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No. 590174
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/572819The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.-Made two videos of her snakes, one of them just doing dumb shit like laundry and one of them eating
-Has been criticized for using eco earth for her snakes substrate but doesn't care because "she thinks it's good"
-Most likely she's keeping her monitor lizard because o may gash guys he's so tame and use to me and the pet shop insists he's CB
-Left her pets again to go meet Jonny's friend for their birthday
-Is soon leaving again for a holiday in Disney
-Recently spewed facts about animals which have been pointed out to be incorrect
-Everyone believed her GTP was dead since its water bowl was dry and it didn't seem to be in the tank but she's rubbed it in our faces that it's alive
-Impulse bought a mantis shrimp; chucking it in her predator tank until she sets up a new tank for it (it'll likely murder her fish or break out of the tank)
Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: List of all Taylor's pets: Milk:
>Purchased Mantis Shrimp without proper set up
>Crackhead haircut
>Went MIA and missed Playlist Live because of "accidentally eating gluten"
>Is currently at Disney World with JC and is doing just fine
>Doesn't know how to dress herself
>Left 30+ animals with Betsy and her newborn baby
>No word about the monitor situation
>Pet mouse Gus died, lied about his age to make herself look better.
>Received new cages, only they’re improper sizes for most of her animals
>Continues to prove she’s not the animal expert her fans claim she is, caring for her animals improperly and giving terrible advice to fans
>Insists on keeping monitor even though he’s a danger to her other animals, is surprised when he displays natural aggressive behaviors No. 590277
>>590269Because she impulse buys and finding one that was eating frozen would have taken time and energy. She's probably really not that bothered about feeding live, I don't think someone would buy a snake that was eating live if it really bothered them.
It bugs me so much that she got her first snake and then within a few months she had like 7 or so. Impulse buying and hoarding at its finest.
No. 590291
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*this tweet
No. 590409
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lol, there's nothing about Taylor that is DIY
No. 590412
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>>590410crap sorry i accidentally hit enter before i added the photo or saged my bad!!
No. 590429
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Urgh nothing big, but her mom just bugs me so much. I see where Taylor gets her sarcastic, horrible personality, and not being able to understand basic phrases like 'in the grand scheme of things'. She just gotta gloat about her daughters followers and bring up her own YouTube channel after being a sarcastic cunt.
She just totally creeps me out. I can't imagine being a youtuber and then have your mom try to make YouTube videos and comment on all your friends/YouTube friends twitters every day.
No. 590469
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imagine being this obsessed with your exes
No. 590496
>>590494To be fair, he may have scared away a lot of potential fans from being an asshole.
I think he is well known in the music industry. He's supposedly pretty talented vocally. It's pretty sad he's such a prick.
No. 590515
>>590511Nope! Not saying he's the messiah of vocal talent! There are so many people out there better than him. It wouldn't even matter if he WAS the best singer of all time! It's not an excuse.
Just saying I've heard he has a good enough voice to be noted as fairly talented in the industry, but that doesn't excuse any of his behavior.
No. 590558
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No. 590585
>>590558Okay but… She bought them for her mom
She just rehomed her mom's fish?
Because she didn't like the aquascape?
What a bitch.
No. 590625
>>590515He's talented enough get several small gigs to fuel his habit.
I listened to one of their songs and they're okay, but they don't necessarily match his inflated ego. He honestly sounds like your regular emo band singer.
No. 590683
>>590673I read it as her thinking it was that last girl she got in a twitter fight with and who completely demolished her at it.
>Don't make fake anything about meI think she meant the screenshots she took of their conversation and there was speculation if they were real and Taylor went on twitter saying it was fake.
Taylor's mom is rivaling Cathy Ostrenga, honestly. How embarrassing for her.
No. 590685
>>590673It could be an ex but i doubt it because they've all been pretty vocal at this point
How sad is it that her mom is threatening someone that is trying to encourage young girls not to date someone like JC
No. 590687
>>590683Yes, the underage girl who took it too far with an extreme backstory and then photoshopped conversations.
Better not to give her attention.
No. 591110
>>591023I don't know enough about Leos to say that it's okay to use with them, but for ball pythons what's the problem? Breeders use it, pet keepers use it. And if not eco earth, then another brand of coconut fibre. Mix it with coconut husk chips and you have a good substrate. What would you recommend using instead? Can't use paper towels if you want a naturalistic setup for the snake. Can't use aspen because it moulds awfully quickly when sprayed with water and also doesn't hold humidity well enough. I don't understand the problem with Eco earth/coconut fibre, especially when you're not offering any alternatives or extra info about it.
Don't want to get off topic for much longer so i won't keep this going after this.
No. 591320
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Wish I could add violin strings playing to this post
No. 591344
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How much do you wanna bet she ignores this like she ignored the person asking if she quarantines the other day lol
No. 591351
>>591320The fact that he was from a likely feral cat probably means that he wasn't left by his mum at all. Not to mention the original story is that she took it from some random lady.
No. 591593
>>591336She SAYS they were. Supposedly someone found them and brought them to Petco where she just HAPPENED to be and they gave them to her.
At the time it seemed unlikely but reasonable, but since she's magically come across too many other animals (the other kitten at an "adoption event" at Petco, the CL snake, and I feel like I might be forgetting another one,) it now seems really unlikely she just happened upon someone with those newborn kittens in a petstore that just SO desperately needed TND to "save" them.
No. 591613
>>591552Yeah, I was one of the people she tweeted at so I remember it well. She originally said she adopted, then when people called her out on adopting an underage kitten she changed her story to fostered, and she just didn't say so because "I've never gotten why it's important to differentiate between fostered to adopt or adopted so I just said adopted but technically I fostered!"
Either way, there's no way a shelter a) had a 6 week old unvaccinated cat at an event, b) "fostered" him out same day without checking her credentials (involves checking with landlord whether she has permission for the animal and running a background check, at the very least, likely also involves getting info on other animals in the house) c) "fostered" to someone with another underage kitten from a different litter, that she didn't even get through the same shelter.
Oh and there are screenshots in one of the old threads, she also came up with some BS about how Ghost was separated from his litter because the mother stopped caring for them. A shelter would never want to split up a litter like that, they'd have all the orphaned kittens go to the same foster until old enough to be vaccinated, fixed, and adopted out. It's safer and healthier.
No. 591784
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uum, anyone know if this was a spear tank or someone's enclosure?
No. 591788
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>>591537proof from a previous thread
No. 591805
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>>591793I thought that too first but it actually makes sense. Pointed cats like siamese or ragdoll cats darken up as they grow.
If you look at the first pictures (the ones with bad lighting) she posted of ghost you can see he looks extremely similar to the ones in the ragdoll ad
No. 591892
>>591888A cat could easily fit through that door. Have you seen the tiny spaces cats can get themselves into?
Cats like boxes/tanks. The small door is clearly open. It's not unlikely at all that cat would of got himself in there.
I don't like Taylor and a lot of her animal care is absolutely shit, but come on.
No. 591942
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>>591940different than the other anon, but she said she was working on one… idk why you say it isn't going to happen, Petty Paige doesn't lie about videos like TND does.
No. 591949
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No. 591960
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>>591949There's more than enough space for a cat to fit through there.
No. 592006
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But don’t worry guys he’s sobered up. He’s a better man than ever. Totally not an alcoholic that needs to drink in the airport
No. 592125
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>>591788anon I know you're just linking this and didn't make it, but this seems absolutely insane.
No. 592156
>>592138Sorry anon, the first picture of the door (closed) was an anon saying the cat couldn't fit through the door, which was said multiple times. All I did was post a picture of the door open, and a video to show the tiny spaces cats can squeeze themselves into.
I'm all for slating Taylor's shitty animal care, but not absolutely everything she does is wrong. Some of the stuff said on here is by people who clearly know nothing about the animal they're commenting on, which comes across just as ridiculous as Taylor, which is ironic. Don't be Taylor guys, fact check before you say it.
No. 592303
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I’m pretty sure the delivery men don’t have a say on whether or not they can give the couch away. Pretty sure they have to take it back to the warehouse whether they want to or not. Stop lying about such stupid shit Taylor
No. 592315
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Correct! Women can show skin AND be a positive role model. A woman CANNOT however: show skin, animal hoard, date a rapist/abuser, compulsively lie, impulse buy animals, do drugs AND be a positive role model.
No. 592318
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No. 592408
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Bish we know you don’t have those curves. Stop kidding yourself
No. 592420
>>592125>>592130idk if the fact that its all collages and hard to read makes it unconvincing or what but like..
while she was looking for a second cat she posted a photo of kittens from craigslist to twitter saying theyre "in need of a home", and then deleted the tweet when people found out the photo was from a craigslist ad for $600 back yard bred kittens.
but! worry not! because taylor almost immediately found a kitten the same age and same breed at an adoption event! but the event doesnt foster/adopt out kittens at 5 weeks old AT ALL. never mind fostering to an inexperienced owner with 30+ pets in a 1 bedroom rented apartment with another 5 week old unvaccinated kitten, without even a background check or proof of a steady income. oh and also didnt give her any adoption papers (not that shes shown us anyways). the first picture of him she took was also in a different petshop than the one she claimed to have adopted him from, its possible that she travelled to this other petshop for some reason but like? idk why would she go to a different petshop and then take a photo of him rather than when she actually got him? (thats not proof obvs its just weird lol) she couldve met up w the breeder in public to collect the kitten and was closer to the other petshop tho.
so, is it really far fetched to assume that she bought the kitten she had her eye on, rather than this huge sequence of good luck?
No. 592481
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she literally could not make it more obvious that she's only in it for the money.
No. 592602
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No. 592604
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No. 592618
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she looks so…. old.
No. 592637
>>592618>>592602Where are her pupils?
Is this tube top summer 2K18 lolcow fashion? Luna just got the same in black.
No. 592702
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Yeah Jen, you're the only one who actually counts. Not her other friends, her other family or all her fans who spent money and time to go just to see her…
No. 592870
>>592362Most parent's wont allow their kids to go out like that, especially if they're under 18. No need to worry.
That being said she's being delusional af.
>>592602She wouldn't look THAT bad if it wasn't for her botched lips. I don't understand how she keeps getting them done when they're already half of her face and she can't speak. A good lip filler job looks hella nice, but this is a mess.
No. 592899
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Granted Christina Aguilera notoriously just had a ton of work done, but it amuses me Taylor seems to be trying to emulate her new look and still somehow manages to look older and more haggard than the almost 40 year old.
God Taylors lips are atrocious, it's beyond me why she hasn't gotten them fixed, she can't possibly think that puffy asymetric lumpy W mouth looks good. Her prochelion [potruding ball in the middle of her top lip] looks so bulbous and ridiculous.
No. 592905
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She re-uploaded this for whatever reason but changed the editing slightly.
No. 592952
Fuck dude her LIPS look awful! Jfc her lips look insanely botched and huge, she needs to stop fucking with them. I like how she says “I don’t get them done anymore these r my lips guise” lol NO, no one’s natural lips look that fucked up. It’s always the biggest (no pun intended) feature I notice in her pictures and just… yuck.
Her manipulation/victim card she plays works so well on her young fans… “you can show skin and be a positive role model guys! I’m being bullied waaahh!” Sure you can Taylor, but you know when you can’t show skin and be a positive role model? When you date an abusice rapist, constantly lie, make excuses for everything, hoard 40+ animals, and make fun of rape victims.
She’s just so gross, inside and out. I’m a heavy believer in karma. She may be making her money and getting attention now, but she’s def not gonna be a long term successful YTer (like Jenna Marbles, who just honestly deserves her success) at this rate. She’s gonna go downhill and her lies, deception and disgusting personality will catch up to her one day for sure. Enjoy the “fame” while you have it Taylor, cause it won’t be around too long.
Sage for ranting/blogging, she is just such a manipulative and disgusting person.
No. 592962
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Notice how she’s using depression as the reason why she’s been acting “different” in her videos lately. She doesn’t specify what she means by different, but we all know what she’s talking about. The awkward constantly blinking, twitching, slurred speech, sunglasses indoors, etc etc. Yeah honey those aren’t signs of “depression”.. that’s you and your rapist boyfriend abusing drugs.
It bothers me so much that she uses depression and EDS and whatnot as a crutch for EVERYTHING. She wants sympathy so much and her young impressionable fans just eat it right up. That’s the only reason she stays afloat is because most her fans aren’t adults who realize what a gross person she is.
No. 592965
>>592962Her M.O. for any damage control ever is "QUICK, BLAME MY ILLNESSES!"
She literally gives such a bad name to people who suffer from depression, anxiety, EDS, celiac and whatever other half dozen issues she claims to have.
No. 592997
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There she goes openly twisting peoples words again. She asked why people sexualize skin so much and he replied with a simple but honest 'I'm attracted to the female body, the more skin I can see the more female body I can see'. He literally said nothing about touching or owning her because he could see some skin. Jesus fucking christ, how does her attention seeking brain work this way… Funny thing is I bet she touches dogs she sees though hahaha.
Let's be honest if you didn't want to be sexualized you wouldn't post photos with your tits and arse stuck out with those pouty lips. You know for a fact if you dress that way boys are going to be attracted to you, and I'm not at all saying you shouldn't dress like that, it's totally up to her how she wants to dress, but if you do you know for a fact boys are going to gawk if you're wearing tight clothes with your tatas out.
No. 593002
>>592997Wow what a hot take coming straight from the wokest[tm] petmom standing up to the sexualization of women while simultaneously dating an alleged abuser and rapist whose had restraining orders issues against him by his victims.
Your virtue signaling isn't fooling anyone Taytay
No. 593005
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Anyone know what the hell she’s on about now?
No. 593016
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>>593005I think she’s talking about Ariel. I feel like she thinks Ariel is every ‘troll’ that says anything to her. Personally I’d call her and Taylor out on my main if I didn’t think I’d get blocked and attacked by her teen fans for just saying I don’t agree with things. Taylor doesn’t open herself to critique and anyone that gives any must be a troll.
No. 593021
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No. 593030
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No response from her
No. 593037
>>593030I can't believe I'm about to defend Taylor here, but the argument that Nemo's mom possibly didn't abandon the kittens just seems entirely irrelevant. The condition the kittens were initially in seems consistent with them being born on the street. Regardless of if they had their mother with them or not, stray/feral cats being taken off the street is a
good thing.
No. 593057
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>>593047double post but yup looks like they're threatening her over posting these texts as well lol. I hope Chelsea has all the messages and live streams this crazy woman did confirming these were real and to threaten the authorities is ridiculous.
No. 593061
>>593037I mean, that's not exactly true… kittens shouldn't be taken from their mother until 8 weeks, when they're physically and socially ready to be weaned. If the mother was around, and could/would care for the kittens, the female kitten TND killed likely would have had no trouble thriving at all. Source: I have a feral cat in my life about to give birth and have worked in cat rescue for years. The correct thing to do is to keep the kittens and mother together until about the 8 week mark, but in human company. That way the kittens can be socialized by humans AND cared for by the mother, then the kittens can be adopted and the mother can either be socialized or, more likely, spayed and released.
I'm with you though that there's no way to tell if she's lying about whether the kittens were abandoned or if she didn't bother to check, or whatever happened. It's all speculation, people just weren't paying close enough attention to her lies back then to question it enough.
No. 593072
>>593005JFC, it's "libel". If she's going to start threatening legal action, then she could at least spell it properly.
Mama Dean is so goddman pathetic. I think I actually hate her more than Taylor at this point.
No. 593092
>>593089>>593088Maybe it'd be acceptable if the vet bill was blanked out as much as Chelsea's was?
I know those texts were old milk, but it's still such a mystery to me. It's so bizarre.
No. 593100
File: 1527206145051.jpg (61.46 KB, 720x893, 33317260_459698587821313_68040…)

