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No. 579777
Links: on the uwu small bun and shitty daddy dom trainwreck show:
>>563416>>554227>>544008>>526816>>509237>>485935>>457669>>439990>>393335>>271163Summary of her past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. >Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.
>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Present:
>Almost 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills.>No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guido with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. >Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd">Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points>It failed horribly, and after June trying pathetically to backtrack, people on both ends of the political spectrum are sick of her shit now>Still pulling her hair out while her bf flirts with other girls on twitter, the only defenders who seem to care about her getting roasted are her troon skinwalker fan Mayu and a few of her lolicon beta orbiters No. 579805
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>>579799I didn't know Greg guest starred on South Park. What can't that man do?
No. 579822
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No. 579853
>>579846Its been 15 whole hour since shoe tweeted ;-; send buns uwu she must be suffering.
Btw she promised her fans a video last weekend, wonder how long she's going to wait on posting because of all of this.
No. 579856
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trans folk forever tho amirite?
No. 579857
Another funny thing about all of this is shoe was complaining about not having any female friends a week ago.
No. 579865
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>>579855wow she totally dunked on that terminally ill TERF. #1 trans kissass and terf dunker right here
what's she going to do next? dunk on some orphans?
No. 579869
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TFW the boy you've been crushing on for awhile says that Wig is Hot as fuck and that Groceries is "What every male should aspire to look like"
No. 579881
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>>579869Is Greg not the peak of masculinity?
No. 579884
>>579879eh is it really worth it at that point though? there's plenty other radfems in the sea that she can pick on. and is some small youtuber really comparable to someone as influential as john mccain?
if june really has an issue with magdalen, maybe she could debate her like an adult and discuss what's wrong with her views. instead she just blocks her and screeches "dunkin on terfs" all the time. it's immature and petty and the terminal illness aspect only makes it worse.
No. 579885
>>579881Clearly. Who wouldn't want to roll up beside that "husky" body, grabbing onto that sweaty, lardy arm and using it as a pillow?
All the while, as he wheezes with cheeto dust on his masculine belly, he looks through Twitter trannies to hit on while you rest with a collar around your neck, awaiting the next quickie
No. 579887
>>579879i dislike mccain and agree that he should still be criticized, but holy fuck, this reasoning is so stupid, anon.
first of all, june is not simply offering rational criticisms like a mature, intelligent person would. she does it knowing her rabid fanboys will mercilessly attack whoever she 'dunks on'. she's not even actually criticizing mags, she's just shitting on her. she makes 0 valid or astute criticisms and she makes every tweet to her with ill intent. she has been told numerous times that her tweets result in her fanboys sending death threats and she continues to attack terminally ill feminists and vulnerable females, especially, in the same exact way as she did before.
and john mccain is rich, protected and has people looking out for him. siccing your psychotic randy stair tier anti-fem fanboys on a terminally ill working class civilian feminist with no real influence or following, especially compared to a fucking senator, isn't the same thing.
No. 579888
>>579881Shoe always boasts how she likes his "dadbod" gut but never talks about those titties he's rockin.
Imagine what he looks like shirtless
shiver No. 579898
>>579884>>579889>>579887>she continues to attack terminally ill feminists and vulnerable femalesI'm on your side, but you realistically cannot express any sort of opinion online without expecting some shit slinging, mental illness or not. Imagine if lolcow exempted every batshit borderline or autist under this rule.
>terminally ill working class civilian feministmuh class warfare. I want fucking tumblr to leave.
>>579888there has to be pictures of shirtless Greg
somewhere online. think we could turn one of the sluts he chats with while ignoring Shoe? they'd have dick picks at least.
No. 579905
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wait, did she change her banner to this but then change it back to the judgmental girls? sage for dumb question
No. 579907
>>579898I still think preg has an account somewhere where he's talking to girls outside of twitter. That or, something on one of those "meet up" bdsm sites. It be pretty hilarious to find.
>>579903That gif is so gross. now that anon brought up his titties, it's pretty funny he'll only show his gut when he lifts his shirt because he probably has gross looking manboobs he's scared to show.
No. 579910
>>579898>muh class warfare. I want fucking tumblr to leave.put down the paint-chips, they're not popcorn. it's not 'class warfare' at all. you're just actually legit retarded. a rich senator has the financial means to protect himself and GOVERNMENT protection that a middle class civilian doesn't have, you fucking sped. they're entitled to protection if the agencies monitoring them have reason to believe they're being targeted. there's a whole branch of police (capitol police) dedicated to investigating threats to them, and protecting them.
>I'm on your side, but you realistically cannot express any sort of opinion online without expecting some shit slinging, mental illness or not. Imagine if lolcow exempted every batshit borderline or autist under this rule. no one is saying it's not to be expected, but anyone with any moral fiber subscribes to the thought and action of not attacking tiny platform figures with terminal illnesses in the way that she does. even the shittiest/milkiest of people will usually admit that that's a step too far. you're clearly a wk linked from tweeter. begone.
No. 579914
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In response to
>>579718. That paper thin "dom" confidence is as weak as June's spine/intergrity.
No. 579915
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>>579907A couple of anons in past threads have thought this was him. The information checks out (thirties, Ontario, ""daddy""), though the account was barely used so it's hard to tell. No. 579923
>>579777OP you forgot
>>572499Brittany, if you're still looking please mention this video :^)
No. 579936
>>579822She said she don't use the meds because it would change her personality…
So yeah… if you can't take the heat, don't go to the kitchen!
No. 579944
>>579923"I had boyfriends"
confirmed lying about being asexual and only having 2 boyfriends all her life :^)
No. 579947
>>579940Given the fact that she only leaves the house to go to starbucks… maybe the therapist goes to her?
But that would be hella expensive, even for her as well.
No. 579948
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>>579942>>579943The funniest part about this is she recently liked this tweet from one of her ddlg friends
Speaking of which, why are all her little friends in their teens or low 20s? Can't she befriend degenerates of her own age? Or does it make her feel younger kek
No. 579949
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I was trying to find the gif where he pulls up his shirt and found this, this will always be my favorite
No. 579951
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>>579948What the fuck is that that's almost worse than june's set up
No. 579960
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No. 579965
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>>579955>>579960Oh god please pair these in a tweet Brittany
No. 579970
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No. 579972
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No. 579984
>>579972Any girl smarter than a plank of wood is smarter than gregg
I guess this means june is the only girl for him
No. 579988
>>579972ew, he's so fucking disgusting. he's dripping with sleaze. she can't seriously think anyone wants any piece of that. just because he cheated on his ex doesn't mean he's desirable, june.
>>579974buyer's remorse? and she has sunk 3 years into him, and is relying on him being her babydaddy and mealticket once her internet fame dries up, so she really wants everyone to know she's ok with her choice.
No. 579997
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No. 579998
>>579997didn't realize this was old for a sec and cringed in horror thinking she might be pregnant
also, that shirt and his greasy beard… gag.
No. 579999
Posting this again for those who haven't read it. article by a psychiatrist about relationships between narcissists and borderliners, that accurately describes Preg and June.
No. 580000
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(this is old)
are things not going well in the bedroom for old greg and june? who could have guessed that
No. 580001
>>579997The ego… "Greg JUNIOR". If he is so fucking nerd than "Luke" would be something i would think of.
But who am i kidding… he is his own number 1 fanboy, then comes starwars, then camgirls and then the rest.
No. 580010
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poor greg can't understand the newspaper :'(
such a misunderstood genius
>>580006because she went out of her way to copy boxxy's mannerisms and styling. that's all it takes. now she goes out of her way to act and look like a teenager, hence all the nonlolcow comments saying she looks 12
No. 580023
>>580010The same could be said about most of his retarded YouTube videos. Since when is he the epitome of clarity? Lol.
Special Ed Greg!
No. 580037
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No. 580079
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bit late for that now don't you think June?
No. 580084
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Brittany raining down justice
It's perfect
No. 580118
>>580114This is definitely part of it and I also think she considers herself superior to other women for being so kind and accepting that she would be submissive to him. Like a "Stupid feminists have way too high standards and are shallow! But I'm such a good little submissive girl that I see the good in my slobbery obese boyfriend teehee! I'm so much better than other women!"
She's too stupid to realize that she contradicts this though when she calls him "alpha" or "beefy" and spergs about how hot he is.
No. 580127
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lmao was this one of you
No. 580131
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No. 580142
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I hope this is real
No. 580150
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>>580142>bideoOooooh yes binch this shit this better be real!
Anyone loving the fact how June originally pandered to the alt-right, only to shit on them later for the sake of being accepted into another group and now she's getting roasted while most libs don't give two shits about defending her.
She's only got lowkey pedos, few teenagers and that incel mayu on her side now.
No. 580205
>>580203I'd imagine that her mom has tried to confront June about having zero self-respect but gotten nothing but "BUT MOM!!! You just don't understand our super kawaii special snowflake bdsm relationship!!! You stupid normie feminist urgh uwu!!!
It's hilarious that her own mom is shading their relationship online though lol.
No. 580206
>>580131Why do so many people even watch her doing the same video over and over again?
>le le le feminsms XDDD vagina??? OOOH MY GOOOD like what the fuck!! do you even meme OMFG. like women are so dumb btw look at me being ADHD!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDThat's almost every single video of hers.
No. 580207
>>580202ohhh shit that's def related to Grocery.
>>580205here is the thing, shoe wouldn't have to even worry about people judging that part of her relationship if they didn't make it so fucking public.
If they really get off to that kind of cucking so much why not just make separate accounts to do that on? To me, it's pretty obvious they get off on the attention of it. It's pretty pathetic. I'm glad with all this drama going to bring an opportunity to show others how cringy their relationship is.
No. 580211
>>580142Brittany, for your bideo please give time to look at past threads. Go straight down the rabbit hole, it's a fucking ride. Don't be afraid to ask for sources or caps either. Go all out.
Also I'm curious what everyone else in the thread wants to see if she's going to her bideo on shoe? I think showing what she was like in the past(popular bully) compared to how she describes herself now (uwu i was so shy in high school!)would be big. Also, showing how retarded Grocery is and their relationship.
No. 580220
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So I just saw this, certainly not a coincidence right? kek
No. 580223
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>>580220I thought ED gone to shit but, this makes me fucking hard.
I hope more things can be added to their articles.
No. 580228
>>580211I hope she goes through all the old threads. There's a ton of milk in them. The whole her having a hand in lolcow's creation and becoming a mod thing was a trip to read.
I think the shoe friend requirement's list would be really good to use in a call out. For those unaware (since we seem to have a lot of newfags), she made a list on where she states if you are a girl and you want to be her friend you must let her fat slob of a boyfriend fuck you and if you are trans you have to be a passing trans. I don't have a cap of it, but it is in the older threads. She complains about how she has no friends who are girls, even though that's verified bullshit, yet has this really gross list that all her female/mtf friends are suppose to follow.
I agree with showing the shit regarding June's relationship with Gorge. That would really break the whole perception of them being "relationship goals" that people seem to have for them. Some including how Skeptic said if her body measurements, that she lies about, were any different she would be a 2/10, how there's apparently there's a room in his apartment she is not allowed to go in, or how open they are about their ddlg relationship, since so many people just think it's bdsm and don't realize it is more disgusting and pedo.
This stuff doesn't even cover her poor treatment of her bunny and then giving shitty pet care advice acting like she's some kind of expert to her fans, the whole "omg this is sooo me/skeptic" thing (ex: Tangled and that one comic about that guy and his wife), that thing that happened with Sucksdic and Jeff Holiday, that whole "mensa IQ" shit Skeptic does when he literally was in special ed and made those shit comics, her whole "i was a quiet shy wallflower goth nerd girl who got bullied uwu~~ plz no booli <3" when she use to be a bully and would torment a girl who liked harry potter and anime everyday, etc.
Sorry for the long post, but there is so much shit involving these idiots. Seriously, to any newfags go through the old threads if you haven't already.
No. 580246
>>580228Yes. All of this is good(maybe not the mod stuff because it unconfirmed). As someone who's been posting since the first thread, my opinion of shoe went from "attention whore capitalizing on anti-feminism for male attention" to some how sooo much worse. Discovering all the personal shit she puts out to the public gives me secondhand embarrassment, more so than most cows.
>>580238Her and Grocery's article need more to them. I don't like they have that door frame nude in shoe's article because it's been debunked on here as not her and I'm pretty sure she wants people to think she looks like that.
No. 580250
>>580228>if you are trans you have to be a passing transOh, I think someone needs to let her trans friends know about this because this is a touchy subject in the trans community-they hate people who police the whole passing shit. Also contra doesnt pass so….
>This stuff doesn't even cover her poor treatment of her bunnyOk yeah awful priorities but thats the one thing that
triggers me about that bitch, that poor rabbit and then she has the gal to pretend to be some rabbit expert and give advice when her own bunny is fucking miserable-i mean that tiny cage she keeps him in and the way she (and her slob of a "daddy")handles him. Poor, poor ollie!
No. 580260
>>580240The main point was to have people who want more info to look at the old threads. If Brittany, or anyone else, wants to make a call out video, it is better for them to go to the old threads and find the info.
I agree there isn't any solid proof on the lolcow mod thing and I only said it was crazy to read. The only solid thing we have on it is that she knew the first admin. Then we got a screencap of a post on here of someone claiming to be shoe and had a similar writing style to her but could literally be anyone. I wouldn't recommend it for a call out, but everything else I would since there is so much evidence to back those up.
No. 580265
>>580260With the mod thing, the most believable aspect of that to me was her shutting down that thread that was back in 2014-2015 because posters were debating whether her boobs were fake and I remember it lined up well with "she wanted to track down who was talking shit on her because she had a secret" part with the anon who claimed to have known Ian.
I should know more about her old unichan "friends" because apparently she thought this girl named Cathy(?) was posting mostly in that original thread, ironically a poster on here who was really defensive about her having fake tits made the claim that "50% of us must be just salty cathy!" or some shit.
Sorry to go all meta but, I personally believe the mod story but, as everyone else is saying it's best to at least hold back on it until there is more proof.
No. 580283
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>>580281her fucking amy schumer yelling. I can't.
No. 580291
>>580281God damn her voice is annoying.
Also, the gym comment at around 5:10, where the author states that some guy stared at her boobs.
>''Is this like some weird humble brag?'' That statement alone is all you need to know about June. She's SO thirsty for male attention that she just can't grasp why a woman would feel uncomfortable in this situation. It's why she blames women for dressing like a ''prostitute'' (literally, her own words. It was the video ''professional victims'' which has now been unlisted). Plus, fuckin' kek @ Wig talking about humble bragging.
No. 580294
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>>580291It's not surprising coming from the person who thinks it's super bi and cool of her to stare at female joggers with her creepy bf.
God I fucking hate her.
No. 580295
>>580291Exactly. The fact that she automatically takes the male's side like wtf.. She acts like women who go to parties and show just a tiny bit of cleavage deserve to be raped.
I used to think June wasn't awful, but she has proven over and over to actually hate women. She's just as shitty as Groceries, if not worse. She has no sympathy for women and the issues only real women face. She only cares about trannies.
No. 580296
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>>580294I find it highly suspect that she uses the term 'girls' and not women.
That's extra foul considering Groceries pedo/loli 'kink'
Also, her entire 'hur hurrr. it's fun to harass women on the street because boys will be boys' meme is vile.
No. 580298
>>580281She's really gasping for straws in this one. Most of the shit she criticizes isn't even written in serious manner, she just pretends it is so she can portray women as these irrational, emotional creatures.
Also McDonalds thing was just PR, not some huge feminist statement…
Coupled with her shit sense of humor, her new video is basically unwatchable.
No. 580321
>>580310Honestly I don't care who calls her out if she gets called out correctly. June has been protected from criticism for so long and there is so much shit on her.
I don't know who Brittany is, but even if someone like Lauren Southern (whom I dislike and think of as lolcow) called her out, I'd happily provide all the receipts.
No. 580331
>>580240>some girls in these shoe threads are willing to believe anything.brittany shouldn't talk about it because there's no proof, but why are you talking like it's far fetched? we see her sperg out everyday when people criticize her. we know she's a sensitive self-obsessed narc who will do anything to make people like her. it's not that people will believe
anything about her, it's that her personality is
so rotten that people can see her doing something like this.
No. 580337
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No. 580351
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>>580310Yeah that was obvious as soon as I heard her burp on her livestream about Shoe, plus it’s not like she hides that fact she’s self aware. But hey you gotta make money somehow.
She’s doing what we’ve wanted for years so i’ll give her a pass.
No. 580363
>>580240There’s evidence of Ian being the original site creator
There’s evidence of Shoe being very close to him
There’s evidence of her threads being deleted until recently
I even saw a video of her talking about the Orange Citrus the other day which is how Unichan and staminarose became connected - AND shortly after lolcow came into existence
It’s def worth mentioning even if it may be conspiracy
No. 580372
>>580363It is confirmed he was the original owner. Pictures he posted himself, etc.
It is confirmed June was close to him - the Unichan drama posts and shit. And in those posts, we see he liked her and she led him on.
She's talked about "lolcow" and specific ppl from here in the past. She's talked about her favourite past time as being laughing at lolcows.
There is evidence of her past threads being deleted and that shit.
Then there is the sketchy admin drama. Where he left because of some weird romantic drama with a mod. Someone should post screencaps of that.
And as of recently, after that anon came and exposed this, she completely shuts up about lolcows on twitter. Pretty interesting.
These are just the pieces but they seem to fit.
No. 580373
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>>580363Not to tinfoil too much, but she also calls Onion "Gerg" like we do and has called him a lolcow multiple times. At the very least that shows that she knows of this place.
>>580371She's done that for the Groceries, so probably.
No. 580378
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this is what the left think of her. good luck trying to change your demographic, june :^)
No. 580384
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Does June run this account? Even if this is just a fan this is horrible
No. 580403
>>580373"how does someone not change at all in 10 years"
LMAO the irony
No. 580427
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>>580423I only found this. I do remember a recent tweet where she says she is for "regular mgtow" but not "redpill mgtow" assuming there is any differences
No. 580432
>>580427Nah not that one but close, I remember she ended the statement with "sounds kinda mgtowy but yeah"
Ill try to find it when i get home, it was one of the biggest reasons why i despite her so much
No. 580440
>>580427I remember all that history of men being constantly oppressed, used for sex, raped, seen as objects, etc. Oh wait..
Is she really dumb enough to compare a buncha whiney manchildren who don't want to take responsibility to actual feminists movements like fgm and rape apologists?
Through and through, June is anti women. I'm surprised she hasn't turned to islam yet.
No. 580442
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>>580424Ranting Feminist is ridiculous in the way she capes for shoe, she does it constantly. What a hypocrite.
No. 580447
>>580445the irony. this is exactly how june treats herself and how her fans treat her.
when she's not treated with kid gloves, she absolutely throws a fit
No. 580456
>and how they both treat anti-feminist womenlel
So I guess she can't get behind MGTOW because they won't treat her good despite her sucking up to men and shitting on women 24/7. The line is only drawn for a group of men when they don't treat our smol princess with the respect she deserves. uwu
No. 580459
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>>580427>nope. the movement is 100% understandable, especially in today's climate.and women don't need a movement? imagine being this retarded and still getting paid to shill your stupid views. no wonder why she thinks all other women are babied by society, she's only drawing from her own experience
No. 580468
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>>580463nta but this was from the last thread. also not exactly what you were looking for but still funny given the circumstances. even if she doesn't know about her son's camwhore obsession, surely she knows he's divorced partly because of cheating??
No. 580475
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>>580228I found the first cap anon
but I'm going to have to be spoon fed where preggory said he wouldn't like her with different measurements
Also I haven't seen much on the bunny treatment other than comments about the cage (Haven't seen a picture either). Is it significant enough to not sound like PETA?
No. 580482
File: 1526150367850.png (753.9 KB, 1304x1064, 00131TK.png)

