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No. 2001795[Reply]

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente is a 29 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, stripper and full service sex worker based in Philly.

It's been two years since we had a thread because PnP stopped posting on SM but she is making a comeback. She has been discussed on the Cam Girls threads on and off so I'm summarizing the milk that got posted in those threads recently.

> PnP gets more surgical work down and the surgeon posts her catfish before/afters >>1832862

> Our favorite tranny got married again >>1877046
> Starts looking like Popeye >>1877151
> PnP's new husband makes his IG debut >>1924106
> Nonnies speculated she was pregs >>1924139 (she was not thank god)
> PnP is still a redneck hillbilly underneath it all >>1924710
> Her and her midget husband buy a house. Still lives in the Philly area. >>1929695
> Anon figures out her new last name, 'Ariana Pennente' >>1961483
> Looking like dumb and dumber with her bowl cut >>1955136
> Her BDD hasn't gone anywhere and is on an actual MTF tranny's twitter comments asking where he got his facial feminization surgeries >>1952740
> She's probably better off going by he/him pronouns Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2015183

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I hate that this swamp goblin is trying to influence young women to go into prostitution and stripping. As if she didn’t take out huge lines of credit to fund her surgery addiction

No. 2016650

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kek I can’t believe she’s saying she had gender identity issues that led to being a botched addict.

No. 2016744

she looked like an average balkan girl, the amount of copium about her objectively botched procedures is insane

No. 2017325

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Finally a Wheezy sighting!

No. 2017426

God that painting looks so retarded

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No. 2003406[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/1991983

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2012666

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The most feminine jawline.

No. 2012670

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This one is just straight-up Ben From IT trying to make sexy eyes.

No. 2012702

new thread: >>>/snow/2012701

No. 2012714

And they say transwomen are harmless and would NEVER do this kind of shit. Just imagine what he does in women's single sex spaces if this is the behaviour outside of them. Voyer creep, I hope he's at least chopped his dick off already.

No. 2012719

fucking hell my bad I thought I was at the end of the thread not the beginning

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No. 942916[Reply]

This thread (originally dedicated to Layla “Too Poor” Shapiro) features the assorted cows in the larger SoundClout universe. The SoundClout umbrella encompasses rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, models.


>Layla Shapiro/Too Poor - Instafamous pseudogoth and “model” who had a very public and very toxic relationship with both Lil Peep and Tyler Grosso. Currently dating Nolan Santana/Killstation, a friend of Peep. Makes money from customised merch, sporadic “DJ” bookings and attempting to embark on a cheap SoundClout musical career of her own. Currently on the wagon and advocating sobriety. Toned down the oversharing and self-destructive, cringy behavior after Peep’s death and being mocked by strangers and her peers yet still refuses to finally graduate from her bullshit and make the most of her following.

>Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann – SoundClout’s very own Pillsbury Doughboy felon and the least self-aware person in the world. Peddles shit designs that are unoriginal at best and stolen at worst via his clothing brand Superrradical. Regularly scams both his own fans along Peep’s fans and family out of money. Has no personality of his own and embarrassingly clings to rappers and tweets/tags them to suggest relevancy. Has no filter and overshares every mood swing, resulting in either relentless whining about not having any friends/girls to bang and delusions of grandeur. Abuses drugs and purportedly lost a kidney as a result of his lean habit. Appears to have instated an annual suicide bait-fest wherein he gives away all his material possessions (including hideous overpriced designer nonsense) for free. Inadvertently caused the death of his dog by not taking him to the vet. Crashed three Porsches and is now on probation. Strong contender for SoundCow of the year with his glorified drug habit and lack of impulse control.

>Kevin Pouya/Pouya - Rapper associated with Peep, disgusting misogynist with several rape accusations under his belt. Along with Fat Nick has made several groupie gang bang videos, the surfacing of which lends further credibility to the rape accusations. Currently very mad and defensive about it and very maturely tells his haters to “suck his dick” and flexes with his opulent lifestyle. Virtue-signals by dati
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No. 2012420

Did anyone see on TooPoors Instagram story of her and Hotel Shrimp calling a truce/being friends again?(sage your spoonfeeding requests)

No. 2012458

This is an imageboard, prove it. Sage your lies at least

No. 2012624

i didnt see this but they do follow each other on insta

No. 2014401

i dont think this girl is dating ruby prob just fucking, constant name dropping girl named mercedes & his mom replied to a fangirl on facebook saying he has a girlfriend named mercedes. not posting ss because im unsure if that violates the family members rule

No. 2018350


There’s a Jimmy in Pittsburgh who is known for being a home wrecker and pursuing Soundcloud-adjacent women. He was somehow involved w Mac Miller. He’s a nepo baby.

