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No. 402768
Last thread:
>>>/snow/397551Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread:
>>260800previously on:
>Anisa wishes she could go back to being Raihnbowkidz>admitted to having dated her ex when she was 22 and he was 17>streamed with Chris and ragequit when chat made her cry by not believing he when she said Ian liked her content, blamed it on PMS>decided she wants to go back to school, thinks she's good enough to get into CalArts>nearly cried on-stream again when she talked about quitting streaming for school and how people only watch her to see her fail>continues to fail at veganism, constantly updates her followers on how she NEEDS meat and feels weak from not eating meat>attempted to sound "educated" during a twitter debate about veganism, just sounded like an idiot>constantly spews idiotic opinions about veganism, then tries to paint the people correcting her as "loud and angry">"the idea of going vegetarian is looking very tempting to me, only eating meat if I know the farmer" ANISA PLS>cried on stream AGAIN while reminiscing about the height of her streaming career>Is in San Diego for 6 months, estimated to be kicked out in AprilLinks: No. 402772
File: 1507854922777.jpg (110.44 KB, 928x549, Anisa Jomha Sexy Idubbbz Girlf…)

No. 402794
>>402776Also tears of her exes
Someone make that one too pls
No. 402933
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Bitch learns fast from Idubbbz. Someone calls you out for being dumb and misinformed, just say it was a joke.
You can see on her other tweets regarding that video, she’s totally not joking.
No. 403008
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from idubbbz discord
No. 403088
>>403008That maxdron guy in that discord just explained how I feel about the relationship between Ian and Anisa, except for the edgy and racist Jewish/Terrorist comment (nice fans Ian). How could a giant edgy memelord who willingly vomits on camera like Ian and some "positivity & love" person like Anisa be in a relationship? I guess Anisa was right after all when she replied to a comment on one of her youtube videos by saying that opposites attract because this shit makes my brain shit itself. Or maybe she is in a relationship with him for all the 'benefits' whatever those may be or maybe I'm missing something completely.
I guess not even the Untouchable iDubbbz can be free from critisism; he is in a relationship with the infamous Raihnbowkidz and all these threats here are enough evidence if one wants to call her out for her flaws and shittyness.
It is evident that big-time fans of iDubbbz fully despise Anisa.
No. 403096
>>403088Yeah, she is just forcing the relationship but Idubbbz is an adult so he should be able to notice it and end it too, so don’t feel sorry for him.
And yeah, all these subs she’s going to make a video for… i’m guessing she’s forcing people to send her stuff since she doesn’t have a real following. Her fans hated her when they noticed she was ugly, idubbbz’ fans hate her, her own friends avoid her… but oh well, let’s give her another week for her to force enough people on her 50k video lol. That video will show all her new subs how much of a lazy uncreative leech she really is.
No. 403192
>>403088he's essentially dating a female ricegum. in terms of narcissism and delusion they're on similar wavelengths #peargum
honestly so grateful i found this board. i was gonna make a stupid ~content cop~ on this guy he makes me THAT mad… i hate his enabling of edgelords and his misguided preachiness about fwee speech!!1! .. but i think the collaborative thing yall are working on will probably be more effective
No. 403210
>>403192No, they're not nearly similar.
Ricegum's actually successful.
No. 403571
>>403568might as well sell your soul to that devil pear then.
rip anon
No. 403720
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look no further ladies
>always looking for a chance to mention her bf edups
No. 403917
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No. 403918
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No. 403919
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No. 403943
also learn how to sage please
No. 403995
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And the mirror photos are back
No. 403996
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No. 403997
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No. 404047
>>403995Right Anisa, you're so pleased with the weight loss!! Except, i thought when you went vegan for that whole 20 minutes you were worried about your ~sudden drop in weight~ incase
triggered a ~relapse~….
Most recovered anorexics try to not obsess over their weight, she's setting a really bad example to those who actually believe she has had anorexia.
Are you recovered from an ed, or are you an image obsessed crash dieter? Which is it Anisa? She gives the vibe of the latter.
No. 404238
>>403995She's looking a lot more better. Her body looks more slim, her face looks a little less masculine, her traps are looking less trappy (but maybe that's just posing like in
>>403996 ). I'm glad she's making some improvements.
No. 404406
>>403999>trailer trashKek I honestly thought the same thing. Especially with the bold bra underneath. She looks like she fucked her cousin maybe once or twice. Had her boyfriend's baby at 14 and now she's a stay at home mom while he works at the supermarket. Probably has a shotgun and beats her. She flirts with the mailmen and other men in hopes that they'll save her and whatnot.
''Tis the life of trailer thrashnisa
No. 404458
>>404436Her beefy arm spoils the thin illusion imo.
Also yeah those clothes would look okay on a teenager but she makes it look so trashy and slutty it makes the whole outfit look gross.
Those fucking shorts need to be thrown into a fire they are so yeasty you could bake a loaf down there
No. 404659
>>404652Oh boo hoo your thread isn't gonna make it to pt, you poor baby.
Oops forgot to sage!
No. 404715
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Her plan To get into CalArts will include begging I'm sure.
No. 404724
>>404715I'm glad she's self aware that her art is shitty and she needs someone else to make a quality end card for her(which I doubt she'll credit them well).
What I don't get is how she has no shame in this as someone who wants to go back to art school? Like is she even trying to get better?
No. 404728
>>404709only 3 mins of duration
man Anus Pear has been getting and lazier and lazier here. haha most of the "fans" are idubbbz pre-teen fan girls and basement dwelling neckbeards. lol what is this shit? this is why god dont talk to us boyz
No. 404904
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>>404883Hey, "the sole person working on the video here". Look, complain all you guys want and also thanks for the praise, but I'm definitely not doing this alone. If it wasn't for the people in the server, I wouldn't even have started any of this and I would be working with a black screen and no content. What I'm doing is merely occupying my free time, because most of my time is spent in my personal activities and college. Now. I would find your complaining fair if you, who is complaining, were also working on the video and "getting shit done". But if I would be the literal one person working on the project, wouldn't you also calling yourself one of the "cunty snowflakes" who only "nitpick"?
>>402768Anisa on stream talking about meeting Ian
"I was super asexual"
No. 404931
>>404904can somebody gib me da pussi pls!
thanks for the good work man!
No. 404950
>>404942Why does she think its ok to use their relationship as a way to get attention? No one wants to hear how 'asexual' you 2 were except for your virgin teen fans. Its really gross to give out personal information like it's nothing. How does she not feel any shame or embarrassment?
People are literally exploiting her for juicy insight on Ian. Ugh.
No. 405099
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>>405020Damn, this is so satisfying to read. I hope all of this hate makes it's way over to Ian's subreddit. Maybe then he'll finally stop thinking with his dick, grow some balls, and break up with her.
>>405081Of course, because she has no identity outside of what men think of her. She thinks she's better than other women, but when it comes to men, she's willing to mold herself into whatever they want. Fucking pathetic.
No. 405101
>>405099>>405081It's almost like not all men become blubbering retards/whiteknights when they see a titty streamer like Pear wants to believe.
She also probably thinks dating Ian would protect her, especially now after his recent content cop boost. Shes getting way to egotistical and fucking up her 'nice girl' image.
No. 405107
>>405099Sadly, I think he’s in too deep now. (No pun intended kek)
They’ve been together a year and lived together off and on the entire year. He’s probably emotionally invested in her now and actually
does have some sort of fucked up idea that he’s in love with her.
dammit, my gf is a fucking fridge who spews out shitty content and contradictory statements on the daily, but I love her anyway No. 405112
Approx. 51 minutes in her latest stream ( she mentions how she thinks some of idubbbz' content is lazy before she tried to backpedal by claiming lazy content actually is a "good" and "neccessary" thing in order to produce great stuff (and how even she can put content out there that she's not happy with). Her intelligence is truly shooting through the roof, and what great work morale! Bet she'd make an excellent employee once the white knight neckbeards grow tired of shooting their load at her tits on their screen.
She also mentions going to see her loverboi Chris Ray Gun in LA later that same day.
No. 405186
>>404898fuck you cunt this wasn't me (avid)
i haven't been active on lolcow for a while so you can suck my dick..
I'm obviously not trying to rush anyone i go to discord occasionally to check on the video-making process
No. 405304
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Just a reminder that pear is still desirable despite her head shape, face, body and personality !
No. 405331
>>405304oh fucking ew, she's so revolting
nobody wants the panties that have been crammed into those sweaty, yeasty, pissy jorts
No. 405365
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Maureen or Anisa rather is lurking on the discord/lolcow.
She privated her account and removed most of her followers
Probably to cover up anisa/maureen shit talking laci
No. 405757
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She's live
No. 405809
Stream Highlight boyz (donation spilling tea) (pear talking about joji) (pear talking about not washing her hair for days) (pear responding to trolls and telling them what actually
triggers her; her weight and face shape) (pear lying about who asked to stop being a boobie streamer, apparently it wasnt Ian but "it was her dad who asked her to stop doing it" ) (pear calling boobie streaming "lazy work")
No. 405865
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>>405809Bless you anon.
So now she's saying she quit titty streaming because her dad forced her to (even though she is 24)???
