File: 1526708425503.jpg (387.6 KB, 2167x646, getting wiggy with it.jpg)

No. 588178
Links: on the uwu small bun and shitty daddy dom trainwreck show:
>>579777>>584427>>572499>>563416>>554227>>544008>>526816>>509237>>485935>>457669>>439990>>393335>>271163Summary of her past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. >Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.
>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Present:
>Almost 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills.>No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guido with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. >Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd">Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points>It failed horribly, and after June trying pathetically to backtrack, it reseulted in vid related and people on both ends of the political spectrum are sick of her shit now>Still pulling her hair out while her bf flirts with other girls on twitter, the only defenders who seem to care about her getting roasted are her troon skinwalker fan Mayu and a few of her lolicon beta orbiters No. 588190
File: 1526709430243.png (137.63 KB, 485x1219, 1526694099143.png)

More from the last thread:
Brittany Venti's video related is her response
Her interview with Shoe's former friend, Rob>>588185Yeah, this is the 14th. The number didn't get changed for a while.
No. 588191
File: 1526709432017.png (255.1 KB, 1285x910, shuwu discord dump.png)

has this been posted from today? I was mia all day tldr basically lol
No. 588199
>>588191ty discord anon for the milk.
she took a break from twitter just to have her usual narc meltdowns on discord instead. onion-tier for sure.
has she talked about her former friend rob streaming with brittany? really curious about that since he unintentionally confirmed a lot of britt's claims
No. 588212
>>588190She tries so hard not to seem bothered but you can tell that she is FUMING. The main point of brittany’a video was to show that she’s a liar. Of course wig can’t comprehend that and focuses on shit like “me disliking anime is a meme xD omg she is so stoopid”.
My favorite part though is easily “IM NOT A CUCK” - June, you are literally the definition of a cuck. You’re a doormat that lets your fiancé tip cam girls, openly talk to them and like their nudes on Twitter You’re also fine with threesomes (only if it’s a second woman of course!). How is that not cuckery? Love yourself, holy shit. I’d be so fucking embarrassed if thousands of people, including
my mother would see me get cucked by my boyfriend on the daily.
No. 588219
File: 1526711916101.jpg (101.44 KB, 1022x649, wholesome.JPG)

wholesome wallflower..
No. 588243
>>588191If you won't debunk it on YouTube debunk it on Twitter jfc. You have no problem "dunking" on people there.
It's because people who pay for her discord are more likely to stay loyal no matter what because of sunken cost fallacy or something (except for discord anon of course) and askfm does not get as much traffic. It's just so transparent.
No. 588248
>>588191I also forgot to add that back and forth is not a bad thing, esp when you make political content. You don't need to even do real time debate to do this. She refused to engage with Magdalen for example and it didn't make her look mature. It just made her look evasive. This is also how it looks now.
>>588200This gif disturbs me on an irrational level it's like reverse ASMR.
No. 588277
>>588191>>588190She still hasn't acknowledged her gross suggestive ddlg tweets with preg and her fans calling her loli or his daughter is fucking messed up considering majority of her fans are underage.
All she responds is "lolol ik me and preg are soo cringe" that's not the point, it's cringe but because you don't see how disgusting it makes you look. But I guess shuwu and preg are fine portraying themselves as pedos to a younger audience.
No. 588281
>>588192Yeah shuwu cleavage is so improper uwu I'm glad you just innocently go on twitter and talk about your totally
hot sex life instead. That's totally normal and not at all for attention.
No. 588286
>>588190>me being a cuck is a memeAll this means is Preg flirting on twitter with all those camgirls is worse then we originally thought.
Because I always just assumed she was in on it because it was part of their "24/7 bdsm" thing. Finding out that they're not, means she's really stuck in denial about what her relationship really is.
No. 588304
>>588190>i'll be back with new fun videoslol, I can't wait
She's obviously waiting till drama will die out, so people wouldn't question her. Good luck with that. Drama wont be over untill she'll address it. Even if she'll be back after 2 weeks, people wont forget. If she come back after a month or so, everyone will think about how long she was gone -> why was that -> oh, the drama. you can't ignore shit like that
the best thing she can do now is find a normal job. For the internet she's done
No. 588309
File: 1526732838064.jpg (27.38 KB, 276x258, image.jpg)

>>588286"hahaha i got you guys!!! i-it's a meme! a meme!!! preg is totally faithful with me! he just talks to those cam girls and says random women on the street will give him strong sons for the meme!!! he wouldn't ACTUALLY cheat on me like he did his ugly fat wife! i bet these vanilla normies think threesomes are cheating! they're totally not cause i'm totally cool with preggy getting new worshippers and they have to leave eventually!!! it's not permanent. r-right?"
No. 588317
File: 1526734475678.png (Spoiler Image,2.8 MB, 2404x1168, lmfao you have clearly never w…)

lmfao you have clearly never watched a single video of ours together holy shit. we're in a full time bdsm relationship based on dynamic, not some vanilla bedroom only thing. i worship his dick 24/7. but thanks for providing us with material for our next 'salty beta' video
No. 588331
File: 1526736565620.png (619.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180518-130300.png)

This is from her old fb
No. 588332
File: 1526736727269.jpg (32.54 KB, 294x273, 5423.jpg)

>>588331that's obviously just a family friend anon
No. 588334
File: 1526736847916.png (938.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180518-130131.png)

These were the people june associated herself with
No. 588336
File: 1526737081962.jpg (21.18 KB, 320x239, 133396090972.jpg)

"Fap nao"
No. 588341
File: 1526737416767.jpg (38.66 KB, 640x480, 133386780139.jpg)

Found the goth phase lol
No. 588350
File: 1526738168666.jpg (52.25 KB, 600x450, shoot me in the face if i show…)

>>588192>>588348Yeah, cleav is soooooo gross and degenerate uwu
No. 588352
>>588348I know that Wig meant her YouTube channel, but what is really the difference between showing cleavage on YouTube vs showing it anywhere else? Plus her instagram literally has the same username as her YouTube channel. So…
We all know she said that solely because Brit is a ''titty streamer''. Wig, we know you like showing cleavage, and there is nothing wrong with that. But this holier than thou shit(on top of that, it's a lie, as always) is really transparent and embarrassing.
No. 588355
>>588352>We all know she said that solely because Brit is a ''titty streamer''Which is bs because she literally did a tweet saying how strong and brave camgirls/titty streams/porn stars etc were because preggory jacks off to them.
But, now cleavage is bad because Brittany roasted her good lol.
No. 588365
>>588361She's trying to pull an indirect SSniperwolf
"ThAtS nOt Me ThOuGH"
No. 588366
>>588361I think the reason she doesn't pull the "i've changed" thing is because she's still as much of a bully and liar today and even she can't deny that.
there are so many caps where she literally goes out of her way to just lie about who she was. Stuff where she didn't even have to respond using the "i was 22 kissless virgin" shit but, she does it because she knows that's what makes her popular among neckbeards and all she cares about is attention and money.
No. 588368
File: 1526739091920.png (51.3 KB, 611x346, im no swerf uwu.png)

>>588192That's very vanilla of you to say that about cleavage, Shuwu.
No. 588369
File: 1526739139089.jpg (72.17 KB, 414x468, 133386797943.jpg)

No. 588370
File: 1526739196609.jpg (200.06 KB, 635x477, shuwu the cowardly cuck.jpg)

>>588277I bet that Preg is happy June is advertising ddlg to her teenage audience, because then he will have a lot more lolis to choose from
>>588304She is too big of a coward to ever address it. She knows she's fucked.
No. 588374
File: 1526739464967.gif (1.38 MB, 232x286, 1410654099603.gif)

>>588370>the cowardly cuckfucking hell. you girls make up the best names.
No. 588388
File: 1526740644783.jpg (179.26 KB, 624x414, 20180519_103645.jpg)

I tried lol better art anons help please
No. 588391
File: 1526740867222.png (413.66 KB, 587x612, no bulli.png)

>>588317Poor Shuwu. Who can she @ now that she's being b00leed?
No. 588394
Hi everyone, ED guy here.
I'm trying to make sense of some thing, maybe you can help me.
1. In one video Jenny McDormat say Armored Skeptic was flirting with her and at least 2 other girls.
2. She says that one of the girls was names River McKenna, had brain cancer and killed herself.
3. She show's screencaps of Greg's flirty DM's with her and him talking about River.
4. In some later video, Gregory says that River was a catfish that pretended to kill himself when he was exposed.
How much of any of this is true? On one hand, Jenny is a psycho, but on the other she has screencaps, says that TheBibleeloaded knew about this and Greg never actually denies he was cheating on his wife, he just says this person was a catfish (which doesn't mean he didn't fall for it).
Does anyone else know anything about this?
Also, in another video, Jenny says that a guy named "Lou Pliskin" (idk how its spelled) accused shoe and Greg of charity fraud, but the video about it that she links to has been deleted.
Any info on this?
No. 588395
File: 1526741591287.png (421.73 KB, 572x646, 20180519_105241.png)

Fixed! here's my contribution
No. 588399
>>588353>”lololo this video is super petty and isn’t worth responding to lololll”Ok but responding to a video where a guy obviously made a dumbass mistake of thinking you were an actual feminist was worth a response?
I guess she only responds when she knows it’ll make her look good. This honestly just proves even more how right Brittany was all along.
No. 588404
>>588394Isn't there a cap of preg's ex wife typed under his account that implies he's been cheating with multiple women? Ik multiple can just mean 2 (jenny and shuwu) but, usually when someone uses that word it means much more than that.
Plus I'd argue it doesn't change the fact that preg tried to cheat on her with a 3rd woman, whether catfished or not. Are you just curious to make it as factually correct as possible? I think leaving it and adding that preg claims it was a catfish is just as damaging because 1. He still tried cheating 2. He's dumb enough to believe a story like that OR he tried getting with someone in such a vulnerable point in their life without them knowing he was a married man
No. 588410
File: 1526743241481.jpg (141.81 KB, 1200x705, river.jpg)

>>588394Skeptic posted these messages on twitter. I would still take anything Shreg says with a grain of salt though since he is a confirmed liar. But if you aren't finding anything then maybe he was catfished.
No. 588413
>>588406I'd go with the catfishing story then. Mostly because as you said Jenny isn't a trustworthy source and it would bring immediate denial from shuwu's fans after what they've experienced with her trying to claim she was 17 and everything.
>>588412Yeah with this I def believe he was honestly catfished. Still doesn't change he tried cheating.
No. 588431
>>588410>River was a landwhale IRLThe gall.
The fucking irony.
No. 588433
>>588410>River was a landwhale IRL I like how this quip is added with a tone of disdain. As if Shreggory himself isn't a fat fuck and would be above a woman as big as he is.
The fucking state of these mental gymnastics. Fat men are so entitled.
No. 588455
>>588448Anons have mentioned it before in her early threads.
>>443011>>271299Does anyone have more solid evidence on it to back it up though?
No. 588495
File: 1526750286635.png (158.11 KB, 463x349,…)

>>588491>image of her holding up the 3ds like she actually played it for more than 2 daysLOL yeah totally was just memeing it. Not at all typical male pandering "im a gamer gurrlll!" during her gamergate days. Nope not at all
No. 588510
File: 1526751096119.png (23.13 KB, 117x197, gamer girl.png)

>>588508It's her avatar.
No. 588519
File: 1526751652330.png (45.42 KB, 599x369, 1512087425172[1].png)

can someone check archives to see if this tweet is real? Found it in an older thread looking for details on her giving a blowjob to pregg on stream
No. 588530
Alright so I looked for more details on the pregg blow stream and didn't find any, or any showing that the context to this
>>588338 was referring to the bj
No. 588556
File: 1526753679977.png (95.68 KB, 618x556, R7pz2W7.png)

>>588545eh, she
really hates 50 shades and wants people to know she's mocking it. it's apparently a ~*poor representation of the bdsm community*~ even though her and greg ironically aren't any doing anything better. the only difference is that greg is poor and ugly kek
No. 588571
File: 1526754477959.png (36.46 KB, 581x403, 1.png)

was trying to help with find the bj stream only to stumble on this gross tweet
>i've never made fun of someone's appearance!
also preg naturally being creepy af
No. 588575
File: 1526754814606.png (49.64 KB, 579x460, 1.png)

oh god he actually believes this, so she has been lying to him as well jfc
No. 588578
>>588571LOL I WAS JK
No. 588579
>>588578also t.preggory
How far will this lol jk shit go
There's a proper way to do irony and it's not this you can't unironically be gross and then when you ironically do it say jk
No. 588590
File: 1526755774975.png (25.36 KB, 581x281, vanilla normie.png)

>>588584nothing beats the 24/7 bdsm tweet and her vanilla normie sperg because of preg liking cutepups pics
speaking of which, preg also gets mad at those vanilla normies as well.
No. 588595
>>588584the fact that she shilled for candid and yet puts on this huge facade of being pro free speech all the time. she was really latching onto cunt dankula drama a few weeks ago.
it's pretty cringey that shoe shives makes fun of others for blocking when she probably has half of twitter blocked by now because she refuses to engage in debate :^)
No. 588600
>>588590>"vanilla normie fuck"jfc what an asshole
>"greg is not an asshole he's actually really sweet it's just our dynamic uwu"it's not part of a bdsm dynamic if he acts like this all the fucking time to everyone
and if this is him still acting the dom, then he's forcing other people into his sex life when they don't want it, basically sexual harrassment
No. 588609
>>588584This is so hard to do since there are so many great cringe moments from Shuwu.
Since no one said it yet, I'll say when Shuwu said her mom found her leash (go to 8:10 in the video and confirms her mom cleans her room at 26 years old) and that her mom follows her twitter but still posts about her sex life on there.
No. 588610
>>588595same anon. but june's constant slobbering over greg is very cringe. he's dumber than a plank of wood and everyone can see that, but she acts like he's the next Einstein. she portrays their relationship as some bdsm disney princess fantasy when in reality he's a fat, cross-eyed, horny fuck with no impulse control and a huge ego. no woman would sit by a boyfriend who was flirting with porn stars on social media regularly, but she
brags about it. it's more sad than anything. any man walking down the street has a 99% chance of being a better partner than preg
No. 588611
>>588584Agree with these ones
>>588590 >>588609
No. 588620
File: 1526757120477.jpg (9.59 KB, 494x178, MENSA IQ.jpg)

>>588584Not really a Shuwu cringe moment, but the time Preggory said he has a MENSA level IQ when he was in special education was pretty funny.
No. 588622
File: 1526757299739.png (319.06 KB, 612x753, beta-fucks.png)

ED guy please add this to preg's article and bring up the fact he's obsessed with calling every guy who calls him fat "betas" and how he calls himself alpha despite being the exact physically and mental representation of a manbaby
>y-you're all a bunch of beta-fucks! heavy breathing
No. 588628
File: 1526757768981.png (92.3 KB, 624x792, how insecure betas say manchil…)

HUGE irony incoming.
I laughed so hard when I found this. Pls add this to his article as well.
No. 588645
File: 1526758989306.jpg (75.35 KB, 750x806, DYS_sg5U0AArU-t.jpg large.jpg)

