No. 469461
Last thread:
>>>/snow/402768Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread:
>>260800previously on:
>Someone leaked discord conversations she had with her subs, much milk (view here >>460537)>Anon-made "content cop" on Anisa finally dropped, vid related>video seems to be doing well as of this post, over 85K views, 3k likes!>not much commentary from Anisa or other youtubers yet, though the video seems to be being recommended to idubbbz followers, or people who view his videos kek>pear apparently is in the US under some kind of "employee sponsorship" visa thanks to her promotion pon- um, boyfriendMaureen is confirmed to obsessively check her lolcow threads, so let's give the crazy cunt a warm welcome to thread #12!
https://twitter.com/anisajomhahttps://www.instagram.com/anisajomhahttps://www.twitch.tv/anisajomhahttps://www.reddit.com/r/AnisaJomhahttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCnL9i3G8vnbQ6mR1DBqvRA No. 469681
File: 1515913879767.jpg (83.03 KB, 1280x720, big_1481315874_image.jpg)

>>468483idubbbz is a fucking autist who reminds a lot of girls of emotionally abusive exes. no idea why anyone is attracted to his greasy, edgelord weasel ass.
No. 469739
File: 1515924242343.png (517.98 KB, 1080x1257, IMG_20180114_110219.png)

damn someone rosted her so hard
No. 469950
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but this screams “my relationship is falling apart “
Also, don’t forget to sage y’all, it takes two seconds.
No. 469968
File: 1515955965410.png (83.86 KB, 425x386, 0000download.png)

>>469933this is an imageboard, friend (i.e., post an image)
No. 470039
>>470032it will hit 100k soon and it will basically become low hanging fruit for youtubers who had beef with anisa or simply want drama it would be dumb for them to miss the chance to get views and revenge on her
I just don't know who it will be but someone at some point is going to have to talk about it
No. 470057
>>470040i've messaged keemstar but he hasn't seen, then tea spill, basic, here for the tea, rich lux, peter monn and other channels that aren't drama related but would be interested like pyro and i'mallex. Rich and Tea Spill wont get into drama with idubbbz. The rest didn't respond at all lol.
>>470047 yeah i think you're right but i'm not sure who else to message now haha. Has anyone dropped the vid in the idubbbz discord?
No. 470064
>>470057 on what social media did you send all of that
myb if we all bombard them with the vid they will do something abt it ?
No. 470074
>>470064Snapchat, twitter and insta dms lol.
>>470063He would do nothing, he doesn't give a shit about what people are saying about his girlfriend. He clearly dislikes her himself lol they're both as gross as each other tbh
No. 470489
File: 1515989346599.png (266.53 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180113-191020.png)

One of the comments on anisas instagram of her recent pic. Tons of whiteknights came to rescue pear including her little kid fan base.
No. 470498
>>470489wow you sure showed her, great work
No. 470510
>>470498I've obviously
triggered her to have her respond to my comment. Have you guys gotten a response from her? No? Then shut up. It lit up my face when I saw that she responded to my comment. Because she's a narcissistic autist.
(no1curr ) No. 470517
File: 1515990924772.png (1.18 MB, 948x858, narcissisticautist.png)

>>470510Thanks for your insights on this thread
I'm glad we have someone with quality content like yours helping us to improve
No. 470528
File: 1515991469592.jpg (32.1 KB, 620x400, cSP98.jpg)

>>470510>It lit up my face when I saw that she responded to my comment.That's tragic.
No. 470644
>>470616the next countdown should be surpassing the most viewed Pearfax vid (Anisa @Pyro with 300k if I remember well?). I can't into reddit so I spread the vid among my friends who are idubbbz fans, acting all innocent like it's the first time I'm seeing this/hearing about Anisa being sketchy lol. Works, because they are usually so
shooketh they pass it around
No. 470647
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No. 470648
File: 1516006152642.png (233.75 KB, 1080x1291, IMG_20180115_094728.png)

No. 470650
>>470647I tweeted sky from a fake acc cause I don't have my personal twitter acc
he responded. now imagine if actual real people spammed him with the link
you have to publicly call them out for being pussies to force them to answer
let's just hope that sky doesn't forget about this
No. 470656
>>470648>>470650>I'm going to deliver justice in 2018so in December
Sky is our only yt ally and I want to trust him but eh, I'm afraid by the time he does the vid the drama will be dead again.
No. 470677
File: 1516009691493.png (163.89 KB, 1208x812, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 1.47…)

its habbening boyz!
No. 470695
>>470680Sky's gay so no.
Sky's been vocal about discrimination in the gaming community towards LGBTQ and POC. I think one of the reason she keeps backstabbing him is because what he says is often disagreed with by people that she desperately wants to be cool with (June, Chris, and probably Ian).
She did this with Zoie and Celestia too. She begged Celestia to let her tag along, but after Ian intervened, she made a terribly unfunny video for the sole purpose of mocking them.
No. 470722
File: 1516017092470.jpg (96.57 KB, 840x1024, Anisa jomha is a rat.jpg)

she manipulated sky a lot
when he cried to her she calmed him down by saying she 'cares about her friends a lot' but she clarified later she never saw him as a friend
right after this she changed her bio to 'the sneaky snake of youtube', she is PROUD she made him cry and showed it off to her nonexistent friends
No. 470752
>>470747It's pretty hard right now because
1) January is the lowest ad rev month for youtubers, they aren't looking to make content right now
2) scarce is fucking missing again
3) Logan Paul shit is low hanging fruit click bait for months to come
The only way to spread news right now is via Reddit and (lol)forums like Pull/GG
No. 470757
>>470753No I'm saying we hold up until the current storm passes. If we rail on constantly we look obsessed(which we are) but it gives anisa another victim point and lessens our point. Do you understand what I mean?
Also the people tweeting to sky - please be careful, we want him to be an ally, not scare him away.
No. 470759
>>470752It will always be hard, because
1) she is unimportant
2) nobody cares about what a nobody like her does
>>470753Yes. See above. Anisa "drama" will never be talked about on drama channels or disseminated among the general YT viewer population because nobody's interested in hearing about her.
She's simply not a popular enough YT/twitch personality for anything she does to have any impact.
No. 470790
>>470759I disagree. A lot of fans are curious and/or offput by "idubbbz girlfriend". As long as she's his gf there is a point in talking about her, because it brings idubbbz into the mix and splashes a bit of mud on him too. The only problem is how everyone is terrified of the all powerful idubbbz.
I don't even really hate idubbbz but I would like it if the whole "idubbbz is invicible/there's nothing to criticize about him" mindset was destroyed.
No. 471044
>>471027But even tho Anisa knew about it, it was still being posted back then.
Besides, everyone already knows what Anisa does so it won't prevent the downfall of Pearnisa, and even if her wk fans managed to get in there, you can always have another discord to go to.
No. 471113
>>470790I get what you're saying, but Idubbbz fans are your typical teen boys, they care about one and one only thing about her: is she bangable.
They are not at all interested in her personality. They give zero shits for whether she's a saint, or a "sneaky snake".
They are not interested in hearing about her, and nobody else knows about her. I still think there is simply no audience for Anisa drama.
No. 471121
>>471120I agree
place your bets boyz its either maureen (crazy psycho mom) or k4iley (ass kissing leech) I am betting 100 on momma Jomha
No. 471151
>>471120>>471121>>471134There is a very very good reason this thread was on autosage until now.
And now that it's revived, you're trying to coax us into being your personal army to "overthrow" Ian and expose Anisa.
No, you fuck off.
No. 472431
>>472355I still think we need to put the latest leaks out that confirm the Akaadian thing cause she constantly denied they were together when her and Ian met and all her whiteknights get so
triggered over it and say there's no actual evidence….well now there is.
No. 472514
>>472468>>472431EXACTLY.. THANK YOU…
If someone here is willing to just put those clips together + the one where she talks about wanting to bang idubbbz that would be awesome
No. 473166
File: 1516169823512.png (257.49 KB, 566x674, 8MEJlDa.png)

Do you guys think this is a jab at the leaked discord screenshots?
No. 473740
>>473166no, its clearly damage control
when people make fun of her she tries to embrace it(haircut coconuthead farquaad thing) if anything this shows she hates these 'memes' and is insecure
No. 474787
File: 1516310636391.png (352.39 KB, 1228x834, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 1.22…)

this guy just keeps going at this point I feel embarrassed for him
No. 474990
>>474787this is really creepy and pathetic, wow
>>474796i don't, and she's able to block people if she cares
No. 475093
>>475019Exactly. Her fans* are embarrassing.
*Ian's fans
No. 475161
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she parted her hair and damn, those extensions really fucked up her roots
No. 476105
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>>475385She's got to be lying, he still hasn't followed her back on twitter or insta
It's more likely she texted him for advice hoping he can boost her and, being the nice guy he is, replied instead of ignoring
Anyways he's happy with a new girl, good for him
No. 476111
>>476105damn that girl is pretty af
it must drive anisa crazy
No. 476490
>>476105cute, can apply makeup well and has amazing teeth
anisa must be pissed
No. 476505
>>476111Wow, she is so much prettier. It’s not even a contest. That blond gal is in a whole other level.
Anisa has been known to be salty about women being prettier than her.
The other day she said she was envious in Jessica Nigri
No. 477109
>>477097well i'm sorry that you're standards of beauty are plastic IG models
this girl is obviously pretty without even trying
No. 477322
File: 1516585661973.png (11.14 KB, 649x106, anisa jomha racist.png)

Britt venti commented on the anisa content cop video. She and Anisa really fucking hate eachother so she can probably bring more attention to Anisa's scumminess.
I know some of you guys don't like britt but she has a more larger and dedicated neckbeard army than anisa, she could be useful
No. 477486
File: 1516603021188.png (1.12 MB, 1259x710, anisa jomha fat liar.png)

Anisa talks about her first/only break up where the guy initiated(the guy before idubbbz, aka Akaadian/Matt)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/221104328?t=03h06m03sthere were two break ups
the first break up: she took it poorly, couldn't get up. lived in downtown edmonton at the time.
the second break up she got side tracked and didn't talk about it. but she made it seem Matt broke up with her(vs the mutual agreement thing said earlier)
No. 477599
>>477340please sage i don't wanna be that anon but it's been asked a few times times now.
If you have nothing milky to contribute type 'sage' in the email field, that way the thread doesn't get bumped for nothing and it keeps farmhand happy and keeps the thread from going back on autosage! Sorry to moan, don't wanna be the hall monitor lol but also don't want admin to chuck us back on autosage.
No. 477606
>>477486Also first break up:
Her friend drags her to a market where there is a “psychic” who picks Anisa from a crowd and says she looks “sad.” Girl, don’t give him a fucking medal, you got that shit all over your face. Doesn’t take some mythological fortune teller to get that shit. Gives her a free reading. His “advice” is literally shit I’ve read on Facebook. He tells her Aakaadian was not “the one”.
Later admits she’s over emotional. No shit bitch.
No. 478720
>>478395From here on out I will only ever be able to think of him as Cowardly Keem.
Not that i didn't think he was a massive twat anyway, but I thought he at least had some balls
No. 478740
>>478719well duh, obviously he won't pick up a fight with someone who almost destroyed him. He got back on track but I think a second blow from idubbbz would be deadly. Predictable little Keem is scared of Da King Of Yutubbbz. Ew.
Sky, if you're reading here, please do the vid. Don't postpone it to December or something, dude. Release it as soon as you can, when the Anisa's CC is still somewhat fresh, or it won't have any power.
No. 479100
>>478822you do realise that you're supposed to sage every post that isn't milk? At the top of the thread, there's a link to the rules and useage info. Read them, particularly 3.6.
Hate mini-modding but don't go around calling anons 'tards' for politely requesting you to adhere to the board rules.
>>478904not the anon you're replying to, Cowardly Keem didn't explicitly tell me he wasn't interested but he did say 'we've seen the video too' so I can post that if its any use?
No. 480226
>>480174I think it's better not to pretend being casual about it. If I were a random bystender I would probably be like yoooo have you seen that vid about idubbbz' gf? What is this all about??? How come it's not on Drama Alert, that seems huge!
OR be critical, like there's a vid circulating, it's super long and barely watchable but does have amazing tea, have y'all seen that?
No. 480503
File: 1516836414091.png (Spoiler Image,19.88 KB, 574x144, regina, former lolcow admin.pn…)

