File: 1658704684644.jpeg (603.21 KB, 2048x1638, 2A96051B-A85F-4707-A2E5-59C0FE…)

No. 1596608
Soy Salvatore/ Sully Hill:
>25 year old illegal British scrote living in US >Groomed wife while she was underaged >Troon fucker >Soy films content with Shayna Clifford aka Fatty Mattel >>1346080, >>1345781, gets dragged on sex work twitter >Wears Fupa inspired lady driving gloves >>1345885, during their “shoot” >>1345888, >Sully scrubs all content and interactions with Shay from his accounts after getting called out and pretends the L.A content never happens but farmers take screencaps before evidence is gone >>1346164, >>1346301,>>1346446,
>>1348107>Filmed porn in airbnb without permission>Anon was able to find airbnb posting because pictures shared by Shay and Soy. Pillows and couch matched listing found in Los Angeles>Airbnb owner is looking into pressing charges >>1346638, >>1346651, and since then has changed listing for a zero tolerance porn rule >>1346472, >Sully’s wife, Kaylee Hill**, @BabyKay_8 on Twitter, has a mental breakdown while her husband presses a dirty vibrator against Shayna’s snatch >>1346280, has zero food in fridge as well >>1346282, but sex work is real work!!>Pick me wife doesn’t care because Soy gives her 2 inches of pencil penis >>1346811, >>1346836, along with constant UTIs from unprotected sex with troons and hamplanets >>1347490, >Anon finds evidence Sully is a groomer >>1350398, and groomed his wife into marriage >Sully Hill is in the United States illegally and doesn’t have a green card >>1346760, >Claims lolcow is doxxing him even though all information was made public by him >>1350493, >>1349695, >>1362631>Soy makes angry profile bio updates on soundcloud like a true beta male >>1349909, >>1349987, >>1350170,Kaylee Hill /Baby_Kay8 Brown/Puppikkuma:
>21 they/them “blasian” obese sex worker >“woke” communist twitterfag >Has been a sex worker since age 16 >>1363341, which is basically just pan handling on Twitter >Has a gofundme to get away from “abusive” home >currently cancelling Sully Hill and Shayna Clifford >>1362623, >>1363081, >>1363660, >Claims she did her duty to protect the Jews by calling out Shaynus >>1363115,>Admits to lurking Shayna’s threads and posts a screenshot from lolcow as proof to cancel Soy >>1362763, e-whores:
>23 year old e-whore with ugly tattoos >Works part time as a stripper and part time pan handling degenerate>Claims she’s quitting Onlyfans almost daily because she gets no money >Whines and bitches about how all her customers suck and she is going to quit unless they give her money >Claims strip club scrotes call her fat >Claims to want a girlfriend and is so gay but calls other women bitches and makes misogynistic tweets all the time Bee/ @itslanabee
>They/them e-whore furry who makes a living off fetishizing dogs. >Mutuals with Shayna Clifford/ Dolly Mattel. >Complains about being depressed all the time on Twitter >>1550555,>Just as mental and just as much of an attention whore as Shayna >>1550588, thread Summary: (not milky)
>Soy gets a corset and can’t stop taking pictures in it. >Soy continues to get bullied by the whore community for the Shayna Clifford collaboration. >Soy wears lingerie and continues to be on the border of trooning out >>1375002, >Tik tok takes down Soy’s video and he bitches and moans about it >>1436688, even though it’s against the guidelines to wear fetish gear on an all ages app. >Soy e-begs for a couch >>1437912, >E-whore Salem Silence makes a tiktok warning other whores not to collaborate with Soy >>1530204, >>1530937, >Salem no long feels safe because of Soy boy >>1534638, she returns to her normie job because she only made $200 doing sex work >>1539593, >Lana Bee bitching about how her OF content keeps getting leaked because she’s too retarded to understand that you can’t permanently erase your internet posts, and it’s archived forever >>1539914, >Soy gets temp banned on onlyfans for making a role play rape video >>1547545, in true beta fashion he complains about it even though it’s against OF’s rules. He makes a fansly >>1547551, >Description of said video >>1547670, >He’s proud of his low budget crack den porn video >>1551241, thinks he’s an uwu edgy daddydom >HD photo of ugly Brit, Sully Hill’s face warning NSF >>1555086, >He got his onlyfans back >>1557327, >Anon finds Soy doing puke porn >>1558697, No. 1596614
File: 1658704965108.jpeg (659.74 KB, 1242x1619, 3CF4A3C1-C047-487C-A6E2-8087B8…)

Pixie butterfacepixie keeps trying to spread “awareness” about Belle Delphine’s past scams. But she’s totally not just jealous because she’s making more money and is arguably way better looking than Fugly pixie. Like coomers really give a shit.
No. 1596619
File: 1658705161535.jpeg (424.91 KB, 1242x1460, A8DD309E-EFE6-4E7A-AEA1-6EB894…)

Not even white knighting belle because she’s a cow herself but it’s funny how e whores get jealous of others and try to cancel them for shit that isn’t problematic as the shit they do. Shayna with Nazi allegations when she does pedopandering. Now Pixie is holding on to the the stolen nudes scandal because she can’t call out pedo pandering without being cancelled by the age play community. They’re all so stupid
No. 1596622
File: 1658705226219.jpeg (353.62 KB, 1242x1213, 0E824492-D3AA-4AFD-B326-86E398…)

Pixie is seething because none of belles scrote followers care about the scams and don’t want her crusty faceless nudes
No. 1596624
File: 1658705283079.jpeg (657.85 KB, 1242x1664, CC65F827-15AB-4293-A339-E11284…)

maybe it’s not good money as other because you’re ugly
No. 1596830
File: 1658719614918.jpeg (857.57 KB, 1242x1631, B797C6A7-EF4A-46E4-A8C8-4D9E9B…)

this is so creepy and weird to me
No. 1601066
File: 1659071545048.jpeg (206.98 KB, 828x723, B2CFFF97-C593-4399-B402-ABF4C7…)

If the shoe fits, you ugly piece of shit. None of you onlyfats degenerates are “survival sex workers”, you’re just lazy, narcissistic, misogynistic, pedophilic grifters
No. 1601143
>>1601066Let me guess… this has something to do with rape play, doesn’t it? Or as these weirdos like to put it, “consensual non-consent.” First of all, that’s a misnomer. How can you consent to something that’s non-consensual? You can’t consent to rape. Rape is not a kink, period. And they claim that it can be used as a form of rehabilitation or recovery. Yeah right. Find better coping mechanisms and stop re-victimizing yourself. No one gives a fuck about real rape
victims feelings anyway. Society doesn’t care about them. But we’re suppose cater to them and their rape “fetish?” Just because they’re supposedly a
victim doesn’t mean they should be allowed to spread dangerous and harmful rhetoric.
No. 1601193
File: 1659092621262.jpeg (229.65 KB, 828x613, E118CC9B-79AB-4DBC-888A-AEDB0B…)

lmao cope and seethe, soycuck
No. 1601856
File: 1659149668132.jpeg (498.71 KB, 828x941, A57198D8-600B-4344-A1A3-3E3036…)

>>1601248I really hope he doesn’t have sisters and that he never has a female child, you can’t tell me this disgusting weasel isn’t a predator
No. 1602011
File: 1659165089978.jpeg (Spoiler Image,583.12 KB, 1536x2048, C64DC37C-2ED9-4600-9C31-3AC5BF…)

Spoilered because it’s fucking disgusting.
Tenshi posting her gross assne and flecks of shit and toilet paper covered butthole for everyone to see. These whores have no shame
No. 1602013
File: 1659165172599.jpeg (Spoiler Image,153.27 KB, 1242x686, 7FD6E41B-CE4F-4A53-8E37-F3B641…)

Kek at her crying about being fat and ugly as if she’s not making money because she’s a gross, ugly, miserable whore who needs therapy and a real job
No. 1602019
File: 1659165641552.jpeg (283.71 KB, 1242x1201, DB280951-23E1-45FD-8050-F2A1D0…)

The only person interacting with her is gray hair.
No. 1604816
File: 1659408392145.jpeg (798.74 KB, 1242x1694, 24D46F98-C0BC-4D5C-83AF-D69A15…)

Soy is a nasty mf I am baffled at how many women fuck him, not only that but do it UNPROTECTED
No. 1604937
>>1602011Not to vagina sperg, but why does her labia go all the way back to her bootyhole? I'm so confused, this almost looks like a neovagina from the TIM thread.
>>1604816>>1604889crackheads and BPDchans
No. 1605064
File: 1659445136000.jpeg (129.83 KB, 785x1153, B49B6DC5-13A3-4C82-BB31-8195D5…)

Darcy Nycole shooping herself beyond human recognition. How does she think she looks attractive and normal
No. 1605481
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No. 1605484
File: 1659480993164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1242x1878, 71F79DAA-392D-4F96-8C13-9A667A…)

why does her anus look like that? Looks like yellow crusted shit or something
No. 1605489
File: 1659481169020.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.71 MB, 1242x1271, 14372305-AF89-4E48-BA42-296004…)

I’m going to barf the way you can see crust crumbs and long hair coming out of her butthole with a skintag-esque thing coming out of it
No. 1605494
File: 1659481370664.jpeg (363.46 KB, 1242x703, FA19FE40-3C67-49D3-9F33-E90198…)

a misogynist’s karma.
No. 1605781
File: 1659519518472.jpeg (186.54 KB, 828x580, A0DBBD15-CA22-4C62-8BE6-2C55C2…)

>2 likes in 2 days
Stupid games, stupid prizes. I’d say it was a glimpse of Soy’s future but that would necessitate him having an actual job, which he doesn’t because Sully Hill aka Sol Salvatore is a lazy, degenerate pedophile and rapist who is in the US illegally and would rather fuck unwashed tranny ass for shekels than contribute anything of value to society
No. 1605796
>>1605789Likewise nona, I loathe this repulsive scrote so much. He can’t be making that much either because all he does is retweet and retweet and retweet his own old garbage, the Shayna effect is probably catching up with him (ie even other degenerates don’t want to work with him)
>>1605787I was gonna say, that anon can’t have spent much time in Shat’s thread if she doesn’t think the autistic zooming in there isn’t as bad
No. 1606187
File: 1659558536708.jpeg (521.2 KB, 1242x733, 4A80E08F-65CE-42AF-A65C-496DE9…)

Kek a scrote took Tenshit grocery shopping embarrassing
No. 1606190
File: 1659558683703.jpeg (755.08 KB, 1242x1507, 79225788-C1CA-439D-A0AF-E77D02…)

Kek sex workers totally take inspiration from Shayna Clifford and Tenshii. They are both so fucking delusional and broke
No. 1606192
File: 1659558770647.jpeg (467.4 KB, 1242x1062, 0F31C992-2E0F-487B-B1AC-DC1ED2…)

Get a fucking job holy hell. I mean you can even walk dogs or flip burgers. It’s not that hard, lazy bitch
No. 1606195
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No. 1606566
File: 1659583948151.jpeg (549.5 KB, 1242x1262, 0789C886-273A-4FE6-86B2-4C3682…)

>>1606502She’s literally the same person as Shayna Clifford just with hideous tattoos all over. Always bitching and moaning, pan handling, writes down everything she plans to do or did that day because she has no one to talk to, and mentions “butt stuff”
No. 1606567
File: 1659584023759.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.01 KB, 461x615, 07BA3144-EA91-48D0-B431-C2C7F6…)

She looks so old and haggard
No. 1606574
File: 1659584408946.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1162x1755, 614EABBB-7E6C-4B88-B56D-AF6E79…)

>>1606566Tenshi also talks about how no one cares about her business, and how much she’s struggling. She relies on Michael Slack’s money to live off of. She does degenerate dog role play. She also complains about her body but won’t exercise. Bad taste in clothes and makeup. Also they both larp as bisexual/pan for scrote attention despite hating women and saying they are evil
No. 1607136
File: 1659632421870.jpeg (241.17 KB, 1125x1317, 15115196-F39E-4698-9C78-6414B9…)

I feel like we need to form a prayer circle to prevent this from happening or something kek, holy shit. Anyone in sex work needs to be sterilized.
No. 1608037
File: 1659710460665.jpeg (399.45 KB, 1242x860, 8DD40576-BA36-41AC-B52B-F8C17F…)

I think she’s worse than Shayna and a bigger cow
No. 1608041
File: 1659710584261.jpeg (421.76 KB, 1242x1059, 46FF527D-4E2E-480C-AE7C-4B8149…)

>>1607136Now that she e begged for rent she probably will think she’s capable of raising a child. God I hope she never had children
No. 1608043
File: 1659710671349.jpeg (471.11 KB, 1242x1375, 97B2F8A6-2425-4DC9-AACF-C0118C…)

gatekeeping the ability to show your snatch for money on the internet
No. 1608386
File: 1659741528074.jpeg (310.45 KB, 1242x795, A48C613C-5976-4DE6-A27C-9734A4…)

>>1608302There’s not just post her rants on this thread she’s insufferable and I think she should be more talked about. She’s so bitter and manipulative I can’t imagine having her as a friend. She sucks the life out of everything if things don’t go her way. Such an immature entitled bitch
No. 1608387
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No. 1608627
File: 1659766421980.jpeg (Spoiler Image,909.57 KB, 1197x1676, 94FB5F07-FCC6-44A2-BECE-4C33D5…)

Why her thighs bigger than her ass kek looks like it’s on backwards
No. 1608648
>>1608387Tenshi is the definition of soul sucking/exhausting.
She has no friends because she expects them to fund her life and be there for her at her disposal whilst offering nothing in return
No. 1609325
File: 1659843372260.jpeg (240.09 KB, 1242x1541, 7ABE4320-B3CD-43A8-9375-6F82D4…)

How does she have a job but can’t afford $5 for an energy drink and a packet of chips
No. 1609326
File: 1659843417857.jpeg (339.64 KB, 1242x1828, E0DB03F1-DCE8-47C3-99E2-DBB3B1…)

She’s seething because her friend was better at stripping than her. This is not something she should be tweeting to gray hair and the void
No. 1609541
>>1609468 Seriously. And that backside is somehow worse than hers. At least Shayna's is all flat,
>>1608627 I don't even know what I'm looking at here, "unfortunate" doesn't seem to cover it
No. 1610251
File: 1659957806940.jpeg (356.42 KB, 1366x2048, D85F238A-DEC3-4BF5-8618-99D05F…)

>>1609468Yeah she is. But there’s not a lot of info on her.
No. 1610653
File: 1659996625767.png (7.42 MB, 1242x2208, C2FD33B9-FB7C-434C-8C14-22892E…)

the ugly filter and the beer gut
No. 1610654
File: 1659996817295.png (8.14 MB, 1242x2208, E4576318-2308-4C2F-87BD-8D6B98…)

why does every pedo pandering bitch look middle aged?? kek
No. 1610656
File: 1659996853934.jpeg (244.84 KB, 1242x510, 2923831C-2F5A-4AF0-8AA2-984ED3…)

Big Shaynus retweeted her tweet and I found these nasty incest fetish tweets
No. 1610808
>>1610654holy fuck i used to be mutuals with her sage bc kinda irrelevant but i’ve recently been so openly against “sex work” and literally not a soul has disagreed with me. it’s so scary how everyone is so afraid of being “canceled” or “
problematic” that they will have entirely different beliefs they privately hold but are too scared to admit
No. 1610813
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>>1610463True. Just take a look at the SWers who interact with Shayna
>>1610808It’s sad. I think it’s morally better to model for lingerie instead of being a flat out dollar menu whore but you have to have a nice body and a pretty face for that.
No. 1611849
File: 1660115466692.jpeg (850.67 KB, 3464x3464, 9EE84ABB-98AE-4C6D-B76B-00D361…)

