No. 584427
https://twitter.com/shoe0nheadhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aanx5rpr7D1M7KCFYzrLQhttps://www.instagram.com/shoe0nhead/?hl=enhttps://www.instagram.com/juneskii/?hl=enhttps://www.instagram.com/junelapine/?hl=enPreviously on the uwu small bun and shitty daddy dom trainwreck show:
>>563416>>554227>>544008>>526816>>509237>>485935>>457669>>439990>>393335>>271163Summary of her past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. >Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first lolcow.farm admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on lolcow.farm (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.
>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Present:
>Almost 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills.>No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guido with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. >Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd">Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points>It failed horribly, and after June trying pathetically to backtrack, it reseulted in vid related and people on both ends of the political spectrum are sick of her shit now>Still pulling her hair out while her bf flirts with other girls on twitter, the only defenders who seem to care about her getting roasted are her troon skinwalker fan Mayu and a few of her lolicon beta orbiters No. 584444
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Nothing really going on.
No. 584455
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>>584444so what does this mean? i'm guessing they've finally taken their relationship to the next step and moved their leashing from indoors to outdoors. greg's probably taking her for a walk rn
No. 584456
>>584444The one time she wants to have fun "outside of the internet" is when she's being exposed as a liar.
What a fucking coward. Doesn't she realize she owes her fans an explanation? It's clear a lot of them are hurt to see they've been lied to
No. 584461
>>584444What are her discord fans saying about the video? Are they
No. 584465
>>584458and magdalen burns who has terminal brain cancer.
she knowingly goes after people (mostly women) who are easy targets because she can't argue for herself. she needs her wks to do her bidding for her. notice how she ~conveniently~ is now having fun outside, despite normally being glued to her computer and latching onto all other internet drama for attention.
No. 584471
File: 1526442589947.png (109.33 KB, 1026x638, 1523584840123.png)

>>584454it would be good if we had other examples of june sending her fanbase to attack people who don't have platforms
there was the one older "terf" woman whose videos may have been cringe but she was clearly 50+ with a tiny following
No. 584472
>>584470meant to reply to
>>584442my bad.
No. 584474
>>584470Alright. So the convenient timing of this is telling me that she’s seen the video or someone informed her that the discord chats were leaked.
Such creamy fresh milk tonight lol
No. 584482
>>584474Why would shuwu be so sensitive about just a few caps? Either she's mad she ain't getting those
well deserved patreon shekels from one or two ppl or she talked about things she wouldn't want the direct public to know.
No. 584483
>>584481June called mags an attention whore.
I remember because she peaked irony levels with that statement.
No. 584486
File: 1526443010962.png (88.73 KB, 170x253, hips.PNG)

>>584479this thicc cutie is what june calls a 'fatfuck'. but i thought you loved thicc girls and have always wanted to be thicc, june? that's what you claimed. that you always wanted to be thicc until pregs showed you to how to love your toothpick legs
No. 584489
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No. 584492
File: 1526443176936.jpg (46.51 KB, 707x393, g9dJF2m.jpg)

>>584479"fat fuck mcgee" alright june, i thought you liked thicc chicks?
as always, it's funny when she goes after other women for wanting compliments when her entire existence is based around male validation.
No. 584495
>>584492Preg's noodle arms
trigger the fuck out of me
No. 584498
File: 1526443516751.jpg (56.36 KB, 648x960, DnxorUJ.jpg)

>>584494his exwife was around that size. y'know, the very exwife june is obviously very insecure about :^)
No. 584504
>>584479how old is this video?
june wishes she had that hip/waist ratio, probably why she calls her fatty
No. 584510
>>584501isn't this the video where all she says throughout it is "WHO??"
she looks so different in the thumbnail, did she pull a yumi and shoop her thumbnail?
No. 584512
File: 1526444173185.jpg (175.88 KB, 881x1280, qt.jpg)

>>584504>>584507I bet June is seething with jealousy over Brittany's qt feminine body. Will she call her a fatty too?
No. 584516
>>584448I actually think its better that she didn't include anything about June's wks going after people. People will just say "well, June can't control her entire audience"
Also, Brittney is known to be quite a troll and people could probably find examples of her audience doing similar things (although obviously not to the same extent) or even Brittney doing things like that. So, her keeping it out kinda prevents her looking hypocritical to Shoe's audience.
No. 584522
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There's a /pol/ thread about this whole thing and the results are pretty funny.
No. 584523
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No. 584527
>>584520>>584519this wench is finally facing repercussions for her actions. feels good
doubt it'll last too long though. all she has to do is shit out another stale "le feminist cringe XDDD" vid and she'll gain them right back and be back her usual self.
No. 584532
she's down 5 subscribers in literally like 4 minutes. doubt it'll keep this pace, but it's still hilarious
>>584527>>584527as long as it loses SOME of her subscribers and she shits her pants/has a crisis of self awareness, i'll be happy
No. 584546
>>584543Wow, she lost a lot on Saturday. I hope she loses more than that tonight.
Anyone remember what happened on May 4th?
No. 584557
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No. 584558
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>>584557The same thing happened to The Ralph Retort stream on it.
No. 584606
File: 1526451769936.jpg (22.99 KB, 617x500, hitler kawaii desu ne uwu.jpg)

>>584602They had a painting hitler painted on the Shoe discord. It's probably more of laughing with June thing instead of a Sleepy Cabin reference.
No. 584697
File: 1526466900617.png (173.63 KB, 477x699, image.png)

Shuwu getting paranoid and removing Patreon pledges.
She's been lurking in the discord chatroom for some time now.
You still haven't found me ;)
t. discordfag
No. 584706
File: 1526467942306.jpg (366.2 KB, 1798x1492, oh no no.jpg)

whiteknights doing the detective work
keep searching faglets :^))) the milk is out anyways
No. 584707
>>584697LOL thank for providing so much milk.
what a fucking retard, she's just removing random pledges?? sounds like someone who really cares about her supporters! it also sounds like she rarely goes on her own discord.
No. 584710
File: 1526468496553.gif (3.72 MB, 347x244, 1399816534495.gif)

>>584706anon you're now officially a russian spy.
No. 584715
File: 1526469039571.png (1.5 MB, 1280x722, shoeoncollusion.png)

No. 584717
File: 1526469385752.jpg (137.37 KB, 1024x768, shuwu discord.jpg)

coughi-it's not like you can manually change your timezone or anything
cough No. 584720
File: 1526469799027.gif (1.77 MB, 615x413, my sides.gif)

>>584717That too lmao, but better yet…
>There are eleven time zones in Russia, which currently observe times ranging from UTC+02:00 to UTC+12:00. Daylight saving time is not used in Russia (since March 2011).Russia has 11 timezones. They'll 100% sure end up blaming some random russian betamaster on her discord just because they happen to live in Russia.
No. 584723
>>584720so is shuwu just going to remove all her russian pledges then?
the guy that sent brittany that creepy letter is from russia.
how funny would it be if he ended up getting boned during all of this? lol
No. 584748
>>584740Yeah I don't mean to post old milk. Ik plenty of anons have seen most of her exceptionally bad vlogs but, its part of the recent orbiter debate that she was just "faking" a persona. I think vids like these shoe she's being 100% herself
Real quick, can we takr a second and admire how smol™ her mtf friend was back then?
I wonder what he has to say about all this drama?
No. 584752
File: 1526474946481.gif (2.23 MB, 516x404, ddlg.gif)

currently working on a little video
(pun intended)
No. 584762
File: 1526475600115.gif (1.22 MB, 280x200, 1410127183253.gif)

>>584752that fucking gif.
if that's a quick preview of what your vid is going to be like, i can already tell it's going to be good anon.
No. 584794
Venti’s impact
No. 584800
>>584792deactivate? what do you mean?
>>584798I wonder how the canada visit is going? do you think they both watched Brittany's vid together? I wonder if any questions came up? Funny enough one of the comments under that "i fucked a 21 year old at 17" vid was "does skeptic know about this??"
I doubt she was ever honest to him about her past relationships. It's what he deserves though because he's a cheater and probably also lied to her. I can't imagine what it must be like in a relationship full of so many lies to make yourself look good to your partner.
No. 584810
>>584800Well, I meant that maybe despite him knowing or not they made up their personas of 'perfect daddy dom' and 'pure little sub' for views. Probably wig came up with it, we know about her attention seeking behaviours… and its trendy.
But I hope she lied and he believed and now his ego hurts like hell. That would be perfect karma for his lies and cheating. And that the outcome will be something spectacular like breaking engagement. Probably nor, but let me dream.
No. 584828
>>584811that guy has his info all mixed up, he thinks "nazi alt-righters" leaked her nudes and contacted her family. all that has happened is one of her sjw fans apparently told her mom she was hanging out with neo nazis.
it's crazy how all her whiteknights don't even know her internet history well. it's clear a lot of them just follow her because "5/10 girl
liberal debunking feminists!". The ones who are seeing her old vids are just "fake story times" have barely watched any of them and are just taking her word for it.
they all need to learn how to be skeptical ironically enough lol
No. 584834
>>584736 Buying card for female friend
Guyyyysssss, I always CRAVED female companionship that I totally never had.
No. 584842
>>584838Good I hope so, I was surprised at him tbh.
Im laughing at all the salty comments in brits shuwu video but also the idiots who are like "oh i liked her/was subbed to her didnt know she was like this now unsubbed" more evidence shuwu's followers are as thick as cow shit.
No. 584875
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No. 584884
>>584875>ham sololol
I'm glad people on twitter are finally feel comfortable with making fun of them. Before no one would because shuwu searches her name all the time and would send her neckbeard fans over to anyone who dared shit talk her. now it's a free for all
No. 584908
>>584904You are correct.
I still hate her jealous snake ass though.
No. 584911
>>584580how can people fall for the cute shy uwu thing?
Just by hearing her voice you can instantly realise that she is anything but a shy girl.
No. 584912
File: 1526486087920.png (69.68 KB, 555x377, FTFY.png)

if it's useful information for anyone, you can uwu like shoewu with Emilys Candy.
https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Emilys+Candy No. 584918
>>584916no, just copied from june's patreon.
I didn't know I wanted an uwudings font until now, though.
No. 584924
>>584918She has this shit on patreon? Jesus, she's pathetic. Trying so hard to be a smoll bun Shuwu.
Uwu windings would be amazing. 50 shades of uwu
No. 584933
>>584911I fell for it. When you only follow shoe casually you don't care to follow her every move. And everyone makes fun of feminists, it's not seen as bullying or mean. What woke me up was to see her sperg so hard on terfs, and target small channels run by older women. Something about that bothered me, it was bitchy in a way making fun of buzzfeed feminist articles wasn't. I guess her stabbing Lauren in the back was a wake up call to a lot of people in the same way.
What permanently changed my mind was hearing wig's story about popping that nerd girl's balloon on her birthday, shit like that cuts deep in high school. I hope that girl is ok.
No. 584940
>>584933Yeah I used to be a fan of shoe also, but when I started following her twitter I was going through my own drama of having a fake ass toxic friend and I was noticing similarities between her and Shoe. Both in behavior, and how they act towards their SO’s.
Then I found this board and it all went downhill from then on.
No. 584951
>>584933I think a lot of her viewers are just casual youtube people. I'm glad to see not all of her original fans are crazy dumb like her rabid twitter followers who want head pats from her.
It's ironic how shuwu is an antifeminist commentary channel but, has a whiteknight fanbase. Her orbiters make fun of male feminists for being betas but, they are all falling for shuwu's lies and are dismissing any facts about her that aren't positive ones. A lot of them are saying she's being bullied. If shuwu were a guy she'd be getting way more flack for all of this but, orbiters think with their chodes and don't want to believe their smol™ wittle wallflower would have probably bullied them in high school.
No. 584959
>>584839Did you happen to save that one video June made in response to that Satiratician guy? I believe it was unlisted and posted before in an earlier thread, but I can't seem to find it.
I was able to download that stream using keepdownloading, as well as a couple other videos, if you want to try that.
No. 584961
>>584950The same one who bullies and makes fun of a schizophrenic or sends her followers to shit on an old lady's small channel..
I know June might try to play the whole scarf girl story as "that was long time ago, i changed uwu" and yes, a lot of people did something in high school that they regret…BUT June didn't change.
She doesn't really regret what she did. She still does it to people, under the guise of "anti-feminist men's rights activist uwuu"
No. 584972
>>584951yep. her videos are (ironically) buzzfeed tier clickbait trash that attract the most casual of viewers. most people probably find her after going through a anti-sjw rabbit hole on youtube.
she has ~200k followers on twitter vs ~900k on youtube. most people who watch her videos just know that she likes ~dunkin on~ feminists with poorly researched vids and nothing more. they probably don't know or want to know anything else about her
No. 584991
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There still is a pretty good like to dislike ratio,
When do you think the white knights will start the disliking raid on the video?
No. 584992
>>584988Same anon. At 3:24 she said she "wasn't a bully except to this one girl" who apparently bullied her back (yeah, right). She talks about her being an anime loving weeb with a Harry Potter scarf and tail, so yeah it's scarf girl.
She says the girl would draw her with a Hitler stache and stab the drawing. According to her that's
much worse than bringing in a guitar and singing about her scarf or popping her birthday balloon and humiliating her in front of the whole class.
Not much else was milky. They just admit that they made fun of everyone behind closed doors and that they became friends in the first place because they would make fun of people with each other.
No. 584995
>>584991as soon as either shuwu or one of her youtube "friends" brings it up on twitter
I'm surprised though, nothing from Blaire, contra, chris ray gun etc. none of them are going out of their way to defend her yet.
No. 585036
File: 1526494148767.jpeg (286.81 KB, 744x860, 96EBA22A-70F2-4584-AAFD-2CC3FA…)