And titty streaming was lazy work.
No. 405867
>>405865didn't she say she missed titty streaming or am i misremembering things?
and its kind of silly that she's calling ice lazy… the guy streamed 24/7 for a pretty long time, although now he's kind of taken time off… believe he has a gf or something. all this bitch does is sit in front of a camera and give her regurgitated opinions
No. 405869
>>405865It again seems like she changed her story based on our criticisms.
Anons have pointed out for a girl who grew up in a strict muslim household, she still was able to do things like titty streaming, drinking, being a hoe etc.
It didn't line up so now shes saying this because 1. It gives her an excuse to stop titty streaming 2. Makes her lies sound more believable 3. "Boohooo my daddy is meaaan ); give me pity".
No. 406180
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gotta love those comments
not pictured: idubbbz fans so delusional that they think he will do a cc on ice
No. 406315
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>>406168just thought id share a clip you don't need to be a smart ass rude bitch making "witty" insults.
>406266nahh I've seen a bunch
No. 406335
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In such a desperate need for asspats
No. 406669
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peat be looking like a tranny at twitch con
No. 406723
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only took about a year to get that phat promo. also the whole anisa discord is legit zzzzzz I might make a server that is actually useful. :)
No. 406729
>>406728kek!! hahaha that actually made me laugh! gg anon! oh yeah she doing better than us with that bald head of hers and that man looking body, she is goals for suree, maybe her and akadian and idubbbz and that other chick could have gone on a date together
~~~soo kawaii desu nee~~~
No. 406807
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oh no honey what is you doing
No. 406814
>>406807>>406808the gaping vag can breathe, hallelujah
anyone want to place bets on how long it takes her to find a popular streamer fuck at twitchcon? i give her one more day before she cheats on ian.
i'm just lol'ing because ~idubbbz gf~ was bitching about ian partying at vidcon and getting drunk, and that's all she seems to be doing lmao.
No. 406816
>>406807it's pretty hard to look bad in an outfit like that unless you're obese tbh, but she doesn't look bad here body-wise even if her face looks super ugly and more downs-y than usual. it's annoying that she's treating her dressing like that like anything less than what is though, which is going out for a hoe night. hoe nights are fine and they're fun and shit, but if you're going to hoe it up with your hoe friends, be a proud hoe, damn. and also be a fucking single hoe if you have a history of being unable to stop yourself from cheating.
can't stand posts like that with coy "i just liked the dress tehe ;)" captions. so annoying.
No. 406824
>>406821yeah. i mean, if anisa could at all be trusted not to be a nasty skank and cheat on her boyfriends, and she were actually there to network with other twitch streamers and not just spend the whole weekend going out and being slutty when she has a bf, it would be completely fine. no one would bat an eye. but… there's something very very off here. ian knows the kind of person she is, and he
must see the shit she's been posting today and tonight… idk how he could not be concerned and not see that as her being disrespectful of their relationship at the very least.
also, anisa said she was giving up on twitch so it honestly makes zero sense for her to be there unless she had ulterior motives like we know she did last year. maybe it really is
>>406822 a tradition for her lmao.
No. 406835
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She's so trashy
No. 406841
>>406839lol for real! hahaha honestly…
Anus Pear I know you lurk the shit out of this place so here is something for you, those people that told you that taking this picture was a good idea aint your friends girl! get better friends!!!
No. 406989
>>406807>>406835I can't wrap my head around her lack of self awareness. She honestly thinks she looks like an Instagram model or something when she's an extremely average frumpy looking girl trying to dress sexy but just ends up looking like a hooker. It's really sad.
Also that 'strict muslim household upbringing' sure is showing!
No. 406991
>>406814when did she complain about that? is there proof out there
also i thought ian didn't drink lol
No. 407005
>>406991it's in one of her deleted streams. when vidcon came around people were asking about ian and what he thought of the shitshow it was turning into. i think someone asked if they'd see him there. she got visibly annoyed & upset and said no, because ian only goes there to party, and he was probably blackout drunk with max or something. and ian does drink, all you have to do is watch a single one of max's vlogs ian's featured in.
anyway, there's talk about anisa bitching about ian going to vidcon in that stream in one of the old threads. we were all wondering if ian would find a new golddigger to fuck there, and anisa looked worried about the same thing. right after, actually, is when she started copying beantay, so maybe she really was insecure about it.
No. 407014
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>>407006i almost answered that she just has weird fat deposits on her knees, but then i looked at the pic again, and shit, it does look like a bad shoop. i wouldn't be surprised if she did a shitty drunken facetune tbh. on her left leg, the top of her calf is thin at the top of her boot and then just weirdly bulges out with fat above that. unless anisa has a tumor there, bad shoop. pic related.
and yeah, if i had to guess her size, i'd say about a US 6-8, which is about a UK 12 i think. she's gained a lottt of weight. maybe dressing like a hoe makes her feel thin again i dunno.
No. 407106
>>407006Agreed. What’s sad is that if she just bought clothes in the size she is (most likely US size 6) she would look so much better lol.
Average size here in America is literally a US size 10/12, she’s nowhere near that and is definitely
more slender than most women. And yet they carry themselves better and look twice as good in their clothes because they are buying clothes their own size.
No. 407249
>>406835Was she never taught how to not look so…cheap? There are plenty of ways for a woman to look sexy/desirable and not look trashy, yet Anisa as no idea how. she thinks small tight clothes that show lots of skin/boob/ass = sexy when it doesn't, it makes her look as anons said, like a cheap hooker.
@ Anisa pls get some female friends, or at least someone who'll be honest and not let you walk around looking so gross.
No. 407254
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No. 407256
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>>407254I found who she got the dress for
No. 407319
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>>407256Her damn muffin top in this pic… Anisa ffs get a pair of shorts that fucking fit you
No. 407373
>>407362>>407365Just report and ignore, no need to spam the thread with senseless infighting. It's proabably Anisa trying to distract us from the real milk so lets ignore and move on.
>>407347I guess she has been wanting to "meet" with this tyler dude, interesting…. I wonder if they did something else other than just "meet"
No. 407379
>>407360ruh rohh!
looks like someone is
triggered, go back to tumblr fag :^)
No. 407389
>>407386twitchcon is just a drink/party con so her outfit isn't unusual, though it's not what everyone else is wearing if you take a look at the streams.
If you look in the picture she posted, her friend in the background isn't dressed up so its likely she just wore the dress to take pics and be done with it.
>>407387find something else to do with your saturday night, i heard crocheting is fun
No. 407391
>>407386she's having a ~girlz weekend~ including partying.
idk who else was there besides k4iley who i think is getting ready in the back of this pic
>>406807 tho.
personally, i can't recall a single time any of
my girls' weekends/nights out ended WITHOUT someone cheating on their bf tbh, even if it was just kissing. ESPECIALLY if guys those girls had flirted with - like anisa flirts with chris, tyler, etc. - before were with us. but maybe my friends are just hoes, iunno. but still, usually when girls in relationships escape for a weekend with their single friends and go out partyng, it's because they're bored/upset/unhappy with their relationship and want male attention. if you've been in a shitty relationship, chances are you know what i mean.
No. 407393
>>407389she wore it to go out, though.
>>406835 was for sure taken later in the night given how smudged her makeup is. i doubt she put the dress on for a picture, took it off to go out, and then put it back on for another picture when she got back.
No. 407395
>>407319Absolute top kek
Y'all notice the craziest shit
Def think they "hung out" later that night
No. 407421
>>407393usually everyone's tagging pictures of eachother by now so its
1)she went out with just whoever shes rooming with and didnt go hard
2)she didnt go out
No. 407458
>>407389The fact that the threads are a trainwreck isn't enough to chase me away, anon. Because thankfully, Anisa is even more of a trainwreck.
And it's not Saturday night all over the world lol.
No. 407482
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>>407256>>407347This one is old. Seems like she's been interested in him for a while.
No. 407484
>>407482shit, she's always been big
i know she says she's 5'6, but even next to ian who's like 6'1 or something, she looks almost the same fucking height
how tall is this bitch? the height + linebacker body + manface make her legit look like a tranny, holy fuck
No. 407497
>>407484tyler is 5'6"
she does look kinda…wide though
No. 407534
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>>407524She's with some new friend named lex
No. 407687
>>407534Tits look lopsided.
>>407524hi k4iley
No. 407878
>>407365you sound
triggered. does daddie get cross when princess wears a skirt above the knee and call you a slut?
No. 407965
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Strained smile
No. 408074
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>>408012glad I'm not the only person who thinks of the Buff Chloe Moretz meme when I see the pear's massive traps
No. 408875
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No. 409840
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Ian looks so enthused to be drinking a basic white girl expensive coffee. Why isn't this bitch ever driving? I always see him driving in her snaps and etc.
No. 409848
Pear tries so hard to sound so much like her autist bf edupz. Like why so much commentary on pointless shit? "Im anisa listen to my monotone edgy im depresses voice"
No. 410491
>>410250From the looks of it, he just looks legit disgusted at what he drank and probably bought.
Also on tumblr has anyone seen those videos where Anisa and Ian were livestreaming(I think?) awkward to watch them be together. Their interactions belong in a cringe complication.
