has been receiving negative attention for her obnoxious personality, her tendency to lie for attention, her biased and often misleading videos, and her never-ending drama, and as of recent, her sudden and explosive plummet from grace and public #canceling.
In the first thread, Shannon was outed for using lolcow to manufacture drama and satisfy her vendettas. Go here for the announcement aka the infamous "lolcow posts" that Shannon has yet to address. >>1244574

Shannon's current bullshit:
>Went MIA for 6 months after all her bullshit excuses fell flat
>Released a 2.5 hour shit piece on New Years Eve to prove without a doubt that she is NOT guilty of stalking EmilyArtful. tldw; video actually proves without a doubt Shannon has been stalking EmilyArtful >>1405663
>Youtube rings in 2022 dunking on Shannon's bullshit video and milking the (hopefully) last of this cow's "who me stalking?" antics for views
>Bryce/Brandon has lots of old face pics of Anthony on his Instagram >>1410837 just two coooool dudes

Recap of previous threads: >>1251957
>Shannon's friends continue waffling and more expose videos are churned out by bystanders
>Emily's 2 hour video details years of extensive stalking, harassment and blackmail by the hands of her abusive ex-boyfriend Anthony, who later roped his then-girlfriend Shannon into the harassment campaign, video and longer summary at >>1253989
>Anthony was a wannabe school shooter edgelord who raped her while unconscious
>He and Shannon held Emily's drug addiction, underage nudes and camgirl material over her head and got her fired several times
>snapchatted her from lPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2017596

KEKKKKK shannon and anthony are such retards. i saw a few comments pointing out the weird and sudden accent change. what fucking cows

No. 2017603

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from the reddit user who posted the new voice comparison. how retarded does Shannon think people are(self posting)

No. 2018057

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at least sage your selfpost kek

No. 2018060


No. 2018127

Even if you self posted I still appreciate you bringing this to the thread, I legit would not have checked the new video for the accent change kek shanthony really are so retarded

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No. 2003097[Reply]

Rose Mulet is a 24-year-old YouTuber who faked being mtf for views, victim blames female rape victims, and who supports (or claims to support) various controversial Internet figures for clout.
>Posts often about her belief that women who have been raped should not defend themselves >>>/snow/1707097
>Obsessed with Onision and faked committing suicide because he ignored her >>>/pt/762368
>Has had a great deal of drama in past years with NicholasDeOrio,TheRightOpinion, and Turkey Tom, as well as having petty beef with Kat Blaque, Keffals, and MrGirl
>Largely pretends to be a tranny to get away with being highly unattractive
>Had a public slapfight with an ex friend named Victory Rhyder
>Lives for debates, especially on on TikTok over her stupid takes on rape, gender politics/ideology, and other and political nonsense
>Gained attention online because of a so-called “simp anthem” that was made in 2020 that TikTokers like Tana Mongeau used in their videos
>Creates ridiculous music with titles like “41%”
>Defended Blaire White during the Jeffree Star drama only to 360 later on
>Obsessed with "going on hiatus," only to come back days later
>Attempts to skinwalk and cling to larger creators to gain more relevancy online
>Recently came back into the public eye because of making a random video boosted by BradTasteInMusic
>Claimed in a debate that "insults are worse than rape"
>Says that she wants anyone who's ever hated her or tried to cancel her for her rape comments to "admit that it was based in transphobia" despite not being mtf
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No. 2017339


No. 2017343

Rose Mulet is a tranny.

No. 2017347

why isn’t she institutionalized

No. 2017367

Nta but read the OP.

No. 2017420

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How are you going to be a victim of pedophilia and defend this shit? We’re into horrorcow territory, she claims her tweets like this were cuz of “trauma” but also tries to claim it’s trolling in the next breath, not to mention she clearly knows why it’s wrong to an extent if her recent comments are anything to go off of but still does it cuz she “believes in rehabilitation” despite legit saying “rape should be legal” multiple times

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No. 1844640[Reply]

Jennifer Archambault is a 39 year old fat abusive mother that leeches off of her tiktok star daughter, Danielle Cohn. Jennifer lives vicariously through Danielle and is abusive to her, and has been forcing her to post sexually suggestive content since the age of 11. Danielle started on the app Musically and got famous for lip syncing cringe pop music and dancing. At this time she also started a short lived music career with her hit song “Marilyn Monroe.” She was bullied relentlessly online and released some other auto tuned garbage after that. Danielle’s mother has been exposed multiple times for using Danielle and lying about her daughters age while catering to pedophiles. She has made Onlyfans-esque sites for Danielle to post her body and feet to. The sexual exploitation continues.

