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No. 2063201[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2252408

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2070503

holy shit, that's like 20 minutes from where i live. also why the hell are his legs so fucking long? jesus

No. 2070505

Castrated males have way less sex drive as we've seen with troons, and though rape is more about power than sex it's still a good thing to make rapists more placid

No. 2070506

They try to label every problem with some vaginal issues. Vaginal stenosis. Bacterial vaginosis. No duder you just got a case of openwounditis and need to take some antibiotics before your repurposed-buttholeosis kills you.

No. 2070524

Probably he got offended that he's not going to get a free vaginoplasty too.

No. 2070530

> repurposed-buttholeosis

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No. 1367840[Reply]

Chanel Barbie Clones are women who own 50 identical pink Chanel purses and a wardrobe full of identical frilly floral polyester dresses but never stop buying more.

A Chanel Barbie Clone's wannabe Barbie Dream House is piled high with cheap tacky pink junk and their diets consist entirely of pink sugary cupcakes.

Chanel Barbie Clones are often the victims of bad plastic surgery, paid for by their not-so-secret sugar daddy (they will have a side shopping service or vlog as a cover for their income).

A Chanel Barbie Clone will usually have fried blonde hair, too much makeup, and look like they just stepped off the set of White Chicks.

Examples include:

Previous arisucookie discussion here >>>/w/163026 but her and her clones outside of Japan deserved a spinoff thread.
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No. 2070023

Alice doesn't have a particularly great body, she isn't physically fit and she eats custard creams and bourbons everyday. There are plenty of slim young women in the UK concentrated in certain areas who look better and are physically fitter than Alice. Most obesity is concentrated among older women or in working class communities.

Scrotes who can pay for it and aren't repulsive either want someone borderline underweight or actually underweight and firm or a BBL body. Alice has neither of those things. She's just your average british woman who isn't particularly fat and doesn't exercise or eat healthily.

No. 2070029

Not to mention that her weird fashion sense is enough to put any relatively normal man off. Dressing like a sexualized 4 year old would be unattractive to most men.

Alice, I get it, sometimes often I'm browsing on taobao and I see those oversized adult toddler dresses often with ruffles and with the big victorian collars. They often have florals on them but they also have things like bunnies and hearts on them. My eyes are like "ooooh pretty. I want it" but then I think about how I would actually look in something like that and the delusion stops there. Instead I buy something similar for my 2 and 4 year old daughters and live the dream through them.

I do own a few nightgowns that look frilly and girlish, but i would never wear them outside other than to collect mail or take out trash.

Alice actually wears these dresses in public and she looks like an idiot.

No. 2074665

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She is selling the two teapot-shaped bags.
What the hell went through her head to buy such an atrocity? one of them still has tag.
Alice still has the same shopping addiction problem she had in Japan, only her budget is now much smaller than when she was Nobu's "sugar baby."

No. 2074739

Checking up on this woman is so saddening. All she has is pink and plastic. Do you think she ever watches the news or reads an actual book?

No. 2076004

Alice hasn't worked for about two years, since she came back to the UK. She has to sell what she has to keep buying pink crap because she doesn't have the same income she had when she was living off Nobu in Japan. Her online store with tacky dresses doesn’t make enough for her to live off. She posted about 6 or 7 dresses she sold on her Instagram, but that’s not enough to go to Peggy Porsen very often. Her dresses are made of polyester, the cheapest fabric, and she promotes them as top quality. If her products were really high quality, they wouldn’t be made of polyester or come from China; she’d make them in the UK and make of cotton or linen. What she makes from Flowers Knows isn’t enough to live on either. I don’t understand why that brand still works with her. It’s obvious she doesn’t like that makeup because Alice sells almost everything on Vinted. She keeps a couple of things to create content, but not much more. If you check out her Reels on Instagram, she uses Charlotte Tilbury, YSL Beauty and Creed perfumes. She promotes Chinese brands to make money and buy luxury stuff for herself.

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No. 2036464[Reply]

Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows.

This thread is not for: ranting about troons, fighting about random political topics, radfem discourse, or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. Opinions you disagree with are not milk.

Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.
>Became known for pandering to an alt right male audience by posting frog memes and swimsuit pics.
>Now openly interacts with alt righters, defending them and going on their podcasts.
>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces a Neo-nazi party in Canada.