No. 410608
>>410491i couldn't tell if she wanted to start crying or stab him when she saw his face lmao, but you can see the moment where she realizes "this is, before anything, IDUBBBZ" and she does her fake sob laugh to appease him.
ian's such a sad little sperg tho. he thinks he's being funny by screaming bitch, but you can see he really does have feelings for her and just doesn't know how to express anything.
No. 410803
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No. 411241
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No. 411403
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Besides her usual bs she's been laying low. Sort of disappointing but I'm sure she won't last. As soon as she gets sick of idubbbz ignoring her so he can masturbate alone, she'll reveal herself again
No. 411431
>>411403lmao I remember that zombiunicorn chick being mentioned on older threads as one of the girls Ian finds beautiful. I think it was PhillyD's podcast? Anisa is jealous. That girl has huge tits, over 220k subscribers on youtube and is doing leagues better than her.
But ffs even as a cow, Anisa is a failure. The milk probably won't start really flowing until..
1. she breaks up with her ATM/Chauffeur
2. he breaks up with her after learning how to uncuck himself and find his balls
3. she's publicly outed as the cheater she is.
No. 411761
>>411760It’s markiplier and his dog chica lol
So stupid. Nobody is going to get it
No. 411962
>>411813Because "it's kind of a meme". She even made a tail for herself and had a collar with Chica's name on it.
I'm cringing into the next universe imagining them at the party in LA dressed like this. She supposedly took lots of pictures for this Halloween so we might see this disaster in a day or two.
Apparently, they were in LA because they're filming something. She made it sound like both her and Ian were involved with it but I can't tell if that's just her attaching herself to her famous bf or if they're actually doing a project together.
No. 411963
>>411761Thats.. thats retarded. Harley and Joker would have been better. Has Ian and Mark ever talked to one another?
>>411813 Wouldn't surprise me if Anisa still wants Joji but he avoids her like the plague so maybe she's after Mark lol, another Asian D that's more successful than idubbbz
No. 412262
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I thought that's because mark roasted ricegum?
No. 412667
>>412606A number of things
1 - twitchcon just ended, recovery time
2 - idubbbz is making a new video and he's making her be camera man
3 - waiting for ice poseidon drama to die out
4 - waiting for keemstar drama to die out(from ice)
No. 412749
>>412667That makes sense. I hadn’t considered her hiding from drama since she’s always thirsty for attention.
She’s set to stream again tonight. Is there any way to save her streams in case she deletes or privatizes them? I thought someone was doing it earlier in the pear saga.
No. 412757
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No. 412761
File: 1509508943058.png (531.65 KB, 750x1334, pearina collab with idubbbz2.0…)

Looks like she wasn't lying this time. Ian filled her getting smacked over the head with a bottle and he voiced someone in Chris's new video. Guess he finally got that Idubbbz appearance he was after?
No. 412990
>>412930Thread is dead because anisa is laying low and boring. Ice drama and Keem drama shut her up. She has too much to lose if she was exposed by them both.
It'd be milky if they teamed up and did their own content cop on her. Considering Ian would never.
No. 413085
>>413016I'm sure they both would prefer to go after idubbbz and take down the "legend" than his nobody girlfriend.
If they did, for whatever reason, decide to REALLY go after her, she'd probably make a stream showing tits and crying and people would get over it.
No. 413193
>>413085Yeah, she's nobody but that didn't stop Ice from ripping into her or Keem from covering it and using Idubbbz's name for that clickbait.
>>413165They have the platform for it. I don't know how big Ice is but who doesn't know Keemstar? The question then becomes how to get it to either of them.
No. 413823
>>412327You are acting stupider than anisa rn by asking the same shit constantly without reading above
No. 413890
>>413823Oh please, hop off it will ya? Different people can have the same question. Maybe they didn't go through the whole thread thoroughly, geez people like you just turn things so ugly. You compare those above to anisa but youre more like her than anyone else. You got
triggered so easily. Wouldnt suprise me if you were an anisa stan.
No. 414526
File: 1509747771877.png (69.44 KB, 609x355, more streams guis.png)

Buckle up, I guess. It will be interesting to see if she follows through/can keep up with it. She's admitted in a recent stream that "can only do two things" (the examples she gave were school and YouTube or stream and school) but once she adds that third thing, it blows up in her face.
No. 415531
File: 1509842526408.png (23.54 KB, 585x129, download (2).png)

No. 415575
File: 1509845686260.png (507 KB, 697x665, bigforyou.png)

I got round to watching her stream and i never realized how big her shoulder are.She should never wear this type of clothing and learn how to dress for her body type.
No. 415628
>>415398>>415413>>415403I hate the discord but holy fuck you guys are entitled snowflakes. Literally how do you think videos are made?? With a job, school, etc do you expect someone to spend all their time combing for info and make the video to end her career in a week? Fucking idups too at least a month to end leafys with a content cop
Go eat a dick entitled snowflakes, you're being worse than the discord chat and that's saying A L O T lol
No. 416128
File: 1509988974182.png (20.95 KB, 583x239, Untitled.png)

No. 416162
File: 1509991128781.png (46.79 KB, 614x274, download_2.png)

for those that arent convinced that the mods/admins hates us (for no god damn reason) here's what our dear ex admin bitch Regina had to say about the whole situation. basically mocking us, i dont get it if you hate this thread so much ban it then, why even feature it on the lolcow banner if you guys hate the anisa thread so much
No. 416271
>>416162>I automatically takes threads less seriously if they start with a photoshopped picThat makes me feel slightly responsible for the threads remaining autosaged since I made the last 5 or so threads lol.
>juvenile insultsWhat, like Grease, Onion, Moomoo, Kaka, etc.? "Keekweek" wasn't juvenile? This is an imageboard for fucks sake, having stupid nicknames for things is part of the culture. People in the Anisa threads are nitpicky and occasionally delusional though I'll give her that.
No. 417206
>>416162>>416162>>416200>>416208>>416295>>416470>>416950The samefagging is out of control. If you have to agree with yourself, at least be subtle about it.
>>416271>That makes me feel slightly responsible for the threads remaining autosaged since I made the last 5 or so threads lol.Autosaging has nothing to do with OP pictures or ex-staff's personal opinion.
No. 417317
>>416162>the mods/admins hates us (for no god damn reason)Zero self awareness. Stop for a moment and look at the shitshow Anisa threads have been for ages because of people like you and the samefag
>>416950 She definitely had potential as a snowflake, but the threads have been nothing but a circlejerk full of nitpicking, tinfoiling and no milk whatsoever for a good while, and that's why they're autosaged. Not because "modz h8 us". And the fact that you felt the need to drag ex-staff members' that have nothing to do with autosage into this speaks volumes about the general maturity level ITT.
No. 418171
File: 1510113480589.png (220.84 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6083.PNG)

I thought she doesn't know makeuppppppp
No. 418174
File: 1510113651961.png (146.41 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6084.PNG)

No. 419808
>>419798we don't need lolcow let's go literally anywhere else
i suggest pull
No. 420539
File: 1510343792451.png (676.44 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6096.PNG)

She comes out of hiding
No. 420544
File: 1510344043370.png (156.13 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6097.PNG)

Why is no one updating on her dumb shit??
No. 420892
>>420544Wow wtf is wrong with her. I'm not sure what happened either but the thread completely died. It's strange considering how active it was.
Anyway. Her new video
No. 420964
>>420892Now that she's back in the States she's looking pudgier than ever. She doesn't even whine about going to the gym anymore since she probably don't.
Also everyone asking her about the Vegan for a year thing in the comment section is giving me life.
No. 421343
>>421311Sage in email field, anon.
And he was, but he stepped down. There has been a couple of reshuffles of ownership and farmhands.
No. 422475
File: 1510539333807.png (649.24 KB, 597x595, ca9bc582f2e6862bc8d2d9e5b70f13…)

New on ig. She hasn't been posting much lately
No. 424152
>>424105tbh some of you in the thread are more retarded than PULLtards and that's saying a lot LOL - having the anonymity removed by making a dischord chat made a lot of you intolerable af
>>423546if you do make one do you need help with the summary post? if you do we can brainstorm it here
No. 425094
>AkaadianAnisa's story on how they broke up constantly changes. Current version: It was a shitty relationship, akaadian was shitty and she moved on.
Most recent recollection of events as of 11/13/17 - blocked Anisa initially, they followed eachother back for a while and then unfollowed eachother again. Anisa still tries to talk to Akaadian's friends on twitter once in a while.
>Zoie BurgherAnisa wanted to befriend Zoie and Celestia and when they extended her to be in a video, Anisa turned them down because "idubbbz said it was a bad idea".
Anisa proceeded to make fun of Zoie on twitter: calling her vagina roast beef(tweet deleted), "Does Zoie have more than one bra guys?".
Anisa also made a parody video of Zoie's scarce video, the video she was invited to be a part of. Zoie called Anisa out which led to Anisa deleting the DEAR SCARCE video.
Zoie has Anisa blocked.
Anisa still follows Celestia, but Celestia doesn't follow back anymore.
