No. 557047
20 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 31 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/548305The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
http://www.twitter.com/taylorndean Instagram:
http://www.instagram.com/taylorndean Youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaOTXKuQ-t-eTikY96B9n-Q Facebook (private:)
https://www.facebook.com/Taylor.Nicole.Dean Jonny's Links:
https://twitter.com/jonnycraig4L Instagram:
https://www.instagram.com/jonnycraig4l List of all Taylor's pets:
-Made two videos of her snakes, one of them just doing dumb shit like laundry and one of them eating
-Has been criticised for using eco earth for her snakes substrate but doesn't care because "she thinks it's good"
-Most likely she's keeping her monitor lizard because o may gash guys he's so tame and use to me and the pet shop insists he's CB
-Left her pets again to go meet Jonny's friend for their birthday
-Is soon leaving again for a holiday in Disney
-Recently spewed facts about animals which have been pointed out to be incorrect
-Everyone believed her GTP was dead since its water bowl was dry and it didn't seem to be in the tank but she's rubbed it in our faces that it's alive
-Impulse bought a mantis shrimp; chucking it in her predator tank until she sets up a new tank for it (it'll likely murder her fish or break out of the tank)
No. 557172
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Ghost looks different or is it just me?
No. 557185
>>557172The last picture you'd have to have the phone so close to the cat it's probably uncomfortable af. His eyes also suggest play mode to me tbh.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate the one thing Taylor does right? She has created a community of strangers that don't like her to research all the shit she does wrong and could go wrong, it's wonderful.
No. 557202
>>557172After having pets die from starvation or dehydration, i wonder if her cats are underweight? Can never know due to all the floof. Also, if they were neutered by now, she would’ve taken videos/pictured of them “drunk” regardless of having a cone or not because from my experience of my dog getting neutered, i took so much videos of him so high after the prodecure because it was so cute and funny. So i doubt they ever took them in to get them done and probably just sugar coated the situation with lies again
Sage for speculation and a hint of blogposting
No. 557277
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No. 557294
"Hopefully" it won't kill your fish :)
She's basically admitting to have not done any research at all
No. 557372
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Her fans are so delusional.
This tweet is a reply to the introduction of her new accesory.
It's really ironic because in that tweet she states that the mantis shrimp can punch faster than the speed of sound and see more colors than humans, and neither of those are true.
So yeah no, she doesn't do research, at most she parrots the first thing she see on one of those animal fun fact websites for children.
No. 557380
>>557372Let's make a running list of all the "facts" Taylor has told, only to be corrected within seconds by other, more educated people:
1. Perpetuating the Nanny Dog myth (then pretending like she knew it was a myth the entire time in her pitbull video like she didn't get called out for it lmao)
2. Saying that Mantis Shrimp aren't known for breaking out of tanks
3. Her weird ass methods of feeding her snakes that are "picky eaters"
Buying the entirely wrong species of monitor when anyone with two braincells can check Google and tell the difference in a few secondsFeel free to add more! I haven't been watching her that long to notice any other weird slipups like those
No. 557417
>>557402How is a baby being in the thread picture offensive to you ?
Maybe channel that outrage into the fact that 1/3 of the pets Taylor has owned have been killed or "rehomed"
No. 557438
>>557417 Because it's not Taylor's baby and because it has nothing to do with her animal hoarding. I feel like it's derailing in a sense but that's just my opinion.
"Maybe channel that outrage into the fact that 1/3 of the pets Taylor has owned have been killed or "rehomed""
Exactly, the threader header could have had said neglected animals pictured and made tons more sense, again imo.
No. 557442
>>557277If it’s with the lion fish, it’s in a Biocube 29 - which is GLASS. If she has it in a plastic case inside the tank, it’s PLASTIC not acrylic and it’s not thick plastic. What’s the point in lying? Also, peacocks CAN break out but it’s VERY RARE.
Y’all are just as bad as her with the false information……
No. 557448
>>557438pretty sure it was the only ps in the last thread
if you wanna make the next thread image go ahead
No. 557456
>>557438You sound like one of those people whining last thread that no one was going to take us seriously because we called Taylor stupid names or speculated or speculated on less important topics when there's no milk.
The baby ain't in any danger; his eyes aren't even open yet and half his face is covered. If you wanna get mad at someone, get mad at Taylor for posting the picture at all
No. 557466
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This is what I think of every time people mention the mantis shrimp punching through the tank. lol
No. 557483
>>557475It's because cats can shed a bacteria called Toxoplasma gondii in their poop for a couple of weeks if they get infected with it, and the bacteria can be harmful to pregnant ladies (specifically the baby i think), but generally it would be difficult to contract the bacteria unless you're sniffing their poop or eating it.
That's why there was a pretty big issue for people when Taylor had her heavily pregnant friend look after her cats while she was away since the friend would have been cleaning their litter trays.
No. 557495
>>557486I said "sound like" nimrod. Learn to read. Also "
when there's no new milk" not "there's no new milk." Jesus christ
Just stop complaining or leave if the picture
triggers you that much
No. 557509
>>557506 You are basically arguing with yourself at this point when you continue to try and fight with someone who willingly changed their opinion. Get a hobby, you need one for your anger issues.
Now back to the topics on the thread or leave.
No. 557511
>>557509lmao y'all trying so hard to come up with some sort of burn but you just look embarrassing
more to the point: I'm sick of seeing "stop derailing!!!!" comments every ten replies because someone is throwing a fit that no one is talking about what they want to talk about
Ignore the side conversations, or steer the conversation back to the previous topic, don't just sit there and whine because you're just as useless as the people arguing
(derailing) No. 557522
>>557518 Thank you, I wish someone could have snagged it. Do you know the reason why she deleted it? My biggest worry is that the Mantis Shrimp will break the aquarium, water gushes out, small electrical fire happens, and those thin drywall walls she has (all apartments have these) will go up in flame. Cats don't simply get burned, they literally burn up like a torch because of their fur and it's a horrible painful death. There are so many apartment fires every year because of irresponsible people leaving something unattended properly, trapped pets inside the rooms get burned to death.
She could have literally waited until after Disneyland and upgrading her other tanks to get the Mantis shrimp. I swear she's on drugs when she makes purchases lately.
No. 557543
>>557522With the amount of animals Taylor has, she could really benefit from one of those "animals trapped inside" stickers that a lot of pet stores sell to put inside the entry way of your home, or one of those "I have animals at home" keychains in the event of something serious happening.
Though I guess she doesn't think that far ahead or care enough
No. 557552
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No. 557556
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“Invest in a costly and time consuming saltwater tank like me rather than a 20$ ticket to fulfill your momentary desire to see fish at a professional aquarium!”
No. 557557
>>557544 She never quarantines her animals and she ignores people who question why she doesn't.
She should have had a tank ready and didn't, and there is no way the Mantis Shrimp arrived early. If she had a tank prepared long in advance, even if it were early she would be prepared. Animal hoarders don't prepare room for new arrivals or quarantine, and neglect the old pets, and she is a classic example of this.
No. 557591
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This is about Jonny not Taylor, but I thought the interaction was funny because it was one of his fans. He blocked them both over a potential Star Wars debate.
No. 557685
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I know it’s not recent but holy shit at how she handled those kittens. Animals are literally nothing but objects and props to her. Who the hell would ever hold any cat like that let alone such a fragile small one.
No. 557749
>>557734Yeah this is where I get angry. Everything is dangerous to kittens at that age. The slightest thing can send a previously healthy baby suddenly downhill. Am I supposed to believe that holding them like that wasn’t stressful to them? Knowing that stress can be a serious fucking risk to a baby animal so young?
There’s several pics of her holding them both dangerously in one hand, stretched away from her body, usually in a car or outside so who knows what the plan was if they fucking fell from that height…I know we’ve moved on, we’re probably six serious scandals past this but it makes me so angry how she just went out and took these babies claiming to be an expert when she wasn’t even aware enough to not hold them like a struggling goddamn turtle and almost certainly caused the death of that grey kitten through stress or a lack of knowing what exactly to look for in a kitten that isn’t thriving. Because she wasn’t fucking qualified to do it.
No. 557867
>>557795That is her, the anon just morphed her face to look like she’s gettig punched.
Anyways, a moment of silence for those poor animals that died from the hands of Taylor’s fans that bought them out of impulse/to get attention from her so they either have no idea what to do so they get bored and forget them, or just throw them in an aquarium without proper care and quarantine.
No. 557937
>>557891I agree. To the people that thinks it’s not so bad, imagine her trying to take that photo? Kittens can get extremely wiggly (forgot the word. Skirmy? Idk lol) trying to position themselves upright, and with her holding him with one hand, i imagine Nemo trying to turn as hard as he could while Taylor is turning him and swinging him around so aggressively. For people that’s experienced (or who have common sense and actually care), they would have them bundled up 90% of the time when they’re held so they’re cozy, warm, and safe (from falls especially)
And this is coming from someone who never had to take care of a 7 week old or younger kitten. If someone actually cares about their pets, they wouldn’t even try to hold young kittens so far from their chest in the first place and that’s if they really have to
Sage for blogging because whatever Taylor tries to do is
triggering, but i cant look away from her milk
No. 557974
>>557884I have raised four orphan litters, actually, and I stand by what I said. Never in the 5 years I’ve volunteered and fostered have I ever flipped a kitten that young (or any age really) onto its back while holding it in one hand so I can take a picture. I’m not saying it’s the worst thing she’s done, but it can stress kittens out and they are incredibly delicate at that age, so why would you do it?
Also she absolutely bottle fed them. She didn’t know how to do it properly.
No. 558017
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one punch mantis.
No. 558056
>>558031really tho calm ur autism
How exactly is she a slut lmao??? Like wut. She’s an animal hoarder but tbh u are annoying as fuck I’ve seen u the past few threads
No. 558063
>>558056STOP arguing back ur just as bad. (I am also now just as bad).
Can we get back to nitpicking cause we have no milk please? We have much important internet stuff to discuss like Taylors new Mike Tyson mantis shrimp biting the ear off her other tank inhabitants
No. 558112
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I fear for this cutie :(
No. 558147
>>558131>I wonder where her youtube check goes to if she doesn’t want to use it on her animals? Jonny? Partying and drugs?Basically, yeah.
Taylor was never in it for the animals, she saw them as props to make her quirky. What she's wanted all along is become a model. The reason she has so many animals, and this is told by herself in one of her videos, isn't really because she wants to be Great Value Bindi Irwin or whatever; it's because she didn't have a normal school experience and used animals as substitutes for real friendships.
It's truly never been about the animals, but literally to fill a void. Obviously now she's become more cynical about it.
No. 558162
>>558147Yeah I agree with you, I think its just in her nature to not really care about animals for the longevity of their life, shes the definition of the ads that shelters run out saying dogs aren't just for christmas. She is the impulse buyer everyone warns against.
Taylors mental illness isnt an excuse either because nomatter how lazy you get with yourself, your animals can't look after themselves. Doing the bare minimum isn't fair on a creature you've taken the responsibility to look after
No. 558165
>>558141lol wut. It didn’t even break the glass. Yeah they’re dangerous but the stories of them breaking glass are rare.
Stop. Nitpicking. When. There’s. No. New. Milk.
Stop falsifying facts.
Worst part about th situation is it was an impulse buy with no tank available.
No. 558215
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No. 558216
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No. 558230
>>558216I’ve dealt with oxy addicts that would be appalled by the state of this room.
Who lives like that?
No. 558299
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No. 558336
>>558215Her hair is a yellow bleached mess. It looks awful!!
She should have kept her hair brown, it looked so nice brown.
No. 558344
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I wonder if Taylor will be attending.
No. 558347
>>558246yeah and it's not necessarily typical for a 30+ year old to still be getting acne all the time and it's always an open wound
they're definitely doing drugs
No. 558368
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Can’t remember if Taylor is still going to be in Florida then but if she’s not, I have no doubt she’ll fly to LA just for this
No. 558381
>>558368If she does it wouldn't be to honor Steve, it would probably be to try to shove her "Steve Irwin inspired" tattoo in Bindi's face and gush about how he was the most important person in the world to her
Meanwhile I'm almost certain that Taylor was just one of those typical kids who watched Animal Planet when it was on, but never showed any vested interest outside of that. Clearly not enough to put an actual effort learning about them
No. 558475
>>558419What the fuck are you on about.
I imagine that, should more people listen to cat behaviourists, cats wouldn't have a bad reputation for 'attacking people for no reason'.
People appreciate cats for all sorts of reasons.
How you feel about your cats attacking you (in play or not) is not at all related to Taylor.
Sage for irrelevance.
No. 558511
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No. 558514
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Lol at this bitch having a manager
No. 558519
>>558514She's probably bullshitting but I hope she has a manager lmao
Maybe they'll actually force her to make more consistent videos, since I imagine that's where she'd get the money to actually pay them
No. 558590
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On taylors Instagram post about her crab, honesty tyler is almost as full of shit as she is.
No. 558676
>>558590I don’t want to derail but Tyler has been keeping up with the thread too because on twitter/instagram he will make sly comments just like her. Only difference is if his lolcow was as savage as Taylor’s I don’t think he’d be able to handle it. Taylor is barely handling any criticism but I feel like Tyler is kind of spineless so he’d be in shambles. I think he’s just trying to mooch off her status “hey look I’m sarcastic too! Sub to me too!”
Taylor is also thriving off of comments like that, the ones that so obviously believe her charade so she keeps making a joke about everything exaggerating what we say so it side tracks from the truth. Like “I do crack” when she really is out here on heroin or “here’s my obviously dead snake!” Yet he’s alive but neglected.
No. 558688
Lol who is the one posting nonstop some animal related video?
First with the monitor and now with the mantis
We get it! They are really dangerous
I don't need every video there is in YouTube about them
If I want to see them all I can fucking search it.
>>558514Is the same manager who make the typo in one of the plushies?
The publicity of her merch gives me cancer everytime
From the fonts to her "interesting facts"!
Who wants and hedgehog with a t-shirt of another hedgehog?
No. 559042
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Also regarding ghost’s breed: if he really was adopted, like tay said, how on earth could she possibly know if ghost actually was a “ragdoll mix” lol. There are so many god damn long-haired colorpointed cat breeds. The only reason she knows that ghost is a ragdoll is because that’s what the craigslist idiot told her.
I know we’ve already established that there is no way ghost is a rescue cat but i thought i might as well share.
… btw; you can really see here that the 600 bucks she paid for ghost are actually way too much considering that he barely matches the breed-stand lol.
No. 559121
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>>559042Honestly, Ghost looks like he's just a long haired Siamese, which I guess is called Balinese? He has a similar facial structure to this cat. The face is more pointed than rounded like the actual Ragdoll cat's is. Given the monitor situation, I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor purchased what she thought was a purebred Ragdoll, but it's also plausible that Ghost really is some kind of mix, but she calls him a Ragdoll mix to make him sound extra special ad doesn't really know what he is.
No. 559123
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>>559121Not sure what happened to my picture. Hopefully it posts ok this time.
No. 559701
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No. 559721
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No. 559724
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No. 559725
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Anyone else kind of grossed out by this considering he actually has a kid that he’s just ignoring?
Alsoyou’d think how much Taylor fawned over Betsy’s baby for the first few days, she’s be all over interjecting herself into his kid’s life.
But that would require more effort and patience than just putting down bowls of food and water in a cage and taking her animals out whenever it’s convinient for her
No. 559728
>>559724I would love to see her try to do an actual moon crab care video and get everything completely wrong lmao
Sage for blogging, but I've been looking into wanting to get one of these and when I've been trying to do research online, the general consensus thus far seems to be that there really isn't a lot of info on keeping them since they seem to be pretty new to the exotic pet trade.
So I imagine all of her info is going to be pulled from the articles or the two incomplete sort of care sheets that you can find online.
No. 559771
>>559725Oh god, that gave me the thought of Jonny impregnating Taylor… makes me shudder. She is so negligent with her own animals, I can’t even begin to imagine what an awful mother she would make to an actual child.
Also yeah, pretty fucked that Jonny tries so hard to put out the persona like Taylor “my cats are my sons!! I love them more than humans!!” but yet he has an ACTUAL son he acts like doesn’t exist, I mean how much more of a scumbag can you be…
Oh yeah, you could be a rapist. I can’t blame the mom of the kid for not wanting Jonny in the child’s life if that’s the case because he’s a fucking rapist.
No. 559781
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She has such a bad attitude. It makes me laugh to think about when she said Disney wanted to hire her to be an animal educator, she'd be so fucking rude and condescending to anyone who asked a question she deemed idiotic. I bet she didn't even know coral weren't plants until last week.
She's probably just insulted a lot of her fans and doesn't give a shit.
No. 559847
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Probably reaching but is it weird that just a week or so ago it was so defensive and now it is getting friendly so fast when she has had it for months. If it is getting friendly so fast after it being so defensive last week shouldn't it have been more friendly months ago? Wonder if the last one did actually die and this is a new one.
No. 560167
>>560092He stop growing because the tank isn't big enough
It is pretty normal at least in fishes to stop growing if they consider they won't fit in their enclosure (all tho it does affect their health)
So this by itself prove his enclosure isn't good enough for him because I think he would be twice his actual size at this point.
No. 560212
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I hope all these comments stress Taylor out since all she ever does is act like it's all ok.
No. 560240
>>560212lol her mom has been posting shit like this all day. Taylor probably does get stressed out but she will never show it because she can never be wrong. Nobody is falling for the "Jonny and I love each other sooooo much!! Nobody understands our love!". She just has to try to hard to act like everything is ok.
Honestly I was thinking about it lately, but I think a huge reason she stays with him is because his standards are outrageously low. "You wanna own 40+ animals and let them crawl all over the carpet and don't care about cleanliness and just wanna be a lazy POS all day and claim it's 'depression'? lol sure go ahead sweetie". As long as whoever Jonny is with is somewhat attractive (honestly though she looks 40 wtf), has money, is young and lets him do drugs/drink he doesn't care. She knows damn well no normal human being would be with someone like her (other than the people attracted to her physically). She has the nastiest personality and just doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself. Who would want that??
Sage for ranting/blogging but as sad as their relationship is, they are almost perfect for each other it's gross. So toxic. If Jonny was out of her life I feel like she'd have a better chance of changing for the better, she needs to learn to be by herself and eventually find someone who will push her to be better.
No. 560251
>>560240I don't think it's because his standards are low. He actually follows a pattern which is hot, young, and with money. But also emotionally immature for him so he can get away with shit.
Taylor is still in the "not like other girls" phase and is pretty blinded by her internet fame, but whether or not she wants it, those things will fade eventually because YouTube is not a guarantee of permanent success.
And it's kinda obvious that the moment he gets to be alone in tour he'll cheat on her, which will happen when she can't follow him around anymore. Wasn't there a tour in Brazil?
No. 560255
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Enjoy this stupid thing i put way too much effort in.
No. 560306
>>560300Not that anon but kek Weed is a drug and we have video of her with that. Might be legal in some states but it's not in hers. She also drank underage. We have texts of her saying she was taking heroin (that as far as I know she hasn't denied, just ignored). Then there's all the scab picking shit.
idk. I wouldn't mind betting she's tried more than weed once or twice. Idk if she's addict yet.. but we all know she lives like one lol.
No. 560331
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This is what Taylor chooses to have a life with
No. 560368
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She looks so different when she doesn't make herself up
No. 560392
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Hang on, is she really gonna preach about coral reef conservation when she owns wild caught tropical fish?
No. 560481
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No. 560482
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No. 560485
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Neither of them are clean.
Taylor admitted to trying heroine to her dad but he deleted the tweet later to protect her privacy, I can't find it anymore.
Taylor admitted to smoking heroine with Jonny through texts to Jonny's ex Chelsea when Taylor was whining to her about him.
Saged because it's old.
No. 560520
>>560496>>560506Weed, just like a cigarette, can deteriorate your skin too but SUPER slowly because duh, inhaling any type of smoke is bad for your health in general and can mess up alot of things in/on your body but heavier drugs can fuck you up so quickly. Her past videos vs her current, as well as unedited photos, it’s clear that she’s on some strong drugs. Who ages 20 to 30 in less than a year? She’s starting to look like those crazy blonde crackheads in movies but with a load of pets in her messy apartment. For some reason, whenever she’s with her family, she dresses and looks more normal but when she’s at home or with others, she looks like a mess.
Sage for blogposting
No. 560524
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A girl who had their last video demonetized and has a boyfriend that's out of town
No. 560538
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Taylor tweeted this then immediately deleted it like 30 minutes later.
No. 560552
>>560538this could totally be nothing, but I remember when I got my sister's male cat neutered, they didn't even give him a cone. The vet said male cats usually don't need one. Female cats on the other hand, need one because they tend to mess with their scars more (because their scar is bigger or something). Googled it, vets usually never provide males with cones after being fixed.
so I don't see why he'd be wearing a cone from being neutered… unless Taylor got him one to be on the safe side, or if the vet threw in a useless cone to up the bill (I've been to my fair share of vets and they definitely do that)
No. 560561
File: 1524202582897.jpeg (435.14 KB, 750x896, D9DB4BC6-01F8-485B-A1A8-121A5A…)