>>480108the mods still suck on regina's teat. afaik she's the only one with a hateboner for anisa threads for some reason
No. 480672
>>480503damn that's fucked, this was like a month ago too.
anyone want to move to another place? I know PULL is not attractive but that's all I can think of now
No. 482158
File: 1517002639794.jpg (30.81 KB, 563x421, 1516508785894.jpg)

>>471027Admin has counter measures against pear-knights and Maureen
Here's an invite link for any anons that actually still give a shit:
https://discord.gg/wEtaf>>481794Yeah, fuck Regina and the shitty mods/admin that let us get spammed by pear knights then kept us on autosage during other milky times bc "not enough milk"
No. 482178
File: 1517004234713.jpg (101.94 KB, 800x722, IMG_20180126_170145.jpg)

Pear tweets a typical fake attention whore story.
No. 483572
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No. 484912
File: 1517205572775.jpeg (471.25 KB, 1142x1443, 8238DF81-6C01-4FBC-91ED-B9D507…)

Self sabotage at its finest. Girl you look stupid, take that shit off the internet.
Also, so much for “muh ocd”. Per usual, her house is a mess.
No. 484915
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>>484912P.S. pear’s new friend is super cute. Looks like she found a new celery
No. 485091
>>484915lol that's Pokimane
she ain't cute
No. 485783
>>484912she looks like a porn star or that cam girl ice poseidon did the chatturbate with. fix your nose girl have papa idubbbz pay you a nose job
>>484915lol those arms tho honestly pokemane looks like a goddess compared to anisa, sure she may not be the prettiest girl but any girl looks like a model next to pear slut.
No. 486565
>>484912looks like a fuckboy smirk
No. 489156
File: 1517480829794.png (1.91 MB, 1080x1920, IMG_20180201_112411.png)

fishing for compliments
No. 489191
>>489111>>489113nobody cares what you think or have to say
go kys newfag
No. 489626
She's so boring lately, her twitter is basically gym gym gym
>>489577she just wants to show of her butt.
>>489111from what I recall about farmers' suggestions, they want shit like this, which is coming to a thread just to say how stupid and unmilky it is, a bannable offense. Just a heads-up, anon. Hope to see you redtexted one day.
btw she's live. Talking about… dududum… gym. She does seem leaner in the waist area (she just stood up) but her butt is just sad.
I hope Sky delivers because wooh shit got stale.
No. 489826
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>>489156Are her fucking neckbeard fans even buying this shit anymore?
No. 489981
File: 1517535589575.png (833.71 KB, 876x485, anisa jomha nudes.png)

anisa hung out with pokimane once and poki taught her about filters. Now anisa's abusing the fuck out of beautycam and emulating poki.
No. 489987
File: 1517536114234.jpg (137.1 KB, 1200x675, C4_jlmvWEAAvjnB.jpg)

>>489981pear-chan WISHES LMAOOOO
No. 490190
File: 1517547098303.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180201-204504.png)

She's streaming herself cooking rn, this gumbo looks tasty!
No. 490636
File: 1517593177559.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180202-093107.png)

>>490557Samefag, surprisingly not Maureen.
Also, for the anons that still want milk, I know pear's boring as shit but it might help this thread if anons are a lot more proactive in gathering milk! Any stream shit, Twitter caps, etc. just post em'!
Pic is from gumbo stream
No. 490638
File: 1517593274668.png (1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180202-093130.png)

>puts this shit in gumbo
No. 490744
>>490190I eat gumbo every year for Thanksgiving and honestly this stream
triggered the fuck out of me.
No. 497548
File: 1518099081275.jpeg (517.47 KB, 1242x1525, 30741BA8-8BB3-4585-9B4A-AC07E9…)

More of Anisa trying to be Japanese
No. 497550
File: 1518099132540.jpeg (394.34 KB, 1242x1550, C2EE9218-6616-45DC-9F12-F0FC7E…)

And these pants look too small. I guess she really loves her yeast infection. It makes her #different
No. 497723
File: 1518113507450.png (573.71 KB, 578x581, anisa.png)

>>497550She really is trying SO HARD to look like a ~kawaii~ japanese girl.
Btw, look at this fucking tweet. How cringily try-hard can she be
No. 498007
she had a another berakdown on stream today because of "real life stuff", nothing
triggering her from the stream she just abruptly stopped
here's the vod, her mood drops around 1:50:00
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/226997514 No. 501323
File: 1518428612058.png (62.01 KB, 644x526, pear-problems.png)

I read this as Pear saying she was suffering from Alzheimer's.. had to re-read it to comprehend it. On another note, did Ian ever have her in his Twitter bio or just in his Instagram? Pear has been quiet about being "IDUBBBZ GIRLLLLFRIEND XDXDXD." Think they're holding out or have they finally called it quits?
No. 501913
File: 1518482225867.jpeg (121.21 KB, 1242x794, 1657034E-A02B-404D-96F8-BA571D…)

Based on her social blade
https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCCnL9i3G8vnbQ6mR1DBqvRAHer YouTube has been suffering. I’m sure the same goes for her streams. Call me crazy, but I’m sure watching her make some shit food and rage quit on camera gets old. She’s probably going to give a not so subtle reminder of who her bf is soon.
No. 502151
>>501913IN B4
No. 503548
File: 1518687153670.png (429.02 KB, 461x599, thisispatrick.PNG)

>>501913you can see her stats here:
http://twinge.tv/channels/anisajomha/growth/#/30i would've posted a pic but i thought this one was more important
No. 503652
File: 1518703186457.jpeg (300.61 KB, 1242x1029, 775CD094-7169-4612-8682-CBDD2F…)

When the filters can’t even help you and your uggo bf
No. 503863
>>503652Notice how Jessica Nigri favorited it and Pear also said her boobs are fake.
No. 505033
>>504255Anisa is jelous of any female that receives any attention whatsoever.
That’s probably why she got rid of celery
No. 507324
File: 1518977222810.jpeg (277.73 KB, 1242x1110, 80F3C727-1CA7-4453-8593-CB29CA…)

Throwback to when she was remotely relevant
No. 510079
>>503652ania’s recent selfies don’t even LOOK like her
her features are suddenly so dainty lol if she isn’t careful those asian beauty apps are gonna make her self image problems worse
No. 510893
File: 1519246291835.png (34.4 KB, 603x219, 20180221_155055.png)

No. 511740
File: 1519337187733.jpg (367.97 KB, 350x1121, anisa jomha ugly liar.jpg)

hot meme
No. 511938
File: 1519348790726.jpg (553.33 KB, 1031x842, titty streamer anisa jomha.jpg)

Totally not a titty streamer anisa 2018
No. 512333
File: 1519372113167.jpg (107.48 KB, 899x899, DNRcIagUQAA3m9X.jpg)

>>512313beauty is in the eye of the etc-
She's small and petite compared to the gorilla anisa. Also if she was really ugly why would idubbbz continue stalking her all of these years lol
No. 512423
>>512333I don't know who she is and
>>511740 therefore was the first pic I saw of her and I don't think she looks good in it.
But in the picture you posted she actually does look good.
Back to the point. I don't want Ian to cheat on pear, because being cheated on fucking sucks. But I hope that pear starts sperging and hating on the other girl, so her and Ian can have a fight and we get some milk.
No. 513820
File: 1519525283895.jpg (123.91 KB, 541x310, anisa jomha nah man.jpg)

Anisa's face the entire time during K4iley's stream make great reaction images.
K4iley kept yelling over Anisa toward the end of the stream lol
No. 514758
File: 1519621925981.jpg (640.26 KB, 1366x873, lolwat.jpg)

Anisa is showing her art and lol
No. 515361
File: 1519686860851.jpg (24.77 KB, 160x160, 1401387837596_res_160x160.jpg)

Is this one of Anisa's exs
No. 515726
>>515707From here
https://goo.gl/images/K5gdC2It might be her brother since they both have that snaggletooth but idk
No. 517027
File: 1519851850430.jpg (71.9 KB, 537x399, qJFr0qe.jpg)

>But she is not a pathetic online bully that is a fucking failure in real life, like all of you are.
No. 521872
>>5213706 months but it really depends on if the US govt allows her
She said Ian is going to move to Canada for her so she could finish more school credits and then transfer to a US college to obtain a student visa
No. 522084
>>522071"reputation" lol
honestly it's beautiful irony that his girlfriend is exactly the kind of person he used to mock, I don't think her personality was so warm and welcoming that he decided to make an exception. She was there and willing to fuck him and he in turn tried to smooth out the rough edges (read: make her stop associating herself with titty streams) to protect himself even though from what I hear, anisa's bad reputation precedes her
it just shows how weak he is tbh, he can't even commit to what he says or does, "persona" or not
No. 522113
>>522007Apparently they've already found a house to possibly rent while she's going to school.
For those not watching anisa's streams lately
>anisa went to Canada to see her Alzheimer's dad for a week>after visiting home, she wanted to see kale4 before heading back to San Diego>she learned from customs that she should return to Canada immediately after visiting Kale4 and won't be allowed back for at least another 6 months>she didn't know - so most of her stuff, her dog, her camera is stuck in San Diego - Ian is supposed to send those back to her>anisa and Ian will continue LDR, they won't get married for a visa because anisa "doesn't want to rush things" No. 522115
File: 1520358801727.png (59.54 KB, 750x380, IMG_0736.PNG)

Anyone know what this is about?
She locked her account (I think bc of her psycho ex)
No. 522166
>>522159She left at the end of april/beginning of may.
>>522161Whatever it was, it was a 6 month visa. Travel visa is really the only thing she is qualified for. She probably had to have Ian sponsor her since she had entry issues in the past.
No. 522182
File: 1520363221799.png (86.17 KB, 750x832, IMG_0737.PNG)

>>522161I think the main issue is that she can't prove that she has a stable income
she mentioned in stream "the US hates her because she doesn't pay taxes to them, and is still paying taxes to Canada" - she and kale4 joked that anisa should lie to the customs officer about having a dying/sick grandma so she can sneak in the US
No. 522326
>>522317it will be the end of the era of pear if that happens. unless she finds another famous dick to ride with or she tries to steal akaadian from his current girlfriend now that he is more famous she might try to homewreck the relationship since we all know our dear pear cant keep her legs shut.
sage for tinfoil
No. 523344
File: 1520453003634.png (2.64 MB, 1242x2208, 121308A0-37F6-449D-B9D5-8E4E77…)

>>522115this was the context
she even liked the tweet that guy posted… sneaky girl
No. 523603
I think what's more scary about all of this is she's literally just a random girl on the internet. She doesn't create content or run in any circles - and yet idubbbz, with millions of followers, cares enough to follow her private insta and her smol twitter.
No. 524001
>>523992I used to be quite an idubbbz fan and followed his every move (yikes!) and they talked back and fore a lot and he liked and even retweeted many of her post.
This was the same time he was adding A LOT of e-girls (most of them unfollowed now) including Anisa. It was pretty obvious he was looking for a lady.
No. 524004
>>523992If you look in the previous threads there are caps of him talking to her, their weird friendship has been going on for at least 2015
Anisa also mentioned Ian's obsession with short hair and surprise surprise the girl has consistently short hair.
No. 524010
File: 1520522784734.jpg (217.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1504187393248.jpg)

No. 524377
File: 1520549567932.png (234.87 KB, 878x458, anisa jomha snubbed poki.png)

lol anisa liked Poki's post where she's left out
No. 524629
File: 1520574460409.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, 4FE8D0FD-CE2F-4885-8A5A-46815D…)

>>524010>>523344Sneaky girl, indeed. She also liked this tweet shortly after Anisa shared her “I got new clothes and feel so put together/stare at my boobs in this nasty push-up bra please bc I need attention” selfies. This photo is also Anisa’a new twitter profile pic. Can’t help but think this girl was taking a well-deserved jab at Anisa the Titty Streamer.
No. 528387
File: 1520984990630.jpg (251.7 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0813.JPG)

Why does anisa take pictures on the floor of her parents bedroom
No. 531279
File: 1521240874251.jpg (441.36 KB, 900x679, discord anisa .jpg)

No. 531281
>>531279dear god I was browsing her twitter last night and saw that monstrosity and I wished I could forget it
I don't remember writing on it though, but that could be my brain trying to delete everything about that abomination
No. 531878
File: 1521401755717.jpeg (569.16 KB, 1242x1239, 135BC9CB-44E6-47B1-A2C6-2C3562…)

>>531279What the fuck is it
No. 531891
File: 1521402275405.png (81.68 KB, 750x699, IMG_0826.PNG)

