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No. 1611223
Homeless and Heartbroken, but things might just be looking up…or not?
First Thread
>>738758Second Thread
>>836614Third Thread
>>871951Fourth Thread
>>892447Fifth Thread
>>929121Sixth Thread
>>967636Seventh Thread
>>1031322Eight Thread
>>1087783Ninth Thread
>>1148062Tenth Thread
>>1242901Eleventh Thread
>>1421281 (locked)
Heather Steele is a former retro toy collecting and Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber who, at the end of 2018, decided to have a major meltdown and turned all her social media into a public diary. She began cheating on her allegedly
abusive husband, and re-wrote herself as some sort of pop Victorian goth and witchy explorer. She got incredibly defensive of her sudden change. In her defensiveness– which she vaguely admitted was to win the affections of a man– she threw a lot of her supporters under the bus, has been unreasonably cocky and aggressive with a lot of people including former friends, and distorted the criticisms (which were towards her overall behavior) into a narrative claiming everyone is just attacking her for her fashion and hobby choices.
She has a history of incredibly self-focused and self-destructive behavior. Over the past year, she has wildly flipped between “I’m a strong woman and I don’t need to validate myself” to having public meltdowns on social media, only to delete them within an hour. Despite this, she denies she’s mentally ill and attacks the mere notion she needs help, once again using the “people hate me because I’m goth now” narrative.
Heather has alienated herself from all her old friends, but continues to act like everyone was just a bad person and she’s a
victim who fled from a terrible life. She used and manipulated several people in her life, and spent her 20s being a homebody mooch, then went on to claim she was “living in a hellhole with an
abusive husband” in order to garner pity for a Gofundme and claim she was going to be homeless. She is now living back at home with her parents and has a job and a car, but continues all her usual crazy and continues putting all her energy towards seeking approval from “boys” and her followers.
She has tried to start up her Youtube channel again, but doesn’t seem to have any consistent plans despite claiming otherwise. Keeps coming and leaving YouTube ad nauseam.
Other characters (because the “Ryans” can get confusing)…
>Adam: Heather’s ex husband. Not a stellar person himself, cheated and lied too, but Heather seems to exaggerate the “abuse”. Funded her and bought her gifts. Dating since 2012, engaged 2016, divorced 2019. >Adam’s new gf: “Hates Heather”, according to Heather. Heather used the new girlfriend’s visit to springboard into a breakdown about how she was in danger and going to be homeless.>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.>Ryan 3: Short-lived gamer boy met through Tinder.>Damian: On-off Urbex boyfriend. Eventually put him on blast after their 500th breakup.>Ryan 4: Craig. Graveyard photographer Heather briefly dated, but they appear to still be friends.>Ryan 5: Clay. Ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because she was negative. Tried to lure him back by being negative on her instagram stories. >Ryan 6: Chase. Dated for like 2 weeks LDR and were supposed to meet IRL but he changed his mind after he realised she’s batshit. >Ryan 7: Femryan. Stated dating the second time they met irl. After multiple breakups, Heather decided to end things for good because he wanted to go to a party on halloween instead of going to the cemetery like all of their other dates.>Ryan 8: ChaseRyan. Short lived photographer boyfriend>Ryan 9: aka CharmRyan/GhostRyan. who got the measure of Hag pretty quick, and confessed to ghosting her cause she was still using Tinder and living her life on social media. >Ryan 10: BomberRyan, which sparked and fizzled within a week. >>1186214>Ryan 11: OldRyan, ryanectomy performed in less than 48 hours of this one being on the scene. >Ryan 12: Revengeryan / Ryanhumrevenge -@Rumhamrevenge, older alt photographer who's been hanging out with Heather. Not a true ryan because he's not a spoopy boy she wants to fuck, but comes in and out of the picture like the other ryans. Their relationship is weird and they've shared hotel rooms, but Heather doesn’t think he's a keeper for some reason. >>1288115 >>1288582 >>1289256>Ryan 13: PapeRyan. An old friend who she lost touch with ‘because of muh stalkers’. 13, unlucky for some, certainly unlucky for him. It lasted mere weeks, Hag blaming their break up on his religious beliefs.>Ryan 14: BloodRyan aka Lurch. Heather met her match with this one, just as impulsive, insane, childish and melodramatic as she is, he promised the world then booted her out of his home…is he to blame? Is she? Is it both of them. Maybe in this episode we will find out. Other Characters
>Juliet/Dera: Former friend who put Heather on a pedestal. Heather took advantage of this and used Heather to stalk Ryan 2 Jan 2019. Car ended up in a ditch and they’re not longer friends. Juliet has come out to explain what happened and reflect on it.>Sisters: Younger and older. Moved out to Cali where she met Adam at the start of the last decade under claims her elder sister was trying to kill her.>Parents: Claimed her parents wouldn’t take her in because they voted Trump. Finally admitted to living with her mom. Says her family didn’t accept her dark aesthetic so she adopted the pastel aesthetic to be accepted by them. Currently still living with Mom and Stepdad. Last thread:
>Heather hits the ground running with a new Ryan. May I present… PapeRyan >>1421717>As you’ll remember, PapeRyan was either previously friendzoned, or anons just thought he was gay. >Curiously Hag decided to blame her cRaZy StAlKeRs for their previous fizzle out >>1401419>Dressing her new Paperdoll PapeRyan >> 1424445>The obligatory new Ryan Target mirror shot >>1424457>Meanwhile the Great Adam Tax Swindle rumbled on as Hag still hadn’t sorted her own tax out, like the hardworking rare day off adult she claims to be >>1423168, >>1427710>Which descends into the usual pity party >>1427711>Adam’s Troon enters the chat (as an anon) to deliver an exposé video where Heather ‘acts up’ and throws a hissy fit on camera >>1427885>Anons smell a rat, and in no time have figured out the real deal >>1428282>Heather comes back at Adam’s Troon to give her side of the story >>1428481>After multiple slides of “and another thing” we see the inevitable GoOdByE fOrEvEr post >>1428671>Anons do some digging on Adam’s Troon and turn up a KiwiFag thread on the fat furry >>1429384>PapeRyan appears to be in for the long haul, but don’t hold your breath >>1432260>More shit slinging about the Tax Swindle >> 1433419>Hag starts to backtrack >>1433563>The HagCycle Fightback begins, Heather is not going anywhere >>1434183 and continues to rip into Adam and his loser friends, until…>Heather is sent a Cease and Desist by Adam’s Troon, Ashley Zoe Fox >>1438856>Anons speculate PapeRyan might be the Happy Ending that Hagther always wanted >>1439510>Spoke too soon! Well, whatever the reason her original friendship with PapeRyan fizzled out, who gives a shit because no sooner than it was on again, it was off again >>1450608>New HagCycle, phase 1: tales of woe, so alone, cast aside cause I’m so uniquely Heather, until here we are back at the thirst trap Boudoir Shoot stage >>1452879>Insinuates the break up with PapeRyan is because he’s a Christian and she is not >>1452897>Lots of boring shit in the HagCycle continues, until…>Enter the Ryan of the Moment, Dustin/Dusty, who is eventually named BloodRyan, due to the cringe act of gifting Hag a bloodied Polaroid as a first date gift, and Lurch due to the fact he bears a striking resemblance to the cro mag Munster >>1497635>First sightings of BloodRyan in the wild >>1502750, 1504780>Things get off to a flying start, BloodRyan appears to be just a fucking melodramatic and insane/impulsive as Our Heather >>1504914, >>1507956, >>1510814>Anons find Lurch aka BloodRyan’s general appearance something to talk about (this might be relevant for what’s about to come further down the line) >>1511404, >>1511405, >>1511878, >>1514520>Within weeks (days?) of knowing each other, they are talking about living together >>1511879, which means a big move for Hagther >Have the planets aligned? Heather is applying for a promotion! >>1516711>It’s for her ‘dream Big Girl job’ >>571674>Heaps of Lurchposting, anons wonder how long this will last >>1522565, >>1523764, >Lurch is a black metal fan, anons speculate over him being a neo-facist >>1522477 Burzum/Mayhem/black metal sperging ensues>That dispensed with, we’re back to Empowered Heather >>1527622>In a bold shock move, a day we thought we’d never live to see, Heather has finally moved out of the storage unit >>1546058, >>1585469>All’s well in Cringeville >>1546054, >>1546055, >>1546115, >Are wedding bells on the horizon, or simply ringing in her mind? >>1551118, >>1551574, >>1551264>Heather dons her best goth cosplay to attend a Cradle of Filth concert, spends most of the time doing this >>1558311>We start to see the crazy eyes are go - identity crisis number 237457 is here: Hag is now an owl trinket obsessive Plant Mommy fanatic >>1568915. >This is because Lurch is an owl fan and plant guy >>1557182. >In true Heather fashion, she takes her collection to the next - completely alienating - level >>1570867>Almost as if she’s swallowed Lurch’s entire personality, Hag is harvesting plants at the speed of light, with some success, and some failure >>574875>Heather gets the ‘job of her dreams’ (a visual merchandiser at Target), it all really and truly seems to be working out! >>1578069, >>1579721, 1584974>Heather’s victory speech >>1579972>Hag shares a series of ‘I have always been a true goth’ photos for us disbelievers >>1585471, >>1585475, >>1585476>As Lurch and Hag are posting about their next big step, anons speculate how long this madness can possibly last >>1586586>Adam’s back in town! Or is it one of his minions? Whoever it is, It’s Revenge of the Cucked all over again according to Heather, as she goes to town with a new four story slideshow about how Adam’s trying to get her sacked from her job. Truth, or paranoia? >>1589147>Heather vague posts, leaving anons crying out for more >>1590990>Two weeks later, the results are in: Dustin aka Lurch aka BloodRyan has kicked her out of house and home >>1597512, 1598473, 1598742>’Homeless’ and heartbroken, Heather contemplates the future. Some anons share their sympathy, while other simply agree that Heather has met her match this time. Victimhood beckons >>598745, >>1598770>Cold feet about the new job beckons. Anons are screaming at the screen, rooting for Hag to do the right fucking thing for once in her life >>1600912, >>1602768>Here is whatever the fuck this is >>1602295>Nonnies try to work out what the breakup was about. Some say Lurch found the thread after the millenitard poster came through >>1595800, others that her crazy was starting to become too obvious so he gtfo >>1603231, >>1603786>Much whiplash action whether Heather will stay or quit her job >>1602486 then >>1604818, >>1604876, >Still finding time to do that all-important antiquing >>1603988>And she’s back on The Apps >>1605657 and soliciting her services as a ‘big titty plant mommy’ >>1605661>What’s this? A happy ending after all? Heather has indeed found an apartment that she loves >>1608062 and has been accepted for it >>1609512, >>1610129>What will happen next? Will Our Heather be sleeping in her car until she can get into the new apartment, or will Mommy come to the rescue again? Find out in our latest instalment of The Chronicles of Heather… No. 1611332
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Like clockwork, Heather started posting the cleavage photos a couple nights ago.
No. 1611355
Whoever made this thread did an excellent job and I love you for it. Heather is one of my top comfort cows thanks to her predictable cringe on full display here once again.
>>1611332 Nothing says sexy and mysterious like a 30+ year old woman gaping her mouth to Taylor Swift!
No. 1611428
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To answer the last question of the recap…apparently she got it worked out so she can take her vacation time or whatever so she only has to stay in a hotel for 2 days before she can move into the new apartment, which is supposed to be on the 20th of this month, according to a separate post.
Honestly, I'm fuckin' geeked for her. FINALLY she's taking steps towards true independence. I just hope the time home doesn't make her rethink everything and doubt herself. She should more than be able to afford the place and her bills on her income.
No. 1611777
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No. 1611778
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No. 1611779
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She must think people forgot…
No. 1611817
>>1611223Awesome summary nonna!
I haven't read the thread for a while, did she end up selling her stuff somewhere or did she straight up throw it away?
No. 1612081
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You have GOT to be shitting me, seriously? Kek.
No. 1612082
>>1612081Lurch seemed
toxic af. I have no doubt her was jealous of her
No. 1612279
She must think people forgot…>>1611811
>>1611958Are you on drugs? This girl doesn't deserve a damn dime from ANYONE.She had years to save but instead blew it on useless shit. She had plenty of times, in fact years to sell her vintage toys, never did. This girl doesn't deserve anymore help from the internet, she's a 30 year old woman who is an idiot. Go donate money to an organization that can actually use. Heather will take that money and buy more useless plants. She needs to figure out shit out, it's not our job to help her.
No. 1612503
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Now she believes in God? For years she said she never did. Now it's God, yeah ok Heather…
No. 1612507
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Love how she tries to justify her spending to random people on the internet still. She justify her spending on stuff she'll actually need rather list the prices of the garbage she buys at antique shops.
Its not our problem that your relationship failed and now you need money. If things worked out with him, would she still need money? I think she was gonna free load off him just like she did with her marriage.
No. 1612510
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What a disgrace. The audacity to say that when there are people much worse off then her that are trying to rock it out without asking for money. What's next, she needs money for tampons?
No. 1612638
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Why do we need to give you a cookie for having to be an adult and experience hardship? You going through a hard time doesn't make you special, it means stop being a whiney brat and be an adult, do what you have to do, no one else bitches about their life except you.
No. 1612647
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>>1612638>I was so hungyshe was never more than a few hours away from her mom kek
No. 1612843
>>1612767Yes, she's "homeless"…
This is the same person who claimed she was "homeless" when she moved back with her mom after her separation and had the nerve to reference her mother as the "room mate" lol Heather is the definition of a entitled white girl.
No. 1612846
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Are you shitting me? Who is the dumb asses giving her money!?? Let me guess, this money is going to a domestic abuse shelter heather?
May she rot in hell for scamming people once again.
No. 1612943
>>1612843>>1612846Please, quit samefagging, or at least sage more.
I think Heather is milky as it is, but there's been some obvious vendetta lately from someone particular.
No. 1613137
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Also known as " you need to meet up with me and put out"
No. 1613239
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>>1613137Hmm… fatryan incoming?
No. 1613290
>>1612487She probably did sell them, but in true heather fashion, blew the money on impulse buys.
>>1612457Kek. This. She keeps getting involved with these rando ryans and pushing for a repeat of her marriage, not realizing that she needs to be careful. One of these days she's gonna show off her crazy to the wrong ryan and get seriously hurt.
No. 1613310
>>1612943tbh my tinfoil in Heather threads has always been that the vendetta anon who never sages is her ex husband, Adam lmao
I think this person has even made a thread or two (if not most)
saged because duh, and I'm drinking
No. 1613319
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>>1612492>>1612437Yup, here's the picture again,she stated she needed money for a washer and dryer and hag posted the picture yet again showing there is a washer and dryer in the apartment
No. 1613737
>>1613688 Exactly. Heather is known for making up stories, making herself always look like the
victim, uses friends for gain, but never takes accountability for her own actions, she just blames everyone else but herself (for fuck sake, she's using the plants as a reason for a break up people!)
No, she isn't the worst hag, but she also isn't a Saint either. I think the rest of the anons are gullible and really don't understand her pattern.
No. 1613754
>>1613714exactly. who really cares if she gets some fat beta moids to donate to her so she can buy a washing machine. she's not a crackhead and is clean, so it's clear some of her money will in fact bet going to buy household necessities.
you can't really say the same of 99% of other cows on this site. Heather is basically a saint compared to every other thread haver
No. 1613907
>>1613889Maybe because she has thousands of dollars of shit to sell that she hasn’t used in years? Maybe it’s because she does all this shit to herself as a grown ass woman? Maybe it’s because she spends so much money going to stores every fucking day? Maybe it’s because she’s done this before? Maybe it’s because there are 16 year olds with no support system more self sufficient than her?
>>1613781That’s definitely not a scrote. No one is saying to donate to a man. Donate to women that actually need it.
No. 1613947
>>1613781Wow take a chill pill.
I'm not a scrote and I never said donate to men or homeless junkies.
No. 1614176
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No. 1614225
Oh my god this site is going to absolute shit. Why is there even an argument about this?? Nobody should be touching the poop here,
nobody should be invested. The amount doesn’t matter, the point is she’s being misleading about her level of need. She can be both harmless and occasionally sympathetic, and also manipulative and shitty. There’s no need to lick her ass and there’s no reason to act like she’s satan either. And I can’t believe I have to say this, but wtf, don’t fucking give the cow your money you retards.
>>1614206and lastly fuck off with this ‘oh if she gets money she has to fuck the guy’ shit, maybe reddit is more your speed
No. 1614230
>>1614176since when does she believe in god? Finding god and turning into a good christian housewife saga coming up next?
>>1614213kek, love you nona, will listen to Depeche Mode now
No. 1614410
>>1613889anon, the deal is that many-to-most apartments in the US, and definitely in the region where Hag is renting, come with "white goods" already installed and she does not need to buy them like she's a first time homeowner with a new construction mortgage moving into a blank box. It's just not her situation. This thread has either a lot of foreigners (welcome, no hate at all just recognizing the difference in rental markets) or a lot of young nonnies who have never rented before.
Mattresses are expensive and no one's been shitting on that afaik. It's just the retarded ask for appliances.
No. 1614419
>>1613426Samefag but this is the communal basment of an old house or older building that is split into multiple units/apts. All units have access to the basement and share the landlords washer/dryer. This is super common in the northeastern and Midwestern US where there's old housing stock.
This appliance shit is really sticking with me for some reason but I'll see myself out now
No. 1614505
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Pretty sure it was the moving with 20+ house plants and tons of crap that you planned to take over HIS space with instead of, you know, sliding into his life and adding your personal touches over time. Ya know, like a normal person would.
No. 1614537
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No. 1615447
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No. 1615469
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Didn't he tell her if I'm not mistaken? Maybe if she looked at her instagram stories and see how clingy and attention seeking she is it might wake her up. It won't, but this is why Heather
No. 1615603
>>1615565I actually think he's been lurking her socials, and text her after seeing she got an apartment.
There's a chance they might get back together and continue this saga now considering she has switched to nostalgiaposting about things that happened a few weeks ago with him.
No. 1615921
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Why are you upset that he deleted you? There's no point in being friends after what he did or didn't do, move on heather. She's seriously so brain damaged to be this obsessed over someone that she knew for such a short amount of time.
No. 1615978
>>1615921Can she not remember the "if you were a better man" pic she posted before this?
Of course you're getting "erased" Hags. You're creepy.
No. 1616026
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Oh, now she'll never find a boy in a new area? Jesus fuckin christ heather. Its not your plants, it's not target, it's not photography, it's you. You are the problem, you're doing something to push these guys away month after month.
No. 1616047
>>1616026If it is too much then just do not do it, no one is holding a gun to her head and forcing her to date.
Kek at her thinking she is special for having an adult job and hobbies that countless other people have.
No. 1616148
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bumping porn raid
No. 1616150
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No. 1616152
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No. 1616180
>>1616155LOOOOL if that's true that's insane. Imagine thinking you can trash someone's whole character online when you KNOW you have a bunch of autistic women that archive everything you say and expect them to forgive you.
Reminds me of my ex kek. What a wreck of a woman.
No. 1616225
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Ugh…where do I even begin?…
For years we've watched her spiral out of control, and she still hasn't learned to stop recording herself crying and posting it on the internet. I can't comprehend why someone her age continues this type of behavior. And then in a few hours, she'll delete her stories as if nothing happened.
I can forsee what's going to happen next. She's NOT going to stay in that apartment for long. She'll come up with an excuse of "it doesn't feel like home, everything reminds me of him" and She'll force herself to move back home with mom. This was the only motivation for her and the apartment was for him? Jeez Heather, I seriously can't understand how you get so strung up on a guy.
She'll move back home by the end of the year, most likely sooner
No. 1616331
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No. 1616332
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Way to put him on blast…
No. 1616333
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No. 1616334
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No. 1616335
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AH… this is where she is getting her belief in God….Dustin sounds like a Christian boy and she had to of course, change to pretend she believes in God too
No. 1616337
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In conclusion….you moved in his PARENTS house and they don't want you there anymore. Sounds like his parents win since it's their house. At least he apologized and didn't say anything dickish but this is what you get when you move into HIS PARENTS HOUSE, you barely knew the guy…
No. 1616342
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This is why he's since blocked you, hags.
No. 1616343
>>1616155>she thought maybe if she had her own place they could make it workI wonder if she got the idea from
>>1615565 . Not weird for an anon tinfoil, but it's crazy for Heather to try. She's insanely obsessive and all-or-nothing, in everything she does, she thinks BloodRyan will accept she's capable of a slower paced relationship? He will take her back, when he said she's got serious personal problems which she won't admit or address? She doesn't have to change for a guy, but if its clear that her personality is a deal-breaker why is she chasing him?
She let her mask slip too soon, and she's trying to put it back on after BloodRyan was freaked out by what he saw. If he wasn't lurking here before, he is now. If she was ugly crying like that AFTER talking to him, she must have been insane during their conversation.
No. 1616349
>>1616337This makes her look so bad, he sounds like he has an IQ of 80 and just wants to eat glue in peace without having to repent to God for his accidental sins. Maybe I'm reading into this wrong but it sounds like he's being coached on how to deal with this, maybe by his parents. Don't answer her calls, don't engage her, even if she escalates.
>>1616342>Talk to me one last time>I need actual closure>You made up your mind but…Sounding like a stalker. Maybe she'll turn up at his house in the middle of the night to "get her closure"
No. 1616351
>>1616349Yeah this shit is emotionally manipulatibe and
abusive on her part. Insane how she's comfortable talking like this after, what was it? 3 months of a relationship?
No. 1616364
>>1616357And she wants to go back to dating after this? Jfc she's
No. 1616408
>>1616337>you're the love of my life..I'll never get over this.. we spoke about getting married to
>He's a childand
>I don't know how I'm going to start dating again kekking hard at how desperate she seems right now, I think it's shitty that he kicked her out after she'd only just moved there but the whole thing seems so intense (which is how she likes it). People only ask for closure as a way of weaseling back into your life, good on him for blocking her.
No. 1616454
>>1616334He's actually surprisingly thoughtful for a scrote, I think her dialing it up to 150% with the
love of my life stuff scared him off since they were considering meeting in these texts. Men know they ain't shit, so they get scared if anyone wants them too much, (like this) understandably since there is no reason to beg genericman4654 to take you back.
It's why grooming works better on girls, a woman is more likely to believe she has desirable traits and believe someone could fall for them so suddenly. Men literally offer nearly nothing and socially get away with giving you nearly nothing too, (e.g deadbeat dad is acceptable, or not doing any housework or offering no emotional support to their spouse, etc) so why care that much?
In summary Heather doesn't understand men because if she did she wouldn't act like this. Just read the mtf thread on /snow or the reddit thread on /ot for a crash course, Heather.
No. 1616456
>>1616342>I will always love youoh geez. She says she got no closure but those texts are way more than most men would do, he actually showed remorse and regret which is very rare for a moid. That
is your closure.
No. 1616493
>>1616342so my synopsis for this shit show so far - Heather only wants to stay in the area & has went for the apartment to allow her time to ‘win back’ Lurch & pursue a relationship with him again as she is not over him (despite what she says) & has turned into full stalker mode now where she is harassing Lurch to respond.
Lurch sounds as if he is very immature for a man almost 30 & I agree with the anon that connected the dots that it sounds like he’s been coached by his parents on what to say. The Christian God Bless You & adult amicable language is a dead giveaway from a man who likes to paint with his own blood. I did laugh when someone pointed out Heather now believes in God very suddenly as Lurch seems to be from a Christian family.
I don’t doubt the existence of a man out there for Heather as the longer the internet exists the more I see there really is someone out there for everyone. FatRyan may have been that man but due to his Game of Thrones watcher on the wall-esque vibes I don’t see her sending him subtle titty pics.
No. 1616500
>>1616493Lurch sounds as if he is very immature for a man almost 30 & I agree with the anon that connected the dots that it sounds like he’s been coached by his parents on what to say. The Christian God Bless You & adult amicable language is a dead giveaway from a man who likes to paint with his own blood. I did laugh when someone pointed out Heather now believes in God very suddenly as Lurch seems to be from a Christian family.
-yup, that was me! The moment she used the word "God" I'm like, hold TF up, since when? She's made it so known over the years that she's Wiccan and doesn't believe in God.
She always tries to mold herself to fit into her current BF. The guy definitely got coached by his parents as to what to say. She needs to becareful because if he's close with his parents, the next suggestion will be an order of protection.
No. 1616533
>>1616342The part "we had one shitty week" yeah the first and only week you lived together, it's not like things got progressively bad, like if it's shitty from day 1 it's not gonna get better is it. Logic is not this girl's strong suit.
I hope she calms down and still sticks to her job and apartment because despite the shitfit she's throwing
that part she did right.
No. 1616537
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She needs a bop on the nose with a rolled up newspaper like a misbehaving dog, imagine putting this nightmare fuel up while trying to get your ex back (and I'm a doll collector)
No. 1616553
>>1616544Of course it is
“Poor” lurch & family are living in their own horror movie being stalked by the this doll
No. 1616600
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No. 1616636
>>1616342I’m the anon who admitted in /ot/ I’d been through something weirdly similar except I moved to a different country, got dumped and years later I really don’t blame the guy for getting rid of me, even if the way he did it sucked. I was immature. If someone’s in your house who you don’t want there, especially if they’re behaving erratically I don’t think you can really afford to be timid about it. I don’t think lurch did it very well but I don’t think Heather deserved a better breakup either. Scuse my blog, I’ll eat my ban but I just don’t have much sympathy for her and if anyone would it’d be me.
Anyway, holy shit, she has such a warped idea of what love is. She’s claimed to have loved so many guys after a couple weeks or months and then writes all this melodramatic shit about being ‘thrown away’ when latching onto someone like a remora doesn’t work out, it’s just so fucked. This is
insane behavior, she really stepped up the creepy attachment this time.
No. 1616671
>>1616648From the texts I'm kinda getting that there was an opening to meet up again, but she bombarded him with
love of my life, best friend pleading and scared him off. She managed to stay relatively chill and normal up until now, considering what happened. I think she just cannot stand to be alone in her own company since she was ok until her week off.
No. 1616687
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Well, she's doing what she does best. Using quotes to portray her emoness.
No. 1616703
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>>1616342Smart move, completely disable comments in case she reproduces more insta accounts
No. 1616822
>>1616671I think you’re right, she might have been able to salvage something if she played it cool, but….she’s Heather. I don’t know of any cause other than insanity that would make her publicly mourn for her mOsT mEaNiNgFuL old flame
>>1614537 and then turn around and insist it was Lurch the entire time. The whiplash is staggering. It’s no wonder all the cute spooky Ryans aren’t lining up to be compared to exes, put on blast, and stalked! It’s embarrassing how she only hustled for an apartment because she thought it might give her a chance with her moid, who she flip flops between hating and loving. This is a new low for her.
No. 1616840
>>1616636Yeah if Heather was acting this psycho in his parents' house, he probably had no choice but to kick her out. I doubt they wanted to wait another month or more until she had squatters' rights in hopes she'd get her shit together. Can't really blame him for blocking her either, if she's stalking him all over social media. Sometimes you just know when something isn't salvageable and you need to cut & run.
Bottom line, Lurch seems just as immature and flaky as Heather, but it doesn't make me a "scrote" to have little sympathy for a middle aged woman acting this way. It's super easy to avoid this situation by not letting your ENTIRE life revolve around a moid you've only been dating long-distance for a few months. Also this shit happens in all of her relationships, so she is clearly the common factor.
No. 1617125
>>1616225calling she’ll sublet the apartment out in 3-4 months citing these
nonnie’s reasons. maybe even her parents bail her out with $1000-2000 so she can lower the rent to sublet it quick. she’ll blame everything on this latest retard.
No. 1617164
>>1617149this. she wasnt in love, she was just infatuated with the idea she wasnt alone and was successful in something for once in her life. shes mourning and crying over the person she thought she had become and not actually over anything that would make lurch unique or desirable.
also OT but its fucking infuriating when someone turns from “awe, theyre taking sn interest in something i like” to “theyre acting like theyre into this way more than me”
No. 1617512
>>1617134It's worth remembering for the narrative's sake that it was in fact his parents that threw her out and not him, she moved into his parent's house.
He really shouldn't have moved her in considering it was never his house, I think there was a whoole other thing going on with his parents and him which is aside from their relationship, like we're missing a lot of the story but at a guess:
>weird son finally gets a girlfriend>good for him>"i love her we're gonna get married she's gonna live here">ok son>heather actually moves in>wait wtf>heather is just as crazy as the son>two crazy 30 year olds in the house>and all these huge plants>yeah no she's gotta go>absolute mayem>heather gets an apartment>weird son texts her because he's still a bit interested>"I was crying in the shower and pleading to god">more mayhem ensues>panic block and shut off comments>both heather and lurch have a mental breakdown for a few daysAnd that's where we're at now
No. 1617717
>>1613714Here's the thing. When she left her husband all those years ago and asked for money, it didn't take her long to not only turn on the people who gave her money but also immediately start spending a lot on the notorious crap she buys. Anons itt were racking up her bills and it was hundreds of dollars a week sometimes iirc on worthless hobbylobby target junk. She made a big deal about donating money back herself after her last gfm and never did, just kept buying literal crap and then got mad about people holding her to her own promises. She also refused to use any resources available to her through the state like foodstamps or shelters because it was beneath her. She was never homeless, her family 100% supported her through her separation. She just wanted free money and had the perfect sob story or it. She is a very disingenuous person and clearly has not changed.
She also has a huge tendency to over exaggerate her needs. She says she can't afford food but that's because she always buys food out, never cooks for herself which is way cheaper. (Also notice her weight never changes, she definitely is eating.) She could live off 1 of each kitchenware for a while while getting settled instead of buying entire sets, it's just her. Go to a laundromat instead of buying a w/d. Skip a car payment and deal with the interest later when she is more settled. Hell, she could sell her pastel toys for a few thousand at least but she is too proud and weirdly vindictive to do so. (Although all the hate she got from that hobby seems entirely in her head? I think only the ball jointed doll hobby actively hated her.)
And more importantly, she could get a credit card. Or if she has one, actually use the credit card for these housing purchases and pay it off later instead of ebegging to get everything for free.
She knows what she's doing. If she was offering to pay people back for loaning her money that would be one thing, but she wants to take advantage of people financially by using her sob stories. (Her breakup, while an unfortunate situation, was plainly not that bad and she always has a safety net.) I'd wager in a month or two she will start showing off her spoopy home goods purchases that rack up a few hundred dollars.
That being said, if some desperate moids wanna throw her money then w/e. And as much as a train wreck as she is, I also home she can eventually learn to be independent without her family or a man. But if some well meaning ignorant people who work hard for their money fall for her tactics, that is what anons itt are hoping to prevent by bringing up her past actions.
No. 1617725
>>1617717>that is what anons itt are hoping to prevent by bringing up her past actionsAnon no, we’re here to laugh at the trainwreck and that’s it. I get you’re well-meaning but there’s no need to write out her entire MO, it’s on them to read the threads. Please integrate and ffs stop writing essays. The idea of Heather with a credit card is funny though, I’m sure that would go
No. 1617929
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>>1617918>"editing">replies within 10 mins each time to posts that are hours apartIt's kind of strange how much you are trying to shut down people wanting to discuss Heather in a Heather thread while terminally camping here but go off I guess. Sorry you can't handle more than a few sentences at a time.
No. 1617944
>>1617935Yep, big gotcha moment. Leaving a tab open while afk is the same as stalking a thread like you.
Interesting that you aren't answering why you are trying to shut people down from discussing Heather and saying the thread has tanked when there has been plenty of milk lately. Why are you trying to divert so much? Other than the idiots trying to defend why it's fine to send her money when she's up to her old scams again and you shitting up the thread, it's been as milky as ever.
But if that's too many words for you: maybe go touch some grass fr, you seem way too invested in sperging here.
No. 1618461
>>1618446Bitch, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Read the fucking threads, that will tell you how. And they can both cows but you need to get off of their dicks. Can you not take the fucking hint that you’re the
only person with that opinion? This is a heather thread and she will be shat on it for her psycho antics and no matter how hard you try to convince ppl she’s an abused little angel you won’t and we will call you stupid and keep talking shit. She’s
abusive to the small brained Christian boy, harassing him. He may have fucked her over but he didn’t abuse shit and is actually less of a cow with how he handled it and because he’s actually kept quiet
No. 1618464
>>1618461I can hear your whiny troon voice through the text, why so wild anon?
Lurch is most definitely a cow too, take your meds.
(infighting) No. 1618519
>>1618461Don't bother replying to them. It's the same troll making comments about how innocent Heather is and then using buzzwords like scrote and troon to make you seem like the crazy one.
I wonder when mods will actually ban them
No. 1618571
File: 1660757340091.jpg (296.87 KB, 828x704, 1.jpg)

