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No. 572819
20 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 31 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/557047The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.-Made two videos of her snakes, one of them just doing dumb shit like laundry and one of them eating
-Has been criticized for using eco earth for her snakes substrate but doesn't care because "she thinks it's good"
-Most likely she's keeping her monitor lizard because o may gash guys he's so tame and use to me and the pet shop insists he's CB
-Left her pets again to go meet Jonny's friend for their birthday
-Is soon leaving again for a holiday in Disney
-Recently spewed facts about animals which have been pointed out to be incorrect
-Everyone believed her GTP was dead since its water bowl was dry and it didn't seem to be in the tank but she's rubbed it in our faces that it's alive
-Impulse bought a mantis shrimp; chucking it in her predator tank until she sets up a new tank for it (it'll likely murder her fish or break out of the tank)
Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: List of all Taylor's pets: Milk:
>Purchased Mantis Shrimp without proper set up
>Crackhead haircut
>Went MIA and missed Playlist Live because of "accidentally eating gluten"
>Is currently at Disney World with JC and is doing just fine
>Doesn't know how to dress herself
>Left 30+ animals with Betsy and her newborn baby
>No word about the monitor situation No. 573203
>>573180thats also betsy. theres so saying taylor does.
she might also lock them back up when she leaves, taylor goes to bed, etc.
No. 573207
>>573203oops *no saying taylor does
im dumb
No. 573464
File: 1525428673752.jpeg (420.57 KB, 750x1297, B5C63481-AD4C-487D-8BA1-A95973…)

Mama Dean tweeting about us again at 5am in Texas
No. 573465
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I just realized she’s in Florida so it’s a different time there but still 5am when she started tweeting.
I imagine this one is about Johnny
No. 573468
>>573464Don't think it's necessarily about this thread, but a girl on twitter (probably someone who has read this thread though) posted multiple tweets about how Taylor's illness only crops up when it's convenient and if she it was as bad as she makes out she couldn't possibly look after 30+ animals (true). Mamma Dean replied saying she'll "prove her wrong" whilst doing absolutely nothing to prove her wrong and called her a troll minutes before posting that tweet.
I'd honestly be so embarrassed if my mom posted shit like her mom posts on twitter, I'd also be super embarrassed to be related to someone like Taylor.
No. 573483
File: 1525432377100.png (428.71 KB, 1080x1035, IMG_20180504_120137.png)

Are all the deans just retarded and/or liars who twist shit to fit their agenda? The tweet she's referring to stated absolutely nothing about insight into her sons world. She was talking about siblings of disabled children often become attention seekers (which is true), and said more about Taylor than her brother. No one was using your kids you ridiculous child. Stop pleading for attention like your 21 year old going on 5 year old.
With every tweet her mom posts I understand where Taylors irrational, unable-to-take-criticism attitude comes from.
No. 573522
>>573483Taylor's mom seems unable to grasp the fact that her daughter is a public figure. You would think a woman of her age would be familiar with that concept and would learn to stop searching her daughter's name, but she keeps at it. It's probably not even upsetting her so much as she thinks that white knighting will make her daughter love her more. Too bad it just comes across as cringy and obsessive.
Jennifer, you probably read here. It's time to stop. Let your daughter be her own person and deal with the consequences of her own choices. Your daughter chose to put her life and her illnesses out there. She also chose to use her illness as an excuse not to do her job. You're also BOTH putting out information about your son. Maybe to start with, YOU should STOP posting about him and his issues on Twitter.
No. 573644
>>573464When you're up at 5 AM looking at all the hate your child gets… normal that.
Not many people even seem to discuss her son because he isn't a public figure and his illness is more 'visable' (cause you know, some people are like omgggggg). Even then, I doubt her son would use his illness to not do something.
No. 573673
File: 1525453692192.jpg (150.33 KB, 945x2048, IMG_20180504_190749.jpg)

They love the drama so fucking much
No. 573675
is your icon taylor on ig?
No. 573683
>>573677I believe so lmfao
she posted the exact same screencap on twitter
God what an attention whore
No. 573688
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just proof it's the exact same screenshot lmao
No. 573694
File: 1525455086193.png (11.39 MB, 1242x2208, 90F2CB02-EF3D-4BC2-92E8-E745EE…)

Also, more evidence Taylor is the more clingy one in the relationship. Jonny’s probably have because he got her where he wants her so he can get more money from her.
No. 573719
>>573673Considering the MASSIVE issue she made the whole thing to be this is ironic.
We didn't make it being wild caught an issue, she did.
No. 573790
>>573673Actually, you probably should do a bit of research into how to care for certain plants before you buy them. RIP all my potted herbs.
Also, I would have thought Tyler was done with this shit after the way she threw him under the bus, but I guess not. Keep mocking people asking what are actually legit questions. Like should you NOT research a pet before you get it now? WTF?
No. 573978
File: 1525478500662.jpg (634.39 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20180504-165631.jpg)

I am now convinced Taylor is a trash person 100% because of her mom
No. 573989
>>573974That bag isn't even cute? There are many things I'd rather spend that much money on at Disney than that bag.
I wonder is Betsy is looking after Taylor's animals by herself at the moment (on top of a newborn). That's really uncool of Taylor to dump that on her friend.
No. 573992
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No. 574011
>>573978>>573983Ariel Combe is my new hero. God, I understand being there for your child and all, but acting like a brat and immature is not the way to go. I feel second hand embarrassment for Mrs. Dean and now I understand how Taylor is messed up in the head.
I also share experience with what Ariel said, not with mental illness but how my own mom treated my cousins, she spoils them to the bone that they don’t feel the need to go to work or school, and my teenager rebellious self back then believed if they can do nothing then I can too, finally grew up (not relying on a druggie Jonny type) and found out that’s not how the world works. I wonder if Taylor will ever grow up?
No. 574014
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insert michaeljacksoneatingpopcorn.gif
No. 574017
File: 1525481892917.jpeg (432.92 KB, 1242x1620, 9D74C017-2B94-4BA7-8EF2-896FCE…)

eating popcorn intensifies
Posting these because I agree with Ariel 100%
No. 574055
File: 1525485828096.png (841.54 KB, 1242x2208, 43E98E85-AE2B-4C0A-BE42-387847…)

wants everyone to believe everything her daughter says yet she doesn’t believe anyone else who says they’ve been effected by EDS. interesting.
No. 574064
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Her mom's a hypocrite
No. 574066
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No. 574067
File: 1525487503637.png (146.78 KB, 1097x675, tweetr.png)

Taylor's mom needs to get the fuck off the Tweeter
No. 574078
>>574055Her mom is such a disaster. Attacking other people with EDS because HER daughter is the SICKEST and has the BEST attitude of anyone with it! ugh fuck her.
EDS is technically considered rare but it's actually pretty common, why would she doubt these people on twitter just because? No EDSer in real life that I know makes excuses like Taylor or fakes illness, people almost never WANT to miss out on life, the way you can tell Taylor's lying/exaggerating is because she only misses things she doesn't want to do.
No. 574086
File: 1525488997846.png (14.7 KB, 576x112, okthen.png)

"Everyone who disagrees with me or my daughter is a troll and a hater!!!!!"
No. 574098
>>574086lmao. spewing bile? she doesn't even know what she's saying.
Also, why the fuck is she tweeting at the EDS society like they're going to defend her? I'm dying.
No. 574104
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what the fuck is she even on about now? no one was debating "types" people are debating severity and she goes to… defend Taylor by saying that Taylor is less severe than people she knows?
This family's grasp on reality is astounding.
No. 574108
File: 1525491075186.jpg (39.86 KB, 500x279, image.jpg)

>>574066Did this hoe really go to Disney and pose with a child with under boob?
No. 574110
>>574104It's obvious where Taylor gets her selective reading/make believe BS from… I want her to keep going because I love when people keep digging their own graves.
Someone please retweet "I don't believe you".
No. 574190
>>574055Alright this is the one that got me.
She's being malicious with her "I don't believe you" bullshit.
No. 574218
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>>574212never mind i got my answer i can't fucking believe he tweeted this lmfao
No. 574222
>>574219fucking coward, enjoy the taylor stans that won't unsub from you for that pathetic display of misplaced loyalty.
Taylor is surrounded by fake assholes using her for her short-lived fame and money, what with that and her mother being an actual nut job it's no wonder she believes her own bullshit all the time.
No. 574228
>>574219A dead kitten isn't real issues?
1/3 of her pets being dead or abandoned isn't real issues?
No. 574275
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This twitter user has put together a great thread about Taylor and Manlet. Lots of interesting replies.
No. 574279
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Samefag but seems JC's mom/adoptive mom was at Disney when him and Taylor were.
No. 574313
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>>574086Looks like she’s gonna be “blocking” a lot of accounts…a page out of Taylor’s playbook…when you don’t want to hear the truth you block! Lol. She’s already blocked me twice!!
No. 574314
>>574224@taylorndean “She changes things when she gets called out and addresses it.”
What planet are you living on Tyler? She stops showing said pet when she gets out and goes on vacation instead of addressing it!
No. 574326
>>574316For real though! Like what parent would want that pic in their scrapbook? Such a horrible “role model” she is and I would have straight up told my kid we would have to wait another time to take a pic. Taylor seems very insecure about her small chest, so she does whatever she can to exaggerate it. Same with her tiny lips— fillers and way overlining them.
The tongue thing is like a sad outdated Miley habit. It’s not quirky or cute Taylor.
If she would just dress for her body type, stop frying her hair, stop with the lip fillers, she could be more girl next door wholesome. But she’s too desperate to be an insta-thot to cut back on the “trendy things” that wreck her whole look.
(Harshly worded I know, but Taylor if you do lurk this was serious advice!)
No. 574361
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>>574347This is ideally what a juvenile roughneck monitor should be kept in, he's going to need a much larger enclosure than this once he's full grown. You also can't keep proper humidity and temp in a glass tank, serious monitor keepers know this and build their monitors custom enclosures.
No. 574372
>>574362I thought she was getting racks and we rules that most the enclosures on the racks were smaller if not the same size than the enclosures she has rn.
My main problem is the fact that the monitor is still stuck in a small cage and it's no doubt he is barely fitting in there rn because last time we saw him it was clear he needed and upgrade.
No. 574421
>>574396>>574407I'm glad this fucker is finally getting called out. Taylor's outfits are ugly IMO but that's where my judgement ends. Definitely not "slutty" or whatever, it's the same shit all basic girls wear.
Usually the guys who complain about this sort of thing end of marrying ladies who, after popping out a few kids and hitting 30-35, wears sweatpants all day everyday and goes braless with her deep v neck tops, with them saggy titties liable to slip out any second.
No. 574429
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>>574421>>574407>>574396I guess you have to be a man and an Incel to think going to a family friendly park in an ill fitting shirt with underboob peaking out is trashy? Sorry but going out in nasty ripped tights, wearing a shirt with no pants, and gross frumpy underboob make you look like a crack whore. A crop top is fine, having your breasts or bra peaking out underneath is skanky.
A lot of women on this site get judged more harshly than Taylor, I don't know why her defense force is out.
No. 574444
>>574429Not defending her, but outfit choice does not make a person slutty. Also, I'm pretty sure that is NOT underboob in the picture, but a chub roll commonly caused on many girls by wearing a bra. It looks very obvious to me that she is in fact wearing a bra. It was mentioned earlier that her boobs are too perfectly round and smooth to not have a bra on, and also you can see the shoulder strap. Most likely, that is a chub roll peaking out of her shirt. Still gross? Maybe, but it isn't boob.
No. 574451
>>574444I didn't call her a slut stop projecting.
I said she looked like a crack whore, didn't say she was one, just that she was wearing the look.
It could just be fat, but obviously could be misconstrued at underboob, either way a bad choice for a theme park.
Even if someone called her a slut so what? Why would it matter? Her name has already been drug through through the mud as well as everyone she's been associated with. I don't think slut is more offensive than kitten murderer.
No. 574461
>>574451Slut might not be more offensive than kitten murderer but it’s more inaccurate. Taylor’s selfishness and lack of knowledgable care did cause the death of the kitten. But she’s literally been fucking with the same dude since these threads started so she’s not a slut. Even if she was that’s another issue I’m not getting into lol but facts are she ain’t, you can say whatever the fuck you want on here but don’t act shocked when people disagree
Anyway her mom is a nut job and I’m curios what condition Tay’s animals will be in when she gets back after this. Not that we’ll ever get to see.
No. 574537
>>574470>WHY are people whiteknighting her for showing her boobs off in front of little girls!? Because it's not a big deal? Ah yes let's hide little girls from boobs reeeeeeee.
That's the stupidest thing you can call her (or anyone) out for. She's a cunt, with bizarre fashion sense, but calling her a whore or a slut because of the way she dresses is uncalled for. Children literally won't give a shit if she's wearing some weird ass piece of clothing because they're at Disney, of all places. A little girl will be paying more attention to Belle than some girl wearing a crop top.
Plus stop looking at things in absolutes. Just because a lot of us don't think it's that big of a deal it doesn't mean we're "whiteknighting".
No. 574540
>>574492Breasts aren't sexual organs? What the fuck are you talking about?
You wouldn't find it strange if someone was wearing a bikini at a theme park? Different clothes fit different situations.
People can wear whatever they want, but wearing clothes with your tits and arse hanging out is slutty. You must be fine with men (and women) creeping on you if you're happy to wear such revealing outfits. Probably the first one to cry about someone staring at your tits too.
Be nice if people had a bit more respect for themselves these days instead of feeling the need to let it all hang out.
No. 574563
I kind of understand why Taylor is so fucked up. Doesn't excuse the animal neglect, but I understand why she wanted to get the fuck out of there asap.
>>574470lmao please just shut up, sorry the whole world isn't mormon, and that's most definitely her bra and not her tit
No. 574615
>>574540Considering breasts are for feeding children, no they’re not sexual organs. Go back to biology class.
Secondly, it’s fucking hot as hell in Florida so the fact that she or anyone else wear as little clothing as possible is fine. Sorry, people don’t want to sweat their tits off.
Thirdly, you sound like a class-A victim blamer. Go back to bible study Susan and get off the internet.
Let’s actually focus on Taylor’s shitty attitude and bad husbandry instead of her being a “slut”.
(derailing) No. 574624
>>574615>Considering breasts are for feeding children, no they’re not sexual organs. Go back to biology class. I agree with you, but you're wrong. Humans are the only primates (Possibly even mammals altogether) that develop breast tissue at puberty, not pregnancy. Breast size has no association with milk production, breast tissue developing prior to pregnancy costs valuable resources and has no functional fitness advantage and therefore it's a sexually selected trait. Human females have breasts because human men had sex with breasted humans at a higher frequency than those that didn't have them. i.e they exist because men find/found them sexually attractive. They're not sexual organs in the same way genitalia are, but they're like a peacocks tail or something in that they only exist to look attractive to the opposite sex, unless currently breastfeeding an infant.
It undermines your argument if you use something false to back it up.
No. 574634
File: 1525556688001.png (261.62 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5692.PNG)

