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No. 1954742[Reply]

Thread to talk about people who are radical feminists, but are batshit insane OR claim to be radical feminists, but are just using it to gain money and/or notoriety.

Warning: This is not a thread for ranting about TIMs, TIFs or COVID. Please go to the respective containment threads for that.

Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.
>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces for the leader of a Neo-nazi party in Canada.
>Currently making a transition as a financial guru and stocks investor.

Vanessa Vokey
>Anti-mask psycho who compared face masks to hijabs.
>Assaulted a female voting booth worker for asking her to wear a mask.
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No. 2019169

and i have seen the photo because i reported those fucking tweets myself, it doesn't matter you couldn't see the girl's face, it doesn't matter there wasn't nudity, it obviously showed an assault and there was absolutely no fucking need to post that photo with the news story, no one apparently stopped and thought about how the victim would feel about those photos being posted for everyone to see. did this piece of shit pig ever think about what if people who know the girl use those photos to torment the girl further, what if her male classmates or peers see those photos and use them to mock the girl and sexually harass her more? did she ever think that some pervert freak might ask her for those photos just to see if there's anything he could get off on?

No. 2019175

Normies don't repost cp when you find it challenge (impossible)

No. 2019183

> especially the males bc I find female troonery questionable in its genuineness
WTF??? It's the opposite, actually. Troon scrotes never have actual dysphoria, It's just about the coom for them, even the hsts.

No. 2019196

exactly! many TIFs have a history of sexual abuse when they were children or are trying to escape the hyper sexualization of women, but MTFs ALWAYS troon out bc of the coom
>even the hsts
yeah, even the gay moids who get the frankengina admit they only do that to have sex with straight men

No. 2019205

>quite happy to show elon musk child rape scene photographs

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No. 1992015[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1955417

Tranny who got aang blacklisted ended up being a weirdo himself >>1956372
Colombian girl lied about working for hayao miyazaki, used traced art for her portfolio and charged money for classes teaching art students how to work for ghibli >>1956743
goosetranny old fetish account >>1956807
literal who cartoon reviewer releases shitty movie with a beatbox puppy >>1958368
aang now thinks she's an alien, drama starts >>1962038
new sperg cartoon pilot with a tranny cast for womanchildren wants your money >>1964374
Mr.Enter made a video exposing pedophile tranny ex editor >>1976758
Daftpina cancelled his pilot after getting bullied for sucking at animation >>1976974
Meanwhile LS mark releases a trailer for his pilot that might or might not release within this decade >>1978755
The Ramshackle pilot is out >>1983914
Saberspark releases documentary on butch hartman >>1988044
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No. 2019214

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Yeah, about that nonna.

No. 2019220

why is he so obsessed with that ugly ass mouse? there are even plushies of him already. Its such an ugly design.

No. 2019265

I guess I'm the only one who actually likes this?I can see the appeal it's unfortunately another tiresome,boring slice of life/comedy thing but I can't find myself to hate this at all.furry shit aside it is kinda cute.

No. 2019268

none of them. they failed at art so they just focus on making reviews. real artists don't have time for that shit and spend all of their time studying and grinding fundamentals.

No. 2019282

I actually like it too. Don't worry

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No. 2016968[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 2019129

>I believe she is relevant to this thread as trans ideology began to take root with her parents’ generation and she is an expert on the destruction it causes.
This is a massive reach. This would be better suited to the book thread in /m/, the terrible parenting thread, or the gender ideology thread in /ot/. Snow threads are for milk from the community at issue. This lady's parents weren't troons, and the elevator music she makes isn't milk.

No. 2019138

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i love how you only have to click the first link in any if the ftm subreddits and any post you find is sure to be an absolute doozy
Based and true

No. 2019173

Of course she can't work through her sexuality herself, she has to ask the cult's council if its OK, so that she can keep her super special "gay man" label with them

No. 2019190

the ftm (and mtf) threads attract a lot of homophobic, misogynistic and conservative anons, even more so in recent times it seems. fucking hate seeing this shit shilled in one of the only places online where you can expose troons and gender ideology for being horrific and predatory without having to be grouped in with tradthots and alt-right dickriders.

No. 2019221

Preach anon. Being able to clown on troons in a lefty environment has kept me sane. There are a million places online dedicated to conservatives hating everyone who isn't straight or gender-conforming. There are very few places for leftist women to criticize troons specifically.