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No. 1257470[Reply]

A general thread for lolcows who are drag queens/kings. You may discuss famous drag cows as well as local or lesser known cows; you may also discuss cows adjacent to the drag community (i.e. Todrick Hall).

Racebaiting is highly penalized here. Do not post about drag kids.

Brief summary of recent milk:
>Nina West teams up with Blue's Clues for an eyesore PSA; with his foot fetish this could easily go the way of Dan Schneider
>The Vixen picks an argument with Monet XChange over a music choice
>Drag Race Down Under gets dragged for vagina jokes, contestants's past racism
>Silky Nutmeg Ganache has a habit of getting grabby
>Ilona Verley is the latest to make a ~dramatic exit~ from drag
>Widow Von'Du gets arrested for domestic violence; the victim was strangled and had to get 14 stiches
>Both Tamisha Iman and Serena Cha Cha are scamming people
>The next season is going to Paramount+ for some reason
>Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova continue to have the cringiest fan base
>Divina de Campo and Baga Chipz attack a fan for quoting something that happened live
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No. 2012233

KEK nona I'm rolling at you transvestigating david. He's just fat and looks short next to Trixie in drag. I think he's around 6 feet tall as well.

No. 2012240

The only person who isn't calm here is evidently you.

No. 2012304

No. 2012562

Apparently this Jay Kay person is best friends with Dawn from Plane's season too. Dawn seems like the type of passive aggressive snake who would act overly nice to someone only to trash talk them as soon as they leave the room.

No. 2012574

It didn't happen to Jay Kay either. He was just the one to "expose" the false accusations everywhere. Dawn is a busted bitter Betty

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No. 1752075[Reply]

Pretty Pastel Please/PPP/Alex is a 29 year old Australian Youtuber known for her fashion hauls, Japan vlogs, rampant consoomerism and her parrot Archie.

>Used to live with her best friend/ex bf Sam and husband Dan in the same home - frequently milking the situation as content

>Vids revolve around fast fashion and designer hauls up to $2000, then her struggling to declutter her hoard
>Since the pandemic and her botched nose job PPP has spiralled, binge drinking, mixing meds and booze, not taking her meds for her collection of mental illnesses, and destroying her hair. Thinks that dying her hair a different colour every week during a drinking binge at 2am is quality content
>Keeps a flock of doves in her home to shit freely on her floors and bed. Doesn't mind sleeping in a bird shit covered bed
>Got a boob job and entered a hypersexual era despite claiming she might be ace
>In a bout of mania, Alex decided to move to Tasmania and abandon her husband, flock of 26 birds and dogs in Sydney. Gave Dan an ultimatum of him moving to Tasmania to be with her, even though jobs in his field are scarce in the area
>Sets up Gofundme to set up bird rescue/enable her animal hoarding tendencies/pay for move to Tasmania
>Found a new group of genderqueer poly orbiters/fans who she calls the "NPCs" to validate and enable her mental breakdown. Her favourite of the group, creepy Clay, seems to be a replacement for Dan and has taken naked photos of her for IG
>Claims Dan is moving to Tasmania to join her, but doesn't visit him for his bday and teases Nicole Kidman divorce photos on IG
>Got evicted for turning her rental into a biohazard area of dove shit
>Stole a chicken from someone's yard as the owners keep it outdoors and not in their bedroom

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No. 2012104

This isn’t GG, can you please post caps of what you’re talking about?

No. 2012146

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Definitely just concerned fans over there

No. 2012148

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No. 2012191

She was on Adderall, right? Even if she hadn't said that in a vlog, the escalation of her behavior definitely points to stimulant abuse. I'm not that surprised at the alleged cause of death. Obviously this is incredibly difficult for her friends and family and there's probably a lot of loose ends to tie up for them with the birds and all that. In a way I feel like she spread so much fucking chaos and now the people in her life can just remember her in a positive light and not have to deal with the insanity any longer. Her life simply was not sustainable (not just environmentally) and I don't dare to imagine where it would have led.

