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No. 440296
Previous thread
>>402749A general thread for discussing cringe in the alternative and goth scenes.
Adora BatBrat
Drac Makens
Jake Munro
And any other altcow you would like to share!
No. 440302
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No. 440328
>>440325I like their stuff that's plain - which isn't much. The ott occult symbols are so damn tacky.
No. 440414
>>440313I saw in her instagram story that day she was eating some kind of desert.
Lmfao her covering up her guilt
No. 440515
>>440302Her make-up and eye contacts look really good here but I wonder if she uses Instagram filters to make her face look smooth and silky?
Also yeah major cringe at "woe is me" post… very awkward…
No. 440547
>>440539London is horrendously expensive. She will be living in a shoebox unless she lives in one of the wider suburbs, but then she'll be spunking her money on travel.
Her best bet is going to Scotland.
No. 440592
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Why does she contour her face like that? It looks dirty!
No. 440619
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No. 440642
>>440336I dunno, Mattias just didn't seem as into being filmed as she did. You have to wonder what their relationship was like when the camera was off. Most moments of their lives were broadcast to the world and a lot of those moments didn't really include him.
I used to be a big fan too and wasn't really sure what to think about her and Mr. Owl breaking up but I think the only part that's sketchy is the sudden marriage to Mattias, especially so soon after moving. I don't think she cheated on Mr. Owl I think she just wanted to move somewhere else and maybe Mattias was her quick escape.
When I was younger I had a bad habit of jumping into relationships to escape from an unhappy home situation rather than out of genuine like for people and based on what i've heard about her life in NZ I wonder if this was the real reason and ultimately why it didn't work out.
(sage this) No. 440664
>>440642What do you mean by most moments of their lives were broadcast to the world? Even when she uploads consistently, it's just a haul or bath bomb vid or making some black food or whatever. That doesn't take a lot of time, lol! The vlogs she does, like her travel vlogs for example, consist of few minute clips put together. And Matthias is on cam with her very little.There is so much we don't know about them.
I do agree with the relationship stuff though. I think Freyja doesn't really understand his sense of humor, for one. Their personalities don't go together and it's so strange to see. I may have mentioned this before, but every video that I watch of the 2 of them makes me feel so awkward. Like every video he's in she just awkwardly introduces him. It's never a "hey everyone, this is Matthias, my husband. She's just always struggling for words it seems.
No. 440985
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>>440302she REALLY wants people to know she's eating a salad lol
this is toxictears level of denial.
She's been "forever alone" for, at most, 3 weeks. How sad that you can't be single for more than a month?
seeing as how I'm one of the anons that thought her marriage was a sham, I'll bet she tries to snag a goth dude in an English speaking country next
No. 440988
>>440304I don't think a divorce is anything to be ashamed of, but that kind of highschool tier post is pretty cringy
>>440324Killstar is low quality garbage.
No. 440998
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>>440988freezer's wedding day thoughts
I feel like this video had so many clues it wasn't legit.
No. 441030
Freya, cake>>441002Very weird. How hard would it have been to just ask someone to record it for you?
No. 441068
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She's really desperate for some praise.. I wonder what made her this way. Her mom? She never talks about her father.
No. 441192
>>440296>>441068She gets off on getting so much stares and selfie requests from strangers, that's why she always dresses so OTT and of course she's going to look for a goth replacement BF. I think she should stay single for a while and just try to find some peace and acceptance. But that won't happen.
Also she's asexual as we have discussed, and I bet one reason her marriage failed is that Mattias seems to give off a sexual vibe like he probably wants to have sex all the time but they weren't sexually compatible.
No. 441243
>>440896Whenever she gets any "sexual comments" for example "you are really hot" or "you look sexy" she can get really hissy and often posts in her story rants (with screenshots and ofc not censoring any names) about how apparently no one is allowed to make these kind of comments because "I am asexual and there is nothing sexual about my being". What does this even mean? Lmao. I'm not saying that it's not annoying and kinda gross to get such exaggerated comments but it feels like she thinks that just because she is ace everyone else shall not be sexually attracted to her. Another example I can remember which is not that extreme is when she had that chest tattoo, and well, read the caption: gotta say though I'm really digging her look.
No. 441359
>>440296>>441258I was gonna call you a moron in my original post correcting you that it wasn't about Freyja
>>441301but then I decided not to be rude.
Well, You ARE a moron and also, a piece of shit. Saged.
No. 441360
>>441292Agreed. You cannot have it both ways if you wanna be a youtube star and never get any comments you don't like. Psychara or whatever her name is, sounds like an immature brat. She needs to sit down and be grateful that she even has an audience paying attention to her boring, worthless ass.
No. 441526
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this bitch has no idea
"you can get them unicorn stuff"
no. just no
No. 441554
>>441514she hasn't had a bf in years (unless she hides him very well) and she has mentioned not being into sex was a problem in past relationships
sage for literally whiteknighting but yeah
No. 441557
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Yup definetly youtube and not the fact your content is boring an repetitive
No. 441566
>>441557Last time I have found her vlog interesting was when they were moving to their present apartment. Other than that her channel is constant unboxing, unboxing, unboxing. In general more and less gothic vlogs turned into constant unboxing, haul, makeup, unboxing, repeat.
>i dont think psychara is asexual she has a bf last i knew You can be asexual and be in relationship. There is nothing strange about that. Sex and relationship are two separate topics.
>and i dont think it makes you asexual to not want pervy comments on your photosI think it has more to her being into modern wave of femin(az)ism, than sexual orientation.
On the other hand Gothic Alice (declares herself as aromantic and asexual) has constantly awkward comments at her fb page from guys and she don't even bother to remove them.
No. 441569
>>440851Well Coalcandy and Adora vlogs are nowadays one of not many alt/synth/gothic vlogs that have anything to do with music and music related events.
Other turned into constant circle of hauls, unboxings, makeup or onision level drama.
Or "I am a witch because I have heard about chakras and tried to do wicca inspired ritual once so I have enough knowledge to claim that status".That's the level of ego!
No. 441572
Ho lee fuk, just saw Adora has wikipedia page kinda feels like it was written by Adora herself
No. 441652
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>>441572Oh my god. The KIDS, these NAMES, whyyyyy? This bitch is high off her own farts, jfc…
>named after synthesizers No. 441666
>>441652It is pretty ridiculous,the names she has given her children. But,I have to say that Synthia is pretty cute, in my opinion.
I don't actually think Adora wrote this herself,though. The written English seems too good. Regardless, someone who is a superfan and/or someone close to her created it with her knowledge and she filled them in on details.
No. 441687
>>441646>That and who else would have known her full maiden name unless it's a close friend.Ummm… the whole internet? It doesn't look like she was secretive with full name, just google it.
>>441674I'm pretty surprised it didn't get nominated for deletation to be honest. Far more known people get articles about them removed, as they are not that much important according to wikipedia rules.
No. 441700
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begging bitch is begging again
No. 441716
>>441700can this bitch NOT go onto the 'witchy~spooky' bandwagon please, is she gonna trample through ever trend and act as though she's genuine? bad enough she calls herself goth, now she's doing this?
also if she wants stuff from a jewellery brand maybe she should go fucking buy it herself jfc stop begging for stuff off other people you self entitled cow
No. 441724
>>441700'witchy inspired'
wasn't she all into kawaii shit a while ago? now into witch stuff, she's really trying anything isnt she?
her yt channel is literally trash and she has no motivation for anything, stop leeching off people and trends and be creative and do anything BUT unboxing vids
No. 441766
>>441760Exactly. she doesn't care about the witchcraft/wiccan culture and ideals, she only cares about the aesthetic and how many likes on instagram she'll get.
She's a trend whore, and doesn't care much about anything else, precisely why no one takes her seriously as a goth
No. 441786
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>>441557people are tired of constant unboxing.
the stuff she unboxes is so cheap too.
a lollipop, a bat on a necklace and some tea etc in every box it seems.
No. 441823
>I dress up daily in lolita fashion..wut. You said that you were never into gothic lolita.
>I know how to speak Japanese>watches animeYou.. also said you weren't interested in that stuff either.
>countries I've visited listIf you've visited that many places and didn't have a problem then why did you have such an issue at an airport in the UK?
No. 441897
>>441823Just… this has to be a fake right? Like for real what the hell I don't think IBF ever wore lolita in her life and weirdly bragging about living in her van?
I did get a kick out of the 'I'm smart I just conceal it well' part tho lol she must be really really rrreeeaaalllyyt good at concealing it
No. 441912
>>441816looking at these older pictures its now pretty obvious shes never had good eating habits. always t h i c c in a not good way. also
>kodonathe word youre looking for Freezer is OUJI. nobody calls it kodona who actually wear and are invested in lolita. jfash autism sorry guys
No. 441916
>>441816The Rattled blog post really speaks volumes of how much a cunt she is
She talks about being in NZ when a earth quake hits and causes a bunch a devastation ppl being killed then goes on to bitch that her Amanda Palmer concert was canceled
No. 442022
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what's that? you want me to eat you? FFS. this is so bad. pink? didn't realise goths were into pink. didn't realise come fuck me photos were something frigid chicks were into. what a cock tease. i guess this was before she knew filming her gigantic tits would reel in the views. so gross…….
No. 442170
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>>441816these myspace photos are hella embarrassing..why is she like this.
literally matthias married 2 different people.
No. 442261
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this bitch is still tired from "travelling" such a lazy piece of shit
No. 442374
>>442290>>442268Exactly. I mean, even if one looks up footage of goths in the 80s many of them wore blue jeans because brand was outrageously expensive if you're a teen/college student.
I suppose she enjoys the fact that her fans have gone round to other gothic youtubers and told them how they're not goff enuff. Many people see her as the benchmark and her whole video about terms in the gothic community didn't help. It only sought to further divide the community because god forbid someone doesn't sleep in all black, have black laundry detergent like she does, etc. Its ridiculous.
No. 442425
>>442374>>442290That or you dyed what you got from charity shops. At least in Europe that's what happened and even I did growing up because we didn't have access to what we saw in magazines or album covers but we still tried to make our own outfits. This was in the 90's and was maybe just my area of europe but we usually tried to find army surplus as it dyed darker and had more material to work with. So she could have made her own as a teenager, there are times when not in uniform etc when she could have worn what she wanted. Her parents clearly didn't mind as she had pink hair. Then again, it's easier to pretend she was always Goth queen of her belfry minions. The elitist bullshit is tiresome, especially when it's people who don't listen to the music and have no idea where it came from who proclaim themselves 'gother than thou'. Now with 'fans' going running to their idol's 'enemy' and attacking is just ridiculous. She has an army of children who wear Black Veil Brides makeup.
Side note; There have been studies that show being in an all white room can make people lose their sense of self and become insane from the isolation and neverending single colour, perhaps that can happen with black. Freyja has everything black bar I think a few red walls. She struggles constantly with depression and no matter how much you like it black can be a heavy colour in decor, so she's going back to endless darkness that cannot really be lit to be bright. That must be fucking with her head a bit especially in winter when it gets dark at 4pm. Dark jewel tones can be just as gothic but they don't have the same cold heaviness pitch black does.
No. 442474
>>442425Nice theory with the black walls. You may be onto something there. Imagine waking up in an entirely black room.
Saged for no input
No. 442571
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>>442554Surprise surprise her having something “extreme” happen in her life has garnered sympathy patrons. She’s now making 700 bucks from patreon alone. Such a shame Freezer, you can’t pretend to be a poor broke goth gurl uwu anymore…
No. 442588
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Adora's facebook!
No. 442611
>>442320Wtf is this crap? More goth related content I see, Kaya. And it's so
triggering that she's never read the books of a series she claims to love, especially when she thinks she's a book worm
No. 442670
>>441913ty for pointing this out. in that jewelry video she made a comment about "gypsy goth" and i was like, bitch really, but didn't think anyone else would care.
>>442261she didn't pre-film anything to have up while traveling and now "everything takes forever" when it comes to making new videos. wtf else is she doing?
>>442571too lazy to look, what do people even get on her patreon?
No. 442696
>>442224she's a completely different person out of makeup. duh. there's make-up to enhance who you are & there's make to
hide who you are.
No. 442702
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>>442571her divorce has really done wonders for her career.
I just don't get who would part with their hard earned money to see a slob put on lipstick? must be kids who
dont work for it.
IBF has always complained about money, even this year when it's clear she's swimming in free clothes, make-up, youtube big bucks and endorsement deals.
No. 442721
>>442702I agree with you. I think IBF's content is way better than Kaya's at least, but not good enough that she shouldn't be expected to get a part time job to support herself. Would probably help her get over her divorce and make some friends.
Kaya NEEDS to get a job. She's such a fucking waster. She needs to learn how to make her way in life without begging people on the internet to pay her to make videos unboxing free stuff. She's in her mid-twenties. This isn't going to last for much longer and no one is going to want to hire some big talentless hape with no skills or experience once her patreon supporters finally grow out of her.
No. 442793
>>442753I like her and I don't consider her to be a cow. I know that someone in the last thread claimed that she was a snob, but she's the exact opposite considering she calls out the massive gatekeeping problem which plagues the goth community several times and doesn't give a shit if it gets her hate. She, skullgirdle, and a few other lesser known youtubers have been in the scene for longer than IBF has and their videos aren't holier than thou, but rather informative and welcoming of newcomers.
The most important thing that she noted in her video response to Snowy is that goth has become a costume contest and less about the music and meeting others who share your interest.
Its also a bit puzzling to me that Angela, who is in her mid 30s, receives hate comments telling her that she is a poser (I guess its because she looks young and they don't buy that she was around for the 1990s scene?) yet for all the years I've watched IBF, I never saw a single comment of anybody calling her a poser. That really shows me how eager people are to overlook 1990s goth, which was considerably more toned down, among other styles and place IBF up as some sort of standard.
No. 442826
>>442811Agreed. Angela even did a video about some teenager leaving her a comment telling her that she wasn't "goff enuff" and linking IBF, informing her that this is what "real goff" was and for her to try again.
Normies and newcomers don't seem to get that there are many different styles for goth and not all of them even suit each person. Some people look really good with that Siouxsie makeup and others don't. What Angela does works for her. Even in her photos from when she was a teen, she wasn't anywhere as extreme as IBF is.
Sage for ranting and sorry about that. I do enjoy Angela's videos because she is one of the few who has bothered to call out this bullshit without remorse, whereas IBF created a video with terms such as "weekender" that only further suit to cause division within the community. God forbid some people have careers where they cannot be decked out like her. We can't all sit on our arse and get YT money.
No. 442835
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No. 442836
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>>442835Must be hard getting free shit all of the time..
No. 442843
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>>442670It looks like ibf gives her patrons literally nothing except content “early” and maybe a few unlisted videos or something? Scrolling through I saw 15 posts of just her YouTube stuff and one random personal video I believe. No “handwritten notes from me”, no mention in post credits, no actual gifts whatsoever, the only perks are shit you can already get for free from YouTube. The gift is herself apparently.
No. 442853
>>442850The likelihood of Kaya, OfHerbsAndAltars etc doing this is likely
They're bound to get bored eventually
No. 442859
>>440998It really unsettled me how she broke down crying in her marriage video though to be honest
There was something striking the viewer that she wasn't really happy committing herself to her ex husband
But I suppose it was for the views and money either way
No. 442870
>>442702"No money for anything"
> hoardes of expensive clothing in the back ground.This is why i fucking hate internet "celebrities"
No. 442961
>>442956Don't worry, all the kids listen to him again since he started dealing with Killstar clothing and made a new album
For this reason; Freyja likes him now. Money is money, right?
No. 442970
>>442965Sage for info; After looking into it - Basic German suffices when immigrating into Germany.
You need to be a pro to apply for citizenship.
Residence permits exist for those who marry a German individual.
Normally you can apply for citizenship after 3 - 5 years from marriage (5 depending on whatever odd circumstances there may be).
EU citizens have the right to freedom of movement and merely need to declare their presence.
No. 443026
>>443021That she's just a product of her time more or less. She's certainly different from the other gothic youtubers. I watched her videos about her PTSD, growing up in a home where both of her parents abused drugs, her ex boyfriend debacle, etc and she just seems like somebody who went through a lot of shit and is settling back into being confident and comfortable. I also like that with her ex video she acknowledged that what she did was wrong despite being in a dead relationship at the time, because its something that I don't see other vloggers being willing to admit.
I could be proven wrong with time, you never know.
No. 443038
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Did I miss Dorian changing their middle name to 'Nothing' or is it a relatively new development? I admit I try to avoid her/his/their(?)drama as much as possible but I came across that post and that name is probably the edgiest thing I've seen an adult do since IBF painted everything she owns black. Also went for a picnic in the snow because that's not attention seeking and isn't at all unusual.
No. 443262
>>443250dunno, girl that in every photo has the same facial expression and pose is kinda creepy. She has like 3 facial expressions that she uses interchangable. I get that she has acting background too. How can we tell if she is not psychomanipulating us into something? :D
Youtubers are just faces to us. The rest is their creation. You know. How can you tell who is who?
No. 443301
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Freezer having a meltdown over no pizza…
Giant pizza for 1 ? with a spoon, too, I bet.
No. 443306
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>>443303imagine being this stressed about a fucking pizza. you don't have sandwich stuff in your house for emergencies?
for all the anons who said she doesnt cook, yall were right!
look at how big her arms are, keep ordering those pizzas, bih
No. 443311
>>443301jfc, I thought she was trying to lose weight?
>>443303Probably because she wouldn't be able to understand them, whereas text or email she could use Google translate kek
No. 443319
>>443301>>443303Doesn't she live in Germany? I imagine her German isn't good enough to talk on the phone.
People who spent years working in customer service usually have a bit more empathy though.
No. 443320
>>443306Hate to sound like a traditionalist but very few men are going to be on board with a fat, lazy, entitled, petulant, bratty, greasy goth who is a slow learner and doesn't want to learn a new language, can't/ won't cook, clean, work or do anything meaningful, collects clothes she'll never fit in to, shaves her head in to their sink and doesn't clean it then throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and swans off to somewhere else to find a new husband then slag off the previous one to her army of adoring tweens who will forever think he's an evil bastard.
No. 443321
>>443319I was
>>443303 and
>>443318didn't think about the language barrier as she's been there a fair while now and I presumed she would have been able to understand a basic phonecall. My mistake.
No. 443436
I'd like to bring a new topic on the table for y'all, what's your opinion on influencers/alt models selling the stuff that they have recieved for free to their fans?
I have been following this girl for a while, Deathcandy. she is a model(?) even though she hasn't got any official modeling jobs, so far she has just posted non-professional pictures, but many brands have made her relevant this year because they repost her pictures a lot. Killstar, disturbia, rat baby,restyle, even LC sends her free shit all the time. At first, she seemed really dull. All she did was beauty vlogging, and some times she would host lives to speak about some personal stuff (when she was having issues with her SO etc). Now, I wouldn't like to talk about her terrible skills at co-ordinating an outfit, or the fact that she is repeatedly promoting the flat tummy tea aka laxatives in a pink bag.
She is constantly promoting that she is selling her stuff in her instagram story on depop, but there is also her FB group that is dedicated to that. I, for a fact, never have seen another influencer doing this and so openly. There was a period where she would post about it on her story every single day. Do you guys think it's ethical? Selling stuff that you have got for free to your followers? Am I making a big deal about this? I, at first, didn't think much of it and even contacted her because I found something that I really wanted, but didn't have a good experience with her so I have never actually bought something.
I'll leave links
instagram: group: No. 443448
>>443311No she’s not trying to lose weight. She does the lazy person thing and says “I want to lose weight but I like food too much”.
Doesn’t work out or diet and she’s open about that.
No. 443662
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>collects clothes she'll never fit in toshe's always blaming punkrave for having to buy XXL sizes, I looked at their size chart, they seem like normal sizes. even if they do run small, she has no real job, go workout and start planning your meals lol
No. 443748
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>>443737I don't know, they may be together still and this is to stir drama among her fans, but she did post this in reply.
No. 443802
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No. 443840
>>443301So she worked in pizza shops, yet calls the workers "pizza slaves"? Another example of her behaving like an entitled bitch?
And why shouldn't they call her if there's a problem? Is she so anti-social now that she can't pick up her phone?
No. 443882
>>443877well quiet happy drug abuse in their teens had to take it's toll in case of health
Are they still doing drugs?
No. 443894
>>443748what even made you people think that she is leaving her husband in the 1st place?
She has been hanging out with other men in her videos for quiet a while, I mean like umm about 9 years?
And LOL at bluring username like we can't find it on twitter, seriously…
No. 443950
>>443929She used to work at a place called Pizza Hell or whatever and they called the workers "slaves" so I don't think that's the part that matters
the part that's relevant is that using your e-fame to rant about your pizza being late is the biggest lolcow move, omg would she fuss so much about her salad being late?
No. 444049
>>443950>>443952This. The fact she's even talking about it is what's ridiculous but people are focusing on the wrong tidbit of information too much, yknow?
>>444048This is such a weird thumbnail. It's a nice picture (Edited to fuck but still) but damn take one of you reacting or something, it seems out of place.
No. 444065
>>444049Its been happening for ages now because we have a flood of newfags and vendettachans who don't understand:
A) What makes somebody a cow
B) What is and is not milk
No. 444365
>>443848Sorry but its just very hard for me to take Dorian seriously.. I don't like her vlogging. Unlike alot of people on this board I genuinly don't believe she is a bad person (excuse me for using "her", it's just alot less confusing for me and considering this isn't tumblr I think everyone will survive) but she is just such a freaking mess. Drug addiction, alcohol addiction, always sick, legit mentally insane which I'm not using as a slur here, she is actually mentally ill - which the drugs and alcohol aren't really helping on either. She always has tons of excuses, some of them more indirect or subtle than others, but she always has some. She can't keep her life together, can't keep a job, can't do anything, yet she is totally fine still drinking and doing drugs. She needs help, sometimes in her videos she seems so out of it im afraid it's going to be her last video before we hear some very bad news about her. Whether she commits suicide, overdoses or is in some sort of accident, neither of those options would surprise me. And that's sad.
I know this video was one of her better ones where she seems happier, but she always comes back to another breakdown. Even in this happy video she is talking about her drug addiction like it's nothing, acting like it's normal to take sleeping meds every single day of your life.
I just wanna know how the fuck her mom can be so supportive of her and not help her. It's very clear that Dorian won't get better until she goes into ACTUAL rehab.
Excuse me for my rant. I just know people in my real life with addictions and everyone knows how it goes in the end.
No. 444785
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No. 445095
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There are so many people staring at me right now…. FFS you love it bitch. Ohhh look at me, look at me, and I want you to know that people are looking at me……..
No. 445108
>>444365I don't think people here (even though it's Lolcow) think Dorian's a bad person. They're just criticizing certain parts of her/their personality and presentation. And it's the same parts you're pointing out. She's obviously struggling with drug/alcohol addiction and other issues, but is trying to blame some mysterious problem as the culprit (and bothering her physicians with it). Also it doesn't seem like she wants to get better, she's just constantly whining. If you were vomiting all the time, you would probably choose to stop drinking, right? Well, not Dorian, obviously. I don't know how we're supposed to take her supposed health issues seriously if it's clear what's actually happening.
On the other hand, yeah, it's serious. But not in the aspect she's trying to present to us. She's struggling with addiction, eating disorders, mental health issues… The fact that no one in her family helps her angers me quite a lot. I know she's stubborn and it's difficult, but she really needs someone's help here. It's pretty tragic :(
No. 445408
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No. 445494
>>445402I know some people don't care about age at all, and as long as both parts are consenting adults you can't really say anything against it… but man it's still weird whenever people have a legit 20+ year age gap. I just can't imagine you're mentally at the same place as your partner at all.
Sage for offtopic
No. 445530
>>445402I wish my mom would help me dye my hair
I Thought her girlfriend was much younger, British, and blonde? Or is this woman a lot newer? I used to follow her a few years back.
No. 445844
File: 1513532645760.jpg (400.62 KB, 914x595, vag chest.jpg)