Here's the vet bill. The number is in the upper right corner, Chelsea's screenshots exposes the same numbers in her text.
No. 593102
File: 1527206253496.jpg (69.93 KB, 750x987, 33379054_459698967821275_53047…)

And here's Chelsea's screenshot of her texts. I don't know if these have been submitted before but in the case that they're not, i just don't want Chelsea being made out as a liar when months ago Jennifer was relying on her and on the same side.
No. 593180
>>593047I believe “Ariel” to be who she says she is. A third grade teacher. Canadian. Someone harassed by Jennifer.
What proof do you have that she’s anything other than that?
No. 593271
>>593072I hollered at my screen when i saw that, like THIS BITCH JUST SAID LIABLE!!!! dying.
>>593191If you just google Taylor, lol cow is one of the first few sites to come up now. i'm surprised there aren't way more stans that have found us.
No. 593305
File: 1527220731105.png (327.94 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6212.PNG)

i just think this is unnecessary like instead of posting proof of the dms, she posts screenshots of texts with her boyfriend where he says "i told you to delete them" as if that proves anything
No. 593312
File: 1527221124529.jpg (530.45 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_2191.JPG)

I'm gonna go ahead and be the first to guess that she's gonna pull the puberty card when she reads here and finds us talking about her sudden lack of pillsbury dough boy physique…
No. 593345
File: 1527222760071.png (2.23 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6213.PNG)

>>593315we all know her boobs aren't that big either like look at this lmao
also i noticed in this photo that her lips look normal? i think this from august last year i just did a quick twitter search for a fan photo with her so idk. but her lips look normal so "i don't get my lips done" is bullshit. the lips she does now literally look like fish lips
No. 593400
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Her lips look so messed up in a few areas, and her boobs actually look like her boobs in this picture
No. 593444
File: 1527234974553.jpeg (718.42 KB, 2048x2048, 0C3E987C-7DE3-4C71-B4D4-952B92…)

I feel bad for her in a way bc I know she was expecting a Kylie Jenner outcome with the lip injections (we all know she glorifies the insta-thot/famous lifestyle) but she would look ten times prettier if she just let them go back to normal or if she hadn’t gotten injections in the first place. Her other features are genuinely pretty— but the lips just ruin the whole effect. A little Facetune went a long way.
No. 593546
>>593312>>593315yeah this is totally a thing, baggy pants with a drawstring waist hide uneven hips and the stomach pooch girls have under their belly buttons, where there are extra internal organs.
plus I don't think she's a pillsbury doughboy, I think she looks like an average woman. not stick thin but she's nowhere near fat. having hip dips like she does (the place between her hip bones and her thighs are curved in on the sides of her body) is pretty common, especially if you have wider-set hips but are not too fat for them to show. agreement on the boob shoop tho
No. 593742
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She's not fooling anyone either way lol
No. 593822
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No. 593931
File: 1527286066191.png (545.51 KB, 634x539, 00000000000000000000000000000.…)

Speaking of crested geckos, anyone else remember the little baby crestie she got before she got Phoenix? what happened to that one?
No. 593938
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No. 593940
>>593931oh my godddd this is old but good milk. crested geckos literally eat other geckos and that little one would be like a fucking snack to echo. she’s so damn irresponsible.
but to answer your question, I think that’s phoenix?
No. 593952
File: 1527287577812.png (514.85 KB, 631x579, 00000.png)

>>593940No, it can't be. She posted she got Phoenix less than a month later and he was already over a year old.
No. 593978
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>>593931It's this one, I think this is the last picture she posted of it
No. 593979
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>>593931Also this, on a picture of Phoenix
No. 593986
File: 1527289913222.png (44.05 KB, 630x453, 00.png)

>>593982 According to this response on twitter she also housed Echo and Phoenix, two adult males, together at first, which is a huuge no-no.
No. 594008
File: 1527292142456.jpeg (768.21 KB, 1242x1858, E584B8BA-7AA3-4576-B8C4-B9C994…)

And…..she’s off again! Stupid bitch!
No. 594038
File: 1527295143057.jpeg (229.13 KB, 1242x470, 905AD50F-F371-46F0-A950-3C23BD…)

Marks your calendars people! May 26, May 28 and June 1!!
No. 594095
File: 1527303338898.png (21.83 KB, 736x160, TND Stingray.png)

Maybe I'm nitpicky, but jokingly commenting about someone's death whom you claim to admire and look up to is a little fucked up. I wouldn't be even half as upset if it wasn't for the fact that she actually tweeted at his family before. Losing a parent never gets easy, she should show a little respect if for no one else but the kids.
No. 594186
File: 1527314900837.jpg (934.97 KB, 1080x1770, taylorboobsdean.jpg)

>>593784compare with the original pictures
No. 594240
>>594095Steve's family and the guy that witnessed the whole thing would be THRILLED to know shit like this is being tweeted.
Also she's comparing law breaking with something that was a complete accident, wonder how much she knows about what happened.
Whatever the case this is actually kind of a disgusting tweet.
No. 594493
>>594467It is when you buy them for cheap off some back yard dentist. Other possibilities, abusing drugs has her teeth fucked, Jonny is physically abusive…
I personally believe back yard dentist
No. 594628
File: 1527370583129.jpeg (139.65 KB, 1242x277, 1E8632BF-7581-4809-BCAC-BAE883…)

>>594575In 2 hours, less 5 minutes…
No. 594633
File: 1527370968804.png (3.13 MB, 1242x2208, DCDD7540-D275-45BF-B23C-55C4C4…)

>>594008Omg. This woman turn her twitter from public to private as often as she changes her underwear!!
No. 594640
File: 1527371421456.jpg (497.77 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7504.JPG)

repost because my icon was showing. petty paige's TND video should be out next week.
No. 594740
>>5947141) what's with the weird subtle sad piano music in the back, just cringey.
2) She's the worst mental health activist ever, this is all the MOST basic info, plus she's saying it in a way that makes it clear she's just badly echoing "mental illness validation!!~" stuff she read online.
3) UGH animals CAN BE really good for mental health, that's true, but also it's REALLY DANGEROUS to get an animal if you're not in a place to take care of it, or to balance taking care of the animal and yourself. Sure my cats help my anxiety, but they're not cures, not even slightly. You can't get an animal expecting it to fix you. (especially a fucking monitor! Sure, they're great support until you don't care for them properly and they bite your hand off…) You still have to be able to get up and take care of them, even when you don't want to.
3) "I'm going to go through my animals and tell you how they help!!!" god this is so gross. This is such a dangerous thing to do. She's straight up advertising pet ownership to her army of 13 year old followers as if they should just go out and get these animals JUST because they have mental health issues they want help with. And what the HELL is her thing about how holding a snake is a good "alternative" to self harm?!
4) A little more nitpicky but.. she still doesn't fucking know what a service dog is. "Your dog can be certified as a therapy dog and go out in public with you!" No, service dogs perform tasks and can go out in public/be allowed anywhere you are with the exception of sterile environments like operating rooms. Therapy dogs are trained to help OTHER people, so they're allowed in hospitals or nursing homes but aren't just allowed wherever their owners go, including housing. ESAs are allowed in otherwise pet-unfriendly housing, and usually allowed to travel with owners, but otherwise aren't allowed in public at all.
5) I don't even know where to start with the monitor as a good animal for support and calming…. what the HELL? And with BTS and etc, "They don't take as much time as other animals! If you don't have the time to devote to a dog or cat, these are great!" Okay no, if you don't have time for a dog or cat you probably shouldn't have ANY exotic pets, but you definitely should not have any pets that benefit from consistent interaction. (also since when do you not have to play with hedgehogs? Don't they like to be out?)
God. Sorry for the long post/rant, but this may be the most dangerous video she's ever put out.
No. 594766
File: 1527383076250.jpg (353.78 KB, 920x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

