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No. 457669
new thread for ultimate not-like-other-girls FAS-boxxy attention whore shoe0nhead and her gynecomastia bf armored grocery
highlights from the last thread:
>>june shows her true ana chan nature by sperging out over being compared to a normal-looking woman, meanwhile her boyfriend jerks off to thicc camwhores and traps on twitter.
>>her insecurity is proven further as she lies about her measurements to seem more curvy, huge hypocrite about women's bodies vs her C-cupped second trimester bfs.
>>celebrates christmas by making a very original 'dumb feminists lul' video and worshipping grocery's chode let's see how pathetic she will get in 2018 as she comes closer and closer to 30!
links: No. 457685
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old ig post from 2012 confirming she's had fake tits even before the age of 21.
No. 457737
No. 457797
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No. 457824
>how tf does Simonsen have jewish origin to these people?? Its extremely nordic.everything has Jewish origins to these people.
>>457817"b-but AJ didn't have a learning disorder, he has depression!" Greg droned.
"Hahaha great job owning those Nazi libtard feminists," Ofgreg used her daily allotment of words on before returning to her beloved 24/7 peen worship.
Thirty minutes later, with Greg sound asleep, Ofgreg tweeted about how much she loved Greg, and how she hoped that some day the world would care about mens' feelings.
(sage for """""fan"""""fic)
No. 457838
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>>457824brilliant anon. although shes a bit more like serena joy no? "trad" but would actually hate living like that for real lol. when the shit hits the fan, shes going to be mad bc she cant attention whore on youtube and gets cucked by her sisterwives. really, the book "right wing women" could be her and laurens autobiography l m a o.
No. 457843
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>>457782I think the person commenting was reacting to these nudes, in which it's very clear her tits are fake. From what I recall, she posted it on an image board awhile back (possibly unichan?)
No. 457849
>>457847>I know she's insecure but tbh I can't really see her going as far as to get plastic surgeryshe bashes women for male attention, basically ruins her reputation for male attention, ruins any possible way for her to get a good well-mannered job with the shit she posts on the internet, for male attention, and since she admitted to bullying girls in high school, it's definitely most likely she was insecure as fuck and because she's obsessed with her body, hence shooping and all
keep in mind she would have got them at 18 or 19, like june does she's a different june with every guy that comes in her life, so maybe she just feels better so it seems unlikely of her
>unless her real tits were seriously deformedI can see that, she had a lot of weight fluctuations which probably fucked up her tits, since in old pictures she was flat chested as fuck, in the nudes she has large nipples, I know they could have stretched out with the implant and all, but even so, if her nipples were that big pre surgery, along with weight fluctuations, she could have had tubular looking breasts maybe, I can see her having something like that
>or if it's just normal for the area she was raised inshe lives in self-centered island, so most likely, hence why she got it so young, and her mom most likely helped her pay since it's normal as fuck there
sage for tinfoil
No. 457852
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>>457843No. She didn't post them. June went on vacation to Mexico with her Unichan orbiters and one of them went through her phone and posted her nudes because she rejected him.
No. 457858
>>457694her real voice is so unattractive and masculine/gruff but ofc she's trying her best to act like a little girl here. it's such a stupid juxtaposition with her ultra femme uwu sweet girl image and it's very annoying.
and ot but is that porg she's holding official merch? it looks so cheap like carnival plushies
No. 457867
>>457657This post makes me wonder how much of June's uwu smol ddlg is really just Grocery influencing her because dating a child is better for his ego. We know that he likes thicc sex workers – but being a misogynist, I doubt he'd actually
like dating a woman who was very imposing about her sexuality unless she centered it around only making him cum.
There's a book out there about the sexual fantasies of fascist men that states that they generally discuss their wives very little (as if their wives are ornaments)and tend to represent them in a sexless light in their writings. However, the way fascist men talk about women who are even a smidge to the left of them is absolutely vulgar (they vividly describe wanting to rape them, maim the, etc, essentially asserting themselves over these "disobedient" women).
I DO NOT think that Groceries is a fascist or anything (I don't even think he's smart enough to really have any political convictions beyond going "feminazis!!! sjws!!!" for youtube views)but there's a weird parallel here between how he clearly feels about fat chicks vs how he talks about June. He clearly hates fatties and otherwise "unappealing" women but his twitter likes are filled to the brim with these sopping, pornographic representations of these groups. June flaunts their relationship but the only time that
he talks about them online is when he wants to make himself look bigger by "jokingly" putting her down or something.
No. 457905
>>457895i mean, who has called themselves a feminist and said nasty misogynistic stuff? i havent seen anyone call themselves a feminist in these threads.
>>457898i dont think anything went wrong. she wasn't always like this. her main priority was always being a peen pumper, but when she started really cashing in on the waifu weeb crowd she started getting more childish and ridiculous.
No. 457932
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>>457895The posters who point out her flaws are still feminists. It doesn't mean they want to take away her rights that feminism has afforded her.
For some reason people think feminst is a colloquialism for "one who never gets to say harsh things about other women."
Criticism is still criticism regardless of how you dislike it being delivered. Anons aren't nitpicking her appearance because she's a nice personality who just believes in a non-binding term for gender equality. They're saying it because June is a pandering little asshole who throws other women under the bus and mocks their appearances daily so she can earn brownie points from men who she desperately seeks validation from.
Yes, I agree that sometimes the comments about appearances are excessive on lolcow. However, they're not misplaced here.
No. 457936
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>>457895Literally what. Provide an example and quote said "anons who claimed to be feminists while writing misogynist comments" or leave.
No, actually just leave, last thread ended up with a huge derailment session, we don't need another derailer so soon.
You seem lost AF (!), little fella.
No. 457994
There was a girl just like June involved in the community of a 4chan persona. Boxxy stans idealized manic pixie dream girls; with these stans, it more mystical/mental/cute girls. So she pretended to have schizophrenia and host tea parties with her cat drinking from the same cup while dressed as Alice. She made "damaged but cute uwu" vids like this and guys fell for it, even /b/ was sympathetic. She took the idol's nickname, look and general aura, and since the idol didn't interact with the orbiters and was long gone, they projected their blueballs onto this new girl and others like her. She probably felt like a queen worshiped by these losers. She was jealous of the cult that formed for another girl, and pretended to understand the allure when she only wanted her own cult.
Later she prostituted herself to some old (50+) dude part of that comm and went on to camwhore; she never had schizophrenia, it was just for ~aesthetic~
June is like that - faked her personality/look to have a following. She never idolized Boxxy, she pretended to understand their infatuation to steal Boxxy's crazy amount of attention. She can't respect women as they're only competition for male worship. Her cult evolved (libertarian, now misogynist), she changed to pander to them. She convinces herself she believes in it but she's an empty reflection of what her fans want. She wasn't damaged as a child, she'll just say anything to maintain her only claim to fame. She was a bully, and a brand-name-consumerist rich kid; she needs to put others down to feel above them. Since her fanbase rejects "most women" as unfit to their standards, when she alone is accepted she feels like a super special snowflake. Maybe because June has rich parents that still support her, she could focus on attention being her #1 goal instead of prostituting herself to the richest boxxy fan.
I wish more people from Unichan were here, they could provide insight and I'd believe it 100%. One of them claimed she DID whore around with at least one of the guys in the Boxxy community, paralleling what I saw, even if June tries to backpedal. Like Lainey she just rewrites history - now she was always a nerdy friendless bullied virgin, when she was actually more like old Kiki.
No. 458047
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>>458042GmasterRed was an edgy poster in the boxxy sphere, so ofc she wanted his dick. She also gave a love confession to Verye.
No. 458053
>>457955She exaggerates her life story to pander to her fans. There's more than enough evidence floating around on youtube people have collected of her over the years that goes against most of the claims you've just listed.
This is purely speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that her parents and/or extended family members paid for her to have surgery when she was legally old enough for it, simply because she's insecure and asked for it. She comes from an area where plastic surgery is pretty common afaik, and it seems her family is well off enough that it wasn't a big deal for them financially.
No. 458062
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Gmastered's twitter
No. 458065
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>>458062Why Gmaster is still so salty to this day.
No. 458069
>>458047>i talk to dozens of internet guys a day, ones who ADORE me and would do anything for me, and ones that i have seen and were pretty attractive. but i give zero fucks about any of them.nice to see she is apparently capable of admitting from time to time that she doesn't care about her fans and only exists on the internet to get attention for herself.
>>458062>>458065tbh, all three of them seem pretty narcissistic and deserve the torment they put each other through.
No. 458077
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>>458073Wow I thought her face was appearing more swollen/round in recent videos because maybe she gained but, no her face really is awkward when shes not caking make up and using a shit camera.
No. 458082
>>458073Found this vid someone posted in the thread of June at vidcon. June comes in at the 5:58 mark.
God I hate how rude she is to her fans. He gives her a birthday gift and she doesn't even say thank you? Fucking really?
I've seen this same kind of shit on her askfm, where she is CONSTANTLY complimented for her opinions, looks, etc, and I can't remember a single time she had the decency to express any kind of gratitude towards the person.
Same with her unboxing vid she just did with skeptic. She said thank you like what, once?
Maybe I'm sperging a bit over this, but she seems really fucking ungrateful for everything that she has and seems to think of people as completely disposable and beneath her. No wonder everyone in her former community hates her. Stealing her phone, posting her nudes and other personal stuff is shitty, but I can't say it seems like she didn't have it coming with the way she treats people.
No. 458141
>>458047I understand that he considered himself as a huge loser, but I find it weird that anyone could fall for someone that writes the way she does.
At least he divides his correspondence in paragraphs, capitalises and doesn't intersperse his prose with childish remarks in all caps.
And that thing about guys adoring her all over the internet is just amazingly self absorbed. At least phrase it as something like "there are a lot of people who expressed their interest in me but all I can think of is you" or something.
No. 458177
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>>458176He posted it on twitter (which ?????????)
No. 458188
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>>4581772018 ain't even started yet and it's already a shitshow
No. 458190
>>458177What a moron. She already knows if he's expecting their fanbase to keep quiet.
Or it's all a ruse.
No. 458197
>>458177this has to be a joke. i doubt this will actually happen but rip to her having to service his fat babyman body for however long he decides to keep her until she ages out of his favour and he exchanges her in for a thicc tranny with a juicy scrote.
i know lots of men like greg that feel obligated to propose after a while, so perhaps this is what's going on here. if he intended on marrying her and still treats her so poorly on social media and basically humiliates her by liking tranny pics or camwhore pics, while mostly ignoring her… idk that's even sadder. he must think his behaviour is nice enough/good enough/husbandly already, and it'll only deteriorate from here.
No. 458211
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No. 458215
>>458211she has said this but i think it was mostly to please her mra fanbase who already believe women take everything in marriage, but it has been clear lately that she has been ramping up the heat for marriage and talking about having kids with him, etc. either this is prenup city and he's just doing it bc she's getting antsy and he thinks she's going to give him an ultimatum, or idk, but for a man that's supposed to be enamoured enough with her to marry her… his public indifference of her speaks volumes
i highly doubt he'll marry her without a prenup after his first wife, so lol, good going june. she landed a once divorced, creepy, suspicious, misogynistic, lardy winner with a learning disability.
No. 458221
>>458177They have only been dating for like.. a year. They haven't even lived together.
Are they retarded?
No. 458222
>>458221>Are they retarded?obv
june is dumb, she is just going to end up to be another wife of skeptic and on his growing list of ex wifes. Not to mention a lot of the fat neckbeards she likes so much think girls having an ex hubby is a deal breaker
No. 458224
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>>458177inb4 they've been reading this thread and are now desperate to disprove our observations
No. 458236
>>458222I guess she's marrying for canadian residency lmao
Good luck, june. The process is a lot more rigorous than you think.
No. 458280
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>>458177shout out to the guy posting a link to his "why multiculturalism will never work" video to every reply.
No. 458298
>>458294that'd be a pretty fucked up and weird joke, even for them. like, what would even motivate them to pull something like that?
i think it's real, and that the reason she hasn't posted is that he's kept her away from all social media so that the proposal could be a surprise.
No. 458300
>>458292lol he was liking and rting shit about trannies being superior to women less than 2 weeks ago…
im betting on pressure and maybe even stalking this thread and overcompensation to prove us wrong
No. 458306
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>>458302not when he's liking scantily clad trannies that aren't even his friend? it's one thing if he's liking blaire's pics, but hes liking trannies he doesnt even know…
but i guess it really happened and tbh i feel for her. she tries to shove it feminist faces/any female she doesnt agree w, that they/we can't get laid etc but she's getting such bottom tier dick it's not even funny
No. 458314
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posting pic of her ring so you guys dont have to trek to her twitter.
No. 458325
>>458316I want to be happy for them too tbh but, I go from thinking they're ok to despising them for the way they handle their social media and talking about their kink so openly while always naively saying "ppl just assumed we were into bdsm! Teehee!".
Maybe they'll be less obnoxious about it online once they start living together. Doubt it tho.
No. 458333
>>458314I really love the ring. However I feel sorry for June. Maybe their relationship is more stable and less disrespectful than they portray on social media…but I honestly doubt that's the case. It's probably worse in private, I suspect. I'm also kind of shocked because I always saw Greg as a sort of MGTOW-lite. Like he would date June but never get married again.
Anyway, good luck June.
No. 458337
>>458292That must've
triggered her obvious BPD so she crazybitch'd him into validating his committment in public.
No. 458342
>>458333MGTOWs are just clingy cucks with abandonment issues who use the sour grapes coping mechanism. They harbor more corny fantasies about eternal love and peaceful domesticity than tween girls do.
That being said, June most likely nagged him in private because of his recent thirst orbiting of other thots. She's been acting visibly neurotic with all the unfunny REEEEEing lately.
No. 458373
>>458348>She's not seeing your well wishes You mean there's no point in wishing someone well unless they personally see it and give me brownie points for it? Gee thanks so much for enlightening me, June 2.0.
>2/10 dyslexic divorcee doughboy Pretty sure she's got some kind of learning disability too. ADHD, I think?
>that calls skinny girls fatThey both did that.
>The sudden fake positivity for cows that are terrible peopleOh please. June and Greg are immature retards and not good people by any stretch of the imagination, but even for /snow/ they're pretty tame.
I'm honestly more annoyed at all the underage mouth breeders that worship June as some kind of innovative genius for her "controversial" opinions, as though it isn't actually because she's a moderately attractive female with fake tits who plays dress up 24/7 to give the illusion of being more attractive than she actually is.
No. 458374
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>>458348>2/10 dyslexic divorcee doughboy>>458366this is true. lol every time I read /r/relationships there's always some 30+ year old man stringing along his gf of over a decade with a proposal/marriage that will never come.
I really hope they get married though. Watching this bitch shackle up to a fat loser will bring me some schadenfreude.
No. 458378
>>458373this post is super autismal, anon. yes, it reads as fake af. and there really is literally no point in saying "i'm happy for her" on a fucking gossip imageboard. adhd isn't considered a learning disability, and until i see a script for ritalin or adderall, i don't buy that she even has adhd. this is the girl who sought to become quirky adhd ridden boxxy 2.0 purely for male attention and hung around self posting pictures of herself for that attention.
>they both did thati'm sorry, are you excusing a grown 30+ year old man that calls himself a skeptic, calling a skinny girl fat? how is "they both did it" any better? why would anyone be happy for them based on how they treat others? and no, june is terrible. her entire schtick is about bullying girls and women while trying to belittle them for being ugly prudes, so she can seem like a unicorn kink goddess with the ultimate goal of elevating herself, and horrible men. that's always been her MO. always. sorry, she's pretty shit and so is he.
No. 458394
>>458378>this post is super autismalAnd your underage sperging isn't? You post style is almost more retarded than how June sounded in her love confession to some orbiter earlier in the thread.
>there really is literally no point in saying "i'm happy for her" on a fucking gossip imageboardThat's fair.
>are you excusing a grown 30+ year old man that calls himself a skeptic, calling a skinny girl fat?Not at all.
>how is "they both did it" any better? It isn't. They're both equally shitty for saying that. Which is exactly why they deserve each other. Neither party is bad enough to deserve someone who is going to abuse them maliciously, and neither party is good enough to deserve someone who is going to love them, respect them and treat them like royalty. Honestly, the only way the second option would even happen is if somehow, one of them matured exponentially faster than the other. They would naturally outgrow their partner, and want something better.
I'm happy for them because I think even shitty people deserve love and marriage, on the grounds that both of them balance each other out in shittiness.
Seriously, there's no rule anywhere stating that you have to be viciously petty 100% of the time towards the object of speculation in order to enjoy gossip. I'd tell you to grow the up, but that'd probably make me a hypocrite since we're both fighting anonymously on a gossip board on fucking NYE.
No. 458403
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>>458402My money is on them becoming boring and stale, honestly.
No. 458404
>>458394>Seriously, there's no rule anywhere stating that you have to be viciously petty 100% of the time towards the object of speculation in order to enjoy gossip.everyone pulls this kind of crap irl and it's obviously fake. i'd think you guys could be real enough to drop the obviously fake positivity pretence on an anonymous imageboard.
>I'm happy for them because I think even shitty people deserve love and marriage, on the grounds that both of them balance each other out in shittinessso you do think they're shitty. so there's no reason to argue that they're not so shitty, as you did. and that's the thing, he's clearly a shitty partner, so again, you're congratulating her on getting engaged to someone that literally has nothing to offer her but vocal misogyny, endless solecisms (while unironically framing himself as an intellectual), and a fatass? how is that wanting her to be happy? it's one thing if you said "i really hope she finds a nice guy that helps balance her out and grow", not to say you're happy that she's going to shack up with someone equally as toxic, and twice as misogynistic. do you just congratulate everyone on their terrible life choices while trying to claim you want them to be happy? the "i'm so mature for hoping bad people are happy! if you don't, you're a stupid baby!!" line of thinking is so predictable and fake, honestly.
>>458403nah, he already was married and was looking for a way out with multiple women despite having nothing to offer. he has been overestimating himself the entire time he's been with june. don't expect there not to be milk when he starts feeling suffocated.
No. 458436
>>458348I don't think they're bad people
weird, misguided people, perhaps. but not bad.
I can never cheer against weirdos finding love and being happy together.
No. 458463
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Boy this thread derailed fast
No. 458469
>>458463shoes white knights(and her and greg) do this in every thread kek
No. 458494
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No. 458496
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No. 458498
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>>458490They do this in every thread. The ride never ends.
No. 458511
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No. 458522
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Flimsy insults do not work if your grammar is shit and you sound like a triggered 12 year old trying to be an internet tough guy.
Stay in school, kid.
No. 458530
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Cheer up, buttercup. I know mommy hurt you, but it's all over now. I can be your new mommy for just $50 an hour. What do you say to that, pumpkin?
No. 458536
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Ignore robots, and let's stay on topic.
No. 458538
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No. 458541
>>458528Would not surprise me if that post is june again.
Bitch got more faces than big ben.
No. 458548
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>>458543For the love of christ just stop responding to them you utter fucking sperg
No. 458568
>>458564Pretty sure they're from the Mexico trip she took with her orbiters from Unichan. There's been others posted before, but
>>458536>>457852are completely new to the thread, so I'm intrigued. Pls post and/or say more, Mexico trip anon.
No. 458584
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>>458581you're derailing the thread just as much as he is, autismo
No. 458585
>>458570This shit is so bizarre. Everything about it. The fact that there was a community centered around boxxy to begin with, how hard June clung to that, the fact that she's been at this internet fame thing for years just changing up her tactics a bit. It's just very strange that she never grew out of this pandering to a certain kind of male internet user, and even more so that she seems to have dropped all of her real life opportunities in order to dedicate her time to doing so.
Although I must say it's pretty ballsy to go to a foreign country with a bunch of dudes you barely know from the internet.
No. 458594
>>458585Not really, Its because she makes money off of that audience and its an easy audience to cater to.
>>458584Nope, I have made 3 posts which are relevant to the topic which is shoe and her daddy bf. Take your own advice
triggered derailer. Like I said, contribute or fuck off.
No. 458599
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>replies with whining from mommy issues incel cuck poster boy
Scrotal Dunning-Kruger, lads.
No. 458601
>>458592open to 'fat' women and thicc trannies ofc. i'm betting either:
1. eternal engagement limbo
2. breakup to avoid marriage
3. marriage, but poly relationship after 4 months
or 4. the same kind of entitled withdrawal as his last marriage, so him whoring his flubby ass all over the internet while hiding it from june. except june will put up with it.
No. 458605
>>458603why they'd be salty that they're not going to be able to wash their dairy dicks off with her vaginal fluids, and complain about us not liking her makes no sense though? typically they pull sourgrapes and complain about the girl in question
she mustve cried about it to her cuckboys on her discord
No. 458614
>>458610>There was a post about their engagement on /pol/ for some reason.Most likely june self-posting
yet again.
No. 458617
>>458610As, so that's why the thread smells like hotdog water. We're in the middle of a major scrot chimpout.
I wonder if these emotionally unstable cucks are going to try to sink her brand for
triggering their abandonment issues. 2018 is already looking grand.
No. 458628
>claps his balls about June's marriage in a /pol/ thread>goes to lolcow to REEEE about gossipy womenIncel /pol/yp projection really is like clockwork.
June getting gamergated when? Her male fanbase is ripe with total basket cases.
No. 458634
>>458626wait holy shit these filthy scrots are actually salty that grocery is getting action and they aren't
my fucking sides
No. 458648
>>458637he looks like an italian mafia member lmfao. the 'june' is ridiculous too
>>458639another reason why beyond her attacking radfems and capitalising on a caricature of liberal feminism (not that libfems arent ridiculous), she's a huge blockhappy 'sjw'. her fanboys really are stupid.
No. 458652
>>458637>>458642Yeah I don't get why all these fanarts portray June as some over-caffeinated Disney girl looking mess.
I wouldn't guess that to be June in a million years.
>>458634Lmao this is so sad but I knew it. I guess they thought they had a chance in hell with June before? They need to take a better look at how she treats/judges people lmao. Though why she turns a blind eye to Groceries is beyond me. He does have some "e-fame" but not even as much as she does.
No. 458677
>>458314Sage obviously but I'm kinda pissed because this looks just like my fucking engagement ring. Like it might actually be the same exact one.
Mine was only like $300 so if it is the same one her uggo didn't spend much.
No. 458678
>>458677Lol, that would be in line with the way greg seems to spend/treat her.
where'd you get yours, anon?
No. 458680
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>>458197>thicc tranny with a juicy scrotefucking kek anon holy shit
No. 458718
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>>458692fucking kek
now THAT'S a recognizable shoe
No. 458750
>>458725isn't greg supposedly rich with his craigslist audi and goodwill emo, poorly put together suits and claiming to have hired june as his secretary like a bunch of little kids pretending to own a business though? and here he is, buying the first ring he found on sale most likely
I'm not the type of person to say men should go broke buying their gf a ring, hell when I get engaged I wouldn't even want an expensive ring myself, it's just odd to me how him and june try to gloss up how he's ~rich and dom and manly~ but it just seems like he wouldn't want anything serious if he just buys whatever's on sale despite the fact he can afford something way better, did he even put thought into it?
we all know they're together for social media reasons as well as june inflating her ~teehee smol and submissive~ ego and greg can inflate his ~hurdur big manly man dom boss~ ego, but come on, they're adults for fucks sake, both around their 30s, you'd think they'd stop playing pretend by now and settle down if their relationship was as serious as they like to inflate
No. 458783
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Iconic, also junes natural fridge body unedited
also, doesn't skeptic own several 400+ dollar cameras? kek, he rather splurge on cameras he barely uses than his own engagement ring
No. 458802
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>>458788eh, I'm the last person to think a womans waist needs to be half the size of her hips in order to be curvy, but I'm literally failing to see the curves her, maybe a tiny bit of difference between her waist and hips, but if you outline her silhouette it's pretty boxy, I'm exaggerating a little bit sure, I'm not saying her measurements are like 32-32-32 or anything, but she's definitely not as well ratioed as a normal woman and sure as hell not as ratioed enough to be trying to pass herself off as a pear with anime hips
No. 458807
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It was really depressing looking at her parents FB. Her sister gets so much praise and not a word to be said about June. I don't understand how she ended up so opposite.
No. 458810
>>458805In most photos she still has a similar figure, just straight up and down, even in videos she still has the same up and down figure,she also edits the shit out of a lot of her photos as well so who knows, even Kendall jenner has a better h/w ratio than her
You're allowed to think her figure is cute or whatever. I personally think its okay in a "skinny white girl with big tits" sort of way, some people are into that and that's fine, but to she shes average is a stretch. She looks a loottt less curvy than an average woman, and I mean ratio wise too, You're not going to be "screeched at" we're just saying she isn't curvy, big deal
No. 458818
>>458793I can't believe she'd claim to have a 37 hip measurement while also gloat about have 'skinny' legs.
As someone close to her height and weight, she 100% def shoops certain pics to make her waist look retardedly small. If I were to guess her measurements I would say 32(for those fake tits)-25-33.
She still has a decent curve on her unedited pics but her claims are literally measurements of a plastic surgery porn star. Why she do this to herself.
No. 458836
>>458807Some siblings just end up different. I know a guy who is doing an engineering PhD while his sister is a manager at target who couldn't graduate college. I doubt it's anything parents do.
>>458747Meh, personally I would prefer to have a cheaper ring despite my financial situation. But then I remember Greg and Skep are so into ~traditional marriage~ lmao.
No. 458859
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>>458725I don't think the ring anon posted here is the one he gave her. Ring in pic related is
supposedly black diamond, and the band itself doesn't look like white gold either
No. 458870
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>>458859is that rose gold? is it an iphone ring?
No. 458890
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>>458870He probably bought it on Jewlr
No. 458891
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No. 458906
File: 1514828081574.png (15.88 KB, 578x110, twitter.com_Lauren_Southern_wi…)