“People can’t bollie cept for me uwu~
No. 585061
>>584995The only one I would expect MAY speak up to defend her is Contra. But, she may not if she actually look into Shoe's actions and realizes basically everything she claims is just to get mainstream approval.
But, I don't see Chris or Blaire sticking their necks out when one of the main things they've claimed themselves is you can be friends with people with different political views. And I believe both of them have defended Lauren before from people claiming she's an actual neo nazi, and shoe was basically trying to claim the opposite.
I really don't see any of them speaking about it, including Shoe.
I would be interested to see if Pear speaks up since she's been trying so hard to be BFF with Shoe for years and desperately wking her and tweeting her in the past.
That's the milk I need. And I'd love to see Brittany BTFO her over it.
No. 585070
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i pray this is real. found on brit's vid.
No. 585072
>>585061Contra might only bring it up because of that "punching a nazi" tweet. Some of his fans on twitter are claiming he was joking
which so far is the only possibly wrong thing brittany put in the video, it still doesn't change the point she made.
No. 585111
>>585100I wonder if preg honestly believes her "i was just playing it up to be seen as cool!" shit and thinks she was asexual until him. He would have every right to be mad if he ever found out the truth.
It also again shows shuwu is completely forcing the "preg is so attractive" even from her own perspective. The fact that she needs to literally lie about her sexuality to make others and him believe he's
totally a husky lumberjack daddy is so pathetic
No. 585114
File: 1526497217313.png (10.38 KB, 484x178, asexual virgin waifu.png)

>>585111Reminds me of this ask he got
https://ask.fm/ArmouredSkeptic/answers/131378765659I wonder what the story behind that is kek
No. 585136
>>584512Brit's a butterface for sure. Her body is great, especially her legs.
>>585084Yeah she sounds like a goddamn man. I wish the EY IM WALKIN HERE BADA BING BADA BOOM image had been the OP img.
No. 585162
>>585155Ah, right, comedy.
I must've missed that improv class on bullying
No. 585188
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coherentstates attacking brittany over the shoe vid. idk why she's trying to downplay that shoe is an absolute cuck and has pandered to right wing chantards for like 10 years w "BRITTANY IS THE ULTIMATE CUCK", like, yeah, we obv know that? obv brittany is pandering dangerous quasi-fascist garbage for $$ too but at least she doesn't attack brain cancer victims or homeless people?? the only reason why june doesn't hop on that train is because she doesn't want to be held accountable for her waivering by participating in more extreme thought. it's also why despite trying to flirt with the far left, she still primarily only mocks the left and makes no jokes about how fascists are going to get kicked out of her utopia – only commies. it's obviously right wing favoritism for cash, just not as extreme. just because june flours tranny nutsack on the daily doesn't mean she isn't an opportunistic fencesitter, lefties.
coherentstates is a MIT grad going to harvard for quantum optics and she's embarrassing herself on twitter stanning for shoe. what has gotten into these leftists?
No. 585191
>>584753Surprised more people haven't talked about this. Everyone is always so creeped out by the DDlg stuff with septic, but the fact that Septic looks SOOOO much like her actual father is what makes it so icky and weird to me. Also, she seems to have a perfectly fine/healthy relationship with her father (i.e. doesn't seem like her dad neglected or abused her but also doesn't seem like he was overbearing or the weird type that'd threaten to shoot her bfs). Most "littles" tend to be people who either never had a father figure or people with really cliche Daddy Issues, not people with healthy legit father-daughter bonds. Maybe I'm reading way too much into it, but ddlg becomes infinitely creepier and more disgusting if the little has no actual daddy issues and isn't filling up a void caused by never having a loving male adult present during childhood.
Also any child over the age of 8 calling their dad "daddy" is so fucking gross in general. June doing it is like the epitome of fucking gross, though.
No. 585192
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>>585188the irony. brittany really needs to include the schizo mocking, calling troons 'trannies' but never being apprehended for it while shitting on radfems as if she is any better, calling contra 'dumb', and ideally, LC IP farming
No. 585195
File: 1526501510602.png (431.4 KB, 605x1280, rationaldis.png)

>>585188Here's another of her lefty friends completely disregarding the video because Brittany is a fashy uwu
No. 585196
>>585188guess she missed the part in the vid where june calls /pol/ "delightful"
i guess she's also missed the past 5 years wherein june has actively pandered to the ~alt-right~ and /pol/ and
purposely became public friends with lauren in order to please them. it's only now that she's changed her mind and decided to go all faux-liberal
No. 585202
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No. 585205
>>585196exactly. she pandered to pol purposely, STILL compliments them despite them being so fucking awful, calls MRAs 'usually very nice', is 'pro-mgtow', AND ONLY backed off of the /pol/ pushing when they started shitting on her for having fucked a black guy. these people are so delusional. she has never ever seemed to have any principles. if she was so principled she wouldn't be fighting to maintain a 'friendship' w lauren to still appeal to the right. she literally threw the left under the bus with this whole fiasco, how is that not obvious to these ppl??
>"we naturally separated""it's the left's fault we're not friends!"
No. 585207
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No. 585228
>>585221Ahhh. She's pretty bold acting like that on twitter. Harvard has kicked people for stupid shit being posted on Twitter.
Thanks for the link.
No. 585236
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>>585188No wonder she is stanning June, she is also "smol"
No. 585241
>>585221june always shits on her film school peers and brags about doing better than them (which to be fair she probably is, but that won't last for long since she's almost 30 and her fans will outgrow her)
i remember there was a tweet posted here where she mocked a girl for getting her masters in gender studies and she was also mocking her for taking 6 years to complete her degree.
yeah film/gender studies are worlds away from quantum optics, but you still have to wonder how she would react to june sticking her nose up at people pursuing education. or what about contra, who went for philosophy?
No. 585247
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>>585244i think she might be autistic tbh fam
No. 585283
File: 1526504463872.gif (2 MB, 310x368, BR-ed20bf4.gif)

>>585269she literally said that she had sex with a 20/21 year old guy in one of her old vlogs lmao
No. 585288
>>585269>Then she became friendless again in collegeWhen she made
>>584736 she was in college, right? That doesn't appear very "friendless" to me
No. 585315
>>585269>being a bully will make you feel better about yourself and make people like you>make people like youNo it doesn't. It makes you aggressive, and makes others AFRAID of you.
June's just an opportunist, always has, and always will be. And she's done a good job of convincing you she had any kind of innocent past since her freshman year.
Anyway, the issue wouldn't be that she had sex.
The issue is that she's a liar and manipulator.
No. 585316
File: 1526505654525.jpg (67.16 KB, 500x500, poster-fragender-blick-1367253…)

Bunny girl? More like hare
No. 585340
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Here's June's feminist friend completely missing the point.
No. 585372
File: 1526508210680.png (140.15 KB, 453x703, 888D25A3-4F5F-4AF6-9F3C-928FB4…)

>>585366Feels like Christmas came early this year
No. 585385
File: 1526508977025.png (Spoiler Image,577.76 KB, 1820x1776, SHUWU.png)

idk if this will be helpful to anyone who wants a rundown on June's history, but here's a (gigantic, I'm sorry) image of "Shuwu: wig0nhead's Origin Story" provided by an anon from last thread:
>>>/snow/579777 No. 585389
File: 1526509295201.jpg (64.81 KB, 645x565, smol.jpg)

>>585376>>585378for whoever is doing the article, this is great. the 3 part plan is so accurate to what she's been doing lately. it's nice to see the person who's doing this has read the threads
if i can offer a suggestion? take down the door nude, it's been confirm not to be her and trust me, she wants people to think it's her. post more recent pic of what she looks like now like pic related
No. 585399
File: 1526509658729.jpg (679.79 KB, 1359x609, twoface.jpg)

>>585061I doubt he would defend her, nothing really to gain there.. he's smart not to get involved.
No. 585408
just because people dislike venti, that doesn't mean she's not in the right here
june is just genuinely a horrible person who keeps getting away with it because of her cutesy act
at least venti doesn't hide behind her cuteness when she's being an asshole
that alone makes her a better person imo
No. 585410
>>585366Good. Her article was extremely lacking.
I read the part about her hating Steven Crowder cause he was making fun of trans and wearing dresses. Didn't her and her ftm trans make fun of Crowder for being fat (or at least his arms)? I think one of his arms was injured in the pic they were commenting on, too.
No. 585412
>>585407it's funny because this was in response to contra saying that he was uncomfortable with these kinds of comments because he didn't feel like he could trust them
so june doesn't even pay attention when asskissing, because she isn't really interested in other people's problems, she just wants to be liked
No. 585423
File: 1526510493660.jpg (42.31 KB, 736x412, 33865e3df24e327d28e5163000fc2f…)

