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No. 1944726[Reply]

>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?
A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties

>General summary of their beliefs

- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is a vague dislike of capitalism.

>Breadtube: The big players only. Other online personalities exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots.

Famous 'Breadtubers' include Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, Xiran Jay Zhao and Shaun.

Previous threads
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No. 2011921

>midwits now like to say that yoko's treatment of julian is the reason they dislike her,
That is such baloney. John abused his wife and son long before Yoko was ever in the picture. If she mistreated Julian, it was an imitation of John's own behavior, or just her being the new step-parent in an ugly divorce. One of the stories that sticks with me most is the one about how Julian got bullied in school because kids knew his father was famous and thought Julian was rich, but in reality, John was always on tour and rarely ever contributed money to Cynthia, who sometimes struggled to make ends meet. Imagine that: your father is a huge celebrity and you're his legitimate kid, but in reality you basically live like a lower-class kid being raised by a single mom. John was a fantastic artist, but he was a horrible human being (a common phenomenon, unfortunately.)

As an aside, I thought it was based when he said
>Women are the negroes of the world
Because it's absolutely true. Women have been subjugated for most of human history, much longer and more universally than any other group. But of course libfem Lindsay clutched her pearls because of the edgelord way he phrased it and the cringey bit where he felt the need to mention having black friends. As always, though, Lennon talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. Him trying to reinvent himself as a feminist reminded me of that one episode of Bojack Horseman, kek. Moids can parrot feminist talking points, but this is why they can't be feminists: they consistently fail to apply the ideology to their lifestyle.

Again, it's a good video and I love the Beatles, but if I ever watch it again, I'm skipping the parts with Choob.

No. 2011925

Wait these people are all content creators? I thought the picture was of a group of fans having a meet up, like a bunch of random geeks meeting up at a mall to talk about communism. Holy kek these "breadtubers" are such Literal Whos that I thought they were just fans.

No. 2012694

Honestly great video, I hope more people speak out in support of Amber Heard and how fucked up the stuff that happened to her was.
I was never a fan of the beatles but the way people shat on Yoko Ono always seemed kinda suspect to me so I'm glad I was right to have that train of thought.

No. 2013789

>Choob sounds like a chav doing a bad impression of Siri.
kek i'm blown away by the precision of this statement nona

No. 2016328

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Definitely, she sees a parallel with her yoko and so she softens both their images. I don't think john and yoko were evil people, but they both seemed pretentious and unlikable

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No. 1297185[Reply]

Summary: Luna Aquaphine is a 23 year old failed e-whore who always complains about her tiktoks getting taken down. Luna bases her whole personality on imitating washed up meme, Belle Delphine. This includes dancing like a sped, pouring food on her body, creating “beef” with and “roasting” YouTuber Pewdiepie, ahegao facial expressions, and making uwu quirky videos of stale dead memes. Aquaphine is always posting tiktok comments and always acts unbothered when minors make fun of her cringe when she’s really seething. Being on an app filled with minors and children when you’re trying to sell your naked pics online is not a good look. She also claims she’s too smol and is a baked bean so that’s why she can’t enjoy sex. Overall she’s an ugly degenerate who tries to push this uwu gamer girl aesthetic when she looks like a foot.
Notable Links:
Onlyfans: https://onlyfans.com/lunaaquaphine
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No. 1912614

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“Tiktok is suppressing my views bro.”
“I’m fully clothed.”
“The algorithm is shit.”(clown emoji)

No. 1914041

KEK Nona, I remember it coming on at like 9pm. I could be wrong tho, I think in the late 90s it wasBatman and thunder cats that came on at noon.

No. 1922830

tiktok will allow this but god forbid anybody comment the word fuck

No. 2010304

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how the hell did she become so popular(sage your shit)

No. 2010305

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No. 2005677[Reply]

Katherine McMahon, the Madame Blush, is a 26 year old, college educated "professional dominatrix" living in New York City. Rife with self-diagnosed invisible disabilities, her main source of income is begging for macarons on her twitter, where she also likes pick fights with other e-whores and larp as a wealthy socialite. No longer 'in community' with the burlesque scene, this former showgirl's favorite thing to lounge around in are her own hand crafted, AliExpress pasties. As an experienced costumer, claiming to have conserved gowns worn by Marie Antoinette herself, she can sometimes be found in the comments of other creators posts, begging for free advice on which rhinestone glue they think she should use. Her own expertise in costuming, however, comes at a much higher price point, so please stop asking if you have nothing to contribute in return.