>>458314Cows supporting Cows #positivity #BovineSolidarity
No. 458912
>>458870the side diamonds look like those little diamond string things you get from the craft store for 5 dollars a roll, the gold on the diamond looks uneven and dented, like aliexpress tier gold, the 3 main diamonds look okay but the middle one looks plastic
she's gloating about how it's ~customized online~ but rings like those tend to be very cheap and not really special at all, especially if it's a princess ring, when I got my class ring I customized it online and it was a princess ring but it costed a little under 300 dollars..
also, june is almost 30 and calling a picture, a "pichur", why does she type like an annoying attention deprived emo kid?
No. 458913
>>458901Only problem I can think of is visa.
But then again, Greg wouldn't be living with June in USA since she lives with her parents, while June can get a visitor visa for Canada.
>A border services officer at the port of entry in Canada will determine how long you can stay in Canada. Most visitors are allowed a six-month stay from the day they entered Canada. If the officer authorizes a stay of less than six months, they will indicate in your passport the date by which you must leave Canada.So they could live together for 6 months…
No. 458916
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>>458901Apparently she stayed with him for weeks when she visited, though I dunno if that qualifies as actually living together consistently
No. 458919
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>>458914I fucking cackled so hard
No. 458924
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>>458914bahahahah i can't wait to witness the cringe that is alt-right youtuber wedding
>fat skeptic comes in a ill-fitted suit, wearing a cloak>june is waiting for him in a wedding dress, dog collar around her neck with a leash>sargon of akkad is their priest>june's parents wondering where did everything go so wrong. No. 458925
>>458923Samefag, but I also forgot to add that there is a lot of stuff that goes into this and living together is the biggest thing cic looks at. If you've never lived together and you apply, the more difficult it'll be. She has an advantage being American, but they ask for lots of stuff like proof of meeting each other's families, photos, anything at all to show your relationship is genuine, and he has to be able to prove that he can financially support her. Cic is really strict because they don't want people abusing the system to get benefits.
t. Someone who lived it
No. 458941
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>>458924Imagine the vows
June (talking with baby voice)
>I, June Laporta, promise to be your submissive little bunny hehe and I promise to do anything and everything for you and stay with you forever. I'll always try my best to protect you from feminism harbies because you are so precious. My life is meaningless without you, daddy dom. Greg
>I, Greg Fluhrer also known as one of the Four Horsemen of skeptical community, promise to dominate you every night and show you your place….That's it.
>June's parents face No. 458988
File: 1514834614546.jpg (56.84 KB, 650x440, aliexpress.jpg)

>>458914I'm actually having flashbacks of Yumi and Splenda's wedding.
Will June buy her wedding dress off of Yesstyle or Aliexpress?
No. 459005
>>458750I agree. If I was the submissive in a ~24/7 bdsm D/s relationship~ (which i never would be in that type of thing) I would expect to at least have the dom fill his role. Like how come they are 24/7 but apparently not when June buys him a bunch of stuff for his bday and whatnot. Seems like he is a dom only when it's convenient.
Sorry if I am not making much sense
No. 459033
>>459005Its not just the bdsm aspect but they are clearly into ddlg and/or pet play. He is not at all fit as a caretaker role. June looks like she takes care of him way more considering she acts like a doormat, does all the cooking, makes the most money etc.
Skeptic reminds me of a typical neckbeard that needs to be reminded to shower and has his gf dress him when they go out. If you look at all pictures of him, his clothes and style was completely different before meeting her.
No. 459073
>>458891LMAO how embarassing. She cried for this pity proposal
>>458890That looks exactly like it. Even more than the other.
No. 459103
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f a t
No. 459118
>>459103Oh I am laffin.
Also @ other anons what is up with people in this thread desperatly trying to defend junes looks when shes a complete cunt and nitpicky about other womens looks? I mean its nice you guys are trying to be nice to her but its very ironic in this case.
No. 459148
>>459090Seriously. Even if that is the only reason they are getting married, do you really need to say it out in public like that? It just seems harsh.
Though I am curious as to what that guy means by 'I thought you were above that.' Like…June lets him put a leash on her and sits by his feet while he plays COD or whatever the fuck….they really aren't "above" anything. Is he trying to say he thought June was above marrying some dude only to divorce rape him later because AWALT? lmao
No. 459169
>>459148>>459148that's exactly what he's saying. that greg is stupid for getting married, and june is more selfish than he thought because divorce rape and whatever other marriage related womanhating reeeeing
if he was a decent guy he wouldve done a nice, solitary suprise, and just gotten eloped. that she's so stupid that she doesn't see how humiliating it is to make a whole big production about a marriage that is solely based on citizenship is just ultra pathetic.
she can complain about feminists all she wants, but most feminists can wrangle a hotter man and get a decent man that isnt so selfish/stupid to make their engagement public, then admit that it's only for immigration purposes, not only to their swooning fans, but to the public and possibly the cic
No. 459198
File: 1514853640026.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.99 MB, 2217x3005, 20180101_193939.jpg)

No. 459206
>>459118Yeah, not to mention the fact SHE SHOOPS her damn self to look like she has much more going on in the hip area than she really does. I don't think her body is ugly at face-value (minus bolt-on tits), but her personality is, and she clearly wants to portray her appearance as many things she is not.
So I'm all for people stating hard truths such as "she has a fridge body." The point is she brought comments like that upon herself by pretending to look completely different. If she never did that, the "nitpicking" over her body type would probably be very minimal comparatively.
And that isn't even starting on the whole bit of calling fairly thin/normal framed girls "pudgy" and shit like that. For no reason.
PULLtards need to lurk more before acting so self righteous.
>>459169I'm out of the loop on such matters I suppose, but what is divorce rape?
No. 459331
>>459121>>459206TY for the info anons!
>>459198Now THIS is accurate fanart kek please can we make this the next threads OP pic?
No. 459566
>>457824She wrote on her Twitter or Insta about her grandfather fleeing Denmark before the Nazi invasion, this set off the NEETsoc spergs because real WHITE and REDPILLED men cheer on foreign troops occupying your homecountry.
That said a lot of the really obnoxious internet nazis are are fake as fuck, just look at the people who trolled Ben Garrison for years like Bryan Carpen or Joshua Ryne Goldberg.
No. 459567
File: 1514900801515.jpg (339.21 KB, 2048x1448, DSh_d_VXcAAq2yr.jpg)

cringe fan art just keeps being shat out by her fanbase.
No. 459569
>>458859>June>kind of gothy…where?
Honestly I almost feel sad for her, despite claiming otherwise she clearly wants to marry him and have it be this great, special romantic thing but he just sees it as a means to an end.
No. 459836
File: 1514924568870.jpg (156.37 KB, 1024x627, 149838102346.jpg)

Since her height is being brought up again, here's a pic of her with Laci and Chris. Laci is 5'2" and Chris is 5'5"
No. 459960
>>459945She’s going to Canada.
>>459567I don’t get this, and it’s probably because I don’t run in the type of circles that do such things, but are these people 12? They get so much fan art and their content is garbage. June puts the most minimal amount of effort into her work, but I assume her selling point is her ~so randum, rawr XD~ sense of humor.
>>459957Agree. I was told it was probably due to a PULL migration. Seems plausible after the bullshit well wishes after their engagement and the retarded posts that presume to know how Grocery feels about their relationship, such as this post
>>458292 No. 459962
>>459957i mean, they outwardly have a disrespectful relationship = a bad relationship. june is happy to put up with it, but to all of us, we wouldn't and can tell just from the way he treats her that it's a dysfunctional relationship.
>no proofthere's plenty of proof if those are her nudes. the one nude that isn't in the doorway already has fake tits. the one in the doorway 100000000000000% has faketits.
and none of us are autistic enough say "herpderp" on lolcow in 2018, so get the fuck back to unichan with your parmesan coated cock.
No. 459982
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>>459967I'm somewhat willing to believe she's not lying about her height because all those Japanese/Korean fashion dresses she buys seem to actually flatter her body type. I hear this style ends up being too short even on girls of average height.
>>459836Kind of seems like Laci only looks shorter than her here because she's leaning forward tbh.
No. 459985
>>459981lmao didn't she say she was 93 lbs?
>>459982this is very shooped waist wise, js.
>>459984if lacy stood up straight, she still wouldnt be as tall as chris, which is as tall as june is, or shorter. if june had her head straight up and not leaning to the side, she'd be taller than chris.
No. 459987
>>459960>She's going to CanadaI swear I remember them saying they wanted to live in California in a video.
Plus, I can just see Groceries using her to get in the states and leaving her lol.
No. 459999
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That sounds healthy.
No. 460012
File: 1514935784928.png (464.51 KB, 604x640, shoedrama.png)

>>459999From her recent pics she looks less ana tbh. She looks 105 at least. Considering she doesn't work out or eat well, she will progressively gain weight as she gets older and probably hate herself.
No. 460024
>>460019I'm not defending her as much as insisting that we find something a little more substantial to talk about and not have the focus of the thread be a giant spergfest of speculation from people who just don't like her.
I want more dirt from her unichan days, cringey BDSM screenshots, evidence of Greg being non-committal, etc.
No. 460036
>>459567See what is this disney looking shit
And is that a fucking lightsaber?
>>459569>>459570Maybe he thinks black eyeliner and occasionally wearing regular black clothing means goth. Fucking stupid.
>>459743Yeah basically this.
>>459957This comment is cringe.
The implants/trich discussion arise because newfags to the thread are super obvious when they don't lurk, which seems to be their MO
>>459978But she's not like other girls!!!!
>>460007The years really do seem to speed up (and become less important) with age. Between 16 and 20 there are numerous milestones. Not so much between 26 and 30. 30 isn't middleaged or whatever though (which I've seen some anons claiming in various threads).
>>460034I hope so since this is likely to deliver the best milk.
No. 460040
>>460037Maybe it’s because they’re together and doesn’t have the need to look at other girls when he has his fuck meat next to him for the holidays.
I swear, some of you need to cut that tin foil, armchair analysis of every stupid little thing.
No. 460044
>>460040Kek why so defensive?
Also, even if you're right, it doesn't explain why he took down any and all mention of her in his twitter bio.
No. 460094
>>459982Not really, if youre 5'5 or under it should look just fine
She can't be THAT far off though, since her license said 5'2 and they don't really check height unless its obvious youre lying, she's clearly not taller than 5'6 or 5'7 but shes not 5'2 either, I'd say 5'3 or 5'4, possibly 5'5
No. 460111
>>459836just wanted to clear something up, since i believe this pic is from a youtuber party in LA during vidcon. June was wearing very tall heels this night iirc which is why she and Chris look the same height in this photo.
she is at least as tall as Laci, if not slightly taller. in the end it doesn't even matter but since we're still on height, there you go.
No. 460121
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>>460111no she wasn't. this is from the same night. chris, greg, and june are all wearing the same outfit, and they were posted together in a photoset from that day. she was wearing flats. the flattest of flats.
No. 460134
>>460111>>460121lol busted
I wonder why that anon was so convinced she was wearing "very tall heels".
Is that really you, June?
No. 460141
>>459836Chris is slouching a bit so I'm guessing she's 5'4"-5'5" kek.
Why do girls like June always want to be smol beans uwu, you're not a child. Plus Greg is huge (including in width) so it's not like she doesn't look significantly smaller than him.
No. 460179
>>460121then i was mistaken. my bad.
>>460134no, this is not June. it's why i put "iirc." just going by what i remembered seeing.
No. 460200
>>460176it bothers me when she does talk about being italian, just saying. she acts like it's normal and authentically italian that italians have like 5 ziti and lasagna dishes with a turkey on christmas like her weird family does. no one does that. it's typically seafood and no one makes like fifteen ziti dishes like she bragged about.
and her cooking is terrible. she plays up that she can cook bc she's italian but she doesn't know how to make ANYTHING that she has posted bragging about. it has all looked awful and not done right. i wouldn't brag if i were her. all of her cooking has been the quintessential, no seasoning, 'white people' shit. you'd think she was from the midwest the way she cooks. she absolutely fails at being trad. i think she said she was scared of baking as well? she'll be a terrible homemaker, just saying. she'll especially fail in pleasing that neverending food pit and his fatass.
No. 460220
>>460200She uses dry ass boxed pasta in her cooking too.
You would think since she memes so hard about being Italian she would know how to make homemade pasta.
No. 460252
>>460200Weren't a lot of housewives in the 50s obsessed with jello and miracle whip? And a lot of mormon housewives use a ton of jello too. Doesn't mean you are a good cook if your are traditional. Just saying.
I think June is too lazy to be a good traditional wife though.
>>460211Do Italians really eat cow brains for Christmas? That sounds yummy. (I love offal so I'm not kidding)
A lot of Italian Americans don't know the first thing about real Italina cooking though.
>>459836Wait? Why is Laci in a pic with June? Is it because of Laci's boyfriend? It's so ironic Laci was a raging SJW who tried to personally correct me at one point.
No. 460304
>>460222>keeps her hair like an annoying emo 12 yr old in 2009Not sure what this has to do with her ethnicity but anyway, she has trich and just wears wigs all the time. Many different wigs.
It's her eyeliner that makes her look like she's stuck in the past.
>>460252Idk if you've kept up on what Laci's been doing but she started saying she was going to have "conversations" with anti-SJW types. She never did, just started making moderate common sense videos and fucking Chris. So now she has new anti-SJW friends and has their fanbase too. Her content isn't controversial like at all now, but the company she apparently keeps sure is.
No. 460312
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>>460252no, but i know plenty of 'trad' women that are pretty decent cooks. and jello, aspic, miracle whip, all of those things were popular for parties, but this was really more of a 60s-70s party thing. people characterize it as being 50s because they're all "vintage", but it really was more of a 60s-70s thing.
and no modern day housewife aspires to fish aspic with miracle whip 'frosting' nowadays, and men most DEFINITELY aren't expecting that. i know men expect a housewife that will bake well, cook well, etc. my grandmothers were housewives and cooked and baked like chefs, tbh. no 1973 bananas and ham hollandaise there.
>>460211it's true. and it was horrendous. one piece of broccoli and she put maybe a teaspoon of garlic in that oil, too. and tell me this ziti doesn't look piss poor, anon. looks dry, cheese to sauce ratio is very off, herbs are cut too large and not mixed throughout, etc. i'm not marrying a woman, and even i expected my fiance cook better than this. i'd be so disappointed if i were marrying a "trad" italian american woman who has these cooking skills and is afraid of baking.
>>460222she looks pretty italian, but not like a pretty italian. her face is weird and unrefined/tacky. ultimately, she looks fassy.
File: 1514957135263.jpg (37.57 KB, 579x317, poor poor bunny.jpg)