She's so devastated by losing the lover of her life that she's already on the prowl for a new Ryan
No. 1618580
>>1618571christ i would almost prefer her e-stalking BloodRyan over this broken record "muh hobbies 2 qUiRkY" shit again
Heather just join a meetup group that is about photography or a book club or something. She loves dressing retarded so why not a LARP or re-enactment group or d&d or some other gay shit? Literally anything adjacent to her 2spooky hobbies and she is cuter than 99% of most nerd girls so she will be swimming in mediocre dick in no time
It blows my mind every time I go to this thread that a woman who is decently cute and tidy and gets her tits out on social media has 0 orbiters. She must be truly insufferable
No. 1618608
>>1618580“Heather just join a meetup group that is about photography or a book club or something. She loves dressing retarded so why not a LARP or re-enactment group or d&d or some other gay shit? Literally anything adjacent to her 2spooky hobbies and she is cuter than 99% of most nerd girls so she will be swimming in mediocre dick in no time.”
Okay don’t lump people that like to cosplay or do re-enactment or maybe play D&D as ‘gay shit’ people like that they like - as long as it doesn’t harm others, don’t shit on peoples interests just because you aren’t into it.
There are many girls & women interested in those ‘gay shit’ interests you describe that are attractive or pretty or whatever you want to call it. You sound like a moron, claiming anyone that is into ‘nerd’ shit is unattractive if they are female & Heather is the crowned jewels. You sound like you’re definitely male & secretly in love with Heather with the weird championing how ‘cute’ she is.
She’s not ugly but she’s not a looker either. She’s plain looking. Bland even. But it’s personality that make her a cow.
No. 1618700
>>1618608Sounds like you’re into cosplay, D&D and that other kind of gay shit.
This thread has turned into a complete dumpster fire of sensitive fags and I don’t even hate cosplay. Fucking christ.
No. 1618711
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everyone please stfu and refocus your attention on heather and (possibly) the return of femryan
No. 1618755
>>1618717Your bait is obvious
>>1618711I had a feeling her “mourning” wouldn’t last long. Surprised she went back though I thought she’d hop on tinder for the next guy that wears mostly black
No. 1618812
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it is him anons
No. 1618823
>>1618812jesus heather can you not be alone for five minutes lmao
>>1618571>I don't really have friends in Pittwasn't she gushing about her target friends earlier when she was talking about going back? ouch
>and before anyone says just be alone, that's not what I wantclearly
>I enjoy the company of others, talking to people and I deeply desire a real loving relationshipread: I need skin to crawl in to
No. 1618900
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Annnnnddd there it goes.
No. 1618910
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>>1618902And me. To post this, and the latest SoyBoy FemRyan cringe.
I hate the way Hag is so fucking neglectful. But a load of plants, pretend to be into them, toss them in the garbage. Wasteful idiot. Same with everything she collects - hoards.
No. 1618990
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What in the fresh hell is this
No. 1619017
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I think I need to keep my opinion to myself on this one..
No. 1619063
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Just gonna repost these old rant screenshots about FemRyan for posterity. This was after her HIV scare, when she wasn't sure if it was FemRyan or BomberRyan who might have infected her. IIRC it turned out to be a nasty prank by a random person.
No. 1619065
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This too.
No. 1619096
>>1618910Obviously a rouse to make Lurch jealous. Sad. This is what 18 year olds do, not 32 year olds.
Posting all pics of them dating aswell trying to imply they are current… Lurch had a lucky escape.
No. 1619121
>>1618812>>1618910Honestly I love this cow, it was literally
yesterday she was writing crazy things about "you're my best friend, I just wanna hear your voice again one more time" on Lurch's page, and now she's over it and happy as larry the next day with femryan again
I have to say femryan was my favorite one of her ryans, let's see how it goes on round two
No. 1619221
>>1611223>>1619083It’s crazy, though I’m surprised she didn’t latch onto Lurch like she did the original ryans.
This is old milk but I was rereading the old femryan posts, and found it funny/ironic she was STILL stalking ryanz when her and femryan were together. She also said something to the effect of “good luck honey, you’re going to need it” in reference to ryanz’s new gf, meanwhile I just checked and 2 years later ryanz and new gf are still together, and heather has blown through how many ryans since then? I lost count. Kek
No. 1619274
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>>1619096Course it is nonneth. Just before hanging out with FemRyan she was posting wan looking photos of her in a Cradle of Filth t-shirt. Meanwhile Lurch (I love how he’s hardly ever referred to as BloodRyan, as if he’s been excused from that tarnish) has been posting trad memes all day and night, slamming women like Hag, and making it patently obvious that he’s looking for a TradWife that’s gonna pump out twenty plus mini lurches so they can go live like Varg in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Hag is so, so clueless.
FemRyan’s Reddit comment history makes for cringe reading. The top post I think refers to Hag, the lower down, more recent one…who knows, but kek I could imagine it does. Remember that semi-supporter of Hag ‘bigbird’ that was coming in here for a while?
No. 1619514
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>>1619410This kind of stuff in his stories. First three obvs him, then the others are the kind of stuff he’s been posting from this Trad_West_ account. He’s a total moron. Love these moids that think their opinion on anything is at all necessary.
Nonas were right, he’s into god. If this is the kind of shit he’s into, how the fuck did he ever think Hag and he would be compatible?
His grid posts are just graveyard photos.
No. 1619549
>>1619514I assume he thought her moving on fast meant she was willing to get married and start having children asap, but he was too retarded to realise she was just crazy.
>>1619522Lurch fancies himself an alpha male when he couldn't even break up with his girlfriend and had to get mommy and daddy to do it
No. 1619648
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>>1619121I love her too. Her psychological make-up is sheer lunacy. People to her are just chess pieces she moves around - badly. The dolls. The spider. The plants she’s about to let wither and die. All props that she plays with until she has another personality shift.
The delusion of this post…
>it just isn’t for me It has to be for everyone at some point or you’re going to come unstuck pretty fast as a human being. Which we know Heather has, multiple times.
No. 1619714
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more femryan posting to bait him back
No. 1619809
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>>1619777Yup. She's done it with every guy so far. Guess she doesn't like owls anymore since her and Justin are done. Remember how she always said she loves to dress "boys" up in her dream clothes? Do you ever see her wearing beanies or flannels anymore? Nope, because she isn't with fem boy anymore.
No. 1619830
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No. 1619905
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Why would you post this heather? This is so embarrassing for arik…even the name is embarrassing
No. 1619951
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a quick collection
No. 1620013
>>1619953"damn i feel so bad for Heather now because of this baseless speculation some rando threw at the wall to see if it would stick"
do you ever read your own posts before slamming the Samefag button or are you just stuck on repeat? reevaluate your life, autismo.
No. 1620345
>>1620006watched her IG stories after the break up and she mentioned the reason of the break up: she needed 10000x time a day confirmation of Lurch his love for her. Repeately asking him “do you still love me?” “Do you think I am pretty? “Do you still want to spend the rest of your life with me”. She claimed these questions were
valid to ask 1000x times a day because of her
abusive past and
abusive ex. These stories where she talks about this are posted by another anon is the previous thread. This and the 20+ houseplants were according to Heather the reason the Lurch dumped her
No. 1620362
>>1620345After seeing his meme choices and after reading some reddit screencaps from the breeder subreddit I think Heather was correctly sensing he didn't love her or want a life with her, specfically, he wanted to live out his tradlife dreams of having 5 hideous children while she does all the childcare.
I think due to the three hour distance somehow he didn't realize her working life is very important to her, all this boyfriend and hobby stuff is literally a hobby to her which is why she blows hot and cold all the time.
No. 1620601
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No. 1620602
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No. 1620813
>>1620802here's her issue though – she wants more than a body, she wants a perfect clone of herself but with a dick
guys have indulged her but they second they want something different, they're not being supportive and are cast out
what she wants
isn't possible unless she's willing to let other people drive once in a while
so a middle-aged dude who wants a female companion would need to somehow match her intensity for EXACTLY the right things ALL the time
the ALL the time part I think is what kills people, imagine never getting a break from Heather
No. 1620977
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For those wanting the latest from Lurch. Is he having regrets? Or just thirsting for a tradwife?
No. 1621125
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No. 1621129
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No. 1621130
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Ah, the display cases she used for her toys. I'm sure her antiques will look nice..
No. 1621204
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No. 1621357
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Ah moving from spooky places to the true horrors of semi-urban living
No. 1621364
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Wait till your upstairs neighbors start stomping their feet and having the police called to respond to the same apartment number for domestic disputes lol
No. 1621581
>>1621517not saying she hasn't had help in the past, but Heather is Heather's worst enemy
Heather is still a cow, so let's see how this will be everyone else's fault this time
>people refuse to root for heatherwe've been rooting, she's just self-sabotaging and we recognize the signs. it's cute you think so much of her but sit back and let her disappoint you
No. 1621854
>>1621517I wish I understood why this is a theatrical, emotionally
abusive cow with multiple threads here and by the state of these replies, you’d never know it. I think hanging out in Heather’s DMs is more appropriate for some of these anons, jfc.
>>1621671I have the same tinfoil. It’s quite entertaining how Heather is very vocal about her preferences yet pursues men that don’t align with them at all, hence the cycle of chaos we watch.
No. 1622419
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Bohemian goth phase*
No. 1622810
>>1622419what the fuck, she just had a GoFundMe and now she’s rug shopping?
the nerve
No. 1623076
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No. 1623510
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Heather sharing memes like she's been to more than one show in her life.
No. 1624116
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I will say for a city apartment, that kitchen is pretty well maintained and does look very nice. I've been following heather for years and I gotta say, I'm…..I'm happy for her. Now if she can just get some mental help, she would be on the right track to success.
No. 1625510
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No. 1625929
sage because I missed capping it, but yesterday she documented buying an antique poetry plaque of some kind and her finger was very inconspicuously on top of the price tag. she also bought an owl spoon rest and played it off like it was a kitchen essential. also posted her new over-the-top spoopy coffee/tea station + decor.
I would hardly call it a tinfoil to assume what she showed was not the only $ spent. She rly can't fucking help herself, she's the most impulsive, least self-aware cow - girl has three personality traits: spending money, declaring herself a perpetual victim, and publicly whining or bragging about every damn moment of her day. it took her an entire ass day or two after posting the go-fund-me to start bragging on her useless purchases this time. last time iirc she held off for a while. she's becoming braver and more stubbornly indignant by the moment.
heather is one of the more benign harmless crazytown cows, kind of in the vein of Abby Brown - but exponentially larger ego, and minus any shred of self-awareness, confidence, self-assuredness. Minus any show of enjoying her life. Heather just seems so perpetually unhappy; at least Abby seems to enjoy her phases and the criticism mostly bounces off her. I've rarely seen her victimize herself or be over the top woe-is-me, definitely not enough to be notable (let alone the extent of Heather Explains). I guess that's the difference and why so many farmers like Abby as a person and root for her in comparison.
but heather is one of my favorites ngl. it's way more fun than it should be to watch her consistently self-destruct with every thought and action. I can't fathom refusing to read the room THIS hard
literally she doesn't have to stop any of her self-sabatoging actions, if she would just stop damn posting it all and trying to justify it to everyone and realize she'd be way better developed looking at why she justifies it to herself. it's easier to get defensive against the world tho.
she takes 190% of her personality from external sources. I feel the reason she falls off hobbies so fast with no return is that she doesn't truly enjoy any one tiny thing she does, because it's never ever been for herself- it's always been to prove it to the world, the haters, the exes. Her life reeks of shit and it's like she doesn't even know she has her own shoes on to check, she just plugs her nose and whines at the people around her and gets increasingly frustrated at the stench of "everyone else". life isn't this hard for everyone heather.
anyway this turned into a rant lol. I try not to armchair, but I will say the poor lonely turd reminds me heavily of people I've met with oppositional defiance disorder. they're angry at everyone else because the defensive/rebelliousness floods the self-awareness part of their brain.
No. 1626198
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This looks really good, as a book nerd
No. 1626391
>>1625929Good catch. Wow that is hilarious that she is already posting about buying useless crap after another gofundme.
Wasn't she just spamming about not being able to afford food and not being able to eat for days a week or two ago?
>>1626091NAYRT but are you the anon complaining about some posts having "too many words"? Stop trying to shut people down discussing Heather in a Heather thread.
>>1626271All the whiteknighting is definitely suspicious. Wonder who is trying to paint that narrative, considering she has no friends.
No. 1626567
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I noticed the thumb placement, too. When I moved into my first apartment poor as hell the dollar store provided my spoon rest. She’s a fucking spoiled asshole.
No. 1626861
>>1626731Sorry you can't afford a secondhand spoonrest kek, she shops antique 90% of the time, how expensive can it have been? $10? Really silly thing to hone in on. She
is a hoarder but currently is setting up a new apartment and actually needs various items.
No. 1627026
>>1626686And as said before she could have easily saved up that 500 dollar when she was living with mom.
But all she is ever doing is shop shop shop.
No. 1627056
File: 1661595429648.jpg (245.4 KB, 828x1275, IMG_4094.jpg)