>>585236>>585239>She is also smol and goffWatch out Shuwu you got competition for the throne.
No. 585429
>>585425brb going to bully people while calling myself a cute leftist who just wants everyone to get along
anyone who calls me out is a fascist
No. 585432
>>585422in the original scarfgirl vid, june said she sent a long, heartfelt message on FB about how sorry she was to scarfgirl. scarfgirl only replied with "k."
but according to june here
>>584718 the feud was mutual and if anything, scarfgirl was a the bigger bully of the two. why would june be sending a long-ass apology to a girl who bullied her? kek way to keep your lies straight
No. 585438
>>585429sherratt called me a fashy for me sending 1 tweet to brittany explaining the mags brain cancer dogpile situation so she'd hopefully cover it, but him rubbing elbows w and staunning obsessively for gamergate pandering, "pol is delightful" wig who has tried for the better half of 6 years to get in with the alt-right without being too polarizing to anyone in the center, who has tried so hard to be friends with rubin, blaire, raygun, warski, sargon, etc, doesn't make him a fashy by association. fuck off. internet leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites, and i say that as a leftist. they need to learn to own their shit and denounce people that taint the movement/are bad optics, jfc. trying to hold onto a fencesitting straggler that makes 6 figures a yr solely by shitting on leftists with the worst case of internalized misogyny i've ever seen, is so counterintuitive.
No. 585439
>>585435fellow disillusioned leftist here
i'm very left wing politically but i hate a good portion of the people in online leftists communities
yeah it's just another double standard, brittany is a fashy for being friendly with these communities but when june is friendly with the same people it's different because poor june doesn't know any better and is cute and smol and likes buns
>>585434she's probably doing the same thing she always does: sit in a room doing fucking nothing
except this time she's not obsessively reposting old videos of her and preg
so she's currently more tolerable
No. 585454
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No. 585459
>>585439same, i just can't deal with them, esp because they're narcissists, and they're young. it's so weird because it's LITERALLY the exact same situation as sargon w him calling himself a liberal to escape criticism, and they're ruthless when it comes to shitting on him for it (which i agree w), but why does the same principle not apply to wig? she's always up the asses of right-wing douchebags, does videos exclusively mocking left leaning media/leftist movements, but she can cry that it's ok because she's "a liberal"?? i do agree that brittany is closer to fashy status, but one tweet to her makes me a fashy, when june drinks mimosas with a million alt-cons that love trump and she's not a fashy, nor is he, by association? their behavior is legit going to drive people away from the movements. these young leftists are a liability to their own movements. it's just embarrassing.
No. 585469
>>585459the most important thing to many online leftists is how you feel about trans people
june mocks feminists, gay people, and black people, but because she also hates TERFs she's considered to be somewhat okay
if it was the other way around and she was very pro-BLM but also gendercritical, they would react very differently and not give her a chance at all
and let's not even start on social class
>>585461lmao she's playing marina and the diamond's teen idle
june loves marina
and this song is about being a fake bitch
No. 585490
File: 1526513494348.png (80.54 KB, 783x622, coherentsmol.png)

haha so butthurt holy shit
No. 585501
>>585437she's talking about making a second video or entire saga (like chris chan) on shuwu
fitting since greg's drawings are on chris chan's level
No. 585504
>>585496i'm really curious how june will be in a few months
she's like a one-woman soap opera
>>585501oh god i'm so excited
brittany's really growing on me
No. 585515
>>585496it's weird because shoe retracted her statement re: lauren southern and then tweeted about people (in this case, the left) pressuring her to break off her friendships
so … why doesn't this smol goth fucko consider shoe a fashy for still being friends with someone who supposedly murders migrants
>>585511https://www.patreon.com/BrittanyVentiyou're right
that makes this chick's tweet even dumber
No. 585531
>>585490literally who
she's probably trying to rub off some e-fame from this shitshow
No. 585534
>>585422Well she:
1. Sent a long disingenuous “apology” to scarf girl
2. Scarf girl responded with “k”
3. Raged and made a video
4. Acted annoyed scarf girl didn’t think she was great for apologizing
5. Asked people to feel bad for her for having no friends
6. Later laughed about the whole thing and proudly made fun of scarf girl with Derek all over again in a livestream.
So no. Not really.
No. 585540
>>585527i suppose if you were a mgtow wanting to rant about 'the pussy pass' you could easily use june as an example
obviously most women would not get away with this shit but june is one of the few who does
what's weird to me is that even other women fall for it
such apology
much sincere
No. 585568
>>585410>Didn't her and her ftm trans make fun of Crowder for being fat (or at least his arms)I don't know how she figured she can make fun of anyone for having for fat arms when Skepdick's look like some filled a plastic bag full of lard
So much for supporting dadbods
No. 585573
>>585569he is from some place in canada
she is from lawng island
No. 585576
File: 1526516146735.png (62.41 KB, 651x483, Dmlcrk8.png)

>>585569he's from ontario. idt he wants her for a greencard. june's always going on about moving there, raising her kids there, etc.
No. 585579
>>585561well, i think brittany is a lot more antagonistic w her holocaust memorial trolling shit and the africa stream, but june only doesn't pander in that way because she's too scared of being called out. brittany isn't afraid of the controversy. it's not that june is more principled, she's just more cowardly. june has done cryptofascist shit like using the ok sign without being even asked to, just to pander, etc. she's not beyond doing that for attention. like you said though, she still would rather keep her fans and 'friendship' with someone as shitty as lauren, but somehow june isn't a cryptofascist? wtf?
>>585469>the most important thing to many online leftists is how you feel about trans people. june mocks feminists, gay people, and black people, but because she also hates TERFs she's considered to be somewhat okaythat's exactly right and it's so pathetic. they call actual leftists that obviously understand reality and don't believe in repackaged sexism "conservatives", "fascists", etc. i'm a terven and i've seen leftists go fucking nuts on ACTUAL marxist-feminists bc they're gender critical, but they'll defend uwu to the death all because she'll suck up to trannies despite calling BLM "racist" like, all of the time. ok. real solid hill to die on.
No. 585587
File: 1526516582149.jpg (239.36 KB, 1200x785, DdQW_VwVMAA0FTT.jpg)

>>585583this guy, I think
No. 585589
>>585576>>585576greg is too lazy so makes june do all the work
also why does june always make a huge deal about how ~he's canadian and im american~ shit? he lives 8 hours away from you june, and new york might as well be canada, well most of new england in general
it seems like anything in their relationship she thinks is special she will go out their way to always mention it
first it was height/size gap
then it was age gap
now its muh long distance
and none of these things were even that special at all, her age gap isn't big as much as her uwu ddlg mind says it is, her size and height difference isn't that special since a lot of couples are less than a foot taller, but what annoys me the most is now she's using the canada/new york shit to seem uwu so special and different
No. 585621
>>585589>new york might as well be canadaAs a native New yorker… the hell we aren't.
Bad enough we have to claim June, don't put Cuckistan on us too
No. 585624
File: 1526517928852.png (13.66 KB, 435x151, avUet2P.png)

>>585581couldn't find it, but found this
No. 585637
>>585624they both look infertile as fuck and I doubt they'd be asked to care for them
june is insane, jealous, pretentious, and constantly putting other women, even her own sister and family down to raise herself up, she would fuck her daughter up with her views, and her unhealthy relationship, when the daughter gets older she will start seeing her as competition, oh lordy and who knows what will happen if her daughter grows up to be curvy and thicc
for greg, after seeing him like incest and pedophilia and all that shit, it boggles my mind someone would be as stupid as to let a little girl around her, especially all that "june will give me cute daughters"shit
they both look like pedos, yikes
No. 585641
File: 1526518541333.png (437.87 KB, 632x846, kSy8Vgi.png)

still searching. found this gem
No. 585645
>>585641"from daughter"
requesting the vid where they mocked an article for calling DDLG an incest fetish
lying pervs
No. 585653
File: 1526519008259.png (37.41 KB, 609x343, rzFcvk4.png)

>>585581is this what you wanted?
No. 585658
File: 1526519292512.png (22.25 KB, 616x800, symptoms-vomiting.png)

>>585653imagine being proud of fucking this
No. 585667
>>585662The autistic energy radiating from this post just cursed me
Sex positivity was a big,
big mistake
No. 585669
File: 1526520200753.png (345.25 KB, 619x571, kRbEaAV.png)

>>585662yeah why would anyone think they're into daddy/daught–oh wait, what's this? june calling herself greg's daughter?
No. 585714
File: 1526522648486.png (5.85 KB, 355x55, hatter.PNG)

scarfgirl's bff posting in brit's stream
No. 585727
>>585669I don't think she's even truly into it as a kink. She's just pushing it so people will see her as smol and kyoot like a lil gurl.
She's normie af.
No. 585738
File: 1526523852694.png (4.16 KB, 329x33, grjzE23.png)

false alarm
No. 585739
>>584741But now she would be fine working as a "chicken nugget taste tester".
Plus she can only make biohazardly grilled chicken breasts.
What changed her mind? lulz
>>584792He's an incel so maybe he is preparing to go postal? If so, i wonder what shuwu will say about it.
>>585188She goes to harvard? Without a brain?
>>585665> author raises a good point by experience> Shuwu as a gut reaction: "nobody cares""Dunkin" dot jaypeg
No. 585740
File: 1526523960468.png (59.88 KB, 640x533, 1505580196858.png)

Friendly reminder uwu
No. 585743
File: 1526524118099.png (16.79 KB, 487x211, BYQTfTz.png)

>>585673what could you possibly be talking about? uwu
No. 585744
>>585743Can your neighbour kick you out from your apartment in canada?
Is she that dull?
Is she Amy Schumer?
No. 585775
File: 1526527651341.png (183.58 KB, 583x627, this shuwu pegs.png)

No. 585806
File: 1526531333454.png (14.83 KB, 394x152, 945868683395942.png)

where are the wks? i expected more dislikes 24hrs in
No. 585872
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>>584875That nibba wears a girdle I bet. Lay off the poutine, m8.
No. 585918
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Brittani's comment section is suddenly being filled with white knights.
"Shoe-chan is just being ironic!!! She never lied to us that she was asexual wallflower oh nooo she is just playing a character!!"
No. 585934
>>585918the type of men who would end up being abused by a woman because they refuse to see red flags
and then when they finally get it, they bitch about how all women are like that
completely hopeless
>proof of june being absolutely horrible to other people>"you just made her more adorable!!!11"idiot
>"I don't care shoe rulezz"nvm he's 12
No. 585938
https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Shoe0nHeadthe article has been improved with many pictures now
so much better
good job ED
No. 585950
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>>585641Remember when she recounted the story of her mother finding her dog leash that says "daddys little princess" or whatever it was. Barf.
No. 585954
File: 1526553373133.jpg (448.55 KB, 1393x1866, Screenshot_20180517-063253.jpg)

Oh wow…. So I havent even @ Shoe,directly, at all. I guess she saw my replies to Brittany Venti's recent tweets and was butthurt and she blocked me.
No. 585959
>>585954>I'm having some fun off the internetWhat she meant was she's trying to block everyone who's being a big meany poopy heads. Anon you must have really hurt shuwu's feelings.
She's probably doing this so her first tweet doesn't have people who are support Brittany's video replying to it.
No. 585986
>>585984It's just a cheap diversion tactic
brittany could have the worst motives as to why she made the video and it wouldn't matter,it doesn't change the content at all
No. 585989
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rantingf is fucking retarded
No. 585990
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>>585989they are really focusing in on the "wearing wig at 11 or 13" thing as the ultimate proof that the video wasn't good.
how is it none of them have any comments on lying about her sex life and past years to appeal to men?
No. 585991
>>585955She’s been going through and limit positive comments on her most recent vid pretty much this entire time.
You would think her 24/7 bdsm life would include Greg ordering her to stay away from her phone while they’re together, but I guess he doesn’t want to deal with her like that.
No. 585996
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Her fans are so vicious
No. 585997
File: 1526557829734.jpeg (365.55 KB, 750x881, 7C5E702C-5BC3-4F4A-8B97-9717ED…)

Is this person talking about hack forums
No. 586016
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>>586006I'm not sure which ones. I took a screenshot of how many posts she had the last time I checked and it has three more posts on it than what is currently there.
No. 586031
File: 1526562218750.jpg (97.98 KB, 800x356, _20180517_084931.JPG)