>>588641oh shit that's another good one. She honestly thinks(or wants others or him to think) he's muscular? Like how? He's one of the least fit looking men I've ever seen.
another cringe that I almost forgot was when one of shuwu's impressionable fans apparently did a presentation on bdsm in college and used them as example of a "healthy bdsm relationship" pic related was one of her slides
No. 588646
>>588584When she gives her fans advice on rabbit care when she doesn't give her own rabbit proper care (small cage, not fixed, improper handling, etc).
I'm surprised her rabbit didn't die from a heart attack when Shreg screamed in its face on account of them being easily frightened.
No. 588649
>>588646omfg wasn't there one time she criticized someone for having a too small of a rabbit cage?
ollies cage was only 5 inches wider than the other person's and shoe thinks she has the dignity to even speak up
No. 588664
Alright guy, I think the Armored Spastic article is mostly finished unless I am able to dig up something else.
No. 588667
File: 1526760752714.png (35.07 KB, 1594x170, 28oA4Zy[1].png)

>>588664which discord cap was this in
No. 588671
>>588664thank you, it's hilarious. could you maybe possibly add these
>>588622 >>588628 whenever you have the time?
No. 588675
>>588667idk looking it up again is too much work
>>588670Already sent her a DM to try to figure out more details. No reply yet.
>>588671I'll find some place to work it in later
>>588673I was actually looking for those. Does anyone have any more information/link/pictures of his godawful webcomic?
No. 588681
>>588675>I was actually looking for those. Does anyone have any more information/link/pictures of his godawful webcomic?his website is down but you can find all of his chrischan-tier comics here: actual link to his broken site:
No. 588685
>>588675>Does anyone have any more information/link/pictures of his godawful webcomic? is down but you can wbm it and on his blog he has a section for his old comic site called which I also suggest looking at the archives for.
He had a section where he'd rate random women.
No. 588687
>>588675Reverse search it, don't be lazy. Highly recommend you put his "Dreadlock" story in there too, it really shows off his mensa level IQ.
He also literally said his IQ was high enough to get into mensa. Did you put that in there? Think it was on his
>>588685>He had a section where he'd rate random women.Those were hilariously cringe, thry should def go on the ED page
No. 588692
>>588681cool, thanks, I'll check it out.
>>588683Oh, okay, that explains it. Yeah, Jenny was citing the crazy guy.
No. 588698
File: 1526762037860.png (98.63 KB, 856x755, 1.png)

you might notice some of those links are broken but, at least 2-3 do. pic related.
I suggest going through all the dates etc
No. 588744
>>588725Trying to spoon feed her bunny pellets, when her bunny should maximum have two spoons throughout the day.
Her poor rabbit probably has horrible digestive and tooth problems.
No. 588752
File: 1526767383062.png (1.32 KB, 250x28, z2dxHWY[1].png)

>>588744google says otherwise
No. 588769
File: 1526769374565.png (250.32 KB, 613x635, 1.png)

oh boy
anyone know who this is?
No. 588770
File: 1526769375924.png (743.22 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180519-233534.png)

>>588664What does he think he is kek what a tard
No. 588778
File: 1526770245450.png (469.58 KB, 591x820, lmfao you have clearly never w…)

i love this is becoming a meme.
10 bucks shuwu will acknowledge it but be like "pffft i was totally memeing that to begin with!"
No. 588779
File: 1526770424632.png (53.14 KB, 581x245, old friend.png)

>>588769I'm very curious what Caley has to say. I wonder if she wants to white knight June as well like Rob did.
No. 588780
File: 1526770437231.png (15.99 KB, 635x117, I3fqTxB.png)

>>588769no, but i hope she (or he?) is being legit and not a troll. brittany, we know you're reading this, answer this person!
No. 588783
File: 1526770851808.png (455.96 KB, 603x611, gives bunny ice water.png)

No. 588788
File: 1526771470285.png (78.47 KB, 720x580, 2009 goth stage.png)

which videos of her are from this era? Photos?
No. 588802
File: 1526772629231.png (837.47 KB, 832x1242, goth3.png)

>>588799>>588795I think these might be a little later than the "goth" phase, since she was already doing Loca at this point.
No. 588819
>>588283Tbf she did admit to being a bully in the post from 10th grade on, which lines up with what she says in her Scarf Girl vid about making fun of people starting 9th grade.
What I don't get about the post is that she says she was a boolied goffik stoner "throughout her teens" but became a prep stacy "in 10th grade". Is Long Island just special? Because in most places 10th grade=15 years old. And if her Scarf Girl video is more accurate, then she started being a stacy at 9th grade=14 years old.
Am I just being too literal about what "teen" means or is she trying to make the 2 years between 12 and 14 where she was allegedly shy boolied goff seem like "most of her teen years"?
I mean, it sounds likely that she was trying to act like a Stacy when she hit hs and just had a cringey hot topic stage in middle school which she milks to sound unique. But if you're going to claim that something in the Scarf Girl video is a lie, why claim balloon girl never happened rather than just denounce the whole video as fake? Imo what she did to poor Scarf Girl is way crueler than popping some girl's balloon. So I wonder if she really did just pretend to be a Stacy. Would also explain away the cognitive dissonance between her boolied uwu goth persona and krazy bad girl Plastic act.
At this point idek what to make of her response. I've been thinking this over all day and I still can't if it would be cringier for her "fake storytime vlogs" to turn out to be real or for them to actually be lies she made up out sheer desperation to feel popular.
No. 588820
File: 1526773254116.png (17.82 KB, 485x205, 93h55wI.png)

>>588801she also said she was a goth only in high school. correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't she have been a college freshman in 09? in that ask she said she was still goffic uwu in 2009
No. 588826
>>588819No I went to school in long island and sophmore year is mostly 15/16 year olds. I guess 13 was most of her teen years lmfao.
I'm betting she was nothing of what she claims to be. She was probably just one of the normal kids. Not bullied, not popular, but that's not interesting to tell the internet. Her compulsive lying makes everything ridiculous to dissect.
No. 588833
>>588826she goes out of her way to lie because she's trying to make points without having to use facts or stats
for example, her nice guy vid/blog, she says she was awkward, shy, got bullied by mean girls(uwu) and hang out with nerd boys to make the point that she understand where nice guys are coming from.
she lies about being a virgin to make points like "calling a guy a virgin as an insult is so mean! I was a virgin till I was 22 and i'm a girl! debunk that one fem nazis!"
it's really pathetic and it's all going to catch up to her when she can't use her 'experiences' to make points anymore because she lies so often.
No. 588858
File: 1526776469233.png (327.38 KB, 565x554, 1523032635309[1].png)

No. 588862
>>588826>>588820 has a point that the 2006-2009 gof phase doesn't line up with what she said in either the Scarf Girl vid or the
I agree, the info she gives about this sort of stuff is just little different in every post/tweet she makes, and it's impossible to keep up.
I just don't get why. She seems to stick to the goth phase story, and I suppose there isn't anything explicitly disproving it, so I'm guessing it happened at some point, but what's the point of constantly lying about the context and the timeframe of the phase?
it impossible to keep track.
No. 588872
File: 1526778002826.png (273.35 KB, 635x509, GMeNjPa.png)

>>588869she retweeted this autistic shit too
No. 588877
File: 1526778147245.png (9.15 KB, 1176x99, bKH6moq.png)

>>588788she said 2006-09 here, but 04-07 now. she's proving she wasn't lying by lying some more? kek
No. 588889
File: 1526778548425.png (233.14 KB, 639x377, XtCjLY4.png)

brittany's hitting back. i hope she makes a second video, though i don't think it'll be as well received as the first
No. 588894
File: 1526778875003.png (70.88 KB, 631x669, cuckqueen.PNG)

>>588869we love a cuckqueen
No. 588898
File: 1526779066448.png (17.38 KB, 616x162, naive.png)

oh you sweet summer child
No. 588899
File: 1526779175146.png (227.69 KB, 1001x604, poor june.png)

>>588894her fans are blowing so much smoke up her ass. "no one should be immune to criticism, but hter'es a difference between criticism and bullying. the way june is being treated is not okay." jesus fucking christ she bullies everyone to this day
brittany hasnt even bullied her tbqh
No. 588901
>>588869This is the weakest "debunking" i've ever seen
It's literally just her saying "no that's false" even to things which have been proven
No. 588902
File: 1526779273211.png (29.7 KB, 671x365, Vcx9YAl.png)

i've seen a lot of her fans call their relationship cringe, so that argument is out the window. being a ~dom daddy~ (which greg isn't, but whatever) doesn't absolve him from all bad behavior. just because june wants to tolerate his shit behavior doesn't mean others have to think it's okay.
the porn stuff is out of nowhere. no one is making fun of shreg for liking porn, it's that he liked porn on his public account while using said account to converse with camgirls. it's funny that she didn't mention the underage disney incest porn in his likes. wonder why!
No. 588903
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>>588900shoe's response. greg is a known cheater. i just can't wait for all of her dreams that she has pinned on him to fall apart. she's going to be so miserable so soon, honestly.
No. 588904
>>588869>so a few weeks ago because of stress and fear from the internet spilling over into the meatworld i made the mistake of disavowing a friend publicly.>weeksAlready the first fucking line. So dramatic.
>and has just been given out of context things from some seriously dedicated internet stalkers so she can make this takedown video and hasn't done any research of her own.Going on twitter is stalking now guys. Also, Brittany has done an interview with an old friend of hers, she is actually trying to get the facts straight.
No. 588908
>>588894>girls die if they don't have cute thingsMost enraging part of that blog post by far
Some of the points she makes make sense (the trich "contradiction", the gamer gurl stuff, at least the goth/Stacy stuff is addressed) but imo the most important part of that video was that she's a mean bully on her channel and then reverts to "uwu I'm too sad and sensitive for the internet" when anyone criticizes her
She actually ACKNOWLEDGES that she's a mean bully on her channel but then completely misses the point of Brittany's criticism by taking it too literally, and defends her right to type "cutesy" cuz that's how we females need to be so we don't die uwu, without understanding why her attitude is hypocritical
No. 588909
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No. 588919
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which one of you did this??? lmao
No. 588921
>>588904>seriously dedicated internet stalkersyou mean the same stalkers on the site you modded? the very same site you modded so you could farm ips of people who criticized you so you could make fun of them and delete those posts? those stalkers?
so when she does something like that, it's okay. but when people here are just compiling public information, it's stalking. got it. june's absolved of all criticism.
No. 588923
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>but let me write a blog about it
No. 588924
File: 1526779911280.png (14.82 KB, 462x156, delusion.PNG)

this idiot woman is completely surrounded by yes men that inflate her self esteem so much
No. 588925
>>588919fucking lol
I'm so glad Brittany isn't backing down. Shuwu is retarded for just responding in a shitty blogpost where Britt can just take it apart in her next video.
Again, you literally have to just take her word for it that she's "totally memeing guys!!!"
was she memeing when she did that 24/7 bdsm tweet? really? do you really expect us to believe this shuwu?
No. 588927
>>588923fucking yes.
File: 1526780129352.png (39.54 KB, 557x317, b4I29Hv.png)

>>588924>i hate jerks who say mean thingsdo these people not realize who june is? brittany didn't go after a humanitarian or sweet old lady. june literally says mean things for a living. she's a jerk for a living. if she can't take it, then she shouldn't dish it, especially not in front of such a large audience. that's not a difficult concept to grasp.
No. 588936
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No. 588948
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No. 588951
File: 1526781493387.png (165.79 KB, 450x338, 1398990265032.png)

why does shuwu writing like she's on tumblr
is that another meme 2deep4u meme of hers? why does she sound like she's responding to Brittany like she's her mom
>you know talking about your bdsm relationships so your younger audience is not very responsible and professional and kinda cringe
Brittany is only 20-21? and she so much more mature than her. I'm laughing my ass off.
No. 588954
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>anxiety issues
>sexually repressed until 20s
oh god her fans are in for a rude awakening.
No. 588955
File: 1526782464862.png (48.44 KB, 588x268, FireShot Capture 21 - cuck0nhe…)

No. 588969
>>588869so her main defenses are basically
>but i didn't lie about it because i told the truth in another video/site! it wasn't some big secret! you're taking it out of context! Britanny wasn't saying these things are 100% incorrect boldface lies. She was pointing out that June cherry picks things to reveal about herself and white lies so that she comes off like her audience's dream girl, which is exactly the type of behavior june says she has moved on from. In her old videos, she wasn't boldfaced lying, but carefully selecting which truths to tell so she comes off popular and cool. Now she just chooses different truths to reveal and different things to downplay to seem like the ideal incel waifu or whatever, which was the whole point of Venti's video.
She can't have it both ways and claim that her behavior in her videos was stupid but also think it's ok to take truths out of context and lie by omission to exaggerate a persona. She might not REALLY have been a popular stacy but she certainly wasn't as friendless, shy, and nerdy as she let on. Both her and her wk kaufman keep getting closer to the truth that she was probably just a slightly akward normie, but that's NOT the way she tried to come off until the expose. She really hoped her followers would piece together an image of a young girly version of themselves, not just a failed basic bitch who isn't socially skilled enough to make more basic bitch friends kek.
when you have a past you're embarrassed about, you either fully admit to it, in detail, not a sugar coated version of it, or you just actually don't talk about it, say you don't like talking about high school or you don't like talking about your sex life, the whole issue is that she focuses on the parts of these things that fit the narrative she wants and downplays the things that don't fit, even if they're not "some big secret."
No. 588980
>>588968If I were her, like if I were really her right now, I would say "You know what, you caught me. Some of the things Venti accused me of lying about weren't technically lies because of this and this reason, but I did craft a persona that was an idealized version of the truth because I thought I could get away with it and I'm insecure that people won't like me if they know the full story. From now on I'm going to be more open and honest with you guys, including about things that don't match my current persona."
Basically what Bunny did. I still think Bunny's confessional videos beat around the bush but she basically admitted that her critics were right and she had developed a pretty insincere persona because she was depressed and insecure and afraid to show her audience her real personality and interests. She managed to admit this without totally groveling or begging for forgiveness so it's totally possible and would make her look a lot better than this predictable "it was a joke! it was out of context (even though i was the one who took the truth out of context to mislead my fans)" shit
The way her wk defended her you'd think he was pleading Brittany not to literally execute June. "Yeah she did that b-but a lot of teen girls do that!" Yeah, you're right. A lot of people lie by ommission and try to come off like an idealized version of themselves, but a lot of people grow out of it and learn to accept themselves as real people, not personas and caricatures. She can either do the same or continue to be mocked.
No. 588987
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her fans see nothing wrong with all this, big surprise. ugh
No. 589000
>>588987these fucking people. do they know they're allowed to like people who others mock? so? so? so? that's not a counterpoint. just because the things brittany pointed out aren't dealbreakers for you doesn't make brittany wrong.
there's plenty of people i really like and respect that get mocked by others for totally fair and valid reasons. they're just not enough for me to dislike the people in question but i recognize that they are for other people. realizing this will set you free and ironically allow you to love and respect yourself more.
No. 589014
>>589007>>589007anyone who blows their life savings on apocalypse preparation medieval shit and star wars toys is a freaken moron.
June seems to be able to function, but since she seems to try and mirror people who like her and has the mental development of a 16 year old, I honestly think she might be BPD.
No. 589019
>>588995I don't want to admit it, but this doesn't seem to be the case. People are calling Brittany obsessed and are saying she's beating a dead horse. The reaction to June's response has been relatively good. This will all blow over soon.
>>589007I used to think she she was playing up the whole "I'm so quirky teehee aren't us girls so stoopid teehee~ ;)" act in order to appeal to her insecure male audience. But then she rants and raves about how smart Shreg is and man, I don't know anymore. It's hard to tell what her personality is really like because everything she does is a ploy to get male attention. She's a shell of a human being with seemingly no passions or convictions.
If she actually believes that her statements in her poorly researched videos are solid arguments, and she's not just pushing them out to make easy money, then sure. She may be stupid. Even so, she's still smarter than Shreg. Considerably so. Then again, the average 10 year old is considerably smarter than him
No. 589028
>>589007Nah. Shoe’s not dumb.
Just average. PAINFULLY average. And I think that’s her main issue.
She’s so bland that she has to pretend she’s her 2deep4me boyfriend is a mensa genius, instead of a pig that’s obviously keeping her as a bench warmer 2nd option wife until some other younger girl comes along and takes her place lmao
No. 589061
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No. 589063
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No. 589068
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God, why
No. 589073
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God the irony of June diagnosing people that dont agree with her with NPD and HPD
No. 589074
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>>589072This one also made me cringe.
No. 589075
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We all were pathological liars in our past. It's relatable~
No. 589078
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Is this person a fan or doing this on purpose? lmao
No. 589082
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No. 589084
File: 1526797698642.png (201.74 KB, 492x444, powerful.PNG)

good shit
No. 589095
>>589063>>589069highlights in her latest video:
1. talks about how she nearly dated a youtuber (over 200-300k subscribers)
2. youtuber wanted to use her for cringey relationship videos like skeptic and shoe
3. youtuber wasn't even subscribed to her and she thinks he was trying to keep her a (thicc) secret
4. bit at 32:40 might allude to this youtuber being in skeptic and shoe's circle and talking shit about skeptic cheating on his ex-wife with shoe
No. 589097
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her calling skinny girls 'fatties with no waistlines' is just a joke! a joke! you guys just don't get it!
No. 589099
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this fan remade his fanart for her…
No. 589101
File: 1526799250831.png (233.6 KB, 487x442, difference.PNG)

this is the update. i asked him if the comparison was just wrt his artistic improvement, i believe him when he says yes, but it's fucking unintentionally hilarious
No. 589113
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>>589108When did she say this happened again? On August 27, 2017 Shreg said they still hadn't had a threesome.
No. 589117
File: 1526800512875.png (52.68 KB, 678x519, oh no.png)