Last thread:
>>1853345 Claims that an unnamed femme rope top tried to assault her, whines about people in community working with the anonymous woman. Has in the past aggressively campaigned for victims of assault to name and shame their abusers, arguing that they have a moral obligation to do so, insinuating that staying silent on their abuse directly enables abusive behavior.
>>1853556 Live specimen sample of a Kathy comer
>>1868138 Implies that she is not 'in community' with another sex worker because of her work in providing aid and support for veterans in crisis. >>1868921 Sex worker claps back, Kathy dirty deletes.
>>1869520 Kathy e-begs nearly 2 grand for platinum hair, only to lower the price by more than half >>1873422 when nobody donates to her crowdfunded salon appointment.
>>1894584 A hairdresser crops Kathy's hair, she is traumatized. In spite of this, she stiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2009802

no, she just talks about wanting them, because she has a “dollification” fetish is ugly and insecure. don’t know why she’s even talking about it, because she doesn’t have a job. she’ll never afford it. but for some reason she still thinks a man will swoop in and pay for everything.

No. 2009885

She absolutely does not have a masters and has not been in college for forever now. When exactly does she expect us to believe she invested the time or money into six years of a masters degree? She's been too broke and busy scamming for harassment money off previous employers or larping online 24-7. It's just another part of her bullshit persona to try to seem educated and high class.

No. 2009918

This is the most romantic, heartfelt thing I've read from him… and it's about his dog LMAO
>you are the beacon of stability that keeps me grounded
>you give me structure and purpose
>you give me the hope that I am capable of love
>you taught me patience and tolerance
>you taught me how to be a leader and caretaker
Does anyone else find it really cringe/full of red flags that these are all genuine admissions being proudly shared by a(n almost?) 40 year old man, who's been in at least 2 long term relationships with other women, about the dog he got during COVID. If the dog taught him all that maybe it also says something about the kind of partner Kathy is kek

No. 2010069

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I don’t get the joke and all I can think about is >>1945781

No. 2010100

paired with that godawful drag wig pfp she comes across ass a carousing hsts

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No. 841145[Reply]

Third thread to discuss Nicole Dollanganger's following & skin-walkers alike.

Frequent faces include:
Millie (Doll)graves, Patience / torturegardens, etc. In the last thread someone brought up @sighsierra on IG — conversation about that pale uwu edgy picsart stickers community may be fitting as they all listen to and try to emulate ~2015 Nicole.

Newest milk is Millie's interview with Medium.

Other, souring milk is Patience's attachment to Nicole through having been involved in music videos she may have shot but never released alongside Nicole, Andre the Giant (@cryspell), and Maggie (@maggiedunlap).

Nicole and Matt have broken up in the past year or so and it appears that Andre got her sloppy seconds. Millie has gotten engaged to a normie.
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No. 2008217

No clue, honestly I doubt it tho, it seems likely to me that Matt and Nicole could have gotten back together.
Anyone know anything as to where Millie is?

No. 2008381

No they never got back together.

No. 2010006

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Patience has a new tattoo.

No. 2010038

Corny and trite.

No. 2011101

Definitely copying Bacon with the photography style, plus that's such a Macon coded thing to get tattooed.

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No. 1400331[Reply]

This thread covers true crime youtubers and the milk surrounding them (which can be pretty frothy, as certain cases get huge, and attract some of the lowest virtue-signaling clout-chasers, with a goal of mercilessly clickbait tragedies.)

Stephanie Harlowe
>started as a make-up channel, and began creating true crime content a few years ago.
>creates videos focused on retelling true crime stories on her main channel, as well as co-hosts another podcast with Big Brother 16 winner, Derrick Levasseur.
>comments have speculated Stephanie and Derrick are swingers, because Stephanie designed their merch with pineapples.
>any time she's mildly annoyed about comments, she rants about them at the beginning of her videos (almost guaranteed to be in any follow-up videos in a multipart case, and also the only reason I ever learned that pineapples are associated with swingers.)
>had BLM twitter rage-tweeting at her during the 2020 riots (she spends a lot of time clarifying her misconstrued twitter posts in a main channel upload.)
>gets shit in Guru Gossip after people start thinking she voted for Trump (there is speculation she's very conservative, but won't admit it.)
>her daughter had shown up to whiteknight in Guru Gossip, as well as promote Stephanie's channel in different subreddits related to true crime.
>most of her research is either taken word-for-word from a source, or an elaborate, emotional fanfic she makes up on the spot.
Bailey Sarian
>creates GRWM make-up videos while sensationally retelling true crime stories.
>uses horrific/brutal titles & ridiculous thumbnails while dressed in full glamour and duckface.
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No. 2009763

