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No. 517712
Previous Thread
Adora BatBrat
Drac Makens
Jake Munro
Jimmy Mercy
Sebastian Columbine
Etc, etc
No. 517858
>>517854She uses Goth and Synthare interchangeably over the years. The description in her blog is literally "Adora BatBrat is an icon within the Goth Subculture.
A selfproclaimed Queen of Goth and the dark Martha Stewart."
No. 517933
>>517712Saged but OP pic is hilarious, I would have put jake as an emo tho just to piss him off because we know he visits here.
>>517779Even as someone who doesnt have that condition I watched the video out of curiousity and I must say I thought it was well made I think she should do more instructional videos-she was clea and concise. Also she did a great job at covering-I guess im ignorant to make up but I didnt realise pale make up could cover up to that extent.
No. 518027
>>517712love the pic but you should have put TT as "Poser Goth-Wannabe." because that's what she is, a fucking poser with no interest in goth music (or even punk rock or metal music), horror movies, scary books, etc… she doesn't even read Harry Potter books but obsess over the crappy movies.
re: IBF's video: there was a shot of her flipping the finger at the UK Border sign at the airport while boarding her plane. Real fucking mature, Freya. Fuck you dear and enjoy living in the hellhole of NZ in the middle of nowhere.
No. 518098
>>517864Oh I understand that, I was
>>517858 and said she does use goth and other things when she describes herself. She has lied about or been deceptive about a lot of things or changed things just to fuck with people over the years. I'm not saying you aren't right at all as obviously she said that, just that she has described herself as goth probably as recently as yesterday or last fridag on instagram as she frequently uses both Synthare and 'upper class goth' to describe herself. 'Goth boobs' being one of her favourite attention grabbing tags. I think personally she is still goth by the culture she surrounds herself with, her music taste and dress sense but if she suddenly wants to ditch it after 20 something years that's unsurprising from her.
No. 518159
>>517854>>518027Those subculture charts all depict superficial stereotypes of fashion trends anyway, regardless of whether they are intended in earnest or in jest.
OP, I am the anon who requested the pic. Thanks for taking the time! It is better than I imagined it would be!
>>517787If Freya ships her hoard from Germany to New Zealand, and Raven ships her hoard from New Zealand to the US, we need an altcow to ship her hoard from the US to Germany to maintain the universal altcow hoard balance.
No. 518288
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Jake and TT. What.the.actual.fuck…? I have no words. Jake the chav is pretty fuckin bad, but this is a whole other level.
No. 518334
>>518288I have seen some of their videos from this period and I like jake like this, but that may be because of his personality he wasnt such a self-absorbed cunt back then and seemed fun.
saged for opinion.
No. 518553
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Im seeing a pattern here. Hmmm let's go back to Paris where her 'camera' stopped rolling. And they took all her film? OH THE DRAMA. Once again Freya you've managed to capture the attention of non goths around the world into your mystical 'magical' world of film making. Not only is this video impersonal (because let's face it she has to film EVERYTHING) even moments that are SO SPECIAL AND MEANINGFUL that perhaps she'll crowd fund another wedding?
Mr Owl. You're a fool. This overweight piece of work is a user, a nobody and I suppose has nowhere else to go but you.
It's not sentimental. It's MENTAL. Still a joke. Dude get some self respect.
No. 518556
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I'm a firm believer if someone is toxic, it comes out through their body and their skin. Kaya is a greedy and lazy person who doesn't give a shit about anyone but her killstar hauls and being 'spooky' - girl, get some serious heath care. Eat properly and fucking exercise. You sit inside all day and do nothing. what do you expect? Biggest cow ever. Period.
No. 518565
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Romantic gesture?! HAHAHA her mother paid for the trip and she has no other friends! SMH. Freya lives in a bubble. A bubble of self importance and severe attention needs.
No. 518585
>>518571As a brazilian myself, I cringe so much at her accent, holy shit. Maybe she should start working on her pronounciation instead licking her auntie-looking gf's clit. She sounds like an arab native speaker, ffs.
And her giggling all the time. u g h
No. 518595
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No. 518611
>>518595Wonder if she will have fans pay for their wedding again?
So you going to leave him again with your fans money?
No. 518647
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Facebook official. This is fucking pathetic. Jumping straight from one guy to the other and back is the worst Freezer, so fucking selfish. It’s like she’s the shitty ex in a romcom who realizes they fucked up and grovels, except the guy doesn’t have enough sense to find a girl who isn’t so impulsive and manipulative.
No. 518651
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Someone actually bothered to call her out on the fuckery…
No. 518652
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…only to be shut down by stans
No. 518657
>>518612Yeah, me too? I mean, I knew she was from Brazil because she sounds like
lazy brazilians sound like. Especially considering she has a native mommygf. I mean, I am not fucking perfect either and I know most have a slight accent, but damn, sounds like she doesn't even make an effort to not say shit like "doggy" instead of "dog" or "wadda heo" instead of "what the hell". Sage for dumb sperg
>>518647Oh god, this is so pathetic. I'd expect this from teenagers, not 30 somethings?
Well, it's gonna be even milkier when they broke up.
No. 518676
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Well, then…
No. 518745
>>518742I genuinely believe that her sister is really her daughter. I personally think she flip flopped between terms because once the story was out ppl kept referring to her as Adora's daughter, yet they never had a mother/daughter relationship.
I actually know a family with a similar situation so maybe that's why I see it that way. Saged.
No. 518888
>>518853From experience
>cleansing wipes+cleansers make skin red and sore>Cover red patches with foundation>Skin can't breathe, stays sore, gets spots>Continue covering with foundation>bad skin continues>Realize my skin was fine before I started using makeup>No cleanser ever again, only water, no foundation ever again, only light concealer under eyes and around nose+chin>Skin fixes up and is perfectly clear and evenly colored+toned within a yearSage for skincare chat but foundation and cleanser absolutely have a role to play in causing/continuing skin probs. Most beauty youtubers have very red, irritated and spotty skin under all the product
No. 518926
>>518595Not like she can do anything legally right now. She was married for less than a year. Once that’s over with, I wonder if she will start begging her fans for her legal fees for an offical divorce. Shits expensive in Germany.
She can’t marry in NZ with the marriage in Germany haha fuck this bitch has rocks in her head. I would love to spend a day in her fantasy world
No. 518934
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So…I was bored and decided to look up the process of getting divorced in Germany. She won't be able to legally marry Owl for a while and after going through a lot of legal stuff in Germany, it seems.
No. 519064
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Her head is a roundabout of strategy to get views = make money because she has no prospects. hmmm mr owl was popular. hmmm maybe i should go home because i can't speak german and being an extreme goth in germany isn't what i thought it was going to be… hmmmm mummy can look after me… hmmm mr owl will take me back because he's a fool and i have no other options. if you look at my views they have dropped and only when i post emotional stories or transformation videos they rise. hmmmm maybe i need another romance because my life is so empty. its pathetic. a real live puppet show. what's worse is she's still wearing the 'goth' badge. hmmm freya you're just a little lost girl in a world where you have no idea what you're doing - posting your life online is all you have. i find that incredibly sad. the universe? the universe will repay you for your dishonesty. your deceit and intentions. we all know you're full of shit.
No. 519195
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This was 4 days ago; it kinda seems like a double meaning since Freyja is back in town.
No. 519408
>>519258I personally like all that hideous pink and black together, but I have a theory Kaya started pink-ifying because her gym idiot boyfriend has a crush on Kelly Eden. Kelly posted herself wearing a grey wig on Twitter the other day, and Jake thirstily posted a photo in the comments of his "matching" newly dyed grey hair, along with one of Kelly's catchphrases, so I think the crush is still going strong.
Japan trip was sponsored and they could only go certain places/had limited time, but still this crowd-fund attempt seems like a reach
No. 519461
>>519258I know this is really just a daft thing to say at this point but WHY can't she just get a job and save up for luxuries like travel like the rest of us?
How long is this youtube shtick really going to last? She'll not be able to keep making killstar and spooky shit box hauls when she's in her thirties. I'd be surprised if she was making enough to live on with the shitty content of her channel. She should really start planning her the long term because she'll fade into obscurity in no time.
No. 519656
>>519258Im confused.
Jake has said before that he makes no money on youtube anymore and that they both rely on Kaya'a youtube you make money.
How are they paying rent at the moment? feeding themselves? paying utility bills?
Kaya also wants money for her attic and to eventually move to a new place.
do those things not come before a trip to Japan? they don't seem to know how to handle money.
youtube isn't going to last forever for them so they really need to start looking for actual jobs.
sorry for long rant
No. 519764
this might be old news but I found Freyja's old blog
for anyone who hasn't seen it before like I haven't: No. 519951
>>519656The only thing I can add is in the regards to the attic kaya has a wishlist for everything (she has several wishlists including one for her cat) I do not know how much people gift her stuff but it would not shock me if she assumes most of her attic stuff will be bought for her which is why she wants to put this money towards the tokyo trip.
saged just in case.
No. 520338
>>520217"Being an Art Director on film shoots"
which film shoots, Freya?
No. 520453
>>520133NAYRT but I can think of at least five musical artists or groups which are heavily affiliated with the style. Kanon Wakeshima was literally Mana trying to spearhead 'gothic lolita' as a musical genre, & musicians from bands like Kalafina, Velvet Eden, Ali Project, Versailles and Kokusyoku Sumire are regularly featured in magazines that cater to lolita/alt fashion. just because you're ignorant of another culture's scene doesn't mean it's irrelevant, honey.
goth doesn't stop with the music, either, so i don't know why you're so dismissive of the fashion/aesthetic aspect of the movement. you think someone in khaki cargo shorts and birkenstocks is going to be accepted at a goth club even if they can recite the lyrics of every song by heart? nah.
(stop derailing) No. 520638
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TT looks insane.
Imagine seeing this 6ft pink and black monster walking towards you.
what ever happened to that walking app Kaya was going to use to get free stuff for her attic? has she given up on walking for free stuff now? I guess she's depending on her twitch for everything.
I watched one of their streams for a few minutes and I just find them so dull. There's no chemistry between her or jack whatsoever! I find it so strange they have lasted 8 years together.
I also find it so hard to believe that they're making decent money on twitch. I guess TT fans can't see how full of shit she is
No. 520648
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No. 520669
>>520648was this from their "12 hour" live stream? Does anyone know how much she made from that? I was going to try and catch a bit of it for the lols but forgot all about it.
She looks so unflattering on twitch, she's not pretty from the side at all - whereas on YT she can fix her head in a good position at the camera or re-edit if she doesn't like it.
No. 520780
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IBF's mom commented this on her latest video.
No. 520789
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She also said this on fb…thanks mum for helping us put the pieces together more, kek.
No. 520907
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>>520893She was literally crying in her wedding video (which she filmed herself with a selfie stick) and it wasn't from happiness.
It makes a lot more sense now that it was part of a bigger picture and an extended break from the relationship
Pic related: Some fan theories from Nadia's IG
No. 520992
>>520907Her wedding video was so depressing. She looked miserable. I thought it was because her family wasn't there maybe. And yes I do think they got engaged and married in order to stay in the same country - I've known at least two couples who've done that (and guess what they're still together DECADES later) but I suspect Freyja wasn't really over Mr Owl and Mattias was a rebound attraction that quickly got stale.
She's said she's been depressed for months - hard to know if that's because of or contributed to the marriage falling apart.
Bouncing back to Mr Owl seems FAR too quick but I doubt they haven't been in touch at all these past few years. I do wish them well if they make each other happy - and as for Nadia, it's hard to go out with someone who's still hung up on an ex and it sounds like she ended things because of that.
No. 521046
>>520882there was something freya once mentioned where she didn't initially want to go public with Mattihas from the beginning.
from 4:40
"So as to be expected this new person, this new guy was excited to tell the world and insisted on making it Facebook official. And I knew doing so was a bad idea, don't tell me, I know it was a bad idea. I argued about it, I knew what the reaction would be, but he had doubts about me taking the relationship seriously. I mean, whatever, fair enough. And also my mum told me to go ahead and put it online, I really didn't want too but I agreed to it"
No. 521450
>>521432I am anon you replied to…apparently her and her mother need to see a doctor lol.
>>521046 quoted above from ibf video, her mother seems to have some type of influence on her social media presence. I wonder why though?? Seems like she wants to live vicariously through her daughter, kek.
Also, as a side note, it's curious why Freyja doesn't have her mother listed as a family member on her facebook? She has her sister, but not her mom. Seems strange since her sister has never been a part of her social media from what I can tell and her mother stalks the comment sections of everything Freyja is on.
No. 521737
>>521729She states in the most recent vid that she will be returning to Germany. See above post.
She has no choice, really. She can't even get a divorce in Germany for about a year…and then all the process after that would be a pain, I imagine, and won't be able to be done overseas.
No. 521777
>>521742Lurk another anon said, she is married. She needs to get a divorce. Otherwise she can’t get married or do anything else legally. They’re expensive as fuck in Germany and you need to be separated for a minimum of 1 year. Since her visa is still valid, she will more than likely stay in Germany, divorce and then move back.
Bf said it herself, she doesn’t think that far ahead (or thinks of others), she will end up doing something else just as selfish and stupid
No. 521794
>>521722>Split up originally bc want travel, no want LDR>Going to move back to Germany and have an LDR nowI guess that's growth. Or he has suggested to travel with her. Otherwise it's nonsense, they will see each other for a few weeks a year which previously was a leave-you-and-marry-someone-else worthy offense
IDGI. Saw some confidence/smugness in this video which I never noticed before so I'd say she's pleased with herself.
Also the camera-falling wait at door bit was obviously staged after the fact, but she's pretending it was organic/live and even referring to it in this video as such. People aren't that stupid IBF
No. 521826
>>521807Someone I know actually had a LDR from Ireland to Australia. The australian girl is a reasonably famous Youtuber, really nice girl and the guy is someone I worked with who is a smug arsehole. Anyway they did this whole competition win to get flights, romantic reunions, living in each others countries on and off, it went on for years with her fans all supporting them, then he just dumped her for no reason and was whinging about being single on Twitter even though he did the dumping.
Summarily, people think romances across the world are Supa Romantic even if they are with arseholes, and are blinded by how Romantic it is, so it'll probably hold up for a while but I'm not sure long-term. Not saying I think IBF or Mr. Owl are arseholes but it just isn't a good idea
No. 521907
>>521722With her soulmate bullshit and cringey romantic instagram posts she gives me Lainey vibes. The difference is that this is a 30 year old woman lmao. She needs to grow the fuck up. And get fucking therapy and not just take anxiety meds.
>>521807I'd like to know this too
No. 521910
>>521722Samefag but just watched the video.
>I'm not a serial monogamist! I'm not a serial marrier!Then why is it that you see the need to get enganged instantly when you're back together with your ex without planning things out first? The contradicts herself. Says she doesn't need to be married but posts on fb that they don't fuck around cause life is too short. Okay then it seems being married IS important to you. I don't even care it's just cringey as hell.
No. 522003
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No. 522086
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No. 522087
>>522073I agree. I love Angela in terms of being a true goth. I would sub to her but I find her content pretty boring. I watch one video of hers every few months or so.
Whenever TT or any other one of those girls talks about "elitists" I always have a feeling that they are talking about Angela. You would think she would be someone they look up to as an elder goth who actually was in the scene when it was big, but they never ever mention her by name.
No. 522098
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>>522003That white streak in her hair reminds me of this
No. 522681
>>522255"Mr Owl is my Soulmate*"
*Terms and Conditions apply, this may include; til I find someone richer, better, with more status, more goff, looks better etc etc.
No. 522907
>>522678I've been to four shows and I've never heard him tell that story. Weird.
He is creepy as all hell and a complete scumbag, can't keep his dick in his pants and when he gets called out for his behavior he plays the victim card and alienates his fans.
I had to unlike him on FB a few years ago around the time of his stupid '50 shades of the greys' book. Basically no one was excited and thought it was offensive and retarded and he sperg'd hard to the point people were saying 'YOU NEED A SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER'.
I wish Angela Benedict would stop pal'ing around with him through IG, I really like her.
No. 523401
I don't follow him either anon, but this is all I could find:"A hilariously kinky coffee table book that will make you shoot Klingon raktajino out of your nose!
Extraterrestrials came to our world! They read a book called FIFTY SHADES OF GREY and became inspired ( or is that confused? You decide)! They came to the conclusion that the best way to understand the human race was to try all fifty shady shenanigans themselves! The result is a book filled with hilariously sexy, sci-fi kink! No fetish, perversion or paraphilia is spared as these Greys try out flogging, pegging, scatology, necrophilia, threesomes, orgies, water sports and just about every other subversive sexual act you can think of! And just to sweeten the pot, each hysterical image features a caption that parodies a slogan or catchphrase from one of your favorite sci-fi shows!"
I don't know about offensive, just crass and juvenile
No. 523548
>>523457I have friends who have opposing opinions on him after meeting him, but trust me, there are people out there who find him insufferable
I found it eyeroll worthy when he replied to one of Reeree's Instagram posts with "I meant it when I told you you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met"
WTF you doing dude? she's not leaving the dead-eyed lumberjack anytime soon
Fuck dude, give it up, she is not leaving the dead-eyed lumberjack for you
No. 523695
>>523635LMFAO STAHP!! That kills me…
It seems like he constantly has this "behind the camera" gaze.
No. 523704
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Drac is beginning to slowly become more cow-like with her pretentiousness, read this convo she had with a fan on a pic on instagram.
"I'm focusing on my ART and I don't wanna be known as a youtuber who does makeup" please drac, you wouldn't even have any followers if it wasn't for your makeup.
Why can't she just say "I'm just busy with my shop" instead of having to be on a high horse?
No. 523820
>>523457>>523548My friend met Voltaire at Dragoncon one year. Right after he got his picture taken with him he reached down and fondled my friends junk and said something like "You're not shy are you?"
So, yeah. He's a bit creepy.
No. 523833
>>523820It's like he thinks he's this rock star who can get away with whatever he wants and people will just be glad he did it to them because OMG VOLTAIRE TOUCHED ME!
Like, no dude, you're just ruining their night.
>>523548I've seen that too, his ex wife Amy is actually really pretty and I wish she'd tie him down again so he could be chastity caged. When he's in a relationship he at least doesnt do that stuff openly, no doubt he's a cheater though. But at least his fans wont be subject to his pervyness.
I actually first saw him when he was still with Amy and he was so sweet to me, not pervy at all. Then a few years later he's creeping hard because he was single.
>>523457you must not be into the goth scene much but I know promoters who have him on a blacklist because he creeped out women at shows, and in one case flirted with a promoters fiance in front of him, and not in a ha-ha way. In a seriously propositioning her way.
>>523401He'd also posted some of the pictures on FB, which was a big no-no because a lot of younger fans were freaked out.
Sorry if my post is long and milk-less
No. 523914
>>523820>>523833It's weird how guys were shamed for this sh*t with the #metoo extravaganza but everyone just tolerates this no-name (who makes shit halloween music) assaulting people because he's part of the goff community…
Or maybe not if he's blacklisted. Can you imagine what his phone looks like considering his IRL creepin' is already so excessive
Sage for
I've never met/seen him but think he's creepy from a safe distance No. 523945
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Jake woke Kaya up at around 11:00 in the morning for breakfast. How is that a reasonable time?
no wonder TT could never hold down any jobs she's so beyond lazy
No. 523993
>>523752glad someone else noticed. the hand golfing the block looks like a grey noodle.
>>523704>building my name…as a designerbitch where, aside from making drawings into pins, i haven't seen her design anything. she's not even that prolific with her art, and idk what she's doing to ~build her name~ but i still can't find any reviews of her shop
No. 524455
>>522719>really bad taste in shoesyou fucking take that back you philistine
fluevogs are gorgeous
>>523833the majority of his fans probably would be totally cool with it. seriously, go look at the people who comment on his IG and check out their pages. most of them are either overweight and unattractive or aging moms (not the milf type) who are looking for a spoopy Harlquin-romance-tier escapist fantasy. they'd be positively giddy to be molested by him.
the thing that i find sort of interesting/appalling is that he's always like 'i would only be attracted to a woman who's close to my own age! it would be creepy to date someone who's as young as my own son!'…but the entire song 'folly of love' is about chasing after a chick who's way younger than him and bitching about how vapid she is because she didn't go for him.
i'm lit. half his age (26) and the first show i saw him at, he invited me back to his hotel room, so it's not like he actually lives up to those self-professed dating standards, either.
No. 524467
>>524455Right?? I have a few pairs that have taken me years to amass, but they're worth the price, and they will last you.
And I also get nothing but compliments for them.
(no one cares) No. 524483
>>5244550h I didn’t know he said that he was only into women his own age. He hit on me when I was 26 at a show and he was like 45. I wasn’t bothered really, but it kinda killed the show for me, (My friend did hilariously make him uncomfortable, after I made it clear I wasn’t interested )
Saged for no real milk
No. 524515
>>523914it's interesting you say that. back in the 20th century, from the 60s to the 90s, it was "normal" for rock stars to grope and fondle girls and have sex with groupies. I've read plenty of stories about famous musicians fondling girls and girls were supposed to be excited, like "OMG HE TOUCHED MY BOOB! NOW I CAN DIE IN PEACE!!!" It was seen as rock star behavior and it was considered an honor to be touched by a rcok star. Now that kind of shit doesn't fly anymore and younger people aren't OK with being touched without consent. It seems that Aurelio and all other older musicians need to learn this and accept this kind of behavior isn't ok anymore.
saged for sounding like a SJW sperg.
No. 524689
>>524571Do any Anons with throwaway social media accounts/twitter accounts want to throw out some Voltaire #MeToo tweets? It seems unfair that he just gets away with it and people like that guy from Star Trek and the guy from Kiss got the works
Spread the word
No. 525121
>>524689I dunno, man. I know that callout culture is all the rage these days but people know that Voltaire's a creep already, as demonstrated by the events/venues that have him blacklisted, and if you've been around the convention circuit for any amount of time you'll probably have heard some people speak disparagingly of his behavior. also, the guy isn't exactly 'rich and famous' and I would honestly feel bad for his kid (who is in an expensive-ass art school rn out on the west coast iirc) if the blow to his dad's reputation led to a loss of income and consequently impacted his ability to continue his studies at the school he wanted to go to.
I think he definitely needs to work on his boundaries with his fans (and also probably his drinking at cons) but also the fans need to be more assertive in telling him to knock it off when he's making them uncomfortable. he does get asked to do some pretty extreme things by people who do have the 'OMG HE TOUCHED MY BOOB! NOW I CAN DIE IN PEACE!!!' mentality going on, so I suspect that's where the 'rock star' self-image mentioned in
>>524515 comes from, his ego seems to swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. kind of suspect he has some kind of neurological disorder, actually.
not to mention his fangirls are also rabid and would probably go after any person that talked shit about him with torches and pitchforks. but without having an identity to associate with this kind of story, imo it would be too easy to dismiss as a false accusation. i think i remember seeing him talk about this exact kind of situation in the comments on one of his IG posts at some point but i can't be arsed to dig through the archives for a screencap to see how he dealt with it.
No. 525243
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No. 525252
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No. 525256
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No. 525481
>>525444I agree with you but the "look at me" one is too funny
>>525252 and makes more fun of his attitude
No. 525548
>>525504Then I am completely unaware of which video it was to be honest
Every 'goff' YouTuber makes one of these types of videos at least once a month nowadays to ensure the populace they are indeed still as goth as they were yesterday
No. 526942
>>526879Sebastian Columbine has always been boring with the voice to match
It's perplexing how so many people watch her shit and actually enjoy it
No. 527168
File: 1520872675457.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1553, IMG_20180312_163422.png)

