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No. 1634333[Reply]

Since no one knows how to make a thread here you go.

MyahAlanna a 24 year old Homebody moved back from LA and is currently living with her mother playing video games all day.

Some old milk:
> everyone from her LA trip has dropped her
> Moved out of LA moved back in with her mom
> Is not that active on YouTube anymore but she’s active on tiktok
> still can’t keep her friends
> still does not have a job
> still has an auto immune disorder however drinks a lot of alcoholic and says she doesn’t have a problem.

New milk;
> created the xo discord server filled with her minions
> actually has a lot of half siblings some want nothing to do with her and found older threads.
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No. 2099081

She's been trying to re invent herself as this super clean girl natural lesbian (her weird historia fetish) I doubt she'll go back.

No. 2099144

Lol has anyone noticed how she moved away from her Ymir obsession to Hange obsession right around when she and Ally broke up? Disturbing

No. 2099246

her twerking on main looks like an attempt to make people slide into her dms. the trend of twerking has died down too so there really is no other reason, and shes not that good at it

No. 2102229

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I thought myah said she no longer plays SL? On top of that why is she constantly posting old pictures of herself it's like she knows her looks and popularity are going to shit

No. 2102232

She made a comeback and posts about it on her secondary Instagram account (@xoxomyah), she makes skins and clothes and whatnot. Pretty pathetic. She'll never stop going on there.

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No. 2065128[Reply]

AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles

Previous Thread: >>2045943
Explanation of Heathertime: >>2059264
Thread #17 >>2027512
Thread #16 >>1938223

IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19

Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.

Last thread recap:
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No. 2098727

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Health saga again lmao

No. 2098732

kek what does rapidly declining even mean with her. i can't take anything she says seriously with how exaggerated she talks. everything is life changing, world ending, disastrous and drastic. her histrionics never fucking end

No. 2098735

>Dead end job
>Drowning in debt
>"Declining health"
>Her solution is to buy the most expensive version of every food based solely on the number of marketing buzzwords on the labels
She's an awful person but I can't help feeling sorry for her because she's also so fucking stupid. Is she even capable of understanding what's wrong with her behavior?

No. 2098741

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She’s definitely packing on the weight good lord.

No. 2098742

Slightly related IG, but is she not vegan vegetarian? Isn't Ethan a meat eater? I do not remember exactly, but I know she at least at one point, had a vegan diet.

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No. 2014335[Reply]

The common traits of the typical e-girl:

>ahegao selfies

>accuse each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
>always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>making callout posts about anybody they currently have beef with
>room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>japancore weeb/jojifuku aesthetic
>loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into ddlg/pet play
>tries to look Asian
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No. 2098184

where do you see the witch hunt? the reaction wouldn't be so overblown if not for certain someone. an ugly photo was posted of a woman who poses herself like a loli and surrounds herself with girls a lot younger than her and people called it ugly. that's it.

No. 2098186

in the zoe/dexpuppy thread there is big speculation that denpachannel and/or her husband doxed zoe. shortly after that in the zoe thread someone posted a screenshot of someone associated with zoe saying zoe doxed denpachannel on her discord. around that same time, this never before seen pic of denpachannel and husband was posted on this thread, and then anons reacted to it

No. 2098187

yeah exactly. anons reacted to a photo and the wking makes it seem like the same wk pattern that denpachannel already has

No. 2098188

Thank you for explaining whats happening and why instead of just ranting on about wks or calling me denpa, this entire thread has sort of gotten ridiculous

No. 2098330

She looks like a fucked up chinless rat, does she know that?

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No. 773145[Reply]

Japanese born sperglord that tries to give dating advice to western men trying to find their "perfect japanese" wife despite never having successfully dated anyone himself, while riding on a self deprecation.

