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No. 670031
I was hesitant about making this thread because Lola is at least a little nuts and some of the things that she claims to have been through appear to be true. However, the current milk is borderline torrential so I couldn't resist.
Lola (19) is currently engaged in a very public vendetta against her 54 year old ex boyfriend Brer RuthVen, who is a Scottish Viscount.
She claims that he abused her and has set up a petition to have him punished and removed from all social media. She's now changed the wording of the petition to call for jail sentences for all first time domestic violence offenders.
She has also set up a gofundme to support her recovery and pay her rent.
Misc. milk and drama
- Constantly changes her story and deletes posts.
- Threatens suicide and posts suicide notes on social media every few days.
- Livestreamed 'suicide attempt'. Filmed herself on a balcony taking about jumping and walking towards the edge then ended the stream (no receipts, unfortunately)
- Posted cringy 'art' film of her crying followed by shots of buildings and trees. Said that film was initially intended to be a suicide note.
- Coke addict
- Anachan
- Claims that ex was trying to groom underaged girls online (believable tbh)
- At the peak of the drama and attention announces that her Etsy shop is coming soon.
- Hosts a meet up for "anyone who wants to meet me" as though she's famous.
- Claims discrimination when her flatmates tell the landlord that the police have broken down doors in her flat multiple times to perform wellfare checks.
Facebook: 1: 2: No. 670033
File: 1534900251952.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20180822-011053.png)

Note posted online then left in cafe
No. 670034
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No. 670036
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No. 670039
File: 1534900378280.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180822-011310.png)

Not subtle about gold digging goals.
No. 670041
File: 1534900399659.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180822-011209.png)

No. 670042
File: 1534900465819.png (883.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180822-011104.png)

More threats of suicide on Instagram
No. 670299
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FWIW Brer has recently shut down his Twitter and Instagram accounts. They still appear in Google.
No. 670304
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In addition to the Met Police her petition is also directed to Sadiq Khan.
No. 670305
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No. 670308
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>>670042That account currently.
No. 671576
>>670833What on god's green earth could a 54 year old man have in common with someone who barely graduated high school? She's still a teenager, and call me a WK but her being psycho might have something to do with being preyed upon by powerful men.
Sage for borderline blogposting
No. 671649
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>>671636>>671639Read the rest of the articles at the links.
No. 671757
File: 1535071502089.png (2.08 MB, 1628x1374, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 02.4…)

>>671742That's where she claims to live until 31 of August.
No. 671764
>>671742Yeah that's ridiculous. I pay £550 including all bills in zone 2 SE.
She's also mentioned starting a YouTube channel. She might have gone through some shit, but she's definitely milking it for all it's worth.
No. 671831
File: 1535075941748.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_20180824-025605.png)

No you didn't, you were behind a screen.
No. 672091
>>671652I don't want to excessively WK, but again - she's 19, she seems to be very lonely (yeah, where are her parents? sounds like her family life is fucked up, as she mentioned being placed in foster care at 16) and she's in a phase where she's extremely angry at her abuser and very unstable - those emotions can be quite difficult to deal with. Additionally, she's not getting help (and she desperately needs it) - someone should step in here and offer support. Also, yeah, she should definitely find a cheaper place to live, but again, maybe she's too overwhelmed to even start looking and deal with stuff that involves moving. The process of moving is quite emotionally taxing. It would be great if someone assisted her with that.
Of course, oversharing on the internet is not going to help her in the long run, I think we all agree on that. It's just… mocking a young abused girl when she's obviously struggling quite a lot doesn't seem like a right thing to do, sorry.
No. 672108
>>671775Tbh I’ve followed her for a while, and big dramatic accusations are a very common occurrence with her. As well as complaining about everything and blaming other things for her home/money/life/health. And she asks her “fans” to donate straight to her PayPal while b’awwinhg about mental health, so it’s more than just go-find-mes. Sometimes she’d say things that didn’t make sense, and I would feel bad about her mental health problems. But it became a regular occurance that would, for the majority of the time, pop up in the form of saying someone she didn’t like, did something or said something or followed her, etc.
I do think she has mental health issues. But she definately lies, intentionally, plays victim, dramatisizes, begs for money constantly, uses her followers as a personal army, etc. having a treatable mental health issue doesn’t mean you didn’t know what you were doing.
No. 672121
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No. 672122
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No. 672125
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No. 672129
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She has several video clips on this account.
No. 672144
File: 1535121214811.png (135.65 KB, 800x686, Screenshot_2018-08-24-07-30-13…)

>Ruthven, of Chelsea, West London, denied assault and was granted bail ahead of trial at Hendon Magistrates’ Court on 4 October.
Stay tuned!
No. 672145
File: 1535121267630.jpg (109.49 KB, 960x1442, NINTCHDBPICT000428442477.jpg)

>>672144Compare to her several selfies taken that day.
No. 672162
>>672091I agree anon. She was abused at a young age from her mothers boyfriend, of course that fucks your head up. Her Mom ignored her before so I dont think this girl had a nice childhood…
If she gets help now, she can become a normal and nice girl. But like you said Anon, she needs support. Not bullying.
No. 672304
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Girl that's not a compliment
No. 676338
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People are finally getting sick of her begging
No. 676343
File: 1535645653414.png (738.5 KB, 800x1087, Screenshot_2018-08-30-09-11-37…)

She's attempting to shill a few basic art prints for £3 apiece and a couple of jackets.
No. 676539
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No. 677861
File: 1535815787996.jpeg (235.06 KB, 749x1106, F678206F-9178-402B-8943-55958B…)

So are people paying for her to stay in a hotel that’s over £200 a night or are they paying for her to drink £9 cocktails there?
No. 677911
>>677861But she's not milky at all, she's just a poor young girl with mental issues who's definitely about to be "homeless" and we shouldn't be mean to her. Ugh, she's been abused, yeah, but she needs help and her family, not living in central London because she likes to go to fancy places and big fancy cities while she's "about to commit suicide everyday". She's unemployed, she needs help, a job and yeah, she's young but she's an adult and she wants to be relevant on the internet (at least enough to beg for money showing how sad and helpless she is), she's a cow and she needs to grow up, life is hard.
No. 678793
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Such a talented artist
No. 680533
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Does this make any sense to anyone? 1/3
No. 680534
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No. 680535
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No. 680718
File: 1536081222681.png (Spoiler Image,350.21 KB, 750x1334, F4D58D43-F067-4C56-A6CA-CDAB59…)

posted today apparently brer will be arrested. watch the video on imgur link.
No. 680764
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>>680718Fairly certain that she's trying to get people to lure him into breaking his bail conditions. Wonder if that counts as perverting the course of justice.
No. 681479
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>>680718So now she's accusing the girl who received the voicemail of being a 'snake' and encouraging people to go after her
No. 681480
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No. 681481
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No. 681483
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No. 681576
File: 1536167562086.png (1.38 MB, 1242x2208, 91AA6FC7-9DCE-4502-914F-9E399E…)

lol have you seen her recent instagram? she’s so unbelievably bitter and jumps to conclusions about people and gets her minions to hate on them. caption doesn’t make sense. some people even called her out on this
No. 681650
>>681576So everyone is supposed to believe 100% miss lola had zero control in her being stuck to this old guy but everyone else her age in her circle who might still be in contact with this guy is an evil lying snake bitch despite it being very likely he's manipulating them as well?. Also don't namefag. Put "sage" in the email field.
This is a nitpick but her eyebrows are a cow of their own
No. 681739
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“my girlfriend” LOL
No. 681767
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Edna mode off the incredibles
No. 683238
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No. 683286
File: 1536348245074.png (636.59 KB, 750x1334, 97EB7837-4D4F-4FDF-B09F-EB9C30…)

brer we know you’ll see this one
No. 683908
File: 1536427847028.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, DD94330B-12BA-4A90-97C2-78D18B…)

was going to kill herself yesterday but got a date today!!!! dumb bitch
No. 684653
File: 1536518837227.png (7.43 MB, 1242x2208, 868373D1-BEE8-4304-AA09-FC862E…)

i’m guessing she’s on her date rn
No. 684684
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where is she and who’s the type of person to go there?
No. 685207
File: 1536577220545.png (793.79 KB, 800x990, Screenshot_2018-09-10-03-53-47…)

By "fashion" and "art" does she mean reselling her used clothing and scrawling declaratives on plastic eggs?
Speaking of, the mesh shirt in the OP is available for £8!
No. 685731
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No. 685853
File: 1536670738213.jpeg (265.78 KB, 750x1129, 098D3DB0-E283-49CC-BECB-8C5218…)

queen of groundbreaking art
No. 685882
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sounds fake but ok
No. 686033
File: 1536694283234.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1579, Screenshot_20180911-202351.png)