Mmmhmm…she's some gumption. Begging for attic refurbs, begging for money on her Twitch to save up for another Japan trip, begging for anything else she can easily save money up for herself, then spending her actual money on tattoos instead? Wonder where the funds for this came from then…Patreon? Digging into those Japan funds maybe..?
No. 527227
>>526796>>526989Omg two people who like both black and pink!? No Way!!!
No. 527318
File: 1520884112059.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.4 KB, 698x752, tattoo.jpg)

>>527205>>527255This is all I'll ever see it as
No. 527372
>>523457If it was just adults he was like this with I'd be less bothered.
Most of the musicians I've met have been pretty normal once they're out of the public eye, not this douche though, he's full time creepy to the bone.
No. 527380
File: 1520890252682.jpg (46.96 KB, 750x758, jimmy.jpg)

Jimmy Mercy is a fuckboi. I've known him for quite a long time, and could go on about the cringe-y shit he pulls, including seducing underage girls on tumblr. He was recently outted for making racist comments, and so many folks have come out to say their experiences with him have been terrible.
No. 527384
File: 1520890454748.jpg (63.26 KB, 540x685, jimmy 2.jpg)

Incoming mini dump for Jimmy Mercy
No. 527385
File: 1520890483974.jpg (56.69 KB, 540x664, jimmy 3.jpg)

No. 527439
>>527387What? Where? When?
That's kind of sad then knowing William Control took place of Blood on the Dance Floor after the pedo accusations if that's the case
No. 527497
>>524861Yeah, I only know him from some of the videos I had seen on youtube, is disappointing because he seemed like a nice guy, but i'm glad the truth has come out.
saged for opinion.
No. 527844
>>527168a tattoo that size would cost about 170 pounds.
she honestly doesn't know how to save money at all. that could have been used for the attic she wants so badly
No. 528213
File: 1520974758062.png (447.97 KB, 789x524, Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 2.56…)

does anyone else think it's totally ludicrous how the google image results for 'toxic tears' are complete misrepresentations of reality? she's not even recognizable now. if someone told me pic related was two photos of the same person, i'd think they were lying to me. it just goes to show that she really did hit her peak ~3-4 years ago.
No. 528217
File: 1520974863868.bmp (1.02 MB, 589x604, Untitled 1.bmp)

No. 528419
File: 1520987008653.png (895.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180313-202218.png)

Samefag…not reall smaller actually haha. Not the best capture but I tried.
No. 528759
>>528485Ugh, how tacky.
Saged for personal sideeye
No. 528792
File: 1521023995478.png (775.73 KB, 939x532, milk.png)

>>528419 What is it with people constantly complaining about money and e-begging getting tats lately?
No. 528905
>>528693Even if you only read this thread from the beginning you would know that ReeRee and her husband have been back together. Also, Matthias' social media accounts have been posted numerous times here. Please read the thread before asking questions.
>>528792These girls have no shame. I can almost guarantee that her psychotic mother or Mr.Owl the doormat funded it. They will never learn to grow up this way.
No. 529049
>>528994You're thinking of Mr.Owl who is in his 40s.
Wtf is up with these newfags?
No. 529327
File: 1521062827592.png (144.76 KB, 500x607, its-not-a-phase-mom-this-is-th…)

No. 529408
File: 1521069236953.png (1.83 MB, 2022x1080, Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 23.1…)

Not actually an altcow themselves but there's this guy called Frank who comments extensively on nearly every well known alternative/goth girl's instagrams and facebooks trying to get their attention. He must be in his mid-late 40's and is in a relationship but it is a bit sad and creepy all the in-depth shit he writes on their pictures. It wouldn't be weird if it was just a few comments or compliments but he talks about their families a lot and tags everyone possible that may give him attention and to me it's a bit cringe.
No. 529410
File: 1521069428028.png (645.46 KB, 1017x1066, Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 23.0…)

>>529408samefag but as far as it seems he has never met her whilst he talks like he has and just stalks her social media and sends her gifts vying for her attention. I think it's the extensiveness and persistence of what he says whilst he has his own family and life that makes it a bit stalkery. Also apologies as I forgot to sage that.
No. 529754
File: 1521119210050.png (956.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180315-090610.png)

Getting another on her pinky ffs.
No. 530155
File: 1521144476548.png (1.37 MB, 2017x1090, Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 23.0…)

>>529410Adding to the creep factor. I think this guy may have kids but still just wastes his time obsessing over Adora.
No. 530164
File: 1521144854404.png (944.4 KB, 1834x944, 1.png)

>>529795He has begun tagging some friends of mine who are just 18, and still with the acting Adora is a friend but she never reply. Same Frank.
No. 530251
>>530235His IG username is the same, but that's irrelevant. There were anons in here yesterday saying his FB was never posted here but I will drop
>>428173 here from two threads ago.
No. 530874
File: 1521196178986.png (724.13 KB, 640x1136, 262ACB89-1C5D-4690-828B-E2DCDB…)

Eat less, move more
No. 530938
>>530918Haha Jake is way too into himself to motivate Kaya. Or maybe he has and she really just doesn't want to. They could go to the gym together if Jake even still goes. That should be motivation enough for her.
>>530927Stop with your useless posts that mean nothing. It's wasting a post in the thread.
No. 530957
>>530938Jake is too busy not doing what he advertises his job to be: daily vlogging (or any kind, really). I wonder how he can live with himself relying on TT's shitty unboxings to actually afford food.
The other day he posted about how he's going to focus on making music part of his career, I thought he was already doing that? Guess he needed a shitty instagram post with a shitty filtered photo to make it official? Who knows anymore.
Like anon above said, I'd love to be a fly in their rancid house and see exactly how their spend their time and come up with these subtle begging schemes to extract gifts and money from their viewers.
No. 530971
File: 1521216236343.png (781.15 KB, 640x1136, CA2517B4-BA3D-4E89-8235-0BB9A9…)