>>580475idk anything about bun care, but other anons have said the cage she uses should only be used for much smaller animals like gerbils, rats, etc. if you do a quick search you can see that it's waaaaay too small for her pet. she's also been called out by her followers and still doesn't buy a new cage even though she has the $$$. plus she calls out other people for small cages. the usual june hypocrisy
No. 580526
>>580378Can't say I'm surprised, and I agree with the other comments that one would have to be versed in the edgy, tryhard, "coolgirl" sphere of the alt-right. Otherwise, she's just another vapid basic bitch saying shit for clicks.
The only reason why June's even got a strong presence here is because she has a chan history.
Shaun would have nothing to really deconstruct or analyze about her politically.
No. 580537
File: 1526154134355.png (404.06 KB, 1360x1072, r7vVK0b.png)

during this harrowing time where june is allegedly facing mass bullying and invasions of privacy, grocery takes it upon himself to chat with his favorite 20 yo ddlg weeb. lovely
No. 580546
File: 1526154858147.png (293.29 KB, 1270x2048, DdBPMu_UQAALaT-.png)

Requesting the source on when preggory says he wouldn't be attracted to wigonhead if she weren't "smoll"
No. 580552
File: 1526155115575.jpg (368.27 KB, 600x1716, 1519103971617.jpg)

>>580546you mean the 2/10 one right?
also posting more old art for newfags. The drawfags in these threads are so funny.
No. 580559
File: 1526155345426.png (195.76 KB, 608x1040, gvnymhN.png)

>>580546not the same one, but still the same message. let me see if I can hunt down the actual thing.
No. 580563
File: 1526155594433.png (14.25 KB, 483x214, Y7SVnCp[1].png)

she's such a gamer girl
No. 580566
>>580559this just them playing up their dumb bdsm rp
"daddy wont allow me to eat more chicken nuggies uwu"
trying to find the 2/10 cap
No. 580579
File: 1526156102449.png (21.51 KB, 681x230, 2 outta 10.png)

>>580546nta but here you go
No. 580580
>>580337So shes backtracking backtracking now.
What a fucking coward, she trying to act all tough when its clear shes desperate for any sort of shield, oh pathetic shoe, never change lol
No. 580584
File: 1526156390497.png (278.38 KB, 635x601, pYMdPrY.png)

No. 580585
File: 1526156461543.jpg (25.32 KB, 639x262, riiiiiight.jpg)

>>580579>those measurementsi still laff. i love how willing she is to casually tell someone. even most camgirls will tell their orbiter neckbeard fans to fuck off but, not shoe. She really wants them to fap to her fake measurements.
No. 580589
>>580585bitch you shaped like a linebacker, probably why greg cheats, she catfished his ass
>>580568>>580565they talk like white trash emos going through their rawr XD stage and thinking they're relationship is a special snowflake
>>580563oh yeah, also june did go to prom lmfao she has pics of it, why did she suddenly turn around and claim to be the "teehee I played halo and didn't go to prom" bitch you were stacy in HS
No. 580593
File: 1526156740876.png (243.56 KB, 661x643, vsIvmxJ.png)

>>580525does this count? she's always comparing her relationship to disney movies, that's pretty uwu to me.
btw she made this monstrosity with her own two hands
No. 580598
>>580593Most people with BPD that I had an unfortunate encounter with are OBSESSED with Disney.
What is it about hat studio that attracts these psychos?
No. 580600
File: 1526157142136.png (343.32 KB, 642x782, 7NiKfPh.png)

>>580593i'm a smol disney pwincess uwu. every woman out there is a humblebragging bitch except me uwu
No. 580602
File: 1526157322769.png (92.52 KB, 672x660, 79JvMdq.png)

>>580525smol little june :3 vs. imaginary jealous old hags
No. 580606
File: 1526157538772.jpg (99.62 KB, 557x402, i was bullied by womens…)

>>580525everything about this.
All Brittany needs to is put this and the video where she talks about how she was a bull in hs and people will maybe start understanding she's fake as fuck.
No. 580621
>>580600This tweet is SO hypocriticial given she takes pics of random strangers in public to post online for her followers to make fun of their weight and in last thread shown to shoop her waist like bitch, you aint fooling anyone stop projecting.
>>580602>my personal boundaries>If you wanna be my friend you will let me grope your boobs~uwu~
No. 580623
File: 1526158895662.jpg (805.14 KB, 2000x1500, shoeonhead.jpg)

>>580611I dont think thats tinfoil anon I think many would agree its been said before-except I would replace fat with morbidly obese
No. 580681
File: 1526162709887.jpg (100.18 KB, 600x478, file[1].jpg)

did anyone post this?
In regard to her height
No. 580688
File: 1526162987921.jpg (5.84 KB, 160x160, n4efaa015aaa09_large.jpg)

This was posted as response to her favorite actor but who is this?
No. 580694
>>580681you can lie about your height and they'll put it down as long as it's within a reasonable range. if a 5'5" girl says she's 5'2" nobody is going nitpick details and argue about it. it'll still be put on the license .
i don't care about her height either way but this proves nothing
No. 580705
>>580694Fwiw Blaire White is 5’5”- confirmed in her most recent vid. And in a vid I saw of them together, Shoe looks significantly shorter.
I don’t even care if she’s lying about her height or not but the conversation around it is so goddamn annoying. It’s worth it to prove it once and for all so everyone who cares for some reason will stfu.
No. 580745
In high school I was deluded and thought I was 5'6 but I'm actually 5'3. Nobody questioned 5'6 being on my license.
>t.Yank No. 580773
>>580691Best not give her any sadposting ammo
"it really hurts even more because this girl is so pretty and it's just like highschool all over again :c"
No. 580780
File: 1526167761905.png (1.27 MB, 1045x1324, 1519952100474.png)

>>580770Have a bonus pic of June looking miserable next to a "smoler" woman.
No. 580785
File: 1526168053942.png (742.39 KB, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20180512-203023~2.p…)

Gonna see Groceries maybe?
No. 580793
>>580786I don't think she's actively trying to hide it either, but if she's 5'4" like she claims in
>>580780 then she is the average American female height, not the smol lil bun bun pwincess uwu she desperately wants to be.
No. 580794
File: 1526168599397.png (5.73 MB, 1536x2048, 8A15EC4A-E489-4B16-9A97-E60E69…)

>>580792Actually I’m getting irrationally angry at this so here. Don’t make me regret this fam. She is 5 foot 2 inches. Leaving this shit thread now.
No. 580801
>>580794Ew, she looks really gross here.
Also, you sound like a bitter stan, anon.
No. 580817
File: 1526170082269.png (107.49 KB, 656x616, nVOowHl.png)

No. 580844
File: 1526171803112.png (284.49 KB, 594x343, 136306768988.png)

>>580525uwu so smol and timid
No. 580848
>>580838>believing unitards, ever, about anythinglmao ok anon
>>580839lmao, wow. so just like megan marie she shrunk at least by an inch when they realized it was hot to be a 'little'.
i doubt she just happened to shrink an inch (likely more) as soon as she decided to shill her smol girl bullshit. fact is that she's taller than the 5'4 pink haired girl who had no reason to lie (she wasnt asked about shoe), and she is taller than laci by a few inches, and the same height as chris.
No. 580850
File: 1526172066657.jpg (27.75 KB, 287x456, lol.JPG)

The second time she was honest
No. 580854
>Has she ever been to Arizona? I don't think she's ever been outside the United States, like, she's never been to another country. She hasn't been to
No. 580868
File: 1526173524418.jpeg (97.71 KB, 636x642, B1460176-06B0-415B-A5CB-CD5A88…)

>average height of a female head is 9.4 inches
Looks like ~5 inches to me.
No. 580882
>>580868A., the photo has been taken from a lower perspective.
B., for 5'7 the head should be 8 3/8 inch, otherwise fucked up proportions.
No. 580892
>>580889find one that her orbiters wouldn't find ugly/too good looking.
oh and let the girl be as much of a "celebrity" as wig or venti so wig's orbiters won't dogpile her.
good luck.
No. 580895
>>580893> called out by a guy and an attractive, popular one at thatFlynn?
Otherwise her orbiters would just accuse you for basicly anything. (being an incel, having no taste, wanting to shag her, wanting to be more famous, wanna get higher in political shperes, etc)
No. 580896
>>580889I don't see why Brittany calling her out is a problem? June clearly fears/respects her and knows she has influence so it doesn't matter if she's ugly
Speaking of, has June said anything to Brit directly?
No. 580909
File: 1526176505075.jpg (424.34 KB, 978x1344, Screenshot_20180512-215343.jpg)

>>580000how dare women complain?!
Idk about the whole article but it's probably about caring more for your partner than your performance.
He also made a tweet about "ok so straight men come more but it's not our faaaault" what a fuckin dweeb.
No. 580918
>>580889I gotta admit, having June get called out by a legitimately attractive girl would have been glorious just to see her seething rage and jealously (and potentially losing her orbiters who'd jump her ship to someone prettier).
Venti is just doing the typical youtuber schtick of getting herself more involved with drama to gain views and subscribes. I bet she's profiting handsomely from this move, and she's got lolcow here full of information that's free for her to use.
I'm enjoying the milk, but Venti is a mouthy thot tittybug just like June.
No. 580928
>>580924>venti Get it? Instead of saying "HI VENTI!"
Lmao, but seriously, it's not a big deal.
No. 580939
File: 1526178094635.png (6.02 KB, 378x110, fBAEke2.png)

No. 580947
>>580909A., if men cum more TIMES then women than they are really lazy since detumescence after orgasm thus leaving the woman unsetisfied.
B., if men cum more IN VOLUME then women than woopity fucking doo. Fluidgeneration is genetic and have nothing to do with orgasm.
Debunked his idiocity with reasoning without looking at the source he tweeted.
I really think he has some fucking mental disability now.
No. 580950
File: 1526178822496.jpg (107.43 KB, 428x480, penis.jpg)

No. 580953
File: 1526178947601.png (185.78 KB, 334x498, NlNAKuX.png)

>>580944nothing sexual here
No. 580954
>>580010"flavoured language"
Kinda like your doing… Right there..
No. 580960
>>580893she got called out by PJW but only because she was stalking his facebook, and her reaction was to beg for his attention even more, she'll obsess over any guy that doesn't give her attention until he does
I wish PJW would call her out more, he was being a queen about it too
No. 580961
>>580949"straight men cum more than women (and other groups) therefore[…]"
neither said "times" so don't judge me for thinking about what the fuck would he thinking about.
No. 580969
File: 1526179719731.png (233.5 KB, 655x639, nZ7GqFE.png)

>>580202it's funny how differently june and her mother react to similar articles.
No. 581017
File: 1526182442402.jpg (108.12 KB, 629x999, DdCGt8eVAAAhk1Y.jpg large.jpg)

>Beaty specialist
No. 581031
File: 1526184274844.png (527.13 KB, 1312x938, VXORKI1.png)

does anyone have that pic of june self posting on 4chan?
>>580991no memes but i come bearing june's typical lies
No. 581033
File: 1526184434992.png (21.41 KB, 634x268, D6aPlWu.png)

No. 581035
File: 1526184562222.png (83.64 KB, 684x660, kzmcuV4.png)

>>581028in the knick of time, anon.
also what nazis are posting pics of gmaster? was he even abusive?
No. 581036
File: 1526184574290.png (199.09 KB, 720x1376, quote tweet.png)

>>581028in example like this
No. 581039
>>581031It's in the last thread, anon.
But this is such a blatant lie it's hilarious. Her entire photobucket had 4chan/Femanon references.
No. 581040
>>581017It's ticklish how despite June telling everyone she used to work at a makeup counter, nobody ever asks her about makeup advice or if she'll do their makeup.
It's because her own makeup is shit. She took no applicable experience from that job, at all.
No. 581041
>>581035ALLEGEDLY abusive.
ALLEGEDLY her nudes.
This guy is fucking making me mad for real.
BTW she knew who she is fucking with.
No. 581070
File: 1526188776496.jpg (45.78 KB, 641x296, 20180512_221503.jpg)

