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No. 1148062
First Thread
>>738758Second Thread
>>836614Third Thread
>>871951Fourth Thread
>>892447Fifth Thread
>>929121Sixth Thread
>>967636Seventh Thread
>>1031322Eight Thread
>>1087783Heather Steele is a former retro toy collecting and Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber who, at the end of 2018, decided to have a major meltdown and turned all her social media into a public diary. She began cheating on her allegedly
abusive husband, and re-wrote herself as some sort of pop Victorian goth and witchy explorer. She got incredibly defensive of her sudden change. In her defensiveness– which she vaguely admitted was to win the affections of a man– she threw a lot of her supporters under the bus, has been unreasonably cocky and aggressive with a lot of people including former friends, and distorted the criticisms (which were towards her overall behavior) into a narrative claiming everyone is just attacking her for her fashion and hobby choices.
She has a history of incredibly self-focused and self-destructive behavior. Over the past year, she has wildly flipped between “I’m a strong woman and I don’t need to validate myself” to having public meltdowns on social media, only to delete them within an hour. Despite this, she denies she’s mentally ill and attacks the mere notion she needs help, once again using the “people hate me because I’m goth now” narrative.
Heather has alienated herself from all her old friends, but continues to act like everyone was just a bad person and she’s a
victim who fled from a terrible life. She used and manipulated several people in her life, and spent her 20s being a homebody mooch, then went on to claim she was “living in a hellhole with an
abusive husband” in order to garner pity for a Gofundme and claim she was going to be homeless. She is now living back at home with her parents and has a job and a car, but continues all her usual crazy and continues putting all her energy towards seeking approval from “boys” and her followers.
She has tried to start up her Youtube channel again, but doesn’t seem to have any consistent plans despite claiming otherwise. Keeps coming and leaving YouTube ad nauseam.
Other characters (because the “Ryans” can get confusing)
>Adam: Heather’s ex husband. Not a stellar person himself, cheated and lied too, but Heather seems to exaggerate the “abuse”. Funded her and bought her gifts. Dating since 2012, engaged 2016, divorced 2019. >Adam’s new gf: “Hates Heather”, according to Heather. Heather used the new girlfriend’s visit to springboard into a breakdown about how she was in danger and going to be homeless.>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.>Ryan 3: Short-lived gamer boy met through Tinder.>Damian: On-off Urbex boyfriend. Eventually put him on blast after their 500th breakup.>Ryan 4: Craig. Graveyard photographer Heather briefly dated, but they appear to still be friends.>Ryan 5: Clay. Ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because she was negative. Tried to lure him back by being negative on her instagram stories. >Ryan 6: Chase. Dated for like 2 weeks LDR and were supposed to meet IRL but he changed his mind after he realised she’s batshit. >Ryan 7: Femryan. Stated dating the second time they met irl. After multiple breakups, Heather decided to end things for good because he wanted to go to a party on halloween instead of going to the cemetery like all of their other dates.>Ryan 8: Short lived photographer boyfriend>Juliet/Dera: Former friend who put Heather on a pedestal. Heather took advantage of this and used Heather to stalk Ryan 2 Jan 2019. Car ended up in a ditch and they’re not longer friends. Juliet has come out to explain what happened and reflect on it.>Sisters: Younger and older. Moved out to Cali where she met Adam at the start of the last decade under claims her elder sister was trying to kill her.>Parents: Claimed her parents wouldn’t take her in because they voted Trump. Finally admitted to living with her mom. Says her family didn’t accept her dark aesthetic so she adopted the pastel aesthetic to be accepted by them. Last thread:
>Her coworkers came into the thread to defend her>Said she’d stop oversharing on her stories but a few days later she was back to her usually antics>Claimed Adam had her stimulus money and didn’t want to give it to her >OnlyFans coming February 2021>Adam shares a screenshot to defend himself>Last few posts in the thread infighting about whether Adam does or doesn’t post in threads>Still living with mommy, still hoarding and still posting rants on her stories on an almost daily basisYoutube: No. 1148083
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Sage for tinfoil but the anon defending Adam happens to use the same quotation marks that Adam's girlfriend used when she posted here.
No. 1148129
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>>1148122I’m assuming this is the reply you’re referring to? Yeah not me
No. 1148201
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>>1148175It's not about using quotation marks, it's about the kind of quotation marks used. The only anon who uses them is the one that is always defending Adam.
>>1148178Yeah exactly, no one would try this hard to prove they're not Adam unless its him or his gf. Who would bother to make post elboate stories about how they're not Adam? No one has any issue talking about her other exs who are less involved in her drama but suddenly adam is off bounds.
Anyway, back to Heather. She thinks she's adulting by cleaning snow from her car. Then spent 4 stories to talk about how she focuses on positives despite getting
triggered by a single negative comment when the rest of the comments are praising her.
No. 1148205
>>1148189Absolutely this. Thank you- whichever anon is losing their shit thinking that anyone who wants to keep the thread topic..on topic is Heather/Adam/the gf, please stop with your conspiracies. Some of us are just here for hagther milk. Honestly, trying to say that someone using punctuation PROVES that that anon must be one of the aforementioned…that’s a whole new level of crazy.
Let’s get back on topic. No ones talking about Heather’s sad attempt at a “motivational” Instagram story, where she just sounded like she was losing her mind.
No. 1148215
>>1148201Using punctuation is not a calling card. Nor is defending yourself. That's beyond asinine.
Back on topic, Heather truly is manic right now. Another Ryan must be in the works. If she isn't crying or spewing vitriol by 6:00 PM tonight I'll be impressed.
No. 1148255
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>>1148215>it’s going to be a good day because I say soCut to Heather sitting in the Target break room stuffing her face with potato chips and candy, blubbering.
No. 1148282
>>1148215>another Ryanthis is milk
>her ex that is currently actively posting about her on his social media and has made it clear that he lurks if not morethis is not milk
If we can discuss her exes and still make memes about her string of Ryans that she hasn't talked to in the longest time, then we can discuss Adam. He's not a special ex, all her exes are fair game. I don't care if some people are only here for "Hagther milk" because most of those super emotionally invested pseudofarmers are her crazy ex-friends who keep on whining about how much she twaumatized them. They need to back to their support groups or wicca hangouts, some of them should be posted about too, your fixation on some random sperg that was friends with you for a few weeks a few years ago is insane. All of Heathers current and ex-bfs are relevant because they're conduits to her drama.
No. 1148507
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Sage for nothing new but I saw this and I was surprised it wasn’t done by Heather already.
No. 1149287
>>1148660I used to live one town over and the snow there is consistent but not awful. The bad infrastructure and terrain causes more problems. Pittsburgh and Washington are very hilly.
>>1149015It was a lot more like
if you don't agree with me you must be Adam and that's not a discussion at all. I'd love to know why she hates him so much but that would require an actual discussion.
No. 1149315
>>1149233she said that she was going to do a photoshoot with them but i don't remember her saying she actually did. Maybe the photoshoot was with bomber ryan but they broke up before it happened.
>>1149287You can read the first thread because thats where Adam was heavily discussed and there are screenshots of him how he was/is shitty to her.
No. 1149903
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Sperging hard in her stories right now about people lurking her to post on here. Basically she got one - just one - comment on her TikTok asking why she’d blocked someone’s account and she’s gone on a massive rant.
Her reason for blocking is that they are random accounts that don’t follow her, so they must be screen recording and posting on ‘gossip sites’. Doesn’t she get that anons can lurk her stories without her seeing?
>reeeeeee this isn’t a free service you are not paying me for content I will block you if I want reeeee
No. 1149921
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>the block button is there for a reason. im allowed to feel safe on the Internet
>these fuckers think they have a right to get into my head! like they rent a piece of my head space
>im too damn old to deal with these children
lol all of this over a tiktok comment
No. 1149949
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Someone on Tiktok upset her, picrel is saying she doesn’t care and the having 8 more stories about not caring and coming back to YouTube…. then goes on to some stupid hoarding bullshit she has.
No. 1150007
>>1149985Okay Romy, whatever you say. Understand that not everyone in the world thinks like you, and not everyone is so chuffed to just let
toxic and manipulative people continue through life burning community after community and "friend" after friend with zero repercussions. Get this (I'm sure you are the type to only want to see the good in people, so you're gonna have to think outside your little hugbox on this one): Heather has trash-talked every community she's been a part of and has taken advantage of the kindness of people just like you on multiple occasions, all well-documented in these threads. Wouldn't you want other people to have some warning if there was a manipulative liar in their midst? Heather wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Just know that the next time you wanna come in here defending her. I hope you don't actually know her irl because she'd throw you under the bus in a second if it would benefit her.
And no, there's nothing the government can do about these forums. Nice fear mongering tho.
No. 1150027
>>1150021Berate. That word you are using? I don't think you really know what it means.
What we are doing is talking shit, in private, to each other. About a public figure. She posts publicly, so people get to talk about it. Gtfo.
No. 1150053
>>1150034Gossiping about
problematic public figures is fun. Almost everyone participates in gossip to some extent. We’ve been doing it for thousands of years, too. It’s human nature.
Most of us drop in once or twice a day at most to read updates and have a groan or a laugh. It’s not that deep and not a big time sink. Our lives hardly revolve around Heather, as much as she’d like to believe so.
No. 1150059
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No. 1150084
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No. 1150091
>>1150084Every time you post, you unknowingly put this thread about Heather on the front page where people who otherwise wouldn't see it will now be aware of it.
No. 1150111
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Heather is so full of herself. I have less than 500 followers on instagram and I get spam accounts "viewing" my stories all the time.
No. 1150504
post thousands of comments about how they want to rape, abuse, torture, and murder women and children every day on the public internetThis person and the world in general:
silenceWomen on lolcow: Hey look at this story a public internet figure posted publicly on her account, one of the 70-100 stories this public internet figure has posted only today, here's my opinon where I do not wish any harm on this public internet figure and am just commenting on the words she said and the ongoing timeline, all of which the public figure has openly shared with the world on and
This person: REEEEEEEEE
No. 1150581
>>1150504Tell you what. If heather pays back the money she scammed off me with her fake gofundme, I'll stop posting here. How about that?
In the meantime, you're wasting your energy. Every time you post here you bump the thread to the top of the main page, thus drawing more attention to it.
If you want to help Heather so badly, tell her to get offline and get therapy.
No. 1150748
>>1150496So are you going on the thousands of other threads and defending them? Or only heather is a
victim, again?
No. 1150762
>>1150619>>1150581Hell. I'll stop if she donated the money she scammed out of me to a women's shelter. That was what she originally said she'd do after she was caught lying about being homeless the first time.
I don't think I'm the only domestic abuse survivor in this thread who fell for her bullshit and thought they were helping a fellow
victim. If you want to make an improvement, explain to Heather how asking people for donations under false pretences and then spending the money on shoes is a bad look.
No. 1150787
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Is this kooky cunt claiming to actually see ghosts, or am I reading too hard into things? I know she says she "talks to dead people" when she's trying to be qUiRkY but I always just assumed she's saying that just to say it. This is unhinged.
No. 1150820
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No. 1150835
You give away your age easily. Unless your one of those people who also has minions humor. Your “insults” will be forgotten the second you leave. So please, do us a favor Grandma.
No. 1150844
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This is me (Grandma) & my bestie.
No. 1150878
>>1150862Heather cried to some people again. Probably her coworkers. Either they feel genuinly sorry for her or they want her to do better so they won't have to pick up her slack at work.
They'll probably keep defending her until she scams them out of money too. Then they'll either fuck off or join the rest of us.
No. 1150885
>>1150844>>1150820Hey. The person you're defending scammed people on gofundme by falsely claiming to be homeless, and claiming to donate the money to women's shelters. She spent it on shopping sprees instead. She made her friend give her a ride in a blizzard to cheat on her husband. When this ended in a carwreck she just fucking left her friend, didn't offer to pay for any of the damages or even ask if she was injured.
This might not be the hill you want to die on.
No. 1150902
>>1150895It might warn other people not to trust her with their money.
I used to support Heather. And she spent a lot of energy gaslighting me. Finding this board has actually been really good for me.
>There's a posse of large butch looking ladies on a threadWow. Somebody who refers to "butch ladies" as an insult but still somehow think they have the moral highground.
Pot, meet inarticulate kettle.
No. 1150911
>>1150885Hey. Remember when Heather hinted that her ex husband was a pedophile pervert who was trying to hit on her underage sister? But instead of leaving him to get him out of her sister's life, or even confronting him, she just sort of discouraged them from hanging out until her mother finally banned him from the house?
She sure seems like a great person worth defending.
No. 1150917
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>>1150910Now you're getting it.
Bitch all you want. But don't pretend to be better than us.
No. 1150946
>>1150928It's way more likely to be the cow herself.
>>1150936Is everything literal to you? Hateboner-chan? It doesn't even exist yet as far as we know.
No. 1150972
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>>1150965May I suggest that the lovely Anon who made the collage for the next thread pic (>>1148131) include this screencap in it somewhere?
No. 1151008
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I think this could actually be her? The typing style is remarkably similar. Anyway screenshots are forever, Heather. The last post was something about a police report and to "sleep tight, cows" but I didn't catch it.
Even if it's not really her, this is still funny as fuck so I'm posting it
No. 1151010
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Here’s the screenshot anon.
No. 1151023
>>1151016I think that might be the most interesting content she has ever made. Watching her bother the police during a pandemic to explain that people on the internet were mean to her. And yes, in the same screens she herself admitted that she felt she was in control of the situation the whole time. But officer, it was awful.
Fraud accusations? Nevermind that. See where they made fun of my driving?
No. 1151033
>>1151024I mean, with the trail of destruction Heather leaves in her wake, you have to be pretty unhinged to still support her.
I really wonder if it is a wouldbe Ryan trying to win our fair goblin's favour. If so she'll probably reject him because his bigbird poems aren't spoopy enough.
No. 1151038
>>1151023If she's paid any attention to crime stats she'll know crime has literally
doubled in some states in 2020-2021 versus 2019, but I'm sure they'll have the time to survey every post in a women's gossip forum.
No. 1151119
>>1150889This poem has incredible gimp girl energy.
>>1151008If it's not Heather, it's clearly someone she influenced in some way to come here considering they only took issue with this particular thread. I'd like to think she's not quite autistic enough to think spamming big bird photos is a "topkek" troll moment, but maybe I'm granting her too much credit.
No. 1151122
>>1151119Okay. This is clearly me hoping, but…
What if it's a wouldbe Ryan? And he turns the same bigbirdspaz energy on her when she inefitably blocks him?
Come on bigbirdryan! We're almost rooting for you.
No. 1151210
>>1150910lmao i like your poems romy. the big bird thing is kind of scary though.
you're right, most of us don't rly have a vendetta, we just think she's funny and i guess people feel they need a justification for it
but look at one of the collages of her crying stories and tell me u don't think that shit's funny
No. 1152394
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So she basically got her money from Adam - all of it - is feeling flush, bought some expensive antiques shit, feed and substrate for her kidnapped house spider, and now has not a care in the world.
Cue major depressive episode when money runs out in about one week. She never learns.
No. 1153177
>>1152394In an alternate universe where Heather actually wants to improve and be not miserable:
Save that stimulus money. Pick up some extra shifts at Target.
Shouldn't be long until she can put down a deposit on your own apartment …
But in reality it's gonna be dumb aesthetic trinkets and killstar forever.
No. 1153426
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>>1153063I’m calling it - she’s currently making a YT vid about the spider.
No. 1153477
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>>1153454Imagine seeing Hag’s face peering down into your horrible jail cell every morning. Hearing the lid being screwed off, seeing a glittery flash of her talons, hearing the baby voice.
No. 1153596
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No. 1153624
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No. 1153747
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Lol samefag, here’s the pic
No. 1153757
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Another rant on the SAME SHIT.
"I'm a content creator, im supposed to make content"
Says who? I've ever seen someone have their head so far up their ass like she does.
"I never got over the fact that I was canceled on youtube"
So go make another channel, a brand new channel. Oh wait, you don't want to do that because you didn't have enough views…
So you bitch over the same shit year after year and yet you're surprised you're still stuck in the same place?
Please just remove yourself from the internet permanently.
Your haters.
No. 1153766
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No one wants to hang with you heather, get the hint already.
No. 1153770
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"A lot of bad things have happened to me over the years, they haunt me and I could of moved on from this, but I didn't, everyone else have moved on except me"
You hit it on the dot, all the men you spread your legs to, all your friends that you've used have moved on from your bullshit, and you wonder why every day your alone? All those bad things that have happened were your own doing, it started to hit rock bottom when you did the gofundme, cried yourself a river to get money from people all to spend it on killstar when people wanted to help, that's where you showed your true ugly colors
The energy you put out is the energy you will get back in return. Clearly you need more positive energy after 2 plus years of the same bitching.
No. 1153822
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>>1153770Another Oscars speech to herself in the mirror. Kek, I love these
>how do you resurrect a channel?>I don’t know, but…I know that…the magic of that channel…was me>it wasn’t about the ‘things’, it was about the passion >it was about the girl behind the camera…and in front of the camera>and I’m still that fucking girl >I still have my dreams>I’m damn fucking proud, and it’s time to take this grown version of me back to YouTubeTopkek
>>1153810Right? Imagine just shutting the fuck up and getting on with it.
No. 1153826
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>>1153822>I’m the architect of my own life>I can destroy it and build a whole new one>Can’t wait to see what I do next!
>So…I just re-downloaded Bumble…and Facebook datingKekekek
No. 1153938
>>1153770If getting a divorce is the most traumatic thing she's ever had happen to her (besides her fucking up her own social life).. I mean.. thank goodness she's living with mommy (never got kicked out like she cried over btw) because she's far too fragile to face the adult world.
Traumatic for her is looking for men on tender and sabotaging a hit it and quit it.
No. 1153962
>>1153822good lord, get this girl a fucking journal – this is word vomit you write down for yourself, not the internet
>>1153871it's weird, from what I've seen from those old vids, her personality is more like an "ooo this is interesting I think sigh" instead of passion?
list your shit heather
No. 1154004
Not even 10 hours and she deletes her story lol
Is it sad that we know her better then she knows herself? This is a constant documentation of how she has spiral downward in the past 4 years. All her failed relationships,friendships, that's all her fault, not the internet.
All the men on the internet and in her local area im sure are aware of how psycho you are. Yes, everyone has moved on except for you, because you refuse to change, you think you have the golden pussy and thats far from the truth.
You're photography and videos are a HOBBY, NOT CONTENT. You don't have sponsors, you don't have people begging you to produce "content", hell, you don't have fan mail anymore, you need to separate your past toys life to now. You show your HOBBY, not content.
But keep living in your delusional mind.
No. 1154007
>>1154004Right? I can never get behind the perpetual statements of…
>As a content creator>I was cancelledThe two things are absolutely connected because a) what content and b)ergo you have nothing to be cancelled.
When someone is cancelled there’s generally pages and pages of gossip and news etc. With Heather, there’s a few people who got pissed at her, then forgot about her. That’s it.
No. 1154127
>>1153822I have distinct recollection of watching her videos
despite the actual person in the videos (I found her annoying on a more superficial level back then, but I could get over the irritating speech impediment and absolute non-commentary) because there just wasn't anybody else filming vintage girls toys videos with good lighting. So no, it wasn't about you, Heather.
No. 1154277
>>1153757She only wants to be a content creator because she wants to be famous and she thinks its easy money. If she truly wanted to create then she would just do it and stop complaining about views.
>>1153770Occasionally she seems to get a shred of self-awareness but instead of using it to improve herself, she just reverts back to being a
victim and doing nothing to change her life.
>>1153822The absolute delusion of thinking that people watched her for her stale personality. People watched you because they liked toys and there weren't many people creating similar content. Why would people watch for her when the focus of her channel was the toys? It's telling that people stopped watching when she stopped uploading toy content.
>>1153952Exactly, it's either her way or no way. She could compromise and stay in to watch a movie about a topic she enjoys, go for a coffee date and then visit a graveyard… But no, the only options are graveyards and antique shops.
No. 1156351
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Okay so she took (almost) half a day off IG to spend time with her only female friend (wonder how long that will last). Comes back fully enabled after talking BoYs with said friend.
>everyone is just a fuck boy
>I’m not a basic bitch
>this generation is just dead inside
That after getting excited about some blonde country boy who she fetishises. Which is funny as she comes off as a total femcel.
No. 1156994
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Fucking kek she finally crashed her car. Surprisingly though it doesn't look like it may have been her fault?
No. 1157023
>>1156994And she only recently bought those snow tyres
OOF. Rip Heather’s little ‘sports car’
No. 1157024
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Surprisingly seems to not be her fault
No. 1157125
>>1156994This reaction had me laughing. We really do laugh at Hag pranging her granny sports car, don’t we? Kek.
She’s being surprisingly chill about it. And about the guy that did it.
No. 1157274
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She's actually claiming that she knew the accident was going to happen right before it happened, y'know because of her Danny Phantom powers and mystical witchism. This woman is absolutely undateable. I like that she actually requires her mummy at 31 as a caregiver, bank and housing. She's never going to be able to afford an apartment and I hope that the ghosts tell her that sometimes just to watch her rip out her hair.
No. 1157282
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Sorry to double post, but here's the look on her face when she claims that she "might have a back injury" but says she doesn't think anything is broken, kek. Goes to her pseudoscience chiropractor in two days. This woman loves being a victim, she can't even help but smile when explaining this all because she says it isn't the one at fault. I bet she'll be milking this for the next few months. That brokeback-grin is something else.
No. 1157363
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>>1157312She is sperging out about people spying on her account saying she deserved it??? Ok. Just ok. No one said that here. Delusional.
No. 1157370
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She's finally crying because her insurance company might total her car because the cost of fixing it might outweigh the cost of replacing it. Soooo dramatic.
No. 1157373
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>>1157363>Hey, fuck you, particularly you.Kekek. This is just ridiculous. Only Hag would make her second hand granny wagon into a symbolic love story car.
No. 1157376
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>>1157312Here’s our current count…
No. 1157525
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"I am once again asking for your help"
Here we go lol
No. 1157569
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Once again, trying to have the internet feel bad for you because you don't know how you will financially recover. Grow up and be an adult and stop looking for pity from everyone. Accidents suck, and no one deserves it. But for fuck sake, grow up and stop begging for help and fight your own battles.
No. 1157657
>>1156994For some context for anons who don't live in PA…
we're in the middle of a really rough batch of weather were there is so much snow and ice that it's just miserable.You can see there's a decent amount of snow on the ground, and underneath that is just ice.
It's not her fault she got rear ended, but most reasonable people are avoiding leaving their houses. If she wasn't going to work, she shouldn't have gone out.
Sage for PA/weather sperg
No. 1157922
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Surprised no one's posted this yet. God, she is so fucking dramatic.
No. 1158014
>the spirt of the old man, I’m sure he was watching out for me Dudes in heaven land partying with homies.
He doesn’t have time for watching some random girls ass all because you owned the same car.
No. 1158172
>>1157922Is it a car or a tulpa? Fuck, this got weird fast. Heather repeatedly refers to it as
she also. I guess when you alienate everyone around you, anthropomorphising and romanticizing objects becomes your only option.
No. 1158371
>>1158014i lost it at that line. and the funniest part is knowing she is 100% serious and really believes that
No. 1158406
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I think she's got an addiction.
No. 1158460
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Adios Suckers
No. 1158465
>>1158461You mean "sage" like this.
Watch the "boomer"
No. 1158487
File: 1612995926509.png (615.3 KB, 750x1334, 4F2AFFC4-CDB3-47BA-A4DC-AF6C4C…)