Oh no guys she has to refilm videos of all the free shit she got eye roll
No. 531447
>>531302Looks like they're both back in Wellington after their road trip, based on Mr Owl's instagram. But her FB pic has been updated with a Gothic Pogo frame like her intention is to be there in May.
As someone who doesn't know either of them from a piece of ham, I kinda wish she'd stay in Wellington. They seem to make each other happy.
No. 531677
>>531669That anon was right though?? There have been way too many posts in here being stans and not sageing their whiny posts. It's fucking annoying.
Are there no farmhands? Why aren't these people being banned? Everyday breaking rules and shitposting.
No. 531947
File: 1521406134582.jpg (163.39 KB, 901x602, 17U4KhF.jpg)

How sensible… isn't she trying to lose weight? Or is this the billionth "treat" she's allowing herself? kek
No. 533803
File: 1521559401805.jpg (88.56 KB, 443x601, sogoff.jpg)

Cringe. And this guy wants to be taken seriously as a goth, topfuckingkek
No. 533947
>>533803his band is named Munro..after himself.
It seems like his bandmates hate him too. whenever he puts them in his instagram story they look so fed up.
No. 534147
>>533986She’s still there. Showing off her bare attic in her ig stories lol
Decided to goto her twitch. How on earth did she become partner so quick? Who honestly watches their bad shit and subs to it?
No. 534811
File: 1521634309824.png (978.65 KB, 800x991, Screenshot_2018-03-21-05-09-59…)

No. 535105
>>535076Right?! Kek, besides not knowing how to sage, that is such a nitpick. Didn't even notice she needed a fill until that anon pointed it out but whatever.
I'm now extremely curious as to whether they will be looking at places for the both of them to live while he is in Germany. I can't imagine, since she said he attends uni…but it's obvious that he is now more open to travel. We will have to stay tuned I guess.
No. 536341
>>536322It's not just her filthy roots but also her hair looks filthy from the sides as well despite her attempts to keep her hair behind her ears
If someone sends you shit for free then at least put in the effort to wash your greasy hair, it might even lessen your acne too holy Christ above
Anyone giving her free subscription boxes needs to cut their supply because this is not good promotion
No. 536527
>>536322what really annoys me about Kaya is that THIS is her idea of a hard days work.
Opening a box she got for free and talking about it while the youtube ad money roles in.
if she ever tried to work retail or any other kind of job I'm convinced she would die.
I have depression and I can still work 10 hour shifts and clean the house when I get home and make myself presentable. She has no excuse!
she wants everything to be handed to her and she's going to have a very tough time when she's older and can no longer pull off the goth look and will have to actually get a paying job.
No. 536833
>>533803eh. I think he looks fine and would fit into any goth/industrial/alternative club or gig fine like that.
shrugStill think he's an utter twonk of a person though, don't get me wrong.
Kaya has truly given up, hasn't she?
No. 536835
>>536594yea, instead of walking to earn points herself, she just wants the shortcut to get stuff.
right, i thought jake was the professional life liver or whatever.
No. 536867
File: 1521840006763.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1448, IMG_20180323_211732.png)

Don't her parents quite literally own a castle or is that someone else? They're certainly rich, and she makes money through instagram and modeling, but here's another one begging.
No. 536956
>>536866This "DIY" is literally cutting the crotch pair off a pair of tights and putting it on your arms…. and then poking hole in tights.
come on calling this a "DIY video" is LAZY AS FUCK
No. 537323
>>536757>>537289I was wondering when this was about to go ahead
Avelina wrote Allison in the comments about this shit ages ago, so I assume it's Chinese factory based probably through Alibaba
It was sad to see Allison fall for this shit too but alas, I doubt everyone's burning holes in their goff purses for this crap
No. 537342
So OfHerbsAndAltars made a video about how she's been on methadone (a hardcore opiate) this whole time. When I take a look at the list of side effects or symptoms of withdrawal, it really reminds me of her supposed "mysterious health problems": also mentions how she casually relapses on heroin a/or other drugs several times per year.
I thought methadone treatment is supposed to be done for like 6 months? It shouldn't go on for years, right? It all seems very strange and suspicious. Does anyone here have more knowledge on the subject?
No. 537348
>>537342A lot of people end up abusing methadone when they’d be better off with heroin. Long term methadone use isn’t generally a thing because it does terrible shit to your body.
Hell, I know people who abuse suboxone. If it works as a substitute it works enough to get you to keep using it. People even get hooked on kratom, which is lame.
No. 537365
>>537342Well that's a little funny
Herbs says that he's tapering every few days then going back to the usual "dose" to feel nice and get that "soul hug" but also that he's been reduced to methadone treatments to twice per week
Sounds like addiction tbh and he's struggling with it
No. 537483
>>537342Methadone clinics are usually privately owned, and they hire doctors basically to just sign the paperwork. They let addicts have most of all the control. ( Yeah. Let people with zero self control decide how to take drugs) so, the patient can decide when to go up or down with dosages milligrams and they let the patient come as long as they want as long as they are still paying. Many drug addicts will do methadone just like any other opiate because when they take a high dosage they get the same effects as heroin. People only have to have some opiate in their system when they start to get approved and most don't take private insurance but they will take state Medicaid. People usually have to come and dose every day when they first start for about 6 months depending on the facility and then they get weekly "take homes" where they get all the methadone they need for the week and they pay for the entire week. Like I said, they can choose to go up by about 10 milligrams per day until they get the level that they want or need. Many heavy addicts just go to the clinic opposed to trying to find drugs. I comes in a liquid form so if they are at the point they get "take homes" many IV users go back to shooting it up. If they are newer and have to go daily they have to take the dosage in front of a worker and wait about an hour to make sure you don't throw it up. Some people also can go to doctors and get the pills but the clinics are very popular and are basically legal drug dealers feeding addicts. Many addicts turn around and sell theirs also for a larger profit when they have their take homes.
Source: Seven years of hell and the cause of me leaving my husband because of his clinic "treatment". The fact that it's legal is crazy with how much they are supplying addicts and how easy it is to overdose on methadone. And yes, some people can and do mix it with other opiates and can still get high, many people die when mixing it with xanax because its not a opiate, and methadone 1000% still can get a person high
No. 537551
>>536867She's a big attention whore. She's been on several Swedish shows like Sweden's Next Top Model, Project Runway Sverige and Outsiders (a show about "freaks").
Here's a preview of when she was on Outsiders. She's talking about wanting to be a vampire and she's drinking her boyfriend's blood. I can't find the complete episode online sadly.
No. 538021
>>537936Yeah, there was something fishy about their girlfriend. But it seems like they're not together anymore. She stayed there a few times after that poisoning drama happened, but we haven't heard about her for months, so maybe she's out of the picture now. Even though Dorian has also recently mentioned that someone who they aren't even talking to anymore convinced their mother to take some kind of loan and there was a speculation that it was the girlfriend again… She seems like a really shady person.
But regarding the "health issues" - Dorian's been mentioning them for years. Mysterious "food allergies" and being sick often and now the "mysterious" weight gain… I really think it's the side effect of their addiction and they just don't want to admit it. Plus they're also drinking heavily (mentioning buying bottles of alcohol in almost every video).
No. 538140
>>531947I'm an alcoholic, so i can sympathize with kaya. I imagine she's addicted to food. She has a miserable life and turns to the one thing that makes her feel good for a minute, before the regret and guilt sets in.
I know she's not going to get the shakes from going to the gym. She should at least cut down on the junk. I imagine jake is 0 help
>>535062This nitpick shit is do dumb. Materialism doesn't belong in a punk subgenre like goth.
>>536757I've been seeing a lot of girls in my local scene with the ibf bag and one with the drac makens bag. I didn't realize that the scene cared so much about online personalities. I mean when allison's band (esoterik?) came to the bar i worked at no one knew who the fuck she was.
>>537342Ex-heroin addict and recovering alcoholic. Most people i knew who got on methadone didn't want the high the end. They hate being addicts, but don't want to commit to sobriety yet. They should get on vivitrol and go to outpatient rehab. Vivitrol is an opiate blocker that saved my life. I don't like Dorian, i think they're cringey, but not a lot of people really get addiction.
No. 538777
>>537569I'm pretty sure that's Viktor Barkefors Nieminen? Maybe I'm wrong.
This is his instagram know that Victoria knows Xilmordas, but I don't think they dated. I didn't know Viktor had BDD, his ig bio says "Dysmorphobic Schizophrenic", but I thought it was just to sound edgy and dark.
No. 538836
File: 1522099305753.jpeg (163.78 KB, 640x624, 48128AE5-F130-4DBA-B564-AB1C9E…)

No. 538874
>>538871samefag but oh my god is that dandruff all over Kaya's hair? the top of her head is really bad.
damn girl get some head and shoulders
No. 539146
File: 1522123768175.gif (58.23 KB, 864x576, NewOldEnglish.gif)

>>538799The script is terrible in form and spacing. In no Old English or Blackletter script is that an "S". It is more of a bastardised "G".
No. 539358
File: 1522156410137.png (1.31 MB, 1274x1048, Phryne.png)

>>539348And she was the one who tidied his midden??? She must have been trying to give off wifey vibes because she sure as shit doesn't look after her own. His room was as bad if not worse and I don't think he really visited her very often.
No. 539379
File: 1522159459318.png (3.23 MB, 640x1136, 555C34FF-1FC5-4A55-8B1D-229F44…)

This bitch though! Buy it like everyone else. Her begging is pathetic
No. 539399
>>539379 >>539396
Do you think she has a problem? Like a shopping/hoarding addiction of something similar? Like you said, it's never enough for her and she's always on the lookout for the next thing. Saged for speculation.
No. 539509
>>539429the only reason they made the video was because they got to a 500 euro goal on patreon.
At the end when she finished her makeup look I though he was going to compliment her or say something nice..but nope
No. 539640
File: 1522185826026.jpg (135.66 KB, 640x812, 1912-german-script-intro-old-g…)

>>539146It's an old german alphabet, not english anon
No. 539987
File: 1522225155681.png (852.47 KB, 923x768, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 09.1…)

oh kaya so much goth
No. 539988
File: 1522225185552.png (301.21 KB, 663x395, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 08.5…)

IBF you cant hide those rolls
No. 539999
>>539987Did she just win all of those bears in the arcade, or did she bring them with her?
She's sporting more pink that Jill.
No. 540023
File: 1522234683677.png (841.83 KB, 706x588, egrggg.png)

Kaya is such a giant!
No. 540025
File: 1522234874625.png (1.05 MB, 954x537, nnn.png)

their friends look like the exact kind of people you would imagine could only stick being around Jake and Kaya
No. 540059
File: 1522241976294.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.18 KB, 480x480, freddie.jpg)

>>538799This tattoo is just tragic
It looks like it was done by an amateur who would also tattoo somebody else like pic related
No. 540819
>>540415Jake filmed this on Valentine's day.
maybe they don't celebrate it or whatever but
-he doesn't walk beside Kaya at all
-doesn't sit beside her at dinner
-doesn't buy her the gas mask she wanted
-doesn't even speak to her at all.
I go to Dublin quite regularly too and if I saw Jake talking to his camera I would cringe so much.
not even in Dublin do people vlog like him
also all they ate all day is complete junk food.
No. 540900
>>540835I wonder if IBF's mum wears all black to ~match her daughter~
If so that's kind of pathetic
No. 540941
>>540415Despite what an absolute mess TT is do feel a sliver of sympathy for her because 1) jake does treat her shit 2) she did used to rather pretty but she’s obvs never going to like anywhere near presentable anytime soon but what made me wince when I saw this on YT was that I remember in another altcow thread someone posting a screenshot of a tweet she put up a tweet about how spent 20 minutes crying in the bathroom because of the way she looked in one of Dre’s vlogs/ thumbnails when they in the US and at this point I’ve been toying with the idea that maybe jake gets some kind of enjoyment in showing off how truly tragic looking TT is IRL in his vlogs ( when she’s not doing it to herself ) because after being with her 7/8 years, and how initially they were both a somewhat ok looking couple he MUST know about how
triggered she gets about footage/photos of her w/o photoshop gets put out. I feel like it’s probably a source for a lot of arguements between them and maybe jake feels sick of it so out of resentment uses thumbnails and shots of her like this as a way of passive-aggressively trying make her feel more shame in how she looks now? Maybe it’s because he wants her to see how disgusting looking she is now and finally do something about instead of whine??
No. 540949
File: 1522343692924.png (888.6 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-03-29-10-12-43…)

>>540415>>540941She was hiding her face at the end.
No. 540960
File: 1522344761320.webm (3.58 MB, 640x480, cunt.webm)
>>540415He's such a cunt and did this on purpose
WEBM related
No. 540967
>>540960There's no way in hell he isn't doing it on purpose.
Girl have some self respect and dump his ass. Think ofhow much money you'd have if you didn't support his ass?
No. 541009
File: 1522348853389.gif (1.54 MB, 365x205, twat.gif)

>>540967TT's a mess, but Jake is such a self-obsessed twat I can't help but wish she'd regain some confidence and boot his chav ass out.
No. 541011
>>541009Without TT he would quickly vanish
No one even knew or bothered he was playing in Dublin
Learn to appreciate what you have, Jake because you've fuck all outside of that and no one will care to remember your name once you're out because you're a scumbag
No. 541014
File: 1522349394432.jpg (43.85 KB, 308x261, IMG_2723.jpg)

this is jakes thumbnail…. does he hate kaya? why use such an unflattering shot?
No. 541286
File: 1522369441843.png (467.99 KB, 865x491, Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.1…)

Supermarket shopping and her mother? Life isn't as interesting now that her adventures of being a gothic traveller around the world seeking new and exciting places - or filiming fake weddings. I bet her mother is thrilled to finally get a piece of the action on camera. She had to pay for it literally. I hear that you don't have to have sex to cheat. Making her daughter out to be the innocent victim…. Freya has no future. Especially when she keeps shadowing her bottom lip to make it look bigger… it just looks dirty. She's looking more and more EMO every day. Never goth. Just trash…..
No. 541340
File: 1522391596956.png (183.84 KB, 422x428, horse.png)

This horse is going to milk this bag thing.
No. 541445
File: 1522411707517.png (557.35 KB, 938x492, Untitled.pngvv.png)

No. 541518
File: 1522419345409.jpg (45.51 KB, 640x735, 29543055_1744360822296348_4520…)

Nobody can tell if it's a wig or not, I'm gonna assume it's a lacefront but whatever it is she should keep it! really suits her
No. 541528
File: 1522420129096.png (974.26 KB, 1080x1543, IMG_20180330_152521.png)

>>541518Don't be getting too comfortable with it just yet anon, it's indeed a lace front wig and she's going to fuck it up…yay! God knows how much a human hair wig like that costs and for her to just willy-nilly go about teasing it and crimping it or whatever torture she's going to put it through to get it looking like a "cotton candy dream", the thought fills me with dread…
No. 541534
File: 1522420576257.png (675.78 KB, 1080x1663, IMG_20180330_153457.png)