new art from drac has a vagina chest. she also posted ~eye art~ that looks like something else she did, just with different colored hot glue beads. comments are disabled b/c she can't deal with people being curious about what she uses, if it's comfortable, etc.
No. 445868
>>445844She always get so mad people ask the same questions over and over, and I get it, but how hard it is to just ignore it? She's so used to it by now, you'd think she knew just to ignore people lol.
She ALWAYS makes wounds that looks like vaginas and then get mad people point out they look like vaginas. Maybe just dont make your wounds like vaginas then?
No. 445884
>>445876I have definitely seen her before being like THEYRE NOT VAGINAS!
She had a painting a pretty long time ago with bullet wounds in a womans hands, and they looked exactly like vaginas.. she got SO mad when people pointed it out.
No. 445892
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>>445888She hasn't made a video on the topic in two months and prior to that there was also a two/three month period of no videos on it. I could only see it getting old if that's all you go to watch. The video posted is just amusing because people legitimately use Freya as a standard and as evidenced by the comments people rush to defend her as if she doesn't adore being used against other gothic youtubers.
No. 445929
>>445873I love her and think she's gorgeous and interesting and found new bands from her. I also love drama so I like her vids like this and I agree with her. at least someone is talking about this stuff, the subculture is special and important to so many people it's ok to try to call out shit like this until it stops/is less prevalent and she's the only one doing it. People who don't like her and call her a snob are always the ones she's talking about too so lel
I also enjoy the 90s goth stories a lot, it's interesting and love the nostalgia
No. 445939
>>445929Curiously enough, I've only seen one person call her a snob and it was here though prior to this thread no one spoke of Angela because she doesn't have milk. I think we've had a influx of newfags who don't realize that them not liking somebody's face or finding a person to be boring =/= milk, but even gently reminding people of the rules around here sends their tism into overdrive.
I do enjoy the videos which call out the elitism problem and had wondered for some time now if they were aimed towards IBF. I mean, people can claim that Freyja doesn't enjoy being hailed as The Bat Queen, but we know that is bollocks. Freyja doesn't attempt to bring the community together unless its so she can collect everybody's money and dash off to make another video about how she can't afford basic living materials.
No. 446006
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>>445954Go watch another unboxing video then.
No. 446728
>>446026I think she's made like one or two repeat videos because she was getting an influx of people asking questions about something - so instead of directing people to backtrack in her video library she just reuploaded to make it easier.
She gives away her hauls and unboxings because she knows what it's like to be a babybat or poorkid goth who lusts after the coveted brands or whatnot and wants to help out younger goths, etc…I think it's nice of her.
I also think it's good of her to bring up elitism because according to most people these days elitism is equivalent to caring about the music or telling people they aren't goth if they aren't fans of the music (which they aren't). But elitism is more about lording how much you know over someone and trying to make them feel inferior. And modern goth has become nothing more than a consumerist fashion pissing contest because people think it's just a look not an actual sub culture with roots and history and social aspects to it.
saging for a long rant and mostly off-topic.
No. 446899
>>446392We do have a socially challenged newfag itt who keeps returning with obvious samefag replies and they're likely the same one who has been starting shit in the other /snow/ threads and /ot/. Its become pretty evident by their typing style and sudden barrages that they do 5 to 15 minutes apart.
>>446743>>446728This. The gatekeeping and consumerism haven't done anything but harm the subculture. The channel in question seems to get many questions and stories from newcomers (as evidenced by a quick scroll through the comment section and screenshots provided in the latest video), so its a hotly debated topic which other vloggers have contributed their own videos on. While I'm not as old as her and I never had a goth group of friends of my own I can empathize with the feeling of once having a community which you belonged to only to have it fall apart around you. Or, in some cases vanish without rhyme or reason. This is someone who is almost 40 years old and got a chance to experience clubs, venues, the goth witch hunt in America, complete with detailed accounts and some photos from way back. I mean, for example, look at "nerdy" stuff in general and how it was co-opted by normies only when it became fashionable to be a "nerd". Now that subculture is plagued by consumerism and pseudo-intellectualism and folks thinking that wearing glasses equates to high intelligence.
No. 446900
>>446392There's a big difference between alternative fashion and looking like shit while trying to attempt alternative fashion.
TT tends to lean towards the latter especially because she's likely NOT that into the subcultures anymore and because she puts bare minimum effort into everything, which is a shame because she used to do some decent makeup videos and it's why I started to follow her in the first place.
No. 447576
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Why do I get the sense that another money grab it coming…
No. 447589
>>447576Why do youtubers who legit only work with being on youtube still use shitty laptops to edit their shit on? Save some money up and get a really good quality pc, it's your freaking JOB! It's your only responsibility, maybe take it just slightly seriously. Laptops are too unpredictable when it comes to editing and uploading videos.
But I know the words "save up some money" is foreign language for Kaya. Imagine rather wanting to cry to make people give you donations instead of just saving up for shit. I can't believe she doesn't feel guilty.
No. 447912
>>447906Oh that's interesting. I was wondering how TT was able to get sponsored trip to Japan considering she's not well-known for kawaii aesthetics nor participate in Lolita fashion or has any interest in anime or whatever along the line. Did she meet up with PeaceMilky?
TBF I think it's fine that Jake vlogged the entire sponsored trip because at least he was doing something worthwhile for the sponsors while Kaya did nothing.
No. 447941
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No. 447981
>>447912no they were too busy to meet with Peachmilky even though they wouldn't have even have gone on the trip without her.
Jake vlogging the trip was him pointing the camera at himself and missing out on what the tour guides were saying the entire time
No. 447998
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TT insists she's a hufflepuff… but hufflepuffs are hard working… whereas slytheryns are cunning schemers….. she seems far more like a slytheryn by those standards.
I don't really care about HP but I think it's funny that she thinks she fits into such a wholesome category when she's really kind of a snake.
No. 448420
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Not not milk but this made me laugh
No. 448430
who even draws freckles on anyway?
No. 448495
File: 1513793654191.png (1020.24 KB, 1080x1461, IMG_20171220_180652.png)

Even the snakes are fed up of her shit now.
In all seriousness, and possibly going on an off topic tangent here, snakes only bite and hold on like this when they're hungry, a defensive strike is quick and they pull away. It wouldn't surprise me if TT was so lazy she couldn't even be bothered to regularly feed her animals, which is heartbreaking. She says in a comment on this post she's had this King Snake for 5 years or so…and he looks terribly small for a snake of this species and of such an age. He should be a lot chunkier than he is as seen in this picture.
No. 448500
>>448495Sad, and not surprising at all. She's so fucking lazy.
Also gross dirty fingernails…
No. 448613
>>448495In her insta story you can see the poor snake trying to eat her finger so its not just a bite.
My fiance has lots of experience with snakes and he confirmed that it seems very hungry.
I really hope she's taking care of the poor thing. Snakes have never done that in our experiences.
No. 448664
>>448420>>448430I think it came from Instagram but that trend honestly is from 2016 and has been dying for a hot minute hasn't it? Kaya's just late to the party. It can look cute depending on how you do them but if your face isn't meant to have them it looks weird.
>>448495Kaya please read up on how often to feed your poor snake :( He looks like a baby (when he's not), he needs more food.
I hate people who get certain pets (Rats, snakes) to make themselves edgier because 9 times out of 10 they don't know the first thing about them.
I love snakes but I know I couldn't handle the care for one so guess what: I DIDN'T BUY A DAMN SNAKE.
Same with the rats. I could handle them but i don't have space for them to be comfortable, so I'm not buying them yet.
No. 448725
>>448664Haha! I guess I don't know my insta trends!
pats self on backIt honestly doesn't surprise me that Kaya would go with this freckle thing. She reminds me of my sister a bit…doesn't do shit when it's a thing and scoffs at it but after the hype passes will wear it.
No. 449005
>>448836Because she is a Slytherin masquerading as a Hufflepuff.
>>448897I used to like Voltaire but I noticed he's basically an opportunistic douche that only uses "goth" as a way to cash in. The way he leeches on pandering, soulless social media personalities like Freyja, Reeree and Adora has completely put me off of him.
No. 449009
>>448897This is bullshit, I had to stop watching after 5 minutes. Thanks for perpetuating stereotypes Voltaire.
Please kids don't play the edgy one if your skin is not thick enough to handle it. People can bully you for being goth and different only if you are insecure about it in the first place. Otherwise mean comment just mean nothing to you and, know what, if you are confident people are less likely to attack you as they won't get any benefit from it.
No. 449037
File: 1513862023516.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1770, IMG_20171221_131208.png)