>>589113and june suggested on aug 7th that she had a threesome, so, who is telling the truth?
No. 589118
>>589117samefag but unless she had a threesome with someone else?
discord-anon, can you please cap more of the convo from this date about the threesome subject?
No. 589119
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No. 589141
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>>589091thank you for posting this. i didn't even remember this post. that unichan anon was legit. everything crazy he said turned out to be true. i thought it was pretty far fetched when i first read them.
leaving this quote from this
>>398451 excellent and now very pertinent post of his
No. 589142
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No. 589148
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No. 589151
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I'm loving the sudden burst of twitter memes
No. 589165
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:^ )
No. 589168
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>i never heard of boxxy until people started calling me boxxy
> i literally didn't know who she was
No. 589169
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>being 20+ and writing like this
very embarrassing
No. 589172
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>>589168I just listened to it and I want to die.
No. 589179
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This is petty but I noticed that in the more recent Armoured Media review videos with Pregory she often holds a plushie in front of her torso and I think it is an attempt to hide her weight gain from the audience.
No. 589181
File: 1526812831298.png (569.58 KB, 845x468, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 8.39…)

>>589179In the 50 Shades Freed video from Feb she had her stomach covered the whole time with the bunny plushie.
No. 589184
File: 1526813755801.jpg (28.46 KB, 320x400, uwuuu.jpg)

>>589182uwu a lil cheeseburger snack uwu~
No. 589193
>>589141reminder to everyone that rob admitted to her mocking her fans
he just said it was funny and an okay thing to do
No. 589211
File: 1526818081994.png (462.97 KB, 756x813, 1.png)

leave jessie and james alone.
No. 589229
>>589075Oh wow, I used to watch that girls videos lol
Glad to know Skeptics don’t actually question anything.
God this is almost as bad as those sjw clique circles on tumblr.
No. 589231
>>589073>I’m not sick!! You’re sick!!Classic projection/deflection tactics lol
June is cluster b confirmed
No. 589242
>>589201sorry for the wait, it took a while to find it
it starts at 51:30 "it became a big mess"
other juicy timestamps:
1:00:30 she was sexually inexperienced after a bunch of blowjobs to different guys
1:13:00 she's always marketing herself, even in private
1:21:00 june enjoys having a personal army
No. 589262
>>589101Lmao he made her chunky.
Good. Now she can go pull her hair out and yell at herself in the mirror for being a fatass with no waistline.
No. 589265
>>589240IIRC she said ''we both (her & preg)liked anime when we were children but grew out of it'', something along those lines. No idea where the time stamps are though.
She's careful with her
actual stance on anime, she clearly doesn't like it/only the aesthetic of it, but a lot of her fans are into anime, so she doesn't provide an opinion besides the ''2 bombs weren't enough amirite xD'' meme she always does. I mean scarf girl apparently liked anime and look how she was treated by her, lol.
No. 589267
>>589266lmao she and preg deserve each other
can't wait to see the inevitable break-up and the drama that will come from it
No. 589270
>>589211Wait, did she change her Twitter name back after Venti bashed her about it??
I thought it was cringe, but, this shows the second she gets a negative reaction to something she just changes it to try and appeal to more people.
No. 589271
>>589270lmao i didnt even notice that
damn, that's just sad
No. 589278
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dumbass you gave an interview on your bdsm sex life where you said you and preg were into ffm threesomes
what is a ffm threesome if not watching your bf fucking another ho
No. 589280
>>589279T H I C C S E C R E T
No. 589307
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something to send to her WKs
No. 589308
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>>589307more general version
No. 589324
>>589268>>589201Go to 27 minutes into the interview, Brittany ask if shuwu changes her interest based on who she is around.
Rob states she hated star wars and was one of the only people who he actually knew who did(you can tell he specifically remembered because of that reason).
He later backpedals on it after Brittany points out that shuwu likes star wars now because of preg.
It should be mentioned Rob admits he knows nothing about Preg and has never seen his videos. So when he brought up star wars it was in no connection to him, so not liking star wars must have been a big deal when they were friends if thats one of the few things he'd recall.
So yeah, basically shuwu has watched and hated star wars but magically forgets that she did(like with everything) once she gets with Preg
It's really funny, it could've been any other movie franchise but, shuwu specially hated the one her future husband is obsessed over.
No. 589327
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>'sexually repressed'
oh yeah because bjs aren't sex
No. 589342
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No. 589352
>>589327>screaming in videos about having sex and sucking dick, showing your ass to everyone in the parking lot then posting it on the internet, making fun of random bystanders to this very dayso anxious uwu
>talks on and twitter about how insecure she is, makes fun of other women, shoops, lies about measurements out of insecurity >pretends to be okay with his cheating despite bragging about how territorial she was when it obviously bothers her>talks about how much attention she needs, greg never gives her the time of day, never gives her attention, kicks her out and in and even lied to her saying she couldn't stay there legally until the visa/citizenship thing was done> cheated on her previous bf as well as greg never changing his cheating wayssuch a good relationship, usually body dysphoric people if they're in a good relationship, their confidence raises, not lowers.
No. 589358
>>589352Don't forget the video where she flashes Gerg while she's in a parking lot. So anxious uwu~
>>589349That reminds me, who has the caps of those BDSM gurus or whatever saying that when they saw Shuwu and Pregory they saw signs of an abusive relationship?
No. 589359
>>589349If they're just playing is up for the "edginess" how can she explain preg flirting with other women openly on twitter? no one in a stable relationship thinks this is ok. We only thought she accepted it cause we thought she seriously considered herself a cuck but, apparently thats just memeing as well
also, guys looking at porn or jacking it camgirls is fine if their gfs thinks it's ok(personally I think camgirl tipping goes way too far) but, preg literally like porn on his public twitter,the one that represents his channel and has shuwu's name in the description. why can't he do that outside of social media? it's like if your bf liked a nude pic on fb for all your friends to see.
No. 589369
>>589362it's all so fucking ironic. She keeps describing herself as "armouredskeptic's footstool", "dormat", grocery has "owner of shoe0nhead" in his twitter bio, but when the people are like "lol, you're boyfriend doesn't respect you, you're such a cuck" she's all like "it was all jockes uwu, we never had threesoms" she's so pathetic
can't wait for "it's not true that I worship his dick 24/7, it's actually only 8 hours 5 days a week"
she's embarasing herself more and more :)
No. 589376
>>589352even if we were to humor the idea that all her old vlgs were her playing up a character, do you really want us to believe a shy girl would post herself yelling in public, bragging about fake sex, and make fat girl jokes/bully stories for the internet to see?
>>589369the 24/7 bdsm tweet proves she takes herself and her bdsm relationship EXTREMELY seriously, why else would she put "have you seen out videos!?" she expects everyone to come to the conclusion that Preg is a totaly ALPHA DADDY DOM and she's extremely submissive footstool etc.
God, the fact that she's even trying to pull this "i was just playing it up/meming narrative is so rough. Even her own fucking fans took what she was saying seriously.
No. 589378
>>589358>BDSM gurus saying they saw signs of an abusive relationshipooooh i'd also really love to hear more about this if anyone knows what this anon is talking about
>>589369>"it's not true that I worship his dick 24/7, it's actually only 8 hours 5 days a week"FUCKIN LMAO
>>589376yeah the tweet that's being meme'd right now shows how seriously she takes this shit
No. 589381
>>589376>the 24/7 bdsm tweet proves she takes herself and her bdsm relationship EXTREMELY seriouslyOn that subject, does anyone else find it concerning that she claims they discovered BDSM after "naturally" getting into those dynamics?
I mean if you're into an inequal, 24/7 relationship without an existent structure… How is that different from abuse?
No. 589382
>>589346I swear Shoe is exactly like fucking Leafy. They both use anti-insults because it's easier to get away with ''yeah she's a whore and i portray her like a disusing slob in my video buuut we should not care abt her personal life! uwu it's all just jokez xD' than with ''she is a whore''.
I remember when she went after this guy with fucking 100 subs. Can't find her response video because of course it has been deleted. Basically she made fun of him for being a brony and back pedaled immediately after so she looked innocent.
No. 589393
>>589381>24/7 relationship without an existent structure… How is that different from abuse?Idk about abuse, I think mentally it can fuck with someone's self awareness. Shuwuw is backpedaling on the bdsm cringe tweets by saying it purposely played up but, we all know very well she gets very
triggered when people challenge her on it(VAniLLA nORMIES!!) and she must be aware now people are laughing at how retarded it looks to outsiders.
Besides that, their relationship must be very shallow, I get couples who like to play into their gender roles, it can be a natural thing but, with bdsm, it can be a made up construct within the relationship. Shuwu might like to think Preg is a dom but, anyone with eyes and ears knows he's not at all and it feels like they need to force labels and roles onto each other instead of accepting themselves for who they really are.
No. 589406
>>5893811. I don't believe for a second that she didn't know (as she claimed) what BDSM was before Preg.
2. Maybe BDSM isn't inherently abusive, but considering we know Shreg to be an asshole in general I think in this case it is.
No. 589416
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No. 589419
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>>589381>>589406They knew about BDSM, they just didn't know what DDLG was.
No. 589459
>>589179~dnt think im a fatty with no waist line teehee uwu~
wasn't sword girl identity already posted? I wonder how june feels about sword girl, the "Fatty with no waistline" being slimmer and curvier than her
No. 589463
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she deleted the response off her
No. 589466
>>589459Oh, shuwu is getting fat. And old. And she already is quite ugly. Who is she going to mock now?
Honestly I think she was bully in school, becouse of her low self-esteem, becouse of how ugly she was. It's not a suprise to me that she's getting meaner now, when she's getting chubby
No. 589480
>>589466>I think she was bully in school, because of her low self-esteemprolly, I've seen women who are so insecure they cry when they look at pics of themselves, and even they don't put as much effort as shoe does when attacking other women's appearances, but shuwu doesn't react to her insecurity by just being sad and trying to fix it, she photoshops, lies and brings down other women, even fucking background bystanders she goes after… just why?
honestly, I don't think she's ugly, she has her flaws and also shitty makeup and boring hair and whatnot, but her face is 5/10 and her body is.. well it's not hot or anything, just average, she's as boring as a rock, probably why she goes out her way to be not like other girls
what's makes her ugly is her personality and insecurity, her ever changing persona, her obsession fixed on whoever she's dating at the moment, hence why she can't carry normal female friendships anymore, her constant backpedaling, one minute she's this next minute she's not this she's that, does she even have a sense of individuality ? her attacking other women, how she's so annoyingly full of herself despite her insecurity she always has to bring her waistline or tits into everything and now she's getting fat and her waist was never special to begin with
for high school bullying, she was a bitch, the popular bitch, maybe because of her low self esteem but I doubt it
No. 589483
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>>588622i cannot believe shuwu let shreg upload this picture of her. it's extremely unflattering…
also i know i've said commented on this pic before, but you can tell how flabby preggory's ass is. look at his back fat spilling out ths side of his offensively tight vest and jeans LOL.
No. 589486
>>589478it's only stalking when it's threads about her apparently!
I go on onion threads as well and I remember a video mocking him was literally only shared on lolcow and she ended up tweeting it almost a few minutes after it was posted and I was sure she definitely comes on here.
She salty that she has a thread and now an ED article that can inform people of how fake she is. Sorry we like to point out when someone is being a liar shuwu, you just happen to be a big one who profits off of it.
No. 589526
>>589480She's not ugly, it's definitely her personality that's ugly. She looks like every other Italian-American girl her age. Her body and size are average. Before her ~Youtube fame~ stalled her emotional growth and maturity, she acted like every other extroverted, loud teen/tween in the mid to late noughties. She's as normie as you can get. Which is fine, being a normie is better than being a ~smol loli goffic wallflower who's into bdsm and can't defend herself~ with a selfish, morbidly obese, stupid boyfriend that you have to convince yourself is actually a Disney prince with a heart of gold and the brain of Stephan Hawking so you don't have to face reality.
Imagine being so desperate for e-fame you spend everyday screeching to your gullible teenage audience that you're the opposite of what you really are. After getting famous from impersonating another popular Youtuber at that.
No. 589551
>>589544> and think June could be fixed if she just dumped him and laid off the internet for a monthI use to think this earlier on when there was only 1 or 2 threads but, after finding out more about her past, I'd doubt this would fix her.
I honestly believe, even if her channel ended from people getting bored of her content or most of her fans realizing how fake she is, she'd maybe "leave" the internet for a few months and come back with a totally new persona and agenda.
She's a complete sell out and would never want to do real work after getting a taste of easy e-fame money and attention.
No. 589562
What kills me is her claim that "I POSTED THESE VIDEOS AS 'OMG I ALMOST DIED' STORYTIME CLICK Bait SO THEY WERE ALL LIES", but you didn't, June, because none of those anecdotes were remotely interesting to Anyone beyond people that would've wanted to know more about her as a person (see: thirsty men). they were all just basic boring teenage milestones and shit. They weren't tana mongeau level interesting or anything. They wouldn't be of interest to 100% of the YouTube population because they're the exact kind of unremarkable, boring shit every kid goes thru. The ONLY reason why she uploaded those vids about her/about her experiences was to endear herself to her unichan fanbase, so they could feel more intimate to her and get to know her better. June, none of those stories even remotely resembled "OMG I ALMOST DIED" or anything even close to interesting to anyone that wasn't already into you, and wanted to just know more about her as a person
>>589483For real. Her waist looks pretty fridgy in comparison to her legs, and this is when she was much thinner/proud of her body. Sorry June, you don't have a Disney princess waist w/o shoop.
No. 589566
File: 1526845938587.png (30.92 KB, 729x300, 1.png)

so strong and brave
send buns uwu
No. 589586
File: 1526846794200.png (111.54 KB, 592x585, whiteknights.png)