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No. 2097404

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>>2094715(this isn't milk, sage it)

No. 2097566

homeboy needs the cuck kingdom.(sage your shit)

No. 2097705

>entire life spent bowing down to uglier, older moids with zero hard skills
>entire economy is a farce where workers toil for monotonous unnecessary offices
>almost no prospects for a young couple to succeed financially until they've worked for decades
>culture values bending to the shitty will instead of creativity, many of the creatives go overseas for success
>sexless culture where each sex consumes their own porn/romance and nobody seeks to actually connect and reconcile differences
I don't know what confucianism entails but this isn't as much about "beautiful big penis blonde man come over" as people think it is, I think Nobita has just lost all hope on the failure that is Japanese society

No. 2097809

Confucian masculinity is basically a dignified, ancient version of modern "nerd masculinity". You know how online dweebs (who cannot compete in anything that actually matters in a male) establish their "dominance" through how good they are at pwning you with fax and logic on reddit or substack? Imagine an entire continent of that, with one particularly inbred containment zone where it got completely out of hand. Everything you described are emergent properties of that LARP.

No. 2097876

Nobita's a huuugee incel cuck, he had a video about him and some white fiance that dumped him which was a whole pity party and gave a good look into how he's cultivated the redpill audience and barely disguised views that he has to this day. Anyone who's watched him back in the day knows that he just puts on a veneer of trying to seem "fair and unbiased" but if you're paying attention there are a lot of dog whistles he's putting out. I can't find his old channel so I guess he deleted it.

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No. 2050490[Reply]

A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.

Notable Figures:

>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman. Was in a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy before she threw him under the bus. Currently MIA after running from her involvement in the Rosa call as well as the FCK.

>LioConvoy: A fat and smelly, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. Was Peaches biggest meatrider before she turned on him. Had a Discord server called "The Senate" where he would drag people in to verbally berate them, until it imploded.
>Omnia: Kai's Ex. Has an actual life outside the internet, but can't help but run back to it. Made claims against Kai being abusive and took his cat, along with collecting money for items that probably weren't stolen. Not as active in making videos and mainly posts on Twitter.
>Kai/Zae: Volitile manchild that goes off on tirades at any perceived slights, but has recently stepped back from the ACC. Admitts to beating Omnia and tries to say it was mutual.
>JustARobot: Autistic grifter sexpest. Has said multiple times that he's stepping back from the ACC, only to come crawling back because none of his other videos get nearly as much traction.

Others in the community include: PonderSprocket (well respected, but also has a weird dynamic with her teenage fanbase), HitenMitsuru (pretentious vtuber wannabe, loud and uses big words to sound smart, but cracks when the slightest bit of energy is returned back to her.), NezzieMonster (suicide baits and just like Hiten, can dish it out but can't take it.)

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No. 2102343

i hope Just a Robot doesn't leave just to piss off you dentractors.

No. 2102399

okay JAR

No. 2102597

I hope JAR doesn't leave so we have a continuous supply of milk. We art not the same.

No. 2103010

Nah bro should get a life and better himself.

No. 2103082

agreed. bro needs a vacation

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No. 383200[Reply]

Welcome to the wild world of the discord user and 4chan tough guy, Mantras aka Michael Sosa. Not quite our usual snowflake, he's a 26 year old pedophile who enjoys doxxing people who speak out against him. When he's not vacationing in Massachusetts (he can't, he has a restraining order) he's manipulating boys (and girls) for nudes.

Trying to lurk in then shadows for the rest of his life while dodging all legal implications has lead Micheal Sosa to ditch all of his social media except for his beloved discord tag (Mantras#7054) and https://orbitchan.org/discord.php however he has been known to lay down in the green grasses of our very own farm!

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343833731359834113/352483375270854657/image.jpg here our friend discusses his ketamine usage and how it helps quell his "general desire to rape"

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343833731359834113/352483507437699073/image.jpg vague threatening

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343833731359834113/352483397077303296/image.jpg increased threats

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/3438Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2045786

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it is related to her hypocriticism.

