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No. 1812525[Reply]

This thread is for discussions and jokes surrounding those who LARP as some variety of "Queer" despite being only attracted to the opposite sex. Although most are in Hetero relationships, some may be on the "ace-spectrum" and/or polyamorous. They may discriminate against those who are same sex attracted by being uninterested in their issues, revising their history and exploiting them for personal profit. Women in particular may be incredibly rude to even libfems, let alone terf boogeywomen, because she prioritizes her Nigel above all. Men in particular are only in it for sex, so he hits on lesbians if he is ever actually in a local LGBT community and drops the Queer act when it no longer is in his benefit. Consider this a vent thread as much as it is a meme thread.
This thread is not for Homeophobe-chans.
Since there is already MTF and FTM threads, this thread will focus more on the LGB community as a whole and topics that don't really fall under the Trans threads. Please also take note that this is not a Bisexual hate thread and posting about those under 18 is not encouraged, though is allowed is exceptional enough.

Topics of discussion:
-History revisionism
-Alphabet soup getting longer
-Celebs and cows pride-drama
-Spicy Straights
-Comphet and other popular "queer" trends
-Ace Discourse sightings
-Bi/Pan Discourse sightings
-"Bi-Lesbians" Discourse sightings
-Homophobia from "Queers"/Spicy Straights
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No. 2016242

>asking if she’s part of the club because she got a rainbow tattoo while being straight and quirky
What “club”? This is so stupid. I’m not in a “club” for being SSA and wanting to be seen as a normal fucking person. She probably lives in a really blue city/state too. Why do these kinds of women have to be so insufferable. Just go live with your husband free of fear and shut the fuck up.

No. 2016272

Not really, like >>2015473 said abstinence is mostly seen as religious, secular celibacy is far from being normalized and people will scrutinize you if you say you don't want to be in a relationship.

No. 2016298

I am naive as fuck bc I’m a lesbian and didn’t know that. Honestly hilarious though

No. 2016367

Yeah lmao, not for women

No. 2016388

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this is what corrin has to say, idk what to make of this

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No. 1996943[Reply]

Passport bro, or passport bros is a movement of men who go to developing nations in order to find girlfriends or wives. These men believe that feminism has corrupted Western women, and seek to find a youthful, submissive, modest, conservative and feminine woman. Despite their claims passport bros often get caught with prostitutes, or seemingly never actually stick to one woman. Some have been robbed, assaulted or scammed on camera. But it doesn't deter most of them. A few have also been arrested. Most overlap with redpill and manosphere communities, especially the black manosphere. Which is why many have a hate boner for black women and speak on black (male) issues. 

Some examples of passport bros: 

>Auston holleman 

>was arrested in Brazil for sex tourism crimes in 2023, returned back to the country in 2024.

>International passport 


>more to life 


>The Philip Scott show 

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No. 2016309

This guy sounds like the next Peter Scully

Reminds me of this active case against a Canadian man who was allowed to repeatedly travel to the Philippines (confirmed for sex tourism) despite being flagged as a potential offender in his home country. Police only decided to seize his computer after a decade and now it’s encrypted so they have no way of searching for evidence. These things are never taken seriously until it’s too late

No. 2016369

It definitely can be, especially if you know enough of the language to get a place in a quieter town.
Let me guess, he's going to be released after 10 minutes and given a medal for his brave defense of the Korean language.
I hope stories like this pick up internationally, we need to fuck up Korea's soft power majorly for them to do anything about this shit.

No. 2016375

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>Model tier threesomes

No. 2016389

That's the sole reason to go for a passport bro, no? The thirdies want to live like westerners. The moid sure has a boundless capacity for willful self deception.

No. 2016392

This thread and troon ones are a source for the strongest lol worthy copium on the internet kek keep up the good work nonnies

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No. 1999616[Reply]

A thread discussion for "proshippers" who exhibit cow-like behavior.

>What is a proshipper?

If you ask a proshipper (they also sometimes call themselves "profic" or "comship" but these mean the same thing) what that word means, they'll tell you it means they're against harassment over fiction. This is wrong, a proshipper is someone who thinks your taste in fiction (and usually by extension pornography) does not determine anything about you as a person. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but what is not debatable is how milky proshippers are.

>What is an antishipper?

An anti is someone who disagrees with proshippers and thinks that your tastes in fiction can and do reflect you as a person. You may also post bizarre takes by them, but please keep this thread focused on proshippers.

>Why/how are they milky?

Proshippers tend to be pornsick faghags who will make any excuse for moids jacking off to hurting women. Common habits amongst them include: supporting bi lesbians/thinking lesbians can like men, sexually harassing people who disagree with them, bringing up their oppression labels for no reason, comparing 14 year olds on the internet to christofascists, cult leaders and le evil radfems and so on.