Meghan Murphy
>Founded the website Feminist Current.
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No. 2073283

I’ve never posted on here before and don’t plan to again after this message. There is not only one person on earth who cares about ending hypocritical homophobes. Keep up with it though, it makes for a good laugh among lesbians.

No. 2073284


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2073299

why would this be your one and only post? what are you talking about? completely nonsensical

No. 2073308

New thread >>>/snow/2073307

No. 2073312

Literally no idea what any of this means after the first sentence. Guess I don't speak cumdumpster.

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No. 1244909[Reply]

Anna Slatz is a "journalist" and a "TERF" who is trying to become famous on the internet, mostly by using her tits while pretending to be a feminist.

I decided to make her her own thread because she came to the site to advertise herself as an anti-Shoe0nHead in Shoe's thread in a pretty obvious selfpost. >>1244288

She also posts her titties to 4chan to get the /pol/tards drooling about her "big mommy milkers".

She claims to be a feminist despite posting constant pictures of her tits and ass.

She "hates liberals" and posts "based pepe memes" and has a literal clown avatar.

She is a "feminist" and a "TERF" despite using her body go get validation from the lowest of men.

Post Millenial articles:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slatzism
One of many 4chan threads self-advertising: https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/63914456
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No. 2067491

Lol the account she’s interacting with is a redpill Cambodian man. Why is it always brown moids behind these weird “retvrn to Western values” wignat accounts?

No. 2067537

I suspect it's like a poc version of having a cuck fetish

No. 2069014

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Anna put her water mark across a school shooting manifesto.

No. 2069516

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The manifesto she posted is fake. How do I know this? Where our dearly beloved Anna decided to try to discredit the original picture of the shooter that was posted.

According to her it was "faked to make her look worse." She then provided the "original."

As you can see, "the original" picture of the shooter is very poorly done ai. Her hair is made out of metal springs and her hand is extremely wonky.

I'm depressed that so many people actually believed it was real.

No. 2069722

Completely agree. She’s just a trans hating troll/shitposter at this point. I supported redux in the beginning but there is nothing feminist about it, especially considering the hard pivot to grift off conservatives. She has no vision and will never be taken seriously because of it again. We used to be cool and I respected her, but I’ve sines blocked her and her rag on all platforms because being associated with her is embarrassing

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No. 2058104[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 2069571

>This is all I've got going for me
And people claims being trans is not a personality/mental issue because…

No. 2069681

I will say that I thought this was just an oddly feminine looking guy when I scrolled past but looking at just one other video shows how very feminine she actually is.

No. 2069682


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2069683

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Forgot the photo

No. 2069707

New thread: >>>/snow/2069705

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No. 1974188[Reply]

Popular transbian youtuber and general sex pest

>wrote Stockholm, a mlp fanfic where rainbow dash is a transbian who the 14 year old cutie mark crusaders want to get molested by and do. Also features Rarity x Sweetie Bell incest.

>years later his sister comes out saying that the entire fanfic is based on Lily molesting her, specificaly Lily's fantasies of stil being able to abuse his sister at the age of 14 when she put locks on her bedroom door
>Lily admits this is her sister and her fanfic but denies the obvious conclusion of sexual abuse
>obsession with sisterhood, incest and lesbian appears constantly in videos to this day
>also has a long running comic about her self insert also named Lily Orchard and her Gardevoir sister who she forms a mating bond with
>forces her gfs to do things by saying they make her feel desirable as a poor unattractive trans woman
>made an hour long video recently ranting about the incest game Andy and Leyley; it has popular comments


Kiwi farms: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/jerry-peet-lily-orchard-lily-peet-valkyrstudios-bhaalspawn-tara-callie-mod-ebara.18327/page-2

Videos criticizing Lilly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxnmE2Bdjo&t=1354s
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No. 2046501

>still claiming tara callie is real
i cant contain my sides anymore who the fuck still believes that shit

No. 2046684

I watched the joon video before actually reading this thread and the fake girlfriend sockpuppet saga was insane, but it's actually unbelievable that this man is still doing it. He's really asking people to believe that there's a totally real adult woman who texted people to say "jerry sure is hot, isn't he? you should send him some nudes!" and who went to jail for pedophilia and who doesn't have one single photo in existence despite dating and spending tons of time with this guy who is constantly on camera. This is chris-chan tier behavior

No. 2047037

Unfortunately a necessary casualty as a lot of Jerry's old content gives context clues as to what was really happening during him and his sister's younger years, which is still a point of contention to this day. It's not transphobia, it's important context, as otherwise how else are you supposed to know and fact check for yourself? If Joon didn't do that, Jerry could've easily called lies like he does for a lot of other bullshit that ages and becomes harder for the average citizen to dig up. Joon probably went so deep precisely because he knows he has a tendency to do this and needed to put up as much traceable proof as he possibly could.