Soo TT can't even walk now without feeling like she's entitled to some sort of reward or pay, pmsl!!
No. 449048
>>449009That's not true though, You can like alt fashion and still be hurt by bullying. It's unrelated. The main difference is that adults experience a lot less bullying than teenagers and children in school.
Still think his approach to this video is bullshit, this is more about being an influencer with depression, and has nothing to do with being goth.
No. 449120
>>449037how does this never get tiring for her? how can a person day after day beg for every little penny possible so she can buy new things for herself?
I think she's under the impression that her viewers should pay for things she uses in her content. She gets free stuff all the time, and then anything else is stuff she's swindled from her viewers in some way it seems. Real youtubers spend the money they've earned on making videos, not just waiting around for handouts to create more content. It's such a dishonest way to create content for fans, and she should be embarrassed about it and put a little more fucking effort into her videos other than caking on makeup and plopping her as down in the same spot for hours talking.
No. 449162
>>449037lmao!!! she doesn't even walk much, all her little twatty fans have generated £40 of referrals for her to make bank.
like how the fuck does this app make sense, who is paying for a person to walk?? i bet scammers email TT to front their scams.
"muh laptop is broke and i can't use jake's!!! there's not enough room in my house to try on clothes!!!! i have no where to film (meanwhile jake has a studio in the house lol)"
No. 449170
>>447912you can see in the background of jakes vlogs her with her camera?? she clearly vlogged it but is going to take months to upload it and they were no where near tokyo to visit her
>>447928 yeah it seemed like he said about how he was going to send vlogs to travel agencies to travel vlog more and then suddenly he goes on about how he was brought there to vlog it so he made it seem like it was because of that
No. 449239
>>449162There's another app called Pact where you use either user votes to verify healthy meals or your myfitnesspal account to verify that you're eating well and if you make it to your goal (like a few days, a week) you earn money.
So the app could be legit. I've been looking at it and it seems so. It's an incentive to get people healthy and if it helps people genuinely make healthy choices it's a good thing.
That being said lmfao Kaya is gonna either learn a way to fuck with the gps/pedometer or just give up after she gets enough referrals to get some swag
sage for offtopic-ish
No. 449328
>>449313The catch is that it takes fucking forever. Kind of like those websites where you get gifcards for doing surveys. You gotta do like 20 surveys just to get a dollarstore type item.
We all know TT isnt walking a crazy distances to get the cash, so that 40 bucks she made is definitely and totally because of her referralfag fans.
No. 449839
>>449672I really don't think they suit her at all…
>>449812kek me too
No. 449985
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>>445876a good chunk of her fans are teens tho
>>445884damn anon, you have a good memory. had to scroll back but it was worth it b/c she really did get super defensive. maybe she could've had some references while doing the painting, or perhaps practice wounds since she's so into gory stuff.
No. 449989
File: 1513962094593.jpg (126.95 KB, 312x506, bonus comments.jpg)

>>449985samefag but here are a few more comments about the painting and some bonus ones about why she didn't want to sell art at that time [this was like a year and a half ago].
No. 450360
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PLEASE get clothes that suit your shape Kaya. They're free to fucksake
No. 450479
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No. 450623
>>450585Why is this cam whore being linked?
Lately this thread is looking a whole lota self posts
No. 450657
>>450651I hate you because I clicked around in this to see if she actually used tofu because I kept thinking about how gross that would be to pour on you.
Spoiler is mostly raspberries and chocolate I didn’t see any tofu
No. 450701
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With all the free shit these cows get - how about a Christmas giveaway you greedy cunt.
No. 450834
>>450360her wearing that shawl to cover her arms was so awkward.
>>450376yea, i get she has issues or whatever, but not everyone is going to like what she does, some people will make dumb remarks, etc. she could just laugh it off and show people she's not bothered instead of making multiple comments about how she doesn't care.
No. 451012
>>451006It's on her Instagram and her depop. She talks about learning to being a single mom and what not. She hasn't told the story of what happened, but she did mention in the recent Gothic Homemaking video that she tried to kill herself a couple of weeks ago due to everything going on and her head being in a bad place.
It's kind of sad really for their young daughter involved.
No. 451219
>>450387See I think the real problem is she's used to dressing a much smaller body and smaller bodies can get away with dumb outfits more than a bigger body can. She has no idea how to dress to flatter a different shape.
Even that ugly pink hoodie would probably be forgiven more if she had a better figure to compliment it, but sadly bright pink doesn't always bring out the best in a fuller figure.
No. 451668
>>451337More deets, pls? I feel like I've heard about this, but was never savvy to the details.
Also, speaking of Adora, is it confirmed that she split with her husband? In her latest video she left her birthday celebration with friends and said she was going to go back home and celebrate with her kids (no mention of her husband), and he was not there when she got back. It seems legit, but these could be coincidences. I just really wonder how she could support herself at all without him, I doubt sporadic alt modelling gigs pay the bills.
No. 451766
>>451668Well, she was mostly spending time with Ras, which is the guy she's filmed herself in bed with… So it looks like she went to hook up with him again. Not really much of a "friend's" visit.
As for her "daughter" - I think it was stated that she was faking that (to look more interesting or something, classic Adora) and the supposed daughter is actually her sister. Or am I wrong? But yep, it seems like they had a falling out and Victoria Lovelace basically replaced her.
No. 452142
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ReeRee is so done lol
No. 452144
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No. 452258
>>452142I can kind of understand her frustration. It's such a minor change and it will grow out relatively fast unless she continues to trim them constantly.
I think it's okay to discuss that here but if anyone is DMing her or telling her in her comments that she looks better without them or anything like that, that's just plain rude and I don't really see the point except to put her down. I don't understand why so many people are commenting on her getting a fringe. It's not like she shaved her entire head ffs.
No. 452433
>>452258I just appreciate that she got these bangs and not the harsh Betty page lookin 'V' fringe all goth chicks have, she finally looks different from everyone and not a carbon copy of each other
I use to get her and Sara Monster mixed up all the damn time cuz they looked identical
No. 453949
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on dracs story
No. 454225
>>451824she claims to make them that way due to what she's seen in relious imagery, but i'd like to see her post one example.
>>453949>don't judge mewhy, this isn't even funny, who would want that coming at them and you posted this where anyone can see it, not all of them are going to laugh and be like 'oh that's so me'.
anyway, drac's been doing digital drawings and i like how generous she is with her face shape kek.
No. 454772
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Can this chick get any more slutty looking? She's not fucking goth, she's metal. Check out the unmade bed in the background with all the shit on the floor. That Haunt furniture just looks so fucking cheap. It matches the fake floorboards… ugh tacky as.
No. 454832
>>454772She used to be massively popular back on MySpace. Before YouTube really kicked off and before Facebook was around.
She dropped off the net and then popped back.
I think she’s trying to get her efame back but has been left far behind.
No. 454907
>>445844Yeah I really love Drac's spiel by stating she doesn't sell her art because it's personal shit and then a week later she starts selling it.
At least be consistent
No. 455053
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>>454772all I see here
who the fuck is buying these tacky, overpriced bags? Can the kiddie audience really ask mommy and daddy for $110 for a black friday purse?
also it's funny ibf changed her pinned tweet from a story about she and Matthias to a link where you can buy her new wallet. Moving on!
No. 455452
File: 1514501323595.png (745.25 KB, 838x926, kaya.png)

Kaya has a new video out
How much does a personal trainer cost?
Kaya said without one she would have given up working out a long time ago. she's getting weighed in a few weeks to see how much weight she's lost but I bet she will have gained a lot instead.
also Kaya could actually be cute if she didn't plaster on so much makeup
No. 455531
>>455452Mine's $200 a month. Good for Kaya if she sticks with it. She clearly gets enough money/stuff that money for this isn't an issue and good for her to putting it to better use while also sending a good message to her fans by handling it.
It's a lot harder to eat badly when you work with a trainer too because they'll ask you how your eating is going and it's way nicer to be able to brag about what you've been eating rather than lie or admit you haven't been.
No. 455535
>>455458I argue she wouldn't even have to lose weight if she at least put some damn effort into her appearance. NikkiTutorials looks like a soggy cheeseburger without her makeup but she built her channel around makeup and lifestyle kinda like Kaya even if Kaya is in a different scene, and you never see her looking off or gross unless it's for the video.
but kaya doesn't TRY.
No. 455644
>>455636So did you not read the post that
>>455447 was quoting? Nobody is going to spoonfeed you shit.
No. 455650
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Or you could… you know… get a job.
No. 455686
>>455535>she wouldn't even have to lose weight if she at least put some damn effort into her appearanceSorta this. Except not her appearance in the sense of style, but in attitude.
She looks - defeated. This has nothing to do with makeup, weight, or clothes. Defeated is never a pretty look.
No. 455692
>>455686I agree. There is a major difference between putting effort into your appereance and personal hygiene because you want to, and then because you feel like you HAVE to when you really don't feel like it.
Kaya looks like she doesn't even shower unless she absolutely has to, and I'm not saying this just to mock her, it's a symptom of depression to be lethargic about these things.
I wish she would get a job or some therapy or both, sitting at home all day just makes it worse.
No. 456101
I understand making money off YouTube videos can be a job.
If a person uploads a vlog recorded in October at the end of December, YOU ARE BAD AT YOUR JOB. Stop blaming YouTube Adsense for your failure as a YouTuber. God DAMN
Begging people on multiple platforms to give you money and scheme other ways to get stuff is not a job.
No. 456309
>>455452lmfao Kaya used JUST a loop of the bass line from Sisters of Mercy's "Lucretia"
she definitely reads this. we know there's nothing "goth" about you. try harder.
No. 456330
>>455644I thought that anon meant that something might be wrong with using your yt name by some other standard. dont get your panties in a bunch.
No. 456351
>>456334She could at least mix in some "Love Will Tear Us Apart" or "Bella Lugosi's Dead". Good lord.
No. 456517
>>456309She has that fucking song on loop in several videos after it was pointed out on here. It's so
triggering, like poser please is it the only goth song you know? She only further proves our point kek
No. 457183
>>457154With IBF I think it's down to two things:
To her "normie" fans she represents how they see goths - i.e. OTT where everything (even fucking food) has to be black
To darkly inclined folk (who, let's be honest here, are likely Motionless in White mall "goth" / emo fans) she's what they aspire to be, to them the "ultimate" goth simply because she's OTT
No. 457199
>>457154not milk but I think the answer to that question is Clickbait titles. If you listen to the Cemetery Confessions podcast, they point out she did a reaction to the fuccin' "40 years of goth shoes" when their was absolutely
NO controversy or commentary about it in the goth community. Everyone agree'd "good vid" and moved on.
IBF piggybacks off popular vids, and does a lot of "clickbait" from the "goff" angle. There's really no other explanation for why a fat middle-aged divorcee is anything to aspire to. yes I saged this
No. 457263
>>457154She used to make interesting videos where she'd talk about her life and how being goth affected it and offered good support for babybats afraid to explore and be themselves. Now it's just hauls, woe is me, and shitty transformation videoswhere she can show that 1. she'd be way more attractive with a hair color other than jet black (even "darkest brown" which is usually a more natural black would look lovely on her) 2. she's superficial she just happens to have a different standard for what makes one superior.
IBF is a disappointment in what could've been a great channel and person to watch.
>>457199 See I'd buy it if she only got negative comments but she also has a lot of genuine fans, its not all because of the clickbait (I mean Markiplier is 100% clickbait titles but he's adorable and a great guy, and one who acknowledges when his videos aren't working anymore and tries something new, even if it still kinda sucks)
No. 457885
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Dre looks huge! and shes still tiny compared to kaya in there videos together kaya was a beast compared to these two
No. 458754
File: 1514803915889.png (1.11 MB, 1350x760, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 10.5…)

Just when you think she can't get any uglier she pulls out that outfit. WHY DO PEOPLE FOLLOW HER?
No. 458767
File: 1514808155591.png (853.21 KB, 751x650, harry.png)

>>458754it angers me so much that she pretends to be so into Harry Potter when she's never even read any of the books!
she's so lazy in everything she does.
are Hufflepuff even a big thing in the movies?
also the fact that 90% of the stuff she brought back from LA was junk food!
No. 458770
>>458754samefag but it really angers me that Kaya and Jake never once mentioned PeachMilky when it comes to their Japan/Korea trip!
They would never have had the trip without her!
I never once heard them thank her!
It was Peachmilkys trip in the first place but then she moved to Japan so she couldn't do it anymore so she practically begged the company to give it to Kaya.
I watch PM streams and thats the only way I would have known because Kaya and Jake NEVER mentioned it.
No. 458780
>>458754>>458767Jfc stop with the Hufflepuff shit already Kaya. You're not even a proper Harry Potter fan. The real fans would laugh in your face if you told them you hadn't even read the books. But it's not surprising, she's a poser goth so why wouldn't she be a poser HP fan too? Also, why does she jump from one obsession to the other? It's not cute or quirky, it just reeks of insecurity.
>>458770Wow really? What ungrateful cunts. They're probably convinced the trip was given to them because they're such "amazing" vloggers lmao
No. 458825
>>458780Kaya actually says in her new Japan vlog
something along the lines of
"It's weird to think that I picked up the camera 3 years ago and that's what lead me to going on this trip"
like no…being friends with Peackmilky who was nice enough to give you her trip is what brought you here
No. 458920
>>458754i liked this video! she seemed like she actually did enjoy her trip and her telling of the history was nice and it was nice to see her smiling and laughing in the vlog.
i liked jake's new video too lmao, maybe i am going soft for 2018
No. 459105
>>458770are Kaya and PeachMilky friends or friendly? Did they ever hang out in Belfast? I've always thought Peachmilky seems like a kind person, I really like her and her partner, they're both cool people. Has PM said anything on her social media about Kaya's trip?
No. 459268
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Good to see she finally uploaded Japan stuff. Don’t know why she thought this was a good photo thought
No. 459492
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Where do i fucking start with this video? First of all, after 4 weeks Kaya you're probably NOT going to see instant results from a personal trainer. By the size of your ass walking up those stairs to see your hairdresser - which by the way has no personal style, is also overweight and wear a BEANIE to work - he's clearly at the top of his game in the cutting world. Next the 'adorable' beach walk - more like beached whale. Your prattlings on about a dream attic - more like flowers in the attic where we can only hope you will just keel over and never see the light of day again. I skipped through most of it because she's so fucking DUMB I can't stand listening to it. The grand finale was the SoM track at the end? Saged as I know this has already been mentioned but it sounded like the end of a BAD kareoke video. What the actual fuck? It's incredible how completely deluded this person is. She's gone from yellow bumblle bee, to pink tracksuit top scary peppa the pig impersonation to a kimono that only likens her to a pair of bad italian curtains that someone's grandmother would hang. Kaya, you've let yourself go to the point of no return. Why? Because not only are you incredibly stupid, ignorant, immature and pathetic, you're SO LAZY you will never lose weight. She has no potential.
No. 459499
File: 1514883847209.png (518.56 KB, 874x548, Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 8.02…)