Notable Cows
>chronically online pornsick TIF
>"rehabilitative criminal therapist" aka thinks rapist moids should be forgiven
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No. 2016156

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Vee also said this, so it's funny watching proshippers rush to her defence

No. 2016254

Considering some proshippers defend rpf of real life kids I’m not surprised.

No. 2016525

>All i know is that antis only go after women like omori and vee instead of men that actually have serious allegations against them like shadman.
This is also something I've noticed. Nowadays I kinda stay out of anti vs proship drama as it just all feels so terminally online and I'd rather judge someone based off their media literacy and sanity levels. A woman who fantasizes about being raped in a safe, private environment is infinitely less annoying than people who think they're morally superior for telling someone who likes age regression due to childhood trauma to kill themself. The human brain is odd and developing kinks due to past trauma is an extremely common and natural occurrence as your brain attempts to make sense of it, and telling people they must repress because they are immoral doesn't lead to anything good.

However, men get away with so much more degeneracy. They can draw the most fucked up pedophilic gore and get told how much of a based gigachad they are for it. I think it's because women care about being seen as good more than men do so they tend to engage in this kind of thing more, as well as the fact that women are more prone to playing mindgames to tear each other down. Men play dodgeball, women play chess, so to speak. Shadman being endorsed for so long just because he's "edgy" is a case I will never understand. You can always, ALWAYS tell when someone is an actual fucking pedophile, they always draw those characters uncannily childlike.

No. 2016529

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Samefag sorry, or if they're not an artist the legitimate pedos post shit like this on main. Fucking nasty. Anyone remember the "real life shotacon" incident from a few years back? These tweets remind me of that persons. Pic related, it's them.

https://twitter.com/lizcourserants/status/1275671860970172418 lizcourse talking about it, if you're curious.

No. 2016956

the reason people find it creepy is that its a ship that uses the likeness of an underage child and an adult man

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No. 1289055[Reply]

Previous thread >>900676

Eve is a schizo from methland Ohio who dedicates her time to sperg about personal cows. She is known for threatening to sue ED and has a KF thread.

>Is now a part of the Bill Skarsgard fandom and found some new personal cows to screech about
>Got kicked out of the IT fandom for supporting pedoshit and lying. (sexualizing the kids and shipping them with the clown, claiming to be younger than she really is)
>Also got kicked out of the Hemlock Grove fandom for supporting incest and sperging. (wrote an explicit fanfic about a mother and her 18 year old son claiming that it's canon)
>After screaming about one of her personal cows, she attempted to join the gossipers of the Bill fandom who happened to dislike his girlfriend, Alida. She backfires as soon as someone discovers her and her thread, causing the next update.
>Faked her death a while ago, pretending to be a friend while being surprisingly informed of the saga. Eventually backtracked by saying the blog who claimed that Eve was dead was a hater who wanted her driven out.
>After she revived from the dead, she now mainly focuses on the gossipers of the Bill fandom.

Tumblr: https://therealtattlecrime.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoundsOfficial?s=20
Wordpress: https://tattlecrime.org/
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No. 2015627

You don’t stalk her though nope even though you literally check every day to see if she posted something new like the pathetic sperg you are. But yeah you don’t care and you left it alone huh?(sage your shit)

No. 2015629

Oh and you kept this thread going for literal years once she left accusing her of running 100 blogs she didn’t run but did you even read how many thousands of things are posted here in the time she wasn’t active are you fucking braindead?(sage your shit)

No. 2015630

It’s ironic how you claim she’s the loser with no life but you’re the ones obsessed with wanking over her. How about this….dont?(sage your shit)

No. 2015631

Cry harder(sage your shit)

No. 2015635


>Just WHY? she was left alone on lolcow

No she wasn't check the 100s of posts above you that you made when she wasn't active
>nonnas here igore her antics without proof
You invented proof when you didn't have it just to keep this shit going
>I doubt that some random hannibal fans (is fandom even active?) stalk her
She never said the Hannibal fandom stalks her you tard
> if jen is still out there, she is not loosing sleep because of you
This isn't about Jen or your dumb forum but your head is too far up your ass to understand that
>People other than you actually managed to create more coherent story with new facts quicker and better than you during all those years.
Who did this? People who censored, redacted, and twisted the information to fit their narrative? People who made up facts like this forum? Yeah sure…whatever
>I think she came back because she just wants attention and misses little slapfights on lolcow.
You're the one searching every single day for her to do literally anything you can make fun of. It sounds more like you're the desperate one here. So fucking triggered over something you claim to not care about and claim no one else cares about. What's up your ass?(sage your shit)

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No. 2011789[Reply]

Post covid has shown a rise in conspiracy leaning / off grid loving / natural birth / antivax / ancestral / quantum healing / pseudoscience / ancestral / animal based / tradwife / trad girl / crunchy / yoni sunning /raw milk obsessed / block of butter eating / scared of seed oil / anti feminist / liver and testicle loving influencers

It’s such bs that there’s so many of these grifters making money off of fear mongering other people but especially other women.