this idiot spent all her money on useless ugly antique trinkets and not getting herself some groceries
No. 1627062
>>1626927>>1626861>>1626686>>1626210>>1626198>>1626091>>1623942>>1623385>>1623181>>1623164>>1621517sage for tinfoil & please claim ur post if I'm wrong, but big ol' tinfoil hat on rn. new thread just started and the wk'ing is absolutely overbearing. I stopped clicking post #s cus it started being more clicks than not after a while. anyway out of curiosity it would make me so so happy if mods would check this thread and the last for suspicious posts made by same IPs. otherwise if ur just super duper proud of this manchild and celebrating her every big boy move, k cool a woman in her 30s got a job and an apartment. glad you're happy for her; read the last dozen threads and throw her a cookie if ur still inspired. enjoy feeling good about yourself.
the rest of us are trying to make rent/food/medical in failing economies left and right, dodging covid and self-entitled idiots/fascists, and frustrated at a cow's consistent live-with-mommy & buy $1000s in antiques while crying poor, homeless, desperate, abused, pls go fund me, it's only $1000 i mean $500 I swear, also here's a cute non-essential I COULD NOT RESIST. frankly it lessens the effect of words that generally hit people very hard, and she makes me angrier by the moment. she takes every damn thing for granted and playing it off like she's so so extraordinarily brave makes it harder for any
victim of the system to be taken seriously. she's a
victim like all of us no doubt, but my god if she doesn't play into it and use it to suck the life/resources from others.
she deserves more than 7 paragraphs about her tbh. like u didn't scroll rant after rant about her for novels of threads; but oh no someone decided to post a couple critical thoughts in one post. oh lord help us, this bitch suddenly doesn't want to read once it's not wk'ing kek
like said before, if she would just refrain from posting every second of her life she might garner more sympathy/pride. as the current climate is, ngl it's frustrating as hell seeing some baby-ass NEET meet adoring applause when paying a first month of rent / getting&keeping a retail job / putting books in a shelf?? what??
her threads are going to absolute shit and it makes me wonder if it's newfags not reading, a determined wk(/Ryan?), or Hag herself.
(enough) No. 1627362
>>1627056She finally managed to move out, and now she is facing the totally unique challenge of…having to feed herself. Cue 50 insta stories about how she is a strong woman overcoming adversity!
Please just get a new Ryan already.
No. 1627562
>>1627366>>1627381agreed, and tbh is it inconsequential if it's shitting up the thread into supposedly 90% simps out of nowhere? if it gets shut down whatever but it seems p obvious what's happening
like most of us seem to root for heather to some extent or other, we can express a bit of pride without licking her asshole over it for post after post. it's almost like folks here are forgetting she has a cycle of self destructing and milking herself - it's consistently 1 step forward, 14 steps back with this cow.
read the threads or keep your newfaggotry/whiteknighting/brigading to yourself
No. 1627651
>>1627562Compared to other things that have gotten people's post history revealed? Yeah, it is inconsequential.
I have read all the threads and have been here for years, Heather is one of my favorite cows. Not sure why you think there's only one anon responding to you, but it's starting to come across as a little paranoid.
No. 1628563
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This "daddy" shit is nauseating.
No. 1630638
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No. 1631995
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No. 1633014
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I have done no research so I’m not sure what she means, but it feels like an excuse to use to NOT go to this. She complains about being lonely and then does nothing to help with it.
No. 1633112
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>>1633014The 40-year-old suspect used a Facebook page called “The Grand Wunderkammer” to market his body parts online. The moid looks the part too.
Here's the article: No. 1633300
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No. 1633401
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No. 1633458
>>1633401If you're so desperate, why don't you use the gofundme money to hire a gigolo to have a cuddle with you.
Such cringe
No. 1634407
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Interesting development. I wonder what this is about.
No. 1634519
File: 1662226102519.jpeg (571.53 KB, 1080x1917, A53675B9-A2D2-4F57-8EF6-C3B4BB…)