Old milk meme but i just found time to do it.
No. 594778
>>594714i cant get passed a few minutes of this tbh, shes seriously talking about a snake as if hes a fidget spinner or something "the squeezing is extremely stress relieving" SIS DONT BUY A SNAKE JUST BC THEY CONSTRICT why would she promote that??
no one needs to buy animals, she keeps saying "if you have (insert animal)…", just tell people to volunteer at rescues if they wanna feel a snake squeeze their arm, why encourage people to purchase exotic animals (we know shes stopped promoting adoption bc of her hypocrisy lol)? cornsnakes can live 15 years easily dont tell people to buy them so they can hold them once a week for the ~therapeutic qualities~ theyre animals not fidget cubes, can she just treat them w respect + not promote dumb needless exploitation for once? i cant believe i used to trust her husbandry advice
No. 594821
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No. 594822
File: 1527386836206.jpeg (401.2 KB, 1242x2150, F520C126-B14E-4589-A350-636AFF…)

kinda lame but mama dean really thinks all the haters are criminals now
No. 594828
>>594825"i have a crime to report"
"yes ma'am?"
"some internet trolls are being mean to me >:("
"…ma'am this number is for emergencies only"
No. 594830
File: 1527387149200.jpg (200.61 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6277.JPG)

I'm so pissed at these comments on her video. they're all acting like she's so brave for talking about this when she doesn't talk about anything important at all. She doesn't "teach" anything either. This video is probably the stupidest one yet if i'm being honest
No. 594843
>>594830Are none of them aware that is was a sponsored video? Did they even watch it? That's probably the only reason she made it. She was talking about that mental health channel and never made anything for it but oh once a sponsor comes along…
>>594822Someone tell her to call the internet police. She'd probably be like "what's their number?"
No. 594859
File: 1527390746272.jpg (640.35 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180526-211359.jpg)

Let me guess, they all crawled into this stick?
No. 594867
File: 1527391703924.jpeg (167.09 KB, 750x1334, 03F43263-A7E2-4A1C-BC82-AA14EF…)

Oh my god barf
No. 594874
File: 1527392903741.jpeg (334.59 KB, 1323x1984, A0E89EE0-CDCF-4C61-97E1-4241F3…)

She’s still going with this lie even though we all know the store she got them from only sells wild-caught.
No. 594901
>>594714Soooo many things wrong with this video
First of all, snakes don't like to be handled. They tolerate it, but excessive handling is very stressful for them.
Monitors should not be used for calming yourself or someone else down. They can be unpredictable and are not the best "handling" animals.
Emotional support animals don't have a the same public rights as a service animal. That entire part of the video was a little confusing for me but it seemed she was trying to say that both ESA and service animals can get vests for being in public. ESA's get housing rights and some other stuff like that, but you still can't take them into non pet friendly stores and restaurants.
Geckos can be flighty and can jump into the abyss with no warning. I find the texture of mine nice but I also have to watch him to make sure he doesn't jump and watch his body language to be sure he's not stressed (because they can drop their tails when stressed/threatened). Hers seem calm but individual geckos have different behaviours.
Honestly, recommending that someone who is severely depressed get a reptile can be a bad thing. If she barely had the energy to shower, how was she looking after her reptiles? Some of which need to be misted twice a day? I know when I had a sudden depressive episode a year ago I had to have my boyfriend help me out with my animals as it was just too overwhelming for me to deal with them and my depression.
Also, she seemed to mention tegus not needing to be handled all the time. They need to be handled daily or at least every other day or they will never calm down properly. I know she listed off a few different lizards and pasted tegu into the left hand side but still.
Her video seemed to have good intentions but it was a little rough, and definitely could have more proper information and a little more effort put into it.
No. 594904
File: 1527397657197.jpg (382.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180526-230853.jpg)

Didn't she get them in February? Or maybe late January? Or did she just not post pictures of them or mention them for a month or two?
No. 594906
File: 1527397795612.jpg (622.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180526-231049.jpg)

>>594904February 2nd is the first mention of them. Why is she yet again lying about when she got an animal?
No. 594918
File: 1527399488787.png (111.55 KB, 1211x1211, IMG_3753.PNG)

same anon who commented on this before, and i thought maybe the lighting in her photos of herself was wonky, but she still appears (to me at least) to have a black eye in this video. i'm a makeup artist and if you don't color correct properly beforehand or use the correct method of application, it's extremely difficult to completely mask bruises for the average person. and this is what it looks like when you try to cover them using just concealer and foundation. trying to hide something would explain why she's suddenly been wearing a full face of makeup everyday.
perhaps it's from eds, but i personally don't know enough about it to know whether or not it would cause bruising under her eye. i do however, believe her abusive rapist of a boyfriend might have something to do with it as he's been known to give his girlfriends black eyes in the past.
if it is one, her giving a speech on mental health is even more ironic.
No. 594945
>>594788strongly disagree. her mistreatment of animals and people are a part of her personality. no fixing that.
i also don't think it's possible for her to gain an extensive education about the 30+ creatures she obviously knows little about.
No. 594961
File: 1527402764924.jpeg (187.12 KB, 1000x623, 93EDD1C4-7F4D-4228-8E8A-9B9321…)

>>594918Wow that’s an obvious black eye. Even how it travels downwards to the cheek bone. She needs to get out ASAP.
No. 594975
File: 1527404082631.jpg (22.05 KB, 474x233, IMG_2700.JPG)

>>594961Not trying to WK here but a lot of people's under eyes follow the same drooping and can get pretty dark, plus something about her wretched face tells me she's not smart enough to be able to cover full bruises so I'd just say she's developed a bad sleeping schedule (drugs will do that to you)
No. 594984
File: 1527404698579.jpg (127.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180527-010531.jpg)

>>594918I just kind of fiddled with the picture on my phone and uh…there's definitely something funky under the one eye. Normally I'd say it's just a dark circle possibly from lack of sleep (she seems to have an erratic sleep schedule) but the other eye looks fine
No. 594992
File: 1527405592532.jpeg (446.65 KB, 2048x2048, DC87F21B-8146-4164-82CB-23D250…)

>>594984That’s 100% a black eye. Not bags under both, not lack of sleep. It’s a black eye.
No. 594995
File: 1527405727529.jpeg (41.54 KB, 1080x491, EE0E3D4B-BE6F-4DE7-931D-B16940…)

>>594984I literally just upped the contrast and dimmed the brightness. You can clearly see it is a black eye.
No. 595056
File: 1527416968791.jpg (491.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180527-042955.jpg)

>>595042The two bottom ones are female, are they not? Both have solid tails
No. 595111
>>595079Pretty sure they're referring to this
>>594859 picture
No. 595130
File: 1527433684029.png (87.35 KB, 798x718, tnd fake.png)

I wonder how long a few weeks will take
No. 595163
File: 1527437875916.jpeg (332.44 KB, 1242x1796, A8D6A340-FBDF-44B9-B035-35F8D8…)

No. 595187
File: 1527440048680.jpg (441.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180527-105431.jpg)

Okay so most female ball pythons get to be maybe 5 feet (sometimes a little longer, but generally a little shorter) but if they did get 80" long, her tubs would be way too small. Make up your mind taylor. Also, I bet she's one of those people who measures her snakes shed to see "how long" they are
No. 595201
>>595195Uroplatus Anon is coming with some great info on how badly she handles them.
So unless you can do it better, why not shut up ? :)
(emoji use) No. 595252
>>595130So she plans on having 12 ball pythons? She doesn't even have any adults yet does she? They're all still small and judging from her experiences with failing to feed f/t and trying to feed live, and the state of her gtp, she doesn't know how to even feed properly all the time. Nobody else must think its weird that this is a recent thing she is doing yet somehow she's crowned snake queen.
>>595201This. I think it's hilarious when people on
lolcow know more than she ever will about her animals.
No. 595403
File: 1527457527788.jpeg (256.23 KB, 1295x1106, 41DA6559-A832-4E01-99FB-28BBDB…)

Here she is going against everything she said in her snake feeding video.
No. 595431
File: 1527459467667.png (184.6 KB, 1268x704, Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 3.17…)

Thank god shes at least learning the basics
No. 595442
File: 1527460104179.png (1.06 MB, 1010x568, satanics.png)

Seriously though, what happened to the red eyed gecko? surely they can't change eye colours…
No. 595448
File: 1527460380631.png (407.25 KB, 694x364, satanics.png)

Also this one she showed a while ago had a wavy edge to its tail which I can't see in any of the geckos in the new photo on the right. Unless its the one hanging upside down, but then thats the one I would have said to be most likely the one that had red eyes… so either way one gecko is missing / replaced?
No. 595471
File: 1527462123245.png (289.79 KB, 750x1334, 429D6AE5-E241-40B7-AC3C-1B0041…)

Bish you never got into college for marine biology. You talked about going but you NEVER went. You were still in high school when you got your job.
No. 595566
File: 1527471479955.jpg (491.74 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20180527-183748.jpg)

This is all I could find
No. 595585
File: 1527473019075.png (113.12 KB, 750x842, IMG_2711.PNG)

>>595579Oh yeah I just checked, no marine biology classes, no marine biology major, because of course it's a community college. The closest being general zoology, but she'd need to take a writing class and a math as a prerequisite so she'd have to have gone longer than a semester and the current course has no online sections because there's a lab section associated with the class. (Photo is majors offered at the CC)
No. 595657
>>594984This is so disturbing and sad and I don’t think for one second that’s just “dark circles.” It’s a black eye. From what? I’d bet my life Jonny got physical with her which would explain his love bombing on Twitter. Sucks that her mom views this site as ‘The Enemy!!1!’ Bc this is something she should really know about/be able to confront Taylor about. Those texts from Chelsea were not faked, but I can see Mrs. Dean being stupid enough to buy some excuse from Taylor that they were “photoshopped” or something.
As much criticism as anyone here has about Taylor and her animal care, I can say for a fact none of us would be happy with her being abused. Men like Jonny eventually kill, she needs help.
No. 595802
>>595566Marine biology isn't as fun as she makes it sound here lmao. She clearly has little to no clue what it is.
We all know she will use the abuse as some form of sympathy once they're ended, provided she gets out on time. She certainly doesn't deserve it, but I don't think I'm prepared for her victim card.
No. 595842
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No. 595843
File: 1527511048919.jpeg (271.25 KB, 1242x1343, 33546111-1F25-4782-BDB3-DED353…)

No. 595844
File: 1527511073987.jpeg (276.38 KB, 1242x1346, 48D12A21-A255-4498-A1FE-8F563B…)

No. 595904
File: 1527520208767.jpg (2.12 MB, 2048x2048, 1527520050265.jpg)

>>594918Wait I'm glad yall pointed this out bc I noticed smth weird under her left eye when she posted these pics but i didn't know if it was a reach.. really explains why she lightened the pics. I messed with the exposure and lighting to make it more visible. It also looks like she blurred that spot after her re-edit.
No. 595946
File: 1527524699151.jpeg (291.81 KB, 750x804, C62E34F1-B9F8-4E73-9836-3ECD3E…)

130K views only? Damn. What happened?
No. 596042
File: 1527535089441.png (31.12 KB, 600x254, 439564396943693496436.png)