Clean your fingernails you dirty child. This video makes me want to cringe so hard. I got, I got, I got, I got, I got… ffs. You haven't got anything. Period.
No. 459500
>>459499HUGE L.A HAUL! - Harry Potter/Goth/Kawaii Haul | Toxic Tears
GOTH? what is goth about this video? Joke!
No. 459606
>>459347I watch PeachMilky's twitch streams!
she said how the trip was hers first but then she moved to Japan and the company said because she lived in Japan she couldn't have it anymore
so PM begged the company to give it to Kaya and the company agreed as long as Kaya vlogged it and uploaded to her channel.
PM didn't seem angry about it but I would be so angry if I gave my friend a free trip and then the friend said the only reason she got it was because of her own doing
sorry for rant
No. 459608
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>>459499oh fuck that's disgusting.
why can't she even bother to present herself properly in her videos and on social media.
isn't this her job?
she really doesn't deserve the following she has and everything that goes with it
No. 459622
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I loved this part when Jake just started recording himself while Kaya was making a video. Can he be even more of a self-obsessed prick?
No. 459718
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>> "good" photos exist of Kaya
No. 459721
>>458767No. Hufflepuff is not big in the movies at all. I think there are a total of two times when Hufflepuff has any notable recognition.
Sorcerer's Stone: when Susan Bones is sorted into Hufflepuff.
Goblet of Fire: Cedric Diggory is a Hufflepuff.
I want to call her out so hard for acting like such a fan but never having read the books.
No. 460182
>>459943I finished it by speeding up the video to 1.5 speed. It was just a bunch of babbling and wishy washy comments, especially in regard to Avelina. First, the handbags are cheap and she isn't a designer, then she says Avelina is doing a good job, but she doesn't like who she is teaming up with.
Pretty sure she only made this video to stir up controversy and get views.
No. 460364
>>460080Damn, the way Kelly said “we live in the world”, walked/skipped off and then snatched the ticket came across rude to me.
Does she even like Kaya? She was obviously bored when next to her, brushed off her fear of heights/falling and then sang instead of just saying “we’ll be fine” seemed snarky and like she couldn’t keep up her ‘niceness’ anymore.
No. 460516
>>459934>>459942>>460080When posting Youtube videos, could anons use the embed field and include a short description of who and what the video is about if it is not obvious from the thumbnail?
The videos will be easier to find when C+F searching for a particular cow and make clear who the ensuing conversation is about. Also, some of us do not want to contribute to lining the pockets of certain Youtubers.
No. 460574
>>459963I'm sure she was making fun of health goth because "health goth" is a fucking joke itself.
LMFAO REALLY?…"health goth"
Im fucking dead. XD
No. 460752
>>460649Yea its supposed to be kinda like normcore.
Just imagine a tumblr goth with nike gear.
Its not goth.
Its all black sportswear with one accessory like a spiked collar. Fucking lame.
No. 460799
>>460763Didn't Kaya and/or Dre (I get the two confused, both fat poser goths after all) wear a t shirt that said "aesthetic" or "because aesthetic"? That should be their new tag, it's all they care about within the goth scene anyway kek.
>>460752So a chav attempting to masquerade as a "goth"? A.k.a. Jake
No. 460818
>>460804She probably does. She never talks about her diet. Most people don't realise that fitness is approximately 80% diet and 20% actual activity.
>>460799I'm pretty sure it was Dre. And I'm pretty sure it was a shirt she had mad for her own merch. Rolliest of eyerolls.
No. 461246
>>457736just, why
>>459492would ask how this dude allows her to have such horrible partings for her side shave but looking at him tells me how 'skilled' he is.
>>459622kind of funny but he could've also waited. like, all the times he walks in front of her while he's vlogging and for some reason not only had to be behind her but start talking to his camera even tho he sees kaya filming herself.
No. 461650
>>460862I feel this probably cost a lot and it is full of useless shit.
If real wiccans wanted herbs, candles, stones etc for their practices they would buy it specialist for much cheaper than the off chance you may get something semi decent in the boxes.
No. 461897
File: 1515098153001.jpg (86.45 KB, 808x582, uK0lsd9.jpg)

Obviously Kaya would think simply wearing a leather jacket makes one a "punk"
Also spot the inverted pentagram zipper, I remember her saying she doesn't like them. Whatever's trendy though right TT?
No. 462660
>>443289Sometimes I dont think IBF is a "complete" poser, but shes one of those "goths" who arent actually into dark things.
Theres goths that like the dark aethetic but cringe at the sight of blood, not watch much horror, dont collect taxidermy or anything like that. I feel like shes along those lines. …then again, cant really call those people goths….. just dark fashionistas perhaps.
No. 462662
>>462661samefag but, checking their website, a lot of the items in each box are just repeated every month. i feel like i would build up so much useless clutter in my house if i got it regularly.
sage for sperg rant.
No. 462674
goth style comes mainly from the late 70s music scene. she looks like an old-school goth.
No. 462741
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>>462660>Sometimes I dont think IBF is a "complete" poser, You may tell many things about her more or less accurate but to call her poser? She listens to goth music, dresses goth, attends goth events.
>but shes one of those "goths" who arent actually into dark things.Wut? Are you serious? She is and have been for like about a decade into macabre and grotesque.
No. 462784
>>462763Hi Matias
>>462767und dat
>>462769dat uber alles
No. 462793
>>462784Anon, that's just silly. It's what all "proper" goths will tell you. It's supposed to be based on music.
I'd like to hope that IBF likes goth music. If she doesn't, her life must be really pathetic really. I mean, she can listen to anything at home, but she goes to concerts, has gothic songs in her videos, so she must listen to them a lot. I know I wouldn't be able to go to a concert of a genre I hate listening to. I hope she isn't that fake.
Also being goth doesn't prevent you from wearing color.
No. 462801
>>462766So that means All I have to do is like black clothes, go to goth clubs, and listen to more of Joy Division and then I can be considered a goth without having any appreciation of the darkness or the taboo? PFFFTTHAHA
If Black and going to the club is all I need to be a goth, then goth is a joke.
No. 462807
File: 1515183105553.jpg (796.95 KB, 2048x1536, lolcolours.jpg)

>Anon, that's just silly. It's what all "proper" goths will tell you. It's supposed to be based on music.
And that's right. That's why I say that.
>I'd like to hope that IBF likes goth music
[sarcasm]She hates it. That's why she attends goth rock concerts, why she uses goth rock in her videos and why she attends goth rock festivals. Pure masochism.[/sarcasm]
>If she doesn't, her life must be really pathetic really. I mean, she can listen to anything at home, but she goes to concerts, has gothic songs in her videos, so she must listen to them a lot. I know I wouldn't be able to go to a concert of a genre I hate listening to. I hope she isn't that fake.
Your brain sure can make truly wonderful specimen after taking it out and further neurological examination.
>Also being goth doesn't prevent you from wearing color.
O'RLLY? That's a groundbreaking news to me.
No. 462808
>>462801same fag.
Its like being an artist. You cant be considered an artist if its not in your heart. you can go to galleries, and wear shirts that say "I love art"and hang out with other artists, But does that really make you an artist if you really dont care about creativity?
This may just be an opinion but: How can you be goth without caring about dark things? lmao
Sage for blogging and "Reeeeeee"
No. 462812
>>462804yes its a subculture, but being focused on the subculture rather than the people makes the whole thing into a bullshit aesthetic.
The subculture is supposed to bring people together for whats in their hearts, which is general appreciation of darkness. The music, fashion, goth imagery, and everything else is a reflection of darkness.
If you arent into dark things, you arent goth.
No. 462819
>>462817"cut my wrists and black my eyes"
Goth af bruh
No. 462827
>>462812So you can be a goth and exclusively listen to metal or psychobilly? They're dark, right?
What about if you like horror films and taxidermy and wear a lot of black but don't listen to goth music?
You sound like those lifestyle lolita girls from the early 00s who said you could be a lolita if it was in your heart even if you didn't have the clothes. All subcultures have one baseline requirement. In lolita it's the clothes, in goth it's the music. People tend to argue that the general mindset is the most important thing if that's all they have to offer.
No. 462828
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>>462817>>462817I'm not into mass murdering whole race of people. Mass murder is dark ass fvck. That means I can't be goth, right?
No. 462835
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>>462830>Well, you trully are something else, aren't you?I'm a special snowflake
No. 462846
>>462784Holy shit, how
triggered are you? All this because someone told you it's not just a costume contest? Jfc.
No. 462848
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>>462846>Holy shit, how triggered are you? All this because someone told you it's not just a costume contest? Jfc.That's what I'm pointing out. That it's not a costume contest.
No. 462851
File: 1515185947125.jpg (48.31 KB, 450x450, darkstuff.jpg)

>What about if you like horror films and taxidermy and wear a lot of black but don't listen to goth music?If that person makes any sense then prpbably is trying to imply that you have to listen to goth music and like ALL THINGS DARK™. So you have to like goth music and dark chocolate, skin colour of Ethiopians, dark crayons, darkrooms, black metal, Third Reich ideology, communism, genocides, necrophilia and My Little Pony.
No. 462869
>>462827I think the clothese/music come into play when a person claims the label. You can be goth and not claim/know it.
Kinda like stupidity, no one wants to claim stupidity but just because you didnt claim it doenst mean this isnt who you are.
No. 462884
File: 1515188282586.jpg (587.94 KB, 1521x835, 1515182226161-1-1.jpg)

Spot the difference.
No. 462952
>>462873Fucking thank you! I'm goth and I'm so tired of how this thread devolves into the argument of what is goth. It's become a massive umbrella term for many different subcultures that are related. It doesn't even make sense to try and say there's any one set of requirements and no one can even agree on what those requirements are like what even counts as goth music for the requirement? Does it stop at 1990 or do we include Marilyn Manson or is he shock horror? Where do we draw the line at how industrial something can sound to still count as goth if it still has dark wave roots? Does witch hop count? Are we still pushing the counter culture narrative hard? Are we claiming crust punks as a goth grunge hybrid or do they strictly belong to the punk movement? Who even decides this shit? It's like when Mormons and Catholics call each other fake Christians. Completely retarded. No True Scotsman fallacy everywhere.
Every youtuber on this thread is some form of goth or alternative whether it's music or just style or what the fuck ever. It's not that important. Let's talk about any of the hundreds of other issues with them and their content like how shitty it would be to have to be on a 14 hour flight to Japan with Jake. Kaya has got to drink or do drugs of some kind to spend as much time as she does around that insufferable dick.
No. 462957
>>462801omg, u must be young. in the 90s and early 2000s, people that hopped into music subcultures such as punk or goth but just with the aesthetics were called trendy bastards or posers
it is 100% to do with the music oh my fucking god
(stop derailing) No. 463379
File: 1515235363750.jpg (174.82 KB, 1309x594, ibfbag.jpg)

>>463007she's puttting out a wallet, a new bag, and a mend's wallet, ALL with the same boring bat wing design, they're gonna milk that mall-goth design until they're making backpacks I guess??
jfc who is buying this garbage, this video was just a 9 min commercial where she says it's "classy" and "uber-goth" lmfao it's so goth to blow $200 on a wallet, really non-conformist.
go put some chapstick on, you crusty lipped scam artist.
No. 463392
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No. 464080
File: 1515319000122.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-07-09-54-13…)

Wishful thinking much?
No. 464169
Not all post punk is sooooO dark and macabre. Look at PiL. Rudimentary Peni lyrics include issues like veganism, religious imagery, human liberation, etc. But none of that is required to be "deathrock".
>>462660I met Freyja at a Sex Gang Children show and my boyfriend met her at
i think a 45 Grave show. One of her older videos got me into bat nouveau, a current dr band. She's more into goth than half the people in this thread.
>>462801>>462812Wew, lad. Lolcow is 18+
No. 464272
>>pettyHi welcome to
(I think its a funny pic, not even remotely petty by lolcow standards)
No. 464491
>>464326Oh, but anon that isn't milky enough! For the last week and a half we've had people obsessing over every little post if it isn't up to their standards.
What you've described, however, is precisely what people mean when they refer to freya as a poser. For somebody who crows about how much she hates getting attention for being goth she sure doesn't mind walking nearly everywhere whilst filming and making comments about any mere glance in her general direction.
No. 465042
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>>462763 Freezer confirming she got even fatter in 2k17. Although if she's already buying everything in XXL size @ punkrave wonder how she's gonna do those hauls lol
unrelated: she has a munchpack unboxing vid out now (moooooo)
No. 465510
>>462835that pic is hilarious
>>464326You nailed it anon
>>465204I see that coming
>>465307but it's still a lot easier than it was for her in new zealand
No. 465983
>>465312yeah Hot Topic has them big girl sizes for sure, I think they know who their clientele is, Freezer's a good example, fat goth hiding the the black.
Toxic Tears does wear the clothes I think, it just looks awful and she crops out her head in the vid because she can't be bothered to put on make-up.
Why do ch'all think alt-cows crop their heads out when they're doing hauls anyway? they're in denial ??
No. 466620
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>>466599watching her try to find something nice to say about Crack Veil's so obvious she's just on that lead singer's dick because wants to interview them for content.
directly tailoring content to her 12 year old fans, lol
No. 466622
>>466604yeah she specifically tries to own the "goth does X" formula because it's the only angle she's got.
sitting in front of a keyboard? lmfao why doesn't she just hold an acoustic guitar while filming while she's at it…I'm afraid of the day when we get to hear the "music" she's making
No. 466736
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No. 466752
>>466604 and
>>466724 hit the nail on the head. She is like, what? Almost forty something years old now and all she can do is define herself with a subculture? Nobody was saying that she needs to shit out kids or get married, I get that the idea of someone having kids absolutely
triggers the fuck out of people on this site.
Every other video is "Goth reacts to", "How Goths take a shit", "Think you know how Goths perform CPR? THINK AGAIN!", etc. This is the same person who crowed on Twitter about others wearing shirts which label themselves yet Freya proudly profits from her label.
No. 466863
>>466773This isn't even the original poster who said it's wrong to claim being a mother, wife etc. is better/more fulfilling, there are more people sharing this opinion…
Just want to throw that in there
No. 466899
File: 1515625687359.jpeg (87.94 KB, 731x445, 3AA8F0FB-B31C-4A06-B323-36A106…)

This hypocrite.
How about making up your own bag ideas? Lazy cunt
No. 466936
File: 1515628006156.png (437.9 KB, 720x1108, Screenshot_2018-01-10-23-43-50…)