No. 2053617

All these people in the comments calling this dude 'she' like he isn't some ugly pedo moid is frustrating. And any time you call him 'he' rightfully, handmaidens come out to scream DON'T MISGENDER HERRRR like why the fuck do women have to accept the crimes of these pedo men?

No. 2058957

tbh i call tims a she when criticizing them publicly because otherwise it gives them the power to deflect your criticism by claiming "the evil transphobes are attacking meeeeeee!"

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No. 2022653[Reply]

Kristian "Varg" Vikernes aka Burzum, Count Grishnackh and Louis Cachet
>infamous black metal musician, murderer and arsonist from norway now living in france with his family
>notorious neonazi and chronically online sperg since the early 2000s
>creator of the failed nazi ttrpg MYFAROG
>author of countless self-published books mostly consisting of unedited, incoherent ramblings about his life and racist ideology
>father of 8 kids including one he had with a norwegian woman at 18 and who he's not in contact with
>huge breeding fetish and freudian obsession with foreskin disguised as ideological and religious beliefs
>list of peoples, things and ideas he hates too long to include and differentiates from day to day

Marie Cachet
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No. 2065450

NTA, but she is wondering why he became more extreme. Also, in both posts dating a teenager is implied because for her to get married at 18 or 20, they had to date for a while.

No. 2068221

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Idk Marie, perhaps people hung apples and mushrooms, and barley on the trees because it was winter and it meant the trees weren't producing fruit. Pine tree was one of the few that would remain green during the winter-people noticed that trees fruited when they had green leaves in the summer. They simply tried to cope with harsh winter and inevitable hunger that came with it. They put the star on the top because there was not enough sun for the fruiting threes at this time of year, or for anyone. They got fucking depressed like everyone would at this time of year. Everything was bleak and grey so they brought colour inside their homes. This is like elementary knowledge every pagan should have.
Not everything is about placentas you sick psycho. You have no respect for the struggle actual pagan ancestors had gone through to survive.
Nice tree though.

No. 2068254

Strange they’re following Christian traditions like the advent? I know the tree isn’t necessarily Christian so don’t come for me

No. 2068263

Fun fact, it's widely believed the Christmas tree originated from Germany, where they put up paradiso trees for the feast of Adam and Eve
So the weird reproductive organs cope makes even less sense in that context
Trees being used across all religions and cultures muddies the water, but the Christmas tree is thought to be Germany

No. 2068649

Kek he has never provided anything. He proudly admits to leeching off his wife's rich family's money. Of course this manbaby is attracted to children since he never mentally developed past the age of 13.

There's not much to say. He hit on me online and was very obviously creeping on my pictures at the time and found me attractive. I flirted back a little because I was just a stupid lonely teenager into black metal and he told me he couldn't be with me because he was married. He creeps on young girls on twitter at the very least which to me is still pretty unfaithful. His wife should be embarrassed. If he wasn't weirdly autistic, he would sleep around like any other moid.

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No. 1759638[Reply]

This pig is getting milky again, so by a request i'm carefully bringing this back.
By popular request, one unified thread to collect all milk on Marilyn Manson, 52-year-old drug addict, washed-up rocker, serial abuser, and rapist still trying to live vicariously through his glory days of the 90s when he was still young and the drugs hadn't completely fried his brain.