>>560546Probably because she thought this caption would be more popular
No. 560565
>>560520>>560506Smoking in general yeah but you can vape or use edibles.
And idk you all have just never been high or what but it's really easy to get fixated on stuff like skincare, makeup, hair while you're high so you actually end up putting in more effort.
No. 560615
>>560585I think they're more practical than that. Dark Den's callout video got a positive response, but Swetha lost a large portion of subscribers and her video has way more dislikes than likes. I agree people who defend her are gross, but I can't blame the ones not calling her out.
For some Petubers, this is actually their job, in a more professional way than it is Taylor's. In all likelihood their callout won't hurt Taylor's income as much as it'll hurt theirs, so instead they're just doing the best they can to promote good animal care.
No. 560623
>>560506Have you ever smoked potty? It absolutely does not have that effect on you or your looks. You have to actively try while smoking weed too look like that, and again as many anons have said I’llsay it again for you, it’s usuly some other substance in addition to weed that gets someone look as rough as she does….
Also to the anon saying it messes with this skin does t know much either. I’ve been smoking everyday for as long as 2006 and I still get compliments on my skin…..
Sage for over explaining the effects of marijuana on the anons who don’t know shit. Back to Taylor and her actual drug usuage (more than pot…)
No. 560888
>>560481Oh man this will be fucking great! All of these drama-drenched attention seekers in one place, half of whom throw mass amounts of shade at one another. I can't wait for the milk to spill.
>>560552Some vets will offer a cone regardless due to rate of infection and fucking with stitches goes way down even for males which was already low when a cone is involved. If they didn't use dissolvable stitches, he might fuck with them more too. It just depends on the vet really. Where I worked we never gave out cones because we worked on the cheap.
No. 561001
File: 1524261844078.jpeg (86.9 KB, 998x493, F98D31CB-E94B-444E-8894-08AFBA…)

>>560962 Oops. It’s july, not August 🤣
No. 561062
>>561059"if theyre burrowing you shouldnt take them out"
didnt she.. do that
in a livestream of johnnys?
No. 561071
File: 1524270528901.png (8.96 MB, 2224x1668, 86BC753F-A74F-4FC5-B7D5-221942…)