Poor impoverished girl saying in a £300 a night hotel. Who wants to bet that this boyfriend will be labelled as 'abusive' as soon as he closes his wallet?
No. 686587
toopoors are really a dime a dozen arent they? place bets on when she starts selling fingernails
>>685731Queen Of Anorexia and not knowing how to sweep
No. 686863
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No. 686871
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No. 686872
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“Go nuts” lol she stood across the street and recorded him
No. 687262
>>687247To be fair, abusive men gravitate towards women who are..uh…unstable? BPD chicks like this make unfortunately appealing targets. Men like this get off on the intensity of reactions they can provoke, plus crazy chick = unreliable witness to what they say & do behind closed doors. Plus the willingness to continually put themselves back in the situation makes these girls seem even less like victims.
Don’t get me wrong, this girl is a fucking moron and needs DBT and a reality check like yesterday. Brer on the other hand just needs to go to prison.
No. 687277
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OH BOYE, New boyfriend is 32. :^)
No. 687413
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No. 687496
>>687413Insert Tyler Creator meme here
I swear borderlines be making up 50% of suicide attempts and like 0.5% complete it lmao you heard of DBT bitch??
No. 687724
>>687413Who even committed suicide?
Kadee was manslaughtered by a "friend" she met in rehab.
No. 688090
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No. 688134
>>680534She's keeping the met busy at least, imagine how bored they would be without pathetic screenshots of subtweets and grambait to keep them occupied, I bet they almost wish they worked in a vast metropolitan city ravaged by gang/knife crime… o wait…
No. 688383
File: 1536962646067.png (466.61 KB, 480x905, Screenshot_154.png)

>>688369Just put yourself in inpatient and try to fuck one of the staff to make yourself feel better like every other borderline goddamn. She prioritizes herself so much over the people who try to help her it's fucking ridiculous. Is she a narc too?
No. 688385
File: 1536962961477.png (Spoiler Image,303.17 KB, 480x912, Screenshot_155.png)

>>688383Wah I saw the dude I've been posting pictures nonstop of I've got to cut myself and put it online so everyone feels sorry for me without thinking other people might be mentally ill or just generally don't want to see that shit.
Gotta love borderline reasoning skills.
No. 688504
>>688385wish i hadnt clicked the spoiler, my emo ass just got
triggered by some cuts, i’m a fucking snow flake apparently
No. 688533
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No. 688534
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No. 688536
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No. 688786
File: 1537022385611.png (5.07 MB, 1125x2436, 6650B992-B244-4D18-AD02-FD22F9…)

i’m calling bullshit.
brer contacting her mum would be indirect contact.
No. 688854
File: 1537029782385.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180915-174141.png)

Sorry to burst your Lolita fantasy bubble but you're not a young girl, you're an adult.
No. 688860
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“Hot sex” lol
No. 689504
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gosh have a day off lola
No. 689642
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the borderline jumped out
No. 689716
File: 1537131145888.png (653.09 KB, 750x1334, 99888F63-2F28-4DAB-A3FD-C183C0…)

>I don’t want her to be hurt uwu
>someone fucking do something about this fake ass bitch for being in contact with my ex!!!!!
Don’t tell people what to do lola your abusive ex bf is still getting young puss from girls that aren’t you die mad about it
No. 689747
>>689730 >>689739
All these namefaggers in this thread skeeve me out because they're either people on the other side of her burnt bridges or people up Brer's hairy asshole
No. 690122
File: 1537185596913.jpeg (299 KB, 1241x1744, 213D5CB2-2400-4695-8FB1-56E003…)

i don’t think these photos are hers. why does the candle say three? they’ve been together a week?
No. 690152
This whole thread is a mess. The girl is pretty milky, yes, but that's purely down to this thread. We're all supposed to believe that she only just found this thread but there's wild accusations that Brer is self posting. As if it's reasonable to anyone except some weirdo 19 year old with severe unchecked mental health issues that a 54 year old man has nothing better to do with his time than stalk her online, to a thread that she only apparently found out about 4 days ago
>>687413From the lack of saging, the name-fagging and the weird updates like
>>686865 alone this thread is a mess. BPD insta thots and people who find them entertaining need to be eradicated from the internet kek.
No. 690162
File: 1537193277558.jpeg (260.56 KB, 750x743, 3548188B-ACB4-4FEE-961F-E4EA95…)

Theory: Lola’s boyfriend isn’t real. It’s all a made up act in order to get Brer jealous. She’s aware this thread exists, and is also aware that Brer most likely knows it exists too. None of the photos she’s uploading on her Instagram are hers, starting with the image of the candles posted already in this thread, what’s the three for? They’ve been together about a week? Now her ‘boyfriends’ hands, seem pretty hairy to me in this picture but then
No. 690167
File: 1537193405190.jpeg (105.41 KB, 737x742, 3747DA22-9C37-4C0A-A5E5-799D4B…)

These don’t look like the same hands to me
No. 690168
File: 1537193417959.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3175.PNG)

>>690162>>690122That isn't Lola's photo at all. After a reverse look up, this photo can be linked to so many K-pop fandom places for some reason.
No. 690178
File: 1537194252339.png (1.64 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3180.PNG)

>>690162Not her photo either.
No. 690202
>>672145Looks like the ugly stepsister version of Emma Watson. Textbook BPD. That dude is way ugly, and he deserves whatever is coming for him. If the best you can do is a crazy young girl, you're a pedo.
I love it when his desire for a "manic pixie dream girl" comes back to bite an immature asshole in the ass.
No. 690261
File: 1537201897372.png (393.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180917-173108.png)

The champagne photo isn't hers either.
No. 690287
>>690202"I love it when his desire for a "manic pixie dream girl" comes back to bite an immature asshole in the ass."
I think I love you, wanna have lolcow babies?
No. 690301
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No. 690302
File: 1537205777094.png (310.74 KB, 750x1334, 24458CB4-82C5-411A-968C-C57C4D…)

>>690301lmfao this is the new trend for lola now. all tumblr pics.
No. 690443
>>690311you’re probably lola, is there a case? probably. is brer weird? probably, is he as weird as she says he is? probably not.
>>69036599% they’re all fake or followed her when she tried to kill herself and went viralish on twitter. she’s losing followers every day though because her posts are so retarded.
No. 690483
>>690455It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but there are a good number of us. Believe it or not.
Doesn't mean I'm not half-enjoying watching the train wreck though.
No. 690484
File: 1537219190091.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, 3985CA77-351D-4B35-8E6F-CC8C4D…)

weird how it now has pixelated Brers face.. makes me wonder
No. 690825
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No. 690826
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No. 690848
File: 1537268442973.jpeg (258.42 KB, 1242x1805, 13ED126D-A547-4DFA-BDDF-82C5F5…)

she is now ASKING for thousands of money on a go fund me to start an ‘art gallery’ to sell her art. but all the good pieces of her art are stolen and can be found through a simple google search. this is bordering on illegal i swear
No. 690906
File: 1537276447813.png (749.4 KB, 750x1334, 254A128B-6AF3-4621-8538-819548…)

>lola may dragonfly tyrell
No. 690941
File: 1537280604968.jpeg (203.14 KB, 750x1334, 169E2D4C-E63E-43EE-8DFF-1D6BCA…)

well said. I bet her comment will get deleted soon
No. 691062
File: 1537293013524.jpeg (832.42 KB, 1125x2033, 57B80E3A-7DCB-4B25-BED0-E5F5AA…)

Why does she still have pictures of her and Brer up on her instagram? If someone was stalking me, esp. an abuser, the last thing I’d want his their photos on my account.
No. 691355
File: 1537309231335.png (2.26 MB, 1242x2208, 6B51F797-7AFE-490C-8622-EE9ABC…)

Two guesses that she’s going to notting Hill to “confront brer”
No. 691359
File: 1537309400308.png (4.23 MB, 1242x2208, 2D9AA973-F444-43FF-8D92-1AB058…)

Yep I was right
No. 691362
File: 1537309737847.png (259.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180918-232827.png)

The attention seeking is off the charts
No. 691369
File: 1537310105542.png (582.71 KB, 750x1334, BF47539A-52FC-4088-89A1-D66D75…)

everyone is getting tired of her
No. 691370
>>691362 I know this is an image board but she say she's been
triggered, is going to hit him and doesn't care about the consequences. she then ended the live
No. 692242
File: 1537399578685.png (284.44 KB, 750x1334, 5F2BAA0D-7A74-459C-B1D0-DE9244…)

Her story lol
No. 692264
>>692242>>692252there’s no way this girl isn’t mentally retarded, is there?
she has to b
I just skimmed through the video and I’m not sure if she realises, but the entire video looks like a normal healthy relationship. Like, if someone showed me that with no context, I’d have thought they were a happy couple.
No. 692336
File: 1537411988469.png (6.56 MB, 1884x1884, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 04.4…)