I don't know if he did or did not hit her, but if he did, the cycle is complete I'd guess. Abuse - love and promise to never do it again - she needs him still - abuse - etc
No. 596122
File: 1527541267381.jpeg (465.65 KB, 1267x1647, C4A714DC-974E-4986-B73D-B09846…)

There’s definitely something under her eye, but hard to say if it’s a bruise or not.
No. 596123
File: 1527541282253.jpeg (419.51 KB, 1275x1653, F1AE3235-6FE9-4167-8449-A41889…)

No. 596138
File: 1527542738481.jpg (837.74 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180528_172518.jpg)

Doesn't look like freckles to me
No. 596170
>>596122Seems rather low to be a black eye, more like he aimed for her nose or cheek?
I mean… it could just be part of something she did that is made worse by her EDs so I won't make the full conclusion yet.
Deffo odd she isn't photoshopping this out tho
No. 596263
>>596138Weird. Could be anything but in the previous photos it was different looking.
I don't think she would be showing it like that so easily? It's pretty obvious unedited and she could easily cover it up with editing.
When did Jonny leave again? Have they even been together recently enough?
No. 596331
File: 1527557943774.jpeg (440.27 KB, 3444x3444, E2D61583-0385-419B-8264-BEF54C…)

Where’s the promised video?
No. 596463
File: 1527570423282.jpeg (198.34 KB, 1298x1260, A3AEA123-310F-4923-898B-0588A2…)

From her liked tweets.
No. 596537
>>596516100 percent agree. It’s pretty obvious. Sucks that Mrs. Dean would never believe her precious sweet Taylor wouldn’t tell her if Jonny hit her. Because I feel like her mom would never pick up on the signs of physical abuse.
It’s very crazy to me how she’s concerned for Taylor and calling police one minute, and the next they are (literally) acting like a Disney land fam
No. 596587
>>596516trust me anon, i’m not at all doubting there’s a large possibility that jonny is physically abusive to her just like he was to all of his exes. i’m just saying it doesn’t look like any of the black eyes i’ve bore witness to, which obviously doesn’t mean shit considering i’m no professional on this.
on the other hand, if you and other anons are right and it really is a black eye, it’d explain why she’s been taking so long to release videos. maybe she has to take more time in between recording so swelling/bruising can go down. until they break up and she releases a clickbait “why we broke up” video, it’s all just speculation.
No. 596607
File: 1527592396933.jpg (68.67 KB, 633x411, petco......animals.jpg)

I thought that you were chained to the cash registers though? never allowed to work with the animals? since when did you have an official title and responsibility? I'm sure we would've heard this before, you love to talk about what an expert you are. or aren't. or are. or whatever works for whatever conversation you're in the middle of.
No. 596638
>>596607… What?
Pretty sure store employees normally go through the whole 'they need this and this, and if you have not owned this and this before we don't recommend this, instead we recommend this'', with group animals it's normally recommended to get two. Most pet stores don't blindly sell their animals.
We know she's probably lying but how hard is it to keep a fucking story straight?
No. 596659
>>596638From what I read, She was essentially a cashier. She never actually was one who went around and talked to customers. She just stood at the front. And that’s typically how cashiers are, they can only stand in the front and greet customers. You don’t go within the store and handle any animals or merchandise. I’ve been a cashier for retail stores and they’re essentially all the same tasks unless you’re assigned a different area with different tasks that day.
-another topic-
Based of personal experiences, people who abuse substances and people and never are held accountable often go back into those habits. I would not be surprised if she was being abused by him. I do not wish that on anyone, however i feel that it is happening. She is the type to use it as a crutch though, so that is going to be yet another hurdle in getting her to just be a decent human being.
No. 596742
>>596607Petco anon- I've only worked there for the past year, but I have never heard of a "small animal associate' position? Maybe its different in Texas, but the closest position she could be referring to would be Companion Animal Leader, which is a manager position. And managers are definitely not chained to the register.
Maybe more Petco anons can help me out, but I am calling bullshit.
No. 596751
>>596607Petco anon here: she isn’t allowed to not sell an animal without a manager on duty permission. That would be why she was written up. But thought she quit not written up / fired.
sage for irrelevant but hey
No. 596755
>>596742Small animal associatiate isn’t a position it’s what you said. They are then a manager/key holder position and would barely be chained to the register unless needed. But even then- they hire cashiers for a reason.
AND at that point she wouldn’t be written up for not selling animals to people she would have every right to decline and not get written up.
No. 596769
File: 1527609857519.png (128.31 KB, 750x880, IMG_2735.PNG)

And everybody clapped.
No. 596777
My local Petco is a bit different, I don't work there, so I don't know everything, but I do go in every single week, sometimes twice a week, for bugs/cat food and pretty much know everyone by name. Everyone works the registers and everyone works the floors. No one is specifically assigned a position (like taylor claimed) or assigned to the register to where they cannot leave it (also what taylor once claimed). Everyone helps out, sells animals, and checks people out. It is not uncommon at all to go in and get greeted by someone walking around the store helping people out and getting animals, then go to the register and the same person be there checking people out. Most of the time you go in no one is even at the register, they are all on the floor helping people out. Now, my store isn't all that big and usually doesn't stay super busy, so that could be the reason. sage for irrelevant/rant
No. 596888
>>596607The flip flop so much about her time during Petco, first she never work on the floor because they didn't left her, later she not only work on the floor but she also take care of the cats on adoption!( That's why she take the kitten interested first place).
I don't understand how her fans can't see how inconsistent she is.
>>596769Says the one whom mice die during her two week straight vacation with her rapist bf, taking advantage of Tanner's special pass.
I don't understand why she made a big deal of her headhogh death but almost didn't even mention Gus death.
No. 596892
>>596659From the anon who knew the manager it sounds like she did multiple things including working on teh floor but maybe not selling to customers.
That explains how she got Gus (considering her story may be true, who knows really) and the picture of her with the crested (?) geckos posted a while ago
Also, I'm pretty sure she has people come in every other day/once a week rather than daily. I can't imagine a lady with a newborn coming in every day, and even then it seems like they discovered the mouse after he's been dead for a while.
No. 596895
File: 1527618257353.png (279.47 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-05-29-12-22-52…)

It didn't stop her to work at Petco tho. Good money.
No. 596912
File: 1527619152999.png (320.92 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-05-29-12-35-57…)

No. 597048
>>596912When you think about it Petco Employers and the info they give out is usually awful (of course there are some exceptions), but it's just occurred to me that she's a glorified Petco employee… here care and info is just awful.
(no offence to any petco employee anons, im just talking about the vast majority included TND being awful)
No. 597101
>>597048and most often then not we say we are not specialists. idk how it is at petsmart/daves/etc. but everyone is trained basic information for ALL possible animals that petcos would sell. Information we give out is basic (unless you know more) even our "caresheets" say clean the cage, make sure they have food and water. its up to the customer to do in depth research.
not every pet store treats the animals inhumanely / and genuinely cares about them.
>>596912feel bad for all of the petsmarts her stans are calling, emailing, etc. (not about the snake obviously not being cared for) but for selling those beta tanks she was complaining about the other day. not much they can unless higher up gets involved.
No. 597117
File: 1527635614364.jpeg (86.06 KB, 1294x675, C124680A-6610-4922-81F7-7ED09E…)

I wonder if there’s more drama between her and jc?
No. 597173
File: 1527640653270.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, 79B30D05-E214-4919-B47D-32F3A9…)

She has been posting so much about how amazing her cats are and how they help her so much with her mental health. Every time she does it she HAS to include something like “I was having a panic attack” or “I was crying”. We get it, you have mental health issues, a lot of people have them, no need to constantly post about it using your cats as an excuse
No. 597181
>>597173He JUMPED in? That's why he's nearly completely dry except for the one wet paw on the left and that's why there's a matching singular paw print and no water droplets anywhere else on the floor? Why does she lie over stupid shit
My cat sticks her paw in the water too all the time till she realizes it's wet.
No. 597233
File: 1527646323707.png (5.91 MB, 1242x2208, 0BF742E9-68B6-4682-B6D4-287B11…)

Lol. Poor darling. So alone.
No. 597350
File: 1527663579532.jpeg (78.51 KB, 1242x532, 6C383867-A9BC-4C01-8E6C-709B6F…)

No. 597351
File: 1527663599466.jpeg (370.98 KB, 1242x1430, 42441244-C866-44B9-87B2-75806D…)

No. 597353
File: 1527663810805.jpeg (314.01 KB, 1242x1136, 3AE0758F-C857-4E8E-9955-344D6B…)

Maybe she’ll apologise to all of JC’s exes soon?
No. 597357
File: 1527664002783.jpeg (319.56 KB, 1242x1112, 9CA9B18E-C9EE-47E6-9DA4-1C2CCB…)

