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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2102687[Reply]

Bianca Blakney, known online as Pinuppixie, is a 27 year-old influencer and Marilyn Monroe clone from Vancouver Island, Canada. She became popular on Tiktok during the pandemic for her vintage fashion content, buying and refurbishing vintage items and doing vintage renovations. After getting divorced in 2023 she started spiraling badly, becoming addicted to plastic surgery and tattooing almost her entire body in a short amount of time.

Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@pinuppixie?lang=en
Xitter full of porn
Snark sub

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No. 2103377

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Looking botched as fuck

No. 2103400

She looks really beautiful here. Idk what she did to her face but it looks so much longer now??? Like she really messed with the symmetry of her features and now just looks uncanny and long when she had quite delicate small features and face.

Also the vintage style and biomech tats feel really at odds with one another visually. Maybe if it was steampunk style mechanics it might work. It would be cringe but it might work better.

No. 2103459

Watch out, she's not like other girls!

No. 2103483

How does she make so much money to afford this shit? OF cant be paying that much.

No. 2103495

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No. 2095309[Reply]

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.

Recent milk:
>new allegations of young Dana helping her boyfriend pay underage girls for sexual contact in the Dunkin walk-in >>>/snow/2080578
>nonnies note old tumblr post with reference to Jonathan >>>/snow/2080604
>identity confirmed as Jonathan Negron Torres >>>/snow/2080781 who is currently incarcerated for separate sex crimes with a 12-16yo >>>/snow/2080787
>Dana herself confirms that allegations are 'close to the truth' >>>/snow/2081136
>riveting vlog where Dana gets the shits, stays out all night drinking, and sticks her disgusting fingers into her friend's martini >>>/snow/2080698
>Dana addresses enabling Matt Hare, says she's taken full accountability and doesn't need to do any more >>>/snow/2081478
>gets a new tattoo, pays with coffee beans >>>/snow/2081945
>said tattoo is her daughter's name in large print across her collarbone >>>/snow/2082404
>Dana gets big mad that the internet discovered her new highly visiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2103621

I think nonnies project some from having their own bpd parents or partners and knows how draining it is. But men who kick elderly dogs as a punishment for regular things aging dogs do (or for any reason, kick is too far. Spanks, whatever. But wtf.) Has some sort of bpd/narc disorder themseleves. So fuck them both, they deserve eachother.

No. 2103622

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Dana appears to be coping tonight by buying literal boxes and boxes of booze.

No. 2103623

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and driving around in a bra and tutu at 11pm at night? Best of luck to poor TH during all this.

No. 2103624

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She also made this post on the left earlier today before the video dropped. It's interesting though since she's clearly posting from the new job already. Post on the right is from the other day, but also seems to show that she's working at some sort of food service job again. My best guess is that she went back to a job at some kind of local diner or cafe. So much for the "better opportunities" claim.

No. 2103667

>I always thought it was weird as hell that nonnies would theorize that Dana is some kind of mythical villain that drains the people who willingly stay with her of energy.
its not weird when your remember the hurricane dana tumblr post. dana admits herself shes a nightmare amd she legit does. but what we didn't expect is that she would actually find someone who matches that energy on a passive level. I would say dana more aggressive with her POS behavior while Eli is more subtle about it but in the end the kid suffers because literally no one is taking care of the house. I feel dana initially painted eli as a breadwinner/take cares of chores n shit to hide the reality that its filthy af there. now I'm seriously wondering what piece of shit kaylee is.

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No. 2070352[Reply]

Last thread: >>1874473

Recent drama: Too much to summarize, search Dexerto for your favorite streamer(shit thread, don't make one if you don't want to summarize the last thread.)
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No. 2103060

imagine actually having to meet his roach infected ass
I could never kek

No. 2103149

just wanted to quickly thank you as someone who is interested in streaming eventually. i didn't realize how careless i might've been with some of my posts and how they could be used to find my personal info later. you really woke me up.

