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No. 1367840[Reply]

Chanel Barbie Clones are women who own 50 identical pink Chanel purses and a wardrobe full of identical frilly floral polyester dresses but never stop buying more.

A Chanel Barbie Clone's wannabe Barbie Dream House is piled high with cheap tacky pink junk and their diets consist entirely of pink sugary cupcakes.

Chanel Barbie Clones are often the victims of bad plastic surgery, paid for by their not-so-secret sugar daddy (they will have a side shopping service or vlog as a cover for their income).

A Chanel Barbie Clone will usually have fried blonde hair, too much makeup, and look like they just stepped off the set of White Chicks.

Examples include:

Previous arisucookie discussion here >>>/w/163026 but her and her clones outside of Japan deserved a spinoff thread.
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No. 2015541

Lol at her working out in full make up and pyjamas. You can see her nipples in the first video too. Bizarre.

No. 2018825

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She has spent a lot of money on Self-Portrait clothes recently. How she can afford it? It's obvious Alice doesn't work. Has she a new sugar daddy, hasn't she? Nobu dumped her long time ago. I'm curious how that lazy bones pays her bills.
She's selling on Vinted all the garbage that Shein sent to her.

No. 2018842

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She admitted to have plastic surgery

No. 2019039

Which video is this from? The flower knows? Good she’s admitting it though.
I think either Vinted sales or maybe her mother gives her some cash.

No. 2019054

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Alice admitted more procedures, she has fillers in lips and cheeks.

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No. 1174664[Reply]

CatboyKami is a 23 year-old Australian NEET, streamer, edgelord and self proclaimed white nationalist, now living in the US
Drama summary:
>Dated a trap for a few years until trap broke up with him
>Has a tranny/loli fetish
>Manwhore who fucks anything that moves, goes to conventions to fuck weebs
>Goes on Omegle in full black face to shock people
>Goes on Omegle to say n*gger and shock people
>Goes on Omegle in full yellow face to shock people
>Rumoured to be fucking Nick Fuentes after they met up, as Kami is known as a homosexual at this point
>Nick Fuentes then drops Kami in fear of looking gay
>Daily Mail Australia writes article about his behaviour on Omegle
>FBI breaks into his home for a reason which is still unknown
Gypsy Crusader drama
>Kami starts sperging about Gypsy doxxing right wingers and having links to the feds
>Gypsy then starts sperging about Kami being a homosexual, leaks photos of him and his trap bf and spreads rumours about the FBI breaking into his home because of possessing CP
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No. 2006234

You could make anyone look gay by pulling a single frame out of a 6 hour stream(sage your shit)

No. 2006380

He admitted to fucking underage twinks you dumb newfag

No. 2007943

haha this site hey i was looking for webms he was a great troll man legend thread xD

No. 2008003

He’s still around no? His kiwi thread is active and he has that crazy ideology shit going on. This thread is just dead because nonnas couldn’t stop crushing on him and that probably killed all interest in him as a cow here because nonnas were either too down bad to follow his shit, didn’t wanna see out in the open simping in the thread, or didn’t wanna deal with infights about if he’s fuckable or not the answer is he’s not btw

No. 2009801

no, the real answer is that fuentes and him probably fucked.

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No. 2013130[Reply]

A thread documenting moids and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.
Old Thread >>>/snow/1746006
Dupe Thread on /ot/ >>>/ot/1474365

>What’s NOFap?

NoFap is a challenge moids take when they make the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good. They struggle with this as they may also try not to masturbate at all to be attracted to more women irl, normally they will feel suicidal as they’ve made jerking off their whole lives.

The general porn addicts who can’t stop getting off to even the most disturbing porn may also be discussed here as they are cow worthy as well, as well as general predatory practices in the porn industries and their impact on other men, women, children, animals, etc.