I got these screenshots last night before she went private
No. 1634529
>>1634519probably directly related, wonder if he found her insta? that's gross and unnerving I give that to her.
something I've never thought of: is Heather an only child? that's also something you can ask of a sibling, but asking the internet? Heather stop
No. 1634576
>>1634519Jesus Christ that's horrifying. I'd be terrified too. Why do men always have to be such fucking creeps?
>>1634529She has a younger sister, so, not much help in this scenario.
No. 1634582
>>1634576might be worth asking family (+ their SOs) vs more internet strangers though, also hoping worst case the landlord will help her out, like escorting her in and out
if nothing else having the landlord witness it would help in filing a police report if need be
the fact he came up to her like that is so fucking gross
No. 1635764
>>1635376I agree. As Heather is a
victim of abuse, it’s not shocking that she doesn’t want to go out. Some of these bitches here are delusional
No. 1635879
>>1635067How about a NO. Men get offended by women who live alone?? Ahahahahahahaha….gtfoh It's classic Heather permanent
victim mentality. She's trying to get Lurch to run to her rescue. Wake the fuck up kid.
No. 1636423
>>1634519This is believable. Anyone ITT who thinks males don't do this sort of thing to women all the time … you're being ridiculous.
However, baiting randos on the internet to come over and be your fake boyfriend is idiotic (and dangerous). Hags probably thinks she might score a new Savior Ryan out of this. It's pathetic.
No. 1637194
>>1636423I totally agree this happens. But Heather always has something happen … to the extreme. A guy walks by her & makes eye contact for a moment ‘he tried to kidnap me’ gets into a minor fender bender ‘I have PTSD’ goes into a field on the way to an event ‘a farmer is going to shoot me’
In no way, am I trying to argue this harassment doesn’t happen to women from random creeps, it happens all the time, but Heather likes to make things worse or makes things up for attention. I do believe she is posting this in the hopes her ex sees it & wants to come to the rescue. When the love bombing & trying to rekindle the romance & then wanting closure which never happened when he blocked her, she’s now playing the
victim card to get him to care for her. Also agreed openly inviting random men to come over & pretend to be your boyfriend is incredibly stupid. Life isn’t a Hallmark movie where Ryan Gosling appears at the bar to save you from a drunk creep by pretending to be your fiancée.
No. 1637705
>>1637504I mean it literally was a guy standing in her garage before she even took the key out of the door, different from street harassment since it was her actual home (or at least a part of it)
Surprising to me that she hasn't really been harassed before with all the constant baiting she does to men, wandering around graveyards on her own etc, maybe the constant stream of ryans and her mom/other family members kept them away.
No. 1638108
>>1637979All she wrote was neighbour, how do you know they live next to each other specifically? And standing inside someone's garage to proposition them is still massively intrusive unless you're a friend of theirs, which he clearly isn't
are you the garage creepI don't stand in my neighbours driveways to proposition them, and if I did it would not be cool because we "share a space" which, no you do not share a space with strangers who live nearby to you
No. 1638120
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>>1638108This was also posted and deleted recently.
No. 1638290
>>1638120Oh so it's the same guy(s)? She should get a discount kek, what a bunch of charmers. Hassling and beating women. The house looks nice though.
Sending thoughts and prayers to their girlfriends.
No. 1638326
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Instagram is no longer private
No. 1639321
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kek she really thinks she's special
No. 1639486
>>1639321it's called have multiple interests heather omg
the layout is pretty uggo though, especially the random mat in front of the bookcase
No. 1640535
File: 1662537467295.png (1.73 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220907-005051.png)