> Manson turns himself in to the Los Angeles Police Department on a warrant arrest in July 2021 but bails out. Was related to Gilford show where he assaulted a cameraman

>in November 2021 police searched Manson’s house, meanwhile he’s in Berlin to spend a belated „honeymoon” with Lindsay Usich… sorry, Warner
>Court documents from Johnny Depp’s case are released, reveal Manson’s messages to Depp in which he freaks out and calls Johnny for help, because „Lindsey pulled an Amber on him” (she called police on him for abuse/threatened to call police etc.)
>Said documents confirm everything that’s been speculated about Lindsey and her family (she’s blackmailing Manson to say with her). „I got a serious police amber type scenarios with L’s family. I’m f–king stressing. I don’t know if you are back but I need asylum somewhere because I think the cops might be headed my way”
>Evan Rachel Wood names Manson as her rapist and abuser online in Febuary 2022
>Evan Rachel Wood releases a 2-part documentary about Manson’s abuse towards her, „Phoenix Rising”. Mentions he raped her, hit her with a swastika-adorned Nazi whip, shocked her private parts, tied her up to beat and insult her, made her drink his blood, blackmailed and manipulated her among others.
>Manson sues Evan Rachel Wood for „defamation, emotional distress and impersonation over the internet” just a few weeks before her documentary is released
>In the lawsuit Manson accuses Ilma Gore of faking a FBI investigation letter as wells as Wood & Gore writing a fake mail account impersonating Manson to create „harmful conversations”
>The court dismisses a case filed by Manson’s former assistant Ashley Walters, who accused him of sexual assault, battery and harassment, because there’s not enough proofs and it was too Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2066863

I’m aware of this instagram post, this doesn’t come off as milky or even in poor taste tbh. It’s not her experience, and I think she wants nothing to do with all the drama surrounding her ex. It seems like she’s moved on and wants to just focus on her work. I was under the impression by the other nonna that she was victim blaming and being a pick me, but her statement doesn’t really give that, unless there was another interview out there where she is. But as far as I’m concerned, she isn’t a cow

No. 2066872

If you want to cope and tell yourself a woman who still rubs elbows with a rapist who threw shit at her head and cheated on her with a teenager isn't a cow that's fine, but can we please be done with the Dita derailing and spoonfeed requests now?

No. 2067014

>Also stop acting like women should be nice to the women their moid cheats with just cause they’re also women
Evan was 19 year old, Manson was 40. It's ridiculous to be mad at an impressionable young woman more than at the creep pursuing her. No one said she has to be nice to Evan, you would just expect her not to treat teenage Evan like some evil seductress Manson couldn't reject, or say things like in the instagram post. And they didn't make a MV out of spite there. It was simply his bed because Dita left his house. It was her idea that the scene had anything to do with her because she loves to think Manson can't get over her. She is not so private when it comes to hiding her anger and jealousy, it seems

No. 2067090

went to school with erw. we were in school plays together. she was already kind of fucked up in middle school.her mother always accompanied her to everything and was very outspoken about her playing the main roles in everything. she was kind of like a doll that couldn’t do anything on her own unless she was directed. she was would literally do anything someone commanded her to do to the point some kids did use that for light bullying and make her do some dumb stuff when her mom would be arguing with the theater director. she never really seemed to “get” that she was made fun of or bullied so i’m not surprised she got caught up with manson. she was probably a complaint participant in her own abuse and didn’t even know she was abused until way later.

No. 2067122

Not that anon but i agree. She's not obligated to support Evan but it's been more than 20+ years, she should at least let go of that bitterness. Especially since Manson turned out to be who he is. Like look at him NOW, is there anything to regret? Speaking of Dita's statement, it's weird throwing things at her confirms he was at least aggressive, but she's all quiet about it now. Dita's message was so enigmatic that it could be read a myriad of ways, including in Manson's favour. Comparing, Rose's statement was very different. She said Manson didn't beat her etc either but then said straight to Manson pretty much something like "but don't think i'm gonna cape for you, stop hiding behind me & using the fact i texted you back on insta last month as somehting in your favour".
>And they didn't make a MV out of spite there
Nah. I think Evan had nothing to do with bed choice, but Manson absolutely did this out of spite. I mean they could choose any other bed at the studio or whatever.

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No. 1874473[Reply]

Thread for all twitch drama
Last Thread: >>>/snow/1766148

Recent drama:
>Natsumiii of OTV&friends cheated on her husband and getting divorced
>XQC/Adept lawsuit is ongoing, rumors say they got back together
>SuperMega outed as sex pests(no surprise)
>OTK continues to dip into irrelevancy, ExtraEmily holding up the entire company
>Idubbbz loses CC2 and $250k, Anisa and Ian continue to cope and seethe at the haters
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No. 2068198

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The morgpie in question lol. Whenever another woman was asked her character race some guy called out "white trash", it's interesting watching genuinely ugly incel phenotype men interact among eachother with fully unironic egoism. Whole room looked like it smelled crazy kek.