>>589566Cock1nMouth's fans are so mean. no b00li plz this is the last thing she needs right now uwu~
No. 589587
File: 1526846820529.jpg (86.07 KB, 1219x772, kKB0uy9.jpg)

Looks like this didn't age well.
No. 589592
>>589588Reminder, those are the same people who made fun of others complaining about harassment and safe spaces. They literally are SJWs.
No. 589593
>>589587perfect. the best part she def gained more than just 20 lbs. can't wait to see how fat she gets by next christmas and switches her narrative to body acceptance
>>589589it's crazy how ironic all of this is. I hope Brittany points this out, makes comparisons to how she's reacting to this to how she makes fun of feminists for being melodramatic victims when she's reacts even worse when it comes to criticisms and her fans are giant m'lady whight knights
No. 589594
File: 1526847322910.png (194.6 KB, 486x218, 1469307279780.png)

>>589577I feel like sh0e never thought she'd be in a position of having to figure out how to get out of scrutiny with her reputation and dignity intact. She always tried to stay in the middle, which baffled me because she so obviously sucked alt-right cock even before Skeptic that I never understood how there was even a debate on who's side she was on. But whatever, people bought the whole on the fence thing and I thought (probably like her) that she'd never, ever get called out even though she was so obviously biased. Feminists being upset at the way women are treated are stupid butthurt crybabys and worth mocking relentlessly but men who do the same thing totally have legit complaints.
I never thought I'd see her in the fire and desperately trying to figure out how to get out of it, I've been waiting so long and it's so fucking delicious.
No. 589599
File: 1526847827426.png (1.13 MB, 599x1180, 1526847756321.png)

what is this cunt's problem? wasn't she white knighting June a week ago?
No. 589607
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>>589604honestly this one is hilarious
No. 589612
File: 1526848447079.png (280.82 KB, 474x440, left.PNG)

yeah so the left is def reclaiming it but i guess trying to support her while doing it. these people are fucking morons. she's throwing you all under the bus with this whole debacle, how is that not obvious??
No. 589619
File: 1526848757942.png (29.39 KB, 745x271, 1.png)

>>589612this was under
>>589599how amazing, shuwu going through blocking everyone making this a meme. even ones who are her possible fans.
triggered can one person get?
No. 589620
>>589612>the left is def reclaiming ithonest question: does the left even like her? i'm a lefty and i don't know anyone who likes her aside from a few select youtubers. the only reason she's on my radar is because of lolcow. she's mostly known as ~the altright boxxy~ and for taking down sjws. the only reason she got famous in the first place is because she's a relatively attractive woman in an otherwise male-dominated sphere. it's the same reason blaire white is "famous." she's one of the few conservative/antisjw trans people.
please correct me if i'm wrong because i'm genuinely curious lol.
No. 589622
>>589620To be honest I don't think the left in general likes her. She has her own circle jerk and that's it, but she'll never be accepted in left/liberal spaces, I'd say mainly because she's very openly against BLM and uses the word nigga (with a hard r too, may I add) very casually.
The only thing she's got going is her crusade for trans people, which she shares with ''lefties''.
No. 589626
>>589620she attracts a lot of dumblr type girls/trans from what I've seen. Mostly because of her recent "BEAT THE TERRRFFSSS!!! xDDxD" and also because of how open she is to talking about her bdsm shit. She herself follows lots of liberals for that reason, since(no offense) liberals tend to be more willing to be into degenerate stuff like ddlg/pet play
That's why her saying she and Grocery are "playing up" their relationship pisses me off. She has a lot of impressionable young girls who apparently look up to her smol fake aesthetic and you'll see them under her tweets trying to talk and look EXACTLY like her.
But no, she's totally just memeing everything. I guess she just sees her fanbase as one huge joke.
No. 589628
>>589620"Ranting Feminist" Claudia Brown is defending her and some other sjw youtubers are friends with her too. The cognitive dissonance in some people is astounding. I'd love for any of them to address
>>589346 or
>>589625 No. 589631
File: 1526849974657.jpg (13.88 KB, 480x411, Ja9Hjjb.jpg)

>>589625Leslie Jones' reply to her tweet at the beginning of the video is more relevant than ever lmao
No. 589636
File: 1526850237224.png (176.24 KB, 774x430, june is a hypocrite.PNG)

>>589631posting for convenience
No. 589637
>>589628>I'd love for any of them to addresswhenever someone does address stuff like this to them about shuwu they always go "she's changed! That was from forever ago!" despite them being the same people to jump on someone else's ass for saying something "forever ago"
hell, shuwu is guilty for bring up tweets and statements made years ago by people just to make a shitty "point".
No. 589640
File: 1526850402085.jpg (35.48 KB, 960x720, 1410849169960.jpg)

Brittany plz tweet this.
No. 589644
File: 1526850725103.png (86.87 KB, 833x431, thegatewaypundit.PNG)

>calls black people protesting thousands upon thousands of extrajudicial killings 'racists' and 'supremacists'
>"I AM A LIBERAL!!!!!!!!"
No. 589648
File: 1526850917259.jpg (18.43 KB, 480x480, 1407388777186.jpg)

>>589644BUT ANON SHE'S CHANGED!!!1!!!11!
sniffs farts No. 589651
File: 1526851000661.png (19.8 KB, 645x190, rVRyjBj.png)

>>589644lmao she said
this year that only ghetto guys catcall, despite the fact that she and greg boast about catcalling…? that's not coded language at all. she's totes changed her racist ways, you guys!1!
No. 589652
File: 1526851066705.png (118.39 KB, 795x361, race is boring.PNG)

>>589646wow this is so lefty of you, june. not racist pandering to a white supremacist fanbase at all.
No. 589659
File: 1526851262379.png (216.83 KB, 758x632, never called anyone a nigger.P…)

im tempted to make a "curb your hypocrisy/lies" june video
No. 589660
>>589636>>589640SPREAD THIS HOLY SHIT
>>589599>>589619lol i remember her making this tweet yesterday, with the words 'i worship his dick 24/7' and then deleting it
that's how i knew her friend was a tranny, even before i saw said friend's anime twitter shit and all the posts about how he's 'such a lesbian omg' which is always a dead giveaway
No. 589661
>>589636>>589659I have the smuggest look on my face right now.
I love that she spent so much time pandering to /pol/ and now it's coming back to bite her in the ass now that she wants to be a "soft liberal uwu".
I wouldn't even be bothered by her using the word "nigger" if she 1) didn't lie about it and 2) wasn't obviously a weird, racist fuck with a strange fixation on black people ever since she's been catfishing as one on MySpace.
No. 589677
>>589625>>589636>>589644>>589651>>589652>>589659>>589667someone needs to compile all those tweets where she says nigger or variations of it and add
>>589662 (those tweets are only about 6 months after
>>589659 ) and that one where she answers her thoughts on that Pewdiepie controversy.
No. 589678
>>5896689 days = weeks so I imagine for shuwu 2 years like 10 years for her.
Maybe that's why she forgot all those bjs.
No. 589685
File: 1526852225691.png (16.33 KB, 664x140, dppqA9Y.png)

same anon. this aged so poorly
No. 589686
File: 1526852233399.png (45.52 KB, 542x667, amazing.png)

environmental racism is made up i guess despite it being incredibly well documented. like, let's say you really did disagree w BLM, denying environmental racism is just gaslighting a very very very historically well documented issue, and you have to be a huge racist to try and deny it.
how can anyone say none of her racist shit is pandering to the right? she calls /pol/ delightful, ffs
No. 589689
File: 1526852402024.png (24.68 KB, 489x213, wow.PNG)

"kys" is her level of 'socio-political commentary', but she cries to sartirician about him saying for her fake character to kill herself and how NO ONE SHOULD EVER SAY THAT EVER
No. 589691
File: 1526852613267.png (45.84 KB, 542x451, 1.png)

guyz she just hated blm cause they interrupted a pride parade :c
No. 589692
File: 1526852651137.png (10.19 KB, 612x85, MDF4z8T[1].png)

did no one catch jeff talking to shoe again
No. 589701
File: 1526852893497.png (22.89 KB, 467x214, literally you are.PNG)

she tweeted
>>589659 >>589652
>>589651 after this tweet
No. 589702
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No. 589710
File: 1526853152807.png (10.44 KB, 484x135, TcwiKSi.png)

>>589686she and shreg think institutional racism is made up as well. she answered this only a few days ago.
No. 589715
File: 1526853416375.png (757.79 KB, 1587x1587, vy4rmsv6lox01.png)

No. 589721
>>589716This. Brittany is also at least self aware. It reminds how fucking old wig is for acting this way. I forget she's years older than me.
Most cows on here usually have the excuse of being in their early 20s but, wig is turning 28 next month and she's getting worse at handling things each year, I can't imagine what she's going to be like in her 30s.
No. 589724
File: 1526854013755.jpeg (126.51 KB, 806x702, F525B124-9047-40E4-A9B3-82BB37…)

Lightened it
No. 589730
File: 1526854205344.png (163.08 KB, 1111x529, PFhzYxm.png)

>>589724tfw you gain weight and your entire personality revolves around how t h i n n and smol you are
No. 589745
>>589724she and preg are morphing into the same person
it will be a tale of two daddy doms
No. 589755
>>589680While I don't agree with the thought or opinion of some anons that hating BLM or making edgy jokes makes on racist, I don't think it would be the smartest for Brittany to make the "racism" argument. Not only because she has clearly made the same if not worse jokes, but the majority of Shoes casual fans aren't really liberal. Or, they aren't the type to get upset about racial jokes. The like June because she puts of these persona in her vids that she is this "anti-sjw" " anti-liberal" person and then on twitter it's a completely different persona.
That to me is the most damaging. She acts like a standard liberal on twitter because it gets her less hate/or because it's more popular on Twitter.
Whether you're a liberal that is anti-edgy jokes, or someone who is more right or non-political and okay with those jokes, that's fine. But, just own it and don't change your mind just because you get some backlash and want to be on so innocent
No. 589759
File: 1526855839369.jpg (85.44 KB, 750x900, genius level iq here…)

>>589745I wonder if Mouth0nDick will make retarded comics as well.
No. 589770
File: 1526856107533.jpg (305.9 KB, 1280x1004, 1409020336729.jpg)

>>589759he made this when he was 20.
No. 589779
>>589770It's so fucking cringy when you find out June's and Pregory's real age after you see their old work.
Like you read June's old blog post and think she wrote it when she was 14 until you realize she was 22.
Same with Preg, these comics loom like a 10 year old made them, but he was actually 20….
what a power couple
No. 589793
File: 1526857264036.jpg (49.21 KB, 750x333, bootleg family guy.jpg) just don't understand how someone who is 20 years old could make these comics and see nothing wrong with them.
No. 589800
File: 1526857652028.jpg (79.31 KB, 500x461, 1432131134414.jpg)

>>589724>tfw snobby ass June who was all smug about her figure and blasted every chick slightly bigger than her as a disgusting land whale fatty now has the same body type as meEnjoy bitch
No. 589802
File: 1526857722421.png (97.84 KB, 499x504, ArmouredComics.png)

He was willing to make more of those comics in 2015…
No. 589811
File: 1526858871338.gif (1.93 MB, 235x240, 1356323164784.gif)

>>589804Aww thank you anon. But I really don't mind, I'm never in front of a camera or trying to make money off of my appearance, and that's all June's ever had so it's so sweet to see her look more like me and know it must drive her crazy. She's someone who could really benefit from taking 'beauty is on the inside' to heart. All that nastiness and shit talking other girls and acting like she's so superior for just being thinner is slapping her in the face and I love it.
No. 589816
File: 1526859139410.png (Spoiler Image,825.9 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180520-192121.png)

What if that brittany simon chick is the thicc secret? :^)
No. 589820
File: 1526859960635.png (366.21 KB, 573x349, ew.PNG)

>>589599slight ot but no wonder this chick and her ""gf"" like preg and june
No. 589822
File: 1526860478055.png (1.02 MB, 1500x1261, soygirltweet.png)

he's aching for a girl with real hair :^)
No. 589826
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>>589822he liked this too. june and shreg are always calling other men beta males, manlets, etc. not to mention bragging about his supposedly huge dick. nice to know he's as hypocritical as june.
No. 589878
>>589724Wonder if she'll come out and say
"But but everyone gets rolls when they sit"
But pretended like she didn't know that most women, unless they have an extremely defined waistline (and no shoe, you never had a defined waist even standing up, no matter how much you warp), which most of the time can only be achievable with waist training, will not have the same waist line when they lay on their back
Or does she only wanna know how posing works when it excuses her beer belly but allows her to bash average/slim women
No. 589888
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No. 589904
File: 1526869260089.png (13.12 KB, 823x139, qDCWjCy.png)

>>589900she was just being add. don't reach, anon
No. 589918
File: 1526870157927.png (429.6 KB, 618x850, pPIPlFC.png)

>there's so many fat people heremost of the people she's filming are thinner than greg. i'm beginning to think she doesn't know what her own fiance looks like
>>589914tbh her biggest crime is being incredibly unfunny. she wouldn't be nearly as hateable if she could tell a funny joke even once in awhile. you'd think someone with such bad anxiety uwu would be a little more self-conscious about their comedic abilities. she's the centrist amy schumer for sure
No. 589921
>>589919normally i'd agree, but she has a history of filming fat women and posting it on the internet. just look through these threads. if it were anyone else, it would def be a reach. but june? no, she was making fun of that woman for sure
> she could have just thought she was hot for all we knowanon….
No. 589933
>>589919I think its a stretch to think that anon
Even if it was true, filming a random woman working out and posting it on YouTube with a large viewing? That's creepy as hell, imagine if a man zoomed in on random women running and posted it, didn't even bother blurring her face, its creepy and it should be
Funny how june and those imaginary middle aged women who insult her body she claims happens so much is "violating and being female doesn't give you a pass to touch other women!" But violating other women on her part is okay apparantly
She's becoming the woman she hates
No. 589934
>>589918In one of her super old Q&A's where she was talking about her bullying she gave this example of making fun of this one poor nerdy chick at her school who wore a Harry Potter scarf all the time or something. Shuwu in all of her wit would tease this girl by calling her, wait for it…
Scarf girl.
I seriously can't imagine being that much of a cunt while simultaneously having so little worth of your own.
No. 589940
>>589934Her reenactment if this actually made me lol at how dumb it was, I think it went something like, "Scarf girl, scarf girl, where's your scarf, scarf girl?"
>>589933Surprise surprise June being a hypocrite once again. At this point I really don't think anything she says can be taken seriously any longer. Especially now with her trying to "issa meme" all her past shitty behavior? tbh I cannot even imagine what her videos will be like going forward.
No. 589941
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No. 589948
>>589724Are she and Preg just not gonna comment on her being confirmed 2/10 in his book now?
Also, not even one year ago:
>I eat whatever I want and I stay like 99 pounds :3 how mad r u XD No. 589964
>>589950>>589941Well he did fuck up and say he was her boyfriend then he hastily caught himself but the "boyfriend after me" thing came from him too naturally to me lol he was definitely trying his hardest to be selective with his answers and hide some things
Sage for tinfoil
No. 589965
>>589724Wow such a disney princess waistline
No. 589976
>>589942Alt-left,the atheist/bdsm community type, will defend anyone who is part of them
Alt-right is unforgiving, if you're a woman expect to be treated like shit by the alt right, no matter what you do they'll nitpick and bash, just look at how they treat Lauren southern
Both are bad IMO, while june claims to not cater to these types, the anti-feminists/MRAs can get pretty disgusting with how they treat women, even women who agree with them, a lot of people just mindlessly jump on the feminist hate bandwagon, all they do is pick low hanging fruit and acknowlege bad feminists to represent feminism but ignore how bad their own group has become
No. 589981
File: 1526876119892.png (201.08 KB, 795x636, huhjhjk.png)