Of course…
No. 1158500
>>1158487Are you sure it's just a whiplash and not a broken spine Heather? Did the car hit you because you quit the toy community?
Finally something bad that is genuinly not her fault happens to her, and even now she throws away any sympathy she might garner.
No. 1158528
>>1158500Right? Her stories last night spiralled into paranoia that car workshop and insurers were wanting to fuck her over.
>will they let me get into my glovebox?>they are $600 tires they maybe won’t even let me have!Jesus fucking Christ, it’s your car Hag, even if it is written off. Go to the body shop, walk in, get your shit from the glovebox, tell them they are brand new tires you are expecting to have back and then that’s that.
Her mind is a scary place.
No. 1158583
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>>1158559Well the Spirit of Grandpa car is gone, for sure. Why is she treating this like a major life event? Dramalama.
>I just wanted to take a moment…Latest post.
No. 1158931
File: 1613055670261.png (4.37 MB, 1242x2208, 573E987D-4324-4071-83CE-74E3FF…)

Here come the water works even though she got nothing but good news. Including help with her whiplash. If she really cried this much her glasses would fog up.
No. 1158936
File: 1613056134338.png (10.4 MB, 1242x2208, 708A6093-7199-4702-B3A8-94ABC6…)

>spoke to workshop woman who has been a real friend to me through all this
>I’ll be able to get money for my pAiN aNd SuFfErInG
>I lost consciousness last night
>I felt like my life had been taken from me
>lists all the things she wants in her new car
>immediate tears about the loss of her old car
Really sobbing now
>she had no back-up camera, no seat warmer…I didn’t care…she was beautiful…that’s all I cared about
>…and I really liked the key I had…it was so pretty
>but I’m gonna find my new Car Best Friend
I have never seen anything so hilarious and ridiculous in my entire life. Does Christopher Guest hand her a script every morning?
No. 1159376
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>>1158936At the car showroom. Didn’t take much of dangling a new shiny thing in front of her to get over her crushed Spirit Wagon.
No. 1159502
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Wanted to post this just to say: some people have war in their countries, heather.
No. 1159680
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No. 1159842
>>1159833Me too. All of this is exactly how I feel. I expect her to get out her widows weeds later today and have some mourning tintypes done.
>>1157500 was half waiting for the “kid” who crashed into her to be announced as a New Ryan.
No. 1159895
>>1159877My absolute favourite take was the passive aggressive way she described how much she loves and cares for “things” because she was booing about a totalled car…
>this should show you how much I care>hopefully you can all see that nowSaid at the end of her stories in a really stern “I told you so” way.
No. 1159939
File: 1613144894699.png (4.7 MB, 1242x2208, C3B3B4D3-D5CE-4DA9-B6DF-39CF0B…)

Here we go again, I’ll let script writing anon do the recap but it’s basically “I got good news, THIS IS STILL SO UNFAIR”
“My old car had no bells and whistles but we are soulmates…. but I need a back up camera”
I wish she would shut up about that specifically as if that’s a luxury
And then at the end
“I need a new phone too!”
No. 1160047
>>1160024I felt the same anon. It’s either that, or she thinks somehow a back-up camera would have stopped the accident happening. Her incongruous fixations on things leave me so confused.
>>1159973She didn’t actually buy it. She was doing loads of boring stories which was her way of justifying buying a 12 instead of what she could actually afford.
No. 1160159
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Fucking KEK she test drove a $14k car today. She's gonna have a rude awakening when she realizes how expensive that's going to be even if she somehow manages to find $1,500 for a deposit.
No. 1160183
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>>1160159In adult money it’s an average priced car with no down payment, but in heather dollars, she can’t afford it.
No. 1160287
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>>1160159She didn’t even drive it herself. Her mom was driving because muh PTSD.
>>1160258Too true. Her latest stories are all about the money and include such insane gems as
>lists every single penny she is ‘due’ including $125 for her mom driving to/from work all week>should I track down my chiropractor at home to make sure I’m not being screwed over?!>I need to get the money I DESERVE>I’m not a lawyer but…>I’m just lucky I’m not paralysed No. 1160534
>>1160287Could you for one second imagine being the unlucky bastard who hit her? It’s easy to make a mistake and slip on some ice, it could have happened to any of us, and then THIS is the woman you hit? Calling the insurance company 5 times a day, considering every expense possible as something she’s owed, saying she’s “lucky to not be paralyzed” over getting rear ended at a stop light. That poor, poor person.
I am not an Adam fan, but I can only imagine this scenario is remarkably similar to why she never signed the divorce papers. She didn’t want to settle! She is owed MORE, MORE, MORE!
No. 1160640
>>1159540god fucking lord, I can't, I just can't. she's getting insurance paid out on her old car to get a new car. it's dead Jim, move on.
she's investing a LOT of energy mourning this thing when she really should be looking at cars
>>1160159>$14krelying on mommy bux I see, no way her old car was worth anything close to that
also, I don't see Mazdas as "mom car"s, but Subaru? total Mom Car.
>>1160534>She didn’t want to settle! She is owed MORE, MORE, MORE!I 100% believe this, and she's going to try and drag out this whole experience with this vague idea of "I DESERVE MORE" but without knowing what or why.
Insurance is pretty speedy in my experience, they don't want to spend more time on this than they have to. Car totaled, pay out value, done. Mine even paid for a rental car while I sorted out buying a new one – wonder if Heather had that option?
No. 1160662
>>1160640>won’t settle Remind you of the divorce papers, much?
Bitch thinks she is owed, nay, deserves MORE, MORE, MORE every single time.
No. 1160732
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Heather shut the fuck up you look more stupid that usual. It’s Presidents’ Day Monday, you will not be resolving this until Tuesday and I honestly hope you’re getting “tricked” by the insurance ppl. It’s a fucking fender bender dude grow the fuck up. You’re lying about your back for free healthcare, you already “had a bad back”
how convenient this all is for u huh?
And you look like a troon with no make up and hair that hasn’t been washed in 6 days making it look like a bad wig.
No. 1160737
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Story 87 of 100 starts a PSA for everyone she’s ever inspired to get their license Kekkekekekek
>don’t let this stop you
> wait I need to justify how bad this is still I GOT DA WHIPLASHES
>also I want a bike rack for adventures
>I LOST MY CAR I HURT MY BACK A LIDDLE it was so bad guys
No. 1160742
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Omfg 4 days on non stop ranting about the fuckin car. Jesus christ heather, enough. It's being resolved, move on.
Also, take a fuckin shower you nasty ass. Your hair hasn't been washed in a week, thats why you're breaking out too. Fuckin gross.
No. 1160788
File: 1613241769915.png (3.36 MB, 750x1334, 14E94250-FC98-445D-9ADD-25875C…)

>>1160737I lost it at the PSA. In what world does she take it upon herself to do these self-centred, egotistical pep talks? I can’t imagine a single person benefitting from that.
Post motivational positivity speech she immediately flew low into
>I know you all think I’m being dramaticBecause you are
Also love that she started stories with picrel.
No. 1161072
>>1161055To clarify she said
>I haven’t washed my hair for just under a week. It still has the curl in that I did for going out with my friend, last Sunday. Really not grasping what the big deal is. Yeah, it’s a bit skeevy, but it’s not like she’s saying she hasn’t washed all week.
No. 1161141
>>1161055Exactly. Many people don't wash their hair more than once a week. Especially if they have damaged hair or use semi-permanent dyes.
Your hair gets used to not being washed as often, and starts producing less oil. So it may very well be that she's just started washing it less. Or she may be a natural greaseball. But this in itself is not milk.
No. 1161173
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No. 1161190
there's nothing to show there, heather
No. 1161454
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Omg so fuckin dramatic about everything
No. 1161492
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>>1161454why is this her go-to sexy face
No. 1161954
File: 1613362882536.png (540.88 KB, 828x1792, F9A2DD4C-A6B8-4EE7-995B-4B3C44…)

>”life shattering events”
Heather, there’s people that are dying.
No. 1161969
File: 1613364154055.png (905.07 KB, 864x1706, Screenshots_2021-02-14-23-39-4…)

Heather's been posting up a storm today of selfies to compensate for her not having a Valentine, but I just needed to share this caption because it's too fucking funny.
No. 1161984
>>1161954> eternal optimismbitch where?
>>1161969She is so fucking dramatic. It was a fender bender but she is acting like the love of her life died.
No. 1162071
>>1161954>life shattering events>beyond coincidenceLet me get this right. On a particularly icy/snowy day, a car slid into her car at a red light and another day, she slipped and fell because of snow/ice? And she thinks this is a hex and not just… the unfortunate side effects of shit weather? lmao.
>>1161374You fucking called it anon.
No. 1162186
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All I see here is Heather reading a book, sitting on the crapper.
No. 1162314
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She's claiming that she's been studying wicca for 18 YEARS and that she's been cursed by a witch. Also claiming that her poor broken body can't handle working anymore, disabled saga when? Jesus christ this woman is insufferable.
No. 1162335
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>>1162314How the actual fuck does she she manage to make everything so bitter and miserable all the fucking time.
>I’m about to see if this insurance company settles with me for muh PaIn AnD SufFeRiNg>and if my insurance is going to take that from me or cut off my chiropractor care>so I’m going to have to choose between being healthy and not living on Advil or a downpayment on a car>I’m going to be left empty handed from this She’s such a
victim constantly. Why does she feel she’s owed for everything and then more. I have never in my life witnessed such a moaning, entitled grown ass woman.
>all the money is going to go to my car loanSorry but did she really think that once she’d finished with her “06” (also why is she obsessed with talking about 2006 cars, is it because she owned one and that’s the sum total of her car knowledge so she goes on about it constantly) and came to sell it that she’d get any significant amount of money for it? She should count herself lucky that they’ve valued the Spirit Car of the Old Man at that much and she’s able to pay off the fucking loan. Christ.
Can we have a pain and suffering count? She’s uttered the phrase twice already in this story alone.
>what if they take my chiropractor money away from me and I have long term illness from whiplash>then I’ll have to get a LaWyEr>I’d get a lot more but then it would take two years>I have to get a car I need a thousand dollarsHey, Heather. Get this - we don’t feel sorry for you.
No. 1162338
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>>1162335Heather shut the fuck up and get a grip. If you’re such a devout witch get to it and fix your entire fucking sad life. You haven’t thought to even do a love spelll in the nearly two decades you’ve been Wiccan? Jfc this loser
And it’s settLED not setouled
No. 1162448
>>1162335>I have to get a car I need a thousand dollarsToo bad she didn't save any of her stimulus check, or any of the larger paychecks she was getting over the holidays.
She lives with her mom and has no bills, how the fuck does she have zero savings?
No. 1162548
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Sorry heather the facts are none of us think you will get rich from this, you sound dumb again, we just think you suck with money and are playing victim…. again
No. 1162634
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>>1162548She has now deleted all stories and is uploading a quote “crying on the internet video” ……… in a mask….. in her home by herself.
No. 1163420
>>1158583>I sat down with a woman who has been involved in this situationLemme guess, your mom?s
>>1159475>I have PTSD from thisA chiropractor can't diagnose you, Heather.
>>1159973She is going to get nothing or very little (under $500) for pain and suffering with her injuries. So she is going to be out a ton of money in the end, which I am sure will lead to more hilarious stories.
There is a whole process to getting Pain and Suffering to weed out munchies like her. I don't want to explain it here because I don't want to give her any info, help or loopholes so I won't specify what is involved, but she is screwed. She doesn't have a scratch and P/S does not actually reimburse for "PTSD" like she thinks.
If anything, the more she flips out about things to professionals, the higher the chance she is just going to be put in a crazy home.
No. 1163546
>>1163420>If anything, the more she flips out about things to professionals, the higher the chance she is just going to be put in a crazy home.Just imagine her talking to professionals about mourning the loss of her "spirit car" and how she is most absolutely cursed by a witch.
>>1163459Not just her "dream" car, anon. Her new BEST FRIEND "spirit" car! kek
No. 1163737
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No. 1163739
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No. 1163740
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No. 1163743
>>1163739Fucking kek came here to post the very same. What an absolute retard. And she wonders why she can’t find a man? It’s not because, as she keeps asserting, “they don’t want to be loved and taken care of”.
It’s because she’s creepy as fuck.
No. 1163747
Sorry if this has come up before, I watch her stories but haven't seen her mention anything about going to an actual doctor. If she wants money for pain and suffering, wouldn't she have to go to the doctor the insurance company chooses?
>>1163739Yea, they are called winter tires, we all need to get them when it gets snowy.
No. 1163788
I have no idea who this girl is, but I am reading up on this whole car fiasco, this girl is straight up retarded. She really couldn't buy a junker and instead is spending $14k on a car that's 3/4 of the way to 100k miles? New Mazda3s are $20k, that's only $6k away from what she's paying now… keep in mind her car is 15 years old, this is a super shit deal LMAO! The fact she traded in her old car for $2k means the damage was not that serious either. She literally can find a car from 2016 with all the special Bluetooth and possibly a rearview camera for about $8k.
>>1159939Any car since 2018 is mandated to have a backup camera kek it truly ain't special, even then you can buy a backup camera for cheap and get one installed for under $300.
No. 1163798
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>>1163793She’s just a female incel, nothing special
No. 1163799
>>1163788samefag, i'm retarded. she got rid of her 2006 and got a 2012 Mazda3. and it's
still overpriced, they're usually going for $8k CPO.
No. 1164290
File: 1613614024015.png (3.15 MB, 828x1792, 945893FF-FAA6-4F7F-AE3E-57A514…)

crazy bitch
No. 1164833
>>1164829Nah, she's a mad femcel. She does have pickme traits, but the difference is that she doesn't cape for men and has a huge
victim complex. She rages that men are shit and all fuckboys, which would be based asf, until she gets a boyfriend and makes a complete ass out of herself. Then cries about how men only want her for sex and how the whole world is against her. Blah, blah, blah.
No. 1164837
>>1164290the truest consoomer cow
>cute teddy bear or a kittenthat's a mighty expensive teddy bear
No. 1164998
>>1164833Agreed. Femcel. Also because whenever she gets rejected it's because "all men are fuckboys!" Rather than her being the problem.
That and the constant scheming and manouvering to meet and snare Ryans, rather than just trying to not be a shit person.
No. 1165783
File: 1613780150578.png (3.55 MB, 750x1334, DF535896-AFDE-47B1-A29B-532834…)

