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No. 1242901
First Thread
>>738758Second Thread
>>836614Third Thread
>>871951Fourth Thread
>>892447Fifth Thread
>>929121Sixth Thread
>>967636Seventh Thread
>>1031322Eight Thread
>>1087783Ninth Thread
>>1148062Heather Steele is a former retro toy collecting and Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber who, at the end of 2018, decided to have a major meltdown and turned all her social media into a public diary. She began cheating on her allegedly
abusive husband, and re-wrote herself as some sort of pop Victorian goth and witchy explorer. She got incredibly defensive of her sudden change. In her defensiveness– which she vaguely admitted was to win the affections of a man– she threw a lot of her supporters under the bus, has been unreasonably cocky and aggressive with a lot of people including former friends, and distorted the criticisms (which were towards her overall behavior) into a narrative claiming everyone is just attacking her for her fashion and hobby choices.
She has a history of incredibly self-focused and self-destructive behavior. Over the past year, she has wildly flipped between “I’m a strong woman and I don’t need to validate myself” to having public meltdowns on social media, only to delete them within an hour. Despite this, she denies she’s mentally ill and attacks the mere notion she needs help, once again using the “people hate me because I’m goth now” narrative.
Heather has alienated herself from all her old friends, but continues to act like everyone was just a bad person and she’s a
victim who fled from a terrible life. She used and manipulated several people in her life, and spent her 20s being a homebody mooch, then went on to claim she was “living in a hellhole with an
abusive husband” in order to garner pity for a Gofundme and claim she was going to be homeless. She is now living back at home with her parents and has a job and a car, but continues all her usual crazy and continues putting all her energy towards seeking approval from “boys” and her followers.
She has tried to start up her Youtube channel again, but doesn’t seem to have any consistent plans despite claiming otherwise. Keeps coming and leaving YouTube ad nauseam.
Other characters (because the “Ryans” can get confusing)…
>Adam: Heather’s ex husband. Not a stellar person himself, cheated and lied too, but Heather seems to exaggerate the “abuse”. Funded her and bought her gifts. Dating since 2012, engaged 2016, divorced 2019. >Adam’s new gf: “Hates Heather”, according to Heather. Heather used the new girlfriend’s visit to springboard into a breakdown about how she was in danger and going to be homeless.>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.>Ryan 3: Short-lived gamer boy met through Tinder.>Damian: On-off Urbex boyfriend. Eventually put him on blast after their 500th breakup.>Ryan 4: Craig. Graveyard photographer Heather briefly dated, but they appear to still be friends.>Ryan 5: Clay. Ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because she was negative. Tried to lure him back by being negative on her instagram stories. >Ryan 6: Chase. Dated for like 2 weeks LDR and were supposed to meet IRL but he changed his mind after he realised she’s batshit. >Ryan 7: Femryan. Stated dating the second time they met irl. After multiple breakups, Heather decided to end things for good because he wanted to go to a party on halloween instead of going to the cemetery like all of their other dates.>Ryan 8: ChaseRyan, Short lived photographer boyfriend>Ryan 9: aka CharmRyan/GhostRyan. who got the measure of Hag pretty quick, and confessed to ghosting her cause she was still using Tinder and living her life on social media. >Ryan 10: BomberRyan, which sparked and fizzled within a week. >>1186214>Ryan 11: OldRyan, ryanectomy performed in less than 48 hours of this one being on the scene. Other Characters
>Juliet/Dera: Former friend who put Heather on a pedestal. Heather took advantage of this and used Heather to stalk Ryan 2 Jan 2019. Car ended up in a ditch and they’re not longer friends. Juliet has come out to explain what happened and reflect on it.>Sisters: Younger and older. Moved out to Cali where she met Adam at the start of the last decade under claims her elder sister was trying to kill her.>Parents: Claimed her parents wouldn’t take her in because they voted Trump. Finally admitted to living with her mom. Says her family didn’t accept her dark aesthetic so she adopted the pastel aesthetic to be accepted by them. Currently still living with Mom and Stepdad. Last thread:
>Still sperging out in stories at minor negative criticism left in comments on her socials. Turns all comments off for a while. >>1149903 >>1172689 >>1208616>Continued derailing from assumed Hag friend aka Romy, not worth linking to, was just annoying and mostly deleted. >Stimulus check debacle with Adam which continues throughout thread, claims he is defrauding her by still filing taxes as a couple, so her check is going to him and he keeps the money. Adam posts proof this is not quite the case. Hag fails to register for taxes again and again, just as she failed to complete her own divorce papers. Moral of the story, as ever, is learn how to adult if you’re gonna adult. >>1171298 >>1174874 >>1174958 >>1175085>Some great drama with timeless quotes ensues, including "after a panic attack and what felt like a HOSTAGE situation…", “I dId NoT aUtHoRiZe ThIs” and “I hAvE bEeN rObBeD” >>1175132>Story rants aplenty about how she is an adult yet reveal what the issue actually is, i.e. Heather >>1175498>Many more Oscar tier performances about muh abusive past, being a content creator, and overcoming adversity. >>1153822 >> 1170257 >>1225690>Gets in a minor car accident, if you can even call it that, cue biggest dramatic incident to ever have happened. >>1157922>Of course she has whiplash and in a matter of just days is suffering from PTSD. Goes on major compo search to compensate for her PaIn aNd SuFfErInG. >>1160287>Amazing scenes mourning loss of her old car. >>1163739 >>1163737>With a little (i.e. a lot) of help from her mom buys herself a new car. >>1164290>Which she promptly scrapes trying to leave her own house >Guy sends dick pic Snapchat rant >> 1174639>Going from “drab to fab” with her new blonde bombshell looks >>1180379 >>1180395 yet ends up looking like this >>1192208.>HIV crisis as post hookup is anon texted >>1185266 Starts attacking potential suspects online >>1186095 including a mega rant at FemRyan >>1186122 >>1186132>Gets called out on her desperate ‘Boudoir’ shots by some incel (who kind of had a point to start with, then drifted into scrote brain). Cue HagRant >>1187197 and vendetta >>1187260 >>1188104.>Drops the Prairie Dress shoot in an urbex location she paid to visit. >>1198767>Much cringe about her future lost love >>1203769 and of course the near misses >>1207960 >>1216543>Humanises a vintage doll, names it Bubbles, buys it baby outfits and drives it around with her >>1216276 >>1216551>We are introduced to Ryan 10, OldRyan, who goes on one, maybe two dates then ghosts our gal. >>1226729>Finally, we have the Covid Episode >>1235471 in which our heroine is baffled how she caught the virus, is experiencing the worst pain, hallucinating, going mad because quarantine, then goes antiquing before her quarantine period is up. As we would expect. Youtube: No. 1242907
Last thread
>>1148062 locked.
No. 1243119
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>bought Bubbles a sister, Chippy
Sanity has left the chat
No. 1243199
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No. 1243306
>>1243119heather STOP jfc anons I want off this ride
>>1243199I feel like she's tried this before and it didn't work
No. 1243671
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Hag’s recently been griping about PA nonstop, how she’s too ‘different’ to fit in, etc etc, you know the drill. I wonder what’s going on behind the scenes.
This story post is bleak as fuck, not least because she’s referring to how pretty and interesting she was. For one, she’s wearing a mask, for two, no, you really weren’t. Hindsight is merging with false memory and this little post Covid knock is really flexing her Karen.
No. 1243724
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Give it up already Hag, the novelty has clearly worn off, and this is why people don’t take you seriously. You’re a tourist. No place to pee? Much explorer spirit.
Is the LARP coming to an end? Calling her next move as something fashion/make-up/shopping related.
No. 1243938
>>1243671>griping about PAyeah, because it's PA's fault that you manage to alienate everyone you meet, ok
>a difference of 2 years will kill absolutely EVERYTHINGshe has to know how weak this sounds, right? if you're not happy doing something then take a break from it. one thing doesn't need to be your ENTIRE personality.
No. 1244232
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No. 1244235
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No. 1244263
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>>1244237This 100%.
She always bleats on about having no one to hang with, yet manages to go on days out with like 4+ people, whines that no one will adventure with her, begs for friends, gets loads of replies from other losers willing to hang out, then goes on to say no one will give her a chance. So what, she has loads of offers but doesn’t want to hang out with those particular geeks. Well, newsflash Hag, they are your people. You’re not gonna get better offers without a total personality overhaul. Stay in your lane and stfu.
No. 1244679
>>1244263she should just say RYANS OR GTFO because that’s what she means
whining about how single you are on social is definitely the best way to find a relationship
No. 1246014
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>Why am I so unlucky in the Love Game?
No. 1246082
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>>1246018How’s this for you, then? Peep the crowds at this graduation event. She’s such a moron.
No. 1246083
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Leaving this one here for posterity. Don’t think it’s a potential Ryan but it’s defo a potential Covid victim kek.
No. 1246561
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No. 1246563
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No. 1246565
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No. 1246600
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>>1243671>>1243938>crying about being 31 like it's over the hillIt's probably because once you hit 30 the dating pool on apps tend to shift a bit and there's no 20yo spoopy boys looking for 30-something year old heathers unless they have a cougar kink or are just looking for random hookups and dgaf. Obviously didn't help Heather chased away however many eligible Ryans already though.
>>1244232>>1244235>>1246014How long until she makes a doll out of one of the failed Ryans?
No. 1246852
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What lead her to this particular sartorial decision?
No. 1247223
>>1246563>My life is falling into placeSays the 31 year old living with her parents and working part time at a dead end job that barely funds her shopping addiction. Even without her extreme hobby of online ranting, this would be a gigantic red flag for anyone looking for a serious relationship. But how dare anyone suggest she needs to work on herself! Surely there's some perfect Ryan out there who wants to adopt both her and her baby dolls?
>>1246852Could she be moving on to a plant hoarding phase? Spooky!
No. 1248482
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>>1248381As you say, another pump and dump. This was potential Ryan 11 aka OldRyan.
Here’s a recap
>few weeks ago caught feelings for someone I was dating>he was different or so it seemed>I gave him what he wanted then he ghosted>it’s all because of my hobbies >I hate myself for it and think I’m so fat and so ugly (not to wk but I felt bad for her when she said that)>still on all the apps >not giving up on love just yet Was expecting this rant having seen her three vague posts about someone who forgot her and the silence is the most painful thing etc etc
No. 1248648
>>1248482Samefag to add something I totally forgot and wish Hag had absolutely done. She was sitting in the parking lot and claimed
>I am so close to just buying alcohol now to numb the painI for one would love to see Heather absolutely blistering shitfucked and losing her shit online. This admission of wanting booze is the only glimpse I’ve had of her being anywhere near normal.
No. 1249038
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>>1248953You know what, nona, you’re right, she did. BomberRyan.
We back on the spin cycle with a new upcoming Boudoir Shoot.
No. 1249132
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Someone’s been lurking
>>1248953 No. 1249149
>>1249132oh, thanks heather, I was about to look for that in the other thread kek
I'm so confused, so she's been falling for OldRyan while simultaneously CONSTANTLY posting about how lonely she is?
No. 1249324
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I always forget she is a furry. It's gross.
No. 1249599
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No. 1249603
>>1249599I love how she continues to emphatically insist that she's perfectly mentally healthy – it's just her "hobbies" that scare people away.
It's definitely not that she's overbearing, clingy, dramatic, and emotionally unpredictable! It might not be bipolar, but damn, the girl is mentally sick. Sometimes it's sad to see such strong denial like this!
No. 1249942
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Girl, stop already. We know you lurk, so please take this advice - join a gym, do some classes, continue to do them, feel way better about yourself. Hell, maybe you’ll even meet people.
No. 1249956
>>1249950Sage for random explanation/no milk
Sheetz is a gas station however their food is actually better and higher quality than most fast food restaurants. It’s like a very large convenience store with a snack bar and I believe they all have indoor dining spaces now since they sell and serve alcohol.
No. 1249974
>>1249942also she should cut her hair a bit, take a break from the RyanQuest, and ditch the hideous glasses
she will do none of these things of course
No. 1249987
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>>1249974Anon, based on recent story post, there is no hope.
No. 1250061
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Mom, somebody drew a face on the tablecloth for some reason.
No. 1250079
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>I’m immune to Covid now
No, dumbass, you’re not.
No. 1250090
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>now that Covid is over how do I meet people?
>the last person I dated turned out to be a gigantic piece of shit and I HATE HIM
>I’m so sick of being taken for a fucking ride by these fucking douchebags
She mentioned something quickly like she was a stop gap for OldRyan before the girl he really wanted (his ex?) came back
>sexy photo set coming up
>that’s how I rebuild myself after a guy totally fucking ditches and rejects me
>that’s how I build my confidence and how I feel empowered
>you’re the one that missed out, not me!
No. 1250150
>>1250136if nothing else she'll maybe make FRIENDS
girl needs friends more than she needs a ryan, like holy shit
No. 1250305
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Looking absolutely unhinged. She wanted this photo shoot to send a “shiver of regret down his spine” (story now deleted), but if anything he’s probably looking at this picture and glad he dodged a bullet.
No. 1250318
>>1243967>>1250309Depends on the size/age of the cemetery and if they have a mass mausoleum or not I think? Small cemeteries never have bathrooms, but many of the much larger city ones will have some kind of bathroom much like a park. At least this has been my experience with large cemeteries anywhere from the midwest to the upper east coast.
>>1249942>cries about being "fat" and "ugly" just days ago>brags about eating convenience store food for dinner all week>>1249996KEK. Married in a discounted Target prairie dress to a Taylor swift song, sheetz can cater and they can exchange lockets of their hair. So spoopy.
No. 1250560
>>1250305Kek absolutely unhinged is correct. This is the absolute frighteners. The biggest irony of her “this is what you could have had” photo shoots, is that most of them HAVE had it, and clearly don’t want it. Hilarious.
>>1250333Absolutely. Such an overreaction. Tinfoil but I could imagine the hook up was tentative, maybe he even told her it wasn’t totally over with his ex, maybe even adding that it was messy. So what does our girl do? Decides that’s the guy for her. Now drifting into tinfoil wonderland but I can even imagine Hag working harder for that guy to cunt his ex girlfriend (or wife, even) off, and prove that she’s the best girl of all.
>>1250061Why do I get scrote vibes from you? Reverse image search confirms it. Are you OldRyan?
No. 1250696
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No. 1250702
>>1250560Hold your tinfoil anon. I was just making a comment about her hideous tablecloth dress. Does not take either a scrote, or a personal grudge to do that.
You seem really invested in theorising about oldryan.
No. 1250758
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>>1250702Anon, I apologise. It was because picrel and I went down a rabbit hole. Yeah am curious about OldRyan but also potential incels coming here to flex on her femcel behaviour.
No. 1250775
>>1250758Fair enough. And we have had incel/MRA types on this board before. Remember that asshole who photoshopped a dick into her mouth? But I kind of doubt she would be on their radar. If anything, her constant can't-get-a-man bitching would contradict their narrative that women hold all the power.
Also i forgot to crop. So yeah…
No. 1251156
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Peep the Clay. Is Clay a common Amerifag name, or is this ClayRyan?
No. 1251259
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The mask won't make the situation any less awkward heather.
No. 1251454
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Absolutely cursed
No. 1251455
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Please stop
No. 1251632
>>1251455why are you this stupid?
cluster b personality disorder. see a therapist you absolute melon.
No. 1251863
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Heather, you were supposed to make him regret leaving you, not sleeping with you!
No. 1251915
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>>1251863So here’s the guy who supplying her mask. I mean…just…why? She doesn’t genuinely fit into that world, so why bother.
No. 1252859
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When you thought things couldn’t get worse…here’s Hag dancing with a creature. No. 1252861
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>>1252859If these two get together the milk will be abundant.
No. 1252977
>>1252859Spiralling in both a literal and a figurative sense.
>>1252861Oh god, please let bubbaryan be a thing!
No. 1253171
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Bitch, you lyin’
No. 1253173
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>Queen of
>Only just started
Already deleted.
No. 1253283
>>1253171She's an XS?
Only in the height department. She's a stout little hobbit.
No. 1253783
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She really had a highlight dedicated to her underwhelmingly average tits?
No. 1254251
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Okay, Heather. /s
No. 1254254
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No. 1254292
>>1254251Already deleted.
I don’t get why she can’t just keep her mouth shut and get on with her life. Just for once. She’d be way happier if she did.
No. 1254338
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Okay so, when she says this (picrel), I roll my eyes and think ok then, yeah yeah, we know you’re Sheetz five nights out of seven, but…then again, she really just ate all this (see next pic) in the last hour?
No. 1254346
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>>1254338Tinfoil but justified perhaps…next chapter is Fat Heather. We know she always wishes this and that, to be vegan again, to work out again, to come back to YouTube etc etc but I really can see her giving in to the lure of fat ranting self acceptance HAES Hagther.
No. 1254576
>>1254346Filling the emptyness that is her personality with food and hoarded "treasures." The Heather way.
Maybe you're right anon. Waiting for feederryan.
No. 1254780
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>>1254576I can’t wait for the day she buys alcohol and goes on a gluttony/booze rampage.
No. 1254782
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>>1254769Bad decisions and worse whining.
No. 1255775
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No. 1256091
>>1255775Yes Heather, that's how it works.
It makes sense, given how much time you spend hunting for spooky girls.
No. 1256586
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No. 1256587
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No. 1257907
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I would like opt out of the “nightmare fuel” chapter in Heather’s journey to womenhood. But I guess this is where we’re at now.(
No. 1258191
>She put these new pictures up onto her dating apps. She is sure to lure in a decent guy with these.Maybe some pedophile necrophilliac is trying to keep things legal? That's a demographic who can't afford to be choosy, so it might work out for her.
Didn't know "spooky boy" meant "must have a boner for chucky"
(redditfag, integrate) No. 1258293
>>1258291Heather is my favorite weird cow
way to have a hobby that will freak out 99% of everyone, not just dudes
No. 1258465
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Just. Stop.
No. 1258897
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No. 1258905
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No. 1258908
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No. 1258909
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No. 1258911
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No. 1258913
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Just get some fucking therapy, jfc.
No. 1258925
>>1258909She's not fat, kinda concerning she keeps talking about her weight now.
It's weird Heather has never considered the eternal truth that men ain't shit? Men use and discard all kinds of women, she is objectively on the higher end of good looks for her age and race, and her hobbies are actually pretty normal among arty and goth types. She has issues with being high maintenence and expecting everyone to be her PA, but she's not being beaten by better women, nor are any half decent men rejecting her. The truth is 99% of men are awful scrotes and the fact she romanticizes every one of them is just her projection onto her life. She has the temperment of a 14 year old and seems kinda stuck in it. But surely after all her experiences she has to consider that none of these scrotes are worthy of romanticizing and she's wasting her time looking for a type of man who doesn't exist.
No. 1258934
>>1258925Also to add to this: they run
because they know they will not meet your expectations. She expects high romance and drama and these guys want to kick back with a beer.
It's clear what she expects and most men know operating on these levels of drama and romance are literally impossible for them. So even in the instances where she meets a fellow teenage-minded person like FemRyan, she drives them away with extreme romantic projection. That's not gonna change, but maybe one day a super dramatic and romantic man will see her Instagram batsignals and it will be a happy day for Heather. Might be a while though. But yeah, it's nothing to do with her weight or appearance.
No. 1259194
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No. 1259219
>>1259212 your focus towards yourself, not guys who frankly, don't give a shit about you.
This is what you have been searching for. Always, always, always put yourself first.
No. 1259252
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Jesus christ heather, she does this shit every fuckin 3 weeks. It's ridiculous. I don't know why she does that understand that men read through her and see thats she a broken crazy girl. Because she gives the goods up so quickly thats all she's good for is a hit it and quit it type of a girl. She needs therapy, major therapy. She's so fucked up in the head the only person who can help her is a professional.
No. 1259260
File: 1623990496092.jpg (225.13 KB, 1080x1257, Screenshot_20210618-002512_Ins…)