>>541528Kek! Just you put that wig down, Kaya and sell it to someone more competent to fund your attic maybe?
No. 541628
>>541518Even though platinum blonde isn't the greatest shade on her, it's definitely better than her black shade
Maybe if she tried a honey blonde she would look pretty with it
No. 541734
>>541528should've bought a textured wig then but i can't wait to see her fuck it up and then cry about it.
aside from the color, this kind of hair looks nice on her but she's hellbent on having a ~floofy~ mess for some reason
No. 541975
>>541044I feel like they go out with the intention of NOT vlogging and just doing something together and Jake brings his camera so he can keep her away from him.
I just can't imagine how else this is constantly happening otherwise
No. 541986
>>541518man the photoshop on this picture is intense! especially around the eyes!
too bad we know what she really looks like thanks to her loving boyfriends vlogs
No. 542325
>>542282The thing about liposuction is that unless you are at your desired weight and just getting rid of excess fat in specific parts of your body, it is not sustainable. Any reputable surgeon would tell you that it is not a way to get slim.
It would leave Kaya with excess skin that would require more plastic surgery to get rid of - and I sincerely doubt she can pay for that. She is in no way a viable candidate to be done pro bono by any proper doctors, not even for promotional purposes. Let's face it, good surgeons don't need Kaya's help to get exposure.
She'd basically have to go under the knife for a long time, when all she should be doing instead is actually improving her habits. Not easy either way, but at least the latter doesn't involve a shitload of money and health risks.
No. 542964
>>542841Maybe it's just me, but antidepressants are simply placebo drugs anyway.
Perhaps it's a familial trait though that antidepressants just don't work. They definitely work in making you gain weight however, just like antianxiety and antipsychotics alike
Shift those and use something else and you'll get rid of the weight steadily with a healthy diet
Although it's not the best route, and definitely not long lasting, cutting out carbohydrates almost entirely with some brisk walking helps a tonne
It's just as much of a gimmick as veganism really but it works.
You'll lose your strength and shit for
a while but it's not cutting out necessary proteins entirely such as from eggs
TT could even try that for a while
It cuts cravings like none other too after a couple days because you can only eat some dark chocolate at best due to normal chocolate's carbohydrate content.
(derailing) No. 543204
File: 1522588793198.png (636.71 KB, 943x509, dracmakenfakeblood.png)

Drac said that her eye blood is a secret mix, unless she put eye safe sfx fake blood she is going to fuck up her eyes
No. 543472
>>543292I remember she did a bitchy post about people stealing her hot glue teardrop idea, and she did it in that "oh well I don't really care but it's just annoying because it was my idea and now everyone is doing it soooo ^^''" super bitter way.. and now she is keeping her stuff "secret" instead.
I know Drac has BPD and people who have BPD often have an intense want to be special, different and to be seen as the best at what they do, all while they are completely incapable of doing any of that, I just wish she wouldnt be so passive aggressive constantly.
No. 543633
File: 1522622022558.jpg (35.33 KB, 422x750, h6GHcTC.jpg)

>>543567Yeah his picture was posted in one of the previous threads, looks nothing like the native American guy she claims he resembles kek
No. 544050
>>543633I mean I'm glad she likes him and thinks he is hot, clearly he must be a pretty nice guy when he can handle being together with somebody with such strong BPD as Drac, I'm not even trying to be shady or anything here I'm being serious, those people can be hard to be around alot. He must be very grounded which is really good for her!
He just doesn't look like the picture she posted and I think she makes it worse for him by putting up a false image into peoples heads.
Would you wanna be seen with your bf/gf if he/she had posted pics of a hot model on instagram and compared you to that model first? Probably not, that would make me insecure af about people seeing me.
No. 544103
>>543238>>543766sorry I should have spoiler the pic
>>543236thank you to say what it was, she is probably going to fuck up her eye and it's not even as realistic as fake blood
>>543633he look like a white dude with asian ancestry or something like that, maybe a little bit native
but surely not as the man she compared him to
No. 544222
File: 1522683745834.png (72.86 KB, 640x460, IMG_7411.PNG)

You mean businesses like dresslink and wholesalebuying? Which you supported when you did your haul videos?
No. 544242
File: 1522685377870.jpg (65.79 KB, 793x372, IBF.jpg)

Hmmm, is it over this?
No. 544243
File: 1522685399792.jpg (77.28 KB, 804x308, IBF2.jpg)

And the reply
No. 544326
That was meant for
>>544243 saged for mistake.
No. 544433
>>544326Saying "saged" in your post does not make it saged. Please type sage into the email field and refer to the rules if you aren't aware of how to post here.
>>544363These were my thoughts exactly. I understand both sides, to a point, but some eldergoths don't understand that things change and adapt and they won't always remain to be exactly what they were at the start. Of course when talking about individuals like Kaya it can be annoying to someone who is truly in the scene, whether new or a vet…but there are many many out there who stay true to the roots and IBF is in fact somewhat right in this situation. Just admitting that she is was tough, kek.
No. 544630
>>544326Saged will go in the subject.
>>544363 I can see both sides as well. I did think she was trolling her to be fair but the other comments I read made me see it from the side of the eldergoths. The fact that she has a blog up from 2012 when she lists Adam Lambert as her favorite music with no mention of goth makes me wonder if they would react the same way to that tweet if another youtuber made it. I get your evolution point and agree but to the public IBF is the face of the subculture. After that Paris thing and then Sophies mum I can sort of see where they're coming from. She doesn't seem to care about the subculture.
No. 544748
>>544323Thanks for the heads up - lesson learned.
Yeah, I just joined the IBF group because I'm nosey! I just think it's being dramatic for drama's sake, clearing everyone out. She basically shares her life and whereabouts everywhere else anyway.
No. 545039
File: 1522739372061.png (732.14 KB, 597x588, 8979823748293.png)

So how do you guys feel about Dracs new pennywise tattoo?
I don't think the artwork is the worst ive ever seen but the whole pennywise thing is a bit… eh
No. 545055
>>545039Like any true youtuber she jumped on a band wagon last second and now permanently has a tattoo of another mediocre remake of a classic that some people actually liked because they did more in life than just listen to Manson cd's and suck KVD's cock …
Idk its transparent as fuck how much of a cop out the tattoo is, Can you imagine her stomping around a hot topic with her over drawn lips that usually smear due to too large septum jewelry, barn hay black hair teased until theres only yarn left and then to top it off under some rancid fishnet sleeve lies a IT tattoo that tbh anyone and their mom can see is the remake version. Its just a cherry ontop of this shit frosted cake.
(Not to be a fag who thinks any and all remakes are trash but original King movies are like the top of the iceberg of socially acceptable interest in the occult / weird. I can picture her getting a The Crow tattoo when the 2019 Remake drops, just lack of genuine passion honestly,)
No. 545119
>>545039It's not bad but I hate how the hands are shaded it looks poorly done and like sausages stuffed into gloves. That and the cracks in the forehead look bad to me too.
Yeah she's just riding the bandwagon and she's gonna be stuck with that tattoo whenever her obsession with the IT remake dies down.
No. 545150
>>545039Fat smug double chinned pennywise.
Truly terrifying.
No. 545177
>>545168The only thing I didn't like about the new IT movie was pennywise retarded ass design.. I have no idea how people can find a buck-toothed cockeyed chucky looking idiot with a receding hairline and a dolls costume on scary… he doesn't even really look like a fucking clown
>>545145Right, I remember how she was all like "I can't say what's wrong with my bf because he wouldn't like me talking about him but lets just say its gonna take some chemo ^^'' but yeah now we cant move in together and have to cancel those plans so I'm pretty sad…"
She literally almost worded it like this, threw in the mention of chemo randomly like it meant nothing to her at all and the moving out was the big deal in that…
No. 545223
Taken from her insta (no screen caps because it would take more than one, but you can check it there) "drac_makens: Okay so, I didn't really want to make a post dealing with this, but I feel like I kinda need to now. I'm not going to go into detail about the many reasons why I don't want to be on YT right now since it's all personal shit that only close friends and family need to know about, but just to give y'all a little bit of reasoning, plain and simple truth is, I just don't wanna be on there right now. Ever since I've stopped worrying about filming everything I do, I've found myself enjoying the smaller things in life and the very few people I hang out with A LOT more and am far less stressed out, withdrawn, and on edge. I have an appreciation for things that I never paid attention to, when I do get dolled up (which is very rare nowadays) I appreciate the artistry and the fun of putting makeup on a lot more when I'm not having to have a camera in front of me, and to be honest, it just feels good being able to live life without having to film it for everyone else to see, it's nice feeling like the things I experience belong to me alone or to whichever person I'm sharing the moment with at the time. I've also been far more focused on my work at @drac_makens_creations which I'm personally a bit more proud of than making a makeup tutorial, it's a lot more personal and it's far more laid back and less stressful on my part. I understand y'all like my videos, ain't trying to be a dick but I'm getting older and my mindset has changed A LOT over the past 3 years since I made my channel. I've gone through a lot of experiences (some good, but quite a lot of bad) and have had my outlook on life change, things aren't always going to be the same as they were a few years ago and there ain't anything wrong with that; I especially am not the same person I was in my very first video, at all. Am I saying I'm quitting YT for good? No, never said that, but YT is not my main priority, it was always just a fun hobby, but when it started feeling like a chore and was taken too seriously, that's when I started becoming more and more withdrawn from it. I'm just trying to enjoy life through my own eyes and be a better me, that's all. I'll be back when I'm ready to be"
How self entitled can this bitch be…? She is fugly af, has mediocre makeup skills, dresses like thrash, and has somehow managed to gather a following, she hugely disregards in the above post. Did anybody ask her to start a youtube channel…? No, she did it cause she wanted to. Plus, it has brought her loads of money in ads, art she sells, sponserships and even collabs like that horrible bag Avelina designed for her. I find this post so fucking disrespectful towards her fans.
No. 545473
>>545223From her instagram story;
"I'm nearly 30, I can feel my bones twisting around and shit"
"My life is very uneventful"
"I don't wear makeup anymore and youtube stresses me out too much"
"It was gonna have to stop some time, I couldn't do youtube forever" (has been on youtube 3 years and uploaded on 295 videos)
So she has an uneventful and boring life, in which she has a lot of time to work on her 'career' since she doesn't have a job anymore I don't think(?) yet she still doesn't film videos because talking about makeup in to a camera is just too stressful and her boyfriend has encouraged and supported her the whole way while she threw tantrums about having to do anything at all. She's nearly 30, behaving like a spoiled brat, taking everything for granted while whining about not getting PR, shunning the people who supported her and thinks she can feel her bones twisting. Since her father has back problems she's now all of a sudden got a genetic disease and insinuating that she's gonna be crippled by 40. This all comes out when she gets criticised for not uploading or doing looks anymore, can't help but wonder why she's never mentioned her 'twisty bones' before, perhaps because she's pulled every other pity party possible and has to start on this. She's just ridiculous, and from what
>>545320 anon said, her boyfriend should leave her and get on with his life. He has supported her emotionally and financially for like 6 years now and received sweet fuck all in return other than a fat, pasty, selfish, bitter, ugly blob of a girlfriend. I'm not usually one to go for personal insults but this bitch has rubbed pretty much everyone the wrong way. I hope her boyfriend has recovered and had his family to support him emotionally because if it was just him and his BPD princess through such a traumatic time I really pity him.
No. 545522
>>545483It´s either that, or because she doesn't want comments to be public. This way, if you do reply to do story, only she gets to read it. It stirs less drama, I suppose. But I do agree that it seems that she is directly responding to some of the stuff that was mentioned here.
>>545473I can´t believe some of the shit she said, for real. "I don't want to waste my products and not have anywhere to go", thing is, you do get that add revenue from youtube, so it kinda pays itself out? Also, fair enough, you don't want to do youtube anymore, nothing wrong with that, just don't be such an arrogant bitch about it. Instead of acting like youtube is this massive energy absorving black hole that she hates (because that´s the impression you get, from what she says), she could have just been like: Listen guys, youtube has brought me a lot of good things that I´m thankful for, but my life has moved in a different direction, and I just don't want to do it anymore. I think everybody would understand. She also mentions her shop and how sucessful it is, but thing is, without youtube, it would be far less popular… The only thing she says that makes sense is that she really isn't that special, which is do damn true. Arrogant little prick that hasn't got much to offer the world, yet acts like she´s the best thing around. She mistakes honesty for arrogance, and I think this is the true reason why she rubs so many the wrong way.
No. 545643
>>545440why, are you drac and you worried about where the photo was sourced from? kek, it came directly from bianca herself when she wasn't tits deep into youtube like she is now, here is the post of the screenshot from her blog
>>>/snow/387312either way it's now both screenshot and the actual image is around forever out of her control so we can see just what a "native american sex god" her bf is, barf
also drac just aggravates me. I remember when she got her sides shaved and I commented how I had one side shaved but I hated that it wasn't symmetrical because it made it hard to do pigtails or braids etc and she just made a dry comment like "I don't do pigtails or braids" like bitch I never said you did, I was talking about me, I even said the hairstyle suited her so I wasn't even rude about it.
She said first how her ~art was so personal and private and healing and now she has store for it. She said how her sculptures were special and she's been dishing them out to every ass she's been licking. She prides herself on being "original" and blatantly copies KVD. She wanted Youtube to be a place of inspiration and now it's just draining her. Bitch, nobody EVER said or demanded that you put makeup on every day? like literally nobody is wanting you to wake up and go to bed wearing your makeup, nor would they care. I don't see why she can't do makeup for Youtube and also just keep her personal makeup a separate thing. Or why she feels obligated to record everything?… she's not even a vlogger.
Jesus Christ this woman is a whiny complainer and nothing is ever good enough for her.
No. 546122
>>546103She has another thread on here, anon. Hence the comment about the teeth.
>>>/snow/198674I think you're the one right now who is overreacting, even if they posted in the "wrong" thread.
No. 546166
random (and sageing because not related to the above) but I came across zephyrlestrange because I was looking up shaved brows and her tutorial on her blogspot showed up, and she was so cute then
http://tentaclesandteacups.blogspot.comnormal face, lips, just coloured/shaved hair and piercings, but nothing huge, I really liked her thrifted style although I did roll my eyes at an FAQ where she refused to "reveal" the totes secret mixture of her turquoise hair because she wanted to be ~special~ like give me a fucking break, who the fuck cares if you tell people what mixture you used, jfc
and I checked out her insta now and she looks like a generic alternative insta chick with buzzed hair (that doesn't bother me so much), definitely inflated lips, she's all "trans uwu non binary" which is weird since she never seemed to mention this in her blogspot at all and that was only a few years ago, she's just so bland and like everyone else who thinks they're special for being "different" No. 546575
>>546166Do not give this cunt attention. I went to high school with her. She cheated on my mate with someone else. Then dumped my mate for the new guy and started cheating on the new guy almost immediately with another guy I ended up datinG.
Cassie is a massive cunt too. Tumblr game got to her head. She should belong in the fakeboi thread if anything since she’s so “trans”
No. 546787
>>546166Has anyone ever seen her and Skye Purdon in the same room?
Like twins. Also non binary where?? Sick of people who don't even TRY to be mixed gender or male/female claiming the title. Plz
+Barely counts as Goth, to the fakeboi thread with you
No. 546804
>>546787I’m not sure who skye is but cas is from Adelaide in south Aus. She never has been goth. Started out enough, then went scene then cracked on to cybergoth when vampire freaks came out. She only jumps on whats the “in thing” to be special.
Bitch still walks past my house. Won’t ever forgive her. Put her in the fakeboi thread since she’s “trans” and has been for the last 5 years lol
No. 546965
>>546804Skye's from Glasgow in Scotland. She has her own dumpster fire of a thread but don't give her more attention, she'll only enjoy it and she's dull as fuck.
Why won't you ever forgive her? What has she done to you?
No. 547601
>>546965A’s I said. I went to school with cas “zephyr/teacups”. She fucked over my best mate, my friend and myself.
I know exactly who punched her in the face and why and she knows who and why too.
She just wanted to get pity on tumblr, lie about it and make up a story to make her the victim. And she still drags it out!
She’s a cunt. A liar. A cheater. Just all round fake.
No. 548454
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>>548447Did she just tuck them into her pjs?
No. 548705
>>548447She still looks big, just less so. A bit like Dre now I guess?
>>548618Right? Also they steal other brands' designs, I've seen that exact style of top in the thumbnail minus the crescent moon zipper by a different alt brand…
No. 549092
>>548705Yeah, I killstar has a reputation to taking/slightly adjusting things, like they took angrygirlLcomics bat design and put that moon on it.
link No. 549358
>>549092This wouldn't be the first time that Killstar has ripped off another company
(Disturbia and more)
No. 549360
>>548618Most likely store bought goths keep being store bought goths because every other kiddie on the block is a store bought goth as well
It's her bread and butter at this stage and nobody cares to click on a "thrift goth haul"
No. 549482
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seriously. this design is so revolting. it looks like something you'd buy in thailand off the back of a knock off truck. the colour reminds me of those really cheap stripper shoes.
No. 549612
File: 1523191656617.jpg (95.13 KB, 419x800, Profile_art_-_Draculaura.jpg)