Her hand is shaking so bad in this scene and I don’t know what that is on her finger.
No. 561074
>>561070More like she's pressed for money lmao.
No wonder she's making more videos. Probably started to realize that she can't take breaks whenever one of her nails hurts because it's an actual job.
No. 561077
File: 1524271121836.png (343.32 KB, 903x584, Screen Shot 2018-04-20 at 8.21…)

I haven't even watched this video yet I literally just skipped to a random point and I already found shit that's really iffy with this:
> "I think a 30-40 gallon tank is fine"
Don't you mean: "the two caresheets that I took all my information from think it's fine?"
A 30-40 is….okay, but that's like a bare minimum. It's really showing that she is basically regurgitating information from the few Halloween Crab care sheets that are out there (I distinctly remember reading a tip about putting cuttlebones in their enclosures)
Which kind of triggers me a little that she would just take people's hard work and experience from taking care of their Halloween Moon Crabs and passing it off as her own, especially considering she's been gone 60% of the time since she got her crab so I highly doubt she spends as much time with it to learn these things.
She also keeps throwing words like "I think" and "in my opinion" in, which further demonstrates she wants us all to think she's the cool, smart animal expert that singlehandedly taught the internet about Halloween Crabs.
No. 561078
>>561062She took it out Yeah, but we have no idea if it was burrowing or not. Crabs burrow before they molt, other than that they’ll likely just be hanging out on the surface. If they’re just hanging out, then it’s okay to handle them (minimally) but if your crab is burrowing then do not handle them as they could be molting.
Similar to a reptile. It’s okay to handle them, but dong handle them when theyre shedding
No. 561089
>>561059wow ok i wish i could commend her on doing her job but girl..
1. she stole the video title from emzotic
2. they spend a lot of time in their burrows, not just to molt. theyre burrows are up to 5 feet deep and these crabs are WILD CAUGHT so most say the minimum
sunstrate should be 1.5 feet, not 6 inches
3. she wants to get her a "friend" for her below minimum enclosure, despite saying she wont buy any more wild caught animals (she just boight a wild caught mantis shrimp tho so that was obviously a lie lol"
5. she fed him WAY TOO MUCH, crabs are small as heck like try imagine how tiny a halloween crabs stomach is and yet she fed her that much meat?? and didnt show the fruits+veggies that she feeds her, despite the fact that they're extremely important to her diet , why show the animals u feed her but not the plants?
6. "in my opinion" means nothing. "i hope im not forgetting anything" means nothing. tell people to find other sources of information on how to care for these animals. tell people theyre all wild caught. dont pretend youre care is perfect when it's definitely not, just say youre working on improving it thats far more respectful than acting as if a sub par enclosure is ideal
No. 561137
File: 1524275175022.jpg (29.13 KB, 245x274, Fullscreen capture 4202018 644…)

>>561126i darkened it to make it more noticeable
No. 561174
File: 1524278501074.png (15.95 KB, 584x129, ok.PNG)

yeah okay taytay
No. 561220
File: 1524283645050.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, D6F82A41-A3FE-4CC2-B904-0087F8…)

Looks like the Satanics are by the TV again, and it kind of looks like a different tank to me? I might be wrong but it looks smaller.
No. 561266
>>561059I know I'm being nitpicky here but holy shit does she not know the difference between "drown" and "drowned".
Also she didn't need to tell us her videos are unscripted, that's pretty obvious
No. 561290
File: 1524294042499.png (262.27 KB, 1080x1466, IMG_20180421_075743.png)

(see next post)
No. 561291
File: 1524294074805.png (114.18 KB, 1080x548, IMG_20180421_075730.png)

>>561290Caught in another lie lmao.
No. 561391
File: 1524315618870.png (3.09 MB, 2208x1242, BDF8BF63-C86B-40B3-9B8C-5DA1C8…)

>>561384Apparently she doesn’t either!
No. 561473
>>561470Yes, there must be in the first two threads
And no,we won't spoon feed you
>>561280Is that her new rack system?
No. 561495
>>561490Isn't her rack system meant to come this month anyway?
If I remember correctly, it got delayed by like 6 weeks if not less
No. 561659
File: 1524345110849.png (2.53 MB, 1242x2208, 966B437C-F922-48BB-B208-A7A4A3…)

Mr. Dean has fallen eerily silent since just before Christmas
No. 561684
File: 1524346240717.jpeg (221.6 KB, 900x1200, 35F3B956-E045-421A-A6F3-33125F…)

He still looks so small, and she’s had him since October. She really needs to treat him for parasites before he actually does die.
No. 561794
File: 1524355258482.png (71.91 KB, 610x647, ridiculous.png)

This girl was a fan of Taylor until this. Can't say I blame her. Trashy guy.
No. 561976
>>561971Learn how to sage and also what is the point of all of this???
Anyways, holy shit is Sabor underweight. Also taylor is deleting all comments on her last instagram post inquiring about why she'd consider getting another Halloween crab if they're wild caught and she's "against that". She responded to my comment but now both her comment and my own are gone.
No. 562005
File: 1524376715942.png (51.66 KB, 1080x284, IMG_20180422_065712.png)

Looks like this is going to be her excuse to get wild caught animals in the future.
What happened to not profiting off wild caught animals?
No. 562019
File: 1524379730034.jpeg (582.2 KB, 1242x2051, 778C2B9C-6D26-48B3-8AC1-680E35…)

No. 562102
>>561847It's more likely TND got her animal care info off of a buzzfeed video
>>562005Like how she rescued a 5 week old ragdoll kitten? Great.
No. 562592
>>562005So just because someone had it previously means it's not wild caught anymore? What kind of logic…?
>>562090And yeah it'll be some bs excuse like this and she'll lie about it. Something like she had to rescue it. How often do people have halloween crabs they don't want anymore? Better start searching craigslist, anons.
No. 563032
File: 1524455970749.jpeg (493.1 KB, 750x1334, 1B243DBB-35F0-416C-A321-D1B086…)

I love how Taylor is liking videos of monkeys being forced into costumes to beg for money. Especially on Earth Day. Classic.
No. 563034
>>563032No joke. There's been articles about the abuses of these monkeys too. Way to go Taylor.
http://time.com/3803595/the-monkey-and-the-mask-reflections-on-primal-fears/Someone should link her.
No. 563285
File: 1524508679858.png (258.04 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0886.PNG)

Idk if anyone's posted about this yet, but I've seen people talk about how a gossip channel should expose Taylor. I messaged Petty Paige on Snapchat asking if she'd ever make a video about her and she told me she was working on a video about Taylor so there's that
No. 563287
File: 1524508818219.jpeg (76.59 KB, 640x544, 49BE1076-546D-4A40-AFBD-3A21E5…)

lol at least she admits that she’s lazy and it’s not all just “muh medical problems”
No. 563289
File: 1524509017537.jpeg (169.81 KB, 640x894, 0169F349-9A48-430C-A261-902C88…)

Hey Taylor since you’re such an animal expert how about you make some sort of actual video on rattlesnake round ups instead of passive aggressively shaming some random person on Twitter :)
but that would actually require you to scare about animals right
No. 563306
>>563143She only downgraded the cages temporarily to move them, they’ve both been upgraded again to larger cages.
I belive she has 2 female rabbits in the group, which can be a hard bond. Same sex rabbits are much harder to bond than male/female pairs
No. 563398
>>563285i really really hope she doesnt attempt to go into animal husbandry issues theres so much to critique and she was way off when she made her fox video bc its impossible to put every aspect of an animals needs + sources to back up why they are needs in a short video. it would be so good if she just focused on the turtles, monitor, her illnesses impacting the quality of care she can give, and the whole jonny thing
(only writing this in hope that she goes thru this forum as research lmao)
No. 563402
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No. 563403
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No. 563517
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No. 563518
File: 1524520128499.jpeg (100.87 KB, 1242x567, 6240D07E-A8A4-4E36-B725-8C9FB1…)

lol why is Jonny so obsessed with his ex?
No. 563557
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No. 563580
>>563487Lol perfect translation.
>>563557I keep forgetting that Jonny isn’t a 10 year old bully
No. 563625
>>563570Technically the anon is adding something new to the conversation with these twitter screenshots since this is also a JC thread since he’s involved with Taylor. However unless you’re uploading all three images at the same time then you don’t really have to sage but highly recommend just saging if you can’t upload at the same time.
This thread has gotten very nit picky lately.
No. 563929
>>563911sorry to samefag & also google doc anon here
It's interesting that he uses that number because it matches up what I wrote on the doc for the living total, but even then i took an approximation by leaving out some fish as well as animals of unsure/unknown status. I highly doubt the manlet would care enough to actually individually count every animal in the apartment, so it's very likely he's still lurking around here
sage for speculation
No. 564171
File: 1524556834075.jpeg (206.76 KB, 750x1334, 9DED4973-F966-44F4-BB97-6BE98A…)

Deleted the tweet about Chelsea and now this. OK jonny….
No. 564620
File: 1524604344727.png (379.87 KB, 747x823, taytay.png)

trying to repair her image in the herp community.
No. 564624
File: 1524604626341.png (129.08 KB, 773x603, taytay.png)

No. 564626
File: 1524604657348.png (104.36 KB, 771x759, taytay.png)

No. 564633
>>564624>>564626>>564628She’s such a hypocrite lmao
Not wanting to participate the meat industry something yet STILL doing it is no better than just blindly practipoating in the near industry. You can’t act high and mighty because you’ll “eventually be vegetarian” Taylor. Lmao dumbass
Also, why stop at vegetarian? Since you supposedly care so much then why are you supporting the diary and egg industry?
No. 564636
>>564633she's bitching about people eating endangered animals while she collects wild-caught endangered animals to slowly kill in her tanks. And she isn't even vegetarian.
The hypocrisy is unparalleled.
No. 564661
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No. 564883
File: 1524623760628.png (445.28 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-04-24-20-33-53…)

There you go,Anon
The animals that were miss.
No. 564884
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No. 564887
File: 1524623885144.png (298.96 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-04-24-20-37-38…)