Well, it’s a complete 360 in a matter of a few days for Hag and the spirit car pain and suffering saga. She is now the proud owner of her dream car!
>the things that happen to me are so crazy, you couldn’t make it up
>walked in to pick my new car up at 2:22
>if you don’t know anything about aNgEl NuMbErS you should look it up
>I hate to think of my old car at the scrap yard
>this one is just so much better
>even if it did cost $20,000 in the end
>I’m so proud that I could pull this off
>I really thought someday I would get a new car but would still keep my old car
>bought myself a treat because of all the bs of the last week
It’s an antique doll. Delivers the next bit of rambling as if she’s the doll. Finally describes doll and it’s way too boring so skipped that.
Then a load more retail therapy shit including car in snow and other antiques stuff. Honestly, she should be thanking her mom endlessly for all the help she’s given her this week. I’m sure Hag has been insufferable, between meltdowns and her pain and suffering. Whenever I see that hand mirror (not the bent one) that she uses in her self portraits, I instantly remember how that was going to be a Christmas present for her mom. Guess Hag just had to hang on to it.
No. 1165784
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>>1165783The doll she had to buy as a treat for herself for being so brave. It’s basically Mini Hag.
No. 1166758
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>>1166718It's called a car loan anon. She still lives with her mom.
How much longer is she going to be talking about her car? She hyper focuses on one topic and never stops talking about it.
No. 1166802
>>1166775I completely agree. She’s gross. To say muh PTSD was
triggered…by snow. Gtfo.
No. 1166843
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>>1166808To think this lil bit of snow will be the least of her worries, and she’s already freaking out about it. I wonder if her PTSD has been
triggered again because this black car is getting dirty and the silver Spirit Car never would have done that. Fucking kek.
No. 1166852
>>1166775Not to mention that PTSD doesn't happen within a few days of the traumatic event. At least a month needs to have passed, with at least another month of consistent symptoms. That's what the P in post-traumatic stress disorder stands for.
If you're upset right after a bad event, that's not PTSD. That's just you reacting to yhe event.
Also, it's interesting jow she's super eager to use DSM diagnosis on herself, but going to therapy is for "crazy people."
No. 1166911
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Hagther will never not remind me of Underbite Dog from Rude Dog and the Dweebs.
She’s off on a tragic story ramble right now. The new car buzz lasted all of two seconds.
No. 1166936
>>1166926Wow. That must be record time.
>so stressed about my new car>if I’d have taken the snow tyres off my last car and sold them I could have made way more money>maybe they would have fitted the Subaru which doesn’t have snow tires Fucking eye roll at this
>my drive is half a mile long and I have to get up a hill >the car did this weird thing and I crashed into the hill Already pitched it kek
>didn’t do any damage>mom says I just don’t know how to drive the new car but I’ll be fine>I don’t think so I need to clear the drive>it’s triggering my PTSD from the accident >it’s a $20,000 car…did I get the right car>I’m so sad about my love life>I figure I’ll just be single forever No. 1166953
File: 1613871882023.png (3.63 MB, 750x1334, 91CA56D1-5658-4EA9-9C7C-059A30…)

Maybe her “visual impairment” is a disability after all.
No. 1166968
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>>1166953I almost posted this same thing, she looks so dumpy here it’s crazy, wtf.
She’s currently doing a haunted sperg but it’s so boring I keep clicking through and her eye is looking lazy
No. 1167285
File: 1613916060333.jpeg (340.11 KB, 828x1179, 956516B2-7C43-411D-B9CE-737DA7…)

>>1166968shes on a rant about being spooky
No. 1167298
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>>1166968The spooky rant was ridic
>I’m going to piss people off now and say a cemetery can be haunted>people say it can’t be because the souls go elsewhere >talks through three bullshit ghost sightings which involved things growling in her ear and seeing a true orb not a bullshit orb which “everyone knows is just dust on the camera lense”>etc etc No. 1167379
>>1167325She’s just fucking greedy. It’s comorbid with her enduring
victim mentality.
>I need more more MoRe No. 1167985
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Oh honey, no.
No. 1168228
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>>1167985Is if Just me or does she switch from unstable ranting Heather to this weird personna of this “I’ve got my shit together” woman who pretends she didn’t have a meltdown 5 minutes ago.
No. 1168757
>>1168746No I take your your point anon. It’s the way she says it as if she was in a serious scrape & it was a life altering moment. I grant you a video will be coming
On that too.
No. 1168821
>>1168746Confirming what
>>1168729 said. Hag literally said
>I was in a car accident recentlyFucking top kek. She’s such a moron. Why even bring it to your new SpOoKy HaUL. Oh yeah, I know, cause she followed it up with…
>so I treated myself to this doll No. 1168972
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just stating facts
No. 1169020
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>>1168972Kek. I predict a mini breakdown at some point before the day is out. She just did one of those
>surely someone wants a goth explorer GF posts, accompanied by typical Frump Goth plus Walmart Jeans photos. Here are some of the replies that will no doubt send her.
No. 1169025
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I can't think of a single thing…
No. 1169037
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Latest video is boring as shit. The people she hangs out with are losers. Her spirit box hobby is bullshit. Man…this is depressing.
Bonus photo from her pLz DaTe mE post.
No. 1170017
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Heather clapping back at someone on TikTok really is as Karen as you’d expect.
No. 1170018
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>>1170017Continued in comments.
No. 1170159
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Lol she's totally not mad about this at ALL you guys. Now she's also sharing old clips of her walking through abandoned buildings just to prove that she's a real explorer.
No. 1170190
>>1170159Kek came to post the same. She’s really unbothered and totally doesn’t care.
>>1170145Yep. I’ve noticed. It’s all totally superficial.
No. 1170222
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Jesus, Mary and Joseph, she has the longest ass story up atm. If you miss it, or she dirty deletes, I’ll annotate it later. It’s the usual stuff. Plus this
>don’t mind me I’ve just been rinsing my hair
Attempt at a thirst trap.
No. 1170235
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>>1170222She is spirallllling bc of a care bear sweater. She is psychotic and she literally makes it up in her wild ass mind.
IMO someone only gets THIS
triggered by simple things when said thing is true. She isn’t really Wiccan or goth or taphophile or an 80s toy fan. She said it herself she’s just heather, the narcissist, who only cares about something if she’s gonna get paid for it eventuallyz
Just have a hobby and enjoy it instead of pushing it on everyone else like we should give a shit why you’re so spoopy and weird.
No. 1170257
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>>1170235This bitch went on for such a long ass time she managed three dress changes.
>muh ExTrEmELy aboosive husbandWho you cheated on
>my haters sent me death threats I don’t think so
>said I was insane needed to be locked up because I stopped dressing like barberNo, cause you left your house to fuck men you just met
>Total bitch said I was copying her She’s talking about Gabriella Regina - years old video on Heather drama is still up
>brags about being a YouTube partner Like some fruit loop down the road who has a channel about roasting his own farts isn’t also eligible for partnership programme
>Adam and his new wife or whatever packed up my thousands of dollars toy room so I didn’t have to see them Complains about this, like it was some hardship. Sorry, but wouldn’t a totally emotionally
abusive person force their ex to do it themselves, and stand watching whilst they did?
>I went from influencing thousands of people to being hatedBitch, please
>this is what it’s like for us YouTubers>plus all the usual stuffHeather Steele aka Sparkles aka Explores from Pittsburgh PA, you are disliked because of many, many things. But absolutely not because of the stuff you own. I dare you to mention your threadS (plural) on Lolcow Farm and perhaps your new “fam” can decide why for themselves.
No. 1170268
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>>1170257Samefag to say it’s actually four wardrobe changes in this epic story.
No. 1170309
>>1170292That was one of myriad complaints. Her mom has given her permission to move the contents of her $200 per month to the house basement. Offered to move out of storage today. Kind offer, huh? Hag’s response…
>Well, I’m going ‘splorin!Honestly, she is such a moron. She claims that if she collects the storage stuff, she’ll want to post photos of her collection, and will end up getting more hate. Okay, cause you don’t get any now, right?
No. 1170324
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"I have to take care of myself because I have no one to take care of me"
Umm…your mom is taking care of you. You have a roof over your head and you got a car because of her. And you rant all fuckin day in her home. So yes, someone is taking care of you Heather.
No. 1170330
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Why do you need a fuckin announcement that you're going to sell your vintage toys? Just fuckin list it on your depop, eBay, mecari, you DON'T have to list it on instagram, but she just HAS to dramatic and needs attention because she can't sell her vintage toys. Fuckin christ heather, just admit it, you don't want to sell it and that's OK!! Just stop fuckin bitchin about it.
No. 1170337
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>>1170330That’s the thing. If she would quit bitching we’d have nothing to talk about (Ryan’s permitting, obvs). If she just went about her business, quit droning on and on, stop bragging about basically nothing, no one would have reason to laugh at her bullshit. Her downfall is documenting everything she does. Keep your personal drama to yourself, Hag, put out your spoopy content, get on with your life.
In other news, she thinks an animal has pissed in her vehicle. Kek.
No. 1170373
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>Let’s just pretend nothing happened. Yay!
No. 1170383
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Shes trying to delete her rants
She bought the lil miss mermaid doll
But remember, she's too goth for vintage toys rolls eyes
No. 1170751
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>I wanted to take selfies every time we hung out… I wanna look at the selfies after we’re done hanging out because I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
>It’s really fucking stupid of me and now I see why it’s annoyyyeeeeeng
No. 1171279
>>1171052It's funny that she refuses to change who she is to please a man but she drives off a man with her true self. She rants and is constantly playing the
victim card which is her true self.
No. 1171296
>>1171291ah, yes, as she said…
> make that titty moneyon an IG post while she breathed heavily complaining she's not good at working out.
No. 1171298
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She clearly lurked here yesterday and took the advice to quit moaning and just get on with her hobbies etc. So what does she do? Start flexing her superior photography knowledge about dead people photos whilst mocking eBay sellers. It’s like she has three modes - whiny, fake nice and aggressively unpleasant. Anyway, cut to today, and she’s buying dead people photos one of which is clearly of victims of war/war camp photos. In her obsessive way she just buys all this stuff without realising how sensitive the topic is. It’s pretty gross. Had to laugh at her being self important
>who would throw photos away
>I am going to start digitising my photos to make an archive
Like no other archives in the world exist, and her Victorian family photos - without any recorded history or provenance - will matter in any shape or form. Yeah, it’s a shame things get discarded, but again, it’s like she’s making herself important by saving them. It’s the same thing when she talks about her one female friend, in that it’s never anything about that friend or their friendship, it’s always “oh I’m so annoying to have as a friend because I just wanna take selfies of us look how kooky and special I am.” Me, me, me ad infinitum.
Also in today’s episode of Heather Explodes…
>My ex STOLE my stimulus check
Also Heather
>Was gonna do taxes to fix stimulus going to my ex but I got distracted and didn’t do it. Again.
On spending…
>but the photos only cost a dollar each
>buys 20 of them
And finally…
>going to clear out the storage unit but my ex filled it so full I can’t get the door open
I know, we’ve heard this many times, but the fucking audacity of her complaint that her ex packed up
>he stuffed all my expensive plushies in a bin bag!!!
and then delivered, actually delivered, and filled her storage container for her…and she complains. Was he meant to take a whole load back home again, then drop off at another time of her convenience?Heather…shut up. Kekek.
No. 1171318
>>1171298I don't know, her commentary about clearly-not-dead-people on eBay was way more entertaining than the usual barrage of
oh woe is me and selfies. She was also willing to acknowledge some of her negative traits and that rarely happens.
No. 1171348
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Heather's hand sanitizer smells like cotton candy vape juice. She is now reminiscing about the boyfriend who vaped and she wishes his cotton candy vape juice was filling up the inside of her car.
No. 1171927
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It wasn't true love heather. You got played, end of story
No. 1171978
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>>1171958She’s such a bitch. Honestly, iirc he was into her but thought her sharing stupid tinder stuff after they went on a date was negging him out, and he wasn’t cool with it. Then he saw all her online sperging and drama. So he ghosted her or cooled off at the very least, and now she’s all “I hate him, he’s a fuckboy, he’s a jerk” etc. The internet remembers, Hag.
No. 1171982
>>1171978Exactly! She even had issues with men doing the same thing afterward. She just pushes the narrative to make it seem like she is always the
No. 1171992
>>1171958Why is she going on about him when that lasted a week tops? I wonder what
triggered this.
No. 1172020
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>>1171958I thought she was talking about RyanZ and Damien.
>>1171993>>1171992Yeah, it’s cause she was going through the abandoned turnpike footage. Funnily enough, as soon as she shared the timktomk I immediately wondered if she’d start blathering on about him. And her whole “look what I have to go through to bring you guys content” is the usual self obsessed bullshit masked as a ‘joke’.
Thinking back on the whole CharmRyan then BomberRyan thing…she never gives anything a chance. It’s 0-100 in the blink of an eye. Heather, get some chill ffs.
No. 1172072
>>1172020I agree. I also think she was talking about RyanZ (theonetrueryan) and damien. Remember how when she was with damien she spent all her time stalking Ryanz?
Also, one's her twin flame and the other is her soulmate? Aren't twin flames soulmates too? I've never looked into this twin flame bullshit, but isn't the whole point that there's only one for each person?
No. 1172435
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>>1172020She’s currently enlightening us why she’s on tiktok (bc she’s a failed YouTuber is her answer, kek) but she looks so much like Garth from Wayne’s world I can’t get over it
No. 1172454
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there's something so unsettling about the combo of heather using her baby voice to make fun of her "haters" while slowly zooming into one eye for effect. she's done it in a few rants now and its like reverse ASMR to me.
also forever lol at heather insisting that "the negative comments don't bother me, honestly I think theyre just funny" while complaining about them over and over. There aren't even that many and most of them are to the tune of "this place is really dangerous, don't go there."
No. 1172458
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>>1172441Good point! If she was serious she would have her shit together enough to release video collabs at the same time as the others.
>>1172454She straight up be looking like that momo challenge meme here.
No. 1172689
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>>1172441Ikr. It’s hardly full-on trolling. She shits herself at the slightest thing. Her clap backs are so lengthy, split into various responses, like she goes away, comes back…
>and another thing!!1!Some of the comments she’s getting picrel.
No. 1172699
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The real reason she does tiktok is that her friend Beckie told her to. Heather thinks that she will meet a spooky Ryan by posting this spooky content. Instead she is met with a bunch of hate comments kek.
No. 1172855
>>1172849The real question is how many other things will happen at the storage unit today that makes her even more of a
No. 1172962
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>>1172849I’ve been waiting for this day. She’s doing as much as she possibly can to fuck about before even getting there (picrel). She’s already done the whole blaming Adam spiel. I stg hell will freeze over if she ever admits to any of her massive fuck ups and faults.
No. 1173120
>>1168972Her eyelashes are so thick they broke through her glasses and in front of her hair. Good advertising on a "spoopy boi respond pls" post.
>>1169178> ghosted> by ghostswhen even paranormal beings have had enough of you shit
No. 1173145
>>1171927I find it surprising that she doesn't consider neck tattoo dude one of her loves considering it seemed like her longest lasting and potentially healthiest relationship? There was little drama with him outside of his weird ex acting butthurt here and him eventually breaking up with her. FemRyan lasted for a while too compared to the others, but it was nothing but drama the entire time.
It's kind of funny that she's basically outting herself as being kind of a "fuckboy" herself, jumping boy to boy without actually loving any of them. kek
No. 1173219
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>>1173218It would have helped if I remembered to add the photo. Here is it.
No. 1174639
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Kekek Hag on the shouty in-car rant
>no more fuckboys!
>was chatting to guy on snap, sent me dick pic first day
>spoke for five hours on phone, kept asking for nudes
>was in my town after I got back from storage unit, wanted to hook up
>said no, didn’t want to, so he got distant and I knew he’d ghost me next day
>said he wouldn’t
>ghosted me
>not sending nudes fuck you fuckboys!!!1!
>y’all can pall for that
>muh car accident set back my only fans debut
>I’m not a quick hook up!
>I’m not a girl you only text when horny!
>I want love and to be the girlfriend
>was reminded of a certain ghost hunter FUCKBOY so much trauma
>ps I will still be doing only fans
No. 1174874
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Lol she's on the verge of tears rn because she's trying to do her taxes and she realized she's going to need a form that Adam has. So she says "I can't do my taxes now and he's going to get my stimulus money". All because she clearly doesn't want to reach out to him.
No. 1174954
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>>1174874She never actually cried.
On picrel is sago gage had to go to bed and then 50 more fucking stories of her fake sobbing forever
No. 1174958
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Heather is currently losing her mind over her taxes. I'll try to get the greatest hits:
>her return got rejected because Adam claimed her as a dependent on his return (allegedly)
>repeatedly talks about how Adam is doing this to steal her stimulus money
>guess I'm going to cry myself to sleep.
Then, five minutes later:
>"Does anyone know what I can do? Can I go to the IRS? Will they help me if I cry?"
>tinfoiling that Adam hacked into her email account to get her W2s (????)
>mentions that Adam got into some legal trouble with the IRS in the past for tax fraud
>"Surely the IRS knows that I'm not a dependent"
>lots of crying that's just her whimpering and rubbing her dry eyes
>glitter eyeshadow filter through all the crying
>wants to call the fraud hotline on Adam
>marriage is so scary as a women, you lose all your rights and just become a slave to your husband.
>"we're legally separated, even if we're still legally married."
>she made $22,000 last year
>clearly has no idea how taxes work, yet tried to file them alone
>"I don't know, my mom knows a tax lady, so maybe if the IRS doesn't answer tomorrow then I'll reach out to her."
>Doesn't understand why accountants charge money for their services.
>"I just want my happily ever after."
>more paranoia about Adam conspiring to steal her money.
No. 1175085
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Now she's posting screenshots from her text conversation with Adam.
No. 1175091
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She posted them on her Instagram profile too. I love how she has no idea how crazy this makes her look.
No. 1175129
>>1175111I don't want to restart the argument in here about Adam whiteknights sucking his dick, but uh.. I don't get the Adam hate. I'm not from the US before someone tries to imply I'm him or one of his friends.
Even if he was an asshole like 4-5 years ago when he was Heather, why do anons think he enjoys making Heather suffer? He moved on with his life, got a new girlfriend, keeps asking Heather to sign divorce papers so they don't have to ever speak again, and even giving her financial advice in text??
He didn't have to tell her what forms to fill in, he didn't have to assure her the money would be sent. If Adam was a shady piece of shit wouldn't he just tell her to fuck off and take him to court?
If Adam wanted to steal Heather's stimulus check he could. Very convenient that Heather didn't mind Adam filing her taxes and doing all the hard work for her until she thought she was owed something.
This is all happening because SHE refuses to get a divorce and didn't object to him filing their earnings combined, probably because she gets some sort of monetary benefit from them being filed together.
No. 1175130
>>1175069THIS!! she had the opportunity to sign the divorce papers but she wanted to be spiteful and not sign it and now she's paying the consequences. She wants people to pity her.
She needs to stop posting this shit between her and her husband about what they discussed in regards to her taxes. Clearly he is talking to her, she needs to be an ADULT and discuss this matter between the two of them. Unless she wants to make matters worse and pay a lawyer and go to court, all she has to do is go down to the IRS department in person and get this resolved. Instead, she seeks out to the internet like a fuckin idiot.
She also likes people's comments that baby her "oh heather, im so sorry this happened to you, go to the police" that's NOT helping anything, it's not helping the situation, she needs to go to the IRS and get her answers from there, not the damn internet.
She really is an attention whore
No. 1175132
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>>1174958Thanks for the greatest hits, anon. To add, my favourite Karen moments
>I dId NoT aUtHoRiZe ThIs>I hAvE bEeN rObBeDYeah Adam is a total douchebag and can’t help but be a patronising incel, I bet he’s loving this. But also, Hag, ya fucking moron. Okay he filed, he used the number so you can’t file. It’s just a computer says no situation, not a targeted attack on you. Like, an IRS rep isn’t sitting there monitoring you. Just fucking call them. I’m sure you can ask for a half hour phone break at work, you don’t work in a Victorian sweatshop. Or, another groundbreaking idea, call them on your fucking lunch break. I have zero sympathy for this fake crying woman child.
No. 1175137
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>>1175132Sorry to samefag but also…and not to WK Adam at all, cause as I said, he’s a douche, but he’s clearly trying to avoid that $2400 he claims they will both have to pay unless they file jointly. He’s couching it as if he’s doing them both a favour. He did give her the money from the last stimulus checks, so…he’s going about it in a patronising knucklehead way, but her love of being victimised and all the drama that comes with it is just too tempting for her not to cause a scene.
No. 1175160
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>>1175143Shes still dependent on him just as shes dependent on everyone in her life
No. 1175197
>>1175188Seconded. That picture of FemRyan. He looks like a Pamela.
I can’t get beyond the fact that Adam was claiming jointly for some kind of married couples relief. Amerifags, is that a thing there? Neither of them communicate properly, he doesn’t state exactly what this $2400/$3000 he’s trying to save on is actually about. She’s an all caps responder with the Brain of Karen. What a shit show. Like
>>1175180 says, get someone to prep your taxes for you, Hag. You’re clearly unable to ‘adult’ (cringe) yourself.
Howling at this ridic drama. Maybe I should sue her for the whiplash she’s given me with the latest 360. Kekek.
No. 1175232
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I'm still lol at this 30 year old woman referring to her "mom's tax lady" as a source
No. 1175264
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I literally lmao with this comment lol
No. 1175292
>>1175287She's still married to Adam, not Ryan.
And she was served divorce papers by Adam, but she didn't believe that she had a 2 week window to sign the papers and send it back to him. She wanted to "hire a lawyer " to review these documents before signing them.
But taking pictures of tombstones are more important then separating herself from Adam permanently
No. 1175305
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She was wise to take this and others down. Nothing like a self-own when you're trying to play up your victim status.
No. 1175399
>>1175305The problem is she NEVER THINKS BEFORE HAND. She publicly puts everything on the internet without thinking the consequences.
Eventually this will bite her in the ass, nothing is ever deleted from the internet.
No. 1175438
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>>1175399True. Speaking of, my favorite self-own of hers may be the
>worthy rantshe posted yesterday where she talks about a stranger she met on snapchat and was talking to
>for a couple of daysYet claims she almost immediately determined he wasn’t her type.
Despite this, she had a
>5-hour phone callwith him in which he repeatedly behaved in a way she supposedly found inappropriate.
>He kept trying to have these dirty talks with me and I was like NO>I’m not giving you nudesThen, astoundingly, she alleges that in fact on the first day they chatted, he sent her a D- pic.
>arrrrrggghh!The first day. Which means the rest she complains about happened later.
>Anyway, he kept apologizing, said he got way out of control.>bluhbluhbluhbluhbluhblubluhblahblahblahluhluhluhluhla[actual transcription]
>He’d bring up how turned on he was n stuff>Then he’d give me less attention>Things that trigger the shit out of meThe cringe is strong with this one. But wait, there was more!
>And then he was in my town. It was after dark. Wanted to meet up. I said no.>Then he got distant.okay, isn’t that a good thing?
>Then I texted him to say Hey look, I know you’re going to ghost me. It’s whatever.>[mocking tone] He said no, I won’t do that.>The next day he said I don’t wanna talk anymore. I hope you find what you’re looking for.>YEAH! I’M NOT LOOKING FOR A FUCKBOY!>I am looking for a MAN. Not a fuckboy. A MMAAAAAAAAN!It only took her days, a d-pic, a 5-hour phone call, and more to take this incredibly brave stance of this ferociously strong and independent woman.
She’s a self-owning lunatic.
No. 1175475
>>1175438I loved this too. Apart from it being so fucking desperate, this self-own is legendary. It contradicts so many of her
>I am a strong independent woman>I love myself pep talks. Love that she ends the whole fuckboy diss with
>ps I am still going to be doing Only Fans Gtfo kekek
No. 1175493
File: 1614805516256.png (3.06 MB, 1242x2208, CF96C6DF-4094-48A4-9DC8-19A799…)