>>531878It's supposed to be Jenna marbles dog
Btw anyone else find it disgusting that anisa is sucking up to Jessica nigri now after those discord chats leaked?
No. 531920
File: 1521404328441.png (821.06 KB, 890x879, A_Zeta_Reticulan_by_Glitch_on_…)

>>531878that's some Signs shit right there, throw a glass of water on it
>>531891and of COURSE she would suck up to her. I wish Nigri could see the chats. I don't care about Nigri's feelings getting hurt because she's just as bad but it'd be sweet to tar Anisa's name
No. 533715
File: 1521551547051.png (635.19 KB, 1242x2208, A3D6FC70-BB5F-4814-B9FD-4224B5…)

The milk has been dry for far too long…perhaps it will start flowing again.
No. 534397
>>534353hey man i aint giving money to twitch
thank you for stepping up though
No. 534516
>>534513I bet it was that question in particular that hit a nerve, if she seemed happy to answer questions earlier. I wonder if the "move to Canada" reason is just a vague buffer. She spent a lot of effort clarifying that everything is unplanned and we don't know when it'll happen and she doesn't know either so they should cool it and stop asking her questions
The drama queen bitch in me wishes that they are "on a break" but still saying they are together on video to keep people out of their business if there IS drama, assuming that ian has seen the pearfax video, and anisa is trying to save face by saying all these big things but she's stressing out that it might not actually work, so she's nervous and antsy about it
No. 535624
File: 1521709089346.png (113.58 KB, 750x693, IMG_0853.PNG)

You know what a find funny? Idubbbz likes akidearest's post WAY MORE often than Anisa tweets
He's been liking Anisa's stuff since she got blocked from re-entering the country and it feels so forced(he usually only likes when it's a couple pic of them together). anisa would probably describe Aki as a fat whale in leather but damn does Ian like her enough to like her tweets so frequently
No. 535888
File: 1521745774021.jpg (133.74 KB, 799x1200, DY2O4ehX0AEoDrc.jpg)

she got her extensions in.
No. 536015
File: 1521755312320.jpg (324.58 KB, 1080x1203, IMG_0865.JPG)

>>535888They look fucking bad and obvious
No. 536154
>>536015Yikes, did she curl just the extensions..?
They accentuate how ratty her natural hair is.
No. 536256
>>536223Shits not even the same color, I'm hollering
Bless that hairdresser she got a huge payday from a huge idiot lol
No. 536257
File: 1521766183022.png (Spoiler Image,151.86 KB, 3186x3673, IMG_0869.PNG)

>>535888Anisa is taking her cosplay career seriously, Jessica Nigri better watch out
No. 536280
File: 1521766751221.png (144.32 KB, 750x1217, IMG_0870.PNG)

Her last stream must've triggered her because she's deleted the last 7 days worth of streams lol good job on the anons who clipped the juicy shit before she baleeted
Btw she's on stream playing a game with Chris and I haven't seen her this happy in a while
No. 536288
Can she not do anything right? Those ratty extensions don't even blend in with her normal hair. Now she's wearing pants that are way too small for her. This girl just can't be trusted to dress herself, swamp assed bitch.
No. 536297
File: 1521767909648.png (25.75 KB, 318x321, IMG_0871.PNG)

The face you make when you play with your crush #just girly things~
>>536283She went on a delete spree after someone asked sh0eonhead why she associated with anisa when anisa shit talks laci constantly. Sh0e brought in anisa and called it fake news so anisa did major damage control and deleted all her streams from last year(when she moved home, almost broke up with Ian, salty about Chris' relationship) and locked her mom's twitter to delete incriminating tweets. Anisa and laci were forced to follow eachother on twitter afterwards, Chris and Bundy who were close to anisa's mom unfollowed Maureen too.
Chris has acknowledged in curiouscat that he doesn't like when anisa bad mouths laci, he is very aware of anisa's lies
No. 536316
Another reason might also be that there's a post on the idubbbz reddit about Ian moving to Canada that's gaining traction. As we learned from
>>534353 , he isn't so someone must've been told to delete some shit.
No. 536371
>>535624last tweet of hers ian liked was march 13th when she posted about wanting mermaid hair, that's 10 days worth of tweets he hasn't liked from her while he's liked a lot of other tweets from other people, and this is his gf we're talking about, not just a friend lol
she even made a cheesy love related tweet about michael scott and holly and she was like "I'm lucky to have my Holly" and he hasn't even liked
like ngl I stopped caring much about if someone likes my stuff but that's just sad tbh
No. 536383
File: 1521773557566.jpg (498.96 KB, 998x580, anisa jomha has downs syndrome…)

why does anisa do this
No. 536385
File: 1521773746759.jpg (667.26 KB, 1187x659, pokie.jpg)

>>536383it crossed my mind she thinks she's as attractive as poki to pull it off but idk
No. 536415
File: 1521777062206.png (20.55 KB, 1839x131, Capture.PNG)

sageing for irrelevancy but I'm multi-reading the older threads to catch in on stuff I've missed and someone had posted this which came from one of anisa's older streams that are deleted now about five months ago, who was the CC member they are talking about? I thought that particular CC had some pretty big names (ethan has hila, jacksfilms has a gf, pewds has marzia etc) so I was surprised to see someone mentioned that I was apparently not familiar with
sorry for random segue I'm just bored and nosy
No. 536472
>>536015looks like homegirl could only afford 40 pcs of tape-ins and said ah fuck it, let's do it anyway. it legitimately looks like a mullet. she needed more hair. also, this is not going to help her balding situation which is clearly still visible here
>>536297 at all. those tapes don't cover a balding scalp. they're only going to cause traction alopecia on thinning hair. why is this girl so dumb omg. she should have just gotten a wig and called it a day.
No. 536790
>>536603It should be in the past threads/capped(can't link rn at work)
It went like
Do you like when anisa makes fun of your gf
Not really no…
No. 537037
>>536015>>536383Everything about her look
triggers me. I can tell that long hair suits her better than that stupid bob she had, but this shit looks even more jacked up. Somehow despite going to a salon, the length of the extensions are still totally out of sync with her normal hair. Also, styling tight ringlets on the end and leaving it straight on top really isn't helping her cause. Why do you have to half ass literally EVERYTHING?
I actually think she would look fine, maybe even nice, if she didn't wear so much cheap shit intended for teens and/or just bought the right sizes. You look like you probably have a yeast infection, Pear, and these weird clothes make your body look like a brick. Stop making that stupid face with the tongue; that's gotta be your worst angle.
No. 537061
File: 1521857704926.png (65.04 KB, 221x258, Thwomp.png)

>>537037at this point anisa just reminds me of a thwomp; a salty square-faced brick that squashes out everything good
No. 537720
For research sake and also I get bored and do this sometimes, here's a list of anisa's threads in chronological order from newest to oldest (the numbering system we have now doesn't apply in this list because they weren't ALL exclusively Anisa threads, for a few they were just Cancer Crew/edgy youtuber threads but they turned into Pear threads eventually hence they seem more than the title in the current threads)
thread 14:
>>>/snow/402768thread 13:
>>>/snow/397551thread 12:
>>>/snow/388022thread 11:
>>>/snow/374615thread 10:
>>>/snow/360315thread 09:
>>>/snow/340026thread 08:
>>>/snow/329815thread 07:
>>>/snow/299602thread 06:
>>>/snow/281421thread 05:
>>>/snow/265087thread 04:
>>>/snow/253828thread 03:
>>>/snow/240809thread 02:
>>>/snow/219802thread 01:
>>>/snow/188302 No. 538199
File: 1522011807963.jpg (119.9 KB, 658x1024, IMG_0891.JPG)

"I'm a model"
Sarah huckabee looking ass
No. 538200
File: 1522011812091.jpeg (125.49 KB, 750x1087, 498D6C01-49DB-4215-9835-17C005…)

Wow, what is wrong with her?
No. 538201
>>538200she looks dead in the eyes, there's no sign of life in there
her face looks haggard like she's going through stress or something or maybe I just haven't looked at her clumsy mug in a while
No. 538203
File: 1522012122030.png (299.79 KB, 609x691, Capture.PNG)

she fucking wishes she did
No. 538215
File: 1522013066794.jpg (376.62 KB, 1920x1080, 1521229206524.jpg)

>>538203She has to be joking. That skin model is Asian lmao
No. 538217
File: 1522013499128.png (25.51 KB, 601x203, Capture.PNG)

>>538215she's not, unfortunately. She's fucking delusional, there is nothing similar to this character except like eye color
No. 538227
File: 1522014486039.png (410.76 KB, 901x512, shadowops.png)

>>538217Even though all the versions of that skin look nothing like her, I wonder if she'll claim she's "irl shadow ops" (name of the skin) so she can leach off the fortnite bandwagon. I'd love to see her try and cosplay this though. I want to see how bad it'd look.
No. 538236
File: 1522015516701.jpg (173.68 KB, 520x383, anisa jomha 10 years later.jpg)

>>538199Anisa is going to age BIGLY
No. 538284
File: 1522019340657.png (304.73 KB, 617x801, Capture.PNG)

of COURSE the idea wasn't hers to begin with, because there can't be an original thought coming out of her brain at all ever
No. 538362
> you don't play many games, do you?lol that's a reaching assumption, I meant "meaningful" as in emotionally interesting. After you make a water sprinkler soak Victoria and then get a bucket of paint splashed all over her, do you fake sympathy and act nice to her or do you just bully her more? Do you take the blame for Chloe's weed or hide or rat her out? Why do you make those choices, what's your reasoning behind those? Life is Strange is a game, but the choices aren't about "winning a game", it's about what and why we do when we're given a tool like time travel which gives us the option to portray the best version of ourselves. Max keeps rewinding time to twist questions in a way that won't upset others (she gets chastised for picking up the pregnancy test and in real life she'd still be told off, but in the game you get to rewind and spare yourself the drama by asking about it as if you "heard a rumour", as if you even cared in the first place, making her seem nice)
LiS is a very interesting game to watch others play so that you can see their thought process behind their decisions. I find that fascinating. Most times in choice based games they just want the most successful choice route that will reward them with the best ending. But in LiS there is no "best ending".
Sageing for blog post but that assumption caught me in a salty moment
No. 538371
>>538362i understand what you mean. i don't necessarily agree that it's a good game but maybe i'm getting too old. but my mistake, i thought you were one of the 'LiS GOAT chloe x max 4eva' drones.
and i also strongly disagree with there not being a best ending. i think the character development and writing was
hella bad so it was very easy for me to choose the better one. along with the implication that the latter ending would be short-lived not to mention selfish. i was disgusted to see that the choices were evenly split between the two endings, but i suppose that's unsurprising considering the game seems to be aimed towards teenagers.
if you haven't already played it, i recommend Night In The Woods. i think the writing is very good, and the characters feel real and more relate-able. that being said, the main story builds up to nothing meaningful. but i'd say that goes for LiS too.
No. 538373
>>538236Fuck the resemblance is uncanny.
I actually like this top, but damn she makes everything look so frumpy and sad. I get second-hand embarrassment thinking of the fact that she's like 26 years old doing daily photoshoots in her parent's dated bedroom.
No. 538377
>>538371I'm not one of those, nah. TBH I feel like Chloe needs Max more as a friend than a love interest at that point in her life, but I still kinda pushed the romantic angle because I got a bit overenthusiastic. I've played Before the Storm and the mini episode Farewell too. And I still feel the same. I enjoyed the potential for romance, especially since they were childhood friends so there was a strong bond there and not just "omfg hot", but I think Max is more valuable as a friend, although that doesn't weaken the romantic aspect either.
As far as the ending, I chose Chloe. But that's because I feel like some people decided based on Chloe the character rather than if you took someone who was their "Chloe" (lover, best friend, sibling, etc) and asked them to make the same choice, I think their answer may have been different. So I chose based on that: if that was "my" chloe there, I would have done anything to save them.
I've also played Night in the Woods. It was a fun relaxing game, I could just switch off my brain and explore town every day for a couple of hours. Music was lovely, I loved the design of it. Mae was immature, yeah, but if I was her age I would probably be somewhat similar, considering I almost dropped out of my Bachelor degree. Now I'm nearing my 30s and I'm becoming a bit crusty.
No. 538424
File: 1522034748973.png (362.56 KB, 676x625, anisa jomha kawaii idubbbz gf.…)

what the fuck are you guys talking about, it totally looks like her
No. 538439
File: 1522036481291.png (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, fuc.png)

anisa's desktop is so cluttered, get your life together girl
No. 538748
File: 1522092123870.png (225.45 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_2018-03-27-02-19-47…)

