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No. 18928[Reply]

BJD Thread. Anyone remember Gutterface or elfgutz?
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No. 2086703

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Sage for nothing important, but this little tantrum had me rolling

No. 2086808

The last ex (James) even replied in the comments, saying he will get her some new ones. Does he not remember why they broke up in the first place? Some people never learn.

No. 2086820

Threadpic makes me wanna hurl, please use something more normal for the next thread

No. 2086841

she's already been getting posted in the altcows thread since it's so dead here. I don't think there is going to be a "next one".

No. 2089198

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Jesus Christ, look at guttertrash. revolting. and yeah seems like the ex can’t let go

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No. 1936763[Reply]

What Happens Next is a webcomic by max graves(@maximumgraves), allegedly about the aftermath of the murder of a 16-year-old Haylie Gorski. The comic instead follows it's TIF protagonist Milo and the queer and trans-people she encounters with in the true-crime and online trans communities.
Other than its awful art and politics, the series is notable for it's large trans/queer audience, most of whom find the awful and perverted behavior of its cast to be relatable to the "trans experience"

Link the comic
Social media accounts:
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No. 2078517

not really when its a troon wearing it.

No. 2086681

Retrospring is shutting down in March and Max's is open until then, so ask your non-cowtipping questions while you have the chance https://retrospring.net/@maximumgraves

No. 2086740

Wtf. She literally had a trigger warning for suicide–not suicide "mention", suicide–at the start of the chapter. I think she planned to actually kill off a character but chickened out last second

No. 2086972

I did wonder. In the end I chalked it up to Vicky fantasizing about his suicide giving the chapter its unnecessary warning. My other theory was Max throwing in fake warnings so that there's no guarantee there'll be spoilers.

No. 2089447

i think it was bait so people would keep reading this nothingburger chapter

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No. 2016836[Reply]

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No. 2087666

for sure, anyone with eyes can see it. Thought June staying away from the internet for longer than a day was an impossible feat

No. 2088464

Both are trash but one is less ugly than the other

No. 2088468

Right? Both are bad, but wanting to to force women to give birth is far worse

No. 2089149

I know someone ITT called it months ago but I’m actually leaning more towards the Greg is trooning out theory after watching his last video. He looks terrible, is spouting BreadTube jargon and wearing a woman’s robe.

No. 2090261

damning evidence lol. i'll start really believing once that beard is gone. Until then, he just comes off as a wannabe cult leader

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No. 1812525[Reply]

This thread is for discussions and jokes surrounding those who LARP as some variety of "Queer" despite being only attracted to the opposite sex. Although most are in Hetero relationships, some may be on the "ace-spectrum" and/or polyamorous. They may discriminate against those who are same sex attracted by being uninterested in their issues, revising their history and exploiting them for personal profit. Women in particular may be incredibly rude to even libfems, let alone terf boogeywomen, because she prioritizes her Nigel above all. Men in particular are only in it for sex, so he hits on lesbians if he is ever actually in a local LGBT community and drops the Queer act when it no longer is in his benefit. Consider this a vent thread as much as it is a meme thread.
This thread is not for Homeophobe-chans.
Since there is already MTF and FTM threads, this thread will focus more on the LGB community as a whole and topics that don't really fall under the Trans threads. Please also take note that this is not a Bisexual hate thread and posting about those under 18 is not encouraged, though is allowed is exceptional enough.

Topics of discussion:
-History revisionism
-Alphabet soup getting longer
-Celebs and cows pride-drama
-Spicy Straights
-Comphet and other popular "queer" trends
-Ace Discourse sightings
-Bi/Pan Discourse sightings
-"Bi-Lesbians" Discourse sightings
-Homophobia from "Queers"/Spicy Straights
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No. 2086071

This sub is full of straight women and fakebians.
“Comphet” Susanne you’ve been fucking men and men only ever since you started being active. You have a husband you don’t even leave even if he doesn’t clean his ass. You’re not a lesbian and you aren’t in a lavander marriage.

