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No. 225100[Reply]

I remember those girls that posted pics of themselves trying to be "lolita" and "nymphet" and glorifying Nabokov's Lolita. One of the most famous was spoiledsiren(pic related), she was a sheltered girl who tried to be a sugar beby at age 14 and was dating a 30-something man at age 15. Someone outed her to her parents & they confiscated her phone but couldn't find any solid evidence, it seems. Since then she changed to pitybaby, last time i checked, and was demonizing age gap relationships.

Someone took over her oldest url and attempted to troll, probably the same person who outed her.


They were kind of the "start" of the underage littles, girls calling themselves nymphets despite the negative meaning and trying to date 50-something men because aesthetic.
637 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1981413

And Nana Rapeblossom?? I want her.(sage your shit)

No. 1981415

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I'm begging for your return, I only have one
contact who does not want to give information about her status and a cartoonist girl who says she is well "away from everything"…(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2018738

flourishing with her indian boyfriend buying pre-made mashed potato meals at the grocery store. Overcompensating for his money so hard, we know you're not happy besides the $$$

No. 2018855

I feel like I'm retarded, her ugly moid looks the same age as her groomer would now be, is she just so deep down the rabbit hole she doesn't even see the comparison at all? Sad! She should cheat on him with some younger qt

No. 2018863

I found that strange with the sweet 16 comment given her prior image for his birthday, who knows

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No. 2009367[Reply]

Safa Abbas @asdrawingaf or self-proclaimed “Dr. Beauty” on X/Twitter and Instagram is a 20 something mostly Palestinian and part Eastern European catfish scammer running a "looksmaxing account” with about 20k followers. For the past at least one year and a ½, to 3 years according to some, Safa / Asdra has been getting exposed by several users on both platforms, and it started with her scamming people into purchasing an ebook that she never released. What she was pretending to sell is understood to have been intended to be some type of looksmaxxing guide on things like diet, hormonal balancing and supplementation, mewing and everything from softmaxxing with chewing gum to hardmaxxing with mandibular devices and it's basically information she is supposedly still working on putting together and which she steals, rephrases and repackages from other sources, mainly Ray Peat, the Postural Restoration Institute, and other alternative or holistic health type accounts on X/Twitter and other social media platforms. While some of the tips Safa / Asdra promotes come from well-intentioned alternative health sources claiming to try and restore posture, metabolic function, and really overall health and some of it is legitimate or at least in good faith, a lot of what Safa promotes is just pseudoscience at best to begin with and she overhypes it to drastic degrees in order to further her grift (this includes making claims like eating animal brains and organs will grow your boobs, putting egg whites in your eyes to fix and restore 20/20 vision, etc). In February, Safa / Asdra was baited into doing a face reveal for the first time but most commenters were quick to notice her “after looksmaxing” pictures looked drastically photoshopped to an uncanny degree and she was edited and filtered to look like she has less Middle Eastern features and coloring and looked extremely fake and different in every picture she would post. Safa / Asdra also self-aggrandised and makes up stories to present an image of herself online claiming to be a model who speaks 6 languages and was accepted into ivy league schools, but none of what has been confirmed about her identity suggests any of this is real and she has been caught lying numerous times.
Other antics include:
>bullying little children
>delusional and claims she “foggs” adriana lima, megan fox, madison beer and taylor hill
>promoted driPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2019172

molested behavior

No. 2019180

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>>2019059 At this point, I don't even know how she deals with the reflection in the mirror while not accepting her real body. Almost everything is off about her.

No. 2019181

>Hunchbacked neckless MENA aunty physique

I bet she has Haifa physiognomy, complete with FAS philtrum due to chopping off her honker

No. 2019189

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>>2018668 Wondering which one of these pics she sent to the ones willing to pay for her full face reveal, lmao.

No. 2019230

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i dont even think this image is her

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No. 1997657[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/1933243
(#3 locked due to shit OP)

Laura: https://www.instagram.com/flourishingfxiry/
Posted a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.

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No. 2018922

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Actually shut the fuck up at this point, May. You have disciplinary action against you and you want to raise a grievance with a coworker for talking behind your back? Get in the real world

No. 2018927

it drives me nuts that she claims to be so persecuted and mistreated at her very, very part-time job but won't just get a different fucking job

No. 2018928

You know how some of the ED cows have one of those sooper scary ‘challenge jars’ where they pick out a food/drink to ‘challenge’ in the morning? Well I can imagine this bitch has one similar but instead of food/drink items it’s something she can complain or bitch about today. Fucking hell she just doesn’t stop kek.