I wonder who
No. 539009
File: 1522110403043.jpeg (78.21 KB, 640x475, 9DBC40DC-49D4-4313-98F4-7D8A19…)

Thought the braids looked decent then Niss turned her ol’ pear-head and good lord can she do nothing right?
No. 539091
File: 1522119056678.jpeg (116.87 KB, 750x1005, A3C915C5-7B60-429E-936D-0CDA74…)

>>538662More sneaky subtweeting?
No. 539200
File: 1522128654624.jpeg (125.33 KB, 750x913, 9C153298-B802-4300-A519-9EA9B1…)

No. 539582
File: 1522180870916.png (1.87 MB, 1305x1184, anisa jomha stalker.png)

uh you guys no joke this is actually fucking creepy
anisa wants to be poki so bad she copies her hair and even daws poki in her sketchbook
poki may not be an angel herself but she doesnt deserve a skin stalker like anisa
No. 539599
>>539582first lauren tsai
then the bean
now poki
lol anisa the skin walker confirmed
No. 539731
anisa revealed she got her hair done by
https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/pinksugar-hair-extensions-edmonton-4did anyone clip or record the streams where she called the owner a bitch?
No. 539749
File: 1522196818892.jpg (384.3 KB, 670x757, ifshewasaboobshedbetwoboobs.jp…)

>>539694I'm sorry anon I didn't really explain myself, I didn't mean it's not creepy as in it's not disturbing, it definitely is, but I meant it's not creepy as in it's pretty clear WHY she does it, because she's boring as fuck
wanted to contribute to the discussion so I made this
No. 539810
File: 1522201069036.jpg (188.85 KB, 900x1200, DZVMkwbX0AAg-Qp.jpg)

she modeled wigs for that salon she got her extensions at.
No. 539871
File: 1522207167436.png (883.76 KB, 1017x576, 62b0797f01bec6538390e586a730ac…)

not a titty streamer btw
No. 539872
File: 1522207374872.png (3.64 MB, 2626x1440, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 8.20…)

>>539582here's an oldie but goodie it was around the time where she was obsessed with June
No. 539881
>>539872damn she's a log
btw with anisa's tits out her viewer count finally surpassed the 200 she usually gets lol
No. 539908
File: 1522210693372.png (142.12 KB, 971x925, Screenshot_2018-03-28-11-12-29…)

Well I don't think you can even trust yourself, though, Anisa…
No. 540029
File: 1522235615825.jpg (205.27 KB, 574x735, 80s-side-ponytail-best-style-f…)

>>539900The 80s called and want their hair back
No. 540203
>>540176she's fucked then because without her body and her push-up bras she'd be nowhere since she's a fucking idiot. She is unbelievably lucky that Ian actually fell for her (in whatever way that is, actual interest or just tolerating her bc she'd fuck him), because if she had split from Arkaadian and then didn't get Ian, she'd probably have lost motivation to keep doing whatever it is, or she'd just remain an annoying titty streamer.
I'm not the demographic that titty streamers are catered to, and they do make me cringe, but I wish they'd just be fucking honest about what they're doing. Not like Anisa "social experiment" Jomha. She wants to reap all the benefits of titty streaming but not actually say that she's doing it, to save face and keep the scraps of self-respect she'd have left. She wants to portray herself as intellectual and nerdy but she's constantly making grammatical errors that are beyond the random typo we all make, and she's dumb as a brick. Also just streaming MMOs especially for the sole reason of getting money from it, does not a gamer make, imo.
How do people like her? How does boyinaband say "you're lovely" in a tweet and then she goes on to completely disrespect his own life? How do female fans lap the shit that she spews on a daily basis? I get that guys may be uh, too distracted to notice what a cunt she is but I always hoped girls would be a bit more critical, guess not. Also I feel like Ian wouldn't give up his readily available pussy until he'd find someone else to replace her. I know he's "idubbbz" and tons of girls would go for him but considering everything Anisa said about him in discord, I doubt many would stay with him for so long.
I dunno, all I know is that she really needs a serious wake up call.
No. 541017
>>540221“She often also makes disrespectful statements concerning many individuals as well as their partnership, making herself a topic of disgust.”
Article writer knows what’s up
No. 541169
File: 1522360655277.png (1.9 MB, 891x878, Screenshot_1.png)

she legit looks mentally retarded in this photo
No. 541349
>>541196I think you might have misread what anon
>>541192 wrote, they said:
>I haven't watched a video of his in a LONG time No. 543029
File: 1522554383112.png (149.88 KB, 750x1185, IMG_0971.PNG)

HERE IT IS, obligatory hey btw My boyfriend is IDUBBBZ pic
Her forehead is so large… and they are so greasy
No. 543242
>>543029damn, he's starting to look old…
and she still doesn't know how to take pics flattering for her head shape
No. 545396
File: 1522784446418.jpg (1.02 MB, 1500x1167, Anisa Jomha Fuck Boy List.jpg)

Trying to consolidate all the Anisa info for new people coming in.
Here's an infographic of all her boyfriends, all this information is publicly available and mentioned by her or them vice versa so this is not a doxx attempt. This infographic is to be used as reference for when Anisa has a storytime about a certain ex.
All the threads:
thread 1 | 09/24/16-12/26/16
>>>/snow/188302thread 2 | 12/21/16-02/04/17
>>>/snow/219802thread 3 | 01/27/17-02/17/17
>>>/snow/240809thread 4 | 02/18/17-03/07/17
>>>/snow/253828thread 5 | 03/07/17-03/31/17
>>>/snow/265087thread 6 | 03/30/17-04/27/17
>>>/snow/281421thread 7 | 04/27/17-06/01/17
>>>/snow/299602thread 8 | 06/05/17-06/23/17
>>>/snow/329815thread 9 | 06/23/17-08/24/17
>>>/snow/340026thread 10| 07/25/17-08/17/17
>>>/snow/360315thread 11| 08/17/17-09/16/17
>>>/snow/374615thread 12| 09/16/17-10/03/17
>>>/snow/388022thread 13| 10/03/17-10/21/17
>>>/snow/397551thread 14| 10/21/17-01/13/18
>>>/snow/402768thread 15| 01/13/18-current
>>>/snow/469461 No. 545823
>>545801I can update it in the next thread, do you have any suggestions on how to word it? I put the exact dates of when she broke up and dated idubbbz(1 day apart)
I could add under akaadian "was a shit relationship that wasn't public about the shittiness"
No. 546373
File: 1522874574855.png (169.49 KB, 750x1009, IMG_1032.PNG)

If customs grants her entry to the US I'm going to lose all hope for MAGA
No. 546432
File: 1522876644612.jpeg (146.01 KB, 1242x535, D52483F1-96BA-4808-BF55-B5DC9C…)

Sure, Jan.
Also, does anyone else think that her brother looks like Anisa and Max with a hint of akaadian?
No. 546486
File: 1522879059854.gif (2.72 MB, 480x270, Anisa Jomha Gang Bang by Filth…)

hot new memes
No. 546527
>>546506yeah - starting from 7:04
https://youtu.be/L0ojPvPZ0MI?t=7m4sidubbbz was holding the camera
No. 546549
File: 1522883066702.jpg (477.81 KB, 1018x742, anisa jomha inflation fetish.j…)

Anisa portrays herself as perfect waifu who cooks and cleans for Ian but his health has been going downhill
I rewatched idubbbz's video and he says all he eats is fast food and junk in the past few months and he has gained a lot of weight. I recall Anisa being proud of Ian putting on weight but this is sad…
No. 546559
File: 1522883811726.jpg (219.62 KB, 800x332, 5131561.jpg)

>>546549Anisa and Idubbbz are going to be the new h3h3 and hila a this rate
No. 546777
File: 1522903033459.jpeg (215.67 KB, 1242x1020, C8AD6D48-53ED-448E-9866-1048B6…)

How is pear supposed to double her view count by the end of the year? Disappointing that one fan, Anisa.
No. 546800
File: 1522906333597.jpeg (669.82 KB, 1242x1494, A410E4B6-DAC4-4455-82C0-A6974B…)

>>546432and best response yet
No. 547087
File: 1522945969429.png (105.23 KB, 750x978, IMG_1048.PNG)

Welp anisa got into the country again, smh US govt
In other news mama jomha locked down her account again, more cleaning?
No. 547794
File: 1522988811331.jpg (10.61 KB, 261x133, 15284117_1036528403126012_3484…)

>>547778k I'll bite the bait
you missed the part where someone clarified that you weren't actually talking about Ian. You could do better than him, I'd hope your standards weren't that low.
And if you went through these threads like you say you have, you'd see what a hypocrite bitch Anisa is and you'd stop associating yourself with her or defending her. Trust me she's fine, people trolling and offending her was what got her money and views when she was a titty streamer. So there you go, now you know.
Whoever you are, boring attempt
No. 547961
>>547804Ian doesn’t strike me like he gives a shit about any of it. If all of this were true, I think LB and Ian would stop following each other on Twitter. That, and possible LB throwing of the shade.
>>547778Kailey? Is that you, girrrrrl? How you be?
No. 548101
File: 1523034427692.jpeg (149.16 KB, 667x1024, E5C8CDC4-738F-43F3-812A-7E1F1C…)

>>548095Pear Affirmations w/ Bean
No. 548129
>>548110Maybe, but don't you think anisa would have told her not to bring attention to this? Bean doesn't have much of a following and sure, anisa isn't the sharpest tool, but there is a lot of truth here. Anyone with a few brain cells would have added in "oh, and don't say anything about it." She had no reason to tweet what she did or come here other than attention seeking and creeping herself.
Then I guess it isn't very brain-celly of me to assume anisa had a few floating around.
No. 548130
File: 1523035614323.png (39.61 KB, 1176x190, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 10.2…)

>>548127exactly but then she tweeted this so I guess our favorite bean must be single now
No. 548163
>>547778You could just, idk ignore? It literally ain't your problem hunty
Btw grats on the new house
No. 548171
>>548130Clearly she's making a joke and trolling.(ie. if you guys think I like Ian because I tweet about him- look at this bold tweet about frank)
And she's been single for a couple of months since she broke up with her crazy ex boyfriend. She tweets about this musician guy from sac a lot so that's who I honestly think she likes.
No. 548175
File: 1523037460229.jpeg (12.06 KB, 227x250, B457E0F6-E7FF-4307-9FBA-B8B284…)

>>548130look guys not into ian, i’m after that joji d see?
Sad lol
No. 548180
File: 1523037601342.jpg (221.07 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1065.JPG)

Despite everything I still like her, not like she lies and manipulates others to get up in life
Also she's way cuter than anisa
No. 548189
>>547778Taylor you do realize most of the stuff we discuss about you is positive, but Anisa's mother Maureen and Kailey lurk the threads constantly so they're probably the ones putting you down and calling you ugly
Talk to anisa about her mom and friend, not us
No. 548282
File: 1523044164077.jpg (5.38 KB, 225x225, IDUBBBZ girlfriend anisa jomha…)

>>547778Streisand effect incoming
No. 548309
File: 1523046461183.png (41.61 KB, 1180x174, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 12.2…)

No. 548316
>>548309We gave her the attention that she wanted but as others have stated before she’s only relevant because of her past twitter interactions. Lmao posting here only confirmed that she lurks and she cares enough. It was fun but let’s move on.
Keep that tab open for more updates miss Taylor.
No. 548354
File: 1523050317218.jpg (344.17 KB, 663x974, anisa jomha cheater idubbbz ak…)

consolidated the cheating leaked discord chat for easier sharing
No. 548361
File: 1523050555440.jpg (1.18 MB, 1500x1167, anisa jomha idubbbz cheater.jp…)

>>545396updated this list with the correct dates
anniversary day=break up day
No. 548362
File: 1523050575440.jpg (524.47 KB, 1500x508, anisa jomha idubbbz cheater ak…)