Ok so I have a question so will sage
Understandably farmers talk about how lolcows looks after their pets and I was wondering, does she really have only 1 rabbit? Because thats pretty cruel, rabbits are social creatures and need another rabbit companion otherwise they can get depression.
I mean I know this girl is pretty ignorant about most things but I would hope she would at least know that about rabbits. However given some of the pictures posted here of that tiny cage she keeps this rabbit in perhaps i'm being too hopeful.
I feel for this bunny :(
No. 460351
>>460345>>460343Thanks for the replies, sorry I deleted and reposted because I made a few mistakes. Also yeah does not shock me she has this bunny for image purposes.
>>460349Now this makes me angry, what a stupid bitch.
No. 460362
>>460345>>460349Just wanted to add its a huge deal, over here now pet shops enquire when you buy rabbits whether you already have one and if you do not they will not sell single ones because they need a companion.
I used to work for an adoption charity which specialised in rabbits and learnt a lot about them and its heart breaking how much it affects their personality. People often brought in lone rabbits because they were either agressive or miserable or both and its little wonder when they are kept alone.
People seem to know about guinea pigs at least needing to be in pairs but rabbits are exactly the same and in fact it pisses me off this stupid bitch acts like an expert on rabbits when shes doing this. I had only seen a few of the videos with the rabbit and suspected as much but thought I would check because there are other things that can affect their temperament but that is the main one.
Apologies for this long angry reply but stuff like this pisses me off especially as she has a large audience and they will undoubtly soak up her ignorance which will possibly lead to more rabbits being ditched at shelters because people got shitty advice from a stupid cunt who uses a living creature as a fucking accessory for her fake image.
No. 460390
>>460289I think she wasn't necessarily a raging SJW, per se. But she made a lot of feminist and sex positivity videos which I found annoying and dumb. I wrote something on my medium-sized blog saying something about the asexual "community" and she tried to correct me. I just was personally not a fan of her kind of feminism then.
It's been a few years so I can't remember if she ever attacked anyone or no, but it's weird how she (apparently) did a 180 after she started dating a new guy. That is just not a sign of a good person to me, especially with how vocal she was before.
>>460304No, I haven't been keeping up with her. I just know about her videos from a few years ago. It's good to see that she seems to have changed for the better, but if she is really hanging out with people like June and Skep that is really fucky to me.
Oh well this thread isn't about Laci so I'll stop here.
No. 460391
>>460044>>Kek why so defensive?What is remotely defensive about that? Some of us use strong language. Grow a pair.
>>460045>>except he liked and was liking the camwhore pictures when they were also togetherThat’s fair, but it’s just not as glaringly obvious as say when Kiki does shit in response to the current discussions in her thread. It becomes a tin foiling slippery slope and overtakes the whole thread because anons are too autistic to wait for real milk.
No. 460423
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from 2013
No. 460591
>>460460She must be another one of those Americans who pretend to be "le 1/10 scandinavian" etc.
You were born, raised and currently living in America, your parents too, therefore you're American. End of the question.
No. 460876
>>460512Think about it, anon. She's always lived with her parents, never went away to school, never finished school, never worked for more than minimum wage, etc. Her youtube popularity wasn't based on effort, more so on timing, having "controversial" opinions for a woman, and being conventionally attractive. In fact, the only genuine effort she seems to put into anything is her looks. She's hasn't accomplished even the minimum amount that's normal for someone her age, so it kind of makes sense that she's immature and emotionally underdeveloped.
No. 460888
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>>460423>listed sexuality straightThat reminds me, can we talk about how full of shit she is about being bi? Having "woman crushes" doesn't make you bi and notice she says she'd only be sexual with someone she 'loves', doesn't that go against Grocery's threesome/poly fantasy?
Once again, she is lying to please others. For her neckbeards she states she's never had a sexuality until finding someone and for her asshole bf to cater to only his sexual needs which she mistakes as being part of their bdsm dynamic.
No. 461078
>>460888>>460893That's being kind. She says she wouldn't be romantic with a woman, and wouldn't be sexual with one either because she'd only be sexual with someone she loves. Supposedly.
She's obviously not bi (as we all know) but this might give enough of a loophole for Groceries to look for a unicorn for them. Lord knows June won't.
No. 461144
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nitpicking, I know, but hear me out
>what's on the GIRLFRIENDS computer while she cooks
didn't he just propose to her? When people propose to someone, they usually jump at any opportunity to remind everyone they're engaged.
Yet here Grocery is calling June his "girlfriend" when he just fucking asked her to be his wife like two or three days ago
God that makes his proposal seem like such an empty gesture.
Also, can we talk about the fact Grocery is snooping through June's computer while she's cooking for his ass? Kek, to pride himself as being alpha as fuck, it's pretty hilarious to see him openly admitting to snooping through his fiances computer while she is cooking for him like he's a child.
No. 461247
File: 1515041155908.gif (1.87 MB, 400x300, 1347535173286.gif)

>>458891Late to the party but WOW what a fucking mean thing to say lol! One minute he's all 'going to propose to my beautiful princess i customized the ring and everything' and she cried (although it just looked like dramatically smeared mascara to me) and one little MRA fuckboy scoffs and he goes 180 'nah marriage is stupid I only did it for convenience to get to my fuck toy' like that shit is fucking mean, if I were her that would have broken my heart and I'd shove that ring into his fucking eye
Karma is a bitch June, good luck!
No. 461343
>>461247the thing is, they don't have to get married for her to live there. he could just sponsor her on a partner visa. so…either he's just bluffing to his mra fuckboys to save face (sad lol), they're both genuinely retarded, or this is just a ploy to stop June from sniveling over his thicc tranny obsession until he can replace her.
I'm assuming it's the first one, since his success depends on his dipshit fans not deserting him for BETRAYING MUH BELIEFS, but that's fucking sad. god forbid you have an actual loving relationship with your partner without losing you job lel.
No. 461351
>>461343I think he's trying to just save face, even liking the traps seemed like pandering to me, just another thing for his weird mra fans to wack off to. You'd think any straight guy would be like 'nah that's fucking gay as hell' what an insecure loser.
Of course he couldn't be a fucking MAN, you know, and not let a fuckboys opinion get in the way of his fiances happiness, tell him to go suck a dick. Greg is going to put
everything before June, and if they do get married, I bet you anything he's going to brag about having this like perfect submissive slave wife and totally dehumanize her, it's going to be some disturbing shit.
No. 461364
>>461357See the only issue I have with that idea is that I think him getting with June was like lightning in a bottle. Like she's not gorgeous but she is pretty damn far out of his league, for a fat old man he got really lucky and should be grateful. I can totally see him cheating on her, but I think he'll just keep getting fatter and grosser, and I don't think he'll be able to leave her for a hotter, younger girl, like how would that even be possible lol?
If he leaves her for someone less attractive than she is that'll probably kill her though. She seems so self-conscious and if she lets herself go even a little in the marriage all that MRA stuff and insecurity will come crashing down on her and she'll blame herself. Pretty sad. Best case scenario the idea of seriously committing herself to this slob might make her wake the hell up and get away from all this, make something of herself. But who knows?
No. 461372
>>461364I see where you're coming from but I don't think so.
While his fan base is primarily gross sad men like himself, I guarantee as he grows in popularity and as being "SKEPTIC" and "RIGHT WING" becomes more mainstream among young people (it is, especially among high school wannabe edgelord kids) there is bound to be one girl who is mildly attractive and into all that weird DDLG shit willing to fuck him.
I know a lot of young women into DDLG and a good portion of them are decently attractive but have the lowest standards possible. I think the whole "little" thing goes hand in hand with extreme insecurity.
With his popularity, some 19-24yo wannabe edgelord girl who has a nicer ass than June is bound to pop up and stroke his ego until he drops June… Bonus points if she's a tranny.
No. 461432
>>460082I checked both her parents facebook. I don't see anything, but they totally could've and just put it on "friends-only" viewing. Her dad's facebook is on public for the most part and he's posted nothing about it. I wonder if they find it too embarrassing that they are consciously refusing to post about it to their friends and family.
Also, I find it kinda sad that her mom and dad post so damn much about Sarah but rarely ever post about June. In a way, I think they think June's "career" and "relationship" is an embarrassment. I can't blame them. They haven't posted photos or posts about June in months…and of the few photos both of them have shared that June is in, Sarah is in them too, so that's probably why they shared them. If I'm not wrong, June is the older sister, she had a head start WAY before her sister, but here June is, like 26 and living in her parents house, a college drop out, newly engaged to an embarrassing excuse for a man who treats her like shit, while her sister is 2-3 years younger, graduated college, employed and traveling Europe, talented photographer, and overall not an embarrassment.
It's not even lowkey anymore, it's obvious June's parents think she's an embarrassment.
June should really take note of her sister's life and try to fix her own, because at this rate, in five years, June is going to be that miserable divorcee cat lady that she likes to point a finger and laugh it right now.
No. 461465
>>461460that's not true. after so long of not having women, they really do seem to prefer trannies over women.
and obviously greg can get both trannies and women, it's not like he's an incel. and why would he like pictures of them if he wasnt actually interested? i mean, it's one thing to rt, but we're probably the only people going thru his likes, really.
>>461372>>461364ALL of these market failure men possess male sexual entitlement. why do you think he was cheating on the first wife? even she was still too good for him. why do you think he barely tossed any attention, likes, or public approval her way before this sham marriage? he has a history of being entitled and unaware of the fact that he's a fat, intellectually disabled 2/10 with a shit personality. i've seen countless uggo men cheat on out of their league girlfriends and wives. it doesn't matter how lucky they got. they always think they can do better, somehow, or that they'd prefer to have many than just one, even if they're less attractive.
>>461343they don't, but these are incredibly stupid people. LOTS of people are under the impression that just getting married will grant you all kinds of benefits when it comes to immigration, when you don't have to resort to marriage for similar benefits, or the benefits of marriage don't kick in immediately like they think. we already know greg and june NEVER research shit and get crap wrong all the time. they're very stupid people and i would peg them for the types that would assume marriage would get her over asap.
No. 461496
>>461465You don't "prefer" Toyota over Bentley when you're making 35k a year, anon. Beggars can't be choosers. They're free to pretend otherwise, however.
I know you just have a rage boner towards trannies, but you do know very little about beta males and/or how their jailhouse gay relationships actually play out (hint: it's quite a source of milk).
No. 461550
>>461545I wouldn't mention my daughters engagement either if she was getting engaged to annoying fatboi who admitted it was just for citizenship as well as their entire relationship revolving around """bdsm""" aka him putting her on a leash while he farts cheetos and having her suck his dick sometimes on streams, not to mention her massive insecurities he has a lot to do with to the point where she blatantly lies and shoops a lot just to seem ~smol but curvy~ when she's a lanky old stick
June just seems like an embarrassment and I don't blame them for wanting to distance themselves from her, doesn't june still live with them and have the neanderthal visit every now and then? I can only imagine their annoyance having their almost 30 yr old delusional male attention seeking daughter still live with them, she seems like a pain to live with as well as when skep visits to
No. 461557
>>461550She does still leave with them. But from what Greg is implying, they're going to move in together soon? so maybe she wont for long.
And yes, Greg visited/stayed with her in her parents home a lot. I can only imagine how fucking awful it must have been for her parents.
No. 461623
>>458891HAHAHA, Groceries is top notch autistic.
>>461537I don't think they think about her fanbase, if that was the case they would have everything private.
Anyways, I don't think they would ever get married. I mean, Groceries is known for caring a fuck about June, he isn't going to spend money to bring her ass to Canada and June doesn't make much money to eventually migrate unless her poor parents give her some money so she can finally stop leeching them but I don't think that they would that.
Also, they getting married without real experience living together lol.
No. 461878
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>June doesn't make enough money to eventually migrateNo? She is apparently counting moving to Canada as a business expense that her fans will pay for through donations so that they can have more consistent uploading.
She's such a fucking joke, kek.
I bet she will move to Canada though, once she reaches her 2000/3000 dollars a "bideo" goals. What else is she spending the money on? In the last 4 fucking years, her videos have been the same quality. She hasn't improved slightly in the time she has gained literally $2000-$4000 dollars a month from patreon.
I have no fucking idea where her money goes tbh, but she definitely has the money to move to Canada, I just don't see her as the type of person who could manage bills and responsibility, but I see her being a naive idiot and moving to Canada, and being overwhelmed by not having her parents pay for her.
Honestly, I don't even think she will rent her own apartment/house if she moves to Canada and would opt to living with Greg where he currently lives.
I guess this brings up a better question…where the FUCK is her money going? She hasn't improved video quality. She hasn't quit her job or anything because she never had one. She doesn't pay bills. She doesn't really go anywhere for her videos past the occasional neckbeard convention. She likely doesn't pay an editor or anything but her videos look like their made in movie maker. All the "SETS" and "EQUIPMENT" she references in her "things your donations help me buy" column are cheap shit like lighting (that couldn't have cost her more than $200) and a laptop which couldn't have costed her $1000. She could have got both of those things and more in the span of making ONE video and collecting her patreon donations. So where the fuck is all her money going?
No. 461916
>>461878I know everyone is different, and everyone ~leaves the nest~ at different times, but seriously…if I made as much money as June and I was STILL living with my parents, the first fucking thing I would do is move out. Why would you willingly choose to live with your parents at 26? Unless either she or one of her parents has some kind of undisclosed health problem that needs special care and attention. It's not like she's going to school and trying to save money in the meantime, or saving up for a car or some big expense. It appears that she makes serious bank, yet she willingly lives in her high school bedroom?
I'd really like to know why.
No. 461977
>>461944>>461909You can buy all the shitty wigs/clothes/makeup/etc in the world, but it's probably not going to spend 2000-4000 dollars a month. Maybe she's just dumb as fuck and spends thousands on cheap fashion that she never wears… but some part of me is assuming she is saving for the future or something…but the other half of me doesn't think she's remotely smart enough for that. Then again, she could totally be giving her money to Greg too.
Also, past fake tits, I don't think she has much plastic surgery. She obviously is still as ugly as ever. No minor changes have been made to her appearance.
No. 462008
>>461977>Also, past fake tits, I don't think she has much plastic surgery. didn't anons mention a nosejob or jaw shaving and shit?