i can't believe she's fucking joking about this
No. 574853
>>574639they're probably just smoking it at their hotel
>>574677>Security is pretty tight at DisneyYou're hilarious, you can get anything except for a huge gun/knife into Disney
No. 574910
File: 1525587497804.png (264.06 KB, 545x743, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 2.16…)

???????? does she even make any sense???
No. 574913
>>574853Maybe I'm just naive. It seemed kind of heavy last time I went and it took forever to get through even without a bag. My fiance got selected for the extra security screening twice too, so I guess I had a different experience than most.
It seems like a hassle to sneak something in on the off chance you do get caught. I want to think Taylor is smarter than that but probably not.
No. 574914
>>574910Can we just take a moment to appreciate this whole thing started with Taylor talking about people invalidating illnesses.
Question Taylors illness and mama dean invalidates yours, fucking amazing how she not only missed the point of her daughters post but became the person Taylor was talking about.
No. 574930
>>574913Not sure about Florida but Anaheim is now a major hassle to sneak anything in. They make you open every crevice, metal detectors, some extra screening. It’s not how it uses to be
Source: annual pass holder who has brought several things into Disney no issue until new security measures were implemented over the past few years
No. 574952
>>574910 Looks like Mrs. Dean is a pathological liar just like Taylor. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Is Taylor still at Disneyland? I'm not sure how the panels work, but why wouldn't she go to another Panel if she had an opportunity. It just shows she isn't there for the fans and skipped the first panel intentionally and lied.
No. 574990
>>574952Playlist is over, she just randomly replied to an old tweet because apparently she thought it was funny she missed it.
I feel like she was probably high when she tweeted it. Or maybe Jonny did it for her, but there probably weren't enough grammatical errors for him.
No. 574995
>>574910To me this feels like she is trying to end this teachers career more than anything by making it public. I don't think it will go that far but there have been a lot of cases where online stuff has got people in trouble.
How pathetic and sad do you have to be to go to those lengths
No. 575005
File: 1525608147376.jpg (348.06 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20180506_140132.jpg)

Taylor's hair look like an addict hair OMG those roots
No. 575010
>>575005Can someone explain why she is constantly wearing that lanyard wit a bunch of badges on it?
Seems like it'd just get in the way
No. 575011
File: 1525609006262.png (266.13 KB, 592x450, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 5.14…)

Wait her mom and Tanner had to go to her weird meetup to meet her like they were fans, she couldn't just meet with her family on her own for 10 minutes?
No. 575037
File: 1525615633182.png (747.26 KB, 720x905, IMG_20180506_160654.png)

Are this scabs?
No. 575056
File: 1525618536947.jpeg (352.34 KB, 750x703, 07C8EEDA-FB77-4013-BFFE-07AB69…)

So get off the internet if you can’t deal with people wanting you to do your job. You should have prefilmed and uploaded as a scheduled video.
No. 575059
File: 1525618688857.png (588.73 KB, 586x664, dfkjfsldk.PNG)

>>575057>>575056she can't be that offended at gifs, can she? i think she has been deleting/blocking again, or reading here.
No. 575081
>>575059It's the only "mean" stuff on the original tweet, so I assume that's what she's referring to. Unless she deleted/blocked the "mean" stuff.
She sounds like such a child "pls stop being mean guys :("
No. 575083
File: 1525621993154.png (3.31 MB, 1242x2208, 24E7F364-A42D-496C-82D9-370BD5…)

This could’ve been posted already. But I went on twitter to find the tweets y’all posted and saw this. I didn’t even realize she had done this.
No. 575107
>>575059wowwwww he looks stoned as hell. that's so bad. if you're making that face but still awake you gotta be on dope.
>>574639 probably
No. 575187
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Wow her mom is fucking crazy…
No. 575195
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No. 575196
File: 1525632554994.jpeg (648.31 KB, 1364x2048, D7B44927-65D2-4987-8F8E-C93EEC…)

No. 575197
File: 1525632568043.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2048x2008, FF9B581A-6A33-4983-B0A5-473499…)

No. 575216
File: 1525633931721.jpeg (304.28 KB, 750x1334, 103E6521-17EC-4706-A488-70BDB4…)

Looks like Jen and Jonny get along now? eye roll
No. 575253
>>575187No comment… what the fuck.
She could have her own fucking thread on here to
trigger her more at this point
>>575195She looks somewhat nice there tbh, but mind you she will definitely spend a month sick editing while visiting salons to dye her hair.
>>575236Not the anon that suggested it but her mum's constant switching of 'I love my kids' to straight up hating Taylor and borderline stalking her when she got with Jonny and some weird following to meetups could point towards that. The fact that she's checking what eople are saying about her kids at 5AM is also… eh.
We don't have enough info to say if BPD could be an issue obviously, but narcissism is lso pretty common with BPD.
No. 575256
>>575216I love how Jonny looks scared out of his mind on that little drop.
I'm sure they fake got along while she had the opportunity to see her daughter.
>>575224Speaking of Tanner, where is he in that happy family pic?
No. 575266
File: 1525637083603.png (4.11 MB, 750x1334, FFDE0A5C-B8C8-4460-8098-D38EE2…)

Can’t forget - she was - on and off sick
Also Jonny looks like he’s gonna puke
No. 575351
>>575251She didn't block everyone, I'd interacted with her positively in the past so perhaps thats why she didn't block me for sending her some criticisms + not a throwaway account. She also didn't argue back, so I thought she might have actually taken the criticisms on board knowing everyone isnt 'faceless trolls', but then she posted that bitchy tweet passive aggressively after.
I think what she said to that girl Ariel was disgusting and I think she's desperately looking for ways to discredit anyone who has criticisms against Taylor. If they're "lying" about their fathers suicide & EDS, then she can deflect their criticisms of Taylor as untrue too. I don't think she'll ever listen to throwaway accounts because in her eyes they are HATERS/TROLLS !!
No. 575509
File: 1525658045283.jpeg (393.45 KB, 1242x2092, D60F3D8E-B6BB-4C9E-8CFA-B1BFAA…)

Mommy Dean’s response to a screenshot of what she said to Ariel.
No. 575516
File: 1525658529287.jpeg (282.21 KB, 1289x1136, 377B0E1C-C19D-4D5B-A3F6-DE9B61…)

No. 575517
File: 1525658538895.jpeg (90.46 KB, 1293x328, 981118D9-AEC6-4668-8524-A2F71B…)

No. 575527
>>575522yeah sure, Taylor messaging Chelsea about doing heroin was fake.
Jonny raping and forcefully injecting exes was fake.
The Deans are stable, honest people who never deceive anyone./s
It's so easy for guilty people to claim "it's fake!" for screencaps, but there's no distortion or misalignment from what I can see.
It's more likely that unhinged Momma Dean went unhinged on this woman. She's been proven to be a fucking lunatic before, it's not a stretch that she would say anything beyond ass without cringing.
No. 575532
File: 1525659453420.png (85.77 KB, 789x606, tnd fake.png)

Here's the tweet
No. 575535
>>575522Honestly I was wondering about it, but then I read this
>>575516>"my mom can't even say the word ass without cringing!"I have the tweet where she says
>>575509 on my screen and it IS from her account.
No. 575538
File: 1525659567986.jpg (233.2 KB, 488x413, gfreeeeeeeeeee.jpg)

where's the anon that predicted she would say she never ate any of the food ahahahahaha
No. 575546
>>575532I saved the dm, boosted saturation then darkened the image, and it could be photoshopped. There's addition pixels around the images and text bubbles, plus if you look at the profile picture it has jagged edges.
BUT there is possibility that it was a screenshot that was compressed and then uploaded on a different device (like if she screenshot on her phone, then uploaded through a computer) which would cause some distortion.
No. 575558
File: 1525660895439.jpg (393.39 KB, 655x875, tnd mom.jpg)

>>575546>>575549I did the same with this screenshot (that we know 100% was real) and the edges of the profile pics are just as jagged and the additional pixels are roughly in the same spots. Soooo…
No. 575571
>>575538$15,000?? I can't imagine Blue Apron would spend that much on a youtuber whos fans aren't even allowed to use the stove by themselves. Good try, Tay. I need the receipt on that.
>>575509Jennifer said "No, I don't believe her" which is what the DM said so she just reiterated herself from the screenshot. Now Taylor is claiming fake? lol
No. 575578
File: 1525663002299.jpeg (125.24 KB, 1118x439, 093929DC-C21E-4067-A527-95C37E…)

Not really that interesting but just more deleted tweets.
No. 575588
File: 1525663989122.jpeg (466.36 KB, 1242x916, CD3B82CA-C78E-4519-9389-1D8545…)