>>548361shorter mobile friendly version
No. 548630
>>548375lol sis! you retarded or what? someone posted this here
>>548354also check millions of vods where she changes the story a million times unless akadian makes a statement that anisa didnt cheat we will have the upper hand also you can check pearfax's youtube channel theres a bunch of proof there.
No. 548650
>>548639She went to Twitch con with akkadian and had a date with Ian before breaking up with Akkadian. It says it right there in the discord caps.Look up twitter caps/dates and discord caps/dates. Maybe some nice anon will make an easy to read comparision image so it will be crystal clear to drooling retards.
>>548649There are caps of him blocking her and saying "lol I hate girls now"
No. 548653
>>548642>I mean if she did in fact did not cheat wouldnt akadian make a statement about that already she did say he was going to do it but he never did.Why has he never said that she cheated on him? And why did he say that they mutually broke up?
If all she did with Ian after Vidcon was have lunch, then she's not guilty of cheating in my eyes.
No. 548660
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>>548656Wow, an anon post with no "evidence". Prove it, dumb wk.
No. 548693
>>548653>anisa and idubbbz exchanged DMs for weeks before twitchcon(her words in her deleted VODs)That's sketch but not cheating
>anisa went on a date with idubbbz for YouTube advice, akaadian approved itOkay it's weird but not cheating yet
>anisa says she fell in love Immediately with idubbbz, and talked nonstop afterwards. She continued to stay with Akaadian for like 5 days- asks her subscribers if she should break up or not with akaadianThis is where the cheating happened. She has a clear romantic attachment to someone else and instead of ending it right away "like adults" she was unsure about her financial and career security. Which is why she sought out advice from her subscribers
We can argue about what counts/doesn't count as cheating - but if you've checked out of your current relationship and looking around for the next - you are scum
No. 548698
File: 1523092437683.png (51.57 KB, 463x430, IMG_1077.PNG)

If you're lying or trying to keep it hidden, it's cheating. Emotional cheating is just as bad as physical cheating. If you can't be honest, you know it's wrong.
If she is innocent and has nothing to hide, why did she delete her discord?
The more you know~
No. 549852
File: 1523217183153.png (125.67 KB, 750x1008, IMG_1083.PNG)

Lmao anisa is so fucking irrelevant she's just ghosting near the riot room and asking people to meet her
I'm dying - kailey didn't have to announce her location and people recognized her
No. 549903
File: 1523219847361.png (858.52 KB, 1242x2208, 54FA4454-6D03-4021-8EBF-88E8A7…)

>>549852This made me laugh, I doubt it actually happened. Not because she’s ugly, but because she’s irrelevant. She’s such a fucking joke.
No. 550019
>>549998It's just rare for anisa to follow anyone new on insta
She doesn't even follow pokimane
No. 550216
File: 1523242882328.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1125x1762, A06FC307-4DE2-4574-BA95-D4D9B5…)

Gurl is looking terrible as usual. I’m surprised that Ian went with her (shouldn’t he be packing to move to Vancouver?) but maybe he’s there for a content cop.
No. 550497
>>550019maybe it's because Ian follows instagirls and likes their pics. So she wants to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Honestly, Anisa became boring, the only thing about her rn is awful hair and small clothes. I wish some milk, like the leaks or chris related sperging, would happen.
On a side note, I wonder when will Ian lose his relevancy on yt. His videos are beyond boring, he rides on "CC legend" fumes but for how long will it suffice? I can't believe I used to like his vids, he's so autistic but in a pathetic way, like an old man who's out of the loop and desperately tries to be
fun for the youth. Like, he doesn't have it anymore, he doesn't
get it. He's legit embarrassing.
No. 550597
>>550593yeah, definitely. she looked so much better with the wig too tbh - the extra volume on top made her pearhead less prominent. she should just give up on her natural hair and stick with wigs - her real hair looks like shit.
and yeah, a hormone condition would explain why she's gotten more and more manly looking over the past two-ish years. she probably has pcos or something. bitch is going to be 100% bald and probably infertile soon if she doesn't see a doc. but she's so superficial she thinks ratty extensions will fix everything lol.
No. 550600
>>550595I think Ian could have been a funny person if he actually had some purpose to his humour. His "hey assholes, gay isn't a bad word" excuse for saying something is "gay" isn't… cutting it? Sure, nowadays the word gay isn't as loaded as it used to be but if his vocabulary is so limited that "gay" is the only word he can think of when making videos then there's not much rattling in that lightbulb skull of his.
Or like his edgy jokes in general. He's all ~ you have to use it until it means nothing ~ like he's the fucking paragon of people who had these words used against them. This lanky white beanpole with zero social skills who slapped his girlfriend on stream is sharing to the world his opinion about how words should be used. I'm sorry, I missed the memo where any of these things ever affected him personally
It shows a sociopathic lack of empathy, imo. From all those edgy youtubers, felix included. And it goes into Anisa territory too. The person with self proclaimed body dysmorphia makes a video mocking fat people and mocking a video. The person who made an obviously mocking tweet about a woman's shoe collection is saying to be kind to other people. She's a fucking troglodyte if she thinks those issues ever affected her; if they did then maybe she wouldn't be such a bitch about them.
No. 550610
>>550607yeah, it was definitely a v cringey show for her viewers. it was simultaneously a reminder that idubbbz is her bf and a reminder that she's a girl who does ~omgz kinky shit~ for her boyfriend, trying to turn on her neckbeard audience. so gross.
i also remember she said once in a stream with CRG that her favorite position is missionary and confessed to being a "dead fish" in bed. she was saying shit like guys don't care about the effort girls put in, as long as they lie there and take it men are happy or some shit. anisa the kinda bitch to give blac chyna head lmao.
No. 550631
File: 1523286139647.jpg (460.01 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_1100.JPG)

Good old Chris' View on cheating
No. 550651
File: 1523287529350.png (1.05 MB, 1242x2208, 2503CF6A-FB18-4A5F-A453-37CCEA…)

About sums up Anisa’s supporters. Kailey and creepy old men, such a loyal fan base to have
No. 550711
>>550700It has just gotten to the point where I feel nothing but pure pity for Anisa. She is cripplingly insecure about every aspect of her identity, from her intelligent ("i'm plenty educated") and her appearance. Anisa, girl, hit me up and I can teach you how to do your makeup properly to suit your complexion and eye shape, dress for your body type, and what type of hairstyles compliment your facial structure. I don't know about fixing the crippling insecurities though, that will probably require a psychiatrist.
It's ironic that she lied about being on prescription medication for mental illness because she probably could really do with some.
No. 550885
>>550878okay not much to talk about; he said he noticed people saying he seemed low energy and tired last video and he's been eating healthier and avoiding GMOs (so basically he's probably bullshitting about eating healthier which is a shame) and he's got a towel wrapped around his torso and created duct tape straps which he will promptly regret, I bet
random trash, the doll in the thumbnail was made by a fan and had a small voicebox thing inside that you can record clips for it to repeat; the one in the doll already said "I'M GAY"
No. 550923
File: 1523305428877.png (2.56 MB, 1657x890, anisa jomha banned.png)

how come twitch didnt ban anisa when she let the n-word slip on stream
https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousOpenStorkWTRuck No. 551025
File: 1523311035509.jpg (502.8 KB, 1184x525, anisa jomha is dying.jpg)

tfw you "glo up" but then regress
No. 551229
File: 1523325386327.jpg (328.15 KB, 1872x1590, IMG_1110.JPG)

Damn… idubbbz is one lucky guy.
Jessica Nigri is such a shitty cosplayer compared to Anisa
No. 551358
File: 1523336130832.jpeg (146.63 KB, 750x742, 2E61C551-BC52-4855-9F2A-CF4A72…)

I still laugh my ass off at this one, bitch looks like a mom trying her hardest to look hot, lmfao
No. 551773
File: 1523384193368.jpeg (297.49 KB, 1242x595, 65AFD484-C32B-4799-8B5B-C9C2C9…)

Anisa’s heading back home yet again, pear tears.
At this point I don’t think they’re planning to break up. I think they’re comfortable with this routine.
No. 551798
>>551782Yeah, didn't Anisa say he has commitment issues? He gets a gf he can fuck now, does minimal effort to interact with her online and also doesn't have to improve or grow as a person. Anisa doesn't challenge him at all, even if she feels like she does. If she would, she'd have self respect and break up with him from the start when she complained about a ton of red flags.
"When you look at people through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags" wise words from Bojack Horseman
Did she EVER say in the leaked chats how much fun she had, how happy she was? Or how wonderful something was? Or about gifts he'd give her, even if it was her favourite candy or food? Did she ever express how worth it was, besides complaining about her wanting to "hold on" because he doesn't "see her worth"? I mean, that's just sad tbh
No. 551839
>>551805The thing ist she obviously can't do any better or she would've done so a long time ago and upgraded to a more beneficial guy after the Idubbbz thing didn't work out the way she expected.
What people who feel sorry for her cheating ass forget is that she never got together with Ian bc she loved him in the first place. No matter how low her self esteem may be, she got together with Ian only days after she met him, and conveniently at the same time she "quit" titty streaming and started her yt career.
I don't see her looking for a genuine loving relationship or being emotionally trapped in her current one. If she lost the Idubbbz brand name she'd be left with nothing at this point.
As for why Ian won't leave her even after the discord leakes is beyond me.
No. 551950
>>551773I like how there are zero couple pictures of them(cus you know she would exploit the fuck out of those)
I'm still confused why they cosplayed Markiplier and his dog Chika but there are no pictures of them and they didn't go outside to party with others either lol why the effort of dying idubbbz hair I do not know
No. 552063
>>551950>they didn't go outside to party with others eitherShe did actually say they were going to a Halloween party.
>>552031>I seriously doubt Ian dressed up for HalloweenI'm pretty sure he did considering the fact that Anisa dyed his hair.
No. 552349
File: 1523424065298.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x2129, B5DE3E3A-96F2-4B68-91A2-87FA7C…)

Lmao probably a coincidence but someone here just mentioned the lack of couple pictures and she posts her favorites of ALL their couple photos SO FAR BTW.
They’ve got plenty of couple photos, guys. Just letting us know.
No. 552351
>>552349She showed off all those clothes she bought for this trip and she wears a tshirt and some jeans LMAO
The second coming of Suzy berhow - next up GAINZ
No. 552441
File: 1523443786845.png (503.84 KB, 580x696, F6409FCB-E266-44B1-ADBE-1F5895…)

>>552349Ian’s skinny face really accentuates how mishapen her head is.
No. 552492
>>552349Such a teeny tiny smol bean she is!
(She’s a huge solid box for those who thought I was serious)
No. 552497
File: 1523454160040.png (318.22 KB, 855x482, FusionDanceFinaleGotenTrunksBu…)

>>552349Jesus can their hips and bodies be any further apart?
No. 552581
>>552349Her hair from the side/back looks great considering everything…it’s just the front that needs some work to soften her face. And that bald spot could use some Toppik.
Nitpicking maybe, but if Anisa wants to be a public figure/Youtuber influencer she needs to fix her looks. Hire someone to help her with her image. She wants to stand out but nothing sets her apart. The only thing that makes her special is her relationship with the master yt edgelord. We know her personality doesn’t attract the public that she wants, Pear doesn’t have the talent, no charisma to build an audience. Her looks got her somewhere, she can play that card again. This chick ain’t smart.
No. 552701
File: 1523471381095.jpg (468.13 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1140.JPG)

Anisa does have body dismorphia, she actually thinks she looks like this LMAO
No. 553037
File: 1523492103945.png (135.45 KB, 750x960, IMG_1156.PNG)

