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No. 2091522[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans"community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2100623

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Picrel is obligatory

You can just tell he laid out the items right before taking the photo. The box tissue is just cherry on top.

No. 2100651

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Woman: my brother violated my boundaries , most likely went through my clothes for his sick fetish.
Troons: oh my god! It’s just clothes, who cares!! Actually you should totally share all your clothes with him and teach him! You owe him!

No. 2100652

The tranny brother probably stole her underwear too, fucking disgusting.

No. 2100672

Why do so many males lack the ability to understand boundaries and empathy? Is that what is lost when the Y chromosome looses its leg or what?

No. 2100683

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idg women like this. just be a terf like wtf you don’t owe these men shit. and of course a troon responded to this thanking her for not being a terf and told her that some troonsbians act out like this because of loneliness. these freaks literally have no empathy for women. we’re just tools for their validation.

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No. 2088555[Reply]

“Lisa Yo” is a 23 year old German “influencer” who has indulged in an extremely unhealthy amount of plastic surgery to look asian despite being fully German. She floods her socials with bots that validate her extreme transracial lifestyle. She has put almost all of the information about her past under the rug.
>Fully German, lies about being half Mongolian
>obsessed korean culture and products
>Extremely anorexic
>Has gotten a SHITLOAD of plastic surgery done to look asian, none of the work done is proportionate to her natural face shape
>Her comment section on IG reels is often full of people being disturbed about her botched look, she often deleted their comments and floods it all with bots comments. Her entire social media presence is fabricated
>She had an old account where she looked normal, on the right, (kind of) where she was still on about her koreaboo shit named “lisartesandcookies”
>Was often made fun of on the German side of youtube for her appearance before discovering her true transracial self
>She has put everything about her past social media presence under the rug
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@its_lisayo?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its_lisayo/
Youtube (Old/Defunct): lisartesandcookies
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@lisayoooo?si=4-i9pj7SFC6q1qOi
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No. 2096931

That is exactly the claim that is contested and nobody thought you personally thinks that, chill.

No. 2099926

Not a prosthetic, it’s aegyo sol filler there, and horribly done. However her upper eyelids seem she has gotten double eyelid surgery. It is very clear in old photos she has an epicanthal fold which is probably likely she’s not lying she’s part asian ( unless she’s one of those bjork type white people)(sage your shit)

No. 2099968

This has already been established and you bumped a month old post that was already refuted.

No. 2100479

No. 2100663

'plastic surgery shouldn't make you look like someone else' says a guy who's probably been operating on people for over a decade. He's right. The only people willing to perform extreme procedures or make people look like someone else are the sketchy ones. i.e. you run the risk of things going horribly wrong and not just because you're opting for stuff that is extreme.(off-topic)

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No. 2085229[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1971031

Thread recap:
>SuperMega returns >>1971032
>Rooster Teeth officially shuts down >>1973320
>Alex Kister of The Mandela Catalogue is outed for being a nasty AGP with minors >>1975610
>Vareena Sayed is in a terrible motorcycle crash >>1976103
>Jameskii posts 52 page google doc of twomads crimes >>1976745 >>1977140
>Pathetic MRA whining >>1978460 >>1978629
>Oompaville being a misogyny apologist >>1981003
>SSSniperwolf re-monetized, breaks up with her moid, assault accusations >>1985037
>chuggaconroy posts long statement, wont be making videos anymore >>1986158
>Japan is not safe from Nick Robinson >>1988156
>Adam22 is dating Caroline Calloway >>1988836
>Kyra Renee is pregnant >>1994937
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No. 2100808

KEK the similarities are truly uncanny

No. 2101052

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The sex pest is doing a stream with a sexualized vtuber today, notice where his eyes seem to land in this picture kek. He can never not be a horny creep.

No. 2101061

kek he's streaming with some literally who coomerbait vtuber now? Who even watches this shit?

No. 2101319

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I’m guessing the same people who are actually watching this guy goon out on joystick lmao.

No. 2101572

fucking gross, i'm surprised his thread died out over the last year seeing as he's willingly putting his shriveled worm on the internet again. i miss anon's jumpscare edits of him kek

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No. 2069705[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 2100074

Which subreddit was this even posted on? I'm curious about this tif's other posts, she sounds milky and deranged. But the title's too generic to fetch me any results.

No. 2100078

Trannies please gtfo.

No. 2100091

KEK get therapy holy shit

No. 2100133

new thread >>>/snow/2100119

No. 2100162

how did you find this place grandma

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No. 256183[Reply]

Old thread >>132905

http://ichigoflavor.tumblr.com/ (dead)

Truth Blog (dead):

Since these aren't banned anymore, I decided to make a new Berry thread to talk about my fave cow
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No. 2072363

This gave me a good laugh, thanks for posting. It's all a bunch of cheap Aliexpress goffik tat and then boom, £13,000 bracelet.