No. 2103211

You're very welcome. It isn't meant to be alarmist and I've noticed generally the only pushback or malice I receive is from males because they cannot fathom it or want to obfuscate their own behaviors. Just as there are communities, servers, and groupchats exposed for cp and animal abuse, the same goes for stalking women–especially streamers and social media 'models'. It's a game to these groups. I also will reiterate that you could be dealing with this for years and would never know because these men don't cow-tip or snitch, it's super fucked up. There could be thousands of recordings and they'd never snitch. They have galleries upon galleries of illegally acquired content, and it isn't from clouds. If you don't have that threat model it's fine, I'm not trying to scare anyone, but you don't have to be special or unusually beautiful to be targeted by a mentally incel with a special interest in cyberstalking. All it takes is one. Treat all exploitable tech you use like a public space, and understand that your cellphone is 10000x more susceptible than your pc or laptop because its virtually untraceable without the proper github scanning programs, even then it can be overlooked.
BTW I'm okay with the schizo accusations, if this reaches even just a few women I'm happy. Protect yourselves from a rapidly evolving and sophisticated threat model.

No. 2103389

funny how fs act so tough but when confronted they look absolutely terrified and hopeless
this is reality bitches(sage your shit)

No. 2103588

Are you saying women act "tough" and that a grown man actively stalking one of them charging and threatening to kill them is simply "confronting" them? Hmm kys then I guess

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No. 2025097[Reply]

Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped

Previous threads:
>>1951101 #7
>>1689594 #6
>>1432730 #5
>>1191646 #4
>>1059519 #3
>>1005098 #2
>>720482 #1

Notable photoshop cows:
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No. 2102620

That GIGANTIC skull on the left picture, holy shit

No. 2102627

she's so inconsistent with her editing that people are genuinely believing these are 3 different people

No. 2102628

That was seven years ago

This should be illegal

This one does. It's a goofy drawing, not a suggestive one unless you're sick in the head though

No. 2102664

>Newfags don't know what a chibi is

I didn't notice it before, but fuck, you're right, her head is huge. It looks like one of those creepy fetish masks, like her real head is encased in silicone.

No. 2102673

This is incredibly embarrassing, why would she post this?

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No. 2083115[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/2054439

Laura: https://www.instagram.com/flourishingfxiry/
Posted a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.

Enara: https://www.instagram.com/enaralouise
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No. 2103494

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She (rediscoveringc) is most definitely on the munchie bandwagon. Note that all the “chronic illness” type shit has only started since being kicked out of and banned from her local hospital for her “ED”

No. 2103589

I cannot wrap my mind around women with munchausens. This lady in particular skeeves me out, Grey's Anatomy is such a cringe and ridiculously dramatic show and to have a tattoo from it down your spine in hopes of medical professionals seeing it peeking out of your hospital gown… psychotic!

No. 2103677

Blogpost, I know.. just went to visit a relative in the hospital and saw an rl rainbow haired wheelchair munchie rolling down the ward with a shiteating grin. The difference between genuinely ill grey faced patients and these resource hoggers is stark irl.

No. 2103681

No. 2103698

B-but nonnie, didn't you see that person was just super strong and bravely smiled through the pain? Kek

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No. 2094652[Reply]

Zoe Simone Lorange is a 20 year old pedo-incel pandering, hard drug addicted, self-proclaimed "denpa menhera girl", cluster B pickme e-girl streamer from Burbank, LA. She has been actively destroying her life for over a year now in an attempt to gain online attention. Zoe has been known within e-girl and otaku online circles for several years now, primarily due to her sanrio/anime consoomer bedroom and fabricated obsession with Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live, but rose to noteriety among the IP2 community at the start of 2024 after she started dating homeless meth addicted IP2 streamer IncelBinLaden and screamed "nigger" at Scientology protestors on Hollywood Boulevard. Ever since, her life has been rapidly going downhill and only seems to be getting more hopeless as time passes. Her streams have primarily consisted of hanging around with middle aged scrotes in a homeless shelter RV, tweaking out on meth in run down motels, getting into fights with her boyfriends/fellow tweakers, showing off her hoard of lolicon anime garbage, or on the rare occasion that streamed IRL, screaming slurs in public and being a general nuisance. Nowadays, she is hated by the IP2 community and has mostly resorted to spending a large chunk of her time desperately baiting for attention in incredibly depraved ways, such as suggesting she cosplays as 11 year old Natsumi Tsuji for her OnlyFans, or asking her incel followers if they would let her overdose so that they could rape her dead body. Despite the poor abused homeless larp, Zoe's parents are very well-off, with one working in the medical field. They have given her countless opportunities to get help and turn her life around, even offering to pay for her to study abroad in Japan, however Zoe feels no shame and only continues to act this way, as her desire for online attention, positive or not, is insatiable and comes before all else. Her cowish antics are known to have been going on publicly since at least 2020 and are incredibly extensive at this point, but unfortunately poorly documented.