>Then again, she could totally be giving her money to Greg too.I wouldn't doubt this, she's a female version of a cuck, she's prob giving him a bunch of money to "make up" for the fact "gold diggers and divorce rape" exists or some wage gap type of shit
No. 462055
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No. 462059
>>462055OT but I feel like I've seen rings like June's in catalogs my grandma shop in. The ring looks so fucking cheap kek. I don't care about engagement rings being expensive. Hell, I don't even think it's necessary. But it's really funny that he boasts about being so trad and how he treats June like a princess and then buys her this cheap ass costume jewelry looking ring from the jewelry counter at Wal-Mart.
Also that girls needs some hand lotion
No. 462080
>>462066kek. Also, her ring looks nothing like an engagement ring at all. Like, I thought engagement rings were supposed to be diamond in the center…
Wow, that ring alone made skep-douche a joke to trad guys everywhere.
No. 462341
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I just saw this and GOD they're fucking cringey
Also lol to skep-douche for using June's enormous head to cover up his fat boi stomach in this photo.
No. 463024
If any drawfags are feeling charitable,
>>461986 put this idea into my head of Grocery as Jabba the Hutt and June on a leash wearing a slave leia costume, looking up at him with awe.
No. 463372
>>463347Saw the tweet. Thought it was fucking ridiculous. In fact, I follow her, and I basically live on twitter. She posts dumb ass shit all the time and deletes it. Going to start screenshotting them.
Personally, my favorite tweets she almost always deletes are where she kisses the ass of "SJW" people's selfies and shit on twitter (the only reason she does that is to make them think she's their friend, so she can use them when she needs them) and then swiftly deletes the reply because all of her awful fans swarm in to insult the "SJW". Kek. She doesn't to it a lot anymore, but she used to do it so much.
No. 463433
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>>463347Here is one pic of it.
Holy she's starting to sound like the people she claims to be against. So what if it is a statement? Almost every fucken comedian makes some political/social statement in their act. Don't cry about it on twitter and get angry when people don't agree.
She is turning into a
triggered tumblr blog poster. The fact that she deleted them to save face makes it better.
No. 463475
>>463461Is June too oblivious to understand that the insult here is she thinks she's dating a chad when he's actually an lazy obese manchild?
They think every insult to their relationship is about their bdsm when reality no one gives a shit about their sex lives and thats what makes them so cringey.
No. 463487
>>463347Top kek, Dave Chapelle ain't shit, but he actually made a point, and yes it's a political statement as well, but that's how comedy is too. The only thing to be offended by is his wording, isn't that what she complains about those tumblr snowflakes doing?
And just to go full SJW myself for a sec, yes Dave has done some seriously transphobic bits before, he's said gross shit about women, he says
problematic shit all the time, but the fact that she always complains about outrage culture and snowflakes and evil feminists while going off against TERFS and whatever people say that offends her - are you an SJW or not, June? You can't have it both ways.
No. 463573
>>463487June's been white knighting for Ranting Feminist because one of her tweets ended up on a Hot Leftist Takes account, she took it personally saying to leave RF alone.
June's been doing the same for ContraPoints, who recently started getting more outspoken with her "blame everything that's bad on capitalism, also every gamer is a right winger".
No. 463766
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Going to sage because I dont know if this counts as milk but shoe in the past few days has been mentioned a lot on pol and is now even getting her own threads on pol because she freaked out about a livestream between sargon of akkad and richard spencer. If anons want me to post more I can but want to check first because not sure if this counts.
No. 463882
>>463766I saw her tweet and then those posts as well….but honestly, was it really a 'meltdown'? I only saw her tweet once about it and seemed pretty tame so maybe I'm missing something.
But it brings me to another point that I've been seeing a lot of people make. The "skeptic" community is serious incestuous with the /pol/, alt-right, white identitarian communities whether they like it or not. I'm not saying June or Skeptic are alt-right, but I guarantee a sizeable portion of their audience is. Just like Sargon, I have a feeling that they are going to have to choose what side of their audience they alienate: the alt-right side or the side that just subscribed for rekt feminist videos.
No. 463896
>>463461>>463786I could be wrong but I think she is right that people are not paying attention. Farmers are still not catching on - I think she does mean that him being Jabba the Hutt is fine/good. In some views of masculinity which maybe includes hers, a powerful man should not care about what anyone especially women think about how their body looks. If you're the feared top gangster like Jabba or Al Capone and you can have slave girls brought - being fat just emphasises how you don't NEED them to like you.
It's a split, woman's value her appearance, men's physical strength and power to take it. The idea of a man prettying himself up to try to be valuable for a woman would be absurd/pitiful within that system so visualising him as a slob with food spilled on him etc. is not 'owning' June for hypocrisy/delusion at all. That's how they want it to be like. It emphasises how much he 'owns' her - that he can be disgusting and she's still at his feet. That's the point.
No. 463907
>If you're the feared top gangster like Jabba or Al Capone and you can have slave girls brought >that he can be disgusting and she's still at his feet"that's literally what you said tho, and they're not very dominant and she has to baby him a lot 'it's okawy liwwle skeptic youre my big manly man man dnt listen to haters"
No. 463920
>>463907I was meaning to establish the fat boss archetype, and then say that he is HER fat boss,
whether they have a fully consistent realisation of that dynamic or not.
No. 463947
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>>463896Its not that deep, fam. Most farmers know Wig0nhead's delusions about her "daddy". Her saying people are "not paying attention" is not because people don't understand her POV, its that people are not falling for her BS she pushes about "daddy" all the time which is A) all women want him and B) all men want to be him. No one is "paying attention" because they are busy laughing at how desperate she wants everyone else to envy her and her life.
No. 463998
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>>460877How is it not obvious?
No. 464012
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>>464007that's why she has to lotion up her entire body obviously
No. 464052
>>463998holy shit, she writes like I did when I was a 12yo scene kid. She is the most cringe worthy person on the planet.
>i have add/adhd, i was going to take meds for it but my parents were like "nah fuck it, you're not in school who cares"why the fuck would her parents not have her take her ADD/ADHD meds because she's not in school? If you have ADD/ADHD to a point where you should be taking meds, you SHOULD be taking them. Holy fuck.
No. 464059
>>464053(sorry for the one deleted response, read your post wrong and thought you meant something else)
The sad part is that's probably true. In a way, I think the reason why she dropped out of college is because she had ADHD (along with the normal depression most college students have) and it was going untreated and because she didn't know she had it.
And since she quite literally couldn't focus or pay enough attention to be able to make the proper grades to get through college, she dropped out.
I'm assuming since she said "I'm not in school anymore" she found out she had ADHD after she dropped out. Either way, if she does have ADHD and is not on meds, she is not doing herself any good
>>464056that could also be a possibility
No. 464062
>>464060I don't know about that. If they were shopping for a label to put on their problem child, I don't think they'd be like "nah, we're not going to put you on the medication"
You're right about the overeager ADHD diagnosis thing though.
No. 464067
>>464063I'm sure ADHD is a cute personality quirk until you're actually a functioning adult who has to work and/or go to school. Then ADHD is a hellish curse.
Ugh, she reminds me of those Tumblr girls who think mental disorders are personality quirks and not crippling condition that can ruin your life if not treated.
No. 464069
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I wonder how many years it's going to take her to look back at her saying yes to Greg's proposal and be like "WHY?"
No. 464082
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Apparently Greg asked June's dad about if he could marry June before he proposed and he was happy about it.
Kek. I can imagine June's parents being like "THANK FUCK, we can get her embarrassing freeloading ass off our hands. And you're moving her to Canada? God bless you"
Sure June, they were so ~happy~ about it that they have yet to mention it at all on their facebooks, the same facebooks that they post ten-page essays about how proud they are of your sister on.
No. 464114
>>464067While that's common, it's not the same for everyone with it.
Some claim to even benefit from it and I guess it partially depends on what you're doing.
In her line of "work" it's not necessarily much of a problem.
No. 464115
>>463766>tfw you're not actually a white supremacist trad wife and it's getting harder to pretend you are >tfw your alt right fanbase is catching onPoor Juniekins.
>>463947Does she not realize how pathetic that comic is though?
No. 464134
>>463998so much lying, I felt like I could read the exact same thing on same basic cali bitch from 2009s myspace page
No. 464135
>>464121 She's only friends with people like Contra so she can set up "debates" where one of her wannabe intellectual right-winger friends get drunk and hurls insults at the "SJW" while she "mods" by laughing her ass off, because lol debate.
That's why after the Contra vs. Blaire debate got huge, she started looking for more SJWs who were stupid enough to sit in a stream for three hours and get screamed at. That's why she's befriending people like Marinashutup and Milo Stewart and all the rest. That's why she went from calling herself centre-right to "a liberal leftist who's just anti-sjw"
Also someone before said she's centrist at most, but those are her words. June calls herself "Just leftist" now. What happened to "radical centrist uwu"?
No. 464156
>>464147Just like she used to be
~edgy gamergate-r video game nerd ONE-OF-THE-BOYS tomboy~
and now she's
~smol cute ddlg submissive trad waifu~
No. 464260
>>464147the fact that Shoe keeps relabeling herself is hilarious. It's essentially better to not even label yourself in the first place, or not care anymore, to avoid all that.
I also find Blaire's gimmick funny, too because she used to be a left wing feminist.
No doubt people's views change with age, but they're obsessed with getting internet approval.
No. 464466
>>464135contra is the biggest lolcow honestly. he's a mess and a pretentious dick. he's EVERYTHING she should be mocking, but she won't bc he's a tranny, and she's basically a sjw herself and a troon stan. her brand is such bullshit. she's just as much of an sjw, except that she enjoys shitting on women more than the average sjw does. literally her following is JUST misogynists.
>>464135bc most centrists aren't tranny stans. she's adopting 'leftist' (LOL) bc most centrists (well, online, are men that are ok with trannies but won't pretend they have 'female brains' and go as far as june wants), so now she's a "leftist" bc the left is completely gagged by trannies and is just as misogynistic as the right. except that beyond batshit trans bullshit, she's not a leftist, or even a liberal, at all. how contra and hmbomberguy even talk to her is beyond me. greg mocks socialists constantly and she'll mock and shit on socialism (like she knows, or he knows anything about it) when she's with him, but i guess contra and hmbomber dont have that much dignity considering they'll sell socialists out just to be able to rag on radfems with capitalist anti-feminists
No. 464499
>>464486i could see her MAYBE liking the many twinkhons that follow her. i doubt she'd like any that actually looked like women.
but i dont even think it's as sexual as that. i think she just really hates women, as evidenced by her pre-internet bullying of innocent girls, calling them fat, flat, and ugly, for no reason, etc, and the transtanning and calling actual feminists ugly and being backed by 'feminists' and leftists is the perfect segue and opportunity from mean high school girl and not like other girls internet attention whore, to having her nasty criticisms now taken as civil rights activism and boosted by 'feminist leftists' who see nothing wrong with her misogyny bc they're all huge misogynists masquerading as feminists
No. 464531
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While June was always indeed an attention whore, it's sad she sold herself to being nothing more than a face for neckbeard edgelords. The fact that even her "fiancé" prob would never have cared for her if she went in the direction she wanted to do things instead of pandering to specific groups is telling they wont last long.
No. 464554
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i think shit like this is her trying to push pregnant tbh. she did the same thing with marriage. oh it's just a silly joke when it isn't. i know it's a silly meme, but i'm 100% sure she'd be up for making a trapbaby
No. 464561
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so she's claiming to have been working up until last year? uhhh
No. 464591
>>464576she hasn't been working there recently afaik. she definitely wasn't working there until last year.
No. 464677
>>464656That sounds like a bullshit story.
>>464621Pretty sure she was working at the makeup place until grocery talked her into monetizing her youtube.
No. 464719
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>>464466lemme be tinfoil hat-y here but
It doesn't seem like a coincidence that she adopted calling herself "just leftist" around the same time actual sjw-type leftists started adopting the "fishhook theory" aka "everyone who isn't on the left is basically on the far right"
But while this theory is easily arguable, she's not going to argue it. Because she's not remotely smart enough to and because she doesn't want to upset her new tranny sjw friends because she needs their friendship for later
No. 464797
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I came here to say something about the engagement, but I scrolled through the old thread first. This post in particular made my stomach drop a little bit.
>>441455I have trouble believing she's okay with this, and if she is, she really shouldn't be. Maybe she's a legitimate cuckquean? But I also remember her tweeting this comic once (see image)… It was a while ago, I don't have a screenshot.
Obviously it's a natural urge for a man to look at women, but the extent that he acts on it is a reflection of how much he respects the one he's with. Publishing that he's looking at these women for everyone to see (including them, he probably hopes) WHILE he's with his girlfriend that he hardly sees doesn't look so good. I doubt it feels nice either.
June seems to lack so much confidence in her own ability to reason that I wouldn't be surprised if he's convinced her that she needs to be okay with it. Or that she trusts him so much that it has caused some sort of cognitive dissonance where she's the one convincing herself that he's acting like a good partner. He /NEEDS/ to windowshop for other women because otherwise she wouldn't be able to reap all the benefits that come with being the property of a REAL man.
Anyway… I'm surprised they're going through with an engagement. I thought that they were both against marriage, but the mascara smears say otherwise! I hope it works out since everything else about this situation just makes me feel sad?
No. 464823
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5 days into the engagement and he's already liking more twitter hoe pics
No. 464825
>>464823Linebacker body. What an attainable bae.
No. 464840
>>464837Also, it's very likely that Greg has convinced her that caring about him liking/following camwhores is very un-little of her and if she wants to be a proper sub, she should let him do what he wants.
See, this is the problem with power dynamics in BDSM, if there are age differences or even just maturity differences, it makes it very easy for the "dom" to just use the "sub" because it's part of the ~kink~ when in reality, it's just them taking advantage of a delusional young person who thinks being treated like shit is what is supposed to happen. BDSM has a lot to do with being on the same page with your partner…and Greg and june are not on the same page.
No. 464847
>>464846Yeah. That's taking it a bit far don't you think guys?
Besides, why try to publicly embarrass her by snatching her wig when she's already publicly embarrassing herself on the daily by being "married" to Greg?
No. 464865
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>>464846>>464847>>464849Bawleeted a-logging for context.
No. 464867
File: 1515398500293.png (Spoiler Image,2.65 MB, 2207x2207, skepticlikes2.png)