Some accounts spreading constant misinformation are:

1. https://www.instagram.com/theoliveoilqueen
Mia aka “theoliveoilqueen” who converted to Greek Orthodox when she got married to reallytanman (he owns masa chips). Mia claims to have had really bad digestive problems until she switched to an ancestral diet yet also says she throws up as soon as she eats anything with seed oils. She just had a baby and during pregnancy complained a lot about digestive problems while also making posts about controversial things she did while she was pregnant.

2. https://www.instagram.com/the.raw.sol
“The.Raw.Soul” aka Mikayla Sprung. It seems like mostly eats raw meat and raw dairy and claims that the sun can heal you from most of your ailments. She constantly has a sunburn and also talks about how she’s healing her anxiety from being scared of toxins constantly. Has her own tallow skin care line and claims to be a health coach. She’s scared of red 40 but will drink methylene blue.

“Getreal_girlfriend” aka Taylor Gossett. She might be the worst of all. She’s an ex stripper that became a doula but then got fired from being a doula because she didn’t want to use non binary terminology and was antivax. She is constantly bragging about how she gives her “man” testicles and grass fed steak. A few months ago she got canPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2017721

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How fucking embarassing to act like a toddler at the store

No. 2017722

"Aryan princess"

No. 2017723

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No. 2017980

Aryan princess kinda looks like Brittany venti

No. 2018048

Where's the raw testicle? I'm disappoint.

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No. 1611539[Reply]

A thread for both older and newer cows from indie bands including indie punk rock, alternative rock, grunge and so on, who do stupid things but don't deserve their separate threads. That refers to singers and musicians with unhealthy need of attention, claiming to be "punk" and independent despite being ex models or actors and coming from priviledged backgrounds, guilty of using nepotism to further their careers, reworking old genres, copying older bands or characterized by rude and nonsensical behaviour. Examples of indie cows or cows in the making:

Previous thread milk & discussion:
>Dani Miller poverty larping >>1283783
>Kim Gordon being an NLOG who wrote a book to bitch about Thurston, reveal intimate details of their divorce, flex all the famous people she knew and fucked and how fucking ~artistic~ she is >>1279833, >>1279885, >>1279902
>Sonic Youth behaving like total idiots and posers, anon posts video of them bullying Narwuard, destroying a gift he bought them. A bunch of 40 year old manchildren ganged up on him like a buch of primary schoolers >>1285799
>pretentious (and bad) cover of Aneurysm by Kim Gordon on Nirvana’s RnR Hall Of Fame live >>1453639, Kim lets us know how „punk” others said she is
>Kim Gordon talking shit about women that she’s jealous of >>1453837,
>Kim’s awful „clothing collection” >>1463224
>1975 gets in trouble for ignoring grooming allegations about their friend >>1282004
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No. 2014901

Who's Brittany?

No. 2014930

who is the other blonde woman on top left pic?

No. 2014931

Kek no its not, most people live well into their 80s now. What a stupid nitpick.

No. 2015151

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Olivia Scott Welch, she was in one of those Fear Street Netflix movies. Not a great actress but she's very pretty, funny to see how much the Glume filter changes the face

No. 2015237

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Holy shit. New song from "Viola Odette Harlow" aka Glume. She touches on the lying etc but claims her agents and managers made her do it. Girl WHAT agents? WHAT managers?

So she went from "I'm an abused child star, my mom drugged me, blah blah blah" to "I'm an abused adult (porn) star, I'm lying to protect people, they made me do it" allllll bullshit

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No. 1977045[Reply]

A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.

Notable Figures:

>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman. In a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy. Uses her mental health as a shield. Very vile and toxic despite the sweet and soft image she portrays to her fans.

>LioConvoy: A fat and smelly, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. He's Peaches biggest defender and owns/operates a Discord server called "The Senate" in which he and his cult members will often threaten and coerce people to join in able to interrogate and berate them. Had 3 other adopted "kids" that he adopted only to disown/neglect them in favor of Peaches.
>Omnia: Kai's Ex. Has an actual life outside the internet, but can't help but run back to it. Made claims against Kai being abusive and took his cat, along with collecting money for items that probably weren't stolen.
>Kai/Zae: Volitile, but recently has made a resurgence with his Kooleen video. Admitts to beating Omnia and tries to say it was mutual.