>>692264She is retarded, yeah. Who else would sell their worn clothes from Zara and Topshop and shitty "He left me breathless" self portraits and paint splotches and call it art studio? Like really kids who really study art and have any relation to it do better. Omg worn Zara shirts and cheaper-than-crack art, this is brilliant! That's a great business plan in 2018.
No. 692510
(Patrick Leo) Brer Ruthven, Viscount Ruthven of Canberra (b. 4 February 1964). Database developer and musician. Brer Ruthven married Julie Goldsmith and had one son, Heathcote Patrick Cornelius Ruthven, born 28 May 1990.,_2nd_Earl_of_GowrieA more detailed bio No. 692521
>>692515I feel kinda bad for his kid. Must suck to have your dad in the news for roughing up his girlfriend that's younger than you.
Then again, he's probably stinking rich, so.
No. 692612
File: 1537453154029.jpeg (1.52 MB, 4096x4096, 997DEF0C-CC2C-4F65-95DA-AD5010…)

Just for the purpose of seeing more than one side.
No. 692623
File: 1537453714113.jpeg (341.36 KB, 1818x1818, 280A8FF4-50CA-4AD9-86B7-34B9B4…)

When he says about degrading he’s talking about bdsm etc not every day life, which can be seen as weird but they’re both in to it and it’s consensual
No. 692670
File: 1537456957861.png (703.12 KB, 750x1334, 22B1F4AD-FDBF-4A82-A516-FF6FA3…)

lmao no one has ever said that
No. 692671
File: 1537457016576.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, 7E283560-3E38-4DC5-8F22-AC8BA6…)

>>692670stop forcing it lola sweaty
No. 692885
>>692869Yeah, regardless of the morality of the situation, and what it says about both parties involved, what he is describing is totally legal. I personally think it's unhealthy but they were both consenting adults in the relationship.
Obviously we have no way of knowing what really happened that night but seeing her other behaviours (posting photos of a made up boyfriend, tracing art, filming herself going to 'confront him' despite claiming to be afraid of him) makes me think she made the whole thing up. She's clearly delusional. Maybe he assaulted her, who knows, but I find it hard to believe she's totally innocent in it all.
No. 693110
File: 1537488188854.jpeg (136.68 KB, 750x1117, 9CBF9367-928C-433E-9805-0DF107…)

Wow I didn’t buy the whole Lola: a woman scorned, narrative until now. Interesting she still has this playlist public. I know she still has pictures of the two of them up so this is far from milky but still…
No. 693279
>>692869"let's not kinkshame"
… so, you're new here?
No. 693386
>>693110Breaking news! Breaking news! Woman does not edit all her playlists and photo albums to remove all traces of previous relationship!
Your 'Lola: a woman scorned' headline is so awesome. Clearly, this shocking revelation changes everything and the tabloids need to know.
No. 693455
>>693421I for one want to hear more about these kitchen tongs.
They must be pretty exciting.
No. 693457
>>693447It's incredibly naive of her to think that that's anything like the amount of money you would need to even get close to opening an art gallery in London these days.
I'm also a bit baffled by what she thinks an art gallery is. They aren't usually places owned by a single artist to show off their own work, right?
No. 693478
File: 1537533971316.jpg (13.68 KB, 700x700, fancytongs.jpg)

>>693455I agree, they must be fucking amazing tongs to inspire all this waffle:
>>693464>>693465>>693468 No. 693591
File: 1537546592920.jpeg (294.52 KB, 1241x1864, 921A1244-F6C4-4DA0-B15D-AFD188…)

people have proof she’s back on drugs but i cba with this shit, she’s tapped in the head look what she just posted
No. 694106
>>693571You should be able to attach images by clicking on the "Choose file" button (you need to have them downloaded to your computer, of course). If there's some issue, you can upload them somewhere else (imgur, Tinypic, etc.) and then post a link here.
There's been a lot of talk recently (and what seems like excessive samefagging), but not a lot of proof posted.
No. 694701
File: 1537674709705.png (902.68 KB, 800x940, Screenshot_2018-09-22-20-45-11…)

Those red marks on her chest? Another kitchen utensil injury?
And that caption. Such a
clever lass! See also, upside down photos of the hotel ceiling, (stolen?) black and white street photos captioned, "film noir".
How long has she had the private account? No. 695345
File: 1537740830380.jpeg (353.73 KB, 1242x1782, C94F7C10-86AF-4A39-88F4-FFADE4…)

she’s had the private account since 2014 btw
No. 695842
>>695838Just a lot of chatting in circles about how this isn't a cry for help, how her bf isn't fake, and how her art isn't traced.
Girl sounds like she needs help or a friend to come round, and not be posting to Instagram..
No. 695892
>>695888Short transcript. This girl can not stop being self-incriminating lol
>My friends stop talking to me because they read a website and believe itLol your friends stop talking to you bc you’re a dramatic manipulative cunt and some of them can think for themselves
>lolcow still up!!!???Yes you’re only the 100th cow want it taken down
>People say I’m addicted to coke and an alcoholic but I’m actually just anorexic. I WAS ADDICTED TO COKE 3 MONTHS AGO BUT NOT ANYMORELiterally never seen that rumor here but ok thanks for clarifying that you do have a coke problem
>This is not a cry for help (x5)Just for attention
>All the nice pictures of posh lunch and hotel stays are because I mooch off friends I’m actually brokeYou’re a dumbass on top of being a leech. Why use stolen google pictures to create an illusion of a certain lifestyle you can’t afford if you’re trying to beg for money? Congrats you played yourself
>I don’t trace my art!!! I made this me self and I have a real boyfriend!!! (Shows off random paint splattered piece of paper)Sure jan. That ugly ass vomit stain is yours alright. Google must have copied you. And sure you have a real bf, just fake pictures of him bc he’s another ugly old fuck.
>Brer is manipulating everyone. I’m losing all my friends because of him.Lol if your friends side with your abuser then they never fucking liked you to begin with. Or you are just that much of a toxic delusional bpd nightmare that anyone with a brain cell knows to get tf away from you before you turn on them. You’re the biggest snake Lola Tyrrell
>I deserve to leave my past behind me. Stop talking about my past.Bitch IT WAS ONLY LAST MONTH you tried to ruin a man life for allegedly abusing you. But instead of working on your court case, you went out of your way to get his attention even though you’re so uwu traumatized. Rallying personal army. Trying to get him to break no-contact. Vendetta on girls that he might me fucking. Doing everything you can to ruin your own case and credibility. Lol why you work so hard on trying to ruin it Lola?? That sounds like the shit dumb bitches do because they start to regret the implications of their accusations.
>All this is gonna get posted on that website and I’ll be made fun ofYa goddamn bet. Don’t act like you don’t love being talked about. This thread hasn’t gotten traffic for a week, it was being buried in snow. But Lola can’t stand not having people talk about her so she does this. You’re welcome Lola Tyrrell. I hope this website pops up every time someone googles your name.
No. 695915
File: 1537805383228.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 1F4CEB84-E66C-4CE1-AAF3-4E37F4…)

>>695892Did she wipe her tears….with a sock?
No. 696022
File: 1537814882274.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, 90C82510-9641-4157-8585-FB8F94…)

she has been crying on instagram for 5 hours. claiming she is going to disappear and will not attend court lol
No. 696155
File: 1537827686866.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, C1464AFF-684D-4A95-9FB1-BF07C1…)

No. 696174
>>696155wheres ur SUPER SRS CUTS ho
Did you steal those too?
No. 696187
>>696155o no gais shes going bye bye
say bye bye anons shes totes nevar coming back so srs gone gais baaii~
No. 696229
File: 1537833223908.png (812.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-005313.png)

No. 696230
File: 1537833270133.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-005320.png)

She's out BPD'd herself.
No. 696419
>>696238lmao exactly.
>>696341I love the fanfics in this thread, they're wild.
No. 696463
File: 1537868666645.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 489B13BD-C01C-4E71-B473-E7374E…)

anyone wanna place bets on how long this will last? i’m saying 48 hours maximum
No. 696468
>>696463she's been keeping this going since last night
i say she lasts an hour before shes updating everyone where she bought her to-go coffee from
No. 696509
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No. 696510
File: 1537880112336.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 64927FD3-358C-4FD2-A3DF-5C4C5F…)

Lmao she really thinks she’s famous
No. 696548
File: 1537886438826.jpeg (50.03 KB, 658x258, 7CB2E4A4-002A-40FC-96FD-0F8069…)

so this was all planned
No. 696552
>>696548What a drama queen
And hey the money yourself stop begging ugh
No. 696583
>>696548>>696580Why do so many cows believe they’re
owed money, rather than working for it like the rest of us? FFS.
No. 696672
File: 1537902734755.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, 97659B43-22E6-41BF-B3D0-4A592F…)