I used to like Coffeehouse Crime when it was still a relatively "small" channel (around 100k subs), but for at least the past two years I just haven't had the energy to watch his videos. I don't know what happened but somehow his storytelling started sounding like it was AI generated and he inserted way too many of his personal quips and opinions into it at inappropriate times. And he did what so many other true crime channels ended up doing, added tons of unedited interrogation footage to pad the video. Compared to a channel like Rotten Mango's over the top melodramatic narration he's the other extreme.

I think it's because he believes it's "worldbuilding" or setting up the story but it ends up having no point because the specifics of the city or region don't have a whole lot to do with the story. I like that he uses the opportunity to introduce lesser known countries for example but it's so awkward.

No. 2009778

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She's now replying to sympathetic comments saying she's lucky she escaped alive.

Lucky escape from the doormat who found out about her affair and offered to have a one sided open relationship to keep her happy? The comfort she had threatening him to his face after she had an affair.. Just split your shit in court and carry on with the midlife crisis. Doubt the new guy who handily.. ebegs her audience to fund his projects will have a happy ending either.

No. 2010003

>>2007498, >>2009178, >>2009191, >>2009224, >>2009232
Interesting how many nonas are questioning Stephanie’s claims about NikocadoAvocado because I remember there was this smaller art commentary channel named KurenaFujio that heavily questioned her a few years back. I don’t know the most about the situation between her and Nick but I find it funny how Kurena’s video got dislike bombed yet the top comment (which is more recent from two years ago) says that Nick is a bad person and Stephanie over dramatized the situation which seems to line up with a lot of nonas’ takes, almost as if people have been universally taking a more critical eye to Steph’s claims. As I said before though I know like absolutely nothing about this because all the drama with Nick legit repulses me

No. 2010045

Nikacado is a carefully crafted troll. I wouldn’t doubt if they both orchestrated this act together for attention

No. 2011561

I wish she would just stick to talking about trashy romance books and thrillers so I don't have to buy them, kek. It is unreal how she often distorts the cases she talks about. Sometimes I barely even recognize the same crimes she talks about when I read about them.

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No. 559988[Reply]

New Jessie blush thread. Old one was full and she's been milky lately.

Previous thread: >>141494

Former famous scene queen/former Vegas cam model weeb.

Has a 4/5 year old daughter she doesn't even take care of.

Notorious for dating men who completely and utterly degrade her on social media.

First boyfriend was THISISSHOTTY. An aspiring Vegas rapper who fails miserably and causes second hand embarrassment. A week after their breakup, she got with some tattoo dude named David that treats her with disrespect. Although she states

"Finally someone who treats me like an absolute queen"

Just like with every other guy.
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No. 1102234

It took longer than I expected… Jessie has hopped on the OF bandwagon.

No. 1910072

Y'all, I remember being teenager & thinking Jessie had the PERFECT life! Then, I saw a some pics of her with her baby in the hospital, and I was even more jelly! To me she was just some random pretty girl online that knew not a thing about!(dumbass fucking necro)

No. 2009094

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They broke up lol he finally realized what a lazy leech she is

She’s also active on her twitter about how much she hates the world, herself, her life, etc.

No. 2010378

>she just wanted me for my money
>probably has no money

No. 2011319

I think he comes from a family with money. He gives off trust fund kid vibes and i vaguely remember him tagging his dad in something and his dad was some rich old money dude. I could be completely wrong.

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No. 1809451[Reply]

The common traits of the typical e-girl :

>Ahegao selfies

>Accuses each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
> Always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>Extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>Making call-out posts about anyobody they currently have beef with
>Room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>Japancore weeb aesthetic
>Loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into Ddlg/pet play
>Tries to look Asian
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No. 2008983

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Wtf is up with these wanna be bimbo victim rape dolls

No. 2009025

It's been posted in the camgirls thread.