Now I'm almost certain that June pretends to be bi and sexually attracted to women just to pander to male fantasies. This is from an archived snapshot of one of June's old formspring accounts. I found the link on an old boxxysphere thread. She also has a deviantart page with the username s0upy just to verify.
No. 581073
>>581070It's a game to her.
June would never fuck a woman. She just has to tell herself she's bi so she looks cool to her orbiters and feel less cucked when Greg the Preg hits on other women in front of her face.
Sleazing is okay as long as I approve it, r-right? uwu No. 581076
File: 1526189258014.png (66.84 KB, 663x641, ppwsyAR.png)

>>581070fast forward some years late and she's saying shit like "lesbian fantasies? yes please but only if my insecure dom daddy can join in the middle :3"
No. 581082
>>581066i'm glad someone poked holes in her sob story. he makes a good point. if a stranger is going to call her immediate family over internet drama, why would a social media post shut them up? why wouldn't you call the police? you know she would have included that if she actually did.
nothing adds up as usual with her
No. 581083
>>581070It’s obvious. She doesn’t even know how to interact with them like regular people because she literally only sees them as objects, hence the jogging catcall incident. She’s completely fucked in the head and will do absolutely anything for male attention, remember when she claimed that Preg and her allegedly watch porn together because she’s such a ~cool gf xD?~?
Her idea of being bi means thinking women are physically attractive. That really shows her lack of female interaction in the past years. You can think any person of any gender is aesthetically pleasing without being sexually attracted to them, Wig. Sucks that she has to learn this at 27.
No. 581084
>>581041He is on twitter right now reposting something Sargon wrote about being attacked by the alt-right and harassed, only suddenly he isn't whiteknighting anymore and he is making fun of Sargon and attacking him.
I don't get this guy. Sargon and Shoe associate with each other and defend each other and have the same circle & politics, and this guy spends all his time shitting on Sargon but when female-Sargon does and says the same thing, he starts white knighting and throwing her a pity party? someone explain to me who he is?
I don't think Sargon is a very smart or honest or kind man, but he is leagues above Shoe. He's actually tried to debate alt-righters and neonazis (albeit poorly) and actually challenges them when they go out of line. Shoe doesn't, and she dogwhistles to them… I'm confused.
No. 581087
File: 1526190145432.png (111.51 KB, 719x814, 20180513_014056.png)

No. 581099
File: 1526192155898.png (80.1 KB, 600x236, Southern.PNG)

>>581094the prevailing theory is that he swung left after Lauren Southern ignored his DMs
No. 581106
>>581091>>581099To be fair, a sex-obsessed uggo with no redeeming qualities would probably have more luck scoring whilst spouting SJW platitudes than he would praising MGTOW.
All men who spitefully join anti-female groups eventually learn they can have a shot at pussy if they can pretend to be nice. Hence the WKing.
No. 581108
File: 1526193911076.jpg (7.07 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>581076>Lesbian fantasy>Septic is in the middleThank fuck no lesbian would ever fall for June's bullshit.
No. 581115
>>580794Hillary, does June know you're posting photos of her in threads like this?
(Don't worry, I'm not gonna share anything about you.)
No. 581121
File: 1526195229720.jpg (83.34 KB, 720x960, 152617756292.jpg)

No boyfriends in high school guys
Virgin until Septic guys
No. 581123
>>581118Hillary's just a regular girl.
But like I said in my first post, I'm not gonna share anything about her. I'm here to lurk, not post. I'm just being an annoying moralfag that wants her to think about what she's doing.
No. 581125
>>581123so you have plenty of reason to lie. get out, wk. if you had any interest in
actual moral behavior, you'd condemn june instead of being her watchdog.
No. 581135
File: 1526196220131.png (811.53 KB, 628x774, t1x0DYP.png)

>>581121what a tomboy gothic gurl
no girly makeup for this shy wallflower. nope not a normie at all.
No. 581136
File: 1526196225132.jpg (65.26 KB, 833x803, sfsf.JPG)

June liked all the positive comments on her videos so they appear on top lol
ego-soothing i see
No. 581137
File: 1526196459978.png (238.25 KB, 217x440, skepdick.png)

yank on that septic tank, uwu~
No. 581148
File: 1526197538391.png (1012.72 KB, 1628x726, shoelogic.png)

>>580525>>580525I'm so smol that I need to learn logic from pictwure book uwu :3
No. 581153
File: 1526197961856.jpg (205.41 KB, 1280x769, tumblr_p64xnbHnZp1v4yu0bo1_128…)

>>581141Do you mean this one?
brittany is that you kek No. 581158
File: 1526198709427.png (199.81 KB, 1352x1116, 1521909034299.png)

>>581141>>581153there's also this one.
No. 581161
File: 1526198898272.png (227.93 KB, 1352x1116, 1524521488276.png)

>>581158which is not as bald as this one
No. 581163
>>581158the fucking tiny feet kill me everytiem
>>581153this and the shay one that's done in a similar style are the best pretty princess points i've ever seen, ever. shoe's threads have the best drawfags ever.
No. 581205
File: 1526207664631.jpg (80.94 KB, 810x489, IMG_20180513_122848.jpg)

this binch used deviantart to upload her selfies on it.
even shitty ms paint art would make more sense
why the hell did she use every webpage on the net as a dating site?
No. 581208
>>581202I think her fans will either say
>omg Brittany your so obsessed and totally just jelly of herrrOr
>who caares all these are things she said in the past! She's different now!It's funny, a lot of shoe's formspring, old askfms and videos look and sound like it's coming from an immature teen. If that was the case all this wouldn't be as big as it actually is. She was in her fucking early 20s when she said all these things that conflict with her today. But, I'm sure her autistic fans think it's totally normal to think girls were icky at 20 to wanting to have poly bdsm threesomes by 25.
No. 581211
File: 1526208983703.jpg (70.38 KB, 945x805, basicjune.jpg)

>>581205nerdy gothic girl uwu
No. 581214
>>581211Didn't she mention recently she basically only played Mario on SNES and later Sims on the PC?
Here she has much more favorite games and her console of choice is Gamecube…
No. 581221
>>581209Ty anon I'm looking forward to what you write up.
>>581211>>581214Yeah, holy fuck she's such a liar.
No. 581241
File: 1526213732338.jpg (93.75 KB, 810x656, IMG_20180513_141501.jpg)

No. 581245
File: 1526214582267.jpg (14.22 KB, 800x149, _20180513_082539.JPG)

>>581208>>581241Called it. Her fans are so typical.
No. 581250
>>581245>shitlord>saying something irrelevantFitting.
>>581241Crazy how people could ignore how toxic this is for someone who claims to be super nurd smol gurl who was boolied uwu
No. 581267
File: 1526218967432.jpg (32.61 KB, 501x465, 5eyoLTN.jpg)

>''cannot see myself ever dating a woman''
No. 581289
>>581121Lol is this that matt guy
"we were just friends uwu but he liked me"
No. 581313
File: 1526226200477.jpg (21.34 KB, 310x240, image.jpg)

>>581245I cry myself to sleep every night because my measurements aren't the perfect little measurements to lift up Greg's fupa and suck his cheesy penis. All I can do is sit here on lolcow and make fun of June when really I'm just so jealous of her. All I want is to have have Daddy septic humiliate me on Twitter and fuck other girls behind my back. Why? Why can't that be me.
No. 581318
>>581256this is what happens when you go from wog stacy thot to wanting to be a uwu shy quiet goff tomboy wallflower
>>581246underage folks always scream jealously when a slightly attractive girl gets called out
>>581214this was around the times when gamer girls were fawned over and all guys wanted a gamer gf, and whether june was genuine or not, any type of girl guys fawned over at the time she pretended to be that but she doesn't realize with her new uwu i was innocent she cant
No. 581320
File: 1526227558750.jpg (44.66 KB, 640x480, 1401862814238.jpg)

>>581313same anon I wish I was dating a fat ugly divorced man, still living with my parents at 27, had no education, skills or hobbies and spent my entire day pandering to neckbeards and ugly trannies! My life would be so much more fulfilled! Send buns plz uwu
No. 581328
File: 1526228385930.png (210.4 KB, 696x736, 1.png)

shoe is apparently deleting old shit. now is the time to save caps and sources girls, don't let her put this shit under the rug. inform her fans, they have the right to know that the person they've been watching is a liar, has fucked up views and has done terrible shit that she wants to hide
It's ironic coming from the person who will say shit like "the internet never forgets". it's too late for that shoe, we got plenty of dirt on you.
No. 581332
File: 1526229038877.jpeg (Spoiler Image,302.74 KB, 897x1200, 4741449F-3B05-4CCE-A864-4A37D5…)

>>581202This is always the classic internet drama paradox. The more you argue against people bashing you, the more it makes them want to do it to get a reaction. You start kicking up latent trolls in the distance. But if you ignore it then the persistent critics will count that as an admission of guilt or a refusal to take responsibility.
Orbiters, whiteknights, stans, etc could argue against every point and there would still be a crowd who refuses to let go of their biases because it’s more interesting to have something to feel self-righteous about.
This thread is literally TERFs the Motion Picture. Make a damn thread to sperg about your feminist ideals and trans obsessions. Then I guarantee to you 100% if you take the politics out of the thread you’ll have no content left. Just the same rehashed stale milk about how you’re fairly fucking convinced June has fake tits and how she’s culturally appropriating animu.
Sorry, political disagreements are not milk. You are on the wrong website, friends.
Pic related is the absolute state of June threads. You are literally reposting the same caps thread after thread expecting your computer’s cd drive to spit out a medal for having the most objectively correct subjective perceptions. Congrats, you autists.
No. 581342
>>581332>This thread is literally TERFs the Motion Picture. >Sorry, political disagreements are not milk. You are on the wrong website, friends.That's funny because if you actually did read the fucking threads you'd learn that some of us don't even identify as feminists or care about shoe's political stance(it's kinda impossible to considering she changes all the time). You don't have to be a feminists to know she hates other women and wants to suck up to liberals for views.
Also, you must be new because lolcow is known to be full of radfems anyways, it has no relation to shoe.
No. 581345
>>581332If you look at these threads and don't come to the conclusion that June is a cow then I don't know what to tell you. Stay
No. 581347
>>581332Have you even read the threads? The freshest milk we've seen in weeks was just posted by June herself just a few days ago. She deleted it, of course, but see we exist to cap that shit and make fun of her for it.
The day June stops capping and ridiculing people on Twitter/YouTube is the day these threads end. Get it?
No. 581358
>>581332KEK is this mayu? Looks like someone's feeling a little butt blasted, specifically about those who don't worship "girldick".
Fuck off, faggot. Go coddle your fas-faced queen somewhere else.
No. 581361
File: 1526230992882.gif (316.97 KB, 500x375, 1393874537930.gif)

whenever a poster brings up "you're all a bunch of terrffs!" it's pretty obvious it's either june or one of her butt hurt trans fans. it's fucking hilarious cause it shows how much of a hivemind they're
>everyone who hates her must just be a mean terf ;-; b-but all of you are the ones who hate on her because you just don't like her politics!
the irony is unreal
No. 581372
>>581361Given that the whole concept of "terf" seems to be a way for trannies to cope with being disliked for any reason, it's very obviously a butthurt tranny/
triggered tungl. I don't think they have any self awareness to understand that they're clocking themselves.
No. 581377
File: 1526231745094.jpg (247.16 KB, 451x800, bunny-carrot-rabbit-stand-Favi…)

>>581364gee anon it's almost like you can't handle people having different opinions. I don't like terf/radfem beliefs but, you don't see me complaining. I'm sorry the internet is to mean for you uwu here is a bun.
No. 581384
>>581364is this one of june's orbiters? there's a gendercrit thread on OT plus a fakeboi/fujoshi one in snow. yeah, the trans obsession can get stale after a while but that's just the tone of the site. you don't sound familiar with this place at all.
june's a political youtuber, as much as she shies away from the label. so people are going to bring up the fact that she's a spineless fence-sitter who switches her political opinions at a drop of the hat in order the please the majority. this includes the TERF shit, she was never this obsessed with transwomen in particular before. with the brittany drama the TERF shit is hardly being brought up anyway, well at least until her wks came along…
No. 581391
>>581372I just don't understand why they think it's ok to assume we don't like someone because of their "groundbreaking" politics but, then turn it around and label us as terfs/radfems. By their own logic, it shouldn't matter but, they can't help but project how offended they are that some of us
gasp not share their dumblr stance on gender.
No. 581394
>>581332>>581364I like how you completely ignored the shitshow that is Preggory and their relationship.
also why wouldn't politics count as milk? who are you to determine what people should find amusing?
No. 581402
>>581332If you actually had read the threads, you'd know most people here don't identify as feminists.
>if you take the politics out of the thread you’ll have no content leftShe literally calls herself a socio-political commentator though? What else do you expect us to talk about?
>culturally appropriating animu.Literally when
If you don't find her interesting or milky, why are you here?
No. 581414
File: 1526233237460.png (300.72 KB, 1317x1009, 5SxCLCq.png)

>>581406Hell, if ArmouredDoughboy was a feminist-identified woman, he'd be getting an earful from June about how much of a crazy TERF bitch he was for these tweets. But of course, he's a man who she approves of, so he gets a pass. He's never apologized for his transtrender views either.
>>581407There's caps of deleted tweets and asks littered all throughout her 13 threads here. You're going to have to be more specific.
No. 581445
File: 1526234817789.jpg (61.43 KB, 1325x698, Capture.JPG)

What I don't get about her whitknights who come here is that their princess shittalks and bullies people with different political perspectives on the DAILY.
Her whole career is built around "laughing at lolcows xD". She gets $2000 per low quality "bideo" where she just filming herself shitting on someone while acting oh so quirky and funny.
Example in her most recent video. She gets some cosmo article that wasn't even written in serious manner, highlights name of the author and is like "OMG it's Hannah Smothers again!!".
She could've only criticized that article but she coulnd't help it but also shit on woman who wrote it (again it's not even a serious article, but June pretends it is). She often does this, mentioning names and linking her fanboys to attack the "lolcows" because they are oh sooo cringy.
But same goes with her, for us - she's a lolcow. She has so many hypocritical moments, so many times caught in lies, blatant pandering, acting like she is "not like the others", fence-sitting etc
If she built her entire career on attacking people over such issues, then why can't we call her out too?
What makes her so better than the others- when she's a hypocritical, lying cunt?
No. 581465
>>581414Not saying this because of the content of those tweets (or the first one anyways) because I actually am a terven, but Skeptic seems to be
genuinely retarded. I can't believe how fucking dumb he is. These two are a downgrade from Onion and Plainey, it's so tragic.
No. 581470
File: 1526236282635.png (263.2 KB, 645x479, G3szy2T.png)

>>581445exactly. it's really ironic that she's made a career out of mocking sensitive sjw feminists when she's too sensitive to be called out herself. people are simply criticizing her and she's calling it a mass bullying campaign and abuse. if a feminist acted like this, june and her fans would mock the shit out of them? how do we know this? because she mocks those types of people everyday on twitter and once a month on youtube. if anything, the women she's mocked go through much worse.
no one contacted her family. a fan emailed her. some sjws questioned her about a very public friendship (that she purposely made public) with a cringey conservative when she's trying to pander to liberals. so fucking what?
No. 581498
>>581241Is it me or is the handwriting the same there?
KNowing june wouldnt surprised me if she wrote all of that herself
No. 581552
>>581547Who knows? She changes the story about her past every time.
Though I can imagine her hanging out with high schoolers in her 20's, she's stunted and constantly wants to pretend she's still in high school.
No. 581554
File: 1526241866808.png (150.06 KB, 1877x921, juneharrassingvet.png)