No. 564895
>>564883Live animal count is now up to 34+
Did she even tell her fans about those two when she got them? I didn't even have them as a 'status unknown' on the list
No. 564897
>>564895Noup, she never told anyone
I bet she was hiding them until her status of hoarder went down
I think the monitor mess was around October?
No. 564932
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No. 564933
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No. 564942
>>564933Let me fix the end
"Than you ever could using an EGG account sending hate at people for buying multiple pets even when you don't have the space, the time and the health to take care of all of them and leaving them for days to go chase their druggy rappist boyfriend so him don't cheat or get high without them"*
There, fix your tweet.
No. 564944
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No. 564962
>>564951TND and Tyler both mock concerned pet owners openely. It’s funny how it says ‘You changed the group chat name’ - meaning TND. Did she just screenshot her convo and post it here as an anon to start some drama?
Bored much, Taylor? XD
No. 564978
File: 1524635116625.png (218.88 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5465.PNG)

with what money
No. 565136
>>565133You’d think she’d be up to date on what types of animals are being killed for certain practices or ideals especially since she named her damn snakes after the people who kill their species for handbags like that’s clever or funny. And considering she keeps trying to do this “holier than thou” twitter mentions for every random article that surfaces on her feed.
Taylor seems very ignorant when it comes to animals in general especially in other cultures. If she actually did research she’d know why they hunt for the scales. She’s quick to call out others for their treatment but won’t actively change her ways or even make a difference. She’d rather spend $6000 on a bracelet than put it towards something more useful than a damn retweet.
Unfortunately, Asian countries tend to be very traditional in their ways so they likely won’t change for that reason.
No. 565207
File: 1524669168363.png (133.97 KB, 769x883, taytay.png)

wow good one.
Taylor is a real lucky girl having such a charmer for a partner.
No. 565348
>>565207If I didn't do digging I wouldn't even have known he had a fucking child.
Oh wait my bad lol, he's not talking about that baby.
Seriously what does she even fucking see in him, I get the "oooh danger man" bullshit but this is beyond a joke now….
No. 565360
>>565207Wow this manlet must be such a loving person to be with. Let’s be honest, with Taylor’s animal hoarding and laziness she couldn’t do better than Jonny, but damn the manipulation is so incredibly obvious in him. He probably abuses her constantly just like he abuses drugs + alcohol, and then gushes about her openly on social media to make it seem like they have the most amazing relationship ever. I understand sharing your happiness with your partner on social media, but Jonny has such a nasty attitude, it’s so clear it’s so fake when he says all this garbage. He literally said all of this shit about his exes. He’s not over them, especially Chelsea. He’s trying so hard to rub this relationship in their face, and show everyone online that he is just the most amazing BF ever. Notice how he has NEVER once commented on Taylor’s qualities/personality - because hers is gross. It’s always about how hot she is and how much expensive stuff they get to do, like go to Disneyland and whatnot. He only cares about the looks and money. That’s not a real relationship. These two are so pathetic and makes me 10x more grateful that I am not in a toxic relationship, I know what real love feels like. This girl just jumps guy to guy for money + popularity. Must be a sad life to live tbh, but I don’t feel bad for her because she brings this on herself. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Sage for ranting/blogging she and Jonny are just just such a POS, they deserve each other. Almost threw up in my mouth seeing the fake “gushing” he spills out to her over social media. It’s sad
No. 565574
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No. 565582
File: 1524690091480.png (1008.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-04-25-22-59-40…)

How come every time she posts a picture she has a new bruise, burnt spot etc.
No. 565656
>>565619He's one of those dudes who thinks if you're not for him then you're against him, it's that simple. He has the mentality of a teenager who throws a fit for not getting his way.
He paints himself as a victim and as someone who was too misunderstood by the people who cared about him when in reality he's a fucking asshole with enough enablers to keep doing shit, and Taylor is among them.
No. 565713
>>565682Whether it was Jonny's choice or not, I'm sure he puts all the blame on her.
I had a narcissistic ex like Jonny. When he and his ex had a custody hearing, he told social media that she lied in court (victim) to get full custody but when I saw the documents he was mailed, it said that he
failed to appear. Didn't even show up!
Jonny probably realized that having a kid around would cramp his style and was happy to let the mom take it and play victim when asked.
Does anyone know where he was living then? Some states provide free case searches.
No. 565729
>>565682tbh why would she even consider letting him watch the kid? He's homeless, keeps fucking around with young girls, isn't sober, and acts like an erratic teenager.
He's far from being fit to look after a child, let alone spend time with her.
No. 565771
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No. 565804
File: 1524707301326.png (247.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180416-024812.png)

>>565790What's extra weird is that she tweeted this recently. If they "see each other" somewhat regularly, doesn't it have to be tense/awkward given the way she ignores her mom on the internet and the way her mom tweets at her passively aggressively 24/7?
No. 565857
>>565804I honestly just think her mom is that pathetic.
People who act like that can't make/keep friends so she's probably desperate for her daughter's attention even if they see each other often. She has the same mental capacity as Taylor, which is that of a desperate 13 year old girl.
No. 565883
File: 1524713317333.png (839.96 KB, 1242x2208, 81F58A39-FB80-49C9-978D-D9AAD4…)

Bitch who the fuck was taking care of your animals all day
No. 565884
>>565883"guys did I mention i have EDS because i do just in case you forgot"
Anyone else think it's weird (and possibly an indicator of her lying/not thinking out an excuse very well) that she gets overly specific about really basic things?
You took pain medication for pain?! Really!? Next thing you're gonna tell me is that you went to the store and
bought something!
Also lol…I see she's laying down the groundwork for her next "why I didn't make a video" excuse
No. 565943
File: 1524718593133.jpeg (157 KB, 750x1074, 45BF28F3-4EBF-44A5-8C57-ED7A93…)

JFC I’m sad her stans actually believe this. “I live with someone so they’re well taken care of” girl you live with a alcoholic druggy rapist LOL do people really believe Jonny takes care of those animals?? Does she think through anything she says?
No. 565967
>>565940Once I saw she deleted that tweet earlier, I went looking to see if she had made any comments or posts or replies in that time she claimed to be asleep and didn't find anything. I thought maybe someone called her out on it, but Jonny did have the picture of her sleeping.
Maybe she just realized she sounded like she had a death wish.
No. 566337
Is it just me, or is she having way too many feeding issues with her snakes? She shouldn't need to be braining/scenting so many of her feeders. And the paradox BP clearly has not been handled enough.
But then, her enclosures are all incredibly open and sparse, without even the sides covered, nor any foliage to make the snakes feel comfortable outside their hides. Some look like they only have one hide, or a warm hide and a humid hide, of all things. Some look way too damp – you want ambient humidity, not standing moisture. I find it likely that if she covered the sides of her BP enclosures, added more hiding places and foliage cover, she wouldn't have to be braining or scenting, and her snakes wouldn't be underweight and/or dehydrated.
Also, is it just me or is that little cup of saltwater for the crab the saddest fucking thing? The enclosure in general is sad. Hell, all her enclosures are sad. She has all the time and money in the world, yet still has enclosures like someone who got all their advice from Petco.
She has so many animals that could benefit from beautiful, expensive setups with live plants, and has the means to do those things. But I guess "MY NEW PET ____" videos get more views, and its more exciting to buy animals than it is to take care of them.
No. 566355
File: 1524764706727.jpeg (131.07 KB, 1240x712, 1A6125D5-7133-40C6-84D8-833696…)

>>565771Ok she just can’t be serious and has to be trolling or something
No. 566428
>>566355She probably just spends all day at home with her special needs kid and lives off that money.
That's why she acts like a special needs kid. She's missing Taylor who ignores her, but she probably used to spend 24/7 with which is why she acts so infantile.
I doubt she has friends, just her son.
No. 566434
File: 1524770265929.png (718.74 KB, 1242x2208, 6109033C-39F3-4A07-940A-EB7749…)

This makes no sense???????? Not to defend Kim K but Taylor seems to be REACHING here.
No. 566459
>>566457and ignoring her mom unless she needs her to pay for something.
i get so '
triggered' when taylor tweets about anything mental health related. she cannot possibly expect anyone to take her seriously about this subject when she's living with a textbook abuser without any thought to the mental health of his victims.
No. 566534
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No. 566561
File: 1524779783464.png (1.19 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180426-165436.png)

that scab on her arm
No. 566698
File: 1524787225060.png (4.38 MB, 1242x2208, A7FC9C8A-E20A-47EC-8EBE-A664F5…)

Sorry doesn’t look like a bite mark to me
No. 566704
>>566698"My cats had fleas"
Sidenote, I can't wait to see her hair
No. 566718
>>566703That's….not what a snake bite looks like….
>>566698This is kind of like saying she hopes her green tree python keeps his yellow. Super mohaves turn yellow/darken up with age. It's just what they do.
No. 566734
>>566698And the cats will keep getting fleas.. Because they are super hard to get rid of, especially if you have carpet floor/ dirty clothes everywhere.
Taylor, clean. For your animals sake.
No. 566759
File: 1524791334893.png (481.2 KB, 640x1136, 6D5ACEA2-4F01-443B-A87B-2E5AA8…)

This video reminded me of someone in earlier threads saying Shiba Inus are Taylor’s favorite breed of dog and I just wanted to get this thought out there. If Taylor ever does get a dog in the future and wants a Shiba Inu, she honestly could get so much brownie points if she did this: saves some of her money and plans a trip to China/South Korea where tons of purebred Shiba inus are getting tortured and slaughter every day for dog meat consumption. With her following and influence she could probably get several dog farms shut down which is what happened when tourists visited South Korea for the Olympics. It would be such a good thing to do for animals and she would benefit cause she could get a purebred Shiba Inu puppy. If she can spend $50,000 on Johnny’s teeth and he gone for her animals for weeks while following Johnny on tour, she would theoretically be able to afford to go to one of those countries for a week and do this. If I had the money and influence popular you tubers had, I would travel to places like this and actually make a difference in the world.
But this is Taylor we’re talking who is too selfish and narcissistic to ever spend time and money on something humanitarian like this.
No. 566923
>>566897I don't think gravity alone could push that bracelet down her chubby arm? r u serious lol
No. 566929
File: 1524805735423.png (451.28 KB, 750x1334, CD5177AF-E5BF-40F8-980A-5E98CC…)

Her reply pissed me off more than it should have.
No. 566953
>>566698"Plus my cats had fleas recently"
She never thinks about preventative care does she? Fleas are so easy to keep off your cats with a monthly flea treatment spot on/tablets. My cat hasn't had fleas for 6 years and the only reason she had them to begin with was because she was rescued from a hoarder, and they cleared up within two days of me having her.
She really can't make any good excuses for this one because there is none. It's entirely preventitive, there's no reason other than poor husbandry for her cats to have fleas. Taylor, you are disgusting.
No. 566957
>>566587It really doesn't look like a track mark (the spot is also visible in the pic where she's holding the yellow snake up).
While this bint is unbearable and her partner is an abusive prick there seems to be a lot of latching onto pretty mundane stuff as ominous indicators of her using I.V
And if she does start to show tracks I reckon there'd be enough people here who would know what the real deal look like to point them out.
(not having a go at you personally, just having a general whinge)
>>561445A "heroine" is a courageous woman, it's not the same spelling as heroin (the opiate).
It can be an easy mistake for people to make if they haven't had much reason to spell either of those words regularly
No. 566963
File: 1524811541691.png (74.13 KB, 714x887, IMG_20180427_084454.png)

Someone let this disgusting piece of shit hold their baby
No. 566982
>>566954haven't been keeping track of the time she's had him but GTP take a bit over a year to turn fully green.
Although he should probably start showing a little bit of green by now?
No. 566997
>>566698If that's from a flea, biggest fucking flea bite ever lol.
And also yeah, her cats absolutely should not have fleas. She lives in an apartment, they should be indoor only because she wouldn't have anywhere safe to let them roam. Indoor only cats VERY rarely get fleas if you don't have a hundred and their living space is kept clean. Most vets recommend regular flea treatment as a precaution (who wants to bet Taylor buys the more dangerous brands because they're cheap, though,) but the only time it's ever even been a concern in my 18 years of having cats is when I had foster cats in and out who could have been carrying fleas.
No. 567154
>>566929Does she even have hair left to dye?
As for her cats fleas, it’s crazy how they’re indoors and they have fleas? I wonder if she also has bed bugs and mites roaming around from how messy and irresponsible she is. And for her scars/marks, the type of bruises and red burn like marks on herself just shows me that she can’t even take care of herself and she has 30+ animals to care!? I only have one pet, a dog, and i already feel like my life is too busy for another animal in my life and i just go to college but she’s always away for long periods of time. Geez
Sage for ranting..i think
No. 567194
File: 1524846573899.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, A73D635C-A7F2-43B1-AF43-D46461…)

No. 567198
>>567194All edited looks, but no brains lol. I know guys who would just see her as a “short term” chick because who wants to be with someone forever when they’re narcissistic, brainless, yet pretty like her?
I sound like a bully but her attitude towards everyone and the way she does things especially to her pets
trigger me
No. 567250
>>567194Fuuuck, they had to really chop off a lot of damage. She really needs to take better care of her hair if she still wants some left when she's older. She can't just go to the salon every other month and expect her poor stylist to fix whatever damage she has done.
Maintenance, Taylor. It's a thing.
No. 567258
File: 1524851345939.jpeg (189.74 KB, 1242x1344, 64E929B1-990E-4ECF-B1EA-E67845…)