Kailey reveals anisa almost got rejected from the US again early this month lol
No. 553602
>>553597Based on what I see (not able to listen to audio, just watch) she needs money?
Hella people resubscribed
No. 553628
>>553569someone asked where her boobies were, and she said she's gone off birth control and hormones make her chest bigger etc, she hasn't mentioned yet why exactly she's crying, about 18 minutes in RezKidTV had donated like 400-500 dollars (wow idk if that's a regular occurence)
she starts crying again when he donates 200 dollars saying that she appreciates them
her mom mentioned a bus accident in Canada and it made her emotional all over again
a user asked "how is the future looking for you guys? have you figured anything out? <3" and she said no, they're still figuring things out at the moment
No. 553760
Someone has to reupload the last clip with title "STREAMER CRIES FOR DONATIONS AND SUBS"
No. 553798
>>553628Did she get off birth control to make idubbbz get her pregnant so she can anchor baby her way into America? Lol
Also damn if she really needed money that bad she could get A FUCKING JOB instead of streaming. That rezkid is like 18 did he steal his parents credit card to donate to her constantly? This whole thing is sad as hell.
No. 553812
>>553798imagine being that young and donating like 500 dollars to someone in the span of 18 minutes (they were periodical donations of 100 each time), like damn son don't you have a switch or something better to buy with your money? weed? crunchyroll subscriptions? clothes? cigarettes?
Idk about getting him pregnant (considering he doesn't let her inside his room I doubt he'll want his own lightbulb headed spawn in her body), I went off BC when my ex broke up with me bc I only used it for that. But idk what her bc habits were before she met ian considering she was with akaadian
No. 553829
>>553689I think she's trying to address the certain hypocrisy some vegans have about prioritising animals over other living things such as plants, which while lacking brains still have a certain intelligence and are organic. Now, at this point you can drive the conversation to a pointless back and forth because someone may value their cow and consider it part of the family (as it were), but someone who also takes care of their garden and really fuckn loves plants will be equally upset if you trampled or burned their flowers or destroyed their crop. Likewise someone may not feel guilty about fishing for food because they quickly kill it without prolonging their agony, but someone wouldn't think of killing their pet fish they spent thousands of dollars investing in with aquariums and special equipment.
It would take a HUGE cultural and technological overhaul to suddenly switch to a way of living that makes everyone happy. You're not a monster if you enjoy meat and like to eat it, and you aren't superior if you choose not to. There are certain things that can be universally improved in the industries, but if vegans think they can force their lifestyle on everyone and are naive enough to think things can change overnight everywhere and to such a degree, they are fools.
So I think Anisa could have touched upon an interesting facet of veganism but ofc because it's Anisa she tried to sound more intelligent than she actually is and botched it up by making absolute statements.
No. 553849
>>553847oh no I didn't want to start a debate, I'm just trying to estimate what she was TRYING to say about veganism in the stream.
I don't think she'd ever give it a try for the ethics of it. Hence why she gave up on it so quickly. It's tough and it's a huge overhaul of lifestyle and your entire pantry and fridge. I did keto for a month so I gave up entirely on carbs and even that was hard as shit. I didn't feel tired, I felt fine, and I'm a cheapass so I could make do with very little, but I wasn't mentally ready for the longterm.
No. 553859
>>553849Gotcha! Look, what I’m trying to say is don’t give her too much credit. Sure she wants to use arguments to explain why she failed but the truth is much more simple. She wants to make this her job, and she won’t even put in the effort. You want to try veganism and do YouTube videos documenting your experience? Sure, Anisa! Wait? You won’t even do the research? You won’t even try? But she wants to make money and have a YouTube career when she can’t even stick to her plans? So what if it’s hard? You want this to be your job! So what if you didn’t lose weight? You are doing this for your so called career!
Her vegan experience would’ve gain her some attention. It’s an easy target. But it was too hard for Pear! Want easy money? Take those titties out again!
No. 553860
File: 1523574888132.jpeg (1.44 MB, 3024x3024, F6949AD1-E489-4769-B5D6-77E0E2…)

>>552701Thought I’d give it a go!
No. 553907
>>553867Softened you and all the idiots during her stream, it must be truly easy to be Anisa. Spent all your allegedly nonexistent money on a totally unnecessary trip to America? No problem, there are plenty of sad lonely idiots on the internet happy to pay for your shit.
Some people can't even afford one vacation once a year, especially if they're not working. Yet this bitch is regularly travelling between countries, funded by her viewers and bf. And she still has the guts to bribe people into giving her more money by pathetically fake crying on stream.
No. 553909
>>553867I almost felt bad for her but she stopped crying each time to say "THANKS FOR SUBBING, Thanks FOR THE MONIES"
Bitch stupid and fake af
No. 553932
File: 1523578487769.jpeg (798.59 KB, 1242x1839, 85E8E8D6-D402-40B9-BA0C-2E6677…)

>>553907Thank you! Exactly.
Please let’s not forget Anisa’s attention seeking behavior. Clearly she’s joking when she says she welcomes it. But how great would it be for her if someone really did find her parent’s house in Canada? It would be great for her! She could cry on stream about it and also post a vid about how Youtubers get harrassed by their fans and do her own version of the “plsss don’t come to my house, respect my privacyyyy” video.
She’s would take anything at this point. Don’t be fooled by those tears. She’s lazy.
No. 554127
File: 1523590135896.jpeg (269.67 KB, 640x873, 5744CED9-A998-4016-A485-5400C0…)

Anisa explaining @BullyHunters.
Umm, didn’t she do this exact thing during her confrontation with, “mean boy” Gross Gore?
No. 554149
>>554127sky just dropped an expose video
wonder if he's still going to expose anisa?
No. 554650
File: 1523647782720.png (810.52 KB, 1242x2208, 744124C0-8D6B-4D61-9316-DBB986…)

Big trouble in big pearland?
No. 554703
>>554673she was crying on stream about something she didn't want to talk about and people were resubbing/subbing/donating like crazy
I don't know her usual pattern so I don't know if it spiked from the crying or not, though
No. 554741
>>554703When she needs money she usually constantly says it on stream and people donate
Tactless af
No. 554898
>>554830It's because the US doesn't view Canadians as ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS compared to Mexico, Asia, etc
She's been really fortunate to have pushed it this far considering trumps current anti immigrant agenda
No. 555707
File: 1523741242895.jpg (220.84 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1281.JPG)

Her extensions are getting ratty as hell, also why does she always post pictures where she looks mentally retarded
No. 555711
File: 1523741651015.jpg (484.29 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_1284.JPG)

Be anisa
>sperg out about the bombings in Syria
>fan makes an edit of her in Hiroshima after bombing
>Her response
People dying in bombings sure are Laugh Out Loud worthy ey Anisa?
No. 555755
File: 1523745307168.jpeg (564.18 KB, 2048x2048, 6810B7EA-2847-411C-8829-44EC51…)

Her latest pics remind me of this classic Vine…
https://youtu.be/GAlKHqcnKTw No. 555839
For someone who is trying to make a career out of being an internet personality, you'd think she might work a little harder when it comes to shooting and editing pics of herself. She has zero awareness of her angles. Her face looks fine on the left, but on the right, she just looks like she's grimacing awkwardly. Also what the fuck is up with this weird barely passable as pajamas shirt she's wearing? Why post these pictures?
No. 556731
File: 1523842157075.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1348.PNG)

Anisa: I use the peace sign too much, need to switch it up
No. 556943
File: 1523869403034.png (496.38 KB, 616x739, LaGJamO.png)

>>556731spoiler: she doesn't listen to david bowie
No. 557465
File: 1523911476313.png (834.37 KB, 1242x2208, 6909C6D7-7BD9-4009-AC6D-42215D…)

“Please, give me your attention and tell me how amazing I am.”
No. 557630
File: 1523938244118.png (23.08 KB, 666x133, IMG_1417.PNG)

Muh eating disorder tho
No. 559010
File: 1524078026020.jpg (228.91 KB, 900x1200, Cs-0-33UsAAzRP4.jpg)

>>556731lol, she's still trying to copy poki. the skin-walking is so fucking creepy, man.
No. 559735
File: 1524112752592.png (95.17 KB, 750x832, IMG_1539.PNG)

Her lips remind me of cod roe
No. 560425
File: 1524189919943.jpeg (377.59 KB, 1242x1007, A16B810E-DC94-49F0-A741-839DD6…)

lmaooo what is going on here, pear?
No. 560454
File: 1524192635328.jpeg (586.41 KB, 1242x1269, 9E1CC70C-8E94-48D4-B149-AB805B…)

But seriously damn! It looks like she’s plotting!
Not really though. She’s looking for a place. No baby pears soon :(
No. 560463
File: 1524193756052.jpeg (335.81 KB, 2048x2048, 6445470D-1BE1-4EAD-936F-2E5B43…)

No. 560469
>>560463lol, the most basic bitch glasses ever
does anus actually think she's original?
No. 560590
File: 1524206153240.jpg (37.78 KB, 590x295, 1.jpg)

Well, I guess this confirms that Ian is not moving to Canada anytime soon.
No. 562025
>>561936>>561942Anisa noticed she was logged out of all her accounts and that her settings on her computer were reset. She confronted her mom in the chat about it but her mom was like
"You're only logged out because I wanted to use twitter on your computer(???)"
No. 562140
File: 1524409517831.png (926.06 KB, 1242x2208, 5C4F8E4F-1406-4CCD-804F-650B8E…)

Did she have another emo stream? What is she fucking on about now?
No. 562985
File: 1524452872846.png (124.2 KB, 750x888, IMG_1707.PNG)

Man anisa is fucking lucky, she makes no content but big youtuberw acknowledge her because she sucks idubbbz dick and drinks his pee
No. 562996
>>562985Safiya has been liking Pear’s tweets for a while now. Thought it was kinda strange bc it’s obvious that she wouldn’t be fan of Anisa’s super interesting content.
>>562533Yes how does one suddenly afford a new place with furniture and cable? I hope Ian’s the source bc it would be pretty shitty to put that pressure on your parents considering her dad’s situation. And how come none of her donors are questioning her when she cries on stream cause she’s broke but has the cash to move out? Idiots.
No. 563036
File: 1524456342525.png (345.58 KB, 720x492, Cryfordonations.png)

Anisa got $1000 donation from andypyro
No. 563051
>>563036"anisa finds a more reliable partner in Andy than idubbbz"
But yeah wow why is she crying, shouldn't she be mad that the only reason she's getting the donation is because of idubbbz? What about making your own person?
No. 563624
File: 1524526923007.png (5.36 MB, 1242x2208, 27FB2309-20C4-41A6-9243-BCC94C…)

I missed this one, but I wonder how much it grinds pear’s gears that Sky appeared in a Brandon Rogers vid (Pear always gushes that’s her fave content creator)
No. 563686
>>563624LOL and he cast onion boy too
Pear is lower than low even in the YT community
No. 566700
File: 1524787439737.jpeg (265.43 KB, 750x1112, 99E5D4CA-30F4-42E7-919D-B82002…)

what in the hell is this supposed to be
looks like the damn cat hanged itself
No. 566822
File: 1524796055609.jpeg (112.38 KB, 1242x717, BB46B284-BA44-4BAF-A18E-9F9D73…)

No. 567031
>>562996>>562533that kid rezkidtv donates at least 100$ every stream
100$x5=$500 a week, ~2000 a month
I don't know why this 18 kid keeps giving her money but it's the only thing keeping anisa afloat. It really enables her to make lazy content, fuck that guy lol
No. 567883
>>567563Nothing much this time around
-acknowledged pewdiepie's engagement, calls him Felix like they're good friends
-constantly tried to hide bad extensions, comments on the bad blending
No. 568155
>>567888Her personality is someone desperately trying to have a personality. She only draws because it gets her attention but she never develops her skills to get better. That's why she traces to her that instant gratification from people telling her she's talented.
She has no strong views on anything and somehow tries to remain neutral to please everyone. This leads to her word vomiting for minutes and having nothing of substance being said
No. 568819
>>568158max 90 when she plays league
average 140
200+ when she does a talking only stream, shows tity, mentions ian
her average before idubbbz used to be 1000
No. 568922
File: 1524983341514.png (1.82 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1800.PNG)

LMAO Her extensions are so bad she scoops them to the front to look decent but when the back is exposed
1) there isn't enough hair
I can't believe she has the gall to call ice Poseidon lazy with his content when the most spicy IRL she could do is build ikea furniture and go shopping with HER MOM LOL
No. 569303
File: 1525032292748.png (390.48 KB, 720x656, Anisa-venusAngelic.png)

She is watching venus's video right now
No. 569546
>>569303Wow such body disphoria, making fun of someone with clear mental issues
Real talk though is she fucking Jinx? This is the lazy reaction content lmfao
No. 569714
File: 1525055551945.jpeg (468.83 KB, 2048x2048, A175F10D-4685-4761-8FA2-82041E…)

Anisa’s “new look” looking awfully familiar…
Didn’t she call Tana a slut for wearing this outfit..?
No. 569874
>>569714Yeah she did.
But if you keep in mind, that Tana was like 16 in this photo… well…
No. 569888
>>569874even more sad that anisa would sexualize a teenager by calling her a slut tbh
also even sadder that she's coming for 16 yr old tana's look lmao
like girl you're, what, turning 26? stoppp acting like you're young plssss
No. 570054
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>>569714>>569913yeah lmao anisa wore an actual bra and NOTHING ELSE
what an idiot
No. 570096
>>569714Her selfies and poses are so painfully cringe. I feel secondhand embarrassment for the shit she posts.
Btw, haven’t seen Ian like any of her stuff lately, am I wrong?
No. 570205
File: 1525108993008.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x1596, EA16865B-2D37-464B-9375-D53FE1…)

>>570159What? You mean, he didn’t like gems like these?
No. 570326
File: 1525117760396.png (53.95 KB, 1083x240, Screenshot_2.png)