>>last decor purchase of the month
No. 1640546
File: 1662538598138.jpg (417.59 KB, 1920x1214,…)

samefag, but tonight's thirst traps
No. 1640631
>>1640535Right? She's been going shopping for dumb Halloween decor on a daily basis lately.
And kek at her going to multiple stores and wasting money on those overpriced plastic molds of Poe.
No. 1640679
File: 1662554970803.jpeg (11.56 KB, 292x172, download.jpeg)

>>1640631>plastic molds of PoeSo that's what those are. I thought it was Einstein. They are so ugly, and poor likenesses.
>>1640563I'm just impressed by how she has even less authenticity than a 6th grader who just discovered Hot Topic. And she's old enough to have some taste, but even the Halloween houses designed for chain stores have a better look.
No. 1641973
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You look exactly the same
No. 1642082
>>1641973kekkkk does her ~new hair~
ever look new??
No. 1642991
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So fucking quirky as usual Heather
No. 1644642
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Hag will do the most basic thing and still expect asspats
No. 1644690
>>1644642"At least I can kinda cook for myself"
cookGirl where?? You made a sandwich kek
No. 1644798
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No. 1645770
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No. 1645818
>>1644642Whatever happened to being ~vegetarian and ~vegan, I thought all the OTHER people in her life were the ones that put SUCH pressure on her to just eat whatever was there?
A lot of canned tuna is pretty bad… if you're aiming for a pescatarian diet that's not it.
No. 1645839
File: 1662943161617.jpeg (493.63 KB, 1125x1982, 0564A629-B008-45F9-9062-921E70…)

Love a bland ass bowl of squash and rice.
No. 1645861
>>1645770Yeah, it may seem hard at first to find friends if you're relatively young and don't drink, but it's actually not that hard.
Go to a coffee shop. Get online and find a local group that gets together and does something random like hiking or playing board games. (D&D is popular right now and it's somewhat goffic, right?)
Or maybe – I dunno – talk to all those people at your new job and maybe ask one of them to get lunch.
She's the worst with the melodrama. Probably still trying to bait back LurchRyan.
No. 1645911
>>1645839idk if she's lurking but she tried kek
if she is: Heather, sweetie.. I see you can attempt to cook some veggies, but that looks dry and bland as fuck.
literal children can look up YouTube videos to make something more appetizing than that
No. 1646570
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No. 1646663
>>1646570Sorry girl, but the social spots for people your age are
No. 1646833
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No. 1647006
File: 1663073347004.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x2020, 7B373348-AD8D-4CA9-9216-00568E…)

Heather please. Those glasses are terrible.
No. 1647168
>>1646824That’s hilarious!!
Taylor Swifts Down syndrome little sister.
Spot on with an extra double chromosome
No. 1647175
>>1647006She looks like she’s in prison.
Is that her version of a booty shot?
No. 1647675
>>1646570>>1647299I was trying to place where her sstyle evolved to and it's 100% some yuppie jesus mommy vibes. Hilarious that she still tries to push this narrative that she is "goth" somehow. lmao
>>1647006>>1647175Ain't gonna lie, these look like men's boxer briefs. Is she thirst trapping in an ex Ryan's old undies?
No. 1648109
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How desperate do you have to be to spend hours on dating apps?
Anyway, seems like the neighbour issue is resolved.
No. 1648504
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my eyes couldn't be fucking rolling harder than they are rn. she's so uncomfortable with being with herself… if you need someone with you 24/7 so badly make a dang online friend out of a simp or two and call them when you're out.
she's so frustratingly useless. like her whole personality is damsel-in-distress and she's not happy without a dude slobbering after her, eager to provide. she should just sugar or get a paypig at this point tbh.
No. 1648740
>>1648725He asked her out while invading her privacy in her garage, that is sexual harassment when a stranger makes sexual moves towards you. Same as if a stranger asks you out or compliments your appearance in the street or a public place. If it's unwanted and with "romantic" (bearing in mind he's a wifebeater felon) intention it is sexual harassment.
Sexual assault is when someone physically interacts in an unwanted sexual way, harassment is generally words and actions, which is what he did.
No. 1648750
I just wish she could see beyond her own entitlement and self pity to accept her actual personality flaws. She's so attached to this image of herself as a misunderstood outsider who dared to dip her toe into a mean, rejecting society, only to be used and abused by evil, stupid, ungrateful men. Everyday in her
victim fantasy it's Heather vs the entire world. In reality it's more like Heather stirring up the shit and pretending she's not holding the spoon, no, not her, she's never even seen a spoon in her whole life!
When will she accept she's a grown woman who's been in a string of unfulfilling relationships, some downright
toxic, which is sad, yes, but not unique? Why can't she see that she can grow and heal and forge meaningful connections if she'd only put in the work to change her behaviour? When will she stop waiting for everything to fall in her lap? When will she realise that her cycle isn't getting her what she wants?
I wish she'd go to therapy, at least then she'd have somebody to talk to. Failing that, maybe she could start reading self help books and make actionable plans to get out of this rut. She could even use spite as a motivator like
>You couldn't love me? Who cares, I'll love myself!She's already (sorta) on that track with posts like these
>>1646833 and other overdramatic hate posts, but she won't do it. She won't ever help herself. This is her 12th thread of crying on instagram and deflecting blame. At this rate she'll be 50 years old putting the latest spooky boy on blast for not texting back quick enough.
No. 1648946
>>1648740I am positive the neighbour sexually harassing her didn’t happen. It’s convenient that it’s now all over & wrapped up just like that.
Heather has issues with needing attention from the opposite sex online to feel valued. She doesn’t want a female friend. She wants a boyfriend. She wants Lurch back & was probably hoping he was lurking on her stories to see the post of allegedly being harassed & for him to come to her rescue. It was a last ditch attempt to get him to get in contact under the guise she was frightened. Play a
victim & be rescued by bolts in his neck.
It didn’t work & now she’s on the hunt for new dick basically. She’s manipulative af.
No. 1649118
File: 1663278178058.jpg (391.13 KB, 1080x1920, 20220915_144242.jpg)

Pls where the spooky ryans at?
No. 1649158
>>1649118"that's fine because I'm my own person."
of course her way of dressing goth is so uNiQuE and sPeShUl that she looks like she's pulling up to one of those folding-chair churches for sunday mass with her two young children cedar and fawne. and right after she's going on a trip to target to buy another beige ditsy floral sack dress. you know, so gothic
No. 1649375
>>1649118>>1649123>>1649145Honestly with the state of the goth scene as a whole in the states right now, I'll be surprised if she can find much to begin with. Let alone find any actual "goth" men around. Good thing her actual type is emo boys and balding metal heads I suppose.
>>1649158>>1649277Can't wait for the inevitable meltdown when any actual goths want little or nothing to do with her.
No. 1649467
File: 1663301443298.jpeg (1.15 MB, 828x1526, 3B2FD243-BE9C-4383-A3A4-0D1398…) “She’s not like other girls” Jesus Christ the fact that this was make unironically by a woman in her 30s makes me want to crawl out of my skin. Why is she like this?
No. 1649561
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No. 1649563
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>>1649561Rythian seems like the perfect cringelord Ryan for heather, his name even sounds like Ryan but edgier. He honestly seems like the exact male version of Heather, down to the Halloween decor and jumping spiders. But I’m positive Heather is ignoring him because she thinks she’s too good for him
No. 1649657
>>1649563omg haha no way. This man is PERFECT.
His name! He has a freaking jumper spider. Remember the one she kidnapped & kept in a jar. But I will say she will not go for him as he’s got that goblin look about him & even though she looks like she’s got Downs Syndrome, she will think she’s too attractive for him. I’m saying that, she went for Lurch so maybe there is hope for him.
No. 1649658
>>1649467Please tell me she already deleted this. It's bad enough that I had to watch it, I can't imagine anyone in her real life having to see it too.
Also her hair is in such bad shape, absolutely fried and brittle like straw. If there's anything I wish Heather would do it's style herself better. Go back to her natural colour, ditch the red lipstick, and get better glasses.
No. 1649661
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>>1649563Heffer I vant your blood.
Tickle my beard Heffer.
No. 1649827
>>1649657He's not even bad-looking, its just hard to suppress the full-body cringe when searching his pictures for something positive to say.
Of course, Heather will get on her high horse because he smokes and drinks, and pitch a fit when he doesn't immediately ditch his normie friends and unique interests to be her zombie lackey. Same shit, different Ryan(ian).
Fingers crossed, though.
No. 1650155
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No. 1650376
>>1650155Well do something about it Heather.
You are 32. Befriend people at your job. Go on Facebook and see if there are any photography/historical/steampunk groups that meet up once or twice a month. It’s Halloween soon so there will be loads of spooky events you can go to. Stop whining at everyone as if someone can just fix your life. No one is telling you ‘you are beautiful and interesting ‘ that’s just you lying on social media to make yourself feel better about yourself. You want to meet someone romantically, tell them you are Heather, you work at Target, you like history & collecting antiques. Not the latter I buy dead peoples hair & want a vial of your blood. No one remotely even open minded will go near you as they’ll think you are a delusional nutter. You don’t have to be a ‘normie ‘ if that’s what you are so hung up about. Just be a fucking person with interests.
No. 1651128
File: 1663627671166.png (640.13 KB, 515x916, 1.png)

IG story dump
No. 1651684
File: 1663671968729.png (1.55 MB, 1071x1774, Screenshot_20220920-070343~2.p…)

She needs to stop saying no one wants her ass meanwhile she is always ignoring these losers that keep trying interacting with her.
No. 1651982
>>1651684She’s submitting these herself.
She always does to talk about herself or flirt with herself. It’s embarrassing
No. 1653321
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No. 1653609
>>1653321She is the most infuriating, annoying, fucking arrogant piece of self pitying dogshit that I’ve ever known of to be damned by their own choices. She makes herself sad because of a break up. Um stop getting into relationships, equals no breakup, equals no sad??? Heal. Stop burying your bfs on top of each other. She’s FINALLY moved out, all on her own, without needing a second income. Huge props, dude! SHE ADMITTED THAT SHE’S WORKING HER DREAM JOB. So she gets a lot of enjoyment out of it, hell yeah. BUT she’s at the lowest part of her life rn? Excuse me? Get out of your own butthole, girl. That’s why you have no friends. You’re grown, act grown.
No. 1655816
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She’s such a miserable person it’s infuriating
No. 1655858
>>1655816how miserable lmao
go to an event heather, a club, a meetup, drinks after work, anything
No. 1656525
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This lipstick, hair, glasses combo is her worst look yet.
No. 1657680
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>>1657667She looks like one of those little old ladies from the 40’s that would judge you when you bought sanitary products & didn’t hide them in a paper bag.
No. 1659141
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No. 1659142
File: 1664249339578.jpeg (358.58 KB, 1224x1080, E4060FD1-CEF1-4645-BEBC-97CF08…)

Wow, black furniture. She’s so brave
No. 1659144
>>1659142This is the mentality of an 18 year old in her own apartment. Heather you're 32, its pathetic you haven't had ONE of these experiences in the 14 years you've experienced since 18.
The funniest thing to me is I live in Central PA in the boonies and u managed to find a dude who likes spooky shit, antiques, nature all that shit. His name UNIRONICALLY is Ryan lmao not kidding. We met on a homesteading forum. She just needs to know her likes and find people online that way. Dating apps aren't great for anything but hookups usually. Go niche Heather. Drop your weird ego.
No. 1659155
>>1659144The thing is, if she acted less like a whiney cunt about literally everything, it would be so much easier to just be happy for her. It's not uncommon to be stunted from an unhealthy long term relationship, but the way she presents things is just so obnoxious that it's difficult to root for her. Like, I'm glad she's moved out of mommy's guest room and got her own place, she got that promotion at target, all good things, she's finally catching up on becoming a proper adult. But then she turns around and makes posts about how she spent 5 hours on dating apps with "no luck", how she binge eats fast-food while crying in her car, etc. and it's like girl, what you need is a therapist, not another shitty man, goddamn.
No. 1659158
File: 1664252502954.jpeg (564.74 KB, 828x1446, 1C7AEA7E-9C16-44AF-871E-6403BA…)