New spurging on how she’s an adult, she immediately mentions she doesn’t pay rent.
Cool, conversation over, you are not an adult at all until you pay some fucking rent or buy a house. I cannot hear her do a pity party for 40 stories bc she doesn’t know how taxes work.
I have filed separately while married in the process of a divorce. It costs A LOT more to file this way, and if she did a 1099 private contractor job for a year with him he FOR SURE did not get money for her taxes last year, you HAVE to pay at least a weeks worth of wages- it’s actually more a month but I’ll give her this- because they do not take taxes out like they do at her stupid ass target job.
I hate her, google some shit heather ffs
No. 1175498
File: 1614805984661.png (2 MB, 750x1334, 55C51B4E-39DB-4AD7-BF35-712691…)

Speaking of self-serve…
>I work my ass off every day
No, you don’t. Being a nurse is working your ass off every day. Being a teacher. Being a mom-of-three domestic with multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Being an intern even though you have a top degree cause you want to get into a particular field. They work their asses off. You work a part time retail job. Get real.
>I’m trying to get a second job.
Not trying hard enough.
>I pay all of my own bills apart from rent
Actually howling. Rent is the biggest one, fuck face. Wondering if she pays for utilities or perhaps she just expects running water, gas and electricity to be free?
>Had to sort car accident situation out.
>I just bought a fucking car myself. Didn’t even need a co-signer. That’s because I’m an adult.
So are you saying you didn’t cry to the internet about wtf to do for like 4 solid days?
Also, I’m pretty sure your long-suffering mother helped you with ALL of this. The same mother that helped you sort your $200 a month storage unit.
>Defending buy strange objects, spending money, blah blah blah.
You wouldn’t feel the need to explain all of this to us if you knew we are all wrong. Lol.
>That’s the only thing I’ve been spending money on, on the side
Calling bullshit on this; as evidenced by all the other shit you buy then share online. We can write you a list. Hey, how’s that large framed double tintype? Or that light cube thing? Or the prairie dresses?
>While y’all are going to the bar on the weekend.
>I haven’t even bought groceries in a little while
I refer you to “I pay my own bills” and would like you to now admit your parents are feeding you too
>I don’t get my hair done
I thought you were just about to?
No. 1175525
File: 1614809228393.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, 570D7660-777F-4B11-8EE4-1B80ED…)

Kek at her dropping words like ‘identity’ and ‘consent’ in both an attempt to be in charge of the situation and also further drive home her perennial victimhood.
Divorce papers saga
>I’m an adult!
>I only had two weeks to sign. Why didn’t anyone tell meeeee
Because…you’re an adult, you shouldn’t need anyone else to tell you. Read. The. Papers.
>Many fucking times I have reached out to Adam to say “hey I’m really poor, you make a lot of fucking money, you are in a different tax bracket to me…is there anything you can do to help us file this again…
The entitlement. Kek. The fact you’re a bum ass and he’s makes a lot doesn’t mean he owes you anything.
>I’ve just been so focussed on my life
Buying shit
The hand snatching is unreal. I’ve never seen her look and sound more like Kelly (Shoes).
No. 1175925
File: 1614860113117.jpeg (161.71 KB, 750x1200, 93D61C51-BFED-4125-9FB6-D77831…)

Peeped this on the clock app last night. Interesting that Adam’s gf would leave a nice comment for Hag (Dec 2020). Maybe she’s trolling but I think it’s genuine. No big deal but I raised an eyebrow, for sure.
No. 1176331
>>1175132How does one make a Heather?
I'm serious, this kind of hysteria combined with incompetence has to have some origin story in her upbringing.
No. 1176355
File: 1614896778006.jpeg (756.6 KB, 750x1334, A71CCDBD-00C0-4D67-AA48-967AB7…)

>>1175498Oh, Hag. Literally one day after saying
>I never get my hair doneGetting my hair done by next week
>I never buy anything for myself Picrel
No. 1176617
File: 1614925609381.png (432.2 KB, 530x630, pine cone love.png)

Another woe is me! rant.
>Impossible to date because of the hobbies I have.
guise! she’s so hardcore! we’ll never understand the complexity which is Heather Kitty Sparkle Plushy Razor Wicca Goth Frizzy Titty Explores.
>what the fuck’s wrong with me? why won’t anyone give me a chance?
>everyone I talk to will talk for maybe an hour? and then they’re gone?
I’m aghast at this exaggeration! That last dude talked with her for 5 hours! And that was after sending her a D- pic!
>I’m just looking for something so specific.
all she wants is someone to
>take me on trips to find pine cones. I just want pine cones! And to hold your hand! Is that so much to ask for?!
has anyone touched on the fact that she’s boring as all fuck? I believe I’ve spotted her problem.
she can’t find someone to drive her to barren places and listen to her yap in her poorly-decorated room at her mom’s place about stuff she knows little or nothing about.
>you guys don’t like me
>am I going to have that happy ending?
that would be a negative. why? because you are a taker. you give nothing that’s not with only yourself in mind.
>everyone else that has ever entered my life and is now gone, they all got their happy endings.
No. 1176807
File: 1614952965752.png (3.37 MB, 750x1334, 38D9B3F4-0737-4F35-834D-D65BE4…)

>>1176617All while editing pictures of herself…? Peep the reflection in her glasses.
Good summary anon. She drives me to distraction with her incessant whining and bullshitting. She’s a pathological liar, exaggerator at best, who can’t keep track of what and when she says it.
No. 1176811
File: 1614953168051.png (3.8 MB, 750x1334, AB69A15B-F9C1-4600-A132-B6E700…)

>>1176781Samefag to ask what happened to her bio dad? Is it straight up the reason for all her abandonment issues?
Also offering up this pic for future use. Context is she was HagSplaining about her latest obsession, Gustav Dore.
No. 1176834
>>1176781Obv sage because historic milk, but relevant. Gaming posts from first thread
>>738758 by friend of Hag’s ex before Adam (Scott).
>>779022>>779028>>779031>>779033>>779040Links to Hag’s gaming past
>>779037 No. 1176950
File: 1614966946828.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, 5012759D-F9BC-48A6-9A80-45806C…)

>>1176833Ah you’re right, anon.
She’s done another 360 and is doing the positivity speech.
In other news…
Re pic, Hag, if you’re reading, do yourself a favour and chop those witches strands off your hair. Dye it a dark brown. Get a sharp shoulder length cut. Keep the side part.
No. 1177836
File: 1615051543331.jpeg (546.32 KB, 2048x2048, 71A806FC-895E-46D0-9FF5-CDB7B8…)

>Remember when I said I never spend any money on myself and that I work my ass off and that I am trying to get a job and move into my own place? Haha!>>1177792I took it to mean that too. So basically that is her entire issue. Wonder if her bio dad is the same as her sisters, or if she is the true black sheep.
No. 1178899
File: 1615173750253.jpg (1.09 MB, 1057x1966, 20210307_192115.jpg)

So who are those dudes?
No. 1179519
File: 1615236618722.jpeg (738.29 KB, 824x1316, 7CC84C5F-66BE-4EB3-8C74-522FA5…)

Happy International Women’s Day let me post a photo of myself to congratulate myself on being a strong independent woman despite the fact I have meltdowns on a weekly basis ranting how much I hate my life, I’ll forever be alone & wanting pity & compliments from strange men on the net.
No. 1179592
File: 1615242814255.png (2.33 MB, 750x1334, 29716D26-A1A9-4458-98B3-EB97D0…)

>>1179571Fuck me dead kekek actually wheezing
No. 1179605
File: 1615243441078.jpeg (668.97 KB, 828x981, AA3AAB59-CC5B-4837-AE8A-8C5618…)

>>1179592and here we go… I am so alone. Here’s an edit of what in Heathers mind she looks like when in reality it is much much different.
No. 1179901
>>1179592For the 10,000th time –
It's not the hobbies. Photography, graveyards, and being mildly goth are NOT extreme.
It's the clingy, needy, terrifyingly self-obsessed vibe that any sane human can sense from miles away. And living with Mom still. And the whining.
That's what scares people off. It's not black clothes or enjoying graveyards, it's the palpable emotional instability.
No. 1180379
File: 1615328262681.png (2.39 MB, 750x1334, F192A486-E5F1-4A32-80DA-CD49BB…)

>>1180344>in two weeks I’ll be a blonde bombshell>you boys that wasted my time are gonna be ALL over me >I’m going from drab to fabKekekek
No. 1180395
File: 1615330247415.png (432.19 KB, 488x662, doomed.png)

self-own extravaganza!
>so I can look young again
in other words, you don’t now, got it
>blonde bombshell makeover
just be you, right? Wait what?
>you boys that don’t give me the time a-day, that waste my time
which is it?
>you’re gonna be all over me
D-pic warriors at the ready
>I’m gonna go from drab to fab
in other words, you’re drab
>I just have to pretend to be normal
oh no! not that! you promised you wouldn’t!
>can I do it?
long pause
>can I start working out everyday? can I start eating healthy again?
gawd you can hear her getting fatter
>can I lie about being afraid of spiders?
>can I be a normal, nice blond girl?
that’s 3 things you currently ain’t
>I’m fucking doomed
>if I could be normal for 10 minutes, then we’re gonna move on to 10 hours, to 10 days
there are so many things to work on yet she chooses pining for a cock with ears as priority #1
No. 1180652
>>1179623>what guys don’t see in her is sanity and the ability to chill for a minuteShe's like an extremely needy virtual pet, I always picture her phone calls/texts/messages as being off the chart. These Story posts are the tip of the iceberg, she seriously needs to chill and realize life can be good and peaceful even without getting constant attention and admiration. She needs to find internal peace rather than relying solely on external validation for her mental health.
You can still be a worthy person even if nobody has told you that this hour, day or week. It's sorta anxiety mixed up with extreme confidence dips with her, if she truly thought she was appealing and attractive she wouldn't spend every waking moment seeking external validation.
It's extra strange because she was more chill and happy while married, and while looking and behaving way more dumpy/normal.
I think in some ways right now she's performing a character; I can only assume she has a greater plan in mind where she upgrades her (to be) husband along with herself, but the level of intensity whereby she performs this plan and overdoes it every step of the way ensures it absolutely will not work. Men might be morons when it comes to women, but I think they can all see through the act to know what she really wants. It's why even when she finds fucking crazy guys who act the same was she currently does, the relationship
still doesn't work because this
isn't truly who she is. If it was her true self she wouldn't keep needing to enforce it by relentlessly announcing it every day in video and text form.
No. 1181474
File: 1615439541137.png (446.08 KB, 532x882, guess again.png)

>I'm going to be so so pretty.
>It feels like someone is sitting on my face which is a pretty nice feeling
Next day’s rant…
>I don’t want a fuckboy. I want a MAAAAAAANNNNN!
Presumably to sit on her face.
No. 1181990
>>1179519> all the women crazy enough to stand upShe takes pictures of rocks.
>>1180652When she's talking to boys I imagine she goes unconsciously manic when she's, y'know, manic… and then judgmental normcore when she's in the down part of the cycle. Basically what she does every day on Insta, but worse because another person is desperately trying to keep up.
Just try to nail her down (heh) about sex. Pretty important thing people are trying to figure out about each other when they first meet and she's unable to maintain a consistent viewpoint for 5 seconds on it. One minute she's gonna start an onlyfans and she's thirst posting in dollar store underwear. The next she's ranting like someone's grandma about dick picks, hook up culture and "ew gross" people who have threesomes. What do you actually want, Heather? Other than silent, compliant, unconditional admiration?
No. 1182166
File: 1615502924449.png (961.41 KB, 678x1010, Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 3.19…)