>>464823Some more of Gregs twitter cucking.
No. 464875
>>464867Ya know, I was like "Well, I mean, they're camwhores, but atleast their in clothes, even if it's underwear" Nope. Of course he likes naked camwhores photos.
June has to see this. Even if she doesn't see him liking it in real time, she has to see "ArmouredSkeptic liked this" on her TL. and if she'd the jealous type she says she isn, this is fucking eating away at her and making her even more insecure. This is very likely why she lashes out at women so much. All that jealously she keeps pinned up inside her erupts when she finds any woman she can disagree with on anything. It's so sad.
No. 464903
>>464902not only shadman art, but incest shadman art. What a fucking wierdo loser.
I mean, June is sorta a loser too but ffs, she's better than Greg by all means. I'm baffled by how they're still together. June, get a fuckin gripppp
No. 464906
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OT but
if you ever for a second get to thinking that maybe Greg isn't an egotistical douchey unlikable loser, do remember…he likes his own tweet.
No. 464912
>>464840yes, but bdsm, unless the woman is dominant, is always abusive for women. there's no healthy female sub shit. it's all horrible and exploitative. this strain of it is terrible, and there is no good strain of bdsm where women are subs. it takes major advantage of subjugation that females face in every facet of our lives, so it's impossible to be done in a 'healthy' way, js.
>>464867ew. so she either isn't possessive or is so cucked that she'd defend this. it's really gross though. all of it, and this is so embarrassing. like, to me, it'd be bad enough if he did this on a private account that no one could see, but this is his TOTALLY PUBLIC social media for his online character. so trashy. she has no backbone or her priorities are fucked. confirmed that the marriage is just for optics, tho.
No. 464922
>>464912bdsm in general is kinda fucked. I mean, being abused is still being abused, even if you like it. That goes for male and female subs. Also, most doms are super shitty people in general.
>ew. so she either isn't possessive or is so cucked that she'd defend this.I think she is possessive or a jealous-type. I don't see a reason to lie about that. It's not like her audience is female and she says it to be relatable. I think Greg knows she's a jealous type and that's probably why he does what he does. That's why he cucks her at any opportunity he sees. Because he knows he can toy with her emotions.
This goes back into my theory that doms are just shitty power-hungry people in general. Having power over people almost always leads to people abusing that power and hurting people in the process. But if hurting is ~part of the kink~ then where is the line drawn? At this point, June has probably internalized the abuse because it's ~kinky~.
God help this girl. She's fucking dumb. I could give her a pass if she was younger and inexperienced in relationships and life, but she's 26 years old.
No. 464929
>>464922it totally is but i felt saying that too was an even harder sell. eroticising abuse should never be ok. there's something wrong w ppl that eroticise abuse. it definitely shouldnt be normalised.
>This goes back into my theory that doms are just shitty power-hungry people in general. Having power over people almost always leads to people abusing that power and hurting people in the process. But if hurting is ~part of the kink~ then where is the line drawn? At this point, June has probably internalized the abuse because it's ~kinky~.absolutely. but i do think her male followers like for women to be kind of possessive and virginal, almost. like, cutesy and possessive, but at the same time, totally ok with 'lewd' shit. that's why her fans try to defend her obvious lies about her being a virgin into her twenties. i think she's probably at least a little possessive, but then again, i see otherwise possessive women who completely tune out porn and all that kind of shit and defend it to the death. to me, that's not really very possessive tbh. i know my partner would be upset if i was cumming to the thought of fucking all kinds of dudes, and understandably so. why women defend or ignore men doing the same is beyond my understanding. we all know if lena the plug was in front of lord fartwad and showing interest, he'd drop june and her stick stems like a hot potato.
>God help this girl. She's fucking dumb. I could give her a pass if she was younger and inexperienced in relationships and life, but she's 26 years old.just kills me that she fights this hard to be publicly cucked and humiliated by a trailer-wide dimwit of a man with a walloping spare tire for a stomach and a bowl of jelly for a brain
No. 464932
>>464912that's a really weird and flawed take on bdsm.
>>464922if there's one thing we know about her, it's that June is jealous of pretty much all women.
No. 464934
>we all know if lena the plug was in front of lord fartwad and showing interest, he'd drop june and her stick stems like a hot potato.If literally any remotely thicc girl showed interest in his lard ass, he'd drop June. Thing is, June may be the only woman on the planet with so little self-respect that'd she'd fuck him. I wonder if he's convinced her that he's the best she could ever get. I worked with girls (and even guys) in domestic abuse situations before, they all were convinced they should stay because they couldn't do better, even if it was extremely obvious that they could. June reminds me of them SO much.
>just kills me that she fights this hard to be publicly cucked and humiliated by a trailer-wide dimwit of a man with a walloping spare tire for a stomach and a bowl of jelly for a brainThis actually made me laugh out loud. Flawless comparison, Anon.
>>464932if there's one thing we know about her, it's that June is jealous of pretty much all women.
I think that's why the MRA movement seemed so cozy for her. They hate women. She hates women. The only difference is that she hates women because she's can't be them and they hate women because they can't be WITH them.
No. 464937
>>464902Honestly, I don't see that much of a difference between liking it publically or just privately. It's the same shit. I mean the first one is more humiliating, of course. But lots of dudes do it privately and I think everyone knows that. Their girlfriends know it too, they just put up with it. Almost of all the men are porn users and/or camwhore admiers. It's just automatically implied within couples and society that they are. I don't condone it, don't get me wrong. It's just what it is. The only difference is that he's publically objectifies women. But you know he's an anti-feminist and it makes sense while he's so proud about it. Nothing surprising.
Also she follows and reposts one of these camwhores (the blonde one). Not her nudes, of course.
No. 464944
>>464937the difference is that i'd say most men dont humiliate their wives enough to do it publicly. both private and public are contemptible tbqh but it IS considerably better to not embarrass your partner with that shit, especially if your gf/wife/whatever is famous. he has even less respect for her than the average male, and the bar is already very low
>>464932it isn't. bdsm is harmful to women. like, 96% of women in bdsm relationships are submissive. women aren't able to freely choose submission the way men can because they're shoehorned by society into submission and subservience from day 1. it can't be a free choice for females the way it is for men.
No. 464950
>>464944you could say that BDSM is more harmful for women. But I think in general, it's harmful to anyone who is a sub. Also, it's important to remember the majority of subs are people who have power in their everyday lives already. And lots of doms are people who are mostly submissive in their day to day lives. That's why there are a shit ton of dominatrix's. Because women are, as you said, sort of shoehorned into submission.
The odd thing about June is that she seems to be a submissive and passive person all around. Even dating back to that 50 Facts about me where she says she forgives and forgets too easily. June obviously isn't like a powerful CEO who likes to whipped around in his spare time. She's a passive person who likes to please people, especially those who pay her attention. She has always been and will always be an attention whore. Being an attention whore is embedded in peoples personalities from day one.
No. 465009
>>464867>>464823Nevermind the fact June is retarded to be ok with him liking this shit because 'muh 24/7 bdsm, skeptic is a god who deserves many women' shit. What the fuck is up with him thinking to like this shit on his brand name. He's quoted he wanted to make a business with the 'armoured' name (cringe) and yet he's letting public people see his late night camgirl/twitterporn fab history session.
I'm conflicted if it's him wanting to look "alpha" (lol) or if he's a literally that dumb.
No. 465021
>>464867>ShadmanWhat a degenerate
I usually roll my eyes at the whole "My man better not be liking other girls' pics!!" bs, but this is a lot.
No. 465087
>>465021Liking other girls selfies and posts are one thing, but liking and following multiple camwhores (all of which you don't know or have an excuse to follow) is a lot. Especially when your girlfriend who you barely get to see is under the same roof as you for the time being.
June is sitting there in front of Greg and will do anything for his approval, not to mention they boast about how TRAD they are, so I'm assuming June would be down to fuck him any time specifically so she can please him, yet he chooses to fap to SHADMAN and camwhores.
In a way I'm like "Poor June, he is obviously treating her like trash" but at the same time, she's letting him…so I don't know what to say. I learned to stop fucking with guys who treat me like trash a LONG time ago, June needs to open her eyes. She's almost 30.
No. 465106
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>>465087not to mention how often he does it, even some bad bfs I know wouldn't stoop as low as liking millions of chubby camwhore pics all the while he's visiting his girlfriend with extreme insecurity issues that he's about to marry for fucks sake, and not to mention other people can see him doing this shit, he has no respect for her at all
even the stereotypical husband looking at dirty magazines while his wife is at the grocery store has the decency and respect to hide his dirty magazines, this guy is straight up liking pics from a fucking loli and incest artist, who drew keemstars daughter sucking a dick, while he's visiting his gf, not only that he does it in a place where everyone can see what pics he is liking
I swear, and this same guy has the audacity to call himself a gentleman meanwhile even hoodrats and white trash men have more respect for their wives/gfs/fiances and just women in general than him
>June needs to open her eyes. She's almost 30.I stopped feeling bad for june the second she ran around gloating about how bdsm they are and justifies gregs shitty actions by saying "he's a god", she acts like a little fucking kid playing pretend and yet she's almost 30 and just now got engaged to a greasy idiot with no respect for her or himself
No. 465158
>>465025Agreed, these two are not actually BDSM, it's stupid to consider them as "models" of BDSM. She's just a doormat to dick and he's all about inflating his ego. This whole ethics of BDSM conversation is misplaced.
>>465106Ew about the Keemstar's daughter thing. Does Shad have his own thread?
No. 465196
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>>465106On one of the hoe pics he liked, the replies were a bunch of his followers yelling "better hope June doesn't see this!" so it's not like he doesn't realize people can see.
No. 465207
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>>465158I think you're right about the BDSM thing. And aslo, Shad is fucking disgusting and not okay. Too bad enough of the internet loves his art that you probably couldn't find a big enough audience to discuss how much of a disgusting piece of shit degenerate he is.
and speaking of loli, doesn't Greg have a tendency to call how June dresses as "loli"? It just makes me feel so weird when someone compares how their girlfriend dresses to anime child porn as if that makes it hot. ugh
Also, why is he constantly dressing June up like a little girl when he's liking thicc milf (or just mature looking/dressing) camwhores on twitter? I get some people like variety, but there is a pattern with the girls he likes on twitter and it's the opposite of June.
(pic is of comment from before they were dating I think)
No. 465228
>>465207>Also, why is he constantly dressing June up like a little girl when he's liking thicc milf (or just mature looking/dressing) camwhores on twitter? I get some people like variety, but there is a pattern with the girls he likes on twitter and it's the opposite of June.All the womens pics he's liking are pretty fake too, but not surprising since june has implants, at least he's not boasting about how he likes natural women then turning around and jerking it to fake hoes
I feel like he WANTS june to feel like shit about herself, he doesn't ever bother complimenting her or liking any of her pics, calling women who are a similar size to her fat, he's giving rando cam whores more attention and affection than he's giving to june by just making her sit on a leash and suck his dick every now and then and calling it bdsm, what's even worse is the immense amount of effort june puts into her looks and she gets nothing out of it, all she gets is him liking cam whores on twitter
It's giving me a sense of secondhand embarrassment as well, she goes out of her way to be attractive, spends tons of money to do so, gives up the slightest bit of dignity she has so she can justify him liking fake hoes and loli on twitter, tells everyone about how the lazy fat greaseball is a "god", sits on a leash while he farts cheetos and sucks his yeasty chode, and for what? an aliexpress tier engagement ring and getting called beautiful and being proposed to, just to have grease 2.0 take it back on twitter and say marriage is low and he only did it for citizenship?
No. 465284
>>465275I don't think that will break her yet tbh, I think if skeptic starts talking about how hot girl number 2 is, spending more time with her than june, making almost every convo with june about how perfect girl number 2 is, how she's hotter than june, posting more on twitter about said girl than he is with june, etc
neither of them are nowhere near as mature enough to have a stable poly relationship, given most people who do give into the poly trend aren't mature enough for it either
also, I use to be like june and fall for the whole "be a cool gf and let your bf fuck other women" type stuff, it wasn't the actual him fucking her that got to me, it was the fact it felt like he cared about the other girl and would tell me about how better her ass and tits were than mine and would pay more attention to her etc that broke me
No. 465378
>>463998It was so hard to read that. Why does she write like a 13 year old on myspace??
Anyway, she says she takes 2-5 showers a day? That sounds really unhealthy.
No. 465379
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>>465196Lucky for june there are some thicc transwomen who want threesomes with the both of them.
june is lucky, she always gets the lookers!
(use spoilers) No. 465382
>>465379pls spoiler
>>465378I would to if skeptics coat of grease, yeast, dead skin and fupa was constantly all over me
If she's trying to pretend she cares a lot about hygiene and she ~clean~ then she should start by chopping off grease2.0
No. 465393
>>465379omfg, I just ate dinner. Spoiler this.
I'll give them 6 months before Groceries wants to have an open relationship with a tranny.
No. 465885
>>465805Yeah, this is old, but she still kind of types like this and it annoys the shit out of me. Not forgiving her for it being old tho. She was like 20+ when she wrote this and it sounds like a retarded child wrote it.
Also she still types like this to be cute. Like when she spelled "picture" "pichur"
>>458859And a billion other examples. If you follow her on twitter, you know she types like a 13yo girl. She very likely does it know so she can look quirky and cute…and like a little girl. eehh
No. 466418
>>466396>younger>a momThose are two big factors anon, not mention lainey and him started talking when she was very young, she most likely lost her virginity, first kiss, he was Her first real relationship, etc, she doesn't know what life without onion is like and its the only life she has come to known and deluded herself so far into this mess that she will never be who she was before once she eventually cuts the tiny thread their relationship is hanging by for the last few years not to mention the kids beside it
With june, she has no kids, most likely ever wont, only finally decided to get married, unlike lainey shes financially stable enough to leave and go on her own if she could even though she chooses to stay at her parents and buy makeup and clothes instead of being an adult, she didn't lose anything to skeptic besides her self awareness and dignity, genuineness and just morals and general, she's extremely attached to him or at least pretends to be, she can easily leave him, and he can easily leave her, and since greg loves to put the relationship on rocks to the point where june has to give up her self respect just to barely hold that shit together, who knows when there will be a breaking point or will they just end up like lainey and greg and just wallow along their pretentiousness, misery and midlife crises just for the abuse- I mean dom in the relationship to bring younger cuter women in and call it poly
No. 467396
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But June, isn't your life exactly like 50 Shades of Grey except your Christian Grey is fat, ugly and poor?
No. 467398
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No. 467492
>>466365>>466044I really hope she becomes misandrist feminist and ends hating groceries. Just imagine the tea she would split about him, his autistic antics, their delusional ddlg sex life.
sage for tinfoiling and dreaming.
No. 467806
>>467398this doesn't even make sense. She doesn't have anything in NY worth going back for. I'm sure her family don't want her back. Besides, aren't they getting married now? Can't he let her stay in Canada with him? Afterall, they're getting married and living together soon according to June.
So, maybe, just maybe, (ok, it's pretty fucking obvious) that the "proposal" was an empty gesture to get her thinking he actually wants anything more from her than to fuck her every once in a while. I can't imagine them ever getting married.
No. 467813
>>467398who's driving her to new york ? it would be even funnier if it was greg
also they're ready for marriage but not apparently ready to move in? what shit logic is this?
No. 467826
>>467813I mean, he drove down to NY to see her, and drove her up to Canada, it's very likely that he drove her back.
Maybe June's family wanted to see them or something since they are engaged now. But at the same time, they apparently knew they were getting engaged when Greg was down for Christmas so I doubt that.
Also, Greg nor June are mentally mature enough to live together anyway. And if it wasn't evident from his first marriage, Greg nor June are mature enough to be married either.
Their proposal seems like something they either did for attention, or was something Greg did because June was getting annoyed with him fapping to hentai and camwhores, and he didn't want to lose the only one on the planet willing to fuck his lard ass
No. 468192
>>468187Ofc June and Greg would adore this image.
It makes Greg out to look like the muscle-y alpha he tries so hard to tell us he is and makes June out to look like the slim-thicc ~smol~ fangirl she photoshops herself to be.
No. 468254
>>468235I'm sure her parents know how to give her bunny food and hay and change it's bottle every day or two. And if that's the reason why she's coming back, wouldn't it makes sense to come, pick up her bunny and go back to Canada? I just don't see why they're engaged and Greg doesn't even want June to live with him yet. Lol. I have no reason to believe June chose to go back home. She never shut up about being with him in the first place. If she could stay up under him 24/7 she would.
I think Greg got annoyed with her and dumped her ass back in NY.
No. 468309
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>>468291Anyone who gave a shit about their rabbit wouldn't put it in that small of a cage. Even to sleep in at night. Her rabbit is an adult. It should have a 6x2 cage plus floor time. If she doesn't have the room for a cage that big, she shouldn't have a rabbit. I know I wanted to rescue a rabbit so badly, but I couldn't give it proper housing at the time, so I didn't until I moved.
Also in some online rabbit owner news letter, June talked about how she "rescued" Ollie from a farm that was breeding rabbits and keeping them in bad conditions (if keeping them in a 2x1 pet commercial cage is what June considers okay, I can only imagine what conditions those rabbits were in) but then she says she chose the cutest one and paid for it. That's not rescuing June, that's supporting animal cruelty. IF the conditions were that bad, why didn't you just leave?
No. 468311
>>468309Also if she gave a shit about her rabbit he would not be on his own. Rabbits are social animals just like guinea pigs and can get depression if kept alone. stated before its clear she only has the rabbit for her "smol internet little uwu" image, like it annoys me this cunt does this to a living animal and she gets away with it. Ollie deserves so much better.
No. 468319
>>468311I was going to mention this, BUT some bunnies (like one of my guinea pigs) just don't like being around other bunnies and it causes problems if they are around others of their kind. But my guinea pig was abused before I got her, and June got Ollie so young I doubt he had any trauma that's cause him to be asocial since he was so young.
Ollie to June is like Tinkerbell to Paris Hilton. Nothing more than a fashion accessory. But at least Paris Hilton's dogs aren't shoved in tiny spaces for hours at a time (other than her purse)
No. 468435
>>468413Paris also never walked around calling herself a chihuahua expert all the while doing the TWO main things any owner should know not to do.
Literally, if you read any blog post or article for new rabbit owners, it will tell you 1.) they NEED a cage mate unless they have trauma that has made them asocial. And 2.) they need large open space (like outdoor time and floor time) but also a cage that is atleast 6'x2'
No. 468675
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>>468663Pretty sure it was a joke along the lines of how the rabbit "chose" her. The same way people will visit shelters and say any cat or dog that jumped at them "chose" them. I don't like the bitch either but your comment was cringier than what she wrote.
No. 468726
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Why does she keep referring to him as her boyfriend instead of fiance? He keeps calling her his girlfriend tool…
No. 468762
>>468726no clue, at least venus and her bf explain why she calls manaki boyfriend because they did it for citizenship and she feels too young for marriage
they have no excuse though, they're both old in internet years, her fiance is a divorcee who's a fat pile of shit looking at thicc cam whores, I wouldn't even doubt if he did it while they were in the same room, I know I know "hur dur I'm june I LOVE being a doormat to greasy groceries' but it makes her look extremely bad with all the "I'M SO PROTECTIVE OF MY BF" posts but can't even make him not spend most of his days gawking at thicc camwhores
No. 468997
>>464867>calls average sized woman fat>likes pics of lexxynichelle ?
I also find it ironic that june makes fun of an average sized girl for being pudgy and having "no tits" all the while her boyfriend is liking flat chested camwhores and chubs
No. 469063
>>468997It's her "women are bad men can do no wrong" mentality on top of her total insecurity.
She hates them and hurls insults at them because she knows they're hotter than her and get more attention from Greg than she does, and they don't even try to get his attention.
Not to mention June would NEVER blame a man, especially Greg for their bad behavior. It's the misogyny (ugh I hate the word) of the MRA ~skeptic~ side. Like feminism is blaming men for the cause of all problems, MRAs do the same with women. June literally thinks men can do no wrong (mostly because she needs their attention) and because of that, when Greg treats her like shit all it does is build her insecurity and hatred toward women he likes. Because they're the problem. Not Greg. Greg can never be the problem.
No. 469729
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Deleted tweet
No. 469817
>>469729Why does June feel she has to voice an opinion on it at all?
To stir controversy and get attention?
She's got bigger problems in her own relationship to worry about
No. 469979
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>>469833the video quality is so bad and the seem so bored/uninterested, i couldn't watch it for more than a minute.
i also usually find june to be good-looking. but in this video she looks the opposite. i think it's the heavy eyeliner and lipstick but idk.
No. 470091
>>470058I will laugh my ass off when he insists on a poly marriage with a transwoman and june becomes super jealous.
I wonder tho if they are doing this for their image? As other anons said up thread and you mentioned if this isnt gonna happen soon, why? There doesnt seem to be anything stopping her living with him (apart from the only reason being he actually doesn't want her to)
No. 470786
>>470725How do people find her funny? Like, her shtick was kinda funny in 2015ish but now it's just dead and recycled and you can tell she doesn't care for being interesting and original.
How do people watch her videos? Ugh.
Also, I'm noticing (just from photos from her meet and greets and her twitter replies) that she has a lot of young female fans and that is bothering me. Like, I don't think ~everyone needs feminism huhh~, but ffs, her retarded way of thinking doesn't need to be passed on to anyone. Anybody have ny idea as to why any teen girls would even be interested in her content? Beats me.
No. 470806
>>470786I use to somewhat like her back in 2015 and I was 19 going through an edgy stage and would post on /pol/ and had no real life experiences as far as feminism went besides the cancer side of it that the internet would only share.
Girls find her appealing because she states obvious shit regarding shitty people who happen to use feminism as a tool to be shitty. And back in 2015 it felt as if you were either all for feminism or against instead of looking at others as individuals. So you had a bunch a girl who simply related to not wanting to be called feminist based on what the internet was sharing.
There also just girls who want to appeal to neckbeard because they didnt get enough attention growing up. Either way June is shitty for not making videos on MRAs to show these girls the other side.
Saging for shitty long blog post
No. 470824
>>470091>will laugh my ass off when he insists on a poly marriage with a transwoman and june becomes super jealous.>whenAnon, I really don't think that will happen.
>>470786The girls who like her are just insecure teens that are ~not liek those other girls xD~ or ~one of the boyz :3~, and try to be part of what they think is some sort of counter culture.
No. 470833
>>470806I NEVER want to promote MRA neckbeard culture to young girls. Like, it promotes such shitty behavior and ideas. It's so lowkey casually misogynist and terrible. I doubt June would even care about MRA neckbeard bs if it wasn't for her wanting to gain the approval of gross guys, but I REALLY don't want young girls thinking that is okay. Like, I don't care if they're feminists or not, but being part of groups that so casually blame women for everything and put women down so often that it becomes normal.
I know for a small period of time I casually associated with that group of people, every girl who even barely associated with that group would be constantly harassed and bullied by guys for not paying them attention. It was disgusting how normal their shitty treatment of women is. They love to talk about male guilt and feminists making men feel bad for being men, but they make the women in their community feel like utter shit for being women.
And the fact June is like "join our shitty community, were all noice not leik duh evalll feminists" when in reality, feminists communities treat people more decently than anti-sjw communities ever have.
sage for long blog post idk
No. 470871
>>470833Yup and just to add on, channels like June never go out of their way to point out that there are hard working modern feminist activists that are good people who focus on serious matters that include male rights as well because they choose not to experience real people who do actual good in day to day society.
They only care about what people decide to tweet at them and what their collective of fans wants to hear instead of actually developing a healthy perspective to lead by. Partly because thats the only people who will throw money at them. It's just so shitty how whenever there is something negative regarding MRAs she immediately gets defensive and does the "not all" speech just like the groups she hates.
No. 471422
>>471407Dude, this was already posted.
>>470725Can you fucking newfags actually read the thread before posting? For the last two June threads it's been newfags posting shit that was already posted in earlier threads about June.
No. 471532
>>470796>>470800It’s literally because she looks really bad in HD. Her face is sorta bean shaped and she has small eyes.
She uploaded a trailer for her “new season” I guess at the beginning of last year some time? It was in HD and she suggested there would be more HD vids to come. But it was deleted within months. I remember being shocked because of how bad she looked in that vid since I always found her really cute and pretty before.
Not sure how to explain it. It was as if her face was made of half-risen dough.
No. 471631
>>471595I care.
Watching shoe0nhead's videos, reading her twitter and sometimes reading these threads makes me feel really terrible for being female too.
No. 471650
>>471631No one cares how you feel.
Sage your insecurities and woman up.
No. 471663
>>471650No. The poster who expressed her concerns as well does at least ;)
Don't be one of the reasons for problem and then tell people to overcome this problem on their own.
No. 471677
>>471663I see, this is a misunderstanding.
You're looking for some activist blog.
You stumbled upon a gossip chan.
No. 471686
>>471663>>471631>>471568Sage your fucken shit jesus christ these newfags have been extra bad lately.
Also no cares.
No. 471688
>>471677Nah, discussing shoe0nhead was what I was looking for so I'm not mistaken. Doesn't change stuff I said though ;)
>>471686No, we care for each other and there's a lot of women like us here ;)
You people are easily annoyed though. Experiencing some issues, perhaps?
(you didn't need to write 3 unsaged posts about this) No. 471706
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>>471532She's actually quite chubby as well. Idk why she keeps up with the lie that she's 5'1 and under 120…anyone with eyes can see that isn't true kek
No. 471770
>>471753Her body isn’t bad. Her face might look better in person or something but it definitely doesn’t look like her Instagram pics. Whatever, though, everyone uses filters. It’s just lame since she’s trying to pedal the ~not like other girls~ schtick alongside a physically unattainable ideal.
Like if you’re going to oppose feminism while puppeting yourself as an MRA wet-dream WHILE ALSO being aware of your impressionable young female audience- which btw her response to discovering she has female fans has always been kinda gross/disturbing in and of itself but that’s a diff convo- then you’re doing more harm than good for the people you claim to be liberating.
No. 471838
>>471706>Idk why she keeps up with the lie that she's 5'1 and under 120she's insisting she's under 100 actually with a 23 inch waist
I don't think she's chubby though, just delusional and too in denial to buy a bra with a bigger waistband and a bigger shirt so her shoulder fat doesn't spill out
my guess is that she's getting insecure about skeptic liking thicc ladys pics, and now she is trying to gain weight but doesn't realize she isn't the wide hiped pear she wants to be so badly and is gaining the weight in her shoulders, arms, back, and waist
for her height, she's short, but she clearly isn't 5'2 ir 5'1
No. 472737
File: 1516147187682.png (265.81 KB, 1223x1751, IMG_2301.PNG)

