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No. 1662296[Reply]

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No. 1668506

“wow, so we can see where mom’s organs went? this is incredible, her heart saved a young girl, one of her kidneys went to a firefighter! but doc, there’s one here i don’t recognise, do you mind if i ask.. what’s an ‘amhole’?”

No. 1668531

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Fucking megakek, so pathetic

No. 1668544

No. 1668667

This faggot plays into all of this trans fuckery and had beef with some GCs on twitter. How about no

No. 1668824

On the surface the idea that someone could get off to such ridiculous concepts is funny, but when you really think about it all of these scenarios are actually torture. This person gets off to fantastical torture, and the cutesy way they talk about it only makes it more clear how utterly deranged and divorced from humanity they are.

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No. 1620890[Reply]

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-Jake Munro aka Snake aka Fake, extremely unoriginal "musician", after his Casey Neistat imitation vlogs didn't take off he got famous from doing TikTok react videos. Known for copying the aesthetics of many musicians such as MM and Dir En Grey. Music is really unoriginal too, his most successful songs are covers. Has an obsessive cult fanbase of tweens and lonely middle aged women, calls himself "goth daddy" after saying all goths are cunts. Got his channel started by leeching off his gf, Kaya, then dumped her when he got famous enough
-ToxicTears (kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Kat Paine aka Skat, married tattoo artist who Jake cheated on Kaya with, has a kid
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), alt youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past, believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk

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No. 1668638

Y'all take "You don't get the difference between doin it (half-) naked on OF with suggestive set & setting and in full clothes for one hang just for the fun of it" as a detailed description of Kat's OF and think you caught someone? This is so stupid that it isn't even funny anymore. I wrote this and I never saw her content, but with "pole" in her account description it is clear that she's poling there at least sometimes and since it is OF it's obvious that she won't wear a space suit for that. I can't wrap my mind around how you take that for a detailed description and consider yourself smart and believe in a proven catch. Dunning-Kruger at its best … lol.

No. 1668644

I can have a go, I've been itching for the thread description to be updated. Might need an hour or more though

No. 1668647

That would be awesome. Could you link it here afterwards?

No. 1668652

Will do!

No. 1668687

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No. 1649198[Reply]

Unsourced rumors about Felix and a 17 yo girl

Possibly Aimee has a bun in the oven

Interesting write up of the ties between the leftcows and urbit

Moar selfposting by Pariah the Troon

Sam Pritchard planning to get a BBL

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No. 1668268

She even has the "hyperlogical schizoid ubermensch" false self many clusterbees have!

No. 1668269

You know if you post some dumb shit on here and get called out for it you can always just stop posting and not keeping defending it like an autist all the way to the thread lock right?

No. 1668305

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Sarah Squirm just went on Seth Meyers too. Who's next, Megan Bitchell?

No. 1668342

it's what everyone in this thread deserves

No. 1685949

is there a way to join there discord?

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No. 63146[Reply]

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No. 1663485

Wtf I am friends with this girls parent, she would’ve been maybe 15 when this thread was made. Not a cow, just a regular ass girl. Fucking crazy.

No. 1663494

Yeah miserable people will do some really pathetic stuff

No. 1663559

I wish some of these vendetta threads could be removed, really unfortunate her face is here forever now.

No. 1663584


Fr and fuck the person that dug up a 6 year old thread

No. 1664486

It's nice that OP is banned and all, but why does the thread s exist? There's no milk here, this is just some normal person.

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No. 1663089[Reply]

Pro ana scumbags - #85 The Sahara sprint

The milk is drying up faster than the Sahara desert, have we found a new breed of ana chans or just attention seekers?

Fi seems to have be found but this leaves farmers wondering how long can she go before she needs to rest her weary legs again back in the chair?

Zara has admitted to anorexia taking its hold on her earlier in the year but promises us that she’s dedicated to recovery now. Will we see weight gain? We doubt it but stay tuned to see!

Niamh has decided she IS recovering again. After seemingly holding her weight to avoid an inpatient stay.