The bags under her eyes are gucci, that she made someone else pay for …
No. 696704
>>696691She will most likely throw her side which will automatically make her guilty and end up having to pay fines/do time
It’d be stupid for her to flake on court appearance for anything
No. 696745
>>696739Considering she’s the only witness, and it doesn’t appear he has other charges against him, this may well be the case.
Though she’s got a few people (asslicking teenagers) in her Instagram comments claiming they’ll be there on the 4th too, presumably for support rather than to present evidence.
No. 696788
>>696743"countless witnesses against her horrible personality"
Last time I checked, horrible personalities weren't illegal, vendetta-chan.
No. 696855
>>696341This thread is fucking unreal. Where are all of these people coming from? This girl might be one of the craziest people on lolcow, but all of these wild unsubstantiated claims are really diluting the milk.
>>696704Which would be more dramatic- if she showed up in court and made a scene or if she skipped out and made a scene? Either way, the 4th should be interesting.
>>696788There's a such thing as a 'character witness'. If somebody is demonstrated to be an unreliable narrator, liar, etc., then it can do a lot of damage to their case. Particularly when it comes to 'he said she said' scenarios like this.
No. 696871
>>696743Sue her for what? Some knockoff designer shit and a small bag of coke?
>>696855the wild claims ARE the milk at this point.
No. 697001
>>696980post screen caps or don’t! mention! it!
this was intended to be a picture board
No. 697255
>>696855A load of nutters have descended on the site from the inner bowels of Insta. None of them have anything real to share beyond wild speculation and it's pretty clear that they are just posting on here to goad her into another rant.
>>697205No screencaps of what you're saying have actually been posted, groupie.
No. 697262
>>697087If personality and personal history of the person who's accused mean anything, they'll do Brer for heartbreak, assholery and being a dodgy oldy who shags teenagers.
Luckily for all of us, breaking somebody's heart, or even being a dramatic sobbing teenager who begs for money, AREN'T THINGS THAT ARE ILLEGAL.
Except on the internet, obviously, where you little Judge Judies are gonna send em daaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhn.
No. 697620
>>697579Oh, precioussssssss… "stolen art"… it's not like she nicked a blooming Vermeer, love.
Samefagger, drama whore, teenager with no idea of the real world - just move on and leave these boards for people who like milking cows (cows that actually can be screencapped rather than just unsubstantiated gossip like yours!).
No. 697761
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No. 697783
File: 1538002339173.png (80.63 KB, 720x648, 20180926_235154.png)

Has her bio always been this?
No. 697812
File: 1538003335691.jpg (140.44 KB, 517x519, attentionseeker.jpg)

god she has always been an attention seeker fucking hell
No. 697818
File: 1538003560754.jpg (109.21 KB, 499x373, lola.jpg)

No. 697849
>>697784She's not exactly a reliable narrator.
>>697810I'm just here as a kitchen utensil enthusiast. And to enjoy the craziness. But mostly the first bit.
No. 697931
>>697777Those don't substantiate what
>>696980 claimed.
No. 697950
File: 1538011476471.png (782.64 KB, 800x1057, Screenshot_2018-09-26-18-11-12…)

>>697779>>697784Her account does not square with what is written in the very article she referenced in her screencap.
No. 697957
File: 1538011968229.png (244.01 KB, 798x1170, Screenshot_2018-09-26-18-12-46…)

>>697950He was not charged with rape in her case. There is no mention of him breaking into her home, of holding her at gunpoint, or of supplying her with alcohol and drugs. No. 698392
File: 1538049926517.jpeg (21.17 KB, 150x257, 4F94E648-0D33-4635-B00E-AC83E9…)

To Lola’s calves: You’re not going to get your money back and there’s no reason to be afraid of a coke head with 4000 followers and a thread dedicated to exposing her con artistry. Either give actual milk or move on with your lives. The people still supporting her are either getting something out of it or need to have their parents credit cards revoked.
No. 698401
File: 1538050954284.jpg (284.05 KB, 1125x1572, IMG_4960 2.jpg)

lmao she's active on another account now (@lola_tyrrell_) damn she really is pathetic as shit as this point lol she's so out of touch with reality that she cant even have a mental breakdown without shoving a camera in her face to display it
No. 698438
>>698369Those charges had to do with another victim. United Kingdom law, (other than in Scotland where no such concept exists) a criminal charge is allowed to lie on file when the presiding judge agrees that there is enough evidence for a case to be made, but that it is not in the public interest for prosecution to proceed, usually because the defendant has admitted other, often more serious, charges.
No. 698441
File: 1538054971055.jpeg (197.43 KB, 750x1133, 33A189BA-C80A-40ED-9FDD-AF62DE…)

oh poor lola </3 much sad :(
No. 698442
>they had exchanged 1,000 messages in just three daysIn her post she neglected to mention that she willingly communicated with him.
Why would she post an article debunking her lies?
Girl is unhinged!
No. 698481
>>698271>and have put so much of their time into her it’s almost like an addiction to check up on her and it’s hard to leave.The sunk cost fallacy does keep people in shitty situations well after they should have left. Though I'm having trouble believing that she's some sort of master manipulator; quite frankly, she seems too stupid. She doesn't even put any effort into her lies. Maybe she's a manipulator in the same transparent way that a child is, but in that case the people getting swept up in it really need to work on themselves.
>>698441Lola, please get help. There's only so long that you can keep this up before your lies and grifting collapse on you. This behavior is unsustainable, and if you keep it up it won't be long before you're institutionalized against your will, imprisoned, homeless, or dead. Look around you; do you see anybody else acting the same way that you do (including countless people who've been abused or neglected)? You need to go to the A&E and ask for psychiatric help.
No. 698525
File: 1538063665557.png (600.26 KB, 1002x1266, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 16.4…)

i found caps from my convo with brer about a month ago, turns out she lied about her dad dying
No. 698527
File: 1538063727754.png (307.3 KB, 954x480, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 16.5…)

bit mental
No. 698528
File: 1538063745045.png (498.78 KB, 988x1096, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 16.4…)

No. 698599
>>698525>>698527>>698528What a child, spilling dirt about a teenager on social media with a court case pending. Everyone involved in this is a mess.
>>698557You're not necessarily dumb, but you should think about what about yourself lead you to be strung along and learn how to detect predatory/manipulative behavior. But don't be too hard on yourself. Everybody has flaws, and it sounds like you are a kind person who was just trying to help. A lot of the time, when somebody is kind, it takes a situation like this to learn how to avoid situations like these.
No. 698649
File: 1538073259574.jpg (145.72 KB, 1369x805, take my money.JPG)

No. 698871
I’ve met them both, used to be close to ‘em both too, I’m someone who now chooses to stay away from both for different reasons. Brer is eccentric, he struggled with socialisation but he is kind in his own sort of way, his morals are a bit off but as a person quite harmless. Lola is very endearing, but she’s quite cold and picks and chooses people around her carefully, very flirtatious, tends to make up certain things to ‘impress’ others. She’s not a bad person but she’s very protective of her insecurities, she uses things to cover that up such as lying and is quick to isolate herself when caught out, the way she’s always been. Brer does have a tendency towards younger girls, it is strange, all round strange relationship especially sleeping with other people, it was basically an open relationship. Brer has never been involved with a minor though and Lola is still the youngest he’s been with, Lola lost a lot of the people who were around from the start because we didn’t like what was happening and she retaliated, there’s fault on both sides but currently Lola has really outdone herself, she’s too far in, she won’t stop because she’ll refuse to be caught out.
No. 699363
File: 1538143751829.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, 90BB3FD2-FED9-4942-813B-9ED890…)

same old zoom in on eye videos just a different account. gosh lola you’re too predictable to be enigmatic
No. 699364
File: 1538143771020.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, B96082D1-4368-422A-8EC1-9FE43A…)

No. 699538
File: 1538159432061.jpeg (579.63 KB, 1242x1659, 53064ED2-EDF3-45E7-906F-59E9FA…)

all these posted within the last few hours, why’s she posting pictures of what her other ex did to her and then the hospital picture from when she got an abortion with no context? it’s just attention seeking? there’s no point to it
No. 699684
>>699653Well, if it's official, guess we all better pack up and go home.
>>699661That's not how you do it, you knob. And if it is Lola, she can post some damn proof herself.
No. 699694
File: 1538169693199.png (436.61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180928-222129.png)

It's her
No. 699727
>>699686>calls me a silly fuck because proof is hard>discovers how easy proof is like 3 minutes later>>699687"doesn't affect me one bit" says woman who threw public tantrums about it and then flounced off her social media … only to reappear a day later. Sure, Lola.
>>699723She's too far gone, anon. Unless she has someone in her life to intervene, she's stuck like this until she really goes off the wall
No. 699765
File: 1538172687781.png (288.1 KB, 750x1334, 445C5F7C-708C-4E5B-BFA7-9D082D…)