No. 1659191
>>1659141I like how she made sure not to cover the cleavage with the text, very subtle
>bait images for coomer males>scraping the depths of dating sites trying to find good men>why can't I find any men>somehow finds men who share her interests regardless of her self sabotage>breaks up with them all within two weeks with the exception of frankenryan who she waited until she moved in with (at about 3 months) to sabotage>sent him crazy messages post-breakup to make sure he never returns, then forgot about it all the next day>why am I singleMy permanent view about Heather is she absolutely doesn't want a man, since luck keeps throwing half decent weirdos at her and she manages to break up with them all before a few weeks have passed. She likes the early stages of dating and getting male attention but, naturally after a shit marriage with a guy who still stalks her to this day, doesn't
actually want a ltr with a male. But also doesn't want to be alone. And the cycle repeats forever.
No. 1659224
>>1659191Damn anon, when you put it like that it seems sadder. Somewhat agree with your take, although I think her self sabotage is an unintentional side effect of her past with her ex. I think a lot of her self worth comes from being "desirable" to men in a general/male gaze way, but she doesnt want to "settle for someone who isn't perfect" so she puts extreme ultimatums on her boyfriends, expecting them to fit a crazy ideal. Then it's their fault for not being The One, and throwing her away over "nothing"
Lurch was a fucking loser but I'd love for FemRyan to spill details. He got dumped for watching TV, heather ghosted him for months, recontacted him for "I need to make my ex jealous" date photos, then they broke up again shortly after?
No. 1659612
>>1659547 she doesn't have a 'career', she's a glorified shelf stacker - and i'm happy for her, i truly am, but it's not a career, it's a job, and i don't know why people keep bigging it up
she's a cow because she cycles through men and then whines about being sad and lonely
No. 1659644
>>1659547She is a cow.
She’s still the same person she was two years ago, the rants & poor me posts are the same just about a different guy and a different city.
… what are you even doing here defending her? That’s so sus.
No. 1659819
>>1659547Heather has made itty bitty baby steps into potentially leaving the farm someday, but her time is not now. It's great she's moved out and got a promotion, all good things that she should be doing. However, her constant oversharing on social media, her always trying to hard-sell herself as being so freaky and quirky and "not like the other girls", her obsessively and compulsively revolving her entire life purpose around this week's latest tinder match, etc. is why she is still a cow.
>>1659795Visual merchandising is a little different than just stocking shelves. She's responsible for making displays as well. It can be a pretty big career move at higher end boutiques or luxury brand stores, but it's definitely not life changing at a Target. I do hope she figures her shit out too though, she's honestly her own worst enemy at this point.
No. 1659873
File: 1664309796183.png (214.26 KB, 840x3752, visual-merchandising-2.png)

>>1659795You're wrong. There are plenty of reasons that Heather is a cow without pushing inaccurate info.
No. 1660689
File: 1664375643492.png (891.5 KB, 1071x1864, Screenshot_20220928-075254~2.p…)

Heather just realize you can't keep a friendship. You're only interested in having a line up of boyfriends. You'll never have a "tribe".
No. 1661008
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No. 1661136
File: 1664403314351.jpeg (370.88 KB, 651x850, 3A863505-1E7A-40A3-AF48-DBF0BA…)

This reeks desperation.
What thought did she have in her head that thought posting this was a good idea.
Looks like she’s got two strands of hair.
No. 1661494
File: 1664425105366.jpeg (730.45 KB, 828x1443, C506A109-50FC-41E3-B12B-265BC7…)

She deleted this so I guess that’s not actually gonna happen
No. 1662093
File: 1664480964361.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20220929-154313~3.p…)

I thought this was Heather for a quick sec and thought did she actually get he hair done and get better glasses. Turns out Heather follows her too.
No. 1663552
File: 1664627802477.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1179x2082, F522F43A-FDA1-4285-924B-6FDB59…)

She can’t not post herself in a towel.
No. 1664302
File: 1664673287121.jpeg (398.17 KB, 1170x2023, C91A4737-83BE-4255-B912-A79F58…)

How tf do you get banned from Tinder?
No. 1664477
>>16643021.Fake profile & policy violation
2.Inappropriate and offensive language
3.Being homophobic
4.Racist comment
5.Spam accounts
6.Posting inappropriate pictures
1.Fake profile & policy violation
I just google the possible reasons and those came out… I'm super curious about what happened because all of the above are pretty embarrassing (wouldn't be surprised coming from Heather though)
No. 1664757
File: 1664726155410.png (1.01 MB, 624x1112, Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 7.00…)

Heather's hobby of taking photos in graveyards is so much more hardcore.
No. 1664758
File: 1664726229049.jpeg (340.82 KB, 1080x1919, haunted_butterfly_1.jpeg)

It looks like Heather is fishing for attention. Things must be drying up at the old well.
No. 1667681
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No. 1667683
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No. 1667684
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No. 1667686
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No. 1667688
File: 1664977875516.jpg (584.57 KB, 1079x1918, SmartSelect_20221005-084819_In…)

No. 1667979
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No. 1668220
File: 1665016188916.jpeg (245.88 KB, 1080x1919, haunted_butterfly_2.jpeg)

saged because it's the same moaning as always 1/2
No. 1668221
File: 1665016283583.jpeg (217.62 KB, 1080x1919, haunted_butterfly_1.jpeg)

No. 1668897
>>1668220It's so dishonest. She is literally NOT goth. What the fuck makes her think that liking antiques, ghosts, and photos is unique? It's like… basic.
>>1668316Totally agree. Make a friend, go out, and meet someone normally. And maybe quit shit posting your life away in your car.
No. 1669474
>>1669318Exactly. Clearly men have no problem with her body type or her weird hobbies. She looks fine and moid standards are in the gutter anyway. It’s her batshit crazy, clingy personality that’s scaring them away and she refuses to admit it because it would require getting therapy and working on herself instead of moping around her house playing the
No. 1670724
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No. 1670859
>>1668855I think it was a year ago. Whenever mask Ryan was around. Shortly after she first took the photoshoot she used in
After that she started eating Sheetz in her car every day, and binge eating in her car to avoid going home to mom. She tried to lose the weight for a week, before sperging more about food and deciding she's a thicc big toddy goth gf. Some of her Sheetz autism in an old thread:
>>1249942Always find it funny when she uses the mask/lingerie thirst trap, that was the last time she put any effort into maintaining her body and it's old as hell. Idk if she hit an age where her metabolism slowed down and her skinnyfat became regular fat? Either way she always covers 90% of her body except her tits in more recent thirst traps, so I don't think she's happy being "chubby."
All of her EXTREME HOBBIES involve a lot of walking, so she's clearly only doing it as performance art when other people are with her. If she was really into everything she spergs about, she'd actually bother to do it alone.
>>1667683>I'm not sure I could have a terrariumLol weird that she admitted this out of nowhere in a dramatic unrelated text wall. Heather didn't attempt to take her spider pet to her new home, didn't even ask. Haven't seen her stupid dolls in months either, almost like she has no hobbies outside of waving red flags to keep men away.
No. 1671145
File: 1665344946136.jpeg (913.22 KB, 828x1443, E8C74742-E24C-4D94-A0C7-897ED0…)

Get a new hobby then
No. 1671483
>>1671145Only hobby she wants is buying stuff, and going to the stores with bf to buy stuff.
>>1670724>losing all faith with the other sexshe forgot she was pretending to be bi
No. 1671510
File: 1665388836771.jpeg (199.59 KB, 1080x1919, hb.jpeg)

the apparent reason Lurch ended it
No. 1671975
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No. 1672010
File: 1665447542332.png (4.6 MB, 750x1334, C8B624AF-E49C-48B4-A177-44BDEC…)

kek only Heather could see some random ducks and make it about her.
No. 1677968
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No. 1678034
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No. 1678516
>>16780562 theories, based on how predictable Hags is: she's overdramatizing because she made a small mistake at her easy-ass job and thinks she's "about to be fired! o noes!"
Or she brings her unregulated emotions/tears into the workplace, expecting to be coddled, and people at her new job are starting to react negatively to that.
No. 1679271
File: 1666188886642.jpg (283.98 KB, 716x1274, Screenshot_20221019-083739_Ins…)

Wow, she's really giving up, huh? She looks pretty happy behind that caption.
No. 1679374
>>1679367Truth is, she’s a phony.
She is incapable of staying off social media for more than 30 minutes & all the ‘spooky’ hobbies & her photography is all for her online persona. In reality she does shit because she’s not interested in any of it otherwise she’s be out there living her life & not posting every second online.
No. 1679614
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No. 1679672
File: 1666218251212.jpg (257.21 KB, 1080x1350, a9f648e6014e4dae6d5f2fb3f13ac6…)

>>1679614wow look at all of these goth queens.
joking aside those boots are hideous.
No. 1680464
File: 1666314197884.jpg (554.67 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221020-205752_Fac…)

This… after repeatedly stating how alone she always was and that there is nothing back home for her and nobody she misses. Which one is it, woman?
I wonder if she's really this oblivious to just how often she contradicts herself or if she either doesn't care/thinks everyone has the memory of a goldfish.
No. 1680540
>>1680464heather that would imply that you have friends back home
you NEVER talked about friends. you always talked about how aLoNe you are all the time
you have no idea what you want kek MAKE some friends, girl! hang out with people "you miss more than you can ""bare""", invite them over to your house in central pa, come home every so often, keep in contact jfc this isn't rocket science
No. 1680731
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Apparently keeps fucking herself up at work. Lol
No. 1681919
File: 1666495284231.jpg (613.58 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221022-232029_Fac…)

Looks like Mommy dearest has had enough of her shit. Finally. Jeesh.
No. 1681969
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No. 1682004
>>1681969>security depositSell your fucking toys.
Stop acting like you aren’t sitting on possibly 10s of thousands of dollars of assets.
No. 1682094
>>1681969Let’s be real Heather. Your mum finally got you out of the house & wants to reclaim her life back. You are 32 & were living rent free in her house, spending all your dime on stuff. She didn’t want to push but when you finally decided to get up off your arse & be independent even if it was for some random dude off the internet, she didn’t stop you. Heather you will move mountains for a rando you just met but not for mummy dearest.
Sort your shit out. You should have been saving a bit out of your pay check each month & been making a good impression at your job. Knowing your outbursts in the past & unable to take responsibility or see you are the problem, I can only guess you’ve been calling in sick & letting down your colleagues. As it’s always me, me, me. You need to grow up! You only want to move back home so you don’t need to pay rent again & go back to wonderland where you spend money & wander around cemeteries, and don’t have responsibilities.
No. 1682110
File: 1666530875530.png (98.33 KB, 627x350, Untitled.png)

>>1585469it was last thread, I think post-interview? we were dubious over whether it was real (multiple units?), or where it
actually went, which after hearing
>>1681919>my mom got mad that I didn't pack more of my stuff to takeI'm willing to bet the anon that suspected she merely moved the items into her mom's house may have been correct kek
the toys still live and despite her saying "that was never the real me" she's never going to let that shit go
trust me I'm also waiting
No. 1682178
>>1681919Why do I feel like this isn't the whole story? You weren't texting back fast enough, and that's the
only reason she was upset with you? And then you blow it all out of proportion
>>1681979 to make it seem even worse. Poor Heather, her whole family disowned her just because she didn't pack up enough of her stuff!
No. 1682198
>>1682178>Why do I feel like this isn't the whole story?because it's not, it never is kek
"not texting back fast enough" is a weird thing to say in general – if it was dire, why not call?
>>1681969>family ran me outthis confuses me, I thought it was just her mom at home? I think she has a sibling, but I didn't think they were around
No. 1682212
>>1682206she usually just refers to her mom when talking about home, so I'm interested in why she changed it up to "family" which implies plural people
though yeah I'm sure her mom is rightfully pissed that she spent all this money to help heather and she's already crying to come home kek
No. 1682241
>>1682218My guess is she was driving to her moms and her mom probably said “tell me x y z before you get here” and she did not so her mom probably was short w her and she read the words “you’re out of the family” instead of “pls communicate like you’re 32 and not 15”
Love this comfort cow.
No. 1682450
>>16779681 week ago
>I have 1 year left on my lease>>1681969today
>my mom disowned me because she wouldnt let me sleep at her house >I'm pretty much expecting that I'm getting fired this week. >I don't know how I'm gonna move back to the areaCan Heather make it any more blindingly apparent that she is planning on mooching off her mom??? She hasn't even lost her job, she just tried to move back in to her mom's house over the weekend, and her mom told her to fuck off. Mom telling her to stay in the apartment
she's still paying rent on, and
go to the job she still has is the same as being disowned. She can't drop every single responsibility she has and go back to living with mom, because Mom's sick of it, and Heather is throwing a tantrum. Her mom is clearly aware of Heather's manipulation tactics too, good for her setting a boundary down and not letting Heather stay "for a day or two because its dark/late", she would have never left.
Really makes you wonder who her "friends" are back home she's dying to move back for. Not a single one of her "friends" have a couch she can sleep on for 1 night?
No. 1685691
File: 1666829450166.jpg (856.6 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221026-200836_Fac…)