From Kiwi Farms. I vaguely remember the loony guy, but not much else. Anyone have any more info?
No. 581557
>>581554>None of the people who you'd think would remember this happening remember it happeningJune's fans always conveniently forget that she bullies people for attention.
No. 581559
>>581554>>581556I remember reading something about someone thinking preg and shoe catfish or something. I've forgotten where/whens of it all though. Had no clue about the whole bully a ptsd vet, that's fucked up but, typical shoe to jump on any opportunity to be the "not like the other girls" edge queen. It's so ironic she goes from this to now having a defense squad of dumblrs reeing about how she's being "bullied online :c".
I's honestly really sad she's gotten people so tricked, she's no better than crazy feminist who capitalize on being the victim by lying through their teeth.
No. 581561
File: 1526242519114.png (325.82 KB, 630x1002, exhibit_a.png)

>>581554I don't have any caps of shoe doing anything, but there is evidence of it happening on twitter. We probably have some receipts in some past threads from around October of last year.
No. 581566
File: 1526242793720.png (277.97 KB, 490x694, check.png)

>>581554i have some circumstantial evidence. it appears to check out. hehesillycomics sent june a birthday invite way back in april. in october, someone commented on that birthday invitation "the times they are a-changin'", presumably in reference to the tiff these two had.
i will try to keep digging, but tbqh, this seems enough proof for me. we all know what kind of shithead she is, and that that comment was posted in october, not august, not june, etc, is a pretty good clue it happened.
No. 581572
File: 1526243345563.png (68.39 KB, 590x587, ahah.PNG)

FOUND IT! caps incoming!
No. 581575
File: 1526243413068.png (27.83 KB, 596x303, harharstrips.PNG)

No. 581585
File: 1526243712819.png (28.72 KB, 599x305, horrible.PNG)

>>581579well they're still on twitter. she baleeted her ones to hehesillycomics, but left the ones to this other guy who was defended hehe and the mentally ill guy, whose account reposts hehesillycomics' stuff
No. 581591
>>581585How will her fans defend this? "she just thought he was stoopid! Therefore it was ok for her to bully him!"
Also, again, normally this shit wouldn't be a big deal but, she deciding she want to play the smol uwu victim then it becomes a problem
>>581587fucking lol
No. 581593
File: 1526244219582.png (55.95 KB, 590x497, oh ok that makes it all better…)

if someone is making insane claims about you being some woman named sue trying to scam him, and saying that you have kids in puerto rico, and that you've been kidnapped by your obese bf, you can already fucking tell they're ill. this bitch is so disgusting. and notice the extreme change in her posturing.
here she's the hardened, callous chan queen that refuses to apologize of feel any shame for her actions, that isn't bothered by someone vulnerable or people defending their vulnerability, but when someone with clout comes along, she shits her panties and claims she's "sooOo shy uwu ;-; im just sadposting because im a little sad girl save me"
No. 581594
File: 1526244224718.jpg (125.4 KB, 720x825, 20180513_133859.jpg)

>>581384>this includes the TERF shit, she was never this obsessed with transwomen in particular before.She hardly even pandered to the tumblr gender LBGTQAOMGWTF+ shit at all until recently. Archived shot from her
>there is just xx and xyJune is a TERFs!!1!!11!1
No. 581602
>>580459She's the epitome of 'It didn't happen to me, so it couldn't have happened to anyone!' She's so self-important to tell women what
they don't need based on her life experience. Who the fuck does she think she is? I've never truly hated her until right now, narcissist bitch.
No. 581608
File: 1526244820869.jpg (49.63 KB, 554x357, Capture.JPG)

>>581594>>581600But anons, she has been dunking on TERFS for
2 years No. 581609
File: 1526244901589.png (448.76 KB, 581x1324, wig.png)

No. 581610
File: 1526244952440.png (29.72 KB, 601x267, unbelievable.PNG)

literally everything about him sounds unhinged, even without knowing he was a homeless schizo living out of his car. why would you use this phrasing and then stand VERY FIRM in not apologizing? she absolutely refused to apologize. harharstrips kept telling her to, apparently, but her and her fanboys seemed to keep chanting that there's no reason for her to apologize.
No. 581621
>>581608>you absolute spoonhow rand0m xD
And that post was only made 4 months ago, woof. Reminds me of kiki.
No. 581624
>>581612Could be that she's had trich since she was 11 but it wasn't severe enough that she didn't
need to start wearing wigs until she was 14?
No. 581635
>>581593To be fair, she’s dealt with the likes of Nexx first hand (also known as Hanz from /x/)
Sometimes it’s hard to tell when someone’s trolling.
No. 581648
>>581635most conspiracy theorists are unwell to some degree. better to just critique their ideas than straight up mock them to your fanbase and play along with obvious delusions to an audience of 250k, or, at the very least, do some preliminary research on them before you go off on them, just in the event that directing 250k people, most of which are adolescent dudes that love mocking people, might negatively affect them. she's not 19. she has been warned over the years about this exact thing. and there's no harm in apologizing. she wouldn't have lost a limb in apologizing. come on.
>>581640i think both are bad, but one is worse than the other (june's), and at least metokur is consistent. she's nothing but an opportunist that refuses to take responsibility for her actions, no matter how they affect others, but wants to pretend she's a sensitive shy girl. she needs to pick a side. and i think there's a big difference between demonstrable mental illnesses that are completely delusional, on top of being homeless, and the privileged, attention thirsty cluster bs that make up most lolcows. personality disorders aren't great, but most people with shit like borderline or npd are better planted on the ground than homeless schizo vets.
No. 581650
File: 1526247617351.jpg (129.02 KB, 764x1062, may 1st.jpg)

>>581554She talked about this on her Discord on May 1st 2018
No. 581653
>>581650delicious. so there's no way her fanbois can cry "it was a million years ago!"
she spoke about it literally days ago then, and obviously feels no remorse for her actions, seeing as how she's calling a schizophrenic man who lives in a van a "shitzo"
that is exceptionally callous.
No. 581659
File: 1526248048001.jpg (31.22 KB, 643x179, move.jpg)

>>581655Here is a juicy one.
No. 581667
File: 1526248310388.jpg (190.37 KB, 776x1058, sad wig.jpg)

No. 581668
File: 1526248408996.jpg (Spoiler Image,505.89 KB, 1334x2000, lmfao.jpg)

what a modest (s)mallgoth trad-waifu!
No, srsly, is this is her "goth" phase? Bitch, what the fuck.
No. 581675
File: 1526248580251.jpg (23.19 KB, 374x252, 9267984_orig.jpg)

>>581668No anon, THIS was her goth phase.
No. 581678
>>581674I don't get it either, it's so melodramatic.
Like it would be one thing if she were driving herself alone, but all she has to do is plop her ass on the train seat. What does she need to "concentrate" about? Such drama.
No. 581687
File: 1526248969457.jpg (160.33 KB, 826x1548, admin confirmation.jpg)

June confirmed as (former) mod of
(I don't why she keeps telling everyone that the site was made in 2012, it was actually created in 2014)
No. 581688
>>581667Oh boo hoo, you had to online break up with someone you're not even really friends with to try and look less like a shitty person because of guilt by association. I'm fucking crying for you.
>>581674Probably because Greg doesn't know how to or have any desire to help her or comfort her when she's sad. He's a selfish manchild and would probably be irritated she would bring her problems to him. He's the kind of guy that would see you cry and be like 'you probably want to be alone' and walk away until it's over.
No. 581689
File: 1526249085031.jpg (49.91 KB, 750x750, goff.jpg)

>>581677What I mean was that's what she considered her goth phase, not
>>581668 which was just a random "photoshoot" she did, a few years ago she would occasionally dress up for photos.
No. 581692
>>581659if they ever
do get married and move in i bet septic would make her sleep on a separate bed
No. 581696
File: 1526249621192.jpg (33.9 KB, 728x457, bdsm.JPG)

>>581687BONUS: Her discord buddies getting butthurt over farmers shitting on June's "BDSM lifestyle"
No. 581698
>>581667>but people i thought were cool and tha i liked are being assholes about it. and it kind of hurts. i didn't expect ian miles chehong to sub tweet me.but june, you do that to people all the time? just upthread there was a stream made by her ex-gamergate friends and they all had bad experiences with her. one said she had an air of superiority, like she knew she was better than everyone.
she treats people like shit and makes fun of people for a living. why does she expect to be treated better than she treats others? it boggles the mind
No. 581700
>>581687Isn't 2012 referencing Staminarose, or am I confusing the timeline?
But haha, peep June trying to act like she doesn't know about this place and purposefully getting the name wrong. Lying bitch.
No. 581710
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No. 581722
File: 1526250697969.jpg (63.15 KB, 944x1066, gKxh4En.jpg)

>>581710she can't hide behing the 360p 2006 webcame irl. why is she lying, she looks like every girl her age without the blur
>>581714but she wasn't here in 2014, silly anon!!
No. 581725
File: 1526250798714.gif (1.45 MB, 275x275, 1514701914169.gif)

>>581722same anon, meant webcam ofc
No. 581734
File: 1526251387984.gif (499.43 KB, 500x269, 1417562655063.gif)

shoe fucking screwed herself royally by confirming the mod story. She should be moved to /pt/ for this.
No. 581737
>>581667Lauren acting all mature about this retarded drama that Wig started only makes Wig look even more pathetic.
>when people find my moms address and tell her that I hangout with "neo nazis" it starts to get scary thoughYeah, but not as scary as being one of the teenagers that you sent your vile fanbase to harass.
>and now people are taking advantage of the open woundOh no! people are being mean to Wig online uwu
Only Wig is allowed to bully people ;_;
No. 581740
File: 1526251651763.jpg (274.11 KB, 954x1316, septic.jpg)

Random bits of June talking about Pregory
No. 581742
>>581710If this really happened, I wonder if she realizes it's kind of a natural result of dressing exclusively in clothes from the YesStyle clearance section, wearing your hair (not that it's really "hers") like it's 2008, and doing your eye makeup like an Avril Lavigne wannabe. It doesn't necessarily mean she's aging well, kek.
I'm not sure if she deliberately tries to pass as a teen for the sake of attracting a young audience (and in hopes of keeping her quasi-pedophilic bf Pregory interested), or if her taste in makeup/clothing is just another marker of her arrested development.
No. 581749
>>581740>skeptic has nice feeti'm actually gonna barf. move this thot to /pt/, mods. she deserves it more than tuna ever did.
one downside to that though is that it might kill some of the thread traffic.
No. 581751
>>581740>im gunna get skeptic a woman's tears mugShe's such a fucking cuck, holy shit. Tragic.
>people tell us to breed all the time1. #doubt
2. Fucking gross.
No. 581752
>>581332I was thinking, this is a fine troll, despite the holes in it … but it is largely true. this thread barely started before the terf derailing happened. if you took all that shit and the political infighting (which often seems to be orbiters successfully baiting) we'd be up to maybe thread 5.
And yeah, there isn't much milk. it's mostly just omg she's such a fake bitch and look at her retarded fat boyfriend.
No. 581755
File: 1526252318473.jpg (67.39 KB, 500x750, 1480588256801.jpg)

>>581740>you know what almost (kek sure) turned me into a furry?>Greg showed me hentai>he got defensive when I brought up bestialityYessss please keep them coming
No. 581756
File: 1526252330299.jpg (77.3 KB, 756x636, boopy.jpg)

June addresses BoopyJuneVlogs channel, the one with her old vlogs.
No. 581758
File: 1526252387115.gif (850.35 KB, 500x281, 1eXc.gif)

>>581740>greg got so defensive when i said bestiality is legal in canada>skeptic showed me hentai>that minx on animanicsI love you, discord anon omfg. please, more
No. 581765
File: 1526252623876.jpeg (6.36 KB, 276x183, images.jpeg)

>>581740mmm anon thank you
No. 581766
File: 1526252652209.jpg (23 KB, 455x219, wig.jpg)

Mystery solved
No. 581773
>people think im a teenager irl constantly People probably just think that you have the mental age of a teenager and are surprised to see someone your age acting so immature.
Anyway, what is Wig smoking? She clearly looks her age. Is she so scared of turning 30 and being too old for her incel fanbase that she's deluding herself into thinking that she totally looks like a cute teenage girl forever x3?
No. 581777
>>581740>lesbian friend kissing gregso june gets to call herself bisexual because she's down for cucky threesomes but this theoretical woman is still a lesbian with an exception and not bi? i see how it is. every sexuality is real and valid except for women who have no interest in men eh.
>>581742it's definitely just the clothes and behavior. plenty of women june's age and older are petite and have relatively young looking faces so people rely on context clues to guess people's age, they're not autistically scanning for microwrinkles or something. blog but i'm younger than june and have a bigger age gap with my bf than them but people just assume we're around the same age because we dress and act like we are. people generally assume the most normal scenario (in this case, that june isn't a literal teenager) unless there's something seriously out of the ordinary, and just aging well or being petite isn't seriously out of the ordinary.
No. 581778
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some random bits
No. 581780
File: 1526253565390.jpg (12.81 KB, 470x462, 1517907941138.jpg)

Wouldn't it be a shame if she got exposed right before she reaches 1 million subscribers and starts losing subs?
No. 581783
>>581778does she share any bdsm cringe on there? Also, again ty for posting these.
>>581780I think we still need more milk for that to happen. Britt's vid will help expose her more that's for sure.
No. 581790
>>581778paedophiles want more than anything to be accepted by society so theyre usually very nice
Wig logic 101
No. 581791
File: 1526254169967.jpg (24.41 KB, 778x268, wew.JPG)

No. 581793
>>581789thanks for checking. have you tried ddlg terms at all?
>>581791does this at all line up when we started judging that askfm post? Because I bet shoe goes through these threads religiously and tries to disapprove everything we bring up on her "lol I tots cringe at something a said like a year ago"
No. 581797
File: 1526254545878.jpg (66.78 KB, 741x543, boxxy.jpg)

bitch please….
No. 581802
File: 1526254726075.png (133.83 KB, 274x296, 7zyUjhp.png)

>>581797her makeup wasn't like boxxy at that age, it was the same makeup every other scene tween had in the 2000s. it wasn't until boxxy that she started wearing winged eyeliner
>i literally didn't know who she wasyeah that's why you apart of a boxxy imageboard and made videos copying her. sure
No. 581805
File: 1526254804385.jpg (38.13 KB, 479x307, image.jpg)

>>581740No wonder Groceries can't stand her for more than 2 weeks, does the bitch ever shut up?
What man wants a woman that constantly talks about him in public and mentions his embarrassing shit? Like maybe he's the "Daddy" in their weird dynamic but it's pretty clear who does all the babying.
I wonder if he ever has to tell her to shut the fuck up and she thinks "tee hee Daddy is bein all dominate~ that's sooooo hot he must be in the mood~ owo" and really he just wants some fucking piece and quiet while he messages his thicc secret.
No. 581814
>>581801ok. well you're doing a good job finding milk anon. keep it up.
>>581807i'm honestly surprised she hasn't on her discord considering what she's willing to put on twitter
No. 581825
File: 1526255333648.png (36.47 KB, 251x483, 1ECJiYm.png)

>>581821nta but at least in these threads, june hasn't mentioned his exwife on twitter so i doubt she would on discord. greg on the other hand has tweeted about her a lot. it makes me wonder what's on
his discord.
discord anon, do you have access to special ed greg's discord?
No. 581836
File: 1526255955533.jpg (121.11 KB, 744x1100, past.jpg)