This is why I think her gaining weight recently is hilarious.
No. 586048
>>586034I think their statement was worded poorly but you can't deny that society is much harsher on chubby/fat women than on skinny women.
>>586045>I hope you're okay, JuneJesus Christ her fans are so fucking retarded. They act like she is being threatened and fearing for her life but the most that happened was some people commenting that they're unsubscribing from her channel. She and her followers are really just as thin-skinned and weak as their beloved ''SJWs'' and feminists.
No. 586085
>>586083Hush money lmao
Did she say anything else? How did everyone react to that?
No. 586092
>>586085I haven't seen anyone saying anything about drama. I don't think most people even know about it since Brittany's not very popular and shoe didn't address it herself
I was hoping keemstar will be interested since he's familiar with brittany an shoe's pretty big in skeptic community
No. 586095
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>>586084>>586052This is OT but I found this comment on that video. I'd imagine Ella's followers are fans of June as well, so this is really no surprise.
No. 586109
>>586060>>586087It's all about money for these people. If any of them were to really speak honestly they might end up losing fans because a lot of them have the same fans. It's sad because all of this is just trying to show others that they've been supporting a fake person.
For example, Blaire and Chris are boring content creators to me, not as bad as shuwu but, none of them bring anything to the table where I feel I gain anything from watching them. I don't think they're entertaining at all but, I can at least say they are somewhat genuine in their beliefs. It doesn't feel it's 100% money, they are pushing something they at least feel somewhat strongly about.
But shuwu? not at all. It's always depended on what gave her the most attention and that's why she's switch her politics so many fucking times.
whenever she claims to have "learned" or "changed" from the past it's always this forced cookie cutter response that only happens when she sees a lot of people are mad at her.
The letter just broke the camel's back. she's cried wolf too many times. that's why people are finally bring up her past because eventually people get sick of seeing a fake bitch get away with being a chameleon for years.
No. 586112
>>585996brittany > june
>"she's so obsessed with her sex life"dude you could know all the gross details of june's sex life even if you didn't give a shit, or even didn't want to know, because shuwu is constantly shoving her nasty sex life in everyone's faces
>>586005ironically, june mocks normies for not knowing everything that goes on online
>>586048june's been pretty vicious to other people online
of course her fans don't give a shit about june's victims
>>586060i don't know
claudia (ranting feminist) responded and june seems relatively close to her, if she's asked blaire not to respond then why wouldn't she have asked claudia too
>>586095>doing a better job>just uses more make up and has stereotypical 50s stylelike, nothing against ella and she looks good and all, but it's really insulting to say someone is better at being a woman because they are pretty and act more traditional
i'm not even sure if transwomen take this sort of comment as a compliment
not all of them like the pressure of conforming to these gender roles either
No. 586113
>>586099Brittany already gets "alt right" male attention lol. also it's funny you complain her video is "me me me" when that's literally all of shoe's anti-fem vids. She always uses herself as an example to make points instead of using facts.
I can't wait for more of these orbiter posters to pop up in threads. They all do a terrible job defending shuwu it's hilarious.
No. 586120
>>586099lmao brittany clearly isn't trans, nice try
the point of the video is about how two-faced june is, she manipulates everyone
brittany may appeal to some nasty folks, but she isn't cowardly pretending to be some fragile little bunny uwu at the same time
i don't care for brittany's politics either but in the end she still seems like a way better person just for being honest
plus she doesn't normally go after people the way june does, she only did it now to expose the manipulation and bitchiness
you go brittany
No. 586122
>>586099Now you're just bullshitting, because brittany could have had her tits out to pander.
And the "trans?" thing is real cute. You vile terf, when will June come to dunk on you and save us from your vile terfiness
No. 586126
june mocks people for social activism and disagreeing with her, and then pretends to be sweet and innocent
brittany mocked june for being a liar and all round terrible person, and owns her behavior
No. 586128
>>586115I'll humor you and take your word for it.
you can have that opinion on Brittany and her vid but, with all the milk we're getting from this vid, what's the point in shitting on it? clearly it's getting people to look more into wig's shuwu's past. it gets the job done.
If you want to shit on Brittany do it in her thread.
>>586124the anise video was garbage compared to this. you're a moron if you honestly believe that.
No. 586133
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>>586092It's kind of funny because even though the drama created is not that huge (aka didn't reach broader audience yet), June just can't take it at all. She hides away like a coward and makes "sadposts uwu".
Smol bean loli uwu has a pathological need to be liked by EVERYONE (except villain of the month aka TERFZ XDD) - that's how she can suck up all the attention. She has almost perfected her attention whoring skills but thank fuck this board noticed her.
Also I don't know why she gets so many compliments on her looks. Bitch looks like an ugly cartoon character.
No. 586143
>>586124she was obviously taking a moment to mock June's IMAGE, with the hair part, the editting, the cute animal, etc. That's part of what makes the video good. The only part she really missed in mocking June is the random yelling June does.
Stop being a moron.
No. 586153
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>>585978Man if this aint the truth. There have been others who have debunked some of her videos on yt like garrett, but even they have to summarise because she just goes on and on and yeah it sounds like torture having to wade through her excessive crap
No. 586156
File: 1526569284972.jpg (156.42 KB, 1200x900, DDJjV82U0AAHFzj.jpg)

>>586085>>586083>>586060Like this anon mentioned
>>586112 , June has Twitter friends like RantingF, Ella Grant etc defending her so I don't think she told people to hush.
I'm actually pretty sure that Blaire, Chris and other bigger youtubers don't really want to get themselves into defending her because they don't really give a shit. Maybe some of them can actually see she is an opportunistic bitch so they just act like friends so they can profit off of her (like Blaire did).
Some of them did get to meet her at Vidcon too and experience her personality first-hand so who knows…
I think June would be overjoyed if they came to her defense…It would validate her retarded uwu smol persona more.
Well too bad Wiggy, they all secretly think you are cringe.
No. 586163
>>586156even this pic preg can't help but try to do the cringy flynn face for the 50 billionth time and just looks like he has tourettes
the only person I like there is yms but, he unfortunately hangs out with these losers at vidcon. His a edgy furfag but I like his content.
On Blaire, you'll see vids on Jaclyn Glenn's channel of them hanging out together, under one shuwu posted how fun it would be if she joined them and neither responded lol.
No. 586168
File: 1526569832353.jpeg (56.93 KB, 500x347, 658A8EDC-644E-4179-A7A0-981C2C…)

I’m loving all of this milk. Thank you for existing, thread.
I would’ve continued being a fan of Sh0e if I never woke up to her lies.
No. 586177
>>586163omg lol
Blaire totally grew apart from Shoe. Kinda sad yet funny.
No. 586198
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>>586156He tries to look like Flynn but he's more related to Shrek.
No. 586216
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No. 586230
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>>586216SHE GETS
No. 586235
File: 1526574166613.png (30.35 KB, 619x417, HcGqVXu.png)

Shreg retweeted this today. Still no word on his little gwirlfwend
No. 586246
>>586244actually it looks like even more stuff was added
damn, it's a big article now
No. 586260
File: 1526575389029.gif (1.07 MB, 255x192, 1402406425598.gif)

>>586254thanks for the nightmares
No. 586261
>>586255yeah, and the article is actually super thorough with lots of screencaps
now all that is needed is for this article to be shared around
are there any anons here who also post on kiwi farms?
No. 586271
>>586255i honestly don't think there are
that many men into DDLG shit, more that they just go along with it. even trawling tumblr, you see that it's mostly an attention whore thing for nasty pedo women.
No. 586276
also I think a lot of men are into it but keep quiet about it/or dismiss it because they know its bad
No. 586285
They laugh at "daddy/daughter" at 19:00
No. 586303
File: 1526578563702.png (72.84 KB, 606x809, ollie.png)

>>586293These tweets and here's a video of Ollie humping a stuffed rabbit
https://twitter.com/shoe0nhead/status/821563997090697217 No. 586308
>>586303Didn't she buy like 20 head rest pillows because of ollie humping all her shit?
>>586293She also bought her bunny from a bunny mill and says that she rescued him.
No. 586309
>>586308>Didn't she buy like 20 head rest pillows because of ollie humping all her shit?yup she said that on the ollie birthday stream uwu.
it also shows how terrible she is with her money
No. 586316
File: 1526579578291.png (335.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180517-095204.png)

Apparently June is friends with Lauren again. FYI. If this is already on here I apologize.
No. 586322
>>586312she rather save money on a bigger cage for herself
>>586316you're slow. doubt they are or were ever "friends". she was just using lauren's face for when it was useful and lauren is just chill about it because she doesn't play the "pity me" game like shuwu does.
No. 586324
>>586319eh, even if you'd end up talking about similar things, it just means she's more likely to be exposed
so go for it i'd say
i'm sure you wouldn't have the same style as brittany anyway
No. 586333
>>586327>>586326>>586325>>586324>>586323Thanks. I just hope that Brittany makes her 2nd video towards a leftist audience, because it is clear right-wingers and centrists are done with Shoe. The only fans she has now are neckbeards who pretend to be progressive but really just hate women.
Brittany should focus on highlighting all of the stuff that would piss leftists off because it is clear that they are the only ones left deluded by Shoe.
No. 586339
>>586333Most leftists I know dislike shoe.
Or at least the tumblr tier ones. They usually hate centrists/skeptics as a whole.
No. 586342
>>586339you'd be surprise. she has quiet a lot of dumblr fans after getting big on "pwning terrrfffs XXdDD"
>>586337i don't remember but she definitely says it.
No. 586343
File: 1526580801447.png (590.42 KB, 549x807, 4z9oLWS[1].png)

>>586308can you show me where she says she got her bunny from? I looked on her Twitter under the keyword rescue and didn't find it.
No. 586349
>>586342odd I thought they made up a huge stink when a tumblr famous artist drew Blaire and Shoe together.
Guess you learn something new everyday
No. 586364
File: 1526581751952.png (46.81 KB, 1622x264, vSg9pT1[1].png)

Can someone expand on this from ED? Is this related to that photo where she drew a swastika in the sand at all?
No. 586368
File: 1526581968029.png (55.38 KB, 755x481, 1.png)

i'm glad the true and honest preg is letting her fans know she's ok uwu
>inb4 they all call this 'creepy' despite this is exactly what shuwu and preg when they're together
No. 586369
>>586366the only thing there I found using ctrl f was the thing that was posted (the Instagram post) in the other thread.
So now in this thread there's evidence of her saying ollie was from a mill, but no receipts on her making up an adoption story.
No. 586383
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>replying to a tweet 6 days old
none of these people get that it's less about them being friends and more about shuwu being a fence sitter fake bitch
No. 586393
>>586288Yeah I meant she's not a content creator. And I only know she talks to June because June is always tweeting her and so far up her and Dankula's ass as if anything she's ever done compares to what he is actually trying to do. He makes videos too, but, he also backs up his principles and is trying to make positive change, and June so desperately wants to be lumped in with him.
People may not agree with him, but at least he has firm views that don't flip flop depending on who he's talking to at the time and she will never be that.
No. 586403
>>586393Leftist aren't going to take anything Brittany says seriously. Atleast not the "twitter leftist" that will automatically discredit anything coming from right winger or a troll like Brittany.
Personally, I like Britt because atleast she owns her shit. But, look at Ranting Fem, she got 3 seconds in to Brittany's video and was completely ignoring her points and tried to say Brittany wanted to sleep with her.
Kind of ironic that the "feminist" types are the ones calling it jealousy when those are the ones that hate that stereotype.
I think the more vids the better. Especially those "shoe0nhead lying for 5 mins" type.
Plus, the age restricted Brittany's vid so a lot of people wont see it in suggested.
No. 586414
>>586403shuwu being stuck with mostly libfem fans would be the best result because they will be the ones whining and complaining about her not being pc enough.
this whole thing started because one of her sjw followers. it's poetic justice that her less left leaning fans are the ones who are actually listening
No. 586432
File: 1526584506030.png (23.65 KB, 594x298, k731Z8J.png)

from rantingf
No. 586435
File: 1526584622516.png (362.36 KB, 1584x949, bdnNEqe[1].png)

So tell me if I'm getting this right:
-Shuwu develops internet crush on guy that rejects her because he's volcel
-this SAME guy is the one who created lolcow.farm and gives her mod power to terrorize those who criticize her
No. 586444
>>586432if she wanted to rescue abused animals, why didn't she call the authorities and report the abuse instead of benefit from an animal abuse situation and put more money into the pockets of abusers? and to make matters worse, she didn't even fucking report them after she 'saved' ollie. goes to show how much she was impacted by the abuse and how much she cares about animals. the least she could've done was report the bunny mill after the fact. what a tool.
>>586435was ian really volcel though? he was trying to fuck farmers and mods from lc. my tinfoil is that he wasn't actually that into june or had a type physically that she didn't fit, or he was put off by the fact that she's such an attentionwhoring husk of a human being and he preferred her as a friend
>>586436some dumbass libfem that rubs elbows with socialists but is apparently a huge moderate what with how she's willing to crawl up june's ass to defend all of her shortcomings and completely inexcusable behavior
No. 586448
>>586437>>586436I need to make sure this is accurate. What's the creators full name (or alias)? Trying to play catch up here. Google doesn't answer this surprisingly. And who is the owner now of this site?
Also my question is do you think she was really pretending to like him as it says on the ED screencap? The letter she wrote him seemed genuine. If she was pretending, what would be the motive?
No. 586453
File: 1526585316212.png (59.64 KB, 1197x256, DWcafSq[1].png)