No. 597365
>>597359It's not because you wanted to convince yourself that it wasn't true because you're a good person. it's because you believed you were better than everyone else and thought you'd be the one to change him when no one else could. Because you wanted to make him your pet project to get more attention because nothing is ever good enough for you.
Stop dragging this out. Just end it. if you listened to anyone at all that had tried to actually help you before, you would have been out of this situation a long time ago, so you have no one to blame but yourself. End it while you have the chance and get your life back together.
No. 597367
>>597360Nooo please, Taylor, I know you read here, this is the best thing you could EVER do for yourself.
Change the locks on your doors and throw his shit out on the street before its too late.
No. 597371
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>>597368I really just hope not for her sake but like when does johnny get back anyway? also she has changed her twitter bio not to include him anymore. let's see
No. 597372
>>597370She already knew he was scum. he just believed that she was better than everyone else and thought she'd be the one to change him.
The best thing she could do is just end it. He's probably cheating on her right now.
No. 597375
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>>597371This happened last time as well, however TND is still in his bio across social media. My guess is he's ignored her since he left for better pussy and she's throwing a fit at 2:00 am, but hasn't actually spoken to him about breaking it off.
No. 597376
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No. 597377
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He still has her on his bio on insta
No. 597381
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I'm happy that she's realizing he's a piece of shit that can't be "healed" or whatever the fuck she was thinking, but I can tell you all that this won't last.
She'll be back to him in no time and absolutely regret it
No. 597383
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She didn't even last an hour, only 2 surviving tweets remain. How long until those are gone too? Place your bets people.
No. 597408
>>597383Okay but can I actually say how fucking annoying her stans are?
They were the same people who defended her and were like "but she's soooo happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy reeeeee" whenever people brought up the rape and abuse allegations against him.
No. 597464
>>597351Lol okay girl, you're threatening to expose him now to scare him into talking?
At this point I don't know how sorry I feel for her. She is ALLOWING herself to be abused because she is codependent on him, yet she clearly knows what's happening. I've been there and it was just me turning a blind eye because ''this person is so good to me'' bs when you have no one.
She's trash and she won't listen to anyone here because all we are doing is giving her the attention he doesn't give her, until she's in such desperate need for Jonny.
Hi Taylor, you deserve better but you're also as bad as this dude in other ways.
No. 597465
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Chelsea's been tweeting about what Taylor said. Good chance JC got her to delete everything.
I feel bad for blaming her for staying because I know that's typical of abuse, but I can't get over how willingly she put not just herself, but her animals in this situation, and doesn't get out.
No. 597467
>>597465She probably deleted them because he gave her the attention she needed. Dude doesn't want to be exposed for what he is even if we have all these people screaming this or that.
Considering he's out of town she could have easily changed the locks or ran away to her parents (though considering her animals, just change the locks or tell whoever's in charge that there is an issue and for safety, you want to do this or that).
She's playing a manipulative game and she's probably winning even if she gets beat up or screamed at
No. 597470
>>597467I'm not sure getting beat up or screamed at counts as "winning," but yeah she's probably manipulating him right back. I'm sure being in a relationship with her is hell just mentally, even if she isn't physically abusive like he is.
Regardless of what she's doing or not doing though they are pretty exactly following the pattern/timeline his exes said they would. Cat adoption, drug use, fight when he goes on tour, keep making up and taking him back believing she'll "fix," him, etc.
No. 597482
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Chelsea screenshotted and posted everything on twitter. Hell yeah.
No. 597515
>>597510I would say that's a better way to put it, IF she didn't have two/three of his exes, her family, the public, etc. etc. screaming at her that this was going to happen. And also if she didn't call his exes liars. She willingly walked into this situation, ignoring everyone's completely legitimate warnings, preferring to minimize their experiences and call them liars.
I still feel bad, but not that bad. She kinda did allow herself to be abused.
No. 597539
>>597510I wouldn't say she's trapped when she seems to know very well what is happening but is only using it to get attention from him when he leaves.
If she walked into this not knowing anything and genuinely felt trapped she wouldn't be making public announcements about it.
I also wonder if Jonny is less likely to beat her up in obvious places because he knows that she's more public than his previous exes.
No. 597559
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Taylors likes. Does she think it's cute that she's a public shit show?
No. 597561
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No. 597572
>>597353Ok BARF… she wanted/wants a family with JC?? Jonny acts like he doesn’t even have a kid, even though he has a son with one of his exes. So he’s a rapist, a druggy, and an abuser to you Taylor but you want to get impregnated by this manlet and raise a baby with him??
Jesus fuck. Please listen to yourself. You can hardly handle being alone, owning 40+ animals, and your “EDS + depression” seem to just flare up at the most convenient of times when you don’t want to do work.
Do you know what having a baby is like?? Literally your best friend just had a baby. You don’t just get to “take breaks” for a few months like you do from your job. Jonny sure as fuck would leave you the moment you saw your pregnancy test lmao. Grossssss
No. 597601
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It's soo romantic, she have the heart and he the moneybags.
Go on, Taytay, get pregnant. That's a show I would like to watch.Your baby won't care if you have flare up,you still need to feed him, change him and even if you do it, he will cry for no reason, unlike your animals.
No. 597614
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>>597610Predictable but I fear for her and her animals.
Just move out ninja style next time he's on tour Taylor.
Only tell your parents and leave it off Twitter.
No. 597632
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No. 597635
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No. 597640
>>597614I feel bad for Chelsea because JC is still massively obsessed with her and she still deals with that in favour of trying to bring Taylor to the light. And I get her motive, she went through some scary ass shit and she clearly doesn’t like Taylor but still wants to get her out before it’s too late. I respect her for that. I used to think she was just being obsessive and move on but I can understand that instict to protect and prevent someone from being abused.
It’s shitty of Taylor to basically make a mockery of the reality just because she wants attention because she got “lonely”. Grow up, you’re being abused and you’re using the situation as a crutch for attention. Get out and get help. I’m not even sure she actually loves him in all honesty
No. 597642
>>597637She’s aware. She’s a shit fucking mom. Her daughter is being abused and manipulated and she’s making subtweets like that’s suddenly going to make her get out. Personality and animal husbandry aside, Taylor is going through some fucked up shit and the fact that her mom is just like “love her! She’s perfect! You’re doing amazing sweetie!” We know you read this, so hi Jenny! You’re a shitty fucking parent to both your kids and I place so much weight on your shoulders for supporting a relationship where you know he’s an addict and abused.
It truly baffles me that she thinks a subtweet will fix everything and her delusions make me want to have her checked out.
No. 597682
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Is she just bad with time or does she really lie about everything for no reason? She posted that she got her lips done in October, definitely not well over a year ago.
No. 597683
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Hmm but she cares enough to attack people that were trying to tell taylor’s young followers not to date a man like Jonny.
No. 597687
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An interview where Jonny mentioned the kid. I have a bad habit of hitting new reply instead of browse to add the photo, my bad! I hope I did this all correctly. No. 597689
>>597657And who wants to bet when they do break up (bc lets be honest their shitty relationship won't last) he will expose all these things she did, but she will then go on rants and make videos about how he abused her. How he is making all these things up to slander her, lie and destroy her career just because they broke up. It will be poor me poor me, I'm a victim and you should feel bad for me.
You deserve zero sympathy Taylor. You were warned since day 1. I know this probably sounds cold but even if she really is being physically/mentally abused, I truly don't feel sorry for her. She brought this on herself when people told her he's a druggy and a RAPIST! What do you expect! I feel so bad for her animals though.
No. 597695
>>597640I used to kinda think the same thing, Chelsea did seem a bit like an obssessive ex and I thought to myself, just move on and you'll be happier. But I have gained huge respect for her since then. She doesn't want to see another young girl, especially with the potential Taylor has, get raped and abused by this disgusting human being. I respect her for it. Taylor said herself she wants to get called out on her actions. Chelsea has been calling her out since the beginning, and all she's done is mock and ridicule her in return.
lollll Taylor does not love Jonny. Those tweets she made says it all. There is no love between them. He just wants money and young pussy, and she just wants constant attention and to live the lavish lifestyle. I think she just denies it and tries to convince herself she loves him, that she is the one that will suddenly change him for the better. Idk why the fuck she'd want to get pregnant by someone like JC.
No. 597703
>>597695This exactly. Chelsea has gotten nothing but my respect from day 1. Honestly, the way she deals with this situation, especially now that everything she said would happen is now happening, is pretty classy considering the circumstances.
The best thing that can come of this is that her super young fans know what NOT to look for in a relationship
No. 597719
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Look how tiny he is. Somewhere in that shirt is a Jonny Craig
No. 597724
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No. 597750
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No. 597752
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No. 597795
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Since these satanics are so delicate, couldn’t a fall from this height cause damage? Why must she risk putting animals in bad positions just for Instagram?
No. 597812
>>597682>They're definitely natural again.How high are you, fucking christ on a cracker.
They are so far from "natural" its absurd.
No. 597821
>>597683No parent would sit there and watch their daughter go through an abusive relationship, even if she chooses to be a part of it.
Then again, half of this thread went into melt down when she did try to help so I can't blame her a 100% even if she's a shit person.
>>597820Its obviously Taylor!! /s
No. 597897
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Chelsea was right all along
No. 597900
>>597879I think it was for attention, but not in the sense that she was looking to be seen as a victim. I think it was more along the lines of "I'm a "famous" youtuber who is dating a "famous" rockstar", and thought she was gonna be hot shit for it.
She grossly underestimated JC and the impact he'd have on her.
From all the evidence gathered about her, she's a girl who's deeply depressed and lonely, and tries to fill the void by hoarding and having unhealthy relationships because that's the only way in which she can feel she's worth something. Like, all her life was online. She never developed a healthy sense of worth or any healthy relationships with other people.
All the luxuries she has, the animals, her appearance, they're all a front.
Girls like her often end up in abusive situations because their perception of themselves is so warped they can't distinguish what a healthy relationship should be like.
This is why it's so easy for men like JC to predate on girls like her. Because she lacks the maturity and mental health to realize she's being used and abused.
No. 597901
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No. 597912
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No. 597914
>>597909Chelsea isn’t making it about “her” in my eyes. Chelsea was raped by Jonny. She went through the abuse, rape, drugs, and cycles of the relationship while with him. Taylor got with Jonny, and Chelsea warned her. She did have her back and tried to tell her. She told her everything she knew, and what would happen. Guess what Taylor did? She and Jonny both laughed and ridiculed her on social media, calling her a liar.
Well look now. Chelsea was right and does deserve an apology. She did everything she could for Taylor and doesn’t want to see her get hurt. Yet Taylor just mocked her in return. Chelsea was a victim and tried to warn her, many, many times. Now Taylor just outed Jonny as being abusive even though she’s now deleted the tweets, it’s all out there with screenshots. She’s finally truly proved herself as the one in the wrong (even though we’ve all known it already, she would just never admit it until last night).
No. 597915
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No. 597916
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No. 597933
>>597927(Same anon, adding to this comment)
Plus I feel like the problem is Taylor has already taken him back. If she was still like last night, outing him or if she hadn’t deleted the tweets, it would appear she’s ready to leave. While he’s away she should be changing locks and have his stuff packed up with a police officer there when he comes back. But Taylor has already gone back to “Jonnycraig4l ❤️❤️“. She took him back. She has no intention of leaving him at this moment. If anything she’ll just tell her mom “yeah we were just going through a rough patch I’m fine.” OR if she does admit all the abuse to her mom over a phone call, her mom needs to be recording the call to use as evidence she’s crying for help if need be. Im afraid for when he comes home, I feel like all her animals are in such an unsafe environment at this point. Taylor brings shit on herself but not on the animals, they don’t deserve it.
No. 597940
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Taylor had a wellness check by her parents back in December, i think Jennifer is as lost as anyone else who's tried to help her tbh
No. 597944
>>597934That may explain her constant crying while he’s gone. She calls it “panic attacks” but we all know it’s because Jonny wasn’t giving her attention. I wonder if he just wouldn’t call or text her back for days, which would def signal that he’s cheating on her, which we all know he is. He just wants pussy and money. She’s crying and complaining about being alone.
I find it so ironic she got her “By Myself” tattoo to show how she had to learn to be alone and be happy with her self.. You clearly can’t handle being alone and without constant attention from Jonny? Very hypocritical.