>>549482it's like Monster High merch. Dark and spoopy but it's for kids so let's add some color to it. Ironically, Draculaura the vampire has pink in her look
No. 549731
>>549482It looks really cheap and does so because it most likely is made in Thailand
I'm sure some of the 5 year olds will love it
No. 550219
File: 1523243157994.jpg (113.71 KB, 665x665, 未命名_meitu_1.jpg)

Victoria has been going ham with the shoop since she moved to LA, she now has a kim k alien head just like everyone else.
No. 551281
>>550219Yikes, this is just sad. It reminds me of bad MySpace shoops
Besides, the Neanderthal brow is pretty much her trademark. What gives?
No. 551620
>>551562Anon legit anything Kaya likes is for the aesthetic of it, she never ACTUALLY likes anything beyond the looks and has no hobbies, interests or likes that are more than merely superficial. Ofcourse she only likes wicca because it looks cool and its so ~GOTTHIC~
Shes depressed and a hollow shell with no personality inside, all she has is clinging onto aesthetics, without it she is nothing
No. 551687
>>551562"This is a piece of wood with… something on it"
"I don't know what this is, it's very pretty whatever it is"
"I don't know who this is but we'll find out later"
jfc why does she even bother? She doesn't even try to hide the fact she knows nothing about Wicca. I just can't imagine putting a video out like that and the whole time umming and ahhing not having a clue what things are but just shrieking "ohhh it's pretty!"
No. 551831
>>551562Kaya 5 minutes on Google about Wicca please
Even if it is just a sex cult for a horny man who wanted more sex outside of his wife, you could have put the effort in
No. 552162
File: 1523408754632.jpg (400.93 KB, 1920x1920, 3facesarebetterthan2.jpg)

>>551696I know her makeup is extremely different and changes but it doesn't mean the entire shape and size of her head changes. She looks like a damn bobblehead
No. 555690
File: 1523739943954.png (58.55 KB, 640x535, IMG_7578.PNG)

Because it's entertaining.
No. 555777
File: 1523746733975.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.92 KB, 815x1024, IMG_20180414_235733.jpg)

Oh no, that poor poor wig
No. 555827
>>555791It's human hair, but still a terrible life decision with such a beautiful wig.
Cotton candy shit that will go into the rubbish bin in 6 months. I bet £5 on that
No. 556040
>>555838I think her makeup is ok and I do quite like that she tries different looks rather than rigidly sticking to the same look all the time, however her hair on the other hand… the shaved sides
really don't suit her, and she should just leave her hair down or have lower pigtails at the very least
No. 556149
>>555690does this apply to her fans who watch her videos and interact with her public posts, lol.
>>555777tt did not disappoint with ruing that wig, she looks terrible in it, and it's apparently not fluffy enough.
No. 556163
File: 1523803868487.png (429.6 KB, 810x545, cringe.png)

Jake: "I get so much fanmail I usually have to get a taxi home because I can't carry it all"
Jake: "Any mail for me?"
Woman: "just this one letter for Kaya"
Jake: "Oh.."
Fucking kek
No. 556242
File: 1523809995339.png (987.64 KB, 949x542, pic80.png)

>>556205I almost died from cringing when he was at the hairdressers.
he's such an egotistical little prick.
you can see the people in the background look at each other like, "who is this douchebag?"
also it's so rude to thank someone while looking at yourself in a camera lens too. he can't even give them the decency to thank them face to face for cutting his shitty hair
No. 556906
File: 1523862276669.jpg (152.09 KB, 1182x563, ff.jpg)

finally got around to watching those her new videos…jesus, friday go easy on the chips.
No. 556965
File: 1523871984728.jpg (200.34 KB, 439x1001, 0qTvOZa.jpg)

from TT's tumblr, kek. I like that she lists an equal number of hauls as the other video types. And I'd still count unboxings as hauls, maybe even makeup first impressions too. She's missing the point anyway, the person just wants her to do more videos with substance rather than showing off expensive tat she didn't work for nor deserves.
No. 557059
>>506087The problem with that is they don't have a big enough following like the other alt cows.
It's like when they tried to make a separate thread for Onion's discord fags, people abandoned it and resumed talking about them in the main thread. I feel like as long as they are somewhat on topic and everyone is not repeating the same shit, or tinfoiling, then it's fair enough they get the occasional mention. It's annoying that there's all these thread police. Before sage was removed, they bitched that all the unsaged chatting about Raven was blogposting and samefagging and now sage is gone, they autistically screech about every little nuance or person needing a seperate thread even though these cows were discovered
through Raven. By their logic, Josh should have his own thread then because he pulled all that random shit with Claudia. Or how about Ryan gets his own thread?
If people weren't so uptight, the discussion could be fun.
Also posting this here because anon is still creating another Raven thread and the board has reached maximum limit.
No. 557070
>>557066Still waiting for Ash to resurface on social media. She seems extremely two faced and quite the shit stirrer. Happy to throw her mates under the bus so she can seem not as bad.
Lilith Zombgora should also definitely be mentioned here, her youtube has enough cringey music to provide laughs for the ages. Her 'sweet dreams' cover made me laugh especially when she gets to the part where she's trying to do the creepy voice thing like Manson.
No. 557095
>>557091The fact there was no complaining and her nails were clean makes this shit video a tiny bit better than Raven's crap.
Also she lied when she said that shit like 'that's why I don't vlog or whatever it's called'
Pretending not to know what vlogging is doesnt make you anymore believable Ash. She clearly was going to do a channel (probably inspired by Raven at the time, 4 years ago or so) ended up finding lolcow or who knows, posted here, realised Raven gets made fun of, and chickened out. Orrrrr she just got lazy and gave up on her beauty channel dreams.
No. 557103
File: 1523893159219.png (1.07 MB, 1068x2344, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 11.3…)

It was mentioned in
>>>/pt/506098 that Ash was posting on Facebook around the time that her posts about Zamboni were made in the Gravy thread. An hour later, she posts on Facebook that she was asleep between 9 pm and 6 am. But she posted twice on Facebook, once at 10:29 pm and again at 11:02.
No. 557111
>>557091Here is Ashley's beauty review blog (hasn't been updated since 2014) and her DeviantArt (full of keks, but hasn't been updated since 2015).
No. 557117
>>557059Ehm, you're reacting to something from an entirely different thread?
And who are these Ash, Raven, etc. people? What about some sort of introduction before you start spamming?
No. 557120
>>557103Yeah I feel like she's just a Vicky type who likes to sit on facebook all day and overshare to her 'fans'
She seems extremely two faced.
I feel like all these goth bitches pretend to be friends and then bitch and call each other out because the goth community is immature as fuck in general. Grown ups that play dressups and argue about who is the gothest and who is a poser and who talked shit about who.
Remember how many times in the past Raven would call out other goths in videos or rants on Facebook, because they 'talked shit'?
Ash Sangre is EXACTLY the same, except the only difference is that she's even more chicken shit insecure than Raven and probably wont ever make her profiles public again.
unless she hits 40 and decides she needs more online attention that is.
No. 557125
>>557117My bad, I meant to link to the Raven thread.
Also thanks for proving my point that posting their hijinks here was pointless, as I mentioned before they don't have enough internet presence to be in this thread alone and should be left in the Ravne thread where people actually know who they are.
But to make you happy, basically Ash is some random goth thot on facebook who made a post defending Raven. Apon inspection of her social media someone made a joke about her needing a thread, She panicked and started defending herself in the Raven thread and it was super obvious it was her. It's hilarious as fuck, if you wanna read up, it's in the Raven thread I meant to link but accidentally linked to Moo's thread because I'm a fucking idiot.
No. 557127
File: 1523894247982.png (1.4 MB, 996x1828, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 11.5…)

>>557117Ash posts start here, in the Raven thread
>>>/pt/504551>>557120She's the admin of a Facebook group called Goth C#nts, kek. No. 557141
>>557117If you enjoy reading the alt cow thread and you haven't heard of Raven, you are truly missing out. I used to never bother either till I was bored one day and read through all her threads.
I believe Raven is the biggest and funniest cow out of ALL the alt cows.
Trust me, you will not be disappointed.
No. 557151
Also Ash tried to humble brag several times about her 'enormous boobs' while disguised as other people from her old dead deviant art account she was truly obsessed with her own boobs for a long time kek
No. 557159
File: 1523895857701.png (180.29 KB, 1708x414, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 12.2…)

Native what? Is Ashley claiming to be Native American?
No. 557167
>>557159She's has lost weight and improved her look (except the eyebrows) but she looks just like early Raven in her thin eyebrow fatty stage on her deviant account.
mind you, she probably shopped her current profile pic.
No. 557180
Someone should user their ~sekrit anonymous fb~ (kek
>>>/pt/505674) to let Gravy and Zamboni know that their saccharine sweet friend Ashley (lol
>>>/pt/505624) is throwing them under the bus on lolcow to cover her own ass.
No. 557204
>>557194Pretty sure her boyfriend is the dude on her DeviantArt, Immortal Hatred aka Atticus aka Kevin Thorn aka Shawn (?). I looked at his Facebook; they've both been in a relationship since September 14, 2009.
He's super into WWE. So yeah, trashy edgelord goffic.
No. 557211
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>>557203>Doubt the bitch even has a job or real life friendsAnon hdu, she's DISABLED!
No. 557215
>>557211She's actually just another Raven with her let me speak to the manager complaining bullshit.
Remember when Raven would give Dominos complaints? For being fat cunts, they both sound super fussy about food and service.
Also kek at 'disabled' People like Ash and Raven are an insult to those who are actually disabled. I know 2 mentally slow people that both have part time jobs.
Being a fat lazy unemployed goff is not a disability.
No. 557226
>>557211Is she trying to whinge that the restaurant would not allow separate billing? That shit is annoying but super common. All that I usually do when that happens is either all take out cash and pay it or have one person pay and you take money out or transfer the cash to said person after the meal.
It's like when places don't do eftpos. annoying as fuck but it happens.
Don't blame it on your 'disability'
No. 557230
File: 1523898728115.png (178.34 KB, 1008x536, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 1.10…)

We are what's wrong with the world, kek.
Ashley, you said last night
>>>/pt/505714 you were deleting your Facebook. What happened?
No. 557239
>>557230Maybe she couldn't remember the password to her old deviant account and gave up trying to delete evidence of her cringe.
Or maybe she realised without an internet presence, she won't get attention.
No. 557241
File: 1523899070267.png (82.57 KB, 950x280, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 12.1…)

It was mentioned yesterday that all of her posts on both lolcow and Facebook looked like they were coming from an iPhone, due to the autocorrect consistencies. Turns out she is using an iPhone. It's not exactly hard evidence that she posted here, but it lines up with what anons were speculating yesterday. Her posts stuck out like a sore thumb, in part due to her phone's autocorrect.
No. 557245
>>557241It's weird, even without anons pointing out her typing style and phone, I reckon I could already tell that she was legit, and Zombora was a troll.
Plus there was that whole bullshit of her 'being banned for sage' even though her sekrit facebook friend (her) claimed that Ash didn't truly know how bad Raven's behaviour was.
No. 557248
>>557245Zamboni's posts looked suspiciously like Ashley. I'm pretty sure she was just trying to take the heat off herself by directing our attention elsewhere.
>>557246Are you Ashley or Kevin?
No. 557250
>>557246Not sure if you are a troll, but if this is Ash, guess what, you are as bad as us.
Not only had you previously posted on lolcow, a site that apparently attacks your friends, but you then proceeded to throw on of your other friends under the bus to take the heat off you.
No. 557251
>>557246My money is on Kevin. No full stops at all.
He seems like the illiterate type.
No. 557269
>>557259Do you even know why we expose half the people we do on this site? Because they are either terrible people, or they come here and defend terrible people.
Doing this is not going to grant you access to fuck Ash's giant tittys you cuck, only Kevin gets to wrangle that shit.
No. 557276
>>557267You sure type like poor white trash, and you
are trying to act big and bad on the Internet.
P.S. cool iPhone
No. 557280
Anyway let's ignore John because he's boring af
>>557211Anyone found out what her so called 'disability' is? I wonder if it's tailbone problems like her twin Raven.
Basically Ash, Zimbabwe and Raven all have disssabilitys that stop them from working despite being on facebook all day and going outside to take selfies.
No. 557292
>>557279I don't want to doxx an 87 year old man. I found him on WhitePages. It's not him anyway. It's probably Kevin.
Judging by his Facebook posts, it sounds an awful lot like Kevin. He doesn't seem to know how to use full stops. No. 557308
Found a John Ruyak on facebook:
Could this be our hillbilly whiteknight?? No. 557320
>>557308Could be, if it isn't Ashley (or Kevin) throwing another random person under the bus. He and Kevin are both into wrestling, so maybe they know each other.
He likes the same hockey team as me. Gross.
No. 557336
File: 1523902365378.jpg (88.58 KB, 972x1296, 962174_163649783812651_1219053…)