No. 2074581

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can't believe it's not edited

I still remember the fake Cartier saga, good times kek

No. 2092899

She's still as ugly as I remember her, lol. I know she would shit bricks if someone posted her old pics

No. 2092991

It's 2025, are they married?

And I can't imagine Berry's family being okay with her sex work.

No. 2099830


genuinely resisting the urge to make a burner account on twitter just to reply to her tweets with old pics of her lmaooo


too bad berry deleted her discord server she would probably be sharing it there if they got married, so far it seems like theyre still engaged, one thing i do rememeber is that she often said she and switch arent in a hurry(sage your shit and don't cowtip)

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No. 211025[Reply]

Not sure if this thread will take off at all, but…

Taylor Skeens is a 23 year old Musical.ly “star” and YouTuber.

A few months ago I kept seeing a video of hers pop up in my recommended’s for some reason and finally watched it. It was 15 minutes of this girl with this whiny, daddy-molest-me voice complaining about her fans asking about her divorce which she doesn’t want to talk about… then talks about it. Overall boring.

Last week, the same thing happened. Kept seeing her in recommended’s with another dramatically vague video title. Here we go. Now it’s 18 minutes of her complaining about an ex boyfriend who she began dating fresh after her divorce, telling people online that she’s a cheater. After 5 minutes, the video is her attempting to justify the reason she cheated and talking about the problems they had, despite stating that she wasn’t going to talk about it? And now she has another boyfriend.

This girl seems like a huge attention whore who purposely does things that she knows people will ask about, and then gets angry about people asking when she has already said she likes sharing her life online. IIRC, One of the problems in her marriage was her oversharing her life online. I think there could be some milk here.

The videos: (First one) youtube.com/watch?v=WYoHcIo45Z4&t=638s
(Second one) youtube.com/watch?v=QoRKkm4pqDg&t=303s

YouTube: youtube.com/user/morgantaaylorr
Twitter: twitter.com/tayskeens
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No. 1329047

wait does she have a significant Indian audience ?(subjectfagging)

No. 1329060

I’m pretty sure this is a joke about “send bobs and vagana”/creepy South Asian scrotes with limited English soliciting women in DMs

No. 2099362

She is going thru psychosis religion style rn and lost a ton of followers, lol(post proof/this is an imageboard)

No. 2099676

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No. 2099680

Every e-whore does this now. Nothing special

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No. 2056156[Reply]

Tophia "Tophiachu" Syldell is a 30 year old homeless tiktoker based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She lives with her family, and gained notiriaty on tiktok for being cringe and then turning out to be a serious cow who thinks that tiktok will save her family from homelessness. Fans of her compare her to Chrischan in terms of mental stability and competience. Some of her greatest hits include animal abuse, cringe tiktok duets thirsting over asian men, watching "asian teen porn", and being homeless.

>Donald Slydell (60)
>Tophia's "father", heavily debated because Mamachu was allegedly pregnant when they met, but Tophia claims he is her father
>bipolar, twitter full of schizotweets and porn tweets where he believes he owns a bank (attempt to grift)
>mentally unstable and placed green crosses all over the former chu household
>neighbor claims that he set fires inside of the apartment
>missing multiple teeth and believes that he's teething like a baby
>would flirt with teen girls and young women on his own tiktok lives, in the family home
>currently in jail (as of 2024)
>arrested in 2004 for battery
>arrested in 2022 for attempted kidnapping
>issued warrant in january 2023 for his arrest for failure to appear in court for the attempted kidnapping
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No. 2099572


No. 2100083

Damn bitch you’re miserable. She’s been through a traumatic event ffs

No. 2100376

Listen I hate Tophia as much as the next person but at least I have a little bit of empathy for her because she lost her fucking brother.

No. 2101670

I'm confused where'a the milk. I'm not going to be some fucking personal vendetta errand bitch for op. This is just people of walmart vibes not funny didn't laugh

No. 2101938

No she's just a boring Tiktok "lolcow" who's biggest crime is being low IQ

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No. 192724[Reply]

Singer of former band Dresden Dolls, now solo and edgier than ever before.


• Edgy as fuck, her songs cover subjects like back-alley abortions, date rape, sex changes, siamese twins, and generally being unique and different and special in that really quirky morbid way.
• Staged her suicide to ~*teach her bf a lesson*~ about how drugs are bad, recorded his reaction, used it in a song (he an hero'd later)
• Wrote an "open letter" to The Cure about how their songs relate to her first blowjobs.
• Got flashmob married to fantasy writer Neil Gaiman
• "muh feminism" because she flashes her armpit bush at movie galas and writes buzzwords on her naked body to post selfies of on Twitter as self promotion, yet still makes fun of rape victims etc.
• Founded musical act Evelyn Evelyn in which she pretends to be a Siamese Twin for more edge points:
>Rather than being limited by their unique physical condition, the Evelyn sisters prove that two heads are indeed better than one. Audiences will marvel at the twins as they dexterously perform their original compositions on piano, guitar, ukulele, accordion and even drums.
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No. 2100293