No. 2086077

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No. 2086086

This is the straightest shit I've ever read.

No. 2086103

I would file for divorce if I saw this kek

No. 2086116

New thread: >>>/snow/2086115

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No. 1244909[Reply]

Anna Slatz is a "journalist" and a "TERF" who is trying to become famous on the internet, mostly by using her tits while pretending to be a feminist.

I decided to make her her own thread because she came to the site to advertise herself as an anti-Shoe0nHead in Shoe's thread in a pretty obvious selfpost. >>1244288

She also posts her titties to 4chan to get the /pol/tards drooling about her "big mommy milkers".

She claims to be a feminist despite posting constant pictures of her tits and ass.

She "hates liberals" and posts "based pepe memes" and has a literal clown avatar.

She is a "feminist" and a "TERF" despite using her body go get validation from the lowest of men.

Post Millenial articles:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slatzism
One of many 4chan threads self-advertising: https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/63914456
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No. 2086047

She is and goes "yes" when her orbiters try to pin it on her kekk
>That term sounds so retarded outside the US too.
It is, and she uses it, brown is either used by tumblrites or groypers it's funny
Yes, there isn't a single pure feminist woman in the world actually

No. 2086088

Ashkenazi jews aren't brown what are you people on? i stg if we start calling Italians people of color again I'm going to lose it.

No. 2086176

slatz is so brainrotted by racepol that she cannot see the good in one of the demographics treated the worst by patriarchy, dabbling into feminism. she's so fucking embarrassing

No. 2086252

wish she would overdose on ketamine and go full trad, maybe an arc with Elon?

No. 2087472

It was said in jest nona. Point is she isn't white in the eyes of her own audience because she's jewish (which is arguably way worse to them than being "brown")

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No. 1413384[Reply]

A thread to discuss the online hilarity of a subgroup of racial identitarians known as the goldensphere.

What would happen if white nationalists and hoteps had an interracial gang bang? The result would definitely be this group of cows.

This thread is specifically about light skinned or mixed-race African Americans who genuinely believe that they are superior to other African Americans (even blasians) based on their "golden skin" and that they need to secure a nation for "golden people" and "golden children".

Important Note: no racebaiting, no posting normal mixed/lightskin people, and no regurgitative comments about black culture, race-mixing.
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No. 2085254

"(sage your shit)"
The person acting as janitor here is an egotistical faggot (probably a goldensphere person themselves using their position as cover for their own misdeeds) and the people who posted this mess love drama as equally as the people being named here.(retard)

No. 2085256

That faggot was banned, as well as all other goldensphere freaks. We don't want these retards in our server.(sage your shit)

No. 2085298

But how?(sage your shit)

No. 2085415

At least I'm not a fucking loser on lolcow /snow/ having a power trip with the bans, you terminally online bastard. And you're a dumb motherfucker hustling backwards because you're not even getting paid for this shit.(retard)

No. 2085433

>At least I'm not a fucking loser
Yes you are. Retarded too. https://lolcow.farm/info

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No. 192724[Reply]

Singer of former band Dresden Dolls, now solo and edgier than ever before.


• Edgy as fuck, her songs cover subjects like back-alley abortions, date rape, sex changes, siamese twins, and generally being unique and different and special in that really quirky morbid way.
• Staged her suicide to ~*teach her bf a lesson*~ about how drugs are bad, recorded his reaction, used it in a song (he an hero'd later)
• Wrote an "open letter" to The Cure about how their songs relate to her first blowjobs.
• Got flashmob married to fantasy writer Neil Gaiman
• "muh feminism" because she flashes her armpit bush at movie galas and writes buzzwords on her naked body to post selfies of on Twitter as self promotion, yet still makes fun of rape victims etc.
• Founded musical act Evelyn Evelyn in which she pretends to be a Siamese Twin for more edge points:
>Rather than being limited by their unique physical condition, the Evelyn sisters prove that two heads are indeed better than one. Audiences will marvel at the twins as they dexterously perform their original compositions on piano, guitar, ukulele, accordion and even drums.
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No. 2087510

Tumblr is nested, jolene was replied to by neil-gaiman (his reply aged very well) with interest in bath photos, and then bathbookneil (also gaiman imo) wrote "there is now" etc and provided the email address.
The screenshot cuts it off but "why thank you" appears to be neil-gaiman again, reblogging the reblog chain.