>>581810Again, no relevant results. Seeing what she's willing to spill out, it's kind of weird to me that she didn't have a DDLG discussion yet. She didn't really discuss her BDSM dynamic either
>>581821Oooh anon, I found something interesting. So, someone posted that wiki article that talks about Greg's past ( ) and June claims it's a fanfiction and that it's all wrong.
BUT Greg made a video before that article was written, where he talks about that stuff HIMSELF ( )
What he talks about in the video is the same shit written in the wiki.
She makes fun of him not spending time with his ex-wife being the reason for divorce.
So did Preggy lie to June about his past?
No. 581840
File: 1526256062497.png (56.06 KB, 631x497, QRWhe8o.png)

is skinwalker mayu on her discord? asking for a frienc
No. 581845
>>581836Oh I know, try searching for vanilla normies if you haven't already.
>So did Preggy lie to June about his past?He probably did, considering all the other nonsense he feeds her. Either that or he'll try to say that story is the backstory for the Armoured Skeptic character, not himself?
No. 581847
>>581836goddamn she can't even be bothered to research her own
then again she won't even research info for her vids, which she considers her fulltime job
No. 581849
File: 1526256444984.jpg (46.19 KB, 453x695, 1403138514984.jpg)

>>581836ohhh anon thank you for searching. shit this milk is great. Preg def lied to her considering she honestly believes his stories about being "popular with girls" in is high school and shit.
The real state of their relationship is being exposed, they aren't close at all. Who would have guessed!?
No. 581852
File: 1526256678084.jpg (7.17 KB, 385x55, vanilla.jpg)

>>581825I don't have access to his discord,
yet :^)
>>581840Couldn't find him…If he is, he is not using his Twitter handles (maya / mayu / hiyaitsmaya)
>>581845There is only this when searching for "vanilla" , other is just unfunny memes
No. 581856
File: 1526256902674.jpg (18.43 KB, 656x143, block.JPG)

this is gold lol
No. 581862
>>581852>>581856And yet June makes fun of Steve Shives
Thanks for the good work, anon!
No. 581867
File: 1526257166939.jpg (24.22 KB, 447x323, cuck.jpg)

>>581854Other than the old stuff that was already posted here, there's this
No. 581870
>>581863what about masked babe or petty paige or something? i think masked babe would be pretty good. i don't care for her all that much, but this is right down her alley. i'd die if aldlii would do it.
No. 581872
File: 1526257286702.png (71.01 KB, 679x551, Cor51fq.png)

>>581865is this what you want, anon?
No. 581880
>>581867anything on her weight gain/loss? Ik it's petty but, her going from "i'm 99 lbs and i can eat w/e!!" to whining on twitter how hard it is to lose weight after shitting on sword girl and making fun of fat/chubby chicks, it is well deserved.
>>581878this kinda falls in it too
No. 581884
File: 1526257803748.jpg (98.28 KB, 572x736, mags.jpg)

Here is June shittalking Magdalen to her discord buddies, after she got BTFO'd.
She also tends to repeat how TERFs are old women who are incompetent in using newest technology.
No. 581887
>>581696That concrete autism guy/girl chose the name wisely… depicts him/her 100%.
I can give them a link to a fetish site if they want to prove that they know what BDSM really means. kek
No. 581895
File: 1526258349901.png (275.73 KB, 662x1046, Atqs9CO.png)

>>581867>the cuck insult is annoyingonly when you're the one not using it, right june?
No. 581896
File: 1526258445739.jpg (67.63 KB, 789x520, weed.jpg)

Weed and alcohol.
She has an unlisted video (posted recently, patreon only) where she is drunk. But she hates alcohol guys. No. 581897
File: 1526258502560.png (598 KB, 683x751, 1.png)

>>581891hello local orbiter
No. 581901
>>581729Wait… Grocery is 35 now… was 32 when they met.
If the wedding was 3 years ago it means his family just handwaved the fact that he is dating a 13 year younger girl? (in best case… in worst that he is dating an underage)
Being so egotistic that you accuse others to be okay with blatant pedo shit.
Although if it is just a sidekink of their…
No. 581911
File: 1526258872997.png (40.66 KB, 649x303, OGgev7d.png)

>>581904what are you trying to prove? your waifu gains some lbs
No. 581916
File: 1526259068831.png (45.81 KB, 651x365, ClnYxEN.png)

Discord anon, does she talk about school/bullying? Or being a goffik wallflower?
What about camgirls?
No. 581929
File: 1526259747056.png (98.08 KB, 676x694, eocQOeI.png)

No. 581933
>>581884It would be one thing if June actually brought up legitimate greivances or criticisms against Magdalen's arguments but she doesn't do any of that. She just needlessly shit talks her and sics her rabid fanbase of dusty neckbeards on someone who's terminally ill with brain cancer.
She was a bully in high school and she's still a bully to this day.
The fact that she and her fans have the audacity to yell pls no bully uwu ;-; for something she's done to other people on multiple occasions is just fucking hilarious.
Does anyone else remember when one of her male fans tweeted June and respectfully brought up the fact that Pregory was publically liking camwhore pics, only to have her and other members of the Skeptic community pile in on him? Let me see if I can dig up the screencaps for newfags.
No. 581959
File: 1526260942290.png (64.32 KB, 653x495, V208inG.png)

>>581687>austistic cosplay girlI thought June was above using the word autistic as an insult? I thought she hasn't said it in years?
It's almost like she was just lying as usual and still uses it on platforms other than twitter
No. 581960
>>581893OT: one of the largest forums with the topic.>>581889What is the difference between her old "fat" self and the "regular" self? By this logic she was always fat and now she is a landwhale.
No. 581965
File: 1526261092587.png (43.3 KB, 655x364, 1.png)

>>581929is this David guy mr?
No. 581972
File: 1526261231364.jpg (81.22 KB, 800x712, 1517417849322.jpg)

>>581933LMAO found them. She does this shit to even
her own fans. Whoever defends her at this point is straight up hypocritical.
No. 581979
File: 1526261379329.png (258.2 KB, 1326x1006, HKkjHbx.png)

