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No. 2079391[Reply]

Becky Lilley aka catholica_pandam on Instagram is a 22-year old ''autistic'' tradcath influencer, mom-to-be, stoner, addict and student from Fredericton, Canada. She's married to Ian, an autistic man of Scottish descent. She has amassed a following on IG after her autistic catholic wedding pictures went viral, but has been increasinly scrutinized due to her erratic, attention-seeking behavior, oversharing, inconsistencies, self-infantilization and speculation that her ''autism'' is in reality a badly managed case of BPD. She loves posting about her dog, God, housewife duties, autism, how catholicism saved her from a troubled adolescence and how much she actually hates parasocial relationships and e-fame.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/catholica_pandam/
Fan reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/catholicpandam/
Snark reddit (featuring archived lives): https://www.reddit.com/r/catholicpanda/
Her mother's IG: https://www.instagram.com/old_lady_trudge_/
Ian's IG: https://www.instagram.com/ianswoodworking/

Recent milk
>Has taken several breaks from social media due to mental health emergencies, only to return very quickly afterwards. Kept posting through it via her husband and mom's accounts
>Was admitted to a psychiatric facility after discussing suicide on IG, checked out to access her opiate medication for her endo period
>Has behPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2093052

So her HG has totally gone away? I had severe HG from week 5 to 16 of my pregnancy and could barely get out of bed let alone go shopping, do chores or cook. And I had tried ALL the meds.(no1currs)

No. 2093082

As a k-12 catholic school student this seems a bit blasphemous. The pope is God’s representative on earth, dressing a dog up like the pope and bringing him into God’s house is crazy honestly, I don’t think a lot of older Catholics in my church would have been cool with that. As long as Becky gets attention though, I guess it’s cool?(no1currs)

No. 2093232


Is Becky reporting these?

No. 2093688

Learn2integrate and stop blogposting

No. 2093692

It wasn’t me posting that, mods just on a ban trip

No. 2091715[Reply]

(shit thread)

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No. 1222039[Reply]

The spam community on Instagram is a community where people (generally private accounts with no connections to irls) overshare their lives. Most accounts don't gain much traction but there are a few notorious cows on the app, these 3 have threads that are either dying or locked. If there is any others let the farm know.

Jaelle Stiles:
> 21 year old NEET who sits on social media all day and lurks
> Has been on the internet since 2011
> Used to be best friends with many spams including Julia, Nika, Lex, and Iana
> Had a mother who passed away of cancer
> Livestreamed her reaction right as she was passing
> Does insanely disgusting things for attention including sticking a used tampon in her mouth, smoking a tampon, drinking bleach, and letting her own mother give her hickeys.
> Searches her name constantly on social media for any sense of relevance
> Deletes her account once a month only to come back weeks later

Nika Petrova:
> 19 year old drug addict poly sex worker anachan
> Drug of choice is heroin, benzos and possibly meth?
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No. 2091706

So basically she’s homeless now? I couldn’t tell who that voice was on the phone call but we’ll see if she makes it back to her parents. This has taken a weird dark turn

No. 2091726

They talk about having babies more in this live…

No. 2091787

I guess so, but I think this saga with Brandon will go on for a little bit longer. Who knows with her.

No. 2091919

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He's on live rn with no shirt on and his greasy pepperoni nipples arguing with her. He's claiming she has cp of herself on her phone that she made as a child with her dad. Nika's extremely disgusting, but this guy is the bottom of the sewer scum

No. 2092306

It's unlikely for her to get pregnant after years of being an anachan junkie. I hope.

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No. 1643629[Reply]

Blaire White | Robbie White #4 - Ganz Schnell, Pull The Ladder Up Edition

>Soon to be 27-year-old edgelord troon, never grew out of his anti-SJW phase from 4 years ago that most of his friends from back then have abandoned
>Got his fame from bashing causes such as feminism and Black Lives Matter on YT and sucking /pol/ chaser dick
>Constantly makes fun of other people for being fat/ugly despite looking like a male neanderthal and having his weight constantly fluctuate
>Once claimed he has never been rejected by anyone in his life and can get any guy he wants but has a fat, balding alcoholic fiance
>Is incredibly dull and braindead, seemingly has no interests or talents other than talking shit which is why his content is so shit
>Circlejerks retarded, uneducated opinions with other cows like shoe0nhead and Kalvin Garrah
>Apparently has a drinking problem

Updates from the Past 2 Years
>Sided with J-Star during dramageddon and called James Charles a predator
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No. 2091983

Didn't watch beyond the intro but it's crazy how much better his face looked pre-fillers/whatever he did after his ffs. Kind of dragged himself ngl

No. 2092242

fuck.. that filler migration LMAO his face is drooping and melting

No. 2092537

That's why he always makes sure to drape his hair over them so it's not as noticeable lol.