No. 597952
>>597934Within the next few days, Jonny’s cycle will include him gushing about her on Twitter, how she makes him a better man, how sorry he is for the mistakes he’s made, how he wants to love her and cherish her forever and make it up to her. Because that’s his “queen”, obviously. He’ll also go on Instagram and post selfies of them, and of her, and gush some more about her looks, and how she is the most beautiful girl in the world.
And remember, he will never mention anything about her personality.. because he doesn’t care. It’s about her looks and money. He is so textbook abusive, it’s crazy.
No. 598052
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No. 598053
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No. 598062
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No. 598063
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No. 598065
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No. 598075
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No. 598090
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Guys it's FINE if he uses, as long as he's honest!!!!! Duh.
No. 598094
>>598090being someone who is close to a person who dates an addict, this is a really familiar phrase, lol.
i don't care if you get fucked up, as long as you're "safe"!!
such bullshit. she's stuck on a really slippery slope.
No. 598103
>>598090He's "slipped up". Bitch, he's never stopped using.
He's not sober if he's always drinking.
He's not sober if you have to make him take piss tests to make sure he's not using.
He's not sober if you have to be attached at the hip to make sure he doesn't use.
This is so infuriating.
No. 598119
>>598053>>597872no worries. it's a super useful way to clearly show you're being sarcastic since tone can be so hard to understand over text sometimes.
>>597897I feel so bad for these women (except taylor.) at the same time I respect their integrity and strength so much (except taylor)
>>597937this is what makes me saddest. the animals in the situation. taylor should rehome jonny and 80% of the other animals in the house, keep the cats and maybe JUST the monitor or the cats and like the fish or something idk
>>597943omfg he is an actual monster. poor cat. poor chelsea.
>>598052>>598053omg no this is so bullshit. all of it. drugs have always been involved and I believe this is all about cheating now, and he just turned it on her and made her feel SUPER guilty about those tweets so that now she's trying to make it up by defending him and everything, even though she's shit at it lol
No. 598121
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So she claims she was only freaking out last night because she thought he had been using this whole time, but at the same time they’ve been doing drug tests more than once a week? Sure.
No. 598127
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No. 598128
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Apparently hes doing programs but theres no proof
No. 598131
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When people called her out that taking one Vicodin wouldn't do anything for him, she ASSURES us that the science of addiction and tolerance build up does not apply to Jonny and he just can't take anything!
No. 598149
>>598121is she on drugs while she's writing this shit lol
>>598127"unconditional love from me as long as"…… that's not what the word unconditional means girl
>>598128>>598143this is why I think he flipped shit on her for tweeting that stuff and made everything into her fault. she's saying anything she can now to defend him even if it's utter bullshit
No. 598151
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No. 598152
FUCK I'm so mad she didn't just spill everything. She was
this close. Definitely more than just relapsing with PAIN KILLERS come the fuck on Taylor.
Everyone was supporting of her for one second and she fucks it up. Who would believe that they take piss tests more than once a week? Oh yeah, her 12 year old fans.
He is going to be so pissed at her when he gets home, I'm kind of afraid for her.
Surprisingly she has given no excuse for the spot under her eye, and coincidentally she just mentions about the shit she has been quiet about.
>>598128The amount of damage control and lying is astounding. All these programs and outpatient that has mysteriously never have been mentioned in any way. They definitely would have mentioned it and bragged about how much he is "getting better".
My bet is that "slipping up on pain killers" is code for "slipping up on shooting up"
No. 598192
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Taylor liked this tweet.. some of her fans are clueless
No. 598204
>>598199"oh hey jonny one sec stop trying to shoot me up, i need to grab my phone and take a video of this"
yep, evidence is totally key
No. 598232
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This girls TL is an endless amount of excuses. If this doesn’t prove what a liar and manipulator she is, idk what will.
No. 598252
>>598232If I were Jonny I would be pissed as hell for her airing my shit out on Twitter of all places, warranted or not. That would be a normal reaction for him to have.
I don’t believe any of this. I don’t believe she received a “mysterious text” about him using. For DAYS before her little twitter meltdown, she was tweeting about how she “felt so alone,” “nobody cares about me,” “crying all day a bloo bloo bloo” and it’s obviously targeted at Jonny who was presumably ignoring her. She has her twitter meltdown and instantly regrets it, so she makes up a story for him and the public about a “mysterious text” that made her freak out and it’s totally not her fault, guys.
Jonny’s a piece of shit but so is Taylor. They’re both codependent and manipulative. Taylor was so quick to say “I gave you EVERYTHING,” like yeah… he was homeless, unemployed, and a fucking junkie with liver failure when you scooped him. Abuse is about power imbalance, and Taylor is the one who has power over him. He’s financially dependent on her for the most part. Her tweeting like that could destroy his life and career with how rabid her fans are and she KNOWS this.
Jonny’s an abusive rapist piece of shit, but considering who she is, they deserve each other.
No. 598277
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gross. i guess he's home tomorrow
No. 598313
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No. 598314
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No. 598318
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Wow much education, captive line-bred fish have a wild origin. Best animal educator ever!! Next she'll be letting the world know that goldfish are in the wild!!!
except they're not in the wild, and neither are bettas. they're both domestic species that have been hybridised with similar species in their genus lol.
No. 598330
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Lying is like breathing for Taylor at this point. I can't believe how dumb her fans are, you have to be dumber than dirt to think she's an honest person.
It's so obvious she's angry he left her at home to take care of her animals. He wasn't texting her much as she wanted either, so she she decided to narc rage on Twitter.
She probably doesn't even regret her actions. Her fans believe her, he's coming back to her, AND she has more negative attention from her "haters" to milk for sympathy; It's a win-win-win for Taylor.
I'm sure Johnny is abusive to her, but she's keeps choosing to put herself, her pets, and her family in danger all while laughing at the women he's abused. She's scum.
No. 598371
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No. 598372
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Well DAMN… hahaha
No. 598402
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arguments about your drug abuse/abusive ways aren't really normal
No. 598422
>>598090''My impression was to leave because he had been lying''
I wouldn't be surprised if he's cheating or doing actual drugs. No way is this dude 'true' to anything. She is fooling herself yet again and many of us here seem to be familiar with the cycle.
You all were shouting how she's oh so abused but it's clear she wants to be there and she doesn't give a fuck if he's using or cheating as long as she has the attention she needs. She's excusing everything he does like there's no tomorrow and she's enabling him so hard.
When all of this fails and she ends up doing some petty shit for his attention, nothing will come out (and if it does there will be contradictions because she's a shit liar) for a while until she can make videos on it and act how she knew nothing and she didn't say anything about his previous exes lmao.
People here thinking anything juicy will come out need to remember that this is a bad liar talking and a drug user. They won't keep their stories straight for shit, though it's possible that Jonny may expose some of her animal care but will we really take Jonnys word for it? Not to mention she could probably keep him silent with some of that cash.
No. 598444
>>598402he said NEW FLASH. He probably thinks that's the saying, as dumb as he is. lol
Jonny's always been forced into rehab. Not one time did he says "you know what, i'm checking myself in." He's a lifelong addict with no desire to change. She's not going to be the one to change him. She's gotta admit that she's not the special magical partner who will change him. before she'll leave and she seems to have too much pride for that to happen any time soon.
When she's actually ready to be done, no one's gonna give a shit or even believe her because she'll have cried wolf on Twitter so many times.
No. 598447
>>598402he said NEW FLASH. He probably thinks that's the saying, as dumb as he is. lol
Jonny's always been forced into rehab. Not one time did he says "you know what, i'm checking myself in." He's a lifelong addict with no desire to change. She's not going to be the one to change him. She's gotta admit that she's not the special magical partner who will change him. before she'll leave and she seems to have too much pride for that to happen any time soon.
When she's actually ready to be done, no one's gonna give a shit or even believe her because she'll have cried wolf on Twitter so many times.
No. 598472
>>598318Uhhh, betta splendens/Siamese fighting fish are found in the wild.
"This species is native to the Mekong basin of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. The fish can be found in standing waters of canals, rice paddies and floodplains. It is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN."
This is like saying bc ball pythons are bred in captivity, there are no longer wild ball pythons lol
No. 598479
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when I was an athlete i got tested a lot and things can move out of your system fast. For example I knew someone who smoked weed the night before a test and was fine, so I'm a little skeptical about urine tests proving he's sober.
No. 598485
>>598479It really does matter how much he actually takes but he’s been doing drugs so long there’s no way he hasn’t built up some sort of tolerance and needs to up his dosage for the drugs he’s abusing. I don’t think they do urine tests at all, it’s just a lie she made. She has time to buy all this urine tests and test her boyfriend but can’t put out a YouTube video?
I like how she’s acting like her relationships grand but she doesn’t trust her boyfriend at all. Her lies just keep exposing her even more
No. 598487
>>598485Exactly… they both act like they are just in the most wonderful relationship and love each other soooo much, but god they’re just exposing how toxic their relationship is even more.
Jonny has already gone back to calling Taylor pet names and is any moment now gonna start gushing about her on Twitter and Instagram. And Taylor’s gonna eat it right up. They are both so gross
No. 598583
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so he was trying to get back with liz immediately after Chelsea and him were done as well as this other girl and Taylor. Taylor is just the one he managed to get lol
No. 598608
Although its been mentioned; Taylor "urine tests" Johnny twice a week… heroin stay at least 2 days in the system and is detectable..
The only other test that would detect it after would be a hair follicle test.
Alright Tay.
>>598527seems like someone better get tested for hep c tay.
No. 598722
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It drives me crazy how she acts supportive of them now but passively posts lyrics like this
No. 598745
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No. 598758
>>598745But she literally brought this on herself. At the end of the day it was an impulse that she decided to make their relationship problems public on twitter.
And people are calling her a liar because she disproved how her relationship is not as perfect and she's not the savior she pretended to be since last year. She's pretending people were calling her out on only one thing when she herself posted there have been several problems with Jonny in the past. She's a fucking joke.
No. 598801
>>598783Doubt it. I think the level of abuse speculated here isn't happening, plus is dude smart enough to blackmail? I think it's a matter of her being co-dependant and going with pretty much anything he says.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's cheating on the side and she doesn't give a fuck as long as she gets her supply of attention. It's also likely she's just as psychologically/emotionally abusive as him
No. 598860
>>598720At this rate by September she’s gonna be in a slummy apartment, half of her animals dead/taken away, and on drugs 4 months pregnant.
For someone her age she had so much potential for success young. She threw it all away
No. 598958
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is taylor's cheese ever going to grow, tho?
No. 599017
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There are definitely more than the 6 she claimed there were. And Cheese is so tiny.
No. 599095
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Was it really necessary for her to show her ass in the first 2 minutes of the video? Guess as the views go down the clothes come off
No. 599114
>>599101Sponsored by blue apron again but Johnny wasn’t home for this one
Sad that food just got thrown away cause tay can’t eat gluten right
No. 599116
>>599114Jonny was the one unboxing the food in the video
>>599106All that money and they still hardly leave the house lol
No. 599120
>>599116They don’t leave the house because it’s classic codependency.
100% they stay in bed all day playing video games, having mediocre s*x, staring at their phones and eating. That’s what amoeba do when they’re together.
No. 599128
>>599116Oh my bad clearly wasn’t looking and assumed it was just her. Still sucks Johnny ate for two or it still got thrown away cause Taylor’s sensitive gluten alergy
Anyways, rich that she sat here preaching that if you don’t notice your fish growing to upgrade the tank, look into your care etc. if they’re not growing for about five months.
But yet cheese has been that size for.. what a year now?
No. 599149
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No surprise it's since been deleted, still pops up when you google her name + blue apron though
No. 599151
>>599101This is the sort of shit that proves Taylor half asses everything
She sat in front of a camera after 10 minutes on google and spewed all the info she googled, then only kind of edited it.
She jumps from topic to topic to topic
>neurotoxins!>Stunted growth>this is where they can be found :)>IchI didn't get past that part but I can only assume it gradually got worse
No. 599342
>>599193Are they gluten free tho?
The hate from these anons comes from the fact that the sponsorship was proved to have been… well, she didn't try the food cause she couldn't.
No. 599467
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It’s okay they know who she is. So fucking dumb lol.
No. 599477
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I just watched her new video and the opening is basically a less funny version of that Jenna Marbles video she made about her dog Kermit 2+ years ago.
Very creative
No. 599485
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Yikes, paused at a bad time. Imagine kissing that