Anisa contradicting herself about the situation:
>Sky WilliamsSky and Anisa were mutuals on twitter. Sky would always defend Anisa when people would shit talk her, especially from Celestia Vega and Zoie Burgher. A scene from Anisa's stream shows Anisa thinks Sky is a "piece of shit" but remains mutuals because he has a lot of followers and is " a valuable human being".
valuable shit sky: addressing Anisa:
>Ice PoseidonCalls Ice Poseidon a lazy fuck
>Chris Ray Gun/ Laci GreenAnisa deleted all her streams from 2016-2017 after a fan asked shoe, Chris, and Laci if they felt uncomfortable about Anisa talking shit about Laci constantly.
idk what else to add but this is what I got so far
No. 427011
>>427002kek new video title and script
"Post Malone is my best friend"
hey guys anisa here, I was looking around twitch and I happened to watch h3h3 podcast I am friends with Ethan and Hila btw… My best friend Post Malone was doing an interview with them and he said I was one of the nicest sweetest persons he met, see guys I told you he really liked me! anways that is todays videos
anisa out
(insert shitty cat art image with generic music)
No. 427790
File: 1511110500304.png (670.86 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6146.PNG)

No. 428134
File: 1511145242754.png (45.59 KB, 1322x250, Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at 6.33…)

>>428131lol watch chu mean homie eheheheh
No. 428359
File: 1511169849113.jpeg (198.49 KB, 1334x750, 8214BBD2-F27C-4E03-8DB8-8A6663…)

When you try your hardest to look smart. (Sorry Pear had to crop the tits out to show something even faker than that)
No. 429098
Most of fake glasses are made from very cheap shiny plastic with very shiny reflective lenses. Real glasses are usually treated with some kind of anti-reflective film.
>>428359That picture shows you that they are shiny and no thickness. Just normal glasses for fashion.
No. 429110
>>428359So either she’s really dumb to have paid for a pair of glasses with nothing but uv protection or she’s really dumb and is trying the “ig baddie glasses aesthetic” and is bragging about some plastic glasses. Either way, it’s sad and it doesn’t make her look smart.
Have a feeling she will make a video about this “you guys, i needed glasses bc i had an accident when i was younger, i only need them for when i take selfies, i suffer from this medical condition that makes me seem dumb and dyslexic online but wearing glasses does help, i see HD now”
No. 429233
File: 1511269919900.jpeg (49.73 KB, 1156x222, asfgh.jpeg)

I don't know about the prescription but if they are authentic raybans that's $173 ,$323 with lens: While some people might think she's trying to fit in with her peeps (Ian, Chris, Laci, Kailey), I think one of the reason she got glasses is because they break up a fat face. I know because I do this too and it makes my face slimmer.
No. 429245
File: 1511271662891.png (74.28 KB, 539x503, Rayban.png)

No. 429455
>>428359i don't know if hers are real but mine definitely are and always reflect lights. they are a pretty weak prescription, and people who don't wear glasses are able to look through them easily. but they do make a world of a difference to me and for that reason i wear them almost 24/7.
i think she's a moron and all but i don't think this is evidence at all.
No. 430142
>>429950She’s not being called out “bc glasses”, she’s being called out because she’s lying about needing glasses and not being able to “see in HD”.
Also because this is yet another transformation she “needed” instead of admitting she just wanted to look like someone else.
No. 430521
>>430375This is definitely the worst video she has done, does she notice how many things she’d advicing others of not doing that she is doing right now? Do not marry but yes move in with someone a month after you started dating. She focused on the scaring/gaslighting/fighting/insecurity of a relationship, gee, i wonder why those subjects are important to her when dating idubbbz. She has no friends and no job, so maybe she should listen to her own advice.
“Eventually they will have to like you” what kind of advice is this? this girl is planning on marrying idubbbz when his family and friends don’t approve?
No. 431734
File: 1511628683868.png (48.96 KB, 678x442, wut.png)

>>430375Just found this on the comments and I laughed. Also Anisa liking this comment just seems like it's confirming it when it never happened.
No. 431819
File: 1511641246539.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.43 KB, 410x614, anusa.jpg)

I found porn of Anisa
No. 432090
File: 1511673380931.gif (3.51 MB, 600x450, pearposting.gif)

posted this over in the /ot/ starter packs thread, figured I may as well put it here too lol
No. 432102
>>431734Seriously, how pathetic can you be….
I went to the comments in her video and it's all just her liking the comments. Sad.
No. 432111
>>432106>kysdamn dude that's a pretty severe reaction to my lighthearted meme pic
>>432102she likes every comment that says the slightest nice thing about her it's kind of sad
No. 432753
File: 1511799067200.png (492.08 KB, 655x750, qurllll.png)

rlly girl
goddamn it she doesn't deserve all these nice things
not jealous just angry how she doesn't deserve nice things seeing after what she did to her exes
No. 433328
File: 1511831494910.jpg (59.75 KB, 480x474, Pearnisa.jpg)

I don't remember this one coming out with the original batch of anniversary photos. She can't even keep a straight face kissing him.
No. 434411
File: 1511980877812.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 3AD93B78-366F-4806-9DF2-C48AF3…)

Looks like someone is finally allowed to drive The Jeep
No. 434437
File: 1511983330786.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 7FE727B5-022F-42B4-A67A-BA907B…)

>>434411I forgot to add this one as well…
No. 434808
>>434663Ian wouldn’t let her drive his Jeep for a really long time. I can’t remember if she had a license in Canda. But she used to talk about how she had to walk for over an hour to get Starbucks when she visited him.
>>434706I missed this story. When did Blitz get run over???
No. 435267
File: 1512083979790.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, EEE3F39B-85EF-4196-9306-F68131…)

welp. it’s official I guess. he’s letting her drive his car lmao.
No. 436803
>>436217Yea looking at her shit its incredible how shes at 90k.
But considering that Ian credited her sorry ass she should have gained way more subscribers by now? Seems like even his fanboys can see how bad her content is.
No. 436880
File: 1512317960786.png (84.16 KB, 720x651, Screenshot_2017-12-03-10-09-16…)

idk it looks like people probably just felt sorry for her as a result of the ice poseidon shit, it's not like her abysmal views are improving. Two popular people referring to her as "idubbbz gf" in video/stream probably piqued curiosity. People will realize her content is boring deluded rambling soon enough, she doesn't even deserve to hit that goal. I'm almost surprised she didn't try to milk the situation as a poor cyberbullying victim
No. 437943
File: 1512438293474.png (75.57 KB, 720x366, Capture _2017-12-04-19-41-37.p…)

so why don't you stop, pear?
No. 439970
File: 1512691071131.png (74.63 KB, 1278x286, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 7.36…)

I really cant with this girl, so instead of being happy for her boyfriend's success she resents him and thinks she can actually surpass him, this is fucking sad, its like that time where she got all salty because fans were asking to take pics with ian and not her. why is she like this?
No. 439976
File: 1512691813433.png (596.93 KB, 1288x818, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 7.40…)

samefag but I thought id share this one as well, I guess anisa really cant stay away from the chris D
No. 440392
File: 1512760235253.png (122.7 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6258.PNG)

>>439970Reminder: no one gives a shit about you, anisa
No. 440542
>>440392What the fuck? What made her do a 180?
> what if Im more successful than ian ^3^ watch out yt rewind 2018!!! teehee> I'd decline if they'd ask me tbh.>>439976Take everything out of the current narrative, you'd think those two were dating.
Is she still in SD?
No. 443160
File: 1513140479177.png (79.32 KB, 170x260, 1485816707642.png)

wow, i know it's been said before but this thread has completely lost it's momentum. what the fuck ever happened to the discord and the anon who was putting together that exposure video?
>inb4 "u jus need2 wait more and stop being an impatient cunt"
that video really should have took like 2 weeks tops with all the people that were grouping together
No. 443964
>>443870facts dont lie, we once asked to get off autosage and the mods said the thread wasnt milky enough it was back when the whole ian content cop vs rice gum was happening and when she was blowing up but alright sure "mods dont hate us"
got it!
No. 444756
File: 1513371354529.jpg (408.05 KB, 1040x642, wtf.jpg)

so this is from the latest unboxing vid and I added a pic of chris and damn we all see through your shit Anisa. haha
>if I cant have him ill turn my boyfriend in to his clone
No. 444788
File: 1513374040529.jpg (72.83 KB, 564x501, 345236326236.jpg)

>>444775imma stay.
Not because this chan is any good, its fucking trash.
Just to piss you off ^u^
File: 1513374251430.jpg (45.14 KB, 450x500, 1424908440180.jpg)

>>444789oh no, how will I ever circumvent an extremely basic IP ban.
Bad chan = thick as shit lurkers
(ban evasion) No. 445456
File: 1513462413118.jpg (42.41 KB, 541x498, 1426461426457.jpg)

oh shit now replies are getting deleted
this is fun
No. 445623
File: 1513488542594.gif (875.05 KB, 232x320, 394894385.gif)

smh @ the state of the anisa thread these days, the only milk is from a sole anon trolling a dead thread for a weeks-dry cow.
I'll take what I can get I guess.
