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No. 1970834[Reply]

Meet Lorena Sanchez, a Texan autist, “lolita”, cosplayer and self-proclaimed radfem STEM TERF Stacy
>spends all day upsetting herself by fighting moids on twitter in between venting about her autism meltdowns and eating disorder
>endlessly brags about her high value and standards in dating, but is with a fat 6 years younger 4chan edgelord she moved in with in his college town after only seeing each other a few times and meeting on discord
>part of a Love Live performance group aka does dance covers for shitty weeaboo songs at anime conventions, selling polaroids of herself to “fans”
>known across lolcow.farm discord servers as former mod Hex, has been stirring petty drama and attention whoring for over 3 years now >>>/ot/734680 CTRL+F Hex
>attaches her discord handle to her professional accounts despite constant drama baiting and lolcow.farm connections
>camps out on /meta/ and the crystal.cafe lolcow hate thread all day spamming schizo posts, responds as herself when called out >>>/meta/52188 (one of many examples, again CTRL+F Hex)
>twitter orbiter to many cows featured in the anachan and leftcow threads ( e.g. Dasha)
>namedrops lolcow and crystal cafe on twitter for attention
>possibly selfposts on /ot/ >>>/ot/1846538

Personal/portfolio website: https://renahime.github.io/ https://archive.is/Tgs5x
https://github.com/renahime https://archive.is/Lfw7vPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(delete duplicate threads and spoiler gore)
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No. 2073694

What significance is this of whatsoever?

No. 2073696

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>How can I avoid rent?
Meanwhile she was posting luxury $4,000 pcm apartments that she was 'considering' the Discord and calling other anons in the chat poor.

No. 2073758

Could potentially tie them together. Just thought I’d ask.

No. 2074778

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I’m still being harassed(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2075221

>Still messaging Elaine an entire year later because she believes she started the thread

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No. 1996943[Reply]

Passport bro, or passport bros is a movement of men who go to developing nations in order to find girlfriends or wives. These men believe that feminism has corrupted Western women, and seek to find a youthful, submissive, modest, conservative and feminine woman. Despite their claims passport bros often get caught with prostitutes, or seemingly never actually stick to one woman. Some have been robbed, assaulted or scammed on camera. But it doesn't deter most of them. A few have also been arrested. Most overlap with redpill and manosphere communities, especially the black manosphere. Which is why many have a hate boner for black women and speak on black (male) issues. 

Some examples of passport bros: 

>Auston holleman 

>was arrested in Brazil for sex tourism crimes in 2023, returned back to the country in 2024.

>International passport 


>more to life 


>The Philip Scott show 

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No. 2063040

R9K is full of these creatures.(sage your shit)

No. 2063089

The audacity of going million miles away from your home to a foreign country for ~love, desu~ (read: using some poor woman's vagina as a masturbatory aid) without even learning the language. Jesus Christ did they think some blue corn moon thing was going to happen? Especially in a first world country where the women are actively not fucking their own men?

Only thing good about this is that it caused him some mild suifuel, kek. We should psyop pathetic weeb men more, make them ship themselves, and watch their self-inflicted PTSD form once they realize they're not some cutie gaijin that will form an harem of virgins in the precious Nipponland.

No. 2072963

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Kek these passport bros are all 40 year old dysgenic moids. Many 4moids talk about how Western "roasties" are furious because Western women are missing out on these men. I'm glad that my country is so screwed and is a dictatorship that keeps these scroates away.(sage your shit)

No. 2072989

this is brace belden, he's a cow in the current left/post-leftist circles, he's rich kid's with a drug addiction who pretends he's working and his only claim to fame is that he “volunteered” in syria to fight isism now, he insists he was out there killing fascists, but guess what? some people did a little digging and found out his actual job was doing minor manual labor and managing computers. so he’s never seen the front line in his life, but that hasn’t stopped his never-ending LARP session, his latest tall tale about beating up neo-Nazi punks when the punk scene was dead, only recently people are finally catching on to the fact that he’s just a huge grifter

No. 2073872

The funniest part about passport bros, is on r/thepassportbros and r/itsthatbad these men are OBSESSED with the Western women they supposedly hate so much. Like let them live rent-free in their brain.

And then they'll spend hours posting about how "jealous" Western women are. When these scrotes seem like the most miserable, bitter, misanthropic, angry people you've ever met x100.

Imagine being a foreign woman married to one of these man, and you just see them sitting at their computer all day fuming, their heart pounding and teeth gritted, and looking at articles about feminism to make themselves enraged.