Tenshi getting interaction from her singular coomer (also shared with Shayna) then screaming about said coomer thus resulting in even less interaction
No. 1612565
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This is so sad. Nothing on Shein is more than $25
No. 1612721
File: 1660203316928.jpeg (564.75 KB, 828x1047, 4E1D5063-2F50-4FDA-96DC-796FE3…)

I wanted to post this in Shayna’s thread but no one has made a new one yet and it’s applicable to the degenerates posted here, these are the people attending the unwashed pedo-pandering landwhale convention that Shaynus flew to Florida for. All these stinky kinksters look like their parents were siblings, I’m nauseated
No. 1612911
File: 1660232654710.jpeg (655.11 KB, 1227x1433, 8201D72F-CAB5-498E-8233-CFBDFF…)

Literally Shayna 2.0 she complains more than her which says a lot since Shayna is always whining about something.
No. 1612922
>>1612911What prevented her from working out then?
>>1608627This is such a bad angle KEK
I wouldn't mind a thread of her honestly, lol.
No. 1613295
File: 1660258997073.jpeg (622.37 KB, 2048x2048, 98DD1FCF-6727-42A4-B63B-A22A81…)

Vivi Clouds
>BPD attention seeker> onlyfans whore who does puke porn and lives in a crack den>collaborated with Shayna Clifford and invited her to stay with her and her crusty moidfriend Delano 104:
>>>/snow/1505674 105:
>>>/snow/1511330>Proceeded to self-post saying her side of the story. >Admitted to larping as a farmer on Shayna’s threads >Stated she was quitting sex work and was going to try and better her life >>>/snow/1506784> came back June 2022 with a new account and alias “Dolores Lolita Dollanganger” to hide from Shayna and the “drama” >Delano’s new alias is Danny Dolanganger Vivi Twitter: Twitter: No. 1613299
File: 1660259139211.jpeg (767.84 KB, 1197x1560, 1D9CDA7E-91FD-4888-A580-3E3CBE…)

The audacity of this bitch to laugh and mock Shayna anonymously and think she’s better than her when she looks like this
No. 1613389
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No. 1613390
File: 1660268687199.jpeg (133.16 KB, 934x615, E16961BC-9697-4AE9-9E97-AE7679…)

Random photo I found on whore Twitter
No. 1613392
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No. 1613395
File: 1660268944795.jpeg (354 KB, 1280x2047, ADC2553E-E8A6-402F-9624-6EE995…)

What does this even mean?! I found this on a degen account for sale
No. 1613433
File: 1660274769116.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1051x1627, 48247C79-900B-4708-A114-92EE60…)

>>1613420what the fuck lmao I was not expecting this rabbit hole
No. 1613437
File: 1660275174549.jpeg (331.22 KB, 1281x1080, 46F47626-4453-4F3D-8EEB-07D288…)

This is a straight up freak show
No. 1613463
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No. 1613464
File: 1660281020242.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1000.99 KB, 1242x1974, 7A1FCA36-F459-48DA-ABD4-8AB346…)

Did she borrow shaynastys arm warmers kek
No. 1613465
File: 1660281078049.jpeg (172.06 KB, 1024x683, 2E4D5201-5236-47C3-9174-BB9A57…)

Bdsm ddlg fags who openly showcase their kinks are always so so damn ugly
No. 1613466
File: 1660281119179.jpeg (Spoiler Image,449.53 KB, 1276x1080, C103269C-0870-451D-8383-7D517A…)

I wonder which one is our whore-chan farmer on the inside
No. 1613467
File: 1660281143094.jpeg (162 KB, 1024x683, 0FA18763-D052-4FBF-A2FF-3EB687…)

I wish I was in Florida rn. I’d have a disguise and larp as a degenerate and document it for the lolcow archives
No. 1613469
File: 1660281261463.jpeg (307.79 KB, 1152x2048, 140DC16E-F224-4261-8C08-D30F92…)

I’d pay top dollar for a pic of Shayna not sucking in her beer gut in the wild on the “red carpet”
No. 1613478
File: 1660281510925.jpeg (207.14 KB, 933x1244, D4EE841C-0423-4F55-8F34-263F4B…)

Social outcasts literal cheap OF whores larping as famous porn stars/ influencers and soy boys in gimp masks
No. 1613481
File: 1660281588766.jpeg (737.35 KB, 1242x1522, 1515351A-6BA6-4608-9B74-6D09B2…)

I found Shayna’s soulmate
No. 1613487
>>1613483I hope this degenerate granny is having a great time tbh
>>1613469It's giving retard serial killer
No. 1613492
File: 1660282288332.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1194x1221, D4648807-2ABE-4127-8DE7-B1A499…)

No. 1613497
File: 1660282533813.jpeg (Spoiler Image,638.34 KB, 1242x1438, 606D59E4-9D77-49A4-901A-D0AA61…)

This makes me want to never eat fast food again. Let me just touch my sweaty lard ass. Anyways would you like fries with that?
No. 1613500
File: 1660282740387.jpeg (205.93 KB, 1440x1800, C34A8795-38EF-4FEC-8326-C58845…)

She has 2k followers but still has yet to reach the 100 subscribers goal. I can walk around la pulga and find twenty women who look like this. I don’t understand why normal/unattractive people think it’s the best “business” move to strip for an audience of bots and make minimum wage?
No. 1613506
File: 1660283191013.jpeg (660.29 KB, 1242x1399, BC4D1D06-4BA1-47F0-85B8-9849CB…)

she looks like an autistic horse girl but she’s one of Shayna’s followers kek
No. 1613520
>>1613466So many trannies good lord. It really it just a fetish tho.
>>1613361I also believe she self posted. It’s kind of weird and random that someone just happened to find vivi’s new account? I wouldn’t even had known or noticed it was her unless someone pointed it out. Pretty sure it was her.
No. 1613538
File: 1660285501634.jpeg (917.23 KB, 1242x1553, 132F0CBF-7EFE-488B-9D39-14E71E…)

No. 1613542
>>1613506I can't help but feel bad for anyone who gets tricked into filming with FacialAbuse. They truly are
abusive, as the name implies.
No. 1613543
File: 1660285866209.jpeg (375.05 KB, 750x886, 91AA0D2C-5115-4BC6-BDA8-346488…)

This girl apparently started posting on instagram when she was 14 from what I've seen in the dms she posts, and made 50k the week she opened an onlyfans a few months after she turned 18 it's extremely sad. I genuinely feel like she was groomed by her boyfriend (picrel)
No. 1613549
File: 1660286349480.jpeg (434.13 KB, 1122x1496, F123E375-F63F-4634-89E1-444803…)

If you identify as a dog and make money sexualizing animals I think it should be legal to put you down cause wtf is this. Why is it in a childs playroom?
No. 1613570
File: 1660288706634.png (78.99 KB, 582x582, usedbarbie (1).png)

>>1613543She seems like she doesn't get a lot of attention at home.
No. 1613575
File: 1660288978413.jpg (485.61 KB, 3443x2096, usedbarbie (2).jpg)

>>1613570She also wears a corset apparently which I don't know if it's completely healthy assuming she's been wearing it since she was a minor.
No. 1613578
File: 1660289205778.png (540.08 KB, 1256x694, catfish acc.png)

>>1613570>>1613575I also stumbled upon a catfish account that is 100% owned by a male. She is surrounded by pedos.
No. 1613585
>>1613506She's happy she's been officially picked kek
>>1613437>>1613456I'm confused too! At least their inclusive, I guess…
No. 1613587
File: 1660290084452.jpeg (248.38 KB, 701x363, 1D709363-1C3A-4937-ADE6-4A2FFA…)

>>1613580Samefag but notice the doll in the background and her grandfathers paintings she posts on ig
No. 1613616
File: 1660292237628.jpeg (545.43 KB, 750x1042, 33D38B20-8BFC-4CD8-ADCE-FC30B3…)

>>1613609Samefag and not very milky but according to her pinterest (randomhotgirl) shes also probably a scarethot and definitely a coquette
No. 1613619
File: 1660292557708.jpeg (402.58 KB, 675x997, 3911B265-88F4-4EE9-B406-39F146…)

>>1613616which is probably why she posts pictures of herself reading freud?? of all people
No. 1613647
File: 1660296397613.jpeg (913.73 KB, 1080x2403, C8AB395B-F7FB-45EA-8ABC-B84B11…)

For anyone who missed it in Shat’s thread someone cowtipped and fat retard blasian larper puppikumma predictably sperged about it
No. 1613660
File: 1660298213237.jpg (385.62 KB, 1080x1338, Screenshot_2022-08-12-10-55-04…)

There are no words
No. 1613854
>>1613654Ew what is that?
>>1613581I don’t think it’s respectable to have a porn star husband or wife. It’s embarrassing and should be laughed at. I don’t understand why they can’t stay single and childless. Poor kid. If it’s a girl you know damn well she is going to be sexualized by mommy’s fans asking if she’s going into the porn industry. Disgusting. Riley Reid is a rapist anyways.
No. 1613882
File: 1660315567659.jpeg (481.71 KB, 2048x1536, EF69BF65-0DEA-468E-9D87-E4DF70…)

This beautiful woman is attending fetcon.
No. 1614048
>>1613843Exactly. I read that thread and most farmers were just being nice to her because she was consistently bringing milk to an otherwise dried-up thread. I saw a few anons encouraging her to leave sex work, but how is that a bad thing?
What I don't get is anons being surprised/disappointed she stayed in sex work. What other job skills does she have? Were they really naive enough to believe a puke & scat porn whore was going to magically yeet herself out of the trailer park into an office job? Kek
No. 1614221
>>1613466Whore-chan here! I didn't end up going. This is way too degenerate, even for me.
Let's hope floridanon comes through!
No. 1614252
File: 1660345021557.jpeg (Spoiler Image,892.8 KB, 828x1359, EA164EA1-3FEF-409A-B951-BA28DD…)

>>1614221It’s truely a nightmare to behold, are they all like this?
No. 1614372
File: 1660354140728.jpeg (423.75 KB, 1242x1514, CED7E3C9-AE2D-4A73-AFAF-F04E52…)

No. 1614405
File: 1660356600306.jpeg (574.22 KB, 1242x1433, 2BCC086B-12D4-43A6-BCFC-177A68…)

No. 1614408
File: 1660356720474.jpeg (637.07 KB, 743x763, 3BFDB3CA-CB57-49CD-8F5E-8ECDFB…)

Fat Con
No. 1614413
File: 1660356984437.jpeg (864.96 KB, 1242x1337, EDCF4D18-6E08-4A15-8672-046FAE…)

No. 1614483
File: 1660362567442.jpeg (Spoiler Image,623.85 KB, 828x1122, D0406921-B1D4-4AFF-85C7-45E7FF…)

I hate this cringeworthy piece of shit rapist so much. I kind of wish he would find this thread and sperg like he did about Shayna’s so we’d have even more reason to bully him. I despise all sex workers but I have extra reserves of vitriol set aside for the moids
No. 1614541
File: 1660371336669.png (8.51 MB, 1242x2208, 26FBF3A2-2550-4BC5-AF8D-7C0BA5…)

How I imagine hell to look like
No. 1614543
File: 1660371445183.jpeg (618.27 KB, 1242x1299, 7277CE9E-B6EC-4F4B-A731-9A3605…)

No. 1614612
File: 1660379660479.jpeg (739.61 KB, 828x1352, DA6C568F-8168-4665-B184-75540B…)

>>1614606I’d genuinely like to know how much “content”this retarded faggot actually sells, all he does is retweet old posts ad infinitum. I thought he’d be at fatcon prowling for unwashed hambeast and tranny assholes to stick his diseased pencil dick in, he probably couldn’t afford it. Speaking of fatcon, here’s some more twitter cringe from the attending degenerate whores, these people should all be locked up
No. 1614614
File: 1660380125609.jpeg (652.38 KB, 828x1374, 025B6EBC-4414-4D21-9F29-A01926…)

>>1614612Samefag, these pedo-pandering retards are completely fucked in the head
No. 1614619
File: 1660381284334.jpeg (533.89 KB, 828x1047, 691ECC38-DB61-4EDD-AE45-CC25F5…)

>>1614372Some visually impaired anons in Shat’s thread were saying they think this moid is attractive, he is fugly as hell. He is even more of a Neanderthal looking motherfucker than Shat is too
No. 1614712
File: 1660393087321.jpg (84.87 KB, 1600x720, FaA0XXtWQAAwSyb.jpg)

>>1614252While looking for a wild sighting of Shayna in the background of one of these degenerate's pictures, I found a picture where this beast can be seen in the background using a scooter because she's too fat to walk. The absolute state of these people.
No. 1614723
File: 1660393798726.jpeg (276.19 KB, 933x1659, 7D6D9028-3D6B-4552-A386-050BC6…)

>>1613660Thats a man in a diaper. Shayna gives off troon energy because she larps like she likes these kinks
No. 1614725
File: 1660393909668.jpeg (Spoiler Image,413.7 KB, 828x900, FE799E85-D544-4A0A-9E6E-721399…)

>>1614712According to twitter this is her “bff” please fucking kill me (though at least it’s not pedopandering so I guess that’s something)
No. 1615423
File: 1660449827047.png (9.6 MB, 1242x2208, 398BBAD6-544C-43ED-8A58-613DCB…)

They had a build a bear type booth at Fetcon Pic from Shaynus story on Snapchat
No. 1615424
File: 1660449868110.png (8.99 MB, 1242x2208, 8ADAA8F4-6797-428C-94D7-9EA1F7…)

No. 1615426
File: 1660449965416.jpeg (458.18 KB, 1536x2048, CB55DB1E-09C4-4781-8A89-AF8D39…)

No. 1615427
File: 1660449997443.jpeg (930.1 KB, 1242x1314, 10649149-6D13-4920-9337-415F63…)

this post is such a red flag
No. 1615935
File: 1660509142955.jpeg (Spoiler Image,389.9 KB, 969x2048, A1F5B852-5547-45BF-90C5-F1D4CE…)

There should be a whole site or subreddit dedicated to People of FetCon/Bdsm
No. 1615940
File: 1660509294429.jpeg (Spoiler Image,923.78 KB, 1242x1508, 22ADFB49-9B6B-414D-948D-CC7EE7…)

No. 1615943
File: 1660509398950.jpeg (285.54 KB, 1328x2048, 1D2F7DAF-A6E1-4BD0-9BB0-4A0017…)

Her tattoos look like something a middle schooler would draw on themselves with pen during class. I can’t imagine having such ugly tattoos on my body
No. 1615944
File: 1660509446588.jpeg (502.12 KB, 1206x1634, 4B5813F9-9087-4230-B035-2F84F8…)

No. 1615966
File: 1660510737967.jpeg (Spoiler Image,797.38 KB, 1242x1440, BCA53BDF-2850-42F6-A053-279EA7…)

No. 1616049
>>1615944>>1615955The screencaps from her FA video are fucking haunting and gross. Moids that are into this shit need to be on a watchlist and the idea that she wants to work for them
again makes me want to a-log. Some people really can’t be saved. Gross.
No. 1616264
File: 1660535346613.jpeg (360.3 KB, 1536x2048, F3BE2E87-FC64-48B3-9646-29B68C…)

Shayna’s fetcon roomie with another whore. Ironic the chick on the right goes by Fit Syd. Not with those cellulite thighs damn
No. 1616267
File: 1660535556702.png (Spoiler Image,9.11 MB, 1242x2208, CFB6E7DE-38D9-4584-B56E-DF254A…)

>>1616266She’s obese, idiot
No. 1616283
File: 1660536495893.jpeg (981.4 KB, 1242x1223, 73BB88A9-BB24-450A-8AE4-028F59…)

This convention looks so boring and ghetto like no decor or anything but then again idk how you can with this type of event
No. 1616285
File: 1660536520768.jpeg (399.04 KB, 933x2072, 4308AA3A-AB50-456F-A7A3-0333E0…)

No. 1616286
File: 1660536575010.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1762x3348, 62FE5BA5-ABE1-4447-8CAD-85718C…)