And the countdown is on…
No. 575625
File: 1525667460021.jpg (789.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180506-223141.jpg)

Just because I feel like Taylor had no idea what she was getting into, this is an almost full grown blackthroat monitor. Of course, she has a roughneck but this is what she thought she was getting.
No. 575705
File: 1525678791265.png (122.92 KB, 1080x467, IMG_20180507_083310.png)

Turn them into strengths? How exactly? She 'accidentally eats gluten' every other week, always says she's struggling with mental health, ODs on pain killers to the point she passes out for most of the day, misses important job prospects where all she'd have to do is literally sit there and take questions, and constantly uses her illnesses to play the victim. Is that your strength, Taylor, using your 'illnesses' to get out of stuff?
Taylor, people who have learned to deal with their struggles actually go out to work every day and don't let them hinder them.
It's comical now she's slid in that she was 'on and off sick at disney', yet no walking sticks or wheelchair? Managed to go on rides every day? She's such a train wreck.
No. 575717
>>575538Lmao get in I fucking knew it! She says in the video "After reading about them I'm definitely going to be using them for my own life", "I don't have to worry about food because I have all my meals planned out thanks to blue apron". So which is it Tay, you a liar or you a liar? Pick one.
Also I like that she's now deleted this tweet. Lmao here's a tip, actually use those few brain cells you have left and actually think before you tweet.
No. 575736
>>575705Yeah really, the only strength I can think of is that mental illness channel she never even started, A+ turning your "struggles" into helping others Taylor.
Also, I do know people with EDS who are too disabled to go to work every, or really any, day, and it's not because they're "letting" their stuff hinder them. They're just really, very ill. BUT I also don't know a single person like that who could manage to walk around Disney for ONE full day, let alone for a full week. Most of those people I know (myself included) probably couldn't handle it even in a wheelchair, especially when you throw in all those rides she went on with her brother's disability pass.
No. 575756
>>575538Wouldn't cooking it alone be risky considering contamination etc etc
>>575578Sounds like she's reading here and letting us do the work for her
No. 575765
>>575762The girl said she deleted the messages so can't screen record, which tbh sounds fishy af to me.
I can't see why she would just delete them when she had proof of her mom being a complete bitch.
No. 575815
>>575717not to defend her, but she was paid $15,000 for the video- sure it was scripted/stuff they wanted her to say.
tay doesnt seem like the type of person to not do brand deals cause she cant use it, company is awful, etc.
No. 575834
>>575827hi tay
it seems like if you WERE really that sensitive, jonny genuinely shouldn't be eating gluten. you could possibly ingest some and get "sicker than you have been in a long time" for one day. even though just last month you WERE "sick" for 5 days, making you incapable of editing one youtube video from your home, let alone frolicking around didney lamb with your rapist boyfriend
No. 575858
>>575854Tbh if someone offered me 15k to do an ad even if it was for a product I can’t use, I’d probably do it as long as it was something harmless like food etc.
The problem is Taylor has recently made so much of her identity about her disabilities (because she’s always missing deadlines/events due to drugs and they’re a good excuse) that it looks shady af to advertise something with gluten in it without even mentioning it in the vid. She could have said “unfortunately guys Blue Apron don’t do gluten free meals yet, but their menus are ever growing and I hope to receive a gluten free option soon!” Even a fucking note under the vid as soon as she released it would’ve made her seem more honest. It’s just another example of how casually dishonest she always is.
No. 575876
>>575858Or I don't know, she could've just not used the bread crumbs? Can't tell what the meal is exactly but it looks like it wouldn't even be bad without them. Or substitute it with gluten free bread crumbs. Then she
could have eaten it for real. Or could have had Jonny eat it and help her review it. So many options.
Makes blue apron look bad because they just gave her a script to read and didn't have to eat it to say if it even tasted good.
No. 575906
File: 1525712176547.jpeg (129.87 KB, 1300x653, 8C5EDAE2-116A-4AAA-A11E-3FAC43…)

No. 575937
>>575880>>575887"Ariel" is aggressively obsessed in a bad way
She might have "called" them out on whatever but she's an angry little beaver grasping at anything to sink into because she's taken it steps beyond animal care.
She's packed on lie after lie and detracts from major issues. She's personally invested and i wouldn't be surprised if she makes her way to visit Taylor or her mom IRL because she seems like stalker-crazy to me.
I don't believe that her dad died of EDS or that she's a kindergarten teacher. Not going to give this psycho any more attention.
No. 575953
>>575945It's not as if she's tweeted since 2013.
I have some fairly old twitter accounts too, as do a lot of people.
Most people could do the same thing, except they don't, because they're not a premise of a bad made for TV movie about internet stalking.
No. 575968
File: 1525717705437.jpg (239.24 KB, 625x450, seeu.jpg)

>>575957Why should Taylor's mom believe her after being harassed for days straight with a fake photo and fabricating responses?
I'm not even talking about the possible DM fabrication but I don't believe that a lot of the conversation that took place in DM was actually real.
I'm not white knighting here.
I obviously come here to here to throw shade at Taylor for her animal care and druggy boyfriend.
I even speculate at shitty tweets her mom makes.
Here's the tea tho, there's no denying that multiple accounts that were only active late April to early May 2018 are suspect. We all see it. We see you.
No. 575974
File: 1525718313887.jpeg (104.71 KB, 1293x388, 908B9D9E-ED85-40B7-AC27-31D22E…)

No. 576092
>>576051She wants to be crlebrated for being nothing. A literal nothing but someone with animals.
Almost all the other Youtuber and PetTubers have other jobs, qualifications, side hustles, campaigns or something else they work on, but Taylor is happy just to be praised for nothing.
One look at the Instagram accounts she follows clearly shows her one track mind. Girls who wear trendy clothes and look nonchalant about life with massive lips. That’s what she wants. Attention, money and being praised for being a trooper through her fake illnesses. In a way, it’s smart, because her stans are just like her - average, nobody.
They like to believe that if she rose from the dump to be queen of the dump then there’s hope for them. There’s not. Way more famous and rich people have ended up making millions and losing it all. Let her make her money. Let her flash it while she can because she herself is a flash in the pan to has to latch on to men for some form of self worth. In 10 years time she’ll be less than she was when she started. Literally any other Youtuber has long term marketability. Taylor does not. She was first to market and got lucky. She’s thicker than cow shit… And she knows it. There’s only so long she can repeat the cycle of ‘love me because I’m no one, but I have animals and am sick but have a notorious boyfriend’.
Even the other animal YouTubers AE interacting with her less, and are supporting the newer generation of PetTube.
Her tweets get half the likes they used to. Her growth is slower than many other channels of a similar size.
My prediction: she’s going to come out with a suicide story or claim that she’s so depressed that she tried to take her own life. Or, she’ll split with JC and do a kiss and tell and hope that people rally behind her.
They won’t, Taylor.
You’re a coward with a low IQ and you sell the idea that it’s ok to wallow in self adoration and self pity.
Do you ever even feel happy when you look in the mirror? When you think about the cash cow for corporations you’ve become? You’re not a person. You’re a product. And a cheap one at that.
No. 576100
>>576094Mrs Dean literally said several times that having the same illness as her daughter means that they cannot be mean and disagree with her.
I agree that even if Ariel person fucked up hugely Taylor's mum did not reply in a 'good' way before the whole DM thing.
No. 576113
>>575937I went into the twitter account again, and it's almost as if she was replying to us. Her latest tweets address the things mentioned itt, and she even posted another DM from a different user to "prove" the one Jennifer sent her was real because this one was also compressed.
But the problem is that the dates are aligned properly. So she basically shot herself in the foot with that one lmao.
No. 576116
>>576103I feel you, but life’s full of injustices. The biggest that good, hardworking people don’t get what they deserve.
The thing is that idiotic people who get rich get rich quick actually lose it just as quick.
They’re only making money for people who actually understand investment and how to manage wealth. $15,000 is nothing if you blow (or snort) it all.
She’s probably never stopped to think about
saving for tax. That’s when shit will hit her. When she forgets to put away 17-20% of what she’s earning and realizes she has to work hard to pay the IRS - and they’re not going to care about her YouTube fame. In fact, nobody is by then.
Hold onto the Cartier bracelet and box, Taylor. You’re going to need those when you have to re-sell to pay your tax bill.
No. 576176
File: 1525733882449.png (848.55 KB, 1242x2208, 58F4DF47-89A3-44FA-AE1E-A83C67…)

Oh the irony
No. 576190
File: 1525734917057.jpeg (193.59 KB, 1439x1043, 89F3AAC9-C3AE-4FAC-8E55-42B718…)

No. 576229
>>576223you might be right. i looked through jennifer's tweet replies and someone had reported her an insane number of times. i thought she had just bailed at first.
i still think the whole thing is fishy though.
No. 576242
>>576213>>576229Shut the fuck up with that account
Is annoying and irrelevant
People post all the time throw away accounts and not for that we need to overanalyze all of them
Made a thread about Ariel if you are so butthurt about her account being fake.
>>576176Kek what happen with your photos using your snake as hat?
Or like a scarf
Or a bracelet
Fucking hypocrite
It's a shame Taylor and her mom blocked all the "haturz", she would have tons of people calling her out.
No. 576254
>>576247Go back to PULL this is not PETA
She doesn't make "us look bad" because there isn't a "us"
We are a just a shittalk forum. Sorry to break it to you but we are not bunch of radicals
No. 576274
>>576247How is it annoying? So it’s a throwaway account. There are lots of people with them because Tay and Mana Dean block any comment that hurts their feelings…99.9% of the time it’s a true statement
It DID however bring out the true mama Dean! Definitely the return tweet about “not believing” her and her response to Jennifer Horton with ASS in it proves she’s a wing nut with absolutely no class!
She’s out touring Disney blowing wads of $$$ and papa Dean is slaving away at work…and we wonder why Taylor is so frivolous with her money!
No. 576796
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No. 576812
>>576796When you're constantly replying to these people and sending YOUR fan base after them, you're doing the same fucking thing.
You don't fight harassment (or in this case honesty) with harassment.
No. 576963
>>576796But where does she draw the line between harrasment and actual concrit?
I agree there's like two autists giving her shit in every tweet, but when it comes to people who are her fans and bring valid concerns she is quick to dismiss and block them. There's even been cases when people haven't really said anything to her and they're blocked.
And besides, she's often acting snarky and sarcastic to people who give her shit, yet is quick to delete the tweets.
Either you are all against harrassment and block people because you don't wanna interact with them, or confront them. You can't have both.
No. 576964
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No. 576976
File: 1525811628017.png (814.12 KB, 583x806, Capture.PNG)

she absolutely loves the pic of sick bloated nemo. no shame lmao
No. 576988
File: 1525812453479.jpg (360.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180508-144800.jpg)

>>576986That's what I thought too. I'm curious about this now. I wouldn't be surprised if he's "upgraded" to a 3x2x4 or something small like that
No. 577224
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No. 577370
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No. 577373
File: 1525872737932.png (1022.57 KB, 750x1334, BB35529B-11E8-4113-9356-F58924…)

Gee I wonder why
No. 577391
File: 1525874715886.jpg (47.31 KB, 628x960, 32104609_639000233098489_52694…)

>>577374 Jonny's Ex is Elizabeth. Bettsy is Taylor's best friend.
No. 577398
Hope he divorces her. He's probably fucking miserable and she emotionally abuses him
No. 577477
File: 1525887695267.jpeg (489.52 KB, 1242x2102, D4682DCF-95AC-4EB3-9CA8-5CA465…)

Once again the Dean’s just have the most difficult life! You think your anxiety is bad? Feel sympathy for my son! and feel sympathy for ME because I have to put up with him!!!
No. 577589
>>577578Could just be emotional support. I know when Taylor was training her she was taking her in public.
There are some "rides" that dogs are allowed on. For the ones that they aren't allowed on employees have one of those folding crates. I don't know how well I'd trust those.
>>577584Agreed, but there is no service dog test in the states.
No. 577642
File: 1525902766735.jpg (484.16 KB, 1080x1777, Screenshot_20180509-155408_01.…)