No. 2012271

Given the available evidence from people who knew her IRL, it seems very likely that PPP has died. We've allowed a couple of days for anons to discuss the events surrounding her death, and the thread will now be locked. If any new information surfaces that should be added to the thread for posterity, please email admin.

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No. 1965286[Reply]

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1895588

The Basic Rundown:
>Jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
>before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
>after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
>enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
>since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then…
>Sydney cheats on Jonny, finally starting his escape from her.
>Sydney schizophrenically vendetta posts in thread against Jonny's new girlfriend Layna
>Jonny inevitably cheats on Layna , they break up.
>Do we even need a new thread?

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No. 2018166

Goiter has been miraculously less of a retard recently which means less milk. One person on here keeps bringing up Layna despite it being off-topic, irrelevant and banned. Seems to be the same bitter person who has been bringing her up unsolicited for months in some bizarre attempt of autistic online revenge.

No. 2018170

Yeah no one bothers to post Jonny content anymore even though some of his IG stories have been pretty funny and ironic. I have noticed the spamming hatred for Layna has stopped ever since anons threatened to send her nudes to everyone Skid is following, guess Skid has stayed away from this thread since then

No. 2018475

Lol no she hasn’t. This thread is how Sydney clings to the relevancy she so desperately desires. She just doesn’t care because she thinks she is better than everyone and knows no one will actually follow through with that threat.

No. 2018780

I would follow through with it but she hasn’t given me a reason to yet.

No. 2018820

I would 100% follow through, I still have the txt file in my PC with all of her following accounts in there.
As the other anon said tho, she has definitely decreased her spergouts since the thread was made, and hasn't given much of a reason to actually do it.

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No. 1998168[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1988578

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

Last Thread:
>thread starts out with her in vegas and ebegging >>1988585
>announces she will go to fatcon again this year, farmers await more candid photos. mentions she only gets tested once a year >>1988653
>classy as always, takes 5 shots in 30 mins in public >>1989045, mentions she pukes and then kisses unsuspecting men afterwards >>1989119
>cobra level delusions in the airport yet again >>1989568
>men hitting on her at Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2011764

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>her new vegas besties

No. 2011768

why is her boob all lumpy? it looks like she has two nipples.

No. 2011788

cancer saga

No. 2011843

NEW THREAD: >>>/snow/2011841

No. 2011852

The winged eyeliner is just so abrasive. I would like to see the look without eyeliner Also the blue shadow goes beyond the crease of her eye and its just a lot, like that lady from the drew carrey show

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No. 1959094[Reply]

A thread about all about the book drama world be it:
Booktok/tube drama
Authortok/tube drama
Book review/Goodreads drama

Notable author cows:
>Xiran Jay Zhao - Author of "Iron Widow." A themby who insists that she's NB and wants they/them pronouns but always dresses and presents like a woman. Started off on youtube and became successful after reviewing Disney's Live Action Mulan. With the new success, she continued to make claims how China was "so queer until white people came in!" ignoring the eunuchs, concubines, and wanton sexual abuse of boys. Still makes incorrect claims about Chinese history. Family are rich Chinese with ties to the CCP. Even mainlanders dislike her. Used viral success to promote her book, which is a Darling in the Franxx rip off. Commissions people to make "fanart" of her "polyamorous" characters from book. Reported the Cat Corrain drama, which caused people to think she was Cait Corrain and received lots of hateful messages. Doesn't know when to STFU about politics and claims her new book is delayed because of her stance on Palestine. Currently acting out because she got disqualified for the Hugo award, which is hosted in China this year.

>Piper CJ - Author of "The Night and It's Moon". She's self-published a book with a self-depricating attitude that "no one will read it" yet advertises it like crazy on tiktok, garnering lots of interest. Book gets released, it's predictably bad-average. Youtube book reviewer ReadswithRachel makes a video reviewing using buzzwords like plagarism and "problematic representation." CJ and her friends (or sockpuppets) start to leave nasty messages and report Rachel's tiktok. Overall CJ doesn't take criticism well. Recently wrote another book

>Cait Corrain - Author of "Crown of Starlight." Started off as a Reylo fanfic writer. Created lots of sockpuppet goodread accounts to reviewbomb up-and-coming books in the same genre as hers and other indie randos. Absolutely retardedly used those same accounts to give her book 5 stars. People caught on to the fake reviews and figured out it was her. When caught, she created fake conversations with the "real culprit." Screenshot convos were horribly editted and cropped, indicating she didn't even bother to at least have a conversation with herself. No one bought it. Got dropped by he
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No. 2011824

Nitpick but I hate the way she does her eyeliner.