His vanity wil lbe the downfall of him. Not that it's wrong to not care about your appearance but you're trying so hard to make yourself something you genetically aren't, it's only going to lead to a much sad outcome.

No. 2092743

Joey is 6 or 7 years older than him, I think he's 37 or 38. At this point if he was gonna leave Robbie to have kids he probably would have. I assumed that's what happened until that video got posted here, Joey hadn't been mentioned in a long ass time

No. 2092963

Ah okay, yeah he's approaching 40 and I suppose you have a fair point that if he really wanted to settle down, he probably would've done it by now. Then again some men can be very fickle. Like what if Joey starts thinking about having a family in his 40s when things really start to become serious in the sense of his window closing?

Still I just wonder why they haven't tied the knot by now, it's not like they are struggling financially so theory-wise it would be a good time to seal the deal lol.

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No. 2031556[Reply]

The Karl Jacobs allegations summary



Opening statement for context
1. Predatory sexual behavior towards creators and fans
2. Public Controversies
3. Not paying and not crediting Artists
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No. 2031594

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Screenshots (P)

No. 2031596

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Screenshot (P+)

No. 2031598

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11. Addition: Setting the record straight about stan projections

- Fanbase inserting „sob story“ and „idolization“ narratives in order to absolve Karl from accountability, inject empathy into otherwise sociopathic behavior or parasocially „feeling and thinking“ on behalf of him ((Screenshots (T) Examples: Claiming for months Karl has an „eating disorder“, because „he gets bullied by haters“ =/= him clarifying multiple times he occasionally forgets/delays a meal due to ADHD completely unrelated. Again pushing for the ED when „Mr.B visited him to feed him“ =/= Mr.B and Karl filming a basic promotion video for B-Burger. Claiming he looks „so sad“, because „people say he ruined Mr.B“ =/= being sleep deprived due to workaholism and stating he only laughs about that slogan. Claiming he's an „innocent virgin“ and idol for the „aro ace community“ =/= isn't a virgin, is not aro ace, goes on dates, sexts, had girlfriends. Spreading on wiki sites he's a „nice Hufflepuff“, because he's so „wholesome and loves nature“ =/= tested as Slytherin with Tinakitten describing him as „the most slytherin motherfucker i ever met ever, he is so evil“ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqdb92mRPLE&t=5620s 1:41:33-1:41:49 and 1:49:25-1:49:30) and on his own account even „dislikes nature“. Dozens of tiktoks claiming he was „stunned in sadness“ during TinaKitten's birthday stream because of „chat messages of Technoblades death“ =/= Karl knowing about it far prior and idling for 5 seconds as a pouty comedy bit in direct reaction to BrookeAB teasing him. Fans praising his „wholesome softboi nerd uwu image“ =/= When asked about himself he joked he „wants to be a bad inspiration“ and is „bad to the bone“. In the Padilla Interview he is not surprised that people regularly publish heinous things he's said and done - not fearing what they might be, but wondering how upset people might be this time. Also, due to it being shown in „innocent minecraft graphics“, people tend to miss that his content mainly thematically revolves around fighting for money, powerplays or playing god, mind games, people manipulating and betraying each other, mass destruction, mutilation, torture and death. (Screenshots T+)

- Despite stans insisting of him acting as a role model, Karl gePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 2031599

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Screenshots (T+)

No. 2091534

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Adding to the grooming allegations: This still active tiktok thread clarifies in the comments it's about Karl. (Minors coming forward)

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No. 2080821[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2091461

Not Rock & Rule and Space Ace! I hate this old pervert and he somehow became worse.

No. 2091475

isnt this faggot the one implying that all women are the same by generalising the female race and amplifying a very vocal minority?(sage your shit)

No. 2091477

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this is so sad because he would be so cute as a boy

No. 2091478

a little rape would set him on the right path(alogging)

No. 2091487

I dont get it, why would moids sabotage their dicks like this.

>be cute guy

>women and men drooling and simping after you
>become tranny
>most people disgusted by you
>dating pool is now other troons, blue haired fat themlets and vaush tier greasy perverts

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No. 559988[Reply]

New Jessie blush thread. Old one was full and she's been milky lately.

Previous thread: >>141494

Former famous scene queen/former Vegas cam model weeb.

Has a 4/5 year old daughter she doesn't even take care of.