No. 2019052

Maybe if she didn't act like such a prat her workmates wouldn't talk about her she's insufferable online I can't imagine what she's like in real life

No. 2019139

Especially so given that her colleagues who actually work more than once a month do a very intense and stressful job and don’t need her bullshit on top of that

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No. 438253[Reply]

Aly_sjourney, ex anorexic, ana queer, so feminist her rights have been lift by some men cause she is too WEAK (!) to do it

Previous thread:


>if you gaze long into mcdonalds, mcdonalds also gazes into you

>mcdonalds sued her for being more famous than ronald mcdonald
>sudoku i kill me
>i don't care about haters - i kill me brb
>psychiatrist didn't gave her meds, depression disappeared
>her ass saw so many tables thinks he's an mcnuggets
>face so hollow you can eclipse the sun with it
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No. 457410

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No. 457413

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There isn't one. They were Aly fans from the beginning.

No. 457417

lol, new thread pic

No. 457419

omg stop (!) This isn't even mocking her, it's just being…nice

No. 457429

New thread

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No. 1222039[Reply]

The spam community on Instagram is a community where people (generally private accounts with no connections to irls) overshare their lives. Most accounts don't gain much traction but there are a few notorious cows on the app, these 3 have threads that are either dying or locked. If there is any others let the farm know.

Jaelle Stiles:
> 21 year old NEET who sits on social media all day and lurks
> Has been on the internet since 2011
> Used to be best friends with many spams including Julia, Nika, Lex, and Iana
> Had a mother who passed away of cancer
> Livestreamed her reaction right as she was passing
> Does insanely disgusting things for attention including sticking a used tampon in her mouth, smoking a tampon, drinking bleach, and letting her own mother give her hickeys.
> Searches her name constantly on social media for any sense of relevance
> Deletes her account once a month only to come back weeks later

Nika Petrova:
> 19 year old drug addict poly sex worker anachan
> Drug of choice is heroin, benzos and possibly meth?
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No. 2018550

Kys moid

No. 2018553

>>2018522 such a brain dead fucking idiotic thing to say. i agree with you but i’m also gonna stand firm on you don’t derserve the right to choose an abortion, after all your a woman. that’s something men should decide for you. you’re no better than any spam degen.

while i’m at it yall gotta leave that bitch julia alone. i don’t know her personally and ill agree she seems totally fucking cooked. egotistical retard for sure but leave her ass alone. that bitch needs serious help and yall getting giddy over her having a miserable time as a drug addict. again lets not excuse actions but fuck these r still normal ppl, you ppl fr just fuel that fire when you act under the same decree as her but act high n mighty. these people need off the internet but you narcissistic ass mfs won’t stop gossiping and it fried my fucking brain. im gonna be poked and laughed for switching up on my big exposé so quick. i do not care bc none of this shit matters and the sooner you stop giving these poor girls attention the sooner they seek that attention from a therapist. also i don’t care i diverted so hard from what im responding too. i’m about near losing my mind but at least im adding something fucking productive to the conversation(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2018555

>these girls need help
>posts on an imageboard about it
>anti abortion


No. 2018575

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No. 2018786

thank you for setting time aside to post this. my god, Nika is an extremely nasty person. Bit understand in the end, you cannot change her. She and Julia will never change. They view people as tools to use and even end up fighting amongst themselves. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to please people, just understand there are nasty people out there who prey on such people.
Hope Nika has fun reading this lmao

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No. 1874504[Reply]

For discussion of people in your life (or people you've found online) that have lolcow potential.
Previous threads:
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No. 2018380

i fuck with her vibe tbh

No. 2018381

she seems interesting lmao, who is she?

No. 2018423

what Vicky Shingles aspires to be

No. 2018473

Try hard emo wannabe e girl influencer a coworker knows personally, most active on IG.

> literal embodiment of the ‘toxic Sanrio girl’ stereotype.