You are all horrible, vile individuals. Telling Lola to get help, and go to a hospital etc, but yet you’re all posting on this thread causing more and more harm. Not a single one of you are innocent, you’re all indulged in this pathetic thread. Each individual on here posting, or responding to negative hate about Lola is beyond cyber bullying. You should all be physically disgusted. Don’t even try to @ me, because I’m really not interested in your responses. I think it’s disgusting, and the fact that the majority of you keep tabs on this website incase of any updates is sad and pathetic. Grow up, get on with your own lives and start focusing on that instead of other people’s. You must be lonely outside and inside. Don’t forget majorly cowardly. Get the fuck off anon, and grow a pair. Honestly, you’d think people would of grown up in today’s society, but clearly not. And for all you that is going to come back at me with “we’re not cyberbullying”, well deep condolences, but you are. This is a heavy form of bullying and no wonder why you’re keeping yourselves on anon, because for the people who would even catch glimps that you’re posting on here, will be absolutely mortified. If you’ve got a fucking problem, message me on Instagram. I have no shame of showing who I am, but you cowards definitely have a problem with that. @jasminspeckx
No. 699772
File: 1538173005395.gif (882.44 KB, 268x214, tumblr_inline_p17oqgrPFs1v1oai…)

>>699765This started in part because she was sicking people on her ~fake friends~ you dumbshit lol. She broadcasts every ounce of her life, lies and cons to get her way, throws tantrums when she doesn't, and throws people under the bus as soon as they stop being convenient to her. Babying her isn't going to change any of that.
No. 699796
>>699765Lola should really read up on this law herself.
P.S. English law only applies to England.
No. 699806
File: 1538174913742.jpeg (132.12 KB, 640x422, 3337EA73-12F4-4C50-B4C3-FB0C26…)

>>699793She doesn’t give a fuck about you, fam.
No. 699900
File: 1538182996737.jpeg (51.61 KB, 450x365, 20269B07-0CA4-4F3A-ABCD-836800…)

Lola those petitions don’t do anything hun
You better contact the cyber police!!!
No. 699905
>>699393Hm. When her 'mum' supposedly posted for info on her account when she went missing, she described her as being 'on the cusp of anorexia'. Just thought the two uses of an uncommon expression was interesting.
>>699698You do realise that people will be using their regular accounts too, right? And that you won't know who they are either because, surprise surprise, they blend in with every one of the blind followers who are only still watching to see what happens after your court case or after you stop 'going missing' for attention. Get off coke, go and seek some proper help, and stop jeopardising your own damn case if you want it to go any further than an inactive instagram account with barely 400 followers.
No. 700114
File: 1538215925878.jpeg (134.33 KB, 975x457, 6AB9CCAE-D84E-49AC-AE5D-39160B…)

No. 700286
>>700247>>700261It’s because appearing as a ~fragile sad sick little girl~ (as a grown ass adult) and milking it for attention and money is her only “job.” If she takes responsibility for herself, she’ll have to find a
real job, and she won’t get the concerned asspats and donations over the Internet anymore. God forbid.
No. 700358
File: 1538249550002.png (668.84 KB, 750x1334, A4B77089-72EA-4AB2-AD00-7F3E8D…)

surprised she didn’t try and smash
No. 700378
File: 1538251462253.jpeg (325.47 KB, 640x1100, F3956905-3A18-4618-9F45-B33046…)

This thread is the first result when I search her name in incognito mode, kek.
No. 700388
>>700365>don’t think brer is on hereHe's definitely at least lurking, and he seems happy to talk to randos on social media about the ordeal. He's probably immature enough in general to get involved on here since he's immature enough to date girls well under his own age.
>>700378Well that explains the influx of newfags.
No. 700585
File: 1538266059737.png (1.87 MB, 1125x2436, 2989B473-D2C8-4E5F-9F54-95C3A5…)

oh my god lola shut the fuck up already
No. 700588
>>700585'Time to fill my life with trustworthy people'
Looks like she's cutting herself out, guys
No. 700618
>>700585>or even breathingYes Lola, that’s why we’re here. Couldn’t be that you’re a fame- and money-hungry narcissistic social-climbing attention whore, who willingly gets involved with older men for their resources, then cries ‘abuse!’ and attempts to ruin their lives when it doesn’t work out as you’d planned, or that you’re a wannabe art ho who copies other people’s art and then has the gall to try to sell it as your own, or that you stab all your friends in the back and then call
them snakes, or that you beg for money constantly instead of getting a fucking job like anyone else your age, or that you post your suicide note(s) on fucking Instagram, or that you “disappear” when you don’t get your way… just off the top of my head. But yes. The problem is that you're
breathing.How’s that all working out for you, mate?
No. 700668
>>700585"It's become quite amusing to me" so here's 500 words about how pissed off I am. Sure Lola. I also love the "I'm back, but only for this post", like she didn't keep posting on other (public) accounts including hausoffail.
>>700587I'm imagining they must be custom made or something really fancy like that. I too am dying to know.
No. 700695
File: 1538275618891.png (33.36 KB, 287x414, 2018-09-30 03_45_55-Window.png)

>>700587This pair from Harrods is the most expensive that I could find.
No. 700922
File: 1538316129504.png (317.42 KB, 720x1184, wp_ss_20180930_0003 (2).png)

Blog post from 2017 where she describes a completely normal experience queueing up at security in the airport as a "nightmare".
No. 700923
File: 1538316502471.png (278.74 KB, 720x1138, wp_ss_20180930_0004 (2).png)

>>700922>single file line with complete strangers>getting patted down by strangersShe's genuinely offended because she is not personal friends with everyone in the queue, and all the staff at the airport. Like who gets offended that the people you are in a queue with are strangers?? She's a nutjob. Also note "tight-fitted-dress" "hot, right?" Showing these ridiculous posts were for a male's benefit.
No. 700934
>>700585It always makes me smile when these ego inflated cows think people are ~obsessed~ with them.
>Not giving anyone I don't know the satisfaction of knowing what I'm doing in my life no more.Double negative. Good to see that private education gone done you good there.
No. 700935
>>700922>>700923That post made me lol too. What a silly, mundane thing to whine about. She’s on a fucking all-expense-paid trip to Berlin, and it’s still not good enough for her.
Also, her most recent post about gaslighting – – is cobbled together and sometimes copied word-for-word from other sources, including David Wolfe, kek. No. 700943
>>700307Sorry, but her mom sounds like a trainwreck. You described her as a drug user who also started giving drugs to her daughter at a very young age. Also, why did the mother have "boyfriends" when she was still with her husband at the time? Seducing guys at 12 isn't normal, but I doubt Lola was sociopathic at 12, come on. It points to something being very wrong. It reminds me of those pedophiles that claim that they had to have sex with this 8-year old, because she seduced them. Bleh.
No wonder Lola's messed up. That all sounds like a terribly unstable family to grow up in.
No. 701075
>>700895Great to see people are
triggered on lolcow after reading something that doesn't match with their own opinions or experiences… Ever heard about early puberty or hypersexuality previously known as nymphomania (
which is tied to bipolar)? Sometimes it also involves difficult relationships with mother, but I'm not here to educate hypocrites anyway. You hit late puberty and had sex after marriage, good for you, now go back to facebook for your own sanity, mommy.
No. 701357
File: 1538352823752.gif (754.72 KB, 420x314, 86758609.gif)

No. 701369
File: 1538353894431.png (131.32 KB, 750x1334, B8D62F99-B8CA-4EDE-A316-6BE2DC…)

> “quality content”
a sad attempt to make anyone on here feel like they’re missing out on her posts kek
No. 701461
>>700888Can a farmhand check whether
>>701290 is Lola?
No. 701626
>>701617We'd certainly like a review of your best tongs. They must be brilliant to have
triggered all this. Make, material, springiness, grip… go nuts.
No. 701673
>>701643Tfw it's become blinding evident that you've completely missed the whole
Daddy aesthetic and crashed ur midlife crisis bugatti straight into
DAD zone.
Btw shopping at waitrose was your first mistake hanging around mental teenage girls was your second.
No. 701765
File: 1538410319894.jpg (30.42 KB, 540x461, too much tea.jpg)

>>701526Lola once again showing how easy it is for her to throw her friends under the bus by portraying them as dumb fucking idiots in order to defend herself
No. 701776
>>701526Hilarious, she has to make up a fake "friend" that nobody knows about to stand up for her. The fantasy life continues.
It's helpful to not completely fictionalize your entire life if you actually want people to help you when you're in trouble. Did your mom never teach you the story of the boy who cried wolf?
No. 702183
File: 1538448356813.jpg (39.72 KB, 720x722, Screenshot_2018-10-01-21-37-54…)

"No longer using this account until further notice"
It's been just two days, she can't live without seeking for attention.
No. 702201
>>702183this was in june and p sure she went with brer.
why is she posting it now? hmmm
No. 702516
File: 1538492166360.jpg (138.02 KB, 347x559, lolat.jpg)

new story. it's a boomerang of her posing
No. 702585
File: 1538498198779.jpeg (57.35 KB, 764x672, AC77E301-CBE4-46DA-AA55-D9D782…)