No. 2009042

I know nothing about shibari but is the rope meant to be off-centre like that?

No. 2009044

ntayrt, I don't know much about shibari either but it just looks like she was just guessing and called it a day

No. 2009098

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nerddere posted this, i just find it kind of funny. like, did anyone mention you being pretty?? delusional kek the girl is absolutely hideous

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No. 1391941[Reply]

>What is a femboy?
They are he/him trannies, basically. Some are regular anorexic twinks but most inject estrogen or T-blockers in an attempt to look like women, and sometimes they will even get tranny-related surgeries.

>What makes them cow material?

In recent years, part of what it means to be a member of the femboy clan is adopting Nazi politics. They are shamelessly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic of lesbians, frequently getting banned from platforms like Twitter for their hatefulness. They also tend to suffer autism and many are former incels.

Femboys created tired-out memes like Femboy Hooters and the "Doomer Boy" Wojak which they all worship and strive to be. For some reason they really like Ikea sharks.

Tell a femboy he is no different from a MTF troon and prepare for autistic screeching. They hold a sense of superiority over regular trannies because they don't call themselves women, but they still share the fetishistic (read: AGP) creepiness of the average troon.

Closeted gay and bisexual scrotes all across the web are obsessed with these freaks, frequently screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man just because he has soft skin and gynecomastia.

>What is a boymoder?

A boymoder is basically the same shit as a femboy, except they are honest about the fact that their goal is to fully troon out. Boy moders have a fetish for being called women while they make zero attempt to look like one. They will dress in hoodies and jeans and have long hair and wear female underwear underneath. They take HRT and fully intend to troon out "once they pass". They get boners when being told that they can not conceal how girls and femme they are while yelling "UUGGHH YOU DUMMY! I AM A BOY!". Basically tsundere trannies.

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No. 1999498

Any country with a lot of blonde men get called femboys. Sweden is another example

No. 1999500

Slav moids of every breed look like progeroid pigs in the face by the time they're 13.

The only difference I can note is body development. Westoid males are 6 ft tall and look like 25 year old linebackers by puberty because of hormone treated dairy and meat overconsumption that's constantly jerking off their growth pathways. They may think slavoids are "feminine" simply because they're shorter and thinner, not because they have more human looking faces.

No. 1999501

>half look 45 and are norwooding already

"men age like fine wine"

No. 1999517

Are those really teens? They look 35 minimum
What's is in the Polish waters? Kek
Slavic women look gorgeous and moids always look they come out of SCP foundation

No. 1999611

that looks like podlasie, nonnies. they are another breed.
jokes aside, styling does a lot. short-cropped hair and unfashionable practical clothing is the go-to for most, because it is no-nonsense, and that is what masculinity is. any guy who cares about his appearance gets called a faggot. and voila, they embrace being called a faggot, even if they're straight, and they put on these long socks and eyeliner to prove to the ladies that they are "sensitive" and that "they are not like those boorish manly men".
this is my unironic statement as to femboys in poland.

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No. 410442[Reply]

Alex Mahan or Yandere Dev, basically the living embodiement of an incel, creator of the edgy sandbox meme "game" Yandere Simulator:
>shilled his shit streams on /v/
>made incel tier posts on Gaia online
>showed MikeZ sempai, programmer of skullgirls, his shitty prototype
>Instead of kissing his ass, sempai decided to criticize his code and give him genuine advice that would ironically be needed for his newest game
>eventually he would come back to /v/ with his early idea for yandere sim
>/v/ likes it and even volunteers some work for the game; however, this was short lived as it is soon found out that evaxephon and yandere dev are the same person, /v/ and /a/ get on his ass about this
>after a failed attempt at trying to win 8chan's love, alex decides to find a home within his reddit, mainly filled with edgy 13-year olds and ass-lickers where he posts giant ass text walls of edgy bullshit
>the game has now turned into an edgy convoluted mess of memes and random bullshit
>Including but not limited to; big busty boobies on underage girls, using colored panties as currency, kidnapping and torturing underage girls, brainwashing girls into killing other students, shoving someone's head into a fan causing a giant bloody fountain, killing someone using weights/an avil, etc.
>made a 10 minute video complaining about emails and a green haired girl to represent his fanbase, which he repeatedly kills as a way to represent how much he hates them
>entire game is programmed with if/else statements
>game is plagued with bugs, shitty models, design choices, voice acting, and runs at 12 fps (even with high end pcs)
>most of his game is filled with stolen assests (from mmd no less)
>is planning on making a kickstarter of 1 million dollars despite already having a patreon that he earns 4-5k each month
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No. 1988481

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>you want all short men genocided???