For such a terrible area her taggers are refreshingly understated. Also… she's obviously being targeted(don't use emojis/emoticons)
No. 1688221
>>1687820Its @onlyremnantsremain now
>>1688024Ah it’s too cuntish. Go look at his profile, it’s in stories.
No. 1688239
File: 1667079226200.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1529x1089, 155BB770-F0C4-4D1F-9834-4E39B6…)

>>1688237Ah fuck it. A spoiler and no links gives her half a chance.
No. 1688259
>>1688237probably privated due to heather
we'll see how much longer that lasts
No. 1688533
>>1688491He looks
and acts inbred, charming. Why are you still lurking your exes thread, fam? You have a new partner now who is still punching above your weight, count your blessings and gtfo
No. 1688613
>>1688569You're either him or someone equally as ugly since you're on here defending his "good" looks, and if you are him, Heather made a lucky escape since you sound totally deranged.
>The world is about to be locked down for 10 days. Touch some grass
No. 1690261
File: 1667250006873.png (10.11 MB, 1284x2778, AD8B8A31-91F7-4315-8977-DED1AB…)

Normally I just lurk for fun but this made me laugh so hard. She legitimately has no idea what “working hands” look like. She really thinks retail is “working hard” in comparison to, say, carpenters or welders etc. Heather, hun, if you read this, your hands look like any other girl’s and they prove nothing.
Not saying she doesn’t work hard because retail can definitely be taxing but like, get a grip girl. Lmfao.
No. 1690899
>>1690261heather, just-
look up what "working hands" look like, this is embarrassing
they're hard, calloused, probably dirty, they don't have nicely kempt and certainly not long nails
you lifted heavy stuff for like two days max, take your fucking trophy
No. 1691050
File: 1667326749832.jpg (366.46 KB, 1080x1919, haunted_butterfly_1.jpg)

Of course it's someone else's birthday and all she can do is talk about herself.
No. 1691265
File: 1667344153655.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.47 KB, 827x1470, 3993FFAD-E417-4157-A74A-4041D2…)

>>1688546Just for you anon. Last one I’ll post of Lurch. Spoiled because Lurchmoid. Point of me posting - proof that Hag can not have seen any of his latest news or she would be losing her shit right now. Further illustrating how creepy it is that she latches on to other peoples hobbies and keeps them as her own.
No. 1693063
File: 1667524768278.jpeg (34.13 KB, 251x403, 1660855981490-01.jpeg)

Same anon as
>>1693033I went through the threads for a more complete picture of that tattoo, and this was the best I could find. Notably, there are several clear pictures of the owl tattoo on his other hand, but none of this one.
I rotated it and fucked around with the colors a bit to try to make the details clearer. It looks to me like a wolf (or maybe a fox?) with a tiny human skull tied to the top of its head, with the swastikas as part of a decorative border at the bottom. Nazis famously had skulls on their caps in that same spot, and neo-fascist groups seem to love wolf imagery. Tinfoil, I know, but I personally think it's compelling.
No. 1693660
>>1693063you didn't have to go to all that trouble when you could've just linked
>>1619514and how can you think that looks like a wolf lmao
No. 1693998
File: 1667604480776.png (2 MB, 1080x1846, Screenshot_20221104-192147~2.p…)

What happened to here "losing" her job? Her being over dramatic like always.
No. 1694003
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No. 1694071
>>1694003Heather, no one is mad that you are so gawfik and still wearing pumpkin spice plaid. In fact, no one cares.
Lol I love how she seems to think if you are goth, you can only dress exclusively goth, any time you have clothes on your body. Actual goths don't care. But it's all a performance for her anyway, so of course she'd think that.
>you'll never figure me outHeather you are the least complex human on earth.
No. 1694082
>>1694060Her ex husband was legitimately very
abusive, posts here, and it seems like he trolled her youtube comments with weird stuff back when she changed style years ago (she thinks it was youtube viewers but I think it was him since youtube viewers love goth and alt fashion and live vicariously through alt-youtubers, often people live in religious or backward areas where they can't dress or act alt themselves), and the comments are really weird and in line with stuff he said), the stuff she lists there is stuff that he said to her, not lolcow people
Pretty sure like 80% of her hangup about being "weird" is due to his massive overreaction to her interests and fashion, dude acted like she was marilyn manson when she's just a livelaughlove goth mom. For some reason she internalized it as
valid critique when literally nobody thinks her style or interests are edgy.
No. 1694118
>>1694082Yeah, her current cycle of Ryan-hunting just screams "trying to reclaim the years I felt I lost while with my shitty SO", she has so many obvious hangups from her failed marriage that's only worsened by her BPD that a
therapist could help her work past… Buuuut, no.
Shopping addiction > Mental health
No. 1694187
>>1694143Pretty sure it's a 302 in PA, to be fair.
The only one I've ever seen over inflate her "goth" interests is her own damn self.
I like how her "apartment" is now a "house" too.
No. 1694943
File: 1667694905397.jpeg (404.4 KB, 1214x1080, F693CC2F-C12B-4884-AB93-00C1D0…)

Too bad, I’m ready for a new Ryan saga
No. 1695982
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No. 1696019
File: 1667845403309.jpg (113.44 KB, 719x1080, Screenshot_20221107-132135_Ins…)

>>169598232 comments and not a single reply from Heather yet.
No. 1696207
>>1696027only Ryans need apply
she’s tried the same thing over and over, and she’s all out of ideas
No. 1696279
>>1690261>>1693998You don’t work hard.
Try doing those hours over 5/6 days like the rest of us. hell I work outside in winter and I don’t even think I work especially hard. She’s so fucking dramatic
(unsaged blog) No. 1696686
File: 1668042298203.png (755.74 KB, 1179x2556, FF524196-FA9B-4463-AA28-7F69E1…)

Please seek therapy.
No. 1696728
File: 1668045974289.jpeg (401.06 KB, 685x1798, A670408F-B058-4D16-9384-D66A41…)

>>1696686What is she even talking about, she clearly read the comments enough to rant at this account and there aren’t any new ones since then.
No. 1696833
File: 1668059754352.jpg (868.67 KB, 1079x1784, Screenshot_20221110_004919_Fac…)

She doesn't want friends, clearly.
No. 1696837
File: 1668060212665.jpg (124.95 KB, 1057x576, Screenshot_20221110_010134_Fac…)

More time on dating apps compared to forums or groups if she really cared about meeting friends
No. 1697123
File: 1668101218996.jpeg (16.77 KB, 275x183, 0C7F82AA-A02A-497D-AE11-18EEDD…)

>>1696833>I don’t think my temper is THAT badgirl you rant War and Peace length bitcheries at the drop of a hat
>alluring facesee pic
No. 1697310
>>1696833did a scrote try to flirt with her in meme format? Then she defensively reposted it on her socials? Wondering who sent this to her, she seems angry over it kek.
>won't turn down a complimentexactly what she did by nitpicking the shit out of a cute meme someone made to cheer her up. "Alluring" isnt goffic enough for her, would she have preferred ~enchanting because its less slutty?
No. 1697495
>>1696728this is a perfect example as to why people need to bail on this basketcase
>you seem to reach out like this a lot, remember that social media isn't everything and that you're welcome in our community>you don't understand I'm a black sheep no one loves or appreciates me or gives me a chance I have NO ONE>but we're reaching out? and other people are too?>NO ONEeven if she were to be sending out "personal ads" for local people irl, why do it online and then get mad that online people are responding?
No. 1697783
>>1697310It's one of those facebook app generator memes. Kind of like those stupid quiz apps. No one made her this.
>>1697620She seems addicted to playing the damsel in distress. She has this whole narrative in her head that she's just waiting to be rescued from her "exile from society" by her ryan in shining armor.
No. 1697833
>>1696728"I appreciate the comment but"
How about genuinely thanking that person for attempting (multiple times per their comment) to throw you a lifeline? Since you're "such a nice person" why don't you actually act like it?
Here's something I don't think you've figured out, because you haven't given anyone other than a love interest a chance but, when you make friends, doors open up. You meet more people-potentially people that will mean a lot to you. You're being extremely short sighted on only focusing on Ryans. You really should give friendships a chance. Your whole life could change.
No. 1699444
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No. 1700067
>>1699444if only people could attend events that revolved around their interests and make friends and find dates that way
nah, better keep going on tinder and then whining on Instagram, that’s a total Ryan-magnet
No. 1701077
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I mean good for her but…
No. 1701512
File: 1668632824167.jpeg (1.1 MB, 828x1416, 90ECFFBA-DAB4-4343-8708-94DADF…)

God her story is so confusing and vague. I thought it was because of nightmares or something now. I would love to know what actually happened
No. 1702422
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Rant currently up about how she swipes on dating apps for 7hours a day.
No. 1703364
File: 1668826099580.png (5.39 MB, 1284x2778, D8F08026-7FAB-429A-9ACD-84866B…)

I know she never wears the gaudy goth outfits anymore but I just saw this and like. No wonder hers were so bad. In her defense Killstar can’t even dress their own models lmao
No. 1704123
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She keeps making plans to go to these events, bailing, and then getting depressed over it like it wasn’t her own choice
No. 1704237
>>1704123"And I don't know how to meet anyone in Central PA"
… maybe go to the gatherings you keep skipping out on? Jfc
No. 1704744
>>1704123I hate people with this mindset. It just screams hand me everything I want to go out & do something for myself.
You don’t have any friends and want them - go out & join some sort of society or club, stop posting every goddamned minute whining & not even trying as if people should go come to you. Friendships require effort & work on both sides to make them last. At this rate, even if she makes some sort of connection it will fizzle out as she’s fucking lazy & will expect that person to always text her first & then will post for a week straight how people are just horrible to her & ignore her.
No. 1704953
>>1704922I'm waaay in my 30's and an introvert and even I still make new friends. So no. Yes, you don't meet as many new people as when you're in school or uni. And many friends get kids in their 30's and aren't as available as they once where, but you can still meet new people. Get of the couch and out of the house.
Sage for blogpost.
No. 1705400
>>1704922… yeah but even so, she makes zero effort already as she won’t even go anywhere. Yet complains how hard it is. I made friends with a new crowd a few years ago in my early twenties when I I had like 1 friend & many of them have drifted away & I’m an introvert too but at the time I had to go out of my way & join groups with my interests & go to meet-ups.
She’s just so unwilling. She just wants the other party to come to her. People have reached out to hang out or show her around, & she’s blanked them as they are unattractive.
No. 1706114
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>>1705482>>1705400>>1704953Hard agree nonettes.
But also…she’s a fucking top drawer drag, too. Point in case - I am interested in and even collect some of the things she does, but her social media content, how she presents herself is so joyless, such a total buzzkill and just drains the life out of everything. She buys into the whole macabre interests so much that she forgets to have fun with it, or do anything else. She’s the living embodiment of Miss Havisham. Dusty and heavy.
No. 1706489
nonnie. I like to collect some of the things she collects, too. I get a vibe that she is just purchasing these things to be "unique" while also feeding in to her retail addiction.
She's more suited for collecting Rae Dunn pottery than plants and antiques.
No. 1707136
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She's so rude to people who are just trying to be friendly with her.
No. 1708713
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Damn, that fight with her mom must have been really bad for her to spend Thanksgiving alone.
No. 1708826
>>1708713if I were her mum I would never let her back into my house for fear she wouldn’t leave
stay strong Heather’s mum
No. 1708918
File: 1669336673316.jpeg (441.76 KB, 828x1468, 9B06D946-32CC-47AC-B3DB-86C1B9…)