Is this saying that June cheated on black bf with preggory? Is this accurate..? Too many he's an she's it's confusing me.
No. 586460
File: 1526585843981.png (29.51 KB, 1189x149, EIKhoqK[1].png)

>>586364who is the guy being talked about here, is there any proof?
No. 586464
>>586453There was a skype chat that was posted on /b/ where shuwu was talking to preg and took a selfie of herself and in the back, it was gmaster's bed. It's somewhere in one of the old threads
However, it could be very likely be fake. The only confirmed thing that isn't cheating but, sleazy is on gmaster's old askfm someone notified him that shuwu "already started dating some married/divorced guy" and he comments "already?" or something. I'll go find it for you.
I do know that she supposedly broke it off with gmaster in spring of 2015 and started dating grocery early summer same year
No. 586476
>>586470>>586471yes there was. we have to find which thread it was.
right now i'm cropping some interesting stuff for you uwu
No. 586482
File: 1526586896479.png (135.17 KB, 1366x901, rebound.png)

No. 586486
why else is she frantically blocking people from brittany's twitter threads, and posting nothing herself?
No. 586506
File: 1526588108764.png (19.81 KB, 497x212, GF1Ut3k[1].png)

>>586474this is the only interaction I see anon
No. 586517
File: 1526588436900.png (8.54 KB, 595x151, A8ZyEkA[1].png)

>>586482is the person she's @ing gmaster?
No. 586526
his accounts are all dead now but, if you use advance twitter search you can see some old stuff. I mostly just wanted you to see that was her last tweet to him, very close to when she got with preggory who was also talking to multiple women and still married.
I'm still trying to find the possible cheating proof. just give me a sec
No. 586536
File: 1526589331342.png (212.14 KB, 1391x476, oops.png)

Ok here you go.
No. 586537
File: 1526589392714.png (74.93 KB, 668x648, lol.png)

>>586536Shreg talks like an old man leaving comments on Pornhub
No. 586566
>>586559It may have been that she gotten “hacked?”
I remember her shit got “hacked” all the time in her CC and then things would be leaked about her. Like some provocative but not quite nude pics. I always suspected it was her doing it for the sake of attention but that was never kosher to say.
No. 586572
File: 1526590990091.png (92.7 KB, 680x699, 1.png)

Just adding to the possible cheating, shuwu was with gmaster until some time between late may-mid june of 2015
you can look it up on twitter, preg and her have been tweeting at each other as early as 2014. I might need other anons to help but, caps like pic related I have seen preg and shuwu tweet about "how awkward our flirting use to be!!" but, that was when she was still with gmaster.
in the infamous 100k vid, preg and shuwu claim this is their first time talking but, that was on June 17th. they might have meant vocally talking to eachother, it stills strikes me as fishy
>>586559it was posted on one of her old thread with no source. that's why i'm skeptical of it.
>>586568yes I'm trying to see if that pic was on her instas at all. that's another reason why i'm on the fence about it. someone could've just shooped it
No. 586586
File: 1526591947079.png (141.28 KB, 321x208, bald.png)

ahaha was this recently added
No. 586598
File: 1526592500196.png (233.66 KB, 1129x567, hxcQS7K[1].png)

>>586593anyone else have the expose video come up as result number 3
No. 586610
Where the fuck is that video/the logs where she said that she didn't' want to admit she liked skeptic at first? I recall (I cannot remember where for the life of me need anon help) when she said she liked him from the start but just wasn't open about it later.
That would MEAN she wanted his dick WHILE she was in a relationship
No. 586617
File: 1526593240175.jpg (51.73 KB, 1306x354, Capture.JPG)

Anyone noticed her Youtube banner
>very ok person
No. 586618
>>586534Can you take out the word nigger and maybe replace it with.. anything else really?
I know it's ED and everything but shit is that really necessary?
No. 586630
>>586617for 'ok' read 'fake'
that part in her bio always annoyed me
bitch, you've made a career out of bullying people online, how the hell are you even a slightly decent person
No. 586631
File: 1526593866365.png (55.07 KB, 1088x476, cheatig.png)

here is the image without the edit in case it helps with finding some kind of archive but, if you reverse image search it just brings it back to that old thread where it was posted.
No. 586634
>>586631that must mean that
1)it's fake
2)shuwu or pregg got hacked
3)one of them posted it
No. 586646
>>586631great so she waist/hip catfished him as well as telling him she's goff (I look like im going to a funeral as usual)
probably why she keeps insisting she was a goth for wearing black things
No. 586647
File: 1526594230297.png (1.65 KB, 144x37, sdndQfO[1].png)

>>586641his 100k stream says it's only 2 years when their relationship is 3…isn't it going on 4?
No. 586651
File: 1526594300165.jpg (16.23 KB, 423x370, skype chat.jpg)

>>586634while looking for
>>586635 I just want to share that they've always used skype to chat with each other. so we at least know that lines up.
No. 586662
>>586647no it's going to by 3 years in june/july
>>586641i'm looking for a tweet where they talk about this old tweet
>>586572 and comment on how they were flirting.
she was still with gmaster in april, that's why
No. 586677
File: 1526594938189.png (142.93 KB, 588x412, 1.png)

I found this but don't know the date
No. 586678
File: 1526594971462.png (30.71 KB, 478x348, LgnTXfy.png)

>>586662this ask is from 3 years ago in july and she said she's not dating him. unless they were openly dating at this point and she was just kidding around
No. 586679
File: 1526594974830.png (964.44 KB, 846x594, dre.PNG)

>>586646speaking of that, i just found this photo of her unshooped waist and hips from her old insta. a perfect illustration of 34-23-26 measurements if i do say so myself
No. 586681
>>586673I'd wait on the cheating until we confirm more stuff.
What she can do is show how quickly she went from him to flirting with preg when he was still married and talking to other women
You know, just like in Tangled!
No. 586682
>>586658I'm 90% sure june never changed her cheating ways either
with the combination of junes obsession with male attention and how little attention skeptic gives, and how she doesn't seem to care nor be taking the relationship seriously hence her cuckatry, she definitely must be cheating on him or else she would have lost her shit begging for his attention, she even admitted herself shes wants a lot of attention and love and shit
No. 586685
File: 1526595133210.png (108.75 KB, 607x587, 2.png)

Now this one has definitely got to be from while she was still with Andrew.
No. 586686
File: 1526595153169.png (74.17 KB, 1280x1000, hahaoddb,oy(1).png)

Alright boys, this is your friendly ED admin oddguy/EZPZ.
I am more or less finished with the article. I might put some final aesthetic tweaks on it tomorrow, but I don't think I'll find anything new to add, aside from maybe a subsection about her fanbase. You can go ahead and read it. I usually do more through work, but I can't wrap my head around all the millions things she lies about, so forgive me if I don't add all the evidence about her lying about her hips/waist/hight/sex life etc. Anything in that article you think is wrong or don't understand is probably stuff I found in one of your threads, but don't ask me to go looking for it because I mostly just skimmed them. At the bottom of the article you'll find a list of her old YT channel that my friend dug up. I think some of them are ones you are not aware of. Have fun digging through them, I couldn't handle watching that shit. You'll also find a couple of links at the end of the "June bullies guy with PTSD" section that I haven't seen posted here. I'll also rewrite the Armored Spastic article soon. Sorry both of the were shit for so long, but they were created during GamerGate when anyone who was in any way involved would have an article created about them, and theirs was made by some edgelord who didn't do any research and never fixed (also the guy running ED at the time discouraged negative articles about GG fags because he wanted to stay on their good side so that the ad revenue from their clicks could keep providing him with money to buy cocaine, but that's a whole other story).
Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. Thanks for the info and enjoy.
No. 586702
>"everyone is always totally saying all men are rapists, seriously guise">"preg is a good boy and treats me well except he kinda doesn't but oh well lol i love it"also:
>"it feels like we've known each other 1000 years"didn't she say on discord that they pretty much only talk about feminism and not much else?
such a deep relationship, wow
No. 586704
>>586686>boysI'd bet 0.012 bitcoin that you are the only boy in this thread.
thanks anyways though, gj
No. 586706
>>586686how dare you! shuwu is employed by the youtube! lol :^) if only she never banned you
thank you for making a good article and not half assing it.
No. 586710
>>586686you're doing god's work
10/10 would worship your dick 24/7
No. 586722
File: 1526595877535.jpg (63.25 KB, 427x1200, CyQcBuKUkAABqOS.jpg)

>>586689This image was posted on the @lewd0nhead account. If she really does run it herself that's fucking disgusting.
No. 586723
>>586364Tinfoil: what if her ftm friend is the lover?
Think about it. Shuwu always LOVES the things her SOs are obsessed about and Derrick (or who) always tweets about trans things.
Am i seeing things?
No. 586732
File: 1526596089473.png (69.84 KB, 490x497, gross.PNG)

>>586679>>586705kek, i meant to say "34-23-36" but that's probably the most fitting typo of my life
also, gross for the millionth time
>wHy dO yOu MeNtIoN wHaT tHeY dO iN tHe pRiVaCy oF tHeIr oWn bEdRoOmS??? No. 586738
>>586722wtf that's disgusting
>>586723i find this hard to believe
but if it is true she should just go for derrick
he's way cuter than pregory despite being biologically female lol
>>586732>"it makes me feel good about my life choices"it shouldn't, you pathetic manchild
No. 586744
File: 1526596277367.png (181.17 KB, 463x623, ew.PNG)

i hope you ladies havent eaten too recently
No. 586750
>>586732>wHy dO yOu MeNtIoN wHaT tHeY dO iN tHe pRiVaCy oF tHeIr oWn bEdRoOmS???it's funny how her fans are using that against Brittany.
1. Shuwu and Preg blast their sex lives all over twitter, they have little personalities outside of their bdsm ddlg roles
and 2. her own fucking fans are the one who get off on it and exploit it.
They sound more mad that we see their gross lusting over their ddlg relationship is fucking cringe. It makes it worse when shuwu's fans like to copycat her.
No. 586753
File: 1526596520072.png (102.42 KB, 1440x492, Screenshot_20180517-172623~2.p…)

Is there a short way I can respond to this to debunk this comment?
I understand June apologized, but I know because the girl didn't start licking June's feet June had a sperg on stream making fun of her again.
No. 586755
>>586747the skeptic community is a bunch of trollish looking neckbeards so shuwu and preg look like celebrities to them.
Preg would just be regulare fugly but, combined with his personality and obesity he's really unattractive.
No. 586757
>>586744absolutely vile
libfems will defend this
>>586747he'd look all right if he worked out a little, stopped doing the dreamworks face and changed his entire personality
as it is, he's gross
>>586750and reminder: most of her viewers are underage
>>586753basically you should respond with what you said here
it doesn't matter if she apologized if she started bullying her again right away for not licking her ass
an apology needs to be sincere
No. 586758
>>586723despite all of her TERF dunkin june still sees transwomen as "men in dresses" (her words), so that means she sees transmen as girls in pants. we all know june is straight as an arrow so we can eliminate that possibility right away.
she's just desperate to be liked by everyone because she has no sense of self.
No. 586763
File: 1526596714013.png (178.92 KB, 840x208, wow.PNG)

she was bragging on twitter in like july of 2016 about her responses to ppl accurately calling her and the marshmallow-man out. legit groce.
No. 586768
File: 1526596841584.png (26.13 KB, 863x123, vagina nails.png)