No. 448316
File: 1513754757244.png (142.79 KB, 640x740, IMG_6325.PNG)

Seriously who wears makeup to the gym??? I know she doesn't wash her face ever but cmon that's so dumb. Not a good selfie, at least.
She was smart enough to cover that forehead, props for that.
No. 449147
>>448880I like how she can't laugh at anything he says /does without looking to make sure the camera can see her laughing
He's not even being funny she's just forcing herself to laugh to make them look "cute". You don't look cute, you look fucking stupid. It's been a year, stop acting like you're in high school
No. 449912
>>449147It's not very convincing either. You can tell when Ian pisses her off, she looks like she's about to cry.
Who finds that funny or cute anyway? That would fuck me up.
No. 451298
File: 1514078594580.jpeg (185.67 KB, 750x1186, A48E7E9E-7951-4809-A598-0CAB47…)

I was creeping her twitter and thought this was hilarious…… she’s trying to look like someone who’s “thicc” bc she’s straight up fat
No. 451946
File: 1514172962875.png (274.51 KB, 987x565, Capture.PNG)

she reached 100,000 today. Wish someone in the comments would point out that she should be thanking her boyfriend…
No. 455925
File: 1514523534776.png (19.91 KB, 642x155, fffffff.png)

pyro responds to anisa talking shit about him
video he commented on here: No. 457009
>>456905you mean hypothetically? Because people are not losing interest in him at all, he still scores millions views on whatever shitty content he puts up.
>>456921yeah he won't. He only picks up "fights" with creators most people despise, co he's secure in getting approvement. When you think about it, he's a coward and a weak man. He only screams from up above at people already lying on the ground.
No. 457332
>>456910this guy's channel is dedicated to making EXPOSED!videos, and it seems like he's doing this full time.
From what I remember, the anons working on this were very few, and they had a lot of stuff to go through without much help. Not to mention this video idea was only for shits and giggles from people who are using this site as a guilty pleasure.
Not saying I'm not with you on the disappointment boat for the unreleased video, but a bit harsh there
No. 457384
>>457009Tana and Ricegum are still doing well despite getting 'exposed' for flexing and being dumb, rich kids saying stupid shit. Keem's alrightish. The one creator that did kinda die was Leafy, after everyone was already sick of him. I'm sure the next CC would be Greg and I think every youtuber has already given their input on onion and then some. Yeah, his 'fights' are always calculated and have been for a while. Remember that stream where he admitted to never cc Lilly or Zoella?
If everyone and any community was fair game, including Felix, H3H3, Pyro - anyone, then he'd be a different, no-bs person. But that isn't the case. It'll always be low-hanging, rotting fruit.
No. 458768
>>458731highlights for anyone who got no time/patience for watching:
>ian doesn't clean, his room smells like trash>he sometimes doesn't call Anisa in days>when she's with him, he's super into the relationship, when she's out, he is distant>Anisa was very close to breaking up>he's censoring her a lot, he "always wants control", there's a power issue >he's afraid of commitment>even his sister noticed he's shit to Anisa, she thinks a breakup would be a wake up call to him, she and also his parents warned Ian about it before even Anisa came to visit>Anisa thinks it's his "youtube ego", "he's so far up his own ass it's beyond saving" (lol)>he always puts his work image before her>doesn't like responsibility>"is a manchild in many ways" (omg I'm loving it)>he doesn't trust anyone>she said no to living with him for another month>she knew about the content cop farmers were preparing (Maureen told her lol) and was afraid people had caps from her discord and Ian would lose her trust (maybe you shouldn't have shittalked him in the first place). Funny, because she jumped all over them but no one really leaked anything here, we haven't had that info, and now, when our thread is dead, someone leaks it to a hatechannel lol.Her fans hate her more than we do, apparently.
No. 458798
>>458731Anyone got a link to her discord?
Hopefully someone who's willing.
No. 458960
>>458899Yeah, Idubbbz seems like a weird guy but she can’t say she didn’t see that coming. The guy has videos eating his own vomit. Also, remember who here has the dirtiest room and is always criticized for wearing the same bra for months long, the old makeup, and she can’t deny it because there is proof on her dirtiness.
Telling her fans those things about him is a shitty move because she did know idubbbz doesn’t like his private life out there, to the people who say it was venting, I don’t know, who “vents” about their private life and their very private boyfriend to everyone you know? Clearly she wanted to clear her name by making his name dirty too. She’s the good one you guys, Ian aka idubbbz who is currently staying at pewdiepie’s house (which she wanted to go to but couldn’t, there is a tweet about this) is the evil dumb one. This is just like the kidnap story KimmiSmiles made up about her boyfriend who just didn’t want to date her anymore. They are just getting off by the idea that people will feel pity for them and see them like the good girlfriends.
The dates on her “venting” have their purpose because they match her online breakdowns aka twitch streams, twitter TMIs, and quite shitty videos on youtube lol.
Also, who would fake being her fans aka della, ufho, skitzoturtle, kailey, etc.
Anyway, let’s wait for Anisa to say it’s fake and that she was “trolling” us all even Idubbbz.
No. 458986
>>458768the problem is that even were this to be provably real (which such imgaes aren't…) this would all be straight from anisa. who we already know lies and exaggerates things about past (or current) relationships, or hell anything about her life. i really really want to believe that ian's as much of a pos as this makes out (and lets be honest it sounds kinda true) but we should be erring on the side of caution for now.
let's hope this blows up in some way
No. 459112
>>458731What a mess.
I don't believe this is fake. Anisa even admits in the discord the only person she has in America is Ian. It sounds like she just really needed someone to talk to so she confided in the discord.
She also states that it would be damaging to Ian if this got out to the public.
I actually feel really bad for Anisa. Ian sounds insecure, manipulative and too immature for a relationship. Anisa sounds like she wants to make it work but Ian refuses to listen.
If she really wanted people to know this in public she would complain about it on stream.
I think this is 100% legit.
No. 459128
File: 1514848195724.png (71.91 KB, 700x431, Screenshot (09).png)

No. 459186
>>458735Just venting? I can't with you guys how are there people left sympathizing with her at this point.
The only shitty thing happening there was her telling some complete strangers on the internet the most personal shit about her bf. Even if he was some unknown guy it would have been a disgusting thing to do. But spilling personal shit about a "public figure", especially someone who keeps their personal life a secret, is beyond fucked up.
She even went as far as talking about his family.
Somehow I can't believe this shit is real, it'd be such a retarded thing to do even for her standards.
No. 459189
>>459186She spills a lot of shit publicly on her streams, it's not too much of a stretch that she'd be even worse in her discord where she has some supposed "privacy".
Do people really think someone would actually go out of their way to fake several discord convos? Like, not just impersonate Anisa but also all of these other people replying?
No. 459289
>>458946Aside from possible photoshopping, why would anyone "leak" things from her server only to have it fake? Seems too much work for me. (Organizing every specks of pixels, etc.)
Besides, if one would leak something, it would be because they want to expose her, whether for laughs or justice.
Also, what she says does fit Idubbbz based on the previous info we have about him.
No. 459301
File: 1514864300006.jpg (418.26 KB, 600x970, anisa jomha idubbbz girlfriend…)

Hey Anisa discord! I'm glad you used my collage, I made this one too and you're free to use it.
Thanks so much for the hard work pear fax crew!
No. 459306
File: 1514864619442.jpg (89.28 KB, 611x305, fsfssf.jpg)

Interesting tidbit
One of Ricegum's main point was that idubbbz took months to make the content cop on him(with pewdiepie), if he was on a trip during 8/25 then it would be at least 2 months(CC dropped in 10/11) of work idubbbz put into this
a lot of idubbbz friends - max, fatcunt, etc argued ian didnt spend more than a month on this but the facts are here
No. 459319
>>459316fuck you're right, at least a month though.
ian had the video removed by youtube so the exact date of the video dropping is fuzzy
No. 459322
File: 1514865751786.jpg (228.31 KB, 700x523, idubbbz gf gets mad at idubbbz…)

This milk is delicious
No. 459326
File: 1514865954584.png (33.16 KB, 406x431, 8360e08bfbb5bd9b2f33e2d52466bb…)

>>459306He was making the Ricegum content cop in 2016
No. 459353
File: 1514867651345.jpg (221.33 KB, 1670x948, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 8.16…)

No. 459411
File: 1514873177846.png (30.18 KB, 621x252,…)

No. 459432
>>459389>tana was my ideano wonder it was so shitty
>she was wearing nothing but a brais that nostalgia i hear, miss pear?
No. 459472
File: 1514881594453.jpg (114.55 KB, 693x398, ANIS AJOMHA PEE FETISH.jpg)

Anisa opened up her discord and is not saying whether or not these caps are real or not
No. 459479
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No. 459481
File: 1514882468218.png (43.54 KB, 667x469, 2.png)

No. 459484
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No. 459485
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No. 459488
>>459479For those without context
this is Hassan Bokhari, a twitch worker No. 459510
File: 1514885565102.png (64.43 KB, 728x703, reynoodle_doodle.PNG)

No. 459512
>>459511>tfw dry sarcasm is all reynad knowsgoogle reynad. It's some streamer, no idea who and how "important" since I'm not into twitch at all
But lol at her oversharing and him cutting her off immediately
No. 459774
File: 1514920695209.jpeg (67.13 KB, 750x424, 91B8841D-AD05-4488-921A-AC235E…)

>>459485Wow, we can see she was texting Akaadian right at the bottom.