HEs always liking pictures of women who are the exact opposite of June.
No. 472757
>>472717The pessimist effect, same with lexxynichelle to, like how she gloated about how pear shaped she was and how she was soooo unpropotional with a "big fucking ass" we see her body and she's shaped like a linebacker and she has no ass, and it's not she has no ass she's actually averaged sized in the ass region, its just she claimed to have this big ole butt so a big butt is what you expect to see, since she doesnt have one it will appear smaller
For june she claimed to be this qt smol pear with curves, photoshoping and lying about measurements, we see her irl and shes shaped like a skinnier version of lexxynichelle with smaller legs and hips and tan skin
No. 473439
File: 1516205447322.gif (892.13 KB, 300x300, 6779760809.gif)

>>473378what? i thought all of these pear, apple, banana shapes were about how fat distributes itself on your body. if it goes to your ass and thighs, and you have a small waist and no boobs, then you're a pear-shape. if your fat goes to your ass and boobs, and you have a small waist, you're an hourglass. if it goes to your boobs, waist, and upper body, then you're an apple.
it's not about if you have a wide or small hips or whatever. if you have wide hips but all your fat goes to your waist, then you're not a pear-shape.
hourglass is the most "feminine" imo. i have a pear shape and i don't like how disproportionate it looks. so i don't understand why there's youtubers gloating about how pear-shaped they are.
sage for being blatantly off-topic
No. 473448
File: 1516206166567.jpg (49.9 KB, 640x920, 1497594595171.jpg)

>>473439Kinda, it's more about wideness, fat has some to do with it, like if you're flat with a big butt but you have giant linebacker shoulders and a wide chest you're not pear shaped
> if you have wide hips but all your fat goes to your waist, then you're not a pear-shape.yeah because it makes your waist wider, you can be an apple but also have your butt stick out like crazy as long as if you have a wide waist, narrow hips and narrow shoulders
> i have a pear shape and i don't like how disproportionate it looks. so i don't understand why there's youtubers gloating about how pear-shaped they are. it's what's considered attractive, no one cares about "disproportion" that they claim to have but they actually don't, the only time the so-called disproportion actually matters is for giant oversized boobs or shoulders, not "oh no I have supposed anime hips and a tiny waist woe is me", then again most girls who claim to be pear-shaped actually aren't, like when lexxynichelle ranted about "teehee im soooo pearshaped and unproportionate I have a hard time fitting in pants" turns out the only thing disproportionate was her giant arms, shoulders and tiny tits. The only people I've ever seen that are truly disproportionate are IG models who overdid it with plastic surgery, celebrities, or lymphedema/other health conditions like the 6 foot butt girl
No. 473524
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>>473500I do think it is supposed to be a joke, anon.
No. 473557
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Both of them have gained quite a lot of weight in the past year. Even skeptic wasn't as fat a year ago as he is joe. Shoe still had her line back shoulders but she still was quite thin.
No. 473566
File: 1516215254940.png (135.62 KB, 1242x912, IMG_2322.PNG)

>>473562Her shoulders are really weird. It looked ok when she was thin but now that she's average weight she just looks really fat. The sad part is no one would have noticed her weight Gain, real height and shoulders if she wouldn't have gone around pretending to be some tiny elf like Loli when we all have eyes to see that's not the case kek
No. 473601
File: 1516217237096.png (606.86 KB, 582x904, Untitled.png)

"32 inch chest 23 inch waist and 37 inch hips and I'm 96 pounds and 5'2!"
sure jan
No. 473784
File: 1516227914999.jpeg (26.18 KB, 500x374, D50B1CB6-6235-478D-ADEB-69D58A…)

>>473566Fat? Lmao ok seek help ana-chan
No. 473910
>>473875>Also does anyone have proof about her tits being fake?No legit proof, although anyone who isn't a moron or blind could see she had implants, there are some photos of her being flat before growing magic perky big tits though but people will just claim she grew
there's this site looks an awful lot like june and the patient was 20 so it would make sense since she was above 20 since her implant pics surfaced, if she had a belly ring around that time then it would be an instant give away, but I doubt there would be any cold hard proof unless the plastic surgeons for some reason show the patients face in the before and afters, if she was on a plastic surgery list, if she is a dumbass and accidentally gives out proof, if she was on myfreeimplants or some other funding site for it, etc
No. 473934
>>473910the breasts and nipples look a bit different, but it's not too far off. however, the patient has a back tattoo, which june most likely doesn't have.
it'd be interesting if any kind of concrete proof could be found, but i doubt any can/will for the reasons you listed.
No. 474480
File: 1516291802414.png (1.19 MB, 1162x948, lol.png)

saw this on twitter
No. 474737
File: 1516306484141.jpeg (130.71 KB, 1024x1024, DT2Oy5AXUAEfr9N.jpeg)

I cringe every time their fans draw groceries normal looking and skinny because you know that how he sees himself.
No. 474836
File: 1516314733891.jpeg (314.71 KB, 640x1006, B9ACE53F-64AA-40FA-8054-50CACC…)

>future baby daddy
No. 474841
>>474836>she is more successful than him on yt>"he's my manager"lmfao, how longer are they going to play pretend and june has to baby him?
"it's okawy skeptic ur my big strong manly man u control everything u r god you can be a lazy piece of shit all you want"
No. 475170
File: 1516335349708.png (52.22 KB, 594x284, two for the price of one.png)

/tv/ is having a June 'n' Groceries thread.
another sample post:
>what do you like about her exactly? her long philtrum?
No. 475380
File: 1516372158201.png (607.22 KB, 603x889, eeeeewwww.png)

"stop kink-shaming" they said.
No. 475412
File: 1516376968833.jpg (47.49 KB, 800x408, _20180119_104149.JPG)

With this attitude it just shows her future is bleak as far as remain 'smol uwu' forever.
It also explains why she liked staying around 96 when she was popular, she looks so odd and puffy at a normal weight. She also probably eats like shit, and once she starts living with fat groceries it'll get worse and ironically become the typical "now i can get fat!" wife she use to make fun of
>inb4 some one calls me an ana-chan
No. 475434
>>475412Her age and metabolism is catching up with her and she failed to realize she doesnt have good fat distribution at all
Also didnt she say greg made it clear she would be 3/10 if she didn't have the supposed measurements she pathetically lied about? Explains why he likes camwhores so much
No. 475447
>>475170>>475345Fucking kek that thread had quite a few scathing posts in them (apart from the incels crying over their shit waifu fucking jabba the gutt)
>>475434Fucking hell, I knew gregg was a shitstain but i'm surprised he'd be that shitty to his "beloved" wig0nhead.
No. 475463
>>475444>why are you obsessed with that?why are you obsessed with me? this thread isn't about me you don't even know me lmao, go back to the looney bin
>Why does everyone discuss this superficial stuff interesting only to people like you? I bet there must be something more serious and ''milky'' to discuss.One, again, you don't know me, so why act like it's only interesting to "people like me"
two, it's because of how she acts, she's obsessed with her body, lies about measurements, photoshops, tries to come off as some petite pear when in reality she's an inverted triangle, literally said herself that groceries would think her body is 3/10 if she didn't have 32-23-37 measurements, which she never even had in the first place,if she didn't feel the need to bring her body into everything most of us wouldn't care, that's the thing, it's fun to make fun of because that's what she always brings attention to
(infighting) No. 475470
>>475463Ignore the white knight anon, it may be june herself given how
triggered it is we always get them on june's thread, your post is relevant so i dont see the issue.
And given how much of a cunt she is about other womens looks, even those just in the background as shown on her facebook pics in the thread,its funny people try to defend her looks on here of all places. Other cows who are not nasty about others looks have the shit ripped out of their looks on here far worse than june.
No. 475508
>>475472That makeup up tutorial is all kinds of retarded, but June is just as bad trying to appeal to the neckbeards by going 'there's no issues in the workplace and women are never ignored or brushed over at board meetings and important events.'
They're both cringy af.
No. 475512
File: 1516387606295.gif (134.13 KB, 287x344, 2ee.gif)

>>475472Not gonna lie, it was incredibly difficult to get through that video. June constantly defending all men are angels while Women DON'T HAVE TO SHAVE OR WAX . YOU CHOOSE TO.
I actually got into an argument years ago with some asshole on fb because he said any woman who didn't shave their genital area is filthy and disgusting. like wtf. It was awful. There are genione men out there who think a woman has to have a 20 inch waist while being completely hairless everywhere. These men do exist. June defending men so hard is pathetic and sad. Then again she is getting married to Groceries, and i bet he thinks women should be wearing makeup and hairless 24/7 too.
June is a female version of pic related
No. 475650
>>475472Kek even at her thinnest she didn't look 99lbs. I'll say she was at least 110-120. She looks about 130 now.
I'm guessing she's 5'5 at 130.
No. 475652
File: 1516399857756.png (370.33 KB, 1242x1503, IMG_2334.PNG)

>>475650This was June in 2016. 99lbs my ass.
No. 475660
File: 1516400102744.png (217.24 KB, 1242x1476, IMG_2336.PNG)

>>475652She was thin but not 99lbs obviously
No. 475671
File: 1516400588818.jpg (150.69 KB, 1200x1803, IMG_2338.JPG)

>>475660And for comparison this is what a woman at 5'2 99lbs looks like. Even is we ignore June's weight her proportions are not like someone who is 5'2. Look at her long arms, legs and her big hands. She's obviously at lleast 5'5.
No. 475822
File: 1516409842168.png (1.33 MB, 1556x2508, groceryandwigonhead.png)

wanted to draw one final shitty comic. I just dislike them so much.
No. 475845
>>475822I love this, anon.
>>475652This is not 99lbs. 99lbs is either very thin if they're taller, or is literally like a petite girl.
No. 475858
File: 1516413117671.jpg (138.43 KB, 750x1200, IMG_2340.JPG)

>>475845Pic related is 5'3 at 99lbs. June has never been that thin.
I'm guessing she was like 115 trying to pass it off as underweight.
No. 475882
File: 1516415853201.jpg (2.64 MB, 3456x5184, kat.jpg)

>>475867shes not short tho and 99% of short girls dont have long limbs. if they did, they'd need to have abnormally short torsos, which june doesnt have. she's like 5'5-5'6. for example, here's toopoor. she's 5'2, has comparatively long limbs for her body (and even she admits she makes her limbs look skinnier/longer), and compared to
>>475660, her arms look reallly, really, really short, even though they aren't.
No. 475892
>>475871It should also be noted that June is closer to the camera and is standing completely straight. Laci is bending a bit and said that she is 5'1. Also, height fluctuates so I would not be surprised if neither of them are exactly the height they say they are.
>>475873I'm not saying that they look completely the same but acting like the difference between their bodies is huge is delusional.
>>475882Many white girls have long limbs, including the short ones. See it all the time. Not to mention that limbs will look longer if they are being stretched like how June is doing in that photo.
No. 475898
File: 1516418046735.jpg (81.13 KB, 615x820, Ariana-Grande.jpg)

>>475892this is what most skinny short girls look like. normal proportions, not very long legs and long arms. as i said, on a short girl, if a woman has very long legs and arms, she'd need to have a short torso to remain short, otherwise, she'd just be normal size. june has an overall gangly body. she's not short.
No. 475910
>>475898>she'd need to have a short torso to remain short, otherwise, she'd just be normal sizeanon that's not really how it works.
>>475908idk what anon is talking about, your height is literally just that, height.
No. 476038
File: 1516443921868.jpg (548.77 KB, 1054x1067, _20180120_211143_mh15164438125…)

I really don't think she's 5'5" or 5'6"… Every picture you look at she is always head level with Greg's shoulders, if she's 5'5" that would make Greg really fucking tall and I don't believe he's that tall. June is 5'4" max. Laci is probably much shorter than 5'2" as someone claimed.
No. 476047
File: 1516446165398.jpg (58.42 KB, 698x400, IMG_2346.JPG)

>>476038IF he's 6'3 and June stands at his shoulders that would make her about 5'4-5'5
No. 476048
File: 1516446234005.jpg (171.38 KB, 742x1024, IMG_2347.JPG)

>>476047This is what a 5'1 woman looks like with a 6'3 man. Literal midget tier.
No. 476049
File: 1516446499002.jpg (105.05 KB, 761x1024, IMG_2348.JPG)

>>476048Of we look at June compared to skeptic 5'4-5'5 makes sense
No. 476058
>>476038she clearly is. look here.
>>459836he's 5'5, and if she didn't have her head tilted back and to the side, she'd be taller than him.
No. 476059
File: 1516448042156.jpeg (155.17 KB, 400x533, 2011-09-28-12-05-28-5-the-pare…)

>>476049yes. she's not even standing uip straight here. again, she has her head down and to the side to make herself look shorter.
5'0 and 6'2 here
No. 476060
File: 1516448191530.jpg (82.91 KB, 576x484, IMG_2352.JPG)

>>476056She's about the same height as Chris ray gun(the dude with glasses)who is 5'5
No. 476062
File: 1516448264072.jpeg (164.04 KB, 400x533, 2011-09-28-12-05-28-9-funnyman…)

>>476059here's the perfect comparison: baron cohen is 6'3 and isla fischer is 5'3.
No. 476064
File: 1516448820814.jpg (189.29 KB, 1500x936, laci, sargon, groceries, sargo…)

>carl of swindon is tilting his head
>no idea what Laci's tippy-toes situaton is or if carl is hunching down
at least one of these people is going to have to get arrested to establish a definitive height. cough sargon cough.
No. 476071
File: 1516450107206.jpg (137.92 KB, 1000x1000, sargon, nullsbane.jpg)

…and this unnamed individual who is legally barred from discussing the band Evanescence or their lead singer Amy Lee listed his height as 5'7" on OKcupid.
google says the average height of a human head is 9.4", which would put groceries at about 4.7" taller than sargon? and if Evanescence's #1 fan is 5'7", sargon looks 5'9"ish?
No. 476073
File: 1516450228502.jpg (166.15 KB, 1200x900, C8JUEyYUIAIz4Jq.jpg)

>>476060To be fair, it's not unlike a manlet to lie about his height. Chris might be a bit shorter than 5'5"
Well, I just asked several "fans" she's standing next to in meet up pics how tall they are. So we'll see how that goes I guess.
No. 476083
File: 1516451530545.png (310.89 KB, 1242x1167, IMG_2353.PNG)

>>476078She does it in every photo lol she's a pretty woman, she's become so become so obsessed with looking like a child. I noticed she didn't start buying cosplay and Loli stuff until she started datin skeptic.
No. 476117
>>476083>I noticed she didn't start buying cosplay and Loli stuff until she started datin skepticDef. She's stated on her how she oh so suddenly went from being a tomboy to liking girly but, it more like going from young adult feminine to loli. If you look at her old instagram she clearly was always somewhat into girly/feminine things but, not the "uggu uwu stuffies, chokers, etc" that came when she started dating groceries.
And i think he was always into ddlg bdsm and they're lying about when they say they just "ended up in that dynamic". She naturally acts waaaaay to mothering/providing to him on social media. If it weren't for their size difference I'd think she was cg in the relationship and that's probably one of the reasons why the overly focus on their height/weight difference and why groceries wants to keep pushing about how ALPHAAA he is despite everyone knowing he's not at all.
No. 476153
File: 1516462756874.gif (1.91 MB, 500x281, 1515173137613.gif)

>>475822The panel of Grocery turning his head going "Hmm?" sent my sides into space. Great one, anon.
No. 476192
>>476049I’m a little over 5’5” and my boyfriend is 6’3”. My head is just below his chin and even if I titled it, it still lands above his shoulder. I mean Greg could have a shorter neck and skull but that’s a stretch.
June is definitely pretty short. Maybe 5’3” instead of 5’2” but her wig could honestly be giving her some extra height at the top of her head lol.
No. 476457
File: 1516494590815.png (1.27 MB, 1045x1324, five4.png)

I think June is wearing small heels, but here you go.
No. 476538
>>476457Holy shit she looks awful. And those dresses are meant to make you look slim.
Off topic but, the short haired girl is a cutie and June look uncomfortable that one of her fans is cuter and smaller than her
No. 476677
File: 1516517640571.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180120-173550.png)

Yeah, I'm with the other anons on here who deny her "uwu pear-figure, 32-23-37 measurements" claims she spouts all the time. Her shoulders look broader, or at least on par, with how wide her hips are in pic related. Silly how she feels the need to lie about her measurements to appeal to her neckbeard audience.
Also, kek at her having a phone case with fanart of her and Skepdick on it. How insecure is she?
No. 476684
File: 1516518599257.jpg (41.86 KB, 400x600, 85584eefb3195ecce95d3f2a4f0c72…)

>>476677i think you can have shoulders as wide as your hips and still be a pear if you're bottom heavy.
like beyonce's shoulders are the same as her hips, but she clearly is bottom heavy, so everyone says she's a pear. june, however, has the tiniest legs possible, and no hips, so it's 100% impossible for her to be a pear.
also it annoys me that she wore a star wars sweater when she didnt even see the series until like last year and only just watched the prequels like 2 months ago.
No. 476722
>>476652Agree….was wondering if I was stuck in an echo chamber.
Haven’t you autismo-Chan’s had enough of this bullshit eight conversation? You’re beating a dead horse and don’t bother to fucking sage.
No. 476773
>>476740>>476722I think the issue is that she only puts out two videos a month, and even then the videos are your average run-of-the-mill, anti-feminist videos that feature a bunch of regurgitated anti-fem points that are very low effort to make. June's own videos basically amount to "men r poor angels who you can't hurt!" or "haha, cringy feminists, amirite!" most of the time.
She's starting to become washed-up and even her viewpoints are too shallow to have a real discussion about, seeing as she continuously goes after the same low-hanging fruit each video, and everyhing that comes out of her mouth is a watered-down version of anti-fem topical points. She does nothing innovative to spice things up. Even her camera and eyeliner are stuck in the late 2000s.
No. 476784
>>476779She renamed her alt channel from "Shoe0ffhead" to "Shoe & Skeptic" when his has just remained as "Armoured Media".
She needs to find an identity outside of him, she's 26. I don't doubt she could probably do more with her videos than what she does now, but she's just so enthralled by her relationship with her fat neckbeard fiancé to do anything creative
No. 476803
>>476796The only reason June gets made fun of for that is because she rudely makes fun of other women and claims to be so smol when she's clearly lying about her height and weight. Plus it's pretty obvious that she reads this thread and gets
triggered by it because after people called out her weight gain she posted about it the next day.
June of very insecure about her femininity which is why she wants to be small and underaged so badly. She even acts like older women are jealous of her because she's with skeptic.
No. 476807
>>476294Irrelevant to topic, but I’m very sure of someone I know irl’s height…
I don’t think June is lying about her height. Adding 20 pounds when you’re that short is the difference between a healthy weight and being an amorphous lard ass.
No. 476814
>>476685I watched their review of TLJ and that girl did not have a single opinion of her own except “umg qt aminals”
Everything she said either piggy-backed off of something he said or started with, “Oh beb wut did we think abt this part again?”
No. 476820
File: 1516549489239.jpg (93.15 KB, 800x796, IMG_20180121_103841.jpg)