>In April of 2023, former incels.is moderator Komesarj/Walter went viral for "ascending" and leaving the incel community, resulting in articles by several news outlets including Rolling Stone, as well as a KnowYourMeme page. It was later revealed by Zoe that she was the woman who he "ascended" with. She moved to Colorado to live with him 3 months after meeting through the incelsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2103366

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No. 2103370

she is part Chinese she says, maybe multiple generations back, probably back to the days when they came to build the railroads. Zoe has blonde hair naturally and blue eyes but clings on to that fraction of Asian genetics from probably before her grandmother (who a few people have speculated is the true hapa/50% asian)

No. 2103491

Just say hafu there are enough weebs on this board

No. 2103545

File: 1743204627693.mp4 (Spoiler Image,10.14 MB, 1280x720, k74rA_u52yXCOcZ_.mp4)

Zoe classic clip from when she was streaming with her ex boyfriend Mike, sucking him off in the car mid stream while their fellow homeless friend is in the backseat

No. 2103546

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post dick celebration meth hit to top it all off

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No. 1999616[Reply]

A thread discussion for "proshippers" who exhibit cow-like behavior.

>What is a proshipper?

If you ask a proshipper (they also sometimes call themselves "profic" or "comship" but these mean the same thing) what that word means, they'll tell you it means they're against harassment over fiction. This is wrong, a proshipper is someone who thinks your taste in fiction (and usually by extension pornography) does not determine anything about you as a person. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but what is not debatable is how milky proshippers are.

>What is an antishipper?

An anti is someone who disagrees with proshippers and thinks that your tastes in fiction can and do reflect you as a person. You may also post bizarre takes by them, but please keep this thread focused on proshippers.

>Why/how are they milky?

Proshippers tend to be pornsick faghags who will make any excuse for moids jacking off to hurting women. Common habits amongst them include: supporting bi lesbians/thinking lesbians can like men, sexually harassing people who disagree with them, bringing up their oppression labels for no reason, comparing 14 year olds on the internet to christofascists, cult leaders and le evil radfems and so on.

Notable Cows
>chronically online pornsick TIF
>"rehabilitative criminal therapist" aka thinks rapist moids should be forgiven
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No. 2100907

No they're not real siblings, just another troon larping with her

No. 2103169

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people with dwarfism means I should be allowed to fetishize children

No. 2103181

Why is she quoting herself? I don't really get the context here.

No. 2103235

How fucking terrible it would be to have this disorder and want a loving relationship, all the while wondering if your partner is into you for pedo reasons.

No. 2103289

God, I'd care less about this if this character wasn't voiced by a real 15-year-old boy.

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No. 1996943[Reply]

Passport bro, or passport bros is a movement of men who go to developing nations in order to find girlfriends or wives. These men believe that feminism has corrupted Western women, and seek to find a youthful, submissive, modest, conservative and feminine woman. Despite their claims passport bros often get caught with prostitutes, or seemingly never actually stick to one woman. Some have been robbed, assaulted or scammed on camera. But it doesn't deter most of them. A few have also been arrested. Most overlap with redpill and manosphere communities, especially the black manosphere. Which is why many have a hate boner for black women and speak on black (male) issues. 

Some examples of passport bros: 

>Auston holleman 

>was arrested in Brazil for sex tourism crimes in 2023, returned back to the country in 2024.