Looks like Heather is upset about the 100th guy she slept with, the one she currently went photo shooting with. Does she not realize that men talk and know your history online? Lol she is such a joke
No. 1259268
>>1259260Heather: I don't like fuckboys. I am not a warm body you can use.
Also Heather: fucks every boy.
How many new beginnings can she have?
No. 1259295
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No. 1259296
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No. 1259297
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No. 1259298
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No. 1259299
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No. 1259319
>>1259299Wonder who she is directing this at? She seems surprisingly self aware in these, but I don't know why she's acting like these story posts are the worst thing she's ever posted when so many crying Stories have been posted ITT.
These are almost too vague and she runs through so many guys (afaik she
doesn't sleep with most of them, fyi scrote upthread) it's probably hard for the guy in question to even realize they are about him.
No. 1259326
>>1259319I'm curious to know which Ryan this was too. I don't think it's directed at BubbaRyan at all. It seems like a prior Ryan who ghosted her? Tbh I can't keep all the recent Ryan-to-bes in order anymore, it's been so rapid fire lately.
I agree she seems to be vaguely self aware for this brief moment, if only she'd do something with this line of thought and actually get some therapy. It's pretty obvious she sees no value in herself unless a man does.
No. 1259364
>>1259292Men don't leave her because they sleep with her. They leave because they get to know her better.
It might surprise you to learn that lots of people have regular sex. And sometimes even with multiple partners, and are generally not unlovable desperate lonely wrecks. This is all Heather.
No. 1259383
>>1258908She was so close to understand her issues here. Yes, your looks are not a problem, the outside things like size and interests are not what makes people use you and avoid you…. but then she went 'oh nevermind, let me go back to self-pity'.
She should change her attitude towards relationships and work on her self-esteem, she likes to pretend how special she is, but she clearly don't value herself and need ryans to feel good and somehow change her mental problems.
Never change Heather, continue you love quest, this will totally work.
No. 1259851
File: 1624065523039.png (779.83 KB, 604x1096, Screen Shot 2021-06-18 at 7.14…)

That was a fast week of ghosting 1/2
No. 1259852
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No. 1259944
>>1259852wow, what guy could resist golden words like this
everybody wants a girlfriend who’s chill and well balanced like Heather
No. 1260153
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Empowerment Heather returns kek
No. 1260171
File: 1624121513478.png (876.41 KB, 790x1060, Screen Shot 2021-06-19 at 10.5…)

>>1260160She did that already for this breakup
No. 1260414
>>1260153This cow is like a merry go round. Time to loop back around into tinder boys! weee
>>1260198Ngl, one of my favorite memories is the time she sent her Target coworkers here to whiteknight her.
No. 1260435
>>1260414>>1260420For me it was adamantly insisting that she was not living with her mom. Or maybe Clayryab looking so completely miserable.
The Heather cycle graphic is still relevant.
No. 1260472
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>>1260443For memory sake. The happy couple.
No. 1260477
File: 1624144735372.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210619-185649.jpg)

she thinks someone slashed her tire lmao
No. 1260495
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>>1260477Brace yourselves for a wild
ViCtIM ride ladies. She was only just calling for road trip buddies, for that ‘spontaneous’ trip she was trying to plan. Yes, you read correctly…planned spontaneity. And she might have even travelled to Philly, guise!
No. 1260507
>>1260477Did anyone else catch the following story that said something like
>if you did this to me, I will find outAlready deleted before I capped it
No. 1260533
>>1260472I hate that ClayRyan is likely the best looking Ryan yet, potato head, bow legs, and bad tattoos aside. He wasn't balding, chubby, or old like some of the others. Any other contenders?
>>1260477>>1260507She probably found out it was actually just a nail she drove over or something. kek
No. 1260537
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>>1260533lul you called it anon
No. 1260715
File: 1624181014998.jpg (576.56 KB, 1080x1472, 20210620_112029.jpg)

Hungry? Horny? Rabid? Come find out boys!
No. 1260788
>>1260537so what's her plan? drive around on the spare? Potentially from Pitt to Philly? Heather that's retarded
>>1260715serving some scary b-movie parody vibes, seconds before she kills her
victim. what the hell look is this?
No. 1260860
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>>1260788I think this was the look she was going for
No. 1260869
>>1260537>not letting anything fuck up my travel plans Okay, maybe if you were leaving the country, but she’s literally ‘travelling’ from one city to another in the same state.
This is also a great indicator of how utterly immature she is. The frustration and determination is way ott. Chill bitch, life happens, be an adult for once.
No. 1260913
File: 1624212334124.gif (1016.34 KB, 675x1200, 38F85E8E-4F28-403E-8803-70B74C…)

Stop press. Her German doll is finally here. An unboxing ensues, where Hag is showing her real Leslie Hall meets Rose West. The way she grabs her new treasures has Ariana awkwardly grabbing herself vibes.
No. 1260972
>>1260913Ngl, really wonder what the future looks like for Heather if she keeps on this route. 40yo still living at home with mommy? Shelves overflowing with peeling old dolls and antique junk? Will she still be in this ugly granny dress phase and working at Target?
The dating pool is only going to get progressively worse for her here on out. I feel like anything short of her getting therapy, getting a better job, and moving out of state isn't going to actually improve her chances at a better life.
No. 1261212
>>1260715Why she still uses that lipstick colour that looks like it came with makeup barbie? It only ages her more, also I fail to see how it meshes with the
SpOoKy look.
No. 1262410
>>1260972I agree, the future is looking real bleak for Heather if she doesn't switch her goals and priorities from finding love and antique hunting to getting a better job and moving out. She spends
a lot of time and attention on her car, shopping, men, food, and photography, which are mostly fine things to post about, but it's clear that that is where almost all of her energy is going. It's been almost two full years she's been back living at home, right? She's gotta start trying harder soon, or she's really going to be stuck in a way that she won't like, to put it nicely.
>>1261212Yeah, it's really strange that she's still using a "kawaii" lip color. She mainly uses the hot pink lipstick when she's doing her Sexy Photoshoots, maybe she thinks it makes her look younger, or more like her old self? She clearly thinks she was better looking when she was younger and still had the pink hair.
No. 1262974
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>>1262410Looking like the dumb tourist that gets eaten first in the next Jurassic Park movie
No. 1263094
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>>1262974Goth Heather is dead and gone. Granny Heather is here to stay.
No. 1263189
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>>1260715I've been out of the Heatherland loop for a few weeks (life stuff) but just been reading through the various screen caps & I am howling. That photo of Heather in the bunches on the bed makes her look like Moaning Myrtle from the HP series. I'll do a side by side.
I felt inspired by her rants & Heather if you are reading this please make a youtube/tik tok short to bring my idea to life.
I have seen on tiktok that annoying audio of a kids voice that says "What's a Soulmate?"
Imagine Heather sat at the window, peering out into the cloudy sky (if it's raining even better) that audio "What's a Soulmate?" plays over the video, then Heather gets up, walks past her oddities bookcase running her hand over the pinecones & baby animal bones, smiling in her pointy chin way at the camera, one long part of her hiding one jam jar that she calls glasses. She crosses over to her jumping spider & the camera focuses on this confused hostage in a jar staring at her with 16 eyes. Cuts to voice-over "yourrr so cccuttte" in Heather speak. Heather then appears in her choice of lingerie with a chipped tea cup she took from the factory & the white mask. Pretends to sip the tea. Walks over to the camera. White mask peering into the viewers soul. The video glitches. The audio glitches into the deep voice from the Purge. "I want a spooky boy" camera cuts
No. 1263406
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lol target should just keep her paychecks at this point
No. 1263580
>>1263094Honestly, even though these clothes are dogshit, it suits her way more than her goth LARP. Wonder if she’s finally realising that having interests in historical and sPoOkY stuff doesn’t require her to dress up in bargain bucket Dolls Kill. I wish she’d embrace her inner normie, get with that other freak who’s into shitty horror dolls (but also dresses normie), and get the milk flowing.
In other Things That Definitely Happened, she’s just been chased by a deer in her graveyard. All round the graves. And is not hiding in her car, unsure what to do.
No cap cause she’s already done the dirty delete - I think because a) she kept talking about being a fat fuck and b) her story was boring as hell.
No. 1263676
File: 1624588708228.png (7.14 MB, 1170x2532, 70C1BA18-5427-4CC0-8B15-2EA378…)

Already deleted kek
No. 1263946
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It's pretty obvious.
No. 1264968
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>>1264682I dunno but she’s trying the ass out now.
>look how red I am tee hee>okay but really this is just a picture of my ass No. 1264994
>>1264968Queen of subtlety.
Why not show off her strengths, like showcasing spooky shit? Cause this ain't it.
Sadly she'd rather blaze down the path of begging for crumbs of validation for her average body.
No. 1265080
File: 1624748854334.jpg (639.55 KB, 1080x1616, 20210627_010522.jpg)

Uhhuh… right…
No. 1265979
>>1265864only RyanQuest and consuming
there is no time for what you call “friendship”
No. 1266536
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>>1265979>>1266177And this is all you need to know to fully understand both Heather and her outlook on life. Every time you wonder why she doesn’t save up her pitiful income working a basic job, instead of splurging it on tacky shit and her latest hoarding obsession, go back to what the anons are saying. She has no plans to move out of her own accord, her StRoNg iNdEpEnDeNt WoMaN shtick is bullshit. She’s on the RyanQuest until success or death.
I’ve noticed her skinwalking of that @rumhamsrevenge guy has stepped up a gear. She’s not even had a meltdown yet about how many other women he shoots with. I wonder if he’s her new top drawer target.
No. 1266537
File: 1624915631668.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, EA825059-771F-4722-8E4E-12D776…)

New unnecessary Killstar haul incoming.
No. 1266538
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>to wear over my arms
So I guess she’s given up on exercise altogether.
No. 1267462
>>1267321Let me spell it out for you, peabrain.
Was replying to anons. Read what they said.
Last paragraph was picrel. Skinwalking Rumbaba or whatever his name is.
I’m not her ex-scrote, I’m not a scrote at all. Hopefully that’s cleared it up for you.
No. 1267784
>>1267069I know a bunch of other anons already chimed in with the same thing, but this isn't just $36 in shitty Halloween masks. This is her hoarding a new collection all over again before ever handling the first horde that is still left rotting away in some storage locker.
If Heather bothered to clear out/sell her old shit, she'd free up a few extra hundred dollars every month on top of whatever she'd make from the sales. And if she just cut back a bit on her constant spending on target, amazon, and crusty old antiques, she could be like any of her other 30yo peers and move out of her mom's spare bedroom. Maybe even have a Ryan over at her place. kek
No. 1268247
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Ryanhamrevenge still on track.
No. 1268686
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Thousands of people want her dead? Delusional
No. 1268687
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No. 1268689
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No. 1268994
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>>1268697No, but it looks like she’s after him. She has a full on sob rant up in her stories now. The usual stuff, but part of my thinks it’s for his benefit.
>so some stuff happened…>matched on tinder, was speaking to guy for couple weeks>we planned a road trip, which was meant to be happening today>had a funny feeling when I woke up and saw that he had blocked me on every app>this is all the fault of being internet famous because of my highly abusive ex and his friends>just because I made a few mistakes with some fuckboys >I have been bullied for ten years by jealous people>I spoke to my best friend from Instagram to ask him if life will always be like this>my best friend lives five hours away so I will hardly see him>he met up with me and thinks I’m sweet>so why won’t you all give me a chanceEtc etc
Pic is her rolling her eyes when describing the mistakes she made with stupid fuckboys, what she’s referring on is the guys she fucked when she was still married kek. No particular shade for the cheating, just that she expects people who hated her for it to forget about it. Tbh they probs have. I think people don’t like you Hag because of how you are as a personal in general. Not specific dumb mistakes.
No. 1269008
>>1268994Lol anon I took almost the exact same screenshot as you. You forgot to mention how she said "I'm not gonna give the haters what they want." And then immediately starts crying on camera kek.
It's starting to get boring/annoying watching her constantly blame everyone around her and her ex husband for her inability to make friends. By the way, no wonder the Ryans never stick around, she's constantly talking about her failed marriage. When will she learn that she needs to take accountability for her own actions?
No. 1269059
>>1269039I had to click off. It was getting tiresome. How many times have we watched these same rants that seemingly come out of
nowhere? Stay tuned in a few hours or tomorrow we’ll get either I’m not gonna post personal stuff on here anymore (been there, done that, Heather got the t-shirt & didn’t wear it) or I’m a strong ass lady who is gonna fight for true love & what I want. This is a cycle we’ve seen so many times before. Just imagine a third eye person view of her doing these rants. Just imagine being a fly & perched on her wall, seeing a 31 year old woman perched on her bed holding her iPhone to her face & talking into it . The way she talks is so insincere like she’s in a low budget lifetime movie. She talks all sad to get the tears to build up & feel emotionally vindicated? I guess. It’s just over share kill at this point. Why is she talking to her audience - just me a chance! Most of you hate me! Um Heather the people following you majority don’t. But your on your way to making them hate you & hitting unfollow.
No. 1269064
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>>1269059Does anyone watch Impractical Jokers? There’s one skit where they have to make each other laugh & Q takes out a camera in a waiting area & starts saying “sexy selfie” (puckers his lips) “interracial selfie” (as he takes a photo with a black man who was laughing at him) you get my jist. I could just hear that voice with her latest string of selfies after the breakdown earlier.
1) I’ve just boiled your rabbit selfie
2) I’m shy, find out more selfie
3) I’m mysterious selfie
No. 1269091
>>1269064Appreciate this anon. Her selfies are mind boggling, it’s almost as if satire escapes her entirely. Oh but, the answer to that, as we all know, is that she’s massively stunted and has never grown out of that I Am A True Goff photo shoot she did at high school.
>>1269059Feeling this, anon. It’s so tiresome. I’m holding out hope for future milk though. She’s clearly talking exclusively about lolcow and whatever residue hate she gets from her old scenes. I don’t think her spooky people hate her, but she’s sure as hell gonna be unfollowed/ignored by actual grown-ups who can’t be fucked with the insanity.
No. 1269182
File: 1625171376914.png (11.38 MB, 1242x2208, 84449F56-54F1-4731-A99C-57F12F…)