No. 577646
>>577642Still can't just take a photo of your animals inside the enclosure? Okay.
I just don't understand because that's what I do all the time. She probably can't get a pretty photo of them in their enclosures because they're probably ugly and dirty.
No. 577653
File: 1525904120807.jpeg (290.26 KB, 1297x1694, F38A2186-1A8A-411B-8BA7-831E51…)

No. 577686
>>577642>>577681 remember when she said her satanic leaf gecko "jumped onto her hand" also?
like these animals would jump TOWARDS or onto something they probably see as a predator. sure jan
No. 577697
File: 1525908267413.jpeg (211.22 KB, 750x1334, D2D622E8-F1EC-4B0F-AAED-4B8AE2…)

So she does tell him I guess?
No. 577701
>>577653didnt she complain that one of her cameras broke where'd she get five from?
Also how long will it take for her to edit? 2 months? Or "my camera broke :(" "they didnt record!"
No. 577803
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No. 577805
File: 1525914517935.jpeg (103.81 KB, 1292x339, 609BE851-BF0F-4E33-A045-CCD14F…)

No. 577852
>>577848Yeah, exactly. The stuff Mama Dean posts about Tanner on twitter is the kind of stuff that you should talk about in PRIVATE, maybe in caretaker support group or to a therapist or something. She could use the platform she has mooched off her daughter to raise awareness about healthcare or accessing treatment or anything like that, but nope.
And Taylor can't educate anyone on anything, she's too busy telling people not to impulse by while she's impulse bought at least half the animals she has.
Poor Tanner, he's the only one in that family who doesn't seem to actively be using living things he sees as objects for his own gains.
No. 577861
File: 1525919910444.jpeg (78.85 KB, 744x728, 417C0F3C-FA63-4A09-9563-81F6C0…)

Her followers are truly clueless.
No. 577889
>>577807I do have a pacman frog & honestly these frogs would rather be buried in their substrate and left alone. Same frog rule applies, avoid handling. I handle my pacman while wearing gloves. and is that an old photo of TND's first pacman or second? Her first died of anal prolapse–which she has said is 'super rare' thing to happen but, no. It's something that mostly happens due to bad diet/lack of vitamin supplement. It's nice to see how much she has learned in the time since her last pacman frog.
Which brings me to another thought, the jaw on that pacman looks like it's far too short, as if it's pushed inward. It could just be the angle, but if she's not dusting feeder food with supplement, metabolic bone disease can happen…
No. 578321
File: 1525982231420.jpeg (370.88 KB, 1242x2108, 1C2C3E8F-B1D0-43A3-B91D-BAE993…)

This woman… gotta keep the victim mentality 24/7.
No. 578349
>>578343Literally can't take any criticism at all, just like Taylor.
I don't doubt pws is fucking awful, and being a carer must be really hard too, but she has exactly the same attitude as Taylor "you might be suffering but my problems are more important". Honestly she spends more time on twitter than most teenagers.
No. 578515
File: 1525990949072.jpeg (179.94 KB, 1255x770, BB2F9A14-D5AB-4B98-8828-D205E6…)

Hoping this is a joke.
No. 579167
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No. 579178
>>579177She can do whatever she wants as long as she continues to house him and pay for him I'd guess.
He was all over girls on his UK tour like two/three days before he moved in with her so I doubt he actually cares about her.
No. 579359
>>579352It won’t be a lie that he was abusive since we all know being abusive is just his personality lol he can’t switch it off
but if she expects sympathy when not only were there red flags all along but his exes literally contacted her directly to warn her then lmao she won’t get any from me
No. 579546
>>579352He's abused every girl he's been with to the point one of them got so depressed that she tried to commit suicide. She isn't a magic princess that has finally cured him of his abusive nature. If anything, she'll lie and pretend she wasn't abusive in her own way.
When she's done w/him or vice versa, he'll be the scapegoat she uses to blame everything she's done on. He could easily get vicious & tell the 'world' about how she REALLY is to her animals tho. Probably how he'll keep her w/him.
No. 579737
>>579624Maybe cuz they’re grown adults who likes to be snarky and sarcastic in their replies but end up looking like idiots?
I have never met anyone over 25 who would jokingly insult their significant other online or in person. Saying “i told her too” just ends up looking like a dude who could careless about their girl even if you’re joking basically insulting her that she’ll kiss a dude if he says so.
If he was a sober, adult that loves his girl he wouldnt reply and if he did, he would’ve said, “she’s not like that so she would never”
No. 579838
File: 1526078826130.jpeg (37.58 KB, 640x386, s703932324489705993_p41_i1_w64…)

>>577642>>577889There is definitely something seriously wrong with her frog. I've never seen a healthy C. Cranwelli with a mouth like this. And just so she doesn't suddenly pull a "he's actually a hybrid!1" card to explain his "unique" features, hybrids involving C. Cornuta (pictured) don't have their nose jutting out farther than their mouth like this without health issues being present. MBD is highly likely. Not getting the right lighting/supplements to prevent this is such a stupid mistake, even shitty pet store caresheets go over this shit.
Also, he
could be sticking out his back legs to help brace himself on the plate, but they might also just be splayed out behind him. If it's the latter, this is usually a sign of dire health concerns. A healthy frog at rest always has their legs folded in.
I don't think he's healthy simply because he's not puffed up defensively when in this situation, and I highly doubt TND handles him enough to be docile with her. Wouldn't at all be surprised if Asteroid was the next animal to disappear until someone asked and she mentioned in passing that he "suddenly died for no reason, bad breeding :( :( :("
No. 579858
File: 1526080116989.png (812.86 KB, 930x592, Skärmavbild 2018-05-12 kl. 01…)

Does Pac man frogs change marks ?
Because Asteroid has different markings on his face .
No. 579985
Stop saying all her f pets are replacements when it is obvious they arent. Besides she wouldnt go through all that problem when she just can say she rehome them.
>>579838It does look weird, i dont know anything about pacman frogs but i research photos of them and none have a rectangular mouth shape. However it does says a bone disease can deform them.
It could explain why he cant catch his food easily.
No. 579995
>>579985I didnt say anything about replacement, I asked a simple question and
>>579872was the only one nice enough to answer it.
No. 580048
File: 1526093729500.png (7.66 MB, 2224x1668, 80D22B40-3AF1-41B3-995A-C4E236…)

Of course she posts a “preview” of the only cage that’s actually a decent size. The rest are too small for any of her reptiles, except maybe the leopard gecko and crocodile skinks.
No. 580061
>>579985>>579895Pacman frogs do have varying nose shapes even among the same species, but this is definitely a deformity. The thing about Metabolic Bone Disease is it's very gradual. An animal doesn't suddenly get a soft jaw and bent bones. It takes months, and that's months of progressive symptoms which can only occur due to neglect. Asteroid, if he is suffering from MBD, is very far along. So much so he will look like this permanently even if his supplement intake was corrected.
Now, I said 'if' because there's a very,
very small chance he was born with this deformity, but that's highly unlikely considering who his owner is.
It's very sad because this is such a slow killer. Animals afflicted with MBD suffer a very long time if it isn't fixed. There are many terrible things frogs can get, but I consider MBD particularly heinous because it's completely preventable.
As for his diet, I know Taylor feeds him mice, but you'll find many hobbyists who only feed those once in a blue moon or not at all. Mice simply don't have the nutritional benefits of other feeders and they are hard to digest.
No. 580065
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No. 580086
>>580061>>580069I highly HIGHLY doubt she supplements any of her pets' diet, unless she's stated explicitly otherwise.
She can't even manage to take supplements for her own health. We all know she doesn't take any kind of vitamins for EDS. Most people with EDS take at least a few different supplements to make their condition less painful. Knowing Taylor, if she actually took them, we'd have seen a photo of them
No. 580212
File: 1526126173060.png (508.04 KB, 328x557, Capture.PNG)

Is no one going to talk about her having all of her animals crammed into one tiny space? looks like the rodents are right beside the snakes too, this girl is ridiculous
No. 580327
File: 1526138379080.jpeg (103.98 KB, 1199x780, 5DE2FDEA-F0D2-4F5A-B009-FF0BB5…)

Saw this on JC’s page. Now he’s shaming people that work in fast food, this guy is all class. Btw those McDonald’s workers still have more of their own money than he does
No. 580335
File: 1526138715050.png (221.25 KB, 870x535, Capture.PNG)

Lmao his memes are honestly trash, must've been a gluten free taco because Queen Tay-Tay can't be in a 10 mile radius of gluten or ''Muh celiac, can't upload for two months sorry guissss :(''
No. 580451
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>>580327First time posting, sorry if I messed this up.
No. 580469
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>>580467Also her hair is atrocious-be warned
No. 580472
File: 1526149643133.png (587.03 KB, 1019x486, Capture.PNG)

>>580469Same fagging again - her apartment is still a fucking mess.
(she was spinning so couldnt get a clear screencap)
No. 580473
File: 1526149705713.png (974.89 KB, 959x522, Capture.PNG)

>>580472All of her animals shoved into her living room while shes setting up the new racks.
Letting her cats roam around them.
No. 580653
File: 1526161423389.png (389.1 KB, 750x1334, 8951C785-4E85-478A-92FE-DA396D…)

Once again only talking about Bindi’s enclosure
No. 580662
File: 1526161966222.png (24.3 KB, 427x374, Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 4.49…)

this is so unnecessary but here's a break down of her last video. It must suck to be a tnd stan when she finally puts out a video and when she does it's less than 50% actual content
No. 580713
File: 1526164091350.jpeg (420.12 KB, 1268x1906, F9B31D44-E2F1-494C-B784-73EAB8…)

Looks like she’s still feeding that weird rabbit stuff as the only protein source. She claimed she’s feeding raw but it looks cooked.
No. 580742
File: 1526165686607.png (1.53 MB, 2914x1369, tndhoarder.png)

ugh she tried to blur it out but you can catch a quick glimpse of how fucking disgusting her apartment is
No. 580754
>>580653Oh boy that's a tad bigger than what I keep ball pythons in.
I am super curious to know what size her snake enclosures are after these "upgrades". She'll need 4x2x2 enclosures for the female(s) and at least 3x2x2 for the males, although she could do with only one foot of height for the female(s). At least whatever she's getting is a little better than the exo terras that offer no security or humidity retination.
No. 580842
>>580825The hooktube link posted above stops her from getting views. It's really cringey though, I regret watching it. It made me want to kms.
Trigger warning.
No. 580855
File: 1526172241857.jpg (447.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180512-184502.jpg)

Unless she changed which cage set she ordered, this is false. She also has animals that SHOULD NOT be in something as large as 50 gallons so her lie is kind of…bad?
No. 580863
File: 1526173163479.jpg (459.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180512-185829.jpg)

>>580855One of the sets she had listed on the receipt she posted. Unless she changed the enclosure set she ordered, she has three that are only 1.5x2x2 feet so they won't fit much
No. 580911
>>580906It's a myth that any of those things will get stressed in large enclosures… there's no maximum size in the wild. Tubs and racks are controversial for ball pythons anyway. You're right that since she's not likely to add enough stuff they'll end up stressed, but they're also stressed not having enough hides to fill a small tank, so they're basically always in a bad situation.
If she cared and set up bioactive vivs where relevant, added plenty of hides and enrichment to everything, put in plants where possible, did proper lighting, etc, there would be no "too big" enclosures for any of her animals.
No. 581079
File: 1526189423298.png (25.74 KB, 485x227, 2018-05-13.png)

No. 581090
File: 1526190523209.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180513-014428.png)