>lol farms
No. 581992
>>581972Why is she showing her boyfriend some rando camgirls she finds on the net?
"Look daddieeeeee i fwound anothew thicc secwet!"?
No. 582017
>>581992She's not anon, Greg finds them but she is ~so submissive uwu~ that she agrees that all the camwhores are cute. Make no mistake though, all those camwhores are fat behind closed doors and June is super smol in comparison
June is foaming at the mouth about being a cuck
No. 582032
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Someone up thread was looking for June's mgtow post?
No. 582061
>>582032she's purchased and read classic radfem books and is likely exposed to feminist critiques of sex work on a regular basis, but she thinks swerfs must actually be against it because they're fucking jealous and afraid beta men won't try to fuck them anymore, thus reducing their "value"? she's sick.
she either has no fucking compassion for other women at all or she's completely lying about her opinion and sticking her head in the sand just to have a rare opinion for a woman that's only rare because it's so fucking self defeating and cruel.
hell, even when sex workers argue with swerfs, they usually say things like "i'm not suffering and i like my job! mind your own business and stop trying to save me!" so even sex workers realize that swerfs are coming from a place of concern, not fucking jealousy, they just think it's misguided.
No. 582065
>>581972I guess she got so mad and defensive because all these "normies" keep reminding her of the fact that Groceries treats her like shit. Wig has to pretend to be 100% okay with this humiliating treatment to prove what a cool and chill girlfriend she is. She'd rather be a complete cuck then to criticize her neckbeard boyfriend. She's not like those crazy nagging feminists after all uwu
> i enjoy hot girls tooYou keep telling yourself that hun.
No. 582069
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>>581829the one thing i don't get is why she shits on findoms. there's other tweets of her making fun of it, but I'm too lazy to search. we already know special ed greg spent his wife's/family's money on star wars toys and cult doomsday gear. so much in fact that he put his family in debt. if he's not already spending june's money on toys and camwhores, he will be any day now. at least these people are owning it and not sticking their heads in the sand like june.
plus she's into ddlg and her bf is into loli, hentai, disney/incest porn and was one step away from being a furry. she has no room to judge anyway.
No. 582071
>>582065It's also how she's gotta be so fucking nasty and rude to her fans and strangers who have the intention to help her.
Like bitch, you made this shit public so stop crying about other people pointing it out.
If she doesn't want people to be seeing these things and passing judgements based on common decency, then her and Preg need to take their closet BDSM and fake bisexual LARPing off the internet.
Not that it will happen, attention is more important for these losers than their self-respect.
They disgust me. Anyone who's a fan of them after this must be truly deluded and deranged.
No. 582073
>>582065exactly. My theory aposed to hers (with the sex work crap) is that she gets spotlight shit treatment by the hairy troll, so she has to reenforce her acceptance of this with her other points, "females are scare they gonna be irrelivant, but not me. I get gold star in my commodity worthiness, right Beefy Troll guy?"
She's either very uneducated about sex work, or it's all a lie.. or she hates women. ehh I don't know, i'm flabbergasted. haha
My brain is spinning around this kinked rat bitch.
No. 582078
>>582069She probably thinks bdsm is only okay if it's the girl getting dominated, cucked and abused but not the guy, idk why she is even trying to claim she loves women so much, she clearly fucking hates them, just loves their bodies or pretends to in order to impress nasty low-tier men
>>582032that was me, thanks anon!
I also like how she left out how mad men get over male sexbots like on slutever men were
triggered over the fact the male bots sell as much as female bots, and for whatever reason men/self-hating girls are shitting their pants about how women will be replaced
I wonder if june knows she's technically replaceable according to men, she can't cook, can't clean, can't live for herself, she isn't funny outside of screaming and shit which most men find unattractive
No. 582086
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No. 582087
>>582032This ACTUALLY enrages me. The link between sex work and sex trafficking is substantial. Countries with legalized sex work also tend to have greater rates of violence against women.
It is not some fun, hot and kinky lifestyle choice for the vast majority of these women. Her sheltered uwu long island life does her a pretty bad disservice in forming rational opinions.
No. 582096
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>>581856there's plenty proof here june, why don't you address us :^)
No. 582103
>>582094What's messed up is that she gets referred to as "mama June" or whatever, because a bunch of younger people people are watching her vids to help them form their opinions. And this is the kind of garbage that can be damaging in the long run.
Concerned citizen of the world looks like "jealous beta woman"
No. 582105
>>582103Exactly, she claims she only does youtube to entertain like in
>>582096and yet all her younger fans think she's some sort of expert on the topics she talks about and get their political info from her. She either doesn't realize the harm she does or is that cucked that she needs to throw other women under the bus all the time.
No. 582110
>>582103and in realizing this over and over, the blood just drains from my face. It's scary to think about, and my greasy fly hands are useless. There has to be something more done in order to stop her.
I know this sounds dramatic, but she's fucking evolving her larvas and pupas into dangerously toxic retards.
No. 582118
>>582110But also, maybe as some of these kids grow up and start to see things she brushes off or laughs at being a real problem- maybe they will have a change of heart.
June's ultimately like them: naive and sheltered.
Not all of them will have parents to keep them sheltered for nearly 30 years. In the real world women who think this way often end up victims themselves, though, that's the really sad part to me.
No. 582121
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>unless he's always talking to the pornstar
he literally does this.
No. 582123
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>>581972Waiting here patiently for her to kill off her remaining fanbase
No. 582126
>>582121> to the point where greg feels bad about itGood! Because he's the one who does the bad thing to begin with maybe, Wig? Have you ever thought about that before?
Also: insecure about your looks? When? When you boasts about your perfect skin uwu, and your smolness and that other women are just jelly of you and people want to forcefeed you?
I know you are bipolar but damn, you have amnesia as well?
No. 582128
>>582121>greg feels bad about itgood to know he thinks it's wrong to cheat, ircc june hasn't even pointed out the "Thicc secret" thing yet, it's pretty much proof greg never changed his cheating ways and all she can do is pretend she thinks its hot when her fat ugly boyfriend prefers women who aren't her
>>582118>women who think this way often end up victims themselves, though, that's the really sad part to me.depends what you mean anon, june is almost 30 and filled with self hate and misogyny, desperately begging for any pathetic drop of male approval, I'd feel bad for her because of how men and greg treat her but I instantly lose all empathy I had for her when I see things like
>>582032 >>582086
>>581972 >>581778
>>581241she strikes me as so damn cringily pretentious and male pandering, since june loves men so much she should just become one, all she has to do is remove her implants and wig and not cake her damn face in makeup, then she can pass for an ugly nerd boy
No. 582131
>>582126also "my disney waist". she literally said she has a disney waist, kek.
>>582121i never got this. "it's ok because they can't actually fuck the pornstar", maybe not, but if they could, they would, and that means their attraction to you means a whole lot of nothing, and that means that there ARE achievable girls out there that they're probably into as well that they're likely thinking about cumming inside, while you're out with your mom looking at floral arrangements. plus, psst, june, greg can and does literally talk to camwhores that he's obviously attracted to and wants to bone, so…
No. 582137
A)she doesn't take the relationship seriously enough and is possibly cheating on him, which after seeing how obsessed she is with male attention, I wouldn't put it past her hence why she lets greg do it because she feels bad about doing it herself
B)knows it's wrong and hates it but is beyond desperate for male approval she can't even think to tell him cheating is wrong and pretends to like it
C) doesn't know that all the fun and games will end when greg actually cheats which we all know he eventually will if thicc secret gate wasn't enough proof
>also "my disney waist". she literally said she has a disney waist, kek. yep, not to mention the whole paragraph of her bragging about how her tit implants defy gravity, all the ask.fms she sent to herself running her mouth off about how she has a huge ass and hips and "all the fat goes to my ass" which is later proven false by her recent weight gain, how "bitches want her waistline" which is nonexistent, bashing women who have more ratio than her to be "Fatties with no waist" how she always makes herself believe and talks about how uwu youthful she is and how older women are so jelly with stories faker than tumblr hand-clap stories
she's so full of herself and delusional about her body, most insecure women wouldn't pull that shit due to the fact that most people are gonna nitpick the fuck out of you if you go on narc spasms about how uwu youthful slim and curvy with smooth skin you are when in reality she's far from that
No. 582141
>>582128june's an adult, so i'm with you. i feel sad thinking about the potential harm her impressionable fans make walk into, though.
she's a fan of this evie lupine girl. i've seen younger fans arrive at that channel because of june and talk about how they want to participate in a bdsm relationship but they're too young. it's disgusting seeing children talk about how they want to be hit and tied up because a girl they idolize online thinks it's cool.
No. 582144
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>>582141june has said herself that most of her followers are teens from gen z. it's weird as fuck that a 27 year old is openly talking about her bdsm lifestyle with kids more than 10 years younger.
i wonder if she'll be another onion. once her teen fanbase grows up, will she refuse to grow up with them? or will she keep trying to appeal to young audiences with outdated memes?
No. 582152
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>>581710Sure, june
If you look like a teenager then i'm megan fox kek.
Maybe they thought you were a teenager because of all the dumb cringy shit thats falls out of your mouth. It understandable most people grow out of that phase when hitting adulthood but clearly you are mentally stuck there.
No. 582170
>>581778>it’s “tragic” that Elliot Rodger offed himself >MRAs are usually very niceSo she’s implying Elliot’s deep-rooted psychological problems would be solved if he could fuck a girl? No wonder she blames women for every issue on the planet. To her, that’s all they’re good for: pleasing men.
This girl would rather defend a fucking murderer than any woman on the planet. Her mom needs to kick her sheltered ignorant ass out to live on her own and we’ll see how nice These people really are to her. I didn’t think Wig could become more hateable, but here we go.
No. 582175
>>582170>>582170She was also cheering when the YouTube shooter woman killed herself, despite the fact Eliot killed more people and she only killed herself
Guess male mass shooters = he was a poor wittle boy who shouldn't have killed himself! He must have been so nice and gotten all kinds of pussy in prison!
Woman is a mass shooter = bye bitch!! See women can be bad too women are evil! She should die and im happy she died!
No. 582190
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>>582177she also used it as a chance to sperg about terfs and feminists in general. even though elliot rodger apparently had no political motivations uwu
No. 582193
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>>582177which is kind of funny considering that if the'd ever crossed paths, he probably would've ignored her, since she's not blonde. the only way he would've paid her any attention is if he saw her and greg together, which would have enraged him to the point of throwing a drink at them.
or running home to cry and type about how unfair it is that a fat ugly guy like greg is getting laid and he isn't/wasn't.
No. 582201
>>582190Funny how when women do something wrong she uses it against feminists to represent feminists, when tons of MRAs openly talk about wanting to kill women and shit she treats them as individuals
She should just admits she hates women but pretends to like their bodies
No. 582207
>>581711lol you know there "hi June" replies that people would post in response to WKs? i saw one of those with a red mod note saying "don't do this".
is june still in contact with mods here?
No. 582222
>>582207yes. she's coming for us. she's collecting our IPs and laughing at us as we speak.
serious answer: i doubt it. like other farms said, "hi, cow" is a bannable offense no matter the subject.
wasn't she only friends with ian? these threads would all be deleted if she knew any other mods imo.
No. 582225
>>582222>>582222I think at the very it seemed there was only admin/Ian, nobody had idea there was another mod/June.
Then admin made a farmhand applications and other users became mods too, possibly still not knowing of June.
He made posts defending himself here but he deleted them.
You can still see other users referring to them.
No. 582255
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Discord anon here. I've combed through some more and I think this is basically it for now.
No. 582263
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>>582255Thanks, Anon, for all this great milk. I can't wait for the memes that will come from this. I find it interesting she says she has depression in her discord but on her she says she only has adhd. Why does she have to lie so much? Is it to obfuscate her life so much so she can later change herself to the next desirable fad without too many questions?
No. 582271
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No. 582286
>>582255Thanks for sharing all that discord milk anon.
I kinda always knew shoe probably did absolutely nothing all day considering how easy her vids are.
No. 582290
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No. 582292
>>581740Jesus, it's literally that autist redpiller that think he's superior to everyone but just sits around liking camgirls and watching hentai stereotype, that is dating that "im sooo hyper" girl who does nothing but sit at home and do internet stuff all day and latches on to the first trend she sees.
I feel like both of them have the depth of a puddle.
No. 582296
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I went through Grocery's discord and it's basically dead. He rarely on and mostly talks about topics in his videos. Doesn't sperg out like June and doesn't share much about their relationship.
So sadly, no thicc secrets
No. 582297
>>582290holy shit
>it's hot that he thinks its hot but if i were alone i wouldn't think it's hotso confirmed shoe only like bdsm because preg is forced it into their relationship?
>i didn't grow boobs until i was 20>growriiiight. totally not a boob job. nope.
>>582296i'm not surprised tbh. I think I remember someone saying he's never on his discord, typical lazy prego has better things to do like fap to camgirls
Thanks again anon!
No. 582300
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dont' let your dreams be dreams david
be the thicc trap greg always wanted
No. 582307
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No. 582324
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>>582300Oh I checked out that tweet and found this, hmm guess I shouldnt be surprised?
No. 582332
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>>582324This post covers that whole thing
>>442498 No. 582345
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>>582340Yup she her own fan accounts
No. 582366
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>>581667Yeah, that's what might happen when you put ''whatever you want'' on the internet. You really have no right to complain about criticism or people being to invasive when your post your entire life on twitter. I can't believe this is a 27 year old woman, she has the mindset of an 11 year old.
No. 582376
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She would benefit so much tbh
No. 582379
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No. 582386
>>582255Why hasn’t she moved yet? Why is she still in the US?
Blogpost, but a woman I supervise is married to another woman in Canada. The wedding was a little over a month ago. She just got her kid registered in a school up there last week. And they’re moving to Canada next month. When I asked her about it, didn’t seem too complicated. She said that she and her son would be sponsored by her wife. Since that time, her wife has spent every weekend in the US so that they aren’t apart. And they are probably quadruple the distance away that Greg and June are.
It’s so insane to me. Is June not capable of taking care of herself or something?
No. 582393
>>582255She says she is moving upstate New York so she can live 1 hour away from Greg and that way they can do paperwork easier.
(what the fuck is the point???)
No. 582409
>>582393Isn't her family's vacation home in upstate New York? Is that where she's planning on staying? That's not exactly living on your own. I doubt she'll be paying for any bills if she does stay there.
>>582398I don't understand why she doesn't stay with Greg in Canada either. She can stay there for 2 months, 6 if he sponsors her from what other anons have said (but Greg would have to put forth some kind of effort so he won't).
No. 582413
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>>582407>>582409well damn
tinfoil: said paperwork isn't about citizenship but, preg found his second sub and wants to make her get comfortable while shoe stays in new york sign bdsm contracts lol
No. 582425
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No. 582428
>>582387Yeah but why? What is the point of that? Does she have to show that she can live independently first or something?
Also it would be hilarious if immigration did any kind of search on her Internet presence and she was denied citizenship over that. Seeing the “say whatever you want online” philosophy coming back to bite her would be such sweet poetic justice.
No. 582433
>>582428>it would be hilarious if immigration did any kind of search on her Internet presence and she was denied citizenship over thatI never even thought of that. Would that be a real possibility? anyone know of examples of this happening?
also throwing another tinfoil: since shoe does absolutely no research on anything, i wouldn't be surprised if she's just going by what preg telling her to do for the citizen process, he wants her to believe she has to stay in ny to do papers cause he's hiding something or planning on dumping her.
No. 582456
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>>582334It's possible that the name change is due to Magdalen. She deleted her entire youtube channel from that one response. However, I don't get why Derrick left her twitter @ unchanged.
No. 582486
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>>582409>She can stay there for 2 months, 6 if he sponsors her from what other anons have said (but Greg would have to put forth some kind of effort so he won't).if an american passport in canada works the same as a canadian passport in america, she should be able to stay at greg's for 6 months regardless, unless she ran into some kind of customs trouble(?) unless i'm missing something really important, idk where two months comes from.
No. 582491
>>582433I’m not sure. That’s something they only do recently in the US. Haven’t heard about it with Canada.
They probably wouldn’t unless there was some cause for suspicion. Like the UK with Lauren Southern’s reputation when she was banned from entry.
No. 582542
>>582491didn't evalion get banned from Germany for this exact thing too?
june associates herself with groups known for pedophilia(bdsm/ddlg community) and mass-shooting/misogyny/abuse and violence against women (MRAs)
I can't really say if they'll let her in or not but if they're willing to not accept lauren for her presence chances are they won't accept june
No. 582573
>>582570Marg you're doing great sweetie
Ofc all her orbiters ignore shit she did to use the jealousy excuse or the no life excuse, I find this excuse funny since they ignore what she did and pins it on marg, june made her bed and now shes laying in it.
I wish marg when mention the ask fm where june claimed that women who dont want prostitution to be legal are just betas with nothing to offer other than sex
No. 582585
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What's with the stupid fucking face accompanying this pathetic statement, shoe? Everything about this is vomit inducing ugh
No. 582630
>>582600Oh so this guy mentions June sperging out over a video some youtube name The Satiratician made.
Basically June made a video where she was pretending to be a "le crazy feminist xDD" while wearing a pink wig. Satiratician had no idea who shoe0nhead was and that it was a parody, so he actually responded to the video thinking it's serious.
June goes batshit sperg again, makes a call-out video, bitches about how can he not know who she is (such an e-celeb!!), accuses him of being her boyfriend's copycat, tells him he should never tell people to kill themselves (hypocrisy again lol) etc etc.
So some youtuber dude made a dumb mistake of thinking June's character is a real feminist. Instead of simply telling him "dude, it's a parody lol", she spergs and tries to give him shit for not knowing who she is etc - making herself look way more irrational in the process.
Here is a summary of the drama. June is such an egomanic bitch.
No. 582634
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I know a lot of people, including myself, have said that June hopped on the trans bandwagon because it's trendy and her friend is trans. That's true, but by looking at these caps it looks like she's primarily ~dunkin on TERFs~ as an excuse to talk about herself. Oh, people have gender dysphoria? Better make this all about
me and how much
I can relate to it and how
my mental illnesses are similar and how
my illnesses define
me like being trans defines them. It's always "me, me, me" with her and she found it easy to insert herself in the trans narrative despite not even being trans. Everything is an exercise in narcissism for her.
No. 582650
>>582634I think you make a solid point. I remember capping a tweet where she tried to compare the many totally real mental illness she has with the same struggle trans people have to deal with. I forget how it went but, she some how switch the discussion about gender dysphoria to about her struggles.
With all the "THAT'S ME" tweets she does, I think she's honestly obsessed with herself. Judging by her unichan days as well, she really tried to steal boxxy's fans and even turned on her a few times. Shoe's stated she always believe she'd wind up being "youtube famous" and that's why she went for a degree in film.
Honestly, all opinions/beliefs aside on trans, i'd being fucking annoyed if i was trans and this fake bitch made all topics surrounding it about her.
No. 582703
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>>582675You can see it in her eyes
No. 582708
>>582675discord anon does shoe bring up contra at all?
Or any other her "close" youtube "friends"?(like blaire and all those other trans youtubers)
No. 582724
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>>582718>>582708>>582707i'm dyingggg, this level of asskissing and btw contra did not like or respond to this tweet that he was obv tagged in, and it got 102 likes, so it was popping up in contra's notifications a bunch of times and he STILL chose to not like or respond to it, LMFAO
No. 582732
>>582707>>582724I'm praying contra will realize he'd benefit from denouncing her one day. He definitely doesn't care for her, I'm surprised none of his fans have openly complained about them being acquaintances but, that's probably why he never likes her shit because he knows better.
In fact, wtf kind of connection does she have with him besides 1 or 2 tweets, the blair stream and the fact he owned preg in a video?
No. 582735
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>>582718>>582718does anyone else see the passive aggressive "i regret publicly associating with this bitch" in his lackluster responses to her after she over the top enthusiastically tweets him, vs literal nobodies and his other yt friends? he responds with more enthusiasm to all of his fans with no following
No. 582736
>>582732She claimed they were friends before the Blaire stream and that's why she moderated. But have they ever interacted before that?
I think she just wants to seem open-minded and ~liberal~
No. 582775
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Requesting a photo of her in that sailor uniform and any other weaby shit she's dressed in
No. 582783
>>582456sage for way OT but
tbh calling this person a she at this point seems a little over the top. IT/THEY/S/HE/whatever is def male presenting and passing with the beard so..
Like I can see calling Hontra a he but calling this person a she is kinda dumb imo, anyways
No. 582837
>>582783Get ovet it, then. Derrick is a girl, not everyone is going to call her a guy just because she "presents" as one.
>>582782Tacky-ass ali-express teir shit smh
No. 582867
>>582858this. and majority of it is for her a preg's ddlg rp.
As far as her everyday "fashion" goes, she wears knock off korean clothes from chinese resellers to look smol uwu
I bet she can't wear half of these anymore due to her weight gain.
No. 582872
>>582718yep. she lets people (read: men) treat her like shit if she approves of them. look at armouredskeptic. no sane woman would put up with that, hence his divorce.
she wants contra to plow her and is also using him for cred with liberals.
No. 582877
>>582732> I'm surprised none of his fans have openly complained about them being acquaintanceswhat? his fans threw a HUGE fit when they found about about shoe. look in the past threads, he's addressed the ~controversy~ in a couple of his vids
and of course june basked in that sweet, sweet attention and also threw a spergfit about how those complaints totally justified her victim complex
No. 582898
>>582882>if contra wants to hangout i don't think she's gunna want to take picsoh my god. what good friends
>she just has very dumb opinions.what a nice thing to say about your "friend." at least contra has already thrown june under the bus multiple times for her dumb opinions.
No. 582915
>>582872I'm pretty sure gurg's divorce had more to do with cheating than treating his wife like shit.
Part of me feels like that's a new development due to June being so pathetic.
I mean, the guy went out to equestrian events with his wife and seemed much less douchey then.
No. 582927
>>582879By "anti-sjw" what exactly do you mean?
The term is vague and has little meaning
No. 582934
>>582924nta but thank you discordanon for all the milk.
sorry to ask but is there anything on her bun (named ollie)? only asking because i'm curious if she tries to justify his teeny tiny cage especially when she acts like an authority on rabbit care.
No. 582947
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>>582941>>582941hon = non-passing trans woman, ergo
No. 582970
File: 1526341161307.jpg (240.95 KB, 800x1174, _20180514_193320.JPG)

Kiwi poster did a decent summary on the candid shit.
It's hilarious they are most likely getting demonetized because they shilled a scam that directly goes after their own community.
Also, I've always been under the belief shoe and preg don't at all care about the narrative pushing in their videos, they just want that easy patreon money and that's what being a commentary/skeptic on youtube is all about today.
No. 582984
>>582970this is why i'm surprised she not back on twitter yet. she's gotten away with this of all things, so she'll almost definitely get away with this lauren southern drama. surely she knows this.
or is she just extending her "break" in order to maximize the amount of pity points that'll she'll be rewarded with upon her return?
No. 582991
>>582984I think she's purposely trying to look depressed over it.
>i'm so sad guys uwu i haven't tweeted in days! ;-;her fucking fans are going to bombard her first tweet with poor smol shoe being bullied :c
No. 583049
>>583014 Which kind, good question. There are like 5 major branches and a handfull of little ones in that with just a couple of nuance differences.
>>583038Because his peers wouldn't understand his genius.
He can get an overarching view from a wiki page (like how he did with his take on "postmodern"), Anon! He is just as good as Sargon if not miles above!
No. 583074
File: 1526345719073.png (30.66 KB, 463x256, kek bitch.PNG)

>>583049oh wow, he isn't even as radical as i thought. lame. still, most socialists don't like neoliberals, which she would be considered, AT BEST. she's still not going to be accepted by most of contra's following/friends based on her economic views alone. she calls herself a social democrat now, apparently, which is hardly left at all, june.
>i don't even know if i'm a liberal!! i must be right of liberalism!! because these people are craaAaAaaaAzy!!since she decided to hop on contra's dick she has reclaimed her "I'M A LIBERAL, A BIG HUGE LIBERAL. LOVE ME, LEFTISTS (even though none of you like liberals)!!!"
No. 583076
File: 1526345828274.png (12.37 KB, 449x132, hypocrite.PNG)

>>583074and lol @ this.
>i don't change for anyone, you guize!!! CANDICE OWENS IS A GREAT BIG BANDWAGONER, BUT NOT ME!!! i have PRINCIPLES!!! No. 583077
>>583076>because politics are not about fucking cliques or peopleIsn't this literally what happened with Lauren?
She wanted a clique to accept her
No. 583090
File: 1526346819921.png (123.99 KB, 760x608, eEYhhgl.png)

>>583078the OG cap is from kiwifarms and was posted on jan 2017. the cap says "about one month ago," so it's probably from dec 2016 or somewhere around then. unless the cap originated elsewhere?
it's not from here because our first thread that didn't get deleted by june wasn't until march of last year
No. 583092
File: 1526346916723.jpg (119.38 KB, 1080x1081, UjW24Bo.jpg)

found this masterpiece by greg when searching for the infamous sidekink ask
No. 583098
File: 1526347135024.gif (137.48 KB, 525x740, gBTq9P7.gif)

>>583092>>583094I was going to Preg's art is
soooo much better than this!
>she draw him skinnylol
No. 583103
File: 1526347393096.jpg (36.85 KB, 850x300, bcd3XOx.jpg)

>>583094oh, thanks anon. the drawing just reminded me of septic's old comics
No. 583115
File: 1526347978494.jpg (53.59 KB, 750x563, 0FJXgN7.jpg)

>>583104this is 100% chrischan level
No. 583201
File: 1526356300214.png (524.23 KB, 994x1689, shoe2.png)