Heather Explores reporting for duty!
Latest instalment on Things That Totally Happened Today
>Exploring Wheeling, VA. It’s so sketchy. Police everywhere.
>Sketchy red van parked up on road
It’s just a van
>Kid comes up and tells me to be careful cause he’s seen that van around here before
>same kid asks how old she is, can’t believe it when she says 31
>he then asks if he can have her number
>she gives him her number
Jfc what kek no ew
Just to be clear she told the kid (she keeps referring to him as kid, but maybe he’s soyboy FemRyan age?) that she’s taking herself on a date as she was stood up. This is what leads to him asking her age then for her phone number. Deep secondhand embarrassment.
No. 1269278
>>1269182I’d be surprised if “kid” exists.
Sounds like Heather saw a red van, gets super paranoid like she does on her other solo ventures & thinks people are going to shoot her all the time. This “kid” sounds like a made up attempt to make her feel better about being blocked. Oh I’ll tell my followers & maybe potential Ryan that I’m being (what did she call it) “hey baby-ied” to a) drum up some filler & excitement (in her head) b) potentially make someone jealous? She seems desperate to make her life out to be more interesting than it already is. Inventing “guys” that hit on her outside in a swirly rainbow tunnel of all places seems plausible for Heather. Heather has imposter syndrome, she referred to herself as famous on the internet in a giggly voice, as if I’m humble bragging, I don’t actually think I am but you know … I am vibe.
Heather you ain’t famous on the internet.
Famous on the internet are Shane Dawson or Jenna Marbles - not Heather Steele - former furry toy enthusiast & cliche goth girl who wants to be a Target prairie wifey at the same time searching for her spooky boy to have adventures, lay in the grass as “one thousand years” plays in the background & to walk in a cemetery together so she can film them & add Taylor Swift music over the footage on her IG stories.
No. 1269302
File: 1625176109928.png (3.87 MB, 750x1334, B4A7B066-ABB7-4125-9125-44DA44…)

>your fucking loss moron, you missed out on all this spooky goodness
Another display of absolutely zero chill from our girl.
No. 1269312
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>>1269278Anon, this is such a good summary of the subtext. She just dropped the…
>on the phone to my best friend, crying for half an hourSecond time she’s gone on about it. In no doubt she’s talking about RyanRevenge, either trying to snare or friendzone. Her parting salvo for now…
>men suck. Byeeeee. No. 1269388
>>1269182Wheeling is WV, my autism couldn't let that one go kek
isn't RevengeRyan BFF in WV or OH? She could've gone to hang out with him instead of whatever pity party cope this was
>>1269302>spooky goodnessyeah it's another cemetery Heather
No. 1269441
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No. 1269442
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No. 1269536
>>1268686>thousands of people who want me deadThis is like that time she told her Target co-workers we were going to show up at her job and had them walk her to her car at night. kek
>>1268689>I'll be busy going placesNext day
>>1269302>alone in a graveyard after being stood up for a date with some tinder rando.Never change Heather.
No. 1269713
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>>1269610Chippy if you need help, blink twice.
Even Chippy is getting a twitch in his eye..
No. 1269725
File: 1625231121221.png (612.88 KB, 750x1334, 4E15452E-95CD-42DA-B283-13FC3A…)

As she’s such a fan of the dd, leaving these here for posterity.
No. 1269735
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>>1269441Love that she manages to slide Sheetz into almost every aspect of her life. And she still went there kek. Why would you go to all the same places you were meant to go to with the scrote that just ghosted you? So you can make yourself feel even worse? As anons predicted, here’s the usual HagCycle follow up (to the tune of ‘something new/big coming’).
>>1269350 Nonnie, I love that you pointed this out. iirc it’s also where she met up with CharmRyan or perhaps BomberRyan who also both ghosted her.
No. 1270146
File: 1625258156550.jpeg (192.47 KB, 828x668, 99EB6AFD-0FCE-49F7-9BF1-E6B72E…)

>>1269979Have you all seen this?
I wish you all well.
(emoji) No. 1270147
>>1269728Your past is always being held against you because YOU KEEP HOLDING IT AGAINST YOURSELF.
You KEEP bringing it up online, on first dates, you never ever let it go. Therefore you will never have a fresh start.
You could move far far away, change your name and get a new job. But you’d screw that up too because you’d bring up your past and who you used to be, which leads others to look you up and see these threads seeing how crazy you are. As long as you do this, you will never escape and never be anybody new.
Separate personal life from Internet.
you’re sometimes aware of this Heather, but just don’t choose to do it.
No. 1270159
>>1269730>hugging your stuffed animals all day longI'm HOWLING is this her attempt at a burn??
HEATHER, you have SO MANY stuffed animals in storage, and your obsession with the dolls is way weirder, just stop
>>1269735did CharmRyan ghost her? I thought he just dumped and blocked her, not stood her up but I could be wrong
No. 1270166
>>1270146Lol I can't wait to see how long this lasts. Heather's way too vain to "retire from the public".
Also kek at "haunted butterfly" that's almost as embarrassing as my AIM username I made up when I was twelve.
No. 1270177
>>1270146I’m calling it - she’ll be back posting on her own account Heather_Explores in less than two days when she realises she isn’t getting near enough the amount of comments and likes on the new account. She practically lives on Instagram. She’s on a downward spiral at the moment as latest red neck romeo ghosted her & she’s on the warpath with herself self destructing again.
She’ll be back. Mark my words.
No. 1270190
File: 1625260302891.jpeg (268.67 KB, 828x1012, A17C2C70-C7CB-4E13-B1B8-D6FA73…)

>>1270166Felt inspired. Made this.
No. 1270199
>>1270177>red neck romeo got a hearty kek out of me, I don't think he was even around long enough for a nickname
>>1270190ah, poetry
No. 1270200
>>1270146My sides. I love this Official Announcement. How can anyone be this fucking cringe?
I give it a week, max.
No. 1270207
>>1270177Agreed. During her long rant yesterday, she literally said "Instagram is all I have"
>>1270190Kek this is thread pic material
No. 1270306
File: 1625267929388.png (7.47 MB, 1170x2532, 7309C96C-A767-47BB-9882-2BAFFE…)

Oh god,
No. 1270635
File: 1625317584418.png (2.25 MB, 750x1334, 8315DA89-73E3-4D6E-BEA9-1313DC…)

>>1270319I don’t get what is so hard about starting over and NOT doing exactly what you were doing on your other account. Here’s an example for you, Hagsie. You say
>Since I’m stepping back blah blah…But you could have said
>I’m selling some gearDispense with the me, me, me bullshit. Why say it’s a camera you used for vlogging? Remember, you’re not in the Public Eye anymore. Not ‘famous’ anymore. Remember, you’re starting over? You don’t need to drag over your baggage from your other super different account.
Or could it be that this is all a temporary bit of fluff that you have no intention of seeing through, because leaving the past, and the attention you get from the drama, behind is just anathema to you. Oh yeah, that’s it.
No. 1270703
File: 1625325760519.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, C175169C-8D0D-4CC4-8CFC-648D66…)

>>1270700Exactly. Keep on serving the keks, Hag.
In the meantime…
No. 1270893
>>1270635>>1270700I'll believe it when she posts a listing
she still has an entire storage unit full of toys she wants to sell, after all
No. 1270899
File: 1625350402723.png (3.1 MB, 750x1334, 2BDB08E7-818B-4BB9-8E2E-BDDDBF…)

And less than a day later, she’s now cross posting on both accounts…
>I know I said I wouldn’t post on here again but…
>I know I said I wasn’t going to share much personal stuff on this account…
It’s just a mess. But she has bought this frumpy looking vintage dress and handbag from hell, always worth a laugh. Currently twirling around in it, saying it’s the dress of her dreams, feeling like a Princess waiting for her Prince.
No. 1271087
File: 1625371930169.jpeg (204.02 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpeg)

1 of 4 from Heather's new account Haunted Butterfly. She has changed so much by moving to this new account.
No. 1271088
File: 1625371956666.jpeg (204.5 KB, 1080x1919, 2.jpeg)

2 of 4
No. 1271089
File: 1625372056900.jpeg (184.64 KB, 1080x1919, 3.jpeg)

3 of 4
No. 1271090
File: 1625372159130.jpeg (179.23 KB, 1080x1919, 4.jpeg)

4 of 4
No. 1271609
File: 1625450175832.png (10.45 MB, 1170x2532, 7F1A337E-BBB9-443F-85D8-2F6628…)

No. 1271610
File: 1625450239671.png (5.72 MB, 1170x2532, E22C41A3-A9AD-414C-A6E4-2B4D86…)

Granny’s ready for the summer!
No. 1271767
>>1271725she got ghosted, had a crisis, decided to self destruct & threatened she was stepping back from posting anything to her than her photography, calmed down, now is posting on her 👻🦋 account as if nothing ever happened, posting thirst trap photos as Instagram is like a daily fix of crack, she needs that bit of attention to feel validated & to support her fantasies that she’s an online celebrity (or was) Heather you obviously lurk here, I’m telling you straight, stop sabotaging your new community of people that actually like you, these cryptic posts about being a flower & talking like a 15 year old who girl on MySpace, the constant everyone hates me outbursts to an audience that mostly like you is driving people away that accept you for who you are now, stick to what you say you are gonna do instead of this merry go around of identity crisis where you keep saying you are a goth girl & you love dead things & you can’t be anything else when you are buying 80s summer dresses with a heart of the ocean inspired bag that is tat. You put yourself in a box & restrict yourself as you expect a guy to be all of those things & there’s no room for compromise when you aren’t exactly a catch. You need to compromise too.
No. 1272313
If Heather was really Spoopy she would get into HorrorPunk or Psychobilly or both and actually be around people who enjoy horror and being different, it's literally the perfect scene for her for what she tries to claim she is.
>>1271610Did she stick a fucking Doily onto a bathing suit, that is horrible. Is she trying to attract the tea pot from Beauty and the beast or something?
No. 1272349
File: 1625577226776.jpeg (1.08 MB, 828x1042, 8CCB2993-3F06-4053-9649-340C9E…)

>>1271767What tf is she doing?
Finally lost her mind.
No. 1272455
File: 1625591897717.png (3.42 MB, 750x1334, 90082580-92C3-46A1-8702-17E228…)

>>1272382Thanks anon, great recap. I couldn’t face doing it, because it is always the same thing. Every fucking time.
Wtf Hagther, you need therapy, not the internet. Just stop. We don’t care. We laugh, but we don’t care. As predicted you are now considering going back to your other account. Of course you are. I’m begging you, instead of doing a Final Video clapback to those ‘thousands’ of people who ‘won’t let you go’, just direct them to these threads, where the whole ridiculous escapade has been documented from the start. Tell them all about Lolcow. Please. Or, alternatively, just stfu and live your life. Stop addressing this tiresome bullshit. Or maybe even embrace the crazy. Let us laugh. But, for the love of hot holy hell, stop the boring dronefests.
No. 1272536
>>1272382I had to click off again.
Total waste of time Heather. Total waste. Why do you keep doing this! Do you think by telling your version of events people are just gonna go with that & you fail to address the other stuff? Why don’t you tell your followers on Instagram that don’t know you from your pastel toy days that you cheated on your ex husband & used the go fund me money people donated to help you escape your ‘abuser’ to buy yourself some merch? You always leave that part out. You claim people are attacking you for your new hobby. No one f
ing cares anymore. The only person that continues to make it an issue is you. You make things up to feel attacked for as you have nothing in your life & this gives your life some meaning acting like you have “haters” stop banging on about things that happened years ago now, live your fing life ffs. This is embarrassing. People following her must be like wtf. They are probably wondering who are these people she’s going on about? Probably thinking she is a fantasist, makes a new account, realises she’s not getting as much attention & it will take a long time for that account to grow, wants the f
*ing attention & back to her old account.
Heather - move the f on. Ok just move the f on. You have nothing going on your real life. Hence why you are always on Instagram. Spewing out your train of thought that contradicts the next train that leaves that empty head of yours. You are the problem. You are driving people away with these public spews of ‘I’m so hard done by’
You are a martyr. Just move the f on.
No. 1272620
File: 1625610637906.png (8.79 MB, 1242x2208, E2F894F2-23DF-4116-AD23-9783BD…)

Panic over, she’s already creeping on guys in Sheetz parking lot, over on Haunted Heather.
No. 1273403
File: 1625737899713.jpg (796.58 KB, 1080x1600, 20210708_114934.jpg)

Mom, this fieldtrip is lame. Can you stop posing for pictures so we can get icecream?
No. 1273708
>>1273674Other nona is right, she’s put on a few pounds and has whined about it in some stories recently, saying she’s been comfort eating while being a ‘sad girl’.
She’s not fat, but she’s getting kinda chunky for sure. Maybe cause she’s older it looks different to the pink sparkle chub version.
No. 1273773
File: 1625791364669.jpg (1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210709-023953_Ins…)

I will never understand why guys don't come flocking in droves.
No. 1273775
File: 1625792114576.png (539.4 KB, 626x1110, Screen Shot 2021-07-08 at 7.06…)

>>1273773I like this one better. She will get a date for sure.
No. 1275256
File: 1626067991835.jpeg (161.99 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpeg)

Update from Heather_Explores seeing as she hasn't quit posting there. 1/3
No. 1275257
File: 1626068045133.jpeg (175.49 KB, 1080x1919, 2.jpeg)

No. 1275258
File: 1626068139805.jpeg (146.57 KB, 1080x1919, 3.jpeg)

No. 1275364
File: 1626094989068.jpeg (875.61 KB, 828x1337, B47DDC75-ED5C-438A-BE80-0D27AA…)

>>1275258Over on haunted butterfly … she’s a nutter, you are the one having the meltdowns, no one is instigating it except you & you keep it going by bringing it up all the time.
No. 1275495
>>1275379she’s a boring nut now, same three things she goes on about
- people hate me
- no guy wants me
- I need to change as I’m a freak
Then disappears for a day after threatening to leave. I think she does it hoping certain people she’s got her eye on will blow up her phone & it’s like bait. Now saying she’s coming back to Heather Explores as it’s her “home” is because her haunted butterfly account doesn’t have as many followers.
Heathers life consists of finding things to constantly update Instagram on.
No. 1275562
>>1275495This. 10/10. I think the same about the self-made drama, it’s just attention seeking for whatever prey she has her eye on at that time. That, and building up supporters.
She’s clearly gearing up to make a Heather Explores comeback.
No. 1275914
File: 1626178758846.jpeg (727.74 KB, 828x1501, C54A35A2-D105-4480-8A9A-8BAA23…)

>>1275562We have a potential new Ryan it looks like. Here we go with the cryptic messages in songs that you would expect from someone much younger … but it does not matter as it’s started
No. 1275982
File: 1626192118066.png (2.61 MB, 750x1334, 75DF5D9C-5D77-471C-973A-D785D3…)

>>1275914I favoured this cap.
>>1275945Have been watching this pot boiler for a while, could be milky af.
No. 1276038
File: 1626200520268.png (5.02 MB, 1242x2208, 55386892-1A19-4957-A75A-EFD12B…)

>>1275993Here. We. Go.
Thirst on the ‘photos only account’.
Tinfoil, this one will go some distance, and the milk will be fresh and pure.
No. 1276088
File: 1626206896936.png (9.6 MB, 1170x2532, 35D4BB19-754E-4A60-9F96-56E7F8…)

No. 1276105
File: 1626208841003.jpeg (634.65 KB, 828x1433, 42264F48-5228-4F3D-B0FC-87A3C0…)

>>1276038she looks like shes sat in front of front of her oven … that strange red glow.
Is this supposed to be sexy?
To turn Runhams Revenge on?
C’mon silver fox, burn with me.
No. 1276110
File: 1626209046720.jpeg (142.71 KB, 868x1104, 5420778B-BB04-463E-A91B-D1CC70…)

>>1276038>>1276101Anon you ask & I deliver
No. 1276241
File: 1626225907220.png (8 MB, 1170x2532, 084D84A1-6EDE-4A05-A996-9887CD…)

I bet her mom gets on her about spending money so frivolously
No. 1276397
File: 1626268252553.jpg (142.82 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpg)

No. 1276398
File: 1626268370701.jpg (133.46 KB, 1080x1919, 2.jpg)

No. 1276422
File: 1626272760452.jpeg (14.33 KB, 240x192, 8E1FD11E-1195-4DC3-B9C8-51F4F0…)

>>1276406exactly! She announces it at least once a day over on Heather Explores!
Also good Lord - Heather you have no standards.
No. 1276425
File: 1626273041583.jpeg (475.59 KB, 2048x2048, 0F1F064F-FD8E-4FB0-8F10-28092D…)

Here’s some of the proof of follow me over on haunted butterfly (1/2)
No. 1277016
File: 1626348276981.jpeg (600.09 KB, 828x1232, 837FEF76-D54E-44B3-A5D5-DE06D6…)

car selfie alert
No. 1277019
File: 1626348417219.jpeg (131.07 KB, 1082x914, 52E7B7BF-D889-4EA1-8772-5F61E5…)