>posted 1 day ago
LOL the irony, how's that block brigade going Shuwu?
No. 586770
>>586704nta, but you can hand over him the money. XY here.
>>586754above it was posted… the stream with derrick. almost at the beginning of this thread.
>>586750don't forget that june makes fun of people without kinks and calls them ~vanilla normies~ and ~salty betas~
she also makes fun of other kinksters like findoms
but of course it's fine when june does it because she's such a smol yung lil bean who doesn't know any better ;w;
No. 586772
>>586092Keem hates Brittany. Brittany make a video exposing him of paying someone to hit another person in like 2016 or something, around the time she was also feuding with Anisa.
The skeptics all know Brittany and they know about it for sure. They are just being quiet. I don't think they want to bring attention and also don't want to get Brittany's side pissed at them either because they are more the "internet bloodsports" or whatever that hate the skeptics and have been bashing them for awhile.
Paul Jospeh Watson commented within 30 mins of it being uploaded, people know. They just aren't willing to put their necks on the line for Wig.
No. 586775
>>586758i almost think it's a shame now
weird as it sounds, if june were to work on herself i think she and derrick would make a cute couple
>>586763>"that's how relationships work"lmao guess you're not in a relationship then since he's not coming to your defense at all
>>586770did not expect any men here
No. 586781
>>586777>"still gives me nightmares"you're obv just jealous, uwu
>>586778>"scarfgirl was a worse bully to june"doubt.jpg
No. 586782
>>586753-shoe admits to bullying, brags about it, still does it to this very day
-believing fake apologies mean anything
-Brittney pointed it out
-"Brittany made her wook wike a buwlly :("
No. 586783
>>586775>lmao guess you're not in a relationship then since he's not coming to your defense at allB R U H
it's true though, if she loved him she wouldn't coddle and mommy his stupid shit
No. 586784
>>586772I saw PJW's comment, yeah I think you're right. But also in the case of the women (namely Blaire), they may be afraid that Brittany may make a video on her that could expose some hidden things that her fans may not know.
I mean I remember when Blaire got really nervous when another Skeptic (I think) who went by the name "No Bullshit" called her out on the whole MAGA hat incident where he pretty much said she was lying and during a livestream between those two, Blaire quickly joined in and tried to quiet down the rumors.
So while I'm not sure about Chris Ray Gun, Some Black Guy, or the other guy anti-SJWs, I feel that Blaire may feel that if she defends Shoe, she'll get put on blast. That or she really doesn't care which could also be a possibility.
No. 586788
>>586783if this drama was only about preg, shuwu would be all up on twitter doing a billion tweets defending him.
It's funny tho, because she's the main focus of this drama, she doesn't even protect him during this herself despite claiming she's 'the most defensive girlfriend evar". priorities much?
No. 586791
File: 1526597637973.png (36.43 KB, 475x292, sherratt.PNG)

preg tweeting to sherratt at his old handle. he really does sound like an ancient fuck. he's so fucking skeezy and disgusting
No. 586796
>>586791every time i think he can't get more disgusting
every time i'm proven wrong
>>586792i get the impression that blaire's outgrown june
No. 586798
>>586784They are probably worried that this is Candid all over again. Most of the big names in that community except Ray Gun and Sargon where also all shilling that app and made defense videos of the app after it got exposed.
"Skeptic" community is basically a joke now especially after that Kraut and Kilroy situation that completely ruined those involved with that.
June's literally always been "the bully" or on the right side of any big skeptic scandal except candid. (But, she was just so smol and cute uwu to be thought of shilling for money).
It's interesting to see now where she is actually the one being bashed and the butt of the joke online and she wont respond.
She really is a coward isn't she.
No. 586805
>>465379there was also an ask where someone wanted shoe to fuck them and their SO
No. 586810
>>586448Ian or something, it was posted in previous threads. I haven't really been keeping up. His name was Ian though, and he left because he "developed a crush on one of his mods and she rejected him" which was years ago. I think that the mod he developed a crush on was June. After this falling out, he gave the site to someone else - we don't know who.
I don't know the answer to any of your other questions, sorry.
There are threads about him on other sites if you want to take a look at those.
No. 586813
File: 1526598382251.jpg (149.74 KB, 720x944, 70711057d8b9b9e8ca77396e14f59d…)

>>586810I'm not sure if we're allowed to discuss this drama, but this is what the admin wrote when he left lolcow. He said that he developed personal relations with a mod, and that everyone hated him.
We didn't know June was on the mod team at the time or that they had a rocky personal relationship, so all of this coming to light makes a lot of sense.
No. 586814
File: 1526598444659.png (9.22 KB, 463x115, hips.PNG)

https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=brittanyventi%20from%3Ashoe0nhead&src=typdi love that brittany took her down because she tweeted to her as recently as april 23rd and has had a pretty long history of tweeting to her. same with margaret.
https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=brittanyventi%20from%3Ashoe0nhead&src=typdpic related is more bonus hip lying despite having boy hips
No. 586818
>>586813actually I think I posted the wrong picture, the post I meaant to post was here:
https://web.archive.org/web/20161015160948/https://8ch.net/bannedcows/res/527.html#q1306 If anyone knows more please post. I have a strong feeling that June was the mod in question.
No. 586820
File: 1526598695734.png (12.74 KB, 456x167, that happened.PNG)

the evil womz booling her again just because she was a shy, 'hot', virgin basement dweller w a disney waist. please bois, sweep her off her feet with your cocks!
No. 586837
>>586820 So she lied to all her real life friends and the entire internet about being a virgin but she totally told some randoms at work right?
Sure, June.
No. 586846
File: 1526599605158.png (41.62 KB, 465x358, truth.PNG)

so the scare quotes would indicate that she really doesn't think people who call troons 'trannies' are transphobes? ok june. great ally.
No. 586847
>>586820Lol she worked in makeup stores all her life, why would she tell her coworkers she was a virgin anyway? What a lie, both her being a virgin and the story
June, you were a thot and now you're trying to redeem yourself and claim other thotty women are meen to you
No. 586852
File: 1526599944098.png (475.54 KB, 592x829, ew.png)

>wHy Do YoU cArE aBoUt ThEiR sEx LiFe?!?
No. 586853
File: 1526599956550.png (21.88 KB, 488x218, 6ZsVlyX.png)

>>586846it's because she uses the word tranny herself and a renowned terf dunker such as june should never be considered a transphobe.
(link before she deletes it
>>586850silly anon, it's okay when
she does it. it's just that no one else can! the same goes for bullying and making fun of people's sex lives
No. 586854
>>586853>>586852Bad post june
No wonder trans hate them, she sexualizes them, she probably only sees them as a fetish
No. 586859
File: 1526600275963.png (177.23 KB, 579x334, she retweeted it.png)

>>586852Btw, Shuwu retweeted it. I wonder how Blaire felt about that?
No. 586861
File: 1526600369954.png (27.97 KB, 473x257, boobjob.PNG)

no wonder she gets so upset when ppl call troons men. this is the first parallel she comes up with. it must be a reminder that she'll always be a flatchested linebacker
No. 586925
File: 1526604665534.png (167.12 KB, 438x341, romance uwu.png)

No. 586943
File: 1526605738235.png (183.92 KB, 1440x1337, Screenshot_20180517-200318~2.p…)

This is the state of June's fan boys.
His response to the "Scarf girl will see this and finally have the last laugh" comment at
>>586753Completely delusional to their perfect Waifu.
No. 586944
>>586846Terfs are worse than people who actually rape and kill troons. Got it.
>>586925Shit, now we got two Shregs. Hope one day we'll get a 3rd cow called Greg just so we can have a battle of the Ogregs.
No. 586947
File: 1526606163904.png (266.38 KB, 598x313, shreg and june l'âne.png)

Friends… how is this possible.
No. 586950
>>586943yes, people grow up but june obviously hasn't. she still bullies people.
disregarding that fact, a major part of her identity is based around her fabricated highschool experiences. she screeches "i was bullied, pity me" and "shy mall goff wallflower" every chance she gets in order to pander to her audience. if she didn't bring so much attention to it, people wouldn't comment on it. that can be said for her sex like as well, which she also bases her identity around.
No. 587029
>>587015>>587023It isn't true.
However, Greg was apart of a cult where he doomsday prepped his ex-wife and other family members into debt. He also spent a lot of money on toys. Greg would hide them from his wife so she wouldn't get angry at him for plunging them further into debt.
No. 587038
File: 1526613885029.png (358.37 KB, 664x804, DinCVIU.png)

>>585653>>585641on the topic of kids, greg definitely shouldn't have them
No. 587060
>>586798I wasn't around for the Candid thing so I'm not why it's a big deal but I keep hearing about it so it must've been pretty bad if they're so quick to pretend like it never happened.
And yes. normally Shoe comments on any video that mentions her name yet she hasn't commented on Brittany's video to even attempt to rebuttal like she usually does. Looks like something is up.
No. 587064
File: 1526616709793.png (14.51 KB, 989x98, irony.png)

No. 587068
File: 1526617007511.png (176.74 KB, 394x457, disc1.png)

>>587066 yes but just about stupid shit, probably to detract from the drama, nothing milky
but someone in the discord @'d her with the video lol
No. 587070
>>587064What a stupid response. It couldn't possibly be that some of her fans will pause the video and look at the posts to see what Shoe wrote. And how is that any different than Shoe's mega White-knights who kiss her butt for the hopes they'll one day get to have sex with her?
People can read and think for themselves.
No. 587078
File: 1526617709156.jpeg (146.97 KB, 1125x909, 690AF7B1-62AF-4855-B5F6-40058C…)

this sounds a bit too specific, doesn’t it wallflower goth lonely june?
No. 587079
File: 1526617737741.jpeg (125.2 KB, 1125x961, DF6BCFE4-1789-49CB-8C97-28D752…)

No. 587084
>>587078sounds like scarfgirl, the popular anime loving girl who bullied shy wallflower june.
>>587079>high schoolher kikichanXD character, who was totally not based on scarfgirl don't get it twisted, was made in 2010. that means she was making fun of weebs even after highschool. hmm, what could this possibly mean
No. 587086
File: 1526618249535.png (29.15 KB, 1589x100, JePh4tp[1].png)

anyone know what the proof is for these three doing this
No. 587097
File: 1526619823434.png (418.15 KB, 1101x2405, brittany.png)

>>587074that comment about the fake name is her wks doing mental gymnastics about which user in the discord brittany could be
>some ironic meme from early internet dayslike "shoe0nhead"? :^)
No. 587109
File: 1526622141399.jpg (235.22 KB, 1920x1080, 1515124794807.jpg)

>>587097lmao attacking Brittany for her looks
she has goblina fan art of her as subscriber emotes
No. 587122
File: 1526624013674.jpg (31.95 KB, 652x247, be yourself.jpg)

No. 587138
File: 1526627705997.jpg (64.84 KB, 638x468, trash.jpg)

No. 587184
>>587138As someone who loves men with toned muscular arms, this
triggers me.
Shuwu's kinda evil making Preg actually think he has any muscles, it's clear he's borderline retarded at this point and will believe anything she says about him even when it's clear to everyone else he's just a fatlard.
>>587122Thanks again russian spy.
Why is she always like "at least I got laidd!!" u aren't fooling anyone shuwu
No. 587186
>>587078june participating in online bullying with metokur
please don't bully shuuw though guys, she's smoll and will die in a culture war
let's just gang up on zoe quinn, steve shives and anita sarkeesian instead to make shuwu feel better
No. 587187
>>587097shoof can't follow the video because he's so distracted by brittany's glorious breasts
and then projects by claiming everyone else is the same
what a hoser
>>587138wow arm fat so hot
pulverize me with your adipose tissue daddy
No. 587191
File: 1526639622950.gif (5.44 MB, 398x290, patrick.gif)