No. 1616287
File: 1660536613921.jpeg (753.19 KB, 1016x1191, 3C000503-887B-497F-B77B-627F65…)

They’re so silly and quirky omg kek so stupid I hate these people.
No. 1616290
File: 1660537005507.jpeg (418.05 KB, 1202x2048, C579117D-3E72-46E1-AEC0-300EC7…)

No. 1616296
File: 1660537614042.png (7.19 MB, 1242x2208, 221E2EE3-6E20-449C-BECD-D4345E…)

No. 1616611
File: 1660574164199.png (1.62 MB, 1007x1954, Screenshot_20220815-093414.png)

I'm so sorry, but this woman's body looks so fucking weird. I'm not one to body shame or whatever but it's just so jacked up.. is it because she's getting a bit older? Idk how a human could look like this kek
No. 1617199
File: 1660612668081.jpeg (326.96 KB, 828x2140, A53703F5-5A3C-4447-B5A9-16DD55…)

She basically paid this guy $10 to let her flash him
No. 1617323
>>1617199Wow, that's just awful. Hope this moid gets fired.
I had a phobia of taking a taxi alone for a long time cos this kinda shit. Thanks for encouraging it dickhead.
No. 1617353
File: 1660626039467.jpeg (548.14 KB, 1438x1655, 3C692153-EA5E-44DF-8A08-3048AD…)

-23 year old social media/ only fans cow.
-Currently going by the name Dylan Sohma
-Social justice warrior in public
-Runs rape fetish accounts in private.
-Encouraged an underage friend to give a blowjob for a ride to see her.
-Never graduated high school or got a GED.
-Uses mental health as an excuse for her actions.
-Currently living off trust fund money in upstate New York.
-Recently lost the only job she ever had, as a stripper called at a trashy club.
-Constantly changing their online pronouns and name.
-Had sex with her middle aged neighbor just because he had an accent, he gave her a STD.
-Accused her driving instructor of sexual assult after he failed her.
-Has falsely accused multiple people of physical and sexual abuse after they tried cutting ties with her.
-Has a huge
victim complex
@dyl.ev Twitter: No. 1617581
File: 1660651833677.jpeg (293.26 KB, 1242x1620, 73DE043E-DDAD-4F40-B753-898B52…)

Tenshi screaming that she’s so much more bullied for being fat because she’s NOT actually fat while also calling herself plus sized in the first tweet. Her brain is so fried
No. 1617584
File: 1660651904726.jpeg (280.55 KB, 1242x1662, D355356F-17C7-4F2C-8406-335C61…)

Why are they always so gross and never do their laundry on a schedule? This is just disgusting. No wonder she’s got assne
No. 1617635
>>1617599A laundromat is what? $5 a load? How hard is it to scroll social media while you use a laundromat or yes even buy a washer/dryer? Cheap ones secondhand or even afterpay one.
These idiots have 0 life skills, it’s why they brag about showering and cleaning their hovels
No. 1618062
File: 1660692536273.png (Spoiler Image,6.45 MB, 1242x2208, 40EA547E-3BCC-4FBC-A235-E4ADC0…)

What mental illness does to a MF
No. 1618063
File: 1660692559819.jpeg (Spoiler Image,140.81 KB, 1170x808, B855AB95-AF69-4198-8091-54C299…)

>>1617353Why post this shit on a public Twitter I don’t get it. Whores always pose with the kids plushies and it’s disgusting.
No. 1618064
File: 1660692626835.jpeg (303.18 KB, 1242x677, B4E57933-ECC6-44F1-BD0D-23F637…)

Wash your clothes, Stink
No. 1618066
>>1618063>rapist momma kys
Haggard bitches always taking shitty quality nudes with their fat bodies and love to whine and bitch about not being successful. Like you’re not meant to be a successful whore. You are ugly and the market is oversaturated
No. 1619007
File: 1660794156349.jpeg (206.66 KB, 1241x1010, A3A28067-0341-4E82-B5EF-53145D…)

Dropping your clothes of at a laundry service isn’t being productive. Also the begging for $5. Even street walking panhandlers get more money
No. 1619146
File: 1660817054747.jpeg (744.27 KB, 1242x1333, F2F59163-2364-4510-9DB7-8911D2…)

One thing is certain: OF women will almost always be fat and ugly
No. 1619163
File: 1660819119307.jpeg (220.67 KB, 1440x1799, 29838485-5282-4E77-A1AE-E82281…)

I feel so bad for her daughter. She’s going to be sexualized by moids and I know damn well her mother won’t be protecting her face or privacy.
No. 1619572
File: 1660861680312.jpeg (629.48 KB, 1195x672, 5BB7ABD2-7334-49BB-AE09-0C6302…)

>>1619195Riley loves doing sex work. She always says she’s really proud to be a whore and has been one since she was in high school. She’s disgusting. She’s a rapist and will no doubt encourage her daughter to do porn and post pictures of her daughter knowing there’s sick perverts online who will start sexualizing her as a baby because of her whore mother. I wish these degenerates would get their tubes tied.
No. 1619574
File: 1660861766303.jpeg (609.78 KB, 1204x653, 4FC94D29-D08A-4236-84F4-83E199…)

Riley is low key kinda ugly she got a big mouth and a bird nose kek Trisha is a fat whore and Luna the plug or whatever isn’t that pretty either and her husband Adam is a rapist pervert
No. 1619584
File: 1660862205728.jpeg (452.44 KB, 1197x1112, 51822608-64C6-4E92-9BCB-60E3E2…)

Who tf is daddy? Doesn’t this bitch always whine about being lonely and unloveable? Is he just her version of Fupa who only comes over for a quick fuck and food?
No. 1619587
File: 1660862611814.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1446, A06E1EDC-2C8B-4C3E-A99F-5C5FEC…)

>>1619586 Riley is ugly imo porn aged her out really bad. She looks awful
No. 1619594
File: 1660863635110.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1651x2048, 4AFF2D97-56CD-4639-9C88-08E772…)

No. 1619596
File: 1660863778643.jpeg (429.62 KB, 1280x855, 3698A3FB-5215-4F8D-93A0-579D2C…)

No. 1619628
File: 1660865036530.jpeg (545.62 KB, 1279x854, 36CB2A9B-A947-4EF5-B98A-B62D80…)

People of Fetcon
No. 1619631
File: 1660865109890.jpeg (475.92 KB, 1279x854, 7E871C9D-A504-41B7-AE23-B70FEC…)

>>1619614Kek 99% but yes I agree and they usually have a cutesy pfp but look like that
No. 1619635
File: 1660865168984.jpeg (541.49 KB, 1280x773, A7EB736B-783E-4519-8D31-545397…)

No. 1619637
File: 1660865249150.jpeg (548.92 KB, 1279x854, 5AC745CF-DA03-45DB-90D4-3BE6ED…)

I ain’t never seen a crippled furry kek
No. 1619640
File: 1660865302856.jpeg (883.91 KB, 1289x1200, AB1F7E98-3397-43DE-A250-8877D0…)

I don’t see how this is sexy at all they look retarded
No. 1619641
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No. 1619643
File: 1660865422463.jpg (56.5 KB, 640x640, sexually attractive couple.jpg)

>>1619614I feel like actually sexually attractive people could probably care less about concepts like BDSM and busy having enjoyable "boring vanilla" sex with other hot people
No. 1619650
File: 1660865722461.jpeg (287.63 KB, 900x1758, 81C3D0ED-5DA0-4C80-A36C-62AA6C…)

Ciara Bubbles and Sophia without Shayna kek they’re so ugly
No. 1619656
File: 1660865934222.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1584, 61B6061B-8D5D-4390-BB1F-D5A095…)

No. 1619686
File: 1660868074801.jpg (42.99 KB, 293x340, 20220818_170443.jpg)

I just saw this picture and now i cant find it… would anyone happen to know where the picture of that bimbo in the elevator with the scrote who had his hand on her neck go? "Wanna some weed" and i think it was… something-bimbo666. She looked like pocrel. I might get banned for asking to be spoonfed but i just looked over three threads and couldnt find it.
No. 1619723
File: 1660871949218.png (295.94 KB, 681x1133, riley.png)

>>1619645Samefag, here's your source.
Riley has a lot of other drama surrounding her too. She's had a longtime feud with Remy Lacroix, another porncow. Remy claims Riley ripped off her persona, where Riley countered that Remy stalked her. Riley also pedobaits and frequently brags about looking like a teenager, has insulted some older porn stars for looking old, and is a pickme in general. She's fucked soundcloud rappers ffs, she has zero standards but that's no surprise. Funny to see her with Trisha because she seems like a total clout chaser. She's done stuff with the Rick and Morty guys too and I think voiced a character on an episode.
No. 1619781
File: 1660879177417.jpeg (399.52 KB, 1169x1951, 15F4B21A-FA0D-41C3-A971-4F3867…)

>>1619780I also found this pic on some weird porny site I don’t think has been posted, her username was used too. It’s pure mental illness.
No. 1619902
>>1619163Call me a scrote if you like but it is absolutely disgusting and downright unethical to procreate if you are a (high profile) porn star (male or female), especially now where even the most mainstream porn is violent and degrading. It honestly borders on sexual abuse or child endangerment in my opinion. You just know this poor child will be exposed to her mother's "job" and the degeneracy that comes with it before she can even spell her name, especially considering how fucked in the head Riley seems to be.
>>1619572Also they always sexualize and commodify their pregnancies, like Lena the Plug has. Nothing is off limits for them, they're fucking vile.
No. 1620135
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No. 1620150
File: 1660928423403.jpeg (437.17 KB, 1242x1424, 32B79FE7-3009-4ACF-A84F-2CFB6E…)

I hate this fat hog she’s mutuals with Big Shaynus
No. 1620152
File: 1660928496419.jpeg (790.84 KB, 1279x854, E5DD078F-554D-42B3-B98C-A37B2C…)

Fetcon looked so cheap and trashy. Kek like I’m laughing at the images on their site.
No. 1620153
File: 1660928539511.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1226x1399, C40C305F-1EC5-453F-A72B-BB17C2…)

No. 1620157
File: 1660928760144.jpeg (620.67 KB, 1279x854, F6DE29F4-E68C-4C5D-935E-9386D7…)

Shaynus fit in perfectly here. Probably bought five cheemsburgers. Trailer trash degens no wonder she loved going she thought she was the hottest one there. Kek which isn’t saying a lot
No. 1620160
File: 1660928818862.jpeg (1.03 MB, 914x1499, 630C6392-4E06-4A77-AD4A-EE74A6…)

No. 1620727
>>1619643true tbh. bdsm bullshit is literally either a sign of trauma or a way for ugly people to sexualize themselves and be popular among eachother.
>>1619647>>1619667lmfao shut up. requiring stupid looking clownery to get off does not make you "interesting"
No. 1621336
File: 1661050718843.jpeg (857.01 KB, 1242x1727, 322F40C4-51B3-47F5-A4C6-E6B029…)

Bastard Michael Slack didn’t even like her tweet kek
No. 1621381
File: 1661058394503.jpeg (759.11 KB, 2048x2048, 31866877-AB38-40E9-9121-332502…)

No. 1621751
File: 1661105207099.jpeg (345.88 KB, 1502x2048, 918A18D7-85F6-477A-B0B8-46DEB1…)

Ddlg women who pervert the cutesy/kawaii aesthetic are always so damn haggard
No. 1621758
File: 1661105412994.jpeg (696.69 KB, 1242x1181, C436F0C4-3DA2-4591-A839-39227F…)

this nasty ass ugly dude (in comparison to the freaks at fetcon is “decent”) just fucking every whore he met at fetcon without protection. He’s gonna get monkey pox kek
No. 1621759
File: 1661105436428.jpeg (292.02 KB, 1134x2016, 9EA4A42A-4A4E-4586-A62A-FEE5C1…)

No. 1622702
File: 1661201176005.jpeg (299.6 KB, 1242x810, 7E54FE17-537E-46DF-BDD8-C8C788…)

not true, you’re ugly and don’t have one. kek
No. 1622833
>>1622702She really can’t grasp that it’s because she’s ugly and a misogynistic bitch.
It’s such a cope that women are happy together and they don’t want a crusty, mean, selfish, unstable, sex worker for a gf.
No. 1622915
File: 1661217512830.jpeg (924.79 KB, 1242x1435, 45D92A09-CE5A-4D10-B708-6FAD4F…)

No. 1624073
File: 1661323701249.jpeg (481.51 KB, 828x1069, 3DC4EA05-B26B-4908-93DC-56DED1…)

Puppikumma is a diaperfag now
No. 1624096
File: 1661327731860.jpeg (436.95 KB, 1242x1447, 86B851EA-0583-4C84-9B70-69A352…)

The cope. Seethe harder fatty
No. 1624097
File: 1661327927251.jpeg (301.37 KB, 1242x646, C3F6DAF2-C15F-45E0-9D40-926450…)

The irony. That’s you Tenshit
No. 1624100
File: 1661328222923.jpeg (885.47 KB, 1242x1134, A3145DD8-0D4A-4E5B-A6A5-F3B7CA…)

I don’t like the dystopian universe we are now living in where millions of ugly women are selling their naked pictures and fucking men on camera and posting it for all to see for $3/ month. Like it’s so saturated and there is whores a dime a dozen. It’s so common it’s more shocking to not have an onlyfans and not degrade yourself for pennys. I think scrotes are going to get tired because the shock/sexual instant gratification will wear off and they will start simping for pretty influencers fully clothed who just post non sexual pictures. I mean these OF women are some of the ugliest/ blandest bitches I’ve ever seen.
No. 1624105
File: 1661328532881.jpeg (514.49 KB, 1143x1180, C98ED0BB-A622-4DF8-8328-90916B…)

I kind of feel bad for making fun of their looks. But jfc they’re so damn ugly.
No. 1624106
File: 1661328721969.jpeg (828.52 KB, 1242x1604, A87F8DD5-7249-400C-95B2-1B5AEB…)

Gibby the clown is a notoriously known sex worker scrote who fucks anything from fat ugly OF whores to legitimate “porn stars”. He’s such a degenerate that most sex workers condemn him because he makes porn in public places where people/children can openly see him. He’s disgusting but pick me’s line up to get raw dogged by this ran through degenerate in a clown mask.
No. 1624107
File: 1661329138588.jpeg (Spoiler Image,651.82 KB, 1209x1471, 74F83EB9-22C5-4D75-8077-463E84…)

Scrotes will fuck sneakers (pic rel) why do e whores think we are jealous over moid attention when we call them out for being disgusting pick mes???
No. 1624514
File: 1661364142379.jpeg (201.62 KB, 1242x529, 2CF947FE-261F-4430-8021-7E0B6A…)

She’s speaking to crickets at this point
No. 1624836
File: 1661386333634.png (50.08 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_20220824-171139-167…)

There is a girl in my small town who had an Onlyfans and everyone was roasting her shit at my old job. She had her actual name attached to all of it and she'd post Snapchat filter tiddy pics and a picture of some fat guy fucking her. It's funny because when you look at her Facebook it's all republican hick shit. Kinda contradictory, she's a hillbilly with buck teeth and a lumpy ass body. I might post her in personal cows but i honestly feel like its too low of a hanging fruit
No. 1624977
File: 1661398409494.png (106.14 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_20220824-202945-427…)

>>1624945No. Anyways there are still screenshots of her cheeseburger priced nudes floating around in group chats which was public and has her name attached, theyre Snapchat filter fat bitch nudes. I don't wanna post them because I think she might literally be retarded she's a hillbilly and yeah her parents might be cousin, her face looks kind of backwoods peasanty
>>1624843It's very audacious to criticize women getting abortions because "they should keep their legs closed" and then make an Onlyfans where you post your pimply fat coochie. So yeah not surprised an anti feminist pick me decided to make one. Picrel is her arguing about abortion, she's very passionate about it
No. 1625123
File: 1661408062504.jpeg (338.23 KB, 1242x1689, 57AE5016-43ED-4712-9791-E58044…)