She was pretty anti-white in private and talked about how muh natives were robbed of their land blah blah and also complained about white girls riding on japanese fashion trends but then ends up trying to look whiter herself and loses her virginity to a white guy lmao. Also let's not forget she's a literal pedophile (vid related)

No. 2045821

why would you travel just to fuck a slavic moid…(sage your shit)

No. 2047419

??? this is empathchan who has her own thread, not whoever the fuck this random egirl is

No. 2051388

I think their point is that girl is Madi in the video the one talking to empath on discord

No. 2097360

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A notification that strikes fear into the heart of egirls everywhere(necro, unsaged nonmilk)

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No. 1974188[Reply]

Popular transbian youtuber and general sex pest

>wrote Stockholm, a mlp fanfic where rainbow dash is a transbian who the 14 year old cutie mark crusaders want to get molested by and do. Also features Rarity x Sweetie Bell incest.

>years later his sister comes out saying that the entire fanfic is based on Lily molesting her, specificaly Lily's fantasies of stil being able to abuse his sister at the age of 14 when she put locks on her bedroom door
>Lily admits this is her sister and her fanfic but denies the obvious conclusion of sexual abuse
>obsession with sisterhood, incest and lesbian appears constantly in videos to this day
>also has a long running comic about her self insert also named Lily Orchard and her Gardevoir sister who she forms a mating bond with
>forces her gfs to do things by saying they make her feel desirable as a poor unattractive trans woman
>made an hour long video recently ranting about the incest game Andy and Leyley; it has popular comments


Kiwi farms: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/jerry-peet-lily-orchard-lily-peet-valkyrstudios-bhaalspawn-tara-callie-mod-ebara.18327/page-2

Videos criticizing Lilly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxnmE2Bdjo&t=1354s
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No. 2093810

New clip of “CD” screaming at Mikaila has surfaced. I wonder when the divorce arc is coming
>Joon the king's documentary on Jerry being on the brink of reaching 1 million views is just delicious. He can’t run away from it now
The rebrand was basically pointless Joon and other people have just added the new username into their video titles. Courtney has said that some of her friends nicknamed her Casey when she was younger and she thinks that the meaning of the CD-Call username is to mock that and honestly I could believe it at this rate

No. 2093814

wasn't peet's alt named "(Tara)Callie"? CD-Callie? It's just up his alley to do that bc he thinks he's so smart and can pretend anyone who points it out is being crazy, it's something narcissists love to do(sage your shit)

No. 2093895

this is over a video game

No. 2096935

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ChildDiddler-Call apparently wrote a fanfic on AO3 from the perspective of someone (who is totally not Courtney trust me guys) raping their sibling, everything about this just screams barley disguised fetish because who the fuck writes and publicly posts on a fanfic site a rape story about themselves and their rapist because nothing about this reads as a “vent” story especially knowing where it was posted https://archiveofourown.org/works/63163993
I was gonna quote part of it but just read it for yourself if you wanna see how hilariously depraved this is

No. 2096957

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>read it for yourself

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No. 1367840[Reply]

Chanel Barbie Clones are women who own 50 identical pink Chanel purses and a wardrobe full of identical frilly floral polyester dresses but never stop buying more.

A Chanel Barbie Clone's wannabe Barbie Dream House is piled high with cheap tacky pink junk and their diets consist entirely of pink sugary cupcakes.

Chanel Barbie Clones are often the victims of bad plastic surgery, paid for by their not-so-secret sugar daddy (they will have a side shopping service or vlog as a cover for their income).

A Chanel Barbie Clone will usually have fried blonde hair, too much makeup, and look like they just stepped off the set of White Chicks.