Okay hun
No. 702706
File: 1538507280654.png (1.3 MB, 1125x2436, 8E52AA74-A5ED-48A6-BF52-7861CC…)

Whoever is pretending to be Brer, is likely Lola.
No. 702715
>>702708Well, this is pretty exciting. Screencapped confirmation of the provenance of The Tongs.
I think we all secretly believed that they were Waitrose own brand, though, tbh.
No. 702718
File: 1538508112846.png (7.22 MB, 1242x2208, C7EB8C1D-DEFA-4B85-84D3-DB422D…)

so she IS still in london, when did she get ‘back’?
No. 702767
>>702728Yeah, but what did they have to say about the tongs? Hard time doesn't bother me, but not knowing more about these fabled utensils is killing me.
Also, thank god based admin didn't hand over the registration forms we fill out before we start posting here. That was a close one.
No. 703242
File: 1538579287794.jpeg (275.56 KB, 640x819, 717AE8C3-1F7A-4EB6-A28A-CB0FF5…)

Why isn’t she going to court on Thursday?
Is it because she knows she won’t win? That there won’t be any coke money in it for her?
No. 703277
>>702966>>702969This is the most aggressive "I'M NOT BOTHERED AT ALL HAHA" I've seen in a while. Love it.
>>703242I reckon she will. She's been stalking Brer for a while and pretending it is the other way round. This is just part of the please give attention deal.
No. 703405
>>703392This thread is a trainwreck which I advise everyone reads, but my favorite part was when she posted a live story about going to "find Brer" and "punch him" all while probably wandering around in her own garden, and while
he has a restraining order against her. Why would you seek out someone you are afraid of? Why set up a court date to discuss your abuse and not turn up? It weakens your defence dramatically if you don't attend, but I guess none of this makes any sense so why not keep the illogical behavior going.
No. 703875
File: 1538632439463.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181004-065357.png)

No. 703877
File: 1538632461188.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181004-065401.png)

No. 703878
File: 1538632479312.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181004-065409.png)

No. 704031
>>704022I genuinely wonder if Brer would use what people have uncovered against her. He presents as still caring about her to an extent and I think bringing up these things would definitely hurt her. That being said if he has good lawyers they could spin all of this shit into a fantastic argument.
As much as I’d like to see how the court case pans out, I think it would be 4chan levels of weaponised autism for any farmer to actually go to court and watch this shit for milk.
No. 704065
File: 1538662965694.jpg (53.42 KB, 1080x643, Screenshot_20181004-152154_Fac…)

No. 704066
>>704065But she’s soooo poor, guys.
Wonder what she’s doing there? And will she be back in time for court?
No. 704072
File: 1538663993780.png (342.95 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6103.PNG)

He's such a 'dangerous abuser' but she'll get close enough to his house to connect to his wifi?
No. 704076
File: 1538664530390.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, 4044A063-BC04-437B-A480-8BA848…)

once again she is actually stalking Brer.
No. 704090
>>704077That’s not Portobello, but it
is Brer’s street, in front of his flat. It’s out of the way and there aren’t any businesses on it, so she has no reason to be there.
He should get a restraining order against her.
No. 704191
>>704090If he's compiling evidence that her dumb ass is posting online he would have decent grounds for a restraining order, but on the other hand this whole situation is so fucked up that he might enjoy the attention.
The sleazy Viscount and his mentally challenged stalker.
No. 704359
>>703972Well that's a disappointment, but in the meantime I guess she's got more rope to hang herself with. Which she's already doing
>>70402 >>704077. Sucks if Brer really is abusive (which isn't particularly likely), because she's making his case with all of the shit she's doing. I wonder if this will even end up going to trial.
No. 705076
File: 1538780470072.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, C3B13027-2E6D-45DB-911B-C9404D…)

she just put up an answer to a question on her story saying her visa lasts 90 days so she’s gonna stay there until the trial, come back to the UK for that then she’s moving to LA permanently.
somehow don’t see that happening (also, how is she moving there for a relationship???)
But when she posted the screenshots of her flights the other day I’m sure she was departing on the 8th October and had a return flight booked on 15th October sooo…..
Let’s wait and see what happens, maybe she’ll end up living in the Hollywood hills!!
No. 705159
Probably a week's holiday but she plans on posting photos for a month and pretending she's there. She claimed to be in Paris only a few days ago, and claimed to leave London and then not move.
Very optimistic to think a 90 day visa can be extended so easily. "live permanently". She can't just go on holiday it has to be part of a bullshit narrative. She should write fiction instead of living it.
No. 705388
>>705076She would need an ESTA, not visa, but one of the requirements is that she “can show that [she has] enough funds available on arrival to support [herself] during [her] stay, even if [she’s] staying with family and friends.” Apparently she can’t even do that that in her home country, hence her constant whining and begging.
Unless she already has a job, but that visa is usually good for 12–36 months, not just 90 days. But then she’d need a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, which this idiot definitely does not have,
or her employer would need to prove that her contribution is invaluable and can’t be fulfilled by an American citizen. She can’t contribute anything, anywhere, ever.
All of this to say… she’s lying.
No. 705411
>>705076This is some advanced bullshit. You can't just randomly decide to move to a country.
>>705388>Unless she already has a jobEven if she had an offer, the H1B process is incredibly difficult and run on a lottery system. There's no way she's moving to America unless somebody who's very wealthy is somehow pulling some strings.
No. 705493
>>705486Hers was probably expired, got the flights with her old passport and is renewing it via the one week system.
That’s the only reason I could think of her asking that.
No. 705606
>>705587can someone translate this from autist to english
also at this point i desperately want Lola to not have a single person supporting her. She does not deserve it. She ebegged and constantly pretends she's poor, but suddenly books a flight to la and intends to move there? Bitch?
>>696548Not even two weeks ago.
No. 705971
File: 1538927702463.png (1.12 MB, 640x1136, EDDCEE32-74E7-4F64-8BBE-BC8845…)

Anyway… Lola says we’ll meet her boyfriend when she gets to LA.
Can’t wait.
No. 706249
File: 1538952586615.jpg (74.28 KB, 1080x1920, 41984925_2005136622913881_3522…)

No. 706250
File: 1538952602157.jpg (190.7 KB, 1080x1920, 41819643_192439941653779_85207…)

No. 706653
File: 1539010263467.png (933.35 KB, 640x1136, 85B658CE-7742-4FEE-97BA-F60AA3…)

She’s officially out of the country.
Bet Brer is relieved, for now.
No. 706704
File: 1539015185621.jpg (30.06 KB, 280x497, 43510976_1920568714723110_8702…)

Lol. Her new man… is this the same fictional boyfriend or a new one? If she really does post pictures with a guy I won't be surprised but it will be some random she has met on Tinder Plus and has agreed to host her during her stay, or some dumb sugar daddy ready to ruin his life for mediocre art ho sex
No. 707403
File: 1539091366841.png (1.57 MB, 1078x1230, QuickScreencapture_20181009-14…)

I think this is the man on her stories. I could be wrong. It looks like she didn't fuck off to LA by herself after all the dramatic stories after all, she brought him with her from London.
No. 709854
File: 1539243097366.png (656.08 KB, 796x823, Screenshot_2018-10-11-00-27-46…)

No. 709899
File: 1539251879995.png (1.47 MB, 800x1071, Screenshot_2018-10-11-02-53-04…)

Is she actually staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel, or did she just take (or steal) pics of the entrance and sign? Rooms are upwards of $700 a night.
No. 709910
File: 1539253416212.png (141.86 KB, 640x1136, EA9D9AAA-0405-418D-82AA-80FB99…)

>>709891This is the only “proof” I could find. Her talking about meeting up with a guy that she previously has taken more than £4000 off
No. 710060
File: 1539268025082.png (956.34 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20181011-152523.png)

No. 710061
File: 1539268040194.png (108.78 KB, 1080x1687, Screenshot_20181011-152536.png)

No. 710062
File: 1539268050726.png (191.31 KB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_20181011-152544.png)

No. 710118
>>710062"Not looking for a relationship right now"
"Why are you moving to LA?"
Lola: "Relationship <3"
No. 710144
File: 1539273584852.jpg (136.34 KB, 1456x1456, mN4ZhQ1r.jpg)

possible nitpick but she shops herself into a different person
No. 710285
File: 1539282602837.jpeg (237.69 KB, 640x1054, 8EB908A0-D16F-4401-8089-D5F23C…)

“Lila” is trying to be a findom now, too. No. 710354
File: 1539287958119.jpeg (168.45 KB, 722x1280, A2B663F6-C1F8-4338-845E-34F44B…)

>>710227I have no evidence of the first £400 other than the guy texting me he gave her that amount and Lola confirmed it to me too in person.
This is her receiving £500 from this man after having his number blocked for months after taking the first £4000. He’s very gullible but I think it shows more about her remorseless character than it shows about him:)
No. 710355
File: 1539288005366.png (376.24 KB, 640x1136, 3E72FC14-CA50-46A0-A0AC-FA9BA5…)

