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No. 892447
First Thread
>>738758Second Thread
>>836614Third Thread
>>871951The continuing misadventures of Heather "Insert Interest Here" Steele!
> Does Urban Exploring and Paranormal Ghost Hunting (badly)> Proclaims to be an Empath, Wiccan, etc> Cries constantly about Youtube numbers when she rarely uploads any good content> Cries over boys too much when she's nearing 30 years old.> Acts like a desperate high schooler wanting a boyfriend all the time.> Calls any man she dates "boy."> Posts "sexy" photos of herself on her "photography instagram"> Doesn't collect vintage toys anymore, proceeds to shit talk vintage toy collector community.> Seems to have drama follow her no matter what hobby she joins.> Constantly plays the VICTIM.> Proclaims everyone hates her and that she has no one and that she's a nobody.> Refuses to get a job and relys constantly on her "dying youtube channel."> Claims everyone is out to ruin her life.> Did a complete 180 so quickly and ditched her pastel life and went into a "store bought witch" mode.> Is in debt because of Killstar.> Is known to lurk on Lolcow religiouslyRecent milk:
> Lives with her mother and younger sister, claims she's independent > Recently got her license, is still afraid to drive on her own> Accused of using Go Fund Me money for personal and useless purchases> Always has a "rare day off" from her full time job at least 3 times a week> Uploads a video opening up trash bags of her old vintage plush, milking views and money for the very community she threw under the bus> Repeatedly tells the toy community "fuck you", says the community is toxic and she wants nothing to do with them anymore since receiving comments on her videos and Instagram posts calling her out for her hypocrisy> Says she's going to sell her toys and keep a few of them, only to say that she's going to burn all of them, then immediately backtracks and says she's going to sell them all> Posts "proof" that her ex-husband abused her, although the evidence just proves that she's crazier than any of us thought> Claims to be deleting her Youtube and having less of an online presence, starting with having her Instagram go privateYoutube - - No. 892473
>>892467Didn't she only get like one comment about the camera? She keeps bringing up the GFM to make herself look better to the people she scammed. Those people who keep bringing it up, they bring it up for context. She dug herself in deep and is scrambling to come out "on top" lol.
Countdown to how many hours until she comes back on her ig stories, lol
No. 892480
>>892473Her tendency for misdirection and focusing on non issues are one of the things that annoys me most. She always latches onto a harmless and easily addressed criticism she got lately to distract away from the real reasons people are starting to realize her true colors.
She's also the queen of minimizing her actions.
> "People are so mad at me for spending a bit of my own hard earned money, literally because i bought a fucking sweater/boots/jacket/more boots/this cup/a movie ticket/these 2 Jeffrey Starr palettes/sheets/blankets/pillows/shirt/antique ugh"Her "one thing she bought for herself as a treat" changes daily, and she seems to only ever address the last item she got, refusing to acknowledge that it builds up.
Her personality is built of doing many shitty things and apologizing for the least offensive of them. It's to the point where I wonder if she's just manipulative or if she lacks a modicum of self-awareness and legitimately doesn't see how shitty she is.
She's swallowed by her drive to be the
No. 892485
>>892481I think it starts as a distraction technique, but the issues seem to distort and warp in her head to fit her new narrative, until the issue she chose to focus on is all she can focus on. I wouldn't be surprised if she's said it enough by now that she's warped the real reasons people are upset in her mind and really believes it's about her keeping a camera.
Either that or she's manipulative as hell and is choosey about which criticisms she acknowledges.
No. 892488
>>892473Seems like she gets her kicks from incensing others, posting insults and starting shit and then deleting everything so that she can claim people are attacking her for no good reason, and she has to defend herself guys she's a strong independent women and if you clap at her she's gonna clap back she will no longer be a
victim fuck the haters.
This has definitely been a strong pattern the whole time I've paid attention to her. I'm really glad farmers have been starting to record her shit the second its out there before she thinks to delete. Good work, all. It's getting harder and harder for her to deny her dogshit personality and the attitude she slings at people.
It's actually amazing how little foresight she has for consequences.
No. 892491
>>892489I kek'd so hard
>>892486God damn, preach
No. 892579
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No. 892580
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No. 892582
>>892480You hit the nail on the head. She deflects
hard. I think many anons here are wondering if she really is manipulative and scummy or just retarded and actually can't self-reflect.
>>892492With how much she's been slinging around the phrase "rare day off" I was getting troll vibes too, but she says it with such earnest and from everything I know about her, she's not very smart, so I can't see her pulling off an elaborate trolling scheme. She's not good at lying, other anons have pointed out her exaggerated tells. I think she's just stupid, potentially autistic, and doesn't realize just how often she says it.
>>892540Ah, there she goes, account-hopping now that she's pissed off this batch of followers. How many usernames has she gone by now at this point? How many existed before anyone started taking note of her? You gotta wonder what this kind of person was doing on the internet before they had any notoriety.
No. 892588
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Someone posted an "exposing Heather Sparkles" video a few months back (something about Heather copying her? Lame and not milky) and this was a comment on that video. Shame on Heather for lowballing this person, she knows exactly what those sweaters are worth.
No. 892665
Didn't someone say she did camming with an ex boyfriend or something? I wonder if she's planning a new career in lewds like every other girl on IG
No. 892690
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>>892486pretty sure the "you should sell your camera" remark was from an IG comment, I don't follow her but it was posted in the last thread
>>892579it was just one remark but seems her whole identity on these alts is about her camera wtf chill
No. 892697
>>892621genuinely, fuck, that's the funniest thing I've seen this week
reminds me of George Michael's sad snoopy walk
No. 892711
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Let me get this straight…
You post all your dirty laundry for everyone to see, someone, makes ONE COMMENT, ON YOUR CAMERA, and you go to shit over it?
Then, you post the sound clips of you and adam having an argument, which had NOTHING to do with the problem people have with you, and that just made you look psycho. On top of that, you made it sound like Adam was "on top of you "…listen to those clips carefully….
1. At no point there was any sound of struggling
2. No one was out of breath, when you actual fight with someone, your adrenaline kicks into gear and your heart rate goes up, causing a change in your voice, and your breathing.
3. Did you let adam know you were recording him? Bet you didn't think that one through, did you?
You deflect everything when the problem is you. You can't handle constructive criticism and clearly you can't talk like a rational person with your husband, the one you cheated on with, not once, but twice.
When your profession is with law and dealing with domestics every single day and other shit show events people call 911 for, you learn a lot through cases. So heather, you can't fool someone who SPECIALIZES IN THIS FIELD. And you're going to loss horribly in court.
Stop seeking attention from people you don't know and you won't be in this situation.
No. 892715
>>892712Adding to more what I said, she said she wanted to make money off of photography.. But she never did. She barely did anything since she left Adam except driving lessons and "got a job." Instead of doing that GFM, she could have sold that camera and went about a few months without it and possibly bought a new one within a few paychecks or asked her mum nicely to get her a new one for Xmas.
Also, it's nice to know that it seems like she completely ignored her vintage collection and Timmy and went to buying useless shit. She has the weirdest priorities in items.
> Rare day off yesterday.. And today.kek
She clearly wants people to message her and praise her or do something and tell her how great she is if she had to make all these stories about leaving; why go through all this about a small comment about "selling her camera?"
Her ex-therapist is right, why does she care so much about what others on the internet care?
No. 892720
> Makes this video, comments are still turned off so NO discussions can happen in her comments.She keeps talking about how much she works.. I think someone needs to take a count on how often she mentions "rare day off" per week. I am still calling BS on her 40hr per week.
The more she says "independence woman", the more it loses its meaning.
Loves how she does a video where she's surrounded by everything she's bought in the last month-ish. And it looks like her mum let her paint her room grey like she wanted, it looks like she is staying where she's at.
> More to life than collecting stuff..Seems like she always collecting SOMETHING
> Goes on how she dressed like every typical "goth/emo" during that time period
> Wasting $200 per month in a "luxury" storage unit.I want to call major bullshit on this too. I might have found what company she's going through.. but it's about a 10' x 20' unit. Why do you need THAT much room for just TOYS? Does she seriously have that much "shit" to fill up storage unit meant for a 3bdrm house?
> Keeps bringing up her "abuse"
> Still brings up the camera comment, making it seem like tons of people are saying it and that it's not just ONE person that said it.
> Shows off her "self harm" scars. I can't make out whether or not if they are. It's a weird place for them to be.. Why up on your shoulder? Didn't she have a crow at one point? Couldn't she have gotten those scars from the bird? Because more self-harm scars I've seen are wrists or thighs, easy to reach places that can be covered easily.
> Claims she has them all over her body (but only shows the one on her shoulders). Mentions she always has to cover herself up because of it. Says she did it because she was always rejected by EVERYONE; family, peers, everyone..Odd enough she doesn't get emotional when talking about what she's done to herself..
> Reads message/comment from someone (whose practically giving her praise). Shows emotion for the first time during this video. This person has been following her since her gaming content.
> "I'm probably the realest person you'll ever meet.."
> Starts crying around 33 minutes in the video.> Talks about having a baby one day> Wanting a man-talk, along with her "dreams"
> I won> Tries to sound inspirational before the video ends.Towards the end of the video, this all felt like a huge deja vu moment. I feel like she's posted this video before but with a different outfit and background.
No. 892724
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"I just wanted to clarify what goodbye means"…
And then…
No. 892725
>>892724God can she just leave the internet already like she keeps saying she will?
Her icon vs her insta story is like that what you see in the commercial vs what you get meme omfg
No. 892728
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No. 892808
>>892716>"I'm getting a shit ton of hate for numerous reasons"No, you're getting a shit ton of hate because you're a shitty person. There are no numerous reasons, that's literally the only one.
Every time she says "rare day off", I want to scream.
>"I'm done having to stress about this person saying this about me, and it's not true, and I need to show my receipts.">Says immediately after "Let's talk about this."I'm dying, kek
We all know the only reason she's still posting to Youtube and that she started posting on her heather_explores account again after "leaving it" is because she has thousands of followers there. She can't just up and leave all of that attention.
No. 892940
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First time post, sorry in a noob. It looks like julietthepastelprincess may be spilling some tea on the heather situation this evening. Might be worth watching.
No. 892944
>>892940You don't have to put anon in the name field.
Should be interesting if that's what her live is going to be about.
No. 892992
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I know what you could of done with all those rare days off…
No. 893276
>>893229Some interesting tidbits from the live:
- you guys remember the video Heather made where she cried about “losing my best friend” that she had only met like two weeks prior? Well apparently that best friend was a Tinder date who happened to be married (on a break from wife). julietthepastelprincess was “the third wheel” on this date because she drive Heather to meet the guy and had tit ah along with them.
-Heather was scared that the tinder guys wife had messaged her on Instagram as asked julietthepastelprincess to log in for her and check the message because she was too pranoid to do it herself.
- julietthepastelprincess was told to lie for Heather back when she made plans to meet up with Ryan at a New Years party last year. She basically had to say to Adam that Heather was going to stay with her when in reality she was with Ryan.
- julietthepastelprincess confronted Adam about how he was treating heather in front of her and his friend. Adam then said that Heather has told him hat she was weird and quiet but “fuckable.”
- on Heather’s birthday julietthepastelprincess drive to her in a blizzard just to take her out. They were on their way to an exploring meet up where Ryan wa supposed to be attending when they had the accident. Heather called the police before Juliet could get a hold of her insurance and ask for a tow truck so she had to ask Adam to forward some money through her payoal just to get her car towed (whcihbshe kid him back for). Heather thenbhad the audacity to say all over social media that it was the worst birthday ever.
No. 893326
Juliet is a very sweet person. She's geninue and she was completely taken advantage of by heather. Juliet was a fan of heather and heather took every opportunity to use that to her advantage, go shopping with, use her to take her on dates. But this is not the first time heather has done this to people, there are more people she has done this to that i know personally that i won't name. She has a wonderful tendency to use girls but when it comes to guys, actually, shes the same with guys too. But i understand exactly what juliet was saying. Here was heather, her idol, someone she admired, who she thought the world of, to eventually wake up and see how much of a piece of shit heather is. Heather changed drastically when she changed her physical image, she thought she was hot shit when in actuality, she's the ugliest person. We've seen so many people exist her life and its clear as day why. It's coming full circle where everything is biting her in the ass.
No. 893428
>>892716>”during the darkest months of my life I was going to all these cool, crazy places and exploring” Wait. Thought you were controlled. Thought you weren’t allowed to leave or do anything. Thought you were a ‘hostage’ in that apartment. Did you not specifically say you weren’t allowed to have friends or go out?
Because it seems to me that you were just lazy and didn’t want to get a job, or learn to drive. You were TOLD to get a job. But you just wanted to sit on your lazy ass because YouTube was your full time job. You were TOLD to get your license. But you didn’t want to because you were ‘so scared.’
You held yourself back because you wanted everyone to feel bad for you. You were and are the
abusive one. To your ex husband, to your friends, to your cat, and to yourself. You held yourself back because you thought it would help you out in the future when you tried to pull the abuse card in court. But it won’t because your ‘evidence’ only proves you’re a liar and you exaggerate and make things up. It only proves that you are mentally unstable.
>”I’m free now. I’m safe. I finally have a job and my license.” This just proves you’re capable of providing for yourself and that you were just lazy.
Also you had a job before you were ‘forced to leave/escaped’ (because you keep changing your mind about that situation) so no one ever held you back. It was quite the opposite.
You were never in danger and no one made you leave. You said you were going to and then took your sweet old time getting out. You left in a fit of rage over a situation that only existed in your warped mind. It never even happened. No one ever threatened or hurt you. You overreacted like a middle school girl. No one is holding your possessions hostage. You had and still have a key and the ability to get your shit. You’re just too lazy to do it. No one gives a shit about your stuff but you.
You have the audacity to complain about how your shit was packaged up and stored when you couldn’t even be bothered to do it yourself. It could’ve been thrown into the storage unit all over the floor but instead everything was boxed and bagged so it didn’t get dirty.
You’re mad because people finally see through your goddamn act and they’re not buying your ‘
victim of abuse’ bullshit anymore. You’re freaking out because you’re losing your pity following. Nobody ever told you to sell your camera. Nobody ever told you they were mad at you for changing hobbies.
You lied about your situation. You lied about everything. You were never in danger. You wanted more pity.
As soon as the ‘situation’ that ‘forced’ you out happened in your convoluted little mind, you called mommy to come and save you. You were never in danger of being homeless. You put yourself into every ‘bad’ situation by making shit up and then you expect people to feel bad for you. And now you’re upset because nobody is falling for it.
Cut the shit and grow up.
No. 893435
>>893428All of this. Thank you for saying everything everyone here has been trying to say and supporting the timeline that SHE provided.
I feel bad for the suckers who followed her on her new "18+" account. Have fun listening to her cry about her "haters" and how she says that everyone hates her. She'll probably also add some lie about people threatening her or telling her to kill herself.
No. 893466
>>892716I hadn't made it through this entire video before, but I just got to the end of it and what terrible acting! Heather, stick to your day job (that may or may not exist).
>"I know I'm going to be a grandmother someday.">"2019 has been bad for me with romance.">"I'll wake up next to the man of my dreams- or maybe no man!"I just want her to stop talking.
No. 893519
>>893435I just. Don’t understand how she thinks anyone still believes any of her lies (
>>893428 ) she can’t even keep them straight anymore.
No. 893835
>>893783"Heather Sparkles is the biggest inspiration in my life!"
Now that's just painful.
No. 893839
>>893783I think they might
actually be autistic.
No. 893844
>>893839Wow. Kind of feel like an asshole for posting that now.
Hope they didn't get ripped off by her gofundme.
No. 894217
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No. 894218
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No. 894261
>>894217Brown hair looks so nice on her. Something about her makes her look less crazy-eye here than she does normally. Maybe it's the vegan-ism that caused the crazy-look to happen to her, kek. But like I know she got that dental work between this photo and now, which might have caused changes to her jaw.. But tbh she looks less insane and more approachable here. But we all know that even back in 2011, there was still some part of her that's just as horribly "messed up" as she is now.
Also, do ya'll ever wonder if she posts photos of this to bait lolcow into talking about her and trying to make us seem like we're gonna bully her for her looks? I mean, I feel like she does that. She never posted photos of how she looked and "make fun of herself" until she found out about this site..
No. 894431
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No. 894462
kek did she read this
>>894328 and then post this
>>894431 ?
>>894225 was me and I didn’t mean she looks less psycho (although that’s true too). I meant she specifically looks less slow. Something about her face now just screams sped to me. Her voice and the way she talks too. She looks and sounds mentally handicapped.
No. 894648
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Heather is mostly posting selfies in her stories on her heather_explores IG account, but this comment someone left her under one of her posts is so cringe.
No. 894674
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Bought herself more 'tReAtS'
No. 894675
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And those damn teeth again
No. 895031
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Oh boy /sarcasm
No. 895132
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Heather's back to rambling on her insta stories and of course she's not addressing anything that was brought up in julietthepastelprincess's live.
No. 895230
>>895132The fact that she posted a video of her putting the car key in the ignition and turning it is ridiculous. I laughed so hard.
Almost 30 and bragging about driving. Amazing.
No. 895231
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Such a badass, guys.
No. 895581
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Her response to Juliet’s live last Thursday.
No. 895582
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No. 895584
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No. 895585
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No. 895587
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More target shopping on a “rare” day off to treat herself for working “so hard” lol.
No. 895716
Based on that live, Juliet isn't the only one who has dirt on Heather.
Juliet said that N, because she didn't want to use real names, was someone that Heather assumed had started the first thread on here on lolcow. Instead of confronting N herself, Heather had Juliet do this despite the fact that she and N were already friends. Juliet deleted N and everything, and sent her a message without getting N's side of the story. After actually talking it over with N, it was determined that N had nothing to do with the lolcow thread, Heather was just going off of assumptions while making Juliet look like the bad guy. Juliet apologized to N and she said the two of them are friends again, and that N is actually kinda cool.
In the chat on the live, Heather's old friend Rainbow was there. She chimed in every once in a while. At one point she said that Heather's friendship didn't feel genuine to her, and that's likely why the two of them stopped speaking. I feel like N is Rainbow.
All of this is to say that I don't understand how Heather can continue to play victim in this situation. There are at least two ex-friends out there who no longer speak to her and don't have very nice things to say about her, so it makes sense that people would start to pick up on this and see the light. Heather is toxic and she can't even apologize for being a bad friend or own up to her mistakes. Instead, she's doubling down on it and making it seem like everyone should feel bad for her.
She says that none of this online stuff matters and is just bs, but Juliet and Rainbow both hung out with her irl and she treated them both like crap. These weren't just online friends, these were people she had physically met.
She messed with real people who considered her a friend and now it's coming to bite her in the ass.
No. 895753
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Heather had a date with a guy she connected with via OkCupid this last Saturday (on her “rare day off”) and had to “treat herself” for it/
No. 895755
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Of course she had to document it with a photo shoot that she made him take.
No. 895756
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She hasn’t mentioned anything about it since. Either she lied and never had a date, he cancelled on her ass, or for once she’s trying to keep her private life hush hush.
No. 895764
>>895587Taylor Swift, eh? SooOOooO WiTchY, spooooky girl.
Basic ass. Sage for nitpick.
No. 895901
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So after about a week of fighting with youtube and their ever changing code and then having to wait for my downloader software to be updated and patched. I finally today got all the videos downloaded I have Fios Gigspeed internet so it really didnt take too long to download but attached if the number of files and the space it took up on my 2TB video file hard drive.
I think I will work on uploading them to Archive[dot]org Friday
No. 896041
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When 10 pairs of black boots aren't enough.
No. 896046
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Now we're moving on to white boots, I see.
No. 896047
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I'm so tired of her fakedeep posts and continuing to play victim. Once again she's insinuating that she's done nothing wrong and that people only hate her because she "changed".
No. 896056
>>896047I am confused, I thought she said goodbye. Shoot, she even defined what "goodbye" meant to her…..
Then she said she was sticking to her photography ONLY.
Then she said her online life doesn't mean anything and she has so much to work on "offline".
Who is this person, and what is she doing exactly?
No. 896171
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Anyone else remember when Heather was pretending to be a domestic abuse victim who conned people out of their money through her GFM because she’s was going to be homeless? During this time she said she was “so appreciative and blessed” for those who donated to help her and that she promised to donate the same amount of the GFM to a women’s shelter” in order to give back.
Well she’s been doing a hell of a lot of shopping lately; and I’m wondering, Heather, (since you’re reading this) have you donated $500 to a women’s shelter like you PROMISED?
She needs to held accountable for it since she’s bold enough to plaster her waste of money on her Instagram stories. And I expect her to show off that tax write-off for her donation as proof as well.
No. 896207
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Here we go again.
No. 896228
>>896207Nothing says "psychic empath witch saving her money" like a pair of boots with a giant tacky hexagram on them. Cool.
I actually own one pair of killstar boots that I paid 30 euros for. They are fine. Just… fine. Pretty much all of their designs are the same. Basic…
No. 896272
>>896260Yeah. I would not have paid full price. I see a lot of their fabric items around, and they're flimsy and feel like aliexpress junk. For someone who doesn't care about material things Heather sure likes her labels.
The sad thing is, if she'd gone about her spoopy gawf qween transformation by just thrifting herself a new wardrobe, she would have had vlogging content, far more money to spend on being an ijndependent warrior woman, and probably a lot more respect given her. But that's heather for you. Always doing the laziest and most predictable thing. Being creative with your wardrobe takes effort. Best just buy the instant edgelord teenager kit.
No. 896283
>>896171I was thinking about this last night.. She went on about how she's going to give back, but I doubt she will. I bet she thought that was something everyone forgot about.
Also, I was thinking. With Heather saying how
abusive Adam is/was, why is then Adam dating a girl who looks like she isn't afraid to say whatever is on her mind?
Abusive people go after people who are easy to manipulate, not "strong" people like how new GF is/or seems like.. But of course, Heather says (or said at one point) how the two liked to gang up on her.. But like I said, an
abusive person wouldn't really do that. They wouldn't "leave" the person they're
abusive to date someone who is possibly "just like them" to have the two of them "
abusive" the person they just left.. That just – it doesn't work like that at all. An
abusive person goes from one person to another, using them how they can and making them feel like shit in the process. They go after EASY pickings, people who are EASY to manipulate and easy to go after to make themselves feel better about themselves and when they're alone, they realise how shit they are and thus they feel shit and are always wanting to find someone to be with the start the process over again.. Now WHO does that sound like?
But yeah, yeah, asides from all that bullshit.. Heather says shit and just thinks in a matter of days or weeks people will forget about what she said. Maybe she has the mindset that she thinks everyone is stupid and will forget what she said so she can get away with it all so quickly. She won't ever give back $500 to a woman's shelter or volunteer any time at a woman's shelter – she's above all that. She's going to spend her "hard earned" cash on herself because she earned it.. Not save it up so she can buy a car and get a place of her own.
No. 896745
File: 1574479373691.jpg (984.26 KB, 1080x2081, 20191122_192154.jpg)