Not enough info to confirm its him but years of experience lines up with how long they've been dating, right area, name and age, 'bi curious'(for those tranny camgirls).
Mostly wanted to know what you guys think? If groceries is dumb enough to openly like camgirls on his twitter, i bet he has some open accounts to be found
No. 476831
File: 1516550821947.jpg (84.92 KB, 800x674, IMG_20180121_110157.jpg)

The only other post from that account is him responding to someone else looking for a hook up in ontario. I'm still no confident saying its him but, it's interesting how it close aligned it is.
No. 476832
File: 1516550852819.jpg (85.74 KB, 538x566, IMG_2361.JPG)

No. 476833
File: 1516550886482.jpg (311.42 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20180121-000757.jpg)

I've never noticed this on her Instagram feed before, but is this one of Groceries' masterpieces? It looks so bad, I'm dumbfounded why you'd want anyone to see your art if it looks this horrendous.
No. 476840
>>476835junes tumblr or curious cat or whatever. she's a fucking idiot.
>>476833lmao could it be hers?
No. 476862
>>476857Wanting to do something really isn't that bad as long as you don't actually do it and if you comprehend that it's not a healthy or normal want and you get help for it. I agree with her that thought policing is stupid. Pedophiles would actually get help easier if people stopped thinking that pedophilia is a synonym for child molester, and if they get help, their urges to fiddle kiddies actually can go down. Calling pedophilia a "kink" is gross tho. It's only a kink if you want to fuck an actual adult who acts like a kid, and even then it's pretty nasty
>>476739I believe they will never get married. Groceries will continue on getting fatter and grosser and he will get tired with June having no personality on her own, and he will get side chicks left and right. I also believe that they won't move in together any time soon. June might accidentally "forget" to take her birth control pill in a few years to get things moving. After shitting out a kid she would go get some plastic surgery to still seem desirable.
I hope they will produce more milk soon, this thread is kind of dry at the moment. Luckily they both enjoy attention too much to not be idiots on social media
No. 476863
File: 1516554940863.jpg (210.06 KB, 1054x614, Screenshot_20180121-091133.jpg)

>>476814I'm guessing from pic related that the only thing June likes about the SW franchise are the fanfics that get pumped out and the porgs because "qt uwu animalz". Oh, and to appeal to Greg, of course.
No. 476866
>>476832>"anime will help you not want to fuck children"I know she's joking but whew.
>>476862Saying that pedophilia is wrong and alarming is hardly "thought policing". Afaik there is no cure for pedophilia, if the moral pressure is all that prevents someone from touching a child then that's good enough.
No. 476938
>>476832>>476832>we can't really thought police themWe better fucking should, and owning/making child porn is illegal, IMO all pedophiles should be investigated monthly for child porn and hooked to lie detectors to see if they touched any kids, the guilty ones should get their asses thrown in jail forever, not 1 yr like they usually do if they get caught, sad thing is most pedos roam free
Also pedos who have it as a "side kink" and are attracted to grown women too are more dangerous, a lot of them will have kids with grown women and molest children, being molested by a family member is more damaging than a stranger, but june doesn't care about children's safety considering the amount of time she spends sexualizing them for daddy, prob why she's defending the ones who are attracted to grown women too, greg IS one and she knows it
No. 476978
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No. 477044
File: 1516569687211.jpg (196.18 KB, 1075x674, Screenshot_20180121-131635.jpg)

June tries to fit in with all parties, and I think that's why she gets a lot of flak. She can't commit to one side or ideology, as it's in her nature to try to appeal to everyone for attention, so she comes off as wishy-washy.
No. 477144
File: 1516574762117.jpg (27.53 KB, 800x421, _20180121_174141.JPG)

She forgot to say being smol and having a 23 inch waist uwu. Maybe now that she's chubby she knows better than to talk about physical looks.
No. 477350
File: 1516588461383.jpg (964.79 KB, 4096x2011, IMG_20180121_183324.jpg)

Kaiba doesn't deserve this
No. 477381
File: 1516590871035.jpg (305.49 KB, 1191x670, a71424134c9a4aa94aad3e61eb4f63…)

>>477350I hate to go off topic but, I wish there was thread for skeptic channel fan artists cause there is so much cringe
No. 477409
>>477381I’ve never seen so much fan art about youtubers let alone adult youtubers that create content regarding “adult” themes (basically anyone that talks politics/culture/is not Logan Paul).
Are children drawing these? Some of the art definitely appears so. I just can’t imagine a grown ass person taking the time to draw the “cool rational” youtubers. Has to be an edgy teen.
No. 477428
File: 1516594186162.png (289.12 KB, 1080x1163, 20180121_200751.png)

>>477417They're both still following each other on Twitter though?
No. 477430
File: 1516595168332.jpg (376.75 KB, 1073x1115, Screenshot_20180121-202353.jpg)

>>477417Samefagging, but Shoe's response to Contrapoint's video.
No. 477492
>>477417"hontrapoints" lmfao
He's probably dropping June bc he's getting "TERFd" a lot recently despite him still being 100% fucking insane and shes so up their asses that she'd probably "terf" him too lol
No. 478156
File: 1516660858726.png (112.15 KB, 1080x988, 20180122_143834.png)

Is this the first time she's actually called Greg fiance instead of "boyfren :3"?
No. 478220
>>478191If I were her I'd be hauling ass and working as hard as I can to get that Canadian citizenship or visa so I could actually live with my fiance that I claim to love so much and couldn't live without.
…Or, you know, I could just sit around and complain on Twitter about something that can easily be changed. I'm just assuming Greg can't handle having her over for more than a few weeks at a time, or else he starts to get fed up with her. 10/10 relationship, would do
No. 478223
>>478220you wouldn't really need to haul ass if you were june if you make 2k for each shitty video on a shitty computer she can take everywhere so she can't use the ~oh i need to work here~ excuse
plus its not like she pays rent or bills with the 2-4k she makes a month, she spends all her money on makeup, wigs, and clothes, guess she can't take a break from ordering yesstyle clothes that barely fit now to move in with her fiance she claims to like so much, you'd think by now they would be moved in together, even yumi and splenda moved in when they were fiances and they claim to be so traditional
June and greg have no excuse, at this point it's just pathetic
No. 478233
>>478156>thousands of miles awayShe's stated they are only about 8 hours away. Groceries can't be bothered to visit at least twice a month? My bf would do a 10 hour drive every week to spend time with me plus has a real job. I don't mean to brag but just putting into perspective how pathetic this is.
I think june likes being long distance cause she's always talking about how "sexy" he sounds over skype. I think she prefers just hearing him than having to see how large he gets every other month lol.
No. 478275
>>478265Most women with normal self-esteems would break up with someone who didn't regularly make the drive to come see them on the weekends- especially since it's not like they are limited on time or money.
Plenty of trash men would milk the situation to keep their "independence." Which independence could mean cheating for a better looking man, but in Greg's case independence is probably more like binge-watching anime for 3 days while living off of frozen pizza and Uber eats Mcdconalds, or using the sebum from his large greasy groceries body when he jacks off to his Twitter feed.
No. 478276
>>478233I was thinking the same thing.
For a girl that seems so madly in love with him, he should’ve made the effort to bring her over via plane/car/etc. The fact that she’s driving herself to see him gives off the vibe that he’s not as seriously into her as she is into him.
But hey, you’re treated the way you allow people to treat you.
I’m sure June isn’t saying anything to tell him off about how crap he treats her.
No. 478310
>>478265>>478276Also, the reason why it's only important to point out why he isn't the one driving/making an effort because they act like they're a trad/ddlg/domsub dynamic and groceries loves saying how much of an alpha male he is, its pretty funny he doesn't watch over her like he's "suppose to" or even has at least a wanting to see her.
He only acts dom when it comes to sex and doormatting her but, real responsibilities? Of course not. She only comes to him because he's a god! Lol thats not what it means to be dominant you lazy fat lard.
No. 478344
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Clearly none of you anons know what the Skeptic™ experience is like. You're all saying you wouldn't be a cuck like June for this CATCH of a man?!
No. 478360
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>>478354If my boyfriend sold merchandise of me being used as his personal foot stool I'd be a bit humiliated, joke or not.
No. 478384
File: 1516672391968.jpg (38.09 KB, 450x800, CNaYoc6WIAAbEe3.jpg)

>>478344I know right!? Look at this hawt dad bod! June said her favorite part about him is his arms, i mean look at those totally buff arms! Such an alpha dom. I mean not like appearances matter because attractiveness is just about confidence and humor but, he tots look like flynn rider!
No. 478408
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>>478384I can't discern the difference myself
No. 478467
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>>478384The keys on his belt
No. 478473
>>478467Custodian Chic
>>478384He's still fat here, but much skinnier. Sad. Don't even try to tell me those dom daddy noodle arms, that permanent dyslexia duhh face and soiled wifebeater aren't making you so wet rn, anon.
>>478360But he's so dom, anon, you don't understand! He doesn't visit her, supervise her, monitor her, spoil her, or support her financially, but he's TOTALLY DOM.
No. 478486
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>>478473>dom daddy noodle armsI can't stop laughing.
No. 478594
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I don't think our boy Groceries is gonna be the one moving to America for June judging by this. Granted, it was said over a year ago, but the way he treats June shows he'd make her be the one to move to Canada.
No. 478627
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Don't be talking shit on armoured "alpha dom daddy" groceries™ and his cum bucket. You see those fists? He'd beat all you fit beta bitches out clean.
No. 478749
>>478622nothing screams alpha like making your fiancee do all the work when it comes to shit like this
>>478627imagine seeing his fat jiggle around in a fight while he tries to punch someone with those weak fists
>>478657i feel so bad for him lmao
No. 478751
>>478627This guy considers himself and intellectual but doesn't even know basic English?
Top fucking kek, he sounds so retarded.
No. 478802
>>478627they wouldn't have to, june flocks to any greasy neckbeard that gives her attention
her hair looks retarded today though, she looks like a school shooter, not that greg is any better
also did they drive to a parking lot just to take retarded pictures?
No. 478827
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>>478749I think groceries is borderline MGTOW anyway, so to guys like that making your gf/fiance to all the work is "alpha".
No. 478835
>>478827june is probably doing it out of ~female guilt~ as well, which would be kinda hilarious, at least white guilt and male guilt is fueled by actual oppression that happens/happened to poc and women, june is fueled by stretches and delusion mgtow and incels made up to fuel their narrative
One minute they're trad, next minute they're an mgtow based relationship where june has to do 100% of the work, june has to do all the emotional labor, hell even when greg decides to do his part and propose, his neckbeard followers ask him about it and he publically declares it's not about love, emotion, or all the crying they claimed to do, it's about a visa to move there even though they can easily stay for longer but none of them choose to, their relationship is an embarrassment to both of them, if they really wanted to make it work they should leave the internet and stop being slaves to mentally ill men with victim complexes who go out of their way to prove feminism is oppressing them
No. 478888
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>>478861>Frequent masturbator forearms are a plusApparently this is literally the case for them. I guess june has never been around a guy who has actually works out? Or shes purposely oblivious just so she can keep pretending she's with flynn and not an obese manchild
No. 478936
>>478864"but but anon! she's a housewife/secretary/lg/submissive/female guilted girlfriend!"
I wonder if june knows how pathetic she looks making shirts for someone less successful than her, she's probably not even getting shit out of it too, at least some artists get paid or recognition from higher up youtubers to gain more followers themselves, they should really stop playing pretend secretary and manager and try to pass it off as something to be taken seriously, it's one thing when teens and young adults do it but ffs, they're around or in their 30s, most people in their 30s have their career and shit together by now and a stable job and real relationship and marriage
No. 479017
>>478902I maybe wrong but I think that anon meant he's getting heat from terfs which makes sense because hes had quite a few videos done about him on youtube, not that he's becoming a terf himself.
Also hes a hardcore leftist and maybe im wrong but i dont think june or greg are which maybe is what that anon was referring to.
No. 479081
>>478936>most people in their 30s have their career and shit together by now and a stable job and real relationship and marriageOr if they don’t they’re pursuing something like a higher degree that secures a future.
I know armoured groceries wants to turn his social media presence into a media company (lol), but really both of them are acting like this success on YouTube isn’t just a temporary stroke of luck. It’s embarrassing.
How long can it be sustainable? Another 5 years? Then what? Greg is too big an unlikeable failure to launch anything entrepreneurial. If June’s resume is her YouTube channel, no legitimate media company is gonna give her a shot in the world of big girl political commentary. Maybe if she was 5 years younger and getting more attractive she could have gone for a position yelling at cameras for MTV.
No. 479233
>>479086I remember seeing either a tweet or a comment on YouTube (I think it would be her "i need feminism because compliments" video) where this guy insulted Groceries' dad body and said she should date someone who was actually fit instead. As you would have guessed, she jumped all over this guy, saying how she loves his dad body and shit like that.
I'll post a picture if I can find it, but I think June just has a thing for fat """alpha""" dom daddies. Fitting, as she always defends fat men as being "so cuddly and handsome uwu", but a woman who might be 10 pounds overweight is a fat uggo landwhale. Being actually fit and healthy is beta as fuck, anon, don't you know that?
No. 479257
>>479233they change the definition of alpha to mean lardass who can do anything they want to women even if women get pissed and resist and beat their ass and can shit on women all they want as well as having a doormat do anything and everything for them and wipe their ass as they like hotter girls pics and have the doormat worship their lard cheeto filled body
You'd think that if these mentally ill disgusting faggots had women run away from them they'd learn their lesson and start acting like a respectful human being but apparently there's girls like june who are beyond desperate for attention and thus encourage this behavior and do exactly what they want, which is why june is pathetic, if you're gonna cater to men at least cater to the ones who are good looking or willing to treat you well, but neckbeards can't even do that, and even if one is masochistic he still doesn't even bother putting in time to let june be with him if they love each other so much, when he did put effort into it he pretty much just took it back and shat on their relationship and claimed it was for citizenship
their relationship revolves around what the internet and their insane incel followers want, not what they want. I don't know if I should cringe or just laugh at how pathetic it is and just wait for the relationship to crumble down and all the time, money and emotional labor june spent would be worth nothing and only do worse
No. 479289
>>479283does she think she's special because her bf is hideous? does she not understand basic biology and the fact women want healthy men to reproduce with doesn't make them a "hivemind" " or what? just because you're willing to lift up skeptics moldy fupa and suck his yeasty chode and other women are disgusted by it doesn't make you special june, or at least in a good way
at least porn stars are paid to do this shit, june doesn't get nothing out of it besides embarrassment and blowing her money to work her ass off for an uggo fattie who cares more about esluts than he does with her
No. 479299
>>479233>>479257One thing I'll never be able to wrap my head around how guys like groceries are cocky enough to call themselves alpha and dominant just simply because they were born tall and decided to take the fatty route to look intimidating and go around shitting on fitter men by using their height as the beacon of manliness.
>>479283Lmao! And being satified with dating a "dad bod" isn't typical and easy these days? She'll never admit she has no standards and just likes him cause he makes her look smol uwu
No. 479318
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Morbidly obese(alphers) or twink body(jelly beta bitches) no in betweens. Muscular men don't exist.
No. 479322
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>>479283The story continues.
No. 479332
>>479322he sounds really
triggered and insecure fitter and actually healthy men who would probably treat her better and make her happier than he ever will are coming onto june and calling him out on his bullshit
No. 479395
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Ohhh, this is rich coming from June. You're hardly ever on the side of women. The only women you side with are the ones who are subservient to men, or trans women because they're actually still men.
No. 479493
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>>479289people who wrap their identities up in their partner tend to put their SO on a pedestal. they have to find some way to turn "the best i can do" into "the best there is" or else their fragile sense of self gets totally broken.
that said she could probably find a guy who actually cared about making himself a better person instead of using a relationship to enable himself to be worse. idk why she's flattering greg for putting himself at risk for heart disease, htn, diabetes, etc. goes to show how much of a destructive fantasy their relationship is instead of a partnership that addresses reality and encourages healthy habits in one another.
btw there's no way she wouldn't enjoy having a nice set abs to run her hand over. she has just convinced herself that she likes the bloated liver look because she's only ever been with fat, below-average men. back when catiechan was a thing she liked to talk about how jake gylenhaal as the most attractive human alive and pic related you'll notice something is missing.
No. 479828
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>>479493it's literally biological for women to like in shape men, not only because they show the strongest male fertility, they're obviously a lot healthier and capable and can protect you and child, they take care of themselves and often smell better
the only reason she WOULDN'T prefer abs, assuming she isn't lying or trying to trick herself into thinking gregs fupa and rooster neck arms are actually sexy muscles, is if she's a lezzy pretending to be straight, she lacks estrogen, progesterone, or oestrogen and thus fucking up her sexual indications to be attracted to men who show they can produce the healthiest, fertile offspring, if that was the case it explains why june gains weight in her shoulders and arms but remains with no hips, thighs or butt and explains why she had to get breast implants
hence why when women go on birth control or women with high estro/pro/oest are attracted to fertile strong men, and thats why you see so many women with wide hips/big thighs/feminine attributes all together fall for hairy and fit, high t type men
No. 480078
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>>477381Oh god, it's so cringe in the best way
No. 480088
>>479025A handful of people called contra a TERF, and some complained about her hanging out with people from "the other side" (specifically June) or engaging them at all. This isn't actually happening.
>>479828>The only women who don't like abs are lesbiansThat dude is significantly hotter than Greg, but anon. It's been scientifically proven that women are more attractive to masculine looking men when they're fertile/around ovulation, and to softer, more nurturing looking types otherwise depending on their hormone levels.
>>480078The thought that an adult made this is too cringeworthy so I refuse to believe.
No. 480106
>>479828Or maybe women are more likely to fall for out of shape men because socially women are derided for having high standards and there are far more famous celebrity men who are sclubby and overweight while still getting hot wives in movies (see also: Seth Rogen, Kevin James). "Dad bod" is sexy but if a famous woman so much as has a slightly pudgy stomach she's let herself go.
June's just another woman who has bought into the high beauty standards forced upon women while accepting men at any size because to do otherwise would be shallow and bitchy uwu.
No. 480127
>>480107I can believe June isn't big on muscular guys because if she were to date someone fit, she'd have to maintain her looks way more compared to how after dating groceries she got comfy dating someone who is ugly and fat, so she always look better in comparison.
What's obvious is that she only likes tall guys. I will never believe she'd date groceries if he was like 5'9 or shorter.
No. 480136
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>I was always awkward and shy. I didn't learn to style myself until recently
Idk what other people have seen but from what I've seen June has always had friends, been out going, dressed decently and girly, had bfs.
No. 480146
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>>480125She's definitely lurking.
Speaking of, I've seen a lot of really buttmad whiteknighting longposts about "TERFs shitting on conservative women" and "muh men's rights" that sounded a lot like some of the "june is not a cow" posters here. Sage for speculation.
No. 480155
>>480127June is incredibly clingy, jealous and insecure. On some level she understands that not too many women would want the pudgy manosphere she's dating now. That allows for some peace of mind.
A muscular Chad would keep her even more anxious and insecure than she is now, which I'm not sure is even physically possible. The amount of female attention a 7/10 chadlet bf would get from appearing in her videos would probably make her kill herself in a week.
No. 480454
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You guys are upsetting Groceries and making him cry by calling him ugly and fat. Please stop or else June will have to comfort her dom daddy and protect him from the scawwy women.
No. 480480 you go to 1:10:50 someone asks June how she lives with ADHD and answers saying its hard and that groceries often yells at her for leaving messes and forgetting things. Sounds like onion and lainey lol
Considering she refuses to take meds for it, I can't imagine how long he's going to last with living with her.
No. 480481
>>480454I would lose my shit laughing. Big, dominant daddy Skeptic crying about an image board saying mean things about him.
If anything, he would say we're a group of feminazis or ugly fat girls who are jealous of June. Give me that sweet milk
No. 480482
>>480148i used to watch her vids when i was in high school, she definitely had friends. i think she lost them prior to the oppression olympics though. she's probably talking about losing all her online friends.
somewhere maybe around 19, june made a bunch of life choices that are now obvious stepping stones to becoming a loser as an adult. she dropped out of school (for film lol) while all the friends her age were likely going for their degrees. still she clearly had this pipe dream of being a screenwriter or director instead of realizing she should make more practical choices. then she started clinging to younger people- who also inevitably went on to get degrees as well. so since she wasn't in an environment for making friends or growing as a person, she decided to use her minor internet popularity to replace that- instead of actually challenging herself in real life to make meaningful connections with people who can't just hit the power button on you.
it just gets more pathetic after that. aesthetician school. long distance boyfriend. identifying harder with depression and whatever social awkwardness everyone feels as a young person "i was a friendless loser i didn't know how to talk to anywun1!!" a clear lie she tells, that's the person she let herself become as an adult. it's probably the only way she knows how to identify with her audience since she was clearly nothing like them in adolescence.
No. 480580
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>>480499Spookypandagirl makes the most obnoxious looking shit and both shoe and blair like using her "art" for merch and avatar/banners. I'd argue its a smart way to make money by pandering to the skeptic community when your art is this mediocre but, it doesn't make it any less embarrassing.
No. 480588
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"xD look a this quirky 2010 /b/ meme!"
"I'm not like those other girls I love chan culture"
No. 480659
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>>480580SPG's art is hilarious in its portrayal of June and Greg.
No. 480682
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>>480659Especially groceries but, he sees himself this way anyways
>>480649I personally don't like making threads but, if anyone else is up for it I'd love that.
No. 480743
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drawanon thst made the comic gave me inspiration
No. 481140
>>480804Why don't we just expand the breadth of this thread to include discussion about other skeptics?
I always wanted to bring up how Sargon of Akkad unironically believes that feminism is responsible for creating mass shooters such as Eliot Rodger. No. 481217
File: 1516907514723.jpg (27.25 KB, 609x549, IMG_20180125_140428.jpg)