What hijab? You have barely enough fabric on your body to cover that yeast-infected cooch.
Talking about cultural appropriation while only being a muslim when it is convenient for you. Nice one nisser.
Maybe you should wear a hijab. Anything is better that that awful extension job.
No. 570332
>>570326Seriously, I don’t find any of that true. She can’t even cook a meal without photo documentation. There’s absolutely not one of her with hijab or doing anything “cultural”
I just for once want someone relevant to call her out on her shannegins.
No. 570411
File: 1525123271438.png (221.73 KB, 750x1077, IMG_1811.PNG)

Akaadian/ anisa's most recent ex had a heart2heart post and wow he was mature and didn't drag anyone in it.
MEANWHILE we have Anisa dragging him on streams calling him shitty, and manipulative
No. 570683
>>570676Lol “you were only in the hockey community so you can hang out at rinks and guys would hit on you”
Got her
No. 570687
File: 1525141950885.jpg (524.25 KB, 1231x535, idubbbz girlfriend.jpg)

new caps from stream
No. 570755
File: 1525147520725.jpg (128.67 KB, 571x378, idubbbz rule 34.jpg)

whew boy receding headline, she's really taking her idubbbz routine seriously
No. 570763
File: 1525148128825.png (550.68 KB, 662x692, toxic lol player.png)

idk shit about league but anisa is a very toxic/passive aggressive player lol
No. 570915
>>570755she's legitimately going to have no hair soon. the hairline has vanished lmao, and look at all the loss on the scalp. i think she's actually delusional enough to think that as long as she has her ratty extensions, we won't notice her looking like gollum.
No. 571131
>>571122same with the her "muslim dad reacts to laci green"
it should be edited with anisa's elevator sex clip and called "muslim dad reacts to slutty daughter"
No. 571170
File: 1525203633483.png (937.4 KB, 1038x599, idubbbz no money.png)

only anisa can just stare at her hair doing nothing and thirsty boys just keep dropping donations
No. 571208
File: 1525205528023.png (652.65 KB, 585x515, anisajomha jelly.png)

anisa is probably jealous of cecily and her s/o cus they can take couple pics together and she cant lol
No. 571250
File: 1525208755314.png (724.8 KB, 1222x711, cum anisa.png)

anisa said she played fortnite with idubbbz once so is he… cumrad?
No. 571401
some more cecily clips
anisa getting mad that cecily would rather hang out with her girlfriend than her(serious mira vibes with this INDIVIDUAL)
https://clips.twitch.tv/SmoothGenerousBasenjiCorgiDerpI am confused about one thing, I recall on their baseball stream anisa referred to cecily's s/o as a BOYFRIEND. So is she intentionally misgendering them on purpose or? lol
No. 571432
File: 1525220185013.png (888.97 KB, 991x621, anisa jinx.png)

Anisa making fun of Venus' eating disorder
full VOD:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/255887086notable clips:
>Jinx level overeaction about Venus' bodyhttps://clips.twitch.tv/MiniatureJazzyOxTakeNRG
>Anisa laughing that people died from surgery/makes fun of Venus' accenthttps://clips.twitch.tv/NiceSoftMangoDAESuppy
>Overreaction - WOW THANKS FOR THE $5https://clips.twitch.tv/LuckyArtsyMooseStrawBearyThe worst part about this segment is she makes fun of Venus and then has the time to say "THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE BITS/DONATION WELCUM2SALAD"
She also constantly looks to the side to check herself in the camera
No. 571447
>>571401i remember her saying cecily had a bf too. sus. maybe celery is bi/pan tho and at the time she had a bf, but now she's dating this new girl.
it would def explain anisa getting so possessive of cecily and being a cunt for no reason about not liking the new gf. we saw with chris and laci how anisa freaks out like this when other girls enter her "friends'" lives and take away the attention she's used to getting. this is very much a similar situation to the chris/laci saga. anisa was downright sexual with cecily just like she was with chris (see clips below), cecily was at anisa's beck and call for MONTHS, defending her and taking care of her, and anisa grew used to being the center of attention just like with pre-laci chris. anisa grew to depend on cecily when ian wasn't there, to the point of actually moving into her building to stay close to her???
there's something so weird about all of this. it goes way, way above friendship. i've personally never been jealous of any of my friend's s/o's, and at this point anisa is practically GREEN with envy. she's clearly jealous of the new girlfriend, and combine that with her past of lowkey thirsting after cecily, well….
https://clips.twitch.tv/SolidRacyCarabeefHeyGirl>anisa flashes her vag and full ass to cecilyhttps://clips.twitch.tv/LazyIronicHerringCeilingCat>literally just flirting and joking about ian being gay minutes later for no reason lmaohttps://clips.twitch.tv/GorgeousBoxySnailKevinTurtle>more flirting, cecily grabs anisa's assshit's weird.
No. 571455
>>571432she's so fucking vile. she claims she has body dysmorphia and does this shit, yet another proof of her being fake and only having body issues when it's convenient for her. if she was really suffering from eating-related problems she wouldn't be making fun of venus in such an obnoxious and cruel way.
it's funny how her bf did a content cop on reaction channels but she is basically a glorified reactionist herself.
No. 571458
File: 1525222200132.png (665.75 KB, 1366x768, baldilocks.png)

No. 571526
File: 1525227401390.png (681.43 KB, 1242x2208, 9C9BFB9E-EAC0-42CA-9634-28F2C6…)

Guys, my tits are ginormous and dudes want to fuck me…see?
No. 571643
>>571197dude what they're dead
anyone got a mirror?
No. 571742
File: 1525251617007.png (367.45 KB, 720x1137, Anisa-reaction.png)

Just dropped this Ss. She said in her stream she isn't positive person. She makes fun venus's videos and other creator's videos…
Actually those videos isn't that bad but anisa's reaction was too much
No. 571897
>>571893They don’t, but it’s all she really can do with no personality. I think people just like to see a lolcow
No. 572014
>>570687ok I'm a few days late checking into this thread but holy fuck that's a stupid tattoo. Is it hers?
a.) it looks like an infected scab from a few feet away,
b.) I'M SORRY BUT HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A CHICKADEE AND A HUMMINGBIRD INTERACT? There should be far more carnage and animosity in that image
No. 572096
File: 1525297107262.png (1.02 MB, 1142x691, Untitled.png)

anisa is so disgusting
how can she say idubbbz is messy when she treats her mascara like toilet scrub
No. 572111
>>572108The first five minutes of the stream from yesterday I believe.
Keep doing the lord’s work.
No. 572183
>>572108thanks fam, always there in a clutch.
It's the first 25 minutes (the good parts happen from 15-22)
you can grab the entire jinx-anisa vod too for future use since that entire session is cringe gold
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/255887086wish i could help out more
No. 572601
File: 1525348417692.png (832.35 KB, 1242x2208, AECF0713-D3D1-4EE6-A70B-5CFD8B…)

Why are you chewing with your mouth open? This is actually disgusting! Why?!
No. 572830
File: 1525375819767.jpeg (373.92 KB, 1242x2208, 14124641-DF66-42A7-B318-EF6EA7…)

Anyone know what this is all about?
No. 572843
File: 1525376613887.jpeg (28.92 KB, 282x452, 004C511E-917D-48C8-9561-C659EE…)

This shit is not cute. Greasy baldy tracks
No. 573007
This is one for PEARFAX.
No. 573025
Blitz loves BLACK PEOPLE and hates asian
(anisa's ex jeff was mentioned)
https://clips.twitch.tv/SavorySteamyToothHotPokket No. 573079
>>559099"I could totally date women if it weren't for the equipment that came with it":
https://clips.twitch.tv/WrongStupidMushroomPartyTime"I would be gay if it weren't for vaginas":
https://clips.twitch.tv/ArbitraryRepleteFlamingoOMGScoots No. 573111
Anisa's ex bestfriend telling Anisa to stop FUCKING recording in her home
https://clips.twitch.tv/BelovedSmoothKaleSMOrc"THIS IS MY HOME, THESE ARE MY FRIENDS"
No. 573150
>>573111“They don’t care”
Yeah, no. You’re filming at someone’s home and agreed to only keep the camera on you. I’m glad her friend said hell naw.
No. 573221
>>573173>Ian calls during her stream (this is nearing the 'i want to break up with idubbbz' leaks) https://clips.twitch.tv/KathishAgreeableHorseradishBuddhaBar[It was clipped August 24, but the stream is from July.
This is a clip from one of her late August streams:
https://clips.twitch.tv/IcyBenevolentQueleaTBTacoLeft No. 573365
File: 1525410726251.jpeg (897.72 KB, 1000x1500, DA1FFC98-1F2A-4EAC-B16F-539EA7…)

status of the thread at this point
No. 573432
File: 1525422147785.jpeg (150.56 KB, 750x1200, D1FF66ED-82A1-4FD4-9F76-676DB6…)

>>572843Actual crying bc someone posted this on PULL comparing her shitty extensions to Tana’s
No. 573536
File: 1525440180727.png (1.36 MB, 996x587, lolcow.PNG)

>>571432Come to think of it, Anisa is kind of brave in a way. She's willing to shame women who are astronomically more feminine than she is, and yet she posts pictures of her disgusting self, open to everyone, open to criticism. I made a side by side comparison of Anisa and Venus - what the fuck is Anisa on to shame her? Venus is so much more beautiful, and granted, Venus has her own issues, but objectively speaking, Venus is MUCH more attractive. Anisa is 24 and Venus is 21, and although it's only a 3 year difference Anisa already looks like she's had 4 kids and it feels like every "I gO tO tHee gYm!11" selfie she uploads, she's updating everyone on her post pregnancy body. Even though Venus looks young for her age, Anisa is aging terribly and has no right to call out other girls on their looks when she looks the way she does.
No. 574551
File: 1525550314958.jpeg (328.98 KB, 750x756, B9CD2200-4017-43DD-9FB5-59B532…)

Anisa gives me a strong gay vibe. Especially on her twitter. Maybe that’s why she seems so uncomfortable and not genuine in everything that she does. And further explains the awkwardness with Ian.
No. 574566
>>574551Nah. I think her weird social encounters with women is just from her constantly surrounding herself with men she wants to fuck. With that, she does the same with women cause she doesn’t know how to treat people otherwise. Not to mention, her acting physically interested in women gets her neck beard fans more interested.
With Ian, she’s probably trying to maintain her persona so he doesn’t lose interest. She doesn’t have all the aspects of her “I’m idubbbz special girlfriend” personality worked out so she’s mixing parts of her real personality in there and that’s why their relationship is in the shitter.
Obviously this is all tinfoiling but you know…
No. 574689
>>574551i get very veryyy strong gay vibes from anisa too, but i don't see it in her social media posts either tbh.
the thing about anisa is that she's so hateful toward other girls because she's got a really unhealthy relationship with her gender in general. she's jealous of other girls (no matter how potentially gay she is) so she doesn't know how to interact with women. she's inauthentic and fake when she compliments girls like in that post because she doesn't actually mean it, so it comes off as really over the top because she honestly doesn't know how to be nice.
No. 574933
File: 1525590510204.jpeg (526.28 KB, 1242x1302, BD36FE61-6BCB-4216-9C5A-3D46E3…)

Wow pear is so woke
No. 575398
File: 1525647665622.png (23.17 KB, 1123x171, S72h7Mu.png)

>>575394He would pat her head and "approve" of her right opinions. Pic related his comment on one of her old shoe0nhead type videos.
No. 575519
>>573079god the way she talks is so needlessly aggressive and confrontational.
>>575398she's probably been riding the high she got from that comment for two years.
No. 575599
File: 1525665174146.jpg (396.06 KB, 1200x581, sad.jpg)

Found an inconsistency for anisa mc liar pants
Looks like Ian told her she could have whatever she wanted for her birthday so she asked for a $1000 camera, but framed it like he surprised her with it like a "good caring boyfriend" lmao
when she does break up with idubbbz, at least she could say she got a camera out of it
No. 576056
File: 1525724721271.png (682.12 KB, 1242x2208, 3F08923D-33DD-4BE9-AF5B-D00DE7…)

Anyone know what announcement she was hyping?
No. 576059
File: 1525724812207.png (835.69 KB, 1530x618, anita sarkeesian idubbbz.png)

Anita Sarkeesian looking ass lol
she made an announcement she's going to Australia - Max, Katt, Ian content coming up soon
No. 576071
>>576067knowing her she might not go at all? (remember her GOING TO EUROPE GAIZ)
She said she might collab with Max but I hope to GOD Max doesn't give her that chance lol. She has to stop piggy backing off of other creators and start making her own god damn content
No. 576086
File: 1525726260151.jpg (583.15 KB, 766x1116, anita sarkeesian sjw idubbbz.j…)