Her crap came in the mail
No. 896746
File: 1574479406871.jpg (886.46 KB, 1080x2078, 20191122_192133.jpg)

No. 896747
File: 1574479509312.jpg (628.19 KB, 1080x2087, 20191122_192144.jpg)

No. 896748
File: 1574479610943.jpg (735.25 KB, 1080x2074, 20191122_192203.jpg)

And who's cat is this?
No. 896749
File: 1574479648734.jpg (750.4 KB, 1079x2079, 20191122_192124.jpg)

No. 896775
>>896605Most likely, and that is one of the reasons i downloaded all of her videos.
"The internet never forgets"
No. 897009
>>896918If she just gave up Timmy, I would honestly be fine with it. Cats hate moving, which would be especially important given the fact she's still pretending to want to move out of her mom's house. That would be two moves for him. And Adam, for all his faults, really seems like a good pet owner. Giving up Timmy might actually be viewed as a selfless act.
But then getting a new cat, when she does not have a permanent residence and does not know what her housing is gping to look like, completely destroys that argument. What a selfish cow.
No. 897020
>>896949Exactly. Her getting a new cat just makes me so angry, because she made it seem like she really wanted Timmy but couldn't take him, one of the reasons being her mom wouldn't let her.
Plus, didn't she said every bit of her money is going towards a car and a place to live? Pets need to eat, vet appointments, etc. Having even a single cat isn't cheap.
No. 897347
>>897305Then I bet she didn’t get no employee of the month gift. I’ bet the moment this job gets rid of her, if she actually has one, she’ll start sayin how people found out where she worked, etc. But since she won’t give any details then I bet she doesn’t have a job or if she does then she isn’t getting no 40hrs, fulltime job shit because then they would have to give her benefits and no company truly wants to give their employees benefits because it “costs too much.”
Also in her story, didn’t get screencaps, she’s going out to buy shelves to store her collections. And she’s not driving herself. She’s most likely having her mum driving herself. If you have your license, wouldn’t you want to keep driving yourself no matter what or is she that lazy now?
No. 897360
File: 1574630244825.jpg (668.27 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-11-24-13-12-10…)

Heather just fucking go to a thrift store and spend $15 like the rest of us broke ass bitches
No. 897367
File: 1574630704979.jpg (1.38 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-11-24-13-13-17…)

Also I know this is said to death in these threads, but her Barbie Pink lip color always makes me want to vom. Especially with the spoopy wardrobe it looks super out of place. It didn't even suit her in her pastel days tbh, it just looks so awful. I've haven't seen a person alive who pulls it off, except MAYBE Nicki Minaj and it still has a hideous-color look on her. I honestly can't believe she hasn't ditched it, its the least flattering part of her wardrobe and that's saying something.
No. 897379
>>897360Also you don't even have a place to live!! why are you buying furniture before putting that money towards a place??
That cabinet is going to be oh so helpful when you're living out of your car, idiot.
No. 897514
File: 1574650821028.png (1.15 MB, 1242x2208, 2019-11-24 21.56.20.png)

170 bucks for that piece of shit. heh and the nearest IKEA from her location is approximately 40 minutes away, close to 30 miles
No. 897577
File: 1574666216930.jpg (935.36 KB, 1080x2087, 20191124_231556.jpg)

I guess shes staying over okcupid dudes house, and hes taking her shopping?
No. 897578
File: 1574666255720.jpg (704.17 KB, 1080x2088, 20191124_231546.jpg)

I guess hes the one taking her cringey photos of her.
No. 897585
File: 1574670052444.jpg (622.27 KB, 1080x2088, 20191125_001932.jpg)

So shes drunk now and sounds air headed asf. Dude has no idea what hes in for.
No. 897602
>>897600I saw it too.
I need to get me a recording app. Shes deleting faster and faster.
No. 897615
>>897602I don't understand why she posts these videos just to delete them. Well I hope to get more milky videos of her obsessing over her next
victim. Another idiot who'll drive her around only to do what she wants only. He looks like Andy Dick.
No. 897642
>>897585They look like brother and sister. Ew.
I can't really feel bad for the guy. It won't be long before this relationship goes up in flames.
No. 897646
File: 1574691840332.jpg (562.8 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20191125-092136_Ins…)

She keeps making it seem like she's a part of some elite group of people who work 40 hours a week.
Welcome to be a regular adult!
No. 897654
File: 1574692366602.png (2.29 MB, 1242x2688, 50714992-92A9-490D-AF0F-80AFE7…)

Like, take your own advice.
No. 897828
File: 1574720392118.jpg (659.23 KB, 1080x2090, 20191125_141933.jpg)

Shes still at dudes house it seems. She got another 'rare' day off, of course.
No. 897857
>>897585Why does this guy look familiar? I feel like I've seen photos of him before? I wouldn't be surprised if he knows Ryan in some way, kek.
Also maybe he looks familiar or maybe every white guy in that area all look the same.
No. 897949
File: 1574731143981.jpg (691.51 KB, 1080x2088, 20191125_171758.jpg)

She was at his house and now she just got off work? Tf
No. 897972
File: 1574736462905.png (444.14 KB, 485x899, Capture.PNG)

"It's so hard to edit photos or to look back in my gallery anymore because what I realize more and more as a photographer is that I am just immortalizing everything I've lost or that I'm about to lose, and it's really hard to look back at my photos from this summer and see people that are no longer in my life. People that I love, that will never be in my life again and I am just documenting everything changing, and by having those photos it's like that time will never end but I also can never move on from it. So it's just something I've been dealing with lately and it's really hard to try to edit photos like I'm trying to now and then I'll see old photos of people that are gone, and it's just really tough so… I've just been dealing with this, and I will just have to continue to fucking deal with it because that's life. People are temporary and you really shouldn't trust anyone, and you shouldn't get attached to anyone or anything because it all goes."
No. 897987
File: 1574739699701.jpg (1007.36 KB, 1440x1976, Screenshot_20191125-224019.jpg)

>>897585His name is ryan….notice a pattern here?
No. 898035
File: 1574755328195.jpg (1.61 MB, 1920x2560, 19-11-26-03-00-42-145_deco.jpg)

Indeed heather does have a type…brain dead.
No. 898185
File: 1574796777607.png (3.17 MB, 1242x2688, EC369C81-C587-4C80-9B39-8EE383…)

Hmmmm……sound like anyone we know…?
No. 898373
File: 1574823734663.jpg (626.01 KB, 1080x2083, 20191126_190053.jpg)

So she bought herself a flannel shirt and a beanie because she imagines dressing up her 'dReAm BoY' good lord
No. 898377
File: 1574823784746.jpg (708.97 KB, 1080x2091, 20191126_190108.jpg)

Another cat. I cant tell if it's at her moms or somewhere else.
No. 898379
File: 1574823963562.png (268.04 KB, 482x908, Capture.PNG)

On her phone while driving, what an excellent thing for a new driver to be doing.
No. 898401
>>898373So I guess this means Ryan No. 3 isn’t her dream guy?
He’s probably not financially stable enough for her to mooch off of.
No. 898411
File: 1574831260508.png (1.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191127-000555.png)

No. 898416
>>898411Beat me to it, Anon.
Here we go again!
Then she ranted how he was a player so shes ghosting him lol
No. 898424
File: 1574835228307.gif (3.47 MB, 480x270, 3o85xkbFYrFJfHQMq4.gif)

>>898411He posted this on his facebook with the caption "mood." Maybe he just found out who she truly is.
No. 898435 men's clothing rant the no boyfriend boo hoo rant
No. 898481
File: 1574862141819.jpeg (145.75 KB, 750x707, 1C97CDC2-F1D4-4DE0-B501-C36278…)

She’s not following Ryan No. 3 anymore.
Her desperation for a “boy”—any boy at this point—is so unattractive. I bet it’s overwhelmingly palpable in person meeting her which is why men run for the hills away from her. I mean, realistically what does she have to offer to a potential mate? At 30 years old she’s just now learned how to drive, is working for the first time in years, lives rent free at mommy's house, has a shopping and hoarding addiction. Not to mention she’s got a bunch of baggage on her because of her online presence. I can’t see any normal, rational man taking that mess on.
No. 898520
>>898497Indeed. Ryan 3 got off super easy. Knowing heathervshe'll at least stalk him for a while and get deeply upset at anything he does that isn't related to her.
Also I am absolutely determined to refer to the next guy she ensnares as Ryan 4, regardless of his actual name. They're all Ryans now.
No. 898523
>>898435Considering that she says something like, "i'll catch my next little fishy…" sounds like dudes are just objects to her, and she should just admit she's just looking for dick and not associate sex with "love."
Also, nitpick, but eww at her shit talk about Dr. Martens, maybe if she didn't hoard ugly, cheap and shitty quality boots, she probably could have had at least 2-3 decent pairs of docs at this point.
No. 898554
>>898547I feel like her next phase will be
'I think I'm a lesbian, men suck so where is my dream woman'
No. 898610
File: 1574889679588.png (746.35 KB, 750x1334, E93E6154-1C7D-4B6E-813C-6E6322…)

Or you could just, you know, put the money into your savings account. Jotnliek you need yet another pair of black boots.
No. 898625
File: 1574892255457.png (2.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191127-170332.png)

She talks like a fuckin idiot
No. 898635
>>898625Heather you’re going to be with your mom, sister, and stepdad for thanksgiving; you’re not fooling anyone.
Also, this is just sad. In the same way that she would buy toys to fill her void she does it now with shoes. It’s a never ending cycle.
No. 898661
File: 1574898201191.png (424.23 KB, 495x905, Capture.PNG)

We already know that leading up to this rare day off you've been spending, so my guess is you'll find a way to spend tomorrow too. Because treat yourself, right?
No. 898663
File: 1574898313855.png (842.05 KB, 482x904, Capture.PNG)

Buys another pair of boots that she admits is ugly because for some reason she finds it absolutely crucial to have a pair of "winter heels."
No. 898664
File: 1574898397037.png (435.51 KB, 488x914, Capture.PNG)

So what do you think, farmers? Did she buy both pairs and is now pretending she only bought one?
No. 898684
File: 1574901789889.jpg (648.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-11-27-16-42-20…)

No. 898695
File: 1574903620605.png (1.97 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191127-201158.png)

Oh god this is so bad
No. 898701
File: 1574904753916.png (699.25 KB, 750x1334, B1EAD8C1-624B-49AC-AE7B-9C78EA…)

She’s moaning about her lack of a love life, how she’s going to be alone tomorrow for Thanksgiving, and “adulting.” So the usual.
No. 898818
>>898817Sure appears to be spending money quicker than she's earning it
I mean she doesn't connect with people on any meaningful level so I can see why she's got a void in her life to fill. In the long run therapy would work out cheaper than her spending habits
No. 898820
>>898815Even if you've moved on from a hobby you were supposedly once passionate about, you would NEVER EVER then become the very person that criticizes the hobby and alleges it's immature.
Also why on earth did she do a video titled "Adults can't collect toys" this gives the initial impression that she thinks people of a certain age shouldn't collect toys. It certainly didn't come across as her defending the hobby till you watch the video and discover that she feebly claims that collecting toys is okay. However she puts her mouth in it again by saying she doesn't like using the term adult toy collector as it sounds kinda creepy. WTF, no it doesn't. Heather has no sense in that brain of hers whatsoever.
No. 898912
File: 1574968561417.png (5.13 MB, 1242x2688, 141C2EA7-69C5-49F9-A0B1-758866…)

No. 898934
File: 1574975946989.jpg (372.05 KB, 1080x2082, 20191128_131824.jpg)

Here we go.
No. 898935
File: 1574976026423.jpg (756.17 KB, 1080x2088, 20191128_131812.jpg)

Yeah we're hAtInG cuz you're spending into debt lol
Then later shes gonna be bitching she has no money for her car
No. 898947
File: 1574978444177.jpg (18.14 KB, 800x450, nick-young-confused-face-300x2…)

>>898934Bitch what the actual fuck?? Who the fuck buys 5 pairs of boots at once when they work a minimum wage job? Heather is mentally stuck as a teenager and her mom babying her is only helping her live the fantasy of no bills or responsibilities. I'd love the next thread pic to be of all the boots she's bought.
No. 898992
File: 1574988694438.jpg (627.43 KB, 1080x2094, 20191128_165102.jpg)

No. 898993
File: 1574988732832.jpg (458.21 KB, 1080x2100, 20191128_165048.jpg)

I dont think I would be proud of that…
No. 899122
File: 1575012157373.png (761.38 KB, 750x1334, 7E674334-0407-4C61-8C2A-1AE422…)

No. 899123
File: 1575012201450.png (663.23 KB, 750x1334, 48CADB69-1A4A-46BA-B11A-A6021D…)

No. 899131
File: 1575014680261.png (507.22 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191129-030207.png)