Plus the original bag is £29 whereas the IBF bag is $140
No. 467252
>>466936>>463379Quite frankly I don't see the appeal unless you're a baby BAT
They both look like something a 13 year old would buy
No. 467372
>>466752Not sure if you are being sarcastic about the "almost forty something" comment, but IBF is only 29 or 30. Not sure exact but she's far from "forty something".
>>466773This will be a rant. It's like you took certain words from the other anons post and twisted it. I am a parent, but if asked to describe myself I would never answer "I am a mother and I enjoy taking care of my children" and then proceed to live my life as ONLY a mother. As stated before, that's pretty one-dimensional. I love being a mother and it's the biggest part of my life but I'm also a sister, friend, goth, musician, I like to cook and knit and game and all that shit. You would assume that someone with a large following would want to show variety on their content and in their life, but she puts on this show of GOFF 24/7/365. Even the shitty "cooking" vids she's done are all goff black everything. Drac's cooking vids never interest me much but at least it's trying to do content completely different than her usual. Not to mention, Drac makes food that she might eat regularly. No black tortillas with black corn with black Everything. Freyja already stated she hates cooking so we won't see anything like that from her, but it's just an example of what more she could be doing. She probably IS actually one-dimensional because of the way she's built her presence. She's probably afraid to do anything that isn't considered "goth" unless it's for a video. I think that's obvious by the way she dresses every single day. I don't know what's so hard for some anons to understand.
Saged for rant.
No. 467865
>>467473Yup considering her age her skins pretty good. No major deep wrinkles it seems. Of course her make up looks cakey tho, stage makeup does that (tho that lipstick is a
triggering). Think about other women around age 40-50
No. 468486
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No. 468489
File: 1515787155255.png (473.7 KB, 670x392, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 19.5…)

I really can't with Kaya. She's so damn lazy! She looks big in all of those dresses and she didn't even put the cardigan on properly. Egh!
No. 468563
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Is she planning on becoming American? Otherwise why does she give a fuck as if she has a say?
No. 468566
>>468489The shrug does not go with the dress and detracts from it. If she wants to be a model, then she needs to suck it up and bear the cold for a few minutes.
And she is too tall for those babydoll dresses.
Her vocabulary for describing the items is paltry, and she should have better described the fabrics. When she says velvet, does she mean a cotton velvet or a polyester stretch velvet? Is the bag definitely a polyurethane leather? She should have better familiarised herself with the items before recording.
No. 468567
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No. 468682
>>468566I wonder if she wears it because of the cold or because she is self-conscious. She never shows her upper arms and shoulders. I recall her saying something in her old weight gain video about getting lots of stretch marks on her upper arms so maybe it's that.
Either way, it obviously does not go with the outfit. Even if it did…she's barely wearing it and it just looks weird and bunched up as if you can't get it on the proper way, which is likely the case.
One thing I will say though is that the thumbnail to that video seemed to be more "revealing" in my eyes. You can actually see some of her figure and it isn't 100% hidden by a huge black or pink blanket-hoodie. Makes it obvious that she probably lurks here since that is mentioned every time she uploads a clothing vid. The problem remains that she can't dress herself in clothing that fits her properly. In my opinion, the thumbnail outfit looks okay for the top…except her boobs look like they are binded. Being tall and thin with middle C tits, I certainly understand that struggle with clothing, it happens a lot,but it is preventable just by picking out styles that fit you well oh and a decent bra.
No. 468736
File: 1515802709246.png (251.76 KB, 415x414, grgrgrg.png)

Jake was saying in this latest vlog that he's fatter than he's ever been.
he's been sitting on the couch for the last two months stuffing his face.
I'm guessing Kaya joined him too since she's not shifting any weight either.
No. 468937
>>468485On my own here but I don't think she looks that big in most of the clothing, pretty average to slightly big size but not as huge as she looks in other clothing (see the mr blobby-esque pink jacket she wore in LA…) but that weird shrug she wore with the dress was awful and ruined the overall look. Also begging for that jacket, bitch get a fucking job and pay for it yourself lik the rest of us
>>468566I agree, I think it was the first dress that looked more like a top on her…
>>468736both put on loads of weight thanks to stuffing their faces in LA rather than, you know, being actual tourists and doing some sight seeing
No. 468999
File: 1515862449691.jpg (45.62 KB, 844x668, kaya.JPG)

Just go up a size to an XXL, TT
You won't rip the seams that way
That or just use Killstar's new fat lady's range
No. 469287
>>468485Decided to actually watch it because this anon -
>>469272 - mentioned that she's gotten smaller, and I wanted to see because all the caps posted so far just show how fat she still is - esp. the face. However her body really isn't as fat as it was. BUT the girl seriously needs to work on her posture. She wouldn't look so damn dumpy if she stood up straight and held her core tight. I also never noticed how weird her tits are in comparison to the rest of her body. If she ever loses the weight it'll look so much better. Otherwise learning how to dress her body would greatly benefit her.
No. 469323
>>469272I'm not sure she's gotten smaller as such, she just doesn't look as frumpy and big as I've seen her before such as in LA, she just needs to dress better for her weight/shape/height…
>>469186Before she got into talking about the clothes she mentioned a Killstar jacket she likes the look of and showed a picture of it on screen as a "wishful haul" or some shit, so yeah subtly not so subtly begging them for more stuff
No. 469361
Do you think she'll try to make her trek towards the US now that shes single again? Shes already lived in the UK and had a UK bf, obviously had a NZ bf/fiancé, moved to Germany and got a German bf/husband, maybe next is an American boyfriend turned husband for at least two years until she decides Canada is the holy land for goths and snags a canuck?
No. 469387
>>469333Killstar is notoriously short with their clothing
Someone who is 5'1 might look normal in their skirts and dresses but 5'5 and over; you look like a giant
No. 469485
File: 1515896384995.png (710.1 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-01-13-18-12-46…)

The jacket she is lusting after.
No. 469487
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One of the three babydoll dresses. The sleeves do her no favors.
No. 469491
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She says that she usually does not go for bright colors, but she loves the moths in the print that coordinate with her tattoos.
No. 469492
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She is moving her legs in the video and she plays it back slowed down which emphasises her thigh jiggle.
No. 469493
File: 1515897137961.png (1.01 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-01-13-18-27-16…)

Cuz pink!
No. 469497
File: 1515897372728.png (1.03 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-01-13-18-28-51…)

The lace overlay skirt is clinging to her body and the lace is clining to the lining because of static. Modeling it without first treating the static is not flattering and not good advertising.
No. 469794
>>469491She "doesn't usually go for bright colours" yet was in pink 24/7 in LA?
>>469491>>469492Sorry but is that cellulite on her thighs? You know your cellulite is bad if it's showing through tights…
No. 469813
>>469482Obviously I'm talking about Kilstar's regular dresses, not the long ones; they're long, lass
The ones TT is wearing spare the long one is way too short because that's how Killstar operates
No. 469841
>>469794Pink is an exception.
If you asked her and if she were actually intelligent she could respond cheekily that pink is not a colour like the rest, but we all know that she is not that smart.
No. 472222
>>472096Lmfao, Kaya does not read.
I think she doesn't go in depth about her "interests" because there is no depth at all. She doesn't seem very passionate about anything, therefore it would be hard to explain. I think, as mentioned, she simply likes things. Notice she never likes anything unique. She LOVES goth yet dresses stereotypical mall goth and listens to no real goth music, she talks about how she has been into vampires from a young age yet has read no Rice books and her fav vampire movie is probably Interview with the Vampire, she LOVES HP and decks herself out in Hufflepuff yet has never read the books and doesn't even understand each house. It makes me want to scream. Same thing with the "witchy" or kawaii stuff. It's never her own unique take on it…she always says "I've been really into this lately" and then shows it by doing stereotypical Tumblr fad shit. The girl has no personality or explanation to give about herself or her interests unless she can link you to it.
No. 472298
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No. 472485
>>471284I want to see a picture of this alleged coffin. I'd be shocked if it weren't a casket instead of a coffin (because yes, there is a difference).
Why do people insist that that finding your clothes in an all black wardrobe is hard? If you're organised it's not difficult.
Wow Kaya, I've held a real life human brain before. Who cares?
P.S. Non-flat shoes is a not a goth cliche. Get out.
No. 472670
>>472493This particularly amazes me about UK badgoths. We didn't have hottopic until relatively recently, I'm talking the last five or so years and even then it's only online so we're slammed with import tax when it's shipped over. Some anon correct me if I'm wrong but there are no physical hottopic shops outside of London which doesn't count. There's no other chainstore shop that fills the hottopic niche here. Usually you have the big independent gothshop in your nearest city and that's where you'd start out, and although not the best goth apparel available it was a respectable starting point, and when you did want to move on up they carry better quality brands.
Basically what I'm saying is it takes more effort and is more expensive to be a hottopic mallgoth in the UK. it just doesn't make any sense.
No. 473425
>>473392I don't get how it makes it seem like she wishes he was dead in the slightest. That's a stretch, imo. I think the point she was trying to get across is that she is mourning the "loss" of her husband. She did lose him in a way, but he lives right next door lmfao.
She's disrespecting those that have truly lost and mourned a spouse/significant other. I was so confused when I saw that she had uploaded a video titled that. I don't understand how she can't see that just the title is in poor taste.
No. 473548
>>473473She's been anorexic and bulimic for 15+ years, she went through a period of being at a more healthy weight a few years ago and wasn't as OTT with her look and had a regular job as a medical secretary. She recently got divorced and I think that's part of why her content's gotten more sexual lately.
Her instagram took off after she went on sick leave for her ED, I think that getting attention for her body and style is where most of her energy went when she couldn't work. She's obviously very sick and has been for such a long time that she's a little mentally stunted because of it, not much of a cow besides that imo. I've spoken to her a bit online cause we both collect dolls and have been following her on various platforms throughout the years, she's alright but seems to need a lot of validation.
No. 475389
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hahaha Kaya thinks she doesn't get any sponsorships because of how she dresses!
yeah it has nothing to do with her shitty content
No. 475457