No. 1625124
File: 1661408121518.jpeg (415.62 KB, 1242x1287, 599B2930-E024-40ED-8F1B-94DE5A…)

Woman hating psycho. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns full incel and attacks one for not wanting to be her girlfriend
No. 1626103
File: 1661500437294.png (1.85 MB, 1242x2208, 25269F1B-B29A-426E-911C-812711…)

Old milk but I tried to look up the bitch who made fun of Shayna’s dolphin snatch and she deleted her accounts because she attacked off Twitter
No. 1626104
File: 1661500464332.png (2.62 MB, 1242x2208, FFF87BF1-A451-49AB-9732-23F9C6…)

I’m laughing so much
No. 1626105
File: 1661500514996.jpeg (488.45 KB, 1242x1544, 2512DF25-4025-4E12-848B-100F64…)

Part 3/3
No. 1626437
File: 1661533401227.jpeg (497.65 KB, 814x1260, FA6E469A-167C-4461-96BF-A6223F…)

>>1624073Puppikumma is sperging cause her followers don’t like her diaperfag era
No. 1626464
File: 1661534536448.jpeg (279.85 KB, 828x636, 3DCAE8BC-AA9F-4691-A93C-09368B…)

And what does that say about everyone you’ve ever been with?
No. 1626602
File: 1661546379903.jpeg (561.01 KB, 1242x1315, 215E0B7A-F935-4D3E-9202-F5D531…)

No. 1626603
File: 1661546443431.jpeg (363.82 KB, 1242x1221, 83076763-7137-4F78-BCAD-51EFA2…)

No. 1626697
File: 1661554877513.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1242x1847, 43A3D58E-0C5C-48E5-8DED-982CC5…)

What the “click the link in my bio!!” bitches look like
No. 1626724
File: 1661558296409.jpg (392.96 KB, 1080x1382, Moo.jpg)

No. 1626739
File: 1661559601010.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1044x1736, B8A1B6B3-F7C1-4E86-B844-F3D463…)

>>1626724TFW absolutely mogged
No. 1626793
>>1626779>She works itOk ewhore
>yeah her body is disgusting. Damn that’s mean
No. 1626930
File: 1661578120290.jpeg (Spoiler Image,372.07 KB, 828x1802, 855E2C26-0214-43DC-A8C3-07E6EB…)

Coconut Kitty’s photos are straight up terrifying, how does she have so many fans?
No. 1626934
File: 1661578625727.jpeg (473.1 KB, 1080x1371, B7C8CBD3-1303-445A-ACF0-057C06…)

>>1626930She’s getting real sloppy
No. 1626978
File: 1661583499962.jpeg (52.47 KB, 827x717, 15F6C247-3195-4323-8E8A-989AB1…)

>>1626954She gives me horse vibes. Her gums aren’t as noticeable as this meme but she still has a horse mouth. Kek
No. 1627290
File: 1661617517708.jpeg (552.41 KB, 1242x1306, 2F1D917F-9F71-4333-A6DC-EFD706…)

No. 1627580
File: 1661637454530.jpg (90.57 KB, 1080x469, wtf.jpg)

>>1626940She is OBSESSED with race to the point that it's disturbing. Most of her feed is talking about race & shitting on white women. She's salty af. I saw a tweet once (not picrel, picrel is just an example of her racism) where she said if she were white she wouldn't have to do anything on cam besides just sit there & make bank for being white. Bitch is delusional!
It's too bad cuz she actually has a really cool, unique style & makes good money, but she just can't seem to get out of her own mindset that all people see her for is being Asian. It's creepy!
No. 1627741
File: 1661655547063.jpeg (648.59 KB, 1242x1571, C10BE5D4-BD01-4721-8C25-B61674…)

Looks like Big Shaynus and Big Tenshi are feeling extra confident and love their sex work job
No. 1627742
File: 1661655747711.jpeg (344.43 KB, 1242x859, CA4851C6-4A95-4254-BECD-837586…)

I doubt anyone wants to see them since no one is paying you in your dms, fat bitch
No. 1627881
File: 1661662556188.png (72.28 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_20220827-215609-613…)

Guys I'm starting to think she doesn't actually like girls . I know shocking and sad for all the lesbians amirite kek
No. 1628022
File: 1661671962779.jpg (823.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220828-173029.jpg)

>posts her filthy mushroom themed dildos on an app where the predominant user base is children
>Proceeds to complain when children point out she's encroaching on their app
No. 1628026
File: 1661672134180.jpg (631.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220828-173512.jpg)

>>1628022>I only block people who announce they're children but I have no problem seeking attention from them otherwiseOnlyfans thots are a special kind of degenerate
No. 1628784
File: 1661718388839.jpeg (922.06 KB, 1242x1406, B9BAFE7F-1167-4C97-9348-3A7CF1…)

>>1628285They love reeeing about not being able to be naked on an app made for 12+ The audience ranges from children to adults and teens. Are they really going to die if they don’t post themselves naked on a rated G app. It’s gross to expose yourself to minors. I hate how normalized it’s becoming. At the very least go to Twitter to post it jfc
No. 1628795
File: 1661718744863.jpeg (782.29 KB, 1242x1690, E725BA67-F850-4C49-9381-BF64E0…)

>he/it/they pick me with shitty tattoos
>ugly OF whore
>BPD vibes
> fucks other ugly pick mes and moids
>sexualizing pacifier (picrel)
No. 1628797
File: 1661718833931.jpeg (Spoiler Image,955.64 KB, 1242x1110, F30609EB-1D6F-4030-B722-CBF611…)

She identifies as a scrote and likes being called good boy. If you’re going to do porn at least be sexy and attractive. I don’t understand why the lowest of the low get into porn. Ugly tattoos and bald head just screams mentally unstable
No. 1628863
File: 1661721395743.jpeg (296.02 KB, 1170x1706, A99E8AC9-5A4F-4EDD-B1BF-0138DA…)

>>1628784She also posted this and the sound is some incest porn shit
No. 1629675
File: 1661788563071.jpeg (231.56 KB, 1242x1023, 3E5CF377-F5CD-47B5-BCEF-0D61E9…)

What is the point of being an ewhore when you can be a regular whore and make enough money to keep your lights on OR get a real job at Walmart or even a temp office and get some skills to move up in the world?
Kek at tenshi also coping by pretending like likes = compliments, they don’t mean that. They mean people absentmindedly scroll and just clicked like, not to mention the god awful cope for why her content isn’t getting engagement
No. 1629678
File: 1661788656314.jpeg (337.28 KB, 1242x1769, CA001234-188E-4AFB-B40D-32E2EE…)

She’s a misogynistic clown that’s for sure.
She gets the “ick” when people don’t feed her BPD delusions and exhibit standards
No. 1630187
File: 1661811781111.jpeg (594.88 KB, 1242x1436, 91F36A79-80DF-44B9-9256-9132C8…)

Embarrassing…. imagine begging random people to want to see you nude. No one wants to see your ugly fat ass on a moid
No. 1630195
File: 1661811991152.jpeg (365 KB, 1242x832, 931DB6CD-41AB-4606-91FE-616745…)

No. 1630197
File: 1661812028260.jpeg (447.77 KB, 1242x945, DD4F41EA-0A81-4A11-B4E1-A64163…)

do these bitches have no shame?
No. 1630486
>>1613295i remember when lolcow was on her side when she was beefing with shayna
No. 1630591
File: 1661836257609.jpeg (301.42 KB, 2048x1366, 6F82FCB7-524A-45ED-9447-065D72…)

No. 1630716
File: 1661856863530.jpeg (130.23 KB, 828x598, 99A3381E-B985-4265-983E-42DB9E…)

I hope this bitch lurks here.
No. 1630804
File: 1661869984514.jpeg (3.31 MB, 1242x2208, A1268E26-9176-401F-AB27-606D54…)

My god she’s the walking definition of mental illness
No. 1630811
File: 1661870210700.jpeg (725.79 KB, 1242x1577, 865F6ED4-08B1-4D6F-A615-10B29E…)

When will fat bitches realize they only have big boobs because they’re morbidly obese
No. 1631057
File: 1661887881885.jpeg (440.6 KB, 1242x1310, D72AC1BB-CC57-4F48-92E0-4E5720…)

they have to advertise on celebrity/artist posts to get attention and people STILL don’t want it. Filming a sex video on the internet with your entire face out that no one wants to pay for or see is so so embarrassing.
No. 1631146
File: 1661893288156.jpeg (822.53 KB, 1242x1658, 1A2A1F62-3EF0-43D0-B086-3E5439…)

No. 1631224
File: 1661900253901.jpeg (1.19 MB, 3113x1911, 1E7AE452-69A2-498D-984D-7DAB6B…)

One of shaynastys mutuals
No. 1631231
File: 1661900432384.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3028x2496, CAB215D3-36A4-4DF7-8C43-E07310…)

No. 1631236
File: 1661900570205.jpeg (Spoiler Image,639.52 KB, 1242x1367, A4CA9910-C875-41E9-BF4F-C59CE2…)

Why tf would a coomer pay for your onlyfans when it’s a low quality landwhale fucking her scrote bf recording it with the shitty grainy Snapchat filter on it to cover her obese thighs. I hate porn culture, so many ugly bpd whores think they can be a sex symbol when they look like trash
No. 1631247
File: 1661901194423.jpeg (387.5 KB, 828x1141, E44EACEA-00C9-464C-AAB8-F67A33…)

lmao this putrid tranny fucker must have finally found the thread, cope and seethe soycuck
No. 1631516
>>1619163Yall can mock me if you want for this:
I just hope the baby turns out okay and has someone to shield her from the inevitable harassment from her moms "fans"
>>1619584the fat scrote that is in her pics sometimes is her "daddy"
No. 1631677
>>1624775This sounds like something a scrote would say. The majority of "sex work" is human trafficking, the majority of women involved in this aren't stupid but are being forced, and feminism takes effort it's not something women are subconsciously doing plus all these women hate eachother so why would they conspire together.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are lots of incels infiltrating this thread
No. 1631925
File: 1661964096824.png (617.59 KB, 914x1080, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 12.3…)

I really hope Shayna meets up with this weirdo. He's a bundle of red flags and so desperate for attention and for some reason it really intrigues me. New personal cow.
No. 1632245
File: 1661987023905.jpeg (306.2 KB, 968x2048, B966255B-CF25-4B0B-A166-3F25FD…)

No. 1633044
File: 1662063763309.jpeg (873.44 KB, 1242x1510, 8ABE0B93-1947-4608-AF4A-180036…)

B- big bitch
No. 1633045
File: 1662063808325.png (7.82 MB, 1242x2208, 9D7D6E33-4B02-4308-A389-2FF8BB…)

Shaynus if she wore blue contacts
No. 1633049
File: 1662064234241.jpeg (317.14 KB, 669x692, 44E20348-1E11-47CC-8EE3-27C3F7…)

No. 1633080
File: 1662066199747.png (11.73 MB, 1242x2208, 41AD4457-E317-457D-9D88-A3F215…)

Shayna’s followers are becoming some of my personal cows. They’re all fat white trash who do sex “work”.
>@PrincessBratt85 on Twitter
> Name: Amy Elizabeth Ricker.
> She posted her full name on PayPal in her link bio.
> Married. Her husband: @Her_daddy_85
>Scrote is always posting his tiny dick and shows himself jerking off while he’s literally at work.
>Self proclaimed “milf” posts nudes and videos with an empty crib in background
I swear any sex worker who calls themselves “hot wife” are the ugliest fattest bitches. Kek actual hot wives don’t call themselves “hot wife“
No. 1633081
File: 1662066326991.jpeg (877.22 KB, 1242x1623, 07829619-9BDC-48B6-8BDD-8CDD6C…)

I find it strange a mother who has a newborn calls herself “breeding baby” on Twitter.
No. 1633086
File: 1662066522723.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 2946x2811, AB35B872-7CD6-40BD-90D2-277192…)

No. 1633088
File: 1662066668717.png (Spoiler Image,7.68 MB, 1242x2208, C7FD199B-B0D1-43CE-98BF-A858D4…)

Horror cow. I feel sorry for the child who will be raised by this creature with a degenerate digital footprint
No. 1633089
File: 1662066844005.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1242x1574, 32D70BDA-46C8-4E32-B117-80A3DE…)

Nasty ass tongue these are the people who interact with Shayna Clifford
No. 1633094
File: 1662067151956.jpeg (Spoiler Image,688.74 KB, 1242x1805, 0D7865F4-9F57-449B-8EE7-A06AB4…)

No. 1633097
File: 1662067300441.jpeg (674.41 KB, 1242x1454, 83C86B62-84E7-4B79-A305-A262D4…)

>>1633092She also flashes her ass in public (no people on camera but it’s daytime in a full parking lot) and films it. Someone called his wife a fatty. Kek
No. 1633104
File: 1662068088279.jpeg (475.82 KB, 1113x900, 875C1C46-DCAF-43D5-880D-1EA32F…)

>>1633098This is her husband. She doesn’t fuck anyone else and gets mad when scrotes send her dick pics. This is her scrote she calls him daddy and is submissive to him. Hotwives cuck their husbands and humiliate them. I hate how much I know due to lurking on the degenerate side of Twitter idc
No. 1633121
File: 1662069303250.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 2736x2964, C02874AC-A12E-478D-B826-EFDC29…)

I can’t believe I found a bitch who’s more disgusting and repulsive than Shaynus. The way her and her scrote interact with each other on Twitter is cringe. She posts like ten nudes a day. And she pedo panders with a pacifier.
No. 1633128
File: 1662069690148.jpeg (1.26 MB, 2832x2759, C3021D26-471A-4F79-B167-B492D1…)

The one year old daughter seems to be sick a lot. I feel so bad for the baby. I’m glad her retarded parents don’t show her face but it’s still weird to post pictures of your infant on your whore account
No. 1633131
File: 1662069874396.jpeg (627.28 KB, 2821x1779, 7B2E1899-9CD0-4C0F-8D8C-7EF3BF…)

He looks like a tweaker. Thought people might be interested in a new train wreck since Shayna milk has been dry since fatcon. I made the mistake of looking the the replies under Shayna’s tiktok link tweet
No. 1633148
File: 1662071433517.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3465x3465, 4A8282E2-AAC0-4467-8D9F-2F62CC…)

the cow who self-posted on Shayna’s thread has a tiktok
No. 1633336
File: 1662086932466.jpeg (423.99 KB, 1206x2208, 1E674D8C-9D19-4AEF-8C72-CE60D5…)

They make me want to a log so bad. The house is always a fucking mess and they’re always filming each other having sex. Like ?? Take care of your child instead of posting your cow body on Twitter for a bunch of losers
No. 1633342
File: 1662087548366.jpeg (179.84 KB, 720x1280, 54CEDF64-B5A4-4D8F-BF63-0CF2B6…)

>>1633340They fr look inbred. The Hills Have Eyes looking MFS
No. 1633923
File: 1662154597288.jpeg (Spoiler Image,687.95 KB, 1204x1258, 9AC9E4CB-1CA5-4C15-97F8-A61B03…)

Tenshit Tushi posting picture riding her chode bf and exposes her busted asshole that looks like it’s prolapsed
No. 1633927
File: 1662154751623.jpeg (518.27 KB, 1242x1080, 220C4ADF-E64A-42D4-A170-7A5AA7…)

No. 1633931
File: 1662155029111.png (Spoiler Image,9.78 MB, 1242x2208, 9A665B16-02D5-46AE-B0D2-95C112…)

I hate these fat bitch so much why tf is she doxxing herself and her baby for scrote attention on the internet.
No. 1634372
File: 1662210501122.jpeg (378.07 KB, 1220x1077, B51A01B9-D09E-444B-B4C0-7F2277…)