Examples include:

Previous arisucookie discussion here >>>/w/163026 but her and her clones outside of Japan deserved a spinoff thread.
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No. 2092647

Alice is so capricious that anything that is not just the way she wants, she doesn't like it.
The first result is not bad, but it is not the Barbie blonde that she has been wearing for years.
Alice hasn’t gone to the hairdresser in London for two reasons: first, she lives very far from London and second, it is more expensive and she has to pay by herself, not by a sugar daddy.
The first hair salon she went to, looked really tacky (looked like her great-grandmother's house), the second hair salon looked more professional.

No. 2093625

Existential crisis. She doesn’t like how the hair dye looks on her.
Does this woman even know what a real problem is?

No. 2096512

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>feel guilty about ruining them because I know I can just like buy them again if something bad happens to them
What a horrible mindset. I recall her doing a video that was sponsored by lilysilk that was about her cherishing her high (price) quality items and having a wardrobe of well made items. Also from Louboutins to Shein topkek

No. 2096693

Alice is super materialistic; I’ve never seen anyone with as many clothes as her. The only thing that’s changed in the last two years is her budget, not her personality. She used to buy Louboutins and Jimmy Choo, but now she shops at Shein because she’s got way less to spend.

No. 2096697

Isn’t it strange that she hasn’t mentioned her womenchild dress business on her YouTube? I would think she use it as a way to promote it and showcase the clothes and details she’s always raving about.

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No. 1057353[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/903707

stwawbwewymilk/aggy/matt Is a transwoman "indie" comic artist that is known for drawing CP and incest, drinking his own piss, wearing diapers, and tweeting degenerate takes such as “it’s impossible for a trans woman to be a pedophile”, and “fucking in public in front of children is OK”. When met with any criticism, his army of orbiters swoop in to protect their mentally ill traumatized incest loving pedophile queen.

Background milk:
>speaks in baby talk, calls himself a “stupid little girl”
>made up a trauma narrative to justify drawing little kids being pissed on and fucked
>if you criticize him it means you hate trans women, bigot
> is friend of fellow Troon and child groomer four lung >>743790
> steals stuffed animals and tamagotchis claiming "I'm literally so poor and broke I need to steal to survive check your privilege" >>903332

>has started camming, >>1011296 drinks own piss out of wine glass live
>his likes are full of child/animal bestiality porn >>1027140 >>1031373
>jokes about child grooming >>1007013
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No. 2073279

Lol I wonder if his hamplanet girlfriend finally kicked him out.

No. 2096061

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his insta handle changed again, he made a full zine about his diaper fetish last month & drew kiddy peens on a poster for some kweer event in michigan. it's also worth nothing he's hosting his puppy milk zine and some other stuff on itch.io nowadays… wouldn't that be against their tos? they make use of paypal and if it's anything like gumroad, they could be concerned about PP pulling support for hosting kiddy diddling slop on their platform

No. 2096063

God. I forgot about this vile troon

No. 2096241

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porn addicts try not to dehumanize girlfriends and wives as obstacles challenge (impossible)

No. 2096311

the implication that men can’t survive without porn is crazy to me. jack off to your imagination for once instead of a real life woman being abused you sick fuck

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No. 18928[Reply]

BJD Thread. Anyone remember Gutterface or elfgutz?
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No. 2095875

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I think it was mentioned in this thread earlier but Iliad and one of joji’s other exes (ruuface/ benji hovarth I believe?) ended up becoming a couple after joji and eerie broke up. Idk if they’re still together the last picture of them online together was posted over two years ago. eerie was going by “thelounatick” online last I knew, she might be a bit more active on TikTok, I don’t have an account though so it won’t let me check.

No. 2095883

Never mind I don’t think that’s eerie in the first pic with Benji, my bad! Didn’t notice the bangs I’m actually retarded oops.

No. 2096316

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Dipping our toes back into e-begging, are we? ~Faern~ is in a new relationship and the guy has been letting the loser stay with him rent free, but of course we can’t be satisfied with that.

No. 2102239

video on Illiad's tiktok from some months ago. talks about Joji Faern:

No. 2103706

The account is private now, what did she say?

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