Notorious for dating men who completely and utterly degrade her on social media.

First boyfriend was THISISSHOTTY. An aspiring Vegas rapper who fails miserably and causes second hand embarrassment. A week after their breakup, she got with some tattoo dude named David that treats her with disrespect. Although she states

"Finally someone who treats me like an absolute queen"

Just like with every other guy.
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No. 2009094

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They broke up lol he finally realized what a lazy leech she is

She’s also active on her twitter about how much she hates the world, herself, her life, etc.

No. 2010378

>she just wanted me for my money
>probably has no money

No. 2011319

I think he comes from a family with money. He gives off trust fund kid vibes and i vaguely remember him tagging his dad in something and his dad was some rich old money dude. I could be completely wrong.

No. 2091175

How you people continuously defend bucktard while having a whole smear campaign against Jessie is wild. That 40 year old man child is nothing more than a manipulative abusive narcissist with not a single good trait about him. He looks like a disgusting shriveled up tweaker with the worst dentures I’ve ever seen.

Yeah she should’ve never dated him but it was clear as day she was an easy target for him to abuse. Thank god she left him. She seems to be doing so much better and a lot happier. While he’s still fucking with junkies and pretending to be some hot shot rapper.

I don’t ever see her complaining about how she hates her life now? All I see is her growth from getting her own cars to actually working a decent job unlike him who scams people into timeshares from a job mommy got him. He is constantly talking shit about her while she stays being silent so you can definitely tell who hasn’t changed and who has. Shorty ruined a lot for her but thank god she finally found her worth and dumped that loser. I wish nothing but the best for her and hope she heals peacefully from that douchebag.

& lol he’s still talking about this thread on Snapchat because he has nothing better to do with his miserable life hence why I’m here cause I hope he reads this.(necro)

No. 2091971

Sage for necro; but after being off for the first time in weeks, i checked lolcow for my own guilty pleasure; and read this entire girls thread; the way bucky gets passes on his trashy, manipulative behavior while shes getting dog pilled sucks, i hope shes ok, poor girl is so pretty, i hope shes able to gt her life together and stay away from these abusive men.

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No. 2085229[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1971031

Thread recap:
>SuperMega returns >>1971032
>Rooster Teeth officially shuts down >>1973320
>Alex Kister of The Mandela Catalogue is outed for being a nasty AGP with minors >>1975610
>Vareena Sayed is in a terrible motorcycle crash >>1976103
>Jameskii posts 52 page google doc of twomads crimes >>1976745 >>1977140
>Pathetic MRA whining >>1978460 >>1978629
>Oompaville being a misogyny apologist >>1981003
>SSSniperwolf re-monetized, breaks up with her moid, assault accusations >>1985037
>chuggaconroy posts long statement, wont be making videos anymore >>1986158
>Japan is not safe from Nick Robinson >>1988156
>Adam22 is dating Caroline Calloway >>1988836
>Kyra Renee is pregnant >>1994937
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No. 2091029

I was never a Hasan fan or watcher and I had only seen him through clips here and there. I admit that I thought he was pretty cute but then I saw the clip of the sex tourism that you're referring to and that turned me right off from him big time. And then the troons in sports thing just added even more to the ick factor of him. I agree that he's pretty above average looking and he could easily get hookups from women on Tinder assuming he's not completely inept in-person to where that would turn off a woman but even then, there's alcohol for that (kek). Either way, it's so obvious that he probably does like dub-consent which is why he turns to prostitution because you just know this man is coombrained.

>Thought he was gay
Interesting, I didn't get gay vibes from him from the clips I saw but I could see him being a closet-case bisexual. Also >>2086068 , don't feel too ashamed about the h3 thing, I was in college back during those days of his channel and I thought some of the videos he did at that time were funny like that one reaction he did with Hila on that man who was addicted to Pac-Man or the one about the fake psychics. I miss how Ethan and Hila used to be relatively wholesome back in those days.

No. 2091117

Average lying jew(racebait/sage your shit)

No. 2091204

Crazy to think these are the same people who once cried about finally being able to afford bell peppers or whatever it was

No. 2092732

Even crazier when you calculate in that he’s been fucking and dating Valkyrae for years and whatever your opinion of her is let’s not pretend she’s an ugly woman or something

No. 2092734

Listen not to add to racist stereotypes but Ethan asked a nelk boy (idk who they are but I guess they’re rich?) guest on his show recently to Venmo his employee 10 dollars for pizza idk why he couldn’t just cover it. I couldn’t help but think how cheap he was. As someone who is just watching the crash out on both sides at this point.