No. 899196
>>899122>>899123>>899131She's trying so hard to be a badass rebel, but she just comes across as sad and unhinged. Let's not forget she's damn near 30 years old and not a teenager.
I hope that everyone who donated to her GFM is kicking themselves as they see what she's spending that money on. Her excuse is always "I only had it up for a day, then I closed it." But that day was long enough for suckers to donate and she took the money and ran.
No. 899203
>>899123>we're born alone and we all die aloneDamn. Cutting her mom out of the equation again. What a spoiled brat.
She's also doing that thing again where she doesn't take responsibility for her actions and she shifts to blame on everyone else for why she's the way she is. We all know that it's 100% her fault that she's lost the friends she had this time last year, and that her pattern with these "boys" she dates makes it obvious that she's the problem, but instead of realizing this and trying to fix her faults, it's easier for her to act like the entire world is against her. Then her followers fall for the act and pity her. That's all she wants.
No. 899228
File: 1575042952992.png (1.32 MB, 698x1000, 20E94774-FDD5-42AA-97AD-13352E…)

jesus christ you guys this isn’t even all of it
No. 899231
>>898826There is nothing wrong whatsoever with adults who collect sex toys. There are plenty of them on youtube. It was still a pathetic thing to say even though I guessed she was probably thinking along those lines. As unless she thinks the people that watch her have a low intelligence they would know full well what type of adult toy collector she considered herself as. Personally I prefer to use the word toy enthusiast but she only had the toys in the first place to fit in with her current pastel aesthetic at the time. She wasn't a genuine toy admirer who was interested in their origins, design etc, they just looked good on display especially for Instagram.
>>898947 Lol, I don't get her logic. Does she actually think buying all this tat and photographing it is going to impress people, strangers no less? I don't believe she is buying all this out of the money she is earning herself because most people who begin working for a living become more choosy about the things they buy with their hard earned cash. She just seems to throw money away like there's no tomorrow. Her Instagram account is either her moaning about not having a boyfriend, cringeworthy quotes or photographs of her latest purchases, how incredibly dull is that, why would anyone genuinely find that exciting? And of course they don't give a shit what she wastes her money on, boasting about buying another pair of boots isn't something to be proud about. I also wonder who these special souls are supposed to be, besides her relatives, who does she actually know in person (that she meets up with on a regular basis) that she is close friends with? Stangers on the internet don't count.
No. 899235
File: 1575044164990.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 9EC1744D-53E1-40D7-BBC8-35C9DE…)

No. 899591
File: 1575091676622.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2090, 20191129_212725.jpg)

I dont think she worked. Hmm
No. 899623
>>899351Well at least she got one part right, I can certainly see her dying alone
She's going to spend her whole life chasing people away with her shitty personality and then just scratch her head wondering why it keeps happening
No. 899869
File: 1575162235114.jpg (968.56 KB, 1080x2088, 20191130_170327.jpg)

-rolls eyes-
No. 899897
>>899591I don't think so either. Her make-up looks just recently put on. Like she looks well too put together for surviving possibly 8hrs of black friday crowds.
>>899869I honestly thought it was the same photo from the "surviving black friday crowds" post except the only difference was that her hair was curled. But then I noticed she had no eye shadow on.. Which it's just like – you put effort into doing your hair but not the rest of your makeup? What?
No. 900034
>>900020Apparently being single is worse than being in an "
abusive relationship."
No. 900081
>>900010eh, Adam was pretty controlling with money despite his whole "she lives off my dime, I spoil her" manipulative rhetoric. Of course now that she has her own money that she is completely in control of she's going to spend more. she definitely has a shopping addiction, though, and she buys absolute crap with it, but Adam was also controlling/
No. 900366
File: 1575254638191.png (871.73 KB, 479x913, Capture.PNG)

Today's purchase.
No. 900569
>>900262Adam has his dickish ways, but he was a million percent correct in controlling how their money was spent. She made maybe a couple hundred bucks via Youtube each month, but she didn't work a single hour while they were together. He paid for her hair appointments, he paid for her glasses, to get her teeth fixed, etc. All the essentials -food, housing, a vehicle- that was all him, too. Heather contributed pretty much nothing and still got an entire, beautiful room to herself for all of her toys and clothes.
She made zero effort to be independent while with him. She was comfortable. Why do you think it took her so long to move out despite months and months of claiming abuse?
We see how she's being now that she has a job and her own money to blow. Instead of trying to get out of mommy's house, she's just buying useless junk while preaching that she doesn't care about material things anymore and that "stuff" doesn't make her happy.
No. 900825
File: 1575344825599.jpg (753.86 KB, 1080x2079, 20191202_194432.jpg)

Ohh now what?? Boohoo
No. 901413
File: 1575436848977.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, F4A7543E-4404-4339-A230-844C7F…)

What a diverse collection of footwear.
No. 901414
File: 1575436904102.png (598.73 KB, 750x1334, 479A4670-407A-4F3A-B724-00DBE1…)

And yet she’s still going to be crying about boys come tomorrow.
No. 901491
>>901414Didn't quickly meet the doormat of her dreams so obviously all the apps are '
toxic' Wow she can't even break up with an app without publicly bashing and blaming it..
No. 901532
>>901491Classic Heather, kek. The dating app is the
toxic one, definitely not her!
No. 901594
>>901529Oh man! To see the look of panic in her dates' eyes once she opens her mouth.
Heather, I know you lurk here. Think of the views!
No. 902086
File: 1575562807928.jpeg (2.68 MB, 1242x2193, 9E704344-B258-4F44-ADC3-A36840…)

I thought doing this was cool/cute too. In middle school. When I was 12.
No. 902194
File: 1575585009021.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 7422CD36-859E-4055-9670-6D834F…)

She’s posting really cringey insta stories while “sitting in [her moms car] and watching the sunset” after work.
Apparently she’s “made a new connection” and is “happy things are falling into place” after so much heartbreak this year.
No. 902411
File: 1575618470767.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2102, 20191205_234558.jpg)

So is this legal? I've never heard anyone do this before but she took this dudes remains from a grave and is getting it 'processed'? And she wants to put his toes on a necklace?? Like wtaf!
No. 902447
>>902411That, my friend, is graverobbing.
>>902435 is right. I don't know what the specific laws in her state are either. But this tends to be the kind of tging people frown on and punish. Especially since tgis wasn't just a bone she found while out and about. It's something she actively took from it's designated resting place.
She sure loves and respects cemeteries and appreciates them on a deeper level…
No. 902456
File: 1575637770175.png (251.45 KB, 750x1334, 16C63125-C2C8-4D52-A6D6-7FEEDB…)

No. 902457
File: 1575637798786.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, D75DF761-21D3-4A64-B87B-4B1C56…)

No. 902458
File: 1575637828684.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, A1014028-6F88-4AC7-816B-0A38AB…)

No. 902459
File: 1575638006814.jpeg (730.42 KB, 2048x2048, EFF51A35-282C-4234-97E7-4F6AFE…)

Her Killstar haul. She’s also getting yet another pair of black boots.
No. 902460
File: 1575638030582.png (297.86 KB, 750x1334, E47B65A8-D7D5-4A58-B6E5-70FC72…)

No. 902462
File: 1575638242489.png (749.18 KB, 750x1334, 296E8CA5-8846-4F80-AC01-11A43A…)

She’s meeting up with “someone special” and getting a “self care weekend” of new hair and nails to prepare for it.
Can’t wow to see what “Ryan No. 4” looks like!
No. 902504
File: 1575646799494.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, FD265B33-728C-4704-8464-4A898E…)

“I’m going to soak in the bath now and then try to be a productive member of society today…then again I’m a productive member of society every day…”
No. 902521
File: 1575651185131.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 67BA60D5-1979-4D91-8DD7-EE155A…)

Or the blood of the people you’ve sucked dry with your constant playing the victim card.
No. 902611
>>902521She thinks way too highly of herself if she really believes anyone of us is her “enemy.”
Heather, YOU are your worst enemy.
No. 902886
>>902851Depends on the vegan. I know a few vegans who are actually taxidermists and work with found animal remains. They object to harming animals for food or convenience. But if the animal is already dead anyway and you didn't contribute to it dying, that's okay with them, since it's not causing any additional suffering. But other people may feel differently.
Having said that, i don't think heather has thought about it that much. Is she even still vegan?
No. 903043
File: 1575748366805.jpg (987.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-12-07-11-50-17…)

the only person I've ever seen look worse with their roots touched up
White hair is just not a good look on her… it makes her look ancient
No. 903163
File: 1575771597077.jpg (860.16 KB, 1080x2093, 20191207_181754.jpg)

It looks like shes wearing a wig lol
And that outfit, yikes
No. 903169
>>903163Doesn't even look like her; she looks like a completely different person. But yeah, looks like she's wearing a non-lace front wig.
>>903043Strongly prefer her roots showing when it comes to the light hair colour. She's so pale to begin with, so I bet in person (and even in photos) the colour just washes her out. I feel like if she wants to be "witchy" go with a dark hair colour (not black) but like a steel grey or dark grey of some sort. Just something to contrast against her pale-ass transparent skin.
No. 903234
>>902458Looks like a breeder in this.
She's dumb enough to be one.
No. 903310
File: 1575814678970.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, 961070A6-E38A-4EB0-8ABE-78EB72…)

No. 903463
File: 1575843940974.jpg (1.28 MB, 1080x2094, 20191208_142448.jpg)

That hair color really isnt doing anything for her. She's looking like a little old lady.
No. 903473
>>903463Just any other colour would be better. If she wants to look dark and spooky she doesn't have to go for black. Like
>>903169 sayd she could go for grey, or even just red or lavender or just anything that doesn't make her look like she's on the way to church bingo. Some people look super good with white hair. But heather can't pull it off.
No. 903590
File: 1575866842814.jpg (1.25 MB, 1061x2089, 20191208_204554.jpg)

She looks bad. She could a put something else on, it looks bad.
No. 903591
File: 1575866872793.jpg (882.73 KB, 1080x2089, 20191208_204609.jpg)

Lord, it looks bad lol
No. 903607
>>903591Knowing how vain and full of herself Heather is she’s probably annoyed at how bad she looks here.
I feel like with darker hair it would have worked better. The white hair washes her out because of the exposure.
No. 903938
>>903919The fact that there's glue on "leather" boots.. That doesn't sound like good shoe making. I know there's glue on your normal sneakers and all that, but on boots that's cost $125..
Boots #1 - $125
Boots #2 - $125
And who knows what else she bought from Killstar, I doubt it was just those two pair of boots. Must be nice to (so-far) spend $250 on boots and not have to worry about "paying-it-forward" to a woman's shelter like you promised.
No. 904052
File: 1575987578642.jpg (669.87 KB, 1080x2087, 20191209_164553.jpg)

Who said what to her now
She deleted seconds after she posted.
No. 904053
File: 1575987761567.jpg (711.8 KB, 1080x2086, 20191209_164540.jpg)

I made a mistake trying to screen shot and hit the 3 dots in the corner. I tried redoing but she deleted almost immediately after posting. Why even post to begin with. And I wonder who said something to her? Someone messaged her but deleted the messages, someone who was a friend?
No. 904082
File: 1575995116107.png (48.63 KB, 1080x90, its like morse code at this po…)

>>904052>Do you even have a life?Idk, do you?
No. 904267
>>904082For someone who works 8hrs a day, she sure posts a lot in her stories.
>>904122She must think she's above everyone else because she works 8hrs at the shittiest place ever that "loves her so much." I still doubt she even works 8hrs because the only time showed the money she had in her account did not seem like 40hr a week type of pay. Maybe she works 8hrs a week. kek
No. 904299
File: 1576025930381.png (2.33 MB, 1440x1758, 20191210_195133.png)

Why does she buy those stupid ass boots and she can't even walk in them. Watch her video on her profile, she looks like she's just learning how to walk and giggling about it. If i spent that much money those pink boots, them shits better have no flaws. Killstar has one of the worst ratings in their quality yet she continues to support such shit. She is so pathetic, now all of a sudden she is special because she works? You should of been working since you were a teen like most normal people do. Cant wait for her mother to get sick of her ass and give her the BOOT,get it? BOOT!? I'm gonna stop lol
No. 904300
I rather pay more and get Doc martens boots, which I did. I hated that she threw shade at DM but she cant even walk in those shitty made crappy ass ugly shoes.
No. 904303
>>904300Nobody can walk in cheap ass shoes from Killstar, at least not without ruining your feet.
>>904299>Cant wait for her mother to get sick of her ass and give her the BOOT,get it? BOOT!? I'm gonna stop lolLMAO don't stop! I loled.
No. 904322
>>904299For having so many clothes also, she loves wearing the same things over and over. Or does she think she can only wear Killstar with Killstar? If so, she has no sense of style.
>>904270So of course she's lying about how much work she actually work. Does she not realised that full-time work is 40hrs per week? not 40hrs per pay period? Or is she that stupid also?
>>904300At least with DM, you get your money's worth and they last for a long fucking time. Maybe it's because they don't give off that witchy aesthetic and there's no pentagrams on them she won't care for them and thinks they're beneath her. For the price that she spent on those two pairs of ugly-ass Killstar boots she just bought, she could have bought herself some DM's plus have money left over.. But we all know she isn't smart with money.
No. 904483
>>904443Yea I’m with
>>904481 my friend worked there last year and he was hired in September and he wasn’t seasonal. He was hired as regular employee. Not defending heather’s shitty attitude of anything but we shouldn’t assume anything. We should go off of what actually happens instead.
No. 904555
File: 1576098422614.jpg (918.23 KB, 1080x2090, 20191211_130643.jpg)

Such ugly ass boots
No. 904602
>>904592Because DM isn't as cool of a name as "Killstar" and DM don't come with a crescent moon or a Pentagon (maybe they do, i have no idea since i don't buy that stuff, feel free to correct me)
Also, she wants to be noticed by killstar. She thinks out of the thousands of people who model alternative clothing , she will be chosen by killstar and have a job (which is so far from reality)
She's like a male peacock. She has to wave killstar around to get the attention of her dream spooky boy. She's going to show off those shitty feathers of hers to get some pale dick.
No. 904671
File: 1576123751807.jpg (690.23 KB, 1080x2088, 20191211_200704.jpg)

Why though? Is the photographer Male and wants to tap that or what?
No. 904755
File: 1576155641431.png (1.08 MB, 1242x2688, CE58C61D-5B36-4C2E-83CC-FCF0BC…)

This disturbs me to no end. Why does he use the word ‘kids’. I know people genetically use the term ‘kids’ to refer to people who are NOT kids, but as an account who is mostly nude photography, I don’t think that’s the smartest idea. That’s creepy as hell. Of course heather would be all over this.
No. 904776
File: 1576161007620.jpg (146.12 KB, 1080x529, Screenshot_20191212-092641_You…)

There's an idiot on YouTube replying to all the negative comments towards Heather. We're nearing the end of 2019, more thab 1 year of Heather's bs has been on display, and she still has people defending her. Amazing.
No. 904777
File: 1576161170339.jpg (47.96 KB, 1080x194, Screenshot_20191212-092736_You…)

This one really makes me laugh. You mean all those subscribers from that period in her life when she was just "acting" like she was into vintage toys and kawaii fashion? It's not like she started a new channel when she made that change in her life.
No. 904807
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No. 904901
File: 1576188175234.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, F83E38EF-AA33-46F9-8159-F1E876…)

Of course you did. I bet she rewards herself after every bowel movement as well.
No. 904936
File: 1576192318075.png (4.06 MB, 750x1334, 2A4F0019-D4FC-4CE9-B6D1-795798…)

Now seeking foot fetishists.
No. 904961
File: 1576198239875.jpg (897.76 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191212-192909_Ins…)

According to her packing list she spent $500 dollars on shit, butt ass ugly junk clothes she can't justify even if any of it was "on sale"…
….and I'm guessing hiding it from her mommy since it was in her backseat, picked up from the UPS store…her poor mother seriously needs to see this shit!
No. 905118
File: 1576235577264.jpeg (708.85 KB, 1243x2315, A1E0CF89-0947-4512-A023-D490CF…)

Figured out who Heather copies ALL her ‘looks’ and ‘hobbies’ from. Right down to the story highlights and poses.
No. 905128
>>904961Wow. It was sure decent of her to make good on her promise to donate $500 to a shelter! Oh, wait, no. But I'm sure homeless domestic abuse
victims everywhere are so grateful for Heather expanding her tacky boot collection.
No. 905250
>>905239She is 100% an M-L.
When I was a blind idiot fan of hers, I bought a clothing item she was selling that was marked as smaller. I am typically an XS-S in US sizes, but the item I bought was labeled as size M and did not fit me at all. I had to alter it.
No. 905274
File: 1576270055673.jpg (829.3 KB, 1077x2088, 20191213_124710.jpg)

Ohh yeahh?? Mama's gonna buy it?
No. 905320
Car shopping? Is she sure she's ready for this responsibility? I guess if she can drop $500 on tacky clothes and boots, money is no issue.
>>905317Can confirm, she's short. Just over 5 ft. I've met her in person.
No. 905326
File: 1576275923560.png (830.39 KB, 750x1334, 06A4FA95-271B-43A5-AF29-E6998D…)

Which your mom co-signed for, but small victory I suppose.
I wonder how she’ll “treat herself” after this lol
No. 905333
>>905317>>905320I'm the same anon who bought the clothes from her. If she really is 1-3inches above 5ft, then we're about the same height.
I could tell she was a bit thicker than me, but I thought maybe she was selling clothes from when she was younger or something.
Either way, I'm not shocked for her to front like she's smaller than she currently is.
>>905118Honestly, it's more likely she's trying to emulate/imitate someone well-known like grav3yardgirl or Hello Batty on youtube, than a random instagramer with barely 300 followers.
Heather is pretty basic and just copies the aesthetic of the 'spoopy goff gurl', so she has automatic similarities with any other basic goff girl who explores abandoned buildings.
No. 905410
File: 1576288385045.jpg (1016.1 KB, 1080x2092, 20191213_175300.jpg)