No. 2068200

Ugly men should never be allowed to roam in packs, the results are always fatal levels of embarrassing

No. 2068241

This is too cringe to watch. Seeing all the women there made me cringe even more, considering how they're viewed as "beneath" the men. This isn't worth being a cool girl pickme.

No. 2068312

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Yeah it was cringe. I hate all these RP streamers joining on the latest trend and fucking it up. 3/4 of the people in this room have no idea what they are actually doing and as a wow player it annoyed the fuck out of me.
> saying Zug Zug repeatedly cause that's all they know about being an orc and talking in caveman speech
> Throwing on fur wraps because you're a tauren (wakewilder looked so stupid, I can't stand his man bun. He gifted someone two jugs of milk cause that was his 'Tauren milk')
> Every 'troll' saying 'ting' 1000 times and garbage Jamaican accents
> That one girl in the front wearing some elaborate rogue outfit but I had no idea what she was supposed to be (undead I guess?)
> Whatever the fuck Cyr was supposed to be? I can't stand him, imagine being a 34 year old man and still having to scream/piss your pants for attention online. Gross. He looked like Elon's armor profile picture kek
> Fandy getting live cockroaches (Undead meme) in a small tank. The tank was wrapped in gift wrap and said 'do not shake' so good thing Fandy got it cause any other of those moids would have fucking shook the thing like crazy
> Someone getting a collector's item, then opening the box and trying to put on the helm for the lulz

I guess I expected a little bit more effort from people but it was so tacking and just wrong. How do you play a game for weeks and not understand the basics. Like if you're going to spend the money on shitty cheap Amazon armor pieces, at least try to get it kinda accurate? RP streamers again showing they are lazy moochers who only put effort into who can be more obnoxious than the other. Palmbee was the literal 'I'm a mouse, duh' meme, like she couldn't cut out some cardboard ears, paint them, and bobby pin them to her wig or something? At least I'd know what she was. Even the girls just wearing cow ears had some effort. And the gifts were so inconsistent, like Wake's milk and then a VR headset. I get Soda tries to set rules but damn streamers are so insufferable they'll take any situation and turn into their own spotlight.

No. 2069006

I liked the cockroach tank. I thought it was kinda cute, and one of the fee gifts that was thoughtful in context. Almost everything else was "add item to basked > buy > wrap".

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No. 290770[Reply]

I think Felice Fawn and her scams are pretty well know. Are there any other lol-worthy ~thinspo queens~ around?
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No. 2064761

kek the spoiler on this bland pic. I’m curious where you found it but don’t want her to plug the leak so to speak. I only have her Spotify and Steam accounts. Forever my favorite cow, I wish Rich dumped more info.

No. 2065052

She honestly looks surprisingly good for someone who was once so heavy into drugs, alcoholism and anorexia.

No. 2066267

what’s in her spotify playlists?(learn to sage)

No. 2072875

Okay I know this thread is pretty much dead and the whole thing was a year ago already, but I only just now saw it so bear with me.

I for one am still very sceptical about those “Rich” posts.
Has this tattoo been seen in any pictures of him before? Because I don’t recall it and I couldn’t find any either.
Plus, this is something that easily can be faked. Because of how badly it’s supposedly done it might as well be sharpie.
And also: Why not show something that’s undoubtedly him like, oh idk, his face?

And then there’s the fact, as others have already pointed out, that literally nothing he has told was actual news or milk. Oh wow, another bpd/ana-chan POS cow being an awful human being, a slob and living under disgusting conditions.
Except for maybe the pissing in cups thing but c’mon, are you guys really that desperate to drink it up that easily? I mean, yeah, there hasn’t been anything going on regarding her in 10 years and it’s nice to reminisce about how milky she was back then. But maybe it’s time to let go and realize that she’s just really dried up (for now).
(And if it’s actually Rich, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was just another man bringing his own piss kink into it. Js)

I’m also surprised no one has mentioned or asked about the trailer era during the whole AmA with him. Kinda sus too, that he didn’t mention any of it, like - at all, if you ask me. I feel like that’s something one would remember more than the exact time at which she wanted to see the people at the alcoholics support charity.

No. 2072876


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