>>557327If I message you, will you make me a pizza?
No. 557337
>>557329John, word of advice, clean your mirror, it's filthy from all your zit poppin'
Vinegar or methylated spirits is the best thing for glass and mirrors, doesn't leave streaks. Oh and remember to use newspaper or lint free microfiber cloths to wipe it down.
No. 557341
>>557329>>557336Learn to smile, you look so angry and blank faced in every picture.
I bet this guy has a tiny dick. He sure looks like he does.
No. 557343
>>557340Fuck off, we are clearly jealous of his million dollar pizza shop business and his amazing wrestling skillzzz he could totally kill us all with just an eyebrowless glare.
Quit being a hater kek
No. 557345
>>557342>>557336I don't think he still works at Toarmina's Pizza, that's in Michigan. But it looks like he
did live in Taylor, MI, judging by this, plus the fact that he's in a Taylor gossip group. So he probably knows Ashley and Kevin personally.
I wonder if one of them made a Facebook post about us? TBH if I were ever posted here, I'd want to keep people I know as far away as possible from lolcow.
No. 557347
>>557345I know right?
These retards always come here beating their chests and carrying on. The reason I even FOUND Raven was because she mentioned lolcow in an old video.
No. 557353
>>557349Yeah it's probably Ash, Kevin or a troll.
Either way, this guy looks cringey.
Maybe it's Ash's ex boyfriend or Kevin's ex mate.
No. 557364
>>557359Okay that seals it for me, I'm just going to ignore his shit because he's clearly retarded and I feel bad. Plus he's not really alt, so there's that.
Ash on the other hand, although dumb as fuck as she is, is not disabled, so she's free game.
No. 557370
>>557368Well you can blame Ash or Kevin for that. They probably either threw him under the bus to distract from themselves or they posted shit about lolcow on their facebooks and as a result, a mentally ill and autistic friend/fan has come here in their honour.
They truly are scum.
No. 557425
>>557308John just changed his Facebook name, so I'm pretty sure it was actually him posting here.
So yeah, Ashley or Shawn sent a mentally disabled person to come here and defend them.
No. 557477
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No. 557697
File: 1523947437449.png (1.12 MB, 1366x682, Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 07.4…)

guys guys omg TT has a NEW killstar haul. I'ts been forever since she did a haul, especially a killstar one!! sense the sarcasm
She states the clothes are see through and youll need a bra and then goes on to shoe pointy nipples for views.
No. 557741
>>557697Killstar is so fucking overpriced for the quality
>>557724kek, fat build with a bit of muscle maybe…
No. 557743
>>557499Does this one count?
Don't see a new thread yet, and the old one is locked so can't post it there.
No. 557768
File: 1523967082324.png (1.28 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180417-140435.png)

>>557697Did you notice how annoyed Jake looked in this video? Towards the end Kaya says
"OK, you can go" and he responds "good!" in a really bitchy way. It was pretty off-putting cause you could see how irritated and disappointed that made her. At the end he even throws the shirt at he. Lmao what is wrong with him? Seriously, sometimes it's okay to be rude in a non-serious way but he is just always like that and doesn't really show affection on camera. I felt bad for her.
No. 557770
File: 1523967195322.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180417-140449.png)

Sorry for my shitty screenshots. I'm on my phone
No. 557870
>>557743It was posted on her new thread here
>>>/pt/506118Come join in the fun!
No. 557896
File: 1523979782098.jpg (47.56 KB, 257x531, Clipboard01.jpg)

(sorry for the poor screenshoting job)
No. 557917
Ash is pisses at Craven. Is anyone friends with her on fb. It would be nice to know her fake account name.
No. 558134
File: 1523999829614.png (805.89 KB, 726x702, rhhrrrhhrrh.png)

>>557697Kaya replied to someone on Instagram today saying she never wears bras because they're too uncomfortable for her.
Kaya says in her video too that it's because of anti-depressants that she gained so much weight.. has she ever mentioned that before?
also fucking kek at Jake "this shirt was a bit tight on me so if you're an athletic build like me you should go a size up" you mean fat Jake…you're just fat
No. 558163
>>558134Jake genuinely irritates me so much with the way he portrays himself as the amazingly buff knowledgeable gym bro when his commitment to the gym is flakey as fuck, his ideas about nutrition are laughable and he's not even in any sort of decent shape. Yes, he has some muscle on his arms, but he's carrying enough weight that it's not very noticeable unless he flexes, and his core/chest seem weak.
I watched a video of his a while ago where he talked about getting in shape, and said that if he isn't going to be 'out of the house' much or hasn't got a lot on he'll basically let himself go, and that nobody is 'fit all the time'. It's such bullshit. I exercise a bunch because it's my profession and also because I love it and it benefits my health physical and mental. I feel like he just wants to look good, which is also fine, but his commitment and understanding of what it actually takes to be physically fit and strong are woeful. It's an entire lifestyle, not just occasionally going to the gym as an excuse to 'bulk' and eat loads of crap food.
Sage because I could rant about Jake and his smug, "I know so much about being in good shape" attitude when he's a barely muscled, lazy fat lump.
No. 558399
>>558134>>558182This. I was close with her when she started taking antidepressants (back in like, 2012? I think) She never filled her repeat prescription, so she was on them for 4/6 weeks total.
I caught up with her somewhat recently and she talked a little about her depression.
From what I know she started getting depressed back in 2011/12. She started taking SSRIs, stopped modelling, and sought comfort in food. She flaked out on her medication (presumably because she didn't stay on them long enough to notice any improvements in her mood/self-esteem) which lead to more unhealthy habits, being less social, eating more etc.
So now she looks back at that moment in time and thinks "It must have been the pill's that made me fat!" Meaning not only is she giving up on medication that could really help her, but she's failing to take responsibility for her own actions.
Anyway, her weight gain is not due to medication. Or thyroid issues. Or genetics. It's all because of poor mental health, her fragile self-esteem, lack of discipline and that abusive scumbag of a boyfriend.
No. 558627
>>558163>>558399Totally agree.
Kaya just doesn't want to take responsibility for the fact the weight gain is HER fault for overeating. It's easy to put the blame on anti-depressants or a thyroid malfunction, just like she blames her laziness on her "laptop breaking"
I was watching an older video of hers from 2016/2017 and she was saying all her problems fit Hashimoto's disease. Uhm, no, Kaya. You just eat too much, put on weight, and all your symptoms are a result of that. I've also noticed since then she hasn't brought it up anymore. Gee, I wonder why? Probably because she got tested and it showed her thyroid is fine.
No. 558632
>>558627There's another past video where she blames it on hyperthyroidism.
I genuinely think neither her nor Jake really understand how to eat well. There's a video of his where he talks about eating healthy being frozen veggies and microwavable bags of (no doubt white) rice and how much of a chore cooking is and it's clear they'd rather go for convenience than health. I also wonder how much money they spend on food because Jake also talks about buying sweet potato frozen and pre-cut because Kaya finds them "too hard to cut" which is just madness to me. Microwavable bags of rice are super expensive for a portion too. Like I understand frozen veg is fine for convenience but they both have shitloads of time and enough money to spend on tattoos and stupid trinkets so they could probably eat and cook super well if they put the effort in.
No. 558648
>>558632Someone said in one of the previous threads they were both anorexic at one point, so it's not surprising they have bad eating habits. What amazed me though was in yet another old video of Kaya's, she actually said calories are meaningless and unimportant. No wonder she's the size she is and doesn't seem to be losing any weight. Admittedly, she seems to understand now that was incorrect, but it still astounded me.
They're ALWAYS eating out at restaurants too. That's fine as an odd treat but that doesn't seem to be the case.
No. 558698
>>558677That's what I had trouble with too - if she had an ED, how can she think calories are unimportant? Especially as that same person who said she was anorexic also said she used to count calories daily. My guess is when she gained weight, she tried counting and it didn't work out for a week or two so she assumed they were meaningless. kek
>>558689I believe she does, she mentioned before she deletes "rude" comments so you'll never see them unless you're fast enough lol
No. 558931
>>558399while antidepressants and otherp sych meds can cause weight gain, tbh, I don't think being on them for that short period of a time would.
usually the weight gain only has that large of an effect on people who have taken them for very long periods of time.
No. 559095
>>558784Since most of you guys don't follow the Raven thread, I will briefly explain.
Raven got herself in online drama -again- and some of her facebook friends went to whiteknight her. Ash and Zombgora were some of them. We started nitpicking at them for that, and farmhands decided we could not discuss them in the Raven thread (>You can discuss their interactions with Raven here, but anything else needs to go in the altcow thread.
After a while, Raven went batshit crazy at Ash, and she decided to not have Ravens back anymore and started to contact us to out some of Raven lies, providing screencaps and shit. We asked farmhands to unban her, and so she is currently providing info in the Raven thread.
Since Raven thread is very milky right now, I do'nt think people will come here to mess up the altthread anymore.
TLDR - Farmhands told us we should post that shit here. Its prob over now. Thanks.
No. 559867
File: 1524130487703.jpg (104.13 KB, 800x1000, 6tag-7473477524-17575869041636…)

Kaya's tagged pics, was looking for wig updates and…
This is a human hair wig that costs like $400
crimping the whole thing makes it look like a $5 wig from the party store. straighten the areas at the front and curl the wig, or at least curl the ends so they don't look frazzled. Or straighten the front and backcomb the back. I don't get why she likes crimping so much, it looks much worse than backcombing, curling, or any other style
No. 559874
>>559867Because crimping your hair is
obviously uber gofffickk anon
No. 559929
File: 1524141693011.jpg (266.49 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20180419-083553_Goo…)

>>559867idk why she does this teeny crimping looking for volume. she could've braided it or curled it around chopsticks. or just bought pic related and teased it as much as she wanted to. and i agree that some straight parts in the front would be better than whatever that is.
the broken hairs at the top make me rage, but this is what she spends her money on and then constantly botches about her camera lol.
No. 559977
>>559975*Then Kaya will cry that no companies want to work with her.
(Stupid mobile)
No. 560016
File: 1524153137567.jpg (183.72 KB, 982x931, Ali.JPG)

>>559983Also, what happened to not supporting Aliexpress shops, Freya? Beyond hypocrisy considering that statement wasn't made so long ago
No. 560028
>>559983She's always trying some fad diet but never sticks to it, basically another Kaya kek.
>>560016And she does those tacky cheap looking bags with Avelina which I'm sure are made by kids in an Asian sweatshop…
No. 560264
File: 1524174167882.png (282.17 KB, 678x419, Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 22.4…)

20seconds in. "witch casket is made by white witches for white witches.. i dont do the whole witch thing"
no freya you just do the whole getting shit for free thing
No. 560286
>>560016The parts the pieces are made of are from aliexpress, the jewelry however is still handmade. I think it's a difference if the seller uses cheap material or straight up sells finished jewelry from China. So I don't see a problem there, at least she's supporting a small business instead of killstar and all these bullshit companies. That's the bigger problem imo.
Sage for jewelry talk
No. 560382
>>557770ouch, as shitty as Jake was and all, this screenshot is just unfortunate
looking like a thumb here
No. 560638
File: 1524216063487.jpeg (67.86 KB, 576x280, 630CE2FA-5E82-4D3A-BB14-203049…)

TT has always been a work shy, lazy, wholly selfish person. Jake and kaya do not socialise nor actively take part in the alternative scene in Belfast and should not consider themselves a part of it. She doesn’t volunteer for charities nor does she do anything productive or useful with her time about from receive make up and useless plastic shit and occasionally blog about it. When of course she has “time” ?!
There are literally hundreds of things to do as an alt person, we have the war zone centre that holds festivals, gigs, even weekday vegan cafes and craft fairs, all of which I have partaken in and not seen kaya once. She calls herself a goth based entirely on the surface aesthetics (which are terrible at best). Kaya has only herself to blame for her weight gain, she unfortubately manages to delude herself further when trying to convince people her weight gain is a result of anti depressants. I think any intelligence person will know it’s a very weak and ill thought out excuse for her essentially getting older and no longer having the metabolism that can process the sheer amount of processed/ high fat/ high sugar content foods. It’s fairly obvious that she spends most of her day in bed doing nothing. Her house is extremely unclean and kaya is a habitually lazy person, when she used to live alone with Jake her house was absolutely filthy.
I think toxic is the appropriate word for kaya. She’s a toxic person and has a toxic relationship.
No. 560645
>>560638karma. She used to be an active member of PULL calling people ugly and making fun of their weight, whilst bragging she can remain thin no matter what or how much she ate. Jake was just as bad commenting on others' weight believing he and Kaya to be above them. It's no wonder they don't interact with other people and don't seem to have any friends, no sane person would want to associate with those two insufferable douches. But it
must be Belfast right? What a shitty place to live in with no alt scene or anything to do! All the people are mean to them! Jake/Kaya - if it smells like shit wherever you go, maybe you should check your shoes. ;-)
No. 560647
File: 1524218741897.png (255.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180420-105841.png)

>>560638Belfast anon here. I wish Jake would fuck off back to Wales. There is no way he can get from one side of Belfast to the other in 4 minutes on his fucking board why does he need to uber and taxi every fucking where??
This was a reply to someone visiting Belfast and asking for things to do. The Giants Causeway and the rope bridge aren't even in fucking Belfast they're 60 miles away.
They do not socialise or go to events in Belfast. Belfast has parks, waterways, several sports parks, a lot of history, ancient relics dotted about the countryside. The city centre is compact but not tiny, great for shopping and nightlife. They went out to that Harry Potter event once and left within minutes because it was more of a themed bar. Perhaps if the two of them weren't known for constantly slabbering about the locals and where they live they wouldn't feel so ostracised. Even though they're to blame.
No. 560648
>>560647He had to Google what to do in belfast because all he does is go to chain restaurants and get his hair cut.
A city like LA was wasted on him. Him and Kaya did fuck all but go to supermarkets and buy junk food and sit inside Kelly Eden's apartment. They've no interest in culture as evidence by the Japan vlogs or lack of. They literally just stuff their faces and moan.
No. 560651
>>560647Jake is always getting ubers/taxis, so much for being "athletic" and fit eh? Can't even walk 10 mins kek.
I'm not even from Belfast nor have I ever been there before but the way he/they constantly criticise it for being "boring", "having nothing to do" or "no goth/alternative scene" drives me NUTS. I'm sure it has plenty on offer and even if the alt scene isn't big, I'm sure there is
something. And even if there isn't, how hard would it be to travel out a bit and find one?! I think they both think too highly of themselves to bother associating with other alternative people. Kaya would never show her face in a goth club or festival because she hates the music and everything about goth except for the aesthetic. She's a fucking joke.
No. 560947
File: 1524255153382.png (1.66 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-04-21-06-08-39…)