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No. 982801[Reply]

Lilith Levisis, real name Clare Buley. Thread #5.
Thread 1 - removed & unavilable
Thread 2 - >>>/snow/579509
Thread 3 - deleted in an unfortunate error, but is at this static page: https://lolcow.farm/snow/832303.html
Thread 4 - >>>/snow/846840
Latest updates:
>LARPing as a blood because of her current boyfriend, a bizarre wanna-be rapper @lokowitthamask (real name Jason, goes by Jay). Threatens to send her "blood girls who went to prison" after people she beefs with >>978590 & >>867587
>Was homeless in Florida for a minute. Apparently lost most, if not all, of her possessions.
>Went to rehab again, lived with family in Kentucky for awhile. Currently living in NY again.
>Promoted a cheaply made underwear line for months, "bunny g-strings", never amounted to anything.
>Started a random crusade against toopoor's use of the n word years ago, ended up getting her main instagram terminated after posting her BF's uncensored dick. Account was unbanned a month or so later. Claimed toopoor paid people to hack her iCloud and get her IG banned.
>Had multipe accounts banned for "self-harming" due to old cutter scars. Main secret account was later reinstated.
>Sold a bunch of clothes on IG that she never sent out, potentially scamming a lot of people. Uncertain if anyone ever received anything. >>915371
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No. 1969048

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It’s a shame she will never grow out of the “look at my ass” stage, as much as i enjoyed the milk of yesteryear, i always imagined her sobriety to be a bit more promising than more ass pics. Like is this all she has? Ass pics over and over between chimping out in stories?

No. 1983733

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Don’t know the validity of this but this was on her story

No. 1984424

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Did anybody else notice in all of these pics there was shit on her face ??? I'm sorry this isn't super milky but how do you not notice something like that?

No. 1985664

Anon, that's probably some dirt/splash on the mirror. She's in the bathroom, she's taking mirror selfie.
Agree. i follow her but never check up on her anymore because it's just 2 years worth of her taking 100s of ass pics in one roll, sometimes interrupted by pics of her dog. I almost wish she did something milky again, or something like makeup, travelling, outfits, even shitty witchcraft stuff again. Anything other than ass pics that nobody cares for anymore.
idk if she means suicide, but this could as well mean he killed himself unintentionally. Her dad died due to his alcohol addiction (iirc)

No. 2018303

That looks like a meth sore, anon

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No. 1478914[Reply]

Mei Yan is a Chinese-American YouTuber and model who creates content about anime, video games, and fashion.

Last thread: >>>/snow/91973

Sugaring, David, and Colette
>Uploads a video about her queer polyamorous relationship, featuring Mistress Colette, a pro-domme, and Olivya, an old friend. Mei mentions that she has two other partners as well, one of whom is “P,” aka David.
Video now deleted, reuploaded here >>>/snow/1471514
>Several comments on the video suggest that David is Mei's sugar daddy. These claims are further proven by Colette's blog (Mei codenamed M9, and likely M3 as well) and several photos of Mei in David's house
>Mei promotes Colette's mistress class to her young, impressionable audience in exchange for free attendance
>Mei flies around in David's jet, goes to Turks and Caicos, hangs out in David's Miami rental
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No. 1985083

These are absolutely tif hands. If not you found the moid with the weakest little hands to do hand modeling with. It's so pathetic, your average scrote has more impressive hands than this shit it's embarrassing

No. 1985155

well seto ayumi is having a baby with her ugly ass moid so the queerbaiting is on hold

No. 2011413

in her "did I quit youtube" she said she "reached the ceiling" and it "stopped being fulfilling" girl we know its because you got caught advertising being a sugarbaby to underaged girls and you dropped in popularity. As if she wouldnt have kept fucking for money from this 50 year old cript dweller if she could.

after all this time im still salty about mei because heres another rich kid who is living their best life doing fuckall productive and being like i made it :).
Also i suspect she still sugars because based on the numbers she says she did, she made ~60k a year selling jewelry and you Cannot live in LA and fly to japan and hawaii And buy every new prada piece on that wage.(:))

No. 2018605


Her travels to Japan and Hawaii are probably written off as business expenses. Plus her parents are rich, she still lives with them, and most likely the “studio” she has for making her jewelry is just another space owned by her parents so it makes sense that on that wage alone, she can still afford to buy luxury items every now and then.

She’s “quitting” YouTube because she can’t come up with new content to make herself relevant. She tried the sapphic lesbian, Genshin, uwu anime BL girl, cottagecore, Seto Ayumi clone routes, etc etc etc but Mei’s always going to constantly reinvent herself because she doesn’t know what she wants to be and for now because she’s boring and has no one to turn to for leeching off inspiration from (eg, Seto Ayumi who is now focused on her family and Olivya whom she followed her brainlessly for years before the sex cult controversy came up), she’s going to stick to safe things like making overpriced cheap plastic Y2K inspired beaded jewelry to her impressionable audience until the next best thing comes along.(sage your shit)

No. 2018651

Her “studio” is just a little guest house outside her actual home next to the pool and gazebo. She doesn’t have to pay for rent, her “studio” etc so of course she has money to go overseas and waste her time at sex parties in LA.