No. 2005874

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Alex made a poll asking what his fans wanted from him, then went on a big schizo rant about how nobody picked the things he wanted kek

No. 2005875

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he also went on a big schizo rant about it on his discord server

No. 2005876

He's so narcissistic and retarded, it's amazing.

No. 2008017

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More groomer allegations came out on r/Osana from a user named VelvetStar77. Additional context: Jelly is the name of the girl who initially came out with the grooming allegations that beat down Chalex’s already dying career last summer

Recap (taken from the other farms)
>In 2020 some 14-yo feels sorry for Alex and messages him words of encouragement. They start talking to the point that person "develops feelings for him"(ew) and Alex suggests they, of fucking course, switch to Discord
>In 2021 Alex makes this person "do the tasks for him" and later promotes her to a moderator. Worth mentioning that Alex asked if her was 18 and when they told "i am not an adult", still made her a mod
>In 2022 tasks become so overwhelming that began affecting her education, however, Alex began lovebombing her and their conversation got more personal
>"After 2022, he became more affectionate with me. the things that stood out to me was
him saying that he was willing to have me travel to him once i'm 18, as I would always tell him that once I'm 18" - if that's not a definition of grooming, then I don't know what is.
>things turn sour, since the OP becomes jealous and vents about personal stuff to Alex more and more
>Alex sends her webcam videos, nothing NSFW, just some words of encouragement
>It all progresses until Alex tells her that she makes him feel like something towards "a significant other"
>OP starts avoiding him because "he was flirting with his friends too much" which to me sounds like usual coomer routine on his server. >In the end he makes a private VC with her.
>In July 2023 Alex starts getting bored with her. First she tries to win him back, but then goes through the accusations again and realizes what a PoS he is, yeah, just like Sisefs 15 years ago.
>Around August 2023 she becomes tired of it all and leaves after an argument. Then Jelly happens and surprisingly Alex was able to convince her that it is not what it looks like. >Then video with DMs with Jelly comes out and she cuts all the contact with him while telling him to remove her work. All of this because Alex told her that he wasn't talking to any other girlPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 1927025[Reply]

Nick "Lilly" Contino is a former drug addict and video game developer turned MtF TikTok grifter who films himself being misgendered in restaurants, which he says feels like a "knife to the heart". He often claims to call ahead to request not to be called Sir, and complains when it inevitably happens. He is known for his innovative approach to table manners, combining the sophistication of a wannabe food critic with the primal instincts of a grunting neanderthal and spends half his videos with food hanging out of his mouth. His only dinner companion is his dog 'Nugget' who understandably looks traumatised. Despite being a man in his 30s, Contino likes to refer to himself as a "girl" and is often seen sporting pigtails and dungarees. He offers 1-2-1 "counselling: (?) services on his website, along with other services and merch, in addition to his live stream earnings.


Snark subreddit

"News" articles
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No. 2006610

made me kek. I'd love to caption this or the original >>1995499 and make it into a proper meme somehow but idk what would be funny.

No. 2006734

his teeth look like the little stubs they shave down before they install veneers

No. 2006743

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Nick talking about passing and how it isn't his goal (like he could even if he tried kek). He says he doesn't want to "give people the satisfaction" what a psychopath. He just wants to continue harassing people for correctly observing his sex.

No. 2006779

these AGP men who pretend it's about "not giving the satisfaction" are really telling on themselves. it reminds me of Grayson Perry talking about his crossdressing fetish, quite openly. He talks about how his goal is not to look exactly like a woman because that would be no fun, but to look like a man dressed like a woman. that's the specific fetish, and part of the attention seeking thrill.
The only difference is now there is an umbrella which gives these fetishistic men a free pass to not only parade their fetish more but to even be applauded for it and have more people partake in it, unwittingly.

No. 2006865

Damn that filter is doing some heavy lifting lmao

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