And finally farmers are happy for Maria who has discharged from services and leaves Katy behind in services! They leave for a trip to Thailand soon, will Katy try to turn her back to the dark side or will Maria be the influence Katy needs to finally gain a gram…

Stay tuned any of these anas succeed in breaking free from their chains or will they crumble with out their constant stream for attention?

Meanwhile, we ask ourselves if this dry milk season is revealing the true queen anas:
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No. 1662925[Reply]

Kiwi Farms is back on .net and Tor. Since it is back, we can hopefully expect this thread to move at a much slower pace. Endless circular discussion about the same topics has become boring and repetitive. Feel free to discuss any Kiwi-related or Kiwi-adjacent drama here that is actually interesting.

Kiwiscrotes and kiwitroons, now that your site is back, please utilize it.


Josh is using new DDoS mitigation services and is getting hit intermittently pretty hard but the site is usable in both forums with a few hiccups.

Biggest issue currently is many people were locked out of their accounts who used "burner" emails or didn't remember their passwords, due to Josh forcing a hard reset of all passwords after the data breach.

There is still no evidence of leaked data from the breach, it seems like vandalism (changing user pfps) was the problem. Who is responsible is unclear, thee's a rush to blame the troons, but the lolicons of poast (to which logo user pfps were changed) are very possible candidates too.

Kiwi telegram (a cesspit)
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No. 1688129

he had a KF thread which would be a good start once it comes back. he's a real POS who really ticks all the boxes you can imagine: actual Nazi (cow crossover, he's the guy that Anna Slatz got in trouble for interviewing), lolicon, AGP troon, there's extensive receipts from his wife on his KF thread about how he abused her, etc. the accusations around him being the one to gaslight Elaine aren't proven and since the Blaine tranny hates him due to Mike being the one to dox Blaine due to some sort of sex thing between them going awry, as a consequence there's a lot of bullshit flying around, but suffice it to say, it does sound like the kind of thing he would do: his thing is manipulating dumb pickme vulnerable women online, he did it with a couple of Kiwi girls and released revenge porn of one of them in some blackmail scheme. he's now admin of OnionFarms which goes to show you what kind of place it is.

No. 1688138

Your seething just makes me simp harder. I love it when troons cry because they realize that cutting their dicks off wasn't the way to get women and seeing some dude amass fangirls by shitting on troons makes you want to rope so much more. Kek

No. 1688141

No. 1688727

Owning stock does not equal actually owning the company unless you decide to buy the majority of shares or the entire company.

No. 1870156

Ban me cunt mods

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No. 1655909[Reply]

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No. 1662277

Oh I see. It's just weird to apologize to a specific group of women like that when stupid TIMs steal female names from all culturs. Kek and then there's annoying western teen girls running around using cutesy japan names and being cringey. I just found it a weird post. I apologize on behalf of all women who have had their name used by a disgusting Troon. I'm so glad I've never seen one going by my name but my name is "male" technically if you go back to its roots or live in Europe.

No. 1662279

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Pansy is calling himself Bimbo Barbarella these days.

No. 1662283

I can understand why it seems weird out of context. Personally, I'm not Japanese, but I have a unique name I've seen some troons use. The guys that take my name tend to be altgirl skinwalkers into BDSM, though. Japanese names usually get taken by outright pedophiles and zoophiles.

No. 1662285

Ah… that makes sense when you think about all the CP and loli images that come from Japan. Personally I blame Japanese men. Fuck them, fuck troons, fuck all men. (I would say amen here but that's too patriarchal)

No. 1662287

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No. 1651457[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1633907

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Recent Milk:
>Starts publicly simping for "tattooed goth boys" once again, following a handful of basic white tattooed men on tiktok >>>/snow/1631613 and making a video about them >>>/snow/1631608
>Found herself a cringy tattooed tiktok dom she plans to fuck on camera >>>/snow/1628756
>Bragged about getting catcalled on twitter >>>/snow/1629945, is so proud of herself she makes a tiktok about it too >>>/snow/1630400
>Monthly "I hate women, they harass me" tweet which is quickly deleted >>>/snow/1631049
>Went out in public to brunch half naked with no makeup looking horrible >>>/snow/1632062
>Put out a forced diaper shitting POV video >>>/snow/1632239
>Begged for booze, cheese and crackers Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1662475