>>710258Lola admitting to scamming
No. 710426
>>710355‘Know how to scam for food’
Apparently has anorexia
No. 710472
>>710426Excuse u, she’s
on the cusp of anorexia.
No. 710573
File: 1539303794074.gif (559.27 KB, 500x375, amarao.gif)

>>710144Those fucking brows though.
No. 711151
File: 1539364758082.png (287.36 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (3771).png)

this is irrelevant but lola is so ugly she wears so much makeup and she has a man face, she looks like waluigi. brer deserved better. i tried to talk to him but he unfriended me on facebook and blocked me on instagram(namefag)
No. 711164
>>711151literally don't care at all about this girl or defending her, but what the fuck "brer deserved better". how? how does a creepy ass, cobweb covered cocked 54 yo old trawling for barely underaged girls on the internet deserve better?
you sound thirsty as hell. talk to boys your own age.
No. 711276
>>711151Oh my word, you're too dumb to actually be real.
No. 712167
File: 1539471996508.jpg (374.63 KB, 1200x807, somebody fucking help…)

cut to three weeks from now
No. 712722
File: 1539548397042.png (4.59 MB, 1125x2436, 47998739-D3EE-4BC7-8AB8-6EF8A8…)

she goin back home?
No. 712932
>>712722I told you guys last week she had a return flight on the 15th! That was some bad screenshot scribbling. Wonder what she’s gonna be onto next now that her 1 week holiday, sorry - “moving to LA” is over?
Does make me sad tho that she keeps facetuning her face so much, like it’s so distorted from what she actually looks like, gotta be a lot of dysmorphia going on there the poor girl
No. 713258
>>713110didn’t exist
just like her boyfriend in LA doesn’t exist
she’s literally just trying to make brer jealous
No. 713286
>>713184Can't believe she gave up the tongs for this.
>>713258It's better than when she was stalking him and then claiming it was the other way round, at least/
No. 713337
File: 1539620682168.jpeg (474.89 KB, 750x1005, 04C84756-5341-4F92-8AF2-08D045…)

No. 713354
>>713343Thats usually what happens with young girls who get snatched up by pedos 20+ years older and nobody steps in.
The whole thread has just been newfags screaming that shes a dirty gold digging whore while acting like none of the things shes doing has a direct correlation with the men who have been allowd around her pre brer lawsuit.
No. 714745
>>713337"I'm desperate for attention. Please look at me!"
- fixed
No. 714833
File: 1539761036736.png (1.22 MB, 800x1076, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-20-52…)

Totally keeping here whereabouts on the dl.
No. 714836
File: 1539761288965.png (1.13 MB, 800x1052, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-21-34…)

Following a couple of selfies and a night out to see a band.
Waiting for her Pintrest bf's hands to reappear.
No. 714847
File: 1539762654522.png (443.32 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-31-54…)

>>714442So many cuts to get through a rambling, repetitive, vague self introduction.
She alternates between gesticulating with claw hands and affecting little girlish mannerisms. How many times did she film this to perfect her poses?
No. 714851
File: 1539762889148.png (454.77 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-31-35…)

Her hand movements are awkward.
No. 714852
File: 1539763085085.png (436.13 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-34-20…)

"I am really into art and film making."
And playing the coy manic noir dream girl on social media.
No. 714854
File: 1539763211934.png (473.56 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-35-49…)

She twirls her hair.
No. 714857
File: 1539763568935.png (408.41 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-36-59…)

Is she high? Serious question.
No. 714859
File: 1539763657405.png (407.2 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-10-17-00-36-06…)

Of course she did.
The surrounding footage is…I've already forgotten.
No. 715227
File: 1539805676609.png (4.77 MB, 1125x2436, 4063C914-44B4-48AF-B350-72A561…)

that didn’t take long, gg to the anon above who said it would happen
No. 715397
File: 1539815449334.jpg (139.73 KB, 780x960, 22282098_1694159823961778_3693…)

>>715376that's nice, dear.
No. 715445
File: 1539817696285.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20181017-234707.png)

No. 715446
File: 1539817712324.png (954.21 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_20181017-234718.png)

No. 715598
>>715466>>715594If you're going to repeatedly post here can you learn to sage and integrate please Also, offering medical opinions is frowned upon.
No. 715750
>>715445Maybe she's serious. For all we know she might have taken five whole aspirins or something. And she never even got to say a proper goodbye to the tongs.
>>715594for a 'professional', you're not very good at your job.
No. 715942
File: 1539867316116.png (698.72 KB, 1034x1277, QuickScreencapture_20181018-13…)

Her Facebook is a gold mine
No. 715966
>>715942a goldmine of what. poetry?
>>715918ok but…
No. 716041
File: 1539878272028.jpg (60.8 KB, 720x720, 44119791_160100248273105_21618…)

sooo her boyfriend is @peternottoli (instagram) after a quick facebook stalk she posted a photo of them on the 16th, also appears she has 2 facebook accounts, both under her real name but for different purposes
No. 716346
>>716332It's a vendetta thread in which this girl breathes and a group of people who know her, likely including her old man ex that she's in dispute with, post bitter shit about it. And some of us make jokes about tongs.
>>716041This guy is not fair game anon, doxxing and the posting of unrelated parties are not allowed.
No. 716350
>>715918Am I the only one who thinks this should be a banner?
>>716346I'm totally here for the tongs. and lol he's right there with her? How much more 'related' does he need to be?
No. 719343
File: 1540297440813.jpeg (193.75 KB, 750x952, 5DF47144-62B6-468A-9277-40EE72…)

No. 719363
File: 1540299699123.jpeg (503.7 KB, 1242x1454, 5947D88A-3DE2-4B43-8CB0-53FFAE…)

Her face is so distorted you can see the way the headphone wire curves lmao it’s ridiculous
No. 720506
File: 1540425779172.png (3.6 MB, 1242x2208, D2629965-0337-4D86-B728-6B1E51…)

bit different to those photoshopped pics lola
No. 721077
File: 1540493806781.png (1.27 MB, 1079x1696, QuickScreencapture_20181025-19…)

Her recent piano playing videos on her story are so cringy. She seems as if she's using again too, keeps staring at the camera weirdly and her hair is all messed up
No. 721103
>>720566>struggling with body dysmorphialolwat … yes, she has always shooped a lot, and no, I doubt that of all the possible explanations dysmporhia is it.
>>721077did she ever stop using?
No. 721350
File: 1540515896888.jpg (77.69 KB, 500x500, avatars-000068634690-fiebfc-t5…)

>>721164seems thick but naturally straight
No. 721736
File: 1540581450667.jpeg (117.35 KB, 1090x1956, 2C6DBACA-A4CC-4AAA-AD43-0502B5…)

Well then folks it speaks for itself really
No. 721838
>>721736Uh, yeah. I’ll believe it when I see it. She is a pathological liar and manipulator. Wouldn’t put it past her to be stupid enough to get knocked up at 19. Also wouldn’t put it past her to fake it. This thread has been quiet, people don’t care about her anymore, and she can’t survive without constant attention. Plus she’s clearly still obsessed with Brer.
Didn’t she claim to have a contraceptive implant? Or did she lie about that too?
No. 721913
>>721743where's the tinfoil in that lol
>>721765exactly. she's so transparent.
No. 722124
But either that or she lies about it to try to get back with brer
Tbh that’s what all this staking onbher behalf and self victimizing seems to be about: getting back with brer
I think she just thought after tong-gate 2018 it would just be another way to guilt him and he’d run back to her after she pretended to be “sucidial” in the hospital and was whining that brer broke up with her and begging and screaming for him to take her back. But it just blew up on media and here and fucked her plans up, she probably never thought it would become this big shitstorm that she had to continually lie about, just a “one time manipulation tactic” that went terribly wrong. Karma.
No. 722455
File: 1540678416002.png (915.02 KB, 1080x1423, Screenshot_20181027-231135.png)

She's got a new Seeking Arrangements profile
No. 722456
File: 1540678432114.png (166.66 KB, 1080x1517, Screenshot_20181027-231152.png)

No. 722457
File: 1540678447393.png (61.75 KB, 1080x793, Screenshot_20181027-231200.png)

No. 722459
File: 1540678679551.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1445, Screenshot_20181027-231616.png)

In other news, she's drunk for the third (maybe fourth?) night in a row and has just posted this insanely shooped photo.
No. 722757
>>721244shooping anon
>>721077makes a change from her london location namedropping stories but she's definitely coked up
No. 723079
File: 1540771171016.jpeg (218.03 KB, 1242x1668, B3BCA30D-9177-4F64-91B6-49DF61…)

Weird interaction??
No. 723484
File: 1540843457019.jpeg (131.58 KB, 1000x500, 75CB333E-F0CC-4B13-969D-1233F6…)

No. 723516
File: 1540846077773.png (2.64 MB, 1439x1731, Screenshot_2018-10-29-15-44-47…)