>>587138ew him posing like that made me think of this scene
I'm betting he actually checks himself out during sex eugh, narc
No. 587196
File: 1526640026486.png (49.91 KB, 623x674, 1.png)

No. 587198
File: 1526640077955.png (48.98 KB, 628x634, 2.png)

No. 587199
File: 1526640128267.png (77.43 KB, 617x809, 1.png)

No. 587200
File: 1526640187964.png (73.76 KB, 543x769, 1.png)

No. 587201
File: 1526640267043.png (60.73 KB, 560x702, 1.png)

No. 587209
File: 1526640977888.png (121.16 KB, 1109x658, 2.png)

tinfoil: I think she did all these askfms because she deleted a ton of older ones and wanted to hide it by keeping the post number high.
No. 587210
>>587209"… But teeth grinding can also signify discomfort or pain. Grinding due to pain is often louder and more frequent than grinding due to contentment."
Poor Ollie
No. 587218
File: 1526642030391.jpg (46.01 KB, 471x551, lauren collab.jpg)

Greetings from Russia.
Shuwu hinting at collab with Lauren.
No. 587221
>>587218Lauren is a fucking idiot for letting shuwu shit talk her and now doing a vid collab to clean up her image.
Is Shuwu ever going to have to take responsibility for anything? People are seriously just going to coddle her and agree she was "just sadposting"?
Either way, her libfem fans are not going to like this.
No. 587229
File: 1526643645425.png (54.27 KB, 824x279, Screenshot_29.png)

I really enjoyed reading this comment
No. 587231
>>587218I doubt that it will be a collab with Lauren, I mean, she says "vs conservative", meanwhile Lauren promotes people who say that the jewish question is legitimate but you shouldn't talk about it that much because it is bad promo. That is not really a conservative position.
Maybe Blaire?
No. 587244
File: 1526645933613.png (163.83 KB, 1060x1138, lifegoals.png)

>>587183couldn't help myself, anon
No. 587250
File: 1526646399707.png (213.28 KB, 600x336, A6J5DBJCMAAHwXX.png)

>>587244fucking incredible
No. 587251
>>587218Wig is trying so hard to gloss over the Lauren drama it's embarrassing. She thinks if she'll collab with Lauren, everything is just going to go back to normal. I'm praying Brittany makes a part 2 or farmers decide to publish a video. She can't get away with her blatant lies and vile behavior this time.
On a side note, I've always thought Lauren was fucking stupid but she's even more unintelligent than I thought. How humiliating to be publicly dumped by your friend and then meeting up a week later because Wig can't handle the bulliez ;_;
No. 587253
>>587244>OMG THESE PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND DDLG AT ALLshuwu's fans that are lurking these threads right now probably
I'm so happy we have such funny art anons.
No. 587258
File: 1526647454921.png (556.34 KB, 1098x665, wig0nhead video banner.png)

So I just wanted to do another Donkey shoop, but when I applied Shuwu's wig and make-up onto Donkey, it looked just like her video banner.
So I made a typical wig0nhead video banner.
No. 587265
>>587244These two swamp birds have got no business talking about children when they haven't even lived together for a full year yet.
Shreg doesn't even seem to want children? Since when does he ever seriously talk about it? "Hurr I want cute daughters I can molest." It's just like that wedding ring he gave June but neither of them have talked about an actual wedding. Another toy. It's something Shreg says to Junkey to appease her, poor Junkey actually believes this man is serious.
What would they do if their child was born less than perfect anyway? Would Shreg leave and would Junkey be humbled? Who knows. I don't see their relationship going that far if not to spite folks on the internet at this point.
No. 587266
I hope the posters over at the onion threads don't mind us using shrek and donkey to represent our cows as well. Onion and Lame are very similar to Preg and Shuwu after all.
No. 587268
>>586168anon… same. when i first got on lolcow i skipped june's thread thinking "oh she's not
problematic" and now i feel enlightened
No. 587269
>>587265They were talking kids within a few months of dating.
Which would honestly be concerning with anyone else, let alone these two that have no business procreating
No. 587272
File: 1526649988393.png (Spoiler Image,185.66 KB, 473x474, 1521733929323.png)

Pretty OT but, since shuwu like defending sargon so much still and he's part of the skeptic™ community(and that thread is kinda dead), does anyone here happen to know more about him cheating on his wife with trannies?
I just find it hilarious because shuwu is now trying to be this pro trans crusader and preg cheated on his wife multiple times.
It just seems like there is this weird phenomenon with the skeptic community, trannies, cheating and divorces.
No. 587274
File: 1526650387398.jpg (33.9 KB, 630x361, 1526604818886.jpg)

>>587273idk i found it on /pol/ where they were talking about how his wife caught him flirting with trannies, pic related. I'm just asking if anyone might know more on it because they didn't go into much detail.
No. 587280
>>587272samefag. forget this image it's a fake. sorry i posted it without doing more research.
but this is real
>>587274 No. 587281
File: 1526651318408.png (11.2 KB, 353x99, ImmvkgN.png)

No. 587282
File: 1526651467093.png (443.71 KB, 640x773, daddy and his princess.png)

i KNEW this cursed image i'd saved would be useful one day
No. 587285
>red and black means antifa are actually nazisfucking sargon. with antifa, red is for communism, black is for anarchism. the University of Georgia's colors are red and black. red, black and white have meaning in alchemy. "red and black" is a song from Les Miserables. playing cards use red and black for the suits. oh wow, nazis also used red, black and white. big fucking deal carl.
sage for OT and being
No. 587296
>>587268Ditto! I went past it every day because I honestly though the thread would be more about her politics that I mostly agree with ( but now I see she doesnt even believe anything she claims and flip flops worse that "sjws" that she supposedly hates) and I really saw the thread bumped a lot when she got engaged so I thought it was maybe just petty shot on the thread.
Which, I really should of known better and actually read the negative points of her because all cows claim their thread is just "haters".
I really know better than to doubt LC.
No. 587299
>>587282It's so accurate it hurts. We have the best art and meme fags in this thread
>>587218I have a feelings that she's baiting with the Lauren thing? I mean, why would she suddenly come out and announce that? She is pretty manipulative after all. The only thing is that I don't know what she could be aiming for?
No. 587301
>>587293I bet the conversation went something like:
shuwu: im sorry for all the drama
lauren: its fine
shuwu: maybe we can collab sometime?
lauren: yeah
shuwu: ill get back to you
lauren: k
And she's blowing something like that up.
No. 587302
File: 1526653132821.jpg (16.63 KB, 275x275, CJba3j8.jpg)

>>587258>>586947>skepdic & i are exactly like rapunzel & flyn :333 uwuI'm fucking dying, The resemblance is uncanny. 10/10, anons.
No. 587309
File: 1526653519265.png (4.91 KB, 247x204, images.png)

Why is no one talking about juneky projecting herself on Rupunzel
No. 587342
>>587322 Three p.m., the usual time I wake up
Start out on Twitter and block ‘till my timeline’s clean
Eyeliner and wig, get Starbucks and neglect my bunny
Block again, and by then it’s like 10:15!
And so I’ll read a Cosmo article
Or maybe two or three
I’ll add a few anti-TERF tweets to my Twitter feed
I’ll be little and smol uwu
And get ignored by Daddy
And wonder when will my life begin?
No. 587343
File: 1526655985651.png (10.96 KB, 485x129, LN2mVSr.png)

>>587201poor june. he didn't give her a rock to be ~*sentimental uwu*~ he wanted to save his patreonbux so he could spend them on camwhores and star wars toys
No. 587353
File: 1526656614652.png (30.09 KB, 564x234, 26cmbU0[1].png)

>>586463>>586460Start giving questions to ask.
No. 587361
>>587357Thanks for putting in so much time to make a good article on her
>I can't stand to watch her shitty videoslol none of us can. even with everything that's coming out now, i still can't force myself to watch her old vlogs because her voice legit hurts my ears.
No. 587362
>>587358also ask about her relationship with gmaster? or is that too early in the timeline?
or any other possible exes she's trying to cover up.
No. 587388
File: 1526659155070.png (57.41 KB, 677x684, 1.png)

I love seeing these tweets. The irony is hilarious.
Imagine if shuwu was a guy. Do you think anyone would be watching her today either? At least Brittany actually likes anime and video games and doesn't just use the aesthetic to be seen as an "awkward neet nerd uwu".
No. 587392
>>587362wouldn't doubt it tbh, plus isn't there speculation she's cheating on skeptic currently too?
once a cheater always a cheater
No. 587393
>>587353Was she a shy goffic nerd wallflower with no friends like she claims?
Was she asexual until she met Shreg like she claims?
Did she always find "dadbod" attractive?
Was she putting on an act for those old videos?
Does he know anything about her unichan days?
Did she ever do anything two faced, and if so what kinds of two faced things did she do?
No. 587397
>>587392>plus isn't there speculation she's cheating on skeptic currently toowhen? there is more that he's cheating on her because he's also a past cheater and convinced her that being in "24/7 bdsm relationship" means it's ok to openly flirt with other girls on twitter.
not like shuwu cares because she's that much of a cuckqueen
No. 587402
does he mean leniency?
No. 587415
>>587400We have caps of her saying she was asexual until she met Gag. We also have caps of her claiming she is bi, demi, sexually attracted to females but emotionally attracted to men.
Ask if she was ever attracted to women and her opinion of fat people to Rob, Brittany.
No. 587428
>>587353apparently she used to anonymously shit talk herself or pretend to be other people talking badly about herself. ask him if he know anything about that.
if not ask him if he knows about her MySpace cat fishing days
No. 587440
>>587353Sage for no questions but I just love how ruthless Brittany is being. Obviously, I'm on this thread so I'm gonna be bias about her continuing this but, I also think it's great because June has never really been called out and there is SO MUCH that needs to be brought to light.
Can't wait until she turns her attention to Pear again.
No. 587467
>>587451I use to date a guy like that,he completely changed his personality, anytime he fucked up and I was on the verge of dumping him he would do what june does and mention shit like "all I ever wanted was a girlfriend!"
when he cheated he would lovebomb and always publically brag about me, he was adhd as well and sexually harassed other women while dating me
No. 587473
>>587467sounds like a cluster b personality.
…Orrr he’s just a huge dick hole. Regardless sorry you had to go through that
No. 587484
File: 1526665591147.png (349.02 KB, 627x904, n-words.png)

No. 587491
File: 1526665946272.png (6.98 KB, 632x50, uSzNupX[1].png)

which channel was this?
No. 587497
>>587496I feel like if he's willing to talk to Brittany after watching the video, it means he's open to say something that can back up what's being exposed.
>>587491what's this from?
No. 587510
>>587498That's definitely Juneky voicing over.
Can't mistake her "HEY, I'M WALKIN' ERE!!" accent.
Anyway, yeah. How dare toy makers offer variety for children to choose from. If I were still a kid I'd love dolls like that because I had about 10 dupe blonde Barbie dolls with slightly different outfits. Should have seen me sperg when they started to make dolls with red and brown hair, and even more when I discovered Sailor Moon dolls.
I don't think Juneky played as a child. She came squealing out her mom's vagoo with a loud mouth that complains about non-issues 24/7.
No. 587518
>>587498ik i'm going to get hate for this but, out of all her videos, this was by far the best one(not saying much obviously).
of course it's unlisted now cause you got to make those dumblr binary trannies happy. right shuwu?
No. 587522
>>587353How has Shoe's personality/politics changed over the years?
Does Rob know anything about the lolcow.farm drama?
No. 587534
File: 1526669252231.png (157.17 KB, 1441x859, 1.png)

>>587491I searched the old link of that channel (
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1jg_eYyvY2o9XdmhZ1Mi8Q) on google and kiwi popped up with this post.
So it was her old June Lapine channel. anyone remember what was on there?
No. 587535
>>587534n/m i didn't even read the cap lol
why would she delete that?
No. 587542
File: 1526669598831.jpg (187.97 KB, 1378x1669, u wish preggory.jpg)