Others in the community include: JustARobot (autistic grifter), PonderSprocket (well respected, but also has a weird dynamic with her teenage fanbase), HitenMitsuru (pretentious vtuber wannabe, another senate drone)

Last Thread:
>Iilluminaughtii Drama happened
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No. 2014128

I watched the clip again and you're right, he doesn't even hesitate to pop off. If he really didn't want her to do it, you'd think there would be a slightly long pose until he suggested his name. Nah, I'm with you anon, I don't buy that it was a matter of protection because like you and >>2012408 said, he still could've said no.

No. 2015217

JAR is now acting like he didn’t enable Diapertones, not much new considering we’ve well established how he’ll be two-faced and switch his opinion about someone on a dime

No. 2015331

This is like the third time he’s done this lmaooo. He does this shit every time, he openly participated in dog piles and harassment campaigns until that figure gets disgraced and then he just repeats the cycle. He joined in every drama daftpina started, then when the tides turned against daft he made videos against him. He would do dogpiles with spoctor and junkie till they declined. He then backed lio and peaches for a year till their downfall and now is trying to pretend he didn’t enable them. It’s because he’s an untalented view hungry little bitch. He tried going drama free for a year and basically stagnated in views and relevancy, so he has to go back to drama. Hope someone calls out how fucking obvious he is. He’s genuinely one of the worst members of the acc, he constantly makes shit worse and muddies the water, he enables some of the worst members of the community to abuse and harass others carte blanche but then acts fucking oblivious. He gets away with it every time, it’s fucking annoying and I’d love to see him put in his place.

No. 2015367

Fucking all of this. I agree with you 120% on your take as a fellow person who has been following the ACC for years and also noticed how JAR really is a disingenuous grifter I don't understand how anyone can take this guy seriously but then again maybe not many people have noticed how much of an opportunistic swisher that he is. I hope that he gets called out as well but I don't think it'll be someone like Enlaa, Leigha, Kumo, or Stardust because they seem somewhat new to the scene and aren't as familiar of JAR's past history. In Leigha's recent stream she said that JAR seems trustworthy so that kinda shows she's not familiar with him.

If any creator is likely to call him out, I feel that it could potentially be Akumu since he's been in the ACC for a awhile now (at least longer than people like Leigha, Enlaa, and Stardust) but on the other hand, I don't think he goes that far back and he would've been in the tail end of middle school and early years of high school and I doubt he was paying attention to what was going on then.

The only other person I can think of who might be likely to call him out is Lakamokalaka since she's been in the acc for a good while and she remembered some of the early stuff that happened in the FCK.

No. 2015383

his worst sin is his ugly voice and cringe chuuni personality

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No. 1874473[Reply]

Thread for all twitch drama
Last Thread: >>>/snow/1766148

Recent drama:
>Natsumiii of OTV&friends cheated on her husband and getting divorced
>XQC/Adept lawsuit is ongoing, rumors say they got back together
>SuperMega outed as sex pests(no surprise)
>OTK continues to dip into irrelevancy, ExtraEmily holding up the entire company
>Idubbbz loses CC2 and $250k, Anisa and Ian continue to cope and seethe at the haters
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No. 2018020

I didn't watch the whole stream (still ongoing) just the first 20 minutes or so, excluding intro. She definitely made it seem that she is there alone. Ofc there were a bunch of people in chat asking about Mizkif and the others, but she never addressed that.

No. 2018245

Someone in the comments of this video claims that Miz was partying with OnlyFans girls the day Emiru moved out (apparently this was publicly posted somewhere). Wish I could find any receipts for this, but I wouldn't be surprised. Emiru also says that other people will "eventually" move in but she is unsure when. No mention of Mizkif or any of the others from the OTK house. I think they may have broken up. I am curious to see if anyone has any info that indicates otherwise.

No. 2018771

why does she wear all that hair? it looks so uncomfortable and hot, she's constantly touching it and trying to fix it. she needs to change this hairstyle bc it's getting old.

No. 2018790

It always looks matted as fuck too, I don't think she brushes the extensions. Honestly she'd look really cute with shoulder length hair, I wish she'd cut it.

No. 2018939

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>Wish I could find any receipts for this
i found some schizopost from twitter, if that's anything

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No. 897463[Reply]

Alternative title: "Mods please don't lock this one before it even starts" Edition

Dinara, aka Develv, 28, is an artist on DeviantART known for making fetish art of eunuchs. She often shares her account on the site with her sister, Elvira, 26, whose own account and username is Elveo. The lion's share of their infamy stems from their antics in the Russian art and fanfic community, and the site HolyWarsoo has been archiving their antics since 2015.