No. 599508
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>>599503and this weird red mark by her mouth? it may just be smudged lip product
No. 599554
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When she talks, all I can see is the "beak" in her lip and it reminds me of a koopa trooper.
No. 599700
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>>599655I know people were saying Johnny is too dumb to manipulate his gfs, but those texts make it pretty clear he knows what he's doing. Also the pics of him just laying there make me wonder if his creepy af insta livestreams were him on opiates instead of just smoking weed
No. 599766
>>598472You can't really compare ball pythons (Python regius) to captive "B.splendens" because our captive-bred bettas have been hybridised with other species in the same complex and aren't genetically the same as wild B.splendens. Ball pythons are all Python regius and the different colour variations are morphs.
A mixture of B. imbellis, B. mahachaiensis, B. smaragdina, B.splendens, B.raja = our domestic betta fish. Their differing colours/patterns/finage/temperament are through hybridising within the complex at some point in their lineage.
It's just funny that Taylor is licking up the praise off that girl for giving shit half-handed information that isn't accurate. For an 'animal educator' who keeps 'exotic animals for education' she's doing a shit job of researching her animals beyond the first page of google lol.
No. 599783
>>599766It's sort of like domestic leopard geckos and goldfish aswell, they're hybridised with other members of their genus in captivity and aren't actually a naturally occuring species in the wild. They're 'man-made'. It's just domestic betta's dont have an appropriate standard scientific name given to them yet, so they're named as the fish that comprises the majority of their genetic makeup. I don't rly expect it to be common knowledge, but in Taylor's case the girl asking the question was actually right & she corrected her with the wrong (short) answer instead of giving the more detailed accurate answer. it only pissed me off because of Taylors smug 'yes!! i know everything' smug answer.
Its probably the thing I find the most infuriating about her, her giving shit generic first page of google answers to every question asked and acting like shes an animal education master
No. 599805
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>>599655>>599700there's a few parallels with Taylor and him in this dump she posted.
"tell Twitter I'm not using"
No. 599806
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>>599805"If I use again, I'll be honest and tell you because that's better"
No. 599808
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>>599806and of course, bruises.
No. 599835
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No. 599836
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No. 599837
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No. 599840
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her forgivng him for the nasty things he’s said
No. 599909
>>599835>>599836>>599840Is she retarded? How she cant remember the tweets she made?
Nothing of what she said add up.
Honestly i dont care what happen to her, has long he doesnt use her pets to get to her. Which sadly i think he will when things crash down.
She is getting dry, they are spending more than she wins of Youtube, and when he no longer gets what he want like a little kid in a candy store he will punish Taylor.
No. 600128
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1/2 of something the mother of Jonny's daughter posted, source is Liz's friend. pic/name is blurred out for safety
No. 600129
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No. 600351
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Fat chance! Not at the rate she’s lying and LOSING subscribers!
No. 600381
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No. 600385
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Her mom is so desperate for her attention it hurts
No. 600435
>>600416I think it's understandable she's trying to get along with their relationship, but she comes off as incredibly hypocritical because of her need to make everything public.
Had she done the same as her husband and gone quiet after saying her piece of mind, people would have a different perception of her.
When shit goes down between them, she'll end up looking complicit in the abuse.
Any rational parent would probably not spend their entire on Twitter acting vague and trying to get their child's attention, but she's batshit. I feel really bad for Tanner because she seems to be with him 24/7. Her YouTube channel also comes across as her trying to use Taylor's e-fame to have a relevant presence online. I don't know man, she's really weird.
No wonder Taylor is this damaged.
No. 600445
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No. 600446
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No. 600447
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Is the bottom comment true? That’s one of the tattoos she got done by Romeo Lacoste.
No. 600449
>>600447It's very true. Your tattoos should not lose quality unless a lot of time has passed and/or a lot of sun damage has occurred.
I have tattoos that are years old and other than looking "settled" they look just the same as always from diligent sunscreen use, moisturizing, etc.
Doesn't EDS make skin way more delicate? That would explain smudging and blurring. Really no tattoo should have blowouts so soon, that's either a sign of bad skin or a bad artist.
No. 600453
>>600447Partially, yes. The main reasons for tattoos looking smudged are; shit artists (ink getting in too deep or not deep enough, especially the later with make it bleed out, especially on bodyparts with thin skin/lots of movement), terrible care (not following through with instructions, using wrong products on the tattoo, tanning without proper sunscreen) and rapid weight gain/loss.
Apart from that, there might be small details that need to be touched up after it has healed and some colours tend to fade out a bit over the years. But she hasn't had her tattoos that long, so I'd go with shitty artist, shitty care or most likely both.
No. 600457
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that passive aggression though lol
No. 600459
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Is this some weird passive agressive jab at Emma Sampson for getting 20,000 subs? Or does taylor just need to make everything about her?
No. 600462
>>600457Jennifer's such a shitty person, remember when she was on the ex's sides and now she's just accusing them of lying?
also Jennifer just doesn't understand time… when Liz says "when you broke up" she probably doesn't mean the second they split. When did he start talking to Taylor anyway?
No. 600464
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>>600462oh wait, same anon here, went and looked at the comments and Jennifer's apparently both off on that timeline she lived AND can't read.
No. 600468
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She's infuriating
No. 600479
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To think she used to be on the girls/fans trying to help side…She must be so desperate for Taylor's attention she has to start shading like how Jonny shades them lol
No. 600497
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For someone who DOESN'T want to sound like he's on drugs…He sounds like he's on drugs (or coming off) lol
No. 600516
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This piece of shit. When is her husband leaving her? She deserves it.
No. 600519
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No. 600520
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No. 600529
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I don’t know why she tries to get all of her ball pythons to eat mice anyway. They can eat rats even as babies. And even if she can get them to eat mice, they may not want to switch to rats later.
No. 600535
>>600519It's jarring how recently this all actually happened to his exes. Nobody changes that easily, let alone in that short of time.
I can't imagine how they feel with Taylor's mother talking about them like that. I don't even understand why she's talking to them at all? To try to catch them in a lie? None of what they have said has been proven wrong, even a tiny bit. There is nothing to be skeptical about. They have an unbearable amount of proof and it is still not enough for Jen or Taylor.
Why would you ever want your daughter with someone like him? Why would you even associate with him?
I just can't believe how scummy they are. If he does end up physically abusing Taylor, which I hope he won't, Jen is going to look like the worst mother.
No. 600543
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No. 600564
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Because we all know he was severely dehydrated before and definitely wasn’t having full sheds.
No. 600629
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She went nuts
No. 600630
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No. 600887
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No. 601099
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No. 601101
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He’s already tripled in size since she first got him. She really needs to get him into an adult cage and not just another small one.
No. 601205
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i guess jen can't understand simple tweets
No. 601211
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She's still saying shes getting a house, dont know why she'd get an apartment in the first place, or why she'd get those huge enclosures and so many new pets if shes just going to move again…
No. 601217
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she's not even denying the fact that jonny is an abuser
No. 601227
>>601217Why do she and Taylor keep talking like people are holding them at gunpoint forcing them to bring this shit up on twitter when, "i just want to focus on animals!!!"
Do they realize they could just not talk about other things? We'd have much less milk if they'd ignore comments they don't like, plus it's Taylor who has Jonny in her bio and is always bringing him up advertising she's dating him. She wouldn't have as much of a hard time if she were just quiet about it instead of badly defending shit we know happened.
No. 601233
>>601227exactly this. i think jen was inspired by her daughter to "just talk about the animals" lmfao
>>601220i didn't understand that part of the tweet so thank you for clarifying. god that's just sad. i don't understand her at all. i can't imagine publicly not giving a fuck about your daughter's well being. it's one thing to say "she's a grown woman she can make her own choices," but when she's clearly in an unhealthy relationship, that isn't so effective. she needs guidance and love, but instead her mom is pandering to jonny and what he wants (probably because there's no other way to have a relationship with taylor). it's sickening tbh
No. 601248
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She didn't last being on private even for a day lol
No. 601255
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She's had such a meltdown lol, there's dozen of tweets i can't even be bothered to screenshot it all. She keeps saying her point was only that Taylor never neglected her animals, even though Jennifer expressed concern during the early months of dating that Taylor was jeopardizing her animals safety because of Jonny?? I guess we all know why Taylor is the way she is now
No. 601257
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No. 601361
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this made me uncomfortable lmao idk why it's just weird
No. 601366
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i forgot what the hell the original story was for the monitor anyway. i can't keep up with the bullshit anymore. does this match her story? how is she suddenly so sure it's captive bred after saying it wasn't a few months ago? just bc it isn't "head shy" doesn't mean it isn't wild caught, right? i don't know shit about monitors but this just seems weird
No. 601378
>>601283It's all on her Twitter in her replies, that was 2 hours ago and since then she's argued with
even more people. She's genuinely gone off the deep end
No. 601470
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In case Jen forgot, screenshots live forever
No. 601471
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No. 601555
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She tries so hard to be relevant and she acts like she cares, but she really doesn’t. She’s so cringeworthy.
No. 601666
>>601359THIS. I am 100% expecting this to happen. Taylor looks for attention at any moment she can get it. She tweets “I’m not gonna get fucking beat, if I was in an abusive relationship I’d leave, you don’t know anything, he treats me wonderfully!” etc etc. Oh honey… I don’t know if you stay with him because your ego is so massive you don’t want to be wrong, or if you’ve really tried convincing yourself this is what a healthy relationship looks like. I assume the first one. We already know you have probably been sexually and physically assaulted… and yet you make Jonny see that it’s ok to continue because you can’t admit you’re wrong and leave. God. I think she has a chance at becoming a better person if she’d just leave him and focus on herself and her animals. But sigh, when their relationship does end (cause knowing Jonny it will NOT be a happily ever after with marriage and raising a family lmao) she will use sexual abuse and physical assault to broadcast to everyone on her social media and channel: I WAS ABUSED. Poor me give me attention! Even when she was warned literally every single day since day 1. There is no excuse for her not leaving. It’s unbelievable. I wonder if a possible reason she hasn’t left is because she doesn’t have another man lined up on the side - she can’t be by herself, especially without the attention. When she drops one boy she always immediately moves on to the next one so she can get her attention and attempt to stay relevant.
Sage for ranting/blogging it’s infuriating to know Taylor is no doubt going to use the abuse she’s experiencing to get attention and followers when they finally come to an end. It really downplays his past victims, and that she totally ignored everyone’s warnings and ridiculed them for trying to have a voice of their own. Fuck Taylor. Her looks and money won’t last. And once that’s gone, what is there really going for her?
No. 601704
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No. 601705
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No. 601706
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No. 601707
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No. 601716
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No. 601717
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No. 601718
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No. 601719
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She keeps contradicting herself
No. 601727
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>>601719Don't forget about the time he posted photos of an underage girl in her underwear on Twitter (Kiki), Mama Dean!
No. 601792
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>>601727Wow. He couldn't get more low if he tried. Guess you can't expect much from someone who solicited nudes from a minor then threatened to post though
No. 601796
>>601761Genuinely bothers me how she doesn't comfort or assure her pets at all and just drags them about. So obvious she took them all out for like 5 minutes max, probably thought "there you go there's your exercise and attention for the week".
Also she keeps complaining about her hedgehog trying to eat the pavement and because she wont stop uses it as an excuse to take her back inside, erm, or Taylor, you could, you know, put her back on the grass you fucking idiot. I don't live anywhere near as hot as Texas but pavement can still burn animals feet in the midst of summer too, why didn't she just let them all run around on the grass?