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No. 2008093[Reply]

A highly requested thread for ImSkirby - Canadian Instagram e-thot who appeals to coomers by utilizing her abhorrent shooping skills and posting her shitty, cheap aliexpress "cosplays".

>Constantly uploaded videos of her uwu snatched waist that were highly edited, would make more videos flailing her hand around her body like a retard to "prove" that they weren't shooped when she inevitably got called out

>Claims that her body is all natural and that she hasn't gotten any surgery done, denies shooping, but admits to corseting in the past, which she uses to explain her totally real and unshooped body shape
>Wears the same crusty denim skirt, bra, and shapewear shorts, in every photo
>Hyper insecure and freaks out and spergs any time any random person online calls out her shooping or inconsistencies, to which her cult-like moid orbiters will react by whiteknighting for her
>Has been caught wearing shapewear on several occasions but denies it
>Known for inconsistent shooping with varying body shapes from post to post, as well as shooping/filtering her face, making her lips take up a third of her face and overlining them to hell while her nose is an uwu tiny button nose and a razor sharp jawline
>OnlyFans thot
>Exudes extreme "pick me" energy constantly seeking male validation and has been alleged by many to be extremely rude and catty to other women, putting them down to raise herself up
>Was obsessed with Sam Sulek and Bladee and made pathetic attempts to get their attention to no avail
>Has admitted to getting lip filler and nose filler as well as skin-smoothing filters but will still try to say she's natural
>Has taken raunchy photos for her coomers at a public park with jungle gyms for kids in the background
>Without shoop has a low hanging stomach and is on the chubbier side
>Has a lack of real friends and doesn't go outside due to her NEET femcel nature
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No. 2019094

The fact that moids don’t care that she looks completely different irl is just… it’s hopeless. This is what our future is going to be like. Gear up nonnas

No. 2019103

They just care about the overall look as they lack off. They never cared about meeting these girls irl because they will never meet these girls irl. It's not hard to understand.

No. 2019132

Explain the scrotes that try to converse with her in her comments, dms; the parasocial relationships her followers have?

No. 2019134

No one is immune to parasocial relationships. A DM and a fake photo mean nothing about irl wanting to meet her lol You literally answered your own question.

No. 2019285

her waist looks huge here compared to her pics

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No. 1864330[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1766589

Dylan James Mulvaney was a mediocre actor and performer in musical theater from an insanely rich family who transitioned from gay (twink) to non-binary in 2021 so that he could wear girly clothes and get attention after his bit part in the Book of Mormon ended. (The show shut down because of COVID-19 lockdowns.) In 2022, as the pandemic continued, he decided to come out as a trans "girl" to maintain a constant flow of praise for his needy narc ego. He seemed (i.e., was marketed) to blow up overnight after beginning a series called "Days of Girlhood" on TikTok, where he showcases himself as a sexist caricature of a 1950s-1960s woman. This series went on to win him 10 million followers, famous collaborators, endless free stuff, gratis FFS with Caitlyn Jenner's surgeon, and marketing opportunities. After 222 days of being a “girl,” Dylan got to go visit Grandpa Joe Biden in the White House and talk about how trans lives matter; for some reason the transgoons that be thought this obvious troll was the right guy for the job. In December 2022, Dylan got some bad facial feminization surgery. His lip filler, FFS, and nose job made him look like Caitlyn Jenner's aged ex-twink relative, ironic since Jenner called him out for being "trans with a penis" after Dylan made a video about "normalizing the bulge": https://youtu.be/EQ-yzbzqH4U After laser hair removal and electrolysis, he still can’t get rid of his facial stubble. Didn’t you ever watch Jurassic Park, Dylan? Nature finds a way.

Despite appearances to the contrary, Dylan is 26 years old. He wants to become a tampon ambassador much like Jonathan Yaniv, handing out tampons to girls in need. When women protested Tampax giving a male a brand deal, Dylan made several passive-aggressive videos in response. He still mentions tampons often and managed to grab a spot interviewing Judy Blume about her iconic book “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret,” which is primarily about girls going through puberty >>1826425

Incomplete summary of some milk
>Dylan has revealPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2018489

No charisma.