>>474488I watched her "went to jail" video and her ban came from the fact that she balked upon being asked where she was going to stay, what she was up to in the UK. Those border agents don't have time for idiots, if you hesitate they don't let you in.
Furthermore, a deportation (which is what happened to her) earns you a mandatory 10 year ban from the UK, 5 if you were "compliant" and paid for your own flight, but we all know the bitchfits she loves to throw.
Either way, she could flex her celebrity and appeal the process, but she's too lazy. As a citizen's adviser on immigration, I have to say, you have to be pretty fucking dumb to be from a goddamn English speaking commonwealth country and still get denied/deported from the UK.
There are people from was less fortunate situations who have to travel with a binder of papers to be let in somewhere, all she needed was a fucking address. But she blamed her "goth" look, uh no ..I'm goth, I travel to the UK, I carry my papers and don't breathe with my mouth open.
No. 475953
>>475389Maybe it's just because you don't take care of yourself?
While IBF takes bad photos once in awhile she has her "brand" on point if that makes sense. It's easy since that's how she always is sure, but TT you're a lazy sack of shit that, looking at the Japan photos, can't be fucked to shower or get dressed up most of the time. No one wants a lazy shit to represent them in a sponsorship.
No. 476261
>>476175Killstar is mid-tier quality at best
Cheapest Chinese materials usually used (jersey) and sold at an overpriced rate
When more streetwear brands start circulating in the darkly inclined fast fashion category, then I'm sure they'll fall out of line quite quickly
No. 476329
>>476175I would say it's better than the regular HM or topshop stuff, but you pay more as well. The tshirts all have nice quality printing and the fabric itself is from my experience pretty thick. I recommend waiting for a sale like
>>476237 said
No. 476346
>>476175I like Dre, I like her style and think she's pretty and she at least only calls her clothes and style goth but not herself(seems to only call herself emo but Can't tell if it's jokingly or not).
Anyways I have a handful of Killstar things and they're really nice imo. The shoes are good quality as well, so most of their clothes and designs are pretty. but the tacky stuff is always WAY too much. there's like no in between
No. 476555
>>476175Better quality than department stores. A little over priced but nice to buy for yourself every once in awhile.
I like Dre's reviews because she's honest without being harsh or ungrateful, seems like she actually wears the stuff she's given too.
No. 480255
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No. 480922
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>>480761>>480788Nadia is really sweet. She's not a cow or a snowflake at all. Her and Mr. Owl are still friends iirc. I don't feel like she tries to be Freyja. Other goths looked like that before ibf exploded in the scene. It's like calling every deathrock revival kid a discount jonny slut. (And Nadia doesn't look or dress like freyja???)
No. 481841
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Here's a dumpster fire that I've been observing. She claims to be a model and everything she posts is heavily edited or features Snapchat filters. Most of her posts have some thing to do with her undying love for her husband, who she married after dating for 6 months possibly due to giving him HIV. There's a bit of a backstory to that, she's quite proud of herself for stealing him away from his ex and nearly everything she posts is in some way an attempted stab at the ex despite that they both have each other blocked and the ex doesn't seem to know about it. The best part is that her husband is equally disgusting looking and is usually shown looking like he hasn't showered in days with a full on 70s porn stache. They both live with her mom, sister, and sisters boyfriend in a two bedroom section 8 apartment with 11 cats. I also highly recommend looking for her recent post about her ghost experiences that definitely happened. This post is from her main, she also has another account (kittu.babi) for more embarrassing attempts at modeling and living the #goth life.
No. 482194
>>481841Oh man, that moe on her husband!
How old is she? Honestly looks like she’s in following with that other train wreck on here, raven.
No. 482366
>>481103does anyone else find it ironic that she goes so hard for the Elvira look when Elvira is literally a fake goth?
It's a fucking sp00py costume Cassandra Peterson put together for a tv show. Which she basically stole from Maila Nurmi anyway.
No. 482385
>>482242>shawl thingits called a bolero god im
triggeredalso she said shes a uk size 14? most places are saying that 78 cm waists are 14 but I don't believe that for a second, her gut juts out waaay to much to only have a 78 cm waist imo
No. 482535
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hurry hurry she has ANOTHER unboxing. i know youv all be waiting patiently for her unboxing videos kek
No. 482704
>>480973So was the point of this video just to show off her swimming pool, annoying kids and areola?
I mean she shoved that right into the camera and checked while doing so
No. 482745
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>>482385size 14 my ass, that cow could eat a size 14…everything she buys is XXL, she mentions it in every clothing video, so no>
God her lipline is so fucking thin and that color makes it really obvious she looks like a dopey clown.
No. 482864
>>482759> what up fam!Stopped watching right there. Idk much about kelly, but i know she has her own thread.
>>482745She doesn't seem massive like Raven and a size 14 sounds really big. Everything in double digits sounds big to me though.
No. 482866
>>482242>>482385>>482745I actually think she could be a "stretchy" UK 14
In regular fitting clothing though, she's definitely a UK 16 or more
No. 482932
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Kaya can't even be bothered to finish painting her nails for a video which is gojng to have such a focus on her hands
No. 483188
>>440296>>482896In the video she meant roccoco and that is indead 18th century. minute 7 she talked about the dress matching it with panieres from the 18th century to achieve the right look.
I don t like all the cheap plastic fabrics all of the clothes are made of.
That must stink sooo much after one time wearing. Most of the goth brands produce with cheaper non natural fabrics, very tacky. Brrr if i see the cheap plastic velvet she is wearing in that video i cringe so hard.
Soooooo tacky cheap clothes for too much money why do all goth buy that shit.
No. 483664
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No. 483922
>>482866Oh yeah, i was thinking of us sizes. A uk 16 makes sense.
>>483671Too bad her face is a complete boner killer. No one wants to see that while they're looking at swimwear.
>>483669Idk my bf and i have talked about this. When we first got into goth fashion (i grew up on the music, he was into hardcore) we thought that ott Victorian goth was the pinnacle of goth. As we got more into the subculture, we became more and more toned down. I still do Siouxsie-esque makeup and hair, but I'm considerably toned down from my jonny slut-carbon-copy days.
No. 485806
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am I going insane or does TT actually look slimmer in her new video?
No. 486677
Okay, sage this if I'm just being dumb, but I'm hopefully confused by Kaya right now.
So…we all know her trip to Japan was thanks to PeachyMilkTea and she's just flat out ignoring that fact and spinning her own tales about how she's so privileged to have made it there herself (thanks to Jake's {A M A Z I N G} vlogging skills) and it was the Japanese tourist board that organized their whole trip.
NOW, she gets an inhuman sized box of Gloomy Bear tat from Misaki at Samurai Buyer (yeah, not questionable at ALL, Kaya. Everyone knows how sketchy that company is. If she had any integrity at all as a person, she'd boycott any sort of association with them right away) and all of a sudden, her Japan trip was all thanks to them and not the Japanese tourist board? If it's a case of her lying again, at least get your story straight, Kaya…or you know, just tell the truth?
No. 486683
>>486677I read somewhere (probably here) that it was organized by Samurai Buyer all along. Not sure where the PeachMilky bit came from (or was
her trip from SB?)
No. 486691
Ok so I was typing out my reply
>>486686, taking me long because fucked up keyboard so did not see
>>486677>>486683Personally, I think it would look better on her if she DID get the trip for free given the attic e-begging, I guess we'll have to wait and find out.
No. 487885
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whats with the lumps on her filthy skin? must be because she sleeps in clown makeup every night - silly girl.
No. 487890
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freya stop presenting you're cool with a guitar. it's embarrassing to those who actually TRY. the hand formation and posing is all so very wrong.
No. 488137
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>>487890she bought herself this tacky guitar 6 months ago and can't even play 3 chords in a row… even 12 year olds can master "smells like teen spirit" in a week.
also comparing yourself to real musician lmfao she's fucking delusional. yeah, if patricia morrison ate a tub of butter every day and had no talent, maybe then.
she looks lumpy as fuck in this picture, even with the guitar hiding her gut
No. 488261
>>488180OT but nivea isn't that bad - they have spf and are ok products. Her foundation is the thing that does her no favours.
>>487885looks like white heads or even milia (if you can get those on your nose? not sure). girl needs to cleanse her skin twice a day….
No. 488438
>>488137patricia morrisson…. JFC. saying she was in 3 bands and played drums - i don't know why she keeps talking about being musical. that short strum indicates no clue to me. she's such an attention whore.
Also, that hairstyle did nothing for her. mattius just butchered her head and she let that happen. i've never seen someone so popular who is so directionless being all that she has are people on the internet to fill her days responding to meaningless comments. what an empty world.
No. 489752
>>488094Lol in her mid 30s. Isn’t she 33 now?
2 years at her age doesn’t make a difference unless she took up smoking and drinking heavily.
Have to be young to make that kinda comment
No. 491242
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Cringiest thing i´ve seen all day
No. 491860
>>491242a tryhard and 2 fashion goths……ok
but I'm def an Angela Benedict stan, I wish she'd update more
No. 492968
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This seriously hurts to look at, prepare yourselves
No. 493624
>>492556>>492905MCR is pop punk. Emocore is just hardcore punk with more emotional lyrics and more melodic. Fugazi (sorry ian mackaye) and Decendents are closer to emo than MCR ever will be. If you're not familiar Guy Picciotto and Rites of Spring, you don't listen to emo. There's midwest emo too, like American Football and Cap'n Jazz. MCR still doesnt fit that.
Sorry Dre. You're not goth and you don't listen to emo either. You're another boring alt girl devoid of real interests and personality. Just to clarify.
No. 493913
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Beg harder, Kaya. I love her lowkey trying to act like she just wants someone to crack her back not some company to "sponsor" her and send her a free chair.
No. 494764
>>488094What bizarre argument even is that - "I don't remove my makeup when I go to bed because I could die in my sleep and someone could see me without it". Seriously? And how must her bedsheets/pillow covers look? Can't even imagine.
I think it's actually pretty sad that her self-esteem is so terrible that she feels like she has to wear heavy makeup 24/7. Even when she's home alone. Probably wore it constantly around her husband too. Not that it helped anything in the end, right. Maybe when you don't love yourself, your capability of loving anyone else also goes to shit. Just saying.
No. 495094
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I thought she had money problems…huh
No. 495972
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I'm surprised none of this was mentioned; ItsBlackFriday's mum started posting on her Instagram comments about Mathias' treatment of Freyja and him being a narcissist.
Apparently she's suffering PTSD and all from him now.
I legitimately hope she's fairing alright. Fuck abusive scum.
No. 495976
>>495972I don't feel bad for her. She up and ditched Mr. Owl prior to Matthias, who she was also engaged to, after only knowing the fuckin' dude for 5 months.
Move to another country where you don't have any friends, family, employment prospects, can't speak the language, then cry woe is me? No, dude, fuck you.
No. 495983
>>495976Samefag but not saying that she
deserved the abuse, but that her stupid on the whim actions are what led her into that sort of situation.
No. 496074
>>495983Taking a chance for happiness= deserve whatever bad things happen to you?
If someone abuses someone it isn't
their fault they were abused. The only point being it probably lasted longer than it should've because she had immigrated to be there.
No. 496429
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Wow..What Matthias has done is in no way excusable (when it’s true) HOWEVER: What she is doing here is as shit (or even worse) because this is ONLINE.And this is so hypocritical… “My private lifestyle and my online lifestyle are two separate things“
No. 496464
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tbh all German YouTubers are trash..besides Rainer.W
No. 496477
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Sporting that low cut top there Toxi
Trying to slowly begin a titty streaming journey?
No. 496613
>>495972Black Friday's mom constantly starts fights with randos in the comment sections of her youtube vids, I would not take this woman seriously or take anything she says as truth.
A break up can be bad with out the need to label it ptsd jesus fucking christ. If Freyja said it, maybe then I'd believe, it but we all know how she ditched mr owl and married matthias for a residence permit, so even then it's suspect.
Matthias can do better than her is that not obvious, like at all? there doesn't have to be some crazy reason like "he's gay" or "abusive." If you go watch that video where they go to a GBH show, you can tell he's SUPER annoyed at her need to record everything. They had their differences, obviously.
No. 496637
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oh lord shes a beast
No. 496643
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and the crossover into twitch porn streaming has begun
No. 496725
>>496350Filth is most likely every alt kids go to band when they were first getting into goth.any goths I know that still listen ro Cradle only listen to them for nostolgia purposes.
..but still. You cant knock Cradle lol
No. 497205
>>495976>>496328>>496483>>496613Why is it so hard to believe that someone could meet and date more than one really bad dude? It's really not uncommon for people to end up in more than one abusive relationship when they have their own shit that they need to work out. It's no secret that Freyja has some mental health issues, so it isn't really that weird that she has made multiple bad relationship choices.
That said, none of us know what happened. So, instead of calling either of them a liar, maybe we just wait and fucking see.
Her "treatment" of Mr. Owl wasn't ideal, but what was she supposed to do? Marry him even though she didn't really want to? I've been engaged to a really nice guy I didn't want to marry anymore and I'm glad I left. She did what she thought was right. It may not have been the best way to do it, but at least she didn't just continue to live a lie.
I don't even like Freyja but feel like I have to stick up for her because some of you are ridiculous.
No. 497785
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all this cradle of filth talk just reminds me of my favorite mainstream goth, Richmond
No. 498603
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new killstar haul from black friday (yawn) where she "models" clothes lol. her modeling skills are just playing hide her giant stomach like she's a pregnant teenager.
No. 498974
Does anyone know of cringey youtube/ig punks? Preferably hardcore douchebags.
>>497506Angela? I mean i can't stand aggrotech and 90s/modern ebm or most darkwave. But she likes SOM, she past away, lotnc, lebanon hanover. She has no idea what industrial is, but most people in the scene dont.
Probably allison eckfeldt. She's a nice girl. I just couldn't stand her "lolita" phase and im not particularly interested in her videos.
I hate to say it, because i think she is a dumb, fashion goth who copies her friends' taste in music, but Sebastian used to listen to some pretty good deathrock. I can't stand her though, so i dont know if she's still a mall goth poser.
Blackjackbones (allison) doesnt post often (she does makeup), but she's a really nice person and has a really good music taste.
>>497518Eh, i wouldn't call gothic metal "goth". It's kind of a failed crossover genre. Like, of you only listened to gothic metal, but not post-punk or darkwave, i wouldn't consider you a goth. Kind of like how i like crossover thrash and crust punk, but wouldn't consider myself a metalhead even though those are crossover genres.
No. 499289
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I almost pissed myself when I read this. 'I may have been an interior decorator in a past life' - honey every room in your house looks like a fucking brothel. you have no style. I don't know what would be more horrifying to look at - the pool, or seeing IBF in a bathing suit. Tagging e-fame people is not going to get you to your K on insta bitch. You're boring af.
No. 499397
my god this "goth people don't listen to x" argument is so fucking weak. Who the hell made any one of you the gatekeeper of every single goth person? Do you have to sign a contract where you are not allowed to listen to other genres, god forbid if it's metal or metal related? is this goth or fucking scientology jfc
I have an acquaintance who dresses like a hippie with baggy harem pants and earthy colored scarves and looks like someone who smokes weed and lights incense at home, she adores Amelie and indie feelgood movies and yet if you look at her music she's absolutely the most goth person I know, like genuinely into goth music
I know another person who dresses exclusively in black clothes top to bottom, not necessarily alternative, just black clothes, and her music taste consists of metal and disco music
Another friend is super into the goth aesthetic, boots eyeliner fishnets, piercings and all, and she loves Disney, does Disney song covers and collects Disney brand mugs
Like for fucks sake people we're not 15 anymore trying to out-goth everyone and show how hardcore and tr00 g0ffs we are. We're multifaceted adults with a broad spectrum of tastes, hobbies, backgrounds and lives and it's sad that you'd sit and nitpick and argue over what a goth "would" or "should" listen to as if it makes an asslick of a difference
No. 499626
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>>498627"I don't think Freya looks bad at all in this video"
No. 499638
>>499289Speaking of Avelina, she was meant to be doing a collab for bags with TT and Dre, but at some point a few months ago they all fell through and everyone stopped talking about it. The last time I heard ADM talk about it was when she gave an update about how she was showing her designs to Kaya and she kept rejecting them.
I wonder who fired who, and I wonder why the Dre collab also fell through.
No. 500105
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does anyone else follow Jake on Instagram?
he uploaded and instagram story of himself wearing glasses and speaking Japanese. he was trying to be that cliche glasses wearing anime character but oh god it was so cringy I almost died.
I wonder what everyone else at the gym thinks of Jake setting up the camera and filming himself working out.
No. 500162
>>499397Thats what Ive been thinking too. Realistically, goths in general are attracted to anything seemingly "dark". That goes for all metal, emo, punk, ect. If its got skulls, screams, black clothes and spikes then its "dark" music.
Agreed, to say "goths dont listen to x" is bullshit even if it is a gimmcky band covered in obnoxious spikes like Cradle of Filth or Behemoth.
I cant tell you how many goths from the scene in my city came to a silly Gwar concert just for the blood.
To put it simply, if it scares soccer moms then goths will be attracted to it. Lol
No. 501720
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Adora staying with Ras for the week. Definitely an open relationship.
"I'm Denmark's problem now"
No. 501737
>>501466Her GF is the type of stereotypical Brit who is
2)In a long marriage with a British man
3)Harasses women in the street/shop assistants/young women in general especially if they're not British
So the fact she is in a lesbian relationship with a Brazilian girl is really something. Makes U Think about all the other women who act like her and what their ulterior motive might be for harassing strange girls
Anyway it is awkward af especially as Julia's mum is more pretty than the gf. I dunno if it is a sugar-baby thing. It's very jarring and I'm most definitely pro LGBT+ but? I don't like this relationship. It ain't cute
No. 501862
>>501737wait wait wait
Julia's GF is married and racist? what did I miss? fill me in, please. was it in one of those q&a's?
and I noticed that too, that her mum was way prettier and young looking than the gf. Also, she didn't seem very comfortable with the situation
No. 501869
>>500585cringeworthy. wtf is this song supposed to be genre wise? will she say it is "goth" if asked like she says of herself? hahah
Her voice is okay, depending on the song she can sound decent, still waaaaaay better than Allison Eckfeldt (the goblin queen), that one CAN NOT sing at all and I'm surprised that videos with her singing are never posted here because the level of cringe is outrageous. Have you noticed that she sings basically the same melody independently of the music's melody?
No. 501934
>>501869Like this?
But really, for the most part I don't mind her voice. Some songs it sounds out of place though (like Purgatory). But this video is cringey and seems to have poor direction.
No. 501946
>>501862Sorry, she's not married or racist as far as I know, but she is the exact type of British woman who usually is. (britfag here)
Which makes it much more cringey to watch as those types of women are
the worst No. 502077
>>493624MCR is a pop emo band (only their last album is pop punk). Sure commercially accessible, but still emo.
Somewhere it's good goth hadn't made the mainstream since the 80s.
Everytime a band becomes succesful or brings out more commercial accessible music, you'll always get this fight with the "hipsters" in the genre. Who dismis a band purely because they aren't obscure enough anymore.
No. 502734
>>502696 it's just judgement because she is a white middle aged woman, and y'know, most white middle aged women are married to guys and probably racist. Pffff.
And stop putting things like "it's a british thing guys, I'm british"… It's just that you are more used to white middle aged women being straight moms who are racist or just out of touch. The is nothing that points that this woman is one.
I can't believe I'm defending Julia Zelg in any way, but it's that people have to stop making things up, we want real milk, not your assumptions.
No. 502764
>>501934Listen to this and tell me this girl can sing…
She looks awesome in this video, and this is something that confuses me about Allison: she can look super cool when she's trying her hand at a more traditional goth or deathrock look, but when she's being herself it's cringeworthy. I can't stand all the pseudo lolita fashion, and how she tries so fucking hard to be a viking. First she was THE GERMAN, I'm so german guys omg, then she watched Vikings and it went downhill, she's the vikingest viking that have ever vikinged.
Also, she totally stole "the goblin queen" thing from another goth. It was the instagram handle of Naomi von Monsta, an old school goth who looks incredible, and actually has talent and is an actual illustrator, whereas Allison's "illustrations" look like preteens' drawings, in that "quite not manga" style. Naomi's was the goblin queenE when Allison changed hers, then Naomi just changed hers to her name, I think
No. 502931
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FINALLY! Its about time they started kicking her out for turning up to childrens theme parks in 3edGY5me bondage slave outfits kek
No. 502995
File: 1518646732984.png (179.57 KB, 1080x1232, 20180214_221115.png)

This under the video, some comments are well interesting.
No. 503069
>>502734Nothing to do with her race or age, it's her specific abrasive voice/way of speaking/mannerisms. I should have clarified. Generally if you're not from the region you will not pick up on certain nuances (like how people inexplicably are fans of Kuckian when he's obviously a creep)
It's very different from the generic British mum, who is usually quite nice. This type of person goes out of their way to be the opposite.
No. 503115
>>503058I know it's from labyrinth, but she literally copy and pasted someone else's hanfle without an E, and she did know pretty well that naomi was using it since she commented on all of her pics on instagram. It happened a long time ago but I wasn't the only one to notice that it was too much of a coincidence, specially because the other woman changed hers to another thing.
>>502931"For your collar", right… One thing is to go into disney looking alternative, other thing is to go full on ready to the BDSM night at the club, isn't it why Bats day is for? I totally get dressing up the way it makes you feel beautiful to go do an activity you enjoy, specially if you are feeling down but ffs, does she feel better only when half naked or in extremely insinuating outfits? Don't get me wrong, I am not a prude, I wear kind of the same shit as she does and not only to the club but like, I wouldn't even feel comfortable looking like a kink queen in the middle of families and little kids… Cover a little for disney or go to a more adult place like a restaurant?
Also, I wrote "she" and got confused, does she still claim to be agender or something like it?
>>503069Oh! you should have been more specific and explained yourself better, you were just making a funny commentary about her, I see now!
>>503111Yeah, I agree with you, she seems super nice and he seems like the talented one. She said that she plays the bass if I recall correctly. Maybe if she did not pushed her voice to be something it is not she could sound less cringey, not every band has a super talented, american idol/the voice style singer.
He is a hell of a husband from what I gathered from the videos, gives her a SUPER comfortable life filled with shopping cool things, travels, etc because he's a businessman and she has a super erratic job history, but I don't see her as exploiting him in any way, she always do some kind of work even if it's just being a saleswoman at hot topic or offering tarot readings. She even said in some occasions that that's why he wears that (kinda dumb) wig, because he must have normal hair for his job. I get it, but I still found it weird that he couldn't appear in their marriage (handfasting) ceremonie's video and pictures allegedly for this reason. Mayve because he works at a super conservative place and they wouldn't like to see him have a pagan wedding ceremony? idk. But yeah, I find her super cringeworthy at the same time as I find her super nice.
No. 503145
File: 1518653625679.jpeg (223.66 KB, 750x1334, 1E766F31-14D0-4177-BA9F-4504CE…)