> changes friendship group constantly, does toxic shit then claims that people leave because of her mental health and tries to guilt trip
> does goth clown makeup every day, will dress up in her shein lace dress, pseudo bondage gear and ugly platform boots to go to the supermarket for milk
> impulsively gets small tacky tattoos, a cartoon panda drinking red Bull (apparently in memoriam of someone?), kuromi and a literal rat.
> claims abusive household at the drop of a hat and begged on and off through corona for places to stay with her cat despite her mum being supportive and trying to help her.
> let’s mum visit when she’s in the psych ward
> claims bi and nonbinary, goes to pride despite presenting as nothing but female and only dating men
> legally changes name to Doll Obsidian
> endless line of greasy boyfriends, all lasting 6 months tops.
> one ex was a highly popular instagrammer, when he’d post her she’d go off at any comment that said she or female pronouns despite being in a bikini with tits out
> lets a wannabe rockstar dude cum in her unprotected, gets pregnant, keeps it, gets engaged to dude
> has big tacky baby shower and photo shoot
> pops kid out, names her Zheani
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No. 2018545

There is this guy from my country who has an "open diary" were he just describes what he does from day to day. He is already in his early 30s but still hangs around his university campus to prey on the female students that are way younger than him like a pick up artist which he describes in great detail in his diary. He also describes sexual encounters he had with women in great detail. He doesn't use his physics degree and refuses to get a job. He is also now a vegan and a minimalist and refuses to wear shoes. Ofc he is also severely pornsick, a sex addict and obsessed with blonde or red headed women he describes as "goddesses" and regularly puts on a pedestal when they give him their number. His daily routine consist of him daydreaming about random women, drinking coffee in various places so he can see if there are interesting women there and describing his minimalist lifestyle. His latest arc were he hung around a mentally ill middle aged woman and it completely backfired on him was the most entertaining. He also has kind of a god complex and is obsessed with winning the nobel prize with his diary or some bullcrap and he is convinced that his style will get super popular and famous

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No. 2002775[Reply]

Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.

Rules link

SixGinn/Morgan Hoffman:

>Kicked out of her old place and moved into the "most expensive neighborhood in California"

> Trying to be a stepmom to Tyler's daughter
> Laments about the baby she aborted.
>Said she has phantom symptoms and had a dream about having a baby.
> Chronically sick from her "lupus" but most likely its from her breast implants.
>Posted a screenshot of making 78k in three months but bitches about paying $500 a month for health insurance.
> Got in a fight with Tyler. Posted about men cheating and how he wouldn't delete his instagram.
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No. 2018521

She sounds so dumb here. Like she’s trying really hard to speak extra slow so she has that California Girl type of voice. She normally speaks fast in her videos. Wonder who she’s copying.

No. 2018672

I don’t understand his obsession with Brina either lmao. Ya know why she has so many haters right Shwaggle?

No. 2018726

I’m the one who keeps bringing up the race stuff but it’s just true: Colorism is crazy for Latinos. self hating ethnic men like Ty and Schwaggle will chase a homeless light woman with light eyes (and 3 abandoned kids) and a drug addiction.
It’s something I’ve noticed but it isn’t really talked about here, I guess bc part is racebait and part sounds “woke”: Tyler is very deracinated and has few nonwhite friends and zero nonwhite exes. Pumpy likes to brag about having an ethnic boyfriend but what community is claiming him? And he’s so mentally cucked he’d rather date bottom of the barrel white sex workers as long as it meant he could have a white GF.

No. 2018734

What type of brown is Shwaggle lol

No. 2019209

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The ants in Pump’s condo (she claims they’re from an unsealed stairwell or staircase)

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No. 1951101[Reply]

Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped

Previous threads:
>>1432730 #5
>>1191646 #4
>>1059519 #3
>>1005098 #2
>>720482 #1

Notable photoshop cows:

>Erin Eevee/Pinkfox Cosplay

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No. 2018495

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Like girl, come on…

No. 2018497

She’s scrawny but having an ass means automatic substantial views from moids, and editing apps are incredibly easy to use now. Her target demographic is all braindead and has even less understanding of the female body than the typical moid, since she intentionally grifts for loser nerd money doing fromsoft cosplays and shit like that, so the Twitter art anatomy doesn’t matter to them, they just see her as a perfect gifted dream girl.

No. 2018829

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>posting all this shit just to end up shopping anyways
It's really sad women feel the need to do this.

No. 2018883

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I get where she's coming from but she's acting like it's all genuinely just angles and stuff when you can see the filters she uses doing wacky shit with her body, another example is this concave crater that is supposed to be "hourglass curves" kek

No. 2018903

Yeah, that's what's sad about it. Why type all this out to pretend when she could have just said nothing and shopped to heart's desire. Basically every ethot is shopped nowadays, if anything she's drawn attention to it instead of away from it.