>>1277017for all you spoooooky boys
No. 1277020
File: 1626348473626.png (267.15 KB, 843x562, 0AC3A92B-3B05-44E2-8D39-3E3C53…)

>>1277019I see no difference
No. 1277083
>>1277029Kek anon.
>>1277019>>1277044I thought she was keeping this bs off her OnLY PhOtOs account. So basically this account is spoopy shit plus bandos (eternal cringe at this word), and when she finally cracks she’ll revert to Hag Explains for a story rant. Right?
No. 1277098
File: 1626361613595.jpeg (307.36 KB, 828x1005, 3426745C-A8F5-4025-82B6-52633C…)

>>1277044had to make this using my favourite pic of hers just lying in a bed of broken china.
Also Heather you are a woman. Not a girl.
I had a cackle to myself imagining her just sat in a pile of weeds taking a photo of her legs with that quote in mind as if she’s a tumblr girl. Heather you are 31 year old woman. You need to mature that attitude of yours. You can like dolls or whatever. But don’t act like your 15!!!!!!
No. 1277587
File: 1626401593174.jpg (52.43 KB, 403x673, 2.JPG)

Already deleted.
No. 1278182
File: 1626468444170.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, 9953B55C-3869-4CD3-8C9A-577E7C…)

Why does it sound like she really doesn’t know what the ‘tiny piece’ stuck in there is, and what she needs to do next…?
No. 1278302
File: 1626472253674.png (2.16 MB, 750x1334, 186A2E8D-6FE1-4BAE-9AC9-EBAFA0…)

Never mind Lyme’s disease, Haunted Hyperventilating Butterfly is go.
> caught in a flash rain storm, has to pull over
> hyperventilating, crying, hands shaking
> says she couldn’t call her mom cause her hands were so numb
> so starts recording straight away
> picks herself up on this, realising that she said she couldn’t use her phone cause both hands numb
> says we are her only friends that’s why she has to
> claims to know that there was going to be a storm
> she rung something up at work and the total was 555.
> that was her spirit guides telling her something was coming to test her
> she’s nervous cause she’s going to an event tomorrow
> thinks everyone there will know her and laugh
> was thinking should she really be going even
So, where’s she heading? Is it fresh milk we’re about to receive?
No. 1278385
>>1278182call a doctor, get some doxycycline since you didn’t save the tick
this is basic adult behavior for people who live in areas where tick-borne disease is common
it’s like she’s reborn every day as a complete idiot like Drew Barrymore in that terrible movie
No. 1278472
>>1278302imagine being this helpless
what can anyone do, heather? you're already pulled over, either wait for the rain to pass or wait until your panic attack is over jfc
No. 1278638
File: 1626497114998.png (366.87 KB, 604x968, Screen Shot 2021-07-16 at 10.4…)

No. 1278813
File: 1626525842997.jpeg (177.51 KB, 1080x1919, 12.jpeg)

Heather is letting the new followers on her new account know what kind of abuse she is used to
No. 1278937
>>1278638it’s not unusual to get anxious about driving in heavy rain/flash floods, especially if you’re not an experienced driver
it’s unusual to need headpats from strangers in your phone
No. 1279262
File: 1626573177393.jpeg (399.24 KB, 1080x1919, download.jpeg)

proud mom
No. 1279624
File: 1626631208681.jpeg (94.96 KB, 1080x1919, heather.jpeg)

This was posted on her haunted butterfly account
No. 1279775
>>1278302>>1278182Jesus fucking christ she is a literal child.
PA anon here, between the snow tire debacle, the tick issue, and the flash rain storm she is absolutely retarded. For context, these are all very normal things here. During the winter, we get snow storms. Everyone knows this, so you put your snow tires on and move on. Ticks are super common here, she should know to keep the tick and go to her doctor ASAP to make sure she doesn't get lymes. The freak rain storms in summer are extremely common, the fact she had a "panic attack" over one is insane. During this time of year there is usually at least 1 a week for the month of July and into August.
These are all very normal things that anyone who has lived in PA all their life can handle. Just proof she's not a functioning adult.
Sage for PA sperg
No. 1280090
>>1278302caught up on latest news about H.
On her latest tik tok she says I have grown so much as a person … fails to share she has breakdowns on her IG stories about how she can’t cope & is an outcast. Ok Heather. Paint your life one way for your Tiktok audience that are living your best life with your best friends & your best adventures while you suck up all the awesomeness around you. Reality you are incredibly insecure, have no friends, go to places to fill your time, talk about quitting your urban/cemetery/gothic hobbies all the time as you want to fit in with other people & find your spooky boy to give forehand kisses too, you blast your life every opportunity, you need validation to feel you matter all the bloody time, that rainstorm “oh I’m sorry I posted that - fuck I don’t care about what you think i’m allowed to have a panic attack & feel it - fuck you” keeps dragging all her “ haters” into every post. No one is talking about it. She does. Then does it to upset herself as she feels something then as her life back then she has a lot more followers & makes her feel like an “internet celebrity” Heather live your life stop sharing every moment online. This ain’t the Truman show. Be like all of us IG is our highlight reel. You don’t need to post all the goddamned time to your “ fans” you don’t have fans you have followers.
No. 1280358
File: 1626727160088.jpeg (301.58 KB, 828x543, 142BC921-F588-4808-9646-179334…)

>>1280090Still desperate for validation & projecting a false personality that’s she’s got her life together & that’s she’s so desperately happy. Imagine shaping your whole life around your Instagram account. As if this is what matters the most in the world. This is what happens when you are addicted to social media & that need to be validated multiple times a day you can’t stay away.
No. 1280522
File: 1626741319872.png (5.71 MB, 1170x2532, 2E2246A9-4236-4254-861B-7DACEF…)

>“Cant wait for the day where I get rid of nearly everything I own and go live in the wilderness”
KEK yeah right Heather.
No. 1281140
File: 1626819759576.jpeg (548.39 KB, 828x1307, B20BBE50-BEC9-4291-B2E8-E6D55A…)

Looks like she’s squatting on an invisible toilet & still banging on about her ex husband. Thought you moved on Heather & were a bad boss bitch who is living their best life.
No. 1281786
File: 1626898975564.jpeg (509.15 KB, 828x1078, 1B12CF6B-9D60-4A17-9C0C-58CA17…)

>>1281140Next thread pic please!!
No. 1282501
File: 1626986253403.jpg (530.68 KB, 2048x2048, reddress.jpg)

No. 1283317
File: 1627121103724.jpeg (421.55 KB, 1080x1919, h.jpeg)

No. 1283394
>>1283317lol what?
You mean people on the internet called you out for your shitty ways & you’re a strong ass independent woman who works part-time in Target instead of getting a full time job & lives in your mums spare room, cheated on her husband, spent her time at Furry cons & good wills & now puts her life on blast on her IG at any opportunity to take “us” on adventures in her amazing so fantastic life on her stomping grounds ie a cemetery & now a local country park & sets up a tripod on self -timer to take shots of her looking into the middle distance.
Yes Heather. Yes.
No. 1283702
>>1283317I for one don’t want her to be anyone other than she is, the cringey lady in too-small clothes and ridiculous glasses banging on about how she wants a “BOY” at age 32 or whatever
some real dollar-store Miss Havisham shit and it’s hilarious
No. 1284096
File: 1627238140817.png (123.24 KB, 562x850, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

These have already been deleted but incoming kek
No. 1284097
File: 1627238206159.png (96.41 KB, 558x856, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

who is the incel, Heather?
No. 1284099
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No. 1284100
File: 1627238372772.png (343.46 KB, 550x986, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

No. 1284102
File: 1627238415109.png (350.82 KB, 550x894, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

No. 1284103
File: 1627238504241.png (350.27 KB, 558x988, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

No. 1284104
File: 1627238562578.png (207.02 KB, 552x1004, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

No. 1284106
File: 1627238614907.png (250.15 KB, 560x840, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.2…)

No. 1284108
File: 1627238674264.png (607.07 KB, 552x864, Screen Shot 2021-07-25 at 11.3…)

last one
No. 1284212
>>1284108Heather, this, and all of the others, are so fucking embarrassing. How many times are you going to say that you’re moving on and letting go of the past and then whine and complain about your
aBuSiVe PaSt when you need attention?
It’s very clear that her ex husband has well moved on and it looks like she’s jealous because he doesn’t view her as “the one that got away” (as she always claims she is referring to every ex Ryan).
This is so hilarious, how she keeps repeating the same shit over and over, but even she can’t keep her lies consistent.
Didnt she once say that Adam refused the divorce from the beginning, and now she’s saying he agreed at first but then changed his mind? Girl keep your fake facts straight.
I love this strong, independent cow. She honestly thinks having a part time job at target and a used car are the peek of “adulting”. Meanwhile, she still has to live with someone rent free in order to be so strong and independent.
How long until her family starts abusing her and she needs to escape that too?
Heather, find a new Ryan so we can have some new milk please, this shit is so spoiled it’s become cottage cheese.
No. 1284246
File: 1627251409158.png (691.59 KB, 750x1334, 6DC45384-CFDC-4661-87E6-385314…)

>>1284096Thanks nonita. I caught these but couldn’t post until now. Were these a precursor to what you’ve posted, or is what you’ve posted the ‘opening up’ she’s referring to? If not, did she do a story or her waffling on?
Damn, she really couldn’t not pollute this new account of hers? What a fucking idiot.
No. 1284247
File: 1627251465864.png (698.71 KB, 750x1334, 555D5644-EBB3-4E04-B098-84286E…)

>>1284246Same old, same old. Totally unnecessary.
No. 1284249
File: 1627251552291.png (3.11 MB, 750x1334, BE3CFF4E-A803-4C54-A12F-6E6008…)

>>1284247>I’ve watched this video many timesGive me attention I need attention
No. 1284251
File: 1627251644517.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, 26468F11-2F6F-4D41-BB8B-935B4A…)

>>1284249Bonus cap. Why does she do this to people? Fine, scrote is a scrote, but the only way Hag feels powerful is by being a cunt about other people. I mean, clearly this guy is a douche. Doesn’t really need to be pointed out, loser.
No. 1284290
File: 1627255675109.png (773.25 KB, 750x1334, 15239160-7DBC-4376-BC9A-10F17B…)

He called it
No. 1284502
You always leave out the part of how you let multiple guys stick their dick into you while you were still married to your hubby. How you cheated on him. Or the fact you turned to your followers for help & set up a go fund me only to use the proceeds to be buy yourself more things instead of leaving your so called
abusive husband. People don’t hate you for exploring, there was probably a very small minority that unsubscribed as your channel changed from a toy channel to urbex & let you know they were leaving. But people don’t like you because you are a liar & stole our money (long timer here) you always leave that part out as it doesn’t fit the “I’m the
victim” carpet you roll out. Everyone knows your ex was a creep, he watched you have sex through a window with another man but you’re not exactly up to much either for what you did. From what I gather the cops were called because you got violent & you were held overnight over concerns of your mental state. They probably tried to get you counselling & cause you are a fantasist who believes they are an online celebrity with thousands of haters, you ran with this story they wanted to enslave you & control you.
Heather - people have kindly pointed out to you you do seem unstable. One minute you are posting how strong & you give no shits, the next you are posting these long rants then deleting them within an hour. You said your new page was gonna be a drama free zone yet it’s you that continues the barrage of drama. No one is sending you
abusive messages. The truth is you are coming on here to lolcow to read what we are saying & you don’t want to your followers to know this page exists so you lie & say people are sending you
abusive messages.
Get over it now Heather. Your ex has moved on, you are legally emancipated. You are the one going on and on about the past or your edited version for what? Sympathy & validation again from your followers that are new.
Move. The. Fuck. On.
Sick of your petty woe is me bullshit. The fact you are deleting your rants must tell you something too Heather!
No. 1284717
File: 1627313625938.png (472.74 KB, 750x1334, 29002902-6A33-4E54-A634-6F4DBD…)

How has she got to 31 years of age without realising sometimes it’s better just to stfu and not draw even more attention to your mistakes?
No. 1285464
File: 1627413262961.jpeg (316.75 KB, 1080x1919, h.jpeg)

When you think that wearing xs clothing is a personality trait.
No. 1285547
File: 1627421282730.png (3.14 MB, 750x1334, 1E4DEE79-A218-4C49-B8D4-9D1409…)

>>1285478>>1285497Fucking kek anons. She is such a turd.
This next slide pissed me off, she’s such a BPDfag and has to hate everything she once liked when a new thing comes along. Calling her old lens a ‘piece of crap’ but still keeping it for the memories or vlogging that she’ll never do…or better still, sell it, as a ‘piece of crap’. What a moron. I don’t know why she makes me want to a-log so hard, but there it is.
No. 1285746
File: 1627441751354.png (400.36 KB, 612x1092, Screen Shot 2021-07-27 at 9.06…)

Heather is so boring. She really thought she did something here. But, instead, what I see is a guy trying to bring up her interests and make conversation while she gives him nothing in return. It looks like speaking to Heather is the same as speaking to a wall.
No. 1285786
>>1285746Heather, there’s nothing even wrong with this convo. He’s not asking for straight up sex. He’s actually trying to bring up something you like or may like based off your photos. Nothing seems to makes you happy.
I’d appreciate this man trying.
No. 1285943
File: 1627475496128.jpg (75.08 KB, 1080x1919, download.jpg)

We're allowed to get tired of your ugly "edits," shopping sprees for crap and monster ego. Let us live too.
No. 1285969
File: 1627479742312.jpeg (511.95 KB, 2048x2048, 91A48598-EEFB-47DF-AFB6-E74B4F…)

>>1285943It truly is a hideous bathing suit though. Her tits look like a baby ass, and the one-piece bathing suit looks like what amazon thinks "gothic lolita" looks like. It's like she has no idea what her body looks like and dresses herself as if she's 5'10 and 110lbs.
No. 1285987
>>1285943FFS Heather. You can post whatever you want, but no one is obligated to like it.
Holy shit, she’s insufferable. No wonder she can’t find her sPoOkY bOy.
No. 1286012
>>1285969She looks like a baby sausage in it’s plastic wrap you get in the store.
Is this supposed to be sexy?
No. 1286174
File: 1627500498518.png (3.65 MB, 750x1334, 2499B555-57EF-4016-A2A1-B1C83E…)

Kek you are 31 years of age you foolish baggage. Your mom is not your keeper. My arrested development gland is pulsating.
No. 1286237
File: 1627505843002.jpeg (92.01 KB, 808x755, D7307E76-93FB-46BA-AE91-AE3902…)

On another episode of things that didn’t happen…
Always someone coming after her. If its not the farmer with a shotgun, it’s a junkie.
No. 1286265
>>1286226Yes, this is exactly it, as I and other anons have said before. You’ve got it in one. She’s just going to chill at her mom’s, trotting back and forwards to her dead end job, spending her minimal pennies on stupid shit at Target and TJ Maxx, splurging on new lenses because ‘treat myself’ for ‘working my ass off’, until the next
victim comes along. I stg she didn’t think she’d have to wait this long, and that’s what the whole being depressed about being so different is about, it’s her kicking and stamping and squealing because she isn’t being looked after by some simp, and awarded the pleasure of doing absolutely fuck all.
‘Adulting’ sure as fuck isn’t obtaining the skills needed to fill your cart with bananas and avocados, and learning how to pump gas into your car that mommy helped you to buy. Kek.
No. 1286325
File: 1627513773822.jpeg (355.24 KB, 828x1351, 8281AB37-1C61-407C-A6BC-A55B40…)

>>1286265I mean “my whole childhood taken by decay….” just talk like a normal person
No. 1286332
File: 1627514694907.png (3.85 MB, 750x1334, 61FD28AD-38A5-47DC-B831-F4C7FB…)

>>1286325Every car she sees
>sketchy Every person she sees
>sketchy Tree
>attacked the roof of my carShe’s Heather Explains in stories right now.
No. 1286547
See how she thinks everyone is after her. No one is remotely interested in you Heather. You are a white woman most unlikely out of any demographic to be attacked by a stabber. If you were a black male then yes. But you are a white woman who looks so unthreatening why would a farmer go to shoot you?
No. 1286672
File: 1627569244739.jpeg (1.11 MB, 828x1125, 65C6DBD2-BF36-4675-991A-29803C…)

>>1286547also this… just a car parked.
No. 1286818
File: 1627585552456.jpeg (432.97 KB, 1080x1919, download.jpeg)

Heather claims she is too good to watch Netflix but spends the night watching a documentary. If she watched it on Youtube it is the same as watching it on Netflix.
No. 1287016
>>1286672Heather Doesn’t Explore
because of a scary scary car
No. 1287074
>>1286808>rattles on about her extreme interests>calls herself an adventurer and explorerLiterally finds any excuse to shake and cry in parking lots and bail on plans including people looking at her, it raining, and tree attacks. lmao
>>1286963Love that for her. Her "truest form goth heather" phase lasted what, roughly a little over a year? I wonder if we'll see her phases pick up speed as she descends further into insanity with every failed future Ryan. Guess she can go toss all that killstar into the storage room with her Heather Sparkles era junk.
No. 1287782
File: 1627709736144.png (966.02 KB, 618x1094, Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 11.2…)