>>503115>Also, I wrote "she" and got confused, does she still claim to be agender or something like it?Its just a beg for attention. I don’t get how you can
>have female genitals.>dress in female clothes.>clothes also are very revealing showing female body.>loves feminine color pink.>has a hetero relationship with a man like majority of females.>but is agender.>’plz call me a pwink bondage pwince OK uwu’>happens to be around the weird LGBTQWERTY internet era so is not CIS SCUM.>pic related.stop it.
No. 503170
>>503145why the fuck is Jessica Rabbit an "asexual queen"? She's a highly sexualized feminine stereotype. It even says so on this very picture: she is drawn to be a femme fatale stereotype and only that.
Yeah, I'm all on board with calling people their preferred pronouns and respecting people's gender identity, but I agree with you about Sebastian, she has not even one characteristic of a person being other than a regular cis hetero girl.
Still on the Sebastian topic, do any of you know if there's more to her leaving the LA goth/deathrock scene? She tried so hard to fit in among that people, that's how I came to know about her, she got me fooled for a while. Did she fight with anyone, was she not welcome? From her video "why I am not goth" I got the impression that she found it too much pressure from people but she actually hung out with some actual goth/deathrockers, including the one and only insufferable teenage deathrock princess Patsy Marian… (any news on that one, too?
No. 503187
>>503145are you ready to be invaded by feelings and emotions all at once? are you ready to be extremely shocked at what people can come up with, want to punch who wrote this and at the same time be super happy this exists simply because it's so absurd you wouldn't feel this shock and amusement reading an actual piece of humor? ok, so I googled "asexual jessica rabbit" and this is the first thing I read. is truly pathetic. these are the kinds of things sebastian spends her time reading on the internet. the place where you can find information about any and everything. this is what she choose to read and go for. You couldn't make this up
(don't know if it counts as derailing the thread, as it explains the last milk sebastian provided)
No. 503234
>>502931I've worn collars similar to that at Disney, but not with a leather plunging dress, its 100 percent due to her outfit overall, they would have just asked her to take it off otherwise. They also will give you a shirt to wear if you show too much cleavage, she was most likely being stubborn.
>kicked outmore like refused entry but that doesn't sound victimizing enough right
No. 503501
>>503115Honestly Allison is probably one of my favorite Alt-Youtubers which is funny cuz when she started I couldn’t stand her videos (didn’t she go by Kazlovesbats or something back then?)
I just recently got into her again and spent like a month catching up on old videos in my free time, but one thing about her really caught my attention. She drinks in literally EVERY vlog she has (seriously if you can find one where she doesn’t good on you cuz I couldn’t) and most have a moment at the end where she talks about being intoxicated or inserts it in txt. I’ve seen you tubers go get drinks in blogs before but never to her extent and it just leaves me a bit uneasy whenever I notice it now
No. 503506
File: 1518681337561.png (1020.39 KB, 750x1334, 0D39F646-A281-4F39-8BE6-AD6FAE…)

Here you go. Looks like they did part on good terms
No. 503562
I think her newer stuff sounds better, much improvement.
But, she still needs a vocal coach if shes going to succeed and improve, if she doesn't have one.
No. 503579
>>503559Well the caption doesn't help.
No Mr Owl, noooo don't take her back she can't just come and go as she pleases. What a bitch
No. 503586
File: 1518694599238.jpeg (534.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-13-15-03-33…)

So, horseface is doing yet another collab with deathcandy, and idk it looks really tacky and overpriced. Also I dont get why in order for the item to be shipped it is necessairy for a certain number of people to order…i dont get it. What if it takes months? Imagine being actually excited for this to arrive and having paid so much and just because Avelina wants to make that $$$ you have to wait that much.
No. 503588
>>503170The deathrock scene thinks she's a dumb, entitled bitch. She's spoiled rotten. She burnt herself out, honestly. I know her some of exes and former friends who have told me some super cringey stories.
Patsy is a hipster now. I forget her ig name, but I'll find it.
No. 503607
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>>503506Here is his ig post and caption. This is depressing.
No. 503821
>>502764I like Allison, but I agree her music sucks. She tries way too hard to sound like Siouxsie, and it's really obvious. Comes across super cringe.
And while I did notice the blatant shift from FRAU DEUTSCHE to the Viking Queen and find it a little cringe, I do like her switch from the blue trad hair to this sleek platinum hair with the braids.
No. 504241
>>503506>>503507>>503579Honestly, I hope they get back together. I actually do like IBF apart from some things, and kinda understand why she did what she did, she was just kinda stupid to think that the guy she barely met (matthias) was some kind of salvation from a life she didn't want anymore in NZ, not from a visa point but like a ticket to a whole another life: new friends, new city, new scene, new everything. But then again, her relationship with Mr Owl was super worn out and they both decided to break up because she wanted to be this ever traveling person and he didn't, they both have told this both in videos and facebook posts. If you desperately want to live your life in X way and your fiancée wants a different thing of course you'll want to go separate ways, they both did. She just rushed into another relationship with a guy she barely knew because he was handsome and charming and you can't know all the ways someone is shitty knowing them for like 2 weeks hahah
I feel super bad for her, she legit seems to have deep psychological and psychiatric issues and going through a horrible time in her life. It's good that she's at her home, talking to the guy who was the closest person to her for a lot of years and who always cared about her even though they weren't a couple anymore.
Honestly, I kinda feel bad for almost all of these cows, except for Jake.
>>503588Yeah, I knew she's a 90's style hipster now for quite some time, what I wanted to know is why the sudden change? It seemed like one day she was insufferable about being a deathrock princess from a pure lineage that dated a guys she viwed as hot deathrock shit and the other day she was a whole other person. It seemed like it was when she cheated on the DR guy with another guy, but still.. why the fuck did she humiliated so many people and acted so obnoxiously for her image to just drop everything. It always left me wondering, if anyone knows I'd like to know
>>504044I hope it's not Matthias… I'd sure wouldn't trust a guy who seems shady as fuck like him and who I just separated from to take care of my cats. By I bet that it's exactly what she did, specially because he is living in that second apartment she rented next to hers for stupid as fuck reasons like "recording videos" when she already had an extra room in the apartment…
>>504223Isn't it kinda dangerous to have cats AND birds? Like the cats would want to catch the birds so they can fall, etc and the birds will live in constant stress? When I was a small child I had a hamster and my father brought a kitten home, soon enough the cat was trying to see wtf was that cage about and the hamster had a heart attack (horrible horrible story, I know)
No. 504319
>>504223Most places have laws on owning crows or ravens, so it can be a pain to get them.
Sage for just random info.
No. 504360
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I can't tell which one is Avelina.
No. 504371
>>504366she is an actual horse, have you seen her?
All she does is brag about things she own. furniture, pool, decor, husband, band, plagiarized bags design…
No. 504546
>>504241So you acknowledge that IBF has "deep psychological issues", yet you hope that her and Mr.Owl are getting back together. How would that be fair to him? She has stated that she is currently in a bad mental state due to her split with Matthias. Regardless of what happened between her and Matthias, she is still heartbroken over it. Now she is back home and instantly reconnects with her former fiancee?! She needs comfort so she is with Mr.Owl because she knows he genuinely loves her/wants the best for her and she wants to feel loved by a man right now.
And the travel thing you mentioned in your comment…IBF still wants to travel. She was just trying to go to Ireland and just said within the last month that she doesn't know where she wants to live. So why would they be compatible now when she is in the exact same state that she was when they broke up? Except it's even worse now because she is getting divorced to the man she practically left Owl for lmfao. Your comment is retarded and you sound like a fangirl. Especially since you said you feel bad for every cow except for Jake. That is just unbelievably hilarious.
No. 504619
>>503588I've been following Seb's "journey" since her babybat YT days since we're the same age. It seemed implied on social media that Seb was latching onto the famous death rock SoCal scene, especially considering how quickly she dumped it for le quirky pink slut witchy aesthetic and stopped hanging out with people from that scene and posting about the music.
I'm gonna have to request some of that milk, pls.
>>504241As far Patsy goes, she switched to the ~crystal~ New Agey stuff and Thelema for Dummies after bragging about her dumb deathrock pedigree and bullying randos online.
Amusing that she isn't that different from Seb at all.
I don't think she has much of an internet presence anymore.
sage for no real contribution
No. 504764
>>504546Exactly. Seems more like a rebound thing which never ends well
>>504691He split with Nadia a while back I believe. The captions of the photos and general vibe is that they were getting back together or at the very least certainly eluding to it
No. 504813
>>502978This isn't really that bad tbh, way better than Allison's awful off-key screeching.
I wish theluciferfallen / LVCI had more milk, all the stuff with her and William Control seems pretty interesting, but that's about it.
No. 504911
File: 1518797251227.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, 58BF530E-351C-45B5-805D-7307BA…)

>>504799Where are you guys getting that she split w/ her husband? This is from her Instagram story from about a week ago
No. 505111
>>504911Yeah you're ages behind. As other anon said, she posted about it on her instagram. She also posted about it on her depop. All the screenshots are in the thread you were directed to.
On a side note, what worries me about the ReeRee situation is that it seemed so out of the blue and impulsive. Perhaps they got into a big argument and separated and then realized that's not what they want. That's fine. What's not okay is her husband is clearly a shy and private person. It seems like they split and she instantly took to social media to let everyone know that she is now a "single mum." Which is bs anyway. My definition of a single parent is a parent raising their child alone. Not two separated parents who both take care of the kid(s). She usually seems like the nicest out of the bunch and most sincere, but for her to make a comment like that and not explain why is kind of shady to me.
No. 505117
>>505111they've been together since highschool I believe, and she got pregnant super early, so I guess she freaked out at the idea of being actually alone in raising her kid because so far it seems they were both pretty active from the start.
Then again I'm biased bc I like ReeRee even if she comes off very monotone, it doesn't bother me
No. 505278's a video, not a photo)
sounds like she's singing a completely different song than the one playing
No. 505444
>>505350because in subcultures there's a sense that exageration equals status. Among psychobillies it's the quiff (their stylized version of a pompadour), the bigger and pointier the better. with trad goths it's the teased hair aind the pointy boots. between punks it's mostly how much spikes you can fit in a leather jacket and tall mohawks. It happens even in more "normal" niches like "instagram baddies", when it's the huge mouth and "thick" body. To cybergoths, it's the huge platforms and dreadfalls. Subcultural fashion on its own it's already exagerated, with the elements being exagerated everytime they are reproduced, getting more and more extreme with the passing of time and frequency of use for several reasons, one being that people want new designs and everytime they get more and more extreme, brands want to differentiate themselves, offer more outrageous and attractive new items. It also shows skill: someone who's more involved and more time in the subculture will know how to make the hair bigger, better, more resistant, will know how to put studs faster, will know how to walk in these properly…
with all that being said, it looks stupid and dangerous
No. 506040
>>505914>>504911>>505914@alterd_mind always jsut looks depressed in her photos with him or of him, there's no emotion but only this blank, vacant stare
I can only assume his hatred of photos ReeRee takes with him protrudes more than in real life
The man needs a damn break from her
No wonder he is always so depressed, he'd be less depressed away from her narcissism I believe
It's a pity however about their children being raised in such an unstable environment where the main daily grind is inner turmoil for the parents. I hope the kids at least see them with a smile
No. 506222
>>506187You’ve hit the nail on the head anon. I agree, but as someone who only recently was diagnosed with clinical depression, the fog that that mental disease puts you in can make it hard to seek help.
And I also do not believe she’s recovered from her disordered eating, I recall the weird humblebrag from that ridiculous 40+ minute long video of her closet where she holds up a dress and says “I’m gonna have to take this in…so,so much in”
There’s other examples, but I can’t recall them at the moment.
She seems like a good person, I just wish she knew how fortunate she is for what she has, and
enjoys it
No. 506240
File: 1518891269188.jpg (110.2 KB, 561x344, photomagic(1)(20).jpg)

I followed Mr Owl's ex after someone posted a photo of her on here as I like her style (literally).
She posted this today which suggests she instigated the break-up/it was mutual
No. 506435
>>505914>>506040>>506187>>506222Again, this is purely just from observing their social media and what is said and presented there, but I don't necessarily think it's all her or all him. They both had issues when they were young and neither of them really had time to figure it out since they had to grow up pretty quickly and take care of another human without even really having to take care of themselves first.
He seems like a stoic guy, but I don't think it's out of annoyance for her, her modeling, or anything like that. He enjoys taking photos and nothing about his social media implies that he doesn't enjoy taking photos of or with her. I just think stoic "Viking" is his goal.
I really hope they both seek out things, whether medication or therapy, that help them cope with life a little better. They seem like nice people and their little girl is adorable.
No. 506621
File: 1518911915342.jpg (123.52 KB, 859x526, oXWIp0Z.jpg)

Oh, the sweet irony…
Side note: wtf is this "goth-o-graphic" shit? I guess slapping on a skull makes something goth right?
No. 508439
File: 1519056363637.jpg (352.69 KB, 1080x1812, IMG_20180219_160533_477.jpg)