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No. 2017915[Reply]

>Rape victim Timothy Heller came out in 2017, and shared her experience
>Mel was quick to tell her fans not to make up random rumors against Oliver Tree, her ex, but not against Timothy Heller, who has spoken out about her experience with Mel
>Thanked fans for harrassing, victim-blaming, and denying the truth about Timothy's story.
>Admitted to having sexual physical contact with Tim ("She never said no"), only to change her story and claim nothing happened at all.
>Has had more than one victim speak up regarding her lack of sexual boundaries, such as Madeleine Carina
>Her former workers have come out and express how she was narcissistic, couldn't understand things outside of her "narrow reality" and overall very verbally abusive towards them while working for her. (such as Gina Fey, who worked on her PR)
>Sold overpriced merch to fans, such as a cheap version of the dress for 175-275USD, that's so cheap not only can you see through it, but many fans admit they don't even wear the dress due to how easily it rips.
>When criticized, she attempted to justify said prices by claiming that she was in debt and is struggling to afford to pay bills, and lying about being a multi-millionaire.
>Has posted CP of Jennette McCurdy on her Tumblr before, as well as illustrating child pornography of her crybaby caricature.
>Timothy Heller has come out again as of 2024 on TikTok and discussed her experience with the doxxing, harassment, misinformation and smear campaign and psychological abuse that Melanie's community has put her through.

Melanie's Twitter https://x.com/melanielbbh?lang=en
Melanie's currently inactive Tumblr Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2018934

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ntayrt, but…
> "post screencaps"
> proceed to not post caps for your claims
shitty collage, but this is what i could find. haven't heard about this since 2017 and the rabbit hole is deep and autistic.

No. 2019001

shes in an industry that heavily scrutinizes her appearance. it would make sense to under a persona to cope with it this way.
however, shes i think shes gonna have a harder time going through this because of her initial crybaby persona and the immature egril mindset she endorsed thats pretty damaging for women. her own fans have split because some cant understand her wanting to grow tf up and because a wallflower crybaby For Life kek. and shes already a diva and cunty all around.
anon. please go outside and gain some life experience. that is an extremely weird characterization of growing up.
youre fucking weird anon. Trevor is a creepy white guy with a fetish for little asian girls. his endorsement by other artists (plaaastic too, and look at her now) is concerning. it means his fanbase is so porn brain rotted and see so much degrading shit that it doesnt faze them. that's extremely concerning considering how hyper misogynist his art is.

No. 2019061

Lurk moar, Twitterfag. There are lots of threads on horrible moid artists on /snow/ and /pt/. Just because moids do bad shit doesn't mean we can't criticize women who also do bad shit, tf is this retarded argument?

No. 2019075

Idk if she's worthy of a new thread, but i'm just gonna say i can't believe there are anons whiteknighting Melanie Martinez, of all people, as well as pedo Trevor Brown (he stated it as openly as he could >>2018833) if not freely admitting to loving their shitty pre-coquette 3edgy5u pedo inclined content. Is this all edgy coquettes marching here on their tumblr break? Is whisper and pinterest not enough for you?
>his endorsement by other artists (plaaastic too, and look at her now)
I can't help but agree. They both referenced each other in their art, but the especially yucky thing is, iirc, he did a Plaaastic fanart right after she died, she was dressed in some BDSM gear, you know the childish/bdsm type mix idk. The girl was dead and yet he couldn't resist throwing some fetishistic shit onto her ew. He also drew Holli heroingranola which i find hilariously weird. he loved following these fucked up, bpd junkie bitches types.

No. 2019118

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Its just strange how he and some people who liked him got cancelled but some dont. There is a model named Sheidlina who seems to have a huge fanbase and she is openly obsessed with Travor and like. No cancelling?? Make up your mind already.(derailing)

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No. 2018339[Reply]

Discuss people, either that you know in your personal life or that you've found online, that have lolcow potential

/pt/ thread requests >>>/pt/913498

Past threads
#1 >>>/snow/614616
#2 >>>/snow/925657
#3 >>>/snow/1234227
#4 >>>/snow/1656175
#5 (previous) >>>/snow/1874504(wait until the old thread hits the post limit)

No. 2018343

Maybe a bit early for a new thread but the old one is past 1110 posts and since it’s shadow banned and I can’t find it with the search engine or Google I figured I may as well just do a new one

No. 2018347

just search the catalog? who cares if it doesn't show up on google

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