No. 905460
>>905424Don't really see it happening. Maybe some 50 year old dude. But a I agree with
>>905437 in that she's probably racking up debt. She's done it before, also with killstar. And I bet mommy payed for the majority of that car.
No. 905552
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No. 905643
File: 1576351605022.jpg (2.1 MB, 1440x2629, SmartSelect_20191214-132344_Ch…)

Heather's new dude.
No. 905668
File: 1576357189055.jpg (826.71 KB, 1080x2091, 20191214_125831.jpg)

DeAtH mEtAl BaRbIe but listens to Taylor Swift lmao /nitpick
No. 905676
File: 1576358586026.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, 5EC5D7F3-21CD-4172-8B64-F1040A…)

>>905643Ryan no. 4 is taking Heather out today. Even with a car of her own she still asks for the guy to pick her up and drive her ass there.
No. 905688
>>905681Ah. The cycle begins.
1 Find new Ryan.
2 Complain to Ryan about how the haters are persecuting you.
3 Let your mask slip and show current Ryan the writhing tentacled eldritch madness that lies beneath.
4 Scare off Ryan.
5 Say that Ryan was a jerk who only wanted to sleep with you. All men are jerks and players. But that's okay because you're a strong independent woman and all you need is to love YOU.
6 Sob on instagram about how you don't have a boyfriend and will never find your "spoopy dream boy" while obsessively hunting through Tinder for your next Ryan.
And repeat…
No. 905737
>>905676God where’s his eyebrows? Is this the last
victim heather found in tinder before deleting it? Because he looks like some of the people you’d find on tinder. He’s the least attractive Ryan of them all so far.
Oof heather must be desperate.
No. 905791
File: 1576375574159.jpg (528.92 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191214-180448_Ins…)

2 hours ago on her ig, btw. sorry for shit quality
No. 905829
File: 1576384916077.png (782.77 KB, 1242x2208, 2019-12-14 23.35.02.png)

>>905326I work for a national Auto parts store and those cars are pieces of shit and i just looked up the Bluebook value for that car and if she spent more than $3500 she for taken for a "ride". Also the Recall is for the airbag system
No. 905889
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No. 905890
File: 1576414738158.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, B143E12D-4057-47B3-94F7-984463…)

No. 905894
File: 1576417163319.jpeg (46.2 KB, 600x750, F9AE5EE9-250C-4A03-8AB0-FED5B0…)

>>905701Oh wow she’s dating skinny Pete from Breaking Bad.
No. 906052
File: 1576450240792.png (3.02 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191215-174918.png)

No. 906106
>>906097She’ll say anything for pity points at this point.
I wonder how long until she goes for some dark aesthetic that isn’t goffick witch. She did try and call herself a death metal bar he or some shit.
No. 906199
>>906001I hate how she always has to post about working, or driving, or doing literally any other mundane normal adult thing as if she's doing something amazing.
Also, is she going to keep saying the specific car that she has every time she drives it?
>"Driving the Mazda to work was so amazing!"Good for you? I get being excited about a new car, but there's something about the way she posts that makes it come off as thinking she's better than everyone else because she "bought" her car.
No. 906431
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No. 906433
File: 1576543644481.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, CA898AEF-98BF-48E8-8E4C-2A02E4…)

No. 906434
File: 1576543666082.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 24E79BC0-241F-4000-B639-ACECB8…)

No. 906453
File: 1576546756648.jpg (973.58 KB, 1080x2087, 20191216_173859.jpg)

Stfu heather good God
No. 906466
File: 1576547781975.png (3.58 MB, 750x1334, B21C2828-1B23-40D7-9B6C-061D11…)

Sounds like she really is working a seasonal job.
No. 906498
File: 1576551166064.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, 0CAF8F65-DBD2-4DD6-B11F-C22369…)

Submitting questions to herself again, I see.
No. 906547
>>906535Sage your posts if you have no milk.
>>906431I won't believe the death threats until Heather shows "proof" of it.. Unless us discussing her is considered a "death threat" in her mind.
>>906466What's unpredictable about January if it's clear she knows what's going to happen? kek. If she didn't just spend $500+ on Killstar she would have $500 towards this safety net of hers.. Or, you know.. If she didn't buy so many pairs of boots one person doesn't need. Seriously, I don't think she doesn't realise she shops and buys useless shit too much. I think she just sees it's on sale and think it's a deal and gets it. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you saved any money, you still spend $X-amount instead of $0 if you didn't buy it.
No. 906553
File: 1576558119168.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, E6A3ABBD-5B23-4A10-BC93-75B27B…)

No. 906577
>>906561>>906554can you both shut up and get back to talking about Heather? No one cares about your petty back and forth, saged or not.
Does anyone have any guesses on how Heather and her new Ryan met? Instagram?
No. 907254
File: 1576713832615.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2090, 20191218_160334.jpg)

You look dumb period.
No. 907309
>>907282scrolling down /snow/, she legit looks like a grandmother in passing
the lipstick doesn't help much either
No. 907674
File: 1576797790444.jpg (727.42 KB, 1080x2087, 20191219_152159.jpg)

Ohh here we go….
No. 907726
File: 1576810180024.jpg (555.15 KB, 1080x2084, 20191219_184818.jpg)

Yup and got rid of a narcissistic user. I didnt want to put their name but we know who wanted to go ghost hunting in the blizzard and put this persons life in danger.
No. 907896
File: 1576853687400.png (227.8 KB, 750x1334, 95E7908D-1BB3-4689-8B99-25DEEC…)

Same old story….
No. 908091
File: 1576887769159.jpg (913.31 KB, 1080x2091, 20191220_162238.jpg)

Uhh k?
No. 908190
>>908091She must think a car having a CD player is rare or something? or something cool?
I have a brand-new 2019 car and it still has a CD player.. They're still around; it's not like they're "rare" like cassette players.
No. 908374
File: 1576958937943.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, 189A2F3F-6694-45B6-B95C-A0BE36…)

Creeping around the cemetery with Ryan #4.
No. 908651
>>908610a deluxe edition 2019 Taylor Swift release, maaaaaybe in a thrift store but it really doesn't seem likely. I don't want to assume but it seems more like she picked it out brand new. it's going for $32 on Amazon. also I got myself an FM transmitter from Best Buy and was wondering if the $15 one would perform as well as the $50 ones (same brand, just more bare bones, seems high quality still) and it's still working well a few months later. if you're okay with not answering calls or having a controller on the actual device, I don't think it's something you need to splurge on.
Never mind though… as I'm talking I'm realizing she would never settle for the $15 one. She would want the fanciest one with skip control and it would end up being twice what that CD cost. You right lol
No. 908667
File: 1577040414384.jpg (1022.61 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20191222-134308_Ins…)

Nevermind the CD player, but how round and dumpy does she look in her latest "photo shoot"?? Can't help to think she definitely 'shops more than her face usually…this one must've slipped past
No. 908763
oof when someone in their weeb middle school phase can dress better than this 30 year-old woman.
No. 908766
File: 1577057763029.png (400.5 KB, 413x762, idiot.png)

I'm fairly certain petrol stations in the states have signs that say don't use your cell phone when getting petrol.. I'm guessing she thinks she's above those warning signs.
No. 908769
>>908766Got gas
all by herself! We are so, so proud.
I hate how she boasts about doing totally normal things that all adults do, every day. She sounds like an idiot.
No. 908940
File: 1577082978830.jpg (282.19 KB, 720x960, 20130411-092841.jpg)

I think this is what anon was talking about.
Also I just realised that Heather is getting the Supreme gas. Does she know that if your car doesn't need it, don't use it? Or does she think that the most expensive gas is the best gas to get? Because her Mazda only requires regular gas..
No. 909018
>>906431Ha, she's so full of it. People call her out on her contradictions and hypocrisy and she responds by claiming she's had death threats, what utter rubbish. She's had plenty of free time by the amount of posts she's been making on instagram, she could have begun selling off her collection some time ago. She has a lame excuse every time someone asks her about her collection. She's such a whiney wimp.
>>906453Oh gosh the hatred, it's terrible…not. She keeps trying to emphasise in CAPITAL letters the TON of hatred she's getting which clearly shows she's exaggerating for sympathy and it's therefore made up. That's something a kid does. Hurry up and sell the collection you clearly never gave a damn about in the first place. No amount of so-called abuse would force me to sell off possessions I truly cared about. People called her out on the fact that she said she'd moved on from toys yet was trying to capitalise financially on youtube by doing another half-hearted video featuring them even after insulting the adult toy enthusiast community. She alienates herself from people then has the cheek to fault them when she only has herself to blame for all of the mess she created for herself. Stupid girl!!! She's a gutless wonder who would never have the decency to admit she made a very poor error in judgment and understands why people feel the way they do. Delete your channel for goodness sake and stop the whingeing. Can't understand why anyone would enjoy following this girl, she is so tedious and dreary to watch. She's an insult to ones intelligence with the shit she writes. If anyone believes it, they are loopy like she is.
No. 909037
>>908940Heather is so dense that I could imagine her getting supreme gas for her car because she thinks it's "better for the car" than regular gas.
Also, she said "nothing bad happened this time", while getting gas. Is she implying that something bad has happened before? Except she said this was her first time getting gas herself. Did she expect something bad to happen? She's so dumb and confusing.
No. 909106
File: 1577122571708.jpg (605.63 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191223-123337_Ins…)

Now claiming her ex husband who she says is blocked on everything, is telling her not to put supreme gas in her car and that everyone bitching about it needs to "get a fucking life"….RIGHT. Hi Heather! Way to creep on yourself here and blame others for your stupidity, as usual!
No. 909115
>>909106By claiming her ex-husband is the one saying this, she's hoping to get extra pity points from her dumb followers. If she says that she saw the posts here on lolcow, then she's openly admitting that she visits the site. I doubt Adam cares that much about what she's doing with her life right now anyway. If he's blocked on everything, how would he know what she's doing and be able to contact her about it so quickly? If this isn't proof that she creeps on this site, I don't know what is. She's just using Adam as a cover up for obsessing over what we say about her here.
Hey Heather! Maybe you should get a life? We all know you aren't working full time and you certainly aren't that busy outside of work.
No. 909116
>>909106She’s such a liar. How would Adam be able to message her if she blocked him?
And I bet Heather spends so much time on lolcow more than Adam ever did. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one googling herself one day and found the thread about her. Kek.
I mean it’s clear that she checks this at least daily because she was so fucking quick to jump on that anon comment about gas.
No. 909119
>>909115ding ding! "i'm above it and sleepy early," my ass.
She probably has to throw Adam into the mix now, since it might somehow come into play whenever ryan #4 dumps her (she's already said she's no longer talking about the other 3). Wouldn't be surprised if that's her setup that he and online people harassed him and told him "lies" about her.
No. 909126
>>909124But Ryan 4 bought her a spoopy necklace. That means it has to be love and he's in it for the long-haul.
Honestly, the rate she meets new guys is alarming. And the fact that she's so trusting and goes off with these guys to secluded cemeteries. The girl is not thinking properly and could find herself in a world of hurt doing that.
But as for this guy, he may actually stick around. He seems like he wants his internet fame and haters can bring attention to his way. I feel he'll stick around for a couple of good lays and his 15 minutes of fame before he bounces.
No. 909134
File: 1577127991739.png (36.81 KB, 328x286, The heather cycle.png)

So. I suck at Paint…
No. 909152
File: 1577133373352.jpg (611.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191223-153425_Ins…)

>>909115>>909116Oh yeah, she definitely is on here and guaranteed every hour. She posted this 2 hrs ago, right after the initial "get a fucking life" Adam blaming even though blocked rant.
Heather, you're not important, just entertaining. Hello again!
No. 909172
>>909152Imagine dreaming of the life Heather current has. YIKES.
>small victoriesOr "totally mundane, normal shit that 30 year olds have been doing for years".
>amazing and loving boyfriendThey've been together for like a week? Maybe 2? kek
>every bridge burned was worth itHear that, toy community/bjd community/people who thought Heather was actually their friend? Fuck you! You meant nothing!
What bothers me the most about Heather is her exaggerated sense of importance. It's irritating. She complains about being lonely, she practically begs for people to hang out with her, her family probably only deals with her out of pity, she's been in love with 4 Ryan's over the course of a year, she totally works full-time at a retail job, she just got her license and is only now learning to drive without someone else in the car, doesn't have her own place to live, posts 30+ stories a day on Instagram that her mostly selfies -but everyone is a hater and wants to be her! We're all just jealous of her life!
No. 909186
File: 1577137676945.jpg (27.49 KB, 240x240, living my dreamz.jpg)

>>909179You probably don't even have any Killstar or a severely unflattering shade of lipstick do you
No. 909189
>>909186samefag but
>>909134 and I have been personally victimized by image search
No. 909200
File: 1577139778582.jpg (820.72 KB, 1080x2088, 20191223_141803.jpg)

Yes we're all jealous of someone who falls in love with anyone at the drop of a hat. Yeah jelly of loving someone who looks like Marilyn Manson on crack sans make up.
No. 909436
>>909115It's highly likely that either she reads Lolcow herself or gets a relation to do it for her and report back. She loves provoking people by coming out with bullshit then quickly deleting it, in an attempt to cover her ass.
Heather gives off a negative energy (all of her own doing)and fixates on the odd comment she may receive that SHE interprets as "hateful" even if they are just asking a honest question. She exaggerates these comments even if the majority of the comments are harmless or even supportive. This is not rational behaviour. She deliberately incites people and when anybody rightfully calls her out on it, she then makes out she is a
victim of MEGA harassment and uses that as an excuse as to why she's moving on to yet another past-time/style etc. She's going through yet ANOTHER phase with the goth/witchy look and then when she's bored and wants to change again, she'll blame it on people giving her a hard time. I always thought she gave off weird vibes in her youtube videos even with the cutesy clothes and pink hair. She has a strange vacant expression behind the eyes. Perhaps its due to her being spoon-fed by those closest to her that she never learnt to mature properly and has a stunted way of thinking. If she thinks dressing the way she does now makes her mature she's sadly mistaken. It's very pitiful really. Most of the so called haters she speaks of are just imaginary people she's conjured up in her head. Her mind is warped.
No. 909767
File: 1577290082008.jpg (621.19 KB, 1080x2094, 20191225_080746.jpg)

No. 909864
>>909812It’s funny that she keeps saying shit like
‘Setting up my new room.’ She really does sound like a teenager. If you’re trying to convince people you moved out on your own, you wouldn’t say ‘my new room’. She’s just giving away that she’s never leaving her mom’s house and she’ll only ever have a bedroom and nothing else. Lololol
No. 909941
File: 1577336231195.jpg (1.25 MB, 1080x2089, 20191225_205652.jpg)

No. 909942
File: 1577336424635.jpg (639.23 KB, 1080x2084, 20191225_205716.jpg)

And he looks like death warmed over. /nitpick
Oh and stop bragging about doing good for people, it just makes it look like you do it for likes and congratz….oh wait. lol
No. 910516
File: 1577416844670.png (535.22 KB, 389x758, dumbass.png)

That's called either they're getting close to getting rid of you.. Or you did leave your job and this is your way of saying it until "stalkers found where you worked."
No. 910560
File: 1577426291885.png (2.61 MB, 828x1792, AC0896D1-2A50-4A58-AB1A-92728B…)

she’s officially in love lol(namefag)
No. 910632
>>910582She has
not learned how to be independent at all, she can barely drive her own car places without freaking out and sitting in a parking lot for an hour working up the courage to put it in drive. She's living in her mother's home at the age of 30 and is pretending she's not. Where have you been?
No. 910701
Listen, good on her for "getting her life together " , only because it was forced on you because you were never leaving Adam's place. You got a job and a car, great, all great accomplishments, but you also had a lot of help. Mom took you in, mom co-signed the car, and mom is providing a roof over you head in a beautiful home. Quite frankly, no one gives a shit what she does anymore yet she still puts it out there that people give her shit? I highly doubt it. I highly doubt people are sending her direct messages saying negative stuff about it. What heather has to realize is this, when you put your whole business out there, prepare for people to comment. People were sympathetic of her until her real colors were showing. Stop bitching that "we are holding you back" because we are not, it's your YouTube. make whatever content you want, but when it comes to toys, the people never forget, so you are being forewarned.
No. 910726
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For her 'new living space
No. 910747
>>910739She probably applied for a stack of credit cards once she got her seasonal gig and didn't think about the interest payments because they're not spooky.
Don't be surprised if she suddenly sells a bunch of distressed worn Killstar shit by this time next year.
No. 910779
File: 1577491501613.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, 111CAB5C-D506-4961-A8F6-D179E6…)

Who is she trying to fool that she doesn’t read this thread?
No. 910794
File: 1577496593773.jpg (608.8 KB, 1080x2088, 20191227_172911.jpg)

Doesn't she always do 'sElF cArE'?
No. 910806
>>910794And of course she deleted this already
>>910801I don't know why she says stupid shit like this, stop trying to get sympathy out of people.
No. 911121
File: 1577577632883.jpg (644.48 KB, 1080x2097, 20191228_160026.jpg)