He made a joke post using one of those generators for why you will go to jail, it’s not a real warrant but look at him still throwing up Chelsea’s name any chance he gets. He’s so obsessed with her. How is Taylor ok with that? Lol
No. 567267
>>567258Lmao bloody hell. If my partner posted about his ex on social media every other day there's no chance I'd stick around, how does Taylor not see that he's still obsessed? He posts about Chelsea more than her.
The only time he ever posts about Taylor is to either try and make Chelsea jealous or post a cringy, gushing paragraph about her undying love for her which is clearly complete bullshit. He makes my skin crawl.
No. 567404
File: 1524860447155.png (143.35 KB, 1080x645, IMG_20180427_211534.png)

Genuinely confused by this. Does Taylor just not understand basic sentences? It's like this person is talking about her kid being just as amused by a garbage truck as kids are at a trip to Disney… But all Taylor see's is Disney, and her narcissism kicks in and she must tell people yet again that she has money and is going to Disney!!!
Maybe spend some of that money getting your animals proper setups and equipment, heh?
No. 567706
File: 1524886964370.png (6.84 MB, 1242x2208, AEF69194-4879-436D-9C42-976FCF…)

No. 567750
>That chick with the glasses is hot not sure her name.What? You can barely even see her lol. She’s Maddie Smith, btw.
https://mobile.twitter.com/mxddiemooI cannot believe Taylor said she just had her hair done 24 hours before.
No. 567772
>>567706She is serving me that "middle school weeb that dyes their hair so they don't have to wear a wig when they cosplay" LEWK.
Those greasy side parted bangs with horrible roots give me flashbacks.
I thought it was so pretty too, but I went downhill FAST.
No. 567778
>>567706Lmao she edits her pictures so bad that it looks like the dye has been washed out nearly completely.
Her hair is very damaged to the point it looks like it can’t even really take dye at all. Also never noticed until now that she has nonexistent eyebrows.
No. 567789
File: 1524894534953.jpg (524.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180427-234842.jpg)

It….it's called an ad? It says "ad" right on it? No wonder taylor always jumps to conclusions, not reading apparently runs in her family.
No. 567808
File: 1524896480624.png (Spoiler Image,4.3 MB, 750x1334, 4A10630B-19B4-4D9E-B667-E73DDF…)

Was looking at old pictures and she definitely has the same face as her brother. That isn’t a bad thing, she just looks entirely different than in selfies where she can control the angle, lighting, etc.
No. 567872
File: 1524908866748.png (9.15 MB, 4000x1997, exp.png)

No. 567987
File: 1524922204162.png (504.25 KB, 750x1042, 05E02BD5-25DA-4F9A-821F-440E45…)

Found this weird ad on google so i took the chance lol
No. 568007
File: 1524923983540.jpeg (149.49 KB, 750x966, DB22CCE9-50A7-4045-BE8E-970C7B…)

From her tagged photos
No. 568104
>>567999Yeah her stylist said they couldn’t lighten it without damaging it. Honestly her stylist probably just cares about the money more than the hair care or Taylor presses her to do what she wants her to do, any stylist should look at that fried ass hair and say I’m not touching that. Taylor should be focusing on getting her hair back to a healthy state before dying it every other fucking week. I have never once dyed my hair and even I know this is pretty basic stuff. When your hair is fried out and damaged, don’t make it worse by damaging it more?? Her hair looks awful. It did not hold that dye one bit.
Also can she please stop with the 1 year old tongue out thing, she’s trying to look cute but ends up just looking stupid.
No. 568264
File: 1524947401703.png (133.82 KB, 1080x553, IMG_20180428_212917.png)

No. 568267
File: 1524947502144.png (244.95 KB, 1080x1371, IMG_20180428_212928.png)

Do you reckon this is about Taylor/manlet? I saw him post on Instagram that 'today sucks'.
No. 568299
File: 1524949028857.jpeg (461.87 KB, 750x1057, 1524948901278.jpeg)

Just saw this on the other thread…wow
No. 568300
File: 1524949059094.png (352.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-28-16-52-08…)

Something seems to be going on
No. 568308
File: 1524949387250.png (94.54 KB, 1080x497, IMG_20180428_220241.png)

No. 568312
File: 1524949631135.png (886.91 KB, 1080x1078, IMG_20180428_220535.png)

Wasn't sure if this was worth posting earlier but now Taylor is awol it may be relevant.
No. 568319
>>568304Drugged out in her hotel room. lol
For someone who claims not to be a druggie, she sure acts like one.
No. 568324
File: 1524950406375.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-04-28-17-17-19…)

No Taylor
No. 568333
>>568330people are saying they haven't seen her all day so im assuming she didn't attend that either.
Anyone know how playlist works? Do you have to buy tickets for individual events?
No. 568335
File: 1524950836138.png (16.31 KB, 596x128, mhm.PNG)

No. 568339
File: 1524951135645.jpeg (177.44 KB, 1299x1307, 826A8B14-2A0D-4939-B0D7-F8C7CC…)

No. 568342
File: 1524951349199.jpeg (199.37 KB, 1290x1050, CFEE811A-4795-41AA-895A-A3B2D0…)

No. 568353
>>568341So her gluten intolerance means she can't edit for days on end but also means she can be extremely sick and then fine for a meetup half a day later?
Why not text your mom or let your fans know in advance?
Is she at playlist with Jonny? He was posting on instagram that "today sucks" and tweeting at a girl to answer her phone within the last 7-8 hours. If your girlfriend is super sick, too sick to tweet to her fans, surely he should have been looking after her and could of tweeted her fans/family to let them know? But we all know it's BS and they probs had a drunken argument.
No. 568356
>>568342a couple weeks ago you "accidentally ate gluten" and you said that a video was 5 days late because of that. if gluten makes you too sick to do your job alone in your apartment for 5 days, how are you already recovered enough to try to see fans in public?
she should still be too sick, or she wasn't too sick last time she used that as an excuse for a delayed video. this is why people get so mad at her. there are so many holes in her story and she is so childish that she can't even make up an excuse BEFORE she bails. she just disappears for a day making everyone wonder where the fuck she is and what's going on, making everything 10x worse
No. 568368
File: 1524952453971.jpeg (67.01 KB, 725x550, 397E64F0-C65D-4901-826B-AA600A…)

No. 568390
File: 1524954196889.jpeg (203.08 KB, 750x1334, 7D6AF4E6-6C8C-4FB6-8FC6-49F37C…)

No. 568392
File: 1524954245657.png (1.16 MB, 1124x1568, E1A56074-B9B6-4F1A-BB1C-F03D2A…)

No. 568393
File: 1524954288013.png (604.73 KB, 1121x825, 5BF77B59-6A2E-42A3-9972-9D1CBB…)

No. 568538
File: 1524962173163.jpeg (98.3 KB, 1242x401, 61C2AC31-163D-42DA-B501-B37C47…)

No. 568607
File: 1524966021775.jpeg (566.17 KB, 1536x2048, 392042AD-7565-4EDC-90DA-9B3D9E…)

No. 568608
>>568586Yep, exactly. This is just her "perfect" excuse for when people see pictures of her with fans and say she looks high.
I've met people with gluten intolerances severe enough this sort of thing might happen, but I've never met anyone with a gluten intolerance that severe who is also incapable of texting or calling anyone to let them know what happened. Addicts on the other hand, I'd definitely expect that from. (Plus if she were that ill, Jonny could have let people know where she was, except oh wait, he was just as high as she was.)
No. 568623
>>568618GOD I hope she doesn't do that. Actual chronic pain patients have enough to worry about losing access to meds without people like her making up stories that support the 'all pain patients are just druggies' narrative.
She might take a leaf out of Jonny's book, though, I'm pretty sure most of the time he was hospitalized he said it was for back surgery or something when it was because of drugs. She can just claim she's doing some "inpatient EDS" or "inpatient Celiac" treatment.
No. 568635
File: 1524967908751.png (312.04 KB, 191x634, tnd.PNG)

>>568607another fan photo from twitter - too lazy to black the girls face out so heres just tnd
No. 568638
File: 1524968036960.jpeg (206.23 KB, 750x927, DB994727-EDE5-4FF2-BD6B-BF52D1…)

Not meetup related but this was her recent tagged on Instagram yikes
No. 568644
File: 1524968297632.jpg (92.04 KB, 480x360, taylorspants.jpg)

it needed to be done
No. 568670
File: 1524969119509.jpeg (108.59 KB, 1289x578, ACE30510-A5A2-48C4-886D-69899F…)

No. 568674
File: 1524969169736.jpeg (151.63 KB, 1304x855, D7B1E4AB-65C2-4CF9-AF5C-3707EA…)

No. 568696
File: 1524969664517.jpeg (137.85 KB, 576x1024, 858F5962-B9AD-49B0-9058-EB7193…)

No. 568697
>>568689I don't think her mother is legally entitled to request that, Taylor is an adult after all.
>>568690My thoughts exactly, you threw up on yourself but showed up spotless? Ok Linda
No. 568715
>>568704they look like some kind of control top pantyhose. those usually have the thicker reinforced material on the upper thighs and stomach. i don't even know who the fuck wears pantyhose in 2018 but there she is.
also i think calling that top lingerie is a stretch. those sheer shirts usually have tank top that comes with them. now whether or not she's wearing it is another story.
No. 568726
>>568715It's a lingerie. you can clearly see her bra in
>>568635 her top is so short as well that her ass is probably hanging out as well. it's like she's on her way to the corner after she has her meetup
No. 568741
File: 1524971721867.jpg (134.43 KB, 900x1350, 24d1fd45b4da9244fabeef2e178813…)

Found her next family friendly pet mom meet & greet outfit
No. 568772
>>568538Reads like
>I just did drugs so sorry if I don't seem like myself when I meet you guys>>568670Reads like
>You did a good job telling everyone those excuses and hiding taking drugs love you babe No. 568777
File: 1524973746499.jpg (233.67 KB, 1440x1371, Screenshot_20180428-224553~2.j…)

If you look close she blurred out her finger in this picture…kind of weird
No. 568804
File: 1524975267353.jpeg (216.62 KB, 1301x979, E435F4F5-AE7D-49DD-B7F5-0B0930…)

She retweeted the only one where she actually looked decent, or at least how she normally looks in selfies.
No. 568811
File: 1524975546616.jpeg (486.2 KB, 1262x1642, 475F792E-141A-49B7-879B-1160D5…)

And what other career would she be able to pursue if her “illness” keeps her from doing something like YouTube?
No. 568817
>>568811It was one fucking day. One event. Every other day of the year she makes her own schedule. She’s bad at it, but she does.
One commitment. One simple thing. Her EDS, her Celiac, her depression, it’s all a miracle none of that bingo card of conditions ever flares up when she’s apparently taking impeccable care of near 40 exotic pets, or following her boyfriend around the country on multiple flights and car rides, or going to parties, or going to Disney.
She thinks we’re all fucking imbeciles lol
No. 568831
File: 1524976896369.jpeg (213.04 KB, 1242x1441, 39405560-B55F-4E74-8179-F327C7…)

One day old news, but i stumbled on this. The insecurity is strong in this one
No. 568868
File: 1524978611101.jpg (459.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180428-231050.jpg)