No. 459931
>>459510She just loves to emphasize her relationship in every sentence she speaks.
“Me n Ian”
“MY house”
“I’m in IANS car”
“our skype”
nobody irl cares about Ian and he’s barely “internet famous”. I know her mother tells her these things matter but they really don’t. It’s not worth it to sleep in trash and get vomited on by a literal greaseball for 5 internet fames.
No. 460571
>>460555what did he say? luv me some sweet Ian roasting
>>460541if he doesn't know yet, he'll soon do
No. 460797
>>460793I found the newfag!
it means that the thread can be bump btw please learn to sage (type sage in the email field)
No. 461035
>>460537Thank you anon. I haven't bothered with this thread in forever but this is some good milk.
It was pretty obvious how not compatible they were. I can't believe she bitch about him like this behind his back. I hope he'll understand this is not normal and dumb her fake ass.
No. 461161
A part of me wants to feel bad for her talking about her shitty relationship, failing channel, her own subs talking shit about her behind her back, her life just going nowhere and being miserable, but then I watch like 5 seconds of one of her videos and all those feelings just go away. She's always starting shit, always shit talking, has such a nasty, crass fake as hell persona and a mouth that needs to be washed out with soap.
A part of me would hope that these leaks would lead to get dumped by Ian, and actually realize that this YT celebrity stuff just isn't for her. It clearly isn't, she hasn't got the charm, the looks, the humor, and her channel is just nonsense and all over the place. The only thing she had going for her was being a twitch hottie and she gave that up. She should just try to be a normal person and get her life together, none of this works for her.
sage for useless rant
No. 461211
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>>407482his name is tyler and yeah she has been interested in him for a while he is a pretty famous streamer. back in the day she use to @ him a lot and try to ass kiss
No. 461305

>>461096white pages is saying he or his family name owns property nearby carlsbad
maybe she and ian were visiting their family?
(Rule 4.1) No. 461313
File: 1515045321371.png (24.7 KB, 620x314, Untitled.png)

>>461309I don't know, he puts a lot of info out there to throw people off(his birthday for example)
but I did find this
No. 461370
>>458768omg that sounds exactly like how i pictured ian to be. during his kickstart videos he looked nerdy but normal. during the begining of the content cop shit he looked like a well adjusted guy making jokes too. but nowadays (since last year i feel) i can't watch or stand him. i unsubed and catch a few of his videos here and there but he just seem like a different person to me. like a egomaniac manchild. again, i don't feel like he was this before.
feelsgood.jpg to know that he's actually losing it and that's what the personality shift is about. also i hate anisa but she needs to dump him asap, she's plain but doesn't deserve a edgy dude who is going back to being 15
No. 461373
File: 1515048862367.jpg (227.82 KB, 900x1200, DNmTRWmWsAEro5g.jpg)

>ian idubbbz isn't emotionally mature to handle adult relationships>the man who says nigger on camera to make money and is the hero of edgy kids everywhere>he's actually a fuckin moron who thinks he's better and smarter than everyone shocker but what did she expect tho
No. 461382
>>461370Maybe she should just break up with him instead of threatening him many times to break up with him (and then telling everyone about it). That’s manipulative and cruel.
According to what is visible in their videos and these leaks, they’re both disgusting people but Idubbbz has the success and the money to do whatever he wants, Anisa is just a leech playing victim in every situation and she found her biggest evil boyfriend yet “the horrible idubbbz”.
No. 461551
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lol she's still shading Ian, isn't she
No. 461566
today/tomorrow (different timezones, don't judge me) she'll stream so milky thing to do would be for some farmers to pop up and mention the leaks. I'm pretty sure she knows about them so she'll be easily triggerable
No. 461619
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No. 461646
>>461379The "I wont find someone like you again" thing would have been a huge red flag to me. It
sounds like a compliment, but it's just typical guy shit, it's too much work to find someone to replace her with, not 'you're so special and unique and mean so much to me, you're one of a kind' that is just so shallow. If that's his only reason for being with her, he doesn't want to go through the hassle of finding another bitch to put up with his nasty behavior, then she's either way more insecure than I thought, or she really is only with him for the fame and notoriety, which seems to be waning anyway. She's scared to break up because she doesn't want to think she's losing a chance at success. But he doesn't support or encourage or give her exposure at all so why the fuck stay? She's such an idiot it's ridiculous.
No. 461664
>>461619Oh my the milk is just keeps a-flowin'!
So she's on a sponsored visa? I'm not an expert on US visas, but does she mean a work sponsored visa, or a K1 (fiance)visa?
If it's the work sponsored visa, it would finally make sense why Ian had to credit Pear in her CC! They had to show that she is indeed employed by "idubbbztv".
If it's a K1, well that just opens a new can of worms.
No. 461694
>>461664I think it's a work sponsored visa. She mentioned something about needing a certain number of subs to stay on the visa. I agree that the credit might have something to do with that. As the leak shows, Anisa says that Ian
says he feels bad for not crediting her for the Tana thing but
still won't come out and give her credit for that or anything she may have done before.
No. 461730
>>461710kek-iddy-kek this is gold anon!
Someone please post it to her reddit lol
No. 461799
>>461710I thought this kind of streaming was banned on twitch?
I wonder if Ian is embarrassed by her
No. 461844
>>461646they are both people that should never be in an adult relationship. pear can't stop making shit up and blabbing to people who dont really need to know what's going on for asspats (hence the discord leaks), and ian appears to be a hell of a sociopath (what a surprise /s).
>>461683cba to find it but there was a link on her twitter from a couple of days ago
>>461694why on earth would she even want to claim the tana thing as her own? i thought that with the benefit of time, people were in agreement that the tana cc was kind of in bad taste.
>>461799this is from far before the recent outrage around titty streaming. ian probably doesnt care, just like he doesnt seem to care about the rest of their relationship.
No. 462253
>>461799Why would he be though? He knew how embarrassing she is before they got together and she hasn't stopped being embarrassing since soo.
Then again he told her to stop associating with Zoie so he actually might have been embarrassed by her former profession. Sadly for him she never really stopped being a titty streamer.
The one thing he and Anisa seem to have in common is being hypocrites.
No. 462556
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>>462549samefag because I've just watched a bit.
>a sob story from twitchcon. She came up to another streamer girl and went for a hug and the girl said ew. Anisa got a panic attack (sure). Then she was talking with someone and that girl came up and said she can't wait to see Anisa crash and burn and her channels die and snapped her fingers with biiiitch. Why does it sounds like a nightmare Anisa dreamed at night and not a real story? lol
>watched some of her old titty-streams (confirmed using double bra)My connection started acting up so I don't know if she addressed the leak at all
No. 462625
>>462561max doesn't like anisa tho lol. like, at all. anisa seemed to have gotten into it with katt after their hawaii trip too.
i can't be the only one who remembers anisa and max arguing on twitter because anisa was being a condescending dumb-shit who was acting all ~plenty educated~ about relationships despite her number of failed ones? max gave up on responding to her and just ended it with an 'lol' or something.
if max and chad no longer like ian, they definitely don't give a shit about the hoe they only tolerated for him.
No. 462824
>>462573Yeah, she said she was being sponsored by idubbbz and was his """employee""". In whatever screencap you could tell she was basically mocking the government and the sham of a business Ian pretended to have to be able to sponsor her.
I'm pretty sure you're right that you can only sponsor a family member if you're using the 'personal' sponsor or whatever.
I'm an american so I don't know tons about (american) visas, but my ex was an aussie who'd looked at ways to stay in the US after his student visa was out and he'd looked into sponsoring. As far as I know, there are basically two forms of visas gained that way. One is between employer and employee, and the company fronts the bill for you living in the U.S. while you work toward citizenship or whatever.
The second option is the 'personal' one, and like I said I'm pretty sure you're right and that can only happen between relatives like parent and child, uncle and nephew, grandparent and grandchild, or engaged couples (not just people who are dating), etc. My ex had an american step-dad and I know he was trying to see if he could use that for some kind of visa, and sponsoring came up. I'm not sure what happened since we broke up, but I'm 90% sure you can only sponsor family members or otherwise you have to be a legit business and be employing someone.
Really hoping Pear gets ICE on her ass tbh.
No. 462936
I find the "work sponsorship visa" a little suspicious. Everything I've read about it requires at least a bachelors degree/specialized skills/a shitload of money. All of which we know Miss Pear lacks. There are a few visas (I looked at which might have loopholes that could be exploited by a good enough immigration lawyer, which she's mentioned them talking to before.
I think it makes more sense that she's just lying and back on the tourist visa, since the time between this move and the first one, is about the right time to wait between tourist visas. I think it's fucked that she's so willing to get red flagged by US Immigration than Ian is willing to visit her for more than a week. In Canada, you can sponsor a common-law partner (a person you're dating & living with but not necessarily engaged or married to) for residency.