Blah blah
No. 911205
>>911202That’s true. She’s definitely trying to score pity points because everyone “hates me” and I’m just “trying to be me.”
It’s funny how she tries to say she’s not attached to her boyfriend when she posts cringey ass clips on how al up on his nuts she is.
No. 911261
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No. 911469
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aw shite
No. 911475
>>911469Wow I didnt know that was gonna happen!!! Sike
It was coming Lol
No. 911518
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No. 911731
>>911469The guys might stick around longer if you don't declare undying love within the first week/day and post online all about The One
Just dial it back a bit and these guys might stick around for longer.
No. 911751
>>911731I doubt she'll ever understand a concept like this, she's too deep into the cycle. She'll be old and gray before she actually realizes why nobody likes her, if she ever realizes. Honestly, reading this thread and taking some advice, or even just looking at herself objectively or learning not to take herself so seriously (actual self reflection, not her compliment-seeking self-deprecation humor), is probably her best chance at improvement, as we are more honest about her than anyone else in her life. But I doubt she'll ever see anything here as constructive. We're just haters to rebel against, just like Ryans will always just be jerks who broke her heart out of evil.
Honestly, I kind of wish I had a thread about me to refer to. It would be a little helpful to my anxiety to have all my
toxic traits laid out so that I could fix them more easily instead of wondering if or why I chase people away. It might sting at first to read, but if you're not stubborn about it and don't take the super harsh stuff seriously, there are some really helpful points that people have made.
Unfortunately she doesn't seem like the type for self-growth or self-awareness, and I guess the people that are that type don't get threads made lol.
No. 911786
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No. 911897
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No. 911940
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Trying to bait guys.
No. 911941
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No. 911980
Is it me, or is the cycle as seen in
>>911665 speeding up with each new Ryan?
No. 912080
Here is the thing with heather: any attention, good or bad, is attention to her. She misses people praising her, sending her stuff in the mail, she misses being "loved" by the internet. She was also getting a shit ton of attention during last year with Adam and the whole situation with her and him cheating. Then it continued with her appearance change, then the boys, etc etc. She's been getting attention from the internet for a really long time. For people to not give her the attention she seeks, it's a huge blow for her. Negative attention is good attention for her, even when she claims people are "harassing " her. She makes up shit so people can respond to it. Those pictures she posted, all for attention. I hate to say it but she's an attention seeking whore. All the selfies, half her Instagram pics is her. Photography saved her life…by having people take pictures of you? This shit was entertaining when it first started, but it's become so dry and sad. Sad that heather refuses to listen to anyone and continues to make the same mistakes over and over.
Unless you start selling yourself to a sugar daddy, no man is going to pay their way for you like Adam did. It's a whole new generation of men and guess what? Most women are paying their way for men!! It's become ass backwards but it's been proven.
No. 912147
File: 1577832074081.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x2092, 20191231_143910.jpg)

So shes staying indefinitely at her moms.
No. 912485
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Lmaoo modeling?? Good luck with that lol
No. 912514
>>912485Paranormal team? Hah. Setting aside whether or not "paranormal" stuff exists. As
>>912407 pointed out, she sees women as competition snd scares off guys. She seems to have been a shitty friend to anyone who's met her.
No. 912726
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Little Miss Psycho_Explores does know how long a decade is…right? I mean who is she fooling (besides herself)? She can't make it through a month without a public breakdown and pathetic oversharing much less a decade…
No. 912741
>>912726Everyone turned their backs on you Heather, really? It wasn't that you burned your bridges with all of them, or treated them like shit? Riiiight.
Nothing is going to change for Heather this year because she isn't willing to change, and she really needs to. She's a terrible person.
No. 912811
>>912726See this is the problem with Heather, she loves herself too much and won't take any responsibility for any wrongs she has done, instead she has to blame everyone else. The same old story. She is in a cycle of destructive behaviour. It isn't the folks here on lolcow she has to worry about, it's clear the intentions of the majority of people on here who simply want her to buck up her ideas and stop being a brat as they don't approve of her awful behaviour. The people she should worry about are the ones who claim to be her biggest fans but who may have an ulterior motive. Those that bolstered her ego by supposedly fawning over her looks, weight-loss and so forth while encouraging her to pursue a completely new direction with her choice of clothes, youtube channel content etc. She is obsessed with the opinions of strangers and as she is so obviously guillible anyone who may have been envious of the fact that she appeared to have a very generous husband (who allowed her to have a WHOLE room deadicated to her hobby)and easy lifestyle will be privately delighted that they have succeeded in helping to distroy not only her reputation and comfy lifestyle but that she is now WORSE off than before. Before she was living in an apartment, had her own collection/filming room and didn't have to work. Now she is working a rather menial, unsecure job, and is living at home with momma and only has one (bed)room to show for it. BRAVO to all those concerned. She'll never learn, she can't trust anyone on social media hence why you don't devulge to much information about your personal life and should take what other peope say with a pinch of salt. If her supposed supporters told her "hey heather you're great, you should strip naked on a live stream and charge people for it" she'd probably do it lol. Apparently it was her fans who encouraged her to launch a gofund me campaign and because she felt she needed convince people that she was truly in dire circumstances decided to do it even though she knew it was a load of bull. Ultimately no one put a gun to her head and forced her to do it, she must take full responsibility but it highlights how naive she is when it comes to the influence of people she doesn't actually know and hide behind the veil of anonymity online but may have ambiguous motives as to why they would actively embolden her to make very (stupid) questionable choices. She loves the attention even when its detrimental to her, she's blind to this. she will never learn and things will never improve while she remains addicted to social media instead of genuinely improving her life away from the internet.
No. 912821
>>912816I honestly don't think she'll ever quit social media or even take a significant break. It would undoubtedly be the best thing for her. But if she's not being praised on social media and posting pics of herself she's not an "influencer" or " artist." She'll be just a broke lonely retail worker living with mum. And instead of facing that and making changes to improve her life she would rather cling to this fantasy self she's built up.
I honestly don't think that it's just her fans that led to her split from Adam. They never seemed to actually like each other too much. Not much to be jealous of there, being a womanchild stuck in the house.
No. 912826
>>912147She's living with her mom that she critized intially by saying she wouldn't let her live there, it would be very hurtful if she knew what her daughter had been saying about her online. She doesn't mention her mom much either does she, like how grateful she is to have such a generous mother who's allowing her to stay at home indefinitely, ungrateful bitch.
>>912821I'm not saying the split was just down to her supposed fans but what i'm trying to emphasise is the reality of being influenced too much by people you think are supporting you but actually might want to see you fuck up. You can't trust anyone but she's so naive she can't see this.She has to use her brain and realise she needs to grow up pronto and focus on her life without being guided by strangers who may not have innocent intentions. She's far more likely to listen to those she thinks admire her than those who don't and there will be some people who will take advantage of that.
No. 913005
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So…now she's considering herself an "idol"…and is stealing someone elses delusional rant a.k.a.self-motivation, to make excuses for her shit behavior as a human because she finds it relatable. Makes sense.
No. 913040
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Just more proof she creeps on here vigorously…and is a pathological liar even to HERSELF.
Hi Heather! You pathetic weak ass bitch….(hi cow)
No. 913117
>>913040I love how she only picks up on the one piece of "validation" rather than the huge ammount of critisism, both constructive and otherwise.
Hi Heather. Some of us hate you. But some of us are also genuinly worried. Talk to a therapist who can provide a neutral outside perspective and give you the help you need. Because you do need help. You are not thriving. You're being
toxic and delusional, and making it impossible to feel sorry for you.
(hi heather) No. 913462
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$100 says this poor soul is the next new Ryan…he lives near her and commented on her latest cry for attention whoring post…
No. 913464
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>>913462"This is nothing compared to what's coming next! ;)"
Looks like she's already got her classless "modeling" gig with that gross photographer lined up…urgh…2020 is going to be her rock bottom
wait for it.
No. 913543
>>913535Hello anon. Welcome here. Most of us have a similar story to you.
Just a friendly hint. You don't have to fill in "anonymous" as your name. If you leave that field blank it will automatically list you as "anon."
No. 914202
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Hayy spoopy boys look at me!!!
No. 914487
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a.k.a. shit the rest of us mere mortals have been doing since we were kids.
No. 914508
File: 1578354926584.png (540.05 KB, 486x903, Capture.PNG)

So Heather bought a bunch of antique photographs today (who needs to save, right?). Apparently she wanted to treat herself yet again for driving.
>"This is a very special day. I drove here by myself and showed myself that I'm a boss bitch."
How many days in a row can she pat herself on the back and buy herself presents for just driving?
No. 914687
>>914565In hideous
patent leather boots that belong on a toddler no less…I mean come on, all those pieces of shit #killstar she wears and THOSE are the best she can do on her mega day out driving solo? How's she gonna pick up a spoopy new Ryan at the antique shop that's probably annoyed by her by now, in those things??
No. 914720
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guys, you'll never guess what. Heather is going strong. Proving us wrong. She IS Smart guys. Seriously, when will she stop with the constant "I'm such a fighter" phase?
No. 914740
>>914720Smart brave people tend to be too busy doing smart brave things to brag about themselves.
Smart, brave, and humble too. Heather really is a catch.
No. 914825
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Waiting for her to cry about whatever video she makes and all the “hate” (constructive criticism) she’ll get.
No. 914852
>>914826Because her stunted emotional growth is rooted in mental illness but apparently even in this “therapy is hip” day and age she’s too prideful to see one. She’s mentioned it in sob story videos about her ex husband but it’s clear she’s not actually seeing one because any therapist worth their salt would tell her she needs to get off social media if it’s allegedly the root of her problems, at least until she’s in a better spot emotionally and mentally. Or she’s just picking and choosing what her alleged therapist tells her, but I still doubt she has one just because she’d probably consider therapy a waste of her hard-earned treat yoself boss bitch dollars.
She wants the haters to go away but she shit on two whole communities and countless real life friends. The only thing that will save her isn’t constantly bringing up criticism by brushing it off as negativity and pretending to be above it while dwelling on it regularly, it’s actually offering a public apology admitting to what she’s done wrong. That’s accountability, that’s growth, not this fucking 2008 MySpace “fuck tha haters!” horseshit.
No. 914996
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Yet she keeps fucking posting about it. Heather, since you apparently lurk: strong independent women don’t instigate and then pull the victim card when they get called on their shit, they either woman up and admit they made mistakes, or they shut the fuck up and move on. You keep acting like you’re strong and above everything but you’re a narc using the consequences of your actions for false clout.
Strong women don’t talk about how anxious they are doing the most menial acts of independence, they just do it despite the anxiety. I have been in the exact same place as you and yet I don’t put on a performative display and use every tiny milestone as an excuse to spend frivolously. You’re 30, you should be saving for your own place. Your grocery cart was a mess and clear you don’t know how to grocery shop any more than you know what gas to put in your car. Reach out to a local mental health advocacy program that will help you get on SNAP and therapy and possibly help you find an apartment. Learn how to budget.
Strong women also don’t deliberately record a conversation with their ex husband where they’re demanding a divorce and getting upset while their husband sounds frustrated but trying to reason, then blatantly over-act in those videos knowing they’re gonna share them for victim points. They don’t lie about recording those things for legal reasons (it’s been two months, when’s the hearing?) and post them to YouTube with obvious chop-shopping. You were both immature and it’s great you got out but stop acting like you did nothing wrong.
Strong women aren’t constantly putting themselves in the role of victim.
No. 915038
>>914996 Her comedy of errors is what keeps her "haters" from ceasing. Nobody is jealous of her self-absorbed narcissism, but she will never see that because she is a sociopath. She uses people until they no longer serve her needs, makes up bullshit stories to play the
VICTIM , then disposes them as she's on to her next prey. She will never stop, never grow up, never get it. Ever. She needs to disappear from any and all social media and call it a day. Period
No. 915105
>>914852Why are you saying she's mentally ill? I'm confused. It really seems like everyone's quick to call people who act up mentally ill, when in reality some people are just assholes. I think she's a self-centered brat, from the little I know about her (only briefly looked in on this cow).
Visit a sidewalk in DTLA and see what real mental illness looks like. This girl's just an asshole.
No. 915139
>>915038>She uses people until they no longer serve her needs, makes up bullshit stories to play the VICTIMYeah that's why I'm worried about my friend. He's local but he's not a graveyard/urban explorer though he'd probably be into that. He doesn't have Tinder afaik. So they must have met locally. I don't think he'd have any interest in being Ryan #5, but he's a MAGNET for Cluster B's like her and at least twice they've caused him immense amounts of stress when he didn't even return their affections.
I'm actually kind of proud she didn't shit-talk Ryan #4? Or did that just not get posted?
Calling it:
>There were conditions to her mom taking her in, but she's putting no effort into abiding them.>Mom is in a tough spot, can't just kick her daughter out.>Frivolous spending means she's not saving money to rent an apartment, loses part time job.>Assumes she'll become a ~Influencer~ and make enough to live on her own, zero comprehension of finances and actual cost of living.>Things get heated at her mom's, cries about it on social media until a man takes her in.>Adam, rinse repeat.>StRoNg InDePeNdAnT wOmAnCould be why things went so fast with Ryan #4.
Her Urbex vids have less than 3k even after months of being up– not even close to her toy and BJD videos. She would need thousands of overall views per day and a high CTR. Doing the math, it also means her previous claims of making "a couple hundred per month" from Youtube is probably another lie.
At BARE minimum, she'll need at least 1.5k$/mo to keep living in the PGH suburbs, which means to rely on Youtube alone, she'll only be making a portion of what she needs just to survive. You need to be in the top 3% of Youtubers at 2mil views/mo to make a livable income. She could get a roommate, but that would require not being fucking insufferable and routinely burning bridges.
>>915105Because I'm studying psychology and she exhibits traits of Cluster B personality disorders, which include ASPD (sociopathy/psychopathy), Borderline, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Histrionic Personality Disorder. Not all mental illness' are in extremes, Anon. By saying DTLA is "what real mental illness looks like" you're purporting that anyone who isn't at that literally-shitting-in-yards-and-screaming level of mental illness is faking, which is counterproductive. A lot of people start off fine, and just spiral, go untreated, possibly get into substance abuse, and it becomes difficult if not impossible to pull them out of that rut. Skid Row has one of the largest homeless populations in the country and homelessness usually exacerbates mental illness, turning some otherwise functional adults nonfunctional.
No. 915215
>>915173"cleaned up my inner circle"
What inner circle? She wishes she had a tight knit group of friends to speak of lmao.
No. 915227
Here's her rant.
>>915215Exactly what I was thinking. She has no inner circle.
No. 915230
>>915229haha, but you bring up a good point.
She has to continue that "abused and battered woman" narrative to play into her bullshit and the GFM people she conned.
No. 915262
>>915257Yup. The BJD, toy collectors, and pastel communities all hate her because she shat all over them. The goths hate her because she's an obvious poser who claims a music based subculture is "not about the music." Spoopy people don't give a fuck about her because her style and "quirly weird" interests are all extremely cookie cutter, and hundreds of girls on the internet are doing it better than her. And she's quickly fucking and then trashtalking her way through the Urbex community.
I wonder what phase will be the "real Heather" next. For a while I thought beauty influencer, but she seems to have given ip on that.
No. 915285
>>915139>I'm actually kind of proud she didn't shit-talk Ryan #4? Or did that just not get posted?She continued to follow him on Instagram, he unfollowed her though and blocked anyone who was lurking (he posted a story to see who was lurking - smart guy)
Anyway, Heather liked a few of his Instagram pictures after they broke up. And as of today, he is now following her again.
No. 915505
>>915389I would NOT pay for these photos if she tried to sell them. The girl needs to learn how to actually model first. Doing that dead stare doll expression won't get you anywhere if you want to become a model. And it's more than standing in front of a camera wearing patterns that clash with one another all because they say KILLSTAR on them.
No. 915602
>>915563Oh dear god no. Though she also strikes me as the DDLG type. What with pretending to be cute and wanting guys to take care of het.
But just because she'd be terrible at burlesque doesn't mean she wouldn't try it.
No. 915604
>>915602Yeah, I can also see her being into DDLG.
I don't think she'd try burlesque because it's not "dark" or "edgy" enough. She probably would only go for whatever she thinks Killstar would notice/repost.
No. 915605
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No. 915606
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No. 915607
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>>915605Was just about to post that one, lol. This one was from last night. Just part of her obsession with being in a relationship, or a hint of something?
Her entire act of being herself is purely for validation, or else she wouldn't talk/post about it so much. Plenty of people are "themselves" and don't talk about it as much as she does. Her interests aren't even this unique. They're not common– yes– but her witchy aesthetic is a dime a dozen, and so is her obsession with antiques, especially in PGH. All those expos she goes to (like the Mothman one) and oddities shops should be indicative of this, but she keeps acting like she's so alone in the world because she's just so ~different~.
>>915606>"Fuck you haters! I don't care what you think! I don't have to validate myself to anyone!">/proceeds to complain about haters and validate herselfLike clockwork.
>>915563>>915602A majority of these awkward, internet-dwelling girls who do burlesque have no idea what they're doing. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets into it, but I also don't think it'll be her thing, especially since she'd probably feel any type of sex work will just chase "boys" away.
>>915241Or a buttplug with her face printed on it since she likes being up her own ass so much.
No. 915608
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>>915606She posted part 2.
No. 915656
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Which one of her gaggle of Ryan’s is she vaguing about.
No. 915665
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The hashtag is already removed. She wants to be a Killstar model so bad, but ether would never want someone with her reputation.
No. 915674
>>915665>but ether*But they. my phone's autocorrect like to be weird sometimes.
>>915671She likes the asspats she gets every time she has a breakdown, no matter how big or small. Her entire existence is "validate me!", and she'll get that from those posts and then delete them. Imagine what her Insta would look like if all these text posts and videos were on her feed instead of her stories, and she never deleted anything.
No. 915689
>>915624someone suggested once that she posts controversial stories and then deletes them so quickly, and then checks this thread, as a way of narrowing down which of her followers update here. I personally can't imagine she would think to do that on her own, but I expect she read that post here and it might be something she thinks about when deleting.
it's also that she's a drama queen and loves to post inflammatory shit, delete, and play
victim. it's just sometimes she sounds so baitingly shitty a person that you have to wonder.
No. 916201
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Seems she never had lips lol/nitpick
Also, sad face lol
No. 916263
File: 1578719164131.png (Spoiler Image,3.38 MB, 750x1334, 03E548D8-FF31-4C4F-8B99-FDA5D3…)