And on top of that you'd get zero breaks from childcare/housework (They want "traditional women who will do women's work"), so you'd be stuck being awake 24 hours a day 7 days a week caring for a screaming newborn and having an angry husband with mental issues who's constantly on the verge of lashing out.

Literally anything sounds better than that. Being a lifelong celibate nun, anything.

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No. 773289[Reply]

I haven't been following her as closely lately so I don't have all the latest milk but here's some info from over the years
>Goes by Isibella, real name is Perdita Woodley
>Has some family that was a duke or something
>Her rich "master" picked her up in a bar in England when she was a teenager and brought her to the states to be his slave
>Used to be really down to earth and nerdy, would talk about things like My Little Pony and World of Warcraft
>Got a set of huge, horrible looking fake boobs (also lip injections, and some suspect a nose job sometime in there too) and suddenly became obsessed with "glamour" and "luxury" and her "rich life"
>Since becoming obsessed with portraying this spoiled little rich girl image she refuses to acknowledge her nerdy past
>Always posting about how rich and fancy she is, how much she just loooove champagne and caviar and etc.
>Always bragging about how she lives in a mansion
>Wears circle lenses and animu makeup that make her look fucking creepy
>Founded "The Chateau", which she says is "Like Playboy for kitten girls"
>Puts out a monthly (? not sure if she's still doing it) web zine about The Chateau with poorly photoshopped covers (released a cover that said "May 2015" in November once)
>Says The Chateau accepts all models but almost all of them are skinny white girls
>Widely reported to play favorites with Chateau models
>Many accepted models submitted photosets that never got posted. Isibella, however, constantly continued to post pictures of herself.
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No. 2062998

Even if that's true, she sure made a great deal of money on pimping naive women to sexual predators and rapists. If she's blown through it already, that's on her. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who repeatedly let rapists in and endangered everybody just for the sake of her ego.

No. 2063415

That sucks. Yeah she’s a cow and not a good person, but that hurricane absolutely destroyed so many people’s lives and there’s barely anything about it on the news and they’re not getting any aid. There are thousands of people still homeless and destitute in the area.

No. 2072167

Also seems like the moment things got too hard for her during the hurricane and her partner was dealing with taking care of his parents that had to stay in a hospital, she was going to just abandon him and go live elsewhere? Like wow.. way to show how much you actually care for your partner during a very difficult time..(sage your shit)

No. 2072228

Yah looks like they are back together and she is blaming her loss of friends and scandals on cancel culture ….(sage your shit)

No. 2072353

Ofcourse she would put the blame on anything other than herself. That’s exactly what a narcissist does. They are never in the wrong in their own eyes.(sage your shit)

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No. 256183[Reply]

Old thread >>132905

http://ichigoflavor.tumblr.com/ (dead)

Truth Blog (dead):

Since these aren't banned anymore, I decided to make a new Berry thread to talk about my fave cow
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No. 2072123

Please share ! She was my favorite cow back in the days. im nostalgic now

No. 2072344


some info i remember berry sharing on her discord server was that she actually did go and study to be a doctor but she dropped out during the final year because it was taking a big toll on her mental health

im gonna assume that could be around the time she moved in with switch, shortly after she probably started working for his mom altho shes been working a different job for a while or maybe making most of her money from patreon, as for her posting lewd pics apparently switch is okay with it, she mentioned that he's a very private person so that probably explains why his twitter is gone, i noticed that its been gone for a while now, maybe since 2023 or early 2024?

not sure if this is common knowledge here on lolcow but some ppl found switch's real name, address, his mom's name and office (where berry mightve worked), based on my observation of the backgrounds in berry's selfies they still live in switch's mom's house but are paying rent but this is purely speculation on my part

berry has a tweet where she said that she prefers to be called cyberangel or cyber, stating she doesnt wanna be called anything else esp by ppl who havent spoken to her in months, which i find so funny she's trying very hard not to get her past dug up, her tumblr acc has been deactivated as well

as bonus here is a tiktok she made where you can see her full face with no makeup, crazy how much more filipino she looks without any o the glam, i think all the men online lusting over her are blind af lmao https://www.tiktok.com/@xcyb4rgalx/video/7043588132167748869(this is an imageboard/learn2embed)

No. 2072346

>> 2072344

forgot to add this, its her wishlist and its insane to me how ppl are just buying her random shit AND she has quite the confidence putting louis vuitton jewelry that are worth THOUSANDS lmfao https://throne.com/cyb4rangel(this is an imagboard)

No. 2072363

This gave me a good laugh, thanks for posting. It's all a bunch of cheap Aliexpress goffik tat and then boom, £13,000 bracelet.