>Danielle’s mom exposed for managing her social media, pretending to be Danielle while commenting, photoshopping her pictures when Danielle was 13, organizing bikini pic photo shoots

>Danielle’s father, Dustin Cohn, comes forward with Danielle’s real birth certificate stating she was born in March of 2006, unlike what Jen was saying with Danielle being born in 2004. Dustin says Danielle and Jen were never homeless and he does not agree with Danielle being on social media at 13. Everyone starts attacking Jen
>Danielle and Jen claim the birth certificate isn’t real and Dustin is lying
>Jennifer whispering behind camera during Danielle’s lives telling her what to do
>Danielle gets in a serious relationship with Sebastian, a 17 year old while she’s like 12
>people start getting rightfully concerned since Danielle’s real age is being discussed, Jen claims everyone is jealous despite a mountain of evidence against her
>Her and Sebastian break up, she starts dating Mikey and releases a bunch of shitty music videos at this time
>gets tattoos and piercings while underage to make her look older
>Makes a bunch of try on hauls for YouTube and weird sexually charged Q&As with clickbait titles for pedos by the direction of Jen herself
>Jennifer is outedPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1868722

i know this is 28 days old but wow. spoken like a fucking incel. calling a minor victim of abuse ran through and damaged goods. fuck off, dirty scrote

No. 1875015

Danielle is obviously her own person and has her own agency but that doesn’t mean dhe wasn’t groomed. She was forced to be in sexual relationships since she was young, is she just supposed to stop being like that? It’s not her fault in anyway if it’s under the guise of her mother that’s abusing her. “Damaged goods” is such an incel way to put Danielle’s situation

No. 2017266

I’m surprised this thread isn’t more active considering Danielle is very milky. She got engaged recently and broke up with him. I guess the wedding is off.(provide proof or sage)

No. 2017391

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Not the same anon but I did some light digging and she was engaged at 17 years old. It’s obviously a last ditch effort to get online attention but thankfully her online presence has dwindled. I feel bad for Danielle because she’s been trafficked since 11 and I hope she wakes up one day and leaves her mom. She’s officially 18 now and she should legally separate herself.

No. 2018375

Honestly, I perceive this like a Lillee Jean situation except the mom sexualized Danielle.

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No. 100403[Reply]

I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread about this cow yet.

Tana Mongeau is a 17 year old (the years have not been kind) self-obsessed wannabe famous YouTuber who spends her days making up ridiculous lies for her story time videos. Her dimwitted teenage fan base attacked a nail salon in Henderson, Nevada over allegedly "stealing" $950, basically destroying the business. In her story times, she often lies about everything and can very easily be debunked with the use of a thing called common sense.

She somehow blew up with half a million subscriptions in only about 6 months of being on YouTube by swearing like a sailor. Apparently, her fanbase consisting of teenage girls love her because they see her as "Regina George but nice" and for her "real and edgy" persona. One of her latest videos is of her fake crying over hate comments and hitting half a million subs,

Check out her cringeworthy YouTube videos for yourself.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWD8su9Sk6GzZDwy9zs3_w
Vine: https://vine.co/u/1112626065270280192
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/
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No. 2017174

>idubbz is supporting her

No. 2017194

I refuse to believe the fag in this video isn't secretly a ftm

No. 2017208

Who cares? Such an obsession that you just have to bring it into everything and everyone you ever see

No. 2017321

no, he’s a man and used to be a lot more masculine in his self-presentation—go back to his “oldest” videos and you’ll see a real difference

No. 2017702

An hyperbolic off-hand comment isn't an obsession anon, cry moar.

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