She posted blood from a small cut around her leg and then ended the series bitching about how “I’m sure someone will take this as a negative thing, if you’re offended by blood than don’t fuckin follow me”. People cut themselves when shaving, Heather. No1curr. Did you just start growing hair? It’s okay honey, but soon you’ll start bleeding from places, please don’t post videos of that.
Also the only people I know who are “offended” by blood aren’t offended by it, but actually triggered by it, so good job shitting on people with a legitimate phobia or trauma just because you can’t stop being hung up on your “h8rz” despite claiming otherwise.
No. 916403
>>915606Why does she keep acting like she didn't do anything?? Like everyone just turned on her out of nowhere??
Does she really believe that? Is she that delusional? Jfc she keeps trying to change the story. As is the pastel/toy community didn't send her things all the time and welcome her with open arms.
No. 916932
>>916882Probably not. Though to be fair the actual enforcement of the new policy isn't clear yet. Maybe she can get away with putting a disclaimer on her videos. Knowing Heather, she will certainly try it. And then play the
victim if it backfires on her.
No. 917091
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holy fuck
No. 917219
>>917218ugh sorry ppl, forgot sage
Was too frightened, I guess
No. 917221
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>>917091She finna burst a blood vessel
No. 917247
>>917237Having caught the live I found myself being uncomfortable seeing Juliet so hurt and emotional. She seemed so vulnerable and anxious and you could tell it was hurting her having to recount everything heather pt her through.
But I can also see why her account is important in shedding a light on who Heather is and how she uses and then disposes of people. Would it be possible to just upload the audio of the live and not the actual footage?
No. 917295
File: 1578897473165.jpg (36.24 KB, 551x982, heather's 312th meltdown of 20…)

>one last YouTube vidyo>harassed by the internet>my abusive ex is the ringleader>escaped my abuser>not gonna invalidate meee>my abuser who I escaped>I love work because I can stay away from the internet>learning life skills>my small circle of friends>some of you who follow meee think I'm fuckin hilarious>escaped my abuser>my really good friend Craig, who is my ex>fuckin harassing my friends and exes>helped me escape my abuser>I am banishing the negativitySame old same old
No. 917298
>>917295I love how she finds anyway to throw blame onto Adam even though he's been "out of the picture" for awhile now and doing his own thing and keeping to himself. But nah, she's gotta keep bringing Adam up and how he's in charge of the lolcow thread.
Also she always says that Adam "abused" her but as she ever said how? Or was that video she posted a month or so ago suppose to be the proof of him abusing her? Because it sounds like she's over acting tears while he's trying to talk to her like an adult.
But yeah I want to see these people/person who is doing these death threats because there's none that exist here. Unless every comment = a death threat in her eyes?
Also she's very wishy-washy (or whatever the term is) on wanting to do youtube again and saying she'll never do it again. FFS do what makes you happy Heather. Keep doing YT if you want to, if you don't want to, stop hyping your fans up only to disappoint them.
No. 917329
File: 1578908121553.jpeg (161.71 KB, 750x1014, 1EA08E91-8D9C-4E88-95E3-634506…)

>>917317Is she just gonna conveniently forget when she coerced a Tinder guy to take her to stalk a man she may or may not have ever been dating, to his job, so she could take photos/videos of him where he couldn’t say no? Because I’m pretty sure people dislike her for shit like that more than they dislike her for changing her style.
Honestly I know it’s cow tipping, but in the age of cancel/callout culture, why doesn’t anyone gather all these things and put them on blast?
No. 917383
>>917317When I was still friends with Heather, Adam didn't try at all to make me hate her or manipulate me in any way. During one of their fall outs, he tried to get me to speak some sense into her because, in his words "she considers you a really good friend", and she didn't want to hear it. Instead of being an adult and talking with me, she blocked me and we never spoke again. It's been almost 2 years now since that happened.
ngl, I have no idea who these friends are that she could be talking about. At least when I was friends with her, she claimed she didn't have very many people she talked to.
Drinking game! Take a shot every time Heather says abuser, validate, independent, "build a life for myself", "everyone fucking hates me".
No. 917386
>>917380I'm sure like most relationships, they had their ups and downs. But in no way shape or form was she "in fear" for her life or safety. She is the type to post EVERYTHING. Has she ever posted marks or bruises on herself? Has she ever posted any messages from adam saying he is going to hurt her? No. In fact, she was living a good life living job free, having a man pay for everything. She didn't realize how good she had it until reality hit her in the face.
Let's face it, her youtube channel is dead unless she goes back to that lifestyle of collecting toys and kawaii shit.
Remember about 2 weeks ago she said she was going to post her toy sale? She hasn't. And the reason why? She is 100% thinking of going back to youtube to get money again for her toys. She keeps procrastinating. If she was so "done" with that lifestyle those toys would of been sold over a year ago.
Her job cut her hours, she has no degree or background in anything except YouTube. Her YouTube channel was known for her toys but she fucked that up with the community. So what is left for her to do? She shot herself in the leg and she's regretting it.
If she is so into death and all this shit, she should work in the morgue or be an undertaker.
No. 917401
Surprise, surprise, she deleted the meltdown already.
>>917296His Insta is set to private now.
>>917287She was comfortable in her pastel life because people actually enjoyed her and it was a good community. She only made all these changes for Ryan2, and kept trying to validate them because she knew deep down she wasn't being genuine. She keeps sharing the same HS photos no one asked for claiming "This is the real me!" as if everyone who ever had a goth phase in High School is supposed to go back to that or else they're being inauthentic.
She wasted all that time and energy trying to self-validate over a man who, in the end, didn't want her at all and she burned that bridge for good by refusing to be satisfied with a friendship.
She's miserable as she is because all her actions over the past year have alienated anyone and everyone, but instead of being the 30yo "woman" she claims to be and admitting she fucked up and she's sorry, she continues to be a child and have emotional breakdowns spouting the same old nonsense.
No. 917412
>>917410Agreed Adam was a huge dick. That does not negate all the bullshit Heather pulls in any way. But lets not pretend Adam is some noble suffering martyr. Him being a controlling
toxic piece of shit and her being a
toxic abusive harpey can both be true at the same time.
No. 917436
>>917433*just asking questions, not defending anyone. I just want to explore every possibility because I don’t like to wink to heathers level and assume things about a person if I don’t know all the facts.
Sage because this isn’t really relevant
No. 917440
>>917433>>917436>Wouldn’t ‘new girlfriend’ have run for the hills already?Lol how old are you, anon? Just because a person has a gf/bf, doesn't mean they're a good partner.
>I don’t like to wink to heathers level and assume thingsRead past threads. Even then, all we
can do is speculate. This thread isn't on Adam, so obviously we don't have the objective, full 100% real facts on Adam. Or on Heather for that matter.
Playing the devil's advocate isn't always useful, anon. Sometimes it's a waste of time.
No. 917449
>>917433Honestly the way I interpret it from everything I’ve seen and read it sounds like she’s always been codependent so Adam just rolled with it and never pushed her to learn how to function as an adult. Adam and Damian both seemed stunted in many ways. No stable, level-headed grown man will want Heather and all her insecurities and instability regardless of her hobbies and fashion choices. It sounds like she latched onto Ryan1 and began trashing Adam and Ryan1 saw two fucked up married adults and tried to help them both out, and they threw him under the bus for it. That became the catalyst for everything else and Adam, being just as much of a stunted mess, started making shit decisions too. Like I feel the only reason they stayed around each other so long after things went to shit was because they still loved and cared for each other but they were both too far up their own asses to take accountability for anything. I don’t think Adam was as controlling as she claims especially because it’s patently obvious her accusations of him not letting her leave the house contradict past claims. I think she was a NEET and he enabled it but once she started collecting Ryan’s she needed to make excuses as to why she was almost 30 and codependent, so she created this narrative of “oh he controlled me” instead of just admitting she was fine staying at home and not doing anything with her life while living off his dime.
There’s some business in past threads about both Adams new girl and Damian making posts here and her being an insufferable cunt, but I personally take things like that with a grain of salt because it could just be some troll trying to shake up the thread.
No. 917462
File: 1578936353615.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, E7A8CA04-2936-448D-B293-E3B42B…)

Heather “I broadcast my entire life on the internet where things are permanently etched and proof is irrefutable, but everyone is just lying” Steele.
No. 917505
>>917433Having a partner doesn't mean that you aren't a dick. If it were, nobody would be in an
abusive relationship. Lots of people stay in relationships with nasty people even if they are able to leave. They do so out of fear, guilt, or simply because their partner is highly manipulativr. Best case, Adam was a dick before and has changed his ways. Worst case, he is lovebombing his current girlfriend. And there's a whole spectrum of possibillities in between.
Also, nobody can "make" someone a controlling dick. Being controlling is not a good, healthy response to a good relationship. It is not a matter of self-defense, either physically or emotionally. Just because someone is shitty for you, doesn't mean that makes fucked up behaviour justified. It is everyone's responsebillity not to let their pain turn into wanting to hurt or control other people.
Sorry for lengthy post and blogposting. But the argument that "you make me act this way" is an excuse often used by abusers to get their partners to stay. And mirrorring that sentiment is not helpful. I know you weren't trying to be mean, but
>>917440 is right. It's not aslways good or justfied to play devil's advocate.
And not trying to WK for Heathet. Obviously she's a shitty terrible person. And her lying about abuse only makes it harder for real abuse
victims to be believed.
No. 917521
>>917247>>917248>>917251>>917265>>917282Thanks so much for your input guys, I really appreciate how level headed this thread is. I decided to
upload the video but I blocked Juliet's face, I am thinking if she thought it important enough to share and leave online it should be included in Heather's story. Especially since she addressed being posted and iirc said it doesn't bother her anymore. That being said, she deserves to not have her face blasted all over someone else's thread. She is such a brave soul and I really admire her for speaking up and standing her ground, and for what a pure heart she seems to have. I will feel really bad if she starts getting shit for it, I can only hope any mutual followers can discern that she is most definitely the
victim here.
I firmly believe it's important to not be afraid to call people out on their shit, and it's hard not to follow that. for the audio quality, you'll have to turn it way up, maybe headphones.
No. 917535
>>917514Sage for no milk
A lot of people just put a date in their bio to symbolize an anniversary (even just dating) but who knows
No. 917537
>>917514He moves fast! That's not super healthy. But if he is married again that means the divorce from heather is finalised.
>>917521Thanks for posting anon. I agree that juliette seems like a lovely person, and deserves to be heard. I hope she leaves all this nastiness with Heather far behind her.
No. 917585
>>917554Ive seen people do that just when they’re taken. Doesn’t always truly mean engaged.
But leave it to Heather to make a rant and delete it. She can never just let it be and leave up her rants for the whole 24 hour. If she wants to rant, journals exist. But she won’t be coddled by Fans for writing a journal entry that won’t be posted.
I can’t see how someone can post so much of their fucking life to the internet. Surprised she never did something stupid and mention her SSN online. Kek
No. 917713
>>917611>>917585Nah you guys are right. Plus thinking back, Heather was forced out in October, so we would have heard if Adam and the other girl were engaged. I guess the emoji just threw me off and I really didn't think about it.
>>917521There's such a contrast between her demeanor and Heather's. She's so genuine and lacks that kind of conceited attitude Heather has. She's not trying to prove herself like Heather is constantly, she's just giving her take on things even if it means saying things she did that weren't in the best taste, or admitting why she made bad choices but not for the sake of justifying those things.
You can tell how nervous she is saying some things because she genuinely feels guilty and anxious about them. When she talks about third-wheeling a date, she's not getting snippy and indignant like she's trying to prove something. She gets upset a lot towards the end but grunts and calms herself, rather than letting her emotions fly all over the place like Heather. She's a
victim of Heather's but she avoids saying Heather's name so many times. Heather doesn't seem to give one ounce of a fuck about name-dropping.
Heather never comes off as an actual
victim because she's as bad an actress as she is a liar.
No. 917755
>>917696Re-watching this is really getting me heated. Anyone who even thinks of supporting Heather needs to watch this and
then they can decide if she's truly worthy of defense. You can tell from Juliet's voice just how much Heather hurt her.
What I wouldn't give to be face-to-face with Heather and have her address this. I feel like the only way Heather can deal with her own shitty behavior and personality is to completely ignore it, which the nature of social media allows her to do. She can just delete it and pretend it never happened, right? "Who cares that everything on the internet is permanent and people are actively recording and screenshotting what I'm doing and talking about it! If I delete it, I can't see it, so it's not real, right? And then I can just say everyone is taking me out of context and is just looking for reasons to hate me? Lalalalalaaa, I can't hear you!!!"
Until she gets fully cancelled like an anon mentioned earlier, she can just waltz through life burning everything and everyone in her wake with zero consequences. I'm not saying we should cowtip, but
boy do I hope she gets held accountable.
No. 917777
>>917757Her life was also threatened! lol
She claimed adam’s gf being there was “endangering her life” or something along those lines.
No. 918519
File: 1579100567663.png (439.77 KB, 750x1334, A45BE49C-9E1F-48B8-8CD2-9A1DA5…)

Tinfoil there’s probably a new Ryan.
No. 918561
>>918519Oh crap. Ryan no5 here we go.
We should take bets on how long he lasts. I call three weeks.
No. 918650
File: 1579119705958.jpg (514.58 KB, 1080x2086, 20200115_122156.jpg)

Ryan #4 gave her a bday gift
No. 918652
File: 1579119754204.jpg (910.08 KB, 1080x2093, 20200115_122146.jpg)

No. 918828
>>918680It's clear he ordered this through a website and someone else wrote that message that he typed in to the computer.
Also fun tinfoil I thought of, there is no Craig. It's just Heather buying shit and making it seem like someone else is buying her stuff. topkek
No. 918951
>>918870this was me once lol. started dating someone when her birthday was coming up so I felt obligated to get her a gift, but by the time it arrived and her birthday rolled around I had decided to break it off. she wanted to have one last talk about it so I gave it to her then because I didn't want to hanging around making me feel like a bastard.
I bet that's what it is.
No. 919034
File: 1579173196758.png (3.53 MB, 750x1334, B0AE200E-F2D0-49CC-BAD4-FD027D…)

I’m confused. Does she think someone stole this carousel pony purely because of her? Like someone who happened to be local went out of their way to go find and take him from wherever he was just to stick it to her? She doesn’t need a Ryan 5, there’s only enough room in her bed for herself and her ego.
No. 919359
File: 1579222759610.png (832.72 KB, 536x988, dumped.png)

So she was wearing her fangs when Ryan 3 dumped her? Cringe.
No. 919391
>>919359Oh honey…
I'm pretty sure "she showed up to our date dressed like a toddler, but wearing shitty plastic vampire fangs" is the kind of dating horror story you tell your friends about years later.
No. 919494
File: 1579239990299.png (722.34 KB, 750x1334, 8475CCA7-B38E-425A-B7D9-D22E35…)

>>919359I’m 99% sure they were never dating. Everything I’ve gathered seems like he never wanted her. She just took any little sign of friendliness as a sign of interest, rewrote herself to appeal to him, aggressively and performatively tried to justify the changes, then after months of social media and real life stalking he met up with her to let her down easy so she’d stop obsessing, but she didn’t want that, she wanted his approval and validation through reciprocation of feelings and essentially put him on a pedestal. When it was clear she wasn’t gonna get that, she had a meltdown on social media and dragged him through the mud, implicating him in the same way she’s done to everyone else who doesn’t give her exactly what she wants.
>picNo, Heather, you’re a laughing stock because you’re so up your own ass you might as well be a human Klein bottle.
No. 919842
File: 1579301198549.jpg (802.78 KB, 1080x2084, 20200117_144553.jpg)

Such a narc, she got prints done and of course, she got pics of herself. She wants to hang them on the wall over her bed. Smh
No. 919887
>>919842That picture is terrifying. Attack of the 50ft narcissist.
Seriously though, putting up pictures of just yourself, rather than pics of you and friends etc, is super weird.
No. 919993
File: 1579321417739.jpg (551.59 KB, 1080x2086, 20200117_202331.jpg)

>>919985Funny you should say that…..
No. 920112
File: 1579369585189.png (12.08 MB, 2700x2700, heather_.png)

No. 920282
>>920112that top left pic - woof.
I also nominate this for the next thread pic
No. 920399
>>920391Doublepost but it also sounds like she's not deleting YT after all and wants to come back to be a motivational Youtuber.
She'd be more of an inspiration story if she'd be authentic. This all just seems like another case of Heather trying to craft a likable persona for validation while not actually being true to herself.
No. 920428
>>918901Another example of Heather invalidating innocent people who have done nothing to her. Her and her ex boyfriend are paranoid! Not everyone is a villian. Heather doesn't like being invalidated one bit but she sure as hell likes to invalidate innocent people with her paranoia.
I'm sure she still has him under her little 'histrionic narcissistic' thumb. He's probably hoping to get back with her but he's narcissistic supply until she gets a new man in her life. She dumped him because she's 'tired' of graveyards.
That's Heather. Isolate. Use. Dispose. She's still hung up on the Ryan with the 'Blue eyes' who didn't stay around long enough to be used.
She's angry and picking on the wrong people. A lot of people just follow. Your an enemy if you don't lick her ass. She's making more people, who didn't even give a shit about her or in fact even supported her, dislike her by the day. Feeding off drama by creating it. It's all her being the
victim despite the trail of used and invalidated
victims of her own that she leaves in her wake.
No. 920464
>>920453Yeah we stopped hearing about the rareness of that, full stop. I wonder if she's going to bother getting another job? If she's living with her mother and spending a $200 paycheck on non-essentials every month while eating someone else's food, she could survive a pretty long time on even those hours I think, and have lots of time to work on her failed internet personality.
Hang on… is her mother the new Adam? She walked herself out of one situation where she was being taken care of, to another. Wonder if we'll start hearing about abuse as Mom gets sick of her shit.
She'll not grow up, I'm thinking.
No. 920484
File: 1579459922569.png (3.5 MB, 1512x1512, heather2_electricboogaloo.png)