No. 2074581

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can't believe it's not edited

I still remember the fake Cartier saga, good times kek

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No. 2072309[Reply]

I'm sick and tired of these retarded vtubers on Xitter always starting up shit on my For You page and it's almost always related to them being cancelled for jerking off to loli porn. Bandytsune or whatever being one of them, always posting about incest loli shit and complaining about being "doxxed"; le victim complex goes crazy. Shut the fuck up forever and delete your account(shit thread, read the rules before making a thread)

No. 2072311

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Very normal and totally not retarded actions… Is this the future of X that Elon Musk promised us?

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No. 2071802[Reply]

SUMMARY: Effina Hyatt aka Fotouh Al Sahlamm is a self-hating Kuwaiti and plastic surgery/filter addict who rose to z list notoriety after she married washed up has-been/former MDE member, 40 year old Charles Carroll.


>Effina marries her senpai Charls Carroll after years of stalking MDE despite Charls being 14 years her senior and openly fetishizing virginity, she flies out to live with him in his squalid rented apartment

>Effina is caught editing her own baby photos

>Effina’s online fashion “boutique” which she claimed included clothes designed by herself is exposed for being cheap Aliexpress sweatshop dresses which she was inflating the price of tenfold

>Screencaps found incriminating Charls for being involved with underage fans in previous years.

>Candid pictures of Effina are uncovered showing the extent of her plastic surgery/video editing and photo editing which she still denies

>Effina claims to be an uwu trad virgin waifu despite flying out to Sweden when she was 18 for dick whilst lying to her parents and Charls to this day by claiming she was staying with friends.

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No. 2071848

That's kind of the trend everywhere on social media now, is it not?

No. 2071857

Less than three hours and it's started already lol

No. 2071858

Would be appropriate to link her previous threads, no?

No. 2071859

Weren't these threads banned for constant racebaiting and nitpicking?

No. 2071873

These threads were previously locked due to them being filled up with racebait and nitpicking. Given that it's already started again, we are locking this one too.

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No. 1042077[Reply]

Deathfats and Infinifats are 500+ lbs. fat activists who claim to be healthy while still somehow get diagnosed with weight-related diseases. If something doesn't go their way, they make sure to cry 'fatphobia' while putting down thinner women and pressuring overweight women to become fatter.

Notable Fats:
>Tess Holliday - Dried-up plus-size model who is just a terrible person in general, and has had plent of her own drama https://www.instagram.com/tessholliday/

>FatGirlFlow - Fat activist and lesbian. E-begs with her partner. Suffers from sleep apnea due to her healthy frame. https://www.instagram.com/fatgirlflow/

>ComfyFatTravels - FatGirlFlow's partner. Identifies as "trans-masc." Also suffers from sleep apnea. https://www.instagram.com/comfyfattravels/

>TheFatBombus/TheFatterBombus - Disgusting blob leaching off her "husbean". Spends her day posting horrid selfies to Instagram. Identifies as non-binary. https://www.instagram.com/thefatterbombus/

>Multii - MtF trashgender. Used to be skinny and conventionally attractive. Now looks like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers. https://www.instagram.com/multii/

>FatPosiPunk - A fat positive model. Claims to be Indigenous and Latinx.
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No. 2071456

She does look like she lost some weight to me

No. 2071514

She looks like she's lost weight. You can see that her decolletage has less fat on it and her face looks less round, although that could be the angle. Good for her but what a fucking nightmare to lose 65lbs and still be morbidly obese.

No. 2071841

Right if youre 400+ lbs, loosing 65lbs isnt actually that much and wont make a big visual difference, which is crazy because most normal people that would be around half their bodyweight

No. 2071929

It's so depressing to think about. No wonder so many mega fatties give up on life, even if they work hard at fixing their diets and start working out and lose the weight of an average adult male, they'll still be shopping for potato sack clothes in the fatass section of the store. I feel so bad for them, so many people get to this point because of severe mental health issues, and the whole HAES bullshit only makes it harder for them to get the help they need to address their issues and lose the weight. Honestly fuck anyone who shills that cult. I hope they all get their shit together and shed the blubber before it's too late.