It's a difficult call, Scarlett is the furthest thing from the "perfect victim" and these texts are very likely going to exonerate him in her lawsuit. But the addition of other women in the Vulture article calling out his behaviour, and the fact that they were all indebted to him in some way (not to mention the age/power gap of sleeping with your homeless employee) really don't do him any favours. Not to mention his insistence over the years of being such a feminist ally - that perception has been blown to pieces

No. 2100367

Got it, so it’s more that he’s been exposed as a sexually exploitative man rather than a bonafide rapist (yet). That bath pictures blog he clearly made himself is really something else. I never trust any man who paints himself as an uber-feminist-leftist-champion-of-the-marginalized, but that’s an understanding we gain with age and experience. A big reason these types target 18-24 year olds with mental health struggles and vulnerable financial situations. I do recognize that he had an upper hand in that he was paying for her rent for several months after everything blew up. He claimed in the messages he didn’t even realize he was paying, but he sure made it clear to her he was the one keeping a roof over her head.

>Hugs you from afar

And the sexual inappropriateness aside, he seems so cringy.

No. 2100466

they will be used against her because people are uneducated about the psychological work that a predator makes in the victim's mind. Agency and consent mean nothing when a predator gets into your mind, and that's how they get away with it.

No. 2100702

Not exactly milk, but the latest patreon post about the upcoming show she has said will be device-free (phones collected at the door). So presumably anyone who has decided to attend to protest or heckle won't get circulated on a wider basis..

No. 2102892

It's really a "both things can be true at once" situation. She can be a victim but also a bit mental, embellishing aspects here and there according to her feelings but not the facts of the matter, not that any of it would be undeserved towards a sick fuck like Neil. I want to see him go down, the arrogant twat. It's upsetting though, because people will take this and run with it as a way to discredit his victims. No woman deserves to be sexually exploited but goddamn is it disheartening see someone eagerly engaging in their own destruction.

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No. 1413384[Reply]

A thread to discuss the online hilarity of a subgroup of racial identitarians known as the goldensphere.

What would happen if white nationalists and hoteps had an interracial gang bang? The result would definitely be this group of cows.

This thread is specifically about light skinned or mixed-race African Americans who genuinely believe that they are superior to other African Americans (even blasians) based on their "golden skin" and that they need to secure a nation for "golden people" and "golden children".

Important Note: no racebaiting, no posting normal mixed/lightskin people, and no regurgitative comments about black culture, race-mixing.
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No. 2085415

At least I'm not a fucking loser on lolcow /snow/ having a power trip with the bans, you terminally online bastard. And you're a dumb motherfucker hustling backwards because you're not even getting paid for this shit.(retard)

No. 2085433

>At least I'm not a fucking loser
Yes you are. Retarded too. https://lolcow.farm/info

No. 2099312

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Beige bunghole has a fascination with Don Armando & his wife don't anyone find thay creepy?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2099313

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This guy going after JorJor as well.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2099422

sage, the amount of redtexts in this thread LMAO poor janny

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No. 1543069[Reply]

Obese mass shooter fangirl with multiple shooter-themed tattoos (including knuckle tattoos reading LANZA) who cannot help but post lies online. Some recent milk/drama:

>Claims to have been accepted into Harvard University despite admitting to not finishing high school

>Alternately claims to have graduated with her undergraduate degree from Harvard and to still be attending
>Also claims that she studied at “six different universities at once”
>Turns out to have paid to take online courses offered by the schools, literally anyone can take these courses
>In a polyamorous relationship with white supremacist murderer Peter Avsenew
>Other members of her relationship include Ef, a man who she brags about having sex with his own family members
>Originally on tumblr as fakepontchartain, got banned from for trying to sell murder memorabilia, remade immediately as oddynuff
>Brags about her shitty administrative job and posts screenshots of her correcting other employees to her murder fanblog
>Recently added tumblr mutuals to work chat, spammed main chat with mass shooter sperging, claims boss is cool with it—whole situation likely a lie
>Also posts screenshots of conversations with her mother showing her mothers name onto her murder fanblog
>Her mother is a cop
>No self awareness, seems to believe her own delusions of grandeur, exaggerates her own education and knowledge
>Seriously can’t stop bringing up how she totally attends Harvard; however, her LinkedIn lists her as having been a student since 2016 with no signs of graduating, no posts about course material, or generally any reason to believe she actually attends
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No. 2101346

>consider contacting HIPPA
holy kek

No. 2103634

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Retard’s mad we’re not giving her any attention guys.

No. 2103641

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Her tiny fat hands are so fucking funny. 6’2”, 300lbs, with hands the size of a 10 year old. Seeing her irl must be a trip

No. 2103642

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She is quite literally the stupidest person alive

No. 2103646

samefag sorry but this shows how much of a sheltered NEET she truly is

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