>>589941Is there anything she won't forgive a man for?
No. 590017
File: 1526879793173.png (201.03 KB, 325x305, how-do-you-do-fellow-lefties.p…)

I hope you guys like this photoshop. That is what her twitter handle screams to me.
No. 590020
File: 1526880226066.png (372.57 KB, 1000x666, 1526252920372.png)

>>590017hahahah, this is perfect. it's so fucking true
No. 590052
>>590034She panders then switches sides.
Like how she was "alt-right Boxxy" then suddenly she was a liberal all along and "cringes at alt-right."
No. 590113
File: 1526898755240.png (184.92 KB, 1826x827, kiwiupdate.png)

/ourguy/ (the ED editor) made this post on Kiwi Farms.
No. 590123
>>590105Oh, she's an "exthot" now.
No more Preggory tips….
No. 590126
ot but do you have a link or whatever? where did you hear this?
No. 590127
>>589019Honestly, even I felt that shoe's "debunking" was good enough to shut down Brit's vid in a way. Imo Brit should have either provided better evidence of Shoe actually lying, or at least made some kind of thought-out criticism based on the presented evidence, like basically the opinion expressed in
>>588969The proof she showed wasn't really damning and on top of it her commentary throughout the whole video was substanceless sarcastic fluff. It was a milky video as far content cop style shit goes sure, but it did leave her open to a "debunk" from Shoe. All she had to do was address the Stacy videos which she had already denounced as lies.
The cringey shregg stuff was funny but not a real criticism for Shoe to defend herself from. The real cringe needs context: e.g. how Shoe is the first to come whiteknight him about any little thing someone says about him, but he's too busy talking to other thots to say a WORD in June's defence during the Lauren Southern meltdown which was arguably one of the biggest shitfights she ever got in.
But that context was left out of the video.
Not trying to drag Brit. The video was fun and milky. But I'm not surprised that a lot of her fans remain unconvinced after she's debunk. Tbh for me the creme de la milk of Shoe was her continuing to force her gof wallflower persona while evidence piled up about her being a stacy. Somehow, her being actually socially retarded and having lied about being a stacy in vids from before she became shoe0nhead just isn't as milky. I agree 100% with
>>588969 and
>>588980 but it's easy to "dedbunk" Brit's vid since she never provided that nuanced, opinionated criticism, rather just trying to make shoe look like a total liar.
No. 590129
File: 1526900712709.jpg (38.48 KB, 578x346, BLA65mb.jpg)

Drama? What drama? I can't see no drama
Now quickly, let's find someone even worse then me on the internet so I can make fun of them
I love how she has to deflet from all of this by hiding behind people who actally enjoy killing their own children
No. 590132
File: 1526901044637.png (110.44 KB, 608x626, sure gregg.png)

No. 590135
>>590129June appears to take a middling "you do you" stance on abortion when answering one of the questions in this video but no she's ~soooo liberal lefty guys~ and even
she's screaming oh boy!
No. 590139
>>590129you can easily search that title in youtube and get the video. she knows that
she just took a week long "break" from twitter because she couldn't handle the slightest amount criticism and now she's back to ~dunkin on~ channels with a few followers
No. 590140
>>590132>"if it weren't the most boring club ever"Shitty excuse.
Mensa has special interest groups and debates. I don't see how that's more boring than his snoozefest of a channel.
>>590136The only reason why I (and most others here) mock her body is because she does it to others. If she weren't constantly bragging about her 'Disney physique' and insulting other women I would never mock her.
No. 590142
File: 1526901600376.png (20.62 KB, 197x467, srWDC1Q.png)

>>590139same anon, found the vid in like 5 secs.
No. 590150
File: 1526902136267.png (98.3 KB, 658x656, E9vAazO.png)

No. 590160
>>590155tbh I do sympathize somewhat with her insecurities, but when you pick a way of dealing with them that actively hurts others you don't deserve sympathy anymore.
If she can't handle getting shit flung at her online, she should stop basing her Youtube career on doing the same to others, it's that simple. If she'd stop doing that I think she'd deserve all the support in the world honestly.
>>590159If this tweet were by anyone else, I might agree. But knowing Septic and how full of himself he really is, it's probably a serious tweet.
No. 590162
>>590140I think
>>590136 meant that what Shoe said was shitty
No. 590169
>>590095Fucking idiot groceries, Chivalry doesn't mean being courteous to women and i'd think that a person with a fucking knight as their mascot would realize this.
Chivalry is a solemn religious, class based code of knighthood which is more to do with social class than the modern men opening doors for women co opted definition. You'd think a Mensa level IQ person would realize this.
>>590113That's lovely milk for the Kiwis, we've been hogging all the milk to ourselves for a while now lel.
>>590133kek this should be a permanent site banner.
No. 590171
>>589137>shoulda left that shit in highschool when you peakedmein sides
kinda OT but who made this beat? Def can't be her or else she'd be trying to attention whore about being a ~musician~
No. 590178
>>589169kek I read that as "nothing but bald"
samefag as
>>590171I guess this means she does make her own beats?
No. 590180
>>589169>"jessi slaughter's disgusting mug"jfc. reminder that jessi was an 11-year old girl who had rumors spread about her that she slept with/was raped by the singer of BOTDF, got harrassed by pedos from /b/ and then got cyberbullied and turned into a meme after she awkwardly tried to act tough and her abusive father stepped in.
she may still be doing some stupid shit now that she's an adult, but she was a young girl at the time who had to deal with a lot of crap.
june is such trash, fuck.
No. 590204
>>589755idk anon, I could see how casually using "nigga" is cringey but not necessarily OVERTLY racist, but the tweet where she says "black people are making excuses for high crime statistics" is proof to me that she's actually racist
She's basically saying black people are inherently more violent than whites
No. 590205
>>590201her white knights will say that she's not like that anymore but it sure is convenient she started changing her ways when she got called out more
it's not like this stuff is all that old
basically she was a big ol' bigot for many years and now almost overnight decided she's gonna be a nice and openminded person
except to fat chicks i guess
No. 590207
>>589802"I was a kid"
>20Maybe this is where June gets her "pathological lying about a pretend-life where you're a Stacy is just a thing normal kids (read: 19yos) do all the time" attitude
No. 590212
>>589919agreed, Brit could have used a more damming video
but no matter what, shoe would still respond all like "yeah I'm a bitch but that's okay!!!!!"
No. 590217
File: 1526912721143.jpg (545.64 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180521-093017_Chr…)

I went to the CC to see if any of it was still up since June posted on there quite a bit in her early days. Only found her reply twice on a thread someone created asking about her since I guess she just abandoned the site. Saged for not really relevant. But, did see something about her and a girl named Hilary? And apparently Boxxy hated her. ((This pic is from a thread about the fact that June's doxx was on Catiechan and unichan))
No. 590219
File: 1526912861267.jpg (403.49 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180521-092706_Chr…)

Was she with her one and only bf before Greg in 2013?
No. 590220
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Her only interaction I could really find
No. 590221
File: 1526912972142.jpg (138.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180521-090724_Chr…)

And apparently Ian was so close of a friend he even had her YouTube password
No. 590247
File: 1526917941895.png (514.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180520-192251.png)

Oh godddd
No. 590281
>>590278Or the vid where she’s out with her friends and acts scared because there are black people around.
Brittany could use all those things in her newest video.
No. 590287
>>590217I wonder why June just has so many issues with other women. I've more of a tomboy or just not hype feminine yet, I've never had an issue holding female friendships because I wasn't catty or bitchy and wasn't trying to get constant attention from men.
Also, she can't use the "one of the boyzz" excuse because she clearly is very feminine. I think she just can't stand when another woman is getting more Male attention from her.
Also, why the hell has she not ever made any effort to move out of her parents? I'm starting to think she is mentally incapable of managing an adult life. She's only moving out to be under control of another adult.
No. 590290
>>590074>When was she alt-right?She might have not directly called herself alt-right (or maybe she did but deleted the tweet lol) but up until few months ago, she did support almost everything they did.
>Friends with Sargon of Akkad, Lauren Southern etc. >Defended and supported Milo Yiannopoulos, also whiteknighted Sargon like crazy>Voted for Trump, openly supported him, celebrated when he won>Constantly shat on literally every feminist issue>Attacked Leslie Jones along with /pol/, for daring to be black character in a movie>Tried to play a ~tradwaifu~, failed hard>Gamergate pandering even though she doesn't play video games>Her whole career was built on pandering to /pol/ until they found out she had a black boyfriend. >Even shat on trannies until she realized she could change tidesOnly few months ago did her "liberal centrist" shtick start.
No. 590293
>>590273Image Greg leaving her or them splitting after she has a kid. Where would she go? Straight back to her parents? I don't see her raising a child on her own.
[Note: I'm not saying having to move back in with parents after a split is always a negative. I actually did so previously after running from my exhusband with our child after he got arrested for abuse. But, in her case where she clearly has a stable income and just still chooses to always be taken care of is sad.]
No. 590295
File: 1526922199010.png (98.04 KB, 500x438, notlikeothergirls.png)

>>590287she just hates other women or views them as competition. she wants to be special.
i'm the same as you, i've had mostly traditionally masculine interests (still do) but i always got along fine with other girls.
and as you say, she's quite feminine. hell, she's a very typical 'basic bitch' type of girl unlike many of the women she mocks.
adhd is not a hobby or personality trait, june.
>I'm starting to think she is mentally incapable of managing an adult life.that's exactly it. she says society treats women as retarded children but that's just projection b/c SHE is treated that way by people.
it's really obnoxious that she lives this way, when she projects this onto women who complain about legitimate issues
and then she acts as if all women except for her are like this, when in fact almost no women except for her are like this
No. 590297
>>590290Not to WK her but alt-right isn't the same as right, or the opposite of liberal.
The alt-right HATE Sargon(and vice versa), and Milo (hes, gay, Jewish and married a black man) and most also hate Lauren.
I'm also pretty sure she didn't vote at all and said both where bad.
I only correct this because when people come at her calling her alt-right then most people just discredit anything else the person says because its incorrect.
She definitely larped as a conservative or anti liberal in videos and in the past and then tried to play up her 'oh so liberal' act on twitter.
But, when we throw out false info it discredits all the absolutes we do have.
No. 590310
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>>590305same anon. found it
No. 590326
>>590316I think calling her anything is a bad idea, she merely changes her opinions to match those around her.
The only things I know for sure, is that she wants friends, and she wants a man. Everything else can change depending on who her peer group is.
Has she ever had an opinion she's stuck with over all this time other than "at least im skinny unlike those other fatties"
No. 590332
>>590326that's almost why I'm tired of reading about her and waiting for something to happen. I'm not going to be that change and it seems like nothing productive can come from it any longer. Turning her fans against her will only be temporary unless she does something truly unforgivable, and despite her being a huge mess she knows how to clean everything up, or at least most of it…
she isn't going to change ever it seems
No. 590333
>>590095Lel recalling back when Shoe said something like that misogyny doesn't real because women in modern society are treated like children
I guess she doesn't want feminism interfering with that
No. 590336
>>590278hoping that that instance specifically was a reference to that old "Everyone is normal on the inside" meme
June is still 100% racist though
No. 590340
>>590326I think pointing out she lies about her sexual experience and sexuality is important, a lot of her fans are young and relate to that. Especially her female fans who feel they're outliers when it comes not having lost their virginity until their 20s
Blogpost but, I use to not necessarily be a "fan" of hers but thought her as similar to me in that sense. I use to be very anti-fem, I looked down on women who had sex early or went to parties and thought they were part of the problem("don't dress sexy if you don't want to get raped" shit). and shuwu saying she was a kissless virgin till 22 and having similar edgy opinions I thought it all "made sense" why some women weren't falling for the "fake rape stats" and women whining about catcalling etc, clearly it's because they aren't "awkward quiet" girls like me and I thought shuwu was also one.
Then I stumbled across her thread on here and saw what she was like in the past and I knew she was a fucking fake, maybe I'm taking too much from my own experiences but, there is no way she was "shy, awkward bullied" girl she claims she was. Finding out about her having many bfs, probably had sex and gave bjs is just so…lol like why would you lie about being a virgin just for male attention?
Either way, I know I'm not the only one who feels this way and has watched her. It makes me sad a lot of other women probably think she's relatable, I want them to know that she's fake but, they probably wont listen.
No. 590341
>>590336when we talk racism these day is it the old definition of racial hatred?
Or the new definition of you didn't give a friendly hello to the gangbangers walking towards you at 1am in detroit?
No. 590347
>>590341I don't think the new definition includes racism towards white people, anon
Some of the stuff she has said is pretty racist, just read the thread ffs
No. 590349
>>590332Yeah, as much as people here like laughing at her bdsm cringe or her political views, the people who like her for that stuff aren't going to care. Brittany needs to release a new video focusing on her hypocrisy and poor character because none of her fans care about the other stuff and nothing is going to happen until then. And even if she makes the video June will probably just "debunk" it again so you're right, something really unforgivable needs to happen. This whole debacle was milky and all but also anticlimactic since not much has changed overall.
>>590340Same. The sexual experience stuff doesn't matter all that much in the overall picture compared to her bullying and all that, but the fact that she's completely different from what she portrays is a huge letdown since I found her really relatable before learning all this.
No. 590354
>>590129So she is just back to her same 'ol shit-slinging bullshit now?
Like, she's learned nothing? Her and greg really are made for each other with the learning disabilities and all.
About to just fuck off the june threads because this is so annoying to me. I honestly wanted to see her 'get better' and grow up but I think she still needs
a lot more time. Maybe the lesson here is to not fucking spoil/shelter your kids to the point they turn into fucking this..
No. 590356
>>590346>>590349Yeah, also, normally idc when girls lie about being virgins or sex experience w/e if they have embarrassing pasts. It be better if she never brought it up to her fans to begin with but, it's clear she does it for attention and to be "not like the other girls". and it's not something where she just answered an askfm question, she would literally go out of her way on twitter to bring up how she was an asexual virgin just to get her fans to join in on the circle jerk.
I wonder if she even understand the impact she has on others when she makes claims like that?
No. 590365
File: 1526929366576.png (1021.38 KB, 1078x707, NtGzVrE[1].png)