No. 1634573
File: 1662229911280.jpeg (235.6 KB, 1160x753, FF0EC5CB-1A93-4637-A3CB-9C6E64…)

Hory shet, changed it.
tenshit is still complaining about women, do you think working as a stripper and OF thpt, and competing for male attention at work is probably rotting her brain.
No. 1636570
File: 1662355055186.jpeg (69.18 KB, 827x907, C4C6247C-F776-4CD5-81E5-EDAD7F…)

No wonder puppikumma is always so angry. She’s BROKE broke
No. 1637760
File: 1662409895182.jpeg (Spoiler Image,480.84 KB, 828x1023, 88816A92-5841-4BF9-8555-187A57…)

It’s a bad day to have the gift of sight
No. 1638674
File: 1662464486597.jpeg (411.6 KB, 1242x2142, 1026A327-8BFA-4727-8371-862C0A…)

These whores are all so ugly wtf
No. 1641784
File: 1662604728096.jpeg (618.44 KB, 1242x1440, 636AE43A-420E-4934-BCA4-BB1565…)

No. 1641786
File: 1662604916259.png (13.2 MB, 1242x2208, 6B5251A7-A4D2-42A3-B05E-0A2A23…)

Indigo white, the dog fucker, keeps complaining how her tiktoks get removed. She looks haggard. The“uwu kawaii anime girl look” doesn’t look good on people with harsh features
No. 1641793
File: 1662605653423.jpeg (Spoiler Image,963.1 KB, 1242x1474, E92B44DE-CF35-405E-BE4E-D4D44B…)

She isn’t active on Twitter but she wished this scrote a happy birthday and he shared porn pics of them together
No. 1641796
File: 1662605866816.jpeg (248.93 KB, 1242x473, 0B46B7FF-2FD0-4218-9A5D-27FAA3…)

Also Shayna Clifford’s nemesis is planning to meet with Soy Scrote. Can’t see the thread because Soy is too much of a bitch to unprivate his account.
No. 1643056
File: 1662690271373.jpeg (323.04 KB, 1242x751, B3FBA747-CF69-47CD-937C-51B408…)

>traumatized by women I turned straight
No. 1643182
File: 1662705743694.jpg (847.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220909-163423.jpg)

I posted this woman up thread, she's now sperging at minors who idolise her and are asking her for sw advice when she advertises on tiktok and contributes to the glorification she's reeeing about. I could respect her stance more if she wasn't so agressive and nasty when talking about these young girls, she's literally 25. That, and if she wasn't a massive hypocrite.
No. 1643682
>>1643182>>1643183>>1643184Lmao she doesn't care about rando minors and their wellbeing, she just doesn't want to give them any tips or trade secrets because it's too much effort and it would be giving the younger competition a leg up. Isn't it convenient that not wanting to glorify poor lifestyle choices is only applicable to those asking her for help and not for herself? It's an excuse.
I've seen other sex workers complain about newbies trying to collect advice because they feel they should be paid for it. Bet you if these girls offered her a hundred spot for a crumb of talk she wouldn't be bitching!
No. 1643701
File: 1662748692572.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1157x1753, CFAB19BB-B038-426C-BFCB-97755F…)

Why am I seeing so many pathetic tweets like this on my feed? I even avoid looking at porn???
No. 1643711
>>1643708I like fat chicks but not the bowling pin
That’s for wiggers and niggers I guess ? Idk zoomers are basically all black now
(scrotoid) No. 1644013
File: 1662768241389.jpeg (511.39 KB, 1242x1607, 2A72B63F-3CFA-4C20-8160-0756CB…)

No. 1644521
>>1643701>>1644123I'm confused. I looked up the account and it does link to someone's onlyfans: it's just a scam bot, are you saying that the OF account has stolen someone else's pics?
No. 1644591
>>1644521Yes, they literally create OFs where they scam using other peoples usually influencer/porn stars pics they don’t even match the twitters they’ll be scamming on. It’s really embarassing how coomers will throw their money at them without even thinking.
The ID process for OF is easily by passed with stolen/well done fake IDs
No. 1644934
File: 1662861434080.jpeg (957.3 KB, 1242x1577, B51288BB-D561-4C1F-A129-FAA1D3…)

the bar is low for these onlyfans women
No. 1644939
File: 1662861872624.gif (711.16 KB, 230x349, 9E95B00F-C7BA-4258-A5AD-205D61…)

She kinda looks like that ugly toothless guy from stranger things
No. 1645004
File: 1662868187278.jpg (598.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220624-141555.jpg)

>>1643682Probably she's always bitching in her stories. I've been following her since zoomer tiktok tried to cancel Natalia for harming Asians or something. She milky as fuck and posted like 8 different stories trying to take Pinkii down because it was fashionable, and I mean like you mentioned "less competition". Here's another gem I managed to save. She's one of those insane handmaidens who post long rants defending trannies/throwing women under the bus on social media because her girlfriend thinks she's a boyfriend.
No. 1645005
File: 1662868406279.jpg (81.97 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20220911-135252__01…)

>>1645004Samefag but hopefully the irony of her trying to cancel Pinkii whilst following Himeahri isn't lost on anyone kek. I'll post the caps I'd anyone actually gives a shit, she's kinda a personal Lolcow of mine.
No. 1645015
>>1644934I don’t know if she still is but at one point she was one of the highest paid brothel workers and cam girls which is creepy since she uses the name of a pedophilia
victim and looks to be under 5 ft.
No. 1645169
File: 1662883916054.jpeg (342.96 KB, 1242x918, 1E079504-64BC-4D4A-8EE2-7EABBC…)

they are calling sex workers out for promoting nudity to underaged kids trying to watch gaming videos
No. 1645204
File: 1662887643764.jpeg (463.87 KB, 2047x1630, 34AD7E47-C0DC-4DE5-91F1-015C13…)

Here’s miss “6 figures a year” Darcy Nycole lying on Facebook about making 100K+ in a year for the last 3 years. She hasn’t. She also tried claiming she made a million dollars this year on onlyfans and posted her all time earnings and her coomers are eating it up when the screenshot even says gross earnings since January 2019.
Why can’t these whores be honest. On Twitter she’s begging for $40 and rent and bill money and even panicked this year because she couldn’t afford rent.
No. 1645205
File: 1662887677474.jpeg (177.59 KB, 1242x1464, 7161ABDA-4E04-4F8E-B39E-02A8F0…)

Here’s her begging on Twitter. 6 figures my ass lmao.
No. 1645206
File: 1662887722025.jpeg (273.73 KB, 1232x1538, 2A190C79-1CC5-49E6-A4A9-FC00C2…)

Makes 6 figures a year but has no savings. Yeah okay.
No. 1645639
File: 1662927455155.jpeg (500.53 KB, 1242x1341, 05366FC7-CCAB-4F7C-807D-3CAA0F…)

No. 1645681
File: 1662930000940.jpeg (988.49 KB, 1242x1793, 6D226405-73B9-42D8-8A0B-DC780F…)

No. 1646061
File: 1662981692181.jpg (225.19 KB, 1080x957, IMG_20220912_132058.jpg)

No. 1646089
>>1646061The fact she has so little understanding of men but has an onlyfans is terrifying, and that's most women on onlyfans. They don't even comprehend what they're doing, who is looking at their content, who they are interacting with.
She thinks men actually have standards, men fuck wheelie bins, literal chimpanzees with makeup on, car exhausts, babies, dogs, old ladies, like there is no limit. It's not about attraction but power, pain, abuse and pleasure, they can meme themselves into fucking anything. Men even think normal sex with a partner they care for emotionally is cuck/gay/pussy/weak behavior to be mocked, ergo they actually have a social preference for fucking things and people they are not attracted to.
No. 1646486
>>1646212Yo fuck the anons shitting on you. Whatever. $800 your first month is really good! How did you do it? Did you already have a big following? How/where did you advertise?
Inb4 "you're an e-whore! Human trash!" Yeah.
No. 1646757
>>1646538With OF your dealing with coomers. Coomers hoard all types of porn and build collections that are in the petabytes. If it's porn, some coomer somewhere in the world has it saved to his RAID array. If you don't believe me, look on 4chan/g/ or reddit where coomers have in depth discussions dedicated to archiving massive amounts of porn.
>>1646752>making ewhores aware of the consequences of being an ewhore is more cringe than being an actual ewhoreSure
No. 1646789
File: 1663038235910.jpeg (341.77 KB, 1242x1366, 139397A1-4AC2-4EC6-8BFE-A1AE25…)

Tenshi is so bitter. Women don’t treat her with respect and kindness because she gives nothing back.
No. 1646996
>>1646423>Nobody is going to archive an OF whore with 6 subs.You thinking men don't have a porn archive which they share with their buddies at any opportunity, cute
>>1646486>$800 your first month is really good! How did you do it? Praying for you nona, you can make more money delivering takeaway than this
>>1646538>there are far too many OF girls out there for each and every single one of them to have someone obsessed enough to archive their shit.Wow you really don't understand men at all. I'm an internet nobody, never posted porn or lewd, just selfies, and my male followers have saved photos of my
face and told me about it. If you think they aren't archiving your porn, I have a bridge to sell you
>>1646757Literally exactly this, anyone who thinks otherwise is coping hard
No. 1647010
File: 1663074083741.jpg (44.29 KB, 622x592, 20220913_150112.jpg)

No. 1647271
File: 1663104057571.jpeg (106.48 KB, 933x933, A2EC7867-B0BA-4922-8C45-9FBEF0…)

>>1647010Topkek this is sadly 90% of the OF girlies
No. 1647339
File: 1663108711951.jpeg (983.08 KB, 1170x1681, CA7EF0F5-B1CC-4459-979A-4C5807…)

No. 1649039
File: 1663272570519.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1864, A4898FDA-A169-4D32-BF65-0C266F…)

Please don’t tell me she wears that out in public…
No. 1649643
File: 1663329295821.jpeg (299.51 KB, 1241x1701, 823846BB-8968-4901-86CD-4C07C9…)

This bitch is such a rude, entitled cow.
Miss piggy pretending like she doesn’t eat 3 square meals a day and then some. Also food service workers are overworked and underpaid.
No. 1649648
File: 1663329541647.jpeg (302.61 KB, 1242x1650, 3ACD3250-36E6-467D-8EA5-63A619…)

She hates women because a woman won’t answer her text immediately and drop everyone for her. She sounds like an incel.
Normal women have jobs, school, hobbies other preoccupations. This bitch is miserable
No. 1650062
File: 1663359714149.jpeg (111.31 KB, 1170x296, A446E3B8-43AF-49FB-B7B1-557A69…)

I really hate the way Sanrio and other stuff for little girls has been appropriated by e-thots. Sage for autism.
No. 1650066
>>1650062As much as I am a sanrio fag, i have to say that most of these whores are probably using it as part of their pedo pandering act.
>>1650023Pure unadulterated degeneracy.
No. 1650303
File: 1663578395654.jpeg (42.72 KB, 640x480, Pls.jpeg)

You know if a moid did what she's implying it's called exihibitionism and it's defined as a fetish.
No. 1652426
>>1650062It sucks but also, these women grew up more with hello kitty and sanrio characters being popular than young kids these days. She reached her peak in the 80s when she had a cartoon. Most kids these days aren't into hello kitty and she is having an even greater decline in young children's interest due to having zero video presence in todays media. Most people dont get into sanrio until they hit their teenage weeaboo era. The only reason younger kids like it is because its bright, colorful and a simplistic cartoon.
That being said, fuck these disgusting pick me sluts and their obsession with making everything they like as disgusting as they are… please forgive my sperg.
No. 1653972
File: 1663817896303.jpg (355.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220922-133128.jpg)

On the subject of Adam Levine, is this some new zoomer meme template and an excuse to post her flaps on IG with a ~modesty~ heart, or is that famous scrote genuinely harrassing nobody sexworkers?
No. 1656409
File: 1664032782294.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1242x1604, 796C14AE-A1AE-4D88-9F85-F8C01D…)

@DogLadyPup on Twitter
I cringed so hard
No. 1656413
File: 1664032880799.jpeg (428.27 KB, 1536x2048, 3BDF6ACC-D6BF-4854-9AA3-B291DA…)

What the hell is she wearing kek
No. 1656417
File: 1664032988515.jpeg (383.28 KB, 933x1244, 0EF32169-3FE6-4E31-A094-F51FCC…)

If I saw this in public I’d laugh so hard
No. 1656420
File: 1664033091074.jpeg (614.87 KB, 1242x1487, 8B35B90A-29AE-461E-B67D-055CE6…)

No. 1656459
>>1656413Barrel body ass
No. 1657241
>>1655812I know, it's why I asked if it was a meme. I hadn't seen it making the rounds yet.
>Even I'm not safe smhThen the deletion really threw me for a sec kek.
No. 1657603
File: 1664127923709.jpeg (179.4 KB, 1170x526, B172761C-A102-4A0E-88AD-A1B109…)

Tinfoil but I blame tumblr for the surge in e-whores. The whole “sex-positivity” movement and pedo-pandering was at an all time high when the site was active.
No. 1657923
File: 1664149512085.jpeg (Spoiler Image,699.93 KB, 1242x614, 88A6A608-411A-48C2-B059-6E4B3E…)

TW for emetophobic anons
Nasty faggot Sully Hill took his Twitter off private and now slides his body down a plastic wrap covered in green puke. I’m disgusted
No. 1658952
File: 1664236653695.jpeg (239.44 KB, 750x1334, 71E7297B-EDDF-4BBA-AC8C-12828F…)

Is there any milk on eveii angel / eveii angel ?
She quietly started an of and deleted alot of her fashion tiktoks.
I am so disappointed to learn another kawaii fashion blogger turned into just another whore dressing like a child under the guise of ~yami kawaii~
No. 1661504
File: 1664426290572.jpeg (597.71 KB, 1242x1399, 1F52DC4A-0933-4882-8A67-E25820…)

No. 1661505
File: 1664426319731.jpeg (676.78 KB, 1242x1600, 26536236-289A-4D2C-875E-82A586…)

cry me a river dumb bitch
No. 1661513
File: 1664426924906.jpg (324.54 KB, 1282x1543, IMG_2807.jpg)

>>1661505nta. petty but i also found it really funny that she went from being a lesbian 2 weeks ago to having 2 dom boyfriends…very queer of her.
even shayna and park avenue pinup have ugly scrotes that pay for their shit. the bar is in hell
No. 1662137
File: 1664483233422.jpeg (200.42 KB, 1242x840, 38D316F2-98AB-45BB-A38E-474869…)

No. 1662696
>>1662188Because they’re chronically online and believe the stupid fanfics that women get proposed to every day by 8 men a day.
A scrote willing to marry a woman isn’t an accomplishment imo
No. 1663801
File: 1664645421759.jpeg (666.89 KB, 1242x1529, 397E4789-D77C-4E1F-9481-0ACE73…)

No. 1663804
File: 1664645513962.jpeg (Spoiler Image,967.12 KB, 1242x1475, 8713F96F-12E6-42DC-BDE7-969C06…)

Ken the tattoo moid fucked another whore right after Big Shaynus. He most likely didn’t even get tested after fucking Big Shay. So she really believes he’s “clean and std free”
No. 1665267
File: 1664763536278.jpeg (1.31 MB, 3465x3465, E5B29B99-D058-47BE-B222-6C2D67…)

>TikTok knockoff Belle Delphine
> Lies about age to larp as Belle when she first became viral
>Writes “I’m 19” in every single TikTok video caption she posts
>Bad orange spray tan
>If Donald Trump and Belle Delphine had a child
>Kids on TikTok roast her in the comments under all her cringetoks
No. 1665587
File: 1664802301804.jpg (515.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20221003-123204.jpg)