>>1287376and a hot grandma
No. 1287784
File: 1627709926511.png (310.21 KB, 606x1092, Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 11.2…)

new Ryan? or RyanRevenge?
No. 1287798
>>1287784Don’t let us down, RevengeRyan! It has got to be him.
Absolutely love how Haunted Butt is steadily turning into Heather Explains 2.0. It’s like she realised the milk was expired so brought out a fresh bottle. Never change, Hag.
No. 1288115
File: 1627754454769.jpeg (291.93 KB, 1080x1919, download.jpeg)

RevengeRyan confirmed
No. 1288582
File: 1627795766048.png (831.12 KB, 1080x2283, Screenshot_20210801-004413~2.p…)

Sorry for the shit ss, but it looks like she's staying at a hotel with RevengeRyan tonight.
No. 1288746
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No. 1288919
File: 1627840460958.png (4.69 MB, 1242x2208, 1976C327-3636-46CA-9CF0-10939E…)

Is just me or is almost every spot her “dream” spot.
No. 1289243
>>1288746She's definitely gonna fuck him.
In anywhere from 24 - 72 hrs, he'll realize how unhinged and emotionally unstable she really is.
(If he's also a basket case, which honestly is likely, their "relationship" might go on a bit longer.)
In any event he'll soon ghost.
She'll whine about how he's a "fuckboy" who "used her," etc.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Yet somehow I'm still tuning in because I still think it's funny.
No. 1289247
File: 1627876808241.png (1.37 MB, 678x1114, 2A9D0EBB-9C6C-489B-8C70-4F6977…)

Someone has a new daddy. RevengeRyan is here!
No. 1289248
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Family photo
No. 1289256
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No. 1289396
File: 1627909352467.png (178.55 KB, 312x496, Screen Shot 2021-08-02 at 7.01…)

>>1289331Even if she wanted to do the lock of hair with him she couldn't because he is bald. Pic Rel. That is a good question but I guess only time will tell. Would she wipe 80% of her new accounts pictures away to forget about a fuck boy?
No. 1289859
>>1289396time to put a clipping of his gross beard in the locket I guess kek
No. 1290293
File: 1628022463807.jpeg (163.93 KB, 1080x1919, 1h.jpeg)

Post trip depressed Heather is back
No. 1290297
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No. 1290300
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No. 1290700
File: 1628088707184.jpeg (192.15 KB, 1080x1919, lonelyheather.jpeg)

She ended her day with her last lonely girl post
No. 1290885
File: 1628103033289.jpeg (548.51 KB, 1125x1995, D956E4CD-1EC8-49E8-94D0-94A3FA…)

heather continues to be spooked by cars
No. 1291010
File: 1628108825865.png (3.49 MB, 750x1334, BB0DF21E-4CFC-4E6F-BFC6-D146A2…)

Taking bets now.
>hair is going to look exactly the same as it always does after yet another makeover in which she looks exactly the same as before. The end. >>1290885Kek I had this ready to post too. Yet another crazed murderer coming after Hag like a heat seeking missile. Or…just a car.
No. 1291042
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No. 1291043
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No. 1291100
>>1291073It’s so fucking stunted. The worst kind of not like other girls pick me. In addition, as you say, she doesn’t have time for women because RyanQuest. Which is actually more than getting a spoopy boy. It’s her Rest of Life Plan. Financial security. Excuse to do fuck all, forever.
Nonners thinking that RevengeRyan is anything more than a friend are gonna be in for more disappointment. For sure I think she’d fuck him, but I also think, in total backwards Hag standards way, she’d never date a balding guy who looks like he’s in his 40s. She seems to think there some kind of cache in stringing this chump along, possibly using him for spoopy popularity and maybe even a springboard to another future Ryan. I suspect she’s already put him in the friend zone. In fact, I think her ‘sad girl’ stories a day after hanging out with him is a vague message to Rumham to that effect.
No. 1291115
File: 1628117606611.jpeg (349.31 KB, 1080x1919, download.jpeg)

>>1291011It looks the same, except it looks like it was styled by someone who knows how to curl hair rather than Heather's terrible curls.
No. 1291167
File: 1628125270692.png (9.95 MB, 1242x2208, 8E0B0852-AD00-40A0-9585-8110B9…)

>>1242901Can’t wait for the tattoo, Hag!
No. 1291176
File: 1628126302793.png (8.25 MB, 1242x2208, 871D21DF-FB96-4F3F-A75C-2258C7…)

Bang on cue…
>baby voice extreme
>photoshoot while I feel cute
>while I’m all feminine
>I recently gained 20lbs
Photos only account guise! No personal stuff! No selfies!
No. 1291198
File: 1628128761989.png (1.21 MB, 684x1118, Screen Shot 2021-08-04 at 7.59…)

This screams peak femininity
No. 1291201
File: 1628129059769.png (1.13 MB, 676x1042, Screen Shot 2021-08-04 at 8.03…)

It got better
No. 1291261
>>1291167best glowup would be throwing those terrible glasses into the trash and getting some stylish ones that don’t make her look like Deputy Dawg
throw the bratwurst-tight skinny jeans in after them
No. 1291345
File: 1628152665516.jpeg (791.03 KB, 2048x2048, 0105941F-DD79-47DD-BBEC-C1F31C…)

>>1291313just wanted to add these comparison shots. Hair looks exactly the same. Except styled.
Heather that’s not how getting your hair “changed” & “a new look” works
No. 1291387
>>1291176Both here eyes are going in different directions.
I don't know if there is a name for opposite of cross eyed.
No. 1291604
File: 1628183075807.jpeg (326.23 KB, 2000x1428, doubt.jpeg)

>>1291201She is giving me Mrs. Doubtfire vibes
No. 1292011
File: 1628228963440.png (939.65 KB, 622x1098, Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 11.3…)

How many days until she starts ranting about RevengeRyan being a fuck boy?
No. 1292178
>>1292011revenge on who?
revenge on rumhamryan? some other ryan?
because from where i sit, that looks more like a dye and trim than revenge
No. 1293217
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Didn't she start a new Heather Explores youtube channel to get away from the haters but wasn't getting enough views?
No. 1294222
File: 1628437838955.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2091, Screenshot_20210807-215614~2.p…)

Lol so she's going to do another photoshoot today and she went to walmart last night to get scrubs imitate a prison jumpsuit and then she posted this. I think she's finally realized she's not a size XS anymore.
No. 1294245
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big sad
No. 1294246
File: 1628440119343.jpeg (65.28 KB, 1080x1919, 2h.jpeg)

No. 1294647
>>1294246This is a pity post.
She’s hoping some “stud” that follows her on Instagram will see her I’m a sad lonely girl that’s misunderstood stories & she’ll wake up to a DM. She’s posted photos before saying “date me? Send me a dm.” Then later on, she’s posted the same shit again weeks later & guys have commented they have messaged her but she’s not responded. I have looked at their accounts - mostly older bigger guys that society would deem “unattractive” & she’s like nope not giving you a chance. Yeah she can date who she wants but when you put out a pity call like date me, at least specify, you only want fit guys between 26-35.
No. 1297073
File: 1628611729559.jpeg (64.08 KB, 355x500, 00679DEE-27B5-450E-957A-B3407E…)

>>1294245when she does her hair like that it screams Joyce Summers from Buffy.
No offence to the actress - she was playing a divorced 40 something year old.
No. 1297142
>>1297037Exactly right.
>>1296808Also exactly right.
And this anon,
>>1294647 yes, exactly right.
Breaking down what Hagther actually moans about…
>they hate me because I changed from kawaii to gothWell, why are you surprised at this? You market an entire channel to vintage toys, kawaii shit and furry fuckers, then wonder why they don't want to follow your shit any more when you turn Witch Mode Weekend Goth on? Take your medicine, dumbass.
>No one will give me a chanceYou get plenty chances, they just don't like you having seen what you're like.
No. 1297897
File: 1628697183295.png (334.28 KB, 608x970, Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 8.59…)

saged because it's the same old shit 1/2
No. 1297898
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No. 1298061
>>1297897so she should get a full time job and move, she’s a grown woman
nobody said she had to squat in mum’s guestroom forever
No. 1298131
>>1298061Exactly that.
Also, her interests are fine, I would meet up with her regarding her interests, but the whole "no one likes me, everyone bullies" me bullshit is so annoying and she won't look for other women to be her friends. To be honest, no one has time for people like that in their 30s and most people will distant themselves if you have to hear the same complains over and over again, without her ever changing anything.
And if you have to constantly tell other people that you are living your best life, well, you aren't living it, just be honest with yourself.
No. 1298501
File: 1628766469226.jpeg (1.39 MB, 2999x3999, EE6FEDAA-D57A-4AD4-A563-34753B…)

Is anyone else seeing this?
I don’t have good caps because I wasn’t able to watch it all, but-
This bitch is acting like she’s going to die and it’s the end of the world because— the power is out.
>can’t eat anything but bread
>might have to go out and treat myself to dinner
>can't go out because the storms are getting worse.
I live in the general area. They weren’t bad at all. Just an average summer storm in PA.
>don’t have water either
>might have to get a hotel room so I can do my hair for work???
And don’t get me started on the previous stories where she plays victim to: a fucking hummingbird. When she said “oh my god its going to attack me!” That just sealed the deal with her extreme victim complex. Heather. It’s a fucking quarter sized bird that eats sugar water. It wants nothing to do with your bland ass, just like every guy you thirst over.
No. 1298582
>>1298501lol lol this is her to a T.
Something minor happens, to most of us an inconvenience, either buy water bottles to use until the power is back on or go to work early & use the wash/facilities there. To Heather - must get a hotel room. The end is nigh. This is happening to only me.
Give me my attention NOW! Send me thoughts & prayers & ask if I’m okay!!!!!!
No. 1298651
File: 1628786329031.png (8.16 MB, 1170x2532, 059FB99F-9DAA-4252-B6D7-C0BB6C…)

What a fucking idiot
No. 1298654
>>1298651>>1298582Histrionic PD much?
Hag! You fucking ridiculant. I used to go through pity phases with her, but she’s such a bum ass, whiny, narcissistic, mean AND pathetic douchebag. What a combo. She had a lot of ills to ail her.
No. 1299043
>>1298913there is nothing dudes find hotter than self-dramatizing and desperation
except everything
No. 1299315
>>1299218Yeah, she has a well. The power was only out until the middle of the night. Girl just likes to play the hardcore
victim anytime she can.
No. 1299475
>>1299315she does such a good job making the mundane so dramatic. oh no, the pump went out and it's nighttime, how can I ever skip a whole day's shower
wells aren't that uncommon, and I'm sure she's gone through this before, it's pretty much life on a well lmao just pick up some waterbottles and don't flush the toilet
No. 1300286
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No. 1301037
File: 1629103778069.png (10.27 MB, 1125x2436, A6B6D762-15EA-4523-A9F0-C31493…)

Sage Bc can’t confirm but I think she’s still internet stalking Ryan z and his gf. I follow them both and they posted stories at the beach this past week. Kek. Hasn’t it been like 3 years now since their “break up”?
No. 1303319
File: 1629355144698.jpg (420.45 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20210819-073829_Ins…)

And that is…?
No. 1304155
File: 1629425384042.png (345.91 KB, 864x1683, Screenshots_2021-08-19-22-08-1…)

Heather is out here looking for a male escort lol
No. 1304179
File: 1629427405301.jpeg (183.21 KB, 1080x1919, chubby.jpeg)

No. 1304581
File: 1629474333344.png (801.14 KB, 750x1334, 3057862B-0BF9-4453-ADE1-6F47A6…)

ICYMI milk’s been so dry I couldn’t find the energy until now, these from the other day…
>over just two years ago I came out publicly
Fucking KEK at you platforming yourself. Literally no one cares.
>thousands of people
Okay delulu
No. 1304582
File: 1629474437954.png (630.75 KB, 750x1334, C787F7C0-19AD-48EF-AE41-000EDA…)

>>1304581Way to alienate both cemetery geeks who you’ve basically said aren’t real explorers and also piss off urbex geeks who didn’t ask you to come for them because of your own insecurities.
No. 1304752
>>1304582Heather truly brings all of this shit upon herself, every single time, and
still can't figure out why. Girl needs her Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis yesterday and professional therapy. It'd drastically change her life.
No. 1304775
File: 1629484598809.jpeg (447.27 KB, 1124x2058, 86692BBB-1B51-4728-A6F3-E6D0AC…)

1/2 confirmed she’s still stalking him
No. 1304777
File: 1629484629476.jpeg (841.28 KB, 1124x2066, 6A334A3B-5AEF-469B-8BC0-99FF46…)

No. 1305183
>>1304775Heather is giving this balding, average looking scrote a constant ego boost with her needless
lost love narrative. She should give literally any other scrote a try, I promise this one isn't special.
No. 1305954
File: 1629624834412.jpeg (783.78 KB, 817x1408, 17A9A946-F30B-4BB4-8256-180C81…)

Good Lord put it away Heather.
The subtle side boob … it’s not sexy. This is one of the most unflattering pics ever, the lighting & the jam jar glasses
No. 1306557
File: 1629684444022.jpeg (210.19 KB, 1080x1919, h1.jpeg)

Seeking spooky boy. Apply within.
No. 1306561
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No. 1306563
File: 1629684661098.jpeg (299.83 KB, 1080x1919, h3.jpeg)

No. 1307164
File: 1629761775724.jpeg (487.61 KB, 1242x2202, 42BF3301-411A-43EF-9EFC-140CCC…)

What the fuck is she going for here? Retarded in an abandoned building?
Oh- that’s just her in general.
Her self portraits are embarrassing, to say the least.
No. 1307456
File: 1629807814922.jpeg (87.34 KB, 976x549, B51365E9-67B4-4549-86E8-64960F…)

>>1307164What’s going on here?
Big headset earphones from the 70’s that Ed Warren would be proud of… cradling a gold painted small trophy cup from the looks of things in a prairie dress while looking off into the middle distance.
No. 1307483
File: 1629812203027.jpg (997.9 KB, 1078x1919, SmartSelect_20210824-083529_In…)

No. 1307484
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No. 1307542
File: 1629821647717.png (570.73 KB, 1170x916, Screen Shot 2021-08-24 at 10.1…)

>>1307483Why is she hanging out with an actual child? His profile also says "FBGM" meaning fuck bitches get money.
No. 1307552
>>1307505she might be farsighted, glasses are thicker then compared to those of people that need glasses for being nearsighted and your glasses make your eyes look bigger (little bit like a magnifying glass). You aren't very blind, but your glasses make you look stupid sometimes, especially if you have ugly glasses like she does.
>>1307542well, that's probably all that's left, everyone else is hiding somewhere in a bright, fluffy spots so she will never find them.
No. 1308295
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>>1307558I feel like Heather needs to see this
No. 1308695
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saged because this milk is as old as Heather
No. 1309024
File: 1629998720019.jpg (584.54 KB, 1078x1919, SmartSelect_20210826-122435_In…)

No. 1309118
>>1309024yeah girl you’re in a great financial position to drop
five hundred bones on a camera lens
No. 1309391
>>1309341Well it could be if it was funneled into something productive like starting a horror punk band or some shit, in this case it's just consoomerism built from the notion that walking around a grave yard is a personality.
Thats the biggest problem among many big problems with Heather is she doesn't really put all the pieces together to make a personality, its just parts of a personality that doesn't really do anything.
No. 1309645
File: 1630081260031.jpg (930.74 KB, 1078x1917, 20210827_092055.jpg)

>>1309295She got a large/xl
No. 1310159
>>1309897She must be really tuned in because it’s true you ended up doing that
(Jk thanks for sharing, that must have been quite an experience)
No. 1311304
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No. 1311305
File: 1630264571677.jpg (293.96 KB, 1080x1919, download (1).jpg)