from an actual part of the video
No. 590366
>>590358Brittany's in the comments asking to use it in her follow up video.
This is gonna be good.
No. 590379
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>>589808She likes to turn on her fans and then backpedal, that never changed.
No. 590391
>>590374female version of 'soyboy'-face
>>590379does anyone know what 'rage video' this is?
No. 590394
nvm i see now that it's the video posted above
>>589808fantastic edit
No. 590398
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No. 590400
>>590343ikr? on top of being a huge racist. so liberal june uwu
No. 590431
>>590420read the threads, newfag.
>>590423>>590428sage this and stop egging this shit on, we don't need to recap what we hate about her every 10 minutes
No. 590433
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>>590420I have a lot, but I'll go with her being two faced. The Contra thing is a good example.
There's also the whole "no b00li me plx TT^TT" when she harassed that, in her words, "crazy shitzo guy." Here's some archived links of HeHeSillyComics's tweets that I haven't seen posted in either this thread or previous threads. No. 590437
>>590420The fact she claims to be for men's rights/anti-fem yet she's lying to her fans who are 90% males about her sex life, sexuality, past self etc the same way toxic feminist do to get money from them for being and the irony behind it all.
Also the fact she shits on feminist for "playing the victim" despite she herself prefers to remain in safespace by blocking anyone who criticizes her or wants to have a civil debate.
Lastly, her recent "I'M JUST MEMEInG" shit is fucking bs, basically trying to deflect anything cringy she has done.
Basically she's a giant hypocritical narc who makes money from lying to her audience about herself while she "owns" feminists and others for being "terrible" when in reality she's the prime example of a woman taking advantage of retarded neckbeards.
No. 590461
>>590420The fake behavior, the constant lying, the poorly-veiled racism (no, her black ex-boyfriend does not absolve her of racism. All it does is burn bridges with the white neckbeards she's thirsty for now - gg June, you played yourself), male-pandering (she is literally the genderbent version of a stereotypical "male feminist cuck"), the simultaneous narcissism ("I have a Disney princess waist uwu I'm such a loli, n-not a 27 year old woman who dresses in cheap AliExpress clothing and 2008 eyeliner") and tireless need to be popular/well-liked by everyone (hence the Lauren shitstorm), the cowardice, the stale memes she spouts (her humor isn't even well thought out or clever - she's not even smart enough to make decent political satire) and the sheer hypocrisy.
She's the type to throw rocks and then hide her hands. She bullies women who aren't as popular as her (a thing she's been doing since HS), and she wants to be the internet equivalent of Regina George with ttly epic 4chan cred, but she's actually the poorly educated, ignorant, balding, desprrate NEET equivalent of Gretchen Wieners, and plays the victim when things get too hot for her.
Also, she attacks other women's appearances, but she looks like she was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, wears wigs so she can hide that she's near-bald from pulling out any actual hair she might've had, almost exclusively wears shoddily-made items from the YesStyle bargain bin, and she has yet to evolve past 2008 emo kid eyeliner. She is the last person who should be talking.
I also can't stand how she harps on about any girl larger than a size 2 being "fat", meanwhile her boyfriend is a landwhale (and as of
>>589724, she's probably on her way too). He does the same thing, and it's delusional. You cannot talk shit about fat people whilst being one yourself, and/or praising one and pretending he looks like a Disney prince. Pick one.
No. 590472
>>590467I like to think it's June coming in so she can later attempt some damage control (and instead she's just getting told about herself), or one of her whiteknights who was hoping we'd say things he could try to dispute.
Either way, there's no need to play backseat moderator. We're getting a steady flow of milk. We can afford to play around a bit.
No. 590475
>>590420My biggest issue with her mostly has to do with her basically unwarranted popularity. People use her as a source for credibility because she's a public figure. Her response to that is, "LOL it's called ENTERTAINMENT."
But that's clearly not true. All you have to do is a quick search for tweets including "shoe0nhead" and you'll see people using her videos to make arguments or defend their beliefs.
Which is complete nonsense. She's a college drop-out who left her makeup counter job to further pursue this role as "entertainer." But instead of just making jokes about her personal experiences- which she can't because her live is 90% the Internet- she attempts to argue against or debunk something she finds silly. Comedy isn't the "genre" of her videos, it's an aid in the intention to make the point.
So you would think in doing this, she would actually do some research on the subjects she calls out. I mean beyond reading a single article out loud and yelling, "WHHYYYYYY" whenever she misunderstands something.
She's not really equipped to address most of the subjects she talks about because she's not educated in academia OR reality- I mean seriously, she's out of touch with reality. That's a really important thing for anybody watching her videos to understand. Shoe0nhead lives in her childhood bedroom and has no interactions with the real world outside of the insular twitterverse she's created for herself. I mean, even then you could maybe say, "Well she's a self-learner! She observes and reflects on her own time!" But even that's clearly not the case considering she has a literal picture book on logical fallacies and has demonstrated that she doesn't even understand basic things like… how anecdotal evidence does not hold up against empirical data.
This has to be one of the biggest reasons she has so many contradictory beliefs is that she doesn't even understand how to fact-check herself or something.
But that doesn't matter because internet following + vagina = MUST HAVE SOME CREDIBILITY ON THESE ~wamenz~ issuewus.
No. 590502
>>590475lol i remember when she tried to debunk an article that claimed that pink being considered a girl color was invented by the nazis.
shuwu laughed that it couldn't have been the nazis because the pink thing started in the 30s
fucking lmao
this is who 'rationals' consider well-informed
worst thing was that, if i recall correctly, shuwu was being really smug about it too
'you only had to google it to learn that it started in the 30s, which is totally not when the nazis were around you dumb feminist'
No. 590533
>>590525yeah i wish i could remember which video it was
i skimmed through a few just now but couldn't find it, and i can't be arsed to sit through more of that crap
maybe some other anon will know the vid i'm talking about
No. 590553
>>590420mostly it's the fact that she bullies/makes fun of people for a living, but she's somehow unable to endure even the smallest amount of criticism. she straight up can't handle being treated like she treats other people. she even reminds me of andrew dobson at times because she's just that bad at handling criticism.
she made a name for herself partly by painting women who complain about online harassment as irrational, emotional and melodramatic. when she gets even a single negative mention on twitter, she blows up in histrionic narc rage and sends her followers to wk her. like, does she not see the irony in that? she makes this mistake over and over again, too.
there are a lot of other things about her that bother me (like her poor sense of humor and her badly researched vids), but nothing rustles my jimmies more than her sheer hypocrisy.
No. 590603
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No. 590612
>>590603> if someone has any criticisms or doesnt like my previous waifu they must just be jealous. Isn't this against the very stuff their queen talks about in her videos? That women can criticize other women for legitimate reason? Oh, but when it happens to poor June its different because she doesnt have to follow her own rules.
Plus, June has been a part of and the main aggressor of MANY "pile ons" of her own.
Someone should shop some of her tweets acting like the victim with her thumbnail that says "professional victims".
No. 590618
>>590420Honestly I feel bad for her because her fiancé is an ugly (literal) retard with an inflated ego who treats her like crap. Yet she continues to hang off his every word and thinks that if she sucks his crusty chode enough he'll change and finally see the error of his ways.
Despite all that she has the neck to talk shit about women with an actual spine whilst skinwalking the exact type of girls she used to bully back in her Jersey slapper phase or whatever you want to call it. She will bend over backwards to try to impress any man who gives her time of day like a good little lapdog, even if he's wearing a dress and pretending to be a lady. She has few opinions of her own and is just a sounding board for whatever hot topic's popular on chans at the moment.
No. 590623
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>>590612obviously Brittany is jealous of June, she had to settle for 4chad, and can't get any of that pretentious, blubbery Canadian cock.
No. 590632
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>>590623I think it's funny that Preg and Boyfriend Venti have similar haircuts and one's clearly doing a way better job of pulling off because he doesn't have an ogre-shaped head…
No. 590657
>>590648I don't know about that. As much as I appreciate the Shoe takedown, Brittany's face is pretty botched, and she clearly has issues (especially with her self-identity, considering how she clamors for /pol/tard male attention despite visibly looking part of one of the group(s) they hate most, ie mixed people, especially part-black ones).
I'd even say he's a little above her league, considering he's not fat, deformed and he doesn't take issue with her titty-streaming.
No. 590666
>>590659That's because he's just being a standard abusive hack. He just labels it "BSDM" so he has an excuse whenever he or June get called out on it.
For a couple who overshare everything, they haven't shown anything that any sane kinky person would describe as typical "BSDM". June has to clean up his messes, cook him food, ignore him flirting with other women, and wear some "kinky" outfits. None of that equals "24/7 BSDM relationship". It's just Gregory getting a 2nd mother that he can have sex with.
June reminds me of this old popular LJ blogger from the early 2000s (forgot her name). She was in a relationship with a guy much like Gregory, who did the same exact shit Gregory does. The blogger would brush away criticism, claiming it was "BSDM" and totally not abuse. Fast forward a few years later, she finally dumps him and admits that it was abuse and she didn't like any of the stuff he did. I bet $20 June will do the same thing 1-3 years from now.
No. 590689
>>590674That’s her friend saying it. I covered the friend’s face because I’m pretty sure she was like 14 at the time and June was 19.
They were all participating in a convo about how they are pretty white girls in dresses and they were going to get raped.
No. 590692
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is this photo confirmed her? This counts as a lewd/nude so I want to know from the ED
No. 590693
>>590682>>590692I believe that's from the trip to Mexico she took with those unichan guys.
Slightly OT, but I can't seem to find the video where Shuwu flashes Glug while she's in some parking lot. I can't tell if they deleted/unlisted it or I'm too retarded to find it.
No. 590719
>>590666I see something like that happening too once she actually lives with him. It is odd how he's literally waiting until marriage until they move in together. You'd think he would want his 24/7 slave living with, it's not like they are traditional or anything.
Then again, that would hurt his chances at fucking other women. That is a major red flag that she never seems to mention.
Has she ever said why they don't try living together before marriage. She could easily get a work Visa or a fiance Visa at this point.
No. 590745
>>590732Brittany doesn't pretend to be otherwise but June does.
>>590735What's the context for Metokur posting this?
No. 590747
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>>590735Shuwu retweeted it and Brittany is responding to it with some of Shuwu's "introvert" pics. I saw a couple tweets in response saying that she got Junkey's private pics. The butt gif was from a live stream she did on blogtv.
No. 590760
i wonder when june will finally block Brittany. she hates hearing anything outside her echo chamber and brittany is really piling it on her…
No. 590761
File: 1526957288270.jpg (114.64 KB, 800x733, IMG_20180521_224526.jpg)

So introverted she'd go on a mexican vacation with strange men she met over the internet
>>590747The whiteknighting under these tweets are hilarious
File: 1526957399985.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.71 KB, 602x533, 1477015132183.jpg)

>>590747WHY is it always this pose with Skeptics. what even are these people
No. 590764
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No. 590768
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>What they tweet about to their hundreds of thousands of followers is PRIVATE and ONLY THEIR BUSINESS
No. 590781
File: 1526958548015.png (17.27 KB, 215x232, apocalypse ralph.png) "Turn Off That Pesky Adblock" Jarbo talking about how cringy Preg 'n' June's relationship tweets are
No. 590797
>>590623Anyone else see a white Jimin?
>>590788This. At her age she really has no excuses. Imo she really just needs to get off the internet and try to get some semblance of a normal life going and some actual adult responsibilities. As someone mentioned earlier she still lives in her childhood bedroom for christ's sake.
No. 590798
>>590788Exactly. A lot of us have acted like June when we were tweens and teens, which is why her shtick is so damn obvious to us and cringy to witness.
I consider myself a bit more forgiving than some people here; I get that some people mature slower than others and we've all said or done some stupid shit. However, she is past the point of using her age as an excuse for her behavior. She is going to be 30 soon yet she's stuck in a phase that should have ended in high school.
The thing is, no one would even care if she wanted to act immature for the rest of her life, if it weren't for the fact that she is being a giant hypocrite and a bully.
No. 590802
File: 1526961174998.jpg (155.92 KB, 1651x963, catietc.JPG)

verye is ian
shoe cammed like always on the chat
boxxy was coming back on tinychat for the night with her fans and it was a really big deal
you can see just how much shoe hates the moment she lost all of the attention
ps if this site is anything like catiechan then there's a secret board somewhere with 2 odd letters for admins to hang out and bitch and shit on everyone else
No. 590820
>>590806she took it while too old to be neutered so it died, and then she had the gall to make vlogs about how upset she was about the vet 'killing' her bunny
3 days after the event she got a new one, i shit you not
No. 590825
>>590720Jim doesn't really whiteknight women (or anyone for that matter), he obliterated Laura Loomer before and really went after those Honey Badger chicks hard. I was hoping he'd do a video on Shoe eventually but now he's not gonna bother after Venti cleared out the table completely. However I'm glad to know that he saw the video and agreed with it, must've struck June hard because If Jim has seen it, I bet a lot of other influential youtubers have as well.
>>590819Here's the excerpt from the stream during which Andy goes crazy. He literally calls out everyone in that bitter blind rage, including spilling beans about Blaire White being a shallow bitch.
No. 590826
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>>590825speaking of Metokur…
No. 590849
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I was stalking her old Instagram after reading through these threads and I just found it funny how she posted this awful looking eyebrow yet captioned it like it looked amazing lel
No. 590850
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looks like june isn't going to show up.
No. 590854
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>>590850I thought she was excited to meet her "friendos" though? Everyone in the stream who says they interacted with Shuwu and Preg at Vidcon said they treated it as a business event rather than a meet up with friends.
No. 590855
>>590850"Its manufactured"
I'm sorry, what? Someone recorded him when he didn't know. Its not like he just dropped this on his own. She's acting like Matt was attacking her or something.
Get over yourself.
Also, no. You don't have to be friends, but you can also not be a cunt to people who have helped boost your career in the past.
No. 590856
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>>590854Also, reminds me of this post on her KF thread.
No. 590862
>>590378> I am so tempted to make a review of their reviews but I also have a southern accent…which some may associate with stupidity.Anon please. Even if you just read up a dadaist poem you would sound much more inteligent then those two ever.
Do the review of the review, please.
No. 590864
>>590838well they're all unlisted now so fuck if i can find it again, she went over it in one of her vlogs though and made some passive aggressive facebook posts about it etc eventually saying she didn't hold the vet responsible over her bunny dying
but everything prior was sort of like the typical 5 stages of accepting death shit except she went 'i am crying' then 'i blame the vet' then ' i dont blame the vet' to 'ok i will just get a new bunny' over 3 days
No. 590888
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No. 590922
>>590826>>590828They talk about meeting her and Preg at Vidcon (I think last year) at the beginning and also them in general
>9:03 ''Shoe admitted to being a cuck; allowing Preg to walk all over her, it's kind of pathetic''>9:20 ''meeting them in person backs that up'' lmao>10:00 ''whenever I tried to talk to her (ad vidcon) she'd slowly walk away towards Greg, they were like magnets to each other''>12:00 talking about her being rude>15:50 Their dynamic at vidcon was very ''weird''; Greg was very controlling of her in person>18:14 ''June has me blocked'' lmao>around 18:00 June is basically saying she is an introvert, but not shy (sure jan)>30:00 Dude tried to take a picture with June, she and Preg were against itNothing too new or surprising, still thought it was interesting to listen to their perspective.
I personally don't think her personality changed because she is dating Preg (as they implied), let's face it, she's always been a pandering attention whore. The only thing that changed since they dated is her bdsm bullshit and her newly acquired fupa.
No. 590923
>>590573"Boisterous" and "cutesy" are how she described herself in her "debunking" blog post
Calm down
No. 590934
File: 1526981377200.jpg (150.38 KB, 1200x666, Ddx7ZyjVQAUJrWZ.jpg)