>You have to be mature to post your snatch online
>I won't give you advice because they're my magical sw secrets I acquired through hard work
No. 1666783
File: 1664905481212.jpeg (735.79 KB, 828x1458, 33F633C0-F83C-43D7-8BA7-C00B5A…)

I been wanting to post @CaringErin here for awhile. she’s been disturbing. She has always been an over-sharer, and she is known for dragging her autistic sister into sexwork. Recently she had a baby but unlike normal people and keeping the child’s life private and sex work seperate, she doesn’t. She sings her good morning songs naked while you can hear her infant crying in the background, and in addition she has been looking more an more unhinged on new pysch medications. I feel like she is a good example how sexwork and oversharing fucking shits on someones mental health, and really is incompatible with normal adult functioning. Here is her new song with her new hair… looking worse for wear.
No. 1667246
File: 1664934392392.jpeg (436.52 KB, 828x1183, 180DF718-FB14-4932-8E75-DB6DEB…)

she has ten siblings and the one that followed her into sexwork is helena, @happylilcamgirl
I remember her profile in 2020 was advertising that she had autism, now I see it is religious. Makes sense that only closet sex-minded mormons would be interested. they both look so homely.
No. 1669494
File: 1665152117356.jpeg (767.23 KB, 828x1324, 1665147640711.jpeg)

>>1663804stolen from the shaynus thread
this guy is so repulsive, he frequently mentions his teenage daughter, while also shooting porn with women who larp as children and call him Daddy
No. 1669596
File: 1665161752864.jpeg (184.2 KB, 1200x1200, johnkendallcriminal.jpeg)

samefag who has been posting the ken stuff in the shayna thread. i gave in and paid $1 to one of those background check sites and found some possible milk, but i don't wanna spam shay's thread with it.
from the years of 1998-2004, john kendall cox caught 30+ separate charges in florida. i'm trying to figure out the best way to compile all of the additional info i can and post it if people are interested but here's a little preview.
No. 1669607
File: 1665162428012.jpeg (530.89 KB, 2048x1366, 78A1AB15-7F5B-42E4-9362-01ABAE…)

>>1669596the fact that shayna would never even consider to do this before flying out scrotes to fuck her raw!!
anon you're a queen for posting this! i'm very interested to see it all
No. 1669616
>>1669596kek my god
nonnie, thank you so much. What a fucked up freak. Those assaults and criminal damage to property charges are particularly interesting. A lot of the rest looks a bit like any old scummy alkie/drug addict, suspended license violations and possession.
No. 1669633
File: 1665164432846.png (46.06 KB, 496x316, fourthdegree.png)

>>1669596looking through these more it seems like a few are duplicates/related to the same case so there may not have been 30+ different incidents but he was definitely in trouble a lot through those years.
as for the assault charges, there's misdemeanor second degree assault and then there's this fourth degree assault charge that looks sketchy as HELL. i'm about to try to make a timeline of the different charges so this makes more sense cause it's definitely laid out poorly on this website.
No. 1669639
File: 1665164582256.png (115.32 KB, 2076x374, hhh.png)

>>1669633fourth degree assault has to be someone in your household
No. 1669644
>>1669639Hmm maybe i'm jumping but these types of scrotes always seem to be the most
abusive towards women, makes me wonder why he appears to have full custody of his kids though? He's absolutely a sketchy guy, as are all porn scrotes. Would not be happy if it was my 13 year old daughter living with a man that is making bargain bucket pornos with women closer to her age than his.
No. 1669647
samefag who has been posting about ken, there seems to be 3-4 separate misdemeanor assaults and a bunch of traffic/drug violations so a whole timeline isn't really necessary. i can answer any questions nonnies have but i'm not gonna keep posting more details unless i uncover something crazy.
he definitely has a sketchy past but
>>1669640 is right that it's nothing crazy and was all a long time ago when he was young. he's still a bundle of red flags but i don't wanna play it up too much and give a false narrative that this is some life-changing revelation and he's a total criminal
and i'm stepping away from hyperfixating on this for now because i feel like a weird autist No. 1669648
>>1669640Oh yeah because a scrote whose a criminal, with a 13 year old daughter and flying out to fuck random women right after eachother, should be forgiven because he was
only violent in his 20s. Go suck some dicks for cocks.
No. 1669657
>>1669639that’s for fourth-degree
domestic assault, so I think this means it wasn’t someone in his household/family, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t against a woman
No. 1669815
File: 1665180493135.jpeg (821.69 KB, 1170x1246, 56FB6E04-46A8-4143-A971-430940…)

Who the hell is this? Seems like a psych-op.
No. 1670469
File: 1665256905393.jpeg (790.36 KB, 1242x1353, BAF688C5-9A35-4E28-8A13-0ECBC4…)

These are the types of freaks Shayna Clifford and the rest of these OF whores pander to. This is a literal child. They post gymnastic pictures and sexualize these CHILDREN. They also have a thing for anything child like. So when Shayna wants to get braces to look like a teen, it means she wants to be younger and promote pedophila. She’s a sick fuck
No. 1670470
File: 1665257031095.jpeg (164.83 KB, 1206x829, FAC24034-A5BA-4EB0-9F4C-87DC03…)

I want them banned from the internet and just deleted from existence why tf aren’t they locked up??
No. 1670473
File: 1665257287100.jpeg (Spoiler Image,897.04 KB, 1242x1351, 31A8670D-12A7-425C-B072-B077B1…)

>>1670469TW nasty moid penises
These were posted along with children in bikinis/ gymnastics clothes. These freaks who “goon” (their term for coom) are addicted to pornography and find more disgusting depraved “kinks” and acts against animals and children arousing because of the porn brain they developed. It’s sickening. And Shayna is just profiting off these types of sickos by catering to them. It’s not age play it’s pedophilia
No. 1671565
File: 1665399398098.jpeg (Spoiler Image,400.04 KB, 828x952, 48CBA722-12FC-4589-A85B-2F44EC…)

Soy the shitdick tranny fucker pedophile is off lockdown, let the bullying recommence
>her cock
I hate this abusive piece of shit more than most moids, he makes me truly homicidal
No. 1671566
File: 1665399538714.jpeg (Spoiler Image,610.82 KB, 828x1170, F1B21095-FAEE-4251-81C3-97E2E8…)

Wearing kids pyjamas, fucking degenerate nonce. Spoilered purely because he’s so fucking ugly
No. 1672076
>>1671566those pants are so cheap and tacky looking, they look like he got them from target and they'll fall apart in the wash. If you like star wars now is the best time to find cheap merch that's cute, just be selective.
Also it was only after staring at his ugly pants that I even realized he had his ugly penis flopping down. If you're going to sell sex at least make the focus your cock and not the punchable face and sad, toneless, long torso.
Another thing, if his dick's hard and it's flopping down like that he probably stretched it which would make it one of the worst kinds of dicks to fuck. It never gets quite hard which means it does weird things like bend inside and the basically can't cum so he can just keep jamming his bendy dick in until it's finally over.
No. 1673104
File: 1665542428914.jpg (69.69 KB, 1080x1574, Screenshot_2022-10-12-03-36-52…)

Looks like being a creep on a platform for kids finally caught up with him.
No. 1677085
File: 1665960434810.jpeg (303.4 KB, 1191x1324, E5A1A9EB-F807-4153-B24C-9009EB…)

Crazy eyed bitch
No. 1677140
File: 1665965250238.png (2.64 MB, 2364x1289, 9E32E14F-1FDE-4C91-A30C-4C25FF…)

finally someone who gets it, she could have just posted this on her sfw account asking for likeminded “creative” parents, but she literally posts it on her porn account with high likelihood for pedos to find her shit and then the stupid sws who publicly commented on this post.
No. 1677150
File: 1665965949241.jpeg (405.64 KB, 828x1354, 52CF6538-70F6-4894-B065-CC3B3D…)

Erin defending high castle
No. 1677158
File: 1665966830447.jpeg (445.31 KB, 828x1264, 95D18CEA-D083-43BF-BC82-05297D…)

kek oh my god, why is she getting an infection each time her moid eats her out KEK (for context the image above is her wearing a dildo like she has a real peen)
No. 1677190
File: 1665969678493.jpeg (21.97 KB, 372x323, B910E7AB-1346-4F67-8DED-9CB117…)

Beginning of an era
No. 1677222
File: 1665972337380.jpg (663.84 KB, 1211x1549, fUuqlvc.jpg)

>>1677140>>1677158>>1666783Unsurprisingly, she has a reddit account, is a choice thread that gives a little more insight into her lore've been perusing her account but haven't gone too in-depth, nothing super interesting so far besides several threads on her fertility issues, mental health problems, and vaguely pro-ana posts
I don't know if she's the type of cow to DFE when caught but if nonnies want to keep tabs on this chick for their own enjoyment then I'd suggest archiving as much as you can
No. 1677250
File: 1665974632930.jpg (Spoiler Image,900.17 KB, 832x1668, VGY5qeI.jpg)

>>1677222Flashing her snatch in a Wal-Mart whilst sitting atop merchandise she hasn't purchased
No. 1677523
File: 1666011012632.png (1.48 MB, 1565x1361, 4CBA3946-CA61-43F9-9718-BC73B6…)

This has to be the most dangerous combination of details to fucking put out there before you move. Literally an image that you can probably reverse search for the listing, and then the color of her front door? I might’ve well just cancel the move and move to another place releasing that detail knowing scrotes can find me and where my 1 year old lives holy shit.
No. 1677536
File: 1666011815968.jpeg (Spoiler Image,469.84 KB, 828x1500, 824CFBF7-F510-42B3-AB6C-7056FA…)

this is is fucking gross to say. Reborn dolls that are atypical are often based on very real and tragic cases of premature infants not making it, and mothers holding onto that cherished memory. And she wants to step on it. What a great thing to say. /s
No. 1677539
File: 1666011955550.jpeg (Spoiler Image,392.13 KB, 828x1097, 9CE7FCE4-724B-4F76-8A0A-B7C42A…)

>>1677536Oh and for context she posted this screenshot on the reborn cringe reddit.
No. 1677557
>>1677536>cherished memoryum, I don't think a fetus being essentially terminated is anything any sane woman would "cherish"
they can mourn however they want, I find this shit to be bizarre.
that's a funny comment, too
No. 1677630
>>1677536 Please don't be a moralfag
nonnie, it's just some ugly doll
No. 1678201
File: 1666063262747.jpg (435.64 KB, 1349x2220, z6FZCA5.jpg)

>>1677999Hm, I guess you're right about the reborn shit. I didn't bother reading the whole post
My point still stands about the moralfagging, picrel is an obvious example.
She makes a whole lot of assumptions about how Trisha is going to treat her baby when she doxes herself
>>1677523 and allegedly (?) uploads videos with sounds of her infant daughter in the background
>>1666783Again, I don't really care what she does with her kid (unless it's outright
abusive) but to criticize the choices of another mother she doesn't even know while routinely getting offended over "unsolicited" critiques about herself on Twitter and constantly oversharing her life on her sw account is simply retarded
No. 1678247
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No. 1683701
File: 1666650788317.jpeg (411.42 KB, 1242x897, 55414718-D599-414C-A039-33EA7F…)

Second hand embarrassment
No. 1683703
File: 1666650946513.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1012.39 KB, 1234x1602, CE795065-7901-483A-8D20-5E4C29…)

Tenshitushi is chunky lmao
No. 1683704
File: 1666650970754.jpeg (614.12 KB, 1242x1333, CF3BC684-2A69-4512-BDB0-6593A0…)

seethe harder
No. 1683744
File: 1666654631118.jpeg (399.44 KB, 1170x1919, F57EA5C7-2C75-4D48-808D-7EE43A…)

>>1683703Holy shit from picrel thread pic to this in less than a year.
No. 1683864
File: 1666662225603.jpeg (394.68 KB, 1679x2048, EF9F3BA1-0E9B-438B-9CC9-2FE255…)

Her whole look is so ugly
No. 1684146
File: 1666699214514.jpeg (453.46 KB, 1242x1138, 81CDB2A6-5963-4870-896C-245FFC…)

Sad that Big Shayna and Tenshit still haven’t realized that they don’t make money because they’re ugly and suck at their job; not because the market is over saturated kek. They need to quit.
No. 1685057
>>1677523I can’t believe I can never sing her “stinky baby” song again without knowing how terrible she is :(
I thought she just wrote baby songs on tiktok or something
No. 1685125
File: 1666774194080.jpeg (709.91 KB, 1503x2712, 3C6AEBC0-C42C-4FB3-BB1E-CA859C…)

Ken the scrote is going to collab with this white trash now
No. 1685126
File: 1666774264665.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 1242x1545, 393A81EA-72D1-420B-A01A-771009…)

Why do e whores have comical cheap looking tattoos? Tenshit’s retarded ouija stomach tattoo and this bitch’s fruit on the ass tattoo
No. 1685783
File: 1666835807012.jpeg (302.12 KB, 896x1044, D31AA035-A159-4527-9E56-73D1C6…)

No. 1685818
File: 1666838997919.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.8 KB, 1080x1625, Screenshot_2022-10-27-03-41-46…)

>>1685125She's a piece of shit tweeting out garbage like this just like Shayna.
No. 1685820
File: 1666839180987.jpg (223.08 KB, 1080x1419, Screenshot_2022-10-27-03-43-08…)

>>1685818Moid Ken saying he just wants to make "passionate" porn yet going to go make rape content with this woman.
If his idea of passionate is what we saw in the Shay vid then woof. It was awkward, gross and he couldn't even get hard.
No. 1686161
File: 1666889240382.jpeg (291.43 KB, 1170x1002, IMG_3189.jpeg)

Why doesn't Lana have her own thread already? She's a snowflake goldmine. Every criticism is blocked with the impenetrable shield of "Buh-but imma kweer autistic sex worker!!!11!"
No. 1686177
File: 1666890134717.jpeg (304.66 KB, 1242x1134, E4CB5BF9-D404-4858-898D-0E88CB…)

Not even Michael Slack gives a fuck that she needs her rent paid kek this is so humiliating for her to tweet out
No. 1687593
File: 1667012147818.jpeg (271.75 KB, 1242x942, 422C8FD8-43B1-4824-BFFD-9D041F…)

This bitch is so sad no wonder why she’s so miserable and rude
No. 1687675
File: 1667022982532.jpeg (57.12 KB, 540x411, 1661866788606.jpeg)

>>1687593could be cause your boyfriends are probably also neets and your entire income comes from getting naked for pennies. maybe learn a trade. go to community college. hell, go to a sears and ask if they are looking for someone.
the entire year these threads have existed shes been complaining about muuuhhh im dead brokeee!! maybe do something else? literally anything else? if you ebeg for rent every month cause sex work is not enough have you considered not doing sex work? like this bitch tweets the same shit and cant put 2 and 2 together
No. 1689540
File: 1667182266156.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1242x1560, E338DC33-ABAC-45FD-92A0-A71CF9…)

Shayna’s twin is so ugly kek
No. 1689565
>>1689540Triplet? There's some fat chick who looks just like Shayna too
>>>/snow/1684386 how many of them are running around?!?
No. 1689610
File: 1667188346088.jpg (399.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20221031-144923.jpg)

This is just sad. I imagine this is the truth behind a lot of normal girl's who make onlyfans and it makes me feel for them ngl.
No. 1690300
>>1685820lol even the few moids who are sex workers don't
get it and will post the same pathetic downbad for love tweets. He's thirsting for a real gf the way Shayna thirsts for a real bf. Newsflash Ken - you're never going to find a woman who will love you genuinely. You gave that up as a possibility when you decided to chase strange & be a whore kek
No. 1690607
>>1683864Kek imagine trying to make a living off of catering to the ephemeral male gaze only to wind up looking like this. Serves these whores right. The SWs I know IRL who make money invest big time into their appearance and figure. It's still mentally taxing, degrading, and unhealthy, but at least they understand the trade.
There are more slovenly fat bitches like this on the web than the demand for them. Kek stay fat and broke, Tenshit.
No. 1691227
File: 1667339181103.jpeg (612.4 KB, 1242x1413, 2B5D8188-0AEA-4138-B766-0C4A71…)