No. 1311502
This is just a general thought and not really related to any specific recent heather post, just thinking about her whole situation and whining about wanting a spooky boy. It's been said here before but she doesn't DO ANYTHING to find them. I'm thinking of places where I used to meet alternative/spooky/weird guys when I was younger and just to rattle off the top of my head she could find them at…
-SCA/LARP/ren faires, tons of "dark" nerds there
-cult midnight movies, horror movie fests
-comic/game/record shops
-new age conventions
-goth night/industrial night/fuck even EDM nights and raves attract gothy types in small cities
I know she says she doesn't like to go to bars or clubs, but she's really limiting herself when it comes to meeting people. She could also try…
-museum "after dark" programs and tours
-antiquarian book shops and fairs
-vintagey events like "Edwardian jazz on the lawn dress up picnic" or w/e that every big city has, there is always at least ONE spooky dude who wants to be a classy vampire with a cane or something
-local ghost tours with a host, not urbex
-get a job at a haunted attraction for the fall, tons in her area
-steampunk shit, I don't know wtf they do but surely there's crossover
-volunteer at something "badass" like a wolf rescue or raptor refuge, better chance of someone in a spooky screenprinted t-shirt visiting there than at your standard zoo
-actually study history instead of just buying antiques, and meet someone in the program
-wild card: graffiti and skate spots
-wilder card: civil war re-enactment, live those old photos you keep buying Heather!
-take a photography class. Maybe someone else there likes to photo tombstones and derelict buildings too. Maybe you learn that you like filming other shit too. Fuck.
There's just so many places to meet "different" people if that's what she really wants. She lives near a medium sized city with tons of history and things to do (I am PAfag). I don't know why I'm helping her here. She enrages me with this shit but I also pity her.
Maybe she should join the Chateau.
No. 1312155
>>1311502bless you PAanon, I appreciate you but I feel like your efforts are totally wasted on her
she wants everything to happen TO her, she doesn't want to go out and find experiences, especially not something that might create an appreciation for anything not urbex
>civil war re-enactmentlmao she would never
but getting a JOB involving spooky things is a fucking good idea, it's not like she needs to worry about making rent if she still lives at moms
No. 1312328
>>1312155Yes, a fucking JOB
More jobs she could do that suit her interests:
Retail options, if she actually likes her Target job…
-Halloween store
-quirky gift shop, like even Spencer's or whatever the current iteration is, is more on brand than Target
-Antique shop, antique mall, oddities shop (we have them in philly unsure about pgh)
-Local weeaboo shop, put the BJD hobby to use at least
-camera shop or film developer centre, they def still exist
-taxidermy supply?
Other shit jobs that align with her supposed interests
-Any sort of history museum/exhibit that needs someone to sit in the gift shop or be the guest book monitor or something
-other small local art museums
-librarian? Usually needs a degree but…
-local historical society- you can just be the receptionist or treasurer or cold caller or something
-fucking graveyard caretaker!
-learn stone masonry and refurbish gravestones and historical monuments and things
There's just SO MUCH you can potentially do with yourself when you're into what she claims to be into (antique/historic/spooky shit). It boggles me that she won't involve herself more in what she claims to love so much.
I hope she reads these last few posts. Dumbass.
No. 1312468
>>1312328These are all
valid options. But the problem is a lot of these jobs require some knowledge of the subject matter, which she refuses to develop. Heather consumes, she doesn't learn.
I think that's one of the reasons why she can't find a spoopy boy, in addition to the obvious ones. Any guy she meets who actually has the interests she claims to love will soon discover she's as shallow as a birdbath.
No. 1312567
File: 1630421107933.jpg (971.93 KB, 1078x1919, SmartSelect_20210831-094444_In…)

No. 1312867
>>1312857it’s not your hobbies that are scaring people away, Heather. we’ve been over this a million times by now.
she’s exhausting.
No. 1312910
I think the crux is she likes to PLAY at being an adult. And what I mean by PLAY - her idea of adulting is using all her paycheck to fuel her hobbies and not use that money for rent/savings. She whines an awful lot about wanting to move somewhere across state & buying that gothic house & meeting the "Spooky Boy Supreme" as the well is truly dry apparently where she currently resides. I had no idea her TInder was linked to IG. That explains an awful lot. She doesn't want to help herself, anon is correct, she wants people to do things for her. Everything must happen for her. She won't put in the effort. She won't meet a man in the middle in the terms of hobbies or interests… no sir… he has to be what she wants or it's night night forever for you potential Ryan followed by screenshots of their conversations & her putting the poor man on blast on her IG to a few hundred strangers who watch her stories. She treats that bloody IG account like a stadium of fans and close confidantes. She may have met a few of them irl & made some connections but she goes on there one moment "Your girls living her best life" to the sort of posts that get deleted within an hour of posting "I hate it here, I'm a literal freak" her poor followers…. convinced half of the newbies (who have been following Goth Heather & don't know about Pastel Heather) stick around for entertainment as she's an interesting paradox & the other half just don't know what to think. She's definitely a one off I'll tell you that. It's always the "my hobbies make me undateable" mantra. No Heather as previous Obi Anons have tried to enlighten you with their wisdom… it is you that makes you undateable. You get close to a guy, you're posting him to a roomful of strangers, you're bearing your soul (I cringe) to people who you don't know, you are on that device 13/14 hrs a day like it's your air supply, you probably tell them your whole life within a day & how much everyone hates you on the internet & it makes them run for the hills. Many many many people are in love & in relationships who are weirder than you by society's standards. It's not the hobbies. It's not the pinecones, or the cemeteries, or the creepy af dolls you surround yourself or the goodwill baby clothes you hoard to dress up your minions in, or the photos of dead people. It's you.
P.S. has their been any update on the hostage in a jar or has the jumping spider been cast aside for the dumpy looking man that wears clown masks?
No. 1312918
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No. 1312929
>>1312918Pretty teeth? That's some nineteenth century shit. Pretty teeth, has all her fingers, no scurvy.
Heather, the only guys who care deeply about rating your teeth are the ones who would prefer seeing them in a jar.
No. 1312942
>>1312929This gives me the ick.
She thinks she’s “cute” doing this.
Just talk like a regular grown up instead of this weird ass baby girl vibes I’m cute & so unique trope.
No. 1312990
File: 1630459246075.jpg (61.15 KB, 630x630, butcherbaker.jpg)

>>1312918>delusional, paranoid, and erratic behavior>willing to pay you to hang out>will drag you into decaying buildings>has "pretty teeth"…?>multiple dolls are her "children">Already has a locket waiting for your hairI realize she's just a try hard "weirdo", but all her quirky "not like the other girls" posts seriously make her sound like a serial killer.
She even has the glasses/look. kek
No. 1313022
>>1312567god damnit heather could you make yourself any more undatable holy shit lmao
>>1312328>graveyard caretakerI think she ALMOST took a job like that but freaked out at the last second because she drove onto a farm and was afraid of getting shot or some other absolutely bullshit reason
like she left them high and dry and completely bailed out of ever going back, they even offered to drive her
she's her own worst enemy it's infuriating
No. 1313028
File: 1630466910712.png (4.07 MB, 1125x2436, 077E4160-E51B-44E8-8C00-A028BC…)

Tinfoil but I think heather is trying to take on the personality of ryan z’s gf. She posted a poem she wrote about a bird and then hearher posts this
she was on live earlier talking about how she’s a creative. Girl sorry but you’re not very creative if you have to model yourself after someone else
No. 1313841
>>1312918Ah, yes, the pretty teeth her ex husband who she cheated on while mooching off him payed for. She just comes off as the most shallow moron ever. Why even bring up the teeth? A part of me feels like she just knows how expensive they were and that is why she points them out in particular, but considering her
abusive ex payed for her dental work you'd think she wouldn't want to bring her teeth up in such a specific context.
No. 1314124
File: 1630607873628.jpeg (251.35 KB, 828x1428, 1BB78AA9-7572-420D-8914-BB94AF…)

>>1313028I think she is cyber stalking on the sly the new girlfriend for sure. I mean,..
No. 1314127
File: 1630607947589.jpeg (342.96 KB, 828x1439, C796A5CF-224F-4E96-9B72-84F01B…)

Leaving this here so it can reposted when she goes on a rant about how she is gonna change herself to be find a man.
No. 1314270
File: 1630621129325.jpeg (360.07 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpeg)

>>1314127I am surprised you didn't post the other ones. They are TOP KEK. 1/3
No. 1314275
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No. 1314279
File: 1630621344775.jpeg (154.08 KB, 1080x1919, 3.jpeg)

No. 1315170
File: 1630713919893.jpeg (841.36 KB, 1122x2073, F4B2FF17-6B2B-4AD8-A132-6F38BB…)

>>1314124She’s not even trying to hide it anymore. Kek.
No. 1315870
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>>1315671I really don't understand why she is single.
No. 1316377
File: 1630856373729.jpg (62.04 KB, 501x594, download.JPG)

>>1315870She looks like she needs to shit.
No. 1316539
File: 1630871246542.jpeg (1.07 MB, 828x1283, 27C87C9E-30C8-463E-98A4-17B8BE…)

Dramatic (as usual) & unflattering. She looks like she’s about to take a dump. The mask had potential but she just has to ruin the potential with these poses.
The bear mask I can’t stop laughing at, it’s like that sound ok Tiktok “rawrrrr” I did laugh at anons comment about the fantasy of a furry or man wanting to strangle his mother with pantyhose fantasy. She looks like a poster for a B grade porno set in a ladies prison. “Bear Necessities” would be the title. Getting pumped by Runham Revenge dressed as a fat prison guard.
No. 1317519
>>1316377How does she look at these photos and think “yes,broadcast them everywhere- ITS ART”
She looks like a failed attempt for middle school photography.
No. 1318952
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No. 1318953
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No. 1318958
>>1318953Girl shit the fuck up and watch the first season of America’s Next Top Model.
Or, IDK, not be the model? Hire someone?
No. 1318960
File: 1631118546694.jpeg (348.5 KB, 790x540, 6830460C-5670-4B9B-B40C-72C50D…)

I love PA for the things we have here but it’s a very lonely place & I don’t really have friends here. Her friends irl be looking like didn’t she hang out with the woman with the brown hair who looks like her. It’s nice to know the people she knows irl are so appreciated. NOT.(emoji)
No. 1318971
File: 1631119484369.jpeg (662.91 KB, 828x1335, 7BA97C79-C3CE-4C18-987B-B27660…)

>>1318960she hates “everybody” irl apparently.
No. 1319208
File: 1631142092875.jpg (1.48 MB, 2000x2000, 90-Day-Fiance-The-Other-Way-Je…)

>>1242901I just realized Heather is going to end up looking Jenny from 90 Day Fiance. Probably marrying a young Indian dude working at a call center
No. 1319468
>>1318971That filter has heather looking like one of those spray tanned, bleach blonde fox news anchors. kek
>>1319208Fucking uncanny. Just imagine Jenny with those god awful big curls and that stupid target granny dress. Do you think India has any spoopy boys?
No. 1319678
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No. 1319702
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No. 1321041
File: 1631327457716.jpeg (365.79 KB, 1080x1919, wtf.jpeg)

There are two things that Heather is consistent with. Her love of dolls and being perpetually single.
No. 1321099
File: 1631336651096.jpg (44.22 KB, 700x923, axNzKAGb_700w_0.jpg)

>>1319678Can't tell if she actually wants rumhamryan or if she's just flirting with him to fill the spoopy boy filled hole in her heart. She's been hanging around him for how long while still on the hunt to fill her hair locket?
>>1319702I hate that there's a resemblance
No. 1321369
>>1321041interesting, as I just read that dolls represent or simulate a woman seeing herself as an object er something (Simone de Beauvoir the second sex)
could it be that Heather completely lacks some sense of subjective reality that most ppl possess to some level or another? idrk not a philosopher lol
No. 1321450
>>1321369the problem with heather is that we can't tell which interests are genuinely hers and which are performative. I think it's all performative. if you took away her ""audience"" (her phone), what would she do? I doubt it's care for these dolls.
I think the dolls are connected to maskryan
No. 1321842
>>1321450Agreed anon. Without her Instagram audience, I doubt she would like these things as much as she claims. She seems to adopt other peoples personalities to get them to like her or with Runham Revenge, he has over 23k followers & the mask thing is his niche. Suddenly that’s all Heather is posting & we’re no longer getting the daily gravestone shots or photos of flowers or the sky. It’s just her in a mask looking like she’s taking a shit on a derelict prison table.
She likes to pretend she’s super spooky but can’t admit she still likes toys & that’s why she’s buying these dolls that look a bit more like the ones your Ma bought in the 80s. Also dressing sort of cottage core. Problem is with Heather as she thinks you can’t like two aesthetics at once. She has to be super spooky & dark. You can be both but Heather isn’t a regular person & thinks she will be attacked (in her brain) for selling out. She sold herself short marketing herself as only a spooky goth woman & now she’s stuck in that aesthetic when no one would really care what she posts. But her Instagram is her whole life so she feels it more than we do.
No. 1322546
File: 1631489556537.jpeg (950 KB, 2048x2048, 8A2E9A11-5B06-4B22-A744-2F7B55…)

>>1321842Why is she like this? (I am being sarcastic)
No. 1323024
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>>1322546Then when she gets attention from someone she posts this shit.
No. 1323473
>>1323024>matches with dude>never responds>drags dude publicly"weh weh why am I so lonely and single"
I get that she's hoping some spoopy boy will wander into her DMs to wax poetic about how they're spoopy soulmates, but then why even bother matching with all these normie guys to begin with?
No. 1324298
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No. 1324821
>>1324298Every time I scroll by her thread I want to punch in the face. She’s so fucking lame.
Girl, get the fuck off Tinder
No. 1325214
File: 1631750735630.jpg (22.39 KB, 346x581, download_.JPG)

Major rant. FemRyan is back and she doesn't know what to do.
No. 1325231
>>1325214I don't really follow Heather but I check in here every once in a while and as long as this site has been documenting her, it's been the same shit.
who are these imaginary HATERS who HATE her for her super unique hobbies? why does she think it's her hobbies that make her so hateable and not the fact that she's like
this? No. 1325284
>>1323503>>1323583>prison photoshootHeather should stick to these sorta photos
>>1322546The banshee haunting an abandoned mansion look she often favors is not helping. Additionally, stop longing after the most average scrote ever born (Ryan Z) and give other people a chance without tediously comparing them all. Imagine a guy who compares everyone to his teenage girlfriend, those guys end up 4eva alone too since it's both moronic and offensive to live like that.
No. 1325918
File: 1631822643445.jpg (484.82 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20210916-160148_Ins…)

Looking extra haggard in this picture. How can she post this horrible edit and think it's good.
No. 1326659
File: 1631896114388.jpeg (578.91 KB, 828x1180, 1F105680-88DB-44AA-A451-2504D8…)

Heather has a new beau
Spooky bug life
No. 1327200
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No. 1327809
File: 1632011626145.jpeg (129.32 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpeg)

When she confuses a pickup line with a guy wanting to use her to find bandos, kek. 1/3
No. 1327810
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No. 1327811
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No. 1328949
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No. 1328951
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No. 1328952
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No. 1329602
File: 1632188162755.jpg (288.52 KB, 1125x1999, aHR0cUzNS9wM.jpg)

> i wear what makes me happy
No. 1329625
File: 1632189561610.jpg (317.98 KB, 1125x1999, QjX3NpYWI2.jpg)

so she's ditching being goth?
No. 1329639
File: 1632190870253.jpeg (202.76 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpeg)

sad baby girl
No. 1329646
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No. 1329649
File: 1632191091580.jpeg (142.52 KB, 1080x1919, 3.jpeg)

I can't imagine editing a picture for an hour the putting this caption over it like I am a love starved 14 yr old. Heather, you are 31.
No. 1329669
>>1329649Living with your mom
Spending all your money on cheap mall shit
Begging for dates
Going to the same places over and over
Freaking out over parked cars
Begging for dates again
No. 1329893
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>>1329649Am I the only one who sees it?
No. 1329922
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>>1329893She really took some Miley Cyrus Lyrics from “We can’t stop” & intertwined them into her sad “girl” (she’s a grown woman) monologue.
No. 1330219
>>1329649girl, when a tinder dude talked about going to abandoned sites with you, you accused him of just wanting to know about your spots
EXTREME my ass, you are EXTREMELY mental
No. 1330258
>>1329983The way she speaks is so grating. It's like my ears are bleeding from the harsh way she talks. It's just this constant yell.
I like how she ended it by pretending that she wants it to not be all about her and her adventures. She wants to share these adventures and make them "our adventures" ie: Heathers adventures while a spoopy boy tags along and loves only Heather and her interests
No. 1334812
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No. 1334923
>>1334812she can NOT be serious, he clearly couldn't read it if that's what he thought it said
EVERYTHING else he's saying is perfectly nice, you're literally creating an issue where there is none heather
I really hope someone calls her out on being that petty, I want to see her explode
No. 1334925
>>1334812how doesn't she get that he is trying to be nice and then she wonders that no one wants her, I wouldn't contact her if it means that she is making fun of me on her Insta.
She will stay alone, with her endless amount of ugly dolls and she is creating this future herself, no one else is after her and putting her down.
No. 1335104
>>1334875Yeah I don't get it. It is at least 2nd time she is broadcasting totally nice/normal conversation on her ig and making fun of the dude for petty things. I think she is deliberately choosing anything to shoot it down.
Like… deoes she have some script in her head and anything else is bad? Or maybe too big ego?
Sometimes people just sabotage themselves, to later cry how nobody wants them. I wonder how her brilliant conversation starerts look like. "Oh hey, I'm super weird and not like other girls, wanna be my dark prince?I can take you to this one cemetery"
No. 1335919
File: 1632778559881.jpg (49.24 KB, 367x618, crazy.jpg)

Cottage core personality today. 36 stories pretending to be XS/S and calling herself a slut for ruffles.
No. 1338124
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No. 1338125
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No. 1338152
>>1338124maybe she could try not being a complete bitch to dudes who try to talk about her interests?
and then not mock them on IG?
No. 1338161
>>1338152How can she publicly be this rude and such a bitch to everyone who shows interest in her and still claim that she was ever a
victim of abuse? If anything, she’s an abuser. Look at how she treats complete strangers. Jesus Christ hagther. Keep digging.
No. 1339389
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The exact opposite except it's literally what everyone else is looking for.
No. 1340004
File: 1633222026901.jpeg (273.3 KB, 1080x1919, h.jpeg)

