No. 1993065[Reply]
Thread for the general discussion of people who use and abuse animals to gain internet clout on social media. Some of the more infamous ones include (but not limited to);
Save A Fox AKA Mikayla Raines
>Runs non-profit fox sanctuary>Supposedly against fur farming, but buys nearly all of their foxes from fur farms>Purposefully imprints on wild animals she intends to rehab>Co-habs different species which has led to injury>Has had multiple preventable/questionable animal deaths, and many escapes>Lets infants interact with wild animals>Hard to keep track, I think they have around 50 animals, at least 20+ foxes>plans to get 500 foxes from a fur farm starting Nov 2023>Registered as a fur farm to get around pesky laws interfering with keeping animals like foxes, minks, etc as pets>Bred black backed jackals then took them away from the parents to be hand raised to keep one as a petPost too long. Click here to view the full text. 113 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No. 2029192
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I can't be bothered to keep up with the kinkatopia drama regularly, so here's a summary;
>Still feeding the feral cat that keeps pumping out babies
>recently adopting out the latest set of feral kittens, keeping one/a few
>video that shames people rehoming to her
>mentions losing job, getting divorced, losing 2 pets recently
>also feeding animals high fructose corn syrup instead of just fruit, because that worked so well for Americans
>Brought her flying squirrels inside for the first time in years, and one dies the first night.
Currently she is too traumatized to talk about it, I'm sure it has nothing to do with her several predators in the house which according to her website was why she moved them outside in the first place.
>got a red footed tortoise from south florida wildlife center, and I am now just learning she has a pit of red footed tortoises
I think it might also be doubling as a kinkajou cage
I think that's about caught up
No. 2034516
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I've got a new one for y'all - Jeffery Leibowitz.
>Best known for handling venomous snakes (hots) without PPE
>Makes fun of people who are cautious around hots
>Gets an Inland Taipan, the most venomous snake on the planet
>gets bit almost instantly
>Gets antivenom donated by Kentucky Reptile Zoo, despite the shortage
>will have lifelong complications
>cops came to confiscate snakes, noted subpar conditions and holes in tubs large enough for escapes
>No zoos nearby wanted potentially diseased snakes, a family member gave permission to have snakes euthanized
>Jeff later makes an Instagram video gloating about the whole ordeal
Lots of people have bitched about his snake husbandry before this incident - rumors are that his other hots aren't healthy enough to be active enough to land a bite, hence why this brand new snake was able to make contact.