No. 2018508

See also: "twinkhon"

No. 2018827

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Report and ignore the retard

No. 2018857

this idiot is in the sun all the time

No. 2018915

There is something so unnerving about watching this alien creature pretend to talk to a room full of co-workers and peers like he's actually on a set and not just sitting in front of his own phone camera and doing all the edits himself while promoting his unhinged solo tour. Especially straight after watching him dance with himself on the street like a manic crackhead because he has no friends to film content with. Maybe people wouldn't be so scared to approach him if he didn't look like an actual SCP

The unhinged nature of it all is giving "Trina! A One Woman Show Featuring SHEcago"

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No. 2011582[Reply]

>>1448714 Prior thread

empath-chan/seppukugirl is a 25 year old (as of now) r9k attention whore who shoops her body and face beyond recognition. she has done many controversial and weird things, here is a recap of the last thread:
>calls sigmund freud based >>1448731
>is proud of being a lolcow despite nobody rlly caring about her >>1448735
>real empath >>1501870 >>1659412 >>1811088 >>1820109 >>1821429 >>1835109
>wears a 'femcel rapist' shirt >>1658376
>pisses on the street >>1658542
>steals art >>1687949
>wanted to fuck her grandmas dog .. supposedly >>1811365
>calls a random stranger a faggot and proceeds to threaten to beat them >>1818439
>tells minors to buy her onlyfans, sends them lewd pictures >>1819445
>orbiter covers himself in writing of her name and sucks his moms vibrator for her?? >>1822509
>other weird orbiter activities Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2019068

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Full size.

No. 2019069

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No. 2019077

I think this should be spoilered but imagine being such a (literally) massive pickme that you chase the validation of pedos who insult adult women kek

No. 2019120

>Posts her tits on the internet

No. 2019152

Her full name is Chloe Powers of Dublin, Ireland, 25 years of age

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No. 2016836[Reply]

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No. 2018907

Is he trying to imply that Shuwu not being there because she’s a woman means they get more compliments? Is he about to pull some kind of “I bet they’re scared of being accused of catcalling” shit to bitch about feminism?
Literally, he knows all his fans come from her and that’s his only noteworthy attribute, just means more milk for us though, nona
The worst part is she can’t even divorce him because TradCathWife rules say divorce is a sin. I don’t even think she regrets it or realizes what she’s done because of how deep she’s gotten into it, between this and making Preg her public Daddy Dom it’s clear she’ll just do and believe whatever her moid tells her

No. 2018944

>But when I walk him alone, I'm approached quite a lot. What's up with that?
People checking in to make sure everything's OK kek

No. 2019164

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He's such a narcissist too.

No. 2019174

it's so obvious that porky wrote his own wiki page. no one would take the time to write one for a youtuber with less than 10k subscribers. embarrassing.

No. 2019185

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>it's so obvious that porky wrote his own wiki page

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No. 2005900[Reply]

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.

Previous thread:
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No. 2019226

I believe IBF wanted her kids and probably thinks she loves them, but she's making such appalling parenting choices rn that I can't believe nobody in her life is calling her out..MAAYYYBE these Randoms she's leaving her kid with are people she knows irl… but doing shoutouts for babysitters on her public social media is a really bad look and I honestly doubt she knows any of them well.

People in NZ drink a lot and do drink in front of toddlers… but being the only person in the house with your toddler, getting drunk on social media? Not OK in any country!

Maaaaybe iBF broke her foot while CARRYING half a bottle of port, meaning she couldn't use her hands to steady herself and thus fell… but she has sure worded her post to imply she was drunk. How are her fans not expressing concern about this?

No. 2019245

>You’d definitely not want either as your next door neighbor
Or tenant. Kaya in particular sounds like she'd be a nightmare.
Kaya struggled to keep a 3 bedroom house with garden clean and due to poor interpersonal skills she escalated situations with the landlord forgetting that it's ultimately her house and she's got the power there. If the scumlord has multiple properties then she's probably not going to be bothered by fines if she really wanted Kaya out. I don't like unethical landlords but it's a bad idea to piss them off during a housing crisis when you've got a goff hoard pile that can't be easily moved. The landlord started doing illegal shit last year but somehow Kaya was still surprised pikachu face when the landlord bumped up the rent after the required period of notification. She said she wanted to move on principle and had been considering it for quite some time but she did zero planning in advance and overestimated how much she could do big time which culminated in one of the chaotic moves I've ever seen. I thought Kaya would have more sense seeing as she's moved house 5 times but as we know Kaya has been a backseat passenger for most of her life letting others do the work.
I guess we'll see if she reveals more about the situation when the house move vlog finally drops (…or not, it might go unedited for another 6 months because Kaya is so fucking lazy).

No. 2019271

If she doesn't get a grip on her hoarding obsession, I can see this potentially being a problem for her children in the future if they don't get used to it like some children of hoarding parents can be.

No. 2019286

Someone said that her hoard must be moldy/mildewy at this point with the climate.
Bringing your children around that and a whole lot of dust surely won't end in health problems, especially Severine, who already has breathing issues, right?

Having children/pets in a hoarder house is appalling and irresponsible as fuck. But neither Freya nor Kaya ever gave a single fuck about anyone besides themselves.

No. 2019287

Her hoard is in Scotland though, they don't live with it.

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