Her mother was the original Adam.
She lived at home before moving in with him.
No. 920488
Didn't she live with another guy before adam? She has already lobbed accusations at her mom, like claiming she couldn't stay there because she voted for Clinton.
No. 920499
>>920488She lived with a guy in California back when she was a gamer. He was Adam’s best friend. She and Adam hooked up on her then-bf’s bed, and she refused to move out when they broke up. Once she finally got her ass out of there she and Adam moved out of state and lived with Heather’s mom until thy got a place.
And now she’s back at her moms.
No. 920680
>>920499I can't believe she got away with the
victim narrative for so long. Adam seemed like a dick but no wonder he was bitter tbh
No. 920727
File: 1579495585297.png (227.6 KB, 750x1334, 1F876CFE-8774-4BDD-BBCC-ACEA49…)

I don’t know which cemetery she took all those photos of herself leaning on gravestones, but these are the rules of the Allegheny cemetery. Just like she didn’t do any research or obey any safety regulations when she was trying to win Ryan2’s affections, she can’t maintain basic tact and respect with any of her shitty graveyard modeling.
No. 920767
>>920727Remember, Heather believes that these rules don't apply to her. She's better than all those other photographers that this rule applies to.
Though honestly I've never seen a cemetery with these rules; though I have heard of the rule of not photographing funerals when they're happening.
>>920742No one will buy her photography. It's all bland and half the photos she got printed are of her. Who wants a badly modelled photo of her? …Well someone that isn't heather.
No. 921081
File: 1579565284320.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, 2956EA26-45F3-40C3-A9F7-A8C213…)

She’s opened questions.
Heather it’s really simple. People make mistakes and you’re not the first person to make an ass out of themselves during a rough time in their life. The more you deny your own fuck-ups the more people are frustrated with you. If you were raw and honest and looked back on 2019 and admitted you hurt a lot of people, you’d actually be respectable. Instead you continue to act like you’re this saint who could do no wrong and the whole world was just against you.
No. 921109
>>921107Considering it was only 1 or 2 days ago she was trying to claim she was going to come back and make inspirational videos?
She most definitely has a new boy now. I think he bought her that sisters photo. She's already posting all this stuff about how much she loves someone. That was fast.
No. 921192
File: 1579581288083.jpeg (95.24 KB, 747x490, 5C52F0B9-99CC-41AA-9136-0EA101…)

This was on a top view selfie. Oh no.
No. 921237
File: 1579592042559.png (1.06 MB, 934x1134, nothot.png)

>>921236same fag but I figured I should include the actual picture in question
No. 921292
>>921081There she goes saying that she doesn't have to validate herself anymore. I wonder if last year she learned what validate meant, and decided to use it every day in a sentence to sound smart. The word has lost all meaning at this point and it's her fault.
>>921237Jfc that's a terrible picture.
No. 921367
File: 1579634016793.jpg (620.54 KB, 1750x2500, heathersface.jpg)

>>921237This is all I see every time I see her face. Those glasses absolutely don't do her any favors.
No. 921446
File: 1579641851384.jpeg (385.54 KB, 750x1334, DE31B274-7C92-4855-906E-DB67EE…)

She deleted the questions already. Typical Heather. Looks like she only got the YouTube one and the one that was borderline ass kissing.
Ryan 5 must be a real sucker if he’s putting up with this much attachment so quick.
No. 921829
>>921790I know 4 sent the heart pendant because she mentioned him by name, but the way she talked about the gifter of the photo sounded like it was given by a different person. It's possible it's still Craig, or it's possible there is someone else and either of these guys has requested the relationship be kept under wraps because of us "haters" and "bullies".
I'm the Anon who was concerned that someone I know was going to end up the next Ryan. I'm not hedging my bets just yet so it's tinfoil, but it would explain her sudden interest in inane quotes. We wouldn't see him at all. He keeps his relationships hush. She'd be in for a very rude awakening with him, though.
No. 922013
File: 1579733023726.jpg (373.3 KB, 1080x2083, 20200122_134253.jpg)

Blah blah
No. 922046
File: 1579735712483.jpg (181.22 KB, 750x737, IMG_1724.JPG)

Proof. Same dog, and you can see it's the same doors in the background.
>>922005>>922015>>922042Oh I call him a friend because I'd been holding onto the hope that I was wrong about him and what'd happened between us was just rooted in drama with a mutual (ex) friend. I actually linked him bits of this thread not long ago and told him to be careful. He and I haven't spoken directly in almost a year, but he stalked my social media for a while (and might have been doing it again recently) and was checking Insta messages up until August. I cut him out in September but a mutual friend made it sound like he was actually hurt by my departure so I tried to give him another chance. It's a long story and I'm not sure I'll get red-texted for blogging if I share it in here. He and I knew of each other through mutual friends since 2010, then were distant friends since about 2015, and started getting close in autumn 2018.
He leads women on, but is never actually honest and forthright with them when he's not interested or loses interest. Once he gets tired of you, he just kinda distances and then makes excuses. It leads to a lot of women basically clinging to the unknown once his attention goes from 100 to 10 because they felt like they really, truly bonded with him. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but with this ordeal, I'm beginning to reconsider.
So either he's going to get hurt by Heather because he's rose-tinted glasses dick-deep in the honeymoon phase, or this is going to be Ryan Z cranked to 11.
I don't have any hatred towards Heather, honestly. I want to see her grow and I think she's capable of it. Same goes for him, but sometimes I feel like I'm too lenient with people.
No. 922057
File: 1579736773860.png (3.67 MB, 750x1334, F1EBBBD4-1729-4559-9438-325A00…)

>>922046Posting the Damon photos from her story in case she deletes them.
No. 922059
>>922046You sound like a compassionate person with a penchant for giving third chances. I'm like that by nature as well. I'd really encourage you to try to challenge that part of yourself, because people
will take advantage of you for it. The fact that you're able to recognize these patterns in the new Ryan and in Heather herself means that these are patterns of behavior that have repeated themselves enough to be noticed, and enough to be confirmed after you noticed them. Leaving yourself open to the possibility that they
might change also leaves yourself open to being duped and led on by these people. Protect yourself, and don't waste your energy and emotions on people who only want to use you.
No. 922168
>>922059Oh, you're absolutely right, Anon. I don't doubt I'm compassionate to a fault, but part of that is because something really bad happened when I tried to be less compassionate.
Should I drop the Insta/Tumblr of Ryan 5?
No. 922174
File: 1579751822394.jpg (133.47 KB, 828x1472, 81168230_950318868698679_81512…)

>>922087I wonder if he is sad because shes moved on
No. 922206
File: 1579756162124.jpg (64.59 KB, 1080x1920, 82173021_2911742578845764_7444…)

>>922188yeah but she is always in that cemetery taking photos
here is another very Heather quote from her stories
No. 922242
>>922170I actually don't care much. He's hurt people.
>>922174He seems to have more respect for gravesites than she does. She's shown she's a con-artist and for all we know, the guy's just got himself head over heals for her public persona.
No. 922250
File: 1579762810295.png (61.81 KB, 1008x684, fuckyouclay.png)

>>922243Megdidar @ tumblr @ Instagram
He's used the Megdidar handle on other sites. I know a couple other handles he's used as well but I won't drop them here since it's mostly his old posts.
Pic related is one of the last conversations I had with my ex-friend, from Sep when I tried to cut him out. She and I were friends for 9yrs and neighbors for 3. She'd latched onto him and we're ex-friends because he and I started dating and she lost her shit. I have conflicting tales from both of them. He claims he never had interest, but she talks about things he's said and done that lead her to believe he was interested.
No. 922301
File: 1579776740625.png (374.4 KB, 586x587, claysher.png)

>>922299He seems like he was the scrawny samurai sword collecting goth kid type back in the day, long scraggly hair and everything before adopting his newer edgy cowboy shtick.
No. 922302
File: 1579776774663.jpg (110.39 KB, 960x960, 68241207_10211537593914168_682…)

>>922299>>922301And here's what he looks like now. Looks like another winner tbh.
No. 922333
>>922299She wasn't into any of that stuff when Ryan Z came into the picture, then she rewrote herself entirely for him. I doubt she'll get into all his interests, but his extend beyond what he posts on social media. Personality often matters more than hobbies/interests alone.
He threatened me with a restraining order last night. Then I fell asleep. That's about how I feel about it.
No. 922368
>>922351He does like antique "oddity" stuff, and spoopy stuff but mostly the folklore side. He's kind of a "try everything" dude. Also despite everything else, he's a really great dog dad.
>But heather can't just hook up, she gets attached to any dick that comes near her.And that's exactly what I told him when I tried to warn him about her. At this point he's shown more than once that he's too self-invested to care about anything or anyone for that matter.
>>922344Now I'm kinda curious who. Partly because I could use a Clay H Sherlock support and recovery group.
>>922356>she's desperateBingo. Clay is a chick magnet due to how he carries himself, the guns aren't really a factor.
No. 922398
>>922389She’s been posting super lovey dovey stuff so it’s clear there’s been a new guy. She was posted that she had a lot to look forward to, then that evening the Damon pics in his bedroom and porch show up. There won’t be logs because Clay hides his relationships, so just clues. Heather has been doing all she can to brag without outing him. He’s a big reader and used to primarily use Tumblr for quotes, and she’s suddenly been posting literary quotes everywhere.
Plus he has characteristically been a magnet for girls like Heather.
No. 922407
>>922398She's been quoting pretentious literary quotes for ages though. She googles them. And just because she claims to have a new Ryan doesn't mean it's this chucklefuck.
>>922402No off topic posting newfags. And sage your shit.
No. 922411
>>922388I just figured it was worth noting and reiterating that Heather can't think for herself so this new guy being into guns is very irrelevant because she's just after some dick. We should all know this by now. Any guy can give her the time of day and she'll be "in love" in a matter of days. As I mentioned before, she has zero personality of her own and she just becomes whatever she needs to be to appeal to the person she's going after.
>>922407I'm still thinking Ryan #4 is in the picture, or she's at least leading him on to believe that he can still be more than her friend again at some point in the future.
No. 922503
File: 1579808686130.jpg (139.73 KB, 1080x1920, 80842299_868142666950437_42596…)

We are all so desperate and obsessed with her
No. 922511
>>922426The guns thing is super irrelevant. He has other interests.
>>922422>>922407>>922411Eh, you're right that it looks like all speculation. From my angle of knowing him, it's borderline impossible that Heather isn't going to at least try to pursue him. Whether he returns that emotionally or physically is unknown. Honestly my number one concern wasn't even them being together, it's her latching and him not reciprocating or losing interest. It frightens me because the tone of her posts make it sound like whoever this love interest is, is a huge part of her happiness and motivation right now.
>>922503Why even bother posting this? It won't dissuade people.
No. 922543
>>922516I see your point, but you have to admit he's going to become a lot more interesting when Heather is once again left in the dust due to her own crazy.
She'll be moaning about him for months.
No. 922628
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No. 922960
File: 1579831642517.jpg (342.47 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20200123-210753_Ins…)

Here we go…
No. 923015
>>922351He's decent looking from the front sans face tattoo, but from the side he reminds me of Ryan #4.
>>922301 Who knows what's hiding under his cowboy hat too, that hairline looks pretty rough.
>>922960kek. The relationship might never go public, but the fallout definitely will. Typical Heather.
No. 923023
>>922588That's how Damon always looks. He's a neurotic baby and he's also like 15-16 with arthritis. I doubt he's actually annoyed.
>>922775My god, Heather. Most people don't actually hate you we're just annoyed. You aired every aspect of your divorce with the public, alienated friends, exaggerated and lied, used people, stalked people, and you were so desperate to be validated by Ryan Z and rewrote yourself for his approval, that you threw your supporters under the bus out of insecurity. You'd be 10000x more respectable and strong if you'd own up and apologize. You're always going to have haters and some people won't forgive you, but you need to accept that as a reality you face for putting yourself in the limelight, and consequences of your actions over the past year. Look to the support and forgiveness and ignore anyone who chooses the opposite. If you can't accept that, then make the final decision to not return to Youtube, and stick with it.
>>922960It pains me to read these if they really are about Clay. Girl, I'm so, so sorry.
>>923015He wears his hair in a short mohawk. Back then it was a ponytail mohawk. That's not a hairline, it's side-shaved.
No. 923038
File: 1579838866220.jpg (100.47 KB, 757x673, 1476721_10200246476363286_4061…)

>>923023I dunno ex gf anon. I have eyes and that hairline looks pretty tragic to me.
No. 923146
>>922511Heather we have already established that most of the people you have blocked are probably innocent followers. You are soo paranoid as hell. We have already had a good few confused and dumbfounded people being drawn here because you blocked them who are uninvolved. You are blocking people who have private profiles and people with little followers and people you are just paranoid about. You literally probably only had a couple of genuine fake profiles. You are not THAT important. Stop imagining you are!. Your making drama with regular people for no reason.
Face palm.
No. 923160
File: 1579887701367.jpg (157.88 KB, 1080x1920, 81742085_580790372500312_18356…)

Translated to "I will keep changing my mind every 2 hours about whether or not I will post videos. Always saying that new things are coming soon but I will change my mind tomorrow"
No. 923161
>>923146Why are you quoting me Anon, I'm confused.
Odd thing about this blocking stuff though: somehow I'm not blocked. You'd think "profile that is very obviously Clay's ex" would get hit with the block immediately.
No. 923163
>>923161Well, assuming she's into clay. We still don't really have proof of that. So far all we have to go on is you asserting he'd probably fuck her if given the chance. She might not be interested in him or you.
Honestly, the ammount of talk about this Clay guy seems less Heather-related, and more like you just working through some stuff.
No. 923170
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>>923163Well, apparently I spoke too soon.
No. 923198
>>923163Agreed, and you talking about Clay on here is super cringe. And posting that text message?
Oof. How did you even find this board, just creeping on Heather because someone told you she might be dating the ex you’re obsessed with?
No. 923203
>>923198Which text message, are you talking about the message from Heather or the FB message?
Heather was someone I used to know back in the day with BJD. Her Insta popped up on my suggestions and she seemed familiar so I Googled and found this thread.
No. 923206
>>923203I should clarify, *used to know of
I never interacted with her one-on-one, but was around for the the fallout before she left the hobby and heard some of the drama revolving around her back in those days.
No. 923208
File: 1579894564327.jpg (199.3 KB, 1080x1920, 82137172_176722936764097_46274…)

Just when I think she can't get any more cringy
No. 923210
>>923203Not that Anon. But I'm assuming the text message posted in
>>922250Also, in that text message you tell your friend you had talked about her with Clay. But in
>>922259 you claim you didn't know your friend was into clay when you got together with him.
>>922046 makes it sound like you have a lot of baggage concerning this guy. And I'm sorry for that. But it also makes it sound like you're kind of obcessed and tracking his social media. Just for your own sake, stop thinking about this guy. It's kind of hard to watch honestly.
No. 923232
File: 1579898062770.png (3.75 MB, 750x1334, 30B58480-321F-4BE1-9A6B-32A6FB…)

What an awful mother…
No. 923250
>>923232Agreed Anon. What a horrible,
abusive mother! No wonderHeather was totally about to go to a shelter rather than live with her.
Maybe mom is trying to get her to bring her own lunch, rather than waste money on starbucks. If so, good luck with that.
No. 923258
>>923210I think you misunderstood that second post you linked, which is my fault. I'm willing to elaborate, but not in this thread for obvious reasons.
>>923225I posted here because it was relevant to Heather, being a new "boy" in her life. I'll admit I jumped the gun a bit on the exact involvement.
No. 923385
>>923384But it's not "spoopy" enough.
>>923382It's okay. I figured that was probably what you were responding to after I posted.
No. 923388
File: 1579917701468.jpg (100.05 KB, 640x640, 81215410_180233776417183_52563…)

this is so ostentatious and cringe worthy. Ewww.
No. 923648
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No. 923816
File: 1579996765962.png (617.99 KB, 728x630, nofilter.png)

>>923803wouldn't you if this was your reality?
Heather went to the grocery store today and was really proud of herself.
No. 923904
File: 1580011731867.jpg (335.96 KB, 1080x1844, 20200125_230916.jpg)

Dick whipped again
No. 923914
>>923904Was this in her stories? It's already gone.
She's putting so much of her current happiness into this guy already. Unless it's Ryan 4 again, this is really bad so early on.
No. 924436
File: 1580098817993.jpg (70.19 KB, 1080x1920, 81484448_524369918199781_84593…)

she is back at it with cringy quotes
No. 924441
>>924436She said before that she wants to be a motivational Youtuber, but I don’t think she understands that motivational speakers do it to help other people. All she seems to do is give herself public pep-talks, and usually about things she’s faced as consequences of her own actions.
Nothing is ever done by Heather, everything always happens to Heather. That’s not the mindset any good motivational speaker should have.
No. 924508
>>924502>>924503kek. This reeks of
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? … You're fucking dead, kid. It's funny she friendzoned the male version of herself.
No. 924605
>>924503I hate to say it but, she sets herself up for this. She's done this to herself. It MIGHT of stop when she was done with her pastel life, it MIGHT of stop when she said she was "done" with youtube for the 10 millionth time. But posting constantly about this guy, that guy, how this guy was a jerk or how adam is so cruel to her when people were starting to see she was fucked up too just kept fueling the fire. Her biggest mistake was the stupid GoFundMe and then buying all that ugly ass kill star crap. Her mother immediately took her in that day when she left Adam's. Not ONCE was she homeless.
She got her gofundme money, and then splurged on stupid shit, that's why people won't stop. You cried and cried about having no money, no place to live, and asked people for money. Then you have the audacity to go on shopping sprees couple days later as "treats " for yourself.
Then you have multiple episodes of cursing everyone out for putting you on blast about it, because, you know, how dare people see who you truly are and how you use people .
Do I think these threads will eventually stop? Yeah, in due time when she ACTUALLY matures and maybe gets a real job and knows the struggles of REAL LIFE.
She has, and I will slightly give her credit for this, stop buying dumb ass killstar shit, but that's only because the reality of not working as much has settled in.
You did this to yourself. Stop blaming everyone else.
No. 924636
>>924503So to be clear this was posted by Ryan #4 and not Heather? It reads just like a Heather post. Perfect match.
I like the inconsistency of claiming their lurkers block
them and then claiming they block their lurkers.
1. How do you determine a lurker? Do you profile check everyone who views your stories?
2. Blocking someone who blocked you already?
No. 924709
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No. 924711
File: 1580160707342.jpg (807.8 KB, 1080x2086, 20200127_133004.jpg)