>>582934"people just put them in cages and look at them" you mean like ollie?
also those shoes she posted are bodyline tier
No. 583214
File: 1526357427490.png (485.93 KB, 612x1184, degenerateclothes.png)

>>583201>also those shoes she posted are bodyline tierThat's because they probably are
No. 583215
File: 1526357513636.jpg (125.32 KB, 737x767, FE_MB0PdupRYh4Kt9qvYxV7cqKf24_…)

Front page of Reddit right now, that eye
No. 583217

>>583201>and then he quit his high paying job and she was al llike "WELL I WAS ONLY WITH YOU FOR MOnEY REEEEEuh, assuming she was talking about greg, wasn't he a bus driver? they don't exactly make bank. he has mental deficiencies (and I'm not talking about dyslexia); he said himself that his earning potential was low and that he only worked manual labor with small pay. he also said himself that
he was the one spending thousands on absolute bullshit. i'm pretty sure she's doing just fine for herself with her horse riding hobby and all.
holy shit, he lies to her about everything and she eats it up. probably because she hates women and doesn't want to believe her precious man would be so foolish. she'll be in for a wakeup call if they do get married.
>builtfatshe really has no idea what greg looks like, huh. maybe her memory is foggy from all that time away from him
>feminism was always racist and shitnot this racist guido, ms. "only thugs catcall" and "the black part of town is full of rapists" pretending to care about race all of a sudden.
as always ty dear anon for the caps and milk.
>>583215but anon, conservatives hate her more than liberals do!
No. 583218
File: 1526357951262.png (6.84 KB, 822x104, chrome_2018-05-14_23-18-39.png)

>>583215This comment on the post, oof
No. 583219
>>583201>>583217>and then he quit his high paying job and she was al llike "WELL I WAS ONLY WITH YOU FOR MOnEY REEEEEHis site is down and I can't find the page in the archive but he wrote the exact same story there, about how his ex-wife only cared about him for money.
Both of them really only see each other as the false personas they've created for their audiences, huh?
No. 583252
File: 1526361270644.png (65.51 KB, 477x151, WjaiRoe.png)

from an old thread - apparently this is a message grocery's ex sent one of his sidechicks.
"happy relationship." this doesn't sound like a woman who ended her relationship over her husband's imaginary well-paying job. it sounds like a woman who ended her relationship over cheating.
No. 583253
File: 1526361350210.jpeg (53.94 KB, 640x853, A200DF14-6FDC-4BE7-931D-87E477…)

June’s future.
No. 583278
File: 1526364706478.jpg (17.52 KB, 376x376, 0hbYiYk.jpg)

>>583201Wig always gets so fucking wet about the fact that Preg left his wife for her, a “younger woman” (as if she won't age…? lmao). God she’s pathetic, hopefully he dumps her when she’s 30. Some people need to learn things the hurtful way. Does she really think she's immune to being ''too old'' because she's a doormat?
On a side note, their relationship always comes off as really vapid and shallow…they barely see each other for more than a few weeks at a time, have never lived together, he ignores her and flirts with cam hoes while her entire personality revolves around him. I feel like Preg can barely stand her ass at this point.
No. 583282
>>583278This is why she's trying to enforce the "I look so much younger" shtick. she's aging pretty noticeably IRL and Greg is going to seek out a new thicc secret to put a ring on
She scared
No. 583290
>>583282The thing is anon the ring was to just shut wig up. As much as she likes to project that she’s secure in their relationship we all know she’s pulls the remaining rat hairs on her head whenever groceries is talking to girls.
It’s a know fact that people will give rings to their significant other/baby momma/ long term relationship to literally appease them.
We all know the ring was literally chump change as far as cost, my theory is that June was acting up a lot and Gregory wanted to give her a false sense of security hence the wedding ring.
Because if you’re serious about getting married you get married. There’s active planning, there’s a date. If you’re engaged and you guys don’t have a date, then that person isn’t actually serious about marrying you. That’s why you hear things like people being engaged for 5 plus years. As much as I would love the beautiful milk that would come from getting married I know pregs type and he isn’t going to actually marry wig. That’s why we keep hearing shit like “oh muh papers”, and “we don’t have a place yet”
No. 583300
>June says ex-wife divorced Grocery once he left his high paying job, was only with him for the money
>In that old video, Grocery talks about how he spent all his savings and got himself and his wife into a debt over a cult + spent a lot of time away from wife - she still didnt divorce him thenLmao, which one is it then?
Maybe his wife really was sick of it once he left his job. But it wasn't about money, it was Grocery throwing away a stable career to be a full time "le skeptic" youtuber.
After going with him through cults, debts and savings being spent on Star Wars toys, you just know this woman was sick of it all.
Grocery ofc chose to portray her as a money sick whore.
No. 583305
>>583278I suspect when her age starts to show she'll suddenly switch gears and pretend all the negs she said about those "older" women in her 20s didn't happen.
Wiglet is a liar.
She's already tried to cover her past by saying she was a friendless, shy, goth virgin.
I bet when she's in her 30s she'll rewrite her past image in her 20s as something way more progressive while making sure all the evidence of her ageism is erased from the internet.
No. 583312
File: 1526371076712.png (3.6 MB, 5520x4856, goffic.png)

No. 583383
>>583336The message in
>>583252 was apparently sent to Jenny. You are better off watching Jenny's and June's videos instead of some IPwnFeminists's video.
Only have to watch until around ~4:30 because she starts talking about some work thing after the caps.
No. 583391
>>583201>builtfat chubbyfatWhy does she lie to herself and others that Preg is even in these categories? It's kinda messed up because anyone with eyes can see that he's obese as fuck, it sounds more like she's trying to force a false image of him onto others
Also, how does this make any sense when she's supposedly only gets "emotionally" attracted to guys first, how can you have a PHYSICAL preference?
No. 583395
File: 1526377562699.png (1.43 MB, 1544x2008, mcdermott v uwu.png)

I think this is everything in my screencaps of the McDermott "Armored Skeptic is a statutory rapist lol" saga.
No. 583398
File: 1526377858023.png (57.08 KB, 695x226, river.png)

>>583384I don't think it has been debunked. I would even go as far as saying it is confirmed by June herself from that unlisted video. The most I've seen is people calling Jenny jealous Preg didn't choose her. Do Shoe's fans have any other comeback?
Description is from this video. starts saying the same stuff from
>>583383 at around 2:50 after some clip of an ArmouredSkeptic video.
No. 583400
She still talks this way, just switches into uwu mode once she gets called out.
No. 583404
File: 1526379265140.jpg (149.68 KB, 1048x1393, bOqC8Ls.jpg)

Sage because this isn't really new milk, but I thought this tweet was interesting. She'd be the first person to call Marilyn a land whale.
>Same measurements
fucking kek
No. 583411
>>583405I think he meant Jenny would be held liable for defamation in court if Preg sued her, but that's probably giving him too much credit.
also, >concent
No. 583416
File: 1526380663007.png (165.95 KB, 1214x461, dear peeweeburger 2.png)

>>583411er, "concent" being from the complaint Preg sent Youtube.
No. 583420
File: 1526381057491.jpg (192.3 KB, 1171x806, wig dreams of hontra.jpg)

I'm loving this wig crushing on hontra gossip.
I wish I could actually draw this shit though.
No. 583424
>>583422nayrt but that shoe is saying that she has the same measurements as Marilyn when as you can see in the pics that's not true because shoe is built like a fridge.
and if shoe saw a different girl that had the same body type as marilyn she would def call her a landwhale for not being "small as fuck" like she is!!!!!
No. 583426
>>583422Read the post again. She
would be the first person to call her a land whale. June calls anyone who isn't skinny and smol like she thinks she is, fat.
>>583424Exactly. That's why she said that sword girl has a ''pudgy stomach'', when she is clearly slim and fit.
No. 583434
>>583383I believe Jenny on the cheating and everything but, I wouldn't want to go much more into it until something else pops up(his ex wife saying something), it's obvious their fans don't care preg and shoe's relationship was the result of cheating and not the disney tangled fairytale story shoe wants it to be. They'll just bring up the "shoe is 17" "rape" shit, and both her and Preg with circle jerk themselves because it let's them play up their gross loli jokes to their fans who are just as gross for encouraging it.
If anything it just proves preg is confirmed piece of shit. Was I the only who thought in shoe's new vid where she jokingly accused him of cheating, he sounded nervous?
No. 583435
File: 1526382460637.jpg (54.81 KB, 561x567, Capture.JPG)

Did this get posted in these threads before?
No. 583440
File: 1526383523976.jpg (249.24 KB, 1600x1597, IMG_9659.JPG)

>>583420>>583439pre trans contra actually looks more like flynn then prego does lol all that's missing is the facial hair.
No. 583445
File: 1526384257683.jpg (383.95 KB, 1652x1080, wew lad.jpg)

So one of shoe's whiteknights sent this to Brittany.In case you all needed to be reminded what type of fanbase shoe has.
No. 583461
>>583445Why would you waste so much time writing that?
is he really that desperate to protect his waifu june?
No. 583612
>>583214i can't help being both continuously
triggered by june and others referring to her shitty clothes as lolita, and also the fact alone that she uses syndromestore and pays $70 USD plus per item when half their stock floats around aliexpress for $20 on the regular
No. 583628
>>583380"my forehaed is giant"
But… you are bald… it's not the same!
No. 583782
>>583777Don't forget her cheap-looking, sad wigs that she claimed were up to the thousands range.
I sure hope she wasn't lying and that she really does spend a lot of money to look cheap and underwhelming.
No. 583801
>>583792Bdsm results in criminal charges due to a sub feeling like they’ve been abused. I’m saying a bdsm contract doesn’t hold up in court. If person A hurts person B with written permission from person B, person A can still get in legal trouble. It matters because bdsm relationships are often packaged in a romanticized way, and June is advertising that idea to her young and impressionable fans. Which is creepy in an of itself, but more importantly, dishonest and irresponsible.
I’m not in favor of what people do in the bedroom being policed, but that is what you’re opening yourself up to, essentially. All it takes is a sub retroactively deciding that the relationship caused them harm.
No. 583807
>>583801well, it doesn't even need to be the sub's 'fault'. if someone else reports seeing the sub being abused/bruises, scars, whatever, no contract or amount of "it was consensual" means it will necessarily fly in court. it's still abuse and regardless of what the 'victim' wants or claims is consensual, the DA can prosecute, regardless, because in many places, none of these contracts are legally binding, which imo, is good. the eroticization and normalization of abuse is harmful to everyone. pretending opening up/excusing laws for "sexual autonomy" is going to be wise for the majority of society is insane. bdsm legit presents not only extreme individual liability, but collective liability as well. people who write off the threat that laws altered as a result of bdsm faces to actual abuse cases, are retarded.
No. 583808
File: 1526409141893.png (102.38 KB, 625x751, 1513053259564.png)

>>583806there aren't a whole lot of old caps from the time since it happened before her threads (well, at least before they would get deleted)
No. 583810
>>583806It's interesting how both preg and shoe like to pretend that shoe is the one who "has to worry" about
all these women out there totally wanting preg's man rolls and yet there is this, a guy(who's way better looking than preg btw) makes a friendly interaction with shoe and he immediately assumes he wants to fuck her(despite the other guy having a wife).
He's so insecure. It's honestly amazing.
No. 583814
>>583801FFS stop with this "bdsm is bad" thing.
BDSM is an intimate act where you trust your acting partner to get you into your darkest and twisted place you can ever get and CAN PULL YOU OUT OF IT. It's like taking a taxi to the desert. This is why people almost NEVER advertise their kink to the public. Those who do publicy their "so edgy lifestyle" never ever even get to the fucking border of the "creepy territory". Those experiences are WAY to personal and intimate to be talked to other than your partner.
This is why people who buy in to wig's lie about that she lives in a bdsm relationship are tools.
Sage for sperging.
(derailing) No. 583822
>>583816>>583814Frankly, no one would even care about preg and shoe's cringy sex lives if they only mentioned it like once or twice but, nope they saw their neckbeards got off to it so they kept exploiting their relationship like a bunch of cash cows.
It's also just happens to be a lot of cows on here are into ddlg/bdsm so it's fitting. But, I also think shoe wouldn't be into it if it weren't for preg, she even admitted it on the discord.
No. 583828
File: 1526410261303.png (200.33 KB, 608x852, originalvid.png)

>>583811jeff's response tweet is in the cap with all the links. here's a shot of the tweet skeptic responded to. sorry, i honestly didn't realize his account is now private. good thing i was grandfathered in.
No. 583834
File: 1526410450157.jpeg (49.24 KB, 400x400, 3C2C309B-CA11-4745-A6D6-0B4E99…)

>>583814This. So many spergs ITT conveying their opinions as fact.
Like this:
>>583816I disagree with this statement. If you want to debate this shit then make a thread about it. Lolcow isn’t and never was a giant feminist hugbox. There have been feminist cringe threads on here as well. We may be female here but some of us happen to believe that feminism is redundant in modern society. Again, if you want to debate this then go ahead and start a thread about it and link it here. It’s so autistic to see this repeated throughout the thread, along with “tranny scrote” and “fuck off handmaiden”.
Inb4 “hi June orbiter” or something of the like.
Here, have a picture of septic with indigestion. Probably all the Cheetos.
No. 583839
>>583834>I disagree with this statementyou can disagree but it's still correct
it doesn't have to be a "feminist hugbox" for the statement to be correct
No. 583841
>>583825What grocery likes is to humiliate wig because of his hatred of independently funktioning women and he sells this concept to her as BDSM and she laps it up because she is an insecure, naive, ignorant wannabe-edgequeen-for-popularity-points.
Why is this so hard to see?
No. 583846
>>583844>There is no legitimate irrefutable proof that “BDSM with male dom is always bad”.Common sense is the proof
But it is derailing so it's best to just drop it
No. 583847
>>583841that's bad, obv, but you've gotta be functionally retarded to not understand that eroticizing and sexualizing unhealthy human dynamics is terrible. you can admit to yourself that it's a fucked up, developmentally unhealthy practice and still like it??
>>583844abuse, domination, etc, is objectively harmful and there is PLENTY of scientific documentation that confirms that. the fact that you want to compartmentalize abuse and act as if it's unable to be harmful if it's considered consensual is actually what's not confirmed. you can like something and admit that it's probably not psychologically healthy, fetishtards.
No. 583849
>>583834I agree but, it's expected with other to have different opinions and beliefs on here because it's shoe. She pisses off everyone for obvious reasons. I'm not anti-trans or even that much interested in feminism or social political garbage. But, I'm not going to complain about some of the exceptionally loud radfems that come on here because I disagree with them. A lot of them brought good milk from their twitter interactions with shoe. That's all I care about. What's the point fighting over differences?
OT blogpost I'm just sick of posters whining over other posters having different opinions on unimportant bs
No. 583852
>>583834No one's forcing you to go along with radfem stuff, stop bitching about it and ignore it.
God, what is with these degenerate spergs today? As if these autists have any room to make fun of other cows.
No. 583856
>>583847And there’s also evidence that revoking a person’s free will and ability to make one’s own decisions is harmful. Sometimes the world isn’t cut and dry. What makes a person feel better might get them through the day whereas without a coping mechanism that same mentally ill person may have chosen a more destructive path, or even death.
Alcohol is “bad” for you, cigarettes are “bad” for you, and anti-depressants are a bandaid for a problem that can often only be fixed through therapy which not everyone has access to. Sometimes the bandaid stops the bleeding long enough to move on with your life and figure your shit out.
BDSM might be an escape for someone, an outlet, a way of communicating. Your approach of “fix the problem or don’t” leaves no realistic opportunity for a person living in reality. It’s just stupid to say that a vice is inherently bad. Obviously that’s what a vice is but the people who seek them out are damaged. It’s rarely the vice that causes the damage. It can make it worse or it can make it better. Every individual circumstance is different.
“Male dom is always bad because womyn can’t be strong and independent” is some feminist meme.
No. 583858
File: 1526411459536.png (502.84 KB, 608x849, copycat.png)