Cow behaviors among this group include
>Not bothering to do anything about their addiction despite being aware of it 100%
>Being infested with incels, MGTOWs, steroid users, etc.
>Often sharing fantasies of raping other people (usually women) or even animals
>Defending illegal acts such as CP/CSAM/CSEM/Child rape, zoophilia, gore porn, incest, etc.
>Sperging out over being seen as possibly gay/bi while usually jerking off to femboy and/or sissy porn and trans porn and having some kind of masculinity fetish
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No. 2016783

let’s take bets on what kind. i’m thinking tranny or cuck bbc but “what are you doing step bro” seems up his alley too.

No. 2016787

An awful shooter and a coomer, pick a struggle already

No. 2016826

He strikes me as a weeb so I'm placing my bets on JAV or hentai.

No. 2016895

Guess it's time to…. Die Hard With a Vengeance.

No. 2016911

if it was hentai, it was absolutely lolicon. just look at his greasy ass face.

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No. 1997877[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 2016942

>for a real, post pubertal male body
it's not even possible for a pre-pubertal male body to look like that. women do not resemble underaged boys

No. 2016945

Yes, obviously little boys don't look like that, but my point is pornsick moids think it's physically possible for the bodies of grown men to resemble the bodiea of the anime femboys they jerk off to, or in other words, the bodies of grown breastless women, and these tifs are enabling that retardation.

No. 2016948

I vote for this for the new thread image.

No. 2016970

New thread: >>>/snow/2016968

No. 2016973

Nta but I agree. Honestly, majority of them are into pedoshit too so the idea of crossdressing children, unfortunately, might be just as appealing to them. That's part of the reason why these fem'boys' dress in cutesy, childish clothing and you wouldn't come across any of them dressing up in mature-feminine style (like, for example, Keira Knightley's usual style) not to mention, if you commit the mistake of even googling 'anime femboys' I'm pretty sure most of the results would be sexualised drawn children.

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No. 1664422[Reply]

From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.
It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.
>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse
>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attack
Mostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy?
They see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
Points of Interest:
Heavily popular in the trans community with many crossovers.
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No. 2016617

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No. 2016755

Imagine minding your business trying to get a few drinks at the bar with your bf/husband and this thing starts flirting with him only to get told to fuck off then explain to you how you're le jealous and insecure unlike her a super secure and confident poly goddess uwu that needs constant validation from multiple people to feel desired.
Yep that's a normal neurotypical well adjusted woman for sure.

No. 2017598

Yep - men don’t flirt with this creature because they fear their women will become jealous. That’s the ticket!!!

No. 2017885

What reverse body dysmorphia do these people have to think any woman would be jealous of a potato nosed fatty with slime green hair

No. 2018025

Orrr maybe some taken guys only have eyes for their girlfriends and don't appreciate your ugly ass hitting on them while they're out having fun with those same girlfriends?

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No. 1974188[Reply]

Popular transbian youtuber and general sex pest

>wrote Stockholm, a mlp fanfic where rainbow dash is a transbian who the 14 year old cutie mark crusaders want to get molested by and do. Also features Rarity x Sweetie Bell incest.

>years later his sister comes out saying that the entire fanfic is based on Lily molesting her, specificaly Lily's fantasies of stil being able to abuse his sister at the age of 14 when she put locks on her bedroom door
>Lily admits this is her sister and her fanfic but denies the obvious conclusion of sexual abuse
>obsession with sisterhood, incest and lesbian appears constantly in videos to this day
>also has a long running comic about her self insert also named Lily Orchard and her Gardevoir sister who she forms a mating bond with
>forces her gfs to do things by saying they make her feel desirable as a poor unattractive trans woman
>made an hour long video recently ranting about the incest game Andy and Leyley; it has popular comments


Kiwi farms: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/jerry-peet-lily-orchard-lily-peet-valkyrstudios-bhaalspawn-tara-callie-mod-ebara.18327/page-2

Videos criticizing Lilly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxnmE2Bdjo&t=1354s
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No. 2014307

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The sex pests slap fought each other the other day, the funniest part is how are you going to go out of your way to start shit and then when you cause a shit storm you’re gonna private and cry “leave me alone”
New Twitter: https://twitter.com/LilyValOrchard
Also in case the screenshots aren’t clear check one of these links



No. 2014408

nothing says ‘im a tragic tranny victim of that evil cis woman’ like calling the younger sister you raped “the bitch”. Never change, Jerry.