Her cemetery crawl didn't work out so she is going on a dead mall antiquing adventure. She is so extreme. Today's find is a book by Edgar Allan Poe that she will spam 45 Instagram stories with when she gets home.
No. 1182695
File: 1615554720936.png (1.33 MB, 864x1535, Screenshots_2021-03-12-08-08-3…)

Last night on her stories she showed off that she bought an already opened container of pasta sauce that looks like it was punctured by a pocket knife. Heather, it's not cute or quirky to show off how fucking dumb you are.
No. 1182862
File: 1615574744552.png (4.17 MB, 1242x2208, 17E1DECC-3622-4182-AFD6-4BF095…)

>>1182826Kek was just imagining her as a 60 year old, with this as a tattoo, long since blown out into a mottled grey splurge on the top of her luncheon meat arm.
No. 1183018
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Latest heavily filtered video. No, I did not alter the 3rd image. She’s talking about both her old and new cars and her much she misses her baby, not realizing she’s talking about her human relationships.
And in case you think that’s a stretch, immediately after smiling and speaking in that awful cutesy voice about
>new chapter, new start, new me, new hair
she wraps it up by shifting to a serious tone and says
>I have to let go of an old love that didn’t work out
>let go of all the trauma I lived through over the past couple of years
and then this nugget
>I’m doing new things now
[she pauses to recognize that what she just said is utter bs
>and I’m excited
more ego-boosting word vomit and mention of her
>$20k car loan(!)
for a car that apparently now smells of burning plastic
>it’s gonna be okay
No. 1183575
File: 1615647537885.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, 890490AF-7C83-43E0-914D-D35EE2…)

>>1183220Derp face pre new Ryan. Please lord deliver us with fresh prey.
No. 1184966
File: 1615814767051.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, EC796C58-4E70-4D2D-91B9-942329…)

Hag’s in ‘being superior’ mode.
>what does it take to date you?
>only fans?
Put the two AMA questions together and invents her own reality of salivating bOyS just dying to date/fuck her. Let’s be real, if she’s not sending herself the questions, that’s gotta be a farmer asking about OF.
No. 1185218
File: 1615836047428.png (2.38 MB, 750x1334, 91B94E08-F528-4833-BA2F-920B98…)

>>1185146…and real life versions of Onyx the Fortuitous, who wear cog-decorated top hats and renaissance fair quality jewel topped canes.
No. 1185266
File: 1615838908596.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, 9A80C3F2-BC2E-4618-AFDC-F6390E…)

Okay but…Hag has taken an HIV test because she received an anon message last night telling her she’s at risk.
She’s Heather Explaining right now, IG stories.
No. 1185279
File: 1615839489335.png (3.04 MB, 1242x2208, 81F50142-909E-4846-B81B-C6DE0A…)

>>1185266Our girl, always lookin out for us
Picrel is her wagging her finger at her audience bc it’s everyone’s job to stop the spread, sorry hag but most of us get tested regularly and make sure our new partners are as well.
No. 1185291
File: 1615840262471.png (320.17 KB, 534x752, HIV free for the moment.png)

Catch the new after-school AIDS melodrama and OraQuick product pitch!
>So I’m about to go on a rant
>there’s a lot of stigma
>people might not want to be my friend anymore
>this is important
>take this scare I’ve had and know this
some serious editing of superfluous, dramatic padding was needed here
>received text
>good reason to take it seriously
>what I’m about to tell you is that
get to it
>received text message from website where you can anonymously tell someone they were exposed to HIV
dramatically pauses and nods
>this is an HIV test
more serious editing of nonsense here, but it comes down to boy bad, scary time, product pitching
>good reviews
>results negative
>really good reviews
>very accurate
>seen YT videos of it
says poz people took it and it showed poz, so it’s
>super accurate
a sample of how much she repeated the pitch over several minutes
but most important
>I want you to be okay
obnoxiously phony
>but actually, it’s really good timing
and why’s that?
>I’m about to enter into a relationship
So if that Ryan’s lurking, go get some of that HIV-free cootch. It’s eagerly awaiting.
No. 1185405
>>1185303Tune in next week for the dramatic 8-minute reading of cancer screening results she got after a WebMD-surfing acquaintance texted her at 2am. Followed by an awkward PSA.
Brought to you by…
OraQuick - When you want to be super sure whether or not you're poz
No. 1185474
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No. 1185497
File: 1615862838406.png (939.94 KB, 862x1719, Screenshots_2021-03-15-22-46-1…)

She posted this after deleting the hiv stories. God it must be exhausting to be heather.
No. 1185550
>>1185502Weird flex anon. kek.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Heather should absolutely be getting tested with how often she's been hooking up with random tinder dudes.
No. 1185594
File: 1615882224914.jpeg (109.37 KB, 828x1296, 90D677AE-9804-42F5-9C13-F5137C…)

Seems like thing already fell apart with the new Ryan. She’s going on about how men are the root of all the problems in her life (sure) and she’s BISEXUAL! That means she likes WOMEN! It’s time to find a HOT GF! Surely women will be more likely to put up with the Heather experience?
As much as I’d love to see her wooing a Ryanette, there is absolutely no part of me the believes she could be interested in anyone without a dick. Can’t wait to see if this phase lasts past the night.
No. 1185631
>>1185502NTA, but you might want to reconsider that. Or at least get regular checkups.
>>1185594Oh god. Can you imagine Heather with a girlfriend? Considering her thinly veiled disgust when she discusses her "bisexuallity" and her hatred of other women, it'll be a bloodbath.
Good for the onlyfans bio though. If that ever happens.
No. 1185758
>>1185704>Why would a gynecologist or run-of-the-mill STD checkup include HIV testing? In a lot of places, it isn't included unless requested and the results can sometimes take up to 6 months. Oh man. You need to talk to your healthcare provider if they offer STD screenings without HIV testing, and make you wait six months. Eek.
And requesting a negative test from your partners, or providing them with one, is actually pretty common. As it should be.
No. 1185800
File: 1615909377553.png (294.7 KB, 1242x2208, 146428C5-6806-4E4B-8A7F-09FFF2…)

>>1185704A quick google search would let you know it takes about 20 mins or tops a few weeks. Pls anon, don’t make me think heather was actually right for putting out her PSA….
No. 1185843
File: 1615911973773.jpeg (365.31 KB, 828x886, A3812179-0DC4-44CF-8230-CEACFA…)

odd question but does Heather think she looks like the late Sharon Tate? She keeps posting pictures of her to her stories for a while & I get the vibe H. thinks she does. She doesn’t. Not sure Ben close.
No. 1185887
>>1185843Probably. Given the "blonde bombshell" delusions.
Also, sharon tate is a famous teagic murder
victim. So it's oh so edgy and dark and quirky of her to post about it all the time.
No. 1186038
File: 1615924915357.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, F6DBEC6B-2A84-4634-8983-AB5B17…)

Someone ‘local’ is trashing Hag, saying she has an STD and ‘something else’
>I just wanted to say for every person accusing me locally of having an STD, every one I’ve slept with in the past fucking seven months has been from West Virginia so if you’re trying to accuse me of having something and you’re trying to spread that around, ummm…you’re not from WV so who the fuck are you?
>the last time I was in a sexual relationship was five months ago
>the boy five months ago was from WV, then two months ago something happened with someone, but there was no risk with that, so
In other news…
>I spent way more than I intended, antiquing, on little containers with human hair in them
Spent loads of some old bits of hair in a box
>I earned it, I love them
>going to be changing my phone number very soon so whoever that random person from Pittsburgh who keeps texting me and fucking with me, I’m changing numbers
>I just have to wait until after a certain legal dispute I’m going through
No. 1186092
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Before she deletes them…
No. 1186094
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No. 1186095
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No. 1186122
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No. 1186125
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No. 1186127
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No. 1186128
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No. 1186132
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No. 1186134
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No. 1186135
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No. 1186154
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No. 1186174
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No. 1186176
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No. 1186193
>>1185218I really can't get past her worship of all things goff and basic bitch taste in music though I've never mentioned it because shit like
>>1185291 always comes up. wtf hagther
>>1186135>>1186174> why did you drop thirst every now and then until you fucked me and then ghosted meyou're doing Yahweh's work posting these anon.
No. 1186210
File: 1615935916085.jpeg (650.26 KB, 828x1302, 04E0CF44-10EA-437E-8248-EEBDB4…)

What I’ve noticed is she keeps posting her “adventures” online to prove to herself that she has got this life she’s always wanted when deep down she knows she’s got shit. The need to constantlypost every moment on her social media speaks volumes. She’s trying to convince herself she has this amazing life when it’s the opposite. I’m convinced she has fake accounts that comment on her page “wantingangel” I think is one that constantly gushes over her & the Q&A she did a few days ago pretty sure some of them questions were submitted by her. It’s pitiful in some ways but also a psychological 101’s dream
No. 1186211
File: 1615935938217.jpeg (534.88 KB, 750x1193, A2188FD2-323D-415A-AE68-1B0990…)

>>1186159Cap from BomberRyan IG. He just posted this, from the weekend in Ohio(?) with Hag. Not to wk her, but she sure knows how to pick a mixer. I think it probably is him that’s been messaging her from an anon number.
No. 1186214
File: 1615936045412.png (767.04 KB, 783x831, Screenshots_2021-03-16-19-03-3…)

>>1186159LOOOOOL seeing his face makes this whole situation 1000% funnier
No. 1186225
>>1186214She did herself so dirty with that one. I think she’s putting it down to a lost weekend. They fell out pretty soon after, then she did a sly block, but, strangely for Hag, didn’t put him on blast…until now.
Maybe his caption refers to this texting stuff being nothing to do with him, hence Hag deleting her stories and saying she doesn’t know that it’s either him or FemRyan.
No. 1186228
File: 1615937084954.jpeg (628.5 KB, 828x1367, 146E745C-AA26-48E0-BF92-D20232…)

>>1186214she really thinks she’s some sort of celebrity online. I can just imagine her sitting in her car in the empty lot prepping her “car selfie” inducing the life coach crap thinking she’s “someone” it’s all bs. Heather you aren’t famous, you aren’t Mariah Carey in Why you so obsessed with me, you are woman with bad hair who drives to empty parking lots & stalks the same 3 cemetery’s & puts yourself in more debt to buy tins with old dead people’s hair in them. That’s not living life that’s you trying to apply your weird online personna in real life & it not working. You are a sad case.
No. 1186241
File: 1615937744647.jpeg (460.07 KB, 2048x2048, E9AFB2BF-B5E7-4775-9B18-E6AEA8…)

This cap, both demonstrating her lack of any intellect whatsoever, and her inability to not spend money on literal tat, despite insisting she never buys anything for herself.
Those new hair pieces she just bought are such shit quality. I bet she paid through the nose for those scrappy bits of hair in old trinket boxes when she could have bought one good quality mourning piece on eBay.
No. 1186246
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No. 1186247
File: 1615938420586.jpeg (779.01 KB, 828x1333, DB9CD5CB-043F-4C80-8F3C-0B8E1D…)

>>1186237There is no way this woman is quitting social media.she can’t stay of it for more than two hours. It’s her only outlet where she pretend to be this influencer. She has no life to speak of & lives it all online. Heather if you are reading this. Quit delete your Tiktok & your IG cause I bet in less than a day you would be back once you realise there’s no audience for your rants.
No. 1186279
File: 1615942217427.png (696.95 KB, 750x1334, FD0DCAFE-0D47-4CA5-947B-14A9C2…)

>>1186258This, and also it’s suddenly a mic drop and flounce out situation again? Whatever the part of the conversation is that she’s getting, I don’t think she remembers that we’re not seeing it too. This literally makes no sense. Kek.
>HIV test>my life is brilliant>fuck boys>leaving social media No. 1186280
File: 1615942289991.png (240.57 KB, 750x1334, 16586C8D-3987-4D6D-AAB9-C86A5F…)

In addition to that she’s having some online convo that’s going well, so, wtf…this is all so unnecessary.
No. 1186307
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Sorry but…what?
No. 1186542
File: 1615980730611.png (506.44 KB, 864x1486, Screenshots_2021-03-17-07-26-2…)

She's still posting this morning. And she also admitted that we're the main audience she was posting for in her stories all the time. Why won't you just take our advice, heather?
No. 1186587
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I’d like to see the texts she’s not sharing.
No. 1186651
>>1185497If posting about your
HIV status in your stories right after finding a new boyfriend who is "the one" (again) also note she has never posted about her HIV status before - if that doesn't count as self sabotage I don't know what does.
Maybe Heather is really a lesbian and this is why she actively fucks up every relationship? It would explain why she never spends time with women. Absolute tinfoil but her behavior is so conflicting. She did just announce she was bi
>>1185594so maybe one day she will go that way and have a relationship she doesn't intentionally fuck up.
No. 1187075
File: 1616027995898.jpg (736.98 KB, 1080x1883, Screenshot_20210317-204004_Ins…)

Not even 12 hrs..
No. 1187086
File: 1616029144796.gif (4.29 MB, 270x480, goodbye.gif)

>>1187075Classic Heather Explains.
No. 1187101
File: 1616031654295.webm (10.35 MB, 640x480, Hallmark Movie Audition.WebM)
>>1187086There are so many it’s hard to pick which example to repost. Here’s a snippet worthy of a Hallmark movie role audition.
No. 1187146
File: 1616037176984.png (579.91 KB, 784x1276, faux drama.png)

once again creating drama when it doesn't exist.
No. 1187152
>>1187146I was just coming here to say “what the actual fuck is she talking about”
She’s basically saying she’s not gonna go dark lmao
No. 1187162
File: 1616038140689.png (2.02 MB, 1242x2208, 7ECFC22C-BB55-4EE0-878F-FC615A…)

Guessing ol boy she was talking to is over it bc of her slut shoot
No. 1187179
>>1187101Complete nitpick, but it bugs the fuck out of me how she always says "whenever" instead of "when."
Is that a PA thing or is she just retarded?
No. 1187197
File: 1616041961013.png (666.53 KB, 808x1330, 8 seconds.png)

It took her 8 seconds to screen this…
No. 1187199
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>>1187197… yet as of now…
No. 1187250
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FINALLY, a guy telling her the truth. But she completely twists shit and thinks it's because he's slut shaming her. No heather, it's exactly what he said, you bitch and cry day in and day out and give yourself to every tom dick and Harry and yet, you think men will respect you? I'm glad a man finally said something to this idiot
No. 1187252
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No. 1187254
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No. 1187256
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No. 1187257
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I'm glad he's calling out other girls who are just as dumb as Heather.
No. 1187258
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No. 1187260
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Am I reading this correctly? You lost your career over this? WHAY FUCKIN CAREER!!?? lol omg wow lol please don't tell me you consider instagram your career lol honey, what you post is a hobby, not a career. You are 31 years old working at target, at best you might get a 401k out of it. You are not a spring chicken anymore, to start a "modeling" career you're already too old and don't have the look, move the fuck on from that.
Want to empower yourself? Go to school and get an education. Go get a degree and get an actual CAREER, you need to learn the differences between a HOBBY and CAREER.
No. 1187262
>>1187250He made some points, but I
hate people who like to preach and say that the whole world is backwards and they're the only person with a brain. The narcissism is off the charts. Perfect fit for Heather.
No. 1187264
women supporting women! facade is often a disingenuous form of sabotage and too many people aren't willing to acknowledge that. Heather, of course, never learns anything.
No. 1187277
>>1187262Ngl, I agreed with most of his points, but he had me rolling my eyes with the "REAL MEN" bs. We can all agree that yes coomers will masturbate to just about anything. But you shouldn't be so insecure, oh excuse me "such a real man", that you feel like you need to stop your girlfriend from posting beach pics of her in a swimsuit because maybe some creep might think she looks hot. kek
He's pretty spot on about basically everything else though. And I mean, Heather's boudoir pics are pretty obviously for validation and not art, so he's not entirely off the mark.
No. 1187287
File: 1616060294482.jpg (180.02 KB, 1080x556, Screenshot_20210318-052748_Ins…)

Want to know why you've lost your damn mind heather? Let's break JUST this ONE paragraph…
1. At what point did anyone say you can't post on your own account? No one. It's your fuckin account, post all the damn tombstones you want, if people like it, great, if not, oh well.
2.Your whole life will be empty if you don't post on instagram? If you don't take photos of the same cemeteries every week? Maybe if you read out loud what you're putting out to the internet, you'll understand why people look at you as a psycho.
My two closest friends are photographers. One of the gets paid a great deal of money and the other does it as a side business for weddings and special events. If you want to be a photographer, and ACTUAL good photographer, you need to venture out of your comfort zone. But you won't, you'll just demand everyone give you respect and attention and that this is all a work of art because you said so.
3. What you've shown in the past 4 years is how weak you are. You're not strong willed, you're weak. You didn't leave an abusive relationship, you were forced out because you weren't doing it yourself. You need someone to hold your hand in every step in life. That's not a strong "independent woman" you have a lot of growing up to do, if that ever happens…
No. 1187413
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There’s also a riot going on in Hag’s comment section. Kek.
No. 1187534
File: 1616090348335.jpg (356.18 KB, 1079x1928, Screenshot_20210318-135910_Ins…)

Omfg heather are you serious? Lol
No. 1187549
that’s a dude? he sounds like Lori the Transformed Wife with his bullshit
No. 1187600
File: 1616094867623.png (216.58 KB, 1286x412, 20210318.png)

>>1187595That's what she does. And this is what she does too I guess. Follows people she alleges slut-shame her.
No. 1187622
>>1187413This is a good example of the kind of fucking crazy guy she attracts, he was sounding relatively sane until these posts. We get it, you did a sad wank to Heather's odd "sexy" photos and now you want to tell her she's a bad girl but frame it as advice, all while ragging on random other women in the thread. Her main problem is far and away
not the posting of completely unsexy lingerie pics. It's the self sabotage and 100 story posts a day. The fact he is so fixated on her lingerie pics certainly speaks for itself.
No. 1187726
File: 1616103801708.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, B33E404A-128F-43CF-B198-D05F10…)