>June: uwuuu i'm being slandered on the internet ;_;
>Also June: lmao I don't give a fuck if I slander someone. They should just like.. block or something.
No. 590937
>>590775this just completely wrong, lol
introverts have different brains than extraverts, google it
>>590817i missed that about warski, nice
based low iq andy
No. 590938
>>590934this combined with rob saying that he thinks she enjoys having a personal army is what people should focus on more
her white knights still seem to think she's pure and innocent uwu and that she's being bullied
but she's a huge bully herself, not just in the past but to this day
the 'queen of autumn flowers'-thing was pretty recent i think
No. 590946
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She's trying to own it now
Goddam I fucking hate her.
No. 590950
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>>590946Wig trying to meme her pathetic relationship
No. 591080
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No. 591109
>i don't understand why people say inflammatory and controversial things about someone then play victim when confronted by said person???June that's your entire bread and butter
>if you can't handle backlash then stop?Or take a 2 week break from Twitter until you feel like the heat is off.
Fucking hell, her hypocrisy is almost ballsy in a way.
No. 591178
>>590761she's so introverted, she used to skinwalk boxxy in order to get attention from random internet strangers. so introverted that she dropped out of college in order to be a youtube personality!
but she hates socializing and attention, you guys! i honestly think she's confusing her inability to face criticism with being an introvert
No. 591187
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No. 591190
>>591187All his fat ass needs is Youtube giving him paid vacation for shitty "I debunk flat earth xD" videos.
Remember when June blocked someone who told her she's not a Youtube employee?
No. 591226
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What Preg thinks his body looks like.
No. 591231
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>>591222>i literally went to school for filmi thought she only went to school for like a year as a liberal arts major?
No. 591235
>>591231I think she switched majors at some point. I forget which one was first.
Her thinking she has any credit for majoring film(then dropping out) makes me laugh though. My 80 year old grandma is capable of doing her 5 minutes of video editing. Plus, her film knowledge seems to be absolute shit, she strikes me as the type who never watches movies unless it's with preg and even then it's always just popular film that everyone has seen.
No. 591245
>>591187>debunking Nicole Arbor's videothis is not even low hanging fruit, this fruit is already rotten on the ground
tinfoiling: I think they broke up. I don't think shreg would date june after finding out about all the man she sucked before him. His silence is weir in this situation, he should be shuwu's first champion ready to whiteknight her. They just don't make their brake up official, because it would be bad for both of them.
No. 591248
>>591245He never defends her or even compliments her, though. This is nothing new. To her, his silence is probably just apart of their super complex, hot and fun 24/7 BDSM dynamic.
She's been talking about him on Twitter and she just visited him. Shreg is dumb as fuck, but I don't think he's going to let go of the only woman in the world who would let him openly cheat on her and shit on her.
No. 591256
>>591235Well she also claims that she’s doing better than her peers who went to school for film but considering she never managed to make friends with her peers, I’m not sure how she can know that.
I have some friends who work as PA’s and cameramen that seem to be doing well. One of them is buying a house in our city which isn’t cheap… and he’s 2 years younger than June.
“I’m more successful than everyone else,” seems like just another story she’s telling herself.
No. 591263
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>>591137Anon, how dare you! Of course she was Goth look at this!!
No. 591266
File: 1527017021639.png (34.39 KB, 719x314, 20180522_111851.png)

June on Findom
No. 591272
>>591095imo it's not the same thing
open relatiobship=each party is free to do whatever with other people on their own
3some=relationship remains monogamous but sometimes you arrange to involve an extra body in your sex life together
No. 591274
>>591266so a woman can't make money from a mutual kink, but greg can put himself and his wife into debt over spending too much on doomsday gear and literal children's toys? got it, june. nice logic you got there.
also, it's hilarious she said this when her fans are demanding that people respect their bedroom privacy and treat their kink with respect. brittany should reply with this cap whenever she can.
No. 591280
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>>591266what exactly does shregory tell her about his marriage
No. 591283
File: 1527017826372.png (15.82 KB, 559x141, CPAhMmr.png)

>make fun of a findom for making thousands while sitting on her ass
>try and convince your followers that sitting on your ass and making one vid per month is a real job
pick one, june
No. 591285
>>591272I guess you're right. At the end of the day, someone is fucking someone who's not part of the relationship.
At this point their relationship is pretty much an open one anyways (on Preg's side ofc), considering he interacts more with twitter cam girls than his fiancée, kek
No. 591287
>>591274Yeah somehow a guy tying up and using a girl physically is a hot and fun kink.
But a girl using a guy financially is an immoral kink.
No. 591298
File: 1527018200731.jpg (21.79 KB, 640x640, 442oBoY.jpg)

>>591283In one moment she'll be like ''don't take me so seriously guyz :3 i'm just making 2007 webcam bideos once a month and i don't talk about politics or race :3 i'm just in for it for fun and didn't even monetize my bideos until last year xD
and in the next moment she'll claim that YouTue is totally a real, tough job that should be valued as much as any other. Typical Wig fence sitting.
No. 591301
File: 1527018343165.jpg (1.64 MB, 3500x2310, peter_steele.jpg)

>>591288file under things june cannot acknowledge because of preg's noodle arms.
No. 591308
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No. 591329
>>591308>>591298>I'm doing what I've loved doing since I was a kidObviously you don't like it that much since your videos are half-assed, poorly thought out, barely edited and filmed in fucking 480p.
IIRC she herself said ''It takes me like half an hour to film a video'' and ''I don't have a script, I just say what I feel at the moment''
So much passion, so professional.
June wants to have it both ways; Have YouTube be accepted as her career, while not being held to any standards at all. Any type of criticism towards her video content and quality is excused by ''I'm not a social/political commentator, my videos are
entertainment'', which is the laziest fucking cop out she uses.
No. 591350
>>591189lmao how did I know this would be his answer as soon as I read the question.
"June isn't allowed to interact with other men but more women for me to bang? sign me up"
sharing her with women isn't really sharing because women don't have the agency needed to own someone, they would just all belong to shregg by transitive property.
No. 591355
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I'm dying ladies.
No. 591366
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>>591355was she thinking about how asexual she was when she was blowing all those guys?
No. 591372
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No. 591374
File: 1527022839830.png (54.19 KB, 569x227, gH8DmNr.png)

he didn't defend her at all and she's out there promoting his videos
No. 591398
>>591266So when is she going to come out and criticize males doms? :^)
Rhetorical question of course because we all know she's a hypocritical bitch who's just criticizing findom because it's mostly women dominating and humiliating men instead of the other way around.
No. 591421
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He didn't even like her tweet promoting him. But he liked all of these other tweets talking about his video, mostly from women.
"DADDY'S BACK" wew lad.
No. 591428
>>591424There is a video but I don't remember her ever saying anything like that. She's so irresponsible.
No. 591446
>>591436amazing. how does she lack so much self awareness that the people she's shitting on were basically saying stuff she said only a year ago?
I also noticed her and her fans treat 1-2 years like it's fucking 10 years. I get people change but, if you can't acknowledge how hypocritical you're being for trying to tell others to be as "trans positive" as you are wig, you really are just someone who just likes repeating sjw shit brainlessly for brownie points. It's going to bite you in the ass when you slip up and say something that'll
trigger your new dumblr/libfem fans
No. 591449
>>590273Pretty much this. Considering that as a child that situation was the story of my life, it doesn't end pretty. Their kid will be even more fucked up than both of them put together.
The fact that she isn't self-aware in regards to her obvious borderline personality disorder or really like, anything at all, speaks volumes about the type of mother she'd be.
No. 591477
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No. 591482
>>591477wow it's just like one of those crazy feminists/sjws who block you for the smallest things.
funny how that is.
No. 591486
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>>591484How is this streetwalker wear??
No. 591509
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>>591488Reminder that she posted this.
No. 591519
>>591501They've admitted before that they bought her collars specifically for kink purposes (ex: go to 14:08 of the video).
Forgot to mention that they also say that skeptic rates women on if they'll give him strong sons in the video as well.
No. 591520
>>591509That reminds me, Matt said on killstream that shuwu and preg's candid group was just a bunch of bdsm cringe. We only have caps of what the reposted on twitter but, I can only imagine how bad that must have been with her fans encouraging it.
Reminder besides candid being an obvious info collector, it was marketed for political discussion and these fucking attention whores used it to post their "24/7 bdsm lifestyle".
No. 591523
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No. 591546
>>591540>>591516but she didn't wear them in public
>>591519therefore pointless
No. 591562
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i wonder if her fans are going to call june obsessed with this mike dude like they called brittany obsessed with june.
No. 591573
>>591571The anon that was replied to a few posts back was just pointing out that she doesn't really have a right to criticise how another woman dresses when she's no nun herself, and I was agreeing.
Different people have different ideas of what constitutes slutty, and I know bondage inspired fashion is a thing, but June admits herself that the collars are a sex thing, so it seems strange to act like its 100% just an accessory.
No. 591578
>>591574There's no "point" to it, it was just someone pointing out how hypocritical and judgmental she is.
You may not agree with the stigma tied to that style of collar, but I personally would consider them more provocative than her example of some girl wearing a short dress. It's subjective and I guess nobody really gives a shit about my opinion on them or yours.
No. 591583
File: 1527040545552.png (277.04 KB, 321x376, aqRtO9p[1].png)

>>591577you're missing the point, there is 0 evidence of wearing BDSM specific collars, in public especially alone where she could get sexually harassed or cat called. Not the fashion ones the straight undeniable kink ones. the heart ones is excusable as fashion you cannot get her on that.
>>591578If it's a mixed opinion it's not something good to get her on.
No. 591586
>>591578more people would agree with you, anon. whether or not it's a pRoPeR BDSM collar, it's at the very least, a bdsm meme collar. that is, for normies looking to seem edgy and get into bdsm, that collar is meaningful to them/represents bdsm bullshit to them. june is normie as fuck anyways and has no real interests. just like her halfbaked "passion" for anything else, she cba to look into real slave collars and shit, and thinks this is a real bdsm collar, and so do most people.
>>591583maybe not something to pin on her for a vid, but just between all of us, we know what it signifies to her and her vanilla normie trying to be edgy faggot fans
No. 591588
>>591583Again, the "point" had nothing to do with harassment. I realise she was talking about that in her video - I'm not commenting on her video, I'm commenting on the fact she has no right to call other girls slutty when June is queen ho.
And alright, you like the collars, that's fine, but June literally admitted to it being a sex accessory that she wears outside. A lot of girls wear fishnets as a fashion accessory too and there's nothing wrong with that, but again, it has a certain stigma attached to it.
Let's just agree to disagree because it's getting to the point where we're starting to derail a bit, over aliexpress sex collars of all things.
No. 591590
File: 1527041248643.jpg (44.44 KB, 480x480, 1521502260684287916.jpg)

>>591550wow, she looks terrible irl. her face looks so stupid in this wig. this is like a young person's wig and she looks super aged here, ngl.
if you put her in this wig i'd say she's 36. she already looks early 30s without it.
No. 591614
File: 1527042126938.png (65.88 KB, 862x482, NfPFGKu.png)

>>591600>>591600She sort of just did with the "abortion is awesome" video she mocked a few days ago. I guess this isn't helpful since there isn't a cap, but I remember when I first looked up the video it only had a few hundred views and a not so bad like-to-dislike ratio. I just looked it up and it has thousands of more views and there are mostly dislikes and negative comments no doubt from her edgy audience.
No. 591620
>>591550If I saw her in person and I didn't know who she was, I would assume she's at least 30. The only
uwu young thing about her is some of her outfits, but that just ends up making her look even worse.
No. 591621
>>591614Same anon, but taking a another look at the channel, the girl is a lesbian radfem. Of course June goes looking for TERFs to dunk on during her anxiety vacation uwu.
But otherwise her vids usually don't break 1,000 views and they don't seem to have many dislikes either. It's safe to assume the negative attention is from June's fans
>>591620Exactly. Not sure who she's trying to fool with the ~Preggory's family kept asking if I was 13 heheh~ thing
No. 591626
>>591600Alright newfriend, if you’re planning on making a video I advise that you look through old threads too because most of this stuff has been posted before multiple times. Going off the top of my head, there were instances in which people on twitter complained of her neckbeard fans attacking them, one girl who was a former sjw teen wrote a long post about getting attacked by her followers and deleting her old twitter account. Some other random lefty complained about basically the same thing not too long ago.
She has a weird hateboner for and has attacked Magdalen Berns, a smaller radfem youtuber who has terminal brain cancer, publicly on twitter multiple times.
I think because she made a response video criticizing one of June’s friend’s arguments (then June memed like a coward when she was provoked to debate.)
I’ll try to dig up some of this stuff later, but in the meantime you should take my former advice.
No. 591639
>>591636I'm not sure. Control+f and the lolcow search function is your friend, anon.
Oh, and I just remembered this. A few months back June tore apart one of her random male
fans on twitter because he pointed out that Greg was liking pictures of camgirls, and then other members of the skeptic community and probably some of her other fans got in on it as well. He was scared that they were going to make a video on him. The caps were posted again in a recent thread and there were more in the original thread. Like I said, I'll look for this stuff later but should try doing it yourself.
No. 591641
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Those pesky older women
No. 591670
File: 1527047287499.jpg (1.39 MB, 1920x2599, FireShot Capture 207 - Encyclo…)

I love that ED has no chill and they have been featuring this two idiots on the front page in some form or another for the past week
No. 591675
Thats all I remember
No. 591687
File: 1527048850675.png (85.25 KB, 220x293, 419EC876-65D0-4F0F-9166-8388E1…)