>International passport 


>more to life 


>The Philip Scott show 

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No. 2103159

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I'll stop spamming now

No. 2103188

Is someone holding her at gunpoint? She looks scared

No. 2103228

Warren Jeffs looking ass motherfucker

No. 2103368

my favorite phenomenon has to be when these bros go to developed or straight up western countries because he fell for the „asian/latina/eastern euro women are all submissive“ trap. like that somewhat viral black dude who went to warsaw and was disappointed that it was cold in winter and the women were westernized. you‘re in the capital city of a central european country! the same goes for men going to tokyo or seoul.

No. 2103446

Thirdie women are often more blackpilled than any caliber of Western woman. This is because western women were raised in a relatively civilized society in which overt misogynistic sentiment is at least somewhat unacceptable or frowned upon. Their guard is down and and their hopes are up. That begets a different, more deceptive kind of peen-marketing: instead of being upfront about men being a dreadful duty and burden for a woman to endure, they become a facet of capitalist fulfillment, a lifestyle milestone. As a result, western women generally have a positive and non-materialistic view of men, no matter how "feminist" and "bitchy" they are on tiktok.

Thirdie women are not afforded anything like this. Thirdie men don't have to pretend to lure you in, they own you. The women who are receptive to sex tourists plainly see any them as a disposable means to an end, and those who aren't know exactly what they're after. No shit an obvious westoid reject is going to have 0 chances with normies who don't look for sex tourists specifically.

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No. 773289[Reply]

I haven't been following her as closely lately so I don't have all the latest milk but here's some info from over the years
>Goes by Isibella, real name is Perdita Woodley
>Has some family that was a duke or something
>Her rich "master" picked her up in a bar in England when she was a teenager and brought her to the states to be his slave
>Used to be really down to earth and nerdy, would talk about things like My Little Pony and World of Warcraft
>Got a set of huge, horrible looking fake boobs (also lip injections, and some suspect a nose job sometime in there too) and suddenly became obsessed with "glamour" and "luxury" and her "rich life"
>Since becoming obsessed with portraying this spoiled little rich girl image she refuses to acknowledge her nerdy past
>Always posting about how rich and fancy she is, how much she just loooove champagne and caviar and etc.
>Always bragging about how she lives in a mansion
>Wears circle lenses and animu makeup that make her look fucking creepy
>Founded "The Chateau", which she says is "Like Playboy for kitten girls"
>Puts out a monthly (? not sure if she's still doing it) web zine about The Chateau with poorly photoshopped covers (released a cover that said "May 2015" in November once)
>Says The Chateau accepts all models but almost all of them are skinny white girls
>Widely reported to play favorites with Chateau models
>Many accepted models submitted photosets that never got posted. Isibella, however, constantly continued to post pictures of herself.
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No. 2072167

Also seems like the moment things got too hard for her during the hurricane and her partner was dealing with taking care of his parents that had to stay in a hospital, she was going to just abandon him and go live elsewhere? Like wow.. way to show how much you actually care for your partner during a very difficult time..(sage your shit)

No. 2072228

Yah looks like they are back together and she is blaming her loss of friends and scandals on cancel culture ….(sage your shit)

No. 2072353

Ofcourse she would put the blame on anything other than herself. That’s exactly what a narcissist does. They are never in the wrong in their own eyes.(sage your shit)

No. 2097051

How was this bumped?

No. 2103094

Isi and Michael relocated to New Orleans. there are a few videos on her youtube where they ae searching for apartments. Apparently she had a full emotional and mental breakdown and tried to harm herself. She is hospitalised and is allowed no outside contact and has been refused to even have access to her phone.(this is an imageboard, post screenshots/proof etc)

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No. 2087620[Reply]

This is like the troon threads but instead of of being about people who think they are the opposite sex it's about people who think they are gerbils or Naruto.





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No. 2103007

No. 2103076

Who stretched this man's face down the Y-axis? He doesn't actually look like that, right?

No. 2103083

HTV (horse to vampire)

No. 2103118

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He’s like if Bunnicula were a horse

No. 2103668

this is so fucking spot on lmao

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