She posted a photo of Sabors new tank. Though it appears to be reasonably sized I think it's absolutely hideous. With a display animal like that you would think she would put some time into making a bio active tank and use live plants and cork branches instead of dowel perches and ratty plastic plants that aren't even placed in ways that can provide shelter as most of the perches are bare as a bone.
Just seems like an absolute waste of an enclosure for such a magnificent snake
No. 581097
>>580911>>580948A 50 gallon tank is definitely massive overkill for even the largest tarantulas. Terrestrial tarantulas (like the one TND has) are susceptible to injury from falling. The general rule is to limit the height between the substrate and the top of the enclosure to 1.5x the legspan of the tarantula.
It would take a massive amount of substrate to fill a 50 gallon tank to the point where there wouldn't be a falling hazard.
No. 581212
File: 1526209390374.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, C3D6CC65-1D10-4698-BE5C-AFB402…)

Leopardgecko on YouTube is shading TND😂
No. 581213
File: 1526209416745.png (204.51 KB, 750x1334, BE6A2D9F-DC3D-4666-AAF2-5E5BE8…)

She confirmed it was actual shade too
No. 581242
>>580322I wonder what she feeds the crickets. I know orange is the popular choice since it has a ton of vitamin C
>>580469That cat doesn't look comfortable for shit. She's handling him like she would handle a reptile jfc.
What enclosure is her monitor in then? Or is the poor animal still stuck in a cramped space?
Also, on the state of her apartment - she is hitting levels of hoarding you will see in every animal rescue show ever about hoarders.
No. 581338
>>581213Finally someone fucking saying something. Holy shit. Everyone's silence just makes us and actual concerns look crazy.
>>581090WHY IS IT SO DEHYDRATED AND SKINNY. I know we already know this from the last picture but this one is clearer. I would not even be posting this it's so embarrassing. It's the easiest thing in the world to feed snakes properly and with her money she could get whatever size prey she wanted delivered right to her doorstep. God. Fuck her. That poor snake. Totally good husbandry though guys!!!
No. 581426
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No. 581428
File: 1526233875438.jpeg (144.12 KB, 1309x1074, 11409862-9A02-49AC-9679-AC74A0…)

So what size is the monitor’s enclosure then if this is the biggest?
No. 581482
File: 1526237339519.png (811.29 KB, 746x816, Screenshot_61.png)

gus died
No. 581507
File: 1526238846617.png (615.19 KB, 1080x1780, IMG_20180513_201322.png)

>>581482She didn't even get him 2 years ago.
No. 581520
>>581507'Little over 2 weeks' So I guessed 22nd April.
That means he was around 1 year, 7 months. Probably less tbh as we haven't seen him in a while.
No. 581549
>>581545As you said, mice grow fast and petstore turnover is high. He was likely 1 month at most when she got him. I also think it was more than 'a little over two weeks ago' when he passed. Which probably makes the 1 year 7 months accurate.
For a petstore mouse bred for feeders it's not /awful/… so why does she have to lie about everything?
No. 581611
>>581564Petco does sell live feeders, unlike Petsmart. At least ours does so I'm assuming others do too but I'm not sure.
I've found that mice reach around adult size at about 2ish months, so he was at least that old. So it's entirely possible he did die naturally.
No. 581767
>>581518There is a great host of things mice can die of. They are retarded and if the develop any kind of allergy, they will continue scratching themselves out of habit even after you removed the allergen. They eat shit that was never meant to be digested. their lungs are tiny and fragile. There's a ton that could have gone wrong.
2ish years is a very average lifespan, I don't understand why she is lying about it. As an anon stated, no way that mouse would have sat at a pet store or shipping for an entire year before going somewhere.
No. 581795
>>581564Petco anon here; they do sell lives for feeders just keep up a sign saying we recommend feeding frozen.
Also- Gus was born probably two/three weeks before she made that post about getting him. Meaning early September late August.. So he was approaching two years.. nice lie tay
No. 581886
>>581482It took me so long to realize she is saying he was almost 3 years old and not 2. Just did a quick google search and it says pet mice live to about 1-2 years old. Someone ask her about her magical pet care to make him live that long.
Her claim also means that he was in the pet store for a year…
He was a cute mouse though.
>>581507Also this bullshit story hahahaha. Imagine this happening in real life for one second. Girl that works in a pet story literally brings the mouse from its cage to her manager to ask about it. Also conveniently to make her look like a better person it just so happened to be injured and her manager just so happened to say he wanted to feed it to his snake. Then she fucking TAKES THE MOUSE TO THE BACK ROOM and
handfeeds it HAHAHAHA. And then ends the story by saying her manager had in fact already purchased it.
What kind of fanfiction about herself did she write????
No. 582068
File: 1526267130399.png (660.37 KB, 1994x2140, Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 11.0…)

there's a lottttttt of these comments!
No. 582117
File: 1526270155568.png (169.26 KB, 750x986, IMG_5875.PNG)

her mom wants to be involved soooo bad all the time lol. did tay even say happy mother's day to her?
No. 582132
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No. 582133
File: 1526271491046.png (828.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5879.PNG)

>>582130mama dean posted a pic of an iguana (i think?) and then taylor said this. then mama dean took it too far and made it weird by posting that caption with a pic of tanner feeding a reptile
No. 582135
File: 1526271573063.png (245.47 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5878.PNG)

did anyone see this tweet from jonny? what a guy lmao. "my girlfriend is my sugar mama so talk all the shit you want"
No. 582136
>>582068So glad people are noticing and calling her out. It was so fucking obvious she was drunk/high/strung out on heroin during that sponsorship part of the video; her speech was sooo slurred. What’s sad is she will probably just respond to this criticism by saying “I was born with a lisp guise!! Stop bullying me!!” and go on some BS campaign against bullying to put herself on this pedestal of what a rgreat human being she is (not). She is really letting herself go and it’s slowly but surely starting to finally show. Wearing sunglasses indoors to not show her pinned out pupils, slurred as hell speech, fried as fuck hair… and getting lazier and more of an impulsive liar by the day. At this rate unless she changes something to spike her channel again, I can’t see her having a YouTube career in a year from now.
I really feel like the only chance she has at changing is leaving Jonny and being on her own for once. She’s always been shady but being with Jonny has really made her fall even more downhill sharply. Inb4 she leaves Jonny and comes up with some fake (or maybe real) abuse story, which will draw sympathy to her, even though we all here know she was warned countless times by his exes and others, so no sympathy from me. But I feel like it’s the only shot she’s got so she can change for the better, for her animals and herself.
Sage for ranting but I’m glad people are finally calling her out on her shit. She’s going downhill fast. Can’t wait to see how long it takes till she disables the comments on this video saying she couldn’t take the hate, but then several days later says she’s amazing and doesn’t let the hate get to her lol
No. 582145
File: 1526272998763.png (187.11 KB, 750x1334, 5F4CA439-18E2-4AF3-A8C3-F3CD2B…)

“No one ever shut me out” LOL is she REALLY in that much denial or just being narcissistic and playing dumb?? Remember all the constant periscopes talking shit on Taylor because she wouldn’t talk to her? But ok, no one ever shut her own lmaooo. Her mom really contributes to her downward spiral, she LOVES picking fights on social media and it’s hilarious to watch sometimes.
No. 582223
>>582189I totally get what you mean, but they’re definitely not fake. If you also go back in later threads you’ll see Jonny tweeting something like “me and Taylor are laughing at these crazy texts she’s getting from Chelsea WE hahaahahaha WE hahahahahaha” like a total crazy jackass. He immediately deleted it, he’s not legally supposed to mention her name or speak to or about her.
Taylor for sure exchanged those texts with Chelsea and then later said she was scared of Jonny because Chelsea shared the convos on Twitter. Then of course Taylor later acts like they’re fake and never happened. She’s such a fucking moron. Turning against and making fun of Jonny’s ex rape victims, is just a new level of scummy. When all they all did was try to warn her and help her. Taylor and Jonny love to look like they love each other o the outside world on social media but we all know he’s just with her for the money and young piece of ass. It’s sad. They’re not gonna last and as soon as she gets older/her money runs out, he’ll run to the next young and well-off girl.
No. 582228
>>582223damn they're so good at pretending they're even tricking me, and i'm an avid reader/poster on these threads. thank you for restoring my faith in our threads lol
i guess i can see why her young fans just believe whatever she tells them. being young and impressionable sucks, but it sucks even more when you follow someone like taylor and she's setting these examples. she's setting poor standards for husbandry and love. i sincerely hope she fucks up REAL bad and her fans have no choice but to see what we see.
No. 582246
File: 1526282382314.png (753.96 KB, 1242x2208, 966C5611-4C84-4AAC-9C37-D1372B…)

Yes that’s exactly what they’re concerned about, Taylor .
No. 582304
>>582095Saw someone suggest she's hanging her enclosures on the walls.
If this is the case… well, we will see more animals and maybe cats jumping around these enclosures.
>>582133Because parents joke about their kids doing drugs like no big deal.
No. 582462
>>582117Jennifer Dean. Stop. Dragging. Tanner. Into. Your. Craziness.
Why would you even include him into these types of jokes? It sets a bad example for him. Leave. Tanner. Out. Of. Your. Taylor. Kissing. Ass. Ways.
No. 582468
>>582462Seriously it’s fucking disgusting, the poor kid probably does not have the capacity to realize he is being used as a pawn to her (I don’t mean this in a mean way towards him).
Does anyone remember when her Twitter was unavailable a while back, she deleted all pictures of Tanner and went on this tangent how bad it is to put your children on social media? Said she wasn’t going to anymore. Literally within a month she was back to posting pictures and videos of him and using him for her bullshit. Guess she couldn’t handle not getting sympathy from people because of him. She’s so damn pathetic for using him in this way.
No. 582572
File: 1526315621490.png (123.04 KB, 1080x602, IMG_20180514_173102.png)

>>582468I didn't know about this but it doesn't surprise me. Can her or Taylor keep the same opinion for longer than an couple of days? She definitely didn't feel like this when Taylor stopped speaking to her because of JC lmao. Very fickle.
No. 582593
>>582145>>582226>>582117I think she's just playing along with Taylor's bullshit so Taylor won't block her and shut her out again. She probably doesn't even care if she's doing drugs, as long as Taylor gets what she wants and will stay in her life. They're probably "close" again now that she went with her to Disney but probably only stayed around them because they probably were able to cut the lines for Tanner. She's too dumb and manipulated to notice this though.
Also here's a solution for people to stop mentioning your son on the internet:
stop mentioning your own son on the internet and posting photos of him Keep that shit on your private facebook like a normal mom would.
No. 582670
File: 1526321434512.png (253.88 KB, 1080x1073, IMG_20180514_190905.png)

It's so clear why Taylor can't handle slight criticism, her mother can't even take someone correcting her misspelling of 'who's' :|
No. 582690
File: 1526323126815.png (540.54 KB, 1080x1462, IMG_20180514_193724.png)