>be anisa back then
>parody a feminist by dressing up like her
>be anisa now
>UNIRONICALLY dresses up like a SJW Feminist
LOL god what a cunt
No. 576089
>>576078on the
17th She'll be in San Diego
19th she'll go to Australia
10 days in Australia, she'll livestream the entire time
No. 576248
>>575983anti-feminist doesn't mean not-liberal. it's one social viewpoint. even if she was anti-abortion she would still be a liberal. i honestly hope you people are trolling because this is ridiculous.
OT: if you guys remember gamergate, the media framed them as an entire alt-right when it was way more complex than that. there were genuinely outraged people who strongly associated themselves with the movement because their concerns were ignored and there was the vocal minority who were genuinely misogynistic and were doxing people left and right. you are doing the same thing - equating a concern that one person may have with a political view that will never accurately encapsulate the anti-feminism's viewpoint.
name anisa's major conservative viewpoints.
i'll wait.
>>576248>I’ll waitI read the first line and last line of you post but YAWN. I could practically smells the sweat drenched fedora.
One person’s view doesn’t define all of us. While I definitely think she panders to people like you, I would say (as she has said) she’s more central on the political spectrum.
No. 576522
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No. 576704
>>576312i agree with you, she definitely does pander to neckbeards but i've noticed that a lot of people (usually liberals) associate anti-sjw behavior as being automatically alt-right. she's a wanna-be shoe0nhead and i'd say she's close to being her. which is not a compliment considering shoe just panders, back pedals and has no personality of her own.
chris isn't alt-right. alt-right is far right extremism, and includes all of those fringe extremist groups like neo-nazis and white nationalists. idubbbz is one of those people who doesn't care about politics but he'll just make fun of all of it to participate. while anisa doesn't care but she'll latch onto some viewpoint to seem smart
>she tries so hard to fit in but in reality nobody cares about her if she wasnt dating her autistic edgelord nobody would even know who she is, she would be just another nameless twitch titty streamer.you hit the nail on the head here
>>576360i'm a liberal radfem. your detector is busted, girl
No. 576924
File: 1525808052405.png (1.24 MB, 1272x746, idubbbz gf.png)

5/8/2018 stream notes
-Anisa is getting her extensions taken out today
-reacting to this is america
https://clips.twitch.tv/AuspiciousMiniatureBatteryBrainSlug-I'm one of those people who pretend to dislike something to seem more interesting
https://clips.twitch.tv/WealthyVastBisonDancingBaby>>576704 >>576248
-addressing your alt left/right thing
https://clips.twitch.tv/SmokyInspiringCroquetteSSSsss No. 578076
>>571432"My experience with anorexia" by Anisa Jomha: I mad fun of girl with ED on my stream.
Seriously her reaction to Venus's made me cry.
I her video on BDD and ana she said "I was on a crash diet once, so I self-diagnosed anorexia" and I thought that she's wannarexic, which is stupid. But pretending you have ED and shaming skinny girls for looking to skinny at the same time is retarded
No. 578096
File: 1525958328967.png (2.74 MB, 1242x2208, 244A41B8-2830-4080-8BC1-2D6261…)

Lying about her height and weight again
No. 578133
>>578096>>578111it's not impossible in theory, but anisa would have had to been on a strict water-fast, not eating a bite of anything, and considering she showed herself eating in those weeks she's referring to, you're right that it would have been impossible for her.
my favorite part is that she doesn't even look thinner in her "120" pictures. she looks the exact same weight in her 140 pic, only dif is in the 120 pic she's jutting out her collarbones and forcing her legs further apart at a more flattering angle. she kind of looks like she lost a pounds of water weight, so mayyybe maybe she didn't eat or restricted for like three days, but that's pushing it.
and let's not even get started on the fact that if she'd really starved herself like she said, she wouldn't be posting before and after pics of her "recovery" like, a month later. it's insulting to people who actually have EDs.
why does she lie? i legit think she has an issue with compulsive lying. like, it's clear to see the evidence of her lies when she posts insane shit like that… i just don't get it.
No. 578156
>>578133When it comes to loosing fat we can do the math: 20 lbs=9 kg. To loose 1 kg of fat, you need deficit of 7100 kcal. 9*7100=63900 She said it took her 2 weeks: 63900/14=4564. Too lose 20 lbs in 14 weeks she must have been at 4564 kcal deficit every day. It's not possible
It could we possible to loose 20 lbs in 2 weeks only if half of it is water weight, but I still don't believe that. She's not 120 lsb
She may be trying to make people sorry for herself. "I'm so stressed, so skinny, pity me", or she's trying to "prove" that she's actually anorexic by loosing weight
No. 578208
>>578096The pictures look the same LMAO
She most likely just dropped some water weight cus she got off her birth control. She's so attention seeking it's disgusting
No. 578227
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No. 578230
File: 1525975873251.jpeg (1.2 MB, 2048x1536, D1957194-87CE-4C90-9044-E53BE6…)

Ian has said a couple times he’s about 6’2. He must be a short 6’2. Or, pear must be a tall 5’6…
No. 578273
>>578229I'm pretty sure she said she's 5'6 before in one of her AMA's
>>578230She might be wearing heels or standing on sth
No. 578279
File: 1525979752284.jpeg (228.09 KB, 1527x1527, AE983E1B-358A-48CB-A401-47EBF6…)

>>578273Nah, she's not standing on anything. The height difference is the same for them in every other picture. Anisa is a big girl, she's wide and tall. She's at least 5'9" imo given how much taller she is than Chris in pictures, and Chris is 5'6". There's definitely at least a three inch difference between Anisa and Chris.
No. 578285
>>578279Anisa is 5'6, here is source:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDUknilw75Qand I remember Chris saying he's 5'4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk5EY7E1wYEsoo.. maybe Ian isn't as tall as he said he is
No. 578287
>>578285She’s 5’6 like she is plenty educated.
Her obsession with being a petite smol bean is turning into delusion.
No. 578335
>>578287lol, I never thought someone would pretend they're smaller then they really are
she must have worst issues then I thought
No. 578342
File: 1525983851694.jpg (21.67 KB, 575x144, Capture.JPG)

So Max liked one of Anisa's selfies which is…interesting. It was the "things are really starting to look up" one. Also she reblogged this.
No. 578355
File: 1525984447411.png (586.77 KB, 1242x2208, D8CC0DCC-241D-46DB-82D0-2EB38E…)

Can’t make up her damn mind.
No. 578357
File: 1525984545367.jpeg (111.4 KB, 750x1136, C9D0E2CF-ECC3-46EB-96F0-6F2284…)

No. 578363
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No. 578369
File: 1525984979473.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1173x2086, 8B8762F5-EF80-4417-963F-4529B8…)

Her next stream she needs to bust out the tape measure like the gnome did recently. Time to settle the score, pear.
No. 578373
File: 1525985343661.png (2.69 MB, 1242x2208, BFAFF11F-056D-4333-BFD0-8DBC6D…)

What ever happened to the “podcast” with Pear? Wonder if this gets her all sorts triggered
No. 578387
File: 1525986266852.jpg (78.15 KB, 598x595, style2.jpg)

if you look her instagram, it's hard not to notice that one of her 'struggles' not is being able to dress herself properly. Sometimes she looks just fine, but sometimes it's awful
It's weird how some of her outfits seem like they were made by different people. As if she doesn't know who she is, so she wakes up every day and decides what kind of person she will pretend to be that day
No. 578393
File: 1525986436958.jpg (158.03 KB, 890x603, style1.jpg)

this is sexy Anisa wearing fashion nova-like style
No. 578395
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this is grunge Anisa, aka female Chris Ray Gun
No. 578396
File: 1525986600055.jpg (173.43 KB, 937x585, style6.jpg)

This is girly, sweet Anisa aka pear0nhead (this one is especially awful)
No. 578397
File: 1525986651946.jpg (183.84 KB, 933x583, style5.jpg)

This is cute, tumblr girl Anisa
No. 578401
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I don't know how to call this, only word that comes to mind is trash
No. 578444
>>578412i've noticed that too. the grossest part is she said in one of her streams she doesn't wash her clothes often because she doesn't like them to shrink or fade, and her "OCD makes her paranoid about washing clothes" so she reaches the point where she'd just rather not wash them at all. she says she doesn't get them dirty and they don't smell so she doesn't see the point of regular washing lmao.
she's also said doesn't wash clothes before she wears them when they're new because she "likes the new clothes smell" and like them being new, which is nasty b/c like… gurl, who knows who tried your shit on? don't be gross.
No. 578460
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Why didn’t anyone post this yet lol
No. 578532
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Wtf is she doing now? Pear, you’re practically balding, leave your hair alone!
No. 578541
File: 1525991967257.png (78.57 KB, 750x1010, IMG_1915.PNG)

>>578460I think she's lurking guys, she used the transgender spoof image we created in the old thread
No. 578551
>>578547She took out her extensions and she was obsessively touching them in her final streams
She knows it's shit so she took them out - she also said that she doesn't trust her extensions to last when she went to Australia because the sun and salt water would make it fall out
No. 578629
>>578401This looks like divorcee at the rodeo-themed bar Anisa.
All of her outfits look cheap as hell and like they probably give her severe muffin top and saggy cleavage when she doesn't photograph them standing up and at an angle.
No. 578712
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>>578643She dressed best when she was with akaadian, she just went down hill with idubbbz.
She knows how to dress well she just chooses not to and it's so so sad…
No. 578770
>>578732do you mean she dresses like shit /now/ because it lowers expectations of idubbbz fan
she's dressing 'good' now?
No. 578945
File: 1526012064698.png (1.38 MB, 1178x1178, Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 9.12…)

I know this super OT butttt since Anisa does lurk here I just want to remind her that Chris and Laci have been dating for over a year now <3 stay salty pear chan
No. 578978
>>578945I bet it really fucks with her that in a year chris and laci have:
-moved in together
-met eachothers parents
-went to NY multiple times
rooting for them tbh
No. 579061
>>578971kek you're right hahah celery's girlfriend better watch out
she is climbing in your windows
snatching your girlfriends up
Tryna rape em so y'all need to
Hide your girlfriends hide your men
cuz pear chan be rapi'n everybody out here
No. 579555
Someone talked about it before, but I thought I'll clip it and share it
https://clips.twitch.tv/EphemeralCuteSquirrelTriHard"Plenty educated" art school major lol
No. 579558
"gRaPhIK d EsigN Is My PAsSION"
wow and she's a "Art history" major too, what a fucking idiot
No. 579688
>>579661"anything with a rape scene is Quentin Tarantino"
WOW she has self diagnosed eating disorders, ocd, and claims to have been sexually abused and then says shit like this off the handle , wow bye
No. 579850
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Endured a few minutes of her stream. Personality is as awful as ever but her hair actually looks really good.
No. 580110
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Trying to work out all the details here…
So Max posted two videos on his pokemon channel. One staying with Michael(vsauce) and saying that he was gonna move somewhere new (michael I think lives in LA). Michael was also in HowToBasic's video with Max. (HTB and Max both live in Perth Australia). So was the pokemon video recorded back during the HTB video recording? Or did Max visit LA twice? or did michael visit australia? And why didn't we hear anything about it from Pear? Anyway, then Anisa says shes going to visit Max and Katt in australia… But I'm not even sure if Max decided to stay in Australia or move somewhere else? And then we have Katt posting crazy shit like this on instagram and Max liking anisa's tweets. I can't even keep track of what's going on lmao
No. 580266
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I have big tits, guyyyys!
No, pear. They’re pretty meduim sized. It’s called, running in a sports bra. Not one of your ratted out push ups.
No. 580446
>>580416I would start it but I'm quite new to Anisa and completely new to lolcow, I don't want to miss something
Regardless Anisa trying to be smol bean: This may be unpopular opinion but I think appearance-wise she would be able to pull of cute look. She's big, but if she would loose some weight, wore sport bra to flatten her chest and get right haircut she could look small(er) and dainty(er).
I think bigger issue here is her behavior. She's loud, obnoxious, vulgar. She actually seems like female Filthy Frank
In the Ikea stream she looks and glass cabinet, her friend comets that
>It's nice if you have something to displayAnd Anisa's response is
>Yeah, but that am I gonna display, my nuts?She's so hard to listen to, it's so annoying. She's obnoxious and loud like 13 year old girl and vulgar and edgy like 13 year old boy