Karma for being a woman hating piece of shit. Get a job
No. 1691229
File: 1667339260688.jpeg (341.99 KB, 1242x1089, 6BD09ECA-1E28-4D88-99CF-07A970…)

such a negative bitter woman. they can probably sense your hatred and run far away
No. 1691230
File: 1667339296853.jpeg (490.75 KB, 1206x1629, E5DF175B-356B-463B-9EA5-B29A80…)

Pick me bitch
No. 1691231
File: 1667339387085.jpeg (435.12 KB, 1242x1085, 7DF0319F-5F29-440A-A9DC-4965AC…)

She’s such an incel and she’s sperging because her birthday is soon kek
No. 1691232
File: 1667339456154.jpeg (439.66 KB, 1242x1029, C1F1C98D-51CA-4D3E-9C85-3A2CE3…)

No. 1691234
File: 1667339537960.jpeg (490.63 KB, 1242x1363, D0C8E890-25EF-4DFB-A122-67CD27…)

No. 1691383
File: 1667355386759.jpeg (490.28 KB, 1201x1466, 462CBBA5-1600-426F-8A45-5F930C…)

No. 1691386
File: 1667355477896.jpeg (344.94 KB, 1242x1132, 2694D762-3DA0-4B4C-8F4C-B705BE…)

No one is paying attention to her or sending her money. Not even Michael Slack Grayhair LMAO
No. 1691395
File: 1667355912704.jpeg (753.91 KB, 1307x3313, B89E3085-88EF-42FE-96B5-F0A953…)

No. 1691400
>>1691231This misogynistic pick me bitch deserves to be the fat, pathetic, broke failure that she is. I'm glad she's constantly miserable and selling her increasingly porky body for pennies because no one can stand her bitchy, entitled whining, it's what she deserves for being such a raging woman hating incel. She's significantly more insufferable than Shayna could ever dream of being, and that's an achievement.
>>1691395She's an energy black hole. Imagine having to deal with this walking personification of a personality disorder in real life.
No. 1691418
>>1691227>>1691229>>1691230>>1691231>>1691232>>1691234>>1691386>>1691395Literally not one single redeemable quality in this bitch, is there? Also, it's funny she compares sex work to being in an
abusive relationship, but continues to sit on her ass lashing out on twitter instead of filling out job apps or trying to make a change. She definitely seems like she would be
abusive in a relationship going from "buy me dinner" to "fuck you, you want me to die in the streets ON MY BIRTHDAY!". The entitlement is through the fucking roof, it's no wonder she has driven nearly all her engagement away.
No. 1691424
>>1691386Kek x1000. She's completely reprehensible but it's hard to feel anything but pity for this helpless sow. She a-logs herself with this kind of conduct. Tenshit doesn't have the balls to successfully baleet herself, or get a job, or work off some of her pork fat, etc etc…
>>1691234Wah wahh, only bad things happen to Tenshit! As if she isn't the singular architect of her entire pathetic existence.
Quit bitching about women and the moids who won't even pay for your spread holes, Tenshit.
She's a monumental failure in every aspect, the best example of "failure to launch" of almost any other woman on this site. She's in this deep, dark hole that SHE dug, and she just keep digging deeper and deeper, screaming into the void about wahmen like a sex-starved fugly moid because her narcissism prevents her from seeing the hell she lives in each moment is of her own creation.
And I will kek each and every for it.
Keep seething, scrote-fondler.
No. 1691429
File: 1667359967929.gif (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 640x562, kim-kardashian-work.gif)

>>1691227>i think y'all have forgotten I was literally traumatized and have no way to make money other than very limited wage jobwell fucking take it then???????? limited wage is STILL wage. you won't eat for a week doing sex work. "limited wages" bitch you have 0 dollars.
also sex work traumatized her so now she can only do sex work which obviously re traumatizes her? uh? You are not even making money, you are basically re-traumatizing yourself again for 1 like. you cannot be this dense…
No. 1691793
File: 1667410109452.jpeg (770.26 KB, 2172x3080, 77F4BBE2-6954-4F7D-88E4-C97345…)

E whores love to cope by saying they are running a “business”. But imagine if this was a store owner trying to sell beauty products and they tell their customers to go rot because they aren’t buying enough to pay their bills. No one would shop at that store. No one wants to hear you bitch and moan, TenSHIT. You dug your grave now lie in it.
No. 1691794
File: 1667410144654.jpeg (368.54 KB, 1242x925, 25421FB5-96BE-4685-AE26-73EFEC…)

Kek seethe harder fatty. This bitch deserves a thread
No. 1691913
>>1691842I'd say we make a thread special for her but does she even do anything besides whine and suicide bait on Twitter to all of 5 people??
>>1691794she could probably use missing a meal or two, kek.
She's really too old to be acting like this. I know people that have gotten out of FSSW after being degraded and mentally ruined from it, and they all make relatively decent money doing different things now. This bitch knows deep down she could just toss in a couple job apps at some burger joints and get calls back the next day. She's bitching because she doesn't want to work and feels entitled to others' money for…idk, being a bargain bin whore on the internet I guess? Looking forward to the coming months with Tenshit. These Twitter chimpouts are stellar, and her situation is only going to get worse kek.
No. 1691966
File: 1667421782005.png (40.59 KB, 587x371, t.png)

lel the only response she got is from a deranged tranny.
No. 1692027
File: 1667425635537.webm (1.11 MB, 576x1024, tenshii dream.webm)
>>1691977She's so embarrassing. She wants a relationship like this? It's no wonder she's alone.
No. 1692029
File: 1667425714929.webm (201.37 KB, 576x1024, tenshii queer.webm)
You won't ever get your "princess charming" because your personality fucking sucks, idiot.
No. 1692033
File: 1667425858093.webm (3.79 MB, 576x1024, tenshiii.webm)
Not sure if the consoom shit she has in her room have all been gifted to her, but she could sell the majority of it on FB marketplace or something. That would pay for her meals even if it's cheap ramen, bread, and eggs. It's better than nothing.
No. 1692107
File: 1667430436884.png (1.12 MB, 827x939, 7D6CDCAC-2DCD-4490-A7C7-BD3795…)

>>1691395Gee, tenshiit, I wonder why no one wants to engage with an ungrateful bitch
No. 1692222
>>1691794 it's like she's running her own OnlyFansGirlsPostingL's twitter account.
>>1692033Troon vibes.
No. 1692324
File: 1667450594534.gif (5.29 MB, 175x219, 1665479600776.gif)

>>1691229>>1691231>>1692029its actually really funny that she doesn't realize women ghost her cuz she is insane. even the nicest and most open-minded women will ghost. its her fault. she is the human embodiment of untreated mental illness. she tweets this then threatens to kill herself on her bday. but doesn't see why anyone who isn't a coomer always block her and ghost…
tl;dr women are more emotionally mature than men. that's why they always leave you behind. and that's you have 2 ""boyfriends"" instead, tenshiit
No. 1692548
File: 1667485846180.jpeg (413.93 KB, 1125x1157, E018431B-2DE7-4532-8DE8-6D794E…)

She's gonna have a week-long spergout over this
No. 1692713
File: 1667496084120.jpeg (748.26 KB, 1242x1686, B652BFC8-620E-4C99-8E2D-993376…)

Miserable piece of shit. I hate her so much. She’s too ugly and fat to have such a shitty personality
No. 1692715
File: 1667496247713.jpeg (381.65 KB, 1242x854, 0DF28897-C959-4789-A2F9-586DC7…)

Her daddy is probably a chode neck beard who doesn’t even give her pleasure. She’s so fucking annoying. He’s just fucking her because she spreads her legs for any man. Her snatch is worth a bag of hot cheetos
>>1692713 No. 1692722
File: 1667496567920.jpeg (580.82 KB, 1242x1801, 07A5F12D-FE7B-4256-ACC5-FEEE08…)

No. 1692774
>>1692713So why aren't her beloved "Sir" and "daddy" helping her out financially, hm? Being a pickme must be one of the most miserable fucking existences imaginable. Suicide baiting and e-begging because no one is buying your pussy pics, while fucking some scrote who'd probably laugh in her face if she asked him for some money. And to top it off this bitch blames her awful life choices on…women?
I guess the hot cheetos make up for all that though. What a gentleman, kek.
No. 1692817
>>1692713Bitches about waking up puking and then gloats about her moids “spoiling” her with hot Cheetos, probably some of the worst shit you could put in your body while you feel ill. No wonder she looks awful. I’m sure that pretty much every nona in this thread has had their partners
actually spoil them while they’re sick with broth, good food, and actual love and tenderness instead of fast food and junk. It’s incredible how hard she copes.
No. 1692827
>>1692713The bar is in hell for this girl. Bet if a woman brought her hot Cheetos while she was sick she'd be bitching about how it's not real food and how it's the only thing she's going to eat for 64 conservative weeks because women are cheap whores. I love it when pickmes flop.
>>1692012Touch grass fag, I've been on this hellsite longer than you.
>>1692791I believe she has a day job at a head shop or a sex shop somewhere. Probably gets no hours because customers can't stand her entitled whining. Probably is a bitch like Kathy, unwilling to help unless she's getting a tip. And when she does help, you realize you were better off without interacting with her.
No. 1693081
File: 1667525529442.png (288.63 KB, 1080x1760, Screenshot_20221103-175809.png)

Lolol this post is pure, uncut cope. She's a laughing stock to both women and moids. The only "support" she had is from whichever smelly "cLiEnTs" she's banging for the price of a bag of Hot Cheetos.
As if the cope wasn't obvious enough, of course she has to throw in some shit about how the BEST coomers aren't to be found on Twitter.
She is circling the drain very quickly, and it's very fun to watch. She's ballooning faster than Shayna, bragging about sucking dick for Hot Cheetos, lashing out at women in general, and insulting the very moids who pay 1/10th of her rent.
No. 1693462
File: 1667574837731.png (1.18 MB, 676x1048, tenshit.png)

who wants a tenshit thread?
No. 1693576
File: 1667581610377.jpeg (2.55 KB, 230x153, download (31).jpeg)

>>1693462Her jewelry looks like snot dripping out of her nose
No. 1693606
File: 1667582609780.jpeg (549.75 KB, 1242x1378, 313D5AFE-B7B6-4C91-80D0-FD17ED…)

Hashtag #getajob you terminally online piece of shit
No. 1693608
File: 1667582693806.jpeg (243 KB, 1242x1213, 678CF38D-147D-4C96-8428-E396CC…)

This has been up for an hour and no one interacted with her tweet kek no one wants to see a greasy neck beard fuck an ugly broad
No. 1693783
File: 1667592667658.jpeg (581.13 KB, 1242x1288, 5117E4D6-DD68-43AB-BAF1-D03855…)

This will definitely make all the Moids want to spend money on you
No. 1693788
File: 1667592832065.jpeg (548.25 KB, 1242x1248, 42DBE072-317A-4743-9AA2-F0CC75…)

No. 1693923
File: 1667600557802.jpeg (1021.19 KB, 1242x1527, 5090E9DA-FEAD-4E4C-A733-4755B6…)

The life of a modern ugly $5 a month twitter whore seems so bleak.
No. 1693927
File: 1667600774185.jpeg (Spoiler Image,584.77 KB, 1242x655, B989F398-4334-4372-BD36-EDB315…)

I’d be so disgusted if I found out my father was fucking ugly fat whores on onlyfans for chump change instead of getting a read job. I feel so bad for John’s children.
No. 1693931
File: 1667600832760.jpeg (Spoiler Image,645.37 KB, 1242x1159, 8BD366C6-8F97-4D60-9C79-D7FC13…)

John Randall Tiny Cox loves pimpled covered asses
No. 1694231
>>1693783>>1693788I cannot think of a life more embarrassing and despicable than Tenshit's. Men suck because they can't get hard at her bottom-tier porn, women suck because they make more money e-whoring/are prettier than her. The only person who can stand spending any time with her is some (probably fat, broke) coomer she calls "sir" kek. What a hateful, pitiable individual. She should take her own advice and find a hobby. Ideally her hobby would be making money, but she's already made it clear that she's "too traumatized" for that.
This ugly whore is allergic to a work ethic.
No. 1694239
that's an ass that sits around eating takeout all day drinking Truly's in unwashed Shein clothes.
Imagine being a moid who purchases this visual AIDS. I just don't get it. You can watch ugly, fat, pimpled chicks get fucked for free on the web. Maybe I just don't understand coombrain, but I legit cannot see the slightest appeal of this.
No. 1694705
File: 1667673496164.jpeg (487.38 KB, 1242x1237, A401AC0D-C66A-403C-8668-7E8203…)

No. 1694728
>>1693576KEK this is the most accurate comparison ever
>>1694705I cant wait for the birthday meltdown in a week
No. 1694787
File: 1667680978810.jpg (20.97 KB, 320x320, Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTU4Nzg3MjY2NDg1Mj…)

Vivi isn't very active but nothings changed with dirty room pics and the gross scrote
No. 1695344
File: 1667754738796.jpeg (438.8 KB, 1242x1148, 864E7683-FD95-4575-B8FC-A013EE…)

Sir peed in her rotten snatch. Good luck with the painful UTI tenshit
No. 1695390
File: 1667760509140.jpeg (243.66 KB, 1242x1526, 13002238-BC85-432C-9489-AB2DA8…)

No. 1696168
File: 1667859737964.png (78.66 KB, 595x408, Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 4.19…)

>baits for pity
>whore gives pity
>"hey fuck you and never talk to me again"
No. 1696173
File: 1667860256516.png (51.68 KB, 581x240, Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 4.29…)

>>1696168also her negging strategy is working amazingly!! she now gets 0 likes and 0 rts in sw shit as much as on her non sw shit.
No. 1696696
File: 1668043521891.jpeg (716.96 KB, 1242x1222, 1E6D8B88-F707-4582-8504-6CA077…)

So damn ugly. Whore can suck moid dick (for free hot cheetos) but can’t get a job.
No. 1697066
File: 1668095866038.jpeg (323.02 KB, 828x885, A84E7682-D469-4ECF-B7AF-3AE862…)

Thinking of finally making a tenshit thread this afternoon once I’m off work. Any important info I should include?
No. 1697076
>>1697066I don’t know anything about her other than the pathetic whiny screenshots in this thread but yes, please make a thread!
why is this bitch acting like she’s sex trafficked. apply at the nearest McDonalds or gas station and shut the fuck up, lazy cow
No. 1697390
File: 1668125341119.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1516, D662E1E7-B720-42C7-A699-A80E92…)

why tf would you want to walk around your apartment complex like this?
No. 1697529
>>1697066wait, I thought the problem was your non descriptive trauma?
>>1691227no wait. the next tweet… the problem is actually the minimum wage jobs!
>>1691227no wait, the problem is that we ignore your ads!
>>1691395noo its uh - cause sex work is an
abusive relationship?? idk
>>1691793no, scratch all that you're actually looking for resources to leave sex work!!! very legit info
>>1693081Funny how the problem is never you being retarded. Very funny indeed. no one cares tenshii, get a job at Burger King and shut up
No. 1698157
File: 1668214131722.jpg (148.02 KB, 1063x806, Screenshot_2022-11-12-00-43-04…)

Da fuck is wrong with this moid?
This tweet is bizarre and creepy. Who gets sexually excited by a scar? A chin scar too? I have one from falling when I was 4 years old. If someone said it was intriguing and hot… Wtf.
Guy is a grade A freak.
No. 1698656
File: 1668287394588.png (10.4 MB, 1242x2208, C837CDB8-5885-4C8B-BFE8-991231…)