No. 2012527

damn it sounds like they've really got a case here. i'm surprised there isn't coverage of this elsewhere, just a reddit post or two and some book review websites. should be bigger news than it is given how apparently popular the series was.

No. 2015705

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>Comparing the IDF with Unit 371

The Unit 371 did more than torture and killing, and they got free because the unit gave the "results" to the American Government for "science result".

I understand Palestinian lovers do want the conflict to end, but the comparisons and calling Israel "colonizers" when they were living even longer than any of them is so stupid at this point, I cannot take them seriously.(bait)

No. 2015755

Palestinians have the exact same DNA as the jews who actually stayed in the area lol. They're the same people.

No. 2018283

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I think one of the biggest problems with many modern "queer" booktok stories is that they take a traditional story and just make it "gay" (or pseudo-gay), but often with less charm and weaker world-building.

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No. 1746006[Reply]

Welcome to the thread documenting modis and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.

It is safe to say that internet porn has a chokehold on the modern moid. My aim with this thread is to shed light on the widespread issue of moids porn consumption, but also to laugh at their failures and implications of their coom addiction. You see, nofap means a moid has taken the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good . They start with "day 0", as most addicts do, then count the days until they have reached a milestone, which they call streaks. A moid who has abstained from watching internet porn for 30 days call it a "30 day streak", but rarely do they reach that far… just like any other addiction, "relapsing" is also part of the picture, meaning the primitive moid brain has surrendered to pixilated porn once again. This, as I've observed, causes the moid lots of distress and even feelings of suicide. Luckily for them, there's always commenters encouraging them to try again. The more streaks you have, the more of a man you are, and the better you look physically and the more women will want you.

I want this thread to be fun, but I also want straight women to beware of the current modern moid and his degeneracy. Many who exist outside the nofap world would say that masturbation is part of a healthy individuals life, which to most (us normal people), it is. Reading nofap posts, where they encourage the abstention of masturbation (even without porn), one would draw the conclusion that porn only becomes a problem when the porn they consume isn't "normal" anymore. This could explain why erectile disfunction occurs where moids can't get it up in the bedroom becasue they are not turned on by their female spouse. You will see posts about moids who can't stop thinking and fapping to CP, rape, beastiality, gay porn, cuckold porn, sissy porn, troons, femdom, BNWO (black new world order), and so much more.

The nofap community intersects with other communities such as redpill, MGTOW, dating coaches, gym bros and steroids users, incels, carnivore moids, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski eco doomers, accounts creating "based" video edits depicting moids as being hyper-masculine and not at all gay (e.g. reject modernity/masculinity, embrace tradition).

Nofap moids usually use religion (mainly Islam, Christianity and Catholicism) to cope with their coom addiction. Urges are said to be caused by the devil and demons. WPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2011026

You can have OCD and still be a pedophile lol. Why is someone suggesting ITT that a guy who regularly jerks off to kids and admits he lives the taboo aspect isnt a pedo just because he might have OCD as a comorbidity? He is a pedo.

No. 2011036

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> man is a porn addict
>doesn’t want to have sex with you
> spends his time jerking off instead of having sex with you
> you decide to marry him
> get knocked up the few times he actually decides to have sex with you
> now you can’t leave because financial reasons
I agree with >>2011016 it’s hard to feel bad for them because they really don’t want to get out before they can and they are always whining about their moid on these Reddit pages instead of leaving them before the moid traps them. She can still try to get out but she won’t. I still have sympathy because men are garbage but she’s legitimately retarded to still continue to be with him and have his child

No. 2011037

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Part 2

No. 2011038

> He texted all his friends about how hot the nurse who delivered our baby was
Cucking him with as many dudes as possible is a duty by this point.

No. 2011064

I am that anon and I was suggesting he is both OCD and a pedo, I just recognised the OCD elements in the description
I am also suggesting he neck himself, if that wasn't clear kek

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No. 108757[Reply]

Discuss any fashion bloggers you follow, love or hate.

No. 2010999

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oh my goodness(necro)

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