>>591686It’s also that hairstyle.
That fuckin hairstyle.
No. 591688
>>591666It's not just that timestamp, her mannerisms and voice throughout this are insufferable.
No. 591695
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No. 591696
>>591666bruh I have no ass whatsoever and even my bum looks bigger/rounder than hers if we both wore skater skirts, I can only imagine how flat she must really be under a skater skirt
her boyfriends an assman too, one that's admittedly obsessed with waist/hip ratio, and all this time she spent shooping and lying and shit just to have him find out she has a sad excuse for a womans body…thought he taught her to love your body june? and now you talk about how insecure you are all the time? hmm
No. 591697
>>591694I wouldn't mind I don't have the emotional energy or the time for it :-(
maybe we can have a discord and we can all post screencaps for the owner of the imgur to post?
No. 591699
>>591641I know people who look old as shit who get IDed at sex shops, why does she flatter herself over getting IDed? a lot of the time it's legally required
for dirty looks, they're not ~jelly old women~ june, it just looks weird seeing a 30 yr old aged woman in a shitty wig and childs clothing squealing and baby talking for her preggory who looks like a hairy, angry shrek
No. 591721
>>591509The shoes, kek.
In the movie review (i think it was 50 shades of grey) she also said that the filming set looks like a bdsm porn scene and that someone told her she looked like a “Fox News slut”.
June is so uninteresting that almost everything she talks about is either appearance or relationship related, and then she complains about people “obsessing” over their relationship. Even the guy in the stream from yesterday said he had to unfollow her because all she does on twitter is post about Preg.
No. 591733
>>591484>>591486Around 4 minutes in, she says “maybe the cops will show up because they’re wondering what the prostitute is doing in the nice part of town”.
I remember when Shoe complained about being ~slut shamed~ by that Kevin Logan guy and Jenny McDermott, lel. Guess it’s only okay when she does it.
No. 591737
>>591697Eh fuck it, I'll work on it myself sporadically over the following week or two. I've gotten started on it already.
I'll be compiling a masterpost of all of Shoe's worst antics. If anyone wants to help me out reply to this post with screencaps of what you want added. Right now I'm focusing on adding all instances of her bullying + her backpedaling/hypocrisy/straight up lying and contradicting herself.
No. 591740
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>>591733never forget her skater skirt. what june said to this girl is no better than what this imaginary woman said to june.
No. 591741
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gamer gurl uwu
No. 591779
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>>591666I shouldn't have scrolled down
No. 591787
>>591741I hope she’s playing with someone else.
Playing Mario party alone is the definition of loneliness.
No. 591797
>>591787by looking at those star wars posters, she's playing with shrek. the camera angle is kinda too off to the side to be sitting next to him isn't it?
sorta seems like shrekory needs a little space to look at camgirls while the start screen loops for a couple seconds.
No. 591802
>>591797The angle does seem forced, I wouldn't over-read into though
A) shes copy catting greg, sees hes into star wars, is now trying to pretend shes into star wars too so he doesn't fap to thicc star war nerd fans june would have bullied in high school
B) She's playing with greg and wants to hide gregs messy apartment or the mess known as greg
C) she snuck into gregs apartment
D) what you said
No. 591813
File: 1527070320185.png (105.74 KB, 786x916, shuwumetokur.png)

Hey Oddguy, why don't you just send Jim the new and improved ED article?
No. 591835
>>591828I was actually thinking that if she uses those shitty aliexpress fashion collars as a BDSM collar they must break pretty quickly, but maybe I'm just a vanilla normie who doesn't know what they're talking about.
Although I bet if one did break, June would play it off as daddy septic's big strong noodle arms and not to do with using shitty Chinese fashion accessories as a collar lmao
Hopefully they'd be too flimsy to actually hurt someone stupid enough to follow in Greg and June's footsteps though
No. 591870
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daddy dom moar like fatty dom
No. 591874
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>>591666Her figure is so weird. Idk if any of her fans have actually seen "smol" girls before but they don't have bulking shoulders. This was summer of last year, when she says she was supposedly like 105? Maybe it's because she barely exercises but she looks way heavier than that, it's her gross stick legs that give off the illusion that she's skinny when it just shows she's barely active in her day to day life.
Sorry for nitpicking but, its just really funny her fans think this is what a small figured woman looks like.
>>591870OH GOD MY EYES
No. 591894
File: 1527083756550.jpeg (39.2 KB, 375x266, 7748D2E0-DC1F-4D91-A526-8054A0…)

>>591870His biceps and fat forearms are the same size.
No. 591906
File: 1527084990018.jpg (257.73 KB, 1024x680, wig rolls a 1.jpg)

>>591641>>591740Ah, yes, it's always these mysterious mature women who never seem to appear in Wig's life except when they need to materialize to be jealous of Wig's appearance.
Like the world's most convenient plot device.
No. 591910
>>591903Sometimes I wonder what younger shuwu would have thought if she found out she ends up dating this
>>591870, her standards were probably completely different back then
No. 591931
>>591910Someone posted an old livejournal? entry a few threads back fro june and how it talked about her wanting a hot guy with s 6 pack (abs, not cans in the fridge as in preg's case)
I guess that changed when she met him.
No. 591943
File: 1527090926137.jpg (41.71 KB, 552x690, FB_IMG_1527090894486.jpg)

Shuwu starter pack
No. 591947
>>591740In the 50 shades of grey review Wig mentioned the target demographic are “college girls in sweatpants and messy buns”. She has such a weird hate boner for women who don’t dress ~so feminine and kawaii uwu~, it’s pandering, as always. June
always needs to mention how fat, old or unattractive another woman is dressed, she couldn’t just leave it at “Some random woman told me my skirt was too short”.
She is so ridiculously insecure that she constantly needs to trash talk other girls to make herself look better for her fanboys.
Sage for nitpick but it’s just something I noticed.
No. 591999
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No. 592020
>>592013yeah they definitely would kek, their smol sweet waifu shoe has never body shamed anyone though~
it's not like she's been doing it constantly for years!
No. 592050
>>592013probably, why the fuck are her fans so quick to pull the jealousy card? like jealous of what? the only thing really envious about her is the fact she gets to make 2k making one shitty video a month and blows it on weeb clothes, greg, wigs and makeup, and the fact she lives in long island with rich parents who are willing to send their daughters to European countries and top unis and whatnot, but june chooses to abuse the fact she has this privilege and rather leech off her parents and spend her own money on greg, makeup and wigs
even then, are they not reading what she's getting called out for? are you not allowed to call out women who cater to men without them screaming jealousy?
No. 592090
>>592058Agreed, and her massive personality switch from extrovert stacy who bullies others to shy quiet nerd girl who got picked on and was a virgin til her 20s is fucked, I'd be pissed if one of my bullies later claimed that they were shy, quiet and got picked on.
Didn't she later claim scarf girl made fun of her worse? Pathetic, even for June.
No. 592119
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No. 592196
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>>592190she has to weigh more than 120. I call bs after seeing that photo.
No. 592237
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>>591947She has a hate boner for pretty much every woman. I honestly believe she was bullied, not for being a ~shy wittle goffic pwincess~, but for just being obnoxious.
She was probably really loud and obnoxious like she is in her videos to get attention and some girl at school finally just told her to shut her Danny Devito sounding ass up. She's probably still fuming about it to this day.
No. 592330
>>591740>>592282one time i was wearing an ss uniform. a snazzy normal ss uniform. and some degenerate looking soyboy with thick-rimmed glasses was angrily like "follow your leader and kill yourself".
but hitler didn't kill himself. at all. he was over in argentina. i got really upset. it was so rude.
i did haha. i got so paranoid about it i just chucked it in the oven. it looks the same as all my other uniforms but it was just so weird i couldnt risk it again. im thin skinheaded.
lets praise white skin
No. 592372
File: 1527119935202.jpg (1.17 MB, 2988x4139, 0523181754_HDR~2.jpg)

>>588178Oh my god Ive been lurking in these threads for a while now but Im watching always sunny and this character just came on screen and if shuwu isnt gail the snail i dont know what im seeing kek
Saged for ot
No. 592386
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I had to
No. 592426
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No. 592435
No. 592447
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cow crossover
No. 592467
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>>592458This, because the cringey meme shirt.
No. 592473
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>>592458can we count makeup? because her eye makeup is extra worse than usual here and it's actually
triggering me
No. 592476
File: 1527128870018.png (257.02 KB, 304x478, uwu.PNG)

>>592458I have to vote for this toddler cosplay
No. 592491
>>592386kek. This will be them if they make it another 15-20 years.
>>592484Do you think Septic will stay with her past that point?
No. 592499
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>>592386I called Shreg an ugly, tall, evil Danny Devito a few threads back and feel vindicated now. I feel bad for thinking it because Danny is an angel.
>>592458This one is pretty bad. The wig pulled into those awkward bunches. kek
>>592476This is the worst so far. I don't know what possessed her to dress like that on camera.
No. 592520
>>592514I wonder how much her ego would be stroked if she got IDed to watch an R-Rated movie or to buy an M video game
if I was a cashier and saw how much she gloats about being IDed I'd purposely tell her she looks above the age to buy the item and I don't need to see her ID, and watch her explode
she doesn't even look that old, just normal for someone who's reaching their 30s, her outdated style only highlights her aging however
No. 592521
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>>592458outfit isn’t TOO shit but
No. 592527
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>>592458My vote is for
>>592476Here's some "i hate anime but i'm basically a real life loli straight from an anime uwu" cringe.
No. 592530
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Lol there can only be one!
No. 592531
>>592524>>592522Prolly because being an emo in the late 2000s wasn't special or different
>>592529In some places you have to scan the ID before allowing the person to buy the item or else it won't let you complete the transaction
>>592530>too palebitch you tan, without all the shitty camera exposure that is, please don't tell me she's starting to get delusional about her skin color too now
No. 592533
>>592484She’s basically Greg’s burnt hot dog he decided to keep around in case he cant find any fresh/juicy hotdogs.
Dunno if I should say June deserves better, the this “marriage” seems. pretty destined to fail.
No. 592534
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>>592531She over exposes herself to the point of looking like Jeff the Killer tbh.
>>592524But anon, she's was and still is goth uwu
No. 592544
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>>592458Both june and greg's outfits at mythcon
No. 592547
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She thinks Shreg is a succubus(?) Juneky and the original poster are dumb as fuck holy shit.
No. 592571
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nothing going onnnnnnnnn
No. 592572
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>>592534>still gothLord help me, what the shit.
No. 592574
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>>592571greg goes to the gym?
No. 592591
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>>592580he looks even more like shrek with those colors she chose for him
No. 592593
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>>592587He looks like a teacher and Kim Jong Un conceived a sex god of a man
No. 592594
>>592547nitpick but a succubus is the female version.
Incubus is male.
>>592591Now that you guys have pointed out the eyebrow thing I can't stop seeing it and it's fucking annoying.
No. 592595
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>>592591they have the same chin
No. 592598
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>>592591jesus, he's revolting.
No. 592619
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>>592615his chin was sort of large before the flub and beard.
No. 592722
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>>592650>>592619Taken from another thread-I agree, pregs wishes he were hot like human shrek
No. 592751
>>592463>>592466OT but I think Anisa is much easier to prove as a fake bitch because majority of her "fans" are just teenagers who think she's "hot" and only care about her for being idubbbz gf. Shuwu is more difficult because a lot of her fans are attached to her persona and relate to her lies, it's difficult for them to accept she's doing this all for easy money.
I think if Brittany manages to do a little damage on shuwu's subs/fanbase, she'll have now problem taking down anisa. The only thing is, anisa is even more boring and plain, there isn't much to her to even go on about besides her cheating, being hypocritical on streams, lying about having ED…and her shitty art? That's about it right?
No. 592779
>>592764I agree. I also think part of the issue is that no one really knows who she is, and she has her troll shield. I don't think Brittany's ever been afraid of making enemies though. I also don't see Ian making any videos or statements to protect her, it will just make him look bad.
If he did I think it would give people more ammo to call him a cuck and bash him.
People talked about her for a while during that Ice Poseidon bit. If Britt exposed other situations like that, like with Pyro and maybe even showed her Laci Green people may take notice.
I really think Brittany could make people in her little "group" care because they are really just look for the next eceleb to bash and laugh at.
Also, there aren't really any Pear wks that would come out to defend her.
No. 592808
>>592522She's admitted herself that it was a mallgoth phase like almost every teenager growing up in the 2000s has had, not an actual goth phase, but she definitely omits that part when she mentions it in passing/still calls herself goth for some weird reason to fit that "I'm a big tiddy goth gf xDDDD" narrative
She really is just the embodiment of every thot on the internet. Heavy eyeliner = hello boys I am goth gf pls give me attention
No. 592833
Keep the derailing about Anisa out of here.
Also, this thread is not autosaged, so remember to sage comments such as
No. 592942
>>591999I'm 5 foot and 125 and I don't have that big of a gut when I sit down, if she is 120 and 5'4 or whatever she must have horrid fat distribution
So much for all the ask.fms about how "all the fat goes to my ass, my hips are soooo wide, Disney princess waistline, bitches want my waist, 32-23-37 uwu
No. 592963
>actually loves his wife and is willing to do heroic things for her>doesn't look like a smug asshole when doing the Dreamworks smirk>looks at least kinda hot (as a human)>pretends to be harsh but is actually friendly, kind and loving>has a sense of humorThe only thing he and Preg have in common is the spilling gut
No. 592968
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she was making fun of people not even a few months ago for wanting representation and now she's acting like your typical sjw.
No. 592972
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No. 592974
>>592968Wig manages to make
every situation about herself, even if she as a person is completely fucking irrelevant to it. Top tier attention whore.
No. 592976
>>592974Haven't you heard? That's the
thing to do.
Because Introverts historically like to draw attention to themselves, ri- wait a minute.
No. 593034
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>>593018I think she's just referring to her Trichotillomania as OCD. she doesn't want people to know she's bald. still, it's funny that she's listing off all of these mental illnesses when she yells at tumblr teens half her age for doing the same. has even been diagnosed with anxiety and depression? she's only talked about seeing a doc for trich and adhd.
not to mention mocking the "shitzo" dude
No. 593039
>>593034this hoe bluntly admits a huge part of her personality is her ADHD and refuses to take medication for this reason and then points the fingers at emo teens ? I agree that tumblr mental illness aesthetics are
problematic but she's just as bad, and at least with tumblr teens a lot of them grow out of it, she's almost 30 and refuses to take care of her mental health
No. 593054
>>593034But sending your attack dogs after people who have had brain surgery and bullying them is a ok
honestly this bitch is just a hypocritical straight up bully
No. 593109
>>593034The hypocrisy of shoe strikes again. Bitch refuses to take meds for her issues, and claims they are integral to her personality. How's that for romanticizing?
Also.. If you were truly suffering, wouldn't you desperately want to alleviate that with medication?
No. 593131
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>>593128>24 minutes long niiiice
No. 593133
>>593128watching now
god bless you brittany
i'd have your babies
No. 593143
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>>593128(notices your bulge)
uwu, what's this?
No. 593163
only flaw i could find in the video
No. 593165
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>>593128gooood god the milk
No. 593176
>>593171My bet is that her fans will be hung up on the one single mistake
>>593168 like they did with the wig/trich timeline mistake from the first vid. Or they'll focus on the crude drawings and call Brittany obsessed again even though June has been similarly obsessed with Anita, that one ~LGBT for kids~ youtuber etc.
None of her fans had any real arguments against the first vid they just kept screeching about how june was bullied
No. 593181
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damn, quick correction there.
hi brittany! thanks again for fighting the good fight, lol
No. 593193
>>593181Britt if you're lurking I'm pretty sure you can edit the vid on YouTube even though it is already out. Maybe just black the screen or something?
If not, atleast you corrected yourself before most people watch it.
No. 593195
>>593189yeah i noticed that, too
they didn't bother to watch the video
fuck em, some people like to stay delusional
they're the types of dumbasses that'll end up getting screwed over by some manipulative harpy because of their stupidity, and then blame all women as if it wasn't them that lacked proper judgment
No. 593199
>>593189They don't even realize that by saying that then that would mean June is just jealous of any of the women she's talked about. So much for being so skeptical and logical, right ?
Them not even seeing their own hypocrisy shows why they choose to wk someone like Wig.
No. 593208
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Well, shit.
No. 593210
>>593208what nudity are they talking about? the censored underboob? lmao.
also wasn't that video given a strike before, but the strike was revoked?
No. 593211
>>593208holy fuck
what a bitch move
No. 593215
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>>593207June's terven obsession is cringey, but it's for the best that Brittany stay apolitical as possible. Most people outside lolcow hate TERFs anyway so it wouldn't benefit her in any way.
Personally I'm upset she didn't add in Greg's Chrischan tier comics juxtaposed with June's Chrischan mocking.
No. 593239
Can someone hurry and make a new thread? I'm not doing it again
>>593219This, literally no one likes trannies except themselves and sjws.