No. 2016548

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>I never Rebecca Sugar a nazi
>Literally calls her a nazi
Do you guys notice that he always posts the face of female cartoon creators and calls them cunts but he never posts the face of male ones?

No. 2016849

I can't fucking wait until Joon the King releases his video about this fucker and everything comes crashing down for this incestuous pedophile. Won't be able to hide behind people who accept the cries of "I'm being targeted because I'm a trans woman!" then. Maybe it'll encourage other victims to come out and maybe Lily will get convicted of something.

No. 2018953

The way these people conflate political discourse with interpersonal drama is so lame and pathetic. Are they still riding vaush's and xen's cocks, or have they decided that covering internet drama is more lucrative?

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No. 1595451[Reply]

June's Twitter: https://twitter.com/shoe0nhead?lang=en
June's Main YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Shoe0nHead
June's Second YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7UiChjgT_LDKcr_8NEEbMA
June's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoe0nhead/?hl=en

Previous thread >>1272633

Summary : June appears to be having a bit of a breakdown and is deleting a lot of her salty tweets quickly, especially those attacking men but not quick enough to be capped elsewhere
-Seems like a lot has happened since the last thread it seems so maybe some nice nonna's can bring us up to speed here
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No. 2016553

Hope someone starts spamming her nudes everytime he tweets something like that kek
>is online asking for love/support
>the wife is the miserable one
I hate scrotes. Hope she takes half his assets and fucks him over.

No. 2016570

How fucking dare women like cats and cannabis and festivals and restaurant food and widely popular novels, how dare they!?! kek Shoe married a fat schizo sperg, what a world

No. 2016572

If it isn't that, it will be something else scrotes will hate you for. You can literally never win and that's why pick mes never prosper. All girls and women should be taught this shit in school.

No. 2016575

So a pathetic faggot entered a marriage under false pretenses and is now begging for e-hugs and dickings. Conservative cucks stay obsessed with wololoing to liberal women, then seethe when it doesn't work.

No. 2016585

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KEK why does he care so much? Get off twitter and go hug your son fatty. Sorry that not every woman on the planet is falling over themselves to get pregnant with your baby and watch dank Tradcath meme compilations with you, but you should be more thankful and attentive to the one that was.
blog but this reminded me that there’s a new speakeasy in my city that I need to take my girls to

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No. 1448714[Reply]

Empathchan/seppukugirl/ neko (misunderstood)is a self-proclaimed pedophile terminally online onlyfans """model""" that shills herself on imageboards and twitter by acting edgy and cruel to everyone
>treats her orbitors like dogs and makes them post pictures of her on r9k with captions such as "i want to rape empie"
>got exposed on twitter for being a pedophile on discord
>doxed her own adress on the server hoping she would become the new bianca devins
>photoshops all of her pictures to look like a 90's anime girl and denies anyone pointing out the truth
>shills herself on imageboards constantly
>le edgy dark pick-me that always talks about how she hates everyone and wants to be raped
>got called out for using contacts and immediately posted a story on instagram proving her eyes were real and big
>her retarded orbitors are trying to kill her and treat her like shit and she enjoys it
>obsessed with gore and bdsm hentai
>posted nudes of herself on 4chan when she was underage
>racist white supremacist even though she is jewish

social media:
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No. 2011548

This is so bad. Blind people could do better shops. Also who are you trying to impress with the vodka naggins?

No. 2011583

new thread >>2011582

No. 2011586

Why didn't you use the threadpic the other anon made? I would remake it with this as the threadpic unless not allowed for whatever reason

No. 2011607


(learn2link newfag)

No. 2016518

this is not empath chan shes larping this photo is from kaliacc days on guilded pretty sure its nyabeat/kerosene/nadecola or one of her friends from then(sage your shit)

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No. 1938223[Reply]

AKA Heather Sparkles / Heather Michelle / Heather Explores / Kitty Ravage

Previous Thread >>1878489

IG: @haunted_butterfly
@graydayscurio (online shop, still to take off)
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19

Heather Steeles is a 33-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.