Can someone make a gif of these two images, its hilarious to me. And of course, like a true narc, make a tragedy about herself.
No. 924725
>>924605it’s been like two years how have you not learned to sage yet
also it’s might have, not might of
No. 924888
File: 1580189252492.jpg (650.27 KB, 1080x1832, 20200128_002557.jpg)

Here we go again…
"Busy working adult, don't need to validate to anyone"
"Told my 100th bf about my past life"
Same song and dance, and they'll break up in a week.
No. 924890
File: 1580189631139.png (2.87 MB, 750x1334, 0DF04D42-EE49-4E7E-B538-F61A83…)

It’s Clay.
No. 924913
>>924912Yes, he's bow legged.
His face annoys the shit out of me. It's an annoying looking face
No. 924915
>>924913He definitely has an annoying, punchable face. So does Heather tbh.
I don't see this relationship lasting long. He looks so uninterested in being in that picture with her.
No. 924918
>>924890Heather looks like her head is wayy bigger than his.
Style-wise they both look like complete opposites — no matter how many times Heather tries to look like a spoopy goffick princess
No. 924976
>>924956>And don't post any messages by people who aren't count von jugears here. That's not cool.The former friend is a former friend because of him, so they're relevant.
I'm trying to figure out what's relevant and what would be considered not. Like how detailed I should go with my and my former friend's involvement with him and what he did to us.
No. 924980
>>924976Like I don't want to come off as using a Heather thread to vent about Clay, but there are patterns in how he behaves with women and he's bound to repeat them with Heather.
He's really fun to talk to at first, and he and I clicked on a lot of unconventional interests, smaller details, sense of humour, hobbies, etc, but he's just not a good boyfriend. He seems to have really intense honeymoon phases with people and ropes them in. He's told me he has an "involuntary fear and apprehension" of relationships. He's never actually forthright with his feelings, but he's also incredibly self-focused, doesn't take accountability, and flighty. He's very cowardly when it comes to other people and admitting he's fucked up. He told me all of his past relationships were "mistakes" and it didn't sit well with me.
I lost all romantic interest last spring when I came to terms with the fact that while he was good company, he's too dishonest and selfish to be a good partner.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Heather is a rebound. You guys are right in that it doesn't seem like it'll last. He's in the early stages and likely in that "You don't know her like I do!" phase where he thinks the sun shines out her ass. Once that settles he's bound to start playing hot/cold with her, too.
No. 925003
>>924957I hereby nominate
>>920484 as the new thread pic. Anon did a great job. Thanks again.
No. 925067
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No. 925068
Anons who used to be real life friends with her: is she the type that puts on a friendly, amicable personality around people or is she just always like she is in her stories? Trying to figure out how (poorly) his friend circle is going to receive her to gauge how big of a train wreck this will end up becoming.
>>925049He works two jobs. He shares a home with another guy.
>>925035Yes. Ryan 1 was the motivational Youtuber. Ryan 2 (Ryan Z) was an Urbex'er. Ryan 3 was the short-lived Tinder fling gamer boy.
>>925013He doesn't. Heather likes to posture and front as a strong independent woman and be all bark and no bite, but Clay is the polar opposite and is a lot more passive and honestly kinda mopey.
>>924984If by "match" you mean match thrown into a gas tank, then yes.
No. 925079
>>925067When is this even from? For a second I thought this was another misfire post like >>924993
Video from last night No. 925140
>>925079>This is fucking stupid I'm 30.Good job Heather. If only you could follow thatbsentiment to it's logical conclusion.
Whomever pointed out the word "validate" to her should be ashamed of themselves.
Also, as far as we know, bigfoot is male. So she could be hunting for the ULTIMATE spoopy boy. Though ClayTaylor looks a bit like if somebody waxed bigfoot during a starvation event. Are we sure she found this guy on instagram, and not just naked in the woods somewhere gnawing on some treebark?
No. 925248
>>917696>>917755I'm a little confused why so many people are saying "Ohh poor Juliet" after this video. I finally listened to it and Juliet was also meddling in business that was not hers? She pulled plenty of bs herself and tried to paint herself as the
victim for messaging heather's then husband behind her back? And also she made a TON of assumptions about many different things that were happening.
TBH this video actually makes Juliet look bad, she seems like a loser with too much time on her hands and like someone who meddles when it is not her place. (In fact, she admits this in her video.)
Heather naturally looks unhinged with everything else she does. Juliet's story adds nothing to that, it just makes Heather's constant waahing about the haters look a tiny bit justified if someone is getting up in her personal life this much and talking about her behind her back to her husband.
tldr; Juliet seems to be from a different branch of the same crazy tree as Heather.
No. 925313
File: 1580273397392.png (1.25 MB, 896x1546, hh.png)

Heather and the waxed bigfoot during a starvation event gangly homunculus are together again. Why does Heather lipsync to music like a teenager? Someone here said she used to do it but was there a reason?
No. 925315
>>925248She admits to putting Heather on a pedestal. She very clearly, honestly, admits that she shouldn't have injected herself into Heather and Adam's relationship. She admits these things multiple times, very clearly, which shows that she's genuine and not just trying to brush it off to appease people. She admits to insecurities and her poor handling of them. She examines everything she did and why it was bad, what she could have done differently, etc, in a public manner.
That's not her "being a different branch of the same crazy tree", that's her being a human being who has flaws and has made some mistakes. Juliet seems like she was very lonely and anxious and needed a friend, and latched onto Heather because of it, and got hurt.
The biggest difference between Heather and Juliet– as other Anons pointed out more concisely– is that Heather continues to spin-doctor all the drama she created in the past year and the ways she used and abused people as a foundation for this fake, inspirational persona she's crafted for the sake of social clout.
No. 925325
>>925301You're missing the best one thus far
>>924904 >>925313It seems really weird that in both photos he doesn't seem as into it as she is.
>>925323Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. It's a moot point because it doesn't invalidate the vivid contrast between their motives and intent.
No. 925326
>>924890>>925313That was quick. I wonder if they'll stay together to spite the internet like Onision and his wife or if this will be the biggest blow up since her separation from her
aBuSiVe husband?
No. 925654
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No. 925676
File: 1580344789800.png (2.17 MB, 750x1334, 44BBF32F-D71E-42FE-A0BB-1101C9…)

>>925654Self-aggrandizing performative nonsense and thinly-veiled baiting for validation post #2,395,215.4
No. 925682
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>>925676If there’s anything I’ve learned about successful and driven people, it’s that they don’t waste time talking about doing, they just do. What is the motive behind posting about it? It’s for validation.
No. 925695
File: 1580348797527.jpg (180.83 KB, 1080x1920, 84103420_568976147165720_10137…)

>>925682Exactly, she will never succeed. She is all talk and no action. She is still working all the time even though her hours were cut down to 14 hours a week.
No. 925713
File: 1580351111478.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, 1C155A30-A6F4-4D25-9708-D6A411…)

>>925695Wait didn’t she say she didn’t want to do Urbex anymore? That she wanted to focus on her art?
No. 925724
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No. 925730
File: 1580353811981.jpg (182.21 KB, 1080x1920, 84078405_117100479839492_10546…)

She's gonna get a neck tat
No. 925749
>>925724I've seen this man happy and smiling. This 'aint it. Three photos and he's hardly even engaging with her in any of them. Watching her in this is pure schadenfreude.
>>925695Even if she got more hours and went up to full time, this still makes no sense. Girl you're workin retail. You're as useless as a marzipan dildo.
No. 925989
File: 1580421246225.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x2094, 20200130_135400.jpg)

No. 926048
>>925989It's strange. She'll complain about this harassment as part of Heather's Weekly Nonsense, but she'll put Ryan Z and Damian on blast for reasons unknown yet probably not in any way proportionate to her own responses. She'll send me a message out of the blue pretending to be intimidating, but she won't check her own messages and had to get Juliet to read a message sent by Tinder Guy's wife.
She keeps posturing as this strong woman who's faced insurmountable odds, but she's lived a pretty pampered life and just had one bad year where half the shitshow was either caused or exacerbated by her and she's so fucking fragile that it's become the core of her identity.
No. 926185
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No. 926537
File: 1580523088453.png (285.46 KB, 415x468, ruok.png)

>>926334Throw some groucho marx glasses and a cheap blonde wig on it and pretty much spot on anon. kek.
>>926498He's got some really weird looking legs. Definitely bow legged and it's only emphasized by his scrawny legs and those awful flared jeans he seems to always wear.
No. 926572
File: 1580527735083.jpg (2.21 MB, 2048x3646, PhotoGrid_1580527692461.jpg)

No. 926594
File: 1580532184675.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, B54229B7-83D6-4B6E-90AC-369A2C…)

Here we go again…
>>> “I don’t care if this new video doesn’t make me any money. I have a day job.”
Then don’t upload it to your monetized YouTube account. Start fresh on a new account and do your thing.
No. 926595
File: 1580532244570.png (378.39 KB, 390x696, h.png)

She's ranting again if someone wants to record it. It's the same thing over and over again.
> She's so happy that she is going to make videos and edit
> She is the villain of youtube
> Everyone is against her because she changed her hobbies and how she dresses
> She's no longer colorful Heather Sparkles
> Everyone was against and holding her down
> Everyone was controlling her and wanted her to stay with her abuser
> She doesn't give a fuck anymore because we don't know her. We don't know who she is.
> This is a new chapter and she is going to create content and doesn't care if she's seen as crazy or a bitch. She doesn't need anyone to validate her anymore.
No. 926626
>>926595It's so weird. It gives me the same exact feeling I get when I hear Can't Stop The Feeling by JT, every day, at the same hour at work.
Every time she opens her mouth it's the same tripe. This is the "new", "real", "improved" Heather that the h8rs can't touch and she won't let their evil, hurtful, cruel words get her down anymore.
How does she not get sick of her own mouth saying this stuff over and over again?
It's like her brain resets at night so she has to repeat this stuff to hear herself say it and believe it again.
No. 926760
File: 1580579254443.jpg (242.25 KB, 1080x1920, 82112943_2436461000001709_2651…)

>>926626I was thinking the same thing. Her brain resets each night and she is on repeat every day.
Are we thinking that she has this picture of her open on her computer? or that she is using it for her desktop wallpaper as she is a narcissist?
No. 926823
File: 1580595685967.jpg (688.4 KB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20200201-171741_Ins…)

Her onlyfans account:
"So on my rare day off, I'm going to show you my witchy feet"
24 hrs later…
"I don't know if I should have this account since so many people hate me"
24 hrs later..
"Ok guys, I'm back to posting my feet, fuck the haters! I'm going to do what I love!"
24 hrs later..
"I'm so tired of you guys being creeps and messaging me about more feet pictures, I'm done with the account and taking a break"
24 hrs later…
"I'm an independent woman and I can do this! No matter what I'm proud of me! What would you guys like to see? Pink tor nail polish like my lipstick?"
I'm gonna stop lol
No. 926838
>>925079>>925140She has said "I will not let the late affect me anymore" at LEAST hundreds of times at this point. She is practically saying this 24/7.
Is she legitimately special needs?
Honestly, what is the actual point of her pointing rants. Everyone is just laughing at her.
No. 926900
>>926595> Everyone is against her because she changed her hobbies and how she dressesThe second dumbest thing about this is that she thinks her followers are gullible enough to believe this is the whole, truthful story. The first dumbest thing about it is that many of them are.
> Everyone was against and holding her downThe only one who has ever held Heather down is Heather. Instead of assessing her mistakes, admitting to them, accepting consequences, and growing, she continues this endless cycle of self-validation which only digs her hole deeper. She doesn't make these videos because she believes what she's saying, they're the equivalent to giving herself pep-talks in the mirror, except she has to do them in this public manner because she needs an audience to elevate her self-esteem because she lacks the emotional independence to do that for herself.
> She doesn't give a fuck anymore because we don't know her. We don't know who she is.No one knows you, no one knows your life. No one cares. It's not the point on the calendar that matters but the impact of it. She can try to downplay it with "well it was just this one year," but a solid year of a chain of actions that have direct consequences in present day (no social life, focusing on boys and pipe-dreams rather than getting on her feet) means they still matter.
I recorded that rant but not the others. I'll post it when I have the time.
No. 927304
>>926912I think it's just as likely some of her mutual followers messaged her about the feet pic thing. Though I don't doubt she lurks. The brief video of her eating popcorn after the Ryan 5 reveal seemed like a really pathetic cocky hint that she was waiting for what "the haters" would say. Which, is a really shitty thing to do to him.
Rant video from a couple nights ago: No. 927440
>>927304Well, turns out the "haters" think he's a sleazeball who looks like if Lurch caught
Dysentery. So I guess she sure showed us right?
No. 928103
Two more streams:>Editing video, watching other Youtubers>"My experience was garbage">Anxious about the content in the video>Not sure if she wanted to return to Youtube or wanted to "move on with the new chapter of her life">Not sure if she should make a new channel>Onlyfans/feet jokeNot much going on in this one, though she seems to have chosen to use her old channel.>Emotional because it feels good to finish a video and put it up>Got caught up in what people were saying>Done trying to clear things up because THE HATERS will just move onto something else no matter what she says>"That's just how it is when you have people who are dedicated to misunderstanding you">Felt good to reboot her channel and be creative again>Not going to address things anymore, just going to "let people be wrong">Talking about her ideas, going to do followup videos after her exploring videos>She had a lot to prove in the video she posted because "people were talking shit saying I was a wuss and could never be an Ubrexer">Went by herself to PROVE THEM WRONG and redeem herself>Most important thing was that she proved to herself that she could do it and clear that whole place by herself>Wishes she could have done more with ghost hunting>Going to stick with her old channel and not focus on explaining herself>Once again brings up her delusion that all the criticism comes from her change in lifestyle (and not her shitty treatment of people and other toxicity) No. 928148
>>928103Neglected to add commentary to the second video, but I wish she and her yes-men followers realized that there are dozens of social media personalities that have far more followers and public presence than she does and they don't get even a decimal percentage of the "hate" she does. At that point it should really occur to someone in her position that, "Hey, maybe it's not that people are dedicated to misunderstanding me, maybe I've done a lot of stuff to warrant this hate, and instead of trying to justify, rationalize, and distort everything, I could have woman'ed the fuck up and admitted to my faults, shown some genuine remorse for the people I hurt, and expressed what I could have done better," but we all know narcs never engage in self-improvement and personal growth if it means admitting to any degree of imperfections.>whitening her teeth>watching Youtubers and learning about Victorian stuffNothing eventful, and maybe it's me, but it's jarring that a 30yo woman who goes exploring in old buildings is having her mind blown by the fact that arsenic was a thing. Yes, Heather, that's why you use safety gear when exploring old buildings. Really rolling in that dumb blonde stereotype and she's not even a natural blonde.
No. 928574
File: 1580942776413.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 8EFD0174-B163-477D-B3A2-C5254A…)

But what happened to the “many ideas” you have for videos, Heather? Or not giving a fuck and “doing what I want to do,” lol.
No. 928670
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>>928574It gets worse because when people suggest those topics she shoots them all down. Incoming pics.
No. 928692
File: 1580956525892.jpg (381.5 KB, 1080x1920, 83563617_117710443120886_49092…)

>>928684One last wall of text over a selfie
No. 928713
>>928670>>928671>>928672>>928673>>928676>>928692Typical cycle of her being negative towards people trying to be supportive, blaming all of her problems on the big meanies on the internet, and hyping herself up without actually doing anything. She doesn't need a therapist because she woke up one day and decided to "go goth", she needs to go to a damn therapist because it's pretty obvious she's stuck running in circles saying the same shit for how long now? Seems exhausting.
She'd be smart to heed the words of those who are telling her to delete. Or at least deactivate until she had her shit sorted, but she's obviously too thirsty for the attention/validation.
No. 928760
>>928672Shes staying somewhere…?
You're at your moms, wow wtf
No. 928788
>>928670Jesus, looks like she wiped all this stuff within an hour. Was that all her answers or were there more that weren't jarring walls of whining? She just made that video a couple days ago about how she doesn't have to explain or validate herself anymore and yet, here she is, doing exactly that.
>>928672>hell holeSweet summer child…
>>928676>>928692>I just want to know what it's like to be happy again>and I need mental help because I changed my aestheticHow can she read those two opening lines and not see the problem. She's mentally ill because she's wildly unstable and self-destructive. She just went from this
>>928103 to those in a matter of days. I wonder if her parents are mental health denialists, or if they'd actually be willing to help her, because she needs it.
For an alleged history buff she can't seem to grasp the fact that social media is a relatively new invention and people had creative outlets for centuries without the necessity of sharing it to a global audience. She can delete her channel, her Insta, and go radio silent but still do her camera stuff. What's holding her back is't the lack of a creative outlet, it's the lack of public approval, her ego probably telling her that clearing her social media is "letting the haters win," and the fact that she alienated all her friends so even if she did delete social media she doesn't a social circle to rely on for support and so long as she keeps being so disastrously volatile towards her support network, she'll never have a social circle because she'll continue chasing everyone away.
I'd love to see this girl woman the fuck up, admit that she suffers from mental illness and has destroyed her life and several friendships, get professional help, and practice genuine self-reflection and growth rather than devoting all her energy towards seeking the approval of a lover and audience, but I know the chances of that happening are slim to none.
No. 928861
>>928831She’s probably afraid of the criticism she’ll get if she admitted she’s living at her moms, because she obviously still cares what others think of her despite claiming otherwise. Even though it’s pretty common for women to go back to their parents’ place after leaving a s/o.
I noticed she hasn’t posted anything even vaguely hinting at her new boy. Think she’s having a meltdown because she got dumped?