Heather is selling one of her best friends
No. 1340007
File: 1633222195418.png (834.37 KB, 640x1130, Screen Shot 2021-10-02 at 6.30…)

spoopy boys? where are you? why won't you date meeeeeeeee?
No. 1340010
File: 1633222331549.png (Spoiler Image,669.72 KB, 690x1068, Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 10.0…)

I wonder if Heather is sad that the man of her dreams just celebrated his 1 yr anniversary with his girlfriend.
No. 1340040
>>1340004it’s a doll
you can’t “bond” with it because it’s an inanimate object
you utter, utter tard
No. 1340136
File: 1633237153542.jpeg (230.9 KB, 1080x1919, crubge.jpeg)

When you think she can't be any more cringe
No. 1340555
>>1340007for someone who is so big into history, you'd think she'd remember that the entire point of victorian hair jewelry was to remember the person AFTER their death. not before.
also, is that literally just… HER hair?
No. 1340969
>>1340243The one that got away “Ryan” with this new girlfriend she kinda looks a bit like Heather. He’s obviously got a type.
The truth is Heather isn’t interested in history or really anything she boasts she loves. It’s all surface. To post about so it looks like she’s “passionate” & “interesting. Her true thing in life was toys. She loved them & is still falling into that when she’s buying these ‘spooky’ dolls.
Heather doesn’t actually care about all the cemetery dead stuff. It’s all for show.
No. 1341283
File: 1633392290400.jpeg (128.92 KB, 1080x1919, h1.jpeg)

Look at how happy she is that her friend Instagram is back
No. 1342592
File: 1633553934997.jpg (124.3 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot.jpg)

No. 1342673
>>1342592she’s so desperate to prove to strangers that she’s a rare misunderstood beauty & all the men that contact her are not worthy of her rare beautiful ways. “They don’t understand me” trope yah de yah da.
Partly I think she thinks by getting genitalia first with a man will make him want her & she’s that delusional she can’t face they are your sadly common f*ck boys you get everywhere now. Hit it & quit it types. And then partly I think she’s terrified about getting into a proper brew relationship ie giving anyone a chance as she wouldn’t be able to wallow in the “I’m alone because I’m a diamond amongst rocks” when she’s alone because she has the personality of a stunted fly with the emotional capacity of a paper doily. It’s tragic that at 31 years old, her entire life revolves what she can post to strangers & a few people she knew irl through a glass screen. When IG went down, she must have been panicking hard. As she wouldn’t be able to show everyone her vegan food or dusty dolls or potential new hostage in a jar.
No. 1342787
>>1340007She should just date Paul from 90 day fiance then. They'd be the perfect pair:
>He also loves collecting his loved ones hair>He's a BaD BoY>They're the same level of athletic that (not at all)>He has lots of IG followers for her to mooch from>He also loves to blame other people for his problems>Like Heather he also expects other people to solve his problems>Both have frequent, public, IG meltdowns>Are both overly paranoid>Neither of them can seem to get their lives together>Both still live/depend on their parents>They're both the same level of mentally retardedSage for dumb sperg
No. 1344161
File: 1633747820324.jpg (138.23 KB, 720x1258, Screenshot_20211008-204442_Ins…)

She was out buying more cheap masks from Spirit Halloween and I caught this hilarious ss of some dude trying to figure wtf she's doing lmao
No. 1344184
File: 1633749094100.jpg (39.59 KB, 402x707, Screenshot.jpg)

shut. the. fuck. up.
No. 1344259
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No. 1344268
I don’t understand her obsession with finding someone exactly like her. That’s not realistic at all. People aren’t mirrors of each other. She’s so selfish to make all her dates about her hobbies. It’s ok to be a freak into stupid shit, but to expect your partner into the exact things??? How??? Just be a fucking human heather
No. 1344633
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Apparently he hated the cemetery and that's all she wrote folks. Scorched earth.
No. 1344706
File: 1633839667575.png (31.86 KB, 505x289, Screenshot 2021-10-10 001333.p…)

What's worse is she's had people try to set her up with their friends. And completely blew them off and ignored them, and even went so far as to delete their comments because, I'm assuming, their friend didn't look the way she wants her future soul mate to look. She bitches about guys being shallow, and acts more shallow than anyone I've seen in a very long time. She literally has the same dudes throwing themselves at her on every post, but she ignores them while continuing to whine about being so alone. I never thought someone so desperate could be so picky, honestly. And I can't figure out why these people stick around. I mean, shit, I'm still on there but truthfully I enjoy the photography but the craziness that goes with it is getting to be too much. Thankfully I don't use any other platforms but FB, or it looks like I'd be subjected to the constant mini-videos of more insanity.
Just…oof. So much oof. Why hasn't anyone straight up called her on her shit yet?
No. 1344890
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No. 1344943
File: 1633890434833.jpg (627.12 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20211010-142434_Fac…)

Didn't she just say she went through and deleted all her posts about last dude? Now she has another one to delete in a day or so. Jebus.
No. 1345134
File: 1633911359835.jpg (154.72 KB, 819x678, 1.JPG)

>>1344943the strong independent woman who doesnt need anybody isnt letting this go anytime soon
No. 1345195
File: 1633920641817.jpg (88.81 KB, 1080x401, Screenshot_20211010-224132_Fac…)

Her definition of normie at this point is basically "interested in literally anything that isn't fawning over me in a cemetery and being obsessed with letting me self-indulge with basically no expectations for emotional reciprocity"
No. 1345979
File: 1634071276912.jpg (102.36 KB, 640x1137, 0Xzg0NV8zNjE3NjE5Nv.jpg)

No. 1345994
>>1345882This thread used to move considerably faster and be on the first page more often- I think most people have stopped following. For me it's nice to take a break from some of these horrorcows and catch up on comparatively benign Heather's antics.
Anyway, I finally watched one of Heather's stories for myself last night and was surprised by how obvious it is that she's actually mentally disabled. Just from the way that she talks you can tell that she's not all there, even before her wacky hobbies come out. No wonder men are easily fooled then go running once they speak to her in person. I didn't catch a screenshot before she dirty deleted, but it wouldn't have helped because you have to see her in motion.
No. 1346049
>>1345882honestly I agree with the other anon calling her a familiar rerun, she's so predictable and learns absolutely nothing
I kinda like the vibe of this thread anyway, it's comfy and chill, with the occasional clever anon
No. 1346094
>>1345882Part of me hopes she’ll figure it out someday. After all these years I’ve found myself kind of rooting for Heather to just be a normal person. She won’t pop up in my stories for a few days or I’ll just be disconnected from online world and think maybe she really is just focusing on her hobbies.
And then I check the thread and realize, no, she’s still waiting for a spoopy boy and i’m kind it disappointed and also entertained.
She’s so benign and so boring but also has such a disordered personality that I truly have no idea how she plans to live the rest of her life. Will she work at Target forever? Will she have any actual career aspirations? Will she get lonely enough to accept and value people for who they are?
I know the answer is no, but jesus, what a sad life. I truly wish she would listen to the haters & get therapy. I guess I’ll just hang out in this thread with the other five people keeping it going.
No. 1346371
File: 1634138083797.jpg (70.02 KB, 960x537, 1634077517517_69.jpg)

No. 1346375
File: 1634138435583.jpeg (1.13 MB, 828x1087, 287518A2-2F6D-4ABB-B8F2-CBCA01…)

>>1346371She looks 3 feet tall here.
I know she’s kneeling but it’s funny.
No. 1346874
File: 1634177518272.jpg (175.95 KB, 720x946, Screenshot_20211013-221037_Ins…)