She also used the fact Bindi was basking as a reason to take her back inside "I'm not just going to sit and watch you bask", why not? It will get her used to being outside, if she was happy can't she just spent 20-30mins letting her chill in the sun.
Also is it just me or is Twisty so round? Like, I've never seen a bearded dragon shaped so much like an actual plate before. Maybe it was just the angle.
No. 601807
>>601761I can't believe people think she's an "animal expert", this entire video is just her making her animals uncomfortable for money. She doesn't even hide it, shes constantly berating and tugging on the lease when they go off and do something that's not entertaining. Might as well be circus animals.
Can't wait for the excuses.
She actually just let bindi bask for like an hour she just didn't include it! And the concrete wasn't that hot because Taylor made sure it was a cool day!!!! And and they weren't stressed at all because it was only 5 minutes and they're not like, BABIES they can handle it!!!!!
No. 601880
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>>601761>why do my cats not care what position I put them in?Cat is clearly stressed out, wide eyes, ears back.
>anyway I’m giving upWas the goal to stress the cat out to the point of it struggling or scratching? giving up on what?
No. 601927
>>601832>Also, I don't know a lot about hedgehogs but I am pretty sure hers look overweight.Hedgehog anon here. Kovu is definitely overweight. I imagine it's a combo of him being in way too small of an enclosure and being blind. It's also super easy for hedgehogs to become overweight if you're not feeding them the proper diet or if you're overfeeding.
Also why is so surprised her hedgehogs want to anoint? When they find a smell that interests them they lick at it till their spit foams and then they spread that over themselves. Highly frequented areas like parks and sidewalks are bound to have all different kinds of intersting smells. So why is she so surprised that they want to anoint with the ground?
No. 601931
>>601922That’s the whole reason she started posting more finally - not because she got better from “being in a bad place mentally”, it’s because she needed sponsorships and money for her and Jonny’s lavish lifestyle. That’s probably also why her videos are so fucking boring; she puts no real time/thought/effort/passion into them. She just does it to make some quick money. All she has to do is be the “quirky/sarcastic” bad bitch, wear skimpy clothes, post a thumbnail where she looks naked, and boom. Ad revenue flows in for her.
But honestly, I wouldn’t worry if I were you. With all this shit she lets Jonny bring into her life her overall trend isn’t gonna be successful. Unless she ends the relationship before she’s too late. She loves to boast “by the end of this year I should be at 2 million subs omg!” Lmao girl, at this rate if she has more breakdowns, stops uploading, or keeps uploading with such shitty-mediocre content, she won’t grow that exponentionally. She thinks she’s gonna buy a house in 3 months - LOL. They blow all the money she makes on drugs and lavish BS. What are they gonna rely on besides YT money? Jonny’s temporary tour money he blows on knockoff Yeezeys and shit. Riiiight.
Her “success” only remains because she’s young and somewhat pretty (except the baboon ass lips) and panders to the edgy “my skink is a weird dog” 12 year old stans she has. They forgive her quickly/don’t understand. Once her decent looks run out, she’ll die out like most other insta-thots do eventually.
Time will tell if she will change while she can or blow her chances at having huge potential for success at a young age.
No. 601934
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>>601809Looks like a few bruises
No. 601948
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No. 602003
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It’s been months and he still looks dehydrated.
No. 602079
>>602058I'm not American.
Is that even legal to do?
No. 602117
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She deleted this. Hopefully a bigger tank isn’t a sign she plans on keeping the mantis shrimp in with the other fish instead of moving him like she claimed she was going to.
No. 602119
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>>602117Here you go. I haven't refreshed so it was still visible for me.
No. 602157
>>602141Yeah, the shortest is usually 16ft which is still too long! Especially for animals not used to being outside.
You have no control over your animal, and god forbid someone had their dog off leash altogether. She's just a wreckless idiot. I hate her more with every stupid video.
No. 602183
>>601934I think that's a healing scar from her pizza burn from a while ago, it's the same place and shape. Not a bruise.
>>601962I was stressing the entire time watching that! Jesus christ if Nemo can get his leg out whenever, then all it's going to take is one strange dog barking to spook him and he's gone. God a well fitting harness isn't difficult to test for, first question can the cat fucking escape from it? Cats are fast and easily spooked, I feel like I got an ulcer from stress watching her walk them around unfamiliar outdoors with a long ass leash and loose harness.
Speaking of not understanding cats, she always laughs at them acting "bored" etc and anthropomorphizing them as brats whenever she has the harness or clothes on them. Does she not realize it's just a natural response? When kittens are picked up by their mother, their instinct is to go motionless. The clothes and harness are sort of like that, it
triggers their instinct to be still and not move. Animal expert my ass.
No. 602184
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No. 602186
>>602184Without proof i wont buy they were captive breed, sorry.
Besides they could have been caught from the same nest, that would explain why they were so many from the same age.
No. 602251
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No. 602276
>>602253Honestly, my cat has medium hair but long hair underneath his tummy and I don't groom or wash him. I check him for ticks underneath too & his fur is never matted.
Cats don't need to be washed its not a necessity unless they spill something dangerous on them like a chemical of some sort.
(blogposting) No. 602296
>>602184But we know they're not CB from the website. It lists all CB animals. They, just like the satanics are WC.
Additionally sometimes WC includes farmed, in which eggs are taken, so yeah, they could easily be all the same clutch / age.
No. 602375
I have three rescue cats, two short hair kittens and one long hair three year old. I’m allergic to cats ( a mild allergy that hardly bothers me most days) , so I bathe my cats. They’re not the happiest with the baths but they don’t bite or scratch me. My long hair gets a bath every three weeks and my short hairs every month. The reason I do my long hair more often is because she gets matter fur pretty easily and I hate cutting her pretty fur to get them out because they won’t budge with a brush. The time it takes me to get her fully washed, brushed, dried, and brushed again I doubt Taylor has the patience to do. She doesn’t see her animals as living things, as her animal children. They’re an accessory, something to show off to others and brag about, pose in photos with. Her care is so mininimal to them, in my opinion , because she views them as say Trisha Paytas and her handbag collection. She’s OBSESSED with one for a while, and then the new trend hits and she switches to that one. The only difference is Taylor’s animals are living breathing things, and can’t be tossed on a shelf until she wants them again. There is not enough hours in the day for her to fully bond with each one, or even get enough exercise with. Even if she gets a house like she claims she is, I’m putting money down that there will be ONE animal room tucked away, I highly doubt she’ll have something like Emzotic, who separates her animals based on similar needs , like her ferrets out in a cooler area because they’re good in those temperatures, or the huge avaries she’s building so her birds can be outside. No, Taylor is going to have those animals pushed to the side until she needs them, she probably won’t want to look at them while she’s drugging up with her “sober” boyfriend , until she needs more money. I just wish she would rehome some so she could focus on specific ones, focus on them without neglecting the others.(blogposting)
No. 602423
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His latest way of making money. Using his followers to get them to click his referral link, lol
No. 602529
>>602501I agree with this. She wants to take the credit for her fame for how she raised her. lol Jen your horrible parenting has resulted in a narcistic, neglectful person because I’m sure she got everything she ever wanted as a child without discipline. Your daughter could be a massive success if she was raised better and were a genuine animal lover like she claims.
Also it’s so weird how her mom also has to be just like her in a way? She’s constantly saying how much she loves animals to the point it’s kinda annoying, she only does it to have some kind of connection with Taylor or so she thinks. I guarantee she didn’t know or care about a damn thing about animals besides their dogs before Taylor became a Pet-Tuber. She’s so fucking weirdly obsessed with Taylor! Imagine if Taylor moved out of the state and didn’t tell her mom where she lived. She’d go BATSHIT stalking her to find where she is. She honestly gives me those kind of vibes.
No. 602536
>>602529Honestly if you think about it Taylor is doing the same thing with her animals. She’s only broadcasting the pets that she can gain success over like Jennifer only broadcasts Taylor because she can get success off of her. If you can’t bring her success then she doesn’t care about it. I.e. the monitor, she knows it’s dangerous but she thinks if she “takes” a death dinosaur then she will get success over it and only focus on that pet. That’s why she only shows Ghosts, certain snakes, cheese, hedgehog, and the monitor. She might be giving them shitty care but they probably get bette care than the other pets because they’re easier to parade around for views.
Btw: this is just speculation and theories as to traits Taylor is getting from her mother
No. 602591
>>602366It really depends on the cat. Mine doesn't go batshit with water so I can bathe him.
In the case of long haired cats it's recommended you bathe and brushthem because it can cause health problems for them if you don't, and there are ways in which you can make the experience less stressful for the cat. Considering the amount of animals she has and the filth she lives in, she should bathe her cats once a month.
No. 602661
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Has anyone seen this? I haven’t seen it mentioned. I thought Taylor and Emzotic were still friends..?
No. 602840
>>602839I've noticed that I only need to click someone's video once for them to start showing up on my suggestions often.
It took a while for her to stop appearing on my suggestions after i clicked on one of her videos.
No. 602844
>>602841geez.. wearing less clothes, having surgery, always trying to be edgy on twitter, obsessed with having pity parties, throws fits if she doesn't get any attention, and now she's probably paying to get her videos to more people?? she's like a micro kardashian oozing desperation.
hopefully it doesn't get to the point where she needs to start buying aggressive animals so they can have a fight off while she stands there in a bikini just to get views for her dying channel
No. 602862
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Again deflecting criticism.
No. 602882
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No. 602883
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No. 602888
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No. 602896
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She’s posting it now too
No. 602922
>>602909it's laughable. she only wants to talk about other things when it's convenient for her or makes her look good
it's literally so obvious that they're trying desperately to get money. nobody just discovers an app and posts a referral link saying "oh it's just fun to be healthy!" (they can't even talk about being healthy taylor said they both gained 20 pounds since being together or something) it's really not that hard to get an actual fucking job. i'm younger than her and work harder and more than she ever has in her life. (sorry, just a lil salty that she makes so much money doing absolutely nothing and then brags about it) i just can't wait until karma slaps them both in the face for being shitty people. it will be so rewarding
No. 603013
>>602998yeah, that would make a lot of sense. god what a shitbag
>>602997exactly…what normal person drinks all through the day and has withdrawals from alcohol? answer: no one. your boyfriend is a big alcoholic tay tay
No. 603048
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No. 603108
>>603048Skype sessions for therapy seem kind of pointless. I feel like you aren’t getting true help but that’s just me.
Ps-can someone make a new thread including Taylor’s mom? I would but I don’t know how and I don’t wanna fuck it up lol
No. 603141
>>603129Oh yeah, thats why you can't have a relationship on AA, you turn your codependency into a person and end up more fucked
Also how long their relationship will last?
He lasted two years with Chealse isnt?
No. 603146
>>603129The first year of recovery is usually pretty tumultuous in an emotional and mental sense. Addicts in recovery are not mentally stable enough to deal with a new relationship, which can cause relapses. It can also cause their s.o. to enable them, like Taylor has been doing, as well as idealization.
You have to part from the point that Jonny has never truly recovered or completely finished rehab. He just jumps to another girl to restart the cycle. If he truly wanted to recover, he wouldn't be in a relationship to begin with, and would've checked himself into rehab. No tours either.
Taylor is enabling him by thinking she can "talk it out". She's exactly the type of person who advocates the most harmful ideas of self-care and mental health. She's acting like his mom and his sponsor, but she fails to grasp that she's not professionally equipped to deal with a drug addict. He's doing all this shit because he knows it'll make her calm down, and she thinks being sympathetic and "soft uwu" will fix him. All the things Chelsea, Liz and Amanda said that would happen have happened. Next it'll be him being taken to the hospital because he's OD'ing or him using heavily during tour.
Besides, didn't she say he was already going "to programs"? lmao she's so fucking deluded if she thinks he'll get better.
No. 603265
Saged. But just at
>>602535 with Ghost possibly limping I’d say it’s going to be hard to tell without seeing him walking around with that harness off. He seems weirded out and like he is pushing out his belly to get his back away from the harness feeling on it which forces him to carry his back legs out behind so he isn’t stepping under as much as he otherwise would. If anything his back right leg seems to be moving oddly but… If Taylor had actually harness trained her cat properly he likely wouldn’t look this uncomfortable.
Also I don’t know what is normal elsewhere but that’s such a weird, huge, not secure looking harness. Get something simple and adjustable that you can get to fit your cat properly so they are SAFER and where it doesn’t cover as much of them. ‘Who cares, it looks pretty, it’s for the views and not for my cats benefit’ just annoys the hell out of me.
Also can’t help feeling like those cats in that little apartment may not be getting basic things they’d love and are bored af just based on her record with her other animal enclosures.
No. 603577
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Another round of young girls thinking this is goals incoming, and anyone who says otherwise being a jealous hater. Taylor should be so ashamed of herself.
No. 603724
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Im going to throw up
No. 603821
>>603735For future reference type "sage" in the email box when you don't have any new milk to add.
As for using Skype for therapy, different states have different regulations.