No. 587544
>>587535sorry samefag again. all that was on her personal channel was the ldr tips vid that sh reuploaded on she 2nd channel.
nothing milky about it.
No. 587545
>>587542What a lie
Theyre sexually unappealing and smell bad, which is a turn off
A lot are selfish and dont know how to fuck and get exhausted easily, what fat shit made this?
>>587544I wouldnt take advice from people who obviously dont love each other
No. 587550
File: 1526670219691.jpg (8.35 KB, 354x352, kermit.jpg)

>>587544>when you are an introvert like menot even close june
No. 587565
>>587549this Rob guy is kinda annoying.
No wonder he and shoe were good friends lol
No. 587568
Literally “my moms handbook on how to manipulate people”
Jesus christ do these people hear themselves when they talk??
No. 587580
>>587575she did not have sexual relations with these guys
getting bill clinton flashbacks
>"oral sex isnt sex lol"fucking americans
No. 587581
File: 1526671324785.jpeg (34.12 KB, 400x400, 9CAF8641-F4C1-4ACE-B3E5-461D6A…)

Brittany truly looks like she’s tired of this guy’s long winded shit.
Me too Brittany, me too
No. 587589
File: 1526671421207.jpg (40.24 KB, 634x650, laugh.jpg)

>she's becoming sexual for the first time in her life
No. 587590
>>587545Indeed, reminds me of the recent dj khalad story
saged for ot
No. 587596
File: 1526671517442.jpg (43.21 KB, 1000x282, very wild person.jpg)

>ten years after she sucked a lot of dicks, she's finally becoming a sexual person
No. 587605
>>587601… and now he's saying she liked it when her friends did.
and she never cared for video games
No. 587610
>>587606ik this guy is fucking retarded.
she hated star wars and pretended like she had know idea what it was when she started dating preg and now
totally likes it.
No. 587622
>>587612I mean, I thought BPD Shoe was a meme but..its starting to look more like a reality now. lmao
I have BPD ex friends and they act all uwu smoll/have the same make up style as Shoe also.
No. 587624
i'm not a fan of playing an e-psych but this is pretty typical bpd behavior
having no identity of their own, love bombing, and no space between relationships
No. 587628
>"fat people can be the butt of a joke sometimes"oh right it's okay to bully people who are already being bullied anyway
that makes it not bullying
>>587627and this
No. 587643
File: 1526672633136.jpg (21 KB, 358x511, 1409405563025.jpg)

it's not a different guy and it's not a different website
fuck off rob
No. 587644
>>587640Someone needs to clip this part because he sounds really nervous and like he screwed up and Brittany caught him up now.
He is adamant about the "website" she was on Ian with, was NOT lolcow, despite previously he said he doesn't know what lolcow is. So if he doesn't know what lolcow is why is he so sure that the site wasn't lolcow?
He was stuttering and saying it's a different website, or a different guy. He's so nervous. He's acting like he is her PR person.
No. 587665
File: 1526673204713.jpg (20.2 KB, 280x210, toki280.jpg)

> she never had a reference point for a relationship
>she gave blowjobs and had boyfriends
Bitch what
No. 587669
File: 1526673258429.png (63.28 KB, 439x452, 1408880816029.png)

>>587665so she was a whore?
No. 587674
File: 1526673441406.jpg (12.09 KB, 360x47, kekles.JPG)

No. 587696
very selective social anxiety there
No. 587702
>>587700true. Borderlines tend to date low test guys so that they won’t leave them/question them etc. as long as they keep boosting their egos.
Greg being a narc himself was just a pure coincidence, and maybe a bad choice of codependent partner on her part.
No. 587704
she gets involved in politics
but then doesn't want people to take her seriously
No. 587709
File: 1526674152654.jpg (139.17 KB, 805x627, new jersey guido.jpg)

From ED. This was one of June's old facebooks.
>gym tan laundry
>literally jersey shore memes
such a smol goffic guido
No. 587723
File: 1526674475983.jpg (1.31 MB, 1280x1024, 1388991510510.jpg)

rob is admitting she fakes a persona to her stupid fans because it's good marketing.
good job rob.
No. 587728
>>587723compare this to she's telling her fans about herself
>>587122"just be urself friends just like i'm being myself uwu"
No. 587747
>>587741>>587739maybe someone can ask brittany to do it
i don't have social media so i can't
No. 587751
File: 1526675074399.png (426.03 KB, 671x600, clean up for june.png)

No. 587753
>"shoe isn't as bad as people say and i'm here to set the record straight">"she claims to be a virgin and gave bjs freely">"she made fun of her friends and loves having a personal army">"she was involved with the creation of lolcow">"to what extent is she ingenuine? she just changes who she is based on her bfs"wtf i think june is a good person now
No. 587754
>>587752Yeah bullying the homeless "shitzo."
and now theyre going through shoe's lies a second time because this guy is a dumb whiteknight
No. 587772
brittany giving sage advice
>>587769i'm kind of loving her here
No. 587774
File: 1526675796124.gif (1.3 MB, 500x280, oops.gif)

Oops I forgot I sucked all those dicks.
No. 587778
>>587774imagine if she cheats on you
>"woops i forgot i fucked all those guys without protection uwu"rob says june hated him
why the fuck is he white knighting when she doesn't even like him
No. 587782
File: 1526676004671.png (225.26 KB, 396x297, 1407542157275.png)

In a way, this guy being a beta cuck whiteknight helps us because her fans can't be like "he was obviously a hater and lied!"
BFs, BJs, moderator all confirmed.
We were right all along girls.
No. 587786
>>587782i feel so vindicated
>"maybe she was lying to me"face the facts rob
she probably was
sorry man
>>587783being a beta orbiter is hard to grow out of
poor man
>"i have a positive feeling for you brittany">"love is the answer"oh rob
you mean well but god damn
No. 587795
File: 1526676573052.png (41.72 KB, 763x321, 1.png)

No. 587798
File: 1526676737978.jpg (31.93 KB, 561x333, june's next bideo.jpg)

No. 587824
>>587668uhh no they are the same ians from both lolcow and unichan. as someone who knows this for a fact, it's safe to say i won't be trusting anything rob says. it was a nice try though. i don't think he was trying to lie on purpose, but he is misinformed.
what was his prerogative with appearing on brittany's stream…
No. 587837
File: 1526680389952.png (152.79 KB, 469x353, 133395774960.png)

>>587813>>587811>>587751LOL remember how fucked up he got over Jeff Holiday simply talking to Junkey?? Imagine sceptic finding out that he indirectly kissed a bunch of guys dicks
No. 587839
>>584752This one is good too.
No. 587872
File: 1526683298725.jpg (72.17 KB, 414x468, 133386797943.jpg)

Btw someone has shooped her as snooki found a rare
No. 587876
File: 1526683538744.jpg (44.83 KB, 536x960, 134130062337.jpg)

Let her betas take pics of her in the bathtub
No. 587881
File: 1526683857492.png (955.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180518-135654.png)

There's this too
No. 587888
File: 1526684270938.png (50.62 KB, 720x434, 20180518_185714.png)

Even ollie isnt safe from her bullying unu
No. 587933
File: 1526688609421.jpg (137.54 KB, 600x699, not that innocent.jpg)

No. 587970
File: 1526691748735.jpg (1.45 MB, 2576x1932, 15266917033311812613726.jpg)

Work in progress anons. It's a rough draft.
No. 587998
File: 1526693802168.jpg (85.81 KB, 640x480, 133396087920.jpg)

The internet ♡s me
No. 588008
>>587971if you twitter search "shoe0nhead daughter" you'll see some gross shit
>>588004so as we all expected she's just sticking to "they were story time videos" "i was just trying to be cool!" response.
No. 588012
File: 1526694681699.png (210.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180518-214940.png)

Found her old catfishing myspace account(?)
No. 588013
>>588004>i'm not on youtube to engage in "bloodsports" and "drama"she literally makes fun of people for a living. she engages in bloodsports daily on twitter the only difference is that the people she goes after are unknowns. this is exactly what she signed up for and she knows it. how has she not learned
anything from this.
>this seems so forced and pettykind of like june's entire youtube career, huh?
>i need a long breakshe's still blocking people on twitter. that's not a break
of course she puts on the ~*well i was just lying to seem kewl teehee*~ act. always the victim.
i'm not sure if brittany's even interested in this anymore, but luckily she has dirt on june being an lolcow mod and farming the ips of users who talked shit on her. i wonder how she'd weasel her way out of that one.
No. 588014
File: 1526694843647.png (11.08 KB, 487x150, hrlWwkn.png)

No. 588015
File: 1526694848593.png (588.77 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180518-214955.png)

These are so candid tf
No. 588026
File: 1526695543617.png (26.08 KB, 138x132, 20180518_215732.png)

Some guy named Andrew cant get a better photo sorry
No. 588034
>>588004>>588004how is this hoe not embarrassed? like, after that brutal and biting of a call out, i'd ghost forever. esp when she knows everything we say, and what brittany says is 100% true. she has no shame.
i'd feel so much secondhand embarrassment for her if she was a better person. that her feelings of needing to be worshipped and adored by dweebs is more important than actually feeling guilt or shame for her terrible behavior says everything. she's too much of a narcissist to ever have been actually introverted and shy, or remorseful. she should be so ashamed of her behavior that it drives her off the internet, quite frankly.
No. 588038
>>588004Honestly meh. That response will work on her diehard followers.
The issue with her is what she represents but I doubt she’ll ever think of herself that way. People who watch her on a shallow basis have the potential to, though.
No. 588039
File: 1526696350286.png (32.18 KB, 720x300, 20180518_221750.png)

>>588024Look at the URL, you spoon.
No. 588058
>>588047>>588044why are you so angry about this?
>>588050this. she's so obviously extroverted. maybe she wasn't queen stacy but there's no way someone with a mouth like hers could shut up long enough to be a lil wallflower uguu. i know she's trying to pander to her audience, but there are easier ways to to that especially when you've documented your adolescence online like june has
also not sure why she's playing the anime stuff off as "issa meme" when she admits to bullying a girl for being a weeb only sentences later
No. 588079
>>588050>>588062She doesn't want to give Brittany any possible attention because she knows she has real dirt on her from these threads. And with the new interview, a lot of things she's said about herself are confirmed lies.
Honestly, normally I'd expect nothing less from an attention whore like shuwu to lie about her sex life. And usually I don't care when people just do it to protect their asses from their shitty past.
But with shuwu, this is part of her persona that she uses to lie to her fans to get their money and views. Ironically, 90% of her fanbase is men and she claims to be for mras but, she's actively lying to these men who are convinced women who aren't like her are whores/mean feminazi etc.
She represents everything her current fanbase should hate, a person who lies about their sexuality and sex life to make points because she can't be bothered to provide real evidence for things. She's always use her past experiences as proof for her arguments and to find out she's just a giant liar when it comes to those exact things is pretty fucked up.
No. 588113
>>588004WHat about the lie that June was a kissless virgin when she was giving bjs in her teens, something she shared with her close personal cuck Rob not a storytime video.
She talks about an Andrew here and it looks like it predates Gmaster.
No. 588120
>>588014she deleted this ask and another one above it. maybe she did it so her long response
>>588004 would be at the top of the page,
even though she totally doesn't want drama you guys.
No. 724104
>>585328This post here.
I have disliked this woman all year and glad to see a bunch of losers obsessively I hating her, but this one post needs correcting.
You sound like one of the rape culture doesn't exist dudes. No dude, it does, you just don't get out enough.
If you've never met a person who was bullied who then turned to bullying hi nice to meet you. I am a feminine male, I was bullied at home and school until Jr High in which I found out that the meaner I was to people, the more the pack liked me. By my Sohpmore year I had made two boys leave the school permanently and one male teacher have to quit, I was also told for the first time by a boy that I looked like a girl and he would bang me. Nice.