Hollywood meet and greet? Fuck what an ego. I can't stop laughing.
No. 561158
>>560980Don't know why I thought she did. Did she used to?! Does she visit a lot?! Maybe it's just that stanky vibe I get from her. Stuck-up wannabe e-celeb vibes.
It's funny how all YouTubers want to visit LA when it's seen as a trash city to a lot of ppl in the US.
No. 561203
>>560055>>560147There's a lot of alt anons on here that absolutely love Killstar but I can't see why?
If they actually used better material, or charged appropriately for what's being offered then it wouldn't be so much of a big deal.
The prints ruin most of the items and the Wednesday Adams deal died years ago. They need to cut those out. but I guess they're cheap to make.
Considering their bags have only a one month shelf life before falling apart, loose seams on clothing etc. There's really no point in paying full price.
Unlike Kaya who is piling up on so many full price Killstar items, she even said it's becoming a problem.
Time to invest that money into the attic instead of begging for attic monies TT
>>560947Horseface is pathetic, trying to show off a shallow "rich life" even though it all looks cheap and tacky.
Those bags are bound to fall apart in 6 months as well.
She needs to head back to the stables and re-evaluate her actions
No. 561244
File: 1524287625487.png (269.31 KB, 538x336, cheap.png)

see pic - saged for not attaching it!
No. 561419
File: 1524322379662.jpeg (59.87 KB, 515x640, 42208C91-CE96-4C89-A3B5-927390…)

IBF and Avelina Moray body type looks like that weird looking demented chick on a Marilyn Manson video , they are evil on the outside and on the inside
No. 562576
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It looks like she's sitting upright in a computer chair, and she likes to emphasise how large her chest is…so when the gut is sticking out further than that there's a bit of a problem Freyja.
No. 564969
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Last week Freyja posted a video about unteasing her hair.
No. 565706
File: 1524698381919.png (347.08 KB, 1080x1414, Screenshot_20180426-001215.png)

Kaya low-key e-begging again
No. 566056
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>>564674keto is going super well I see
No. 566087
File: 1524734635786.png (131.78 KB, 1049x731, 2018-04-26 19.22.27.png)

Just exercise you stupid mole
No. 566119
>>566087Bleh, that's disgusting. Also, why even add butter to a tea? It's not like she HAS to add the fat into random stuff. Just drink the tea normally and then have a snack. Jesus.
This bitch loves sweets, so I can't imagine she'll be able to stick with this diet for long - she's going to gain all the lost weight back in a few days of binging and add some more pounds on top of that. Mark my words.
No. 566134
File: 1524741359167.png (23.51 KB, 733x168, BBBB.png)

Well yeah because all you did in LA was stuff your face with food
No. 566279
>>565706You dont need expensive china so you can eat your disgusting fatty food off.
>>566056i'm gagged
>backrolls kek No. 566513
File: 1524776273348.jpg (1.22 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180426-163930_Ins…)

samefag b/c the pic didn't post the first time.
No. 566850
>>566545>>566567oh it gets better, her planned makeup look is going to have a bunch of sacred hearts in it.
also i looked up that etsy and my eyes melted. this thing was $75 and made from lycra spandex lol.
No. 567262
File: 1524851656114.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180427-185123.png)

Continues in the next post
No. 567264
File: 1524851715090.jpg (349.04 KB, 1080x1812, IMG_20180427_185300_274.jpg)

Not really Avelina, more like a horsexual vibe.
No. 567527
File: 1524870598793.png (99.01 KB, 1030x456, 2018-04-28 09.04.03.png)

I didn't want to make a big thing of it? Unlike filming your own wedding. God this chick is such a liar. I know people who know Mattius and she is a filthy pig. She is two faced and definitely scammed her way to Germany. I hope she gets her just desserts. We all know how she loves them. You're a joke Freya. What a cunt.
No. 567939
Avelina loves so much to push her ~*~im so rich~*~ lifestyle but I saw her commenting on an influencer's facebook, that girl was selling (second-hand style) stuff that she was given for free and Avelina dropped a comment in the lines of "I'll be also grabbing these", and the girl responded like they knew each other because she was too friendly. After a while Avelina designed a coinpurse for her ( Anyone care for me to search if I can find again that comment?
No. 568003
>>567940Have you cheated? kek
That's not always the case, some people are just like that. A lot of comments were floating around that he's seriously flirty with other women whether he has a gf or not
>>567924>>567941it could be that she grew unhappy/jealous of matthias' flirting and felt drawn back to mr owl. I'm not defending her at all, I don't particularly like her to be honest, but we don't know the full version of events from either party and we probably never will
No. 568561
>>568537She was doing a handbag too I thought she only went for the dumb fury wallet?
Not to mention is there actually milk involving Allison? Other then her tragic trying to be lolita phase and totally over the top “I’m so Viking!” Stuff she always came off as boring and milkless
No. 568798
>>567894DID she though? All she said was "it has been longer than you think", which I always assumed referred to the amount of time between Freyja and Matthias breaking up and her rekindling her relationship with Mr Owl.
I've never thought that Freyja literally rushed to her camera to tell the world they'd split within days of it happening. I could be wrong of course. I just thought things got crappy, it limped to a close, the pair of them started living effectively separate lives and then Mr Owl was all "oh hai since we're both single now…"
I also have no doubt that the marriage was for residency but that doesn't mean they also didn't care deeply for each other at the time. I know heaps of couples who have married purely to keep the other one in the country, even when the relationship is quite new. Many of them are still together decades later.
I don't know either of them from a bar of soap other than via the interwebs but I feel like Mr Owl and Freyja get each other and will hopefully make each other happy in the long run.
No. 569680
>>569626There are some lenses that aren't tested on animals (I think only one or two brands though). Of course, I have no idea if those are the kind she uses, but she might.
Also, she said in a past video that they obviously have to use some non-cruelty free products when it comes to medical things since most medicines require animal testing. They also feed their animals meat because it's part of a balanced diet for them.
People just do the best that they can with eliminating cruelty free products from their lives.
No. 569866
>>569626Because being vegan is trendy right now and she hopped on the bandwagon. all the youtubers were doing cruelty free makeup hauls but then in their next video you see them using animal tested makeup brands kek
>>569829Um, no. You might have a point about goths like IBF and TT (kek well Kaya isn't goth) who dress over the top to the point where it looks like a costume, but normal minimal goths aren't try hard at all. just sayin'
No. 569979
>>569829Goth is a form of self expression for many people, it's a very varied aesthetic and wearing it daily isn't outrageous, lifestyle permitting. And they don't give a hoot about normie opinions; you might think they're tryhard, but they don't exist to be validated by you.
I'm talking about goths in general, not necessarily anyone mentioned in this thread.
No. 569994
>>569977Looks like she just has her band stuff now? I know she changes phases but she’s loved making videos for years why the sudden change?
Besides the cringey things she’s done I like Allison she seems genuinely sweet
No. 570113
>>570083Oh no, it's platitudes troll! Quick, kill it before it starts to ramble on about how everything is relative.
Like anon said above, you can claim this about anything. According to this logic, one can easily say EVERYTHING we do is for attention, and just as well we are. If your drive for peer approval drives you to do stupid shit online, that makes you fodder for this website.
We aren't here to analyze your internalized hatred for people who aren't you, nor fulfill your need of misplaced entitlement to pursue stupid arguments on the internet.
tl;dr: gtfo
No. 570497
>>569994WOW shit and just when I was actually loving her YouTube videos
Wonder what the fuck happened?
No. 570577
File: 1525133674294.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, E3A15C3C-4F47-4593-9A7E-80EDB4…)

Stop with the sacred hearts already…
No. 572663
File: 1525357124635.jpeg (203.43 KB, 570x765, 1C5DFEDB-24E2-43AA-A751-6C5C33…)

Ew ? This was on adora batbrats Instagram , how nasty is this ?
No. 572957
File: 1525383068915.jpg (63.49 KB, 1080x296, _20180503_232926.JPG)'s New vlog is cringeworthy as usual. Am I the only one who finds it irritating and rude that he always says "me and Kaya" instead of "Kaya and me"? I've been noticing this a lot cause I like to watch his vlogs when I'm bored and want something to laugh. He also mentioned himself first when he talked about the new merch, kek! It was like "you can by MY pins, metallassgaming pins… and also kayas pins". Why does he always have to be so selfish? Can't he at least pretend to be nice?
Also, I almost can't handle how embarrassing he is everytime he has to show his manly muscles. Not sure if he's serious or joking when he's doing that.
No. 572972
File: 1525383614437.jpeg (72.7 KB, 404x749, FDA96AE4-CBEC-4281-80C2-BB9652…)

This is the real kaya.
She photoshops herself beyond recognition and is the epitomy of a selfish, deluded, entitled lazy brat.
I am so done with her boring tangents about how something breaks and it sets her back a week, or how she has to get every life decision she makes funded. Whether it’s moving house or clearing out her fucking attic - every single thing has to be paid for in some way off the backs of other people.
All the people she states are her friends all model or work or at least contribute to society and all she does is moan about her weight. If anyone believes her this is through medication she took 3 YEARS ago for an extremely short period of time is ignoring the pics of constant indulgence of sweets and fatty foods she posts.
I can’t wait until the day she is thirty and is no longer seen as a valid idol to people. The people that follow her need to wake up and be inspired and supported by REAL artists who deserve it.
You are funding an habitually lazy crook. She does nothing for the goth scene, doesn’t promote her local scene and is obsessed with herself.
No. 572976
File: 1525383758631.jpg (111.87 KB, 1200x948, collage.jpg)

I can't believe they're charging £8 for these.
they have no imagination at all. they could make anything and this is what they choose
No. 573010
File: 1525385329695.jpeg (392.74 KB, 2048x2048, BE2D771A-34B2-4467-9B7A-1964DF…)