Those green fungus looking diseased nails look like the aftermath of an injury. I hate when moids with ugly hands paint their ugly fingernails poorly because they think it’s a cool alt thing

No. 1662489

kek anon thanks for making it watchable

No. 1662492

The ugly tattooed scrotes bio says "cream pie specialist (vasectomy protected)" and that he sti tests. So yes, he's going around fucking ugly whores and possibly troons raw. You can only get sti tests so often. Disgusting.

No. 1662494

I can’t believe she’s choosing to bone this dude. He’s terribly ugly and quite trashy. I know the bar is low but damn she could’ve done better

No. 1679198

Other women having standards in life and not having to touch disgusting scrotes to pay rent makes Shayna so mad. It's too funny. sips my milk

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No. 981597[Reply]

Steve McRae is a 50 year old wannabe YouTube "philosopher" and "educator" who spends most of his time online throwing temper tantrums on twitter, making creepy comments to younger women on his YouTube hangouts and harassing a YouTuber named Katie Joy Paulson

Steve "McBoomer" McRae gained notoriety after his involvement in another milk (Lille Jean and Laur Trueman) when he and his army of sealions would go in circles asking for "evidence" of Laur and Lille Jean's well-documented history of harassment and buying fake followers. But after a closer look it's easy to see McBoomer and his sealions are cows in their own merit.

McRae used to co-host a YouTube debate channel named "The NonSequitur Show" or NSS, which has over 6 million views and, in its prime, had over 30k subscribers; until he was kicked out from the show by his co-host Kyle Curtis due to his constant fights with the show's guests on twitter. The NSS situation is being settled in court after McRae decided to sue Curtis for "stealing" the channel from him (McRae claimed they had a 50/50 partnership), which made little sense since after getting kicked out from the show McRae incited his sealions to massively downvote the NSS's videos and unsubscribe from that channel.

After people lost interest in the the NSS drama McRae tried to get attention by getting involved in numerous dramas, mostly related to teenage girls' interests such as makeup and Teen Mom TV show (remember: he's a 50 year old man). But he spent most of the last 10 months harassing an YouTuber known as Without A Crystal Ball (real name Katie Joy Paulson aka KJP), who claims she's now getting a restraining order against him.

>McRae is notorious among the atheist community for spending the last 5 years debating the definition of the word "atheism", which literally nobody but him cares about;

>McRae claims to be a "critical thinker" debater yet he and his current co-host created a blocklist with over 200 people on twitter, including a dead man who criticised McBoomer (Link to the blocklist: https://blocktogether.org/show-blocks/sG6Sgb-Viarfus1
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No. 982122

No. 982324

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So McBoomer's great announcement seems to be a new twitter account and intro for his stupid "show" nobody cares about.

The real milk is the fact he kept the account protected (only Cult members allowed) and he actually calls his show, unironically, "critical thinking and commentary" loooool

No. 1089504

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A member of the r/woacb subreddit (documenting milk on Steve’s fave girl Katie Joy Paulson) made a bizarre (potentially ironic?) claim about Steve McRae (SM) working with other YouTubers and Tati Westbrook’s lawyers to generate a “take down” on the woman who accused him of workplace sexual harassment. There could be a lot of truth to it considering current YouTube drama mirrors this perfectly. And Steve is known to be closely connected with teen mom fans who primarily post on and run the r/wocab sub


The post is also alleging Nick Snider and Rich Lux getting involved. The people covering wocab are some of the most unstable I’ve seen yet. They’re already infighting about theats to call cps and the fundamentalist housewives clashing with the teen mom fans and non-sec atheists. It’s probably a matter of time before the wocab drama farm on Twitter/Reddit starts imploding like the Onision critics and “haydur nation” have all cannibalized

No. 1661723

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Steve caught Chris Hansen’s attention

No. 1662103

When cows collide.