Some freshly squeezed milk…
No. 508792
>>508464Sex is a pretty sensitive issue for her and has been since around 2012, she's very prudish and hasn't been much in to it; '4) This part makes me sick even to think about. How DARE you say such disgusting things. Just because a girl’s underwear is unclean does not mean she has been furiously masturbating, it means her body is functioning the way girls’ bodies do. You ignorant dumbfuck. Stop trying to justify the fact that I didn’t want to sleep with you. I certainly was not off playing with myself in lieu of intimacy with you. It is abhorrent to make such assumptions and post them publicly because you suspiciously eyed your girlfriend’s underwear while doing the washing.
5) As for the addressing of my sexual ‘problems’, I did certainly address them by means of a very expensive therapist. I went to placate you and my mother who both thought it unnatural that a girl should be disinterested in sex. The therapist told me I was an intelligent, independent young woman who just wasn’t that into it. I also saw a counsellor, who said the same thing. Not every girl is a lust driven libidinous slut like you seem to expect them to be. I am very prudish, it was not the first relationship in which I had not um, ‘put out’ for want of a better term. Here’s something I wish I had realised at the time; a person’s appearance changes once you get to know them. An outwardly attractive person might be ugly on the inside, and so become ugly to you; their appearance seems to change. The same applies vice versa, a physically unattractive person might be beautiful on the inside, and they become beautiful to you. You did nothing to make yourself attractive to me. A lazy, argumentative, unmotivated, uneducated sloth is not the sort of person I want to jump into bed with. The more I saw these unattractive aspects of your personality, the less attracted I was to you. I didn’t want to have sex with you, and why would I?' Which is in response to an ex boyfriend of hers called Patrick. So it must be something else since it's certainly not personality.
No. 508834
>>507679>>507768Post caps, please?? this is an imageboard after all.
>>508439Wait, is she going back to Mr. Owl?? Oh shit
No. 509102
>>509035All right let me get this straight…
Black Friday and Matthias were having a gay ol' time as a goff married couple but then the honeymoon phase disappears. Wave-Gotik-Treffen happens, Freyja goes off by herself to vlog/fuck off, and Matthias is drunk as a skunk the whole time and takes to the opportunity to flirt with everyone, and manages to make out with some rando during the event. The relationship becomes strained, its rumored that Freyja and Mr. Owl meet up at M'era Luna and maybe hooked up or whatever. For appearances sake IBF and Matthias both just pretended like nothing happened until around Christmas time when we get word from Freyja shes spending it alone. Is this right?
No. 509244
>>509102Where are you getting me owl was at mer Luna?
He never left NZ.
No. 509313
>>509244In the post
>>508861 it mentions it, I assumed it was the same poster talking about the other things because of the typing style. That’s why I asked for clarification. It was stated as a rumor anyway
No. 509346
>>509102>>509208I think you're getting this from this
>>508861 anon. Mr Owl wasn't at M'era Luna, it just sounds like IBF was saying she wanted to get back with him? Probably something said in the heat of the moment when Matthias was being a sleaze bag with other women
No. 510628
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Sometimes i wonder how many of you i know.
Anyone here care about jimmy mercy? A lot of the deathrock scene hates him. Pic related has been posted all over my social media.
>>506240I believe nadia said her and mr. Owl are still friends. Which is good, because they're both really nice people. I don't think mr. owl and her broke up because of frejya like some anons think, because they split awhile back.
>>507679Drac acts autistic sometimes. I don't think she means to be a bitch. I think it's just her and her insecurities. I could be totally wrong though.
No. 510728
File: 1519236347002.jpg (92.26 KB, 1023x400, superedgy.jpg)

So I was looking up avelina de moray out of interest as her main occupation seems to be making niche* bags yet she seems loaded so decided to see if i could find her bio.
Pic related is what I found, pretty cringy.
I know she actually has a lot of different ventures like her own band, jewellery etc but I find it hard to believe shes made so much money from them. Is she from a rich background or something?
No. 510860
>>510628I saw that yesterday!!! I was shocked and at first thought it was a joke between friends or something because he is such a SJW on tumblr! He's super cute and has a cool look, and loooots of mallgoths send him messages on tumblr saying he is the handsomest guy ever, etc and he seems to think he is THE hottest shit to ever grace the goth subculture. Other than this, I know nothing about him. I'm not part of Socal's deathrock scene so I didn't know he's hated and what for, please, tell everything! Also, he dated Sebastian Columbine hahahah
I sorta agree with the anons who think IBF had something to do with Mr Owl and Nadia's breakup. But I think Nadia broke up with him because of IBF's looming presence. Hear me out: After those anons showed up telling how Matthias cheated on IBF on two separate occasions (WGT and mera luna) and that after that they behaviour towards each other changed and they became more like friends, the time line sorta matches… if IBF and Mr Owl are already dating upon her arrival on NZ it seems like they were "together" long distance or at least talking about it first… and since Mr Owl is single for about a month and upon the reveal of Mr Owl and IBF dating on instagram Nadia (@obsolete_pleasures) posted something like "I am really glad I ended things when I did, self love is important". So, Matthias and IBF broke up, she and mr owl were still friends and maybe he was offering her friendship support through messages, calls… Nadia must have felt like there was still some feelings between both of them and broke up. He sure must have said there wasn't no dormant feelings and that's why when the pics of IBF and Mr owl dating showed up, she felt the need to post that. I would bet money that this is how it happened…
No. 510940
>>510860That's pretty much the same as what I think happened. They would've been talking after the breakup, people date online now and make decisions virtually like that so it all makes sense.
Only question is if she will stay in NZ because Mr Owl has not suddenly taken an interest in travelling and IBF clearly loves it, even when she's on her own.
No. 510952
>>510860Yeah, i think a lot of people hate him because he thinks he's hot shit. I never had a problem with him. But i was pretty surprised too since he's so preachy about nazism.
I know he doesn't like Sebastian and thought she was a dumb bitch too. He's not a guy you'd want to date though.
I can see where you're coming from with frejya and mr.owl. I'm sure she vented to him about her and matthias' problems. I can see him never really getting over her and it being an issue with him and nadia
No. 510984
>>510952What a fucking asshole, I know that Sebastian is not the brightest person ever, but she seems harmless and super insecure, with a fragile mental health. Why date someone you think is dumb and then go around telling people that? I see why you say he's not a guy I'd want to date… and just in the few years I became aware of his existence through the internet, he had like 6 girlfriends/flings. He reminds me of a male Patsy Marian hahahah (who also hung with sebastian, there's some hilarious pics of patsy, sebastian and allison eckfeldt together and patsy has the fakest, most uncomfortable smile ever, I still can't understand why she went out with those people to record shop and eat)
I think neither of them (Mr owl and IBF) was over each other, they were just both tired of that relationship because she was sick of that stagnant life in NZ, wanted to travel and that must have caused lots of tiring arguing over time, that's why they broke up mutually, it was never about a lack of love. They both tried to go on with their lives but it didn't work. I guess they rushed into the breakup and made a mistake they're just now recently realizing it. It happens…
No. 511694
So Jimmy Mercy just deleted all of his instagram posts (why?) and left just one where he tries to explain why he said that stupid "I'll show you who the master race is, boy" and other gossip that started to go around about him. I have no idea what the other points are about, if anyone knows, I'd love to know.
He says that he is not racist or nazi but that he was pissed at the person and knew that saying that was going to offend and disrespect the person so thats's why he said it. He uses this to try to make everything okay… When actually, it makes no difference at all! That's what I thought since I first saw it, that he was doing it on purpose to offend, not that he is an actual real neo nazi that goes around neo naziing. BUT in his mind he is totally different from racist, nazi people because he KNOWS it's wrong to use people's race to discriminate against them, but yet he does use it to offend and threat people when he's mad at them. So it's wrong and you are super proud of being this super SJW that stands for the weak (he says so) but the moment someone from another race pisses you off, it's the first thing you use to diminish them? SO woke, guys! Jimmy is not a regular racist, he's a cool racist! He does this shit because he is a white, middle class pretty boy. It's so fucking easy to be """"woke"""" when you're privileged, you are woke when it works for you, the moment you need to use race as something to be "better" than someone, you will gladly accept it. I am fucking disgusted by this piece of shit. There goes to show that in subcultures people are like magpies, they are attracted and fascinated by the shiny things. There is plenty of ugly and not so well dressed goths and deathrockers who know their shit, enjoy the music, do some art, etc and they don't have the following and validation those pretty, well dressed assholes do.
he finalizes the post by saying that people love a good witch hunt. Go fucking die, shitty mercy. No one would be talking nothing of you besides "erhmagerd how purty he is" if you weren't a fucking piece of shit to another human being just "because you were pissed".
No. 511735
File: 1519337150831.png (218.33 KB, 668x694, Screenshot_2018-02-22-14-01-22…)

>>511694Are you talking about this?
No. 511748
>>511736I think we need a nice shopped pic of altcow bobbleheads for the next OP image. Or maybe Funko Pops, since they are all the rage with the wee Hot Topic neophyte goths who idolize the altcows?
I would, but I don't have my computer at the moment.
No. 511898
>>510984To be fair i asked about Sebastian. Idk it's pretty normal for people to talk shit about their exes. I don't think that's a fair criticism. Not white knighting jimbo.
Boy, i could tell you the shit Sebastian has talked about other people in the scene. Especially the youtubers more relevant than her. She's not just an innocent, insecure girl. But I'd like to remain anonymous.
No. 512443
>>510728She's just from a rich family
And flaunts it in a very cringy way
No. 513050
>>508897Does anyone remember the video where Mattias and Freya get interviewed during WGT or Mera Luna and it goes:
>Interviewer: What are your fetishes>Mattias: Monogamy>People in the comments: not sure if he's jokingI guess we know now his fetish is definitely not monogamy. Get married to an asexual woman, want poly relationship, natch
Also remember him saying he was going to get a job
>after the festival seasonI.e. He bases his life around festivals which you only need to take a Friday/Monday off work for as they occur on the weekends and uses it as an excuse to be unemployed all summer
No. 513270
>>513050Kek @ monogamy. Guys who have to try and push that they're trustworthy and monogamous tend to be the complete opposite - your actions would prove it, not words
Matthias deffo cheated. Not an IBF fan but that sucks
No. 514859
>>514531you're not alone, i have wondered this too.
there is a comment on her pool video about her oldest son constantly pushing away the younger one and seeming like a bully. Now kids will be kids so i really dont think that means anything. but I did wonder the same thing as you.
No. 514876
>>514566>>514756>>514843I asked about this during the townhall chat because the rule has been inconsistently applied recently. Admin said mentioning children in the context of the cow's behavior is ok but to try to limit it and not to post identifying pics.
That said, I don't understand why the Hartley's thread is allowed. They may be barely sentient, but they are still living human beings.
No. 514878
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>>511748Maybe shop the cows' heads onto one of these charts?
No. 514910
>>512759Eh, it's not like people in the scene dont know anyway.
After she met ibf at bats day she was upset that black Friday was there, because "oh no she's more popular than me and is going to take attention off of me". She throws little hissy fits if people aren't paying attention to her. Absolutely everything she does is for attention. She's literally cried because no one cares that she's at a show. Nothing super milky, but she's annoying as hell.
Sorry for being stupid about nothing. I don't really care. I have dirt on deathrockets members, but i think they're all really irrelevant now. It would have been milky 5 years ago.
No. 515459
>>515230There are a lot of those charts in Google images. You may find another one more applicable.
Which cows should be added to the OP list?
No. 515488
>>440296So guys… back to IBF. Remember when IBF made a huge deal about being kicked out of the Louvre in Paris and claiming it was anti-goth discrimination?
I saw this article today about a woman who dressed up in 18th century fashion and was denied entry to the Met, because her costume was too distracting. We can say the same for IBF, that she got kicked out because her clothes and make-up were too distracting and had nothing to do with "prejudice" against goth people.
link here:
No. 515838
>>515479>stuff like this is why I am glad I don't have kids, you have to stop doing what you're doing and pay attention to kids. stuff like that is why a lot of women have given up their dreams.To be honest most given up because they found their biological role to be more interesting than dreams.
> I wonder if Avelina even wanted to have kids? [sarcasm] Nope, they just use broken condoms. [/sarcasm]
>I'm always surprised when I see any alt youtubers with kids, because there's a thing called being childfree.I'm always surprised when someone is surprised there are people who want to procreate. And do not panic at the thought of the term "responsibility". It's almost as shocking as the fact that grass is still green after billions of years of evolution.
(derailing) No. 515898
having kids is the most normal and most natural thing there is.
(derailing) No. 515915
>>515838>>515898Y'all need to take your pro-baby preaching somewhere else, this thread has been derailed enough.
>>515459I'd say Avelina, IBF, TT are the main contenders atm.
No. 516010
>>515488This isn't new. It was stated WAY BACK when this happened that that was most likely the reason. Anons here stated that if she and Matthias were toned down goths, then they would not be denied entry. This was covered in like the last thread or something. It's clear to everyone except for her and Matthias. Old news.
>>515915What does being alt and a YouTuber have to do with being a parent? KEK! Many alt ppl have children. If she didn't want to have children, she would have none…or she would have one and realize it's not for her. She has multiple because she wanted to. People obviously realize there is such thing as not having children.
She should not be filming if her kids are going to interrupt. I give you that. But it just goes to show how self centered she is. She could easily film all her bullshit at night when the kids are asleep. Point blank.
Man, this thread is being filled with the most autistic fucks lately…
No. 516379
>>515488They've got their own mini-lolcow going on in the comments where people spill the tea on that person
I love the internet
No. 516619
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No. 516703
>>516619In what universe is this the poise of a model? I understand her having an insane amount of insecurities but this is making it so much more obvious that she doesn't know what to do with her body. She keeps going for this doll-like look that wouldn't fit her even if she was 3 sizes slimmer. She's simply just too tall for that aesthetic. She should just embrace her height and be the amazon she was built to be.
Also, I know Killstar has some decent designs among the heaps of tacky crap, still no clue why she would go for these when she can get anything for free.
Maybe when she becomes 35 and gets rid of Jake, who is no doubt chopping at her self esteem, she will learn to love herself.
No. 516964
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I was bored and tried to make Adora look less haggard. Girl needs a miracle.
No. 517006
>>516964Girl is 45.
Speaking of Adora, she's still registered as married but she and "mr. batbrat" are no longer registered as living at the same apartment.
No. 517089
>>517040Yeah I noticed how her insta changed and it was more attention whoring that usual.
No. 517135
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No. 517256
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>>517233It’s official. Her cats are at a cattery, they’re both happy to be back with each other and blah blah.
For someone that’s going to be 40 soon, she’s still acting like a child. Takes the easy way out of everything without thinking anything through.
No. 517271
>>517233Holy shit, this was cringy and tacky at best. It was all put together like the ending of a romantic movie.
Whatever Freyja, you go on making stupid, impulsive decisions with absolutely no consequences.
Must be nice to live in her world.
No. 517284
>>517268You're an actual autist. Maybe you are thinking about Adora and got confused?? IBF has always been honest and consistent with her age. Different anon than who you responded to, but she just turned 30 in 2017.
Idk how to feel about the Mr.Owl thing…glad they seem happy…but at the same time it seems that she just needs comfort and can't be alone. I would be very surprised if she stayed in NZ and equally surprised if he all of a sudden decided to go wherever she wants to go. Either way I feel like they are both just settling.
No. 517402
>>517348her new video is cringey AF. The video opens with her reading random people's comments about her and Mr. Owl's past relationship. Good god, girl, get a fuckin life and stop embarrassing yourself.
And yeah you're right, she's such a desperate ho that needs to be with a man at all times. So much for being a "strong independent goth queen." Lmfao fucking poser.
No. 517575
>>517435I… I know it's not really how it all happened and it's totally manipulative and playing with our heartstrings but… dammit… sniffle… awww.
But of course there is reality to be dealt with, like a life and cats in Germany, and different life goals. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out - it's good clickbait but it could also backfire badly for IBF, emotionally. Risky stuff.
No. 517581
>>516703I think kaya is dumb and greedy. But she deserves better than that fat fucking chav. I can't stand him and no doubt he's a bigger douche of camera.
>>516812In what world is that average? She's not in whale territory, but she's fat.
>>517348I know a lot of people like that. It's actually really sad. Being single after a partner is healthy. But i think she realized that Barnaby was the best thing to happen to her. He's a genuinely good guy. And while i dont think that matthias is a bad person (just from the few times weve talked), he's not the kind of guy you'd want to be married to. He reminds me of my ex. He loves to party too much.
No. 517594
>>517581Deffo hit the nail on the head in regards to ibf. I do think Mr. Owl is a good fit for her,I don't think she made the right decision to marry Matthias there wasn't much chemistry there and Barnaby and her where a good fit. You could tell from the vids of them together she should've just taken a break, traveled and worked out what she wanted but them again hindsight is a wonderful thing! At the same time, I feel bad for Nadia because its so soon after her and Mr. Owl broke up.
saged for being a sentimental idiot.
No. 596513
>>517671Adoras former husband recently switched his Facebook status to divorced.
She not only spent valentines day, but also new year and her birthday away from home.
Really wonder what happened to this magical forever love and who takes care for the kids, now that she travels so much. Would be unfair if her former husband now makes the money AND takes care for them.