Lola's previous username was nectarblood. I also noticed there's another friend of hers on Instagram who has their account saying they're a movie character as well, Someone namefagged in here as a Jas,
>>699765 definitely could be her.
No. 723603
File: 1540856344817.jpg (28.83 KB, 384x315, dd.jpg)

>>723508More like Desperate Dan wearing a wig.
No. 723678
>>723652sigh I’ll take the bait. While yes I can understand you wanting to empathise with her because she isn’t at fault for a lot of her circumstantial behaviour you’re Ignoring harmful pathological behaviour. Obviously lolcow threads are a bit more cruel than just call out culture because a lot of us are just bored and find messy people funny. Also try to keep in mind you’re white knighting someone who has notoriously scammed money off her less fortunate peers, started a media circus and then subsequently stalked a man because he broke up with her, fucked over people close to her because they are tools in her eyes and Makes suicide threats that worry people and also drum up media scare regularly. It’s your choice if you want to fall for bpd manipulation but coming from a (blogpost) diagnosed borderline, this kind of pandering only reinforces these behaviours. These behaviours are not simply attention seeking in the way that needs to be destigmatized. They are harmful to Lola and everyone with the misfortune of crossing her path. She has deeply hurt people who considered her a real friend, she financially leeches off of the less fortunate because she still feels entitled to a life style she was raised in, she is smearing her ex boyfriend and relentlessly ruining his chances of returning to baseline by stalking him, slandering him, and trying to get him to break the law. This isn’t an entirely vulnerable baby child. She’s an adult who won’t take responsibility and as a byproduct continually harms others. If these things were in the past I’d probably agree with you that it’s not productive but she still refuses to see what she is doing as harmful which is only going to let her continue the cycle of abuse. Not giving her attention at all is going to make her feel like she needs to get edgier and edgier to get that sweet sweet dopamine. I think right now after everything that’s been exposed farmers nitpicking her photoshop that she clearly knows is
triggering them isn’t really the worst way to finally let this shitty thread die.
No. 723708
>>723653“pretty” lol bitch where
“lost soul” how romantic!
Everybody needs to stop picking on this poor, vulnerable young girl “on the cusp of anorexia” and just let her scam money to her wounded heart’s delight!
No. 724832
File: 1541066768621.png (4.5 MB, 1125x2436, 261489C8-6CE3-47CB-83F6-1A8EC8…)

FR, has she had plastic surgery or something? her face is a weird fucking shape.
No. 724842
File: 1541071268230.jpeg (158.69 KB, 960x960, DF77C1F9-3279-41CE-9398-2A0802…)

Definitely put on weight, must be all the paid for meals out on a daily basis
No. 724858
File: 1541076274694.jpeg (668.03 KB, 2048x2048, E126545A-5377-41CB-BADE-7136AB…)

….I’m just going to leave this here.
No. 724907
File: 1541087715083.jpg (17.75 KB, 462x409, U3Nj8aN.jpg)

>>724858that's even worse than Dasha's shooping
No. 725343
>>725332Lola, find a job and a hobby that doesn't involve scamming, begging, art theft, sugar daddies, and Instagram attention whoring.
Or don't. This is all ~quite funny~ to watch.
No. 727959
File: 1541596645335.jpeg (193.55 KB, 1242x1694, 60BD0227-D0C2-4D7F-9224-00B44A…)

someone i know contact lola after brer followed her and had this weird conversation with lola
No. 728348
File: 1541634115518.jpeg (222.86 KB, 1242x1956, 4D22F997-D439-4AAB-8A4B-A4921C…)

she doesn’t speak good english, she’s not from england and i’m not too sure about what she meant about her being on his profile either as i don’t follow him, this is the end of the conversation where lola then blocked her, i think lola preaches about doing all this to stop girls being hurt by brer but treats impressionable girls like shit, she’s out for herself and that’s it
No. 728806
File: 1541707011004.jpeg (139.42 KB, 607x654, 966D1F58-A9F1-4EE5-80C9-378537…)

How can she post such edited photos then this???
No. 729490
File: 1541770318876.png (897.73 KB, 1080x814, QuickScreencapture_20181109-13…)

I'm so done with her editing
No. 729501
File: 1541772122196.png (1.1 MB, 1035x1338, KK_Slider_NL.png)

>>729490at this point her eyebrows look like fucking kk slider
No. 730441
File: 1541940042110.png (1.46 MB, 1069x1746, QuickScreencapture_20181111-12…)

Lola and her 'girlfriend'
No. 730811
>>730439wow she must be deadly serious guys! this is exceptional milk.
we all know what milk is, right? right?
No. 731085
File: 1542059159066.jpeg (326.59 KB, 750x1187, 62476C40-9F64-4D7B-AFDD-E234A2…)

:)(don't use emojis)
No. 731099
File: 1542060712984.png (20.47 KB, 428x100, Skærmbillede 2018-11-12 kl. 23…)

Engaged yet going to Florida tomorrow? She's got no money so probably going to see a sugar daddy….
No. 731242
>>731116If you don't have any proof, and you don't have any milk, just don't bother posting.
>>731189she may just be joking…?
>>731194no one cares
No. 731306
File: 1542081753704.jpeg (287.73 KB, 640x898, 4B1BD09B-6B79-4029-96D4-58B371…)

>>731085Hmm (pic related)
>>731099Florida is trash, so it’s perfect for Lola.
No. 731457
File: 1542111901828.jpeg (446.4 KB, 1242x2017, E93E491C-24A6-4047-A217-A05E1A…)

Possibly just as messed up as her
No. 732501
File: 1542287862591.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, B9A1586D-22EC-4136-9E77-87C679…)

so i’m pretty sure before she left she said she was meeting a girl, but now she’s posted this, and she’s also not posted any pics with anyone like she did the last guy
No. 732635
>>731633You can keep that to you then, Lolcow isn't your personal blog.
>>732587>>732530Sage your shit God damn it! If you're incapable to learn the basic rules of that place, you'd better run a Facebook group instead of shitting up the board with your autistic vendetta.
Inb4 minimod: besides tong jokes, that thread is a mess. Why these underaged posters (cows) are allowed to be here? I just don't know anymore
No. 732658
File: 1542310413780.png (7.22 MB, 1242x2208, 08B9601E-42BF-4BAC-A076-4435BE…)

Jesus Christ
No. 732974
File: 1542337599024.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181116-030655.png)

No. 732990
>>732974>>732658Is she really that stupid to think that those chokers can't come off by just removing a screw, or she thinks that people will believe her shit?
Why not saying that if button is pressed her head explodes while she's at it?
No. 732997
>>732974That's definitely not a shock collar, so she's either stupid or lying.
I hope that she can't figure out how to get it off and ends up having to wear it for her court date.
No. 733907
>>732635why are you backseat moderating lmao
>>733342I mean technically, if it's one of the ones you unscrew it wouldn't have a key.
Does anyone know anything else about the court case? Just, with her saying she's staying in the U.S.A. (obviously, she's probably gonna be there for like two weeks then come back because something "happened"), is she going to miss the rescheduled court date or was it dismissed?, has anyone spoken to Brer on Insta lately?
No. 734705
File: 1542632824221.png (2.84 MB, 750x1334, 18816478-C69A-4C02-9F69-7C20DF…)

lie after lie after lie. funny how only the other day she was telling everyone how she ‘now’ apparently lives in the us
No. 734715
File: 1542634888073.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, D60F2FF8-E460-4901-8BE4-914037…)

No. 734741
File: 1542641905590.jpg (85.29 KB, 1500x1500, 61hrdhNs24L._SL1500_.jpg)

>>732658>>732974This appears to be her collar. No mention of it being a shock device. collar was made in polished surface handmade finished stainless steel with an O-Ring at the front.The collar secures with a small hex screw that is integrated into the locking tab on the side opposite of the hinge. The collar locks when the hex screw is screwed into a small grove on the lower portion of the locking tab, thereby preventing the collar from opening. Please be extremely careful when closing the collar. The hinge has the potential to pinch as you are closing the collar. Actual internal diameter may vary by ~2mm (smaller or larger), as these are made by hand. If you are unsure on the size, we recommend ordering the larger of the two sizes. We are a manufactory of stainless steel and titanium jewekry,more than 95% items on sell produced by ourself,if you have other demand please don't hesitated to contact us.We will try our best to offer you 100% satiafaction.When we received a hopefully feedback with your purchase from you,we shall do the same for you.If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase please let us know first (don't submit dispute on we shall do the utmost to solve problem.
No. 735544
File: 1542760670596.jpg (853.04 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181121-003441.jpg)

Still a size 0 though?…
No. 1256170
File: 1623677126599.png (815.09 KB, 933x596, 2021-06-14 14_13_24-Window.png)

Imagine claiming three years together despite all the shit that went down. They appear to be back together now, or at least performing in the same band