Similar to girl in Belfast who used to be big in the goth scene
No. 573023
>>573008She doesn't buy it, just gets sent boat loads of shit to review and let pile up and get moldy in her disgusting filthy house. She most likely never opens the windows so that shit is getting damp and dusty.
>>573010They're both kinda cute but I prefer the original girl's ones. Although it kinda sounds like you are the girl she's copying; which is totally fine and would honestly be pretty interesting to get an inside perspective.
No. 573024
>>573010Not dismissing the possibility of this at all. But I was friends with Kaya around the time she got these done and she told me she was 'inspired by' (read: plagiarising) Razor Candi's navel bat tattoos.
Either way, they're unoriginal, terrible designs, poorly executed. Classic Kaya.
No. 573038
>>573023Yea true, I know, should have worded it differently.
I just rewatched her killstar haul videos and it's such a waste that she gets these nice fancy dresses for free and probably never wears them cause they barely do stuff where you dress up. And if so she's probably gotten too fat in the meantime to fit in them. I wish I could buy some nice goth clothes but most of the time I stick to regular black clothes from cheaper brands that look goth because it's just insane to pay like $100 on one dress.
No. 573070
>>573038The saddest image to me is thinking of her just sitting in her filthy little house, alone after filming a video, with her fat obnoxious boyfriend upstairs shouting at a camera, dressed to the 9's complete with boots and makeup on, just watching youtube videos with the curtains shut, while eating sweets. No wonder she's depressed.
side note and slightly related; army surplus and black dye are your friend if you want to keep costs low, thrift store too if you can snag something a good price. I bulk dye even black stuff to revamp the colour then edit it to what I want. God love safety pins and fabric glue, especially when I was younger. Sorry to slightly derail.
No. 573072
>>572991Lol I knew one of the ex boyfriends very well of one of her mates and he use to spill the tea. I don't want to say to much tho cuz of the connection. They love money and status for looking like a bunch of tramps and really look down at others, but you can tell that anyway.
They're not well liked at all. I heard Kaya use to get favours by letting men lick her feet or some shite I'm not sure.
I laughed at Jake's vid earlier. He's always slabbering about Belfast, but said he would prefer to live in Lisburn! Guess he just wants more reasons to moan lol. And you can see the area him and Kaya live around, outskirts of Belfast close to Holywood. So much for him able to get across one side of Belfast to the other on his board in 4 minutes.
No. 573085
>>573077Jake comes across gay imo. This guy I knew that got pretty close to them had these videos of them hanging out and it was just so cringey. I didn't want to outright make fun of it because the guy did still hang out with Jake and I didn't know if it would cross a line. The guy that gossiped with me was doing it because they were on youtube, not to outright make fun of them.
Anyway, the videos were like short candid clips and I got homoerotic vibes (the clips were taken by kaya and her friend using the guys phone, idk why). I don't know if Jake is so put off by Kaya he wouldn't mind a sugardaddy.
I'm sure if they both didn't look disgusting they'd be whoring themselves out.
No. 573093
>>573072This clearly explains why John left MAG and was never seen nor heard from on that pathetic channel.
Jake was a condescending asshole to John all the time, and it was pretty obvious that something went down between those two.
No wonder the only people that hang out with them are greasy-haired, maladjusted
No. 573098
>>573086Kaya does seem like such a bitch. So she made fun of a girl for being fat and now Kaya is fat. And other anons saying she use to post on PULL. Does anyone have any screenshots?
Kaya sure is winning with her horrible boyfriend and sad existence.
>>573093Yeah the guy I knew who knew them biggest complaint about Jake was that he's an asshole. The only reason he warmed up to the guy was because he was clearly into his girlfriend. They would all hang out, the guy can drive and none of the others can. Then this guy ended up cheating on the Kaya's friend. I think the lack of driver actually started to strain the ease of friendship for the girls. Kaya too cheap to travel anywhere. They essentially just used people.
No. 573147
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>>573010These Tatts are copied from Emily the strange anyway lol can tell ya now, lazy kaya would have no clue
No. 573399
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>>572972It’s gotta hurt when you go from this to THAT like damn girl you just had to eat right and excise and you coulda had this forever
No. 573437
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No. 573456
>>572957Not to defend him (can't stand the self absorbed jerk), but it is his video on his channel, so it makes sense to address himself and his crappy merch before Kaya?
>>572972Holy shit she's bigger than I thought. I agree I'm getting so fed up of the "woe is me - the universe is against me today" act, complaining about her laptop or camera breaking (obviously a "subtle" way of e-begging her gullible followers to buy her new equipment) bitch is so transparent and pathetic
>>572991I've spotted XL an XXL on the tags but never M, if you look at her wishlist all the clothing she adds is minimum XL. It's funny she doesn't want to admit her size but when she talks about shoes she'll say she's a size UK 7. If she thinks there's no need to bring her clothing size then why does that not apply to feet?
>>573187Yup it was mentioned in one of the previous threads, maybe the original Altcows thread even. Someone also said they knew Jake in school and he was always alone and seemed miserable, they felt bad and tried to befriend him but he was rude and looked down on them
No. 573466
>>573187Bimbo look, omg anon. He needs to change his embarrassing style asap. I can't believe he goes out like that (and calls himself goth. Not that you have to look goth to be one but he doesn't even like the music, so). This weird mixture of street ninja and wannabe skaterboi, how did he come up with that? He used to look kinda decent judging from his reaction to old videos. His face would be okay if she wasn't so chubby I think, but the chubbiness makes him look even more like a douche with that style.
>>573456About the shoe size: probably because she's tall and has a normal shoe size for her height, and because your feet are a thing you can't change anyways, unlike your clothing size. Not everyone is a laineybot kek.
No. 573469
>>573458See here anon
>>84057 and
>>84689I believe she was with Jake at the time. The guy(s) would clean her house and their reward was to smell her feet… fukin KEK
>>573466I suppose but at the same time, shoes can be narrow or wide so why not just say "I got my usual shoe size and they fit fine" or whatever. I guess I just find it a bit contradictory to be ok with revealing her feet size but not clothing lol. or I'm just nitpicking
No. 573504
>>573487Oh he's extremely deluded. I watched one of his "story time" videos a while back talking about his experience at school and he actually said the reason he didn't really have friends was because they were all jealous of him. I spat out my drink laughing at that. No one's jealous of that self-centered, fat chav and he only has subscribers because of Kaya.
I'm genuinely curious how long the toxic twosome think they can keep this up for. They both must be in their mid 20s by now right? Neither of them put out interesting content and I'm sure the majority of their fan base is young mall goth or emo "it's not a phase mom" types who will likely grow out of it and become disinterested in them. Do they think they can sponge off people and have every aspect of their boring lives funded until they are 30, 40, 50 onward? Do they even have a back up plan or rainy day fund because this shit won't last forever.
No. 573507
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From an old TT video, now reality. topkek
No. 573531
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That’s really nasty of her, sharing that kind of intimacy with other guys. It’s the same as whoring lmao and Jake knew about it? That’s just pathetic.
No. 573533
>>573466this is just a guess, but in his recent video jake mentions something about 'going back to the goth thing' and 'looking freaky' again b/c he wasn't trying to get brand deals. so like, this was his relatable look lol.
>>573462wonder what he said to them, seems he'll be reviewing the board for his channel which i predict will be extra cringey.
No. 573535
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>>573024oh shit, I can totally see the resemblance, being "inspired by" = ripping off, apparently. Which is highly ironic as she got angry when someone copied her shitty Morticia Addams quote tattoo lulz.
No. 573554
>>573535Wow she looks awful here.
She'll never get back to this size no matter how hard she tries
No. 573582
>>572976Seriously? Those are the pins they came up with AND they're charging £8 for them?! They're so generic and boring, sums the pair of them up I guess. A coffin with her handle and a bat, so gofficckk. Why no interesting ornate design? Or maybe even an open coffin? Or any-fucking-thing to make it more her own? They're so lazy and untalented it's unreal
>>573462I like that he said the pins are 40 "mil" (as in mm) but mil = ml which is a measure of volume, what a fat fuckin' dumbass lmao
No. 573669
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This is what Allison is up to on her channel. Imo it’s a smart move, use your YouTube with a bunch of followers to pimp your band since it what you’re actually passionate about. I wonder how long she’ll keep it as just her music.
No. 573782
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>>573767she's always been unoriginal
No. 573832
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I don't know how I could deal with seeing old photos of me popping up on Google or just searching my name, seeing how I used to look. I feel like it would give you the motivation you'd need to just eat some salads and rice and low fat yogurt for the next year. I sometimes feel sorry for her because of it, but then I remember it's almost karma for bullying others for their weight in the past. People always get what's coming to them.
No. 573898
>>573839I've never gotten the impression that Allison is fake, per say. She's always struck me as someone going through an emotional crisis and not dealing with it through the proper channels(she seriously needs to see a psychologist)
She seems to cope with her depression by flipping styles and changing everything about her in a desperate attempt to make herself feel better. Does anyone remember that cringy video where she bought a mechanical stuffed unicorn in order to "help her" with a bout of depression? That sums up how she deals with shit.
She's a terrible singer, and Esoterik is just a vanity project.
/armchair psychologist rant
No. 574272
>>573832She looks like a completely different person. I'd be doing everything I could with my diet to get back down to that weight if I was so down about it, but she just continues to shove junk food into her face. Jake is still a fat fuck himself but he seems to be actually trying somewhat, how does that not motivate her at all? It's really not that difficult, she just needs to watch what and how much she's eating for a couple of months and she'll see a difference
>>573871Yeah she was very straight up and down with broad ass shoulders kek
No. 574322
>>574274I'm wondering how she does it. In her recent haul videos she looked way skinnier. I don't know if she is using slimming filters or if it's just the angle and unfortunate clothes in this SS
>>572972 but holy shit, everytime you get a glimpse of her body and face without her having arranged everything to look pretty it's like two different people. I wonder if Jake looks like a hobo too when he's not filming but I got the impression that he cares more about his appearance on a daily basis.
No. 574404
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Why is her neck like a turkey? Her chin is really flabby and puffy. I know she's overweight but she isn't OBESE so this is kind of weird. Even when I was fatter than her myself my jaw was more defined.
No. 574420
>>574404hahaha this is fucking horrifying!!
it's a shame she can't bring her bright beauty lights around with her everywhere, then she might look decent
No. 575017
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"I am but a broke child" way to be condescending to your fans, maybe they don't want to buy your shit overpriced, unoriginal merch
and top fucking kek that he thinks MAG would get 100K subs, they're not even remotely close to that now and the one good thing about the channel left ages ago, these two fools need a reality check
No. 575326
>>575017Jesus. They've never grown up. Most people don't have the kind of money just to throw at random things it needs to go on more worthwhile things, or don't want random bits of tat in their house.
Why would you look down on a fan just because they can't buy merch? They're the one who watches the video which adds to their bank account to sit about and beg.
No. 575849
>>575773While expression is a external process, it's motive isn't necessarily so narcissistic.
A painter can express themselves on a canvas and have no desire to profit from it.
Just as someone can chose to dress a certain way without craving attention.
Expression is a natural phenomena. It helps us to unburden stress, think creatively, increase problem-solving and mental faculties etc.
Sure, some people will do it just for the attention. Think of all the fame-hungry musicians, actors and artists who'll do anything for their fifteen minutes.
But do not forget the millions of people who create everyday for themselves.
No. 575871
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even tho she's working the angles, it's nice to see drac embracing her natural skin tone instead of burying it under ten pounds of white face.
No. 575881
>>575871The white skin prevented people from immediately noticing she's mexican. Did you know she's Mexican anon? Because she's
SO Mexican
No. 575921
>>575871You should have posted the caption with that, she writes that she doesn't care much about goth anymore she is now focused on her BEAUTIFUL MEXICAN CULTURE, did you know she is mexican anon? Shes true latina! Shes mexican latina from mexico! Hola taco and other words she needs to use google translate to know
Lol I don't hate drac but the desperately clinging onto a new obsession is tiresome
No. 576001
>>575871lmao actual mexicans would probs die inside if they saw that
yas latina come thru sooo mexican
No. 576192
>>575921sorry, will remember in the future.
>>576004>mexican gothif that means new content to snicker at, i'm for it. especially since she's pushing her heritage so hard when before it was all about manson and 'gore'.
No. 576337
>>576004Shows she doesn't interact with the scene at all. I know more mexican goths than white goths.
LA chola goth phase when?
No. 576621
>I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around what you're bitching about. Are you trying to say that people are supposed to only enjoy what they like when they're completely alone, or else they're self-absorbed narcissists? That's not how people function.Neither. You indeed didn't understand a fuck about that post.
>>576182Well last year when I saw her at WGT she was looking much bigger than she was in her videos. Hiding own size in the videos works only in virtual reality. But I know that feel when you look at own photo and say "FUCK IM SO BIG".
>>576337I remember people from her local scene mentioning her, but dunno how it is now. That was quiet some time ago.
No. 576671
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Yeah Kaya… everything you do that is related to actual work seems to be 'cursed'. Lazy cow
No. 577020
>>575921Is anything about her actually goth at all? Like does she listen to the music or go to concerts or clubs
Or does she just post her ugly art and makeup on instagram all day
No. 577181
>>576182Really love it when an 'honest' review uses yellow lighting in the beginning and ends with the result showing in blue light
Really giving the honest opinion there, Freya
No. 577363
>Wroooooong again. A lot of artists and other creatives create solely for themselves, without any regard for the 'outer world'. We are not talking here about manias as they are psychiatric conditions.Most art and bands people have heard about is a very much result of at least partial caring of caring what other people, like sponsors like kings, merchants, phonographic company, or a people from subcultures think about.
>There are plenty of people who dress the way they want to without any regard for what others may think of them, or how they will be grouped or perceived by others. It's very rare in punk and derivative groups. And in any subculture. Punk was always notorious in very much caring as shocking dress was a way of
triggering normies and showing them "fucks" to the level of competition between members of scenes.
>Is putting on clothes an act of tribalism? In most cases of subcultures yes. And in many aspects of life of "normies".
>Or is it just when you get choosy about it?Unless someone does not care if they wear a potato bag, tin can or paper bag everyone is choosy one way or another.Does not matter if you are normie or not. Ask a normie to wear latex catsuit. Most would refuse. Etc.
No. 577458
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>>577044Anyone have any other thread pic suggestions?
No. 578777
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No. 578778
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No. 578780
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No. 578843
>>578762I'm too busy trying to figure out why the fuck IBF was invited to Kat Von D's 10 year anniversary party. Girlfriend did fuck all w/ the free make up she received.
I hate to say it, but I think "I want to smother myself in Kat's entrails" Drac is more deserving of the invite.
No. 580019
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Anyone remember a goth youtuber named Kill Natalie or BatCaveDilemma from around 2012? She beefed with Sebastian Columbine on & off after calling out Sebastian as an elitist, which chapped Sebastian's ass.
She erased herself completely from the internet leaving behind only her deviantart.
On an instagram livestream of Sebastian's, people have asked about her & Sebastian has said she had heard that Natalie had apparently killed herself & true to her narcissistic nature began crying at the thought of how her own death & would devastate her fans
No. 580042
>>580019I remember her, she was pretty bland honestly
But she's not dead, right? Hopefully not . .
That would be extremely depressing
I think Natalie was the one to introduce me to that book The Black Arts by Cravendish
Not a bad book actually
No. 580055
>>580043She did publish a book on Amazon, it's still available for sale. It's a collection of her poems and is called "Organ Grinder"
But who knows if she's getting much from sale with that? (hoping she's still around to receive whatever she gets from her book)
I really wish we could at least know that she's okay
I don't know, but it is honestly distressing not knowing how someone is doing or if they're even around
Just how it is for me (excuse the personal blog here)
Some theorize that she just didn't want the spotlight anymore but I don't really believe that tbh
No. 580245
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Freyja really stepped up her look for the Kat von D event by widening her rings of eyeshadow and blobbing a beauty mark on her cheek.
No. 580248
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>>580244Dunno about her business but she's with this guy again/still. They moved states so maybe thats why they were homeless.
No. 580306
>>580245I watched so many videos from that event. I follow a goth makeup artist on IG (eknmakeup) and she had lots of beautiful gold and black elements to her look like EVERYONE ELSE DID.
Freyja always looks exactly the same, hair and makeup wise. I don't get how she has no clue how to do any other look. It's easy to incorporate gold into black.
No. 580316
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>>580289imo the kvd ~artistry collective~ isn't much better sometimes. like, they might be using the products but they look greasy in regular photos. but yea, she could have tried to at least refine her look and do something different with the brows.
pardon the terrible sc, but i caught drac in the background of someone's video and the outfit looks as terrible as i thought it would.
No. 580570
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>>580316Her contour just makes her look dirty and that combined with the acne bumps just leaves her looking greasy. It's not even evenly blended, definitely less impressive than what she usually turns out. And of course it was posted along with her usual shitty attitude
No. 580572
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>>580570Someone has been excited about her posting due to her teasing her outfit for days if not weeks, this is her response.
No. 580594
>>580499Freyja is always the most important person in the room, her mummy says so and therefore it must be true.
>>580501 Who is it?
No. 580757
>>580572I saw somebody else ask her for a fullbody picture and she just said "I didnt take any sorry ^^'"
Why did you tease your outfit for weeks then? Why would you do that and not give people a picture? God Drac acts like anything people do is annoying, even when they're excited for her
No. 580759
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The fact that this is the calibre of look people put together for the 10th anniversary, it really makes Freyja look self absorbed and dull
No. 581326
>>581295Here's their cover for West End Girls…I seriously cannot stand the vocals, and the music is ok at best. It's not my cup of tea. The overwhelming majority of his tracks sound the same.
I know Rozz did some whiny vocals as well, but his range was a bit broader than Rafael's. I'll give him this much, the dude is well versed in goth music, he knows his shit.
No. 581420
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>>581140Saw this and it looks like the girl she commented on used to work for the KVD beauty line back in the day..
No. 581434
>>580517I'm not goth or into the goth/alt scene at all but I
love Drac's looks. I stumbled onto her on YT and was blown away by how cool her makeup was, I don't use makeup so it may not be that incredible and I just think it is because I don't really know any better. And for someone kind of ugly the makeup is surprisingly beautiful on her. However, her wardrobe and jewelry is so fucking atrocious and tacky it makes me cringe every time. Like she puts so much work into this beautiful face makeup and then her hair, outfits, and accessories are such a fucking disaster it baffles me.
I like her videos but her attitude grosses me out, much like everyone else. She has such cool ideas and then when she talks about herself her bitchy little attitude just puts me off. Especially considering she worships KVD who also seems like a bitch.
No. 581484
>>581434Yeah her face looks are good. She's not beautiful, not even pretty (though she does have nice clear skin) but her looks work well with her face. And I like the eye makeup she does.
I remember watching her jewelry collection video though, and god, it was a bunch of cheap looking stuff. It looked like stuff a 13 year old just getting into goth would own. Her outfits aren't any better. Her clothes wind up looking like stuff someones grandmother who doesn't care about style would wear. And it's not even that she's big, though that does play some part. It's just bad style choices all around.
No. 581693
>>581623 I have no idea who she is, but I found her video from the event, and her name is Erin Micklow.
You can see Drac in the video at 3:22
No. 581720
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>travels all the way to thailand
>still just goes shopping at H&M
>much punk
No. 581986
>>581420Damn she still treats people like shit … she must be a really sad person inside to have that attitude constantly in her life, lol no one likes her
Sage lol
No. 581996
>>581420Looks like Kat von D and Drac Mackens are birds of a feather alright
That was really malicious of her, what gives>=?