>>462824If you/he (or anyone else) still cares, maybe your ex would be interested in the Aussie-only E3 visa. It's like the H1B but has a quota that's hardly ever filled. The TN1 visa is the Canadian/Mexican equivalent to the H1B.
No. 463382
>>462936>>462824i've read about the specialized bit as well and i think they used the whole youtube thing being relatively new for their advantage and maybe said she's a researcher for ian's videos or something.
i know that the visa for engaged couples is insanely difficult to get though so i doubt they'd bother with that, plus it requires you to get married within 6 months or so
No. 463695
>>463687not just that, but when ian stayed with pewds, they were near to breaking up. anisa was freaking out about it to the point of ranting to her discord/anyone who'd listen about her bf idubbbz being a big meanie. :'( the entire time ian was with pewdiepie, anisa was wondering if she'd be bugging ian if she called him while he was hanging out with felix and wondering if it was bad timing to talk about their relationship, etc. meanwhile ian hadn't even mentioned anisa was his gf to the friend he was staying with lmao. plus we can't forget ian hadn't called her for 4+ days while he was staying with felix. hm, gotta wonder what he was doing, not even mentioning his gf once, during that period of silence.
anisa is so fucking stupid.
No. 463718
>>463714i agree. he doesn't want her involved in any part of his life that isn't just the two of them. he wants to keep his love life (really just anisa and her checkered past tbh) wholly removed from every other part of his life because she's bad for his image. she also said quite a few times in the chats that ian wants to control her own "image" and that he doesn't like her past persona and how it affects him (i'm paraphrasing here). ian is embarrassed of her and the titty-streaming. he knows that she's bad for public perception of him and that really is what he cares about most at the end of the day.
i don't blame her for being upset either, but she knew what she was getting into tbh. it was a mistake for both of them to ever even enter this relationship. anisa has been in enough relationships that she should have known what she was getting into, and she should have never let ian keep her hidden like a dirty little secret and control her life (hurting her career by giving up the celestia/zoie connections just because ian told her they were bad for his image, wtf) if it made her feel so bad. she lets him do these things, and for what? having a famous bf? …who doesn't even mention you? lol. and ian should have chosen his first girlfriend more carefully if he wanted someone who'd be good for his image. you don't make a whore your queen, etc. if he wanted a marzia or a hila, he shouldn't have picked someone like anisa, plain and simple.
No. 463746
>>463741he doesn't know because this video with anisa and ian had a lot of views anyway
if you google live stream fails her video would pop up for sure
No. 463747
File: 1515280411451.jpg (121.56 KB, 800x878, IMG_20180106_181014.jpg)

Yeah pear he totally "liked" your "fan art". I don't know why but looking at this depresses me. She wants to be noticed so badly.
No. 463794
>>463771I honestly don't think so. Something happened between Max and Ian for sure, maybe the same thing that happened to Max/Katt and Anisa on that Hawaii trip that turned Anisa and Katt into very aggressive frenemies.
Ian and Joji are extremely similar at this point tbh. Joji abandoned his friends for his music, and once that took off he never looked back at the people who stuck with him during the YT years and upgraded his friends to include better-knowns in the industry. Ian is very much the same, except he expanded on his YT fame and upgraded his friends: pewds, BIAB, jacksfilms, h3h3, freaking Post Malone, etc. It's kind of shitty considering it was Max who kickstarted Ian's career, in all honesty, but whatever. Fame always changes people.
No. 463812
>>463798No one knows but them, but he seems to be friends with pewds and BIAB at the very least. When you stay at someone's house for weeks, you tend to develop some kind of friendship beyond a working level. Just my opinion, but what do I know?
But he's definitely legit friends (and not just 'working friends') with jacksfilms and has been for a while. In one of Max's old vlogs, Jack's seen getting pretty drunk with Ian and Max and you can tell he's totally 'off', meaning not in YT'er work mode. Vid related, starts around 2:34. Jack had no reason to hang out with them and drink with them other than being friends with them and wanting to chill with them - it's not like they ever collab'd together.
No. 463922
>>463722Why was she so desperate to be mentioned as his gf as soon as she possibly could?
People here are talking shit like why does he not promote her, but why should he? As a big youtuber wouldn't you want some kind of reassurance that your failed twitch streamer wannabe future youtuber gf isn't just in it for the exposure before promoting her?
The only decent thing she could've done to prove that its not only about the Idubbbz fame would've been to keep their relationship private in the beginning and see how it works out before telling anyone.
No. 463958
>>463942katt has some serious moonface going on - looks like a thyroid issue or legit lupus or something because she's so thin otherwise - but yeah, she's really pretty next to anisa. it was super hard to watch tbh since anisa straight up looks like an ogre next to a feminine looking girl like katt. anisa looks so goddamn manly, holy shit.
anyone even know why they were hanging out?
No. 463970
>>463963>>463964>>463967I just realized her neck is wider than her forehead. Lmao.
Sage for nitpick but jesus christ.
No. 464064
>>463942Nah they are both fugly.
>>463811No he hasn't done anything bad, Felix is pretty sound. That anon is probably a WSJ reader or some shit.
No. 464070
>>463963Kat looks fine, I think she just has a round face in general. Anisa, per usual, cannot style herself to save her life. Those glasses make her brows look cro-magnon tier and foundation lips are never a good look.
as for why Anisa wants Ian to acknowledge her so badly - probably equal parts attention and, well, who wants to feel like they're being hidden by their partner? I don't blame Ian for doing it from a business perspective, but he obviously doesn't know how to make that clear to his needy gf.
I think they deserve each othrr tbh. Anisa is a pathetic chest and Ian is a soulless autist. Don't feel bad for either of them.
No. 464076
>>464070>>464072>I think they deserve each othrr tbh. Anisa is a pathetic chest and Ian is a soulless autist. Don't feel bad for either of them.>Anisa is a pathetic cheatthis tbh. so many people - anisa damage-control fans i'm assuming - have been bawwing ITT about how mean ian is to poor nisser. :'( and yeah, it's shitty if he's hiding her from his friends like pewds and wants to "control" her image (though we only have anisa's word to go on with that). like you said - soulless autist.
but i feel like no one's mentioning the "chris would defend me unlike ian - ian only cares about his youtube persona", "chris is better than ian that way", "i'm talking to chris about [random thing here]" rants in the discord leaks. yeah, we all knew she cheated on akaadian with ian and suspected the chris cheating, but those discord leaks were pretty freaking damaging when it comes to showing anisa comparing her boyfriend to other men. and portraying those other men in a more favorable light while shit-talking her bf in a public forum.
like, who tf does that?
No. 464394
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under Ian's new vid
at least his fanboys know who she is am I right…? lulz
No. 464454
>>464451It's a capybara. Her reasoning: "Because capybaras can make friends with anything; I made a picture of a capybara befriending [Kim Jon Il]."
paraphrased for proper spelling and world knowledge.
No. 464543
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Kat posted this on her twitter with the caption: “dragged anisa to LA to corrupt her”
Starting 2018 without talking to idubbbz even though they live together, talking shit about him and their relationship, and hanging out with other guys far away from him but using idubbbz money. Sounds like twitchcon 2016 all over. When is the next horrible abusive relationship video coming?
No. 464548
>>464543lmao. am i the only one who feels like katt is being sneaky af and sabotaging anisa? no? just me? but damn, anisa taking pics with random bar skeeves makes that hotel room her and katt got for just themselves for the weekend look 1000x more suspicious. i guess maybe anisa's reverting back to her old bar-whore, one night stand days.
>hanging out with other guys far away from him but using idubbbz moneythe best part of this is how MUCH idubbbz money is being spent on anisa atm. it's not just him paying for her living expenses, we found out in the discord leaks he's SPONSORING her to live in the US. he's shelling out a shit-ton of money for her just to live here.
anisa's straight-up scum. those guys in the pic aren't even cute lol.
No. 464549
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Anisa looks way manlier than any of the guys there. Gotta love that “mature fashion style” she is rocking right now 10/10.
No. 464577
>>464567>>464568they're def bar randos lol. have some fucking standards, ladies.
who wants to place bets on them bringing those dudes - or other dudes - back to the hotel room they got for the sole purpose of spending the weekend partying? they're both trash.
No. 464593
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>>464590samefag but I guess were not gonna get keemstar to help us spread the drama because apparently he is a fan of anisa now
No. 464594
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>>464587Here's the first of the tumblr asks.
No. 464596
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>>464587>>464594More tumblr explanations from Max's ex.
No. 464598
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>>464596>>464594>>464587Max kept - or lost - his ex's camera and used it to take the first pic of him and Katt together he posted on IG weeks after the breakup with Xantia.
No. 465302
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anisa is petite and thicc
No. 465394
>>465302OH my god this is gold…poor kylo ren tho
Btw is there any milk from her stream with Kat?
No. 465834
The same day Anisa had this break down immediately went to talk to chris despite not talking to him for a week. quick back up rebound just in case she and idubbbz really did break up.
by the way, keem is taking stories right now on twitter so if you have an account, hit him up
No. 465977
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When anisa used to have friends but noticed she's an insufferable cunt now
No. 465980
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No. 466059
>>465980Gotta admit but, she looks prettier back then than now.