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No. 1323678[Reply]

Last thread's happenings:

Ham's parents are getting divorced and she has begun college. This isn't stopping her from continuing her anorexia LARP, causing anons to tinfoil about the reasons behind her parents' decision. Meanwhile, she is still fighting her way through buckets of oatmeal topped with sprinkles.

Hxn is now begging for a cheap apartment in London in addition to 30k for day patient. She is so spoopy she had to get vaccinated in her leg despite being the bravest warrior ever. Lots of medfagging was required to explain her strange claims.

Cecelia has been discharged to PHP and is pretending to be pleased about this. She was caught claiming that she 'had never claimed to be a BMI of 12' despite evidence to the contrary and talked about shoplifting. Her continuing to practice judaism attracted some 4chan-esque autistic sperging and racebaiting, but admins were quick to step in.

Pencilneck/Slenderman/Skeletor/lizard boy Nik is still scaring anons with his reels and queer dance moves. He posted a new YouTube video announcing that he will start posting videos in German on his channel, but definitely not because people kept messaging him about his awful English grammar and pronunciation. Meanwhile, farmers had lots of fun editing various photos of him holding up pieces of paper.

Nourish has gone on holiday with her man and anons are hoping she continues improving, although some of her selfies are suggesting otherwise. Here's to hoping the poor girl finds a shower or bathtub soon.

Anna was called out for posting pro ana shit and it made her sad. She continues to claim suffering from multiple chronic illnesses including MCAS and EDS all the while anons continue to debunk these claims.

Wateremelons posts old spoopy pics, Sophie's parents are sick of her shit, im_powering has started a podcast, Dharma is now at college studying nursing, Laura is on a PICU days before she was set to be discharged and Ganer counts flavoured water as a meal. Other cows keep getting mentions here and there, but fail to produce enough milk to warrant a section in the thread summary.
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No. 1335345

Music, art, books, working out, gardening, traveling, meeting new people, there's so much shit I was doing between those early years. What a pampered, self absorbed, boring and attention leech Ham is.

No. 1335360

The thing is, you can’t gain only muscle. You always gain fat along with the muscle, that’s why you have bulk and cut phases. She isn’t gaining any muscle specifically because she won’t allow herself to gain any fat.

No. 1335526

This is perfectly ignoreable.

Probably very sjw of me, but I don't think eupf/bpd is amongst the worst, untreatable mentall illnesses (as for instance hpd etc), and I'm fairly certain SIM will affect those with very much treatable (perhaps even motivated for proper, outpatient treatment while they're building a life and relations at the same time), very badly, especially those who happen to have other physical illnesses on the side. Not even talking about the chronic illnesses, but I mean more like UTIs, random infections, pneumonia, random injuries and whatever a lot of people might encounter througout their lives.

I do agree that institutionalization (wow I can't spell, am I slowly turning into Anna????) is a very bad idea, but most people with bpd does not deserve to get the police at them, I mean.

Doesn't really understand all the hatred towards eupf, there are treatments (DBT for instance) that can help a lot of people, and there'll always be some treatment resistent, attention seeking ig-cows to our enjoyment, but that can't be all of them.

I think I just refuse to accept that all people with eupf is Cecelia and Laura, and I'm fairly positive policlinal treatment and support can help a lot of people, and that's taking a lot less resources than admitting them all the time anyways.

Same goes with… general people with ED. I don't think having only "Pure anorexia" is that common, especially not the ones that lasts long-term.

No. 1335575

> institutionalization [..] is a very bad idea, but most people with bpd does not deserve to get the police at them,

I call BS. These regulations exist because some people pose a danger for themselves, without even knowing it.
It's the law.
Some untreated disorders tend to get even worse over time, don't forget about that.

No. 1336930


Her facial features look randomized. Singularly, they look fine, but altogether her face seems like it doesn’t match.

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