Lmao seriously Jen needs to be included in the next thread POST. Apparently now you're a troll if you throw her own tweets at her. Honestly thank you to whichever of you did this hahahhaha.
No. 582753
>>582745I liked all Jada's tweets in that thread, you know how that gets under Jen's skin.
I'm shocked at how disingenuous and delusional she is. If she's ashamed of how embarrassingly she acted when Taylor had her shut out, going on live, tweeting none stop about the situation, making things WAY more public than I feel a mother and a woman of her age should have - you don't just go "no that never happened" at least own up to it. I hate people who call any valid criticism trolling, the womans maturity is stunted, I feel bad for Tanner.
No. 582770
>>582764It'd be tragic if her lack of self awareness weren't so funny, she's kidding herself if she thinks this cash flow is going to be long lived for her.
But sure spend FIFTEEN THOUSAND dollars on an enclosure she could have built [or barring 'muh chronic pain and feeble joints'] had Jonny build her if the man was good for anything.
No. 583056
>>583031I'm pretty sure she meant on her back like "on top of her / making sure she's not using drugs."
Regardless, Jen should really step away from the internet. She just continues to embarrass herself.
No. 583067
File: 1526345320965.png (1.32 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3546.PNG)

this seems like a lot for a snake who's so so so happy*~*~ in her new enclosure
No. 583128
>>583067I have a milk snake, she likes her enclosure, but they really are little escape artists who will try to get out, and she is always looking to climb up some wall or something when being handled, theyre active snakes, they're not like my ball pythons who will only try to get out or wander because somethings wrong.Not to mention This is when shes active shes tunneling or in her hide or behind the plants most of the time. So a milk snake trying to get out isn't that crazy.
But the biting jeez, I mean milks are known to be a bit fiesty, but if you handle them a good amount they are pretty chill. Mines never bitten anyone, and a lot of people who actually consistently interact with their milks have it the same way, she probably doesn't handle Gucci very often if at all. That thing went to town on her hand.
Probably the same reason she has "cage agression" she just hardly pays any attention to them.
(blogposting) No. 583133
File: 1526348904706.png (345.06 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5979.PNG)

she just wants us to leave her mom alone, yet her mom literally does this to herself lol
No. 583482
File: 1526387681321.jpeg (261.85 KB, 1229x439, 34C141B9-E94E-410D-B69E-46D7EC…)

And if what we actually “see” online is crap care, enclosures and filthy apartments..we can only assume what we don’t see is worse!
No. 583605
File: 1526397015414.png (222.24 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-05-15-17-03-29…)

What the fuck is she on about
No. 583635
>>583605In short he's watching her videos and she's saying the names he refers to them by.
I know the naked one, which was actually referenced/joked about in a later video but once Taylor wore a shirt that couldn't be seen in frame and Tannor saw it and thought she was naked. So he's probably watching that on.
As for why it was tweeted? no idea lol
No. 583835
>>583812Learn how to comment dude.
Also, it's not uncommon for Taylor's mom, boyfriend and brother get brought up in the thread, technically nothing that's ever been discussed here is any of our concern, but it doesn't need to be. Cows provide milk and we talk and speculate about it, everything is fair game with exception of what the rules mention, and anon isn't breaking any rules by voicing concerns about Taylors disabled brother who is under the care of Taylors very unstable mother.
No. 583932
File: 1526415603790.jpeg (135.01 KB, 1242x688, A80F0908-C7EF-443F-81C5-C6F4A1…)

In case anyone else needs a laugh, a wild Jonny Craig appears talking about someone else looking washed up because of drugs
No. 584046
>>583932I bet their shoes cost more than his rent.
According to his own logic, Jonny has no room to talk.
No. 584378
>>584357Jen, you're already exploiting your child so you can pretend to be a victim.
Fuck all these people who are failing to protect Tanner
No. 584389
>>584357I remember that! She was all 'oh i had a dream and because of this dream i know there are sick people in this world, and so i'm going to stop posting my son' not even 24 hours later
posts son repeatedly i also think it's hilarious how she post things her 'son' supposedly says but you can tell it's from her, lol. i think she uses her kid to say things she wants without getting any backlash because if tanner says it, it must be ok
No. 584534
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No. 584574
File: 1526448388623.jpeg (493.96 KB, 836x1201, F669BD4E-00AB-4862-8EE1-E8B4B8…)

Does she ever clean?
No. 584765
File: 1526475673322.png (2.92 MB, 1080x1920, 509CB718-192A-4CBF-98AC-70383A…)

>>584534Quite a contrast to Taylor in this pic (far right)
No. 584841
File: 1526481104683.jpeg (174.78 KB, 1242x764, EC5C9A1F-1FF8-4A93-A9E4-27DFB2…)

Does anyone else find this unlikely and that she’s lying about small things again
No. 584853
File: 1526481983255.png (60.25 KB, 750x904, IMG_3966.PNG)

girl this is some sloppy shop
No. 584934
>>584853i don't see any distortion tbh, imo it's just the pushup bra making her boobs huge.
>>584721i can make out 4 dead plants when i zoom in on the original image
No. 584948
>>584841So people aren't just coming to her with random abandoned pets they don't want she's also adopting random abandoned furniture now?
Why is this always her story lmao who would care if she bought a couch? Is it wild caught or something?
No. 584958
File: 1526489900092.png (469.77 KB, 1080x1103, IMG_20180516_175713.png)

I feel like their mom is just mentally challenged. They're fucking crayons.
No. 585060
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No. 585175
File: 1526500185333.png (12.82 KB, 588x125, 2345923529592.png)

I really hope the restraining order Chelsea has against him can come into use and she can nail him to the wall in court.
No. 585237
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M o r e
No. 585262
>>585237wtf why does she need another snake that looks exactly the same
I see shes jumped on the chance to make use of all the empty enclosures she has now good lord
No. 585473
File: 1526512620690.jpeg (350.16 KB, 1200x1800, DCF7AF5D-BA1A-4CAA-B134-24861D…)

That awkward moment when the girl 10 years older than you looks younger. Don’t do drugs, kids. Nah seriously they both look cute but I thought it was off that they both posted short hair looks. Do they both wear extensions??
No. 585696
>>585237Another “someone wanted me to buy an animal for them and I’m taking care of it! Can’t get mad at me because they told me to get it!!”
Lol the Deans are such idiots. Rich trailer trash idiots
No. 585722
File: 1526522939326.jpeg (250.64 KB, 750x885, B9E6C818-B9EB-4F9A-BE63-91A20E…)

Ball pythons are SUPPOSED to hide. The only reason they leave their hide is to temp regulate, if they’re hungry or looking for a more ideal location to live.
No. 585820
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No. 585822
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No. 585825
>>585822Hahahahah. Good.
Maybe Blue Apron can pay her for making more food she can't eat. Or, SugarBearHair can repair her fried hair for a paid ad.
No. 585837
File: 1526534383840.png (142.82 KB, 1071x691, Screenshot_20180516-231709~2.p…)

I swear every time she uploads a video she's shocked that it renders in low quality first and then in HD…. How long has she been doing this???? How dumb can she be??? Will she ever just have a normal upload schedule so she doesn't feel like she has to upload the moment it renders?
I follow a few other YouTubers on different social media and they upload their shit fully like the day before they post the video so they aren't pulling this bullshit. God she's exhausting.
No. 585858
>>585849Yes when she's got something to show off man does she edit quick.
That tank is tiny for that monitor, and still no where to climb. Fkn hell. Most of the tanks looked so boring, and plastic plants, urgh.
No. 585887
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No. 585912
>>585892i want to place a bet but i honestly don't know how this will go. will she do it soon, citing betsy and the fact that she has a baby now and it's not a good idea? or will she try to last as long as she can to prove that she "knows what she got herself into"?
p.s. why is she acting like it's hers when she said it's betsy's that she's just keeping at her place?
No. 585930
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No. 585976
>>585823lol, johnny's constant "fuckin' chelsea". he'll still be moaning about her in 5 years time, like onision. like "thanks obama"
such a manbaby
No. 586002
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No. 586021
File: 1526560990109.jpg (43.79 KB, 607x124, 1526560884365.jpg)

You must be new here.
No. 586080
File: 1526565840190.jpg (126.85 KB, 1440x836, Screenshot_20180517-090220~2.j…)

God her fans are morons
No. 586266
>>586145Oh wow Jonny was actually briefly in a video
Also that’s a lot of lifting she was doing….
see you in two months tay
No. 586286
>>586200Many comments are pointing out her slurring and the more I listen to it the more I’m thinking she was trying so hard to sound some type of normal.
Because when I’m drunk and can’t get my words out I have to take deep breaths before I continue or else I don’t make sense and she was doing that. It would be clear then start slurring again.
No. 586328
>>586321she was breathing so hard cause she was lifting things and moving her frail body cant handle it anon she still needs another month of rest give her a break :( her eds is flaring up gosh
(not white knighting this is all sarcasm)
No. 586392
>>586145damn she has so many filters on herself, and the voice over sounds like she's in a wind tunnel.
she did confirm the number 32, but I'm wondering if that includes the new corn snake. is this still an accurate number? oh, I guess Gus did die.
No. 586400
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No. 586458
File: 1526585717258.png (213.42 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6059.PNG)

this was in reply to someone who said they had a hard time understanding her because they're hard of hearing and that they would appreciate if she used captions. not sure if they're being truthful or just trying to give her shit about her voice, but the caption thing is understandable and she kinda just ignored it
No. 586515
File: 1526588427756.png (57.64 KB, 632x417, Capture.PNG)

stop checking here taylor
No. 586529
>>586515“Proud” of what? Bare minimum care? A YouTube channel that has barely gotten new subscribers in months and has far less views than it used to? A shitty upload schedule? HORRIBLE editing (seriously wtf was that last video)? Killing kittens? Lying to fans? Her rapist abuser boyfriend? Having no work ethic? Her fried hair?
Holy shit her ego is out of control.
No. 586620
File: 1526593339584.png (51.32 KB, 792x487, tnd cameras.png)

I wonder where the other 4 cameras went…
No. 586918
File: 1526604067612.png (155.92 KB, 467x700, 3532652623632.png)

I know they all just say 'we just joke with Taylor! it's all just fun!' but i really think their 'fun' passive aggressive jabs are hilarious
No. 586966
File: 1526607920032.jpg (529.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180517-194221.jpg)

She keeps saying she's getting the roughneck a new enclosure built, but why couldn't she have something built in a week or so? It took me about a week to build something for my tegus. I swear she does no planning whatsoever for these animals. If she cared enough she could go to a carpenter and get them to build her a wooden box with sliding glass. But she keeps spewing these excuses instead.
No. 586967
File: 1526607987349.jpg (813.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180517-194733.jpg)

She removed the substrate. Still has that tacky background though.
No. 586979
File: 1526608902367.jpg (394.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180517-200225.jpg)