No. 568881
>>568868I believe 99.9% of people when they say they're ill, but you're the exception Taylor. I might believe you were ill if you can't make it to Disney next, but we all know you'll magically be up for that trip.
Anyway, I wonder who doesn't believe her? Is it the other Petubers she's shading here? I'd stop putting up with her after this if I were them.
No. 568891
File: 1524980063288.png (53.95 KB, 606x564, dapperday.png)

really hope it comes out that she didn't go because she went to dapper day with jc instead. can't see any other reason he woulda asked about it
No. 568908
>>568674Wonder if any of the pictured fans were grossed out after reading this tweet. I would be. Like, gross a pantsless barfwoman touched me.
And the shirt could work to possibly hide any trackmarks on her arms if she has switched to shooting up heroin.
I suppose we could test this idea with any pictures from Disney if she posts any. Long sleeves vs short sleeves.
Hope her poor animals are doing okay though…
No. 568945
File: 1524985978035.png (2.2 MB, 750x1334, 8F3BDD05-92CB-439A-BCF9-77D4A1…)

Looks like she has a little something dangling between her legs in this shot. Thought it was her arm but she’s hugging the girl. Sorry to be childish but made me laugh. I can’t imagine what possessed her to think this outfit was appropriate.
No. 568977
>>568972you're only supposed to bump when there's new milk
No. 568988
>>568945Her fashion sense is really bizarre. It's like she's attempting an insta-thot look but it just goes into an entirely different direction that doesn't make sense.
Anyway her bailing on the playlist event was to be expected. She probably couldn't handle the idea of people asking her things above her paygrade.
No. 568996
File: 1524993048355.jpg (252.61 KB, 900x467, tnd .jpg)

>>568638I think this drawing is pretty close to the real life thing. it's uncanny how alike they look. You know, with her giant head, square jaw, wonky eyes, and fucked up snake.
No. 568998
>>568972>do you want it to die?I think that's the idea of it. If all you can add to a thread are your own thoughts and opinions then it doesn't belong on the board. Although imo people sometimes use the sage option when it's not really necessary (posting new screenshots etc).
>>568991>it's a rule don't question itHaven't seen this mentality since I left school.
No. 569012
File: 1524994276799.jpeg (122.75 KB, 750x1334, A35F8CE8-CE6D-4A80-87B1-FDD5FA…)

I hate to be nitpicky but her face just looks so… weird. Also, Taylor, please put your ugly ass tongue away. It’s not cute.
No. 569017
>>568991Rules need to have explanations for why they're rules.
I'm asking for that explanation
(take it to meta) No. 569063
>>569059I agree. How many more excuses until her fans realise how full of bullshit she is?
Yes, Tyler is the one she jokes about drug use with. Maybe now they'll all take a step away from her, she's a sinking ship.
I bet she never even spoke to the event organizers, she seems like the "if I ignore it it will go away" type.
No. 569079
>>568760of course she won't have any issues at didney worl. it's munchie mecca; munchies fucking LOVE disney and you can 100% guarantee that they will never, ever be inconvenienced by health problems there. bet on it.
this whole trainwreck is just utterly hilarious. the sheer magnitude of this idiot's lack of professionalism is just boggling.
to go missing for hours without notifying ANYONE - not the organizers, the other youtubers, your mother, not even a heads up on social media, not getting your thick-as-pigshit gold digger manbaby to make a fucking phonecall on your behalf - is shitty enough
but to back it up by appearing at your sad apology meetup with no pants on, pantyhose laddered up past your knee, and stinking of puke? it goes way beyond "messy and unprofessional" and deep into "sloppy, disgusting mess".
have fun fighting off those heroin rumors now, idiot. this is straight textbook junkie behavior. bravo, taylor!
No. 569135
File: 1525014726366.png (7.96 MB, 1242x2208, 007671F4-D52A-4E69-A594-D51249…)

Does she not have enough $$ to buy a new pair of pantyhose? Those have runs all over the place! And that’s more like a robe. For goodness sake learn how to use a safety pin instead of letting it all hang out! I’m embarrassed for her!
No. 569145
>>569135Why even wear those tights though if they're flesh toned and all ripped up? The girl in the background has almost as much clothes on as she does so it doesn't seem like it'd be too cold.
And guys, it's a romper. It's not that she isn't wearing pants, but for some reason she chose a see-through super short one and to wear just a bra underneath.
>>568777I'm on the look out for other photos that include her middle finger because she blurred it out. I guess it could've just been a mistake on her editing app though. That mark on her other hand is still there, too.
I've said before and I'll say it again, just wayyyy too many coincidences for there not to be something going on.
No. 569190
File: 1525020120489.png (910.81 KB, 1242x2208, B985386D-BF06-44AB-B968-D470E6…)

No. 569207
>>568990Personally I think it's a good idea so when one is looking through the catalog, they will know what topics actually have new milk vs ones that are speculating or whatever. If there is actually something new, it will be higher up in the catalog or on the first page. It's a good way to determine news vs everything else, shit won't just be bumped for things like in-fighting, blogposting, etc. If the person in question is literally not posting ANY new milk, then what the fuck is there left to talk about? just let it die instead of beating a dead horse ya know? But also it's the rules.
>>568982Yes this is what I meant, sorry if it didn't make sense I was tired at first. Where the fuck was she if she was so sick supposedly? I am almost positive if she was at the hospital there would have been pictures or tweets or something about it. Seems to me she was so sick she couldn't leave her hotel room for this gig she signed up for, but not sick enough to get somewhere else. Who know maybe she went to a drugstore to get meds and just decided to do it at a piss poor time.
>>568995Only thing I can think of is maybe she just passed the fuck out and could NOT wake up, but IDK if that is what gluten allergies do to people
No. 569212
File: 1525021599638.png (156.2 KB, 1080x919, IMG_20180429_180257.png)

Wait, so did she miss the panel and meet up because she was passed out for 8+ hours or because her 'legs wouldn't work, vertigo was so bad and joint pain was so intense'? Keep your story straight, Taylor. If this is you trying your best I think a potato has more fucking potential.
No. 569217
One would think that after "accidentally" eating gluten the first time and supposedly being so miserable, Taytay would have been more conscientious about gluten in foods, asking wait staff at a restaurant, etc, to avoid the misery.
>>569212Can't wait to see Tyler's response to this one. Kinda threw him under the bus there.
No. 569281
File: 1525029748531.jpg (23.16 KB, 590x144, epcot.jpg)

>>569278Her mom and brother are around Epcot it seems
No. 569304
File: 1525032310049.jpeg (141.01 KB, 750x787, 9EA86AA8-9779-489E-8152-E9A478…)

No. 569307
File: 1525032485812.png (493.85 KB, 609x501, ok.PNG)

seems like people found her at disney
No. 569374
>>569304>>569212Seems like if Tyler would've known where she was, Emzotic and Taylor's mother would have at least been told but they didn't seem to know either. Why does she lie soooooo much
>>568335>Not 100% sure>>568339>I'm sure she's okEven Emzotic and her own mother know she's full of shit.
I'm curious to know how much Emzotic and Tyler suck up to her after this or if they start not mentioning her or talking to her anymore.
No. 569396
File: 1525039837691.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1633, IMG_20180429_230835.png)

For the anon who's at Disney, she's defos around epcot if you're in the area.
No. 569398
File: 1525039859279.png (107.05 KB, 750x1334, ADFA3DE8-9FE2-404B-B7AE-D3C930…)

>>569281Confirmed, Taylor is at Epcot
No. 569629
File: 1525050748456.png (724.33 KB, 750x1334, 04601367-7475-4734-9DF9-2CA474…)

The other pet youtubers going the extra mile for their fans but Taylor is too busy with her junkie boyfriend to even make any sort of appearance at Playlist. I bet they regret inviting her.
No. 569640
>>569633is it dumb tho? taylor is worshiped without putting in any of the work that the others do. her fans are paying for her week in disney while she avoided playlist and meeting them, and they don't even care. yet the other pet youtubers have to play nice, because she has that many more fans
i'd like to believe it'd finally catch up to her, but doesn't seem like it
No. 569649
>>569640If she becomes known for being flaky, the other pet youtubers aren’t going to invite her to the meet ups that they set up anymore and they’re not gonna want to collab.
Also, she’s not going to be invited to publicity events (such as playlist) in the future if she’s just not going to show up. She’s burning precious career opportunities
No. 569759
File: 1525060981165.jpeg (463.96 KB, 1242x1830, 87CC6D87-FC05-4EAE-AE47-336652…)

Why does her head looks like it’s edited in? Lmao
No. 569767
>>569593Jesus Christ above I hope she doesn't breed. She'd probably take a picture of it being held in some uncomfortable fashion for Instagram.
She might put it in a 20 gallon tank with plastic bags for substrate.
Only benefit to her being preggers would be that Jonny might abandon his mealticket. Though, I am sure damage has been done.
No. 569931
>>569893Yeah but Johnny too. That's why I think it was something they took together. Also with
>>568422 being a factor.
No. 569970
File: 1525086394912.jpeg (165.57 KB, 750x736, DBD7B02A-9CBA-4181-AAAB-BEE214…)

Bag of what looks to be potential black leggings - or it’s just trash seeing as how that bag is way too big to be pants
No. 569991
File: 1525089472318.jpeg (229.93 KB, 1223x1370, 4995CAC6-516E-49D6-B842-E5321A…)