No. 2088044

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Her latest patreon post (I'm only still there for the screencaps). Haven't posted the whole thing as she goes off on a ramble but this is the start of it… clearly no intention of taking responsibility

No. 2088212

>you all have so many jobs
It's giving trump repeating random phrases to fill in time, then she waffles about social media (people have been migrating from Twitter etc for years, this isn't news) and then a "look over there!" At the end with a reference to current political events

My guess is she will never say anything (she's the Mrs Cosby who looked the other way/helped him get victims, after all) and hope people forget about it. What can you say when it's been proven at least 14 women personally approached her about his abuse and she did nothing (and even continued handing people over to him)

No. 2088316

KEK holy shit she hasn't changed one bit. Everything she does is some noble act of """resistance"""

No. 2088358

>my feeelings
>my privacy
>my job
>me as a person
>me as a mother
>me as an artist
>my poor broken heart
>my crowdfundingg
>my amazing fans
>my art
>my social media posts
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No. 2054912[Reply]

Post your favourite e-begging cringe for cows who aren't significant enough to have their own thread.


>Tumblr user who claims to be a man living in Gaza, but despite living in a warzone he spends his time making Tumblr callout posts and writes suspiciously like an American zoomer woman with a fandom blog.

>Wrote a long list of Gaza GoFundMes he says he personally vetted but never snows any evidence and claims people asking for evidence other than just his word are trying to doxx Palestinians. The Egyptian border with Palestine is closed and the banks in Gaza are shut, so therefore none of these "vetted" Gazans would be able to receive the money and use it to cross the Rafah crossing. Likely a scammer who's in on the GFM scams with the scammers he's posted on his vetted list.
>Vetted a person who forgot to switch accounts and sent a sugar daddy scam ask from his Gaza GoFundMe account. Instead of admitting the person is a scammer, he made up excuses such as them being hacked and them copying and pasting a sugar daddy scam without understanding what it meant because their English isn't good. Said he "revetted" them but gave no proof and accused people who asked for evidence of trying to doxx the obvious scammer.

Gwendoline Chant

>Gendercrit who was on Tumblr pretending to be an Asian lesbian refugee despite being a white bisexual Canadian woman with a Daddy kink irl

>Was in a group chat with Tumblr lesbians who organised each year to scam Transanta, a "charity" who are active every Christmas and just post Amazon wishlists sent in by trannies accompanied by a letter with some info about the life of the person submitting which they post on their Instagram so that TRAs can buy stuff off of the wishlists for Christmas. The charity claims to be for underprivileged trans youth but most of the wishlists they post are full of useless crap like anime merch and enamel pronoun pins, as well as people putting expensive things that would be immediately stolen from actual homeless people liPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2091489

She's Gwen Chant levels of stupid. She lies about everything else but can't lie about being in the throes of starvation due to no gibs? Come on.
She's not hiding her neck as much in the pics with the green shirt, maybe she lost some neck/chin flab? Good for her honestly, maybe she'll motivate some other hamplanet to put down the fork.
Her eviction date will get moved to next month, so she's celebrating by spending begging money on showing off the fact that her skeleton hasn't yet collapsed under her weight. It's so sad that she's also going to be evicted on Easter Sunday/Monday, the 20th and 21st April, when everything is closed. I have no doubt that she'll still rake in the cash from donations despite that. We all know there's a 99% chance she won't change the dates kek.

No. 2091553

The shape of her glasses really pisses me off for some reason

No. 2091554

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She posted a bunch of shit about her parent's failed relationship and threw in a random sentence about her father apparently being illiterate and having to teach himself to read so he could read her bedtime stories.

No. 2091906

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This bitch is so fucking annoying. "Ditched both of [them]", huh?