>>481140Lol he sounds so
triggered here damn.
My favorite thing about skeptic channels is there cringey avatar/personas. Sir Skeptalot is bad but, honestly not the worst I've seen.
One exceptional channel is AHNC All Hat No Cattle. His character is…a talking cowboy hat with a face.
No. 481295
>>481140I would personally like to include Grocery only because this thread does gets super stale and full of autistic shitposting when there’s no milk.
There are far too many oozing with cringe to fit into one thread.
No. 481330
>>481235Thx anon. Got a good laugh from this. Love how he spends half the video frothing at the mouth about how Laci is turning these poor men into monsters when it’s the issue is clearly cultural. And when she criticizes the media for doing that he goes, “No one cares you’re an idiot” rather than acknowledging that they are arguing two sides of the same point.
Laci is taking the stance that men should change to be better, and Sargon takes the stance that men are going to go crazy and act out violently before they ever improve their behavior.
No. 481344
>>481140Sargon is a piece of shit, always was, and its hilarious to have seen the asshurt from his fans after he sold out to MTV and was seen wearing a pro-communism badge at a party recently. This was the same dude who, during gamergate, "warned" men that any women who come to the conservative side are lying for attention.
..Yet any woman who wasn't on their side was an SJW whore.
Fuck, make up your goddamned mind.
No. 481373
>>481344>>481353You whores need to be more sympathetic. You’d hate women too if you looked like that.
What did he do with MTV?
(shit baiting) No. 481374
>>481344>Sargon sold out to MTVwait what
No. 481492
>>481391loool holy fuck
what would they even hire him for???
No. 481766
>>481373Sargon is mad ugly.
That being said, back to /r9k/, you manospheric hamplanet.
No. 482154
>>482067Sage for OT. The Amazing Atheist raised money for a Muslim women's group. It was to stick to to Sarkeesian because she had a fundraiser and he wanted to show he could raise money for a ~more worthy cause~, which is not the purest motive and it wasn't just him giving his own money, but you can count that as donating to charity I guess.
More on topic is that sh0e might have put proceeds from merch towards helping with hurricane Harvey iirc.
Still both shitty people overall.
No. 482167
>>482154I remember he also swindled his fans out of thousands of dollars for a website he never made, it was speculated he used that money for the charity thing because, as you say it was more about his image "im not a misogynist" than anything.
I wonder if we should get a seperate skeptic thread going because many of them appear to be lolcows especially with all the youtube drama going now. Would this interest farmers?
No. 482214
>>482177Agreed. For now, Greg and June warrant their own thread. A youtube skeptic general thread would be fantastic, and if Greg and June become less milky, then maybe discussion of them could be merged there or something.
>>481744This is so pathetic. He rages like he had no idea what he was about to read. Like what the fuck? Is he pretending to be that enraged? It's just all around stupid and gives me a little secondhand embarrassment.
No. 482291
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June mentions skeptic at least once a day and he never talks about her. He only retweets where she's praising him kek
No. 482302
>>482280Yeah I know he raised money (not donated himself) to a foreign charity, not sure if its specifically muslim tho.
>>482177Yes, thats what i'm proposing, while I like the talk of other skeptic lolcows I also want this thread to stay on topic.
>>482217Wow never heard of him and didnt know this what a
>>482291I imagine shes trying to drop heavy hints at him in fear of his ass going back on his promise in favour of some curvy tranny. Also why does he always look like a hairy ogre?
>>482295Again sounds like shes trying to make her wants clear out of fustration he's gonna bail. He is so not marriage material kek.
No. 482303
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>>482291Look at those daddy noodle arms.
No. 482310
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June just responded to magdalen burns
and so it begins
No. 482312
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the greatest flamewar of our time…
for some reason she deleted this retweet
No. 482368
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"Everyone who criticizes me is ugly and wrong and a paid shill" God, what a cunt.
No. 482432
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>Armored Soyboyvery alpha. such daddy. wow.
No. 482474
>>482424"Making fun" is a stretch. Every time she tries to come at them, a self drag comes out.
You have to be extra exceptional to whiteknight for a lolcow of Lily Madigan's caliber.
No. 482475
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>>482470That's so fucking gold. I love how she spams a pic from 2016 as proof of how "handsome" her fiancé is. Why not post a current picture, June? Pic related, also not the first time she's posted the same exact picture.
No. 482493
>>482477>>482481Remember anons he doesn't need to be fit like us beta bitches. He thinks just being tall is enough to be considered alpha.
What's more confusing how he can call himself a dom while being this weak. Unless hits June with a belt or whip(lol), his spanks must feel like little mosquito bites. She probably plays up the "pain" to make him feel strong.
No. 482518
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June, you have no room (no pun intended) to talk about small and inhumane rabbit cage sizes.
No. 482554
>>481353Laci is only trying to get with the anti-sjws because she's dating Chris Ray Gun now.
>>482312Does she have any other substance to debate with other than "hurr stupid feminists xD"?
No. 482617
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she's so unaware
No. 482633
>>482475What why has she reposted the same picture of him so many times… that’s sort of bizarre.
It’s not even that great of a pic but I guess that’s her favorite pic because he looks thinner than usual.
No. 482721
>>482649It’s funny
These skeptics were talking shit about her for YEARS. Now that she’s joined their side they’re suddenly nice to her.
They’re just as bad as the sjws they conplain about that kick people out of their group for disagreeing.
No. 482789
>>482646In the beginning when she wanted to have a more “open discussion” just to hear from the other side, it seemed cool. Just to generate some civil dialogue between two sides.
Then she debated Blaire on her channel and kept talking about being a “science kind of girl” to completely dismiss any point Blaire made as unscientific, I lost a little respect. She seemed pretty smug in her views. Even if I agreed with her on so many points, it seemed more like she was interested in being on a winning side than standing up for what she believes in.
Anyway the choice to go on the Rubin report and talk about changing sides, etc… it only continues to go downhill. She seems to have no real sense of agency.
No. 483222
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>>483178666Styxen666Hexen666Hammer666 the perpetually shirtless?
No. 483252
>>482280I think I phrased that oddly when I first brought it up. I meant women in predominately Muslim countries. It might have been for middle East and/or south Asian countries in general.
Either way if he did this to try proving hes not a misogynist it didn't work. Lots of skeptics, like he and June really "care" about Muslim misogyny when scolding feminists for doing more about it or creating spiteful fundraisers. They often don't like supporting things like letting these women come to the west as refugees* (that would get in the way of their racist tendencies whoops)
*I recognize this could be a complex issue and I don't mean to call EVERYONE with different feelings about it racist
No. 483256
>>483252I meant scolding feminists for NOT doing more about it.
Possible sage for extra post just for editing
No. 483398
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>>482368I love when cows just scrape the surface of self-awareness.
No. 483840
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>>483467Didn't her retarded trans friend get cocky and decided to throw a video jab at Mags at one point? Apparently Mags responded and her response was so well received he baleeted his entire channel.
Dickinm0uth knows damn well that she can't risk it.
No. 483914
>>483895As in self identify as a feminist? Nope but, you're probably asking this because like the rest of the skeptic community believes, anyone who doesn't like them must be a feminist, man hater, TERF, /pol/, etc.
There are a lot of things June says I agree with but, its more like "yeah duh" shit. That doesn't mean I have to like her.
No. 483927
>>483895I’m not really. Mostly because I’m not so sure what more can be done in the US policy-wise. I am more supportive of bringing feminism to other countries. Although I personally have done nothing to add to the cause.
Also I think modern feminism puts way too much weight on social constructs. They think men and women are basically the same, and society is what makes them different- which oddly I think is what June believes too. Not the social construct part, actually I think she believes men and women arent that different. She really doesn’t understand what the male brain is like or how heavily hormones affect our motivations and behavior. Like she definitely gets it where it supports her beliefs, e.g. “Women want different jobs!
Hence the wage gap isn’t real!”
But she doesn’t seem to get how deeply different we are. I remember people would be like, “June how does it feel to know that so many dudes in the Internet jack off to you,” and she would be like, “That isn’t true! Don’t be gross.” Or in her response to the street harassment vid. She made it obvious that she just basically doesn’t go outside. It’s legitimately impossible not to get yelled at, followed, etc if you’re a woman alone in a dense area like New York. Instead of acknowledging that (because she cant because she has no idea) and taking a stance against it like, “Hey men actually do this and most predators tend to be male, but maybe instead of condemning men there are things women should be doing things differently to protect themselves from that.” She was like, “No men don’t do this and stop attacking men because they’re mostly not like this.”
The majority of them are like that June, literally. You missed out on college parties, you’re missing out on grocery shopping alone, commuting to and from work on a daily basis, trying to navigate uncomfortable situations with male coworkers. You do not understand men- not even the men jacking off to your youtube vids- so you are not qualified to defend them.
No. 484002
>>483895tbh i refuse to call myself a feminist but i'm basically a radfem. can't stand this sex posi and repackaged sexism that liberal feminism stands for.
>>483927we really don't know how much of men being gross is thanks to male socialisation that men basically deify and think is so fucking wonderful. men and women are definitely different, but really not as different as people try to claim.
No. 484342
>>484160The kind of harassment you get in a wealthy area is going to be different than being yelled at or followed, but it still exists. I didn’t mean she literally never goes outside. Just that she doesn’t live a normal adult life.
If a man has never even yelled at you in a city of 600k, then it must be that you’re not often going to public events or crowded areas. That’s my guess. I mean idk you or the specifics of your situation or what you do in your life, so it’s hard to address why that may be. Even men get yelled at. I’m not saying it’s a constant thing. Only that it’s nearly impossible to have a normal, active life in a city (which most people live in a metro area) without receiving some kind of harassment from men on the street.
I already explained men are competitive and prone to aggression. They are also more sexually motivated and pretty much designed to view every woman by her mating potential. It’s pretty well studied how testosterone affects male psychology. And it’s been demonstrated how higher levels of testosterone are correlated with more extreme expressions of these traits.
Sure, women can possess some of those traits. It’s just not reliably true in most cases the way it is with men.
Also I wasn’t referring solely to public transportation, although enough people use it for it to be an issue worth addressing. 15% of the US population is 10’s of millions of people… and that’s not including the people who walk some or all of their commute.
No. 484397
>>484342I feel like I have a normal life but as a college student I'm most walking around campus and sometimes the surrounding area. I'm not constantly hitting up the town by going downtown, to block parties, or bars. I guess if that makes me abnormal then so be it. When I was taking time off of school and working I never had any trouble either regardless of what part of town I was in. I guess my life isn't active enough lol.
I thought people were complaining that June was faking being a shut in for neck beard points. I'm confused.
And my point was 85% of people use cars, 15% walk OR use public transportation.
No. 484495
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>>483895I'm a radical feminist that doesn't believe that trans women are women. Liberal and "choice" feminism suck. Being sex "positive" legal prostitution are overrated.
No. 484612
>>484597>>484418So June didn't have an abnormal life after all? It seems like she has a fairly normal life until relatively recently to me. I don't think you can blame her stated experience on being a shut in.
>>484442I guess I am a weird outlier lol. The main places where I've had trouble were a ghetto part of St Louis and Santiago, Chile. Everywhere else nothing much I can remember has happened on the street. In my city the worst problems I've had dealing with people was this old lady who was mad I was parked too close to her car and refused to let me leave by standing behind my car and a homeless lady who was mad I wouldn't give her money for cigarettes and responded by passive aggressively taken up the bus seat stop. Other than that most of the trouble I've had comes from dealing with people asking for food. I'm 23 btw.
No. 484723
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New thread when?
No. 484849
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Haha June! You sure BTFO those feminazis xDDDDD
No. 484918
>>484791I'm tired of using the phrase "not all" so I just don't consider myself a feminist because the phrase is directly associated with shitty pop feminism. I am by definition a feminist, but there are better words to express it other than one with such a shitty social connotation as feminist doe. Not that anything at all is wrong with the people who identify as feminists but distance themselves from shitty feminism. I commend people who do so, but I gave up a LONG time ago lol.
>In older videos she seems to have a plethora of friends, contradicting how she said Ernold was her only friend or whatever in high school. She also said she was a tomboy or what not in high school, which I see no evidence of. She dressed like just about every white girl in 2009. Other than having the most nauseatingly loud and annoying voice on the planet, she didn't act or dress tomboyish.
I have a feeling the whole "I was a tomboy" thing was to play up the "one of the boisss uwu" thing and then when she became all ddlg footstool, she just had to stick with the story.
No. 484984
>>484975I was wanting to watch this and have something to say about it but this video is so fucking boring. Like, if I wanted to listen to someone read over a shitty cosmo article– I wouldn't, because I can fucking read it myself. Do people actually watch her content?
I also find it funny she plays off the basic bitch thing as ironic so all her neckbeard fans don't think she's turning into a ~normie~
No. 485023
>>484975Within the first five minutes:
>June using old memes from two years ago to show "I'm not a normie xD">June critiquing an article from Cosmo about lazy feminists, making fun of them but at the same time lacking complete self-awareness to the fact that she's lazy as fuck too>Whiteknighting men in the video, as per usualWew lad, might not be able to finish this
No. 485267
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Wait, so shoe0nhead really tried to come for Magdalen's following and other radfems when her fans are a mix of misogynist, racist douches who only tolerate her as long as she panders to them? I don't see radfems bully anyone either or say anything like the pic.
No. 485335
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>>485267Yep, I remember it was discussed she went after Magdalen, but when she was pointed out to be homophobic she erased them (as she always does) and kept the softer ones up. I remember seeing some screenshots in previous threads.
She makes out radfems bully her when shes more like pic related-she stirs shit and then deletes so she can play victim, but even then radfems tend to jut ignore her, shes such a thirsty attention whore.
No. 485342
>>484849Hippity hoppity June is a thotily totily.
Seriously, what a gradeschool tier brat.
No. 485493
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>>485406Actually she does this male-gaze shit with her female fans, and I’ve always found it awkward/uncomfortable.
When she asked people to take selfies in her merch she retweetes all the girls (I’m saying girls because a few looked underaged) and was like, “Who knew I had so many hawwwt female fans.”
Like come on June. That’s weird and you should know better. Imagine the backlash if Skepdick tweeted something like this.
No. 485506
>>485502It’s her same thing her fan base does really.
She doesn’t really like women, she likes the idea of them. Unless they are feminists, fat or ugly ofc.
No. 485587
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>>485406She's stated identify more with pansexual but, says bi because she doesn't want to sound too tumblr(again acting like she's above others) but, I think thats because groceries might want to explore with dick girls.
I really hope they go poly with someone. It's seem inevitable because I can see groceries getting bored of married life.
No. 485588
>>485493 she does this shit all the time. because she knows that sexualizing girls solely based on their appearance will get her brownie points with her male fans. That's why she plays her fake 'bisexual' card.
I mean she even admitted to not wanting to be in a serious relationship with a woman ever.
June, you're not bisexual, you objectify women because you find them physically attractive. Thinking someone regardless of gender is attractive =/= sexual attraction. Fucking pathetic.
No. 485603
>>485587>>485493I get a strong bottom bitch vibe from June. I remember once hearing the saying "Better be big within the small ones than small with the big ones" and that defines her completly.
She wants to be the only hawt smol girl but knows she can't compete with tons of really smoking gals, so she panders to the people less likely to touch a girl in their life : fucking MRAs and weebs.
That's why she's not intimidated by Greg and his less than muscular physique. It's alright because if she aims for low, that means she gets the upper hand (although that's really untrue, just because your bf is ugly as shit doesn't mean he won't ever cheat or dump you)
I could see her agreeing to poly ONLY if the girl is clearly not as cute / hot as her.
No. 485738
>>485587Is this for real? Are they so internet addicted that they are literally going to have a meme relationship? Do they even have a model for what a successful poly relationship is like? Like irl not from YouTube bc the reality is a struggle and not even Sex at Dawn and Ethical Slut fanatics succeed.
How much you wanna bet it was Greg’s idea and he’s putting expectations on the relationship he know June can’t meet. That way he has an easy out later.
Also June used to talk down on people for having multiple sex partners because she thought it was “gross.” WONDER WHAT HAPPENED.
No. 485751
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No. 485829
>>485751Greg is a man child. Imagine being 30 and using your expendable income on toys and swords and not making real investments. June has no idea how an adult relationship with joint finances works.
This relationship is doomed to fail. Hopefully publicly on social media.
No. 485836
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No. 485838
>>485821>he screamed that im not allowedWhenever she talks about him he sounds terrifying to be with
Also we need a new thread for these posts
No. 485855
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