Even if this isn’t Taylor shade it’s still a funny coincidence kek
No. 570169
>>568608gluten-intolerant anon here. even if your tummy hurts, you still have the mental capacity to text people and let them know what's going on. gluten doesn't make your hands not work. her job is on her phone, she has no excuse for failing to do the one important thing that would have been good for her career.
it's also her responsibility to take care of her health and avoid food that she knows will make her sick, which really isn't that hard to do.
celiacs + gluten causes symptoms for two days or more. every time. if her story was true, and she was really that sick, she would be in bed recovering, not out partying in a place full of restaurants that cook bread. and after a reaction, you get more sensitive to it, and just breathing in too many gluten particles could send her back home, so why waste the money if it could make you sick.
so basically, yeah, her story is bullshit.
No. 570184
>>570169Also, it’s bullshit that she wasnt able to tell anyone about her situation. I had food poisoning before and i thought that it was my time and but I still had the strength to pick up my phone and let everyone i know that i was dying in pain in the middle of the night. So either she was high on drugs that JC wanted her to have before attending, or she’s addicted to pain killers which causes her to sleep all day OR she’s so full of herself that she thinks she’s better than anyone else so why bother attending OR she’s afraid of being called out in person and too lazy to organize anything for this event. No matter how you put it, she’s a rich little girl who is irresponsible and don’t care about anyone else but her and JC.
I hope this mistake bites her in the ass
No. 570185
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No. 570287
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I've pretty much echoed what this person is saying in the thread before, but I think it's such an important point. I've never told an employer about my mobility issues because people like Taylor give disabled people the stigma that we're lazy and will miss a lot of work. She is doing so much damage. There's days where my back literally feels like it's going to break, but I do my fucking job and don't say a word because I don't want to let people down and also don't want my issues to beat me. Taylor has a complete victim mentality, there's people with a lot worse problems than her that still manage a 9-5. She's fucking pathetic.
No. 570292
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That's a lot of ass showing for those trying to say it's a romper.
No. 570294
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Jonny even managed to keep his tongue in his mouth for this pic and there she goes ruining it.
No. 570313
>>568674seems like she was dopesick, didn't show up, finally scored and then puked from the opiates (which is extremely common)
her pinned out pupils really say it all
No. 570320
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>>570303Yeah, it's his band mate Colin and his gf.
No. 570353
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I'm sure it's not personal, but I think it's hilarious how deliberately apart from Taylor the girl on the left is standing, lol. Everyone else is touching.
No. 570369
>>570353I feel like no one ever bothered to each Taylor how to dress or accessorize. She always has something weird going on in her outfits. This red dress could’ve been super fashionable if she paired it well
Also, looks a little bit small for her. She’s probably in denial she’s not a size small or youth large anymore
No. 570391
>>570287>There's days where my back literally feels like it's going to breakAnd on those days you should be allowed to work from home or given some sort of courtesy, in my opinion. But I agree with all your other points. People like Taylor are the reason employers aren't even willing to make the slightest modifications to little things in order to better accommodate disabled employees. People like her are the reason employers think disabled people are a bunch of lazy whiners, and if it weren't for Taylor-types, we'd probably be cut a lot more slack.
Does Taylor even bother to take any fucking supplements to help ease her joint pain? I'd bet money that she doesn't even bother with the most basic shit like osteo bi-flex.
No. 570400
>>570294She's especially odd looking next to other humans. Her head and face are gigantic, and normally I'm of the opinion that bigger heads/faces generally make for a more attractive individual, but she looks like a caricature.
She's extremely disproportionate, which I think is a big reason she looks so damn weird. Her arms are really short for someone her size. She stores her fat in odd places. She has thunder thighs and big calves, fat upper arm, but barely any ass or tits to speak of. She has almost no wrist and her hands are huge but really chubby at the same time, and she has short stumpy fingers. Also homegirl's neck is short and thick. Not even gonna touch on her face/hair/outfit cause it's all a mess.
No. 570435
>>570396like, red-eye is the camera flash reflecting off of the retina (which is visible through the pupil) so the bigger the pupil the more retina exposed, and the higher the likelihood of red-eye in pictures. tay has ZERO red-eye, meaning her retinas were barely exposed, meaning small pupils.
and even the girl who's facing sideways in the background has red-eye. that shows how wide everyone else's pupils were, and how small tay's were.
No. 570439
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this makes me so angry like this is what pettube does :/
No. 570457
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No. 570470
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No. 570471
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No. 570506
>>570490It’s kind of unfair to say all chronic illnesses are like that. For example, IBS is a chronic illness, but it comes and goes, and anxiety is usually a
trigger for it. As someone with IBS, I can be completely fine for weeks, and then suddenly something may come up, and I get anxious, and I have a flair up. I’m not trying to defend Taylor, idk how EDS works, but it’s just unfair to say ALL chronic illnesses work like that, because they don’t.
Chronic just means that it’s incurable, so you’ll live with it your whole life. It doesn’t mean you’ll experience symptoms every day. Some people with IBS can even go years in between flair ups, or sometimes they can happen every day. Every illness is different and each person experiences it differently
No. 570515
>>570506You're right. I was thinking more along the lines or someone like me who is significantly disabled to the point of being unable to hold a job. I should have clarified.
She's acts like her illnesses impact her life much more heavily than they likely actually do in reality and uses them as a convenient excuse.
No. 570569
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No. 570587
>>570471How long has she has these disorders? If she knows for a fact thay gluten sends her into hurtsville then she would be doing everything in her power to keep these gluten instances down to a minimum.
It's like watching someone repeatedly stick their tongue into an electrical socket.
No. 570600
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>>570521Oh, but she said she told Tyler
No. 570628
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>>570621Not a peep. I see it was tweeted at him but no response from him or Emzotic!
No. 570662
>>570635I have EDS and she's bat shit fucking crazy at this point. There are no flare ups, you can't
trigger it like an allergic reaction and gluten has 0 to do with your CONNECTIVE TISSUES. I'm so sick of her just saying joints as if it's arthritis. There are connective tissues in the abdomen that can react to the contraction of the muscles with puking, that's why she gets "sicker" with EDS when she eats gluten. It's like working out and wondering why your muscles hurt the next day, she did it to herself if anything.
No. 570674
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So I guess Betsy is watching her animals.
No. 570679
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No. 570685
>>570682They are all part of Taylor's lies?
That's about it.
I'm also laughing her ass off she has her "friend" aka slave who should be taking care of her NEWBORN BABY but is instead slaving over Taylor's animals while Taylor does 0 work in her paid for hotel while fucking around at Disney.
I bet she's not even paid.
No. 570697
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No. 570701
>>570697Chelsea seems pretty bored herself to still follow their relationship so closely.
I don't know why she leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
No. 570703
>>570662I have EDS too and I'm not sure why you think there aren't "flare ups." We have EDS lectures and meetups where I live, and if it rains attendance is probably halved because so many people are flaring due to weather. Plus people flare after overexertion, she would have had a better lie if she said the plane fucked her joints up or something because that actually can happen.
However, her "umbrella" statement (and all her statements really) are super weird, and yeah, I've never heard of celiac doing what she says it does.
She's clearly lying, I just hate the way people try to armchair diagnose or undiagnose her when the way they talk about EDS is too overgeneralized.
No. 570707
>>570667There isn't really treatment for EDS. Just symptom management. There's no approved treatment plan, no cure, even experts really know next to nothing about the illness.
The real reason Taylor isn't seeking treatment is because she doesn't have the symptoms she says she does, though. She's proving that by going to Disney where she can walk around and take pictures multiple days in a row with no problems.
>>570697 I've been noticing how much she really seems to believe her lies, no guilt whatsoever, and it's like she forgets the truth and just plays the victim because "haters won't believe me!!!" People who aren't lying about being ill don't tweet stuff like that tweet about how you should always "choose" to believe friends.
No. 570709
>>570662>>570703Wouldn’t having EDS get
triggered when riding amusement park rides? Seeing a pic of her on a ride, vertigo-free, joint pain-free, and even body pain-free just tells me she doesn’t suffer from it. I don’t have EDS or any other illness, but I still wouldn’t want to ride a ride if my body is sensitive, hell I don’t even ride because I know my stomach can’t take it.
No. 570712
>>570701She does and doesn't for me. I feel that she'd be happier if she just detached from them all. But, at the same time, I support her and feel for her.
Remember all the messages and texts she showed with Taylor? How horribly Jonny was treating her, threatening to flush kittens down the toilet, relapsing and blaming Taylor's parents. Remember how much Taylor said she wanted out of the relationship so badly, and it was hard to get out? Saying she felt dead, like she wasn't even herself anymore. And when Jonny would find out she and Chelsea were talking, he'd go batshit on Taylor and go through her phone and god knows how much he abused her and in what ways. She'd then go to Chelsea saying how scared she was of him, begging Chelsea and crying for help when she WARNED her it was coming if she didn't get out.
Now look at Taylor. She's always been slimy, but she has become a significantly worse person ever since Jonny came into the picture. She had so much potential, for someone so young. I think she still has a chance to turn this around, but only without him in the picture.
I think this is why Chelsea still fights. She watching young naive Taylor go through this same horrible cycle she went through herself. But Taylor won't take the help she's been given. She's fine with settling for less, going drugs and dating a complete rapist and a loser, and becoming more and more narcissistic every day. Because it allows her to be a lazy POS, because Jonny himself has no standards for who he dates besides having money and "good" looks.
Apologies and sage for ranting/blogposting but while the milk here is good, it honestly makes me sad seeing someone with such potential like Taylor become such a disgusting POS. She's pathetic in every way, and Chelsea is spot on. She's brainwashed and fake, doomed to fail at this rate unless she changes.
No. 570715
>>570709Absolutely! I have EDS and I'm medically banned from any ride more intense than a ferris wheel because it can dislocate my spine. There's a spectrum, but most people with EDS wouldn't do what she does.
Plus there's NO WAY, even if it were just celiac, that she recovered from vertigo so bad she couldn't walk to being able to ride whatever rides she wants in like 24 hours.
No. 570716
>>570701Isn't Chelsea the one he only broke up with 2 or 3 months before moving in with Taylor? I think she's just still traumatized, she hasn't had enough time to heal, and while she's trying to do so she has to watch Taylor go through exactly what she did despite the help Chelsea tried to give her at first.
It'd definitely be healthier for Chelsea to not pay attention to them, but I get why if she can't help it. Especially with Jonny bringing her up every 4 seconds.
No. 570742
>>570701when you have a relationship that's full of drama, you get a little addicted to it. she may be over jonny, but watching it is kinda like a familiar movie that gives you a little boost when you're bored. if you know it's a trainwreck, it's hard not to look….like why we're here.
>>570667like someone else said, there's no treatment. you just manage symptoms and dislocations as they happen. my sister has EDS and managed to laugh her rib out of place last week. Whenever she decides to grin and bear it through trips and events, she can barely move for a week after. Taylor never mentions doctor's appointments which blows my mind.
The EDS community is pretty tight knit. There are a lot of local support groups, meetups, and a national conference to raise money for research. She never posts any of those invisible illness memes or EDS awareness month. She only uses it when it's convenient as an excuse.
Everything about Taylor's lies sound like she's never even read about her own illness.
No. 570750
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I found this tweet from Dec 2016 while trying to find what EDS type Taylor has. She's just packing on those illnesses.
No. 570760
>>570750To be fair EDS is associated with PTSD and anxiety, and I know a disproportionate amount of EDSers with celiac. Co-morbidities are a big thing with genetic illnesses.
Idk if she has CRPS though, it'd be hard to be diagnosed with CRPS and EDS just because the diagnostic criteria for CRPS excludes having something else that causes symptoms, and EDS might cause all those symptoms itself. Mostly I just doubt it because she said herself in her illness video that a doctor said she MAY have CRPS or something.
No. 570838
>>570832YES this is the gist of it. Whatever she has, if her "flares" are so unpredictable she can't even CALL someone when accidentally exposed to gluten, she can't possibly look after her cats on a daily basis, let alone her whole zoo.
And however you look at this "flare" that kept her from Playlist, there's no way she was that sick and then has a whole day walking around Disney with no mobility aids or anything right after.
No. 570953
>>570353judging by the facial expressions and body language of the women on either side of her, taylor ripped a massive fart just before this pic was taken
or there's still puke on her tights, idk
No. 571002
>>569135my theory is that she insists on wearing tights (even if it's 85-90 degrees outside, or if they get ripped and she does not have a fresh pair) because her legs are where she shoots up to avoid speculation about her arms. jonny has all the tattoos so it's harder to spot these things on him and he doesn't need to worry about covering up as much.
source: brother is a heroin addict and when he starts wearing long sleeves/pants in warm weather it raises red flags for us as a family. it typically means he has relapsed recently and is trying to hide it.
No. 571058
>>571039I was the one that commented and yes she deleted my comment but not before allowing her stans to attack me and call me pitiful and all kinds of names.
They also claim i dont know what having chronic pain is like but i literally wear a back brace to help my chronic back pain lol.
Oh well though at least my comment was up for a short time before she deleted it
No. 571232
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Another photo of Taylor face that looks like it’s pasted on
No. 571234
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imagine actually being scared of your partner NOT LIKING DISNEYWORLD
No. 571281
>>571234Yeah, he looks so… happy… like he's… enjoying the trip.
He just has this permanent nasty "I'm a bad bitch, mY sHoEs aRe wOrTh mOrE tHaN yA rEnT" look lmao
No. 571347
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No. 571348
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No. 571349
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Real? Honest? Are we talking about the same person? First, her lips are fake, her hair is fake, her boobs (padded bras) are fake! And honest?!! Oh my gosh. Don’t walk down that path. Every word out of her mouth is a big fat lie! She couldn’t be honest if she were paid to be!
No. 571354
>>571348Asking for a doctor's note is standard public school practice. It's not just because it's you.
I don't believe her story about the gym teacher trying to humiliate her either. I know there are teachers who have no integrity but.
No. 571369
>>571347>>571348These are obviously planted cause of ~the haters. Nobody is saying you don't have invisible illnesses Taylor, everyone is saying you are using them as excuses to be lazy and probably do drugs. Sit out one day of Disney world from walking all day long in the heat and we will believe it. Fucking idiot. Anons with EDS, how will going to Disney World effect it? I don't know about it, but Disney World takes a lot out on even a healthy person. I remember my feet and legs hurting so much after a day or two and I have no illnesses like that.
No. 571377
>>571369A few anons with EDS have commented about it like here
>>571045But yeah when she said "I took it easy and left the park at 8pm" I was shocked, I'm an able bodied person and leaving a park at 5pm has rendered me exhausted, how can she expect anyone to believe she was completely incapacitated by her illness not even 24 hours prior?
No. 571404
>>571369I'd honestly imagine that she'd have to at least wait a day to hit the park so she can recuperate and feel better.
I don't have EDS or Celiac, but visiting parks like Six Flags or Disney requires you to be moving all the time, for several hours, so I don't understand how she's okay.
Like it doesn't matter where you look at it from, there's always a questionable aspect about it. Because assuming she "flared up" or whatever, but went to Disney the very next day, with no issues, it basically confirms she can recover quite fast, which makes her claims of being too sick to edit complete bullshit and thus she's only using illnesses as an excuse to not do any work.
Or that she's hyping the severity of the illnesses she has in order to avoid doing her job.
No. 571429
>>571234Are they on a Disneyland ride here? Bc if so, that's not what she wore yesterday…
It could be a pic taken today but the background is dark and she posted this at 11am
No. 571499
>>571439I was curious so I googled.
https://www.glutenfreedairyfreewdw.com/sci-fi-dine-in-allergy-friendly-lunch-and-dinner-menu/They have some options but I find it interesting that she never posts what she eats besides that gluten free pasta the one time and her friend's parents giving her gluten free snacks or something.
I just find it funny for someone who talks about their illnesses so much that they almost come across as a munchie, she's not posting her totally special snowflake gluten free meals anywhere.
No. 571529
>>571369I was only recently diagnosed with EDS, I always just thought I was lazy. I've never lasted longer than 5-6 hours straight at a park, even working in lots of time to sit and rest. My ankles and knees start to hurt really bad and I become extremely fatigued. Forget about being outside for almost any amount of time if it's over 75 degrees. I have to plan to go back to my hotel midday for a nap and make sure to have sit-down meals planned, or at least snacks where I know I can easily find a spot to sit and rest.
I feel like Taylor's EDS is extremely mild.
No. 571550
File: 1525228874063.jpg (797.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180501-193718.jpg)