The sisters have a bizarre fixation on historical young boys who were the victims of genital mutilation and sexual abuse by older men. They combine this fixation with a general disdain for other women, often making their eunuchs resemble fashion models, while actual women are drawn to be plain, unappealing and/or broad-bodied, at best, or strange, ugly caricatures with mannish features, at worst.

Points of interest:
>Elv is known for editing actual Wikipedia pages to distort information, and match her and her sister's eunuch romance yaoi fantasies
>Psuedohistorians in every way, constantly claiming that this or that woman or group of women were actually beautiful men (for example, Amazons or nymphs in Greek mythology actually being men all along) or not female-identified (Hatsheput being a trans man)
>Both are intense apologists for the abuse and castration that eunuchs went through, claiming most of them were not victims, but "glorious, beautiful, innocent angels" and "figures of power". They enjoy writing fanfiction and drawing fanart of these historical figures, romanticizing their ordeals and completely reimagining their appearances
>They defend pedophilia in general, and sexualize living boys who are CSA victims (Bachabazi), young Jewish men and boys, gay Middle Eastern men, MtF transsexuals, intersex people, etc under the guise of "appreciating male beauty" or "supporting love"
>They were homeschooled and raised in some sort of hypermisogynistic cult by their insane father, which may explain their internalized misogyny
>They believe Jesus was a eunuch
>They are staunchly against any depictions of BiblPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1960282

>don't know who that is
>look him up and the first picture is their art-works
>also he was some Persian eunuch sex-slave of the persian emperor emperor and possibly the sex-slave of Alexzander(though all details of an alleged relationship comes from some fujo novelist)

No. 1960346

Ngl I wish I had their skills kek

No. 1960430

Hilarious but wasted talent

No. 1961731

omg i can't believe they're still around i hadn't thought of develv in years, thank you for this nona i will now reread these threads (also i feel like i should've seen a ff7 arc coming kek)

No. 2015038

Super late reply but they're still relatively active. I'm not sure what happened to elveo but develv goes by Siringadev on Tumblr and is now obsessing over some games and ofcourse she's shipping two brothers together(necro without milk)

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No. 1360838[Reply]

A Thread to discuss all the hilarious online and IRL afrocentrists and Hoteps
This thread is specifically about afrocentrists, mostly african americans who genuinely believe that black africans were responsible for all human advancements and sciences and that greeks, romans, arabs, moors, native americans and especially Egyptians were all black, basically the black counterparts to Varg's Ilk except imo somehow even more delusional

a common trait among afrocentrists is they often look to Ancient Egypt as the source of all human culture, hence the adoption of the Ancient Egyptian term Hoted and recently many have gained an obsession's with the MCU film black panther and have adopted symbolism and rhetoric from the film


IMPORATANT NOTE - No racebait, no posting normal african americans and no regurgitative comments about "black culture" or other bullshit, go to kiwifarms if your gonna behave like that
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No. 2003568

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(sage your shit)

No. 2014620

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This channel has 3.5k followers. Africans living in Ireland discussing about how Ireland (and all of Europe and the Middle East) was originally black and that they are 'reclaiming' their rightful homeland back

No. 2014685

In Ireland when have a somewhat less common type of person called "black Irish". They're quite literally just Irish people with olive skin, dark hair, and darker eyes, rather than the rest of us who have light skin, light brown/blonde hair, and blue/green eyes. Black people have been CLINGING to this for years claiming these are the descendants of black people living in Ireland that got mixed in with the ebil pale Irish

No. 2014689

Does anyone in Ireland actually say "black Irish" to talk about olive skinned people? I've only ever heard this online. As one of those dark haired olive skinned Irish people if someone said black Irish I'd assume they meant people with African migrant parents.
Plus I definitely think medium/dark brown hair is way more common than blond although blond/light brown isn't uncommon but def not the majority of Irish people.
Although it's stupid if Afrocentrists use it to claim the Irish were originally black but I'm pretty sure it's not even a popular term in Ireland. Like how "Irish twins" and "Irish goodbye" aren't used in Ireland. Using an Americanism as evidence Ireland was black just makes it even stupider tbh.

No. 2014711

prior to modern age, many euros called dark featured locals "black" people. my grandma is from a small village in easter euro and thats how she called me when I was born with dark eyes and hair (the skintone was similar for everyone you ever saw so it always implied darker features and maybe a tan at most)

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