No. 2072245

losing weight when you are morbidly obese is extremely easy though. To be 400+ pounds you have to be eating a large excess every day just to maintain that weight, even if they changed their daily intake from say 5,000 calories a day to just 3,000 (which would be a huge excess for anyone else and make a regularly overweight person gain) they could lose 20+ pounds in a month. The reason they make it seem so hard is they have terrible eating habits and can’t even just slightly overeat to be in a small deficit, they have to consoom 24/7 and be in denial over it. Once they reach the 200lb mark it does get much more difficult and they have to start actually restricting like a normal diet.

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No. 2071211[Reply]

Skirby, an Instagram ethot from Montreal Canada. A pathological liar who panders to underage coomers by utilizing her abhorrent shooping skills and posting her shitty, cheap aliexpress "cosplays".

Her socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imskirby/?hl=en
Twitter: https://x.com/imskirby?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@imskirby?lang=en
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/imskirby
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/skirby

#1: >>>/snow/2008093

>thirsting for sam sulek again >>1951407
>BANNED KEK >>1959555
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No. 1057353[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/903707

stwawbwewymilk/aggy/matt Is a transwoman "indie" comic artist that is known for drawing CP and incest, drinking his own piss, wearing diapers, and tweeting degenerate takes such as “it’s impossible for a trans woman to be a pedophile”, and “fucking in public in front of children is OK”. When met with any criticism, his army of orbiters swoop in to protect their mentally ill traumatized incest loving pedophile queen.

Background milk:
>speaks in baby talk, calls himself a “stupid little girl”
>made up a trauma narrative to justify drawing little kids being pissed on and fucked
>if you criticize him it means you hate trans women, bigot
> is friend of fellow Troon and child groomer four lung >>743790
> steals stuffed animals and tamagotchis claiming "I'm literally so poor and broke I need to steal to survive check your privilege" >>903332

>has started camming, >>1011296 drinks own piss out of wine glass live
>his likes are full of child/animal bestiality porn >>1027140 >>1031373
>jokes about child grooming >>1007013
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No. 2070978

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Aggy is dressing up as a baby again

No. 2071010

i don't think he ever stopped

No. 2071132

is that a tip jar next to the multiple bottles of Lubriderm? Guess pedo comics don’t pay great.

No. 2071672


Welcome back Shmorky

No. 2073279

Lol I wonder if his hamplanet girlfriend finally kicked him out.

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No. 1411291[Reply]

Creepshow Art is a commentary youtuber with (formerly) 500k subs who has been receiving negative attention for her obnoxious personality, her tendency to lie for attention, her biased and often misleading videos, and her never-ending drama, and as of recent, her sudden and explosive plummet from grace and public #canceling.
In the first thread, Shannon was outed for using lolcow to manufacture drama and satisfy her vendettas. Go here for the announcement aka the infamous "lolcow posts" that Shannon has yet to address. >>1244574

Shannon's current bullshit:
>Went MIA for 6 months after all her bullshit excuses fell flat
>Released a 2.5 hour shit piece on New Years Eve to prove without a doubt that she is NOT guilty of stalking EmilyArtful. tldw; video actually proves without a doubt Shannon has been stalking EmilyArtful >>1405663
>Youtube rings in 2022 dunking on Shannon's bullshit video and milking the (hopefully) last of this cow's "who me stalking?" antics for views
>Bryce/Brandon has lots of old face pics of Anthony on his Instagram >>1410837 just two coooool dudes

Recap of previous threads: >>1251957
>Shannon's friends continue waffling and more expose videos are churned out by bystanders
>Emily's 2 hour video details years of extensive stalking, harassment and blackmail by the hands of her abusive ex-boyfriend Anthony, who later roped his then-girlfriend Shannon into the harassment campaign, video and longer summary at >>1253989
>Anthony was a wannabe school shooter edgelord who raped her while unconscious
>He and Shannon held Emily's drug addiction, underage nudes and camgirl material over her head and got her fired several times
>snapchatted her from lPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2041802

entirely your fault for "asking chatgpt" anything kekkk its not a search engine and its definitely not a researcher who provides reliable facts

No. 2041808

Lmao that's not how chatgpt works. It's not trained on super recent data. AI can sometimes "hallucinate" when it doesn't have enough information about a topic.

No. 2042505

Bing copilot w/chatgpt 4, duh.

No. 2069138

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Not sure if this account has been mentioned yet but if it isn't CSA they have the same vocabulary.


No. 2070872

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This guy was also Jazz Like Settings or whatever, the 42 year old who posted the video of his voice

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