Comparing these two photos, they were def taken on different days. Jonny's hair style is different, and he's wearing a different watch in each. So then the first pic is from Monday and the second pic (bc another picture of them on tower of terror was posted yesterday with them in those clothes) must be from Sunday?
No. 571578
>>571570Actually I believe her on the gym teacher thing. I'm not sure HIPAA applies here, it's a school not a hospital. I brought 3 different doctors notes from 3 different doctors to my high school gym teacher and she still screamed personal medical info into me in front of the whole class. Gym teachers are the worst, though to be fair if I were a gym teacher I wouldn't believe Taylor either.
(especially how she phrased it lol "I didn't want to run" most people don't WANT to, the issue is COULD you do so safely? That's really how she views her illnesses though, isn't it. "Well I'm sick and I don't want to do that so I won't." Like, no, it's supposed to be, "Well I'm sick so XYZ is actually dangerous or impossible for me, and I can't safely do it.")
No. 571581
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Saw this little gem, if JC needs Taylor to buy him luxuries I doubt he’s gonna support her necisities.
No. 571583
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Imagine having to pay people to be friends and hang out with you? Also, more free stuff for Jonny boy
No. 571586
>>571583Did she seriously buy tickets for Jonny's band mate + girlfriend…
That's so stupid.
Can't she see that they are using her for her money ?
No. 571588
>>571586Honestly at this point she’s probably aware of that.
I remember her early videos she talked about having no friends offline so she’s probably just throwing money around because “People offline like me now”
Little blog post but I did something similar cept instead of money I just fucking shit on myself cause it’s what made people like me lmao
No. 571607
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No. 571616
>>571608I have EDS and I'm fine on rides. It's more standing in lines and stuff that
triggers my pain. I don't doubt that Taylor has EDS I just highly doubt it affects her very much at all.
No. 571648
>>571607Did she actually use the words "proud of herself"?? I'm so proud I lie to everyone including my fans and family, uses illness and depression as an excuse to get out of doing literally anything that isn't fun for me, to be neglecting my collection of 40+ animals I don't need, proud to be dating someone who raped other women and abuses me, who shoots up heroin and lets me do it with him, and having to pay for literally everything for him. lel
She's going to look back at herself in time and regret her life decisions so hard. She once had a lot of potential for someone so young. Too bad she's a junkie now and is just slowly throwing it all away.
No. 571652
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she LOVES to talk about mental illnesses, and how people MUST believe her, and uses mental illnesses as an excuse every time she HAS to do something for someone/everyone else.
If she can say all of these things consistently and always complain how people don't believe her, then why haven't we seen any "Gluten-free Haul!" videos, or "I'm sitting in the corner at the gym for 30 mins now because my EDS suddenly got me down, so i'm waiting for Jonny to get me my painkiller :(" instagram story, or a "look guys! i picked up a Gluten-free cookbook and i'm trying it out!", or "my new haul of vitamins!"
not only will she prove us all wrong, but she can video ideas! but nope, she wants to just sit on her ass and complain about phantom illnesses.
No. 571655
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On Maddie’s Twitter.
No. 571664
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>>570750Looks like she has type 3 EDS
No. 571738
>>571676Because that's all she knows and isn't mature enough.
She's in a perpetual echo chamber where people applaud her for doing the bare minimum under the guise of trying her best, because those same people are as inept as her. And to be honest why would she try to be better when it doesn't matter what she does, she will still have clout ready to defend her? She thrives on attention from other people, so it's only logical she keeps the cycle going.
No. 571743
>>571738Completely agree with this. The amount of people on her twitter posting their stories of people questioning their "invisible illnesses" like it was a traumatic experience is fucking laughable. These are the type of people, like Taylor, who cling onto things which make them come off as a victim. They were all so quick to share their harrowing experiences. I've been in these peoples positions and it's really not that fucking deep, let it go. You have to understand there's a lot of people who take advantage in this world and some people are going to question you when they don't understand and can't physically see your disability, it's human nature. There's also a lot of cunts in the world, learn to deal with it because you'll meet a lot more in the real world. The problem arises when you use your disabilities to get out of your responsibilities which are as simple as sitting and editing a video but you're more than capable of running around Disney day after day, following your boyfriend around on tour, and also apparently capable of looking after 40 animals every day (when she's even at home at this).
If she's that sick that she can pass out for most of the day, so sick she can't call someone, so sick she can't sit and click some buttons on her laptop, how can she possibly give her animals the day to day care they need? I can understand disabilities fluctuate, but all her animals require a lot of daily care. It's funny that when she doesn't have responsibilities she's always very active on social media, but as soon as she's promised her fans something she disappears and "sry I got sick n passed out".
Also, was Betsy the girl she bought the monitor for/with? Find it strange if she's looking after Taylor's animals but hasn't posted any pictures of the monitor she supposedly co-owns.
No. 571748
>>571745You can tell she's hypermobile in her videos. Her elbows bend backwards when she gestures, and idk what that weird shaking thing with her shoulder was that was discussed in one of the other threads, but apart from shaking it also looked hyperextended.
But, lots of people are hypermobile and asymptomatic. You can't prove someone does (or doesn't) have hEDS from them showing that. She could be a contortionist and perfectly healthy/pain free, but she'd probably still skip Playlist to do drugs with her rapist bf and his friends.
No. 571856
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>>571849I don't know about that tattoo thing, this is Martina from the channel "Simon and Martina" besides having a light colored sleeve [which tend to fade a lot] and EDS type 3 [she has it pretty bad, I believe she's not even 30 yet and has to use mobility aids sometimes] her tattoo has held up pretty normally considering it's like 5 ish years old now.
No. 572107
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Emzotic got engaged. How long until Taylor gets engaged to JC or starts posting posting about their relationship more for the added attention? I give it 2 days before the ‘we’re so happy’ posts increase.
No. 572120
>>572117Don’t want to derail the TND thread so I won’t post anymore about Emzotic but no they were together for a few years and just got engaged. But I think Taylor’s lack of congratulations is quite interesting. They haven’t communicated by twitter since TND stood up Playlist. Maybe they fell out.
Safe for speculation and not derailling.
No. 572141
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dean family met johnny
No. 572143
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Proof that she’s just a narcissistic bitch that doesn’t pay attention to anyone
No. 572189
>>572143Waiter (masculine), Waitress (feminine)
“This waiter just said she…” is she THAT oblivious?!
No. 572204
>>572189Tbf waiter is kind of netural, the more modern term is server
What I want to know is how Jonny could even propose lmao. What money does he have to get a ring?? Hold on sugar mama Tay let me borrow money from you to buy you a ring
No. 572277
>>572240thats when jonny and taylor met, or october?
there was some cap of either taylor or her mom saying that tay was there for christmas/holidays
kinda surprised that jonny wasnt there?
No. 572312
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Emzotic just tweeted this about Brian. But didn't Taylor do the exact same thing at playlist last year? I remember her taking Maui and maybe a hedgehog and keeping them in her hotel room in pet carriers, and then taking Maui to a party with her and placing him on people that were drunk and scared of him (see next photo)
But can anyone find where she posted the photos of them in her hotel room in carriers I can't seem to find it and I wanted to call em out on having one rule for one and one rule for Taylor
No. 572316
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>>572312This was the only thing I could find, a drunk tana posing with Maui does anyone have any other photos of the poor thing at playlist last year?
No. 572348
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This probably has to do with Jonny
No. 572351
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Is Brian referencing Taylor?
No. 572362
>>572351Yes he is, as I posted above (vidcon i thought it was playlist) she drove 18 hours with her snake, skink, and tarantula to vidcon, kept them in pet carriers in her hotel room, placed them on other youtubers for photos, and then got 'sick' and had to get them all shipped home to her.
But somehow because shes 'young' its ok in emzotics eyes
she mentions it in this video here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjPlTUn6T94&t=546s No. 572375
>>572371Simple, she has more followers from her that she can gain from. So she has to call her lovely and be friends with her, and give excuses for Taylor's mistakes so she will like her. They are all pathetic lol.
I don't get why it even matters that she has a bigger following - so?? Bet her merch barely sold (all the comments about it said "omggg i wantttt but can't afford it :(((" so they're all obviously 10 year old stans), and her videos get barely any views now compared to before. She's going downhill. Why stay with a sinking ship? Not gonna help her gain much popularity until Taylor goes under.
No. 572509
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what the fuck taylor and her mom only live a few miles apart and it took flying to florida for them to meet??? what kinda weird shit
No. 572519
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No. 572648
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Maddie said in her vlog, “Taylor ran to me otherwise I would not have recognized her whatsoever.” LOL. I wonder why.
No. 572666
>>572648Nice flips flops,Tay
Really classy.
No. 572700
>>572697Oh my gosh that’s a S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!
Actually the cup is different shape/size. Pretty sure it’s not beer…not to say it’s not a hard liquor…
No. 572709
>>572700Might be a stretch but either way she said in her “sick since age whatever” video she’s so sensitive to gluten she needs fast food places to change their gloves and wipe down everything before preparing her food.
Jonny shouldn’t be drinking full stop if that’s the case.
No. 572727
>>572716And she's actually happy. Taylor and Jonny look miserable for someone at fucking Disney world…
I feel like they hate dating each other but have dug themselves too deep to ever admit it