But still a gold digger nonetheless.
No. 466061
>>465977Jesus Christ, that bra and jeans
Talk about attention hungry and horrible fashion sense
No. 466083
>>466034lmao, this gets me every time. it was originally found in the temp thread. was 4 months ago, iirc exact date was end of September? it matches up with her planning on breaking up with Ian and hoeing it with Chris. imo she probably posted for male attention, thinking she'd be breaking up with her bf.
No. 466284
>>466281shiiiit the video is finally up ????
all of you share this asap on every social media
No. 466304
>>466286instead of bitching why dont you make one yourself then, it took everyone a while to get this done, so far this vid is pretty good
>>466281thanks for this you guys did an awesome job!
No. 466364
Still watching, so far so good! But the title could be better, with capital letters to seem more "youtubery" and baity
No. 466403
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No. 466430
>>466364I second this. Capitalize all of them, and if not, at least all the first letters. People are more likely to click.
I applaud those who came together to do this. The somebodies in the community have been too pussy/blind to see talk about this bullshit, so it's nice to see it all in one spot. Nice work ladies <3
No. 466444
>>466281Wow, this is so complete. Except for the long lost video where she said she wanted Ian and Joji to penetrate her just a few months before she “casually met” Idubbbz.
Did anyone see the courage the cowardly dog tshirt on her stream today “casually” 3 days after joji asked on ig about that show?
No. 466467
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No. 466526
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Her discord was trying to take the 100K video down
No. 466593
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No. 466618
>>466608I linked it in her chat, but she didn't see/acknowledge it and it got drowned out.
>>466610The comments on the 100k video is full of her white knights saying the screenshots were faked lol.
No. 466621
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No. 466652
File: 1515602953018.png (61.13 KB, 507x626, Screenshot (982).png)

Date with idubbbz was on the 3rd of October then broke up with matt on the 8th of October
No. 466665
>>466652lol I thought they were "broken up for six months" by the time she got together with idubbbz
she's a lyin thot, and an ugly one at that
No. 466673
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No. 466689
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On the 7th of october she had a discussion with the neckbeard subs about breaking up with matt
No. 466743
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>>466652Their anniversary is 8 October
No. 466754
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No. 466757
File: 1515610057938.png (20.54 KB, 789x189, 00zzgahmaureen.png)

Maureen checks up on this thread regularly because she is obsessed
No. 466762
>>466754>we knew we loved eachother the first night we metthis is too corny to handle
also lol the king of edgelords being an autistic romantic softboi, uwu much. few months later, he pees on her in the shower kek
No. 466989
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The imgur post with her shit talking idubbbz is at 700+ views, good job fam No. 467099
File: 1515639648373.jpg (41.1 KB, 1280x720, cawww.jpg)

You know anisa, you should really only confide your relationship problems to one or to people you trust. If you did that you wouldnt have this problem and/or you'd know who is leaking your shittalking.
No. 467229
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>>467134speak of the devil
No. 467245
File: 1515652915743.png (708.94 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_2018-01-11-00-31-39…)

when did she decide she has OCD? did the thought of having an ED and anxiety bore her that quickly?
the video is really good. a bit hard to read all of the tea and without a narrator you do have to read all of it to make it comprehensive, but still good work. I'm not sure it'll hit her because she really isn't too big of a deal and with the Paul Bros being the big news right now.. it's a bit frustrating.
No. 467247
File: 1515653214713.jpg (255.44 KB, 800x446, idubbbz anisa jomha racist.jpg)

couple goals <3
No. 467280
hey pearfax, i cant edit videos but anisa is a huge hypocrite here when saying 'other twitch streamers only care about the numbers and take advantage od you: on for 4 mins
and heres the vod of her saying shes only friends with sky because of his numbers and how useful he could be later—–
>>462556anisa's twitch con story of someone calling her a bitch is here:–
she also makes a claim she makes MORE money than she did in her boob days, when her donations/bits show the highest she's gotten this month was 30$ No. 467337
>>467314she hasn't mentioned anything about it lol pretending that it doesn't exist
I wonder if any of these youtubers with whom she had beef with will mention content cuck
No. 467442
>>467412people instream speculated zoie burgher but I thought it mightve been kelly jean, sssniperwolf, or brittany venti since they openly hate anisa
anisa is so ready to drop names and drag people in real life so whoever it is must be above her popularity wise
btw did you notice how spazzy and trembling she became when she started telling the story? that helped me believe it was an actua' true stpry. the only other time she shook that bad was when chris called her youtube perception stupid
No. 467515
File: 1515692170382.png (196.68 KB, 720x944, Screenshot_2018-01-11-11-33-18…)

I wish more people would spam pear, keem and even h3. I wanna see this get big.
No. 467723
File: 1515704897120.jpg (7 KB, 317x122, cuck.jpg)

Was spamming the chat with links to the video (and typing Content cuck?) and she at first removed my comments but then banned me. kek
No. 467730
>>467672i suspect it wouldn't go too far in /r/videos, but it couldn't hurt to try? think of any other subreddits and crosspost to them. drama channels, even smaller ones, might help though. if people see that there's views to be had on this then that's how the content will be made.
on another note: she has really gone overboard with the makeup this stream. i've just noticed that the way her mouth moves when she speaks is kinda weird and unnerving.
No. 468233
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No. 468248
>>468182It has also apparently been showing up as a suggested video in people's notifications.
>>468217She said her raihnbowkidz demographic was 20-40 year old men because only they were able to "see the humor behind it all" (aka tits). Played league and whined that her viewers were bored watching her play league.
No. 468257
>>468252kek no. she has average sized tits that she pushes up with push up bras.
shes just being an attention whore and trying to make people notice her tits
No. 468261
>>468233>>468252it's her old schtick. She loves complaining about her boobs as if they're so huge and a pain omg so enormous and heavy, suuuuch a burden you guys. But you can see
>>468253 here that her boobs are average size, a size that doesn't hurt while moving, sleeping on one's stomach etc. Actual big-boobed girls should seriously chew her out for this
No. 468303
>>468279I’m amazed nobody with a bigger channel has covered it in a video yet (not one I’ve seen anyway). Not even the likes of pyrocynical who she was shit talking.
Are people really this scared of idubbbz content copping them? Like he would publically defend her ass?
No. 468332
File: 1515770861081.jpg (121.89 KB, 690x967, IMG_20180112_102151.jpg)

What is up with her fake thigh gap posing? Pear you have big thighs quit trying to wear tight shorts and take pics hiding how much your spreading your feet.
Also her head is looking extra pear shaped here and of course she has to wear make up while she goes to the gym to "work out".
No. 468334
>>468329oops sorry i forgot to sage..
yh the whole point of this video is to expose her and maybe start an avalanche of "exposing" vids to show people that idubbbz is not morally superior to everyone he criticizes..
the point of the video is not to get famous or anything like that.. just because pear fax is the first person who actually did something about this whole thing doesn't stop anyone else from making contributions
No. 468350
File: 1515773804673.png (517.3 KB, 714x726, lol.png)

>>468332Always reminded me of Mista GG
Same pear shape
No. 468372
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>>468350A more clearer look
No. 468556
>>468549That would be great!!
Don't forget though "Anisa Jomha IDUBBBZ GIRLFRIEND shading Laci Green for 3 minutes" gotta mention the cuck for more traffic
No. 468570
File: 1515794125216.png (181.25 KB, 1260x916, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 1.47…)

>>468549I am part of the crew that worked on the video and I have never seen that laci vid you are talking about did you posted on the discord? and you should post the video yourself anyways the more people we have shitting on anisa the more credibility we will get.
No. 468577
File: 1515794448612.png (370.77 KB, 750x1334, A0B143F3-21D4-48C2-A345-8047E8…)

Again, not sure if relevant but think it’s interesting…
No. 468589
>>468570i posted it in the evidence repository and stuff along with the uploads of her differing meeting idubbbz stories. heyyy tho whoever I'm talking to, it's peach if you remember me.
i can upload it myself but pearfax has the most exposure rn. literally no one would know my channel esp since I need to reupload b/c i forgot my throwaway login lmao. but if you guys want I'll totally upload and link here when I'm done.
No. 468926
>>468903in two days it'll hit 100k on it's own..
i'm still mad that keem, pyro,sky are ignoring it
No. 468948
>>468926Especially pyro, she's been caught shading him ffs. Its kinda pathetic how everyone is too scared of idubbbz to do anything.
I have messaged a few smaller 'drama channels' such as basic, hftt etc and they all basically said they wont get into drama with idubbbz.
No. 469376
File: 1515888836779.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180113-181231.png)

Is she wearing two bras?
No. 469419
>>469385>>469385nah man let's not go that low, shall we. We were not brought back from autosage for this.
This is the pose that Jenners abuse, for example. To look "thicc". She's not fat. Now let's stop with this topic.
No. 469430
>>469385it's just angles anon
she's about the same as ever
No. 469431
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>>469429She liked his comment of course
No. 469433
File: 1515891686579.png (788.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180113-190001.png)

Look at this attention seeking caption.. like why can't she just post a fucking picture without an explanation of her body.. fucking hell