You heard it here, her cage is apparently going to be finished in a week! three months later
No. 586990
>>586984that is a ridiculous amount of money (well, for a normal person like me, i guess). i can't imagine it would be that hard to build a cage yourself. of course there are super advanced ones that are built into walls and shit that i would ever expect anyone to build themselves, but it bugs me so badly that she acts like she is doing sooo much work for these animals when really she just makes (shitty) videos, gets money thrown at her, and pays everyone else to do the hard stuff for her. she's just doing the fun part of decorating the enclosures.
i understand being unable to build things by yourself, and i probably wouldn't do it myself either if i made 15000 dollars every time i posted a pointless video on youtube. again, what bugs me the most is that she acts like she works her ass off. decorating enclosures isn't hard.
No. 587019
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No. 587027
>>586990To be fair IME it can be hard to build things in a small-ish apartment depending on the amount of tools and mess you need, like you can't go out in the backyard or have a workroom. Also she's an idiot and I wouldn't trust her with power tools.
But she's really putting in the BARE minimum of work with these expensive cages.. Solid Gold and King of DIY did a lot of work further drilling their enclosures, installing filtration and/or misting systems, plus Solid Gold is making bioactive vivs with real plants she's been collecting for months. Taylor just threw in ugly, cheap plastic stuff she already had, in a subpar enclosure for a lot of them, and called it a day.
No. 587212
>>587181Thank you for the correction.
No animals should be in there. The first excuse was because she didn't want the hedgehogs one mouse in the same room as the snakes so they went be able to smell each other but now she has some in the room with the snakes so that was a bs excuse. Think it's because there isn't enough room for them in the animal room. If there already isn't enough room you don't keep adding animals
No. 587215
>>587212Sorry if that came off as snappy. Just meant to reinforce the fact we haven't heard about the satanics/seen them since the smoking indecent.
I agree, she says that the closet is 'the same as any room in the house' but … it's not. There's no window, the circulation will be poor etc.
She's run out of space in the animal room and can't really have them elsewhere because of the cats I'm assuming.
No. 587352
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This makes no sense. The person arguing with her brings up really good points and she ignores them all. Then she says that even if the monitor was in a proper enclosure it might not be happy? What is wrong with her? The point is, it has a better chance of being happy when it is in an adequate cage AND that one should build an enclosure BEFORE buying an animal. She is such a stupid person.
No. 587364
>>586967If i were to spend $15,000 on custom cages, i expect each cage to have custom backgrounds like with Solid Gold and DIY king’s tanks with auto misters. I haven’t watched the new videos because her vids are starting to be 100% cringe but seeing these photos.. $15,000 on clear tanks that hit the minimum of each animal she has?? You can get those type of tanks in thrift stores if you’re not lazy like her. Then again if i were the owner of those custom cages, Taylor will be my favorite customer because i can easily rip her off
Also, i wonder how long she’ll last with that monitor of hers. If she’s shocked at how aggressive he is with food now, what would she say once he gets bigger? Reminds me of that girl, in Kenan’s vid, who rescued a monitor from a Taylor situation, they had to build a kennel in their backyard for the monitor. Will Taylor pay another $15k for when her animals get bigger? I doubt it
No. 587384
>>587352That's some messed up logic right there. "I can't tell if he's happy or not so I'll assume he's fine in an improper enclosure". I understand she's getting one built, but she got this monitor not even knowing what species he is, gave him improper care for over a month, and it's now been months of him living in an improper enclosure, stopping his natural behaviour. She has so many animals they all spend the majority of the time locked in a glass box - at least get it right. Her mouse had a crappy cage she never upgraded (and then lied about how old he was when he died?), her hedgehogs are in small cages (one in particular is so tiny) and live in a closet. I honestly think she's not upgrading them because she has no room for them, why would they be in the closet if she had room for them? She bought a mantis shrimp without even having a tank set up beforehand, and she keep using "I spent 15k in new cages!!" like money is all that matters, when she's literally thrown money on so many tanks her animals will outgrow in a few months, and still filled them with plastic and incorrect substrate. It's not about money, you could spend way less than 15k and get your animals the proper size enclosures.
Sorry I know this has all been said before but I needed to rant. Her ridiculous logic shows she doesn't have the animals best interest at heart.
No. 587438
>>587369My mom’s basically a thrift store maniac and she found a few sliding door vivariums. It’s all a race basically who gets it first. I’ve seen people turn their old drawers into sliding door vivs for their reptiles. The point is $15,000 is too much for JUST a bunch of empty stackable sliding tank. From that amount, i would expect getting custom backgrounds in each one and other things. Then she just fills it up with ugly tiles and cheap hides and other cheap looking displays? Wish she could at least decorate each one to each reptile’s natural habitat but nope, she just throws in whatever she finds in petco/petsmart. Great way to enjoy her expensive investment.
In my eyes, she’s the type to enjoy spending thousands of dollars on useless things so she can show it off but when it comes to doing work.. she’ll just do the least possible way.. like going to amazon and ordering a bunch of plastic hides while she’s snorting up stuff with her manchild
No. 587505
>>587485 She has a small outside area but I doubt it's anything she could build on, and that's something other residence may have a problem with. She's also just put plant shelves and a sofa out there so doesn't look like she has any intention of using it for the monitor.
She thinks the monitor will be happy in her apartment because she proves time and time again that she doesn't know what benefits the animals she has. She thinks she can look after it better than a rescue, when she can't even get it a proper enclosure, that is literally the most important thing you need BEFORE bringing any animal home, money to afford vet bills, a PROPER place to house it when it's comfortable and can carry out all it's natural instincts, and time to give it.
Gonna go off on a bit of a tangent here, but she has about 20 animals that benefit from coming out of their cages and being able to explore/human interaction, let's say she's awake for 18 hours, take off 1.5 hours for eating/preparing food, and 2 hours for shopping/running errands etc. There's 14.5 hours, spot cleaning, spraying, preparing food and feeding, changing water etc must take at least 2 hours. So we're down to 12.5 hours. That's just over half an hour to spend time with 20 animals a day. I only have a leopard gecko and sometimes he wants to be out for 4 hours in the evening, he loves exploring and falling asleep on my lap (he "asks" to come out by pawing at the door)… and that's a leopard gecko, not a fkn monitor.
And then you also have pets that can't be handled due to stress… I don't think any of these animals should be pets (that's just me though, I understand a lot of people will disagree), but if they are imo they need pretty stellar enclosures if they're going to spend their whole lives in it.
No. 587631
Reeffag here.
I know the reptiles are what's current, but thought I'd clarify a few of the saltwater things.
About fish being dead/missing, not uncommon at all to be unable to find a dead fish in a reef. The issue is that the rockwork is full of crevices and can't be moved, and the flow of the tank will generally push a dead fish into those crevices if it isn't there already. Fish that are unwell will often hide themselves in the rock until they perish anyway. It's not uncommon on reef forums to see people say that they thought their wrasse or something was dead but it popped up just fine three months later.
The reason that this doesn't cause an ammonia spike like it would in a freshwater tank is that saltwater tanks have what's called a clean-up crew or CUC. This consists of various crabs, snails, and others like the bristleworms she mentioned that will take care of algae, uneaten food, and yeah, dead bodies. Bristleworms alone can demolish even a large fish long before it has a chance to decompose.
Jumpers are another common issue. If you have fish that are prone to jumping obviously you should have a screen on, but many people keep tanks uncovered. On a reef there's tons of water above them, so darting upwards away from danger or aggression from another fish makes sense. In a tank it doesn't work so well for them. Jumpers are called carpet surfers a lot, or carpet jerky/carpet crispies, so it's not uncommon to make light of it. No, they don't stink. They completely dry out and dehydrate into a papery, mummy-like state within hours (maybe longer if it's humid). It's also pretty common for someone to move or tear down a tank and say that they found a fish that had jumped back behind the stand.
Almost all of her fish are wild caught. Very few saltwater species are available captive bred because only a fraction have been induced to breed successfully in captivity. This is because most marine species hatch into a larval form and float around on the tides before morphing into a fry stage and making their way back to the reef.
Re:tank sizes: always with a grain of salt. The issue here is that it is really hard to quantify how much space is really necessary. The fact of the matter is that fish are much simpler and lack spatial awareness in the sense that we have it. Studies have shown that all fish are stressed for a week or so after being moved to a new environment and then their stress levels drop to normal regardless of the tank size, provided that nothing is harassing them or whatever and they have appropriate cover. So as long as the fish can move around a bit it is not thinking, gee, I'd like some more space. In captivity larger marine fish do not, as a rule, reach the same size that they would in the ocean. I forget the details of that study, but I believe it was something along the lines of they'll reach 60% of the wild size for fish like tangs. That's regardless of the tank size. I've personally never seen a captive cowfish that was more than 6 inches or so outside of a public aquarium unless it was collected at a larger size.
Also, the reef hobby is full of guys that want to flex their muscles, so to speak. If Dudebro A just spent $18k on his new 350 gallon setup, you can bet he's not going to want to see Dudebro B with his dinky $4k 150 gallon setup owning the same fish species as he has. So tbh a lot of the huge recommendations are motivated more by tank pissing contests than on any actual facts or data.
Since there was a minor shitstorm over the bag of salt thing, yeah, it was a bag of salt. Instant Ocean comes in 50 gallon bags, which means each technically should make 50 gallons of saltwater but they actually make a bit less. For that brand in particular you can buy individual 50 gallon bags, a 150 gallon bucket that contains 3 bags, or a 200 gallon box that contains 4 bags. You cannot just put salt in a bucket because it reacts with moisture and obviously would brick up, not mix correctly, etc. Buckets of marine salt always have the salt packaged in sealed, moisture-proof bags on the inside.
For the mantis shrimp, we mostly like to just fuck with people there. It's really not common at all to have them trash a tank. The consensus seems to be that since the strike is for hunting, as long as you aren't stupid enough to put something live in there that the mantis wants to eat and that will burrow down near the glass, there won't be issues. Many people do keep them in their own dedicated tanks (called species tanks) to prevent any conflicts with other fish or inverts that could cause issues. For mantis, most people do a 29 gallon or a 40 breeder. Some will do a 75 for a peacock mantis like she has but a 40 seems the most common, and some opt for acrylic but most do glass.
Hopefully that sheds some light on some of the saltwater stuff. As someone who's had saltwater for a lot of years, I haven't read anything that I thought was super egregious or terrible. If she did have an eel eat a fish that's stupid af, but other than that she's a pretty normal casual hobbyist that can't be arsed to quarantine. Can't say the same for her other critters though.
Oh, and if she's got crypt in her tank (in saltwater it's called crypt, short for Cryptocaryan irritans; ich is freshwater only) then it is highly likely that she has replaced fish. Crypt is vicious and takes them down hard in closed systems. With LiveAquaria it is super easy to have a replacement in the size of your choice shipped to your door in a day.
No. 587724
>>587682Honestly I was not sure what to think of Taylor until today. I was never really a fan even though I love watching animals and caring for animals.
But I'm looking into training a service dog and I saw her video about meeting her new service dog in training. She kept saying how abused and neglected he was, and that he was terrified of quick movements.
No one in their right mind would make that poor dog into a SD. You can desensitize PTSD terror, but the dog could always relapse. That could be potentially dangerous.
And I just found out she left the dog behind.
And I'm just really heartbroken for all her animals now.
(blogposting) No. 587800
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Me when people keep hedgehogs in tiny cages in a closet, and monitors in the wrong set up, and buy animals without having the correct/any set up.
No. 587840
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Says the ungrateful narc who lives off whatever young girl he’s dating with after saying he’s just coming to ‘visit’ for a week
No. 588139
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No. 588140
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No. 588420
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Mostly ignoring the Alison chick cause as you can tell from the reply "WOW TAYLOR SUCH SENPAI"
If you wanna see more go to the thread it's a god damn train wreck.
But going back to the person who brought up the monitor enclosure on twitter, this response right here pisses me off. It's not just reptiles, it's not just a conspiracy theory, Taylor this is fucking basic pet care and knowledge 101. Majority of pets are sadly fantastic at hiding sickness and/or injury, birds and reptiles are renowned for it.
In the wild being sick and/or injured basically puts a huge target on their backs to predators saying "Look I'm easy game" which in some cases can cause family/lounge/flock members to kick them out so they aren't slowed down by this one ill member (I have a feeling this is more prevalent in birds than what it is in reptiles)
This instinct is something that hasn't been bread out of any pet reptile, and I don't think it will ever be breed out.
If you were the exotic animal educator you claimed to be you'd realise this. So for you to jump to "oh you're all assuming he's dead like every other animal gossip of the now" is just fucking gross and even further shows how little you know about the animals you bring home.
Another thing you should probably look into is how quickly stress can kill a reptile, sure you can wait for a new enclosure but Kronos probably wont.
No. 588437
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>>588429This is what I'm looking at, not the mascara.
No. 588446
>>588437Not trying to white knight or anything but if it was a bruise it's not really something to worry about or call attention to.
One of the Symptoms of Ehler Danlos is elastic and easily bruised skin.