Heather doing a story about how she’s not going to do anymore stories.
>my plan is this
>I will use reels
>reels for my exploring footage
>no more stories for me
>no more ranting for me
>it’s just going to be my art from now on
How long do we think it’s going to last?
No. 1187866
>>1187595why did she even assume the “you’ve been exposed to hiv” thing was real and not a prank
and for fuck’s sake, why talk about it on Instagram to whatever random strangers
she is such a goddamn mess
No. 1187906
>>1187866To be fair, if I had slept with a decent handful of people and received that text, I would have been concerned enough to get tested. That was the safe, smart decision… well, getting it done at an actual clinic would have been safer and smarter, but whatever.
Now, posting about it publicly… lol.
No. 1187959
>>1187579>>1187413Kek. I take back everything I said in
>>1187277 this dude is as unhinged as she is. I knew something was off given the "real men" bs, but the fact he's still sperging out in her comments is as sad as half the shit she does.
>>1187548>>1187579Only one anon, who was the one who posted the caps of his comments to begin with, agreed with him entirely. It'll be okay. lmao
>>1187906Yeah tbh, her getting tested was one of the more responsible things she has ever done. However
>>1187921 is right that it was completely absurd how she broadcasted the whole situation. But of course she did, she's Heather.
No. 1188104
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Omg heather , weren't you done with the internet? For fuck sake, go away
No. 1188105
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No. 1188106
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No. 1188107
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No. 1188108
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No. 1188109
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No. 1188111
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No. 1188112
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No. 1188113
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No. 1188115
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No. 1188116
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No. 1188117
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No. 1188118
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No. 1188120
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She has to be retarded, there is no other explanation for why she keeps doing the same shit over and over
No. 1188121
>>1188106Sending Heather DMs while he has a girlfriend:
>>1187257. Classy.
No. 1188133
>>1188117>I’ve always known this would happenWhat? You’d have to block some idiot, he’s not coming to kill you, you had a bad exchange via lame ass comments.
> I truly believ he was obsessed with me. She’s such a big yikes, flatter yourself a little more heather. The guy was dming you and was tuned off by your slut shoot, just block his fucking ass you look more retarded than usual
No. 1188156
>>1188133nah, he wasn’t turned off
that was classic scrote “how dare you make me horny” bullshit
No. 1188176
File: 1616167299627.jpg (1.88 MB, 1920x2560, 21-03-19-11-20-00-654_deco.jpg)

Heather "I don't trust anyone on the internet"
The type of idiots she trusts and gives advice to her that she's awesome
Heather "I love you guys so much,ya'll awesome! I'm never surrendering!"
Again…these are the type of people she listens to for advice…ya'll idiots
No. 1188384
>>1188121Yeah. This guy descended into bottom tier garbage scrote real quick. As
>>1187959 said, unhinged motherfucker.
No. 1188432
>>1188384I just wanna add yes this guy was a douche bag who thinks he owns his girlfriends body yet was thirsting over Heather at the same time. The hypocrisy. But…. Heather is a fantasist who thinks she’s this internet celebrity who has stalkers & people want to kill her. Nobody cares about her platform but her & she drums up storms to gain sympathy & validation off strangers to build up her delusions. Remember she had to tell her followers she might have HIV something she should have kept to herald as it’s incredibly personal! Then it escalated suddenly to that everyone hated her & she was gonna quit, then when the pity hook didn’t work as our truth teller turned douchebag turned the tables on her & now it’s turned into I am being shamed for my body & she’s now using this as fuel to be “I’m a
victim” probably over the next few days that’s all we’ll hear about. Likewise with the car accident she went on and on and on as it makes her feel important. She uses these bad things to try & gain attention & to be flooded with compliments about how “strong” she is & “brave” as no one in her real life sees her like that but an online image she can control & weave yet self sabotages at every corner.
No. 1188473
>>1188121>>1188124It's funny because her point would have been better made without all the extra over-explanation and melodrama tacked on at the end. Just post his DMs and out him as a loser who was creeping your inbox and laugh it off Heather.
She's so desperate to play
victim she makes herself look stupid again in the end.
>muh health and safety No. 1189253
File: 1616287903440.png (8.73 MB, 1242x2208, 80A80C86-9D23-4EFB-B1D6-086A80…)

And just like that, as if nothing happened…
>new make-up haul!
No. 1189402
File: 1616328643964.jpeg (777.75 KB, 828x1261, F07C1321-472E-4C54-B6EC-B40DE3…)

>>1189369She was quiet for a day & was only posting about antiques & make up, then again self sabotages with the “everyone hates me” what about all your new followers Heather who rally around you each time you have a meltdown to get validation? They will soon hate you as nobody likes the “pick me” girl
No. 1189512
File: 1616342226143.jpg (778.98 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210321-115631_Ins…)

You took a what, 3 hour break from instagram? Lol pathetic
No. 1189592
>>1189512I think she means she’s taking a break from now.
>>1189499Yeah, I felt the same.
No. 1190406
File: 1616430230359.jpg (138.04 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210322-122334_Ins…)

So much for her "break"
No. 1190433
>>1190415Art is taking photos of tombstones, highly saturate the photos with photoshop since she doesn't know how to use a camera, and once in a while take a selfie of herself in killstar/lingerie in hopes of someone recognizing her "potential"
Again, she can post whatever the fuck she wants, but she needs to establish a hobby and a reality, she's not getting paid for this, this is a hobby. No one is begging for more pictures. She doesn't even have a sponsor for a company. She's a pathetic soul who doesn't understand anything.
No. 1190806
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We got a brand new low over here…
No. 1190808
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Was the ‘side note’ to this ridiculousness.
So she stops talking in stories but still can’t manage not to throw shade by typing them. All the while congratulating herself on buying more gifts that she deserves. Whilst saving small businesses. Kek.
No. 1190814
File: 1616463373759.png (3.22 MB, 750x1334, C030B473-3B9C-4C80-8E23-4F24AF…)

>>1189369Special treat for you, anon.
No. 1191348
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>>1190865It’s as if she’s trying to find every alternative way of expressing herself as she would when vocally ranting. I can feel the frustration seeping through the screen. That TikTok share was ridic, two alt ethots who ditched their bf’s and now spend their own dime. Who fucking cares. So, she’s getting her hair done imminently iirc. How the hell is she gonna keep her trap zipped with that?
Picrel - this sulky face. Kek.
No. 1191730
File: 1616589595860.png (1.74 MB, 750x1334, 5E7E64D7-4763-4838-ACFD-1C63BD…)

>>1191605Some additional précis for anyone who’s keen…
>I know I’m not amongst friends here (Instagram)>huge monologue about new iPhone/trading in old to get $$$ off/wants new number to stop harassment/can’t have new number cause finally speaking to Adam and has ‘arrangement’ re divorce or stimmy or whatever/doesn’t want to give A new number because…>he will share my number online to haters >I know people will hate on me>I don’t care. Talk shit. I’m going to do my thing. >I’m an artist>Hair done tomorrow, I am having a makeover, need new phone to take lots of selfies of my new makeover/new me>Equates the new New Start with having her hair done ergo that’s the New Heather>Full of fake hopes and dreams which will obvs crash and burn within a few days>I don’t trust anyone>Does a load of annoying staring off camera in a wistful way/planning her latest comeback>I need to stop now, everyone hates me, know I said I wouldn’t do stories but whatever, need to stop this rant now>I just felt like talking as I haven’t got a single human on this earth that I can speak to >monologue about buying a new top of the range iPad because NEED IT>etc>also had this weird ass freeze frame pic up - picrel No. 1191736
File: 1616589964417.png (3.24 MB, 750x1334, 1AE2C094-74D0-49A4-9773-F626EA…)

>>1191605Like this one. But why does she do herself so dirty all the time? The clothes. The hair. The lumpen pose. Just…no.
Also, forgot to add to
>>1191730>I’ve deleted ALL of my screenshot folder full of receipts from people who have fucked me over>looking through them was traumatic>but I know that I was right, I wasn’t crazy, I was in the right (as in, she was right in the arguments/drama)>but I need to let it go >there were some photos I couldn’t delete…I will never be able to delete them (talking about Ryan Z here, although doesn’t mention by name)>reflects that she wishes she had done some things differently - subtext of this is that she clearly wasn’t right about everything as she previously said, and her screen caps had shown that. Of course she doesn’t admit this. >kept some other caps/receipts that I might need one day No. 1192208
File: 1616622256763.jpeg (671.76 KB, 750x1046, E85AC1C8-D985-4981-BBA0-F27A53…)

>The New Heather
Wtf look is she going for here? How is this fulfilling her desired alt aesthetic that she so wished for. How?
No. 1192224
Samefag to say to
>>1191901, yes, exactly that. She looks like a sad clown in costume. It never looks right because she looks so insecure. If she threw together a stylish, all black/tones coord plus Victorian (real antique, not hot topic tacky shit) or vintage jewellery, stylish footwear, not monster teen goth trotters, she’d look better than fine…even with that hair
No. 1192249
File: 1616625025144.png (3.88 MB, 1242x2208, 05DE52DC-579F-40E8-A985-E60385…)

>>1192208It. Looks. Fucking. Terrible. And how is she SUCH a bad driver?????? It’s so concerning she’s out in the world on her own. Ffs.
No. 1192368
File: 1616636564830.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, 6FE37DBE-816F-4099-B736-475D9E…)

>>1192288She looks like a 65 year old tried to dye her grays blonde. It’s like coarse hay.
She’s such a pick me I’m uwu not like other girls it’s embarrassing
No. 1192370
File: 1616636650375.png (2.99 MB, 750x1334, CBDB762C-C13E-4C12-8594-51E78A…)

There’s our Hag!
>Decides she’s done with drama blah blah blah she could be spending time creating art instead of sending receipts in arguments, rues all the time she’s wasted, when she could be creating.
>Says she wants to do a self portrait but has to get up early. Spends a half hour doing a Heather Explains rant.
>Totally unaware of the irony in everything she’s saying.
It’s good to have you back, Hag.
No. 1192375
File: 1616637082509.png (631.06 KB, 640x874, universe and god she says.png)

New vid
>I’m probably the most confusing person ever
as her brain is clearly undecided about going with the baby talk or valley girl
>I look like a Barbie doll
no, she doesn’t
her voice drops
>but I also want to be an absolute ghoul and be goth’s fuck
what a mess
>and I love Taylor Swift
voice rises again
>but it’s me!
tons of pauses
and catch this nugget
>there’s never going to be another me
is that a promise?
Then goes on about people not liking her and that
>it doesn’t matter to me
one of her biggest and most repeated lies
Goes on. boring. check it yourselves.
btw her hair looks terrible but you can tell she loves it as she keeps leaning forward letting it swing in front of her eyes.
She actually paid someone to do that to her.
No. 1192526
>>1192375this pic is so funny im crying
next thread pic for crazy heather pls
No. 1192553
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No. 1192558
>>1192553>>1192375she is infuriating. she said she would stop it all the mad rants about how “weird” she is & “she doesn’t give a toss” about what people think of her. When she was showing off her new hair, then it turned to “I’m so confused” I thought here we go, thrown in the bible at us, you literally will never change! The self pity is unreal & the excuses! If you want to make your “art” just get on with it instead of whining you are going to do it as guess what Heather dear, you aren’t doing anything. You sit on your phone, talking about how you are going to change your ways & get your life together & you never do! Remember guys a few days ago “new hair, new me” well that did shit. It’s so boring now the same record over and over. Admit it Heather you like being the
victim as it gives you something to talk about. These last few days having to stay mute & show your life wasn’t fulfilling enough because you know it’s empty without the rants. Then you dipped your toe into the water & now your back to it like an addict. Your hair looks okay but it doesn’t match the ends & guess what you can like more than one thing. Whether that’s fBarbie & Eric Draven I don’t care. It’s not as unique as you believe.
No. 1193121
File: 1616708001597.png (1.79 MB, 984x1726, 1616664041074.png)

She's losing it. Whatever's left.
No. 1193186
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Super hard to hear her pretend anyone wanted to have kids w her, too bad she deleted her receipts bc I’d love to see some proof on that Grammy Heather
No. 1193192
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>>1193121Haha. Loves it as long as it’s under the gloss of a filter.
Hag’s back in the stories saddle, which means all is well with the world. Today on Heather Explains…
>you won, my love quest is over >I am going to be single forever >you send me abusive messages calling me a whore >well fuckin fine>when I find the one you won’t say that Contradicts herself in record time
Video cuts out mid rant
So, despite ‘coming to terms’ with being FoReVeR aLoNe…
>when I find the one you won’t be able to hold my you tube history over me>when I find the one it’ll just be right and they won’t waste my time>my love quest has been a giant fucking waste of time>well fuck you too, I’m not going to be for people to like me, I’m not going to beg for loveWas offering to literally pay for a friend last week
>it will happen if it’s gonna happen but for now I want to put everything into my artShe’s really ramping up the I aM aN aRtiSts in the last week. What gives?
>so what are the positives?>well, not being pressured to have children, which is WONDERFUL, because I don’t want to have children>says it’s a real thing when chatting to guys and they ask what her life plans are Kek so which is it? Guys are just fuckboys want to bone or they want you to be the mother of their kids?
>the right guy isn’t going to slut shame me and call me a whore for doing boudoir shots>if anything he’s going to help me do those photos >we’re gonna go on adventures together take photos together then lay in bed and look through our cameras together >I still have that empty hair locket for someone so I can wear their hair round my neck every day Shudder
No. 1193325
File: 1616724652276.png (1.32 MB, 864x1524, Screenshots_2021-03-25-22-10-0…)

Bitch, what hair? There's nothing left.
No. 1193326
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Oh god, the cringe!!
No. 1193400
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>>1193326But wait, it gets worse.
No. 1193413
File: 1616730769281.png (2.82 MB, 2048x2048, Hagchan.png)

>>1193192Heather is just Chris-chan, but instead of a sonichu it's an empty hair locket.
She should try Chris' "Want woman" t-shirt technique.
No. 1193532
File: 1616744906917.jpg (616.71 KB, 864x1524, MAKEUP_2021032609404506.jpg)

>>1193325Ran this quickly through meitu and even this would be better
No. 1193914
>>1193400So she's turning to the comfort of creepy doll's now that she's abstaining from Ryan's?
God that's just creepy and disgusting
No. 1194293
File: 1616817229184.jpeg (283.12 KB, 750x1035, D1EF61F1-0DC7-440D-BEC9-BE8CA5…)

Thought she was wearing some sort of Victorian hood, then realised she’s just balancing a picture frame on her head.
No. 1195353
File: 1616903538571.png (492.75 KB, 532x744, art.png)

She’s quite clever. Boring the snot out of viewers for several minutes going on about her big changes in hardware while every couple of minutes offering reminders that she hasn’t yet gotten to her point.
Then she gets into how lonely she is, looking for someone to talk to, hang out…
>that’s why I end up rambling
>that’s how I’ve kind of ended up making an ass out of myself on IG
>every day
then becomes solemn and reflective in a softer voice as she looks away
>yes, that’s why I go on those rambles
>that’s why I post so much
>I just want to connect
Got that? She rambles and makes an ass out of herself to, um, connect with someone
>I’m lonely
>I’m trying to get used to lonely
goes on, lonely, single, not having anyone…
>okay, it’s bedtime
but wait! there’s more!
>no joke, I have a million ideas
face half covered bed vid
>just one more thing
complains about having to be her own model
>that’s really tough
she can’t wait to show everyone the creative image
>that’s been like locked away
>it’ll happen
>no time to be sad over like omg everybody fucking hates me
>omg I can’t get a bf
>like who the fuck cares
Nearly a quarter of an hour of this.
No. 1198358
File: 1617196101402.jpeg (2.28 MB, 1284x2246, 2C9377E5-EB3F-4233-ACA6-88F085…)

The prairie dress has finally made its appearance.
No. 1198767
File: 1617225523040.jpeg (816.75 KB, 2048x2048, DEFA4636-9EC8-4451-B974-49A083…)

Fucking kek at Miss Havisham over here.
I think this might be her “breasts like daggers” moment.
No. 1198808
>>1198767I like this photo. Grom the other one
>>1198358 it looks like the dress would benefit from some kind of belt
No. 1198912
File: 1617236178375.jpg (632.19 KB, 828x1121, IMG_5458.jpg)

>>1198767This is giving me ChaseRyan and Nina vibes.
No. 1198947
>>1198767this is horrifying. i know heather acts like she's the main character going through major drama, but the only movie about her life i can see being made is a b-rated horror flick where she is the subject of an urban legend that terrorizes all men of gothville, midwest. it starts with a tinder notification where the pic above is the first thing a
victim sees. and then the stalking, crying, and ranting begins. every ryan gets woken up at 3 am with a thunderstorm wreaking havoc outside and heather calls crying and threatening and trying to lure the
victim into her mom's house with the special killstar shirt she bought for her special boy… no ryan makes it out alive. or the ones that do become changed forever. sorry for this sperg, but this is all i can think about
No. 1199097
>>1198767That ring looks painful… what is happening to her hand here ??
Honestly I like this photo for the most part though. needs to learn to edit.
No. 1199347
File: 1617281737402.jpg (92.26 KB, 679x640, 7765478096.JPG)

>>1199307and she offered to pay for friends. was this mystery person paid?
No. 1199472
File: 1617293662829.png (211.69 KB, 828x1792, 8C82B303-3230-4164-B907-58BCC0…)

No. 1199621
File: 1617304174151.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, 03156548-E2B7-4E87-A056-4B323D…)

Holy fuck she’s trolling herself kek
No. 1199625
File: 1617304330359.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, 1095A522-2FCE-40A1-8FB8-DEB2B0…)

>>1199481Ahh I dunno, anon. Surely she’s learnt by now not to do this if there is a potential New Ryan? My guess is she took advantage of a friend zoner.
No. 1199668
The new dyejob totally makes her look more dateable. Imagine how terrible this photo would be if she wasn't a "blonde bombshell."
No. 1199689
File: 1617309194274.jpeg (97.22 KB, 750x289, 60FF4BD0-A08A-4D81-BBDA-A248E5…)