No. 2091911

Her pilot father whos dad was a pilot before him had to teach himself how to read…okay kaijuno

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No. 1985582[Reply]

Last Threads:
>>>/snow/961466 #3 (marked as 2)
>>>/snow/581474 #2
>>>/snow/381948 #1

Old threads on Poppy:

Previous Thread Summary:
>Poppy enters fan Discord, starts answering questions, talks about Grimes and how lazy she was, starts venting about Titanic and says she “apologises to his past victims” and that he’s continuing being a pest to her, claims to have PTSD related to her song LowLife
>Mars Argo confirms she’s making new music
>Poppy’s fans try to sue her due to being scammed out of thousands of dollars from the shut down Poppy.Church
>Chelsea / NobodysDreamgirl gets a tattoo of Titanic’s name
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No. 2066549

what happened to mars was terrible but at this point she only has herself and her own inaction to blame for her lack of a career. she had a ton of support after the lawsuit and ultimately chose to do nothing with it. poppy may be an awful person but she consistently releases music, performs, and makes appearances. of course she is going to enjoy a more successful career than someone who admits to being lazy and has had very little output over the past decade

No. 2066837

Ok great, now channel that energy into music smh

No. 2068302

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New lyrics. Questionable quality as usual despite the amount of time she takes to write. She was teasing Lick It Like A Kitten lyrics for 2 years before she released it. So new song coming in 2026 ig?

No. 2069040

Sadly, no. Those are the lyrics to P4IN-Jean Dawson. How did she think no one would figure it out when Spotify exists…

No. 2072740

Looks like Nika Petrova

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No. 1543069[Reply]

Obese mass shooter fangirl with multiple shooter-themed tattoos (including knuckle tattoos reading LANZA) who cannot help but post lies online. Some recent milk/drama:

>Claims to have been accepted into Harvard University despite admitting to not finishing high school

>Alternately claims to have graduated with her undergraduate degree from Harvard and to still be attending
>Also claims that she studied at “six different universities at once”
>Turns out to have paid to take online courses offered by the schools, literally anyone can take these courses
>In a polyamorous relationship with white supremacist murderer Peter Avsenew
>Other members of her relationship include Ef, a man who she brags about having sex with his own family members
>Originally on tumblr as fakepontchartain, got banned from for trying to sell murder memorabilia, remade immediately as oddynuff
>Brags about her shitty administrative job and posts screenshots of her correcting other employees to her murder fanblog
>Recently added tumblr mutuals to work chat, spammed main chat with mass shooter sperging, claims boss is cool with it—whole situation likely a lie
>Also posts screenshots of conversations with her mother showing her mothers name onto her murder fanblog
>Her mother is a cop
>No self awareness, seems to believe her own delusions of grandeur, exaggerates her own education and knowledge
>Seriously can’t stop bringing up how she totally attends Harvard; however, her LinkedIn lists her as having been a student since 2016 with no signs of graduating, no posts about course material, or generally any reason to believe she actually attends
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No. 2090011

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>>fat bitch with every mental disorder in the DSM-5

…including, but not limited to:

Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder), Formerly Mental Retardation
Mental retardation has been renamed Intellectual Development Disorder (IDD) in DSM-5 to
reflect changes in U.S. federal law (Public Law 111-256), which replaced the term mental
retardation with intellectual disability.

No. 2090028

I love that she still doesn’t understand what this site is. We don’t want you to kill yourself, retard. We are making fun of the things you, Chantelle Jahana Moore of Arlington TX have posted for everyone to see on your public blog! If people making fun of the lies you post upsets you that badly, just stop lying! It must be exhausting being in the bitch’s life, imagine having to listen to this heifer day in and day out

No. 2090030

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Do you think she knows how stupid she looks waving those extension school credentials around?

No. 2090683

nah this is fucking crazy coming across a thread on this person. Years ago I used to be in a mutual friendship with her and we used to follow each other. I always thought it was weird how she would constantly change her name and gender identity.

No. 2090758

Any milk you’d care to share?

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