No. 588527
>>588525"this room is really hot! it's like a million degrees in here!"
satanic leaf geckos are right there in the closet door and they need cool temperatures
No. 588529
>>588488not to whiteknight but i mean when you have a pet at "three years" even though he was just barely two it's kinda something you know is coming- its been awhile since he passed anyways so i dont blame her for having zero emotion about it but
still. she probably didn't care at all. just one less pet for her to flaunt and man handle.
keep lying tay. appreciate it. he wasnt three years. just about two.
No. 588555
>>588525Wow. Her videos makes me cringe. All I hear is sarcasm from this girl. It’s like she’s saying:
“Here. I feed him. What’s next?”
“Here. I fixed it. You happy?”
“Here’s another clip of my mess. You happy?”
“Eat faster dumb lizards”
“what else you viewers complain about? Oh yeah. Here”
She could careless about anything but the money she gets to spend
No. 588573
>>588525Things wrong with this video:
If that room feels hot to her it's too hot for some of her animals. Especially the geckos in the closet.
Speaking of the geckos, why'd she allow echo to get so close to the monitors enclosure? And then wonder why he fired up? That must've been so stressful for the gecko.
Not dusting her crickets. Crickets aren't even a great food source, but they absolutely need to be dusted with calcium and gut loaded.
Feeding two smaller prey rather than one appropriately sized one.
Lots of the enclosures look dry when they should have quite high humidity (condensation on the glass and damp but not wet substrate).
Just tossing crickets into certain animals enclosures. If not caught right away they can bite/irriate animals.
Feeding her pacman frog a mouse as often as she does. When I feed mine a mouse it isn't fed again for nearly a month, or until it passes feces. It can cause impactation and obesity. And once fed a mouse you should wait a bit to feed another mouse.
Keeping her mantis shrimp like that. And teasing it. That's just asking for it to burst through the glass.
The way she fed her snakes. She kept bumping them in the face with their food and wondered why they slinkered away back into the substrate. Just dangle it in front of them without hitting them god damn it.
I'm sure I forgot some things I noticed but these are the things that stuck out to me since I keep the majority of animals that taylor does.
No. 588576
>>588525i don't even know where to start
1. feeding the pets on the carpet and rubbing a dead mouse on it. so unsanitary to put your pets anywhere shoes have been. also the floor in every room looked to be a mess.
2. salem's part was so dragged out and cringey i had to fast forward through it
3. her being shocked by the monitor acting like an animal???? just wait???? until he gets bigger?????
4. also cringeworthy when she asked her hedgehog to come out of its hide to give her video footage for ad revenue
5. can anyone confirm if is it normal for gucci's breed to be that determined to leave the cage? or "psycho" as taylor states it, once again forgetting that she is dealing with ANIMALS
6. idk why people even hire her as a sponsor because she advertises companies so unconvincingly.
7. her mantis shrimp is housed with some of her other fish, which she recommends not to do…while doing it. i'm also fairly sure waggling your fingers next to the glass right in front of its face isn't a good idea but taylor is mother nature so it's ok
8. saying one of her fish was left in a bag on her porch. i'm inclined not to believe this. how can her stories get any more ridiculous??
No. 588612
>>588577i mean if she wanted to save $4 sure……
but again dont think she would she probably just threw him in the trash.
No. 588782
>>588706"Would I ever collab with Taylor? Some of the things she does is pretty interesting, but I'm not sure that we could, our style of of video and editing is so dramatically different that I don't know if we could pull together a video that would make sense for each other. See, I'm all about, if I'm going to make a video, I want it to be useful to the end user, and you're also vouching for that person's credibility. In my opinion, on an aquarium channel that I consider to be educational like my own, when somebody comes on my channel, I'm indirectly vouching for them, if you get what I mean. So yeah, I'm sure we could toss back ideas just like anything, I would collab with somebody with 100 subscribers or a million subscribers. At the end of the day, what's most important to me is creating a piece of content that people enjoy, might be entertained from but could be educational as well."
That was the longest, most drawn out 'hell no' I've ever heard.
No. 588860
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No. 588861
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No. 588865
>>588861Bitch, ya content's trash.
Will someone hooktube the video? Although I doubt I'll be able to sit through the cringe
No. 588906
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No. 588907
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No. 588910
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No. 588913
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No. 588915
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No. 588916
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No. 588918
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No. 588962
>>588918this whole comment thread has me cringing so hard
she and her stans are both so mindless
No. 589121
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No. 589139
>>588910Super confused about the whole “I bought him for $10 and cured him from his ick in an 80 gallon tank” statement…
I used to be a big fan of Taylor, before I knew much about animal care and everything, so during this time I was watching every video, seeing every tweet etc, and I very specifically remember how she got cheese.
At the time she had her biocube as her only reef tank. It housed her blue spotted jawfish, which was one of her favourite fish. She talked about it a lot on YouTube and Twitter at the time. She decided to buy an eel (I don’t recall what kind) and she said she would have to keep an eye on it, to make sure the eel didn’t eat the jawfish - since they live in the same area (caves and crevices in the rocks) no suprise, but the eel ate her jawfish.
After the She took the eel back to the store and exchanged it for cheese, and placed him immediately in the tank. She didn’t buy him for $10, she exchanged her eel for him. She didn’t put him in an 80 gallon to cure him, he went right in her biocube.
As far as I know, this was never talked about in her videos, but as I said I used to be a huge fan and I kept up with her twitter. She tweeted about all of this. I don’t really have “proof” since this was over a year and a half ago - and I’m not scrolling that far through her twitter to find it, but I’m sure you guys can believe me.
No. 589160
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>>589139Here you go anon. Looks like you were right. (Cheese was called Normandy before Cheese).
For anyone who doesn't know, if you wanna find someones old tweets just put:
from:USER since:YYYY-MM-DD until:YYYY-MM-DD
into the search bar (replace USER with taylorndean etc)
No. 589163
>>589139Just adding to this, the eel she had was a snowflake eel. Kind of a shame she chose to get rid of it cause it's a really nice looking animal.
(I use adblock so I don't really bother with hook tube so if someone else want's to run these through that go for it) video here about the jawfish and eel, she admits it was a huge risk but lord and behold she fucking did it anyway.
Can't remember which video it was but she did say in one "you can thank my eel for eating my jawfish cause if he didn't I wouldn't have taken him to the pet store and swapped him out for a cowfish."
No. 589200
>>588527Also if it's hot there's probably little to no ventilation which isn't ideal and means the room probably smells like shit.
>>588867She didn't even sound sad, she looked uncomfortable talking about it and tried to justify it by his age. His age likely killed him no doubt, but I think part of her knows that he could have had a better life or he was dead for a few days before they/she found him. This makes me think that it's possible that whoever cared for them just gave them food to last a week/a few days rather than feeding them daily.
No. 589226
>>589212Last I’m going to say on this to keep from clogging up the thread
Once you find how the snake likes to eat they eat like a dream. Like mine only eats with tongs but another ksb might only eat if it’s left overnight. In my experience most people only have trouble if they are feeding outside the enclosure or it’s breeding season.
But like
>>589208 said she’s also having trouble feeding her corn snake and they are also know to be good eaters. The ball pythons I understand a little more as they are know to be picky eaters but she really shouldn’t be having this much trouble feeding snakes that are known to eat fine.
No. 589237
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As per usual with her collabs something mysteriously happened to the file
No. 589239
>>589208My boyfriend's female corn regularly goes on a hunger strike every later winter/early spring. We think it's due to breeding season. All she does is roam around her Viv.
Not relevant for anything else, just thought I'd add to the corn comment.
(blogposting) No. 589355
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No. 589365
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Also found this when being a nosey fuck earlier. Super paranoid about ich, but she didn't know he had it and put him straight in with other fish.
Now she "bought him covered in ich and put him in his own tank and healed him"
Lmao this girl is fucking crazy. Never seen someone lie so much.
No. 589392
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She's awful dismissive with people who suggest that Cheese needs a bigger tank when she herself indicated he's going to need a 250 gallon tank
No. 589420
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fixed it again :)
No. 589462
>>589460someone needs to put together all this evidence in one video and let her stans see it. Just put it all out there ‘the truth about Taylor Nicole dean’
exposed hahaaa like the ones they do for beauty gurus
No. 589467
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>>589462i saw awhile back that this girl "petty paige" is doing a video on her. i think she's a "drama" account. i'm hoping it will be good
No. 589469
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oof i posted that picture on twitter at taylor and she came at me y'all(cowtipping)
No. 589471
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>>589469i'm going to go prepare myself for all the juicy arguments
No. 589491
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whilst we're on the topic of her bullshitting…
No. 589495
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Totally ignoring the fact she doesn't quarantine any of her fish. Her general rule of animal care is that if they're not dying it's fine.
No. 589507
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And here we have taylor recommending someone who I'm pretty sure owns a savannah/bosc (an insectivorous monitor) an animal protein based diet. Which can actually kill them.
No. 589514
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lol wat
No. 589516
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Guys these are her stans. They have absolutely no idea an animal can suffer for longer than 2 years without dying. Literally the same logic as Taylor 'if it's not dying it must be fine'.
No. 589518
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>>589516Can’t tell if sh has horrible sense of time or likes to over exaggerate every detail..
No. 589524
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okay why is she saying that i said she was abusing her animals? all i did was post that picture about how shit didn't add up but now she's spinning it around like that? i don't get it
No. 589525
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>>589524she blocked me of course so idk what this was in reply too. but also her fans are just genuinely stupid
No. 589534
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>>589531Yeah, she's doing a lot of gaslighting. We should start calling her stans what they call them in the narcissist community; flying monkeys
No. 589538
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i love the flying monkeys term can we please use it
also after a quick google search i read that cow fish life spans are 2-8 years. that seems pretty spread out. does anyone know if that's an accurate number? the flying monkeys are saying cheese has lived longer than average to try to convince themselves that taylor is a great owner, not to mention he isn't even actually two yet
No. 589543
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Maybe don't make yourself look bad then taylor? I don't get her.
No. 589602
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Wouldn’t be surprised if she tagged along after making a couple new videos as cushions
No. 589687
>>588525ugh is it just me or do those cages look just ugly and out of place. it's like she didn't consider the room size when ordering those cages.
especially bad are the cages that slide open right next to the floor, substrate is going to get all over that carpet
and does she really feed the pacman nothing but rodents? why :(
No. 589697
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Hey Taylor, here's your family friendly boyfriend
No. 589726
>>589632No because she isn't feeding him enough.
It's a myth that fish dont grow in tanks that are too small.
They get stunted growth from underfeeding and high ammonia levels in the tank ( no cleaning ) That's where the myth started.
That tank is enough for his size, But he will need a bigger one if he starts to grow.
People put Cowfish in 100 gallons tank for a start, then upgrades it as the fish grows. (They grow quite fast.)
And since I've only seen her feed him baby brine shrimp and seaweed, I'm pretty sure she's underfeeding him.
They should eat a variety of clams, silversides, squid, shrimp, scallops, etc multiple times a day.
No. 589788
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No. 589801
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No comment necessary!!
No. 589838
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No. 589931
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Ah shit, sorry. Not an active user, just browsed a few threads. But yeah - here's the image, go nuts. Snakes can jump ig. She was asked about the GTP video on Jonny's account where she provoked him into biting.
No. 590035
>>589788Giving advice to someone about an animal when she doesn't even know what animal it is that she's giving advice for. Nice one Taylor.
I have no idea how anyone could even consider asking her for advice or help. Glad someone stepped in and corrected her before the other person ended up with a sick/dead monitor.
No. 590097
>>590060She did, it's at 18:15 but you can only see one of them.
Again, I'm sure it's just the cresties that are in the closet (not that that's okay) but it doesn't look the satanics are in there.
No. 590100
>>590089She may not have had major ich problems in the interim between Cheese being put in the 30 and moving to the 150. That ich could have come from anywhere since she doesn't quarantine anything, and just affected Cheese since he's more susceptible. Plus he was probably as stressed in the 30 as he is in the 150- say what you want about stocking and saltwater discourse but there is NO WAY that 29 biocube has enough volume to handle the bioload of Cheese, Zazu, AND other fish, and there just plain isn't enough swimming room for that tang in her 150 who probably stresses the other fish out pacing back and forth all day.
But there's definitely evidence of her not quarantining him when she first got him, she's so bad at keeping her story straight even when confronted with HER OWN evidence.
No. 590165
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another header pic idea
No. 590166
File: 1526903594896.png (667.1 KB, 753x860, 4CAC87A4-06ED-4A72-A744-63BE2E…)

and another one