>>1697066I can’t get over how ugly this bitch is
No. 1702237
File: 1668712546686.webm (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 540x480, IMG_7055.webm)

more cringe from @caringerin , she could turn her duets off tiktok being the pregnancy fetish peddler she is… but we all know she is fine throwing her network of pregnancy fetish scrotes out to anyone with her dumb body positivity songs.
No. 1706599
File: 1669121692017.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1542, D200937C-9A2F-40C6-9BB6-A8A57B…)

Ken the fag
No. 1709726
File: 1669407671230.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1548, A26DC041-79A1-48A4-B064-637645…)

She acts like she didn’t self post to 4chan all the fucking time kek
No. 1709729
File: 1669407765795.jpeg (558.03 KB, 1242x1648, DEE0676C-DAC5-4651-8936-D8076B…)

All this time and she’s still a cow
No. 1709731
File: 1669407793983.jpeg (476.89 KB, 772x732, 1E70948E-6570-49F1-9257-D2F355…)

Sid the sloth looking mf
No. 1709750
>>1706599I know this horse has been beat to death but god
damn he’s an ugly and creepy looking moid. He looks like he should be in a “don’t talk to strangers” video.
No. 1709787
File: 1669410858949.jpeg (895.8 KB, 2181x3465, 11B4B803-1000-4CAE-8666-AAB1EA…)

This bitch does everything but get a job
No. 1709794
File: 1669411020649.jpeg (556.8 KB, 1242x1418, E53764BE-85B8-4A5C-A658-1476D6…)

She’s just as lazy as Shayna. A local anon says shoopfairy drinks at bars all day like a loner
No. 1709796
File: 1669411247441.jpeg (455.38 KB, 1242x988, FC04DCB7-3C2F-439F-9212-B68E6F…)

No. 1709798
File: 1669411280897.jpeg (179.38 KB, 675x900, 40DC2FDD-07F4-45AB-B8D8-04CA8F…)

Arisa and her soy boyfriend
No. 1713649
>>1709741>>1709729kek I remember that too.
>>1709787Holy shit if she doesn't stfu and sell all the valuables she has in her room..
No. 1718518
File: 1670192072349.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1495, 84F9CE43-0013-4509-AAD1-40E65E…)

Tenshi looks like a granny
No. 1718519
File: 1670192143391.jpeg (512.78 KB, 1242x996, D33EFE38-99C5-4C38-A612-62EBEA…)

Huh it’s almost like the men you cater to just see you as an object because you degrade yourself for money
No. 1718557
Soy personified.
Someone pls insert the meme here where it's like "bitches talking about their hot dom daddy bf when really he looks like this"
No. 1719621
File: 1670301050956.jpeg (235.93 KB, 1242x919, 477210C4-02B8-4AFF-A2F5-109E4C…)

Maybe get a shirt that says jobless pick me
No. 1719623
File: 1670301133411.jpeg (477.89 KB, 1242x1267, 142EDDB6-4CD7-4165-9AC5-7130D6…)

No. 1719988
>>1719955Yes, she works part-time at a sex shop. She should try and go full time because internet whoring really isn't working out for her. I think she also used to strip, but no one wanted to see her flabby body, crusty piercings and ugly tattoos.
I don't understand how a girl who plans on making her living off her body can let it look so bad, and still expect to eat.
No. 1721802
File: 1670467842082.jpeg (180.67 KB, 828x1453, ECE0329E-77DF-4694-9C26-84FA56…)

Oh lord
No. 1722012
lmao, lol
anyone have the OP?
(learn2sage) No. 1722399
>>1722126oh please do it
nonny kek
No. 1723762
File: 1670655168589.jpeg (827.29 KB, 1164x1804, B50359B9-7675-47AD-9BC6-5FF5D9…)

One of Shayna’s followers is a communist bimbo who likes childrens toothpaste.
No. 1726388
File: 1670943765954.jpeg (20.33 KB, 640x360, 4C765CC8-83B6-42F4-A74B-4E0CE9…)

This is who everyone’s thirsting over
No. 1726995
File: 1671002048405.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1213x1677, DF1AAD6F-C517-4F24-BB64-E3F780…)

Mental illness
No. 1727076
>>1726388Markiplier def has not ever had a glow up lol he was an uggo then and still one now. The only people who find him attractive are the fans who are most susceptible to the 'highschooler with bf in their 20s dynamic'
Anons who thirst over him are pathetic. If you want to admire a "nice male body" there are plenty of models/actors/influencers who possess one and arent total butter faces
No. 1727119
File: 1671022723705.jpeg (790.96 KB, 828x828, 6AE9D065-3230-428D-8178-CF79B5…)

since none of you cheap fucks did it I bit the bullet. yes, they are all this bad. 1/3
No. 1727120
File: 1671022770704.jpeg (1.05 MB, 828x825, A5E9A4A6-7875-483C-8FCE-01B9E3…)

No. 1727121
>>1726386It’s really disturbing that with his fan base he went this route. Feels less like charity when you remember that onlyfans the virtual pimp gets a cut.
Maybe he saw how projared and other assorted e-scrotes were getting in trouble for preying on fans and decided a middleman was necessary. Now all his young female fans can learn more about how onlyfans works and with just a few tasteful nudes they too could make a bunch of money!
Really disgusted with how he is normalizing and directing traffic to violent exploitative sexual content when he has the means to do anything else. Maybe he’s just trying to support his favorite small content creator site that he spends most of his free time on, nothing like watching women degrade and dehumanize themselves on cam for $3!
No. 1727122
File: 1671022896334.jpeg (624.45 KB, 828x821, 98B32250-AF01-436B-8019-468112…)

No. 1727205
>>1727170op and you’re telling me i wasted $3 and some sketchy 10¢ signup charge on this ugly ugly man when i could’ve just went to Reddit? at least im paid well. next time i’ll look for a leak. sorry to sound bitter when im just a boomer.
>>1727203there’s apparently going to be two more drops but he’s said over and over and over he’s not going to show cock. he’s done this before and never showed anything beyond ass.
No. 1727248
>>1727189Ayrt, exactly. You’ve seen these threads and the young women/women that get into doing online pornography and the ones that eventually end up doing full service prostitution. Something is clearly very wrong when society, colleges, YouTube game bros, governments etc are telling young women that “sex work is work” and they’ll totally be respected and safe if they get into the sexploitation industry, it’s a totally viable solution to any sort of financial woes they may have. Some people don’t have friends or family to bail them out of these situations and tell them when they’re being exploited so don’t understand the very real horrors, all they’ve heard are the catch phrases and seen how profitable it is for a very minuscule percentage who get elevated.
It’s so “acceptable” now that even markiplier is doing it, so what’s the harm? It’s for charity!
No. 1727352
>>1727119I'm so fuckin disappointed I've had a crush on Markiplier for years. How much do I have to throw at this attention whore to get him to post serious nudes? Send me to horny prison if you must nonnies.
Also, I think implying this millionaires weird nudes will inspire even more young girls to be camhoes is a dumb argument. They're more likely to be influenced by all the sex workers they can follow on TikTok and twitter tbh
No. 1727356
>>1727122>>1727120>>1727119what a fat ugly whore
Men need to be shamed for being sluts.
No. 1727770
>>1727119>>1727120>>1727122Some things are better left a mystery, these are so ugly. lmao
>>1727177The dent under his bellybutton and large scar above it are both from surgeries he had years back.
No. 1728419
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No. 1728420
File: 1671163175086.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x2023, B2E3DB0A-0F89-44B7-9D99-AC7A5E…)

No. 1728425
>>1728419>no pressure thoWay to make yourself sound so pathetic lm a o
>>1728420Her and Indigo White never fail to give me a good laugh.
No. 1728676
File: 1671200660815.jpg (489.82 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20221216-081949_Duc…)

Tenshit being a complaining loser is nothing new but Michael Slack who masturbates to his own daughter saying women deserve to be sexualized was peak ragefuel. KAM
No. 1728705
File: 1671204678571.jpeg (564.72 KB, 1242x1029, 2F67E28F-EF99-4106-8619-E8A4A1…)

I don’t get why you’d make an onlyfans if you’re ugly and have a fat body. Her whole account is her getting roasted and her trying to have snappy comebacks but she just ends up looking more retarded
No. 1728711
File: 1671204844582.jpeg (1010.7 KB, 1242x1564, 79A95C9B-1256-4525-B860-61B9AD…)

>>1728705Found her account through this dumbass quote tweet she made
No. 1728754
File: 1671209715898.jpeg (485.03 KB, 1242x1195, 06899A6C-B719-4FEF-A235-39D83B…)

I can’t stand this bitch
No. 1728757
File: 1671209938681.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1281, 0AB61BBB-A855-4880-BD28-D91AF8…)

No. 1728759
File: 1671210038417.jpeg (616.71 KB, 1242x2208, 53187246-E4E1-44B5-97E9-8DC9A9…)

Someone is bitter that other woman aren’t permanently stuck with shitty tattoos, a whore career that doesn’t make money and a far ugly body
No. 1728762
File: 1671210171971.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1536x2048, E0C21C1D-6A8F-4E25-B121-61D1FB…)

She’s so ugly inside and out.
No. 1729277
>>1728754"and have no idea what it's like to be going thru a dry spell period bc of trauma"
Then don't fucking become an online sex worker and promote it to other women as well? this bitch is not the trafficking
victim she's painting herself to be.
No. 1730343
File: 1671408466245.jpg (547.76 KB, 1039x1603, bannedt.jpg)

onlyfans girls on suicide watch rn
No. 1744936
File: 1673736083884.jpeg (478.85 KB, 1242x1091, 3F222FFC-98A6-48F2-8275-9176C2…)

No. 1745233
File: 1673767910172.jpeg (Spoiler Image,834.18 KB, 828x1396, 9B006651-D0C9-4313-90FC-410366…)

Fat Shat has been screeching about someone telling “producers” not to work with her so I checked this hambeast’s tweets to see if she’s been sperging again, she has the most repulsive tits I’ve ever seen. Disgusting.
No. 1749484
>>1624775Stupid post. The women on OnlyFans are overwhelmingly privileged sex capitalists. Many of them support pro-prostitution organizations which try to derail anti-prostitution organizations and even sometimes rape crisis shelters with anti-prostitution values. Some of them in Canada started targeting this anti-prostitution organization dedicated to rescuing Asian women who were
victims of human trafficking, they labelled them "SWERFs" and shit.
No. 1754025
File: 1674849447450.jpeg (591.43 KB, 1242x1761, 77F114C8-991E-4DEF-A11A-D417C0…)

“poaching followers” kek jfc every e whore is especially a Shayna
No. 1754033
File: 1674849766119.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1242x1748, C3C20346-F80F-4789-AEBA-5DA75F…)

@soogz1 is an annoying twitch e whore. I don’t get how twitch lets adult entertainers on their platform when the majority of their audience is prepubescent boys. Making them pedophiles….
No. 1767588
File: 1676335241321.jpg (412.04 KB, 1080x1424, 0230213_232854_Instagram.jpg)

Another one abusing a chestplate and the child filter.
No. 1770871
File: 1676711709068.jpg (Spoiler Image,586.15 KB, 1080x1876, Screenshot_2023-02-18-12-00-35…)

It's so sad that modern whores are so eager to appear as young as possible. Every one of them has "barely legal" and "tiny tight hole" in bio for years and also they photoshop their faces to be as childlike as possible while having gigantic silicone ass and tits. It's just sad.
No. 1777645
File: 1677418743858.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.77 KB, 902x510, 93933-1-515x510.jpg)

Brittanya Razavi, Is a huge OnlyFans Pornstar Model, She's highly problematic, She's almost 40 years old
>She Allegedly a long time ago, Used her own son's Teddy Bear, To Do Solo Porn Content, And to top it all off, She's done porn videos where she wiped her private parts on a towel at target and then DIDN'T even buy it which is vile, She squirted on a stranger's car which is gross in a public parking lot which is a biohazard,
>and make's porn in public places, With the women she manages, Lexi2Legit, Kaylie4Keeps, Val2Legit, That she Allegedly groomed them into doing, OnlyFans, Content when they were barely 18 years old, They all live with her allegedly in her house in their own rooms, their social media such as InstaGram and OnlyFans, Is Allegedly owned by Brittanya, And Brittanya allegedly takes a, 50% Management commission from them and their earning's, She currently being sued in court by her former OnlyFans girl's she managed, for, Allegedly, Stealing their OnlyFans income out of spite, and ETC
No. 1777646
File: 1677419082045.jpg (Spoiler Image,134.03 KB, 640x640, 327778380_212976484621867_7725…)

>>1770871What's funny about all of this, is the fact that, Val2Legit, Work's with Brittanya, Who is Allegedly groomer, I heard she takes a, 50% Management commission from these women who sold their souls to her, After finding out Brittanya was being sued in court over other girl's she worked with in OnlyFans Drama
No. 1777651
File: 1677420509119.jpg (Spoiler Image,239.72 KB, 709x884, Screenshot_20230226-070552_Chr…)

>>1770871>barley legal>barleyHow many videos do you think she has of her "losing her virginity" kek moids are so retarded with their fetishes. Also the shoop is so sloppy
No. 1778311
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No. 1778315
File: 1677499524103.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.39 KB, 1052x1016, 3a87d9e82cbd44508cd70edc25b942…)

No. 1778317
File: 1677499705052.png (306.28 KB, 640x1130, illigal iloveabomb.png)

Ashley from, Rock OF Love 3 Bus, Calling out and Shading her former OnlyFans castmate that was on the T.V show, Brittanya Razavi, Since she's a alleged Groomer that Allegedly groomed them into doing OnlyFans content as soon as they were and turned, 18
No. 1778431
File: 1677515480691.jpg (108.59 KB, 713x398, Picsart_23-02-27_10-22-52-408.…)

There's a video circulating of a black male student beating on a female teacher for allegedly taking his nintendo switch. I am not posting the video, but it is very graphic. He kept punching this woman on the back of the head even when she was already unconscious. Well, this ugly fat whore had this to say about the matter.
No. 1838169
File: 1685527465232.png (358.06 KB, 1494x809, 230531_125750.png)

Let's revive this thread with porn scrote drama. Three cows are getting called out. Matt, TattooKenDoll, and Sol. Which one is the worst? Spill the milk.
No. 1841531
>>1841402The SW CREEP ALERT account was deleted. Did they even have anything on Ken, other than being a try hard reply guy, and a wannabe pornstar who is rude sometimes? I'm not trying to defend the scrote, but the OF thots are no angels either.
I'm guessing Sol's douchebaggery was no secret, but for some reason now is the time to dog pile on him.
No. 1860041
File: 1688787509339.webm (813.21 KB, 320x400, 0_RhZsZx0nuQJGcz.webm)
Adam22 is one sick man. I don't think he even registers women or even girls as people anymore not even his own family.
No. 1867247
File: 1689666812327.jpg (Spoiler Image,225.48 KB, 1178x1796, ed968fa2.jpg)

This is lowkey cp. Adam and Lena deserve hell for abusing their baby girl like this.
No. 1937093
File: 1701588970991.jpeg (Spoiler Image,403.02 KB, 640x974, 6B39510B-0FA6-47DA-83CF-A0EE00…)

Hideous hambeast. I made a Twitter account to lurk shayna and I fell down a rabbit hole of some disgusting smelly people selling their body
No. 1937094
File: 1701589110170.jpeg (Spoiler Image,322.49 KB, 640x921, 56CEC7DD-01F0-4B14-B178-F36594…)

This looks disgusting
No. 1937097
File: 1701589265948.jpeg (Spoiler Image,312.19 KB, 640x967, 6241A2D3-9F95-4990-BE5B-E1C54F…)

NSFL aiden she calls it a dick in some posts kek
No. 1937100
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No. 1937103
File: 1701589806760.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.29 KB, 640x823, 13A89405-E032-4191-B3A2-C4C417…)

Do these idiots even make money? I swear it’s a fetish to show off their flabby undefined folds