She deleted this
No. 1709205
>>1708918She keeps saying how she is so not normie, how she has all these "edgy" hobbies and weird intrests. But she never does anything with them. If you never do anything but buy stuff related to your hobbies, do you actually have hobbies or just a shopping addiction? Poser. She just lays in her place scrolling through Ryans.
No one finds you interesting Heather, because you are not interesting at the slightest.
No. 1709359
>>1708918Can someone tell this boring turtle that her plain ass face doesn’t need to accompany every single statement she makes.
I feel like she thinks she’s so gorgeous that Ryans would just be rendered speechless upon seeing her radiating beauty. In reality she is completely unremarkable and forgettable.
No. 1709545
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>>1708918I found this on a thread online & this is just Heather to a T (if you reversed it from girls to guys) why I am single, any cute guys tee hee, any guys want a cute chubby goth girlfriend with big titties
No. 1709568
>>1708918“if there is safe places to hike”
in Gettysburg? what the fuck is she on about? what’s “unsafe” in fucking Gettysburg?
No. 1710575
>>1709992She’s not really into all that stuff: that’s why she’s always making excuses she can’t make
this or go here, because it’s all for Instagram. I doubt she really sits in her time off & actually reads or does anything remotely to do with her so called hobby of history or cemeteries. It’s all just to pretend she’s living a life that she’s not.
No. 1711564
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>spends every waking moment on dating apps for 5 months and hasn’t met anyone
>gonna try going to the gym to lose weight “to help her odds”
>doesn’t know why she can’t meet anyone because she has so much to offer
>”you could say it’s a negative that I’m divorced but… most people are divorced at this point” lol wat
>says everyone she talks to ghosts her because they’re scared and don’t wanna get cursed
who’s gonna tell her that the gym won’t fix a terrible personality
No. 1711853
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>>1711784Yeah but also, I think spooky Heather is an improvement from picrel
No. 1712279
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No. 1712731
>>1711853Almost miss this era of Heather. The way she tries to play up being “spooky” now is so cringe inducing it hurts.
>>1712279What scares me is how far up her own ass she is kek.
No. 1713262
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Oh god, someone was friendly with her at work TWICE. Must be a stalker
No. 1713277
>>1711564she looks like a camel that’s about to spit at me
>>1713262holy fucking kek this is pathetic. also if she really thought her stalker uwu were following her on IG, she wouldn’t be posting this
No. 1713798
>>1713262LMAO. I’m an independent boss lady, hustling every day… what?!
Bitch you were whining a few days ago how you hate being alone & miss your old job.
She’s a walking contradiction. I’m a goth big titty Queen yet I give off live laugh love vibes.
She’s actually hilarious. If this persona was satire it would be genius but the fact it’s real is terrifying.
No. 1715075
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She’s fucking annoying as hell.
No. 1715560
>>1715075why does she CARE, it's hobby lobby jfc
buy a personality while you're in there
No. 1716359
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goth queen
No. 1717475
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No. 1717477
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No. 1718215
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>>1717477I wonder what the event is, is she meeting up with these other goths?
No. 1720595
>>1720191Search fb (if you have one) or even google. "Your City" and "volunteer" … or "Your City" and "interest group" and you'll get something.
A beginner painting class, hiking club, a volunteer group that hands out food once a week or cleans up a river or something.
This can be weird and difficult if you live in bumfuck nowhere, so I don't know how to help if you do.
Pick someone at work who seems like not a psycho and ask them if they want to grab lunch one day, or coffee.
If Hags really, truly, actually wanted a friendship or a social contact, she could have done any one of these super basic things at any time. (No jab at you nona).
No. 1721448
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She literally has an excuse for EVERYTHING. And totally against trying something new or exploring anything new as a means to meet new people. She just wants someone that she can text all day and take to whatever places SHE wants. Oh and they have to have crappy tattoos.
No. 1721472
>>1721448lord almighty, imagine being as boring as Heather. no wonder she bores herself so thoroughly and is desperate for someone else around, to give her anything interesting to cling to and temporarily make into her entire ass personality without caring about it or putting in genuine effort and then soon dropping it.
Like what do Ryans even manage to talk about when she manages to snag one? She doesn't read, doesn't watch stuff, won't step foot anywhere that's not a secretary or antique store, doesn't research history, doesn't care about music, doesn't like pop culture (wtf does that even mean?), isn't an intellectual, doesn't do art or meaningful hobbywork…. like what is left? how can you have anything to talk about when any interest is so shallow and on the surface?
Just, wild. Wild to exist as a human being like that. If it hadn't been years of this shit I would almost think she's fucking with us.
No. 1721541
>>1721448She feels so dead to me, like there is nothing alive inside of her, nothing she wonders about, nothing she cares for and nothing she would like to do or create. And honestly, if you have problems concentrating on reading a book, well, maybe she should get her brain checked, as it's something that some people with mental health issues go through. I feel like nonna
>>1719604 is somehow right, that she is depressed and instead of getting herself help she hopes another Ryan will fix her.
>>1721472that's what I always wondered, what does she talk about? If you don't have any interests besides reading the inscriptions on gravestones, there aren't a lot of topics. But well, I've seen couples being together for years without any hobbies, interests and all they do is not talk to each other, might be working.
No. 1722222
>>1721448Nope, can't play games with other people because games = "nerd culture." Also I can't read so I can't join a book club. Also I am too busy and special to try my hand at basic socialization in any shape or form. So fuck your suggestion.
What I want is for a spooky boy to materialize for me without having to get a life or put in any effort whatsoever, don't you get it?
No. 1722441
>>1721541>Heather depressedI think she's got deeper untreated mental issues and a nasty personality. I know everyone's experience is different but she doesn't have any obvious signs of life altering chronic depression (sleeping all day, missing work, missing chores, lack of personal hygiene etc.)
Armchair sperg: I think she's bipolar and we're seeing her go through crazy mood swings, she's manic a lot, on top of the moping. She's fucking miserable and avoids people who aren't miserable though, it's like if happy people speak to her she makes herself even more unpleasant to show how true goff she is. Whenever she's bragging about StAlKeRs wanting to fuck her, she's in a manic delusion and pushes people away, when she's moping about being alone, the mania has worn off.
I don't think heather is capable of being happy for longer than a couple days. Everything she says she wants, she immediately sabotages within weeks of it happening. Lurch was the only thing that she stuck with longer than a month, she doesn't even stick to her hobbies. When was the last time she took photography shots? That's the entire purpose of her account, she forgot about photography because moping is a better hobby.
No. 1722792
File: 1670563546006.png (354.09 KB, 390x696, poser.png)

>>1722441>When was the last time she took photography shots? That's the entire purpose of her account, she forgot about photography because moping is a better hobby.she heard you. pic rel.
No. 1725890
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Few things yuck me out harder than Heather calling this dude “daddy.”
No. 1726426
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Heather is such a basic bitch. Such a dumb sign. Then she says I'm unique and "goth".
No. 1727208
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And then a few guys were like we can have sex hahahahahaha
No. 1727209
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She's sooo spoopy and goff.
No. 1727273
>>1727209no one said that.
She said that. She’s the one that makes up stuff to talk about herself.
No. 1727325
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No. 1727326
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No. 1727327
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No. 1727444
>>1727386She dated like one emo boy, then started thirsting after goths (maybe emo ryan was too intense even for her).
To get her goth boys she had a half assed goth phase, and still pretends that she dresses in killstar and hangs out in cemeteries every day. Even though she went back to her basic bitch Target attire.
and yes the most goth she was, was wearing ugly clashing killstar clothes No. 1727454
File: 1671056247359.png (6.08 MB, 1170x2532, BE6324C9-81F1-4856-A9CC-857B92…)

>>1727444I’m sorry, have you not seen her og goth high school photos? She’s a real goth at heart and always will be. She was a legend with a pale face, edgy clothes, and had piercings. No but really I couldn’t be bothered to find any more pics but she will never shut up about her being actually goth in hs, she’s not anymore but she definitely was more authentic then and I would consider that her most goth phase, not the killstar phase bullshit. You guys should read all the threads.
No. 1727706
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Tits out on full display. There is definitely a new contender that she is trying to dig her claws into.
No. 1727768
>>1727209>bohemian plant roomIt's literally just a regular looking room with plants in it? So let me get this straight. Lots of plants on very basic wooden shelving = bohemian!!! and target halloween decorations = tru goth.
>>1727454There's at most, two photos of her in mall goth attire as a teen. Who the fuck cares. It was obviously a phase then and a phase during her short-lived killstar era. She constantly reinvents herself based on her current ryan or target ryan. Anyone who has read the threads would know and see this.
No. 1728071
File: 1671128352554.jpg (533.13 KB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20221215_131530.jpg)

How long until she sees this, and then checks this thread and privates her Insta?(cowtipping)
No. 1728654
File: 1671198666391.jpg (110.55 KB, 965x652, Question Marks.jpg)

I smell a new Ryan
No. 1728659
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Who's she with here?!
No. 1728686
>>1728654oh god I didn't even notice the "foreplay" comment, gross when paired with the daddy comment
she's being so brazen right now, barf
are we dubbing him a ryan yet? rumryan is my submission
No. 1728940
>>1728686>>1728706I vote Rumham Ryan please. However, they have been on-and-off fake flirting for a while now and I don't really see them getting together, I think they're "just friends", probably because he's an uggo even by Hags's standards.
>>1728877So true
No. 1729399
File: 1671264426378.jpg (182.36 KB, 1050x1400, Screenshot_20221217_030023.jpg)

(cowtipping )
No. 1729448
>>1729399The cringe coming off you is palpable, you message her calling her a hoe and then cowtip a guy she knows? What's your damage?
Her friends already know about Heather's "haters," including this thread so you achieved nothing.
No. 1729470
>>1729399couldn't stand not getting the right attention and so had to become the cow huh
go outside and touch grass
No. 1729599
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Those poor pushed tits.
No. 1729628
File: 1671307692046.jpeg (273.52 KB, 1080x1919, img.jpeg)

All I want for Christmas is a new Ryan to give us delicious milk. It's almost guaranteed this dude will ghost after one date though, they usually do.
No. 1729662
>>1729628She’s not going on a date. Where did she find this one? When all she’s been moaning about is dating apps have been exhausted.
She’s just posting this in hopes some horny chronically online dudes that have been messaging her about ‘sexual things’ get jealous & love bomb her on how sexy she is & how they wish it was them to boost her fragile ego. Those photos reek desperation. The first one specially screams open casket.
No. 1729954
File: 1671355620597.png (11.52 MB, 1125x2436, 19CA6CCC-2F1F-455F-BE2E-57C579…)

New guy bought her this rosary. I guess it’s better than an old Polaroid with his own blood smeared on it..
No. 1730027
>>1729999rosaries are catholic, right? I'm willing to bet whatever she grew up with wasn't catholicism, so this is probably impressive because she never sees them
I can see this going down some trad route, but she'll complain about having to hide her "true goffic" self so I'm not sure how long she can make it last kek
No. 1730143
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More context: he bought the rosary for her at the antique market on their date. So he possibly isn't religious, she just loves crucifixes since Lurch so she probably squealed over it and he was being nice.
No. 1730180
>>1730143those "embroidered" birds on the necklace look nice, but that rosary is bad, it really is just plastic beads with a crucifix.
And that being said, I hope her new Ryan is nice and they will stay together forever.
No. 1730550
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No. 1730920
He's boring already, just another Blackcraft-wearing Hot Topic boi with chipped nail polish moon phase tattoos. Edgy af.
>>1730910That is a whole new level of embarrassing…
No. 1730949
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This must be why she thinks they're in a relationship now kek
The "MYSTICAL AF" tapestry makes me want to slap her pretty hard.
No. 1731090
File: 1671489792247.png (Spoiler Image,2.17 MB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20221219-173718~2.p…)

>>1731067NTA, but…
Spoilered for shirtless Lurch.
No. 1731123
>>1730949I was perfectly okay with thinking she meant the date from the day before but then you guys pointed out night and jeez girl I HOPE that's not the case, have some dignity heather
are those rumryan's hands? just occurred to me that I'm not sure what he looks like since he always covers up
No. 1731183
>>1730910Heather nooooo, not after one date! She never learns anything – it's like she loses her memory every time she wakes up in the morning.
Anyway, bets on how long it takes for this one to implode? I'm guessing under one month.
No. 1731294
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No. 1731300
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No. 1731320
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I have more kek
No. 1731321
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No. 1731322
>>1731320>semi talentedI’m screaming, at least she’s (semi) honest. And I’m not surprised she gets lots of low quality male attention with her constant thirstposting of her boobs and how sex-starved she is. You get what you put out Heather.
>>1731300>>1731321Never thought I’d say this, but this is a step down from Lurch. There’s nothing “spooky goff boi” about this dude, he looks like a literal hobo. Surely the dating scene in Gettysburg can’t be THAT bad.
No. 1731333
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>>1731300He's giving Chris Elliott.
No. 1731363
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No. 1731418
>>1731320I fucking can't, this absolute 180 she pulled here
who was the one talking about how they wanted sex? who was the one posting thirst trap titty pics?
not saying moids aren't shit but heather you LITERALLY did this and now you're saying you're not that girl lmao give me a break
she's going so fast and hard right now, I give it a month tops
No. 1731468
but lol god this ryan run was really something….
i can't believe she moved to "I love you" THAT QUICKLY, and was taking/posting creep shots
Did we ever find this ryan's socials? IG not since we dunno his name, but I would love to have some indication as to whether he fueled her love bombing, or was he just indifferent ?! very fun lil milk moment for the heather thread, i cannot wait to see what ryan heather has lined up for us next cycle. The guys she picks look like such mongoloid tinder fucks, it is good for my soul to see lol
No. 1731479
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She still has this picture of his hands and her little owl on her Instagram, but that is it. Maybe she is sad because she can't be with him at this exact moment.
No. 1731539
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>>1731479Fuck I didn’t get a screenshot but she deleted a reel she made of him in a cemetery with some romantic song in the background and now she’s posting sad shit on her stories
No. 1731655
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The new Ryan is actually a Brian