All the “Ryans” in order:
>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.
>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.
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No. 2018511

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She one of those people who claims to not be very interested in music. (Or movies for that matter.) From the last thread.

No. 2018665

She's talked about liking the birthday massacre in the past, though she doesn't actually seem to listen to them or talk about them. I think she likes the idea of liking a "dark and spooky" band. I doubt Hag is listening to vision video, horror vacul, or even bauhaus, because she'd be sure to use it as proof of how gawffic she is. As for the metal concert, it was cradle of filth. Generally considered baby's first black metal. She's a taylor swift girlie at heart. Nothing wrong with that, but stop pretending.

No. 2018680

Ha, I forgot about that. The Cradle of Filth shirt made a couple other appearances but I'm sure she never listened to them again. I wonder if Taylor Swift is why she's always dyeing her hair this boring blonde. She talks a big game about changes and dyeing it black or an "edgy" black and blonde but she always comes back with the exact same thing. She definitely seems to think she's in a TS video or something when she does those painfully long "reveal" stories.

No. 2018951

It's also funny because the birthday massacre is such a 2005 era mallgoth band. Bitch peaked in highschool, and it wasn't much of a peak.

No. 2018957

>She one of those people who claims to not be very interested in music. (Or movies for that matter.)
Doesn't she also not own a TV or something? Is her apartment really just the sound of a few ticking clocks and nothing else? Horrifying.

It's pretty obvious her understanding of "goth" is the most basic of early 2000s mall goth which is why she thinks wearing the most generic killstar garbage makes her the gothiest goth to ever goth. kek

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No. 1985582[Reply]

Last Threads:
>>>/snow/961466 #3 (marked as 2)
>>>/snow/581474 #2
>>>/snow/381948 #1

Old threads on Poppy:

Previous Thread Summary:
>Poppy enters fan Discord, starts answering questions, talks about Grimes and how lazy she was, starts venting about Titanic and says she “apologises to his past victims” and that he’s continuing being a pest to her, claims to have PTSD related to her song LowLife
>Mars Argo confirms she’s making new music
>Poppy’s fans try to sue her due to being scammed out of thousands of dollars from the shut down Poppy.Church
>Chelsea / NobodysDreamgirl gets a tattoo of Titanic’s name
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No. 2016177

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I know exactly who you are talking about lmao I was also on poppytwt for 4 years and always thought he was so annoying and weird. I wasn’t in that group but I thought that Reddit AITA was fake because the timeline just didn’t make sense.
Also I want to add something, unfortunately I only have like two screenshots as proof but in 2021, Poppy made a secret fan account for herself on twitter (@poppystan_). And fans quickly noticed that it was her because it was obvious and they started trying to get noticed by her. I knew her fandom very well, most poppy fans usually wouldn’t care about such a small, new and anonymous account and wouldn’t even follow them back, but they were trying so hard to interact with this one, replying to every tweet she posted, adding her to group chats etc.
She even liked and replied to some of my tweets lol. And she liked a lot of hate tweets about Mars, Chelsea and Titanic.
She also tweeted about how much she hated the AIAG era.
When people started realizing the account was hers, she immediately deactivated.

No. 2016185

She also liked tweets making fun of her for her lip fillers but she has more plastic surgery than Chelsea.

No. 2016227

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found more tweets on the wayback machine. it definitely sounds like moriah with the bitchy snarky replies to poppy stans and shading mad decent.

No. 2016276

If I was always being told I was a clone of a discount Gwen Stefani, I would have made a sockpuppet too

No. 2016326

This looks like someone trying to larp as her, using her typing patterns from when she was on discord, repeating things she already said about mad decent + am I a girl, posting about an anime character she cosplayed on WWE a few days before, etc. If the account pre-dated anything she said/did publicly then it would be believable, but otherwise literally anyone could larp this way.

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