Hag succinctly summing up her entire ethos with this response…
No. 1199920
>>1199625Like any right minded girl would want to introduce their normal guy friend to her? She really thinks she’s something special. No one is keeping you in mind.
Get a reality check, girl you are so desperate for that male attention. It is not attractive, you are not attractive.
No. 1200213
File: 1617363631846.png (3.88 MB, 750x1334, 61C4B8B1-A783-4B5C-9D98-BA40FC…)

>an eternal optimist
No. 1200321
>>1200213Jesus Christ. Imagine you're a guy looking someone up before dating them (as you do) and you come across this. "WHOEVER YOU ARE, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SECOND TO THE RYAN I HAVE IN MY HAED (WHO DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST)."
No wonder she can't find anyone. No sane person would want to put up with that, even some poor guywho wouldn't mind someone crazy and super-high maintenance (which
nearly all men do not want someone crazy and high-maintenance, Heather. They want someone they can come home to and have a beer and a nice dinner and talk about their day, for the most part and maybe get laid). FFS
No. 1201065
>>1201047It is a calm before the storm. She has been this person for years. She won't change. She just has moments of normalcy until a fuck boy fucks her over and she gets to be the
victim again.
No. 1201089
>>1201047Anon, I saw them all but quite simply could not be fucked to comment or précis anything. There were some funny moments but it was basically the same old shit so guessed that everyone else was watching and thought the same.
>>1201065 I absolutely believe this is the latest calm before the storm. She’s trying her hardest to keep the crazy in, but it’s leaking out of her very pores. Kek. She always goes quiet every time there’s a potential New Ryan, so an explosion is due soon. Ryan related or just stir crazy explosion.
Also to add,
>>1200707, this threw me as well. If the ‘wrong’ Ryan she was pining over caused her to lose the ‘right’ Ryan, is she referring to Ryan Z and the wrong and Damien as the right? Or vice versa? Or I am just totally misremembering?
No. 1201494
File: 1617528901485.jpg (798.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210404-113307_You…)

Guess she's getting ready for her"youtube return" again.
No. 1202240
File: 1617641499110.png (3.26 MB, 750x1334, D3835F00-0680-402B-8281-553E7B…)

>>1202172Kek I missed that one, thanks for the update, anon. She is the biggest drama queen going. Reminds me of that recent story she did about an “armed convict on the loose” and insinuated he was right in her back garden.
In other news, she’s back to rambling about the same old topics, buying shit, should be making a vid but here I am, want to reinstall Tinder to see how many likes I have etc etc. Still breaking every single boundary she sets herself about boring ass rambling stories.
No. 1202446
File: 1617663079221.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x2391, A82963D6-F0F0-4E91-872E-BE2913…)

Heather;: “I’m so glad to finally have some financial stability in my life. Feels great.”
Ten videos later: “I just bought what looks like a Victorian dresser!”
Six videos later: “I’m such an idiot. I bought a reproduction of a Victorian dresser. In shitty condition. Now I can’t buy the real genuine thing I’ve been wanting.”
No. 1202844
>>1202446Then adds the inevitable fake positive spin on it
>so if you think about it I actually did a good thing by buying it, because I want to paint it, and if I paint it the wrong colour it won’t matter yay Says she’s gonna hire a stall at a local flea market
>even if I make a loss it will be cool to have my own stall yay No. 1203769
File: 1617865358052.png (835.95 KB, 828x1792, F5284A94-F1E9-4948-B496-84FBF6…)

30 years old btw
No. 1204082
File: 1617909936289.png (452.29 KB, 864x1478, Screenshots_2021-04-08-15-19-0…)

She is so fucking paranoid. She's posting people's instagram handles now just because they're watching her stories and not following.
>>1202869She said her mom was getting a booth, and her mom agreed to let her have "a shelf in the booth" iirc
>>1203769Kek no wonder she deleted this so fast. How embarrassing.
No. 1204450
File: 1617942618939.png (632.52 KB, 750x1334, E10104C2-52D4-47AE-913C-2ABBD3…)

>>1204082This was the best follow up though, what a psycho cunt
No. 1205288
>>1203769She's clearly a nut, no mature woman in her 30's or rational mind is going to write (or think of) this crap. Imagine women of a similar age who have children, hold down a full-time career etc wasting vast amounts of time posting immature rubbish online, you have women several years YOUNGER than her that wouldn't dream of behaving like she does. I expect her baby sister who's 12 years her junior is more mature and likely embarrassed by her sisters cringe-worthy behaviour. No one who bothers to actually read what she posts is going to genuinely believe she is of sound mind (unless they are as cuckoo as her).
>>1204082 I don't bother looking at any of her social media accounts but I thought I'd read on here back along that she'd set her account to private, that anyone she felt was suspicious and possibly a spy (e.g anyone who's interested in kawaii items etc) would be denied access to her account. So i'm not sure how these lurkers can be following/spying on her if they aren't actually followers that she's accepted, even stranger she then says "you're gonna at least add to my follower count. I might be overlooking something but I don't get it, are we talking Instagram or another social media platform?
She keeps referring to individuals who are supposedly kawaii girl creepers, why because they like cute stuff and happen to follow you? What a cheeky cow. In your dreams Heather, i'm sure the kawaii crowd are happily relieved you've moved on as you were so fake anyway. Get over it girl.
No. 1205416
File: 1618079012056.png (342.4 KB, 389x677, Screen Shot 2021-04-10 at 2.15…)

>>1205288her insta is open, I can look at it and I don't follow her
she's just paranoid and blocking kawaii people and spazzing about about it
in other news I thought I'd take a look at her stories, she apparently got that new iphone
the rest of the stories is just a bunch of iphone 12 max vs 8 video comparisons, boring
safe to say she didn't trade in her old phone
No. 1205494
File: 1618089340410.png (3.68 MB, 750x1334, 1834A6A3-0E06-4B01-BC0F-BAACC4…)

The crazy eye.
No. 1205694
File: 1618114712933.jpg (40.25 KB, 406x612, gettyimages-1264079842-612x612…)

>>1205494>>1205498SHOUT AT THE DEVIL
No. 1206441
>>1206132Frankly cbf to cap the other day, but what is this all about now? She mentioned some shit went down that she wouldn’t mention (classic Hag, mention a thing that you’re not going to mention, but won’t mention it), and now it’s all needing to move out etc etc. Tinfoil that her mom is on her case again because spending money on (fake) antiques again every day. So, drama
>I need to leaveWon’t ever leave.
No. 1206656
File: 1618259480957.jpeg (38.05 KB, 320x569, 172652813_509934566700072_8907…)

No. 1206657
File: 1618259507099.jpeg (47.82 KB, 320x569, 171677233_317061876509051_3025…)

sage for no milk but kek
No. 1206665
>>1202844>photography is my greatest passion! kek what a joke
For someone who constantly feels the need to "defend herself" she sure has no clue who she even is.
No. 1206952
File: 1618279514511.png (551.73 KB, 750x1334, F9745ECA-1A74-422D-AD74-12D472…)

>>1206657>>1206665Think this might be for you anons, kek. She’s praying for you though, don’t worry.
No. 1206955
File: 1618279599582.png (2.88 MB, 750x1334, AEB32AD3-FDC4-48E4-A048-1B9D31…)

>>1206657>I know nothing about photography I mean…
No. 1207395
>>1206952Oh. If only I could find a meaningful way to spend my time. You know, like Heather.
But my stupid fulltime job and partner and friends get in the way of spending money I don't have, chasing unenthausiastic dick, and sobbing in the parking lot.
Glad her prayers are on the case though. That has historically worked out for her.
No. 1207960
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No. 1207961
File: 1618375971997.jpeg (139.06 KB, 750x1333, 173742678_798306904401497_5415…)

No. 1207962
File: 1618376009525.jpeg (63.3 KB, 750x1333, 173067845_124417063039611_6413…)

No. 1207963
File: 1618376047447.jpeg (83.05 KB, 750x1333, 172786707_806838146584291_5743…)

No. 1208091
>>1208030Man, if she isn’t the
victim by default, she sure will make herself one. This guy was definitely being an asshole, so why did she even bother to keep replying? Like “oh no, the house is on fire. Let’s vlog it.” And then five minutes later “ow why am I so burned. It hurts!” Heather, stop remaining in situations that are shit just so you can cry about it later when you have all the means necessary to get out of them. (Aka fucking block these losers and grow up.)
No. 1208103
>>1207961>bothering to have a conversation with a generic awkward-photo-holding-pet-like-a-baby-in-attempt-to-look-wholesome dating site man who is also a combative moronShe needs to get
some standards
No. 1208105
>>1207960Ahah he really got angry after waiting
one single minuteI haven't used dating apps in like 5 years but guys used to at least take a few days before they got impatient, things have clearly escalated.
No. 1208107
>>1208105Samefag, correction, ten minutes before he lost it, still hilarious. Also he didn't give her anything
to reply to, what are you supposed to say to "ayy" like are you a pirate bro. Heather, please just instantly block morons like this, calling it gaslighting is too generous to his obviously room temperature intelligence.
No. 1208601
File: 1618442340488.png (2.37 MB, 1242x2208, C17C5AFF-484B-4739-AF35-894383…)

Og heather is back hallucinating people hating her on YouTube.
Please please please give up the middle part heather you look so fucking ugly and simple.
No. 1208616
File: 1618443258757.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 0635F948-D148-4AA2-B9A4-3CCB5D…)

>>1208601Heather giving her best manic fucking rant in literal months. This absolute total delulu cringe Karen. I can’t even be fucked to list everything that she twists in this video, but the classic
>you hate me because I left my abusive husband Must always be corrected to
>we laugh at you because you fucked other men and your creeper husband watched through a window No. 1209275
File: 1618512168462.jpeg (625.12 KB, 2048x2048, EDBEBCC3-A528-47D4-A902-A8C090…)

She's back to "vlogging" and not caring about what others think while serving us very "Mrs Browns Boys" vibes.
No. 1209435
File: 1618524678957.png (3.69 MB, 750x1334, 3A9887BB-6688-4B27-9B8B-B760CE…)

>>1209275Haaahah I came here to post this as soon as I saw it. I fucking love this irrelevant cow, she can’t stop doing herself dirty. Listening to her rant last night, in what world do she think any of what she says is relevant to anyone. Bitch is stuck in 2010.
No. 1211036
nonny she can't hold them right when she's being watched!
No. 1211810
File: 1618810228463.png (630.04 KB, 638x1100, Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 12.4…)

Our girl looking cute. Sage for no milk just keks.
No. 1212979
File: 1618938138721.jpg (627.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210418-004440_Ins…)

No. 1212981
File: 1618938191629.jpg (648.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210418-004450_Ins…)

No. 1213183
what happened to working on yourself?
No. 1214456
File: 1619133812521.png (3.63 MB, 750x1334, B0F720F9-17FB-4F58-B526-B3F78A…)

Alright, she's desperate as fuck now. Disgusting. Her cries for attention from men are pitiful as hell and the only types to fall for it are going to be scummy as shit. OnlyFans when? Take your bets, ladies.
No. 1215166
>>1214467Agreed. It will be like her "travel show" or her "paranormal team"
Or her item sales.
No. 1215617
File: 1619271087198.png (5.38 MB, 1242x2208, 7DABA213-2795-4DF0-AED8-20C264…)

800 stories of her explaining why she needs a kayak and how scared she is as a super adventurous explorer gorl
No. 1215621
File: 1619271800525.png (3.72 MB, 1242x2208, D75E03C3-7E6C-4A30-8B5F-8E594E…)

She’s trying to figure out if she is going to get charged bc she didn’t realize someone was pumping diesel gas from her pump on the other side and she put her debit card in mid pump. It’s insufferable and I cannot believe she goes out into the world on her own wtf
No. 1215650
>>1215621I mean.. she can check her statement? it's pretty weird they did that tbh or that the pump allowed her to put payment in if it was already in use
yeah that literally doesn't make sense
No. 1216276
File: 1619369236818.jpeg (89.07 KB, 480x853, 177172855_212236917330443_6157…)

Heather finally got herself a friend
No. 1216280
>>1216276omg anon
plz let this be new recurring character
ryans u could've had babby but no
No. 1216283
>>1216215>>1216244I feel the same. It’s depressing as fuck. I ss some tragic hair days recently but didn’t share as it would feel like kicking a dead dog. Worse still for her, no one can even be fucked to trash talk her anymore.
Although, this is promising kek
>>1216276. She was always my favourite cow so I’m hoping she’ll hop back on the crazy train.
No. 1216529
File: 1619396273716.jpg (34.57 KB, 351x579, 8678543430986.JPG)

>>1216215Ghosted by another Tinder dude after telling him 'the truth' about her past. Blames her hobbies instead of the unchecked mental instability.
>>1216283>>1216283Cheers herself up shopping for her 'child'.
No. 1216542
File: 1619397115589.webm (3.47 MB, 720x1280, 98684150_285158916521317_44956…)
Can someone teach Heather some life skills? Why are her windshield wipers on in a car wash?
No. 1216543
File: 1619397163810.jpeg (323.7 KB, 1169x2223, EB2064F5-B5FF-41B0-A007-BA4A09…)

Crying in her stories yet again about….having zero luck on the dating apps and always being alone.
She had been communicating with a men’s guy, and like every connection she makes Heather went from having a simple convo with him to believing he was her one and only.
-she was already planning to delete all her dating apps even before their first meet up/date. Non doubt she was clutching her empty hair locket dreaming of their first date when she’d ask him for a lock of his hair to put inside.
-days after talking with him on the app and texting she unloaded her ENTIRE history—her drama, haters, abusive ex etc etc—o tk him which resulted in him running for the hills. You’d think she would have learned her lesson with that Instagram guy she went on a trip with and ghosted her because she was just too much. But no, not this cow.
-feels like he was love bombing her and that she was just a backup in case his top choice didn’t give him the time of day. Also seems to suspect that it could have been someone else messing with her.
- goes on a teary rant about how she’s just not enough for any guy. How she sees herself as a catch but can’t quite figure out why guys don’t see it.
- says she can’t compete with the many more attractive girls out there and that she feels inadequate because of how plain and frumpy she looks next to them.
-“I’m too plain for the alternative crowd; and too much for ‘normal” people”
No. 1216551
File: 1619397734973.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1170x1977, 5C9F20F3-5023-460E-BDF0-FFF7EF…)

The look of horror that all of Heather’s Ryans and potential dates emit when they found out what crazy they’ve let into their lives.
No. 1216620
File: 1619404608178.jpeg (44.51 KB, 480x853, 177331675_369797214315269_2393…)

dramatic much?
No. 1216959
>>1216620I still feel bad for her.
Listen. I know people will be split. She’s not coping at all. She’s only got her Instagram account & that stories function is her only friend as she can’t talk to anyone irl. She’s cracking as she’s realising the great solo life she hyped so much going to cemeteries & going antique hunting brings her happiness for a bit but leaves her empty. She talks herself into this great life to hide the fact she’s so fecking lonely. It’s sad to see a 31 year old woman driving around with a baby doll in the backseat as she’s turning back to toys of a different sort as a coping mechanism. She needs to separate herself from her interests. She keeps saying that’s all I am. But you must like other things? Animals? Veganism? Other topics she can find solid ground with a guy? She focuses on these two things - cemeteries &.antiques.- she just traded one obsession (toys) with another. She needs to stop talking like a John Green film when it comes to men & be a bit more realistic. Men her age aren’t gonna be tumblr emo cute boys. It’s like she still thinks she’s 20. I seriously think she needs therapy. It’s not that anyone’s calling you crazy Heather or wants you locked away, you just need someone to talk too that can sort through your issues rather than the story function. Karma has truly delivered but I take no pleasure in seeing someone kicked when they are already down.
No. 1217206
>>1193413>>1195353Well there is a resemblance!
No. 1217371
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No. 1217484
File: 1619493286958.jpeg (861.43 KB, 2048x2048, 64DBA056-ECCC-42A4-BFF5-AEBE52…)

No. 1217913
>>1217484>>1217583The straight hair is so much better. She needs to chop off all those fried dead ends and go back to her natural color for a while. Her hair is so thin and fried.
>>1193413>>1217733kek. Glad I'm not the only one drawing these parallels.
No. 1218530
File: 1619585732554.jpg (13.25 KB, 229x338, f0cc46c3c87de38077c93af3f96e05…)

Please Heather, ask your mom to help you find a therapist. It's not too late to turn your life around and redeem yourself. No grown man is interested in a woman who hasn't worked through her own problems (your therapist will teach you how). Your life will only get better if you give it a shot.
Pic rel would be cute on you
No. 1218675
File: 1619613388354.jpeg (389.48 KB, 2048x2048, 1DC4B9DF-407F-41E4-A1F8-3F8477…)

Her hideous no-heat curls fucked up so she used a curling iron to create the perfect bench wig. Looking like true horse-hair style.
No. 1218682
File: 1619613876907.jpeg (525.62 KB, 828x1271, C528AA01-5C00-4D4F-A7C5-23EBCF…)

came here to post this too. Good Lord these are awful! Heather please doll stop with the giant curls. They don’t look good on anyone. It ages you by 15 years. You look like you should be on Golden Girls. Keep your hair straight!
No. 1218689
File: 1619614990548.png (1.4 MB, 1170x2532, 9F78D7C8-83D7-40A8-90E7-031BB7…)

No. 1218819
File: 1619626922844.jpg (1.38 MB, 1438x2559, SmartSelect_20210428-112112_In…)

No. 1219297
>>1219007I second this
She'd look so much younger and cuter
No. 1219497
>>1217589With regards to her claiming she doesn't much like movies, either she has a low attention span/intelligence so is unable to follow them, or as I highly suspect what she's basically saying is that any potential date must be open minded with regards to any interests SHE likes but they can't have ANY hobbies/interests that take the attention away from HER, god forbid any guy who wants to watch a movie while the attention isn't focused on HER. For someone who claims she's in to all this witchy/gothic stuff she doesn't seem very interested in the sorts of tv shows or movies that would typically appeal to someone who likes the gothic/horror genre. Shows such as Penny Dreadful etc. She also claimed in a youtube video years back that she isn't really enjoy music which sounds astonishing to me and makes her come across as very dull and unimaginative.
Also going to a bar to have a night out once in a while is what many people like to do to socialise but once again any potential love interest has to be 100% focused on her and must not have other commitments, hobbies or friends, no distractions whatsoever from her. What a drag!!!! And totally unrealistic.
No. 1219540
File: 1619703928308.jpg (1.17 MB, 1438x2197, SmartSelect_20210429-084506_In…)