>>583808apparently this is the tweet this thread originated from
No. 583862
File: 1526411620704.png (66.87 KB, 595x394, skeptical skepticism skeptic.p…)

>>583809and this thread is from this tweet
No. 583869
>>583856>“Male dom is always bad because womyn can’t be strong and independent” is some feminist meme.""""feminist meme"""" or not it's correct
A male abusing a woman in any context is shit
(derailing) No. 583871
>>583869I don’t see how it’s any worse than a female abusing a man, a female abusing another female, a man abusing another man…
Abuse is wrong on its own accord. If you consent to being humiliated, or made to feel pain, then it’s not abuse. It’s your free will.
Women aren’t oppressed in modern society. I know where you’re going with this next. Just stop. Not everyone agrees with your feminist ideology.
(derailing) No. 583873
>>583871>I don’t see how it’s any worse than a female abusing a man, a female abusing another female, a man abusing another manThose are different cases
>I know where you're going with this nextWhere?
>Not everyone agrees with your feminist ideologyI'm not a feminist you sperg
No. 583878
>>583856can you bdsm speds learn to logic, please?
>alcohol is "bad" for you>cigarettes are "bad" for youkek, the fucking quotes.
the physiological damage from these things is OBJECTIVELY measurable and they're literally proven to destroy our bodies. just because people are reliant on harmful substances to cope doesn't mean it's not physiologically destructive. we know physical abuse induces quantifiable changes in brain physiology, not to mention it definitely causes psychological damage, and obviously causes scarring, bruising, etc, which, again, is all objectively measurable. where's the research showing that the compartmentalization of 'sexualized' abuse is never harmful in present time, or future? if bdsm faggots are defective, that doesn't mean that you aren't incurring additional physiological or physiological damage to your bodies when engaging in these practices, and it doesn't mean we all have to pretend your dysfcunctional bullshit isn't dumb and dangerous. btw, dysfunctional sexual relief isn't really comparable to using mind altering substances to cope with life. that's legit some incel-tier shit.
No. 583880
>>583871>>583874NTA, but once again, these anti-fem libtard superiority complexes are retarded. You are no less embarrassing than AS and June.
>>583876I think the point is that no bdsm relationship can be truly healthy, which is true.
No. 583882
>>583877>>583876>>583874All of this shit is exactly why there shouldn’t be political baiting in cow threads. Take it to /ot/ if you want to rant about people advocating and endorsing harmful lifestyles and behavior online. It’s all subjective at the end of the day. No matter how strongly you believe in your point there is someone who does not agree.
You guys have plenty of cringey shit to go off of with the bullying and name calling and sharing of personal details and sex life and hypocrisy. Getting into the politics and philosophy is just a recipe for derailing because not. Everyone. Agrees with you here.
No. 583883
>>583880>think the point is that no bdsm relationship can be truly healthy, which is true.That's your opinion anon, I'm sure another anon feels the exact opposite.
You guys are just going in circles. quit ruining the thread with these shit arguments
No. 583885
>>583851Samefagging for possible milk.
(i'm blocked by both of them hence i want others to confirm or deny my tinfoil)
No. 583886
>>583851>>583885she should be up in canada I think? But on the discord cap she said she had to push her ticket back due to all that "stress" so idk if that meant just a day or a week or w/e.
One thing though grocery hasn't been active on twitter these past 2-3 days so both seem to be in hiding waiting for all this to blow over like they did with candid.
No. 583892
>>583885Some anon posted this from her instagram.
>>580785>>583886I wonder how many times they can do that before people start realizing how awful they are.
No. 583895
>>583886did they have radio silence before the engagement as well?
huge tinfoil incoming:
they know they are in trouble so they might conjure up a "big announcement" (probably "looking for a place for june to move in") thus - they hope - everybody forgets the whole issue with them.
No. 583897
>>583891>>583892could this actually mean preg and shoe might have gone outside instead of shoe being leashed next to him ranting about twerfs on twitter while preg is at his computer tipping camgirls!?!?!?
>>583895the big announcement sounds very likely.
No. 583914
File: 1526414465347.png (31.04 KB, 627x129, no good deed.png)

>>582332apparently he never even donated to that fundraiser. he also wasn't apart of that stream either as far as i'm aware.
No. 583960
"when i was 17 i knew this guy who was 20, uh, 21, and we (frantically does penis in vagina finger gesture) and we…" wowoowowow wiggy what a shy kissless virgin!!
seeing as how she didn't even preface it with "my first time was with" or ANYTHING about it being her first time, even, i doubt that that was even when she lost it. amazing.
No. 583977
>>583950lmao jesus what an idiot lying so much about being a smol kissless virgin till 20/22 (i can't remember which) when evidence proving otherwise is online. Are these being archived cause she might delete?
It's so pathetic that her reputation relies on being the perfect waifu for neckbeards she had to pretend to be a virgin who's also into bdsm.
No. 583980
>>583950>>583960>>583961She tries to sweep this all up under the rug by saying that she was a shy nerdy loser with no friends who was just making up stories to sound cool like the popular kids.
But seeing her old pictures and videos, she definitely does not look like a shy friendless girl.
No. 583985
File: 1526418678091.png (8.28 KB, 476x177, female vs male.PNG)

droppin' this fresh beauty, ladies. if this bitch isn't the most annoying proof of male exceptionalism and constant scrote sucking, idk what is
wamen friend
>a million requirements
>9/10 of them stress the importance of her female friends being hot and letting her sexually harass them
male friends
No. 583994
File: 1526419164489.png (9.79 KB, 470x176, tran.PNG)

lmao forever @ self proclaimed lefties going to bat for this cow and making mention of her protecting trains when she uses troon slurs that probably perpetuate more 'transphobia' than 'TERFs' mentioning reality
No. 584003
File: 1526419560177.jpg (40.88 KB, 720x480, 1415840660464.jpg)

all this makes me want to take one for the team and watch all of the junevlogs to see if there is anything else hidden in them
i'm going to need some alcohol for this shit, wish me luck.
No. 584032
>>584025>>584026i'll only watch ones that i don't remember ever being posted on these threads. which is a lot. i'll do what i can managed. i'll also check the unlisted stuff
>>584028not pretending to "literally" be her. just being the reuploader of the vids. her fans thought she did it but, it's someone else who has all these vids archived and she's salty about it because it has things she doesn't want her orbiters seeing
No. 584033
File: 1526420990332.png (12.13 KB, 487x173, very liberal.PNG)

>black lives matter is a racist hate group but i'm actually totally a smol liberal and have ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY unlike candace owens, and actually not just liberals but socialists and commies should totally accept me and my conservative beliefs >>584028no shes saying that account was telling people they were her and idk flirting with people or being sexual as her.
No. 584037
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June video incoming?
No. 584043
File: 1526421379148.png (25.01 KB, 469x305, fat.PNG)

she literally made a video like a month later where she mocks a chubby woman out jogging for no reason at all
No. 584044
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No. 584049
>>584048yeah, her sjw friends (like contra) haven't said shit either. that's pretty telling. she's usually the first one to sperg in her friend's defense. not even armoured groceries gave her a hand
the only people who I think defended her was skinwalker mayu and the ranting f. it was mostly her whightknights and orbiters. again, very telling
No. 584058
>>584049they're doing a real shit job at defending her too. just calling people salty and obsessed.
the obsessed thing makes me laugh because her fans are the ones who seem pretty damn obsessed over her. idk if you'd call that a compliment or not but, it definitely is borderline creepy when i can remember some of her twitter whiteknights because they post so frequently under any person who tweets criticism at her. plus when you have literal fan who's copying your entire "smol look" persona, idk how that isn't considered obsessed but, a few people tweeting the same amount of tweets she often does on others she doesn't like, yeah they are totally just jelly of her smol appearance uwu
No. 584067
>>584063most likely her internet addiction and her addiction to male attention. from upthread
>Shoe's stated she always believe she'd wind up being "youtube famous" and that's why she went for a degree in film.she probably knew incels were the easiest group to pander to. either that or they were the first group to give her the time of day. either way, it all boils down to male attention. it always does with her
No. 584095
>>583857well, that's gross
her white knights will defend this, of course
No. 584101
>>584014her bad makeup is
triggering me
No. 584104
>>583950the video doesn't have a lot of views
it should be spammed fucking everywhere
i hope kiwi farms is paying attention
No. 584105
>>583922She has an old vlog where she talks about getting drunk in tinychat… like by herself… on a webcam. And then puking the next day.
I’ll look for it.
No. 584109
>>584003You'll be in my prayers
Good luck and hope it's worth your time.
No. 584114
File: 1526426475432.png (74.47 KB, 476x237, hype.png)

Wigs about to be snatched
No. 584118
File: 1526426655921.gif (473 KB, 241x199, 1409017114658.gif)

>>584114better be worth the hype.
No. 584119
>>584003i've been doing this by leaving them on in the background while working out but tbh it feels like a massive waste of time because initially i was thinking about downloading clips and then juxtaposing contradictions. i should have been downloading and actively pulling clips as i watched though.
there's way wayyy too much to go back and sort through it all.
No. 584121
>>583922>>584105Start at 6:03
She says something about the orange citrus (old lolcow) which somehow connects to june getting drunk
No. 584132
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No. 584143
>>584127I think once the new vid comes out we should start the thread so that way all the conversation around won't be splintered off between the threads. Whoever does the next op, don't forget to add the past threads that are in this op and the thread linked in
>>579923 (since that one got left out) as well as this thread. We can't lose her old threads again.
No. 584196
File: 1526430374556.png (542.35 KB, 629x515, fGR1PDa.png)

>>584191lmao of course it's conveniently when someone's about to drop a vid on her
though it's possible she doesn't knpw about brit's vid, she'll never miss an opportunity to suck cunt dankula's asshole dry. speaking of which, has he defended her at all?
No. 584205
>>584191she came back just in time, hehehe…
>>584196what an ugly motherfucker. so fucked up that there are girls who hate themselves enough to fuck creatures like him and groceries.
No. 584209
File: 1526430607050.png (57.23 KB, 664x556, 6NjBETP.png)

>>584198because people wouldn't feed pity for poor depwessed june if she didn't take a break from those mean twitter bullies
No. 584212
File: 1526430752539.gif (2.01 MB, 300x313, 1410810879442.gif)

>>584191>>584196good. we get to watch her and her fans sperg out. this is going to be hilarious.
No. 584214
kek. that's a better nickname than wig0nhead
No. 584238
File: 1526431923709.jpg (24.56 KB, 423x369, ye bitch.JPG)

>>584208brittany is my new favourite shitstarter, time to watch the fireworks
No. 584239
I didn't think she would be able to fit so much in!
Seconding on making this the OP pic in the next thread
No. 584244
File: 1526432243800.png (17.19 KB, 842x105, its working.PNG)

its already working, brittany. excellent job.
No. 584250
File: 1526432508096.png (144.15 KB, 468x461, lmfao.PNG)

her pinned tweet pic
No. 584257
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>>584254lmao maybe you're right! i hope so!
No. 584259
File: 1526432789007.jpg (5.62 KB, 197x120, 1399884598303.jpg)

Brittany you are amazing for doing this. Thank you for doing it right and actually reading the threads.
The video is perfect. shuwu for life
No. 584260
>>584208Dang 36 comments on the video already.
She did a great job. It moves a bit fast for me, but I'm oldfag and I guess the pause button is there. But yeah, nice work, she's earned a follower.
No. 584268
File: 1526433084900.png (13.36 KB, 770x108, kek.PNG)

"wow i hate shoe now. bullying and being a hypocrite. she's the exact type of person that would bully me"
No. 584271
>>584268I thought her fans would get defensive but, it's good to see some of them are actually getting the point in all of this.
there might be hope
No. 584282
File: 1526433538521.png (93.44 KB, 659x775, AWZjyZd.png)

>>584265she was making fun of a man for being homeless? funny. she was
just criticizing people for making those types of statements before her depression break uwu
No. 584286
File: 1526433583309.jpeg (166.81 KB, 1125x923, 77CAC12B-5065-45F3-B074-93AB7D…)

checked wig’s indirects to see the chaos lol.. and so it begins.
No. 584290
File: 1526433748923.jpg (28.66 KB, 870x480, fresh milk.jpg)

today is such a good day.
No. 584294
File: 1526434094710.jpeg (192.54 KB, 516x750, F1D14A48-38CB-40B9-8EB0-900E8E…)

this is some god tier milk, i'm fucking praying for a reply from her soon
No. 584299
File: 1526434220923.jpg (114.81 KB, 1361x369, Screenshot_20180515-212112.jpg)

No. 584302
make sure to put shuwu in the title lol
No. 584304
File: 1526434381650.png (7.87 KB, 458x62, what happend.PNG)

im surprised at how much it's opening eyes
No. 584308
>>584208"Shoe shives"
i died
No. 584324
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No. 584333
>>584327i follow blaire's social media and she's been busy with some lgbt event + right now she's working on a video about issues lgbt people face in the middle east
june's probably not really worth interrupting the important stuff for
No. 584334
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No. 584341
File: 1526436800828.png (224.11 KB, 479x574, oh shit.PNG)

pearfax posted to do one on anisa on the shoe vid. is this a hint suggesting that she's going to?
No. 584347
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No. 584359
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No. 584371
>>584361A lot of them are assuming Brittany did all the caps herself and don't realize shuwu has multiple threads with multiple posters capping when she does retarded shit these for months now. So they just call her doing basic researching and source providing "obsessive".
Its like bitch would you rather she just did a rant video without things to prove her statements? Her fans are retarded
No. 584390
>>5843761) Long sadpost where she apologizes and talks about how she's changed.
(not recommend)2) Fuck off the internet.
(recommend)What she won't do: Tell her to fuck off.
(what she said she'd do next time she's "bullied") No. 584399
File: 1526439029870.png (24.63 KB, 758x178, 5ml8wE6[1].png)

No. 584406
File: 1526439306851.png (12.56 KB, 465x172, good.PNG)

brit hitting back about pear vid.
No. 584410
>>584399i kinda doubt this will impact her subscriber count. if anything she could see a small boost? especially from people hoping to see a response.
current count:
>971,853 No. 584416
>>584406aww I'm starting to like her tbh, if not just because she's a farmer
But yeah, wait for the pear to ripen
No. 584418
File: 1526440322177.png (2.58 MB, 2057x2397, no booli.png)

>>584391I don't make a whole lot of caps so plz no b00li, thnx 0u^
if there's anything I should add, let me know.
No. 584421
File: 1526440475752.png (17.18 KB, 906x105, jjt0DfF.png)

>>584387so, do they not think her new videos are fabricated to be more entertaining? do they think someone with a history of lying wouldn't continue to lie?
she's obviously trying to be relatable and down to earth to her orbiters. she still lies everyday even about the most innocuous shit. why can't her fans see through this. like what the fuck.
No. 585080
>>584500I wish Brittany added a few more recent things to the video.
Calling ContraPoints dumb in her private discord.
Being a mod on Lolcow which was created by her friend, where she was able to hunt down people who were talking about her.
The "shitzo" thing about the schizophrenic man recently.
All of this is recent enough and it points in the direction of her mean-spiritedness.
No. 585829
>>580593wow what the FUCK is with the shoehorned (no pun intended) \m/ with the mega-edgy 2000s spiky wristband oh my god
this bitch really thinks she's some alternative badass rocker emo punk or whatever
but I guess she's not alternative enough to overcome her basic-bitch need to pretend to be an ideal-waistlined smol children's story disney princess lol
No. 588445
>>583391bc it's greggy's body type therefore it's the best bodytype uwu
he's the hottest of all because she luvs him