She was with PapeRyan.
No. 1347423
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>>1347054It's hard to tell. This is what he looked like back in May.
No. 1347745
>>1347444I think he likes men.
I genuinely thought it was the woman who looks like Heather but is a brunette with glasses that she hangs around with.
No. 1348522
>>1347797please see an ophthalmologist, because her photos are really really bad
like, elementary school kids take better photos
No. 1350000
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inb4 the dd
No. 1350099
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>>1346375reminder for those kinds of anons
No. 1351107
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>>1350654This is Heather. She isn't learning or improving. She's working on another bid sad.
No. 1351109
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>>1351107yeah second that - the steamy selfie with her tittie crack showing like a builders bum - cries give me compliments. I’m feeling insecure.
No. 1351273
>>1351232she’s saying she showered then sat in the tub
people do do that, but they’re hideously depressed and need treatment
No. 1351492
>>1351439agreed - she’s got no real life. She does everything just so she can put it online & lie to herself her life is filled with exciting things that she truly enjoys when it’s a facade as she’s empty & deeply lonely inside. I
That’s why we get the “life is great poetic posts about her photography” but her stories are the true her when she is telling her followers how deeply unhappy she is. She needs to spend less time online & work on building foundations in her real life. Instagram won’t be around forever. Look at MySpace. I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years, another social media giant will come along & her account will be obsolete as she would need to start again from scratch.
No. 1352211
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No. 1352212
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This looks like the same date she took that femryan guy on
No. 1352213
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No. 1352290
>>1352212And CharmRyan, or is that who you mean?
>>1352213Isn’t this Pape? Christ, the size of her ass. Think of all the time she’s wasted this past two years saying she’s gonna eat well and get in shape. At this point, may as well forget about that and crack on with sinking as much sushi and Starbucks as you can. Bleak.
No. 1352483
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Just a few weeks ago she said he contacted her again. She turned him down. No sympathy for your own choice.
No. 1353173
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No. 1353174
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No. 1353234
>>1353174she needs to buy some new eyeglasses, is what she needs to buy
I can’t cope with scrolling down from Liz Breunig in those horrors to Heather in them
fucking things are a war crime
No. 1353313
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Thought she was going to die at work. Hate comments on TikTok. Scared of the rain. Everybody's so mean!
No. 1353671
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>>1353469top kek! The "heat" of this "hate" comment.
No. 1354249
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her friend here I get the vibe he won’t be up for meeting her again for a while.
She kept calling to him “ wave wave for the video” & he didn’t turn around & kept walking, then he looks annoyed& does a half wave when she pushed him again to wave. Dude strikes me as not interested in pleasing the masses for her which is a tick in my book. I hope he distances himself from her as she is just hungry for attention & they’re not meeting up to explore. They met up so she could make some stupid Tiktoks & take photos for her Instagram
No. 1354270
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My bets are that she never does it.
If she does she’s going to bitch out or get something very tiny and cry the whole time (I’m sure she’ll post the whole experience on her stories).
Say she does go through with getting a teeny little tattoo (because she surely has no idea how much they actually cost). I can see her then calling herself an inked babe or tattooed goth. Kek
No. 1355253
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No. 1355254
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No. 1355303
>>1355131>>1355235I know this has been posted here before, but the fact her eyes almost perfectly match the psycho killer eyes at this point, eyebags and all. kek
>>1355266She does look really off in these and I can't pinpoint why. Did she edit/filter them or something? Her face kind of looks like a weird mask.
No. 1355408
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>>1355303she doesn’t look real sometimes.
She’s like a cartoon character.
No. 1355535
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No. 1355635
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>>1355535He gives me Garth from Waynes World vibes. This man is very uncomfortable with being filmed. If you watch the video, he turns away from the camera when she first turns it on. Heather continues to shove the camera in his face anyway.
No. 1355944
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Every iteration of a last unicorn I've ever seen has people desperately hunting it down when it doesn't want to be caught. She seems like the exact opposite?
No. 1356581
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It isn't a full day without a moan from Heather about being single.
No. 1356654
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>>1356581the bottom teeth! STOP Heather. It makes you look like you’re a gormless form staring into the sun for the first time.
No. 1357196
>>1356730Is there anyone actually saying that? Is she just talking to the voices in her head?
Of course she could have a relationship if she was willing to compromise and sometimes do her partner’s favorite things instead of hers. Like any rational person does.
No. 1357216
>>1357133Heather has a massive
victim complex. She doesn't take responsibility for anything herself. It's always her exes, her haturz, etc. hacking her, stalking her, using her, sending hate, the list goes on. At the end of the day, she's just a whiney, self absorbed 30yo with a hording problem and a min wage job obsessed with the idea of finding herself a spoopy boy instead of actually doing anything with her life.
>>1357196Seriously, anons here would happily welcome a new Ryan at any rate too. God knows it'd be the freshest milk to come from these threads for a long while now. The heather cycle is so predictable and repetitive.
No. 1357441
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No. 1357459
>>1357441like, if you are having a fucking meltdown over your hobby, you need so much help
hobbies are supposed to be relaxing, not traumatizing
No. 1357780
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kek never change Heather
No. 1357868
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No. 1357945
>>1357868lol why does she talk like she works for Medieval Times?!
‘… and the curse will be broken.’
no one in real life or Instagram is calling her a freak (on here is an exception as we all have a history with her) she’s the one that’s constantly putting herself down & calling herself names, again
victim complex.
Someone needs to get this woman one of those “I love to complain” shirts
No. 1358114
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I just realized something. She compares herself to the last unicorn. Does that mean she thinks she looks like this?
No. 1358132
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She obsesses over ugly boots soooo much. I remember a time when she swore boots killed her feet and she was unable to wear them. Really makes me wonder what changed or if she was faking the whole thing all those years ago.
No. 1358246
>>1358241Yeah, I wanted to reply "Have you seen Abby Brown?" to
To be fair, marketing brainwashes everyone into thinking that they can buy the identity, lifestyle and values they desperately want. Heather isn't the only
victim No. 1358336
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How does she not know her way home?
No. 1358337
>>1358336gonna need more context than that anon
clearly her phone works if she's taking photos, can she not use google maps or w/e the apple version is?
No. 1358506
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>>1358337see she’s right about what happened ensign quite alarming, especially if you aren’t super comfortable on the roads & rely on routine to get you from A-B. With her bad eyesight & two different systems telling two different directions, I’d be panicked as well. It’s interesting seeing her call herself names as again no one has actually said these things to her but immediately she calls herself psychotic after describing the event. You are allowed to feel these things Heather but on the other hand you do have a
victim complex. The real you thrives on negativity. Your real voice comes through. When you are pretending your life is perfect & you are living the best life, your voice becomes that weird high pitched barbie voice. You are human Heather. What you need is to limit your time on social media & on the internet. You are addicted to it. You can still share snippets of your life & of your photography but don’t use it as a coping mechanism to talk into as it’s not for that. You’ve not been on it that much lately to be fair but you have in the past sometimes uploaded nearly 75-100 stories which is not the norm. You need to build a life in real life & be able to live in that one as social media is fleeting & not real.
No. 1358557
>>1358543jfc she really shouldn't be in a car at all, she panics way too easily
to be fair the rain was pretty intense yesterday but trying to troubleshoot not one but TWO apps while driving? heather that's not safe in NORMAL weather you dumb idiot
No. 1358817
>>1358543To add to this excellent summary by two-drinks-deep anon, Haunted Butthole went on to say she witnessed the “aftermath” of an accident in Sheetz parking lot and that also freaked her out. She was going to help but the cops showed up and took care of it. I imagine this was nothing more than one vehicle reversing into another.
To round up she celebrated the fact that she didn’t die on the road.
No caps cause frankly same old shit.
No. 1359672
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I just….ugh. I got nothing.
No. 1359698
>>1359672At this point after long years of the same old, you'd really expect Heather to start getting bored of this repetitive shit but nope. She really will never give up.
I kind of wonder how fast she burned through her Target coworker support system. Heather's Heatherness isn't limited to social media.
No. 1359782
>>1359768She wouldn’t be able to date someone who likes the same shit as her because she’d constantly feel like she is in a competition with them and then would cry and say they’re stealing her hobby from her.
She’s mentioned before how she wants to date someone similar to her but she wouldn’t be able to stand dating someone like her and I guarantee she’d say they were annoying and overbearing
No. 1359845
>>1359672she needs to stop playing the
victim, there is nothing more off-putting than a whiny partner. You are single for one year, so what? Some people are in a horrible relationship all their life or never had a relationship to begin with.
There are enough people liking the stuff she is doing but she will never give anyone a chance and the smallest obstacle will ruin the future relationship and then it's all about her being oh so weird again. She should just shut up, enjoy life and maybe then someone will find and love her.
No. 1360103
>>1359845Yeah. Anyone with a scrap of common sense can see that it’s not her hobbies that are keeping her single. It’s the fact that she’s simultaneously horribly desperate, but also has ridiculously high standards and won’t accept someone who isn’t immediately head over heels for her at first sight.
Why not date someone who maybe isn’t into your hobbies, but is interested in learning about them? Introducing someone to the things that you love and sharing that experience with them can be a fantastic way to bond.
It seems like her only criteria for a future partner is someone who worships the ground she walks on from the get-go, and that’s no only unrealistic, but unhealthy af. It’s like she has this Disney princess mentality for what relationships should be, it ~spooky edition~
No. 1360158
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Nonettes, Hag is relying on you to find the current gf of FemRyan, after he recently contacted Hag, declaring his undying love and saying he wanted to “drop everything and be with me”.
>ex called to say the above
>red flags, knew he has a gf
>he has OF and probably makes content with her
>meanwhile he’s hitting me up DISGUSTANG
>I want my stalkers to find out who she is so I can send receipts
>repeatedly calls him “this kid” like she’s some wise old woman
>even though she considered it she doesn’t need that kind of love
>only dated me for sex and money
Incidentally, she shared another driving panic attic the night after the Sheetz parking lot crash, but dirty deleted before I could cap. We’re back on the meltdown train, ladies.
No. 1360163
>>1360158Liking this FemRyan plot twist. He has a girlfriend
and an OF and was hitting her up? Juicy.
Iirc he lived with his ""ex"" last year, which is dating code for "looking for a new one but too cowardly to split" so it's probably the same girlfriend as last time.
No. 1360236
>>1360163I agree with a lot of advice on here for H. She wants a man who doesn’t exist. She wants someone mysterious & handsome, that loves spending his free time in cemeteries, antique shops & calling her his one & only, holding hands, making sweet love under the sunset & that lives & breathes her. He’s not to possess any character traits of his own yet he’s not to be same as her either.
Heather - give it up. You need to get away from this “I am single because of my hobbies.” It’s not your hobbies trust me. It’s your ability to not talk about yourself for more than 2 minutes. I bet when you hit IG off with a guy…. you both find each other attractive & you’ve torn each other’s clothes off & your bumping uglies as his place… afterwards I could imagine you laying in his chest suddenly telling him you are in internet celebrity that has stalkers & receives threats every other day, that your ex husband & friends kidnapped you & forced you into a mental asylum. People call you crazy & hate you for not being a real explorer. I think any sane man would run for the hills as you overshare after you & your groin buddy orgasm. You are incapable of building a slow & paced relationship. You sleep with guys straightaway & then pour your heart out & you know the reality that a lot of men on these apps are looking for an orgasm friend & that’s it. You seek Romeo but you end up with Chad. You do need to stay single til you work on yourself & take a step back & build a life for yourself. I mean a real life. Where you have your own place & expand your life in every way instead of spending your wages on masks & antique dolls when you already have so much. There’s spending on what you need & what you can afford. Your probably in a lot of debt & paying off the minimum payment each month while getting into more debt.
No. 1360397
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ngl I love this for Heather kek!
No. 1363317
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No. 1363394
>>1363375good lord how can someone be THIS high-maintenance, it's gross
>too lonely to go homewhat
No. 1363489
>>1363317Her first starbucks drink what gurl?
She writes so much prose about herself on the daily I wonder if she's ever tried singing/songwriting.
No. 1364212
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No. 1364213
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No. 1364684
>>1364538Call yourself lucky, I think her as a friend would be very annoying and everything that happens would be carried out on Instagram.
I also like some of her interests, but I had my share of friends like her and I'd rather live until the end of times alone than getting close to someone like her again.
No. 1365008
>>1364756I wonder if it's ever dawned on Heather that having female friends to spend time with/share interests/go on "adventures" might ease the burden she feels in expecting one man to do it all. Most people don't expect one person to be everything for them. It's the same as a man expecting a
bimbo tradwife mommy whore porn star cleaner cook therapist who you can also take to your parents high earner who doesn't emasculate them and adores them and has sex 6x a day without being needy or wanting anything in return. To be everything is impossible.
Anyway this is to say make some damn female friends, Heather, you will feel less lonely and it might even help with the mad manhunt.
No. 1365738
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Everything is about Ryan Z. We get it.
No. 1365744
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No. 1366631
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No. 1366633
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No. 1366634
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No. 1366636
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No. 1366637
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No. 1367067
>>1366841eh, I'll have to disagree with you here, anon.
Most of us are taught in some situations, like the one you described, it sometimes safer to hit the animal. If she's on a highway, and she can't swerve since it's dangerous and there's heavy traffic, the best option is just to hit it as it will cause less damage.
If you slam on your breaks on a busy highway you are more likely to get rear ended at a high speed and cause a massive pile up, assuming that the deer pops up out of nowhere. If it's a herd crossing the road and you see it quick enough you can throw on your hazards, but that doesn't happen often. Most of the time the dumb animal pops up out of nowhere and you have to make a very quick decision. Some people I know recommend if you the deer pops out and you can't swerve or stop to actually increase your speed in the hopes you take out the deers legs in one fell swoop, and then you're moving so quickly the force then carries the body up over your car.
Most people here have "deer insurance" which is an add on to your auto policy depending on where you live that you buy to cover specific situations like this. It sounds like the damage wasn't too bad so she did make the right call. The damage done by swerving into traffic or by slamming on your breaks can be worse, but it all depends on the situation and the size of the animal.
Deer cause a lot of accidents, and it's very common to hit them as they're absolutely braindead. Hitting them is just a stroke of bad luck most times and there's not a whole lot you can do in some situations. Unfortunately, deer here are just a hazard of driving. Now if she didn't have deer insurance, then she's brain dead.
Sage for an absolute sperg out about driving and deer in PA. Apologies if no one gives a shit, this is the only thread where I have some actually applicable knowledge.
No. 1367134
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not just because I don’t like Heather - remove her from the equation - this is a really bad photograph. Her face is skewed & she looks likes she wants to punch the woman that just cut in line. It’s been brightened way too much aswell so looks out of contrast with the rest of the photo.
No. 1367230
>>1367139different anon here, I didn't see the story either – was it night when she was driving? I've had that happen to me and I only saw the carcass when my headlights hit it and by then it was too late to do anything else, so it took out my mud flap thing under the front of my car, and yeah blood and fur and stuff, it was gross.
The thing with Heather is that her issues are actual real issues (deer, snow, torrential downpour), it's just how much she blows them out of proportion and harps on them FOREVER. It sucks, deal with it, move on – but she physically isn't able to do that
No. 1367269
>>1367239>>1367243she ACKNOWLEDGED that she thought she could harmlessly pass over a deer carcass? Heather I'm out, I can't help you kek
>daytimewhy does she drive
No. 1367637
>>1366634Imagine meeting Heather for like the second time and she asks you to screen her thousands of DMs. No wonder she can't find anyone to hang out with.
>>1367239What the fuck? Deer are solid chunks of flesh and bone. How was this supposed to work exactly?
No. 1369144
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Lipsyncing to Taylor Swift in your bedroom: much extreme, very alternative.
No. 1369305
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>>1369144And filming it while giving alluring looks into her phone camera like she’s a 14 year old again. I will admit I started to laugh. It’s not even the ‘cringe’ factor, it’s just funny a woman who is 31 eyeing the camera like she’s ethereally beautiful in her bedroom when all I see is desperation behind jam jar glasses like a Pixar character.
No. 1372829
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No. 1373357
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No. 1373981
>>1373357if only there were actual trained professionals who could help people work through their deep psychological issues, and one could hire such a professional and get help
nah, better buy more dolls and masks
No. 1374363
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I’m convinced there is someone on IG she likes that probably watches her stories (sometimes) & she’s desperately trying to get his attention to DM her. These posts like the one below can’t just be random, the pushed together titties & the seductive “tease me I’m shy” gaze - it’s like she’s trying to hook this mystery crush in but she doesn’t know him, as why post on Instagram when the pond is dry unless my theory is correct & there’s someone she’s hoping will send her a DM of these days off the back of these “thirst posts”
No. 1374547
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Heather when she talks about how she doesn't read books or watch movies/tv because she's too busy ~creating art.~
No. 1374813
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Here we go, nonitas. Classic Heather Explains. Catch it before she does the dd.
Part one of rant is the same old about overcoming adversity and muh abusive past.
>cancelled on YouTube
>you can’t control me
>won’t give up my hobbies for some dick
Part two is her feeling massively pressed because she’s a fake explorer derided by the community
>I had to block someone today because they don’t think I’m a real explorer
>so what if I pay to get into places
>I don’t trespass but fuck all y’all who just do it for the rush
>I am saving memories
>in graveyards in am bringing attention to all the dead people
>I do still trespass sometimes but don’t want a fine hate the stress omg
>I’m ThE NiCeSt PeRsOn
>fucking unfollow me if you don’t agree
No. 1374859
>>1374285>she has male friends and aren't dating themnot by her choice, I guarantee it
>>1374813good god, one person probably called her a fake explorer and she flips out
people don't care heather, they want the pictures, who cares if you paid to get in and get them
you don't have to trash other people just to make yourself feel better lmao
No. 1374933
>>1374813looks like she deleted already unfortunately but she's such a broken record it doesn't even matter lol. sage for sperg but I'm having a decent kek at
>I’m ThE NiCeSt PeRsOn >fucking unfollow me if you don’t agreewhen you to tell everyone all the time how nice you are and also to fuck off in the same breath constantly.. damn it's exhausting. she's so so unaware of herself checking this thread gets painful sometimes lol, I can't imagine how tiring it is to keep up a friendship with her.
she gotta just chill and learn to let at least one or two things roll of her back a day. She takes things so seriously and stresses herself out over the smallest shit. Even with social anxiety I didn't worry about this level of petty shit even as a teenager, dang.
Heather, I promise not everyone's life is this stressful and dramatic. Emotional control and mindful self-management is worth everything in adulthood. My god she could benefit from therapy, it's so unfortunate she's so stubborn about it.
No. 1375175
>>1374933I caught the rant before she did the dd. She falls apart over the slightest negative comment, it becomes this huge monster & she’s ready to lose it all because of one thing one person said that’s probably been taking out of context & she does the same old “they trash me because they think I’m not a real explorer” whatever that means. The problem I believe is Heather does believe she is some sort of internet celebrity & is relevant today, she keeps banging on about her YouTube channel & “haters” when she’s hardly making the same numbers anymore on YT, & the “haters” is her actually coming on this thread every so often & again it gets taken out of context & she tells people we are all harassing & sending her threats when no one is actually talking to her directly, she just reads what’s been written (it’s a free world Heather) you don’t have thousand of haters, no one is remotely interested in your social media status or lack of, the only person fuelling this narrative that people call you crazy & want to put you in an asylum is you.
I say once more, you had sex with multiple men while married, you attacked the cops, that’s why you were put away for a few days til you calmed down, you stole money from a GoFundMe intended to help you escape your
abusive ex & then spent it all on a kill star haul & I LOVE when you address your new followers who have no idea who you were prior to spooky Heather, you leave all of this true shit out & it’s all about how you didn’t do anything wrong & you get bullied because you changed aesthetics when it was nothing to do with that.
No. 1375287
>>1375223>The thing that makes me howl is that out of all the cows on here, Hag is the one we’re probably kindest to.I hate how fucking true this is lmaooo
like seriously, she bangs on about how thousands of people want to see her fail and here we are, probably a dozen at best, laughing at the dumb shit she says and then giving her ADVICE
heather you dumbass, you are one of the BEST-TREATED cows here, your own worst enemy is YOU
No. 1375408
>>1375175I think she might also have some insecurities herself about how legitimate of an "explorer" she really is, so she gets hyper-defensive if anyone says anything. She's trying to convince herself as well.
That plus she needs validation for every aspect of her life, so it's no wonder she crumbles when criticised. She claims she does this is all for her, because it's her passion, but if that was true she wouldn't spend so much time trying to justify and defend it to Instagram.
No. 1379933
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No. 1380479
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>>1379933This is definitely about the Ryan with his new girlfriend & her ongoing stalking him on the socials.
No. 1381133
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>>1380479Already deleted. Good lord.
No. 1385220
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Hag says she was called sexy and hot by some other woman in the toilet at Sheetz
No. 1385939
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she had a panic attack in her car over a ghost. even the dead are tired of her whiny ryan z bullshit.
No. 1386957
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No. 1386965
>>1386957the heck does this mean? to or from?
girl can't afford her own place, was she booted? kek
No. 1387456
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Get ready for it to look exactly the same!
No. 1387827
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looks fake
No. 1387830
>>1387827so yeah this
>>1387776she looks like the kind of person every service worker in the area hates. her poor hairdresser and Sheetz cashier and… well those are her only interactions besides her parents but I feel sorry for them. imagine Heather in realtime.
No. 1388025
>>1387827>crazy eyesheather stop opening your eyes so much you look unhinged lmao
this is literally THE style she gets every time she gets her hair done, and I hate it every time. I don't feel like it suits her at all but I also don't know what I'd suggest instead
is it wrong that I like her boots tho
No. 1388281
>>1388025I think her hair looks better than it has for a long time, last time it looked just the same as before, this time it’s more evenly blonde. She needs to get new frames or contacts. Those glasses age her & do not suit her face at all.
I still vote she looked the best with white blonde or pink hair.
No. 1389356
>>1389339Honestly even a bit of a fringe would help her so much. Not necessarily the ramrod-straight thick ones she had before, they don't really suit her, but a bit of a loose chunky side bang would do her wonders. Just any kind of layering at all around her face would make her look like less of a mix of teenager and granny I think. The blonde/gray doesn't help, I think her natural darker auburn suits her quite well tbh.
sorry to add a blogpoint, but I have a weird forehead/brow as well, and I find chunky swept bangs make it all a bit more cohesive. If you fluff them up it draws attention away from a weird forehead.
No. 1389610
>>1388281Pink just suited her better. I know she considers it part of her "pastel prison." But it made her look considerably less haggard. I think a warm colour like red or just brown would really cut down on the baba yaga look. God forbid she stopped murdering her hair and just went back to her own shade. It would probably take 5 years off her face.
She claims her employer won't allow unnatural haircolours. I live in a target-free country, so no idea if that's true.
No. 1390150
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No. 1390245
>>1389610did a quick google and target allows unnaturally-colored hair, piercings, and tattoos
she claimed they didn't?
>>1390215I'm not in the explorer scene but I like to chat with those who are and they seem like generally nice people, it's like if you feel encountering the same problem over and over again, you have to step back and wonder if it might be you who's the problem
No. 1390433
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oh no it's raiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiing!
No. 1391334
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No. 1391498
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Nothing milk worthy but I thought I would drop them here anyway
No. 1391500
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No. 1391502
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No. 1391546
>>1391334>>1391498>>1391500>>1391502oh my GOD she is ON ONE today
is this all on her dead butterfly account? the one she said she wouldn't do this on? kek
No. 1392173
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way to make it about you
No. 1392381
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No. 1392760
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>>1391969This hair hahahah Heather please stop
No. 1394762
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No. 1395034
>>1394762her next “boo hoo I hate being single” rant incoming within 24 hours
you could set your watch to this shit
No. 1396734
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No. 1397679
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folks it’s been quite a ride this past year… I’ve got a confession I’ve been under an alias for the last 8 months or so. But I’ve decided that my contribution done to this little forum is done. I’m moving on to live life.
arrivederci bitches.(don’t let the door hit you on the way out)
No. 1398170
>>1398131I like that tinfoil, because yeah it's getting dull even by heather's standards – she's refuses to leave her loop of "I don't need anyone's love but mine I am strong woman" -> "why won't anyone love me I need spooky boy :("
I mean if WE'RE not talking about her who does she have? like damn
No. 1399264
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>>1398864She did make up all this fake drama in her head about haters last night. Deleted almost immediately.
No. 1399310
>>1397679>Thinking you're special or that anyone noticed your posts on this anonymous forumIf you're one of her exes, let me just get a chair because I am
shocked, shocked I tell you to find one of those hopeless scrotes lurking his thread. Men have never lurked their exes before. Groundbreaking.
No. 1399315
>>1399264>ya'll>ya willit's a dumb nitpick but I hate seeing it like that kek
what kinda sign is she talking about that I'm sure one whole person criticized her over? graveyard operation hours?
No. 1399316
>>1399264I saw that story last night and I immediately came here to see if anyone mentioned this story about the cemetery sign. Crickets. Heather just making shit up again to blame the
victim card.
No. 1399528
>>1399377no shit, why did you think I said "seeing it like that"? learn to read
>>1399382yeah that's what I was talking about, y'all vs ya'll. 'preciate you nona
No. 1400323
>>1400309Hi Heather.
It’s been dead on this thread so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
(hi cow ) No. 1400726
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I don’t care what people say about me, only I know my story…..
No. 1400813
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Wishing you cows all a Merry Christmas!
No. 1400852
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No. 1400855
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No. 1400873
>>1400867Samefag. But it also means she's spent months reading us explain how nobody dislikes her for her hobbies or interests, or not wearing pink anymore, and that is still the narrative she goes with. That is some hard work to avoid personal growth.
Heather, if you're reading this, get help. Therapy is not for "crazy people." It's for people who are stuck in a bad situation and need help, regardless of the reason. That's you.
No. 1400902
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>>1400888Doesn’t really work. More cyberpunk. She’s not a goth either.
No. 1400905
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>>1400888I feel this is what she would send to prospective Ryan’s after they’ve been together for a short while lol. Since she’s not a goth & not a pastel my little pony anymore.
No. 1400907
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>>1400905kek don’t anon it’s bringing back memories
triggering specific things like this
No. 1400913
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>>1400907how about a windfall! On the topic of pink hair.
No. 1401419
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how did her haters ruin her friendship with paperyan last year? kek
No. 1401771
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No. 1402301
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No. 1403069
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No. 1404668
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No. 1405818
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someone is bored