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No. 1845552[Reply]

My apologies to the anons who whined for a new thread, y’all were right and I should have posted sooner – smh, hope you find this.

Alice Llani (formerly, but still legally, Alice Bender) is known on Tik Tok for controversial takes, identifying as a crunchy and vegan radfem tradwife. She is “terminally online” and desperate for attention at any cost, often soiling her own reputation and exploiting her two children in pursuit of it.

FKA alicellani / crunchyipadbaby / aliceandfern / alicellanispam / aureliasmama / comingupfern / radfemalice / Allison-Loke-Lani Roza

> Spends an exhausting amount of time trying to gaslight audience that she is at her pre-pregnancy weight, despite looking like a water-logged corpse (spoiler: she does eventually loses the weight for single girl summer).
> Weight aside, Alice spends nearly a year looking like she died in the bathtub giving birth to Sneeze and is a walking ghost.
> Gets exposed by some crunchy moms for being a mean girl.
> A lot of gross food-floor stuff, not worth getting into all of it but THINGS BE FERAL AF.
> Interest dwindles in Alice’s antics so she tries to generate some by teaching, filming, and encouraging Fern to engage in unsafe behaviour around natural bodies of water (repeatedly). Eventually, she even gets bored of this herself and it abruptly stops.
> Abruptly stops showing the children’s faces. Anons speculate whether this was to drum up attention or if she’s hiding physical indication of abuse via Daddy Bender.
> Regular programming receives more frequent interruptions than before — archiving photos of Caleb, unfollowing him and his family, ask followers advice on getting a large down payment back, using audio about DV, etc. She claims to be looking for an apartment for herself and the children.
> Follows this up by mass-archiving social media posts and anons are torn whether this is due to an impending divorce/custody battle or if she is still baiting yet again.
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No. 2091113

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Because the dude doesn't care about her nails. She isn't getting the things she desires, she is getting whatever the SD wants/finds attractive, like all SBs.
If it gets to the point he introduces her to people in his life (other men whose opinions matter) then he will tell her to go to the spa & get them done. But it's only for him & his desires.
Phoenix is a mecca for people like this, wishing they could be "Scottsdale" but they're actually Apache Junction.

No. 2091139

I hope she’s smart enough to keep these men away from her home since single moms are a huge target for pedos

No. 2091157

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No, in fact she brought her children with her on her Valentine’s Day spa/resort trip. Overnight from 2/13-2/14.

No. 2091173

Oh no. Well she’s consistent, with never having cared about safety when it comes to her kids. I would hope she is being careful for their sake. But doubt it

No. 2091248

I guess living in Phoenix gets to everyone, I don’t think there’s a single area with more wannabe sugar babies other than Miami

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No. 2033887[Reply]

Discuss people in your life, or people you have found online, who have lolcow potential.
Previous threads (in order but not properly numbered):
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No. 2090725

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a franchewla thread would be so cool. he's fucking hilarious. in between posting emotional meltdowns in his story (usually about his failure to abstain from porn and whining about not getting girls in between calling women "wenches") he posts these gay ass flexing and dancing videos. he also has several songs posted where he raps about da haturs with his autistic speech impediments. apparently lives in poverty and squalor in Alaska with his equally if not more weird twin brother the_notorious_kjv. sorry for the shitty video quality i was having issues with the screen recorder and after multiple attempts this is the best i could do

No. 2090931

nta but KEK i love this faggot and it’s even funnier that there’s TWO of them

No. 2090994

Javie Milei is a massive cow. He recently got involved in a rugpull. I really wish we had a political cows thread because he's super milky, outside of his recent rugpull scam he also
>has a super weird relationship with his sister, who's the vicepresident
>cloned his dogs
>constantly spergs out on twitter instead of managing the country
>used to dress as a cringe lolbertarian superhero and roam weeb conventions

No. 2092009

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Wow, and now he fully admits being terminally online like the pathetic, worthless, old, ugly jackass he is. again the bragging about blocking people, just stfu already. I hate his retarded old ass and his retarded white knights so much as well. I hope he gets his life ruined.

No. 2092941

My coworker is something of a personal cow. I guess.

>19 year old college drop out

>"gay boy" who is actually a straight girl
>obsessed with yaoi
>fries her hair to be white like Gojo
>wears circular sunglasses indoors to "look like Gojo" or whatever
>tries to look Asian with make up and eye tape but is a blue eye naturally dirty blond white girl
>fetishizes Asian men
>talks loudly about yaoi in front of our coworkers

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