No. 1219682
>>1219497>doesn't enjoy music This is really strange for someone who has sort of niche interests in visual art. Music is an important aspect of all subcultures, they're interrelated because you use all of your senses to process an aesthetic experience. This just emphasizes how shallow and undeveloped she is lol.
>>1219540Her skinnyfat proportions are so awkward, get some exercise ffs
No. 1219723
File: 1619719532135.jpeg (292.31 KB, 1242x1360, DE472EB9-A4DF-4AB7-AC50-37F42C…)

>>1219654Heather, this route of finding a spoopy boy may be what’s best for you. I support you on this one!
No. 1219784
>>1219692Nta, but they said "skinny fat" which she very much so is. She's not really "chubby", but is just very out of shape and kind of flabby. We've all seen her weird lingerie thirst posts. Exercise and a better diet would do her wonders even if she is kind of short and stocky to begin with.
You are absolutely right though, she has no idea how to dress for her build and makes herself look so much worse. Those mid-calf boots do her thicker stumpy legs absolutely no favors. Unfortunate that she's spent something like a thousand dollars on boots that are so horribly unflattering on her.
No. 1221198
>>1221168She justified the bottles on her Insta as being “resellable”, at least she admits she’s just collecting them now.
She looks 43 in her thumbnail it’s alarming.
No. 1221287
>>1221168Jesus Christ, she dares to call movies “boring” when this is her life
EXTREME buying crap, how is she distinguishable from a grandma?
No. 1221914
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Looking like a 70 year old widow
No. 1222254
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Presumably still mourning RyanZ.
No. 1223243
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No. 1223244
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No. 1223458
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goth queen
No. 1223459
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No. 1223573
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Mom, I think aunt phyllis might be drunk…
No. 1223579
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She is a rollercoaster of emotions
No. 1224320
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No. 1224322
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No. 1224324
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No. 1224339
>>1223459So she's bragging about illegally keeping a migratory bird as a pet for what, goth clout? Very cool Heather.
>>1223458She does look vastly better with dark hair though. Will never understand why she insists on the bad bimbo barbie hair while trying so hard to be goth. kek
>>1223573No idea why she didn't go with a more elegant black dress for a "mourning" shot in the cemetery instead of wearing the ugly prairie dress for whatever reason.
No. 1224359
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this has "and then they all clapped" vibes to it
No. 1224723
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Just… so… creative…
No. 1224927
>>1224723So creative she doesn't like movies or music. kek.
When was the last time you actually read a book, Heather? Not just googling random quotes for your half baked instagram shots.
No. 1225133
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lul, okay heather
No. 1225134
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No. 1225507
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Did she really meet someone?! Date outfit?
No. 1225681
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I don’t think there’s a single person on this planet that gave a fuck whether or not they stayed together. She really is obsessed with her past, and even after LEGALLY ending that chapter of her life, she still needs to milk it. Kek
No. 1225682
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>>1225681oh woe is me, cry a river for ole hagther
No. 1225690
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>>1225682Who is she talking to? Who is she trying to act tough for? It’s like she keeps repeating the same shit to convince herself that this obvious web of bullshit she’s weaving is the truth. Like, the more she repeats her exaggerated story, the better she will be at telling it and the more convincing she’ll be. She keeps saying she wants to move on, and yet she is still stuck on this pathetic man in some way. He moved on, all the Ryans moved on, why can’t she? Does she REALLY think any of them view her as the one that got away? Heather, you’re average as fuck. Your personality is dry, even when you are having a mental break, because you just repeat yourself over and over. Get an actual life, actually grow the fuck up, and stop living in the past. Just because someone disagrees with you or doesn’t kill your ass doesn’t mean they’re bullies and they’re out to get you. I can’t imagine being so delusional. It sounds exhausting.
No. 1225697
>>1225690>who is she talking to?mostly herself – she repeats the same shit over and over and over again as if repeating it will change anything, rather than changing her mindset or the way she lives. we're way past reinforcing positivity, we're just stuck in a loop.
no, if I make a million stories about it, eventually my situation will change! somehow!
being Heather IS exhausting, I wouldn't wish that on anyone
No. 1225928
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>>1225690Heather is the type who posts vague encrypted messages on social media as she likes to create mystery… & be flooded with the “u ok hun?” “Message me babes” “PM’d you” replies har har rofl!! My bet is was a guy from the cemetery shoot who she’s been talking to & instead of just saying “I met blah blah & things are going well” it’s “I met someone in person” “delete tinder” screenshot - as if to make out theirs a gaggle of men like geese waiting for her & all those hearts will be broken. I am creasing up here. Heather, you live your “best life” online, you like to think that you hold this celebrity status online “thousands” of haters is a little bit ambitious for you, you are constantly glued to your phone, no one who is living their “best life” needs to post & update as much you do you as they would be too busy living it. I give this mystery Hercules two weeks before we start getting the 101 page stories of how he was just like the others, crying, I will be forever alone, I have 10,000 tinder gold matches, I’m just too different, you will never be able to control me, my ex is a piece of shit, all you haters out there need to get a life, my stalkers won’t let me move on, I hate my hair, I’m vegan again, guys what do I do?, follow me on tik tok, I don’t think I’ll be back on YouTube, I’m gonna make a fresh start, new video uploaded on YouTube, l want a spooky boy, my jumping spider (hostage in a jar) is so cute!, maybe I should let my hair grow out, I am living for these shoes.
Heather rhetoric 101. That’s all class.
No. 1226109
>>1225928I've got a couple more if you'll have them anon
I need to get into my storage unit, I need to sell stuff, people won't let me enjoy things, I just want a spooky boy to go antique shopping with, look at these photos, one day I'll get hair for this locket
No. 1226136
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>>1226109She should start a clothing line.
No. 1226729
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Friends, we have a New Ryan.
>date number 2, I’m so nervous
>we bonded over La Croix
>He is just amazing
No. 1226819
>>1226801My bad anon. You're right! He must pass the trials of the Ryan before he can become the one true Ryan.
Give up the lock of hair, wear The Killstar Shirt That Was Promised, and forsake all other human contact.
Careful new Ryan. Stray from the path, and you too will be a fuckboy.
No. 1227103
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And surprise, surprise. Her date picture was deleted and she posted this. I wonder what went wrong?…
No. 1227340
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>>1227103I need validation from strangers on the internet - here we come! Seems like Heather f*ked another potential match. I think maybe the dude didn’t want to be fuel for her social media hence the circle face. Again more evidence Heather lives her life for social media & not for herself. Not everything needs to be shared. The guy probably saw her stories talking about him to all the strangers that follow her & it weirded him out. I don’t blame him. Whoever you are, wherever you are Sir, you dodged a bullet. Your hair is safe.
No. 1227341
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After every break up, we get these posts..
No. 1227348
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>>1227343I mean … talk of the devil.
Definitely a lucky escape. Poor guy.
No. 1227435
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KEK they definitely "broke up".
No. 1227441
Heather Sparkles: A Comedy in 3 Acts.
Act 1:
>>1226729Act 2:
>>1225690Act 3:
>>1227103— fin — No. 1229236
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>>1228533Say it louder for the people in the back & they might just believe you! She’s stuck in a timewarp, this is the same thing she said last year, she clearly doesn’t want to move on & knows her “dream life “ is inadequate as it’s literally rummaging around in old flea markets for other peoples stuff & trailing around the same three cemeteries, day in, day out. You aren’t Indiana Jones. There isn’t some great quest waiting for you. I’m the
victim, woe is me; tale as old as time. Move on Heather. See the light. Yes that’s daylight, go towards it, no one else is bothered about your storage locker & the “old you” cause they moved on & are living their lives yet all you do is talk about what you are gonna do then never do it. Admit that you like it like that as it means you can procrastinate forever & just tell people you are “an urban explorer & photographer” as you like how it sounds.
No. 1229674
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Lol she looks insane. What kind of "professional photographer" sits around taking selfies of themselves editing photos?
No. 1229772
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No. 1229922
>>1229772so EXTREME
girl so basic that if you dropped vinegar on her she’d be a science fair volcano
No. 1230279
>>1229236Yes. Everyone is leaving because they dislike your "photo project". That's it. Yep, nothing to do with the unhinged rants and whining. Definitely the photo project Heather.
>>1229772>fuck me up DADDYKEK. Acting horny over a starbucks frap.
No. 1231065
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It’s impossible for her to take a flattering picture
No. 1231932
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so new update Heather was supposed to go help volunteer to help the upkeep of a cemetery, (actually doing something!) & she found a way out of it. This is the crux. She keeps talking about what she’s gonna do, when push comes to shove, she never does it. Some excuse her car didn’t make it. Yet decided to film as she’s driving!!!! It’s as if she wanted to show her followers this is what I’m off to do (my best life) shows a half assed attempt to get there, thinks someone’s gonna shoot her as she’s on farmland, gets home & mother dear offers to drive her as mother has a big car, nope Heather still finds an excuse not to go.
No. 1232049
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>>1231932Granny Heather
Just to add, she was in the brink of tears because her car almost flipped over while driving down this Field road, which turned out to be the wrong way and on someone’s property. She was afraid her ass was going to get shot.
When she failed for the third time to get to the location one of the guys offered to take her there but she was already home by then so she decided to skip out. She moans about how she should have bought a bigger car because her Tesla isn’t able to handle the terrain. Trying to figure out if she should go antique hoarding or visit one of the many abandoned places she’s already visited many times. Figures she could go visit Andy Warhol’s grave for tiktok but she has to wear something colorful.
No. 1232146
>>1232049that seals it for me, she has zero interest in actually "raising awareness" or helping with cemetery preservation. it's all to support her shopping addiction and attract Ryanz
Heather, real preservationists and archaeos sometimes crawl under briars and through mud to get to sites that need care. a field road is nothing, although fucking KEK that she was going the wrong way by using it. even seasoned travelers get anxiety, but to be offered multiple rides and turn them down?
No. 1232302
>>1232049>teslawait, I thought she got a subaru? where'd tesla come from?
also heather what the fuck, come on. MULTIPLE people offered to help? how is she so incapable of basic human shit
>afraid of getting shot by farmersok heather
No. 1233079
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Maybe someday she will find someone to explain the difference betweer "bare" and "bear."
Let me demonstrate:
>After a breakup, Heather posts pictures of her bare, grublike torso.
>Most men cannot bear to be around Heather for more than a few minutes.
No. 1233097
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No. 1233098
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No. 1233128
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>>1233097It’s like the back of an album cover.
I’ll die alone. That’s a bit dramatic. It’s not supposed to be funny but it is.
No. 1233130
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>>1233128This sounds terrible but that pic with the mirror looks like an NSPPC advert but for adults.
No. 1233131
>>1233097Hobbies and pashions such as shopping, wussing out of volunteering, and crying on the internet.
So much to give up.
No. 1233508
>>1233135Kek anon. Saving us with the next thread pic.
I wonder when she’ll realise it’s nothing to do with her interests, it’s just that she’s a lunatic.
No. 1233654
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No. 1233931
>>1233698Well she probably sees it that way since she lives in a household who voted Trump all the way, and no doubt believes that the election was rigged, that pizza gate is real , and that the vaccines have microchips in them.
Heather sees this act as her valiantly rebelling against her hateful, Trump-loving mother. Probably takes her back to her rebellious teen years.
No. 1234364
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If only you could scoop a Ryan from his natural habitat and imprison him in a sealed enclosure for the rest of his natural life.
No. 1234381
>>1233654Anyone else think she’s going to overdramatize the side effects and conveniently have every side effect possible, even then ones that have like 1/100000th of the time?
Gotta cash in that
victim card, it’s been a while since something truly tried to kill her/ruin her life/identity/whatever it’ll be this time.
No. 1234742
>>1234364is that her jumping spider?
motion to name jumping spider SpiderRyan
No. 1234839
>>1234759>>1234782>>1234783motion passed
godspeed SpiderRyan, may you and your spiderhairs evade Heather's locket
No. 1235175
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No. 1235180
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No. 1235233
>>1235212She just posted a few stories about going to get tested. Said it was “obviously scary”. I really don’t understand how a 31 year old woman can be such a child.
Heather, it’s not scary. It’s a normal thing. Essential workers have most likely had to have several tests done at this point.
No. 1235377
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Speculations about what is actually wrong with her? I’m hoping pregnancy
No. 1235389
>>1235377I hope she's not. Heather is a fundamentally unfit mother. That poor hypotjetical child.
I'm guessing it's endometriosis.
No. 1235396
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>>1235377>>1235389I think she’s got Covid hence the “I’ll be shut in for a while” comment. She can’t just say she’s tested positive, it’s gonna be long drawn out mystery. I bet she posts before tomorrow confirming it.
No. 1235401
>>1235396 And if she got covid, she also said she tried to work through the start of her illness, which is the absolute DUMBEST thing you can do, as you are the most contagious during the prodromal period with the vague symptoms.
So she exposed all her Target customers, too. Thanks, Heather.
No. 1235437
>>1233128Beating a dead horse here, but maybe not demanding every ryan be your 24-7 pet/assistant/bodyguard without any consideration about
his life, hobbies and feelings might be the key to happiness, but what do I know.
No. 1235440
>>1235437Dear Anon, I feel you. Her total, unequivocal, unending disinterest in whatever another person may feel/enjoy/be interested in is what makes her
>so uniquely Heather She is, without doubt, the most narcissistic, needy, bitter and entirely self-obsessed woman I have ever encountered.
It would simply not occur to her that a great deal of people in this life have carte blanche to not give a flying fart about her day-to-day bullshit and bleating, and further more, they are quite within their rights to laugh at/about her. The endless cycle is perpetuated by Heather, who cries about the endless cycle.
No. 1235471
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>>1235440Latest update - she’s posted about not being well high temperature, burning up, coughing, headache, it’s definitely Covid. Heather still insists she’s gonna inform everyone later on what’s wrong with her for some reason despite blatantly spelling it out. Again acting as if it’s only happening to her & she’s gonna milk this for the next while. Usual exaggerated I’m Iill face, she looks run down but you can tell she’s making it worse than what it is. Made me laugh though when she did the calculated swoon.
No. 1235474
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>>1235471kek this is so dramatic
No. 1235707
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>>1235502It’s really disheartening to see in this day & age getting something like Covid, some people’s first thought is can’t wait to post this on social media for attention. First draw it out then announce it.
No. 1235785
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>>1235471lol I love Heather so much
No. 1235873
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Heather wants to set the record straight about how she got Covid because she knows how her haterz are going to say something about it.
Apparently she and her stepdad both started getting symptoms on Monday. He figured it was allergies, and she thought it was her PMS again.
Come Thursday stepdad got tested and it came back positive which sent Heather in a tailspin of freaking out, screaming and cussing about how unfair the world is.
Since she doesn’t have insurance (apparently she’s trying to get it now), she went to a clinic and got tested. 14 hours later she gets the positive result.
She racks her brain around trying to figure out how they could have gotten covid. She says her stepdad doesn’t go out because he works from home. So she’s the only one of the two who actively goes out to work, to meet up with potential Ryans off of apps, go antique shopping, etc. But still has “no clue how I got covid.” Ok Heather.
Then goes into a PSA about how covid is bad and vaccine is good. Says she should have gotten the vaccine earlier but because there was “a lot of fear mongering around her and misinformation” she chickened out and decided to wait. She points out the irony of not wanting to take the vaccine because she didn’t want to potentially miss hours off for work; only to get covid and have to be in quarantine for two weeks.
No. 1235998
>>1235891Regular 30 yr old person
>Tests positive for Covid, grateful it’s not so bad and they’re not on a ventilator, comatose and potential death Heather
>I think I might die. But if I can get through this, the worst thing in the world, you can too! This is the worst thing that ever happened to me though. Me, me, me. No. 1236040
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she lurkin
No. 1236065
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No. 1236072
>>1236065“Won’t tolerate the negativity”
But I’m still gonna come here, read all the hate and cry about it online as always and not change anything in my real life.
“Allowed to be dramatic”
Any excuse to be.
It’s why we love you girl.
No. 1236268
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Heather explains
- “I still don’t know how I got covid because I basically don’t hang around people?” Yeah, so she forgets the Ryans she’s met up with, the needless trips she’s gone on, antique shopping, etc etc.
-“I’m a nice person. I’ve done my best to help out people.”
- tried to muster up some tears but couldn’t.
- takes some accountability in that shes most likely the one that infected at least two of her family members since no one other than herself goes out to work. Kudos to her for that.
- says it’s unfair for people to be mad at her for getting covid and making her feel like she intentionally hurt her family.
- “life changes” are going to happen. Are we finally moving out??
- says this doesn’t feel like anything other than a cold. Says she shouldn’t complain since two of her family members are worse off with one of them having fluid in their lungs and breathing issues at the moment.
No. 1240590
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lol she got a tick
No. 1240824
>>1240764OMG this dumb irresponsible bitch. If you're quarantined, let alone confirmed infected, you should NOT be driving or walking around anywhere. What if your dumb ass requires emergency care because you went out? Now some poor first responders are at risk. Especially if she's getting ticks and exploring, if she got herself into trouble and ended up in the hospital, that's so many lives risked for her worthless cemetery adventure.
Can't say I'm surprised at this level of selfishness coming from her though. Wow shes selfish as hell, but we all knew that I guess.
No. 1240826
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>>1240824Sage for samefagging, I just checked out her IG to confirm, and wanted to put this here for when she realizes she fucked up and deletes.
No. 1241057
>>1240590Another new pet to keep next to the unfortunate jumping spider?
If she genuinely has covid she shouldn't be going out exploring,way to put everyone else at risk.
No. 1241806
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Does she not realize that she needs to test negative to return to work..?
No. 1241985
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>>1241806 not saying she’s right for going out before 10 days, but after 10 she should be fine.
No. 1242206
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>>1241806Heather what the fuck!
You went out to a flea market & touched things. Okay you might be over the worst of it but where I live it’s 14 day quarantine - not allowed to go out - you are on day 10 or 11 - you are still not 100% & now you’ve exposed god knows how many people with Covid. You don’t know if you aren’t contagious that’s why you need to wait it out & test negative. I know someone said you can still test positive after 3 months but that’s not for everybody. She’s an imbecile & fucking shameful she’s done this. Heather again I say what the fuck! I hope you do fucking read this & it hits home you twat!